The  Clinton  Body  Count
The long list of people associated with Bill Clinton
who have ended up dead

This list has floated around the internet for many years, and is sometimes discussed very late at night on AM radio stations, or perhaps on shortwave stations, but it is rarely mentioned in the mainstream news media.  And it seems to keep getting longer.  If you would like to dig into this topic on your own, just use your favorite search engine and enter, for example, "Gandy Baugh" (with quotation marks) and you'll be on your way to dozens — if not hundreds — of web sites with information about this list.

Because these cases are so numerous, and so many have connections to Arkansas, writers sometimes use the term "Sudden Arkansas Death Syndrome", also known as Arkancide.

If you really want to narrow your search, try searching for Mary Caitrin Mahoney, Paul Tulley, Jerry Parks, James Bunch, Kathy Ferguson, Danny Casolaro, Charles Meissner, Calvin Walraven, Keith McKaskle, James Milam, Alan Standorf, Jon Parnell Walker, Barbara Wise, and Jordan Kettleson.

Of all these cases, the one with the highest profile is that of Vince Foster.

Second prize goes to Ron Brown.

Third prize goes to Seth Rich.

Essentially the same information is available from several sources, some with more commentary and background information than others.

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Related stories, mostly about specific people on the list:

Background, overview and recap articles:

Marine Who Exposed Hillary Clinton Found Dead.  Hillary Clinton has damaged our country in more ways than can be counted.  Not only did she weaken our country along with former President Barack Obama, but she is also linked to numerous suspicious deaths of people who were either close to her or were close to sensitive information that would see Hillary imprisoned for treason.  The "Butcher of Benghazi" proved that she has never cared for the people she was sworn to protect but was more interested in climbing the political ranks.  Fortunately, Hillary was unsuccessful in her Presidential campaign or else we would be facing a real crisis.  Hillary's trail of blood goes back for years, and she has proven that no one can cross her and survive.  Hillary is ruthless, and we can no longer ignore her traitorous crimes.  Hillary lives by the motto, "dead men tell no tales" and will stop at nothing to keep her name cleared.  James Dolan is just another in the long list of names that Hillary has silenced.  Dolan worked with WikiLeaks as a collaborator and co-creator of technology that allowed WikiLeaks to obtain and publish the DNC leaks and Podesta emails.

Bodies Have Been Stacking Up.  Following the breaking report from Fox News that third-party investigators in the Seth Rich murder have linked the former high level DNC staffer with Wikileaks as the possible source of over 44,000 emails, we thought it appropriate to post the following video.  [Video clip]

A Hot Month for Clinton's Body Count.  The media is completely in the tank for Hillary and they neither see, nor hear, nor speak of Hillary's evil.  Hey, guys, if you're looking for murders, check out anyone who has ever crossed the Clintons.  There are about 100 cases where some intern has slept with Bill or some lawyer knew too much or some investigator got too close and boom — he shoots himself in the back of the head at the top of a mountain at four in the morning.  The media cared about the sheer number of cases when 57 women said Bill Cosby raped them.  If we brought the Hillary kill list down to 57, you'd be dealing with only the really, really spooky ones.  Like the one last month where a DNC staffer, who may very well have supplied Julian Assange with the classified emails that brought massive embarrassment to the party, was shot in the back of the head in the middle of the night.

Timely news and commentary:

Lately the news on this page has been mostly about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.  Scroll down, or click here, for pre-Epstein and post-Epstein cases.

Introduction to the Jeffrey Epstein section:
Unfortunately, sometimes there are people who know too much, who are then silenced by means of homicide.  For example, Lee H. Oswald, Dorothy Kilgallen, Karen Silkwood, Catherine Cesnik, George de Mohrenschildt, Phil Haney, and Danny Jowenko.  None of those names have any connection to the Clintons, as far as I am aware.

This topic is also unrelated: People Found Dead After Discovering Free Renewable Energy.  This article is somewhat apocryphal, but it shows that people who know too much can't expect to live long.  Not just in Russia or North Korea — here in the U.S.A.

Overview and recap:
'They Knew Everything and Did Nothing': Is This Why the Feds Dithered On Going After Jeffrey Epstein?  He was a terrible human being.  No one is really sad that he's gone, but there are a lot of questions about Jeffrey Epstein and his untimely death.  Was it suicide?  That's the official designation.  I don't think there's anyone in America who isn't suspicious of what happened to the wealthy and connected hedge fund manager who reportedly had tapes of debauchery with prominent individuals.  His "pedophile island" was also reportedly wired for sound.  He had connections to some of the most powerful people on the planet, including the Clintons and members of the British Royal Family.  It's not hard to see how there could be many, MANY people with a vested interest in seeing Epstein dead after his indictment for trafficking underage girls, which was handed down in July of 2019.  On August 10, 2019, he was dead.  Now, he did reportedly attempt suicide before, but the video footage is missing.  He was put on suicide watch, then taken off it before he was found dead in his cell.  Two guards that were supposed to watch him falsified their logs.  In fact, at least eight Bureau of Prisons staffers were instructed not to leave this guy alone but did in the 24 hours leading up to the discovery of his body.  Besides his death, how did this guy operate for years with nothing more than a slap on the wrist?  Epstein was a known creeper for years.  There were mounds of evidence.  They had multiple witnesses.  And the Department of Justice dragged its feet?  Why?

Ghislaine Maxwell's Sex Crimes Conviction Is Upheld By Appeals Court.  Ghislaine Maxwell, the longtime accomplice, friend, and lover of deceased pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, had her sex crimes conviction upheld by a federal appeals court in New York on Tuesday.  Maxwell previously tried to argue that she was immune from prosecution due to an agreement that federal prosecutors in Florida arranged with Epstein in 2007.  In a 2016 deposition, Maxwell — the late media magnate Robert Maxwell's daughter — claimed that she had met the wealthy financier, Epstein, in 1991 at a party after a mutual friend introduced her to him.  In March of this year, Maxwell asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to overturn her conviction and 20-year prison sentence for recruiting and grooming underage girls that Epstein and his colleagues went on to sexually abuse.  However, the appeals court decided on Tuesday that her crimes were not covered by the statute of limitations and that Maxwell was not subject to Epstein's agreement.

What happened to all the Jeffrey Epstein evidence?  [Tweet with video clip]

The government's Epstein problem.  The "elite" all have weird excuses for why they were around Jeff Epstein.  Listening to their collective excuses make it seem like Jeffrey had his plane sitting around Davos, Aspen, and East Hampton waiting for celebrities, businessmen and politicians to have plane trouble so he could helpfully give them a lift.  It also seems that everyone who ever met Jeffrey was extremely reluctant to do so, and they all immediately sensed something was "off" about him ... but they rode his plane and were photographed with him ... over and over.  The reluctance to meet or spend time with Jeffrey is the one that gets me.  I don't know much about the uber wealthy, but I do know this; they don't meet with anyone they don't want to meet with. [...] Child abuse is unacceptable.  Secrecy surrounding it is unacceptable.  Government involvement is unacceptable.  They don't get to protect themselves or anyone else.  Jeffrey Epstein isn't the Manhattan Project.  Don't accept government silence on the matter.  And don't consider the matter closed.

Secret Jeffrey Epstein Documents Unsealed Exposing Deep Ties to Bill Clinton.  A batch of secret documents has just been unsealed by a Florida judge that includes transcripts of a 2006 grand jury investigation into Jeffrey Epstein.  The judge unexpectedly released the documents on Monday afternoon after they had been sealed for 16 years.  The transcripts delve into allegations of sex trafficking and rape against the late financier, stemming from incidents that initially surfaced in Palm Beach County.  The documents also expose the deep ties between Epstein and former President Bill Clinton, revealing their relationship was much closer than previously claimed.

County Judge Releases Epstein Documents That Were Sealed For 16 Years.  A judge in Palm Beach County unsealed the grand jury records of a 2008 criminal case involving Jeffrey Epstein today, the Miami Herald reported.  The almost 200 pages in records were kept secret for 16 years and include the testimony of at least one girl who accused Epstein of molesting her, according to the outlet.  He was reportedly able to avoid serious charges partly because the then-Palm Beach prosecutor elected to indict him on minor charges of prostitution instead of "charging him with felony sexual assault.  The convicted pedophile was found dead in his cell in 2019 after being rearrested on charges of sex trafficking.  Ghislaine Maxwell — who had an extensive relationship with Epstein — was later convicted on sex trafficking charges.  [Tweet]

New Lawsuit: Jeffrey Epstein Was a Mossad Agent.  A new lawsuit from one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims has alleged what many observers have suspected for years:  that Epstein was an intelligence asset.  Specifically, Monday's lawsuit from an unknown Epstein victim "Jane Doe 200" said that Epstein worked for the Mossad, which is Israel's intelligence service.  "Doe was told that Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell, was in the Mossad and Doe was led to believe by both Maxwell and Epstein that Epstein was as well, further demonstrating the unique power and connections that Epstein possessed," stated the lawsuit, referring to Ghislaine Maxwell's father, who was also known as "Israel's superspy."

Watch Sen Kennedy Go There, Grilling Wray About Those Important Epstein Names.  FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee in regard to his yearly budget request on Wednesday. [...] I'm thinking that there was one question he didn't think he was going to get.  But Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) went there.  He said they know Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell "were engaged in a conspiracy of sex trafficking with minors." "So were others," Kennedy continued.  "What's the FBI doing to investigate the other people that were involved in these sex trafficking rings?"  [Tweet with video clip]  Wray stammered and said he wasn't sure he could confirm anything.  Kennedy noted that it's been reported that "Jeffrey Epstein had video surveillance in all of his homes and on his private island."  Kennedy said that Epstein "videotaped sex acts with prominent people... with young girls that he had procured," in order to be able to curry favor with them and potentially blackmail them.  "Do you have those tapes?" Kennedy asked.  Wray said he wasn't sure that he could comment on anything.  Which is to say, they still refuse to say they're doing anything.  Chances then that they are doing anything?  Chances of hell freezing over, probably.

Jeffrey Epstein's 'black book' with 221 additional high-profile names is being sold to a secret bidder.  Jeffrey Epstein is going to name names — again.  A mysterious "black book" believed to belong to the late pedophile financier, which revealed the names and addresses of 221 previously undisclosed people, is going up for auction — and bidders are being assured that their identities will be kept secret.  It could fetch up to $200,000 — or more, the auction house owner told the Daily Beast, which first reported the story.

Jeffrey Epstein's "suicide" likely a cover-up, internal prison files show.  Newly uncovered internal documents from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons suggest that pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's alleged "suicide" may not have been what we were all told it was.  Apparently, prison officials colluded with one another to blame the sex predator financier for his own death before an official autopsy had even been performed.  In other words, "suicide" was more cover story than fact.  The Grayzone filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking more information about whether Epstein's alleged first suicide attempt on July 23, 2019, really happened.  The media outlet found that the Bureau did, in fact, distort the nature of what happened prior to an autopsy.  "This meant the narrative of suicide was pushed on the public — to the exclusion of all other explanations — before basic facts were ascertained," The Grayzone explains.

Why Did The U.S. State Department Lease An Upscale New York City Apartment To Disgraced Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?  There is a strange overlap between the federal government of the United States and "seedy" parties from the billionaire class, the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein being no exception.  During a recent appearance with Jack Posobiec of Human Events Daily, guest Mike Benz explained that Epstein long maintained ties to the Deep State, and was even leased an upscale apartment in New York City by the U.S. State Department.  "There's the strange broker role that Epstein seemed to play in commercial transactions and in the affairs of the billionaire class," Benz stated during the show.  Comparing the situation to that involving Hunter Biden, Benz went on to explain that Epstein, like Hunter, maintained "relationships with large corporations and with very powerful nation-state governments."  They also both lived a "rock and roll lifestyle, high profile, high net worth, deep, deep connections, constantly surrounded by drugs and prostitutes and firearms."

Deconstructing Epstein connections:  Why the sweeping guilt-by-association approach to the doc reveal doesn't work.  Back in 2019 as the feds were closing in on Jeffrey Epstein for a second time, I embarked on a story to debunk a conspiracy theory on why he got off so lightly the first time:  That he was an informant for the government in its crackdown on financial-crisis-related crimes.  By talking with SEC officials, prosecutors and Wall Street executives with knowledge of what the feds were doing after 2008, I had concrete proof it was all BS.  I was ready to write except I had to make one more call — to the convicted sex offender himself.  But how do you get in touch with someone like Epstein?  It's not like he's in the telephone book.  He was then an increasingly reclusive figure hounded by plaintiffs' attorneys representing his victims, and prosecutors who wanted to do what they failed to do the first time:  put him away for life.

Epstein Documents Reveal Accuser Sought Maxwell's Communications With Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Attorneys for Virginia Giuffre, who accused sex offender Jeffrey Epstein of abusing her, sought in a 2015 defamation lawsuit against his associate Ghislaine Maxwell, all of her communications with former President Bill Clinton and his wife former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  The Clintons were part of a list of "thirteen specific witnesses" with whom Ms. Giuffre's attorneys sought their communications.  The document is part of dozens containing hundreds of pages of records that were released on Jan. 5, the latest tranche of evidence a judge ordered unsealed.  The 2015, defamation lawsuit was settled in 2017.  Ms. Maxwell is currently serving time in a Florida prison for conspiring with Mr. Epstein to sexually abuse underage girls.  Former President Bill Clinton's name was already mentioned in the first tranche of documents released on Jan. 3.  Ms. Giuffre, who in 2011 alleged that President Clinton had a "close personal relationship" with Ms. Maxwell and Mr. Epstein, tried unsuccessfully to have President Clinton deposed, according to an unsealed filing.

Thieves stole computers from offices of Epstein's ex-crisis PR guru the day before unsealed docs were released: cops.  Thieves broke into the Los Angeles offices of Jeffrey Epstein's one-time crisis PR guru and stole work computers — the day before long-sealed court documents related to the convicted pedophile were released to the public, according to cops.  Michael Sitrick, of A-list global crisis PR firm Sitrick & Company, said crooks burglarized his company's offices in a four-story Brentwood building on Jan. 2, but batted down any connection between the break-in and this week's unsealing of nearly 900 documents from a since-settled 2015 defamation suit by alleged Epstein vic Virginia Giuffre.  "There can't be any connection because it makes no sense," Sitrick insisted to The [New York] Post.  Sitrick said the thieves only stole computers that were used by employees in the accounts' payable, and pointed out that other companies' offices in the building were also broken into on Tuesday, he added.

FBI [has] hundreds of 'missing' Jeffrey Epstein documents including tapes, CDs, passports and pictures.  The FBI is facing fresh calls to release hundreds of 'missing' pieces of evidence raided from Jeffrey Epstein's $51 million New York townhouse following the release of a new list of his associates.  Among the items said to be missing are tapes, CDs, passports and pictures all located inside a safe within the property during a siege on the home in July 2019, shortly after Epstein was arrested.  It comes as speculation continues to swirl that Epstein was working as an agent for Israeli intelligence agency Mossad prior to his suicide while awaiting trial for child sex offences.

Names on a List.  There has been a lot of media excitement about the release of unredacted versions of documents from the ultimately-settled defamation lawsuit that Virginia Giuffre brought against Jeffrey Epstein's friend and collaborator Ghislaine Maxwell in 2015.  The release has been done in batches, and news accounts indicate that more than 170 individuals referred to in the documents as "John Doe," etc., have now been identified.  Some casual consumers of news may have the impression that we are talking here about Epstein's "client list," but that is not the case.  I have no idea whether such a list exists.  Rather, these are names that a witness mentioned in a deposition or a document, in some cases in a completely innocent context.  Moreover, no one should assume that anything said in a "court document" is true.  On the contrary.  Witnesses testifying in depositions and authors of emails and memos get many things wrong.  In a deposition, witnesses are specifically permitted to testify to hearsay.  Such testimony is obviously of questionable reliability, apart from its lack of admissibility in court.

Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump.  Epstein fixer Michael Sitrick told Los Angeles Magazine thieves broke into his Brentwood office over the New Year's holiday and stole his computer servers just hours before a tranche of Epstein documents were unsealed and released to the public.  Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday unsealed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein's abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people.  The first set of documents detailed Ghislaine Maxwell's recruiting techniques, Prince Andrew's abuse of the trafficked victims, and Bill Clinton's fondness for "young" girls.  A second cache of Epstein docs was unsealed on Thursday.

The threads that tie the rich and famous to Jeffrey Epstein.  Whether they flew in Jeffrey Epstein's private jet, or were hosted at his Manhattan, Palm Beach or New Mexico homes, the rich and famous surrounded the disgraced American financier and sex offender.  The men and women named in Wednesday's documents form a complicated spider's web of high society brokering, spanning business and politics, entertainment, academia, and even royalty.  While some are accused as potential co-conspirators, not all those named in the 900 pages released by a New York judge are suspected of wrongdoing.

Epstein Bombshell:  Did Bill Clinton Intervene to Protect His Own Reputation?  In a shocking revelation, newly released documents related to the case between Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre and Epstein partner Ghislaine Maxwell have unveiled Bill Clinton's alleged attempt to pressure Vanity Fair magazine not to write about Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking activities.  These documents are causing a stir as they shed further light on the extent of Clinton's ties to Epstein and the measures he may have taken to protect his reputation.  According to the documents, Bill Clinton, referred to as "Doe 36," is mentioned nearly 50 times, although he has consistently denied any involvement in Epstein's criminal activities.  Adding to the mounting evidence, one witness claimed that Epstein had once remarked that "Clinton liked them young," referring to girls.  The new batch of documents, released on Thursday, includes an email from Virginia Giuffre suggesting that Clinton personally went to Vanity Fair in May 2011 and reportedly threatened the magazine to prevent the publication of any articles on Epstein's sex trafficking operations.

Epstein 'Client List' Released — But It's Not Really Epstein's "Client List".  In the lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell, accomplice and associate of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, more than 1,000 pages have been unsealed and are said to reveal the identities of more than 150 persons that have been connected to the case of Maxwell vs Virginia Guiffre, along with clients of Epstein.  Of course, the entire Israeli/Mossad honeypot story has, once again, resurfaced, and an interesting assessment that this is not really Epstein's client list.

Take this for what it's worth:
Looks Like Jeffrey Epstein Was A Mossad Asset.  The Jeffrey Epstein list of associates unsealed by a US judge has reignited suspicions the pedophile financier was an asset for Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency.  Israel's former prime minister Ehud Barak was identified in the bombshell dossiers Wednesday night.  He served as PM from 1991 to 2001 after serving in the IDF for 35 years, rising to Chief of the General Staff.

Mark Epstein Reveals Inside Info About His Brother's 'Suicide'.  Tucker Carlson on Thursday released his interview with Jeffrey Epstein's only surviving relative — his brother, Mark Epstein.  Noted pedophile of the rich and powerful Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his prison cell in Manhattan in August 2019 one week after he supposedly attempted suicide.  Many people don't believe Epstein killed himself in after a number of strange coincidences and inconsistencies were revealed following his death.  Tucker Carlson interviewed Jeffrey Epstein's brother Mark Epstein.  Mark Epstein refused to appear on camera as Tucker asked him a series of questions related to his brother's death.  Mark Epstein said inside sources told him cell blocks were unlocked the night his brother Jeffrey Epstein died in his prison cell.  He also believes someone was planted to kill Jeffrey Epstein because several prisoners were transferred out the night after Epstein was found dead.  [Tweet with video clip]

Epstein's Brother Tells Tucker 'Nobody Seems To Know' Where Key Evidence Is.  The brother of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein broke down details of the autopsy report with Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson on The Tucker Carlson Interview, claiming "nobody seems to know" where a piece of key evidence is.  Epstein's brother, Mark, appeared on Carlson's Twitter show to discuss the alleged suicide of his brother, breaking down key information he has found over the years.  Carlson brought up the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into Epstein's death, questioning Mark on the information from the case. [...] Debate about Epstein's death has circulated online since he was found dead in his New York Metropolitan Correctional Center cell on August 10, 2019. While the deceased pedophile's death was formally ruled by the DOJ as a suicide, Carlson previously pushed back on the ruling.

Jeffrey Epstein Ran Sex Blackmail Operation For Intelligence Agencies, New Evidence Suggests.  The release of new court documents from a lawsuit related to Jeffrey Epstein yesterday "provided little, if any, new fodder for conspiracy theorists who remain fixated on Mr. Epstein's dealings more than four years after his death," according to the New York Times.  The documents, the Times claimed, reinforced what the public already knew, namely that pedophile financier Epstein and his associate Ghislaine Maxwell made young and often underage women available for sex to powerful men.  In fact, the documents offer new evidence and insight into how Epstein and Maxwell appeared to be blackmailing powerful individuals, albeit to mysterious ends.  A judge ordered the release of the court documents, which were from a case brought by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre against Maxwell in 2015.  The parties settled in 2017.  Maxwell is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence.  It's true that some of the information released yesterday had already come to light.  Last April, for example, the Wall Street Journal reported that the current director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Burns, had scheduled three meetings with Epstein in 2014.

Epstein Documents Dumped Wednesday Night.  Finally, inquiring minds as well as those who want dirt to sling were able to access the Jeffrey Epstein court documents.  Well, that is, supposedly were able to access them.  As of this writing, I couldn't get them to download, due to internet traffic.  But, as I predicted earlier this week, reaction became tribal for those who see everything in a political light.  As I wrote: it all depends on whose ox is being gored.  The two most high-profile names that everyone was looking for were Donald Trump and Bill Clinton.  [Video clip]  Axios notes that while Trump is mentioned in the documents, there's no reference to any improper activity on his part.  Clinton, on the other hand, gets mentioned over 50 times, although at this time there's no evidence of illegality.  Plus, his representatives didn't object to the unsealing.

The Problem with Lies.  Nowadays, we have a plethora of lies that are told knowingly and openly and without shame. [...] Consider Jeffery Epstein.  We can assume that he was running a blackmail scheme on all sorts of prominent people.  He may have done it with cooperation from government, at some level.  He was guilty as hell and the wheels came off when they simply could no longer cover it up.  No one (or few) in the mainstream media are demanding the client list be made public, so apparently some pedophiles are too important to be "under the law."  They can release some names, but rest assured that 90% of the list and the content of the videos will never be known.  Proof?  How many of his employees have testified in front of Congress?

Jeffrey Epstein list:  Court unseals names in Ghislaine Maxwell lawsuit.  Nearly 200 names that had previously been redacted from court documents in a lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein's former lover and accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell have been made public on orders of a federal judge in New York.  U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ordered their release in December but gave the Jane and John Does two weeks in case they wanted to appeal.  The names were unveiled in a series of 40 documents that have been posted to the docket without previous redactions that hid big names including former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, Clinton's estranged longtime aide Doug Band, Prince Andrew, the late former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, and the French modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, who like Epstein died while awaiting trial.

Explosive doc dump name drops 170 of Epstein's visitors.  The files, which name more than 170 Epstein associates — such as Clinton, former President Donald Trump and Prince Andrew — were ordered released by Manhattan federal Judge Loretta Preska last month and contain a gross accusation of inappropriate touching by the disgraced British royal.  They were filed in a since-settled defamation lawsuit that Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre brought against the late sicko's madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, in 2015.

Here Are The 37 Epstein Documents Released Tonight In Their Entirety!  On Wednesday, Judge Loretta Preska confirmed the release of the initial names from Jeffrey Epstein's extensive client list, comprising over 150 individuals.  Concurrently, a collection of previously sealed documents was made public.  Following the release, the Court Listener website experienced a crash due to the overwhelming public interest.  However, The Gateway Pundit managed to secure a backup of this crucial information.  Three individuals, known in the court documents as Doe 105, Doe 107, and Doe 110, have made appeals.  Documents related to Does 105, 107, and 110-110 are being withheld.

Jeffrey Epstein's brother demands NYC prison health records on day of Epstein's death — told by staff they don't exist.  It has been revealed that Jeffrey Epstein's brother, Mark, attempted to obtain documentation from the night the convicted criminal didn't kill himself, but was told by government employees that the records he sought did not exist.  One of the most important documents, the report written by the emergency medical services team that moved Epstein's body out of his cell at the Manhattan jail, was nowhere to be found on the computer system.  [Tweet]

Bill Clinton Listed in Over 50 Redacted Filings as 'Doe 36' in Epstein Case:  Report.  Former President Bill Clinton is expected to be named along with over 150 others in previously sealed court documents from the Virginia Giuffre lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell in connection with the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking ring.  [Tweet]  According to ABC News, Clinton is named "Doe 36" and appeared in over 50 redacted court filings in the case.  In 2016, Giuffre's legal team attempted to subpoena Clinton for deposition testimony.  They stated that this was "highly relevant" and "important to the fundamental claims and defenses."

Bill Clinton Is Doe 36 in the Epstein Papers.  Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week, and several prominent names — including Britain's Prince Andrew and former President Bill Clinton — are expected to appear in the documents, reports ABC News.  Judge Loretta Preska has ordered the Epstein information to be released.  Several reports indicate that Clinton will be named.  We know that he did fly on Epstein's private jet several times.  During the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, Larry Visoski said that during the years he flew Epstein's private jet, Bill Clinton was a passenger.

Jeffrey Epstein Associates: 8 'John Does' Won't Be Named in Upcoming Evidence Release After Pleading With Court.  A mysterious group of eight high-profile Jeffrey Epstein associates are MISSING from the roster of 177 names expected to be released by a federal judge next year, a investigation has exclusively learned.  It is unknown why the eight vanished from the list, but court records examined by showed the missing eight — known as Doe's # 12, 28, 97, 107, 144, 147, 171, and 183 — filed court documents in a desperate attempt to remain anonymous in the scandalous case.  Their efforts were laid bare in a 2022 court document seeking to unearth their names five years after the now-settled federal lawsuit filed by victim Virginia L. Giuffre against Epstein's associate, Ghislaine Maxwell.

It's a Christmas nightmare for men who were friends with Jeffrey Epstein.  There are many countdowns associated with the festive season that encourage us to reflect upon and embrace its values.  In Advent we mark the days and weeks before Christmas with spirituality or cheap chocolate; the 12 days leading up to Twelfth Night are an invitation to throw off normal cares and self-consciousness to celebrate with friends and family.  And for the end of 2023 only, there has been a new countdown:  a 14-day ticking clock that could not be better designed to torture the souls of any high-profile man worried about their hitherto secret associations with the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Do Not Apologize.  Do not apologize for asking where Epstein's client list is.  Do not apologize for wondering if many Republicans are being blackmailed in D.C. because of Epstein, his client list, and flying on the Lolita Express.  Do not apologize for believing that San Francisco is getting exactly what it deserves.  Do not apologize for stating that blue cities are crumbling and falling apart because of the bad seeds that they themselves have sown.  Do not apologize for now believing that Hillary's Pizzagate could be real.  Do not apologize for being suspicious about where these thousands of unaccompanied children have disappeared to.

The Truth about the Jeffrey Epstein John Does.  There is a certain level of difficulty in reporting on the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell saga, much of it having to do with what the authorities haven't revealed: the web of Epstein's network (much of it still secret), the ties to intelligence (of which documentary evidence is still hidden from public view), the internal deliberations that went on at Main Justice in Washington, D.C. when Epstein got his sweetheart plea deal (again, not yet publicized).  Add to that the false media reports and blatantly inaccurate social media posts that spring up every time there's any small development in any Epstein or Maxwell case.  Like today, for example.  The Daily Mail led the way, reporting that a federal judge "has ruled to unseal documents that would name 177 Does who are Epstein's friends, recruiters and victims within the coming weeks." This was followed by a flurry of social media takes — especially on Twitter — promising there will be serious revelations from these records or claims that "177 Jeffrey Epstein high profile associates will be revealed in the new year."  There's a problem with that sensationalism: it's inaccurate.

A lot of people with ties to Epstein are very nervous right now.  A federal district court judge has ordered that documents containing the names of more than 150 Jeffrey Epstein "associates" must be released after January 1.  However, before getting too excited, there are some caveats.  Overall, though, this does rank as a good thing.  In 2015, Virginia Guiffre sued Epstein's procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell, alleging that Maxwell facilitated Guiffre's sexual exploitation at Epstein's hands.  The two of them settled in 2017.  Since then, there's been a push to "un-redact" existing documents that identify people "associated" with Jeffrey Epstein but who were named only as "John Doe" or "Jane Doe."  In addition, there are apparently documents that were filed under seal and never released at all.  Judge Loretta Preska, a United States District Judge in the Southern District of New York and a George H. W. Bush appointee, has now issued an order mandating that the names must be unsealed.

Judge Drops Massive Epstein Ruling:  Over 170 Names Must Be Unsealed.  This is going to be name-dropping for the ages — but it's only a start.  A federal judge on Monday ruled that the names of those associated with convicted sex offender and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstsein that have been under seal since his 2019 death must be made public, according to news reports.  Meanwhile, a Republican congressman went public the same day with an accusation that some of his "colleagues" have been "compromised in this area."  According to the U.K.'s Daily Mail, a publication that has followed the Epstein case closely because of its British ties, the names are part of documents associated with a now-settled defamation case between Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts-Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's former lover and procurer.

When the logs are finally released, I expect NASA to find life on Mars later that day.
We May Be One Step Closer to Seeing Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Logs.  I'm sure many of us have given up on the idea that the flight logs to convicted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein's private island will ever see the light of day because of the powerful people whose names are allegedly on the list.  Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has received a request to subpoena Epstein's flight logs.  "As you are aware, there have been unanswered questions surrounding the sex trafficking ring spearheaded by the late Jeffrey Epstein.  We know that Epstein and his associates engaged in child sex trafficking to the rich and powerful elite from around the globe.  Many of Epstein's clients are alleged to be some of America's most powerful and well-known people," Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) wrote in a letter to Comer dated Monday.

Ghislaine Maxwell [has been] sued AGAIN, this time by an alleged victim.  Ghislaine Maxwell has just been slapped with another lawsuit while behind bars.  The new lawsuit was filed on behalf of an alleged victim who came forward with her story during Maxwell's criminal trial in 2021 and claimed that Maxwell and the now-deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein abused her, leading her to need to get an abortion.  "Elizabeth Stein also read an impact statement at the heiress's sentencing, sharing that she was a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and an intern at the now-defunct Henri Bendel department store in the 1990s when Maxwell lured her into Epstein's trafficking ring," the report by the Daily Beast noted.

An MMA fighter asks the right question about Epstein's clients.  [Scroll down]  The apparent rule of thumb, as was the case in England, is that you only "out" famous pedophiles and their confederates when they're dead.  That governments across the West refuse to move against these pedophiles is concerning at more than the obvious level.  The obvious level is that these people committed heinous crimes, both in terms of manmade and moral law, and they should be punished for having done so.  Justice demands that.  However, there's something even more problematic going on here, and it speaks to who's doing what in our government.  Given the refusal to act against these pedophiles, there are only two possible conclusions.  The first is that our government is controlled by completely evil human beings who will, naturally, never turn on themselves.  When you look at Biden's hair-sniffing and groping proclivities, it's very easy to believe this to be true.  The second disturbing hypothesis is that the Deep State, rather than using the Epstein information to achieve justice, is using it to control people.

Lizard King?  Philanthropath?  Genocidal Maniac?  [Scroll down]  While Epstein's sexual activities have received 90% of the attention, his activities during the last years of the Clinton administration are the more significant.  First of all, Epstein was running an entrapment scheme for various covert agencies, which made his insinuation into government easy.  At the same time, he taught high-level government officials, cabinet ministers, heads of agencies, and the great larcenous dame herself, Hillary Clinton, how to steal.  It was a pincer movement.  Having second thoughts?  Here's a video of your encounter with a fourteen year old.

Bill Gates Business Associates Reach Combined $365 Million Settlement with Jeffrey Epstein's Victims.  On Thursday, a federal judge approved the $290 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit brought by the sex abuse victims of Epstein against JPMorgan Chase — a close mutual business associate of both Gates and Epstein.  Over this past year, JPMorgan has agreed to pay an additional $75 million — for a combined total of $365 million — to settle another lawsuit relating to its established banking relationship with Epstein.  The suits revealed that JPMorgan facilitated approximately $1 billion in transfers for Epstein which the bank admitted were "human trafficking" related.  Gates's relationship with Epstein has been widely known and was even cited by Gates's ex-wife, Melinda, in the couple's 2021 divorce proceedings.  Bill Gates has denied having any involvement in Epstein's crimes.  Gates and Epstein's mutual associates, James E. "Jes" Staley and JPMorgan Chase, were central to Gates's relationship with Epstein.

What a lucky break!  What an amazing coincidence!
Maxwell Believes Her Chances of Walking Free Just Increased 'Significantly': Report.  Ghislaine Maxwell thinks she may now have an edge in her case to overturn her prison sentence, according to anonymous sources.  Maxwell, the longtime confidant and right-hand woman of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, was handed a 20-year prison term after she was convicted on child sex trafficking charges back in 2021.  But the 61-year-old former British socialite has been buoyed by the death of one of the four victims whose testimony was central to her conviction.  Carolyn Andriano, who was trafficked by Epstein starting when she was only 14 years old, was found dead in a hotel room in West Palm Beach, Florida, on May 23, according to USA Today.  Her death was only announced last month.

Epstein Victim Who Testified Against Ghislaine Maxwell Has Died.  Carolyn Andriano, a victim of sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein whose testimony was crucial to putting away his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell, has died.  There was no obituary or funeral service after she died earlier this year, and police in West Palm Beach, Florida, opened an investigation into her death.  After The Daily Beast reached out for comment, police spokesman Mike Jachles told us that the investigation was concluding and that Carolyn died of an accidental overdose.  The 36-year-old mother-of-five had planned to start a new chapter in North Carolina, at a new house with a fireplace and half-acre lot with a chicken coop.  Carolyn and her husband, John Pitts, had purchased the property just weeks before she was found unresponsive in a West Palm Beach hotel room on May 23.

Will We Ever Know Why Leon Black Paid Jeffrey Epstein $158 Million?  Leon Black, the billionaire co-founder of private-equity giant Apollo Global Management and close personal associate of Jeffrey Epstein, has never been charged with or convicted of a crime.  He has, however, been accused of things that are potentially criminal.  Since 2021, the year that he stepped down from Apollo, three women have accused him of rape stemming from his relationship with Epstein.  (One of those suits was dismissed with prejudice in May after it came out that, among other things, flight logs showed that her trafficking accusations were impossible.  Black denies the allegations from the two other women, and has raised serious questions about their validity.)  What we know about what actually happened is far murkier.  Black has said that Epstein gave him tax and estate-planning advice, for which he was paid $158 million from 2012 to 2018, according to an audit — far above what those services are typically worth.  Black traveled with Epstein a few times, including once taking his family to the dead child trafficker's private island.

A JPMorgan Court Filing Shows Another Bank Exec Visited Jeffrey Epstein's Residences 13 Times.  JPMorgan Chase is in a protracted legal battle in a federal district court in Manhattan over highly credible allegations that it "actively participated" in Jeffrey Epstein's sex-trafficking of minors.  The lawsuit has been brought against JPMorgan Chase by the Attorney General of the U.S. Virgin Islands where Epstein owned a private island compound that was a frequent venue of the sex trafficking operation.  Part of the bank's damage control strategy has been to sue one of its former top executives, Jes Staley, making him a third-party defendant in the same case, and attempting to convince the Judge and the media that Staley is mainly responsible for the bank keeping sex trafficker Epstein as a client for more than 15 years (and perhaps as long as 28 years).

Will Jeffrey Epstein's Sex-Trafficking Clients Be Named?  For those who think the truth about the crime and slime associated with Jeffrey Epstein has been deep-sixed down the memory hole, there may be another bite at this rotten apple.  Mimi Lui, an attorney representing the U.S. Virgin Islands, has filed suit in federal court against JPMorgan Chase.  Lui charged that over $1 billion in suspicious transactions have been reported to the U.S. Treasury since Epstein's death and that JPMorgan Chase ignored sex-trafficking red flags over many years, thus enabling these crimes.  The case will go to trial on October 23 unless a settlement is reached.

Time To Name The Clients:  JPMorgan Flagged Over $1 Billion In Suspicious Epstein Transfers.  JPMorgan flagged over $1 billion in suspicious transactions linked to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, which the bank reported to the US government, the US Virgin Islands has claimed in its lawsuit against the bank.  "JPMorgan was a full-service bank for Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking," said Mimi Liu, an attorney for the USVI, which says the enormous sum bolsters key allegations in their legal action against the bank, which they say knowingly benefited from Epstein's wrongdoing, Bloomberg reports, noting that this is the first time in the case that the 'sheer volume of Epstein's financial activity at JPMorgan over a 16-year period has been disclosed.'  The suspicious activity was detailed in a 2019 filing to the US Department of Treasury, a USVI attorney told a federal court in Manhattan on Thursday.  The filing was made after Epstein died in a Manhattan jail cell a month after his arrest on sex trafficking charges.  Epstein had been with the bank from the late 1990s through 2013, when they finally cut ties with him.  [Tweet]

Mysterious, Newly-Registered LLC Purchases Jeffrey Epstein's 'Baby-Making' New Mexico Ranch.  Jeffrey Epstein's high-desert New Mexico property, known as the 'Zorro Ranch,' sold for an undisclosed price to a newly registered company.  According to Albuquerque television station KRQE, the ranch was listed for sale for $27.5 million.  Documents obtained by KRQE confirmed the "change of ownership from Cypress Inc. to San Rafael Ranch, LLC."  "An attorney for Epstein's estate, Daniel Weiner, confirmed Tuesday that the ranch had been sold for an undisclosed price, and the proceeds would be used to administer the estate and pay creditors," ABC News reports.  It's unknown who's behind San Rafael Ranch LLC.

Jeffrey Epstein helped JPMorgan land Google co-founder Sergey Brin and his $4B in investments as client: lawsuit.  Jeffrey Epstein brought a slew of deep-pocketed clients to JPMorgan Chase — including Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who became one of the bank's biggest clients with investments worth more than $4 billion, according to court papers.  A bombshell legal filing in the US Southern District of New York late Monday revealed that "Brin became a client of JPMorgan's San Francisco Private Bank in 2004" — one year after Epstein introduced Brin to Jes Staley, a former executive at JPMorgan.  "The overall Brin relationship is one of the largest in the Private Bank, of +$4BN," wrote banker Robert A. Keller in a memo, who the documents claim was introduced to Epstein by Staley.

Somebody must have hit a nerve.
Congressman Turned Child Sex Offender Anthony Weiner Freaks Out When Asked About the 'Clinton Body Count'.  Disgraced former congressman turned child sex offender Anthony Weiner had a liberal meltdown during a podcast when he was asked about rumors that the Clinton family has a "body count."  Patrick Bet-David questioned Weiner about a so-called "conspiracy theory" that alleges people with ties to former President Bill Clinton and his twice-failed presidential candidate wife, Hillary Clinton, end up dead.  "How is it that the reputation that follows [the Clintons] is people close to them die?" The host asked.  Wiener immediately tried to dodge the question, growing tense before the conversation became a screaming match.  The Democrat said that the Clintons are now in their seventies, arguing that older people naturally lose people they once knew.  "How come they haven't done that with Bush?  He's the same age."  David-Bet pressed.  "How come they haven't done that with Trump?  How come they haven't done that with Reagan?"

Joe Rogan suggests Bill Clinton was blackmailed by Jeffrey Epstein!  [Video clip only.]

Epstein's Sick Private List of High Profile Names [was] Just Released.  Today, The published a substantial compilation of Jeffrey Epstein's personal calendars and communications, providing an unprecedented glimpse at the late pedophile's remarkable network of influence.  Among the revelations is that financier Epstein frequently dined with magician David Blaine and appeared to have intimate knowledge of Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda.  The hundreds of pages of documents also contain the names of presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, and other prominent figures who were not previously associated with Epstein.

LinkedIn Co-Founder and Epstein Island Visitor Reid Hoffman Donates $700,000 to Biden Campaign.  LinkedIn co-founder and noted visitor to Jeffrey Epstein's infamous island Reid Hoffman has recently donated $699,600 to President Joe Biden's reelection campaign, a move that has sparked controversy due to Hoffman's past political scandals and associations.  The New York Post reports that Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn and a well-known woke billionaire, has recently made a contribution of $699,600 to President Joe Biden's reelection campaign.  Hoffman's political activities have been a subject of scrutiny for quite some time.

Forensic Pathologist Slams Dept.  Of Justice Report on Jeffrey Epstein's Death — 'They Didn't Contact Me!'.  Renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden slammed a four-year Department of Justice report examining the prison death of Jeffery Epstein — calling its finding "ridiculous" for ignoring the clear-cut evidence of a homicide, can exclusively reveal.  The DOJ's Inspector General's 128-page report concluded the August 2019 death of the billionaire sex trafficker was the result of "negligence and misconduct" by jail guards who failed to monitor the convicted pedophile.  But Dr. Baden, who has investigated hundreds of prison suicides over his 50-year career as the pathologist for the New York State Correction Medical Review Board that monitors ALL prison deaths, told, "They didn't contact me at all" even though he was in autopsy room!

Jeffrey Epstein's unsupervised, unfilmed death while in federal custody was totally a suicide, feds declare.  This is literally the most believable, least suspicious conclusion ever reached in the history of human civilization:  [Tweet] [...] Yeah we totally believe you guys.  A super high-profile prisoner in federal custody just happened to manage to evade the amped-up supervision of his 24/7 guards and hang himself with sheets he never should have gotten in the first place.  Mm hmm.

JPMorgan agrees to settle Jeffrey Epstein victim class action lawsuit.  JPMorgan Chase has reached an agreement to settle a lawsuit from victims of Jeffrey Epstein, the bank announced Monday [6/12/2023].  The financial institution has yet to release details regarding the "agreement in principle," but it will shell out $290 million in payments to the victims, according a Reuters report.  JPMorgan had been attempting to fend off the class action lawsuit for months.  "Settlement is in the best interests of all parties, especially the survivors who were the victims of Epstein's terrible abuse," the bank and lawyers for the victims wrote in a joint statement.

Jeffrey Epstein sent letter to fellow pedo Larry Nassar from prison before suicide — but he never got it: documents.  Shortly before he hanged himself in his Manhattan jail cell, Jeffrey Epstein penned a letter from behind bars to another high-profile pedophile, Larry Nassar — but the note was never received by the disgraced US gymnastics team doctor.  The shocking development was included in 4,000 pages of documents obtained Thursday by the Associated Press that also offered an updated glimpse into Epstein's declining mental health during his 36-day stint at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.  Epstein's unopened letter to Nassar, who spent decades sexually abusing young girls, was discovered in the mail room of the since-shuttered lockup with a "return to sender" notice weeks after his suicide[.]

Ghislaine Maxwell fears retaliation in prison after snitching on two violent inmates: report.  The old adage "snitches get stitches" reportedly has convicted sexual predator Ghislaine Maxwell living in fear of retaliation in prison after she snitched on two violent inmates who tried to extort her.  The two Cuban women were placed in solitary confinement for 47 days after the 61-year-old madam reported them to authorities at her Florida federal prison for demanding items from her commissary, a source at the prison told the Daily Mail.  Now, the sex trafficker is shaking in her prison boots because the women have been released back into the general population at low-security FCI Tallahassee, according to the outlet.  Maxwell, who has been at the facility since July 2022, is apparently so terrified of retaliation that she's refusing to use showers where she fears she could be physically attacked.

Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein's Home.  A U.S. congresswoman went to Jeffrey Epstein's home in 2018, within a year of his being arrested on charges of child sex trafficking.  Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.) went to Epstein's townhouse in September 2018, she acknowledged during a deposition this month.  "I recall going to the address, ringing the bell ... someone opening the door," Plaskett said as she answered questions under oath on May 8.  "He was sitting at a very long table having a conversation with another gentleman," Plaskett added later.  That man left, and Plaskett sat down and spoke to Epstein for a period of time that she said was less than one hour.  They spoke about "Virgin Islands' politics, national politics, campaign contributions," according to Plaskett.

Bottom Line On Epstein.  Nobody has explained how Epstein made his money.  He had a lot of it; you don't buy an island and outfit it, never mind a nice big jet aircraft which is expensive to buy and also very expensive to maintain, fuel and staff without some source of income.  We all know, for example, how Elon Musk got his money.  And Bernie Ebbers.  And Ken Lay.  And any one of myriad other very wealthy people.  Whether ultimately it was discovered they were doing foul things or not the fact is that it was trivially easy to know exactly how they made their money, in the main.  Except for Epstein.  Therefore, by simple deduction, Epstein got his money because someone, or a group, were paying him and had the means to hide it from ordinary, routine surveillance that "outs" everyone else.  That in turn means one or more governments were doing it and none of them who had actual knowledge were adversarial to the others. [...] Since the activities took place in and around the United States it is also therefore clear that one of the funding conduits was one or more agencies of and in the United States.  There may be others but our government was one of them.

Confirmed: Jeffrey Epstein's History as an FBI Source.  Back in 2007, the Department of Justice gave Jeffrey Epstein a sweetheart deal that deferred prosecuting Epstein for federal offenses — including the interstate sex trafficking of minors and recruiting minors to engage in commercial sex acts — in exchange for Epstein pleading guilty to Florida state-level solicitation of prostitution and procurement charges.  The deal was shocking in both its timing and scope.  It was made before the FBI had interviewed all of Epstein's victims and before the FBI had seized Epstein's computers.  It immunized Epstein's known and unknown co-conspirators who were credibly accused of trafficking and abusing minors, a rare and troubling agreement you will not find in any other federal non-prosecution agreement:  "if Epstein successfully fulfills all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the United States also agrees that it will not institute any criminal charges against any potential co-conspirators of Epstein, including but not limited to Sarah Kellen, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff, or Nadia Marcinkova."  And it implicated both the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida (Alex Acosta) and Main Justice in Washington, D.C., which approved of the plea deal, delayed the grand jury, and stopped victims from being notified of the agreement in violation of federal law.

Jeffrey Epstein Meet With CIA Boss Under Obama Before Not Killing Himself.  The list of Jeffrey Epstein's possible connections now includes America's spy chief, a college president and a former Obama White House counsel, according to a collection of previously unreported documents that included the convicted sex offender's schedules.  The trove of papers, obtained by the Wall Street Journal, shows meetings between Epstein and several prominent people, including three with William Burns, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, when he was the deputy secretary of state in 2014.  These prominent people have not been accused of any wrongdoing, and have all maintained that their connections with Epstein were purely professional or social.

Surprise: Epstein was meeting with a much larger circle of the rich and powerful than you were told.  Everybody already knows that the famous Jeffrey Epstein client list has not been and never will be released.  The names on that list are too prominent, I assume, and nobody wants that particular bomb to explode.  The collateral damage would be immense.  But we have gotten bits and pieces of information over the years about his associates — people who were in Epstein's social circle but who may or may not have been his clients.  We have no evidence upon which to base accusations of that nature.  Bill Gates is the most prominent example, as well as seemingly the entire faculty of Harvard, where Epstein hobnobbed with seemingly everybody, and where he even was given an office.  Yes, Jeffrey Epstein had an office at Harvard.  After all, he showered the place with money, despite it never being quite clear exactly what he did.  He had some vague "financial" job, advising clients.  Every time he worked for somebody else the firm wound up in legal trouble or imploded, but he failed upwards for some reason.  I wonder what that was.

Biden, Obama Official Had Private Meetings With Epstein After Sex Crime Convictions.  Jeffry Epstein's private calendar reveals an official who served under the Obama and Biden Administrations had close ties to the convicted late sex offender.  William Burns, who became the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director during the Biden administration, also a college president and attorney who served with former President Barack Obama, had scheduled meetings with Epstein several times after the pedophile was convicted of child sex crimes.  Three scheduled meetings were slated to occur after Epstein was jailed in 2008 in Washington D.C. and Epstein's townhome in Manhattan, New York.  However, it is unclear if each scheduled meeting took place or the purpose of the sessions.  A CIA spokesperson claimed Burns had met with Epstein because, in 2014, the director wanted to leave his current government position.

Epstein's VERY tangled web.  Jeffrey Epstein's newly-released private calendar revealed he had scheduled meetings with a slew of prominent individuals, including the current CIA director, after he was convicted as a sex offender.  The documents contain emails and scheduled meetings with now-CIA Director William Burns, Bard College president Leon Botstein, Obama's White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky.  The meetings were scheduled between 2013 to 2017 after the pedophile had served time in jail in 2008 for sex crimes involving a teenage girl.

Epstein's private calendar reveals planned meetings with Obama admin official, CIA chief.  Jeffrey Epstein's newly-revealed private calendar showed scheduled meetings with the current CIA director, a college president and attorney who served in the Obama administration, according to a report published Sunday.  New documents, which belonged to the rich convicted pedophile and were obtained by The Wall Street Journal, showed planned meetings with a slew of prominent individuals, including now-CIA Director William Burns, Bard College president Leon Botstein, Obama White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky.  All the scheduled meetings were slated to take place after Epstein was jailed in 2008 on charges of solicitation, including soliciting a minor.  WSJ could not prove each scheduled meeting actually took place, and the documents did not reveal the purpose for the meetings.

Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein?  It is great fun to joke about how the Clintons must be the force behind the suspicious death of Jeffrey Epstein in his New York City jail cell in 2019, but after the bombshell story published this morning in the Wall Street Journal about heretofore unknown close connections Epstein had we're moved to ask:  who didn't have a motive for wanting him gone? [...] Here are a few highlights and surprises from the story:  Epstein had several meetings starting in 2014 with William Burns, then a State Department career foreign service officer who is now the head of the CIA under President Biden.  Supposedly Epstein was giving Burns "advice" on private sector prospects.  They were introduced by a "mutual friend" that the Journal does not identify.  Maybe a congressional committee should ask the sitting CIA director in a public hearing for more details.

Epstein, vaccine mandates, and Chinese spy balloons.  Trust in institutions has never been lower.  Every poll shows this.  Your conversations with friends and family reveals this. [...] No one believes Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, and surely those who plotted his "suicide" anticipated this.  They didn't care.  The public complained, trust was lowered, and in the end it doesn't even matter. [...] Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.  The FBI and DOJ mopped up the crime scenes and we will never know who would have been implicated.

Former NY cop, ex-Epstein cellmate, faces quadruple murder trial after bodies [were] found buried at his home.  The quadruple murder trial against an ex-cop, who shared a cell with Jeffrey Epstein, begins this week after four bodies were found buried in the backyard of his New York home in 2016.  Nicholas Tartaglione, 55, was allegedly selling cocaine, steroids and other drugs after his 2008 retirement from law enforcement when he accused one of his associates, Martin Luna, of stealing more than $200,000 from him, federal prosecutors allege.  On April 11, 2016, Tartaglione allegedly lured Luna to a bar in Orange County, New York, where Luna was accompanied by his nephew, Miguel Luna; his niece's fiancé, Urbano Santiago; and a family friend, Hector Gutierrez. [...] Tartaglione faces life in prison, if convicted, although prosecutors initially intended on seeking the death penalty against him.  Last year, Attorney General Merrick Garland reversed that decision.  Tartaglione's case went from an alleged, grisly drug-related quadruple homicide in lower New York state to national news when he became cellmates with Epstein at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.  On July 23, 2019, Epstein was found in his prison cell semi-conscious and balled up in the fetal position with marks on his neck, and there were accusations that Tartaglione "roughed him up."

Will Ghislaine Maxwell get a new trial?  Like many people, I foolishly thought that we had heard the last of disgraced sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell for at least the next twenty years. (Barring some sort of early release deal.) Maxwell was convicted of trafficking women and even underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein after his "tragic suicide" in a prison cell in August of 2019.  In June of last year, she was sentenced to two decades behind bars.  But now her attorneys have filed a lengthy appeal, asking for that conviction to be thrown out and their client to be released.

Discovery Made Near Dead Body of Epstein-Linked Clinton Advisor That Directly Contradicts Initial Report.  New documents have been released concerning the May 2022 death of former Clinton aide Mark Middleton.  Middleton's family had fought to prevent the release of the police report of his death and succeeded in having photos of the scene held back, according to the Daily Mail, which had sought to have the information released.  Middleton has a potential connection to sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein because on seven of Epstein's 17 visits to the Clinton White House between 1993 to 1995, he was signed in by Middleton, according to the New York Post.  Middleton has also been named as a possible passenger on Epstein's private jet.  The initial documents released said that Middleton, whose death was declared a suicide, was found hanging from a tree on his Arkansas ranch with an electrical wire around his neck and a gunshot wound in his chest, but no gun was found.  That all changed when another set of documents was released, according to the Daily Mail.  The new documents said that a Stoeger 12-gauge shotgun was found about 30 feet from Middleton's body.

The Editor says...
Are you familiar with the term, "throw-down gun?"  The time to plant a gun at a crime scene is at the outset of the whitewash / coverup / investigation, not a couple of days after the official cause of death is announced.  Also, if you're going to plant a 12-gauge shotgun near the body, and claim it was suicide, the shotgun should be a little closer than 30 feet away.

Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein.  The grisly scene where a top Bill Clinton adviser was found hanged from a tree with a gunshot wound to his chest has finally been revealed nine months after he died.  But the sheriff's report into Mark Middleton's mysterious death raises more questions than answers as it rules he died by suicide — despite no sign of the weapon that killed him.  Middleton, 59, was found dead last May at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas, an hour west of Little Rock.

Tucker Carlson eviscerates Department of Justice coverup of Jeffrey Epstein's death.  It's been long enough since the highly suspicious death of Jeffrey Epstein in the federal lockup in Manhattan that the very popular meme "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" is no longer as pervasive as it once was.  But in the interim, the coverup has continued and deepened.  Kudos to Tucker Carlson for using the opening segment of his show last night, the highest-rated cable news program, to go over the insulting propositions that federal officials, notably including former AG William Barr, have tried to get the public to accept.  Tucker dryly noted that Barr did not accept an invitation to appear on the show to respond.  A considerable swath of the power elite of the Western world apparently was incriminated and being blackmailed by Epstein's honey traps, and in my opinion, that is why he was murdered.  In other words, his death is the lodestone of the corruption of our age.  [Video clip]

Tucker Carlson Asks Questions About Jeffrey Epstein's Death in Prison, Bill Barr's Explanations Don't Add Up.  For his opening monologue tonight, Fox New host Tucker Carlson asks questions about the death of Jeffrey Epstein in question.  Carlson walks through the series of events and comments by then Attorney General Bill Barr that no longer seem to add up.  [Video clip]  Mr. Carlson has been asking a lot of uncomfortable questions lately.

Ghislaine Maxwell is hosting Etiquette Classes for inmates where she also preaches about women's empowerment and 'maintaining high moral standards'.  Sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell is hosting etiquette classes for inmates at her Florida prison as she tries to reinvent herself as a female role model, can exclusively reveal.  The disgraced socialite, 52, is serving a 20-year sentence for procuring girls for her late pedophile lover Jeffrey Epstein to degrade and abuse.  But that hasn't stopped Maxwell from preaching about women's empowerment and the need to 'maintain high moral standards' in the twice-weekly sessions for up to 40 cons.

US Virgin Islands district attorney fired days after suing JP Morgan Chase over Jeffrey Epstein ties.  The US Virgin Islands' top prosecutor has lost her job days after filing a lawsuit accusing financial giant JP Morgan Chase of turning a "blind eye" to Jeffrey Epstein's multi-decade sex trafficking operation.  Attorney General Denise George filed a lawsuit in Manhattan last week alleging that the Wall St giant "provided and pulled the levers through which recruiters and victims" of Epstein's offending were paid in the court filing, according to Bloomberg.  On New Year's Eve, Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan confirmed to several news outlets on the island that Ms George had been removed from her role amid reports he had been blindsided by the lawsuit.

Maxwell Docs Unsealed: Epstein Victim Claims She Has Epstein's Blackmail Videos That Expose Wealthy Elite.  A New York Federal court on Monday released more documents regarding Ghislaine Maxwell's defamation lawsuit filed by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre.  Most of the documents as you would expect were heavily redacted when it comes to revealing names of the wealthy elite who were Epstein's associates but what did come to light was a deposition by Epstein victim Sarah Ransome.  In Ransome's deposition she claimed that Epstein did make blackmail sex tapes of his elite friends and would go on to state she even has copies of the tapes.

A Grand Unified Theory of the FTX Disaster.  So far as I can tell, everyone has this story wrong.  Many people put together some frame of the puzzle just fine, but this can be a dangerous distraction, so I'd like to take a shot at sorting it out. [...] Now, if you're thinking this is just a story of a bunch of narcissistic brats who lost a bunch of money, I understand your reaction.  But know that this misses the larger points.  You need to dig deeper. [...] As Whitney Webb has been pointing out in interviews, the story of Jeffrey Epstein is about much more than the lurid details of his sexcapades with underage girls.  Epstein was a specialist in financial crime — something the mainstream media somehow always fails to delve into.

Dozens of court docs relating to eight of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's associates will be unsealed.  Dozens of court documents relating to Jeffrey Epstein's associates, including a billionaire businessman, will be made public after a judge ruled the public interest outweighs the right to privacy.  Judge Loretta Preska on Friday ruled that the material concerning eight people should be unsealed despite one subject claiming it could 'wrongfully harm (his) privacy and reputation.'  Among those whose names are mentioned in the documents are a British woman, Ghislaine Maxwell's former personal assistant, who was accused of taking part in the sexual abuse of minors.

Ghislaine Maxwell: Jeffrey Epstein's death in jail is 'profoundly suspicious'.  Ghislaine Maxwell has admitted she thinks her pedophile ex-partner Jeffrey Epstein's death behind bars three years ago is "profoundly suspicious."  The locked-up socialite told documentary filmmaker Daphne Barak that she was "totally shocked" when her well-connected ex was found dead in his Manhattan cell in August 2019 — and still has doubts it was suicide.  "The Bureau of Prisons has failed to release the autopsy report, and allegedly none of the cameras were working," Maxwell, 60, told the filmmaker in excerpts published by the Sun.  "Allegedly, the guards were sleeping," she added of troubling details that have fueled ongoing conspiracies.  "I think that unexplained death is profoundly suspicious," she insisted in an interview in which she also recalled her "special friendship" with former President Bill Clinton.

FOIA Request May Indicate FBI Is Hiding Explosive Epstein Info.  The FBI has lost the trust of Americans for quite some time now.  Accused of being slaves to the left, the FBI seems to only uncover information when it will benefit Democrats.  The Daily Wire reported that a well known internet investigator apparently found evidence that the FBI is hiding bombshell evidence on potentially explosive secret records involving dead sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein.  Techno Fog, an anonymous self proclaimed lawyer and writer, alleges that the denial for a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request means they are hiding something.  The FOIA requested all records relating to any interviews the FBI had done with Epstein.  "We asked the FBI for the Jeffery Epstein interview transcripts," Techno Fog said in a tweet, adding "the FBI response:  providing the Epstein records would interfere with law enforcement proceedings.  Either the FBI is lying, or something is up."

Is the FBI is hiding embarrassing information about Jeffrey Epstein?  For those who like taking Deep Dives into political mysteries and chicanery, the writer who calls himself Techno Fog has always been a good place to start.  All we know about him is that he identifies as a lawyer, and his investigatory and analysis skills are often right.  Currently, Techno Fog is making FOIA requests to get documents about Jeffrey Epstein.  The FBI's initial careful response suggests that it's hiding embarrassing or otherwise compromising information from the American people.  If you've just returned from a nice, long vacation to Mars, here's a reminder about Jeffrey Epstein: He's a convicted pedophile who had a private airplane that took him to his private island where he had lots of underage girls to fulfill his sick fantasies, along with help from his procurer and friend, Ghislaine Maxwell.  What makes Epstein stand out from other disgusting rich people is that there's every reason to believe that many rich and powerful men took advantage of the girls on his island.  Interestingly, the American government has worked very, very hard to keep those men's names hidden.

The Strange Case of Ghislaine Maxwell.  Those that love this country, must also love the moral fiber upon which it was founded.  From that truth, it must also be true that as a society, it is a duty of all Americans to remain vigilant to remove any strand of evil that has invaded our culture's moral fabric — such as the corruption of our government institutions — before it is allowed to weaken and ultimately destroy the nation our founders designed.  Although examples of such corruption now presently abound, few put on full display what's at stake better than our government's recent handling of the Ghislaine Maxwell matter.  Specifically, her case has set before us the question of whether we, as a people, are willingly turning a blind eye to our government's complicity in protecting the anonymity of the powerful and elite among us whom our government knows to have participated in the sex trafficking of children.  Or, will we take a stand and demand that our government reveal the identities of the criminal pedophiles that Epstein and Maxwell "serviced" for nearly 25 years and compel them to hold these criminals accountable for their crimes?

Steven Hoffenberg Who Worked with Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead In Connecticut Apartment.  Steven Hoffenberg, a longtime Jeffrey Epstein associate, was found dead in his Derby, Connecticut apartment.  He was 77.  He was found by officials who said his body was "in a state where a visual identification could not be made."  [Tweet]  He was dead for a while.

Out of Outrage.  [Scroll down] I've previously been outraged and outraged that there aren't more people who are as outraged as I am.  Take child sex trafficking for instance, it outrages me, but I look around and there's no pressure on the DOJ to do something about it, like continuing to follow the guidelines Trump instituted to make some significant headway on it.  Those who had been in the fight against child sex trafficking for quite a while recognized that Trump's approach was having a significant impact.  The problem is partly that several of our congressmen, senators and presidents have visited Epstein's Island and rely on that child sex trafficking for their sick rituals that demonstrate to themselves the amount of raw power they wield, because if they didn't have the ability to exert extreme power, they'd be hung up like sheets on laundry day.  The fact that they continue to walk around, knowing there are pictures of themselves on the island, in the jet, hobnobbing with Epstein and Maxwell, is enormously satisfying for these ritualistic abusers.  And, to that point, not one of Maxwell's clients have been indicted.  That puts a big smile on their faces.  See how much power they have.

Does Donald Trump Have Jeffrey Epstein's List of Clients?  Does Donald Trump have Jeffrey Epstein's list of clients?  The Deep State, Bureaucracy, Swamp, Administrative State, Military-Industrial Complex, Democrats, Media, Establishment Republicans, and crew are acting like Trump is Satan incarnate.  At this point their loathing seems overwrought, to understate it.  Every norm is being thrown out for a man who governed in a perfunctory way.  At first, the hysteria seemed just like partisan hyperventilating.  Now, the actions are shrill hysteria.  Only one thing causes this kind of collective freakout in Washington, D.C.: fear.  What about Donald Trump makes these people so afraid?  Thus, I return to my first question:  Does Donald Trump have Jeffrey Epstein's list of clients?  Trump must have the goods on these people, because they've done everything to the man short of assassinate him.

Judge who signed off the FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago mansion represented Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express pilots.  The Florida judge who signed off the FBI raid on Donald Trump's mansion represented Jeffrey Epstein's workers, it has been revealed.  Bruce Reinhart acted for several employees of the billionaire pedophile before he sanctioned the 'unannounced' search on Mar-a-Lago yesterday.  He left the local US Attorney's office over a decade ago to set up a private practice and help staff members including his Lolita Express pilots and his scheduler.  He was accused in a lawsuit of breaking the Justice Department's policies by using information from his previous job to benefit in the private sector, which he denied.  Meanwhile Reinhart was also revealed to have donated to Barack Obama's campaign in 2008 and Jeb Bush's when he ran against Trump in 2015.

Was Judge Who Signed-Off on Sketchy FBI Search Warrant Raid of Trump Home, a Client Name in Ghislane Maxwells Little Black Book?  There's an interesting angle given the revelation that Judge Bruce Reinhart signed-off on the sketchy FBI search warrant for the residence of President Trump in Florida.  Judge Bruce Reinhart was the former U.S. attorney in West Palm Beach who spent 12 years as a federal prosecutor, before leaving his position in order to defend a network of employees who operated the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking operation. [...] Considering the FBI predicate for the raid on Trump's home, as currently identified, is exceptionally weak; and considering the profile of the raid would have landed upon an ordinarily reluctant judicial desk; what if the FBI had leverage over Bruce Reinhart as an outcome of the case against Epstein's enabler, Ghislane Maxwell.  The prosecutor in the New York case against Maxwell was former FBI Director James Comey's daughter.  The client files of Epstein and Maxwell would be currently in the hands of the FBI.

CIA should respond to speculation regarding human trafficking, Jeffrey Epstein.  During episode #1850 of "The Joe Rogan Experience," released on July 29, podcaster and comedian Joe Rogan made a powerful claim about convicted, and now deceased, sexual abuser and trafficker of women and children, Jeffrey Epstein.  Rogan said, "Whoever was running it — whether it was the Mossad, or whether it was CIA, or whether it was a combination of both — it was an intelligence operation.  They were bringing in people and compromising them."  This statement gained national media attention, and I thought to myself, "Has anyone ever asked the CIA directly whether Epstein was involved with it?"  The question isn't beyond the pale, and many have considered the idea both publicly and privately over the years.  Eric Weinstein, physicist, podcaster, and managing director of Thiel Capital, has repeatedly asked about connections between Jeffrey Epstein and intelligence communities.

Ghislaine Maxwell moved to cushy Florida prison that offers yoga and Pilates.  Ghislaine Maxwell has been transferred to a cushy low-security federal prison in north Florida to serve out her 20-year sex trafficking sentence for procuring teen girls to be abused by her and late financier Jeffrey Epstein.  The British socialite, 60, is now residing at the Tallahassee Federal Correctional Institution, which houses about 755 female inmates, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons database.  Other notable prisoners who've called the sprawling brick complex home include Russian spy Maria Butina, terrorist Colleen LaRose a.k.a.  "Jihad Jane" and nursing home serial killer Catherine May Wood.

Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred to Low Security Prison With Comfy Cells, Yoga and Movies.  Despite being sentenced to meet her 75th birthday in prison, the 60-year-old socialite is now likely to 'celebrate' the occasion in a fairly comfortable environment after being found guilty of sex trafficking minors.  British socialite and sex convict Jeffrey Epstein's accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, will spend 15 years of her imprisonment in a low-security prison in Florida, which boasts of dormitory housing instead of grim cells, as well as a range of "indoor and outdoor activities" available to inmates.

Epstein Accomplice to Serve Out Sentence in Cushy Florida Prison.  For many Americans, the current version of our penal system is far too lenient on those who would sexually exploit children, and the latest twist to the tale of Ghislaine Maxwell is likely to drive that point home once again.  Maxwell was an accomplice of the infamous Jeffrey Epstein — a child sex trafficker whose close acquaintances included high level politicians, billionaires, and the Hollywood elite.  Maxwell is believed to have been Epstein's right hand woman, doing the dastardly deed of recruiting these underage sexual slaves.  Now, after being sentenced to 20 years in prison, Maxwell is headed to a fairly cushy prison in Florida.  Ghislaine Maxwell has been transferred to a cushy low-security federal prison in north Florida to serve out her 20-year sex trafficking sentence for procuring teen girls to be abused by her and late financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Ghislaine Maxwell Appeals Verdict, Sentence In Sex Trafficking Case.  Convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell has filed an appeal of both her conviction and sentence.  Maxwell was found guilty in federal court for her role in trafficking young women for the sexual pleasure of her employer and one-time romantic partner, Jeffrey Epstein.  In December, Maxwell was convicted on five counts of sex trafficking, including one count involving a minor.  On June 28, she was sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined $750,000.

After Ghislaine Maxwell's Insultingly Low Sentence, Lawyers Demand FBI Go After Epstein's Clients.  On Tuesday, as TFTP predicted, Ghislaine Maxwell was handed down a sentence that was 30 years less than prosecutors were asking.  Thanks to U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan — who has been granting Maxwell special treatment throughout her prosecution — Maxwell could be out of prison in less than a decade with good behavior.  As we reported back in March of 2021, Maxwell's privilege began to show through as her requests to redact evidence were allowed.  Judge Nathan issued a ruling on redactions that Maxwell had asked for regarding transcripts the government filed under seal in February 2021.  According to the judge, the evidence was too "sensational and impure" to reveal to the public.  "Those portions of the transcript, which were redacted in the civil matter, concern privacy interests and their disclosure would merely serve to cater to a 'craving for that which is sensational and impure,'" Nathan wrote in the order.

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein confidante, hit with 20 years for sex-trafficking teen girls.  Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced Tuesday [6/28/2022] to 20 years in prison for procuring teenage girls to be sexually abused by late financier Jeffrey Epstein after calling him a "manipulative, cunning and controlling man."  A jury found Maxwell guilty in December after a month-long trial of recruiting and grooming teenage girls for sexual encounters with her and Epstein between 1994 and 2004 at the late billionaire's mansions and estates in Manhattan, New Mexico, Florida and the Virgin Islands.  Before the sentence was handed down, Maxwell addressed the court.  "I believe that Jeffrey Epstein was a manipulative, cunning and controlling man who lived a profoundly compartmentalized life and filled all of those in his orbit," said Maxwell, 60, who wore blue prison scrubs.

Ghislaine Maxwell on suicide watch, though she isn't suicidal, attorney says.  Ghislaine Maxwell, the late Jeffrey Epstein's former girlfriend and confidant, was placed on suicide watch, even though she is not suicidal, according to her attorney.  Attorney Bobbi Sternheim said in a letter Saturday that his client, who is being held in a federal detention center in Brooklyn, may need to postpone her sentencing, set to take place on Monday.  Prosecutors requested that Maxwell, 60, be sentenced to a minimum of 30 years and up to 55 years in prison for her role in recruiting and grooming young women to be sexually abused by Epstein.

The Editor says...
Now is the time to check the cameras around her cell.  After she is found dead, the cameras will also be found dead.

Prosecutors: Ghislaine Maxwell should face 30 to 55 years in prison.  Federal prosecutors are advocating that Jeffrey Epstein's former alleged fixer Ghislaine Maxwell get a long prison sentence.  The prosecution has requested that Maxwell be sentenced to a minimum of 30 years and up to 55 years in prison for her involvement in Epstein's multiple crimes, according to a sentencing memorandum filed on Wednesday.

Ghislaine Maxwell claims inmate was paid to 'strangle her in her sleep'.  Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers are arguing that the former Jeffery Epstein associate should be sentenced to "well below" the recommended 20 years imprisonment for federal sex-trafficking crimes because of an alleged death threat from another inmate.  On Dec. 29, Maxwell was convicted of charges including sex trafficking and conspiracy to recruit women and girls, some who were just 14 years old, into Epstein's orbit for him to sexually abuse.  She maintains her innocence.  Maxwell's lawyers provided details of the alleged death threat in a pre-sentencing report Wednesday.  They also made the case that Maxwell suffered an abusive upbringing, which made her vulnerable to Epstein's influence, in arguing for leniency in her sentencing.

New Death Scene Photos Of Woman Linked To Dead Bill Clinton Advisor Spark Calls For New Inquiry.  The family of a top advisor to Bill Clinton who admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House multiple times during his presidency is pulling out all the stops to keep details of his mysterious death becoming public.  They have petitioned a judge to prevent pictures of Mark Middleton's death scene being released under the Freedom of Information Act.  And now the local Arkansas sheriff is interpreting that to mean he can't talk or release any details of Middleton's May 7 suicide. [...] Ashley Haynes was found drowned in the Arkansas River with an extension cord knotted to her ankle and attached to a concrete block — just months before Clinton moneyman Mark Middleton was found dead.  A renowned forensic expert says he cannot rule out "foul play" in the death of an Arkansas woman who is linked to the mysterious suicide of the former presidential advisor who introduced President Bill Clinton to billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.  Famed pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht reached the shocking conclusion after reviewing exclusively obtained documents and shocking crime scene photographs of the 47-year-old model, who was once seen by a witness meeting Middleton to discuss a financial matter.

Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene.  The family of a top advisor to Bill Clinton who admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House multiple times during his presidency is pulling out all the stops to keep details of his mysterious death becoming public.  They have petitioned a judge to prevent pictures of Mark Middleton's death scene being released under the Freedom of Information Act.  And now the local Arkansas sheriff is interpreting that to mean he can't talk or release any details of Middleton's May 7 suicide.

Family of Clinton Advisor Found Hanging From Tree with Shotgun Blast to Chest Blocks Release of Files Detailing Grisly Death Scene.  Another Clinton advisor is dead.  Mark Middleton, Bill Clinton's special advisor from Little Rock, Arkansas who connected the former president to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died at the age of 59 in early May.  At first, no details of Middleton's death were disclosed, however, the case was blown wide open after a FOIA request by Radar Online revealed the former advisor was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest.

Investigation Into Death Of Clinton Advisor Linked To Epstein Reopened.  The bizarre suicide death of Bill Clinton's former advisor linked to billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein is now an "OPEN" investigation, Radar can exclusively report.  The stunning turn of events comes after a series of explosive stories questioning the suicide death of Clinton moneyman, Mark Middleton, who was found May 7 hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast through his chest and an extension cord around his neck. learned about the surprise twist after it filed a Freedom of Information request with the Perry County Sheriff's Department demanding copies of the police report and crime scene photos of grisly death in a 1,100-acre farm linked to the former president just outside Perryville, Arkansas.  In an email reply, Sheriff Scott Montgomery tells Radar he cannot release the police report because the once open-and-shut case is an active investigation.

Elon Is Asking Some Big Questions About the Media, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell.  I mentioned the other day that one of the reasons many Americans are intrigued by Elon Musk is that he is plain-speaking and says what is on the minds of a lot of people.  That unsettles the folks in power who don't like people willing to challenge the narrative. [...] Musk is not shy about taking on what seem like taboo subjects to the liberal media.  On Saturday, he brought up a good question that many of us have likely had — why haven't we seen the client list from Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?  [Tweets]  But Musk raises an even bigger question — you would think this would be a big thing for the media to cover, and that they'd be going all-in trying to get a copy of the list.  Yet again, they don't seem at all interested.  Are they afraid of antagonizing the people on the list?  Or are their bosses on the list?  It isn't only about holding Maxwell accountable; if these people were involved in assaulting underage girls, then they need to be exposed as well.

Former Clinton Special Adviser Who Admitted Epstein to WH Seven Times Dies.  Mark Middleton — who used to be a special assistant to President Bill Clinton and was a finance director on his presidential campaign — passed away on Saturday, according to an announcement from his family.  Middleton was only 59 years old, and the cause of death was not revealed.  According to the Daily Mail, in addition to running an air conditioning business that was one of the largest HVAC providers in Arkansas for many years, Middleton was the man who admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House complex on seven of the 17 occasions that he visited.  He also flew on Epstein's plane and "appears to have acted as a conduit between the two men." [...] The Pulaski County (Arkansas) Sheriff's office said they had not responded to Middleton's death, and neither had the county coroner, according to their offices.  So the cause is not clear.

Bill Clinton's special advisor who let Jeffrey Epstein into the White House seven times and flew on the Lolita Express dies at 59.  One of Bill Clinton's former special advisors who helped cement his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein has died at the age of 59, becoming the latest associate of the former President to die young.  Mark Middleton's family said that he passed away on Saturday in a statement which did not reveal the cause of death.  The father-of-two lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, and local law enforcement and the county coroner told that they were not investigating the death and did not respond to it.

Bill Clinton Advisor, Who Was Close Friend of Jeffrey Epstein, Found Dead.  Mark Middleton, a former special advisor to Bill Clinton during his presidency who was known for cementing the president's friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, has been found dead.  He was 59 and becomes the latest figure close to the Clintons and Epstein to die young without an announced cause of death.  As special advisor to the president, Middleton was responsible for inviting Jeffrey Epstein to the White House at least 17 times.  Middleton also flew on Epstein's notorious private jet, dubbed the "Lolita Express", and is widely credited with introducing the former president to the convicted pedophile.

Musk Demands Answers on Epstein 'Client List': 'Shouldn't at Least One of Them Go Down!?'  Back in December, Twitter censored and suspended a Twitter account that was following the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell and providing detailed coverage.  Apparently, liberals working behind closed doors at the tech giant weren't happy about this activity on the social platform.  One person said, "It is also 'interesting' that the account tracking the 's trial got banned when it gained traction.  Lovely people indeed."  Billionaire Elon Musk chimed in and called for the list of Epstein clients to be released.  It's widely speculated that influential people are working to keep Epstein's client list hidden who allegedly had sexual relations with underage females.

Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Makes Bold Statement About Jeffrey Epstein.  Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake gives the impression that she wants to be the southwest state's Ron DeSantis.  Lake is a straightshooter with the seeming presence of a spine and moral compass. [...] How many politicians have publicly questioned [Jeffrey] Epstein's death?  How many aspiring politicians have done so as well?  Even a no-nonsense guy like DeSantis has generally refrained from wading into those murky waters.  Taking a loud stance against the obvious immoral corruption within elitist circles is exactly what we need to see leaders do.  Otherwise, they are simply part of the problem.

Unrelated news - completely off-topic, I'm sure:
Reputed federal informant, whistleblower found dead in L.A. after he's reported missing.  A reputed federal informant and whistleblower who went missing after reportedly turning over a trove of secret files about Deutsche Bank was found dead at a Los Angeles school earlier this week, a police official said Wednesday [4/27/2022].  The body of Valentin Broeksmit, 46, was found Monday at Woodrow Wilson High School shortly before 7 a.m., Sgt. Rudy Perez of the Los Angeles School Police Department said in an email.  Records with the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner do not list a cause of death.  Los Angeles Police Department Capt. Kenneth Cabrera told the Los Angeles Times that authorities do not suspect foul play.

Judge rejects Ghislaine Maxwell's bid for new trial.  A federal judge rejected a new trial for Ghislaine Maxwell, who argued her sex trafficking case was tainted after it was revealed that one juror did not disclose he was a victim of child sex abuse.  Judge Alison Nathan of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York upheld Maxwell's conviction in a decision Friday [4/1/2022].  "His failure to disclose his prior sexual abuse during the jury selection process was highly unfortunate, but not deliberate," Nathan wrote.  "The Court further concludes that Juror 50 harbored no bias toward the Defendant and could serve as a fair and impartial juror."

The Democrats have a pedo problem.  Empirically and factually, an overwhelming majority of public figures who are confirmed and aspiring pedophiles (along with pedo-friendly corporations like Disney) are progressive Democrats in terms of political orientation.  All of this is hushed up by our progressive media, and thanks to progressive privilege, virtually nobody is ever prosecuted or punished.  Why is it never a national scandal when Democrats routinely prey on young children?  Simple — because the progressive media protect Democrats far better than Rome's Praetorian guard ever protected any of the Caesars.  If Jeffrey Epstein's client roster had been chock-full of identifiable Republicans (instead of Democrats from Bill Clinton to Bill Gates to Bill Richardson — we knew nothing!), or if FOX News producers were outed as skeevy pedo perverts, the earsplitting cacophony from the media would be maximally amped with hysterical shrieks of sustained, collective outrage.  Moreover, if the progressive Epstein had instead been a prominent conservative donor and activist, he would've been rightly imprisoned decades ago.  Perhaps he would even be alive today rather than conveniently dead.

It's Been 80 Days Since Maxwell's Conviction and Not a Single Child Rapist Client Has Been Arrested.  Its been nearly three months since a jury found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on 5 of the 6 counts of luring and grooming underage girls for sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile cohorts.  Due to the nature of her charges, Maxwell could face a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison. [...] US District Judge Alison J. Nathan has stated that Maxwell will be sentenced on June 28 and we've heard nothing else since.  Despite the high profile nature of Maxwell's conviction and the deep desire by those paying attention to see her customers held accountable, coverage of her situation in the mainstream media became non-existent.

Juror No. 50 Pleads the Fifth, Is Granted Immunity in Maxwell Trial.  Juror No. 50, who's at the center of a possible mistrial in the Ghislaine Maxwell sex-trafficking case, appeared in federal court on March 8 where he plead the Fifth Amendment — the Constitutional right to refuse to answer questions in order to avoid incriminating himself.  The Honorable Alison J. Nathan, the judge who presided over the case in December, granted him immunity from prosecution with the exception of perjury.  "You need to answer my questions today and you need to answer truthfully," she instructed the juror, who chose not to disclose his actual name.  Soon after the jury's Dec. 29 guilty verdict on five of six counts of sex trafficking of a minor, Juror No. 50 stated publicly he was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and had made this known to his fellow jurors during deliberations.  At the center of the issue is the questionnaire potential jurors filled out prior to selection.

Twitter Blows Up After Shocking Match of Suspect Sketch for Madeleine McCann Disappearance with Ghislaine Maxwell.  Internet sleuths were buzzing in December with a new theory regarding the alleged crimes of Ghislaine Maxwell.  Those theories posit that Maxwell may have been involved in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.  According to BBC News, McCann went missing from a holiday apartment in Praia de Luz, Portugal, on May 3, 2007, shortly before her fourth birthday.  Despite her case being one of the most heavily reported on at the time, her whereabouts continue to remain unknown.

Jean-Luc Brunel dead — Disgraced Epstein 'pimp' was in single cell and NO cameras recorded his prison 'suicide'.  Jeffrey Epstein pal Jean-Luc Brunel's death was not caught on camera and he was in a single occupancy cell at the time, sources said.  Brunel died in circumstances eerily similar to his paedo friend Epstein as he also hung himself in prison while awaiting trial for sex crimes.  He was being held at La Santé in Paris — one of the toughest jails in France — when he is reported to have taken his own life last night.

Jeffrey Epstein's friend Jean-Luc Brunel 'commits suicide' in prison — video camera not on.  The French modelling agent was accused of procuring more than 1,000 women and girls for the paedophile financier to sleep with.  The 74-year-old's apparent suicide happened in a part of a Paris prison where the security cameras were reportedly not working.  It echos the controversial circumstances surrounding Epstein's death in a New York prison in August 2019.

Another Convenient Epstein Suicide.  Financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein died in a Manhattan prison in August of 2019 under very mysterious circumstances.  He was awaiting trial on additional charges when he supposedly committed "suicide" by hanging himself, although he told a prison psychologist, he would never take his own life.  To make matters even more suspicious, the video of his cell during the time of his death was conveniently "lost."  The prison guards on duty that night were reportedly playing video games and asleep, unaware that the most high-profile inmate in prison history was taking his own life.  Since these revelations, speculation has been rampant that Epstein did not commit "suicide" but was killed.  The theory is that powerful individuals wanted Epstein dead so he would not talk.  His "black book" reportedly contained the names of well-known celebrities, as well as business and political leaders who were involved in his worldwide underage sex ring.  This convenient "suicide" has now been followed by another one less than three years later.

Jeffrey Epsteins Pedo-Pal Also Found Dead in Prison by 'Clintoncide', Camera's were Disabled at the Time.  The cover-up continues!  Now Jeffrey Epsteins pedo buddy has also been found dead in his prison cell, the cameras at the time were 'not working' aka were disabled... just like what happened to Epstein.  The people who will be exposed if Epstein and Jean-Luc Brunel went to court made sure their secrets are safe since dead men don't talk.  [Video clip — Narration sounds like a text-to-speech converter.]

Jean-Luc Brunel, held on suspicion of supplying girls to Epstein, found hanged.  The former boss of a French model agency accused of rape and under investigation on suspicion of supplying underage girls to the late American financier Jeffrey Epstein has been found dead in prison.  The body of Jean-Luc Brunel, 75, was reportedly found hanging in his cell in the early hours of Saturday.  The French prosecutors' office confirmed the report and said an inquiry had been opened into the exact cause of death, but early indications pointed to suicide.  Brunel was arrested in December 2020 at Charles de Gaulle airport before boarding a plane for Dakar in Senegal where he told police he was going on holiday.  He was officially put under investigation on allegations of the alleged rape of a minor and sexual harassment shortly after his arrest, and was put under a second investigation for the rape of a minor in June last year.

The Great Epstein Cover-Up, Part 2.  Last week, we reviewed our ruling class's strange lack of interest in Jeffrey Epstein's child molestation ring, in which so many of them played a part.  The media cover-up is second only to the government cover-up, with prosecutors delivering loss after loss in cases they've been forced to bring (by the police and the public) against the child molester.  This week, we'll look at the government's long record of zealously trying NOT to unravel the case.  Barry Krischer was the first prosecutor to let Epstein off for child molestation.  The local police presented then-Palm Beach state attorney Krischer with bales of evidence.  They had affidavits from dozens of witnesses:  girls abused by the pederast, the women who recruited them, the butler who cleaned up sex toys after the "massages," as well as records of Epstein's molestation appointments, one delayed because of a victim's "soccer practice."  Pretty much everything we know today about Epstein's sex ring was unearthed by the Palm Beach Police back in 2005 and handed to Krischer on a silver platter.

Maxwell Defense Files Motion for New Trial Over Sex Trafficking Charges.  Ghislaine Maxwell's defense team filed a motion in federal court on Dec. 19 requesting a new trial for the British socialite.  On Dec. 29 Maxwell was found guilty of five out of six sex-trafficking charges on behalf of the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.  Accompanying exhibits for the new trial request are under seal.  At the center of the motion is Juror No. 50, who had recently stated publicly he was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and made this known to his fellow jurors during deliberations.  The prosecution had previously requested there be an inquiry into the juror and the defense had previously requested a new trial.

Prince Andrew's ex says Clinton, Epstein were 'like brothers'.  One of Prince Andrew's well-connected ex-girlfriends has claimed that former President Bill Clinton and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein were so close, they were "like brothers."  "Clinton was definitely very close to Jeffrey," Lady Victoria Hervey, 45, said in the new ITV documentary, "Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Pedophile," which aired in the UK Tuesday night.  The socialite said she got to see the powerful group up close as a longtime pal of Epstein's madam Ghislaine Maxwell, who first introduced her to Andrew.

Uh oh.  Ghislaine Maxwell "will no longer fight to keep names of John Does secret".  This was something that Ed Morrissey was speculating about after we learned that Ghislaine Maxwell had been found guilty at her trial for sex trafficking minors.  All through the process, Maxwell had refused to name any of the high-profile "clients" that she and Jeffrey Epstein procured young girls for.  But now, facing the potential of decades behind bars, would she seek some sort of a deal for a lighter sentence in exchange for naming names?  That may be what we're seeing this weekend.  Her attorneys have informed the court that she will "no longer fight to protect the identity of eight" of their "customers."  And you can bet that there are some very famous people out there who are looking around quite nervously today.

Ghislaine Maxwell Gives Up [her] battle to keep [the] identities of high-profile John Does named in civil lawsuit sealed.  Ghislaine Maxwell has given up on her battle to keep 'vast swathes of information' about her 'sex trafficking operation' with Jeffrey Epstein sealed after alleged victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre requested they be made public.  Attorneys for Giuffre, who has accused Prince Andrew of sexual abuse, asked Judge Loretta Preska Wednesday to unseal material from her 2015 civil lawsuit against Maxwell that includes references to eight anonymous John Does.  The individuals are identified in court documents only as 'Non-Parties 17, 53, 54, 55, 56, 73, 93 and 151'.

Jeffrey Epstein brought eight young women with him on his trips to see Bill Clinton at the White House.  Jeffrey Epstein paid more than a dozen visits to the Clinton White House throughout the former president's first few years in office — even bringing along with him multiple women, including four known to be his girlfriends, can reveal.  Unearthed visitor logs last month confirmed the late pedophile had visited the Executive Mansion at least 17 times during Bill Clinton's first term, beginning shortly after his inauguration in 1993.  Additional records exclusively obtained by now reveal that Epstein was not always alone during his trips to the White House, where he was joined by eight different women between 1993 and 1995.

The Mystery of Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell Explained.  [Scroll down]  Why were Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell allowed to operate a vast pedophile sex trafficking ring in the United States for decades in plain sight?  How were they able to enjoy the company of Presidents and Prime Ministers?  Or stay at the private retreats of English monarchs?  Why were the rooms in Epstein's mansions all wired with closed circuit cameras and filled with recording equipment?  Why do you think disgraced FBI Director Jim Comey's daughter was put in charge of the prosecution of Ghislaine Maxwell in court?  Why was the case against the negligent jail guards dropped entirely?  Why do you think the trial wrapped up so quickly?  Why wasn't it not televised?  These are all the hallmarks of a cover-up — orchestrated at the highest levels of our government.  Epstein and Maxwell were obviously running a classic honeypot operation — he even bragged to some of his victims that he made "blackmail" tapes of powerful people.  All that you have to do is scan Jeffrey Epstein's little black book of contacts to see it clearly:  the Democrat elites in government and media and finance for three decades.

After Maxwell Trial, Epstein Associates Remain Silent.  Many of those connected with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein remain silent in the face of questions after the trial of a close associate, with some entities not even responding to inquiries from the Daily Caller News Foundation.  Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's onetime girlfriend and associate, was convicted on five of six counts in December, including a charge of conspiring to sex-traffic minors.  Epstein, who pled guilty to sex charges in 2008, was arrested in 2019 on sex-trafficking charges and committed suicide while awaiting trial.  The guards on duty at the time of his suicide were charged, but the charges were dropped during Maxwell's trial.  Epstein had extensive ties to celebrities, politicians, and executives, even after he was a convicted sex offender.  Among those who were known to have been close were L Brands founder Les Wexner, film director Woody Allen, and Prince Andrew.  Andrew is perhaps the most famous of Epstein's friends, having met in 1999, according to a 2019 report by the New York Post.  The Duke of York stepped back from royal duties in the wake of an interview with the BBC about his ties with Epstein.

The Great Epstein Cover-Up, Part 1.  Epstein had vast wealth, and we still don't know where it came from.  Normally, the IRS is extremely curious about unexplained flows of riches.  Did the IRS decide in this case, well, he may be a committed and energetic pedophile, but as far as we know, he's a conscientious taxpayer!  Similarly, there are vague claims that he made his money from "investments."  The SEC wasn't the least bit interested in finding out how he got this rich from secretive "investment" services?  And this:  Epstein spent decades aggressively cultivating powerful, important men, quite a few from foreign countries — evidently taping all their activities.  Why wasn't the CIA concerned?  Couldn't he have sold dirt on U.S. politicians to foreign intel agencies?  Finally, it's odd that our government wasn't concerned about how much blackmail material Epstein had gathered on high-level U.S. officials.  Doesn't the FBI try to prevent that sort of situation?  Or the Secret Service?

Disclose Names of Men in Maxwell-Epstein Case.  The conviction of Ghislaine Maxwell on five of six charges of recruiting and grooming teenage girls for sexual encounters with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein is not and should not be the end of the story.  While Maxwell has been held accountable for her actions, the men who engaged in these encounters with underage girls have not, at least not yet.  There is speculation Maxwell could strike a bargain with the court for a reduced sentence if she releases the names and possible videos that Epstein shot of some of the men who traveled to his Caribbean island and New York home.  For too long, too many men have escaped accountability for their liaisons with prostitutes and underage girls.  While some have faced criminal charges, most appear to have escaped full accountability.  When police arrest prostitutes, the "johns" too often go free, or pay a fine and avoid publicity.  Perhaps one way to discourage this sleazy behavior is to return to a past practice that seemed to work as a deterrent.

Coincidental or not, dropping criminal charges against Epstein's prison guards sends a message to Ghislaine Maxwell the day after her conviction.  So far as the public has been told, Ghislaine Maxwell has not offered any evidence against the other men who had illicit sex with the underage girls she procured for Epstein's stable of sex slaves.  If we are to believe that some of the rich, famous, and powerful people known to have associated with Epstein in his various residences, including "Orgy Island," could be implicated by Maxwell in a plea bargain agreement to reduce her sentence, then she has every reason to fear for her safety in federal custody.  The message being sent by the light punishment for the prison guards whose negligence enabled Epstein's death is pretty clear.  If Maxwell were to "commit suicide" or "have an accident," any guards implicated in negligence permitting such a death may face minimal consequences.

Ghislaine Maxwell's brother says she won't rat out for lighter sentence.  Ghislaine Maxwell is a convicted sex offender and disgraced British socialite — but she's no rat, her brother tells The Sunday Times of London.  "Prosecution confirmed no plea bargain offers were made or received" before the trial, Ian Maxwell said.  "I expect that position to be maintained."   Maxwell, in other words, will not trade names for the prospect of a lighter sentence.

FBI director Christopher Wray allegedly made a hard-to-believe promise.  In one of the more unbelievable statements from someone working in the American government, FBI Director Christopher Wray has allegedly sworn that his agency will bring down the bad guys named in Ghislaine Maxwell's little black book.  Those pedophiles are toast, right?  Well, I have my doubts.  To the extent that the FBI has seemed to take it upon itself to be a protector and enforcer for the Democrat party, the only way I see it following up on the evildoers whom Ghislaine knew is if they pose a threat to Democrat party political dominance. [...] In the case of people who indulged their desires for underage sex on Jeffrey Epstein's island, the FBI doesn't have to set people up in order to catch them.  Instead, it has in its possession all Ghislaine Maxwell's information about the people she and Epstein hosted on the island or at his other properties, including her infamous little black book.  (None of these people were named at Maxwell's trial, thanks to an agreement between the prosecution and the defense.)

Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted.  Who is next?  The victims see justice for abuse that went on, if we are to believe the government, from 1994 to 2004.  Crimes against minors that the DOJ had knowledge of way back in 2007, if not earlier.  Years of inaction dating back to the George W. Bush administration.  That is, until the DOJ decided it was getting bad press about the Epstein non-prosecution agreement and needed to change the conversation.  To put all this into perspective, Maxwell is now 60 years-old.  She will finally serve time — perhaps for the rest of her life — for the crimes she started to commit at the age of 33. [...] The DOJ pats itself on the back for finally securing a conviction.  The Southern District of New York (SDNY) gave credit to its prosecutors and promised it "will always stand with victims, will always follow the facts wherever they lead, and will always fight to ensure that no one, no matter how powerful and well connected, is above the law."  Dare I say don't believe them. [...] The good thing about the Maxwell conviction was that justice was done.  The bad thing — that which has been a pattern of governmental misconduct — is the very real possibility that the DOJ will use this conviction to close the book on the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein and his associates.

Justice Department ditches case against Jeffrey Epstein jail guards.  The Department of Justice moved to drop its case against two Bureau of Prison workers who admitted to falsifying logs and were accused of sleeping and browsing the internet instead of monitoring jet-setting financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein the night he allegedly killed himself in his prison cell.  Nicolas Roos, an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, told a federal court that prosecutors want to drop the charges entirely.  He said the DOJ filing of a "nolle prosequi," a Latin phrase indicating that prosecutors have decided to abandon the prosecution of a case, "will dispose of this case" against the guards.

Oh, good!  Now they can get back to work, "guarding" Ghislaine Maxwell.
U.S. ends case against Jeffrey Epstein's jail guards.  U.S. prosecutors decided to end their criminal case against two Manhattan jail guards who admitted to falsifying records on the night the financier Jeffrey Epstein killed himself on their watch.  In a Thursday [12/30/2021] filing in Manhattan federal court, prosecutors asked a judge to dismiss claims against Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, after both complied with the six-month deferred prosecution agreements they agreed to in May.  Epstein was found hanging in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on Aug. 10, 2019, while awaiting trial for sex trafficking, in what New York City's medical examiner called a suicide.

After Maxwell Verdict People Wonder, How Is Bill Clinton Not in Prison?  On Wednesday evening [12/29/2021] a jury found socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, the former girlfriend to convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein, guilty on five counts related to sex trafficking and abuse of minors.  Maxwell, who just turned 60, will spend the rest of her life behind bars.  "Judge Nathan did not set a date for Ms. Maxwell to be sentenced.  On the most serious of the counts for which she was convicted — sex trafficking of minors — she could face up to 40 years in prison.  Another count carries a potential 10-year sentence, and the three others, all conspiracy counts, carry sentences of up to five years each," the New York Times reports.  Given the jury's findings, questions are being raised about a lack of consequences for the men who benefitted from Maxwell's behavior.  Former President Bill Clinton was one of them and visited Epstein's private island, where much of the abuse took place, multiple times.

They do not want Ghislaine to sing.  Jazz Shaw tweeted, "Still don't understand why she never cut a deal.  Probably could have walked if she'd agreed to turn state's witness against other perpetrators."  Prosecutors do not want her to sing.  Either spoken or likely unspoken, the deal was you stand trial, you do not sing, and you will not face Arkancide.  If anything in the Trump era has taught us anything, it is that federal law enforcement exists to protect the elitists and frame dissidents. [...] The FBI likely has all of Epstein's blackmail evidence.

Epstein Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty in Sex Trafficking Trial.  Maxwell was stoic and showed no visible reaction when the verdict was read.  She knew what was coming.  The evidence against her was overwhelming and powerful.  [Video clip]

Jury convicts Ghislaine Maxwell — so who's next?  It took many hours of deliberation, but a jury finally reached a verdict in the trial of the year — one that should have been the trial of the year ten years ago.  Ghislaine Maxwell could face decades in prison for sex trafficking of minors after getting convicted of five out of six counts in her indictment.  As NBC News reports, Jeffrey Epstein's literal partner in crime might also face a new trial for two counts of perjury[.]

Prince Andrew's lawyers reportedly in 'emergency talks' after Maxwell guilty verdict.  Prince Andrew's lawyers were locked in emergency talks overnight after Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted in New York for recruiting and grooming underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein, a new report said.  The British socialite's guilty verdict Wednesday evening sent fear rippling through the embattled royal's legal team as he battles sexual assault allegations leveled against him in a civil lawsuit filed in Manhattan, the Mirror reported.  Accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre has alleged the Duke of York sexually abused her when she was 17 after she was trafficked by Epstein and Maxwell.  Prince Andrew's legal team is weighing whether to call one of the accusers who testified as a prosecution witness during Maxwell's trial to help in his civil case, legal sources told the outlet.

Ghislaine Maxwell convicted in Epstein sex abuse case.  The British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted Wednesday of luring teenage girls to be sexually abused by the American millionaire Jeffrey Epstein.  The verdict capped a month[-]long trial featuring sordid accounts of the sexual exploitation of girls as young as 14, told by four women who described being abused as teens in the 1990s and early 2000s at Epstein's palatial homes in Florida, New York and New Mexico.

Ghislaine Maxwell's Sex Trafficking Trial Could Set New Legal Standard For Willful Ignorance.  The federal sex-trafficking case against Ghislaine Maxwell could set a legal precedent for defendants accused of willfully turning a blind eye to sexual crimes against children.  The prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein's accused accomplice in a New York federal courtroom opened with media proclamations of the "trial of the century" and unfolded with prosecutors presenting salacious accusations and defense attorneys offering contradictory testimonies.  But the biggest legal bombshell may have come during the judge's instructions to the jury.  U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan gave the green light for the jury to find Maxwell guilty if jurors believed she "consciously avoided" knowledge of Epstein's sexual encounters with teen-age girls.  The judge based her decision on the defense team's opening argument that Maxwell was unaware of Epstein's sexual crimes.  In other words, Maxwell's defense could be the tipping point for her conviction if the jury relies upon the judge's instructions.

Why Julian Assange fears being 'Epsteined'.  If America's so free and fair, why is Julian Assange, innocent under natural law, so terrified of being extradited to the USA?  And why must journalist Glenn Greenwald live abroad, after heroically helping whistleblower Edward Snowden, now safely ensconced in Russia?  American heroes living abroad for fear of the American Security State?  Time perhaps to shut up about China?  In 2010, Snowden had shared internal NSA documents with Mr. Greenwald, the guardian of American freedoms at the British Guardian newspaper.  Facilitated by Greenwald, Snowden divulged that the National Security Agency boasted of having "direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple, Yahoo, PalTalk, YouTube in 2010; Skype and AOL, and other servers."  It transpired that, contrary to what you'd been told by officials under oath, "the world's largest surveillance organization" can and does "obtain targeted communications without having to request them from the service providers and without having to obtain individual court orders."

"An Acquittal Wouldn't Surprise Me": Lawyers Ask Why Just Four Epstein Accusers Were Called During Maxwell Trial.  Now that the Ghislaine Maxwell sex-trafficking trial is in the hands of the jury, lawyers representing some of Epstein's accusers are asking why just four victims were called by prosecutors (led by the daughter of former FBI Director James Comey).  "They had a mountain of evidence that they could have brought," said attorney Adam Horowitz, who has represented several Epstein victims, noting that the prosecution "had a very difficult burden and didn't seem to put on as much evidence forward as I thought they would have."  Maxwell, who was Epstein's former girlfriend an subordinate, has been charged with grooming and enticing underage girls for sexual abuse by the convicted pedophile and his friends.  He was found dead in a jail cell in 2019 while awaiting his own trial for sex-trafficking, according to Bloomberg.

Evidence from Jeffrey Epstein's safe 'went missing' after FBI raid, court hears in Ghislaine Maxwell trial.  An FBI special agent testified to a New York court in Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking trial on Monday that evidence "went missing" from Jeffrey Epstein's New York townhouse while authorities were waiting on a warrant.  Special Agent Kelly Maguire recalled how CDs and other items were recovered by the FBI from a locked safe during an initial search of the Manhattan home on July 6 and July 7, 2019, after Epstein's arrest on sex assault charges.  The FBI agent said officers broke open the safe with a saw, finding the CDs, jewellery, computer hard drives, "loose diamonds", passports and "large amounts of US currency."  They took photographs of the items, but left them at the residence as they did not have the warrant to remove them.  When they returned four days later, on July 11, they were no longer there.

The Editor says...
[#1] Why didn't the FBI have a warrant in hand before they started attacking the safe with a saw?  [#2] It takes four days for the FBI to get a warrant?  [#3] If you had a mountain of cash in a safe, and the FBI cut a hole in it, but couldn't legally remove anything from it, wouldn't you take the loot and put it somewhere else?  Of course it "went missing."

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, And The Left's Opposing Narrative.  Jeffrey Epstein, and by extension Ghislaine Maxwell, cavorted with some of the most influential men in the world, and the majority of those men either align with leftist ideals or outright represent them.  And while they were doing so, Epstein and perhaps his fellow cavorters were having sex with children.  The most implicated and famous Epstein associate is, of course, Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton, who traveled with Epstein on his hedonistic Lolita Express dozens of times, though there's no direct evidence that Clinton participated in the shenanigans.  Yet. [...] For our mainstream media, the problem with the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell is that it doesn't fit any of their narratives.  In fact, it contradicts them.  A story about a QAnon devotee fits their narrative that everyone right of center is a complete whack job and belongs in prison.  A story about voter fraud normally would contradict their storyline that the phenomenon doesn't exist, but if it involves a trio in a conservative state, then it works just fine.  But the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial?  Oh no, that's off limits.

Here's Why You Aren't Allowed to Watch the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial.  The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, the socialite who stands accused of procuring young girls for the sex predator Jeffrey Epstein, began last week.  Though the mainstream media has not focused as heavily on this case as other high-profile trials in recent months, the proceedings have certainly not been forgotten by the general public.  But much to the chagrin of that public, the trial will not be filmed.  Some have even painted this fact in a conspiratorial light, a tint that has surrounded much of the story around Epstein, his death, and now Maxwell's trial.  More specifically, many believe high-ranking officials across multiple governments and celebrities were caught up in the sex ring Epstein allegedly ran, and that the powers that be within our government are invested in preventing these details from coming to light.

The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Tracker Twitter Account Did Not Kill Itself.  Federal courts are not televised (for reasons that are not good enough, in my opinion).  Because of that, the trial of Jeffrey Epstein's girlfriend and madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, who is charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy, is being held behind closed doors.  Everyone knows that this is better for the powers that be, but we aren't allowed to talk about it.  And speaking of the things we aren't allowed to say, the Twitter account with half a million followers called @TrackerTrial got suspended for... well, we're not sure... but you know.

Twitter Blacklists Account Providing Updates on Ghislaine Maxwell Trial.  Twitter has blacklisted an account posting courtroom updates from the trial of Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell, who is accused of sex trafficking minors.  The popular account's suspension comes amid a wide-ranging purge of anonymous accounts from new CEO Parag Agrawal's platform.  An account set up to monitor the investment portfolio of house speaker Nancy Pelosi following insider trading allegations was also taken down.

Maxwell, Epstein, Clinton
Jeffrey Epstein visited Clinton White House at least 17 times: report.  Jeffrey Epstein visited the White House at least 17 times in the early years of President Bill Clinton's administration, according to a new report published Thursday [12/2/2021].  Visitor logs show the wealthy convicted pedophile — who died from an apparent suicide in his jail cell in 2019 — even visited the Clinton White House twice on the same day three different times, The Daily Mail reported.  In one visit on Sept. 29, 1993, Epstein attended an event where he and his alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell were photographed alongside Clinton after the financier donated $10,000 to help renovate the building.  It's not clear if Epstein, who killed himself in his jail cell in 2019, actually met or interacted with Clinton during his other visits, and the former president wasn't in the building for at least a few of Epstein's trips there, the Mail said.

Jeffrey Epstein's access to the Clinton White House laid bare.  Jeffrey Epstein's access to the Clinton White House has been laid bare by visitor logs exclusively obtained by, which reveal the pedophile visited at least 17 times during the former president's first few years in office.  Epstein, who died in 2019, visited Bill Clinton at the Executive Mansion over the course of three years with the first invitation coming just a month after his inauguration in January 1993.  The logs show the late financier showed up on 14 separate days, even making two visits in a single day on three different occasions.  Epstein was invited by some of Clinton's most senior advisers and aides, including one who later served as Treasury Secretary, according to records.

Bill Clinton traveled with Ghislaine Maxwell, per Secret Service documents:  Report.  Former President Bill Clinton took a trip with Ghislaine Maxwell to India in 2003, according to Secret Service records obtained by Judicial Watch.  The conservative watchdog filed a Freedom of Information Act request asking for information regarding trips the 42nd President may have taken with the British socialite.  Maxwell was a close friend to the now-deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and is currently on trial for sex trafficking.  The November 2003 records consist of emails that depict Maxwell's and Clinton's travel plans from "Agra, India to Los Angeles, CA (via Japan for fuel stop)."

As Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Opens — FAA Accidentally Reveals Over 700 Previous Unknown Jeffrey Epstein Flights.  As the trial for Ghislaine Maxwell opens, the Federal Aviation Administration accidentally revealed data on over 700 previous unknown Jeffrey Epstein flights on private jets.  Maxwell is known for her close association with financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who died in jail in New York City.  According to Insider, the records reveal 704 previously unknown flights taken by Epstein's planes.  These include hundreds of trips from a three-year gap in the public record, from 2013 to 2016, when the jets' movements were unaccounted for.

James Comey's Daughter Is Lead Prosecutor On Accused Epstein.  Former FBI Director James Comey's daughter, Maurene Comey, will serve as lead prosecutor in the sex-trafficking trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, a British socialite accused of serving as a madam for deceased accused child sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.  Ms. Comey had also served as part of a team of federal prosecutors in the Epstein case. [...] Is there an issue with having a member of a partisan family serving as prosecutor for a sex-trafficking trial with players linked to numerous high-profile names — many of whom are Democrats?  For instance, former President Bill Clinton, the husband of the younger Comey's preference for President, had traveled on Epstein's jet — known as the 'Lolita Express' — 26 separate times, according to a Fox News analysis.  Other analyses of flight logs led to claims of fewer trips, but there is no denying he traveled on the plane.

James Comey's daughter is a lead prosecutor in Ghislaine Maxwell's child sex trafficking case.  Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell have brought plenty of familiar faces along with them into the spotlight, including Prince Andrew and former Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton.  But one newcomer is 32-year-old Maurene Comey.  The daughter of former FBI director James Comey, Maurene Comey is one of the three lead prosecutors on the case against Ghislaine Maxwell, whose child sex-trafficking trial is scheduled to begin Monday. [...] She was also one of the lead prosecutors in the case against Jeffrey Epstein before he killed himself in August 2019 while awaiting trial.

Ghislane Maxwell's Attorney Refers to "Former Astronaut Senator" Who Flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express.  On the first day of the federal sex trafficking trial of former Jeffrey Epstein "madame" Ghislane Maxwell, defense attorney Bobbi Sternheim referred to a former astronaut turned US Senator who had flown on Jeffrey Epstein's infamous "Lolita Express" private plane.  [Tweets]  There are five astronauts who later became US Senators, and more who have been elected to the House of Representatives.  This list includes now-deceased John Glenn (R-OH), Harrison "Jack" Schmitt (R-NM), Jake Garn, (R-UT), Bill Nelson (D-FL), and Mark Kelly (D-AZ), the latter being the only among the small group currently serving in the Senate.  Sternheim didn't elaborate on which specific Senator had traveled with Epstein.  All four men had flown in space and obtained fame and publicity by the time Epstein began his trafficking operations in earnest in the 1990's.  Nelson was defeated by Republican Rick Scott in the 2018 midterms.  None of the men are known Epstein associates.

The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial.  [Scroll down]  Will justice be done?  Ask the victims.  The main perpetrator, Jeffrey Epstein, was given a sweetheart deal by state and federal authorities — until he killed himself (allegedly) awaiting trial.  Maxwell's co-conspirators haven't been charged.  What questions are still unanswered?  The extent of Epstein's relationship with the US Government.  Vicky Ward of Rolling Stone was told that "Epstein's dealings in the arms world in the 1980s had led him to work for multiple governments, including the Israelis."  Ward's sources said that Epstein "was known in the intelligence world as a 'hyper-fixer,' somebody who can go between different cultures and networks."  Jeffrey Epstein himself was alleged to have said he "worked for the government to recover stolen funds."  What Epstein did for the US Government (and perhaps other governments) is the question the press ignores and the government doesn't want answered.

James Comey's daughter is a lead prosecutor in Ghislaine Maxwell's child sex trafficking case.  Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell have brought plenty of familiar faces along with them into the spotlight, including Prince Andrew and former Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton.  But one newcomer is 32-year-old Maurene Comey.  The daughter of former FBI director James Comey, Maurene Comey is one of the three lead prosecutors on the case against Ghislaine Maxwell, whose child sex-trafficking trial is scheduled to begin Monday.  Despite her father's history of dominating the news cycle, Maurene Comey has largely stayed out of the spotlight, instead maintaining a low-profile presence.  But she's taken on major cases before Maxwell's trial, including the prosecution of Natalie Edwards, a self-proclaimed Treasury Department whistleblower; and Robert Hadden, a gynecologist accused of sexually abusing dozens of young women.  She was also one of the lead prosecutors in the case against Jeffrey Epstein before he killed himself in August 2019 while awaiting trial.

Ghislaine Maxwell trial: media ignoring the case, hiding it from the public.  Is it fixed?  Epstein didn't kill himself... let's be real.  We all know what's up.  The powers that be have lots of Pedos, and they have billions and will kill if needed to protect themselves.  Money here, money there, gets many executives to shut up and toe the line.  Or else.  [Video clip]

American CEO of Barclays Jes Staley resigns after probe into Epstein ties.  The American boss of one of Britain's biggest banks announced his resignation on Monday [11/1/2021] following an investigation into his ties to late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.  Barclays and its chief executive Jes Staley, 64, learned "the preliminary conclusions" of the investigation by Britain's Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority on Friday evening, the bank said.  "In view of those conclusions, and Mr. Staley's intention to contest them, the Board and Mr. Staley have agreed that he will step down from his role as Group Chief Executive and as a director of Barclays," the bank said Monday.

Revealed: Virginia's Democratic Governor candidate Terry McAuliffe received $200,000 in donations from private equity billionaire Ron Burkle.  A billionaire associate of Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton, whose private jet was nicknamed [...] has donated $200,000 to Terry McAuliffe's campaign to become Democratic governor of Virginia during the past year, according to new financial filings.  They reveal that private equity Ron Burkle, who bought Michael Jackson's former Neverland ranch last year, made a $100,000 donation in September.  That comes on top of a $100,000 contribution at the end of last year, according to data published by the Virginia Department of Elections[.]

A few words about conspiracy theories.  Conspiracy theories are a mixed bag.  Many are outright crazy, colorfully so.  However, some others actually have substance.  Today, what is often labeled a conspiracy theory is nothing more than something the ruling class finds uncomfortable being discussed.  Using their wealth and influence, the elite direct government agencies and their media stooges to ridicule and lambaste any debate that puts them in a bad light.  That's the reality we live in.  Consider this.  A number of conspiracy theories have been floating around from, say, the 1960s. [...] Here's a recent example to make the point.  Remember the "straight-shooting conservative" Bill Barr?  He said that after a "thorough" investigation, his Justice Department determined Jeffrey Epstein's "definitely" committed suicide in his heavily guarded cell at Rikers Island in 2019.  The media accepted that as the "official" version, and now to refute it labels you a conspiracy theorist.  I ask you, is there room to doubt here?

Bill Gates Gives a Super Cringe Answer When Confronted About His Ties to Jeffrey Epstein.  Bill Gates has admitted that it was a "huge mistake" to have ties with Jeffrey Epstein.  Weeks after the extent of those ties became public, the Microsoft founder does not have many answers for inquiring minds — many convincing answers, at least.  In a Tuesday [9/21/2021] interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS, Gates appeared to be caught off-guard by a series of questions relating to Epstein.

Epstein Bombshell:  Feds Ordered to Name Ghislaine Maxwell's Alleged Co-Conspirators.  As Ghislaine Maxwell's trial on sex trafficking nears, federal prosecutors have been ordered to reveal the two currently unnamed alleged co-conspirators who will testify at her trial.  Maxwell, a British socialite, has been charged with procuring underage girls to be abused by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was facing sex trafficking charges at the time of his 2019 death in a Manhattan jail.  Maxwell has pleaded not guilty to a sex trafficking conspiracy charge and an additional sex trafficking charge lodged against her.  Maxwell, 59, has been in custody at a federal prison in Brooklyn since her arrest in July of 2020.

Court Orders Feds to Disclose Identities of Ghislaine Maxwell's "Unnamed Co-Conspirators".  A federal judge ordered the feds to disclose the identities of Ghislaine Maxwell's "unnamed co-conspirators."  Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime pal of Bill Clinton, is currently in federal custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York awaiting trial.  Maxwell worked as Jeffrey Epstein's pimp for years and the DOJ knew they were running girls as young as 12 but they refused to act.  Last month Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe asked US District Judge Alison Nathan, an Obama appointee, to mask the names.

Judge orders Ghislaine Maxwell to turn over secret documents on Clintons.  A judge ordered Ghislaine Maxwell to turn over a trove of secretive documents in the next two weeks, including financial records revealing the "funding received from the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Foundation."  The documents were originally filed in connection with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, an alleged Jeffery Epstein victim, who sued Maxwell for defamation in 2015.  Giuffre claims she was held hostage as Epstein and Maxwell's "sex slave" and trafficked for years.

What Was the Real Relationship Between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates?  As the world now knows, one of the more surprising names to have popped up around Jeffrey Epstein is Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.  It's been widely reported that Gates had flown on Epstein's plane at least once, and visited his home multiple times — but the depth of their relationship is not fully known, and more details are emerging.  The media is rife with speculation that one cause of Gates' recent divorce from his wife Melinda was his relationship with Epstein.  When asked about how they met, a spokesperson for the Gates Foundation told me that many people encouraged Gates to meet with Epstein, suggesting that Epstein would help bring funds into the software entrepreneur's famed philanthropic organization.

Bill Gates acknowledges 'several dinners' with Jeffrey Epstein.  Bill Gates acknowledged having "several" meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender who died in prison, that he says he now regrets.  The Microsoft co-founder was asked to explain his relationship with Epstein, a wealthy financier, and what concerns he had during an interview Wednesday on CNN.  "I had several dinners with him, you know, hoping that what he said about getting billions of philanthropy for global health through contacts that he had might emerge," Gates told anchor Anderson Cooper.  "When it looked like that wasn't a real thing, that relationship ended, but it was a huge mistake to spend time with him, to give him the credibility of, you know, being there.  There were lots of others in that same situation, but I made a mistake," he added.

Bill Gates admits it was a 'huge mistake' to spend time with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and share 'several dinners'.  Bill Gates admitted on Wednesday [8/4/2021] that it was a 'huge mistake' to spend time with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and revealed that they shared 'several dinners.'  Gates, 65, also revealed that his divorce from ex-wife Melinda French Gates 'was a source of great personal sadness' for the Microsoft co-founder in an extensive and wide-ranging interview with Anderson Cooper on his CNN show.  Gates' relationship with Epstein dates back to 2011 but it became a point of contention in September 2013 between him and Melinda — who has been said to have been concerned about his relationship with the convicted pedophile.

Bill Clinton flew with Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell at least TWO additional times.  A new report today [7/15/2021] sheds new light on the dealing of Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton family during the 2000s.  Bill saw Maxwell as a middleman to Epstein, but in return she saw a chance to grow more independently from Jeffrey's world.  What today's news boils down to is that there were more than the 26 flights aboard Epstein's "Lolita Express" jet that happened.  The Daily Mail explained it all, breaking down the newest details from the 'Chasing Ghislaine' broadcast by Vicky Ward.  It's described that the relationship between Maxwell and Clinton was somewhat independent.  While Ghislaine was indeed the middleman between Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, she also began being her own woman in the 2000s.

Ghislaine Maxwell used Bill Clinton to 'escape' from her 'sick partnership' with Jeffrey Epstein.  Bill Clinton took two trips with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein — including one on the pedophile's private jet — that have not been previously disclosed.  A new podcast reveals that the former President flew on Epstein's jet, which was dubbed the 'Lolita Express', in February 2005 while visiting Japan, Taiwan and China.  Clinton also flew on a private jet owned by billionaire Ron Burkle with Maxwell as a passenger during a trip to India in November 2003.  That visit was part of Clinton's work with the Clinton Foundation, his philanthropic initiative, to lower the cost of AIDS drugs.

John McAfee referenced Jeffrey Epstein in suicide tweet last year.  Software tycoon John McAfee, who died from an apparent suicide in a Spanish jail cell Wednesday, sent a cryptic tweet last year that if he was found hanged behind bars like Jeffrey Epstein, "it would be no fault of mine."  "I am content in here.  I have friends," the eccentric entrepreneur tweeted on Oct. 15.  "The food is good.  All is well."  "Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine."  McAfee, 75, was found hanging in his Barcelona cell Wednesday, just hours after a Spanish court ruled that he would be extradited to the US to face federal tax evasion charges.

The Editor says...
At the moment, I don't know of any connection between John McAfee and the Clintons, or between Mr. McAfee and Jeffrey Epstein.  However, it is odd that Mr. McAfee and Mr. Epstein ostensibly died in the same manner, right under the guards' noses, whether or not for the same reasons.  Also the security cameras failed at exactly the wrong time, by sheer coincidence, as they often do in cases like this.  For example, the alleged suicide of Jean-Luc Brunel, the recent mass shooting in a New York City subway, the still-unexplained Las Vegas mass shooting a few years ago, the 9/11/2001 attack at the Pentagon, and the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.  In the Oklahoma City case, the cameras worked, but all the footage was recorded on video cassettes, which were all rounded up and then "lost" by the FBI.  Exploration of the John McAfee rabbit trail is left to the reader as an exercise: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

Guard Dooty.  To the shock of legal scholars, it turns out that Justice isn't necessarily blind after all — it may just be asleep, playing computer solitaire, or watching porn during working hours.  At least, that's how it seems when we consider the jaw-dropping news that the two prison guards (both of whom could interview Lori Lightfoot, if you catch our drift) who were supposed to be keeping suicide watch on Jeffrey Epstein on the night of his death were actually sleeping, playing on computers, and generally doing anything other than their simple but important jobs.  And then they falsified legal documents about their activities.  For which, they're striking a plea deal that won't punish them at all, other than to give them each 100 hours of community service which will likely consist of sleeping, playing computer solitaire, watching porn, then signing false statements that say they were picking up litter next to highways.

Epstein guards to skirt jail time in deal with prosecutors.  The prison workers, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, were accused of sleeping and browsing the internet instead of monitoring Epstein the night he took his own life in August 2019.  They were charged with lying on prison records to make it seem as though they had made required checks on the financier before he was found in his cell.  New York City's medical examiner ruled Epstein's death a suicide.  As part of the deal with prosecutors, they will enter into a deferred prosecution agreement with the Justice Department and will serve no time behind bars, according to a letter from federal prosecutors that was filed in court papers Friday.

The Editor says...
Aside from sleeping on the job and cruising the internet, apparently for some number of hours, while Epstein died (one way or another), did these two guards go back and destroy the surveillance video?  Does anyone believe that two surveillance cameras coincidentally "malfunctioned?"  (Wouldn't somebody have checked the cameras at the time Mr. Epstein was brought in?)  Were there no supervisory guards to check up on these two?  Was everybody unaware that they had charge of the highest-profile inmate in the country?  And the biggest question of all:  How many more employees in that building are just as incompetent as Tova Noel and Michael Thomas — and are still working there?

Epstein jail guards get plea deal:  No jail, 100 hours of community service.  If there was a conspiracy to assassinate a man who knew compromising information about the power elite, two of the lowest-level conspirators are getting away with no jail time.  The two prison guards who allowed Jeffrey Epstein to die with nobody checking up on his safety (despite having been on suicide watch) are getting a slap on their wrists:  100 hours of community service and six months of pretrial supervision.  This seems a very light penalty, considering that they falsified documents attesting to their carrying out the duties that they neglected, and the profound consequences of their perjurious neglect of duty.  Public confidence in the integrity of the Bureau of Prisons and the entire justice system has been tanked.  There is a faint ray of hope, however.

Epstein guards admit to falsifying records, will skirt jail time in deal with prosecutors.  The two jail employees tasked with guarding pedophile Jeffrey Epstein the night of his suicide in a Manhattan jail have admitted to falsifying records — but will skirt time behind bars under a deal with prosecutors.  Tova Noel and Michael Thomas admitted that they "willfully and knowingly" lied on forms stating that they'd made the required rounds checking on inmates the night of Epstein's August 2019 suicide[.]  Prosecutors said the guards were sleeping and surfing the web when they should have been monitoring the maximum security federal prisoner, who had recently been on suicide watch at the Metropolitan Correctional Center.  Under a plea deal announced Friday [5/21/2021], they will avoid jail time in connection with their misconduct.

French modeling agent arrested in Jeffrey Epstein investigation.  A French modeling agent has been arrested in Paris as part of an investigation by the city's prosecutor's office connected to accused sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.  Jean-Luc Brunel was arrested at Charles de Gaulle Airport on Wednesday, according to prosecutor's office.  He was taken into custody on "counts of rape and sexual assault, rape and sexual assault on a minor under 15, rape and sexual assault on a minor over 15, sexual harassment, criminal associations and human trafficking to the detriment of minor victims for the purposes of sexual exploitation," the Paris prosecutor's office said in a statement.

Jeffrey Epstein took Bill Gates to meet the head of Norway's Nobel Committee that awards the Peace Prize.  What sort of goals would make it worthwhile to hang out with a convicted child sex offender if you are a megalomaniac billionaire?  The curious case of the relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates just got curiouser.  Anonymous sources, denials, millions of dollars in donations, and claims of lies surround a 2013 visit of Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein to the Strasbourg home of the then-chairman of Norway's Nobel Committee, which awards the Peace Prize.  The visit was uncovered by Norwegian business daily DN, whose sister publication describes in English the visit and its denial: [...]

Melinda Gates 'warned Bill about Jeffrey Epstein in 2013'.  Melinda Gates reportedly warned Bill Gates to stay away from Jeffrey Epstein after the pair met with the convicted sex offender in New York back in 2013.  The couple, who announced their divorce earlier this week, are reported to have met with Epstein at his Upper East Side mansion in September 2013, according to a report in The Daily Beast.  Speaking to the outlet in the wake of the divorce news, sources close to the couple said that Ms Gates was "furious" at her husband for meeting with Epstein, and remains "haunted" by the encounter.

The Wall Street Journal hints that Bill Gates has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.  I ignored the story that Bill and Melinda Gates are getting a divorce.  Their personal life holds no interest for me, although I care that Bill Gates is having an outsize say in both the climate change debate and in the response to COVID.  His skills as a computer programmer and his genius as a shark, scooping up other people's creations, do not make him qualified to weigh in on the climate or COVID.  But as I said, his personal life was a "meh" — that is, right until the Wall Street Journal hinted that Bill Gates's involvement with Jeffrey Epstein led directly to his divorce.  It's been public information for a long time that Bill Gates met Epstein several times beginning in 2011. [...] In any event, the point I'm making is that it's not news that the famously eccentric-to-the-point-of-weird Bill Gates knew Epstein surprisingly well.  It's not even news that Melinda Gates warned her husband as early as 2013 against pursuing an acquaintance with Epstein.  What's new is the connection between the divorce and Bill's hanging with Jeffrey.

'Furious' Melinda Gates Warned Bill Over Jeffrey Epstein Escapades:  Report.  Melinda Gates, whose 'people' are undoubtedly trying to distance her from Bill's controversies, was reportedly 'furious' after the couple had an uncomfortable 2013 meeting with Jeffrey Epstein — who by then was a convicted pedophile.  People 'familiar with the matter' tell the Daily Beast, the previously unreported meeting was held at Epstein's Upper East Side mansion in September, 2013, the same day the couple was awarded the Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service award at the Pierre Hotel, where they were photographed with then-Mayor Mike Bloomberg.  According to said 'people', the 2013 meeting would "prove a turning point for the Gates' relationship with Epstein,' with Melinda telling friends after the encounter how uncomfortable she was to be hanging around the wealthy sex offender.

New photos show Epstein and Maxwell were VIP guests in Clinton's White House.  Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were once White House guests of former President Bill Clinton, new pictures prove.  The images were published by The Sun, days after Maxwell's last court appearance on sex trafficking charges in Manhattan, related to her alleged procurement of underage rape victims for the convicted pedophile.  The disgusting duo were invited to the White House in 1993, after Epstein reportedly donated money to have the Oval Office refurbished.  They toured the East Room and the presidential residence during a reception, the paper reported.  The pictures expand the timeline of Clinton's involvement with Epstein and Maxwell.

Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach Estate Has Been Demolished.  The Florida mansion where prosecutors say Jeffrey Epstein raped underage girls and women for many years has "finally" been demolished.  Developer Todd Michael Glaser said the sprawling Palm Beach property met the wrecking ball on Monday, according to a report in the Palm Beach Daily News.  Glaser bought 358 El Brillo Way for $18.5 million in March, and announced his plans to raze the property.  The funds from the sale have been allocated to the Victims' Compensation Program to make payments to Epstein's victims, [...]

Unsealed Records detail FBI/DOJ Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell cover-up.  Today [4/16/2021], the DOJ published records unsealed by court order in the Ghislaine Maxwell case.  These included a motion and numerous exhibits detailing what the FBI/DOJ — and in particular, the Southern District of New York — knew about the criminal activities of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell back in 2016.  Recall that Epstein was given a sweetheart deal back in 2007.  Notes from a meeting in 2016 [...] reveal that a "US Attorney has said [Epstein] could be prosecuted elsewhere."  They failed to act for years, however.

Ghislaine Maxwell is hit with TWO new counts of conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor from a fourth accuser.  Prosecutors have charged Ghislaine Maxwell with two new counts from a fourth underage accuser — and warned they were going after her $22.5 m[illion] fortune.  The British socialite was charged with sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor related to a woman who claims she first met Maxwell when she was 14.  According to a 'superseding indictment' that includes previous charges, Maxwell paid the girl hundreds of dollars to give Jeffrey Epstein sexual massages and even sent her lingerie.

Ghislaine Maxwell Charged With Sex Trafficking.  This has been a long time coming.  Ghislaine Maxwell, who allegedly served as Jeffrey Epstein's massage scheduler and procurer of young girls, has been charged with sex trafficking of a 14-year-old. [...] It's a sign of how disgusting this case is that even knowing a 14-year-old is the victim doesn't really narrow things down very much.  According to the Guardian this is a new accuser who was brought into Epstein's orbit by Maxwell.

Leon Black unexpectedly quits Apollo investment firm after Epstein inquiry.  Billionaire Leon Black, co-founder of one of Wall Street's most prominent investment firms, unexpectedly stepped down early from his position as chief executive of Apollo Global Management on Monday [3/22/2021], the latest in a series of moves following an inquiry into his ties to the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein.  Apollo Global Management announced that Black will be leaving immediately, citing health issues he and his wife are experiencing.  The company had announced in January that Black would be stepping down as chief executive before 31 July.  Black will also no longer be keeping his role as chairman, a role he was planning to keep when his departure was first announced in January.

The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And The Ongoing(?) Investigations Of Epstein's Co-Conspirators.  Ghislaine Maxwell remains in jail, awaiting trial for charges including (1) conspiracy to entice/transport minors to engage in illegal sexual acts; (2) transportation of a minor to engage in illegal sex acts; and (3) perjury.  She doesn't yet have a trial date and sits (or, as Maxwell would say, suffers) in jail as the the case continues. [...] Maxwell is currently fighting this war on multiple fronts.  The first has to do with dismissal.  As we previously reported, she is trying to get the charges dropped.  One of her best arguments (read her motion to dismiss on Scribd) is that the Epstein plea deal precludes her prosecution.

Clinton Aide Doug Band Flips, Implicates Boss in Pedophile Ring Probe.  Bill Clinton's aide Doug Band has flipped on his former boss and implicated Clinton in a federal pedophile ring investigation.  Band, 48, provided Justice Department officials with evidence that could land Bill Clinton in trouble amid the ongoing child sex trafficking investigation involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.  Band was recently interviewed by Gabriel Sherman for Vanity Fair's December issue.  In addition to detailing his ties to the pedophile billionaire and Epstein's child fixer Ghislaine Maxwell, he also confirmed that the 42nd president of the United States visited Epstein on "Pedophile Island."

The Editor says...
The same story is covered here, but the original reports, which were here and here, have been quickly removed.  All of this is an off-shoot from information in a Vanity Fair interview, which can be found here.

Apollo Global CEO Leon Black paid sex predator Jeffrey Epstein $158M for financial advice after conviction.  Apollo Global Management CEO Leon Black paid child sex predator Jeffrey Epstein $158 million for financial advice from 2012 through 2017, despite knowing Epstein pleaded guilty to sexually abusing an underage girl in 2008, a probe by a law firm retained by Apollo has found.  Those newly disclosed payments are a whopping three times more than the minimum of $50 million in payments Black was reported in October to have made to the controversial money manager Epstein during that time frame.  But Apollo also said that the investigation by the law firm Dechert found no wrongdoing by Black or by the investment company.  However, Black said he will retire as CEO by the end of July.

Attorney General William Barr personally questioned Jeffrey Epstein's cellmate after his suicide: source.  Attorney General William Barr personally questioned the last inmate to share a cell with Jeffrey Epstein before the perv died by suicide, a source told the [New York] Daily News.  The multimillionaire sex offender was found hanging from cloth tied to a bed frame early on Aug. 10, 2019, rocking the highest levels of the Justice Department.  Investigators' attention turned to Efrain "Stone" Reyes, who had been transferred out of a cell he shared with Epstein the day before the shocking suicide at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan.  Reyes' niece and other sources previously told the Daily News that Reyes was moved to the privately run Queens Detention Facility, which holds cooperating witnesses.

Attorney Lin Wood Unleashes on Justice John Roberts, Calls For His Resignation.  On Thursday [12/17/2020], pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood unleashed on Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, calling for his immediate resignation.  "This may be most important tweet of my life," Wood started.  "Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt & should resign immediately.  Justice Stephen Breyer should also resign immediately.  They are "anti-Trumpers" dedicated to preventing public from knowing TRUTH of @realDonaldTrump re-election."  Wood also questioned whether or not Roberts had visited pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's island.  "I have long had questions about "the John Roberts" on Jeffrey Epstein private jet flight logs," he added in another tweet.

Ghislaine Maxwell and her husband offer $28.5 million bail package.  Jeffrey Epstein's accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell has proposed a $28.5 million bail package — that represents all of her and her husband's assets — in a desperate bid to spring her from federal lockup, according to a new motion unsealed Monday [12/14/2020].  The suggested package is "exceptional in its scope and puts at risk everything that Ms. Maxwell has — all of her and her spouse's assets, her family's livelihood, and the financial security of her closest friends and family — if she were to flee, which she has no intention of doing," wrote her lawyer Mark Cohen.  Although her spouse's name is redacted from the documents, his identity has been widely reported as tech CEO Scott Borgerson.  The package is composed of a $22.5 million bond co-signed by her and her husband, according to the motion that was filed under seal on Dec. 4.

Ghislaine Maxwell to offer $30M bail, will finally admit she's married: reports.  Ghislaine Maxwell will propose a nearly $30 million bail package in hopes of getting sprung from a Brooklyn lockup — and will finally admit she's a married woman, according to reports.  The accused Jeffrey Epstein madam is expected to go to court in the coming days in a bid to be freed before Christmas, the Telegraph first reported.  Roughly $25 million of the hefty package will be backed by Maxwell's rumored husband, tech CEO Scott Borgerson — whose identity the British heiress refused to reveal at an initial bail hearing over the summer.  The upcoming bail application will be the first time Maxwell will publicly acknowledge she is married, ABC News reported.

Warden won't testify about Ghislaine Maxwell's jail conditions: judge.  The warden of the Manhattan Detention Complex will not be testifying about Ghislaine Maxwell's "onerous" prison conditions, a judge ruled Tuesday [12/8/2020].  Defense lawyers for the British socialite have repeatedly asked US District Judge Alison Nathan to summon Warden Heriberto Tellez to provide an accounting of their client's alleged mistreatment — but the request was formally denied.  Maxwell has complained in court filings about being awoken every 15 minutes by a flashlight to ensure she's still alive, 24/7 video surveillance, frequent strip searches and an inadequate diet that has led to weight and hair loss.  Lawyers for the Brooklyn federal jail have insisted that the terms of her confinement are reasonable and that she has been well cared for.

Whoops:  Bill Clinton's Former 'Body Man' Drops Big News About Clinton and Epstein Island.  In the middle of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal last year, information came out that one of Epstein's victims had seen former president Bill Clinton on Little St.  James Island, the island that has come to be known simply as "Epstein's Island."  But Bill Clinton denied that he had ever been on the island.  Not only that, but he tried to downplay the number of times he'd been on Epstein's plane.  Clinton's spokesperson said he'd only taken "4 trips" without explaining that within the "four trips," he'd been on the plane over 25 times, and that's just according to the records that were made public.  But now, Doug Band, one of the people closest to Bill Clinton over the years, first as his body man and then as the guy working on his post-presidency lucrative endeavors, has dropped a big bombshell on those Bill Clinton denials.

2016 Deposition of Epstein Enabler, Ghislaine Maxwell, Released.  The 2016 deposition of Ghislaine Maxwell was released publicly today [pdf here] where she gave evasive answers and denials to key questions about her role in facilitating the activity of her long-time friend and boss Jeffrey Epstein. [...] Within the deposition Ms. Maxwell is combative, evasive and denies any unlawful conduct or wrongdoing when faced with specific questions about her recruitment of under-aged girls to support the sexual exploits of Mr. Epstein and his friends.

Ghislaine Maxwell loses bid to keep her Jeffrey Epstein testimony from public view.  A federal appeals court on Monday [10/19/2020] issued a ruling upholding a U.S. District Judge's earlier decision to make public Ghislaine Maxwell's testimony related to Jeffrey Epstein.  The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan issued the ruling that upheld a previous decision by U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska to permit the release of documents related to a 2015 lawsuit from Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre.  The lawsuit was settled in 2017.

I Called Everyone in Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book.  Jeffrey Epstein's little black book is one of the most cursed documents ever compiled in this miserable, dying country.  Totaling 97 pages and containing the names, numbers, and addresses of a considerable cross section of the global elite, Epstein's personal contact book first turned up in a courtroom in 2009 after his former butler, Alfredo Rodriguez, tried to sell it to lawyers representing Epstein's victims for $50,000. Rodriguez described the book, apparently assembled by Epstein's employees, as the "Holy Grail." [...] I made close to 2,000 phone calls total.  I spoke to billionaires, CEOs, bankers, models, celebrities, scientists, a Kennedy, and some of Epstein's closest friends and confidants.  I sat on my couch and phoned up royalty, spoke to ambassadors, irritated a senior adviser at Blackstone, and left squeaky voicemails for what must constitute a considerable percentage of the world oligarchy.

Bill Clinton secretly met Ghislaine Maxwell for 'intimate dinner': report.  Bill Clinton secretly met socialite-turned-accused sex-trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell for an "intimate" dinner in 2014 — well after allegations that she and perv pal Jeffrey Epstein had abused at least one teen, a report said Tuesday [9/22/2020].  The former president joined Maxwell — who is now cooling her heels in a Brooklyn jail cell on charges involving the alleged sex abuse of young women — and a small group of friends for the meal in Los Angeles after a celebrity gala that February, sources told the Daily Beast.  "This is an intimate dinner with Clinton in LA," an aghast source told the Web site.  "Think of all the people [Clinton] knows in LA — and Ghislaine gets to attend."  Another source added that the Clinton camp was relieved news of Maxwell at the dinner didn't get out at the time.

All passengers on Epstein's flight logs to be named 'sparking panic among rich pals'.  The Attorney General for the US Virgin Islands, where Epstein had a home, has demanded logs for his four helicopters and three planes, from 1998 to his suicide last year.  Denise George has filed a lawsuit against Epstein's estate, alleging 22 counts, including aggravated rape, child abuse and neglect, human trafficking, forced labour and prostitution.  As well as the passenger lists, Ms George is seeking any "complaints or reports of potentially suspicious conduct" and any personal notes the pilots made.

All Passengers on Epstein's Flight Logs to Be Named — Epstein's Rich and Famous Pals Panicking.  The world's rich and famous traveled to and from Jeffrey Epstein's island in the Atlantic for years.  Today the AG for the US Virgin Islands demanded the logs on all flights to and from the island for the past few decades.

Q names pedophile politicians vulnerable to blackmail.  You are not supposed to pay attention to anything published on the website QAnon.  Avert your eyes!  Democrat politicians and their media allies are sharpening their attacks against Q, to make sure as few people as possible read what is published there.  Joe Biden, a man fond of touching little girls, recently opined that Q followers should seek counseling for their mental health. [...] Maybe Q is all wrong.  But when the combined forces of the mainstream media and Democrats tell us to avert our eyes, absolute obedience may be a mistake. [...] Jeffrey Epstein's story has helped to awaken people to some of the elite's crimes.  The mysterious temple on Epstein's island hints at possible future revelations that are frightening in their scope.  Q followers believe that The Cult engages in ritual practices that enshrine the shedding of blood and which prey on the innocence of children.  The sickness in their souls thrives on brutality, war, and terror.  These disclosures will be tough for the public to take.

Epstein Reportedly Had Secret 'Lair' at Famed Art School in Michigan.  Pedo-perv Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell didn't just allegedly troll the streets of London, Arizona and New York for their victims.  The dastardly duo had a secret lair on the Michigan grounds of Interlochen Centre for the Arts — the famed fine arts boarding school for children, according to one alleged victim.  In exchange for donations and hosting fundraisers at his New York mansion, the school allowed Epstein to build The Jeffrey Epstein Scholarship Lodge (now available to rent as The Green Lake Lodge).

Epstein Investigation Still Continues, Ghislaine Maxwell May Face More Charges.  It seems that matters might be getting worse for accused Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell.  The British socialite who is suspected of helping the convicted child rapist prey on a number of underaged girls has been awaiting trial since her arrest on July 2.  Now, it appears that she might be facing new charges.  According to court documents that were filed on Friday, the investigation into Epstein's sex trafficking operations is still active.  Federal prosecutors revealed this in a letter sent to a judge requesting to prevent her from filing new information in civil cases.  The New York Post reported that the accused accomplice's lawyers stated that this "critical new information" could "jeopardize their ongoing investigation if it is allowed to be filed in the civil cases."

Ghislaine Maxwell's nephew got prestigious job in Hillary Clinton's state dept. shortly after Epstein's first plea, reports say.  New evidence suggests that former President Bill Clinton may not have been the only one in the scandalous family who'd hobnobbed with deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his sick crew.  On Thursday [8/20/2020], the celebrity tabloid OK! Magazine published a report claiming Clinton's wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, had once hired the nephew of Epstein's infamous madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, to work at the department.  "Alexander Djerassi, the son of Ghislaine's sister Isabel Maxwell, was gifted a very powerful and prestigious position within her State Department and the US Government," the tabloid reported, citing unnamed sources.  Note the use of the term gifted.  The unsubstantiated allegation was that Ghislaine's nephew, Djerassi, was purposefully hired by Clinton as a gift.

Ghislaine Maxwell's Nephew Worked at Hillary Clinton's State Department.  Ghislaine Maxwell's nephew worked at the State Department under Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, a spokesperson confirmed Friday [8/21/2020]. [...] The revelations come as Maxwell remains jailed in MDC Brooklyn without bail since July 2 following her arrest at her New Hampshire home.  She was charged with enticing minors to engage in illegal sexual activities and faces up to 35 years behind bars if convicted.

Report: Hillary Clinton Hired Ghislaine Maxwell's Nephew For State Department Position.  Earlier this week, the Ghislaine Maxwell story took an interesting turn when a photograph surfaced showing former President Bill Clinton receiving a shoulder massage from Chauntae Davies, one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims.  But now, a new revelation has emerged in this affair, and this time, it involves his wife.  Ok!  Magazine published a report on Thursday stating that Hillary Clinton gave Maxwell's nephew, Alexander Djerassi, an important job in the State Department when she served as Secretary of State.

The Wretched Ghislaine Maxwell, Friend of Bill.  It is the dog days of summer, and so we might as well talk about one of the dogs.  I have in mind Ghislaine Maxwell, the apparent sex maniac who is now accused of all manner of horrendous crimes committed with young girls whom she allegedly trained to be sex slaves for the vile Jeffrey Epstein, who is often called a "billionaire."  Incidentally, I would bet he made his millions — somewhat less than billions — by blackmailing his wealthy friends after catching them in the act with the young girls he provided them.  It is rumored that he had his various habitats installed with hidden cameras and filming equipment.  I doubt the equipment was used to detect burglars, much less the birdlife around his estates.  He used the hidden cameras to detect the wealthy, an occasional prince, a vagrant former president, or a politician in flagrante.  We shall find out eventually.  As you have no doubt seen, the season of discovery is at hand.

The Re-Rehabilitation Of The Clintons.  [Scroll down]  Bill and Hillary receded a little in the party, but reemerged after a while to resume their previous role.  Then came Jeffrey Epstein, their friend and donor.  Bill traveled around the world with the most famous child sexual predator in history.  "Bill only traveled on Epstein's "Lolita Express" for charity causes in Africa," we were told.  The story broke and quickly went away.  Then Epstein "committed suicide" in custody and that was that.  But that wasn't that.  One of Epstein's chief accusers claimed in a court filing that Bill was on the pervert's private island, widely known as "pedophile island."  This fact was immediately ignored by traditional media outlets because it was wildly inconvenient.  That doesn't make it untrue.  I have no idea whether Bill was there or not, nor does anyone else ignoring the claim.  Clinton's spokesman denied it in a short statement and he's not been asked about it (likely won't be).  Hillary has done interviews since then, and Bill's chief enabler hasn't been asked about it either.

Bill Maher: 'It's Possible' Bill Clinton Visited Epstein's Sex Island.  Comedian Bill Maher argued that evidence shows "it's possible" former President Bill Clinton visited convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's sex island where underage girls were offered up to his rich and powerful friends.  Speaking with former Clinton White House adviser Paul Begala on his HBO show "Real Time," Maher discussed the recently unsealed court documents showing that alleged Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre claims to have witnessed Bill Clinton at the island, and that "two young girls" were there also, though the former president's spokesperson has denied the accusation.

Maher, Begala clash on Clinton's alleged visit to Epstein's 'sex island'.  "Real Time" host Bill Maher had an awkward exchange with CNN commentator Paul Begala on Friday night, confronting him about his former boss Bill Clinton and the former president's ties to deceased sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein. [...] Last week, a trove of released documents in the court case of British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell shed some light on her relationship with Epstein, a wealthy financier who was found hanging in his New York City jail cell last year and was later pronounced dead.  He had been awaiting trial on federal sex-trafficking charges.  The documents included records of a 2011 meeting between Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre and her lawyers where Giuffre talked about the powerful people in Epstein's orbit who she said either flew on his private Boeing 727 or stayed on his private island in the Caribbean.

That Impermeable Wall Protecting the Clintons May Be Falling:  Bill Maher Grills Paul Begala on Clinton/Epstein.  As we previously reported, the wall that had protected Bill Clinton got a huge dent shoved into it when documents emerged recently from a witness who had been on Jeffrey Epstein's island.  Clinton has denied ever being on the island.  But the documents showed that Virginia Giuffre claims that she saw Bill Clinton in the company of Ghislaine Maxwell, another woman and two young girls.  That's extraordinarily problematic given the allegations against Maxwell involving the procuring of young girls for Epstein and his powerful friends.

Released Epstein Documents Show Monsters Everywhere, Even at the Top of the FBI.  A federal court unsealed court documents related to the cases against Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell late Thursday night [7/30/2020].  The contents of them are depressing and disgusting, and the story has of course been completely ignored by the corrupt, mainstream media outlets we have all come to know and detest.  The deposition of one of the underage girls trafficked and abused by the two ghouls shows luminaries like Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz and former president Bill Clinton visiting Epstein's Caribbean island to engage with the victims of this pedophilia ring.  Other documents show that, when one of the victims appealed to the FBI to release some of the evidence to her so she could pursue a civil suit against Epstein, the FBI simply ignored her.  Here is the truly depressing aspect about all of this:  The FBI across two directors — Robert Mueller and James Comey — knew everything Epstein was involved in and gave him a pass, most likely because it was using him and Maxwell as sources for damaging information about the powerful men and women who were his clients.  The revelations about Clinton, Prince Andrew and Dershowitz are nothing new:  I have personally been writing about Clinton and his relationship with Epstein for at least 20 years.

Seven Major October Surprises Awaiting Democrats.  [#1] The Maxwell/Epstein documents.  As I write this, already parts of the documents related to Jeffrey Epstein have revealed testimony that Bill Clinton was, er, "unsupervised" with at least one underage girl at Epstein's "pedophile island."  Clinton, of course, denies it, but he's all over those flight logs like spilled coffee.  The odds are a great deal will come from this.  Alan Dershowitz has already been named in the documents as has former Democrat New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.  There is no way of predicting where, or how deep this goes, except it seems the only person never on the Lolita Express was one, Donald John Trump.

Scandalous 5-word hashtag mega-trending for Bill Clinton chokes media and Dems into utter silence.  Explosive unsealed court documents related to the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking investigation have caused #BillClintonIsAPedo to trend on Twitter Sunday [8/2/2020], making it the top item in the politics category on the social media network.  Most media outlets have ignored the revelations, which would be massive headline news if a past or present Republican president was implicated in the allegations.  Twitter users jumped on the Epstein-Clinton connection, however, particularly in the context of the media trying to bury the story because it reflects poorly on Clinton specifically and Democrats generally.

Leftist Media Ignores Court Docs Alleging Clinton Visited Epstein Island.  The corporate and left-wing media has largely ignored details in newly released court documents about the Jeffrey Epstein case, in which one of Epstein's victims alleged that former President Bill Clinton was seen on the deceased sex offender's private island in the company of two young girls.  Analysis by the nonpartisan bias-checker Ground News, which tracks coverage of news stories and assigns a "bias rating" to stories based on coverage or lack of coverage from partisan media, found that coverage of the story came mainly from right-wing outlets.  Just five left and left-leaning sources have covered the story, compared to twenty-five right, right-leaning, or "far right" news outlets that have done so.

Here Are The Top Highlights From Ghislaine Maxwell's Unsealed Court Records.  Dozens of exhibits related to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were unsealed Thursday evening, providing insight into allegations against the financier and his purported 'madam,' as well as other high-profile individuals, including Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz and several other people whose names one can only guess (and the internet has).  The documents, related to a 2015 civil defamation lawsuit against Maxwell by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre, were ordered to be released on July 23 by US District Judge Loretta Preska — which also included flight logs from Epstein's private jets, as well as police reports from the multiple locations where Epstein maintained residences.

Court Docs:  Epstein Allegedly Joked with Victim that Bill Clinton Owed Him 'Favors'.  Thousands of newly unsealed court documents involving Jeffrey Epstein indicate that the late-sex predator joked, according to the testimony of one of his alleged victims, that former President Bill Clinton owed him "favors."  Virginia Roberts Guiffre, one of Epstein's most high-profile victims, told lawyers in 2011 that Clinton was a guest at Epstein's private estate in the U.S. Virgin Islands shortly after leaving the White House.  Guiffre, who was 17-years-old at the time of the visit, claims that Clinton stayed at the estate with "two young girls" from New York.

Court Unseals Documents:  Bill Clinton Alleged to Have Appeared on Epstein's Island.  Documents unsealed by court order Thursday reveal correspondence between Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, and also allege former President Bill Clinton was seen on the private island where Epstein was alleged to have taken underage girls.  Michael Cernovich tweeted excerpts from one of the documents, claiming, "Bill Clinton is implicated by name by one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims as having been at Pedophile Island."

Bill Clinton on Jeffrey Epstein Island, Victim Claims.  Former President Bill Clinton was seen with two women on Jeffrey Epstein's "pedophile island," according to Virgina Roberts.  In newly unsealed documents, Virgina Roberts directly implicated Clinton in an April, 2011 interview.

Alan Dershowitz defends himself after name surfaces in Maxwell, Epstein documents.  Attorney Alan Dershowitz defended himself from sex abuse claims Friday after his name appeared in a slew of unsealed documents related to a since-settled defamation case involving Ghislaine Maxwell.  The emeritus Harvard Law professor was accused of having sex with then-minor "Jane Doe #3" — identified in court documents as Virginia Roberts Giuffre — and witnessing Jeffrey Epstein and others sexually abusing girls and young women.  The allegations, lodged in a 2014 court filing, reemerged in more than 600 pages unsealed Thursday night [7/30/2020] in Giuffre's 2015 defamation case against Maxwell.  Dershowitz claims the document dump exonerates him.

Nets Conspire to Protect Bill Clinton After Bombshell New Epstein Documents.  New documents in the Jeffrey Epstein sex abuse case dropped late on Thursday with a potential bombshell.  A second person now places Bill Clinton at the pedophile's private sex island.  The three networks on Friday [7/31/2020] devoted a total of 7 minutes and 26 seconds to the case and Ghislaine Maxwell in general, but NEVER mentioned that the former Democratic president has been named.  As Fox News explained, "The data include records of a 2011 meeting between accuser Virginia Giuffre and her lawyers where she talked about the powerful people in Epstein's orbit who she said either flew on his private Boeing 727 or stayed on his private island in the Caribbean.  One of the names mentioned was that of former President Bill Clinton."  Yet, ABC, CBS and NBC explicitly skipped this part of the story.

Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson and Bill Clinton:  All Named in Epstein Court Documents as Involved With Underage Girls.  [Scroll down]  In 2008, Epstein pled guilty to state charges in Florida for procuring an underage girl for prostitution.  As part of that arrangement, the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida agreed to a "Deferred Prosecution Agreement" (DPA) to resolve an indictment on similar charges that had been filed under seal by a Florida grand jury.  If Epstein successfully completed his sentence in the state case, the federal case would be dismissed without further proceedings.  There is nothing "ordinary" about the disposition of the federal case in Florida, and the details of that case are not well known beyond the reporting by the Miami Herald.  But one aspect of the DPA that no one connected to federal law enforcement that I know has ever seen done before is that it supposedly grants immunity to other individuals, including ANY unnamed "potential co-conspirators".  Ghislaine Maxwell's attorneys have publicly stated that they intend to assert the language of the DPA as a defense on her behalf in the federal indictment recently returned against her.  It is reported that Alan Dershowitz negotiated the terms of the DPA on Epstein's behalf.  But I have yet to see anyone pose a serious legal argument for how unknown "potential co-conspirators" have any legal standing to assert a claim arising from the DPA on their own behalf.

Judge agrees to postpone release of secret Ghislaine Maxwell files.  A Manhattan federal judge on Wednesday evening agreed to postpone unsealing depositions related to the sex life of Ghislaine Maxwell until the alleged madam can file an appeal.  The order by Judge Loretta Preska will, for two business days, block the release of documents that relate to a deposition Maxwell gave as part of a now-settled civil defamation lawsuit filed against her in 2015 by Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre.  Preska ordered the documents unsealed in a court hearing last week, but gave Maxwell's legal team a week to file an appeal with the Second Circuit Court.  If the circuit court does not order them to remain sealed, the documents will be made public Monday [8/3/2020], according to Preska's order.

Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed:  Allegations Against Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Others.  Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers tried to keep x-rated evidence related to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein from going public, but a judge denied the appeal and released damning docs on Thursday evening [7/30/2020].  A witness interview revealed Bill Clinton was at Epstein's pedophile island with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and "2 young girls."  The documents discuss allegations that a minor girl was trafficked to Maxwell, Prince Andrew and Attorney Alan Dershowitz (although he has always denied these allegations).

6 Big Takeaways From the Attorney General's Capitol Hill Testimony.  [Scroll down]  Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., has earned a reputation for being a rhetorical bomb thrower, and didn't disappoint at the hearing.  Cohen called both for Barr's impeachment and for seemingly to blame the attorney general for the jailhouse death of financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.  Cohen said the word "conveniently" in describing Epstein's death, as if to question whether it was really a suicide.

The Establishment Has No Clothes.  America's elite — the world's elite, for that matter — is deeply corrupt.  So much so that it's becoming difficult to understand what makes them elite anymore. [...] John Roberts is the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and a very significant portion of the public believes he is utterly compromised and subject to blackmail.  His rulings quite commonly fuel that perception.  Rumblings in various media organs that Roberts' name appears on the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs only harden the notion that Roberts has been corrupted.  Speaking of Epstein, on Thursday [7/30/2020] the pleadings and discovery from Virginia Giuffre's lawsuit will be made available to the public, and the documents therein are expected to destroy a large number of very prominent figures in finance, entertainment, and politics.  By this point the disclosures can only be seen as "shocking, but not surprising."  Americans have become very used to the idea that the rich and famous in this country are utterly immoral, predatory beings suited more for gossip and outrage than virtue.

McEnany: Trump Maxwell 'Well' Wishes Was Noting Epstein's Mysterious Death — 'The President Wants Justice to Be Served'.  Earlier this week, President Donald Trump caught flak for wishing alleged sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell "well" after he was asked about her case during a news briefing at the White House.  Thursday [7/23/2020] on Fox News Channel's "America's Newsroom," White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was asked about the controversy and said the comment was noting that Jeffrey Epstein "ended up dead in a jail cell" while awaiting trial, and Trump "wants justice to be served for the victims."

Is Jeffrey Epstein's Money Funding Leftist 'Black Flag' Riots in Israel?  Even as coronavirus cases rose sharply in Israel, radicals waving black flags, PLO terrorist flags, and Israeli flags defaced with black, continued their protests against Israel's government.  While millions of Israelis were facing the prospect of returning to lockdown in their own homes, the radicals gathered in huge groups in Kings of Israel Square, hung black flags on historical sites, and clashed violently with police officers who were trying to stop these violent extremists.  Despite their lack of regard for public health, the radical rallies were praised by everyone from former prime minister Ehud Barak to the Israeli Communist Party: part of the Islamic Joint List.

Do Global Elites Commit Crimes Against Children?  [Scroll down]  The Queen's son, Prince Andrew, was a friend of Epstein for decades, and is currently wanted for questioning by U.S. prosecutors.  His relationship with Epstein was well-known in royal circles but tolerated until Epstein's arrest made it too uncomfortable.  In fact, Jeffrey Epstein remained a highly sought-after companion among the elite, even after his release from jail on sex offender charges.  A dinner at his New York mansion was attended by such media luminaries as Katie Couric, Chelsea Handler, and George Stephanopolous, whose wife just publicly urged parents to watch porn with their children.  And it wasn't just media stars who loved Epstein.  Bill Gates, who has endowed the world's largest charitable organization, visited Epstein many times and maintained close ties through his staff.  Harvard University gave Epstein his own office, phone line, and unlimited access, after he donated $9 million for scientific research.  And Harvard faculty visited Epstein in his various homes and in jail and flew on his private planes.

Master Class In Pedophile Grooming:  Jeffrey Epstein And Ghislaine Maxwell.  Currently in custody at Brooklyn MDC, Maxwell faces 35 years imprisonment for her role in sex trafficking under age girls with Jeffrey Epstein.  Prison officials keep Maxwell under constant surveillance and relocate her cell assignments frequently to avert assassination or suicide.  In addition, the prison only issues her paper clothing and linens.  At her July 14 hearing, the judge denied bail.  During the bail hearing, prosecutors revealed that Maxwell is married but refused to identify her alleged spouse or anyone else able to satisfy bail conditions.

The federal judge whose son was killed and husband wounded was just assigned the Epstein-Deutsche Bank case.  A gunman, possibly dressed as a FedEx driver shot and killed the son of Judge Esther Salas and wounded her husband in an attack at their New Jersey home on Sunday [7/20/2020]: [...] Her son was 20 years old and her husband is a defense attorney: [...] Judge Salas had just been assigned a case involving Deutsche Bank and the company's ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

Fed-X Assassin Dead — AG Bill Barr Releases Statement.  The man who dressed as a Fed-X driver and attempted to assassinate Federal Judge Esther Salas has been found dead of an apparent 'self-inflicted' gunshot wound.

Federal Judge's Son Shot Dead and Her Defense Attorney Husband Critically Injured Just Days After Taking Jeffrey Epstein Financial Case.  The 20-year-old son of US District Judge of New Jersey, Esther Salas, an Obama appointee, was shot dead Sunday night and her husband was critically injured by a gunman posing as a FedEx driver.  According to reports, Salas's son Daniel Anderl opened the door when the the gunman, dressed as a FedEx driver, opened fire on their North Brunswick home Sunday evening around 5 PM.

Ghislaine Maxwell Thinks Epstein Was Murdered In Jail, Fears Same Fate.  Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime confidante to Jeffrey Epstein, thinks the billionaire was murdered in jail and fears suffering the same fate as she awaits trial on charges of conspiring with Epstein to sexually abuse minors, according to a new report.  "Everyone's view including Ghislaine's is Epstein was murdered.  She received death threats before she was arrested," an unnamed friend of Maxwell's told The Sun.

Chrissy Teigen Mass Deletes Tweets, Blocks 1 Million Accounts Over Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracy.  Supermodel and celebrity chef Chrissy Teigen has deleted some 60,000 past tweets and blocked 1 million Twitter users after conspiracies swirled online over an alleged connection between Teigen and late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein — an allegation that Teigen has forcefully denied.  Teigen was responding to claims that she once flew on Epstein's private jet, apparently to Little St. James, a.k.a. "sex slave island," according to rumored flight logs.  The rumors, which, again, Teigen has denied, came in connection with the model's past tweets about a reality television show called "Toddlers & Tiaras."

Ghislaine Maxwell breaks down in tears as she is DENIED bail and must stay locked up until her July 2021 trial.  Ghislaine Maxwell cried as she was denied bail on Tuesday and learned she must stay locked up until her trial next summer, as Jeffrey Epstein's accused madam pleaded not guilty to the sex trafficking charges brought against her.  The 58-year-old wiped tears away and hung her head as she learned her fate, wearing a prison-issued brown top and with her normally short hair now long and swept back into a bun, appearing via video link.  U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan denied Maxwell's proposal of a $5 million bond co-signed by two of her sisters and backed up by more than $3.75 million in property in the UK.

Ghislaine Maxwell is secretly married, refuses to reveal spouse's name.  Ghislaine Maxwell is secretly married — and refusing to reveal her husband's name, prosecutors said this week at the accused madam's bail hearing.  The bombshell detail was divulged Tuesday [7/14/2020] as Manhattan prosecutors accused her of purposely hiding the extent of her wealth.  "In addition to failing to describe in any way the absence of proposed co-signers of a bond, the defendant also makes no mention whatsoever about the financial circumstances or assets of her spouse whose identity she declined to provide to Pretrial Services," Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe told Manhattan federal Judge Alison Nathan during a video conference.  Moe added, "There's no information about who will be co-signing this bond or their assets, and no details whatsoever."

Ghislaine Maxwell's woe is me routine is just getting warmed up.  [Scroll down]  Her attorney Mark Cohen began by describing the inhuman conditions his multimillionaire client, friend to princes and presidents, has suffered in jail.  No acknowledgement of multiple survivors of childhood sexual abuse, of her decades-long involvement with late pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, just Cohen riding a bullet train to the really important stuff.  Maxwell, he lamented, is "alone in her room, lights on all the time" and once "wasn't allowed to shower for 72 hours."  Really, what is jail without a good long scrub and some fancy pajamas?  It's all she's ever known, the lifestyle to which she is accustomed.  So Maxwell was hoping, her lawyer said, that the court might let her await trial in a luxury Manhattan hotel.  So many are empty these days, what with COVID-19.

Ghislaine Maxwell set to appear in Manhattan federal court today.  Ghislaine Maxwell is set to be arraigned Tuesday on charges she conspired with Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse girls more than two decades ago — and will also learn whether she'll be sprung from jail pending the outcome of her trial.  Manhattan federal Judge Alison Nathan will decide whether to set bail for the British socialite or leave her locked up in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.  Prosecutors want Maxwell, 58, remanded, calling her an "extreme" flight risk with more than $20 million in the bank and three passports.

Ghislaine Maxwell denied bail by New York judge.  A New York judge denied bail to Ghislaine Maxwell on Tuesday [7/14/2020].  Maxwell is awaiting her trial on sex trafficking charges.  Fox News reports that Judge Alison Nathan ruled Maxwell was too much of a "flight risk" to be granted release on bail.  She stands accused of procuring teenage girls for Jeffrey Epstein for the purposes of sexual exploitation between 1994 and 1997.  Maxwell remains at a New York detention centre in Brooklyn.

Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly [is being] moved from 'cell to cell' to avoid assassins.  Ghislaine Maxwell is being moved from "cell to cell" in her Brooklyn lockup — over fears someone will try to kill the accused Jeffrey Epstein madam before she stands trial, according to a report.  The [New York] Post already revealed how the 58-year-old British socialite was forced to wear paper clothes and sleep on a bare mattress so she couldn't hang herself with clothes or bed sheets like Epstein.  Now insiders have told the Mail on Sunday that prison officials are so "terrified someone will try to kill her" that they are constantly moving her around inside the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.  "She is being moved from cell to cell and sometimes has a cellmate, sometimes not," an insider told the UK paper.

Ghislaine Maxwell 'Has Tapes of Two Prominent US Politicians Having Sex with Minors'.  Ghislaine Maxwell "has tapes of two prominent US politicians having sex with minors," according to a former friend.  Maxwell, deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's alleged child sex trafficking accomplice, often boasted of "owning" powerful people, her old friend has revealed.  According to her former confidant, who uses the pseudonym William Steel, Maxwell and Epstein "forced" him to watch video footage of the horrific child abuse in an effort to convince him of their "power."

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell 'filmed powerful people having sex with underage girls'.  Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his ex-lover Ghislaine Maxwell recorded videos of powerful people having sex with under-age girls, according to a former friend of the pair.  And the reformed jewel thief, who uses the pseudonym William Steel, claims the couple made him watch some to prove how they "owned" people.  In an exclusive interview with The Sun, the ex-criminal turned writer tells how he was shown footage involving two high-profile US politicians having sex with minors and two high society figures having a threesome with an under-age girl.

Ghislaine Maxwell filmed US politicians with underage girls, former pal claims.  Ghislaine Maxwell once boasted she had video of two "high profile" US politicians, along with other powerful figures, having sex with underage girls, claims a former jewel thief who described the disgraced socialite as a nymphomaniac.  The reformed thief and author, who uses the pseudonym William Steel, said he long suspected Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell were abusing underage girls after meeting them in a jewelry store in Palm Beach as he tried to sell his stolen wares, he said in an interview with The Sun.  Steel, who claims he once swiped computer discs from the couple and sent them to authorities, did not reveal the identities of the people he says he saw in the videos.

Ghislaine Maxwell's secrets, if revealed, will be incendiary.  Jeffrey Epstein went to (or was sent to) the grave keeping his secrets.  However, Ghislaine Maxwell almost certainly shares the same secrets.  The latest allegation is that she has or had videos of two "high profile" American politicians, as well as two other influential people, having sex with underage girls.  If that's true, it's reasonable to believe that she has more than just those videos.  A lot of famous people may soon be in trouble, although probably not Trump, who wised up a long time ago about Epstein. The Sun writes that William Steel, the pseudonym for a former jewel thief, claims that Ghislaine Maxwell, whether as insurance and because she's a very kinky person, videotaped two highly placed American politicians, as well as other powerful people, having sex with underage girls.

The Editor says...
Once Ms. Maxwell's secrets are all revealed and her "insurance" is exhausted, is she then defenseless?  Her upcoming biography is sure to be tragic:  It's almost certain that she will be murdered someday, before or after spilling the beans.  What happens then, after her death, is likely to be far worse.

Weinstein, Epstein, and the Democrats.  [Scroll down]  The public wondered what truths Epstein would spill but were soon disappointed.  After prison guards found Epstein unconscious with strangulation marks on his neck, he was placed on suicide watch, only to be quietly removed from suicide watch, placed in an isolated cell, and strangled to death while the guards missed a mandatory checkup.  Video footage from both strangulations had been destroyed and Epstein's death was passed off as a suicide.  Legacy media organizations mocked the disbelieving public as conspiracy theorists until undercover footage from Project Veritas revealed that even journalists knew Epstein had been murdered.  Furthermore, an ABC News story featuring proof that Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and other elites had been Epstein's clientele had been killed after the royal palace had "threatened us a million different ways."  The story of Epstein and Prince Andrew, entrusted to ABC by a victim of child trafficking who had spent 12 years in hiding, had been traded for an interview with Prince William and Kate Middleton and additional interviews guaranteed to ABC for years to come.

Ghislaine Maxwell's supporters willing to endorse $5 million bond, lawyer says.  Lawyers for Ghislaine Maxwell, the longtime confidant of sex offender Jeffrey Esptein, asked a judge on Friday to grant her release from federal custody, saying her supporters would co-sign a $5 million bail bond and that she would consent to monitored home confinement while awaiting trial.  In their court filing, Maxwell's lawyers sought to counter federal prosecutors' description of Maxwell as Epstein's accomplice and a flight risk who must remain in federal custody, saying she has been wrongly targeted.  "Ghislaine Maxwell is not Jeffrey Epstein," her attorney Mark S. Cohen wrote in a 22-page response filed to a detention memo filed by the Manhattan U.S. attorney's office.

The Butterfly Trust:  How Deutsche Bank helped Jeffrey Epstein maintain his criminal lifestyle.  New York State's Department of Financial Services has published a consent order including the results of an investigation into Deutsche Bank's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.  According to the document, Deutsche Bank agreed to make Epstein a client despite knowing about his jail time for solicitation of underage girls and then turned a blind eye to years of suspicious financial transactions involving some of his former co-conspirators.  A trust Epstein set up at Deutsche Bank — the Butterfly Trust — sent payments to women with Eastern European names.  He also withdrew around $800,000 in cash which he allegedly used on travel and tipping expenses.  Epstein moved his accounts to Deutsche Bank in 2013, several years after his conviction for soliciting underage girls and his brief stint in jail.  Deutsche Bank prepared a memo about his past.  They then held a meeting at which they concluded working with Epstein posed no reputational risk to the company.  Curiously, no notes about that meeting exist according to Deutsche Bank[.]

The New York Post states the obvious:
Prison officials want to ensure Ghislaine Maxwell doesn't meet same fate as Jeffrey Epstein.  Accused Jeffrey Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell was quietly transferred on Monday from New Hampshire to a Brooklyn federal prison in New York City, where she'll await trial pending a bail hearing.  Maxwell, who was arrested in a million-dollar rural mansion last week, was moved by U.S. Marshals to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Sunset Park on Monday morning, the Bureau of Prisons said in a statement.  The former socialite and daughter of a British media magnate is awaiting arraignment on four counts of sex trafficking minors and two counts of perjury for allegedly acting as Epstein's fixer as he sexually abused underage girls.

Former warden at Ghislaine Maxwell's NYC jail says she should be on suicide watch.  Ghislaine Maxwell should be kept on suicide watch at her federal lockup in Brooklyn because her case is too explosive to risk her killing herself behind bars, a former warden of the jail told The [New York] Post Tuesday [7/7/2020].  Cameron Lindsay, who served as the warden at the Metropolitan Detention Center for three years, said he wouldn't risk the possibility of her suicide because it would be "unimaginable" for her to escape the justice system.  "She allegedly knows a great deal of information about a multitude of potential co-defendants in the actions against Jeffrey Epstein," Lindsay said.  "This is just such a sensitive case, it's absolutely imperative that the government get it right," he added.  "Why take any chances?  Just put her on suicide watch and keep her there until she's out the door.  I would just not risk it."

Deutsche Bank hit with $150 million penalty for relationship to sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.  New York state financial regulators said Tuesday that they have slapped Deutsche Bank with a $150 million penalty "for significant compliance failures" in the bank's dealings with accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, the now-dead investor, as well as with two client banks.  The New York State Department of Financial Services said that Deutsche Bank, which agreed to the payment under a consent order, "failed to properly monitor account activity conducted on behalf of the registered sex offender despite ample" public information about Mr. Epstein's earlier criminal misconduct.  The big settlement comes days after Epstein's alleged procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell, was arrested on federal charges that accuse her of helping him get access to and to groom underage girls so he could sexually abuse them.

Ghislaine Maxwell Has 'Dead Woman's Switch' Secret Sex Tapes in Her Possession.  Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly has secret sex tapes in her possession that would expose powerful Epstein acquaintances, giving her clout in any potential plea deal while also acting as a form of protection against being 'suicided'. [...] It's now part of Jeffrey Epstein lore that the billionaire sex trafficker had his mansions festooned with cameras that recorded his influential friends having sex with underage girls, material that could later be used to blackmail them.

Federal Authorities Give Minimal Detail On Why It Took 24 Years To Arrest Ghislaine Maxwell.  Federal authorities provided minimal detail when the Daily Caller News Foundation questioned why it took so long for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's alleged cohort Ghislaine Maxwell to be arrested.  A grand jury indicted Maxwell on charges of conspiracy to entice minors to engage in illegal sex acts, conspiracy to transport minors for illegal sex acts, transportation of a minor to engage in illegal sex acts, and perjury.  She was arrested at 8:30 am Thursday morning in Bradford, New Hampshire, temporarily held in Merrimack County Jail and then transferred to a New York prison Monday.

What can Ghislaine Maxwell tell prosecutors about the parties with all those Silicon Valley barons?  Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao may have thought she was revealing corruption in Silicon Valley.  She did not realize she was implicating herself.  Pao, a bigshot in Big Tech, claims that Ghislaine Maxwell attended a Kleiner Perkins party in 2011. This was three years after Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of child sex trafficking.  The fact that she attended this party is really not newsworthy.  What is significant is Pao's comment that "We knew about her supplying underage girls for sex, but I guess that was fine with the 'cool' people who managed the tightly controlled guest list."  Members of the "elite" are privy to a great deal of information that is not known to the public because the media does not appear interested in reporting on it.  Others have mentioned that Epstein's activities were well known, too.  The late Sen. John McCain's heiress widow, Cindy McCain, earlier on, announced:  "Epstein was hiding in plain sight.  We all knew about him.  We all knew what he was doing, but we had no one that was — no legal aspect that would go after him.  They were afraid of him.  For whatever reason, they were afraid of him."  Clearly, Epstein's activities were not unknown in elite circles.

Ghislaine Maxwell transferred to NYC lockup ahead of court date.  Jeffrey Epstein confidant Ghislaine Maxwell has been transferred from a New Hampshire jail to a federal lockup in New York City, officials said.  The accused madam — who was arrested last week for allegedly helping procure underage girls for Epstein to sexually abuse — was moved from the Merrimack County House of Corrections to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, US Bureau of Prisons officials confirmed.

Why the Epstein Scandal May Be the Most Important Story of the Decade.  The Epstein underage sex-trafficking and blackmail story may be the most important story of the decade.  It is a parable for much that has gone wrong with Western civilization, the story of the corruption of a ruling elite not merely on a human level but on a spiritual one, the explanation of our current condition.  The characters in this sordid drama seemed to have accepted their damnation and determined to live out their debauchery without even the possibility of redemption.  Despite the prestige and opulence of its setting, Epstein's was a world of despair where the shadow suicide or guilty evasion was the price of stimulation.

As the crisis deepens, Q says rise or die.  The recent arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell, confidante of the late Jeffrey Epstein, may initiate a new phase of what Q calls The Great Awakening.  Assuming that Maxwell stays alive, the public may finally learn some of the deepest secrets of The Cult, the long entrenched global crime syndicate that operated with impunity until President Trump's election.  Q has directed our attention to the mysterious temple on Epstein's island, a topic the media studiously avoid.  Underneath the temple may be a series of dungeons in which powerful people performed sickening rituals on innocent victims.  Q has posted evocative images from what appear to be security cameras in the dungeon's chambers that suggest some kind of coordinated activity.  The potentates of politics, entertainment, the media, high society, finance, business, and science who visited the island do not want to be exposed and can be expected to furiously fight all efforts to bring them to justice.  Q has warned that "it's going to be biblical," as the panicked elite deploy every asset to unleash terror on the public, derail the election, and regain their tyrannical stranglehold.

Ghislaine Maxwell expected to appear in Manhattan this week for arraignment.  Ghislaine Maxwell is expected to be transferred early this week to the Southern District of New York for her upcoming court appearance, according to a new letter filed by federal prosecutors on Sunday night [7/5/2020].  Maxwell, 58, is currently at the Merrimack County Jail, a medium-security facility 20 miles from the luxurious home where she was arrested Thursday in New Hampshire.  Federal prosecutors consulted with Maxwell's attorneys and both want the arraignment and bail hearing to take place on Friday, according to the letter addressed to Judge Alison J. Nathan.

Five questions for Ghislaine Maxwell.  [#4] Was Jeffrey Epstein an FBI informant?  In 2008, Alex Acosta was the US attorney for the Southern District of Florida.  In 2019, when Acosta was in the running for becoming Trump's labor secretary, told a Trump transition team that unspecified persons had told him to back off from the case:  'I was told Epstein "belonged to intelligence", and to leave it alone.'  Acosta later recanted this story in a fumbling statement.  But a 2008 FBI document confirms Acosta's earlier claim that he had been told to 'back off'.  The FBI document records that the US Attorney's Office had notified the FBI that the Epstein investigation was 'highly sensitive'.  The same FBI document, written five months after Epstein's legal team had secured a non-prosecution agreement from Acosta's office, noted that 'no prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the State of Florida'.  This, the document says, was because Epstein had 'provided information to the FBI as agreed upon'.

Ghislaine Maxwell arrest:  FBI reportedly almost blew cover by lying to neighbor.  The FBI agents who arrested Ghislaine Maxwell last week almost blew their cover when they lied to a neighbor who complained about noise from spy planes buzzing overheard, according to a report.  A local told the UK's Mirror that aircraft had been circling over the disgraced British socialite's 156-acre hideaway in New Hampshire beginning before dawn Thursday [7/2/2020].  "They were a nuisance.  We began calling each other to find out what the noise was about.  Finally one snapped and drove down to where the vehicles were lined up," the resident told the outlet.  "He demanded to know who they were and they replied they were from the New England Aerial map society — it was totally fictitious.  The problem the FBI had was that the guy is an expert in maps and geology.  It's what he does for a living," the local continued.

Who's afraid of Ghislaine Maxwell?  Everyone on this list.  Moments after the feds busted Ghislaine Maxwell Thursday [7/2/2020] for allegedly roping in underage girls for pal Jeffrey Epstein's perverted pleasure, fireworks started going off in the lives of certain billionaires and playboys who palled around with the two.  And not the happy Fourth of July kind.  Since no one was closer to the billionaire pedophile than Maxwell, whose network spanned from New York to France, Israel, Buckingham Palace and the Caribbean, those in the know are undoubtedly fretting over the dirt she could dish to keep herself out of jail.  Particularly after prosecutors vowed to "bring justice" to other potential enablers of Epstein's sex abuse and trafficking.

Ghislaine Maxwell arrest:  Armed agents, spy planes used to take down Epstein gal pal.  Armed agents raced a convoy of 15 vehicles through the New Hampshire woods, with spy planes buzzing overhead, in the moments before they smashed down Ghislaine Maxwell's door and arrested her Thursday [7/2/2020], according to a report.  Small planes had started buzzing over Bradford in New Hampshire from 4.20 a.m.  Thursday — four hours before the raid on Maxwell's 156-acre hideaway, locals told the Mail on Sunday newspaper.  When 24 armed FBI agents finally stormed the property — suitably named "Tuckedaway" — they were backed by New York cops, local officers and even New Hampshire's gang task force, the paper said.  After using bolt-cutters to break the lock on a metal gate the teams "drove at speed up the half-mile driveway in a convoy of 15 vehicles," an officer told the paper.  "And let's just say, we didn't knock politely on the door," the officer said.  "It was smashed down."

Ghislaine Maxwell's pending suicide.  When Jeffrey Epstein, the renowned financial maven and friend to the rich and powerful, was arrested for underage sex-trafficking, I knew that his days on the planet were numbered.  Epstein simply knew too much to live.  What undoubtedly happened was that a lot of money changed hands, deals were made, prison guards and possibly their superiors were bought, cameras were surreptitiously disabled, and Epstein's murder was declared a suicide by bedsheet, an official conclusion that exactly zero people bought.  And now that Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's pal, paramour, and fellow pervert, is behind bars for her part in the sex scandal, her eventual "suicide" is a certainty.  We'll never know exactly what went on between Epstein and his famous friends.

Ghislaine Maxwell arrest:  Justice for Epstein survivors?  White House Correspondent Jenn Pellegrino sat down with sex trafficking expert Jaco Booyens to shed light on the case against Ghislaine Maxwell.  [Video clip]

Friends fear Ghislaine Maxwell is in 'danger,' worried for her safety.  Friends of Ghislaine Maxwell are worried the disgraced socialite could get whacked in prison or die by suicide like her predator ex-lover and boss, Jeffrey Epstein.  "I'm absolutely worried for her safety," said Christopher Mason, a TV host and journalist who has known Maxwell since the 1980s.  "Do I think [she's] in danger?  Yes."  Mason, who is appearing in the new docu-series "Surviving Jeffrey Epstein" in August on Lifetime, added that the threat to Maxwell — now headed to the same Manhattan lock-up where Epstein died last August — could be greater because of reports she might cooperate with authorities.

Ghislaine Maxwell could go to Manhattan jail where Jeffrey Epstein died.  Ghislaine Maxwell may end up in the same notorious Manhattan jail where her infamous pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein killed himself while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges, experts told The [New York] Post on Friday [7/3/2020].  "They'll probably keep her at the Metropolitan Correctional Center," said Jeffrey Lichtman, whose client, drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, was held at the Lower Manhattan facility.  "The place is probably the worst federal prison in the country," Lichtman added of the grim concrete building in Lower Manhattan.  "It's a horror show.  That's putting it mildly. [Maxwell] is really going to pay for the MCC's failure to keep Epstein safe, and it's probably going to make it even more restrictive and difficult for her."

Powerful men are scared about what Ghislaine Maxwell will say.  Jeffrey Epstein's victims have another shot at justice.  Here's hoping they get it.  Ghislaine Maxwell, the alleged child sex trafficker and abuser in league with Epstein, was finally arrested Thursday morning [7/2/2020].  Her guilt, in the court of public opinion, isn't in question.  The only question is:  Will the federal government keep Maxwell alive to stand trial?  There's good reason conspiracy theories still swirl around Epstein's suicide, nearly one year ago, in a downtown federal prison — a prison, by the way, that safely housed Bernie Madoff, the 1993 World Trade Center bomber, El Chapo and a terrorist who told the New York Times it was tougher than Guantanamo Bay — and he would know, because he'd been held in both.  It stands to reason that the federal government should be able to contain a socialite.

The Editor says...
If Ms. Maxwell really has the dirt of several powerful men, as I suspect she does, then she's in real danger of dying soon from Arkancide.  On the other hand, I expect she probably has made arrangements for all the dirt to spill out in the event something bad happens to her.

Speculation runs rampant following Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest: 'Where are they going to keep her safe?'.  Maxwell was, at one time, Epstein's girlfriend.  The daughter of media mogul Robert Maxwell, she had been at the billionaire investor's side for decades.  In addition, Maxwell was alleged to have helped Epstein groom underaged girls for sex with rich, powerful men.  One of the teens, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, has made those claims against Maxwell in a 2015 defamation suit, as have several other women in the years since.  Britain's Prince Andrew and former President Bill Clinton are among the names of powerful men alleged to have been associated with Epstein and Maxwell.

Ghislaine Maxwell "Knows Everything" And "Will Be Naming Names", Former Epstein Associate Says.  Assuming that Ghislaine Maxwell doesn't wind up with the means to kill herself in her jail cell, and assuming those who are supposed to be watching her 24 hours a day won't be taking any well-timed coffee breaks, Maxwell will be "naming names" and "fully cooperating" with the FBI according to a former associate of Jeffrey Epstein, according The Daily Mail.  Epstein's former employer Steven Hoffenberg said that Maxwell "knows everything" and will "totally co-operate".  In addition, Prince Andrew, who has been nudged further and further toward the center of the Epstein/Maxwell controversy, is "among those very worried" about what she might reveal, the report says.  "She's going to cooperate and be very important.  Andrew is definitely, definitely concerned," Hoffenberg said.

Judge Orders Jeffrey Epstein Accuser To Destroy Files.  Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre has been ordered by a US District Judge to destroy files believed to contain the names of Epstein's associates — because they were "improperly obtained.'  Senior US District Judge Loretta Preska said on Wednesday that Giuffre's attorneys would need to provide proof that the documents had been destroyed, adding that "Counsel shall submit an affidavit detailing the steps taken to do so," according to Newsweek.  Preska noted that a protective order governing the 'improperly obtained' documents only applied during a civil lawsuit proceeding which has been settled. [...] In September 2019, an attorney for Epstein's alleged 'madam,' Ghislaine Maxwell, who was arrested on Thursday, told Preska that that there are "hundreds" of people named in some 2,000 pages of documents.

Does It Mean Something That The SDNY's Public Corruption Unit Is Handling Ghislaine Maxwell's Case?  The public interest in seeing this degenerate arrested is a 50/50 mix of wanting her to suffer for her crimes and wanting to see if she rolls over on anyone else in Epstein's circle.  Lotta suspense on that last point.  Lotta big names potentially in the mix.  Strong, powerful names.  The biggest!  Former prosecutor Elie Honig got some attention with this comment, noting the fine print in the DOJ's press release that the Southern District of New York's Public Corruption Unit will be handling Maxwell's prosecution.  Public corruption?  Isn't this a sex-crimes case? [...] There'd better be a platoon of Marines stationed outside Maxwell's cell making sure no one lays a hand on her, including herself.  If she ends up hanging herself, whatever traces of trust in public institutions that are left in this country will go up in smoke.

Jeffrey Epstein's friend Ghislaine Maxwell arrested for role in sex ring.  The woman called "best friend" by former financier and accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested in New Hampshire, according to the FBI.  Ghislaine Maxwell, the 58-year-old daughter of the late British media tycoon Robert Maxwell, dated Epstein more than 10 years ago and remained a close personal confidant up until his death on August 10 last year.  Though the charges are officially sealed, Maxwell has faced civil court accusations of helping Epstein facilitate his now-infamous sex-trafficking operation.  The allegations charge that Maxwell acted as a "madam," expediting and coordinating the running of girls as young as 14 to Epstein's Manhattan home.

Keep an eye on slippery Ghislaine Maxwell.  Lock her in a glass cage.  Put a camera in the cell, hook it up to the Internet, livestream it to the world.  Double the guard.  Double their pay.  Make sure they can't be bribed, don't sleep on the job, aren't watching television.  Better yet, put her in the middle of Times Square where the Elmos can keep an eye on her.  Whatever you do, don't leave Ghislaine Maxwell alone — or hidden.  Don't you dare let her commit "suicide" like the depraved boss she served, Jeffrey Epstein.

What Ghislaine Maxwell knows.  After a year of speculating whether she was taking advantage of extradition laws in Paris or smuggling In-N-Out burgers in Los Angeles, Ghislaine Maxwell was found hiding out on a 156-acre compound, which she had purchased with cash in the tiny town of Bradford, New Hampshire.  Epstein's henchwoman has been charged with conspiracy to entice minors to engage in illegal sex acts, conspiracy to transport minors to engage in illegal sex acts, transportation of a minor to engage in illegal sex acts, and perjuring herself in 2016.  If found guilty, the 58-year-old British socialite would likely face decades behind bars.  That sound you hear is that of princes, politicians, and international party girls and playboys all shaking in their boots with the realization that a woman with everything to gain and nothing left to lose is in the custody of prosecutors who would love to hear her secrets.

Here's A List Of The Rich And Famous Caught In Photos With Ghislaine Maxwell.  Ghislaine Maxwell was finally caught Thursday after being on the lam for months following the death of disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein in August 2019. The couple became known for their alleged perverted escapades on Epstein's private plane, called the "Lolita Express," and on Epstein's private Caribbean island, sometimes called "Orgy Island" or the "Island of Sin," following allegations that Epstein and Maxwell trafficked and abused underage girls.  The two also allegedly passed the victims around to Epstein's famous friends.

Co-author of Epstein book calls Ghislaine Maxwell arrest 'biggest story' related to notorious case yet.  Author Daniel Halper told "The Daily Briefing" Thursday that the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell is the biggest story related to the Jeffrey Epstein case since the convicted pedophile's jailhouse suicide last year.  "She's the primary character, aside from Jeffrey Epstein," said Halper, the co-author of "A Convenient Death:  The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein."  "She [Maxwell] was with him from his rise in New York.  [She] helped him really get a social footing, social standing in New York City and make big acquaintances that paid off."

A romp through the hideaway havens of Ghislaine Maxwell from our dependable free press.  The arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell (July 2) as an accessory to the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein provides us an opportunity to take a quick look back at the integrity and dependability of some quite recent stories.  She was reportedly hiding out at an estate in New Hampshire. [...] That report seems reliable ... however, on June 21, less than two weeks ago, The New York Post reported that ... ["]Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly hiding from the feds in plush Paris apartment["] [...] That seems odd.  A New York newspaper had fallen for a false story a mere two weeks ago?! Nothing gets by the New York press.  Of course, in defense of the New York Post, it was merely citing The Sun as a source.  Yet, the story seemed plausible, as The Sun had an outside photo shot of her hideway, even giving the street address as "Avenue Matignon, in Paris's exclusive 8th Arrondissement."  Everything but her phone number.

Ghislaine Maxwell was hiding out in a luxury home with 'total privacy'.  Ghislaine Maxwell was hiding out in a luxury home on a 156-acre estate in New Hampshire — where she fled to a bedroom when the feds rang the bell at the gate ahead of her arrest, The [New York] Post has learned.  "It's a good place to hide," a neighbor, who declined to give his name, said of the sprawling rural property.  "Guess not good enough." [...] FBI agents, accompanied by local cops, rang the bell at the end of the long driveway at 8:30 a.m., and it was answered by a housekeeper, sources said.  Maxwell ran into a bedroom when told the authorities were there for her, but she eventually came out on her own and immediately asked for her lawyer when she was arrested in an alleged scheme to supply the infamous late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein with underage victims, sources said.

Epstein Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell Finally Arrested on Sex Abuse Charges.  Jeffrey Epstein's former girlfriend and confidante Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested by the FBI in New Hampshire Thursday morning on multiple sex abuse charges, including conspiracy to sexually abuse minors.  "Maxwell assisted, facilitated and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein's abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse victims," the six-count indictment in Manhattan federal court states.  "In some instances, Maxwell was present for and participated in the sexual abuse of minor victims."

Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested, Indicted in Connection With Epstein Sex-abuse Operation.  Ghislaine Maxwell, the jet-setting party girl accused of recruiting young girls for Wall Street financier Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse, was arrested in New Hampshire today [7/2/2020].  Federal authorities also unsealed a federal grand jury's six-count, 18-page indictment against Maxwell, the daughter of deceased British publishing tycoon and Israeli spy Robert Maxwell.  Maxwell, the indictment alleges, not only recruited and groomed young girls for Epstein — indicted a year ago on similar charges and found dead in his jail cell a month later — but also participated in the abuse.

Epstein Confidante Maxwell Arrested in New Hampshire.  In a surprising move, Ghislaine Maxwell, the British heiress and confidante to the late financier Jeffrey Epstein, has been arrested in New Hampshire.  Maxwell's arrest could have a ripple effect on both criminal and civil matters ranging from the still uncertain status of Prince Andrew to a number of defamation lawsuits.  One of Maxwell's principal accuser was Virginia Roberts Giuffre who has filed lawsuits against Maxwell as well as figures like Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz.  It appears that the charges derive from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, another indication that the recent controversy of the replacement of the U.S. Attorney has not impacted underlying investigations.  Frankly, as a criminal defense lawyer, I am surprised that Maxwell risked returning to the United States.  She was believed to be living in Paris.  It was well-known that the Justice Department was pursuing the case, including demands to interview Prince Andrew.

Jeffrey Epstein's confidant Ghislaine Maxwell set to appear in NH courtroom on sexual abuse charges.  Jeffrey Epstein's confidant Ghislaine Maxwell will be before a New Hampshire judge Thursday afternoon following her early-morning arrest on multiple sex abuse charges, including conspiracy to entice minors to engage in sexual acts.  Epstein's former girlfriend and accused madam was taken into custody at 8:30 a.m. in Bradford, N.H., the FBI confirmed to Fox News.  She had purportedly been hiding out in Paris, France before her arrest.  Audrey Strauss, acting US Attorney for Southern District of New York, said prosecutors would be seeking detention for Maxwell.

Jeffrey Epstein Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested, Sources Say.  Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite and heiress who became a confidante of disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein and was later implicated in his alleged sexual crimes, has been arrested by the FBI.  She was arrested in Bedford, New Hampshire around 8:30 a.m.  Thursday on charges she conspired with Epstein to sexually abuse minors, and is expected to appear in a federal court later today [7/2/2020].  The six-count indictment in Manhattan federal court alleges that Maxwell helped Epstein groom girls as young as 14 years old, going back as far as 1994.

In May Reports Came Out that Bill Clinton Dated Ghislaine Maxwell — Now She's Under Arrest — What Next?  In May a new book claimed that Bill Clinton had an affair with Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madam. [...] On Wednesday the FBI arrested Ghislaine Maxwell.  Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested in New Hampshire.

Epstein Friend Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested by FBI, U.S. Says.  Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime associate of disgraced money manager Jeffrey Epstein, was arrested by the FBI on charges tied to Epstein's case, an agency spokeswoman said.  Maxwell was arrested this morning in New Hampshire, FBI spokeswoman Adrienne Senatore said.  Charges against Maxwell are sealed.  Prosecutors have scheduled a midday press conference in New York.

Make Prince Andrew sing.  Kudos to the Trump Department of Justice for not letting Prince Andrew worm his way out of answering questions about his long relationship with the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.  The DOJ is invoking Britain's treaty obligations as it demands the prince be made available.  Prosecutors for the Southern District of New York bypassed Buckingham Palace to file a "mutual legal assistance" request for assistance in a criminal investigation to the UK Home Office in order to force the royal to testify, The Sun reported.  Andrew's lawyers pretend he's made multiple offers to talk — as if the feds would go to these lengths just to embarrass a prince who's all too good at embarrassing himself.

Overview and recap of the Epstein case:
How Stupid Do They Think We Are?  Consider the "coincidences" and anomalies that took place in Epstein's final days and hours.  Here you have the most high-profile criminal defendant in the United States, who had explosively damaging information on sexual predations involving perhaps scores or hundreds of the world's most elite and powerful occurring aboard Epstein's private 727 jet dubbed "The Lolita Express," at his Caribbean estate wags nicknamed "Orgy Island," at his sprawling New Mexico would-be baby farm, and at his Manhattan manse.  He finally ends up in jail at Manhattan's Metropolitan Correctional Center in the custody of the federal Bureau of Prisons.  He then supposedly attempted to kill myself but survived, yet was taken off suicide watch after only six days.  Then lo and behold, both guards assigned to check on him fell asleep — simultaneously — and missed their rounds, both cameras trained on the area around Epstein's cell failed, simultaneously, and the night before his death, Epstein's one cellmate inexplicably was removed from the cell.  After his body was found on August 10, 2019, an autopsy performed by the city's Chief Medical Examiner's office determined the cause of death to be suicide after only five days, even before all of the evidence has been collected.  Famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, who attended the autopsy at the behest of Epstein's brother, gave a must-see interview to Fox News.  He noted that the three bones fractured in Epstein's neck were indicative of homicide, not suicide.  Baden said that Epstein's neck "had been crushed."  It was not the result of a ligature (like a noose made from bedsheets), as was claimed.  He noted the scene of the death appeared staged to suggest suicide.  Yet, the Deep State Media pushed the suicide narrative nonetheless, pooh-poohing anyone who suggested otherwise.

Judge in Jeffrey Epstein grand jury case has ties to those with a stake in the outcome.  The Palm Beach judge who has thus far refused to release grand jury records in the Jeffrey Epstein case has both professional and family ties to three of the politicians who have a stake in keeping those records secret, the Miami Herald has learned.  Krista Marx, the Palm Beach chief judge who also heads a panel that polices judicial conduct, has potential conflicts of interest involving three prominent players embroiled in the Epstein sex-trafficking saga:  State Attorney Dave Aronberg, who has been sued by the Palm Beach Post to release the grand jury records; Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, whose department's favored treatment of Epstein while he was in the Palm Beach County jail is part of an ongoing state criminal investigation; and ex-State Attorney Barry Krischer, part of the same investigation in connection with his decision not to prosecute Epstein on child-sex charges.

Netflix docuseries soft-pedals Clinton ties to Jeffrey Epstein.  Netflix's Democratic ties run deep, from its litany of left-leaning content to its highest profile board member, former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice.  That doesn't count the streaming platform's megadeal with Barack and Michelle Obama.  Netflix's newest original program, "Jeffrey Epstein:  Filthy Rich," appears to intensify that tilt, downplaying former President Bill Clinton's murky ties to the late financier and convicted sex offender's inner circle.

Jeffrey Epstein's Political Connections Include A Tangled Web Of World Leaders.  Netflix just released a tell-all docuseries about Jeffery Epstein, his alleged crimes, and the intricate web of wealthy people he kept around him to ensure that he could evade punishment for decades.  The four-part documentary, Filthy Rich, details countless incidents where young women and girls were abused and sexually trafficked by Epstein and numerous powerful men who — at least used to — call him a friend.  Executive produced by James Patterson, whose book by the same title was used heavily as source material for the series, Filthy Rich focuses most of its screen time on the survivors and their stories rather than Epstein's circle of acquaintances.  But it was the wealth — and many of his connections — that left Epstein unchecked for his actions for so long.  Thanks to his immense wealth as a financier managing private funds for a select list of clients, and introductions made by his socialite ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein was seen socializing with some of the world's most well-known and powerful men.

'Epstein and I have everyone on videotape' Ghislaine Maxwell alleged to have confided.  Ghislaine Maxwell told a former acquaintance that she and Jeffrey Epstein had "everything on videotape," it has been claimed.  Christina Oxenberg, a socialite and distant relative of the royals, said Ms Maxwell also once told her that Epstein had purchased his own helicopter because commercial pilots were "eyes and ears" they did not need.  She revealed she had spoken to the FBI about what she had been told.

Jeffrey Epstein estate's bills, employees going unpaid over 'insufficient funds,' lawyers say.  Lawyers for late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's $600 million U.S. Virgin Islands estate said liens imposed by the local attorney general have left them unable to pay the estate's bills, employees at his various properties or for legal defense from his accusers, according to a filing made public Friday [2/21/2020].

Socialite Christina Oxenberg tells all about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell to the FBI.  There was a time when Ghislaine Maxwell talked freely and often to Christina Oxenberg, daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia.  But Maxwell, 58, friend and confidante of convicted paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein, may come to regret her lack of inhibition.  For I can disclose that the spirited Oxenberg has alerted the FBI that she is willing to testify against her old acquaintance.  'Anything I can do, I want to do because I'm so disgusted by what has happened,' Christina, 57, tells me from New York, explaining she called an FBI hotline with information about the Epstein case.

Feds Knew 11 Years Ago About Epstein Key Witness Who Could've Changed Everything.  More troubling details have emerged about the previously secret non-prosecution agreement in Florida eleven years ago involving financier Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead of apparent suicide in a Manhattan jail cell in August after being charged with child sex trafficking.  According to an exclusive report by ABC News published Thursday, FBI and federal prosecutors in Florida were aware of a key witness whose testimony helped lead to Epstein's arrest last summer, but the Florida prosecutors worked out the controversial deal with Epstein before she was able to testify.

Most Now Think Jeffrey Epstein Was Murdered.  Most Americans now believe disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein was murdered in jail because he knew too much.  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey shows that just 21% of American Adults think Epstein actually committed suicide while in jail which is the official explanation for his death.  Fifty-two percent (52%) say it's more likely that he was murdered to prevent him from testifying against powerful people with whom he associated.  Twenty-seven percent (27%) are undecided which is more likely.

No One Knows Why Epstein's Secret Bank Account Moved Millions Since His Death.  The account in the Virgin Islands sat dormant with very little activity for many years, and it is unclear whether or not his international banking firm ever brought on clients.  Local authorities suspect it was used as some type of shell company for his criminal enterprise.  Despite the lack of activity and Epstein's criminal record, the bank renewed his license every year since he was first approved.  The fact that this account exists is not unusual in itself — Epstein had dozens of bank accounts throughout the world that he used for a variety of different purposes, both legal and illegal.  What is strange is that tens of millions of dollars have been flowing from Epstein's estate into this Virgin Islands account since his alleged suicide.  To make matters even more suspicious, the account was nearly cleaned out by the beginning of 2020 with no clear explanation of where the money went.

Mysterious bank Jeffrey Epstein created received millions after his death.  A mysterious bank Jeffrey Epstein opened in the Virgin Islands in 2014 — which has been seemingly stagnant for years — suddenly received millions of dollars from his estate after his death, the New York Times reported Tuesday [2/4/2020].  The fallen billionaire and accused sex trafficker applied to open one of the territories' first international banking operations, Southern Country International, so he could chase the "dynamic discipline of international banking," according to an application for the institution, obtained by the outlet.  The application, where Epstein describes himself as one of the investment world's "pioneers," was ultimately approved in 2014 and allowed him to do business with offshore clients only, the outlet said.

4 Jeffrey Epstein accusers pen open letter begging Prince Andrew to talk to FBI.  Four Jeffrey Epstein accusers have written an open letter begging Prince Andrew to talk to the FBI for the sake of his "daughters and their children," a report said Sunday [2/2/2020].  The group urged the 59-year-old royal to "be on the right side of history" after he was accused last Monday of giving "zero cooperation" to the ongoing investigation into Epstein's inner circle, according to the letter shared with the Mail on Sunday.  "Prince Andrew, the world is watching," starts the letter, written by an accuser using the name "KiKi" and countersigned by three unnamed accusers all represented by lawyer Lisa Bloom.

Jeffrey Epstein prison guard's lawyer 'highly likely' to seek dismissal of client's charges.  A lawyer for one of the two guards on duty when disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein killed himself argued Thursday [1/30/2020] that it was "highly likely" he would seek to dismiss criminal charges against his client on the grounds that he was unfairly targeted and made a scapegoat for security lapses in the Manhattan detention center.  Montell Figgins, the lawyer for Michael Thomas, said his client and co-defendant Tova Noel were "selectively prosecuted" to cover up serious "inadequacies" of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Warden who was in charge when Jeffrey Epstein died behind bars is quietly given a top job at 'Club Fed' prison.  The warden in charge when Jeffrey Epstein died in his jail cell is getting a cushy new supervisor's job at 'Club Fed' despite Attorney General Bill Barr's demand that he be reassigned to a desk job.  Lamine N'Diaye is being reassigned to a leadership role at FCI Fort Dix, a low-security prison in Burlington County, New Jersey, two people familiar with the matter said.  The move comes months after Barr ordered N'Diaye be reassigned to a desk post at the Bureau of Prisons' regional office in Pennsylvania after Epstein's death as the FBI and the Justice Department's inspector general investigated.

Google critic now suggests his wife's fatal car crash was NOT an accident.  A high profile critic of Google, who accused the search engine of meddling in the 2016 election, has now suggested his wife's fatal car crash was not an accident.  Robert Epstein, 66, said in July the internet giant's methods 'gave' millions of votes to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.  In December he announced that his wife, Misti Dawn Vaughn, 29, died after her truck spun out of control along a road in California and into the path of a tractor-trailer.  On Sunday [1/19/2020] he tweeted:  'Last year, after I briefed a group of state AGs about #Google's power to rig elections, one of them said, "I think you're going to die in an accident in a few months."  A few months later, my beautiful wife #Misti died a violent death.  Makes you wonder.'

Jeffrey Epstein had burst capillaries in his eyeballs after he died which pathologist tells Dr. Oz suggests he was strangled and did not hang himself.  A forensic pathologist has claimed that Jeffrey Epstein was likely murdered and did not hang himself because he had burst capillaries in his eyes which is consistent with manual strangulation and not hanging, can reveal.  In an exclusive clip from a Dr. Oz special set to air on Thursday, pathologist Dr. Michael Baden examines photographs of Epstein's eyes and other parts of his lifeless body taken during his autopsy.  Dr. Baden was among physicians in the room when Epstein's autopsy took place.  He says it is highly unusual that the cause of his death went from being undetermined — when it was first ruled — to suicide by hanging five days later.

Jeffrey Epstein used database to keep track of his 'numerous' victims.  Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein kept a harem of abused and trafficked girls as young as 11 that was so large he needed a computer system to keep track of them, according to a new lawsuit filed Wednesday [1/15/2020] against his estate.  The civil lawsuit, filed by Virgin Islands' Attorney General Denise George, also alleges Epstein abused victims on his private Caribbean islands, Little Saint James and Great St. James, as recently as 2019 — expanding the scope of his abuse by 14 years.

Video Footage Outside Epstein's Cell On The Night Of His FIRST Suicide Attempt Has Been Permanently Deleted.  What else can go wrong in this case?  The FBI made the discovery last week when they were attempting to review the video footage of the night in question, but federal prosecutors have just made the information public.  Jeffrey Epstein had attempted to kill himself in July and was put on suicide watch.  After that alleged suicide attempt, it was revealed that Epstein "feared" his cellmate, Nicholas Tartaglione, an absolutely ripped dirty cop who was facing the death penalty for trafficking drugs and killing four men and burying them in his yard.  Tartaglione was cleared of having anything to do with Epstein's attempted suicide but was later removed from the cell.

Jeffrey Epstein's demise was not at his own hands.  Of course Jeffrey Epstein was murdered.  And there's no reason to whisper around that.  It's impossible to conclude otherwise — particularly in the face of the latest announcement about the final hours of the jailed convicted sex offender's life, that video footage of his first suicide attempt had been inadvertently destroyed.  Mistakenly erased.  It "no longer exists," said federal prosecutors.  That's not just curious.  It's beyond-the-pale outrageously suspicious. [...] Epstein's been connected to everyone in positions of high power from presidents to princes.  A pertinent detail?  Absolutely.  Especially when considered in the light of all the other curiosities surrounding his death.

Prosecutors Confirm That Surveillance Video of Jeffrey Epstein's Cell Was Destroyed.  Prosecutors in the case of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein have confirmed that the correctional facility housing Epstein destroyed the surveillance footage of his cell while he allegedly attempted suicide days before he was found dead.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys Maurene Comey and Jason Swergold filed the letter in Manhattan Federal Court confirming that footage from the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) on July 22 and 23 was mysteriously destroyed, in the latest revelation that casts doubt on the official story.

Feds: The video from Epstein's first suicide attempt has, er, killed itself.  First prosecutors had it, then they didn't.  Then federal officials claimed it had been found.  Today, however, prosecutors told a federal judge that the video of the area in which Jeffrey Epstein was held during his first suicide attempt no longer exists.  When ordered to produce it pursuant to a motion from Epstein's cellmate, it turns out that officials saved the wrong video.

Jail staff "accidentally" deletes footage of Epstein suicide attempt.  In a rather convenient turn of events regarding the "suicide" of Jeffrey Epstein, it seems that the surveillance footage that monitored the outside of his Manhattan jail cell during his first attempt at killing himself magically disappeared.  Well, now the official story is that it was accidentally deleted, after the footage was initially reported as lost and then reported as being found.  This marks the latest opportune accident in the scrutiny towards the death of Epstein.

Footage outside Jeffrey Epstein's cell during suicide attempt [was] erased, say prosecutors.  Surveillance footage capturing the outside of Jeffrey Epstein's cell during his first suicide attempt in July is gone forever, prosecutors confirmed Thursday [1/9/2020] in a bombshell court filing.  The revelation comes after Assistant US Attorney Jason Swergold told White Plains federal Judge Kenneth Karas in December that the footage was missing — and then backtracked the next day, claiming it had been preserved.  In a Thursday [1/9/2020] filing, Swergold admitted that the Metropolitan Correctional Center had preserved footage amid the investigation — only it was the wrong cell in the Lower Manhattan jail.

The Editor says...
Oops.  Another unfortunate coincidence.

Photos show Bill Clinton, Ghislaine Maxwell on Epstein's 'Lolita Express' jet.  These are the photos revealing Bill Clinton's 2002 trip to Africa aboard Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" — with other celebrities and an Epstein accuser in tow.  The slew of images, obtained Thursday [1/9/2020] by The [New York] Post, show a smiling Clinton posing alongside Epstein's alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell and Chauntae Davies, the masseuse who has accused the dead financier of rape.  The humanitarian trip, which Davies says was hosted by Clinton's foundation, also included actors Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker, who appear in shots with Davies and Maxwell.  One photo shows Davies in a blue top next to Clinton, who has his arm slung around her shoulders.

Bill Clinton Pictured with Epstein's 'Pimp' Ghislaine Maxwell and a Sex Slave on Infamous Private Jet "Lolita Express".  New photos of former President Bill Clinton with Epstein's 'pimp' Ghislaine Maxwell and a sex slave on board the private jet "Lolita Express" has surfaced.  The Sun exclusively obtained the photos of Bill Clinton who was also pictured with his arm around Epstein's masseuse and sex slave Chauntae Davies.  Chauntae Davies told The Sun that she was required to wear a pilot's uniform in order to appear 'professional.'  The photos of Bill Clinton were taken on a long distance flight to Africa where he participated in a 5-day 'humanitarian' trip with celebrities such as Kevin Spacey.

Billionaire Ron Burkle's Son Found Dead In Beverly Hills Home.  The 27-year-old son of billionaire tycoon Ron Burkle has been found dead in his Beverly Hills home. [...] His father, Ron Burkle — a co-founder of The Yucaipa Companies and a co-owner of the Penguins hockey team — had raised millions for the Clintons over the years, but notably stayed away from Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign during the last election run (instead hosting a fundraiser for one of her potential Republican opponents).  Additionally Ron Burkle was a "friend" of Jeffrey Epstein with flight logs showing the billionaire a frequent flyer to Epstein's island on the so-called Lolita Express.

60 Minutes investigates the death of Jeffrey Epstein.  The New York City Medical Examiner's Office ruled Epstein's death a suicide by hanging, but a forensic pathologist who observed the four-hour autopsy on behalf of Epstein's brother, Mark, tells 60 Minutes the evidence released so far points more to murder than suicide in his view.  Dr. Michael Baden's key reason:  the unusual fractures he saw in Epstein's neck.  "There were fractures of the left, the right thyroid cartilage and the left hyoid bone," Baden said.  "I have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging."  "Going over a thousand jail hangings, suicides in the New York City state prisons over the past 40-50 years, no one had three fractures," Baden said.

Jeffrey Epstein's Death Looks Like Murder Not Suicide, Forensic Expert Tells '60 Minutes'.  The controversy surrounding the apparent jail cell suicide of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has taken another turn.  Speaking with "60 Minutes" on CBS, a forensic pathologist who witnessed the autopsy of the 66-year-old says the disgraced financier's death points to murder — not suicide.  "There were fractures of the left, the right thyroid cartilage and the left hyoid bone," Dr. Michael Baden told CBS.  "I have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging."

Photos of Jeffrey Epstein Released Following His Death and Autopsy — It Sure Looks Like He was Strangled by Wire!.  In November famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden went on FOX and Friends where he claimed evidence points to homicide over suicide in Jeffrey Epstein's prison death. [...] During the discussion Judge Jeanine and Dr. Baden and showed convincing evidence that Epstein's death was not a suicide.  Epstein's bed was 5'6" tall.  Epstein was 4' tall on his knees.  The noose was found tied to the bed at 3'6'.  According to Dr. Baden the height of the tie would not bring enough force to break ANY bones let alone three bones in his neck.

Ghislaine Maxwell's powerful contacts protecting her in safe houses.  Ghislaine Maxwell — the British socialite who's long been accused of serving as Jeffrey Epstein's madam — is hiding in a series of safe houses and is being "protected because of the information she has on the world's most powerful people."  Maxwell, 58, allegedly procured young women and groomed them to have sex with Epstein and his wealthy pals, but she has remained out of public view after the convicted sex offender's re-arrest last year and his death in jail in August.  She has always denied any wrongdoing.  On the heels of a Reuters report that Maxwell was the main focus of an investigation by the FBI into several "people who facilitated" the dead pedophile's alleged sexual abuse, a source tells Page Six:  "Ghislaine is protected.  She and Jeffrey were assets of sorts for multiple foreign governments.  They would trade information about the powerful people caught in his net — caught at Epstein's house."

The Editor says...
Why would someone who denies "any wrongdoing" spend her days hiding and running?

FBI Confirms Maxwell, Others Are Under Investigation For Epstein Ties.  Sources inside the FBI have reportedly confirmed that the bureau is investigating British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and several other unnamed persons suspected of helping multimillionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein recruit and exploit underage girls.  Maxwell, who reportedly dated Epstein in the early 1990s before settling in to a close friendship with the millionaire, has been MIA since Epstein's July arrest.

Missing surveillance footage of Jeffrey Epstein's jail-cell suicide attempt has been found: prosecutors.  The missing footage of the outside of Jeffrey Epstein's cell at Manhattan's Metropolitan Correctional Center during his suicide attempt reappeared Thursday — a day after prosecutors said it hadn't been preserved.  "Earlier today, the government confirmed with MCC staff that the video was preserved by MCC staff upon defense counsel's request," Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold wrote in a letter to Judge Kenneth Karas.  That was the opposite of what the prosecutor said in White Plains Federal Court on Wednesday [12/18/2019].

The Editor says...
This raises a few reasonable questions:  Why is there only one copy of the recording?  Where was it?  That is, who was in possession of it?  Is there now an 18½-minute gap in the recording?  Was someone doctoring the recording frame-by-frame to erase anything from the images?

US Govt Claims Footage Of Jeffrey Epstein's First Suicide Attempt Has Gone 'Missing'.  How convenient. [...] Just as a reminder, we're being told to believe there was no video recording Epstein's cell at the time of his alleged death, two cameras outside his cell "malfunctioned" and a third went "missing," no guards watching over him, no witnesses and his cellmate was moved out of his cell just one day before his "suicide."  All this while Epstein was the most high-profile inmate in the entire country.

Surveillance video of Jeffrey Epstein's first suicide attempt goes missing from Manhattan jail where he was found dead.  Surveillance video of Jeffrey Epstein's suicide attempt in jail has vanished, it was revealed Wednesday [12/18/2019], as the mystery into the pedophile's death deepens.  In court on Wednesday prosecutors revealed that they could not locate the footage from outside Epstein's cell at Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City when he attempted to take his own life on July 23.  'I don't know the details of how it was lost or destroyed or why it wasn't retained when it should have been,' lawyer Bruce Barket said in court.

ABC Buried The Jeffrey Epstein Story.  A leaked recording obtained by Project Veritas shows ABC anchor Amy Robach complaining that the network refused to run with her story on Jeffrey Epstein before the revelations surfaced of the hedge fund manager's vast sex trafficking network.  "I've had the story for three years... We would not put it on the air.  Um, first of all, I was told, who's Jeffrey Epstein?  No one knows who that is.  This is a stupid story," Robach said.  "It was unbelievable what we had, Clinton, we had everything.  Now it's all coming out and it's like these new revelations and I freaking had it."  ABC has since declared war on the whistleblower who leaked the recording instead of coming down on the executives who buried the story.

Epstein's Arkancide.  No one with an IQ above that of a turnip believes wealthy girl slaver Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in a New York prison. [...] Why have so few of Epstein's victims come forward?  Most of them were terribly afraid of him.  Now that he's dead, his procuress buddy English socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, and other women above the age of consent who reportedly tricked girls into his sex slave harem could stand accused.  Problem is the Clintons are involved, and the girls understand many people who have been inconvenient to Bill and Hillary have died horrible deaths.  The Clintons have a trail of several dozen dead bodies behind them.  The highest ranking one?  Ron Brown, their Commerce Secretary who reportedly told Bill he would take him down with him if he was indicted for corruption.

Jeffrey Epstein book claims he and Ghislaine Maxwell were 'Mossad spies' who 'filmed US politicians and power players having sex'.  A new book about Jeffrey Epstein's crimes makes the far-fetched claim that he and Ghislaine Maxwell were in fact spies working for Israel's Mossad and that they lured prominent Western politicians and businessmen into sleeping with underage girls in order to blackmail them.  The claim is made in Epstein:  Dead Men Tell No Tales, a new book by American Media Inc's Dylan Howard, Melissa Cronin and several other reporters who claim to have worked for eight years to unravel 'an international conspiracy the likes of which we have never seen before.'  The theory relies on the belief that Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine's father who died in mysterious circumstances in 1991 after falling from his yacht, was also a Mossad spy — something that has been claimed for years but never proven.

Banker with Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead from Apparent Suicide.  Banker Thomas Bowers, who worked for a bank that managed Jeffrey Epstein's funds, was recently found dead from an apparent suicide which, according to the Los Angeles Coroner's Report, was via hanging.  He was 55 years old.  Weirder is that those outlets reporting on the banker's death seem adamant to tie the banker and Deutsche Bank to Donald Trump.  Not Jeffrey Epstein.  It took a little digging, but here's what I've found.  Thomas Bowers was the head of wealth management at Deutsche Bank as early as 2012.  According to The New York Times, Epstein was a client of their private-banking division since 2013. [...] Deutsche Bank had connections to Jeffrey Epstein and rather a hard time of unconnecting themselves from the notorious pedophile.  Yet so many outlets are trying to make it sound as if Bowers had more to do with Trump than Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein's private banker found dead by "suicide," model scout MIA.  Jeffrey Epstein's private wealth banker, Thomas Bower, 55, was found dead in his California home before Thanksgiving.  Bower brokered and signed off on multiple millions of dollars in controversial Deutsche Bank and Citibank loans for over two decades.  His death was ruled a "suicide" by the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner.

Estate Workers:  Both Clintons Were Frequent Guests At Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico Ranch.  Information [is] breaking today that doesn't look good for Bill and Hillary Clinton in regard to their relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. [...] The contractor was security expert Jared Kellogg, who was on the ranch to improve security and was responsible for the camera system on the compound.  He said that Brice Gordon, the manager of the property, bragged about the Clintons being there often.

More about Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein.

On the other hand...
Questions Raised About Whether the Clintons Frequented Jeffrey Epstein's NM Ranch.  Information obtained by InsideSources raises questions about a new report that the Clinton family made multiple trips to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico ranch, and a spokesman for the former president says the allegation is "simply not true.  Period."  A report claims that Bill and Hillary Clinton — along with Chelsea — visited Zorro Ranch "a whole bunch of times" and credited all its attributed allegations to Jared Kellogg, a security analyst based in Albuquerque.  But Kellogg told InsideSources he has no direct knowledge about the Clintons and he got the information during a brief encounter with Brice Gordon — the Zorro Ranch's estate manager — in 2015.  He says Gordon confided in him during a conversation at the ranch about installing lights and other security measures.  "This was all stuff told to me by [Gordon] and I can't verify anything that this guy was telling me," he said.

Jeffrey Epstein, Blackmail and a Lucrative 'Hot List'.  Soon after the sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein died in August, a mysterious man met with two prominent lawyers.  Towering, barrel-chested and wild-bearded, he was a prodigious drinker and often wore flip-flops.  He went by a pseudonym, Patrick Kessler — a necessity, he said, given the shadowy, dangerous world that he inhabited.  He told the lawyers he had something incendiary:  a vast archive of Mr. Epstein's data, stored on encrypted servers overseas.  He said he had years of the financier's communications and financial records — as well as thousands of hours of footage from hidden cameras in the bedrooms of Mr. Epstein's properties.  The videos, Kessler said, captured some of the world's richest, most powerful men in compromising sexual situations — even in the act of rape.

Epstein Tapes?  Sordid Case Takes A Bizarre Turn After Mystery 'Hacker' Emerges.  Shortly after Jeffrey Epstein's August death in a Manhattan detention facility, a shadowy figure claiming to have set up encrypted servers for the convicted sex offender told several attorneys and the New York Times he had a vast archive of incriminating evidence against powerful men stored on overseas servers, including several years worth of the financier's communications and financial records which allegedly showed he had vast amounts of Bitcoin and cash in the Middle East and Bangkok, and hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of gold, silver and diamonds.

Rot at the top:  The Epstein affair.  The Washington Post reported in September that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an exclusive club of mostly Washington, D.C., and New York City insiders, "took no action" against one of its members, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, after his crimes were known.  Epstein, a secretive billionaire with high-level connections in academia and government, had attended CFR events and donated $350,000 to the organization, becoming one of its top donors and a member of the "Chairman's Circle."  The CFR kept the money.  Epstein, whose "suicide" in jail has been labeled by some informed observers as murder, may be the most controversial CFR member since communist spy Alger Hiss.  If Epstein was murdered, the question becomes what did he know and when did he know it.  At the CFR, he would have had the opportunity to learn some deep dark secrets about foreign policy matters and the military-intelligence establishment.

ABC Killed Incriminating Story on Jeffrey Epstein; Plus Anchor is Sure He Was Murdered.  Everyone knows about sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein.  Everyone knows now.  ABC knew three years ago.  Project Veritas has just released a video revealing that ABC had a story three years ago on his sexual preying on underage girls.  The network killed it.

Deep State Media Whistleblower Double Standard.  [Scroll down]  Exposing Epstein and his clientele is not a priority for the Deep State media.  Perhaps that is because many high-level media executives and their allies in government may be members of Epstein's clientage.  George Stephanopoulos and Katie Couric are known to have attended Epstein events.  There are no flight logs revealing who attended events at Epstein's Manhattan townhouse.  Undoubtedly there were many prominent people attending his parties.  If they did not include powerful politicians Epstein was not doing a very good job.  This is one reason that there is a great deal of speculation that Epstein did not commit suicide.  This is not restricted to the tinfoil hat brigade. [...] The two correctional officers responsible for Epstein's wellbeing are being charged with falsifying prison records and failing to check on Epstein every half hour.  They were responsible for the wellbeing of perhaps the most prominent criminal is U.S. custody.  He had a record of a suicide attempt or an attempt on his life.  It was quite likely that many extremely powerful people wanted him dead.

The Editor says...
I think the biggest reason this case infuriates so many people across the country is that any county sheriff or police chief in the U.S., who took custody of "the most prominent criminal is U.S. custody," would have parked Mr. Epstein in the best cell available and would have parked extra guards at the door of that cell, on overtime if necessary.  If there actually was a conspiracy afoot in this case, I think it's likely that others will lose their lives before they are able to testify about Mr. Epstein's death.

Epstein:  US attorney general blames 'screw-ups' for suicide.  US Attorney General William Barr has called the death of paedophile Jeffrey Epstein "a perfect storm of screw-ups".  In an interview with AP News, Mr Barr said the jailhouse suicide, which came as Epstein awaited trial, was due to a "series" of mistakes.  His comments come after two guards who were responsible for Epstein were charged with falsifying prison records.

Arrest of Epstein prison guards proves his death was suicide:  Former NYC police commissioner.  Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik said that the indictment of two prison guards on duty the night Jeffrey Epstein died should end all the conspiracy theories surrounding the convicted sex offender's death.  Epstein was discovered dead in a cell of the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown New York City on the morning of August 10.  The New York City chief medical examiner's office ruled that his death was the result of a suicide, but that did not put an end to speculation.

The Editor says...
An indictment can hardly be accepted as proof of anything — even the guilt of those indicted.  If Mr. Epstein was placed in such a poorly-run prison with lazy and incompetent guards, and surveillance cameras that don't work, that just adds credibility to the notion that someone wanted him to be rubbed out.

Hmm. Epstein Guard Willing To "Cooperate" In Probe.  According to her attorney, one of the guards who was supposed to be checking in on serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's prison cell while he was allegedly busy hanging himself is ready to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation.  Tova Noel is reportedly ready to talk with prosecutors who are investigating the case, despite the fact that some charges have already been brought against her and one of her colleagues.  So is anyone starting to get nervous about this yet?

Jeffrey Epstein death:  Two jail guards to be charged in suicide probe.  Two corrections officers tasked with guarding Jeffrey Epstein at the time of his suicide are expected to be taken into custody Tuesday, according to sources familiar with the investigation.  The two officers are expected to face charges related to accusations of falsifying prison records at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan, where Epstein died on Aug. 10 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking.  Both guards were working overtime at the time of the financier's death and allegedly failed to check on Epstein every half-hour as they were required to do.  The charges stem from the duo falsifying forms to claim they'd carried out the required check-ins.

Epstein's guards turned down a plea deal.  [Scroll down]  In order to offer a plea deal, the prosecutors must have wanted something in return.  Sure, it might have just been a guilty plea to avoid the time and expense of a trial, but what if it was something else?  Is it possible that the guards are part of a group of people who know something that's not being told to the public and they were being offered an easy sentence if they would turn state's evidence on their superiors?  If it winds up being something like that, then the coroner's conclusion about the cause of Epstein's death is back on the table for a fresh look.  As we've discussed multiple times here, nothing about this case smells right and it hasn't from the beginning.  But unless someone with direct knowledge decides to step forward and offer new, plausible testimony, we're stuck with the results that we have now.

Inside Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico ranch.  Dozens of new photos and video give the most revealing look yet into Jeffrey Epstein's notorious 'baby making ranch' in the New Mexico desert, including his eight person party shower that is outfitted with dozens of bottles of oils, can exclusively reveal.  The dead financier used the 10,000-acre Zorro Ranch as a playground for his VIP guests, who he brought to the secluded estate a few times a year, entertaining his entourage of 30 with four-wheelers and rumored illicit activities.  New photos show a staircase leading downstairs, as a former contractor claims the convicted pedophile built a 1,000 sq ft underground 'strip-club' for entertaining his VIP guests with teenage girls.

Will the Epstein Story Ever be Fully Told?  Three months after Jeffrey Epstein's alleged suicide, many Americans have become convinced that the true story of the international sex-trafficking ring orchestrated by Epstein and his alleged "co-accomplices" will never be fully told. [...] Where did Epstein receive the money to fund his operation, including the acquisition of the largest private residence in Manhattan, two secluded private islands in the Virgin Islands, a secluded "ranch" in New Mexico, two large jets and a helicopter?  Why, for years, did the "watchdog" press display no interest in a scandal that, if fully told, could qualify as the "story of the century," a story that might implicate many more powerful people and government agencies than Watergate? [...] Already elevated, public skepticism about the "investigation" spiked when, five weeks after his arrest, the FBI finally raided Epstein's "Lolita" Island.  Epstein's "ranch" in New Mexico has still not been searched.

'Epstein Didn't Kill Himself' printed on California brewery's beer cans.  Tactical Ops Brewing started printing the special message Wednesday [11/6/2019] on the blue cans for the Freso-based firm's Basher Oatmeal Stout.  Manager Carlos Tovar told Fox 26 that he got the idea about a week ago — which would have been when famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden made international headlines by insisting Epstein's autopsy "points toward homicide rather than suicide."

Clinton buddy Stephanopoulos the real reason ABC sat on that Epstein story?  [Scroll down]  There's been a lot of jokes about the Clintons on the right about how the Clintons are probably the ones who did Epstein in in that famous prison "suicide" from earlier this year, given that very few such suicides have ever happened, and a recent medical examiner said that Epstein's death looked far more consistent with homicide.  Pavlich's observation, if true, signals that the Clintons sure as heck did something to keep the story out of the news.

ABC Spiking Epstein Story Reactionpalooza.  Assuming you're not getting your news from unreliable sources like ABC, you've probably already seen the Project Veritas tape with ABC news reporter Amy Robach, about how her network spiked a story on Jeffrey Epstein's pdophile ring three years ago.  [Video clip]  Like every other normal person in America, she thinks Epstein was murdered.  Naturally, when this story came out, ABC vowed to find out who spiked the Epstein story and terminate them.  Ha!  Just kidding!  They've sworn to track down and punish the leaker.  Because what's protecting a serial pedophile compared to punishing those who have tarnished your reputation by revealing the truth?

'We Had Everything': ABC News Host Caught on Hot Mic Venting About Spiked Epstein Story.  ABC executives buckled to outside pressure and spiked a story detailing underage sex trafficking allegations against financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein three years ago, an ABC Good Morning America co-host suggested in video footage obtained by Project Veritas.  Last August, nearly 2,000 court documents detailing Epstein's trafficking of teenage girls in Palm Beach, New York and overseas were unsealed in a federal civil case in New York.  Shortly thereafter, Epstein was found dead in his Manhattan jail cell.

ABC's Excuse for Failing to Report on Jeffrey Epstein Makes Absolutely No Sense.  James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, a group that has often infiltrated news organizations to uncover liberal bias, has released an explosive "hot mic" video of Good Morning America co-host Amy Robach venting about ABC's decision to spike a story about Jeffrey Epstein's nefarious activities three years ago.  "I had this interview with [Epstein victim] Virginia Roberts," Robach is seen saying in the video, "we would not put it on the air.  The [British royal] Palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways.  We were afraid we wouldn't be able to interview Kate and Will that we, that also quashed the story."  Robach now claims, through a network statement, that she was caught "in a private moment" of frustration over the lack of progress on a story.

Epstein Insider Info released at 9 am by Project Veritas, Lives at risk.  Many have asked if we are afraid; we are not.

Project Veritas:  Leaked ABC News Insider Recording Exposes #EpsteinCoverup "We had Clinton, We had Everything".  [Scroll down]  "[Amy] Robach goes on to express she believes that Epstein was killed in prison saying, "So do I think he was killed?  100% Yes, I do... He made his whole living blackmailing people... Yup, there were a lot of men in those planes.  A lot of men who visited that Island, a lot of powerful men who came into that apartment."

Jeffrey Epstein's Death: The Plot Thickens.  [Scroll down]  In his televised remarks, [Dr. Michael] Baden stated that, rather than hanging, the findings at autopsy were more consistent with "ligature homicidal strangulation."  As described by Baden, Epstein was "allegedly found hanging by a homemade ligature of sheets."  But autopsy disclosed three fractures of the thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone (a horseshoe-shaped bone in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage).  According to Baden, such fractures "are very unusual for suicide and are more indicative of homicidal strangulation."  He also noted that the assistant medical examiner who did the autopsy "didn't think that there was enough information to say it was suicide."  So at the time of the autopsy, the assistant medical examiner put the manner of death as "pending further study."  But, Baden stated, a week later that was changed from "pending further study" to "suicide," and Epstein's family wants to know why.

Fox News guest blurts out: 'Epstein didn't kill himself'.  A former Navy SEAL invited on Fox News to talk about military dogs suddenly went off-topic when he blurted out, "Epstein didn't kill himself."  Warrior Dog Foundation founder Mike Ritland was on "Watters' World" Saturday to discuss the heroism of dogs like Conan, the Belgian Malinois wounded as he helped take down ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  At the end of his segment, Ritland asked to do a "PSA" to discourage people from rushing out to adopt the military-used dogs — then sneaked in at the end, "And Epstein didn't kill himself."  "Alright," host Jesse Waters initially replied, quickly breaking into laughter as it appeared to sink in what the former SEAL had said.

Trevor Noah To Hillary Clinton: 'How Did You Kill Jeffrey Epstein?'.  "The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah had one burning question for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Thursday night:  "How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?"  Hillary and her daughter Chelsea are on a media tour promoting their new book "Gutsy Women."  The two found Noah's question amusing as they laughed with the audience.

Trevor Noah asks Hillary Clinton how she killed Jeffrey Epstein.  A "vast right-wing conspiracy" still hounds Hillary Clinton, who was jokingly asked by "The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah how she managed to kill pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in a Manhattan jail cell.  "I have to ask you a question that has been plaguing me for a while:  How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?" Noah asked, drawing laughter from Clinton, 71, and the New York studio audience on Thursday [10/31/2019].

The Editor says...
The question was most likely suggested or written by Hillary's staff.  Having people rubbed out is no laughing matter, but this was a way to apply derisive mockery to anyone who suggests that the Clintons' enemies tend to die suddenly and/or mysteriously.

Why You Might Not Want to Believe Michael Baden, Celebrity Pathologist, on Epstein's Death.  he August death of Jeffrey Epstein in a New York City jail has been subject to all manner of conspiracy-minded speculation.  The October 30 opinion of Michael Baden, the forensic pathologist hired by Epstein's brother, that the manner of death "points to homicide rather than suicide," contradicting the conclusion of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, will almost certainly stoke further speculation that Epstein, awaiting trial on federal child-pornography charges, met with foul play.  Whether that speculation is warranted interested me far less than the 85-year-old man giving this dissenting opinion.  Michael Baden has spent decades as the go-to freelance medical examiner on the media and lecture circuit.

Forensic Investigator:  Jeffrey Epstein's Autopsy More Consistent with Homicide.  Financier and convicted sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein — whose death was ruled a suicide by the New York City medical examiner's office — was likely murdered, famed forensic pathologist and Fox News contributor Dr. Michael Baden said on Fox & Friends this morning [10/30/2019] after examining Epstein's body.  "I've not seen in 50 years where that occurred in a suicidal hanging case," he said of the particular fractures found on Epstein's neck.  Epstein was found hanging in his Manhattan prison cell on August 10 and was later declared dead.

Is the "Dead" Epstein Photographer CIA?  How did renowned photographer William Farrington know the "dead" Jeffrey Epstein would be wheeled out on a gurney at the NYC Metropolitan Correctional Center?  His photo of a man who does not resemble Epstein.  It went viral and is being used as proof the notorious pedophile died in prison as a result of suicide.  "Looking at this man, he shares an uncanny resemblance to Roger Farrington, CIA celebrity photographer famed for his work in the Boston area in the 1970s. [...] Photos of the two men do strike an uncanny resemblance.  I cannot prove Roger-William Farrington works for the CIA, but I wouldn't be surprised.  The deep state and its cronies are busy at work trying to bury this story and hide the vast pedophile and sex slave network maintained by the elite. [...] I don't believe Epstein is dead.  I also believe the man Farrington took the photo of was not only not Epstein, but also wasn't dead.

Is The Death of Epstein Even Credible?  [Scroll down]  I don't trust the supposed Epstein autopsy report.  It says the pedo had broken neck bones.  This was attributed to an alleged suicide by hanging.  The corporate media published this as a fact without bothering to see evidence and simply going on the word of a government report that said Epstein's hyoid bone was broken.  In the past, alleged suicides were later said to be homicides, primarily due to studies showing this bone rarely breaks in suicide hangings.  It is more common in strangulation. [...] The media has its script — Epstein killed himself, these things happen in prisons (broken cameras, sleeping guards), even maximum-security prisons, and anybody who says otherwise is a conspiracy theorist, [...]

Strange Things Are Happening on Epstein Island:  Drone Footage.  Ever since Jeffrey Epstein's highly suspicious death in a maximum-security prison, things only got more suspicious.  Although the autopsy officially concluded that the cause of death was suicide, a steady flow of facts and revelations are strongly hinting towards a massive cover-up.  First, it was recently revealed that two cameras filming the jail cell of Jeffrey Epstein at the time of his death were "broken" and the recordings were deemed "unusable" by authorities.  Second, two guards allegedly "slept through" scheduled checks on Epstein and falsified records.  Third, Frenchman Jean-Luc Brunel, the model mogul suspected of being a Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking pipeline in Paris, "has disappeared like a ghost without a trace".  While mass media has been carefully filtering some of this information while ignoring other facts, the Rusty Shackleford YouTube channel has been providing a raw, unfiltered source of information by posting, on a regular basis, drone footage of Epstein Island and its surroundings.

Lawyer For Epstein's 'Madam' Says 'Hundreds Of Names' [are] Contained In Upcoming Records Dump.  An attorney for Jeffrey Epstein confidant (and alleged groomer) Ghislaine Maxwell told a judge on Wednesday that there are "hundreds" of people named in what is expected to be approximately 2,000 pages of documents ordered unsealed by the federal appeals court in New York, according to Bloomberg.

Police: Epstein confidant has 'disappeared without a trace'.  An associate of the alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein who ran a modeling empire is now a "ghost who has disappeared without a trace," according to investigators who are interested in speaking to him.  Jean-Luc Brunel, 72, was a member of Epstein's inner circle and ran an international modeling agency.  Some have alleged that Brunel used his connections in the agency to gain closer access to young women and "recruit" them into Epstein's sex trafficking circle.  Prosecutors in the United States and France are currently seeking the whereabouts of Brunel.  Investigations into Brazil, the U.S., and France are all said to part of the ongoing search.

Millionaire Thought To Have Key Info On Epstein Vanishes 'Without A Trace'.  The founder of a modeling agency, believed by authorities to possess key information about convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has now gone missing as law enforcement officials desperately search for his whereabouts.  "Jean-Luc Brunel, 72, has vanished as police seek to ask the Frenchman 'urgent' questions about the pedophile," the Daily Mail reported.  "Investigators are making inquiries in Brazil [and] the U.S., and European and French prosecutors are also pursuing claims relating to the financier, who died aged 66 before he could face the latest allegations."  A reported source in Paris told the Daily Mirror that Brunel "is a ghost who has disappeared without a trace."

Key Witness in Jeffrey Epstein Case Vanishes 'Without a Trace'.  A key witness, in the child sex trafficking case against deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has vanished "without a trace" as authorities "urgently" seek him for questioning, according to reports.  Millionaire model agency boss Jean-Luc Brunel, 72, has been described as Epstein's alleged "fixer" or "provider" of underage girls.  Investigators hunting for Brunel, however, say the Frenchman "has disappeared like a ghost without a trace."

The Editor says...
If I had first-hand knowledge of Mr. Epstein's business, I'd make myself disappear, too.

Jeffrey Epstein, Red Pill.  You got a problem with cheap mystery novels?  This is a great mystery, starting with whether Epstein really killed himself.  The circumstantial evidence on that question is mounting:  Epstein's roommate pulled from his cell the day before he died, guards falling asleep, jailhouse video cameras that, gee, unexpectedly malfunction.  At some point, Occam's razor begins to cut in another direction. [...] It's pretty clear that Epstein was running some kind of a sex ring for the rich and well connected.  How big a ring?  We don't know until we try to find out.  But there are reports out there [click if you dare] that it's bigger than we might think — bigger than old, familiar Prince Andrew, involving a non-trivial cross-section of business and entertainment leaders, plus some prominent Anglo-American families and maybe a handful of nation states.

Epstein's Own Lawyers Tell Court He Likely Died By "Assault" As Federal Case [is] Dropped.  Epstein's own defense team doesn't buy the suicide narrative, apparently, as one of his lawyers on Tuesday [8/27/2019] voiced deep skepticism that he hanged himself while addressing a final hearing in a Manhattan US District Court on Tuesday, which was held to formally dismiss the charges as is typical when the accused is deceased, but also to still allow testimony of some of the victims.  Defense lawyer Reid Weingarten told Judge Richard Berman during the hearing that Epstein's injuries are "far more consistent with assault" than suicide, especially given the broken bones in his neck discovered during the autopsy after he was found dead in his jail cell on Aug. 10.

Oops!  One of several convenient coincidences.
FBI studies two broken cameras outside cell where Epstein died: source.  Two cameras that malfunctioned outside the jail cell where financier Jeffrey Epstein died as he awaited trial on sex-trafficking charges have been sent to an FBI crime lab for examination, a law enforcement source told Reuters.

Report:  TWO Cameras Outside Jeffrey Epstein's Cell 'Malfunctioned'.  Two cameras (at least) which were filming outside Jeffrey Epstein's cell magically "malfunctioned," according to a new report from Reuters citing an anonymous law enforcement source.

Jeffrey Epstein's lawyers highly 'skeptical' of suicide ruling, say he wasn't 'despairing, despondent' before death.  A defense lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein on Tuesday expressed deep skepticism that the wealthy financier died by hanging himself in a Manhattan federal jail while awaiting trial on child sex trafficking charges, as a medical examiner has ruled.  The injuries suffered by Epstein are "far more consistent with assault" than suicide, the lawyer, Reid Weingarten, told Judge Richard Berman in U.S. District Court in Manhattan during a hearing.  Weingarten cited the defense's own medical sources.  Broken bones were found in Epstein's neck during an autopsy after he died Aug. 10.

What Happened to the Epstein Story?  [Jeffrey] Epstein's July 6 arrest and subsequent death made a lot of headlines.  Now, two weeks after his death, the story has nearly disappeared.  Epstein died on August 10 and had a broken hyoid bone.  This is, in the words of pathologists, more often indicative of death in a struggle, such as strangulation.  But New York City Medical Examiner Barbara Sampson concluded it was suicide.  The New York Times reported that her report conclusively disposed of "a wave of unfounded conspiracy theories" that he may have been killed.  You see, when an official says something, that's the end of the discussion.  Homicides are never mistaken for suicides.  Experts never disagree.  Consider the facts.  Epstein was the most notorious prisoner in federal custody.  No one has committed suicide at MCC since 1998.  Epstein had attempted suicide once already and remained on suicide watch only for six days after his previous suicide attempt on July 23.  Reports attributed to his team suggest that he was, in fact, attacked in that earlier incident.  His cellmate was moved on the night of his death, and he was left alone.

Jeffrey Epstein:  Another Clinton-related 'suicide'.  It is amazing that every time the Clintons face incarceration, someone who has incriminating evidence dies.  Before there was the Hillary email scandal, there was Whitewater, there was Travelgate, and there was the hiding of records from Vince Foster's office after his apparent suicide. [...] There is a joke going around that former FBI director James Comey decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton because he found his suicide note in her files.  It doesn't seem so funny anymore.

Lawyer Of Epstein Accuser Has Info That He Did Not Commit Suicide — He Was Murdered.  The official report says suicide.  The lawyer for an Epstein accuser says murder.  And he apparently has proof.

Jeffrey Epstein was MURDERED, claims victims' lawyer after 'receiving new information from prison source'.  A lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein's victims says he has obtained new information that suggests the billionaire paedo did NOT commit suicide but was murdered.  Spencer Kuvin, who accurately predicted that shamed financier would not last until his trial, told Sun Online he had been contacted by an anonymous prison worker who claimed it was "highly unlikely" the perv killed himself. [...] Kuvin said:  "I received a call from a supervisor at the MCC, which is the jail that Mr Epstein was held.  "The first words out of his mouth to be honest were, 'Don't believe what you are hearing' in regards to Epstein's death.

As Long as Enemies of the State Keep Dying Before Trial, No One Should Trust the State.  The official narrative of billionaire accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's death shifted faster than a New York subway rider when a homeless guy plops down next to them on a hot day.  First, they said Epstein had been on suicide watch, and then that he hadn't.  Prisons are full of cameras, yet there's still no video of Epstein's death.  Then, suicide watch or not, they claimed he'd been checked on every 30 minutes.  Then more like every three hours.  The medical examiner said his injuries were consistent with strangulation by a second person, but then thought better of it and ruled Epstein's convenient demise a suicide. [...] Whatever happened or didn't, the Epstein-Clinton connection is sketchy.  As is Epstein's suicide — the first at the Manhattan Correctional Facility since 1998.

Epstein Autopsy:  Forensic Pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht says it's not possible to break bones just by leaning forward from a bed.  [Video clip]

This guy seems interested
Nothing to see here.  "This guy seems very interested in following Epstein's Corpse!"

Epstein's Cellmate Told There Will be a "Price to Pay" if He Talks.  Jeffrey Epstein's former cellmate claims he was told there would be a "price to pay" if he talked about the sex trafficker's alleged suicide and is begging to be transferred to another jail. [...] Epstein's suicide has now largely disappeared from the headlines, with many of the high profile clients he provided "services" for breathing a huge sigh of relief.

Jeffrey Epstein's Visitor Records While Serving Work Release Were Mysteriously Destroyed.  The fishy details surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, the child sex predator and prominent Democratic Party donor who died of an alleged suicide earlier this month, continues to get more bizarre by the day, as it becomes more obvious that the paper trail that could connect prominent figures to his illicit sex ring is drying up.

Poll:  Only 29 Percent Of Americans Believe Jeffrey Epstein Committed Suicide.  Only 29 percent of American adults believe Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in jail, according to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports. [...] Just as a reminder, we're being told to believe there was no video recording his cell at the time of his alleged death, no guards watching over him (one of the guards that was alleged supposed to be watching over him wasn't even a corrections officer), no witnesses and his cellmate was moved out of his cell just one day before his "suicide."

Epstein Felt He Would Win [His] Case — [It] Appears He Was Murdered.  Jeffrey Epstein told his attorney he would win his case.  He was in extremely good spirits and felt optimistic.  His attorneys felt he was delusional, but that was unimportant to them.  It is certainly clear to me he was living several cells down from someone he feared and with good reason.  The hulking former police officer shared a cell with Epstein in the beginning of his incarceration.  From what I am learning the officer shared a cell with him while he was on suicide watch.  However, two weeks before he died, Epstein told the prison warden the convicted murderous officer roughed him up so badly he had to be taken to the hospital. [...] Although bones were broken in his neck consistent with homicide, his death is said to be a suicide.  I no longer believe he committed suicide, and I believe his killer was planted very close to him.  The clear fact there was nothing recorded tells us all we need to know.

We Are All Conspiracy Theorists Now.  As the story goes, Jeffrey Epstein hanged himself with a jail bedsheet in the early morning hours of Saturday, August 10.  Six days later, New York City's medical examiner announced that the cause of death was suicide by hanging.  Problem is, nobody I know believes this.  And according to a Rasmussen poll, only 29% of Americans believe the official story.  A full 42% of them say they believe he was murdered.  Of those who claim they've been following the case "very closely," a robust 56% say they believe he was murdered. [...] Two guards had been assigned to check on Epstein every 30 minutes.  They apparently stopped doing this around 3:30 AM on Saturday and didn't return to his cell until they "discovered" his corpse at 6:30 AM, although they allegedly made log entries lying about having routinely visited him.  According to the official party line, they had both fallen asleep, for about three hours.  At first it was said that the cellblock's cameras had malfunctioned, meaning there was no video of Epstein's possible suicide.  Later it was said there was video, but nothing was divulged about what the video did or didn't show.  It's hard to know what to believe when the stories keep changing so quickly.

The Epstein Incident [is] Another Blow to Government and Media Credibility.  "Conspiracy theorists" are routinely dismissed as being on the fringes of society.  However, in this case it will be difficult to dismiss the large number of well-respected individuals on the left and right who find the official account unbelievable.  Everything the government did with Epstein from his arrested on July 7 to his apparent suicide on August 10 was a predictable hurtle to disaster. [...] It is no secret that many powerful people wanted Epstein silenced.  He was perhaps the most important prisoner ever housed in the Metropolitan Correctional Center.  To treat him like an ordinary prisoner suggests that the administration wanted Epstein to meet his end in its prison.  The warden was aware of this staffing shortage and could have remedied the situation with a phone call.  All of these factors have led to a great deal of skepticism among some fairly knowledgable and influential people.

Epstein and the Public Loss of Faith.  The death of Jeffrey Epstein in the MCC federal jail has touched off no end of speculation.  While the medical examiner's conclusion indicating it was suicide has been made public, the report itself has not been released.  Many don't believe it.

Dr. Cyril Wecht on Epstein Death:  "Have Not Seen" Multiple Fractures in "Simple Leaning Into Suicide Hanging" In Over 20,000 Autopsies.  Dr. Cyril Wecht joined Kennedy on FOX Business Network on Wednesday night to discuss Jeffrey autopsy results.  Dr. Wecht, who is a doctor and lawyer, told Kennedy a Montreal study found only 2 of 239 hanging death resulted in a broken Hyoid bone — or less than 1% of those killed.  Top US inmate and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein suffered broken bones in his neck and a broken Hyoid bone that is more common in strangulation deaths.  Wecht added that every prisoner in the MCC on his floor should be questioned about his death.

Medical Professor Casts Doubt On Epstein's Cause Of Death.  An NYU Medical Professor, Dr. Marc Siegel, claims that there may have been foul play due to what parts of the neck were injured.  "The hyoid bone in the neck being fractured and other fractures in the neck, make it more likely, and again, this is a percentage call, more likely that it was a homicide than a suicide," Siegel said.  "It can either be a suicide or a homicide still.  I am now more suspicious than ever that this could be a homicide, number one because of the bones." Siegel claimed.

New York medical examiner:  Jeffrey Epstein died by suicide.  Dr. Barbara Sampson said that "after careful review of all investigative information, including complete autopsy findings, the determination on the death of Jeffrey Epstein" was that its "cause" was "hanging" and its "manner" was "suicide," according to a statement obtained by the Washington Examiner.  The medical examiner's office said Epstein appeared to have tied a bedsheet to the top of a bunk bed and then moved toward the floor with enough force to break bones in his neck, according to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

3 Epstein lawyers challenge autopsy results, some MCC prison staff clam up.  Three of Jeffrey Epstein's attorneys are not buying the New York City Medical Examiner's ruling that the sex offender committed suicide August 10.  "We are not satisfied with the conclusions of the medical examiner.  We will have a more complete response in the coming days," the lawyers said in a joint statement Friday evening after the chief medical examiner ruled out foul play earlier in the day.  The three had hired a private pathologist to observe the autopsy.  It is "indisputable that the authorities violated their own protocols," their statement read.  Lawyers Martin G. Weinberg, Reid Weingarten, and Michael Miller said they would conduct their own investigation, and will seek court help, as necessary, to get access to available "pivotal" MCC video of areas from around Epstein's cell.

Epstein "suicide" conspiracies:  Clinton Body Count, MI-6, or Mossad?  The Jeffrey Epstein "suicide" is looking more and more like an Agatha Christie novel.  Did Epstein take his own life?  You have to ask, was he the modern-day equivalent of Lee Harvey Oswald, silenced by Jack Ruby because he knew too much?  Or is Epstein more like the fictional gangster Frank Pantangeli in Godfather II.  Slitting his wrists in Federal custody and taking his secrets with him.  Or is Epstein just another not too surprising addition to the Clinton Body Count?  The conspiracy theories are many.

Epstein's ex-bodyguard fuels more speculation when he gives probing reporter cryptic warnings.  Former UFC fighter Igor Zinoviev was reached by New York Magazine's M.L. Nestel and spoke about the late billionaire and accused sex trafficker who died of an apparent suicide last weekend while awaiting trial in New York's Metropolitan Correctional Center.  Zinoviev, who also drove Epstein around in Palm Beach, Florida and assisted with some fitness training when he was employed by the convicted sex offender, implied that there was more behind the suicide.

You Should Totally Trust Our Elite Institutions... Not.  No, it's not insane to think there might be more to it and to want to see what AG Barr's dual investigations uncover.  It's interesting that Barr is having both the FBI and IG investigate.  It's almost as if he doesn't trust our institutions either in the wake of Epstein getting Lee Harvey'd.  Basically, the best-case scenario here is that our government is unbelievably incompetent, not a particularly soothing thought.  But the alternative is that it is corrupt and criminal in ways we can barely imagine.

Epstein's Autopsy Finds Multiple Broken Bones In Neck; Raises Questions.  Although Epstein's death has been characterized as an "apparent suicide," many believe it may have been a murder instead.  A preliminary result such as this is sure to give credence to that theory.  There are certainly many people who had an interest in seeing Epstein silenced.

Report: Prison Worker's Post 10 Minutes Before Media Reported Epstein's Death:  "Guy In Green Dress Military Outfit... Switched Him Out".  I have questioned whether or not the alleged "suicide" of Jeffrey Epstein was faked in order to get him out of the prison and safely away somewhere, probably his island.  His previous "attempt" was also considered an elaborate hoax to get bail.  Earlier this week, a report came out that provided a screenshot that a post on 4Chan indicated that Epstein had been "switched out" by a "guy in a green dress military outfit" prior to the reports of Epstein's death.

Arkancide.  How many people do you know that have committed suicide or have been murdered?  Then think of how many people the Clintons know who have committed suicide or have been murdered.  Some of the murders have been weird like Seth Rich who was killed in a robbery where nothing was taken. [...] Epstein had the goods on a lot of powerful people.  He had to be silenced and he was.  Too bad he didn't leave a dead man switch that if sumpin' happened to him a lot of stuff would come out that would bring a lot of people down.

Dr. Marc Siegel "More Suspicious Than Ever" Epstein Was Murdered.  Dr. Marc Siegel says that in the aftermath of Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy results being revealed, he is "more suspicious than ever" that the sex trafficker was murdered.  "The hyoid bone in the neck being fractured and other fractures in the neck, make it more likely, and again, this is a percentage call, more likely that it was a homicide than a suicide," Siegel told Fox News.

Report: Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Reveals Broken Neck Bones.  According to the New York Post, Epstein was discovered with a bedsheet around his neck which was tied to his bunk bed.  "The convicted pedophile, who was 6 feet tall, apparently killed himself by kneeling toward the floor and strangling himself with the makeshift noose," the paper stated.

The second scenario:  Not suicide, but someone wanting Epstein gone, gets steam.  There were reports of screams at dawn.  There were people who've been in prison who argue that no one can commit suicide in that lockup.  There were reports that Epstein wasn't suicidal and thought that someone tried to kill him earlier.  If any of these are true, and I can't tell at this point, the guard incompetence cited could very well be a dog-ate-my-homework sort of cover-up.

Experts: Broken Bones in Jeffrey Epstein's Neck 'Are Common In Victims of Homicide by Strangulation'.  According to the official story released by the authorities, Epstein's guards fell asleep during their duty and failed to check on him for three hours, which supposedly gave him time enough to hang himself.  Simultaneously, the camera system failed to work.  Oh, and he magically found some tools to hang himself — in a maximum-security prison.  And then there's the fact that his cellmate was removed from his cell, meaning that Epstein was all alone, which "violated the jail's procedures."

Autopsy finds broken bones in Jeffrey Epstein's neck, deepening questions around his death.  An autopsy found that financier Jeffrey Epstein sustained multiple breaks in his neck bones, according to two people familiar with the findings, deepening the mystery about the circumstances around his death.  Among the bones broken in Epstein's neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam's apple.  Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject.  But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said.

They're watching the Epstein case from abroad, too.  Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the mishandling of the Jeffrey Epstein case is that the eyes of the world, including those of unfriendly powers, are watching.  What would they make of a justice system that first goes for years allowing a well-connected pedophile to operate, and then when the law finally catches up to him, allows him to mysteriously die in prison, a claimed suicide.  And to make us all believe the unbelievable, a new tale is now being spun about guard incompetence, mysteriously non-recording cameras, a few screams at dawn, a missing roommate, someone who wasn't a guard guarding, an irregularly placed bedsheet, questions of why the inmate was or wasn't on suicide watch, and other errors.  These don't occur in civilized countries within systems that employ prison guards making six-figure incomes, or at least, not until now.  The whole thing suggests some kind of payoff, some kind of arranged death or intentional failure to prevent one.

Report: Maxwell Told Friend That Epstein's Entire Island Was Wired For Video, Presumably For Blackmail Purposes.  I'm revising my theory about that mysterious temple on Epstein's Pedophile Island.  Old theory:  The temple is a satanic playground where Epstein and his jetset cohorts would do unspeakable things to children as part of some ritual sacrifice to Zozo or whoever.  New theory:  The temple is actually a massive surveillance hub where Epstein would review and store all of the blackmail footage he'd recorded of his guests on the island.  And also a satanic playground where he and his pals would do unspeakable things to children as part of some ritual sacrifice to Zozo or whoever.

The Morning Briefing:  Epstein's Death Just Got Weirder, Shocked Face Edition.  At this point, one might run the risk of actually spraining something while trying to avoid a conspiracy theory.  Another few days of coincidences piling up the way they have been since Saturday and investigators are going to have to wear hazmat suits to wade through the toxic B.S.

Epstein dead or alive?  Body photos raise questions.  As WND reported Sunday, the public has been told that Epstein was found dead, the victim of an "apparent suicide," and even though an autopsy has been performed, the New York City medical examiner's office still "needed more information before determining the cause of death," according to NBC News.  [Rush] Limbaugh explained:  "If Epstein was gonna commit suicide, he had to have assistance. [...] I'm tending to think the guy's not dead.  "I'm tending to think they got him out of there.  He's on a different island now that he bought before all this happened.  They've somehow transferred some of his wealth so he has somewhere to live.  I mean, if we're gonna create conspiracy theories, let's have at it.  Let's just have at it.  We've gotten to the point in American society where nobody trusts anything that the government says, except the left.  And everybody doubts this."

Epstein guards suspected of falsifying logs to show they were checking on him: report.  Guards at the New York City jail facility where Jeffrey Epstein is said to have killed himself are suspected of falsifying log entries to show they were checking on the alleged sex trafficker and other inmates with greater regularity than was the case, according to a Tuesday report.  Surveillance video reviewed after Epstein's death shows guards at the Metropolitan Correctional Center did not make some of the checks they claimed to have made in their logs, a source told the Associated Press.  The New York Times reported, citing unnamed officials, that the guards fell asleep at some point and did not check on him for up to three hours.  The federal jail workers claimed they were checking on inmates in Epstein's unit every half hour, but investigators now believe that was not the case.

Jeffrey Epstein Attorney:  He Was Concerned For His Life.  Jeffrey Epstein was concerned for his life after an incident in the jail in late July that sources at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York said was an attempted suicide, said Criminal Defense Attorney David Schoen, who had visited Epstein on Aug. 1, at the facility.  Schoen had been speaking to Epstein weeks prior and deliberating whether or not to take on the federal sex trafficking case authorities had brought against the billionaire.  He was being held without bail for child sex trafficking, as well as conspiracy charges.  Epstein pleaded not guilty.  He faced up to 45 years in prison if convicted and the mystery surrounding his death deepened with his alleged suicide Saturday. [...] Epstein had been put into a cell with a very dangerous former police officer, accused of killing four people and the incident regarding his alleged suicide in July needs to be thoroughly investigated.

Was Epstein's Accomplice Ready To Spill The Beans?  Guess who will end up holding the bag after Jeffrey Epstein's abrupt and ignominious end?  Now that the pedophile sex-trafficker is dead, his victims and prosecutors will have to turn their attention elsewhere for justice.  And that means Ghislaine Maxwell just went from the most-sought witness to Public Enemy #1 over the weekend. [...] What might be more of interest to investigators at the moment is where Maxwell is.  She sold her townhouse in Manhattan three years ago, and has been in the wind ever since.

Why was Jeffrey Epstein's death on 4chan before it became public?  The New York City Fire Department has launched an investigation into whether Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide was leaked by a first responder on internet message board 4chan before officials announced the death, according to a report.  The supposed leak was posted to the anonymous message board 4chan at 8:16 a.m.  Saturday, around 40 minutes before The [New York] Post broke the news of the convicted pedophile's death, Buzzfeed News reported.

Former AAG Matt Whitaker — Epstein's Custodial Suicide is "Fishy".  Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker appears on Fox News with Lou Dobbs to discuss immigration judges and a unionization ruling.  However, when the discussion turned to Jeffrey Epstein, even AAG Whitaker said common sense tells us something about this is "fishy".  [Video clip]

Jeffrey Epstein Fallout Shows How Little Trust Americans Have in Media and Government.  he reaction to the news Saturday morning that sex-trafficker-to-the-stars Jeffrey Epstein reportedly had committed suicide while in federal custody was nearly universal:  No one was buying the "official" story.  Hashtags about the Clintons' suspected culpability in Epstein's death immediately dominated social media.  People who had predicted Epstein would be dead before he faced trial felt vindicated.  Suspicions about the "official line" on Epstein's suicide were bipartisan.  Trump foes on the Left, eager to pin the death on the president and his attorney general, proffered their own skepticism about what happened Saturday at a federal prison in Manhattan:  "You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to see an evil coverup to protect lots of powerful men here.  You'd have to be bizarrely naive not to," tweeted Harvard law professor and Trump hater Laurence Tribe.

FBI raids Jeffrey Epstein's 'pedophile island' estate as investigation continues.  FBI agents — accompanied by Customs personnel, local police and New York City officers, according to a Virgin Islands source — fanned out in golf carts across Epstein's estate on Little St. James Island.  They scooped up evidence just two days after Epstein was found dead in his jail cell of an apparent suicide while in federal custody in Manhattan.

The Editor says...
Okay, they "scooped up evidence."  For what purpose?  Will the evidence get "lost" like Hillary's emails?  The central question now is this:  Can the FBI be trusted?

The Elaborate Rescue Of Jeffrey Epstein By The Clintons.  There are only two possibilities concerning Jeffrey Epstein, 1, he was outed via a professional hit, or 2, he was secretly released and placed in the witness protection program.  The efforts to keep the public from seeing Epstein's body being taken out of the corrections facility to an ambulance by trying to block the view with medical curtains is the biggest red flag of them all.  If everything went down as they want us to believe it did, blocking the view would not have been even thought of.  If Epstein were actually dead, there would have been no reason to hide the body from view.  So, we can assume he was released into the custody of either the FBI or DOJ to continue his business as usual of running a pedophile sex resort.  Which is so vital to many politicians in office today and the Hollywood elite.  The mastermind behind such an elaborate scheme and who would have the experience to make it happen would have to go to the Clinton hit squad.  Aside from having a long record of eliminating anyone who poses a threat to Bill and Hillary they also are their cleanup team in destroying evidence and anything linking the Clinton's and their friends to various crimes.

Epstein Dead: 5 Hard Facts You NEED to Know!  Steven Crowder goes through the absolutely insane — and REAL — facts surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's case and "suicide."  [Video clip]

NY Post:  Jeffrey Epstein Used Bedsheet to Hang Himself.  Accused sex child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was discovered Saturday inside his New York City prison cell with a bedsheet wrapped around his neck that was tied to his bunk bed.  "The convicted pedophile, who was 6 feet tall, apparently killed himself by kneeling toward the floor and strangling himself with the makeshift noose, a law enforcement source said Monday," according to the New York Post.

The Day Jeffrey Epstein Told Me He Had Dirt on Powerful People.  Almost exactly a year ago, on Aug. 16, 2018, I visited Jeffrey Epstein at his cavernous Manhattan mansion.  The overriding impression I took away from our roughly 90-minute conversation was that Mr. Epstein knew an astonishing number of rich, famous and powerful people, and had photos to prove it.  He also claimed to know a great deal about these people, some of it potentially damaging or embarrassing, including details about their supposed sexual proclivities and recreational drug use.

The FBI Raids Epstein Island, Six Weeks Too Late.  Jeffrey Epstein was taken into federal custody way back on June 6, six full weeks ago, and the raging dumpster fire that is Christopher Wray's FBI just now finally got around to "raiding" the pedophile's "Pedo Island". That's right, it took them six weeks to finally think, hey, maybe we ought to go see if we can, like, find some evidence or something on the island which was, if all the documents and flight logs and depositions and affidavits are to be believed, the epicenter of Epstein's human slavery pedophilia ring.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik:  Cameras in Hallway Will Show Who Entered Jeffrey Epstein Prison Cell and at What Time.  Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik joined Sean Hannity on Monday [8/12/2019] to discuss the surprise death of multi-millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein on Saturday in the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Lower Manhattan.  Kerik, as the former NYPD Commissioner, is very familiar with the prison.  Kerik also ran the Department of Prisons in New York for six years involving about 133,000 inmate admissions a year.  Bernard Kerik told Sean there should be video from the hallway outside of Epstein's prison cell.

The Editor says...
Pardon my endless skepticism, but when the surveillance video surfaces, and it shows absolutely nothing abnormal took place around Mr. Epstein's cell, how will any of us know that the video was authentic?  If some group of powerful people wanted Mr. Epstein dead, or (as some say) wanted to assist in his escape or relocation, they would be producing the "surveillance video" in a studio right now.  When the video comes forth, how will you or I know that it does or does not resemble the actual jail cell in question?

None dare call it 'conspiracy'.  [Scroll down]  An unnamed source working as a chaplain in a Los Angeles psychiatric hospital responded to my inquiry concerning monitoring protocols:  "I have seen and know the protocols for suicidal patients and usually they are given meds to keep them calm.  The patient is not simply under observation but is physically watched 24/7 ... not every 10 minutes or 30 minutes, but minute by minute.  I can't even give them a Bible with a hard cover or even a rosary ... there's no way to commit suicide without help from someone else ... this is wrong!"  Conspiracy theories immediately surfaced, including one disseminated by President Trump.  In a tweet, the president, who knew Epstein, but claims they had a falling out some years ago, tried to link Epstein's death to former President Bill Clinton.  That one quickly began trending on Twitter, mostly because so many people associated with the Clintons have died, some under curious circumstances.  Not all conspiracy theories turn out to be wrong.

Source:  Epstein left unchecked for hours, death may not be suicide.  Jeffrey Epstein's death becomes controversial after a source informs that he was left unchecked hours before the apparent suicide.  The New York City prison is held accountable after Jeffrey Epstein, a famous American financier, died inside the prison walls.  The correctional officers, according to a source, did not check on Epstein for hours after transferring his cellmate for unknown reasons.

FBI Agents Raid Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island'.  A dozen FBI agents raided Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island', pulling up to his Caribbean getaway in speedboats and roaming the grounds in golf carts, two days after pervert billionaire's suicide.  At least a dozen FBI agents were seen raiding Jeffrey Epstein's US Virgin Island Little St. James on Monday morning [8/12/2019] and afternoon.  Isn't this just a little too late?  The raid comes two days after he was found dead by suicide in his New York jail cell.

7 Unanswered Questions About Epstein's Death That The Mainstream Media Is Not Talking About.  Did Jeffrey Epstein commit suicide or was he murdered?  This is a question that is being debated by millions of Americans right now, and without a doubt this is the biggest story of this news cycle.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media is already dropping the ball.  Instead of going wherever the evidence leads them, there already seems to be a tremendous effort to marginalize any explanations for his death other than "suicide".

5 Theories About the "Death" of Jeffrey Epstein.  Nobody was really surprised when it was reported last weekend that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell of an apparent "suicide." And also, nobody really believed the official story.  I find it heartening to know that the American people no longer swallow the stories without question. [...] There are a lot of powerful people who wouldn't want the world hearing what Epstein had to say about their unsavory sexual predilections.  Topping that list could be a guy with frequent flier miles on the Lolita Express.

Bill Barr: 'We Are Now Learning of Serious Irregularities That Are Deeply Concerning' at Jail Where Epstein Found Dead.  US Attorney General Bill Barr addressed the ongoing investigation into pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein's death at a press conference on Monday morning [8/12/2019].  "We are now learning of serious irregularities at this facility that are deeply concerning and demand a thorough investigation," Barr said.  "There will be accountability," Barr asserted.  [Video clip]

Epstein death cartoon
Epstein Gets Rubbed Out.  Epstein was suicided after being taken off of suicide watch.  The surveillance camera malfunctioned.  There were no recordings.  The guards weren't watching.  Someone wanted Epstein dead, or at least removed and disappeared.  The photo of the body at the hospital didn't look like Epstein — not exactly. [...] Everyone knows the whole situation reeks of outrageous corruption, but what will be done about it?  Probably nothing.  An FBI investigation?  That's a joke — they may as well send in Inspector Clouseau.  Besides, the FBI, CIA, and/or the Mossad were probably in on it.  There will be no investigation.  More likely, we'll see a cover-up and misdirection.

Is Arkancide Real?  Epstein Dead.  We studiously avoid conspiracy theories on CHQ, but stop and think about it:  Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Lois Lerner's hard drive, Hillary Clinton's email, and now Jeffrey Epstein — when the Left wants something or someone to disappear or be disappeared the desired result occurs with astonishing regularity — especially if it touches on Bill and Hillary Clinton's interests.

The Convenient Death of Jeffrey Epstein.  A detailed look at who Jeffrey Epstein was, his crimes and those alleged to be complicit, and the circumstances surrounding his death.  [Video clip]

The Mysterious, Outrageous Death of Jeffrey Epstein.  Here are a few things I know firsthand about being in jail.  First and foremost, you have virtually no control over your life and surroundings.  You can't get so much as an aspirin without authorization.  In most jails, you can't wear a belt, or shoelaces, or keep a razor in your cell.  You have no privacy, no sense of dignity, and no rights.  And in a well-run jail, high-profile prisoners have virtually no chance of killing themselves.  So the alleged suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, the 66-year-old financier with powerful American and foreign friends who was about to stand trial for allegedly sexually abusing dozens of girls, many of them underage, is particularly unfathomable — and outrageous.

Epstein had been off suicide watch for more than a week.  One of these days we might actually learn exactly how convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein wound up dead, but for the moment we're still watching a game of finger-pointing unfold in the media.  In the early hours after learning that he had killed himself, everyone (including yours truly) seemed to be under the assumption that he was on suicide watch.  And yet somehow he managed to take himself out, assuming you don't believe any of the rampant conspiracy theories making the rounds.

Jeffrey Epstein dead:  Timeline of sexual abuse allegations and related legal cases.  [Scroll down]  April 2010 - Flight logs obtained as part of civil lawsuits against Epstein show an assortment of politicians, academics, celebrities, heads of state and world leaders flying on Epstein's jets in the early 2000s.  Among them: former President Bill Clinton, former national security adviser Sandy Berger, former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana and lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

Former Acting AG Whitaker on Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide: 'Something doesn't add up'.  Former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker said Monday that "something doesn't add up" when it comes to the apparent suicide of Jeffrey Epstein inside a New York City federal prison.  He called for "full transparency" on the events that led up to his death.  Speaking on "Fox & Friends," Whitaker stressed that notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was held at the same facility, but Epstein was reportedly not monitored closely enough to prevent his suicide.

What Happened to Jeffrey Epstein?  New York's Alcatraz skyscraper has hosted some of the most dangerous and infamous criminals in the world, and its security is as painfully tight as its slitted windows.  MCC inmates are bound for one of the federal courts in Civic Center.  Some of them will testify.  Many only reluctantly.  And some of them will be the targets of international gangs, terror groups and crime families who don't want them testifying.  Somebody did not want the inmate in a cell on one of the top floors of the MCC testifying, even though the job of MCC personnel isn't just to lock them up, but to keep them from dying.  Before Jeffrey Epstein, Mafia kingpins, drug lords and terrorists had come and gone.  A helicopter rescue operation had failed.  And then Epstein had somehow managed to impossibly hang himself in his cell.

What's Next For The Epstein Case?  Epstein's death came a day after hundreds of documents were unsealed that detailed sexual abuse allegations against Epstein and several others.  The documents are from a settled defamation case between Ghislaine Maxwell, an associate of Epstein, and Virginia Giuffre, who said she became Epstein's sex slave and was trafficked at age 17, ABC News reported.  The documents name former Democratic New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, former Democratic Maine Sen. George Mitchell, Prince Andrew and others as being involved.  They have all denied the allegations.

More on Jeffrey Epstein's "Suicide".  Jeffrey Epstien's "suicide" sounded suspicious when news first broke, but the news that's come out since only make it sound even more suspicious: [...] Yet, after all that, the New York Times has the gall to state "Mr. Epstein's suicide has also unleashed a torrent of unfounded conspiracy theories online, with people suggesting, without evidence, that Mr. Epstein was killed to keep him from incriminating others." Uh, unfounded save the fact that everyone following the story knows that Epstein hobnobbed with the rich and powerful, had the dirtiest of dirt on them thanks to his under-aged sex ring, and was found dead in a high security jail when it was obvious that he was not only at risk for murder or suicide, but that he had already "attempted suicide" and was was on 24-hour suicide watch until just before he was found deadUnfounded.

Epstein Taking the Big Dirt-Nap.  Doesn't "suicide watch" involve somebody... watching?

Jeffrey Epstein wasn't checked on for hours before apparent suicide: report.  Correctional officers at the New York City prison housing Jeffrey Epstein didn't check in on him for hours leading up to his apparent suicide on Saturday after his cellmate was transferred for reasons that were not immediately clear.  Epstein, 66, was found unconscious in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, and later pronounced dead — raising questions about how the wealthy financier, imprisoned on sex trafficking charges, could have been able to kill himself while in a high-security facility just over two weeks after being placed on suicide watch.

Was Billionaire Sex Pervert Epstein the Victim of a Deep-State Hit?  The leftist media is, of course, dismissing "conspiracy theories" that suggested Epstein might have been the victim of foul play.  But given his connections to elites and politicians across the globe, and the names that surfaced in 2,000 pages of newly released documents from a related Epstein case, the question must be asked:  Cui bono?  As The New American's Luis Miguel reported last month, Epstein traveled in the highest circles of the Deep State.  He was a member of the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations, and close pals with Bill Clinton, who flew on Epstein's jet, called the "Lolita Express," 26 times.

Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey Epstein.  On Saturday multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein, the highest profile prisoner in US custody, was found dead in his prison cell in Manhattan.  This occurred the day after two thousand previously sealed court documents involving the Jeffrey Epstein child sex abuse case were released to the public.  The documents described how Bill Clinton held a private party on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island.  Clinton made at least 27 times trips on Jeffrey Epstein's private plane.  Most of those flights were with underage girls.  Despite a previous attempt on his life just three weeks ago the prison guards skipped the 30 minute required checks on Epstein's cell last night.

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein drowns in the Clinton's "dead pool".  The Clinton dead pool just swallowed another victim (or was he a criminal accomplice?) into its gaping maw.  Arrested in early July on charges of sex-trafficking, registered pedophile Jeffrey Epstein conveniently and successfully committed suicide Saturday, allegedly by hanging himself while in prison custody. [...] Coincidentally, Epstein's death came one day after the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York unsealed and released 2,000 documents pertaining to Epstein's case.  Included were sworn affidavits from female victims accusing powerful Democrats of having sex with them when they were minors.  With the help of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Jeff Epstein's Death A Most Timely And Convenient Suicide?  Stating the obvious:  Epstein's death comes one day after a court unsealed documents showing one of his accusers claimed that he trafficked her to powerful men for sex — including former Democratic governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson, Britain's Prince Andrew, former Democratic Senator of Maine George Mitchell, "another prince," a "foreign president," and a "well-known prime minister," among others.  Most significantly to note, not one of the men named in the deposition have yet been charged.

So who are the Democrats' 'faves' who might be breathing a sigh of relief at Epstein's demise?  Now that Jeffrey Epstein's dead in the strangest of circumstances - the accused child sex trafficker reportedly said someone tried to murder him three weeks ago, the guy got taken off suicide watch by some psychiatrist who said he wasn't suicidal, the guy turns up dead, the guy's prison security cameras mysteriously malfunctioned, it's not hard to think someone wanted him dead, either by "allowing" him to do himself in, or else by doing the KGB thing in the Manhattan Correctional Center.  The press has thrown flak at Twitter and President Trump who called the case for Arkancide.

Bill Clinton Visited Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island': Unsealed Court Documents.  Former president Bill Clinton visited the Caribbean island owned by Jeffrey Epstein known by locals as "pedophile island," according to court documents unsealed on Aug. 9.  The documents included a 2016 deposition of Virginia Giuffre, who has said she was a sex slave of Epstein's and made to have sex with a number of his friends and acquaintances.  Giuffre said that she flew to the island with Epstein when she was 17 and that, while she was there, Epstein's associate Ghislaine Maxwell told her that she had picked Clinton up in a "black helicopter that Jeffrey bought her."

Former Head of NYC Prisons:  If Epstein Was in Solitary Confinement, He Wasn't on Suicide Watch.  Epstein was reportedly put into a cell by himself in the Protective Custody wing of the federal detention facility after an apparent suicide attempt on July 24.  In that wing, being alone in a cell means solitary confinement and "solitary confinement is not a suicide watch," said Bernard Kerik in a phone interview with The Epoch Times.  Kerik knows the prison system well.  He led the New York City Department of Correction between 1998-2000 and the city's police department between 2000-2001.

Report: People Close to Epstein Think Accused Sex Trafficker Was Murdered.  Jeffrey Epstein, a financier and convicted sex criminal who was recently re-arrested on charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy, was found dead on Saturday morning.  Authorities said the case was a suicide, but according to a Washington Post reporter, sources close to Epstein say he was murdered.  "People close to Epstein fear he was murdered... as Epstein told authorities someone tried to kill him in a previous incident weeks earlier.  He was described as being in good spirits in recent days," The Washington Post's Carol Leonnig tweeted.

Far-Left Panic Over Epstein's "Suicide" — Shareblue Dispatches Urgent Talking Points For On-Line Activists.  Shareblue is the brain-child of far left activist David Brock; a rabid Clinton advocate.  Recently Shareblue hired Allison "Avi" Girvin as the Über leftist CEO for Shareblue Media.  Girvin was previously the head of NBC News's Business, Tech, and Media unit.  Apparently the death of Jeffrey Epstein, a pedophile and sex trafficker directly connected to the Clinton cabal, has triggered the maximum alert warning for "Avi" and the Shareblue community, as they dispatch urgent talking points for their social media army: [...] The "stalwarts" are those activists paid to go on-line into all social media platforms and defend the interests of the far-left ideology.  It would appear Mr. Epstein's death has activated the need for an urgent crisis response from the political left.

Suicide, you say?  Or, maybe they faked his death to get him out of there.  From what we are seeing and hearing, there are very powerful people involved in this and they will stop at nothing.

Reuters: Prison Guards Skipped Mandatory Checks Before Jeffrey Epstein's Death.  Guards at the New York City jail where millionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein was found dead Saturday did not conduct required checks on prisoners the previous night, according to a report. [...] Epstein hanged himself while in solitary confinement.  Three law enforcement sources confirmed the suicide to ABC News.  NBC reported he was not on suicide watch.

A brief thought on Jeffery Epstein's death.  Was it suicide?  Was it murder?  The only thing certain is that the man did not die of natural causes. [...] Epstein was probably the most valuable human asset ever housed in the Manhattan Correctional Center, given the high-level people he could have implicated in his pedophilia escapades and brought down.  You would think every precaution would have been made to keep him alive.

The Meaning of Jeffrey Epstein.  There's nothing crazy about the Epstein conspiracy theory.  In fact, it's banal.  But the banal truth must be suppressed at all costs.  What would happen if people started asking questions about their ruling class?  People might start to wonder whether they are not ruled by their betters, that the liberal "elites" who occupy our most powerful institutions are not only incompetent but downright evil.  We can't have that, can we?

Clintons Are All Smiles in Illinois Hours After Bill Clinton's Pal Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead.  The Clintons were all smiles in Arlington Heights, Illinois on Saturday just hours after Bill Clinton's friend Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell of an apparent 'suicide.'  Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his prison cell in Manhattan early Saturday morning from an apparent suicide.  According to reports, Epstein committed suicide, however, many close to him fear he was murdered.

Jeffrey Epstein's suicide makes no sense.  So why was Epstein placed in "solitary" in the first place?  After his first attempt, were his cell and his supervision changed?  Was he watched constantly by cameras in his cell, or only checked sporadically?  Was he allowed to have objects that he could use to attempt suicide again, after having done so once before?  How could a prisoner hang himself — as Epstein did, according to early reports — and no guard would immediately see it or react?  Why, given his previous attempt and all of the issues surrounding his case, wasn't a supervisory officer watching him constantly and able to respond immediately?  None of this makes any sense, at least at this point.

Was Epstein on Suicide Watch When He Died?  Mr. Epstein had been housed in a cell with Nicholas Tartaglione, a former police officer facing murder charges.  It was unclear if he was still being held with another inmate as of Saturday morning [8/10/2019].  Both men had been held in a special unit with strict security measures that is used to separate some inmates from the general population and that has held several high-profile terrorists, organized crime figures and drug dealers, including the Mexican kingpin known as El Chapo.  Under Bureau of Prison regulations, the government's jails and prisons must have one or more rooms designed for housing an inmate on suicide watch, and the rooms must allow staff members to control the inmate without comprising their ability to observe and protect him.  Every prison facility is required to have a suicide prevention program.

Twitter Removes #ClintonBodyCount with 84,000 Mentions from Trending List After Epstein Death.  In July Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail.  He was reportedly put under suicide watch.  On Saturday he reportedly hanged himself.  Within an hour #ClintonBodyCount was trending on Twitter.

Add One To Clinton Body Count, Jeffrey Epstein Killed During Suicide Watch.  Another day, another Clinton associate turned up dead.  Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died under mysterious circumstances Saturday morning, just a day after thousands of pages of bombshell documents were unsealed by a federal appeals court revealing names of powerful individuals allegedly involved with Epstein's child-trafficking scheme.  The Clintons had a lot of reasons to want Epstein dead, not the least of which that Bill Clinton flew with Epstein on his infamous "Lolita Express" jet 26 times, and even traveled to his so-called "Pedophile Island" in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Jeffrey Epstein Dead — Suicide Suspected — Questions Remain.  Convicted sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein has been found dead in his jail cell in Lower Manhattan.  So far, all reports indicate that he committed suicide by hanging while awaiting disposition of his federal criminal charges.  There will no doubt be a lot of questions asked to which very few answers will likely be given.  The first question on most people's lips will be "was he suicided?" Mr. Epstein was the keeper of secrets to many very powerful people, including, and especially, Bill Clinton.

Camera Malfunctioned — Who believes it?.  You know you love this man's videos.  Help him out — he was de-monetized and is under attack by the left, but we love his work.

Dead Men Tell No Tales.  What a coincidence!  [Video clip]

Did Jeffrey Epstein Actually Commit Suicide, Was He "Suicided" Or Was His Death Faked?  No one that I know of is buying the story that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.  Not one person I've spoken to or messaged.  Conflicting reports, along with the Manhattan Correctional Center gatekeeper answering the phone are making it virtually impossible for anyone to trace whether Epstein's body is anywhere in New York.  This all leads me to question what has happened to Epstein. [...] Considering the people named in documents, and those who stood to lose by this guy talking, my guess is that either they were really good friends and have planned an elaborate escape, confusing people with conflicting media reports until they get their story straight, or several people were involved in "suiciding" Jeffrey Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein Camera Malfunction:  No Proof for Rumor, But Other Questions Remain.  Rumors have been circulating ever since Jeffrey Epstein was found dead that cameras at the prison malfunctioned the night of his death.  However, at this point it's not known if there were any cameras recording Epstein and, if there were, whether they were working or recorded footage.  The person who started the camera malfunction rumor didn't provide sources at the time to verify his tweet.  However, there are plenty of other questions surrounding Epstein's death that have led some officials to call for a deeper investigation.

Barr announces DOJ inspector general investigation into Epstein death.  Attorney General William Barr announced following Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide Saturday morning that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz launched an investigation into the circumstances of the accused child sex trafficker's death in his prison cell.  This move is in addition to the FBI inquiry already underway.

Hansen: Epstein wearing 'paper clothes,' had blanket 'he couldn't use to hang himself'.  Investigative reporter Chris Hansen is raising questions about Jeffrey Epstein's reported suicide today, and claims "heads will roll" at the prison where he was being housed.  "While Epstein may be dead of suicide, heads are going to roll at the Metropolitan Correctional Facility," Hansen said in his casual Twitter video.  "Epstein, because of his earlier suicide attempt, was in a special area of the lockup where he was monitored 24/7.  He was wearing paper clothes with which he could not have hung himself," he said, "and he was given blankets which he could not use to hang himself."

Epstein Dead, Democrats RELIEVED!.  One thing you need to know about Epstein is that he was a major Democrat donor, and... associate.

Ann Coulter:  Jeffrey Epstein 'Probably Didn't Kill Himself At All'.  Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter thinks that billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein didn't commit suicide, but was likely murdered to protect powerful people.  "Man of honor, Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself to protect Ghislaine.  In fact, he probably didn't kill himself at all," Coulter tweeted Saturday. [...] In fact, Coulter believed Epstein's death was all but inevitable because she believed he had "state sponsors" facilitating his blackmail operations using underage girls to entrap powerful people.

First batch of new Epstein court docs say Bill Clinton had private party on Pedophile Island.  On Friday, a federal appeals court released what has been described as the "first batch of thousands of pages of sealed records" linked to a defamation suit filed against convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's "madam," Ghislaine Maxwell.  Contained within the nearly 2,000 pages of documents are allegations from Epstein's alleged "sex slave," Virginia Roberts Giuffre, regarding the powerful men whom she'd been forced to have sex with, along with the powerful men whom she'd sometimes seen in Epstein's presence.  Included among the latter set of men is former President Bill Clinton.

Former MCC inmate:  There's 'no way' Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.  There's no way that man could have killed himself.  I've done too much time in those units.  It's an impossibility.  Between the floor and the ceiling is like eight or nine feet.  There's no way for you to connect to anything.  You have sheets, but they're paper level, not strong enough.  He was 200 pounds — it would never happen.  When you're on suicide watch, they put you in this white smock, a straight jacket.  They know a person cannot be injurious to themselves.  The clothing they give you is a jump-in uniform.  Everything is a dark brown color.

Jeffrey Epstein told guards weeks before he hanged himself that someone tried to KILL HIM.  Jeffrey Epstein told prison guards and fellow inmates that he believed someone had tried to kill him in the weeks before his death, a source has revealed to The insider, who had seen the disgraced financier on several occasions during his incarceration at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, also claims that the normally reserved Epstein seemed to be in good spirits.  'There was no indication that he might try to take his own life,' the source told

Rudy Giuliani on Jeffrey Epstein's Alleged Suicide: 'This Is Very Questionable'.  Rudy Giuliani reacted to Jeffrey Epstein's alleged suicide Saturday morning, asking a series of questions about his death and stating, "Committing suicide on suicide watch doesn't happen." [...] ["]Did they fall asleep?  Did the camera malfunction?  Was there camera surveillance?  Who was he about to implicate?" Giuliani tweeted Saturday [8/10/2019].

Jeffrey Epstein dead:  William Barr 'appalled' over pedophile's apparent suicide, FBI probing.  US Attorney General William Barr said he's "appalled" that Jeffrey Epstein was able to kill himself while in federal custody, as the FBI announced Saturday that it would be probing the convicted pedophile's death.  "Mr. Epstein's death raises serious questions that must be answered," Barr said.  "In addition to the FBI's investigation, I have consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Epstein's death," Barr added.  The stunning developments come a day after a trove of newly unsealed documents implicated a number of powerful people in Epstein's alleged sex trafficking ring.

Trump official Lynne Patton says Epstein was 'Hillary'd!!' — #VinceFosterPartTwo.  Vince Foster is a former Clinton aide who was found dead of a suicide in 1993. Though several investigations ruled that there was no foul play, there have long been conspiracy theories about Foster's death and his intimate knowledge of Bill and Hillary Clinton.  When running for president in 2016, Donald Trump even called Foster's death "very fishy."  "He knew everything that was going on and then all of a sudden he committed suicide," he told The Washington Post.  The term "Hillary'd" is also often used in conspiracy theories about the Clintons, as multiple associates of Hillary Clinton have had unexpected deaths.

Jeffrey Epstein Dead by Hanging in Jail ... There Should Be Video Recording.  Law enforcement sources tell us, the protocol in the Suicide Watch Unit where Epstein was held is for monitors to record the movements of the inmates.  So, there should be video showing exactly what happened ... unless someone erased over it.  And this is especially puzzling — our law enforcement sources say Epstein's cell was so bright he was complaining he was unable to sleep.  Fact is, whatever happened should have happened in plain sight of the guards.

Epstein dies of Arkancide.  The Daily Beast reported this morning, "The Biggest Bombshells in Newly Unsealed Epstein Documents."  Hours later, he was dead in his jail cell. [...] He was on suicide watch.  I wonder if any of the suicide watchers loses his job.  Likely not.  The public doesn't mind if we dispose of this rat without a trial.  But many rich and powerful people will also escape a trial, including the prosecutors who let him skate in Florida a decade ago.

#ClintonBodyCount trends in light of Epstein jail shocker.  Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide has raised suspicions and sent social media hashtags trending as many questioned how prison personnel failed to prevent his death.  The billionaire financier was found dead Saturday after reportedly hanging himself at a Manhattan jail where the convicted sex offender was supposedly under a suicide watch.  Epstein was hospitalized a few short weeks before for what appeared to be a suicide attempt that failed.  But his death on Saturday while awaiting trial for federal sex trafficking charges, and one day after the release of documents implicating several prominent political names — including Bill Clinton — instantly set off conspiracy theories.

Sasse tells AG that 'heads must roll' over Epstein treatment in federal custody.  Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) on Saturday wrote a letter to Attorney General William Barr that "heads must roll" regarding Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide after his body was found and it was reported that he had been take off suicide watch.  "The Department of Justice failed, and today Jeffrey Epstein's co-conspirators think they might have just gotten one last sweetheart deal," Sasse, who chairs the the Senate Judiciary oversight subcommittee, wrote in the letter.  "Every single person in the Justice Department — from your Main Justice headquarters staff all the way to the night-shift jailer — knew that this man was a suicide risk, and that his dark secrets couldn't be allowed to die with him," he added.  "Given Epstein's previous attempted suicide, he should have been locked in a padded room under unbroken, 24/7, constant surveillance.

'This smells very fishy': Skepticism ensues after shocking Epstein suicide death.  Many reactions to the Saturday morning [8/10/2019] suicide death of alleged sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein expressed suspicion around the circumstances of his death.  Epstein allegedly hanged himself in his cell at the Manhattan Correctional Center early Saturday morning, despite previous reports that he was under suicide watch.  He had been indicted on several charges of exploiting underage girls, sex trafficking, and other crimes related to activities that took place between 2002 and 2005 over several different locations, including the billionaire's private island in the Bahamas.  His death follows the unsealing of 2,000 pages of documents on Friday that implicated many other high-profile individuals in Epstein's alleged sex trafficking ring.

Jeffrey Epstein dead, of purported suicide.  A lot of very powerful Democrats are breathing sighs of relief.  Dead men tell no tales, and the man whose tales could sink the reputations of and potentially incarcerate a slew of the most important political figures in the US (and a member of the British Royal Family) will be making no deals with prosecutors implicating bigger fish.  The cynics who insisted that he would never live to bring down so many powerful people have been vindicated. [...] If he had been on suicide watch, as ordinary prudence would require, it is highly unlikely that he could have successfully killed himself.  There should not have been any materials for a self-created hanging in the cell of someone who had previously attempted suicide.  The death comes less than a day after a court unsealed a trove of over 2000 documents implicating even more powerful figures.

Epstein allegedly committed suicide last night.  Updates:  Suicide confirmed.  The obvious questions about this will likely be circulating for a while.  First of all, was this an actual suicide or an "assisted suicide?  The last time he was found unconscious with wounds to his neck, some reports claimed that another prisoner had tried to take him out.  But since they put him on suicide watch after that, it appears the authorities were convinced he'd done it himself.  And what about that suicide watch?  Unless someone at the Manhattan jail mistakenly thought that meant "watching people commit suicide" this shouldn't have been possible.  Surely they removed anything he could have hung himself with.

New Court Documents Reveal Bill Clinton Held Private Party on Epstein's Pedophile Island.  Over two thousand court previously sealed court documents involving the Jeffrey Epstein child sex abuse case were released this week and are now available. reported on the highlights earlier today [8/9/2019].  According to one document Bill Clinton held a private party on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island.

Jeffrey Epstein Is Dead, According to Multiple News Reports.  Jeffrey Epstein, the investor who faced federal charges of molesting teenage girls, has died, according to multiple news reports. [...] Epstein had previously been moved to a suicide-watch unit after being found unconscious in his cell with marks on his neck on July 23, a week after his bail request had been rejected.

The Editor says...
How many people have ever managed to kill themselves in a "suicide-watch unit?"

Apparently it happens every day (on average) in psychiatric hospitals.

Jeffrey Epstein dead in apparent suicide.  Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died overnight in an apparent suicide, law enforcement sources told the [New York] Post Saturday [8/10/2019].  A gurney carrying a man who looked like Epstein was wheeled out of the Manhattan Correctional Center around 7:30 a.m. and headed to New York Downtown Hospital.  A call for a reported cardiac arrest came in at 6:38 a.m., Fire Department sources said.  Two weeks ago, Epstein, 66, was placed on suicide watch after he was found nearly unconscious in his cell with injuries to his neck.

Jeffrey Epstein dead by suicide, found in Manhattan jail cell.  Disgraced multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who was accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls, reportedly died by suicide early Saturday morning inside his Manhattan jail cell.  The 66-year-old Epstein died at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City weeks after he was arrested of multiple child sex-trafficking charges, sources confirmed to Fox News.  An FDNY source told Fox News that he was transported out of the prison around 6:30 a.m.  New York Downtown and was dead on arrival.

Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex trafficking victim named Bill Richardson, George Mitchell in newly released documents.  A woman who has long claimed disgraced money man Jeffrey Epstein forced her to have sex with powerful men named two prominent Democratic politicians — former Sen. George Mitchell and ex-New Mexico governor and Clinton cabinet official Bill Richardson — in documents unsealed Friday [8/9/2019] by federal prosecutors in New York.  Friday's [8/9/2019] revelations came from more than 2,000 documents that were unsealed by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.  The papers included affidavits and depositions of key witnesses in a lawsuit the now-33-year-old woman, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, filed against Epstein and his associate, Ghislane Maxwell in 2015.  Giuffre accused the duo of keeping her as a "sex slave" in the early 2000s when she was underage.

Jeffrey Epstein, accused sex trafficker, dies by suicide:  Officials.  Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced millionaire who was facing federal sex trafficking charges, died by suicide early Saturday [8/10/2019] in his Lower Manhattan prison cell, three law enforcement officials told ABC News.  Epstein hanged himself, law enforcement sources said.  He was transported in cardiac arrest at 6:39 a.m. from Metropolitan Correctional Center to New York Downtown Hospital, according to sources.

The Editor says...
How does a hanging occur in a suicide watch unit?  Did someone "accidentally" leave 20 feet of rope in his cell?  Pretty soon, various people in the news media will want to know if there are surveillance cameras in this jail.  Be ready for a series of excuses from the police, such as, "Yes, cameras are everywhere, but they all malfunctioned this morning," or, "The video server for those cameras was accidentally wiped, 'like with a cloth.'"

Report: 'Camera Malfunction' in Epstein's Prison Cell Prevented Recording of His Alleged Suicide.  The reported suicide of Democrat-affiliated sex predator Jeffrey Epstein earlier this morning has journalists and other concerned citizens demanding answers.  But they shouldn't expect any to arise soon, if ever, as a report from New Right founder Michael Coudrey indicates that a mysterious camera malfunction has prevented any footage of Epstein's alleged suicide from being captured.

Lead U.S. prosecutor in '08 Epstein case resigns.  A. Marie Villafaña, the lead federal prosecutor who helped negotiate a controversial plea deal for accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has submitted her resignation to the Justice Department, the Miami Herald has learned.  Her departure comes amid a federal probe into the role she and other federal prosecutors, including her former boss, Alexander Acosta, had in sidelining a 53-page indictment against the wealthy New York investor in favor of a state plea to minor prostitution charges in 2008.

It looks like the mysterious NYPD deaths are connected to Clinton via Weiner's laptop.  There were a total of 12 individuals who saw Anthony Weiner's Laptop computer, 9 of those 12 people are dead now.  Mysterious deaths abound in Washington D.C. circle of VIP's.  NYPD is not even immune from persecution.  Of course, the "Powers That Be," never expect anyone to put the pieces of the puzzle together, when they do, those people commit suicide, or have tragic accidents.  Two state senators murdered in their own homes?

Kurt Smolek-Another Hillary Associate Dead.  After missing for two days, State Department Official and Federal Agent Kurt Smolek was found dead, floating in the Potomac River.  Transparency-this is not covered in MSM but that's par for the course when it involves the Clinton body count or Pizzagate. [...] WHIO7 requested autopsy reports that would determine the exact cause of death, but have not heard back yet.  Coincidentally-his body was found exactly where George Webb, a top You Tuber and Pizzagate citizen investigator had been filming just a few days before.  A message perhaps?

Arkancide? Murder of Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith linked to Epstein pedophilia and sex trafficking scandal.  New information is surfacing to suggest that the unsolved murder of Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith may be connected to the public unveiling of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his child sex trafficking ring.  While the details are still forthcoming, CD Media is reporting that a "confidential source that has been accurate consistently" recently came forward with proof tying Collins-Smith's mysterious death to her involvement with blowing the lid off an alleged child sex trafficking ring in Arkansas.  Collins-Smith, a Republican, had also been working to expose "massive corruption in the local and state government" in Arkansas, which suggests that she may have been "Arkancided" for getting a little bit too close to the truth.

Did Molester Epstein Try To Commit Suicide?  Jeffrey Epstein, the Wall Street financier and convicted molester arrested for more sex crimes against minors on July 6, might have tried to commit suicide, a report from authorities in New York suggests.  Jailers found the bazillionaire sex pervert in his cell with marks on his neck, news reports say.  Epstein, a registered sex offender, is incarcerated in connection with a federal indictment for sex-trafficking minors.

Kurt Smolek-Another Hillary Associate Dead.  After missing for two days, State Department Official and Federal Agent Kurt Smolek was found dead, floating in the Potomac River.  Transparency-this is not covered in MSM but that's par for the course when it involves the Clinton body count or Pizzagate. [...] WHIO7 requested autopsy reports that would determine the exact cause of death, but have not heard back yet.  Coincidentally-his body was found exactly where George Webb, a top You Tuber and Pizzagate citizen investigator had been filming just a few days before.  A message perhaps?

CDC: People With Dirt On Clintons Have 843% Greater Risk Of Suicide.  According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control released on Thursday, people with inside, compromising knowledge of Bill and Hillary Clinton's financial and political dealings are 843% more likely to commit suicide.  "We've never seen a single risk factor cause a spike of this magnitude," a CDC spokesperson told reporters.  "Interestingly, in spite of their increased suicide risk, people with dirt on the Clintons rarely show any warning signs of suicide, and they never leave a suicide note."

Jeffrey Epstein reportedly found injured in Manhattan jail cell.  Billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein was found semi-conscious in a fetal position in his jail cell, according to sources who spoke to the local NBC affiliate in New York.  Epstein, 66, who was being held in the Metropolitan Correctional Facility in New York City to await trial for alleged conspiracy and sex trafficking, bore marks on his neck, leading two sources to speculate that he may have tried to hang himself.  Another source claimed that Epstein's injuries were not serious, and were perhaps a means to secure a transfer.

Epstein found injured in his cell last night.  Arkancide?  The term arkancide refers to the strange homicides and suicides of people that have had some sort of relationship with the Clinton family.  Speculation has been around the internet for decades that these friends (and often, enemies) of Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton, former president and Governor of Arkansas, may have been killed at the direction and will of the Clintons.  Now, I'm not here to say whether there is truth or not in the Clinton body-count, but another news story broke yesterday that was drowned out by the Mueller testimony.  This one had to do with new evidence that Epstein visited the Clintons' White House on multiple occasions.

More about Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein.

Federal Judge Who Oversaw Release Of Jeffrey Epstein's Sealed Records Was Found Dead.  Many people didn't even know that federal judge Robert Sweet, federal judge presiding over a key lawsuit relating to wealthy, Clinton-connected financier Jeffrey Epstein, was found dead in March.  However, no cause of death was determined at the time. [...] I realize the judge was 96, but seriously, is no one finding the timing of his death suspicious?

The Editor says...
Usually a 96-year-old man dies peacefully with his family at his side.  It's not often that a prestigious federal judge is just found dead.  The people on the Clinton Body Count list are almost always "found dead" somewhere.

Federal judge overseeing key lawsuit relating to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein dies.  Robert W. Sweet died at his home in Ketchum, Idaho, while on vacation, The New York Times reported.  He was appointed by President Jimmy Carter in 1978.  Politico reported that Sweet was presiding over the lawsuit that followed what many saw as an unusual plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein.  Alexander Acosta, the current U.S. Secretary of Labor, negotiated what critics called a sweetheart, potentially corrupt plea deal with Jeffrey Epstein when he was the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida.

Judge presiding over lawsuit related to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein dies.  The massive, yet secretive decade-old case surrounding wealthy elitist financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been in the news again in recent months, a fact which no doubt has been of great concern to former President Bill Clinton and wife Hillary due to their close connections to the registered sex offender.  The continuously developing story took an unexpected turn over the weekend when an elderly judge overseeing a related lawsuit against an Epstein associate reportedly died on Sunday.

Pre-Epstein and post-Epstein cases:

Editor's note:
All the material about Seth Rich has been moved to this page.
For overviews and background information, scroll up to the top of this page, or click here.

For now, there's nothing to connect the Clintons from the assassination of the money-laundering president of Haiti on July 7, 2021, except that Haiti is the site of one of the Clintons' biggest and most lucrative scandals, and Haitian President Jovenel Moïse likely knew all about it.  Exploration of the Jovenel Moïse rabbit trail is left to the reader as an exercise: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Note:  All the news and commentary about the mysterious death of Barack H. Obama's personal chef has been moved here.

Our Out-of-Control Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.  In March of this year, Bryan Malinowski, the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, was killed by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) during a pre-dawn raid of his home.  It was an unwarranted and indefensible killing of a kind that should never, ever happen in a free country like the United States.  Because we have a media that no longer serves in its traditional role as a government watchdog, this incident was not widely reported.  Because too many members of Congress no longer take seriously their responsibility to protect the rights of those who elect them, the ATF has suffered no repercussions.

He lives in Arkansas.  What else can he say?
Arkansas Prosecutor Concludes ATF Agents, Police Used Appropriate Deadly Force in Malinowski Raid.  A local prosecutor in Little Rock, Arkansas has concluded agents with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) used appropriate lethal force when they shot and killed airport executive Bryan Malinowski on March 19.  "On April 23, 2024, the Sixth Judicial District received the investigative review file from the Arkansas State Police (ASP) regarding the officer involved shooting incident that occurred at 4 Durance Court, Little Rock, Arkansas on March 19, 2024," Pulaski County Prosecutor Will Jones announced on Friday, June 14.  "After a review of the documents, statements, and evidence provided, we find that the agent's use of deadly force was justified pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 5-2-610."  ATF agents and officers with the Little Rock Police Department took part in the raid at around 6 a.m. on March 19.  The law enforcement team covered over a doorbell camera at Malinowski's home shortly before breaking down his door and killing him.

The murder of Bryan Malinowski.  On March 19, the ATF, accompanied by members of the Little Rock Police Department, raided the home of Bryan Malinowski.  Malinowski was the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock.  He had no criminal record and did not even know that he was under investigation.  The announced reason for the raid was to execute a search warrant.  The actual reason was to deliver a message to American gun owners that the ATF has the power to end their lives.  This was an example of premeditated murder.  A week prior to the raid, the ATF had assembled to carry out the raid; this raid was canceled allegedly because Malinowski was not home, and it was necessary for him to be there in order for him to set an example.  There are numerous reasons to why this raid appears to be an execution. [...]

ATF Agent Who Shot Bryan Malinowski Not Likely to be Charged.  Lee Williams, an investigative reporter for The Gun Mag — the official publication of the Second Amendment Foundation — declared on Friday that no ATF agent will likely be charged in the killing of American citizen and law-abiding gun owner Bryan Malinowski.  Some call the raid on Malinowski's private residence at 6:03 a.m. on March 19 "delivering the message."  What message?  "Don't mess with the ATF.  Follow our rules even if they are illegal and unconstitutional.  If you don't, you will die."  The rule that Malinowski allegedly violated was an unconstitutional expansion of how the ATF now defines a "gun dealer."  The ATF's new rule declares that "a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business to predominantly earn a profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms" must now be licensed as a gun dealer.  A gun dealer, of course, then falls under the aegis of the ATF, including giving up of his Fourth Amendment rights [...].

Second Boeing whistleblower dies, this time from "sudden, fast-spreading infection".  [A] Spirit Airlines employee speaks out against the airline and the manufacturing defects on the Boeing 737 MAX, gets pushed out the door by management in April 2023, then gives a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit in December, again alleging quality control flaws, and now, well, he's dead.  He's a healthy guy, too, but just months after these events took place he died from a sudden and severe bacterial infection.

Another Boeing whistleblower dies — Josh Dean, 45, succumbs to 'sudden illness'.  Another Boeing whistleblower has died, this time after contracting a fast-spreading infection.  [Advertisement]  According to the Seattle Times, one of the aerospace giant's former quality control auditors Joshua Dean (45) passed away Tuesday after "a struggle with a sudden, fast-spreading infection."  Dean worked at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems and was one of the first whistleblowers to allege Spirit's top brass ignored manufacturing defects on the 737 MAX.  [Advertisement]  According to the outlet, Dean who lived in Wichita, Kansas, where Spirit is based, was in good health and lived a healthy and active lifestyle, but died after suffering for two weeks in critical condition.  Previously, Dean had filed a complaint with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) alleging "serious and gross misconduct by senior quality management of the 737 production line" at the supplier and gave a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit.

The ATF Turned a Routine Operation Into a Bloodbath.  Bryan Malinowski was shot to death by the ATF during the execution of a no-knock search warrant.  They came at 6:00 AM when it was still dark and banged down his door.  Mr. Malinowski got his gun.  His wife didn't hear the ATF announce themselves.  Mr. Malinowski was a high-profile Executive Director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport and sold firearms on the side.  He was a gun collector.  There is no indication that he thought he was doing anything illegal.  He shot first at their feet, and they blew him away, shooting at his head.  That was on March 19.  We recently discovered that the ATF did not wear bodycams.  They are allegedly gradually putting bodycams in each department.  So, we will never really know what happened or why.  The ATF is refusing to answer questions.

Oops!  What an unfortunate coincidence.
ATF Agents Weren't Wearing Body Cameras When They Killed Clinton Airport Exec.  The House Judiciary Committee has sent a series of questions to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives about its fatal March 19 predawn raid on Bryan Malinowski, the former director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport.  The Judiciary Committee sent a letter to ATF Director Steven Dettelbach on Monday, following several damning details being revealed about the ATF's raid — including that the agents weren't wearing body cameras.  Malinowski's family has also released footage showing the ATF covering a Ring doorbell camera before its raid, suggesting that Malinowski didn't know who was at the door.  "President Biden's Executive Order 14074 requires ATF agents ... to wear active body-worn cameras during the execution of a search warrant.  The Department has since confirmed to the Malinowski family that ATF agents were not wearing body cameras during the raid, a violation of the Department policy," committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said in the letter to Dettelbach.

The ATF in Arkansas:  What really happened to Bryan Malinowski?  Last month Bryan Malinowski, the director of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, died after being shot by ATF agents.  He was 53.  In a heavily redacted warrant affidavit, the ATF said Malinowski bought over 150 guns between May 2021 and February 2024 that he resold without a dealer's license.  The ATF claims its agents were trying to serve a warrant just after 6 a.m. on March 19 at Malinowski's home in west Little Rock when someone inside fired gunshots at the agents.  The ATF said the agents returned fire, striking the shooter, who was identified as Malinowski.  An unidentified ATF agent was also shot but the wound was not life-threatening, officials said.  But is that really how it went down?  Malinowski's family recently released a statement which states it is extremely unlikely that the airport executive knew he was trading gunfire with federal agents.  It is far more likely Malinowski believed he was defending himself and his wife from armed home invaders.

Another Strange Death Goes Under Radar.  ATF officers and the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, engaged in gunfire that resulted in the executive director's death, in a startling turn of events. [...] Did the ATF need to take such drastic steps in order to capture Malinowski?  No one ever suspected that he was going to carry out a violent crime or help someone else who was going to do it.  It is illogical to conduct a predawn raid in an attempt to apprehend him because his possession of firearms does not render him a dangerous criminal.  The ATF could have easily waited until he left the house before making an arrest rather than setting up a scenario that would have resulted in a firefight, as is the case in many instances involving no-knock raids and other offensive operations.  Bryan Malinowski's terrible death serves as a sobering reminder of how pointless laws unnecessarily breed more criminals and how police actions may put civilians in jeopardy.

The Clinton Kill List Grows Again As The Executive Director Of The Clinton Airport Is Shot Dead By ATF Agents.  Executive Director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport dies in hospital after being shot in the head by ATF agents.  Bryan Malinowski, Executive Director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport has died after he was critically injured on Tuesday in a shootout with ATF agents at his home.  Authorities say Malinowski fired first, prompting agents to return fire.  Bryan Malinowski's brother, Matthew, is struggling to find a reason why the ATF targeted Bryan, speculating that he may have "brought something he shouldn't have."  [Video clip]

Released search warrant affidavit shows details of ATF case against Little Rock airport executive Bryan Malinowski.  The affidavit detailing the ATF case against the Little Rock airport executive who was shot and killed by federal agents serving a search warrant at his home was released Thursday.  In the heavily redacted warrant affidavit, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives claims that Bryan Malinowski purchased numerous firearms that he resold without a firearm dealer's license.  According to the warrant, Malinowski purchased more than 150 guns between May 2021 and Feb. 27, 2024, which he then resold.  The ATF claims in the affidavit that around six of the guns Malinowski sold were found after being connected to a crime.  Undercover federal agents purchased another three from Malinowski at central Arkansas gun shows, the affidavit stated.

'Gun enthusiast' boss of Little Rock's Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport dies after being shot during firefight with federal agents.  The director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport in Arkansas who was injured earlier this week in a shootout with federal agents serving a search warrant at his home has died.  Bryan Malinowski, 53, died in the hospital at noon on Thursday, officials from the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport confirmed.  Malinowski was shot by ATF agents at his home in west Little Rock on Tuesday when agents were trying to serve a warrant and someone inside the home opened fire.

Another day, another suspicious 'suicide'.  It's always the same basic story:  obvious murder motive; hard-to-believe coincidences; a revisionist coroner who says it was suicide despite evidence to the contrary; the police who say they will leave no stone unturned but after the attention dies down say it was indeed a suicide; relatives and friends say the deceased had a zest for life and told them shortly before his untimely demise that if anything happens to him, it was not suicide. [...] Does any sentient human being really believe that Jeffrey Epstein, who could have brought down not only many rich and famous people, but also many important politicians, committed suicide shortly after saying he wouldn't; when the night he died, the prison guards were AWOL and the cameras aimed at his cell door just happened not to work; the damage to his neck was not compatible with self-hanging, etc.?  What about Seth Rich, the one who likely released the DNC emails, who had a wallet full of cash on him despite his death allegedly being a robbery (later called "botched"); the two mysterious figures caught on video who killed him being given about as much attention by the authorities as the one who planted the fake pipe bombs around the Capitol; the FBI denied having files on him but then later had to admit it did even at the time it said it didn't (i.e., lied); etc.?  What about Mark Middleton, affiliated with both the Clintons and Epstein, who committed double-suicide: a gun blast through his chest while hanging from a tree by his neck with an electric cord around it, with no gun found in proximity to the body?

Update: Ex-Obama Official Did NOT Die from Turbulence.  The erratic, in-flight movements of a corporate jet that led to the death of a former Obama and Clinton administration official earlier this month were not caused by turbulence as earlier reports previously suggested, according to a report last week.  Dana Hyde, 55, died on March 3 after she was fatally injured while flying from Keene, New Hampshire, to Leesburg, Virginia, according to Fox Business News.  The National Transportation Safety Board at first reported that the plane encountered turbulence during the flight.  However, investigators revealed Friday that pilots lost control of the jet after switching off a system that stabilizes the aircraft.

The Clintons sure do know a lot of unlucky people.
Ex-Clinton Official's Death on Plane Sparks Conspiracy Theories.  The death of a former White House staffer who served in both the Clinton and the Obama administrations has been baselessly tied to Hillary Clinton, reviving a long-running conspiracy theory that claims without evidence the Clintons were behind the deaths of several political opponents during their political careers, Newsweek Misinformation Watch found.  Former White House and international development official Dana Hyde died last week after the private business jet she was flying in encountered severe turbulence in New England, according to Connecticut police officials.  The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) opened an investigation into the incident on Monday.  The 55-year-old was traveling with her husband and one of her sons but was the only person aboard the plane, to be injured and die, including the two flight crew members.  The plane is owned by broadband consulting firm Conexon.  During the Clinton presidency, Hyde was a White House special assistant and she served as a senior adviser at the State Department in the Obama administration.

The Editor says...
Bias alert!  The people who have been closely associated with the Clintons over the last few decades, and who ended up suddenly and unexpectedly dead, were not necessarily "political opponents."  Ron Brown wasn't a political opponent.  Vince Foster wasn't.  Mary Caitrin Mahoney wasn't.  Nor was Jerry Parks.

No survivors after plane heading to Ohio for plant fire crashes in Arkansas.  There were no survivors after a plane carrying five people coming to Ohio to assist with a metals plant explosion crashed on its way to Columbus, authorities say.  The Federal Aviation Administration said a twin-engine Beech BE20 crashed after departing Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, around noon.  The plane, with five people aboard, was heading to John Glenn International in Columbus, Ohio.  The Pulaski County Sheriff's Office told reporters at a news conference that there were no survivors.  CTEH, a science-based consulting firm, owns the plane and said all on board were employees.  The company said they were heading to Oakwood Village in Ohio to assist with the aftermath of a deadly fire at the I.  Schumann & Co.  copper alloy company.

Details in the Death of Former Clinton Adviser Change Again.  We reported earlier this week on the new report that no gun was found at the site of the death of former Clinton adviser Mark Middleton, a death that was ruled a suicide, according to the Daily Mail.  There was a cord around his neck tied to a tree limb above and a gunshot wound to his chest.  [Tweet]  Now the Mail has more documents that they obtained from the sheriff in the matter that reveals that the initial report was incorrect — that indeed there was a shotgun found — 30 feet away from Middleton's body.  There are also more details about Middleton's death from Perry Sheriff Scott Montgomery.  [Tweet] [...] The new report doesn't explain why the original report found no gun.  Now given the shifting reports and the distance of the gun away from the body, I'm not sure this new report is going to quiet questions.  Middleton was a special advisor to Bill Clinton when he was in the White House and he signed in Jeffrey Epstein seven of the 17 times that Epstein came to the White House.

No survivors after plane heading to Ohio for plant fire crashes in Arkansas.  There were no survivors after a plane carrying five people coming to Ohio to assist with a metals plant explosion crashed on its way to Columbus, authorities say.  The Federal Aviation Administration said a twin-engine Beech BE20 crashed after departing Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, around noon.  The plane, with five people aboard, was heading to John Glenn International in Columbus, Ohio.  The Pulaski County Sheriff's Office told reporters at a news conference that there were no survivors.  CTEH, a science-based consulting firm, owns the plane and said all on board were employees.  The company said they were heading to Oakwood Village in Ohio to assist with the aftermath of a deadly fire at the I. Schumann & Co. copper alloy company.

The Clintons sure do know a lot of suicidal people.
Billionaire financier, 78, is found dead inside Fifth Avenue office: Investor was friends with Clintons.  A billionaire financier and investor was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his office in New York City on Thursday.  Thomas H. Lee was confirmed dead in a statement released by his family.  He was 78.  Police responded to Lee's office at 767 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan around 11:10 a.m.  His firm, Thomas H. Lee Capital, LLC is located on the sixth floor of the building.

The Clinton "suicide" curse strikes again.  I've always thought of the Clinton "suicide" conspiracy theories as more of a joke than a real thing.  It's true that suicides seem to follow the pair around more than usual, but I would imagine that if you had to deal with HRC often you might occasionally consider suicide once in a while.  It's a wonder that Bill has survived, but we all know how he dealt with the stress.  But this case is super weird.  It genuinely smells like a rotten fish.  [Tweet]  I would like to see how Sherlock Holmes or Columbo could come up with an explanation for this story since few other people could make heads or tails of it. [...] Hanged from a tree.  Gunshot wound to the chest.  No weapon was found on the scene.  Yep, must be suicide.  No other possible explanation seems to fit.

Former Phoenix reporter who broke story of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting found dead.  Veteran Alabama reporter and anchor Christopher Sign, who previously worked in Phoenix for more than a decade, was found dead by the local Hoover police Saturday morning, according to Hoover Police Department Capt. Keith Czeskleba.  Sign broke the news of a 2016 meeting between former President Bill Clinton, whose wife Hillary Clinton at the time was running for president and was being investigated by the FBI, and the then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport tarmac.  At the time, their meeting was cast as a potential conflict of interest.

Rose McGowan Targeted for Murder after Threats to Expose Clintons.  MeToo activist Rose McGowan has revealed that she has been targetted for murder after she recently made threats to expose the Clintons.  As Neon Nettle reported earlier this month, McGowan dropped a bombshell by claiming that she was involved in an incident with Bill Clinton "in a hotel room."  The former "Charmed" actress made the allegation in a Twitter post where she slammed Hillary Clinton as "evil" and declared that she has "no soul."  McGowan hinted she would release more details about the encounter soon with a very cryptic line.

Another Suspicious Dead Body Drops in Hillary Clinton's Wake.  People who have dirt on BJ and Granny Maojackets have a bad habit of offing themselves, going all the way back to when Vince Foster got "suicided" in 1993.  It's always felt as if the Clintons were heading up a criminal empire rather than a political dynasty.  Heck, I should probably tell my sister to keep checking on me after I write this. [...] Bill and Hillary are the ultimate Teflon power couple.  Nothing ever sticks to them.  They get friends to go to jail for them, people drop dead, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton just stand there smiling through it all, reminding everyone that neither of them has ever been convicted of anything.

Journalist Who Broke Hillary Clinton Tarmac Meeting With Lynch Is Found Dead, Had Many Death Threats Against Him.  A "passionate" Alabama TV anchor and former college football player who broke the infamous Bill Clinton tarmac meeting with then-Attorney General Lorreta Lynch died Saturday, according to reports and his employer.  Christopher Sign, 45, was found dead Saturday morning by Hoover police in his Scout Terrace home, according to  The death is being investigated as a suicide, Hoover Lt. Keith Czeskleba said, according to the outlet.  [Video clip]

Reporter Who Broke Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Story Found DEAD in His Apartment.  The ABC journalist who broke the infamous story about the 2016 tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch has been found dead in his apartment.  The body of Christopher Sign, 45, was found in his Birmingham, Alabama apartment on Saturday morning around 8 a.m.  His death is being investigated as a suicide, according to police Lt. Keith Czeskleba.

ABC reporter, 45, who broke story of secret tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch before email probe was dropped dies in 'apparent suicide'.  The 45-year-old television news man who was the first to report of a secret meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch that was held on her private jet in 2016 has died of an apparent suicide.  Police in Hoover, Alabama, said they received a 911 call at 8:13am on Saturday of a person down at a home on Scout Trace.  First responders arrived at the home and found the body of Christopher Sign, a former University of Alabama football player and veteran broadcast journalist with Birmingham's ABC TV affiliate WBMA-LD.

Christopher Sign Speaking On Fox News About The Death Threats He Received After Breaking The Clinton Tarmac Story.  Birmingham news anchor and former University of Alabama football player Christopher Sign died on Saturday, June 12.  The 45-year-old journalist was an award-winning TV news anchor who wrote a 2016 expose on Bill Clinton.  The police department has said that they are investigating the death as a suicide after the ABC 33/40 newsman was found deceased just after 8 am on June 12.  Sign, a former University of Alabama football player, wrote a book about a secret tarmac meeting between Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch in June 2016.  It was published in 2019.  Sign played football at the University of Alabama in the 1990's under Head Coach Gene Stallings.

Reporter who broke story on Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting found dead.  The journalist who broke the story about the controversial 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found dead Saturday morning [6/12/2021], according to police.  The body of 45-year-old Christopher Sign, a news anchor for ABC 33/40 in Birmingham, was discovered by Hoover police and fire personnel at around 8 a.m. following a 911 call about a person down in a residence in Alabama, according to  Hoover police Lt. Keith Czeskleba said Sign's death is being investigated as a suicide, the report added.

Prison officials denying prescribed lifesaving medications to Steve Stockman.  The plot to kill former Rep. Steve Stockman is unfolding before our eyes.  Unjustly convicted of campaign finance violations (three grand juries refused to indict him), imprisoned in a federal facility with a very high rate of COVID-19 infection, denied compassionate release despite serious comorbidities, Steve now is being denied medications that have been prescribed to him.

Ex-Congressman, 63, Who Exposed Obama, Clintons 'Sentenced to Death' in COVID-Infested Prison.  By the day if not by the hour, conservative movement champion former Texas Rep. Steve Stockman's situation grows perilously close to a death sentence.  Steve is the only over-60 diabetic prisoner remaining at the Beaumont, Texas, federal prison facility, which also has the highest per capita COVID-19 infection rate of any prison in the country.  And he's been told by prison officials he will not be leaving on orders "straight from the top" in Washington.

Who In Washington Wants Steve Stockman Dead? 'Someone at the Top'.  By the day if not by the hour, conservative movement champion former Congressman Steve Stockman's situation grows perilously close to a death sentence.  Steve is the only over-60 diabetic prisoner remaining at the Beaumont, Texas federal prison facility, which also has the highest per capita COVID-19 infection rate of any prison in the country.  And he's been told by prison officials he will not be leaving on orders "straight from the top" in Washington!  It's clear someone wants him dead.

Someone is trying to kill conservative crusader Steve Stockman.  Former Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), a conservative champion unjustly convicted and imprisoned on questionable campaign finance charges, faces what amounts to the death penalty thanks to outrageous behavior within the Federal Bureau of Prisons.  During the Obama presidency, Steve was a fierce critic of official wrongdoing and was targeted for prosecution, and eventually unjustly convicted even after three federal grand juries refused to indict him on trumped-up campaign finance charges.

Clinton Pal, Philanthropist and Multi-Millionaire Steve Bing Jumps From High Rise to His Death.  Clinton friend, philanthropist, film financier and multi-millionaire, Steve Bing, 55, jumped from a Century City building on Monday [6/22/2020] and was found dead at the scene.  Steve Bing was a longtime friend of the Clintons.  According to reports, Mr. Bing donated up to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Steve Bing Dies:  Film Financier & Philanthropist Jumped From Century City Building, Authorities Say.  According to law enforcement sources, Bing jumped from a Century City building at around 1 p.m.  Monday.  Following standard protocol, the Los Angeles Police Department would not confirm that the individual in question was Bing.  However, the description of the man in his 50s who was found dead on the scene fits that of the producer.  Bing, also an influential political donor, was a real estate tycoon from a family with a rich history.

Wife of Google "Election Medding" Whistleblower Dead in Car Crash at 29.  Life is full of unfortunate, if not brutal, coincidences.  But when those coincidences happen to high-profile people, we tend to wonder if foul play could have been involved.

Wife of Congressional Whistleblower Who Testified Against Hillary Clinton and Google Dies in Tragic Car Crash.  Yet another suspicious death linked to yet another critic of the Clinton's, just months after a respected doctor and researcher got into a public spat with Hillary Clinton after revealing Google's scheme to help her get elected to the White House.  A car crash claimed the life of the wife of the doctor, researcher and respected Hillary Clinton critic who testified to Congress that Google's search algorithms were slanted to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

Top Google Whistleblower's Wife Dies In Tragic Car Crash.  Google whistleblower and scientist Dr. Robert Epstein announced on Twitter that his wife passed away after a car crash on Friday [12/27/2019]. [...] Epstein's unfortunate tragedy comes after he testified before Congress in July about Google's election meddling using sophisticated algorithms and subversive policies aimed at swaying millions of votes in favor of Democrats.

For what it's worth...
Arkancide? As Another Kevin Spacey Accuser Mysteriously Dies, Let's Not Forget the Perverted Spacey/Clinton Connection.  Bill Clinton's good friend Kevin Spacey is having some real "Arkancide" type luck in 2019.  His third accuser committed suicide over the holiday and things are starting to look a bit suspicious.

30 of The Biggest Lies & Hoaxes Perpetrated on The American People.  [#22] The Clintons are Heroes:  The greatest myth of all time is that the Clintons are heroes, child advocates, and women's rights activists.  From Benghazi to uranium one, the Steele Dossier, destroying Haiti, working with China, Hillary's email server, illegally run Clinton Foundation, and Hillary's more recent fraudulent company 'Onward Together' that was registered by Perkins Coie, who can keep track of all the investigations that began back in 2018?  The Clinton list is too long to include.  The "Clinton body count" list was a search term Google decided to remove from its auto-complete feature in search results, despite the facts tons of people were legitimately searching it.  They have since reversed this search, after they were exposed.

Mystery swirls as Clinton pal disappears.  Less than a week after Clinton associate Jeffrey Epstein died under mysterious circumstances, new questions are being raised about another longtime Clinton hand who has seemingly disappeared.  Even the Clintons' website has erased references to him — articles, pictures, all gone... and it's got people talking.  Amitabh Desai was the director of foreign policy at the Clinton Foundation.  In the Clinton world, running "foreign policy" meant "foreign bribery," and Desai kept the money flowing. [...] Desai was one of the key money men in the Clinton empire — pulling in bribes from overseas and giving out favors to Clinton donors.  He knew how to make things happen, and where all the bodies were buried.  Now investigators are asking:  What happened to him?  He seems to have slipped off the face of the earth!

A week has passed since we learned about the death of Hillary's brother, Tony Rodham, but...  To the average reader, nothing about this unfortunate event for Rodham's immediate family resembles the slightest appearance of common normalcy.  Even the dearly departed's sister tweeting about her cherished sibling, opened with a line appearing to be more suitable for a local newspaper's lost and found section.  No details provided... Period.

The Editor says...
Like so many deaths in the vicinity of the Clintons, this one is just a little bit fishy, and nobody dares to ask about it.  It is apparent that Mr. Rodham benefited from the Clintons' connections, which means that he probably dealt with some shifty people along the way.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Former Clinton Foundation CEO Seeks Asylum with Russia?  Rumor has it that the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation Eric Braverman may have fled the country.  To Russia.  Though this report is unverified; however the scenario remains a possibility.  And here's why.  According to the WikiLeaks emails, Eric Braverman is believed to be the mole who exposed the the Clinton Foundation. [...] Is Braverman hiding in Russia?  I don't know.  But people who betray the Mama and Papa Clinton do have a nasty habit of dying young and in unexplained circumstances.

Look Whose Dead Body Was Pulled From The Potomac River With Hillary's Dirty Secret.  The body count rises!  For years, those who have ever had any connection to anything that may be able to put Hillary Clinton behind bars seem to end up dead.  This is always under suspicious circumstances but never with any ending answers nor justice.  Another body can now be linked to the Hillary death train.  Kurt Smolek used to work for the Hillary Clinton's State Department in Cambodia as an OSAC Diplomatic Security Agent.  More recently, he could be connected to and could have possibly outed much-needed information into the PizzaGate scandal.  Now, suddenly, his body was being pulled out of the Potomac River.

Peter Smith, GOP operative who sought Hillary Clinton's emails, raised $100,000 before death.  A GOP opposition researcher raised at least $100,000 as part of an effort to hunt down emails thought to be stolen from Hillary Clinton's private email server, according to a report Sunday [10/7/2018].  Peter Smith, who is now dead, sought and collected donations from four people as part of a plan to obtain Clinton's stolen emails from hackers just weeks from the election, the Wall Street Journal reported.  The FBI is investigating the fundraising campaign as part of it's probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election.  Smith died in May 2017, days after talking to the Journal about his efforts.  An autopsy report says Smith committed suicide in a Minnesota hotel room and police said they found a suicide note that reportedly read, "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER."

Leaker Claiming 'Thousands' Of Clinton's Emails 'May Be Deceased'.  Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor who teased George Papadopoulos with Russia's stockpile of "thousands" of Hillary Clinton emails "is missing and may be deceased," lawyers for the Democratic National Committee admitted in court on Friday [9/7/2018].  Those keeping score say it might be time to add another notch to the suspected Clinton related body count.

Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS.  Investigative Journalist Jen Moore was found dead in a suburban Washington D.C. hotel room Monday, according to police and shocked and distraught friends and colleagues.  Moore died of an apparent seizure.  Police are closely investigating the cause of death after former FBI Agent Robyn Gritz, a friend of Moore's, made inquiries with homicide detectives Monday afternoon in Prince Georges County, Maryland.  Preliminary reports from police said the death was not the result of suicide.

Billionaire couple was murdered: private investigators.  The billionaire husband and wife found hanging side by side in their posh Toronto home last month were murdered, according to a bombshell report citing a team of private investigators Saturday [1/20/2018].  Multiple killers played a role in the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman — contrary to the widely circulated murder-suicide theory initially leaked by law enforcement, sources told CBC News, citing a parallel probe by a team of investigators hired by the couple's family.

Billionaire Couple Linked to Clinton Foundation Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances.  The suspected murder late last year of two billionaires tenuously linked to failed Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's corrupt Clinton Foundation has conspiracy theorists convinced she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, orchestrated their killings.  According to the Canadian Broadcasting Network, billionaire husband and wife Barry and Honey Sherman "were found dead by a real estate agent in the basement of their Toronto mansion on Dec. 15."

Hillary In Hiding As Police Discover Dead Body Hidden In Huma Abedin's Dumpster.  Another dead body has turned up in connection to Hillary Clinton.  This time, the remains of a woman were found in a dumpster at Huma Abedin's New York apartment.  Hillary has gone into hiding as Huma's neighbors told the cops they believe the death has something to do with Anthony Weiner's recent conviction.

Dead Woman Found In Huma Abedin's Dumpster at New York Building.  A dead woman has been found in the dumpster at the the apartment of Hillary Clinton's right-hand woman Huma Abedin.  The body was found by one of the Manhattan apartment building's maintenance workers inside the trash compactor and reported to police, according to The Daily Mail.

How Bill Clinton's Penthouse Pet lover died in a mysterious house fire.  As more and more women line up to tell their stories about sex with Bill Clinton — both consensual and forced — there is one who is unable to relive the details of her alleged affair.  Penthouse Pet Judi Gibbs died in a mysterious house fire in 1986 amid rumors that she had pictures that proved she and the then-Governor of Arkansas had been regular sex partners.  And even now, 30 years after she died alongside her much-older other lover, doubts remain about how and why Gibbs and her long-time beau Bill Puterbaugh met their grizzly deaths.

Has Another Doctor With Supposed Clinton Connections Mysteriously Died?  [Dr. Dean] Lorich was involved in U.S. aid to Haiti after the devastating earthquake in 2010 and co-wrote a scathing criticism of the U.S.'s inadequate and fumbled (as he saw it) effort of support.  He was not, however, involved with the Clinton Foundation's Haiti activity and does not mention the foundation in the CNN opinion piece.  The doctor did voice his complaints in an email thread that was eventually sent to Hillary Clinton via her chief of staff Cheryl Mills, as Snopes has documented from emails published by WikiLeaks.  Unfortunately, Lorich was found dead in his New York apartment in December 2017.

Lead Clinton investigator shot in the back twice, run over.  Jack Burkman, the leader of the controversial investigation into the murder of former DNC staffer Seth Rich, was shot twice in the back and run over by a man who claimed to have worked as a special agent in the Department of Energy, authorities say.  Burkman was attacked in the Rosslyn Marriott hotel parking garage in Washington, D.C. on Mar. 13, lured to the spot by promises of secret documents on the Clintons by an FBI whistleblower.  He wasn't supposed to leave that garage with his life.  Burkman is the conservative lobbyist that launched a private investigation into Rich's murder in 2016.  Rich's family initially accepted Burkman's help, but have since rejected his findings.  The Rich family have since distanced themselves from the investigation, and have also filed lawsuits against numerous news outlets for their reporting on their son's unsolved murder.

The Harmon Wilfred Matter:  Clinton Foundation CIA Covert Corruption & New Zealand.  Harmon Wilfred, an honorably discharged US military veteran, was, in the 1980's and 90's, a professional contractor and consultant.  From 1994 through 1998, while under contract with the CIA, Wilfred claims he discovered fraud and embezzlement against US citizens.  It involved billions of dollars at multiple levels of government, he said. [...] Wilfred believes the agencies and individuals, among them, Bill and Hillary Clinton, who perpetrated the crimes, continue the same crimes of fraud and embezzlement of US taxpayer's dollars virtually uninterrupted.

The Harmon Wilfred Matter:  Clinton Foundation CIA Covert Corruption & Canada.  Harmon Wilfred believes the CIA has a covert funding cartel, which he calls, "The US Shadow Government" and it is in collision [sic] with their money launderer — the Clinton Foundation.  Canada and New Zealand, he claims, are also in collusion with this US Shadow Government.  He blew the whistle in 2000 and claims he soon received threats to his life and has been a man without a country since 2001.  His wife, Carolyn Dare Wilfred, is an heir of the multinational Dare Foods.  She owns 27% ownership in Dare Foods.  In June 2001, Wilfred and Carolyn fled Canada and went to New Zealand, because he claims he received death threats.

Clinton murder!? Witness comes forward in two Clinton-linked deaths (he has video!)  31 years ago, the small town of Mena, Arkansas woke up to find two young men — Don Henry and Kevin Ives — had been hit by a train.  The dubious circumstances surrounding their tragic deaths is now known as "The Boys on the Tracks."  Conspiracy theorists have insisted for years that Bill Clinton was involved.  They're not alone.  The Wall Street Journal reported in 1996 that Linda Ives also believes her son, Kevin, was murdered and that state, local and federal authorities conspired to cover it up.  She also firmly believes that Bill Clinton was involved in Kevin's death.

Uranium One Informant Testifies Against Hillary and Obama.  There's been a new development in the Russia scandal.  No, not the Trump collusion case.  Which may turn in to the Trump obstruction of justice case.  Which may wind up not even being that.  What we're talking about here is Uranium One. [...] Hopefully Campbell has himself some good security.  They say that snitches get stitches.  Though people who cross the Clintons have a habit of getting rather dead.

Lawyer: 'Somebody's already been killed' over Trump dossier.  A lawyer for the founder of Fusion GPS, the research firm behind a controversial dossier on Donald Trump, told Senate investigators that "somebody's already been killed" after it was published, according to a transcript of the testimony released on Tuesday [1/9/2018].  During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in August 2017, Glenn Simpson was questioned about whether he tried to "assess the credibility" of sources behind information uncovered by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent who compiled the dossier.  "Yes, but I'm not going to get into sourcing information," Simpson said.  Asked again what "steps he took to verify their credibility," Simpson declined to answer.

Clinton WikiLeaks Doctor DEAD, Police Investigating 'Suicide' As Facts Don't Add Up.  Free Webs once published a list of 90 "suspicious deaths" that were linked to the Clintons.  It is very troublesome that so many people involved with this family tend to be suicidal.  How many people does the average person know who have died in a plane crash?  For the Clintons, there are at least 59!  Radio legend Rush Limbaugh once asked his audience, "how many people do you know who have been murdered?"  For this foul family, the number is 13, but that may have risen since Free Webs first published the facts.  Not only do planes defy gravity with great regularity for those tied to the Clintons in some way, but as the Gateway Pundit shows us today, one is likely to commit suicide in the most painful way possible, too.  Dr. Dean Lorich, 54, is a doctor tied to the Clinton Haiti scandal and he chose to stab himself in the chest in his bathroom.  This is a man who knew a lot about how the Clinton family made a mint off of the people of Haiti in their time of need, as the National Review confirms.

Clinton whistleblower dies of "suicide" with knife in chest.  A celebrity bone surgeon became embroiled in the Clinton Foundation's Haiti controversy when he and another doctor penned a startling 2010 article that exposed the corruption at the heart of the Haitian earthquake relief efforts.  Almost seven years later, Dr. Dean Lorich, 54, was found dead in his luxury apartment Sunday [12/10/2017].  Police say the body was found with a knife buried in the chest, but investigators ruled the mysterious death a suicide according to The New York Post.  There were no signs of forced entry at his downtown Manhattan apartment.

Mystery Death:  Celebrity Surgeon Found With Knife in Chest in His Manhattan Apartment.  Dr. Dean Lorich, 54, was found dead on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 10, with a knife in his chest.  There was no sign of forcible entry to his Park Avenue apartment in Manhattan and police sources told the New York Post that it appeared Lorich killed himself.

Suzanne Coleman
The first Arkancide.

Steve Mostyn, Democratic megadonor and Houston trial lawyer, dies.  Steve Mostyn, a high-profile Houston trial lawyer and a top Democratic Party megadonor who spent millions in a failed bid to turn Texas blue, has died.  He was 46.  In a statement Thursday [11/16/2017], his family confirmed his death at his Houston home Wednesday "after a sudden onset and battle with a mental health issue."

Close Friend of Hillary Clinton Who Planned To "Step Away From Politics" Found DEAD In Apparent Suicide.  It's getting harder and harder to keep track of all of the unusual and suspicious deaths of people unlucky enough to be part of Bill and Hillary Clinton's inner-circle.  Houston, Texas trial lawyer and Democrat mega-donor Steve Mostyn died on Thursday in what authorities are saying was a "suicide," according to the Houston Chronicle.  Mr. Mostyn was only 46, he left behind a wife and several children, and earlier this year had announced that he was going to be stepping away from politics to spend more time with his family.

Major Player In Hillary's Inner Circle 'Suddenly' 'Commits Suicide'.  Yes another person with extremely close ties to Hillary Clinton has died a mysterious death, and after seeing what he was involved with it's hard not to question if foul play was involved.

In Search of Nelson DeMille's TWA 800 Video.  [Scroll down]  The sentence that he and his wife composed, "If this was a Navy missile, there goes Clinton's reelection" goes a long way in explaining the rationale behind the most successful cover-up in American peacetime history.  The 21st anniversary is Monday, July 17.

More about TWA 800.

Man Goes Missing Immediately After Promising That He Has 'Dirt' On Hillary.  Anyone that ever has information on Hillary Clinton is well advised to leave a note saying that they're in good health, because the Clinton Crime Family has a long, strange history where its detractors turn up missing or dead.  And now, a man who is able to confirm a key allegation in the Russian hacking investigation has plum disappeared.  And no, it's not a silly conspiracy, because even the Clinton News Network, CNN is reporting it to be true.  Joseph Mifsud has vanished.  Mifsud is an academic who is supposedly the one who promised George Papadopoulos "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.

Former NSA Tech Director Bill Binney Outlines DNC Emails Were a Leak, Not a Russian Hack.  Former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney outlines how the 2016 DNC emails were actually taken by a leaker using a portable storage device, and not taken by a computer hack initiated by the vast Russian enterprise. [...] The reality that it was an internal leak further advances the possibility that DNC employee Seth Rich was actually the person who took the DNC email data after becoming disenfranchised by the DNC intentionally undermining Bernie Sanders and aiding candidate Hillary Clinton.  Seth Rich was murdered under rather unusual circumstances in 2016, shortly after WikiLeaks began releasing and publishing the emails.

Haiti Official Exposed The Clinton Foundation NOW Was Found Dead.  Well, this is interesting.  A former Haitian government official named Klaus Eberwein was apparently found dead last Tuesday in a South Dade motel room in Miami, Florida.  The coroner has ruled it a suicide. [...] Eberwein was supposed to appear Tuesday [7/18/2017] before the Haitian Senate's Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the head of the commission, Sen. Evalière Beauplan confirmed.  The commission is investigating the management of PetroCaribe funds, the money Haiti receives from Venezuela's discounted oil program.  Shortly before Eberwein supposedly committed suicide, he claimed his life was in danger because he was whistleblowing on criminal activity in the Clinton Foundation.

Clinton 'Suicides': You Can Add Two More Names To That List Of Suspicious Deaths.  The Clintons have raised eyebrows for how many people who might have 'dirt' on them happen to die untimely deaths.  Cynics just added two more names to that list.  It is possible that they are nothing more than what is claimed:  two unfortunate souls who decided to end their lives.  On the other hand, what went with them to their graves will (naturally) fuel a certain amount of speculation, especially among those who think the Clintons capable of great evil.

Republican Operative Who Tried To Get Hillary's Hacked Emails Committed Suicide.  Just days after talking with The Wall Street Journal about his attempts to obtain Hillary Clinton's 30,000+ missing emails from Russian hackers, Republican operative Peter W. Smith committed suicide.

The ludicrousness of the suicide note is a kind of proof all on its own.  It stands to reason that having someone killed because they are a threat to a crime family has little value if it does not send out a signal to others who may be inclined to also reveal information which is a threat to that crime family.  Someone being murdered in the course of a robbery where nothing was taken even though much easy access wealth was on the victim's person is one example.  Or a suicide note which specifically states:  "No foul play whatsoever was to blame".  Clearly the idea was to signal anyone connected to any given crime family that an attempt to betray the nature of the family's crimes and deceptions to the general public would have lethal consequences.

Writing Your Own 'Suicide' Note... Before They Write it For You.  [Scroll down]  Get it notarized, gentlemen, and never stop looking over your shoulders.  Deposit all suicide notes with your lawyers, with instructions they are to be read out in the event of your untimely death.  Charles Ortel, a Wall Street investment banker and market analyst — who spends a great deal of his time unearthing the real financial operations of the Clinton Foundation — sent Canada Free Press an email last Winter complementing this news site and saying that he often reads it.  Let's hope he's reading CFP now.  Suicide has become de rigueur in silencing the few with the courage to plumb the depts of the Clinton Foundation.  While the mainstream media continue probing the Trump/Russia collusion story, they largely ignore two suicides in one week by Clinton would-be whistleblowers.

Haiti Official Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation Is Found Dead.  The mainstream media's silence over Klaus Eberwein's death is deafening.  Eberwein was a former Haitian government official who was expected to expose the extent of Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week.  He has been found dead in Miami at the age of 50.  The circumstances surrounding Eberwein's death are also nothing less than unpalatable.  According to Miami-Dade's medical examiner records supervisor, the official cause of death is "gunshot to the head."  Eberwein's death has been registered as "suicide" by the government.  But not long before his death, he acknowledged that his life was in danger because he was outspoken on the criminal activities of the Clinton Foundation.

Details emerge in suicide of GOP activist Peter W. Smith who sought Hillary Clinton emails.  Peter W. Smith, a Republican political activist and financier from Chicago who mounted an effort to obtain former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, died on May 14 after asphyxiating himself in a hotel room in Rochester, Minn., according to local authorities. [...] Smith died about 10 days after an interview with The Wall Street Journal in which he recounted his attempts to acquire what he believed were thousands of emails stolen from Clinton's private email server.

A couple of deaths where "Clinton" pops up.  First, the strange tale of Peter Smith, 81.  He was a GOP donor and opposition researcher.  He was trying to locate the 30,000 emails that Hillary had "bleached" in defiance of a Congressional subpoena.  In May, ten days after he gave an interview to The Wall Street Journal where he explained his strategy of reaching out to hackers (five hacker groups claimed to have the Clinton emails), he was found dead in his hotel room with a plastic bag tied over his head, and a helium tank to aid the asphyxiation process.

Man Set to Testify Against Clinton Foundation Found Dead of Apparent Suicide.  Former Haitian government Klaus Eberwein was found dead in a motel room earlier this week from a gunshot wound to the head.  The Miami-Dade medical examiner is ruling it a suicide.  What's suspicious about this 'suicide'?  Eberwein was set to testify against the Clinton Foundation.

Exclusive: Doubt Surfaces About 'Suicide' Claim of Clinton Investigator.  A Wall Street analyst who spoke to Peter Smith the day before he reportedly committed suicide told the Daily Caller News Foundation there were no indications the Chicago businessman and anti-Clinton political investigator was about to take his life.  "He may have been a fantastic actor but I certainly didn't leave that phone call saying, 'oh [expletive], the guy's at the end of his rope,'" Charles Ortel, a Wall Street investment banker and market analyst, told The Daily Caller News Foundation's (TheDCNF) Investigative Group.  "This does not seem like a settled story.  It made perfect sense to me he might have died of natural causes, but little chance he would have killed himself," Ortel said.

Clinton email investigator found dead.  It's been just over a year since the mysterious death of Democratic National Convention staffer Seth Rich, and another body just got added to the count of those dying in the wake of the Clinton controversies.  The Chicago Tribune originally reported the death a GOP operative who was on a mission to obtain failed presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's missing emails from Russian hackers.  According to authorities, he man allegedly committed suicide just a few days after telling The Wall Street Journal about his mission to find the never-before-seen deleted emails.  Coincidental timing?  While police have accepted the suicide story, other experts disagree.  Critics have identified multiple red flags in the purported suicide.

Republican Operative Looking Into Hillary's Emails Found Dead Of Apparent Suicide.  According to [a news report elsewhere], 81-year-old Peter W. Smith was found dead in a hotel room back in May about ten days after he'd told a journalist that he was going to find Hillary Clinton's missing emails.  The only reason this story's blown up now is because his "suicide note" has been found by the Chicago Tribune.

Dem Rep Doubles Down On Conspiracy Theory About Deceased GOP Operative.  Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu doubled-down on a conspiracy theory about a deceased Republican operative despite any supporting evidence.  Lieu called the death of Republican donor and operative Peter Smith "awfully suspicious" on Thursday night [7/13/2017], and stood by that statement on Friday when reached by The Daily Caller.  The 81-year-old Smith committed suicide days after talking to The Wall Street Journal about his attempts to obtain Hillary Clinton's emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Clinton Body Count Grows With Shawn Lucas Death.  The Clinton Body Count has been dismissed as conspiracy by the DNC, and its propaganda machine, the mainstream media.  Recent events such as the murder of Seth Conrad Rich, who helped expose DNC election fraud, and the odd barbell death of John Ashe, a former president of the U.N. General Assembly awaiting trial in a bribery scandal, have revived talk of the infamous list.  The mainstream media is unsurprisingly silent on this scandalous topic.

Investigator Links Clintons To Human Trafficking In Haiti — Found Dead of "Suicide" Soon After.  Her names was Monica Peterson, a Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center in Colorado who traveled to Haiti to investigate ongoing allegations of rampant human trafficking — primarily of children. [...] Her death was brief blip upon the screen of the 2016 presidential campaign but ignored almost entirely by the Mainstream Media.

What Really Happened In Haiti To Monica Peterson?  Petersen's work was in relation to uncovering child sex rings and sex trafficking networks in Haiti. [...] The facts are Petersen's body has not been recovered.  The cause of death has not been stated.  An autopsy has not been performed.  Her family has also not been notified as to the cause of her death or what exactly happened or why her body has not been returned.  This to me is very suspicious, and it should have already been resolved.

Attorneys In DNC Fraud Lawsuit Seek Court's Protection, Cite Seth Rich.  Attorneys Jared and Elizabeth Beck of the DNC Fraud lawsuit publicly announced today via Facebook live stream that they had filed a motion to the court seeking an order of protection.  Jared Beck spoke, explaining that the decision was based in part on the unusual deaths of Shawn Lucas, Beranton Whisenant, and Seth Rich, as well as threats and bizarre phone calls the plaintiffs and counsel had received.

Mysterious death of federal prosecutor on Hollywood beach ruled a suicide.  Beranton J. Whisenant Jr., 37, had just started a new job in the Miami office of the U.S. attorney in January when his body was found floating in the surf on May 24. [...] Hollywood police said detectives and the Broward medical examiner determined Whisenant "died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound" before his body was discovered just south of Magnolia Terrace on Hollywood beach.  It did not say why the investigation took so long to determine the cause of death.

Clinton Body Count adds five in six weeks.  Seth [Rich] was one of five people who died in a six-week period who were all connected to Hillary in some way.  The others were:
  •   Victor Thorn, a 54-year-old Clinton researcher who wrote several books on Bill Clinton's sexual assaults and drug running through Mena, Arkansas.  He was found dead from a gunshot wound on a mountaintop near his home.  He once said, "if anyone tells you I committed suicide, don't believe them.  I would never commit suicide."
  •   The very next day Shawn Lucas, a prominent lawyer who delivered a subpoena to Debbie Wasserman Shultz in a class action lawsuit on the primaries being rigged against Sanders was found dead on his bathroom floor faced down.  Medical examiners tried to say it was a heart attack, but his girlfriend said he was in perfect health.
  •   Joe Montano a Filipino American and aide to Sen.Tim Kaine died at age 47 of a heart attack a week before the Democrat convention and right before the Wikileaks e-mails came out.  What did he know if anything?
  •   United Nations official John Ash died when a barbell fell on his neck right before he was to testify against Hillary in a bribery scandal and was connected to a Chinese official who was being tried on smuggling in millions of dollars to here.  He had been previously connected to Bill and Hillary in the Chinagate scandal when Bill was president.

Report: Illegal Clinton Fundraiser Made Videotape Because He Feared Being Assassinated.  Johnny Chung, a Chinese-American businessman, recorded videotaped testimony about his involvement in funneling money from Chinese government officials into former President Bill Clinton's 1996 reelection campaign because he feared being assassinated, according to a new report.  The Daily Mail obtained excerpts of a video of Chung from author and historian Doug Wead for his new book Game of Thorns.  The book outlines Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign failures and the Chinese government's long-running scheme to buy political influence in Washington, D.C.  The video was recorded while Chung was in hiding in 2000.

The Editor says...
Hmmm.  Why do you suppose he perceived that his life was in danger?

Illegal fundraiser for the Clintons made secret tape because he feared being Assassinated over what he knew.  A Chinese-American businessman at the center of a Clinton campaign finance scandal secretly filmed a tell-all video as an 'insurance policy' — because he feared being murdered.  In footage provided exclusively to, Johnny Chung spills details on how he illegally funneled money from Chinese officials to Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election bid.  The Chinese-American Clinton fundraiser recorded the 'elaborate videotaped testimony' while in hiding in 2000.  He smuggled it to trusted friends and family with instructions to release it to the media in the event of his untimely death because he believed he was at risk of being assassinated.  Chung is believed to still be alive and living in China.

Woman Investigating Clinton Foundation Child Trafficking Found Dead.  Reddit User billclintonisarap1st has reportedly uncovered a new mysterious death linked to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.  His reddit post reports that Monica Petersen was found dead under "suspicious circumstances" while working for the Human Trafficking Center in Haiti.  Monica had been critical of the Clinton Foundation's dealings even sharing a highly detailed article highlighting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation's despicable dealings in Haiti as well as their connections to Billionaire Carlos Slim and the New York Times.

Woman Investigating Clinton Foundation Child Sex Trafficking Just Found Dead.  John Trent at Tell Me Now reports that his reddit post reports that Monica Petersen was found dead under "suspicious circumstances" while working for the Human Trafficking Center in Haiti.  Monica had been critical of the Clinton Foundation's dealings even sharing a highly detailed article highlighting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation's despicable dealings in Haiti as well as their connections to Billionaire Carlos Slim and the New York Times.  A friend of Monica reports that she was looking into child trafficking in Haiti and draws possible connections to Clinton/Rodham operations there.  I

Monica Petersen found dead in Haiti 3 days ago — family is kept in the dark.  Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and also previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council's Data & Research Task Force.She died a few days ago under suspicious circumstances.  Her friends on Facebook are looking for answers.  Several close friends have made mentions on various FB posts that friends and family have no clear understanding of what happened to Monica except that she died on Sunday [11/13/2016].

DC Lobbyist Behind Campaign To Solve Seth Rich Murder Mystery.  A Washington, D.C. lobbyist is offering the largest reward in D.C. history for the unsolved murder of Seth Rich, a Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer gunned down over the summer.  Attorney Jack Burkman is offering $105,000 of his own money for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.  The D.C. Metropolitan Police is offering a $25,000 reward, and WikiLeaks announced it is also offering $20,000 for any information that leads to a conviction in the murder of Rich.

Wouldn't want to be this guy:
The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman.  Eric Braverman, the Clinton Foundation CEO from 2013 until 2015, has apparently been missing since October.  His absence has fueled speculations in the blogosphere but so far has been ignored by the media.  Some speculate, with good reason, that Braverman may have gone into hiding after an email mentioning his name was released by Wikileaks on October 22 of this year.  In the March 2015 email exchange, Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden told Clinton campaign manager and confidant John Podesta there was a mole within the Clinton Foundation.  Podesta in his reply told Tanden the mole was Braverman.

Media Ignored Three Suspicious Deaths of Men Tied to Hillary.  During Hillary's run, three men died in suspicious ways.  Each man had ties to Hillary-related operations or investigations.  The deaths occurred in June and July.  During Hillary's campaign.  Exactly when investigations would have damaged the Hillary campaign.

Another Democrat Whistleblower Dies Mysteriously Yet Media Ignores Story.  Something very strange is going on and the media is completely ignoring it.  People who are connected to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party and the rigged Democrat primary keep turning up dead. [...] Now, a man named Shawn Lucas, a Bernie Sanders supporter who served papers to the DNC claiming fraud in the primary was recently found dead in his home.

Shawn Lucas Cause Of Death Revealed:  He Was Drugged With Fentanyl, Cyclobenzaprine, Mitragynine.  There was a certain mystery surrounding the activist's death as the lawsuit he served DNC with was due to an alleged election fraud the DNC was conducting.  Conspiracy theorists had a field day when the Washington D.C. medical examiner confirmed his death but circumstances of his death remain completely unknown for some time.

DNC Process Server Shawn Lucas Cause of Death Released.  Conspiracy theories surround the sudden August death of Shawn Lucas, who helped serve the Democratic National Committee with a lawsuit alleging fraud in the presidential race.  Lucas, 38, died on August 2, confirmed the Washington D.C. medical examiner, but the circumstances of his death remained foggy for months.

Shawn Lucas Cause of Death Still Unknown as Clinton's Campaign Lawyer Tries to Move DNC Lawsuit into the Weeds.  According to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for Washington, D.C., it has still not determined a cause of death for Shawn Lucas, the 38-year old process server who delivered the class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and its then Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to the DNC headquarters on July 1.  One month later, the girlfriend of Lucas came home to find him dead on the bathroom floor.  It has now been more than three weeks since Lucas died with no cause of death announced.  We asked the Chief Medical Examiner's office if the delay was a result of toxicology tests being conducted.  We were told it can make no comment beyond the fact that the cause of death is "pending."

Shawn Lucas: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.  [#1] Lucas is seen in a video that shows him serving the DNC with papers in the fraud lawsuit:  The lawsuit was filed on June 28 by Bernie Sanders supporters against the DNC and then DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who resigned in the wake of the WikiLeaks email scandal.  The lawsuit filed by "a group made up predominantly of Bernie Sanders supporters" alleges Wasserman Schultz "rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton," says UPI.

The Colossal Clinton Con.  If the past portends the future, we should ponder that which came before.  The tale of four partners of the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas is a good place to start.  They came to Washington, DC with Bill Clinton in 1993.  You couldn't turn a corner in the West Wing without bumping into one or all of them.  Webster Hubbell became Associate Attorney General of the United States.  He ended up in a federal pen.  Vince Foster became Deputy Counsel to the President and he was found dead by gunshot in Fort Marcy Park.  Bill Kennedy became an Associate White House Counsel and was neck deep in Filegate and Travelgate.  He also oversaw the ubiquitous Craig Livingstone, the former bar bouncer personally chosen by the First Lady to head the Office of White House Security.  Together, Bill Kennedy and Craig Livingstone were the ones to officially identify the body of Vince Foster.  I knew them all.  Of the four partners, only one is left standing.  She is currently running for president of the United States.

Dead Pool Diva:  Huma Kept Those Hillary Emails FBI Found in a Folder Marked 'Life Insurance'.  Did Huma steal those emails and then save them as life insurance to protect herself from joining the Clinton Dead Pool?  Huma Abedin is no fool.  She may be the closest aide to Hillary Clinton, but she also spent the last 20 years watching enemies of the Clinton Crime Family spontaneously commit suicide.  So it is with great amusement but virtually no surprise that today we are finding out that the folder Huma kept those incriminating Hillary emails in was called 'Life Insurance'.

WikiLeaks director & Assange's mentor Gavin MacFadyen dies.  WikiLeaks director and founder of the Centre for Investigative Journalism Gavin MacFadyen has died at age 76.  The cause of death is yet unknown.  His 'fellows in arms' have flocked online to post their farewells, including WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.

The Editor says...
The item above is posted here only because Wikileaks has been releasing embarrassing emails about Hillary Clinton for the past few weeks, accompanied by the implication that more damaging material will come out between now and Election Day.  This man's death at this moment in time is suspiciously coincidental.

Hillary's Waco Deception.  Before Benghazi, before the e-mail scandal, before the numerous allegations of impropriety involving the Clinton Foundation, there was Waco.  On April 19, 1993, a few short months into Bill Clinton's first presidential term, nearly 80 men, women, and children perished at Mt. Carmel, their religious community and home near Waco, Texas. [...] The Davidians' primary expert in their civil lawsuit, retired Army scientist Dr. Edward Allard, suffered a disabling stroke just weeks before the investigation's field tests were run.  Another expert, Carlos Ghigliotti, had given Hardy a data dump of his results concluding gunfire and told this author that the Waco situation would be resolved soon, when he called a press conference.  Unfortunately, that call was never made:  Carlos was found dead in his home in late April, of an apparent heart attack at age 42.

How Bill Clinton's Penthouse Pet lover died in a mysterious house fire.  As more and more women line up to tell their stories about sex with Bill Clinton — both consensual and forced — there is one who is unable to relive the details of her alleged affair.  Penthouse Pet Judi Gibbs died in a mysterious house fire in 1986 amid rumors that she had pictures that proved she and the then-Governor of Arkansas had been regular sex partners.  And even now, 30 years after she died alongside her much-older other lover, doubts remain about how and why Gibbs and her long-time beau Bill Puterbaugh met their grizzly deaths.

To Drone or Not to Drone.  Reactions to the revelation that Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, may have seriously considered launching a drone strike against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange have predictably been divided along partisan lines. [...] Meanwhile, devotees of this real-life Madame Defarge, who has publicly admitted that there were no hard and fast rules in her State Department governing how the targets of drone strikes were chosen, have tried to dismiss the multiple sources of this story because they have chosen to remain anonymous, ignoring the fact that all were present at this very sensitive State Department meeting, which would mean that they were part of Secretary Clinton's inner circle and would be among the limited staff of the State Department with the highest security clearances.

Bombshell Report:  Hillary Clinton Mentioned 'Drone Strike' To Take Out Julian Assange.  If you do not know who Julian Assange is by now you're missing a lot of very important things.  Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks.  WikiLeaks has made major news as of late by releasing hacked emails and voicemails by the Democratic National Committee, causing much turmoil and infighting within the Democratic Party.  It forced the resignation of Deborah Wasserman Schultz.  Did Hillary Clinton bring up assassinating him?  According to True Pundit, that is something that the then Madam Secretary of State considered.

Clinton says 'I don't recall' when asked if she joked about killing WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.  Hillary Clinton says she cannot remember whether she ever joked about killing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during her tenure as secretary of state.  The former secretary of state was in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, campaigning when a journalist asked her about a report that she once mentioned sending a drone to kill Mr. Assange, who has used the Ecuadorean embassy in London as refuge for five years while fighting extradition to Sweden over sexual assault charges.

'Clinton Death List': 33 Spine-Tingling Cases.  When DNC staffer Seth Rich was gunned down near his affluent neighborhood in Washington, D.C., on July 10, theories exploded in the news media about Rich's possible involvement in the WikiLeaks dump of nearly 20,000 Democratic National Committee emails — some of the messages suggesting that the Democratic Party favored nominee Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders from the start. [...] Rich's murder has sparked speculation that the young DNC staffer could be one of the latest deaths in a long string of mysterious deaths surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton spanning more than two decades.

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange's Lawyer Found Dead It's The Clinton's Mob!  August 15, 2016, WikiLeaks sent out a Twitter alert about another "Arkancide" — the strange "suicide" by train of Assange's lawyer, John Jones, 48, a prominent British human rights attorney.  He left behind his beautiful, accomplished wife, 40-year-old Dr.  Misa Zgonec-Rozej, director of an international law consultancy, and their two young children.  Oxford graduate, Mr.  Jones was specialized in extradition, war crimes and counter-terrorism, representing clients from around the world in high profile cases.  He was part of a team of lawyers acting to prevent the extradition of Julian Assange — holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy for four years — whose case is currently being heard by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

Seconds From Exposing The Clintons, Man Winds Up Murdered, Naked, And Stuffed In Dufflebag.  Within the last two months alone FIVE people that got a little too cozy with the Clintons wound up "mysteriously" dead.  Bill and Hillary's murdering escapades are much worse than the general public realizes.  Yet another in the long line of mystery murders has just been linked back to this crooked duo.  The evidence surrounding his death is nothing shy of chilling.

A Hot Month for Clinton's Body Count.  The media is completely in the tank for Hillary and they neither see, nor hear, nor speak of Hillary's evil.  Hey, guys, if you're looking for murders, check out anyone who has ever crossed the Clintons.  There are about 100 cases where some intern has slept with Bill or some lawyer knew too much or some investigator got too close and boom — he shoots himself in the back of the head at the top of a mountain at four in the morning.  The media cared about the sheer number of cases when 57 women said Bill Cosby raped them.  If we brought the Hillary kill list down to 57, you'd be dealing with only the really, really spooky ones.  Like the one last month where a DNC staffer, who may very well have supplied Julian Assange with the classified emails that brought massive embarrassment to the party, was shot in the back of the head in the middle of the night.

WikiLeaks offers reward for info leading to killer of Jewish DNC staffer.  WikiLeaks has offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer of a Jewish Democratic Party staffer.  The offer from the clearinghouse for hacked and leaked documents was made Tuesday on Twitter, but it came after Roger Stone, a onetime adviser to Republican nominee Donald Trump, alleged on Twitter that Hillary Clinton was responsible for Seth Rich's death.

Death and Hillary Clinton.  There are other untimely, mysterious deaths in the last six weeks as well — all with ties to the Clintons.  Last week, there were two deaths within two days.  The first was a prominent Clinton critic, researcher and reporter for the American Free Press named Victor Thorn.  He was found in his home, dead of a gunshot wound to the head, in what has been reported as a suicide.  It was his 54th birthday.  The second was a Bernie Sanders supporter named Shawn Lucas, who was serving the Democrat National Committee and former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a class action lawsuit for alleged fraud and rigging the primary election in favor of Hillary Clinton.  He was found dead on Aug. 2, on the floor of his bathroom.  There are several others who have died strange and untimely deaths with unsatisfactory explanation.  But the common denominator is that they were somehow tied to or knew something about the Clintons and had either reported or were about to blow the whistle on their wrongdoings.  It feels like the 1990s all over again, when Vince Foster and numerous others met an untimely and suspicious demise.

The first casualty of Hillary Clinton's server.  [Scroll down]  Actually, I have, after reviewing Hillary's record over the years, devised a fitting term for her achievement:  "the Clinton Curse."  For in her wake she has left an astounding number of casualties.  Back in Arkansas there were the McDougals, Jim and Susan, who were the Clintons' partners in the failed Whitewater land deal.  They went to the hoosegow, Jim never to return.  The Clintons escaped judgment.  There was Hillary's law partner, Webb Hubbell.  He, too, ended up in jail.  Another victim of the Clinton Curse was former Gov.  Jim Guy Tucker.  I knew Jim Guy before he went to jail.  He was a typical member of the Arkansas political machine, very amiable and very shifty.  Then there was Vince Foster, Hillary's law partner from the ill-starred Rose Law Firm.  He followed her to the White House.  He was once, as had been reported at the time of his death, romantically involved with Hillary.

This is the last time you'll see this guy alive!  [Video clip]

Hillary's Body Count Rises: Lead Attorney in DNC Fraud Lawsuit Found Dead.  It's becoming increasingly apparent that the last thing you want to do is cross the Clintons.  Over the past several decades, many people who have gotten too close to unearthing Hillary and Bill's scandals have wound up dead under mysterious circumstances.  On Tuesday morning [8/2/2016], the lead attorney who was working to expose the Democratic National Committee fraud case in Florida was unexpectedly found dead in his home.

Shawn Lucas Confirmed Dead:  Found Lying On The Bathroom Floor, Did Democrats Kill Him?  Shawn Lucas, an activist who recently served the Democratic National Congress (DNC) with a lawsuit, was found dead due to unknown causes.  His girlfriend found him lying on the bathroom floor of his house when she returned home on the evening of August 2, 2016. [...] The activist was known to many distressed Democrats as the young man who served the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with a lawsuit on early July 2016.  The lawsuit alleged that the DNC has done "fraud" in favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary process.

Bernie Sanders supporter who served DNC with lawsuit found dead.  One month after a Bernie Sanders supporter served the Democratic National Committee and its then-chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, with a civil complaint alleging fraud on behalf of Hillary Clinton, he was found dead in his Florida home.  In a video recorded by independent filmmaker Ricardo O. Villalba, the deceased, Shawn Lucas, appeared to be excited to serve papers on the DNC on July 3 — the day before Independence Day.

Death of DNC lawsuit processor, on heels of earlier murder of DNC staffer, sparks conspiracy rumors.  Two mysterious deaths, the July 8 murder of a young Democratic staffer, and the Aug. 2 death of a man who served lawsuit papers to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), have stirred up a slew of conspiracy rumors on the web.  Shawn Lucas, the man who served papers to the DNC in the fraud class action suit on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters, was found dead on Aug. 2. [...] Rumors also spread that Rich was going to the FBI on the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an "ongoing court case" possibly involving the Clinton family.  "Rich's killer or killers appeared to have taken nothing from their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone," reports said.

Prominent Anti-Hillary Clinton Researcher, Found Dead at 54!.  American Free Press contributor Victor Thorn, 54, a long-time researcher and critic of Hillary and Bill Clinton, has been found dead.  Police reports indicate he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.  The author of more than 20 books, he was best known for the Clinton trilogy, "three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton's sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state."

Victor Thorn, Author Of Several Anti-Hillary Clinton Books, Found Dead At 54.  The name Victor Thorn is synonymous with anti-Hillary Clinton literature.  We learned recently that Victor has died at age 54.

Prominent AFP Clinton Researcher Found Dead.  Prolific author, American Free Press writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the apparent victim of a gunshot wound.  Family and some close friends contend Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1.  Thorn would have been 54.  At the peak of his writing career, the author of some 20 books and 30 chapbooks, Thorn had reported for this newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of articles on myriad subjects from conspiracy to health-related topics.  Best known for his investigate research on the Clintons, Thorn wrote the Clinton trilogy — three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton's sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.

47 Bodies Left in the Wake of Hillary Clinton:  Part 1.  Convicted Whitewater partner of the Clintons who died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement.  He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.

The first scandal that made us question the Clintons' ethics.  Bill was attorney general of Arkansas at the time, and he was offered a very favorable land deal in a development called Saltillo Heights, where Jim McDougal was planning to build houses.  Saltillo Heights was at the time — and still is — in the middle of nowhere — about 35 miles north of Little Rock.  Clinton, according to reporting I did back then, was believed to have made an $8,600 profit in a year after putting down just $400 in cash.  This was one of the deals that was looked into back then by Special Prosecutor Ken Starr.  McDougal died in 1998, so nobody knows what he was expecting in return from the Clintons.

The Editor says...
Mr. McDougal allegedly died of a heart attack at the age of 57, while in prison — in solitary confinement.  Nothing suspicious there, right?

47 Bodies Left in the Wake of Hillary Clinton:  Part 2.  [#8] Jerry Parks:  Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock.  Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock.  Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton.  He allegedly threatened to reveal this information.  After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

47 Bodies Left in the Wake of Hillary Clinton:  Part 7.  Again I must emphasize:  no one is asserting William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton ordered hits.  I am only asking people to read the articles and ask themselves, "What are the probabilities that a normal person would have this many friends and employees die suspicious deaths?"  Those "casualties" who were not friends or employees, often had inside information concerning the Clintons or some of the other "fortuitous" deaths.  Keep that question foremost in your mind as you take in these facts.

Reports of the death of Clinton email hacker Marcel Guccifer Lehel are greatly exaggerated.  Statement from the Sheriff's office, City of Alexandria, Virginia.

Mysterious death in Clinton bribery case.  A major bribery scandal was threatening to engulf both Hillary and Bill Clinton — but now the untimely and highly unusual death of a key witness may keep that from happening.  John Ashe, former president of the United Nations General Assembly and former ambassador from Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean, was found dead in his home in Dobbs Ferry, New York, last week shortly before he was expected to give testimony in a massive corruption case surrounding a longtime pal of the Clintons.  The case is currently in the pre-trial phase.  Ashe was initially reported dead of a heart attack.  Later reports confirmed that his throat was crushed by a barbell in what's being called an exercise accident.

This U.N. Official Accidentally Crushed His Own Throat Right Before He Was Set To Testify Against Hillary Clinton.  Call it conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton by testifying they wind up dead.  In fact, there's a long history of Clinton-related body counts, with scores of people dying under mysterious circumstances.  Perhaps the most notable is Vince Foster.  Foster was a partner at Clinton's law firm and knew the inner workings of the Clinton Machine.  Police ruled that death a suicide, though it is often noted that Foster may have been suicided.  Now, another official has found himself on the wrong end of the Clintons.  That John Ashe was a former President of the United Nations General Assembly highlights the fact that no one is safe once in their sights.  And as you might have guessed, there are major inconsistencies with Ashe's death.  It was not only conveniently timed because Ashe died just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case, but official reports indicated he died of a heart attack.  The problem, however, is that police on the scene reported Ashe died when his throat was crushed during a work-out accident.

The Clinton Dictatorship.  Remember all the headlines way back then, people?  Hillary wore the pants, remember that.  Bill's were always off.  Far too many "suicides" for my dad's and my tastes.  The coverup was the same back then as it is in the current administration.  Both administrations were dangerous groups who stop at nothing.  Essentially, they are all power mad.  You are nothing to them.  The Clintons kill their friends.  Liberals eat their own, have no moral guiding light.

Disgraced ex-UN official's death 'conveniently timed'.  The death by barbell of disgraced UN official John Ashe could become a bigger obsession for conspiracy theorists than Vince Foster's 1993 suicide.  Ashe — who was facing trial for tax fraud — died Wednesday afternoon [6/22/2016] in his house in Westchester County.  The UN said he'd had a heart attack.  But the local Dobbs Ferry police said Thursday that his throat had been crushed, presumably by a barbell he dropped while pumping iron.  Ashe was due in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who is charged with smuggling $4.5 million into the US since 2013 and lying that it was to buy art and casino chips.  Ng was identified in a 1998 Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration.  (Ng was not charged with any crime.)

The Clinton Dead Body Trail.  The Clintons have a long list of dead bodies behind them, many of which have ties to various scandals throughout their political careers.  Here is a list in chronological order of over fifty names with cause of death, date of death, and their tie to the Clintons.  In addition, there is a brief summary of a few of their major scandals just before the year in which they took place for clarification.  Keep this list in mind if the need to do business with them should ever arise.

The Clinton Curse returns.  In the early days, the Curse brought down the McDougals, Webb Hubbell, Vince Foster and former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, all of them by now figures known only to history.  More recently it was Jeffrey Epstein, the child molester and Bill's pal and fellow epicurean.  Now quite possibly, Josh Earnest, press secretary to President Obama, will be added to the list along with Hillary's aides, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Bryan Pagliano and Jake Sullivan.  Possibly even David Brock will suffer the Clinton Curse.  The Clintons are a couple to be avoided.

How power-hungry Hillary torpedoed the torrid affair between Bill Clinton and 21-year-old campaign worker.  It may sound like the story line for a juicy TV miniseries, but it was real-life.  The characters in the drama were a young Bill Clinton, his then longtime girlfriend, Hillary Rodham, and a college girl by the name of Marla Crider.  Before her death last year, Crider sat down for an explosive interview that revealed the perverse lengths Hillary would go to ensure that her political ambitions for herself and her husband-to-be would be realized. [...] In November 2014, as 68-year-old Hillary Clinton was launching her second presidential bid, Marla Crider died at age 60 after a heroic 18-month battle against a form of breast cancer called invasive ductal carcinoma (stage 3).

The real email question: Did Hillary Clinton sell US secrets?  [Scroll down]  This makes one logical fall guy Tyler Drumheller.  Drumheller would instantly recognize the Keyhole imagery so stripping the security classification wouldn't muddy the water much for him if it ever went to court.  But anyone he gave/showed the imagery to would not necessarily know the source which could provide some degree of cover.  Unfortunately, we will never know Mr. Drumheller's true role in this as he  visited Fort Marcy Park  died of pancreatic cancer on August 2, 2015.

Tyler Drumheller, Ex-C.I.A. Official Who Disputed Bush, Dies at 63.  Tyler S. Drumheller, a former senior American intelligence official who publicly asserted that President George W. Bush's administration had knowingly hyped fabricated evidence of Iraq's arsenal of biological weapons to justify the 2003 invasion, died on Aug. 2 in Falls Church, Va.  He was 63.  The cause was complications of pancreatic cancer, his wife, Linda Drumheller, said.

What Difference At This Point Does It Make? Clinton Secrets Hacked By Murdered Spy.  Gareth Williams had evidently hacked a guest list for an event of Bill Clinton's to give to a friend as a favor.  That's a significant security breach and an embarrassment for the Brits and the Americans.  Of course Hillary Clinton is carrying the security breaches tradition forward in grand style even today.  Just more secrets hacked by another spy — what does it matter?  Except to national security, that is.  My guess is this guy was offed by the Russians.  A Kremlin car was spotted near his flat the day of his death and the room was steam cleaned of DNA.

MI6 Spy Found Dead in Bag in Bath Had Hacked Clinton Data.  The MI6 spy who was found dead inside a holdall bag in his bathtub in London hacked into secret data held on former U.S. President Bill Clinton, The Sun newspaper has sensationally claimed today [8/30/2015].  Gareth Williams was 31 years old when he was found naked, dead in his own bathtub in Pimlico, just a few minutes walk away from Britain's Houses of Parliament.  Speculation has been rife ever since his death in September 2010 about the circumstances surrounding his death.

The story of Tripp 'Body Count' list.  During Linda Tripp's two-day deposition with attorneys from Judicial Watch on Filegate issues, she mentioned a "list" that was given to her mysteriously.  While she believes the list was left at her workstation in the White House counsel's office by her former friend Monica Lewinsky, the list originated with WorldNetDaily investigative reporter David Bresnahan.  Known around the Internet as "the Body Count," the list is a collection of names of people associated with Clinton administration scandals who have died mysterious and often violent deaths.  Bresnahan broke the story of the list during the summer of 1997 while researching his book, "Cover Up: The Art and Science of Political Deception."

The Clinton Crime Family.  I have more than 20 years of experience with Bill and Hillary Clinton.  I was numbered at the very top of their enemies list in the 1990s among media people.  They didn't mind hurting their enemies — and they used the power of the state to do it.  They are only too willing to let their friends and supporters pay for their crimes, as top fundraiser Peter Paul can attest, after serving more than a decade behind bars for campaign finance violations coordinated by Hillary herself.  They used the Internal Revenue Service to go after their enemies, their critics and even ex-lovers who posed a threat.  They bullied, harassed, intimidated, and, though no one likes to talk about it in polite company, there is indeed an impressive trail of inexplicable death that has followed in their wake.  The famous "Clinton Body Count" even persuaded Monica Lewinsky not to make unnecessary trouble for the "family."

The author of a book hammering Hillary Clinton says he now has full-time security.  The author of a controversial new book about Bill and Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday [4/29/2015] that he has arranged full-time security for himself.  Asked during a Bloomberg interview if he received any death threats over his controversial book, "Clinton Cash," Peter Schweizer would only say he has "security."

Also posted under Hillary Clinton's cloud of corruption.

Bill Clinton: 'Fun to watch' fictional politicians get away with murder.  Former President Clinton said Tuesday [11/11/2014] he wishes that his staff had "Scandal" or "House of Cards"-like abilities to make political opponents disappear. [...] "I wish I'd known about that when I was in office," the 42nd president added, before wondering aloud, "You know, think of all the opportunities I've missed ... so little time ... so many people had it coming.  Crazy."

Clintonphobia: Why No Democrat Wants to Run Against Hillary.  There are plenty of ambitious but little-known Democratic governors or senators who are a decade or two younger than Clinton.  So why aren't more of them considering a presidential campaign that might set them up to be Clinton's successor?  The answer speaks to one of Clinton's underappreciated assets:  her ability to instill fear.

Benghazi and the Lust for Power.  Ricky Ray Rector is a name you will probably seldom see in the mainstream media.  On January 24, 1992, the state of Arkansas executed Rector for murder.  Rector, however, was mentally deficient.  He was so mentally deficient that he put aside a piece of pecan pie from his last meal and told his guards he would finish it after his execution.  Then presidential candidate and Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton could have stopped the execution.  Instead, Clinton made sure the execution went ahead as scheduled, breaking off his primary campaign in New Hampshire to return to Arkansas to personally oversee the implementation of the sentence. [...] While candidate Clinton killed one person to get Gennifer Flowers off the front pages, President Clinton was willing to bomb an entire country to get Monica Lewinsky out of the news cycle.

Clinton Library Builder's CFO Disappears Amid Audit.  John Glasgow had a healthy salary, with an opportunity to pick up stock in the construction company where he worked.  He was the kind of guy who paid back a $500 bonus he got for completing an anti-smoking program because he started to light up again.  But now Glasgow has been missing since Jan. 28, with his car found abandoned the next day, and family and police say it's impossible to tell whether he killed himself, was abducted or left to start a new life elsewhere.

Search Continues for John Glasgow, New Details Emerge.  Conway [Arkansas] attorney, Frank Shaw said his client, Jonathan Brawner told police not only where John Glasgow is buried, but also who is responsible.  In an interview Shaw said, "I can't comment on who did it, why they did it and those other kind of facts because I'm not privy to all of that and Little Rock homicide is in the middle of an investigation."  When asked if he knew who 'did it' Shaw said, "Yes," and wouldn't elaborate.  He said his client has told law enforcement and that there is more than one person involved.

Jon Brawner, the man claiming to have helped bury John Glasgow, failed to abduct Jim Daven in 2009.  Our partners at Arkansas Business recently took a closer look at Jon Brawner.  The convicted felon claims he helped bury Glasgow's body.  Arkansas Business reports his credibility is obviously suspect. He served time for masterminding the failed abduction of commodities broker Jim Daven in 2009, about 18 months after John Glasgow vanished.

Construction CFO Disappears During Four-Minute Drive.  John Glasgow was last seen just after 5 a.m. on January 28, 2008, pulling out of his driveway.  While it was a few hours earlier than he would regularly leave for work, he was putting the finishing touches on a large financial deal involving the multimillion dollar construction company for which he served as Chief Financial Officer, and another major company in Little Rock.  His commute normally took about four minutes. Something happened during that time, because he never made it to work.

John Glasgow: Missing Since: 01/28/08.  When normally reliable CFO John Glasgow left home but never arrived at work, friends and family were immediately concerned.

Kathleen Willey suspects Clintons murdered husband.  Asked if she suspects her husband Ed, a lawyer and son of a prominent Virginia lawmaker, was murdered, Willey replied, "Most definitely."  "I'm having someone with a forensics background look at this, and I intend to pursue this further, now that these questions have been raised," she told WND, pointing to alleged discrepancies in the autopsy report.  Does she believe the Clintons were involved?  "I do have suspicions," Willey said, "yes."

Hillary Clinton faces sensational claims from another woman in Bill's past.  Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign faced damaging allegations yesterday from one of the women who claim to have been groped by former president Bill.  Kathleen Willey suggests in a new book that the former First Couple could have been involved in her husband Ed's death. … He died from a gunshot wound to the head on the day Willey claimed she was sexually assaulted by Clinton in the Oval Office.  Willey insists her husband's death was murder and not suicide.

Paul Tully Is Dead at 48; Top Democratic Strategist.  Paul Tully, the political director of the Democratic National Committee and one of his party's pre-eminent strategists, was found dead in Little Rock, Ark., today [9/25/1992].  He was 48 years old.  Coroner Steve Nawojczyk of Pulaski County said Mr. Tully's body was found about 3 P.M. today by a maid at the hotel where he was living in Little Rock.  Pending results of an autopsy, the coroner said Mr. Tully appeared to have died of natural causes.

Businessman pardoned by Clinton found dead.  A controversial businessman once pardoned by former President Bill Clinton has been found dead inside his Miami Beach condo, authorities confirmed Thursday [11/2/2006].  Almon Glenn Braswell, 63, was found dead Saturday at 1500 Ocean Dr.  His death has been labeled "unclassified" pending more tests, the Miami-Dade medical examiner's office said.

The "unfortunate coincidences" continue ...
Clintons' neighbor dies after roadside shooting.  A woman who lives on the same cul-de-sac as former President Clinton died Monday after a mysterious shooting on an isolated road that left her lawyer husband wounded, authorities said.  Sgt. Marc Simmons, a detective, said 55-year-old Peggy Perez-Olivo died about 3 p.m. at a hospital.  He said there are still no arrests.

Update 1:
Gun recovered near scene of Clinton neighbors' shooting.  State police have recovered a gun that was dumped in a lake near the scene of a roadside shooting that killed a neighbor of Bill and Hillary Clinton and wounded the woman's husband.

Update 2:
Ex-Clinton Neighbor Goes On Trial In Wife's Death.  Prosecutors allege that a disbarred lawyer who lived three houses down from the Clintons in suburban New York executed his wife in "a seemingly perfect murder."  Assistant District Attorney Christine O'Connor told a jury Friday that Carlos Perez-Olivo shot his wife in the back of the head as she dozed in their car on Nov. 18, 2006.

The Train Deaths:  Countdown to justice

Another witness bites the dust:  The Ron Miller case.

The Clinton Body Count:  There are at least 30 internet sites keeping track of the people in Clinton's orbit who have died under mysterious circumstances since the first year Clinton became Governor of Arkansas.  These suspicious deaths have continued right up to the present.

What a difference a day makes.  In twelve hours I was able to find enough information to turn my blood cold.  In four months, I've been able to find enough verification to compel me to put my name to this editorial.

Charles Ruff  was one of Clinton's attorneys during the impeachment trial and was known to have inside information on the White House emails scandal as well.  Original reports were that he died in an accident in his home although no details were given.  Then the report changed to claim that he was found in his bedroom unconscious, then declared dead on arrival at the hospital.  The authorities will provide no details other than the usual (and quite premature) assurances that there was no foul play involved.

This material came from
Caution:  This article includes thinly redacted vulgarity.
Why The Clintons Belong in Prison:  An interview with Melrose Larry Green.  (Q:) What are the top crimes perpetrated by the Clintons for which they deserve to be in prison?   (A:) I feel that Bill Clinton committed treason when he sold American military secrets to the Red Chinese government.  I think that Bill Clinton is guilty of rape (of Juanita Broaddrick).  I think that there are numerous examples of bribery committed by Bill and Hillary Clinton during the final round of Presidential pardons (especially the case of Marc Rich and his ex-wife Denise Rich.)  Let's not forget the dozens of unexplained deaths surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton — Ron Brown, Vince Foster, Mary Mahoney — for which there have been no proper investigations.

D.C. Police Silent on Murder of Former White House Intern.  On July 6, 1997, a brutal triple murder took place at a Starbucks restaurant in an upscale Georgetown neighborhood.  The victims were Aaron Goodrich, 18; Emory Evans, 25; and Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25.  According to a July 13 Washington Post story, ballistics test indicated that 10 shots were fired from two different guns, sometime after 9:15 p.m.  The Post story characterized the crime as an "execution-style" murder. … Making the story particularly interesting is the fact that Mary Mahoney was shot as many as five times, according to some press reports.

Mary C. Mahoney and Eric Butera:  Mary Mahoney, 25, was murdered at the Georgetown Starbuck's coffee bar over the 4th of July '97 weekend.  She was a former White House intern who worked with John Huang.  Apparently she knew Monica Lewinsky and [knew about] her sexual encounters with Bill Clinton.  Although not verified, it has been said that Lewinsky told Linda Tripp that she did not want to end up like Mahoney. … Eric Butera was an informant who came forward offering information regarding the murder of White House intern Mary Mahoney.  He was then sent into a known crack house to make an undercover buy for the police and was beaten to death.

Here is the connection.
Too Many Dots.  [Mary Caitrin] Mahoney had landed an internship working in the office of the Secretary of Commerce, Norman Mineta for Doris Matsui.  Matsui is the wife of California Democrat Representative Robert Matsui. ... Matsui worked closely with John Huang, with the title of deputy assistant to President Clinton.  Together they raised over $3 million in campaign funds from Asia and Asian-Americans.  $1.2 million had to be returned because it came from corporations and non-citizens.

More about the Mahoney murder:  Washington police have never been able to solve this triple murder in a posh section of the nation's capital. … Yet, no one — not Kenneth Starr, not Congress, nor any other investigative agency in government or the press — has bothered to look into this suspicious murder.

The Starbucks Murders:  Of the 40 to 90 people surrounding the President who have died mysteriously, the story of Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25, is only just now being resolved (or covered up).  Mary was an intern in the White House.  She was gunned down in July of 1997 inside Starbucks in Washington DC where she worked.  No money was taken.  This Starbucks was frequented by Monica Lewinski and Chelsea Clinton.  If you read the Starr report and notice that Monica was afraid and said that she did not want to end up like Mary, this is the Mary in which she refers.

Did He Cry for Caity Mahoney?  July 7, 1997:  The Starbucks Massacre.  Former White House intern Mary "Caity" Mahoney and two co-workers are killed execution style at the Starbucks Coffeeshop in Georgetown. ... Caity was singled out for the most horrendous fate — as if she'd been the killers' prime target.  Of the ten shots fired, she was hit five times at point blank range, including at least once in the face.  The final bullet was delivered to the back of her head after she'd already fallen.  In one hand, in a death grip, Caity clutched the keys to the store's safe, which held the weekend's receipts of more than $10,000.  D.C. cops were mystified by the apparent lack of motive in the crime.

Starbucks Fall-Back Fall Guy:  [Scroll down]  Also heightening suspicion is the extremely sparing and incidental mention of the fact that the apparent primary target of the shooter or shooters wrath, night manager Mary Caitrin (Caity) Mahoney, had been one of the original interns in the Clinton White House and that she was a Democratic Party activist.  Since Monica Lewinsky's name became a household word, there has never been any mention at all in the mainstream press, to this writer's knowledge, of the two former interns names in the same breath….

The murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry:  August 23, 1987, in a rural community just south of Little Rock, two teenage boys were murdered because they witnessed a police-protected drug drop.  The drop was part of a drug smuggling operation based at a small airport in Mena, Arkansas.

1st Amendment wins victory in court.  [Patrick] Matrisciana was sued for libel in 1996 by two Arkansas law enforcement officers mentioned in a documentary video the filmmaker produced.  The video, "Obstruction of Justice:  the Mena Connection," focuses on the unsolved deaths of Kevin Ives and Don Henry.  In the documentary, Pulaski County Sheriff's Department Lts. Jay Campbell and Kirk Lane were listed among six law enforcement officers that alleged eyewitnesses said could be implicated "in the murders and the subsequent cover-up."

Little Rock Airport to be renamed for Bill and Hillary Clinton.  The Little Rock Airport Commission has scheduled a discussion at its meeting Tuesday [3/20/2012] to rename the airport the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport.

The Editor says...
Better yet, how about the Kevin Ives and Don Henry airport in Mena, Arkansas?

Arkancide.  Here's what to do if you disagree:  Make a list of all the deceased.  Google them.  Verify that they were real people with real connections to the Clintons and who really died violently — and were not just imaginary people invented by anti-Clinton propagandists.  Find out how they were connected to the Clintons and what information they were going to divulge.  Find out when the Clintons became aware of this.  Find out how soon afterwards each potential witness was bumped off.  Explain why so many of these murders had similar MO's (bullets fired into the back of the head, exploding planes etc.).  Explain why so many of these murders were described as suicides by the coroner.  Find out who appointed the coroner.

Somewhat related:
Hillary Was Key Partner in Clinton Attack Machine.  With the paperback version of Clinton's memoirs set to hit bookstores in early June, World Ahead Publishing has unveiled Their Lives:  The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine by Candice E. Jackson.  Billed as the stories that Clinton left out of My Life, Jackson uncovers the trail of bribes, threats and intimidation that Clinton's inner circle leveled at the women who got in their way.

Hillary's First Big Lie.  Among the people the Clintons reached out to [in 1992] — in this case, through a proxy — was Sally Perdue, a former Miss Arkansas and Clinton paramour.  "[The proxy] said that there were people in high places who were anxious about me and they wanted me to know that keeping my mouth shut would be worthwhile," Perdue would later relate.  "Worthwhile" meant a GS-11 or higher job with the federal government.  If she turned down the offer and talked to the media, "He couldn't guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs."  Perdue was the least of the Clintons' problems in 1992.  More potentially troublesome were the women that Clinton had criminally assaulted or humiliated — Juanita Broaddrick, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and Paula Jones among others.  Jones, though not raped like Broaddrick or attacked like Gracen, would prove Bill Clinton's undoing.

The Mysterious Death of Ron Brown
  ... and 34 other people, including Shelly Kelly.

Epstein's Arkancide.  The Clintons have a trail of several dozen dead bodies behind them.  The highest ranking one?  Ron Brown, their Commerce Secretary who reportedly told Bill he would take him down with him if he was indicted for corruption.  Ron Brown, under fire for his role as a fixer or enabler of deals for dollars involving businessmen who wanted easier access to Chinese markets and cheap labor, was found dead in a plane crash in Croatia.  But the plane crash apparently wasn't good enough for someone who didn't wish Brown well; Ron Brown's body was found with a bullet hole in his head.  Many surmised he was on the verge of telling investigators a good deal of the truth about his administration's dealings with the Chinese because he didn't want to be the fall guy for the scandal.

No One Noticed When Clinton and Obama Abused Whistleblowers.  [Scroll down]  The problem, of course, was that reporters do very little real reporting when there is a Democrat in the White House.  TWA 800 was one of two plane crashes in 1996 about which the media chose to know as little as possible.  The other was the crash of the US Air Force plane carrying Clinton's troubled secretary of commerce, Ron Brown.  In neither case would reporters give whistleblowers the time of day.  As a result, when three military pathologists and a forensic photographer came forward to tell the truth about what they discovered in examining Brown's body, their careers quickly died in darkness.

Clinton Presidency:  The Most Corrupt in American History.  [O]fficials of the Clinton administration have personally profited from their offices.  Most notable is former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy, who resigned in the face of allegations that he had taken illegal gifts from Tyson Foods and who, according to the recent findings of a federal jury, received illegal gifts from Sun-Diamond Growers, who apparently sought favors from his Department.  The late Ron Brown, former Commerce Secretary, before his death in a tragic air crash in Bosnia, also was being investigated by a special prosecutor for various offenses, including receipt of bribes and falsification of his financial disclosure report.

Ron Brown's House of Cards.  [Scroll down]  Kathleen Janoski was the chief of the forensic photography team detailed to photograph the bodies of the deceased when they arrived back in Dover, Delaware.  When ready, Janoski mounted a stepladder and began to photograph Brown's body starting at the head.  She had scarcely begun when she saw something that took her breath away.  "Look at the hole in Brown's head," she exclaimed.  "It looks like a bullet hole."  Going public with that that observation would cost Janoski and three military pathologists their careers.  Brown's family was never informed of the hole.  By order of the White House, there was no autopsy.  Janoski fared better than Niko Jerkuic, the man responsible for the airport's aviation systems.  Three days after the crash, a day he just happened to be off work, he was found with a bullet hole through his chest.

It's time for Obama to talk about Brown.  In early December 1997, after eighteen months of successful damage control by the White House, the black community in Chicago finally learned of the anomalies in the death of Ron Brown.  Bill Clinton's Secretary of Commerce, Brown had dreamed of becoming America's first black president from the time he was a little boy.  And although he was, as Joe Biden might have put it, as "articulate and bright and clean" as Barack Obama, he never got the chance.

The Left's Blind Eye to the Obvious.  The Air Force concluded that the controlled descent of [Ron] Brown's USAF plane into a Croatian mountainside was "inexplicable."  The maintenance chief responsible for the airport's navigation system showed up with a bullet hole in his chest the day before his Air Force interview.  Brown's fatal head injury struck the forensic photographer and attending pathologist as having the size and shape of a gunshot wound.  He was nonetheless buried (over the protest of the pathologists) without an autopsy.  The photographer and three Armed Service pathologists would sacrifice their careers going public with their discontent.  The major media reported close to none of this.

What really happened to Ron Brown:  In Argentina, during the dark days, they called them "los desaparecidos," the disappeared.  On April 10, 1996, Ron Brown was buried with full honors at Arlington National Cemetery and then joined his fellow desaparecidos.  So thoroughly has Brown disappeared from view that the only articles I could find on Google News about the 10th anniversary of his death were those that I had written myself.

Did Bill Clinton order Ron Brown killed?  [Scroll down] All 35 people aboard are dead except for stewardess Shelly Kelly, who, riding in the tail, sustained only minor cuts and bruises. So far. ... Four hours and 20 minutes after the crash the first Croatian Special Forces search party arrives on the scene and finds only Ms. Kelly surviving.  They call for a helicopter to evacuate her to the hospital.  When it arrives, she is able to get aboard without assistance from the medics.  But Kelly never completes the short hop.  She dies en route.  According to multiple reports given to journalist/editor Joe L. Jordan, an autopsy later reveals a neat three-inch incision over her main femoral artery.  It also shows that the incision came at least three hours after all her other cuts and bruises.  Further necropsies will not happen.  Clinton has ordered the cremation of all victims.  It is hard to perform autopsies on ashes.

Ron Brown's Loose Lips Seal His Fate.  Ron Brown — who at various times has been under investigation by the Commerce Department Inspector General, the FDIC, the Justice Dept., the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, and the Senate Judiciary Committee — was only two weeks away from being indicted with respect to a bribe paid by Oklahoma company Dynamic Energy Resources.  "I am too old to go to jail," Brown loudly proclaimed.  "If I go down, I'll take everyone else down with me."  Brown assumed the threat would force Democratic bigwigs to rally around him, to make sure that the charges he faced were buried in an appropriate fashion.  But Brown miscalculated.  His own words buried him instead.

Ron Brown's Death Still A Mystery.  Maj. General Charles Coolidge, who headed the Air Force investigation of the accident, won't explain why his report failed to mention the radical course correction by the plane that sent it into the mountain.  When the Air Force plane carrying Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown crashed in Croatia in April 1996, rumors immediately circulated that the beacon that was supposed to guide the plane to the airport had been set to guide the plane into the mountain nearby.  This was allegedly done by an employee at the airport who was found shot to death three days later.

Was Ron Brown Assassinated?  Experts Differ on Ron Brown's Head Wound.  A circular hole in the skull of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown could have been a gunshot wound and certainly should have prompted an autopsy, according to an Air Force lieutenant colonel and forensic pathologist who investigated the jet crash in which Brown died.  "Even if you safely assumed accidental plane crash, when you got something that appears to be a homicide, that should bring everything to a screeching halt," Lt. Col. Steve Cogswell, a doctor and deputy medical examiner with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, told the Tribune-Review.

10 years after Ron Brown:  After the crash in Croatia, the bodies were brought to America and examined by a team from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. … The chief of the photographic unit, Chief Petty Officer Kathleen Janoski, saw there were no lethal injuries to Brown's body — other than what appeared to be a bullet hole in his head.  She showed the wound to two colleagues, both colonels, who agreed with her.

The assassination of Ron Brown:  [Ron] Brown had gone to Croatia to broker a sweetheart deal between the neo-fascist strongman who ran Croatia, Franjo Tudjman, and Enron Corporation.  This was all part of the Clintons' desperate drive to raise money for their 1996 re-election campaign.

Did Ron Brown die for Enron's sins?  An explosive new expose on the man "who knew too much".

Book review:
Ron Brown's Body:  How One Man's Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and Hillary's Future.  Considering the highly disturbing implications of his explosive book's title, investigative reporter Jack Cashill's work deserves a better fate than the silent treatment it has thus far received in the establishment media.

Was Ron Brown murdered, and, if so, how and by whom?  "At the end of day," says Jack Cashill who began the project a skeptic, "it is not irresponsible to talk about murder, nor to ask what Hillary Clinton was doing in Bosnia a week before Brown's death."

The Sun Peeked Through the "Worst Storm in a Decade".  Jack Cashill notes that he dedicates his book to the six Air Force crew members "who died in honorable service to their country through no fault of their own."

The bullet hole that should have shaken Washington:  Jack Cashill shows why there is no innocent explanation for what happened to Ron Brown.

CIA Documents on Ron Brown Declared SecretCentral Intelligence Agency documents on Ron Brown's involvement with the Chinese army are secret in the interests of "national security," according to an April 30 CIA letter.  The Clinton commerce secretary died in 1996 in a plane crash while under investigation for illegal financial ties to Beijing.

Everything but the News!  CNN is famous for having a scoop on a breaking story, then, very oddly, the next hour it is discontinued.  This happens on other news sources also.  For example, the first announcement of Ron Brown's plane crash was said to have happened in the Adriatic Sea and that divers were preparing to go down to search for bodies.  The next announcement, an hour or so later, was that the plane had crashed into the mountains!  There was one survivor, a female flight attendant.  She walked to a rescue helicopter but was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.  Was that in the news?

Ron Brown:  Evidence Of A Cover up.  When the rescuers arrived, they found one survivor, an Air Force Sergeant named Shelly Kelly, one of two stewardesses assigned to the T-43 (a modified Boeing 737) which had only recently been converted from a navigation training aircraft equipped with all the latest navigation aids to a VIP passenger transport.  The rescuers spotted Shelly Kelly moving about the wreckage, several hours after the crash itself.  Shelly was placed on a helicopter and evacuated to the hospital, but strangely, was dead on arrival….

Where are the Black Boxes?  Within hours of the crash, the Croatian Ministry of Transport announced that they had the black boxes.  One and half days after the crash, Croatian TV (plus Russian and French TV) announced that the FDR (flight data recorder) and the CVR (cockpit voice recorder) were safely in the hands of U.S. Marines.  The U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, Germany, also stated that a black box was on board.  Later, the Pentagon brass stoutly disputed all this, stating that there were no black boxes aboard.  It is difficult to imagine that America's #2 VIP plane had no black box.  Veteran Air Force mechanics claim that they never have seen a T-43A without a black box.

Why the Lies About Ron Brown?  It is clear that the government lied, destroyed evidence that proved it, and punished those who disclosed it.

"Too many lies are being told.  Too many lives are being destroyed.  And I think it's time for the truth to come out."
— Kathleen Willey  
quoted from Potshots  

Vince Foster's case seems to be the most obviously suspicious.

'Conspiracy Theories' Aren't Theoretical Anymore.  [Scroll down]  The ATF really did traffic guns to Mexican drug cartels to promote gun-control legislation.  One federal agent and countless civilians were killed with those guns.  The DoJ sought to remove a duly elected President — even to the point of the Deputy Attorney General offering to "wear a wire" to record conversations with the President (with cabinet support).  The FBI really did set up some useful idiots to advanced their domestic terrorist narrative (the Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping).  It was a classic entrapment scheme in which federal assets planned the crime, and hapless stooges stepped in the trap.  All this is changing our worldview and is causing us to observe our government with a new level of skepticism.  The deaths of Vince Foster, Seth Rich, and Jeffrey Epstein were rather politically convenient for the Democrats.  Were they something other than two random acts of violence and one suicide?

Vince Foster - A few loose ends

Photographs of Fort Marcy Park.  Courtesy of — which is a site well worth a visit if you have any interest in the Vince Foster case.

Starr Admits He Omitted [Details] In FBI Report That Hillary Catalyzed Vince Foster's Suicide, Report Says.  According to Ronald Kessler, the author of "The First Family Detail," which revolved around Secret Service agents working for various presidents, independent counsel Ken Starr omitted his conclusion that former First Lady Hillary Clinton had catalyzed the suicide of President Clinton's Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster in his final FBI report because Starr was mindful of Hillary Clinton's feelings.

Who Killed Vince Foster?  At the time Vince Foster, formerly of the Rose Law Firm was deputy White House counsel.  As you recall, Foster committed suicide by putting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger.  You might not know that Hillary Clinton drove him to it.  She did it by dressing him down and publicly humiliating him in a meeting, in front of numerous other people.  We note, if only in passing, that Hillary had no official role and no official title in the Clinton administration.  We can also note that the president himself, Bill Clinton, apparently did nothing to correct the situation.  He may have been a great seducer but he was fundamentally too weak to stand up to his wife.  Interestingly, Ken Starr chose not to include the information in his report... because he is a gentleman.  No such consideration or courtesy came from the dowager duchess of Chappaqua.

Ken Starr says Hillary Clinton DID trigger Vince Foster's suicide when she humiliated him in front of White House staff.  Ken Starr deliberately left out of his final report the FBI's finding that Hillary Clinton 'triggered' the suicide of President Clinton's Deputy White House Counsel to spare her feelings, can reveal.  FBI agents investigating the death of Vince Foster learned he was set off after Hillary attacked and humiliated him in front of other White House aides a week before he took his own life on July 20, 1993.  But for what were then unexplained reasons, Starr elected to conceal the FBI's finding that Hillary's tirade triggered Foster's suicide when he wrote his final report on the matter.

The Editor says...
I'm not buying it.  I still think Vince Foster was rubbed out.  Ken Starr may be the only person in America (other than Huma) who has any concern about Hillary's feelings.

Brett Kavanaugh, Vince Foster's "Suicide" & Ken Starr's Recent Charge.  For those who have read my articles, you know that over the past week, I have defended Judge Brett Kavanaugh over the unsubstantiated allegations against him by Christine Blasey Ford, as any sane and just person would do.  However, I have also admitted that I think there are problems, constitutional problems, related to confirming Judge Kavanaugh.  I have also written that I believe there is some questionable behavior on Kavanaugh's part in the Vince Foster "suicide" coverup that took place, and yes, don't anyone tell me that Vince Foster committed suicide.  It's just not true, and unlike the Ford allegations, all the evidence points to the fact that he was murdered.  Welcome to our website about the murder of Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel under President Clinton.  Brett Kavanaugh was in charge of the Foster death investigation and led the cover-up inside the Office of the Independent Counsel.  A federal court ordered Independent Counsel Ken Starr to include evidence, found in government records, of an FBI cover-up, to the final Report.

Media Forgets Bill Clinton Fired FBI Director One Day Before Vince Foster's Death.  The usual suspects in the liberal media have branded the timing of President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey as suspicious, accusing Trump of trying to block an investigation into alleged collusion with Russia.  Never mind that even the likes of California Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein admit there is no evidence of any such thing or the Congressional testimony of acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe that Trump has not interfered or could not interfere, with an investigation that, contrary to rumors, is adequately funded.  But as long as we're discussing conspiracy theories, let us talk about the only other time a President Fired and FBI Director, the firing of William Sessions by one William Jefferson Clinton.  The timing of the firing of Sessions is at least equally curious, and the conspiracy theories surrounding the firing may have significantly more basis in truth.

Hillary Clinton's Top 17 Scandals and Controversies.  [#8] Vince Foster's Death:  The death of many whistle-blowers such as Seth Rich, close friend Vince Foster, and a lot of other convenient suicides from people who could have opposed the Clinton's rise to power.  Recent evidence released from the FBI has shown that none of the bullets that killed Vince Foster were fired from his gun.

Hillary Clinton and the Branch Davidian Holocaust.  [Vince] Foster had a special Waco file.  Deborah Gorham, his personal secretary, said that he had a cabinet reserved for his most sensitive files:  "There were two.  One was Sean Hadden [a White House staffer], and the other was Waco."  After his death, Foster's Waco file somehow vanished.  Secret Service Agent Henry O'Neil later testified before a Congressional committee that on the night of Foster's death he encountered Maggie Williams leaving Foster's office with two handfuls of folders.  Williams denied removing any files, and when called upon to explain her presence in Foster's office that night, claimed she had gone "in the irrational hope that she would find her colleague still alive there."

FBI Interview with Hillary Clinton About Vince Foster's Death Vanish from National Archives.  The Daily Mail exclusively reported that documents stored at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, about Hillary Clinton's involvement in the death of former White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished.  On July 20, 1993, Vince Foster was found dead at Fort Marcy Park along the Potomac River in Maryland, from an alleged suicide.  Two former FBI agents involved in the investigation told The Daily Mail Online that they issued reports linking a Hillary Clinton tirade to Foster's alleged suicide; "after filing a Freedom of Information request, it was determined that the agents' reports have gone missing."

How Curious:  FBI Files Linking Hillary to 'Suicide' of Vince Foster Have Vanished From National Archives.  The strange death of Vince Foster has dogged the Clintons for years but it looks like someone is trying to help them out.  Why else would records tying Hillary to Foster suddenly go missing?

Documents don't disappear from the National Archives if there is nothing harmful in them.
FBI files linking Hillary Clinton to the 'suicide' of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished.  On two separate occasions, this author visited the National Archives and Records Service in College Park, Md., to review the reports generated by FBI agents assigned to investigate the 1993 death of Bill Clinton's deputy White House counsel.  On the first visit, archivist David Paynter provided the box of records that he said contained the FBI reports of interviews conducted by FBI agents on Foster's death.  On a second visit, archivist James Mathis provided what he said were those same documents.  While the box contained dozens of FBI reports concerning Foster's death — including interviews with the medical examiner, U.S. Park Police officers, and White House aides about the contents of Foster's office — the reports on Hillary Clinton's role in his death were absent.

Hillary Clinton - Vince Foster Documents Mysteriously Missing.  The FBI's reports linked to Hillary Clinton's role in the death of Vince Foster, a White House counsel and her friend, have allegedly gone missing.  A journalistic investigation says it could be Clinton's humiliation that pushed Foster to suicide.  According to Daily Mail, documents containing interviews of Clinton conducted after Foster's death in July 1993 have vanished from the National Archives.

12 reasons Hillary's a crook.  [#4] The shameful Vince Foster cover-up:  While there have been numerous attempts to link Clinton to White House attorney Vince Foster's suicide in 1993, one thing is clear — a massive cover-up occurred.  A Secret Service agent claims that on the night of Foster's death, a top aide for Hillary Clinton removed files from Foster's office.  There was such strong evidence of a cover-up that a lead investigator on the Foster case resigned in protest.

Questions around Vince Foster's death still haunting Hillary.  [Scroll down]  [Ken] Starr wanted to know what White House officials took from Vince Foster's office in the hours after he died, who authorized them to take files, and whether Hillary — who was in Arkansas when the death became known — was choreographing the show.  They seemed especially keen on learning about personal financial documents related to the Clintons' real estate investments, including Whitewater, that Foster — as the Clinton's lawyer and sometimes partner — had kept in his office.

The untold horrifying tales of Hillary's time in the White House.  [Scroll down]  Lisa Foster told the investigator that Vince "couldn't laugh, couldn't smile" during his time at the White House.  "He was from a law firm [the Rose Law firm] where they would handle one thing at a time.  Suddenly, he's got 40 things going on at one time," the investigator told me.  Among those multiple things on his plate were probes of the Clintons' firing of workers in the White House travel office, the Whitewater transaction, other financial transactions of the Clintons and likely testimony before Congress.  Vince Foster even made an appointment with a psychiatrist shortly before he died, but he killed himself before that meeting.  A suicide note was found — but not until six days after he died.  And it was suspiciously located in his briefcase, torn to pieces with one piece missing.  The briefcase was supposedly searched right after his death and — again presumably — no suicide note discovered.  The contents of the note was never released and Lisa refused to discuss the matter with an investigator.

Something Stinks:  The "Fishy" Vince Foster Case.  Donald J. Trump has brought up the case of the mysterious death of former Clinton aide Vincent Foster, calling it "fishy."  Trump is right.  Foster is the man who knew too much.  He had knowledge of various Clinton scandals, including Travelgate, the Waco tragedy, and possibly some illegal activities involving national security.  His body was found in a Virginia park on July 20, 1993, and the media accepted the verdict of suicide.  But as AIM founder and late chairman Reed Irvine and I reported on the case, there were so many anomalies that the Special Division of the Court of Appeals ordered an appendix added to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's report on the death of Vincent Foster.  The appendix exposed serious flaws in the report that cast strong doubt on the suicide finding.  These anomalies included:
  •   No bullet was ever found in Fort Marcy Park, even though Foster supposedly shot himself there.
  •   The gun that was found in his hand has never been positively identified as his.
  •   Foster's fingerprints were not found on the gun. [...] Some other critical facts:
  •   Foster's car, a 1989 gray Honda, was not at Ft.  Marcy Park when he died.
  •   The .38 revolver found in his hand was not the gun that killed him.  It was not his gun.  The caliber of the gun was too large to be consistent with the small hole in the side of Foster's neck.  A memo by Rodriguez found at the National Archives stated that "the corpse was staged with the revolver brought by" investigators.
  •   Foster's so-called suicide note was a forgery.  It said nothing about suicide.  Handwriting experts say the note, which had no fingerprints on it, wasn't even written by Foster.  The note was found in a briefcase that had previously been searched.

Evidence Proving Foster Was Murdered.  Of the 12 or 13 persons known to have been at the Fort Marcy parking lot between 4:25 and 6:00 p.m. on July 20, 1993 only five have told why they were there and what they saw.  The behavior of those who haven't done so indicates that some of them were involved with Foster's death.  Four of the five who talked, have provided evidence proving that Foster did not drive his car to Ft.  Marcy and kill himself.  They are Patrick Knowlton, Mark Feist, Judy Doody and Jeanne Slade.

Hillary Clinton's Continuing Lack of Interest in Cover-up of Vince Foster's Murder.  [Reed] Irvine studied the official government documents concerning the death of Foster and tried to get journalists and media executives to report the facts.  He lent his support to grand jury witness Knowlton, who was a key witness at Fort Marcy Park because did not see Foster's car.  The U.S. Court of Appeals ordered Starr, over his objection, to include evidence of the cover-up as an appendix in his Report on Foster's death.  The evidence of the cover-up submitted by Knowlton's attorney John Clarke became the final 20 pages of Starr's Report.  The evidence Irvine told Kavanaugh his investigation ignored was included, and more.  The appendix includes copies of 25 federal investigative records proving:  Foster's car was not at the park, there was a bullet hole in Foster's neck, photos of the neck wound vanished, x-rays of the neck wound vanished, the gun did not belong to Foster, and Knowlton suffered grand jury witness intimidation.  The appendix of the Report is still suppressed by the American press.  It also includes evidence of the grand jury witness intimidation and crime scene photos.

Donald Trump Is Right To Think That Something Is 'Very Fishy' About The Vincent Foster Death.  According to long-time independent Foster death researchers Hugh Turley and Patrick Knowlton, in 2009 the NARA allowed the public release of copies of various documents from the OIC files.  Among the documents Turley and Knowlton posted to their website are documents they identified as having been written by Assistant United States Attorney Miguel Rodriguez, who was the lead prosecutor investigating the Foster death for the OIC before he resigned and went back to his job in Sacramento, California as an Assistant US Attorney.  A resignation letter, dated January 17, 1995, states that "the existing FBI interview reports and USPP interview reports do not accurately reflect witness statements," and that after "having refreshed their recollection with new photographic evidence," "four emergency medical personnel identified ... trauma each had observed on Foster's right neck area."  A memorandum dated December 9-29, 1994, on the subject of "November 29, 1994 Meeting Concerning Foster Death Matter And Supplemental Investigation Prior to Grand Jury," states that one of the Polaroid photos "clearly depicts a dark, burnt appearing, blood area on VF's neck."  The memorandum states that Rodriguez was "confident" that this was caused by a stun-gun or Taser.  The memorandum states that an autopsy photograph (not a Polaroid taken in the park) shows two puncture wounds on the right side of Foster's neck, and that the District of Columbia Medical Examiner "observed the appearance of crater-like indentations on the right side of the neck."

Assuming that Foster's death was NOT a homicide...
Hillary and the Vince Foster suicide.  As he often does, Trump is barking up the wrong tree, and irresponsibly so (if you don't know enough to discuss it, don't discuss it). [...] But, as is often the case with Trump, there's a nearby tree worth barking up.  Did Hillary Clinton's behavior contribute significantly to Foster's suicide?  The question has two components.  First, did she contribute directly through the way she behaved towards Foster?  Second, did she contribute indirectly by engaging in indefensible conduct that Foster had to defend?  Both questions go to her character.

Hillary Clinton Bullied Vince Foster Before Suicide, Said Ex-Clinton Friend in Final Interview.  Hillary Clinton relentlessly browbeat her clinically depressed former law partner Vince Foster shortly before he committed suicide in 1993, according to notes from a final jailhouse interview with a former close business partner of the Clintons.  Jim McDougal, a long-time member of the Clintons' Arkansas inner circle and a central figure in the Whitewater scandal, passed away from a heart attack in prison in 1998.  But he said in a final interview before his death that Hillary Clinton had a "hard, difficult personality" and was "riding [Vince Foster] every minute" about Whitewater before Foster took his own life.

Trump's Vince Foster attack backed by new evidence.  As Donald Trump revives the two-decade old Vince Foster case, the charge that the cause of death of the top aide and close friend of the Clintons may not have been suicide has once again been dismissed as the stuff of "right-wing conspiracy theory."  But less than three months ago, WND reported a resignation letter surfaced from the lead investigator in independent counsel Robert Fiske's investigation of the Foster case, Miguel Rodriguez, outlining evidence of his charge that the case was fixed.

How Hillary Clinton triggered Vince Foster's suicide.  Overlooked in the recent controversy over the death of Bill Clinton's Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster is the fact that FBI agents investigating the case found that Hillary Clinton triggered his suicide when she attacked and humiliated her mentor from their former Rose Law Firm in front of other White House aides a week before he took his own life.  The FBI investigation was conducted for independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr's probe of the Clintons' investments in the Whitewater real estate development.  While the exhaustive investigation found conclusively that Foster committed suicide, for unknown reasons, Mr. Starr elected to conceal the FBI's findings about Hillary's role in his death in his final report.

Why was Hillary trying to reach Vince Foster on day he died?  A look at Foster's final day shows Hillary Clinton was desperately trying to reach him before his body was discovered by Park Police.  She asked her chief of staff three times to contact Foster and have him call her.  But she has never been asked why she was so eager to talk to him on the day his body turned up dead in Fort Marcy Park outside of Washington, D.C., on July 20, 1993.  But now Trump has raised the issue and placed the long forgotten ghost of Vince Foster under the bright lights of the 2016 presidential campaign.  Trump said Foster "had intimate knowledge of what was going on.  He knew everything that was going on, and then all of a sudden he committed suicide."

'Very Fishy': Trump Comments on Vince Foster Clinton Conspiracy Theory.  According to The Washington Post, during one recent interview Trump was going off about Clinton when he said, "It's the one thing with her, whether it's Whitewater or whether it's Vince Foster or whether it's Benghazi.  It's always a mess with Hillary."  So, of course, he was asked about his thoughts on Foster and how his suicide may have been a staged killing by the Clintons.

Trump Labels Death Of Former White House Aide Vince Foster 'Very Fishy'.  Donald Trump called the death of former Clinton White House aide Vince Foster "very fishy" and labeled theories that it was something other than a suicide "very serious," in an interview last week with The Washington Post.  Foster served as deputy counsel to President Bill Clinton and was previously a partner and close colleague of Hillary Clinton's at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Ark.  A federal investigation ruled that he took his own life in Fort Marcy Park in Northern Virginia in 1993, but some Clinton opponents have theorized that the Clintons were behind his death.

Trump raises Vince Foster's death as possible murder.  Bill Clinton no longer carries the aura of likability and the presumption of innocence that protected him as president.  And a substantial portion of the Democrats' base, Sanders supporters, see Hillary as corrupt.  This is in stark contrast to the situation during the Clinton presidency, when Democrats united behind an imperiled office-holder.  Many Sanders supporters are young enough that they have never heard of Foster.  The inevitable re-airing of the evidence and the anomalies involved in the suicide theory will be new to them.

The Continually Dishonest Media.  Apparently the U.S. media has chosen this week to once again reassert itself as the epitome of broadcast propaganda; Pravda must have been giving them a run for the ruses.  One of the examples today comes from the nascent Jake Tapper of CNN who rallied the proverbial troops around a claim that Donald Trump "brought up Vince Foster" while campaigning for President.

Hillary and Vince
Hillary Clinton's Continuing Lack of Interest in Cover-up of Vince Foster's Murder.  As Hillary Clinton moves closer to securing the Democratic Party nomination for president, her critics and supporters might wonder why she has no apparent interest in the ongoing cover-up of the murder of her close friend and confidant. [...] Twenty-nine year old Brett Kavanaugh replaced Miguel Rodriguez when he resigned from Kenneth Starr's Office of Independent Counsel.  Associate Independent Counsel Rodriguez, an experienced prosecutor, thought he "was scoring big points" for Ken Starr investigating the death of Vince Foster, President Bill Clinton's deputy White House counsel.  Rodriguez's assistant Lucia Rambush thought they "would be getting pats on the back" for uncovering evidence Foster had been murdered.  Instead, according to Deputy Independent Counsel Hickman Ewing's notes, Rodriguez said that Deputy Independent Counsel Mark Tuohey "cancelled everything [he] was doing" and "undermined everything [he] had done."

Vince Foster Murder Cover-up.  Welcome to our website about the murder of Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel under President Clinton.  A federal court ordered Independent Counsel Ken Starr to include evidence, found in government records, of an FBI cover-up, to Starr's own Report.

US Supreme Court Appendix Volume 2 of 2.  Because Patrick [Knowlton] did not heed the warning regarding his grand jury testimony and continued to tell the truth, including his account of the bizarre harassment he suffered, his testimony was discredited.  Patrick was harassed in an effort to make him look unbalanced or dishonest.  Since that time, he has been defamed by numerous individuals, most of whom are journalists.  He has been attacked as a delusional conspiracy theorist, a homosexual, and as an outright liar.

19 Times the Government Withheld Documents It Didn't Want You to See.  [#2] In 1993, according to a Secret Service official, first lady Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Maggie Williams, removed records from the office of White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster the night of his suicide.  Other Clinton officials, including White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum, later testified that they conducted an improper search of Foster's office.  At least one file was marked "Whitewater" and another was marked "taxes."

Following Orders: The Death of Vince Foster Prologue Excerpt.  Hillary and Bill Clinton are being re-crafted as moderates, and speculation for a Hillary 2016 presidential run endures whether or not she remains serving as President Obama's Secretary of State.  It's upside down.  Americans deserve to know what happened in their White House and they have been lied to.  Americans deserve to know what is happening in their White House now and always and they are still being lied to with no accountability or consequence in sight.  This must end — now.

Court to review Foster photos:  The Supreme Court agreed Monday [5/5/2003] to review whether photographs relating to the 1993 suicide of White House deputy counsel Vince Foster were properly withheld by the independent counsel's office.  A lower court has ruled the photos are subject to the Freedom of Information Act, and should be released.

Vince Foster:  What really happened?

Clinton's Calendar and Vince Foster:  Foster, a lawyer from Arkansas, was in the same kindergarten class as Bill Clinton and worked at the same law firm as Sen. Clinton.  After President Clinton was elected in 1992, Foster joined the White House as deputy White House counsel and handled many of the Whitewater-related tax returns.  In July 1993, he was found dead in a park in Virginia with a gunshot wound.

101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vincent Foster:  Vince Foster's death was almost immediately labeled a suicide by the U.S. Park Police.  Normal procedure in the case of a violent death is to treat it as a homicide until all doubts are resolved.  Despite this, a homicide investigation was never launched.  Even before the death scene or the body had been inspected, a suicide confirmation process was under way.  In her sworn Senate testimony, senior Park Police officer Cheryl Braun said, "We made that determination [of suicide] prior to going up and looking at the body."  From that point on, all police and FBI efforts were directed toward collecting evidence that would support the suicide verdict.

Thomas Sowell remarks about Vince Foster:  Any number of things might have happened on July 20, 1993, when Vincent Foster's body was discovered in Marcy Park.  The hardest thing to reconcile with the evidence is that he committed suicide in that park.  He may have committed suicide somewhere else, where it would have been embarrassing to have the body discovered, so that it was moved to the park.  Some experienced police detectives have suggested this, partly because the small amount of blood found with the body in Marcy Park is wholly inconsistent with what they have seen happen when someone puts a .38 revolver in his mouth and pulls the trigger.  Moreover, there are many other inconsistencies.

Vince Foster and the Peripatetic Gun.  [Representative Dan] Burton asked the Confidential Witness to give sworn deposition.  He agreed.  When asked under oath if he was sure about the gun, he replied:  "As sure as I am standing here.  I am absolutely and totally, unequivocally [sure] the palms were up.  I looked at both palms.  There was nothing in his hands."  Nothing came of it.  The Confidential Witness retreated back into the shadows.  Reflecting on the event three years later, he suspected that he had disturbed the crime scene before it was "ready" and thought that he was very lucky to be alive.  "The whole thing stinks, he clearly didn't shoot himself there.  You can't shoot yourself without a gun.  The man had no gun.  End of story."

101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vince Foster.  I merely want to highlight what I see as a large number of gross "peculiarities" surrounding the Foster case.  I hope to convey to the reader some sense of the sheer weight of over 100 discrepancies and unanswered questions.  Also bear in mind that the number "101" is itself a modest number.  As a practical matter, I was forced to omit dozens of striking anomalies.

Summary of Impeachable Offense Allegations Against Janet Reno.  Janet Reno fired William Sessions and replaced him with Louis Freeh on July 19, 1993, the day before the body of Vince Foster was found in Fort Marcy Park.  Under Freeh, the FBI has entered the most incompetent, unaccountable period in its history...

Wikipedia: Death of Vince Foster.  With respect to this case, conspiracy theorists are largely divided into two groups.  Some suspect that Foster committed suicide in a location that was embarrassing to figures connected to the Clinton administration and that government agents dumped his body in the park.  Others suspect that Foster died from a shot from a small-caliber pistol to the neck and his body was dumped in the park.

Barbara Olson to Hillary:  Come Clean on Vince Foster.  If Hillary Clinton wants to write a book that would justify the $8 million advance she won from Simon & Schuster late last year, she should clear up the mystery of her own relationship with the late deputy White House counsel Vince Foster — and explain what her most trusted aides were doing rifling through his office on the night he died.

Some forgotten details of Foster death.  According to a recent [1998] Zogby Poll, commissioned by the Western Journalism Center, an overwhelming majority of Americans no longer believe the official story of suicide.  With good cause, Americans suspect much remains concealed.

Brief on the Merits of Respondent Allan J. Favish:  Although the official government story holds that Foster was found with a gun in his hand, the first person that officially found Foster's body said that there was no gun in his hand.  This witness, known as the "confidential witness," testified that Foster's hands were palms-up and empty. ... But [Kenneth] Starr failed to tell the public that one of the body site photos shows a gun in Foster's right hand that eliminates the possibility of there having been a gun at the back of Foster's hand that went unseen by the witness.  This photo, leaked to ABC-TV and published in Time and Newsweek magazine, shows Foster's gun-hand palm down, while the witness said the hand was palm-up and empty.

Nobody can explain Foster inconsistencies.  The FBI Field Office reported on Page 3 of the memo that "preliminary results include the finding that a .38 caliber revolver ... was fired into the victim's mouth with no exit wound."  The official report on Foster's autopsy described an exit wound in the back of his head, 1x1.25 inches in size.

Will Starr Find a Smoking Gun in the Vincent Foster Case?  Former Independent Counsel Robert Fiske wrote in his report on the death of Vincent Foster that Mr. Foster's widow, Lisa, said that the official death gun "looked similar to one that she had seen in their home" although official government documents show she had not made any valid identification of the official death gun.  These documents suggest that persons conducting the Fiske investigation deliberately tried to manufacture a misleading gun identification from Mrs. Foster in order to make it appear that Mr. Foster owned the official death gun prior to the day he died.

The Death of Vincent Foster:  Evidence Of A Cover-up.

Vince Foster's death:  An FBI cover-up?  We've been told incorrectly by the American press and our officials that there have been numerous investigations of Foster's death when, in reality, every investigation that has been done was conducted by the FBI.

Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying.

... Which includes Thirteen Questions Concerning the Vince Foster Mystery.

Numerous additional documents about the Vincent Foster Death.

News magazines overdo Cheney-gate.  Texas lawyer Harry Whittington getting peppered by Cheney was a cover story in both magazines.  White House lawyer Vince Foster shooting himself dead in 1993 was not.

The FBI – A Legend Decays.  Without the seeming immunity granted [to the FBI] by virtue of long-past successes, they would have lost most of their credibility by the time of the TWA 800 disaster and the mysterious death of Vincent Foster, and their activities in both these matters would have been subjected to the most rigorous scrutiny.

Tape of U.S. attorney:  Foster probe was a fraud.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Miquel Rodriguez is no longer speaking to the press, but a newly released audio recording purportedly contains excerpts of his candid comments on the case.  …Rodriguez claims the FBI threatened him, not only targeting his career reputation, but his "personal well being."  "The FBI told me back off, back down," Rodriguez said.  "I have been communicated with again and been told to be careful where I tread."

Did Hillary Clinton Order the Waco Assault?  According to Linda Tripp it was Hillary and not Bill Clinton who directed the final assault on Waco.  During an interview in early February 2001 the former White House aide alleged that Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vincent Foster to resolve the Waco standoff. … Foster himself was found dead, from a gun-shot wound to the head, in a Virginia park three months later.  Could he have known too much about Waco?

Tripp:  Hillary Directed Waco, Bill Abused Monica.  Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vince Foster to resolve the 1993 Waco standoff in a move that led to the deaths of more than 80 men, women and children, former White House aide Linda Tripp charged in an interview Friday night [2/9/2001].

FBI Cover-up dot com  [re: Vince Foster] We have meticulously studied over 50 volumes of official documents related to this matter.  The information contained here is the most complete source of facts and evidence on this subject.

Vince Foster Death Photos Bring Access Battle to High Court:  Nearly 10 years after White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster died in a Northern Virginia park, a contentious battle over public access to death-scene photographs is before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Patrick Knowlton saga continues.  Patrick Knowlton, a lifelong Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton in 1992, stopped in Fort Marcy Park to relieve his bladder just hours before White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster's body was found.  Little did he know that his life would never be the same.  Knowlton saw another car with Arkansas license plates in the parking lot, but not Foster's.  He also was alarmed by the menacing-looking occupant of that vehicle.

Patrick Knowlton's lawsuit speaks for itself.

Vince Foster Was Murdered.  [Scroll down]  Later, Leslie Rutherford, 19, reported an unusual confrontation as having happened on July 19, the day before the murder.  She had been playing tennis in the afternoon and was walking home on the back road in the woods behind the park.  She noticed a man in a suit and a tie standing in the woods.  Peculiar enough, in a remote part of the woods and 95-degree heat, but when he saw her approaching, he turned his head in an attempt to hide his identity, and walked the other way into the brush.  After learning of the body being found in that area, Leslie called the Park Police to report what she had seen.  They took her statement over the phone wherein she explained that this was in the northwest corner of the park.  Clarke says that this became a very telling piece during the Fiske probe when the report was changed to read "...the southeast corner of the park.  "Obviously," he says, "someone was out there the day before checking out the scene, but nobody ever came to interview the young lady."  Nor is there any mention of this road anywhere in the 20,000 pages of the public record.

Mystery Still Remains in the Death of Vince Foster.  A careful FBI microscopic investigation of Foster's shoes found not a trace of soil or grass stains on them, though he supposedly walked several hundred yards through wooded Fort Marcy Park to where his body was found. ... Foster was found with a 1913 revolver no one in his family could claim, with two serial numbers, made from the parts of three or more guns.  None of Foster's fingerprints were found on the gun.  The bullet that supposedly killed Foster was never found, despite intensive searches.  The first witness to find the body insisted that there had been no gun near the body.  The memory in Foster's pager had been erased.  Critical evidence began to vanish. ... All of the X-rays taken during the autopsy are missing.

Death of Vince Foster:  Since July 20, 1993, when the body of deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster was found at Fort Marcy Park, the American government, and more importantly, the American press, have concealed the true facts of the death from the American people.  Now, ten years later, we hear from the leading government investigator that Foster did not die the way officials have said.  We now learn firsthand — from the person in charge of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's Foster death investigation — that Starr's investigation was a sham and that its conclusion was determined even before the investigation even began.  Investigators altered the crime scene, and a few people controlled the outcome of the investigation.  The press controlled how it would be reported.

Coroners vs. Medical Examiners:  The investigation of [former White House deputy counsel Vincent W.] Foster's death was entrusted to the U.S. Park Police.  It should have been handled by the FBI, but the White House was not sure it could control the FBI, whose director Clinton had just fired.

Did The OIC Obstruct Justice?  Did the FBI, the Independent Counsel's office, White House lawyers and staffers work together to conceal information concerning the death of former White House Counsel Vincent Foster, Jr.?  Documents relating to the investigations are missing or are being withheld in violation of Federal law.  The courts may crack the case open due to an AIM lawsuit.

The Media Must Expose The Lies:  July 20th was the eighth anniversary of the death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr.  For eight years nearly all our media have refused to examine the evidence in this case.

Government Concedes "Mistakes" on Vince Foster's Death.  The government is now saying discrepancies in testimony of witnesses in the murder of Vince Foster were merely "mistakes."  "It is not a crime to make a mistake," declared Karl N. Gellert, associate independent counsel in a federal court session considering Accuracy in Media's lawsuit against the Office of Independent Counsel.  The group charges the office of former Independent Counsel Ken Starr of criminal activity and cover-up in the murder of Clinton White House aide Vincent Foster in 1993.  The death was officially ruled a suicide.

A Broken Promise:  Psychologist Alan Berman was one of three consultants hired by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr to help him convince the public that Vincent Foster committed suicide.  Berman wrote a 21-page report in which he said:  "In my opinion and to a hundred percent degree of medical certainty the death of Vincent Foster was a suicide.  No plausible evidence has been presented to support any other conclusion."

More information about the Foster case:  On the eve of 1994 congressional hearings into Foster's death, Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., obtained permission from the then-Democratic-controlled Senate Banking Committee to dispatch a team of investigators to Little Rock to determine if Foster had learned of the search of Hale's office before taking his own life.  But at the last minute, committee Democrats withdrew their authorization and ordered Bond to call his investigators back to Washington.

The Unanswered Questions in the Foster Case.

The Biggest Story They Won't Report:  The most important breaking news story that has been suppressed in recent times is the murder of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. in 1993.  A leading Republican senator said seven years ago that the reason they were not investigating Foster's death is that if he did not kill himself, the president was somehow involved and the democratic process could not survive such a disclosure.  The media seem to share that view, because no major news organization has ever investigated or reported the flaws in the official investigations.

Vince Foster might save America from Hillary:  On July 20, 1993, Vince Foster was found dead. His death officially was termed a suicide but is suspected by many to be a murder — if not a superbly planned assassination. The cover-up that followed Foster's death is one of many compelling reasons Hillary Clinton must be defeated if she ever again runs for public office.

Unsolved Mystery Hampers All Starr's Probes.  Five summers ago this week the body of Vincent Walker Foster, Jr. was discovered by an antique cannon in an out of the way Virginia park.  Two independent counsels, two congressional probes and one federal police investigation have determined he died by his own hand.  Still, in national polls taken in 1995 and 1997, the American people by overwhelming margins say they do not believe Foster died as officials say.  Yet even with this popular mandate, no investigator was willing to act on serious evidence of a White House cover-up of Foster's death.

The White House Lawyer and the Clipper Chip:  On May 2, 1993, Vince Foster, Benard Nussbaum and Webb Hubbell went to Ft. Meade Maryland to meet with the National Security Agency.  The topic of the secret meeting would be an effort to "mandate" government computer security and ban all other products.  The proof of his meeting at NSA HQ would come in written form.  Foster had two notebooks from the NSA in his office at the time of his death.  Two notebooks that mysteriously disappeared.

This material came from
Publisher Spikes Whitewater Tell-all by Key Witness:  A planned book by key Whitewater witness David Hale, who may be set to reveal new information about the death of Clinton lawyer Vincent Foster, has reportedly been spiked by publishers.

"Vince Foster's Gun" serial number was searched before his death Serial number 355055 was found on the frame of the gun.  That number was searched by the Park Police, on the evening of Foster's death, more exactly at 22:45 EDT on July 20, 1993.  Searches were conducted on the same serial number no fewer than three times earlier that year, before Foster's death, on March 3, March 7 and April 29.  Is it a coincidence that in the year of Foster's death, four searches were conducted on the serial number found on the old gun - none ever before or after?

Vince Foster haunts Hillary?  Independent counsel trying to retrieve files from late White House lawyer's hard drive.

Ken Starr's Secret Reports When independent counsel Kenneth Starr released his report on the death of former White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. in October 1997, he refused to make public reports written by three consultants that he had hired to study the case.  Those who concealed that evidence should be called to account no matter what positions they now hold or hope to get.

The Parks Murder:  "I'm a dead man," whispered Jerry Parks, pale with shock, as he looked up at the television screen.  It was a news bulletin on the local station in Little Rock.  Vincent Foster, a childhood friend of the President, had been found dead in a park outside Washington.  Apparent suicide.  He never explained to his son Gary what he meant by that remark, but for the next two months the beefy 6'3" security executive was in a state of permanent fear.

Critiquing Berman's report on Foster:  [Dr. James] Janecek says, "Homicides masquerading as suicides are rare but do occur."  He cites three cases in which deaths were ruled to be suicides even though the physical forensic evidence strongly indicated they were homicides.  All three have something in common with the Foster case.

Does Lee favor new Foster probe?  The best-known of the Foster death investigators reportedly wants the case reopened.  His new book cites stronger evidence of murder than of suicide.  He may believe may believe it was murder, but doubts the case will be reopened.

Summary of the suspicious circumstances of Vince Foster's death
Excerpted from

   1.  The "blowback" material was minimal even though Foster apparently fired the gun deep in his mouth;
   2.  No powder burns were found in the mouth and no teeth were broken from gun recoil;
   3.  Very little blood was found at the scene, either on his body or on the ground;
   4.  The body was found in a highly unusual position for a self-inflicted gunshot wound into the mouth: too neat with his arms at his sides;
   5.  The fatal bullet was never recovered;
   6.  Foster owned a modern silver revolver, but the one found in his hand was black and composed of parts of two 80-year-old guns;
   7.  A paramedic reported seeing a small-caliber wound on Foster's neck under the jaw, which some say is confirmed by a crime scene photo;
   8.  Suspicious-looking people were seen around a car with Arkansas tags that was parked in the spot where Foster's car was found an hour later when the police and rescue workers arrived. The official investigations say this was Foster's car even though three eyewitnesses said it was a different color and model.

"In a world of deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell       (Maybe.)                

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Updated October 10, 2024.

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