Abortion Topics 4


Fetus = Baby, therefore Abortion = Fetal homicide.

Kamala Harris Twice Voted To Block Bill That Would Protect Newborn Babies.  Are there babies who are born alive after surviving an attempted abortion?  Yes.  Did Vice President Kamala Harris agree to legislation aimed at protecting their life and health?  No.  In 2019 and 2020, when Harris was serving in the Senate, she twice voted to block a bill that would have required doctors to provide the same health care to a newborn baby who had survived an abortion as they would to a newborn who had not been targeted for an abortion.

Australian Senate Votes for Postpartum Abortion.  It is hard to get your head around healthcare professionals deliberately withholding aid from a mutilated child that has survived an attempt on its life.  Yet we read this from Australia:  ["]On August 20, United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet introduced an urgency motion urging the Senate to recognise that at least one baby is born alive each week following a failed abortion and is subsequently left to die.["]  This has added up to hundreds of Australian babies perishing in a state of anguish that can hardly be imagined thanks to depraved indifference to human life.  ["]"These babies are often just left to die alone, slowly in a cold metal dish, with no legal right to care," Senator Babet said.["]  That's the way leftists want it, so that's the way it will stay.

Luxury car exec threw newborn baby from window to her death, feared motherhood would ruin career.  An executive for a luxury car manufacturer who threw her newborn daughter out an apartment window because she feared motherhood would ruin her career has been sentenced to just seven-and-a-half years in prison.  Although tried for murder, Katarina Jovanovic, 28, from Lauffen am Neckar, Germany, was found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter at Heilbronn District Court on July 3, according to a report by the Daily Mail.  Jovanovic, age 28, who had served as an attorney for world-famous car manufacturer Porsche and who had reportedly kept her pregnancy a secret, gave birth in her apartment on September 12, 2023, and then "dropped" the infant from a window about 12 feet onto the pavement below.

They Know Abortion is Murder, But They Still Support It Anyway.  Last month, comedian and Real Time host Bill Maher made comments about abortion that shocked those on both sides of the issue.  First, he shocked the audience by, in a sense, defending pro-lifers, of which he is certainly not one.  According to Maher, liberals need to stop misconstruing pro-lifers as hating women because they don't.  Rather, pro-lifers, he said, think that abortion should be illegal because they think it is murder, and he stated, "It kind of is." [...] Unlike those who deny that abortion takes an innocent life, Maher acknowledged and owned what science, philosophy, ethics, and the Bible clearly tells us.  The difference, however, is that for Maher, murder is permissible if done in the interest of reducing the population.  This view is, of course, not new.

Democrats Sponsor Bill for Abortions Up to Birth That Eliminates Every Pro-Life Law Nationwide.  When the Dobbs ruling overturned Roe v.  Wade, we knew the abortion industry would not go away quietly without a fight.  As you know, after our amicus brief was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in overturning Roe, Liberty Counsel has been fighting the abortion industry's attempts to make killing an unborn child a "right" in state constitutions across the country. [...] Now, the abortion industry is going for a bigger prize — federal legislation to force every state to wipe away all abortion restrictions.  The bill even goes so far as to overturn the federal ban on gruesome partial birth abortion, which murders a viable, full-term baby before its head leaves the mother's womb.  Late-term abortion murders viable babies who could, if given the chance, live outside their mother's womb.  In a typical procedure, everything except for the baby's head is outside the mother's body.  Then, just before the child's head comes out, the abortionist drives a spike through the child's skull, literally scrambling the baby's brain to kill the child.  Instead of a spike to the brain, some abortionists, like the demonic Kermit Gosnell, use heavy duty scissors to sever the child's spinal cord once the legs, torso, and neck, but not head, are outside the birth canal.

Chicago woman pleads guilty, gets 50 years for cutting child from victim's womb.  A Chicago woman accused of luring a pregnant teenager to her home and cutting her baby from her womb with a butcher knife nearly five years ago pleaded guilty to murder Tuesday and was sentenced to 50 years in prison.  Clarisa Figueroa, 51, seated in a wheelchair and wearing a bright yellow jumpsuit, did not provide a statement but answered "Yes" when Cook County Judge Peggy Chiampas asked her if she understood she would need to serve the entire sentence and would not receive early release on parole, news outlets reported.

Members of Congress Demand Justice for Five Full-Term Babies Killed in Abortions.  Republican lawmakers and pro-life activists gathered Wednesday on Capitol Hill to call for transparency and clarity regarding the deaths of "The Five," preemie-sized aborted babies whose bodies are in the possession of Washington, D.C., officials.  Pro-life activist Terrisa Bukovinac, the founder of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising and the co-discoverer of "The Five," spoke out on Wednesday at the House Triangle, as did other pro-life activists, such as Penny Nance of Concerned Women for America and the Rev. Patrick Mahoney, a pro-life activist who has asked the city to allow him to give the babies a respectful burial.  Mahoney said that he and his wife, who oversaw a memorial service for babies killed by notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, have been fighting for the babies for the past two years, even going to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser's house with a large screen to show the babies in front of her home.  Gosnell, convicted of killing three babies and a pregnant mother, is currently serving life without parole in prison.

The Abortion Clinic Offered to Kill My 28-Week-Old Baby in an Abortion for $11,400 No Questions Asked.  I was 28 weeks pregnant when I entered the small, windowless waiting room of the Washington Surgi-Clinic for my abortion appointment.  I filled out paperwork and gave the front desk nurse $11,400 in cash.  I asked if it was weird that I was paying in cash.  She said it wasn't.  I took a seat alongside several other women.  I was nervous.  But not because I was there for an abortion.  I was undercover.  It was January 2022, and I had agreed to partner with Live Action to secretly record my visit to this Washington clinic in hopes of showing people the true nature of late-term abortion.  Live Action has investigated the Washington-Surgi clinic before and uncovered some horrifying truths.  But the public remains largely unaware of the realities of late-term abortion clinics.  I was hoping to help change that.  There is a wide chasm between the rhetoric of pro-choice activists — who argue women choose abortion with full knowledge and autonomy — and what I experienced that day.

Cosmopolitan magazine wants its readers to admire satanic ritual abortions.  As Cosmopolitan's CEO, Helen Gurley Brown took the magazine from being a high-end literary magazine and turned it into the ultimate guide for single women in the swinging '60s.  Now, under the aegis of Jessica Giles, Cosmopolitan is promoting satanic abortions as a way to undo "the religious right's grip on abortion laws."  It's stories such as these that make me wonder whether the 2024 election even matters, given that I honestly don't see how a culture can walk back from this abyss.

Illinois man charged with murder for shooting pregnant wife, killing preborn child.  Police have arrested a Des Plaines, Illinois, man and charged him with intentional homicide of an unborn child after he admitted to shooting his wife.  In a press release, Des Plaines police said 30-year-old Amal Reji admitted to shooting his wife, Meera Abraham, during an argument on Monday, November 13th.  "[T]he argument between Reji and Abraham began at their residence on Leslie Lane," the press release said.  "Reji and Abraham left the residence, to not argue in front of other family members at the residence, in their Honda Odyssey.  The argument continued in the vehicle while Reji was driving eastbound on Algonquin Rd. with Abraham in the back seat of the vehicle.  Prior to approaching the intersection at Mt. Prospect Rd, Reji brandished the Glock handgun and shot Abraham several times.  Reji then drove the vehicle to the parking lot of St. Zachary Church and flagged down a subject in the area to call 911."  While Abraham survived, she is still in intensive care.  She was also pregnant, however, and her preborn child did not survive.

NBC's Moderator Told Trump 'No One' Is Calling For Late-Term Abortions.  Here's Why She's Wrong.  NBC's Kristen Welker claimed "no one" is arguing for legal abortion up to birth in her new interview with former President Donald Trump, but that claim is demonstrably false.  The new "Meet the Press" moderator sparred with Trump for over an hour on abortion and other issues in an interview released Sunday.  "The radical people on this are really the Democrats that say after five months, six months, seven months, eight months, nine months, and even after birth, you're allowed to terminate the baby," Trump told Welker during the interview.  "Mr. President, Democrats aren't saying that," Welker responded.  Moments later Trump said, "I said with Hillary Clinton when we had the debate, I made a statement, 'rip the baby out of the womb' in the ninth month.  You're allowed to do that, and you shouldn't be allowed to do that."  "Again, no one is arguing for that.  That's not a part of anyone's platform, Mr. President," Welker said.  Besides the untold number of abortion activists who advocate for abortion on demand up to birth, a slew of states currently allow abortion at any point in the pregnancy.  Alaska, Colorado, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. all allow abortion with no gestational limits.

Pro-Abortion Lawsuit Falsely Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is Medically Necessary.  A new pro-abortion falsely claims that killing babies in abortions is medically necessary.  The pro-abortion suit, filed by the radically pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights, claims women in multiple states were denied abortions that they needed for medical reasons.

Yes Late-Term Abortions are Real and They Kill 10,000 Babies Every Year.  There is a concerted effort from the abortion lobby and its allies in media to convince Americans that there is no such thing as late term abortion.  It isn't true.  Just recently, Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill claimed that: "Like Nessie and Bigfoot, the term 'late-term abortion' is completely made up.  It's anti-abortion propaganda with no basis in medicine, intended to confuse people."  Likewise, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki echoed that "no one supports abortion up until birth," and then later defended this claim on her MSNBC show: "This claim that Democrats support abortion up until the moment of birth is entirely misleading," she said.  But the truth is that 10,000 babies' lives are lost every year to late-term abortions, the majority of which take place for elective reasons.

American College of OBGYNs Calls For No Limits on Abortion.  One of the nation's most influential medical organizations wrote an op-ed published in The Washington Post on Wednesday calling for abortion with no restrictions.  In the op-ed, the American College of OBGYN (ACOG) and Society of Family Planning called for abortion on demand and claimed that abortion "saves lives."  This comes as Democrats continue to deny that they support abortion up until birth, despite evidence to the contrary.

Why are Democrats so intent on killing people?  A nurse in London was evil and properly sentenced to life for intentionally killing vulnerable newborn babies. [...] So why is it perfectly OK with the media and other Democrats for Planned Parenthood to intentionally let fully developed babies die if the woman and her family don't want the baby? [...] What should politicians who vote against giving health care to the most vulnerable among us and intentionally let the babies die be called?  Why would we trust Democrats to make decisions for health care for the rest of us when they will just let babies die?  I am sure the number of deaths is much greater than the seven killed by the nurse. [...] Why is it perfectly fine for people at an abortion mill to just let a baby die, while women who intentionally or unintentionally let a baby die can be charged with murder?  Shouldn't all humans have the same rights?

Democrat Sen Marko Liias defends ghoulish 30-week abortion.  Washington state senator Marko Liias, a democrat representing Mukilteo, is defending a woman who had a third-trimester abortion (before burning and burying the body of her child).  It's so extreme that it's not even legal in Washington state, which takes a very permissive approach to abortion.  Democrats are sounding the alarm over a case out of Nebraska where a 19-year-old earned 90 days in jail after killing her child through a medically induced abortion.  Like other Radical Left activists, Liias linked to a New York Times report on the case, saying it belongs in a "dystopian Margaret Atwood book."

Teen who allegedly killed, stuffed newborn baby in hospital trash can released from jail.  A 19-year-old who allegedly killed her newborn son by stuffing him in a hospital trash can was released from jail on $100,000 bond ahead of her high school graduation.  In December 2022, investigators claim Alexee Trevizo went to an Artesia, New Mexico hospital complaining of severe back pain.  She was treated and released.  A few weeks later, she went back complaining of back pain again, but while she was there, hospital staff members believe she locked herself inside a bathroom, gave birth, then stuffed the baby into the bathroom's trash can. [...] Trevizo will be allowed to attend her high school graduation on May 25.

Murder for hire.  Warren Hern kills babies for a living.  It is his calling.  He has been doing it for over 50 years, and at 84 he seems determined to continue doing it until he keels over from exhaustion.  The Atlantic has a long and disturbing profile on this man who I think of as the Butcher of Boulder, a doctor who willingly kills children at the latest points in pregnancy.  So late, in fact, that most of his colleagues would refuse to consider the job.  Healthy, third-trimester "fetuses."  Babies that are viable outside the womb.  Because pregnancy is a health crisis, if you think it is.  [Tweet]

Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Dies After Killing Babies in Abortions for Decades.  Infamous late-term abortionists LeRoy Carhart has passed away.  Carhart owned and operated abortion businesses that have been killing babies in abortions, and late-term abortions for decades.  He is responsible for killing women in botched abortions and injuring countless more.  Carhart is perhaps best known for trying and failing to overturn the federal partial-birth abortion ban that Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed into law.  Carhart was at the heart of two abortion cases that reached the Supreme Court:  Stenberg v. Carhart, in which the Supreme Court overturned a Nebraska ban on partial-birth abortions, and Gonzales v. Carhart, in which the Supreme Court upheld the federal ban on partial-birth abortions.

Michigan Senate Votes to Implement Abortions Up to Birth.  The Michigan Senate passed radical pro-abortion legislation Wednesday that repeals the only limits on abortions on viable, late-term unborn babies.  In a 20-18 party-line vote, Senate Democrats passed a bill to repeal the 1931 state abortion ban, according to Bridge Michigan.  Most parts of the 1931 law have not been in effect for more than 50 years, primarily because of Roe v. Wade, but other parts are including a ban on aborting viable, late-term unborn babies.  If the bill or a similar version that passed the state House last week becomes law, pro-life leaders say Michigan would no longer have any limits on abortion.

New Mexico Bill May Legalize Infanticide.  Lawmakers in New Mexico — one of the most radically pro-abortion states in the nation — have introduced HB 7 entitled "Reproductive & Gender-Affirming Health Care."  Today — March 1, 2023, the New Mexico Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee is holding a hearing on HB 7.  While this bill is packaged slightly differently from many of the abortion-related bills we've seen in the recent months, it is entirely problematic and raises a number of red flags, including some of the use of "perinatal" language we've been warning about.  First, the bill broadly prohibits New Mexico state or local governments from creating or enforcing "any law, ordinance, policy or regulation that violates or conflicts" with the bill.  Section 3 (D).  In other words, if the citizens of New Mexico elect a majority of pro-life politicians at the state and local levels, those lawmakers will be unable to pass pro-life and life-affirming laws because this bill — if passed into law — will restrict and penalize them for doing so.

Man Brutally Kills Newborn, Fracturing His Skull Because Mom Refused His Demand to Have Abortion.  A horrific murder trial in North Carolina has a father accused of brutally beating his newborn son to death after his girlfriend refused to have an abortion.  The Gaston Gazette reports Robert Middleton, of Gastonia, North Carolina, is on trial this week for first-degree murder in the death of his infant son, Deville Ahmaad Middleton.  He also is facing abuse charges for allegedly abusing Deville's twin brother, Davale, who survives.  On Monday [2/20/2023], the boys' mother, Takaylia Young, told the court about meeting Middleton on Facebook in 2018 and later moving in with him.  When she became pregnant about a year later, she said Middleton told her to get an abortion, according to the report.

Feds look to expand assisted suicide eligibility to infants and the mentally ill.  A recent video clip posted by the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) indicates the eligibility could expand for medically assisted suicide to include babies with disabilities. [...] "Kids born with disabilities are now being considered for assisted suicide up to a year after their birth," tweeted Lewis, who shared the clip.  "Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) was never meant for those who can't give consent.  Why aren't the Liberals, Bloc and NDP condemning this unethical agenda?" she asked.  The clip highlights a Parliamentary Committee for the Canada Disability Benefit Act, or Bill C-22, that was held two weeks ago.

Texas man gets no jail time for beating girlfriend, killing their unborn child: report.  A Texas man accused of beating his girlfriend to the point where their unborn child died, will serve no jail time after taking a plea deal with the Travis County District Attorney's office Monday, according to reports.  Johnny Charles Ebbs V's plea deal comes with eight years of deferred adjudication on a third-degree continuous family violence assault charge, meaning that he has not been found guilty at the time of sentencing and will have his offense dismissed if he doesn't violate his probation.

Abortionist Drowned a 34-Week-Old Baby Who Survived Abortion in a Bucket of Water.  An abortionist in South Korea has been convicted of drowning a 34-week-old baby who survived a botched abortion.  The horrific case shows the problem of late-term abortions and infanticide is a worldwide one.  The Seoul Central District Court on Friday convicted the abortionist, identified only by his surname Yun, on Friday and sentenced him to three years and six months in prison for killing the baby.  The child reportedly "burst out crying" during the abortion procedure after surviving it.

NICU Nurse Murdered 7 Infants and Left Behind Disturbing Notes, "I Killed Them on Purpose".  Disturbing notes found in the home of a former British neonatal nurse add to evidence that she allegedly murdered seven newborn babies and attempted to murder 10 others at a hospital in England.  MSN reports the murder trial of Lucy Letby, 32, began this week in Manchester Crown Court with testimonies from doctors, parents of the dead babies, medical experts and police.  She is pleading not guilty.  According to police, investigators found a series of handwritten notes in Letby's home in 2018 that appear to confirm the murders.

Poll: 71% in California Back Proposition 1, Abortion Until Birth.  A new poll reveals that an overwhelming majority of registered voters in California approve Proposition 1, a constitutional amendment that would guarantee the right to abortion until birth if passed by a referendum in November. [...] Proposition 1 appears to extend the right to abortion through birth.  The new poll, conducted by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, suggests that 71% of registered voters approve of Proposition 1, and only 18% oppose it.

Aborted human remains discovered in DC prove that "doctors" are murdering live babies after failed procedures.  The remains of five aborted children were recovered from the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C., where baby butcher Dr. Cesare Santangelo appears to be murdering children after they leave the womb following failed abortion attempts.  Dr. Robin Pierucci, a neonatal specialist, told Live Action News that after inspecting the remains, he is confident that at least four of the babies "died at an age when they were viable, premature people."  Dr. Pierucci's work, in fact, involves caring for babies of "this size and age" at neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), which is how she was able to make that determination upon investigation.  Santangelo, just as a little background, is a late-term abortionist who runs a baby murdering mill in the heart of America's capital.  He has admitted in the past that he does not, under any circumstances, provide lifesaving care to the babies of women who enter his clinic.  Upon discovery of the babies, a pro-life activist immediately informed the D.C. homicide unit and surrendered the remains.

Mother admits to killing, slashing throat of infant to hide pregnancy nearly 30 years ago.  A mother turned admitted to the 1993 murder of her baby son after surrendering to authorities.  The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said authorities arrested 53-year-old Meaonia Michelle Allen last Wednesday after she turned herself in for an outstanding warrant for one count of first-degree murder.  Bond was denied.  Authorities said "Baby Doe" was found on December 8, 1993, by a homeowner in her yard in rural Choctaw County.  A medical examiner determined the baby boy was born alive but was killed after his throat was slashed.  The case then went cold.  Authorities said in October 2020, a special agent submitted DNA belonging to "Baby Doe" to a laboratory.  That led to Allen being identified as the baby's mother.  Allen admitted to the murder during an interview, according to investigators.

11 Ways Democrats Helped Overturn Roe v. Wade.  No one did more to ensure that the moral and legal atrocity called Roe v Wade was overturned than Democrats.  [Example #5]  Dr. Kermit Gosnell:  The fact that one of the country's worst serial killers cloaked his murder spree behind abortion was nowhere near as shocking to the public as the fact that he was allowed to get away with it for so long, and the corporate media covered up his crimes.  Because of Gosnell, we discovered just how unregulated these abortion mills are and that the lives of even born-alive babies are so meaningless to the left they didn't care what this monster did.

California House passes "infanticide" bill legalizing the killing of newborn babies 7 days or more after birth.  In a vote of 48-21, the Democrat-controlled Assembly in California voted to pass AB 2223, which pro-life advocates have dubbed "The Infanticide Bill" because it would allow newborn babies to legally die with no penalty or punishment for the mothers.  A form of post-abortion murder, the legislation would shield a mother from all civil and criminal charges if her newborn baby dies seven days after birth or longer.  All "actions or omissions" related to her pregnancy, "including miscarriage, H" would be covered.  It is the "perinatal death" portion of the bill that has pro-life advocates concerned because this is the terminology that would sanction the death of babies seven days post-birth and longer.

Mississippi mother charged with murder after allegedly throwing infant daughter onto a roadway.  A Mississippi woman has been charged with murder after she allegedly threw her infant daughter onto a roadway last week.  The Pearl Police Department says 20-year-old Makaylia Shaylynn Jolley has been charged with capital murder and felony child abuse after her two-month-old daughter died Saturday [5/14/2022].

Why not three?  Why not ten?
Pro-abortion gal says it's fine to kill two-year-old children!  Pro-abortion radicals appeared to be reaching new extremes regularly even before a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked to the press a few weeks ago.  Several states have adopted, or at least proposed, laws that are worded so as to suggest a baby could be terminated even after birth.  Now there appears a pro-abortion activist who has given carte blanche to women to "abort" their children for whatever reason, whenever, apparently.  The video was captured by the pro-life organization called Live Action, and it came from a "pro-abortion woman" who confirms "it would be legal to kill a child at any point after birth."

Barbaric: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Blasts Pro-Lifers, Says Women Have Right to Abortion Up to Day of Birth.  Next to Communist China and North Korea, the Democrat Party has the most barbaric policies on abortion in the world today.  Western European countries have limits on abortions.  Most do not allow abortion after the first trimester unless there is serious danger to the mother's health.  Democrats in the US demand abortion up to the moment of birth.  And several Democrat leaders are in support of infanticide or murdering the baby after birth.

Chuck Schumer Is Hellbent On Destroying The Democratic Party.  On Wednesday, [Senator Chuck] Schumer forced a vote on the so-called Women's Health Protection Act, which sounds like a great name.  Who doesn't want to protect women's health?  But that's not what the bill was about.  The language in the bill was wildly radical.  It would have allowed abortions to be done by non-doctors, there would have been no requirement for parental notification for minors, and it would have permitted abortions based on the gender of the child.  If you wanted a baby boy but were pregnant with a baby girl, go ahead and kill it.  That's radical enough.  But what is most extreme about Schumer's bill are the restrictions on the timing for abortions.  There were none.  If Schumer's bill would have passed and made it into law, abortion up until the moment of birth would have been legal.  Quite literally, a woman who is nine months pregnant and on her way to the hospital for a C-section could have changed her mind on the way, walked into the hospital and had the baby aborted.  Murdered.  That's not just radical, that's downright evil.

49 Senate Democrats Vote for Extreme Abortion Bill.  If it was a "show vote," then it did its job.  When Democrats decided to put the most extreme abortion bill ever drafted on the Senate floor, it showed people plenty.  If anyone was under the illusion that President Joe Biden's party was remotely reasonable on the issue of life, they learned pretty quickly that those days are over.  Today's Democrats don't want to keep Roe v. Wade.  They want to go beyond Roe — to federal tyranny and coercion to unlimited, taxpayer-funded abortion right up until the moment of birth.  And this vote proves it.  When Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said, "The vote will shine light on every single one of us," he was right.  For the second time in four months, the American people got a real look at the Democratic Party's extremism Wednesday — and what they saw should have terrified them.  All but one of their senators (Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.) voted to burn the pro-life culture in America to the ground.

Now They're on Record:  Democrats Overwhelmingly Vote to Allow Abortion up to Birth.  Let it be known that the politicians of the Democrat Party in Washington are either evil or cowardly with the exception of one.  Reports say that Democrats had brought Roe v Wade to the floor in order to codify it into law.  The goal was to legalize abortion nationwide up until birth with what would be no limits.  As you can imagine, every single Republican voted against this and they were joined by none other than West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin who had indicated that he'd vote against it earlier in the day.

Do Not Lose Your Soul.  The far left in our nation is actively attempting to eradicate core beliefs by confusing children of their gender and God-given sex, by emasculating men, by making race an idol, and by worshipping at the altar of abortion.  The movement to eradicate foundational biblical principles is influenced by the demonic (darkness) and Maryland and California now lead the way.  As if the horrors created by abortion-on-demand causing the slaughter of 60+ million babies since Roe v. Wade in 1973 were not enough, Maryland and California legislators drafted bills moving through their legislatures that go a step further — they attempt to create laws that avoid civil and criminal liability for the murder of children.  In these bills, they attempt to shield from prosecution a mother and any third parties who assist her in murdering her child from 7 to 28 days after birth ("perinatal period").  This is called infanticide and getting away with murder.  These bills are indecent and should not even be considered in a moral society.  And there's the rub.

The Slippery Slope from Abortion to Infanticide.  In June, the Supreme Court will review a case challenging a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.  Abortion advocates are worried that, if the court, increasingly viewed as conservative, reverses the constitutional right to abortion, then 26 states may go ahead and ban abortion.  This case and a Texas fetal-heartbeat law prohibiting abortion past six weeks have energized them into fervent campaigning.  Democrat states are rallying with them by proposing laws allowing abortions right up to childbirth — and beyond.  Indeed, a Maryland bill may effectively legalize infanticide.  How did America reach a stage in which legislatures entertain the idea that an individual's right can take precedence over the right to life?  The blame lies with advocacy groups dyed in leftist, feminist, and critical theory ideology.

Green-Lighting Infanticide in California.  The Democrat party of 2022 continues to push the bounds of its radical agenda, with particular focus on "abortion rights."  California Assembly Bill (A.B.) 2223 is the most egregious of the fourteen new abortion bills this year in California.  It is critical that A.B. 2223 not become law.  A.B. 2223 offers protections to people involved in the death of the unborn, as well as of recently born babies, from "the threat of criminal prosecution of pregnancy outcomes."  This bill, as written, would implicitly protect those involved in infanticide from criminal prosecution.

Late-term babies killed in abortion found in D.C..  On Thursday, March 31, police in Washington D.C. found the fetal remains of five children in the home of an anti-abortion activist.  According to Live Action, one of the largest organizations against abortion in the U.S., the activist in possession of the fetal remains "voluntarily informed the D.C. homicide unit of the babies and surrendered them to authorities."  Photos of these children quickly went viral, and many conservatives were shocked.  The oldest child, a little boy, appeared to be entirely intact, and was so developed he is indistinguishable from a newborn.

Babies could be killed 28 days after birth under proposed Maryland law, attorney warns.  Legislation proposed in the Maryland Senate would allow babies to be left to die for as long as the first 28 days after birth, according to analysis from a pro-life attorney.  Senate Bill 669 is also known as the Pregnant Person's Freedom Act of 2022, but the problems go beyond the use of "person" in place of accurate references to women having babies.  Senator William Smith, a Democrat, sponsored the legislation, which will have a hearing on March 15.  "[T]he bill also proposes a revision of the fetal murder/manslaughter statute that would serve to handcuff the investigation of infant deaths unrelated to abortion," American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) attorney Olivia Summers wrote in her analysis.

Virginia Democrats Vote For Allowing Babies Who Survive Abortions To Die Without Care.  As Virginia rounds the corner in its first session of 2022, legislation passed in the state's pro-life House faces major challenges in the Senate.  Although Virginia ushered in a pro-life governor this January, the Senate is still controlled by pro-abortion Democrats.  Last Tuesday's "crossover" day marked a turning point in the 60-day session, as bills passed in the House and Senate moved down the hall for further votes.  The Republican-controlled Virginia House passed HB 304, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, sponsored by Del.  Nick Freitas, R-Culpeper.  The bill requires an abortionist to provide life-saving treatment for a child born alive after a failed abortion.  It passed 52-48 along party lines.

Vermont Plans To Enshrine Legal Abortions Right Up To Birth.  A three-year battle in Vermont is coming to a head over Proposal 5, an amendment to the state constitution that would enshrine existing Vermont abortion "liberties" to terminate pregnancies up until birth.  Roe v. Wade established "viability" as the determinant of when state governments hold a "compelling" interest to protect children.  The current challenge to Roe in the Supreme Court concerns a Mississippi law that would ban abortions after 15 weeks.  Vermont's Proposal 5 essentially defines fetal viability at 40 weeks (birth), ignoring both Roe and the science of human development.

After 35 years, woman arrested for the murder of her infant son.  Greenwich, Connecticut police have been seeking the person who murdered an infant boy and threw his body into a dumpster since 1986.  Today they announced the boy's mother has confessed and been arrested for murder more than 35 years later. [...] The child was nicknamed "baby John" and efforts to solve the case over the past 30+ years failed.  But last year, police tested the DNA found at the scene and somehow got a match.  The police statement doesn't explain exactly how they connected this DNA to a specific person but they eventually identified Janita Philips as the boy's mother.

Mother charged with murder after allegedly beating infant to death.  A mother is facing murder charges for the death of her infant child, court filings show.  Addison Perdew, 23, was arrested early Wednesday [11/10/2021] after Minneapolis police officers performed a welfare check on a mother and child in the Seward neighborhood and police found a dead 2-month-old child with signs of trauma.

Woman faces murder charges in death of baby boy dumped in a trash can.  A New York woman is facing murder charges for deliberately killing her newly-delivered baby boy. [...] Nearly a year ago, Andee Wright's boyfriend returned home after a night out with a friend to find the woman in "medical distress."  At that time, she told them that she had suffered a miscarriage of her 38-week gestation baby.  Factually, any intrauterine death of a preborn child after 20 weeks is classified as a stillbirth rather than a miscarriage, but stories regarding the case repeatedly refer to Wright's insistence that she had 'miscarried.' Not long after Wright was taken to the hospital, the baby's body was discovered inside a trash can in the basement of the home she and her boyfriend shared.

Why don't we all recognize this horror?  Recently, my pastor noted during his homily that it was Respect Life week.  He mentioned that President Trump had signed an executive order to protect babies born alive.  The order reads: "Every infant born alive, no matter the circumstances of his or her birth, has the same dignity and the same rights as every other individual and is entitled to the same protections under federal law."  I wasn't sure why he issued this order because President George Bush had signed into law H.R.2175 - Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002.  Trump's executive order specifies that it will enforce the medical care requirement and prioritize funding for programs that either research improvements to life-saving care or train medical personnel to provide that type of treatment.  In other words, it's obvious that the protection act was not being fully enforced.

Canadian doctors get ready for child euthanasia.  It never made any sense.  The assurance that active euthanasia would always be limited to terminally ill, competent adults just never made any sense.  Here's the problem:  Once a society widely supports eliminating suffering by eliminating the sufferer and redefines as a "medical treatment" the act whereby doctors kill seriously ill patients, there is no logical argument for limiting euthanasia to adults with legal decision-making capacity.  After all, children suffer too, so how can they be logically refused "medical aid in dying" — or MAID, the current euphemism for euthanasia and assisted suicide — only because of their age?  The short answer, of course, is that they can't and they won't be, once a society generally embraces euthanasia consciousness, as is demonstrated by the three countries where lethal-jab euthanasia has been legalized and now has popular support.  Belgium legalized euthanasia in 2002 for anyone age twelve and older.  In 2014, it eliminated all age restrictions.

Uyghur Babies Killed by Doctors.  The evil that is Communist China is increasingly visible for anyone with eyes who want to see.  The latest example comes from an obstetrician who formerly worked in hospitals in the Xianjang province of western China, home to the Uyghur Muslim religious minority. [...] This is Fourth Reich stuff.  But go ahead, Nike, NBA, Apple, and other woke U.S. companies that so enjoy preaching social justice to us.  You take the speck out of the U.S. eye and ignore the redwood log in China's because that country allows you to make so [...] much money.  China should be shunned by the civilized world.  So should companies and sports stars getting rich off the country's despotism.

Late-Term Abortionist Admits:  It's a "Baby" and "I Have No Problem" Killing It.  LeRoy Carhart is one of just a few openly practicing late-term abortionists in the United States.  In a recent interview with the BBC program "Panorama," he candidly admitted that he kills babies, and he has no problem doing so — even after they are viable.  Carhart aborts unborn babies all the way up to birth at his late-term abortion facility in Bethesda, Maryland.  He also aborts unborn babies in Nebraska.  The aging abortionist, who is in his late 70s, told journalist Hilary Andersson that he "loves his job" and is proud to perform late-term abortions, The Christian Institute reports.

Doctors Vow to Go to Jail if Forced to Do Abortions:  "I'm a Doctor Not a Murderer".  Doctors all across Argentina are fighting against a new pro-abortion bill that could punish them for refusing to abort unborn babies.  Hundreds of doctors recently protested the legislation after it passed the lower house in June; the Argentine Senate is scheduled to debate the bill Aug. 8, CBN News reports.  Argentina prohibits unborn babies from being aborted except in cases of rape, severe disabilities or threats to the mother's life.  But lawmakers are considering a bill to legalize abortions for any reason up to 14 weeks of pregnancy.  About 300 hospitals and medical groups across the country have announced their opposition to the legislation, in part, because of a lack of conscience protections.  According to the report, private hospitals would not be allowed to opt out of aborting unborn babies under the bill.

Under Sworn Testimony, Planned Parenthood Officials Admit Infanticide Occurs In Organ Harvesting.  In a new video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), Planned Parenthood and abortion industry officials give sworn testimony describing how babies born alive with beating hearts in their facilities are then harvested for organs.  Since CMP's first undercover videos, filmed by journalist and activist David Daleiden, were released in 2015, Planned Parenthood has denied that its facilities sold fetal body parts from abortions, and that their fetal tissue research programs and late-term abortion practices are in total compliance with the law.  Now, videos of witnesses under oath show that not only did the abortion giant profit from the sale of fetal organs, but that Planned Parenthood and its business partner, Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), violated federal law that mandates a fetus born with a beating heart is a human being equally entitled to protections under the law.

San Francisco CEO Admits to Selling Beating Baby Hearts, Intact Baby Heads.  Cate Dyer, CEO of StemExpress, admitted in court last September that her biotech company supplies beating fetal hearts and intact fetal heads to medical researchers.  She also admitted in a preliminary hearing (of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress who were sued by Planned Parenthood) that a baby's head can be procured attached to the body or "could be torn away."  "That is an especially gruesome admission, but it begs the question:  how did they get these fully intact human children?" Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society, who represent Daleiden, asked.

Doctor jailed for killing baby who 'burst out crying' during abortion.  An obstetrician has been sentenced to three years and six months in prison for killing a baby who "burst out crying" during abortion procedures.  The Seoul Central District Court on Friday [4/10/2020] convicted the doctor, 65, surnamed Yun, of killing a 34-week-old baby and suspended Yun's medical license for three years.  "Medical staff who participated in the operation have consistently said they heard the baby crying," a three-judge panel of the court said in a statement.  "It is clear that the doctor killed the baby, who was born alive."

Senate Democrats Insist Babies Born Alive After Abortions Should Be Left To Die.  The Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act is not about restricting abortions but about giving newborns a chance to survive no matter where they are born, said Sen. Ben Sasse, the bill's lead co-sponsor, at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday [2/11/2020].  During the hearing, called "The Infant Patient:  Ensuring Appropriate Medical Care for Children Born Alive," Republican senators questioned why a baby born in a hospital should be treated differently than a baby born in an abortion facility.  Democrats, lacking an answer, changed the subject.

Woman charged with murder after delivering stillborn baby with Meth in its system.  A California woman was arrested and charged with murder after she delivered a stillborn baby with high levels of meth in its system, a report said.  The woman, identified as 25-year-old Chelsea Cheyenne Becker, gave birth to the stillborn baby on Sept. 10, which may have been exposed to the toxic drug while in the womb, CNN reported.  The baby's death was ruled a homicide when the Kings County Coroner's Office found methamphetamine in its system, according to the report.

Nurse: I Witnessed the Infanticide Ralph Northam Defended.  On Tuesday [9/10/2019], nurse Jill Stanek described her experience in caring for a baby who survived an attempted abortion.  Doctors in that case followed exactly the kind of infanticide practice Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.) so infamously described in a radio interview this past January.  "When I heard Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a pediatric neurologist, describe during an interview the process by which doctors determine to shelve unwanted newborns to die, it hit painfully home to me," Stanek testified before Congress on Tuesday.

A Tale Of Two Babies Who Died Under New York's Extreme Abortion Laws.  Two premature babies were born in New York City this summer, at similar ages.  One was abandoned in a park, the other killed in a late-term abortion.

Abortionist Carhart Loves His Job, Has No Problem Killing Babies.  Notorious American abortionist LeRoy Carhart was recently interviewed for the BBC documentary program Panorama, and according to Britain's Christian Institute, the late-term abortionist said he "loves his job" and has no problem killing pre-born babies.  Entitled "America's Abortion War," the BBC Panorama program is decidedly pro-abortion in focus, but does manage to capture Carhart's heartless attitude toward viable babies in the womb, as well as program host Hilary Andersson's shock and dismay at the reality of abortion when she sat in on one of the procedures performed by another notorious U.S. abortionist, Alabama Ob-Gyn Yashica Robinson.  Andersson interviewed Robinson, "thought to be personally responsible for more than 2,000 abortions every year in Alabama, where abortion laws are changing to better protect the unborn," reported the Christian Institute, a vocal pro-life voice in the U.K.

New Mexico Police Discover Dead Newborn Allegedly Injected With Heroin In Trash Bag.  Authorities in New Mexico discovered a dead newborn in a trash bag in August, state police said.  The mother may have injected the infant with heroin, the baby's father said according to court documents, Fox News reported.  The child's father called state police on Aug. 17 when he returned from a trip and found his girlfriend no longer pregnant but could not find any signs of a baby, Officer Ray Wilson said Wednesday [8/21/2019] in a press release.

2020 Democrat Candidates' 21 Most Insanely Scary Proposals.  [#4] Legalizing the Murder of a Baby After It's Born:  Every single major Democrat candidate believes abortion should be legal up until birth, this includes partial-birth abortion, where a baby outside the womb is butchered just because. [...] [#8] Taxpayers Paying for Abortions:  Every single Democrat candidate, including "moderate" Joe Biden, is in favor of ending the longstanding Hyde Amendment that made it illegal for the government to force taxpayers to pay for abortion.

No prison for McDonald's worker who tried to drown newborn in toilet after giving birth on the job.  A California woman who tried to drown her newborn son in a McDonald's restaurant toilet won't serve prison time for her crime.  Superior Court Judge Stephanie Garratt sentenced Sarah Jane Lockner to four years' supervised probation after she pleaded no contest to felony child endangerment, KTLA-TV reported.  Authorities initially charged the woman with attempted murder.

CNN Contributor Insanely Claims Unborn Babies Aren't Even Human.  On CNN's "Primetime with Chris Cuomo" on Monday night, a segment on the legality of state-level fetal heartbeat bills quickly spiraled into a chaotic debate about whether unborn children should be considered human beings.  CNN contributor and erstwhile New York City Democratic politician Christine Quinn said, "When a woman is pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her."  When guest Rick Santorum asked CNN Host Chris Cuomo if he disagreed "that at the moment of conception that a child is human and alive?"  Cumono replied that means it's "viable."  When Santorum asked, "Is it biologically a human life?" Quinn shouted, "No!"

Getting the Party of Infanticide on the Record.  Democrats have always been the party of abortion.  For a while, the mantra was "safe, legal and rare." But in the era of the progressive Left, they have turned that slogan on its head.  As of last Monday, Senate Democrats have confirmed that their party is now for unrestricted, unregulated, and unlimited abortion.  Last week, 44 Senate Democrats voted against legislation that would have required doctors to give the same care to infants who survived abortion procedures as they would give to any other infant.  So radical is this new Democratic Party that 44 of them in the "world's greatest deliberative body" would not even consider protecting a baby who, far from being in utero, has kicked and screamed its way into the world.

Every Democrat Senator running for president in 2020 voted for INFANTICIDE (the violent execution of living human babies).  If you're planning to vote Democrat in 2020, just know that you'll also be voting in favor of murdering newborn babies who survive botched abortions.  In case you haven't been paying attention to the news over the past week, there isn't a single Democratic candidate running for president in 2020 who sees new human life — whether inside or outside the womb — as having any value whatsoever.  As reported by Life Site News, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts all voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would have required that health care workers provide proper medical care for newborn children whose birth "mothers" try, but fail, to have them murdered through abortion.

Exposing the obscenity of infanticide.  During President Trump's State of the Union address earlier this month, Americans saw Democratic politicians for what they have truly become.  People were shocked when the majority of the Democratic caucus, including most of the party's women all dressed in white, couldn't find it in their hearts to applaud when the president called for "a culture that cherishes innocent life."  We now know that wasn't just a bad night for the Democrats, it was a genuine reflection of the craven ghoulishness underlying their attitudes and policy.  What normal, decent person could oppose providing care to a living baby struggling on a table?  And yet that is exactly what 44 Democratic senators just did, effectively killing the Ben Sasse-sponsored "Born Alive" bill by keeping it from a floor vote.

You Can No Longer Be A Decent Person And A Democrat.  Last night, Senate Democrats blocked a bill called the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act.  The media tells us that this was an "anti-abortion" bill.  The blood-drenched scumbags of NARAL call it an "extremist" and "anti-choice" bill.  Elizabeth Warren calls it an attack on women.  It was none of those things.  The legislation would not restrict abortion at all.  It had nothing to do with "reproductive rights" or "choice" or "fetuses" or any handy euphemism.  The point was simply to protect those children who are born after a failed abortion.  Let me emphasize:  the bill in question would have given legal protection to born, living, infant humans. [...] Criminal penalties were also prescribed for anyone who kills a born infant.  It is quite a sad statement that such a law would even need to be proposed in the first place, but that's the state of things.

The Virginia train wreck has set the stage for 2020.  Virginia's Del.  Kathy Tran's and Governor Ralph Northam's open and public admission that their bill, H.B. 2491, allowed for the murder of a baby up until the time of birth and afterward was never supposed to happen.  Tran's and Northam's partial-birth abortion-funders, Planned Parenthood and EMILY's List, have always encouraged their candidates in Southern states to stay mum on abortion until they get into office.  For example, in the run-up to the 2018 midterms, in blue state Virginia, where there are still plenty of conservative voters and where congressional races were tight, Democratic candidates focused on health care, fair wages, and security issues.  Abortion, if mentioned at all, was couched in the more moderate-sounding "reproductive rights."

New York's blessing on infanticide.  There were two victims in the horrific attack earlier this month on Jennifer Irigoyen in New York City.  But the state's law recognizes only one of them.  Anthony Hobson allegedly dragged his former girlfriend into the stairwell of her Queens apartment building and stabbed her in the stomach, neck and torso.  Irigoyen was in the second trimester of her pregnancy.  Neither she nor her unborn child survived.  Queens District Attorney Richard Brown initially announced that Hobson would be charged with second-degree murder as well as second-degree abortion, reasonably enough, considering that he stands accused of killing both Irigoyen and her child.  But then, the DA's office dropped the abortion charge in light of the state's radical new pro-abortion law.

All Babies Slated For Late-Term Abortion Should Instead Be Delivered Alive.  [Scroll down]  Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, followed up with another shocker.  When asked about the active-labor scenario during a radio interview, Northam told listeners that "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.  The infant would be delivered.  The infant would be kept comfortable.  The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."  Republican U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse attempted to ensure that no baby born alive following a failed abortion attempt could be left to die based on the mother's desire.  The Nebraska senator introduced the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act, which would require a doctor to provide the care ordinarily provided to newborns to babies born alive after a failed abortion.  Sasse's efforts failed, though, because he sought passage through a fast-track process that requires unanimous consent, and Democrat Sen. Patty Murray objected to the bill.

Man Accused of Murdering Pregnant Girlfriend Has Charges Related to Killing the Fetus Dropped — Thanks to NY's New Abortion Law.  A man charged with murdering his pregnant girlfriend has had the charges related to killing her unborn baby dropped — thanks to New York's new abortion laws.  Anthony Hobson, 48, was arrested on Friday [2/8/2019] for Sunday's grisly murder of Jennifer Irigoyen, 35, who was five months pregnant.  He is accused of brutally stabbing her to death — and deliberately killing her unborn baby.

Abortion and the Right to Stay Alive.  The joyless debate over the issue of how late in a pregnancy is morally or legally too late for abortion was crystalized when the Virginia General Assembly was prepared to vote last week on legislation nearly identical to New York's, only to have that legislation inadvertently sabotaged by one of its most ardent supporters, Gov. Ralph Northam, a pediatric neurologist.  When Gov. Northam was asked on a Richmond radio show how the law would address a baby's surviving an abortion procedure in the ninth month of pregnancy and his cold and startling answer was that the proposed legislation would permit the mother and the physician to let the unwanted baby passively die, outrage ensued, and the legislation was defeated by one vote. [...] The personhood of a human fetus is not a mere academic question.  If the fetus is a person, then it is protected from abortion by the Fifth and 14th amendments to the Constitution, which command the government to protect equally the lives of all people.

Ripping Off the Left's Mask.  [Kevin] McCullough was responding to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's revelation that he believed it was appropriate for a couple of medical professionals and a mother to decide to terminate the life of a newborn child, as a recently failed bill in the Virginia Legislature would have permitted.  Similar legislation just passed, to gruesome celebration, in New York, and other such measures are pending or have passed in other states controlled by Democrats.  Those who believe that abortion amounts to infanticide have had their worst fears confirmed.

Infanticide Is The Historical Hallmark Of A Pagan Culture.  Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who just made deeply troubling comments on abortion, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who just signed the country's most radical abortion law, have been the subject of intense ire in recent days.  The outrage is coming not just coming from "radical" pro-lifers, but people from across the political spectrum.  Why?  Because virtually no one but the far left believes it is morally acceptable to allow infants to be murdered seconds before birth, or to be left to die after delivery at the behest of the mother.  Yet the nation has been shocked by radical left's boldness in their mission to define preborn human beings as disposable non-persons.  Where is this evil coming from, and how do we stop it?

Why many Americans are praying for Trump.  Every time we allow ourselves to become desensitized to a deviance, Democrats introduce another more evil.  Who could imagine that Democrats would seek to legalize pedophilia and murdering babies even after they are born?  Our nation was shocked when Democrats in New York responded with a standing ovation to passing a bill to kill babies even on the date of birth.  Virginia's Democrat governor, Ralph Northam, kicked Democrats' evil up to a new extreme by defending a bill to murder babies after birth.  Rather than backing away from this demonic idea, other Democrat states are pushing to pass laws to murder babies on their birth dates.  In a sane world, how could these evil people get elected?

The Dems Made Their 'Choice'.  The Democrats have been on the path to infanticide for years, a path paved by the logic of their own position, which is that the child possesses no right to life independent of the will of the mother.  Is there really any moral difference between her choosing partial-birth abortion and choosing infanticide to complete it?  Virginia Governor Ralph Northam simply blurted out the position Planned Parenthood has long counseled Democrats to take.  Indeed, his spinning in the aftermath of the furor over his remarks simply confirms that the Democrats believe that a right to partial-birth abortion should extend to the consequences of a failed one, which would inevitably require an act of infanticide.

The democrat party becomes the party of infanticide.  The language of the previous law was changed and it was changed for a specific reason:  ["]It allows for late-term abortion (i.e., after 24 weeks) if the health of the mother is threatened or the fetus is not viable.  Previously, late-term abortions had only been legal in New York if the life of the mother was at risk.["]  It was changed to read "if the health of the mother is threatened" because "the health of the mother" can mean anything — a broken nail, a bad hair day or a headache.  Literally anything.

Moving the Goalposts:  Northam Scandal Rocks Late-Term Abortion Debate.  The late-term abortion debate that was touched off with new legislation from New York and proposed legislation in Virginia took a curve ball Friday when Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's controversial past was revealed.  The governor's medical school yearbook showed a photo of Northam and another person, one in blackface and the other in Ku Klux Klan regalia, while a college yearbook listed the governor's nickname as "coonman." When the discovery was made he admitted to being in the photo and apologized.  This is the same Northam who ran attack ads alleging racism against his Republican opponent Ed Gillespie in the gubernatorial race.  The ads depicted a pickup truck, flying the Confederate flag and sporting a Gillespie bumper sticker, chasing down black and Hispanic children.

Outrage over blackface, silence over killing babies.  What is truly amazing is how many Virginia Democrat politicians had to touch that hot stove before they got the message that even mainstream Democrat voters do not approve — no, they are appalled, aghast and unbelieving — at the mere notion of an elective abortion during delivery.  It's between, you know, the mother and her "doctor," Death Squad politicians tell us.  For years, we have been chided for talking openly about fearing the Obamacare "Death Panels" that would reign after the government takes over every last corner of our health care system.  Turns out that not only are the Death Panels real, they're not just for old people and expensive sick people.  Democrat politicians want them for newborns, too.  "The infant would be kept comfortable," the Grand Wizard of Death Squads, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, tells us in chillingly antiseptic tones.

The Editor says...
If you give birth and don't want the baby, aren't you supposed to leave it at a fire station?

Northam: 'I Don't Have Any Regrets' About Abortion Comments.  Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) on Thursday [1/31/2019] doubled down on his controversial comments from the prior day regarding a new state bill that would allow abortions through the end of the third trimester of pregnancy.  "I'm a physician.  I'm also the governor.  But when I'm asked questions, a lot of times it is put in the context of being a physician," he said at a press conference.  "Realizing how we approach, how we manage patients, how we offer advice and counseling.  So, no, I don't have any regrets."  Northam's defense came two days after Kathy Tran, a Democrat in the Virginia House of Delegates, proposed the abortion bill.  While presenting the legislation, Tran admitted that her bill would allow for a mother to abort her child minutes before giving birth.

Most Americans don't want abortions until birth, but Democrats do.  A standing ovation for abortion?  That's what New York's Reproductive Health Act got in the Senate chamber when it passed last week.  Lawmakers and bystanders stood and applauded a law that legalizes abortion all the way up until birth, for any reason.  The left may be celebrating the bill's passage, but it is wildly out of step with American sentiment on the issue.  American support for late-term abortion continues to decline; one poll last year found that a mere 13 percent of Americans support abortion all the way into the third trimester.  And most Americans don't think abortion is something to celebrate, or "shout" to borrow from the pro-choice lobby's public relations campaign.  A majority of Americans, in fact, say abortion is immoral.

Sometimes you have to pass a law to find out what's in it.
Dem co-sponsor of late-term abortion bill apologizes, says she did not read the text.  A Democratic co-sponsor of a controversial Virginia bill that would repeal restrictions on third-trimester abortions is apologizing to her constituents for supporting the legislation, saying she didn't read the bill or know how far it went.  The backpedal comes as Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is defending himself amid fierce criticism that he suggested a child could be killed after birth in remarks a day earlier about the same legislation.  And Virginia Democratic Del.  Kathy Tran, the primary sponsor, released a video Thursday [1/31/2019] standing by the bill.  But in an email to her constituents on Wednesday, Del. Dawn Adams of Richmond said she didn't fully understand the bill when she signed on to it as a co-sponsor.

The Dems Made Their 'Choice'.  Andrew Cuomo's zeal for abortion, seen in his lighting up of the World Trade Center to celebrate the passage of the most extreme abortion law in the country, represents the true feelings of the party.  It is the party of Planned Parenthood to its core, full of radical feminists who want abortion safe, legal, and often.  For years, abortion advocates have been urging Democrats to portray abortion not as a cause for tears but as a positive source of liberation.  Abortion advocate Martha Stahl once said to the press that "we see women express relief more than anything else that they have the freedom to choose."  Planned Parenthood has urged women to take pride in their abortions.  For a while, it was even selling "I Had An Abortion" T-shirts.  Planned Parenthood's long-term strategy has been to normalize abortion at any stage and make it so trivial that no one would think to question it.

On Abortion, Killing, Murder, Tearing Limbs, Throwing Out Heads, and Personal Responsibility.  The science that did not exist half a century ago at the time of Roe v. Wade now is settled.  A fetus is a life at some early point.  Secular ethicists, religionists, medical professionals, and jokers alike can debate the moment when life begins, but at some point when that fetus's heart is beating, its limbs have taken shape, and it is making a significant debut on the ultrasound monitor and within sonograms, fair-minded people acknowledge that it is a life.  On the other hand — seriously here — a pregnant woman driving alone in a carpool lane will be ticketed in even the most pro-life state; the traffic court judge will not buy the contention that, with her fetus in the womb, there were two in the car.

Virginia Governor Endorses Post Birth Abortion.  This is the second time in two weeks when we have seen an actual public policy discussion where Democrats are casually advocating for 'post-birth abortion'.  I can't even type about this level of sheer horror without praying.  Madness.  Evil madness.  How is this conversation even possible?

From 'safe, legal, and rare' to 'dangerous, imposed, and frequent'.  The total embrace of abortion on demand was on full display last week as New York state lawmakers cheered the passage of their abortion bill, offering the odious bit of legislation a thunderous, standing ovation.  New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo even ordered for the One World Trade Center's spire to be illuminated in pink light in honor of the bill, transforming the peak of "Freedom Tower" into a massive blood-tinted monument to pro-abortion excess.  In the Virginia House of Delegates this week, there was an equally ghastly display of pro-abortion zeal, as Democrat Kathy Tran introduced a bill that similarly allows for late-term abortions.  In a video circulated online this week, a clearly discomforted Tran clarified for the state's deliberative body that her bill allows for abortions to be performed even when the mother is "about to give birth" and even when "she's dilating."

Virginia Governor Defends Letting Infants Die.  This morning on WTOP's "Ask The Governor," Virginia governor Ralph Northam defended the new abortion bill introduced by state Democrats this month, the Repeal Act, which would legalize abortion up to the point of birth.  The interviewer brought up Monday's committee hearing, during which Democratic delegate Kathy Tran, the chief sponsor of the bill, stated that her legislation would allow a woman to receive an abortion even while she was going into labor.  The host then asked Northam whether he supports the bill and asked him to explain Tran's comment.

Virginia Democrat Proposes Bill Allowing 'Abortion' as Woman Is 'Dilating'.  Virginia Democrat Delegate Kathy Tran proposed a measure last week that would not only allow abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy in the state, but would also permit a woman to decide whether she wants to "abort" her baby as she is dilating and about to give birth.

Virginia Governor Asked Whether He Supports Abortion While Woman Is Giving Birth.  His Response Is Bizarre.  Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam couldn't precisely answer whether he supports abortion until birth and suggested an infant could be born and then the mother and doctor could discuss what should happen next, in a Wednesday morning [1/30/2019] interview.  "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.  The infant would be delivered.  The infant would be kept comfortable.  The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said in a WTOP interview.  Aborting a baby after it has been born is illegal.

After Endorsing Infanticide, VA Gov. Northam Says He Wants To Disarm Americans At Church.  In the same interview in which he made vile remarks about murdering infants after they are born as a form of abortion, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam attempted to change the subject by suggesting the government turn churches into gun-free zones.  Northam went viral on Wednesday after endorsing murdering infants during a conversation about abortion.  The governor suggested that, if a new mother is still unsure whether she wants to have a child moments after giving birth, the child should be "kept comfortable" while the mother and her doctor determine whether to end its life.

A Democrats Propose Bill Allowing Abortion Up Until Moment Of Birth.  Virginia Democratic Delegate Kathy Tran proposed legislation late last week in Virginia's House of Delegates that would allow abortions up until the moment of birth.  The Repeal Act, introduced as HB2491, would eliminate all existing restrictions on abortion in the state of Virginia.

Gosnell 2: The Exoneration.  On May 13, 2013, Dr Kermit Gosnell was convicted in Philadelphia of 3 counts of first degree murder for snipping, with scissors, the necks of infants who had been born alive, and 21 counts of felony late-term abortion, among other charges.  His unlicensed staff members were convicted of "theft by deception" for performing medical procedures — abortions — for which they were untrained and unqualified.  Stephen Massof, an unlicensed medical school graduate, pleaded guilty to two counts of third degree murder for snipping the spines of babies born alive according to Dr. Gosnell's instructions.  Many other members of his staff testified, in exchange for immunity, that they had participated in countless acts of "snipping."  On Jan. 22, 2019, almost everything Gosnell and his staff did was legalized by the state of New York.  He was convicted of killing breathing infants that had already been born.  It is now legal in New York to kill an infant that survives an abortion.  He was convicted of allowing untrained and unlicensed non-medical personnel to perform abortions.  It is now legal in New York for non-physicians or any "health professionals" (undefined) to perform abortions.  He was convicted of performing at least 21 late-term abortions past the legal limit of 24 weeks.  It is now legal in New York to terminate a pregnancy up until the due date.

Rhode Island's Catholic Governor Also Wants Abortions Legal Until Birth.  Like her fellow nominally Catholic governor Andrew Cuomo, Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, who is also nominally Catholic, supports legislation making abortions legal up until the moment of birth.  The legislation, titled "The Reproductive Health Care Act," states that the state shall not "restrict an individual person from terminating that individual's pregnancy after fetal viability when necessary to preserve the health or life of that individual ..."  The legislation asserts, "For purposes of this section, 'fetal viability' means that stage of gestation where the attending physician, taking into account the particular facts of the case, has determined that there is a reasonable likelihood of the fetus' sustained survival outside of the womb with or without artificial support."

Taxpayer-Funded Death: A Moral Wrong.  This past weekend, Planned Parenthood released its fiscal 2017-2018 report, to little hoopla.  Sure, there are going to be progressive socialist leftists who will say that Roe v. Wade made what Planned Parenthood constitutional, law of the land.  My response would be, the Supreme Court does not make law, it only interprets it, and a decision by activist judges, based upon an ideological agenda, should concern us all.  After all, how can you claim that it is legal, acceptable, to take the life of one as a right?  When someone murders a pregnant woman, they are charged with two homicides ... puzzling huh?  The practice of murdering unborn babies as a means of birth control is medieval, and yes, immoral.  To coin killing an unborn child, even past the sixth month, as "reproductive healthcare" is absurd.  To claim it is a reproductive right is disingenuous.  It is infanticide.

Dad pleads guilty to killing 6-week-old infant by shoving fingers down throat, authorities say.  A Missouri man pleaded guilty this week to killing his infant son by shoving his fingers down the baby's throat.  Robert James Burnette, 21, claimed he was trying to stop the child from crying, authorities said.  The baby was identified on social media as Jaxon Burnette, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.  Jaxon died at 9 weeks old in November 2016, after weeks in a hospital, the report said.  The infant suffered bleeding of the brain, possible liver contusions, a broken arm and multiple rib fractures, authorities said.

Movie Trailer For Serial-Murdering Abortionist 'Gosnell' Is Finally Here, And It's Intense.  Barreling through roadblock after roadblock, the movie trailer for "Gosnell:  The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" is finally here.  The film, set for release on October 12 through independent film distributor GVN Releasing, details the real-life gruesome crimes and subsequent trial of serial-murdering abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who's currently serving a life sentence.  Gosnell was accused of murdering a young mother and hundreds of newborns in his filthy Philadelphia-based late-term abortion clinic aptly dubbed the "House of Horrors" by prosecution.  In 2014, Gosnell was convicted on three counts of first-degree murder and one count of involuntary manslaughter.

Woman arrested in Natchitoches baby's death.  Louisiana Fire Marshal's Office along with the Natchitoches Police Department arrested Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith, 25.  She has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Levi Cole Ellerbe.  Ellerbe had been set on fire and was discovered off of Breda Avenue in Natchitoches.  Smith was booked into Natchitoches Parish Detention Center on Saturday [7/21/2018].

Friends, co-workers shocked by arrest of 'kindhearted' nurse charged with murdering babies.  A British nurse was arrested Tuesday for allegedly murdering eight newborns and trying to kill six others in a UK hospital's neonatal unit, officials said.  Lucy Letby, 28, engaged in the killing spree at Countess of Chester Hospital in Chester, England, authorities said.  Her arrest shocked friends and co-workers, who said she was devoted to the job and the infants in her care.

Man gets 20 years for trying to kill unborn baby in crash.  A Florida man has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for deliberately crashing his vehicle in an attempt to kill a woman's unborn child.

Abortionist Strangles 28-Week Baby Born Alive After Abortion.  When an obstetrician gynecologist told teenager "Mary W" that she was 28 weeks pregnant, he suggested that she give the baby up for adoption, as few doctors in the area were willing to perform abortions that late.  But Mary was determined, and she managed to find an abortionist — Dr. William Baxter Waddill.  On March 2, 1977, Mary arrived at Westminster Community Hospital for a saline abortion. [...] When the baby was autopsied later, an examination of the lungs indicated that the baby had been breathing for at least 30 min.  There were bruises on her throat, consistent with strangulation.  Dr. Waddill went to trial.  However, despite the fact that the autopsy proved that the baby had been strangled and a number of witnesses watched the strangulation, charges against Waddill were dismissed after two mistrials.  He was never punished for strangling the baby.  He was not reprimanded in any way.  He did not lose his medical license.  In fact, he continued to perform abortions and as of the year 2000, he was working for the Family Planning Associates' chain of abortion clinics.  He and the clinic he worked at were even endorsed by the National Abortion Federation, an organization that supposedly only gives endorsements to the best facilities and providers.

Nurse Wants to Kill Babies in Abortion But Her State Only Allows Doctors to Do That.  A Montana lawsuit demonstrates that the abortion industry is more concerned about expanding abortion than protecting women.  On March 8, Helen Weems petitioned a Montana district court to suspend a state law that only allows physicians and physician assistants to perform abortions, Montana Public Radio reports.  Although Weems' clinic performs abortions, it would be a felony for her to conduct the procedure, because she is a nurse.

Texas girl, 17, stabs newborn to death minutes after giving birth, police say.  A 17-year-old Texas girl repeatedly stabbed her newborn just minutes after it was born then dumped the body at a neighbor's home and went to sleep, police said.  Erica Gomez of El Paso faces capital murder charges for the Feb. 9 killing.  "I cannot understand what she was thinking or feeling," said Erica Martinez, who told KFOX she was Gomez's confirmation teacher.  According to court documents, Gomez admitted to giving birth in her bathroom, wrapping the baby in a bathrobe, and putting it in a shed at her neighbor's house.  She then went back inside her home and fell asleep.

"This Baby Won't Stop Breathing!" Abortionist Strangled Baby While Nurses Watched.  In 1977, abortion was legal throughout the country during all nine months of pregnancy.  When an obstetrician/gynecologist told teenager "Mary W" that she was 28 weeks pregnant, he suggested that she give the baby up for adoption, as few doctors in the area were willing to perform abortions that late.  But Mary was determined, and she managed to find an abortionist [...]

Woman Defends Having an Abortion at 35 Weeks:  "I Didn't Want My Baby to Suffer".  A Canadian women who aborted her nearly full-term unborn baby defended her actions in a new interview on Thursday after several news outlets broke the story earlier this week.  The unnamed woman's story gained wide-spread attention recently after she consulted a lawyer about two hospitals that refused her demand for a late-term abortion, the National Post reports.  A spokesperson for the McGill University Health Centre, one of the hospitals, cited the Quebec College of Physicians' guidelines as the reason for its refusal, according to the Post.  The guidelines state that abortions after 23 weeks are reserved for "serious congenital anomalies" or "exceptional clinical situations."

New York mom 'intentionally' drowned newborn in bathtub, police say.  An upstate New York mother was charged with second-degree murder after she drowned her 10-day-old son in a bathtub on Monday [11/13/2017], police said.  Officers responded to the Rochester home around 2:30 p.m. after receiving a report of an unresponsive newborn and found the baby in a bathtub.  The newborn, named Jeremiah, was taken to Rochester General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead a short time later.

Teen mom killed newborn by shoving rock down girl's throat, cops say.  A Denver 16-year-old shoved a rock down her newborn daughter's throat an hour after giving birth, authorities said earlier this week.  Alaya Dotson allegedly killed the baby, named Amekah, in September, but the medical examiner just ruled the death a homicide, ABC 7 reported.  Dotson allegedly told police she was unaware she was pregnant, and realized she was giving birth while she was using the bathroom.

Illegal Alien Drowns Her Two Sons Over Worries Of Deportation.  In another horrific killing, a Delaware mother has been taken into custody for drowning murders of her infant son and his older brother.  Kula Pelima is the 30 [year old] mother that is being charged is charged, and has been brought up on two counts of first-degree murder of her 5-year-old son, as well as her 3-month-old.

Professor: Early Unborn Baby "Doesn't Have a Future as a Person and Has No Moral Status".  The following is an open letter to Princeton University professor Liz Harmon from Lia Mills.  Mills is a student pro-life activist who is the founder and director of True Choice.

Muslim threw her newborn baby from high-rise window to death, gets probation.  A woman who dropped her newborn baby to her death from a high-rise apartment after hiding her pregnancy from her parents in 2015 has been sentenced to probation, according to court records.  Mubashra Uddin, 20, on Thursday [7/13/2017] pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter of a family member before Cook County Judge Carol Howard and was sentenced to four years' probation, according to court records.  The infant, Baby Jane Uddin in official documents, was found in the grass outside a high-rise in the 800 block of West Eastwood Avenue about 11:45 p.m.  Nov. 11, 2015, and was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital about an hour later.

Muslim Immigrant Gets Probation for Murdering Her Newborn Infant.  A woman accused of throwing her newborn baby from an 8th-floor apartment window in Uptown has been sentenced to four years probation.  Mubashra Uddin had been charged with four counts of murder for allegedly killing the baby girl moments after giving birth in her family's apartment.  But prosecutors last week agreed to drop three of those charges and then reduced the fourth murder count to involuntary manslaughter of a family member.

The Gruesome Reality of How Babies Are Killed in Abortion.  Most people who see nothing wrong with abortion have that belief because they don't think an unborn baby is a person.  They don't even like the term "unborn baby" because it lends to the idea that what's in the womb is a person.  They usually stick with the term "fetus" because the emotional response generated from discussion of killing a fetus is more palatable than that of killing a baby.  But even if they were right about the absence of humanity in a fetus, it doesn't change the fact that aborting a fetus is a horrific, senseless tragedy.

Planned Parenthood Doc Caught Saying She'd "Break the Baby's Neck" if Baby Born Alive After Abortion.  Planned Parenthood abortionists in St. Paul, Minnesota would "break the baby's neck" if the child was born alive, according to a new video just released by Pro-Life Action Ministries.  This would be a violation of both federal and Minnesota law.  In the video, a former Planned Parenthood client says that when she went to Planned Parenthood earlier this year for a late-term abortion (at 22 weeks, 1 day), she asked the two abortionists, "If you guys were to take him out right now while he's still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?"  According to the woman, one of the abortionists looked at the other one, then looked back at the client, "and she told me that we don't tell women this, and a lot of women don't even ask this question, but if we was to proceed with the abortion and the baby was to come out still alive and active, most likely we would break the baby's neck."

The Editor says...
Notice that the doctor calls the victim a baby, acknowledges the victim is alive, and seems to have no qualms about premeditated homicide.  That sounds like a person who has probably already done this deed at least once; and if so, that doctor should be in prison.

Mom Says Her 23-Week Old Premature Baby Was Born Alive and Left to Die.  Camille Magill's experience is one more on a growing list of families who say their babies were born near the point of viability but denied potentially life-saving treatment.  Magill, who lives in England, said her son Alfie gasped for air and then died shortly after he was born at 23 weeks of pregnancy in 2015, according to The Sun.  She said she was told that Alfie was stillborn.  Hospitals in the United Kingdom often do not attempt to treat babies born before 24 weeks or those born weighing less than 1 pound, because they say they are not likely to survive.  Abortions also are legal up to 24 weeks in the UK.

Woman Self-Aborted Her Unborn Baby in the Third Trimester and Buried the Body in the Backyard.  A grand jury recently indicted a Virginia woman on a charge of self-aborting her late-term unborn baby after police discovered the baby's remains buried in her back yard, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.  Michelle Frances Roberts, 43, of Chesterfield County, Virginia, faces a class 4 felony for a charge of producing an abortion/miscarriage with the "intent to destroy her unborn child," according to the report.  Police did not give details about how Roberts allegedly destroyed her unborn child's life.  Authorities said her baby was in the third trimester, which means the baby was viable outside the womb.

Gosnell: The Bible Confirms I Was Doing the Lord's Work.  Kermit Gosnell shows no remorse for his abominable actions in his Philadelphia abortion clinic, actions which have him serving multiple life sentences.  Gosnell, a late-term abortionist, was found guilty of murdering babies by snipping their necks, and faced charges for racketeering and blatantly ignoring abortion laws.  At least one patient died in his clinic due to his neglect.

Abortion and the Banality of Evil.  Not since Hannah Arendt's portrait of Adolf Eichmann has there been a more provocative analysis of evil as that provided in Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer's detailing the crimes, trial, and personality of Dr. Kermit Gosnell — Gosnell:  The Untold Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer (Regnery Publishing).  "Banality" was the word Arendt chose for Eichmann's bureaucratic officiousness in the Third Reich's "Ministry of Death."  That term, however, hardly fits the acts of a self-assured abortionist who regularly snipped the spinal cords of babies born alive, kept infants' feet as trophies, ran an illegal prescription drug mill, and hired assistants who were totally unqualified to perform medical duties in a filthy, ramshackle facility.  But what's surprising about Gosnell is that his greed and macabre callousness existed alongside an often cheerful disposition that accompanied various acts of charity.

Colorado to Allow Doctors to Help People Commit Suicide.  In a largely underreported story during the elections, Colorado voters cast their vote to legalize doctor assisted suicide of terminally ill adults.  Proposition 106 by two-thirds of the vote!  If you think the idea of the murder of the unborn has not had an impact in a state where they can't even determine whether or not it's murder when a woman stabbed a mother and literally cut a baby out of her womb and the baby dies as a result, then you are not thinking clearly.

Woman 20 Weeks Pregnant With Twins [Had an] Abortion Last Week.  Wednesday is late term abortion day at Orlando Women's Center (the clinic where I had my abortions 12 years ago).  When I first started visiting the sidewalks of abortion clinics to pray and minister, I had NO idea that late term abortions were even legal.

Abortion Clinic Sold "Whole Brains" of Aborted Babies for Students at Summer Camp to Dissect.  In one of the most disturbing pieces of evidence yet, a U.S. Congressional panel found that an abortion facility may have provided aborted babies' brains to a summer camp for youth in New Mexico.  The horrific detail was part of a larger body of evidence that the U.S. Congressional Select Panel on Infant Lives sent to the New Mexico Attorney General this week.  The evidence indicates that the University of New Mexico and the Southwestern Women's Options abortion clinic may have broken a state law that prohibits the gifting of aborted babies' body parts.  Included in the evidence were sections from a lab technician's notebook at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center.  University health technicians worked with the Southwestern abortion facility to obtain aborted babies' parts, and the technician's notebook contained details about their work.

'Appalling': Rep seeks HHS probe as emails shed light on abortion clinic harvesting.  A fresh trove of documents released by a House panel probing abortion clinics and companies trading in body parts shows the extent of their fetal tissue harvesting operation — and what the committee's chairwoman alleges are violations of the law.  Rep.  Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., head of the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, is now making a fresh request for a federal probe.  "I believe the investigation will move forward because this is so appalling," she told FoxNews.com.  One of the more striking exchanges was contained in a set of January 2015 emails.  When a customer inquired with company StemExpress about the availability of aborted tissue, an employee promptly emailed back seemingly while an abortion was under way:  "There is one case currently in the room, I will let you know how the limbs and calvarium [skull] look to see if you are able to take them in about fifteen minutes."

'This Fetus Is Moving': Abortionist Reacts To Botched Abortion In Chilling 911 Tapes.  In newly released 911 tapes, an abortion clinic worker describes the scene of a botched abortion, telling the operator "the fetus is breathing, so we need to care for it now."  The baby later died at the hospital.  The incident happened in February at an Arizona family planning center, when a 27-year-old mother who was 21 weeks along came in for a scheduled abortion, reports Arizona's 12 News.  She had taken medication designed to kill the fetus, so the abortionist could then remove it from the womb, but when she arrived, police reports said she went into spontaneous labor.

Colorado woman gets 100 years for cutting baby from womb.  A judge on Friday [4/29/2016] sentenced a Colorado woman who cut a baby from a stranger's womb to 100 years in prison, including the maximum penalties for attempted murder and unlawful termination of a pregnancy.

In the Market for Fetal Body Parts, a Baby's Brain Sells for $3,340.  Republicans on the special House panel investigating the transfer of fetal tissue from aborted babies will present evidence in a hearing today that breaks down the price per body part.  With release of this evidence, Republicans say, they have enough documentation to show that several abortion clinics and middleman procurement businesses may have violated federal law.  "It is just horrifying," Rep.  Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., who leads the House's investigation of the fetal tissue industry, told The Daily Signal.  "They are putting a dollar value on these organs from these children — unborn children that have been aborted.  It is just beyond belief."

"This Baby Won't Stop Breathing!" Abortionist Strangled Baby While Nurses Watched.  In a saline abortion, a caustic saline solution is injected into the woman's uterus.  It slowly burns and poisons the baby, and then the woman goes through labor, "giving birth" to a usually dead child.  The abortionist injected the saline and then left, leaving the nurses to tend to Mary.  It was common for abortionists to inject their patients with saline and then leave, forcing the nurses to bear the emotional brunt of the abortion procedures and to dispose of the dead babies.  In this case, however, Mary gave birth to a living baby girl, 2 pounds, 8 ounces.  At first the nurse did not realize that the baby was still alive.  She clamped the cord as normal and placed her in a bucket to be taken to the pathology lab.  Then the baby began moving and crying.  The nurses gathered around the baby.  Unsure what to do, they summoned their supervisor, who called Dr. Waddill at home.  Mary was not told that her baby had been born alive — the infant was whisked away from her before she realized what had happened.  All of this came out in testimony at the trial.

Chicago Muslim teen hid her pregnancy & killed newborn girl by dropping her from eighth-floor window.  A 19 year-old Muslim girl in Chicago gave birth to a 7 pound, 11 ounces girl in her bedroom that she shares with her sister.  The minute she heard her parents coming, she opened the window and threw the baby out.  She lives on the eighth floor.

Carly Fiorina super PAC releases graphic video showing aborted fetus kicking its legs in defense of the presidential candidate's Planned Parenthood claims.  Carly for America have released a graphic undercover video showing an aborted fetus kicking its legs aimed at defending presidential candidate Fiorina's Planned Parenthood claims.  In the last Republican presidential debate, Carly Fiorina had dared Hillary Clinton and President Obama to watch one of the shocking clips shot at the abortion clinic.  Describing the videos at last week's debate, she said:  'Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.'

Fetal-Tissue Procurement Manager: The Baby, 'It Just Fell Out'.  In the latest undercover investigative video of Planed Parenthood, a tissue procurement manager reveals that in some abortions, particularly with women who've had several births, the aborted child just falls out of the birth canal intact, although "the whole point is not to have a live birth."  The procurement manager, Perrin Larton with Advanced BioScience Resources, also reveals that "most of the time it [the baby] is not intact," and adds that often the "abdomen is always ripped open" and the organs "just get ripped up," but when "we have a smooth portion of liver, we think that's good."  Advanced BioScience Resources (ABR) is one of the organizations that acquires human tissue, including that from aborted babies, and provides them to researchers, many of them funded by the National Institutes of Health, which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Kickbacks and Murder.  The sickening series of videos from Center for Medical Progress continues apace.  Today we get a look at the regime of payments and kickbacks endemic in the baby parts marketplace and troubling questions are raised about outright murder. [...] If the baby "just fell out," it would seem that means a live-birth, which as Larton says, misses the whole point of having an abortion.  The implication is clear, that the attending abortionist killed a baby that was very much alive and very much outside the mother.  The technical term for that is 'murder.'

7th Planned Parenthood Video Exposes Illegal Partial-Birth Abortion Activity.  So far, the undercover videos by The Center for Medical Progress have revealed that Planned Parenthood is illegally profiting from the sale of fetal body parts, a felony.  Now, there is substantial evidence the abortion provider is manipulating its procedures and performing illegal partial-birth abortions in order to ensure the fetuses come out intact for sale.  Due to the illegal profit incentive, Planned Parenthood stands to make much more money from delivering intact, whole fetuses.  The new video released Wednesday [8/19/2015] shows Planned Parenthood leadership and its affiliates explaining precisely how they modify the process to get these intact fetuses — it doesn't get much more incriminating than that.

Man accused of beating 4-month-old son to death while driving due in court on murder charge.  A man accused of beating his 4-month-old son to death while driving is due in court [8/10/2015].

Fifth Planned Parenthood Video Released — Offering Sales of "Intact Babies".  It was suspected the undercover video's contained discussion of Planned Parenthood discussing "fully intact fetuses", which would be prima facie evidence of born alive infants.  This disturbing aspect prompted a biotech company, Stem Express, to file a motion with a federal judge to block any further video release.

New Video Shows Planned Parenthood Discussing Selling Intact Aborted Babies.  A video just released by the Center for Medical Progress taken undercover in Texas shows a Planned Parenthood research director discussing the sale of whole intact aborted babies to a company that resells them to medical researchers.  David Daleiden, head of Center for Medical Progress, claims this is clear evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood video reveals babies may be born alive and then killed.  In the fourth and most startling undercover Planned Parenthood video from the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Savita Ginde of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) admits that about 10 percent of their second trimester babies are born "intact" before the abortion procedure is done.  In an interview with CNN, CMP leader, David Daleiden, explained why StemExpress, a biotech company that partners with Planned Parenthood, is trying to suppress the release of more video tapes.

Deception or Truth About Planned Parenthood Body Parts Sale?  The counterattack against [Planned Parenthood]'s critics attempts to cast the debate as one in which the right to abortion or even research with fetal tissue is being called into question.  But the Planned Parenthood videos are shocking because they reveal the barbarism of late-term abortion procedures used on infants that could possibly survive outside the womb and the callous way in which abortion mills profit from them.  The issue here isn't the future of Roe v. Wade or medical research, but the reality of a practice that rightly strikes most Americans as equivalent to infanticide.

You Don't Need To be Religious To Believe Abortion Is Wrong.  The horrific tragedy of Michelle Wilkins losing her unborn child exposes our intuitions on moral and judicial truths.  The young Colorado woman, seven months pregnant, was attacked in March in a false Craigslist meet-up and left for dead after her unborn daughter, whom she named Aurora, was cut from her body.  Thankfully, Michelle survived the brutal attack.  Sadly, her daughter did not.  What makes this heartbreaking crime even more appalling is that according to Colorado law, there was only one victim in this attack.  Yet our intuitions tell us that Aurora was also a victim.  Religious belief is not required to see that the law should have acknowledged the taking of this unborn girl's life.  The same conclusion, by the same means, can be reached concerning all unborn human life.

A New Dark Age.  Set aside the legality of what Nucatola describes.  Do Americans want hundreds of millions of tax dollars provided to an organization that harvests and sells the body parts of aborted babies as a potentially lucrative sideline business?  Do Americans want to be associated in any way with an organization with the moral mindset exhibited by Nucatola?  That Americans were stunned by those tapes is undeniable.  People are not faking their moral revulsion.  Indeed, "pro-abortion rights" Democrats are hiding in the weeds because they rightly sense that the disgust is widespread and genuine.  Yet there are questions raised by what these tapes reveal that apply to all of us.  Were we really in the dark?  Were we unaware that 55 million unborn have been killed since Roe, many by such crushing methods as described by Nucatola?

House To Vote on 20-Week Abortion Pain Bill, Timed With Gosnell Murder Conviction Anniversary.  The House of Representatives will vote on a bill next week that would ban abortions past the fifth month of pregnancy.  The timing of the vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would coincide with the second anniversary of the murder conviction of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who was found guilty of killing three babies who survived abortion procedures and of negligence in the death of a patient.

Utah woman gets up to life in prison in deaths of 6 newborns.  A Utah woman who pleaded guilty to killing six of her newborn babies and hiding their bodies in her garage was sentenced to up to life in prison Monday [4/20/2015] in a case that drew national attention and sent shockwaves through her quiet community.

Meet the Real Abortion Extremists.  Colorado legislatures are so zealously committed to abortion, they will not even criminalize killers who cut babies out of their mothers' wombs against their wishes.  That is not some hypothetical, of course — that just happened.

Meet The Real Abortion Extremists.  The bill, which Senate Democrats oppose, was drafted in reaction to a grisly case in Longmont, Colorado, where a seven-month pregnant Michelle Wilkins was attacked and left for dead after her baby was cut out of her womb by an attacker.  The mother survived; her baby — who the family says was named "Aurora" — did not.  The district attorney was unable to charge the perpetrator with murder because the coroner concluded the baby was not alive outside the womb, even though, without any violent interference, more than 90 percent of babies born after 27 weeks survive.  The truth is that pro-choice advocates don't want district attorneys prosecuting people for killing fetuses because it sets up two dangerous debates.  First, the act of humanizing unborn babies that women want to keep means humanizing unborn babies others do not want to keep.  Aurora got a name, but the other third-trimester babies disposed of aren't as fortunate.

Father of toddler killed in NYC restaurant bathroom says mom was 'sick'.  The father of the 20-month-old boy who died after his mother allegedly killed him in the bathroom of a Manhattan restaurant says he's "heartbroken" but wants people to have sympathy for Latisha Fisher, who was charged on Tuesday with second-degree murder.

Rand Challenges Press: Ask DNC Head 'If It's Okay To Kill A 7-Pound Baby In The Uterus'.  A Republican presidential candidate did something new and refreshing when challenged on his abortion views by the press:  he threw it back in the face of the Democrats.  When quizzed on his about his views on abortion, Republican Kentucky Senator Rand Paul avoided the gotcha game and told NH1 reporter Paul Steinhauser to ask DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz if it was okay to "kill a 7-pound baby in the uterus."

Indiana woman jailed for "feticide".  When Purvi Patel showed up in the St. Joseph Regional Medical Center's maternity ward, bleeding and showing a protruding umbilical cord, Dr. Kelly McGuire immediately knew something was wrong.  "There should have been a baby at the end of the umbilical cord," he testified in an Indiana court room.  McGuire, who is obligated to report cases of suspected child abuse, called the police, he told PRI.  Informed that officials were heading to her home, Patel told her doctors that she'd had a miscarriage and had left her stillborn fetus in a dumpster behind a shopping center.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say.  The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says newborn babies are not "actual persons" and do not have a "moral right to life".  The academics also argue that parents should be able to have their baby killed if it turns out to be disabled when it is born.  The journal's editor, Prof Julian Savulescu, director of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, said the article's authors had received death threats since publishing the article.  He said those who made abusive and threatening posts about the study were "fanatics opposed to the very values of a liberal society".

Advocates for infanticide astounded that people want them to die.  Although the authors (Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva) apparently prefer the term 'after-birth abortion.'  Seems that calling it that helps distract one from the thought that you're on the record for advocating no-fooling baby killing.

Prosecutors: No murder charge for Colorado woman accused of cutting baby from woman's womb.  Prosecutors say a Colorado woman accused of luring an expectant mother to a basement and cutting the baby from her belly will not be charged with murder.

A Woman Accused of Removing a 7-Month Baby From a Mother's Womb Is Not Being Charged With Murder.  The decision not to charge a Colorado woman with murder for the death of an unborn seven-month-old baby has reinvigorated a debate over when states should legally recognize a fetus as a human being.  Dynel Lane, the woman accused of cutting and removing a seven-month-old baby from a mother's body, will not face murder charges, the Boulder County District Attorney's Office said on Thursday [3/26/2015].

The loud last gasp that should be heard around the world.  If only the "loud last gasp" of the 7-month-old unborn baby ripped out of her mother's womb in Colorado last week would end for once and for all the fallacious argument that a human baby is only a fetus while still in her mother's womb.  Then her moment's-long life would have saved millions of innocent children slaughtered by abortions that have become commonplace since the law birthed by Roe vs. Wade.  The baby girl was murdered in the most heinous and shocking of crimes and the law of the land that so callously identified her as a fetus can never justify her murder.

Woman who lost her baby after fetus was cut from her womb by Craigslist attacker is released from hospital.  A woman who lost her unborn baby girl after the fetus was cut from her womb in a brutal attack by a stranger has been released from hospital, her family said on Wednesday [3/25/2015].  Michelle Wilkins, 26, was seven-months pregnant when she responded to a Craigslist ad for maternity clothes in Longmont, Colorado last week.  She was stabbed and had her fetus ripped out allegedly by 34-year-old Dynel Lane.  Miss Wilkins had been treated at Longmont United Hospital.  In a statement, her family said:  'Today marks a week since the brutal attack that nearly cost Michelle her life and ended that of her soon to be born baby Aurora.

Colorado woman allegedly stabbed, removed baby from pregnant woman's womb.  A 34-year-old Colorado woman was accused stabbing a pregnant woman in the stomach and removing her baby, while the victim was at the suspect's home to buy baby clothes advertised on Craigslist, police said.  Officers were called to the home Wednesday [3/18/2015] and found the 26-year-old woman stabbed and beaten.  The woman was seven months pregnant, Longmont police Cmdr. Jeff Satur told the Daily Times-Call.  Dynel Lane, 34, took the baby to the hospital, saying she had a miscarriage, authorities said.  The baby did not survive.

Majority Republicans should ban Obama from allowing partial-birth abortions.  If there is one subject that should not be left for the deceitful 'debate' of self-serving, bankrupt-of-morals politicians, it's protecting the lives of unborn children.  Any possible 'debate' on abortion came to a loud and grinding halt when technology proved for once and for all that babies are not the convenient so-called 'fetuses' that give rise to the selfish "My body, my choice" alibi but thumb-sucking infants, photographed as irrefutable proof in their mother's wombs.

Not even babies' screams stop politicians from allowing late pregnancy abortions.  They ought to rename the Republican Party that gained majority control of both the House and Senate in November's midterm elections only to turn around and renege on campaign promises immediately after being sworn in, the Pontius Pilate Party, PPP for short.  No other name better suits a party that staged an 11th-hour revolt against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the 20-week abortion ban that had already got a green light in the last Congress with overwhelming GOP support.

Republicans Unanchored.  This past week, the national media and the Republican base both scratched their collective heads perplexed by the un-anchoring of the Republican Party.  The climax came last Wednesday night, 12 hours before pro-life supporters gathered en masse in Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life.  Republicans had promised to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  They passed the legislation in 2013, but Senate Democrats then blocked it.  The legislation would prevent most abortions after five months of pregnancy because most scientists agree children can, by that point in their development, feel pain.  It seems cruel to kill a child, in sometimes gruesome ways, when the child can feel it.

House GOP abruptly drops plans to debate abortion bill after backlash.  In an embarrassing setback, House Republicans abruptly decided Wednesday to drop planned debate of a bill criminalizing virtually all late-term abortions after objections from GOP women and other lawmakers left them short of votes.

Convicted Murderer Abortion Doctor Gosnell Loses Appeals.  The United States Supreme Court has shut down an attempt by Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell to appeal his conviction and get out of the plea deal that allowed him to avoid the death penalty.

Controversial Oklahoma City-area abortion doctor arrested after undercover investigation.  A longtime abortion doctor was arrested Tuesday morning [12/9/2014] at his clinic after an undercover investigation.  Dr. Nareshkumar Patel, 62, is accused of obtaining money by false pretenses three times since June at his Warr Acres clinic, Outpatient Services for Women.  Patel is most known for once burning aborted fetuses in a field.  An Oklahoma County judge authorized his arrest Monday.  Prosecutors have 10 days to file a charge.

Not only did Obama lose, but so did abortion.  So how did I become a pro-lifer, the most controversial position I have ever taken?  Just about all my conclusions about any issue have come from fact-based reporting.  On this one, practically everyone I knew was pro-choice, but I became curious when more physicians — not pro-lifers, doctors — became involved in prenatal care.  During my research, I read such standard texts as "The Unborn Patient: Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment," by Michael R. Harrison, Mitchell S. Globus and Roy A. Gilly.  They wrote:  "The concept that the fetus is a patient, an individual whose maladies are a proper subject for medical treatment as well as scientific observation, is alarmingly modern.  "Only now are we beginning to consider the fetus seriously, medically, legally and ethically."  But in neither this nor other medical textbooks was God mentioned.

Kermit Gosnell reminds of the necessity of bearing witness to truth.  According to the grand jury report that advanced Gosnell's murder conviction, he "regularly and illegally delivered live, viable, babies in the third trimester of pregnancy — and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors," as did his employees.  The grand jury faulted seemingly indifferent government officials who "literally licensed Gosnell's criminally dangerous behavior" by refusing "to treat abortion clinics as ambulatory surgical facilities."  Their inaction was action, and a reminder that morality is a choice when otherwise ordinary people commit appalling acts, as in Nazi Germany.

Utah woman arrested after 7 dead babies found inside home.  Investigators believe that Meagan Huntsman, 39, who lived in the Pleasant Grove home until 2011, gave birth to the babies before killing them at various times between 1996 and 2006.  The Salt Lake Tribune reported that police were called to the house Saturday by Huntsman's ex-husband, who had discovered the body of a newborn infant who appeared to be at full term.  Police obtained a search warrant for the house and discovered the bodies of six more babies packed in boxes in the garage.

7 Babies Found Dead in Utah Home; Woman Arrested.  A woman has been arrested on six counts of murder after authorities found the bodies of seven infants packed into separate cardboard boxes at a home in Utah, police said.  Police arrested Megan Huntsman, 39, of Pleasant Grove, on Saturday [4/12/2014] following a gruesome discovery at a residence formerly occupied by the woman who they say moved out in 2011.

The Dark Side of the Sebelius Legacy.  During Sebelius's six years as governor, women came from 48 states and points beyond to have late-term abortions in Kansas.  They came not because Kansas had uniquely liberal abortion laws.  They came because Sebelius was uniquely hostile to the law's enforcement.  The state's most efficient practitioner of this dubious art, the late Dr. George Tiller of Wichita, boasted on his website of having "more experience in late abortion services with fetuses over 24 weeks than anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere."  What Tiller's website did not say is that during the six years of Sebelius's reign as governor, he ended the lives of thousands of healthy babies ready to be born, in full violation of state law.

The Gosnell Movie: 'America's Biggest Serial Killer'.  Three crusading filmmakers intent on doing stories that no one else will touch have moved on from a truth-telling documentary about natural-gas extraction to a planned TV movie about the man they've dubbed "America's worst serial killer."  By the looks of it, plenty of people want the movie to be made.  Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney, and Magda Segieda have taken to the crowdfunding site Indiegogo to engage the public to support their new movie about abortionist Kermit Gosnell.  And the audience they claim will fund a film about a well-to-do abortionist, who ended the lives of perhaps thousands of babies over a 30-year period, has already donated more than $149,800 to the just-launched effort.

'Gosnell' movie will depict 'America's biggest serial killer'.  The mainstream media ignored the horrific abortion case, and a giant fundraiser tried at the last minute to censor the movie about Kermit Gosnell, but a project to bring the story to screens around the country is moving ahead this weekend with a public campaign to raise $2.1 million.

US judge strikes Arkansas' 12-week abortion ban.  A federal judge Friday struck down Arkansas' attempt to ban most abortions beginning 12 weeks into a woman's pregnancy, saying viability, not a heartbeat, remains the key factor in determining whether abortions should be allowed.

Partial-Birth Abortion Pioneer Ordered to Shut Clinic.  On the eve of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, notorious partial birth abortion pioneer Martin Haskell was ordered by the state of Ohio to shut down his Cincinnati-area abortion business on or before February 4.  Haskell failed to meet Ohio's medical standards as he was unable to obtain a transfer agreement with area hospitals to handle all cases of abortion complications against the mother.

Abortionist Who Kept 36 Bags of Aborted Babies in Storage Unit Found Dead.  Authorities say an abortionist with a history of tax evasion, botched abortions, and unusual disposal of aborted babies has died.  Police found the body of Dr. Joseph Booker Jr., 69, at his home Thursday night [11/21/2013] after relatives complained they could not reach him.  Investigators said Booker suffered a stroke and drowned in his shower in his Madison, Mississippi, home.

Late-Term Abortionist Invites Mother to Hold Aborted Baby.  An interview published at The Hairpin gives a disturbing exchange between a late-term abortionist and an interviewer who discuss the new documentary After Tiller, and a scene in which the late-term abortionist encourages the mother to "hold" her aborted baby, and take home its footprints and a "memory box," as if it were a baby that suffered a normal infant death.

Kermit Gosnell Says He Is "Spiritually Innocent".  Talking publicly for the first time since his trial and conviction on three counts of murder, one count of involuntary manslaughter and more than 200 counts of violating Pennsylvania's Abortion Control Act, Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell insists he is "spiritually innocent."

The female holocaust.  Preema, a young woman from a rural village in southern India, is the 12th daughter born to her parents.  Yet, she has no older sisters.  Each time Preema's mother became pregnant and gave birth to a girl, she and her husband killed the newborn — disappointed it hadn't been a boy.  After 12 births, Preema (not her real name), was the only girl they allowed to live. [...] The gruesome practice of sex selection by abortion and infanticide is rampant in India, driven by a strong cultural preference for boys.  The problem has only gotten worse in recent years.

America is only 1 of 4 countries to allow abortions post-viability.
Abortion Nation.  It's easy to become inured to the state of abortion in the United States, but every so often someone sends a shock to the system.  In a new book about the history of Roe, Abuse of Discretion, lawyer Clarke Forsythe combs through the historical record of the Supreme Court's decision, from case files to personal papers, to show exactly how pell-mell the verdict was.  And in the course of all this he highlights how out-of-the-norm America's abortion regime is.

New documentary profiles the four U.S. doctors who still perform third-trimester abortions.  A new documentary called "After Tiller" explores the lives and motivations of the four doctors who still perform third-trimester abortions in America. [...] The film, which will be released in New York City on Sept. 20, examines what makes these four physicians choose to perform a controversial procedure that only 10 percent of Americans think should be legal in the first place, placing them in the middle of a virulent political debate that leaves them in constant fear for their lives.

The Editor says...
Serial killers should live in constant fear of their lives, and in even greater fear of what's going to happen after they die.

Students Sign Petition to 'Abort' Babies After Birth.  Welcome to George Mason University where some students believe fourth trimester abortion, aka infanticide or "post birth" abortion, should be legal. [...] Earlier this year Florida Planned Parenthood lobbyist Alisa LaPolt Snow argued for infanticide and said the decision to give a baby who survives an abortion medical care should be up to the mother and her doctor.  In other words, she argued it was okay for a baby born alive to be left to die on the operating table.

Dewhurst: I'll pass the late-term abortion ban.  In an exclusive* Hot Air interview, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst of Texas insists that the attempt to hijack the legislative process by pro-abortion activists this week will not stop the state from passing a limitation on late-term abortions and requirements for clinics to meet the same standards as other ambulatory surgical centers. Dewhurst also says that his office is reviewing the security tapes from the demonstration that derailed the bill at the end of the regular session, and that arrests may be made for inciting a riot — including perhaps some members of the media.

Probation, work-release given in infant's slaying.  A woman who killed her newborn son in 2009 was sentenced on Monday [6/10/2013] to eight years' probation and 200 days of work-release in the Pima County jail.  Denise Pesqueira pleaded guilty to negligent homicide and child abuse in the death of the baby.

Cuomo To Propose Bill Allowing For Abortions After 24 Weeks Of Pregnancy.  An abortion battle could be brewing in Albany, as Gov. Andrew Cuomo plans to propose a major change to abortion laws in New York State.

Megyn Kelly Outraged by Abortion Doctor's Attorney: "He Murdered Babies!"  America Live's Megyn Kelly was fired up like we've never seen her before in an interview with Gosnell attorney, Jack McMahon.

Pearl Gosnell gets seven to 23 months.  Pearl Gosnell portrayed herself as another victim of her husband's convincing, charismatic manipulation.  The judge saw things differently and sentenced her to seven to 23 months in prison Wednesday for choosing to be Kermitt Gosnell's "partner in this foul organization masquerading as a medical clinic."

Maryland Abortionist Who Stored 35 Frozen Aborted Babies Loses License.  The Maryland Board of Physicians has permanently revoked the license of abortionist Nicola I. Riley.  In a blistering order issued May 6th, Riley was prohibited from ever again applying for licensure or reinstatement of her license.

Second 'house of horrors' abortion clinic [...] is investigated in Texas.  A second 'house of horrors' abortion clinic is being investigated in Texas, just days after Dr Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of murdering newborns at his Philadelphia termination center.  Houston doctor Douglas Karpen is accused by four former employees of delivering live fetuses during third-trimester abortions and killing them by either snipping their spinal cord, stabbing a surgical instrument into their heads or 'twisting their heads off their necks with his own bare hands'.

The Magic Gosnell Moment.  The Magic Gosnell Moment (MGM) occurs at that instant when a blob of cells that's part of a woman's body suddenly turns into the woman's daughter — the amorphous blob in an instant reforming into a human being.  That moment occurs when the last bit of the blob exits the blob's owner's womb.  Abortion advocates have worshiped at the altar of the MGM for decades.  Without the MGM, women might ask why it's okay to kill their children if the children are young enough.  But so long as children aren't children until they're born, there's no problem with killing blobs of cells.

9 of 12 Jurors in Gosnell Trial Are 'Pro-Choice'.  According to Philadelphia local affiliate NBC 10, nine of the 12 jurors reaching a verdict in the trial of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell are "pro-choice."  The jury today [5/13/2013] found Gosnell guilty of third-degree murder in three instances of killing babies born alive during abortions by snipping their spinal cords with surgical scissors.

Murdered Thousands, Convicted for Three: The Kermit Gosnell Verdict.  Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted yesterday on three counts of first-degree murder, not to mention a slew of other charges, including involuntary manslaughter (for the death of 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar), infanticide, and abortions past Pennsylvania's legal limit.  One prosecutor is reported to have burst into tears upon hearing the verdict.

Gosnell Did What Many Bioethicists Advocate.  Infanticide has been actively promoted as moral and ethical for years among the world's most famous bioethicists, most notoriously by Princeton's Peter Singer.  Indeed, absent the sanitation issues, fetal body parts in jars, and method of killing, I am not sure exactly how Gosnell's acts differed in kind from "after-birth abortion," advocacy for which takes place regularly in the world's most prominent and influential medical and bioethics journals.  Indeed, the Oxford-based Journal of Medical Ethics just published a special issue dedicated to debating the pros and cons of infanticide.

Gosnell Is Not an Aberration.  A jury in Pennsylvania has convicted abortionist Kermit Gosnell of three counts of murder, one count of involuntary manslaughter, and several counts of performing illegal late-term abortions at his facility in West Philadelphia.  Gosnell is eligible for the death sentence, an end that would be as close to justice as earthly powers can mete out in this episode.  The English language does not contain a word sufficient for describing the crimes of Kermit Gosnell; "murder" will do, but only for legal purposes.

Convicted Pa. abortion doctor gets life in prison.  A Philadelphia abortion doctor convicted of killing three babies born alive at his grimy clinic was spared a possible death sentence Tuesday [5/14/2013] in a deal with prosecutors.

Gosnell jury saw the truth.  And so, what Jack McMahon audaciously called a racist prosecution, wherein a black man was being called to account for ending the lives of countless nameless black babies, has ended in a righteous verdict:  guilty, guilty, and again, guilty.  Three lives vindicated with three words, uttered after months of testimony and evidence that makes you want to turn your face away.  But we looked, and we understood that here was madness and evil, not racism.

Philly Abortion Doc Guilty in 3 Babies' Deaths.  An abortion doctor was convicted Monday of first-degree murder and could face execution in the deaths of three babies who were delivered alive and then killed with scissors at his grimy, "house of horrors" clinic.

'House of Horrors' abortionist found guilty of three first-degree murder charges.  A late-term abortionist accused of killing four babies and a patient at a 'House of Horrors' clinic has been found guilty of three first-degree murder charges by a Philadelphia jury.  Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 72, who ran the now-shuttered Women's Medical Society Clinic, had been charged with four counts of capital murder in the deaths of babies whose spinal cords he was accused of snipping to bring about their deaths.

Priest to Hold Memorial Service for Babies Killed in Gosnell Clinic.  Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, has planned a memorial service Wednesday [5/8/2013] for the deceased infants retrieved from the clinic of Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist who is on trial for the murder of a patient and babies born alive during abortion procedures.

Priest conducts Catholic service to name 45 aborted babies found in Gosnell clinic.  "People have names, people deserve names.  The name expresses the person.  The name recognizes that there is a person there." said Father Frank Pavone during the 30-minute service in the New York chapel of Priests for Life, the Catholic Church's largest pro-life activist group.  "Who are these children, and whose are these children?" Father Pavone asked.  "Are they medical waste or are they our brothers and sisters?"

Gosnell 'Story' Not New, Babies Born Alive [have been] Left to Die for Years.  Following the decriminalization of abortion by Roe v. Wade in 1973, the brutality of abortion and the unsanitary conditions of abortion clinics have remained suppressed by the media.  In fact, pro-life activist Nancy Creger says that what Kermit Gosnell has been doing at his clinic in Philadelphia, had been happening for years elsewhere.

'It Will Expire Shortly After Birth'.  Yesterday [4/28/2013], Americans had a close encounter with late-term abortion, with the release of an undercover video from a group called Live Action, showing a woman at 23 weeks being assured by a worker at Dr. Emily's Women's Health Center in the Bronx that the clinic does such things, every day.  She is told that if the baby is delivered alive, there are jars and there is toxic solution, the baby won't live long.  What consolation.

More evil than Nazi Germany.  Kermit Gosnell is on trial for multiple counts of murder in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — several live babies and at least one adult woman.  For decades, Gosnell ran a hellish yet very profitable death mill in the inner-city while local, state and federal officials looked the other way.  The story is beyond scandalous.  It is the epitaph of post-modern America.

Skipping 'Controversial Stings' of the Left.  The Washington Post reported something surprising on April 29 — a hidden-camera expose by pro-life advocates. [...] Live Action also released an expose of another abortion clinic, Dr. Emily's Women's Health Center in the Bronx.  The Live Action mother in that video asked what happens if a child is accidentally born during an attempt at a late-term abortion.  An unnamed staffer advised on the video to "flush" the baby down the toilet if he or she was delivered at home before the final stage of the two- or three-day abortion procedure."

Videos fuel surging debate on abortion.  New undercover videos of abortion professionals explaining late-term abortions, coupled with states passing strict abortion laws and a horror-show abortion criminal case, are keeping abortion at the top of the news — an unexpected development after the nation re-elected its most vocal pro-choice president.

Gosnell's abortion atrocities no 'aberration'.  "If I talk, maybe people will make sure it won't happen again."  That's what 20-year-old Desiree Hawkins told me last week as she recounted the horror of visiting abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell in December 2009.  The jury in Gosnell's trial for the alleged murders of multiple babies and one woman heard closing arguments Monday afternoon [4/29/2013], but they won't hear from Hawkins.  Hawkins was forced to relive the nightmare of Gosnell's house of horrors when she was contacted by a Drug Enforcement Administration agent this year.  The agent told her that one of the severed feet found in jars at the clinic belonged to her aborted baby.

Are there more abortion doctors like Kermit Gosnell? And do we want to know?  An antiabortion activist appears to have videotaped a counselor at a Bronx clinic laughingly advising her not to trouble herself with the particulars of the late-term abortion that the woman, who was 23 weeks pregnant, said she wanted.  What if the baby were born alive at home once the process was set in motion?  "If it comes out, then it comes out; flush it," a counselor at the Dr. Emily Women's Health Center answered the undercover activist on the tape.  She'd been working at the clinic for nearly 11 years, she said — since she was only 16.

How Abortion Has Changed America.  Let's be clear that pro-aborts and pro-lifers differ on far more than technicalities about when life begins.  They differ about what life is.  In the state of Pennsylvania, where Gosnell was doing his dirty business, abortion is legal until the developing child is 24 weeks — 6 months — old.  Among Gosnell's many transgressions was performing abortions after 24 weeks.  But Planned Parenthood, and their guest speaker, our president, oppose that 24-week limit.  They believe abortion should be legal until the child is born.

Anti-abortion group releases videos of clinic workers discussing live births.  An antiabortion group that mounted a six-month undercover investigation has released videos this week that raise questions about what might happen to a baby as a result of an unsuccessful abortion.  One video features a D.C. doctor, Cesare Santangelo, who said that in the unlikely event that an abortion resulted in a live birth, "we would not help it."  Santangelo was answering repeated questions from an undercover operative about what would happen, hypothetically, if she gave birth after an unsuccessful abortion.

Abortion doctors are trying to portray themselves as the victims:
DC abortion doctor: Pro-lifers with video cameras are 'terrorists'.  Cesare Santangelo, the D.C. abortion doctor who told a pro-life activist that he wouldn't help a baby born alive as a result of a failed abortion, described the group that recorded the conversation as "terrorism."  "I don't like to feed into these people," Santangelo told The Washington Post to explain why he hasn't watched the recording of his interview with a Live Action activist.  "I really consider them terrorists."

Gosnell Isn't Alone: Live Action Goes Inside The Late-Term Abortion Industry.  Live Action has released a new video after a six-month investigation exposing how Gosnell isn't alone when it comes to committing infanticide.  In the video, it states that forty-one percent of all New York pregnancies end in abortion, and a baby born in the Bronx is just as likely to be aborted as born.  A Live Action investigator asks about obtaining a late-term abortion at the Dr. Emily's Women Health Center in the Bronx.  The woman giving advice at this clinic started working there at 16, and said — while laughing — to "just do it" when the investigator pressed her on the grisly details.  To make a long story short, they're talking about using a vacuum to suck out a six-month old baby, which falls apart during the procedure.

Tenn. Woman Gets 51 Years in Newborn Twin Deaths.  A Tennessee woman convicted of murdering her newborn twins was sentenced Friday [4/26/2013] to a minimum of 51  years in prison, despite her family pleading with the judge who said he found the 26-year-old untruthful and selfish.

Gosnell's horrors & our abortion war.  Without calling a single witness, the defense yesterday rested in the cast of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist facing five counts of murder.  That's one count of murder for allegedly killing a woman who came to his "Women's Medical Society" in search of a late-term abortion, his specialty.  And four counts for infants allegedly delivered and born alive, then callously murdered in cold blood as they fought for life.

Barbarism in Philadelphia.  Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who is on trial in Philadelphia for doping one patient to death and killing seven fetuses born alive.  He doubtless seems a worthy candidate for death row.  Dr. Gosnell, after all, is a monster. [...] Dr. Gosnell was merciless killer, willing to perform abortions at any stage of pregnancy.  He routinely induced labor in women more than six months pregnant and then cut the spines of their breathing newborns.  This was Gosnell's "standard procedure," according to the grand jury report.  "These killings became so routine," in fact, "that no one could put an exact number on them."

NARAL Pro-Choice President: 'We Were The First Out Of The Gate To Call Attention' To Gosnell Case.  NARAL Pro-Choice President Ilyse Hogue appeared on MSNBC on Monday [4/29/2013] where she claimed that her organization was "the first" to draw attention to the case of the late-term abortion provider Kermit Gosnell who is accused of murdering several infants born alive.  Hogue contended that Gosnell was allowed to operate as a result of the actions of pro-life groups which advocated for restrictions on abortion that drove reputable practitioners in Pennsylvania out of business.

The Editor says...
Really?  This page includes an extensive collection of news articles about the Gosnell case.  I've been following this story quite closely, and until now I haven't heard anything about NARAL comments on the matter.

Gosnell's Attorney: 'Ludicrous' 'To Say a Baby is Born Alive 'Because It Moves One Time'.  The defense attorney for late-term abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who is on trial for murdering babies who survived abortions, told a Philadelphia court today that it is "ludicrous" to claim that "a baby is born alive because it moves one time without any other movement."  The judge in the case today [4/23/2013] threw out three of the eight murder charges against Gosnell.

Judge tosses three murder counts against Kermit Gosnell.  After hearing impassioned arguments from attorneys on both sides of the Kermit Gosnell capital-murder trial Tuesday [4/23/2013], a Philadelphia judge threw out three of the seven first-degree murder charges Gosnell faced for allegedly killing fetuses born alive at his abortion clinic.  Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey Minehart also tossed out all five counts against Gosnell accusing him of corpse abuse for storing the feet of aborted fetuses in plastic containers in his now closed Women's Medical Society clinic.

The bottom of the slippery slope in Philadelphia.  By the findings adduced in grand jury testimony, Kermit Gosnell stands convicted of monsterhood.  He treated his patients badly and routinely killed live infants who to his great inconvenience survived their trip down the birth canal.  "These killings," the grand jury said, "became so routine that no one could put an exact number on them."  Most of the women are black, as the doctor is, and this is why the mainstream media ignored the trial until pressured to take notice.

Barack Obama's misplaced, blind faith in abortion doctors.  President Obama is well known to have voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA) four times between 2001 and 2003, when he was an Illinois state senator.  One of the two companion bills to BAIPA, which Obama also opposed, required that abortionists provide "reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice" to abortion survivors, and further, that abortionists try to anticipate botches and plan to have a second physician present if there was a "reasonable likelihood" that the abortion would result "in a live born child."  Obama was the sole Illinois state senator to speak against Senate Bill 1663 on the Illinois Senate floor on April 4, 2002.

Eric Holder is playing dumb.
Holder Doesn't Know If Anyone Ever Prosecuted Under Born Alive Infant Protection Act.  Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday [5/15/2013] he did not know whether there has been even one prosecution under the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.  "Have you ever enforced this law even one time?" Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) asked Holder during a House Judiciary Committee hearing after referencing abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of three counts of first degree counts murder in the deaths of three babies whose spinal cords were severed after they were born alive.  "I don't know," Holder replied.

Black's Law Dictionary, 1991, page 184.
Black's Law Dictionary, 1991, page 184.

Gosnell Employee: I Saw Ten Babies Breathe Before They Were Killed.  The final prosecution witness against Kermit Gosnell, the abortion doctor on trial for the capital murder of seven babies and one adult patient, was Kareema Cross, a former employee of Gosnell's.  Thursday [4/18/2013] Cross testified that she saw ten babies breathe before Gosnell killed them.

Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out'.  On the last day of testimony before the prosecution rests in the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, a former worker at Gosnell's clinic testified that she saw one late-term baby who survived an abortion "swimming" in a toilet and "trying to get out."  Kareema Cross, a "medical assistant" who worked at Gosnell's Women's Medical Society clinic for four-and-a-half years, testified in a Philadelphia court today, telling of the horrors of babies who survived abortions only to have their necks snipped with scissors.

Gosnell gave patients STDs via contaminated instruments; tossed breathing infant into shoebox.  Every day, more horrifying details emerge in the Kermit Gosnell trial.  As you read the following, remember:  The mainstream media still doesn't understand why anybody thinks this is an important news story.

Grand Jury: Abortionist Murdered 'Hundreds' of Children.  Two recent cases of mass murder — one gaining a great deal of national media attention, the other very little — both specifically targeted children.

Kermit Gosnell and abortion's darkest side.  Many prominent Democratic politicians oppose any meaningful restrictions on late-term abortions.  President Obama, as a state senator, fought a law that would have protected live infants accidentally delivered during an abortion.  Sen. Barbara Boxer once said that constitutional rights begin when you bring the baby home from the hospital.  Prosecutors almost never try to enforce violations of late-term abortion laws, in part because the Supreme Court says any abortion is constitutional if the mother's psychological health would be endangered by continuing the pregnancy.  Regardless, Gosnell isn't only being charged with performing illegal late-term abortions.  He's being charged with delivering viable babies and killing them.

Black's Law Dictionary, 1991, page 1566.
Black's Law Dictionary, 1991, page 1566.

PA Abortion Clinic Worker: I Saw 10 Babies Breathe.  A former abortion clinic worker has capped the murder trial of her former boss with testimony that she saw more than 10 babies breathe before they were killed.  Kareema Cross is the final prosecution witness against Dr. Kermit Gosnell.  She says she saw the babies' chests move but was told by Gosnell they were not breathing.  She also says she saw three babies move their arms and legs and heard a fourth give a soft whine.

58 horrific details from the Kermit Gosnell trial that you do not want to read.  [#14]  One of the babies was reportedly moving and breathing for 20 minutes before an employee cut the spinal cord [according to the] Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania.

Back-Alley Abortion Never Ended.  According to the grand jury, Gosnell's method of "abortion" in these late-term cases was infanticide, plain and simple.  He or an untrained staffer would induce labor, deliver the baby alive, and then perform the procedure they called by the chilling euphemism "snipping" — slashing the infant to death with scissors to the neck and spine.  "Over the years, there were hundreds of 'snippings,'" the grand jury found.  But bodies had been disposed of and files destroyed, so the evidence was sufficient to prosecute in only seven cases.  One of those victims, a neonatologist testified, was a boy of "32 weeks, if not more, in gestational age."  That is, his mother had been at least 7½ months pregnant.

The Uncanny Union of Kermit and Miss Maggie.  Dr. Gosnell, who does not yet manifest fangs or green saliva, is on the hot seat after nearly 20 years of infant butchery — not because he terminated life, but because he became greedy, sloppy, and no longer abided by the rules of antiseptic human sacrifice.  Therefore, this elderly man, who would have been a credit to Dr. Mengele and his loathsome operating table, will be swallowed alive by two diverse modes of outrage:  the first by those horrified advocates of the pro-life position and the second by those Pro-Choicers who are indignant that the Good Doctor has given the technical aesthetic of therapeutic murder such a black eye.

Lawyer, judge erupt in anger in Gosnell trial.  "Based on the totality of the evidence ... you cannot testify to anyone that this fetus was born alive?" Gosnell lawyer Jack McMahon asked Medical Examiner Sam Gulino.  "No I cannot," replied Gulino.  Then Assistant District Attorney Edward Cameron flipped around McMahon's question:  "Can you think of any reason why the neck was severed if that baby was not born alive?"  Again, Gulino agreed.  McMahon tried to salvage his first answer, only to be interrupted by Cameron.

It's Not About Abortion — Except It Is.  This is how callous, desensitized, and deranged people can become when they believe babies aren't babies until — well, who knows — and as such can be disposed of.  It isn't too big of a philosophical leap to argue if society embraces the abortion of babies up to 24 weeks as legal, why isn't aborting a baby at 35 weeks?  Why not post-birth as the Romans did, if the baby was deformed or deemed unfit for society?

How to Murder the Innocent, Defenseless, and Undefended and Make Big Bucks Doing It!  If you are unaware of the trial taking place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of the abortion doctor (I use the term "doctor" loosely) Kermit Gosnell, I am not surprised.  Our feckless, spineless, corrupt and statist-driven media have done their best to sweep it all under the rug. [...] The police originally raided Dr. Gosnell's "House of Horrors" because he was overprescribing oxycontin — not because he was murdering infants.

Working Up to Auschwitz.  A demon has been revealed in twenty-first-century Philadelphia, and the three broadcast networks have been enforcing a policy of silence about the discovery.  So have most major newspapers. [...] But perhaps an even more telling reason for ignoring the Gosnell story is that among the terrible details is revealed the fact that many, many babies being aborted late-term survive the process — not just a tiny few, as pro-abortionists keep insisting.  And so these innocent little souls have to be murdered.  In Dr. Gosnell's clinic, typically by cutting their heads off.

Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell's Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story.  In Pennsylvania, most doctors won't perform abortions after the 20th week, many for health reasons, others for moral reasons.  Abortions after 24 weeks are illegal.  Until 2009, Gosnell reportedly performed mostly first and second trimester abortions.  But his clinic had come to develop a bad reputation, and could attract only women who couldn't get an abortion elsewhere, former employees have said.

Former worker testifies that Dr. Kermit Gosnell snipped the spines of moving babies following abortions at Philadelphia clinic.  Gosnell, who is charged with eight counts of murder, trained his employees to cut the necks of the aborted babies to sever their spinal cords, both [Ashley] Baldwin and Lynda Williams, another former employee, testified on Wednesday [4/10/2013].  Williams, who has already pleaded guilty to third-degree murder, testified that she saw her former boss snip the necks of more than 30 babies.

Gosnell Abortion Case: 'Baby Screamed During Live-Birth Abortion'.  If you haven't heard about the Gosnell abortion case, it's probably due to the media blackout.  In short, Kermit Gosnell was performing illegal abortions in Philadelphia.  His practice was a house of horrors.  Gosnell is charged with eight counts of murder, and allegedly kept the feet of fetuses preserved in jars.

Abortion clinic staffer gives grisly account of 'fetal demise' at trial.  A second Delaware woman who worked at Dr. Kermit Gosnell's Philadelphia abortion clinic testified Tuesday [4/9/2013] that it was "standard procedure" to snip the necks of any babies that were delivered after labor-inducing drugs were administered but before the abortion began.  Lynda Williams, 44, of Wilmington, said Gosnell taught her how to flip a baby over and snip its neck with a pair of scissors to ensure "fetal demise."

The most shocking news you won't see in the MSM today.  The murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell largely is being ignored by the mainstream media, even in the face of grisly testimony, such as what we heard yesterday. [...] The MSM cannot mentally deal with this trial either, mainly because they realize it exposes the logical destination of the euphemistically title "pro-choice" movement.

Abortion doctor on trial, but media not interested; pro-lifers see bias in Philadelphia case.  The trial details are nothing short of sensational:  A doctor accused of killing seven newborns and a young woman at a filthy Philadelphia clinic strewn with body parts and described as a "slaughterhouse."  It's big news in Philadelphia, but nationally, not so much.  The lack of coverage is a problem for a growing chorus of conservative and media critics, who allege that the scant national media attention can be attributed not to the courtroom drama but the politics of abortion.

Abortion clinic worker testifies in doctor's trial.  A Delaware woman who worked for abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell recalled hearing one child "screaming" after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure at Gosnell's West Philadelphia clinic.  Sherry West, of Bear, said she was loyal to Gosnell — who is now facing multiple counts of murder for allegedly killing children after they were delivered alive at his clinic — but said the incident "really freaked me out."

Johns Hopkins's and Planned Parenthood's troubling extremism.  Recently in Florida, Alisa LaPolt Snow, representing Florida Planned Parenthood organizations, testified against a bill that would require abortionists to provide medical care to babies who survive attempted abortions.  Snow was asked:  "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?"  Snow replied:  "We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family and the physician."

Planned Parenthood Rep Gives Chilling Testimony on "Post-Birth" Abortion.  Some legislators were shocked at what appeared to be an admission that Planned Parenthood is okay with allowing babies born alive during an abortion to be deprived of life-saving medical care.  Fox News reported that one of the lawmakers tried to pin Snow down on the abortion giant's position regarding a baby born alive while an abortionist was attempting to end his or her life.  "We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," Snow reiterated from her talking points — making it appear that Planned Parenthood's position is that an abortionist hasn't completed his mission until a baby dies, inside or outside the womb.

Work at Gosnell clinic took its toll, relative says.  [Elizabeth] Hampton was one of nine Gosnell employees charged after a county investigating grand jury report in January 2011 accused Gosnell of performing illegal late-term abortions at the clinic and killing babies born alive and viable.  Gosnell, 72, faces seven counts of first-degree murder in the case of the newborns and could be sentenced to death if the jury finds him guilty.

A House of Horrors in Philadelphia.  Over three decades, abortionist Kermit Gosnell and his staff dispensed death to thousands of unborn babies, born-alive babies, and at least two women.  Like the Governor, Gosnell kept trophies of his victims — bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses and fetus parts that were scattered throughout his squalid West Philly "clinic."  Gosnell is now on trial for the first-degree murder of seven newborn babies and the third degree murder of a mother who died after a botched abortion.

A lobbyist fails to distinguish between abortion and infanticide.
Did Planned Parenthood Just Endanger Abortion Rights?  [Alisa LaPolt] Snow, a lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, was in a challenging situation when she testified before the Florida legislature last week.  It was a hearing that took place as the same time abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell went on trial in Philadelphia — charged with murdering babies born alive in his clinic — and the Gosnell example was clearly on the mind of legislators.

Peggy Noonan Interrupts Blackout as Networks Continue to Ignore Abortionist's Trial.  The Big Three networks' morning and evening newscasts still haven't covered the murder trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell as of Monday morning [4/1/2013].  ABC, CBS, and NBC have maintained their coverage blackout despite the graphic witness testimony and the in-your-face courtroom antics of Dr. Gosnell's defense attorney during the first two weeks of the proceedings.  The Philadelphia physician is charged with murdering seven newborn children at his decrepit abortion facility.

Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion.  Florida legislators considering a bill to require abortionists to provide medical care to an infant who survives an abortion were shocked during a committee hearing this week when a Planned Parenthood official endorsed a right to post-birth abortion.  Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.

'After Tiller' gives voice to US abortion doctors.  Forty years after the legalization of abortion in the United States, just four doctors offer controversial late-term procedures, and are the subject of a documentary at the Sundance film festival.  "After Tiller," named for physician George Tiller, a prominent practitioner of late-term abortions shot dead by an extremist in 2009, focuses on the few remaining doctors who perform abortions in the third trimester of a pregnancy.

Progressives as "moral superiors" who like to play God.  The most famous eugenicists were the Spartans.  Their newborns were allowed to live only if perfectly healthy.  The state did not want to be burdened by imperfect babies.  The modern eugenicists advocate infanticide as being no different than abortion.  According to an article in The Telegraph, a team of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University maintained that "parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are 'morally irrelevant.' (Stephen Adams, February 29, 2012)

14-year-old girl explains how she strangled newborn before hiding body in a shoebox.  A 14-year-old girl has told in horrifying detail of the moment she secretly delivered her baby with a pair of scissors in the family bathroom before throttling the newborn and hiding the body in a shoe box.  Cassidy Goodison, 14, has been charged as an adult with first-degree murder after police learned how she killed her child following months of disguising the pregnancy from her parents.

Medical Journal Advocates Killing Newborns.  A British medical journal is defending the publication of an article that argues it should be permissible to kill newborn babies because they don't have the "same moral standing as actual persons."  "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" was published last week in the Journal of Medical Ethics.  It was written by Alberto Giubilini, of the University of Milan and Francesca Minerva, of the University of Melbourne and Oxford University.

Article Advocating 'After-Birth Abortion' Mugs Liberals with Reality.  Conservatives were horrified when the Journal of Medical Ethics published an article advocating "after-birth abortion" for handicapped, or just inconvenient, babies.  They are correct that it is a disgusting piece of amoral analysis, but that is its virtue.  As much as conservatives hate it, progressives hate it more.  Many are convinced that it's a plant by the pro-life crowd.  What progressives cannot articulate, but intuitively understand, is that by applying a reductio ad absurdum approach to the notion of abortion, the article forces pro-abortion people to confront the Big Lie that underpins their willingness to terminate a pregnancy, even an advanced one.

Taking a scythe to the Bill of Rights.  Controversies can be wonderfully clarified when people follow the logic of illogical premises to perverse conclusions.  For example, two academics recently wrote in the British Journal of Medical Ethics that "after-birth abortions" — killing newborn babies — are matters of moral indifference because newborns, like fetuses, "do not have the same moral status as actual persons" and "the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant." So killing them "should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled."  This helpfully validates the right-to-life contention that the pro-abortion argument, which already defends third-trimester abortions, contains no standard for why the killing should be stopped by arbitrarily assigning moral significance to the moment of birth.

Premeditated murder of newborns.  Late last month, two bioethicists — Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva — published an outrageous "paper" in the Journal of Medical Ethics justifying the deliberate, premeditated murder of newborn babies during the first days and weeks after birth.  Mr. Giubilini and Ms. Minerva wrote "when circumstances occur after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible." ... Are the lives of newborn babies so cheap?  Are babies so expendable?

They call themselves ethicists?
Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say.  Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are "morally irrelevant" and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.  The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says newborn babies are not "actual persons" and do not have a "moral right to life".  The academics also argue that parents should be able to have their baby killed if it turns out to be disabled when it is born.

Infanticide on Demand.  Recently, advocates for the parental right to kill unwanted newborns have appeared in the forms of Drs. Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva, whose paper for the Australian Journal of Medical Ethics advocates "after birth abortion." ... To be human, the doctors argue, a newborn must have aims in life, must be able to appreciate life.  Since a newborn does not have aims or appreciation, "[i]t is not possible to damage a newborn by preventing her from developing the potentiality to become a person in the morally relevant sense."  In other words, no harm is done to the newborn if she is killed, for she is not like you and me — a real person.  Now, where have we heard the "not a real person" arguments before?  Need we once again say the argument of not being a real human has been used against undesirable and unwanted groups of human beings over and over again, Jews and blacks being some of the humans who have been labeled "not real persons"?

The Editor says...
That's awful!  Who would ever support such a ghastly position?  Here's the answer:

Obama's Infanticide Votes.  [Scroll down]  Obama has offered deceptive explanations of his own pro-abortion legislative work, while simultaneously accusing his pro-life opponents of being dishonest.  More important, Obama's record as a state senator was not merely pro-choice, but radically pro-abortion.  His voting record indicates that he does not believe infants deserve protection even once they have emerged from the womb if they are deemed to be below the age of viability, and he did in fact, three times, vote to keep a form of infanticide legal.

Silence assents to evil of 'after-birth abortion'.  Decades ago, when Roe v. Wade was decided, conservatives and many religious folks predicted the country had begun an inevitable slide toward a murderous future:  a time when certain people — in addition to unprotected preborn children — would be declared less valuable than others, their killing justified.  Back then, liberal voices jeered at the warnings of the slippery slope ahead.  But those fears have become real.

Sliding Down the Slippery Slope at Warp Speed.  A medical journal article ruthlessly proposes — and its editor defends — rhetorically dressed-up infanticide.

Killing Newborns Okay by Oxford Academics.  Parents should be able to kill their newborn children.  So have concluded a group of academics with ties to Oxford University.  In a recent article published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, the authors concluded that there is no difference between abortion and killing a newborn.

Remember When Obama Voted for Infanticide?  With the pro-life/pro-choice argument being in the news cycle for the past few weeks, Newt Gingrich was right on point tonight [2/22/2012] when he brought up President Obama's pro-abortion, pro-infanticide voting record that the media ignored during his presidential campaign in 2008.  As a state senator, Obama voted against legislation, four times in total, that protects babies who surviveabortion procedures.  His no vote meant he was in support of legally allowing people to leave baby abortion survivors to die on the operating table instead of giving them care.

Obama's bad moves on infanticide come back to haunt him.  [Scroll down]  On March 30, 2001, Illinois State Senator Patrick O'Malley introduced three pieces of legislation aimed at protecting an infant who had survived an abortion outside the mother's womb. ... ["]This is essentially very simple.  The Constitution does not say that a child born must be viable in order to live and be accorded the rights of citizenship.  It simply says it must be born.  And a child who survives birth is a US citizen, and we need to do everything we can here in the state of Illinois and, frankly, in the other 49 states and in the halls of Washington, DC, to make sure that we secure or and protect those rights.  So if this legislation is designed to clarify ... and reaffirm the rights that are entitled to a child born in America, so be it, and it is constitutional.["]

Mother lets baby boy drown; admits she hated him.  She is now charged with first-degree murder.

Abortion Doctors Charged With Murder.  Two out-of-state doctors who traveled to Maryland to perform late-term abortions have been arrested and charged with multiple counts of murder under the state's viable fetus law, authorities said.

Murder Charges Dropped Against Abortionists in Maryland.  A Maryland prosecutor has dropped murder charges against two abortionists accused of killing viable pre-born babies, explaining that he had no way to prove whether the aborted babies were killed in Maryland or in New Jersey, as the defendants' attorneys claim.

Abortion doc charged in 10 deaths.  A Voorhees doctor faces multiple murder charges in connection with late-term abortions that were performed at his Elkton, Md., clinic.  Dr. Steven Chase Brigham was being held Friday [12/30/2011] in Camden County Jail, pending extradition to Maryland.  He is accused of 10 counts of first- and second-degree murder and one count of conspiracy to commit murder.  The unborn babies of Brigham's patients are considered to be the murder victims, according to Elkton, Md., police.

Police find abortion 'house of horrors': Doctors charged with murder.  Two doctors accused of performing late-term abortions in Maryland have been arrested and charged with murder after police found a freezer full of 20-35 week fetuses.  The investigation of the doctors started over a year ago when they allegedly botched an abortion on an 18-year-old girl, leaving her with a ruptured uterus.

2 workers plead guilty to 3rd-degree murder in ghastly Philadelphia abortion clinic case.  Two abortion clinic workers pleaded guilty Thursday [10/27/2011] to third-degree murder in deaths that occurred at a Philadelphia clinic where seven babies were allegedly born alive, then killed with scissors, and a patient died from an overdose of painkillers.

Fourth-Trimester Abortion.  From the Court of Queen's Bench (the appellate court) in Alberta:  ["]The Wetaskiwin, Alta., woman convicted of infanticide for killing her newborn son, was given a three-year suspended sentence Friday by an Edmonton Court of Queen's Bench judge.  Katrina Effert was 19 on April 13, 2005, when she secretly gave birth in her parents' home, strangled the baby boy with her underwear and threw the body over a fence into a neighbour's yard...["]

Philadelphia abortion doctor charged with murder in 8 deaths.  An abortion doctor has been arrested and charged with the murders of a patient and seven live infants whose spines were severed with scissors at a Philadelphia clinic that has been described as a house of horrors, officials said Wednesday [1/19/2011].

The fetal solution.  America has death camps.  This is the heinous reality liberal elites have been trying to conceal.  A Philadelphia abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell, was arrested Wednesday [1/19/2011] along with his wife and eight other suspects.  The 69-year-old abortionist is charged with causing the death of a woman during a botched abortion and also killing seven babies.  Prosecutors say the infants were born alive following illegal late-term abortions and then were murdered by having their spinal cords ripped apart with scissors.  Dr. Gosnell's abortion clinic is a house of horrors — akin to those in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.

DA:  West Philadelphia abortion doctor killed 7 babies with scissors.  A doctor whose abortion clinic was described as a filthy, foul-smelling "house of horrors" that was overlooked by regulators for years was charged Wednesday with murder, accused of delivering seven babies alive and then using scissors to kill them.

DA: West Philadelphia abortion doc killed woman, 7 infants.  An abortion doctor has been arrested and charged with the murder of a patient and seven live infants whose spines were severed with scissors at a West Philadelphia clinic that has been described as a house of horrors, officials said today [1/19/2011].  District Attorney Seth Williams said the doctor, Kermit P. Gosnell, was charged following a grand jury investigation.

Pennsylvania Ex-Governor Flabbergasted by Lax Abortion Scrutiny.  Former Gov. Ed Rendell said Friday [1/21/2011] he was "flabbergasted" when he found out last year that the state Health Department didn't think its authority extended to abortion clinics such as the one in Philadelphia where prosecutors say a doctor used scissors to kill viable babies.

Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Charged With Murder.  Prosecutors have described a Philadelphia, Pa., abortion clinic as a "house of horrors."  Dr. Kermit Gosnell and four members of his staff have been charged with murder after allegedly delivering hundreds of live babies and then killing them.  When authorities raided Gosnell's abortion clinic they found a stench-filled, unsanitary mess -- bags of fetuses stuffed inside a refrigerator.

DA: Philadelphia Doctor Killed Babies with Scissors.  A Philadelphia doctor has been charged with murder after an investigation revealed the death of several babies and a 22-year-old mother at his "house of horrors" clinic.  Prosecutors said Dr. Kermit Gosnell made millions by doing as many illegal late-term abortions as he could for more than 30 years.  State regulators ignored complaints about him and failed to inspect his "Women's Medical Society" clinic since 1993.

Why the shock, Why the outrage, Why now?  For over two decades Kermitt Gosnell illegally sold prescriptions by day, and on the side, induced early delivery in expectant, indigent, and immigrant mothers.  When those induced deliveries did not kill the child off, Gosnell would then either snip the spinal cord with a pair of scissors, slit the throat of the child, or have an assistant (usually unlicensed) do the same. ... Scissors would be used to puncture the base of the skull and to snip the spinal cord.  On some occasions then the brains would be crushed and suctioned.  In other words, while Gosnell was collecting jars of tiny feet, severed from the babies he ended the lives of, abortion practitioners from coast to coast were performing the eerily similar procedures.  And 100% of them done with the backing of the National Organization for Women, the National Abortion Rights Action League, and a long list of U.S. Senators, including then Senator Barack Obama.

Kermit Gosnell's Pro-Choice Enablers.  The ultimate non-partisan body — a criminal grand jury — has supplied us with the graphic, 261-page horror story of Kermit Gosnell, M.D., who stands accused of butchering seven babies — yes, after they were born alive — and fatally doping a refugee from Nepal with Demerol in a clinic that smelled of cat urine, where the furniture was stained with blood and the doctor kept a collection of severed baby feet.  As often as possible, the report says, Gosnell induced labor for women so pregnant that, as he joked on one occasion, the baby was so big he could "walk me to the bus stop."  Then, hundreds of times over the years, he slit their little necks, according to the grand jury report.

Kermit the Fraud.  Reports say that drug complaints led to Gosnell's investigation.  "The investigation began February 2010 when police received tips that Gosnell was illegally selling thousands of oxycontin prescriptions to 'patients' he had never examined." ... Gosnell made millions of dollars over the decades doing late term abortions.

To Live and Die in Philadelphia.  Dr. Gosnell was a little befuddled at his arraignment on January 20.  Indicted for eight murders, the Philadelphia abortionist told the court that he understood the first count, a charge of third-degree murder for the death of a woman on whom he had operated.  He didn't understand, however, the seven other counts — the first-degree charges for the deaths of seven babies delivered alive and then killed in his clinic.

Bad Politics Making Abortion Unsafe And Definitely Not Rare.  Seven babies born kicking and screaming into this world had their lives ended with a scissors cutting their spines and here in New York City this is perfectly legal.  The sophisticated intellectual elite who rule the media look down at us for respecting all life.  They call our respect 'a love affair with the fetus' ignoring the victims of botched abortions like Karna Mongar and the long list of potential adoptions for those dead children.

Kermit Gosnell's Legacy of Death.  It has now been over two months since abortionist Kermit Gosnell, the doctor who has been charged with the murders of at least two women and the brutal slaughter using scissors of at least seven children after they were born alive, was indicted — and the aftershocks of the horrendous investigation still continue.  Some of the victims' families are now filing civil suits, and some states have been inspired to move to shut down or at least regulate abortion facilities.

Problems with N.J. late-term abortion business similar to Pa.'s.  For five months last year, New Jersey regulators received complaints that abortion doctor Steven Brigham, 54, was running a secret, cash-only, late-term abortion business using a risky interstate scheme — one for which he was disciplined in the 1990s.  Just as in the Gosnell case, regulators took no public action against Brigham — until a police raid forced them to.

The Vast Left-Wing Culture of Death.  Here we can clearly see the great lie that springs from those who have chosen evil over good.  The content of a woman's uterus has never been a magic bean.  It has never been a puppy, a kitten, not even a gerbil.  At conception, when the genetic materials from two human beings combine, a third human life is ignited.  That life may burn for only a day or it may burn for 100 years.  Regardless of how long it lasts, it is a human life, nevertheless.

Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?  Partial birth abortion means killing a full-term fetus, a human being.  That is murder by biological definition.  The media try to throw dust in our eyes about that fact, but most Americans know.  We might have mixed feelings about abortion in the first month of pregnancy, but a full-term baby is a human being, and whether it is killed ten minutes before or after delivery makes no difference.  It's still the same baby.  What part of "Thou Shalt Not Kill" don't liberals understand?

The Evolving Issue of Abortion.  Let us work hard and pray that those who continue to couch the taking of innocent life in terms like "women's health issues" might someday realize that a normal pregnancy is not a disease and that abortion is a voluntary act of infanticide, not a curative treatment.

The "Murder" of a Fetus:  If the California state statutes use the term "murder" to describe the killing of a fetus, then why can't pro-lifers use the same language?

Other specific cases

Editor's note:
The Editor wishes to apologize, in a way, for the disheartening series of reports that follows.  These incidents show the awfully low value placed on human life in America today.

Calif. mom arrested after baby dies in microwave.  Sacramento police arrested a 29-year-old mother Tuesday [6/21/2011] after an investigation found her baby likely died from burns suffered in a microwave oven.

Teen sentenced to life for murder of unborn baby.  A Charleston teenager was sentenced to life without mercy for the killing of an unborn baby in a convenience store shooting last November.  Kelly Juwan Chapman, 16, was also sentenced to another three to 15 years in prison for the attempted murder of the mother.  The ninth-grader accepted a plea deal from prosecutors in May.  It is the first time a person has been convicted and sentenced in the death of a fetus in Kanawha County [WV].

Conn. man arrested for beating 11-week-old girl.  A Rockville man is facing assault charges after police say he beat an 11-week-old baby.  The child is recovering from severe injuries, including broken bones and brain hemorrhaging.  Just over two months ago the baby was taken to the hospital with critical injuries that included a fractured skull, fifteen fractured ribs and other broken bones.

Teen sought in fetus slaying.  A 15-year-old boy who allegedly wanted his estranged girlfriend to get an abortion took matters into his own hands when he stomped and kicked her swollen belly, killing her unborn child by fracturing its skull, officials say.

Cellmate:  Mom said she killed her baby.  She was China Arnold's cellmate and lover, but after Arnold admitted killing her baby in a microwave, Linda Williams wanted out.  "I requested to leave the cell we were in," Williams testified Thursday [1/31/2008] in Arnold's aggravated murder trial.  "I didn't want to be there anymore."

Life sentence upheld for killer of mother, fetus.  The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Wednesday [11/21/2007] upheld the life prison sentence of a Dallas man convicted of the capital murder of a woman and her unborn child.  An anti-abortion group said the decision was the first by the court to affirm the constitutionality of a 2003 state law protecting unborn children from murder and assault.

Texas Man Gets Death for Killing Fetus.  A former youth pastor was sentenced to death Wednesday [2/7/2007] for killing a teenager and her fetus in what is believed to be the first such order in Texas, the nation's busiest death penalty state. … A 2003 Texas law amended the definition of the word "individual" to include an "unborn child at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth."

Planned Parenthood Nurse Admits Infanticide: "It Does Happen".  Yesterday [10/30/2008], Students for Life of America (SFLA) released undercover footage of a nurse at a Title X, federally funded Freehold, New Jersey Planned Parenthood facility describing how an abortion would be performed on a 22 week unborn child. ... In the footage, the Planned Parenthood nurse describes to the pregnant woman that an abortion at such a late stage would entail delivering her son and, after the woman asks if the baby can be born alive, the nurse admits that "it does happen, but it wouldn't be able to survive on its own so eventually the baby does die."

The Evil Logic Of Abortion:  Most people mightn't have thought about it, but it's no surprise that Scott Peterson, whose murdered wife has been national news since she went missing on Christmas Eve, stands charged with two murders.  Laci Peterson was pregnant, a tragic fact that raises the obvious question:  If a man who kills his pregnant wife can be charged with a double murder pursuant to a "fetal homicide" statute, then how can the law permit a doctor and a mother to collude in an abortion?

Scott Peterson Gets Death Penalty in Double Murder of Laci and Conner.  In a case that focused the nation's attention on violence against pregnant women, jurors in the Scott Peterson double murder trial sentenced him to the death penalty for the deaths of his wife Laci and unborn child Conner.  [There were two murder convictions.  The jury says he murdered two people.]

The Murder of the Petersons' Son Raises Right-to-Life Issues.  The murder of Conner Peterson was a key factor in the jury's decision to impose the death penalty on his killer, and the state law that allowed an unborn child to be deemed a murder victim created a serious legal problem for the abortion industry, which thrives on the fiction that unborn babies are not human life and are therefore expendable and cannot be treated as victims.

Mexican man sentenced to three years for killing wife, fetus in drunken crash.  A Mexican construction worker in the country illegally was sentenced today to three years in prison for causing the crash on New Year's Day that killed his pregnant wife and fetus.  Alfonso Martinez, 30, also lost his American driving privileges for life.  He pleaded guilty in May in Franklin County Common Pleas Court to two counts of aggravated vehicular homicide.  [Emphasis added]  And he could be deported to Mexico.

MA woman accused of killing unborn child, daughter.  A pregnant Massachusetts woman accused of killing her 9-year-old daughter and stabbing herself in the stomach to kill her unborn child could be arraigned in her hospital bed on Friday, a district attorney said.  Fang Chi Xue, 38, was treated for self-inflicted stab wounds to the arms and abdomen at Boston Medical Center and is expected to be arraigned on two counts of murder, Norfolk District Attorney William Keating said.  She was 7½ months pregnant.

Police shoot, kill man who savagely beat toddler to death near Turlock.  Sergio Aguilar, 27, parked his gold 2002 Toyota truck on West Bradbury Road near the intersection of South Blaker Road in rural Stanislaus County, then punch, kicked and stomped the small boy to death until a Modesto police officer, dropped on the scene by a helicopter, shot the man dead. ... [A sheriff's department spokesman] said on Sunday that DNA testing may be required to identify the toddler because he was beaten beyond recognition.

Connor Peterson, RIP.  Leave it to the feminists. Why is NOW defending Scott Peterson for the murder of his pre-born son?

The Bobbie Jo Stinnett case:
From fetus to baby.  This is a horrific crime that, like the Scott Peterson case, opens an uncomfortable window into our culture's tortured reasoning on anything related to unborn life.  During the coverage of the crime, the status of the Bobbie Jo Stinnett's unborn girl steadily changed. … [A] "fetus" — something for which American law and culture has very little respect — was somehow instantly transformed into a "baby" and "infant" — for which we have the highest respect.  By what strange alchemy does that happen?

Editor's note:
The details of this story are worth noting:  The mother was strangled.  Killed.  Dead.  Then the baby was cut out of the mother's body and kidnapped.  Before long, the baby was recovered in another state in good condition.  Did that mass of tissue suddenly become a separate person when it was cut out of the dead mother's body?  No, the baby was a separate person already, and had been for several months.

Appeals court vacates order delaying Lisa Montgomery's execution.  A federal appeals court has cleared the way for the only woman on federal death row to be executed before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.  The ruling, handed down Friday [1/1/2021] by a three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, concluded that a lower court judge erred when he vacated Lisa Montgomery's execution date in an order last week. [...] Montgomery was convicted of killing 23-year-old Bobbie Jo Stinnett in the northwest Missouri town of Skidmore in December 2004.  She used a rope to strangle Stinnett, who was eight months pregnant, and then cut the baby girl from the womb with a kitchen knife, authorities said.  Montgomery took the child with her and attempted to pass the girl off as her own, prosecutors said.

Update 2:
Woman Who Strangled Pregnant Mom to Death and Cut Out Her Baby is Executed.  A woman who strangled a pregnant mom to death and cut out her unborn baby to parade around as her own has been executed.  Federal death row inmate Lisa Montgomery's execution took place this morning [1/13/2021].  A lower court judge had vacated that execution date on Dec. 24 after Montgomery's lawyers said they tested positive for coronavirus on their way to visit her in prison.  But a federal appeals court reinstated the date.  After the Supreme Court cleared the last hurdle for her execution by overturning a stay, Montgomery, 52, was pronounced dead at 1:31 a.m. at the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.  She received a lethal injection seven-and-half hours after her originally scheduled time of execution, according to The Associated Press.  Now, Montgomery is the first female prisoner executed in a federal prison in almost 70 years.

Where are the "pro-choice" activists now?  Had Bobbie Jo Stinnett decided to have an abortion, there is no question that, legally speaking, she would have been entitled to do so.  Of course, Stinnett did no such thing.  She was ruthlessly murdered by Lisa Montgomery, who then stole Stinnett's unborn daughter.  But, gruesomely enough, in this country today, Stinnett, had she desired to, could have excised the baby growing inside her womb herself with the help of a doctor.

Mother sacrificed her life by refusing cancer treatment so her premature baby would live.  Lorraine Allard was told four months into the pregnancy the devastating news that she was in the advanced stages of cancer.  A further blow came when doctors advised her to terminate the foetus, which was 23 weeks old, and start chemotherapy straight away.  Instead, she insisted on waiting long enough to give her unborn son a chance to survive, telling her husband, Martyn:  "If I am going to die, my baby is going to live."

[This item is included here as another illustration that the mother and baby are two separate people.]

Abortion Chic:  A nine-week-old fetus, for the record, has a heartbeat, a closed circulatory system, a respiratory system, eyes, ears and brain function.  She can't go shopping yet, but she can squint, swallow, move her tongue and make a fist.  She is not, in other words, "just a clump of cells."  The problem with petitions and "I Had An Abortion" T-shirts, such as those hawked by Planned Parenthood, is that they trivialize the deeply emotional and spiritual consequences many women suffer.

Don't tear a smiling foetus from the womb.  Advanced scanning means we have a window on the secret life of foetuses.  At 11 weeks we can see them yawn, and even take steps.  At 22 weeks, they begin to open their eyes.  Between 20 and 24 weeks we watch as they seem to cry, smile and frown.  Understandably, these incredible images have influenced the debate on abortion.

When Liberals Shoot Children.  Given the right circumstances, liberal feminists, activist lawyers, and judges who should be impeached for their lack of judgement — will first allow and then defend the cold-blooded shooting of an innocent child.  They did so this week.

Same story:
Woman Aborts Her Full-Term Baby With a Gun.  Prosecutors say that on the morning she was scheduled to give birth, [Tammy] Skinner drove to an auto dealer's parking lot, took a gun, and shot herself in the belly, killing the fetus in an act of self-abortion.  Skinner was charged with carrying out an illegal abortion.  Is Skinner a criminal?  Today [10/19/2006], a Virginia judge said no.  The charges were dropped, her case dismissed.

Sheriff:  Man Wanted 'Hit' on Unborn Baby.  A man tried to hire someone to kill his unborn child after learning his ex-girlfriend was pregnant and about to give birth, Stevens County Sheriff Craig Thayer said Thursday [9/12/2006].

Samuel's Spina Bifida Surgery In Utero:  During a spina bifida corrective procedure at twenty-one weeks in utero, Samuel thrusts his tiny hand out of the surgical opening of his mother's uterus.  As the doctor lifts his hand, Samuel reacts to the touch and squeezes the doctor's finger.  As if testing for strength, the doctor shakes the tiny fist.  Samuel held firm.

New Law Protects Unborn Victims.  Under this law, those who direct violence toward a pregnant woman will answer for the full extent of the harm they have done.

Deadly Trend:  Sociologist Stefan Timmerman has observed that "Humans in every society studied to date are more likely to be murdered on the day they are born than on any other day of their lives."  Timmerman was quoted recently by bioethicist Wesley J. Smith in the online publication To the Source.  Smith rightly claims that while infanticide was commonly accepted in ancient times, only the Jews and the Christians actively opposed it. … So, as Western culture abandons its Christian roots, we ought not to be surprised that infanticide is making a comeback.

Woman in W.Pa. baby mystery charged with homicide.  A woman suspected of cutting open a pregnant woman's uterus and stealing the baby has been charged with homicide, unlawful restraint and kidnapping, police said Sunday [7/20/2008].  Andrea Curry-Demus, 38, of Wilkinsburg, is charged in the death of Kia Johnson, 18, of McKeesport. Curry-Demus is accused of taking the baby boy to a Pittsburgh hospital and claiming it was her own.

Woman Settles Abortion Lawsuit Over Baby's Disposal.  A woman has settled her lawsuit against Los Angeles County involving the disposal of her infant daughter as "bio-waste" after she had an abortion.

The Editor asks...
How can she believe that the child is something to be disposed of (through abortion), and then be upset that the body wasn't handed over for funeral services?  No sane person can stand on both sides of that fence.

29-year-old man admits killing infant daughter with boiling water.  A 29-year-old father pleaded guilty today [6/21/2010] to killing his 9-month-old daughter with boiling water.  The plea meant Joseph Nemitz avoided the death penalty.  He was sentenced for aggravated murder to 30 years to life in prison.

The numbers are surprising.

Most people are unaware of the scope of this problem.

Ohio Abortion Businesses Killed 20,000 Babies in Abortions Last Year.  Today, the Ohio Department of Health released the 2023 Ohio Induced Abortion Report, revealing an increase in the number of abortions since the 2022 report.  A total of 22,000 abortions were reported, up from 18,488 in 2022.  Abortions increased approximately 40% amongst minors and were overwhelmingly performed on Black women, with that demographic undergoing 43.9% percent of all abortions in Ohio.  Black Ohioans comprise approximately 13.0% of Ohio's total population.  "These death statistics are heartbreaking as abortion continues to target minorities and tragically now our school-aged children," said Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life.  "The number of women traveling to Ohio to have an abortion has doubled which has led to the spike in the number of total induced abortions in our State.  Ohio, sadly is becoming a destination state for aborting babies," said Gonidakis.

National Day of Remembrance on September 14 Will Remember 65 Million Babies Killed in Abortions.  Years ago, I conceived the idea of having a day where we would invite people nationwide to pray at the graves of aborted babies.  I had presided over may funerals of aborted babies, such as this one in Detroit, or the large one we held at Mother Angelica's Shrine in 2008.  I always saw the impact these ceremonies had on the participants.  It was sanity in the midst of insanity.  It was a proper response to children who had been killed, rather than a twisted celebration of a "reproductive right" that doesn't exist.  So what if we brought people together at all these gravesites, and could draw attention to them by means of a special day each year?

America In Decline.  [Scroll down]  Lastly, the exaltation of the family as the fundamental institution of American life took a big hit with the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1973.  By removing abortion from being a local matter to being nationally valid and constitutional, the death of 60-million-plus babies took on a bogus veneer of legitimacy as all those precious souls were sacrificed on the altar of women's health.  For 2020, a total of 620,327 abortions were reported to CDC, and the abortion ratio was 198 abortions per 1,000 live births.  That means that an incredibly high one out of six births were aborted.  Only a small percent of the abortions were to protect the health of the moms.  Those purposeful killings were and continue to be the greatest holocaust in human history.  With this wholesale rejection of children, not only was our tax base and our military recruitment adversely affected, but the centrality of the family as the pillar of society was undermined.

Wanted:  A Victims Of Abortion Memorial.  Every abortion ends a life.  This is not disputed.  Any high school biology textbook will tell you that at conception a new human life is formed, distinct from both the mother and the father, with its own unique DNA, complete with a unique set of chromosomes.  The abortion debate is not about whether an unborn child is alive.  It is about whether an unborn child can be legally and arbitrarily killed without any semblance of due process.  According to the World Health Organization, nearly 18 million people worldwide die each year of heart disease and another ten million from cancer.  By comparison, 40 million human lives are lost globally each year via abortion, making it the world's leading cause of death.  Nearly all abortions are elective in nature.  Communism kills like cancer, but nothing kills like convenience.  In the United States alone, over 60 million lives were aborted during the era of nationwide mass abortion ushered in by the Supreme Court in 1973.  By the time that era was ushered out by the Court last month, one in five pregnancies ended in abortion nationwide.

Yes, abortion is infanticide.  Infanticide has always been a serious component of the ugly side of human nature.  Archaeologists have done a lot of digging in Ashkelon, an ancient town in what is typically known as the Holy Land.  They found the town's sewer, and, in a bend in the channel, they found a pile of infant skeletons.  Forensic analysis could not find any congenital defects in the remains.  It has thus been assumed that the local residents were disposing of their unwanted children.  Fast forward to our modern world.  We have a judicial edict that no state can outlaw pregnancy termination.  Hence, for the last half century, every time a Supreme Court Justice sneezes, the Roe v. Wade partisans, on both sides, line up in full battle regalia.  It used to be that the several states would individually license and thus regulate medical practice.  Then, suddenly, a particularly controversial practice was mandated, regardless of local opinion.

Abortion [was the] Leading Global Cause of Death in 2021 with 43 Million Killed.  Abortion was the leading cause of death globally in 2021, with nearly 43 million unborn babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.  As of noon on December 31, 2021, there were 42.6 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS, 1.3 million from traffic fatalities, and 1 million from suicide.  Totaling all the deaths in the world from causes other than abortion reveals a figure of 58.7 million, meaning that abortions accounted for just over 42 percent of all human deaths in 2021.

Abortion [was the] Leading Global Cause of Death in 2020 with 42.7 Million Killed.  Abortion was once again the number-one cause of death globally in 2020, with a record 42.7 million unborn babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.  As of December 31, 2020, there were 42.7 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, and 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS.  By comparison, worldwide deaths from the coronavirus in 2020 totaled 1.8 million, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death in 2019 With Toll in the Millions.  While the media, activists, and politicians may have gone into overdrive when it came to highlighting deaths by things like firearms and white supremacy in 2019, the real king of the killers was the abortion industry and not by a small margin either.  According to LifeNews.com, the number of babies aborted last year was a shocking 42.3 million, outnumbering the other top causes of death combined.

CDC's latest abortion report is untimely and incomplete.  The latest abortion surveillance (not our term) report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention brought welcome news that abortion rates in the United States continue to fall.  But the report also underscored the chronic shortcomings of our national abortion reporting system.  U.S. abortion data is increasingly inadequate for the CDC's stated goals of measuring unintended pregnancies and pregnancy outcomes and tracking changes in clinical practice.  The CDC itself admits that abortion data is incomplete, inconsistent, and insufficient for detailed analyses, and as the most recent report illustrates, the problem is only getting worse.  There is no single federal government source for the total number of abortions performed in the U.S. each year, and the state data that the CDC relies on for this report is incomplete.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973.  The number and rate of abortions across the United States have plunged to their lowest levels since the procedure became legal nationwide in 1973, according to new figures released Wednesday [9/18/2019]. The report from the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights, counted 862,000 abortions in the U.S. in 2017.

More Than 200,000 Abortions Performed In England, Wales During 2018: Health Department.  Abortions in England and Wales surged in 2018, with 200,608 residents undergoing the procedure, according to the Department of Health and Social Care.  The department released 2018 Abortion Statistics that revealed increases in abortions for women aged 15 to 44.  "There were 200,608 abortions for women resident in England and Wales in 2018 and 205,295 abortions including non-residents," the statistics report stated.  "The figure for women resident[s] in England and Wales is an increase of 4% since 2017 and the highest number recorded."

End the Holocaust on the Unborn.  The 46-year holocaust targeting unborn children has taken a toll of over 60 million babies' lives.  Untold numbers of distraught fathers and mothers are tortured by the grief and trauma at their children's violent death.  Some never recover from the guilt and shame for taking part in this horror, having been lied to by radical organizations like Planned Parenthood.  These crimes against humanity are endorsed by the Democratic Party, and abetted by RINO Republicans who pay lip service but cower to political correctness.

Abortion is the world's leading cause of death.  If I asked you what the leading cause of death in the world is, I imagine the first answer to pop into your mind would be a disease such as cancer.  It wouldn't be a bad guess — cancer kills more than 8 million people every year.  But it's not the right answer.  You might then consider AIDS or smoking or alcohol-related deaths — or perhaps even traffic accidents.  Combined, the four are responsible for the deaths of over 11 million people around the world.  But the leading cause of death in the world is none of those.  In fact, it kills more people than all of them combined.

Abortion Killed 42 Million People In 2018.  While the Left frets about the inhumanity of President Trump's immigration policy and the cruelty of ICE, let it be known that 42 million people died from abortions in 2018.  According to LifeNews, data compiled by Worldometers shows 42 million abortions occurred worldwide in 2018.  Those numbers exceed deaths related to cancer, HIV/AIDS, traffic accidents, and suicide.  Woldometers collects its data from governments and other reputable organizations to compile its data.

Hispanic Babies Aborted in U.S. Outnumber Caravan Migrants 7 to 1.  Far more Hispanic babies have been aborted in the United States than there are migrants reported to be in the caravan en route through Mexico to the U.S. border.  A report released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows, in 2015, 72,056 Hispanic women — or 17.5 percent of all women who reported abortions — had abortions in the 31 states that reported abortion statistics, as well as in the District of Columbia.  According to the New York Times, the number of migrants in the caravan "could reach more than 10,000," officials estimate, revealing the number of Hispanic babies aborted in the United States to have outnumbered the estimated number of migrants by about seven to one.

American Genocide: 60 million babies murdered in 45 years.  One thing I have learned is that anytime I write about abortion, my readers simply find something else to read.  However, when 60 [million] American children have been murdered, with legal protection for their killers, I can't be silent.  So you can keep on ignoring me if you would like.  Someone has to speak for those who never have a chance to speak for themselves.

Remember the 60 Million Unborn Babies Who Have Died in the Abortion Wars.  This Memorial Day weekend, I pay tribute to those who've erected memorials and crosses to children lost to abortion.  You have honored the dignity of precious babies who never got a chance to taste a popsicle on a hot summer's day or to see a row of daffodils blowing in the breeze or to hold their mother's hand.  You have cherished those who were deemed expendable in the world created by seven Supreme Court justices.

Former Abortionist: 'I Probably Murdered More People than Ted Bundy'.  Dr. Kathi Aultman, who used to perform abortions early in her career but stopped after converting to Christianity and realizing the evil parallels between abortion and the Holocaust, said that she had "probably murdered more people than Ted Bundy or any other mass murderers."  She added that she is thankful to God for using her to "save babies now when once I used to kill them."  During a March 19 interview with CBN News' Charlene Aaron, the host said, "Part of that [Christian] transformation included no longer doing abortions.  Still, Aultman held onto her belief that a woman had the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.  Two years later, after reading an article comparing abortion with the Nazi Holocaust, she saw herself as a mass murderer."

CDC: One in Three NYC Babies Is Aborted.  New York City continues to claim the title of America's abortion capital.  The Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) latest Abortion Surveillance report (for 2014) reveals that one in three babies is aborted in the five boroughs of New York City.  According to the CDC, 47 states and the District of Columbia (as in past years, California, Maryland, and New Hampshire refused to participate) reported a total of 652,639 abortions for 2014, with New York City accounting for an astounding 67,620 of those pre-born deaths.  As noted by LifeNews.com, that number accounts for "34.8 abortions for every 1,000 women of reproductive age (15-44), and the highest abortion ratio — 575 abortions for every 1,000 live births."

When abortion suddently stopped making sense.  In the 43 years since Roe v.  Wade, there have been 59 million abortions.  It's hard even to grasp a number that big.  Twenty years ago, someone told me that, if the names of all those lost babies were inscribed on a wall, like the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the wall would have to stretch for 50 miles.  It's 20 years later now, and that wall would have to stretch twice as far.  But no names could be written on it; those babies had no names.

1 Every 5 Hours:  NYC Late-Term Abortion Capital.  In New York City, where the Statue of Liberty stands, 1,752 unborn children at least 21 weeks of age — and still in their mother's wombs — were killed in 2013.  That means, on average, someone in New York City killed one of these unborn children every five hours.  Legal abortionists were the perpetrators.  Elected officials, Supreme Court justices and elites who condone and rationalize such killings were the co-conspirators.

100,000 People are Alive Today Because Pro-Life Ireland Prohibits Abortions.  The Pro Life Campaign today published an actuarial report estimating how many lives have been saved by the 8th Amendment.  Today is the anniversary of the 1983 Pro-Life Amendment that protects mothers and babies during pregnancy.  It is impossible to arrive at a precise figure on the number of lives saved by the Amendment as there are so many variables involved.  A conservative approach was adopted at every stage of the analysis.  A range of countries was chosen for comparative purposes, from our closest neighbours England and Wales to culturally Catholic countries like Spain, Portugal and Belgium.  The year 1994 was chosen as a start date for the analysis for the reasons outlined in the explanatory document.

The Ugly Truth About Abortion From A Doctor Who Performed Them.  A former abortionist who turned against killing unborn children has just released a series of videos on YouTube explaining the truth behind abortion.  Dr.  Anthony Levantino uses the animated series to illustrate the procedures that claim some 3,000 lives a day in abortion clinics like the one he used to work in.  That number represents far more deaths than those caused by gun violence, an issue liberals are obsessed with.  An incredible 83 times more unborn humans are killed by abortion each year than all deaths by gun violence.  Remove gang-related gun violence from the equation and there is a 0.0008% chance of dying at the hands of a gunman on a shooting rampage.  However, a preborn baby has a 20% or 1 in 5 shot at being killed using one of the methods we will be discussing.

One of 3,348 Women Tell Supreme Court About Harm From Abortion: It's The 'Daily Equivalent of 9/11'.  One of the 3,348 women who are part of The Justice Foundation's amicus curiae brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in the Whole Women's Health v. Hellerstedt case compared the harm abortion causes to the trauma following the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, which killed almost 3,000 people.  "Nothing wounds you like being responsible for the death of your child," Myra Jean Myers said at a press conference on Tuesday at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C.  "Do you realize today and every day is the daily equivalent of 9/11, when across America women and men are deceived and wounded?"

100 Facts About The Moral Collapse Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
[#34]  In a massacre that is almost unspeakable, more than 56 million American babies have been slaughtered in this country since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.
[#35]  Approximately 47 percent of the women that get an abortion each year in the United States have also had a previous abortion.
[#36]  The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the number of U.S. military deaths that have occurred in all of the wars that the United States has ever been involved in combined.
[#37]  About one-third of all American women will have had an abortion by the age of 45.
[#38]  Approximately 3,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11.  Every single day, more than 3,000 American babies are killed by abortion when you include all forms of abortion.
[#39]  The United States has the highest abortion rate in the western world.
[#40]  It has been reported that a staggering 41 percent of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion.
[#41]  Most women that get abortions in the United States claim to be Christian.  Protestant women get 42 percent of all abortions and Catholic women get 27 percent of all abortions.
[#42]  According to Pastor Clenard Childress, approximately 52 percent of all African-American pregnancies now end in abortion.
[#43]  About 18 percent of all abortions in the United States each year are performed on teenagers.
[#44]  One very shocking study found that 86 percent of all abortions are done for the sake of convenience.

The actual number is at least 11.1%
Abortions Aren't Just 3 Percent of Planned Parenthood's Services.  There's a famous book called "How to Lie With Statistics" that is an excellent primer on the myriad ways big companies, politicians and anyone else with something to sell can use numbers to paint a picture that sounds good but doesn't really reflect reality.  The leaders of Planned Parenthood and their PR teams have clearly read the book.  You may have heard the tall tale that abortion procedures are a mere 3 percent of the services offered by Planned Parenthood.  You can even find charts proving it in the organization's annual reports.  The claim is an outright lie.  The deception resides in the way Planned Parenthood decides to divvy up what it calls "services."

Abortionists Have Killed More Americans Than Lived in U.S. in 1880.  The Guttmacher Institute has estimated the number of abortions in the United States in each year from 1973 through 2011.  They add up to 51,376,750 — or 1,187,541 more than the entire population of the nation as of 1880.  In each of the last 36 straight years for which Guttmacher has published an estimate of the number of abortions, the number has exceeded 1 million.

Utah's Abortion Rate Drops to [its] Lowest Level Ever.  Among other measures, Utah is the only state in the nation to require a 72-hour abortion waiting period, and some, including Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, cite the law as the primary cause of this decrease.  Utah's abortion rate fell to 4.6 abortions per 1,000 women in 2013, down from a high of 11.1 in 1980 and 7.2 in 1975, according to the Utah Department of Health.  Some 2,893 women in the state had abortions in 2013, even though the population of women in their childbearing years has doubled since 1977.

CDC: 18% of all pregnancies end in abortion; 730,322 is a new 'low'.  Exactly 18 percent of all pregnancies ended in abortion, for a total of 730,322, with most to unmarried women, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  But that is good news, the agency added, because it was an "historic low."  The latest figures are from 2011 and show a downward overall trend in abortions since 2002, especially among younger women.  But the numbers are up among women 25 and older, with a big jump among women over 40, said CDC.

The issue is life.  Abortion is nothing less than fetal homicide.  Not only is abortion the taking of precious human life, it is a formula for social and economic disaster.  Since Roe v Wade, Americans have terminated the lives of more that 50 million future consumers, producers and taxpayers. No wonder our generation distribution is out of balance.  According to Social Security, there is now one beneficiary for each 2.9 working contributors.  No wonder the system is going broke.  What would the numbers be like if there were an additional 50 million contributors under the age of 40?  Unfortunately, they lost their life at the hands of an abortionist.

One year after opening, South Wind clinic reports providing 1,200 abortions.  South Wind Women's Center says it provided about 1,200 abortions in its first year.  The center opened a year ago in the same building where Wichita doctor George Tiller provided abortions before Scott Roeder murdered him in church in 2009.  No clinic offered abortions in Wichita after Tiller died until South Wind opened.

NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born.  In 2012, there were more black babies killed by abortion (31,328) in New York City than were born there (24,758), and the black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in the Big Apple, according to a report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.  The report is entitled, Summary of Vital Statistics 2012 The City of New York, Pregnancy Outcomes, and was prepared by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of Vital Statistics.

Marist poll shows most Americans favor increasing abortion restrictions.  Fifty-five million children have been killed and discarded over the last 41 years.

Babies Aborted in NYC in 1 Yr Would Fill Super Bowl Stadium.  Abortionists terminated the lives of 83,750 babies in New York City in 2010, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's latest "Abortion Surveillance" report, which was published on Nov. 29, 2013.  That is more than enough people to sell out MetLife Stadium, site of this year's Super Bowl, which is located in East Rutherford, N.J., and is home to both the New York Jets and the New York Giants.  According to its official website, MetLife has a capacity of 82,500.

What do 55 million people have in common?  Since 1973, legal abortions in America have taken the lives of 55 million people.  If 55 million Americans died tomorrow, whoever led the genocide would not get a parade in celebration, bumper stickers in support, or be a viable candidate for political office.  Fifty-five million lives equals 17.5% of the country's current population.

40 Abortions Take Place Every Week Two Blocks from the White House.  It's not hard to understand why pro-lifers often see DC as little more than a morgue.  At a rate that is twice the national average, 41 percent of pregnancies end in abortion.  Not exactly pleasant statistics for the capital of "freedom."  Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington has been operating for 70 years now.

40 Years Later, 54,559,615 Abortions.  Today [1/22/2103] is the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court rulling on Roe v. Wade.  The National Right to Life Committee estimates that, in that time period, there have been 54,559,615 abortions in America.

Kermit Gosnell: Secret Hero of the Left.  Countless Americans falsely believe that disposing of a pre-born infant is more about women's life choices than tiny crumpled corpses filling red biohazard bags.  Therefore, without much resistance, every day in America, 3,500 babies are aborted, discarded, and promptly carted off to the crematorium.  Now, much to the dismay of liberals, Gosnell's murder trial is providing an up-close guided tour of a "baby charnel house" and in the process is exposing those in denial to the harsh reality that, regardless of gestational status, abortion means that babies die excruciating deaths.

Before the Gosnell Blackout, There Was Tiller's.  If there was any real difference between what the late abortionist George Tiller did in Wichita over the course of his long career and what Kermit Gosnell did in Philadelphia, it was hygiene.  Tiller had a largely white, middle-class clientele.  They came to him from all over the world.  Before his murder in 2009, he had boasted on his website of having "more experience in late abortion services with fetuses over 24 weeks than anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere, more than 60,000 since 1973."

Why the United States is a Dying Country.  [Scroll down]  [Over the past 40 years] the American people have sanctioned, through legal abortions, the death of over 54.5 million children.  Once this disregard of human life took hold, the citizens of this nation were susceptible to wholesale changes within society.  Far too many of the American people, flush with prosperity, willfully ignored the infiltration of the education, media and entertainment establishments by the 1960's radicals, the most narcissistic and radical legion of socialist true-believers on the face of the earth.  Through the control of these media of indoctrination, an ever increasing percentage of the population has been conditioned to believe there are no moral absolutes and there is a limitless list of rights as granted by the government.

13 Abortions for Every 10 Live Births in Russia.  Russia's demographic disaster, [Jonathan V.] Last details, is being exasperated by the fact that abortions are outpacing live births in Russia.  "Abortion is rampant, with 13 abortions performed for every 10 live births," writes Last.  "Consider that for a moment:  Russians are so despondent about the future that they have 30 percent more abortions than births."

Abortion still has not liberated women.  On Jan. 22, our nation commemorated the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling on Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in America by a 7-2 vote.  Steeped in "right to privacy" language, the court ruled that women should have a legal right to abortion.  On Friday [1/25/2013], hundreds of thousands flocked to the nation's capitol to commemorate the 55 million lives that have been lost to abortion in the last 40 years, and the mothers and fathers who still bear the scars of their choices.

Where Will You Be on the Morning of January 22?  Most Americans, I suspect would be horrified if they realized 41 percent of children in New York City are aborted.  When New Yorkers were polled about that in 2011, even 57 percent of pro-choice women thought the rate too high.  Greg Pfundstein, president of the Chiaroscuro Foundation, which commissioned that poll, put it well last week:  "New York's abortion regime is among the most liberal on planet Earth already.  The notion that women need more access to abortion in New York is simply preposterous."

Planned Parenthood Did One Abortion Every 95 Seconds — As Many in One Year as Live In Cincinnati.  Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in the United States in 2009, according to a fact sheet the group published last month.  That is about as many as the 333,012 people who lived in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2009, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  The 332,278 abortions Planned Parenthood performed over the 365 days of 2009 equals an average of 910 lives terminated per day — or about 38 per hour, or one every 95 seconds.

As long as we are banning stuff...  Abortion is death, after all.  Abortion; death of the most innocent.  A total of 827,609 abortions were reported to CDC for 2007.  In 2008, approximately 1.21 million abortions took place in the U.S.  No current data is available.  Or, bluntly — 3,325 every day of the year in 2008, meaning 139 innocent lives every hour.  Or, 5.3 Newtown catastrophes every hour for an entire year, round the clock.

5 Signs Of Societal Degeneration In America.  [#5]  Marriage:  Between 1890-1950 black Americans had higher marriage rates than white Americans.  Since then, we've seen the unconscionable slaughter of more than 50 million innocent children since Roe v. Wade, an explosion of out-of-wedlock births and a deterioration of marriage.  In 1900 the divorce rate in America was 8.1% while in recent years, it has hovered between 40%-50%.  Additionally, the illegitimacy rate has gone up 300% just since 1970.

Abortion and Rape.  Abortion takes the life of innocent human beings who are the most vulnerable in our society.  Abortion is today the most frequently performed medical procedure in the United States.  American physicians perform about two abortions every minute of every hour of every day:  about 1 million a year since 1973.  In my home state of New Jersey, abortion is permitted up to the moment of birth, and the state will even pay for it if the mother meets certain financial criteria.  How low have we sunk?  What are the consequences of this mass slaughter?  How did we get here?

Abortion 'holocaust'? If the shoe fits ...  Whereas the Nazis were responsible for the wholesale murder of more than 6 million Jews, those today who support the practice of abortion homicide are no less complicit in the systematic slaughter of 55-million-and-counting equally precious human beings post Roe v. Wade.  The parallels are undeniable and the science unequivocal.  Murder is murder whatever stage of development the human victim.

Obama and the Marxist/Communist View of Marriage and Abortion.  [Scroll down]  The Bolsheviks advocated abortion.  It was one of the first things they legalized.  By the early 1920s, Bolshevik Russia had the most liberal abortion policies in the world.  And what happened?  Just like divorce, abortion exploded.  In fact, the proliferation in abortions was so bad that it shocked even Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger during a trip to Russia in 1934.  By the 1970s, when America was just getting around to legalizing abortion, the Soviet Union was averaging over 7 million abortions per year — dwarfing the very worst rates in America post-Roe v. Wade.  The direct effect of this on the Russian population has been staggering.  For the record, Russia's horrific abortion rates are common in communist countries, which to this day lead the world in abortions.

Eleven Thousand Reasons Why Planned Parenthood Can't Be Trusted.  For the past five years, every dawn has brought additional evidence of the fact that Planned Parenthood and its allies in the abortion industry cannot be trusted to tell the truth about the one thing they should know well — abortion.  Just over five years ago, on April 18, 2007, the Supreme Court announced its opinion in Gonzales v. Carhart, holding that the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act was constitutional.  Since then, we have lived in a world where partial-birth abortions have been illegal in the United States under federal law (and now many state laws).  Yet the most valuable part of the Gonzales opinion may not be its upholding of the PBA Ban, but the fact that it called the abortion industry's bluff.  And history has now demonstrated that Planned Parenthood and its allies were holding a joker.

NYC, Abortion Capital.  While the total number of abortions, as well as the abortion ratio, is down over the period citywide, both the number of abortions and the abortion ratio increased in the majority of zip codes, indicating uneven progress.  The number of live births also increased in the majority of zip codes.  A number of zip codes were among the ten zip codes with the highest ratio for at least five years.  Two zip codes, 11212 and 11233, were in the top ten in eight of the ten years, and one, 11216, was in the top ten every year.  These three zip codes are contiguous in central Brooklyn, at the confluence of the Brownsville and Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhoods.

54,559,615 Abortions Since Roe vs. Wade Decision in 1973.  A new estimate published by the National Right to Life Committee indicates there have been an estimated 54,559,615 abortions since the Supreme Court handed down its 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision allowing virtually unlimited abortions.  Although the March for Life took place today, yesterday was the 39th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions  — companion cases from Texas and Georgia that struck down pro-life laws protecting unborn children across the country.

Planned Parenthood Did One Abortion Every 95 Seconds.  Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in the United States in 2009, according to a fact sheet the group published last month.  That is about as many as the 333,012 people who lived in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2009, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Race | poverty | abortion

Race, Poverty and Abortion.  How are the number of annual abortions in the United States distributed by race?  And how does that compare to the distribution of the potential child-bearing (Age 15-44) population of the United States by race?  Or for that matter, how does that compare to the racial distribution of the poor in the United States, as measured by enrollment of the non-elderly in Medicaid?

Planned Parenthood Is About Abortion.  Planned Parenthood has done a great job of using the media to cultivate an image of a squeaky-clean organization that provides such unobjectionable-sounding itmes as reproductive health services and family-planning aids in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the need for abortion.  Despite the fact that the wider media consistently describes them as such, that depiction is not accurate.  It can't be overlooked that Planned Parenthood performs abortions on a massive scale:  332,278 abortions in 2009, more than one-quarter of all abortions nationwide.

To Live and Die in Philadelphia.  Make no mistake: Abortion genuinely is a business in the United States, and a big one.  The grand jury estimated that [Dr. Kermit] Gosnell was bringing in nearly $1.8 million a year, mostly in cash, by performing ordinary (or "just a little illegal") first- and second-trimester abortions with his untrained staff every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night.  No one knows how much more he made from the operations he apparently performed most Sundays:  the abortions so late in the third trimester that he allowed only his wife to help with them.  Add what he made by writing prescriptions for narcotics — he was one of the top three Oxycontin prescribers in the state — and the man was running his own little mint on the streets of Philadelphia.

Nearly 50 Million Abortions Have Been Performed in U.S. Since Roe v. Wade.  Statistics compiled over the past decade show that the number of abortions in the United States has dropped precipitously since the early 1980s, but the procedure still remains a prevalent form of birth control in this country and around the world.  According to the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, there were 846,181 abortions in the U.S. in 2006, the latest year for which government records are available.

39 Percent Of NYC Pregnancies Result In Abortion.  In 2009, there were 225,667 pregnancies in the City with 126,774 resulting in live births and 87,273 resulting in abortions.

Editor's note:
The title of this article originally said "41 percent" but for some reason it was later changed to "39 percent."

U.S. Abortion Statistics:  In 2005 (the most recent year for which there is reliable data), approximately 1.21 million abortions took place in the U.S., down from an estimated 1.29 million in 2002, 1.31 million in 2000 and 1.36 million in 1996.  From 1973 through 2005, more than 45 million legal abortions have occurred in the U.S.  (Source:  The Alan Guttmacher Institute).

Abortions rose in Illinois in 2008.  The number of abortions performed in 2008 increased 5 percent in Illinois to 47,717, the most in 10 years, state officials reported.

None Dare Call it Genocide.  Dennis Howard told EWTN television network on the day of the March for Life in Washington, D.C. that legalized abortion is the equivalent of 260 Haiti disasters on American soil.  The death toll from abortion in the U.S. is over 52 million.  One of the differences is that Haiti is the result of a natural disaster.  Abortion is man-made.

Since April, 114 Children Have Died from H1N1 — but 700,000 Have Died from Abortion.  Swine flu has claimed the lives of at least 114 children in the United States since April, according to the latest data available from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  But an estimated 2,247 to 3,305 babies lose their lives to abortion each day, based on statistics compiled by both the CDC and the Guttmacher Institute, a private research foundation tied to the abortion industry.

Abortion Kills More Black Americans  ...than the seven leading causes of death combined, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2005, the latest year for which the abortion numbers are available.  Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race in 2005, according to the CDC.  During that same year, according to the CDC, a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined.  These were the seven leading causes of death for black Americans that year.

Piercing the Skull.  The crucial change in American thinking about abortion came not with Roe v. Wade in 1973 but with the pregnancy of Sherri Finkbine in 1962. … Two score and five years later, the carnage from our domestic war has been enormous.  We rightly mourn the 3,400 members of the American military who have died defending us in Iraq over the past four years:  They're human beings.  We largely ignore a number almost 15,000 times greater — close to 50 million killed since Finkbine's child — but that's OK:  They're just fetuses.

Constituency Aborted.  As of 2008 anyone born before 1990 will be old enough to vote.  This also means that anyone unfortunate enough to have their life interrupted by an abortionist before their birth day is old enough to vote also.  I reviewed the CDC's numbers on abortion and found that between 1970 and 1990 22,689,118 fetuses were aborted.  That would have been 22,689,118 voters between the ages of 18 and 38.  I reviewed the demographics of the women who had these abortions considering ages, ethnicity, marital status, and the fact that they exercised their right to end their pregnancy and I think I am safe to estimate that about 80% of these aborted voters would vote Democrat.

Roe v. Wade:  There have been more than 48.5 million abortions in the United States since Roe was decided, according to tallies analyzed by the National Right to Life Coalition.  This staggering figure alone gives reason to pause.

Howard Dean's Abortion Contortions:  A 1994-1995 AGI survey of abortion patients found that in states where Medicaid pays for abortions, women covered by Medicaid have an abortion rate 3.9 times that of women who are not covered, while in states that do not permit Medicaid funding for abortions, Medicaid recipients are only 1.6 times as likely as nonrecipients to have abortions.  A more recent study by Dr. Michael New of the University of Alabama found:  "State laws restricting the use of Medicaid funds in paying for abortions reduced the abortion rate by 29.66" abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age.

Abortion and America's Future:  It was supposed to be big news that the abortion rate has fallen to its lowest level in 30 years.  They did not tell us that an estimated 49 million have died through abortion in America since 1973.  But the damage has been felt in other ways.  The Supreme Court's legalization of abortion has undermined the philosophy of God-given rights that made our progress as a nation possible.

Abortion Myths:  Myth:  Thousands of women died every year from illegal abortion before Roe V. Wade legalized abortion.  Fact:  According to the Center for Disease Control, the exact number is 39 [per year] and 27 more from legal abortions (in states where the procedure was already legal in 1972 before Roe.)

Anniversary Marks Deaths of Millions.  One out of every four children conceived in America will be killed by an abortionist.  In 2003 alone, more children died from abortion than the total number of Americans who died in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and Gulf War combined.  Two-thirds of all abortions are performed on single women.  Statistically, the womb has become the most dangerous place in America.

The Cost of Roe at 35:  Depending on how one counts the number of abortions per year since 1973, more than 50 million people who might have been are not.  These were people who, regardless of the circumstances of the women who carried them, had the potential to contribute to the country and to the world.  But now they cannot, because they are not.  Would we be fighting the battle over immigration had we not rid ourselves of a generation of humans who likely would have done the work for which we are now importing illegal aliens?  Actions have consequences.

Abortion Statistics:  "The United States has one of the highest abortion rates among developed countries."

Los Angeles Times Poll:  53% Oppose All Or Most Abortions.  On the day that the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing unlimited abortion turns 32 years-old, the Los Angeles Times released the results of a new poll showing a majority of Americans oppose all or most abortions.  According to the Times poll, 53 percent said they oppose all or most all abortions while just 43 percent said abortion should always or almost always be illegal.

Abortion:  America's Staggering Hidden Loss.  When most people think of abortion, they picture a frightened young girl in a crisis pregnancy.  The latest research from the Beverly LaHaye Institute, CWA's think tank, indicates that teen abortions are declining and that, increasingly, abortion is becoming birth control.  Women over age 25 are having the largest share of abortions.  The data indicates that the number of women having repeat abortions is increasing (some four or more) and more abortions are being performed on women who have previously had a live birth.

Hearing Women:  Approximately 40 percent of American women under 45 have had at least one abortion.  Twenty-five percent of all pregnancies end in abortion.  Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 40 million abortions have taken place.  Yet no comprehensive data exists concerning the impact of abortion on women.  Consider that the federal government has in place mechanisms to track just about every other medical procedure, but it chooses not to follow this one.

Abortion Statistics:  An Effective Eye-Opener.
Leading Causes of Death in the United States in 1990

Abortion          1,570,000
Heart Disease       980,000
Cancer              510,000
Lung Disease        160,000
Accidents           100,000
Other Causes        460,000
"Other causes" includes, among many other causes of death, murder, suicide, septicemia, congenital abnormalities, AIDS, ulcers, tuberculosis, meningitis, and hepatitis.  Reference:  Statistical Abstract of the United States, quoted here.

Other countries' experiences:

Report: 336 million abortions under China's one-child policy.  It's difficult to know exactly how many abortions — voluntary or otherwise — have been performed in China to get everyone to comply with their notorious one-child policy, because a lot of this stuff occurs off the grid and under the radar — but China's health ministry just revealed their four-decade tally of 336 million (and I'd rely on this being a very low-ball estimate).

Biden's anti-life policy.  The "one child" rule — codified in the [Chinese] National Population and Family-planning Law — was implemented in 1979 during the heyday of anxiety about supposed global overpopulation.  It was over-the-top even by the utilitarian standards of Zero Population Growth fanatics; fertility rates in China peaked in 1967 at almost six children per family and had dropped by over half before the policy was formulated.  Nevertheless, the communists imposed the draconian standard, and Beijing now brags that the state since has prevented 400 million births in one way or another.

Paradise Lost: The Bitter Pill of Global Feminism.  Most persons are aware of China's one-child policy.  But few fully understand the indelible mark this human rights travesty has left on the soul of the Chinese people.  Recently professor Jing-Bao Nie of New Zealand published a remarkably candid appraisal of this policy, which represents the most ambitious demographic experiment ever conducted in human history.

Should We Ban The "Population Bomb"?  Chinese women are pressured into having abortions, often just before coming to term (Steven Mosher, Broken Earth, Free Press, 1983).  One village employed "special measures" against resistors:  beating their husbands until they agreed to the abortion (PRI Review July/Aug 1991).  Female infanticide is common in China and India; these countries have 60 million fewer women than expected (94 women per 100 men, cf. 105 in the US and Europe and about 100 in Africa and Latin America).  In one Indian hospital, which offers amniocentesis, 7999 out of 8000 aborted fetuses were female.  To those who fear the population bomb, millions of human deaths due to hampered economic development or outright bans on life-saving technology (such as DDT) may be an intended consequence, not an unfortunate side effect.

China and Forced Abortions.  Reggie Littlejohn is a petite woman who heads Women's Rights Without Frontiers  Attorney Littlejohn gave up a profitable practice to work for human rights.  Dr. Littlejohn showed how China's brutal policy actually works.  Women in China pregnant with their second or third "unauthorized" child, are rounded up and harassed until they submit to abortion — even in the eighth or ninth month.  Estimates range as high as 50 million a year.

Pro-Choice Human Rights Activists Call Chinese Abortion Practices Torture.  In its 2008 annual report on China, the commission described China's population plan:  "The government requires married couples to obtain a birth permit before they can lawfully bear a child and forces them to use contraception at other times.  Violators of the policy are routinely punished with exorbitant fees, and in some cases, subjected to forced sterilization, forced abortion, arbitrary detention, and torture."

'One-Child' Expert Urges Investigation Before UNFPA Funding Resumes.  An American expert on China's "one-child" population control policy is urging President Obama to delay restoring funding to the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) pending an independent investigation into whether U.S. taxpayers' money will support coerced abortions in China.

You Are Funding Forced Abortions in China.  So am I.  Not only elective abortions.  Forced abortions.  It doesn't matter whether you are pro-life or pro-choice on this issue.  No one can support forced abortion, because it is not a choice.  What do I mean by "forced abortions"?  Here are a couple of examples from the U.S. Department of State China Report, just released on Feb. 25, 2009...

Forced to abort.  Many women say they have been pressured into abortions they did not want, according to research conducted by the Elliot Institute, a nonprofit specializing in the effects of abortion on women and families.  For years, the pro-choice movement has circulated horrid tales of back-alley abortions performed before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on demand in 1973.  Yet the opposite phenomenon, which has occurred across the nation, is even more disturbing.  In a society in which abortion is legal, many women and teens are pressured to abort their child.  So how much choice do American women really have over their reproductive capacities?

Chinese parents fight forced abortions.  Yang Zhongchen, a small-town businessman, wined and dined three government officials for permission to become a father.  But the Peking duck and liquor weren't enough.  One night, a couple of weeks before her date for giving birth, Yang's wife was dragged from her bed in a north China town and taken to a clinic, where, she says, her baby was killed by injection while still inside her.

China trying to force 6-months pregnant woman to abort.  A Muslim Uighur woman who's more than six months pregnant remained under watch in a hospital in China's far northwest Friday [11/14/2008] awaiting a forced abortion by authorities who don't want her to have a third child.  A nurse who's tending to the woman at a hospital in Yining, near China's border with Kazakhstan, said physicians had delayed the abortion because of international queries about her case.

Congresswoman Confident Obama Will Fund UNFPA, Which Supports China's Coercive Abortion Program.  Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said she is confident that President-elect Barack Obama will reverse the Bush administration's decision six years ago to stop the $40 million in annual funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) because of its support of China's one-child policy — a policy that includes coercive abortion.

Vietnam Abortion Rates Very High, One Woman Dies Every Five Days.  New reports out of Vietnam, where abortion is legal, are showing the number of abortions in the Communist nation is staggeringly high.  In addition, one woman dies form a legal abortion in the Asian nation every five days.

Half of infant deaths in Flanders were euthanasia.  Nearly half the newborn babies who died in Flanders over a recent year-long period were helped to die by their doctors, a new study reported yesterday [4/9/2005].  Pediatricians in the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium either discreetly stopped treating the babies or, in 17 cases, illegally killed them with lethal doses of painkillers.

In Australia...
Loophole allows baby bonus for late abortions.  It was intended to boost the birth rate, but a legal loophole means the $5000 baby bonus can be claimed for late-term abortions.  The loophole arises because abortions after 20 weeks' gestation are recorded by doctors as stillbirths.  Parents of stillborn babies receive the maternity benefit on compassionate grounds.

Australian Abortion Business Objects to Nearby Child Care Center.  In a move that pro-life activists say is clearly "anti-child," an Australian abortion center has objected to the opening of a child care center in its neighborhood.  In a complaint filed with the city of Swan, the abortion center's operators said that the sight and sound of children playing on nearby property might cause emotional strain for women undergoing abortions.

[In other words, if you don't pause to give it serious thought and consideration, ending someone else's life is not really all that bad.]

Bodies of 21 Babies Found in China River.  Bodies of 21 babies have been discovered in plastic bags in a river in eastern China and authorities suspect they were dumped there by local hospitals, state media reported Tuesday [3/30/2010].

This is an original compilation, Copyright © 2024 by Andrew K. Dart

Philosophical issues, Biblical perspectives, and the slippery slope:

Democrats' trend towards atheism and abortion are connected.  As the percentage of Democrat voters with a college degree has risen dramatically in recent years, the percentage of Democrat voters that don't believe in God has risen apace.  As has their love of abortion.  This is not coincidence.  These three things are inextricably connected.  In fact, abortion is the highest sacrament of their new state-sponsored religion.  While other primitive societies have engaged in child sacrifice, none have done so with the gleeful, prideful zeal with which today's Democrats go about exterminating unborn children ... most often for their own convenience and nothing else.  Let me be clear:  if a person says he or she doesn't believe in God, what they are really saying is that they have a deep, unyielding, and abiding faith in something else ... or perhaps nothing at all.

Abortion is a Civil Rights Issue.  The fundamental duty of any society is to protect the lives of its members.  There is no more basic function of a society than to keep its members alive.  That means protecting them from foreign assault by providing for national defense.  That means protecting them from domestic violence by making and enforcing criminal accountability.  This is the bottom-line purpose of any society.  English philosophers as different as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke agreed on this point.  When Thomas Jefferson opines about "unalienable rights" of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, he was not just putting in some "nice words" before he got to his point:  declare American independence.  Go back and reread his argument (which, while changing "property" to "pursuit of happiness" basically comes straight out of Locke).
  [#1]   There are "inalienable" rights.
  [#2]   Those rights do not come from any government or even democratic majority.  They come from God and nobody — not even a democratic majority — can take them away.
  [#3]   When governments "become destructive" of those rights, they forfeit their subjects' allegiance.
  [#4]   When that destruction becomes grievous enough, people even have the right to overthrow such rights-destructive governments.
That's where Jefferson's independence argument comes in:  King George III and the British Parliament had so systematically violated the rights of people in these colonies that any claims of allegiance were dissolved.  Now, the list of rights Jefferson enumerates as divinely conferred and inalienable are limited and ordered.  They start with "life."  Not with "liberty."  Not with "happiness."  Life is prerequisite to the other two.

10 Lies Leftists Tell You.  Lie #5: Life begins at birth.  During the process of conception, a live sperm unites with a live ovum, this within the vital body of a live woman.  This human continues to live — unless torn limb from limb and vacuumed out by an abortionist — until a live baby comes into the world.  There is literally no time, from the very moment of conception until birth, where an unborn human is not alive.

Abortion and the Constitution.  Let's go back to square one.  In spite of any opinion one might hold, ours is a constitutional republic.  So the laws that govern abortion must reflect our Constitution or be struck down.  That's why the recent decision in Dobbs v. Jackson was so significant. [...] If every man is endowed by our creator with the unalienable right to life, then abortion should be unconstitutional.  Period.  If you want to quibble that the object growing in a woman's womb is not human, then this is not the place for that vacuous argument.  Our Founding Fathers would never imagine that abortion would be a constitutional issue.  Abortion is not birth control.  Abortion is not reproductive choice.  Abortion is not a state's right.  Abortion is the killing of living being because we have not as a people effectively dealt with abortion due to an incomplete understanding of our founding documents.

No, Abortion Is Never Medically Necessary.  Doctors facing mounting legal and professional pressure to perform abortions post-Dobbs reassert that there are no necessary abortions in medicine.  The term "emergency abortion" is a scare tactic.  Soon after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the Biden administration's Department of Health and Human Services issued letters to doctors citing the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, requiring that abortions must be provided as "emergency care."  The Biden administration reiterated that message in early July, in a letter sent to physician and hospital associations, compelling emergency room (ER) doctors to perform abortions to "stabilize" a woman's "emergency medical condition."  Recently the Association for American Physicians and Surgeons filed a suit after multiple doctors were targeted by credentialing boards and the U.S. government for their anti-abortion stance post-Dobbs.  Public ignorance and confusion over a "necessary" abortion continues to permeate political language and Biden's rule is yet another coercive attempt to install national abortion "must-haves."

Abortion to become human right in Illinois if Pritzker signs bill.  Gov. J.B. Pritzker could soon enact a bill pro-life advocates say will infringe on Illinois employers' and pregnancy resource centers' rights.  The bill aims to prohibit employers or others from discriminating against women who have abortions or intend to have an abortion.  Opponents of House Bill 4867 say enshrining abortion into law as a human right in the Illinois Human Rights Act will infringe on employers' rights.  State Rep. Patrick Windhorst, R-Metropolis, questioned the bill's sponsor, state Rep. Anna Moeller, D-Elgin, on the House Floor.

The Editor says...
Rights are not manufactured by government.  Our rights come from God, and abortion is not one of them.  Nor do you have a right to guaranteed income, safety, transportation, housing, respect, internet access, or entry into the United States.

Life without Free Will.  Conservatives do not believe that their lives are "determined," entirely or mostly, by forces outside their control.  They also know that the deterministic factors that do exist in their lives can be countered by aggressive action on their part.  Conservatives believe that human beings are unique and worthwhile, and as a consequence, they believe that every human life is valuable.  This is part of the reason they oppose abortion.  Liberals, believing that everything is determined from the start and humans have no control over their lives, necessarily place less value on human life, which may be why they support abortion, euthanasia, and other actions that devalue life.

Unborn Babies are Human Beings and Their Lives Begin at Conception.  The pro-abortion position centers around a "right to privacy" and self-autonomy.  But this is not a valid argument for abortion unless this right is denied to babies in the womb, and this right cannot be denied to babies without declaring them to not be members of the human race (i.e. persons).  The following examines facts and ethics about pregnancy to see what they tell us about the humanity of the baby in the womb.  From the moment of conception, the baby has a unique human DNA that is different from the mother or the father.  This means it is not just another part of the mother's body but a unique individual.  From this point on the mother provides food, shelter and oxygen for the baby to grow.  These are the basic elements that every human being needs and society seeks to provide these for those who cannot provide for themselves.  However, in this case, the mother is in a unique position because she is the only one who can provide these for her baby.  If a mother denies these to a baby that can be seen, then it is called abuse and society seeks to protect and provide for the baby.  Why should our values change based on the location of the baby?

Death by Abortion.  If the product of procreation is without value, how can anyone be sure that the postnatal child is not correspondingly devalued?  If a woman has no qualm about terminating the developing child within her, is she not at risk of withholding the empathy and love needed for the child she allows to be born?  How can this basic requirement of life be switched on and off ad lib?  How do mind and feeling separate to deliver a choice between terminating an innocent human life or accepting and preparing for the imminent miracle of birth?  Such a disconnect from the human function that bestowed life on us all hovers between pathological and criminal.

'Not An Accurate Description': MSNBC Anchor Chides Reporter for Using 'Pro-Life' On-Air.  MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell chided the network's senior Capitol Hill correspondent, Garrett Haake, on Thursday for using the term "pro-life" during an on-air discussion of the Republican-backed Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act.  The bill, which requires that medical professionals care for infants born after botched abortions, passed the House along largely partisan lines on Wednesday, with only one House Democrat, Henry Cuellar of Texas, voting with Republicans.  "At the end of the day she was, as she described herself, 'pro-life,' and that she felt that it was important to vote for these measures despite their potentially politically damaging or politically unappealing appearance," Haake said, referring to Representative Nancy Mace's (R., N.C.) support for the bill.  Mitchell interjected during Haake's response to correct his terminology.  "Let me just interrupt and say that pro-life is a term that they — an entire group wants to use — but that's not an accurate description."  "I am using it because that is the term she used to describe herself, Andrea," Haake shot back.

Actually, We Do Know When Human Life Begins.  In a recent New York Times piece asking "When Does Life Begin?," religion correspondent Elizabeth Dias presents multiple lines of evidence to conclude that the question is simply too complex to be answered.  She relays the poignant story of a woman who is pro-choice but who experienced a 16-week miscarriage as the loss of her child, Maya.  She enumerates how different states (Arizona, South Carolina), different cultures (China, ancient Egypt), and different religious traditions (Judaism, medieval Christianity) have offered different answers to the question of when life begins.  She notes that defenders of the view that life begins at sperm-egg fusion often cite "Christian principles," suggesting that this conclusion is nothing more than a religious conviction.  Dias acknowledges that "more than half of American adults say the statement 'human life begins at conception, so a fetus is a person with rights' describes their views at least somewhat well"; yet she goes on to present contrasting views offered by biologists, physicians, philosophers, anthropologists, and clerics.

Watch: Stacey Abrams Doesn't Know When Pregnancy Starts.  Last month, Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams made the stunning claim that "there's no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks."  She added, "It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body."  Despite the best efforts of the media to give her cover, Abrams was 100% wrong.  And yet, she somehow managed to embarrass herself even further with a new doozy of a claim when she was asked during an appearance on Fox News Sunday where she would draw the line on abortion.  "Were you become governor, where would you draw the line?  15 weeks?  Viability?  36 weeks?  What's the limit?" host Shannon Bream asked.

Kamala Harris Claims Religion Has Nothing To Do With Abortion.  Vice President Kamala Harris made the absurd claim that Americans don't need to compromise their religious values to be pro-abortion.  While claiming to be a devout Catholic, Harris declared that getting an abortion, i.e. killing an innocent life, has nothing to do with God or religious beliefs. [...] Many pro-choice Democrats take a hypocritical stance on the issue, fully aware that the Catholic Church condemns abortion.  In July, Harris made another similar statement, claiming that Americans do not need to abandon their faith to support abortion.

The Editor says...
This is the first time I've seen a news article describe VP Harris as a "devout Catholic."  Wikipedia says she's a member of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco. [Source]

Pelosi Says It Is 'Sinful' To Restrict Abortion.  Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly said abortion restrictions are "sinful," standing in direct contradiction to her Catholic faith.  Pelosi made the comments during an Aug. 26 Roundtable on Women's Reproductive Health at the University of California, San Francisco.  She also called abortion restrictions an "assault" on women, women of color and low-income families, according to a transcript of the roundtable.  "But one word that pervade [sic] through all of the discussion was the word 'justice.'  The fact that this is such an assault on women of color and women — lower income families is just sinful.  It's sinful," California Democrat said.  "It's wrong that they would be able to say to women what they think women should be doing with their lives and their bodies.  But it's sinful, the injustice of it all."  She said restricting abortion disregards the health of the woman and impacts the children she already has.  Pelosi then accused Republicans of putting democracy on the line through their efforts to restrict abortion.

Noted Religious Scholar Kamala Harris Shares What God Thinks About Abortion.  While most of the country is laser-focused on inflation and the economic hardship crushing Americans, Democrats continue to obsess about the only thing that matters to them:  Ensuring abortion until birth is legal.  And who better to preach the gospel of baby killing than Kamala Harris, who compared pro-life individuals to slaveholders during a speech on Monday?  During the same remarks, she also provided a scholarly lesson on the religious implications of abortion.  According to Harris, if you support killing a nine-month-old baby in the womb, God is all good with it.

Abortion: A Central Issue for Our Times.  [Scroll down]  The subject of abortion remains central to the "discussion" since it is the Left's fundamental sacrament, the hill they don't intend to die on but to successfully defend in any way they can, legally or illegally.  The Bible has warned against this obscenity.  The slaughter of the unborn or the newly born is a pagan rite celebrated by the ancient Canaanites who worshipped Moloch, a devouring god venerated by a people for whom life was not a Divine gift.  One need not be a believer to take seriously the admonition of Leviticus 18:21:  "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God:  I am the Lord."  Similarly, the "hilled site" on which the Left is encamped is the contemporary version of the biblical Topheth, razed by King Josiah so that "no one might burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Moloch" (2 Kings 23:10).  The secular will scoff, and the "idolatrous priests" of the progressivist persuasion will dismiss the injunction as irrelevant, but history bears out the biblical exhortation.

Countering the Pro-Abortion Social Media Memes.  The pro-abortion argument almost always leads off with the woman's "right to choose," a.k.a., "bodily autonomy."  An offshoot of the autonomy argument is, "Nobody has the right to use your body, against your will, even to save their life or the life of another person."  This argument must be flipped on its head immediately and stridently.  Nobody has the right to end another person's life deliberately and against their will (the obvious exception to this would be the common practice of "do not resuscitate" orders or a living will which provides for the contingency of discontinuing prolonged medical care to artificially support life).  The natural law against taking another person's life is innate to humanity and has been fundamentally understood from the beginning of human civilization.  Furthermore, an infant in the womb had no choice in being conceived in the first place and the infant, therefore, is not represented in the decision to end its life.  It is an irrefutable scientific fact that human life begins at conception.  It is also an irrefutable scientific fact that conception creates a unique human being, with individual DNA, chromosomes, genes, and all that consists of one becoming a uniquely gifted and talented person.  Therefore, abortion kills a human life, someone whom society anticipates one day will have a unique identity, personhood, and name.

Leftists ignore contradictions regarding abortion and vaccines.  According to our elected administration, we "birth people" have the absolute right to dictate our body's reproductive actions, to determine for ourselves the fate of any pregnancy we experience.  They say we can abort anytime.  That is, if we make a "mistake," act irresponsibly, or impulsively, and happen to get pregnant, we can decide — in some states, any time up to actual birth — to dispose of the pesky "fetus."  Don't dare call it a gestating baby!  The self-righteous indignation and rampant rioting ignore the facts of both abortion and the law.  On the legal side of the coin, the court ruled that states have the right to make their own laws, superseding a 50-year-old contrary ruling.  We've had years to examine the dire effect of Roe v. Wade, in the form of around 61 million abortions performed since the ruling.  It's hard to look at the facts and want abortion until birth to be legal.  Science, after all, can look at the baby in the womb, and measure and record its responses.  We know that by around 15 weeks, the fetus feels pain.  By 21 weeks (less than 5 months), the fetus is demonstrably a fully-formed baby — one that testimony says "resists" abortion, and therefore, unquestionably becomes a murder victim when aborted.  By that point, some preemies are born and survive, their lives saved by desperate parents, decisive action by doctors, nurses, and hospitals.  Yet the Progressives demand the right to terminate any pregnancy, based solely on their desire to totally accommodate the parent without thinking for a second about the child.

Pro-Abortion Leftists Go All In on Eugenics.  On the legal front, it appears that Roe v. Wade may soon suffer a calamitous defeat. [...] Roe has made the abortion issue a centerpiece of national debate, and that has magnified the easily understandable scientific and moral truths that contradict what the pro-abortion advocates have been selling for many decades.  The first unavoidable truth is that a child in his mother's womb is a living human being.  A child in a mother's womb is nourished, moves, and grows.  The child is, therefore, certainly alive in a scientific sense.  That living creature is not, we know, a tree, a dog, or a chimpanzee.  The child is a living human being, with human DNA that is unique only to that one human child, and no other human child on the planet before him.  This is a fact, and on this point, no serious person could disagree.  This introduces the ethical question about taking that child's life while in the womb.  Even Margaret Sanger, the early-twentieth-century eugenicist who is often cited as a founder of Planned Parenthood, recognized the moral truth that contraception was always preferable to abortion because "no matter how early [the abortion] was performed, it was taking a life."

Saying What Must Be Said on Abortion.  For over a week now, our country has been tossed asunder once again by the abortion issue because Justice Alito's draft opinion in Dobbs vs Jackson Women's Health was leaked and published in Politico.  We knew the day was coming when the Supreme Court would issue its decision, but the leak has hastened the debate, as well as being a surprise attack on the integrity of the Court and the sanctity of our nation's constitutional rule of law.  We still don't know whether riots, protests, and doxing conservative justices can alter the Court's tentative decision.  We have been subjected to yet another unsolicited primer in the abortion debate from both sides.  However, much has been left unsaid or deftly side-stepped.  That's because too much of the abortion question addresses the end of a baby's life, not the beginning.  Addressing those topics is critical to having a fully informed position.

Roe v. Wade:  A Level Too Far.  I would like to lay out a simple framework for understanding and discussing all complex social/cultural/legal issues, one that I have found very helpful in helping to explain and tease out meaningful distinctions around abortion and many other issues.  In essence, any public issue with complex human/cultural implications must be looked at from three perspectives, each building off the previous in pyramid fashion:  Moral; Legislative, and Judicial/Constitutional.

NIH Director Francis Collins Isn't A National Treasure, He's A National Disgrace.  This week Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, announced he will be stepping down from his post by the end of 2021.  Collins is probably the best known evangelical Christian in the federal science establishment, and among many Christians he has long held the status of a rock star, with people lining up for "selfies" with him at conferences. [...] Most faithful Christians are pro-life.  Not Collins.  First of all, he doesn't seem to know when human life begins.  According to one media profile, "He sees a human embryo as a potential life, though he thinks that it is not possible scientifically to settle precisely when life begins."  According to another journalist, Collins is "dubious of the idea that life begins at the very moment of conception."

Human Life Begins at Conception, When a Unique Human Being Comes Into Existence.  [Scroll down]  The zygotes of other animals may contain genetic blueprints for some amazing creatures, but none possess the full set of capabilities and capacities of humanity.  Other human cells contain human DNA, but do not exist in the conditions that fully activate that genome and cause the division and differentiation that gives rise to all those various interconnected, coordinated and specialized parts and systems.  It isn't just that these are elaborate plans or blueprints amazingly shrunk and stuffed in a tiny package, some novel microscopic library.  They are living cells, human beings who are alive, growing, interacting with their environment, actively moving on to their next stage of development and engagement.  Even more amazing, with all that elaborate precision and complex detail contained in that cell, there is still room for great individual variation so that no two human beings are ever precisely alike.  So every human being is remarkable and every human being is remarkably unique!  This too is part of that single, first human cell.  What we have here isn't just that first instance of humanity, but the first appearance of a particular, unique individual human being.

The illogic that pro-abortion people embrace as wisdom.  With Texas having passed a law that authorizes private citizens to sue those who carry out or facilitate abortion on a fetus with a heartbeat, the anti-abortion crowd has gone wild.  They've filled my Facebook page with panic and venom.  One of the most popular memes — which pro-abortion people view as extraordinarily wise — likens laws against abortion to hypothetical laws that force people to donate born marrow or allow their bodies to be used for scientific experimentation.  Even reading what I wrote, you may have seen the logical fallacy but let me expand upon it anyway. [...]

When Human Life Begins Is Not a Matter of 'Belief'.  President Joe Biden made an irrational statement the other day about when human life begins, saying at a press conference:  ["]I respect those who believe life begins at the moment of conception.  I don't agree, but I respect that.  I'm not going to impose that on people.["] Except this is not a question of "belief," but one of biological fact.  It's a question about which science — rather than politics or ideology — has long known the answer.  Indeed, embryology text books are clear on that point. [...] Life can't begin when the mother decides that she wants the gestating child.  Because that is not a biological event.  And it can't be at birth, because a fetus is clearly alive before that, and so asserting transforms the biological question into one of geography, i.e., where the baby happens to be at the moment.  The scientific fact that life begins at conception doesn't settle the moral question of abortion.  But proper moral analysis about such issues must begin with the best understanding of the scientific facts that apply thereto.  Otherwise, we are left with nothing but feelings, irrationality, and naked ideological assertions — which make actual debate impossible.  But of course, that is the point of Biden's statement.

Mandatory Vaccinations Undermine Roe v. Wade and Choice.  Recall Roe v. Wade?  The famous abortion decision from the U.S. Supreme Court that was issued in January of 1973? [...] In fact, there have been legal attacks on Roe ever since, with this or that state passing legislation that in one way or another attempts to restrict abortion law.  As this is written, the state of Mississippi has filed a brief requesting that Roe be overturned.  But while that is the fairly typical method of trying to overturn Roe, there is, out of the blue, something else entirely that is, in fact, undermining the pro-choice movement.  With, amazingly, liberals in the lead.  That would be the arrival of COVID-19 and the now available vaccine designed to save Americans from the virus.  The tales of Americans resisting vaccination are everywhere.  In response, all manner of Democrats in Congress and liberals on television are demanding that the response to this should be mandatory vaccinations, not to mention mandatory masking.  Suddenly the concept of "my body, my choice" is under massive attack — from liberals.

The Biden Regime Has Made Us All Enemies of the State.  There's no way to go halfsies on totalitarianism.  Once the government decides it may declare who has rights and who has none, it is a short walk for the government to decide who has life and who has none.  Over 63 million babies have been killed since Roe v Wade, after all, and once you teach a population that a baby is only as alive as a woman chooses, it's not difficult to teach those same people that political opponents are not worthy of life at all.  When individual liberty and private ownership are ridiculed in the name of the "common good," taking life for the "greater good" is never far behind.

Scientists Will Create Unborn Babies Who are Part Human, Part Animal for Research.  As we expected, the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) issued its revised guidelines on stem cells and embryo experiments at the end of May 2021, and as expected, the ISSCR recommendations are rife with proposed experiments on young human beings.  The new guidelines discard the 14-day limit on human embryo experiments in favor of no limits whatsoever, and they allow virtually unrestricted manufacture of human-animal chimeras of any type, as well as creation of genetically altered human embryos and lab constructed human embryo "models."  Very little is left in the category of "currently not permitted."

Chinese Scientists Try to Make a Male Rat Pregnant.  It's Time to Draw the Line.  Recently, a team of Chinese scientists published a study in which they parabiotically joined a male and female rat, then gave the male rat a uterus and attempted to have it carry embryos to term.  Hopefully, this has at least given you pause.  Arina Grossu, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, correctly describes these experiments on rats as "Frankenscience."  It's our moral duty to draw the line.  This is something the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative certainly wasn't willing to do, as it endorsed the study.  Why on Earth would scientists be doing this?  Can any helpful scientific advancement be achieved through this experiment?  One possible answer:  It is a vast overstep of scientific curiosity.  As Jeff Goldblum said in "Jurassic Park," "Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."  If this experiment was done simply because they could, it is a very bleak sign.  The scientific community sees moral objections to mutilation as an obstacle to be overcome, not a parameter to stay within.

Scarborough Slams Evangelicals For 'Bizarre, Bizarre, Bizarre' Concern About Abortion.  On today's [2/5/2021] Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough slammed evangelicals for their focus on abortion.  No fewer than four times, Scarborough called evangelicals' concern about abortion "bizarre."  All this arose in the context of the show opening by contrasting President Biden's National Prayer Breakfast remarks yesterday with those by President Trump a year ago.  It's true that Biden's remarks were more conventionally appropriate.  But which "brilliant" aide thought it was a good idea to have an unusually frail and subdued Biden say, "we need to lean on each other, lift one another up?

Abortion: More than Just a 'Single Issue'.  Abortion is the master key that releases Pandora's box of radical calamities.  If your own child is an undue burden who may be terminated, what about the critically ill, the handicapped, the infirm? [...] And you, politician:  If you do not stand for innocent human life, what do you stand for?  Should it be a surprise that the governor who confined COVID-19 patients to nursing homes as pandemic solution had cheered, merely a year before, codifying abortion until birth?  That bill declares that "every individual who becomes pregnant has the fundamental right to choose to carry the pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to have an abortion."  "Every individual"?  "Fundamental right"?  No slippery slope here.  Just connecting the dots.  The totalitarian mindset behind abortion taints thought, language, and action.

Teen Charged in Murder of Pregnant Woman & Unborn Child.  Following a judge's decision on Wednesday [4/1/2020] to transfer the case against a juvenile suspect to adult court, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is now identifying a 17-year-old charged in connection to a December 2019 deadly shooting that claimed the life of a pregnant woman. [...] Jamal Voss is charged with two counts of First Degree Murder and two counts of Attempted First Degree Murder.

The Editor says...
Why two counts of first degree murder?  Because an unborn child is a person, and if you kill him or her, it's an act of murder.

Abortion and the Perfect Life.  Abortion's primary selling point has always been that it's "a woman's right to choose whether or not to have a child."  The defense goes something like this:  She might not be ready; she may have too many children already; having a child now might conflict with her priorities.  Now, there's another factor to consider.  Medical advances and improved technology have expanded the possibilities for abortion.  The unborn can be screened for genetic abnormalities or "defects."  In this brave new world, the abortion decision is no longer simply about whether a mother wants to keep her child.  It is also about whether her child is good enough to keep.

America's Most Successful Human Rights Campaign:  The Pro Life Movement.  Abortion is among the most controversial and debated topics in the United States.  As a college professor and debate coach of 25 years, I can easily observe that the most restricted civil right on campuses is the right to speak on behalf of unborn children.  Campus displays and signs by pro-life student groups are regularly vandalized, defaced, torn down, or counterprotested.  It would be easy for these movements to perhaps feel defeated or doomed.  But on the anniversary of Roe v.  Wade it is important to observe that they are not failing.  In fact, the American pro-life movement may be one of the greatest successes for human rights and general well-being occurring in the 21st century.

Buttigieg Distorts Logic and Scripture on Abortion.  Perhaps Mayor Pete Buttigieg would have a better shot at appealing to Christian voters if he would not go to such extreme lengths to contort Scripture to rationalize his party's abominable stance on abortion.  The Democratic presidential candidate openly expresses his Christian faith and was the first candidate to hire a national faith outreach director.  He believes political conservatism is less compatible with Christianity than political liberalism.

Pete Buttigieg's twisted Bible teaching on abortion.  It is a curiosity how a self-declaring Christian can still stand strong on the side of abortion rights.  This is what Buttigieg said a few days ago on a "Breakfast Club" radio interview:  "Right now, [conservatives] hold everybody in line with this one piece of doctrine about abortion, which is obviously a tough issue for a lot of people to think through morally.  Then again, there's a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath.  So even that is something we can interpret differently."  OK.  But not Christians.  Christians don't interpret the Bible to believe life begins at "breath."

Peter Buttigieg Loves God's Creation When It's A Rainbow But Not When It's A Baby.  When asked about abortion on The Breakfast Club radio show, Buttigieg defended the procedure's morality through all nine months of pregnancy, saying, "There's a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath."  With that, a man who claims the moral high ground on everything from the minimum wage debate to immigration policy wrote off God's greatest creation — humanity — as unworthy of care and protection until birth.  The Bible does frequently discuss the "breath of life," but Buttigieg's selective use of scripture to justify the desecration of life in the womb is misleading, and discounts the undeniable signs of human life that exist very early in pregnancy.  Anyone who has seen an ultrasound in the late first trimester (babies who are less than 12 weeks old) will attest to a clearly formed head, nose, fingers, and toes, not to mention the squirmy movements of a child teeming with life.  You don't need breath — or even God — to inherently know life has most definitely begun.

Bill Maher and the Horror of Abortion.  Several decades of embryological science have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the unborn are fully human from their very first moments — that the "cluster of cells" to which abortion-rights activists often refer is in fact a human being, unequivocally so.  The horror of abortion is thus matched only by its supporters' unwillingness to acknowledge that horror.  Several decades of hard, uncontested scientific discovery cannot stand up to the full force of pro-choicers' mere opinions.  Killing innocent human beings is a very bad thing; refusing to admit that's what's happening is almost as bad.  Abortion kills.  Bill Maher understands it, even if Katie Porter would rather pretend not to.  The truth is, every one of us born under a regime of legalized abortion was, at one time, perfectly killable in the eyes of the law.

Over a dozen biology professors won't say when human life begins.  In the midst of the ongoing abortion debate in the United States, more than a dozen college biology professors would not answer the question, "When do individual human lives begin?"  One professor claimed that "any answer [to the question] is an opinion," even though numerous medical professionals and biology textbooks have unequivocally claimed otherwise.  The 13 professors contacted by The College Fix were from a diverse group of schools including Stanford, Wichita State University, and Chapman University.  Eleven of the professors failed to respond to numerous emails.  Two professors responded but dodged the question by claiming that it was not scientific.

Abortion and the Constitution.  The Declaration of Independence lays the groundwork for us.  It tells us that all men are endowed by their Creator "with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. — That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men."  The important news here, if you accept the founding document of our nation, is that human rights are not created by government.  They precede it.  The point of government is to build a fence around and protect these rights — these truths — articulated in the Declaration.  Regarding life, the Declaration tells us that the role of government is to protect it.  This explains the rancor surrounding Roe v. Wade and legal abortion that is becoming center stage to our court confirmation deliberations.  Legal abortion is, at its core, about whether unborn children should be included in what we consider mankind.  If yes, they must be protected, like all life.

Psychologist: An Unborn Baby "Has No More Qualities of Personhood Than a Zombie".  The abortion-on-demand crowd is slowly losing the argument, and they're tossing up every nonsensical argument they can think of in the hope that something will work.  On June 11, Alternate posted an article by Planned Parenthood-honored psychologist Valerie Tarico.  In an article titled "What the Unborn and the Undead Have in Common," Tarico explored the so called similarities between zombies and unborn babies in an attempt to brand the pro-life argument as "magical."

Is Progressivism Satanic?  [Scroll down]  Other killers advocating for, and engaged in mass murder (misguidedly) thought that they were doing so in a good cause, working toward making some sort of better society or world.  Meanwhile, mothers who abort their babies are doing so merely as a lifestyle "choice," as a matter of convenience — they engaged in sexual activity, and rather than face the "consequences" of getting married and forming a nuclear family in accordance with God's plan — they kill the most innocent and helpless of humans, the unborn.  It seems a safe assumption that some Gulag or concentration camps workers were at least troubled by the morality of what they were parties too — but rationalized on the basis of self-preservation (if they refused to follow orders they too would be killed and replaced, and the killing would continue).  Conversely (with precious few exceptions) a pregnant woman does not encounter any question of self-preservation while contemplating an abortion, but merely lifestyle "choice."  So of the two, the concentration camp guard or the woman, which is the more egregious sinner?

Another Inconvenient Truth.  America and other western nations are aborting their native populations out of existence.  (And for the reticent and doubtful among you, please look it up for yourself.)  I am not alone in believing that there will be a future court where all decisions are final and not appealable, where we will all stand in final judgment and that the taking of unborn life will be viewed as murder.

Ben Shapiro's Answer To Student's Abortion Question Is Epic.  A student asked conservative commentator Ben Shapiro a question about abortion at his Berkeley speech Thursday night, prompting Shapiro to engage in rapid-fire dialogue with the student.  "Any time you draw any line other than the inception of the child, you end up drawing a false line that can also be applied to adults," Shapiro said.  "So either human life has intrinsic value or it doesn't."

Scientific Fact:  Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization.  When it comes to the question of when human life begins, the science is crystal clear:  human life begins at conception or fertilization.  Americans United for Life, in a legal briefing it has prepared for the Supreme Court, has put together a collection of citations from scientific literature that proves the point.

Can You Claim to Be 'Born-Again' When You Won't Even Allow Others to Be Born?  The Scriptural premise, that God made human beings in His image, naturally leads us, as it has Christians throughout history, to protect and cherish those who bear that image.  Ignoring evils perpetrated against bearers of the divine image denies what we know to be true about God.  In other words, a distorted view of human beings always goes hand-in-hand with a distorted view of God.

Chinese researchers edit human embryos again via CRISPR — Altered genes to be resistant to HIV.  Chinese fertility doctors have tried to make HIV-proof human embryos, but the experiments ended in a bust.  The new report is the second time researchers in China revealed that they had a go at making genetically modified human embryos.  The controversial experiments are, in effect, feasibility studies of whether it's possible to make super-people engineered to avoid genetic disorders or resist disease.

When does human life begin?  It is a fundamental and decisive question because your answer reveals your understanding of the nature and status of the human embryo.  It also shapes your stance on the big bioethical issues of the day such as abortion, cloning and embryonic stem cell research.  There are many voices sowing confusion, but the Bible is unmistakably clear that human life begins at conception.  In this booklet, John Ling provides a wide-ranging explanation of biblical truth, the historical Christian perspective and evidence from modern science to support this position.

The Liberal Nurturing of Gun Violence.  [W]hat liberals fail or refuse to recognize is that actively excising God from the public consciousness, systematically equating murder with women's health, and spending almost half a century pressing for the right to kill eradicate any credibility they may have had concerning the issue of saving lives.  A blurred line between acceptable and unacceptable murder has developed, yet the ones most responsible for the distortion refuse to acknowledge personal culpability. [...] Therefore, whether Obama realizes it or not, the blame for mass shootings should be placed not on the Second Amendment or on those who believe that abortion outside the womb is an acceptable choice, but at the feet of those like himself, who condemn ambushing a roomful of people with a gun but openly approve of ambushing a baby in the womb.  It's secular progressives who have spent 40-plus years dumbing down the public's definition of murder.  Therefore, what right do abortion advocates have to get indignant when a deranged person with a gun executes a roomful of people?

How Many Women Are Pressured Into Abortions?  One would think any large movement that styles itself "pro-choice" would want to ensure its beneficiaries are in fact free to choose and well-informed about the implications of those choices.  One might think that unless, of course, one were dealing with an abortion industry whose goal is not "choice" at all, but delivering as many abortions as possible.

If Abortion Is OK, then Why Shouldn't Women Conceive In Order to Sell Livers and Brains?  Supposedly there is some vast difference between a stillborn baby and an aborted fetus.  But if Planned Parenthood is really so confident of that "fact" (which is really just a stupid lie), then why don't they go all the way?

Questions Every Planned Parenthood Supporter Should Have To Answer.  [Scroll down]  If a baby is outside the womb, with lungs, a beating heart, and a functioning brain, is it alive?  And if it is, is killing that baby morally wrong?  If not, do you support the unlimited right of women to dismember viable fetuses whenever they want for whatever reason they like?  If so, what is the limit?  Before 20 weeks?  Before 30 weeks?  A week before the delivery date?  Before the umbilical cord is removed?  When does the child deserve protection?  (The position of most elected Democrats, incidentally, is never.)  Do you believe it's moral for a Planned Parenthood technician to cut through the face of a healthy fetus in order to harvest his organs?  If so, do you believe taxpayers should be funding this practice?  What is the moral difference between killing a viable fetus and a five-day old child?

The Abortion Industry: Corrupt to the Core.  You can't practice vice virtuously.  If your conscience has deteriorated to the point that you can kill babies, you're going to do a lot of other evil as well.  Your ability to discern right from wrong has been destroyed, and there's no way that the fallout is only going to impact one segment of your activities.  And that is precisely the downfall of the abortion industry.  Many who accept legal abortion in our country do so only because they really think "legal" means safe, and they believe the myth that abortion is a benign procedure that actually can be performed within some kind of morally and legally upright framework.  But nothing is farther from the truth.  The men and women who kill children also destroy everything and everyone in their path.

Attack on pregnant woman complicated by abortion politics.  In a highly charged debate that has played out across the country, Colorado has twice rejected proposals to make the violent death of a fetus a homicide, refusing to join 38 other states and the federal government for fear such a law would be used to restrict abortions.

Yes, People Believe Abortion Is Murder.  [Scroll down]  Pro-life activism has constituted one of the most important political and moral movements of our time.  It has left its stamp on our politics quite literally over decades.  It draws thousands together in peaceful rallies every year, all across the country.  Nearly a fifth of Americans say they are unwilling to vote for a candidate who is not pro-life.  And it has affected the moral development of our young people.  As a professor of moral philosophy, I've heard scores of students explain to me how pro-life activism was their main entry point into thinking seriously about moral responsibility, personhood, and what a human life is worth.

The New Regressives.  [Scroll down]  All that is not today's liberalism, which instead believes in pursuance of race, class, and gender equality by any means of intimidation and censorship necessary.  If science now allows a premature child to live outside the womb at 20 weeks, that knowledge must remain an irrelevant fact.  Champions of abortion who used to insist that fetuses were not viable outside the womb simply have dropped that argument altogether.  They are not interested any more in the issue of when life begins, but rather wedded deductively to the notion of terminating a pregnancy at almost anytime the mother might wish to do so.

The Media's Abortion Problem.  [Philip] Bump writes with the insouciant incuriosity that defines media coverage of abortion in America:  "'Life' is something of a philosophical question..."  It never seems to have crossed his mind that whether the United States has permitted the genocide of 50 million human beings rests on the answer to this question.  Bump and his media compatriots are content to leave this essential question sitting in shadow, even while shedding light is their job.

March for Life expands to new cause: Obamacare.  When the March for Life first stepped off in 1973 in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's legalization of abortion, Dr. Jack Kevorkian had not begun to advertise "death counseling," capital punishment had been suspended and the Affordable Care Act was decades from being signed.  Over the course of 40 years, laws have changed and society's perceptions have shifted beyond a simple division between pro-life and pro-choice.  Issues such as the death penalty, assisted suicide, "do not resuscitate" medical orders and euthanasia frequently enter the right-to-life debate these days.

The coming collapse of the abortion lobby.  "Privacy" has long since vanished in the context of abortion policy:  the abortion statists believe the procedure should permeate the public sphere.  They want abortion defined as fundamental health care for women ... and they want every American to pay for it.  They do not believe an individual should have a choice whether to participate in abortion.  They plan to force every American, regardless of their personal beliefs and values, to participate in abortion as part of the everyday fabric of our culture through tax subsidies and occupational mandates.

An Honest and Horrifying Admission.  The anti-life left can no longer hide behind some murky confusion of what's happening in the womb.  They can no longer candy-coat what they condone.  They can no longer pretend there is some great mystery to when human life begins.  Credit technology, but also credit a pro-life movement that, after forty years of frustrating attempts to chip away at our modern holocaust through regulating abortion, is finally getting around to forcing the only question that has ever mattered:  what is conceived in the womb? [...] The word fetus, just like the words adolescent and toddler, doesn't refer to a nonhuman.  It refers to a human at a particular stage of development.

Which Babies Should Get the Death Sentence?  Who exactly benefits when the government permits the deliberate killing of an innocent child conceived through rape?

Gun control, abortion and shameful political hypocrisy.  Ignoring the obvious isn't just ignorance; it's a symptom of coldness that's incapable of seeing beyond personal political gain.  How else could Obama imply that our Second Amendment rights should be abandoned if it will save a single life, yet vigorously defend aborting tens of millions of babies (and even the barbaric partial birth abortion) for any or no reason at all?

Canadian Medical Association Redefines Human Life.  The Canadian Medical Association, the largest association of doctors in Canada, has redefined human life.  On August 15, as reported by LifeNews, delegates to the CMA's general council voted to pass "a resolution supporting the current wording of the Criminal Code which states that a child 'becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother.'"  The CMA resolution is intended to support the nation's criminal code, which defines an infant as a human being only after the infant is born.

The Editor asks...
If you zip yourself into a sleeping bag, are you not a person?  Does a person stop (or start) being a person depending on his or her location?  Is a man not a man if he cannot breathe on his own?  If so, why bother with CPR?

Activist Tells Congress She Would Break the Law to Help Minors Cross State Lines to End Pregnancies.  Were Congress to outlaw the transporting of a minor without her parents' permission across state lines to get an abortion, an abortion- and gay-rights activist testifying on Capitol Hill Thursday [3/8/2012] she would break the law to continue to help girls end their pregnancies.  Appearing as a Democratic Party witness at a hearing of the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, Dr. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, president and dean of the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass. recalled the time she took a 15-year-old girl she had never met before to get an abortion.

The Editor says...
One of us does not know the definition of "divinity".

Sliding Down the Slippery Slope at Warp Speed.  A medical journal article ruthlessly proposes — and its editor defends — rhetorically dressed-up infanticide.

Silence assents to evil of 'after-birth abortion'.  Decades ago, when Roe v. Wade was decided, conservatives and many religious folks predicted the country had begun an inevitable slide toward a murderous future:  a time when certain people — in addition to unprotected preborn children — would be declared less valuable than others, their killing justified.  Back then, liberal voices jeered at the warnings of the slippery slope ahead.  But those fears have become real.

Infanticide on Demand.  Recently, advocates for the parental right to kill unwanted newborns have appeared in the forms of Drs. Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva, whose paper for the Australian Journal of Medical Ethics advocates "after birth abortion." ... The slippery slope argument of pro-life advocates has been vindicated by leftists who formerly ridiculed the argument as absurd.  The arguments of Giubilini and Minerva follow a gruesomely reversed and morally repugnant logic which now openly advocates the murder of infants.

Eugene Robinson: Believing Life Starts at Conception is 'Frankly Insane'.  Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson set off alarm bells last month when he denigrated Rick Santorum as "very weird" for the manner in which Santorum and his wife mourned the loss of their newborn son Gabriel, who died within hours of his birth in 1996. ... Robinson doesn't limit himself to his belief that a fertilized egg is not fully human.  He also believes this of babies born prematurely who die shortly after birth — as shown by his dismissive criticism of the Santorums' response to the death of their son.

Gingrich: Life Doesn't Begin At Conception Because That Would 'Open Up Difficult Questions'.  In an interview with ABC News on Friday [12/2/2011], former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said he believes that human life does not begin at conception but at "implantation and successful implantation" because if you say life begins at conception "you're going to open up an extraordinary range of very difficult questions."  Gingrich also said that his "friends" who take "ideological positions" that human life does begin at conception "don't then follow through on the logic of" that postion.

Nurses Against Abortion Suing N.J. Hospital.  A dozen nurses in New Jersey have filed suit against the hospital where they work because the nurses don't want to assist during abortions. ... The women suing are same-day surgery nurses at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark.  They said until a few months ago, they were never asked to assist in those procedures.  But the nurses said the hospital implemented a policy change this past September and told them they had to assist abortions or risk being fired.

On Liberty and Abortion.  I've come to see that every single argument in favor of unlimited abortion simply skips over the decisive question:  is an unborn child a human being or not?  You can't say killing a human being is a private matter.  You can't say a woman has "a right to choose" whether to kill a human being.  You can't say it's okay to kill a human being because he was the product of rape or incest.  You can't argue that protecting the life of a human being unfairly extends government power — the government already has, and must have, that power.  And you surely can't say we must kill masses of innocent humans for the greater good of society.  That's more than hitlerian.  It's satanic.  You can see pro-choicers stumble over this problem of logic when feminists, say, complain that people are aborting far more girls than boys or when gays worry that the discovery of a "gay gene" may lead to a "gay holocaust" by abortion.  It ain't a holocaust if you're not killing people.

Enviro-Marxists discover the real scourge of the planet:  human beings.  How we got here, be it the culture of legalized abortion, liberal judicial activism, the dumbing down of the population by the public school system, or an increasing number of people looking to government to provide for their every need, it is chilling to consider where we find ourselves, a place where a couple of commentators on an allegedly serious news program can casually contemplate whether the United States of America should adopt the infanticide policies of a brutal, murderous dictatorship without the slightest mention of the restraints of our Constitution, and have viewers enthusiastically chime in about what a terrific idea it is.  People who thirty years ago warned of a slippery slope should have thought more in terms of a tiny step off a very steep cliff.

Inhofe:  Some Senators Share Holdren's View That Born Babies Are Not 'Human Beings'.  Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, says he believes some of his Senate colleagues share the view expressed by White House science adviser John P. Holdren in a 1973 book that human fetuses do not become "human beings" until sometime after they are born.

Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists.  President Obama knows that an unborn baby is human.  He knows that the blood shed by the abortionist's knife is human blood, that the bones broken are human bones.  He does not deny that the baby whom nurse Jill Stanek discovered gasping for breath in a soiled linen bin after a failed attempt to end her life by abortion, was a human baby.  Even in opposing the Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which was designed to assure that such babies were rescued if possible or at least given comfort care while they died, Barack Obama did not deny the humanity of the child.  What he denied, and continues to deny, is the fundamental equality of that child — equality with those of us who are safely born and accepted into the human community.

The Sanctity of Human Life.  The sanctity of human life is first described in the Holy Bible in Genesis 1:27 (NIV):  "So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."  Scholars note that being created in the image of God (imago Dei) means more than having certain abilities and attributes.  It means that humans are the images of God, regardless of what they can or cannot do.  To bear the image of the Creator is a privilege extended uniquely to humans.  No other "creation" of God can make this claim.

The Right of Conscience in the Age of Obama.  On May 24, [Nurse Catherina Cenzon-]DeCarlo, a nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, was forced to participate in the killing of a 22-week-old unborn child by dismemberment.  As she began her shift that morning, a superior informed her that she needed to assist in the late second-term abortion. ... Though she had repeatedly and in writing made her belief known to hospital administrators since she was hired five years earlier, DeCarlo was told on that day that if she did not participate, she would be charged with "insubordination and patient abandonment."

Kathleen Sebelius: Obama Backs Abortion Conscience-Clause Laws But...  Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said President Barack Obama supports existing federal laws that prevent federally funded health care providers from forcing doctors and pharmacists who morally oppose abortion from either performing the procedure or providing abortion-inducing medication.  But Obama opposes a regulation put into place by the Bush administration that would require those federally funded providers to certify compliance with the law, Sebelius said.

Obama's Conscience Claws.  President Obama has a masterful ability to convince people he is their friend even while he attacks them.  This talent was on display last Thursday July 2, when the President spoke to members of the Catholic press about conscience rights for pro-life doctors.  Obama seems to be persuading even pro-life Catholics that he supports "robust" conscience rights. ... Yet one of Obama's first actions was to repeal basic rules protecting conscience.

When Life Begins:  Your life began, as did the life of every other human being, when the fusion of egg and sperm produced a new, complete, living organism — an embryonic human being.  You were never an ovum or a sperm cell, those were both functionally and genetically parts of other human beings — your parents.  But you were once an embryo, just as you were once an adolescent, a child, an infant, and a fetus.  By an internally directed process, you developed from the embryonic stage into and through the fetal, infant, child, and adolescent stages of development and ultimately into adulthood with your determinateness, unity, and identity fully intact.  You are the same being — the same human being — who once was an embryo.

Docs speak out about abortion.  Canada, which reputedly provides the most open legal access to abortion in the western world, doesn't provide access enough, said an abortion rights group last week.  Many women can't get abortions at all, or are subjected to long delays.  The group's solution:  Require doctors by law to perform abortions whether they like it or not.

A matter of life and death.  In self-defense, most see nothing wrong with taking a life if another person is about to take theirs.  It is only if the killer succeeds that some strange notion kicks in that the killer's life suddenly inherits value and comes under constitutional protection.  Conversely, the unborn child, according to the same court, only has a right to live if the woman carrying it gives it that right.  Should she decide not to give birth, any method, including drug cocktails, is allowed.  It mocks life when anti-death penalty people advocate for the guilty, while caring nothing for the unborn.

America's Culture War:  How does the war over abortion rights and homosexual rights affect society at large in America? … Many men and women who would be responsible for saving the lives of many Americans were never permitted to come into the world.  Therefore, abortion has cost the United States economy billions of dollars.  Fewer workers mean less tax revenue for the U.S. Treasury.  Fewer workers mean less Social Security revenue for the U.S. Treasury.  Fewer workers mean less money spent on food, clothes, and shelter in America which definitely affects the economy negatively.

Partial-Birth Bigotry:  Liberal critics just can't believe that a majority of Americans find this procedure immoral.  Nor can they understand why many think the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade is muddle-headed and misguided for conjuring a woman's right to abortion out of a constitutional guarantee of "due process."

Like a slave, is an unborn child not a brother?  This week, I received an invitation to the opening of a new gallery in the Museum in Docklands, an offshoot of the Museum of London. … I found myself wondering how abortion will be viewed by museum curators, teachers, historians and moralists 200 years from now. As the slavery exhibition shows, something that one generation accepts readily enough is often seen as abhorrent by its descendants — so abhorrent, in fact, that people find it almost impossible to understand how it could have been countenanced in a supposedly civilised society.

The devaluing of human life …   did not end with making abortion legal, and therefore, to some people, moral.  The word "baby" does not appear in Roe v. Wade, let alone the word "killing."  And so, the termination of "lives not worth living" goes on.

Rule backs doctors opposed to abortion.  Federal health officials announced tougher steps yesterday to protect doctors and other health care professionals from being fired or discriminated against for refusing to provide abortions for conscience or religious reasons.  A proposed rule, which is open for public comment for the next 30 days, reads that no one receiving federal funds can discriminate against employees who refuse to undergo training for abortions or provide referrals for abortions.

Abortion Rhymes with Death.  Ramesh Ponnuru, my close friend and colleague at National Review, has written the first serious pro-life book for a general audience in decades.  It is a humane, sustained and, most of all, respectful argument about respecting life, dealing with abortion, eugenics, and euthanasia.

What the Bible Says About the Beginning of Life:  The Bible is far from silent on the topic of the sanctity of human life, especially preborn life in the womb.  This resource provides just a few of the Scripture verses that speak to the value of preborn life created in God's image from the moment of fertilization.

The Media Adore Warren Buffett.  Buffett targets people in general, not just a particular group.  In a press release, [Rev. Thomas J.] Euteneuer took aim at almost every aspect of Buffett's agenda, saying that "Warren Buffett's philanthropy aims at killing pre-born children not curing childhood disease, eliminating the poor not poverty, and destroying the developing world not aiding development."  That may seem harsh.  But while [Bill] Gates is dedicated to "global health" issues, he, too, underwrites the pro-abortion agenda.

More women have abortions as it loses stigma.  Women are finding it more acceptable to have an abortion than to drift into an unplanned pregnancy, the head of Britain's leading abortion agency said yesterday.  Ann Furedi, the chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), said one women in five was now childless at the age of 45 and an increasing number were making the choice not to have children at all.  Ms. Furedi said there had been a shift in public opinion about parenthood.  The stigma of abortion had diminished but there was now concern about being a poor parent.

[A mother who has her child exterminated is a poor parent indeed.]

Protecting the lives of others is fundamental to civilization.  It is becoming increasingly expedient to eliminate an unwanted pregnancy, a malformed child, an infant of an undesired sex, a disabled person, the elderly, and others who are nonproductive, inconvenient, and do not vote.  When we no longer have the will to take care of others in peril and need, we will no longer be able to depend on others to care for us when we are similarly afflicted.  History has shown us how easy it is to accelerate the elimination of the inconvenient as the Nazis did starting in 1935.

Pro-life on campus.  What causes people who pride themselves on the compassion of their creed to champion the violent killing of the weakest human beings?  Many reasons have been offered, most with some truth to them.  For the sexual revolution to achieve its goal of sex without consequences, abortion was necessary.  Guilt is another factor; those who have had or encouraged abortions are desperate to justify themselves.

Pro-life laws save lives.  Is such pro-life legislation effective?  Do parental-notification laws, partial-birth abortion bans and informed-consent laws make a difference?  According to a new Heritage Foundation paper, the answer is yes.

I have a (pro-life) dream.  I have a dream that some day, every child will be conceived from an act of true love between parents who love each other, are married to each other, and eagerly welcome him.  I have a dream that every child will spend his childhood with those parents who brought him into being.

Abortion FAQ
I was knit together in my mother's womb, Psalm 139.
The Abortion-Homosexual Connection.  California Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's appointment of longtime Democrat, lesbian activist and pro-abortion leader Susan Kennedy as his chief of staff is more evidence of The Terminator's disdain for social conservatives.  But the move also illustrates the strong collaboration between homosexual activists and the abortion lobby.

 Excellent:   Abortion discussed on the Ears to Hear web site, where it is seen as "Murder under the deceptive premise of the 'right to choose.'" 

The Abortion Underworld:  The abortion industry is riddled with violence, corruption, and crime and is guilty of committing vile deeds outside as well as inside abortion clinics.

Abortion and the Religious Left:  The liberal churches speak out on abortion, but the conservative ones are silent.  Churches must preach the Gospel before all else.  Because, this is not a physical battle.  This is not even a merely cultural battle.  It is spiritual warfare.  Unless traditional Christians speak up, there will be only one army on the field.

United Methodist Church criticized for pro-abortion alliance.  The United Methodist Church is being criticized for its alliance with a pro-abortion coalition.  The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice has come out against the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the ban on partial-birth abortion, calling it a "serious setback."  The pro-abortion group is supported by several mainline Christian denominations, including the United Methodist Church.

Abortion:  Striking at the Root of the Problem.  Consider this quote:  "The purpose of marriage is not to have pleasure and to be idle but to procreate and bring up children, to support a household.  Those who have no love for children are swine, stocks, and logs unworthy of being called men or women; for they despise the blessings of God, the Creator and Author of marriage."  Perhaps you're thinking some deranged medieval Pope must have made that statement.  Hardly!  It was Martin Luther, the Father of the Protestant Reformation who said it.

Entertainer Pat Boone Blames Abortion for Society's "Insensitivity".

Cheating girlfriend hid body of newborn baby in car boot to conceal love affair.  On the night of December 27 last year [Claire] Jones gave birth alone in the bathroom of her mother's home but the baby was stillborn.  She wrapped the body in a carrier bag and some plastic bin bags then drove back to the house she shared with [David] Stoneman, 33.  Jones acted as if nothing had happened and even returned to her job as a marketing manager.

Catholic voters warned on abortion.  Roman Catholic voters and lawmakers must heed church teaching on abortion or risk losing their eternal salvation, U.S. bishops said yesterday [11/14/2007].  "The direct and intentional destruction of innocent human life is always wrong and is not just one issue among many," the bishops stated.  "It must always be opposed."

Doctors worry organ donors not dead.  A federally funded research project has described how surgeons were able to snatch the hearts from severely brain-damaged newborns only seconds after they were disconnected from life-support units and transplant the organs into other diseased infants, but the work is raising alarms from those who say the donors weren't dead yet.

Premature baby 'comes back to life'.  The father, Ali Majdub, told Channel 2 that his wife realized the child was alive after asking to see her dead daughter one last time.  "When we unwrapped the baby to see her, she realized it was moving.  I began screaming and ran with it toward the doctors," he said.  She was then rushed to the neonatal intensive care unit, where doctors are fighting for her life.

The Slippery Slope is Real (and Real Slippery).  Most conservatives I hear from are upset about the inch-by-inch ground we give up on traditional values.  The end result isn't a ball of fire; instead we wake up in a foggy, swampy mess of concessions that really does impact society. … Frankly, we don't need to prove a downward slope.  The left has done it for us.

Nebraska Safe-Haven Law Permits Parents to Abandon Teens.  Nebraska's new safe-haven law allowing parents to abandon unwanted children at hospitals with no questions asked is unique in a significant way:  It goes beyond babies and potentially permits the abandonment of anyone under 19.  While lawmakers may not have intended it, the month-old law raises the possibility that frustrated parents could drop off misbehaving teens or even severely disabled older children with impunity.

10 kids abandoned at Nebraska hospitals under state's safe haven law.  Relatives of nine siblings who were abandoned by their father under Nebraska's new safe haven law may be granted custody.  A spokeswoman for the state department Health and Human Services officials said Friday [9/26/2008] that a number of family members have volunteered to take the siblings, ranging in age from 1 to 17.

Nebraska Dad Who Abandoned 9 Children Was Out of Work, 'Overwhelmed'.  An out-of-work widower who abandoned nine of his children at a hospital under Nebraska's new safe haven law said he was overwhelmed without his wife and just "fell apart." ... The unique law allows caregivers to abandon babies and teenagers alike at hospitals without fear of prosecution.  Originally intended to protect infants, it was expanded in a legislative compromise to protect any "child."  Some have interpreted that to mean anyone under 19.

Frustrated parents dump teens at hospitals.  Frustrated parents are dumping their teenagers at Nebraska hospitals — even crossing state lines to do it — and the state Legislature has scheduled a special hearing to try to stem the tide.  Nebraska's "safe haven" law, intended to allow parents to anonymously hand over an infant to a hospital without being prosecuted, isn't working out as planned.

Montana Judge: Man Has Right to Assisted Suicide.  A Montana judge has ruled that doctor-assisted suicides are legal in the state, a decision likely to be appealed as the state argues that the Legislature, not the court, should decide whether terminally ill patients have the right to take their own life. (sic)

The Editor says...
Why can't judges be content to enforce the law, instead of legislating from the bench and manufacturing new "rights"?  By the way, "their" is plural and "life" is singular.

Guilty consciences.  For social liberals, what is it about abortion that makes some of them consider it a sacrificial rite through which only the killing of an unborn child can truly liberate a woman from the clutches of paternalism? ... If you are a resident in an assisted-living center, you might consider putting an extra lock on the door, because you are next.  By the time our consciences have been reprogrammed, the bureaucrat who decides you have outlived your usefulness will have forgotten how to feel guilty about anything.

Death is on a Roll.  The "death with dignity" and the "self-deliverance" movements fail to see any real meaning in human life.  In their views, life is not so much a gift as a right.  As a right, one's life has little or no meaning other than what one makes of it.  Life is ours to make or to take.  To own or to discard.  To enjoy or to end.  This position finds its roots in a nihilistic perspective where human life ultimately has no significance but rather is something we own while we are here and can choose to embrace, value, discard, or abuse.

Sebelius' Pro-Choice Incoherence:  If developing life is merely protoplasmic rubbish, it has the legal claims of a cyst or a toenail.  But if a politician believes life is sacred, the destruction of more than a million lives a year cannot be merely one issue among many.  [Kathleen] Sebelius and other pro-choice Catholic leaders are disagreeing with their church on a fundamental issue of justice — which is their right.  It is also the right of their church to point out their incoherence.

U.S. News' Bonnie Erbe Argues Abortion is a 'Good Decision' in a Recession.  In her April 1 blog post, Bonnie Erbe, contributing editor to U.S. News and World Report and host of PBS' "To the Contrary," gave that advice to pregnant moms who are wondering how to raise a child on a strained budget.  It wasn't a tasteless April Fool's Day joke.  She's serious.

The End Game of the Left.  Within the world of the far left, individuals have no value.  Only the state matters.  That is why the modern American statist devalues individual achievement and wealth.  If, as in the socialist world of Marx, Engels, and Adolf Hitler, God does not exist and humans have no souls, then the state determines the value of a human life.  This philosophy leads to an ominous conclusion. ... The end game of the left is the abortion and eugenic elimination of the "undesirables", the euthanasia of the old and infirm, and the genocide of those who disagree.  Its objective is the purity of socialist thought.  And it is pure evil.

Notre Dame sells out

In the latest triumph of political correctness over principle, the University of Notre Dame has abandoned the Catholic church's pro-life stance and has invited President Obama to speak and to receive an honorary law degree.

Catholic Bishop: Wrong for Notre Dame to Honor 'Pro-Choice' and Pro-Gay Marriage VP Joe Biden.  Catholic Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, head of the Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana diocese where the University of Notre Dame is located, said it is wrong for the school to honor Vice President Joe Biden with the Laetare Medal, which recognizes a Catholic's outstanding service to the Church and to society.  Notre Dame, headed by Fr. John Jenkins, decided to give the award to Vice President Joe Biden and to former House Speaker John Boehner, the former a Democrat and the latter a Republican, and both Catholic.

Catholic Notre Dame Will Award Pro-Abortion Obama an Honorary Law Degree.  The University of Notre Dame announced on Friday [3/20/2009] that it will award President Barack Obama an honorary law degree and that Obama will give the principal address at the university's May 17th commencement ceremony.

Tens of Thousands Sign Petition Asking Notre Dame Not to Honor Pro-Abortion Obama.  Many American Catholics, including alumni and students of the University of Notre Dame, are expressing anger and profound disappointment at the school's decision to invite President Obama -- who supports abortion on demand and legalized same-sex unions -- to be the school's commencement speaker and to award him an honorary doctoral degree in law.

The Destruction of Notre Dame.  On Friday, March 20, it was announced that President Obama had accepted an invitation by the president of the University of Notre Dame, Father John Jenkins, to give the commencement address on May 19 and receive an honorary degree.  What fire could not do, Father Jenkins and his Academic Council may succeed in doing -- destroying a major Catholic institution.

Notre Dame students protest as pro-choice President Obama picked to give commencement speech.  Mr. President, go wax eloquent elsewhere.  President Obama's selection as the keynote speaker at Notre Dame's commencement ceremony this spring has sparked a deluge of protest, with critics citing his pro-choice stance and his decision to funnel federal dollars for stem-cell research.

Notre Dame Not Budging on Obama Invite.  Officials at the University of Notre Dame are standing firmly behind their decision to invite President Obama to deliver the university's commencement address, despite strong opposition from some vocal Catholics.

Criticism over Obama invite mounts at Notre Dame.  The University of Notre Dame has a tradition of inviting new presidents to speak at graduation.  But this year's selection of President Barack Obama has been met by a barrage of criticism that has left some students fearing their commencement ceremony will turn into a circus.

Touchdown Obama.  The Catholic Church in America has bred her own destroyers, graduating from doctrinally corrupt catechetical programs, schools and colleges two generations of pro-abortion politicians.  Barack Obama, in his effortless Alinskyite style, has exploited this phenomenon to the hilt, seeking out Catholics such as Joe Biden and Kathleen Sebelius to serve as his agents of destruction.  The controversy this week at Notre Dame is one more snapshot of this self-implosion.

Phoenix Bishop Blasts Notre Dame's President.  Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Ariz., sent a scorching letter [via email] Wednesday to Fr. John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame University, directly accusing Fr. Jenkins of committing an act of disobedience to the Catholic bishops of the United States by inviting pro-abortion President Barack Obama to deliver Notre Dame's commencement address and receive an honorary law degree.

Notre Dame:  Sober Up!  Here we have a Catholic archbishop [Charles Chaput] exposing the fact that the emperor has no clothes on, when right down the road we have the most well known Catholic university in the land reaching out to embrace the most pro-abortion president in the history of the United States.  Something is wrong with this picture.  Or perhaps, one should suggest there is something extraordinarily evil about it.

Bishop to Skip Notre Dame Commencement.  The Roman Catholic bishop whose diocese includes the University of Notre Dame says he will boycott President Barack Obama's commencement speech at the Catholic school because Obama's policies on stem cell research and abortion run counter to church teaching.  Bishop John D'Arcy of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend said in a statement Tuesday [3/24/2009] that Obama's recent decision to federally fund embryonic stem cell research "has now placed in public policy ... his long-stated unwillingness to hold human life sacred."

Notre Dame Alumni Opposed to Obama's Speech.  The Observer, Notre Dame's student newspaper, has been hearing from Notre Dame alumni on whether or not Obama should speak at the graduation.  Most alumni agree:  the University has made a mistake.

Row over Obama visit at Notre Dame University.  Conservative Christians are protesting against an invitation to Barack Obama to speak at a Catholic university because of the US President's enthusiasm for policies that go against Catholic belief, such as federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

American Cardinal joins criticism of Notre Dame.  Cardinal Archbishop of Galveston-Houston Daniel DiNardo became the first Catholic prelate to come out publicly against Notre Dame University inviting President Barack Obama to speak at their commencement.

Cardinal DiNardo of Texas on why Obama should not be honoured by Notre Dame:  [Scroll down]  And how about this for deadly understatement?  "Even given the dignity of Office of the President, this offer [by Notre Dame] is still providing a platform and an award for a public figure who has been candid on his pro-abortion views.  Particularly troubling is the Honorary Law Degree since it recognizes that the person is a 'Teacher', in this case of the Law.  I think that this decision requires charitable but vigorous critique."

Notre Shame or Notre Dame?  Having spent two decades in a denomination that had 1000 people vote every four years to decide whether abortion is moral or immoral, I rejoice to stand now with the Church to hold steady and inviolable the truth that each human life is created in the image of God and therefore has intrinsic value and worth.  Now, Notre Dame has invited President Obama to speak at its graduation ceremonies this year.

Pro-lifers plan protest for Obama's visit to Notre Dame.  The outrage over Notre Dame inviting President Obama as commencement speaker has not abated.  Last week, pro-lifers strongly voiced their anger about a pro-abortion president being invited to speak at a prominent Catholic university, which supposedly upholds church doctrines such as the sanctity of life.  But they also are objecting to the school's plan to give Obama an honorary Doctor of Law degree.  Notre Dame has been flooded with complaints, but university President John Jenkins will not be deterred.

Is Notre Dame Still Catholic?  By inviting Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address and receive an honorary degree at Notre Dame, the Rev. John Jenkins has polarized the Catholic community nationwide — and raised a question.  What does it mean to be a Catholic university in post-Christian America?  Are there truths about faith and morality that are closed to debate at Notre Dame?  Or is Notre Dame like London's Hyde Park, where all ideas and all advocates get a hearing?

Why Obama Is Losing a Faith:  Some friends who are loyal alumni of Notre Dame are distressed that God's alma mater is hosting a pro-choice president at commencement.  For decades, they argue, Notre Dame has accommodated, legitimated and enabled pro-choice views, compromising its identity as a Catholic institution.  They question the wisdom of the Obama invitation, which they believe adds to that confusion.

Growing Catholic Opposition to Obama's Notre Dame Address.  More Catholic leaders are coming out in opposition to the University of Notre Dame's plans to have President Barack Obama speak at commencement May 17.  Notre Dame's decision to invite Obama has drawn outrage from some Catholics because his stances on abortion and stem cell research are at odds with church teaching.

Cardinal George:  Notre Dame's invitation to President Obama embarrasses Catholic Church.  Cardinal Francis George called the University of Notre Dame's decision to invite President Obama to speak at its commencement an "extreme embarrassment" to Catholics.  "It is clear that Notre Dame didn't understand what it means to be Catholic when they issued this invitation," said George, who made his remarks at a conference Sunday [3/29/2009] hosted by the archdiocese's Respect Life office in Rosemont.

Leader of Order that Runs Notre Dame Tells Obama He's Supporting 'Evil' by Backing Abortion.  Rev. Hugh W. Cleary, C.S.C., the superior general of the Catholic religious order that founded and now sponsors the University of Notre Dame, declared in an "open letter" to President Barack Obama that many good Catholics are scandalized by his pro-abortion policies, which, Cleary said, are "regarded by us as an intrinsic evil."

Notre Dame Must Not Honor Obama With an Honorary Law Degree.  The world is watching. If Catholics don't stand strong on Catholic dogma and equality then certainly no one else will.  This is a remarkable chance to show Catholic commitment to Jesus and His lesson of love to us.  As a Catholic, I beg pro-life graduates at Notre Dame to begin planning the alternative graduation ceremony.  Cancel plans for it only if the university rescinds the honorary law degree or the president rejects the degree.  Both the university and the president can save face if they issue a joint statement foregoing the honorary degree but accepting the invitation to speak.

Hundreds protest Notre Dame honor for Obama.  Hundreds of anti-abortion advocates protested Sunday [4/5/2009] on the University of Notre Dame campus against the school's decision to award an honorary degree to President Barack Obama.  Speakers at the rally outside the school's Main Building called for the honorary degree to be withdrawn because Obama's actions on abortion regulations and stem cell research do not agree with Roman Catholic teachings.

More Than 250,000 Sign Petition Protesting Notre Dame's Invitation to Obama.  More than a quarter-million people have signed a petition sponsored by the Cardinal Newman Society calling on Notre Dame to withdraw its invitation to President Obama to speak at the May 17 commencement.

The Catholic identity crisis.  Many Catholics are angry that the University of Notre Dame, a private Catholic institution with a 90% Christian enrollment and a crucifix in every classroom, has asked President Obama to speak at its coming commencement.  Francis Cardinal George, archbishop of Chicago, called the invitation an "extreme embarrassment" to Catholics, who consider right-to-life issues among the most fundamental to their faith.

10 Holy Cross priests object to Obama invitation.  Ten priests from the order that founded the University of Notre Dame say the school risks its "true soul" and could distance itself from the Roman Catholic church by inviting President Barack Obama to campus next month.

Obama at Notre Dame.  By inviting Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address and receive an honorary degree at Notre Dame, the Rev. John Jenkins has polarized the Catholic community nationwide — and raised a question.  What does it mean to be a Catholic university in post-Christian America?

Notre Dame president defends Obama invitation.  The University of Notre Dame's selection of President Barack Obama as its commencement speaker follows the "letter and spirit" of a statement passed by U.S. bishops in 2004 and cited frequently by critics as a reason Obama should not have been invited, the school's president says.

Obama's 'Notre Shame' PR disaster could cost him millions of Catholic votes.  "Notre Shame", as it has become known, is turning into one of the biggest PR disasters of Barack Obama's presidency and is quickly eroding his fragile support among American Catholics.  Every day for the past month, it seems, another Catholic bishop has attacked the decision by Notre Dame University to invite the rabidly pro-choice Obama to give its commencement address and receive an honorary degree.

Notre Dame Alumni Launch Effort to Withhold Donations Over Obama Invitation.  A group of Notre Dame alumni angry over the university's decision to feature President Obama as this year's commencement speaker is set to launch an online effort urging the school's financial backers to withhold donations until the university president is ousted.  The group's website calls for current university president Rev. John Jenkins be replaced with "someone who will uphold fundamental Catholic moral principles."

Notre Dame Alumni Protest with Dollars.  A new front has opened in the battle over the commencement appearance by President Barack Obama at the University of Notre Dame.  This one involves money.  Groups protesting the event are turning to alumni, hoping that dollars will speak louder than petitions, which have failed to budge the university to rescind the invitation.

Notre Dame President Is Focal Point for Conservative Outrage Over Obama Speech.  Reporting on the new campaign by some Notre Dame alumni to withhold donations from the university over President Obama's forthcoming commencement appearance there, I spoke yesterday with Anthony Rea, a Michigan-based Notre Dame benefactor who has joined the effort.  A developer and architect who has sent three children to Notre Dame, Rea says he has given more than $100,000 to the school.

ND President 'Tremendously Proud' To Honor Obama.  Fr. John Jenkins, president of the University of Notre Dame, boasted this week of how proud the school is to host President Barack Obama at its commencement exercises this May.  Fr. Jenkins, who caused a firestorm of criticism for the school when he agreed to give Mr. Obama an honorary doctorate of law, called the president's visit a "tremendous event" for the nation's most prestigious Catholic school.

Mary Ann Glendon Refuses Notre Dame's Laetare Medal.  Mary Ann Glendon, the Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard University, former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican and member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences is a Pro-Life Champion.  She enjoys global respect for her intelligence, eloquence and distinguished record of public service.

Ex-Vatican Ambassador Declines Medal At Notre Dame Commencement, Citing Obama.  Former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican Mary Ann Glendon won't accept the school's Laetare Medal at commencement next month because of its decision to have President Barack Obama speak to graduates.  Glendon also says in a letter to Notre Dame's president that giving Obama an honorary degree violates the U.S. bishops' 2004 statement that Roman Catholic institutions shouldn't honor people whose actions conflict with the church's moral principles.

Morning Shows, NYT, USA Today Ignore Mary Ann Glendon/Notre Dame Development.  Imagine that former Vice President Dick Cheney was set to be honored next month at a Catholic university's commencement ceremony and news came down that another person to be honored at the same ceremony with a different award declined the honor, stating that she felt it inappropriate for the university to honor a man who believes in and furthered the use of torture by condoning waterboarding of enemy combatants.  The press, it's safe to say, would have a field day.  But that's not the case with the news of Mary Ann Glendon...

Glendon turns down Notre Dame's Laetare Medal because of Obama invite.  Mary Ann Glendon, who was scheduled to receive the Laetare Medal at the University of Notre Dame commencement ceremony May 17, won't be attending and will turn down the honor because the university invited President Barack Obama to speak to the graduates.

Notre Dame Critics Tally $8.2 Million in Denied University Donations Over Obama.  The effort of some Notre Dame alumni to discourage donors from supporting the university because of its commencement invitation to Barack Obama is bearing some fruit.

Glendon declines Notre Dame award.  Harvard Law professor Mary Ann Glendon, one of the most prominent Catholic conservative intellectuals in the United States, announced yesterday that she would refuse a prestigious award from the University of Notre Dame rather than appear on the same platform on which President Obama is being awarded an honorary degree.  Glendon's unexpected announcement, just 20 days before Notre Dame's commencement, stoked a raging controversy over the decision by the Catholic university to honor a president who supports abortion rights and has taken several steps during his first 100 days to widen access to abortion services and to ease restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.

Notre Dame won't give top honor amid Obama protest.  The University of Notre Dame has decided against awarding its top honor at commencement this year after its intended recipient turned it down over the school's decision to have President Barack Obama speak to graduates.

Norma McCorvey attacks Notre Dame decision to honour pro-abortion Obama.  The woman whose pregnancy provoked the Roe v Wade court case that legalised abortion in the United States in 1973 has condemned the decision by Notre Dame University to invite the fiercely pro-abortion Barack Obama to deliver its commencement address on May 17.  Norma McCorvey — the "Jane Roe" of Roe v Wade — is now a Catholic pro-life campaigner.

Barack Obama's Notre Dame visit provokes huge Catholic backlash, PR disaster.  Barack Obama's ill-fated decision to speak at the commencement ceremony of the Catholic University of Notre Dame on May 17 and to accept an honorary degree, despite his aggressively pro-abortion activities, has turned into a nasty car-crash for the White House.  The Catholic and broader Christian backlash against this outrage has built up a head of steam beyond anything the cack-handed university administration could have anticipated.

St. Louis Catholics to take part in Obama protests at Notre Dame.  Dozens of St. Louis Catholics will travel in a convoy of buses, cars and vans to South Bend, Ind. on May 16 to take part in campus protests against University of Notre Dame officials' decision to award President Barack Obama — who supports abortion rights — with an honorary degree.

Defending Mary Ann Glendon.  The open letter from Professor Mary Ann Glendon to Fr. John Jenkins declining a Laetare Medal from the University of Notre Dame almost shimmers with clarity of thought, but some of the people unimpressed by her principled refusal to serve as a token for two presidents now accuse Glendon of hypocrisy.  In the letter, Glendon explains why she has a problem with Notre Dame awarding an honorary degree to President Obama.

Alan Keyes Arrested While Protesting University of Notre Dame's Obama Invitation.  Conservative political activist and former presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes was arrested on Friday [5/8/2009] along with 21 other pro-lifers while protesting the University of Notre Dame's decision to give President Obama an honorary law degree despite his support for abortion.

Why Is Obama Going to Notre Dame? To Divide and Conquer American Catholics.  Many are questioning why officials at the University of Notre Dame are inviting the most pro-abortion president in our history to receive an honorary doctorate of laws.  Doesn't this make a mockery of Notre Dame's historic role as the premier Catholic university in America?  Doesn't this create a scandal for the Catholic faithful as well as for the larger community of Americans who are not Catholic?

Critics Decry Wording of Notre Dame's Honorary Degree for Obama.  [Scroll down]  The honorary doctor of laws degree reads:  "A community organizer who honed his advocacy for the poor, the marginalized and the worker in the streets of Chicago, he now organizes a larger community, bringing to the world a renewed American dedication to diplomacy and dialogue with all nations and religions committed to human rights and the global common good.  Through his willingness to engage with those who disagree with him and encourage people of faith to bring their beliefs to the public debate, he is inspiring this nation to heal its divisions of religion, culture, race and politics in the audacious hope for a brighter tomorrow."

The Editor says...
I disagree completely.  When did President (or Senator) Obama ever "engage with those who disagree with him"?  What has Obama ever done to "inspir[e] this nation to heal its divisions"?

Booing Notre Dame.  President Obama is speaking and receiving an honorary degree at the University of Notre Dame's graduation ceremony on Sunday.  The university has been moving to the left for years but had managed not to isolate its conservative Midwestern alumni and the Catholic Church's hierarchy.  That luck has run out for the Irish.

Keyes, priest arrested at Notre Dame protest.  Former Republican presidential hopeful Alan Keyes, a Roman Catholic priest and 19 others were arrested Friday [5/15/2009] after marching onto the University of Notre Dame campus to protest President Barack Obama's planned commencement speech.

Moral relativism and Obama at Notre Dame.  In a letter to the 2009 graduating class of Notre Dame, Father John Jenkins, the university's president, explains why he is "proud" to have President Barack Obama speak and be honored at his university.  Let's put aside momentarily the appropriateness of a Catholic university honoring a man who aggressively supports legal abortion, including partial birth abortion, and has supported a procedure that permits the destruction of a living child after birth.  Someone who says that the question regarding the rights of the unborn is "above my pay grade."

Ignoring 2,000 years of faith for a commencement 'get'.  I'm perplexed by Notre Dame's eagerness to squander some fragment of its essence — while pretending that's not what's at stake.  And for what?  A day of bragging rights?

Thoughtful voice all but lost in Obama-Notre Dame drama.  The one person who has spoken most clearly in all of this has become a footnote:  Mary Ann Glendon, a law professor at Harvard University and a former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.  Perhaps Glendon has become a media footnote because what she said wasn't nuanced enough for the scribes.  Yet rather than dance nimbly, the 70-year-old Glendon did something the best Catholic teachers do.  She stood firm.  And she engaged in absolute clarity.

Obama Honor Puts Notre Dame's Catholic Standing at Risk.  Catholics and critics debate the lasting effect of President Obama's 2009 commencement address and the university's awarding of an honorary law degree.

How Notre Dame Drifted Away from the Catholic Church:  Today [5/27/2009], to the disgust and apparent surprise of many Catholic bishops and laity, the University of Notre Dame, once the pride of Catholic intellectual life in America, will behave in a very un-Catholic way by honoring, as commencement speaker and honorary degree recipient, POTUS Barack Obama, one of America's most extreme advocates of abortion.

What were Notre Dame officials thinking?  According to Washington Post reporter Michael Fletcher, more than 87,000 people have signed an online petition calling for Notre Dame officials to "uninvite" Obama.  Last week, Alan Keyes was arrested with other demonstrators protesting Obama's commencement speech on the grounds of the university.

The Score -- Notre Dame = 0, Team Obama = 2012.  On Sunday in South Bend, Team Obama had its way with the Fighting Irish.  While Notre Dame officials argued for months that the decision to invite President Obama to give the 2009 commencement speech and offer him an honorary law degree had nothing to do with his "unacceptable" stance on abortion and the killing of human embryos for research purposes, President Obama shrewdly and shamelessly proved that for him, the occasion had everything to do with these issues.

Barack Obama preaches the gospel of abortion at Notre Shame.  Yesterday, at the formerly Catholic University of Notre Dame, this snake-oil salesman carried the gospel of abortion into what should have been the most hostile territory on the face of the earth but which, thanks to the great apostasy known as the Second Vatican Council and the self-interest of Democrat-supporting pseudo-Catholics, was a favourable environment.  To the rapturous applause of those who put establishment endorsement before the most basic human decencies, Obama preached his message of consensual infanticide.

Obama's Methodist Language at Notre Dame.  Did President Obama borrow language from a United Methodist Church TV ad during his address yesterday at Notre Dame?

Obama at Notre Dame:  President Obama and his fuzzy logic would have a hard time making it out of my freshman-level Composition and Research courses with a passing grade.  Though well known for his power of pathos when reading those teleprompter speeches, in Sunday's commencement address Obama's use of logos (the soundness of an argument) and ethos (credibility or reliability of the speaker) left much to be desired.

Barack Obama preaches the gospel of abortion at Notre Shame.  Sometimes something so gruesome is perpetrated in public life that the sick bag is an inadequate repository for one's involuntary reaction.  Such has been the focus on abortion since Obama courted this controversy that American opinion has finally experienced a revulsion.  For the first time since Gallup began to survey attitudes on abortion in the United States in 1995, a majority of respondents now identify themselves as pro-life.

The News That Didn't Happen.  When the president of the United States spoke at Notre Dame the other Sunday, he didn't so much speak about abortion as around it. ... There's no way to disagree with a stand not taken.  And yet what he said seemed to strike a chord.  Never underestimate the power of the platitudinous.

Notre Dame Pacifier?  President Obama came to the campus of Notre Dame armed with all his usual arrogance.  Despite his radical abortion record — which includes championing a policy in Illinois wherein aborted babies who manage to survive are tossed aside, to die — he posed as the national moderator of "common ground."

The Elephant in the Room:  The new pro-life majority.  The pro-choice cause has sunk to a low point in public-opinion polls.  Clinton, Obama, and Notre Dame inadvertently helped make it so.

Obama Legitimizes Killing of Unborn Babies in Speech at Notre Dame's Graduation.  After receiving an honorary doctorate in law at the University of Notre Dame's graduation ceremony yesterday [5/17/2009], President Barack Obama delivered a speech to the school's graduating seniors that sought to legitimize his position in favor of the legal killing of unborn children.

Respect or Revulsion?  In his much ballyhooed commencement address at Notre Dame, President Barack Obama urged protagonists in the abortion debate to respect the opinions of those whose views differ from their own.  Should abortion opponents respect the views of those who advocate abortion on demand?  Absolutely not!

O So Above IT All.  Put Barack Obama in front of a TelePrompTer and one thing is certain — he'll make himself appear the most reasonable person in the room.  Rhetorically, he is in the middle of any debate, perpetually surrounded by finger-pointing extremists who can't get over their reflexive combativeness and ideological fixations to acknowledge his surpassing thoughtfulness and grace.  This is how Obama, whose position on abortion is indistinguishable from NARAL's, can speechify on abortion at Notre Dame and come away sounding like a pitch-perfect centrist.

Apostacy and Anti-Christ at Notre Dame.  This has become a matter of much controversy, because Obama's vision holds for absolutely no restriction on abortion in any circumstance — something completely at odds with Catholic teaching on the subject, which the Church defines as murder in every fashion.  Despite considerable pressure and angry objections on the part of the Faithful, the University intends to expectorate in the face of the Papacy and the Cannon of Church Law, honoring a man whose views can be described as open to serial murder and butchery.

An Obama I can't believe in, yet.  President Obama's Notre Dame speech on abortion was applauded by the mainstream media, quoting his call for more "open hearts, open minds, fair-minded words."  But except for the pro-life, and some conservative forums, there was no mention of Obama's omission of his own documented, chilling record on abortion that proves what he also said on that Sunday:  "No matter how much we want to fudge it ... the fact is that at some level, the views of the two camps are irreconcilable."

Why Catholics (Stupidly) Support Obama:  [Scroll down slowly]  Obama's faux hip style would likely appeal to those who go for today's kumbaya forms of worship, such as the holding of hands during the "Lord's Prayer" in many masses.  Or the priest I heard in Holley, New York, who had come off the altar and into the aisle to talk in a confidential, folksy manner to the congregation who looked like they had just stopped into mass between their other activities that required no more sartorial effort than stepping into a pair of jeans. ... In many homilies, the themes of "social justice" and multiculturalism echo the lessons of the classroom.  Rare is the Sunday when a priest does not caution his parishioners about the evils of "prejudice" — directed of course only at the white people who make up the overwhelming majority of the congregation.

The message at N.D.: "Obama = Abortion".  The Pro-Life Action League and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society rallied hundreds of faithful pro-lifers from the Chicago and Michigan areas to join in a massive protest of President Barack Obama's commencement address at the University of Notre Dame on May 17.  Four full bus-loads — well over 200 volunteers — from Chicago were joined by hundreds of others who drove on their own, as well as three busses of volunteers from Citizens for a Pro-Life Society in Michigan.

Notre Dame Losing Donations Post Obama Visit?  After honoring President Barack Obama during last May's commencement ceremonies, the University of Notre Dame has seen less contributions and is feeling financial heat.  In May 2009, debate was heated over the fact that Notre Dame, a Catholic university, invited President Obama to speak at its graduation.  It was controversial mainly because some of Obama's policies are contrary to church doctrine.

Notre Dame Denies Pro-Marriage Club Official Status.  The University of Notre Dame has denied official recognition to a student club that supports traditional marriage.  On April 30, the university's Club Coordination Council (CCC) voted not to approve the application of Students for Child-Oriented Policy (SCOP) for official club status.  SCOP's Facebook page identifies it as "a group of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Notre Dame who are focused on the debate about marriage taking place in Indiana."

Semantics, euphemism, lies and verbal chicanery:

How has the Left claimed the moral high ground on abortion?  First, we need to dispense with the silly use of the word "fetus."  No one talks about their fetus's due date or asks when your fetus is due.  Use of the word is an insidious, but successful use of propaganda to distance pro-abortionists from the reality of their position.  A baby is only a fetus when someone wants to kill a baby and doesn't want to take responsibility for their position.  How badly has America's moral compass been broken when people who want to keep unborn babies alive are smeared as the extremists instead of those who demand fealty to unfettered abortion.  Women have been conditioned by the Left and its lapdogs in the media to think of the killing of an unborn baby as a personal healthcare decision comparable to elective surgery.  Some make the argument that it is "their body" and no one else is affected so no one else should have any say in the matter.  No one?  What about the father?  What about the unborn baby?  Do you think they might want a say in the matter?

American Tyranny?  Perfectly Normal.  Abortion is a clear example of normalization.  It became a hot topic decades ago, talked about in news, on social media, in Hollywood (desensitization phase).  Terms were revamped (language control phase).  Now it's "women's health," not "abortion," "pro-choice," not "pro-abortion," "fetuses" and "clumps of cells," not "babies."  Over time, killing one's own child was no longer untenable, but a normal part of society, even seen as a woman's right.  Using these same tactics, homosexual and transgender behavior once recognized as "abnormal" (3%) has also been mainstreamed.  Again, it was gay rights everywhere — the news, entertainment, parades (phase 1).  Again it was language appropriation, where behavior outside the norm can no longer be called abnormal, where a man with a male physique who says he's a really a woman cannot be called delusional (phase 2).  Indeed, words like "abnormal" or "delusional" are now hate speech.  If you dare speak these words, you'll be ostracized by groups, labeled a homophobe, a hate-monger.

Jiggery-Pokery Wokery.  The woke love to destroy whatever they touch — culture, infrastructure, social cohesion, rational thought.  To be woke is to embrace chaos and injury as a philosophy.  From an anthropological perspective, wokeism is fascinating because its practitioners believe they are creative freethinkers while they act as lobotomized sheep.  Whatever the woke wizards posing as priests tell their needy followers, the woke herds accept as truth. [...] If deception, violence, and obedience are all part of the woke creed, then contradiction is its life-force. [...] Women should be protected from an inherently sexist society, unless their mothers choose to abort them.  Black Americans should be protected from an inherently racist society, unless their mothers choose to abort them.  Parents should have no say over what schools teach their children but complete say over whether their children are aborted.  Men have no right to an opinion about abortion since they cannot physically become pregnant, yet anyone who claims that men cannot become pregnant is horrendously transphobic.  Menstrual products should also be placed in all men's restrooms.  Again, science demands it.

A 'Botched Abortion' Is the Birth of a Child.  Earlier this week, all 210 Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to allow babies to die of indifference and neglect in the moments after their birth.  The unanimous voice of Hakeem Jeffries' Democrat caucus was that mothers and doctors should not be obliged to provide medical attention to an "survivor" after a so-called "botched abortion". [...] A "botched abortion" is also known as "child birth".  The "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" passed the House by a vote of 220-210 and will probably never see the light of day in Chuck Schumer's senate, because Schumer (like every other Democrat at the national level) is beholden to the evil ideology that assigns worth to a nascent human life only if the "birthing person" involved in the gestation of that life decides he or she deserves to live.  "Pure unadulterated evil," is how Dr. Ben Carson described the Democrats' lock-step vote to me this morning on O'Connor & Company on WMAL in Washington D.C.

Don't Buy What Democrats Are Selling as Reality.  Under their new pseudo-reality, the Democrats would have us believe that killing human babies for convenience is acceptable as long as the babies are pre-born.  Democrats disrespect those who believe that the Bible condemns abortion, and they call Bible believers bigots.  Democrats desire that pro-life individuals be labeled as anti-abortion, but they themselves are aghast if someone rightfully refers to anti-abortion advocates as pro-death.

The AP: Don't say 'late-term abortion'.  The Associated Press (AP) recently updated the abortion topical guide in its AP Stylebook to urge that "late-term abortion" be scrapped in favor of "abortion later in pregnancy."  In a Twitter post referencing the updated guidance, the AP stated:  "Do not use the term 'late-term abortion,'" citing a clinical definition from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).  Of course, the AP Stylebook also suggests using "pregnant people" instead of "mothers" and encourages referring to pro-life pregnancy centers in a negative fashion.  The ACOG has also preposterously claimed on its website that unborn children do not feel pain until 24 weeks' gestation, which is exceedingly odd, given that most progressives claim that fish, ants, plants — and most other living things — can feel pain and/or experience stress, worry, and loneliness.

MSNBC, CNN contributor claims Republicans will ban all birth control 'Nationwide'.  A known MSNBC/CNN contributor who's also a prolific liar claimed in a [...] tweet posted Friday that Republicans intend to ban condoms, abortion, Plan B pills, and birth control pills if they retake Congress next month.  Never mind that such a drastic proposal would require the approval of President Joe Biden, a far-left Democrat who loves him some abortion and birth control.  "There will be no condoms.  There will be no abortions.  There will be no Plan B pills.  There will be no birth control pills," MSNBC/CNN contributor Tristan Snell tweeted.  "Republicans will ban them all — nationwide, all 50 states and DC.  They've literally promised to do this, and we need to listen — and take action," he added.

Leftist Newspaper Lies about First-Trimester Abortion.  The leftist publication The Guardian published images of gestational tissue from the first nine weeks of pregnancy and misleadingly called it an embryo.  An article titled "What a pregnancy actually looks like before 10 weeks — in pictures," featured eight photos of the gestational sac, implying that it was an embryo, even though the embryo was removed during the abortion.  "Each of the images in the article shows a gestational sac but clearly the embryonic and fetal human beings have been removed from the images," OB-GYN Christina Francis told the Daily Caller.

Our Hollow Leaders.  Throughout his political career, Joe Biden said that he was personally opposed to abortion because good Catholics like himself believe life begins at conception and, therefore, he supported the Hyde Amendment that prohibited the use of federal funds for abortion.  In 2019, when he ran for president in a strongly pro-abortion Democratic Party, he suddenly discovered that he opposed the Hyde Amendment and now believes in using federal funds to violate his sacred religious views on the sanctity of life.  Similarly, in 2015, Biden stated that, as a good Catholic, he believes that life begins at conception, but in 2021, as president, paralysed by the crowd of radical pro-abortionists in his party, he discovered that he no longer believes that.

Who or what is Chief Justice John Roberts protecting?  The old news of the leak of Justice Alito's draft opinion last May overruling Roe v Wade has now been swamped by the new news of the Supreme Court's final opinion a month later.  That final opinion, almost identical to Alito's draft and joined by five of the nine Justices, held that Roe was wrong.  As a matter of fact and law, the Constitution never mentions, alludes to, or implies a Constitutional right to abortion.  (Notice my use of the word "abortion" to identify abortion.  Because "abortion" has a bad connotation, advocates of it seek to rebrand or euphemize the procedure with wooly obscurity like "a woman's right to choose" or "reproductive rights."  But "a woman's right to choose" is ambiguous unless you think that abortion is the only thing women have the right to make a choice about.  And "reproductive rights" is a deliberate misnomer, much like "Planned Parenthood."  This is not about the right to reproduce or become a parent, but the right not to.)

That 10-Year-Old Abortion Story the President Ranted About Gets a Major Update.  In the wake of Roe v Wade being overturned, a viral story about a 10-year-old girl in Ohio being raped, impregnated, and unable to obtain an abortion spread like wildfire across the political sphere.  Major news networks covered it as truth despite the fact that it was a single-sourced account from an abortion doctor who provided zero corroborating details.  The story was then used as proof of how harmful Republican abortion bans are to the point that even Joe Biden got in on the act.  The president used the report to rail against pro-life laws, proclaiming "imagine being that little girl" while asserting that Ohio forces raped children to give birth.  Of course, not everyone was so gullible.

Biden's Nonsensical Executive Order.  The insanity of the Left following SCOTUS's Dobbs decision would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous.  We've seen people assaulted and private property damaged in the name of protest.  These temper tantrums have extended to the White House in the form of President Asterix's Executive Order on Abortion.  While the text of the order per se is not yet publicly available, the White House press release is.  Somehow Joe thinks that the feds need to "ensure... pregnant women and those experiencing pregnancy loss — have... access... [to] emergency medical care."  But that's been the law since 1986 under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.  The only reason for listing this is to make people think that Dobbs took those rights away.  Somehow, Biden's also afraid that Dobbs took away access to contraception, so that's included.  But ObamaCare mandates access to contraception and is not part of the abortion question.

Abortion isn't "reproductive health," it's the MURDER of an individual human being.  The baby-hating Left is having a meltdown over the Supreme Court's recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.  Their claim is that unborn human life is just a meaningless "clump of cells," and that the decision to terminate it is just now "reproductive health."  Is that really true, though?  Rather than take responsibility for one's own health before getting pregnant, the screaming banshees fouling up America's streets are demanding federally endorsed access to abortion clinics as a form of "birth control."  True birth control means not getting pregnant in the first place if you do not want a baby in the picture.  It is really not all that difficult.  Why, then, are we being told that this is the end of the world for women, as if they somehow just get pregnant at random and need a legalized quick fix?  Almost every single media outlet in existence refuses to call a spade a spade.  Abortion, we are told, is just "reproductive rights."  Ending an irresponsible pregnancy is just "women's health," they say.

MSNBC guest faith leaders slam Supreme Court over Dobbs, reverend claims abortion is 'not a biblical topic'.  An MSNBC guest reverend vocal about her disagreement with the recent Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade said Friday on "Morning Joe" that abortion is not a "biblical topic."  During a conversation with faith leaders supportive of abortion rights, co-host Mika Brzezinski asked Reverend Dr. Selene Jones about the SCOTUS decision and whether the Bible is being used "incorrectly" to curb abortion access.  Jones, who also serves as the president of the Union Theological Seminary, told Brzezinski that abortion is "not a biblical topic" and claimed there are only "one or two" biblical references to abortion that undoubtedly prioritize the "life and agency" of the mother over a fetus.

Anatomy of a Really Vile Bit of Propaganda.  Last week at American Thinker, in discussing the Dobbs case, I prophesied, "and if your media sources resemble those I've seen, the moral angle will be played to the hilt with stories of exceptional cases being treated as the rule."  How right I was, as the story of a 10-year-old who was raped and had to travel to Indiana from Ohio to get an abortion was highlighted in multiple media everywhere and used to discredit the Supreme Court justices who decided Dobbs and pro-life politicians.  Megan Fox has done a fine bit of journalism exposing this propaganda coup and the Blaze details her work. [...] The sole source of the story is an ardent abortionist.  The story is unverifiable and peddled by those who share her views with no apparent independent efforts to confirm the tale.  If nothing else, this shows you how easy the job of a news editor at the named publications is.  You don't have to do anything — just let your reporters rattle off the headline-framing tales of a figure who advances the desired narrative.

Biden Hops on the Rape Bandwagon.  I wrote [elsew]here about the sensational story of a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio who had to travel to Indiana for an abortion.  The story, phoned into an Indiana newspaper by an abortionist who seems to spend most of her time promulgating pro-abortion propaganda in the press, spread around the world almost instantaneously.  But there is little reason to believe it is true.  No one, including Snopes, has been able to verify it, there is no sign of any criminal investigation or prosecution of the supposed rapist, and the abortionist who originally peddled the story seems to have gone to ground.  But that didn't stop Joe Biden: in his press conference on abortion today, he retailed the story as his best evidence of the desirability of abortion on demand, up to the moment of birth.

'Pro-Choice' Has Always Been a Fraud.  Euphemisms are always meant to sound true, not be true.  In fact, they intentionally try to prevent people from knowing the truth.  Reproductive Freedom.  Women's Healthcare.  Reproductive Justice.  Women's Right to Choose.  Abortion Care.  It's all just clever but cunning branding.  But it has fatal consequences.  "Right to life is short, catchy, composed of monosyllabic words — an important consideration in English.  We need something comparable.  Right to choose would seem to do the job."  These are the words in a 1972 memorandum from the late Episcopal priest, Jimmye Kimmey, who is credited with coining the deceptive phrase "pro-choice".  The majority of America's leading news outlets have given power to "pro-choice" propaganda ever since by giving the public virtually no choice in hearing the truth.  The last time major news media ever did real investigative work to look beyond the euphemism was in 1978, with an incredible series by the Chicago Sun-Times called "The Abortion Profiteers."  We don't have that kind of mainstream journalistic will today (which is why David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt are heroes for exposing a corrupt abortion industry).

House Pro-Choice Caucus rejects 'choice' as Dems struggle with abortion messaging.  They caved to the left on "woman" and "mother," and now Democrats are prepared to abandon a time-honored triumph of political branding:  the word "choice" as a euphemism for "abortion."  Delivering the blow was no less an authority than the House Pro-Choice Caucus.  In talking points posted last week by Politico, the caucus warned members that "choice" is now considered "harmful language" and should be replaced with "decision," which is "helpful language."  The switch is already underway.  House Democrats chanted "my body, my decision" as they crossed over Wednesday to the Senate for the failed vote on the Women's Health Protection Act.  Activists' traditional chant was "my body, my choice."

The 'Pro Choice Caucus' warns Democrats to use the word 'decision' rather than 'choice'.  Just as Democrats have decided the battle over abortion could save them from a disaster in the midterms the Pro Choice Caucus has announced now is the time for a rebranding.  [Tweet]  There's something pretty funny about the "Pro Choice Caucus" sending out advice that the word "choice" is harmful language.  Dave Weigel noticed that the messaging is already having an impact on some common chants/slogans.  [Tweet]  Lots of people are struggling to fully make sense of this change.  [Tweet]  Apparently, the decision to use the word "decision" is based on concerns about equity.  [Tweets]  It's not really a surprise that Democrats are throwing "safe, legal and rare" under the bus.  They've been trying to get away from that for years.  Similarly, I can't blame them for wanting to ditch the common phrase "unwanted pregnancy" which raises the uncomfortable concept of an unwanted child which is pretty ugly if you think about it.  Unexpected pregnancy goes to the same place without making people feel as awkward.

Beating Pro-Abortion Arguments.  Most "pro-choice" arguments are infantile and easily refuted with scientific evidence.  For example, the "fetus is nothing but a clump of cells" argument is effectively negated by the counterpoint that from the moment of conception, that so-called "clump of cells" has unique DNA not exactly like any other living organism on the planet (barring identical siblings, of course) and thus has autonomy.  The debate then inevitably shifts to the "exceptions" argument for the product of rape or incest, an extremely small minority of total abortions per year.  However, adoption exists as a viable alternative to abortion in those cases.  Or, the pro-abortion crowd might compare the fetus to a tumor, but tumors don't have unique DNA and can never exist outside the body as a completely separate and sentient entity.  No, the very best pro-abortion arguments are the ones where the point of contention that the child is a separate, living organism is conceded, and the issue only becomes a question of whether a mother can be legally forced to give birth to her child.

Inflation Is A Great Reason To Get An Abortion, Dem Lawmaker Says.  Democratic California Rep. Katie Porter said inflation and rising prices reinforced the importance of abortion on MSNBC's "The Last Word" Wednesday.  Porter said inflation and abortion were closely tied together and that, as grocery and gas prices rose, people would realize the importance of controlling their family size through abortion.  "The fact that things like inflation can happen and it can become more expensive to feed your kids and to fuel your car is exactly why people need to be able to be in charge of how many mouths they're gonna have to feed," Porter said.  [Video clip]

Dem Rep. Katie Porter Says Inflation 'Reinforces' the 'Need' for Abortion.  The astonishing Democrat tone-deafness regarding items of actual interest to Americans, coupled with the party's utter disregard for human life's value, reached a new high, or low if you prefer, on Wednesday.  This transpired when Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA), having freshly scolded her colleagues' inability to recognize inflation's devastating effect on their constituents, stated that inflation is abortion justification.  Porter's comment came during an MSNBC appearance. [Tweet with video clip.]

As Roe Is Threatened, the NY Times Dumps 'Pregnant People' and Rediscovers 'Women'.  Linda Greenhouse reported on the Supreme Court for the New York Times for 30 years.  Since then, she's appeared in the paper on a regular basis giving her fiercely pro-choice opinions.  So it's no surprise she had a say about the shocking leak of a draft opinion that appears to overturn the Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion nationwide.  Sunday's edition featured Greenhouse's "The Draft Opinion's Missing Women."  Yes, the Times headline is suggesting the abortion ruling is leaving out "women."  This from the paper that has spent the last year or so often leaving out the word "women" in pregnancy-related stories, in order to appease radical transgenders.  But with the leak of Justice Samuel Alito's opinion, bizarre, anti-biological terminology like "birthing persons" has abruptly vanished from the paper's news coverage of Roe v. Wade.  Once again, only women can get pregnant.

Intelligence Panel Chairman Adam Schiff Downplays SCOTUS Breach: 'I Don't Care How the Draft Leaked'.  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) tweeted on Wednesday [5/4/2022] that he did not care how the draft of the Supreme Court opinion on Roe v. Wade leaked — despite it being an unprecedented breach in the Supreme Court's modern history.  "I don't care how the draft leaked.  That's a sideshow," he tweeted, in remarks reminiscent of his efforts to protect the identity of the leaker of former President Donald Trump's classified call with the Ukrainian president.  "What I care about is that a small number of conservative justices, who lied about their plans to the Senate, intend to deprive millions of women of reproductive care.  Codifying Roe isn't enough.  We must expand the court," he tweeted.

The Editor says...
Nobody is trying "to deprive millions of women of reproductive care."  Killing your offspring is not reproduction, and certainly isn't care.

Democrats Admit It's Women Who Get Abortions After All.  Democrats made an admission about what type of people can actually get abortions in the wake of a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion showing justices could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade.  After many liberals pushed for gender-neutral terms surrounding pregnancy and abortion such as "birthing people" instead of "women," prominent Democrats made statements appearing to suggest only women can get pregnant and have abortions.

A Slip of the Tongue in the Supreme Court.  When lawyer Sarah Weddington stood up in the Supreme Court on Oct. 11, 1972, to present the pro-abortion argument in the case of Roe v. Wade, she was legalistically careful in the language she used to describe whom exactly an abortion aborted.  She avoided normal human terms like "unborn child" or "baby" — and, most importantly, "person."  She preferred "fetus."  Presumably, this was because the Fourteenth Amendment states, "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."  Justice Byron White, one of only two justices who would end up dissenting from the court's opinion that there was a "right" to abortion, pushed Weddington on the precise question of whether the unborn children killed by abortions were in fact people.

To Fix a Cratering Birthrate, Stop Killing Your Children.  In a recent interview, billionaire Elon Musk stated that the most serious problem we face as a society is that not enough children are being born. [...] He's right.  The statistics are grim:  in 2020, the Centers for Disease Control reported that the U.S. birth rate is plummeting and is the lowest it has been since 1909.  The 2020 Census data show that population growth is the slowest since 1930.  Part of the population decline could have been avoided had abortion not wiped out 63 million preborn babies.  It's astonishing that people can talk about a demographic shift of the magnitude America is facing without including the tragedy of abortion.  It isn't just the 63 million people missing, but their children and the generations after them.  That loss is incalculable.

Diane Feinstein Claims a 15-Week-Old Unborn Baby is Not a Human Being.  At 15 weeks of pregnancy, unborn babies suck their thumbs and yawn.  Their hearts pump about 26 quarts of blood every day.  They even show a preference for their right or left hand.  But U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein implied this week that unborn babies at this stage are not human yet, according to Fox News.  A leading Democrat from California, Feinstein was approached about abortion as the U.S. Supreme Court considers a case involving a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks.  When asked if a "fetus at 15 weeks is a human being," Feinstein responded in a convoluted way.  "Of course a human being is life, and you do not have life," she said.  "And so, I think it's up to others other than me, but I basically believe that women should have the right within certain legal restraints to prevent those situations, which can be prevented — which can be very difficult."

Senator John Kennedy:  There's No Right to Abortion in the Constitution.  With the Supreme Court holding oral arguments yesterday [12/1/2021] in a Mississippi abortion ban case tat could result in overturning Roe, there has been a renewed focus on the question of whether there is a right to abortion in the Constitution.  As Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas made it clear yesterday in his questioning, there is no right to abortion in the Constitution.

Understanding the abortion industry's greatest lie.  The greatest lie women have ever been told is that they need abortion in order to achieve their dreams, to have the career they want, to be the movie star they worked so hard to become, to keep their partner.  I told this very lie to countless women in order to convince them to pay us at Planned Parenthood to get rid of that growing life inside of them.  It is also the same lie that the abortion industry has built their case on in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization.  Women, don't believe this lie.  At its very core, this lie demands you attain justice and equality at the expense of a human being who shares your DNA, who will have parts of your personality and physical qualities, and whose very existence is a miracle.

Why don't liberals know what conservatives believe?  Unfortunately, today's liberals are so cocooned in their own media and higher education bubbles that they have no idea what their conservative compatriots even believe.  Take two recent tweets by prominent liberal writers, the first by Princeton-educated Julia Ioffe, who has done work for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and many other liberal outlets.  Last week, Ioffe tweeted, "If you are anti-choice and you want to make sure women carry every pregnancy to term, why not make the person who created the pregnancy contribute?  Why not have men pay child support to the women they impregnate?  Surely, it is not the woman's responsibility alone?"  Leaving aside Ioffe's use of "anti-choice" to describe pro-life conservatives for a moment, Ioffe doesn't seem to be aware that every state in the union already has laws that force men to pay child support to the women who give birth to their children.

Does the AMA Really Care About Human Life?  As a doctor, I see the lies of abortion.  Most doctors do, yet incredibly, the American Medical Association does not.  For them, it's as if they don't care about human life.  Since I first comprehended that a baby in the womb could be legally and barbarically killed, I have asked many questions, most of which usually go unanswered.  How is it that in a country which guarantees the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in its founding document, that we have allowed so many children to be sacrificed?  What kinds of people allow abortion and what kinds of people perform these procedures?

Is 15-Week-Old Baby Human?  Sen. Blumenthal: 'I'm Going to Wait for the Court Decision'.  At the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday [6/15/2021], CNSNews.com asked [Sen. Richard] Blumenthal:  "The Supreme Court this fall will review a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.  Is an unborn baby at 15 weeks a human being?"  Blumenthal said, "You know, I'm going to wait for the Supreme Court decision.  Right now, abortion at that point in a pregnancy is legal and constitutionally protected, and I believe it should be."  When asked again if the unborn baby is a human being, Blumenthal did not respond.

The Choice to Trash Human Life.  Modern feminists may make some believe that the fetus is disposable tissue, like a tumor or an appendix.  But to the everlasting rage of radical feminists, nature dispels that view and reveals the centrality and importance of motherhood to human wellbeing.  Before the "liberation of women" in the last century, fringe feminists apparently never stopped to wonder why mothers have been revered in word, deed, affection, literature and art for centuries. [...] The fake claim to justice in the phrase "it's a woman's body" — equating a fetus to a tumorous growth or some extraneous tissue — does not alter the reality that what is being rejected and expelled is the body of someone else.  This is a fact proven over and over by every person who survives that crucial step in their life.  Words, thoughts, and feelings do not transform a fetus into a lump of disposable tissue — for which we must all be grateful.

Ten Great Deceptions Designed to Destroy the Republic.  There are at least 10 major lies that are now so ubiquitous that most people never question them: [...] Lie #2 — Abortion is Personal:  There is no "other" in the womb, no independent life.  This has become so embedded in leftist ideology that abortion has become the banner issue in nearly every election over the last 60 years.  In a conversation with a friend with very progressive leanings (he needs the money), abortion came up.  I questioned him about partial-birth murders and he said, "That hardly ever happens."  Really?  As if one baby homicide were okay?  The more irrational the argument, the more ingrained the original lie.  Little lives apparently don't matter.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says first-trimester abortion is 'far-safer than childbirth' while eviscerating controversial Louisiana bill.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg dismantled a controversial Louisiana abortion bill during an hour of arguments at the US Supreme Court this week, systematically striking down components of the law she previously opposed during a preliminary vote.  The 86-year-old Supreme Court justice, who recently returned to the nation's highest court after announcing she was cancer-free in January, seemed to aggressively push back against demands from lawyers representing the Trump administration and state of Louisiana to approve the legislation during Wednesday's arguments.  Louisiana's Act 620 would require abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of its facilities, in the event that a woman needs medical care after having an abortion.

Bernie Sanders: 'Banning Abortion Will, Quite Literally, Kill Women'.  Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont tweeted out a video on Wednesday in which he explained his view that recently enacted state laws imposing restrictions on abortion are "blatantly unconstitutional" and that banning abortion will "kill women."  "It is not a stretch to say that banning abortion will, quite literally, kill women," Sanders says in the video.

Yeah, but dental surgery doesn't usually kill anyone.
Dem Rep Claims Abortions Are Safer Than Wisdom Teeth Removal.  Rep. Jackie Speier (D., Calif.) on Wednesday said abortion procedures are safer than having one's wisdom teeth removed.  "Abortions are one of the safest procedures you could do on an outpatient basis, safer than doing an endoscopy or doing a wisdom teeth extraction," Speier said.  Speier made the comment while walking to the Supreme Court to express support for abortion rights as the justices heard oral arguments about a Louisiana abortion access law.  Opponents of the law argue it is meant to shut down abortion clinics across the state.  The law would require doctors who perform abortions to maintain admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, where a woman may need emergency care following problems with an abortion procedure.

CNN: A Baby Surviving An Abortion And A Newborn Aren't The Same Thing.  Following in the media's kowtowing to abortion activists who seek to change the language to make abortion sound less horrific, CNN is now suggesting there is a difference between a baby who survived an abortion and all other babies.  In an article slanted heavily toward abortion CNN actually described the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act as requiring "abortion providers to work to 'preserve the life and health' of a fetus that was born following an attempted abortion as they would for a newborn baby, or face up to five years in prison."  In CNN's world, a "fetus that was born" is not the same as a "newborn baby," apparently simply due to the fact that one was wanted and the other was nearly killed.

Redefining Medicine, Redefining Family.  Over 50 years ago, purposeful ignorance of the definition of reproductive health and basic embryology initiated Family Medicine's decline.  Embryology teaches that after an act of sexual intercourse sperm and egg unite in the woman's fallopian tube and a human life is created.  Seven days later that human implants in the woman's womb and nine months later, the mother delivers her child.  Ensuring this process works as natural law intends is reproductive health care, just as ensuring the heart pumps blood is cardiac health care.  For Family physicians, however, 1965 brought with it a new discovery about the beginning of life.  No longer at fertilization, doctors now declared that human life began with uterine implantation.  The new beginning was not based on Nobel Prize-winning medical research, but rather on a desire to cash in on the contraceptive pill, which occasionally prevents a human life from implanting in the womb.  It was more lucrative to simply lie about the beginning of human life than to explain to patients the pill's abortifacient potential.

Lesbian Episcopal Priest Tapped To Head Major Abortion Group, Calls Abortionists 'Modern-Day Saints'.  The National Abortion Federation has announced that its new president and CEO is Katherine Ragsdale, a lesbian Episcopal "priest" and longtime abortion activist.  Ragsdale:  "Abortion providers are some of my personal heroes and modern-day saints.  It is an honor to be able to serve and support NAF members as they provide compassionate health care amid increasing attacks and challenges."

State lawmaker calls miscarriage 'mess on a napkin,' scoffs at bill protecting aborted fetus bodies.  Democratic Pennsylvania state Rep. Wendy Ullman bashed a bill protecting the bodies of aborted babies Tuesday [10/29/2019], calling an early miscarriage "just some mess on a napkin."  Ullman spoke out against H.B. 1890 Tuesday, a bill that would "establish requirements for the final disposition of the remains of unborn children after their demise," brought forward by Republican Pennsylvania state Rep. Francis Ryan.  Ullman previously voted against a May bill prohibiting discriminatory abortions based on a diagnosis of Down syndrome.

Kamala Harris Falsely Claims 'Women Will Die' Due to Abortion Restrictions.  Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) falsely claimed during the Democrat debate Tuesday night [10/15/2019] that "women will die, poor women, women of color will die" because Republican-led states have passed abortion restrictions. [...] Harris's statement is a deception that has been spread by Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry for years, but has reached feverish pitch since the pro-life Trump administration has now appointed two Supreme Court justices who intend to interpret the Constitution as it was originally written.

Joe Biden: Mediocrity Personified.  It is hard not to feel some sympathy for Joe Biden, up to a point.  He is said by almost everyone who knows him to be personally likeable.  As a simple member of the public, I have never forgiven him for his treatment, as Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, of President Reagan's nominee for the Supreme Court in 1987, Robert Bork.  Biden implicitly endorsed Senator Edward Kennedy's statement on the Senate floor that "Robert Bork's America is a land where women are forced into back-alley abortions," a land of segregation, lawless rogue police, government censorship of writers and artists, and inaccessibility of federal courts to meritorious litigants, where the teaching of evolution was banned.  He railed against President Reagan for trying to "reach out from the muck of Irangate [and] reach into the muck of Watergate."  Every sentence of Kennedy's statement was false, and Bork accurately wrote that Biden's own brief on his nomination was "world class in the category of scurrility." [...] It was made more grievous in Kennedy's case by the fact that it emanated from someone almost certainly guilty of manslaughter in the Chappaquiddick tragedy.

Pro-Choice Myths Are Perpetuated by a New York Times Fetal-Personhood Story.  Just days after Christmas, the New York Times editorial board released a lengthy feature on threats against abortion rights, asserting that the pro-life movement has invented the concept of "fetal personhood" in order to erode female autonomy. [...] But this attempted bombshell exposé is in fact a compilation of half-baked pro-choice myths, historical inaccuracies, and philosophical elisions mashed together to create a bludgeon against the pro-life movement, toward which the Times evidently harbors significant animosity.

The Democrat Party Is A Joke That Would Cease To Exist Without The Media's Support.  Consider the wide open secret that Democrats have to lie about literally every policy aspiration they have. [...] On abortion they claim they want to empower women, but every single one of them wants only to shackle women with manufactured grievance while diluting the gravity of pregnancy and, subsequently, family.  While Planned Parenthood was founded to "solve the negro problem" with a goal of exterminating black people, today their mission is twofold:  Destroy the family (which makes all people, regardless of race, much poorer and thus easier to control) and convince women that they're not healthy and strong individuals but rather perpetually aggrieved victims who should always be furious and desperate for Democrats to save them.

Ocasio-Cortez Says the Hyde Amendment 'Isn't About Abortion'.  Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the Hyde Amendment, which prevents the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions, "isn't about abortion, per se," during a Sunday [6/16/2019] interview on "ABC This Week."  [Video clip] [...] "Reproductive health care for incarcerated women should be guaranteed as it is with all women in the United States, so I think it really depends," said the New York congresswoman.  "And that's really what the Hyde Amendment is really about.  The Hyde Amendment isn't about abortion per se.  The Hyde Amendment is truly about equality of healthcare and healthcare access for low income women and women of color and women that get caught in our mass incarceration system.  And so the Hyde Amendment is about income inequality and it's about women's healthcare in a system of income inequality.  So I think that we need to repeal it."

The Editor says...
[#1] Abortion is not "reproductive health care."  It is anti-reproductive, and results in the death of at least one of the parties involved.  [#2] There is no mass incarceration system.  Women end up in prison, one at a time, due to their own bad judgement and bad decisions.

Planned Parenthood's "Thousands of Women Died" Lie Earns Pants on Fire Maximum of Four Pinocchios.  Planned Parenthood has once again been exposed in a lie.  This time peddling the pernicious propaganda that "thousands of women died" each year from back alley abortions before Roe v Wade.  The argument is a slight-of-hand by Planned Parenthood seeking to shift any focus on saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of unborn babies each year to the blatantly false allegation that ending abortion would lead to the deaths of thousands of women each year.  They back this false claim with, you guessed it, made-up statistics.  Now even the mainstream media isn't buying it — with the Washington Post fact checker giving it a maximum pants on fire score of four Pinocchios.

Salon:  Abortions Are Good for You!.  [Scroll down]  This is patently false.  Like any medical procedure, abortion incurs considerable risk to a mother's physical health, including possible side effects such as heavy bleeding, continuation of the pregnancy that requires a second abortion, and death.  Also, some women can develop Post Abortion Stress Syndrome, a form of PTSD. Not to mention that abortion is inherently unhealthy because it involves ending the life of a human being.  But what are the "far worse" health outcomes for women who are denied abortions?  Well, they're not certainly not as life-threatening as the article would lead you to believe.

Big Abortion's Biggest Lie.  Of all the lies promulgated by the abortion industry, the claim that abortion on demand has improved the lives of women in general is the most pernicious.  It encourages women to make uninformed choices which can and do damage their physical and psychological health.  Yet, despite the absence of evidence supporting the liberation myth, it has been inculcated in young women for nearly half a century by the education system, the media, and professional feminists.

NPR says babies aren't babies until they're born.  [Scroll down]  Doctors and nurses describe "how your baby grows and develops" during the first — and each subsequent — trimester for parents who are expecting.  They do not typically refer to "your fetus."  During ultrasounds nurses don't point to the screen and say, "Look at that thing there, your fetus is a boy!"  (Nor do they say, "I'm arbitrarily assigning the gender 'boy' to your fetus").

New York Times:  War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Abortion is Life.  "Pregnancy is a life-threatening condition.  Women die from being pregnant.  We have known that for thousands of years," Warren M. Hern writes.  Life is, more accurately, a life-threatening condition.  People die from eating, from breathing and from walking down the street.  They also, it goes without saying, die from abortions.  Just ask Kermit Gosnell.  "Vagueness and confusion are tools of tyranny," Hern writes without a quibble of irony.

Pete Buttigieg: 'Unknowable' When Human Life Begins.  Mayor Pete Buttigieg claimed Thursday [5/23/2019] that it was unknowable when human life begins, making the issue of abortion too complicated to regulate.  "For those who have a strong view about some of these almost unknowable questions around life, the best answer I can give, is that because we will never be able to settle those questions, in a consensus fashion," he said in response to a question about abortion limits.  Buttigieg commented on the issue of abortion during a conversation with Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.

The Editor says...
Mayor Peetie may not know when life begins, but that doesn't mean it's unknowable.  It just means he doesn't know the truth.

No Room for Honesty.  Listen to various abortion activists and Hollywood-faded stars and you might be under the impression that Georgia, Alabama and other states have just passed laws that could give women the death penalty for having abortions.  In fact, some news outlets have run stories that these states would arrest women for having abortions.  Sadly, at a time when the news media and progressive activists lament the President's dubious relationship with the truth, these are not just misstatements but outright lies.  Last week, Alabama passed a law that would prohibit abortion except for situations where the mother's own life is at risk.  News outlets faithfully reported that under this law, women could be jailed for having an abortion.

Dear Media:  Women Made the Alabama Abortion Law Happen.  Twenty-five white males are responsible for Alabama's new abortion legislation, according to the news media.  But, if Americans look more closely, they'll find that's a blatant miscalculation.  Women — pro-life women — are the driving force.  The "Alabama Human Life Protection Act," or HB 314, considers abortion and abortion attempts felony offenses, except in cases where it's done "to prevent a serious health risk to the unborn child's mother."  The law acknowledges that women are victims of abortion and "will not be held criminally culpable or civilly liable."  On Wednesday, HB 314, which was sponsored by a woman, was signed into law by another woman.  But rather than dwell on the oddity of pro-life women, the media blamed another group:  white men.

Gillibrand says Roe faces doom with Kavanaugh on SCOTUS.  Presidential hopeful Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., warned Wednesday that "radical" Supreme Court Justices like Brett Kavanaugh put abortion rights in grave danger.  "We used to believe in precedent in this country," Gillibrand said during an appearance on MSNBC.  "But under President Trump, he's trying to upend the entire court system."  Gillibrand was reacting to news that broke late Tuesday [5/14/2019] that the Alabama Senate had passed a measure virtually outlawing all abortions within state lines — including in instances of rape or incest.

'It's not a baby': Pro-choice college student argues babies who survive abortion shouldn't get healthcare.  A Boston College pro-choice student repeatedly insisted that a baby born after a failed abortion is "not a baby."  The shocking admission came during a Q&A with Kristin Hawkins, the president of Students for Live of America, on her "Lies Feminists Tell" university tour.  "There is an abortion crisis of one million killings a year, and it all starts with dehumanizing the unborn," Hawkins said of the exchange on Twitter.

Alyssa Milano Quotes the Bible to Justify Abortion, Fails Miserably.  Without my consent, I was emailed a tweet from Milano making some odd point that she believes in God and loves God and then she pitted theology against science.  After ripping John 3:12 completely out of context, she decided that it was a good idea to hit the "tweet" button.

Young Pro-Life Activist Dismantles Major Abortion Argument in Matter of Minutes.  A young pro-life activist completely destroyed the major abortion arguments during a hearing on Rhode Island's late-term abortion bill.  Following the left's recent trend toward infanticide, Democrats in Rhode Island are preparing to pass Senate Bill 152, a horrifying bill which would legalize abortion up to moments before the baby's birth.  And as Matthew Thomas Foster pointed out at last week's hearing, the Rhode Island bill is eerily similar to the equally horrifying bill passed in New York and bills proposed in Vermont and New Mexico.

Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Provides Moral Cover For Abortion On 'The View'.  Last Monday [3/4/2019], around 1:20 p.m. EST, hundreds of babies were being surgically dismembered, decapitated, poisoned, and otherwise violently killed inside abortion clinics around the country.  Simultaneously, Hillsong Church NYC mega-pastor Carl Lentz had a platform from which to speak in their defense while a guest on "The View."  He refused to do so.  In fact, he took the opportunity to suggest that their deaths can in some cases be justified and that the people killing them should continue living according to their own convictions.  When host Joy Behar asked directly whether abortion is sinful, he responded, "That's the kind of conversation we would have finding out your story, where you're from, what you believe.  I mean, God's the judge," at which point the audience broke into raucous applause.

The Reason Democrats Voted Against Care For Babies Who Survive Abortion Is Worse Than You Think.  To get to the real rationale behind the abortion entitlement, one must first consider the fact that there is legitimately no medical reason, ever, to have an abortion.  There are reasons to separate the baby from the mother through early delivery, and those early deliveries sometimes result in the baby's death, but "women's health" is never a legitimate medical reason to deliberately kill a preborn baby.  This means all abortions are elective.  All of them.

Breaking Down Sen. Mazie Hirono's Multiple False Claims About Anti-Infanticide Bill.  On Thursday, Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) denounced the Republican-sponsored Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (BAASPA), which failed to pass the Senate on Monday (53-44).  During her speech, Hirono made multiple fallacious claims.  [Video clip]

Chelsea Clinton Tells Planned Parenthood President She'll Only Call Abortion Opponents 'Anti-Choice'.  Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton interviewed Planned Parenthood president Leana Wen recently and emphasized her insistence on calling opponents of abortion "anti-choice."  Wen argued that being pro-choice is "being pro-woman" and "pro-life."  Clinton also complained that some who are opposed to abortion operate in "bad faith," referencing remarks she had made wishing that her grandmother had had access to Planned Parenthood.  She said those remarks were misrepresented.  Wen told Clinton that she believes language is important in discussions about abortions.

NARAL's Election Pitch:  Remember, Abortion Is For The Children.  As election pitches go, this is ... a very strange one indeed.  NARAL, the political action group that fights to make the right to discard offspring in the womb as widespread as possible, asks voters to remember the children.  At least some of them, anyway.

Why Leftist Women Keep Lying About the Women's Movement.  Feminists complain about equality.  They use the "I don't get paid as much as a man" routine, knowing it's usually [untrue].  But their biggest issue is related to "It's my body and I can do what I want".  These women use the "it's my body" excuse solely when killing babies.  They never complain about not being able to sell a kidney on the open market.  And rarely do they complain about the fact that the government dictates what they do with their bodies in prostitution.  Let's face it, a woman is much more inclined to use her body for prostitution than to kill a baby or even sell a kidney.  Yet, the only way a woman can sell her body is with government sanction, like at a Nevada brothel.

Feinstein mistakenly says 200,000 to 1,200,000 women died in illegal abortions decades ago.  Abortion rights have been at the forefront of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings as activists on both sides of the debate believe President Donald Trump's second Supreme Court nominee could become the deciding vote to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.  While grilling Kavanaugh about his views on abortion during the second day of his Senate confirmation hearings Wednesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., misstated a study's findings and dramatically exaggerated the number of women who are estimated to have died from illegal abortion procedures.

Chelsea Clinton Claims Aborting 60 Million Babies Since Roe "Added $3.5 Trillion to Our Economy".  If you can't convince someone to support abortion with bodily rights arguments, try pushing the money angle, Chelsea Clinton told a group of abortion activists Saturday [8/11/2018].  CNS News reports Clinton claimed the infamous U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v.  Wade was a good thing, not only because it gave women the "dignity to make our own choices," but also because it led to a $3.5 trillion boost to America's economy.

The left's love affair with doublethink.  In the novel [1984], the examples are plentiful:  "War is peace."  "Freedom is slavery."  "Ignorance is strength."  But they are just as plentiful in real life:  "Equality is racism" (if you oppose special treatment for one race, you are guilty of a hate crime).  "Truth is a lie" (political correctness run amok forces people to say that which they know is untrue).  "Hate is love" (attacking Trump supporters is necessary to make them see the light).  The most obvious example of this doublethink is the left's defense of abortion.  Rather than directly promoting abortion, they say they are protecting women's "reproductive rights."  However, it turns out that "reproductive rights" actually means the right NOT to reproduce, down to and including killing your own unique, never-to-be-"reproduced"-again baby by sucking out its brains (partial-birth abortion).  Sorry for that brutal example, but doublethink allows the most heinous crimes against humanity — such as the United States being founded on the principle that "all men are created equal" and then approving of slavery by declaring that enslaved people are less than human.

The Top 50 Liberal Media Bias Examples.  [#49] Abortion:  Once again, this is one of those issues where the media presents "experts" to legitimize a story on abortion but those "experts" are always members of left-wing think tanks or abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood.  Naturally, these "experts" are never identified for their bias.  The media has gone out of its way for years to push the liberal agenda on abortion.

Fun with Roe v.  Wade Rhetoric.  Take young pundit Tomi Lahren, who is, based upon her previous controversial statements, clearly an advocate of a woman's fabricated federal "right" to kill her unborn child, which was created by judicial activism via the Roe v. Wade decision.  She now argues that conservatives supporting a Supreme Court appointee who might "come after Roe v. Wade" make a "mistake," because "we are implying that we are sending a Justice to the bench to carry out religious judicial activism."  Impossible for her to imagine, I suppose, that someone might find Roe v. Wade constitutionally problematic based upon a desire to observe and preserve the simplest principles of constitutional conservatism.  In her mind, apparently, challenging the constitutionality of Roe v. Wade can be the result only of some dogmatic religious zealotry.

'People Will Die': Yale Students, Faculty Outraged Brett Kavanaugh Might End Abortion.  Yale Law School students and faculty wrote and signed an open-letter to the dean Tuesday, criticizing Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court and saying that "people will die if he is confirmed."  The authors and signers of the letter asked Yale Law School Dean Heather K. Gerken to "use your authority and platform to expose the stakes of this moment and the threat that Judge Kavanaugh poses."  "[P]eople will die if he is confirmed," the letter reads, adding that he is a "threat to our democracy."  The crux of the letter is a disavowal for the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationwide in 1973.

The Editor says...
The Democrats seem to have adopted a bizarre inversion of the truth:  They apparently believe that abortion saves lives, but in reality, every abortion ends at least one life.

Pastor: Keep killing babies because I hate Trump.  For the latest misadventures in "absolute NeverTrumpism corrupts every bit as much as absolute AlwaysTrumpism," I give you Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile.  The headline of his piece in the Washington Post is "Overturning Roe v.  Wade isn't worth compromising with Trump, my fellow evangelicals."  He leads it off by imploring that "we are going to give an account to God for our complicit silence before the immoral policies and actions of the Trump administration."  Already, the pastor's point of view is plagued by an idolatrous level of concern for Trump, to the point of insisting that his fellow evangelicals snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on the issue of life.  Which just so happens to be the pre-eminent moral concern of the Word of God, [...]

'My Body, My Choice' Is A Big Lie.  Calling killing unborn babies "Pro-Choice" rather Pro-Unborn Baby Killing is typical of leftist redefinitions.  Pro-abortionists don't even like to use the word "abortion."  It's all about a woman's choice, and who can be against "choice"? [...] Words matter.  They can either hide or reveal the truth.  The Affordable Care Act is neither affordable nor about care.  There's nothing neutral about Net Neutrality.  The definition of "gay" has been turned on its head in order to mask what homosexuality is all about.  There is nothing "gay" about it.

Despite Attempts to Explain it Away, Human Life Begins at Conception Not Birth.  A proposed amendment to the state constitution of Colorado states, "The terms 'person' or 'persons' shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization."  This is not quite true.  Life on earth for every person begins with conception.  (The words "human person" and "human being" are always interchangeable.)  How did this misconception get started?  Perhaps it was several years ago, when the word "pre-embryo" was misapplied to development from the zygote (one cell stage) to implantation in the uterus.  In reality, facts about conception do not change by inventing a new word like "pre-embryo," or by giving a false meaning to conception and even by trying to protect life by using a word like fertilization.  To counteract false proposals such as "pre-embryo," some have responded by changing the words to indicate that a new human life begins at fertilization.  This is not accurate.  Fertilization refers to a process of making a thing fertile, as what happens to a non-fertile hen's egg when a rooster is in a barnyard.  This activity initiates a new chicken.  Fertilization is a biological term that can be applied to reproduction of beasts that can indicate a new individual beast.

Mega-Church Pastor On Whether Abortion Is Sinful:  "People Have To Live To Their Own Convictions".  I'm just a simple pro-life atheist caveman but a Christian pastor shouldn't have trouble giving a straight answer to this question, right?  Joining a religion means you don't "live to your own convictions," by definition.  Pastor Dudebro here looks and sounds like a broad parody of a "cool preacher," which is sort of what he is.  His church, Hillsong, is based in Manhattan and he has more than one celebrity among his flock, most notably Justin Bieber.  When you're ministering to the liberal and famous, you've got to accommodate their priorities, I guess.

Planned Parenthood Pursues Black Women: 'Safer To Have An Abortion' Than To Give Birth.  On Tuesday [10/31/2017], Planned Parenthood issued a tweet championing black women having abortions, stating that it was statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry the baby through to term or bear the child.

Royal Baby:  Once Again the Entire World Knows a Baby is a Baby.  There is something about a pending royal birth that makes hearts dance like the cast of Downton Abbey at a birthday party.  The anticipation brings excitement, fascination, and joy.  Shouldn't all preborn babies be greeted this way?  Despite the circumstances of their conception, their socio-economic status, or their health concerns?

If Beyoncé's Fetuses Are Babies, Why Not All Fetuses?  Objective realities aren't subject to feelings, but increasingly, that's the verdict of our celebrity-driven culture.  Just ask Beyoncé's twins.  With few exceptions, the entertainment industry is committedly pro-choice.  Whether it's Scarlett Johansson and others in a recent "Stand with Planned Parenthood" ad campaign, stories from celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg about how they don't regret their abortions, or financial support for Planned Parenthood from names like Lena Dunham, John Legend, and Pink, actors and musicians are overwhelmingly on one side of this cultural debate.  But every so often, someone wanders off-script and talks about the unborn not as mere "rapidly dividing cell masses," but as babies, with heartbeats, and with value.

Words matter:  The media's use of 'anti-abortion' to describe the March for Life is willful deception.  The outlets that decided to cover the march [1/27/2017] at all used phrases like "anti-abortion" and "abortion opponents" to advance the progressive pro-choice narrative that pro-life individuals are enemies of women's rights, and therefore human rights.

Liberal Media Bend Over Backwards To Avoid Describing March For Life As Pro-Life.  Liberal media outlets bent over backwards to avoid describing the March for Life as pro-life, relying exhaustively on terms like "anti-abortion" or "abortion opponents" to describe the hundreds of thousands of pro-life marchers in Washington, D.C. on Friday [1/27/2017].  "Anti-Abortion Groups Hold Triumphant Rally After Obama Years" was how the Associated Press titled its coverage of the march, later referring to the pro-life marchers as a "politically ascendant anti-abortion movement."

Why Left Opposes Sessions:  He's Right; They're Wrong.  [Scroll down]  Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the committee's ranking Democrat, quickly revealed the true driving force behind the liberal assault on Sessions.  "As you know, the Constitution also protects a woman's right to have access to health care and determine whether to terminate her pregnancy," Feinstein told Sessions.  She meant:  We've managed to get a majority of nine justices to declare a "right" to kill unborn babies.  "You have referred to Roe v.  Wade as, quote, 'one of the worst colossally erroneous Supreme Court decisions of all time,' end quote," Feinstein said.  "Is that still your view?"

The Editor says...
As is usually the case in discussions of abortion, the Democrat begins with a mouthful of lies:  There's nothing in the Constitution that guarantees "access to health care," and there's certainly nothing in the Constitution that gives a woman the right to commit murder-for-hire against her own children.

Keywords:  duplicity, two-faced, hypocrite, subterfuge.
Tim Kaine says he's pro-life at home, pro-choice at work.  Democratic vice-presidential nominee Sen.  Tim Kaine drew a sharp line between his Catholic faith and his pro-choice political stance, as he defended himself against criticism from the party's left that he is too conservative.  The Virginia Democrat said that he has "always supported Roe v.  Wade," the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion based on privacy rights.  "I think the last thing we need is a government that intrudes upon the decision-making of women — and men, too — when it comes to matters of whether it's abortion rights [or] contraception," Mr. Kaine said on CNN's "State of the Union."

The Editor says...
Someone who claims "he's pro-life at home, pro-choice at work" is a lot like someone who is a drunk, a liar, and a philanderer on Saturday night, and a Baptist preacher on Sunday morning.

Abortionist Compares Human Fetus to a Cancerous Breast.  Planned Parenthood is retweeting a statement from abortionist Dr. David A. Grimes, who draws a comparison between a healthy unborn human baby and a malignant cancerous breast that requires removal.  Coming out against the Kansas ban on D&E abortion, Dr. Grimes tweeted:  "D and E abortion is not a problem any more than a mastectomy is a problem.  Both are solutions to a problem."

How language choice distorts reality.  Jen Gunter, an OB/GYN, says it is not accurate to claim that Planned Parenthood is involved in the commodification of body parts taken from the bodies of aborted babies.  In an article for The New Republic, she explains that the right way to construe Planned Parenthood's activities is to speak of their "fetal tissue donation program."  Thus, it is medically illegitimate for the Center for Medical Progress, the group responsible for the undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's barbaric practices, to describe embryonic or fetal tissue as "baby parts." [...] Gunter would like us to think that using terms such as "fetal tissue" and "products of conception," though perhaps distasteful to the ordinary person, gives us greater biological accuracy.  The reason why this is not simply wrong, but completely opposite is that the reverse is true:  it is Gunter's language choices that end up distorting reality.

A crushing defeat for the abortionists' lobby.  The arguments made in defense of these methods are almost as bad as the methods themselves.  "The details are gruesome, as are many medical procedures, and how doctors and nurses tell stories," says the Washington Post Metro columnist Petula Dvorak, who sees nothing sinister.  Michelle Goldberg in the Nation made the same argument:  The group's employees made the "mistake of talking the way doctors talk in front of the wrong people ... any conversation about the logistics of adult organ donation would likely sound similar."  No, it would not.  "Medical procedures" are designed to cure, not kill people.  Organs taken from adults are taken with their consent after they die on their own of natural causes, while in these cases small human beings who never consented have been torn apart.

The "Inclusive" Abortion Industry.  Abortion is a disgrace, regardless of whether the pregnancy is unplanned, unwanted, or belonging to someone whose gender identity is in line with their body parts.  In truth, we have devolved.  We don't just accept abortion, but talk about it in inclusive terms, all the while excluding its central figure.

The Missing Word in the Immigration Debate.  [Scroll down]  Note the strident insistence with which liberals demand that we say "reproductive rights" instead of "abortion", "gender" instead of "sex", and "undocumented" instead of "illegal". Each of these word choices hides some aspect of an issue that liberals want to keep hidden.  "Reproductive rights", an essentially meaningless phrase, focuses on the mother and away from the baby, who is the victim of a homicide. In this respect, conservatives have unwittingly collaborated with liberals by calling themselves "pro-life" instead of "anti-abortion", thereby failing to direct attention to the ugliness and brutality of abortions.

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion.  The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother's uterus is not an "abortion" and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not "abortion-inducing" drugs.  On Tuesday [3/25/2014], the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby.  The crux of the administration's argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion — n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs — in the way they run their business.  It is in the context of this case, that the administration is making its argument that killing an embryo seeking to implant in his or her mother's womb is not an abortion.

Mass. woman gets life in prison for killing pregnant friend, cutting fetus from womb.  A Massachusetts woman convicted of killing her pregnant friend and stealing her unborn baby has been sentenced to life in prison.

The Editor says...
In the headline it's a fetus.  In the first sentence, it's a baby.  The "fetus" is now five years old.

What The Know-Nothings Know.  They know that humans developing in their human mothers' wombs aren't actually human beings.  They know that ending the lives of such children should be as easy and common as taking an aspirin, and that people like Kermit Gosnell are heroes, and victims of unfair targeting.  They know that there is no difference between killing the child before it emerges and killing it after it has emerged from its mother.  They know that their state of mind is all that matters to that distinction.

Dershowitz on 'Right to Choose': 'I Can't Find it in the Constitution'.  Famed attorney, author, and long-time liberal commentator Alan Dershowitz said that he favored a woman's right to choose abortion but that he could not find such a right in the Constitution.  "I can't find anything in the Constitution that says you prefer the life of the mother, or the convenience of the mother if it's an abortion by choice, over the potential life of the fetus," said Dershowitz on the Oct. 13 CNBC Kudlow Report.

Wendy Davis: 'I don't know what happened in the Gosnell case'.  Following her Press Club speech on Monday [8/5/2013], The Weekly Standard asked Davis to explain the difference between the late-term abortions that the Texas state senator wants to keep legal and the illegal Gosnell killings.  Davis didn't answer the question.  "I don't know what happened in the Gosnell case," she told me.

Long after Roe v. Wade, NARAL to redefine 'choice'.  The new head of NARAL Pro-Choice America is ready to redefine "choice."  It's the right to end a pregnancy — and the right to start one, including access to pricey fertility treatment.  Once a baby is born, parents should have paid family leave to take care of them.

Fetuses are not people, Canon City Catholic hospital says in court.  A Catholic hospital in Canon City has argued in court documents that it is not liable for the deaths of two 7-month-old fetuses because those fetuses are not people.  So far, courts have side with the hospital.  But that defense contradicts church teaching that human life is sacred from the moment of conception.  At least one prominent abortion foe called the hospital's claims morally untenable.

'Another Rooks' rant' on abortion.  Like fleas on a hound, this bristling antagonism surrounding abortion is stuck in deep.  So much so that upon learning of U.S District Judge Karen Schreier's Thursday [8/20/2009] ruling that women seeking abortions must be told "that the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being" respected local obstetrician, Dr. Marv Buehner, was quoted in the Journal's Sunday edition as saying "Including separate to me is ludicrous ... In no way is an embryo or fetus separate from its mother."  Really?

Planned Parenthood's 3% lie.  First of all Planned Parenthood aborts more than 320,000 babies each year.  Planned Parenthood claims to provide services to 3 million women each year.  Therefore, more than 10% of the women who use Planned Parenthood go there to seek abortions.  Sure, while they are there, Planned Parenthood can tell them where to get a mammogram and hand them a box of rubbers and pretend they are providing eleventy other services to get that number down to 3%.  But those women are there for abortions.  Do not pretend otherwise.

Life vs. Feminism.  [Scroll down]  I came across a particularly disturbing article this morning.  In it, Antonia Senior sets up an interesting little trap.  She starts with an open admission that a fetus is a life at conception. ... Wow.  You rarely see that from an abortion supporter.  How, then, could she possibly support abortion?  Surprise, surprise — by claiming that it is "the lesser of two evils."  Well, what is the other "evil," you might be wondering.  According to Senior, ... the threat to feminism is the other evil.  Therefore, Senior is essentially suggesting that if we have to choose between "killing" and "a threat to feminism," that killing is the lesser of two evils.

Abortion and Orwell:  "War Is Peace."  "Freedom is Slavery."  "Ignorance is Strength."  These slogans are spoken in Newspeak, the fictional language of George Orwell's twisted utopia in 1984.  By removing meaning from words and increasing state control over speech-and thought-Newspeak is designed to manipulate those who hear it.  In California, Newspeak is now spoken fluently by those who seek to advance a political agenda in healthcare by avoiding scrutiny.

PBS' Frontline "The Last Abortion Clinic" — Information or Effort to Energize Pro-abortion Base?  It was clear the battle over the future of the lone abortion clinic still operating in Mississippi was not the documentary's primary agenda.  "The Last Abortion Clinic" appeared to be more of a call to action by pro-abortionists on a national level.  The program featured dire predictions concerning the loss of so-called women's reproductive rights and held up Mississippi as an example of things to come across the nation.

Use and Abuse of Euphemism:  Whatever you think of the practice of partial-birth abortion, surely no one can truly be pleased with the media convention of describing it as "a certain abortion procedure" or "a controversial abortion method." … Even the practice of referring to it on the second, third, or fourth mention as "what opponents call 'partial birth' abortion" is questionable.  What do supporters call it?

Words of Choice:  Abortion advocates are squeamish about this.  They never say that abortion "kills."  They prefer roundabout expressions like "terminate a pregnancy," though a live birth also terminates a pregnancy.  And they never call the child a "child"; they call it a "fetus," as if to give the impression that modern medical science has discovered that it's something other than what we all know it is.

Fork replaces donkey as Democratic Party symbol.  It's good to be reminded that the sole item on the Democrats' agenda is abortion.  According to Dianne Feinstein, Roe v. Wade is critically important because "women all over America have come to depend on it."  At its most majestic, this precious right that women "have come to depend on" is the right to have sex with men they don't want to have children with.

Abortion Stops a Bleeding Heart.  The Democrats are trying to "reframe" their message to make people think they believe abortion is wrong.  I think this is going to be a hard sell if they plan to continue ferociously defending abortion-on-demand right up until the moment the baby's head is through the birth canal.

Rush Limbaugh: Abortions kill liberal causes.  Radio host also says homosexuals would be pro-life if a "gay" gene were proved.

Super-duper prevarication.  How many times does someone have to repeat a falsehood before it becomes true?  The answer, of course, is that no matter how many times someone repeats a falsehood, it never becomes true.  This principle holds even for the U.S. Supreme Court.  A majority of the court, for example, could declare that gold is lead.  But that wouldn't make it true.

Medical Experts Testify Partial-Birth Abortion Is Never Medically Necessary.  The American Center for Law and Justice, which specializes in constitutional law and pro-life litigation, said today the Department of Justice, which is defending the national ban on partial-birth abortion in three trials nationwide, presented sound and convincing testimony this week in New York concluding that partial-birth abortion is never medically necessary, the procedure itself is unsafe, and that the partially-born child experiences pain during the life-ending procedure.

Clinton Rule Attempted to Alter Definitions of "Fetus" and "Child"The regulation, which was cleared by the Clinton administration on January 17, but then postponed by the Bush administration, states that a newborn is still considered a "fetus" until it is determined the baby will live by "independently maintaining a heartbeat and respiration."  Only when this determination is made is the baby considered a "child," according to the rule.

Partial-Birth Abortion — You Can Look It Up in the Medical Dictionary!  You have probably heard pro-abortion spokespersons claim that "partial-birth abortion" is a "political" term that is "not found in medical dictionaries."  This claim is diversionary, since "partial-birth abortion" is a legal term of art that is defined by Congress in the bill itself.  However, the claim is also untrue.

Informed choice and abortion:  "Choice" presupposes access to information so that people know what it is they are choosing.  We have truth-in-labeling and lending laws that require food manufacturers and financial institutions to disclose the contents of what they are selling (be it food or a loan).  Laws also require auto dealers to put informational stickers on the cars they sell.  But in still too many instances, a woman can get an abortion with fewer informational requirements than for any other surgical procedure.

Latin 101 - "Fetus" means "Offspring," not "Tissue":  on September 28, 2002 Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post announced "Starting in November, 'unborn children' will qualify for government health benefits under a new rule that the Bush administration announced yesterday."  Unborn children is in quotation marks because, in the lexicon of the lunatic left, while a woman carrying a "fetus" is properly called a mother, it is not politically correct to say that the "fetus" she is carrying is an unborn baby.

A Little Too Much Reality TV.  In a documentary titled "My Foetus," England's Channel 4 showed a London doctor using the "vacuum pump" method on a woman who was four weeks pregnant — then placing the aborted fetus on a Petri dish.

When 'Freedom' And 'Choice' Are Neither:  The doublespeak coming from Washington these days has Orwell twirling in his grave. ... Today's political climate is the closest we've come to Orwell's vision of 1984.  We've had the old doublespeak standby of "choice" in abortion around for decades.  Of course the only one making the choice is the women involved, the father and baby don't get a choice, they get an outcome.

An Obama Nominee and Disappearing Persons.  Dawn Johnsen, another of President Barack Obama's remarkable nominees, discovered a way to make a person disappear by making two persons into one. ... She saw a great danger to liberty in laws enacted to protect babies in the womb from external threats (not including abortion) such as drunk drivers and acts of negligence.  In her view, it was OK to make such laws to protect the interests of the woman carrying unborn child — or to protect whatever interest the baby may have retroactively in its fetal existence if it is ever born alive — but it was not OK to make such laws in the interest of the unborn child himself.

Salon Writer Admits Embellishing Abortion Story.  [Mikki] Kendall's entire Salon story was built upon her accusation that a heartless, negligent, anti-abortion doctor was willing to let her hemorrhage to death rather than provide a life-saving abortion.  And she has now admitted her story was a big, fat, fabricated lie.

Fetal development

When Conservatives Wax Liberal: Is Sex a Qualification?  Like it or not, abortion is a decision to murder another person.  It is not just a personal decision by a woman.

Media Bias and Abortion Language.  In a recent essay in the August 10 New York Times magazine titled, "Two-Minus-One Pregnancy," author Ruth Padawar discusses cases where a pregnant woman chooses to "reduce twins to a singleton."  The expectant mother, after choosing not to endure the extra burden of raising twins, aborts one of the fetuses.  Except, technically, she does not abort the fetus.  Instead, a doctor inserts a long needle into her abdomen.  Then, using a sonogram, he directs the needle into the chest of one of the fetuses and injects it with potassium chloride, quickly killing it.  The body of the dead fetus remains in the womb and shrivels during the remainder of the pregnancy.  It is removed during the live birth of its twin.  Although the above description uses the word "kill," the New York Times author does not.  Instead, she uses euphemisms such as "extinguish," "eliminate," and "reduce to a singleton."

The right to protest:

You Are Not Safe From Your Own Government.  [Scroll down]  You, reading this now, are probably pro-life.  You respect the value of life and believe that everyone should be given a shot at it, even if the beginnings aren't the most ideal.  Many of you are believers in God, and think that He created life, and as He doesn't make mistakes, believe that He has a plan for every life that comes into this world.  Did you know that your government was training your army with your taxpayer dollars to see you as a terrorist threat?  Here is Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) at a hearing, grilling General Patrick Matlock on the training program that trained soldiers to see the National Right to Life as a terrorist threat.  Matlock admits it was a mistake to do such a thing but also admits that these soldiers haven't been told it was a mistake.  [Advertisement]  [Tweet]  Whose idea was this in the first place?  Who honestly thinks that the National Right to Life is a terrorist threat?  It's an organization that values life and wants to keep it sacred... what kind of terrorism are the people in our government afraid they're going to commit?

Pushback: Pastor who was arrested in Seattle for reading the Bible aloud wins in court.  In 2022 Pastor Matthew Meinecke was arrested two different times by the Seattle police when he attended pro-abortion rallies and simply stood in the crowd and read the Bible aloud.  What was worse was that when he was attacked by the pro-abortion protesters the police arrested him, not the attackers. [...] The same thing happened two days later at public park during a queer "PrideFest."  Meinecke sued, and in April the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled entirely in his favor, laying the groundwork for a complete victory during a subsequent trial.

Afghan war veteran who 'hid behind a tree' near an abortion clinic to silently pray for his unborn son goes on trial accused of breaching 'buffer zone'.  An Afghanistan veteran who 'hid behind a tree' near an abortion clinic to silently pray for his unborn child has gone on trial accused of breaching a 'buffer zone'.  Adam Smith-Connor is accused of breaching a Public Spaces Protection Order around the Dean Park Clinic in Bournemouth on November 24, 2022.  The clinic is one of the most harassed in the country and an order was put in place by Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP) to prevent any forms of protesting in relation to abortion issues, including prayer and counselling.

Pro-Abortion Man Charged With Assault After Trying to Run Over Pro-Life Advocate With His Car.  On August 15, a man threatened Abortion Free New Mexico leader Bud Shaver as he stood outside Whole Woman's Abortion Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Though the video below may look somewhat tame, keep in mind that the man had just threatened Shaver's life by violently swerving his moving vehicle straight toward him as Shaver stood on the corner between the curb and sidewalk.  [Video clip]  According to the police report, the assailant claimed he was "distracted and accidentally pulled to [sic] close to the curb, then swerved back into his lane and continued on his way."

US Army Base Holds Training Class Calling Pro-Life Orgs 'Terrorist Groups'.  A U.S. Army base in North Carolina previously held a training class in which pro-life organizations were described explicitly as "terrorist groups."  The training class included a presentation that featured a slide deck listing the pro-life groups National Right to Life and Operation Rescue as terrorist organizations at Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, the Fort confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation.  The Fort condemned the slides on Thursday and claimed that the deck was put together by a garrison employee who was not authorized to use them for the presentation.

Judge Denies Biden Admin Attempt To Lock Up Peaceful Pro-Life Protester.  Paul Vaughn, a pro-life father of 11, escaped prison time on Tuesday after he was sentenced in Nashville over his participation in a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion facility March 2021.  The Biden administration had asked for one year of prison time, but U.S. District Judge Aleta Trauger decided to impose no prison time or fine, sentencing Vaughn to three years of supervised release.  Vaughn was convicted of violating the FACE Act and in participating in a conspiracy against rights.  The Biden Justice Department brought charges against Vaughn and 10 other pro-lifers present at a sit-in at the Carafem Health Center Clinic in Mt. Juliet.  When given an opportunity to speak, Vaughn said that the "reason I am engaged in activities is because I care for my country."  He added that it was between the judge and God whether he should be "locked up."  Vaughn also maintained that he had never broken the FACE Act, a Clinton-era law that has been used to go after pro-lifers protesting and sidewalk counseling outside of abortion facilities.

Pro-life father Mark Houck files $4.3 million lawsuit against Biden DOJ after FBI raid.  Pro-life advocate and Catholic father of seven Mark Houck filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ) last month for $4.3 million, citing "malicious" and "retaliatory" prosecution after he and his family were subjected to an FBI raid.  The dawn raid of Houck's home in 2022 by dozens of heavily armed FBI agents has become emblematic of the DOJ's inordinate targeting of pro-life Americans with excessive force under President Joe Biden.  The DOJ had charged Houck with two felonies for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act when he pushed abortion facility "escort" Bruce Love, 73, during sidewalk altercations in 2021.  During his criminal trial, attorneys with the Thomas More Society successfully showed that the Catholic sidewalk counselor and father pushed Love simply to protect his then-12-year-old son from the verbally abusive abortion activist.  Houck was acquitted on both charges last year.

Biden Used 100 Year-Old Law Targeting KKK to Put Pro-Life Americans in Prison.  Lawmakers, legal experts, and analysts are decrying the nearly five-year prison sentence levied on a pro-life activist as an example of the weaponization of the federal government against citizens with disfavored political views.  On Tuesday [5/14/2024], pro-life activist Lauren Handy was sentenced to 57 months in prison for leading a group of other activists in blockading the entrance to a Washington, D.C. abortion facility in October 2020. Handy was prosecuted by the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Civil Rights Division along with nine other co-defendants and became the first person ever to be sentenced for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.  The FACE Act was originally designed to protect both pregnancy resource centers and abortion facilities, but the Biden administration has notably used the law to justify the prosecution of pro-life activists on numerous occasions ever since the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

Pro-life veteran Jonathan Darnel sentenced to 25 more months in prison in DC FACE Act case.  Jonathan Darnel has been sentenced to 34 months in jail and a $125 fine Wednesday morning, in the second batch of pro-life activists convicted last year of blocking access to a late-term abortion facility in the nation's capital, a case pro-life leaders call an egregious case of Biden administration overreach.  On August 29, 2023 a D.C. jury found Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, Heather Idoni, Rosemary "Herb" Geraghty, and John Hinshaw guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and conspiracy against rights.  The next month, Darnel, Joan Andrews Bell, and Jean Marshall were convicted of the same; Paulette Harlow's conviction came in November.

Pastor Found Guilty of Breaking Law By Holding Sign With Bible Verse Outside Abortion Biz.  Another pro-life advocate in the UK has been charged with breaking a discriminatory law that prevents pro-life free speech outside abortion businesses.  Pastor Stephen Green, 72, from South Wales, was found guilty of breaching a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible on it outside of an abortion clinic.  Green was prosecuted by Ealing Council under section 67 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 for holding the sign outside of an MSI Reproductive Choices clinic in Mattock Lane, West London, on 6 February 2023.  The legislation prohibits any 'act of disapproval' of abortion within the 'buffer zone', which includes praying and reading from the Bible.

Peaceful protesters, who dare disagree with the Democrat position on abortion, face harsh prison sentences.  So peaceful protesters are treated harshly if they dare disagree with Democrats on abortion, but violent protesters who attack pregnancy resource centers and churches are rarely charged?  The Justice Department knows that the radical leftist group known as Jane's Revenge even claims responsibility for many of the attacks, and yet they still roam free. [...] The FBI is pretty worthless if they can't find criminals just because they attack at night.  Even when the radical group takes claim for the attacks, somehow they haven't been arrested; that shows they don't care!  Clearly, the Justice Department has little concern for churches and pro-life centers, but they do care deeply about abortion mills.

Six Pro-Life Activists Found Guilty, Face 11 Years in Prison for Peaceful Protest.  Six pro-life activists were found guilty on Tuesday for "conspiracy against rights" and violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) in relation to a peaceful protest outside of a Tennessee abortion facility in 2021.  President Joe Biden's pro-abortion administration announced in October 2022 that it had charged 11 activists involved in the March 5, 2021, "blockade" of the Carafem Health Center Clinic in Mount Juliet.  Attorneys for the activists said they were conducting a "rescue" and had gathered on the second floor of the office building where the clinic is located to pray, sing hymns, and urge women not to go through with abortions.  The peaceful protest was also live-streamed on Facebook, according to the Catholic News Agency (CNA).

Over three-quarters of Britons support banning pro-life protests outside abortion clinics: poll.  A little over three-quarters of British citizens are in favor of banning pro-life protests outside abortion clinics, according to the recently released findings of a survey.  According to a YouGov UK poll released earlier this month, 77% of British citizens approve of banning protests that occur in the "immediate surroundings of abortion clinics," while 14% oppose banning them and 9% are not sure.  Support for a ban on abortion clinic protests was slightly higher for women than men, with 81% of female respondents expressing support for a ban, versus 76% of male respondents.

Disgusting Merrick Garland: "We Do Not Have One Rule For Republicans and Another Rule For Democrats".  Merrick Garland is the most radical, corrupt and dangerous attorney general in US history. [...] Garland has locked up elderly pro-life activists for protesting at abortion clinics while ignoring left-wing terrorists bombing pro-life facilities.  Merrick Garland had the gall to claim his DOJ doesn't have two sets of rules for Republicans and Democrats.

Democrats Have Become The Party Of Authoritarianism.  They Only Understand Power.  Perhaps you saw the news last week that two women in their 70s, Jean Marshall and Joan Bell, are each facing up to 11 years in federal prison for blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic in 2020.  Federal prosecutors charged the pair for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which Biden's Justice Department has been aggressively enforcing against pro-life activists, convicting 26 people last year alone.  You might have also seen, a few weeks earlier, that a 42-year-old North Dakota man who ran over and killed an 18-year-old kid for being a Republican was sentenced to just five years in prison on a manslaughter charge, and with credit for time already served on house arrest, will spend only about four years behind bars.  Seeing these two things, maybe you wondered how it could be that two grandmothers might well spend twice as many years in prison for the nonviolent offence of sitting in front of an abortion clinic as a man who intentionally killed another man for his political beliefs.

Police apologize for twice arresting woman for praying outside abortion clinic, won't be pressing charges.  British police have decided not to press charges against a pro-life activist for praying silently outside an abortion clinic nearly a year after her pro-life advocacy first subjected her to adverse legal consequences.  In a statement published Friday, the law firm ADF UK reported that West Midlands Police in Birmingham, England, won't be pressing charges against pro-life activist Isabel Vaughan-Spruce for engaging in silent prayer outside an abortion clinic and have issued an apology to her for arresting her on two separate occasions for praying.  The police also vowed that "there will be no further investigation into the alleged matter, and there will be no further action taken."

Charge dropped against abortionist accused of running over pro-life activist with his car.  A judge on Friday dismissed a felony charge against a Michigan abortionist who allegedly struck a pro-life activist with his vehicle earlier this year, causing him to suffer a broken leg.  The attorney for the pro-life advocate told LifeSiteNews he plans to bring the charge again.  On Friday, a Saginaw County judge dismissed the case against 88-year-old abortionist Theodore Roumell, who was charged with felonious assault for running into pro-life activist Mark Zimmerman in the driveway of the Women's Center of Saginaw on Friday, June 23.

Pro-Life Protesters Face 11 Years in Prison After Biden Justice Department Wins Guilty Verdicts in Washington D.C..  A jury in Washington D.C. has convicted three defendants on federal civil rights charges in connection with a pro-life protest at a D.C. late-term abortion clinic on October 22, 2020.  U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves, Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, for the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, and Assistant Director David Sundberg, of the FBI Washington Field Office were proud to announce on Friday that Jean Marshall, 73, of Kingston, Mass.; Joan Bell, 74, of Montague, NJ; and Jonathan Darnel, 41, of Arlington, Va. were each convicted of a felony conspiracy against rights and for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.  The two elderly pro-life women are facing prison sentences that could keep them locked up until they are in their mid-80's.

Trump Vows to Review Cases of Biden's 'Political Prisoners' Who Were Targeted for Their Pro-Life Beliefs.  President Joe Biden's hate of conservatives is stronger than ever, causing former President Trump to promise Republicans he will fight tooth and nail for them.  Over the weekend, Trump announced that if elected in 2024, he will create a special task force specifically designed to review cases of Biden's "political prisoners."  During the Family Research Council's "Pray, Vote, Stand Summit" in Washington, D.C., Trump vowed to get innocent Americans out of jail for standing up for their beliefs while criminals run rampant.  "I am announcing that the moment I win the election, I will appoint a special task force to rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who has been unjustly persecuted by the Biden administration," Trump said.

Five pro-lifers immediately jailed after being found guilty of FACE Act violation for protesting at late-term abortion center.  A jury in Washington DC has ruled that five pro-life protesters violated the FACE Act, blocking access to a healthcare facility, by protesting at a late-term abortion mill. [...] Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, and Herb Geraghty, were all part of a group of rescuers who peacefully protested against the murder of children at a DC abortion mill in October 2020 and have now been found guilty of a crime for standing for life.  Here's an earlier sit-in protest showing the type of super dangerous extremism that has the federal government throwing Will Goodman into jail.

Michigan pro-life activist set for surgery after abortionist allegedly struck him with his car.  A pro-life sidewalk counselor in Michigan said he's scheduled for surgery on Friday after an abortionist ran over him with his vehicle last week.  Witnesses told LifeSite the incident appeared premeditated.  Veteran pro-life sidewalk counselor Mark Zimmerman, 52, told LifeSiteNews he suffered a fractured tibia after local abortionist Theodore Roumell, 88, struck him with his car outside the Women's Center of Saginaw on Friday, June 23.

Two pro-lifers viciously assaulted outside Baltimore Planned Parenthood.  Two pro-lifers in Baltimore, Maryland were viciously attacked outside an abortion facility on Saturday, leaving one man in hospital with a fractured bone in his face, according to local activists.  According to an email by local pro-lifer John Roswell, on Saturday there was a violent, unprovoked attack outside of a Planned Parenthood on N. Howard Street in Baltimore, that left two pro-life men, Dick Schafer and Mark Crosby, assaulted and seriously injured.  Photographs of the aftermath of the event obtained by LifeSiteNews show Crosby with what appears to be severe facial injuries.

Yale Editorial Denounces the Politeness of Pro-Life Students; Questions Right to Speak on Campus.  On occasion, we will discuss student editorials as an insight into the view of free speech on our campuses.  This week, one such editorial has attracted attention from Yale Daily News due to its chilling statements about free speech.  The editorial by Hyerim Bianca Nam is striking in its rejection of the core values of free speech and its expression of anger over the civility and logical arguments of pro-life students. [...] The editorial perfectly captures the rising intolerance and orthodoxy on our campuses.  Nam insists that even allowing such debates is "an insult to our personhood, experience and rights."  This is consistent with other editorials that we have previously discussed.  A Berkeley columnist denounced civility and called for violent resistance.  Dartmouth faculty and students demanded that the university shutdown a conservative newspaper.  Wellesley editors endorsed shutting down conservative speakers and said that "violence may be warranted."  We have also documented repeated incidents where university newspapers have fired writers and editors for questioning Covid masks, challenging systemic racism claims, or holding other opposing views.  There has also been a repeated attack on civility as racist or reactionary.

19 Times Democrats And DOJ Deliberately Politicized Law Enforcement.  The Department of Justice indicted 22 pro-life activists last year while neglecting to go after pro-abortion extremists who firebombed pregnancy centers, according to a Federalist review.  Among those indicted was 73-year-old Chet Gallagher, whose home was raided last fall by the FBI over alleged violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act.  Gallagher is one of 11 who were indicted by the Justice Department for standing in the hallway outside the Carafem abortion facility in Tennessee two years ago.  Gallagher was also charged with civil rights conspiracy with six others.  While the DOJ claims the pro-life activists, "aided and abetted by one another, used force and physical obstruction to injure, intimidate and interfere with employees of the clinic and a patient who was seeking reproductive health services," they were mostly just praying.

Attorney general approves of treating pro-life activists like terrorists.  The case, covered for months in national media outlets, involved Mark Houck, who, for years, has made regular trips to pray outside of a Philadelphia abortion clinic but without ever blocking the entrance.  He was arrested after an exceedingly mild altercation with an older man named Bruce Love, who was escorting women into the clinic and who, according to witnesses, had accosted Houck's son.  The arrest came even though the law under which Houck was charged, known as the FACE Act, specifically was designed not to apply to volunteer patient escorts such as Love.  In a Senate debate, FACE Act sponsors former Sens. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and David Durenberger (R-MN) both explicitly said that the act "does not protect the escorts."  Local prosecutors declined to prosecute such a laughable "case" against Houck, and a federal grand jury rightly acquitted him despite the full efforts of Garland's Justice Department to send him to prison.

Philly jury gives President 'Devout Catholic' a black eye.  It's hard to find a sweeter and more appropriate verdict than one that was handed down from Philadelphia of all places, in the wanton federal prosecution of pro-life activist Mark Houck. [...] The whole prosecution was utter garbage, with many pro-life advocates noting that the act was done to intimidate.  Who's doing the intimidating?  Joe Biden's White House, of course, which would be the same Joe Biden who hails himself as a "devout Catholic."  The same Joe Biden on whose watch churches and crisis pregnancy centers are being firebombed and vandalized with no consequences to the thugs.  His hypocrisy is pretty big in this one, given the damage done with a vindictive prosecution so flawed even a Philly jury wouldn't go along.  They must have thought they had it in the bag, and they didn't.  Meanwhile, President Devout Catholic, as if to take the public's mind off this outrageous abuse of government power on his watch, was last seen claiming the pope was on his side in his federal funding for abortions.

Federal jury acquits Mark Houck in win for pro-life movement.  Pro-life activist Mark Houck was found not guilty Monday by a federal jury of charges stemming from an altercation outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Philadelphia, signaling a victory for the pro-life movement in its feud with the Justice Department.  Mr. Houck, 49, was charged in September with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act in an October 2021 skirmish with a Planned Parenthood volunteer escort, even though local authorities declined to pursue the case and a judge tossed a civil lawsuit.

Federal jury acquits pro-life activist of DoJ's FACE act charges.  Good.  It's a just verdict in a case that never should have been brought in the first place.  A jury has acquitted Mark Houck of violating the FACE Act after an altercation near an abortion clinic so minor that local authorities refused to prosecute.  Don't remember this case?  You might remember when Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray sent dozens of FBI agents to raid his house over an argument: [Tweet] [...] By the way, this isn't over yet.  Eleven others face prosecution for FACE Act charges for allegedly blocking access to abortion clinics, as Greg [Price] points out in a subsequent tweet.

British Woman Arrested for Thinking Silent Prayers Inside Perimeter of Public Area Where Only Lawful Thoughts are Permitted.  Mrs Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, aged 45, was not doing anything except standing inside an area under what local officials call a "Public Spaces Protection Order."  Within these designated areas protest is not permitted.  Prayer is considered an act of protesting.  Mrs. Vaughan-Spruce was standing alone, in silence.  However, she was thinking prayerful thoughts without speaking.  As a consequence, her cognitive state — thinking about prayer — was in violation of the protection order.  A police officer arrived and questioned Mrs. Vaughan-Spruce about her thoughts.  Mrs. Vaughan-Spruce told the police officer the truth, she was thinking about prayers.  The police officer arrested Mrs. Vaughan-Spruce for violating the Public Spaces Protection Order with her thoughts.

Pro-Life Protester Seeks Protection Order After Abortion Advocates Stalk, Threaten, and Even Lick Her.  A pro-life woman who protests outside an abortion clinic in Bristol, Tenn., has faced harassment, stalking, and threats.  Pro-abortion activists have bragged about their efforts to quash her free speech, physically blocking her sign with umbrellas, licking her arms, shouting obscenities at her, and pushing their bodies up against hers to prevent her message from reaching women as they go to the abortion clinic.  The Thomas More Society has filed legal requests for a protection order to stop this harassment.  Erika Schanzenbach "has been terrorized while exercising her freedom to peacefully express her opinion," Thomas More Society Counsel Michael McHale said in a statement.  "She has been stalked, threatened, and frightened, while attempting to share life-affirming alternatives with abortion-minded women — something that she is fully within her Constitutional rights to do.  We expect the court to protect Ms. Schanzenbach to the full extent of the law."

Judge Strikes Down HHS Rule Made to Protect Medical Workers Who Oppose Abortion, Euthanasia.  A federal judge on Wednesday [11/6/2019] struck down a new regulation from the Trump administration's Health and Human Services Department (HHS) that would have protected medical workers and facilities that objected to abortion or euthanasia, and other procedures, on religious or moral grounds.  The rule was scheduled to go into effect on Nov. 22.  It would have protected those workers — doctors, nurses, pharmacists — and medical facilities from discrimination.  It also would allow for federal funds to those facilities to be severed, if they did not comply with the conscience protections detailed in the regulation.

Bomb Threat And Chemical Attack Disrupts Pro-Life Students for Life Event in Rochester, MN — One Arrested.  A 40 Days for Life and Students for Life Kick Off in Rochester, MN, was disrupted Wednesday night as Students for Life of America Northern Regional Coordinator Noah Maldonado was speaking.  An agitated man allegedly had in his possession what looked to be a bomb.  Maldonado was giving a speech titled "Embracing Controversy" at Rochester Community and Technical College in Rochester, MN, as police were called to the scene.

Adults rudely heckle 13-yr-old's heartfelt anti-abortion argument, council hearing turns to melee.  Besides wishing death on underage Trump supporters in the name of comedy (ha, ha, ha ...?), liberal Democrats appear to also be into taunting and harassing children to their faces.  Nice.  Children like Addison Woosley, a lovely 13-year-old from Raleigh, North Carolina, who bravely stepped up to the podium at a recent Raleigh City Council hearing and politely explained why she believes abortion should be illegal.  "Abortion should be illegal because it is murder.  The definition of murder is the killing of one human being by another," she boldly stated to a room brimming with scary adults.  "On ultrasounds, the baby tries to run away from the disturbing instruments that try to kill the baby.  The baby's mouth opens wide in a scream when being killed.  These babies are alive.  They feel being killed.  It hurts them and there is nothing they can do about it.  There is no way around it.  Abortion is murder."

AT cartoonist Mike Harris suspended by Twitter over pro-life cartoon.  It is becoming a badge of honor to be a conservative suspended by Twitter, so much so that I am beginning to wonder what's wrong with me.  Our very frequent cartoon contributor Mike Harris was just suspended for 3 days on Twitter for posting there his cartoon making the point that mass extermination of human life is common to both the aboriton industry and the Nazis.

Student Who 'Steals' Pro-Life Sign On Camera Shocked by Her Arrest.  The Created Equal organization stages displays on college campuses to persuade people that abortion is wrong.  Plain and simple.  But something about that message has pushed buttons on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus, where a woman grabbed a sign out of the hands of Created Equal members and walked away with it.  To her dismay, however, she walked right into the arms of a police officer and was arrested for larceny.  [Video clip]

In Front of a Philadelphia Abortion Clinic, Democratic Lawmaker Shows Us the Darkness of the Cultural Divide.  When Brian Sims first ran for state representative in 2012, he ran as a new pro-business voice.  He was going to be a bridge builder, brimming with common-sense ideas on pocketbook issues.  He never met that promise. [...] Last week, Sims decided to film his own harassment of a woman outside an abortion clinic here in Philadelphia, calling her an "old white lady" and her beliefs "grotesque" to her face and to the camera.  The clear plan was to incite his audience against this peaceful protester, whom he saw as clearly bigoted and evil.  For Twitter observers, the whole act opened the window into a dark, dark place in American culture, a gaping divide none of us quite know how to navigate.  And while Sims' harassment was, on the one hand, shocking, it was expected.  A politician abusing his power thusly to crush religious conservatives is exactly what so many of us have been bracing for.

A Thousand Pro-Life Protestors Pray outside Planned Parenthood in Philadelphia.  At 1144 Locust Street in Philadelphia, in front of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, at least a thousand pro-life protestors gathered on the spot where, one week ago, state representative Brian Sims filmed himself harassing a peaceful woman praying outside the clinic.  "She is an old white lady, who is going to try to avoid showing you her face," Sims said of the woman from behind the camera, angling it to capture her on tape.  He then harassed her for several minutes, calling her "disgusting" and "racist," and repeating "shame on you."  At one point, he asked viewers to identify her and give her address so that he could protest outside her house.

My teen girls were filmed, harassed by a lawmaker for praying outside Planned Parenthood.  On Holy Thursday, April 18, I went to the Planned Parenthood in downtown Philadelphia to pray with my two teenage daughters and one of their friends.  It was important for us to be there in person, standing in front of the clinic and praying for everyone coming in and out of the building so that our belief in the dignity of human life from conception to natural death and our love for all of God's children, no matter their circumstances, could be expressed in our calm, physical presence and our peaceful, audible prayer.  We were praying a rosary at the corner of the Planned Parenthood property line when a man approached us, yelling angrily at me and at the teenage girls with me.  I found out later this man was a state representative of Pennsylvania — Brian Sims.  I stepped in front of him and asked him to speak only to me and said we were not interested any altercations.  A few minutes later, as we were packing up to leave, Sims again approached us.

Does Brian Sims hear himself?  How to explain Brian Sims?  None of the three most likely possibilities — that he is not very bright, that he is insane, that he is a fanatic — speaks very well of the Pennsylvania state representative, who for some reason decided to accost an elderly woman praying silently in front of an abortion facility, to film the attack and then to boast about it on Twitter. [...] Mr. Sims — who holds elected office and previously worked for the Philadelphia Bar Association — offered a cash bounty to his social-media followers for identifying information with which to "dox" three teenage girls who were praying outside the same clinic.  Mentally normal adult men do not go around photographing teenage girls and then trolling for their names on social media in order to facilitate harassing them.  Generally speaking, adult men who go around taking photographs of teenage girls are considered creeps; Mr. Sims is gay, which may spare him the charge of lechery in this matter, but his behavior is still pretty weird.

Pro-lifers assemble at Philadelphia Planned Parenthood in response to PA lawmaker's bullying fiasco.  Members of the pro-life movement took to the streets of Philadelphia in protest of a pro-abortion Pennsylvania lawmaker's behavior toward peaceful demonstrators just days before.  In just a few days, pro-life groups and activists put together the "Rally Against Bullying," which took place at the same Planned Parenthood location where Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims (D) posted a video of himself harassing an "old white lady" praying and another video where he offered a cash reward for personal information on teenagers.  (Sims later defended his actions in another video.)

Enraged Pro-Choice Student Throws Punches, Gets Citation For Assault.  A group called Created Equal set up a display of pro-life posters on the campus of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.  You can't really see them in the video below but those posters are graphic depictions of abortion.  In fact, this group is a successor to another group called the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform which toured college campuses putting up graphic images of abortion for over a decade.  In any case, the images were apparently too much for one female college student who asked the intern watching the signs if he was responsible and then immediately started throwing punches.

Also posted under Violence and hate speech come from the left.

Doxxing skinny teenage girls, then smearing them again in his 'apology,' Rep. Brian Sims is some Democrat.  [Scroll down]  The kids in the video, though, were hardly monsters.  The teens were quietly praying for babies at the clinic — and not blocking anyone from entering, either.  They were not only utterly unaggressive and timid; actually, they were clearly kids.  Yet those were the ones Sims targeted, telling his fellow leftists in his call-to-doxx message that he was there to 'defend women.'  Defend women by doxxing girls?  He was obviously bullying girls, which is some logic for defending women.

Immoralists:  The Example of Brian Sims.  Brian Sims, a Pennsylvania state representative by profession and abortion counterprotester by avocation, embodies Chesterton's quip.  The former defensive tackle for Bloomsburg University aggressively hectored a woman who appeared to be praying the rosary outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic in his Pennsylvania district.  On the uncomfortable eight-minute clip, Sims calls the silent protester "an old white lady" and announces, "If you know who this woman is and if you can give me her address, we'll protest in front of her home.  Let's protest out in front of her house."  The reason for such a protest escapes.  Is mere disagreement with a private citizen now grounds for demonstrations at her residence?  A clinic that provides abortion, an inherently controversial practice, strikes as something inevitably protested.  Mere disagreement?  A polite conversation, or just a silent "agree to disagree," works better for a civil society.

Dem state lawmaker records himself harassing pro-life woman outside Planned Parenthood.  A Pennsylvania Democratic state representative went on an eight-minute rant, verbally harassing an elderly woman protesting outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.  Brian Sims recorded a woman outside Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, which is in his district, telling her to pray at home, calling her an "old white lady" and lecturing her about her Christian beliefs on the Periscope app.

State lawmaker berates 'old white lady' protesting outside Planned Parenthood: 'Shame on you!'  Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims videotaped himself berating an "old white lady" demonstrating outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Philadelphia last week.  In the video that Mr. Sims broadcast on Periscope, the openly gay Democrat approaches a woman outside the Center City clinic and repeatedly asks her how many children she clothed and fed that day.

Video Surfaces Of Pro-Abort Breaking Elderly Pro-Life Woman's Leg.  An elderly pro-life woman in Kentucky was thrown to the ground outside an abortion clinic earlier this month, suffering a broken leg and head injuries.  The incident was captured by a surveillance camera outside the EMW Women's Surgical Center in Louisville.

Planned Parenthood protester, 85, beaten in San Francisco: 'Stay on the ground, old man'.  Police in San Francisco are looking for a man who was caught on video repeatedly kicking an elderly anti-abortion protester outside a Planned Parenthood clinic.  The 23-second video, which went viral Wednesday after it was tweeted out by Donald Trump Jr., showed a black-clad bicyclist trying to steal an 85-year-old man's banner during a pro-life demonstration on the 1600 block of Valencia Street.  In the video, the victim tries to retrieve the banner by lodging a stick into the spokes of the suspect's bike.  The suspect then uses the bike to push the victim to the ground and says, "Stay on the ground, old man, unless you want to get hurt," according to the video.

All charges against pro-lifers dropped in 30 seconds.  A group of "Red Rose Rescue" pro-life activists — who go into abortion businesses to offer women an alternative and a red rose — went on trial on trespassing charges in Washington, D.C., on Thursday [10/11/2018].  Less than 30 seconds later, they were free, with all charges dismissed.  The stunning result was announced by lawyers for Life Legal Defense Fund representing the activists on counts of criminal trespass for their entry into Capital Women's Services in Washington in July.  It was the first case called by the judge Thursday morning, which LLDF said was unusual.  Typically, courts elect to dispense with procedural and other less time-consuming matters before calling up trials on the docket.  The judge asked the parties whether they were ready for trial, and U.S. Attorney Jana Maser, prosecuting the case, said no, as she could not produce any witnesses.

Left-wing student charged for attacking pro-life protest.  Police detained a left-wing student activist at Indiana University, Bloomington after he tried to steal, spray-paint and rip apart signs from a pro-life group protesting on campus.  Thomas Metcalf, 21, a member of the Young Democratic Socialists of America at IU and Black Lives Matter, was charged with disorderly conduct, vandalism, and larceny-theft on Oct. 4 attacking Created Equal, an anti-abortion group that puts up graphic images of aborted children on posters.

Catholic Priests Arrested for Praying Inside Abortion Clinic.  Yesterday [7/25/2018], two Catholic priests were arrested for praying inside a location abortion facility located in the nation's capital.  Father Dave Nix of the Archdiocese of Denver and Father Fidelis Moscinski of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, along with two pro-life advocates, were arrested yesterday after they prayed inside the abortion facility and offered practice help for women having abortions.  Other pro-life advocates stood outside in the rain, praying, as the four were handcuffed by police and taken to jail.  The arrests occurred D.C.'s Capital Women's Services, run by notorious abortionist Steven Chase Brigham, who has lost his medical license in multiple states for numerous botched abortions and health code violations at his abortion clinics.  The pro-life priests were inside the abortion center for approximately two hours before they were arrested.

Supreme Court NIFLA decision is major victory for pro-life groups.  Tuesday's 5-4 Supreme Court decision overturning a California law that required pro-life pregnancy centers to provide women with information about abortion is a victory for the First Amendment, for women seeking support during their pregnancies, and for the pregnancy centers.  The decision came in the case of National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) v.  Becerra.  Every pregnancy is tough.  Pregnancy without sufficient support, financial or emotional, can seem impossible.  Every year, pregnancy centers across the United States offer a helping hand to thousands of women so that they can confidently choose life for their babies.

Supreme Court rules for crisis pregnancy centers in free speech dispute.  The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday [6/26/2018] in favor of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers that counsel pregnant women to make choices other than abortion, invalidating a California law requiring them to prominently post information on how to obtain a state-funded abortion.  The court, in a 5-4 ruling, said the state law likely violates the First Amendment.  The court also cast doubts on similar laws in Hawaii and Illinois.

Planned Parenthood Attack on Sidewalk Counselor Fails.  A new attack by Planned Parenthood on sidewalk counselors who try to convince pregnant women approaching an Alabama abortion business to save their children has failed spectacularly.  A woman who was charged with disorderly conduct under a city rule has been acquitted of the charge.  According to the Thomas More Society, the issue is noise outside the Alabama Women's Center for Reproductive Alternatives in Huntsville.  The clinic abuts a four-lane highway, and workers who escort the pregnant women to the door use cow bells, car horns and loud-speakers to drown out the message of pro-life sidewalk counselors.  Consequently, the pro-lifers use a megaphone to try to reach the women who are entering the business.

Supreme Court to weigh free speech for anti-abortion centers.  The Supreme Court on Tuesday [3/20/2018] will hear whether California is violating free speech rights by forcing anti-abortion pregnancy centers to post information about the availability of state-funded abortions.  A decision is expected by the end of June and could trigger legal changes in other states, such as similar laws in Hawaii and Illinois.  Depending on the outcome, reproductive rights advocates may seek to overturn anti-abortion laws that require doctors to tell women that abortions lead to mental health problems or breast cancer, disclosures that abortion advocates say are false.

Proposed 'Domestic Terrorism' Law Targets White Advocates.  Virginia House Bill No. 1601 calls for the state of Virginia to create an official list of "domestic terrorist organizations," defined as any "group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, which has an identifiable name or identifying sign of symbol" and which either has as one of its "primary objectives" the commission of an act of domestic terrorism or "whose members individually or collectively have engaged in the commission of, attempt to commit, conspiracy to commit, or solicitation of two or more acts domestic terrorism...."  It defines domestic terrorism as a violent act that aims to intimidate or instill fear in someone because of their race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability, or to stop a person from pursuing their constitutional rights.  It goes further to provide that giving aid to such groups or simply meeting with members to further certain objectives could meet with stiff prison sentences — true guilt by association.

The Editor says...
A huge red flag is readily apparent, and I hope you saw it:  "a violent act that aims to intimidate or instill fear in someone [...] to stop a person from pursuing their constitutional rights."  The trap here is that the alleged constitutional rights don't have to be in the Constitution at all.  Thus a law of this sort can be used to incarcerate protesters at abortion clinics.  Laws like this aren't aimed at the anti-Trump "Resistance" movement or Antifa mobs.  They are formulated to act upon the political right.

Suspicious Package Left Near Pro-Lifers Praying Outside Abortion Clinic to Scare Them Off.  A suspicious package was found near a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil Friday [10/20/2017] in Dallas, Texas, prompting pro-life advocates to call the police and the bomb squad.  WFAA News 8 reports police later determined that the suspicious package was a hoax, quite possibly meant to scare pro-life advocates who peacefully pray outside a nearby abortion clinic.  Pro-Life Dallas said the suspicious package was the second target this week against pro-lifers' peaceful, prayerful work.  On Oct. 11, the group said a man also vandalized the site and left behind a beheaded doll with the word "pro-choice" written on it.

Mother of 13 Fined $5,000 For Trying to Save Baby From Abortion Outside Local Abortion Clinic.  An Australian mother was slapped with a huge fine Wednesday simply for trying to give a pamphlet to a couple going into a Melbourne abortion facility.  An Australian Magistrate's Court found Kathy Clubb guilty of prohibited behavior within a "safe access zone" and fined her $5,000 for the August 2016 incident, BuzzFeed News reports.  The buffer zone prohibits pro-lifers from sidewalk counseling within 150 meters of an abortion facility in the state of Victoria.  "I've been fined $5,000 for attempting to save a baby from being killed and for trying to save its parents from a lifetime of regret," Clubb wrote on her blog.

EU Report Characterizes Opposition to Abortion as a Crime Against Humanity.  In Liberal Land, words mean whatever you want them to mean.  For example, dismembering children in the womb, or half-delivering them, then stabbing them to death with scissors, does not constitute violence.  On the contrary, objecting to these crimes constitutes violence: [...] The report implies that failure to provide abortion, presumably at other people's expense as necessary, should be officially regarded as a "crime against humanity."  There is no tolerance for dissent in moonbattery.  Consequently, suggesting that public funding for abortion be reduced now potentially qualifies as a crime against humanity.

Downingtown assistant principal who cursed at teen abortion protesters resigns.  Zach Ruff, the Downingtown assistant principal who was videotaped cursing at and berating teen abortion protesters outside Downingtown STEM Academy, resigned Thursday, the school district said in a news release.  The resignation came a day after students presented the school board with a stack of 50,000 signatures in support of the administrator, who this year earned his doctorate in educational leadership from Drexel University.

Teen abortion protesters demand apology for Downingtown school official's rant.  Two teen antiabortion protesters who were berated by an assistant principal at Downingtown STEM Academy are asking the district for an apology and acknowledgment that they had a right to demonstrate outside the school.  In a letter to Downingtown Area School District Superintendent Lawrence Mussoline on Wednesday, the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a faith-based group representing Conner and Lauren Haines, said that since the April 21 incident, the brother and sister have been harassed with hundreds of messages, some "threatening and vulgar."

Washington State student destroys pro-life display because it made him 'angry'.  A student repeatedly destroyed a pro-life display at Washington State University last week because it made him "angry."  Keaton Aspell said he left class Wednesday morning [4/12/2017] and was disgusted to find a "Cemetery for the Innocent" — 300 pink crosses representing 100 children aborted per day — sticking out of a quad.

Abortion business sued after guard lied about bomb threat.  A pro-life activist who routinely held a sign and prayed outside a Westland, Michigan, abortion clinic is suing the business and local police, charging a security guard falsely claimed she threatened to bomb the facility.  Kimberly Thames is seeking compensatory, exemplary and punitive damages, attorney fees and costs and expenses from the Northland Family Planning Clinic and employees "John Doe," Renee Chelian and Mary Guilbernat, the city of Westland and its police department, Chief Jason Soulliere, officers John Gatti, Adam Tardif and Norman Brooks.  According to the complaint, the unidentified security guard at the abortion business on Aug. 27 called police and lied to them that Thames, who frequently stood outside the business and prayed, had threatened to bomb the facility.  Thames then was arrested and detained over the weekend.  She was released when the facts of the case were reviewed the following Monday.

Sens. Cruz, Lee Accuse Justice Department of Favoring Abortion Clinics Over Churches.  Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah are accusing the Justice Department of pursuing "frivolous prosecutions" against the pro-life movement and having, according to the senators' offices, "what appears to be an exceptionally heavy bias" in favor of abortion clinics over houses of worship in a letter sent to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch Tuesday [3/29/2016].  The letter concerns the Justice Department's enforcement of the 1994 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a law that prohibits any use or threat of force and physical obstruction outside abortion clinics and places of religious worship.  The law, however, does not criminalize peaceful protests or other First Amendment protected activities outside abortion facilities or places of worship.

Planned Parenthood protester sued by Maine for yelling so loudly outside abortion clinic that he's disrupting healthcare.  An anti-abortion protester is being sued by the state of Maine for yelling so loudly outside a Planned Parenthood clinic that he is disrupting healthcare.  Evangelical Christian Brian Ingalls, 26, had a lawsuit filed against him by Maine's Attorney General Janet Mills under the state's civil rights act.  Mills says Ingalls has the right to protest but not to intentionally disrupt appointments by shouting at patients and medical staff during counseling sessions.

The Editor says...
If he is preventing abortions, he is not "disrupting healthcare."

Florida city treating pro-life sidewalk counselors as loitering prostitutes?  After its police prevented sidewalk counselors from sharing information about abortion with pregnant women — enforcing the same ordinance they use to get prostitutes off the street — the city of Fort Myers is being sued by the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ).

Feminist Professor Sued for Altercation With Pro-Life Demonstrators.  The Life Legal Defense Foundation (LLDF) filed a civil suit Thursday against the University of California and Professor Mireille Miller-Young seeking "compensation for physical battery, property theft and civil rights violations" following an on-campus altercation in March with pro-life demonstrators.  Miller-Young, an assistant professor in the Feminist Studies Department at the university's Santa Barbara campus (USCB), was convicted in July of stealing a pro-life sign from the group of demonstrators in a specially designated free speech area on campus and assaulting a teenaged member of the group.

Professors Now Say Slavery Forced Colleague To Batter Teen, Destroy Her Anti-Abortion Poster.  The saga of University of California, Santa Barbara feminist studies professor Mireille Miller-Young has taken yet another bizarro twist after her defenders urged a judge to excuse the criminal allegations against her because of the "cultural legacy of slavery."  Miller-Young pleaded no contest last month to misdemeanor counts of battery, theft and vandalism after she rallied up a small gaggle of female vigilantes and attacked abortion protesters Thrin Short, 16, and Joan Short, 21. The radical feminist armada forcibly stole a graphic anti-abortion sign from the two protesters.  Miller-Young scratched and appeared to push the 16-year-old girl, then destroyed the sign.

Judge Dismisses Planned Parenthood's Criminal Charges Against Missouri Pro-Lifer.  Yesterday [7/17/2014] in Boone County Circuit Court, Circuit Judge Gary Oxenhandler dismissed criminal charges against Kathy Thebo Forck, veteran pro-life sidewalk counselor and campaign director of 40 Days for Life, Columbia.  On July 24, 2012, in blazing 100°F heat, Ms. Forck had approached a Stericycle truck driver who was leaving Planned Parenthood to offer him a bottle of water.  Planned Parenthood accused Ms. Forck of stepping onto their property and had Ms. Forck arrested.  "Dismissal of the false trespass charges against Ms. Forck is a victory both for justice and for the pro-life movement," said Daniel Baker, Thomas More Society special counsel.  "Ms. Forck has successfully helped to eliminate abortions from being offered at the Columbia Planned Parenthood facility through her peaceful sidewalk counseling, and this does not warrant bogus charges being hurled at her in retaliation."

U.S. Supreme Court Should Resolve Dispute Over Choose Life License Plates.  Yesterday [8/13/2014], the Thomas More Society filed an amicus brief urging the United States Supreme Court to hear a case involving "Choose Life" license plates, in order to resolve disputes among lower courts over how to treat specialty license plates.  The brief is brought on behalf of Choose Life America, Choose Life Wisconsin, and Illinois Choose Life, and urges the Justices to hear the case and uphold broad free speech rights for license plates.

Catholic Cardinal: Massachussetts Law is 'Unjust Limitation on Free Speech'.  Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley blasted a new Massachusetts law limiting protesters' access to abortion clinics.  "In spite of a unanimous decision of the United States Supreme Court declaring unconstitutional the Massachusetts law enforcing a 35 foot 'buffer zone' around abortion clinics, the Massachusetts legislature acted with unseemly haste to establish what amounts to a new buffer zone of 25 feet," the Cardinal said in a statement on his blog Friday [8/1/2014].

Gov. Patrick Signs Mass. Abortion Buffer Zone Bill.  Governor Deval Patrick today [7/30/2014] signed a bill that tightens security regulations regarding protests and demonstrations at abortion clinics in Massachusetts.  The bill, titled an Act to Promote Public Safety and Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care Facilities, ensures safe access for those seeking reproductive health care services and will go into effect immediately.  The bill is in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling against the state's "buffer zone" law, a 2007 law that banned protests within a 35-foot radius of abortion clinics.

Massachusetts scrambles to reset abortion center 'buffer zones'.  After the U.S. Supreme Court's 9-0 McCullen v. Coakley ruling struck down Massachusetts's abortion center "buffer zone" law in June, the state legislature rushed another, slightly watered-down version through the House last week.  Gov. Deval Patrick, who pushed for the replacement, is expected to sign it shortly, after final negotiations between the House and Senate.  The original law stipulated a 35-foot buffer-zone around abortion facilities.  The new bill stipulates a 25-foot buffer zone.  While anyone may freely occupy it, the law allows law-enforcement officials to write up a "withdrawal order" to individuals who "substantially impede" access to abortion centers.

High court strikes Massachusetts abortion 'buffer zone'.  The Supreme Court on Thursday [6/26/2014] unanimously struck down a Massachusetts law that restricted speech outside abortion facilities, a decision that abortion-rights advocates decried as a threat to patient safety at clinics nationwide.  The court said the state law violated the First Amendment because its "buffer zone" limited speech too broadly, covering 35 feet from the doorway of facilities and including public areas like sidewalks.

High Court Voids 35-Foot Abortion Clinic Buffer.  The Supreme Court unanimously struck down the 35-foot protest-free zone outside abortion clinics in Massachusetts Thursday [6/26/2014], declaring it an unconstitutional restraint on the free-speech rights of protesters.

Group challenges Ohio ban on campaign lies.  The Susan B. Anthony List filed the motion Friday in Cincinnati, saying the law violates free speech rights.

Pro-Life Group Wins in Supreme Court Free Speech Case.  A prominent pro-life group won a decisive victory against an Ohio state law that blocked a series of campaign ads during the 2010 election.  The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a non-profit organization that supports pro-life candidates, had every right to establish billboards stating that a vote for Obamacare meant a vote for taxpayer funded abortion during the 2010 midterm elections.

Diabetic pastor sues after being arrested, denied food and water for holding pro-life sign.  On March 30, 2011, Pastor Stephen Joiner was driving through the streets of Columbus, Mississippi, when he saw dozens of members of Pro-Life Mississippi peacefully holding signs supporting the unborn child's right to life.  He pulled over and learned they were trying to build support for the state's Personhood Amendment, which failed to pass the following November.  Joiner, the pastor of the city's Church of the Nazarene, supported the cause, so he picked up a sign and stood alongside them. [...] Joiner says that Police Captain Frederick Shelton told him to move, because he was blocking traffic, although he was several feet from the road.

Pro-Life Display Vandalized Twice on University of Miami Campus.  A pro-life display at the University of Miami (UM) has been vandalized twice over the last several days.  UM Respect Life students reportedly had their display items destroyed and thrown into a trash bin, and the pro-lifers themselves were excoriated by fellow students who told them they were trying to induce guilt in women who had abortions.

A Big Blow for Abortion Advocates.  Bad news for pro-abortion advocates: the United States District Court for the District of Maryland just issued a ruling on an important First Amendment pro-life case (Centro Tepeyac v. Montgomery County), exposing, yet again, the radicalism and lack of care for women of the pro-"choice" movement.  The case dealt with a desperate attempt by abortion advocates to harass crisis pregnancy centers (CPC), who have helped thousands of women realize that they need not always choose abortion when confronting a crisis pregnancy.

University of Alabama Removes 'Offensive' Pro-Life Display.  An administrator at the University of Alabama removed the pro-life display of Bama Students for Life last week without notification, claiming that some students found the display "offensive."  The display, which featured abortion-related facts, photos of women who died as a result of abortion, and two small pictures of aborted babies, was among numerous other displays by other student organizations.

Abortion Rights as a Free-Speech Flashpoint.  When Chief Justice John Roberts announces, on the morning of Jan. 15, that the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in McCullen v. Coakley, the stage will be set for the court to address one aspect of the searing national debate about abortion.  The case isn't about the scope of legal protection for that procedure, but about what limits may be placed on speech on public streets near medical facilities in which abortions are performed.  McCullen v. Coakley presents the court with an opportunity to reconsider what may well be its most indefensible First Amendment ruling so far this century.

Johns Hopkins denies recognition to pro-lifers, equates them with white supremacists.  The Student Government Association at Johns Hopkins University has denied official recognition to a group of pro-life students, and one SGA leader privately equated them with white supremacists.  Voice for Life, a JHU student group that engages in pro-life activism, including counseling women outside of the front doors of abortion clinics, was twice denied official recognition last month.  The SGA voted 10-8 to reject the group — cutting it off from student activities funding and building access for meetings — due to concerns that its activism constituted harassment.

Video: Security guard pepper-sprays pro-lifers outside abortion clinic.  Peaceful protesters who are part of a national movement pursuing broad political, cultural, and social change were pepper-sprayed by a security guard.  No, this story has nothing to do with Occupy Wall Street.  Instead, itinvolves three pro-life Mississippians who were apparently pepper-sprayed by a security guard at an abortion clinic.

Abortion clinic security guard pepper-sprays pro-lifers.  This morning pro-lifers were singing and praying in front of Mississippi's lone remaining abortion clinic when a security guard pepper-sprayed three of them in the face.  The aggressor was Roy Benjamin, a private, armed security guard who works for Jackson Women's Health Organization, in Jackson.

Thousands of anti-abortion activists rally at Texas Capitol.  Gov. Rick Perry, finding biblical significance in the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, assured thousands of activists at Saturday's [1/26/2013] Rally for Life at the Texas Capitol that this legislative session will build on past efforts to restrict abortion.  "The ideal world is one without abortion.  Until then, we will continue to pass laws to ensure abortions are as rare as possible," Perry told a crowd.

Root of nation's economic crisis is moral crisis:  A travesty of justice has occurred in Oakland, California.  But realities surrounding this local issue point to how the economic crisis in our nation is symptomatic of and flows from a deeper fundamental moral crisis.  A black pastor awaits sentencing, which could amount to two years in prison and $4,000 in fines, for standing outside an inner city abortion clinic holding a sign saying "Jesus Loves You & Your Baby, Let Us Help You," and offering pro-life literature.  Walter Hoye, founder and chairman of the Issues4Life Foundation, was found guilty of "unlawful approach" under the "Access to Reproductive Health Care Facilities Ordinance" enacted in Oakland in 2008.

Pro-Lifers Praise Ruling Allowing Statement on Abortion.  South Dakota may enforce a law that requires doctors to provide pregnant women with a written statement saying, "the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being," a federal appeals court ruled last Friday [6/27/2008].  In Planned Parenthood v. Rounds, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit voted 7-4 to strike down a 2005 preliminary injunction issued by the U.S. District Court for South Dakota.

First Amendment Rights for Abortion Protestors?  On December 22nd a 69-year-old pro-life activist who was standing atop his automobile and protesting in front of the Hillcrest Abortion Clinic in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was physically attacked by an abortion supporter and thrown to the ground with enough force to knock him unconscious.  Doctors even worried for a time that the elderly man might perish from the attack.  Over a week after the attack, there aren't any accounts of the attack in the mainstream media.  As I searched for the story, I found only two Internet hits for it.  Why the silence from the MSM?  Can you imagine the MSM swarm that would have occurred if it had been a pro-lifer who attacked an abortion supporter?  The cacophony would have been deafening if a pro-lifer had been the one to get violent.

Suit filed after cops confiscate motor home:  A California man has filed suit in U.S. district court in Detroit after police from Royal Oak, Mich., confiscated his motor home because it allegedly bore "obscene" pro-life messages.

Neither King nor abortion foes are racketeers.  The Supreme Court's unanimous 8–0 decision this week rejecting claims by the National Organization for Women that demonstrations at abortion clinics are extortion and therefore punishable under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act was an important vote for freedom and free speech.

Pro life?  Beware of the "permit process".  Silencing pro-life speech is unconstitutional, but that hasn't stopped many public officials from doing so.  While the result is always inexcusable, the methods used are often quite creative.  Take Raleigh, North Carolina, where officials excuse their censorship by blaming the "permit process." … "The government can't require citizens to request permission before they exercise their First Amendment rights," said ADF Senior Counsel Nate Kellum.  "The policy used by Raleigh officials to silence pro-life speech is clearly unconstitutional."

False Witnesses?  The U.S. Supreme Court is set to review the most sweeping legal judgment against pro-life activists in history.  But painstakingly compiled new evidence shows that pro-abortion witnesses in the case may have lied.

Justices Express Concern For Free Speech In Pro-Life RICO Case.  The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday in a case that bars pro-life activists from protesting outside abortion clinics, and although free speech was not a question for the court to consider, several justices expressed concern about the impact the case could have on all forms of demonstration.

Minister Risks Jail Time To Read Scripture In Front Of Abortion Clinic:  The Rev. Patrick Mahoney said he plans to violate a 1998 federal court injunction that requires abortion protesters to stay at least 20 feet away from the entrances to abortion clinics.

Missouri House opposes federal abortion proposal.  The Missouri House is urging President Barack Obama and Congress to oppose any federal efforts to pre-empt some state abortion laws.  Federal legislation filed in the past, called the Freedom of Choice Act, could overrule many state-level restrictions on access to abortion.  The Missouri House approved 116-40 on Wednesday [2/11/2009] a nonbinding resolution opposing that.  The measure states that Missouri regulations at risk could include bans on certain late-term abortions and mandatory parental consent for minors.

Praying Outside Clinic Gets Man Disorderly Conduct Charge.  A Chicago man says he's fighting charges of disorderly conduct for simply standing on a public sidewalk and praying.  Joseph Holland, a 25-year-old graduate student at Northwestern University, says he was standing still praying the rosary outside a Planned Parenthood facility in downtown Chicago July 3 when police arrested him for violating the city's new "Bubble Zone" ordinance.  The law, passed in October, states that a person cannot approach within 8 feet of another person without consent "for the purpose of passing a leaflet or handbill to, displaying a sign to, or engaging in oral protest, education or counseling" within 50 feet from any health care facility.

Obama Sues Pro-Life Protester.  A West Palm Beach, Florida pro-life leader is proclaiming her innocence after U.S. Attorney General Eric holder filed a lawsuit alleging she violated federal law prohibiting individuals from blocking clients from entering abortion clinics.

Compare this to Holder's treatment of the Black Panthers who obstructed the entrance to a polling place.

Pro-life activist attacked outside abortion clinic.  An anti-abortion protestor was attacked outside an abortion clinic in Albuquerque on Tuesday [7/5/2011] and the incident was caught on tape.  The victim, an activist, said the attack was unprovoked.  Bud Shaver said he was in the middle of a conversation with a woman, when he said she started kicking him and then cut his head with her keys.

Obama's abortion absolutism and the 1st Amendment.  In 1994, abortion-lobby champion Ted Kennedy passed the Free Access to Clinics Act (FACE), which imposes stricter limitations on peaceful protests of abortion clinics than any other peaceful protest.  This law, which strikes me as pretty darn unconstitutional, has never really been enforced. ... But now, NPR reports, Obama is deciding to crack down on those protesting, conducting sidewalk counseling, or even praying for the mothers and their babies.

Hospital accused of bullying nurses who oppose abortion.  A legal defense alliance has gone back to court seeking an emergency order against a New Jersey hospital after officials there threatened pro-life nurses with duty, schedule and assignment changes because of their objection to abortion — even though a court previously ordered officials not to do that.

Eric Holder Nailed $120,000 for Meritless Abortion Clinic Lawsuit.  The Department of Justice has been forced to hand over $120,000 for bringing a meritless abortion clinic access lawsuit against a clinic protester.  This loss is one of multiple lost cases by the Department of Justice against abortion clinic protesters.  The Special Litigation Section is the unit bringing the meritless cases.  It was profiled in the PJ Media Every Single One Series as being headed by and filled with Leftist ideologues.  The Special Litigation Section sued Mary Sue Pine under the "FACE" Act, which guarantees access to abortion clinics.  The complaint alleged Pine obstructed a car entering the clinic by standing in front of it.

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