Other subjects of interest

Musical Interlude:
Today's feature, which was also yesterday's feature, is Valse Miniature, written by Koussevitzky, and arranged for tuba and calliope by Andrew K. Dart.  Surprisingly, I get a lot of feedback about this feature.
Odd News Items:
These news stories are for simple amusement.
You didn't ask for this, but here is a complete collection of my pre-internet national publications:  magazine articles, letters to the editor, etc.  Bear with me as I shamelessly toot my own horn.
Sketch 601
Sketches and Doodles:
For what they are worth, here are some of my best doodles.

Document location http://www.akdart.com/o-index.html
Updated August 7, 2008.

Page design by Andrew K. Dart  ©2008