Obama post-presidency

Subtopics on this page:

Credible allegations of spying on political opponents

Barack H. Obama leaves traps and stink bombs for the next president

Barack H. Obama's post-presidential plans and activities

Barack H. Obama speculates constantly about his third term as president

Credible allegations of spying on political opponents

If it is true that President Barack H. Obama and his closest advisors used the intelligence-gathering machines of the federal government to conduct surveillance and/or wiretapping to collect information about the opposing party's nominee for political purposes, that would be the biggest political scandal since Watergate, which resulted in the resignation of President Nixon.  President Obama is no longer in office, of course, but those who engaged in this alleged surveillance could face serious legal consequences.

Overview / recap articles:
(Scroll down for news items, or click here.)

Five Years Later:  The Spawn of Crossfire Hurricane.  Five years ago this week, Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, boarded a train in Washington, D.C. bound for Philadelphia.  The Democratic National Convention was in chaos after WikiLeaks released emails that showed party officials rigged the primary process in favor of Hillary Clinton.  Bernie Sanders supporters were mutinous; Debbie Wasserman Schultz, then-head of the Democratic National Committee, resigned on July 25, 2016.  Simpson and his business partner hightailed it to the City of Brotherly Love to woo the media away from the escalating scandal.  The well-connected pair met with top journalists and editors, including New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet, to spin a dark tale about the Trump campaign's ties to Russia including rumors of prostitutes in a Moscow hotel.  It worked like a charm.  "The WikiLeaks dump had forced every publication to devote multiple reporters to dig through the cache of emails," Simpson wrote in his 2019 book, Crime in Progress.

I Helped Write FISA. Let's Destroy It.  Circa March 2016, as it appeared that Donald Trump would be the Republican Party's presidential nominee in the forthcoming election, someone with White House authority — we do not yet know who or through what channel — directed the National Security Agency electronically to surveil communications in and out of Trump's campaign headquarters in New York's Trump Tower.  At the same time, the CIA and FBI were vectoring longstanding CIA assets, including Stefan Halper in Britain and Joseph Mifsud in Italy as well as Australia's Alexander Downer not so much to gather information about low-level Trump advisers' contacts with the Russians, but to provide pretexts for further surveillance of Trump and, above all, for press stories implicating Trump with Russia.  By July 2016, the FBI and CIA had encompassed the Trump campaign in formal counterintelligence and criminal investigations, while shopping suggestive allegations to the press.  The so-called Steele dossier, alleging a host of details, some lurid, all false, was part of this classic political agitprop.  This effort was the product of a homogeneous mixture of persons official and officious, including John Brennan and James Comey, directors of the CIA and FBI, respectively, James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, along with some of the highest officials of these agencies, of the Department of Justice and of State.  These people are related to one another socially, politically, financially, professionally, maritally and extra-maritally.  They served Democratic President Barack Obama while furthering the election of his chosen Democrat successor, Hillary Clinton.  The notion that they acted without at least his tacit approval is not worth a second thought.

A Retrospective on The Past Four Years of Fake News Trump Hysteria.  The SpyGate plotters in the FBI start spying on Donald Trump and his team in 2015. They claim they started in late July of 2016, but that's a lie.  Their spying is cloaked as a counterintelligence investigation.  The FBI lies to the FISA Court saying they have "probable cause," alleging they have solid, verified evidence that Carter Page is acting as an agent of a foreign power.  They also "suspect", Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos and Paul Manafort are doing the same.  To get FISA warrants to spy on Trump's campaign, the FBI uses a fake Trump/Russia dossier.  That dossier came from a Clinton political operative, former MI6 spy Christopher Steele.  The spying continues after Trump wins the election.  They spy on his transition team, and they spy after Trump enters the White House.

When Does It Count as a Coup?  Here are the incontrovertible facts:
  •   Under the Obama Administration, CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James Comey initiated Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the first-ever counterintelligence operation in America history targeting a presidential campaign.
  •   During the operation, the CIA and FBI deployed multiple human intelligence assets to attempt the entrapment of members of the Trump campaign and link them to Russia.
  •   Knowing it would be illegal to spy on Americans without a crime having been committed, or without even the predicate of a crime, John Brennan circumvented the Constitution and used British intelligence to target Obama's and Hillary Clinton's political adversaries.
  •   Clinton and the DNC paid millions of dollars to a former British spy, Christopher Steele to manufacture an opposition research file using Russian propaganda in order to smear candidate Trump.
  •   Comey's FBI and Loretta Lynch's Justice Department used that propaganda dossier to obtain secret surveillance warrants illegally from the FISA courts to spy on members of the Trump campaign, illegal because the FBI and the Justice Department deliberately hid from the FISA judges exculpatory information as to the political origins of the dossier and the political agenda of Christopher Steele.
  •   The DNC itself sent a Ukrainian American, Alexandra Chalupa, to the Ukrainian embassy in D.C. to coordinate further smears against candidate Trump.
  •   The National Security Agency's unparalleled surveillance capabilities were repeatedly abused by contractors to spy on the Trump campaign, contractors who weren't even allowed to access NSA databases, until Obama's NSA Director Mike Rogers took it upon himself to warn President-elect Trump of the operation against him. [...]
Each of the above represents a far greater crime than the bungled burglary that would become the historic Watergate scandal.  Together they constitute an attempted coup for which not one person has gone to jail.

Democrats' New Favorite Word to Bludgeon Trump: 'Ethical'.  Every few months, progressives shift their attack, introducing or recycling one theme after another.  First, it was "collusion."  Then, it was "obstruction."  Now the word is "ethical."  Apparently, it's not ethical to pick up the phone and listen when someone calls you.  Even if you intend to call the FBI if there's something wrong.  Obviously, the Clinton campaign went far beyond that when it paid for the services of a foreign national to compile the dirty dossier on the president.  But it's not just the Steele dossier.  Charges of involvement by Obama's FBI, CIA, and Justice Department, if substantiated, will amount to the worst political conspiracy in our history.  The list of those involved will be long, and it could stretch from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page at the bottom all the way up to Biden and Obama at the top.  That sort of conspiracy, involving top federal agency and department heads and perhaps the president and vice president himself, would go so far beyond "unethical" as to make an ethics charge seem laughable.

Lyin' Biden:  Not a 'hint of a scandal' during Obama administration?  Please!  Officials in their administration secured wiretapping warrants — with suspect backing — to spy on Mr. Trump, who they feared might just pull off the win in 2016.  "I think spying did occur," Attorney General William Barr testified before Congress in April, adding that "I'm not talking about the FBI necessarily, but intelligence agencies more broadly."  The authorization to spy on the campaign was approved by a secret court based on a bogus dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  After his win, the dossier was used to impose a special counsel to investigate the spurious allegations that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia to influence the election.  Special counsel Robert Mueller, after a 22-month probe, found no collusion whatsoever.

The Left's hypocrisy knows no bounds.  The Steele dossier was phonied up by a foreign national, Steele, and the rest of the setup involved the help of several other Western intel assets from the U.K., Italy, and Australia.  Together with their partners in crime within our FBI and CIA, they had quite an operation going.  So arrogant and drunk on power, they were certain they could take down the president they decided was an interloper, not a member of their elite club.  But they got caught.  The Steele dossier was so poorly written that legitimate CIA and FBI agents say no professional intelligence officer would have fallen for it for one minute.  But it was used as "evidence" to begin surveilling the Trump family, friends, Cabinet members, and acquaintances.  Hundreds of innocent civilians were unmasked and spied upon in search of a crime.

The doggedness of William Barr.  For the past two-plus years, elements of the Obama administration, then the Obama administration in exile, have been swarming like termites over the enterprises of Trump, Inc., first his campaign and then his administration.  The vast apparatus of the United States intelligence services, the Department of Justice, and other representatives of the Executive Branch have busied themselves burrowing into the record of Donald Trump's business dealings, his foreign contacts, and contacts between anyone associated with him or his campaign and the outside world.  Low-level staffers such as George Papadopoulos were set up by British or Australian-run intelligence assets.  A fake, completely unverified dossier, compiled from dubious sources, paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, was the chief, possibly the only 'evidence' used to obtain a FISA surveillance warrant against Carter Page, an American citizen, as a pretext to tap into (or, in the vernacular, 'spy') on the Trump campaign and then his administration.  The compiler of the dossier, ex-British spy Christopher Steele, has admitted that he was desperate to have the dirt he had hoovered up about Donald Trump air before the election.

Sally Yates -vs- Michael Flynn.  After the November 8th, 2016, election everyone within the Obama network associated with the Trump surveillance operation was at risk.  This is the impetus for the "Muh Russia" collusion-conspiracy narrative that was used as a mitigating shield.  Within a few days after the election ODNI James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan began pushing the Russia election interference narrative in the media.  Without notifying anyone, NSA Director Mike Rogers went to Trump tower on November 18th, 2016.  Despite his compartmentalization it appears Rogers identified the NSA database abuse as the likely underpinning for some form of political surveillance.  By mid-December 2016 the Obama administration was deploying a full-court-press using their media allies to promote the Russia conspiracy.  However, despite their public proclamations Clapper and Brennan were refusing to give any specifics to congress.

ObamaGate: No Misdemeanors, Only High Crimes.  It would be impossible to detail in this one article all of the things the Obama Administration did to subvert the Trump campaign through the use of the intelligence community (IC) for political ends.  Moreover, we are only just beginning to chronicle of the depth and breadth of the corruption involved. [...] Nevertheless, these are the key facts:  The CIA, the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Obama White House were all involved in a series of codename operations (including "Crossfire Hurricane") that involved foreign governments, (Australia, Great Britain, and Italy), and their intelligence agencies, including the British equivalent of the National Security Agency, GCHQ, in targeted espionage against members of the Trump campaign. [...] Simply put: the Obama Administration used the most powerful intelligence capabilities in the world to attempt a penetration and subversion of the presidential campaign of the the opposing party.  When that failed, they used a special prosecutor to divert attention away from that activity, log-jam the work of the new president, and clean up the evidence of what had been done to him and his team.  And most un-American of all: the former intelligence leadership of the Obama Administration continued to spy illegally on Donald Trump and his closest advisers after they had moved into the White House.

Democrats' railings about Barr and spying are going to end badly for them.  When AG Barr stated that he would be investigating the "spying" on the Trump campaign, the Democrats on the committee were shocked, truly stunned.  How dare he suggest such a thing!  These folks, for over two years, have had their heads deep in ostrich sand.  They are apparently completely unaware, or pretend to be, of the massive amounts of actual proof that the Obama administration illegally attempted to eliminate Trump from the running by trying to plant their own spies in the campaign and surveil under prohibited pretexts. [...] Is it actually possible that they have not read a word of Gregg Jarrett's book, Dan Bongino's book, the multiple well-researched columns of John Solomon, Sara Carter, Margot Cleveland, Jeff Carlson, Lee Smith, et. al.?  Have they not bothered to read the numerous transcripts of closed-door interviews with the principals involved?  Obviously not. [...] It has for nearly two years been clear, proven beyond all doubt, that a self-important faction at the FBI and DOJ, with covert approval of then-President Obama, conspired to see that Trump would not be elected.

Ilhan Omar Is Right:  Obama Did Get Away With Murder.  [Scroll down]  The most-dastardly misdeed of all, though, is only coming into view since Obama left office.  Whatever one's opinion of President Donald J. Trump, the fact remains that he and his inner circle have been the subject of one of the most corrupt federal investigations in history.  Having won in 2016 by defeating the highly favored Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, Trump has been made to endure endless rounds of a special prosecution investigation alleging he and his campaign "colluded" with Russia to rig the 2016 election in Trump's favor.  After three years, most of these claims have not only been disproven, but they've been proven to be a lie.  In fact, all of the claims were based off a salacious opposition research document compiled by a former British spy — who was supportive of Trump's political opponents in 2016.  Rather than having been met with skepticism, though, the Obama era intelligence community accepted the dossier alleging Trump-Russia collusion and used that as the pretext to spy on the Trump Campaign; to pursue Trump campaign officials legally; and to stymie the ability of the Trump Administration to govern effectively. On his way out of office, Obama and his minions made moves to ensure that the incoming Trump Administration could neither defend itself fairly from these unsubstantiated attacks nor simply end the baseless "investigation."  Here is the true legacy of Barack Obama.

Reconciling 'Spygate' With The 'Soft Coup'.  There have been a great many questions surrounding the activity that took place in 2017 after President Trump took office and how politicians and officials coordinated an apparent 'soft coup' attempt to remove President Trump.  Questions around DAG Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, James Comey and the larger intelligence community (to include the Gang-of-Eight) surrounding the Trump administration.  Many of those questions can be reconciled with a review of the predicate.  There are five phases in the evolution of 'Spygate' into the 'Soft Coup'; to reconcile the latter, which extends to today, a full review provides the clarity.

Reporter: Obama Spied on Me, and I'm Not the Only One.  Former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson testified in front of lawmakers on Tuesday about evidence she'd collected proving that the Obama administration illegally spied on her by planting remote access software on her home computer.  Attkisson has long maintained that Obama officials were not only keeping tabs on her, but was actively pressuring her bosses at the network to "kill" stories she was pursuing that would not have been favorable to the president.  Unfortunately, she told the House Oversight and Reform Committee, despite her evidence of wrongdoing, the Department of Justice has taken no steps to investigate the scandal. [...] All of this happened in 2012, as Attkisson was closing in on Benghazi reporting that would have been severely damaging to the administration and might have hurt the president's chances in November.

Unholy Alliance:  Did Us Intelligence Agencies Collude With Clinton to Influence the 2016 Election?  As controversial as the Steele dossier has become, it may well prove key to a political corruption scandal far more insidious than anyone has presently suggested.  To be sure, critics have blasted its seeming partisan falsity, and many also have declaimed that it enabled the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.  And there is evidence that the opening of the "Russiagate" investigation was itself premised strongly on this "salacious and unverified" report.  But little attention has been paid to the role of American intelligence agencies in its creation, which now is appearing substantial, and which would implicate a governmental conspiracy making Watergate look like child's play.

From 9/11 to Spygate:  The National Security Deep State.  [Scroll down]  We know some of what Mueller was doing.  The same official who paved the way for raiding the president's lawyer, who illegally seized material from the Trump transition team and whose case is based in no small part on illegal eavesdropping, fought alongside Comey against surveilling terrorists.  Materials involving the Muslim Brotherhood were purged.  Toward the dawn of the second Obama term, Mueller met with CAIR and other Islamist groups and a green curtain fell over national security.  But the surveillance wasn't going anywhere.  Instead it was being redirected to new targets.  Those targets were not, despite the wave of hysterical conspiracy theories convulsing the media, the Russians.  Mueller's boss was still quite fond of them.  Barack Obama did have foreign enemies that he wanted to spy on.  And there were plenty of domestic enemies who could be caught up in that trap.

A Guide to Spygate.  The FBI is many things to many people, but seen from the inside where I spent my career as an FBI agent, most of all it is a bureaucracy.  The evident abuses of the vast investigatory powers of the Bureau to surveil the campaign of Donald Trump has left a paper and electronic trail as it jumped through the many procedural hoops required for Spygate to unfold.  Based on a clue from the Strzok-Page texts and my understanding of the rules the FBI has to play by, it is possible to piece together a picture of how and why surveillance of the Trump campaign probably unfolded.

Watergate redux.  President Obama, although appearing confident of a Clinton victory, apparently feared a Trump win would undo his legacy — which is precisely what has happened — and thus it had to be prevented by whatever means.  The leadership of the Justice Department, IRS, FBI, CIA and others in the Obama administration have been, and continue to show themselves to be, fierce Democratic partisans.  Again, their motivations for what increasingly appears as extensive inappropriate and illegal behavior seem to be much like their Watergate predecessors.  Former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former director of National Intelligence James Clapper have all publicly stated that they do not believe Mr. Trump is fit to be president — with the implicit argument that stopping him is their patriotic duty — the law [notwithstanding].

Spygate:  The Coming Storm.  A growing segment of the American public now knows that the country's intelligence community was spying on the Trump campaign, and then attempting to sabotage the Trump Administration with false allegations of "Russian collusion."  That's #Spygate in a sentence.  A long and tawdry web composed of lies, obstruction, and leaking has slowly been unraveled until the falsehoods of the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, and other assorted deep state actors were revealed.  FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has been fired, and is counting his GoFundMe cash in preparation for large legal bills.  Former FBI Director James Comey publicly set fire to his reputation during his recent book tour.  James Clapper was hired recently on CNN to analyze all the nefarious stuff he did as the former director of national intelligence.  Last, but certainly not least, former CIA head John Brennan has had to settle for pompous raging on Twitter — which is just about the most amateur thing that an ex-spymaster can possibly do.  The erstwhile leaders of our "intelligence community" have proven to be not very intelligent at all.

What Obama and his political Choom Gang did is far worse than Watergate.  The Obama administration — with or without the knowledge and direction of President Obama himself — perverted one of the most powerful, clandestine spying operations in the world and used it at the very height of a presidential campaign to spy on political opponents, punish them and, ultimately, silence them through extortion.  If this was orchestrated without the express knowledge of Mr. Obama, then it reveals just how blatantly he instructed by example the weaponizing of the entire federal government to carry out his low, dishonest and unjust ideology.  By any means necessary, one might say.  Only instead of being driving by visions of justice, these people were driven by visions of undying power.

Are There Any Adults Left in Washington, D.C.?  This is how our government works:  the peaceful transition of power from one president to the next.  At least, this is how it is supposed to work and has for the first 44 American presidents.  Instead, we had an outgoing administration, using its vast intelligence and judicial powers to influence a presidential election.  Perhaps "influence" is too kind a word, as even an endorsement from the outgoing president is meant to influence.  Far better would be a word like "rig" or "fix," deliberately dictating the outcome despite the constitutional process and the will of the people.  That's exactly what the Obama administration did.  A lie, dressed up as intelligence, was used to fraudulently justify spying on a presidential campaign before the election.

Let me get you up to speed, champ.  One more time : after the GOPe oppo research gig on Trump died, Fusion GPS was hired by the DNC and Clinton campaign, to create a dossier backing up the Trump-Russia lie.  The effort was funded by (at least) the Clinton Campaign, Obama for America and a group of wealthy billionaires.  To conceal the origin and funding, they used Perkins Coie, a law firm, to launder instructions and payment.  Hillary Clinton denied knowing who had created the dossier (ie she lied), before finally admitting her involvement in late 2017. [...] Obama illegally deployed his entire corrupt administration to spy on & target Team Trump.  He worked with Clinton to do this, communicating with her via pseudonyms, on Gmail.  The aim was to rig the election & in the event of a Trump win, to destroy an elected POTUS, by targeting his appointments [... and] laying the ground for a Special Counsel, with eventual impeachment of POTUS Trump the goal.  Yes, it is the greatest crime and illegal abuse of power seen in American history.  The fatal weakness in the scheme was the certainty among the conspirators that Clinton would win & that they'd be rewarded.  Instead, many are looking at long jail sentences for extremely serious crimes.

The Ticking Memo.  Apparently, no FBI or DOJ officials informed the court over the duration of these various requests that a) the dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign, b) the FBI in turn apparently paid to obtain it, c) supporting news stories used to substantiate the dossier were the result of deliberately leaking the same document to seed stories in media organizations, or d) a DOJ official both met the author of the dossier and informed the FBI that he was a biased source — but either did not inform other DOJ and FBI officials that his own spouse was a collaborator who worked on the dossier, or such knowledge was known to DOJ and FBI officials but not passed on at some point to the FISA judge, apparently because the court might not have otherwise approved of the request or might have acted to revoke prior requests. [...] If all this is not a scandal — then the following protocols are now considered permissible in American electoral practice and constitutional jurisprudence:  An incumbent administration can freely use the FBI and the DOJ to favor one side in a presidential election, by buying its opposition research against the other candidate, using its own prestige to authenticate such a third-party oppositional dossier, and then using it to obtain court-ordered wiretaps on American citizens employed by a candidate's campaign — and do so by deliberately misleading the court about the origins and authors of the dossier that was used to obtain the warrants.

Why Obama Really Spied On Trump.  Last week, CNN revealed (and excused) one phase of the Obama spying operation on Trump.  After lying about it on MSNBC, Susan Rice admitted unmasking the identities of Trump officials to Congress.  Rice was unmasking the names of Trump officials a month before leaving office.  The targets may have included her own successor, General Flynn, who was forced out of office using leaked surveillance.  While Rice's targets weren't named, the CNN story listed a meeting with Flynn, Bannon and Kushner.  Bannon was Trump's former campaign chief executive and a senior adviser.  Kushner is a senior adviser.  Those are exactly the people you spy on to get an insight into what your political opponents plan to do.  Now the latest CNN spin piece informs us that secret FISA orders were used to spy on the conversations of Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.  The surveillance was discontinued for lack of evidence and then renewed under a new warrant.  This is part of a pattern of FISA abuses by Obama Inc. which never allowed minor matters like lack of evidence to dissuade them from new FISA requests.  Desperate Obama cronies had figured out that they could bypass many of the limitations on the conventional investigations of their political opponents by 'laundering' them through national security.

How a Civil War Happens.  Now we're seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them.  They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail.  They use the tools of power to bring them down.  That's not a free country.  It's not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an "insurance policy" against Trump winning the election.  It's not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition.  It's not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media.  It's not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn't supposed to win, won.  We're in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and leftist professional government.

Did the DOJ Misuse the Steele Dossier — to Spy on the Trump Campaign?  [Scroll down]  Combined with several other irregularities, this had the makings of a real scandal.  First, just as his administration was about to end, President Obama suddenly ordered wider dissemination of raw intelligence throughout the spy agencies.  Second, there was a torrent of classified leaks, which made it clear that there had been spying on Trump associates.  Third, a former Defense Department official, Evelyn Farkas, acknowledged — bragged would be a better word — that her friends in the Obama administration were quietly encouraging Congress to demand intelligence regarding Trump and Russia.  "That's why you have the leaking," she chirped.  Combine this with the facts that (a) Susan Rice, Obama's national-security adviser, initially denied knowing anything about the unmasking before it was confirmed that she was involved (as our David French has detailed); and (b) hundreds of unmasking requests were made in the name of Samantha Power, Obama's U.N. ambassador, a position in which the need to know so many unmasked American identities is not apparent.  Alarmingly, Power now denies that she personally made most of those requests.  All together, it adds up to reasonable suspicion that there was a conspiracy to leak classified information in a manner that would damage Trump politically.

Timely news and commentary:

Watergate(s) on Steroids.  50 years after Nixon's resignation, Democrats have learned what they can get away with Watergate on Steroids over and over again.  Under Obama, they spun their powers of the deep state into overdrive.  As Chuck Schumer bragged days before Trump took office, "Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."  The deep state and Democrats already were getting back at him.  Spying.  NYT greeted Trump's inauguration in 2017 with a front-page story headlined, "Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides."  That was false.  His phone was not tapped.  His entire penthouse was as the FBI listened in on every conversation he had, not just his phones.  Bernstein defended this.  The FBI used the FISA law, designed to spy on terrorists, to gain permission to stake Trump out.  Incredibly, the court turned the request down — making it only the 12th request out of nearly 34,000 requests to be denied.

How TDS Destroyed the Democrats.  The deep state did its part by having the FBI spy on Trump campaign advisors Carter Page, George Papadopoulis, and Sam Clovis.  In addition, FBI agent Kevin Clinesmith pled guilty to altering an email that facilitated renewal of the spy warrant.  Later, Alexander Vindman, an advisor on the National Security Council, pompously testified about Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.  Trump's crime?  Asking Zelenskyy to let our DoJ know of any corruption associated with Joe Biden's threats concerning the Ukrainian prosecutor who had been investigating Burisma Holdings (and Hunter).  I guess Vindman and the Democrats think an American president has no right to inquire about corruption.

Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter.  [Scroll down]  So, as president, Barry pretty much had his way for eight years, growing government; siccing the FBI, CIA, and IRS on his opponents; using the imbecile Joe Biden as impeachment insurance; and making our country just as gay as a man who dreams daily about sodomy with other men could.  And when Obama's time in office was almost up, his DNC purposely screwed over every candidate but Crooked Hillary, his media minions pretended she was Albert Einstein with ovaries, and the FBI lied to a compliant FISA court to start spying on Donald Trump's campaign.

The American Anti-Communist Revolution.  The revolution came when we elected a communist in 2008, on the back of a financial crisis, just the sort of backdrop all communists use to seize power.  We never should have been allowed to elect a non-citizen, but those in Washington turned a blind eye to his suspicious pedigree.  They executed their final betrayal of duty and for nearly twenty years we have suffered under direct Marxist exploitation.  When the people rebelled and elected a non-communist, they became furious and betrayed him at every turn, spied on him, infiltrated the executive branch to deny him the power he was elected to wield until they could get a puppet into office to further the communist agenda.  Fearing a repeat of that rebellion, they've now convicted him and endeavor to imprison him.  Sound familiar, I mean to those who read history?

Undercover: CIA Project Manager Admitted They Spied on Trump.  In an O'Keefe undercover video, a CIA contractor admitted the CIA Director withheld information from Donald Trump and spied on his Presidency.  Mr. Fseisi said the agencies got together and decided to keep information from Donald Trump because he'd leak it.  He said this decision came from the Director.  He believes the agencies are still spying on him.  Fseisi tried to say Trump colluded with the Russians without any evidence. [...] Does this man actually believe it's a democracy where the intelligence agencies spy on the President and decide what information they will give him?  It's doubtful.  Some of what he says sounds like gossip, but a lot of what he says rings true.  [Video clip]

CIA Operative Admits On Hidden Camera His Agency Spied On Trump And His Team.  O'Keefe Media Group's bombshell undercover footage supports earlier reports by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag that revealed how the American intelligence community illegally ran a spy operation against then-candidate Trump's presidential campaign in 2016 and illegally acquired intelligence that was later used to justify the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) official probe, "Crossfire Hurricane," which in turn led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation that ultimately did not find evidence of Russia collusion by the 2016 Trump campaign.  Contractors like Fseisi hold the duty to withhold sharing confidential or national security information.  In denying his statements, Fseisi may have realized he could be held liable for violating internal agency provisions and federal laws like the Executive Agency ethics provisions, which restrict what he may share with others outside of his contracted-to agency.  [Video clip]

The Deep State's Accelerating Attacks On Trump Show A Consciousness Of Guilt.  The DOJ, FBI, CIA, and others targeted Donald Trump, Hillary's opponent in the 2016 election, by making up espionage claims to secure FISA surveillance warrants and then retargeting the espionage investigations to spy on Trump.  This continued with the bogus Russian Collusion narrative.  In 2020, they had the temerity to claim Hunter's laptop was the product of Russian disinformation when they knew otherwise.

The Intel Agencies of Government Are Fully Weaponized.  In the era shortly after 9/11, the DC national security apparatus was constructed to preserve continuity of government and simultaneously view all Americans as potential threats.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) were created specifically for this purpose.  What Barack Obama and Eric Holder did with that new construct was refine the internal targeting mechanisms so that only their ideological opposition became the target of the new national security system.  This is very important to understand as you dig deeper into this research outline.  Washington DC created the modern national security apparatus immediately and hurriedly after 9/11/01.  DHS came along in 2002, and within the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 the ODNI was formed.  When Barack Obama and Eric Holder arrived a few years later, those newly formed institutions were viewed as opportunities to create a very specific national security apparatus that would focus almost exclusively against their political opposition. [...] The DHS, ODNI, DOJ and FBI became the four pillars of this new institution.  Atop these pillars is where you will find the Fourth Branch of Government.

Congress Is Lying to You About FISA.  A few years ago, we learned conclusively that, in fact, the FBI and the federal intel agencies — the dozen or more federal intel agencies we have, for some reason — had been working secretly against Donald Trump's presidential campaign.  Trump had whispered about this, then shouted about it, was roundly denounced as a conspiracy nut, a lunatic.  But in the end, he was vindicated.  It was true.  These agencies spied on Trump, and they leaked some of what they learned to the media, which used it against Trump.  Then these agencies concocted false stories about Trump.  They tried to crush Trump completely in 2016 and then for the entire course of his presidency.  Then they did the same thing in 2020 during the presidential election.  And they're doing it still.  They're trying to put him in prison for the rest of his life.

Obama's CIA Asked Foreign Intel Agencies to Spy on Trump Campaign.  The revelation that the U.S. intelligence community, under the Obama administration, sought the assistance of the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance to surveil Donald Trump's associates before the 2016 election is a chilling reminder of the lengths to which the deep state will go to protect its interests and challenge its adversaries.  (The Five Eyes countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.)  This bombshell, reported by a team of independent journalists, exposes a dark chapter in American political history, where foreign intelligence services were reportedly mobilized against a presidential candidate.  The alleged operation against Trump and his associates, which predates the official start of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation, is a stark example of political weaponization of intelligence.  The involvement of foreign allies in surveilling American citizens under the pretext of national security raises serious questions about the integrity of our democratic processes and the autonomy of our nation's intelligence operations.

Shellenberger exposes Obama's CIA.  Independent journalist Michael Shellenberger has broken a story on Substack this week exposing Barack Obama's CIA both before and after the 2016 election:
  [#1]   Lying about Trump and Russia and Clinton (Hillary was actually Russia's preference, but the CIA manipulated their own intelligence findings to stand the real conclusions on their heads and point to Trump as the Russian preference; and
  [#2]   Using international intelligence networks dominated by the U.S., to put out queries/ a.k.a. commit espionage upon 26 of Trump's associates — including Ben Carson.
Tom Fitton brings up a solid point on the Shellenberger bombshells:  it is the U.S. Congress that now must secure the hidden CIA documents, referenced by reliable witnesses, on the agency's efforts to undermine Trump before the 2016 and 2020 elections.  Further, it is necessary that Obama be subject to the same investigative furor to which Trump has been subject to — undoubtedly under Obama's direction.

More on the Secret Binder That Could Expose Officials in Russia Collusion Hoax.  I reported earlier about the bombshell report that blew apart the "official" account of the start of the Russia collusion hoax and explained that it was started by the Obama CIA.  The report — written by Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag — details how the Obama administration CIA allegedly and improperly called on foreign allies from the "Five Eyes Nations" (the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) to surveil 26 Trump aides as "targets for collection and misinformation."  The journalists got this information from sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation.  That's big news.  Shellenberger told Fox News that it was both illegal and election interference.  Some of the information on this is in a binder, Shellenberger said.  There has been a rumor about the binder and speculation that Mar-a-Lago was raided because of information that former President Donald Trump may have had on Crossfire Hurricane.  Shellenberger is now talking about his and fellow journalist's new report that gives more information about the secret binder.  [Tweet]

Sources Say U.S. Intelligence Agencies Tasked Foreign Partners With Spying On Trump's 2016 Campaign.  The U.S. Intelligence Community asked fellow members of the "'Five Eyes' intelligence alliance to surveil Trump's associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies," sources told a small team of independent reporters who broke the story yesterday.  In "CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy on Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say," journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag reported that top-line takeaway, along with several other key details.  According to the authors, "multiple credible sources," said that "the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016."

CIA's Brennan got allied countries to spy on 26 Trump associates for him -report.  Is there no bottom to what the Deep State was capable of against Donald Trump?  That's the only thing one can conclude upon reading a report like this, from investigative aces Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag, who got hold of more evidence of deep-state conniving:  ["]Last year, John Durham, a special prosecutor for the Department of Justice (DOJ), concluded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should never have opened its investigation of alleged collusion by then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and Russia in late July of 2016.  Now, multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket [Shellenberger's and Taibbi's web sites] that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016.  The new information fills many gaps in our understanding of the Russia collusion hoax and is supported by testimony already in the public record.["]

Here's the Russian Collusion File That Has the Deep State Trembling.  The intelligence community's dirty laundry will be aired this week by Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag.  The same crew exposed the public opinion influencing operation between Twitter and the FBI.  Yesterday, they exposed how the CIA worked with the top intelligence agencies of our allies to spy on Trump associates long before the FBI signed off on their official counterintelligence probe in the summer of 2016.  The CIA pegged 26 Trump associates to be surveilled illegally — all conducted to take down Trump.  And now, there's this binder cataloging these felonious intelligence operations that's now in the open.  It disappeared during the Trump presidency, but it's also fitting that CNN left the first breadcrumb, written by the IC's favorite scribe — Natasha Bertrand — who just got a promotion.

Report: CIA Started Russia Collusion Hoax By Asking Foreign Governments To Spy On Trump Campaign.  The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) set off the Russian collusion hoax in 2016 when U.S. intelligence officials recruited foreign governments to spy on Democrats' American political opponents.  On Tuesday, Substack publications Public and Racket revealed new details about the origins of the Spygate hoax the U.S. federal government perpetrated on the Donald Trump presidential campaign.  "Multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016," the publications reported.  "The US [intelligence community] asked the 'Five Eyes' intelligence alliance to surveil Trump's associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies, say sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation."

Report: Obama CIA Triggered the Russia Collusion Hoax - What Happened to the Secret Binder?  Fox's Jesse Watters featured a bombshell story from Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi on his show on Tuesday:  that the Obama CIA had foreign allies surveil Trump aides, setting off the Russia collusion hoax.  The official story to this point has been that Australian officials informed U.S. officials that a Trump aide told an Australian diplomat that Russia had damaging information on Hillary Clinton.  [Tweet with video clip]  So that was how the "suspicious" information was picked up and then passed back to the U.S. officials to ultimately be investigated by the FBI.  How long had this been going on? [...] Some of that information about the surveillance and the FBI investigation is in a 10-inch binder, according to this report.  Trump ordered that material be declassified prior to leaving office.  So, what happened to the binder?

CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say.  Last year, John Durham, a special prosecutor for the Department of Justice (DOJ), concluded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should never have opened its investigation of alleged collusion by then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and Russia in late July of 2016.  Now, multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016.  The new information fills many gaps in our understanding of the Russia collusion hoax and is supported by testimony already in the public record.  Until now, the official story has been that the FBI's investigation began after Australian intelligence officials told US officials that a Trump aide had boasted to an Australian diplomat that Russia had [embarrassing] material about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

New Report Says Obama CIA Worked With International Spy Agencies to Get Trump.  When the Trump-Russia operation began unraveling, it was clear that there was an international cast of characters involved in the frame-up.  The operation to get Trump — in time to torpedo his election in 2016 and then subvert his presidency — involved the Hillary Clinton campaign, the CIA's John Brennan, who informed President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden of the operation, the FBI, which appeared to cover it up, a reputed Russian spy working for a Democrat think tank, a mysterious Maltese professor, an international honeypot, an Australian diplomat, and a British spy.  It was the earthly equivalent of the Star Wars cantina scene.  The "Six Ways from Sunday" crowd tried to trap Trump World into revealing that they were working with the Russians to win the election.  When Trump won, the FBI continued the frame-up and attempted to hog-tie the Trump campaign in investigation after investigation during his presidency.  Indeed, the Durham special counsel report said that the FBI had no — zero — reason to open the investigation into Trump but did it anyway.  "Witch hunt" doesn't begin to do this operation justice.

CIA and foreign intelligence agencies illegally targeted 26 Trump associates before 2016 Russia collusion claims: report.  The US Intelligence Community asked foreign spy agencies to surveil 26 associates of Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election, which triggered the allegations that the former president's campaign had been colluding with Russia, according to a report.  Former CIA Director John Brennan identified and presented the targets to the US's intelligence-sharing partners in the so-called "Five Eyes" agencies — the intelligence-gathering organizations in the US, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — according to a report published Monday on Michael Shellenberger's Public Substack.  The report by independent journalists Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag has not been confirmed by The [New York] Post.

Was Barack Obama guilty of insurrection?  According to the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, no person shall be eligible to hold federal office who "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion."  Although all parties know the "insurrection or rebellion" clause refers specifically to recently completed Civil War, the Department of Justice argues for a much more elastic definition, all the better to hang Donald Trump with.  Yet if there were one president guilty of insurrection in recent years, that president would have to be Barack Obama.  In late 2016 and early 2017, Obama knowingly conspired with others to subvert the presidency of Donald Trump.  Thanks to the zealous note taking of his once and future factotum, Susan Rice, we have documentation of this flagrant act of sedition.

Joe Biden's dull-witted campaign, plagiarized from Obama.  Anybody smell the aroma of stale campaign narratives, dating from the Obama years?  Look at these talking points coming out from Team Biden's stepped-up presidential campaign on Twitter: [Tweets] [...] It sounds like the consultants and political operatives crafting the Biden campaign can't think of a thing good to say about the Biden administration, so they resort to the old Obama-era tropes, plagiarizing them in the Biden way.  Tax the rich and all will be fixed.  Women make 59 cents on the dollar compared to what men make.  Trump wants to take away your health care.

Maybe the FBI should be viewed properly as partisan swamp creatures.  It has been clear for a long time that the FBI has become a rogue agency that is willing to target political enemies while protecting many Democrats no matter how many crimes they commit.  They also consistently cover up for the crimes of FBI bureaucrats themselves, along with bureaucrats from other federal agencies.  They treat criminals in the government softly while targeting private citizens and political opponents.  In 2016, many employees of the FBI were targeting Trump for defeat, while supporting Hillary Clinton.  Some committed perjury by lying to the FISA court in order to illegally spy on people surrounding President Trump.  No one went to jail for this perjury and illegal spying.  Instead of cooperating with an investigation into the illegal spying, the FBI resorted to more illegal spying on Congress itself.  The FBI also illegally spied on a U.S. Senator, state lawmaker, and a state judge.  As far as I can tell no one went to jail for this illegal activity.

The GOP Death Wish.  During the 2016 presidential campaign, the weaponized law enforcement and intelligence agencies of the federal government spied on Trump and his associates.  This continued during his transition and into his presidency using fabricated opposition from research from foreign sources to illegally obtain FISA warrants, a treasonous effort to bring down a duly elected government.  What did Republicans do?  Nothing.  So much for oversight by the House and Senate Intelligence committees.  They said nothing and played along with the Democrat and administrative state efforts to thwart the leader of their party and the will of the people.  Did the intel community have dirt and leverage on influential Republicans or were Republicans part of the uniparty's goal of self-preservation?

Were They Spying on Trump All Along?  Secrets are only for the bureaucrats to leak as they please with no consequences, like the Flynn/Kislyak phone call, or to simply ignore when it involves their friends, such as Hillary's email scandal.  Neither James Comey nor the guy, John Huber, finally appointed by Jeff Sessions to look into the Hillary emails, even bothered to convene a grand jury.  The whole fake Huber investigation is particularly galling.  After Trump demanded action for years, all his DoJ did was appoint a guy who stayed in Utah and reviewed a few files.  But Donald Trump, no secrets for him.  As soon as he left office, Joe Biden cancelled the usual classified briefings all former Presidents get.  Then the hunt was on to nail him for having classified/declassified documents; something all former Presidents routinely possess.  Biden's DoJ had no trouble getting a grand jury for Trump, barely a year after he left office, and it was in the wrong venue, risking a dismissal of the whole case right away.

Durham Found Zero Merit to Trump Russia Claims, So What Was Mueller Doing for Two Years?  People ask why I find it difficult to write about the Durham report empirically confirming everything we previously outlined in the past five years.  Here's my answer.  Eventually, after the shock & awe of the Durham confirmations wear off, I am hopeful that people will stand back and realize the bigger question that covers all of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy nonsense.  This was a United States government operation to conduct full-throated surveillance on a U.S. presidential candidate, and then remove that candidate from the office of the presidency after his victory in the 2016 election.  With John Durham outlining in granular details how the FBI, DOJ and larger intelligence apparatus acted politically to weaponize government on behalf of an allied presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton, a bigger question remains.  There never was any merit to the Trump-Russia nonsense, so what exactly were Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann doing for two years?

The FBI: A Campaign Arm of the Democrat Party.  When did the FBI, the largest and most heavily armed law enforcement agency in America, now inserting itself unconstitutionally into American politics, pivot from fidelity and integrity to partisanship and dishonesty?  Start with the 2016 presidential election. [...] The FBI was in the middle of this true insurrection, meant to derail a presidential campaign, election, transition, and administration with fabricated claims of collusion, lying to Congress and the American people, and then attempting to cover everything up via the Muller/Weissman investigation, including a recent raid on Mar-a-Lago to possibly confiscate incriminating Spygate documents in President Trump's possession.  Other Obama administration agencies and officials were also involved but the FBI was in the thick of it, with Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.  Other familiar names include Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok and his girlfriend FBI attorney Lisa Page.

Understanding Why the Deep State Is Terrified of Trump's Documents.  The CIA, with the knowledge of the Director of National Intelligence, worked with British counterparts starting in the summer of 2015 to collect intelligence on Republican and at least one Democrat candidate.  John Brennan was probably hoping that his proactive steps to help the Hillary Clinton campaign would ensure him taking over as DNI in the new Clinton Administration.  Regardless of motives, the CIA enlisted the British intelligence community to start gathering intelligence on most major Republican candidates and on Bernie Sanders.  This initial phase of intelligence gathering goes beyond opposition research.  The information being gathered identified the key personnel in each campaign and identified the people outside the United States receiving their calls, texts and emails.  This information was turned into intelligence reports that then were passed back to the United States intel community as "liaison reporting."  This was not put into normal classified channels.  This intelligence was put into a SAP, i.e. a Special Access Program.

New DOJ Notes Reveal FBI Panic After Trump Tweeted He Knew He Was Being Spied On.  Newly released notes taken by high-level Department of Justice (DOJ) officials during a March 6, 2017, meeting with FBI leadership expose some of the lengths the FBI went to, to cover up its spying on the 2016 campaign of President Donald Trump.  The notes were released on May 8 by lawyers representing former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann as part of an effort to clear him on charges of having lied to the FBI.  The notes, in reality, appear to do little to exonerate Sussmann but do provide quite a bit of information on the FBI.  The meeting at which the notes were taken took place just two days after Trump's March 4, 2017, tweet in which he accused former President Barack Obama of having wiretapped Trump Tower.  Trump's tweet panicked FBI leadership, who were unsure exactly how much Trump knew about their efforts to tie him up with Russia collusion allegations.  What the notes reveal is that in response to the tweet, they tried to cover their tracks.

More Evidence Hillary Clinton Paid For Anti-Trump Disinformation Operation.  Evidence continues to mount that the Hillary Clinton campaign paid former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to launder fraudulent opposition research through U.S. intelligence agencies.  Newly published internal emails reveal that before Fusion GPS hired Steele on behalf of the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, the opposition-research firm began peddling several of the same Russia collusion lies that the former MI6 agent would later detail in the Steele dossier.  This fact highlights a significant aspect of the Spygate scandal that deserves further focus and condemnation:  Democrats' outrageous exploitation of intelligence credentials and connections to launder scurrilous accusations against a political enemy.  Since early 2018, when the then-Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes exposed in a four-page memorandum evidence that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act during the 2016 presidential election cycle, Americans open to reality have been slowly learning of the breadth of the Spygate scandal.

Newly Obtained Emails Raise Questions About Department Of Defense Involvement In Spygate.  After spending weeks dismissing concerns about its work with Russia hoax-connected researchers, a newly discovered email from The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to a Georgia Tech researcher with the subject line "Mueller case" casts doubt on DARPA's denials.  Last month, The Federalist first reported that an email exchange obtained from Georgia Tech pursuant to a Right-to-Know request indicated that Special Counsel John Durham's office was investigating the Democrat National Committee hack.  Manos Antonakakis, the Georgia Tech researcher branded "Researcher-1" in the special counsel's indictment of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, penned the email shortly after being questioned by one of Durham's top prosecutors.  The special counsel's office charged Sussmann last fall with lying to the FBI's general counsel, James Baker, when Sussmann provided Baker with data and white papers supposedly showing the existence of a secret communications network between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian-based Alfa Bank.

Conspirators in Their Own Words.  When Donald Trump alleged that he had been wiretapped — apparently tipped off by a whistleblower — the country had a good belly laugh.  Trump was deemed paranoid, a nut.  Why would anyone in the lame-duck Obama Administration bureaucracy or the Clinton campaign have sought to monitor Trump's communications?  Who would even have had electronic access to such top-secret confidential communications, the very Domain Name System logs of candidate and then President Trump?  But now we know that one Michael Sussmann — working again for Perkins Coie, and being paid by the DNC, as a front for candidate Clinton — contacted "techies" who as contractors had access to Trump's most confidential and private communications.  Sussmann then was told that a Russian bank, Alfa, had a back-channel line of direct communications with Trump.  He then went to the FBI to substantiate to the media that his inventions were worthy of government investigation.  Everyone from the ubiquitous Bruce Ohr to the Zelig-like Peter Strzok was somehow connected to the hoax.  In truth, the bought techies searched Trump's private logs for any and everything, and came up only with a Russian bank likely sending one-way spam to a Trump server.  In other words, Trump was a recipient of electronic noise.

If they spied on Trump, they will spy on you.  If the revelation earlier this month that Big Tech executives continued to spy on Donald Trump after the 2016 election and into his presidency was an isolated incident, it would not be a grave concern.  But once you step back and see the pattern of behavior by those in power to spy on and systematically undermine a democratically elected president, every citizen should be concerned.  When the FBI first opened its investigation into allegations that candidate Trump was coordinating with Russia, the FBI inspector general reported that the leadership of the FBI "hand-picked" the team that would conduct "one of the most sensitive FBI investigations" in the agency's history.  These were supposed to be agents of the highest character and professionalism.

Byron York catalogs the effort to spy on the Trump campaign.  Chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner Byron York appeared on Laura Ingraham's show Quake Media to outline all the different attempts to spy on former President Donald Trump's campaign.  York appeared on the program Saturday to debunk the cover-up behind the FBI's investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.  "We found out that the FBI employed a confidential informant, the professor Stefan Halper, who had conversations and tried to get information out of George Papadopoulos and out of Carter Page," York explained.  Halper's conversations would go on to be cited in the findings of the Department of Justice's inspector general report on FISA abuse.  "Then, we learned that the FBI actually sent an undercover agent with the alias Azra Turk to go and befriend [Papadopoulous], record Papadopoulous secretly in their conversations.  If that's not a spy I don't know what is."

Of course they spied on Trump.  One of the most contentious claims Donald Trump ever made was his insistence that he had been the target of spying.  He made the charge in several different ways.  For example, in March 2017, Trump, just two months in office, tweeted, "Terrible!  Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory.  Nothing found.  This is McCarthyism!"  Two years later, in April 2019, he was less specific but equally adamant when he said, "There was absolutely spying into my campaign."  In August 2020, during his Republican National Committee acceptance speech, he said, "Remember this:  They spied on my campaign."  Each time, all the usual anti-Trump voices rushed to accuse the president of lying.  But over the years, a series of facts emerged that, while they did not support some of Trump's most specific charges — Obama did not wiretap Trump in Trump Tower — did support the larger idea that Trump was indeed the target of spying.

Ex-Director of National Intelligence claims Biden and Obama knew about Hillary campaign plot to hack Trump servers.  Trump era Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says Joe Biden and Barack Obama knew Hillary Clinton's campaign was trying to hack into Trump's servers to try and find links to the Kremlin.  Ratcliffe said former CIA Director John Brennan told Obama and the then-president and Vice President Biden in 2016 about allegations Clinton was trying to fabricate Trump's links to Russia to distract from the scandal over her deleted emails.  The former DNI also told Fox News Digital on Monday there is 'enough evidence' to indict 'multiple people' in Special Counsel John Durham's probe into the origins of the Russia investigation into ex-President Doanld Trump.

Special Counsel:  Democrats Framed And Spied On Trump While He Was President.  Enemies of Donald Trump surveilled the internet traffic at Trump Tower, at his New York City apartment building, and later at the executive office of the president of the United States, then fed disinformation about that traffic to intelligence agencies hoping to frame Trump as a Russia-connected stooge.  A tangential filing on Friday in the criminal case against former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann revealed these new details uncovered by Special Counsel John Durham's investigation.  The revelation came in the middle of a 13-page motion Durham's prosecutors filed in the criminal case against Sussmann.  The special counsel's office charged Sussmann in September 2021, in a one-count indictment of lying to James Baker during a meeting Sussmann had with the then-FBI general counsel in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election.

Durham motion alleges Trump Tower 'wiretapping' Mark Levin discovered in 2017: 'Real insurrection'.  Fox News host Mark Levin has been slammed over the last five years by the media for ostensibly promulgating a "conspiracy theory" that Donald Trump was being spied on ahead of the 2016 presidential election.  A filing from Special Counsel John Durham might now vindicate him.  In 2017, headlines such as the Los Angeles Times' "How the phony conspiracy theory over wiretapping caught fire," CNN's "Birth of a conspiracy theory:  How Trump's wiretap claim got started" and the Washington Post's "Mark Levin inspired Trump's wiretapping conspiracy theory.  Now he is turning on the president" flooded the news cycle.  Levin was blamed by the media for sparking the "conspiracy theory" that Trump was spied on, which was soon followed by Trump saying "McCarthyism" was playing out in real time.

Flashback: Top Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett Refuses to Answer if Obama Directed the Criminal Spying on Trump.  This weekend we learned that the Durham investigators uncovered evidence that shows Hillary Clinton's team paid operatives to "infiltrate" the Trump Tower and then President Trump's White House servers to link Trump to Russia.  [Tweet]  The Durham team found evidence lawyers paid tech specialists, including university personnel to infiltrate Trump servers.  This is not surprising.  TGP reported on this in April 2019 based on our expert sources at the time.

Durham vs. Horowitz:  Tension Over Truth and Consequences Grips the FBI's Trump-Russia Reckoning.  As he documents the role of Hillary Clinton's campaign in generating false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, Special Counsel John Durham has also previewed a challenge to the FBI's claims about how and why its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began.  At stake is the completeness of the official reckoning within the U.S. government over the Russiagate scandal — and whether there will be an accounting commensurate with the offense:  the abuse of the nation's highest law enforcement and intelligence powers to damage an opposition presidential candidate turned president, at the behest of his opponent from the governing party he defeated.  The drama is playing out against the clashing approaches of the two Justice Department officials tasked with scrutinizing the Russia probe's origins and unearthing any misconduct:  Durham, the Sphinx-like prosecutor with a reputation for toughness whose work continues; and Michael Horowitz, the Department of Justice inspector general, whose December 2019 report faulted the FBI's handling of the Russia probe but nonetheless concluded that it was launched in good faith.

Saul Alinsky 101: So-called insurrection is clear cover for political persecution.  Since 2016, Democrats and their media partners have falsely demonized Trump and his supporters as white supremacists, xenophobes, and any epithet they can pile on.  Barack Obama abused power to spy on Trump's campaign and later undermine his administration.  Obama remains above the law for these crimes because federal bureaucrats are also Democrat partners.  Legacy and social media, Democrats, and federal bureaucrats (the cabal) together created false narratives about Trump-Russia collusion, a call to Ukraine, Hunter Biden's computer, and finally, the January 6 events.  Using typical Marxist self-projection onto the enemy, the cabal falsely portrays Trump supporters as cult followers.  The purpose is to keep cabal followers angry, fearful, and ready to support any action, including crimes, against the enemy.

The actual coup began in 2016, and has continued ever since.  Starting in 2016, the Obama-Biden executive branch, the judicial branch, and the Democrats in the legislative branch set out to defeat Donald Trump before the election, and when that didn't work, they made endless attempts to get rid of the duly elected president after the election.  It all centered around the Big Lie that Trump colluded with Russia.  The public was told continually that Trump was a Russian agent or spy or whatever name they decided to use at the time.  The politicized Justice department used the obviously fictitious Russian dossier when they lied repeatedly to the FISA court to get multiple warrants to spy on people in the Trump team.  The FBI officials who perpetuated a fraud on the FISA court still roam free because they are special.  They are above the law.

The real insurrection began on Jan. 5 ... 2017.  Merriam-Webster defines "insurrection" as "an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government."  This being so, the one real insurrection within anyone's memory was hatched on Jan. 5, 2017.  The conspirators met in the White House on that day to plot a quiet coup against President-elect Donald Trump.  Presiding was President Barack Obama.  Joining him was his national security team including all the usual suspects: the FBI's Jim Comey, the CIA's John Brennan, Vice President Joe Biden, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.  Following the meeting, Obama asked Yates and Comey to stick around along with Rice, his trusted scribe and factotum.  Obama had a reason for singling out Comey and Yates.  Unlike the others, they were staying on in their jobs.

They do not want Ghislaine to sing.  In June 2016, the FBI investigated Hillary's sale of state secrets to foreign governments.  Then the FBI destroyed the evidence.  At the same time, the FBI lied on FISA applications to spy on Donald John Trump.  Incredibly, the FISA judge denied the request.  My understanding is federal judges approve 99% of these requests for domestic spying.  Establishment mocking of "conspiracy theories" is laughable because the establishment created and promoted the ridiculous Russian Collusion theory that holds that Trump and Putin conspired to fix the election.  Given that the Kremlin was the source for most of the Russian dossier, it is more likely that Hillary and Obama conspired with Putin.

Three 'What Ifs' We're Not Supposed to Ask.  [#2]  What if it had been President Bush's CIA and FBI that had spied on Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign because of his personal ties to known communists and subversives?  What if the FBI had repeatedly filed false affidavits with the national security FISA Court alleging that Obama was an agent of a foreign power intent on subverting America's founding traditions?  What if, instead of fessing up to its illicit spying on his presidential campaign once he was nonetheless elected, the former directors of both the FBI and CIA, along with numerous other high-ranking individuals from the Intelligence Community, had spent the next three years pushing disinformation on cable news shows while insisting, without evidence, that the American president was a Manchurian stooge and national security threat?  What if it were discovered later that John McCain's campaign had used the cutouts of law firms and private intelligence agencies to launder fraudulent information about Obama to the FBI in order to set off an explosive criminal investigation that would rock the presidential race just before the 2008 general election?

Here Comes the Limited Hangout.  Whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the crimes committed between 2016 and 2020 to further her political ambitions is a question that may never be answered.  What has been proved beyond any shadow of doubt by the U.S. Justice Department over the past few months is that top operatives in her 2016 campaign used concocted falsehoods to leverage active law enforcement officials who in turn used U.S. government programs and resources to spy on the Trump campaign — a violation of American political norms whose only real parallel is Watergate.  We also know that under the pretext of "investigating collusion," at least 40 Obama officials, including then-Vice President Joe Biden, spied on the Trump team.  There is circumstantial evidence that Barack Obama knew what was going on, but since, miraculously, no one has ever publicly asked him about Russiagate, not even once, he hasn't had the opportunity to either lie or come clean.

Dirty tricks by Clintons shaped liberal opinion and news coverage of Trump for years.  In 2016, the law firm Perkins Coie, representing Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee, hired former MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele to gather opposition research against Donald Trump regarding his supposed clandestine ties to Russia.  Russian national Igor Danchenko, who worked for Steele, fabricated and passed to Steele lurid rumors about Trump, some of which he might have fabricated himself, others of which came from Clinton operatives such as Charles Dolan.  These Clinton-originated rumors were intended to make it seem like Trump was closely tied to the Russian government and possibly also being blackmailed by Russian intelligence for genuinely gross behavior with prostitutes.  Steele went on to launder Danchenko's fabrications back into the United States through the now-infamous Steele dossier, intended to resemble an intelligence document with reputable sourcing.  But it was still just the Clinton campaign's product — not only bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign but also a regurgitation of rumors started by its own operatives.  Within federal law enforcement, these Clinton-originated lies took on a life of their own.  Even though the FBI had been long familiar with Steele and stopped using him as a source of information, agents, some of them partisans with axes to grind, used this information.  It became their justification for the unprecedented surveillance of the Trump campaign through a warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.  Agents knowingly lied in order to get judges to keep the investigation alive.

Ex-CIA analyst:  Anti-Trump officials politicized intelligence, undermined U.S. security.  U.S. intelligence officials waged a politicized campaign to undermine President Trump and his administration, and the politicization undermined American security, according to a former U.S. intelligence analyst.  John A. Gentry, a former CIA analyst, stated in a journal article that former high-ranking intelligence officials were frequently used by sitting intelligence officials, to leak damaging information.  Many "formers" directly or indirectly helped elect current President Biden and defeat Mr. Trump in the 2020 election.

The Rank Shame of the FBI's Rank and File.  Many conservatives, it seems, lost a great deal of respect for the James Comey-led FBI after it illegally spied on former President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign using the Democratic National Committee's fake opposition research as pretext.  That agency, like law enforcement entities in the Third World, became a political tool meant to help elect a candidate preferred by powerful entities in Washington and beyond.  Its plan was foiled, and the members of the organization who, to use the parlance of our times, orchestrated that grave attack on our democracy, were caught red-handed.  None of them went to jail.  They weren't even fired.  Resignation was the heftiest punishment for perhaps the most egregious crime ever exposed in the United States.

Are US Spy Services Monitoring the Opposition's Communications?  Fox News host Tucker Carlson has reported during the last week about a whistleblower who told him that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been monitoring his electronic communications with the intention of leaking them to get his show taken off the air.  While most of the prestige press has dismissed Carlson's claims, the whistleblower may have struck just the tip of the iceberg — it's possible that along with Carlson much of the leadership of the American opposition movement is also under surveillance. [...] As absurd as it sounds, it's not hard to imagine U.S. officials presenting phony evidence to a secret court to try to show that an American TV star is actually a foreign spy.  They did it when the former host of "Celebrity Apprentice" ran for president in 2016.

No Storm, No Reckoning, No Nothing.  For years we have been hearing about a coming storm.  It was to be biblical and would bring pain to members of the deep state ruling class who, after exposure, would not be able to walk down the streets.  The storm was to begin with spygate, a coordinated effort among top officials in the nation's justice and intelligence agencies, to prevent Donald Trump's election; then after failing, to undermine his transition, cripple his presidency, then stop his reelection, the latter goals achieved.  Then there were crimes against humanity:  child abuse, trafficking, and the like, all to be exposed via the Anthony Weiner laptop or the Jeffrey Epstein cabal.  Both seem distant memories now.  In fact, we are now going in the opposite direction with the Biden administration suspending FBI background checks for migrant children caregivers.  We have lived in the "calm before the storm" for years and to this day it remains calm.  There are no storm clouds building, nothing on the horizon.

US Media's Role in Spygate — Part 3: Complicity & Criminal Legal Exposure.  Part 1 of this series focused on the media's personal hatred of President Donald Trump as a disruptor.  In Part 2 we focused on the Left's view of Obama as its counterpart to Ronald Reagan.  If his legacy goes down in flames as the most corrupt President in US history, it will do untold damage to the Progressive cause.  In Part 3 we will focus on how the media is loaded with prominent, national media figures, staples of the industry, at the highest levels who themselves or their immediate family were leading participants in the Spygate scandal and had serious criminal legal exposure to hide.  If Parts 1 and 2 weren't bad enough ... it gets much, much worse.

Biden Admin Officials Had Roles in Probes [and] Surveillance of Trump Campaign.  As Joe Biden constructs his new administration, individuals from the Obama administration are quietly resurfacing in positions of power.  Some of these people are well known, others lesser so.  But they all played critical roles at various times during the Obama administration.  Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser and now the "top adviser to the president on domestic policy and related decisions," has admitted to participating in the unmasking of members of the Trump transition team.  Unmasking is the process whereby a U.S. citizen's identity is revealed from collected surveillance.  Initially, Rice publicly denied the allegations, claiming that "I know nothing about this.  I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today."  Two weeks later Rice stated that she had not done so for "for any political purposes."  It was later reported that Rice told House investigators that "she unmasked the identities of senior Trump officials to understand why the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates was in New York."

Deep State:  Rod Rosenstein Admits He And Andrew McCabe Discussed Recording President Trump.  During Trump's presidency, whenever he or anyone else discussed the Deep State, Democrats and the media would dismiss it as the stuff of conspiracy theories.  When Trump suggested that the Obama team spied on his campaign, Democrats and the media lost their minds.  Now former Justice Department official Rod Rosenstein is openly admitting that he and the FBI's Andrew McCabe discussed recording conversations with Trump.  Is this still a conspiracy theory?

Storm? What Storm?  It Was Barely a Breeze.  The only storm is what Trump dove into on day one of his presidency, when calls for impeachment began minutes after his inauguration.  Two unsuccessful attempts were made, with assistance from cranks within his own political party.  His own agencies including the FBI, DOJ, and CIA had their own storm planned, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, transition, and administration.  They spied and wiretapped Trump and his circle, they fraudulently manufactured evidence to obtain FISA warrants, and destroyed real evidence as in phones and emails.  This was all cheered on by print, digital, and social media, political operatives rather than arbiters of truth.  We trusted Barr and Durham.  Barr is retired, playing his bagpipes, serving up only one spygate indictment of a mid-level FBI attorney who received a slap on the wrist.  Barr acknowledged "spying did occur" but like his predecessor, did nothing about it.

The FBI's Campaign Against Some Rightwing Groups Looks Exactly Like J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO Scandal.  [Scroll down]  For the past four years, we've been appalled by the FBI and the Intelligence Community working hand-in-glove to insert informers into a presidential campaign and transition team.  We saw an obviously faked dossier laundered by the CIA and FBI through press leaks to create the pretext for a special counsel.  Over the past month, I've posted about the alarming pattern of "militia" and "extremist" arrests with a common thread.  A group meets.  Someone in the group brings up the bright idea to commit a federal felony.  Discussion ensues.  An outsider with the means to carry out the felony is introduced to the group.  Some inciting act is taken, like purchasing an illegal device, and the FBI descends on the group.  There is a press conference and indictments and much blathering about the enemy within and the danger of extremists. [...] You have groups opposed in some fundamental way to the direction the elites want the nation to go.  They are targeted for no other reason than their dissent.  From there, it is a short jump to creating facts that enable law enforcement to suppress that dissent. [...] If federal law enforcement continues to push informants and provocateurs into otherwise peaceful organizations and engage in what a layperson would characterize as entrapment, then they build a case for having entire groups labeled as violent extremists.  As we saw in the aftermath of the Capitol riot, that kind of labeling can be used to prevent people from traveling (the 'no-fly" list).  It can keep them from renting housing (AirBNB canceling reservations).  It can get financial institutions to make it impossible to use a credit card or other payment system.  And on and on.

Trump: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb.  We no longer have "government of the people, by the people, for the people" as Abraham Lincoln promised in the Gettysburg Address.  Instead, we have government by and for the elites, the ruling class, the "big club" of which none of us are a member.  Spygate conspirators are living large, facing none of the promised "indictments coming."  James Comey is teaching at Columbia, Peter Strzok at Georgetown, the latter's wife, perhaps as a peace offering for her husband's dalliance with Lisa Page, named an acting director at the SEC.  Kevin Clinesmith, who falsified evidence for Carter Page's FISA warrant, received a slap on the wrist of a year of probation and hours of community service.  Compare that to how Michael Flynn was treated for misremembering an irrelevant date.  Spygate is going out like a lamb, no indictments, no punishment, no reckoning, only promotions and rewards.  The big club is taking care of itself.

Systemic Contingencies — They All Knew.  To expand on the awakening, and based on a recent call for clarity, here are some brutally obvious points about DC that connect through the stop-Trump operation commonly known as "spygate".  Robert Mueller had two goals as special counsel.  Goal #1 was to continue the fraudulent DOJ/FBI "Stop Trump" operation initiated by James Comey, Andrew McCabe and their crew technically named Crossfire Hurricane.  Goal #2 was to bury the illegal action; to create the cover-up needed for everything that took place in the "Stop Trump" operation.  It is the second goal that most people never reconciled; however, it is also that second goal that's the most important.  Everyone in DC knew Mueller's objective.  Every person in every branch of government and every federal agency knew Mueller's real purpose.

Ten Reasons a Post-Presidency Impeachment of Barack Obama Should Happen.  The spying on President Trump's campaign alone is chock full of abuses of power and illegal activity that this alone should be enough to impeach and convict Barack Obama.  The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign based on a bogus dossier funded by the Hillary campaign.  The Obama administration used the dossier, that they knew was Russian disinformation ginned up to distract from Hillary's email scandal, to obtain a FISA warrant even though they never had any empirical evidence of collusion.  Further, evidence that Russia actually preferred Hillary over Trump was allegedly suppressed by Obama's CIA Director John Brennan.  The Obamagate scandal runs deep, wide, and dirty.  It also went straight to the top.  Documents declassified in May 2020 proved that Barack Obama was aware that his administration was spying on Trump's incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, whose communications with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were illegally leaked to the media to bolster the bogus claims of Russian collusion between Trump and Russia.  Obama's direct knowledge of the details of Flynn's wiretapped calls even shocked his then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

FBI Used 'Ghosts' To Track Trump Advisor Carter Page In 2016.  The FBI used specialists from its Special Surveillance Group unit — sometimes referred to as "ghosts" — to track Carter Page while he was still on the Trump campaign, according to newly declassified FBI documents.  The plan to surveil Page with the special investigators, known as SSGs, is laid out in an Aug. 24, 2016, memo from the FBI team investigating the Trump campaign.  President Donald Trump declassified the memo and other documents during his last week in office.  The memo, referred to as an operational plan, was published by Just the News.  The bureau's use of SSGs in the investigation of Page, which has not previously been reported, shows the extent to which investigators went to keep tab on the former Trump campaign adviser.

The full story of 'Crossfire Hurricane' exposed.  [Video clip]

Senate Releases More Documents Relating To Russia Investigation, All Transcripts.  The Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday [1/15/2021] released 11 transcripts of depositions conducted as part of the committee's investigation into the origins of the FBI's Russia probe.  Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said in a statement that he "decided to release all transcripts of depositions involving the committee's oversight of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation," adding, "We have released as much material as possible, but some classified material has still been withheld."  The 11 transcripts include one from "Case Agent 1," who was identified as Stephen Somma by The New York Times in February 2020.  As The Daily Caller's Chuck Ross reported at that time, Somma was blamed for "some of the most significant problems laid out in the Justice Department's inspector general report on FISA abuse against a Trump campaign."  Somma was singled out by the Department of Justice's Inspector General in a report documenting numerous inaccuracies and omissions included in the FBI's FISA warrants against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Is Nothing Happening?  Or is Trump is Channeling Sun Tzu?  Despite Attorney General Barr acknowledging spygate as "one of the greatest travesties in American history," there has not yet been a reckoning.  A mid-level FBI attorney, Kevin Clinesmith, pled guilty to falsifying a document which became one of the lynchpins of a FISA warrant on Carter Page and subsequent spying on Donald Trump and his campaign, but he has yet to be sentenced.  His co-conspirators are writing books, teaching at prestigious universities, and bashing President Trump on cable news shows.

The leader of the 5-year coup attempt:  Puppeteer Barack Obama.  [Scroll down]  There were two individuals with enormous impact on the Biden campaign — Obama and Hungarian-born American multi-billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros.  According to research reports by the Sturgis-Fellowes Institute, both sought to maneuver Sen. Kamala Harris into the White House in 2020.  This was why Obama was hesitant, before Biden emerged as the Democratic Party's winner, to endorse him.  Soros especially sought a candidate who, like Obama, had broad appeal.  He, in fact, enlisted Obama in the effort "to teach Senator Harris how to be silky smooth in her rhetoric and delivery."  Primary voters obviously did not agree with Soros as Harris had to drop out of the presidential race.  However, clearly these two men influenced Biden to select her as his running mate.  Unsurprisingly, among the first to congratulate her after Biden's selection was Soros' son, Alexander.

Overstock's colorful founder has tales to tell about the Russia hoax.  Patrick Byrne, Overstock's founder, has long suspected that Obama set up a police intelligence state that's been calling the shots in American politics since 2015. [...] Now, Byrne has gone on record to say that he was part of a 2015 sting operation that saw Hillary accept multi-million dollar bribes from foreign governments.  Byrne thought the sting was to reveal Hillary's criminality, only to discover that it was to give Obama a hold over her when (as everyone assumed) she entered the White House.  You can see the video clip [elsew]here in which Byrne explains that Obama had used the Deep State to set up a blackmail operation.  The big question, of course, is whether Byrne is a fabulist, whose utterances we should ignore?  Or is he, instead, a brilliant, successful, connected, often prescient man who's currently a voice in the wilderness but should be taken very seriously?  I don't have an answer for that but his statements seem consistent with what we know about Hillary's corruption and the Obama Deep State, including the FBI.

The Attorney General cannot exonerate the CIA.  My point is simple:  The CIA is a large security-compartmented organization and by design often does not symbolically want the left hand to know what the right hand is doing.  For the AG to wander into that hall of mirrors and make a grand lasting statement about CIA staying in lane and not "spying" on candidate and then-President Donald Trump is preposterous on the merits.  Before the historical record sets to concrete for the AG to say that the CIA stayed in their lane, a penalty flag must be thrown that such a blanket denial by AG Barr is factually illogical, not supportable by even the recent the historic record, and should not be allowed to stand.

John Brennan says there was 'no spying' on Trump's campaign.  Former President Barack Obama's CIA Director John Brennan on Sunday said there was "no spying" on President Donald Trump's campaign, despite findings from a continued investigation that suggest otherwise.  "I sat down for eight hours with John Durham and his team, answering all his questions, and looking back at 2016 were there some mistakes made in terms of the FISA applications and those types of things, yes, apparently there were," Brennan told Fox's Chris Wallace.  "But that doesn't mean that there was criminal intent and there was no spying on Donald Trump's campaign."

How Trump Gets Justice for Election Irregularities.  "Just nonsense," CNN quoted an anonymous former senior U.S. intelligence official responding to Donald Trump's "baseless" allegation that Obama had candidate Trump's "wires tapped" during the 2016 presidential campaign.  A more careful look at the CNN article revealed hints of the truth peeking through from behind the carefully worded denials.  Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama "denied" Trump's allegation, stating, "no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice ... neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen."  Now we know that the Department of Justice was indeed surveilling the Trump campaign with the knowledge of President Obama.  Did Obama ever "order" it?  Probably not in so many words.  But the substance of what Trump said in that fateful March 2017 tweet was true.

The Supreme Court and the Electoral Coup.  [Scroll down]  And then there was Obama's achievements:  the Iran Nuclear Deal was consummated with the payment of $1.7 billion to the ruling mullahs in Iran, which the Senate wouldn't have ratified were it a treaty rather than a backchannel deal.  Obama's crowning achievement — er crime — that lead us to today's vote fraud dilemma was his oversight and approval of massive clandestine surveillance on Trump, his family and his entire campaign staff by way of an earlier fraud — the illicitly obtained FISA warrants to authorize surveillance — that were undertaken to facilitate an impeachment coup.

If Trump Takes a Lesson from Andrew Jackson, 2024 Will Be Interesting Indeed.  When Trump was elected in 2016, the Washington establishment lost its collective mind.  The top echelon of the FBI and CIA were still spreading a fraudulent Christopher Steele dossier paid for by the campaign of his opponent, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee.  Shortly before Trump's inauguration, President Barack Obama called Vice President Joe Biden, national security advisor Susan Rice, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey into the Oval Office.  The purpose of the meeting was reportedly to collate progress reports about how best to continue government surveillance of Trump's designated national security advisor, Michael Flynn, and thereby disrupt the transition.  Flynn's name was soon unmasked, apparently by Obama administration officials, and then illegally leaked to the press.  The harassment during the transition became thematic for Trump's next four years, which saw false evidence submitted to federal courts and other classified documents illegally leaked.

The Obama-Trump Transition Was More Like Sedition.  Between Election Day 2016 and Inauguration Day 2017, Barack Obama and Joe Biden may have given a public impression of the peaceful transfer of power, but they were working behind the scenes to sabotage the incoming president and his team.  Obama, on his way out the door, set in motion four straight years of internal insurrection.  It was sedition, not transition.  At the very moment Barack Obama welcomed Trump to the Oval Office on November 10, 2016 for a kumbaya photo op, his FBI was spying on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, and by extension, Donald Trump.  Barack Obama's FBI, under the corrupt leadership of James Comey, used fabricated political opposition research to convince a secret court that Page was a Russian agent and had conspired with the Russians to rig the election.  Comey and Sally Yates, Obama's deputy attorney general, signed the initial FISA warrant on October 21, 2016.  Comey's FBI also was investigating three other Trump associates including his former campaign manager and Lt. General Michael Flynn, the incoming national security advisor.

Democrats And The Media Keep Lying About Obama's Agencies Spying On Trump's Campaign.  Four years after the FBI sent "Confidential Human Sources" secretly to gather information on Donald Trump's team, the president's opponents in politics and the media continue to deny that the bureau spied on his 2016 campaign.  They are now using that denial to dismiss questions of voting irregularities in the 2020 election by arguing that Trump and his allies traffic in outrageous falsehoods for partisan purposes.  During the vice-presidential debate, Mike Pence said, "When Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, the FBI actually spied on President Trump and my campaign."  The response from NBC "fact checkers" was to declare that "Pence repeated a false claim that Trump made during the first presidential debate — accusing the Obama administration of spying on their 2016 campaign."

The FBI Spying Denial That Never Grows Cold.  Four years after the FBI sent "Confidential Human Sources" secretly to gather information on Donald Trump's team, the president's opponents in politics and the media continue to deny that the bureau spied on his 2016 campaign.  They are now using that denial to dismiss questions of voting irregularities in the 2020 election by arguing that Trump and his allies traffic in outrageous falsehoods for partisan purposes. [...] This might appear at first glance to be a debate about semantics, a question of whether to call surveillance "spying" or something with less negative overtones, such as "intelligence-gathering."  Either way, it has been verified that the FBI took the extraordinary step of investigating an ongoing campaign for the presidency.  It has also been verified that the bureau drew on its complete arsenal, including wiretaps and secret agents — both in-house "Undercover Employees" and contract operatives called "Confidential Human Sources."  Though the FBI doesn't use the word "spy" to describe its own activities, the bureau's actions fit definitions of spying, old and new.

Will They Really Get Away With It?  Obama administration officials committed crimes against the constitution.  They engaged in a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States.  Will they really get away with it?  Forty government officials were indicted or jailed as a result of Watergate.  White House staffers H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman went to jail. [...] "Obamagate," or the "Russia Hoax" is a political and criminal scandal exponentially more serious and damaging to the constitution.  Like the Richter Scale measurements of earthquakes, Obamagate can be measured in "orders of magnitude" greater seriousness than the third-rate burglary.  Obamagate is the First American Coup.  Not from the militaristic right, as fantasized by liberal Hollywood.  Oh, no — from the "fundamental transformation" artists of the Bolshevik Left.

Lesley Stahl Is Wrong And Trump Is Right:  The Obama Administration Spied On The Trump Campaign.  Last week, President Trump's team released 38 minutes of unedited video capturing his contentious sit-down with Lesley Stahl of "60 Minutes."  Sunday evening, CBS broadcast clips of the interview and amazingly let air proof of Trump's charge that the media is fake news: "60 Minutes" and Stahl falsely reported that it is "unverified" that the Obama-Biden administration spied on Trump's campaign in 2016.  Trump and not Stahl raised this scandal, as the unedited video showed, after he reversed roles with his interviewer and pushed her to say whether she thought it was okay for Hunter Biden to give "the big guy" a 10 percent cut of money raised by Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden's son in China, and whether it was okay for China to give the Biden family one and a half billion dollars to manage and for Joe to then negotiate with China on behalf of Americans.  "60 Minutes" edited out those details of the Biden scandal, but let the television audience hear Trump say of it, "It's the biggest scan..." before correcting himself, "the second biggest scandal.  The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign."

The Gordian Knot Protecting Obamagate Secrets.  Donald Trump and Republicans are furious that U.S. Attorney John Durham has not brought indictments against senior people who spied on the president's campaign, lied repeatedly to judges in order to do it, and based their intrusions on specious evidence, which they knew to be false — and had been commissioned by the opposition political party.  We know the broad outlines of this coordinated operation, but we still don't know its full extent, all those involved, and what precise roles they played.  Attorney General William Barr promised major developments in this probe by late spring, then mid-summer, then Labor Day, and now sometime after the election.  If, as Republicans say (and the evidence seems to show), there was a systematic effort to weaponize federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political purposes, the public has a compelling right to know.  This need-to-know is urgent because the Democrats' presidential nominee, Joe Biden, served as the second-highest ranking member of the administration that conducted these acts.

9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization.  When recently inaugurated President Trump tweeted that Obama had his "wires tapped" during the 2016 campaign, the mainstream media mocked and scorned him as a conspiracy theorist and loon.  They then spent four years trying to prove to the American people that Trump had conspired with Russia to "hack" the 2016 election and steal legitimate victory from Hillary Clinton.  "Russian collusion" has been a journalistic obsession, and it was all a lie.  There is, however, considerable evidence that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama conspired with John Brennan at the CIA and James Comey at the FBI, along with numerous other high-ranking intelligence, law enforcement, and State Department personnel, to frame candidate and then president Trump as an agent of a hostile government.  All the American institutions that demand public respect have peddled baseless conspiracies for four years, while those few Americans who have defended President Trump from attack have been denigrated as kooks and charlatans.

Yes, Hillary Clinton Orchestrated the Russia-Collusion Farce.  Did she or didn't she?  Of course she did.  In late July 2016, Hillary Clinton, in an effort to divert attention from the email scandal that was haunting her presidential bid, directed her campaign to peddle a political narrative that Russia's suspected hacking and leaking of Democratic Party emails was in furtherance of a conspiracy between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to swing the election to Trump.  That is, as I argued in Ball of Collusion, the Clinton campaign dreamed up, paid for, and peddled the Trump-Russia collusion farce.  And in promoting it, President Obama's former secretary of state had a willing and able partner in the Obama administration — very much including its intelligence and law-enforcement apparatus.

President Trump indicates AG Barr has enough evidence to charge Obama admin officials — including Obama and Biden — with spying on his campaign.  President Donald Trump appeared to indicate on Thursday that Attorney General William Barr has more than enough evidence to indict members of the Obama administration for spying on the Trump campaign in 2016, including former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden.  During a lengthy and wide-ranging interview with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo Thursday morning — in which the headline news was that he would not participate in a virtual debate — the president also dropped the potential bombshell that the Department of Justice has "plenty" of evidence to go after Obama administration officials.  "These people should be indicted, this was the greatest political crime in the history of our country, and that includes Obama and it includes Biden," the president said.

The latest revelations show Team Obama invented the whole RussiaGate scandal.  In mid-2016, the FBI got word that Russian intelligence believed Hillary Clinton's campaign was planning to frame Donald Trump as colluding with Russia's Vladimir Putin to hack her computers.  Yet somehow, the crack agents never connected the dots when handed the Steele "dossier" commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign that claimed Trump was colluding with Putin.  Instead, the Justice Department used that dossier as a pretext to spy on at least Trump aide Carter Page as it investigated the clearly spurious charges.  Justice also distorted the facts about Page's past relations with the CIA to suggest he had a history of working with Russian agents when his actual record involved turning them in.  Meanwhile, it buried the fact that Steele's main source was himself a suspected Russian agent.  Nor did it connect the dots to another "Russiagate" lead, the third-hand rumors passed along by a Clinton-allied diplomat that supposedly implicated another Trump aide, George Papadopoulos.

Russiagate Hoax Mastermind Must Be Exposed.  In the bureaucratic struggle to declassify Russiagate-related documents before the Nov. 3 elections and help ensure they aren't buried forever, some valuable nuggets have just been partially unearthed by the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe.  Like handwritten notes by then-CIA Director John Brennan.  During the summer of 2016, he briefed President Obama and top advisers that the agency learned of startling intelligence about the Clinton campaign and Russia. [...] Yet many questions remain — such as who was the Russiagate Hoax Mastermind alluded to by Brennan?  Americans need to know.  The smear campaign wasn't just a political dirty trick.  Nor was it proportionate to combat Trump supporters chanting "lock her up."  No, the malicious lie was the acorn from which the mighty oak grew — one that launched the crime wave of the century.  Unprecedented and wrongful surveillance of a presidential campaign.  Then a prolonged stealth coup to overturn the election.  President Trump and over 50 associates were subjected to seemingly limitless investigations, Privacy Act violations, criminal leaks, defamation and ruthlessly pursued by overzealous prosecutors, including numerous Obama and Clinton political donors.

Brennan Personally Briefed Obama on Clinton Campaign's Russia Collusion Operation in 2016.  CIA Director John Brennan personally briefed former President Barack Obama on Russia's knowledge of Hillary Clinton's "plan" to smear then-candidate Donald Trump as a Russian stooge during the 2016 presidential election, newly declassified documents reveal.  Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified Brennan's handwritten notes from the briefing, as well as a CIA memo revealing that officials referred the matter to the FBI for potential investigative action.  That referral was sent to then-FBI Director James Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok.  Ratcliffe first revealed in a letter late last month that the FBI were aware of Russian intelligence regarding Hillary Clinton's plan to link Trump to Russia as "a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server."

Brennan's Handwritten Notes Prove Obama Was Briefed on Scheme to Set Up Trump.  Newly declassified documents show former CIA Director John Brennan took notes after briefing President Barack Obama on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's plans to frame then presidential candidate Donald Trump as a Russian asset.  The briefing took place during the 2016 presidential election.

Page five, heavily redacted
What Obama Knew, and When He Knew It.  Last week, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified information to the effect that U.S. intelligence agencies "obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians' hacking of the Democratic National Committee."  Ratcliffe also indicated at that time that CIA Director John Brennan briefed President Obama and others on the intelligence.  Today Ratcliffe declassified documents relating to last week's communication, including handwritten notes by John Brennan.  Brennan's notes, reportedly dated July 28, 2016, relate to a briefing that he gave on that date to President Obama, "JC" (James Comey), "Denis" (Denis McDonough), and "Susan" (Susan Rice).  The version of the notes that I have seen includes pages five and six.  [Image is Page five.]  The notes are so heavily redacted that it is barely accurate to say that they have been declassified.

Hypocrisy: Democrat Attempts To Discredit John Ratcliffe Letter Reveal Double Standard.  Following the release of a letter from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday [9/29/2020] revealing that former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was referred to the FBI for allegedly approving a plan to "stir up a scandal against" President Donald Trump involving Russia, Democrats and their media supporters quickly tried to downplay the news. [...] These are interesting statements coming from Democrats, who ran with obvious Russian disinformation ahead of the 2016 election.  Ratcliffe may have said things in a letter, but President Barack Obama's FBI actually used Russian disinformation to fraudulently obtain FISA warrants against members of Trump's campaign staff.

John Ratcliffe Drops Bombshell Letter Linking Hillary Clinton, Obama/Biden Admin to Russia Hoax.  Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe just declassified a bombshell letter.  [Illustration]  In it, he explains that Hillary Clinton was behind the Russia hoax to "stir up scandal" against Donald Trump to hurt him in the election in July 2016.  Additionally that CIA Director John Brenna had apprised Barack Obama and other senior officials about the Clinton's alleged approval of the plan.  U.S. intelligence officials then made an investigative referral in September 2016 to the FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok regarding "Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan concerning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server."

Obama admin briefed on claims Hillary Clinton drummed up Russia controversy to vilify Trump, distract from emails.  The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) declassified information indicating that former President Obama's administration knew of Russian allegations that former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was attempting to tie Trump to the Russia and distract from her email scandal before the 2016 presidential election.  DNI John Ratcliffe informed the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that the prior administration obtained the Russian intelligence in July of 2016, but cautioned that the intelligence community (IC) "does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication."  Ratcliffe's letter doesn't offer specifics on the intelligence but does reveal that former CIA Director John Brennan's handwritten notes show that he briefed Obama on the information.

DNI John Ratcliffe releases a bombshell about the Russia hoax.  The big news is that, on Tuesday [9/29/2020], Lindsey Graham released a letter from John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence.  In it, Ratcliffe wrote that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were both involved in originating the Russia hoax and that former CIA director John Brennan pushed the investigation. [...] Here's what Ratcliffe revealed:  In July 2016, American intelligence learned that Russia claimed to have learned that the Hillary Clinton campaign planned to undermine Trump.  According to Russia, the Clinton group was going to say that Trump had ties both to Putin and to the alleged Russian hacking of the Democrat National Committee email account.  (There's still no proof, beyond Clinton camp claims, that Russia was behind the hacking.)

Obama Knew Russia-Gate was Clinton Campaign Op; His White House Launched Witch Hunt Anyway.  Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified intelligence on Tuesday [9/29/2020] indicating that the Obama administration knew the Russian collusion story was a campaign operation by the Hillary Clinton team but pursued the investigation anyway despite its obviously dubious nature.  Ratcliffe letter indicates that former President Barack Obama was briefed by former CIA director John Brennan on the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services."

Brand-new 'Obamagate' film to 'destroy' narrative of left.  The Irish-born filmmaking couple Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinny are known for their film "Gosnell," which exposed the seamy underside of the abortion industry by turning transcripts and evidence from the trial of the Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell into a cinematic drama.  They turned gripping testimony from the 2014 Michael Brown case into a play, called "Ferguson."  And lately they did the same with the infamous texts of FBI agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page in "FBI Lovebirds:  Undercovers," starring Dean Cain and Kristy Swanson.  Now, in yet another effort to counter a conventional narrative with first-hand evidence, they're about to release "Obamagate:  The Movie," showing how the Obama administration tried to take down Donald Trump.

Senate Homeland Security Committee authorizes subpoenas for testimony from Obama officials as part of Russia probe.  The Senate Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday [9/16/2020] voted to authorize subpoenas for former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey, and other Obama administration officials as part of its broad review into the origins of the Russia investigation.  The committee on Wednesday held a business meeting to authorize committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., to issue notices for taking depositions, subpoenas, for records, and subpoenas for testimony to individuals relating to the panel's "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation, the Justice Department inspector general's review of that investigation, and the "unmasking" of U.S. persons affiliated with the 2016 Trump campaign, transition team and the Trump administration.

Senate Panel Approves Subpoenas For 'Spygate' Figure Stefan Halper, 40 Others.  A Senate committee voted along party lines on Wednesday to authorize depositions and subpoenas for 41 individuals as part of a review of the Trump-Russia investigation.  The vote authorizes Sen. Ron Johnson, the Republican chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, to subpoena Stefan Halper, a former University of Cambridge professor who served as a confidential source for the FBI during Crossfire Hurricane, the name of the Trump-Russia counterintelligence investigation.  The committee also approved issuing a subpoena for Steven Somma, an FBI counterintelligence investigator who served as Halper's handling agent.  A Justice Department inspector general's report released on Dec. 9 faulted Somma for numerous errors during Crossfire Hurricane.

Senate Intel Committee Refuses to Give GOP Senators Documents From Russia Investigation.  Of all the tells that have surfaced in the past four years, this is the biggest.  This is the one that reveals just how corrupt and duplicitous the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence really is.  Do not pass over this information without pausing and evaluating just how explosive this refusal is amid the largest, most corrupt scheme in political history.  The republican led Senate Intelligence Committee (SSCI) is refusing to provide documents to republican senators from their Russia investigation.  Citing archaic justification within senate parliamentary rules current Chairman Marco Rubio (R) and Vice-Chairman Mark Warner are refusing to allow Senator Johnson and Senator Grassley to review the evidence the SSCI assembled to create their report on Russian election interference.  The reason and motives for the denial are simple, yet the majority of Americans have no idea.  The SSCI was the legislative entity, both republicans and democrats, who participated in the unlawful effort to remove President Trump from office.  The risk of exposure is exactly why Mitch McConnell put Senator Marco Rubio on the committee as chairman to replace Richard Burr.  The Senate was participating in the soft-coup.

Carter Page's Camel Nose Under the Trump Tent.  Spygate had one primary objective, to prevent Donald Trump's election.  Failing that, then then had to cover their past transgressions of illegally spying on his campaign while at the same time undermining his administration, driving down his popularity to the point that he pulled a Nixon and resigned, or else be impeached and removed from office.  What better way to disrupt a campaign than to spy on it?  Trump Tower was probably not literally "wiretapped" as Trump claimed, but "spying did occur" against the campaign, according to Attorney General William Barr.  Carter Page played a big role in covering up the spying.  Carter Page was not the idiot the media portrayed him to be.  He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in the top 10 percent of his class, unlike John McCain who graduated solidly in the bottom 10 percent of his class.

50+ Questions No Reporter Dares Ask Joe Biden And His Campaign.  On Donald Trump:  What if anything did you say to encourage the surveillance of Donald Trump's campaign and associates before you departed the White House in 2009?  What is your plan to prosecute the corruption found inside the FBI, CIA, and Department of Justice's top leadership to frame a Republican presidential candidate for treason? [..] What did you know, and when did you know it, about the Obama administration's weaponization of secret spy powers to undermine an election and illegally surveil Democrats' political enemies?

Mifsud Notes Provide More Proof Crossfire Hurricane Was An Excuse To Spy On Trump.  Last December, in response to Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse, U.S. Attorney John Durham released a statement informing Americans that, "based on the evidence collected to date," his team had "advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report's conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened." The release earlier this week of the FBI's 302 summary of the agency's interview of Joseph Mifsud confirms Durham's statement and proves what many Americans have long surmised:  The purported basis for the launch of Crossfire Hurricane was a pretext for spying on the Trump campaign.

Nunes: Obama and Biden Knew About Spying on the Trump Campaign.  On Thursday [8/13/2020], Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo interviewed President Trump.  Trump told Bartiromo that the Obama administration "spied on my campaign, which is treason."  "President Obama knew everything.  Vice President Biden, as dumb as he may be, he knew everything.  And everybody else knew everything, Maria, and you know it.  And Comey and Brennan and Clapper, they all were terrible and they lied to Congress..."  After the president's interview, Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, appeared on Bartiromo's show.  She asked Nunes about Trump's comments about the spying on his campaign, and whether he agreed with Trump's statement that it went all the way up to Obama and Biden.

New York Times Manipulates FBI Lawyer's Guilty Plea To Hide Real Spygate News.  A New York Times reporter who won a Pulitzer Prize for his role perpetrating the Russia collusion hoax was tasked with framing the news that a former top FBI lawyer was to plead guilty to deliberately fabricating evidence against a Donald Trump campaign affiliate targeted in the Russia probe.  The resulting article is a case study in how to write propaganda.  Adam Goldman broke, and cushioned, the news that former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was to plead guilty to fabricating evidence in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application to spy on Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page.  His job was to present the news as something other than an indictment of the FBI's handling of the Russia collusion hoax, to signal to other media that they should move on from the story as quickly as possible, and to hide his own newspaper's multi-year participation in the Russia collusion hoax.  One intelligence source described it as an "insult" to his intelligence and "beyond Pravda," a reference to the official newspaper of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.  Here's how Goldman did it. [...]

Trump: Clinesmith Guilty Plea Is 'Just the Beginning' with 'More to Come'.  President Trump on Friday [8/14/2020] said that news of former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith's plea deal with Department of Justice prosecutors was "just the beginning," signaling that U.S. Attorney John Durham is zeroing in on other targets in his investigation.  Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty in connection with his alteration of an exonerating email during the Crossfire Hurricane (CH) investigation, which targeted members of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, including foreign policy adviser Carter Page.  In 2016, the CIA sent the email to CH investigators in response to their inquiry about the status of Page's relationship with the CIA.  Their response was not what the CH team was hoping for.

Now There's No Denying It:  Obama's FBI Spied On Trump... Period.  Today's news that former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty in the Obamagate/Spygate scandal will be tough news for journalists like Jim Acosta.  Just this week, he haughtily intoned on his "network" that President Trump's charge that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign in 2016 was "just not true.  That did not happen; it has not been proven."  Well, today's guilty plea from Clinesmith proves it did.  The spying began in early 2016 as a robust opposition research tactic of the Hillary Clinton campaign and transformed into an "insurance policy" to handicap the Trump Administration after his unpredictable victory.

'Nothing Short of Treasonous'.  Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Susan Rice's conduct in the waning days of their administration in 2016 and 2017 was nothing short of treasonous.  It wasn't treason, per se, but surely it was nothing short of treason.  Confused?  Let me explain.  In July 2018, former CIA Director John Brennan accused President Donald Trump of actions that were "nothing short of treasonous."  [Tweet]  The next month, MSNBC finally got around to challenging Brennan on the divisive and volatile rhetoric (see how long a Democrat is able to squirm around the neighborhood after accusing a sitting president of betraying his country?).  Rachel Maddow (of all people) pushed back on Brennan's claim, and his response was, there's no other word for it.  Nonsense.  [Video clip]

The Spies Who Hijacked America.  Global scandals now labeled Russiagate, Spygate, and what President Trump calls "Obamagate" shook the political world, but hit me closer to home.  I'm the reason the so-called FBI "spy" at the center of Spygate, Stefan Halper, met Carter Page, the alleged "Russian Asset" in Russiagate's Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  On May 19, 2018, this realization blindsided me in London as I was about to fly out for my wedding.  The New York Times, NBC News and other sources had outed my PhD supervisor, Stefan Halper, as a spy known to the UK's MI6 intelligence service as "The Walrus."  It didn't seem real.  Could a former professor I once trusted as a mentor have betrayed his word, profession, and country to start these disasters?  I had moved to England to pursue an academic career and leave DC's politics behind, only to have my PhD supervisor throw me back into the most outrageous political firestorms I could imagine.  Just my luck.  Then an even worse question began nagging at me.  Did I unintentionally light the match that started it all?

Sunday Talks:  Steven Schrage Appears to Discuss His Role in "Spygate".  We have a saying in the south:  'hang around a one-legged man long enough and eventually you're gonna start limping'.  This interview is an example of how that cuts through the BS, spin and political chaff and countermeasures.  Steven Schrage should be trusted as far as you can spit into a hurricane — which is to say, not at all.

The Truth Doesn't Care About Your Feelings.  Spygate was the originating process to ensure the DC system did not experience the disruption carried by Donald John Trump; but it was only the originating process.  The process of opposition against Donald Trump is a continuum.  Those who use DC for influence and affluence control the mechanisms within the self-actuating system.  This includes both Democrats and Republicans as they both feed from the same trough.  In the effort to remove Donald Trump, both wings of the uniparty bird were aligned with an identical purpose; Democrats carrying out their effort openly, and the republican elements operating covertly as to retain the DC premise.  Specifically, one common misconception is thinking the Mueller special counsel was an outcome of an action by President Trump when he fired former FBI Director James Comey.  This is false.  The special counsel process was a continuum in the effort to remove the threat that Donald Trump represented back in the early primary days of 2016.  The system, writ large, was aligned with this purpose.

It looks as if this Fall's hit show will be called 'Obamagate'.  On Tuesday night, Trump announced that U.S. Attorney John Durham had uncovered "breathtaking" evidence about the "corrupt" Russia hoax.  That might just have been Trump puffing, except for the fact that the Trump campaign also released a new video hinting that the Democrats, from Obama on down, are going to be in trouble.  In April 2019, Attorney General William Barr assigned to John Durham, the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, the task of investigating operation "Crossfire Hurricane," also known as the Russian hoax.  In October 2019, word broke that the investigation had become a criminal probe.  All of this was exciting.  Political watchers expected to learn about indictments "any day now."  Except "any day" hasn't arrived.

Sally Yates throws James Comey under the bus.  With investigations revealing treasure troves of evidence of deep-state malfeasance in their bid to Get Trump, rats are fleeing a sinking ship.  Deep State is now trying to get its stories straight.  And in former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates's Senate testimony this Wednesday, it looks as if James Comey is the designated fall guy.  Blame him and the rest get off the hook. [...] She's saying that Comey, not Joe Biden, brought up the gamy Logan Act charge idea, something that is obviously now an embarrassment.  Yates is someone who is a Democrat from a prominent Democrat family and her claims of no bias are nonsense.  She stands to benefit from a Joe Biden presidential appointment in a Joe Biden administration, so no surprise, she's defending Joe by hurling Comey under the bus.

Sally Yates says James Comey went 'rogue,' but she was just as unscrupulous.  Sally Yates, who served as Deputy Attorney General during a critical period as the Russia collusion hoax evolved in 2016-17, trashed fired FBI director James Comey during her testimony Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  She readily agreed that Comey went "rogue" in his unauthorized pursuit of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.  But that, of course, was stating the obvious.  It was too easy.  Comey managed to turn himself into a human piñata when he engaged in blatant acts of corruption.  Like Comey, Yates was a model of prevarication and insincerity on nearly all other matters.  She minimized her own negligence and incompetence while blaming everyone else.

What to Make of Sally Yates's Senate Testimony.  [Sally] Yates became acting attorney general when AG Loretta Lynch stepped down toward the end of the Obama administration.  She was thus present at the important January 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting, when she and the FBI's then-director, James Comey, met with President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Susan Rice, Obama's national-security adviser.  The meeting centered around a scheme to withhold from the incoming Trump administration information about the Trump-Russia investigation — what's now often called "Russiagate" because of its similarity to Watergate-era domestic spying, part of what led to President Nixon's resignation to stave off impeachment.  Yates stayed on as acting AG in the early days of the Trump administration, but she was quickly fired for insubordination when she declined to enforce the new president's travel-restriction order.

Sally Yates tries to deny Trump campaign was surveilled, Sen. Cruz helps clear it up for her.  Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, as part of the panel's review of the Russia investigation.  Things got interesting when Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, began his time by asking Yates when she was aware "the Obama administration was surveilling" President Trump's 2016 campaign.  Yates engaged in a game of words, saying that when the FBI began spying on Carter Page, he was a former member of the campaign — with an emphasis on former.  "The Obama administration was not surveilling the Donald Trump campaign at that point," Yates said, matter-of-factly.  Cruz informed Yates "you don't get it both ways," asking the question again.  "Carter Page was a former member of the Trump campaign at the time that the FISA was initiated," she repeated, as if the campaign had never been spied on.  [Video clip]

New Disclosures Confirm:  Trump Himself Was the Target of Obama Administration's Russia Probe.  As I contended in Ball of Collusion, my book on the Trump-Russia investigation, the target of the probe spearheaded by the FBI — but greenlighted by the Obama White House, and abetted by the Justice Department and U.S. intelligence agencies — was Donald Trump.  Not the Trump campaign, not the Trump administration.  Those were of interest only insofar as they were vehicles for Trump himself.  The campaign, which the Bureau and its apologists risibly claim was the focus of the investigation, would have been of no interest to them were it not for Trump.  Or do you suppose they moved heaven and earth, surreptitiously plotted in the Oval Office, wrote CYA memos to cover their tracks, and laboriously sculpted FBI reports because they were hoping to nail ... George Papadopoulos?

Tick, Tick, Boom, Boom, Time's Up, Obama Goons?  Perhaps U.S. attorney Durham will finally expose the corrupt origins of the Russia hoax in the weeks ahead, or perhaps the Department of Justice will prove conclusively that we have a two-tiered legal system, one for Democrats and their wards and one for everyone else.  Whatever happens, irreparable harm has been done to the country, and Trump voters will never again put faith in an FBI, CIA, or DOJ that could so easily abandon legal and ethical constraints in order to pursue partisan political objectives equivalent to a bureaucratic coup d'état at the behest of a prior presidential administration.

Turley Wonders:  Why Are Media Outlets Uninterested In A Modern Watergate?  Over forty years ago, the press took a decided interest in a government using its investigative and intelligence authority to intervene in an election.  The Watergate scandal unlocked a whole series of abuses of power, which might not have been viewed as anything other than business as usual if not for the crusading journalists that made it a front-page story.  Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward got lionized in print and on the silver screen, and to this day the media insists that its main function is to speak truth to power.  That depends on which power is in question, Jonathan Turley argued over the weekend.

More willful blindness by the media on spying by Obama administration.  The Washington press corps seems engaged in a collective demonstration of the legal concept of willful blindness, or deliberately ignoring facts, following the release of yet another declassified document that directly refutes past statements about the Russia collusion investigation.  The document shows the FBI used a security briefing of then candidate Donald Trump and top aides to gather possible evidence for Crossfire Hurricane, its code name for the Russia investigation.  What is astonishing is that the media has refused to see what should be one of the biggest stories in decades.  The Obama administration targeted the campaign of the opposing party based on false evidence.  The media endlessly covered former Obama administration officials ridiculing suggestions of spying on the Trump campaign or of improper conduct in the Russia investigation.  When Attorney General William Barr told the Senate last year that he believed spying did occur, he was lambasted in the media, including by James Comey and others involved in that investigation.  The mocking "wow" response of the fired FBI director received extensive coverage.

Declassified Documents Show FBI Used 'Defensive' Briefing In 2016 To Spy On Donald Trump.  Newly declassified internal Federal Bureau of Investigation documents prove the top U.S. law enforcement agency used a so-called defensive briefing of the Trump campaign in 2016 to spy on and collect information about Donald Trump himself.  The new documents, which are just the latest in a string of declassifications regarding the FBI operation to spy on the Trump campaign and later the Trump administration, detail the FBI's attempts to use a briefing ostensibly meant to warn the Trump campaign about foreign intelligence threats to spy on the Trump campaign itself.  The documents were formally declassified by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on July 23 then provided to Sens. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

Background — Political Surveillance.  With the release of transcripts and the declassification of material from within the IG report, the Carter Page FISA and Flynn documents showing FBI activity; and with the recent release from Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsay Graham; there is a common misconception about why the intelligence apparatus began investigating the Trump campaign in the first place.  Why was Donald Trump considered a threat?  In this outline we hope to provide some fully cited deep source material that will explain the origin; and specifically why those inside the Intelligence Community & DOJ began targeting Trump and using Confidential Human Sources against campaign officials.

Prosecutor John Durham reveals the report into 'spying' on Trump's campaign will be released by the end of summer.  John Durham, the U.S. Attorney who is heading a criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation, is to release his findings by the end of the summer.  The review, which became a criminal investigation last fall, has been derided by Democrats as simply a scheme to damage President Trump's Democrat rivals before November's election.  But Department of Justice spokeswoman Kerri Kupec, said that the report was not the 'goal' of the criminal investigation but that it will be 'pivotal to the restoration of that one tiered system of justice.'

It's not "time for people to go to jail" just yet.  It's time for people to be put on trial.
"It's All Starting to Unravel and I Tell You — It's Time for People to Go to Jail" — Mark Meadows Speaks Out on Spygate Developments.  White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.  During his first interview with Maria since he moved into his role as Chief of Staff, Meadows spoke out against the criminal Obama regime and FBI operatives who spied on the Trump campaign in 2016.  Mark Meadows told Maria Bartiromo it is time for indictments of these criminal operatives.

Susan Rice says Obama administration was 'absolutely' not spying on Trump campaign.  Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who "unmasked" officials in the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, said Tuesday that President Trump is wrong when he accuses the Obama administration of spying on his campaign in 2016.  "Absolutely no, it did not happen.  That is false.  That is another lie designed to deflect from the president's own very bizarre relationship with Russia; to distract from the much validated reality that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump," Rice said during a discussion with Washington Post Live.  Unmasking is a term used by the intelligence community that refers to legally revealing the identity of a U.S. citizen whose communications are being monitored to learn more about that person and the case.

Jim Jordan says Democrats want to impeach Barr because John Durham will find 'spying'.  Democrats may be trying to hinder U.S. Attorney John Durham's inquiry into the Russia investigation, according to a top House Republican.  Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member on the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, said that a resolution signed by Rep. Eric Swalwell and dozens of other Democrats seeking an investigation into whether Attorney General William Barr should be impeached is a byproduct of their fear of what Durham may find.

Why Biden's Lead Will Evaporate.  Based on recently released documents, the once-rumored 'Obamagate' conspiracy is now known.  This plot involved people at the highest levels of government.  Also known is that the goal was to destroy Donald Trump's presidency.  Attorney General William Barr and Congressman Devin Nunes have been dropping hints that the seemingly endless investigations are about to come to a head.  What is unknown is what the response will be.  These crimes, if they go unpunished will firmly place the deep state in control of our fate.  Both the Democrats and the anti-Trumpers are fine with that scenario.  Americans are not.  If AG Barr actually does what is right, justice will be served:  Advantage Trump.

A Coup Against Our Institutions.  Matthew Spalding, a scholar of the Constitution and dean of Hillsdale College's Van Andel Graduate School of Government in Washington, D.C., has written an important essay on the troubling possibility that the treatment of General Michael Flynn by the Obama administration and, later, by holdovers in the FBI, the Justice Department, and the CIA, represents not just a personal disaster for Flynn — who was, for a week or so, President Trump's national security advisor — but also a brewing constitutional crisis for the United States.  Many commentators, myself included, have described the whole "Donald-Trump-was-a-Russian-Asset" caper as the biggest political scandal in U.S. history.  We were ridiculed or condemned by the Left and the NeverTrump fraternity alleged to be on the Right for saying that, but time has proven us right.  We were right, too, that this scandal was less a "hoax," as it was sometimes called, than an attempted, if slow-motion, coup.  It was an attempted coup because it aimed to disrupt the peaceful transition of presidential power from one administration, and one party, to another.

J'Accuse Barack Obama!  When President Obama was in his 75-day transition to the Presidency, he initiated correspondence with Supreme Leader Khamenei of Iran to explore, at the least, some form of what French diplomats call détente, or even entente. But Iran remained an adversary to the United States.  Instead of rapprochement, the Shia theocracy was sanctioned by UN Security Council resolution 1803 on March 3, 2008.  As it happens, this was prologue to l'affaire Flynn, a scandal whose events resemble those of that affaire to remember, the notorious Affaire Dreyfus.  That's Alfred Dreyfus the army officer, not Richard Dreyfuss the actor.  The first Obama term was devoured by its socialist pursuit of the Holy Grail, nationalizing the healthcare industry.  The second Obama term pivoted to a no-holds-barred rush to allying with Iran.  In July 2012, Obama hired Gen. Michael Flynn, a 33-year veteran and hero, to serve as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.  In August 2014, Obama fired Flynn over, it is widely agreed, Flynn's opposition to Obama's policy of an 'Iran deal' at any cost.

No Holds Barred:  Barr and Durham Must Investigate Obama & Biden Too.  [Scroll down]  Nevertheless, something is wrong here, increasingly wrong as we were reminded just the other day by the release of yet another heretofore "lost" (or was it missing?) page of notes — riddled with redactions, needless to say — from the Department of Justice, this one the scribblings of disgraced FBI Lothario Peter Strzok himself.  Strzok was reporting on what he heard of the January 2017 Oval Office meeting with the then president and vice president, James Comey (still director of the FBI) and that woman of preternatural loyalty Susan Rice.  The topic du jour was Trump's national security adviser in waiting Michael Flynn and his (supposedly suspicious) private phone calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. [...] Strangely, however, Stzrok quotes the president — yes, it's second hand — as saying he wanted the "right people" to conduct the investigation.

Obama and his Gang of Untouchables.  Despite a steady flow of evidence confirming that Obama's White House directed the operation to infiltrate, spy on, and sabotage Trump's presidential campaign and then employ those same forces against Trump after he won, the media refuses to report any of it.

Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation.  Newly released notes confirm President Barack Obama's key role in surveillance and leak operation against Michael Flynn, the incoming Trump administration national security adviser.  The handwritten notes, which were first disclosed in a federal court filing made by the Department of Justice on Tuesday [6/23/2020], show President Obama himself personally directed former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates to investigate Flynn for having routine phone calls with a Russian counterpart.  He also suggests they withhold information from President Trump and his key national security figures.  The handwritten notes from fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok appear to describe a Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting between Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Comey, Yates, and then-national security adviser Susan Rice.  The meeting and its substance were confirmed in a bizarre Inauguration Day email Rice wrote to herself.

Strzok's newly discovered FBI notes deliver jolt to 'Obamagate' evidence.  The belated discovery of disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok's January 2017 notes raises troubling new questions about whether President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were coordinating efforts during their final days in office to investigate Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn — even as the FBI wanted to shut down the case.  Investigators will need to secure testimony from Strzok, fired two years ago from the FBI, to be certain of the exact meaning and intent of his one paragraph of notes, which were made public in court on Wednesday [6/24/2020].  But they appear to illuminate an extraordinary high-level effort by outgoing Obama-era officials during the first weekend of January to find a way to sustain a counterintelligence investigation of Flynn in the absence of any evidence of wrongdoing.

Obama's Marching Order on Flynn Revealed in Peter Strzok's Notes: 'Have The Right People On' It.  The D.C. Court of Appeals handed down their ruling on the Michael Flynn case: dismiss it.  The last battle of the Trump-Russia collusion circus is over.  We won.  The Left lost.  The liberal media lost.  The anti-Trump deep state lost.  We win, you lose.  It took more than a few rounds, but justice did prevail. [...] The decision caps off one of the most absurd legal sagas in recent memory.  There was no case.  New documents revealed a plot from within the Department of Justice to ensnare Flynn in a perjury trap.  Based on this evidence, disgraced top FBI officials James Comey and Andrew McCabe wanted to get Flynn no matter what.

Strzok Notes Reveal Obama Directed Flynn Investigation, Biden Raised Logan Act Violation.  Handwritten notes taken by former FBI agent Peter Strzok revealed that President Barack Obama directed the FBI to continue investigating Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn just weeks before he was to become President Trump's national security adviser, in a meeting during which Vice President Joe Biden suggested that Flynn violated the Logan Act.  Up until now, it had been unclear exactly how involved Obama was in the FBI investigation of Trump's national security adviser. [...] Obama himself directed that "the right people" investigate Flynn.

Obama and Biden were up to their necks in the Flynn persecution.  On Wednesday [6/24/2020], news broke that was so big that (at least as of this writing) both the New York Times and the Washington Post ignored it:  Barr's DOJ finally forced the FBI to release Comey's debriefing of the January 5, 2017 meeting that led to the General Flynn persecution.  The notes, which Peter Strzok wrote based on a conversation with Comey, show Obama directing the FBI to investigate General Flynn using "the right people," while Biden came up with the idea that Flynn should be prosecuted under the Logan Act, an old, unconstitutional law that is inapplicable to a national security advisor.  As well as showing a White House conspiracy against the incoming administration, the notes also reveal that Susan Rice's bizarre inauguration email to herself was false and that Biden lied to Americans about his involvement.  Although heavily redacted, the portion of the notes that the DOJ released to the public is unambiguous.

Agent Strzok CYA Memo? — Strzok Notes Indicate Obama White House Involvement in Targeting Michael Flynn.  In a court filing yesterday [06/23/2020] the DOJ provided — initially under seal — the Flynn defense team with more exculpatory evidence.  The filing includes hand-written notes taken by FBI agent Peter Strzok in/around key dates in early January 2017.  The filing was unsealed today, and the Peter Strzok notes are released. [...] The notes are written by Peter Strzok during a conversation with former FBI Director James Comey; that context is important.  What the notes contain are Peter Strzok writing down what Comey relays to him from conversations with White House officials.

Obama-Era Political Surveillance — Were Black Files Created?  [Scroll down]  Put another way:  attributes belonging to a specific individual(s) were being targeted and queried, unlawfully.  Given what was later discovered, it seems obvious the primary search target, over multiple date ranges, was Donald Trump.  There were tens-of-thousands of unauthorized search queries; and as Judge Collyer stated in her report, there is no reason to believe the 85% non compliant rate was any different from the abuse of the NSA database going back to 2012.  As you will see below the NSA database was how political surveillance was being conducted during Obama's second term in office.  However, when the system was flagged, and when NSA Director Mike Rogers shut down "contractor" access to the system, the system users needed to develop another way to get access.

The scale to which Obama's team spied on his successor should be focus of 'unmasking'.  The presumptive Democratic candidate for president, Joe Biden, heads a list of more than a dozen Obama officials who spied on Donald Trump's ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn.  Others senior officials include chief of staff Denis McDonough, CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and UN Ambassador Samantha Power.  A list declassified Tuesday by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grennel shows that Biden and others asked to have Flynn's name "unmasked" in transcripts of US intelligence intercepts of foreign officials.  The names of US persons or entities incidentally collected by such intercepts are minimized to protect the privacy rights of Americans.  Unmasking identities is not in itself illegal, nor even necessarily improper.  Occasionally US policymakers will ask to unmask a US person to better understand the nature of the intelligence before them.  Obama officials, however, gorged themselves like children at a candy store.

It's Worse Than We Thought — DNI Ratcliffe Declassifies "Annex A" The Supportive Documents For 2017 Intel Community Assessment.  DNI John Ratcliffe has declassified the Appendix to the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA).  The appendix known as "Annex A" was the material the FBI and CIA did not include in the body of the ICA; however, it was used to brief congress.  There was always suspicion that "Annex A" was the ridiculous claims by FBI source Christopher Steele; those suspicions are confirmed today [6/11/2020].  The ICA was written in late December '16 & early January 2017, and the purpose was to politicize intelligence by making outlandish claims of the Trump-Russia conspiracy the official position of the U.S intelligence apparatus (CIA, FBI, DOJ and NSA).

Democrats give DOJ liars and conspirators a free pass.  This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee took the first steps in what will surely be a long look at the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  Throughout Wednesday's questioning of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and Thursday's debate over the "unmasking" subpoena vote, Senate Democrats made it clear that they are not, and never will be, interested in investigating misconduct at the highest levels of the criminal justice system.  The problem is not that they wish to speak out on the open rebellion against police brutality filling our streets, but that they leveraged the pain and frustration of the protesters to invalidate the committee's investigation into the quiet rebellion at the Obama-run Department of Justice.

Senate Homeland Security Committee authorizes subpoenas to Obama officials in Russia probe, unmasking review.  The Senate Homeland Security Committee on Thursday [6/4/2020] voted to authorize subpoenas to the FBI and other agencies for records and testimony from Obama-era officials related to the bureau's original Russia investigation and the Justice Department inspector general's review of that probe.  The committee voted 8-6 to give Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., the authority to send subpoenas as part of the panel's investigation into the origins of the Russia probe and the process of "unmasking."

After Absolutely Abominable Failures, It's Time To Purge The US Intelligence Communities.  [Scroll down]  DNI Ratcliffe, your job #1 should be to root out and purge from service in the intelligence community anyone who, knowingly or unknowingly, participated in the coup plot.  Hundreds of agents and intelligence officers must have been involved.  Their participation, wittingly or unwittingly, is a breach of their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and signifies, at a minimum, judgment so harmful and so destructive that they might as well have been working for Russia and China.  DNI Ratcliffe, your job #2 should be to begin organizing the termination of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).  The ODNI has not only failed in its original purpose to improve intelligence but has overseen a string of major intelligence failures, has politicized intelligence to support the "politically correct" worldview of the Obama Administration, which was probably a significant contributing factor to ODNI's leadership of the coup plot.  Only Congress can abolish the ODNI, but your support and preparation for abolition would help make it happen.

The Obama order that tells us it was a coup attempt from the start.  Dan Bongino had a good segment in his Thursday [5/28/2020] podcast on the Obama update to Executive Order 12333, the Reagan-era order that regulates the use and handling of intelligence on foreign targets by the U.S. federal intel agencies.  E.O. 12333 covers multiple types of intelligence, but in the last few years, its fame has been all about communications intelligence, and in particular, the treatment of incidental collection of U.S. person identities (USPI).  Bongino's podcast video is below.  Elizabeth Vaughn has a useful summary of his segment at RedState, framed with the reporting that came out at the time the update was made to 12333.  As public understanding of the 12333 revision has matured, it has become easier to vector in on what really mattered about it.

What the 'Obamagate' Scandals Mean and Why They Matter.  For over three years, the media's top story was "Trump colluded with Russia."  When that imploded after the Mueller Report, they moved on to impeachment.  The entrenched elites behind these scandals are the Swamp at its most sulfurous.  They spied illegally on Americans and used powerful tools of government to damage the party-out-of-power, its outsider candidate, and then his new presidency.  It's worse than a single surveillance scandal.  It's three huge ones, intertwined.  All were abuses of power.  Some were crimes.

Former AAG Matt Whitaker Confirms Mueller Probe Was Used As Weapon to Cover Coup Effort.  Within an interesting interview conducted by Jan Jekielek of Epoch Times, former AAG Matt Whitaker confirms what CTH long suspected.  The Mueller investigation was used by corrupt interests within the special counsel's office to threaten any/all executive branch and congressional officials with "obstruction of justice" charges if they revealed any exculpatory or counter-narrative information during the Mueller probe.

New FBI document confirms the Trump campaign was investigated without justification.  Late last week the FBI document that started the Trump-Russia collusion fiasco was publicly released.  It hasn't received a lot of attention but it should, because not too long from now this document likely will be blown up and placed on an easel as Exhibit A in a federal courtroom.  The prosecutor, U.S. Attorney John Durham, will rightly point out that the document that spawned three years of political misery fails to articulate a single justifiable reason for starting the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation.  Those of us who have speculated there was insufficient cause for beginning the investigation could not have imagined the actual opening document was this feeble.  It is as if it were written by someone who had no experience as an FBI agent.

Before Election, Voters Deserve Full Answers On Obama, Biden.  The President was perfectly accurate, and for once insusceptible to questions about his good faith, when he expressed surprise at Attorney General Barr's comment last week that former president Obama and former vice president Biden, "based on the information that I have," would not become subjects of a criminal investigation, "whatever their level of involvement" revealed in the examination by special counsel John Durham of the origins of the spurious Trump-Russia investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.  The attorney general elaborated that he did not wish to continue or aggravate the mixing of politics with the law and suggested that the best method of adjudicating Mr. Biden's role in these matters would be by the electorate.  As a number of eminent commentators, including Lou Dobbs and Frank Miele, have pointed out, this is not an acceptable treatment of the subject.

Obamagate: Obama's Ship of Lies and Deceit Has Run Aground.  Former President Barack Obama is a smooth-talking liar.  He uses his tongue like a brush to paint vivid word pictures so believable, the clueless swoon, believing every word.  Likewise, his administration followed his lead, spinning a web of corruption we're only now starting to unravel.  Until recently, we had no idea how far, deep, and wide the corruption within the Obama administration reached.  That is until the Michael Flynn unmaskers were themselves, unmasked.  We now see up close how much Obama and his administration, along with Deep State players in various three-letter agencies and leftist-run media, bartered in corruption, lies, and the weaponization of government power.  Apparently, there were two streams of flagrant corruption flowing concurrently.  They eventually collided and began running together sometime after the 2016 Presidential election to create a swollen river of treachery to overrun the proverbial banks of the new Trump administration.

How The Obama Administration Weaponized Surveillance Laws To Target Trump.  The drip-drip-drip of newly declassified documents related to the Trump-Russia investigation, together with recent reports that a classified leak against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn might not have come from an unmasking request, leaves little doubt that the Obama administration weaponized federal surveillance laws to target Trump associates and undermine the incoming administration.  The story thus far is complex, but it reveals a disturbing abuse of power by the Obama administration that suggests congressional reform of federal surveillance laws is needed to ensure this never happens again.

As the crimes keep piling up, treason is the unspoken word in Obamagate.  At a May 15 presser, CBS News Radio correspondent, Steven Portnoy asked White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, to explain what "Obamagate" was, and what crimes were allegedly committed.  McEnany responded with a litany of crimes committed in Obamagate by those surrounding ex-President Obama, but never got to the heart of the matter.  [Video clip]

It Won't Matter What Obama Knew (or When He Knew It).  Even if we uncovered irrefutable evidence that Obama personally hatched the conspiracy to undermine either the Trump campaign or his presidency, Obama will not be held to account.  From the perspective of justice, what Obama knew and when he knew it is totally irrelevant because nothing will be done about it.  The reason nothing will be done is that the elites of our society have decided how Obama must be understood.  His presidency has unique importance due to his status as the first nonwhite person to attain the office.  Symbolically, then, Obama is supposed to represent the decency of the American people and the moral progress that we have made since the abolition of Jim Crow.

Playing Dumb About Obamagate.  Liberals are dismissing "Obamagate" as another one of Donald Trump's "conspiracy theories."  Never mind that Trump has been right from the beginning about the Obama administration spying on his campaign.  James Comey sanctimoniously denied spying on Trump Tower, even as spying warrants giving him the power to intercept communications there sat on his desk.  And never mind that Obama's fingerprints are all over the Flynn-related espionage.  Liberals love to sanitize their own scandals.  Once censorious of the CIA and FBI, they now act like it is inconceivable that those agencies could ever abuse power, could ever spy on anyone improperly, could ever be weaponized politically.  And so much for liberals' ACLU-style anxieties about the civil liberties of Americans.  They have shown zero sympathy to Carter Page, even though the FBI massively violated his privacy with an improperly obtained warrant.  The civil libertarian Left disappears during Democratic scandals.

Obama's Legacy of Deceit.  The Obamagate conspiracy is unraveling before our eyes, and it reveals the true legacy of the Obama presidency:  deceit, abuse of power, and the use of the Justice Department and intelligence agencies to surveil and punish the former president's political enemies.  This week Attorney General William Barr announced that he did not expect criminal investigations into the Obamagate scandal to reach the namesake of the conspiracy, former President Barack Obama.  "As to President Obama and Vice President Biden," Barr said, "whatever their level of involvement based on the information I have today, I don't expect Mr. Durham's work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man."  Of course "I don't expect" and "based on the information I have today" leaves room wide enough for several satisfactory scenarios but let's, for the sake of argument, assume that the ongoing criminal investigation into the Obama Administration's Justice Department, FBI, and intelligence communities delivers indictments and possible convictions of several nefarious actors but doesn't reach as high as Obama and Biden.  Is this supposed to be some kind of victory for them?

Full Text of Susan Rice's January 20, 2017 Email About Secret Oval Office Meeting Released — Comey and Obama Targeted Flynn!.  Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) wrote a letter to US Attorney General William Barr on Monday [5/18/2020] requesting he declassify the remaining portion of Susan Rice's January 20, 2017 email to herself about the secret Oval Office meeting with the coup cabal.  "I request you review and declassify the remaining portion of Ambassador Rice's January 20, 2017, email and provide it to my office," Johnson wrote.  Acting DNI Richard Grenell on Tuesday [5/19/2020] declassified the remaining portion of Susan Rice's email.

Susan Rice's resurfaced 2017 comments denying knowledge of Trump team surveillance raise eyebrows.  A three-year-old interview clip of former National Security Adviser Susan Rice resurfaced Tuesday [5/19/2020] after the declassified email she sent to herself on the final day of the Obama administration was released.  During an April 2017 appearance on PBS News Hour, Rice was asked about the then-breaking revelations about members of President Trump's transition team having been surveilled before he took office. [...] "I know nothing about this," Rice said at the time.  "I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today."

Senators 'Dramatically Expanding' Probe Into Obama-Era Scandal, Think Surveillance May Have Started 'Even Earlier' Than 2016.  Two Senate committees are expanding their investigations into the Obama-era scandal that involved surveilling members of the Trump campaign, which Attorney General William Barr has said amounts to "spying," saying that they have reason to believe that they are becoming increasingly concerned that the surveillance started before the FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation.  Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson and Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley wrote a letter to Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell asking for the declassification of "additional information related to the unmasking of Americans around the time of the 2016 election, but also to expand the scope of our request to include information as early as January 2016."

Obamagate Must Result in Criminal Prosecutions.  During his very last days as vice president, Biden unmasked General Michael Flynn and by a very strange coincidence, it happened to be the very same day Flynn's name was leaked to the media.  In the unlikely event Biden had some legitimate reason for unmasking Flynn at the time, it's improbable that he would remember what that reason might have been, more than three years later.  Leaking Flynn's name is a felony punishable by up to ten years in prison.  The moral of the story is be careful what you wish for, because you might get it.

Acts of Treason.  Perhaps the most troubling — and dangerous — aspect of the current political conversation is the unwillingness of virtually every elected official and every media pundit to confront what "Obamagate" is obviously about, which is treason.  Specifically, treason committed by the Obama White House in attempting to block and then overthrow the Trump presidency.  Obamagate is about the failed attempt by President Obama and his appointees to use government intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign and White House, to concoct a phony accusation of collusion with Russia against the president and then to obstruct his administration and overthrow him.

Why AG Barr is right about not criminally prosecuting Obama or Biden.  If there were a trial, it would go on for years, and that wouldn't even include all the appeals.  No matter how it concluded, whether it were an acquittal, a partial conviction, a hung jury, or a jury nullification, it would still be argued for decades.  Either way, Obama would be a hero to millions throughout the world, and he could go on another anti-American world tour as a victim of an unfair justice system.  The ones who actually did the crimes at his direction would be brushed aside in the frenzy and even forgotten.  But it appears that A.G. Barr and Michael Horowitz are leaving nothing undiscovered and fully intend to proceed with criminal prosecutions.  If those who did the crimes under Obama's orders and direction have to hire hugely expensive attorneys, perhaps even sell their homes, as General Flynn had to do, they will be angry, very angry at Obama's getting a pass.  They will tell all on each other and on him.

Secondary Confirmation — Treasury Whistleblower Complaint Aligns Directly With President Obama's Political Surveillance Activity.  An exclusive Treasury Department whistleblower outline in the Ohio Star is almost an absolute match to our research on how President Obama constructed the political surveillance network during his second term.  According to the article in mid-December 2015 the Treasury whistleblower started noticing data-search transactions with the Treasury Dept. for specific people that aligned with the 2016 GOP primary.  The searches included Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Donald Trump and his family as well as certain members of congress.

'Obamagate' is here to stay.  Al Sharpton asked me this on his Saturday [5/16/2020] cable news show:  "What is 'Obamagate?'"  "The intentional interference with the peaceful transition of power," I responded.  I explained that the American tradition of peaceful transition of power is the "glory of the Republic."  The central charge of the many for which "Obamagate" is shorthand:  Senior members of the administration of President Barack Obama made efforts to cripple President Trump's ability to govern via unconstitutional methods throughout the transition and even into the first three years of his term.  Zerlina Maxwell, opposite me on Sharpton's virtual set, characterized the term "Obamagate" as a racist talking point.  Those on the left who seek to diminish Obamagate should know that what they are doing is attempted censorship, an obvious effort to delegitimize the most legitimate of inquiries:  Did Obama or any of his senior team — in the White House, the FBI or Justice Department or any of the intelligence agencies, with or without his knowledge — act to sabotage Trump's assumption of power and effective administration of the executive branch?

Trump's Baptism Scene.  [Scroll down]  Let us remember that the fish always stinks from the head.  It now appears that this dishonorable cabal was led by Barack Obama and those who financed his own peculiar — indeed fishy — rise to power.  And those who participated in the crashingly failed attempts to destroy the Trump presidency — the Russian-collusion hoax, the Stormy Daniels hoax, the Ukraine hoax, the impeachment hoax, the leaking, the lying, the spying, and the media whores who to this day cover for Obama's many failures and scandals — including this one, Obamagate — are now on the threshold of paying the piper, so to speak.

Jesse Watters says Bill Barr has "smoking gun" docs on Obama's ties to Spygate.  Attorney General William Barr might have "smoking gun" documents on Obama's ties to Spygate.  Fox News was told by its sources that Barr has a trove of "smoking gun" documents implicating Barack Obama.  This information allegedly comes from Richard Grenell, the acting Intelligence Chief who "found" some very important documents.  He allegedly hand-delivered them to Barr.  Fox News' Jesse Watters says they are "smoking gun" docs tying Obama to Spygate.  Obama's people know what he wants and all he would have to do is give the proverbial wink and nod.  If this is true, don't count on Obama paying a price.  He likely has plausible deniability.

Dan Bongino Finds Out There's a Fourth Way the Government Can Spy on a Citizen.  [Scroll down]  The government is surveilling Kislyak.  They're receiving transcripts of his phone calls.  How do they know who he's speaking with?  FBI officials know Flynn would be vacationing in the Dominican Republic at the end of December.  It would be easy for Obama officials to identify a Kislyak call to the Dominican Republic.  How can Obama officials guarantee that Kislyak will call Flynn while he's there?  They might announce sanctions against Russians or they might expel 35 Russian diplomats and close two Russian compounds for interference in the 2016 presidential election.  Which is exactly what they did.  To be precise (and this distinction will become clear shortly), on December 28, Obama signed Executive Order #13757 which enacted sanctions on several Russians and Russian entities.  On the next day, December 29, 2016, Obama announced the closing of two Russian compounds and the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats.  Odd timing, is it not?  Why did they wait so long after Election Day?

Obama must testify about Flynn persecution and prosecution.  During the 2008 campaign, Obama promised to fundamentally transform our country.  This may be the one campaign promise he kept. [...] The Obama Gang lied and cheated to help Hillary Clinton win.  They tried to destroy the Trump presidency by concocting the Russia Hoax, including the framing and persecution and prosecution of General Flynn.  They tried to sabotage the transfer of power from Obama to President Trump.  The banana republics use tanks and soldiers to interfere in transfers of power.  The Obama Gang used FISA warrants based on the phony Steele dossier, the framing of General Flynn, the misconduct by Comey to leak memos to get his pal Mueller appointed to persecute and prosecute Trump friends and officials, and other misconduct.  When all failed, they impeached President Trump without any evidence as required by the Constitution.

Forget About Seeing Any Justice For Obamagate.  Allow me to disabuse you of your naïve delusion that we still live in a country with a justice system and break it to you that no one is going to jail for what was done to Flynn, or for the unmasking business, or for the Russia hoax or, for that matter, for any of the corrupt Dem/foreigner collaborations exemplified by the payoffs received by stripperphile and Bolivian folk medicine enthusiast Hoover Biden.  No one.  Well, maybe Mike Flynn himself will.  Since his judge is now making up the law as he goes along [...]

Bongino: How Obama Admin got the Kislyak call without a paper trail.  How did Obama spy on then-NSA Michael Flynn?  Dan Bongino wanted to know how he did it without leaving a paper trail.  Mr. Bongino couldn't figure it out, but then it came to him.  There is a way.  The facts are that the Obama administration listened in on General Flynn's phone calls or were getting transcripts.  Permission to do that comes in three ways:  from a criminal wiretap, a FISA warrant, or listening in on foreigners and if an American is caught up during that conversation, you can ask for the American to be unmasked.  Dan Bongino found a fourth way which leads right to Barack Obama.

Obamagate — How Obama administration apparently weaponized intel agencies for political attacks.  It is imperative to uncover the extent of the Obama administration's abuse of U.S. intelligence for political purposes.  This must include a full list of every American unmasked from intelligence reports — Trump aides, members of Congress, and ordinary Americans — and who made these requests.  It would be irresponsible for the intelligence community and Congress to turn a blind eye to this abuse simply because it happened years ago.  Wrongdoing by the Obama administration in this scandal — which President Trump has dubbed "Obamagate" — must be exposed to ensure such actions never take place again.

And By the Way, Obamagate Is Real and It's Spectacular.  The American mainstream media has expended great effort in the past two weeks to convince people that the scandal now known as Obamagate is either a diversion or a conspiracy theory, neither of which is true. [...] The reason that the scandal has come to be known as Obamagate is because if the allegations are true the stink is all over Obama himself.  Sure, he may revert to form and find someone to throw under the bus, but it looks as if he may not be able to completely deflect this time.  The Obama faithful are no doubt on psychological overload trying to remain in denial these days.  Thou shalt not speak ill of their Holy One, but — deep down inside — they all probably know that he isn't that holy.  This is the real problem for Democrats and their flying monkeys in the MSM.  The Obamagate story has really gotten in the way of the preferred progressive narrative, which is that every single thing about the coronavirus pandemic is President Trump's fault.

Unmasking the Illegalities of the Obama Administration.  [Scroll down]  Further, we now have documents indicating exactly how various Obama administration leaders who were supposed to be serving the American people were actually weaponizing for political purposes their agencies to spy on the incoming Trump personnel.  Just days ago, Gina Loudon recounted details on RealClear Politics about how acting director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has been cleaning up the Office of National Intelligence to strengthen and protect its transparency and accountability.  "Thanks to Grenell's efforts, Americans now know that the Obama administration abused its power during the 2016 campaign in order to illegally spy on Donald Trump's associates."  The sheer volume of requests during the Obama administration is indicative of how widespread the spying was.  For instance, United Nations ambassador Samantha Power was the "largest unmasker of US persons in our history."  She unmasked more than 300 U.S. citizens in less than a year!

Was Obama systematically spying on everyone who could threaten his legacy?  [Scroll down]  First, I am indebted to Mary Theroux, of the Independent Institute, who alerted me to the National Security Agency's collection and storage capacity.  Its Utah Data Center, completed in May 2019 at a cost of $1.5 billion, is located at Camp Williams, near Bluffdale, Utah.  The structure covers somewhere between 1 [and] 1.5 million square feet, with 100,000 square feet dedicated to the data center and the remainder for technical support and administration.  The Data Center's storage capacity is estimated to exceed exabytes, plural.  If you're wondering, a single exabyte is equal to one quintillion bytes (or 10 to the 18th power of bytes).  That's a lot of information.  Mary Theroux pointed out that there is no way that the U.S. can scan this information in real time.  That is, there's nothing in this massive database that will alert our intelligence agencies to a planned terrorist attack.  Instead, this database exists as a repository to hunt down information after the fact.  In that regard, it gives the government power that Lavrentiy Beria only dreamed about.  Lavrentiy Beria was the head of the secret police under Stalin.

We Don't Know How Close We Came to the Coup Succeeding.  [Scroll down]  I mean, it's almost incomprehensible the degree to which these people engaged in sedition.  This was a coup.  It was a nonmilitary coup.  It was an effort to thwart a duly constituted election, a fair election.  It was an effort to reverse the outcome.  And it consisted of a series of crimes piled on top of each other, fueled by lies.  It was an attempt to actually create crimes, to trap people into committing crimes where none had occurred.  One of the FBI's informants was a guy named Stefan Halper, and he's a former professor at Cambridge in the U.K., and he's best buddies with one of these erudite, sophisticated elitists that ran MI5 in the U.K. He tried to get hired by the Trump foreign policy team during the campaign.  Thankfully, he was rejected.  The sole reason that he wanted to get hired was to collude with Russians.  Stefan Halper hoped to be part of the Trump foreign policy advisory team, and I guarantee you if that has happened, he'd have been on the phone with people he knows in Russia, and those phone calls would have been wiretapped in cooperation with the FBI, and he would have been talking to Russians about Hillary's emails, whatever it took.It's amazing that didn't happen.  Because this is the kind of thing they were trying with any number of people, not just Stefan Halper.  They were trying to get people hired.

David Horowitz to Newsmax TV: Flynn Case 'Failed Coup D'etat'.  The case against Michael Flynn was a "failed coup d'etat" of President Donald Trump, noted conservative author David Horowitz told Newsmax TV on Friday [5/15/2020].  In an interview on "The Chris Salcedo Show," Horowitz decried the prosecution of the former general — and noted the Department of Justice's announcement it was dropping the criminal case against Flynn showed the underpinnings of it have now collapsed.  "That's a failed coup d'etat," Horowitz said.

The other secrets inside Grenell's satchel are the key to the biggest political scandal in US history.  That satchel that Acting DNI Ric Grenell personally delivered to the Department of Justice on May 7, 2020 was far too big for just a list of the 39 Obama administration officials, including his chief of staff and ambassador to Italy.  Those higher ups have been exposed as requesting the unmasking of General Flynn.  But there must have been a lot more inside, and that material was voluminous to require a briefcase-sized container, and that is the key to exposing the real extent of the spy operation that President Obama carried out on his political enemies, and the unmasking of General Michael Fynn is just the tip of the iceberg. [...] The key message is that for years the Obama administration was mining the incomparable database of the National Security Agency (NSA), which captured virtually all electronic communications — emails, text messages, everything — launched into the ether.  The potential for abuse is breathtaking.  Everything that political enemies said to each other, except in private in-person conversations or in snail mail letters, could have been spied upon.  And now it looks like staggering numbers of intercepts were monitored.

Beyond Biden, Brennan, and Clapper:  How Grenell's satchel tells us this is on the right track.  There's an understandable impatience and frustration from many with how long it's taking to see visible action from the Obamagate investigators.  We've been getting clues and "bombshells" for a long time now, and yet nothing concrete seems to happen.  What I'll briefly lay out here is the case that it's going to happen soon — it might be any day now — and we know that from the appearance of Grenell with the satchel at the Justice Department, along with a very few, easy-to-miss words of tweet in journalist Adam Housley's feed in the last 48 hours.  The clues are minimal, but if you know how to read them, you know that the investigators at DOJ and in the intel community have gone right where they needed to go, and they've hit the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  What will blow the whole thing wide open is simply this:  laying bare the nexus of the operation at the National Security Council staff.

Obamagate Is Not a Conspiracy Theory.  Those sharing #Obamagate hashtags on Twitter would do best to avoid the hysterics we saw from Russian-collusion believers, but they have no reason to ignore the mounting evidence that suggests the Obama administration engaged in serious corruption.  Democrats and their allies, who like to pretend that President Obama's only scandalous act was wearing a tan suit, are going spend the next few months gaslighting the public by focusing on the most feverish accusations against Obama.  But the fact is that we already have more compelling evidence that the Obama administration engaged in misconduct than we ever did for opening the Russian-collusion investigation.

We Now Know How Far Obama Was Willing to Go to Damage the Trump White House.  Obama is a dirty man.  It's becoming clearer by the day.  The collapse of the Trump-Russia collusion nonsense is exposing how the former president can smile at you whilst setting forth a plot to bring about your annihilation.  We shouldn't be shocked; he did sign off on Fast and Furious that got a Border Patrol agent killed.  Obama barely bat an eye.  The 2016 election was supposed to have Hillary Clinton making history.  Instead, she became a two-time presidential loser, whose only accomplishment was that she married Bill, who does have the political skill to win an election.  And there was a lot of dirty laundry lying around from the FBI's disastrous Russian collusion outing.  Obama wanted to make sure this investigation was protected, preferably hidden from the Trump team.  And then, the leaks began.  For over two years, Obama's orders led to a coordinated media leak campaign.  All of this, the entire Trump-Russia myth, was based on a shoddy opposition research document — the Steele dossier — which has been thoroughly debunked.

What Did Obama Know, and When Did He Know It?  What did President Obama know and when did he know it?  That famous formulation is emerging as the question in the wake of new disclosures in respect of a meeting that took place inside the Oval Office in the closing days of Mr. Obama's presidency.  The meeting included not only his national security adviser, Susan Rice, and the head of the FBI, James Comey, but also Vice President Biden, now the prospective Democratic nominee.  This is laid out in, among other places, a dispatch by Mollie Hemingway in the Federalist.  Ms. Hemingway reckons the meeting is turning out to be, as her headline puts it, "key" to the "entire anti-Trump operation" launched two weeks before the end of the Obama administration. [...] Ms. Hemingway presents a terrific timeline.  It starts on January 4, 2017, at a time when the FBI was scrambling, as the Federalist's scribe puts it, to reopen a case against General Flynn.  The January 5 meeting started as a briefing for the President and also included Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, the CIA director, John Brennan, and the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper.

Tucker explains the new revelations of Obamagate.  [Video clip]

Graham Announces 'In-Depth' Hearings on Obama Administration Abuse.  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham announced Thursday afternoon [5/14/2020] he will hold a series of "in-depth" hearings, starting in early June, on Crossfire Hurricane and other Obama administration abuses.  "Our first phase will deal with the government's decision to dismiss the Flynn case as well as an in-depth analysis of the unmasking requests made by Obama Administration officials against General Flynn.  We must determine if these requests were legitimate," Graham released in a statement.  "Our next area of inquiry, later this summer, will be oversight building upon the Horowitz report about FISA abuses against Carter Page.  My goal is to find out why and how the system got so off the rails."  "Finally, we will look at whether Robert Mueller should have ever been appointed as Special Counsel.  Was there legitimate reason to conclude the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russians?" he continued.

The Hoaxes Cry Out for Punishment.  If we are able to get all the facts about what actually happened in 2016 and 2017, this could very well be the biggest political scandal in American history.  What if the previous president and senior officials in his administration decided to use the power of the state to spy on and "take out" the incoming president and his administration?  And they did this on the basis of what?  Policy differences?  There was no Russia collusion or any collusion of any type.  Smart people knew that years ago.  This likely comes down to Obama and his administration trying to preserve their policy agenda, very specifically their terrible Iran nuclear deal; don't forget Obama fired General Flynn over Flynn's strong disagreement regarding the Iran deal and, of course, Trump's campaign promise to undo that deal.  It means, simply put, that the outgoing administration, unhappy with the election results, was trying to undo them.

The unmasking of Joe Biden.  As much of the media blindly pushed the Russian collusion story, a truly alarming story has unfolded in plain view: the use of national security power to investigate an opposing political party and opponents.  There is little question that the response by the media to such a story would have been overwhelming if George Bush and his administration had targeted Obama campaign figures with secret surveillance.  That story would have become all encompassing if it was learned that there was no direct evidence to justify the investigation and, ultimately, the underlying allegation of collusion was found to lack any credible basis.  However, the motivations and means of Obama officials are not to be questioned, apparently.  Indeed, when candidate Donald Trump claimed the Obama administration was putting his campaign under surveillance, the media universally mocked him.  It was later proven to be true.  The Obama administration used the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court to conduct surveillance of Trump campaign officials.  The FBI even falsified key evidence to continue that surveillance.

The scale to which Obama's team spied on his successor should be focus of 'unmasking'.  The presumptive Democratic candidate for President Joe Biden heads a list of more than a dozen Obama officials who spied on Donald Trump's ex-national security advisor Michael Flynn.  Others senior officials include Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and UN ambassador Samantha Power.  A list declassified Tuesday by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grennel shows that Biden and others asked to have Flynn's name "unmasked" in transcripts of US intelligence intercepts of foreign officials.  The names of US persons or entities incidentally collected by such intercepts are minimized to protect the privacy rights of Americans.  Unmasking identities is not in itself not illegal, nor even necessarily improper.  Occasionally US policymakers will ask to unmask a US person to better understand the nature of the intelligence before them.  Obama officials, however, gorged themselves like children at a candy store.

'Obamagate' Isn't A Conspiracy Theory, It's The Biggest Political Scandal Of Our Time.  A string of recently released documents have confirmed that the entire Russia-Trump investigation, which eventually entrapped Flynn and forced then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself, was an unprecedented abuse of power that amounted to organized effort by the Obama administration to nullify the results of the 2016 presidential election.  It was in effect an attempted coup.  If you haven't picked that up from the news media, it's not your fault.  Instead of grappling with the implications of newly released details about what Obama officials were doing to undermine the incoming Trump administration during the transition, the mainstream media have fixated on Trump's use of the term "Obamagate," dismissing it as a conspiracy theory.

Rand Paul:  Biden 'Caught Red-Handed' Using Govt.  Spy Powers Against 'Political Opponent'.  Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) reacted Wednesday [5/13/2020] to former Vice President Joe Biden being one of several top Obama officials who may have received intelligence from unmasking requests targeting former Trump national security advisor Mike Flynn — according to newly-declassified documents by acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell — stating that the presumptive Democrat nominee was "caught red-handed" using U.S. spy powers to "go after a political opponent."

Obamagate Smashes the Media Myth Of A 'Scandal-Free' Administration.  Despite its many policy failures and foreign affairs disasters, the Obama administration always escaped serious criticism in the media because, we were told, there were no serious scandals during his two terms in office.  As just-released documents show, President Barack Obama himself was neck-deep in the silent coup attempt by top U.S. officials at the FBI, Justice Department and CIA.  Another media myth, generated by left-leaning journalists to prop up their favorite politician, bites the dust.  How do we know?  #ObamaGate is now trending on Twitter, a sure sign of spreading interest in the scandal.

Obama's Coup Attempt.  [Scroll down]  What they did is a felony that must be punished.  And they did it with Obama's knowledge and consent.  We know Obama was calling the shots.  We knew it from the text messages between disgraced FBI agents and lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page saying that POTUS wanted to know everything they were doing.  This matter began as a supposed counterintelligence investigation and such investigations are always conducted for the benefit of and with the approval of the President of the United States. [...] This was nothing less than an attempted coup under Obama's auspices, sedition against the government of the United States by officials and a President sworn to uphold the Constitution.  The sheer volume of unmasking requests by people such as Samantha Power who have no legitimate reason to make such requests speaks volumes about their political purpose.

Nixon's Shenanigans vs.  Obama's Shenanigans.  After the end of the Obama administration "someone" was interested in continuing anti-Trump operations.  Whether that was a defensive operation, to protect the guilty that had used the government to spy without proper "predicates," or an offensive operation to destroy the Trump administration, I leave you to decide.  What to do?  Set up an extra-governmental lawfare operation?  Lean on "political friends" in the right places?  Dear me, no!  The very people who ran the anti-Trump operation in the FBI and DoJ during 2016 continued to spy and harass for years the Trump administration from inside the government.

Grennell's latest declassification a strong hint that Obamagate prosecution will include spying on Trump campaign.  The true scope of the Obama administration's abuse of federal law enforcement and national security organs to spy on political enemies is going to come out as part of the Durham investigation.  That's the implication of a move by Interim Director of National Intelligence Ric Grennell late yesterday [5/11/2020].

Trump's Obamagate tweets promise the beginning of the end for Obama.  While the media continue to be obsessed by the New York virus, which they believe is the cudgel they need to destroy Trump's reelection chances, Trump is signaling the end of the three-year drama that was the Russia Hoax, from its first appearance in January 2017, all the way through a frustrated Robert Mueller's inability to find a smidgen of evidence showing that Trump or anyone else on his team had colluded with Russia to win the election.  All the while, Trump's supporters, and those who are not Trump's supporters but who still believe in the rule of law, having been waiting for the other shoe to drop.  The other shoe, of course, is to expose those who tried to steal an election and then wage a coup against a duly elected president.  It would be even better to have those people arrested (preferably at 3 a.m., by a huge FBI team, with cameras rolling), tried, and imprisoned, but that may be a hope too great.

A Time to Hate.  [Scroll down]  I hate that Donald Trump never was given a chance to be president of the United States for even one day's honeymoon.  I hate that, long before he won the presidency — fair and square — corrupt crooks and criminals in the United States Department of Justice, its Federal Bureau of Investigation, were actively plotting to take him down.  I hate that there are so few outlets in the media that give voice to condemn the criminality and corruption that broke every accepted societal norm by which we play the game.  I hate that Obama was in on it, yet continues to pontificate on what is just and on what threatens freedom.  I hate that they all keep getting away with it.  Every single one of them gets away with it.  There is absolutely no price to be paid on the left for perjury, for conspiracy to overturn a legitimate election, for treason.

Will There Be an Obamagate Reckoning?  You Betcha!.  Spygate has a new name under the trending Twitter hashtag #ObamaGate.  It is being revealed to the public in a slow but systematic fashion, a treasonous plot to undermine a presidential election and subsequent presidency. [...] It seems that the Obama administration was spying not only on candidate Donald Trump, but a host of other political opponents using NSA "about" queries.  These unauthorized searches of the NSA's database of all electronic communications numbered in the thousands and were carried out by intelligence "contractors" until NSA director Admiral Mike Rogers shut it all down.  Conservative Treehouse has a detailed description and timeline of this nefarious activity.  Failing to prevent the election of the inevitable Hillary Clinton, Obama and his goon squad set out to destroy Trump's presidency.  One might call this a "seditious conspiracy," which 18 U.S. Code § 2384 describes, "If two or more persons in any State or Territory ... conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States."

Why Did Obama Tell The FBI To Hide Its Activities From The Trump Administration?  In 1980, a teenage Amy Carter left a burnt cake in the oven of the White House's family quarters in a reflex of childish revenge for her father's landslide loss to Ronald Reagan.  In 2017, Barack Obama and Joe Biden avenged Donald Trump's surprise victory over Hillary Clinton by leaving what they claim was a Russian agent in the West Wing.  That conclusion inevitably follows if one accepts as credible the FBI's supposed predicates for launching the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into the Trump campaign and the four related probes into George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn.

Donald Trump Signals 'Obamagate' Investigation: 'He Got Caught'.  President Donald Trump on Sunday [5/10/2020] repeatedly challenged former President Barack Obama for investigating him and his winning campaign before leaving office.  The president shared several messages on Twitter that criticized the ex-president.

Obama Knew Everything.  Don't kid yourselves otherwise, folks:  Obama knew everything that was happening in his administration.  If you think Brennan and Comey and Strzok and McCabe and Priestap and Page and Baker and Rice and Lynch and all the other participants in the FBI/DOJ Coup Cabal just took it upon themselves to a) cover up the Hillary Clinton email scandal, b) attempt to rig the 2016 general election, c) mount an illegal spying effort on members of the Trump campaign, d) continue that illegal spying effort on the Trump transition team, e) defraud the FISA court in the process, f) entrap and frame General Mike Flynn, g) attempt to entrap and frame President Donald Trump himself, and g) invent a false rationale for the appointment of a special counsel whose job was really to mount a coup d'etat on U.S. soil, and hid all of that from Barack Hussein Obama His Own Self, then you are terribly naive and most likely intentionally uninformed.

Team Obama wants back in.  Events are moving quickly, converging on the subterfuge and subversion by Team Obama.  Team Obama was behind the Flynn set up.  Obama was in on it, and so were others.  How deep Obama's own hands go into the spying on the Trump transition remains to be seen, but Obama's staged "leak" criticizing DOJ is a tell.  As Mollie Hemingway points out, Obama is worried because Obama and Biden were in on a crucial January 5, 2017, meeting.  Flynn is the tip of the iceberg, spygate is now trending on Twitter as #Obamagate.  Team Obama also was behind the Russia collusion media frenzy and fraud, and the soft coup d'etat.  Obama's senior advisors and officials regularly were telling the American people that there was unspecified information they knew from their days in Obama's administration showing that there was evidence of collusion.  They all lied, or at least misled.

A Key Obama Meeting Was Held to Ensure FBI Russia Collusion Probe Wasn't Discovered by the Trump Administration.  [Scroll down]  That January 5 meeting appears to be critical, as Obama also gave his marching orders.  Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist has a lengthy post detailing the meeting, the ensuing timelines, and how all the stars aligned to what Barry wanted.  He wanted to make sure the incoming Trump administration didn't find out about the FBI's counterintelligence probe into Russian collusion.  With that mindset, Obama officials soon weaponized the Russia collusion nonsense to inflict damage on the new Trump White House.  Remember, Obama and most of the Democratic establishment thought Hillary was going to win.  Obama administration officials thought so as well, as did the intelligence apparatus probably.  They thought this could be swept under the rug once Hillary was sworn-in, washed away as if it never happened.

'Scandal Free' Obama Strikes Again.  It's one of the biggest lies in leftist media and insider Washington politics:  President Obama left the White House after eight years without a single scandal.  "We didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us," Obama said during a private event in 2018, which was then repeated by his adoring allies.  This is blatantly untrue and new information about the FBI's unsubstantiated criminal investigation into General Michael Flynn proves Obama was engaged in scandalous abuses of power right up until the moment he left the presidency.  On January 5, 2017, Obama had one of his final meetings with Vice President Joe Biden, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James Comey.  Each had been actively involved in helping the FBI investigate the Trump campaign through Crossfire Hurricane.

Reckoning: What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?  When one writes a regular opinion column, one is often faced with multiple major stories in the news that deserve further analysis and context that inspire thought and even passion from one's readers.  Today, those of us in this noble trade are faced with a serious quandary:  Where to begin?
  •   Do we celebrate the partial justice delivered to American patriot Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as the Justice Department properly withdrew criminal charges against him?
  •   Do we focus on the nefarious actions of the Comey FBI and Lynch Justice Department under Barack Obama that led to the vengeful vendetta against the general?
  •   Do we discuss the duplicity and corruption of the Mueller investigators in using the FBI's dirty work to threaten Flynn's family and basically coerce a false guilty plea from him? [...]

Judicial Watch:  Barr now needs to go after Obama.  The man pulling all of the strings.  [Video clip]

James Comey Begs Remaining DOJ Resistance Operatives to Continue Efforts to Shield the "Small Group".  "Please stay" is a cry from the SMALL GROUP plotters to remind their internal allies, running shield and defense, that Lawfare needs them to continue the resistance.  The key person they need to keep on their team is DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.  The remarkable thing about this, inferring a certain amount of narrative desperation, is that James Comey would send such a message so publicly.  The small group is really, really, counting on the latest development, where President Obama is getting pulled closer into their plot, to save themselves from potential legal trouble.

Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show.  President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn's intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government's motion to dismiss the Flynn case.  Obama's unexpectedly intimate knowledge of the details of Flynn's calls, which the FBI acknowledged at the time were not criminal or even improper, raised eyebrows because of his own history with Flynn — and because top FBI officials secretly discussed whether their goal was to "get [Flynn] fired" when they interviewed him in the White House on January 24, 2017.

Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation.  Information released in the Justice Department's motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House.  It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration's utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.  "President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia," National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote in an unusual email to herself about the meeting that was also attended by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, FBI Director James Comey, and Vice President Joe Biden.

Kellyanne Conway Drops a Bomb — Implicates Obama in Oval Office Scheme to Destroy Trump.  Former Trump campaign manager and current Consultant to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, joined America's Newsroom on Friday morning to discuss the recent allegations against the Obama administration and their active spying on the Trump Campaign and Transition Team for political reasons.  It is now clear that the Obama administration went after General Michael Flynn for over a year before the 2016 election and was spying on the Trump campaign for months to gain a political advantage.  The mainstream media to this day continues to ignore or downplay this biggest political scandal in US history.

Additional 11-Pages of FBI Documents Unsealed — Biggest Surprise:  President Obama Implicated.  This afternoon [4/30/2020] Judge Emmet Sullivan unsealed an additional 11-pages of documents showing more background information about how the FBI was targeting former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn. [...] The release today is even more revealing than the handwritten notes released last night; and specifically President Obama's "by the book" statement on January 5, 2017, takes on an entirely new light.  They may not realize it yet, but this release implicates Obama.

Open Letter to Attorney General Bill Barr — "We The People" Already Know.  Dear Attorney General Barr, Former HPSCI Chairman, and current HPSCI ranking member, Devin Nunes appears on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss several matters of importance.  One of the critical topics touched is the ongoing investigations of Obama era intelligence and political surveillance via the DOJ-NSD FBI, CIA, DNI and State Dept.  Representative Nunes hits the key point when he highlights current redactions and current decisions to classify ongoing investigative documents.  It is critically important to accept this reality.  There are current intelligence officers and career officials in place hiding material by labeling evidence as classified.  A recent example was the December 9, 2019, inspector general report about the manipulation of FISA.

Even The Manipulated Senate Intel Report Can't Hide FBI Spies And Lies.  On April 21, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a report on its review of the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) drafted for President Barack Obama on Russia's interference in the 2016 election.  Corporate media immediately touted the Republican-controlled committee's finding that "the ICA presents a coherent and well-constructed intelligence basis for the case of unprecedented Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election," including by hacking Democratic National Committee emails, as vindication of the intelligence communities' handling of all things Russia.  But a close reading of the report — or at least those portions of the report that could be read — instead cements the reality that the FBI intentionally snowed the FISA court to spy on Donald Trump.

Hillary, Comey And Brennan Must Face Justice For Deep-State Spying On Trump.  The media have been saturated with coronavirus news for weeks now, with literally hundreds of stories each day about the pandemic.  But while you're quarantined and self-distancing yourself from the dreaded COVID-19 virus, you might not have noticed something big: the investigation into the Russian spygate fiasco is coming to a head.  As the old saying goes, the wheels of justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly fine.  Some time after our nation reopens for business in a few weeks, the wheels will turn when the Durham report on the Russian collusion case will be released and hit the front pages.  If recent revelations are any indication, it will be a blockbuster, potentially leading to indictments of former senior intelligence and justice officials.

Hillary, Comey And Brennan Must Face Justice For Deep-State Spying On Trump.  The media have been saturated with coronavirus news for weeks now, with literally hundreds of stories each day about the pandemic.  But while you're quarantined and self-distancing yourself from the dreaded COVID-19 virus, you might not have noticed something big: the investigation into the Russian spygate fiasco is coming to a head.  As the old saying goes, the wheels of justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly fine.  Some time after our nation reopens for business in a few weeks, the wheels will turn when the Durham report on the Russian collusion case will be released and hit the front pages.  If recent revelations are any indication, it will be a blockbuster, potentially leading to indictments of former senior intelligence and justice officials.

Horowitz report is enough to make J. Edgar Hoover blush.  We now know that the wildest conspiracy theorists of the past three years were only wrong in that they were not cynical enough — they didn't allow their imaginations to run wild enough — in describing the international conspiracy to bring down a duly-elected president.  Orchestrated from the highest levels of the Department of Justice, the FBI knowingly used disinformation from a foreign adversary — paid for by political operatives running a partisan campaign in an ongoing U.S. election — to unleash America's most powerful and sprawling espionage apparatus against political enemies of a sitting administration.  Think about it.  This is infinitely worse than Watergate.  These are abuses so much more brazen and dangerous than anything from Hoover, the infamous longtime director of ... ahem ... the FBI.   We now know that FBI agents — operating at the behest of powerful appointees of the Obama administration — deliberately doctored foreign intelligence to obtain secret warrants to spy on an active political campaign for president.

A Common Misconception About The Origin of Spygate — Political Surveillance In The Era of President Obama.  During the time-frame of December 2015 through April 2016 the NSA database was being exploited by contractors within the intelligence community doing unauthorized searches.  On March 9, 2016, oversight personnel doing a review of FBI system access were alerted to thousands of unauthorized search queries of specific U.S. persons within the NSA database.  NSA Director Mike Rogers was made aware. [...] When you compile the timeline with the people involved; and the specific wording of the resulting review, which was then delivered to the FISA court; and overlay the activity that was taking place in the GOP primary; what we discover is a process where the metadata collected by the NSA was being searched for political opposition research and surveillance.  Additionally, tens-of-thousands of searches were identified by the FISA court as likely extending much further than the compliance review period: [...]

Biden's Running Mate Has Been Picked For Him.  Last Friday [4/10/2020], a new collection of Justice Department documents was released and confirms officials knowingly used fake "intelligence" against the Trump campaign in 2016 to obtain a FISA warrant to begin spying on Team Trump internally.  As former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy explained to me, Attorney General Barr can make a credible case that candidate Donald Trump's civil rights were violated when Obama-era government authorities willfully misused their powers to derail a constitutionally protected campaign as well as infringe upon Trump supporters' rights in casting their votes.  If the general public were ever to be armed with honest and unfiltered facts about what happened to Donald Trump and his campaign in 2016 at the hands of the Obama administration, the entirety of the former president's eight-year legacy and all those associated with him would be burned to the ground.  Especially his China-friendly vice president.

AG Barr offers big reveals on Spygate prosecutions.  I know that a lot of people are skeptical that justice ever will be done in Spygate, the attempted sabotage of a presidential campaign and presidency by a leadership cabal within the intelligence apparatus of the United States. [...] William Barr chooses his words very carefully and is systematic (among the traits that made him a super-lawyer), so it is always worthwhile examining them closely and putting things together.  Fortunately, two knowledgeable observers have offered exegeses today that are worth reading.

Bill Barr:  "Without Any Basis".  Here are what I think are the important points we can take from what Barr said.  First of all, it seems apparent that the Durham investigation has completed most of its evidence gathering — whether documentary or through interviews.  That doesn't mean the investigation is finished.  There is also the question of putting together a prosecutive case, and that will probably involve complicated negotiations with the lawyers for the persons being investigated.  That, in turn, could lead to further substantive investigation.  But the bottom line is that at this point Barr appears confident that he knows what happened and, most likely, who was behind it.  As Barr says, this is a "sprawling" case.

The FISA Scandal Is about Corruption, Not 'Sloppiness'.  Consider this scenario:  A federal lawyer is filling out applications requesting FISA warrants to spy on American citizens who work for a major presidential campaign to determine whether the campaign staffers are collaborating with a foreign power to steal the presidency of the United States.  They must know that such a conspiracy, should it be exposed, would be the most explosive in the history of the nation — towering over the piddling criminality of Watergate or the Teapot Dome scandal.  And any genuine effort to ferret out criminality and sedition within one of the nation's major parties — perhaps going a high as the future president himself — would be supported by unimpeachable underlying evidence and undertaken with abundant care and meticulous oversight.  So what are the chances that a good-faith investigation would botch nearly every request to spy on the campaign when the FISA court is already signing off on over 99 percent of applications?

John Solomon Cracks Open the UK Door to Spygate.  John Solomon is the editor-in-chief of a new media outlet, JustTheNews, which is aimed at providing straight news without the biased commentary that has overcome the legacy media/corporate media over the past few years.  That's actually what we desperately need, as the legacy media have disgraced themselves with their incessant anti-Trump vitriol and have failed in their constitutional responsibility to operate as an "independent press" free of allegiances and obligations to special interests.  He is also a Fox News contributor and a regular on Sean Hannity's program.  He continues to break news on FISAgate, Spygate, and related topics on a regular basis, including this piece that included new information on the UK angle of Spygate, about which there has been a sprinkling of information and speculation over the past couple of years.

Spygate Could Make Watergate Look Like A Third-Rate Burglary.  The Spygate scandal is shaping up to be the most significant political abuse of government power in history.  And it may be even larger than people expect.  The investigation by U.S. Attorney John Durham into the origins of the FBI's Russian collusion investigation — or as President Trump prefers to call it, the witch hunt — continues to expand.  Durham reportedly opened criminal investigations last fall.  And unlike the narrow Justice Department Inspector General's review of the abuse of the FISA process, Durham is looking into the questionable activities of other government agencies, in particular the CIA and its former director John Brennan.  The widening scope involves not only the agencies being investigated, but who was being targeted and why.  Earlier last week Sharyl Attkisson reported that, based on her sources in the intelligence and law enforcement communities, the authorizations to spy on Trump functionaries such as Carter Page or former campaign manager Paul Manafort were actually pretexts for a much more expansive web of surveillance that could include anyone in contact with Page, or even anyone twice removed from the ostensible target.  Hence, thousands of people could have been unknowingly caught up in the Spygate web and are still unaware that their privacy had been violated under the severely compromised FISA process.

DOJ Political Surveillance — From the IRS in 2011 to the FISA Court in 2016.  An assembly of government reports and public records now indicates a political exploitation of the NSA database, for weaponized intelligence surveillance of politicians, began mid 2012.  After an initial attempt to exploit IRS records, the legal tool used to access the NSA database was the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA.  With research files on the '15, '16 and '17 political surveillance program; including information from the Mueller report and information from the IG Horowitz report; in combination with the Obama-era DOJ "secret research project" (their words, not mine); we are able to overlay the Obama-era domestic IC operations & gain a full understanding of how political surveillance was conducted over a period of four to six years.

Ex-FBI unit chief blows whistle on Comey, McCabe over warrantless spying.  The FBI agent who ran the bureau's warrantless spying program said Wednesday [2/26/2020] he warned ex-Director James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe that the program was a useless waste of taxpayer money that needlessly infringed Americans' civil liberties but his bosses refused to take action.  Retired Special Agent Bassem Youssef ran the FBI's Communications Analysis Unit from late 2004 until his retirement in late 2014.  He told Just the News he fears the deeply flawed program, which was started in response to the Sept. 11 attacks, was allowed to keep going to give Americans a false sense of security in the war on terror and possibly to enable inappropriate spying, such as that which targeted President Trump's 2016 campaign.

GOP Rep. Nunes believes FBI probe into Trump campaign began in late 2015, not 2016.  The FBI began looking into the Trump presidential campaign before the agency's publicly stated July 31, 2016, start date, says Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  "I believe it started in 2015, but there's no question that it started in early 2016," Nunes said on the latest episode of the "John Solomon Reports" podcast.  The California lawmaker said he's "highly confident" that the federal probe into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 White House race began in late 2015.

The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this scandal is worse than Watergate by orders of magnitude.  People active on the federal payroll conspired to attempt the overthrow of the Trump administration before Trump had even taken office.  The infamous "Steele dossier" was commissioned by a company called Fusion GPS, hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Donald Trump and call it opposition research.  Literally, a couple of guys getting drunk in a bar made up a bunch of absurd, salacious nonsense [...] that only a mindless twit would ever believe.  Fortunately, the conspirators could count on John McCain to get a copy of this farcical "research" document and pass it along to James Comey at the FBI, who was more than happy to knowingly receive utter garbage in the form of uncorroborated opposition research from a political campaign and then turn around and use it as the foundation to spy on President-Elect Donald Trump.

Dershowitz: I Have Proof Obama Ordered FBI Investigation At Request Of George Soros.  Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz revealed in an interview on Sunday that he has proof that former Democrat President Barack Obama ordered the FBI to investigate someone after far-left billionaire George Soros asked for the investigation.  Dershowitz's remarks come after critics have attacked President Donald Trump for tweeting about matters related to the Department of Justice, which led to Attorney General William Barr publicly asking the president to stop last week.  "There was a lot of White House control of the Justice Department during the Kennedy administration and I don't think we saw very many liberal professors arguing against that," Dershowitz told Breitbart News.  "I have some information as well about the Obama administration — which will be disclosed in a lawsuit at some point, but I'm not prepared to disclose it now — about how President Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of George Soros, who was a close ally of his."

The Once and Future Scandal.  The litany of these systematic abuses constitutes the greatest scandal in American history.  The FBI and the Justice Department deliberately misled Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges to spy on an American citizen as a way to monitor others in the Trump campaign.  That crime is a charitable interpretation of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report, given that supposedly intelligent federal judges were told that the evidence for such state espionage was based on the "opposition research" of the 2016 campaign.  And yet apparently in see-no-evil, hear-no-evil fashion, not one of the squishy judges ever asked the U.S. government, who exactly had paid for the Steele Dossier and why?  After all, who was the "opposition" to Trump in late 2016?  Top Obama officials, such as Samantha Power and Susan Rice, in a panic over the Trump candidacy and then victory, requested the unmasking of scores of redacted names of those surveilled by intelligence agencies.  Some of those names mysteriously, but certainly illegally, were leaked to the media with the intent of defaming them.

Things I have learned from genuine, honest journalists and other Democrats.  As I have gotten older, I have been enlightened about so many things from honest, genuine, conscience-driven journalists and other Democrats.  Of course, to accept what I have learned, I had to check my common sense at the door. [...] I've learned that it is OK for the Obama Administration, including the Justice Department, State Department and intelligence agencies to spy on citizens, lie to the courts and infiltrate political opponents' campaigns.  I thought meddling in elections was bad, but I guess not if you are targeting people the media and other Democrats want to defeat.

Too Big To Jail?  According to reports late last year U.S. Attorney John Durham and U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr were spending time on a narrowed focus looking carefully at CIA activity in the 2016 presidential election. [...] In addition, and as a direct outcome, there is an aspect to the CIA operation that overlaps with both a U.S. and U.K. need to keep Wikileaks founder Julian Assange under tight control.  In this outline we will explain where corrupt U.S. and U.K. interests merge.

Disturbing New Report Reveals FBI Had Multiple Informants In Trump's Presidential Campaign.  A disturbing new report has just come out that confirms the FBI had multiple informants in Donald Trump's presidential campaign back in 2016.  These informants were in the campaign both during the election and afterwards, when Trump was transitioning into the White House.  One of the informants was reportedly someone who was in direct contact with Trump, and was used by the FBI to "obtain insight into the incoming Trump administration," according to Breitbart News.  Another source volunteered to provide the FBI with various documents related to Trump.  A third source was described as a Trump "supporter," while a fourth held an official position in Trump's campaign.

Revealed: FBI Had Multiple Informants on Trump Campaign.  The FBI team investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election cultivated and maintained numerous sources close to Donald Trump during the election and the transition period when Trump was entering the White House.  The FBI sources include one person who was in direct contact with Trump and who was utilized by one FBI agent to, "obtain insight into the incoming Trump administration."  Another source was described as voluntarily providing the FBI team probing Trump with large volumes of documents.

Our Long National Nightmare Is Over.  For a long time now, the Democrats have used their hysterical attacks on President Trump to deflect attention from the real scandal — the misuse of the Obama administration's Department of Justice, FBI and CIA to spy on, and plot against, the Trump presidential campaign and, subsequently, his administration.  This is the biggest political scandal in American history, and the Democrats, with the Russia hoax, Ukraine and impeachment now a spent force, are naked, so to speak.  One can only imagine with what anxiety they are awaiting the findings of John Durham's investigation and any criminal indictments that may accompany them.

Codes of Conduct From the Swamp.  [A]pparently our country's intelligence community was out to put the clamps on Mr. Trump even before he was elected.  Slowly we are finding out that, for instance, FISA warrants included warrants that were illegal.  We are finding out that these agencies were eavesdropping on Trump and his aides.  Conservatives always defended the CIA and FBI against career civil libertarians.  Now we are finding out that these agencies were used against President Trump and his people.  What did the Trumpians do to antagonize the intelligence community?  Do the heads of these agencies really think that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin?  I have not seen the evidence.  A two-year investigation conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller could not find the evidence either.  So let us come up with the evidence that will convince Americans that, as John Brennan, formerly of the CIA, has said, Trump's behavior was "treasonous."  Treasonous?  The evidence?

IG Report Proves Obama Administration Spied On Trump Campaign Big Time.  Last week, President Trump triggered the left when he tweeted a Photoshopped picture that portrayed former President Barack Obama perched midair outside Trump Tower, binoculars and listening device in hand.  The liberal outlet Vox condemned the president for his "increasingly bad tweets," before declaring "there's no evidence the Obama administration spied on Trump."  Vox then regurgitated the false narrative that, while the FBI did surveil former Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page, "that didn't happen until after Page left the campaign."  For years, conservatives tried to correct the record, noting that a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) order gave the government access to Page's past emails and other electronic communications with members of the Trump campaign, but the mainstream media ignored this reality.  That the liberal and legacy press continue to push this narrative now, following the release of Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on FISA abuse, is beyond baffling, because the IG report established that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign, and the spying was much worse than previously thought.

The FBI Scandal.  [Scroll down]  Obama did not tap Trump's phones.  But his FBI did spy on Trump's campaign.  That fact is no longer in dispute.  The question is whether the FBI was justified in treating the Trump campaign itself as a suspect in this crime against the 2016 election.  The answer is messy.  A comprehensive survey of all available information about the matter shows there were grounds in the summer of 2016 for American intelligence and law-enforcement officials at the FBI to turn their attention to the peculiar behavior of some Trump campaign advisers.  But as the bureau learned more about them, it should have reassessed its theory of the case.  Indeed, it was obliged to do so — by law, and custom, and elementary standards of fairness.  Instead, the FBI relied on lurid, sketchy, and sleazy opposition research generated by former British spy Christopher Steele — information so spurious that even liberal news organizations briefed on the so-called Steele dossier before the 2016 election wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole.

Fake Investigations — Designed To Fool You.  The dirty cops are so confident in their ability to deceive the public that they just announced that the FISA court reforms will be managed by David Kris.  Kris has been a defender of FBI misconduct and he attacked Devin Nunes for telling the truth about the FISA court.  They don't even care about the appearance of fairness.  They do what they want.  IG investigations have proven to be flimsy exonerations of Deep State criminality.  Any honest observer can see that there was a carefully organized plan by top officials to control the outcome of the Presidential election.  This corrupt plan involved lying to the FISA court, illegal surveillance and unmasking of citizens and conspiring with media partners to make sure lies were widely circulated to voters.  The government conspirators and the majority of the media were functioning as nothing more than a branch of Hillary's campaign.  That's a lot of power aimed at destroying Trump.  To an IG investigator, this monumental scandal was presented to us as nothing to be very concerned about.

The IG Report Documentary:  "FISA and Spying on Team Trump" — OAN Broadcast.  Few people have read the entire inspector general report on the FBI's FISA misconduct, and fewer still have an understanding of the depth of troubling findings within it.  In an effort to provide information about the content, John Spiropoulos has produced a documentary going over many of the reports' more important findings.  The exceptionally well produced documentary called "FISA, Spying on Team Trump" is an hour long broadcast created by John Spiropoulos, a former MSM journalist and producer for Channel 7 in Washington DC (1979-1989).  John spent a month going through every page of the report, pulling out some of the key details and overlaying information from IG Michael Horowitz congressional testimony.

FISA Court Selecting Surveillance State Advocate, David Kris, Shouldn't Be a Surprise.  In the second half of Devin Nunes interview with Maria Bartiromo today he was asked his thoughts about the FISA Court selecting David Kris as an FBI surveillance and compliance monitor.  The issue is quite important because the FBI FISA reforms and promises are essentially meaningless without some form of structural review process.  However, the new 2020 FISC Presiding Judge James Boasberg selecting David Kris has been noted by several people as a rather weak effort on behalf of the court.

FISA Court judge signals cover-up underway with outrageous appointment of lefty Lawfare blogger to oversee 'reform'.  If you are 100% certain that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, then you will be delighted by the appointment of David Kris to oversee a review of the FBI's practices in seeking FISA Court approval of its applications to spy on American citizens.  The rest of us must conclude that the fix, once again, as so often with the Deep State, is in.  David Kris is the last person in the world to fairly investigate mis- and malfeasance in the safeguarding of the rights of citizens when secret courts are asked to approve secret spying on them.  Mollie Hemingway calls him a "FISA abuse denier." [...] So what kind of federal judge would appoint such a partisan hack to "spit in the face" of President Trump?  You might well guess that the judge in question is an Obama appointee.

Spy Court Picks FISA Abuse Denier To Tackle FISA Abuse.  The nation's top spy court appointed an Obama-era Justice Department official who has denied and downplayed FBI surveillance abuse to assess the FBI's response to a scathing new report cataloguing problems with how the agency secured authority to spy on a Donald Trump campaign affiliate.  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) presiding Judge James Boasberg appointed David Kris to review the FBI's proposed changes to its surveillance application process even though he spent the past few years running interference for the FBI as substantive criticism of the agency mounted.

Intelligence Community's Inspector General Is the Link Between FISAgate and Impeachment.  As impeachment remains stalled for now, Democrats in the House of Representatives still refuse to release the closed-door testimony of a key witness in the concocted drama:  Michael Atkinson, the inspector general for the intelligence community.  Atkinson, you may recall, launched the impeachment saga when he determined that the accusations by the "whistleblower" about Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president last summer were so alarming as to deem the complaint a matter of "urgent concern."  (It wasn't.)  Atkinson sent two letters to the House Intelligence Committee demanding immediate attention to the bogus complaint.  "I have not been authorized to disclose . . . basic information to you, in addition to the important information provided by the Complainant that is also being kept from the congressional intelligence committees," Atkinson warned September 17, a week after the U.S. aid had been released to Ukraine.  As part of his impeachment charade, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) interviewed Atkinson in his secret lair; it is the only transcript out of 18 that Schiff won't make public.

3 Times The IG Report Suggests Spygate Is Worse Than We Thought.  The inspector general's report on FISA abuse revealed significant, systemic malfeasance by the FBI.  But as bad as the IG's findings were, the details included in last month's 478-page report suggest worse is coming when U.S. Attorney John Durham concludes his investigation into the Russia collusion hoax.  Three aspects of the IG's report foreshadow the possibility that more revelations of misconduct are yet to come, implicating other parts of the U.S. intelligence community and possibly those of our supposed allies.

Spygate One Year Later.  Recorded August 16, 2019 as part of the Men's Club program at the Chautauqua Institution featuring attorneys Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing, Paul Anthony was the moderator.  [Video clip]

Joe DiGenova Blasts 'Corrupt' Obama Officials:  Brennan and Comey Were 'Coup Leaders'.  Former US Attorney Joe diGenova blasted the corrupt Obama administration and its 'coup leaders' who were involved in Spygate.  DiGenova told OAN's John Hines that former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan led the coup attempt to oust President Trump from office.  The former US Attorney said Obama knew exactly what Comey, Brennan and other "corrupt" officials were doing during the 2016 election.

Pelosi is Trump's secret weapon.  [Scroll down]  A bigger problem though is Democrats have not gotten over 2016. Obama failed them by refusing to have a peaceful transition of power.  He lied and spied on President Donald John Trump and encouraged resistance by federal employees.  Remember, Chuck Schumer told Rachel Maddow 17 days before the inauguration, "Let me tell you:  You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."  President Donald John Trump weathered a storm by America's spies and FBI — with the media siding with the seditious mutineers.  But their anger and their hate provide President Donald John Trump the tools he needs to prevail.

Sen. Graham: 'I Want to Know How Far Up the Chain' the Trump-Russia Investigation Went.  "The Horowitz report is the first step in a long journey regarding FISA abuse," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told "Sunday Morning Futures."  He called it a "great start" that the FISA Court rebuked the FBI for its misleading warrant application: [...]

The Era of 'Good' Fascism?  It is now clear that the top hierarchy of the FBI under James Comey and Andrew McCabe used the powers of their agency to deceive a federal court with fraudulent evidence in order to surveil a U.S. citizen as part of a larger plan to subvert a political campaign and eventually a presidential transition.  It is also likely that both James Clapper and John Brennan trafficked in a fake dossier, a product of opposition research designed to smear a political candidate in a presidential race.  Both were also likely involved in the use of overseas informants to surveil Trump campaign aides.

Hell Hath No Fury Like A President (And His Supporters) Scorned.  Despite a full court press by "the resistance", he still is the president.  And what a resistance that was.  The Obama administration began spying on him and his campaign before he even secured the nomination.  The spying continued into his presidency.  A concerted effort was made to prevent him from securing the GOP nomination then winning the election and serving in the office he was duly elected to worked so hard to achieve.  FISA warrants were sworn out against his campaign advisors, using knowingly bogus information, with senior FBI and DOJ officials lying in their FISA warrant applications.  The purpose of these "official" warrants was likely to cover up previous and highly illegal spying on Trump, providing a veneer of legitimacy if the spying was ever brought to light.  How many such warrants were issued?

Intel Community Blog Founder Admits Nunes Was Right About Spygate From The Beginning.  The co-founder of the prominent intelligence community blog, Lawfare, admitted that a recent report from the Justice Department inspector general on FBI FISA abuses for Trump campaign surveillance has destroyed their own credibility.  On a Thursday [12/19/2019] podcast hosted by Stewart Baker, a partner at the Washington office of Steptoe & Johnson LLP, the blog's founder, Bobby Chesney admitted that the damming report from the DOJ IG documenting FBI abuses and vindicating the infamous Nunes memo on the discredited Steele Dossier alleging Russian collusion has been destructive to his publication's reputation.

FBI spying is a far bigger scandal than the Trump impeachment.  Of the two biggest news stories this year, only one of them is truly a scandal, and it's not the one that's led to the ridiculously partisan impeachment.  No, the big scandal is that our most important and powerful law enforcement agency, the FBI, engaged in an unwarranted spy operation against a major party's presidential campaign.  That story is only just now being told, thanks to U.S. Attorney General William Barr having called for multiple investigations into the matter.  It's a scandal of epic proportions, and yet New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, who insists he's a conservative living in the real world, thinks it's only on the same scale as an impeachment by Democrats over a phone call.  "If conservatives are right to object to the abuse of power by F.B.I. agents," wrote Stephens on Wednesday [12/18/2019], "shouldn't they be far more alarmed at the abuse of investigatory and other powers for political ends by the president of the United States?"

Will Washington media expose the liars who spun the Trump-Russia hoax?  As if by design, the now discredited Trump-Russia story consumed President Donald Trump's White House and our politics for three years.  And from the fetid cauldron of lies and spin grew the wholly partisan Democratic impeachment of the president[.]  Now, U.S. Attorney John Durham is pursuing a criminal investigation.  And the presiding judge of the secret FISA court, which gave the Obama FBI the warrants to investigate and spy on the Trump campaign, is publicly demanding answers.  But when will reporters who carried water for this crew of whisperers admit they've been lied to and expose the liars?

Our Russia Collusion Nightmare:  All Hillary's Fault?  The biggest political scandal in the history of the United States.  Three years of constant lies told by government agents, political operatives, and deceitful news personalities.  Thousands of hours of criminal investigative interviews; thousands of written stories and television segments; thousands of leaks and insinuations and threats.  All to take down the legitimately elected American president, Donald J. Trump.  Now that some light is finally revealing just how rotten this whole nonsense has been from the very beginning, the most maddening aspect of all is the one thing not said nearly enough:  every bit of this frame-up job to hang the American president for being a Russian agent and traitor to his nation began as a way to inoculate Hillary Clinton from her largest political vulnerabilities going into the 2016 campaign.

Obama Era Political Surveillance, and The Dual Purpose of Fusion GPS.  With research files on the '15, '16 and '17 political surveillance program; including information from the Mueller report and information from the IG Horowitz report; in combination with the Obama-era DOJ "secret research project" (their words, not mine); we are able to overlay the Obama-era domestic IC operations and gain a full understanding of how political surveillance was conducted over a period of approximately four to six years.  Working with a timeline, but also referencing origination material in 2015/2016 — CTH hopes to show how the program(s) interacted and operated.  A full review explains an evolution from The IRS Files in 2010 to the FISA Files in 2016.  More importantly, the assembly of government reports and public records now indicates a political exploitation of the NSA database, for weaponized intelligence surveillance of politicians, began mid 2012.  The FISA-702 database extraction process, and utilization of the protections within the smaller intelligence community, became the primary process.

Senator Kennedy asks President Trump to Declassify FISA Application.  The original requests to declassify the Carter Page FISA application came in January 2018 as a result of the Nunes memo.  A classified and heavily redacted version of the application was released July 21st, 2018.  A month later, in August 2018, Congress again requested the Trump administration to declassify the document(s).  In September 2018 DAG Rod Rosenstein told the President if he followed through with the request Special Counsel Mueller would consider that an obstruction of his investigation.

The Hidden Hand.  The essence of a coup, which some might refer to as covert action, is the hidden hand.  One does not announce that a foreign power is overthrowing the government and installing a new government.  One pulls strings as if from behind a curtain, making events that are all part of a carefully orchestrated plan appear disconnected, spontaneous and serendipitous.  As I read through the recently released IG report for the second time, as someone with a great deal of experience in military and intelligence matters, I see that hand everywhere.  Per the IG report, a single report is delivered to the FBI in the summer of 2016.  It concerns a meeting between a cooperative contact of a foreign intelligence service and a junior level employee of the Trump campaign, George Papadopoulos.  The report relates what are frankly very amorphous comments by Papadopoulos concerning the Russian government and its alleged possession of information on Hillary Clinton.  On any other day this report would command no attention whatsoever.  The source in question has no track record of any kind with the FBI.  Papadopoulos has been employed by the Trump campaign for perhaps 90 days at this point, and there is no reason to believe he has contacts of significance in the Kremlin.  Not on this occasion.  This one report from a foreign intelligence service goes directly to the top of the FBI.

Obama Wanted To Know Everything His Trump Spies Were Doing, And It Looks Like He Did.  When it comes to the unlawful surveillance on Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the most important question is, what did President Obama know and when did he know it?  If we are to believe the testimony in the Justice Department inspector general's report on FISA abuse, Obama didn't know anything about the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  Neither did his attorney general, her deputy, or anyone in the White House.  At least not that they can recall — an expression used over 200 times in the report.  Yet against this we have the Sept. 2, 2016, text message from Lisa Page to her paramour Peter Strzok saying "POTUS wants to know everything we are doing."  True to form, the IG report goes to great lengths to argue that "knowing everything" in fact meant knowing nothing at all.

Brit Hume slams Atlantic article on gov't surveillance that didn't age so well.  Fox News' Brit Hume took a shot at The Atlantic for a 2018 article on the "silver lining" in the foreign intelligence surveillance process.  The Fox News senior political analyst tweeted a link to the article authored by April Doss last year which proclaimed that, following last year's release of FISA applications to spy on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page in 2016, fears should be set aside as "government-surveillance requests are carefully crafted, not haphazard documents rubber-stamped by compliant judges."

The Obama's Administration's FISA Abuse Is a Massive Scandal.  Perhaps if Democrats would momentarily shelve their obsession with Donald Trump, they'd comprehend the staggering abuse of power they're defending these days.  Because much of Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing with DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz was jaw-dropping.  Horowitz's testimony, in fact, sounded little like the media depiction of the IG report only the day before.  Most major outlets had stressed that the IG had found no bias in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  But failing to uncover explicit instances of bias and exonerating the FBI aren't the same thing.  Worse, most of the media had buried the lede.  An honest headline would have read something like:  "Obama's FBI cooked up evidence to keep rickety investigation into Trump campaign going."

DOJ IG: Obama May Have Known FBI Was Surveilling Trump Campaign.  Former President Barack Obama may have been aware the FBI was surveilling Donald Trump's presidential campaign based on Russian election interference claims, the newly released audit by the inspector general at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed.  In DOJ IG Michael Horowitz's report, then-FBI Director James Comey said although Obama did not explicitly ask for an investigation into Trump, he urged the FBI to warn soon to be president of the surveillance that was taking place through counterintelligence defensive briefings.

Of course the FBI spied on the Trump campaign.  The great debate about whether the FBI spied on the Trump campaign continues.  The question is why there is still any argument.  The newly released report from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz shows that by any definition the FBI did indeed spy.  The proof is in the details of the report.  In addition to the much-discussed wiretap of Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page, Horowitz discussed the bureau's use of what is called a CHS (a confidential human source, or, in more common terms, an informant) and a UCE (an undercover employee, or a secret agent) to gather information from at least three targets in the Trump campaign.  One was Page, another was George Papadopoulos, also a member of the advisory team, and the third was an unnamed "high-level Trump campaign official who was not a subject of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation."

What About the FISA Court?  Possibly the saddest fact about the intelligence deep state's conspiracy against Trump is that at least some of the federal judges who sit on the FISA court apparently have been and continue to be part of it.  Since the quality of judges' judgments so depends on what is presented to them being "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," judges are notoriously jealous guardians of their court's integrity.  But since early 2017, first a trickle, then a flood of evidence has become public that at least four of the FISA court's approvals of surveillance warrants were based essentially on political lies.  And yet, no judge has hauled in any bureaucrat to face sanctions for contempt of court.  Nor have there been complaints from the judiciary to the Justice Department.

FISA — utilized to OK FBI surveillance of 2016 Trump campaign — is unconstitutional.  Congress enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in 1978 in response to the unlawful surveillance of Americans by the FBI and the CIA during the Watergate era.  President Richard Nixon — who famously quipped after leaving office that "when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal" — used the FBI and the CIA to spy on his political opponents.  The stated reason was national security.  Nixon claimed that foreign agents physically present in the U.S. agitated and aggravated his political opponents to produce the great public unrest in America in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and thus diminished Americans' appetite for fighting the Vietnam War.  There was, of course, no evidence to support that view, but the neocons in Congress and the military-industrial complex supported it even after Nixon left office.

Mollie Hemingway calls out media scoundrels that enabled spygate.  Mollie Hemingway was on fire yesterday as a panelist on Fox News's Special Report.  She laid out the depths of the fraud that was perpetrated on not just the FISA Court but theTrump administration and the entire American people.  To borrow a term from the vile Lilian Hellman, it is scoundrel time, and the people who enabled what Hemingway called "the greatest scandal of our generation" must be held to account.

Obama and Biden:  Three Scandals, One Day.  Horowitz's report noted several "omissions and inaccuracies" on the application submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in October 2016.  One glaring omission, which has been a subject of dispute, is that renewal applications failed to disclose that Steele was being paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign.  Another major revelation is that Obama's FBI used other means to surveil the Trump campaign.  "The Crossfire Hurricane team did task several confidential human sources and undercover employees [aka, spies] during the 2016 campaign" which resulted in direct contact with campaign aides.  "All of the interactions were monitored by the FBI."  This directly contradicts claims by Trump foes that Obama's FBI didn't "spy" on Team Trump.  They did.  Further, Comey notified the inspector general that he briefed President Obama and his top national security team about the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign in August 2016, an acknowledgment that has not previously been confirmed.

FBI Failed to Inform FISA Court that Steele Dossier was Unreliable:  Report.  Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz's yet unpublished draft report found that the FBI did not inform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the controversial Steele dossier, cited in applications to spy on Page, was unreliable, according to the Washington Post.  The dossier was compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who was investigating Donald Trump for an opposition research firm hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  The dossier purported to show connections between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.  The FBI found Steele's information about a Russian government connection to be dubious but declined to mention as much in the later applications to the FISA court for warrants to surveil Page.

Trump and Thanksgiving.  Immediately after [President] Trump was elected, a coup was launched to remove him from office by President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, Obama's weaponized CIA and FBI, along with leftover Obama staffers Trump should have fired.  Not only did Obama's weaponized agencies conspire to destroy the president, they jailed and destroyed innocent people for being associated or supportive of him.  Federal abuse was standard practice under Obama.  Remember when Obama used the IRS to punish the Tea Party?  Under the cloak of secrecy without accountability, Obama's federal agencies horribly abused American families and small businesses.

FISA alterations Could Pose Significant Trouble For FBI: Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree.  Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's anticipated report will reveal that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Application warrant was tampered with but the significance of that cannot be understated.  It means that Horowitz's discovery will discredit the bureau's handling of its investigation into President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election and it could make any information discovered during the course of seeking approval for the FISA and after 'fruit of the poisonous tree," according to numerous sources who spoke to SaraACarter.com.

Perspective on the Horowitz FISA Leak.  [Scroll down]  This is just one little bit of it that's been leaked.  I mean, if this investigation is real, this inspector general report would end the careers of all the names of people we know here.  It would end the career of James Comey.  It would end the career of Peter Strzok and James Baker and Bruce and Nellie Ohr, because every one of these people had dealings with defrauding the FISA court.  And that's what the IG's investigation is specifically of:  The FISA application aspect of all of this.  Barr's guy, Durham, is working on other aspects of this.  But the inspector general is almost exclusively dealing with FISA abuses, applications for warrants to spy, what the court was told, who lied if anybody.  So we got a leak now suggesting that somebody performed an illegal act in order to get the warrant.

Trump: 'Historic' Durham Investigation Will Implicate Obama in Spygate.  On Friday morning [11/22/2019], President Donald Trump told Fox & Friends that spygate — the Obama administration's surveillance on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election based on the false pretense of Trump being in league with Russia — will be "perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country."  He said Attorney General Bill Barr's investigation of FISA abuses and U.S. Attorney John Durham's criminal investigation will prove "historic," and he predicted that the investigations will implicate former President Barack Obama himself.  "Now, what you're going to see, I predict, will be perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country, political scandal," Trump said.

New York Times Confirms Peter Strzok Team Underling, Kevin Clinesmith, is FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA Application.  The New York Times is confirming that Kevin Clinesmith is the "low-level lawyer" within the FBI who doctored evidence within the Carter Page FISA application.  As anticipated, the DOJ and FBI 'small group' leaks are from their individual review of a heavily compartmented IG report; and now they are being selectively shaped by the favorite 'small group' media network:  NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, Politico et al.  Remember, each of the principals only was able to see the draft of the IG report specific to their outline therein.  All principal reviews were very compartmented.  No principal has any idea what the bottom line conclusions are from the totality of the assembled compartments.

The Inside Story Of How America's Intelligence Agencies Tried To Undo Trump's Election.  Lee Smith's new book, The Plot Against the President:  The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History, lays out a compelling case of abuse against the United States' major intelligence agencies.  In great detail, he explains how the FBI and the Department of Justice not only abused their power in going after Donald Trump, his campaign, and later his administration, but how they sought to cover it up.  Unlike some of the other recent books on this topic, Smith's epic has a hero.  Smith makes a compelling case that California Rep. Devin Nunes and his steadfast team stood up to an army of Goliaths.  This small team of committed truth-seekers took on the most powerful intelligence apparatus in the world, a hostile media, and a dishonest opposition party to hold them accountable for violating American citizens' constitutional rights.

Graham: DOJ watchdog's FISA report will be released Dec. 9.  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News Wednesday [11/20/2019] that Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on allegations of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant abuse during the 2016 election will be released on Dec. 9.  During an appearance on "Hannity" Wednesday [11/20/2019], host Sean Hannity noted Horowitz will be coming before Graham's committee on Dec. 11 to testify on the matter and went on to ask Graham not to allow a Friday night document "dump" that could muffle the coverage of the news.  In response, Graham smiled and nodded.  "It'll be December 9th — you'll get the report," the South Carolina lawmaker said.

Kimberley Strassel's Home Run.  [Scroll down]  As she notes, the very term "the Resistance" is associated throughout history with movements designed to fight "occupying powers" as, say, the French Resistance came to life to fight the forces of the occupying Nazi Germany.  And once one goes down that road, as has the Trump-hating Resistance, the Resisters "view themselves as justified in taking any action necessary to get rid of the occupier."  Set loose the Department of Justice and the FBI to spy on a presidential campaign?  No problem.  Ambush a Supreme Court nominee "with uncorroborated sexual assault allegations"?  No problem.  Use "the impeachment process for political retribution"?  No big deal.  This, says Strassel, "has been the behavior of the Resistance leaders, and it has already caused harm to vital institutions."  Yes indeed.  And none more prominent than the self-inflicted massive damage the Justice Department, the FBI, and the "mainstream media" have done to their own credibility.

Killing America in anonymity.  The media tells us there is a "heroic" whistle blower who claims President Donald John Trump broke a law — never specified — in a phone call to the newly elected president of Ukraine.  President Trump released the transcript of the call, which shows nothing of the sort.  Nevertheless, the media is pushing for an impeachment to boost cable news ratings, and to divert attention from the best economy in 50 years, Disney's ABC covering up Clinton's involvement with pedophile Jeff Epstein, and peace breaking out in Syria after 8 years of war.  But the media is deliberately refusing to name Eric Ciaramella as the Obamanaut who spied on the Trump administration from within, just as Obama ordered the FBI to wiretap the Trump campaign.

Elise Stefanik, Once Again, [is] On the Right Trail.  In the fall of 2016, long before the term "spygate" reached the lexicon of political followers, CTH research discovered the background use and weaponization of the intelligence apparatus.  This was before the November 2016 election.  We didn't exactly know who was involved, but we outlined what appeared to be a coordinated effort amid the intelligence community, current and former officials, politicians (both parties), and media. [...] By the end of 2017, people started to see clarity amid a picture we had been painting for over a year.  By mid-spring 2018 admissions within the apparatus of government, and released documents from Devin Nunes solidified the evidence.  Yes, there was political surveillance; yes, there was political spying; yes, there actually was an intelligence operation to remove President Trump being coordinated with involvement by a group within the IC, politicians, DC operatives (Fusion-GPS) and a network of specific media.

How Did Democrats Get Here?  There is nothing in what Trump has done as president that explains the unconstitutional attacks against him.  It is the reverse — the attempt to frame and entrap President Trump and his team as traitors with Russia, was begun by the Obama DOJ, FBI, CIA and White House before his inauguration.  It was the Obama Administration's actions that necessitated the all-out attempt to delegitimize President Trump before he could expose them.  President Trump did nothing to provoke the Obama intelligence community framing him as a Russian traitor.  You have to look at President Obama to understand this unprecedented attempt to overturn a presidential election.  Our press, including most of the conservative press, has always been unwilling to focus on Obama, and the Marxist forces he unleashed in American politics.  We can't even use the word Marxist without the taint of supposed "McCarthyism."

Media Ignoring The Criminal Investigation Into Obamagate.  The real story is that the footsteps are coming up behind these guys who organized the spying into Donald Trump's campaign.  As I keep telling you, the logic here that the Democrats are trying to sell is that it was great that this army of unelected, faceless bureaucrats — these shadow men tapped Donald Trump's phones, they wiretapped Trump Tower, they infiltrated his campaign, they investigated him, they sent spies after him — they did everything they could and then leaked to the press this bogus story about Russian collusion, all of which was disproved [...]

The Bell Is About to Toll.  Mr. Durham and Attorney General William Barr have been looking into the origins of the Obama administration's spying on Trump.  Just how did it begin?  And who exactly started it?  They are clearly unsettled by the answers they have found so far.  My colleague George Neumayr and I have been studying the Obama administration's spying on Trump for over three years.  While most of the mainstream media searched desperately for a smoking gun carried by one of President Trump's people or even by the president himself, we looked elsewhere.  We looked at the politicized atmosphere within the FBI and the CIA.  We even looked at British intelligence.  No one else seemed interested, but we found evidence of criminal misbehavior by the former head of CIA, John Brennan, the former head of national intelligence James Clapper, and former head of the FBI, James B. Comey.

12 facts about the IG investigation.  First, U.S. attorney John H. Durham is leading the investigation. [...] Second, we know Obama used American intelligence to spy on Donald Trump either out of pique over birtherism or more likely out of habit.  I believe the later because the spying on Donald Trump seemed so routine.  Susan Rice was too candid and casual about her role in unmasking when discussing it with CNN.  Unmasking was revealing the names and conversations of Americans who were spied upon by the Obama regime in the name of fighting terrorists.  She acted as if it were ordinary to wiretap people.  Third, we know the investigation centers on Obama's work with foreign governments and spies to undermine Donald Trump's campaign.

How The Obama Administration Set In Motion Democrats' Coup Against Trump.  After Donald Trump was elected forty-fifth president of the United States, the operation designed to undermine his campaign transformed.  It became an instrument to bring down the commander in chief.  The coup started almost immediately after the polls closed.  Hillary Clinton's communications team decided within twenty-four hours of her concession speech to message that the election was illegitimate, that Russia had interfered to help Trump.  Obama was working against Trump until the hour he left office.  His national security advisor, Susan Rice, commemorated it with an email to herself on January 20, moments before Trump's inauguration.  She wrote to memorialize a meeting in the White House two weeks before.

Multitasking the Intelligence Community Roundup.  [Scroll down]  Big takeaway:  it is "disconcerting" now to be "investigated for doing our duty, what we were told to do by the president."  And exactly what were they doing?  Investigating a candidate, President-elect Trump, with the end, said Clapper, of preparing a big, comprehensive report for Congress and "the next administration."  You see that James Clapper, despite appearances to the contrary, does have a wry sense of humor.  He can say with a straight face that the covert investigation aimed at destroying Donald Trump was actually an investigation intended at least in part for the incoming Trump administration.  Yuck, yuck, yuck.  What a card!  But note that Clapper, funny though he was, was not himself laughing.  I don't blame him.  The spook-turned-media-lap-dog is as much in the crosshairs as anyone, except perhaps another spook-turned-media-lap-dog, former CIA director and Gus Hall voter John Brennan, who now lends his authoritative anti-Trump commentary to MSNBC.

Who will be the first to flip in spygate criminal investigation?  It was clear after the release of the Mueller Report that Attorney General William Barr was determined to get to the bottom of the spying on Trump and his campaign.  Because of that expressed determination, Barr became a public enemy.  On May 2, 2019, I wrote, Bill Barr is going to expose Spygate, and the Democrat-Media Russia Collusion Complex is panicking.

Limbaugh: Biggest criminal-investigation threat to Dems ... comes from a Dem.  Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh said with the subpoena and grand-jury powers a criminal probe affords, an Obama official is likely to turn.  "Folks, we have finally a criminal investigation," he said Friday [10/25/2019].  "What happens in criminal investigations?  One of these creeps — and believe me, there is criminality galore in this investigation.  There is lying; there is actual criminal behavior; and it is big.  And one of these creeps, one of them is gonna flip."  He explained:  "One of them is gonna decide, 'You know what?  Do I really want to go to prison for James Comey?  Do I really want to spend time in jail for John freaking Brennan?  Do I want to give up my future for James baldy Clapper?'  These things are gonna become factors as the grand jury's work begins.  These are things that these people never believed possible to happen to them, just like Hollywood actresses cannot believe they're going to jail for trying to get their kids into USC."

Papadopoulos On The Big Picture Of The Russia Hoax.  In this conversation with George Papadopoulos [...] Laura Ingraham starts with the news that John Durham returned from his trip to Rome with Bill Barr in possession of Joseph Mifsud's two FBI (or possibly CIA) issued Blackberry phones.  Papadopoulos immediately turns to the big picture, rather than remaining with the investigative details regarding the phone, and Laura follows up on that big picture approach.  Papadopoulos describes how, as soon as he joined the Ben Carson campaign in December, 2015, he found himself being targeted by State Department officials.  He then notes that when he switched to the Trump campaign, just a few months later, he was targeted by intelligence operatives, including Mifsud, who already knew all about him even though his switch to the Trump campaign was not public knowledge.  Obviously, he's telling us that the coordinated targeting of all Republican campaigns by the supposedly non-political branches of the Obama administration (State, DoJ, the FBI and CIA) was well underway — no later than December, 2015, but certainly even earlier.

Papadopoulos says game-changing Mifsud phones are about to link his case and Mike Flynn's to treason.  President Donald Trump's former 2016 campaign adviser George Papadopoulos is confident that the latest findings regarding the FBI operation that triggered the whole Russia collusion delusion narrative are surefire proof of "treason."  Unearthed earlier this week, the findings are specifically that Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud wasn't a Russian agent — he was allegedly a "western intelligence" asset who was purposefully used by the Obama administration in 2016 to target both Papadopoulos and then-fellow Trump campaign adviser retired Gen. Michael Flynn.  Asked by Fox News host Laura Ingraham late Friday [10/18/2019] to summarize these findings, Papadopoulos immediately spoke of "treason from within."

Christopher Wray Has Some Explaining to Do.  A constitution is a piece of paper.  The powerful must respect and submit to it or it has no power.  In America, our Constitution is supposed to protect Americans from government snooping.  While the framers might have feared overzealous constables with powdered wigs and silk stockings, the protection against unreasonable searches and spying is even more relevant today.  With our most private secrets stored online, Americans are more vulnerable than ever to spying by our own government.  Over the past few weeks, we found ourselves distracted by the Ukraine farce, courtesy of the CIA and its allies in the media and Congress.  You likely missed the release of a series of bombshell rulings that partially laid bare illegal spying on Americans by the FBI.

FISA Judges Collyer and Boasberg Both Identified NSA Databases Used for Political Surveillance.  There is a serious problem here.  FISA Court judges Rosemary Collyer (declassified 2017) and James Boasberg (declassified 2019) both identified issues with the NSA database being exploited for unauthorized reasons.  We have a large amount of supplemental research to see through most of Collyer's report and we are now starting the same process for Boasberg.

"Grandpa, what's a telephone book?"
Maria Bartiromo:  IG Report on FISA "Will Be Released October 18th — As Thick as Telephone Book".  Against new information that U.S. Attorney John Durham has lengthened the time-frame for this investigative inquiry into the DOJ and FBI activity around the 2016 election, earlier today Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo revealed (and President Trump tweeted) the FISA report by Michael Horowitz will be released on Friday October 18th.  If that time-frame for the IG report is accurate, that means the classification review has been completed; any remaining classified information not specifically authorized in the inspector general report, a decision granted to AG Bill Barr, would be placed in a classified appendix that is not available to the public.

Durham probe targeting Rosenstein, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, and Obama.  US Attorney John Durham has expanded his probe, asking for additional staff and prosecutors, and extending the time period he is investigating.  Durham's original probe was to cover from just before the 2016 elections to the inauguration.  Then it was extended to include everything from March 2016 to the inauguration.  He is also looking at Rosenstein, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, and former President Obama[.]  Now, according to Fox News national security correspondent Katherine Herridge and numerous administration officials, Durham will be investigating events up to May of 2017 and the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

DNI Declassifies FISA Judge James Boasberg 2018 Ruling — FBI Conducted "Tens of Thousands" of Unauthorized NSA Database Queries.  Background:  In April 2017 the DNI released a FISA report written by Presiding Judge Rosemary Collery that showed massive abuse, via unauthorized searches of the NSA database, in the period of November 2015 through May 2016.  Judge Collyer's report specifically identified search query increases tied to the 2016 presidential primary.  Two years of research identified this process as the DOJ/FBI and IC using the NSA database to query information related to political candidates, specifically Donald Trump.

Seems James Clapper just admitted Obama ordered him to ignore 2016 Russian election interference.  Somehow, the complicit media have never been interested in connecting the very clear dots:  Supposedly, the Obama administration, through the FBI and intelligence agencies, was worried about Russians interfering in the 2016 election — so worried that its people lied to the FISA court to get an excuse to spy on Trump.  Despite all the Clinton campaign connections to Russia, not once did the Obama administration have any interest at all in spying on Clinton's people or infiltrating their campaign with informants, even though there were two candidates.  If the Obama administration was really concerned and not just targeting Trump for defeat, wouldn't it have spied on both candidates?

James Clapper Admits He Was Following Orders From His 'Commander-In-Chief, President Obama'.  In the transcript and the video below, Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, speaks to CNN's Jim Sciutto and makes the stunning admission that he'd been following Obama's orders — and he says it twice.  This is very big news because it's the first time a member of the deep state has admitted that President Obama was not only aware of the investigation, but was issuing orders to his team.  "What were we supposed to have done... blown off what the then commander-in-chief, President Obama, told us to do?"  And, as if we missed it the first time, he says it again.  "It's kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for, you know having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president."

That's a good place for him.
James Clapper throws Barack Obama under the bus.  Former DNI Director James Clapper threw former President Barack Obama under the bus on CNN yesterday.  Clapper admitted to CNN's Jim Sciutto that everything he and John Brennan had done prior to and during the 2016 election was explicitly on Barack Obama's orders.

Bombshell Admission:  Clapper Says Obama Made Them Do It.  [Scroll down]  There wasn't any Russian interference.  You can't prove it.  There wasn't any.  Don't give me the $150,000 ad buy the Russian troll farms made on Facebook after the election.  The Russians didn't tamper with any votes.  The Russians didn't [a]ffect anything on any election result anywhere.  The Russians did not meddle.  You know, it really comes off of that.  These people are still living off the idea the Russians meddled because they might have wanted to, the Russians interfered because they might have wanted to — and because Mueller went to the obvious step of making sure some Russians were indicted.  We couldn't find any Russians in the story!  From the beginning, the only Russian in the story was that fat ambassador who took everybody to lunch, Kislyak.  Other than that, there weren't any Russians in the story!

Trump's Worldwide Dragnet to Catch the Hoaxers.  [Scroll down]  Beware the reformed NeverTrump pundits who are drawing an "it's just politics" moral equivalence between Trump's investigation of the 2016 election and Obama's investigation of the 2016 election.  The latter was sourced in no evidence, a fake dossier, FISA abuse, improper coordination with foreign spy services, and leaks tactically timed to hurt Republican chances in the election.  The Barr/Durham investigation is sourced in the Joe Friday "just the facts, ma'am" policing power vested in the executive branch by the Constitution.

Fred Fleitz Discusses John Brennan's Interests in Assisting Corrupt Impeachment Effort.  In the larger picture it is clear the Obama administration weaponized the institutions of government to target their political opposition.  It is also increasingly clear a Hillary Clinton administration would have monetized the U.S. government.  President Obama's team used the DOJ, CIA, FBI and IRS to target their opposition.  The intelligence apparatus was weaponized; one small example that scratches the surface is the FBI/NSA database exploitation.  Black files on DC politicians, private sector groups and individuals facilitating leverage, and we are still seeing the ramifications.

Former CIA Director John Brennan Reveals He will be Interviewed by US Attorney John Durham in Coming Days.  Former CIA Director under Barack Obama, Trump-hater and the suspected architect of the Spygate scandal, will be questioned by US Attorney John Durham in the coming days.  Brennan told Nicole Wallace on MSNBC that he is "supposedly" going to be interviewed by US Attorney John Durham but that he just doesn't understand why there is an active investigation on the Obama administration's spying on the opposition candidate in the 2016 election.

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming.  What few appear capable of acknowledging is that former President Obama and his loyalists engaged in a government-wide conspiracy to besmirch, delegitimize, and ultimately destroy Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and, later, his presidency.  Due to the outright fabrications of Obama's intelligence officials regarding purported collusion between President Trump and Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign, a variety of Trump campaign workers effectively had their lives ruined, and the president's agenda was stunted — depriving the voters of the policies they voted in favor of.

Gaslighting the Voters.  [Scroll down]  The truth is the nominee of the Democratic party for president, Hillary Clinton, bought and paid for the fake opposition research that was used by the corrupt Obama administration as a pretext to spy on an opposing candidate.  A climate of hysteria was created about these false charges in the hopes that public pressure could be built up to force the removal of Donald Trump from office.  These truths are so outrageous, so unprecedented in American history, that it defies belief that no one has been punished for these actions to this date.  Instead the Democratic party, through their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, immediately shifted the subject to the next attempt to get Trump, one equally ludicrous and self-evidently false by anyone with a modicum of understanding.  Just like with the Russian Collusion Delusion, it involves blaming Trump for something a Democrat has actually done, in this case Joe Biden.

Giuliani: 'Pretty Close To Overwhelming Evidence' That Obama Ordered Hillary, Democrats To Dig Up Dirt In Ukraine On Trump.  Trump lawyer and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani suggested on Monday night that there was serious evidence that the Obama White House directed Democrats to work with Ukraine to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump.  Giuliani joined Fox News' Sean Hannity on Monday night [9/30/2019] where he detailed the latest developments into the situation regarding Ukraine, which stems from a 2017 Politico investigation that found that Ukraine was working with operatives for the Democratic National Committee to sabotage Trump.

The Impeachment Theater Won't Stop The Spygate Fallout.  Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz finished his almost 2-year-long investigation into alleged abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) earlier this month and turned in his draft report to Attorney General William Barr.  That report is currently undergoing classification review, after which it will be put into its final form and publicly released.  When that happens, the entire sordid truth about the 2016 election and its aftermath will be laid bare at last.  The American public will finally see how federal officials — working in conjunction with allies in the news media — targeted Trump campaign personnel with investigations through the use of fake evidence being supplied by paid political operatives working for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.

Obama Communists Will Do Anything To Retain Power And Finish The Job Of Destroying America.  The only thing these people care about is power and retaining it.  They will do anything to get Trump out of office, who is systematically destroying all the 'transformations' Barack Hussein Obama put in place to remove our freedoms and turn us literally into slaves to the globalist machine.  This impeachment charade is the latest in this all-out war on the American founding.  It is an orchestrated, and yes treasonous, attack on the leader we elected to represent us.  It has been coordinated and planned by the Marxist holdover spies in our government, who are drunk on power and will not relinquish it.  If Trump goes, then our liberty goes with him.

The Revelations In Transcript Point to Clinton, Obama, Nellie Ohr & Money Laundering.  With the release of the transcript of the phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky from July 25, 2019, one would think the cries of Democrats for an impeachment inquiry would fall on deaf ears and that they would know the jig is up.  Sadly, they don't.  However, we do know that Hillary Clinton was at the center of the call, and as a reporter points out, so were the usurper Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah and Nellie Ohr.  First, Democrats know they have been caught with their pants down and as they attempt to make a fig leaf apron, they appear all the more guilty of the very things that they are accusing President Donald Trump of doing.

A Detailed Account of America's Greatest Political Scandal.  In early 2017, as the shocking story of how the Obama Administration weaponized the world's most powerful agencies against Donald Trump began to unfold, very few journalists were willing to confront that scandal amid the cacophony of Trump-Russia collusion.  Andrew McCarthy was one of them.  From the pages of National Review to the set of Fox News, McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor, explained complex legal procedures in layman's terms.  Americans unfamiliar with FBI counterintelligence probes or the workings of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or Special Counsel rules were educated by McCarthy in a way that made it easy for the non-lawyer to grasp.  McCarthy, a humble, humorous, and gracious man by nature, offered his expertise without the self-gratifying puffery ingrained in so many prosecutors.  (Think James Comey.)

Eric Felten:  How many were surveilled on Trump team?  It has been more than a year since it was revealed that federal agents secured warrants to surveil onetime Trump presidential campaign adviser Carter Page both before and after the election.  In all the arguments over whether those warrants were legitimately obtained, a related question has largely been neglected:  Was Carter Page the only person in the Trump orbit to be put under surveillance?  There is reason to think others were too.  A little-publicized Capitol Hill exchange suggests the possibility that three other campaign figures — Gen. Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos — were also the targets of FISA-approved surveillance.  This would be especially significant in the case of Flynn and Manafort because unlike the other two they were high-level figures in constant contact with Donald Trump.

Why the Democrats have gone insane.  [Scroll down]  So what's really going on here?  Why have the Democrats, to put it bluntly, gone berserk? [...] One, distraction.  They live in absolute fear of the coming revelations about the Russia probe, from Inspector General Horowitz but even more from the DOJ's John Durham, who can actually put people in jail.  The Dems know — if they have a brain (and a few do) — these revelations are likely to point up the line at the leaders of the Democratic Party all the way to President Obama.  They were all involved to one degree or another with illegally spying on or undermining Trump and his administration and supporters before and after the election.  The extent of this we are only beginning to understand.

Trump Battle Prep:  Things We Know.  Think about what we know.  We know that the nation's intelligence services were used by the Obama administration to spy on the opposition's presidential campaign in 2016.  And used again to cover up their crimes and take out a duly elected president after the election.  Stop and think about that for a minute.  In all the media screaming and yelling and the deep-state leaking and the partisan media witch-hunting of the last two years, what does it mean that the intelligence services, the media, the partisan education system are so corrupted?

Did FBI and CIA have an agent provocateur who tried to entrap the Trump Organization in a Russia deal?  Judicial Watch is hot on the trail of a potentially explosive revelation: that an agent who had previously worked for the FBI and CIA as an informant — recruited by Andrew Weissmann in 1998! — actively tried to set up a business deal between the Trump Organization and Russian interests, in order to implicate Trump with "collusion."

Trump, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski and our malignant Left.  Most Americans are by now familiar with the fact that higher-ups in the FBI, DOJ, CIA and the Obama administration attempted to destroy the Republican candidate for the presidency.  Once Donald Trump won, they doubled down on their despicable collusion of fakery to see the man not only driven from office but rendered guilty of treason.  They did all of this knowing full well that none of it was true.  It was all part of a plan, their "insurance policy" to ensure Hillary Clinton's ascension to the White House despite her many crimes, which they all worked to conceal.  Much of this was likely done to ensure their own job security.

There Was an FBI Spy Inside the Trump Organization and Judicial Watch Just Sued to Find Out More.  Government watchdog Judicial Watch has issued a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice in order to obtain documents and information about Felix Sater.  Sater was working inside the Trump Organization in 2016 on behalf of the FBI and reportedly pushed the Trump Moscow project.  That Moscow project was often cited as "proof" by Democrats and media that President Trump had business dealings with the Russians.  According to a release, Judicial Watch is "seeking all records of communications, including FBI 302 interview reports and offer agreements between former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office and Felix Sater."

DOJ inspector general completes investigation into alleged FISA abuse.  Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has officially completed his investigation into alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses by the Justice Department and the FBI.  Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, revealed in a letter Thursday [9/12/2019] that Horowitz notified Attorney General William Barr of the completion of his investigation earlier in the day.  Horowitz said in a letter to congressional leaders that his team is in the "process of finalizing our report by providing a draft of our factual findings to the Department and FBI for classification determination and marking."

AG Barr Receives FISA Abuse Report from IG Horowitz.  Attorney General William Barr has received the report on FISA abuse in the Russiagate case investigated by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, according to a report by Fox News producer Jake Gibson.  Earlier Friday [9/13/2019] Horowitz sent a letter to Congress stating he was ready to submit a draft report to the DOJ and FBI for review and classification.

The Russia Hoax:  What Obama and Brennan knew, and when they knew it.  The Russia Hoax is revealed to have been an elaborate coup attempt and criminal conspiracy against President Trump, run from the inner circle of the Obama White House.  The question of what Barrack Obama knew and when did he know it has been raised.  The answer is immediate and alarming.  Obama knew everything.  Was involved in everything.  Allowed the upper echelons of his entire government to participate in an attempt to subvert the constitution.  Spy on his political opponents.  Target his political enemies.  And try to destroy Donald Trump as a candidate, and overthrow the duly elected President of the United States after he succeeded him.

The fix is in:  Obama, Lynch knew FBI was spying on Trump, Gingrich says.  President Barack Obama and his attorney general, Loretta Lynch, almost certainly knew the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign but, because "the fix is in," they will likely never be held to account, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said.  It is not "conceivable" that Obama and Lynch were unaware of the FBI's operations during the 2016 presidential campaign, Gingrich said in a Sept. 1 interview on New York AM 970 radio's "The Cats Roundtable" with host John Catsimatidis.

The Two Ticking Time Bombs of the Coming Election.  The former directors of central intelligence and national intelligence, John Brennan and James Clapper, obviously have lied to Congress about some aspects of their work, but that does not inhibit them for a moment from lining up behind Comey's disgraceful conduct. [...] It is clearer every week those who say what occurred was an attempted coup are substantially accurate.  This is not only astounding and distressing, the extreme state of denial that grips the Trump-hating media makes it likely that the credibility of the national political press will be in tatters long after those responsible for the unconstitutional conspiracy to subvert and pervert the election have been exposed and legally punished.

Obama, Biden Briefed on Private Trump Meeting Before Comey Fed Details to FBI Team Investigating Russia Collusion.  A key revelation in the report released last week by the Justice Department's inspector general raises questions about the roles played by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice and other senior members of the Obama administration in disgraced former FBI Director James Comey's infamous classified briefing to then President-elect Donald Trump about "salacious" material inside the anti-Trump dossier.  As Breitbart News reported, the IG report relates that prior to the briefing, FBI members on Comey's team discussed the need to memorialize the exchanges between Comey and Trump during the private January 6, 2017 briefing in Trump Tower just in case Trump made statements relevant to the agency's controversial Russia probe.

Watergate X 10,000.  In my notes on Andrew McCarthy's Ball of Collusion in "All the president's men, Obama style" and "Trump was FBI target," I asserted that the Obama administration's "collusion" caper constitutes "the biggest scandal by far in American political history."  McCarthy himself does not make this point, but he does something more valuable.  He proves the elements of the scandal beyond a reasonable doubt and furnishes the reader with the means to draw his own conclusions.

Lindsey Graham:  Obama Should Be Questioned Under Oath About Trump Campaign Investigation.  Senator Lindsey Graham expressed interest in seeing former President Barack Obama questioned under oath about the counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign.  Graham (R-SC), appearing in a segment with Fox News host Sean Hannity Thursday night [8/29/2019], was discussing the investigation that former FBI Director James Comey and a rogue team of investigators undertook in the summer of 2016.  He would like answers as to what Obama knew and when he knew it.

Gingrich: Obama, Loretta Lynch Knew FBI Was Spying on Trump Campaign.  Sunday on New York AM 970 radio's "The Cats Roundtable," former House Speaker Newt Gingrich argued that it is not "conceivable" for neither former President Barack Obama nor his Attorney General Loretta Lynch to not know the FBI was spying on the Donald Trump campaign.  Gingrich told host John Catsimatidis after the recent release of the Department of Justice's inspector general report that it is "clear" the fix was in and those involved will not be prosecuted.

Graham open to putting Obama under oath in probe into Russia investigation origins.  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham says he is open to putting Barack Obama under oath as he probes potential White House involvement in opening a investigation into unproven ties between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.  Graham says one of the biggest remaining mysteries in the Trump-Russia saga that needs to be unraveled is who told President Obama about the counterintelligence investigation into then-candidate Trump.  The South Carolina Republican wants answers from the former president.  As part of his probe, Graham is prepared to call former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to testify.

The Editor says...
An oath is only as good as the integrity of the man taking it.  Obama has proven on multiple occasions that his word is no good.  The only reason to put Mr. Obama under oath is to build a case for perjury, which is pointless because no one named Obama or Clinton will ever go to trial for perjury.

If no one goes to jail for the Spygate coup attempt, then the rule of law in America is dead and we are all living under a deep state dictatorship.  Any fair-minded American knows that President Obama's politicization of the FBI, Justice Department, and U.S. intelligence community in authorizing the "Spygate" coup attempt against President Donald Trump was the biggest political scandal in the history of the country.  Most Democrat voters still believe, thanks to the garbage "mainstream" media," that the president and Mother Russia really did "collude" to steal the election, but there is no evidence for that because it never happened.  Robert Mueller's report made that clear.  Several findings and reports by Congress have also made that clear.  And yet, a 35-40 percent plurality of the country believes Donald Trump is some Manchurian candidate ready to do Moscow's bidding every chance he gets.  It's outrageous.  But what's worse is that those responsible for the coup attempt remain at large, breathing free air, even as deep state operatives continue working behind the scenes to ensnare our duly-elected president.

Obama knew about, and was DIRECTING, the "Spygate" coup attempt against Trump from the very beginning.  For nearly two years as information about the coup attempt against President Donald Trump known as "Spygate" dripped out, observers long suspected that an operation of this scope — involving the Justice Department, the FBI, U.S. and foreign intelligence assets — had to have come from the very top.  That is, former President Obama, who was in the Oval Office when Spygate was hatched and began as the 2016 presidential election cycle kicked off, had to have not only known about it but approved it.  Now, the speculation is over:  Of course, he did.

John Durham Must Investigate 'Unmasking'.  Partisans may cheer or jeer prosecutor John Durham, appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate how the FBI came to investigate Russian involvement in the Trump 2016 campaign.  Of deeper interest to thoughtful people across the political spectrum is the light this investigation may shed on abuses of government surveillance that have occurred under both Republican and Democratic administrations.  Given Durham's reputation for being both fearless and fair, the U.S. attorney for the District of Connecticut seems ideal for the job:  He has investigated government misconduct ranging from the fiasco surrounding Boston mobster Whitey Bulger to CIA "enhanced interrogation" methods.

Focus in Spygate Scandal Shifts to CIA, Former Director Brennan.  More than 2½ years after President Donald Trump assumed office, focus on actions taken during the 2016 presidential campaign is starting to shift toward the CIA and its former director, John Brennan.  While some observers, including this publication, have pointed out for more than a year that Brennan appears to have played a key role in the scandal that's become known as Spygate, actions taken by Brennan and the CIA now appear to have become a central focus of investigators.  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Fox News' Maria Bartiromo that Justice Department Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz was "doing a very in-depth dive about the FISA warrant application" and "the behavior regarding the counterintelligence operation."

Sununu: FBI Might Want To Deep-Six Parts Of IG Report On Obama FISA Abuses.  I know we've been waiting a long time for the Department of Justice's inspector general on the alleged FISA abuses that occurred under the Obama administration.  It was supposed to be released this summer.  Now, it's due out in early September.  The contents might not send anyone from the Obama DOJ to jail, but it will reaffirm what we have been saying for quite some time: that the FBI was allegedly spying on Trump officials, that the meddling of the most concern was really coming from the J. Edgar Hoover Building, and that the Trump dossier was known to be biased, mostly unverified, but also cited as credible evidence in the securing of a spy warrant against Carter Page, Trump's former foreign policy adviser.  The sitting president used the DOJ to place the presidential campaign of the opposing party under surveillance.

Obama Brennan coup involved State Dept., DOD, DNI, DOJ, CIA and FBI.  The coordinated efforts of the Obama Brennan Coup to spy on and destroy Donald Trump involved the highest levels of the State Department and Department of Defense.  It is now clear that the inner circle of the Obama White House, including the former President himself, were coordinators of the entire Russia hoax from inception through the Mueller inquisition.  From the start all the way up to the coming indictments.  That all elements of the senior departments of the major agencies of the United States Government were illegally weaponized to destroy a political opponent.  A coordinated assault on the constitution and the Republic.

Sean Hannity:  Sources say [the] 'most explosive' part of [the] DOJ review is about 'outsourcing of illegal intelligence-gathering'.  Fox News host Sean Hannity said his sources are telling him the most "explosive" finding in the Justice Department review on the origins of the Russia investigation has to do with illegal intelligence-gathering on American citizens.  Hannity first mentioned this during his show Thursday evening [8/15/2019] while speaking to the Hill's John Solomon, who said DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's soon-to-be-released report on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses will find "a lot more wrong than right" and will be "difficult" for former top FBI officials such as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok.

All The President's Men, Obama Style.  Today [8/13/2019] is the official publication date of my friend Andrew McCarthy's Ball of Collusion:  The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency. [...] In his weekly National Review column, McCarthy has covered the story as it emerged.  He now steps back and turns it into a narrative that incorporates his professional experience and legal analysis as it bears on the story.  I think this is the best book of its kind since Woodward and Bernstein's All the President's Men, but without that book's fictional elements and fictional devices.  Drawing on congressional testimony, investigative reports, primary documents, daily journalism and the like, McCarthy's story nevertheless puts Watergate in the dust.  What we have here is the biggest political scandal in American political history.

Comey's FBI was running a secret counterintelligence operation against Trump, new docs show.  Newly obtained documents confirm that James Comey's FBI was running a secret and corrupt counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016 and repeatedly deceiving the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) thereafter in order to wiretap a Trump campaign associate.  The disclosure was the result of a federal lawsuit and a year of litigation.  Despite efforts by FBI Director Christopher Wray to obstruct, a federal court issued an order that forced the FBI and Department of Justice to produce the records known as "302 reports."  They are a summary of interviews FBI agents conducted with Bruce Ohr, a top DOJ official.

Judicial Watch Founder 'No Doubt The Obama White House Was Running The Show'.  With all the attention focussed on Mueller's visit to Congress — and the carnival ride of gaslighting stories that followed since — we nearly missed this interview.  The word 'watchdog' gets bounced around like the skinny kid in a mosh pit, but Judicial Watch is one group actually worthy of the title.  They are launching FOIA requests and lawsuits that actually hold the government accountable and turn up information that even Congress isn't always able to get their hands on.

Durham is targeting Brennan and "Unauthorized political surveillance".  The criminal farce of the Mueller-Weissmann dossier is being exposed as an extension of the Russia hoax.  Mueller is the fragile front man manipulated by a cabal of Trump-hating coup plotters.  The focus can now shift to U.S. Attorney John Durham and Inspector General Michael Horowitz.  And also to the criminal behavior that created the campaign to destroy Donald Trump by the Obama White House.  Attorney General William Barr and the spokesman for John Durham both said that the focus of their investigation would be on "unauthorized surveillance" and "political surveillance".

The Seven Dumbest Things Democrats Demand You Believe.  The Democrats still aren't finished with the Trump-Russia meme.  They apparently fail to recognize that virtually everything to come as this story goes forward will be unpleasant for them.  There is the Department of Justice's Inspector General report, due out later this summer, which will likely describe the origins of the Trump-Russia meme as being bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and used as a predicate for colossal civil rights abuses, if not election tampering, by the Obama administration, which weaponized Clinton's store-bought Steele Dossier to spy on the Trump campaign.

Expert: Obama tried to oust Trump to preserve legacy.  Between President Donald Trump's election and inauguration, former President Barack Obama and his administration conspired to oust his successor in order to preserve his legacy, according to one legal analyst from Fox News.  While discussing Democrats' partisan anti-Trump conspiracy before his book, Witch Hunt:  The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History comes out, Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett said Obama is just one of the conspirators who will be held accountable when Todd Starnes Radio Show Host Todd Starnes asked him if Democrats were toning down their attack in anticipation of their own impending doom.  "I totally agree with that," Jarrett told Starnes on his show.

What must Obama be thinking as Dems support Mueller's contention that an ex-president can be prosecuted for crimes committed while in office?  [The Trump-haters] focus instead on Mueller's avowal that while a sitting president cannot be indicted, an ex-president can be.  They urge Trump's defeat because a second term in office would bring the statute of limitations into play, immunizing him from the consequences of his imaginary crime.  Thus, Democrats keep reminding us that it is important to hold ex-presidents criminally liable for their criminal conduct in office.  Have you noticed how ex-President Obama is nearly invisible lately?  I have to wonder if he worries about US Attorney Durham's grand jury investigating the role of John Brennan in enlisting foreign intelligence agencies in the plot to spy on the Trump campaign, and after the election, to bring it down?

Jim Jordan:  If the FBI Can Spy on a Presidential Campaign, Imagine What They Can Do to You.  [Scroll down]  During an interview with Fox News Wednesday night [7/24/2019], Jordan stressed this point and warned that if the FBI can spy on those working for presidential campaigns, they can spy on anyone.  "If they can do this to the President of the United States.  If they can go spy on two people, two Americans associated on his campaign based on this idea that there was some conspiracy which know now is completely false, if they can do this to the President, imagine what they can do to you and I?" Jordan said.  "For Bob Mueller not even to look at that or answer any questions about that, not even want to look at that, that's a big concern."

Who has the most egg on his face after the Mueller hearings?  Adam Schiff.  From the beginning of the Left's attempt to destroy the Trump candidacy, then presidency, it was Adam Schiff who was the most consumed by the fabricated hoax that Trump had colluded with Russia to win the election.  He believed every morsel of disinformation that was carefully leaked by the collaborators at the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNC and the Clinton gang.  Once their fake news was leaked, they could and did use those articles as evidence against the President.  They used those columns of fabricated tales of Trump's collusion to get FISA warrants to spy on every person who was part of the campaign.  They spied, they set-up innocent persons like Papadopoulos in service of constructing a complex but false narrative that would round out their coup.

Justice Dept.  Watchdog Has Evidence Comey Probed Trump, on the Sly.  Sources tell RealClearInvestigations that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will soon file a report with evidence indicating that Comey was misleading the president.  Even as he repeatedly assured Trump that he was not a target, the former director was secretly trying to build a conspiracy case against the president, while at times acting as an investigative agent.  Two U.S. officials briefed on the inspector general's investigation of possible FBI misconduct said Comey was essentially "running a covert operation against" the president, starting with a private "defensive briefing" he gave Trump just weeks before his inauguration.  They said Horowitz has examined high-level FBI text messages and other communications indicating Comey was actually conducting a "counterintelligence assessment" of Trump during that January 2017 meeting in New York.

How Comey Carved Out an "Unprecedented" Position For His Covert Agent Who Had Access to the White House.  According to a new explosive report by investigative journalist Paul Sperry, former FBI Director James Comey was investigating Trump on the sly and used a covert agent in the White House to relay information about Trump back to the bureau.

Did a dirty intelligence operation create the 'collusion' probe?  Hidden behind a wall of secrecy is the truth about what really happened during the FBI and CIA's joint investigation of the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016.  Was it, as former President Barack Obama's top cop and spy insist, an honest national security probe?  Or was it, as Republicans suspect, a domestic political intelligence operation to "dirty up" then-candidate Donald Trump?  Attorney General William Barr doesn't buy the Team Obama story and is investigating the investigation.  Special counsel Robert Mueller's failure to find evidence of "collusion" bolsters Barr's hunch.

Here's How the 'Russia Collusion' SpyGate Deception May Have Played Out.  In April 2016, the Democrats and Hillary were the natural preference for Putin.  Remember the trampoline joke by Dmitry Rogozin?  Hillary Clinton delivered on her promise "to help strengthen Russia", including the act of making the United States entirely dependent on Russia for human space flight.  The list of her feats is long and includes Skolkovo, Uranium One, and anti-fracking/anti-pipeline activism.  Add to that list Hillary's reset with Russia.  Given such relations between Hillary Clinton and Putin, the idea of Russian election interference purposed with aiding Trump seems unlikely.  How did the DNC and Obama administration try to sabotage the Trump campaign with such a hoax?  The following is an educated guess about the likely course of events: [...]

Report: New Horowitz Witness, Likely Kathleen Kavalec, Agrees to Talk to IG Investigators.  In a new report Fox News journalist Catherine Herridge outlines a "reluctant witness" who has recently agreed to cooperate with DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his review of potential FISA abuse by the Obama DOJ and FBI.

Mark Meadows:  DOJ exploring 'unbelievably unusual activity' in final months of Obama administration.  Rep. Mark Meadows said the Justice Department is examining irregularities in the intelligence community as part of its review of the origins of the Russia investigation.  Reacting to newly released documents on changes in U.S. procedures for sharing raw intelligence, Meadows said there was "unbelievably unusual activity" in the final months of the Obama administration.  "I can tell you that [U.S. Attorney] John Durham and Attorney General [William] Barr are going to get to the bottom of it," the North Carolina Republican said Monday evening on Fox News.

Obama administration's anti-Trump actions revealed in newly disclosed documents.  Stunning new information just released by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) shows that the Obama administration stepped up efforts — just days before President Trump took office — to undermine Trump and his administration.  The ACLJ, where I serve as chief counsel, has obtained records that show the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, under Director James Clapper, eagerly pushed to get new procedures as part of an anti-Trump effort.  The procedures increased access to raw signals intelligence before the conclusion of the Obama administration, just days before President Trump was inaugurated.  By greatly expanding access to classified information by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, the Obama administration paved the way for a shadow government to leak classified information — endangering our national security and severely jeopardizing the integrity and reputation of our critical national security apparatus — in an attempt to undermine President Trump.

Jay Sekulow Discovers New Documents To Backstop Obama's Operation Against Trump — Connects To Evelyn Farkas.  In March 2017 CTH first highlighted statements by Evelyn Farkas that described a coordinated effort from within the Obama administration to push political opposition research, gathered by the intelligence community, into the media.  Jay Sekulow now discovers documents that highlight the Obama administration's efforts in their last days in office.  This effort backstops Farkas's earlier statements.

Durham probing Bond villains in the Obama White House.  US Attorney John Durham is investigating an unprecedented abuse of legal authority at the very top of a wide swath of the Obama Administration.  From the State Department to the CIA, to the DOJ and the White House and the Oval Office itself.  An array of senior government officials is directly implicated in staging an unconstitutional attempted coup d'etat against the President of the United States, Donald Trump.  A cabal of senior officials is directly implicated in the illegal use of NSA programs to spy on an array of prominent Americans for at least 4 years.

When Normality Became Abnormal.  Weaponizing the IRS, unleashing the FBI to spy on political enemies and to plot the removal of an elected president, politicizing the CIA to help to warp U.S. politics, allying the Justice Department with the Democratic National Committee, and reducing FISA courts to rubber stamps for pursuing administration enemies became the new normal.  Calling all that a near coup was abnormal.  Let us hope that most Americans still prefer the abnormal remedy to the normal pathology.

The External Roots of Spygate.  The National Security Council Principals are "some of the highest-ranking officials in the government, including the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, and Homeland Security, the attorney general, the head of the CIA, the White House chief of staff, UN ambassador, and more."  All of them were Obama appointees.  All of them had been told to toe the party line — that Trump was not an ordinary candidate, but a suspected Putin agent.  The only problem with this theory was total lack of evidence.

Sean Hannity:  Sources say Trump surveillance scandal appears 'even worse than we originally thought'.  Fox News host Sean Hannity said the "investigation into the investigators" is shaping up to be more of a bombshell than previously expected.  During his evening show [6/11/2019], Hannity played up what the Justice Department has already uncovered in its examination of the Russia investigation's origins and potential misconduct by Justice Department and FBI officials.  "The single biggest abuse of power scandal in American history is about to be laid bare for all to see," Hannity said Tuesday.  "Sources tonight are confirming to me that things are most likely even worse than we originally thought."

The 2020 News Cycle Will Look Very Different.  The Russia collusion narrative and associated Robert Mueller hysteria are all but over. [...] The media for three years obsessed over a false "Trump did it" story.  But in the next 17 months, the storyline may change from the myth of the "walls are closing in" on the president to the reality that Obama-era officials committed serial felonies — from perjury and lying to federal officials, to leaking classified documents, spying illegally on a political campaign, deceiving a FISA court, and obstructing justice.

Why The IG Report On FISA Abuse Will Unleash Barr's Investigation Of Spygate.  The forthcoming report from the Office of Inspector General on potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse will finally unleash Attorney General William Barr, and when it does, watch out.  For the last month, conservative pundits have predicted the ever-imminent dropping of Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on his investigation into the circumstances surrounding FISA surveillance of former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.  Horowitz's report will likely provide new and damaging details surrounding the FBI's use of the FISA court to spy on Page.  More importantly, the conclusion of Horowitz's probe frees Barr to conduct a broader and more exacting investigation into all aspects of the Russia collusion hoax.

Trump is the Democrats' white whale, and Pelosi is Ahab.  [Scroll down]  It all began within the Obama administration, most likely with his instigation.  So enamored of himself, Obama was determined to protect his legacy, no matter how unworthy of acclaim, at all costs.  He had made it clear years earlier that he bore a certain contempt for the Constitution as a document of "negative rights."  Obama, like all communists at heart, reveres only documents that dictate what the government must do, not what they cannot.

FBI Counterintelligence Is Focus of Trump Campaign Spying Probe.  The ongoing special Justice Department investigation into improper spying on the Trump campaign in 2016 highlights key failings by the FBI's once-storied counterintelligence division.  Two senior counterintelligence officials no longer with the bureau are among likely targets of the investigation by John Durham, U.S. attorney for the District of Connecticut.  Both were key managers of the high-profile investigations in 2016 into classified information found on Hillary Clinton's private email server, and the now-discredited counterspy operation into links between the Trump presidential campaign and Russian government.  A central figure is Peter Strzok, deputy assistant FBI director for the counterintelligence division, who was fired in August.  Another key player was his boss, Bill Priestap, assistant FBI director for counterintelligence, who quietly resigned in December.

Just When Did The Investigation Into The Trump Campaign Begin?  #[Scroll down]  What's interesting about this exchange is that the music had begun playing and Mukasey was cut off.  But he clearly seems to be implying that the investigation into the Trump campaign started before 2016, which runs counter to the accepted narrative.  And, more importantly, that the Mueller report might not be accurate, at least as it relates to that part of the timeline.

Who Ran Crossfire Hurricane?  "Crossfire Hurricane" — the melodramatic code name for the FBI/CIA spy operation on candidate Trump and his early presidency — was run for the FBI by then-FBI Director James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, Special Agent Peter Strzok, and a few others.  Then-CIA director John Brennan ran it for the CIA.  Brennan had to have help, but who was it?  A lot of evidence points to the CIA's then-chief of station in London in 2016-2017, and now the Director of Central Intelligence, Gina Haspel.  President Trump claimed that the FBI and CIA's spying on his campaign and early presidency was treason.  Attorney General William Barr said that, legally, it wasn't.

William Barr Is Washington's Worst Nightmare.  If you are bewildered by the weird antipathy with which Democrats and the media regard Attorney General William Barr, consider a passage from the Nobel Prize acceptance speech delivered by Polish dissident Czesław Miłosz in 1980:  "In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot."  Our government hasn't yet devolved into the kind of totalitarian regime under which Poland groaned at that time, but there is a conspiracy of silence surrounding the skullduggery that led to the Russia collusion fraud, and Barr fired that metaphorical pistol on April 10, 2019.  Barr used the word "spying" during testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee with regard to his plan to look into counterintelligence activities against the Trump campaign during the 2016 election cycle.  When he first uttered that word, it clearly startled every Democrat on the committee.

Adam Schiff Demands Materials From Probe Into Russia-Collusion Investigation.  [Scroll down]  The problem here is that the IC community and law enforcement were politicized by the Obama administration, which used them to spy on the Trump campaign.  It was Hillary Clinton's campaign that paid for the dossier from ex-British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele (then working as an opposition researcher) that was included as evidence to obtain warrants against Trump campaign officials.  Barr is trying to reveal that politicization.  It's telling that Schiff does not want this information revealed.

Watch: Biggest Scandal In American History:  How Many Were Really Spied On?  The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the court created to oversee its implementation are going to be in the news quite a bit in the upcoming weeks.  [Video clip]

Chemotherapy for the Republic.  When the core mechanisms of the country's national security apparatus are deployed for petty partisan advantage, the cancer's aggressive growth eats away at the very foundation of representative government.

FISA Court exposes Obama's abuse of NSA to spy on Americans.  The Obama White House used the most sensitive intrusive surveillance systems of the NSA to spy on Americans.  A ruling by FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer finds that 85% of NSA database requests under FISA section 702 authority at the DOJ were illegal or noncompliant.  Surveillance systems, including PRISM, spying on hundreds if not thousands of Americans.  Including Donald Trump and those around him.  Moreover, Collyer finds, that the Department of Justice showed an appalling "lack of institutional candor".

Maxine Waters Let Obama's Cat Out of the Bag in 2013.  Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), one of the left wing's most prominent and vocal figures, has a 30-year history of ill advised, frothing rhetoric.  "Auntie Maxine" is atop no one's list of vise-lipped confidantes, yet because of her prominence, she is clued in on much of the darker machinations of the Democratic Party and its backers.  Occasionally, she reveals more than intended.  February 2013 was one of those times.

Comey Denies FBI Spied on Trump Campaign, Calls It 'Conspiracy' Amid Multiple Probes.  Former FBI Director James Comey wrote an op-ed on Tuesday [5/28/2019] denying the FBI ever spied on President Trump's campaign in 2016 and claiming it was "just good people trying to figure out what was true, under unprecedented circumstances."

'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall' on Obama's Bad Cops and Spies.  The skies are growing dark and increasingly ominous for dirty officials at the top of Obama-era law enforcement and intelligence agencies.  Leading the "I'm really worried" list are James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, and their senior aides, all political appointees.  They expected Hillary Clinton to win in 2016 and bury any traces of malfeasance, just as they had buried hers.  It didn't work out that way.  Now they need protection themselves.  House Democrats and anonymous leakers are busy providing it.

The Russia hoax was a cover-up effort for Obama's political spying since 2012.  At last, we are on the verge of getting to the bottom of the weaponization of the nation's top law enforcement and spy agencies to spy on political opponents, and it is far bigger than obtaining bogus FISA Court warrants to spy on Carter Page.  Barack Obama's minions have been spying on his political opponents since before his 2012 re-election, and the entire Russiagate hoax was an effort to cover up that ongoing spying.

Donald Trump makes good on a promise but Dems cry 'coverup'.  The president is going nuclear.  Democrats who thought control of the House gave them control of the agenda now will face stiff competition.  Their expressions of outrage will seem tired next to the sensational revelations about the actions of Jim Comey, John Brennan and others.  Based on what we already know, it is highly likely those revelations will prove the [Obama] White House, FBI and CIA engineered the greatest scandal in American political history by unjustified spying on Trump and by trying to tip the election to Hillary Clinton.  Predictably, Dems are furious at Trump's decision, with many on the left launching personal attacks on Barr.  He's not getting Brett Kavanaugh-level smears yet, but give them time.

The Declassification Directive Gives Pelosi, Schumer and Small Group Few Options.  When President Trump announced the futility of attempting an infrastructure bill with Pelosi and Schumer as they simultaneously tried to impeach him, the president certainly knew he was going to issue a declassification memo within hours.  The declassification directive to AG Bill Barr creates a dynamic ensuring Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will align with the former intelligence officials and further attack the offices of the President and Attorney General; they have few options.  Those who participated in the creation of Russia-Gate or Spy-Gate have few options except to manufacture a narrative shield and accuse the President of unethical, immoral and criminal conduct.

Joe diGenova Discusses Declassification and the Origin of the Obama Political Surveillance Operation.  Now that we have significant research files on the 2015 and 2016 political surveillance program; which includes the trail evident within the Weissmann/Mueller report; in combination with the Obama-era DOJ "secret research project" (their words, not mine); we are able to overlay the entire objective and gain a full understanding of how political surveillance was conducted over a period of approximately four to six years.  This is likely why there is institutional panic.  Working with a timeline, but also referencing origination material in 2015/2016 — CTH has tried to show how the program operated.  The exploitation of government collected information explains an evolution from the IRS Files in 2010 to the FISA Files in 2016.  More importantly, research indicates the modern political exploitation of the NSA database, for weaponized intelligence surveillance of politicians, began mid 2012.

Attorney General Barr puts former intel bosses on notice.  Things seem to be moving quickly now.  It has been a remarkable few weeks in American history.  Momentum is building toward uncovering the distasteful possibility that the targeting of a U.S. presidential campaign was actually a political operation, fostered at the highest levels of government, masquerading as an FBI counterintelligence investigation.  Attorney General William Barr has signaled that his interest in examining the origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign extends beyond whether the FBI operated "by the book," as former FBI Director James Comey asserts.  Barr also wants to understand the role that the larger intelligence community, or IC, may have played in all of this.

Global Elites Started The Russia Nonsense.  Attorney General William Barr has turned the attention of the Russia probe to its origin: who started this and why?  The answer, as in all the best crime dramas, is probably hiding in plain sight. [...] The Obama administration was spying on conservative European political parties.  Which means, almost necessarily under the Five Eyes Agreement, foreign agents were returning the favor and spying on the Trump campaign.

Donald Trump Orders Intelligence Community to Cooperate with Surveillance Investigation.  President Donald Trump directed the intelligence community to cooperate with Attorney General Bill Barr's investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 presidential election.  In a memorandum to his seven cabinet directors and the Attorney General, Trump asked that officials cooperate with Barr's investigation and authorized Barr to declassify any information about the investigation into his campaign that he deemed necessary, provided that he consulted with the agency responsible.

Obama lied, the FBI spied.  Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the FBI knew the Russian Dossier was BS when the agency used it to spy on Donald John Trump.  And Americans want to get to the bottom of Obama's misuse of America's spy apparatus.  Scott Rasmussen reported, "64% of voters believe the FBI knew a controversial dossier was unreliable when they used it to obtain a search warrant against President Trump's 2016 campaign.  A ScottRasmussen.com national survey found that skepticism is shared by 86% of Republicans, 64% of Independents, and 47% of Democrats."  49% of Americans want this investigated.  Only 29% are opposed.  A plurality of Americans now believe the Obama administration's spying was illegal.

Obama Appointees in the Communist Orbit.  The Obama administration colluded with Rusian agents who produced the Steele Dossier.  It was paid for by Clinton, but it was Obama's minions at the FBI, CIA and White House who weaponized this soviet disinformation against President Trump.  We are all victims of the Obama cabal's collusion with Russia — President Trump's voters and all Americans who believe in our free and fair election process.

Federal Rats Are Fleeing the Sinking Collusion Ship.  [Scroll down]  There may well have occurred a near coup attempt by high-ranking officials to destroy a campaign and then to remove an elected president.  Likewise, top officials may have engaged in serial lying to federal investigators, perjury, the misleading of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the illegal insertion of informants into a political campaign, the leaking of classified documents and the obstruction of justice.  So, how can we tell that the former accusers are now terrified of becoming the accused?  Because suddenly the usual band of former Obama officials and Trump accusers have largely given up on their allegations that Trump was or is a Russian asset.  Instead, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein are now beginning to accuse each other of wrongdoing.

Donald Trump Orders Intelligence Community to Cooperate with Surveillance Investigation.  President Donald Trump directed the intelligence community to cooperate with Attorney General Bill Barr's investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 presidential election.  In a memorandum to his seven cabinet directors and the Attorney General, Trump asked that officials cooperate with Barr's investigation and authorized Barr to declassify any information about the investigation into his campaign that he deemed necessary, provided that he consulted with the agency responsible.

AG William Barr given power to declassify documents on surveillance activities into Trump campaign.  President Trump has given Attorney General William Barr "full and complete authority to declassify information" related to the origins of the federal investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.  The move is the strongest sign yet that Trump is taking serious action to "investigate the investigators" and has found a willing champion in Barr, who rankled Democrats last month when he said "spying did occur" on the Trump campaign.  The White House issued a memorandum to the heads of several agencies Thursday [5/23/2019] instructing them to cooperate with Barr's inquiry, [...]

Potus Trump will begin document declassification with "Bucket 5" list of exculpatory evidence FBI failed to show FISA court.  Ace investigative columnist John Solomon told Fox News' Sean Hannity Tuesday night [5/21/2019] during his show that, according to Solomon's sources, POTUS Donald Trump is expected to begin declassifying a series of documents exposing President Obama's deep state "Spygate" plot to undermine his presidency.  In particular, Solomon noted, the president will begin with with the release of "Bucket 5" documents, otherwise known as exculpatory statements the FBI possessed about its targets before agents went to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court to get warrants to spy on them.

Attorney General Barr puts former intel bosses on notice.  Things seem to be moving quickly now.  It has been a remarkable few weeks in American history.  Momentum is building toward uncovering the distasteful possibility that the targeting of a U.S. presidential campaign was actually a political operation, fostered at the highest levels of government, masquerading as an FBI counterintelligence investigation.  Attorney General William Barr has signaled that his interest in examining the origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign extends beyond whether the FBI operated "by the book," as former FBI Director James Comey asserts.  Barr also wants to understand the role that the larger intelligence community, or IC, may have played in all of this.

Docs Prove Deep State hacks Obama, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper aided Russian efforts to divide Americans with 'Spygate'.  Treason is not a word that anyone should use lightly, but based on recent revelations regarding the "Spygate" operation aimed at undermining Donald Trump's presidential campaign and his presidency, it is a term that seems very fitting to describe acts and actions taken by several Obama-era officials, including the former president himself.

Obama's Illegal Spying on Americans Labeled "Operation Hammer" Will Soon Be Exposed.  One of the many illegal actions that President Obama partook during his eight years in office was the assimilation of personal data on all Americans.  His "Operation Hammer" will soon be uncovered and show his contempt for Americans and the rule of law.

Sharyl Attkisson Discusses "Spygate" as a Cover Operation.  [Scroll down]  CTH agrees, everything after March 9th, 2016, is a function of two intelligence units, the CIA and FBI, operating together to cover-up prior political surveillance operations.  Prior to March 9th, 2016, the surveillance and spy operation was using the NSA database to track and monitor their political opposition.  However, once the NSA compliance officer began initiating an internal review of who was accessing the system, the CIA and FBI moved to create ex post facto justification for their endeavors.

Trump says those who 'spied' on his campaign should be convicted of treason.  President Trump said court-ordered FBI surveillance of his 2016 presidential campaign was treason and those connected to it should serve long prison sentences.

Nine Reasons James Comey Might Be in Real Legal Jeopardy.  Based on a dossier he knew was a fake document paid for and compiled by anti-Trump partisans, Comey launched an intensive spying campaign against Team Trump as though they were the criminals, as though they were suspected of a crime.  This intense spying campaign, which was obviously meant to entrap people into admitting to treason and to meddle in a presidential election, involved no less than a full-fledged counterintelligence investigation using confidential sources, non-FBI undercover investigators, and wiretaps.

Obama's Other Investigation.  It's apparent to all but President Trump's most deranged critics that Obama's FBI was indeed spying on his campaign.  So, it's worth pointing out that, in addition to the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane operation, the Obama administration was running another concurrent higher-level counterintelligence investigation into alleged Russian efforts to aid Trump's campaign that hasn't gotten nearly as much attention.

'Both stories can't be true:' 'Spygate' begins to unravel as Brennan vs Comey camps point fingers.  Disgraced former Obama administration officials James Comey and John Brennan are reportedly duking it out publicly in what for all intents and purposes looks a whole lot like a real-life performance of the hilarious Mad magazine cartoon "Spy vs.  Spy."  Except the implications of this "performance" are mad real, pun intended.  This real-life feud over what's often referred to as "spygate" concerns the infamous Steele dossier.  The question everybody wants to be answered is "whodunit," i.e., which one of these two disgraced officials was responsible for elevating the fraudulent, smear-filled document into undeserved relevance.

Obama's Other Investigation.  It's apparent to all but President Trump's most deranged critics that Obama's FBI was indeed spying on his campaign.  So, it's worth pointing out that, in addition to the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane operation, the Obama administration was running another concurrent higher-level counterintelligence investigation into alleged Russian efforts to aid Trump's campaign that hasn't gotten nearly as much attention.  Details of the second investigation were leaked by high-level Obama administration officials for a June 2017 Washington Post story headlined, "Obama's secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin's election assault".  The anonymously sourced accounts of meetings only attended by a handful of intelligence bureau chiefs and their inner thoughts and objectives could have only been provided by people in the uppermost echelon of the intelligence community under Obama, like Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, CIA director John Brennan, and FBI director James Comey.

Will The Real Russia-Collusion Scandal Please Stand Up?  Now that the smoke from the always-dubious Trump-Russia investigation has cleared, the real scandal is finally coming into focus.  Namely, the one where the Obama administration, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and various top law enforcement officials apparently worked together to spy on the campaign of their political opponent.  A scandal with far more credible evidence to back it up than the phony Russia collusion story.

Getting FISA authority illegally, as now looks probable, was unnecessary.  Why was it done?  This week we learned from John Solomon at The Hill that the FBI knew before the first application for FISA authorization against Trump campaign aide Carter Page that key information in the Steele dossier was flawed.  Yet it was advanced as justification for the FISA surveillance anyway, and with apparent misrepresentation of the Bureau's compliance with its own Woods procedures.  In particular, according to notes made by a State Department official during a brief she received from Christopher Steele, a key detail about one of the dossier's allegations was false — in fact, ridiculously so.

IG Horowitz Has 'Concluded that the Final Three FISA Extensions Were Illegally Obtained,' diGenova Says.  Washington attorney Joe diGenova claimed in an interview last night that the Department of Justice inspector general has determined that "the final three FISA extensions were illegally obtained," and the first one is still being investigated.  For the past year, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz has been investigating the FBI's 2016 surveillance activities and his report is expected later this month or in early June.  Washington power couple Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing appeared on Lou Dobbs' Fox Business Network show Thursday night [5/9/2019] to talk about the latest turns in the "SpyGate" saga.

Senator Shaheen Questions FBI Director Wray About "Spying".  It didn't work out too well the last time New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen asked Attorney General Bill Barr about the term 'spying'.  This time the intentionally obtuse senator questions the term "spying" on the Trump campaign by conflating a Title III criminal investigation (which never happened), with Title I counterintelligence investigation (which did happen).

FBI Director Wray contradicts his boss AG Barr over 'spying' on Trump: 'Not the term I would use'.  FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday disputed Attorney General William Barr's use of the word "spying" to describe surveillance of President Trump's 2016 campaign.  "That's not the term I would use," Wray told the Senate Appropriations Committee.  "To me the key question is making sure it's done by the book, consistent with our lawful authorities.  That's the key question, different people use different colloquial phrases."

FBI Director Wray says surveillance not the same as 'spying'.  "That's not the term I would use," Wray told lawmakers on the Senate Appropriations Committee when asked if FBI agents engage in "spying" when they follow FBI policies and procedures.  "Lots of people have different colloquial phrases.  I believe that the FBI is engaged in investigative activity, and part of investigative activity includes surveillance activity of different shapes and sizes, and to me the key question is making sure that it's done by the book, consistent with our lawful authorities."

None Dare Call It Spying (But It Was Obviously Spying).  Dictionary.com defines "spy" as:  [#1] a person employed by a government to obtain secret information or intelligence about another, usually hostile, country, especially with reference to military or naval affairs.  [#2] a person who keeps close and secret watch on the actions and words of another or others.  There is no possible interpretation of those definitions that does not cover what the Obama administration did to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump in 2016.  Whether it was justified or not is irrelevant to the fact that spying did occur.

The walls are closing in on Obama's spies.  [Kimberley] Strassel wrote, "Mr. Barr made real news in that Senate hearing, and while the press didn't notice, Democrats did.  The attorney general said he'd already assigned people at the Justice Department to assist his investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.  He said his review would be far-reaching — that he was obtaining details from congressional investigations, from the ongoing probe by the department's inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and even from Mr. Mueller's work.  Mr. Barr said the investigation wouldn't focus only on the fall 2016 justifications for secret surveillance warrants against Trump team members but would go back months earlier.

FBI's spying campaign against Trump [is] yet another reason to probe Comey.  President Trump has called it "Spygate," but it's looking more like "Get Smart" or the classic Mad magazine cartoon, "Spy vs. Spy."  According to The New York Times, the FBI in 2016 actually sent a buxom blonde to pump Trump-campaign nobody George Papadopoulos for information about collusion.  It would be hilarious if the investigation hadn't continued on (in various forms) for over two years, plaguing the president with damning "news" coverage that now turns out to be fundamentally false.

When Will Trump Finally Drop the Hammer on the Deep State?  This country needs to get to the bottom of how this nightmare all started.  We have to find out who was responsible for putting these corrupt wheels of injustice into full motion.  If it leads all the way to the top and Barack Obama, so be it.  What did Obama know and when did President Obama know it?  And if he did know, to what extent was he involved?  All those who participated in this malfeasance must now be held fully accountable.  If these deep state actors are found guilty, then all of these people must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  This is no game; President Trump has basically been robbed of the first two years of his presidency by the corrupt people in Washington and their leftist pawns in the media.  This must not stand; these corrupt politicians must not be allowed to run out the clock.

Busted Comey on the defensive tries to justify FBI spying on Trump and use of honey pot to entrap aide.  Fired FBI Director James Comey defended the agency's spying-on of the 2016 Trump campaign and the use of a "honey pot" to entrap former campaign aide George Papadopoulos.  Comey was reacting to a New York Times report alleging that the FBI had employed an attractive female who used the alias "Azra Turk" to spy on Papadopoulos. [...] Comey — who was then FBI director — defended the FBI, saying it did what it had to do under the circumstances, which was to spy on the Trump campaign aides.  That is a gross violation of civil liberties.  Naturally, no one has explained why the FBI never alerted then-candidate Donald Trump that they allegedly suspected Russia was trying to infiltrate his campaign.  Wouldn't that be the logical first step?

FBI Official's Testimony Raises New Questions about Surveillance of Trump Campaign.  The deputy assistant director at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Jonathan Moffa, was involved with the Russia-Trump investigation from the start.  He was asked, in a closed-door Capitol Hill interview on August 24, 2018, to describe his role:  "I was the section chief over counterintelligence analysis during the period of the election," Moffa told lawmakers and staff. [...] Moffa's congressional interview was private, and no transcript has been released.  But National Review has obtained a copy.  The interview transcript reveals that the FBI's use of Confidential Human Sources and other counterintelligence assets was far more extensive than has previously been acknowledged.

So Who Was 'Azra Turk' Working For?  The FBI tasked a woman posing as an assistant to longtime FBI informant Stefan Halper to meet with Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos in London in 2016, The New York Times revealed in a report Thursday [5/2/2019].  The report confirms longstanding speculation that the woman, who operated under the alias Azra Turk, was part of the government's operation to keep tabs on Papadopoulos and the Trump team.  But one question about Turk remains unanswered by The Times piece:  Who does she work for?

FBI Admits Using Spies Against Trump Campaign.  In a stunning admission The New York Times describes how the FBI enlisted a female agent to work the "operation" in the U.K. during August-September 2016 posing as an aide for U.S. intelligence asset/FBI informant Stefan Halper.  Halper was an FBI operative and Cambridge professor who set up meetings with Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos.  The female agent used a fake name, Azra Turk, and presented herself as an assistant to Stefan Halper; however, she was actually an undercover intelligence operative of the FBI.

Obama-Era Spying Is Now a Political Risk for Biden.  It's been a very good week for Joe Biden.  The former senator and vice president is the clear frontrunner in a crowded Democratic field for 2020.  His poll ratings and campaign fundraising surged after he announced his presidential run last week.  One of Biden's biggest assets is his close association with Barack Obama.  He may not have the former president's endorsement yet (Biden says, unconvincingly, that he didn't want it), but Joe knows how popular Obama still is and how much his candidacy benefits from that reflected glow.

New York Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016.  Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee.  It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.  In addition to noting that long-time informant Stefan Halper was tasked with collecting intelligence on the Trump campaign, the Times story details how a woman was sent overseas under a fake name and occupation to oversee the spy operation.  The woman's real name is not mentioned in the article, though the Times says she went by "Azra Turk" and has a relationship with an unidentified federal intelligence agency.

Big Puzzle Pieces Connecting — The CIA, FBI, and 2016 Political Surveillance is Merging.  The admissions within the New York Times story today [5/2/2019] outlining how President Obama's intelligence apparatus ran simultaneous intelligence operations against the Trump campaign- are starting to merge the FBI and CIA operations. [...] Remember, everything after March 9th, 2016, is a cover-story.

Barr laid it on the line with the simple question the Russia Hoaxers can't answer.  Attorney General William Barr scares the wits out of the Democrats who bet their party's political future on removing President Trump from office.  Now that The Mueller Report revealed no collusion with the Russians, they are living in fear that the coup plotters will be held accountable for their misdeeds in courts of law.  Barr has indicated that prosecutorial investigations are underway, and his willingness to speak plainly and directly, such as his use (and defense of his use) of the word "spying," demonstrates that that he and his associates can make their cases in convincing language.

With the walls closing in on Obama, Ben Rhodes weaves a sticky narrative web.  Now that the Mueller report is out, effectively exonerating President Trump of colluding with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, the Trump administration has begun investigations as to the origins of the phony Steele dossier and the illegal surveillance of his campaign.  It's a trail that's unlikely to lead anywhere but to the office of embittered President Obama, and independent reporter Nicholas Ballasy got a chance to ask the Obama administration's former deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, whether he thought this investigation would eventually lead.  His response was about what you might expect — nowhere Obama might be, along with a string of "narratives," so fake that if you weren't suspicious Obama knew anything about the abuses of power going on, you would be after hearing Rhodes.  [Video clip]

Admiral Mike Rogers, Obama's NSA Chief, Discovered Administration's '702' Illegal Spying Operation.  Section 702 allows the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence to "jointly authorize surveillance of people who are not 'U.S. persons.'"  Use of 702 has actually helped the U.S. thwart planned terrorist attacks.  When used as intended, it is a valuable tool. [...] Clearly, the potential for abuse under the 702 program is great.  Dating back to 2012, the 702 program was used to spy on Americans, which is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.  Carlson, in the above mentioned article, speculates that Obama administration officials didn't obtain the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page for the purpose of collecting information, but rather, because they had already spied on the campaign, they needed it to "explain" the information they had previously collected.

Former Obama Advisor Ben Rhodes:  We Didn't Know Anything.  Former Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama, Ben Rhodes, says any investigation of prior administration "will find nothing" that shows former President Obama or White House staff had any "involvement" in the origins of the surveillance of Trump campaign and Russia collusion investigation.  [Video clip]

Listen to Joe diGenova.  On April 10, 2019, Attorney General William Barr testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee that Donald Trump's presidential campaign had been spied upon by U.S. intelligence agencies.  According to Barr, the "question was whether it [the spying] was adequately predicated."  Barr was careful to state explicitly that he had made no determination as to whether there was an adequate justification for the spying, but that he was going to investigate to resolve the issue.  Clearly Barr was talking about the eponymous and unverified Steele dossier which was used by the FBI and Justice Department to obtain FISA warrants to intercept the communications of Trump campaign associate Carter Page and, by extension, everyone in or out of the Trump campaign with whom he communicated. [...] Now it appears that Barr was only hinting at the enormity of what is actually being investigated.

A Spygate Warning:  How the Leaders of the Coup Could Escape Justice.  [Scroll down]  One has to admire, I guess, the pure audacity of the deep state and its friends in the media for pulling this one off.  For the first two and a half years of Trump's presidency, they constructed an exquisite trap where if he denied that Russia interfered in the election it meant he himself was colluding in it.  Finally, exhausted and seeking a political out, Trump's second attorney general (his first one self-castrated over Russia) copped to Russian interference to avoid the collusion and obstruction charges.  Except there is no evidence, really, that Russia interfered.  With apologies to Barr, that assertion seems just as concocted as the collusion canard.  The FBI and, apparently, the special counsel never tested the supposedly hacked computers.  That task was left to a private contractor, CrowdStrike, with connections to the Clinton Foundation and the government of Ukraine.

President Obama's 2016 Political Surveillance Coverup Had Two Parallel Tracks.  Everything after March 9th, 2016, is a function of two intelligence units, the CIA and FBI, operating together to cover up prior political surveillance and spy operations.  Prior to March 9th, 2016, the surveillance and spy operation was using the NSA database to track and monitor their political opposition.  However, once the NSA compliance officer began initiating an internal review of who was accessing the system, the CIA and FBI moved to create ex post facto justification for their endeavors.

10 factors making Russia election interference the most enduring scandal of the Obama era.  Depending on which set of facts we examine, Russian interference was alternately foreseeable and unpredictable; expected, yet surprising.  The official reaction to it has begun to unfold as a Keystone Cops-type response by top Obama intel officials.  They appear to have been so distracted by political motivations that they lost sight of the very danger they now claim threatens our democracy.  Here are 10 reasons why Russia election interference seems set to become the most enduring scandal of the Obama administration. [...]

The Obama Use of FISA-702 as a Domestic Political Surveillance Program.  Now that we have significant research files on the 2015 and 2016 political surveillance program; which includes the trail evident within the Weissmann/Mueller report; in combination with the Obama-era DOJ "secret research project" (their words, not mine); we are able to overlay the entire objective and gain a full understanding of how political surveillance was conducted over a period of approximately four to six years.  Working with a timeline, but also referencing origination material in 2015/2016 — CTH hopes to show how the program operated.  This explains an evolution from The IRS Files in 2010 to the FISA Files in 2016.

Forget Trump, Here Are Five Reasons Why Obama Should Have Been Impeached.  There is no question that Obama spied on the Trump campaign.  We know this happened.  We know that this spying was justified using a bogus dossier funded by the Hillary campaign.  What began as a means to undermine Trump before the 2016 election ultimately became a means to undermine his presidency.  The Mueller investigation, a 22-month effort to uncover alleged Russian collusion predictably turned up nothing, and thankfully, Attorney General William Barr appears to be willing to do something to find out how the illegal spying began.  Combine this with Obama's role in meddling with the investigation of Hillary Clinton, and we get what is truly the biggest political scandal in history.

What did Obama know?  When did he know it?  Obama used Russian interference as an excuse to spy on Donald Trump.  The way it was done tells me they had done this before because Susan Rice was way too casual in talking about unmasking private citizens whom national security wiretapped.  They convinced themselves that Trump was Putin's puppet, and used that to rationalize behaviors and actions that were unconstitutional.

Jay Sekulow:  "Three" FISA Applications Were Denied in 2016.  During a rather innocuous podcast discussion panel yesterday, one of President Trump's personal lawyers Jay Sekulow mentioned the FBI had three FISA applications denied by the FISA court in 2016.  The denials were always suspected; however, until now no-one in/around the administration has ever confirmed.  Jay Sekulow did not expand on his statement and did not explain where the information was derived from; however, if accurate this may explain the backstory to why FISA Judge Rudolph Contreras was recused.

Worse than Watergate.  In 1972, Republicans were caught using former CIA operatives to spy on their political rivals.  In 2016, Democrats have now been caught using active FBI and senior Department of Justice employees to spy on President Trump.  It is no longer debatable whether or not it happened, because A. G. Barr just told us it happened.  The only question that remains is whether or not they had any sort of justifiable reason for doing so, except that question seems to have already been resolved by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because his report found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.  In fact, the opposite appears to be true — it looks as if federal agencies conspired with foreign governments to entrap peripheral members of the Trump campaign.  Heads need to roll.

Questions Real Journalists Would Ask Obama and Hillary.  If there were real journalism in America today, there would be questions right now that these real journalists would really want to ask people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, such as, "President Obama, were you made aware of spying on the Trump campaign while you were in office?" [...] "President Obama, if FISA courts were deceived in any way by your FBI, would you characterize that as a scandal — and, if not, how would you characterize it?" "President Obama, when you said that you learned about Hillary Clinton's secret email server by reading about it in the papers, were you being honest, sir?

Devin Nunes:  "The Spying Began in 2015?  Finally [...] Devin Nunes outlines the origin of the spying operation as it began in 2015 and extended into 2016.  During an interview to discuss his criminal referrals to Attorney General Barr Devin Nunes outlines the big picture.  [Video clip]

Brennan Attacks Bill Barr For Saying Obama Admin Spied on Trump's 2016 Campaign.  Former CIA Chief John Brennan, who is up to his eyeballs in Spygate, attacked Attorney General Bill Barr over his 'spying' allegation.  John Brennan was spooked after Attorney General Bill Barr said in a Senate hearing that the "upper echelon" of Obama's Intel agencies spied on Trump's 2016 campaign.  Yes, that includes John Brennan, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency — no wonder why he's panicking.

Focus on the Leaking, Not Just the Spying.  [Scroll down]  The abuse of power here is what happened after Trump won the election.  This is when the investigations themselves and other kinds of surveillance were disclosed to the press.  Details about incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition leaked.  So did the FBI's probe of Trump associates and their contacts with Russia, along with the existence of the surveillance warrant on [Carter] Page himself.  It's hard to say whether these leaks were coordinated, but there have been some suggestive clues.

CNN Laughably Asserts AG Bill Barr Provided "No Evidence" Of Trump Spying.  After AG Bill Barr announced yesterday [4/10/2019] that the Trump campaign was spied on, this sent mainstream news agencies into a hair-fire-setting frenzy.  I wrote about some of their reactions here.  All kinds of crazy and obtuse claims emanated from blue checkmark Twitter accounts everywhere.  You'd think journalists would be happy to pursue a story possibly as big as Watergate (i.e. a sitting President weaponizing intelligence to spy on a rival).  But nah, it hurts their narrative so they are doing everything they can to bury the story.

Media covered for Obama spying.  CNN reported, "Barr says spying on Trump campaign 'did occur,' but provides no evidence."  Some things never change.  The network that colluded with Saddam Hussein to cover up his torture has denied for two years that Obama spied on Donald John Trump — and continues to do so despite FISA warrants and admissions that the FBI and others wire tapped Trump Tower.

AG Barr:  The Obama Administration Was 'Spying' on the Trump Campaign.  On Wednesday [4/10/2019], Attorney General William Barr insisted that intelligence agencies under former President Barack Obama spied on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.  He did not declare that this spying was illegal, but the spying is unsettling regardless.  "I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.  It's a big deal," Barr said in a Senate hearing on Wednesday [4/10/2019].  "There are a lot of rules put in place to make sure that there's an adequate basis before our law enforcement agencies get involved in political surveillance.  I'm not suggesting that those rules were violated but I think it's important to look at that."  Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) pressed him on the issue of spying.  "You're not suggesting, though, that spying occurred?" she asked.  "I think spying did occur.  Yes, I think spying did occur," Barr replied.  "The question is whether it was predicated, adequately predicated."

Barr is right, spying on Trump campaign did occur.  It is a fact that in October 2016 the FBI wiretapped Carter Page, who had earlier been a short-term foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.  The bureau's application to a secret court for that wiretapping is public.  It is heavily redacted but is clearly focused on Page and "the Russian government's attempt to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election." Page was wiretapped because of his connection with the Trump campaign.  Some critics have noted that the wiretap authorization came after Page left the campaign.  But the surveillance order allowed authorities to intercept Page's electronic communications both going forward from the day of the order and backward, as well.  Investigators could see Page's emails and texts going back to his time in the campaign.  So there is simply no doubt that the FBI wiretapped a Trump campaign figure.

Barr: 'I Think Spying' On Trump Campaign 'Did Occur'.  Attorney General William Barr told a Senate panel Wednesday [4/10/2019] that he believes American "intelligence agencies" did spy on the Trump campaign but said he has not yet determined whether there was a proper justification for that surveillance.  "I think spying did occur," Barr said during a hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee.  "But the question is whether it was adequately predicated and I am not suggesting that it wasn't adequately predicated. ... I am not suggesting those rules were violated, but I think it is important to look at that.  And I am not talking about the FBI necessarily, but intelligence agencies more broadly."  "I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal — it's a big deal," he added.

Barr Confirms Multiple Intel Agencies Implicated In Anti-Trump Spy Operation.  "Spying on a political campaign is a big deal," Attorney General William Barr told a Senate committee on Wednesday morning.  Barr's comments came in the context of potential Justice Department reviews of the Trump-Russia investigation and how it began in 2016.  While it is important that the top law enforcement in the United States publicly acknowledged that the Obama administration and its intelligence agencies surveilled its domestic political opponents during the heat of a presidential election, it is what he said next that was most startling: that the CIA and other federal agencies in addition to the FBI may have been involved.  "I'm not talking about the FBI necessarily, but intelligence agencies more broadly," he said.

Blumenthal Demands AG Barr Recant Belief That FBI Spied On Trump.  Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal is demanding that Attorney General William Barr "retract his unfounded, irresponsible claim that American law enforcement 'spied' on the Trump Campaign." [...] Republicans want to know what prompted the FBI to seek FISA warrants and to conduct a serious counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign and many of its members.

Barr is right to review why Trump-Russia investigation began.  In his testimony Wednesday [4/10/2019] before a Senate Appropriations Committee subcommittee, Attorney General William Barr made statements that were so clearly correct, they should be no more controversial than asserting that the sky is blue.  The fact that they are causing consternation is what should alarm people.  Barr told senators that "I think spying did occur" in the Trump-Russia investigation conducted by (among others) the Justice Department and the FBI during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Stefan Halper:  The Cambridge don the FBI sent to spy on Trump.  When Attorney General William Barr stated "spying did occur" against the 2016 Trump campaign, most attention was focused on the FBI's surveillance of former junior foreign policy aide Carter Page.  But the spying Barr was thinking of, and which he said may or may not have been legally authorized, is more likely to be that carried out by Stefan Halper, a former Republican operative and White House aide who became a foreign policy academic with close ties to both American and British intelligence.

William Barr Confirms Breitbart News, Mark Levin on Obama Administration 'Spying' on Trump Campaign.  Attorney General William Barr told the Senate on Wednesday that he believed the Obama administration did, in fact, spy on President Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.  Democrats and their media allies howled in outrage and derision.  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that Barr "is going off the rails."  NBC News' Chuck Todd said that Barr "gave credence to a factless conspiracy theory."  But Barr merely confirmed what is already known.

Tom Fitton:  Spygate [is] "The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History".  [Tom] Fitton's organization has been highly successful in obtaining key documents from the government that are in the public interest, such as emails related to the 2012 Benghazi attack that were sent by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and documents related to the Spygate scandal.  We talk about what makes the Trump-Russia collusion hoax the biggest scandal in American History as well as what questions need to be investigated now that the Mueller investigation has concluded.  In our interview, Fitton also provides insight into how transparency organizations like Judicial Watch actually manage to get the documents, and why some government information — despite a legal requirement to provide it — is so hard to obtain.

USA Today Calls For Investigation Into Obama-Era Deep State Election Manipulation.  Interesting indeed!  Here is the left-leaning USA Today finally calling for an accounting of Obama-era officials, (including Mr. Obama himself) and the roles they played in what became the 2+ year-long, multi-million dollar waste of time known as the Mueller investigation that saw the U.S. intelligence agencies politically weaponized to alter the Election Day outcome.  Treason, sedition, intimidation, corruption, you name it they seemingly did it all.

Team Mueller and the Predictable "Leak Campaign" — But The Much Bigger Issue is the 40 FBI Agents.  Sure, we didn't expect the Mueller team to beg forgiveness for conducting the most ridiculous investigation in modern history; however, I also didn't expect them to be so honest about the motives.  In their own words, they are now admitting:  it's all about politics and maximum political benefit.  Despite the proclaimed reason for the investigation, the greatest concern amid the Mueller team is not whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election; but rather who gets to shape the political narrative that comes after three years of weaponized intelligence ops.

Tom Cotton Lays the Blame for the Collusion Hoax at the Door of One Man.  We know that the dossier used to kickstart the investigation of the Trump campaign was false in all but some very general points.  We know that the FBI used this dossier for at least three FISA warrants.  We know that there are idiots out there who still believe the George Papadopoulos-Andrew Downer story (looking at you, Chris Wallace).  We know that this dossier was introduced into the media and into the highest levels of government by trusted intermediaries.  We know that the people pushing the story had a personal animus towards Trump and a lot of people who worked for him.  What we don't know on that side of the equation is why?  Did they do it, anticipating a Clinton win, so they could discredit the GOP? [...] This kind of activity — launching a counterintelligence probe of a presidential campaign and never briefing the candidate on any concerns the FBI had about his staff — is not only unprecedented, but it could not have taken place unless it was cleared by the White House.

The Editor says...
"Cleared by the White House" means, cleared by Valerie Jarrett, because she was apparently making the decisions attributed to Barack H. Obama.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Tells CNN Obama Ordered the Trump-Russia Spying Operation.  On Monday former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper went on with CNN's Anderson Cooper to discuss the Mueller Report after its release on Sunday [3/24/2019]. [...] Clapper defended the Obama administration's spying on their political opposition during the election.  And then Clapper appeared to put blame on Barack Obama for spying on his opponent during the 2016 presidential election.

Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump.  Efforts by high-ranking officials in the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and State Department to portray President Donald Trump as having colluded with Russia were the culmination of years of bias and politicization under the Obama administration.  The weaponization of the intelligence community and other government agencies created an environment that allowed for obstruction in the investigation into Hillary Clinton and the relentless pursuit of a manufactured collusion narrative against Trump.  A willing and complicit media spread unsubstantiated leaks as facts in an effort to promote the Russia-collusion narrative.

Mueller's conclusions expose disgrace of Obama's spy chiefs.  Of all the reputations in tatters now that Robert Mueller has exploded the Russian-collusion fantasy, Obama-era spy chiefs John Brennan and James Clapper stand out.  For the past two years, the men prominently insisted not only that President Trump had teamed up with Russian President Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election but that Trump was Putin's pawn.  "I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was":  That was Brennan's pathetic response to Mueller's findings — after years when he regularly traded on his status as former CIA director to defame Trump.

Obama's protective shield seems to be shattering.  Now that the whole Russia collusion thing against President Donald Trump has been proven a media-hyped fallacy, politically savvy eyes are turning toward former President Barack Obama and wondering:  What about all that sneaky surveillance stuff?  What about all that Team Obama titillation of flawed Trump-Russia insider information?  What about FISA and Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele reports used to justify spying of Team Trump?  These are good questions.  And they demand answers.

What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?  [Scroll down]  What is not said here?  There is no word about the role of then-President Obama and/or anyone in the Obama administration when it comes to the question of directing this entire effort to sabotage first the Trump campaign and then, when that failed, the Trump presidency itself.  Who, exactly, did Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and the entire list of Justice Department, CIA, and FBI officials work for, anyway?  They worked for President Barack Obama.  As did his first Secretary of State and presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton.

What did Barack Obama know and what and when did he authorize it?  Now that Attorney General William Barr has informed Congress that special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation did not find evidence that President Trump or members of his campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election, nor did they find evidence that Trump obstructed justice, Ari Fleischer is calling for the well over due scrutiny of the Obama administration.  Lost in the in the mix, largely because of a protective media, is that Barack Obama was in the White House when the whole sordid Russian collusion hoax began.

Will There Be an Accounting?  There is much to investigate:  the fraudulently obtained FISA warrants; the hundreds of incidents of unmasking of innocent American citizens; the attempt by the FBI's top leadership to swing the election to Hillary Clinton or, failing that, to derail the newly-elected Trump administration; the CIA's role in leaking the fake "dossier" to the press while purporting to "brief" President Trump on its contents, thereby giving the Democratic Party news media permission, with a wink and a nod, to report on the Clinton campaign's fake "dossier" in the guise of a news story.  And, of course, the over-arching question:  what did Barack Obama know, and when did he know it?  That is only a partial list.

Now it is Obama's turn.  Obama spied on Donald John Trump as early as 2015.  He used the national security apparatus on citizens because he believes he is entitled to defy the law, the Constitution and decency.  On March 6, 2017, in light of Coons denying he had evidence after saying he did, Glenn Reynolds wrote, "Hypothesis:  The spying-on-Trump thing is worse than we even imagine, and once it was clear Hillary had lost and it would inevitably come out, the Trump/Russia collusion talking point was created as a distraction.  Now it's being rowed back because the talk of 'transcripts' supports the spying-on-Trump storyline.  "Will we ever know?  Maybe, if there's a proper investigation into Obama Administration political spying.

WSJ: Time for Obama Admin to Account for 'Historic Abuse of Government Surveillance Powers'Wall Street Journal assistant editor James Freeman and Sen. Rand Paul are on the same page:  the Mueller report confirms it is now time for the Obama administration to account for its flagrant abuse of the surveillance powers of the federal government. [...] While Democrats and other members of the "Resistance" flail about in the wake of news the Robert Mueller investigation did not find evidence that President Donald Trump's campaign "conspired or coordinated" with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election, Freeman observed Monday [3/25/2019] the report confirms it is former President Barack Obama who "owes the country an explanation" for his administration's "historic abuse of government surveillance powers."

Sharyl Attkisson asks the key question post-Mueller report.  [Scroll down]  The biggest reason I want to start with shaming these people [Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Power, Comey] is what it says about the man that appointed them:  Barack Obama.  He entrusted our national security to a bunch of dishonest clowns.  And their efforts have been aimed at covering up his culpability in the Hillary email scandal (because he received emails from her private account, and lied about not knowing she had one, thereby incriminating him in improper handling — "gross negligence" — of classified), and the even bigger scandal of authorizing spying on the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.  Make no mistake:  Obama is the prize.  Unraveling the threads that lead directly to him would have a seismic impact on the course of American politics.

What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?  [Scroll down]  What is not said here?  There is no word about the role of then-President Obama and/or anyone in the Obama administration when it comes to the question of directing this entire effort to sabotage first the Trump campaign and then, when that failed, the Trump presidency itself.  Who, exactly, did Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and the entire list of Justice Department, CIA, and FBI officials work for, anyway?  They worked for President Barack Obama.  As did his first Secretary of State and presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton.

Our Turn?  President Trump's Declassification Arsenal.  [Scroll down]  CTH would like to add the declassification of the April 2017 FISC opinion rendered by FISA Court Presiding Justice Rosemary Collyer.  This 99-page opinion outlines the 2016 FBI and NSA FISA-702 certification submissions.  It's extremely doubtful that anyone in DC would support declassifying this document; however, there is also no document that would be as revealing to declassify.  This document is direct evidence of historic FISA abuse; it would show just how far the fourth amendment has been eroded by the administrative state.

How to end our national nightmare — probe Hillary Clinton again.  Now, with Mueller finished, it is time to give equal attention to the other side of the story, of how we got here.  The questions can be boiled down to two.  Was the initial decision to investigate Trump's campaign an honest mistake by the Obama administration?  Or was it an attempt to rig the election in favor of Clinton, and when that failed, overthrow a duly elected president?  Those outstanding issues are as worthy of complete answers as those that Mueller investigated.  In addition to knowing whether there was an improper relationship between a candidate and a foreign power, Americans also deserve to know what was going on inside their own government and whether it was simply incompetent or thoroughly corrupt, or some combination of the two.  Put another way, what did President Obama and his administration do, and why did they do it?

Deep-State Dumpster Fire.  [T]here are, as I said almost two years ago, no Russians in the Russia investigation - and what foreign "interference" with the 2016 election there was from Russia seems to have been amateur and minimal, unless you count MI6 spook Christopher Steele working his Moscow Rolodex on behalf of Hillary Clinton and her Deep State allies.  There was, however, extensive domestic interference with the election, in that at the behest of the sitting administration the most powerful figures in the permanent bureaucracy set to work on a sophisticated surveillance operation against its political opposition:  "Republics" in the Americas have been invariably prefaced by the qualifier "banana"; it just took Washington a little longer to sign up.

Never What?  Why did DOJ and FBI officials seek surveillance on American citizens without fully apprising a FISA court that the basis for such requests was an unverified dossier, compiled by a retired foreign national, who purchased unverified Russian sources, who himself had been fired from the FBI as a consultant, who was paid by the Clinton campaign, albeit stealthily through two firewalls, and who was the circular source for news accounts used to substantiate the dossier?  What business does the FBI have communicating with an informant prying into an ongoing presidential campaign?  Why exactly did U.N. ambassador Samantha Power, mostly in her last year in office, make more than 260 requests to unmask the names of American citizens surveilled by the U.S. government (some of them mysteriously leaked) and then claim, under oath, that she, in fact, did not herself make those requests but that someone (unidentified) made them "in her name"?

The Resistance is Everything They Accuse Trump of Being.  In classic KGB style, Obama's administration deployed our nation's intelligence agencies to infiltrate and spy on their political opponents. Using paid informants — believed to include, at minimum, Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, Henry Greenberg and Felix Sader — the political appointees heading our FBI and CIA attempted to entrap Trump's campaign with monetary enticements and promises of Russian kompromat on Hillary Clinton. [...] While these outrages have gone on, our very own American Pravda — the Democrat's mouthpieces in the mainstream media — have published a steady stream of disinformation and propaganda designed to turn reality on its head and portray Trump as Vladimir Putin's puppet instead of the target of Soviet-inspired tactics employed by Obama's police state.

The Fatuous Democrats.  [Barack H. Obama] presided over the deluge of slime that his Justice Department, FBI, and intelligence agencies poured over the 2016 election and its aftermath, and that is now finally being exposed.  The extent to which the former president was involved in the Clinton-email whitewash and the false applications for surveillance of the Trump campaign will become a matter of high public interest.

Mark Levin to GOP: Investigate Obama's 'Silent Coup' vs.  Trump.  Radio host Mark Levin used his Thursday evening show to outline the known steps taken by President Barack Obama's administration in its last months to undermine Donald Trump's presidential campaign and, later, his new administration.  Levin called Obama's effort "police state" tactics, and suggested that Obama's actions, rather than conspiracy theories about alleged Russian interference in the presidential election to help Trump, should be the target of congressional investigation.  Drawing on sources including the New York Times and the Washington Post, Levin described the case against Obama so far, based on what is already publicly known.

William Barr and Spygate — Watch The Teams.  Attorney General William Barr quietly took the oath of office in the oval office today [2/14/2019] with Chief Justice John Roberts administering and officiating the swearing in.  With the introduction of a fully empowered and confirmed U.S. Attorney General there is likely to be a great deal of speculation about how AG Barr will interact with the seditious conspiracy scandal known collectively as 'spygate'.

5 Explosive Facts about James Comey.  We now know that under then-Director Comey's direction, the FBI and the DOJ submitted a politically motivated dossier as probable cause to obtain a secret 2016 FISA surveillance warrant to spy on a presidential campaign.  To this day, Comey denies knowing that the dossier was Clinton-funded and his weaponization of FBI spy tools like FISA against a presidential target appears unprecedented.  However, precedents allowing such weaponization have been long in the making, thanks in large part to none other than James Comey and his mentor, Robert Mueller.

Shifty Proof of Collusion Surfaces — Not About Trump — About Adam Schiff Meeting With Fusion GPS.  Oh man, this is unethically priceless.  John Solomon received photographs of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson meeting with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff in 2018 during the height of the 'Spygate' cover-up.

Investigators had '50/50' chance of securing FISA warrant for Trump aide without dossier: testimony.  The chances of securing a 2016 surveillance warrant for a Trump campaign aide were "50/50" without the controversial anti-Trump "dossier," according to testimony in newly confirmed congressional transcripts.  The October testimony from senior FBI lawyer Sally Moyer to House investigators appers to underscore how critical the dossier — funded by the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign — was in obtaining the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, and appears to conflict with Democratic assertions that the dossier played a limited role in the process.

How Many Elephants in the Room.  Remember Watergate, sweeties?  You told us that the Nixon Administration covering up the freelance spying of its campaign operatives on the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex was the worst thing ever.  Hey!  How about the government's Department of Justice and the government's Federal Bureau of Investigation and the government's Director of Central Intelligence feeding phony opposition research to get the FISA Court to okay government surveillance on Trump campaign operatives?  Grading on scale of 1 to 10, I'd put the 1970s Watergate coverup at a 2, and the 2016 Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign at a 7.  What does it take to get a 10?  In my book it would be an actual assassination of a political opposition figure.

Deep State: Did Justice, CIA And FBI Commit Crimes To Get Rid Of Trump?  It's now beyond any reasonable doubt that Obama administration minions launched an all-out effort to destroy, first, President Trump's presidential campaign and, when that failed, his presidency.  The only question is, knowing the truth, will the Justice Department charge these people with crimes?

Watergate by Any Other Name.  For almost three years now, the intelligence services and police apparatus of the deep state have worked tirelessly to undermine Donald Trump. [...] But win he did, and that changed everything.  Now it was not a candidate who had to be stopped but a duly elected president of the United States who had to be kept from knowing exactly what lengths the government — soon to be his government — had gone to destroy him.  From November 9, 2016, to January 20, 2017, the reins of government were still in the hands of Barack Obama.  The apparatus to stop Trump the candidate was already in place.  Now it would be deployed against Trump the president-elect and, later, Trump the president.  Over the last few days, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other anti-Trump outlets have revealed, and reveled in, something that many observers suspected for a long time.  That the investigation into various figures associated with the Trump campaign — not only Carter Page, but also George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen — was just a pretext.  The main target all along was Trump himself.

Obama intelligence chiefs hacked computer of FISA court judge.  With so much of the news coverage in America focusing on the Democratic Party's first days in-charge of the U.S. House of Representatives and their plans to impeach President Donald Trump, as well their goal of raising taxes on the productive members of society in order to pay-off unproductive members who rely on socialist programs to barely survive, it's no wonder most citizens don't know what's happening within the Deep State.  Case in point:  There is now evidence being circulated by lawmakers in both Houses of Congress that strengthens allegations that former President Barack Obama's two top intelligence officials, John Brennan and James Clapper, spearheaded the hacking of a computer used by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court's Judge Reggie Walton, and went as far as hacking U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

Obama's coup d'etat docs prove illegal surveillance coverup.  Senior FBI and DOJ officials involved in the Mueller's Russian collusion investigation were part of the team investigating whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.  Montgomery claims that Obama administration officials illegally spied on citizen and candidate Donald Trump.  Among those Montgomery identifies are CIA Director John Brennan and the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper[.]  Dennis Montgomery is a software designer and former medical technician.  Montgomery was selling federal officials computer programs.  Montgomery claims he won millions in federal contracts for his supposed terrorist-exposing intelligence software which was later found to be an elaborate "hoax"

The FISA Conundrum.  [U]nderstanding FISA-702 process abuse is now the specific focus of Inspector General Michael Horowitz; there is an aspect to the FISA-gate story that must be expanded.  The United States intelligence community, writ large, will likely never allow the structural abuse of the FISA-702 system by the Obama administration to surface.  Consider it a third rail of unspoken agreement.  A similar motive for the DIA to keep the Flynn file under wraps.  However, before going into the complexities of the FISA conundrum, which would also envelop any Horowitz report, it is important to revisit the basics.

Why Wouldn't The Obama Intelligence Apparatus Wiretap The White House?  The counterintelligence investigation into candidate, president-elect, and president Donald Trump was predicated on the Obama's intelligence community believing that campaign officials were colluding, conspiring and otherwise coordinating to take over the office of the presidency, with help from a foreign government.  So why wouldn't the intelligence services of the United States government conduct wiretaps and full blown surveillance upon that incoming administration?

This is called "stonewalling."
Rep. Nadler:  Investigations into FBI, DOJ Will End — They're "A Waste of Time" and There Is "No Bias at the FBI".  On Friday [12/7/2018] incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerry Nadler, told CNN's Manu Raguthat he will shut down the GOP-led Judiciary-Oversight investigation into the FBI's actions in 2016.  Nadler said the investigation on how the Obama administration spied on the Trump Campaign during the 2016 is a waste of time.

FBI email chain may provide most [convincing] evidence of FISA abuses yet.  Just before Thanksgiving, House Republicans amended the list of documents they'd like President Trump to declassify in the Russia investigation.  With little fanfare or explanation, the lawmakers, led by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), added a string of emails between the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to their wish list.  Sources tell me the targeted documents may provide the [best] evidence to date of potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), evidence that has been kept from the majority of members of Congress for more than two years.  The email exchanges included then-FBI Director James Comey, key FBI investigators in the Russia probe and lawyers in the DOJ's national security division, and they occurred in early to mid-October, before the FBI successfully secured a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The Incorrigible Mr. Comey.  As I wrote last week, the Republican Congress largely has failed to hold accountable the masterminds behind the biggest political scandal in U.S. history:  The unprecedented weaponization of our law enforcement and intelligence apparatus to spy on a presidential campaign and sabotage an incoming administration.  The man primarily responsible for executing the scheme, former FBI Director James Comey, exited the Trump Administration as a martyr and a hero. [...] The man who once led the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world is threatening to defy a legally issued congressional subpoena unless the interview is conducted on his terms.  And the reason isn't that Comey has nothing to hide — it's that he has plenty to hide and he knows a public setting would provide him precisely the cover he needs.

Why Britain Doesn't Want Trump to Declassify Obamagate Docs.  [Scroll down]  All of the British spy chiefs' ostensibly high-minded anxieties are designed to distract attention from an enormous transatlantic scandal, one that has yet to be fully plumbed: that the only real collusion during the 2016 election took place between London and Langley.  It took place under the hyper-partisan CIA director John Brennan, with Britty dual-asset oafs like Stefan Halper and British spies, both present and past (the Hillary-financed hatchet man Christopher Steele chief among them), putting in critical cameos — a spy ring that nearly catapulted Hillary into the White House.  British spies were in on the ground floor of Obamagate.  Long before even the first Republican primary, they had been passing conjecture disguised as "intelligence" to John Brennan about the Trump campaign.

What about Your FISA Judges, Justice Roberts?  As long as we are on the subject of whether there is such an animal as an "Obama judge," let us consider the judges who sit on the FISA court and issue warrants allowing surveillance of American citizens who are suspected foreign agents, essentially taking the uncontested word of the government.  Their actions on behalf of one political campaign, colluding with a corrupt DOJ and FBI to target a political opponent, are not supposed to happen in a country based on the rule of law as administered by supposedly impartial judges.  Empowered to safeguard our national security against foreign actors, they essentially served as an extra-constitutional arm of the Hillary Clinton campaign as it colluded with foreign actors to stage a Deep-State coup against a duly elected president, Donald J. Trump?  Aiding and abetting the legacy of Barack Obama seems like something an "Obama judge" would do.

EXC: MI6 battling Donald Trump over release of classified Russia probe documents.  MI6 chiefs are secretly battling Donald Trump to stop him publishing classified information linked to the Russian election meddling investigation.  The UK is warning that the US president would undermine intelligence gathering if he releases pages of an FBI application to wiretap one of his former campaign advisers.  However Trump allies are fighting back, demanding transparency and asking why Britain would oppose the move unless it had something to hide.  It forces the spotlight on whether the UK played a role in the FBI's investigation launched before the 2016 presidential election into Trump campaign ties to the Kremlin.

U.K. Media:  British Intelligence Heads Worried President Trump Will Discover Their Involvement in "Spygate".  An article published originally in the U.K. Telegraph, and republished via Yahoo News outlines growing fear within the U.K. government and British intelligence officers surrounding President Trump discovering how far they were involved within "Spygate".  The facts are not uncommon to anyone who has done research into the events of 2015 and 2016; however, the interesting aspect surrounds the current level of anxiety which indicates something is soon to become very public.  The central concern of the British officials surrounds President Trump declassifying evidence that will outline a coordinated effort by a weaponized U.S. intelligence apparatus to use their foreign counterparts for two aspects:  (1) to spy on the Trump campaign in 2016; and (2) to help carryout an entrapment scheme that would become the baseline for the FBI's counterintelligence operation which evolved into Mueller's Russian election interference investigation (aka the "insurance policy").

Democrats Will Investigate, Not Legislate.  Burying the so-called FISAgate scandal is a major reason why Democrats plan to deluge the administration with letters and subpoenas.  As the clock ticks down on Republican-led investigations into a number of key figures involved in the scandal; the release of a final report and possible last-ditch indictments by the Special Counsel's office; the unknown actions by a Trump-friendly acting Attorney General, and a looming Justice Department inspector general's report into FISA abuse at Obama's FBI, it's now a race to see who strikes first.

Dan Bongino Interviews George Papadopoulos to Discuss "Spygate".  Dan Bongino has a very interesting podcast interview with George Papadopoulos.  One of the important aspects of this interview is it's the first time Papadopoulos is interviewed by someone who knows all the details to the backstory.  The "set up" is clear as day when you listen to all of these sketchy interactions being organized by western intelligence officials.

Spygate: The True Story of Collusion.  [Scroll down]  The Department of Justice, which comprises 60 agencies, was transformed during the Obama years.  The department is forbidden by federal law from hiring employees based on political affiliation.  However, a series of investigative articles by PJ Media published during Eric Holder's tenure as attorney general revealed an unsettling pattern of ideological conformity among new hires at the DOJ: Only lawyers from the progressive left were hired.  Not one single moderate or conservative lawyer made the cut.  This is significant as the DOJ enjoys significant latitude in determining who will be subject to prosecution.  The DOJ's job in Spygate was to facilitate the legal side of surveillance while providing a protective layer of cover for all those involved.  The department became a repository of information and provided a protective wall between the investigative efforts of the FBI and the legislative branch.  Importantly, it also served as the firewall within the executive branch, serving as the insulating barrier between the FBI and Obama officials.  The department had become legendary for its stonewalling tactics with Congress.

Clinton's "Researchers".  Jeff Carlson has assembled a strong and in-depth outline covering most of the weaponized intelligence agencies and how they related to "spygate[.]"  However, there has also been a strong suspicion that most of the corrupt origination activity would never surface.  The downstream ramifications to the institutions of our IC apparatus would be too destructive.  What follows below is the story that will never reach sunlight officially. [...]

Deep State FBI and DOJ Caught Redacting Key Intel Documents that Implicate Hillary and DNC.  The liberal media has completely ignored the shocking revelation that the Obama administration and top officials at the DOJ were spying on Donald Trump during the campaign and after he was sworn into office.  During the election top Democrat Party Attorney Michael Sussman met with the top lawyer of the Department of Justice to deliver the phony Russian dossier.  The DOJ then used this fake political document to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign.

Top FBI attorney provides "explosive" testimony regarding Trump-Russia probe, suspected FISA abuse.  A former top lawyer at the FBI provided "explosive" testimony to Congress on Wednesday [10/3/2018] regarding the FBI's Trump-Russia investigation, lawmakers said.  James Baker, who served as the FBI's general counsel until May, told Congress that a previously unidentified source provided information to the FBI for its investigation, which began on July 31, 2016.  "During the time that the FBI was putting — that [the Department of Justice] and FBI were putting together the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act surveillance warrant] during the time prior to the election — there was another source giving information directly to the FBI, which we found the source to be pretty explosive," Ohio GOP Rep. Jim Jordan said after a hearing, according to Fox News.

Hillary Clinton is still finding ways to denigrate democracy.  Willing to destroy any part of government they cannot corrupt with partisanship, members of the self-declared resistance are tearing America apart because the election didn't go their way.  They have unleashed a whirlwind of fanatical hate, with violence now routinely threatened and sometimes carried out.  There are no random events.  It is a straight line from the unprecedented plot by President Barack Obama's administration to infiltrate and wiretap the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016 to the scurrilous accusations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh.

James Baker Testimony:  DNC Lawyers Met With FBI Officials Prior to October 2016 FISA Application.  The DOJ-NSD and FBI are holding a press conference today at 9:30am.  The topic is unknown, but the timing coincides with a document production subpoena from the House Judiciary Committee for McCabe Memos, the "Woods File" supporting the Carter Page FISA application, and Gang-of-Eight documents on the Russia investigation.  In related news, former FBI chief legal counsel, James Baker, delivered testimony to the Joint House Committee yesterday in the ongoing investigation of corrupt FISA processes and "spy-gate".

Russia collusion bombshell:  DNC lawyers met with FBI on dossier before surveillance warrant.  Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump's campaign.  Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee's private law firm.  That's the firm used by the DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign to secretly pay research firm Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative, to compile a dossier of uncorroborated raw intelligence alleging Trump and Moscow were colluding to hijack the presidential election.

Pentagon Sued For Records On 'Spygate' Figure Stefan Halper.  Judicial Watch has sued the Department of Defense for records related to more than $1 million in contracts awarded to Stefan Halper, the former University of Cambridge professor who spied on the Trump campaign.  Halper was awarded more than $1 million by the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment (ONA) between 2012 and 2018 to author academic studies on countries like China, Russia and India.

High-profile 'consultants' deny contributing to FBI spy's $244,000 Pentagon study.  Stefan Halper, the college professor turned FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid $244,000 by the Pentagon to write a Russia-China study in 2015 and 2016.  Mr. Halper boasted a heady list of foreign policy specialists.  On Pages 7 and 8 of the 300-plus-page analysis are the names of 43 "advisors and consultants" such as former CIA Director Michael V. Hayden and David Shambaugh, a China scholar at George Washington University.  But a spot check by The Washington Times revealed that neither man contributed to nor had heard of the study, titled "The Russia-China Relationship:  The Impact on the United States' Security Interests."

Mollie Hemingway:  We Now Know FBI Used Clinton-Funded Research Document "To Secure A Wiretap".  House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows suggests FBI leaked information to the press and used the resulting articles to help obtain surveillance warrants.  Plus, what did Bruce Ohr know about the Steele dossier? 'The Federalist' senior editor weighs in with Tucker Carlson.  "This is important because if it can be done against a major presidential campaign, it can be done against other people," she explained.

Ohr speaks! (Behind closed doors).  There are two closely related dangers for the bureaucratic, political, and media coalition that seeks to eject Trump from the body politic and teach the lesson to any future potential disruptor of the Establishment that such a mission is both dangerous and futile.  The first danger is exposure of the Obama administration's spying on the candidate running against its designated successor, Hillary Clinton.  As many have noted, this is the same motive as the Watergate burglary, only of a magnitude a thousand times greater.  The ability of the NSA to monitor every form of electronic communication (except ham radio — as employed by Bruce Ohr's wife, Nellie) means that virtually all significant information in the Trump campaign was available, so long as the officials in question were in communication with one of the people named in the FISA warrants obtained by the cabal operatives.

6 times Obama committed "treason" against the U.S.  [#6] Obama tried to rig a presidential election and destroy Trump:  Just this week former Obama intelligence official James Clapper admitted that Obama "set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably Special Counsel Mueller's investigation." Now there's no doubt that the efforts to overturn the 2016 election stretch directly to the Oval Office.  Millions of American soldiers have fought to defend free elections, and Obama tried to destroy the whole system.

FBI Agent Who Discovered Trump Spying Lost Security Clearence.  The Spygate scandal thickens.  Liberals were hysterical when Donald Trump revoked the security clearance of disgraced former CIA Director John Brennan, who was accused of monetizing his clearance by Sen. Rand Paul.  It makes no sense for a former government employee to retain clearance — especially those that have been fired by Trump (like Peter Strzok, or James Comey).  While Trump's decision was portrayed as petty revenge by some in the media, you have to understand how Brennan abused his power while he was still CIA director.  As we've documented previously, when it comes to the origins of the Trump/Russia investigation, Brennan was the man behind the curtain.  Brennan played a large role in relaying British intelligence on the Trump campaign to the FBI (a form of "information laundering,").

How Bruce Ohr Could Implicate High-Ranking Obama Officials In Spygate.  Investigative reporter John Solomon broke news last week of texts and emails between former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr and Trump dossier author Christopher Steele regarding the Russia investigation, and revealed the content of notes Ohr took during a December meeting with Steele's boss at Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson.  Solomon's reporting confirmed the FBI used Ohr to continue gathering information from Steele, even after the former British spy was terminated as a source by the bureau because he leaked word of the investigation to the press.  Ohr's role as a conduit allowed the FBI to continue to use Steele as an indirect source, even after Trump was elected and inaugurated.

DOJ Attorney Faces Deposition In FISA Abuse Probe.  House Republicans will resume an investigation of the FBI and DOJ's handling of the Russia investigation on Thursday [8/16/2018] with a deposition of George Z. Toscas, a national security attorney at the Department of Justice.  Toscas, who handles counterterrorism and counterespionage cases, will appear for a deposition at 10 a.m. before staffers with the House Judiciary and House Government & Oversight Committees, a source familiar with the matter tells The Daily Caller News Foundation.  Toscas was one of 17 current and former FBI and Justice Department officials included on a list submitted to the two House committees by California Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Progressive Regression.  When Trump appeared on the national scene, an all-out assault on civil liberties followed, in a manner that is now irrevocable.  The Left destroyed for good the idea that progressives are the protectors of constitutional freedoms. [...] Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice flat out lied in her denial about her involvement in unmasking.  The Obama FBI and Justice Department officials deliberately misled FISA courts, on the premise that spying on American citizens even with flimsy or fabricated evidence was OK — if it at least neutered the Trump candidacy and presidency.  Had they just told justices something like, "We present, as justification for these warrants of surveillance, opposition research compiled on candidate Donald Trump, and paid for by Hillary Clinton during the present campaign," they likely would never have been able to spy on American citizens.  No one again will have much confidence either in the FISA courts or any rationale for spying on any American citizen.

They're priming the pump.  ... for declassification and release of the unredacted FISA in stages to calibrate for maximum effect with the mid-terms.  Along with a history of other damning evidence about how #SpyGate went down from 2015, onwards.  With each new damning release of unredacted FISA extracts, appetite for more will grow.  IMO it will reveal extensive illegal surveillance by the Obama administration, stretching way back to 2015, when Trump announced his candidacy.  The genesis of it all, if I'm correct, will be an illegal Obama order for warrantless spying.  This will include Obama's goons using illegal unmasking of innocent domestic citizens, communicating with fake overseas targets.  All done with Obama's knowledge and authority.

The conspiracy to frame Trump was a co-ordinated effort, with Obama at the center.  Consider just this timeline.  Warning:  you WILL (and should) be extremely angry about what Obama & Clinton were up to.  It's criminal & totally disgusting.

He Drives Them Crazy.  Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, is an exception to the rule that committee chairs, male or female, are allowed to run things as they choose.  Democrats, left-wing groups, and those who obsess about Trump won't let him.  Were Democrats in charge, Nunes would probably be their Target No. 1.  His sin was switching the committee's focus from collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives in the 2016 presidential election to finding out why the Trump campaign was being investigated in the first place.  Nunes would like to know why one volunteer adviser to Trump, Carter Page, was wiretapped for a year and another minor aide was sought out by an FBI informant.  And a fair question is whether these cases were less a search for evidence of Trump-Russia collusion than a covert way of looking inside the Trump campaign — illegally.

Whatever happened to the 'unmaskings' probe?  Wiretapping foreigners who could be terrorists isn't as sensitive an issue, since our law doesn't give them the same protection as U.S. citizens.  The problem comes when wiretaps include U.S. citizens in contact with foreign targets.  That's called "incidental" collection.  And it's not just phone calls.  Today's wiretaps can include everything on the web — emails, bank accounts, photos, messaging, Facebook posts.  And "incidental collection" can include anything picked up when a target is watched directly, through a bug, or by secretly activating his computer's microphone and camera.  U.S. citizens who aren't accused of crimes are entitled to strong constitutional privacy protections.  So, to alleviate worries that citizens' rights might be violated through "incidental" spying on foreign targets, the intel agencies adopted strict rules.  At first, they promised to destroy any "incidental" intelligence they collected.  Later, they decided to store it — for a short time — but promised that the names of the U.S. citizens would be "masked," or hidden, even internally.

Media Gaslighting Can't Hide Fact Trump Campaign Was Spied On.  On Saturday night [7/21/2018], heavily redacted copies of the FBI's application to wiretap Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page were released.  The portion of the 412-page document that was not redacted supported the claims of Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), as well as those made by the majority of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  The senators and the representatives had issued reports alleging that the FBI used an unverified Clinton campaign document to secure a wiretap against an American citizen, that the application for the wiretap used circular reporting and lacked verification for its central claims, and that it made materially false claims related to the source's credibility.

Six Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Worst President in History.  Obama's pièce de résistance when it came to abuse of power is perhaps his spying on the Trump campaign.  The Steele dossier on Trump (a partisan opposition research document funded by the DNC and the Hillary campaign loaded with loads of bogus and salacious accusations) was used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.  Anti-Trump partisans were involved in the investigation, and based on text messages between investigators Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (who were having an affair) we know that Strzok saw the investigation as an "insurance policy" in case Trump won the election, and that Page, worried that Trump could win, was told by Strzok, "No.  No he won't.  We'll stop it."  Other text messages indicated that Obama wanted to be kept in the loop on their investigation.  The independence and integrity of the FBI took a major blow during the Obama years, and we're still learning just how bad it was.

James Clapper: 'Obama Is Responsible' for Starting Trump/Russia Investigations.  Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper let slip on CNN last week who was behind the ongoing investigations into Donald Trump and his associates.  In an attempt to defend his former boss from accusations he did nothing in response to Russia's election meddling, Clapper bragged that Obama was behind the "whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today."  This would seem to include spying on the Trump campaign.

Keyword:  paranoid
Reports: The Obama administration wiretapped Trump, world leaders, journalists, everyone?  Barack Obama played 333 rounds of golf during his presidency.  But wiretapping may have been the activity closest to his heart, reports said.  "The Obama administration absolutely loved wiretapping, intercepting confidential transmissions, bugging — well, anyone it could," The Daily Wire's Joseph Curl reported on March 6.  Team Obama monitored the phones of the Trump campaign, wiretapped 35 world leaders, bugged a private climate change strategy meeting between United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin and tapped officials at the World Trade Organization, Italian diplomats, European Union economic officials, the report said.

Ten problems with the release of the heavily redacted FISA warrants on Carter Page.  It is a huge scandal that the vast, frightening surveillance powers of our intelligence agencies, normally forbidden from snooping on American citizens, were used to spy on a presidential campaign antagonistic to the sitting president.  Far too slowly, the underlying documents that permitted this are coming to light.  Last night [7/21/2018], 412 pages of heavily redacted versions of the original FISA warrant and subsequent renewals used to spy on Carter Page (and others) were released.

Obama Is 'Responsible' for Mueller Investigation, Clapper Admits.  President Barack Obama should be credited with launching "a whole sequence of events" that led to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russia collusion allegations, according to former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper.  "One point I'd like to make, Anderson, that I don't think has come up very much before — and I'm alluding now to [President Donald Trump's] criticism of President Obama for all that he did or didn't do before he left office with respect to the Russian meddling," Clapper said Thursday on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360."  Clapper added that "if it weren't for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today — notably, special counsel Mueller's investigation.

Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance.  [3/4/2017]  President Trump recently tweeted claiming that former President Obama wiretapped him during his campaign.  One can only imagine how nuts the media would have gone if the roles had been reversed:  President Trump wiretapping either Obama or the Clintons, though his DOJ could have authority to do just that given the expansive leaks of intelligence information by Obama and Clinton supporters the last few months.  Heck, he could wiretap the media at this point, legally and legitimately, as the sources of these unlawful leaks, for which Obama himself set precedent.  Do liberals understand what Pandora's Box Obama opened up by Obama using the powers of the NSA, CIA and FBI to spy on his political opponents?  Even Nixon never did that.  If the stories are correct, Obama or his officials might even face prosecution.

Just How Far Will the Left Go?  The Obama apparat and the proverbial deep state never imagined Trump could win and thus to ensure that he would not just be defeated but humiliated, vied to use the power of government to destroy the Trump candidacy.  The National Security Council was weaponized and thus unmasked the names of surveilled Americans and leaked their names to the press to undermine the Trump campaign.  The Department of Justice was weaponized to ensure Hillary Clinton was exonerated for her misdeeds concerning her email server and quid pro quo collusion with a variety of foreign and domestic influence peddlers and buyers.  The FBI and CIA were weaponized to subvert the Trump campaign, by peddling an unverified smear dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton, by implanting informants into the Trump campaign, and by undermining a FISA court through dishonest presentations of evidence for warrants to spy on American citizens.  All such behavior was assumed to ensure the landslide Clinton victory and thus would be seen as sacrifice beyond the call of duty to be rewarded by a President Clinton not as illegal behavior to be punished during a Trump administration.  And as a result, the more culpability that was exposed, the more the culpable went on the offensive — on the theory that constant attack is the best defense against their own criminal liability.  T

Trump claims his campaign was illegally 'spied upon' and welcomes release of top secret documents on former aide Carter Page.  President Trump has said it looks more and more like his campaign for the 2016 presidential election had been 'illegally spied upon'.  Trump issued the tweet early Sunday morning after saying documents about his former presidential campaign adviser Carter Page confirmed with little doubt that the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation had misled the courts.  The FBI released documents on Saturday related to the surveillance of Page as part of an investigation into whether he conspired with the Russian government to undermine the election.

Obama's Former Director of National Intelligence Says Obama Behind Entire Russia Witch Hunt!  President Obama's former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, came clean on CNN and stated that former President Obama was behind spying on President Trump!  James Clapper was on CNN yesterday and he stated that Obama was behind spying on President Trump and all the corrupt and criminal actions involving the government, including the Mueller investigation[.]  According to Obama's former spy chief, James Clapper, who appeared on CNN to say it was Obama who set the entire Russia witch-hunt into motion by tasking the intelligence community assessment.

10 Ways DOJ Abused Its Authority When It Spied On Trump's Campaign.  Last Friday [7/6/2018], the Department of Justice (DOJ) missed another deadline to comply with subpoenas issued by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI).  The DOJ's latest episode of stonewalling prompted HPSCI Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) to suggest that President Donald Trump intervene.  While the DOJ had turned over some of the subpoenaed information, Nunes told Fox News' Jeanine Pirro that the House still does not have critical documents detailing the FBI's use of informants to spy on the Trump campaign prior to the official launch of the Russia collusion investigation, dubbed Crossfire Hurricane.

The Real Threat to American Democracy.  The fact that key players in the [Intelligence Community] are amazingly biased against Trump is a serious issue.  When James Clapper was chief of the I.C., he worked to get the unverified Steele dossier a gloss of credibility so that the media could publish it.  When former CIA chief John Brennan calls for the president to be impeached because Trump spoke to Putin, we have good reason to believe that much of what is coming out of the I.C. can't be trusted.  We have the I.C. declaring that the Russians meddled in the election, but they appear reticent to discuss the fact that the meddling had no real impact on how the vote turned out.  They furthermore declare that the Russians hacked the DNC emails even though they haven't bothered to inspect the crime scene, the DNC server that was hacked.  By working hard to make it seem that the U.S. election was fraudulent, the I.C. is undermining the people's trust in our elections and thereby weakening democracy.

'Hurricane Electric' Exposed:  Fusion GPS Had Access To Obama FBI Surveillance Database.  The FBI's "Citizen Log" program, formerly known as LifeLog, is at the center of #SpyGate and provided material for the Christopher Steele dossier.  Fusion GPS had access to this government database through its operative Nellie Ohr's husband Bruce Ohr at the Justice Department.  The #SpyGate conspirators used the code name "Crossfire Hurricane" because they were all using a contractor called Hurricane Electric, which has access to all of the Barack Obama and James Comey FBI surveillance programs on private American citizens.  It is confirmed that Russians hacked the entire database when an Obama administration French contractor snuck Russian code into all of the FBI surveillance programs.

FISA Abuse:  It is the Risk, the Reality, and the Reason.  The prior use of FBI and NSA networks for metadata exploitation and political surveillance is what underlines all of the current activity taking place within the current political battle.  Peel all of the layers of investigative schemes, intelligence deception, false and distracting media narratives — including Mueller — and what lies beneath it all is the weaponized use of database-collected material for political surveillance and exploitation.  It really is that simple.

Top Democrats Panic — Demand Trump Intel Chief Keep Info Classified on Trump Campaign Spy Halper.  Obama spy Stefan Halper was promoting Hillary Clinton publicly while he spied on the Trump Campaign.  Democrats do not want the American public to discover that they spied on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election and afterwards.  The fact that the four top Democrats in Congress are insisting this information stays classified has been mostly ignored by the liberal mainstream media.

Devin Nunes:  Trump should declassify '100 percent fraudulent' FISA warrant for Carter Page.  House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said he believes the warrant used to spy on a member of the 2016 Trump campaign was "100 percent fraudulent" and called on President Trump to declassify all related information for the American public to see whether there was an effort to frame then-candidate Trump.  Speaking about the alleged use of an informant to spy on Trump's campaign during the Russia investigation, Nunes told Fox Nunes on Saturday "what could be even worse is if there were informants that were being run into [the] Trump campaign and their associates" before July 31 — the known start of inquiry.

Unfortunately Every Investigative Trail Comes Back to the Dead End of FISA Abuse.  [Scroll down]  The October 21st, 2016, application to the FISA Court for surveillance authority upon U.S. person Carter Page; and by extension the Donald Trump campaign.  Throughout all further inquiries this central component remains at the center of the issue.  Unlawful surveillance is the originating principal behind Operation Crossfire Hurricane; it is also the originating issue within the Peter Strzok "insurance policy"; additionally, it is the originating aspect to the Clinton/Steele dossier; etc. etc.  [T]he list is long.  Chase any of the corrupt threads back to their source of origin and you eventually come back to the surveillance authority within the FISA processes.

New Details of Victoria Nuland's Role in the Steele Dossier.  Victoria Nuland's name keeps turning up. [...] It now appears that in mid-2016, Nuland gave the green light for FBI Agent Michael Gaeta to meet with Christopher Steele in London.  This wasn't the first time Nuland encountered Steele's name.  Nuland had known Steel since 2014 through Jonathan Winer.

Nunes Calls For Testimony From 10 State Dept., Obama White House Officials On Surveillance Abuse.  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is calling on two of his fellow Republican committee chairman to hold open hearings for 10 former State Department and Obama White House officials regarding alleged surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign.  "During this investigation, the Committee discovered matters that likely fall within the purview of the joint task force of the Committees on Oversight & Government Reform and the Judiciary," Nunes wrote Tuesday [7/3/2018] to Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte and South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, the chairmen of the Oversight and Judiciary Committees, respectively.  "For the sake of transparency and to keep the American people as fully informed as possible about these matters, the task force should consider interviewing these people in an open setting," Nunes added in the letter, which was obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Chairman Devin Nunes Discusses The Massive Ramifications of "Spygate".  House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes appears on Fox New morning broadcast to outline the latest developments surrounding "Spygate".  In addition to FISA abuse and fraud upon the FISA court, there is an increased likelihood the Obama CIA, DOJ and FBI ran agents and operatives into the Trump campaign.

Trump Campaign Official Michael Caputo HAS PROOF of Obama FBI Spying on Trump Campaign in Early 2016.  Former Trump campaign official Michael Caputo went on with Tucker Carlson on Thursday [6/21/2018] to discuss the Obama FBI spying on the Donald Trump Campaign.  [Video clip]

Paul Ryan:  FBI Did Nothing Wrong Spying on Trump Campaign.  Speaker of the House Paul Ryan told reporters Wednesday he believes the FBI acted appropriately in using an informant to contact Trump campaign members during the 2016 presidential election.  "I think Chairman Gowdy's initial assessment is accurate," Ryan said in support of his colleague Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who recently told Fox News that he sees no wrongdoing in the FBI's use of an informant.

Ignoring the Samantha Power bombshell.  Of all the political stories from 2017, surely the most curious is this:  why is everyone ignoring the bombshell revelations from Samantha Power?  As you recall, Power was caught using her security clearance as a U.N. ambassador to review private conversations by U.S. citizens.  According to official records, she requested the unmasking of these private citizens over 260 times in 2016 (this was an election year).  She was brought before the House Intelligence Committee to explain her actions.  Her defense?  It wasn't me.  Someone else in the Obama White House did this, using her security clearance.  There are two possibilities:  that she is telling the truth, in which case someone else in the Obama administration is lying.  Or she is lying herself.

FBI Spying On Trump Started In London, Earlier Than Thought, New Texts Implicate Obama White House.  A new report from John Solomon of The Hill ties together several loose threads floating around over the genesis of the FBI/DOJ espionage operation against the Trump campaign, who was involved in the "setup" of campaign aides, and how text messages between FBI employees suggest that the Obama White House was not only aware of the operation[,] but possibly directing it.

Spygate: Majority Believe Feds Broke Law to Stop Trump from Winning Presidency.  A majority of 51 percent of voters now believe "senior law enforcement officials are likely to have broken the law in an effort to prevent Trump from winning the presidency," according to a poll from Rasmussen Reports.  Only 42 percent of voters believe it is "unlikely that these officials illegally attempted to stop a Trump presidency."  In other words, we now live in a country where only 42 percent of voters believe it is "unlikely" federal law enforcement officials tried to illegally meddle in a presidential election.  Only 26 percent believe it is "not at all likely."

Legal expert: Obama [is] facing jail time over Trump spy.  A series of political insiders and legal experts say former President Barack Obama knew his administration spied on Donald Trump's presidential campaign — he could even go to jail over it.  An investigative specialist, a former federal prosecutor, and one leading experts on the US intelligence community agree Obama may have leveraged the most powerful position in the world to rig the 2016 election.

A Clapper Postscript.  [Scroll down]  [James] Clapper was Director of National Intelligence at the time, which means that he reported directly to the president, Barack Obama.  His statement implies that President Obama knew about the investigation of the Trump campaign, and it was his call whether to keep candidate Trump in the dark.  There is no one else in the executive branch to whom Clapper reasonably could have deferred on this obviously important question.

Judicial Watch Sues to Expose Potential DOJ FISA Warrant Abuses and Stonewalling.  Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on May 31 against the Department of Justice (DOJ) seeking its communications (and those of the FBI) with Congress about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants used to spy on Trump campaign official Carter Page and other members of the campaign.  "Judicial Watch's latest federal FOIA lawsuit aims to uncover details of the DOJ/FBI obstruction and contempt for Congress on Spygate," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement.  "The Deep State doesn't want Congress, Judicial Watch, or the American people to see the full extent of its abuses targeting the Trump campaign and now President Trump."

The Expanding Spygate Scandal, Explained.  In recent weeks, it has come to light that Barack Obama's FBI planted Stefan Halper, a former professor at Cambridge with extensive ties to the CIA and MI6, as a spy within Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign.  Following an explosive February FISA memo compiled to analyze the Obama administration's surveillance abuses in support of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, the "Spygate" bombshell exposes new depths of the Machiavellian scheme constructed by the Obama-Clinton regime to illegally surveil and ultimately usurp Trump during his 2016 campaign and onward into his Presidency.

Hit Gas, Not Brakes, On Spygate.  From the beginning of this farce, the Obama administration has shifted back and forth between taking pride in the spying and denying its existence.  We are back in the denial phase.  But at the height of the hysteria after Trump's election and inauguration, members of the Obama administration wanted everyone to know they had been spying on Trump and feared that he would destroy their "intelligence."

The Real Reason Why the FBI Had a Spy in the Trump Campaign.  The FBI had a human source in the Trump campaign, and nearly everyone commenting on it is wrong.  This will set the record straight.  On July 31, the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.  Before launching the full investigation, the FBI sent a confidential human source (CHS) to spy on a Trump campaign adviser.  The CHS was reportedly Stefan Halper, a slick political operative for past GOP campaigns and a foreign policy expert with extensive CIA and MI6 connections.

The Carnivores of Civil Liberties.  [B]oth the media and the liberal establishment believed that the outsider Trump represented an existential danger to themselves and the nation at large — similar to the way operatives in the Nixon administration had felt about far-left presidential challenger George McGovern in 1972.  But this time around, liberals were not out of power as they were in 1972.  Instead, they were the establishment.  They held the reins of federal power under the Obama administration.  And they chose to exercise it in a fashion similar to how Nixon's team had in 1972.

Yes, the FBI Was Investigating the Trump Campaign When It Spied.  Well, well, well.  The bipartisan Beltway establishment has apparently had its fill of this "Trump colluded with Russia" narrative — the same narrative the same establishment has lustily peddled for nearly two years.  The Obama administration recklessly chose to deploy the government's awesome counterintelligence powers to investigate — and, more to the point, to smear — its political opposition as a Kremlin confederate.  Now that this ploy has blown up on the Justice Department and the FBI, these agencies — the ones that went out of their way, and outside their guidelines, to announce to the world that the Trump campaign was under investigation — want you to know the president and his campaign were not investigated at all, no siree.  What could possibly have made you imagine such a thing?

Up-Chuck Schumer orders media to cover up 'Spygate'.  On Monday, while most Americans were remembering the sacrifice of fallen service members, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., gave instruction to the mainstream media via tweet.  The chief Democrat of the U.S. Senate wants President Donald Trump to be taken to task for using the term "Spygate" and insists that there is "absolutely no evidence of a spy" being placed in the 2016 Trump campaign.

Obama's Guilty Contentment.  Obama's abuse of power — directing the result of an FBI investigation — was eagerly abetted by Comey.  And then we come to the granddaddy of all White House scandals.  As chronicled and analyzed so well by NRO's Andy McCarthy, the Wall Street Journal's Kim Strassel, and the incomparable Sharyl Attkisson, Obama's administration conducted a spy operation on Donald Trump's presidential campaign.  It dwarfs other Obama scandals but one because it was, as clearly as Obama's direction to the FBI on the Clinton email matter, an abuse of power for the purpose of affecting an election.  What they did was far worse than the Watergate scandal that toppled Richard Nixon for one big reason.  The men who were hired by the Nixon campaign to burglarize the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee were private citizens.  The spy operation on the Trump campaign in 2016 was planned, conducted and covered up by high-level officials of the Obama administration abusing their powers of law enforcement and intelligence gathering to influence the election and, if necessary, nullify its result.

7 Ways Spy-in-Chief Barack Obama Spied on Donald Trump.  We now know for a fact that Spy-in-Chief Barack Obama weaponized the various intelligence agencies at his command to do something unprecedented:  spy on a rival presidential campaign, specifically Donald Trump's.  From what we know so far, Obama's spies spied on Trump in seven spying ways.  Just one of these seven items should make us gasp.

Newt: Obama and Valerie Jarrett Behind Spying, Trying To Frame Trump.  In a Tuesday [5/22/2018] appearance on Fox News, Newt Gingrich said that he believed former President Barack Obama and some of his top officials — including Valerie Jarrett — were involved in spying on Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.  Gingrich, the former Republican speaker of the House and 2012 presidential candidate, also said some people — like former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — were "in danger of going to jail."  Gingrich was appearing on Laura Ingraham's show after a busy week in terms of revelations regarding the surveillance done on the campaign, which was apparently carried out in an attempt to find out if there were contacts with Russian officials.

Spy Name Games.  [Scroll down]  By and large, "confidential informants" do not emerge from the womb with a passion to protect the United States.  Quite often, they become informants because they've gotten themselves jammed up with the police.  Some are sociopaths: shrewd enough to know that the only way out of either a long prison term or a short life expectancy is to become the government's eyes and ears; self-aware enough to know that, in undercover work, bad character, mendacity, and survival instincts are tools of the trade.  Not many Mother Teresas can infiltrate hostile foreign powers, drug cartels, and organized-crime networks.  According to the government, these effective but unsavory operatives are "confidential human sources," too.  To the rest of us, spy may be too nice a word for them.  The printable labels are more like "snitch," "rat," "Judas," etc.

Of Course, Obama Knew of the Spying on the Trump Campaign.  The earth-shattering story that the MSM has attempted in all regards to ignore that then-existing Administration was spying on a presidential campaign broke a couple weeks ago and the spy has now been identified.  The logical end question has now been asked — Did President Obama know that his spying agencies had infiltrated the Trump campaign?  The unequivocal answer is YES.  Do I have definitive proof that Obama knew?  No.  And we never will because Valerie Jarrett kept him away from the parties at hand.  But I base my conclusion on 40 years of doing this and eight years of studying the Obama Administration and their disregard for the norms that had been established before them due to their thirst to thrust their ideological platform on the American people.

The Important Questions About 'Spygate'.  The core questions are:  Who tasked Halper, a former University of Cambridge professor, with contacting Trump campaign advisers Carter Page, Sam Clovis, and George Papadopoulos?  What did they tell Halper, and what did he in turn tell his FBI/CIA handlers?  And how was that information used by government officials in their investigation of possible Russian meddling in the 2016 election?  Was Halper a credible source?  Carter Page holds the key to many of those questions.

Jarrett and Obama are Behind Spygate.  Unless we assume the FBI went completely rogue, it is inconceivable that the deployments of personnel to spy on the Trump campaign and make provocative contact with its lesser members could have occurred without the full knowledge and control of the occupants of the Oval Office.  Obama may claim a scandal-free administration, but after Fast and Furious, the targeting of the Tea Party by the IRS, the Benghazi cover-up, Hillary's emails, to name a few, Spygate is just the latest.  I use the plural "occupants" because while Barack Hussein Obama may have been nominally the president of the United States, at the heart of every one of these scandals and virtually every administration move was Valerie Jarrett, who arguably could be considered our first female president.

FBI must come clean on spy in Trump camp.  It's all of a sudden OK, at least in the eyes of The New York Times and other guardians of progressive bias, for an administration to spy on a political campaign.  You can thereby stop Russia from doing its thing of electoral interference, they emphasize.  Less on their lips is the chance of crooked allegations and turning our republic upside down.  What we're talking about specifically here is the revelation that, in the 2016 presidential campaign, we had this American professor over in England who was on the FBI payroll to the tune of more than $1 million over a period of time.  Part of his job, it seems, was to query campaign aides in the Donald Trump campaign.

I think I may have discovered what the DOJ & FBI are desperately trying to hide.  It was POTUS Obama himself who authorized the use of surveillance on Team Trump.  Worse:  The surveillance may have been conducted by UK intelligence — and then fed back to Obama's IC thugs, for unmasking in the US.

OK Establishment Media, Trump Supporters Want You To Answer This Simple Question Regarding Spygate.  The New York Times and others now admit/defend the very Obama-era spy program that they long denied existed and that was being used against the Trump campaign in 2016.  Leaving aside the stunning political scandal that is that fact, shouldn't the Establishment Media now also admit that if the Deep State was spying on Trump all this time doesn't that also mean it has known there was never any collusion/conspiracy etc., involving Mr. Trump and Russia?  That the entire Trump-Russia collusion was a Deep State created hoax all along?  It has to be one or the other right?  How about it Establishment Media?  Care to also explain your willing participation in this fraud?

Deep State Clapper's Latest Line:  We Weren't Spying — It Was "Benign Information Gathering".  Obama's former DNI Chief James Clapper told CNN last Thursday [5/17/2018] "it was a good thing" the FBI was spying on Trump's campaign.  This was after he initially denied the Intelligence Community was spying on Donald Trump.  Clapper told CNN it was a good thing if the FBI had someone "observing" the Trump's campaigns interaction with the Russians because the "Russians posed a threat to the very basis of our political system."

Obama Spied on at Least 7 Trump Campaign Members.  It sounded crazy at the time, but it wouldn't be for long.  While Trump Tower wasn't literally wiretapped, the Trump team was monitored, and some of that surveillance did occur within Trump Tower.  In mid-December after the election, United Arab Emirates crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan met with three transition team members in Trump Tower:  Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, and chief strategist Stephen Bannon.  The meeting was surveiled, but because of surveillance law, the names of Americans picked up in foreign surveillance must be redacted.  So what did Susan Rice do?  Unmask the names, and then play dumb when Devin Nunes discovered what she did.  Then came the revelations that both Carter Page and Paul Manafort were wiretapped — including periods in which they were in contact with President Donald Trump.  Are we to believe that Trump wasn't picked up on that surveillance?

Stefan Halper is only the tip of the iceberg in Obama spy scandal.  We finally have definitive evidence that the Obama administration engaged in clandestine operations against members of the Trump campaign.  But the revelation that Stefan Halper was planted by the Obama intelligence community to gather information on the Trump team is only the tip of the iceberg in exposing the vast, unprecedented espionage operation. [...] Halper did not initiate this operation of his own accord.  He was a confidential informant; someone in the government had to be managing his role in the undercover operation.  If congressional investigators can bring Halper in for an interview, they can ask him to expose the network behind the operation.  At the very least, Halper obviously knows who he was reporting to.

It's Time To Admit The Russia Investigation Was Illegitimate From The Start.  In the last week, as revelation upon revelation hit that Obama administration officials and career employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) spied on the Donald Trump campaign in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, the mainstream media, the Left, and Never Trump Republicans have fallen back on three ready responses.  A solid plurality of this contingent continue to avert their eyes from the facts and dismiss the claims of misconduct as peddled by tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists.  There is not much you can say to this faction, because they refuse to consider the proof.

It's Time To Admit The Russia Investigation Was Illegitimate From The Start.  We now have an admission that the FBI used an informant to spy on the Trump campaign beginning before the official launch of the Russia collusion investigation.  We came about these details through leaks to The New York Times and Washington Post, while the DOJ continues to ignore congressional demands for the same information.  My point here is not to catalogue every piece of circumstantial evidence demonstrating impropriety.  I'm surely missing some substantial threads.  Rather, my goal is to illustrate why Crossfire Hurricane can no longer be assumed an apolitical and legitimate investigation.  Those pointing out this reality are not Trump apologists:  we are patriots.

Democrats' Russia truth coming out.  A Democratic Watergate is unfolding before our eyes. [...] Brennan's running scared because it's starting to look like he may have been a co-conspirator in the biggest political scandal since, well, Watergate.  Yesterday, Trump met with FBI Director Christopher Wray, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats to inquire if Brennan's CIA and the FBI spied on his 2016 presidential campaign, as reported by The New York Times and other media last week.  If it's confirmed that the Obama administration used U.S. intelligence agencies and the Justice Department to go after political opponents — to keep Democrats in power through a presidential election cycle — Attorney General Jeff Sessions should immediately un-recuse himself from the Russia "collusion" witch hunt, shut it down and open a criminal investigation into all parties involved.

Sorry, But Obama White House, Not Dossier, Was Behind Trump Investigation.  Did the Obama administration spy on the Donald Trump campaign because it feared Russian hacking of the 2016 election?  Or was it merely a smokescreen to cover up the real reason:  to keep Trump from winning the presidency or take him down if he did?

8 signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump's campaign.  It may be true that President Trump illegally conspired with Russia and was so good at covering it up he's managed to outwit our best intel and media minds who've searched for irrefutable evidence for two years.  (We still await special counsel Robert Mueller's findings.)  But there's a growing appearance of alleged wrongdoing equally as insidious, if not more so, because it implies widespread misuse of America's intelligence and law enforcement apparatus.  Here are eight signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump for political reasons.

Can We Hope To Keep Our Republic When One Of The Parties Supports Tyranny?  Think about this — a significant portion of our country, including a majority of its elite, thinks that it's A-OK for a Democrat administration to spy on a Republican candidate.  Think hard about that.  And think about whether or not we can ever put the pieces of our shattered republic back together again if we can't even agree that using government power against our political enemies is a bad thing.  But the terrifying truth is that liberals and their Never Trump enablers actually think this kind of tyranny is a good thing.  You see, they think Normal Americans are so transcendently awful (and, even more importantly, that the elite's power so precious) that all is fair in order to stifle their opponents' collective voice.

Stefan Halper is obviously a bigger scandal than the media want to admit.  The swiftness with which the media have brushed aside Stefan Halper's role in the Russia investigation should be a sign that he's certainly more important than they're admitting.  Halper was identified by the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross last weekend as the professor who worked in some still-unknown capacity to inform the FBI on the Trump campaign in 2016 as part of the agency's probe of Russia's election meddling.  Halper met with at least three of then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign advisers, and records show he was paid nearly $300,000 by the Defense Department in September 2016.

Progressives on the Brink.  As Gregg Jarrett reports, there is "strong circumstantial evidence" to suspect that high officials colluded to undermine the Trump campaign and the presidency, and that they employed criminal means to do so.  If true, this amounts to nothing less than "an insidious plot unprecedented in American history" — one that would, if successful, have destroyed American democracy and replaced it with what would amount to the beginnings of a permanent leftist dictatorship.  No American, regardless of party preference, should fail to see the seriousness of these events.  The Watergate break-in and the cover-up that followed made for a serious crime, but it was nothing compared to what is now alleged on the part of members of the Obama administration or on the part of Obama himself.

The List:  At Least 6 and Potentially 7 and Suspected Intelligence Informants Accused of Spying on Trump Campaign.  As the Russia meddling into the 2016 US election unwinds, the meddling by the Obama Administration's CIA and FBI, is becoming surprisingly more and more clear.  Internet sleuth, former D.C. Bureau Chief for Investors Business Daily, author and Hoover Institution Media Fellow, Paul Sperry, tweeted a list of 6 or 7 individuals that worked for or were suspected of working for the FBI/CIA and who were involved in spying on President Trump.

Watergate 2.0.  [Scroll down]  I'm sorry, but if "trust is a key national security asset," shouldn't we be able to trust that an outgoing Administration is not using the power of government, the police power of the state, to 'investigate' the political campaigns of the opposition party?  Shouldn't the newspaper which tells us that 'democracy dies in darkness' want to have this credibly and reasonably investigated?  And am I wrong to suspect that, had it been the outgoing Bush Administration which 'investigated' Mr Obama's campaign in 2008, the editors of the Post would have been almost apoplectic in their outrage, and determined that not only the Obama Department of Justice, but their own reporters should be digging deeply in their attempts to investigate this?

Someone needs to go to Leavenworth over this.  The bugging of the Democratic National Committee wasn't to spy on George McGovern of the Democrats' campaigns, but to check that there were no attempts by the Vietnamese Communists to influence them!

America Deserves To Know If Democrats Used Taxpayer Money To Fund Spy Ring In Trump Campaign.  Based on what they're reporting in the newspapers and on the TV screen, it sure seems like the Trump campaign was being spied on with a variety of different resources including moles embedded within the campaign (also phone taps, FISA warrants, and international agencies).  However, in the same breath these same media outlets are telling us not to be too concerned that things really aren't as bad as they seem.  On TV they interview Democrats like Adam Schiff(D-CA) who says spying on Trump "simply didn't happen," even as we learn that it did.  So what is going on?  How can the media tell us in one breath that there were various methods of "observation" happening, and in the next breath try to explain how that is not actually "spying."

Spying on Trump Campaign May Have Begun Before FBI Says it Started Its Probe.  So it looks like the spying on the Trump campaign began earlier than the FBI says it started its investigation.  This raises a couple of possibilities.  One, the FBI for some reason is lying about when it began its probe.  Or, the FBI started fishing around, at the direction of someone, got some information, and then launched its investigation.  Or ... someone other than the FBI, like the Clinton campaign or someone in the Obama administration — or each working together — was spying on the Trump campaign and then brought the FBI in when they decided the found something.

Jonathan Turley:  It looks like Trump was RIGHT about his early allegations of spying.  Even constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley is now suggesting that Trump's early allegations of spying have been largely validated now and he doesn't understand why the media can't acknowledge that.

In the span of one week, the American media showed us exactly whose side it's on.  On Wednesday [5/16/2018], [...] a bombshell report appeared in the New York Times confirming that the Obama administration had spied on the Trump campaign, a conclusion LevinTV host Mark Levin reached last year.  Up to this point, the media had spent a year calling Levin a "conspiracy theorist" for suggesting that the Trump campaign was surveilled during the 2016 election.  Did anybody in the media apologize for its negligent coverage?  Of course not.

The FBI Spy in the Trump Campaign and the Mueller Cover-Up Operation.  What a shabby mess the Mueller "investigation" has turned out to be, and what a stain this is on the FBI's reputation! [...] Here's the thing:  FBI officials didn't expect Hillary to lose.  As we know, text messages between two high-ranking FBI officials discussed an "insurance policy" to prevent Trump from becoming president.  Because they expected Hillary to win, they also expected to be able to prevent this taxpayer-funded espionage from becoming public knowledge.  And then Trump won.

Leakers to NYT Confirm FBI Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign.  Leakers to the New York Times confirmed in a story published on Wednesday [5/16/2018] that the FBI had run a spy operation on the Trump campaign that involved government informants, secret subpoenas, and possible wiretaps.  The story comes ahead of the release of the pending Department of Justice inspector general report on the FBI's actions during the 2016 election, and likely is an attempt by the leakers to paint the FBI's efforts in the most flattering light possible.  But the story revealed that the FBI — which is supposed to be an apolitical agency — was spying on the Trump campaign through phone records and with "at least one" human asset who interacted with campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.

It Begins.  Use of the federal national security state to spy on political opponents dwarfs the Nixon reelection campaign's dirty tricks department using bumbling outsiders to plant bugs.  At this point, the only question is:  How high in the Obama Administration did the orders to conduct surveillance on the Trump campaign come?

Stefan Halper is only the tip of the iceberg in Obama spy scandal.  We finally have definitive evidence that the Obama administration engaged in clandestine operations against members of the Trump campaign.  But the revelation that Stefan Halper was planted by the Obama intelligence community to gather information on the Trump team is only the tip of the iceberg in exposing the vast, unprecedented espionage operation.  Over the weekend, suspicions were confirmed that Stefan Halper — who has decades-long ties to the CIA and its British counterpart, MI6 — was a secret informant who gathered information on Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.

Concealed FISA Docs May Hold Key to Trump Surveillance.  President Trump is meeting Monday with Senior FBI, DOJ and DNI officials at the White House to discuss classified documentation requested by the House Intelligence Committee and whether or not members of the Obama administration authorized the use of a long-time informant of the CIA and FBI to investigate members of his 2016 campaign.  The meeting came on the heels of the President's demand Sunday for the Justice Department to investigate the FBI's operation, known as Crossfire Hurricane, which included surveillance of members of the Trump campaign.

FBI Informant Stefan Halper [was] Paid Over $1 Million By Obama Admin; Spied On Trump Aide After Election.  Less than a week after Stefan Halper was outed as the FBI informant who infiltrated the Trump campaign, public records reveal that the 73-year-old Oxford University professor and former U.S. government official was paid handsomely by the Obama administration starting in 2012 for various research projects.  A longtime CIA and FBI asset who once reportedly ran a spy-operation on the Jimmy Carter administration, Halper was enlisted by the FBI to spy on several Trump campaign aides during the 2016 U.S. election.  Meanwhile, a search of public records reveals that between 2012 and 2018, Halper received a total of $1,058,161 from the Department of Defense.

It Depends on What Your Definition of 'Spy' Is.  [Scroll down]  The [Washington] Post, like the [New York] Times, is at pains to avoid the s-word.  The "professor was more than an academic interested in American politics," the Post writes, "he was a longtime U.S. intelligence source."  It was "at some point in 2016, he began working as a secret informant for the FBI" in its Russia investigation.  So let's be clear:  Professor... oops I almost said his name... The professor in question was a "secret informant for the FBI," but not, I repeat, not a spy.  That said, it does get tricky maintaining the bureaucratic euphemisms.

Clapper Defends Spying On Trump Campaign As 'A Legitimate Activity'.  Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Monday that the FBI having an informant seek to gather information on the Trump campaign is a "legitimate activity."  He said it is "disturbing" that President Trump would call for an investigation into the Department of Justice.  [Video clip]

Suspected FBI informant in Trump campaign reportedly sought senior role in administration.  The man who reportedly was an informant for the FBI within Donald Trump's presidential campaign also sought a permanent position within the Trump administration, Axios reported Monday [5/21/2018].  Stefan Halper, an academic China scholar, was recommended for such a post by a man who is now Mr. Trump's top trade adviser, Peter Navarro, according to Axios.  According to Axios, Mr. Navarro told the incoming administration during the transition period that Mr. Halper, among about a dozen other people, should be considered for an Asian ambassadorship.  The two men already knew each other.

Trump Orders DOJ to Investigate FBI's Campaign Infiltration.  As previously reported by TGP's Kristinn Taylor, President Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon he is ordering the Justice Department to investigate whether the Obama administration spied on his 2016 presidential campaign.  The order comes on the heels of leaks to the New York Times and Washington Post that the Obama administration had an "informant" make several approaches to three Trump campaign officials, included one that involved an offer of cash and another an offer to "advise" the campaign.

Devin Nunes doesn't rule out possibility of multiple FBI informants in Trump campaign.  There could have been more than one FBI informant snooping on the Trump campaign, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said on Sunday, but we do not know because the Justice Department has stonewalled congressional requests for documents outlining the impetus for the investigation.  Multiple reports have identified Stefan Halper, 73, a Cambridge professor with ties to American and British intelligence, as the FBI informant who snooped on the Trump campaign over the summer.  Mr. Nunes said he may not be the only one.

We Need to Know What Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rice, Power and the Rest of Them Did.  We now know that the Obama administration spied on Trump.  They spied.  Look, it's the Obama administration.  Obama is the president.  The buck stops at his desk.  He may be playing around with his library in Chicago and gone off and started writing a phony book and all of that.  He is to be held responsible and his surrogates are to be held responsible.

Obama to be investigated for election spying.  President Donald Trump stunned the mainstream media on Sunday by revealing a new investigation into former President Barack Obama's administration — and it's very bad legal news for top aides, former CIA directors, and even the former president himself.

Spies Like Obama?  With the flood of new evidence from recent days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to deny that President Obama — undeniably the most pro-Russian president in American history — and his men abused the powers of their offices not only to spy on then-candidate Donald Trump but also to undermine and lay the foundation for the overthrow of Trump's administration.  No matter how many idiots and liars from both parties embarrass themselves by blathering on about the Left's utterly insane conspiracy theory by which Russia and Trump are said to have engaged in electoral collusion, whatever that may be, we now know there was a conspiracy born in the summer of 2016 — and that Trump and his people had nothing to do with it.  This shameful real-life conspiracy is called Operation Crossfire Hurricane.  Crossfire Hurricane is the codename for the FBI's now-confirmed spying on the Trump campaign, which included placing at least one infiltrator within the campaign apparatus.

Donald Trump Orders Justice Department to Investigate Obama Surveillance.  President Donald J. Trump announced his decision to demand an official investigation of former President Barack Obama's administration on Sunday [5/20/2018] for infiltrating or surveilling his presidential campaign for political reasons.  "I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!" Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday afternoon [5/20/2018].

The fight moves up a notch.  The scenario anticipated more than a year ago in King vs.  King has advanced to the semi-finals.  The Russian collusion affair, which began with the incoming president on the defensive, has now become a set of simultaneous offensives with each side trying to jail the other.  "President Trump on Sunday said he would 'demand' a Justice Department investigation into whether the FBI 'infiltrated' his 2016 presidential campaign," USA Today reported.

Watergate II: Collusiongate.  Unlike Watergate, the current crisis in government/spying/politics doesn't have a memorable name.  But for those of us who lived through Watergate it has a certain resonance with that event as well as major differences, imparting a strange sense of familiarity, dislocation, and increasing alarm.  This isn't some burglary to get some dirt on the opposing party, and it isn't a threat (unfulfilled) of using government entities to "get" the opposition.  This is the marshaling of those government entities by one administration in order to "get" the next, and nearly succeeding.

Spies Like Obama?  On Sunday [5/20/2018] a justifiably outraged President Trump called for the former Obama administration to be investigated for its unprecedented and profoundly un-American spying and sabotage operation against the 2016 Trump campaign. [...] The presidential demand for action comes after days of dramatic, detailed revelations about the plot to undermine the Trump campaign, transition team, and presidency began surfacing in news accounts.  On Thursday it was revealed that the FBI illicitly put together a spy ring as part of something called Operation Crossfire Hurricane and that at least one informant was a member of the Trump campaign.  On Friday the New York Times reported the campaign-embedded snitch was an American teaching in the United Kingdom.

How Obama became the first communist president.  The use of the state to spy on and infiltrate the campaign of a political opponent is the final proof of the truth that we have averted our eyes from for the last 14 years.  Barack Obama is a communist.  Mild compared to Castro or Mao, but nevertheless a believer in state control of everything.

H.A.L.P.E.R. Spells Game Up for Obama's Spies.  Last week I reported that Internet sleuths had winkled out the name of the spy/agent provocateur that Obama's intelligence officers had used on the Trump campaign.  The New York Times and Washington Post, the Democrats' semi-official newspapers this week megaphoned the instigators, offering up their justifications without naming his name.  Again, the name is Stefan Halper, who, as I wrote here last week, was paid a substantial sum by the Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment.  If it was for this work — and it suspiciously looks like it because the payments were made in July and September of 2016 when he was weaseling his way into the campaign — then we know we have the DNI, CIA, DOJ, FBI, Dept. of State and the Defense Department working for Hillary's election and to smear and create a basis for further spying on Trump and his campaign.

Cambridge professor outed as FBI informant inside Trump campaign.  A Cambridge professor with deep ties to American and British intelligence has been outed as an agent who snooped on the Trump presidential campaign for the FBI.  Multiple media outlets have named Stefan Halper, 73, as the secret informant who met with Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos starting in the summer of 2016.  The American-born academic previously served in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.  The revelation, stemming from recent reports in which FBI sources admitted sending an agent to snoop on the Trump camp, heightens suspicions that the FBI was seeking to entrap Trump campaign aides.  Papodopoulous has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, while Page was the subject of a federal surveillance warrant.

Stefan Halper Agent Provocateur — In His Own Words.  Stefan Halper has been identified and confirmed as the intelligence informant used by President Obama's CIA and FBI to engage in contact with low level Trump campaign officials during their efforts to conduct a counterintelligence operation against the candidate.  The joint CIA and FBI operation was codenamed "Crossfire Hurricane".  Rather ironically, five days before the 2016 election intelligence agent provocateur Stefan Halper gave an interview to Sputnik News where he outlined his agenda; in hindsight the aggregate agenda of the Obama administration: [...]

FBI Used Secret Program To Gather Information On Trump Campaign, No Judge Needed, Report Says.  A report released by The New York Times on Wednesday revealed that the FBI, under Director James Comey's leadership, used a secret program that does not require the approval of a judge to gather phone records and "other documents" on Donald Trump's presidential campaign.  The report also revealed that a government informant met several times with Trump campaign officials, which validates a March 8, 2018 report from The Washington Post.

Where in the World Was Barack Obama?  [Scroll down]  Many of those questions remain unanswered but we do know that the "deep state" referenced by the [New York] Times did have a boss in 2016.  Yet Mr. Obama doesn't show up in this story until the ninth paragraph.  Those inclined toward Watergate analogies will say that it was some time before the break-in was connected to Richard Nixon, and of course we have no idea at this point whether the current controversy will end up being a Trump scandal, an Obama scandal or a permanently murky partisan battleground.  But since this controversy goes to the core of our democratic process, Americans desperately want clarity.  How and why exactly did leaders of U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies end up focusing on a domestic political campaign?

The "Crossfire Hurricane" Story Paints An Ugly Picture Of The FBI And Department Of Justice.  A couple of days ago, the New York Times ran a rather stunning piece on FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign. [...] This is the basic outline of the story.  The FBI, based on a semi-drunken conversation between George Papadopoulos and an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, opened an investigation of the Trump campaign.  What is missing from the story is any mention of the Trump dossier which we know was briefed to the FBI on July 5, nearly a month before the Papadopoulos conversation jumped the Atlantic and the shark.  As the investigation grew, eventually four members of the Trump campaign — Michael T. Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page and Papadopoulos — were placed under some sort of surveillance.  Eventually, Carter Page was the subject of a FISA warrant.  This surveillance continued even while Flynn and Manafort were on the transition team.

John Brennan's 'Exceptionally Sensitive' Issue.  It appears that Brennan's alleged "tips" were too flaky and unofficial for the Obama administration to commit to print.  Brennan had his own partisan hunches, fueled by his feverish hatred of Trump and perhaps a few spitballing conversations with other Trump-hating spy chiefs abroad, [...] but he had no evidence to meet any reasonable threshold for a counterintelligence probe of a presidential campaign, especially one undertaken by an administration supporting that candidate's opponent.  Brennan's espionage against Trump was as audacious as a paranoid LBJ wiretapping Nixon's campaign plane in the thick of a race against LBJ's vice president, Hubert Humphrey.

10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times' Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign.  [#1] FBI Officials Admit They Spied On [the] Trump Campaign:  The New York Times' story, headlined "Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation," is a dry and gentle account of the FBI's launch of extensive surveillance of affiliates of the Trump campaign.  Whereas FBI officials and media enablers had previously downplayed claims that the Trump campaign had been surveiled, in this story we learn that it was more widespread than previously acknowledged: [...] This is a stunning admission for those Americans worried that federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies might use their powers to surveil, leak against, and target Americans simply for their political views or affiliations.

NYT Report Confirms Obama Administration's FBI Spied on Trump Campaign.  And here it is.  The New York Times confirms Trump's claims, which have been frequently dismissed by major media outlets as kooky and conspiratorial, true.  Under the Obama administration, the intelligence community DOJ officials spied on Trump's campaign.  Operation "Crossfire Hurricane" is what they called it.  It was a super double secret operation that only a handful of agents and DOJ officials were aware of.  Agents, "obtained phone records and other documents using national security letters — a secret type of subpoena" and "at least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos."

Corrupt Intelligence Community Now Leaking To Justify Unlawful Election Surveillance.  U.S. intelligence officials who participated in the 2016 Russian interference narrative/scheme are now attempting to justify their conspiratorial conduct with leaks to the New York Times and Washington Post.  Their leaks are a transparent effort to justify prior conduct.  This cover-up endeavor has been their primary focus since congress started demanding documentary evidence from the DOJ, FBI, State Department and intelligence participants in the scheme.

Mueller Year One:  The Real Heroes in Journalism.  The reality is that there are only a handful of reporters bravely bucking the media's status quo and conducting real investigative journalism to expose what, quite possibly, is the biggest political scandal in U.S. history:  How top officials in an outgoing administration colluded with a presidential candidate's campaign and a major political party for the purpose of discrediting the rival presidential candidate and then stage a soft coup against him after he won.  Out of thousands of reporters in the United States, fewer than a dozen journalists have dared to cover the ways in which the world's most powerful law enforcement and intelligence apparatus leveraged its authority to try and destroy Trump's candidacy, then his presidency.

Was Trump's Campaign 'Set Up'?  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes appeared on "Fox & Friends" Tuesday, where he provided a potentially explosive hint at what's driving his demand to see documents related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Trump-Russia probe.  "If the campaign was somehow set up," he told the hosts, "I think that would be a problem."  Or an understatement.  Mr. Nunes is still getting stiff-armed by the Justice Department over his subpoena, but this week his efforts did force the stunning admission that the FBI had indeed spied on the Trump campaign.

Confirmed: FBI Was Spying on the Trump Campaign.  Earlier this week the New York Times published a story revealing the FBI was not only spying on the Trump campaign, but had at least one FBI informant embedded within it.  Further, the piece reveals the FBI didn't have enough evidence to open a criminal investigation into members of the Trump campaign, so a counterintelligence investigation was launched instead.

Clapper:  It's 'A Good Thing' FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign.  Former Director of Intelligence James Clapper said Thursday night [5/17/2018] on CNN that it was "a good thing" there was an FBI informant spying on the Trump campaign.  Clapper admitted the FBI "may have had someone who was talking to them in the campaign," referring to President Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.  He explained away the possibility of an FBI informant spying on the campaign as the bureau was trying to find out "what the Russians were doing to try to substantiate themselves in the campaign or influence or leverage it."

Crossfire Hurricane:  Category Five Political Espionage.  Deep in the New York Times's account of "Crossfire Hurricane," the FBI's codename for spying on the Trump campaign, is a hilariously bland paragraph about John Brennan and James Comey teaming up to dig dirt on Trumpworld.  If you blinked in the course of reading the lengthy article, you might have missed it: [...] Contained in that oh-so-nonchalant line — "Intelligence agencies began collaborating to investigate that operation" — is one of Obamagate's biggest ticking time bombs.  When it blows, John Brennan, whose demented partisanship led him to run an anti-Trump spying operation straight out of CIA headquarters, will feel much of the blast.

Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane:  The Times on the FBI's Trump Investigation.  What the [New York] Times story makes explicit, with studious understatement, is that the Obama administration used its counterintelligence powers to investigate the opposition party's presidential campaign.  That is, there was no criminal predicate to justify an investigation of any Trump-campaign official.  So, the FBI did not open a criminal investigation.  Instead, the bureau opened a counterintelligence investigation and hoped that evidence of crimes committed by Trump officials would emerge.  But it is an abuse of power to use counterintelligence powers, including spying and electronic surveillance, to conduct what is actually a criminal investigation.

Obama's FBI Spied On The Trump Campaign, So What Did He Know And When Did He Know It?  The intelligence apparatus of the U.S. was spying on the opposing campaign of a presidential race.  Who in the media will ask that follow up?  Also, isn't it odd that Obama isn't mentioned anywhere with these developments [...] Also, the FBI and CIA are supposed to act as independent agencies, not pawns for a coordinated political effort.  It hasn't been the FBI's best moment.  The bureau's reputation has been scarred due to the level of bias and potential tipping of the scales that occurred concerning both the Russia and Clinton investigations.  But these new revelations take it to a new level — and Obama remains under the radar, though all of this happened under his administration.

Obama's Army of Agents And the Entrapment of Donald Trump.  High-level Obama officials, including John Brennan and John Kerry, appear to have attempted to entrap Trump campaign officials and candidate Trump himself.  This very likely scenario is being closely looked at after Wall Street Journal editor Kimberly Strassel reported there was a mole placed in or close to the Trump campaign.  This isn't how things are supposed to work in the United States.  "This is not who we are," to quote Obama.  Tying in what we know about spying, unmasking, and leaked texts, it appears the Obama administration was actually attempting to entrap them, in other words, frame them.  They might have believed they were doing it to protect the nation, but it appears to be a set up.

The 'Election Collusion' was between Our Intelligence Community and Britain.  As I will explain, the widespread notion that Russia and Trump colluded to beat Hillary has long been demonstrable bunk.  What seems more clear each day is that there was collusion between certain members of the U.S. and British intelligence communities to spy on the Trump campaign.  This may explain, in large part, the reluctance of the Department of Justice to reveal what it knows publicly.  After all — with rare exceptions — the two countries' intelligence services have long had important information gathering and sharing agreements, and exposure of this may harm the traditional reciprocal relationship.  Whether the British counterparts were hoodwinked into playing this role is still unclear.  Maybe they were.  On the other hand, with most of what they know about the U.S. electorate doubtless coming from the NYT and even more left-wing British media, they may well have done this willingly, believing the globalist Hillary had a sure shot at the presidency and this was a means of cementing a relationship with her.

Brennan With Strzok and John Kerry Worked to Set Up Russian Espionage Traps For Minor Players in Trump Camp.  A major new front is developing after the House discovered the FBI had a spy planted inside of the Trump campaign on top of the illegal wiretaps.  Barack Obama, arguably the worst president in US history, was wiretapping and listening in on all of the Trump campaign and transition team calls.  And now we know his Deep State minions had a spy inside the Trump campaign!

Brink Of Collapse:  Obama's FBI Spied On Trump More Than Previously Thought, New Report Suggests.  On Thursday [5/10/2018], an analysis from The Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel on the latest developments in the Justice Department's decision to allow House Intelligence Committee members to view classied information about "a top-secret intelligence source" in the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign revealed that the FBI may have spied on the campaign more than previously thought.

Does equal justice under the law exist in America today?  Revelations coming from House and Senate Intelligence committee investigations have shown how the Obama administration politically weaponized the National Security Agency, State Department, FBI and the Department of Justice.  Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, is a hero because it took the lead through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to acquire documents which have revealed inappropriate use of power by government agencies.  Had Hillary Clinton won the election, these misdeeds would have gone unnoticed, to our country's detriment.  Spying on Americans would have continued to be used on political enemies as was done to Trump's transition team.  In a July 27, 2017, letter, Congressman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Dan Coats, national intelligence director, one government official "whose position had no apparent intelligence-related function, made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama administration." Has anyone faced a court of law?  No.

A Prosecution for McCabe?  Fired FBI deputy director and discredited Democrat hack Andrew McCabe may soon be prosecuted for authorizing the leaking of sensitive information to the media and then lying over and over again to investigators about it, according to reports.  The news comes after House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told Fox News on Sunday [4/22/2018] that "there was no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation" of Trump's aides.  If Nunes is right, this means an official investigation was launched against a presidential campaign even though there was no official information supporting it.  This is a naked abuse of power, the stuff of banana republics, something Trump defenders have been saying for some time.

Comey Says He STILL Doesn't Know If Hillary's Camp Funded the Dossier; He Signed Three FISA Applications to Authorize Wiretaps Anyway.  Fired FBI Director James Comey went on with Bret Baier on Special Report on Thursday [4/26/2018] to discuss his new book.  Comey told Bret Baier he still isn't sure who paid for the phony Russia dossier — but who [...] cares where the dossier came from because he signed three FISA applications to authorize wiretaps anyway.

GOP-led House panel officially clears Trump in Russia probe.  The Republican-led House intelligence committee on Friday [4/27/2018] released a lengthy report concluding it found no evidence that Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign, drawing praise from the president and rebuttals from Democrats.

Russia Report:  Three Major Take-Aways.  he House Intelligence Committee released its long-anticipated and highly redacted Russian intelligence report Friday clearing President Donald Trump's campaign from "colluding" with Russians in the 2016 presidential election and chiding the intelligence community for "significant intelligence tradecraft failings" as the committee found no evidence to date that collusion had occurred.  The 248-page report, of which some pages were completely redacted after review by FBI and DOJ officials, have raised the ire of committee Republicans and will lead to a review of the report once again in an effort to un-redact elements of the report that the Committee says does not relate to the classified material.  Numerous Congressional committees have complained openly that the DOJ and FBI continue to "stonewall" their investigations and have slow rolled documents needed for adequate oversight of the highly controversial investigations into Trump and the Bureau's handling of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server for government business.

Comey, Mueller and the poisonous tree.  The investigation was polluted from the beginning.  Former British spy Christopher Steele was a government contractor when he illegally leaked the dossier and lied about it.  Mueller team members and FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok operated with such open hatred for Trump that they were removed from the investigation after managing key parts of it.  The heads of the FBI and CIA participated in spreading and vouching for a Trump dossier they never verified and yet used to spy on Americans.  The yarn leaked to the press about the start of the investigation doesn't add up.

Time to End the Resistance of the Swamp.  The ongoing Mueller "investigation" is not a legal matter.  It's a continuation of abuse of power by the Obama administration, which behaved as if Democrats were going to reign forever.  The extent of their abuse started to come to light only after the elections. [...] It's clear now that the Obama administration used the FBI to persecute its political enemies.  The FBI needs to be investigated thoroughly and be purged of the Obama-Hillary loyalists who conducted these crimes.  The first step in such investigation might be to offer FBI agents and officers who observed or participated in such activities to step forward and to tell what they saw or did.  But it is also clear that Mueller does everything in his power to prevent such investigation.  This alone justifies arresting him and charging with obstruction of justice.

Respect Unearned.  Trust in the Obama-era directorships of the Justice Department, FBI, and, indeed, the federal courts themselves are now horses that have long ago left the proverbial judicial barn.  Should the public also believe that no sober and judicious FISA court judge would ever have approved surveillance of American citizens without asking where the evidence came from, who compiled it, who, if any, paid for it, or had a vested interest in seeing it used for a warrant?  Should the public believe that its FBI director, and various deputy attorney generals, would never have dared keep from a FISA court information about their own submitted evidence?

Devin Nunes Reveals Bombshell 'Secret Intel'.  Those who staged a soft coup attempt against President Donald Trump aren't anywhere near finished.  There are liberal Americans who refuse to believe that Trump did not collude with the Russians to win the presidency, but it's high time they are forced to see the truth before it's too late.  You don't have to know all the background information to understand the bombshell that Devin Nunes dropped on Fox News' Maria Bartiromo's show.  Nunes just got this bombshell from the DOJ after they refused to hand it over to the Houe Intel Committee for weeks.  For the FBI to start an investigation into anyone, they need a starting point, a possible crime.  Law enforcement does not investigate people, they investigate potential crimes that people commit.  This is an extremely important concept to understand.  It's the foundation of our justice system.

Is DOJ Obstructing Congress in the Trump Surveillance Case?  Did Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) really have to threaten to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt and to start impeachment proceedings?  Apparently so.  Nunes chairs the House Intelligence Committee.  For almost eight months, Wray and Rosenstein stalled his request for an unredacted copy of the memo that launched the Obama administration's investigation/surveillance of the Trump campaign.  Eight months.  But when Nunes threatened impeachment, he received the memo within 24 hours.

GOP Lawmaker to Hold Special Order on House Floor Tonight Detailing Case For Second Special Counsel to Investigate Obama's FISA Abuse.  Rep Lee Zeldin (R-NY) just announced he will be leading a Special Order on the House Floor Monday night [4/16/2018] at 7 PM EST detailing a case for a second Special Counsel to be appointed to investigate Obama's FISA abuse.  Zeldin also wants to know how/why the Clinton probe ended and how/why the Trump-Russia investigation began.

How a Republic Dies:  The Federal Leviathan Wages All-Out War With a Duly Elected President.  Political operatives have now seized privileged communications between the President of the United States and his lawyer.  Despite fairy tales about a clean process, these communications will be harvested by the counterparts of Peter Strzok, who unlike him are still on the case at the FBI, some of it will appear in the Washington Post and the New York Times, and some will be passed along to other political allies.  That's what happened at every juncture of Watergate 2.0.  And it only follows that it will happen again.  Just like the eavesdropping, the process will be compartmentalized for maximum plausible deniability.  The leakers will be protected by their superiors.  The media will shrilly focus the public's attention on the revelations in the documents rather than on the more serious crimes committed in obtaining them.  Nixon couldn't have even dreamed of doing this in his wildest fantasies.  But Obama could and did.  Now his operatives throughout the government are continuing the work that they began during his regime.

How Comey Lied About Spying on Trump Tower.  To understand the depth of Comey's leaking and lying, all you have to do is go back and look at his scummy maneuvering in response to Trump's "wiretap" tweets.  Those tweets turned out to be entirely accurate:  The Obama administration was intercepting communications at Trump Tower, both during the campaign and the transition.  Comey knew perfectly well that Trump was right — FBI agents had been sifting through the Trump Tower records of Carter Page and Paul Manafort — but he sent his team out to lie about Trump's tweets anyways. [...] In a just age, Comey would have the book thrown at him, not be writing one.  It is a measure of our skewed times that an unelected charlatan could subvert the elected chief executive and then emerge from his subversion as a celebrated expert on constitutional loyalty.

Russia Scandal:  Will Devin Nunes Investigation Prove 'Deep State' Collusion By FBI, DOJ?  Among the many investigations going on related to Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, one stands out as notable:  The investigation by the House Intelligence Committee and its hard-charging chairman, Devin Nunes, of how the FBI came to spy on the Donald Trump campaign.  It's now coming to a head.

Trump Attorney Uncovers New Unmasking Docs Showing Samantha Power Actively Worked With Media to Undermine Trump During Transition.  An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow and his senior counsel Carly Gammill appeared in a Washington D.C. federal court last week to find out when they will be receiving documents related to the Obama unmasking scandal.  The ACLJ (American Center For Law and Justice) filed a FOIA lawsuit last summer and they are just now beginning to receive documents.

John Brennan's Contributions to Fraud Upon FISA Court.  It is a matter of unclassified public record the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing "contractors" to conduct searches of the FBI and NSA databases, and extract raw intelligence, throughout 2015 until April 28th 2016 when NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers shut down all access and initiated a compliance review.  Any objective review of that time period indicates (strongest likelihood) the search activity was political 'opposition research' for the 2016 presidential election.  With hindsight of the FBI and DOJ's political intents, 'opposition research' was almost certainly the motive.

Why the FBI Is Dodging Nunes.  The left used to get very worked up about the CIA's interference in foreign elections.  Liberals would quote solemnly the work of Philip Agee, a CIA turncoat who wrote articles and books about the agency's manipulation of this or that foreign election.  But these days ACLU-style liberals shrug at the meddling of John Brennan's CIA in the 2016 American election, mischief that the FBI is still trying to conceal.

Momentum Builds To Appoint Second Special Counsel To Investigate Hillary Clinton's Ties To Steele Dossier.  A new report shines a light on the growing momentum to appoint a second special counsel to probe Hillary Clinton's ties to the Steele dossier.

Bombshell: Secret Texts Show FBI, DOJ May Have Rushed Anti-Trump FISA Warrant.  Communications uncovered by congressional investigators reveal the FBI may have improperly coordinated with Department of Justice officials in an effort to pressure those officials to expedite a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance warrant on a former volunteer with the President Trump's campaign, congressional officials said.  Text messages obtained by investigators reveal that FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his colleague Lisa Page were discussing the FBI's difficulty in obtaining the warrant to spy on Carter Page, who worked for a short stint with the Trump campaign.  The FBI obtained its first warrant to spy on Page on Oct. 19, 2016, and there would be three subsequent renewals every 90 days for the warrant on Mr. Page.

Americans Support Mueller Probe — But Want Another One For FBI's Spying On Trump:  IBD/TIPP Poll.  Most Americans support the special counsel investigation of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but doubt it will lead to charges against President Trump, a new IBD/TIPP Poll shows.  Yet, while they support the special counsel investigation, they also say another special counsel needs to be appointed to investigate whether the Justice Department and FBI improperly surveilled the Trump campaign during and after the 2016 presidential campaign.

Intel Officer Explains Why Obama Could Be 'First President In History' To Be Hit With a Felony Indictment.  In a recent interview with Trending Today USA, Lt. Col Tony Shaffer called 'Obamagate' an "order of magnitude" even bigger than the Watergate scandal because the incident included "using nation-state resources for purposes of political gain."  When asked if Obama could be arrested for violating the law, he said that it would be the "first time a former president could be indicted for a felony."

Sessions is moving shrewdly on the FISA abuse investigation.  [Scroll down]  What about the decision to use a U.S. attorney rather than appoint a special counsel?  This decision also seems sound, and not just because I don't like special counsels.  The combination of the IG and the USA should be able to accomplish as much as a special counsel would — and accomplish it faster and with less fanfare.  The absence of fanfare is an advantage because it makes it more difficult for Democrats and their media partners to push the idea that anyone is being persecuted.  A Justice Department investigation headed by two Obama appointees is harder to shoot at than a special counsel.

DOJ Inspector General reviews alleged FISA abuses by DOJ, FBI.  Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced Wednesday [3/28/2018] he will review potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses by both the Justice Department and the FBI, following requests from Congress and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  The Office of the Inspector General released a statement Wednesday outlining the start of the review.  "The OIG will initiate a review that will examine the Justice Department's and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person," the statement obtained by Fox News read.  "As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source."

Partisanship and John Brennan's Plot.  When candidate Trump claimed he was being "wiretapped" it turns out he was right:  the Obama administration had been intercepting communications at Trump Tower by spying on Paul Manafort and Carter Page, and during the transition after Trump won through "unmasking."

What Trump and Martin Luther King, Jr.  Have in Common.  As the story unfolds of how Hillary Clinton, former FBI director Comey, and the intel community in Washington trashed GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump with what is being seen as a fraudulent dossier, paid for by the Hillary campaign, and presented to the FISA court to gain permission to spy on the Trump team by unmasking NSA information, few know that this is just the most recent chapter in the long story of how the Democratic Party has used the FBI, DOJ, and intel community to attack and discredit political opponents.

Scandal Questions Never Asked, Much Less Answered.  Which members of the Obama administration were aware of, or gave orders to, members of the Obama Justice Department and the FBI to use the Steele dossier to obtain FISA court orders to surveille American citizens?  And who had access to transcripts of such surveillance, and why were the names of particular American surveilled then unmasked and how were they later disclosed to the media?

Attorney General Sessions Now Needs to Appoint a Special Counsel.  The probe of these allegations should be done by a special counsel, not the DOJ IG, and here is why.  If DOJ seeks to determine whether FISA may have been improperly and/or illegally used by U.S. government officials, it will need to expand the scope of the investigation far beyond the DOJ and FBI boundary established by the attorney general.  For example, the person assigned to lead this investigation should be tasked with interviewing and obtaining and analyzing information from certain officials who worked or work at the White House, U.S. intelligence agencies, Clinton Campaign and Democratic National Committee (DNC), Perkins-Coie law firm, British ex-spy Christopher Steele and his Russian sources and others believed to have played varying roles in paying for, developing, and disseminating questionable information used by DOJ and FBI to obtain FISC orders.

Press failed to prepare us for this.  Michael Horowitz, the inspector general that Obama blew off as irrelevant, has the goods on these people.  They spied on Trump.  They destroyed incriminating evidence against Hillary.  They did what[ever] they pleased without any respect to the law or tradition.  Now they have tried cover their tracks with this Fake Russian dossier.

Worse Than Watergate?  Is Obama Like Nixon — Only More So?  Just as Nixon used campaign operatives to spy on the opposition party, Barack Obama administration-era Democrats did likewise — except they employed actual government investigatory agencies to do it.  As a pretext, the allegation holds, they used that aforementioned dossier, a compilation of reports by shadowy ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who used uncorroborated information provided, ironically, by anonymous Russian sources.

Obama Staffer: Facebook Knew Presidential Campaign Improperly Seized Data, Looked the Other Way.  Facebook is embroiled in a political controversy over the manner its social data was utilized by the Trump campaign, but a former Obama campaign staffer argues the social media company has been allowing this type of behavior since at least 2012.  The social media giant is being lambasted for failing to verify that data from an estimated 50 million users was deleted by the Steve Bannon-led firm, Cambridge Analytica.  However, a former Obama campaign staffer has come forward to claim that Facebook turned a blind eye to the same issue in 2012.

Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney.  The Barack Obama presidential campaign hired Fusion GPS in 2012 to dig up dirt on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to a book released on Tuesday [3/13/2018].  The Obama campaign hid its payments to Fusion GPS through its law firm, Perkins Coie.  The arrangement is similar to the one that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee used to pay Fusion for its investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016.

Revealed Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney.  The Barack Obama presidential campaign hired Fusion GPS in 2012 to dig up dirt on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to a book released on Tuesday [3/13/2018].  The Obama campaign hid its payments to Fusion GPS through its law firm, Perkins Coie.  The arrangement is similar to the one that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee used to pay Fusion for its investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016.

The Real Collusion Story.  [Scroll down]  With his jacket and tie off, the cuffs of his sleeves turned, and a winning smile spread from ear to ear, Obama came to loan Hillary Clinton his common touch.  Passing the baton to her was a team effort, however.  It demanded hard work from countless enablers.  These included not just Democrats but also many Republicans, who shared the conviction that Trump represented an extraordinary threat to our democracy.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.  To block Trump, Clinton's supporters bent rules and broke laws.  They went to surprising lengths to strengthen her while framing him — both in the sense of depicting him in a particular light and of planting evidence against him.

Everybody Knows.  [Scroll down]  Everybody knows that Barack Obama is doubly unaccountable.  He is unaccountable by physiognomy and by exquisite hypocrisy.  Holder and Lynch, both also double-unaccountables, subverted the justice system as Obama's attorneys general, criminally conspired in multiple ways for political ends.  Everybody knows that Obama knew about the illegally obtained FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump.

Gowdy, Goodlatte demand appointment of special counsel, citing FISA abuses.  House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Rep. Trey Gowdy on Tuesday demanded the appointment of a special counsel to investigate "conflicts of interest" and decisions "made and not made" by current and former Justice Department officials in 2016 and 2017, noting that "the public interest requires" the action.  Gowdy, R-S.C., and Goodlatte, R-Va., penned a letter Tuesday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.  "Matters have arisen — both recently and otherwise — which necessitate the appointment of a Special Counsel.  We do not make this observation and attendant request lightly," Gowdy and Goodlatte wrote.

House Republicans seek special prosecutor for FISA requests.  Two top congressional Republicans are calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate alleged abuses in the use of a secret surveillance program targeting a Trump campaign aide, the latest in a string of GOP efforts to put federal investigators under the same scrutiny facing many Trump associates.

Why No Investigation Into FBI, Justice Dept.  Collusion With Democrats To Spy On Trump?  Turns Out, There Is One.  For weeks, official Washington and many voters have wondered:  Why has there been no official investigation of the Justice Department and the FBI for their apparent misconduct in applying to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to spy on the Trump campaign in 2016?  Now we know:  Quietly, an investigation has already begun.

House Republicans seek special prosecutor for FISA requests.  Two top congressional Republicans are calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate alleged abuses in the use of a secret surveillance program targeting a Trump campaign aide, the latest in a string of GOP efforts to put federal investigators under the same scrutiny facing many Trump associates.

DOJ Crooks Refuse Request to Hand Over Transcripts from FISA Court Hearings on Carter Page.  Investigative journalist and FOX News contributor Sarah Carter joined Sean Hannity tonight to discuss the latest developments in the growing Deep State spying scandal on Donald Trump and his campaign by Barack Obama and the Democrat Party.

'Something Smells Like a Rat': Mark Levin Calls for 'Abolishing' the FISA Court.  "Life, Liberty and Levin" host Mark Levin sounded off on alleged abuses committed before the FISA court in relation to the obtaining of a surveillance warrant against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.  Levin said Congress must look into whether representatives of the Department of Justice and FBI committed acts of "misconduct" before the court — in part by using an unverified dossier linked to an opposition research firm and former British spy as evidence.  He added that the judges on the FISA court deserve scrutiny too.

Devin Nunes Questions Legality of FBI FISA Application to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  This evening House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes sends a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions questioning the protocol and legality of a fraudulent FISA application submitted by the FBI.  This approach sets up AG Sessions to defer the legal framework to OIG Michael Horowitz, and establishes the public basis for parallel prosecutors within the DOJ.  However, keep in mind, it's extremely likely, almost certain, these prosecutors already exist — they are already working with Horowitz.  Evidence of this is found in the memo quotes from Bill Priestap, but those not following the granular details are unaware.

'Congress needs to find out' what these judges are up to!  Appearing on "Hannity" Thursday night, LevinTV host Mark Levin demanded that Congress investigate whether the Obama administration Department of Justice and FBI engaged in "misconduct" before the FISA court by using the infamous Russian dossier to obtain a warrant to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.  He also questioned the actions of FISA court Judge Rosemary Collyer and demanded that she "do something" about the "alleged abuses" of the court by the FBI and DOJ.  Levin recounted how last April his organization, the Landmark Legal Foundation, filed secretly with the FISA court urging the court to use its "inherent jurisdiction" to investigate the conduct of the FBI.

Federal Contractor Spying.  This report focuses on illegal activity by the FBI and FBI contractors who conducted illegal surveillance on American citizens.  The details are in a 99 page FISA Court memorandum and opinion issued by Judge Rosemary Collyer.  [Video clip]

Judicial Watch:  Documents Reveal Obama State Department Provided Classified Records to Sen. Ben Cardin to Undermine President Trump.  Judicial Watch today [1/31/2018] released 42 pages of heavily redacted State Department documents containing classified information that was provided to Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and outspoken critic of President Donald Trump.  The documents show Russian political interference in elections and politics in countries across Europe.  According to a March 2017 report in the Baltimore Sun:  "Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin received classified information about Russia's involvement in elections when the Obama administration was attempting to disseminate that material widely across the government in order to aid in future investigations, according to a report Wednesday ... Obama officials were concerned, according to the report [in The New York Times], that the Trump administration would cover up intelligence once power changed hands."

The First Attempted Coup D'etat in America's History.  Lou Dobbs had this to say about the effort to destroy Trump:  The double standard is more than that by a long measure.  This is an effort to subvert the administration of President Donald Trump.  It is nothing less.  It is an effort by the Deep State to roll over a duly elected president and a legitimate government and to break the will of the American people.  This is no longer about Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, this is about a full-on assault by the left, the Democratic party to absolutely carry out a coup d'etat against President Trump.

Probe into anti-Trump dossier expands to find out what Obama knew.  Rep. Devin Nunes is trying to determine the breadth and reach of the unverified Russia-Trump dossier inside the U.S. government, especially among senior leaders in the Barack Obama administration during the 2016 election.  The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released a letter on Tuesday [2/20/2018] that is being sent to as many as two dozen senior leaders in the Trump and Obama administuatrions.  The California Republican is asking 10 questions to gauge who received the dossier information and what they did with it.

The FISA Court and Federal Contractor Spying.  Government spying on the Trump campaign may have begun early in 2016, perhaps sooner, by private contractors working for the FBI.  The Federal Government admits it conducted illegal surveillance on American citizens through private contractors.

Where Is the Democratic Outrage Over Spying on Americans?  The great conceit of the left is that they are willing to stand for principle even on behalf of unpopular actors.  Here, they have thrown principle out the window because they don't like Trump.

The Russians Didn't File a FISA Warrant.  The Russians didn't keep Hillary out of Wisconsin; the Russians didn't make Hillary use personal email; the Russians didn't hire Fusion-GPS; the Russians didn't pay Christopher Steele; the Russians didn't make a dossier or deliver work product to the State Dept; the Russians didn't do the unmasking of campaign officials.

Bruce and Nellie Ohr:  The other Trump-hating lovebirds.  Now we have revelations that U.S. Department of Justice associate deputy attorney general, Bruce Ohr, failed to disclose the payments his wife Nellie Ohr was receiving from Fusion GPS on his official forms, an ethics violation that carries a jail penalty, according to the Daily Caller.  Nellie Ohr, identified as a Russia expert, may have been writing some of the contents of the utterly gamy and fictional Steele dossier, and from appearances, it looks as if she might have, while ol' Bruce may have been shilling the product to the FBI as investigative bait, which the agency later did use as the basis for obtaining a FISA warrant to spy on President Trump through his lieutenants.

Scandal, Corruption, Lawbreaking — And So What?  [Scroll down]  Despite a nonstop media assault on Trump's administration, Representative Devin Nunes, and the congressional investigative committees, more than 50 percent of the public already believes that the Trump campaign was illegally surveilled and smeared through the confluence of the Clinton campaign, the Obama administration, and the FBI.  Voters would only grow more cynical if some Americans were allowed to abuse constitutionally protected civil liberties, and to lie to the Congress, the FBI, and the courts, while the less connected others go to jail for much less.  Without a judicial accounting, it will be impossible to clean up the hierarchies of the FBI and the DOJ.

America Turns To Barack Obama As Evidence Mounts Of Shocking Abuses.  The list of federal authority abuses during the eight years of Barack Obama's presidency is mounting fast and furious these days.  So much so that even the Establishment Media is finding it more and more difficult to ignore as seen by this just-published expose via The Hill: [...]

Federal abuses on Obama's watch represent a growing blight on his legacy.  In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent:  President Barack Obama.  High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal:  James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.  Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity.

Will the FISA memo turn into Obama's Watergate?  Forty-six years ago, a group of hamfisted burglars bungled the task of bugging the Democratic National Committee's offices in the Watergate building in Washington D.C.  Two years later, Richard Nixon resigned as president a result of the failed cover-up that ensued.  Although Barack Obama is no longer president, the abuses that occurred within the FBI and Justice Department under his watch already have the potential to eclipse the Watergate scandal in their historic significance and damage done to American government.

How Obama's Hillary Clinton cover-ups destroyed DOJ and FBI.  It is extremely dangerous to our republic when politicians weaponise the intelligence agencies to spy on a political opposition party and then lie about it.  Rightly, this current scandal has shattered America's trust in the intelligence agencies and the traditional media pundits who acted in the massive cover-up.  Why are all the senior FBI and DOJ "bad actors" still employed?  Why are senior Democratic Party members Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer cheering prosecutorial misconduct and blatant fraud on the FISA court?  Has the Democratic Party become a party of demagogues and liars bent on destroying democracy and liberty?  Can America's traditional lap-dog media, who refuse to cover this scandal, ever be trusted?

Barack the Brick-Thrower.  [Scroll down]  Stateside, Obama now is assisting the effort to destabilize the current president.  That's why, based on the former president's history of illegally influencing foreign elections, it does not seem implausible that it was Barack Obama who recruited the FBI, the DOJ, and the US State Department to perform their own versions of the ACORN, Organizing for Action (OFA), and the New Black Panthers dance.  At the end of the day, the former president has track record of applying Alinsky-tactics to promote sociopolitical change, which may be why Putin and Trump were blamed for throwing bricks through windows that, under closer scrutiny, appear to be covered with Barack Obama's fingerprints.

Why FISA-gate is Scarier Than Watergate.  Progressives are not supposed to destroy requested emails, "acid wash" hard drives, spread unverified and paid-for opposition research among government agencies, or use the DOJ and FBI to obtain warrants to snoop on the communications of American citizens.  FISA-gate may become a more worrisome scandal than either Watergate or Iran-Contra.  Why?  Because our defense against government wrongdoing — the press — is defending such actions, not uncovering them.  Liberal and progressive voices are excusing, not airing, the excesses of the DOJ and FBI.  Apparently, weaponizing government agencies to stop a detested Donald Trump by any means necessary is not really considered a crime.

Poll: Americans 'Overwhelmingly' Believe Obama 'Improperly Surveilled' Trump Campaign.  An IBD/TIPP poll shows that "Americans overwhelmingly believe the Obama administration 'improperly surveilled' Donald Trump's presidential campaign."  Despite the disgraced American media's best and most cynical efforts to bury the truth, and to even stop the truth from ever seeing the light of day, this poll (and another addressed below) demonstrate that the American people are almost entirely tuning the partisan, mostly-hysterical news media out and looking to alternative media for the truth.  There is simply no other way to explain these poll results, which unambiguously prove that a majority of the public believe the exact opposite of what an unceasing, coordinated media campaign wants them to believe — which is that President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 campaign and that the heroic FBI is being unfairly smeared by Trump's eeeevil defenders.

Feds Scrambled to Redact Information Showing Top Secret Spy Abuse.  Federal authorities scrambled to redact and keep classified key information revealing major abuses of the U.S. surveillance apparatus that targeted President Donald Trump's associates in the lead up to the 2016 election, according to multiple sources familiar with the situation who said the latest information corroborates findings recently made public by House Intelligence Committee officials. [...] The new criminal referral issued by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Lindsay Graham, both Senate Judiciary Committee members, calls for a formal investigation into Christopher Steele, the one-time British spy who compiled the dossier on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Nunes seeks transcripts from Carter Page FISA warrant hearing.  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., is seeking transcripts from a top secret national security court regarding the FBI and Justice Department's application for a surveillance warrant for a Trump campaign aide, according to a congressional letter obtained by Fox News.  Writing to Rosemary M. Collyer, the presiding judge at the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, Nunes asked for transcripts of "any relevant FISC hearings associated with the initial FISA application or subsequent renewals related to electronic surveillance of Carter Page."

I Should Know:  Dems' Intel Abuse Is Reminiscent of My Work for Ceausescu.  Seen from my vantage point, the four-page FISA abuse memo authored by Rep. Devin Nunes is proof that former president Barack Obama and Democratic Party leaders wanted to transform the U.S. into a Russian-style intelligence dictatorship — and the FBI into a KGB-style instrument for rewriting American history by smearing its capitalist politicians.

Convinced of a Hillary Victory, They Thought Nobody Would Ever Know.  An administration siccing the surveillance state on the opposition party's presidential candidate based on dubious reports compiled by the favored presidential candidate's campaign ranks as a terribly reckless strategy risking the future freedom of its architects for their future power, no?  "Not if you think you will win the election and no one will ever find out," an animated Joseph diGenova tells The American Spectator.  "That's why they did it.  They thought she would win and no one would ever find out."

LEVIN: New Reports Only Strengthen My Argument That Obama Must Answer Some Very Hard Questions.  The media is finally catching up to Mark Levin on the Obama administration surveillance abuse scandal. [...] If President Obama was being briefed on Russian attempts to interfere in the 2016 election, how was he not aware of the ongoing counterintelligence investigation conducted against Carter Page and other people in Trump's sphere?  This is a point made repeatedly by Levin.  In a January 24 episode of LevinTV, Levin argued that there was "no way in hell Barack Obama didn't know some of this," referring to the FBI's investigations.  During his Feb. 5 radio program, Levin reiterated that top officials in the Obama Justice Department and the National Security Council — Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Deputy AG Sally Yates, FBI Director Comey, and Deputy Director McCabe — must have known about the FISA warrants.

Democrats Want To Turn America Into Russia.  The Democrats have a bold plan for fighting Russia.  Accuse Republicans of treason, eavesdrop on their conversations and send them to jail.  Overturn the outcome of a free election because that it had been tampered with by "foreign interests."  Demand that tech companies censor dissenting media outlets spreading "fake news" to protect "democracy".  Good work, comrades.  The bold plan is to fight Russia by... becoming Russia.  State surveillance, endless investigations and locking up political opponents under the guise of fighting foreign influences is how Vladimir Putin does business.  It's how they do it in Turkey, Venezuela and Iran.  But these days it's how the Dems do it too.

Obama Personally Involved In Trump Spying — Texts Between Strzok-Page Revealed.  Now we know and have confirmation that Obama was fully involved in the spying of Americans during at least the 2016. New text messages between the two lovebirds having affairs while at the FBI, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal that Obama wanted updates on "everything they were doing."  One text message, sent by Lisa Page to her lover Peter Strzok on September 2, 2016 has [P]age telling Strzok that "POTUS wants to know everything were doing."

FBI lovers' latest text messages:  Obama 'wants to know everything'.  Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted "to know everything we're doing."  The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News.  The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.  Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing."

Carter Page Interview With Laura Ingraham.  The primary target of the DOJ FISA "Title I" surveillance warrant, Carter Page, appears on Fox News with Laura Ingraham for an exclusive interview discussing Mr. Page's history and contact with the Trump campaign.  There are two interview segments.  [Video clip]

Media must apologize to Donald Trump.  On May 4, 2017, President Donald Trump tweeted that Obama wiretapped him.  The press knew this was true.  Obama's flunkies gave the New York Times quotes from transcripts of the wiretapping.  Rather than report the president's facts as facts, the Fake News media in concert with the Democratic Party engaged in a huge cover-up.  "Trump's baseless wiretap claim" read the headline on CNN the day after Trump complained about Obama's unconstitutional wiretapping of the political opposition.  CNN quoted anonymous sources who said Trump was wrong.  That is not journalism.  That is cowardice.  When did the press every allow precious little Obama to be called a liar by anyone anonymously?

If FISA Abuse is not dealt with harshly, the entire American form of government is in jeopardy.  Our entire system of being a Constitutional Republic is based on the orderly, REAL transfer of power between political parties after voters have their say in elections.  All you need is ONE party deciding one time to use the power of the federal gov't to suppress it's [sic] political opponents & the entire American system of self governance through honest, free elections is in mortal danger.  There is no way people in the federal gov't can 'accidentally' weaponize it's [sic] law enforcement & intelligence gathering powers against political opponents.  There are numerous safeguards in place to prevent this.  ALL those safeguards would have to be subverted.  This is why people who have read the #FisaAbuseMemo are so absolutely terrified by what they are seeing in it.  This was deliberate.  People who knew what they were doing subverted every safeguard & weaponized our federal agencies against American citizens based on politics.

Critically important:  FISA, the NSA, and the 4th Amendment.  [Scroll down]  With all of that as preamble, here is what is at issue.
    Q1: Did the Obama administration wrongly use its power to access NSA intercepts in multiple ways and under the guise of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative (created as DNC opposition research) in order to gain intelligence on its political enemies?
    Q2: Did the Obama administration wrongly "unmask" NSA intercepts to target the Trump administration?  Was that information then leaked to the public to Trump's detriment?
    Q3: Was the Obama administration sharing NSA intercepts with Democrat political operatives?
    Q4: Did the Obama administration wrongly (but legally) use FISA information to bring down its political enemies in the Trump administration?
If the answer to one or more of the first three questions is yes, then this is a scandal that dwarfs anything and everything that happened during Watergate.  It is the government weaponizing our intelligence assets for political gain — something far beyond what happened in Watergate.  People can't skate on this.  If it happened, everyone involved needs to be criminally punished or history will mark these events as the beginning of the end for our republic.

Real Americans vs.  Our Effete Elites.  The revealed corruption of the FBI and DOJ is tragic and largely the responsibility of the Clintons and Obama.  Obama built upon, took his cues from the Clintons, the most corrupt family ever to wield political power in America.  Astonishingly, no one of the left seems to care about how criminal the Obama administration was or how unscrupulous the Clintons have always been. [...] No one on the left seems to care about the horrific abuse of power that occurred under Obama.  He effectively turned our law enforcement agencies into a Stasi that spies on its own citizens.

Are You A Conservative?  Then Chances Are The Obama Government Was Spying On You.  Conservative author, filmmaker, and proud Indian-American, Dinesh D'Souza, who was among the most vocal in warning America about the rampant abuses by the Obama government, was then sentenced to prison for what amounted to a relatively minor political contribution violation.  D'Souza claimed Barack Obama had deep-rooted fascist leanings.  (Where was ANTIFA then to go to war against Mr. Obama?)  Soon after, the Obama government proved those fascist leanings by allocating $100,000 dollars to investigate and ultimately charge D'Souza for an alleged $20,000 campaign contribution violation.

The Sinking of the FBI.  [T]he evidence is rapidly emerging that senior officials in our government, most likely up to and including then-president of the United States Barack Obama, worked in concert to illicitly, and possibly criminally, derail the candidacy of the opposition party's presidential candidate using fabricated information (or, as former FBI director James Comey described it, "salacious and unverified") obtained by a private investigations firm from an enemy of the United States:  Russia.  Even worse, once that effort to derail that candidacy failed and that candidate, Donald Trump, was elected, those same individuals used the same manufactured evidence as the basis to launch an investigation, employing the vast authority and technical resources of the United States government, whose ultimate goal, I believe, is to impeach and remove that duly elected president.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is a coup d'état.

Did The Obama Administration Abuse FISA To Spy On The Trump Campaign?  We'll Have To Wait 19 Days.  Last week, we reported that a four-page memo about alleged FISA abuses was made public to the entire House.  Almost 200 members have read it.  It details abuses so egregious that some lawmakers say could lead to drastic changes at the FBI and Department of Justice.  Some have linked the alleged abuses to that of the KGB.  The debate now is whether to make this memo public.

We Almost Lost Our Country Last Fall.  We almost lost our country last fall.  America was unwittingly on the precipice of becoming a nation whose government was willing to go to illegal and devious lengths to maintain the status quo.  I believe that the information that will be forthcoming in the next few weeks will be both astonishing and frightening to the American public, information that was never meant to see the light of day, much less the scrutiny of the American people.  I believe there will be irrefutable evidence of collusion among the upper echelons of the Democratic Party, actually denying any candidate except Hillary Clinton a chance to be their presidential candidate.

Republicans Have Four Easy Ways to #ReleaseTheMemo — and the Evidence for It.  Social media last night and today have been flooded with inflammatory and quite dramatic claims now being made by congressional Republicans about a four-page memo alleging abuses of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act spying processes during the 2016 election.  This memo, which remains secret, was reportedly written under the direction of the chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, GOP Rep. Devin Nunes, and has been read by dozens of members of Congress after the committee voted to make the memo available to all members of the House of Representatives to examine in a room specially designated for reviewing classified material.  The rhetoric issuing from GOP members who read the memo is notably extreme.  North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows, chair of the House Freedom Caucus, called the memo "troubling" and "shocking" and said, "Part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don't want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much."  GOP Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania stated:  "You think about, 'Is this happening in America or is this the KGB?'  That's how alarming it is."  This has led to a ferocious outcry on the right to "release the memo" — and presumably thereby prove that the Obama administration conducted unlawful surveillance on the Trump campaign and transition.

Black Nixon.  [Scroll down]  Very serious people are talking about what is in that memo, characterizing it as the worst scandal in American history.  That's not nothin'.  The narrative that explains all of this is that high ranking people in the FBI, maybe even Director Comey, were working with the Justice Department to help Hillary Clinton in the election.  That has seemed clear for a while now.  What's becoming clear now is Fusion GPS, the political dirty tricks operation, functioned as a cutout for the FBI and the Clinton campaign.  The FBI shared secret intel with Fusion, who then sold it to the Clinton campaign or distributed to the media at the direction of the campaign.  There's a word for all of this and it is called treason. [...] It's not just about partisan politics.  Imagine how blacks would react if we have a full blown political crisis that paints Obama as worse than Nixon.  That is looking increasingly possible.

If an Obama scandal is revealed but the media ignores it.  [Scroll down]  Two different universes.  Which gets me to the Nunes memo.  The memo, which is highly classified, purportedly contains Rep. Devin Nunes' conclusions, based upon viewing other classified material, that the Obama administration, the Hillary campaign, and the DNC, were up to their eyeballs in highly illegal surveillance activity directed against Donald Trump, all in an effort to destroy his candidacy and place Hillary in the White House.  If true, the Obama scandal instantly turns Watergate into Nothing-gate, and reveals an attack on America's representative democracy the likes of which we've never seen before.  In my conservative world (blogs, emails, and conservative Facebook groups), everyone is talking about the Nunes memo's potential finally to reveal a vast Obama scandal.  In my Progressive world, though, no one is talking about it at all.  You know why?  They don't know about it.  The mainstream media is either ignoring the Nunes memo or completely downplaying it.

Obama — Leader of the Deep State Coup.  In any criminal investigation where the suspect is not immediately known, the first question usually asked is who would have the most to gain?  As we follow the bread crumbs of the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and await release of the House Intelligence Committee's memo regarding the collusion between the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DOJ, and FBI to interfere with the 2016, ensure the election of Hillary, and the defeat or impeachment of Donald Trump, the answer to that question is clear — one Barack Hussein Obama. [...] This scandal did not occur in a vacuum any more than did the weaponizing of the IRS to target the Tea Party and other conservative groups before Obama's 2012 reelection campaign occured in a vacuum.  The agencies under Obama's control have been politicized before and used to intimidate and destroy his political opponents[.]

Adam Schiff Doesn't Want FISA Memo Released Because He Thinks Americans Are Too Stupid To Understand It.  Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined CNN Saturday [1/20/2018] to discuss the explosive FISA memo.  Asked why he is fighting to keep the report under wraps, the California Democrat said he doubts the American people will understand its contents.

Adam Schiff:  Keep the memo secret because Americans wouldn't understand.  Adam Schiff, reputedly a champion leaker from the House Intelligence Committee when it came to Russiagate material, suddenly thinks Ignorance is Bliss when it comes to the FISA warrant used to spy on the Trump campaign.  Appearing on CNN, he tried to justify keep the 4 page memo that reportedly exposes the individuals who acted as part of a cabal to undermine the Trump campaign with help from NSA spying, and then pushed the "Russia collusion" conspiracy theory as part of the "insurance policy."  Americans are too ignorant, you see.

Amid shutdown, House GOP shows intense interest in Trump dossier memo.  Of course the government shutdown is topic No. 1 on Capitol Hill this weekend; that's why lawmakers, normally spread across the country in their states and districts, are in Washington on a Saturday and Sunday.  But in the House of Representatives, concern about the shutdown is nearly matched by interest in something else:  the memo, produced by Republicans on the Intelligence Committee, detailing so-called "FISA abuse" in connection with the Trump dossier and the larger Trump-Russia affair.  A steady stream of lawmakers, almost all of them Republicans, has been visiting a secure room in the Capitol, where they are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before reading the four-page memo.  So far, more than 180 out of 241 GOP members of the House have read the document.  That is an extraordinary level of interest, given that there is a government shutdown going on.

Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns FISA Memo Leaves Obama With Only Two Options.  On Thursday [1/18/2018], former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino warned the release of the FISA report will destroy the image of his former boss Barack Obama.  "Take it to the bank, the FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems.  The whole image of a benevolent Barack Obama they've disingenuously tried to portray is about to be destroyed.  The real Obama, the vengeful narcissist, is going to be exposed for all to see," tweeted Dan Bongino[.]

This Memo May Expose Obama's Watergate.  The big explosive scandal is the one that hardly anyone talks about.  It's not Russia collusion.  It's not even Uranium One.  It's the eavesdropping on Trump staffers by Obama staffers.  This eavesdropping was partially legitimized by the Steele dossier.  It was accidentally uncovered and since then it's cost multiple people their jobs, not the people responsible, but those who learned about it.  Now the reckoning may finally be here.

Yes, #ReleaseTheMemo — And The FISA Docs It's Based On.  Devin Nunes has uncovered an earth-shaking abuse of power at the DOJ in which a dubious dossier was cooked up into a FISA warrant to investigate the Republican nominee for president for nakedly partisan reasons.  And the FISA Court, which is supposed to scrutinize warrants for probable cause, simply rubber-stamped the application and went along.  If that's true, that the entire Russiagate probe is a political hit on Trump with two branches of government in on it, we need to know now.  Yesterday.  And by "yesterday" I mean "15 months ago."

Fierce battle erupts over declassifying intelligence report.  A battle erupted Friday over a push by Republican lawmakers to release a report they say will reveal high-level government abuse around the federal investigation into possible ties between Trump campaign officials and Russia.  Even as Congress hurtled toward a shutdown, Republicans in the House were buzzing over the contents of a classified memo on alleged surveillance abuses that was produced by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).  Scores of Republicans viewed the controversial memo in secure settings at the Capitol and concluded it contains hard evidence that the special counsel investigation into whether Trump's campaign officials had improper contacts with Russia were sparked by the politically motivated actions of senior FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials.

Republicans are lining up to view the classified FISA abuse memo, while Democrats choose to stay in the dark.  More than 130 congressional members have viewed the classified four-page memo detailing what senior government officials describe as "disturbing and explosive" surveillance abuse by employees of the FBI and Department of Justice under the Obama administration against President Trump and members of his campaign.  But almost all of them were Republicans.  Since the document was released Thursday to House members "only Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have seen it," a congressional source with knowledge of the memo said.  The classified memo was described by senior government officials as a detailed account of the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into the FBI and apparent FISA abuse associated with the controversial dossier that alleged President Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.  As recently reported, some congressional members who reviewed the memo said the revelations may end in the removal or criminal prosecution of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Up To 200 Members Of Congress Have Read The Memo And NO LEAKS = Devastating To Dems.  Word is as many as 200 members of Congress have now reviewed what some are calling a "shaking the foundation of our democracy" memo that links high-placed figures within both the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, Deep State, and Establishment Media in an attempt to subvert the 2016 Election.  It was never "Russian Collusion."  It was our own government/the Obama administration/Deep State, attempting to choose the next president — Hillary Clinton.

Obamagate timeline.  The Obamagate timeline is a record of known facts about President Obama's misuse of foreign intelligence gathering for domestic political spying, media manipulation, wiretaps, intimidation of journalists and critics, use of government intelligence agencies to influence domestic elections, efforts to thwart the election of President Donald Trump, subversion of the new administration's personnel and agenda, and to delegitimize and undermine his presidency.  During and immediately after that the 2016 Presidential election CIA director John Brennan targeted Donald Trump.  This covert disinformation campaign became widely known in the fake news mainstream media as Trump-Russia, alleging collusion between Trump and associates with Russia.  The side that actually colluded with foreign powers was that of Hillary Clinton.  After President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, seditious activity and an unwillingness to accept the results of a democratic election by Obama holdovers in the US Intelligence Community came to light.

GOP lawmakers demand that 'alarming' memo on FISA abuses be made public.  A four-page memo circulating in Congress that reveals alleged United States government surveillance abuses is being described by lawmakers as "shocking," "troubling" and "alarming," with one congressman likening the details to KGB activity in Russia.  Speaking with Fox News, the lawmakers said they could not yet discuss the contents of the memo they reviewed on Thursday after it was released to members by the House Intelligence Committee.  But they say the memo should be immediately made public.  "It is so alarming the American people have to see this," Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan said.  "It's troubling.  It is shocking," North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said.  "Part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don't want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much."

Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns 'Devastating' FISA Memo Set To 'Expose' Obama.  The House Intel panel's passage of New York Republican Rep. Peter King's motion to release the FISA abuse memo to fellow House members has rocked Washington, D.C.  Lawmakers from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) have called for the classified memo's immediate release.  According to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, the contents of the memo are so "explosive," that it could end special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe once and for all.  Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino warned the release of the FISA report will destroy the image of his former boss Barack Obama.

House Committee Document Could Mean Trouble for Anti-Trump "Deep-Statists".  Sara Carter reports on a classified document that was released to all members of the House today.  The document seems to be a compilation of information, prepared by House intelligence committee staff, relating to the anti-Trump dossier, the FBI, the warrant to conduct surveillance on members of the Trump campaign, and the use of that warrant.  Carter calls the document a bombshell.  Her sources say its revelations might lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice, and perhaps even to the criminal prosecution of some.  They also say, less plausibly, that the revelations could lead to the end of Robert Mueller's investigation into President Trump and his associates.  What information does the classified document contain?  We don't know yet.  It's classified.

Secret (for now) memo may blow the lid off FISA warrant and Mueller investigation.  Conservative hearts are aflutter, thanks to a memo that has been made available to members of the House of Representatives (if they go to a secure room and read it).  According to several members, there is finally hope of documenting the cabal that appears to have deceived the FISA Court with the Steele dossier to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, and then launched special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the bogus "collusion" charges, morphing into the Lavrentiy Beria strategy of "show me the man, and I'll find you the crime."  According to some members who have seen it, heads may roll, and people may end up in prison.

The Evidence Inside The "House Intel Committee Four Page FISA Memo".  As the year-long story has unfolded, there are two central components at the heart of the political corruption and weaponization of the DOJ and FBI:  First, corruption within the DOJ and FBI that included their use of unlawful use of FISA-702 exploits; and [s]econd, how that intelligence information was extracted, passed along to those outside government, repackaged, and reconstituted into the "Steele Dossier".  The finished, albeit sketchy, intelligence was later returned to the FBI to request lawful FISA court surveillance authority.  It is a circle of "intelligence laundering".  The DOJ (National Security Division), and FBI (Counterintelligence Division), worked together on the enterprise.  This collaboration is where the insider "small group" participants assemble, intersect and ultimately redistribute themselves into the Mueller investigation with the help of Mueller's adviser, FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker.  The evidence of this corrupt DOJ and FBI weaponization of intelligence is what lies inside today's Four Page Intelligence Committee Memo.

Did DOJ's Fusion GPS Man Shut Down Hezbollah Drug Investigation?  This is a potential collision of two major recent scandals.  [#1] Bruce Ohr, a top DOJ official, met with Fusion GPS people.  And Fusion GPS hired his wife to go after Trump.  Fusion GPS is the smear firm which the Hillary campaign used to create the dossier accusing Trump of Russian collusion.  The dossier was then funneled into the DOJ and FBI.  And was potentially used to justify illegal eavesdropping on Trump officials by Obama officials.  Not to mention the current Mueller coup.  [#2] We recently learned that Obama Inc. had shut down investigations targeting Iranian terror, including an investigation that would have gone after Hezbollah and its drug smuggling schemes.

Yes, Congress has seen Trump-Russia secret court surveillance documents.  Now what?  One of the most contentious issues surrounding the Trump dossier is the question of whether the FBI used unverified material from the dossier — a Clinton campaign opposition research product — to apply for permission to spy on Americans.  Investigators from both House and Senate have long wanted to see any FISA applications (that is, spying requests filed with the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court) that dealt with the Trump-Russia affair.  Now, they have seen them.  Sources on both Capitol Hill and in the executive branch have confirmed that representatives of four committees — the House Intelligence Committee, Senate Intelligence Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and Senate Judiciary Committee — have had the opportunity to examine FISA documents in a secure room at the Justice Department.  They were not allowed to take the documents out of the room or to copy them, but they could make notes.  They thus know the answer to the was-the-dossier-used-for-spying question.

Latest Obama Surveillance Revelations Prove Mark Levin Right... Again.  Thursday on his radio program, CRTV host Mark Levin addressed a huge story that the mainstream media is ignoring.  On Wednesday [1/10/2018], Sara Carter reported bombshell news about the 35-page dossier put together by former British spy Christopher Steele and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  The document was used by Obama's FBI to gain approval for a FISA court warrant to surveil Donald Trump's presidential campaign.  Carter's sources told her that there will be more information exposing systemic FISA abuse.  "This is a massive scandal, the likes of which we've not seen," Levin said.  "The bastardization of our intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement by a sitting Democrat administration aimed at destroying and defeating a Republican nominee."

Is there a single Democrat anywhere who [cares] about America?  [Scroll down]  In the days leading up to the general election, the Russian conspiracy theory was relentlessly marketed by the Clinton campaign itself as well as Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.  The lie was to no avail.  After Trump's victory, the Obama administration then conducted illegal surveillance on his transition team, wiretapping Trump Tower.  The Democrats' intent was clear:  to somehow prevent the inauguration of the GOP candidate.  These illegal activities occurred until NSA director Mike Rogers became sufficiently concerned of the outgoing administration's actions that he personally warned Trump of the Obama administration's machinations.  The very next day, Trump moved his headquarters to a location in Bedminster, New Jersey.  For Rogers' troubles, top Obama intelligence officials, including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, recommended the NSA chief be removed from office.

Dr. Media examining Trump?  Why not examine Obama instead?  Obama was paranoid, delusional, and a power-hungry autocrat who didn't care about equal justice, his oath to enforce laws, the Constitution, economic opportunity for all, or the safety of the people.  Obama wiretapped James Rosen, threw Dinesh D'Souza in jail, and spied on Sharyl Attkisson.  If you were an opponent of Obama, you weren't safe. [...] Obama illegally spied on thousands of Americans for years and spied on his political opponent, Trump.  Obama changed the rules so that members of his staff and bureaucrats could illegally unmask people's names and illegally leak conversations to the media.  There was no punishment by the Justice Department, and somehow there were no leaks surrounding Hillary or Obama.

McCabe Remembers To Forget.  [Scroll down]  This FISA stuff is the kind of thing that's like a waterfall, only it cascades UP.  Who would want to take sole responsibility for "wiretapping" a presidential candidate?  Everyone on whose desk that landed would realize he had to talk to the person above him.  The process already involves the FBI sending their applications to DoJ, and Bruce Ohr surely wouldn't sign off on that before talking to Lynch.  And Lynch, realizing the potential scandal for Obama, would take it to the White House, and the WH would get it to Obama himself.  The probable reality is that before that happened on paper (or digitally) there would have been voice only discussions to make sure nobody took traceable actions without full approval first.

Is Media Response to Obama's "Operation Cassandra Scandal" a Precursor For Response to FBI/DOJ "Operation Trump"?  Using sketchy, intentionally misleading and false information provided to a U.S. District Court Judge, the Obama FBI and DOJ colluded to present an application for wiretaps and surveillance authority to the FISA court; subsequently, they used a FISA warrant as part of an exhaustive counterintelligence operation against their political opposition.  This is no longer some pie-in-the-sky conspiracy.  There is massive evidence, including statements from the co-conspirators, that highlights this exact operation in detail.

Sally Quillian Yates was one of the main conspirators.  Remember, it is highly probable that there had been illegal unmasking on Team Trump from the moment he was nominated as Clinton's rival.  That intel has also been illegally shared with the Clinton campaign & then spread to Clinton media proxies.  However, the October FISA was different, in that it specifically targeted Trump Tower, at the end of the campaign.

Rand Paul Calls For "High Ranking" Obama Officials To Be Investigated For "Colluding" Against Trump.  Senator Rand Paul is calling for a full investigation into alleged collusion between Obama administration officials in an effort to prevent President Trump's election.  "Time to investigate high ranking Obama government officials who might have colluded to prevent the election of @realDonaldTrump!  This could be WORSE than Watergate!" tweeted Rand Paul on Thursday [12/21/2017].

How Hillary's Steele Dossier Made It to the DOJ.  We know how the Steele dossier, funded by Hillary, provided by the Russians and arranged by Fusion GPS and their British contact, made it into the FBI.  The intriguing question though had been how it made to the DOJ.  Because Obama Inc. didn't just want the investigation they have now.  They were also looking to eavesdrop and unmask Trump associates.  They wanted this to look like a legitimate investigation.  And that meant the dossier had to be seeded across law enforcement.

Media missed the story of the year.  At 4:02 AM on March 4, President Trump gave the American media the story of the year.  They laughed it off and called him crazy.  Nine months later, the story is indisputably true. [...] The American press, which markets itself as more important to democracy than the government itself (never mind that democracy is the government), mocked the president and failed to pursue the story of Obama's abuse of power.

How the FBI Criminalized Trump's Transition.  What do you call a system of government that cannot tolerate a transition of power without corrupt machinations by those unwilling to cede control?  Banana Republic is a term that comes to mind.  The Special Counsel was appointed to determine whether Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election.  Michael Flynn was indicted for a conversation he had with the Russian ambassador on December 28, 2016, seven weeks after the election.  That was the day after the outgoing president expelled 35 Russian diplomats — including gardeners and chauffeurs — for interfering in the election.  Yes, that really happened.  The Obama administration had wiretapped Flynn's conversation with the ambassador, hoping to find him saying something they could use to support their wild story about collusion.  The outrage, for some reason, is not that an outgoing administration was using wiretaps to listen in on a successor's transition.  It is that Flynn might have signaled to the Russians that the Trump administration would have a different approach to foreign policy.

Erik Prince Accuses Obama Officials of Illegal Spying.  Former Navy SEAL and founder of the Blackwater security firm Erik Prince is accusing Obama administration officials of illegally ordering electronic surveillance of him during a meeting in Seychelles last January days before President Donald Trump's inauguration.  In testimony last week before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Prince also disputed assertions by Democrats and the Washington Post that he acted as a back channel agent to Russian leader Vladimir Putin during a meeting with a Russian hedge fund manager in Seychelles, islands in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa.

Plot Thickens:  Guess Who Appointed FISC Judges Who Authorized Wiretaps.  What an incestuous relationship that exists within DC.  On December 30, 2012, about a month after he was elected for his second term, Obama signed warrantless-wiretapping bill into law.  "The FISA bill gives the government clearance to tap into American citizens' communications with people outside of the U.S. without a warrant, so long as it is done in the name of collecting foreign intelligence."  Recall that acting Attorney General for Obama pursued this course of action and was rejected by the FISA court. [...] It was this non-partisan committee that turned down the initial request made in June of 2016.  The case was then appealed, and this went to the appeal court which just happen to be all Clinton appointed judges.  Some say this coincide[s] with [the] secret meeting on the [Phoenix airport] tarmac between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton.

Christopher Wray Refuses to Say if Steele Dossier Was Used to Procure FISA Warrant.    [Video clip]

Did Susan Rice Spy On Trump Officials for the Muslim Brotherhood?  After months of denials, the pretext for Susan Rice's eavesdropping on Trump officials has finally been made public.  It had been widely known that Obama's former National Security Adviser had contrived to unmask the names of top Trump officials who had been spied on by the administration.  And the same media that still treats Watergate as the Great American Scandal had claimed that there was nothing "improper" in an Obama loyalist eavesdropping on members of the opposition party.  Every time Obama Inc. was caught eavesdropping on opposition politicians, it presented its spin in a carefully packaged "scoop" to a major media outlet.  This time was no different.

Report:  Time To Investigate Obama's FBI.  President Obama weaponized the federal government to punish his political enemies and further the agendas of his supporters.  This climate of government intimidation and manipulation culminated in the 2016 Election that saw the FBI attacking one presidential nominee, Donald Trump, and favoring another, Hillary Clinton.  Clinton was of course Mr. Obama's former Secretary of State.  Trump was a political outsider who didn't even have the full support of the GOP but did have the support of tens of millions of voters both Republican and Democrat alike.  This popularity made Donald Trump the single greatest threat to the D.C. status-quo and as such, became Barack Obama's #1 target for political and personal destruction.  It is a scenario that has U.S. Congressman Mark Meadows demanding a full and independent investigation be launched into the Obama FBI and its connection to he false "Trump dossier" that was used as the justification for illegal surveillance of private citizens connected to the Trump campaign.  (And likely surveillance of Mr. Trump himself and his family.)

Nunes' investigating digs up trove of Democrat connections to Russia dossier.  On two fronts, Rep. Devin Nunes has shifted the Russia debate in Washington further away from President Trump and closer to Democrats.  He exposed the practice of "unmasking" by Obama aides and flushed out the source of payments for the scandalous anti-Trump dossier that drove the Russia collusion narrative.  The California Republican's first tactic:  He traveled to the Executive Office Building and viewed evidence that the Obama administration had "unmasked" the concealed names of Trump associates in highly classified intelligence reports during the election campaign.

How to Steele an Election.  [Scroll down]  Indeed, it seems a reasonable inference that the dossier was created and supplied to friendly forces within the bureau in order to provide a pretext for an FI, without which surveillance of the Trump campaign would not be possible.

Implausible Deniability.  [Scroll down]  In much the same way, I believe, Russian agents working for the Clintons and the DNC through Fusion GPS and its hireling Christopher Steele provided fake information in a dossier which the FBI (headed by James Comey) and the Department of Justice (headed by Loretta Lynch ) used to craft an affidavit to obtain a FISA warrant authorizing electronic surveillance on people connected, however tangentially, to the Trump campaign.  This, after previous such warrants had — and this is unusual — been turned down by the FISA court.  Then-president Obama allowed the surveilled communications to be widely circulated throughout the government, so that the names of the targets caught up in the surveillance and their communications were thus widely available for leaking, and were leaked. [...] The DNC, Hillary campaign and Obama Administration used former British intelligence agent Fusion GPS' Christopher Steele as an interface to create deniability, allowing them, in effect, to launder the dossier and create a pretext for snooping on Trump and publicizing whatever dirt they might dig up on his campaign no matter how incredible the sources and product.

Investigate This.  The real importance of the Trump dossier from a criminal law standpoint lies in the use it was put to for official government purposes.  To understand that we need to know whether the dossier was used to justify the initiation of Full Investigations (FIs), according to the relevant AG Guidelines for National Security investigations.  We can take it as given that such FIs were opened that broadly targeted the overall Trump political organization — campaign staffers, advisers, etc.  We know this because we know that FISA orders were sought and (eventually) approved.  We also know that the real target was Trump himself, since the initial FISA application in June or July 2016 specifically named Trump.  FISA coverage can only be used if a FI has been previously authorized.

How Obama Used Hillary's Dossier to Spy On Trump.  What Hillary and Obama did wasn't Watergate.  That was amateur hour.  Its sophistication is a tribute to the left's deep knowledge and control of the workings of Washington, D.C. The men and women who planned this and carried it out understood not only government, but had an intimate familiarity with the loopholes in the laws and the networks of contacts that could realize their highly illegal plans.  The eavesdropping on Trump officials carried the 'fingerprints' of an administration that bypassed Congress to fund left-wing groups by blackmailing banks into huge settlements paid out to political allies in a billion dollar slush fund and sent pallets of foreign currency to Iran on unmarked planes.  A complete lack of ethical norms was combined with the careful use of legal loopholes to protect the actions of the perpetrators even while they were engaging in a criminal conspiracy.

Investigating the Investigators.  After initial denials, Susan Rice now admits that she unmasked the names of private U.S. citizens swept up in Obama administration intelligence surveillance and seems to have no regrets about it.  Samantha Power, the Obama administration's former U.N. ambassador, does not deny that she, too, unmasked names — but strangely is reported to have argued that she was not responsible for all the unmaskings that appear under her authorizations on the transcripts.  If true, does that astonishing statement mean that she has amnesia or that her own staff or others improperly used her name to access classified documents?  Has anyone ever admitted to unmasking American citizens under surveillance, and then claimed that her authorizations were not as numerous as they appear in documents?  And what were the connections between those who unmasked and those who illegally leaked information to the press?

Obama's UN Ambassador Claims Someone Else Made Unmasking Requests In Her Name.  Someone within the Obama administration's intelligence apparatus made requests to unmask the identity of Americans named in intelligence reports on behalf of Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.  That's what Power told the House Intelligence Committee last week during a closed-door interview.  South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy revealed in an interview on Fox News on Tuesday [10/17/2017] that Power was "emphatic" on the point that someone else in the Obama administration made the unmasking requests that have been attributed to her.

Did the dog really eat Samantha Power's homework?  Former United Nations ambassador Samantha Power is denying, emphatically, to Congress, that she ever requested 260 unmaskings of Americans caught up in intelligence surveillance dragnets during President Obama's last year in office.  She says someone else did it. [...] Many of these unmaskings, which are supposed to be done only under extraordinary circumstances, were of people affiliated with then-candidate President Trump.  After the unmaskings were done, the information was leaked to the press.  No one has been caught or punished for these illegal acts, which would have put an ordinary soldier, sailor, or spy in prison.

House Intel Committee Ramps Up Probe on Obama 'Unmasking'.  The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is ramping up investigation into former President Barack Obama administration's campaign to "unmask" President Donald Trump aides who were incidentally surveilled in meetings with foreign officials, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.  The committee is also intensifying a probe into Fusion GPS, a private "opposition research" company that distributed a salacious memo on Trump, called the "Trump Dossier."  Over the next two weeks the House committee is expected to privately interview former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power, who reportedly unmasked or identified as many as 260 Americans, primarily Trump campaign or transition officials.

Lawmakers Set Sights on Obama Unmasking Scandal.  Senior congressional leaders are renewing their focus on an investigation into efforts by the Obama administration to obtain highly classified intelligence information on Trump administration allies in what many allege was an effort to undermine the president and his national security team, according to conversations with multiple senior U.S officials familiar with the situation.  The recent admission by Obama administration National Security Adviser Susan Rice that she requested the unmasking of Trump associates named in highly classified intelligence community reports has placed renewed attention on an investigation into why this information was obtained and then leaked to the press.

Rising scandal 'bigger than Russia'.  Author and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said in an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News that the surveillance conducted by the Obama administration on Trump campaign director Paul Manafort was an "egregious" abuse of power that endangers the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution and dwarfs the allegations made about alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 general election.  There is speculation that the FBI, through the Obama administration's FISA requests, taped Manafort's conversations with Donald Trump into 2017. According to CNN, Manafort had been under FBI surveillance since 2014 and into this year.  Manafort served briefly as Trump's campaign director in 2016, and the two remained in contact this year.  Gingrich said of the development, "this may be the most egregious abuse of the criminal justice process in American history."  He said that he fears that "the country that you and I know is under siege by a deep state which illegally wants to create a very different America and is willing to break the law and abuse the law."  "This is a radically bigger scandal than anything about Russia," claimed Gingrich.  Trump was ridiculed when he issued the claim that he had been wiretapped.  But the CNN report may prove him right.

Obama's Watergate.  Vladimir Putin did not hack the election.  Barack Obama did.  Donald Trump said earlier this year that the Obama Administration wiretapped his campaign.  "Like I'd want to hear more from that fool?" President Obama scoffed.  But CNN reported on Monday [9/18/2017], "US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election....  The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump."  The network labeled their story an exclusive.  But, in fact, Breitbart, radio host Mark Levin, the realDonaldTrump Twitter account, and numerous other sources reported the wiretapping more than six months ago.

Top 11 MSM Faceplants:  Wrong on Mark Levin, Wrong on Trump Wiretaps, Wrong on... Everything.  In March, bestselling author and talk radio superstar Mark Levin laid out an ironclad case that the Obama administration had wiretapped the Trump campaign.  In fact, Levin's evidence hinged upon reports in The New York Times and the Washington Post which, as you know, are both hotbeds of right-wing extremism.  Yet — defying facts, logic, reason, history and common sense — the media ignored its own reports to pillory Levin.  And now, as ex-President Obama's mentor — the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright — might say, the media's chickens have come home to roost.

They were convinced Hillary was going to win and protect them.  [Scroll down]  Were these inquiries about U.S. citizens legitimate in the context of national security?  Or was the White House using its powers to destroy the opposition by learning about them and then selectively leaking to their friends in the media?  Congress should be able to investigate this and determine the intentions of people like Samantha Power.  If she acted correctly, then this story will end soon.  If she didn't, then some officials of the Obama administration need to go to jail.  You cannot use the power of gathering intelligence to destroy your political opponents.

Was Samantha Power illegally spying for Obama?  It's baffling stuff, because it was so unprecedented.  To request the unmasking of an American is only supposed to be done in exceptional circumstances, given the potential for Stasi-like abuse of power.  Power made it her daily preoccupation even as she was supposed to be doing her United Nations job.  And that raises questions of what it was for.  Apparently, it was the Trump campaign she was spying on.  Yet she never came off as a typical slimy political operative such as was commonly seen hanging around the Obama administration.  Sure, she was a troglodyte lefty, but she never came off as a campaign expert.

Why CNN told you Trump's campaign was wiretapped.  Seems odd, doesn't it, that a cable entertainment network devoted to bringing down the presidency of Donald Trump would suddenly — out of nowhere — report "Exclusive:  US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman," but there it is. [...] Democrats realize President Trump is not going away.  Democratic Party leaders are working with him.  This shows that most Democrats in the House and in the Senate worry about what he can do to them in 2018.  The Mueller investigation is not fun anymore.  Russian jokes are stale.  This story was aimed at keeping the story going.  They have nothing.  Donald Trump is an honest man.  Mueller wants to investigate Trump for the next eight years, if only to intimidate his staff, acquaintances, and relatives.

Did Obama Spy on America to Protect Islamists?  [Scroll down]  When Obama Inc. spied on members of Congress before, it was to protect Iran.  This time around, the gang that couldn't spy straight was trying to protect the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Iran Deal was never about stopping Iran's nuclear program.  It certainly does not do that.  Nor was it ever meant to do it.  Instead the real goal of the Iran negotiations was a diplomatic arrangement with the Islamic terror state.  The fruits of that arrangement can be seen from Beirut to Baghdad.  They are written in blood and steel across Syria, Israel and Yemen.  And that arrangement had to be protected at all costs.  Even if it meant spying on Americans.  Even if it meant spying on members of Congress.

Gingrich: Surveillance Under Obama 'Most Egregious Abuse of the Criminal Justice in American History.  While its not yet clear if surveillance efforts captured any conversations with Mr. Trump, conventional wisdom suggests that he most likely had phone conversations with his campaign manager, and as a result, would have been surveilled though as an incidental target not the primary one.

Trump Vindicated on Wiretaps, Hillary Ukraine Collusion.  When asked about Trump Tower being wiretapped, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that he would have been aware of any FISA court-ordered surveillance of Trump Tower and the Trump surrogates within during the campaign by the Obama administration[, h]e says he was not, implying there was none: [...] Clapper may think that the Obama administration is incapable of such an act, the Obama administration who used the IRS in a way Richard Nixon only dreamed of, targeting the Tea Party movement that had arisen in opposition to ObamaCare.  Such an act would indeed make Watergate look like, well, a third-rate burglary.  Clapper forgets as well how the NSA and the Obama administration spied on world leaders, starting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel[.]  The record of James Clapper and the Obama administration on truthfulness is suspect.  The Obama administration has spied on world leaders, American citizens, and the press.

Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis, sources say.  Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, was 'unmasking' at such a rapid pace in the final months of the Obama administration that she averaged more than one request for every working day in 2016 — and even sought information in the days leading up to President Trump's inauguration, multiple sources close to the matter told Fox News.  Two sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, said the requests to identify Americans whose names surfaced in foreign intelligence reporting, known as unmasking, exceeded 260 last year.  One source indicated this occurred in the final days of the Obama White House.

13 Questions About the Wiretapping Of Paul Manafort.  Monday's [9/18/2017] CNN exclusive detailing that former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was wiretapped by the government is a bombshell that raises many questions about the motives and method of such surveillance.  We know that Manafort has reportedly been the focus of Robert Mueller's investigation for some time, including details of a dawn raid reported in the New York Times.  What is less clear is the exact nature of this wiretap, the time period that it was running on Manafort, the justification by which it was restarted after a reported gap, and the identities of others — including potentially the then-president-elect — caught up during this surveillance period by the government.

James Clapper: 'It's possible' that Trump's voice was picked up by Manafort wiretap.  Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper suggested on Wednesday that "it's possible" that President Trump's voice was picked up in a wiretap as he spoke with his former campaign manager Paul Manafort.  "It's certainly conceivable," Clapper said on CNN.

Hey swamp, now what do you say?  When James Comey, the FBI director during that time, was asked about Trump's wiretapping tweets, his answer was, "I have no information that supports those tweets."  Sorry, Jim.  The rest of us now have information that supports those tweets and you've got another credibility problem.  Although the beltway elite and their Chia pets in the media will split hairs about whether or not it was Obama who explicitly ordered the surveillance, it is beginning to be clear that there was an effort to surveil candidate and then President Trump — and many parties lied about it.  A few months ago, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said that if true, Trump's wiretapping claims would be the "biggest political scandal since Watergate."

Nolte: MSM Always Knew Trump Camp Was Wiretapped - They Just Lied About It.  President Trump's total vindication over his wiretap claim reminds me of one of the most important things I have discovered over the past couple of years:  If the national media loses its ever-loving mind and launches a campaign to brand Trump a liar, that can mean only one thing — that Trump is not only telling the truth, he is telling a Big Truth, an inconvenient truth, a truth the MSM does not want the American people to hear.

Wiretaps may prove Trump right — and that's absolutely terrifying.  Over the years, a curious habit has taken hold at the United Nations.  A body designed to strengthen the best of humanity has too often become a font of doublespeak and appeasement that protects the worst of humanity.  That tragic comity was shattered when President Trump played the skunk at the garden party and dared to tell the truth.  Many truths, in fact.  Among them, that Islamic terrorism is a scourge that must be stopped.  That Iran is controlled by a "murderous regime" bent on getting nukes.

All of Obama's Wiretappers.  [Scroll down]  Here Hillary benefited from the election-tipping of a foreigner, whose idiotic whisperings entertained by the FBI would turn up on the front pages of the New York Times at crucial moments in the campaign.  This, by the way, throws light on another outrageously dishonest Hillary claim: that Comey never told anyone of his investigation into the Trump campaign.  Of course, he did — through leaks.  That was bad enough but Comey made the leaks worse by not telling reporters that the investigation into the Trump campaign excluded Trump as a target.  Comey let reporters think that Trump was one.

Manafort Wiretapping Revelations from CNN could roil Mueller investigation.  If true, this is a blockbuster, which vindicates one of President Trump's most famous and most roundly criticized tweets, and which may have far-reaching implications.

The media's wiretap dancing.  The news that the FBI may have used Paul Manafort to spy on a political opponent should have decent Americans up in arms.  President Trump must appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the FBI and Barack Obama for what looks to be a Soviet-style abuse of the national government.  The media itself needs to apologize to Trump.  He called this in March.  They called him crazy.  They are fools.

Remember When James Clapper Categorically Denied Any Wiretap Against Trump Campaign?  [Scroll down]  Now we learn that there was, in fact, a FISA court order and it came from the FBI and Clapper, in his own words, claimed he would have known about that.  And he denied it, unequivocally.  Maybe he forgot all about the FISA order wiretapping Paul Manafort while he was in direct contact with Trump in his campaign and after the election.  Clapper also "forgot" that the NSA had a data collection program of every single American citizen when he testified before the Senate Intelligence committee and denied its existence.  James Clapper, former DNI chief and now, favorite guest of media outlets looking to attack President Trump, either has a terrible, terrible memory, or he was kept in the dark about a FISA order that occurred on his watch, or he's just a liar.

Paul Manafort [was] wiretapped — and suddenly, Trump's not so crazy.  Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump's former campaign manager, was being wiretapped by feds — not just once, but twice — as part of an FBI investigation into his dealings in Ukraine and Russia.  The secret surveillance took place at a time when Manafort was in contact with Trump, all the way into 2017.  And with that, Trump, who claimed that his Trump Tower had been wiretapped by Barack Obama in the lead-up to the election, is suddenly no longer the crazy dude the left made him to appear.

CNN Forced To Admit Corrupt Obama Administration DID Wiretap Donald Trump.  CNN reports the Obama administration conducted surveillance on former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort — including conversations with Trump himself.

Obama NSC Adviser Admits Seeking Trump Aides Identities in Intel Reports.  Former Obama administration National Security Adviser Susan Rice told a House committee this month she requested the identities of Trump transition aides that were hidden in sensitive intelligence reports to protect Americans' privacy rights.  Rice testified before a closed session of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Sept. 6 that she asked U.S. intelligence agencies for the names of Trump advisers to be unmasked in transcripts of communications intercepts.  Rice asked for names to be unmasked in a transcript of an electronic intercept involving a meeting between three senior Trump aides and a United Arab Emirates official who had traveled to the United States for an informal visit.  The three officials included candidate Donald Trump's national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; presidential campaign chief executive Steve Bannon; and Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law, according to CNN, which first reported on Rice's closed-door testimony.

Trump Chief Was Wiretapped Both Before and After the Election!  After months of the Obama Administration and the entire left wing media complex denying it, the truth comes out.

Trump Vindicated:  Report Says Obama Government Wiretapped Trump Campaign.  U.S. investigators wiretapped President Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to a report by CNN that vindicates the president's earlier claims, which were mocked as a conspiracy theory.

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman.  US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official now at the center of the Russia meddling probe.  The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.

Major wiretapping news means the MSM owes Levin a BIG apology.  The Obama administration wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the 2016 election, CNN reports.  In other words, Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin was right, and now the mainstream media's deceitful malpractice is on display for all to see.  Obama and Hillary's shameless media lapdogs, the "Praetorian Guard," wanted to ignore the truth at every turn, and now they can't.

So Trump Was Right About His Campaign Being Bugged?  CNN reports that the Obama administration's FBI wiretapped former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort: [...] If this is true — and we should take it with a grain of salt, it comes from CNN — it means that President Trump was right when he said that the Obama administration wiretapped his campaign.  Democrats have been denying this for the last year, apparently falsely.

Former Trump Campaign Chief Reportedly Under Intermittent FBI Surveillance From 2014 Until This Year.  On top of all we know already about [Paul] Manafort's shadowy overseas political consulting operation, CNN reported Monday [9/18/2017] that Manafort was under FBI surveillance dating back to 2014, well before he joined the Trump campaign.  The FBI eavesdropping continued, although apparently not continuously, until earlier this year, after Trump had taken office.  Manafort was fired from the campaign months before Election Day, but continued to communicate with Trump into his presidency.

Reminder: Susan Rice Lied About Her Role In The Obama Admin Unmasking Scandal.  Wednesday [9/13/2017], CNN reported that Obama's former national security adviser told House investigators that she had unmasked those senior Trump officials in an effort "to understand why the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates was in New York late last year."  According to the report, the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan had circumvented some diplomatic courtesy, which, apparently, was enough justification to spy on American citizens.

Did Susan Rice Lie, Again?  [Scroll down]  "I know nothing" is old and broke.  The new hotness is, "Yeah, I did it, and it was totally cool."  But I'm sorry, Susan Rice doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. [...] Back in March, Susan Rice wanted to win another news cycle.  If she told the truth — that, yes, she had made unmasking requests — she might have given a floundering Devin Nunes a lifeline.  So she pled ignorance.  She claimed not to know things that she plainly and clearly knew in detail.  So, what now?  Some in the media are ready to let bygones be bygones, accept the new story, and move on.

Did Susan Rice Spy on Trump Officials for Muslim Brotherhood?  After months of denials, the pretext for Susan Rice's eavesdropping on Trump officials has finally been made public.  It had been widely known that Obama's former National Security Adviser had contrived to unmask the names of top Trump officials who had been spied on by the administration.  And the same media that still treats Watergate as the Great American Scandal had claimed that there was nothing "improper" in an Obama loyalist eavesdropping on members of the opposition party. [...] Obama and his minions had used the NSA to spy on Americans opposed to its policies.  Including members of Congress.  They did this by conflating their own political agenda with national security.  Since Obama's spin was that the Iran Deal was good for national security, opponents of it were a "national security" threat.  And its fig leaf for domestic surveillance was that a "foreign leader" was involved.

Trump: Susan Rice's unmasking of top officials the 'tip of the iceberg'.  Rice, who served as national security adviser in the Obama administration, told investigators with the House Intelligence Committee she unmasked the identities of senior Trump officials because she wanted to know why the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates was in New York in December.

Kredo: The Number of People Unmasked By Samantha Power is 'Unprecedented'Washington Free Beacon Senior Writer Adam Kredo appeared on Fox News's "Hannity" Friday night [8/4/2017], where he told host Sean Hannity that it is "unprecedented" how many people were unmasked by then-United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power during the final year of the Obama administration.  Power is believed to have made "hundreds" of unmasking requests to "identify individuals named in classified intelligence community reports related to Trump and his presidential transition team, according to multiple sources who said the behavior is unprecedented for an official in her position," according to the Washington Free Beacon.  Hannity asked Kredo how Power would ever have the authority to make the unmasking requests, and then asked whether this has ever happened previously to his knowledge.  "No, it's truly unprecedented," Kredo said.

Colossus of Corruption:  Ben Rhodes Unmasked.  Somehow it does not surprise that former Obama Deputy Security Adviser Ben Rhodes is now a "person of interest" in the probe of who illegally leaked for political purposes the names of Team Trump players allegedly collected inadvertently in intelligence reports.  He joins others on Team Obama such as Susan Rice and Samantha Power in the unmasking designed to subvert the Trump administration in what amounts to a silent coup.

Obama-Comey FBI Monitored Social Media On Election Day For Memes.  You'll be glad to know that your tax dollars were wasted on election day by both Obama and James Comey to monitor social media for "fake news" and memes.  This despite the fact everyone expected Hillary Clinton to easily win, with every poll saying as much.  Even Obama and Comey had to believe their own BS about Clinton easily winning in November.  So then why would Obama and Comey have to monitor social media for "fake news" and memes?  Even more ironic, it's the fake news kings at CNN that claim this "exclusive" story.

Former U.N. Amb.  Power Unmasked 'Hundreds' In Final Year Of Obama Admin.  Former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power is believed to have made "hundreds" of unmasking requests to identify individuals named in classified intelligence community reports related to Trump and his presidential transition team, according to multiple sources who said the behavior is unprecedented for an official in her position.  Power was first identified by the Washington Free Beacon last month as a central figure in a congressional investigation into efforts by senior Obama administration officials to obtain classified intelligence information in what many allege was an effort to undermine President Donald Trump and his incoming national security team.  Power is believed to be the anonymous official responsible for "hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama administration," according to current and former U.S. officials who spoke to the Free Beacon about the ongoing investigation.

In Abusing NSA Intelligence, Did Obama White House Commit A Crime?  The NSA's insatiable gathering of data and conversations on Americans make it a potentially highly dangerous enemy of Americans' freedoms.  Who would want to have a federal government spy shop that knows almost everything you do in public, on the phone, by email, or by computer?  That's why the super-secret NSA, which is much bigger than the better-known CIA, has always operated under strict guidelines for how its intel could be used.  In its reports, Americans who are surveilled without a warrant while speaking to a foreign citizen are routinely "masked" — that is, their identity is kept secret — unless there's an overwhelming national security interest in that person being "unmasked."

Former Obama Aide Ben Rhodes now a person of interest in unmasking investigation.  Former Obama White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes is now emerging as a person of interest in the House Intelligence Committee's unmasking investigation, according to a letter sent Tuesday [8/1/2017] by the committee to the National Security Agency (NSA).  This adds Rhodes to the growing list of top Obama government officials who may have improperly unmasked Americans in communications intercepted overseas by the NSA, Circa has confirmed.

Spy agencies changed rules, making it easier to unmask members of Congress.  President Obama's intelligence chief issued revised procedures in 2013 that made it easier for executive branch officials to "unmask" the names of lawmakers or congressional staffers caught up in intelligence intercepts overseas, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The Hill.  Procedures issued by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in March 2013 formally supplanted a 1992 set of rules that made the dissemination of names of intercepted lawmakers or congressional aides an act of last resort.

Proliferating Scandals Make Mueller Investigation Ludicrous.  [Scandal #2] The Unmasking Scandal:  It now turns out that a record number of unmaskings (revealing U.S. citizens' identities during foreign intelligence surveillance) by the Obama administration  — well over a hundred — took place during and after the election.  Most of these unmaskings seem to have been illegal and were of people connected to Trump.  Many appear to have been instigated by, of all people, Samantha Power, a person who, as UN ambassador, had no business doing such a thing.  Moreover, for a supposedly renowned human rights advocate, Power's hypocrisy is monumental and her activities reactionary in the extreme.  Such unmaskings are the royal road to totalitarianism, making these actions worthy of a major investigation all by itself.

Obama official made 'hundreds of unmasking requests,' GOP chairman says.  An Obama official made "hundreds of unmasking requests" during the final year of the previous administration, according to a letter from a top Republican who raised new concerns that officials sought the identities of Trump associates in intelligence reports for "improper purposes."  "Unmasking" refers to the formal request to identify Americans in an intelligence document.

Intelligence chairman accuses Obama aides of hundreds of unmasking requests.  The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is accusing top political aides of President Obama of making hundreds of requests during the 2016 presidential race to unmask the names of Americans in intelligence reports, including Trump transition officials.  Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), in a letter to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, said the requests were made without specific justifications on why the information was needed.  "We have found evidence that current and former government officials had easy access to U.S. person information and that it is possible that they used this information to achieve partisan political purposes, including the selective, anonymous leaking of such information," Nunes wrote in the letter to Coats.

Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying.  The National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation violated specific civil liberty protections during the Obama years by improperly searching and disseminating raw intelligence on Americans or failing to promptly delete unauthorized intercepts, according to newly declassified memos that provide some of the richest detail to date on the spy agencies' ability to obey their own rules.  The memos reviewed by The Hill were publicly released on July 11 through Freedom of Information Act litigation by the American Civil Liberties Union.  They detail specific violations that the NSA or FBI disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or the Justice Department's national security division during President Obama's tenure between 2009 and 2016.

Media misses the story.  Spying on citizens should be go-to-jail stuff in a land of liberty and personal freedom.  Sessions should not have his conversations monitored by the opposition party, even second-hand.  Instead, the press makes the victim of unethical election espionage out to be the villain.  Congress forced Nixon to resign for attempting to do what Obama got away with doing.

More Obama officials scrutinized in 'unmasking' probe.  The number of people thought to be involved in the alleged "unmasking" of American citizens under the Obama administration could be expanding, according to a source close to the House Intelligence Committee's review.  The source with knowledge of the review told Fox News the records suggest the unmasking "goes beyond" key officials like former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, former CIA Director John Brennan and former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power.  The source said more than a half-dozen former senior Obama administration officials are now of interest to House committee investigators.

How Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.  DCWhispers has breaking news:  "Loretta Lynch Ordered Illegal Wiretap Against Trump Campaign."  The irony of last week's Big Leak on Don Jr. (likely by Robert Mueller) is that it is helping reveal that the real criminal activity was by the Democratic Party.  Lying Loretta Lynch sought a secret warrant to wiretap Team Trump in June 2016.  The federal court turned her request down.

Loretta Lynch Ordered Manafort's Phone Tapped During Donald Junior Meeting.  Today [7/14/2017], Fusion GPS employee Rinat Akhmetshin today confirmed his attendance at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner along with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.  Accusations have arisen that the meeting was part of a wider setup to achieve a FISA warrant to wiretap phones of the Trump campaign during 2016.  President Trump himself has accused the FBI under Loretta Lynch of wiretapping his campaign.  Now, a former Trump campaign official reports that Paul Manafort's phone was subject to FISA wiretap during the infamous meeting.  If true, this FISA warrant would have been carried out under Loretta Lynch, Attorney General to Barack Obama.

Loretta Lynch Ordered Illegal Wiretap Against Trump Campaign.  The sting operation was put in place via a Russian attorney/operative named Natalia Veselnitskaya whose social media history marks her as an adamant anti-Trumper and who was granted a special exemption to travel into the United States by the Obama Department of Justice.  The sting was further facilitated by a Russian-born American citizen named Rinat Akhmetshin who was granted citizenship during the Obama era and who as as D.C. lobbyist is well-connected to the D.C. political establishment and is said to have been instrumental in the creation of an anti-Trump dossier Trump's political opponents were preparing to use against him during the campaign.

Obama trapped Donald Jr. to justify spying on Trump.  President Obama's team spied on Donald Trump's campaign using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 as a cover for their Watergate-style activities.  We know this now thanks to the New York Times — which has been used (quite willingly) by Team Obama to discredit President Trump.  This explains the Donald Trump Jr. "expose" this week.  The real criminal activity came from the Democratic Party.

Report: Susan Rice Committed At Least 3 Crimes.  I may not be an attorney, but Gregg Jarrett is.  According to him, it's likely that corrupt Obama hack Susan Rice, better known as the Benghazi liar has committed at least three crimes while illegally unmasking millions of Americans for political purposes.

Fox Legal Expert:  Susan Rice Committed 3 Crimes..." Better Get Herself a Good Criminal Defense Attorney".  FOX News Legal Expert Gregg Jarrett dropped a bomb on Susan Rice when he said she likely committed three crimes.  Jarrett was on with Sara Carter of Circa News when he made the claim of criminal behavior by Rice.

Senate Judiciary Committee push for facts on alleged 'unmasking' by Obama officials.  The Senate Judiciary Committee will attempt during a closed-door hearing Wednesday to get to the bottom of the alleged "unmasking" of Trump campaign and transition officials by the Obama White House — furthering a potentially explosive counter-narrative coursing beneath the various congressional probes into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.  Former National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice, in addition to other top officials from the Obama administration, have come under suspicion during recent months amid accusations that they inappropriately "unmasked" requests to identify Trump associates caught up in clandestine surveillance of Russian operatives prior to and during the immediate aftermath of the November election.

Sealing and transfer of Susan Rice records angers House committee investigating 'unmasking'.  House intelligence committee sources say career officials at the National Security Council are slow-walking the delivery of subpoenaed records on former National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice's handling of classified information and the "unmasking" of Trump campaign workers — material from the Russian hacking probe that middle-level NSC managers claim was transferred to President Obama's library and could "remain closed to the public for five years."  One source, speaking only on the condition of anonymity, called the transfer curious and appeared to reflect an effort by former administration officials to obscure evidence on whether Ms. Rice and other top officials in the Obama White House illegally tried to identify which Trump campaign and transition aides had been caught up in the U.S. intelligence intercepts of Russian interference in the presidential race.

Real Scandals The Trump-Obsessed Media Are Ignoring.  On Monday [6/19/2017], Judicial Watch announced that it hit a dead end in its effort to dig out information about why White House advisor Susan Rice ordered an "unmasking" of Trump campaign officials in classified reports.  In response to Judicial Watch's April 4 request for materials related to these unmasking requests — to determine whether they were politically motivated — the National Security Council said it had sent all those records to Obama's presidential library, where they can't be released for five years.

Did James Comey Cover Up a Massive and Illegal FBI-CIA Spying Operation?  The Senate Judiciary Committee is considering whether to subpoena former FBI Director James Comey to appear before the committee following his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.  He initially had refused a request to testify to the Judiciary Committee.  Should Comey appear before the Judiciary Committee, he may be asked about his disclosure that he gave a "close friend" memos detailing his meetings with President Donald Trump.  But he may also face questions about the bombshell lawsuit, filed Monday [6/12/2017] by a former U.S. intelligence contractor, that accused the FBI and CIA of illegally spying on millions of Americans, including Donald Trump, and accuses Comey of covering it up.

They Have Probable Cause for Obama Admin's "Abuse of Power".  The Russia hacking story is not the real story, it's the distraction.  The blockbuster is the revelation of spying abuses by the Obama administration.  The unmasking by top Obama officials is "only the beginning", according to Devin Nunes.  The House Intelligence Committee is accelerating its probe into Obama officials who may have unlawfully "unmasked" U.S. citizens.

Devin Nunes on Unmasking: 'Oh, This Is Only the Beginning'.  [Scroll down]  Nunes clarified his concerns.  "Every American is masked.  The intelligence agencies are bound by law to mask all American citizens that get picked up in foreign collection.  What has to happen, if you want to find out who the American is — there's a process and procedure in place for that.  It's actually very uncommon in most cases, and seldom happens.  But the concern I have had, that I expressed publicly, quite publicly, actually, a couple months ago, was that it became excessive.  That Obama administration officials were unmasking people in the Trump transition, and it made me quite uncomfortable."

Fascinating Interview Regarding Subpoenas Issued to Obama Cronies.  Writing at The Daily Beast, John Batchelor offers a fascinating sitdown with Chairman Devin Nunes of the House Select Intelligence Committee.  The primary topic:  the unmasking of Trump campaign officials — like Michael Flynn — by various members of the Obama administration.  Read the entire thing, but some key graphs follow to provide a flavor to the scope and magnitude of the investigation.  It's truly powerful stuff.

Lindsey Graham Says He Was Surveilled By Obama Administration.  Government surveillance of American citizens has been a controversial issue for years.  It became more so this year when President Trump tweeted that "Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory."  Trump never provided evidence of his claim, but now another Republican is coming forward to claim that he too may have been the subject of surveillance by the Obama Administration.  In an interview with Fox News [6/2/2017], Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said that he had "reason to believe" that he may have been surveilled and unmasked by Obama Administration officials.  Graham believes that the surveillance was incidental and possibly resulted from his meetings with foreign leaders in his role as a senator.

These Obama cronies should be grilled for his intelligence 'unmaskings'.  As part of its investigation into the alleged Russian hacking of the 2016 election, Republicans on the House intelligence committee have subpoenaed records from former CIA Director John Brennan, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and UN Ambassador Samantha Power regarding a different issue: the promiscuous "unmasking" of the names of American citizens in widely disseminated (and thus widely leaked) intelligence reports.  That these are three of the former president's closest cronies should come as no surprise.  Obama's presidency crested along on a smile and a wave, while his minions did the wetModal Trigger work in the shadows.  Naturally, Democrats are furious.  But now, having created the false narrative of the Russians somehow preventing Hillary Clinton from campaigning in Wisconsin, the light is being turned where it belongs:  on the intelligence agencies and their role in the subversion of our democracy.

Power's Role in Unmaskings Suggests Political Motivation.  The House Intelligence Committee issued seven subpoenas on Wednesday, all related to alleged Russian hacking into the 2016 election.  But one subpoena stood out, and it has caused complaints within Democratic circles.  The subpoena was to federal agencies for information regarding Samantha Power's "unmasking" requests.  Power was former President Barack Obama's ambassador to the United Nations.  One official close to the House investigation called a subpoena for information on Power a "bombshell," as it could indicate evidence of political motivation at play in intel gathered on Donald Trump during his presidential transition.  "Why would a diplomat need to know the names of Trump officials?" asked The Wall Street Journal on Thursday [6/1/2017].

House Subpoenas Elevate Probe into Improper Intelligence Surveillance.  A House investigation into improper intelligence gathering gained momentum this week after subpoenas were issued for records on three Obama administration political appointees.  U.S. officials said the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence this week ordered the National Security Agency, FBI, and CIA to produce records on all requests made by the three senior officials for the names of Americans redacted in electronic intercepts of conversations of foreign officials, said U.S. officials familiar with the matter.  The newest target of the investigation that began in March is former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, a long-time Obama confidant.

Spying on Trump, you and me.  After the Watergate era had ended and Jimmy Carter was in the White House and the Senate's Church Committee had attempted to grasp the full extent of lawless government surveillance in America during the LBJ and Nixon years, Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.  FISA declared that it provided the sole source for federal surveillance in America for intelligence purposes.  FISA required that all domestic intelligence surveillance be authorized by a newly created court, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.  Since 1978, FISC has met in secret.  Its records are unavailable to the public unless it determines otherwise, and it hears only from Department of Justice lawyers and National Security Agency personnel.  There are no lawyers or witnesses to challenge the DOJ or the NSA.  Notwithstanding this handy constitutional novelty, the NSA quickly grew impatient with its monitors and began crafting novel arguments that were met with no resistance.

The government is spying on journalists to find leakers.  There was a big ruckus four years ago when the Associated Press announced that telephone records for 20 of its reporters had been subpoenaed by the Justice Department.  The government was apparently looking for CIA leaks about an operation in Yemen. [...] Some in the administration are focusing on a retired, high-ranking military officer who held important posts in the intelligence service, according to the source.  The possibly high-ranking leaker was getting some of his information from people inside the White House who were holdovers from the Obama administration, the source said.

Was Obama administration illegal spying worse than Watergate?  When the FBI wants to wiretap a domestic suspect, it goes to court for a warrant.  But when listening in on foreigners, the National Security Agency hoovers up a vast amount of stuff in bulk:  Conversations between foreigners, conversations between Americans and foreigners, conversations between Americans who mention foreigners, and sometimes just plain old conversations between Americans.  There are supposed to be strict safeguards on who can access the information, on how it can be used and on protecting American citizens' privacy — because the NSA is forbidden by law from engaging in domestic spying.  These safeguards were ignored wholesale under the Obama administration, and to many Republicans, it is no coincidence that intelligence leaks damaged Democrats' political opponents in the 2016 election.

Carter Page:  Russia Investigation Will Unearth Obama Admin's 'Falsified FISA Warrants Against Me'.  Carter Page, the American oil industry consultant who was tangentially and briefly associated with Donald Trump's presidential campaign, is calling out U.S. officials who may have been behind "highly damaging leaks" about him to the news media, alleging the leakers committed "felonies."  In a letter to the House Select Committee on Intelligence and a follow-up email interview with Breitbart News, Page contended that the leaks come with a silver lining — he charges that the episode will expose the Obama administration's use of false evidence to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) warrant to monitor his personal communications.

Court Criticizes Obama Admin for Illegal Spying on U.S. Citizens.  [Scroll down]  Writing the 99-page opinion for FISC, Judge Rosemary Collyer castigated the Obama administration for failing to follow the Section 702 procedures designed to ensure that the government does not violate Americans' civil rights as it is performing work that is vitally important to national security.  Collyer declared that the previous administration's cavalier violations of Section 702's requirements created "a very serious Fourth Amendment issue."  Collyer sharply criticized the National Security Agency's inspector general and the NSA's Office of Compliance for Operations for their "institutional 'lack of candor,'" signaling that in addition to ignoring legal constraints, the Obama administration was not being honest with the court about its violations of federal law.

James Rosen:  Comey's FBI Broke Its Own Rules & Procedures On Spying On Americans.  The sheer scale of the 4th Amendment violations is staggering, as was the sternness of the rebuke of the Obama administration by the FISA court, which ordinarily approves 99.9% of the government's request.

New Revelations Shed Light On Extent Of NSA Spying Under Obama.  Typically, when an American citizen is swept up in NSA surveillance, they are supposed to be "masked" to protect their identity, but there are large loopholes in place that allow the NSA to spy on Americans without a warrant or any probable cause whatsoever.  When the NSA conducts what is known as "upstream collection" of Internet communications, it is impossible to target a single email, instead sweeping up "packets" of data containing several messages.  The NSA is supposed to sift through the data packets and discard all but the targeted email(s).  That alone poses some privacy issues, as before they are discarded the NSA can momentarily see the contents of the communications, but, when coupled with the NSA's targeting practices, the problem expands to a serious violation of American constitutional rights.

Trump Aide Sought Private Communication Channel With Russia to Stop Obama Illegal Surveillance.  The latest faux news, leaked all over legacy media, is that President-Elect Trump's son-in-law sought to set up a private communication channel with Russian diplomatic officials.  This, my friends, is yet another attempt at a cover-up.  The real scandal, yet unreported by legacy media, is the pervasive and illegal surveillance of scores of Americans by the Obama administration.

How Team Obama tried to hack the election.  New revelations have surfaced that the Obama administration abused intelligence during the election by launching a massive domestic-spy campaign that included snooping on Trump officials.  The irony is mind-boggling:  Targeting political opposition is long a technique of police states like Russia, which Team Obama has loudly condemned for allegedly using its own intelligence agencies to hack into our election.  The revelations, as well as testimony this week from former Obama intel officials, show the extent to which the Obama administration politicized and weaponized intelligence against Americans.

Reuters/Washington Post Publish Evidence of Obama Spying on Trump Campaign and Unmasking Americans.  Reuters/Washington Post Puts a Slice of Kushner Cheese on Russian Nothingburger and simultaneously prove the Obama Administration was spying on the Trump campaign.  The extent of the U.S. media's straw-grasping is boundless, but this one is going to backfire.  Hopefully.

Comey Lied:  FBI Illegally Shared Raw Intel on Americans.  Flying in direct contradiction to his final congressional testimony under oath as the Director of the FBI, newly declassified top secret U.S. Intelligence memos have revealed that when James Comey told lawmakers that his agency only used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant "when it was lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked," he may have been lying.

Why did Trump say that Obama spied on him?  Because he did.  What is the likelihood that the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Associated Press, USA Today or other major news outlets will cover the fact that the Obama administration repeatedly violated the law by spying on Americans from 2011 until they were almost out of office, when they finally admitted it?  Is it any surprise that an administration that would target political opponents through the IRS would do this, or an administration that would start monitoring a political opponent four months prior to the election?  Does anyone think they didn't spy on other Republicans running against Hillary?

Does Possible Political Misuse of Intel Tools Deserve Greater Scrutiny?  Many politicians, pundits and members of the press are consumed by Russia's alleged attempts to interfere in our election.  Recent testimony by former CIA Director John Brennan addressed whether he saw evidence of "collusion" between President Trump (or anyone on his campaign) and the Russians.  Brennan simply argued "I don't do evidence."  He also stated that his suspicions were raised simply because, "I know what the Russians try to do."  There should be far more focus on another facet of U.S. intelligence.  It's one that I believe should be pursued with greater vigor by investigative bodies and the news media:  government use of intelligence tools to collect "incidental" communications of ordinary Americans, journalists and political figures.  That includes elected officials and political opponents of those in power.

Obama's FBI Passed Around Classified Information On American Citizens To People Outside Government.  shocking report from Circa.com revealed on Friday [5/26/2017] that the FBI under director James Comey "illegally shared raw intelligence about Americans with unauthorized third parties and violated other constitutional privacy protections, according to newly declassified government documents."

Judicial Watch Sues for Records about Obama White House Unmasking of Trump Associates.  Judicial Watch today announced it filed a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Security Agency (NSA) for information about Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice's communications with the two agencies concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election, the hacking of DNC computers, the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials, and the unmasking of the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities.

Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties.  The FBI has illegally shared raw intelligence about Americans with unauthorized third parties and violated other constitutional privacy protections, according to newly declassified government documents that undercut the bureau's public assurances about how carefully it handles warrantless spy data to avoid abuses or leaks.  In his final congressional testimony before he was fired by President Trump this month, then-FBI Director James Comey unequivocally told lawmakers his agency used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant only when it was "lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked."  Once-top secret U.S. intelligence community memos reviewed by Circa tell a different story, citing instances of "disregard" for rules, inadequate training and "deficient" oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.

FISA Court Finds "Serious Fourth Amendment Issue" In Obama's "Widespread" Illegal Searches Of American Citizens.  In describing the violations, the FISA court said the illegal searches conducted by the NSA under Obama were "widespread" and created a "very serious Fourth Amendment issue."  These new discoveries come from a recently unsealed FISA court document dated April 26, 2017 and center around a hearing dated October 26, 2017, just days before the 2016 election, in which the FISA court apparently learned for the first time of "widespread" and illegal spying on American citizens by the NSA under the Obama administration.

Gowdy: Surveillance Programs Won't Be Renewed Until 'Unmasking' Questions [are] Answered.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said this morning that key surveillance programs won't be reauthorized by Congress until questions about intelligence "unmasking" are answered.  At a House Intelligence Committee hearing yesterday in the Russia investigation, Gowdy asked former CIA Director John Brennan about the issue.

Report:  Obama lied and Obama spied.  A new report out this morning details just how much Obama spied on Americans during his administration and it's a lot.  Even the liberal ACLU organization says these new disclosures are some of the most serious to ever be documented: [...]

Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years.  The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.

Republicans Go to Jail, Democrats Run Free.  The lingering question is:  Did Obama's national security advisor Susan Rice — or any other Obama officials — unmask the identities of Trump campaign or transition officials as they may have appeared in U.S. reports of foreign surveillance.  If America's national-security apparatus were abused for political purposes, felonies were committed.  The Senate and House intelligence committees claim to be investigating this abuse.  However, given the warm, fuzzy record of GOP "investigations," most likely no one will be punished for any of this.

Reuters buries story on Obama spying.  The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign.  Officials spilled results of that election espionage to Ned Parker, Jonathan Landay, and Warren Strobel of Reuters in exchange for Reuters portraying President Trump as a pawn of Putin.

Napolitano Reveals Possible Extent Of Surveillance Under Obama.  Surveillance during the Obama administration might have even reached the Supreme Court, Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said Monday [5/15/2017].  Napolitano focused much of his interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business Network on recent concerns voiced by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., that he was a subject of surveillance.  Napolitano also added something he was told by the late Justice Antonin Scalia.  "Justice Scalia told me that he often thought the court was being surveilled.  And he told me that probably four or five years ago," Napolitano said.

Exclusive: Clapper's Intel 'Reforms' Helped Rice 'Unmask' Americans.  Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper's creation of a cloud-computing platform in 2013 made it far easier for officials like former White House National Security Advisor Susan Rice to 'unmask' individual Americans without creating a digital paper trail leading back to her, The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group has learned.  Clapper's system enabled tens of thousands of government officials to share previously off-limits intelligence information, according to knowledgeable officials who tracked the cloud-computing initiative of the former DNI under President Barack Obama.

Rand Paul:  Another Senator Was Surveilled by the Obama Administration.  Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) earlier this week revealed that another senator had told him that he was surveilled by the Obama administration.  "I know one other senator who's already confided to me that he was surveilled by the Obama administration, including his phone calls," he told Fox News on Wednesday [5/10/2017].

President Obama's team sought NSA intel on thousands of Americans during the 2016 election.  During his final year in office, President Obama's team significantly expanded efforts to search National Security Agency intercepts for information about Americans, distributing thousands of intelligence reports across government with the unredacted names of U.S. residents during the midst of a divisive 2016 presidential election.  The data, made available this week by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, provides the clearest evidence to date of how information accidentally collected by the NSA overseas about Americans was subsequently searched and disseminated after President Obama loosened privacy protections to make such sharing easier in 2011 in the name of national security.  A court affirmed his order.

Obama's team 'asked for NSA secrets on more than 30,000 Americans in 2016 and circulated 6,000 intelligence reports without removing their names'.  Barack Obama's team used NSA technology to examine data gathered on tens of thousands of Americans abroad during the election, it has emerged.  Officials searched both metadata and the actual contents of communications for the names of more than 30,000 US citizens, according to data released by the he Office of the Director of National Intelligence this week.  And more than 3,000 of the resulting intelligence reports were then circulated among government departments without the names of the searched parties being redacted, sources with direct knowledge told Circa.

"Unmasking" of Trump transition officials.  While there is still no evidence Obama administration officials were spying on Trump's team for political reasons, reports later said Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, played a role in identifying some of the Trump officials who were caught up in surveillance of foreign officials.  And while Rice said she never unmasked anyone for political reasons, that leaves open the question of who might have leaked the identities of those who were unmasked.  Rice said it was not her.

Exclusive: Only 2 House Dems Have Examined Those Susan Rice 'Unmasking' Docs.  Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes is the only Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence other than Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel's ranking minority member, to review intelligence files showing former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice "unmasked" aides to President Donald Trump during his transition to the Oval Office, The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group has learned.  The apparent lack of interest among the remaining seven Democrats on the intelligence panel is in striking contrast to their earlier vocal demands that they see the documents after committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes disclosed he had read them at the White House complex.

Does The 'Obama Spying' Story Go Deeper Than We Think?  We already know about SOME phone calls that were intercepted.  How deep does this story REALLY go? [...] Obama is the same guy who claimed not to have had any scandals during his term in office.  Dennis Kucinich has complained that a private phone conversation he had with Quadaffi's son while the Kucinich openly opposed Obama's unauthorized war with the Quadaffi regime became public.

Bombshell: Obama CIA Head John Brennan Conspired With Foreign Spies to Interfere with 2016 Election.  Although Russians may have aspired to influence the November election, the real election meddlers were Democrats in the Obama administration who conspired with foreign intelligence agencies against Donald Trump's campaign, new media reports suggest.  The key player, we are learning, is the already infamous John O. Brennan but FBI Director James Comey also played a role.  From January 2009 to March 2013, Brennan was Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and then Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from March 2013 until Obama's last day as president.

Dirty Harry Reid's Role in Obamagate.  Last October, Harry Reid, the ruthlessly partisan former senator from Nevada, wrote a nasty and bumptious letter to FBI director James Comey.  The letter remains a significant piece of evidence in Obamagate, as it confirms his role as conduit for Obama administration's political espionage against Trump.

Landmark Legal Foundation Asks FISA Court To Order Investigation Into Anti-Trump Targeting, Leaks.  Among the questions Landmark seeks to have answered through a court-ordered investigation:
  •   Has the FISA Court been used "as a subterfuge to surveil private citizens"?
  •   Did government officials seek FISA warrants "as a pretext to conduct an investigation for the purpose of affecting an ongoing national presidential campaign and subsequent transition of an incoming president?"
  •   Did the FBI tell the FISA Court that it had purchased intelligence from British spy Christopher Steele?
  •   Did the FBI tell the Court that the intelligence from Steele had originally been gathered as part of an oppo research project on Donald Trump?

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump.  An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump.  One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary's.  Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump's candidacy.  He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.  John Brennan's CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump.

Obama Political Spying Scandal:  Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets.  Was Russia, and specifically the overwrought "Russia hacked the election" narrative, used as camouflage for what was actually a political spying operation?  Do you really think the Obama administration, which turned the Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department into process cudgels for beating Obama detractors, would be above that sort of thing?

Report: Comey Used Jeb Bush/DNC Commissioned Dossier To Gain Trump FISA Warrant.  Apparently, the FBI used the Jeb Bush/DNC Commissioned opposition research dossier on candidate Trump as evidence to the FISA court to gain a warrant for surveillance.  Things just got more interesting.  If this report via CNN is factual in its baseline accuracy, methinks the motive for the stuttering obfuscation of FBI Director James Comey just gained some sunlight.

Why Were Foreign Intelligence Agencies Spying on Trump?  [Scroll down]  It goes beyond the Brits, extending to the "Five Eyes" agreement which also includes Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, which all share intelligence collection and dissemination.  What it looks like is that four of our allies were spying on the Trump campaign, either at the direct request or implied desire of the Obama administration.  The Guardian goes further, reporting that Germany, Estonia, Poland, France, and the Netherlands also spied on Trump and shared their findings with Obama.

Obama-era Surveillance Timeline.  You can find many timelines that follow allegations of Russia tampering in the U.S. election and alleged involvement of Trump officials.  But I couldn't find any comprehensive timelines cross-referencing Obama-era surveillance of whistleblowers, journalists and other U.S. citizens with Russia surveillance allegations.  So I built one.  Please note:  temporal proximity of events doesn't necessarily imply a connection.

Report: Entire Western World Helped Obama WIRETAP Trump.  If you are wondering why our national media has pretty much dropped the whole Trump-Is-A-Russian-Manchurian-Candidate thing, it is because the naked truth about the Obama administration's chilling spying — something the media has covered up for months — is finally coming to light.  Last week, both The Washington Post and The New York Times quietly reported that the Obama administration had "wiretapped" (their word, not mine) a Trump staffer.  The Trump-hating Guardian then dropped another bombshell, the news that pretty much every Western intelligence agency in the world was aiding and abetting the Obama administration's unbelievable and unprecedented (Nixon only wanted to do this) abuse of power against a political opponent.

Atty. Gen. Sessions should empanel grand jury to probe intelligence leaks.  [Scroll down]  This time (2017), there is a casual admission by the FBI and the rest of the "intelligence community" that the Russians have systematically hacked into our national security data — although no public evidence has been produced to that effect.  All the Washington wonks are assuming that the purpose of this intrusion was to trifle with the American election.  Interestingly, that charge seems to assume that WikiLeaks obtained the Podesta emails from the Russians and used it to damage the Hillary Clinton campaign.  In the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary, this assumption is so much poppycock.  In the first place, Mr. Assange himself maintains that the data were obtained from a disgruntled Clinton campaign worker.

Proof That Obama Spied on Trump — Vindicating Mark Levin — Curiously Ignored by Vintage Media.  Almost six weeks ago this Thursday, Mark Levin began asking questions about the Obama administration's alleged surveillance of the Trump campaign and/or transition team.  Now, there's absolutely no question it occurred.  On his Wednesday evening radio show, the Conservative Review editor-in-chief took the "praetorian guard" media to task for their "cover up" coverage of the Obama surveillance scandal, following a bombshell Tuesday [4/11/2017] revelation from the Washington Post that the Obama administration obtained a FISA warrant last summer to snoop on former Trump adviser Carter Page.  The revelation puts a gratuitous amount of egg on the faces of reporters and media outlets who have done little more than try to downplay the scandal since it started over a month ago.

When "incidental" intel collection isn't incidental.  I've spoken to a small group of reliable, formerly high-placed intelligence officials who have dropped a few interesting tidbits on me of late.  Here's my understanding, based on the discussions:
  •   It's not true that wiretaps and/or electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens can "only" be done with a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) court order.
  •   Besides the FISA court, "wiretapping" or electronic surveillance can also be done under Title III authority.  The government used this authority, for example, in the Justice Department's secret Fast and Furious "gunwalking" case.
  •   Additionally, U.S. Presidents have the power to issue secret presidential directives that can authorize otherwise illegal acts (theoretically in the country's best interests).
  •   The public will rarely know about such presidential directives since most who see them must sign agreements that promise nondisclosure and consent to polygraphs.
  •   Computer surveillance is a grey area in the intelligence community where many insiders argue the traditional privacy restrictions and surveillance rules don't necessarily apply.

Judge Napolitano Vindicated?  British Intelligence Was Used By Obama Administration to Obtain FISA Warrants On Trump Team.  On March 20th Fox News suspended Napolitano for making those remarks.  The British government and British intelligence community was furious at Napolitano and Fox News.  At the time Rupert Murdoch was attempting to purchase SkyNews, which might have aided in the severity of his response to Napolitano.  However, today [4/13/2017] CNN is confirming much of the construct for what Napolitano was previously saying: [...]

Microsoft Transparency Report Shows Massive Increase in 2016 Obama Era FISA Orders.  Microsoft tries to thread the needle of transparency by telling its consuming audience as much about governmental collection of data as possible.  Toward that end Microsoft releases a biannual transparency report.  Within the latest transparency release Microsoft reports in the first half of 2016 they received a massive increase in FISA orders; primarily from U.S. governmental agencies.

Brian Babin asks A.G. Jeff Sessions to investigate Susan Rice's unmasking of Trump aides.  Republican lawmakers made their first official inquiry into opening an investigation of reports the Obama administration's national security adviser and others "unmasked" several Trump campaign officials swept up in U.S. surveillance operations against foreign targets during last year's presidential election campaign.  "The astonishing reports that senior White House officials in the Obama Administration, most notably then-National Security Advisor Susan Rice, may have abused their powers of office to violate the 4th Amendment protections by 'unmasking' the identities of U.S. citizens involved with the Donald J. Trump presidential campaign in intelligence reports gives great cause for concern," stated a letter Rep. Brian Babin sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday [4/12/2017].

Has Trump's "wires tapped" tweet been vindicated?  In my opinion, the tapping of Carter Page's wires does not constitute the tapping of Donald Trump's wires.  The substance of Trump's claim — that the Obama administration engaged in surveillance directed at him — remains unsubstantiated.  It's possible that, in listening to Page's phone calls, the FBI heard communications in which Trump participated.  To me, however, this is differs from tapping Trump's "wires."  It's also far from clear that Page ever called Trump during the period covered by the FISA warrant.

Report: House Investigation of Susan Rice Scandal Expanding.  Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, is up for reauthorization in 2017.  The program surveils non-U.S. persons believed to be located outside the United States, incidentally sweeping up the communications of Americans as well, in order to acquire foreign intelligence. [Bill] O'Reilly asked Malia Zimmerman, an investigative reporter working with [Adam] Housley, if the FBI was investigating the case.  Zimmerman answered:  ["]There's a big question about the FBI's role in this and there's concern in the House about generally how the FBI is handling this case.["]

FBI reportedly probed ex-Trump aide Carter Page during campaign.  The FBI reportedly secured a court order to conduct surveillance on one of Donald Trump aides during the 2016 presidential campaign because they believed he was a Russian agent.  The FBI, along with the Justice Department, obtained a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor the activities of Trump foreign policy aide Carter Page because investigators believed he was acting as an agent for a foreign power, according to The Washington Post.  In what the paper described as a lengthy declaration, the government said Page "engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of Moscow."

FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page.  The FBI obtained a secret court order last summer to monitor the communications of an adviser to presidential candidate Donald Trump, part of an investigation into possible links between Russia and the campaign, law enforcement and other U.S. officials said.  The FBI and the Justice Department obtained the warrant targeting Carter Page's communications after convincing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge that there was probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia, according to the officials.

A Shoe Drops:  Obama Administration Spied On Carter Page.  I assume this Washington Post story is true:  "FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page."  It confirms what has been sporadically reported since late last year, that the Obama administration sought and ultimately received a FISA order to spy on at least one associate of Donald Trump.  So Trump's famous tweets were, in substance, true.

Susan Rice is a liar.  Now even the liberal media is starting to admit it.  Susan Rice is a liar and that's the truth.  What's amazing is that it has taken years for the major media to admit it, despite epic evidence.  Even journalists have a breaking point — in this case, false statements about deadly chemical weapons.  Rice's lies have angered conservatives for years.  Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer nicknamed the former national security adviser the "liar in chief," according to The Blaze.  Rice's willingness to misrepresent what happened during the Benghazi attack was so amazing, that she repeated it on five separate Sunday morning news talk shows.  It was a lie that might make Pinocchio proud.  But it took her lies about Syria to do just that.

Sorry, Democrats, The Obama Spying Scandal Isn't Going Away.  For one thing, stepping aside on the Russia inquiry isn't as big of a deal now as it might have been months ago.  That's because the Russia investigation isn't really going anywhere. [...] Nunes not having to deal with that part of his duties frees up time to focus on an area of investigation that has proved fruitful: the Obama administration's leaking against the Trump administration.

'Somebody's got to go to jail, Ben'  We Americans find ourselves at a tipping point.  It appears that the Obama administration, with the willing submission of our intelligence agencies, surveilled Donald Trump, his campaign, and his transition team beginning as early as October 2015 and escalated the activity after he won the election.  Why?  No one thought in October that he would win the presidency, and yet surveillance began three months after he announced his candidacy.  What did these spies hope to discover?  Something to take him out, to be sure.  Of what were they so afraid?  That he could actually win?  Indeed, they were apparently afraid of exactly that and were determined to prevent it.  Because Obama, by executive order and design, made such illegally gathered intelligence available to many more agencies than the past and to so many more people, leaks to the media were assured.

Unravelling the Team Obama anti-Trump leak machine.  She didn't "leak," she only "unmasked."  This is former National Security Adviser Susan Rice's self-defense for having sought the explicit exposure, in highly classified intelligence documents, of the names of US citizens inadvertently caught up in American surveillance of Russian officials.  Moreover, she and her partisans insist, seeking and achieving this "unmasking" (from either the director of the National Security Agency or the FBI) was entirely within her legal right as national-security adviser.  I'll take her word for it, though if it had been so pristine, it's unclear why Rice had previously lied and claimed no knowledge of any of it.  According to Eli Lake of Bloomberg, Rice "requested the identities of US persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign."  Dozens of occasions.

A Deep-State Coup In The White House?  Last week, the far-left New York Times — which long ago abandoned any pretense of being unbiased or having journalistic standards — acted as the smear agent for unnamed "American officials," and printed a piece that Pravda of the former Soviet Union could have only hoped to emulate.  The article, titled "2 White House Officials Helped Give Nunes Intelligence Reports," was meant to damage the credibility of Congressman Devin Nunes, who is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, while specifically targeting two of President Trump's most loyal White House aides.  As the New York Times noted, Chairman Nunes refused to identify his sources regarding his proof of Trump employees and campaign officials being under the surveillance of American intelligence operatives and then having the names of those employees and campaign officials illegally unmasked in violation of U.S. law.  An "unmasking" former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice is now doing a tap dance all around.

On Susan Rice, the Issue Is Abuse of Power, Not Criminality.  It should come as no surprise that the defense Ms. Rice and Obama apologists are mounting is heavily reliant on a fact that is not in dispute:  viz., that the intelligence collection at issue was legal.  I anticipated that line of argument a week ago.  The issue is not technical legality, it is monumental abuse of power. [...] Abuses of power are offenses against the public trust.  They often overlap with a criminal offense, but they are not the same thing as a criminal offense.

Former CIA Analyst:  Susan Rice's NSA demasking denials don't add up.  As a former CIA analyst who has handled requests for demasking the names of American citizens for a U.S. policymaker, I thought Rice's claims in her interview did not add up.  The names of U.S. citizens "incidentally" mentioned in NSA reports are masked to preserve their identities because America's intelligence agencies are barred from spying on American citizens except in extraordinary circumstances with court approval.  Rice correctly said in her interview that policymakers sometimes request to know the identities of Americans from NSA reports to understand these reports in certain circumstances.  She also tried to dismiss this controversy by claiming NSA demasking requests are routine.  They actually are not routine and taken very seriously by NSA.

Reports in unmasking controversy were detailed, had info about 'everyday lives.  The intelligence reports at the center of the Susan Rice unmasking controversy were detailed, and almost resembled a private investigator's file, according to a Republican congressman familiar with the documents.  "This is information about their everyday lives," Rep. Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence committee said.  "Sort of like in a divorce case where lawyers are hired, investigators are hired just to find out what the other person is doing from morning until night and then you try to piece it together later on."

Was Obama's White House Politicizing Intelligence To Influence The 2016 Elections?  Although there are strong indications the Obama administration abused intelligence collection by U.S. agencies to gather information on the Trump campaign to leak to the news media, it also appeared to abuse another U.S. intelligence mission:  intelligence analysis.  Congressional Democrats and the mainstream media consider it gospel truth that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies unanimously concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help Donald Trump win.  But should we treat this assessment as true in light of major errors in U.S. intelligence analysis in the past and its politicization?  Is something gospel truth just because U.S. intelligence agencies say it is?  The truth is that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies did not conclude that Russia tried to interfere in the election or help Trump win.  Not even close.

Susan Rice Has Given Two Different Answers In The Last 15 Days On Unmasking Trump Officials.  Susan Rice has repeatedly changed her story over the last 15 days and given two different answers about the unmasking of Trump transition officials who were caught up in the surveillance of foreign officials.  Though Barack Obama's national security adviser at first feigned ignorance, once it was revealed that she was the one who made the dozens of requests seeking to unmask the identities of the associates, Rice defended her actions by saying they were for national security reasons and not politically motivated.

Donald Trump Thinks Susan Rice Committed a Crime.  President Donald Trump said he thinks that President Barack Obama's former national security adviser Susan Rice committed a crime when she reportedly unmasked American citizens involved with his campaign.  "I think it's going to be the biggest story," Mr. Trump said to the New York Times.  "It's such an important story for our country and the world.  It is one of the big stories of our time."  Trump's remarks are his first public statement on the subject since reports claimed Rice was responsible.

Why Susan Rice's Role In The Obama Spying Story Is A Big Deal.  Since Donald Trump won the election for president in November, U.S. media outlets have received and eagerly published selective, damaging leaks about him from anonymous intelligence officials.  The general effort, which appeared highly coordinated, was to delegitimize Trump's election and paint him as a stooge of Russia or otherwise unfit for office.  The media outlets claimed their information came from very highly placed officials in the Obama administration.  Even if they hadn't claimed their anonymous sources were Obama officials, the information they were leaking, such as the name of a U.S. citizen caught up in surveillance by the Obama administration, would have been known only by highly placed intelligence officials.


Susan Rice Worth Almost 50 Million.  Actually, the truth should shock Obama lovers.  Remember the official energy policy of the Obama administration?  Creating new "clean energy" jobs and technologies, making America more energy independent, and reducing carbon emissions.  Susan Rice didn't get the memo. [...] While Rice was busy unmasking officials and trying to sabotage the current administration, she made more money in oil than the Beverly Hillbillies.

Gorka: Unmasking of Trump associates 'what you expect in a banana republic'.  Dr. Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Trump, told Fox News' "Hannity" Wednesday night the unmasking of Trump associates caught up in surveillance operations was "what you expect in a banana republic and a police state, or an authoritarian state."  Gorka, a former Fox News contributor who joined the Trump administration in January, added that former national security adviser Susan Rice's claims about her role in the unmasking were "falling apart."  "If you compare what [Rice] said two weeks ago, if you compare just the difference in her statements in the last 36 hours, there's clearly something that is not being openly discussed or disclosed here," said Gorka, who later added, "It's not just smoke, there's actually flames behind the smoke."

Lawmakers say intel agencies stonewalling on surveillance probe.  Lawmakers probing the surveillance of key officials in the Trump campaign and administration say the intelligence agencies now nominally under the president's control are stonewalling efforts to get to the bottom of who revealed names and leaked protected information to the press.  The House and Senate Intelligence Committees are currently investigating allegations the Obama administration spied on Trump associates — and possibly Trump himself — for as long as the year preceding his inauguration.  And while former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice has been implicated as at least one of the officials who sought redacted names from surveillance transcripts, multiple lawmakers and investigators for the panel told Fox News the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency — all agencies in position to aid the probe — are not cooperating.  "Our requests are simply not being answered," said one House Intelligence committee source about the lack of responsiveness.  "The agencies are not really helping at all and there is truly a massive web for us to try and wade through."

Bombshell: The Obama Spying Scandal Started Long Before Trump.  On Tuesday [4/4/2017], Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice admitted that she used the intelligence community to spy on members of the Trump team, but this type of behavior isn't anything new.  In fact, it appears the Obama White House had been spying on its political opponents and leaking classified information about them long before Donald Trump won the presidential election last November, Lee Smith of Tablet Magazine writes.  Remember the Iran Deal negotiations?  In December 2015, The Wall Street Journal revealed that the Obama administration used the NSA to cast a wide net of surveillance around not just Israeli officials and diplomats, but American lawmakers who were friendly towards Israel as well as Jewish-American groups.

Mark Levin: Trump Not the First Victim of Obama Police State Tactics.  If Donald Trump's team was indeed the victim of politically-motivated surveillance and leaks by the Obama administration, it may not have been the first, says Levin. [...] The story goes on to discuss the possible workings of the Obama White House's spying on pro-Israel activists during the Iran deal.  "The NSA's collections of foreigners became a means of gathering real-time intelligence on Americans engaged in perfectly legitimate political activism — activism, due to the nature of the issue, that naturally involved conversations with foreigners," a pro-Israel activist told the outlet.  "We began to notice the White House was responding immediately, sometimes within 24 hours, to specific conversations we were having.  At first, we thought it was a coincidence being amplified by our own paranoia.  After a while, it simply became our working assumption that we were being spied on."

Susan Rice's alleged unmasking requests not so routine, ex-officials say.  While Susan Rice is defending as routine her requests for the identities of Americans caught up in surveillance of foreign targets, others who've served in the intelligence community and at high levels of government say the former national security adviser's requests were quite unusual.  Rice, who served in the Obama administration, is at the heart of allegations of improper surveillance of the Trump team prior to Inauguration Day.  Fox News reported Monday that Rice asked for Trump associates to be identified — or "unmasked" — in intelligence reports and those names were then widely disseminated at the top levels of the government.  In an interview Tuesday on MSNBC, Rice largely skirted talking specifically about those allegations, however, she said it was "absolutely false" that Obama officials utilized intelligence "for political purposes."

Susan Rice implies that Trump and his aides were an imminent theat to the US.  Susan Rice is a liar.  We need to establish that as the baseline. [...] She's a political appointee.  A dishonest one at that.  Someone needs to explain how her judgment is more finely honed than the NSA or the CIA.  Neither agency found it necessary to unmask Trump, his family and his aides.  But she did.  And it had nothing to do with Russia.  So what was the justification?

Obama Himself Likely Behind Unmaskings, Leaks.  Our former socialist-minded President Barack Hussein Obama has now "exited stage left," pun intended.  He has now "wisely" fled his palatial mansion in Kalorama, Washington, D.C., and is currently holed up on a sunny Polynesian island, far from the burgeoning scandal he and his administration have left behind in his wake.  In the last few days, it was revealed, as I predicted, that President Donald J. Trump was generally correct when he tweeted that Obama had "wiretapped" him and his staffs.  Now, sure enough, we have learned that his former national security advisor, Susan Rice — the woman who was caught lying about the reasons for the Benghazi terrorist attack — and likely others in the Obama administration, had without apparent legal probable cause "unmasked" the names of Trump personnel and likely The Donald himself, who they claimed fell within the scope of foreign intelligence intercepts.

Benghazi Hero Kris Paronto:  Susan Rice 'Needs to Be in Jail' to Show Politicians 'They Are No Longer Untouchable'.  Former U.S. Army Ranger and Benghazi survivor Kris "Tanto" Paronto told Breitbart News that he believes former President Barack Obama National Security adviser Susan Rice "needs to be in jail" for her decision to willfully unmask the identities of United States citizens connected to President Donald Trump's transition team.  Paronto added, "The Trump administration has been given the perfect opportunity to set an example, or make an example, out of the type of politician that she is and show these other politicians that they are no longer untouchable."

Susan Rice Is a Horrible Liar, 'Incidentally' Speaking.  Rice is not, not yet, speaking under oath, so perhaps it doesn't really matter what she says.  Everyone knows by now that she has a habit of economy when it comes to the truth.  After the Benghazi massacre, which left four Americans, including a U.S. ambassador, dead, Rice was paraded around the TV shows.  With a straight face, she explained that the murderous attack by Islamic radicals was in fact a spontaneous uprising in response to a sophomoric Internet video about Mohammed.  She knew that was a lie, but it was the story that the Obama administration wanted peddled, so she peddled it.

Why the media want to bury the Susan Rice 'unmasking' news.  You can see why so many in the media want to discredit this story:  They've been eagerly relaying leaked info from the transcripts that makes Trump & Co. look bad.  To acknowledge the clear political motive behind those leaks, and behind Rice's "unmasking," is to admit that Team Obama abused intelligence data — and that its media friends were complicit in doing so.

Susan Rice wasn't the only White House official looking to 'unmask' Trumpworld figures — and Mike Flynn wasn't the only one exposed.  Former national security advisor Susan Rice wasn't the only Obama administration official to request the 'unmasking' of members of President Donald Trump's transition team — and her successor Mike Flynn was just one of at least two who were left exposed.

Susan Rice somehow manages to make Benghazi cover-up seem minor.  This is jaw-dropping, bombshell information.  Not because it reveals Susan "Benghazi was about a video" Rice to be a liar.  We already knew that.  Not because it exposed the Obama administration as the most nakedly partisan presidency in modern history, willing to use even the most sacred powers of the federal government for political purposes.  We already knew that too.  What is so astonishing about the revelation that Ms. Rice was the one unmasking Donald Trump and his campaign before, during and after he won the presidency is that it doesn't get any closer to Barack Obama himself.

Did someone mention Benghazi?

Did Susan Rice Commit A Crime?  It's Starting To Look That Way.  Let's start with the wording.  As we've noted before, this is clever, lawyerly evasion, not truth-telling.  She's right, in one sense:  They designed this intel operation so that "Trump individuals" wouldn't be targets, but "incidental" to gathering information about foreigners.  But what suggests that the Trump team members caught in this spy web weren't merely "incidental," but were actually the targets of the operation, is that Rice reportedly ordered spreadsheets "prepared" of the phone calls involving Trump, his aides and transition officials.  This suggests that, contrary to Rice's assertion, they were being targeted.  It's evidence of intent, basically.

Susan Rice's Unraveling Web of Lies.  [Scroll down]  These reports, and others along the same lines, raise serious questions about what Rice was doing with the unmasked identifiable information she obtained access to, even though nothing revealed so far indicates that Rice broke the law.  She had the authority to request unmasking under certain circumstances where there was an intelligence need in the interest of national security for such information.  But given Rice's closeness to Obama and concern for preserving his legacy, politics, not national security, was more likely her primary motive.

Susan Rice's Unmasking Was Political: FBI, Not White House Conducts Criminal Investigations.  Susan Rice was a political adviser working for Obama, she was not a criminal investigator working for the FBI, therefore her unmasking of Trump transition officials was almost certainly done to advance Democratic Party interests.

The Dem's Political Area 51.  [Scroll down]  Meanwhile, the real scandal is the politicization of intelligence by those who had access to it, and then leaked it to the media in order to damage Trump's presidential campaign and cripple his fledgling administration.  Now we are hearing from an anonymous source that a highly placed intelligence official leaked the names of citizens who were linked to Trump and his campaign, and who had been surveilled "incidentally" and then their identities "unmasked."  A former Obama Defense Department functionary and Hillary campaign advisor admitted on MSNBC that she counseled her former colleagues to gather and distribute classified information on Trump during the transition.

Fox reporter:  Rice may have been told to request Trump team records.  A Fox reporter investigating the "unmasking" of Trump transition officials by former national security adviser Susan Rice told "The O'Reilly Factor" Tuesday that they were examining whether Rice was told to request records about the president's associates.  FoxNews.com investigative reporter Malia Zimmerman told host Bill O'Reilly that she and Adam Housely were investigating whether "somebody from the [National Security Agency], for example, would have told [Rice] to ask for those reports, to ask for those names to be unmasked.  "That is what we've heard from some of our sources and so we're looking into that angle as a possibility," she said.  Zimmerman and Housely reported Monday [4/3/2017] that the names were part of incidental electronic surveillance of candidate and President-elect Trump and people close to him, including family members, for up to a year before he took office.

Six questions raised by the report Susan Rice unmasked names of Trump advisers.  The report that former President Barack Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice was involved in the "unmasking" of Trump transition and campaign officials caught up in surveillance gives new credence to the possibility that Obama administration officials were involved in some kind of surveillance of Trump's advisers and, possibly, then-candidate and President-elect Trump himself.

Susan Rice Doesn't Deny Unmasking Trump Associates.  This morning, Susan Rice turned to the friendly confines of MSNBC to respond to explosive allegations about her role in the Obama spy/leak scandal.  Host Andrea Mitchell did all she could to make Rice feel at home.  She asked no tough questions, failed to follow up on evasive answers, and sometimes jumped in to reinforce claims made by Rice. [...] Amazingly, Rice got through a 16-minute interview without ever confirming or denying that she unmasked associates of President Trump.

Nunes' Disclosures May Signal a Watergate-Level Scandal.  The report by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday [4/4/2017], although based on anonymous sources, adds significant credibility to the idea that the intelligence community during the previous administration acted unlawfully.  Whether White House officials actually encouraged this is a Watergate-level issue that should be the first priority of any congressional investigations.  While there were always grounds for suspicion — many media outlets had reported leaks about communications between Trump campaign officials and officials of the Russian government, and even a telephone conversation between President Trump and Australian prime minister — a column in the Wall Street Journal last week by Peter Hoekstra, a former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, made clear how significant and unprecedented these leaks were.

The Obama Government Interfered in Our Election — and the Mainstream Media Is Covering It Up.  All the evidence seems to be there.  So instead they're saying it's a distraction because Rice didn't do anything illegal.  Except she did if she asked for this information without it being part of an investigation.  And here's something very important to remember, folks.  The White House cannot do investigations.  The White House does not do investigations.  The FBI investigates.  The CIA investigates.  The NSA investigates.  But the White House does not investigate.  So if the White House is investigating, something's already very wrong.

House Intel Dem:  If Flynn Was Unmasked, It Would Have To Be Rice Who Did It.  A Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee agreed that if anyone unmasked President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn, it would have to be Barack Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice.  "Well, I haven't seen the documents yet, but she was the national security adviser.  She had the — if anyone had the opportunity to unmask, it would be the national security adviser, because that person is giving advice to the president on issues around national security," California Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier told The Daily Caller Monday night [4/3/2017].

Susan Rice's track record damages her credibility.  Rice infamously went on five Sunday television shows in 2012 to assure the nation that the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans was in response to an Internet video.  That was a flat-out lie — it was a planned terror attack and she had to know as much.  She also brazenly insisted in 2014 that Bowe Bergdahl, the Army sergeant held by the Taliban for five years, had "served with honor and distinction" to justify the trade of five terrorists from Gitmo for his release.  Her claim was false, and even the Army disagreed with Rice, charging Bergdahl with desertion.  So when Rice and her defenders insist that SpyGate is much ado about very little, that's not even close to good enough.  She has to prove it — by testifying under oath to Congress.

The 10 Questions Andrea Mitchell Didn't Ask Susan Rice.  Here are a few thoughts about Andrea Mitchell's interview with Susan Rice — and the key questions that were left unasked.  Rice opened the interview by saying, "The allegation is that somehow Obama administration officials utilized intelligence for political purposes.  That's absolutely false."  On the contrary, the allegation is absolutely true — and demonstrating its truth is as easy as unmasking an American citizen in an NSA intercept.

Funny how no 'unmasking' was done for the Hillary campaign.  Anyone who believes that Trump wasn't specifically targeted for political reasons probably still believes the Benghazi killings were caused by a video, that Obama had no idea that IRS was targeting political opponents, that Obama had no idea that Hillary was violating the law by using a non secure server until three years after she left, that Obama had no idea that his administration was gun running to Mexico and that Hillary and her aides had no intent to break the law.

Obamagate's Truth Is Stranger Than Orwell's Fiction.  Susan Rice's shaky, dry-mouthed performance on MSNBC Tuesday looked like a scene out of Orwell's fiction too.  Ministry of Truth official Andrea Mitchell hesitantly asked her questions about the scandal, making sure not to tax her too much or ask her any awkward follow-up questions.  The interview lasted over ten minutes, but Mitchell couldn't find time to ask her about the bald lie she told on PBS in March (that she knew "nothing" of unmasking the Trump team).  Nor was Big Brother to be brought up under any circumstances.  So even as Rice droned on about the importance of unsparing national security briefings, Mitchell steered clear of any mention of the beneficiary of that briefing — President Obama.

Bombshell Report:  Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice Behind Unmasking Of Trump Transition Team.  In a massive scoop, on Monday morning Eli Lake of Bloomberg reported that Barack Obama's national security advisor, Susan Rice, repeatedly requested information from the intelligence community on members of the Trump transition team and campaign, unmasking them to an audience beyond the intelligence community in the process.  Normally, raw intelligence masks the identity of American citizens caught up in legal surveillance of other targets.

Susan Rice said she read unmasked intelligence reports, but not for political purposes.  Susan Rice, former national security adviser in the Obama administration, told MSBNC Tuesday she had accessed unmasked intelligence reports involving Donald Trump and his associates, but called claims she had done so for political purposes "absolutely false."  Rice accessed multiple intelligence reports during the end of Obama's presidency.  Some of the reports were "unmasked," revealing the identities of then-candidate Trump and his associates.  She also said her access of the data did not constitute wiretapping, despite Trump's claim he was wiretapped.

Who Asked Susan Rice To Unmask Those Names?  Former President Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice asked for the names of Trump transition officials to be unmasked and made public in raw intelligence files, according to media reports, a move apparently carried out to harm the incoming Trump administration.  As recently as March 22, Rice denied knowing anything about the intelligence reports.  In an appearance on "PBS Newshour," she said pretty definitely, "I know nothing about this."  The new news reports paint Rice as a liar.

The Editor says...
Ms. Rice had already lost her credibility on 9/17/2012 when she lied on five different network TV shows about the cause of the Benghazi terrorist attack.

How did Susan Rice know which Trump campaign and transition surveillance intercepts to unmask?  Bloomberg View columnist Eli Lake's bombshell revelation on April 3 that "former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign" has sent a political earthquake through Washington, D.C.  And it raises some key questions, particularly in light of corroborating reports by Fox News' Adam Housley that the overall surveillance apparently dates back to "up to a year before [Trump] took office," and Circa.com reporters Sara Carter and John Solomon that "the logs discovered by National Security Council staff suggested Rice's interest in the NSA materials, some of which included unmasked Americans' identities, appeared to begin last July around the time Trump secured the GOP nomination."

In Less Than 2 Minutes On MSNBC Susan Rice Exposed The Entire Obama "Russian" Motive.  Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice only needed to confirm one aspect of the intelligence unmasking story for all of the dots to connect.  She made that confirmation within two minutes of her interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.  [Video clip]

Susan Rice defiant amid growing calls for her to testify under oath.  As Susan Rice faces growing calls to testify under oath, the former Obama administration official now accused of ordering the unmasking of Trump officials under surveillance is suggesting that she never did so for political purposes, and that it is sometimes "necessary" for investigative purposes.  Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, a member of both the Senate Judiciary and Select Committee on Intelligence, suggested in a tweet earlier Tuesday that Rice "needs to testify under oath."

Sen. Tom Cotton: 'Susan Rice Is the Typhoid Mary of the Obama Administration'.  Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) slammed former Obama administration National Security Advisor Susan Rice on Tuesday [4/4/2017], suggesting she brought a plague on the Obama administration's foreign policy.  Cotton appeared on conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt's radio show on Tuesday, where he said that Rice was the "Typhoid Mary of the Obama administration foreign policy," according to Mediaite.

Why Is CNN Refuting The Susan Rice Story It Refuses To Cover?  For months, CNN has been all over stories that attempt to undermine the legitimacy of Donald Trump's presidency by suggesting ties to Russia.  It would be impossible to catalogue the hourly drumbeat of "new" stories on this angle that have gone on for months, despite the lack of named sources or actual evidence.  The cable news outlet heavily pushed the infamous "Russian dossier" story that was quickly harmed by BuzzFeed showing how dubious to the point of laughable the dossier was.  The network's obsession extends to running red-washed photoshopped graphics of Trump advisors in front of St.  Basil's.  The Russia scare headlines run into the dozens each and every day.

Susan Rice Confirms Her "Unmasking Requests" Were for President Obama's Daily Briefing (PDB).  With a general set of narrative 'talking points' in hand President Obama's Former National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, appeared this morning [4/4/2017] on MSNBC for an interview with Andrea Mitchell.  This is the 'We-Have-To-Respond-phase', which necessitates the optic.  Andrea Mitchell is considered a trustworthy ally of the Clinton/Obama political networks; as such, it is not a surprise to see Mitchell selected as the interviewer.  Mitchell's use of wording carefully guides Susan Rice through the narrow path of self-incrimination by providing plausible deniability for verbal missteps.

Susan Rice's White House Unmasking:  A Watergate-style Scandal.  The thing to bear in mind is that the White House does not do investigations.  Not criminal investigations, not intelligence investigations.  Remember that.  Why is that so important in the context of explosive revelations that Susan Rice, President Obama's national-security adviser, confidant, and chief dissembler, called for the "unmasking" of Trump campaign and transition officials whose identities and communications were captured in the collection of U.S. intelligence on foreign targets?

5 Susan Rice Scandal Facts Every American Must Know.  It was revealed Monday [4/3/2017] that President Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice allegedly ordered the unmasking of the identities of Trump campaign aides who were reportedly being surveilled during the 2016 election.  The recent reports further prove, at least in part, President Donald Trump's claims that senior Obama officials had collected intelligence on Trump aids and disseminated it throughout the government.  Rice's involvement — as it relates to her reported role in the unmasking of Trump aids and circulating sensitive information — places the longtime Obama operative at the center of another major political scandal.

Mainstream media deems Susan Rice unmasking bombshell 'another fake scandal'.  CNN anchor Chris Cuomo says the report that former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice tried to "unmask" Trump campaign officials caught up in surveillance of foreign targets is "another fake scandal" being pushed by the White House and conservative media.  "There is no evidence of any wrongdoing," Mr. Cuomo said Tuesday [4/4/2017] on "New Day," reported the Media Research Center's Newsbusters.  "And in fact, if anything, the NSA asking for identities was a reflection of exactly how much traffic there was involving Trump people and foreign players.

Susan Rice, Obama's Hatchet Woman, Proves Lord Acton Right Again.  Forget G. Gordon Liddy and the White House plumbers of Watergate days.  If you're looking for a my-president-right-or-wrong apparatchik in the grand tradition of the Soviet Union, willing to do anything for her leader, look no further than former national security adviser Susan Elizabeth Rice.  Rice, who evidently exploited the world's most technically advanced intelligence agency, the NSA, for similar purposes (spying on the opposition), has made Liddy et al seem like primitives.  Apparently, the former Obama adviser was the one who "requested to unmask the names of Trump transition officials caught up in surveillance."  The final unmaskings took place in January, days before Trump's inauguration.  (Eli Lake at Bloomberg, Adam Housley and John Roberts at Fox, and Sara Carter and John Solomon at Circa have reported this story in only slightly varying ways.)

"What if?" The Evelyn Farkas Fracas.  As Michael Goodwin put it in The New York Post on Sunday [4/2/2017], "If it can be proven that a sitting president used government authorities to spy on a candidate who then became president and orchestrated leaks of classified material, Watergate, by comparison, really would be a second-rate burglary."  Actually, Watergate was a second-rate burglary.  That fact stands behind the oft-enunciated point:  "It wasn't the scandal, it was the cover up." But how about the weaponization of America's intelligence services for partisan political purposes?  Is that OK?

Trump Haters Rush to Susan Rice's Defense.  Trump critics on Monday defended former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice, after the mainstream news outlet Bloomberg View confirmed Mike Cernovich's bombshell report that she was responsible for unmasking the names of Trump aides incidentally caught up in surveillance.  Cernovich reported Sunday evening that Rice had requested the "unmasking" of incoming Trump officials, which refers to the identification of Americans incidentally caught up in surveillance of foreign targets.

Fresh evidence the Russia 'scandal' is a Team Obama operation.  Do you suspect that the noise over Trump campaign contacts with the Russians is just a political hit arranged by Obama insiders before they left?  You got fresh evidence of that Monday, with news that then-national security adviser Susan Rice was behind the "unmasking" of Trumpites in transcripts of calls with Russian officials.  Again, nothing on the public record so far shows that anyone on Team Trump said anything improper on those calls.  It's no surprise that US spooks intercept foreign officials' calls.  But intelligence community reports don't disclose the names of US citizens on the other end.  To get that info, a high official must (but rarely does) push to "unmask" the Americans' names.

ABC, NBC Cover-Up Revelation Susan Rice Ordered Trump Aides Unmasked, CBS Defends.  A massive revelation in the alleged surveillance of President Trump's aides broke Monday morning when Bloomberg reported that "[f]ormer National Security Adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign." With their identities unmasked, it allowed for someone to freely and illegally leak their names to the press.  It's controversial news but ABC and NBC both chose to ignore it that night, while CBS defended Rice.

CNN's Jim Sciutto:  Susan Rice News 'Appears to Be a Story Largely Ginned Up, Partly as a Distraction'.  CNN chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto told Anderson Cooper tonight that the news about Susan Rice allegedly being involved in the "unmasking" of Trump transition officials appears to be a "distraction" from the bigger picture on Russia.  Earlier today [4/3/2017], Sciutto said on The Lead that former intelligence officials from Democratic and Republican administrations told him that "based on what they know, this unmasking, if it happened, would not be out of bounds," because of the approval process required and because unmasking is not the same as leaking.

The Only Obama Legacy is a Sordid Litany of Political Surveillance and Abuse.  Earlier today [4/3/2017], Obama's former national security adviser Susan Rice was revealed in reports as the official who unmasked intercepts of Trump associates.  Levin celebrated the reports, saying, we are just starting to "get to the bottom of this."  "I had no idea how big this was — but it's big," declared Levin.

Obama White House Weaponized Intelligence Against Donald Trump.  It turns out that Devin Nunes has been running rings around the Democrats, and it looks like they've known it all along, and the effort to get Nunes to, quote, unquote, recuse himself as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee or the effort to get rid of him in some other way obviously was undertaken to stop what he is doing and what he is learning.

The Benghazi Liars Are Back:  Susan Rice And Adam Schiff Are Once Again Caught In Another Huge Scandal.  White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.  The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally.

Like Watergate 44 years ago, Obama's scandal slowly unfolds.  The media has lost its power, but doesn't realize it.  He figured this all out in two seconds.  He plays the media like the cheap little suckers they are.  The Hair On Fire coverage of the news media delights me.  They are all Mister Jones now — even Fox News — unable to figure out what time it is.

Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce 'Detailed Spreadsheets' Involving Trump.  Former President Barack Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce "detailed spreadsheets" of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.  "What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals," diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday [4/3/2017].

Is Susan Rice The Missing Piece In Obama Spy Scandal?  While the Democrats continue to flail wildly, accusing House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes of all kinds of hypothetical misdeeds, evidence is growing that the Obama administration had an actual spying program on its domestic political opponents, namely the Donald Trump campaign.  If so, it was more than just wrong — it was a crime.

More about Susan Rice.

As The Susan Rice Scandal Explodes, The Russia Election Hacking Story Gets Murkier.  Back in June 2016, the DNC hired a private cybersecurity firm called CrowdStrike to determine who had hacked into their servers and absconded with emails — often embarrassing — that later got released to the public by WikiLeaks.  CrowdStrike said Russia was behind the hack.  In July, intelligence agencies followed up, telling the White House that they had "high confidence" that Russia was behind the hack.  However, it turns out that they never had direct access to the DNC's hacked computer servers.  The FBI said it repeatedly requested access and the DNC denied it to them, according to The Hill.  A source told The Hill that, as a result of this lack of access, "the FBI had no choice but to rely upon a third party for information."  The problem is that the evidence provided by CrowdStrike as proof that Russia was behind the hack had some experts scratching their heads, including the fact that the supposedly super-sophisticated hackers left so many clues pointing to Russia.

Benghazi Liar Susan Rice's Treachery Continues.  While Trump's pick for this sensitive post was under scrutiny, Obama's adviser was doing opposition research which involved data mining classified intelligence reports.

The Obama Administration's Long History of Shady Surveillance.  As the facts about who surveilled whom during the transition get sorted out, it is useful to remember why Trump's team and his supporters have reason to be suspicious, thanks to a long documented history of Obama using shady surveillance tactics on both political opponents and international allies.  Rhodes himself knows this history but that doesn't seem to matter as he once again attempts to make people believe he fell out of the sky and onto Twitter on January 21st, 2017.  To help jog Rhodes' memory, below are all the documented instances of the Obama administration using and in some cases abusing surveillance.

Susan Rice Unmasking Is Only the Tip of the Iceberg.  This is of course a huge story, being ignroed by any media not called Fox News.  And it's just the tip of the iceberg.  Democrats loved the drip-drip leaks about the Trump administration.  Now the are about to get a taste of their own medicine.  Here's hoping it leads all the way up the food chain to Taliban Brennan, Loretta Lynch and Hussein Obama.

Why Susan Rice's Reported 'Unmasking' of Trump Officials Raises Very Serious Legal Concerns for Her.  The means our government uses — to protect the First and Fourth Amendment rights of Americans without sacrificing the country's security needs for information gathering on foreign threats — is a process known as "minimization" and "masking." The point of the minimization and masking protocols is to insure America's eavesdropping on foreigners "safeguards the constitutional rights of U.S. persons."  These protocols are not merely internal rules nor discretionary guidelines; they are the necessary legislatively delegated means "required to protect the privacy rights of U.S. persons" provided for by the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.  Violating these provisions does more than violate mere regulatory restrictions; violating these provisions violates the Constitutional rights of Americans.  That is why the law criminalizes such action when taken "under color of law" by rogue agents.

Major media spiked scoops on Susan Rice's role in unmasking Trump's team.  If Mike Cernovich is to be believed (and I think he is, since nobody is denying this), the New York Times and Bloomberg knew about Susan Rice's unmasking of Trump officials but sat on the story.

Confirmed: Susan Rice "Unmasked" Trump Team.  As noted last night, Journalist and author Mike Cernovich dropped an exclusive bombshell - naming Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice as the official responsible for the 'unmasking' of the incoming Trump team during 'incidental' surveillance.  This was apparently discovered after the White House Counsel's office reviewed Rice's document log requests.

White House logs indicate Susan Rice consumed unmasked intel on Trump associates.  Computer logs that former President Obama's team left behind in the White House indicate his national security adviser Susan Rice accessed numerous intelligence reports during Obama's last seven months in office that contained National Security Agency intercepts involving Donald Trump and his associates, Circa has learned.  Intelligence sources said the logs discovered by National Security Council staff suggested Rice's interest in the NSA materials, some of which included unmasked Americans' identities, appeared to begin last July around the time Trump secured the GOP nomination and accelerated after Trump's election in November launched a transition that continued through January.

GOP Rep:  Susan Rice should face criminal investigation.  BI officials should investigate whether former President Barack Obama's national security adviser broke any criminal laws by requesting the identities of Trump campaign officials caught up in foreign surveillance, according to a Republican lawmaker.  "Congress needs to get to the bottom of this and the FBI should be investigating whether any laws were broken," Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., said Monday.

The Media Is Ignoring the 500-Pound Surveillance Elephant in the Room.  Every week the Russia story crumbles a bit more.  Whether it is the loss of credibility of Crowdstrike's hacking report, or the revelation by WikiLeaks that the CIA can make a cyber attack look like it came from wherever they want, the leftist media can't catch a break.  The FBI and NSA have both testified that there is no evidence that there was any hacking of actual voting, and the WikiLeaks allegations throw doubt on Russia's involvement in hacking the DNC or Podesta emails.  Even if they did, the media and the Democrats still have yet to convince anyone that the emails are the reason that voters chose Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Susan Rice requested to unmask names of Trump transition officials, sources say.  Multiple sources tell Fox News that Susan Rice, former national security adviser under then-President Barack Obama, requested to unmask the names of Trump transition officials caught up in surveillance.  The unmasked names, of people associated with Donald Trump, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA Director John Brennan — essentially, the officials at the top, including former Rice deputy Ben Rhodes.

Rand Paul Calls For Susan Rice To Testify On Unmasking Trump Officials.  GOP Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said he believes former National Security Advisor Susan Rice should testify before Congress on her request to unmask the names of Trump transition officials collected during routine intelligence-gathering operations.  Paul argued the situation should not be downplayed, saying reforms need to be made to prevent individuals from being blackmailed on personal aspects of their lives through unmasking.  He noted there was nothing stopping the former administration from looking through Trump officials and national security advisors' conversations during the transition window.

State Department insiders have discussed Rice's role in unmasking names 'for weeks' — and Obama MUST have known — says Trump NATO ambassador pick.  The diplomat who is in line to be America's next NATO ambassador said Monday that former National Security Advisor Susan Rice has been suspected 'for weeks' of involvement in an effort to publicly unmask Donald Trump associates whose names appeared in foreign intelligence reports.  And he claimed ten days ago that if Rice and her deputy Ben Rhodes were behind politically motivated leaks of classified intelligence, former president Barack Obama was also in the know.

Flashback: Susan Rice Said 'I Know Nothing' About Unmasking of Trump Officials.  Susan Rice, former President Barack Obama's national security adviser, reportedly requested on several occasions the identities of "masked" U.S. persons in intelligence reports linked to President Trump's transition and campaign.  The revelation contradicts Rice's past comments on March 22, when she claimed she knew "nothing" about the intelligence reports.  White House lawyers discovered Rice's dozens of requests last month, during a National Security Council review of the "government's policy on 'unmasking' the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally," Eli Lake of Bloomberg reported Monday, citing U.S. officials.

Susan Rice, Obama's Dirty Surveillance Rat.  As I noted a while back, while Obama and Loretta Lynch authorized the expansion of who could request the unmasking of Americans caught up in surveillance, the process still required a paper trail of who the request was from and for what purpose. [...] Interesting enough, one would have thought the FBI would be the organization with due cause to unmask Americans for investigation.  Why would the head of NSA be investigating Americans and violating their 4th Amendment rights?  Well, that seems pretty obvious given that all this ill-gotten information landed in the hands of the left wing news media, to fuel diversionary stories about some elusive Trump-Russian connection.

Susan Rice in Crosshairs as Potential Felon.  A major development in the Obama spy/leak scandal:  former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice has been identified as a person who repeatedly requested that associates of Donald Trump (and perhaps Trump himself) be unmasked in raw intelligence intercepts. [...] If true, this is a bombshell, if not exactly a surprise.  We know from her tour of the Sunday morning talk shows to misrepresent Benghazi that Rice was a political hack, more than willing to do dirty work on behalf of President Obama.  Her alleged role here would fit with that history.

The Surveillance Plot Thickens.  As the Russiagate plot falls apart like a cheap sweater in the spin cycle, the surveillance plot thickens.  Something tells me Congressional Democrats who went all-in for Russiagate are really kicking themselves right now.  As I've said before, the decision to chase this rabbit down the hole has exposed a far more insidious scandal that Democrats do not want exposed.

Why Democrats are attacking Devin Nunes:  He knows Team Obama was spying on Team Trump during the transition.  I told you last month, when President Trump first accused his predecessor of wiretapping him, that the news media would be interested in any information that might confirm Obama and/or his administration had wrongly spied on Team Trump.  What they would do instead, I told you, was act as Obama's lawyer — demanding that Trump himself prove his precise, literal charge rather than doing any of their own reporting designed to find out if something like what Trump alleged had actually happened.  That's one way defense attorneys defend their clients — they parse words and nitpick with literalisms.

Bob Woodward:  Obama officials possibly facing criminal charges for unmasking scheme.  The Washington Post's Bob Woodward warned on Wednesday [3/29/2017] that there are people from the Obama administration who could be facing criminal charges for unmasking the names of Trump transition team members from surveillance of foreign officials.

Boom — the full extent of obama's spying on Trump becomes clearer.  Adam Housley this morning [4/3/2017] reported that the NSA had collected the communications of Donald Trump, his family and his staff for more than a year prior to his inauguration and that it had nothing to do with national security.  This was done solely for political purposes.  In the absence of some national security threat the names of Americans are not to be unmasked (That this happened is perhaps not surprising coming from an administration which weaponized the IRS to suppress political opposition).

Fox: Trump Surveilled Before Nomination, Agencies with Info Blocked Nunes for Weeks.  A Friday [3/31/2017] breaking Fox News report on surveillance of President Trump's team that began before he became the Republican presidential nominee claimed a very senior intelligence official was responsible — as well as for the unmasking of the names of private U.S. citizens.  The report cited sources which also indicated that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) knew of the existence of the information in January, but one or more intelligence agencies blocked him, and there were only two locations where he could view the information that he called "very troubling."

Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel.  White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.  The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally.  Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One."

Unmasking Susan Rice and her NSC dead-enders.  Journalist and activist Mike Cernovich reports that former White House national security adviser Susan Rice obtained intelligence reports showing the identities of innocent Americans who incidentally spoke to foreign officials under security sweeps for spying or intelligence activities.  Under U.S. law, U.S. persons are protected from such disclosure, which could be dry cleaners asking envoys to pick up their laundry or wrong number phone messages spilling their guts about their mothers-in-law.  If such U.S. persons get swept up in surveillance, they are protected.  But only if they remain "masked," which is the law of the land.  Cernovich says the White House counsel's office has confirmed that Rice was one of the few officials with the authority to make the requests to unmask the innocent Americans caught up in surveillance dragnets.  There was no national security reason to do so, but she did.

Obama Spied, Media Lied.  Once you wave away all the smoke created by our dishonest media, the story of this past week was pretty simple.  The Trump-Russia-Conspiracy narrative is falling apart.  The Obama-Spied-on-his-Political-Opposition narrative is coming together. [...] An intelligence whistle blower has apparently shown [Devin] Nunes documents containing intelligence gathered on members of Trump's transition team.  Though this intelligence may have been gathered legally — i.e. as part of a wiretap on foreigners — at least two of the names of Americans, including the name of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, were illegally revealed and shared widely.  Other names were made obvious even though they remained concealed.  None of the investigations seems to have had anything to do with Russia.

Obama Silent over Trump Tower Wiretaps.  Since President Trump first leveled the incendiary charges in early March, there have been thousands of press articles and endless hours of speculation on cable television about the high-level accusations.  Every word, character, and symbol of punctuation from Mr. Trump has been parsed and sussed and diagrammed.  Yet, from media darling Barack Obama (about whom the accusations were made!)?  Not a peep.  This is no small thing we are talking about here.  We are talking about a sitting president's administration using the terrifying powers of espionage of the United States government to conduct an intelligence operation against a political opponent before, during and after that target was elected president of the United States.

Dimwitted Ex-Obama Official Admits Wiretapping Trump.  Evelyn Farkas.  She went on MSNBC.  She was in the Obama administration.  What this woman did was unwittingly out the entire Obama administration's surveillance of the Trump transition team, Trump campaign.  She went on TV and basically admitted it and explained how she was behind it, how she was involved in it.

Who is Obama administration official who spilled beans?  The former Obama administration official who admitted earlier this month that her former colleagues tried to secretly gather intelligence on President Trump's team was no low-level staffer.  Evelyn Farkas was once considered the most senior policy officer for Russia within the Pentagon, and she is now apparently defending the leaks that have been coming out of the Trump White House.

Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says.  The U.S. intelligence official who "unmasked," or exposed, the names of multiple private citizens affiliated with the Trump team is someone "very well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world," a source told Fox News on Friday.  Intelligence and House sources with direct knowledge of the disclosure of classified names told Fox News that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., now knows who is responsible — and that person is not in the FBI.  For a private citizen to be "unmasked," or named, in an intelligence report is extremely rare.  Typically, the American is a suspect in a crime, is in danger or has to be named to explain the context of the report.

Devin Nunes and Washington's Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma.  [Scroll down]  When a reporter at Nunes's second March 22 press conference asked, "Can you rule out the possibility that senior Obamaadministration officials were involved in this?" Nunes replied, "No, we cannot."  Ipso facto these are startling disclosures of historical proportions — if true, of an anticonstitutional magnitude comparable to Watergate.  Given the stakes, we should expect hysteria to follow, and it has followed.  Amid the current shouting, we nonetheless know that Nunes did not hide the fact that he had sought to adjudicate the validity of those explosive documents (with the original sources in the secure possession of the executive branch).  And he did not hide the fact that he was going to notify the president of the United States of the extraordinary information about which he had knowledge.

Inspector Obama and the Red Panther.  The incompetence of the Obama administration was only exceeded by its arrogance, a toxic mix that led his aides to spy on the Trump campaign, leak to the press about a "multi-agency" investigation into bogus Trump-Russia ties, then whine about the unwelcome exposure Trump (and now Devin Nunes) drew to their antics.  The only known crimes in this unfolding fiasco are the ones they committed, namely, criminal leaks that they fed to reporters desperate to discredit Trump.  It is impossible to overstate the audacity of the Obama aides' partisan squealing in this matter.  It is akin to a group of prisoners demanding that the warden be locked up.

Judge Napolitano Drops Major Bombshell On Wiretapping.  Judge Napolitano was originally suspended when Comey and the FBI came out and claimed that there had been no wiretapping of Trump Tower.  He did say there could have been other surveillance though.  Then the Brits played word games and sort of denied doing any intelligence for Obama.  Everything is in the wording.  By the way, Trump was claiming there was surveillance long before Napolitano made his claims.  Judge Napolitano had three intelligence sources that gave him information on the surveillance.

White House Invites Lawmakers to View Surveillance Documents.  The Trump administration invited leaders of congressional intelligence panels to review documents it said raise questions about whether government spy agencies improperly identified President Donald Trump's campaign officials and associates in the course of routine foreign surveillance.  In a letter signed by White House Counsel Donald McGahn, the administration said Thursday it was responding to a March 15 request from intelligence committees for "documents necessary to determine whether information collected on U.S. persons was mishandled and leaked."  It asks the committees to probe whether the intelligence was properly gathered, whether names were improperly revealed and "to the extent that U.S. citizens were subject to such surveillance, were civil liberties violated?"

Fox News:  Private citizens were unmasked 'for political purposes'.  Fox News' Adam Housley is reporting that sources within the intelligence community have confirmed some of what Rep. Devin Nunes told reporters last week about the unmasking of names in intelligence documents to embarrass the incoming Trump administration.  Housley summarized the information he was given in a series of tweets Friday morning: [...]

President Obama's Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump.  Sometimes when a person is deep inside an echo-chamber of like-minded ideologues, they might not realize what they're saying is rather revealing to those on the outside.  That's the set up for former Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst.  Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump's transition team to gather "intelligence" for political use.  It would appear Ms. Farkas was so caught up in the discussion, she didn't quite realize the significant admissions she was making about the Obama administration spying on Donald Trump's team and generating classified intelligence for Ms. Farkas (and others) to spread to Capitol Hill politicians.  [Video clip]

Judge Andrew Napolitano Stands by British Surveillance Report in Return to Fox News.  Judge Andrew Napolitano spoke on Fox News, Wednesday [3/29/2017], making his first appearance on the network after pushing a controversial report in defense of President Trump's claims of wiretapping during the 2016 election.  Anchors Bret Baier and Shepard Smith previously said that Fox could not independently confirm the accuracy of Napolitano's claim that the British intelligence service GCHQ facilitated the wiretapping.  During Napolitano's spot on America's Newsroom today, Bill Hemmer noted that "you've had a few quiet days."  Hemmer then asked the judge whether he was still confident in the story, to which the Fox judicial analyst said yes.  [Video clip]

How Obama's White House weaponized media against Trump.  Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Adam Schiff have both castigated Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, for his handling of the inquiry into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election.  They should think twice.  The issue that has recently seized Nunes is of vital importance to anyone who cares about fundamental civil liberties.  The trail that Nunes is following will inevitably lead back to a particularly significant leak.  On Jan. 12, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius reported that "according to a senior U.S. government official, (General Mike) Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29."  From Nunes's statements, it's clear that he suspects that this information came from NSA intercepts of Kislyak's phone.  An Obama official, probably in the White House, "unmasked" Flynn's name and passed it on to Ignatius.

Former Obama official discloses rush to get intelligence on Trump team.  A former top Obama administration official has acknowledged efforts by her colleagues to gather intelligence on Trump team ties to Russia before Donald Trump took office and to conceal the sources of that intelligence from the incoming administration.

Obama's Rule Changes Opened Door For NSA Intercepts Of Americans To Reach Political Hands.  As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama's top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the National Security Agency's incidental intercepts of Americans abroad, taking advantage of rules their boss relaxed starting in 2011 to help the government better fight terrorism, espionage by foreign enemies and hacking threats, Circa has learned.  Dozens of times in 2016, those intelligence reports identified Americans who were directly intercepted talking to foreign sources or were the subject of conversations between two or more monitored foreign figures.  Sometimes the Americans' names were officially unmasked; other times they were so specifically described in the reports that their identities were readily discernible.  Among those cleared to request and consume unmasked NSA-based intelligence reports about U.S. citizens were Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice, his CIA Director John Brennan and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Shaffer: Trump Wiretap Case 'Worse Than Watergate'.  Former CIA officer Col. Tony Shaffer said the basics of President Trump's claim to have been "wiretapped" are likely true, and that the incident is "worse than Watergate."  Noting it has been exactly two weeks since Trump tweeted that President Obama wiretapped his namesake tower, Shaffer said the "basic fundamental idea and claim is true."

Obama Did Wiretap Trump:  It's Like Putting Together a Russian Nesting Doll.  [Scroll down]  No matter how many dolls are hidden in the nest — Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch — it is undeniable that they all fit under the big one — Obama.  It was he who authorized the surveillance and multiagency distribution of intelligence — in Bob Woodward's reading, "highly classified gossip" — about political opponent Trump and his team — invading their privacy in violation of the law.  If you were inclined to want Americans to lose faith in their intelligence community and media you couldn't have done a better job than they did themselves.  The Russians didn't have to do a thing.

Obama Must Testify.  It's time.  As the House and Senate investigations start up, with the House Intelligence Committee hearing from FBI Director James Comey today, there is someone missing from the witness list.  That would be:  Former President Barack Obama.

Democrats Hoped to Hurt Trump, but Raised Suspicions of Obama.  The mainstream media have been doing a victory lap since the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National Security Agency (NSA) confirmed on Monday in testimony before the U.S. House Intelligence Committee that President Barack Obama did not wiretap Trump Tower.  But that was already known.  There was only one new revelation at the hearing, and it was a bombshell:  senior Obama administration officials could have known the identities of surveillance targets.

Time to Investigate Obama, not Just Trump.  A fair amount of this happened not long before Barack Obama suddenly changed the rules regarding raw intelligence, for the first time ever allowing the NSA to share its data with 16 other intelligence agencies, thus making the dissemination of said data (i. e. leaking) many times more likely.  That was done on January 12, 2017, just three scant days before Trump's inauguration.  Why did the then president finally decide to make that particular change at that extremely late date, rather than on one of the previous seven years and three hundred fifty-three days of his presidency?  You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes or Watson to smell a rat.

The Obama Plot to Sabotage Trump.  Devin Nunes just set the cat down among the pigeons.  Two days after FBI Director James Comey assured us there was no truth to President Trump's tweet about being wiretapped by Barack Obama, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said Trump may have had more than just a small point.  The U.S. intelligence community, says Nunes, during surveillance of legitimate targets, picked up the names of Trump transition officials during surveillance of targets, "unmasked" their identity, and spread their names around, virtually assuring they would be leaked.  If true, this has the look and smell of a conspiracy to sabotage the Trump presidency, before it began.

Evidence Says Obama DID Wire Tap Trump's Campaign.  On Saturday morning President Donald J. Trump put a bee in the media's bonnet by tweeting how shameful it was that Obama tapped his phones during the late campaign for president.  It set off two full days of liberals acting shocked and outraged that Trump could say such a thing, got the media to covering for Barack Obama, and spurred weak kneed RINO Republicans siding with the left in attacking Trump.  So, what of all this?  Thus far, anyway, it seems completely true that Trump is right.  Obama did spy on candidate Trump.  The media went into a feeding frenzy on Saturday morning when President Trump tweeted out his accusation.

DC Secrets and Lies.  A quick look at Obama's history reveals he has always had the inclination, motivation, and opportunity to snoop on and disseminate information about his political opponents.  It's how he made his political career:  getting his opponents' private divorce records unsealed and leaked with the help of the Chicago Tribune. [...] Wikileaks revealed that under Obama, the NSA intercepted conversations of numerous foreign officials, including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Angela Merkel, Benjamin Netanyahu, Silvio Berlusconi, and Nicolas Sarkozy.  So it is rather astonishing that so many disregard Trump's claim that Obama and his aides spied upon him and his staff.

Evidence Says Obama DID Wire Tap Trump's Campaign.  On Saturday morning [3/4/2017] President Donald J. Trump put a bee in the media's bonnet by tweeting how shameful it was that Obama tapped his phones during the late campaign for president.  It set off two full days of liberals acting shocked and outraged that Trump could say such a thing, got the media to covering for Barack Obama, and spurred weak kneed RINO Republicans siding with the left in attacking Trump.  So, what of all this?  Thus far, anyway, it seems completely true that Trump is right.  Obama did spy on candidate Trump.  The media went into a feeding frenzy on Saturday morning when President Trump tweeted out his accusation.

How Are All These Intel Leaks Happening?  Look At One Of The Last Things Obama Did Before Leaving Office.  Former President Barack Obama made a last-minute change to the way wiretapped intelligence is shared Jan. 12, which may have contributed to the proliferation of leaks plaguing the Trump administration.  Obama changed the way National Security Agency intelligence is shared 8 days before leaving office, which allows globally intercepted communications to be disseminated across the entire intelligence community.  The change was part of a post-9/11 push by the executive branch to increase intelligence sharing, to ensure that NSA analysts do not miss critically important information.  The change is "simply widening the aperture for a larger number of analysts, who will be bound by the existing rules," the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said at the time.

Obama's Surveillance Of Team Trump:  A Probable Paper Trail.  [Scroll down]  So, who tapped Team Trump?  Well, only one organization has the ability to tap international communications — the NSA.  And there are a lot of rules surrounding NSA intercepts.  I do not think the NSA went rogue.  I think people knew what the NSA vacuumed up and misused that information for personal reasons (it definitely was not national security — the reason NSA does what it does).  Clearly we have disturbing examples of US Persons being monitored, and then leaked.  And that is where a new paper trail begins — with the leaks.

What did the President know and when did he know it?  The political debate of the past several weeks was brought to a head by President Trump's now famous tweet last Saturday morning.  Until then, the press had largely reported on allegations that Russian hacking affected our recent election focused, according to Democrats, on favoring President Trump.  And this debate continues even though there has been no confirmation of such claims, including from ongoing congressional and intelligence community investigations.  Now President Trump has placed another issue on the table — the role of President Obama and/or his administration in leaks directed for political purposes.

We live in truly terrifying times.  The horror comes from our own government, and especially the intelligence community, where officials seem to have gone rogue and where anything — and everything — is now in play.  The frightening reality is that a president laid seeds to destroy his successor — who, as it turns out, he targeted with the secret spy organizations at his beck and call.  During the last days of his term, Barack Obama set out to sabotage Mr. Trump by spreading intelligence information throughout the federal government, as well as to foreign governments.

The Lame Duck Timeline Strongly Suggests President Obama Set Up Intelligence Scheme To Undermine Trump.  Jay Sekulow outlines the case that President Obama set-up a plan for the intelligence community to target President Trump.  Specifically through the use of a lame-duck executive order, President Obama authorized multiple intelligence agencies to have access to Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) including phone call intercepts.

Barack H. Obama leaves traps and stink bombs for the next president

President Trump has a lot of cleaning up to do.  Islamic terrorists are active all over the world, and Obama won't even say "Islamic terrorists."  Iran is working on nuclear weapons, funded in large part by Obama's billion-dollar ransom payment.  The unemployment numbers in the U.S. have been falsified for years, because the people who have completely given up on finding a job are not counted as unemployed.  Obama has been intentionally weakening America's military defenses and placing roadblocks in the path of small businesses.  The international borders are wide open.  More people are depending on food stamps than ever before, and those benefits never end.  The well-connected "green energy" companies have grown accustomed to subsidies for solar panels and windmills.  The VA hospitals are a disgrace.  The national debt is almost twice what it was when Obama took over.  Government workers in the EPA, IRS and State Department have been using secret email accounts to stay out of trouble.  In Hillary Clinton's case, that didn't work out too well, but will she face the music or will she skate?  Mr. Obama has let terrorists leave the Guantanamo prison, and we all know they'll be back in the news before long.  Mr. Obama has designated large parts of the western U.S. as "national monuments," which will prevent anyone from extracting fossil fuels from that land.  He has also put the brakes on offshore oil drilling, especially in Alaska, where there is probably more oil than any of us can imagine.  Mr. Obama has stirred up more racial division in this country than it has experienced since the 1960's, because that's what "community organizers" do.  The people who work for the EPA, the IRS, NASA, the NLRB, the Department of Education, and the Department of Energy are constantly looking for ways to justify their agencies' continued existence (and expansion) and have probably never considered the idea that their jobs won't last forever.  All this junk has to be cleaned up by someone.

Words Aren't Enough.  With Trump seeming to be unbeatable in the 2024 election, the Democrats have begun a scorched-earth policy of laying landmines on every conceivable path he might take.  Having declared that he would fire a great many bureaucrats, they're working on making that much harder to do.  The lawfare they've invested millions of dollars to prosecute is turning out to be a failed enterprise and like a cornered animal, they're attacking everything Trump.  But they're also exposing themselves to millions more people.

Biden Admin Issues Rule To Thwart Trump Ability To Fire Biden Executive Branch Holdovers If He Wins.  One of the things that frustrated me about Trump's (first?) term was his seeming complete indifference to #TheResistance that manifested before he even took office.  Unelected bureaucrats working in the ridiculously invasive executive branch's many agencies, publicly declared war on him, and he ... well, he did nothing.  Until the final year of his presidency when he seemed to finally take aim at the problem in his own branch of government — we can call it the deep state, the resistance, the entrenched bureaucrats who oversee far too much policy in America and who are, apparently, answerable to no one.  Not the voter, not the president.  So then-president Trump launched Schedule F in late October 2020, a new rule that would allow the sitting and duly-elected president to have a say in who ran and worked in his own (overly large, sprawling, and ridiculously intrusive) branch of the federal government.

The Most Destructive Americans of the Last 70 years.  [#2] Barack Hussein Obama [...] set up America for a final defeat and stealth conversion from a free-market society to socialism/communism.  As we get deeper into the Trump presidency, we learn more each day about how Obama politicized and compromised key government agencies, most prominently the FBI, the CIA, and the IRS, thus thoroughly shaking the public's confidence in the federal government to be fair and unbiased in its activities.  He significantly set back race and other relations between Americans by stoking black grievances and pushing radical identity politics.  Obama's open support for the Iranian mullahs and his apologetic "lead from behind" foreign policy seriously weakened America abroad.  His blatant attempt to interfere in Israel's election by trying to unseat Netanyahu is one of the most shameful things ever done by an American president.

Biden administration to put up 'roadblocks' in case of Trump win?  A new Associated Press report claims that the Biden administration, urged on by a group of leftist "experts" and "legal advisers," is preparing for the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House[,] by installing "roadblocks" to inhibit Trump's ability to fire government workers and otherwise make changes he may deem necessary to make the country great again.  It never stops with these people.  The more they talk of saving "our democracy," the more they do to undermine it.  Though the AP may look at this as a good thing, if true, the claims are gravely serious.  Negating citizens' votes and denying the will of the people is as undemocratic as it gets — not to mention disgusting, criminal, unconstitutional, and treasonous.

Biden admin braces for possible Trump win, installs 'roadblocks' to stop him from reshaping government:  Report.  President Biden's administration and liberal supporters in Washington are bracing for a possible Donald Trump victory in November by installing "roadblocks" to limit the latter's ability to fire thousands of government workers, according to a new report.  The Associated Press reported that a cabal of left-leaning experts, legal advisers and others are confident Biden will be re-elected but are urging him to prepare for the worst:  another Trump presidency beginning in 2025.  "My impression is the Biden administration is taking very seriously that potential threat and is trying to do things now," Michael Linden, former executive associate director of the White House Office of Management and Budget under Biden, told the AP. Although he added there was no "magic bullet" to stop Trump if he took office again.  "Nobody should be under any illusion that there's anything that this president can do in advance to prevent the next president from doing things that are very damaging, potentially catastrophically."

Will Biden Back to Trump Represent a Smooth Transition of Power?  Not While Obama is Around.  While mainstream reporters kept questioning whether or not President Trump would leave office willingly, he did so on schedule and as required.  Will Biden do the same if Trump is re-elected?  Don't count on it while Barack Obama is around.  While we're at it, did the media question Obama's behavior upon leaving office?  In particular, did Obama offer a smooth transition for Trump to assume the presidency?  A wave of evidence shows that he did not.  Obama continually thwarted his successor, unlike every previous president in U.S. history.  Obama's post-presidency was unique among presidents.  He never moved from Washington D.C. Upon leaving office, Obama set up headquarters a short drive from the White House.  His compound included his family residence, an apartment for Valerie Jarrett, his former senior advisor, and offices for Jarrett and various staff people.  Organizing for Action, Obama's umbrella organization was focused on steering public discourse and national events through the mobilization of thousands of volunteers, all to undermine Trump's presidency.  At the time, veteran political writer Scott Powell notes, "Unbeknownst to most Americans, Barack Obama is the first ex-president in 228 years of U.S. history to structure and lead a political organization, a shadow government, for the explicit purpose of sabotaging his successor — duly elected President Donald Trump."

If... Then... 2024.  President Obama, while he was still president, worked in collusion with the Deep State to set up President Trump with the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.  Obama and the CIA/FBI spied on and wiretapped President-Elect Trump's transition team.  FBI lied to and set up national security adviser Mike Flynn so that he was forced to resign because he knew too much about Obama/Biden dirt.  FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page used their "insurance policy" to feloniously take down and stall President Trump's administration.  Vice President Mike Pence really was a RINO traitor and mole inside the Trump administration.  Pence really was one of the Cabinet officials ready to use the 25th Amendment to kick duly elected President Trump out of the White House.  FBI director Christopher Wray committed election interference by deep-sixing the Hunter Biden laptop so that the public would not see it until after 2020 election.

Is Biden Poison-Pilling Trump?  Within less than eleven months, and if nothing else goes wrong, Trump, as the newly (re-)elected president, will inherit no less than three wars, a flailing economy, a 34-trillion-dollar federal deficit, high crime rates across the country, a broken Southern border that has spilled at least nine million new people into the country without being vetted, and a Deep State that doesn't want him to succeed.  If that isn't pancake syrup gutting up an engine, then I don't know what is.  I might even question Trump's sanity — or his courage — to want to get anywhere near this calamitous effort of trying to fix what Biden has broken.

The Editor says...
Leaving stink bombs for the next president is exactly what Obama did.  This is just more evidence that Obama is still the acting president in 2024.

President Nothing:  Joe Biden is a figurehead for Obama.  The press has never fully explained why people voted for him.  Oh sure, they said he was not Trump, but Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Pocahontas Warren also were not Trump in 2020 and each was well ahead of Biden when they suddenly dropped out after raising millions and garnering far more votes than he had.  Whatever happened to the unspent millions they raised?  No one in the media seems interested in finding that out.  The press is too busy advancing the Democrat Party line to bother with holding Democrats accountable.  We know what happened.  Obama picked Biden just as he had picked Hillary four years earlier.  After Biden failed in Iowa and New Hampshire, Obama paid off the rivals and had Jim Clyburn fix the South Carolina primary, which for Democrats is largely a black primary.  Unleashing a pandemic panic and race riots across the nation, Obama almost pulled it off.  He needed a last-minute mail-in forgery operation to take key states to seal the deal.  Knowing Trump had the votes to come back in 2024, Obama has had him impeached, indicted and in civil court.

They are rubbing our noses in their filth.  President Trump never really was in charge.  Obama led the resistance — an act of sedition — that thwarted Trump at every turn.  McConnell and the rest of the gullible guinea pigs in DC who call themselves conservatives aided and abetted Obama.  Trump's inability to govern properly is one of the reasons some commentators want to abandon him.  It is like telling a rape victim she should have fought harder.

Newly Released Documents Show Members of the Obama Biden Team Sought to Sabotage the Incoming Trump Administration.  Newly released documents confirm what millions of Americans have believed for years now.  That members of the Obama administration actively did what they could to sabotage the incoming Trump administration in 2016.  People like General Flynn were targted through the process of unmasking and more.  The heavily redacted documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Biden and Other Obama Officials Sought to 'Torpedo' Incoming Trump Admin, Docs Show.  According to heavily redacted documents from the National Security Agency obtained by The Daily Signal, there was a coordinated effort by the outgoing Obama administration to "torpedo the incoming presidency of Donald Trump."  Through a Freedom of Information Act request, The Daily Signal acquired 217 pages of documents.  "The documents reveal that Obama administration officials, from Vice President Joe Biden down to several ambassadors and many officials in the Treasury and Energy departments, gained access to secret information about Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President-elect Trump's choice for national security adviser," the report says.

The biggest stink bomb of the 21st century:
Was Trump Laid Low Just to Satisfy Barack Obama's Ego?  [Scroll down]  [S]ince President Trump took office, it's hard to not smell Obama's obsessive stink all over a calculated effort to destroy a good man.  Of late, those carefully crafted plans include acrimony and suspicious ACORNish activity, not to mention a year-long lockdown and Rules for Radicals-style chaos.  Recently, Americans witnessed a sham inauguration and post-inaugural mischief where every executive order Joe the Automaton signed reeked with the stench of Obama's malicious effort to reinstate himself as all-knowing redeemer.  Lest we forget, Kamala "I'm Speaking" Harris has had a longstanding relationship with former president Obama.  Thus the reason for her meteoric rise from the shadows of Willie Brown's love shack to the vice presidency.  Unfortunately for America, besides having a cackle from hell, "the best-looking" attorney general on the planet also has Barry's slimy fingerprints all over her high tops.  Then there's the return of the posse of familiar co-conspirators who emerged from the political ash heap of history to take up where the Obama era left off.

The Head of the FTC Is Yet Another Tyrannical Deep State Swamp Creature.  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) — is yet another one of those Executive Branch joints the Legislative Branch set up to be "independent." Which is, of course, unconstitutional.  The Constitution establishes three branches of government — Executive, Legislative and Judicial.  You can't create an "independent" fourth branch — unless and until you amend our founding document.  So in Reality, the FTC should be an Executive Branch agency.  As with all the Executive Branch agencies, departments, commissions and boards — the FTC is supposed to execute the policy intentions of the duly elected Chief Executive.  THIS duly elected Chief Executive — Donald Trump.  Not the PRIOR duly elected Chief Executive — Barack Obama.  Whose nigh entire panoply of policy intentions were diametrically opposed to this one's.  But the FTC just yet again voted to continue doing the bidding of Obama — who hasn't been president for nearly four years.

From DNC Irony to Parody.  Barack Obama, for the first time in U.S. presidential history, had his appointees in the Department of Justice, CIA, and FBI surveil and disrupt, through a false "dossier," an opposition political campaign.  He sought to tap, monitor, and deceive an incoming elected president and his staff.  Finally, on exiting, he put in place people and procedures to ensure that the succeeding administration would be weakened and disrupted.

Obama panics.  Obama failed to extend the same peaceful transition of power to President Donald John Trump that common decency demands.  Obama instead used the FBI to spy on Donald Trump (and he still may be, who knows?).  Obama also encouraged sedition among civil servants as his staff held classes on resistance, which included slow-walking or even ignoring orders.  For 4 years, Obama did all in his power to harass President Trump as Obama stood athwart history yelling stop.  On Wednesday [8/19/2020], Obama took the national stage for the first time since President Trump's inauguration.  He did not look, act, or sound the same.  He was old. [...] The speech was over-the-top rhetoric that projected many of the things Obama did upon President Trump.  For example, Obama declared that President Trump is using public office for personal gain.  But reality called and left a message.  As president, Donald Trump's personal fortune shrank by a billion dollars.  Obama's net worth went from zero to $150 million as president.

In the Empire of Labor, Justice Cannot Abide.  In the dwindling days of the Obama administration, literally hours before President Trump was sworn in, the Obama Department of Labor (DoL) breathlessly raced to file a barrage of administrative enforcement actions against federal contractors in the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program (OFCCP).  These lawsuits are against significant corporations such as Oracle and Google and are emblematic of the Obamaite exaltation of monolithic governmental power to the detriment of fundamental fairness, due process and, far too often, common sense.

Obama Holdovers with Islamist Connections Still Employed by the DoJ.  What's with all the Obama holdovers who can still be found throughout the Trump administration?  It is now just a little over three months before the 2020 presidential election, and despite an alarming amount of evidence of Obama holdovers still in the Washington bureaucracy, working hard to block Trump policies, all too many of these saboteurs are still in place.  One of them is an appeaser, capitulator, and Muslim Brotherhood stooge named Eric W. Treene.  The Justice Department's "Religious Freedom in Focus" is "a periodic email update about the Civil Rights Division's religious liberty and religious discrimination cases."  It lists as a contact the Special Counsel for Religious Discrimination, Eric W. Treene.  I exposed Treene's subservience to Muslim organizations linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood over eight years ago.  What's Eric Treene still doing there?

US Afghan Policy Is a Path to Another 9-11.  The United States' failed policy in Afghanistan is likely to result in another 9-11. President Barack Obama capitulated to the Taliban through a series of concessions, and the Trump administration has continued the same dangerous policies.  As the U.S. negotiates with the Taliban, the latter continue and plan to expand their terrorist activities.  The most recent indication is their demand from the U.S. to release Afghan narco-terrorist Hajji Bashar Noorzai from prison.  It's time for President Trump to reverse this perilous course.

Ric Grenell Discusses Obama Team Motivation to Disrupt Incoming Trump Administration.  Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard "Ric" Grenell appears on Newsmax TV to discuss his perspectives on the concerted effort of former Obama officials to disrupt the incoming administration of President Donald Trump.  As noted by Grenell the Obama team intentionally coordinated a resistance operation against the incoming administration, while their allies in remaining institutions workd furiously on a false Trump-Russia narrative to undercut President Trump.

Time to Tear Hillary Clinton's Name from State Department Pavilion.  In the final days of the Obama Administration, Clinton's name was slapped up on the walls of the just-finished U.S. Diplomacy Center at Foggy Bottom.  The Hillary Rodham Clinton Pavilion was an obvious slap in the face of the incoming administration.  A defiant reminder of Secretary Clinton's shameful legacy.  On January 10, 2017, just ten days before Donald Trump was sworn into office (instead of Clinton), the former Secretary of State returned to the State Department to help open the new pavilion that bore her name.  "I'm thrilled to be here at the new Hillary Clinton Pavilion," Clinton said during her remarks at the ceremony.  "I'm sure you will notice it is the most transparent part of the entire project."  An obviously defiant statement mocking the deceitful nature of her tenure, which included her felonious use of a private, unsecured email server to transmit state secrets.

Trump allows commercial fishing in nation's only marine monument in the Atlantic.  Overturning one of his predecessor's more far-reaching environmental measures in New England, President Trump on Friday [6/5/2020] signed a proclamation allowing commercial fishing in nearly 5,000 square miles of protected waters off Cape Cod.  The decision undermines one of the main goals of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, a controversial preserve about 130 miles southeast of Provincetown that President Barack Obama designated in his final year in office.  It was the first marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean.  The Connecticut-sized area features a range of unique coral, rare fish, endangered marine mammals, and sea turtles.  It contains three underwater canyons deeper than the Grand Canyon and four underwater mountains.

The Editor says...
By and large, nobody cares about underwater mountains, or trenches, and there has never been any great popular demand for the establishment of a marine monument.  Fishermen aren't interested in turtles, marine mammals, or coral.  They're only out there for the fish.  Mr. Obama had quite a history of pandering to the environmentalists.

Stunning explosion of cheers from Iran and China dissidents over booting of Obama holdovers at Voice of America.  President Trump was happy as heck at the news that Michael Pack, his choice for new director at the Voice of America, finally got confirmed by the Senate.  It came as a sort of miracle, given the dirty, protracted battle from deep state's Obama holdovers to keep him out.  It was so underhanded it involved a last-ditch Kavanaugh-style bid to smear Pack as corrupt if for nothing else to delay his Senate confirmation to eternity.  It was deep state at its worst and it failed.  Now, what's probably the last solid Obama bastion of deep-state government has toppled.

The Obama-Biden Pandemic 'Playbook' Is Less than Advertised.  Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign has frequently pointed to a 69-page "playbook" that the Obama-Biden administration created for dealing with pandemics, arguing that President Donald Trump had ignored it.  White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany recently called the playbook "insufficient," according to the Washington Examiner.  In fact, the playbook is less than advertised.  Of the 69 pages, only 27 are the actual "playbook."  The first 13 pages are the table of contents, executive summary, and various title pages.  The last 29 pages are appendices.

White House Challenges Left's Pandemic Playbook Narrative.  The White House pushed back on the media narrative that the Obama administration left behind a pandemic "playbook" for the Trump administration.  White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that the playbook from the Obama administration was an insufficient packet of paper, and that the Trump administration's own pandemic response exercise in 2019 exposed its shortcomings.  On Thursday [5/14/2020], Dr. Rick Bright, a senior adviser at the National Institutes of Health who filed a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump, told a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health that the administration should have known more about the coronavirus.

Admiral Giroir Exposes Obama Holdovers Who Released "IG Report" In the Middle of a Pandemic.  One of the things that bugs me the most about some in the conservative media is the incessant demand that we continue to give people the benefit of the doubt when they've earned none.  We've seen this dynamic in how criticism of the FBI has been handled despite the obvious evidence of widespread malfeasance.  For another example, two Obama holdovers recently released an IG report during the ongoing Wuhan Virus pandemic that makes claims about testing wait times.  Immediately, some suspected politics were at play while others claimed it was out of bounds to suggest such.  My opinion is that you'd have to be incredibly naive to not ask questions about the timing of such a release.  When is the last time an IG released a critical report while a crisis was still unfolding?

Flashback: The Obama-Biden Administration Repeatedly Sought Millions in CDC Cuts.  Joe Biden has made pandemic preparedness a theme of his attacks on President Trump in recent weeks.  But, according to analysis from Gregg Re at Fox News, the Obama-Biden administration repeatedly sought to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),  "seemingly undercutting former Vice President Joe Biden's repeated attacks on the Trump White House for its pandemic preparedness."  The budget requests are available online via the CDC website.  On many occasions, Democrats, including Biden, have falsely accused President Trump of slashing the CDC's budget.  Biden has used these false claims to suggest that he would never even propose similar cuts, let alone make them.  Fact checks from the Associated Press and FactCheck.org both proved the claims made by Biden and others to be wrong, because CDC funding actually increased during the Trump administration.

Here's How Eric Holder Helped the Obama Administration Transform the Democratic Party into a Party of Thugs.  By the time President Trump took office, most, if not all, of the DOJ's employees were Democrats.  Judging from their resumes, most were far-left Democrats.  If this was happening with impunity at the DOJ, we have to assume that similar hiring practices were adopted by all of the other government agencies.  Conservatives need not apply.  This would explain how the deep state became so entrenched and so powerful that they were able to carry out such an audacious plot against candidate and then President Trump.  Far from being a scandal-free administration as former Vice President Joe Biden has claimed on the campaign trail, it was one of the most corrupt.  How could President Trump have known any of this when he first arrived in Washington?

Obama Holdover Made the Call to Fly Coronavirus Patients Back to the US from Japan — Then Boasted About It.  President Trump was reportedly furious after a State Department doctor ignored the President's orders and allowed Americans, sick with the coronavirus, to return to the US from Japan.  Dr. William Walters, Executive Director and Managing Director for Operational Medicine for the Bureau of Medical Services at the U.S. Department of State, made the decision to bring the patients back to the US. Dr. William Walters is a holdover from the Obama administration.  The good doctor made the call despite the president's wishes and then went out and bragged about it.

The Counter-Coup Has Begun.  [Scroll down]  Why then did I want him to have all 420 members of the bloated NSC we had inherited from the Obama Administration be put through a lie detector test?  Because the new administration systematically was being subverted.  We had barely moved into our offices and it was as if there hadn't even been an election, as if 63 million Americans hadn't chosen a new Chief Executive and the Left was still in control.  The latest proof that triggered my call to action?  The brand new classified NSC phonebook, with the names of all the holdovers, new hires, and political appointees and their contact details had been leaked to the press, before General Flynn had even signed off on it.  My concern was that it was time to act before something bigger and more damaging to America's national security was leaked.  Sadly Mike did not take my advice and it would have dire consequences.  A few days later he would resign and eventually was charged with a process crime to which he pleaded guilty in order to save his family.

We're only now learning how deep the Swamp is.  The Swamp hates Trump's successes on immigration, tax cuts, and deregulation.  But these are familiar monsters.  There are also the ones which bubble up out of nowhere, like the Obama administration's lame-duck discrimination lawsuits against Oracle, Google, and other companies.  These lawsuits were filed between Trump's election and Trump taking office, and they were based on statistics — not actual cases of discrimination.

Trump hasn't ended Obama's war on the suburbs.  President Obama waited until his administration had nearly ended to promulgate his AFFH rule.  But, as Stanley says, he executed a test-run of their new AFFH policy on Westchester County, New York. [...] Obama's radical move caused Republicans to gain control of Westchester's government, and the new County Executive Rob Astorino courageously fought back against Obama administration overreach.  Now, Astorino claims that "Team Trump just called a halt to the Obama-era war on American suburbs."  Not really.  Yes, the Trump HUD, under Secretary Ben Carson, has proposed a revision of Obama's AFFH that peels back some of the rule's most egregious overreach.  However, it has leaves the core of Obama's AFFH remains intact.  That core is the federal government's power to control local zoning decisions.

Q: The Silent War Continues.  In almost 4,000 posts, Q has painted a disturbing, multi-faceted portrait of a global crime syndicate that operates with impunity.  In recent weeks, President Trump has grown more explicit about some of the syndicate's crimes.  Speaking to the National Governors Association, President Trump stated, in an almost casual, offhand manner, why the United States had recently upgraded its nuclear missile technology at great expense. "...we're buying new, we have the super-fast missiles, tremendous number of the super-fast.  We call them super-fast where they're four, five, six, or even seven times faster than ordinary missiles.  We need that because again, Russia has some.  I won't tell you how they got it.  They got it supposedly from the Obama Administration when we weren't doing it.  And that's too bad.  It's not good.  But that's how it happened."

Team Trump just called a halt to the Obama-era war on American suburbs.  President Trump gets credit — and takes heat — for many things, but many folks don't even know about one of his best accomplishments:  blocking the federal government's power grab for control of America's suburbs.  During the Obama administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development tried to install Washington bureaucrats as the decision makers for how communities across all 50 states should grow.  Using an obscure rule called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, HUD sought to remake America's cities, towns and villages by forcing any community that was getting federal funds to meet racial quotas.  To do this, HUD applied the notion of "disparate impact," which unilaterally deems housing patterns to be discriminatory if minority representation is not evenly spread across the jurisdiction.  Communities with high concentrations of minorities are automatically labeled segregated.

Devin Nunes:  John Bolton was warned about Obama holdovers who 'spy' in Trump White House.  Former national security adviser John Bolton was advised to purge potentially biased holdovers from the Obama administration from the Trump White House, according to a top Republican in Congress.  House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes said on Thursday that he warned Bolton, whom Democrats want to testify in the Senate impeachment trial against President Trump, of an anti-Trump spying operation by members of the National Security Council.  The California congressman also said he told H.R. McMaster, who preceded Bolton, and Robert O'Brien, the current national security adviser, to take steps to cull what he called a "den of thieves."

Iran Deal and Beyond:  We're STILL Stuck Cleaning Up Very Stupid Obama Messes.  The Barack Obama Administration did a lot of very stupid things — in the pursuit of its very stupid Leftist ideology.  In pursuit of its very stupid Leftist ideology, the Obama Administration did a lot of very stupid things — that clearly contradicted the things they publicly said they were trying to accomplish.  Mostly because the Obama Administration was lying.  They knew their Leftist ideology was exceedingly unpopular — so they had to incessantly lie while advancing it.

Obama Holdovers Are Finally Getting Booted from Trump White House.  After three long years, former President Barack Obama's holdovers are finally getting the boot from Trump's White House.  The White House National Security Council (NSC) is strongly downsizing to address the barrage of nonstop leaks that have plagued Trump for three years now.  The Washington Times reported that leaks of President Donald Trump's conversations with foreign leaders and other damaging disclosures likely originated with anti-Trump officials in the White House — people who stayed over from the Obama administration, according to several current and former White House officials.

NSC chief slashing Obama's 'bloated' staff to create efficient, tight-lipped White House operation.  The White House National Security Council staff is being downsized sharply in a bid to improve efficiency within the policy coordinating body by consolidating positions and cutting staff.  A second, unspoken thrust of the overhaul is a hoped-for end to what many critics see as a string of politically damaging, unauthorized disclosures of sensitive information.  Leaks of President Trump's conversations with foreign leaders and other damaging disclosures likely originated with anti-Trump officials in the White House who stayed over from the Obama administration, according to several current and former White House officials.

Barack Obama's aides left notes in White House offices for Donald Trump's staff reading 'You will fail' and 'You're not going to make it'.  Some of Barack Obama's departing White House aides left biting notes for their successors in the Trump administration including messages that read 'You will fail,' according to the president's press secretary.  Stephanie Grisham told a Virginia radio host at the White House on Tuesday about finding the notes, and office cabinets brimming with Obama-authored books.  'We came into the White House — I'll tell you something, every office was filled with Obama books.  And we had notes left behind that said "You will fail," "You aren't going to make it."  And in the press office, there was a big note taped to a door that said, "You will fail",' Grisham said.

'Booby-trapped': Obama 'detailees' led Trump opposition on National Security Council.  Trump backers say the president has strong opposition from his National Security Council because he chose foreign policy experts instead of his loyalists as top advisers in the beginning and the staff was full of Obama supporters.  Most Obama-era NSC "detailees" — the term for temporary agency transfers — remained as the new White House was rocked by destabilizing anti-Trump leaks to the liberal media.  "Obama clearly left the White House booby-trapped," Michael Caputo, a campaign adviser, told The Washington Times.

Obama, Clinton Alumni Serve At UN, Continuing Liberal Influence Over International Affairs During Trump Era.  Obama-era Democrats are still influencing foreign affairs, now through jobs at the United Nations and at other international organizations where Americans can help shape international politics in ways at odds with the Trump administration.  Before and after the start of Donald Trump's presidency, Obama- and Clinton-aligned politicos took the positions, which are not U.S. government jobs but generally are the result of lobbying by U.S. officials.  Many are entitled to keep the jobs indefinitely once they are in them.  Tensions between the Trump administration and employees in the foreign service and international organizations — including some that serve at the pleasure of the president — have repeatedly come to the fore in recent weeks.

Impeachment is Built on a Trap That Obama Created for Romney.  Obama's Presidential Policy Directive 19 opened the door by expanding whistleblowing protection to members of the "intelligence community" and other personnel handling classified information.  A few years earlier, Bradley Manning had ushered in a new era of espionage by enemy state actors using front groups to solicit spies as whistleblowers.  While the court threw the book at Manning, Obama commuted his sentence.  PPD19 was supposed to avoid another Manning case, which it utterly failed to do when Edward Snowden repeated Manning's treason on a larger scale before escaping to Russia.  But PPD19 was never really meant to help the likes of Manning and Snowden.  Instead it was part of a larger pattern of politicizing national security organizations that led directly to the current crisis.

The Madness of Progressive Projection.  Who made the decision to quash the investigation of Hillary Clinton after she destroyed over 30,000 emails under subpoena?  Who excused Obama officials after they knowingly misled federal FISA court justices?  Who leaked information about a surveilled phone call between Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador?  Who decided that it was acceptable for Samantha Power to request over 260 times the unmasking of names of American citizens swept up in government surveillance, many of which were illegally leaked to the press and most of which Power denied requesting and alleged others had used her name to do so?  Somewhere, somehow there was a great deal of obstruction and distortion of justice that so far has prevented the pursuit of these criminal acts.

Impeachment: John Brennan and Obama's Intel Ops.  It turns out, as Rush Limbaugh noted in a recent broadcast, that the "whistleblower" is a CIA person detailed to the White House.  Likely a holdover from Obama, he is John Brennan's man.  When Obama left office, he left in place a mechanism designed to lead to Trump's impeachment:  The revelations of the intel community about Russian collusion with the incoming president.  Now that those are debunked by the very prosecutor hired to prove them, this same crowd, these same folks, have shifted their emphasis to the Ukraine scandal.

Michelle Malkin:  End to Refugee Resettlement 'Long Overdue' After Americans Have Gotten No Say.  A moratorium on the refugee resettlement program is "long overdue," columnist Michelle Malkin says, after American communities have been forced to absorb hundreds of thousands of refugees from across the globe over the last four decades. [...] The U.S., thanks exclusively to President Trump's reforms, helped lower the total number of foreign refugees to less than 23,000 admissions last year.  This is a 76 percent decrease in foreign refugee resettlement from former President Obama's 2016 totals, which reached almost 100,000 admissions.  Specifically, Trump has cut the Syria-to-U.S. pipeline of refugees — started by Obama — by more than 60 percent thus far.

New State Department Documents Reveal Last-Minute Efforts By Obama State Department To Undermine President Trump.  Judicial Watch today [9/9/2019] released 90 pages of heavily redacted U.S. Department of State documents showing Obama State Department officials' efforts to disseminate classified information to multiple U.S. Senators immediately prior to President Donald Trump's inauguration.  The information, which included raw intelligence, purported to show "malign" Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The Trump administration is planning to re-legalize light bulbs set to be outlawed by Obama admin.  Light bulbs that were set to be outlawed under an Obama-era regulation will stay on store shelves thanks to regulation rollback from the Trump administration.  Multiple outlets reported Wednesday that the Department of Energy had finalized a new rule striking a last-minute Obama regulation that outlawed certain kinds of light bulbs such as three-way bulbs, decorative bulbs, and "rough service lamps."  "This regulation gives consumers more choices, and consumers are better off with more choices," a Trump DOE official explained to The Hill.

Red China Aligns with Dems to Swing the 2020 Election.  Red China is our frenemy, mostly enemy, and they steal our intellectual property or they get it gratis when a company opens up for business in their country.  The companies have to give them their secrets and follow their Communist rules.  That is ethically questionable and the U.S. has made these violent, dangerous people a Super Power.  President Trump is responding appropriately battling them and if a President had taken this on before now, it wouldn't be so difficult.

Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation.  Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President Obama asking for an intelligence community assessment that "set off a whole sequence of events" we would not have the Mueller investigation.  Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment "are still unfolding today."

Documents Reveal Obama State Department Advanced Russian Collusion Hoax Before 2016 Election.  On Thursday [7/18/2019], Judicial Watch and The Daily Caller News Foundation released 84 pages of documents revealing that the Obama State Department was central to advancing the Russian collusion hoax narrative prior to the 2016 presidential election.  Included in the documents is "a September 2016 email exchange between then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Special Coordinator for Libya Jonathan Winer, a close associate of dossier author Christopher Steele, discussing a 'face-to-face' meeting on a 'Russian matter.'"

Obama officials concede role in slow $20 Harriet Tubman bill rollout: report.  The Obama administration said 2016 that it wanted to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill and replace him with Tubman, who helped free slaves through the Underground Railroad, and that the bills would be ready in 2020.  But a current "high-ranking government official" appointed by Obama, as well as a former official, confirmed to The Washington Post that the Tubman bill had "had "always been scheduled for release toward the end of the next decade."  Obama Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's 2016 claims that a "final concept design" of the bill would be released in 2020 were viewed with skepticism internally, according to the report.

Former ICE Chief — Caged "Concentration Camps" Were Obama's Idea.  The left's latest fundraising outrage love-affair is caged children at the border (again).  They are organizing rallies (fundraising) and yelling to anyone who will listen about "concentration camps."  But a former ICE agent says they were built by the Obama Administration[.]  Keep in mind; we're using the language of the left, so if these are concentration camps, Obama built them.

Iran Drone Incident An Obama-Thrown Bombshell?  With the Impeach Trump agenda dragging its heels, if Trump could be blamed for kicking off World War III in retaliation for the Iran drone incident — how politically convenient!

'Obama built the cages': Trump tells Telemundo that he inherited the migrant crisis.  President Trump doubled down on his prior assertion that the migrant crisis at the southern border of the United States was a problem he inherited from the previous administration, in an interview that aired Thursday night [6/20/2019] on Telemundo, his first on a Spanish-language network.  "Obama built the cages.  I didn't build them," Trump said.  "Obama separated; I'm the one who brought them together."

Lingering Obama-Era Move at CFPB Now Threatens Credit Markets.  As college graduates have their commencement celebrations, they certainly hope their hard work will pay off.  After all, in the booming Trump economy and with record low unemployment, there are countless opportunities for entrepreneurship and success.  Sadly, there is one reason why those dreams may never get off the ground: crushing school debt.  As too many students and parents are painfully aware, there are more than 44 million borrowers in America who collectively owe $1.5 trillion.  Because of these obligations, young adults are putting off essential milestones in life — such as buying a home and getting married — while not accumulating savings.  They have been saddled with debt by a higher education industrial complex thanks to the assistance of the federal government.  Now, thanks to some Obama administration decisions, the problem might become even worse!

Report:  Obama seriously violated the 4th Amendment.  A new report reveals that the government routinely violated American 4th Amendment protections under the Obama administration while snooping through overseas intercepts.  Administration officials only revealed the illegal actions as the previous president headed out the door.  That's according to a report out from Circa, which confirms suspicions that American privacy suffered greatly under President Barack Obama.

Trump Administration Revokes Obama-Era School Leniency Policy for Minorities.  The Trump administration has revoked an Obama-era policy that urged public schools to employ more lenient forms of discipline for students of color and of other minority groups.  On Friday [12/21/2018], the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice rescinded the Obama administration's 2014 "Dear Colleague Letter" that a federal school safety commission said "may have paradoxically contributed to making schools less safe."

Sanity on Discipline.  President Trump, following the recommendation of a national commission on school safety chaired by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, will repeal the Obama administration's "Dear Colleague Letter" on school discipline.  The DCL, issued in 2014, advised school superintendents nationwide that racial disparities in suspension rates would be grounds for finding school districts in violation of federal anti-discrimination law, and therefore at risk of losing federal funding.  The directive, cast as a "guidance," in fact formalized a fundamental shift in the Department of Education's approach to civil-rights enforcement.  Prior to the DCL, the standard held that civil rights are violated if students are treated differently because of race; for instance, if a black student and a white student both curse at a teacher, it's wrong to suspend the black student and give the white student a warning.  The DCL expanded the standard from disparate treatment to disparate impact; now, if two black students and one white student curse at a teacher, it could be a civil-rights violation to punish them all equally.

Sanity on Discipline.  President Trump, following the recommendation of a national commission on school safety chaired by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, will repeal the Obama administration's "Dear Colleague Letter" on school discipline.  The DCL, issued in 2014, advised school superintendents nationwide that racial disparities in suspension rates would be grounds for finding school districts in violation of federal anti-discrimination law, and therefore at risk of losing federal funding.  The directive, cast as a "guidance," in fact formalized a fundamental shift in the Department of Education's approach to civil-rights enforcement.  Prior to the DCL, the standard held that civil rights are violated if students are treated differently because of race; for instance, if a black student and a white student both curse at a teacher, it's wrong to suspend the black student and give the white student a warning.  The DCL expanded the standard from disparate treatment to disparate impact; now, if two black students and one white student curse at a teacher, it could be a civil-rights violation to punish them all equally.

Trump to arm more adults in schools, end Obama's light discipline of troubled students.  The Trump administration issued proposals Tuesday to prevent school shootings, a plan that includes arming more school personnel, taking guns away from highly dangerous people and revoking Obama-administration rules that were criticized for easing discipline of minority students.  The president's commission on school safety, which was formed after the mass shooting Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 people, also calls on the media to stop publicizing the names and photographs of shooters to discourage other potential killers from seeking notoriety.

Deep State strike back:  Gets gushy NYT puff piece on Obama holdovers at VOA parent.  Well, the Obama holdovers at the U.S. Agency for Global Media, parent organization over U.S. broadcast agencies such as Voice of America, and formerly known as the Broadcast Board of Governors, have struck back.  News got out [...] that the Obama holdouts weren't budging from their cushy six-figure perches, as President Trump attempted to send in some new board members.  Instead of packing up and leaving, as even White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes did, they chose to remain entrenched in positions they were supposed to leave two years ago.  They didn't.  And I don't even see how this could be legal.  They became the Things That Wouldn't Leave, and now they've got some of their press buddies writing for them all about how great they are.

Scientists Destroy Steyer-Linked, Federal Climate Hysteria Report Issued by Obama Holdovers.  The so-called "Deep State" doesn't simply exist in the Department of Justice or Obama holdovers in the FBI. The infestation of leftist bureaucracts, synonymous with the Democrat Party, occurs in every department of the federal leviathan.  No better proof exists than the climate report released by "14 federal agencies", in which temperatures are predicted to rise more than 15° because, yes, Americans are screwing things up for the rest of the world. [...] The author of this piece of propaganda, one Elizabeth Gore, is Environmental Defense Fund's senior vice president of political affairs.  There are no mentions, of course, of the failed predictions of years past.  Remember, the ice-caps would be gone by 2010, sea levels would rise by 15 feet by 2017, etc.  The problems with this report by Obama holdovers in the Deep State are many.

EPA Reverses Obama Era Last Minute Uranium Mining Regulations.  The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on Friday that it is withdrawing the pending rulemaking for uranium mining and thorium mill tailings.  The regulations were put in place on Jan. 19, 2017, just hours before Barack Obama left office and President Donald Trump's inauguration.  "In a rush to regulate during the waning hours of the previous administration, the agency proposed a regulation that would have imposed significant burdens on uranium miners and the communities they support," Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in the press release announcing the decision.

Obama's Social Experiments Are Wreaking Havoc on America Today.  Democrats seem to be operating on the basis of "guilty until proven innocent," believing the accuser without any corroborating evidence.  This kind of sexual assault witch hunt actually began under former president Barack Obama — as did some of the other key social issues America is wrestling with today.  While the Left's advocacy on social issues and identity politics long predated Obama, the former president's policies supercharged many of the issues dividing America in 2018.  His administration helped launch the current liberal cultural wave that wreaks havoc on American politics — and extends far beyond politics.

Obama's America on Display at Kavanaugh Hearings.  President Trump has been in an uphill battle to reverse Obama's efforts to "fundamentally transform" America. [...] Trump's biggest challenge is to push back Obama's primary legacy of identity politics, which is destroying the fabric of our nation.  Neighbors, family members and old friends have been split apart, by design.  Obama polarized America according to race, ethnic background, sex, sexual orientation, and politics.  Like a deadly cancer, the Obama legacy has metastasized into widespread hatred among Americans that was on display at the Kavanaugh hearings.  Obama's primary legacy is dangerously malignant and more toxic than ever, fueled by cynical and destructive politicians, the Alinsky Rules for Radicals, and billions of dollars from the evil George Soros.

The Fiscal Lunacy of Electing Democrats to Congress.  What Obama's recovery was really about was propping up prices in the stock market and real estate, and in funneling money to his base — e.g., union members.  What Obama's recovery was not about is government reform.  Because Congress didn't deal with the underlying causes of the crisis, we're still vulnerable.  Obama's recovery, the most anemic since the 1940s, came at [a great] price.  What's more, America has not yet paid that price and settled accounts.  The Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars through multiple rounds of quantitative easing — i.e., Q.E.  The "unwinding" of the Q.E. asset purchases continues.  More sobering than the Fed's Q.E. are the unprecedented deficits that Congress ran during the Obama administration.

In Blow To Unions, Trump's NLRB May Finally Fix The Joint Employer Standard.  Back in 2015, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) under the Obama administration redefined what it means to be a "joint employer." The change, pushed by labor unions, made large corporations that sell franchise rights to independent operators responsible for the HR decisions of those private outlets.  The result was uncertainty in several industries, particularly the fast food sector.  As I wrote at the time, this was an obvious backdoor for collective bargaining agreements and the biggest targets of the Democrats on this front were in the fast food industry.  Last December, a part of that rule was overturned, declaring that the "joint employer" standard would only be applied if one entity "exercised direct and immediate control" over essential employment terms of the other.  This was a good move which was applauded by employers and relieved some of the burdens on the larger companies which provide a substantial number of jobs around the country.  But at the same time, it still failed to completely reel in the redefinition imposed under the Obama administration.

Graham: Obama, not Trump, politicized DOJ and FBI.  Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday backed President Trump declassifying a series of documents related to former campaign adviser Carter Page and Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr while blaming the Obama administration for "politicizing" the DOJ and the FBI.  Graham sent a pair of tweets linking to a report that the president is close to declassifying the documents.  "I completely support House Republican efforts to have President Trump declassify the FISA warrant applications, the Bruce Ohr/Chris Steele interactions, and all other relevant information regarding allegations of corruption in the DOJ & FBI," Graham wrote on Twitter, referring to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Joe DiGenova:  Yates, Rice, Biden, Comey and Obama Met in White House to Discuss Targeting Mike Flynn.  Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova went on WMAL radio on Monday [9/10/2018] to discuss the latest developments in the Obama Spygate scandal. [...] During the infamous January 5, 2017 White House meeting Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Joe Biden, James Comey and Barack Obama discussed how they would target General Michael Flynn.

Why these 9/11 monsters still haven't faced a trial.  They say the wheels of justice turn slowly — but now they've ground to a virtual halt.  Seventeen years after they helped murder 2,977 innocents in the worst terrorist attack on US soil, five 9/11 suspects — including self-avowed mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — have not faced trial.  Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for all five men and have attempted for years to try the case, but a constantly shifting venue, questions over coerced evidence and the limitations of holding trials at Guantanamo Bay have slowed the case to a crawl. [...] The US had captured Mohammed and the four accomplices by 2003.  They were shuffled among CIA "black sites" for interrogation before being arraigned in 2008.  But President Barack Obama suspended the case when he entered office, and in 2010, the Pentagon dismissed the charges without prejudice, meaning the men could be charged again later.

Another Obama mess blamed on President Trump.  The Washington Post reported, "U.S. is denying passports to Americans along the border, throwing their citizenship into question."  This policy stemmed from a scam in which midwives certified Mexican babies as being born in the USA.  "The government alleges that from the 1950s through the 1990s, some midwives and physicians along the Texas-Mexico border provided U.S. birth certificates to babies who were actually born in Mexico.  In a series of federal court cases in the 1990s, several birth attendants admitted to providing fraudulent documents," the Post reported.  So a quarter of a century ago, Mexican midwives admitted in court to birth fraud.  There is no question about the citizenship of these people.  They are Mexican.

Make Space Great Again:  American Astronauts Flying American Rockets.  [Scroll down]  U.S. astronauts now take Russian capsules to the space station, with NASA paying as much as $82 million a seat.  That was the work of the party that now ceaselessly howls about the Russians.

Reversing the damage of previous administrations.  President Obama acted without legislative direction to create a whole class of legal rights — pertaining to residency, higher education and employment — for adults brought illegally into the United States as children — "Dreamers."  Mr. Obama's EPA unilaterally set limits on greenhouse gas emissions — something he could not persuade Congress to authorize.  And Mr. Obama went far beyond the authority in federal statutes and judicial precedents by imposing racial preferences in college admissions, and mocked the constitutional rights by encouraging limits on free speech and imposing rape tribunals at universities that violate established rules of evidence and protections for the accused. [...] Mr. Obama, reflecting the interests of anti-free market, increasingly socialist elements of the emerging Democratic Party, appointed left leaning judges to help impose a European-style regulatory order and constraints on civil liberties — consider the strict controls on academic freedom now imposed at many universities and what is acceptable speech among employees of businesses.

Judicial Watch:  New HHS Docs Reveal 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' Processed by Obama Admin Included MS-13 Killers, Drug Smugglers.  On Tuesday [7/10/2018], conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch released new documents containing over 1,000 summaries of Significant Incident Reports (SIRs) revealing the "Unaccompanied Alien Children" processed by the Obama administration included admitted murderers, rapists, drug smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers.

New HHS Documents Reveal that 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' Processed During Obama Years Included Violent Criminals, Drug Smugglers, and Human Traffickers.  Judicial Watch today [7/10/2018] released 224 pages of documents containing nearly 1,000 summaries of Significant Incident Reports from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revealing that "Unaccompanied Alien Children" processed during the Obama administration included admitted murderers, rapists, drug smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers.  The documents, from the HHS Administration for Children and Families reported to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), are for the approximate six-month period May to November 2014.  They were produced to Judicial Watch after a three-year delay in response to a November 12, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request [...]

Trump's burden:  Cleaning up Obama's mess.  [President] Trump is now reversing the negative Obama tide by simply implementing basic common[ ]sense economic policies.  The combination of this common[ ]sense approach with tax cuts and the reversal of countless Obama executive order EPA regulations has resulted in a booming economy.  Do you really think Obama cared about the middle class economically, or did he just take all of us for fools with his love of job-killing EPA regulations?  These regulations did nothing but destroy American jobs and add costs to American-made products and U.S. private businesses.  They had absolutely no real effect on the environment.

Obama Cronies Get Rich Off Migrant Kids.  "More than one million immigrants have been deported since President Obama took office," the 2011 PBS "Frontline" Lost in Detention contended.  "Under his administration, deportations and detentions have reached record levels.  The get-tough policy has brought complaints of abuse and harsh treatment, including charges that families have been unfairly separated after being caught in the nationwide dragnet."  As Cecilia Muñoz, White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs explained, "Even if the immigration law is executed with perfection, there will be parents separated from their children."  As it turns out, that separation policy was intentional, and the Obama administration deployed it to enrich cronies.

Mad Max and Nancy Pelosi:  The twin faces of the Democratic Party.  [Scroll down]  The conditions in which the Obama administration kept unaccompanied children was far worse than how they are being cared for now.  Obama's policy was to simply turn them over to so-called care facilities, many of which were fronts for child sex-trafficking.  Obama lost track of thousands of young children he encouraged to come to the southern border, who then simply disappeared into the interior of the country.  To where and to whom, no one knows.  Many of them are sent as potential mules for the drug cartels, others to be trafficked by the enormous network of pedophiles on which A.G. Sessions has been cracking down hard.

U.N. Report Faults Trump For Obama Poverty, Media Fall For It.  Amid all the immigration hoo-ha, maybe you missed the uncritical mainstream media reports of a United Nations study faulting President Trump for poverty in America.  Turns out, it's just more fake news.

UN accidentally rips Obama.  The international anti-Americans are just as incompetent as their domestic counterparts, who used horrific pictures of children in custody — taken from Obama's concentration camps for youths.  "The U.N. report's main contentions read like an attack on the Trump administration by the Democratic Party:  America has 40 million poor people, including 18.5 million who live in extreme poverty; U.S. policies regarding the poor are 'cruel and inhuman;' the Trump tax cuts aren't working and will worsen inequality; and the U.S. needs to spend less on defense of our nation and more on social programs," columnist Chuck DeVore wrote.  "But, wait a minute:  the U.N. report's main contentions are based on the U.S. Census Bureau's official poverty measure data for 2016 — the last full year of President Obama's second term.  So it would be absurd to say that private citizen Donald Trump had any responsibility for the many shortcomings of the Obama administration or any other administration in power before he became president."

[#7] Obama and Democrats Incentivized This 'Family Separation.'  Until Obama came along, illegal border crossings primarily involved young, single men.  Obama incentivized the idea of dragging minor children along on this dangerous journey (where many children are sexually assaulted) through his policy of "catch and release."  Once word got out that illegals with small children would be let loose into America, the number of children crossing the border exploded.  Again, the last thing decent people want is for the American government to further incentivize the cruel act of bringing small children along on this brutal trip across the border, which is exactly what Trump is hoping to stop with his zero tolerance policy.

Why Did Susan Rice Issue a Stand Down Order on Russian Hacking?  There are two possible answers.  [#1] Obama was all-in on appeasement.  And while he enjoyed browbeating allies like the US and Israel, he rolled over and played dead for enemies like Iran, China and Russia.  [#2] The hacking was politically useful.  Since we now know that Obama Inc. was conducting surveillance and eavesdropping on Trump associates, Russian intervention provided a very useful justification for the domestic operation.  Rice issued a stand down order because she wanted the Russians to go on doing exactly what they were doing.

Obama Cyber Chief:  You'd Better Believe I Was Ordered To Stand Down On Russia.  Consider this a confirmation of an allegation that first emerged in March, because the co-author of the book that contained it certainly does.  Michael Isikoff and David Corn published an explosive allegation that the Obama administration issued a stand-down order to efforts to counter Russian cyberwarfare in 2016.  Yesterday [6/20/2018], the head of the Obama administration's cyber programs told the Senate Intelligence Committee that's precisely what happened.

Trump Reminds Everyone Exactly Who's Responsible For Russian Aggression — Obama.  President Trump was asked about Russia during a press conference in Canada Saturday [6/9/2018], and he responded by reminding everyone that it was former President Obama who let Russian aggression go unchecked.

Levin: Iran Deal Was 'So Corrupt' We're Still Learning About It.  The Iran Deal was "so corrupt" we're still learning about it, noted Mark Levin on his nationally syndicated radio program on Wednesday [6/6/2018].  "The deal itself was so corrupt, so corrupt, that were still learning about it," stated Mark Levin about the Iran Nuclear Deal made by the Obama administration.  "Members of congress don't know all the facts, and we the people don't know all the facts.  And that's one of the reasons you run this sort of thing through the treaty provision of the Constitution, so members of the Senate can get all the facts, so there aren't all these side deals and secret side deals, and illegalities."

Freeze, reduce or eliminate CAFE fuel standards.  A 2002 National Academy of Sciences study estimated that automotive mileage standards had helped cause as many as 2,600 extra fatalities in 1993 — at a relatively lenient standard of 27.5 miles per gallon.  Other studies reached similar conclusions.  And yet, in 2012, the Obama Administration began ratcheting the standards upward, with the goal of hitting 54.5 mpg by 2025.  Thankfully, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has proposed to re-examine the 54.5-mpg standard, possibly freeze it at the 2020 level of 39 mpg, and rein in other aspects of this harmful government program.  His proposal drew howls of outrage from predictable factions.

Obama admin's 35-yr lease of Port Canaveral to Middle East company with Russian ties endangers U.S. national security.  Port Canaveral is critical to America's national security.  Americans recently learned of how our national security was compromised by the Obama administration's and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's approval of the Uranium One deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium reserves.  In an op/ed for The Washington Times on Nov. 23, 2017, retired U.S. Navy admiral and commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet James A. Lyons alerts us to another security compromise by the Obama administration — the 35-year lease of Port Canaveral with no security review to the Middle East company Gulftainer, which Admiral Lyons calls a "serious security compromise" to both the Port and its adjacent military infrastructure.

Cleaning up after Obama and Hillary.  Obama and Hillary in some ways are mirrors of each other; in other ways, photographic negatives.  They're alike in that the focus of each is self — self with a vengeance, in a way so exaggerated as to escape the comprehension of normal people. [...] It's going to take awhile to clean up behind this pair.  That would be most unfortunate.  A very large crowd wants to see these creeps get what's coming to them.

Legacy of ashes:  Obama's fading accomplishments.  Lacking Senate votes to ratify a treaty with Iran, Obama instead made a personal promise to honor the Iran deal.  Last week, President Trump reversed that decision.  Obama long claimed he lacked authority to provide amnesty to illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.  Then he did it anyway.  The so-called Dreamers remain in political limbo, relying on the federal government to continue to ignore the law.  Obama signed the U.S. up for a climate change plan that won't do anything to slow climate change.  Trump took us out of it.  Blocked by Congress, Obama passed his Clean Power Plan by executive order and net neutrality through the FCC.  What he did with "a phone and a pen," Trump is undoing.

Michelle Obama, Oracle for the 'United State of Women'.  In 2016 the Obama White House started United State of Women (USOW).  This year, the event continued to advance community organizing workshop efforts, which encompassed victimization, racial agitation, gender ingratitude, a global vision, and overall left-wing blather.  Let's remember, that even godless liberals appreciate the Biblical principle that "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand," (Mark 3:25).  Hence, the Obama-inspired left works tirelessly to divide the occupants of America's house by stressing inequality and racial and gender barriers.

Here are 1,366 well sourced examples of Barack Obama's lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.  [#557] In February 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent $464,272 to find out why gay men in Peru get Syphilis. [...] [#690] In April 2014, the Obama administration spent $194,788 to study how transwomen use Facebook. [...] [#965] In December 2014, the Obama administration spent $33,341 to find out if gay and lesbian couples lived near stores that sold cigarettes. [...] [#1075] In April 2015, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent $410,265 of taxpayers' money to study gay men's level of satisfaction from their first sexual experience. [...] [#1150] In October 2015, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent $49,083 of taxpayers' money to create a network to support the gay, lesbian, bigender, and transsexual community in India. [...] [#1275] In August 2016, it was reported that the Obama administration had spent taxpayers' money to try to convince lesbians to become farmers.

NYT: Ex-Gitmo Prisoners Freed Under Obama 'Vanished' After Return to Libya.  An estimated 150 former Guantánamo Bay prisoners liberated as part of former President Barack Obama's efforts to shut down the U.S. military detention center "risk being killed — or could end up becoming threats themselves," the New York Times (NYT) acknowledged this week.  Obama reduced the number of detainees held at the facility, commonly known as Gitmo, from 242 to 41 when he took office.

Admitted MS-13 illegals placed around the country.  Loopholes in immigration laws being squeezed by the Trump administration but embraced by the Obama administration have allowed youthful illegal immigrants who self-identified as MS-13 gangbangers to be placed around the country instead of sent home, according to newly released documents.  Unlike illegal criminals who avoided border security, those cited by Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson in a letter to a key immigration agency were initially held by the Obama administration then put in placement centers throughout the nation and eventually with "sponsors" despite their gang ties.

Chai Alert.  Sen. Mike Lee has been fighting against the renomination of Chai Feldblum as EEOC Commissioner.  Feldblum is the architect of President Obama's radical LBGT agenda.  She believes, among other things, that when religious liberty and sexual liberty conflict, sexual liberty should prevail in virtually all cases.  The confirmation of Feldblum looked like a done deal in December.  However, key social conservative groups sounded the alarm, and Sen. Lee placed a hold on Feldblum's nomination.  It is stalled.

The Internet has bigger problems than Facebook, and it's Obama's fault.  If you think Facebook has problems, they're nothing compared to the fiasco at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.  Americans should be far more alarmed about what's happening with the obscure, private California company that oversees the Internet's backbone.  ICANN's gross mismanagement of behind-the-scenes technical operations threatens the security, interoperability, and openness of the entire Internet, industry experts warn.  Unlike the Facebook situation, however, there may not be much lawmakers can do.

More about Obama and the internet.

Obama's Foreign Policy Legacy.  Donald Trump is trying to fix the mess Obama left him, but these things are not going to be fixed overnight.  In the meantime, let's see Obama for what he is.  We have been told again and again that the crowning achievement of Obama's foreign policy was the Iran deal.  So let's begin by considering it.

Former Obama National Security Council Spokesman Admits 'Trump Was Handed a Mess' in Syria.  As word spread of Syria's alleged used of chemical weapons on its own civilians, conservatives and political commentators were quick to point out that former President Obama had several opportunities to intervene and potentially save countless lives from poisonous gas attacks in the Middle East country.  Tommy Vietor, National Security Council spokesperson during the Obama administration, tried to beat back claims that President Obama was unsuccessful in deterring Bashar al-Assad's regime from killing his own people.  But in doing so, Vietor ended up admitting that his old boss did not exactly leave Syria better off than when he found it.

Obama Supporters Rush to Save His 'Dangerous' School Leniency Policy for Minority Students.  As U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was meeting behind closed doors with educators and parents to re-evaluate the Obama-era school leniency policy of reducing reports of violent behavior committed by minority students, left-wing media and politicians were touting a new report that noted black students, boys, and students identified as "disabled" are disciplined at higher rates.  According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report — requested by Democrats Rep. Bobby Scott (VA) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY) — national civil rights data for academic year 2013-2014 show "black students, boys, and students with disabilities were disproportionately disciplined (e.g., suspensions and expulsions) in K-12 public schools."

State Department Records Show Obama Administration Helped Fund George Soros' Left-Wing Political Activities in Albania.  Judicial Watch obtained 32 pages of records showing the Obama administration sent U.S. taxpayers' funds to a group backed by billionaire George Soros, which used the money to fund left-wing political activities in Albania, including working with the country's socialist government to push for highly controversial judicial "reform."  The records also detail how the Soros operation helped the State Department review grant applications from other groups for taxpayer funding.

The horror!  Trump HUD backs away from radical Obama concepts.  Glenn Thrush — remember him? — attacks Ben Carson and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for abandoning certain suits and others actions undertaken by the Obama administration in the name of "fair housing."  It does not seem to have occurred to Thrush that there are two visions of what fair housing law requires and that Secretary Carson isn't bound to follow the more radical of the two.  Or else, Thrush just wants to hide the ball.  The traditional vision of fair housing is the non-discrimination approach.  It is unlawful, for example, to refuse to sell housing to African Americans who can afford to purchase a unit.

Obama's Strategy:  Planned Failure.  In one of the most brilliant evil genius schemes ever devised, Obama utilized planned political failures to manipulate the masses and steer the country toward long-term leftist goals.  This story only recently broke.  Leftists noticed a change in the firearms background check system, and they tried to pin it on Trump.  In so doing, they uncovered yet another corruption plot that took place under Obama's watch.  In a nutshell, Obama's Department of Justice redefined existing legislation to change the definition of the word "fugitive."  This change ultimately removed 500,000 names from the FBI NICS database and enabled formerly banned persons from being able to legally obtain firearms.  We aren't yet sure how many people this affected, but so far the FBI is suggesting that failed background checks declined by 80 percent after the change.  That's a lot of illegal weapons.

Congress has defunded AFFH.  The omnibus bill Congress passed and President Trump signed last week is a disaster.  However, one positive thing to come out of it, in addition of course to the increase in military spending, was the defunding of President Obama's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation (AFFH).  This is a move we've been advocating for some time.  Finally, the Republican Congress pulled the trigger.  AFFH enables the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to order more than 1,200 cities and counties that accepted any part of annual community development block grants to rezone neighborhoods along income and racial criteria.

Report: U.S. Inventors, Economy Threatened By Obama-Era Patent Laws.  Inventors across the nation are voicing their frustrations over Obama-era patent laws.  The American patent system has seen many changes since the first Patent Act in 1790, but none as threatening as the establishment of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board in 2011.  The Patent Trial and Appeal Board — also known as PTAB — is a three member board put in place to invalidate patents that have already been issued, making an inventor's private property public.  One inventor rallying outside the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in August talked about the effects of implementing that new board.

HUD Gives Dicey Obama Plan to Transform Slums into Middle-Class Neighborhoods $5 Mil.  A controversial Obama program that's reaped enormous amounts of taxpayer money to transform slums into desirable middle-class neighborhoods just got a $5 million infusion from the Trump administration.  Known as Choice Neighborhoods, the costly experiment was the centerpiece of a broader Obama initiative to convert poverty-stricken neighborhoods into sustainable, mixed-income areas with affordable housing, safe streets and good schools. [...] During Obama's tenure Choice Neighborhoods received a breathtaking $375 million, according to HUD figures.  A substantial chunk of it — $120 million — was rewarded as a parting gift in 2016, the HUD numbers reveal and the largest portion — $122.27 million — was allocated in 2010 when Obama launched the program.  Like many of the former president's initiatives, large sums of cash went to leftist nonprofits and community groups that aligned with his liberal agenda.

Trump scrapping Obama-era rule that turned schools into 'war zones'.  The Trump administration plans this summer to scrap a controversial Obama-era discipline rule forced on schools to close racial gaps in suspensions and arrests but that critics say pressures educators to turn a blind eye to escalating bad behavior.  The federal directive, issued jointly in 2014 by the US departments of Education and Justice, warned public school districts receiving federal funding — including New York City — that they could face investigation and funding cuts if they fail to reduce statistical "disparities" in discipline by race.  On average, the administration noted, black students are suspended at three times the rate of their white peers.  The directive also discourages student arrests and holds districts liable for the actions of "school resource officers ... or other law enforcement personnel."

Obama directive easing school discipline for minority students [is] fueling classroom chaos.  The Trump administration is being accused of racism for targeting an Obama-era directive compelling schools to ease up on discipline for minority students — even though the policy has made life more difficult for kids, including minorities, stuck in increasingly unruly classrooms.

Fallen Pedestrian Bridge At FIU Funded By Obama-Era Grant Program With Sketchy Review Protocol.  Last Thursday [2/15/2018], a pedestrian bridge at Florida International University collapsed outside of Miami.  At the time, four people were confirmed dead.  That number has tragically been increased to six.  There are two eyebrow raising issues concerning his tragedy.  One is that the FIU pedestrian bridge was funded by an Obama-era federal grant called Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery.  The Department of Transportation doled out the money in what has been reported as a sketchy politicized review process.  Those who benefitted from these grants represented both Democratic and Republican districts.  It was part of the Obama stimulus program.

Obama's 'Experts' and Trump's Instincts.  I always have trouble with all the people who are called experts because they have had so little success at what they supposedly are expert about.  For the last 25 years, Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama have been toyed with by North Korea while the North Koreans continually built up their nuclear weapons, and the media go to the very people who let this happen for analysis on Trump.

Teacher Coalition Seeks to End Obama School Discipline Policy: 'A Lot of Fear in Schools'.  The school discipline policy that may have allowed Nikolas Cruz to escape arrest by Broward County law enforcement and ultimately purchase the firearm he used to kill 17 people is in effect in over 50 school districts across the country.  "He probably wouldn't have been able to buy the murder weapon if the school had referred him to law enforcement," veteran FBI agent Michael Biasello told RealClearInvestigations (RCI).  In 2014, the Obama administration issued a "Dear Colleague" guidance that threatened school districts — whose disciplinary measures showed a disproportionately greater number of minority students affected — could be subject to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behaviors leading to the discipline were unacceptable.

This may be so, but oil was probably a central concern in the decision to expand Bears Ears, too.
Oil was central in decision to shrink Bears Ears monument, emails show.  Even before President Donald Trump officially opened his high-profile review last spring of federal lands protected as national monuments, the Department of Interior was focused on the potential for oil and gas exploration at a protected Utah site, internal agency documents show.  The debate started as early as March 2017, when an aide to Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, asked a senior Interior Department official to consider reduced boundaries for Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah to remove land that contained oil and natural gas deposits that had been set aside to help fund area public schools.

He was headed to Malaysia, now he is happily settled in Arizona (on your dime!)  Australia's SBS News appears to be doing a series on those lucky, mostly Muslim, 'refugees' who attempted to get to Australia illegally and were then detained for nearly 5 years in offshore detention facilities with the Australian government refusing to consider their asylum claims.  Many are hitting the jackpot and although Australia isn't letting them in they are now free in America.  And, every few weeks a new batch arrives.  Here is a story about one of those that Australia didn't want, but Obama did and arranged for many to come just as he was walking out of the White House.

Barack Obama's border mess, mayhem, madness rage on.  What a fine mess this country is in right now regarding border control.  Judges won't recognize President Donald Trump's authority to toss aside the unconstitutionally created amnesty deal called DACA, benefiting tens of thousands of illegals.  Republicans in Congress can't get a piece of legislation moved forward to crack down on illegal incursions across our borders.

This Isn't Normal.  This week, we learned that former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, former national security adviser Susan Rice, former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Obama held a last-minute meeting at the White House to discuss the possibility of Trump-Russia collusion.  At that meeting, Rice wrote in an email, Obama reportedly asked whether there was any reason "we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia."  That means that Obama asked his top staff, including the FBI, whether he could hide intelligence information from the incoming Trump team.  That amounts to a massive breach in the constitutional structure. [...] The incoming Trump administration was duly elected by the American people and had every right to see all intelligence information coming from the FBI and the CIA.  Yet it was the supposedly normal Obama White House exploring means of preventing that transparency.

Student Loans Will Cost Taxpayers $36 Billion:  Thanks, Obama.  A report from the Department of Education notes that the net cost of the federal government's direct loan program is quickly heading into the red.  This program, mind you, was supposed to be a moneymaker for the government, as students paid back federal loans with interest.  But as it turns out, borrowers have been flocking toward various loan forgiveness programs, by which the government will lose money, erasing gains from other loans.  The report shows that the direct loan program went from a $25 billion surplus in 2012 to less than $5 billion by 2015.  A separate report says that this program ran a $36 billion deficit last year, up from $8.4 billion in 2016.

DACA or DACA-Plus?  President Trump inherited a mess from his predecessor and, while Obama's actions were unlawful, they have created facts on the ground that, as conservatives, we arguably should acknowledge.

This happened under Obama, not Trump:
Pentagon Auditor Can't Account For $800 Million In Spending.  The Pentagon's Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) has reportedly "lost track" of hundreds of millions of dollars it spent, said Ernst & Young, the accounting firm conducting the first-ever Pentagon audit, according to Politico.  E&Y discovered that DLA "failed to properly document more than $800 million in construction projects," said Politico, which also reported this is just one of the many instances where millions of dollars went missing as the accountability system inside the Pentagon is broken.  Worse, according to Politico, the first-ever audit, covering the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2016, signals complete incompetence about how the Pentagon handles its $700 billion annual budget.

The Nunes Memo: Just an Opening Act.  The numerous landmines Obama and Clinton left behind them, intending to waylay the initially awkward Trump administration, are starting to detonate — on Democrat

Pentagon: Obama's DOD Gave Security Clearances to Contractors Charged with Felonies, Including Pedophilia.  The Pentagon was forced last year to rescind interim security clearances granted under the Obama administration to at least 165 contractors linked to various crimes, including felony convictions for pedophilia and foreign government affiliations, revealed a report issued by the Director of the Defense Security Service (DSS).  According to the report, DOD contractors preserved their ability to access sensitive government information despite prior criminal records and other illicit past activity that the Pentagon's vetting process failed to detect.

Australian rejected 'refugees' on the way to US this week!  We can get excited about the slowdown in the normal refugee flow to America (see post yesterday), but here comes the very abnormal flow — 58 of the Australia-rejected mostly single men who have been detained by the Aussies for as long as four years will now be free in America.  The deal, originally agreed to by Obama as he was walking out the door, represents an application of international refugee law that is simply unheard of and possibly illegal.

Did Obama Tip Off Iran To Israeli Plan To Take Out World's Premier Terrorist?  We thought the Obama administration could stoop no lower when it was revealed that the administration transferred $1.7 billion in untraceable cash to the Islamic Republic as ransom for the release of four Americans hostages they were holding.  We were wrong.  In its twilight weeks, the administration gave its consent to allow the Iranians to receive 116 metric tons of natural uranium from Russia as compensation for its export of tons of reactor coolant.  According to experts familiar with the transaction, the uranium could be enriched to weapons-grade sufficient for the production of at least 10 nuclear bombs.  If you thought that the administration's betrayal of America's security could go no further, you were wrong.  Last month Politico, not known as a bastion of conservatism, published a bombshell 50-page exposé detailing the Obama administration's efforts to delay, hinder and ultimately shut down a highly successful DEA operation — codenamed Project Cassandra — aimed at tracking and thwarting Hezbollah drug trafficking, arms trafficking and money laundering schemes.  As a result, Hezbollah continued to import drugs into the United States, continued to provide anti-U.S. insurgents with deadly EFPs and continued to launder drug money to the tune of billions.

Trump's Energy Success.  One of the president's major successes is in the area of energy policy.  Along with energy secretary Rick Perry, the president is overseeing the recovery of the American energy sector from the low point it hit under the Obama administration.  By a combination of executive orders totally restrictiong drilling on federal lands and EPA assaults on fracking and coal-mining, including a total ban on mountaintop-mining, Obama prosecuted a "war" not just on coal, but on fossil fuels generally.

11 Outrageous Ways Government Wasted $473 Billion in 2017.  All we hear from Democrats about the tax cuts or border wall is that it will "blow a hole in the deficit" or something.  Well maybe, if the government would stop wasting billions of dollars on outrageous programs like these eleven, that money could be used for whatever shortfalls come from the tax cuts and border wall.  All of these programs are leftovers from the Obama regime.

The Conflict over Jerusalem Is ALL Obama's Fault.  First, it is beyond the jurisdiction of the UN to tell a sovereign nation what it can and cannot recognize.  The United States often stands alone with Israel against the world, and the US and Israel have been right.  The bias of the international community against the nation state of the Jewish people has been long standing and evident, especially at the UN.  Recall the infamous General Assembly Resolution declaring Zionism to be a form of racism.  It received overwhelming support from the tyrannical nations of the world, which constitute a permanent majority of the UN, and was rescinded only after the US issued threats if it were to remain on the books.

Trump dramatically shrinks Bears Ears National Monument and slashes another by half in the name of 'states' rights'.  President Donald Trump unveiled a plan Monday in Utah to dramatically scale back two national monuments — calling it an important move for 'states' rights.'  'Some people think that the natural resources of Utah should be controlled by a small handful of very distant bureaucrats located in Washington.  And guess what?  They're wrong,' he said in the cavernous Utah Capitol Rotunda in Salt Lake City.  'The families and communities of Utah know and love this land the best.  And you know the best how to take care of your land.  You know how to protect it, and you know best how to conserve this land for many, many generations to come,' he said.

Trump's Plan To Overhaul National Monuments Law Is All About 'Righting Past Overreach'.  When President Donald Trump speaks in Utah on Monday, he will not only be resizing two controversial national monuments, his administration will also be making major changes to how federal lands are managed.  Trump will sign orders to shrink the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments as recommended by Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke.  However, that's only the first step in the administration's plan for the Antiquities Act.  In the coming months, the Department of the Interior (DOI) will begin a larger conversation about how the Antiquities Act of 1906 is implemented once the president designates a national monument, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

Trump is not 'shrinking a monument', he's reversing a shameless federal land grab.  The media are wetting themselves today because President Trump is "shrinking federal monuments." You'd think he was taking an axe to the Washington Monument and chopping it down.  But there are real monuments and then there are shameless federal land-grabs that get labeled "monuments" before a gullible news media that gladly adopt whatever language a Democratic president uses to spin his actions.  The Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante monuments were just that.  There are elements of these pieces of land that have some historical value, but Bill Clinton and Barack Obama exploited that to declare massive swaths of land part of the "monuments," which put them almost completely under federal control over the objection of the State of Utah and all of Utah's congressional delegation.  There was no cultural purpose to this.  None.  It was strictly an excuse to expand federal control over land.

White House work orders show infiltration of mice, roaches.  Maintenance workers were requested to take care of mice in the Situation Room and the White House Navy mess food service area over the past two years, according to work orders obtained by WRC-TV.  There were also reports of ants in the White House chief of staff's office and cockroach infestations on the grounds, WRC reported.  Other work orders include requests for furniture, a new toilet seat in the Oval Office, pictures to be hung and heating system repairs, among others.  An influx of work orders were made shortly after President Trump's inauguration.

White House work orders revealed ant, cockroach and mice infestations.  White House maintenance work orders this year show that the iconic building suffered from vermin struggles this year, according to News4.  News4 on Thursday [11/30/2017] reported that pest problems were among hundreds of 2017 filings to the General Services Administration (GSA) it obtained.  Maintenance workers were asked to address reports of mice intruding upon the White House Navy mess food service area and the building's Situation Room.

Obama's Trans Fat Ban May Force Iconic Cookie Company To Close.  The makers of Berger Cookies in Baltimore, Md., are concerned that that new rules will force them to discontinue their iconic cookie due to federal rules.  Under current proposed rules, companies will no longer be allowed to sell food containing partially hydrogenated oils, which contain trans fats, after June 18, 2018.  That rule will make it difficult for Charlie DeBaufre, president of DeBaufre Bakeries, to continue making the chocolate covered soft German-inspired cookies because the recipe contains trans fats.  DeBaufre has not been able to create the Berger cookie taste without the using trans-fat-free ingredients.

Obama's 'unaccompanied children' turn up big in latest MS13 gang sweep.  The latest federal gang sweep of 214 Mara Salvatrucha-13 gang thugs has turned up quite a panoply of the people President Obama sought to encourage and accomodate in the U.S. during his last years in office[.]

ICE agents rebel, say Trump 'betrayed' them by retaining Obama's people.  The country's immigration enforcement officers launched a website Tuesday demanding that President Trump do more to clean up their agency, saying he has left the Obama team in place and it's stymying his goal of enforcing laws on the books.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement supervisors in Philadelphia banned officers from wearing bulletproof vests during an operation in the dangerous "badlands" section in the city's north for fear of offending the immigrant community, according to a new website, JICReport.com.  Meanwhile, officers in one Utah city are required to give city officials seven days' heads-up before arresting anyone — and by the time they go to make the arrest, the immigrants they are targeting have taken off, the website says.

Cleaning up the asylum mess left by Obama.  Days before President Obama left office, he removed asylum protections from Cubans who reach US soil in a desperate attempt to flee their oppressive country.  This was a strange contrast from the rest of the administration's efforts, which seemed to support granting asylum to any individual who enters the US by illegal means.  Now, the Trump Administration is left with the job of cleaning up the confusion and fraud the Obama Administration propelled.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions is taking a leading role in combatting asylum fraud, alongside Trump's efforts to limit the number of asylum seekers entering the country.  This is not because these men do not want these people in our country, but because the system was expanded so significantly under the Obama Administration, agencies can no longer handle the load and maintain security.

6 Examples of Jeff Sessions' Cowardice.  [#2] Sessions has shirked his responsibility to take control of his own Department, overwhelmingly staffed by pro-Obama and pro-Clinton lawyers, 97 percent of which either voted for or donated to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.  As a result, Freedom of Information Act cases continue to be obstructed by lying DOJ lawyers, after years in the courts.  These lawsuits seek to force production of evidence about Obama and Clinton scandals, which include, as we have just learned through a leak to Circa News, the cover-up of an FBI investigation over bribery during the Obama administration — giving rise to Russia acquiring about 20 percent of America's strategic uranium reserves.

Trying to perpetuate alarmist climate "science".  Several months ago a brief furor erupted when the New York Times leaked the final draft of the upcoming Climate Science Special Report (CSSR), an extremely alarmist rendition of what is supposedly happening with Earth's climate.  Dangerous climate change and weather events, the report says, are due to mankind's use of fossil fuels to create and maintain modern living standards and to the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that result from that energy use.  The CSSR is being prepared by the federal Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and has been in the works for several years, mostly under Obama and still staffed by diehard alarmists.  The USGCRP consists of the 13 federal agencies that conduct and analyze climate science and supposedly "consensus" views on the topic.  The Times and other news stories speculated that one of the agencies, especially the EPA under Administrator Scott Pruitt, might block the CSSR.  This has not happened, and the Report is now scheduled for release next month.  The CSSR is far more alarmist than any IPCC report.  Most other USGCRP reports have been, as well, thanks in particular to NOAA.  The new CSSR will be an official Federal report, which will give it more credibility than it deserves.

Trump's $33 Billion Tax Cut You Didn't Know You Just Got.  In a recent editorial, we noted that President Trump's decision to get rid of President Obama's Clean Power Plan would be a major money-saver for companies and a deregulatory boost for the economy.  Now, new data actually put a dollar figure on it.  Senior Trump officials now estimate that the president's decision will save consumers some $33 billion [...] since they will avoid paying the much-higher costs that Obama had baked into the energy cake through his plan to cut CO2 emissions by 35% over the next 14 years.

Obama holdovers, vacancies remain at top levels of State Department.  While Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and President Trump seem to have patched things up after a report claimed the top diplomat considered resigning over the summer, another source of tension remains — Tillerson's department still has numerous vacancies, while several Obama administration holdovers are in top positions.  "There is a serious problem within the Trump administration," said John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.  "Trump and Tillerson don't have full control over their State Department.  The way a president exercises control over the bureaucracy is to get as many of his people as possible into senior positions."

FDA Delays New Nutrition Facts Label Unveiled by Michelle Obama.  The Trump administration is delaying a regulation championed by former first lady Michelle Obama to redesign the Nutrition Facts label.  The Food and Drug Administration on Friday issued a rule delaying until 2020 the compliance date for regulations that will make listed calories on food larger in an attempt to fight obesity.  Mrs. Obama unveiled the new label in May 2016 as part of her anti-obesity "Let's Move" campaign.  Aside from increasing the font size of calories and the addition of "added sugars" on the label, the regulations even dealt with how to label dinner mints.  The regulations will cost food manufacturers an estimated $640 million.

No, Obama Didn't Prevent the Next Great Depression.  "Saving the economy from a great depression."  That was Barack Obama's response when asked by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace to identify his "biggest accomplishment."  In Obama's defense, it's not as though he enjoys a Reaganesque litany of accomplishments from which to choose — winning the Cold War, reversing a decade of economic stagnation, restoring America's sense of pride and optimism, etc.  With no significant part of the world better off today than when Obama entered office, any "accomplishment" he selected was going to be a stretch.  Nevertheless, it's simply not true that Obama saved the economy from the next great depression.  Quite the contrary, the federal government's own economic data shows that Obama actually inherited an emerging recovery.  The American economy was already rebounding before he even officially became president.  What he has done is impose policies that have resulted in the slowest decade of economic growth in recorded U.S. history.

78 Obama appointees 'burrowed' into career jobs, watchdog finds.  A government watchdog found that 78 political appointees of President Obama managed to "burrow" into career government jobs over a six-year period.  A Government Accountability Office report obtained by The Washington Times on Wednesday [9/27/2017] shows that seven of Mr. Obama's political appointees switched to career jobs without obtaining necessary approval from the Office of Personnel Management.  Of those, four were later denied the jobs by OPM and three left their posts.  Congressional Republicans warned Mr. Obama last year against moving political appointees into career positions, and President Trump has stated frequently that he believes some employees in the federal workforce are Obama holdovers working against his agenda.

Trump Removes Offshore Drilling Restrictions.  President Donald Trump issued an executive order reversing restrictions on offshore drilling in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans imposed by former President Barack Obama shortly before he left office.  Trump says the Obama restrictions unnecessarily closed access to important domestic energy resources.  Trump's order also instructs federal officials to assess the potential for energy exploration in recently declared or expanded marine sanctuaries in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Democrats' DACA dishonesty.  Fulfilling his role as the titular head of "The Resistance," Barack Obama took to Facebook Tuesday [9/5/2017] to snipe at the Trump administration's announcement that it was rescinding the 44th president's 2012 executive action called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.  "We shouldn't threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own," Obama said.  His post was florid and self-serving.  But five words in his lengthy screed — "through no fault of their own" — are undeniably true.  It's not the fault of the "Dreamers" that their parents brought them here, without papers, as minors.  On that we can agree.  But whose fault is it that they are still in limbo?  For that answer, Obama needn't take to social media.  He can simply look in the mirror.

Whitewashing the $20 Controversy.  It's hard to believe Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin understood the controversy he would ignite when he answered a CNBC reporter's question about whether he replace Andrew Jackson's portrait on the $20 bill with the hero of the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman.  "Ultimately we will be looking at this issue," he said.  "It's not something I'm focused on at the moment."

Trump Upholds The Constitution By Dumping DACA, And Critics Freak Out.  Obama enacted DACA in June 2012 after Congress failed to pass immigration reforms he wanted.  Obama said that in the face of congressional inaction, he was going to reshape the country's immigration policy all on his own, or has he put it, take "steps to lift the shadow of deportation from these young people."  But even Obama described DACA as a "temporary, stopgap measure."  Well, within five years more than 800,000 illegals had been effectively granted amnesty under the program, and the "temporary" part of it had long been forgotten.  Obama also didn't seem to care if his move was constitutional or not.

Punish Americans for Their Heritage, but Reward 'Dreamers': How DACA Outrage Exposes the Left.  By now it is crystal clear:  the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was simply a way for President Obama to force his successor to make an unpopular decision.  For all the pejorative "populist" talk about President Trump, his predecessor could not countenance something he regarded as unpopular, especially to his base, and a potential future base of the Democrat Party.  The Obama doctrine across many aspects of his presidency was simply to kick the can down the road.

Trump rolls back racist Obama policy.  For more than a half-century, federal law has banned racial and sexual discrimination.  Employers are supposed to hire and promote based on ability, not skin tone or sex.  President Obama, however, wanted employers to consider race and sex.  President Trump just rolled that back.  Guess which man the media treats as racist.

Trump uncovers evidence of Dreamers loophole hidden by Obama.  Thousands of Dreamers have used a loophole in federal law to get on a full pathway to citizenship, top congressional Republicans revealed Friday [9/1/2017], citing government data withheld by the Obama administration but provided by the Trump administration.  The Dreamers were all part of DACA, the legally questionable amnesty program that's under scrutiny right now as President Trump decides whether to scrap the Obama-era amnesty.  The House and Senate Judiciary Committees revealed that more than 45,000 DACA recipients were approved for "advance parole," which is permission to leave and reenter the U.S. despite not being in permanent legal status here.

Looks like Andrew Jackson will stay on the $20 bill.  Currently, as you might know if you just got paid, it's Andrew Jackson, an early Democrat, on the $20.  He was a hero of the War of 1812 and a rough-hewn two-term president.  He was also a successful military leader in battles against native Americans during his era.  Last year, another two-term president, Barack Obama, approved a change that would delete Old Hickory's visage from the front and substituted it with Harriet Tubman's face.  The Bureau of Engraving and Printing says it has received no instructions yet to implement the changes, which candidate Donald Trump criticized as "pure political correctness."

Trump Administration Won't Commit To Putting Harriet Tubman On $20 Bill.  Anyone expecting to someday see Harriet Tubman's image grace the front of the $20 bill may be in for a long wait.  In a new interview, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin hinted that the Trump administration may back off the planned change that would have had Tubman take Andrew Jackson's place on the bill.  Speaking to CNBC today [8/31/2017], Mnuchin would only say that the Treasury will "consider" whether or not to move forward with the change from Jackson to Tubman.  The $20 bill is up for a scheduled redesign in 2020, regardless of whose face is on the front.

Trump Reverses Obama Plan to Collect Wage Information Based on Gender, Race, Ethnicity.  A year before leaving office, President Barack Obama announced new steps to narrow what was described as a gender pay gap.  Obama directed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), in partnership with the Department of Labor, to annually collect pay data by gender, race and ethnicity from businesses with 100 or more employees.  On Wednesday [8/30/2017], the Trump administration put that Obama-era order on hold.  In a memo to the EEOC, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said it is launching a review of the effectiveness of the equal pay data collection initiative.  (Companies are still required to annually file information on the race/ethnicity and gender of their employees, but the wage information sought by Obama will not be included.)

200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama.  During the Obama era up to 200,000 deportation cases were "administratively closed" without action, a move that left tens of thousands of illegal immigrants free to roam America, sometimes indefinitely, according to a new report.  When added to those cases still pending court action, it brings the backlog of cases to about 800,000, far more than previously known.  In the report for the Center for Immigration Studies, former immigration judge Andrew R. Arthur said that there are some 100,000 cases that were closed, but told [the Washington Examiner] that it could be as high as 200,000.

Barack Obama's Legacy of Lies and Broken Promises on Afghanistan.  On issue after issue, Barack Obama passed the buck, making the situation worse than he found it and leaving his successor to pick up the pieces.  Health care, military preparedness, the national debt, Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea and Afghanistan are some of the instances that come to mind.  What is galling is that because he is a Democrat, Obama was never held accountable for his fecklessness (or worse).  The press, and the establishment in general, allowed him to skate.  This is a big topic, but let's limit it to Afghanistan for the moment.

Trump to Rescind Obama Rule Forcing Doctors, Hospitals to Perform Gender Transition Treatments.  LGBT rights groups have raised alarm at the fact that the Trump administration is in the process of finalizing a policy that would rescind an Obama-era healthcare rule that opponents say requires hospitals, doctors and health insurers to cover or provide gender transition therapies and procedures.  The Hill reports that the Department of Justice is reviewing a proposed rule that has already cleared the Department of Health and Human Services that would rescind an HHS mandate instituted in 2016 that bars healthcare providers and insurers who receive federal tax dollars from denying treatment or coverage to patients on the basis of gender identity.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Poised to End Obama-Era Section 8 Housing Grants.  Following his reelection victory in 2012 President Obama removed the bidding process from section 8 housing; instead Obama's HUD initiated grants to their hand-selected organizations.  After years of lost lawsuits the HUD bidding process is set to return.

Obama eased rules to welcome 1 million illegal youths, status now in doubt.  In its rush to welcome over one million illegal immigrant youths from Latin America, the Obama administration turned a blind eye to criminal acts and eased rules governing legal entry, according to newly uncovered documents.  Emails, budgets and training manuals provided to the Immigration Reform Law Institute show, for example, that the controversial Obama program to defer deportation allowed them to stay if they held several documents, such as Social Security numbers and federal tax return checks, that are illegal for non-citizens to have.

Obamas Left The White House A Mess:  Leaky Faucets, Chipped Paint, Failing Heat, Crumbling Steps, Etc.  Former First Lady Michelle Obama openly shared her disdain for life inside the White House.  She even went so far as to demean it as a house "built by slaves" and that residing there was like "living in a cave."  Perhaps that has something to do with the fact the People's House is now literally crumbling in disrepair as outlined today by the AP: [...]

Retired generals, admirals thank Trump for announcing ban on transgender troops.  More than a dozen retired generals and admirals have signed a letter to President Trump thanking him for his announced policy to ban transgender people from the armed forces.  "We write today to express our gratitude to you for making the extremely courageous decision to reverse President Obama's transgender social experiment," the conservative retired flag officers wrote.  "There may be an enormous amount of vitriol directed at you for making this policy correction, but please know that overturning this policy may have done more in the long-term to save the culture and war-fighting capacity of the U.S. military than perhaps any other military policy you will adopt as president."  The letter came as the Palm Center, a research nonprofit that promotes the LGBT agenda, released a competing statement from 56 retired admirals and generals who say reimposing the ban will hurt readiness, not help it.

Obama wasn't king, and his laws aren't set in stone.  Obama's abuses of the Antiquities Act of 1906 are well known, including designation of an ocean monument off New England to kill fishing an unauthorized park parading as a monument in rural Maine to kill logging and milling and the 1.3 million acre Bear Ears in Utah to placate environmentalists. [...] Unencumbered by a hoped-for legal precedent, Obama abused the Antiquities Act as no president in history.  Along with others, I condemned his actions as outrageously illegal and, on Fox News and in the Washington Examiner, called upon President Trump to vacate them.  To his credit, Trump directed Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke to begin the process.

Why do we have an EPA museum?  [Scroll down]  The Trump administration is at odds with the EPA?  Half the country is!  This is the agency that destroyed the Animas River by allowing 3.5 million gallons of toxins and heavy metals to flood it while "cleaning up" an abandoned mine.  No one went to jail for that either.  But the EPA did spend more than $300,000 on this museum outside the EPA Credit Union, and opened it three days before President Trump took office.

Seven Ways Trump Is Taking Back America's Culture.  [#4] The president signed a resolution in April that overturned Obama's rule — enacted during his last days as president — that forced states to provide family planning grants under Title X to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.  The House approved H.J. Res. 43, introduced by Rep. Diane Black (R-TN), in February.  The resolution used the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to rescind the Obama administration rule, enacted during the last days of the former president's term.  Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) sponsored the measure in the Senate.  Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote at the end of March to enable approval in that chamber after Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted against it.

Trump right to reverse Obama's transgender experiment on the military.  The military's sole purpose is to smash and destroy enemies.  Even when it is merely used as a deterrent, the military's usefulness derives entirely from its ability to accomplish that goal in battle.  This means all decisions about how the military is run should be subordinated to questions of military effectiveness, including morale, discipline, equipment, logistics, troop readiness and the like.

Treasury Department Ending Ineffective Obama Retirement Program.  The Treasury Department is ending an ineffective Obama program that promised to help millions of Americans save for retirement, the government announced Friday [7/28/2017].  Treasury announced the myRA program would be phased out, after costing taxpayers $70 million though few Americans used the program.  Former president Barack Obama used his 2014 State of the Union address to launch the myRA program, with a promise to "help millions" to save for retirement.  Two years later, only 20,000 had signed up.

Ten Accomplishments By John Kelly At Homeland Security.  [#1] He sidelined most of the top staff picked by Obama and allowed the department's border and enforcement agents to actually enforce the nation's immigration law.  The result is that more than 70,000 illegals have been sent home by motivated agents, including many of the MS-13 gang members invited by Obama to live in the United States since 2011.

Army Was Preparing Women To Shower With Men As Part of Transgender Training.  Have you heard of the Pentagon's "Transgender Inclusion" agenda, first launched by President Obama?  Near the end of Obama's second term, his Secretary of Defense Ash Carter set out "transgender inclusive" military policies that were supposed to be put in effect a few weeks ago on July 1st, 2017.  Right now, this policy has not been completely removed, it has only been "delayed" for another six months.

BOOM: "Trump Jr.  Entrapped by Obama White House to Obtain FISA Warrant and Spy on Campaign".  It's now clear that Barack Obama and his administration orchestrated meetings between certain Trump associates and Russian officials in order to justify FISA wiretaps.  It's just that simple.  They abused the FISA system to extract intelligence that they could then leak.  All of that happened and they still lost.

Pentagon Considers Canceling Program That Recruits Immigrant Soldiers.  The Pentagon is considering pulling out of a deal it made with thousands of noncitizen recruits with specialized skills:  Join the military and we'll put you on the fast track to citizenship.  The proposal to dismantle the program would cancel enlistment contracts for many of the foreign-born recruits, leaving about 1,000 of them without legal protection from deportation.

Pentagon Halts Obama's Transgender Endorsement Plan.  The Secretary of Defense has frozen a decision by former President Barack Obama to recruit transgender soldiers this year, and a new poll shows the planned recruitment freeze is very popular.  Two of every three swing voters say the Pentagon should postpone plans to accept "transgender" people who are trying to live as members of the opposite sex, according to the new poll by Rasmussen Reports.  Defense Secretary James Mattis explained his July 30 decision to delay Obama's plan for six months, just before it was to begin operating.

Don't Stop With Paris.  The Paris climate agreement is a treaty.  We are not talking here about a bob-and-weave farce like the Iran nuclear deal.  That arrangement, the "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action," was shrewdly packaged as an "unsigned understanding" — concurrently spun, depending on its apologists' need of the moment, as a non-treaty (in order to evade the Constitution's requirements), or as a binding international commitment (in order to intimidate the new American administration into retaining it).  The climate agreement, to the contrary, is a formal international agreement.  Indeed, backers claim this "Convention" entered into force — i.e., became internationally binding — upon the adoption of "instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession" by a mere 55 of the 197 parties. [...] Yes, President Obama gave his assent to the agreement in his characteristically cagey manner:  He waited until late 2016 to "adopt" the convention — when there would be no practical opportunity to seek Senate approval before he left office.

Manchester bombing's Libya roots: another mess Obama left for Trump.  After the Manchester bombing, can President Trump keep saying America has "no role" to play in Libya?  Libya keeps popping up in the investigation into the attack by British suicide bomber Salman Abedi, who killed at least 22 people and injured 59 at an Ariana Grande concert Monday night [5/22/2017].  Abedi spent the last three weeks of his life in Libya, his father's birthplace, before returning to his native Manchester.  As Britain's security forces dig deeper into Abedi's ISIS connections, making additional arrests in England and Libya, one thing is clear:  The country we helped rid of dictator Moammar Khadafy is a mess — which is just how the Islamist terrorists like it.

Obama Holdouts In Trump Administration Hiding Hillary Emails For Years.  Judicial Watch's President Tom Fitton is astounded:  The Trump officials he finds working on Freedom of Information cases he files are still, typically, Obama holdovers.  Those holdovers, he told The Daily Caller News Foundation, are telling Judicial Watch it will be years before it can get former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails.  "Frankly," Fitton told TheDCNF, "we should be waiting just a few months for them to get their act together."  Trump should take the point of view that the government belongs to Americans — and its agencies need to tell the people what they are up to, Fitton said.  "If there is no good reason for withholding information, give it to them and give it to them quickly."

HUD Watchdog Kept 14 Fraud Reports Hidden From Public.  A government watchdog withheld at least 14 reports that revealed department-wide problems that allow fraud and waste at a cabinet-level agency, The Daily Caller News Foundation's (TheDCNF) Investigative Group has learned.  The reports concern issues plaguing the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), including felons illegally living in federally-funded homes, tax fraud and millions of dollars sitting in unused bank accounts for years.  The department's 2017 budget is $48.9 billion and it has 8,375 employees.

Yes, President Trump Can Undo Controversial National Monuments.  [Barack Obama] was the king of Antiquities Act abuse, designating more monuments covering more area than any prior president.  He tripled the total area restricted, adding more than 500 million acres in new and expanded monuments.  Most of this area was locked up during the last year of Obama's presidency, once he was no longer accountable to voters.  There's a reason presidents designate "midnight" monuments at the end of their terms:  they can be extremely controversial when people depend on the use of areas being closed off to support their families.  Take Bears Ears National Monument.  In the final weeks of his presidency, President Obama declared 1.35 million acres in Utah off-limits, over the objections of the governor, Utah's congressional delegation, and local governments.  Shortly before, a poll found that only 19% of Utahans supported the monument.

Trump Ends Obama's African Ebola Amnesty.  In a refreshing move, the Trump administration is eliminating one of Barack Obama's many outrageous amnesty initiatives, this one involving illegal immigrants from African countries affected by the Ebola virus a few years ago.  The Ebola amnesty scandal got buried in the hoopla of the administration's broad executive order protecting millions of illegal alien Mexicans and Central Americans, but it was just as alarming.  Launched in 2014, the Ebola reprieve was issued separately — and quietly — via a Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a humanitarian program that's supposed to be short-term.  Under the plan, the administration designated Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone for TPS for 18 months.  That's how it always starts — for a short period of time then it grows into years.  Before you know it, illegal aliens who benefit from TPS for humanitarian reasons are legal residents enjoying all the generous perks — free education, food stamps, medical care etc. — that Uncle Sam has to offer.

Trump to order review of national monuments.  President Donald Trump ordered his Interior Department to review of tens of millions of acres of land and water set aside as national monuments by the past three presidents on Wednesday [4/26/2017], a move that environmental groups warn will undermine a crucial conservation tool and open up sensitive areas to fossil fuel development.  The review will be conducted by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and will encompass two dozen of monuments created over the past 21 years, although the main focus will be on President Barack Obama's designation last year of Bears Ears National monument, as well as the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument protected by President Bill Clinton in 1996.  Both of those are in Utah, and the state's lawmakers have pressed to revoke the monument status for the two sites, which are believed to hold fossil fuel resources.

Obama's Chickens Coming Home To Roost.  If you believe your random mainstream media outlet of choice, North Korea and Syria were crises freshly spawned by this administration with no prior history.  But these ticking time bombs are the direct result of the two terrible terms of his predecessor.  The Nobel Peace Prize winner's years in the White House were the most dysfunctional, schizophrenic and senseless eight years of our national foreign policy.  His domestic policy was a disaster, but it was a radioactive toxic waste dump with clear and consistent goals.  ObamaCare, the abuses of the Justice Department, the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency were the naturally terrible outcome of left-wing policies being implemented with inevitably terrible results.  But Obama's foreign policy was a wildly inconsistent mess.

How the Trump Administration Is Working to Clean Up the Messes It Inherited.  Like a bachelor before a date, the Obama administration rushed around during the transition hiding dirty laundry for the incoming administration.  And now, almost 100 days in, the Trump team is still working to find and undo a handful of underreported bureaucratic messes left behind.  The Obama administration was on cruise control before the election because almost everyone in the president's circle was sure that Hillary Clinton would win.  However, as reality set in, the president and his team rushed through a series of regulatory measures, leaving behind a few dirty socks for the Trump administration to pick up.

Time for the US to stop arming its enemies.  No one expects the Trump administration to reverse the disastrous effects of the Obama-supported Muslim Brotherhood's hijacking of the "Arab Spring" in the Middle East that increased the regional contest for supremacy in the Islamic world.  The rivalry has intensified between the Sunni camp led by Saudi Arabia and the Shiite camp led by Iran — each with its pet terrorist organizations.  It's hard to overstate how much damage was done by the Obama administration's misjudgment that Sunni jihadists and Shia Iran were somehow friendly to us and could be useful tools of American policy.

Obama's Chaos Strategy:  The Case of the IRS IED.  As Lois Lerner attempts to garner the public's sympathy and a sealing of her testimony in a federal case looking into the targeting of political opponents during the Obama Administration, new reports now suggest that the House of Representatives will recommend the Department of Justice (DOJ) file criminal charges against her.  Lerner is the former IRS Exempt Organizations Director and, as such, she is the central player in the pending explosion of the Obama era IRS scandal.  The IRS targeting scandal of profiling and harassing conservative political groups began in March 2010, shortly after the January 2010 Citizens United case was decided by the Supreme Court.  No Tea Party applications were approved for the next 27 months, while numerous liberal groups were routinely cleared.

Trump Revokes Obama's Parting Gift to Planned Parenthood.  States will once again be able to defund Planned Parenthood after President Trump overturned an 11th-hour Obama administration regulation protecting funding for the nation's biggest abortion provider.  Trump signed into law on Thursday [4/13/2017] a bill reversing a Department of Health and Human Services regulation signed in December that prevented states from blocking funding for Planned Parenthood.  Obama's regulation reversed the policies of more than a dozen states that had prevented federal Medicaid dollars or other federal reimbursements from going to clinics that perform abortions.  Trump signed the legislation one month after he said that he would continue to direct taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood if it stopped performing abortions.  The organization performs more than 300,000 abortions each year — about one-third of the national total.

Trump Signs Resolution Overturning Obama Planned Parenthood State Funding Mandate.  President Donald Trump signed a resolution Thursday that overturns former President Barack Obama's rule that forced states to provide family planning grants under Title X to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.  In a signing ceremony that was closed to the press, Trump signed H.J. Res. 43, which allows states to withhold federal funds from facilities that provide abortions.  In attendance were Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) administrator Seema Verma, Susan B. Anthony president Marjorie Dannenfelser, and Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America.

Hunters and Anglers Object to Last-Minute Lead Ban.  Dan Ashe, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), issued a directive to phase out the use of lead ammunition and fishing tackle within the nation's wildlife refuges and other federal lands controlled by the agency.  The directive bans the use of lead in ammunition and fishing tackle on more than 307 million acres of federal land, effective January 2022.  The FWS action expands the existing ban on the use of lead shot for hunting migratory waterfowl to all types of ammunition and fishing equipment that use lead for all species on FWSmanaged lands.  Ashe issued the directive on January 19, the day before he left the agency as President Donald Trump took the oath of office as president.

Trump Stops Last-Minute Obama Pool-Pump Rule.  President Donald Trump thwarted a last-minute attempt by the Obama administration to place a new restriction on an obscure consumer product:  swimming pool pumps.  The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a rule on January 18, two days before Trump officially took office, requiring manufacturers to reduce consumer pool pumps' energy consumption, starting in 2021.  On January 20, Trump issued a presidential memorandum calling for a freeze on new federal regulations and for regulations undergoing public review to be delayed to face additional scrutiny.  The presidential memorandum delays the regulation's enactment indefinitely.

Obama's $77 Billion climate funds stash found — will be gutted.  President Donald Trump will find the job of reining in spending on climate initiatives made harder by an Obama-era policy of dispersing billions of dollars in programs across dozens of agencies — in part so they couldn't easily be cut.  There is no single list of those programs or their cost, because President Barack Obama sought to integrate climate programs into everything the federal government did.  The goal was to get all agencies to take climate into account, and also make those programs hard to disentangle, according to former members of the administration.

Obama legacy stats
What is Going On (Part III)?  The eye opening chart [left] shows you how far we've come since 2000, or how far we've fallen, depending on your point of view.  It looks to me like Trump has been handed a bucket of [excrement] by his egotistical sociopathic boastful predecessor.  Obama can now concentrate on his true passions — his NCAA pool and golf — while Trump is left to try and clean up a $20 trillion mess.

Obama's Role in Undermining Trump's Presidency.  If Congress is looking for something to investigate, it should perhaps start first with the shadow apparatus that Obama has erected for himself after leaving office.  Our former president has set up shop just a couple of miles from the White House, and brought along his top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, who has reportedly moved into the Obama's new home.  Obama is continuing to influence Washington, D.C. and nationwide politics through the mobilization of tens of thousands of volunteers under the umbrella of Organizing for Action (OFA).  Oddly, on Twitter, Obama continues to identify himself as president, rather than as a former president.  "Unbeknownst to most Americans, Barack Obama is the first ex-president in 228 years of U.S. history to structure and lead a political organization, a shadow government, for the explicit purpose of sabotaging his successor-duly elected President Donald Trump," writes Scott S. Powell for American Thinker.  Obama's group, OFA, has been organizing with the Soros-linked Indivisible.

EPA to announce reversal on fuel economy standards next week.  The Environmental Protection Agency will announce a change in automobile emissions standards next week, undoing a last minute effort by the Obama administration to lock in the rules through 2025. [...] As I noted last month, a group of 18 automakers sent the Trump administration a letter asking for a reconsideration of fuel standards.  The Obama administration had until 2018 to complete a midterm review of the progress made by automakers.  They had hoped for some relief from the standards during that review.  Instead, the administration rushed through the process and announced a final decision one week before Trump took office.

Schumer's plan to Keep Obama appointees in power.  Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Democrats continue to snub President Trump by slowing down Senate confirmation of his Cabinet appointments.  Their underlying goal is to allow remaining Obama-appointed bureaucrats to do as much damage to the Trump administration as they can before leaving.  CNN reported last week that "Trump is noticeably behind the last three presidents when it comes to securing the confirmation of his Cabinet and other top appointments that require Senate approval."

Obama, Organizing for Action, and the Death Throes of the Democratic Party.  Political correctness remains so dominant in language and culture in the U.S., that no one dares utter the word "sedition."  Unbeknownst to most Americans, Barack Obama is the first ex-president in 228 years of U.S. history to structure and lead a political organization, a shadow government, for the explicit purpose of sabotaging his successor — duly elected President Donald Trump.  The primary vehicle of this campaign is Organizing for Action (OFA), legally founded in January 2013 by First Lady Michelle Obama and her husband's 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina, with input from David Axelrod.  Being respectful and accepting loss when your team doesn't win — essential for the functioning of any electoral representative democracy and a fundamental lesson every child used to learn through playing competitive sports — has been destroyed by the left and appears no longer relevant for many in today's millennial generation.

Krauthammer: Obama WH Officials Engaged in 'Revenge of the Losers' to Make Trouble for Trump.  For weeks now, some of the reporting around Russia and the intel community has concerned actions of members of the Obama administration and holdovers serving under Trump.  President Trump himself and others have argued that the big leaks are coming from those holdovers, and one report last month said that Obama loyalists engaged in a "months-long campaign" to take down Michael Flynn in the name of preserving the Iran deal.  And now this week there's a new report that Obama White House officials rushed to leave a "clear trail of intelligence" on Russia for the right people to investigate once President Trump was sworn in.

Nearly 40 Leaks of Classified Information Reported in 2016.  Agencies across the federal government reported at least 37 leaks of classified information in 2016, more than double the number of criminal leaks reported in 2015, according to new information from the Department of Justice that highlights the government's inability to crack down on this illegal behavior.  The unauthorized disclosure of highly classified information has received renewed attention in recent weeks following what the Washington Free Beacon first described as a targeted campaign against Trump administration officials by Obama administration loyalists still operating inside the government.  Sources in and out of the White House said this campaign began in late 2016, before Obama left office.

Trump:  Obama is behind leaks.  President Donald Trump has accused his predecessor, Barack Obama, of instigating a series of leaks within the administration and the raucous town hall meetings facing Republican lawmakers across the country.  The White House has faced a wave of leaks to the media since inauguration day more than a month ago, as the administration works to fill hundreds of remaining vacancies, leaving temporary Obama administration holdovers in place. [...] Speaking with Fox News on Monday [2/27/2017], President Trump suggested that his predecessor, President Obama, was responsible for both the recent flood of leaks and disruptions of town hall meetings held by Republican lawmakers.

Kenya believe it?
Exclusive: Lawmakers to Request Probe of $418M Arms Sale to Kenya on Obama's Last Day.  A group of lawmakers is planning to request a congressional investigation of a $418 million U.S. weapons sale to Kenya approved by the Obama administration on its last day in office.  The sale, approved by the State Department and privately notified to Congress on January 19, would allow Kenya to buy 14 weaponized crop-duster-like planes — including two trainer planes and services, for missions against terrorist group al-Shabaab.  The deal was publicly announced the Monday after Trump's inauguration.

State Officials Want Trump To Reverse Obama's Last-Minute Election Power Grab.  State officials across the nation are fighting former President Barack Obama's last-minute decision to impose federal authority over state-run election systems, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.  The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), which includes officials from all 50 states and U.S. territories, appealed to President Donald Trump in a resolution approved Saturday [2/18/2017] at the group's winter meeting to overturn the Obama policy, but doing so may encounter unexpected resistance from the new administration.  Obama ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Jan. 6, 2017, to classify local and state election systems under the new federal designation of "critical infrastructure."

Obama Hacks Reveal Incoming Trump Administration Tried to Prevent Debacle at the U.N.  It looks like the leaks continue to arrive, although — thus far — they're backdated to the days of the lame-duck losers known as the Obama administration.  A more bitter, thrashing bunch of lightweights we'll hopefully never see again.  Thought experiment:  imagine the press outcry had the same kind of leaks, from an outgoing Bush 43 administration, attempted to disrupt an incoming Obama presidency in 2009.

On His Way Out of Office, Obama Conferred Broad New Powers on the NSA.  Hmmm, I wonder why he did that on his way out the door and with his loyalists still in the government and ready, willing, and now enabled to leak classified NSA intercepts to the press?  Michael Walsh notes this January 12, 2017 report from the New York Times which received little attention when it was published.  But now Walsh is very attentive towards it.

Surprise: At the End, Obama Administration Gave NSA Broad New Powers.  One of the things about the IC is that "existing rules" are made to be broken whenever one of its unaccountable minions feels like it; these are people who lie and cheat for a living.  And the genius of the Democrats — something for the GOP to think about next time — is that they were able to leverage the transition in order to change as many rules and embed as many apparatchiks as possible before formally turning over the reins to the new kids.

Beware the CRA: How Obama's midnight rules are backfiring.  Today [2/15/2017], the Senate voted to repeal a late Obama administration directive to the Social Security Administration, to flag and block certain people receiving disability insurance benefits from purchasing guns.  A few minutes from now, the House will vote to repeal a rule created by the Department of Labor in August, barring states from requiring drug tests as a condition for receiving unemployment benefits, along with another rule on retirement savings plans.  The House and Senate have been occupied lately with repealing late Obama-era regulations on coal mining, fracking, land management and teacher training.  Expect more of this in the coming days.  Believe it or not, this is one of the most productive and lasting things Congress can do without 60 Democratic votes in the Senate.

Surprise: At the End, Obama Administration Gave NSA Broad New Powers.  This story, from the Jan. 12, 2017, edition of the New York Times, was little-remarked upon at the time, but suddenly has taken on far greater significance in light of current events.

A Monumental Mistake.  In December, in the final weeks of his presidency, President Obama single-handedly created the 1.35 million-acre Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah, despite opposition from the state's governor, its congressional delegation, and the local elected officials that represent the area.  Obama did so using his executive powers under the 1906 Antiquities Act, a Progressive Era law that allows presidents to unilaterally declare federal land off limits to most forms of development.  The local backlash was fierce.  Representative Jason Chaffetz called the decision "a slap in the face to the people of Utah."  Governor Gary Herbert said it "disregards the well-being and interests of rural Americans."  And Senator Mike Lee vowed to "work tirelessly with Congress and the incoming Trump administration to honor the will of the people of Utah and undo this designation."

Barack Obama's 'folks' working under Trump blasted for 'causing chaos in White House'.  An American political commentator dragged Barack Obama's name and administration through the mud as she blamed the recent "leaks" involving Michael Flynn on his associates working for Trump.  Scottie Nell Hughes, who worked for CNN during the 2016 US election, accused Obama's "folks" of creating chaos within President Trump's administration, which has distracted him from putting "America first".

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn.  The abrupt resignation Monday evening of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn is the culmination of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama administration confidantes to handicap President Donald Trump's national security apparatus and preserve the nuclear deal with Iran, according to multiple sources in and out of the White House who described to the Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-scenes effort by these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about Flynn in the national media.  The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes — the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber — included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn's credibility, multiple sources revealed.

Obama Fundamentally Transformed  America  the Democrats.  Since President Trump's inauguration, the headlines are all about leftist groups forcing Democratic Party politicians to adopt their strategy of "Resist!" and claiming President Trump is a threat to the country.  Believe your eyes:  women in pink [...] hats led by a jihadi-supporting Muslim in a hijab, and youths in black masks attacking Trump supporters with clubs, are precisely what they look like — ideologues and extremists.  So where did all these agitators come from?  From the moment he entered the Oval Office, Obama staffed up a leftwing DOJ, EPA and Department of Education, and began to target blacks, conservationists, and millennials with his leftwing, divisive messages.  Enormous sums of money were lavished on radical groups and agendas.

Eliminate regulations that don't actually help the environment.  On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted to roll back two regulations finalized in the waning days of the Obama administration.  One rule is an Interior Department regulation targeting coal mining debris that ends up in steams; another was a financial disclosure rule emanating from the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act.  Both rules are under threat because of a little-known law called the Congressional Review Act (CRA) that is about to take center stage.

President Obama Bans Offshore Drilling in North Atlantic and Arctic.  Obama's action bans drilling in almost all American waters in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas, as well as in federal waters stretching from New England to Virginia.  The December 20, 2016 Washington Times reports, President Obama's action clearly targeted the Trump administration, trying to limit Trump's ability to undo Obama's environmental legacy.  In a conference call Obama administration officials claimed President-elect Trump would be unable to overturn the ban, saying while the 1953 law gives a president authority to ban drilling in areas, it contains no specific provisions giving a president power to reopen them.

Palestine confirms it received $221m from Obama despite last ditch block attempt by Trump.  The Palestinian Authority has confirmed $221 million from Barack Obama during his last hours as president — despite a last-ditch attempt by his successor Donald Trump to block it.  The huge transfer was one of Mr Obama's last acts in the White House with the cash being released just hours before Donald Trump was inaugurated last Friday.  However, the new president's administration attempted to freeze the transfer, with two Republican congressman requesting a hold.

Report: Trump Freezes Obama's $221 Million Payout to the Palestinians.  That $221 million transfer to the Palestinian Authority former Secretary of State John Kerry snuck through hours before Donald Trump took the oath of office may not be happening anytime soon, The Times of Israel reports.  A senior Palestinian source told the Times that the Trump administration informed PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah that it is freezing the transfer of the $221 million payout and that the funds "were not expected to be handed over in the immediate future."

Democrats And Republicans Unite To Rescind Last-Minute Obama Order Seeking Federal Election Takeover.  All 50 state secretaries of state are urging the Trump administration to rescind a last-minute Department of Homeland Security directive calling state election systems "critical infrastructure."  Many state officials fear this is the first step toward a federal takeover of state-run elections, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.  While deep political discord may be found on other issues, state secretaries — who oversee all election machinery — appear completely united against the former administration's attempt to insert the federal government into state-run elections.

State Department reviewing Obama's last minute aid to the PA.  The State Department is reviewing a last-minute decision by former Secretary of State John Kerry to send $221 million to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the final hours of the Obama administration, The Associated Press reported Tuesday [1/24/2017].  On Monday, the same news agency revealed that former President Barack Obama defied Republican opposition and quietly released the money to the PA just before Donald Trump became president.  The State Department said on Tuesday it would look at the payment and could make adjustments to ensure it complies with the Trump administration's priorities.

Bailing Out the Palestinian Authority.  President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry surprised many observers by devoting so much of their waning time in office to excoriating Israel.  But it turns out they had more mischief planned:  a last-minute Palestinian bailout.  Only three hours before President Donald Trump's inauguration, the Obama administration notified Congress that it would send $221 million to the Palestinian Authority (PA).  The funding had previously been blocked by two separate congressional holds, which are usually respected by the executive branch.

Obama defied Congress to hand $220 million to Palestinians in dying hours of his time in office.  Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking.  A State Department official and several congressional aides said the outgoing administration formally notified Congress it would spend the money Friday morning.  The official said former Secretary of State John Kerry had informed some lawmakers of the move shortly before he left the State Department for the last time Thursday.

US Sent $221 Million To Palestinians In Obama's Last Hours.  Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking.

Obama's sneaky last slap at Israel.  President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State John Kerry just couldn't resist taking one final, sneak parting shot at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  The administration sent the Palestinian Authority $221 million in funding that members of Congress had blocked over the PA's rogue diplomatic moves.  But it's the way they did it that makes the move so petty.  The funding was released in the very last moments of Obama's presidency, as Donald Trump prepared to take the oath of office.  Congress got official, written notification that morning, and word didn't leak out until this week.

Obama's Parting Gift:  Trillion-Dollar Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See.  Barack Obama came into the White House in 2009 promising a "new era of responsibility."  What he's left President Trump is a government careening toward fiscal ruin.  That's what the latest report from the Congressional Budget Office shows.

Obama Wastes Another $500 Million for UN Climate Fund.  Of course, this money will go to dictators and bad guys in many areas.  Well, the money that makes it out of the hands of the United Nations, which doesn't exactly have a great track record of competence and fiscal responsibility.  And, what money makes it beyond the greedy hands of  3rd world  developing nation leaders, will be position as being from the UN, rather than the United States.  Obama's just throwing money that taxpayers earned with hard work away, and all for nothing.

Trump and Obama's Legacy of Racism.  Day one.  Every Trump cabinet official will learn how the Obama administration has made racial resentment the major focus of everything they do.  And they have been doing that daily for eight years.  Job one:  The Trump brigade will have to decide whether to ignore it, pretend it is good, or rip it out by the roots.  Not one future cabinet member, or their boss at Trump Tower, has indicated they are aware of how widespread this is.

Obama Trying to Fill Dozens of Federal Posts Before Trump's Inauguration.  President Obama is rushing to fill almost 100 federal government vacancies, some requiring Senate confirmation, before he leaves office on Friday and Donald Trump enters the White House.  Obama has appointed 72 individuals to federal positions and another 17 for nominations that require Senate approval since New Year's Day, according to CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller.  Several of the jobs are for White House officials who will remain in their posts after President-elect Trump takes office.  On Monday night [1/16/2017], Obama announced the appointments of 27 people to government jobs and nominated two others for jobs that need Senate confirmation, the New York Post reported.

Where did he find $500 million?
Obama gives another $500 million to Green Climate Fund.  The Obama administration approved another $500 million contribution for a United Nations' climate fund on Tuesday [1/17/2017], a move that is expected to infuriate Republicans who have sought to stop the payments.  The payment to the U.N. Green Climate Fund was approved for the second year in a row.  The payments are part of the U.S.'s obligation under the Paris climate change agreement.

Obama rushes to fill dozens of federal jobs before leaving office.  President Obama rushed to fill nearly 100 federal government vacancies during a frenzy of appointments in his final few weeks in office.  Since the new year, Obama has named 72 people to federal job openings and nominated another 17 for positions requiring Senate confirmation, according to CBS reporter Mark Knoller.  On Monday night [1/16/2017], Obama announced appointments for 27 officials to government positions and named two to jobs requiring Senate confirmation.  The wave of announcements includes several White House officials, who will serve well after Obama leaves office.

Obama appoints Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes to posts.  President Obama might be done in the White House in three days, but that doesn't mean he's not going to make sure some his top administration officials and favorite athletes don't get plum assignments first.  The White House released a list of new appointments Tuesday morning and some top Obama administration names were included.  Among them were Valerie Jarrett, his White House senior adviser, and Susan Rice, the national security adviser, who will both become general trustees to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Putin: Obama administration trying to undermine Trump.  President Vladimir Putin took a parting shot at the Obama administration Tuesday, accusing it of trying to undermine Donald Trump's legitimacy with fake allegations and "binding the president-elect hand and foot to prevent him from fulfilling his election promises."

Disregard all those farewells: Obama isn't really leaving.  Obama took half of December off after a year-end news conference.  He's still appointing boards and commissions to place supporters in jobs before the other guy takes over.  He will increase his record number of drug-dealer prison commutations.  More Guantanamo releases are scheduled.

Obama Expects Trump to Respect New Migration Pact with Cuba.  Part of President Barack Obama's motivation in ending a practice that gave undocumented Cuban migrants who reached US soil the right to remain appears to have been a desire to discourage Donald Trump from reversing the process of normalization with Cuba.

On His Way Out, Obama Moves To Make National Elections Less Secure.  In yet another move by the Obama administration to stick its thumb in the nation's eye on the way out, it has decided to have the federal government meddle in state and local elections.  It's yet another terrible decision that Donald Trump is going to have to undo.

Obama accused of wrecking Trump's transition.  A leading House Republican charges that President Obama is implementing a "scorched earth" exit strategy aimed at undermining President-elect Trump first months while cementing his own legacy through a frenzy of midnight regulations.  California Rep. Darrell Issa also hit Obama's post-campaign effort to blame Russia for the outcome of the election, which has sparked some Democrats to suggest that the results are illegitimate.

For the First Time, Lady Liberty Depicted as a Woman of Color on U.S. Currency.  For the first time in American history, Lady Liberty will be portrayed as a woman of color on United States currency.  In celebration of the U.S. Mint and Treasury's 225th anniversary, the new $100 coin was unveiled on Thursday featuring Lady Liberty as a black woman.  Since the passage of the Coinage Act in 1792, all coins are required to feature an "impression emblematic of liberty," in either words or images.  Until the new coin designed by Justin Kunz was unveiled, Lady Liberty had always been depicted as a white woman.

Lady Liberty is African-American in new commemorative coin.  Lady Liberty appears "in a new light, as an African-American woman," in a $100 gold coin unveiled Thursday [1/12/2017], officials at the U.S. Mint have announced.  The 2017 American Liberty 225th Anniversary Gold Coin shows a woman's head in profile with a crown of stars.  It features the year of the Philadelphia mint's founding, 1792, as well as 2017.  The reverse side of the coin depicts an eagle in flight.  The coin is the first in a series.  Future 24-karat gold coins will show Liberty in designs representing Asian-Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans, according to the mint.  From the late 18th through the early 20th century, most U.S. coins featured depictions of Liberty as a woman of Europen ancestry.

The Editor says...
Given the current political climate in this country, the president who discontinues any series of coins or currency depicting protected minorities will be branded as a racist, even if all he's doing is restoring one of America's traditions.

The Bobbytrapped Presidency.  The Democrats are doing all they can to spike Donald Trump's presidency before it gets off the ground.  His path is littered with snares and pitfalls.  Among other things, the Obama administration is taking a series of executive actions that the Democrats say Trump can't undo.  I am not sure how that works; as a general rule, one would think that anything a president can order, the next president can countermand.

Obama is Using the Russians As an Excuse to Expand Federal Power Over Elections.  The Obama Administration is leaving office much like the way it came in — by exploiting perceived crises.  "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," Rahm Emanuel, Obama's just-named chief of staff, told a Wall Street Journal conference of top CEOs in November 2008 while his boss was still president-elect.  Since then a slew of constitutionally dubious executive orders, presidential emergencies, and rushed legislation have characterized the Obama presidency.  Now he is leaving office by issuing a blizzard of "midnight regulations" and edicts.

Obama administration cuts premiums on federal mortgage insurance.  With days left before President-elect Trump's team takes over, the Obama administration announced Monday [1/9/2017] that it would cut premiums on mortgages backed by the Federal Housing Administration, a move meant to aid homebuyers that will serve as a bonus to the housing industry but will antagonize fiscally conservative Republicans.  Julian Castro, the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, presented the rate cut, the second in as many years, as a timely move to help people facing high costs for home loans.

Issa Introduces Bill To Wipe Out Last Minute Obama Regulations.  Republicans have put forward a plan to stop Obama administration's last minute regulations Tuesday [1/4/2017].  These "midnight regulations" published after the 2016 presidential election could cost the American taxpayer over $44 billion.  California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa re-introduced legislation Tuesday that would allow Congress to overturn executive branch regulations finalized in the last 60 legislative days of an outgoing presidential administration.  The bill amends the Congressional Review Act, which would allow Congress to recoup the ability to essentially curb numerous regulations rushed through the regulatory process in the last days of an outgoing administration at one time.

The rest of the story:  What Obama won't tell you about his legacy.  President Barack Obama is not going quietly into the night.  He has used that pen of his to sign a rash of last-minute executive orders commuting the sentences of some prisoners, pardoning others, banning drilling off the Atlantic coast and in parts of the Arctic Ocean, and declaring 1.65 million acres of desert in Utah and Nevada as national monuments.

America to Obama:  Stop now.  You lost.  Since November, Obama has conducted a flurry of actions and issued executive orders that have not just irked Trump voters, but also many Democrats.  His list of last-minute political maneuvers is impressive.  He gave an order to the EPA to proceed with its controversial Stream Protection Rule that even further curtails the coal industry; designated the majority of government-owned Artic lands closed to drilling; commuted the sentences of more prisoners than all of the last six presidents combined; sped up the refugee resettlement process; permitted the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution declaring all Israeli settlement activity to be illegal; and designated over 1.5 million acres for two new national monuments, Gold Butte in Nevada and Bears Ears in Utah.

Obama going out in a blaze of self-interest.  Despite a remarkable lack of evidence that the Russians "hacked" the election (as opposed to their more obvious complicity in the WikiLeaks shenanigans), the conviction that Hillary Clinton lost because of Putin's skulduggery is rapidly gelling into liberal conventional wisdom.  These sanctions give Obama yet another useful talking point in retirement.  They're also having the desired effect on the Trump team, which for obvious reasons hates any suggestion that the Donald's election was less than legitimate.  But will they actually "box in" Trump?  It seems unlikely.

Don't Let The Door Hit You.  For all of the raging on the Left about what an unpredictable President Trump may do to hurt America in the world, there is an uncomfortable quiet over President Obama's petulant actions in his last days in office.  For lame ducks world wide, this is embarrassing.  After insisting for eight years that he reset relations between the United States and Russia, the president now confronts Russia for doing digitally what they have been doing with other methods for 70 years — attempting to disrupt democratic elections.  His expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats is very little very late and a poor substitute for failing to develop a cybersecurity policy over eight years.  Russian President Vladimir Putin responded by ridiculing Obama's irrelevancy.

Obama: A Political Corpse.  Obama's political death — the Russians have tagged him "a political corpse" — is spurring him and his administration to deny it by undertaking a series of ever more outrageous acts to preserve what he considers his "legacy." Michael Walsh summed up Obama's week:  "Stab Israel, provoke Russia, grab land — even the nuttiest Leftist has to admit Obama is out of control."

Obama is sabotaging Russian-American rapprochement.  Obama loves power, and the only thing better than a lot of power is more power.  That is his reason for being, and the end of his term has seen him getting more and more irritable and depressed.  That's how he is.  Now he has found the solution.  The Obama of the future is going to be President-for-Life, maybe by running Michelle (Bill Clinton did it that way), or some other stooge, or maybe he will finagle a way to become President of the World by getting nominated to be Sec Gen of the UN.  Which is why he is publicly shafting Israel today, knowing that this moment will be celebrated by all the Muslim throwbacks in the world.

Let's Send Him Out With a Laugh.  There was the administration's wink-and-a-nod to an atrocious UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank, a betrayal of an ally which was sharply condemned on a bipartisan basis and repudiated almost immediately by our British friends. [...] More locally, there was the Bacchanal of regulations unleashed by the administration — the total for 2016 ended up being 3,853, which comes to an average of 18 for each of the 211 laws passed by Congress during the year, and an astonishing 97,000 pages added to the Federal Register.  Estimates of the economic effect of those regulations run easily into the tens of billions of dollars.  And naturally, there was the stuffing of the federal employment rolls with as many partisan hacks as possible in an effort to poison the incoming administration with hostile bureaucrats.  Not to mention the last-minute lawsuits Obama is having his agencies cook up in order to punish businesses his administration disfavors.

The Lame Duck Restraint Act.  The American presidency has historically been accorded a unique place in national and international politics.  The office combines the head of state with the head of government, which no other major nation has done.  Moreover, we have retained the "Lame Duck" period between national elections, again something that no other major nation has done.  Finally, Congress has granted (I would argue beyond its power to grant) effective quasi-legislative powers to the president through a variety of means.  Americans today see, in the hands of an infantile and dumb man like Barack Obama, just how dangerous that can be.  His recent designation of various areas as protected from exploration for energy and other mineral wealth after his party lost all power in Washington is evidence of the need for immediate change.

Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump.  President Barack Obama's deputies have dropped 502 additional refugees into Nebraska during the first three months of FY 2017, according to the Department of State.  The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year in the more three decades the state has participated in the federal refugee resettlement program.

Obama's Sour Happy New Year to America and the World.  One of the great mysteries of our times is why Barack Obama is still so popular.  His presidency achieved nothing, not even for his own core constituencies, and now, on his way out the door, he is doing everything in his power to make life miserable for Donald Trump, his voters, the American people at large actually, the state of Israel, naturally, and even the world.

Seven Ways Obama Is Trying to Sabotage the Trump Administration.  [#3] Ban on oil drilling:  An overt act of sabotage directed at the American economy itself, leaving an especially heavy bootprint on Alaska.  Smug administration flacks spent the past couple of weeks assuring media talking heads that Obama's unprecedented abuse of an obscure law was impossible for his successor to reverse.  It's like they stayed up all night, looking for executive actions that can't be undone by the new President four weeks later.

Obama's full-blown, year-end temper tantrum.  Let's be honest:  President Obama is throwing a good old-fashioned foot-stomping world class temper tantrum.  He is just beside himself that the stupid American voter elected Donald Trump. [...] That is certainly the way he is behaving.  Not for Obama the normal gracious withdrawal into political stasis; no, he wants to prove in these waning weeks of his presidency that he was right all along.  That his agenda is what The People want, even if they don't know it.  That putting America's valuable natural resources permanently off limits is the correct thing to do, because only Obama can see the future.  That taking over vast swatches of the west is in the best interests of the reluctant residents there, because only Obama will protect our environment.  That publicly confronting Russia for cyber misbehavior after years of looking the other way is called for, even if it complicates diplomacy in a number of theaters.  Because Obama knows best.

Can Obama Leave With Class, Grace?  Earlier today, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his response to sanctions placed on Russia by the Obama administration yesterday in response to alleged Russian hacking of Democratic emails to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  He is ignoring them until Trump takes office.  Putin said in a statement issued by the Kremlin, "Although we have the right to retaliate, we will not resort to irresponsible 'kitchen' diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore Russian-U.S. relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration."

Obama is dumping as many unvetted Muslim freeloaders, rapists, and jihadists as he can into poor Christian communities.  Barack Hussein Obama has approved resettlement (including airfare, free housing and welfare) for some 100,000 mainly Muslim invaders into the U.S. for fiscal year 2017 (which began in Oct[ober]).  Hopefully, Donald Trump will reverse this executive order immediately, and stop the Islamic tidal wave.

Trump blasts Obama 'roadblocks' as power transfer turns increasingly hostile.  The presidential transition hit a new low Wednesday, with President-elect Donald Trump openly criticizing President Obama for bungling U.S. relations with Israel and erecting other "roadblocks" to a smooth transfer of power in Washington. [...] The president has been rushing with executive actions to lock in policies that Mr. Trump isn't likely to support, such as bans on offshore drilling and a fresh round of pending sanctions against Russia for cyberattacks that the administration says were aimed at helping Mr. Trump win the election.

Obama plots jobs killing 'midnight lawsuits'.  The Obama administration, which is planning to unleash billions of dollars of new last minute regulations to shore up the president's legacy, is now also readying "midnight litigation" targeting businesses, lawsuits that are expected to kill jobs.  In advance of that move, several pro-business and anti-tax groups are urging the incoming Trump administration to junk the lawsuits on Day One.  In a letter to transition chief Mike Pence, the vice president-elect, the groups warned, "Should the Obama administration bring non-routine, last minute, legally unorthodox midnight litigation, your administration should not hesitate to withdraw immediately from that litigation."

Obama's Sanctions On Russia Are Really Aimed At Trump.  Cyberwar:  President Obama, living up to his promise, has hit Russia with sanctions for hacking the U.S. election.  We're all for protecting America's information grid.  But the timing and Obama's reasoning for the actions raise serious questions about the real motivation.

How Trump clears Obama's minefield.  Before moving into the White House, President-elect Trump needs to double check the Oval Office for trip wires.  His predecessor has spent the last month setting traps to ensnare the new administration.  President Obama has more on his mind than an effort to solidify a legacy and nail down policy.  He has adopted a guerrilla strategy designed to defame and debilitate.  Inherently political, it's administrative sabotage by extra legislative means and it threatens to hobble Trump.  Obama has prepared what looks like a classic episode from Mad Magazine:  Executive vs.  Executive.  Instead of delivering on his own agenda, Trump will be forced to deal with the aftermath of his predecessor's final binge.  They could consume a notable portion of Trump's first 100 days, but if left unaddressed it would stain his administration long term.

Obama's ugly bid to snub voters and tie Trump's hands.  In his waning days in the White House, President Obama is desperately trying to make his policies as permanent as possible by tying the hands of his successor — and far more than other presidents have done on their way out.  From his dramatic and disastrous change of US policy on Israel to his executive order restricting 1.65 million acres of land from development despite local objections, Obama is trying to make it impossible for Donald Trump and a GOP-controlled Congress to govern.  Even Thursday's announcement of wide-ranging sanctions against Russia presents Trump with a foreign-policy crisis immediately upon taking office.

Nearing exit, Obama seeks to tie Trump's hands.  President Obama has taken a flurry of unilateral actions in the waning days of his tenure that appear designed to box in President-elect Donald Trump.  Obama's decision Thursday [12/29/2016] to sanction Russian entities for election-related hacking is just the latest obstacle he has placed in Trump's way.  Day before the sanctions were unveiled, the Obama administration allowed the U.N. Security Council to condemn Israeli settlement activity — something that could have an indelible impact on the Israel-Palestinian conflict.  Obama has also permanently banned oil and gas drilling large swaths of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, closed off 1.6 million acres of Western land to development and scrapped the last vestiges of a registration system used largely on Muslim immigrants.  Those actions, as well as Obama's claim he could have won a third term, seem to have irked Trump and his associates as the transition period enters its final weeks.

Conway wonders if Russian sanctions were intended to restrict Trump.  A top aide to President-elect Donald Trump speculated Thursday that the Obama administration's sanctions against Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 election may have been aimed at restricting Trump's policy toward Russia.  Kellyanne Conway, who managed Trump's campaign and will serve as a counselor to him in the White House, cited a New York Times article saying President Barack Obama was trying to "box-in" his successor by issuing the sanctions with just weeks left in his presidency.

Obama unleashes 3,853 regs, 18 for every law, record 97,110 pages of red tape.  President Obama's lame duck administration poured on thousands more new regulations in 2016 at a rate of 18 for every new law passed, according to a Friday analysis of his team's expansion of federal authority.  While Congress passed just 211 laws, Obama's team issued an accompanying 3,852 new federal regulations, some costing billions of dollars.  The 2016 total was the highest annual number of regulations under Obama.  Former President Bush issued more in the wake of 9/11.

Rudy Giuliani: 'Of course' Obama is trying to box in Donald Trump.  Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said Friday that President Obama's late-term moves on Russia and Israel show Mr. Obama is trying to "box in" President-elect Donald Trump.  "Of course, he is," Mr. Giuliani said on "Fox & Friends."  "The 18 months of hacking — why didn't he do something about it 10 months ago?  It never would have happened," said Mr. Giuliani, a top ally of Mr. Trump.  "There's a certain pettiness that I hadn't seen before," he said.

John Bolton:  Is Obama Planning to Recognize a Palestinian State on His way out the Door?  Here is Ambassador John Bolton discussing the latest on Barack Obama's "sellout" of Israel at the United Nations.  Bolton said Obama is trying to "box in" Donald Trump, to control what he does going forward on Middle East Policy.  He also said Obama "dislikes American Exceptionalism" and "Israeli Exceptionalism," and he is trying to take Israel down a notch.  Bolton also said Obama may be planning to orchestrate a U.N. Resolution recognizing a Palestinian State just before he leaves office.

A knife in the back with Obama's fingerprints.  Barack Obama couldn't pass up his last opportunity to put a knife in the back of the Israelis, whom he has demonstrated for years in word and deed that he doesn't like very much.  He doesn't like Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, at all.  With his 15 minutes in the spotlight running out, as it must for every celebrity, even a president, the president no longer has to fool Jewish voters that he's a friend of the Jewish state, which he has done through oft-gritted teeth.  He can speak with abandon, and if mischief at the United Nations makes life difficult for the new president, so much the better.

Obama's 7 Deadliest Lame-Duck Sins.  President Barack Obama has been making the most out of his lame-duck status as he runs out the clock on his eight-year reign of terror.  The fear that he would be at his most dangerous when he was free to make unpopular decisions with little political consequence has turned out to be well founded.  In the past month, Obama has unleashed a boatload of "midnight regulations," executive orders, and pardons.  He's also released more Gitmo detainees, increased refugee resettlements, and accelerated a highly politicized DOJ "probe" of the Chicago Police Department.  Last but not least, he permitted (or more likely encouraged) the UN Security Council to pass a destructive and dangerous resolution declaring all Israeli settlement activity to be illegal.

Obama blows through stop signs from Trump on auto regs.  Jeff Davis, senior fellow for the independent Eno Center for Transportation think tank, said transportation officials in the Obama administration may be trying to "flood the zone" to make it difficult for Trump to repeal its proposed rules after he takes office.  For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is trying to finalize gas mileage rules before Obama leaves office in January.  "Getting rid of these rules isn't something Trump can do with the stroke of a pen on Jan. 20," Davis said.  "A lot of these rules can be with us for a long time, even if the administration is actively opposed to them from Day One."

Report: Obama Will Permanently Block Arctic Drilling Before Trump Takes Office.  The Obama administration will use a legal strategy crafted by environmental activists to remove sections of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans from future offshore drilling lease sales, according to two sources familiar with the plan told Bloomberg.  For months, environmentalists have been urging President Barack Obama to use Section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, a 1953 law governing offshore drilling, in a way it's never been used before — to block offshore drilling leases in the Atlantic Ocean and the Chukchi and Beaufort seas.

Obama plans major nuclear policy changes in his final months.  [Scroll down]  Several U.S. officials briefed on the options told me they include declaring a "no first use" policy for the United States' nuclear arsenal, which would be a landmark change in the country's nuclear posture.  Another option under consideration is seeking a U.N. Security Council resolution affirming a ban on the testing of nuclear weapons.  This would be a way to enshrine the United States' pledge not to test without having to seek unlikely Senate ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.  The administration is also considering offering Russia a five-year extension of the New START treaty's limits on deployed nuclear weapons, even though those limits don't expire until 2021.  This way, Obama could ensure that the next administration doesn't let the treaty lapse.

Obama Admin Extends Asylum for Syrian Refugees Through 2018.  The Obama administration has extended and renewed temporary asylum status for scores of Syrian refugees residing in the United States, meaning that these individuals are shielded from being booted from America through 2018, according to a new federal notice. [...] The extension comes as the Obama administration moves forward with a plan to relocate thousands of Syria refugees into the United States.  The plan has received criticism due to what experts say is the U.S. government's inability to screen these individuals for ties to terrorism.

Trump was right to try to stop Obama from tying his hands on Israel.  The Egyptian decision to withdraw the one-sided anti-Israel Security Council resolution should not mask the sad reality that it is the Obama administration that has been pushing for the resolution to be enacted.  The United States was trying to hide its active 'behind the scenes' roll by preparing to abstain rather than voting for the resolution.  But in the context of the Security Council where only an American veto can prevent anti-Israel resolutions from automatically passing, an abstention is a vote for the resolution.  And because of this automatic majority, an anti-Israel resolution like this one cannot be reversed by a future American president.  A veto once cast cannot be cast retroactively.  The effect, therefore of the Obama decision to push for, and abstain from, a vote on this resolution is to deliberately tie the hands of President Obama's successors, most particularly President elect Trump.

Media Blackout On Obama's Last-Minute Civil Rights Appointments.  Liberal news outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN are keeping their readers in the dark about two aggressive appointments to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights made by President Obama with just weeks remaining in his presidency.  In addition to questions surrounding the appointees themselves, the move by Obama effectively blocks President-elect Donald Trump from any appointments to the eight-person commission until 2020, when Trump would be up for re-election.

How Much Damage Can Lame Duck President Obama Do Before Leaving Office?  The US lame duck administration is going to any length in an effort to torpedo the looming normalization of Russia-US relations as Donald Trump is preparing for his inaugural speech on January 20.  Any method would do, even playing with fire.  In an interview with NPR radio station (Morning Edition) aired on Dec. 16, President Obama said the United States will respond to Russian cyberattacks that the intelligence community has concluded were part of an effort to influence the 2016 presidential election.  "We need to take action and we will," he warned.

After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era.  Now that Donald Trump has won the election, the Federal Reserve has decided now would be a great time to start raising interest rates and slowing down the economy.  Over the past several decades, the U.S. economy has always slowed down whenever interest rates have been raised significantly, and on Wednesday the Federal Open Market Committee unanimously voted to raise rates by a quarter point.  Stocks immediately started falling, and by the end of the session it was their worst day since October 11th.  The funny thing is that the Federal Reserve could have been raising rates all throughout 2016, but they held off because they didn't want to hurt Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the election.

Mr. Trump, these people are NOT your friends.  The office of president deserves respect, but the fact is, President Obama has been one of the worst presidents in American history.  Trump is taking the high road to bring the country together.  But it is pretty obvious to me that President Obama is putting on a front.  Fox News' Ed Henry reported that Obama is planning a farewell tour in mid-January, with major speeches in up to three cities.  The likely goal:  To undermine Donald Trump before the inauguration.  Obama has been harsh in his criticism of Trump, and there's no doubt that will continue long after he leaves office.  He is a divisive, radical left-wing ideologue, always was, always will be.

Barack H. Obama's post-presidential plans and activities:

Related topic:  Obama's post-presidential speeches

Barack Obama's 'You Ain't Black' Moment Backfires on Kamala.  With the polls starting to show a shift toward Trump, the Harris-Walz campaign is showing signs of desperation.  They're not just sending Kamala out to do softball interviews; they're sending past presidents like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to seal the deal for her.  On Thursday evening, Barack Obama was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, tasked with the job of boosting black voter turnout for Kamala Harris.  More specifically, Obama's goal was to help Kamala win over black men, who are increasingly leaning toward Trump.  Obama's messaging was, to say the least, insulting.  Like Joe Biden's "you ain't black" moment in the 2020 campaign, Barack Obama used race and gender to shame black men for not supporting Kamala.

'I Got A Dad, And He Ain't You': Response To Obama's Condescending Remarks Goes Viral.  Prominent black Trump booster Rob Smith has responded to the former president's condescending screed over 'brothas' who are afraid to vote for Kamala Harris.  In a now-viral reply, Smith tells Obama:  "There is no amount of lecturing or bullying or shaming that you can do that is going to make me change that decision [to vote for Trump].

Herschel Walker to Barack Obama: 'Telling Us to Vote Based on Color Is a Step Backward'.  Former Georgia candidate for U.S. Senate Herschel Walker blasted Barack Obama for sending black people backward in equality by demanding they vote based on skin color.  Walker's slam against Obama came after the former president warned that not enough black people — especially black men — are supporting Harris, according to the current polls.  "Barack Obama, you forgot how hard we fought for our right to vote!  Telling us how to vote based on color is a step backward.  The bad policies of Biden/Harris have hurt us all.  We need unity brother, not division!" Walker wrote, adding #Togetherwestand.

Harris Brings Out Race-Baiter In Chief Obama To Shame Black Men Into Voting For A Pretend Black Candidate.  Watch a weary, broken Obama descend into end-stage race-hatred politics.  Obama barks at scared young black men, demanding 'the brothas' support Kamala because she 'grew up like you' and 'went to college with you' and had to 'work harder.'  [Video clip]

Michelle Obama wore nearly $3K pantsuit to DNC while touting her parents were 'suspicious' of the wealthy.  Michelle Obama wore a nearly $3,000 pantsuit to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago while touting to attendees that her parents were "suspicious" of the wealthy.  The former first lady began her DNC speech on Tuesday by saying the last time she was in her hometown of Chicago was to memorialize her mother, the woman "who showed me the meaning of hard work and humility and decency" and "who set my moral compass high and showed me the power of my own voice."  "She and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy.  In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed," Obama said.  "They understood that it wasn't enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning.  So my mother volunteered at the local school."

The Editor says...
As I understand it, the Obamas have a mansion in Chicago, 29 acres at Martha's Vineyard, and a residence in Washington DC which is probably quite nice, too.  Companies (like Netflix) give them money for apparently doing next to nothing, unless the Obamas are providing some service that is hidden from the public, and what legitimate service would that be?  (Nobody gives a politician millions of dollars without expecting something in return.)  If ever there were "folks who took more than they needed," they are the Obamas themselves.

The Obama Effect.  Although [Barack H.] Obama works hard to look like he's not directly involved in the things he's engaged in, anyone who has followed the machinations of the stealthy socialist knows that there are no coincidences regarding the former president.  Barack Obama thrives on adoration, and repudiation motivates him to action, but not in a good way.  In 2016, Obama and his agenda were spurned by American voters.  On Wednesday morning, November 9th, 2016, the most thin-skinned, vindictive socialist ever to grace the cover of Time magazine likely vowed that what happened the prior day would never happen again, either here or abroad.  After losing in 2016, the former president remained in Washington, D.C. Coincidentally, for four years, Trump, the guy who humiliated Obama, was relentlessly oppressed by the same operatives that served in his 'hope and change' administration.

Barack 'Luca Brasi' Obama.  The 25th Amendment is a serious option, but not intended to replace an unpopular president.  The LBJ route is the better one, or giving a speech so that your party can nominate a successor.  My guess is that this is going to be an issue in this campaign.  After all, a lot of voters think that the VP knew something of President Biden's condition.  Is it unreasonable to ask why she didn't call for a Cabinet meeting months before?

Hersch Reports Barack Obama Threatened Biden with 25th Amendment Removal.  In popular lingo young people simply say, "that tracks."  It's a quick way of saying, new information makes sense with pre-existing information.  Investigative journalist Seymour Hersch writes on his substack, an article outlying how his sources in Washington DC and the White House have confirmed to him that former President Barack Obama was the impetus to push Joe Biden out of the 2024 presidential race.

Rep. Fallon to Newsmax:  Harris, Obama Ousted Biden.  Rep. Pat Fallon, responding to a report claiming that former President Barack Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris allegedly threatened President Joe Biden with invoking the 25th Amendment, said Sunday on Newsmax that he thinks they would have gone to "any lengths" to get Biden out of the race.  "Joe and Jill Biden did not want to leave the White House," the Texas Republican told Newsmax's "Sunday Agenda."  "They wanted to give it a go, even if they had not even a puncher's chance in November.  They still wanted to go for it because once you bow out, you have zero chance."  The report, from journalist Seymour Hersh on Substack, claims that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries were deeply involved and that last Sunday, hours before Biden stepped out, Obama called him.

Obama World's Fingerprints Are All Over Campus Chaos.  A who's-who of Obama administration alumni are seemingly behind a concerted push to drive a wedge between President Joe Biden and Israel.  For weeks, stories of chaos across the nation's college campuses dominated the media.  Anti-Israel protestors set up encampments, ignored charges of trespassing and ripped down the American flag to replace it with the Palestinian flag, all to protest the United States' pro-Israel stance in the country's war against Hamas.  Recent reporting by Tablet Magazine, as well as public statements from former White House officials, reveal that members of the Obama administration are stoking the flames of anti-Israel sentiment in the Democratic Party, exacerbating a headache for Biden.

The brumation of Barack Obama.  Reptiles don't hibernate; they brumate.  They slow their heart rate and breathing and lower their body temperature, which is how they survive the winter.  Only cold-blooded animals brumate.  But spring is on its way, and Barack Obama has come back to life to save Joe Biden.  A recent photo showed a scowling Obama at a New York airport pulling on the elbow of Joe Biden, who was going in the wrong direction.  They were there for a fundraiser for dementia Joe.  Obama has committed to Biden's re-election — with Michelle Obama in the wings, just in case.  Obama doesn't realize that the shine is off the penny, and few pay attention to him, and less to Bill Clinton, who also showed up.  Uh-oh.  There must be "trouble in River City."  Besides paying a hefty fee for dinner, the underwhelming, overly rich could have their picture taken with the threesome who caused so much damage to the dignity and economics of our country.  Celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz happily snapped pictures for a reported mere $100,000 extra for the Biden campaign.

Desperate Joe Biden Calls in Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Save His Bacon.  It's only March, but things are not going so well for Joe Biden in the presidential election cycle.  Polls continue to show Donald Trump with a national lead, a result he rarely received in 2016 or 2020.  The former president is also leading in various battleground states.  That's got the White House in full panic mode despite the defiance and arrogance its members are showing publicly.  The economy isn't in a full-scale collapse, but it's hurting people where it matters most, i.e. with ever-increasing prices and interest rates.  On a security front, Biden has overseen the worst illegal immigration crisis in American history and things are just as chaotic overseas.  Where does the president go from here?  Democrats have a plan, albeit one that may not work as well as they hope:  Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

What's the difference between "intervene" and "interfere?"
Obama Has 'Grave Concern' Biden Will Lose, Is Ready to Intervene.  Despite mail-in voting and ballot harvesting and a host of other perfectly legal ways to tilt the playing field, could Old Joe Biden actually lose in November?  If a Tuesday New York Times story is to be believed, the answer is a resounding yes, and among the most worried is the senescent corruptocrat's old friend and mentor, Barack Obama.  "Old friend and mentor," as is well known, is largely an image manufactured for public consumption. [...] If the Times story is accurate, and not just another signal that the Democrat establishment is ready to send Biden to a much-needed retirement, Obama is deeply worried that Old Joe is going to demonstrate his remarkable ability to mess things up in the coming rematch with Trump, and is ready to step in and lend his expertise to the cause of inflicting Biden on America for four more years.

Obama is fretting about Joe Biden's prospects.  Barack Obama is not a happy man.  In fact, he's fretting, getting all wound up about Joe Biden's re-election prospects.  It ought to be something he shouldn't care about, having nothing but contempt for Biden.  But something else is going on. [...] It sounds like Obama is Biden's minder, hall monitor, parent, and boss, which is what voters have been suspecting all along, given Biden's strange insistance at public events that he does what he is told. [...] Obama gave Biden an 'F' and detention on his latest term paper, and called for improvement.  Or, after ignoring the old toad for much of his presidency, Obama now is stepping in as Biden's backseat driver, telling him he's about to drive the car off a cliff.  Given how out-of-it Biden is, firmly convinced that he's presidential material even in his dotage, it's got to be a good slap of the towel to an old fool who doesn't know where the locker is.  Obama may not be the smartest-ever president, but he certainly is wily and in touch with more voters than Biden is even if he has nothing of value to tell Biden about what to give voters.  And unlike Biden, he is canny enough to see a train wreck coming.  What a wretched situation, given that Biden is supposed to be a president of sorts.

Obama met privately with Biden and worried Trump may win the 2024 election:  Report.  Former President Barack Obama privately met with President Biden on at least two occasions and expressed concern that he could lose the 2024 election, according to a report.  A new report from TIME Magazine claimed that Obama met with Biden last June to deliver a warning about his re-election chances.  Obama allegedly advised Biden to become more aggressive and make the upcoming presidential race a referendum on Trump.  During a private lunch, Obama told Biden his campaign was unstable, persuading unhappy voters would be a challenge and defeating Trump would be more difficult than 2020, according to a Democrat briefed on the discussion.

What Is Obama Doing in London?  Former President Barack Obama was spotted in London yesterday, but not as a tourist taking in the sights or looking for Princess Kate Middleton.  Instead, Obama was spotted walking into 10 Downing Street for an hour long meeting with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.  [Tweet]  After leaving the meeting, Obama said he was "tempted" to answer questions from the press but kept walking with U.S. Ambassador to the UK Jane Hartley.  [Tweet]  The move comes just days after news reports that President Joe Biden reportedly claims he has been more successful than Obama, reigniting a decades long rivalry between the two politicians.

Texas Lieutenant Governor Says 'Deep State Run by Barack Obama' Has Pulled the Rug Out from Under Biden.  Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick of Texas said a Department of Justice report that described President Joe Biden as an "elderly man with a poor memory" is proof enough for him Democrats are going with a different candidate in November.  The memo, along with Biden's late Thursday news conference, means that those who are pulling the strings in the Democratic Party are forcing Biden out, Patrick claimed.  He specifically blamed former President Barack Obama and the deep state.  Patrick made the comments on social media Friday morning, where he also predicted Americans could see former first lady Michelle Obama on their ballots this fall.

CVFC: A Secret Illegal Immigrant Housing Operation to Populate The US.  The United Nations has been funding and coordinating the complex international trafficking operation of millions of Illegal Immigrants arriving in South America, and traveling north thru the Darien Gap, then thru Mexico, and finally to the United States.  Barrack Hussein Obama has been supporting the UN coordinated invasion of the US; the invasion has effectively eliminated the security of the US Constitutional Republic.  Illegal Aliens invading the United States are replacing the 300,000 of America's youth murdered over the last three years by smuggled Communist Chinese Fentanyl from Mexico, and the 1.1 million Americans who have died from the Covid experimental shots.  The Illegal Immigration Housing Plan is being coordinated by Barack Hussein Obama, and the communist Democrats.  It is designed to "permanently" change the demographics of the United States forever.  The Illegal Immigration Housing Plan is designed to eliminate the Patriotic character of the US Constitutional Republic in major cities and replace voting American Citizen in those cities with Illegal Aliens who have absolutely no loyalty to the United States; they in fact are hostile toward the United States and will be involved in the overthrow of the government of the United States.  In 2023 Fiscal Year, over 3 million Illegal Aliens from 161 countries walked into the US and were released into the US interior.  Customs and Border Protection stated that in the same Fiscal Year, 564 Terrorists listed on the FBI Terror Watch List were captured at both the Southern and Northern Borders.

Too Fun to Check:  Did Obama Tell Biden to Retire?  Ehhhh ... probably not.  But it's not too difficult to believe, either.  If this is indeed Barack Obama's third term in office by proxy, Joe Biden has ruined the legacy, and not just because his incoherence has now become the norm.  Yesterday, Radar Online reported that Obama "read the riot act" to Biden over his poor performance, and essentially told him to shape up or ship out: [...] This sounds too good to be true, especially since Obama has been an undeniable influence on Biden's White House.  If Obama wanted Biden out, he'd start by asking his own allies to depart.  He and Michelle Obama are racking up millions of dollars with their production company partnership with Netflix, so he certainly could find some room for them, at least.  So far, though, they're all sticking around, officially or otherwise.  Or are they?  After all, as our PJM colleague Matt Margolis and American Thinker's Monica Showalter point out, one major Obamaland figure has publicly sounded an alarm for a couple of months now.

Three Former Presidents Start NGO to Import Illegal Aliens into the U.S..  Three of the five former Presidents of the United States have started a new non-governmental organization (NGO) with the explicit purpose of chartering flights to import illegal aliens into the United States.  As reported by Just The News, the NGO Miles4Migrants, founded by former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, is teaming up with two other organizations, American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US, to expand upon a previous effort that focused solely on Afghan refugees following the disastrous withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in 2021.  Welcome.US was originally launched for the purpose of bringing in at least 85,000 Afghan refugees, and also has ties to the far-left billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundation.  The new coalition between Welcome.US, Miles4Migrants, and American Express Global Business Travel will seek to raise money to import illegals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Ukraine.

Will the next incompetent black candidate please step forward.
Obama in the running for Harvard president?  Now that Claudine Gay is out as president at Harvard after a plagiarism scandal, will Barack Obama become the university's next president? [...] It seems a little tenuous, given that the Boston Globe cited experts who emphasized that holding the post is hard work, and we all know what Obama's work ethic was like as president.  That clearly carried over from Obama college days.  Obama's academic output while at Harvard was about nil, and even while holding the prestigious post as editor of the Harvard Law Review, he has no articles to his name, which many legal observers found highly unusual when the news of it came out.  In short, he'd bring glitz to Harvard, but probably wouldn't do much to change the negative trajectory of the university.

Obama Has Deep Concerns About Biden's Ability to Defeat Trump and Protect the Deep State System He Built.  I think deep down all intellectually honest political researchers knew The Lightbringer could not possibly permit:  (a) Joe Biden to try winning an election on his own without fraud; and (b) the scale of risk that Donald Trump represents.  There is far too much personal risk to the Obama embeds who have weaponized the systems of government.  The media are now reporting that [Obama] has stepped back into the arena.  There was a report in the Washington Post outlining the Obama concerns, and NBC has confirmed some of the details. [...] Obama and Clyburn are worried about Trump's appeal to black voters.  Specifically, if the BLM/AME network will activate as strongly in 2024 — given the potential for scrutiny as the AME precinct group in Philly, Fulton, Racine, Clark, Wayne and Pittsburgh counties might be nervous about doing the ballot scheme again.  That's it.  That's the fear.

Obama Steps in to Save Harvard's Very Diverse, Plagiarizing President.  Harvard President Claudine Gay remains under fire after being exposed as a prolific plagiarizer.  The leader of one of America's foremost universities, lauded for her diversity, has offered several corrections in the aftermath but has steadfastly refused to step down.  She first sparked controversy recently by refusing to answer whether proclaiming calls for genocide against Jews violated Harvard's code of conduct.  After refusing to resign, it was then revealed that Gay had committed dozens of acts of plagiarism throughout her college and professional career. [...] Gay has gained one big defender, though.  According to a new report, none other than former President Barack Obama has stepped in to ensure she doesn't face any consequences.

It Looks Like Barack Obama Was Involved in Letting Harvard President Claudine Gay Keep Her Job.  Harvard President Claudine Gay continues to be embroiled in controversy not only for her particularly lacking response during a House Committee on Education & the Workforce congressional hearing earlier this month when it comes to if calls for genocide against Jews constitutes bullying and harassment, but also for allegations of plagiarism that just keep coming in.  Even the mainstream media has started to turn on her.  And yet the Harvard Corporation still voted unanimously last week to let Gay keep her job.  It looks like Gay not only has Penny Pritzker, senior fellow of the Harvard Corporation, but also former President Barack Obama, whose administration Pritzker served in.

'Ms. TayIor,' 26, is identified as the staffer who was paddle boarding with Barack Obama's chef Tafari Campbell.  Newly-released records from the Secret Service show the chaotic early moments as agents scrambled to try and rescue Barack Obama's personal chef in Martha's Vineyard, struggling to get a motor boat into the murky water with just 15 minutes of daylight.  Agents tried but failed to get two motorboats on the property working, at least one of them belonging to the Secret Service, before they successfully started a third boat belonging to the groundskeeper.  But it was already too late.  Tafari Campbell, 45, never surfaced the night of July 23, and his body was pulled from Edgartown Great Pond the following day.

Secret Service Boats Were Inoperable During Rescue Attempt of Obama's Chef Tafari Campbell, Newly Released Records Reveal.  Judicial Watch has disclosed new documents concerning the unfortunate drowning of Tafari Campbell, the former personal chef of the Obama family, revealing that there were operational failures with Secret Service rescue boats during the emergency.  On July 23, 45-year-old Tafari Campbell met his tragic end while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond, Martha's Vineyard.  A female Obama staffer was reportedly paddle boarding with him.  According to witness accounts, without a life jacket and wasn't tethered to his board, Campbell lost his balance and fell off his paddleboard into the water.  Desperately struggling to stay afloat, he eventually slipped beneath the surface, never to resurface again.  Campbell, who could swim as evidenced by a video he'd previously posted, was found in eight-deep water.

The best part of Obama's ridiculous new Netflix filmLeave the World Behind may just become the Heaven's Gate (one of many) of Netflix's foray into filmmaking with the Obamas.  Barack is said to have had a hand in the writing.  The film has no ending; it just stops, as if they forgot to finish it.  The few commenters who liked the film insult the vast majority of those who found it idiotic — typical of those whose faith in their own opinions is unshakable.  One commenter on IMDB wrote that "the iconic [1960] Twilight Zone episode 'The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street' offers a more satisfying narrative experience."

Big Mouth Barack.  After enduring eight years of pretentious lectures, we thought we were finally rid of him in 2017.  But no, he's still enlightening his inferiors, which in his mind is everyone who isn't him, most recently to link market-based systems to slavery. [...] Speaking a week ago at the Obama Foundation's Democracy Forum, the former (and current de facto) president said "just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn't mean it guarantees a good society.  Because from the outset, market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploration, corruption, fraud, autocracy, the poisoning of our natural environment."

Obama Whitewashes Hamas Terrorism: 'Nobody's Hands Are Clean, All Of Us Are Complicit To Some Degree'.  Former President Barack Obama whitewashed the Islamic terrorist attack that Hamas committed against Israel last month where terrorists murdered 1,400 Israelis, wounded 5,300, and kidnapped more than 240 people. [...] Obama then whitewashed the terrorism that Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups inflict on Israel by saying that everyone was going to have to "admit" that "nobody's hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree."  He said that people were going to have to "speak to somebody on the other side and listen to them and understand what they are talking about" in order to save children from being killed.

For more than a decade, Barack Obama has financially supported Islamic terrorism.  Since the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, American policy against Iran was to treat it as an enemy.  Its incessant support of terror attacks around the world, many targeting civilian Jews, resulted in its exclusion from normal diplomatic relations.  It was — and remains to this day — the foremost state sponsor of terror.  A pariah among nations.  All of that changed with Barack Obama's inauguration in 2009.  His first major diplomatic act touched off the "Arab Spring", a set of hardline revolts in many countries including Egypt, which had been the site of his first speech.  Breaking with all American traditions, Obama slammed America's foreign policies and sided with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood political element, which had once aligned with Hitler's Third Reich. [...] Iran's nuclear ambitions were only possible thanks to Barack Obama.  He drove Congress relentlessly to approve steps that would allow Iran to both build nuclear weapons and develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.

We Have New Details About the Death of Obama's Personal Chef.  Many parts of the story were odd.  From the 911 call to the markings and bruising on Obama's hand and face, conspiracy theories flowed about what happened.  The initial reports were that the Obamas were not at their residence at the time of the incident.  New documents reveal that after Campbell was reported missing, Obama was on the scene. [...] So, why was it originally reported that the Obamas were nowhere near their home when Campbell went missing?  Did Obama lie?  Who lied?  It's not a Chappaquiddick situation, but is it Chappaquiddick-like regarding the damage control and the weird details?  Sure.  Also, don't expect the Secret Service to turn over that surveillance footage.

Was Malia with the former Obama chef when he drowned?  Massachusetts State Police released a forty-page report on the death of Tafari Campbell, Obama's chef, who drowned in July in Edgartown Great Pond.  Judicial Watch, a conservative activist group, received it recently.  There are a number of discrepancies with the report when compared to the initial reports, which, not surprisingly, changed facts on a daily basis.  Originally, Tafari Campbell, who police said could not swim, was paddle-boarding alone on Edgartown Great Pond and was found drowned a day later in eight feet of water a hundred feet from shore.  I immediately questioned that in a previous article because the Massachusetts Estuaries Project shows that water depth for that distance from the Obama shore is only 2 [to] 3 feet deep.  The story changed, and suddenly there was another person with him, identified as a twenty-six-year-old female employee.  Malia Obama is twenty-five, and although the woman's name is redacted from the report, it says that the female, believed to be Malia, arrived in a motorcade later that night to be interviewed.

New Details in Death of Obama's Personal Chef Raise Questions.  New information from a FOIA request now places Barack Obama on the scene sometime after his personal chef, Tafari Campbell, went missing and was later found drowned.  The new information was first reported by Jesse Watters Friday evening.  "We have new information tonight in the drowning death of Obama's chef Tafari Campbell," Watters revealed.  "The Massachusetts State Police responded to our FOIA request and released their report with some redactions."  "According to the report, Obama was on the scene shortly after Campbell went missing," Watters said.  "The report also states an unnamed female staffer jumped into the water when Tafari fell off his board, but it was already too late.  He disappeared."  Initial reports claimed that the Obamas were not at their estate at the time of the incident, though later reports indicated that Barack and Michelle Obama "were out of the house" but on Martha's Vineyard when it happened, and their presence on scene after Campbell went missing was a detail not previously known.

New Information Points To Obama Being Present At Time Of Former Chef's Death Investigation.  Judicial Watch claims to have new evidence that Barrack Obama was present for a witness interview regarding to the death of his chef.  On Friday [10/20/2023], Judicial Watch announced their retrieval of 40 heavily redacted pages from the Massachusetts state police recounting Tafari Campbell's death.  The documents allege that Obama and a direct witness to the drowning arrived at the scene via motorcade.  Additionally, the 40-pages included secret service surveillance of Campbell entering the water with his paddleboard companion, as well as details into the secret service's emergency response.

Obama Chef Death Investigation Update.  We're learning much more about the tragic death at Obama's home.  We received 40 pages of records from the Massachusetts State Police that indicate the presence of Barack Obama for a witness interview in the death investigation of the Obamas' personal chef Tafari Campbell.  The records, which are heavily redacted, indicate Barack Obama arrived at the emergency response scene via motorcade.  A short time later, a cold, wet woman, who was a witness, arrived.  The next morning, the eyewitness was interviewed in the Obama residence, again with Barack Obama present.  It is concerning that we had to push for several months to find out that Barack Obama was personally involved in the death investigation of his personal chef Tafari Campbell.  The records also detail the existence of a Secret Service video of Campbell and his paddleboarding companion entering the water, and the Secret Service emergency response in the immediate aftermath of the drowning.  The State Police records show they concluded "no foul play" in Campbell's "accidental" death.

Buried News:  Obama muscled Zuckerberg to censor Trump — and made an example of him.  Has Barack Obama gone from ex-president to Democrat party crime boss?  It sure looks like it, based on a new report about his treatment of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.  Investigative reporter Lee Smith has got a stunning report that ran this week in Tablet, comparable in impact to that report by Molly Ball at Time who wrote about how elites conspired to "fortify democracy" by rigging the election against President Trump in 2020 and afterwards thought it was a smart thing to crow about.  Smith's report begins with how the FBI "hacked" Twitter, not just engaging in a "master-canine" relationship as Twitter files reporter Matt Taibbi put it in one of his reports, but actually infiltrating the company and controlling it from within, rendering it a corporate Zombie.

Silence over drowning of Obama chef Tafari Campbell sparks conspiracy theories.  Police in Massachusetts are continuing to cover up information about the death of Obama personal chef Tafari Campbell even after declaring the case closed this week, DailyMail.com can reveal.  The response has prompted an outcry from First Amendment advocates who have been left asking: 'What do they have to hide?'  And it has also sparked a plethora of conspiracy theories including the role of the former president's family in the cover-up and Campbell's relationship with the unidentified woman who witnessed his death.

More secrecy spurs cover-up accusations surrounding death of Obamas' chef.  Conspiracy theories continue to circulate around the drowning death of the Obamas' personal chef Tafari Campbell, due to what one media outlet is calling a "cover-up" by the Massachusetts police.  "Police in Massachusetts are continuing to cover up information about the death of Obama personal chef Tafari Campbell even after declaring the case closed this week," DailyMail.com reports.  Of particular interest to online sleuths is the unnamed female companion that was reportedly with Campbell, a seemingly strong swimmer, when he drowned in shallow water while paddle boarding near Barack Obama's Martha's Vineyard summer home.

Barack Obama's role in Joe Biden's 2024 reelection bid takes shape.  Obama reportedly promised to do everything in his power to boost Biden to reelection during a lunch meeting at the White House in June, per the Washington Post.  During the meeting, he also allegedly warned Biden of former president Donald Trump's political prowess and stranglehold on the Republican Party.  Trump is the front-runner in the Republican primary race, besting each competitor by double digits.  In a statement to the Washington Post, Obama Senior Adviser Eric Schultz said, "We place a huge emphasis on finding creative ways to reach new audiences, especially tools that can be directly tied to voter mobilization or volunteer activations."  "We are deliberate in picking our moments because our objective is to move the needle," he added.  As Biden enlists the help of prominent Democrats across the country, the help of Obama is likely the most beneficial.  Obama, who survived his own reelection bid in 2012, is the most famous former president, according to a 2023 survey from YouGov.

Did Obama's chef drown in three feet of water?  Everything about the death of Barack Obama's chef, Tafari Campbell, has been a lie.  Why not the depth of the water, too? [...] The story about the chef's death changed more often than the days of the week.  The Obamas weren't there, then they were.  The daughters may or may not have been there.  In previous versions, Tafari was paddleboarding alone, while someone else was also in the area.  That person tried to assist Tafari, unsuccessfully, when he fell off his board and went beneath the water.  The most recent version is that he was on the water with a female employee who swam to shore and someone from the Secret Service called for help.  The only part of that story that appears truthful is that he may have been with a female. [...] Allegedly, his body was found the following morning in eight feet of water about 100 feet from shore.  That also appears to be a lie.  A government document, the Massachusetts Estuaries Project, shows on page sixty-one that the distance from the Obama property to a depth of eight feet would be at least three hundred feet from the shore.  At most, the water was three feet deep.  Tafari could have saved his own life just by sitting up.

Tafari Campbell's drowning death is deemed an accident but Massachusetts police are Still withholding basic information.  Massachusetts state police are covering up information about the drowning of Barack Obama's personal chef, labeling the incident an accident but continuing to withhold information under the guise of an 'ongoing investigation', DailyMail.com can reveal.  It's been 11 days since Tafari Campbell drowned in a pond bordering the former president's estate, but authorities are rejecting requests for even basic facts including the identity of the sole witness and the 911 caller.  The state is citing a Public Records Law exemption that allows police to withhold any information that could jeopardize an active investigation.

There's Something Very Strange About the Death of Obama's Personal Chef.  Working in law enforcement is a dangerous job, as is protecting the president of the United States.  Being the personal chef to the president might be a close second, as these guys keep dying under eerie circumstances.  In late July, Chef Tafari Campbell drowned while paddle boarding near the Martha's Vineyard estate of former President Barack Obama. [...] The story became one of palace intrigue due to the anonymous 911 call, the location of the Obamas at the time of the incident, and the former president's injuries at a golf course not long after the event.  He was sporting bandaged hands and a black eye.  It might be a coincidence, but the drowning has sparked many conspiracy theories and accompanying fact-checks, which don't mean anything.  The liberal media destroyed the 'fact check' beat when weaponizing these pieces against the Trump presidency.  [Two tweets with video clips]  Later, it was determined that the Obamas were on the island but not at their residence, though the emergency call log from police appeared scattered.  And the freakish thing about the Campbell case is that he isn't the first chef to die serving a former Democratic president.  The Clintons personal chef, who also served the Bush White House, died in 2015.  The cause of death:  drowning.

The Editor says...
I doubt if there is such a thing as an "anonymous 911 call."  The local police probably don't want you to know that you can't call 9-1-1 anonymously, which would explain why they would say such a thing to the gullible press corps.

Huge Report About Dead Obama Chef — This Is Who Was with Him When He Died.  The identity of a second paddle-boarder with former President Barack Obama's chef when he drowned at Martha's Vineyard has been partially revealed.  The U.K. Daily Mail reported Monday, "A female staff member of Barack Obama had been with chef Tafari Campbell when he tragically drowned while paddle-boarding in a pond beside the former president's estate" on July 23. [...] The Massachusetts State Police said in a July 23 news release that Campbell, "who had gone into the water, appeared to briefly struggle to stay on the surface, and then submerged and did not resurface."  The police call log that night was left blank.  According to the Daily Mail, Edgartown police chief Bruce McNamee speculated that the reason for the call might have been left off because the caller didn't call 911, but directly called a business line.  [Tweet]

Tafari Campbell was Reportedly Paddleboarding with a Female Obama Staffer, Sources Say.  A week after the tragic drowning of Obama's personal chef, Tafari Campbell, DailyMail.com has uncovered new information about the incident.  Tafari Campbell, 45, met his tragic end while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond, Martha's Vineyard, on July 23.  He was reportedly not alone, but local police have yet to disclose the other person's identity.  The Gateway Pundit previously reported that dispatch calls between Martha's Vineyard emergency services confirm the presence of a second paddle boarder with Campbell.  According to a statement from the Massachusetts State Police reported by MassLive, the unidentified paddleboarder tried to swim to Campbell but tragically, "did not reach him in time."

Photos Show Barack Obama Playing Golf With Bandaged Hand, Black Eye.  Last week, Barack Obama's private chef, Tafari Campbell, fell off his paddle board and sank below the surface of Edgartown Great Pond.  His drowned body was recovered on Monday morning in the water off the former president's Martha's Vineyard estate.  Currently, there's no foul play suspected, and it's worth noting that Campbell was not wearing a lifejacket.  However, certain peculiarities have presented themselves, causing some people to raise questions.  For example, the reason for the 911 call that prompted the search was left blank in official logs.  The person Campbell was with at the time of the accident remains unidentified, and the police have refused to disclose the person's name.  Adding to the intrigue is that Barack Obama appeared with what looks like a black eye and a bandaged hand, playing golf at the exclusive Vineyards Club on Friday while Michelle Obama played tennis elsewhere on the grounds.

Obama Spotted at Golf Course with Bandaged Fingers, Days After Mysterious Paddle Boarding Accident.  Just a week following the unexpected and rather tragic death of their personal chef and friend, Tafari Campbell, the Obamas were spotted out and about, seemingly unscathed and unaffected.  Barack and Michelle Obama were spotted at the Vineyard Golf Club and Farm Neck Country Club, respectively, according to exclusive photos obtained by Daily Mail.  The pictures are the first public glimpse of the Obamas since the loss of their dear friend and personal chef.  Dressed in a green polo shirt and white shorts, Barack Obama was seen engaged in a round of golf at the exclusive Vineyard Golf Club.  The former president, noticeably bearing bandaged fingers, which causes speculations online.

Tafari Campbell's Death Mystery Deepens.  Martha's Vineyard law enforcement appears to have left a significant void in the details surrounding the tragic drowning of Obama's private chef, Tafari Campbell.  The call log of the 911 distress call, received on the night of the accident, conspicuously omits the reason for the call, Daily Mail reported.  Tafari Campbell, 45, met his tragic end while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond, Martha's Vineyard, on Sunday night.  He was reportedly not alone, but local police have yet to disclose the other person's identity.  Police confirmed Campbell was visiting Martha's Vineyard and was employed by the Obamas at the time of his death.  Barack and Michelle Obama were not present at their home but were in town when the incident occurred.

Obama chef's death not recorded in police call log; cops won't reveal second paddle boarder, report says.  Police on Martha's Vineyard left official call logs blank after receiving a report that former President Barack Obama's private chef was drowning.  Officials also refuse to reveal who was paddle boarding with the chef when he died.  According to the Daily Mail, Tafari Campbell, 45, fell while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond near the Obama family's residence.  Campbell was not alone when he died, but police have so far refused to reveal who he was with.  State police said the second paddle boarder was not the former president, his wife Michelle, or their two daughters.

So what happened to Obama's chef?  Barack Obama was "heartbroken" over the drowning of his chef Tafari Campbell, but has said nary a word about him since he drowned on Sunday.  Sasha and Malia Obama flew off to California on Tuesday and Michelle, appropriately dressed in black, played tennis on Wednesday "but only for an hour."  Surely the Obamas would want a fine funeral for their employee of many years.  But apparently, the issue is closed.  The post-mortem was finished on Monday and the toxicology reports will take several weeks.  So where is Tafari now?  There has been no obituary for Tafari in any paper, no notification of a funeral — not even in his hometown paper of Dumfries, VA. [...] Tafari's body was found in eight feet of water a hundred feet from shore; less than second base is from home plate.  There are videos online showing him swimming and his drowning raises many unanswered questions.  Barack and Michelle Obama originally said they were not at home when it happened but later changed their story.  They are two prolific liars.

Story Changes:  Barack and Michelle Obama WERE on Martha's Vineyard When Their Private Chef Mysteriously Drowned.  Some would call this an interesting coincidence while others may suspect something more.  It turns out that Barack and Michelle Obama were on Martha's Vineyard at the same time their personal chef drowned under mysterious circumstances.  Obama's office previously claimed that the former president and his wife were not present at the residence when Tafari drowned.  Now they are altering the story to say they were indeed on the property.  The Gateway Pundit reported Monday night that the body of a 45-year-old paddle boarder was found in a pond on Obama's Martha's Vineyard mansion.  The person was later identified as Obama's personal chef Tafari Campbell, who is from Dumfires, Virginia.

Did The Obama's "Clinton" Their Personal Chef?  The Obamas are a piece of work.  They whine about sea level, then drop 12 million on an island mansion on the coast (worth about 21 million these days).  They also hired their personal White House chef to join them there, where he has just turned up dead from drowning.  It is a tragic loss, of course.  The man was only 45, clearly talented.  Still, whenever anyone close to Demcorats in power has an unfortunate end, we can't dismiss the possibility they knew too much and had to go.

Axis of Evil?  Obamas, Clintons Linked by Suspicious Deaths.  Barack Obama's personal chef drowned earlier this week near the former president's $18 million estate on Martha's Vineyard, roughly eight years after Hillary Clinton's chef drowned while hiking in New Mexico. [...] Maybe it's just a coincidence, but two former White House chefs dying via drowning since 2015 seems pretty suspicious, especially when the Clintons are involved.

How did Obamas' private chef Tafari Williams drown in Martha's Vineyard paddle boarding accident?  The tragic death of the Obamas' private chef Tafari Campbell has left family and friends reeling in shock and struggling to understand how he came into trouble on a seemingly calm body of water.  Campbell, 45, was a competent swimmer who drowned on Sunday night while paddle boarding on the pond next to the Obamas' $12 million home.  The couple were not in the house at the time but were elsewhere on the island, their office confirmed today.  Police do not suspect foul play, but many questions surrounding the accident remain unanswered.

Tafari Campbell's drowning parallels tragic death of Clinton chef.  The tragic drowning death of former White House sous chef and the Obama family's personal chef Tafari Campbell over the weekend is sadly similar to the premature demise of another White House kitchen veteran.  Campbell's death comes just eight years after Walter Scheib, who served as the White House Executive Chef from 1994 to 2005, was found partially submerged in a ravine in the New Mexico mountains on June 21, 2015.  The 61-year-old Scheib was first reported missing by his girlfriend on June 14, one day after he failed to return from a hike near Taos Ski Valley.  Scheib died from drowning, an autopsy later revealed.

Obama Caught In Major Lie About His Life.  Barack Obama, a former president, is receiving backlash online for opposing book bans, a hot subject since it was found that sexually explicit novels were being kept in public school libraries.  Obama expressed his views in a letter sent to "America's dedicated and hardworking librarians" on Twitter.  The letter referred to how authors like Mark Twain and James Baldwin influenced the former president's formative years and continued by noting how "banned books" frequently include or are written by "people of color, indigenous individuals, as well as members of the LGBTQ+ community," calling the strategy "misguided."  The letter claims that "the tendency is to stifle opposing viewpoints rather than debate them, learn from them, or try to comprehend them." [...] Obama's position received a ton of ridicule on Twitter.  The most contentious "banned books," which contain photographs of graphic sexual imagery, were shared by followers.

Obama's Brother Tweets He's "Definitely Gay" After Fmr POTUS Defends School Porn Books.  Barack Obama came out in favour of school porn books for kids Monday, prompting his own brother to tweet "this man is definitely gay."  Obama sent out a letter claiming that "the books that shape my life" are under threat of being banned in schools and that "librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas available to everyone."  He continued, "it's no coincidence that these 'banned books' are often written by or feature people of color, indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community."

Barack Obama Defends Children's LGBTQ Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools.  Former President Barack Obama wrote a letter defending LGBTQ+ books in children's schools and public libraries as Republican-led states move to restrict them amid growing concern from parents.  "Today, some of the books that shaped my life — and the lives of so many others — are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives," Obama tweeted along with a letter.  "And librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas available to everyone."

Out-of-Touch Obama in Massive Self-Awareness Fail.  In an interview with Christiane Amanpour on CNN, Obama said, "It's very hard to sustain a democracy when you have such massive concentrations of wealth."  He went on to blather about "ladders of opportunity" and a "stronger safety net" before concluding that "if we don't take care of that, that's also going to fuel the kind of mostly far-right populism, but it can also potentially come from the left, that is undermining democracy because it makes people angry and resentful and scared."  First off, with all due respect to the Condescender-in-Chief — which is none as far as I'm concerned — we're a republic, not a democracy.  Second, it's an awfully Marxist argument to pin the problem and solution solely on economics.  But what I want to focus on is Obama's utter lack of self-awareness.  After all, if anybody should know about "massive concentrations of wealth," it's Barry.

Meet the People Who Will Run the Country If Joe Biden Wins.  Politico Magazine has an enlightening article about who will run the country when Joe Biden wins in 2024 after Democrats influence the election.  Obama met with "next-generation House Democrats" and a range of lawmakers.  Included in the meetings are progressives like Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.), as well as barely more moderate lawmakers, such as Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) and Haley Stevens (D-Mich.).  Obama designed the meetings.  I imagine he does this sort of thing all the time.  Politico claims Obama hasn't played the role of party power broker since leaving office.

Obama is coaching up left-wing house Democrats in private meetings, report says.  Former President Barack Obama has been hosting left-wing Democratic lawmakers to advise them on how to campaign, according to a Thursday Politico column.  Obama has been intermittently involved in politics since leaving office in 2017, having campaigned for then-candidate Joe Biden's election in 2020 and for multiple congressional candidates in the 2022 midterms.  His recent invitations to lawmakers for private conversations about campaigning and strategy is an increase in such political activity and suggests that he may be seeking to influence the party's agenda, per Politico.  Among the members that Obama has met with include Democratic Reps.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Maxwell Frost of Florida, Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey and Haley Stevens of Michigan.  The alleged purpose of the conversations was to enable Obama to "keep current with his party's rising stars," per the report.

It's All About Obama.  [In] her Tore Says podcast last Monday, former CIA contractor Tore Maras claimed that the FBI and DOJ knew everything there was to know about Joe and every crime that he committed, because they were all about keeping tabs and protecting Obama, so that they could alter evidence in order to ensure that only Biden would go down — and not Obama — and she says, "Your GOP is working with them!"  What she says here reminds me VERY MUCH of the claims of Patrick Byrne and of former US Senate candidate for Maryland, Jon McGreevey and it gives us a glimpse at how compromise is leveraged and engineered by the Deep State:  They have the ability to alter official documents and they are apparently constantly doing so!  McGreevey said that the murdered DNC employee, Seth Rich had unknowingly stumbled onto such a scheme when he downloaded data from the DNC server. [...] McGreevey said that Rosenstein feared the DNC email breach would reveal what his office had been doing, so he hired his crooked DEA and ATF operatives (not MS-13, as has often been claimed) to murder Seth Rich and to take his thumb drive containing the DNC server data that they knew, from spying on him, that he always carried on his person.

Now Obama wants even more power.  The media, government bureaucrats and other Democrats have spread a massive amount of lies to the public for years through many election cycles.  All are meant to mislead the public and influence or interfere in elections but now Obama wants more government control to determine what the truth is.  This, from a former president who has a long record of lying.  ["]Obama suggests digital fingerprints to counter misinformation, so we know what is true or not true.["] [...] Who will be Obama's arbitrators?  Will they be Rachel Maddow and MSNBC, Brian Stelter, WaPo, DHS, SPLC, the Justice Department?  Obviously, Obama wants some kind of censorship power under the rubric of "stopping disinformation" because lying is so hard to conceal when the truth keeps getting out.

Does Obama pay for anything with his own money?  A memoir is a history of one's past.  Mine includes attempts to reveal who Barack Obama really is — or isn't.  I recently published my memoir at the age of eighty-one years:  The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama.  I have been chasing Obama since 2009, when I uncovered, while working as a licensed private investigator, that he has used a phony CT social security number his entire adult life.  I was undaunted when my lawsuit to keep him off the Ohio presidential ballot in 2012 was dismissed, even though it is illegal to use a false Social Security number.  My book contains other investigations, but I found more juicy information about Obama to include, especially about the alleged purchase of the Magnum P.I. property on Oahu.  I note specifically:  Hawaii television station KHON2 announced on March 19, 2015 that Marty Nesbitt bought the Waimanalo property, made famous in the television show Magnum P.I. for $8.7 million and that he is the "sole investor."

For Obama, the Cover-Up Was Worse than the Crime.  Thanks to the Durham report, we know the date that then-president Barack Obama learned about what John Durham calls the "Clinton Intelligence plan."  If CIA Director John Brennan's notes are to be believed, that date was August 3, 2016.  This was the day Brennan briefed Obama and other key players about the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services."  To be fair, Barack Obama likely had no more role in the orchestration of the Clinton Intelligence plan than Richard Nixon did in the 1972 bugging of the DNC headquarters at the Watergate.  Obama did, however, play the critical role in the cover-up of the Clinton Intelligence plan.  It could not have happened without him.

Obama and his friends are a perfect illustration of the modern-day elitist Democrat.  Just yesterday was saw more proof that the mainstream media in the U.S. and beyond are P.R. agencies for the Democrats.  The media gave great prominence to former president Obama, filmmaker Steven Spielberg, and rock star Bruce Springsteen making a surprise appearance at a Barcelona restaurant with a last-minute dinner reservation on Thursday.  The BBC carried details about the restaurateur being surprised by the visit and what he served his guests.  There were details about the monument that the Obamas, Spielberg, and Springsteen visited.  [Photo] [...] This is the modern Democrat party.  There is no connection between what they say and what they are.  There is no connection between what they practice and what they practice.  Hypocrisy is their religion.  When Michelle Obama and the Democrats pushes for diversity she know that none of her rich white friends will ever be affected.

Barack Obama Falsely Claims Guns Are Number One Killer of Children.  On Monday evening, former President Barack Obama tweeted his response to the Nashville Christian school shooting by repeating the left's false claim that guns are the number one killer of children.  On March 23, 2023, Breitbart News reported that actor Billy Porter made the same false claim, screaming that "the leading cause of death in children are guns" during an appearance on ABC's The View.

Michelle Obama looks less-than impressed after plush restaurant meal with Barack in Sydney as he continues.  Michelle Obama was spotted looking less than impressed following a ritzy beachside dinner with husband Barack in Sydney on Monday, as the pair continues their visit Down Under for a scheduled speaking tour.  The former First Lady and President were photographed outside fine-dining restaurant Bathers' Pavilion in Balmoral on Sydney's north shore, after arriving in the city Sunday night by private jet.  Likely famished from their long flight, the couple enjoyed a seafood lunch at the waterside venue, where sprawling floor-to-ceiling windows offer a stunning view of Sydney Harbor.

[The] Obamas ramp up calls for police reform after 'vicious' beating of Tyre Nichols.  Former President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama ramped up their calls for police reform following the release of the video showing the "vicious" beating of Tyre Nichols.  "The vicious, unjustified beating of Tyre Nichols and his ultimate death at the hands of five Memphis police officers is just the latest, painful reminder of how far America still has to go in fixing how we police our streets," they tweeted Saturday.

Obama boldly states that which is obviously not true:
Barack Obama says John Fetterman is fit to serve in Senate after stroke.  Former President Barack Obama insisted Saturday that Pennsylvania Lt.  Gov John Fetterman was fit to serve in the US Senate despite the lingering effects of a stroke suffered in May.  Fetterman is facing Republican opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz in a tight contest for the Keystone state's open Senate seat.

Obama Propaganda.  Netflix is paying Barack and Michelle Obama millions of dollars to produce shows for them.  The latest Obama documentary series is "The G Word."  "G" for government.  As Netflix documentaries go, this one is remarkably stupid.  It's big-government propaganda.  Obama begins by claiming that he does his own income taxes, saying, "It's actually easy."  I think he's joking, but it's not clear.  "I'm amazing at them," Obama continues hours later.  "You can be, too, if you use the helpful tools found at IRS.gov."  But that's just silly.  It's so complex that millions of us pay to get help. [...] For three hours, Obama and his sidekick say government should do more.  Whatever the problem, their answer is always more government and more money.

Barack Obama's Secret Service SUV [was] parked in [a] handicapped space for two hours while he enjoyed dinner.  Former President Barack Obama's Secret Service SUV was spotted parked in a handicapped spot for two hours as he dined at a swanky West Los Angeles sushi restaurant with his two daughters.  The black SUV stayed in a spot marked for handicap parking as it waited for the Obamas to finish eating at the pricey Hamasaku restaurant, where eight-piece sushi rolls cost $50 and specialty rolls go for more than $20 each.  The former president was pictured in all white as he stepped out of the restaurant alone while being escorted by secret service agents.  His daughters, Malia and Sasha, left separately.

So the Obamas and the Bidens are just talking 'nostalgia' at the White House?  [Scroll down] More likely, the meeting is about the midterms, and the Democrats' problem of having a leader who's senile, doddering and incompetent on the economy, a leader so incompetent he's losing the party its black, Latino, Asian, youth and suburban women voter base, as inflation, crime, an open border, the disastrous Afghanistan pullout and other problems take over the economy, and only the most extremist position on abortion up until the day of birth is in the Democrats' offerings.  Apparently filling the White House with Obama operatives such as Susan Rice has not been enough.  Democrats across the board, including in the Obama camp, know that Joe Biden is a liability and they don't want him to run for president again.  These thing spell instant legacy erasure for Obama, and Obama has got to be letting Joe know it.

When will Obama have made enough money?  Cantor Fitzgerald LP will pay former President Barack Obama $400,000 to speak at a conference in September, likely the first of many lucrative Wall Street paydays.  Good for him.  Obama doesn't really need the money: He earned over $14 million for his first three books, and bidding for his next deal (a package with Michelle) has run over $60 million.  But he has every right to cash in on his star power and his hard-won expertise.  No doubt he'll wind up giving a good chunk of it to charity (though we'd be majorly surprised if he set up anything resembling the Clinton Foundation).

Barack Obama Hosting Martha's Vineyard Fundraiser for Eric Holder's Army of Election Workers.  Former President Barack Obama will host a fundraiser for his former Attorney General Eric Holder's redistricting committee on August 30th, in a major step forward for Democrats in the midterms.  The fundraiser for Holder's National Democratic Redistricting Committee will feature a dinner and a discussion about democracy, supporting legal efforts to help Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections, according to Politico's Playbook.  The event will take place at Martha's Vineyard.

There's no sainthood for Obama, National Archives in Trump FBI raid uproar.  Accusations are flying fast and furious regarding last week's FBI raid at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home.  In my Wednesday piece for The [New York] Post, I noted that 30 million pages of Obama administration records had been trucked to Chicago.  The Obama Foundation, working with the National Archives, promised to digitize and put them online.  Almost six years after the records arrived at a Chicago-area warehouse, that hasn't happened.

Barack and Michelle Obamas' Amazon Audible deal is worth $20 million.  Barack and Michelle Obama's multiyear deal with Amazon's podcast platform Audible is worth at least $20 million, experts have claimed.  The couple will have to contribute two shows and appear in up to eight episodes each, the industry insiders said.  The move will give the former first lady the scope to make less personal appearances than what was wanted under their former partnership with Spotify, the sources said.  Audible said the pair plan to use their new platform to 'tell stories that elevate diverse voices and and experiences'.

The Editor says...
With the exception of a few tabloid-reading middle-aged women, nobody cares what the Obamas do from now on; so a lucrative deal like this leads to some questions:  Is this lucrative deal a payback for services already rendered, or (more likely) an investment in the upcoming Michelle Obama administration?  If you think Joe Biden is Obama's puppet, wait til you see Michelle in the Oval Office.

Obama Installs Massive Propane Tanks at Swanky Mansion While Pushing Green Policies.  For someone who often boasts about being a climate fighter, former President Obama has done little, in fact he has done just the opposite, of combatting the so-called problem of "global warming."  Obama has been approved to install three massive propane tanks totaling 2,500 gallons, despite pushing for Democrat-backed green initiatives.  The $75,000 propane tank will sit on Obama's swanky Martha's Vineyard property along the "rising" seashore.  The office of the select board of Edgartown, Massachusetts told The Daily Caller that the tanks will be used for "residential purposes," saying they were shocked at the size of the tanks.

Hypocrite Obama to Install Massive 2,500 Gallons Propane Tank for his Seaside Home in Martha's Vineyard.  Instead of installing windmills and solar panels for someone so concerned about global warming, former President Barack Obama has ordered the installation of three massive propane gas tanks, two sized at 1,000 gallons and another one at 500 gallons, at his Martha's Vineyard estate which sits along the "rising" seashore.  According to a report from The Martha's Vineyard Times, the office of the select board of Edgartown, Massachusetts approved an application for a 2,500-gallon commercial propane tank for 79 Turkeyland Cove Road in Katama, a property owned by former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama.  These three propane tanks were to be installed above ground on the Obamas' property, in contrast with the initial report that it [sic] will be buried.

Obama and Michelle Call to Arms Over Roe v. Wade.  [Scroll down]  Obama argued that in order to safeguard America from opinions he considers dangerous, government regulation of the First Amendment, via constitutional modification, was more than justified.  Fast forward two weeks, on May 3rd, after the news leaked that the U.S. Supreme Court is close to overturning the decision Justice Samuel Alito called "egregiously wrong from the start," Barack, along with his wife Michelle, immediately responded by contradicting the argument he made at Stanford.  Barack Obama had just decreed that, among other things, questioning the 2020 election result threatens democratic ideals and must be silenced through federal rule.  Then when the Roe v. Wade information leaked, the former president did a 180-degree about-face and issued directives that if the highest court in the land decides Roe v. Wade is bad law and throws abortion back to the states, public rejection of the decision is necessary as well as exercising the First Amendment right to protest.  Simply put, depending on the ideological leaning of the topic, one week, the right to free speech should be restricted and the "flawed" Constitution adjusted, and the next week, the right to free speech exercised and the sacred Constitution protected.

Spotify Drops Michelle and Barack Obama's Podcast Deal.  Spotify will not renew its exclusive podcast partnership with Michelle and Barack Obama, according to Bloomberg.  Michelle and Barack Obama are leaving Spotify after the audio streaming giant reportedly dropped its podcast deal to the first couple.  According to the Daily Mail, the couple had a clash with the streaming giant over "exclusivity and how much they were expected to appear in episodes."

Narcissist-in-chief Obama wants to stifle free speech to "protect Democracy" — in the name of "free speech".  Most presidents, once they leave office, fade off into oblivion and don't feel the need to weigh in on every single facet of life. [...] Such is not the case, however, for a narcissist like Barack Obama. [...] Obama, who a couple of weeks ago showed up at the White House to "support" his former vice president Joe Biden instead "showed up" the inept shell of a man who occupies the Oval Office.  For most clear-thinking Americans, it is obvious that it is Obama[,] not Biden[,] who is still running the show.  That is obvious based on the amount of Obama retreads who occupy key positions in the administration and throughout the government apparatus.

Tucker Carlson red-flags Obama's disinformation speech:  He's not liberal, he's a full-blown fascist who hates you.  Former President Barack Obama has been making the rounds addressing concerns of so-called "disinformation," and his latest remarks have Fox News host Tucker Carlson arguing the former leader of the free world may have outed himself as "not liberal at all," but rather as "a full-blown fascist."  On Friday's episode of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," the host brought up a recent address that Obama had given at Stanford University's Cyber Policy Center.  During an event, hosted in part by the Obama Foundation, the president gave a keynote address on "Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Information Realm."  "Barack Obama gave a big speech at Stanford yesterday on 'disinformation,'" Carlson began the segment.  "Now, like the Atlantic magazine's conference on disinformation at the University of Chicago," which Obama had also attended, "the conference was all about promoting disinformation, but because self-awareness has been banned, nobody noticed.  Obama argued that only his political opponents lie and they must be stopped immediately."

Obama Calls for More Social Media Censorship.  If someone says they are for free speech "but" — they aren't for free speech.  While giving a speech at Stanford University, former President Barack Obama lamented the rise of disinformation on social media platforms.  And while Forty-Four claims he is "pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist," he also says that doesn't apply to Twitter and Facebook[.]

Obama: First Amendment Doesn't Apply to Social Media Giants.  Barack Obama's sumptuous Hawaiian waterfront mansion is squared away, and he is done reminding Joe Biden that he is far more popular than the present hapless pseudo-president, so what's a wealthy alleged elder statesman with time on his hands to do?  Obama could have taken up surfing or beekeeping or started appearing in movies playing the president, but instead, he appears to have decided to go to war against the freedom of speech.  Two weeks ago, he called for "regulatory measures" to rein in online "disinformation," and on Thursday he amplified that call, claiming that the First Amendment simply doesn't apply to the social media giants who have so much control over the parameters of the public discourse today.

Obama Pushes Hardcore Disinformation in Speech Condemning Disinformation.  Former U.S. President, and likely our current shadow president, Barack Obama delivered a speech reeking of hypocrisy on Thursday when he addressed a Stanford University crowd.  Speaking about digital disinformation, Obama compared Putin to Hitler, claimed President Trump "incited a violent insurrection" on January 6th, and shared several other inaccurate claims.  [Tweet]  Arrogantly disregarding the irony, Obama spoke alongside several known disinformation peddlers such as his former aide Ben Rhodes, president of the civil rights group Color of Change Rashad Robinson and Stanford researcher Renee DiResta.  Barack criticized Trump and other GOP politicians who have continued to question the blatantly faulty 2020 presidential election as people who are trying to "overturn the will of the people."

Obama talks about disinformation and calls for social media censorship.  Former President Barack Obama was the keynote speaker at a one-day symposium, titled "Challenges to Democracy," co-hosted by the Stanford Cyber Policy Center and the Obama Foundation, on the Stanford campus on April 21.  Obama spoke at length on topics such as the First Amendment, social media, censorship, technology, and the news media. [...] Obama said many forms of disinformation originate on traditional media platforms, and social networks have helped accelerate the decline of newspapers and traditional news sources.  Obama also said the overwhelming information surplus made it difficult to discern the truth because "our brains aren't accustomed to taking in this much information this fast, and a lot of us are experiencing overload."

The Editor says...
Apparently Mr. Obama hasn't considered the possibility that newspapers are in decline because they're physically inconvenient, not always truthful, and usually at least 24 hours behind other sources of news.

Former 'Lie of the Year' award winner Barack Obama announces crusade to stop 'spread of disinformation'.  Barack Obama has joined the leftist establishment's efforts to maintain control over their approved narrative, announcing that the Obama Foundation will be devoting its resources to training the next generation of information monitors under the oft-invoked pretense of combating "disinformation." a term which like "democracy" has been twisted into a pretzel in true Orwellian fashion by the political left.  Fresh off of his speech at the big "Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy" conference sponsored by The Atlantic, Obama took to Twitter to announce his involvement in the new initiative, invoking the key buzz words in a pair of tweets that were met with incredulity by many who can recall the former president's tendency to play fast and loose with the truth during his eight years in the White House.

The Editor says...
On a nearby page, I have assembled a partial catalog of Barack H. Obama's lies, which should go a long way towards the disqualification of Mr. Obama as the arbiter of disinformation.

Barack Obama Backs Internet Controls to Grapple with the 'Demand for Crazy'.  Government regulation and control over the internet can defeat a "demand for crazy" through the spread of incorrect messages, former President Barack Obama said Wednesday [4/6/2022].  Obama, 60, spoke with Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg at an event hosted by the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics and the magazine.  "I do think that there is a demand for crazy on the internet that we have to grapple with," Obama said, before adding a mix of regulation and industry standards are needed to address the issue.  Obama lamented how misinformation plays out across the U.S., accusing those who say President Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election as guilty of falling for conspiracy theories.

Durham scandal:  The sheer dishonesty of the media is astounding.  For more than six years, the media have set out to destroy President Trump with lies.  Now, I see a report that Trump is profiting like no other president by getting paid for appearances. [...] It's as if the journalists have never heard of the Clintons or the Obamas.  The Clintons have sold their soul since Bill left office in 2001.  Massive funds were paid to them for speaking fees or were donated to the Clinton slush-fund Foundation in return for political favors, including uranium for Russia. [...] President Obama gave Netflix and other big internet users a massive financial benefit with Net Neutrality, and after Obama was out of office, despite having no expertise or products, got a $50 million contract from Netflix.  The contract comes a year after the Obamas inked a joint book deal with Penguin Random House valued in excess of $65 million.

Oh, the words that come to mind from the 'mean construction Obama' photo.  It's true:  a picture is worth a thousand words.  When I saw the photo of former President Obama, standing, arms folded, at the construction site of his seaside Hawaiian mansion, quite a few words came to my mind.  Sadly, some of them can't be printed here.  But I'll share some of the ones that can.  "Narcissist" — Having won the Democrat nomination for President, Barack Obama told his audience and the world, "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."  It wasn't enough for the Lightbringer to "fundamentally transform" America — no, Barry was going to save the entire planet!  This luxurious mansion under construction in Hawaii is Obama's third that I'm aware of, and second oceanfront property!  There are only possibilities here.  Obama either thinks he actually did calm the oceans, or he knew all along that climate change is merely a useful device for controlling the naïve, the neurotic, the weak-minded.  Democrat voters, in other words.

Scowling Obama inspects the construction of his new multimillion-dollar Hawaii mansion.  Barack Obama has been pictured at his new multimillion-dollar Hawaii mansion for the very first time, but he did not yet appear to be on island time.  Far from being in beach mode, Obama appeared to be deep in conversation as he spoke with workers from local building firm Armstrong Builders, who are currently constructing his beachfront compound on the island of Oahu.  Dressed in beige pants and a grey polo shirt, Obama looked tense as he was pictured speaking with builders and architects.  The former president could be seen scowling as he chatted Saturday with at least four developers who were working on the project.

Obama needs no mask
An Obama photograph proves the lies of 'climate change' and COVID.  The left is built upon a mountain of falsehoods but two of the biggest are that humankind is trembling on the brink of destruction because of 'climate change' and that onerous COVID restrictions are the only things keeping us alive.  So what are we to make of an unmasked Obama standing around construction workers, very grumpy about work on his multimillion-dollar beachfront Hawaiian mansion. [...] Across America, parents are waging heroic battles to get masks off their children's faces.  One of the major weapons in that battle is pictures of celebrities flouting those same mask rules.  With the Obama picture, we have the perfect example of how the rich, famous, and political flout the rules.  It's not just that they don't wear masks.  It's that they expect the little people around them to wear masks.  The reason for this double standard is obvious:  These self-styled "elite" aren't afraid of the virus; they're disgusted by you.

Why The Left Always Projects.  When Barack Obama flies to Glasgow to lecture the western world's climate-wrecking middle class that it is going to have to be content with less — while acknowledging that his own wealth and privilege mean he will suffer less than others — one wonders why Obama simply does not, right now pledge to live in just one mansion rather than two?  After all, if Obama urges the middle to class to cut back on energy use and to forfeit lifestyle privileges, why wouldn't Obama himself set the moral example, given his huge carbon footprint.  Why would he be so cynical to warn the world that our shores will soon be inundated shortly after he himself bought a shoreline estate?  The answer, of course, is that by constantly projecting their covetousness onto others, the woke feel that they can enjoy their own privileges with diminished guilt, claim the psychological higher moral ground, and, as performance artists, show they suffer on our behalf as "traitors to their class."

Obama says open borders are 'unsustainable' and calls for immigration reform.  Former President Barack Obama described the idea of having open borders as "unsustainable" and called for a reform of the immigration system in the United States.  In an interview with ABC's Good Morning America, Obama explained that while immigration reform is a "tough issue" to deal with because Americans tend to want to "help others," fixing the system is something that is "long overdue."  Obama's comments come after more than 15,000 Haitian migrants camped underneath an international bridge in Del Rio, Texas, after crossing the Rio Grande to seek asylum in the U.S.

Sadly, There is No Cure For Stupid.  To Barack Obama, who hosted his birthday party at his $12 Million waterfront home on Martha's Vineyard, You are Welcome.  Fortunately for Barack, he turned 60 before his home was underwater due to climate change.  Climate change on the Island was not helped by all of the private jets landing with Barack's close friends.  This Super Spreader showed us two things.  The Elite do not need masks, but the people that serve them food and drink do.  The mask is all about power.  The Elite can exert their control over the rest of us by issuing various mandates at will.

The Masking of the Servant Class:  Ugly COVID Images From the Met Gala Are Now Commonplace.  [Scroll down]  Similar scenes were visible at the even more opulent birthday bash which former President Barack Obama threw for himself to commemorate his 60 years on the planet.  Held at his sprawling $12 million weekend estate on Martha's Vineyard, Obama and 400 of his closest maskless friends spent hours in indoor tents dancing, chatting in close circles, and yelling in each other's ears over the live music.  While custom-made masks engraved with Obama's renowned humility were provided to the guests ("44x60"), only the servants were reported to have worn masks.  Who can throw a Hawaiian luau-themed party at one of the country's wealthiest retreats in the middle of a pandemic and joblessness crisis while wearing disfiguring masks, however chic and carefully hand-crafted they might be?  Discussing the controversy over Obama's lavish party on CNN, New York Times reporter Annie Karni explained that while some of the former president's neighbors found the party objectionable on the grounds of health and/or optics, many adamantly argued that such concerns were applicable only to ordinary people, not the more advanced and evolved species likely to be invited to such an extravagant and exclusive liberal party.

Party of the Century.  If you missed the press coverage, Obama's party was held on a 29-acre, $12 million estate on the shore of Martha's Vineyard.  The tent was the size of a football field.  Hundreds of glitterati guests were invited, from A-list movie stars and politicians to entertainers and singers.  Many flew in by private jet; a vast staff tended to everyone's needs.  The food was lavish, the wines superb, the liquor strictly top-shelf.  The singing and dancing went on until the wee hours.  And because the hosts were a former president of the United States, celebrating his sixtieth birthday, and his wife, the Secret Service established a no-fly zone overhead and carefully controlled access on land.  The party drew unwanted attention.  With some areas of the country reimposing mask mandates and others struggling to rebound economically, criticism of the partying high and mighty ensued.  Then again, Annie Karni, a White House correspondent for the New York Times, assured CNN listeners that there was no problem, as the guests were a "sophisticated, vaccinated crowd," not the great unwashed who might have spread Covid.  And on NBC's Meet the Press, Anthony Fauci condemned as dangerous the recent motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, but made no mention of the Obama party.

Behold Barack Antoinette.  It's hard to stop thinking about the over-the-top fete the former president held at his Martha's Vineyard manse for his 60th birthday.  It is such a perfect taxonomy of the Obama arc.  As president, he didn't try hard enough on things we needed.  He was a diffident debutante with a distaste for politics.  Post-presidency, he is trying too hard on things we don't need.  The culture is already swimming in Netflix deals, celebrity worship, ostentatious displays of wealth, not to mention podcasts.  Did the world really need "Renegades," his duet with Bruce Springsteen?  We already knew Obama gravitated to stars but it was disillusioning to see it on such a grand scale last weekend.

Did the Martha's Vineyard Obamapalooza Turn out to Be a 'Super Spreader' Event, After All?  Remember how we were told all about the myriad of precautions in place for narcissist-in-chief Barack Obama's massive star-studded 60th birthday party at his $12 million estate on Martha's Vineyard this past weekend?  Remember how the New York Times reporter assured us that COVID-spread concerns were much ado about nothing because the "sophisticated" crowd was "following all the safety precautions"?  Guess what?  As reported by The Vineyard Gazette, it seems that a new spike in Island Covid cases has closed a bevy of businesses at the peak of summer and left two patients hospitalized with the virus for the first time since early spring. [...] As we now know, celebrities descended on the Island en masse, including George Clooney, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Don Cheadle, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Dwyane [sic] Wade, and Gabrielle Union.  And of course, there were the requisite "only family and friends" "yuuge" tents, a dance floor, and a large raised stage.  And, man, did they party all night — packed dance floor, hugs and kisses, up-close selfies, the whole "scaled-back" bit.

The Editor says...
Remember, "we're all in this together," unless you're a wealthy, pot-smoking Democrat celebrity.

CONFIRMED: Obama's Martha's Vineyard Birthday Bash [was] a Super Spreader Event.  Former president Barack Obama shrugged off the concerns of scientific experts by throwing himself a massive 60th birthday party at his $17.5 million estate on Martha's Vineyard this past weekend.  As usual, the scientific experts were correct:  The star-studded affair was a confirmed "super spreader" event, putting countless lives at risk and further cementing Obama's reputation as a narcissistic war criminal.  According to data compiled by the New York Times, COVID-19 infections in Dukes County, Mass., which contains Martha's Vineyard, have spiked in the days since Obama's selfish display of clout.  Cases have increased 1,829 percent over the last two weeks, while hospitalizations have jumped 157 percent.  As the Washington Free Beacon previously reported, Martha's Vineyard and other vacation locales frequented by the Liberal Elite have become COVID-19 hotspots.

Mr. "You Didn't Build That" Throws a Party.  You might have heard that there was a party on Martha's Vineyard over the weekend.  While many commentators have made good, well reasoned points about the incongruity of the maskless celebration of privilege, the flagrant hypocrisy and unselfconscious opulence of the occasion, I think the greatest irony has been, largely, missed.  You see, Mr Obama has turned the ultimate trick of the socialist oppressor.  Has spent his public career telling hard working productive people (Joe the Plumber was only the prototype for you and me) that they don't deserve to keep all of what they earn and create because we need to "share the wealth".  All the while, he has risen to the very pinnacle of status and wealth without ever having built anything himself.  Having been handed everything in his career, from affirmative action educational opportunities, to a no-show, no-publish editorial post at the Harvard Law Review, up to and including two terms as the guilt-offering, Nobel Prize for showing up, worst ever (until his addled puppet, Biden!) president of the United States, he now, has somehow come by millions upon millions of dollars and basks in the adulation of sophisticates, performers and socialist agitators.

U.N.'s latest climate scare released in wake of Obama's luau.  I suppose it could be a coincidence that the United Nations chose to release its latest climate scare report on Monday, Aug. 9, the day after Barack Obama's ballyhooed weekend birthday bash on Martha's Vineyard came to an end.  But I doubt it. [...] Obama's island luau made a mockery of everything the climate change clergy had been preaching for the last 30 or so years.  If, say, Donald Trump had held such a party, they simply could have shamed him as the irredeemable sinner he was, the pariah who pulled America out of the Paris climate accord.  But Obama is one of their own.  So too, one would assume, are Chrissy Teigen, Steven Colbert, John Legend, Don Cheadle and "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Kim Fields, who, as the New York Times tell us, "was photographed flying into the island."  As the Times would gingerly report, "Democrats supportive of the former president privately expressed surprise at the casual disregard for optics and wondered why it took until just days before the party for Mr. Obama to change course."

Private jets and no masks — how Obama's party was height of elite hypocrisy.  For someone who prides himself on optics, Barack Obama just gave us quite an ugly spectacle.  As the rest of America struggles with uncertain employment status and school reopenings, shifting mask mandates, anxiety over vaccinations and variants, the health of the economy and the citizenry at large, Obama had to go and throw himself a huge, epic, three-day birthday bash on Martha's Vineyard.  You would think a former president — one who clearly considers himself more intelligent and sensitive than most — would exercise some restraint.  Or at least understand that this was a supremely bad look.  Here were a host of left-leaning eco-warrior celebs, all Obama's "close friends," of course, descending on an already understaffed and emotionally depleted Vineyard.

MSNBC host:  Obama's party was 'unbecoming,' a 'terrible message' amid coronavirus case surge.  MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski dinged former President Barack Obama's star-studded 60th birthday party as "unbecoming" and a "terrible message" for Democrats on Monday [8/9/2021].  Obama's Martha's Vineyard birthday party — which was slightly "scaled back" due to coronavirus concerns but still had hundreds of guests — was late-night fodder for the likes of HBO's Bill Maher, but Brzezinski said it "does seem a bit unbecoming or out of step" with the delta variant causing a coronavirus case surge.  New York Times reporter Annie Karni defended it as a party planned months ago in anticipation that COVID-19 cases would continue to dwindle, but she noted that apparently, "significantly scaled back" for Obama still meant a large crowd congregating and dancing at tents outside his ritzy estate.

The Hypocrisy Variant.  The Hypocrisy Variant is a new mutation of a recurring Democratic infection, but the number of cases has spiked in recent weeks, reaching its peak at former President Barack Obama's lavish birthday bash last weekend.  Photos of the fête taken and posted on the web by Rapper Trap Beckham make it all too clear that the masking and social distancing rules that Obama has encouraged the hoi polloi to follow don't apply to him or any of the arrivistes with whom he now regularly mingles.  This party would have unquestionably been labeled a "reckless superspreader event" by the media and every Democrat named above had it been held by Donald Trump.  Oddly, the silence about Obama's star-studded soirée has been deafening.

Barack Obama gets his 'Birthday [expletive]' on.  Barack Obama, former president, just spent his 60th birthday with friends, family and fawning celebrity types at a bash on Martha's Vineyard.  Not unexpected.  And according to reports, he grooved to the song "Birthday B****" performed live by guest Trap Beckham.  A bit unexpected.  This is, after all, a former president, a former leader of the free world.  A former dignified member of the elitist of all elitist circles.  A father of two girls.

Obama [was] seen dancing maskless at booze-filled birthday bash.  Former President Barack Obama was seen dancing without a face covering at his weekend 60th birthday bash in his luxury home in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.  The 44th president was captured in now-deleted footage posted by singer-songwriter Erykah Badu grooving beside other maskless attendees on what appeared to be a stage while loud music blared on Saturday.  Obama, in white jeans, is seen embracing a woman in front of a crowd in the footage.  [Video clip]

Looks Like Obama's Birthday Bash Wasn't Scaled Back Much.  Amusing pictures over at the Daily Mail site today [8/7/2021] show that, a few days after President Obama vowed to scale back his gigantic 700-person birthday bash tonight on Martha's Vineyard to limit it to "only family and close friends," it appears to be full steam ahead with a massive rager, complete with a huge dance floor, rows of tables, and a tent large enough to hold a polo match in.  It's pretty obvious that whatever is going on at the regal $12 million estate paid for by members of the Party of the People (TM) is going to be a bit more elaborate than dinner with friends. [...] Note that I think Barack Obama is perfectly entitled to have a huge celebrity-clogged birthday party outside.  I also think he's perfectly entitled to have a huge birthday party inside, if he wants. [...] But I don't particularly want to hear Obama or his fans telling me somebody else's parties are "superspreader events" while their parties are just innocent gatherings of good friends.  The other thing that interests me about the party is that President Biden isn't expected to attend.  Just how much do these two men hate each other?

Rapper Who Performed At Obama Shares Video Of Watermelon And Weed Being Doled Out To Partygoers.  A performer at former President Barack Obama's birthday party on Saturday, August 7, reportedly managed to take videos of the event and shared them with Instagram followers.  Rapper Trap Beckham and manager TJ Chapman took photos and videos of the party, according to screenshots of the posts.  [Video clip]

New York Times reporter faces backlash over 'sophisticated, vaccinated crowd' comments about Obama party.  A New York Times reporter received backlash on social media after making a comment on another network that critics believe dismissed concerns about former President Obama's star-studded maskless birthday party over the weekend.  New York Times White House correspondent Annie Karni discussed the controversy surrounding Obama's much-criticized Martha's Vineyard celebration where he was seen not wearing a mask and used the term "sophisticated" crowd, saying that the guests were "following all the safety precautions."  The clip sparked outrage on social media including from journalist Glenn Greenwald who wondered aloud why more people weren't concerned about the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus at Obama's party.

DJ posts stealth pics of Obama's 'epic' birthday party — before being forced to delete them.  A performer at former President Barack Obama's birthday party managed to take stealth pictures of the opulent Martha's Vineyard event and share them with Instagram followers.  Rapper Trap Beckham and manager TJ Chapman discreetly snapped pics of the event's high-end food, drink and swag offerings and talked to their followers as the party unfolded, according to screenshots of the posts, which were later deleted under the event's photography ban.  The recording artist and his handler posted themselves smoking cannabis — which is legal in Massachusetts.  Snaps of the open bar showed bottles of top-shelf liquor and cigars, and s'mores cocktails garnished with melted marshmallows.  Despite Questlove being enlisted to coordinate a meat-free menu, photos showed that steak, chicken and shrimp were also available, with rice, greens and potatoes on the side.

The DJ Managed To Take Stealth Pictures Of Obama's 'Super Spreader' Birthday Bash Posted Them Online Before Being Forced To Delete Them.  As we reported yesterday canopies and catering stations that dwarf Obama's mansion revealed the true scale of the party that, according to the former president's spokesman, was scaled back from a 700-person extravaganza to a small affair only for family and close friends.  The mainstream media reported that Obama scaled back his 60th birthday bash, but it seems that is fake news and Obama lied!  Yestereday [sic] morning photos were released of massive tents set up on the Obama compound in advance of the former president's birthday bash.

Obama's party is labeled 'hypocrisy at its finest' amid US Delta surge.  [Scroll down]  The party was held in a giant tent at Obama's $12 million mansion, and began around sunset and lasted until the small hours of the morning.  But with the coronavirus still a concern, the event drew some raised eyebrows after the host's claim it had been 'scaled back' from a guest list of 500.  'It's hypocrisy at its finest and shows they don't believe what they are saying,' Republican Party consultant Ryan James Girdusky said to the New York Post.  'The liberal elites are laughing at us, attempting to sell this as a 'scaled-back party,' said GOP chairwoman and upstate New York Rep. Elise Stefanik.  'Rules for thee and not for me.'

Obama and Liberal Elites Spotted Maskless at His Swank Birthday Gala on Martha's Vineyard as the Rest of the Country Hunkers Down in Pandemic.  Rules are for the little people.  On Wednesday Barack Obama reportedly 'drastically reduced' his 60th birthday party plans at his sprawling Martha's Vineyard estate after accusations it was a 'super spreader' event.  Up to 700 guests and 200 staff were set to attend Obama's lavish birthday bash on his $12 million waterfront estate on Saturday.  Champagne communists like Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg were schelduled to attend the gala.  Meanwhile, the peasants are told to stay home and mask up because of the so-called 'Delta' variant of Covid.  Rules are for the rubes.

Obama runs into Nancy Pelosi after she was DISINVITED from his 'scaled down' 60th birthday.  On the island but off the list.  Nancy Pelosi is in Martha's Vineyard but off Barack Obama's 'trimmed' down birthday party list.  And it's awkward.  DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal the House Speaker had been cut from the list but travelled to the island regardless to attend a dinner in her honor, to be held on Sunday [8/8/2021].  According to one well informed source Saturday afternoon brought a tense meeting as Pelosi dined with Oprah Winfrey at the elite Vineyard Havens Country Club.

Obama parties with 500 of his closest friends.  Fresh from announcing under pressure that his celebrity-studded 60th birthday party would be 'scaled down' on COVID concerns, and would include only close family and friends, former President Obama went ahead with his Martha's Vineyard bash. [...] The gross part was that the celebs flew in on private jets to the meatless event, presumably in the name of stopping global warming.  The private jets and their carbon emissions pretty well cancelled out all the sacrifice that went into serving and eating that gray substance known as meatless meat.  Vanity Fair reports that Oprah at least, sent her regrets.

Obama Lied — Massive Tents DWARF The Obama Mansion As His 'Super Spreader' Birthday Bash Guests Begin To Arrive.  A few days ago it was reported that former President Barack Obama is creating a "nightmare" by trying to get nearly 700 people to his 60th birthday bash in Martha's Vineyard — as news of the lavish party drew fire amid a national surge of the COVID Delta variant and new restrictions.  George Clooney, Steven Spielberg, and Oprah Winfrey are among the 475 guests expected to attend alongside about 200 hired hands.  Seen from the sky, these exclusive pictures and video show the sprawling set-up of Barrack Obama's 60th birthday celebrations — and on the ground some of the crème de la crème of the entertainment, sports and political worlds are starting to arrive.

Exclusive Photo From The Inside Of Obama's Mansion Show Barack Obama And Hundreds Of His Maskless Friends At His Huge 'Super Spreader' Birthday Bash.  Former President Barack Obama has allegedly scaled back his big 60th birthday party after most of his supporters questioned the wisdom of holding an event for hundreds of people during a resurgent pandemic.  Plans for the Saturday [8/7/2021] bash at his multimillion-dollar home on Martha's Vineyard had been going on for months, but the spike in virus case numbers has forced a rethink.  "Due to the new spread of the Delta variant over the past week, the President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends," Hannah Hankins, an Obama spokeswoman, said early Wednesday.  "He's appreciative of others sending their birthday wishes from afar and looks forward to seeing people soon."

No meat?  You call that a party?
Obama's Martha's Vineyard Birthday Bash To Feature Meat-Free Menu.  Former President Barack Obama's 60th birthday party in Martha's Vineyard on Saturday will reportedly feature a meatless menu.  The party is set to deliver coveted endorsements to plant-based food brands like Impossible Foods Inc. and Eat Just Inc., reported Bloomberg News, which viewed menu plans for the celebration.  The menu was curated by musician Questlove, who promotes and invests in meat-free foods.  The menu will offer dishes such as Spam Musubi, which includes faux-beef and faux-pork from Impossible Foods as well as plant-based eggs from Eat Just.  Another meatless option is Questlove's Cheesesteak Eggrolls, which include Impossible "beef" and "cheese sauce" from Perfect Day Inc., a food technology startup in Berkeley, California, that develops ways to make dairy proteins without using animals.

Celebrities descend on Martha's Vineyard for Obama's 'scaled back' bash.  Stars descended on Martha's Vineyard Friday ahead of former President Barack Obama's 60th birthday party, after his spokeswoman claimed the Saturday bash would be scaled back to include "only family and close friends" amid COVID-19 concerns.  Celebrity couples such as John Legend and Chrissy Teigen and Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union were spotted arriving on the Massachusetts island in pictures obtained by The [New York] Post.  Teigen, who has recently come under fire for past bullying comments, was seen cradling the couple's 3-year-old son Miles, as her singer hubby helped unload a white van.  Actor Don Cheadle was also caught making his arrival, wearing a fedora and dark sunglasses.  Aerial photographs of the former first family's sprawling $12 million 29-acre property showed a massive tent flanked by smaller staging tents, outdoor furniture, a dancefloor and a large raised stage with speakers and technical equipment.

Leftists buried in brutal reality checks after bragging Obama's 'biggest scandal' on his birthday.  To this day, low-information liberal Democrats still believe that the pseudo "tan suit scandal" was the only scandal ever experienced by former President Barack Obama.  To be clear, there was no "tan suit scandal."  When Obama wore a tan suit in 2014 for a live pres conference, the unconventional attire drew widespread attention and lots of mockery and jokes, but that's it.  There was no scandal.  Yet to stunningly low-information liberal Democrat voters, the fictional "tan suit scandal" was a real scandal, but the dozens of other actual scandals were make-believe.  And yes, they really believe this.

The Editor says...
For a long list of Obama scandals — actually a list of other people's lists — please refer to this page.

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too.  We were really saddened to learn that Barack Obama has had to cut back the size of his 60th alleged birthday party owing to an obscure little thing called "Covid" which he apparently hadn't heard about.  The original birthday plan, to be set at Barry's fabulously expensive estate in Martha's Vineyard, was for 500 guests and 200 (count 'em!) servants, who were no doubt looking forward to a day working in the "big house" instead of picking crops in the fields while singing mournful gospel songs.  But too many people noticed that this was basically a giant, flashing sign saying "You're a Dope If You're Still Masking or Still Worrying About Covid."

The most hypocritical birthday party ever?  [Scroll down]  Meanwhile, to play down mutual ego-stroking and precarious exposure to viral pathogens, word on the street is that to deflect criticism, unlike the 8-year Obama White House grift-fest, the poorly timed shindig will be financed solely with Obama's filthy lucre.  Then, to further cement 44's altruistic image, Axios reported that guests were asked to forgo birthday presents and instead "consider giving to programs that work to support boys and young men of color...empower adolescent girls around the world, and equip the next generation of emerging community leaders[.]"  Did Barack 'My Brother's Keeper' Obama actually ask guests to support charities that his 3-million-dollar birthday fund could singlehandedly endow with more money than disadvantaged youth could earn in a lifetime?  By requesting donations for needy children at a birthday extravaganza attended by billionaires — Obama's 60th could easily be likened to Michelle bagging groceries at a food bank wearing $540 sneakers.

Social Distancing Is for the Little People.  Last night [8/2/2021] Mark returned to America's Number One cable show for a rare Monday appearance with Tucker, all about Barack Obama's upcoming birthday party for 500 people, attended by 200 servants, at his oligarch-sized pad on Martha's Vineyard.  [Video clip]

Obama Scales Back Birthday Party, but Valerie Jarrett Still Shows They Have No Shame.  I wasn't sure that Barack Obama could be shamed into anything because he's such a narcissist.  But perhaps the one thing that still hits him where he lives is public opinion.  He got criticism from both sides of the aisle for his massive 700-guest planned 60th birthday party — from the right because of the hypocrisy of it all and from the left because of the fear porn about the virus.  It was likely that criticism from the left that has moved him to scale back the party.  Now, instead of the 700-person super spreader, with Oprah and Steven Spielberg there and Pearl Jam playing at his $12 million waterfront Martha's Vineyard estate, an Obama spokesperson said he would just be having close family and friends.

Obama Birthday Bash to Smash All Known Woke Values.  As planned, some 475 invited guests and at least 200 worker bees will swarm the Obamas' waterfront estate on Martha's Vineyard, a tony little island off the coast of Massachusetts.  In addition to their vax cards, I suspect the worker bees and even the guests will have to show a photo ID.  Apparently, birthday invites are more vulnerable than ballots in Obama world.  On a side note, rumor has it that the ever cautious Georgia congressman, Hank Johnson, passed on the invite for fear that the whole island would become so overly populated that it would tip over and capsize.  Among the invited guests are George Clooney, Steven Spielberg, and Oprah.  I could be wrong, but my guess is that these and the Obamas' other jet-setting friends are not going to fly commercial. [...] The best man at Obamas' wedding, Malik Obama, voted for Donald Trump in 2016.  Don't expect to see him or the other kin at the bash.

Obama scales back plans for 60th birthday party amid coronavirus concerns.  Former President Barack Obama has scaled back plans for a Martha's Vineyard 60th birthday party to which hundreds of guests had been invited, citing revived concerns about the coronavirus.  Hannah Hankins, a spokeswoman for the former president, said in a statement obtained by Fox News that the "outdoor event was planned months ago in accordance with all public health guidelines and with covid safeguards in place."  "Due to the new spread of the delta variant over the past week, the President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends.  President Obama is appreciative of others sending their birthday wishes from afar and looks forward to seeing people soon."

Obama to host hundreds at 60th birthday party amid COVID concerns.  Former President Barack Obama will host hundreds of guests at his 60th birthday party this coming weekend on Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts amid concerns about spreading the delta variant of COVID-19, according to a source familiar with the plans.  A COVID coordinator will ensure all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state and local guidelines are followed at the party, the source said about the affair, which will be held outdoors. [...] Martha's Vineyard, an island in Dukes County, Massachusetts, is currently considered at a "moderate" level of transmission risk, according to CDC data.

Jen Psaki defends Barrack Obama's 500 person 60th birthday party.  The White House defended on Monday [8/2/2021] Barack Obama's upcoming 500-person 60th birthday party despite the rise in Delta variant and breakthrough cases — and after announcing President Joe Biden will not attend.  'I would note first that former President Obama has been a huge advocate of individuals getting vaccinated,' White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dodged when asked about her former boss' planned event.  Obama is holding a party at his Martha's Vineyard mansion with a guest list of 500 as he rings in his 60s.  The former president has come under fire for his plans despite a nationwide rise in COVID cases.

'Imagine if this was for Trump': Obama bash for hundreds draws jeers amid Delta outbreaks.  Former President Barack Obama is creating a "nightmare" by trying to get nearly 700 people to his 60th birthday bash in Martha's Vineyard, a source told The Post Monday — as news of the lavish party drew fire amid a national surge of the COVID Delta variant and new restrictions.  George Clooney, Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey are among the 475 guests expected to attend alongside about 200 hired hands.  "Democrats are imposing unscientific mask mandates while contemplating more lockdowns.  Meanwhile, President Obama is hosting over 500 elites at his Marthas Vineyard mansion.  If you or I did that it would be called a super-spreader event by the Democrats," said Rep. Elise Stefanik, chair of the House Republican Conference.  "Typical liberal 'do as I say, not as I do'.  This is what socialism looks like."

Obama defies CDC guidance by inviting 500 people to his celebrity-studded 60th birthday party at his $12m mansion on Martha's Vineyard.  Former President Barack Obama has come under fire for his plans to host nearly 500 people at his Martha's Vineyard mansion for his 60th birthday, despite a nationwide rise in COVID cases.  The former president is set to turn 60 on August 4, and is said to be planning a large soiree at his 7,000-square-foot mansion in the Edgarton section of Martha's Vineyard next weekend.  An official familiar with the plans told Axios that there are now 475 confirmed guests for the party — including Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg — with more than 200 staff members.

Barack Obama is planning star-studded party at his $11.75 million Martha's Vineyard mansion to celebrate his 60th birthday.  Barack Obama plans to ring in his 60th birthday hosting a party at his Martha's Vineyard mansion with a star-studded guest list who've all been COVID tested.  It has been reported that big names such as Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney have already scored an invite to join the former president.  The party will take place at Obama's his $11.75 million 30-acre oceanside getaway on the exclusive Massachusetts island as he hits the big birthday on August 4.

NETFLIX' & The Obamas' Gay-ification Of American Culture.  The Obamas' influence on NETFLIX's board has subjected America's children, night-after-night, to sweating adults engaged in same-sex acts; wives, moms and sisters intimate with the same sex, and men wearing floral print dresses not reminiscent of Monty Python.  This manipulation of reality is accompanied with the cultural, media, and political conditioning of the consumer.  Meanwhile, parents who objected to NETFLIX's alternate universe were reflexively called homophobe, racist, and sexist.  It may come as a surprise:  men lacking homosexual tendencies will never knowingly pay to see Brokeback Mountain.  Put another way, we'd rather be waterboarded.  After NETFLIX handed Barry and Michelle select production, the New York Post reported, NETFLIX has become the Obama's Propaganda Machine.  The pair didn't just stop at homosexuality in their attempt to trespass the norms of history, influence culture and common sense.  Under their watch Netflix also produces kiddie porn.

Why Are They Woke?  There are lots of reasons why wokeism spread like wildfire once America lost its collective mind during the pandemic, quarantine, self-induced recession, and rioting of 2020.  Wokeism was never really about racism, sexism, or other -isms.  Instead, for some, it illustrated a psychological pathology of projection:  fobbing one's own concrete prejudices onto others in order to alleviate or mask them. [...] Barack and Michelle Obama occasionally venture out of either their multimillion-dollar Washington, D.C. mansion or their Martha's Vineyard estate to lecture the country on its systemic racism.  They express worry over the dangers that apparently white people pose to the very safety of their own daughters.  Does such sermonizing square the circle that the Obamas have no desire to return to their Chicago home — a city where nearly 700 African-American males were murdered in 2020, the vast majority by other black men?  So far, Chicago in 2021 is on a trajectory to suffer over 30 percent more murder victims than last year.

Obama Surfaces; Demands Passage Of "Voting Rights" Bill Before 2022 Elections.  On the eve of a stinging defeat for Democrats Barack Obama has surfaced.  Their efforts to ram an election rigging bill that is dishonestly being marketed as "voting rights" legislation has run up against a Senate filibuster.  Obama is demanding that the "For The People Act" be passed before the 2022 midterms.  The former president is almost certainly pulling Joe Biden's strings.  His doddering front man is advancing a decidedly anti-American set of policies that would fundamentally transform the nation.  That's why he slithered out to claim that the legislation must be passed in order to protect "democracy". This term has been hijacked by the usurpers and now means anything but.

Obama Pushes Federal Election Takeover Bill Despite Self-Made 'Policy' Not to Weigh In on 'Day to Day Scrum'.  Despite a self-made "policy" not to weigh in on "day-to-day scrum" in Washington, D.C., former President Barack Obama said Monday [6/21/2021] that Congress should work to pass federal election takeover legislation, claiming "democracy long-term" could be at risk.  "We can't wait until the next election because if we have the same kinds of shenanigans that brought about Jan. 6, if we have that for a couple more election cycles, we're going to have real problems in terms of our democracy long-term," Obama said on a phone call with grassroots supporters and former Attorney General Eric Holder, according to The Hill.

Barack Obama praises his daughters' take on 'cancel culture': They 'don't expect everybody to be perfect'.  Barack Obama is praising his daughters for their take on "cancel culture," their social activism and their generation's fight for fairness.  The former president's daughters Malia, 22, and Sasha, 19, participated in Black Lives Matter protests last summer after the death of George Floyd, Obama previously shared.  In a new interview with Anderson Cooper that aired Monday, he divulged more about their beliefs.  Among them is their "good sense" of "cancel culture," he said.

Obama claims media stokes 'fear and resentment' among white Americans.  Former President Obama is claiming right-wing media outlets of profiting by stoking "fear and resentment" among white people toward a "changing America" — pointing to national pushback on critical race theory as an example.  The 44th commander-in-chief told Anderson Cooper in a CNN special Monday that many race problems are a reflection of the US not having "fully reconciled with our history."  He said it was "hard for the majority" of white Americans "to recognize you can be proud of this country and its traditions and its history and our forefathers and yet, it is also true that this terrible stuff happened."  "The vestiges of that linger and continue," Obama said.

Barack Obama Reminds Everyone He's a Disingenuous Hack.  Barack Obama is back in the public eye, having recently sat down with CNN to rattle off his list of grievances against the Republican Party.  In his typical smarmy fashion, he managed to pretend that the GOP is trying to "rig the game" of elections by having (gasp!) general standards at the state level.  You see, if you can't vote three months in advance by handing your ballot to a harvester, do you really have the right to vote?

Obama Suggests Republican States Passing Election Integrity Laws are 'Rigging the Game'.  Former President Obama criticized voting laws being passed by Republicans across the country, saying that such changes to the voting system is "rigging the game."  He said during an Economic Club of Chicago event Friday about the new election integrity law in Georgia:  ["]That's the kind of dangerous behavior that we're going to have to push back on.["]  Obama suggested that urban areas will face more barriers in order to vote, alleging that the law made a "different set of rules for how votes are counted in Atlanta versus how they're counted in the rest of Georgia."  The former president was in support of companies such as Major League Baseball and Coca-Cola that were critical of the voting bill in Georgia.  He urged more corporations to follow suit in protest of the laws being passed in several GOP-led states.

Obama's Delusional Revisionist History.  On Tuesday, former President Barack Obama appeared on the Ezra Klein Show to discuss his latest book about his favorite topic — himself.  For 60 minutes, Obama rewrote history about his presidency and spewed one false, vile, and nonsensical statement after another in front of a subservient "reporter" who gushed in response to everything his narcissistic guest said.  Obama used the interview, recorded in his Washington, D.C., office, to take credit for former President Trump's economy.  He referred to his years in the White House as "competent," full of "integrity," and scandal free.  Obama also took the opportunity to label rural Americans as "resentful," unpersuadable, and uneducated bigots who cling to fear porn from right-wing news outlets:  "If I went into those same places now ... almost all news is from either Fox News, Sinclair news stations, talk radio, or some Facebook page.  And trying to penetrate that is really difficult."

Barack and Michelle Obama Creating Netflix Animated Series to 'Reframe' Children's Understanding of Government.  Barack and Michelle Obama are creating a Netflix animated series designed to "reframe" how children think about government and civic engagement, with musical performances by artists including Adam Lambert, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Janelle Monáe.  Netflix announced the ten-episode We the People is set to debut July 4.  The Obamas, who have an ongoing production deal with Netflix, are serving as executive producers on the series, along with Doc McStuffins creator Chris Nee and ABC's Black-ish creator Kenya Barris.

Obama Really Doesn't Think Much Of Joe Biden.  According to The Daily Mail, which has previewed [Edward-Isaac] Dovere's book, Obama was "dubious" about Biden's presidential aspirations in 2016.  "Obama, for his part, went from assuring his aides not to worry, that his vice president was just working out his grief at his son's [Beau's] death by entertaining the fantasy of running for president, to becoming worried that Biden was actually getting lost in his fantasy."  In the summer of 2015, Obama told his aides to give Biden time to grieve, but by September was "ordering them to go and meet with Biden to jolt some sense into him, to stop him from getting himself hurt and embarrassing Obama as he did so."

Obamas share intimate dinner with A-listers Hanks, Springsteen and Spielberg.  Former President Obama and wife Michelle partied into the wee hours Monday [5/3/2021] with a few A-list pals — Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw and Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa.  The powerhouse pairs gathered at the Hanks' $26 million Pacific Palisades manse in California around 7 p.m.  Sunday — and kept the party going till well after midnight, according to Splash News.  But despite the long night, the well-heeled guests appeared no worse for the wear afterward.

Barack Obama praises MLB decision to pull All-Star Game out of Georgia.  Former President Obama has gone to bat for Major League Baseball, issuing a rare tweet Saturday praising their decision to move its All-Star Game out of Atlanta to protest restrictive new voting laws in the Peach State.  "Congratulations to @MLB for taking a stand on behalf of voting rights for all citizens.  There's no better way for America's pastime to honor the great Hank Aaron, who always led by example," the former commander in chief said.  Georgia earned liberal ire last month after Gov. Brian Kemp signed the restrictive new measures into law.  The bill requires photo IDs for mail-in voting and forbids bringing food or water to people waiting in voting lines.  Republicans say the law is necessary to curb voter fraud.  The issue became a cause célèbre in the state after former President Trump narrowly lost Georgia to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

The Report of Meghan Markle "Preparing a Bid To Become President" is Burying the Lede.  By now several people have reviewed a Daily Mail article based around a premise, a media hook, that Meghan Markle might be "preparing a bid to become president" and that's why she did the Oprah Winfrey interview.  If you focused on that media hook, you likely missed the lede. [...] Of course she was "networking" with "senior Democrats", specifically she was networking with Obama's Chicago crew; and that leads to Oprah, Obama's biggest narrative engineer.  The Markle interview was purposefully orchestrated, racism claims intentionally injected, recorded, and then timed to be released/broadcast the day before the trial against Derek Chauvin while the George Floyd protestors were activated.  This is how the Obama crew operate.  This is how the leftists work.

What do they all have in common?  The Deep State Uniparty.
All living former Presidents except Trump urge Americans to get vaccinated in new ad campaign.  All living former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and their respective former first ladies — with the exception of the Trumps — are part of a newly released ad campaign urging Americans to get the coronavirus vaccine when it is their turn, a push that is aimed squarely at combating vaccine skepticism.  The ad campaign reunites almost every member of the so-called President's Club, the group of living former commanders in chief.

Team Obama Continues Clearing the Field, Andrew Cuomo, Then Watch for Clinton, Perhaps Newsom.  Many people have asked why the media is suddenly willing to call out New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.  What changed?  Why this willingness to support the accusations of sexual harassment against women?  Why do democrats seemingly select targets and sometimes protect others?  What is the distinction?  Within the answer to these and other similar questions, there is a history — a backstory — that only a handful of people genuinely understand.  The answers boil down to the less discussed issue of ideological camps and the modern alignment that has taken place over the past decade.  The most visible reference for the inflection point was the 2008 primary contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Just What You've Been Waiting For:  Obamas to Produce All-Muslim Podcast for Ramadan.  You can relax now:  "Barack and Michelle Obama have their Ramadan plans ready," Esquire reported happily on Wednesday, so you don't have to worry anymore that the Muslim holy month might catch the First Couple of the Media Elites unprepared.  The Obama have "announced a new season of their Higher Ground podcast called "Tell Them, I Am," which will feature a collection of narratives from Muslim voices."

Obama call for reparations for black Americans because the 'wealth of this country was built on the backs of slaves'.  Former President Barack Obama claimed reparations for black Americans are 'justified' but explained in his podcast with Bruce Springsteen that it was a 'nonstarter' during his presidency because of 'white resistence'.  During his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama appeared to oppose reparations and argued that 'the best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed.'

Is Anyone More Annoying or Treacherous than Barack Obama?  Okay, right off the bat, in the annoying category, Obama is tied with Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and the usual Leftist gang of congressional idiots.  At the moment, however, Obama has a louder megaphone.  He is shooting his mouth off all over the place, for good reason.  He knows that if Donald Trump somehow is re-inaugurated, the ongoing investigations into Russiagate are eventually going to lead to Obama himself and that such investigation will reveal his treachery.  At this very moment, Barack Obama is highly knowledgeable about the level of Democrat election and voter fraud that took place this year.  He has an intricate, inside knowledge of the ploys used by Leftist operatives.  However, he is silent about the phenomenon.  He is actively espousing the opposite, claiming that no significant fraud occurred and that Trump is making wild accusations (as per usual in Obama's world).  Is anything that Barack Obama says on the up-and-up?  Is this monster of a politician to be believed?  No.  Not for a nanosecond.

Obamas spending Christmas in Hawaii.  It's no surprise anymore when our ruling class travels for Christmas or any other reason that strikes their fancy, while the rest of us are told to give up family reunions, and even church services.  So seeing Barack and Michelle Obama in Hawaii, able to jet around wherever their fancy takes them, enjoying their scores of millions of dollars earned from Netflix, books and other post-presidential activities is no surprise.  Obviously, Barack has not reached the point he mentioned in 2010, when he said, "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."

Michelle and Barack enjoy Xmas kayak trip in Hawaii.  Barack and Michelle Obama are warming up for the holidays in Hawaii, where they were pictured on Tuesday [11/22/2020] soaking up the sun in some colorful swimwear as they kayaked together in the ocean.

Obama's Latest Autobiography Rewrites Israeli History to Make You Hate the Jewish State.  Whatever the merits or lack thereof of Barack Obama's presidency, he certainly leads all other presidents in the number of autobiographies he has written, with three compared to a number of his peers who are tied at one.  However, his latest one, A Promised Land, is more than just an update on the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the Most Undeservedly Celebrated Man on the Planet; it's a full-on apologia for his policies as president, and a program for his impending third term, aka the Biden administration.

Are There Anti-Semitic Tropes in Obama's Memoir?  Writing in The Australian, economist Henry Ergas noticed something in Obama's memoir that has so far been ignored by the mainstream media.  Or perhaps it was just never seen before because, really, how many people who bought Obama's absurd book (which is only the first volume of his presidential memoirs) actually read the thing?  According to Ergas, "The silence that has greeted the former US president's description of Nicolas Sarkozy in his book reflects the normalisation of casual anti-Semitism on the 'progressive' side of politics."  What did Obama say about Sarkozy?  [Book excerpt and discussion omitted for brevity.]  The political left assumes a moral high ground on diversity, so ready to be offended at words so innocent they have to be dubbed "micro-aggressions" so they can virtue-signal their own "anti-racist" bonafides.  In fairness, Obama's casual anti-Semitism during his eight years at the White House makes his unflattering depiction of Sarkozy seem trivial by comparison, but imagine if Donald Trump wrote such a thing.

Barack Obama Praises Courageous Defund the Police Activists as Violent Crime Rates Rise.  Still reeling from the left-wing backlash to his recent criticism of "defund the police," former president Barack Obama (D) appeared on Comedy Central's The Daily Show on Tuesday where he appeared to strike a conciliatory note by praising the activists behind the movement, calling them courageous and media savvy.  But he also doubled down on his criticism of the actual slogan, saying that it can alienate potential Black Lives Matter allies.

Joe Biden Will Serve at the Pleasure of Obama.  I really think Obama's running the show.  Obama's been running the Democrat show since 2016.  He ran the operation against Trump.  He ran the Russia sting.  He ran the Russian coup.  He ran everything, and he's now running this.  And as long as Biden accomplishes or does what Obama wants, then he'll be fine.  But I do believe that it will be up to Obama, Biden's fate.  We'll see.

Obama lets the cat out of the bag:  He's got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge.  Joe Biden, who couldn't even get President Obama's endorsement during the primaries, now has word that Obama may well use him as his marionette stooge for what's in fact a third Obama term.  He's not even trying to hide it. [...] Everyone suspected that this was the real idea, though, Biden serving as a placeholder for a third Obama term while Obama called the shots.  RedState points out that this is exactly what Vladimir Putin did, when election laws prohibited him from seeking an additional term, so he placed a obedient loyalist, Dmitri Medvedev, into the presidential slot until he could get himself back into power.  The same thing happened in Argentina as the Kirchner gang, husband and wife, traded off with each other for the nation's top job, leaving the country in shambles.

Barack Obama:  Georgia Will Determine Future of Joe Biden's Presidency and the World.  Former President Barack Obama rallied Georgia Democrats Friday [12/4/2020] in support of Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in the Senate runoff elections in January.  "You are now once again the center of our civic universe because the special election in Georgia is going to determine ultimately the course of the Biden presidency," Obama said.  The former president spoke with Ossoff and Warnock in a virtual rally along with activist Stacy Abrams about the importance of the race.

Far-Left Democrats Unleash On Obama For Condemning the "Defund the Police" Slogan.  On Tuesday evening [12/1/2020], an interview was released showing former President Barack Obama condemning the slogan, "Defund the Police" as he argued that it turns away voters from the Democratic party.  "If you believe, as I do, that we should be able to reform the criminal justice system so that it's not biased and treats everybody fairly, I guess you can use a snappy slogan like 'defund the police,' but you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you're actually going to get the changes you want done," Obama said to show host Peter Hamby.  The full interview is to be released on Wednesday.

Barack Obama's Visceral Dislike of Israel, the Jewish State, Revealed in his Latest Book.  Though we have not over the years accused Barack Obama of anti-Semitism, we did feel even prior to his election in 2008 that Obama was uncomfortable with the idea of Jewish sovereignty, as well as Jewish rights in and of themselves, disconnected from intersectionality.  In his recent book, Promised Land, it is crystal clear that Obama is uncomfortable, perhaps even hostile to a specific Jewish state in the Land of Israel and used his tenure as president to undermine the proud and glorious history of Zionism.  He spent excessive zeal and capital to reshape American and world policy so as to establish the Palestinian Arab narrative as the only legitimate political outlook and forum.  Had his book been written by someone else, many would have easily characterized the author's anti-Zionism and non-regard for the right of the Jewish people to possess and control their land as bordering on anti-Semitism.

Obama Scolds Hispanic Trump Voters for Not Buying Liberal Lies.  Having grown lazy speaking to people whose knowledge base is as restricted as his own, Obama forgets that Hispanics have access to news sources other than the New York Times.  Although he and his lovely bride Michelle have been pushing the "Trump put people in cages" line before and after the election, even liberal fact-checkers had to acknowledge that the "cages" predated Trump.  Said the USA Today fact-checker in bold:  "Michelle Obama criticized the Trump administration for putting kids in cages, but the cages were built during the Obama administration."  The media called Michelle out on this in August, but Obama was still slamming Trump in November for the cages his own administration built.  I doubt if he would have made this claim to a white audience.

Obama Is a Jerk, and It Comes Through With Every Media Appearance.  I find it fascinating that former President Obama chose this moment in time to write and publish his book, Promised Land.  He could have had it released a year before the elections, or a year from now, once another administration had been settled.  Instead, he decided to ride the coattails of the election, as though he had won another term, and capitalize on someone else's momentum.  Obama the 2008 candidate came off as likeable, but that was clearly an act.  Obama the 44th President and Obama post-presidency is an insufferable jerk who doesn't know when to leave the stage.

Barack Obama says he 'could not have been prouder' of daughters Sasha and Malia joining protests.  Sasha and Malia Obama were among the thousands of people who took to the streets this summer to protest police brutality, according to their father.  Former President Barack Obama said his daughters felt "the need to participate" in the Black Lives Matter protests after the death of George Floyd this summer, in an interview with People published Tuesday about his presidential memoir, "A Promised Land."  Obama said Sasha, 19, and Malia, 22, didn't join in the protests for the attention, but rather "they were very much in organizer mode" and did it of their own volition.

The Editor says...
The Obama daughters know they can do anything they want, for the rest of their lives, and will never spend any time in prison.

Obama Talks and Talks and Talks About His Memoir and His Greatness.  Former President Barack Obama continues to be the very embodiment of the Democratic leadership and project his own failings and political venom on President Donald Trump and his supporters.  He demonstrated as much in a recent "60 Minutes" interview that focussed on his latest memoir, and was laced with bitterness for the Trump phenomenon.  He is as adamant as ever to insist Americans reside with him in "Barack's World," a sort of alternate universe where Obama's version of the truth is the only one that really matters.  Sure, there might be competing versions of that reality, but can you really trust them when you know the source is some contemptible deplorable who really never accepted his presidency?

Obama Demands Trump Accept Defeat And Concede Election to Biden.  Democrats spent almost four years peddling every excuse imaginable about why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.  In 2020, America had the most votes cast in an election in modern American history — as well as countless issues with allegations of fraud across the country — and Democrats are demanding President Donald Trump just concede and go away.  Former President Barack Obama says Trump must put the country first and concede the election to Joe Biden.

The Editor says...
Obama's concern about putting the U.S.A. first is a bit hard to believe.

Obama's Grotesque Self-Revisionism.  In an episode of CBS's 60 Minutes last Sunday [11/15/2020], former president Barack Obama not-so-subtly compared Trump's tenure in the White House to something out of a banana republic or a one-party totalitarian state: [...] But Obama's assessment of Trump is not only dramatic and overtly partisan.  It is a whitewashing of his own administration's lawlessness and overreach.  It is sheer projection.  Throughout his presidency, Obama routinely engaged in the sort of behavior he would describe as authoritarian and vindictive.

Behind the Scenes, Obama Never Left.  The publication of Barack Obama's new memoir Tuesday was timed to carry the news cycle regardless of the election's outcome.  The opinions expressed in "A Promised Land" — on America, race, Donald Trump, and so on — are more vivid than anything the Democratic candidate has said in his last year of campaigning.  And so even after Joe Biden and the press corps have declared him president-elect, he continues to walk in the shadow of his former boss.  That is intentional.  Obama wants it understood that Biden is an avatar for a third Obama term.  Now he can complete the work of "fundamentally transforming America," as he put it days before the 2008 election.  Hillary Clinton was expected to at least protect what she inherited from Obama.  But the victory of Trump, who had campaigned on undoing Obama's domestic and foreign policy initiatives, left the outgoing president with only two options — watch his successor dismantle his legacy or stop him.  The coup is evidence of his choice.

Obama's Back to Lecture Us on "Institutional Norms" and "Who We Are".  I don't know about you, but I sadly missed Barry coming on at any hour of the day to do his little patented head shake, followed by a half-smirk, before launching into a lecture about "who we are".  Now that he's got a third memoir out, he's back to lecture us on his favorite topic, his moral superiority and our moral inferiority.  On 60 Minutes, not currently being run by a sexual predator, you can both see and hear the guy who spied on his successor and lied all the time, tell us about institutional norms and truth.

Barack Obama bashes America (again).  As if he needs more money, former President Barack Obama is out hawking a new book — a 768-page memoir that is just Volume One of his latest memoirs (he wrote his first autobiography at age 34).  But Mr. Obama's latest book is raising eyebrows because he is (once again) bashing America.  "I'm not yet ready to abandon the possibility of America," Mr. Obama says in "A Promised Land," which hit shelves on Tuesday.  He adds that he wrote the book "for young people — as an invitation to bring about, through hard work, determination, and a big dose of imagination, an America that finally aligns with all that is best in us."  Mr. Obama also said he was waiting "to see if we can actually live up to the meaning of our creed.  The jury's still out."

Mr. Obama, The 'Strangulation' Victim Is Not George Floyd.  On Sunday, 60 Minutes' resident sycophant, Scott Pelley, walked former president Barack Obama through a racial landscape unrecognizable to those who know the lay of the land, especially readers of The American Spectator.  Pelley kicked off the misdirection with the question, "Did you watch the video of George Floyd's strangulation?"  Yes, strangulation.  Knowing Obama's weakness for racial scare-mongering, I was not at all surprised by his refusal to correct Pelley.  He probably did not know enough to do so in any case.  "Of course," said Obama.  "It was heartbreaking."  He then blathered on about an African-American "reality" that exists only in America's newsrooms.  As to the aftermath of the Floyd death, Obama claimed to have been "heartened and inspired" by the "marches."  He offered not a single word about the stores looted, the buildings burned, the people killed.  Nor did Pelley venture a single question.

Barack Obama:  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 'Will Restore a Bunch of Norms'.  Former President Barack Obama said in an interview with National Public Radio (NPR) that people who voted for President Donald Trump may not have had "facts" because of their news sources and that he believes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will "restore a bunch of norms."  In the interview, host Michel Martin asked Obama about the election but did not mention that it has not been officially certified.

60 Minutes' Scarily Ignorant Interview of Barack Obama.  Interviewer Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes supplied the ignorance.  He appears to have no more knowledge of what transpired during the past four years than does, say, a Whoopi Goldberg or a Kathy Griffin.  Barack Obama supplied the scare.  His solution to make the right half of America as ignorant as the left would do Trotsky proud.  Pelley's ignorance flared throughout the embarrassingly sycophantic interview, but it reached something of a crescendo with his and Obama's elaborate discussion on the etiquette of presidential transitions.

Obama Blames Lib Strategist Steve Schmidt for Ruining Politics.  Liberal strategist and Lincoln Project cofounder Steve Schmidt is perhaps single-handedly responsible for the political success of Donald Trump and the breakdown in American political discourse.  That is the assessment of former president Barack Obama, who argues in his forthcoming memoir that John McCain's nomination of Sarah Palin to be his running mate in 2008 was a pivotal moment in American politics that unleashed an irreversible tide of ignorance and racism.  "Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party — xenophobia, anti intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward Black and brown folks — were finding their way to center stage," Obama writes in A Promised Land, the first volume of his third memoir.

Obama Says It's Wrong that Millions of People are Questioning Election Results, Blames Trump.  Former President Barack Obama is going to bat for his old pal Joe Biden, claiming that there is "no legal basis" for the Trump campaign's lawsuits and that it is "disappointing" that people are questioning the results.  Obama discussed the election in an interview with Gayle King that is scheduled to air on "CBS Sunday Morning" tomorrow [11/15/2020].  During the interview, Obama admitted that there are millions of people who are questioning the results of the election.  [Video clip]

Kristi Noem shreds Obama's 'ridiculous message', suggests he get a clue and lays down some inconvenient truths.  South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem slammed the "ridiculous message" from former President Barack Obama's forthcoming memoir.  The Republican leader called out Obama's hypocrisy over the "possibility of America" and his insulting blame-game in the soon-to-be-released memoir, "A Promised Land."  Noem gave the Democratic two-term president a reality check on Thursday about his own administration and the mess he left for his successor.  "I'm not yet ready to abandon the possibility of America," Obama said in the book which was excerpted by The Atlantic.  He explained that he wrote the 768-page memoir, due for release Nov. 17, "for young people — as an invitation to bring about, through hard work, determination, and a big dose of imagination, an America that finally aligns with all that is best in us."  His smug lack of self-awareness sparked a scathing rebuke from Noem.

The Editor says...
[#1] What does "abandon the possibility of America" mean?  [#2] Did Barack H. Obama really write this book?  Because if he did, it would be the first thing he's ever written.  In other words, who really wrote this book?

As you would expect with any Obama statement, exactly the opposite is true.
Obama: Trump's Claims of Widespread Fraud Another Step in 'Delegitimizing' Democracy.  During a portion of an interview set to air on "CBS Sunday Morning" and "60 Minutes" released on Thursday [11/12/2020], former President Barack Obama stated that President Donald Trump's claims of widespread election fraud are "one more step in delegitimizing, not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally, and that's a dangerous path."

The Editor says...
Contesting an obviously stolen election is not a threat to democracy.

Obama stokes division with red hot coals, smears millions of Americans as racists in new memoir.  Despite President Donald Trump having won significant support from minorities in the 2020 presidential election, former President Barack Hussein Obama remains staunchly convinced that Trump's base is comprised of "millions" of racists.  This unsurprising revelation can be found in "A Promised Land," a second memoir by the former president set to be published on Nov. 17th.  The left-wing "news" network CNN obtained a copy of the memoir and published excerpts from it this week.  In the excerpts, Obama predictably blamed every iota of obstructionism and dissent against him on racism, regardless of the actual reasons.

Obama Now Worries He May Have Gone Too Soft on America's Alleged Racist Oppression.  On Thursday [11/12/2020], The Atlantic published an excerpt from former President Barack Obama's forthcoming memoir, A Promised Land, set to be released next week.  The excerpt echoes Obama's classic style, praising America while furthering radical and subversive critiques.

The Editor says...
Stop!  Praising America is not "Obama's classic style."  Obama and his wife hate America.  They wanted to fundamentally transform it, remember?  One does not attempt to fundamentally transform a country unless there's something fundamentally wrong with it.

Photo of Malia Obama's Credit Card Next to What Appears to be Cocaine Released Amid Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal.  Amid the continuing info-dump from Hunter Biden's notorious laptop, GNews has released what appears to be photos of former President Barack Obama's daughter, Malia Obama's credit card with what is being claimed to be lines of cocaine.  The images are said to have originated from Hunter Biden's laptop, and clearly show Malia Obama's name on the credit card, but others claim these photos were not connected to the laptop dump and from a separate incident in 2019 where supposed hackers leaked the picture of the credit card.

Obama Launches New Memoir Without Help of First Mate Ayers.  I know I should be writing about the election, but I think we could all use some comic relief.  The New Yorker has published an excerpt of Obama's much delayed memoir, A Promised Land, and one particular passage cries out for deconstruction.  The passage concerns Obama's efforts to get the Affordable Care Act through Congress, both houses of which the Democrats controlled.  ["]Despite having grown up in Hawaii, I have never learned to sail a boat; it wasn't a pastime my family could afford.  Still, for the next three and a half months, I felt the way I imagine sailors feel on the open seas after a brutal storm has passed. [...] ["]  The first sentence is pure Obama, subtly anti-American and self-pitying.  I say this from experience.  At 19, I was the sailing instructor at a camp for inner-city orphans, the majority of them "of color," and they all learned to sail.

Barack Obama, 59, steals the limelight from a shuffling Joe Biden, 77, with a cool 3-pointer as they campaign in Michigan.  Barack Obama stunned campaign staff in Michigan on Saturday as he walked onto a basketball court, was passed the ball, and made a seemingly effortless basket from a distance.  'That's what I do,' he said, delighted, as Joe Biden — with whom he was campaigning — looked on from the sidelines in a gym in Flint, Michigan.  Obama then collected the coffee and aide offered him and acknowledged the admiring gasps from his staff.

Barry Off the Bench!  In the 2020 presidential contest's closing moments, things are going swimmingly for the Democratic ticket.  So well, in fact, that former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) have brought in the scrubs to clean up:  ex-President Barack Obama.  Some cynics might suggest that bringing Barry off the bench means the Democratic Party's puppet masters are concerned the election might not be in the bag.  Truth be told, most polls have shown an erosion of Biden's support, especially in the critical battleground states where Republican registration of new voters is running ahead of the Democrats' efforts.  The turnout both for President Trump's rallies and for GOP early voting has exceeded expectations.

Who Will Have Written Obama's New Book? (Not Obama).  When the first half of Barack Obama's long overdue memoir, Promised Land, is published on November 17, I expect to receive calls like the one I received in the spring of 2011.  That call came from a fellow named Michael Cohen.  I did not recognize the name at the time.  Nor did I know how Cohen got my cell number.  He explained that he was the attorney for Donald Trump — I did recognize that name — and he wanted to know what I knew about Barack Obama's origins.  Ever since I first started questioning the authorship of Obama's 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, I would occasionally get calls like this from people of a higher pay grade than mine.  Having followed the birth certificate issue only from a distance, I recommended instead that Trump focus on the authorship question.  As I explained to Cohen, although Obama claimed to have written both his books by himself, he definitely had help, much of it from terrorist turned educator Bill Ayers.  This I deduced from my literary forensic work in the summer and fall of 2008.

Obama Crashes NBA Finals to Push Democrat Party Propaganda.  On Wednesday night [9/30/2020], the NBA held a 'More Than A Vote' campaign during the first game of the NBA finals — because the NBA is now a political arm for the DNC first and a basketball league second.  President Obama crashed the party to push for the Democrat cause — during the NBA finals!  What a complete turnoff.  During the NBA Finals the NBA worked in tandem with radical liberals of the Democrat Party in an effort to get out the vote.

Obama is the Power Behind the Biden Teleprompter.  [Scroll down]  Meanwhile, the liberals in the media are in ecstasy over Barack Hussein' Obama's new book, A Promised Land. [...] Obama is still important, not only because he's hawking a new book, but because he's the power behind the Joe Biden candidacy.  While conservatives note the references by Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris to a planned "Harris Administration," a Joe Biden victory will in reality be another Obama Administration, a third term for our 44th president.  Anybody who gets Democratic Party email messages about the election understands that Obama is the fundraising hook or ploy in most of them.  Biden can't motivate the left, but Obama can.

The Background of the "Harris-Biden" Ticket.  The Black Grievance Industry (BGI) is an assembly of two larger groups.  Group-one is the Black Lives Matter group, modern and extremist.  Group-two is the AME church network, more traditional and with a larger network.  The BLM group originated during the terms of the Obama administration.  The AME network has existed for many decades before. [...] Immediately before the South Carolina primary, Barack Obama (BLM network) and the traditional racial apparatus (AME network) realized they were about to lose control to Bernie Sanders.  Their response was to quickly coordinate a club move to swing the election away from the Sanders camp.  An urgent assembly of all party control officers was called.  The power brokers within the DNC Club designed a plan around using James Clyburn (AME network) as the official spark for Joe Biden to take back control of the primary outcome.  Former President Obama contacted all candidates and informed them when and how they would quit the race and fall-in-line behind Joe Biden.  James Clyburn was then triggered to initiate his endorsement and begin the rapid-fire process.  Within 48 hours all members of the club and candidates had their instructions and proceeded to follow-through on the plan.  They had no choice.  If they did not comply they would suffer the consequences of a fully aligned club hierarchy who would target them personally and financially.  The plan worked flawlessly.

Barack Obama's Latest Reason to Vote for Joe Biden Is Actually a Reason to Vote Trump.  Barack Obama, the Left's erstwhile patron saint, appears to have taken his deputy Rahm Emanuel's advice to heart:  "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."  On Wednesday [9/9/2020], Obama rushed to blame climate change for the wildfires ravaging the West Coast, insisting that Californians' "lives" depend on Joe Biden beating Donald Trump in November.  As usual, Obama has the entire situation backward:  Climate change isn't the culprit behind the infernos, poor forest management is — and the climate regulations Obama champions have prevented the controlled burns necessary for keeping the fires in check.

Multimillionaire Obamas Haven't Donated to Joe Biden's Campaign.  Barack H. Obama and his wife Michelle became fabulously wealthy after leaving the White House in 2017.  For whatever reason, they haven't given a single dollar of their massive fortune to Joe Biden's presidential campaign.  President Obama has hosted virtual fundraisers for his former running mate and urged Democrats to give "any amount you can" to Biden's campaign.  Michelle addressed the virtual Democratic convention on Monday, but didn't even show her arms.  Barack is scheduled to give the primetime address on Wednesday night.  But neither have personally contributed a dime to Biden's campaign, according to federal election records.

Obama Allies Casually (and Repeatedly) Slam Biden in POLITICO Piece.  Barack Obama is very careful about some things.  He makes sure his political allies know that his legacy has to be protected.  As a result, the bits of information we get about the Obamas and their post-White House adventures are limited and usually cast in a very respectable-elder-statesman fashion.  People who worked for the former president do not go out and create any sort of drama related to what happened while they were in power.  They defend him and his accomplishments, and they attack anyone who questions it — and their behavior is often endorsed by friendly reporters and pundits throughout the media.  So, when a POLITICO Magazine piece comes along and attacks his Vice President, Joe Biden, as incompetent and a joke, and the quotes are all coming from former Obama staff and aides, you know that this is deliberate.  There is a reason this piece and these attacks see the light of day:  Because Obama wants them to.

Longtime friend 'builds Obama's multi-million dollar Hawaii ocean villa using loopholes to bypass coastal protection laws'.  The beachfront compound in Hawaii where former President Barack Obama reportedly plans to someday retire used a planning loophole to retain a seawall that is likely causing beach erosion, according to a new report.  State officials and community members confirmed to ProPublica that Obama plans to reside in the compound on Oahu, which was purchased for $8.7 million by his close friend Marty Nesbitt in 2015.  After tearing down the site's mansion made famous as the house from Magnum PI, developers are building three homes, two pools and a security perimeter on the three-acre beachfront parcel, permits show.

Barack Obama is meddling in the upcoming election.  Barack Obama was never a traditional American president.  After all, he was the only president ever to come to the White House manifestly disliking and being embarrassed by the country he was elected to lead.  With that as a background, maybe we shouldn't be surprised that he's publicly meddling in the upcoming election in a way that even Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton didn't try.  (Former Republican presidents have more graciously stayed out of the fray.)  Both of Obama's lines of attack are serious.  First, he's explicitly saying that Trump is trying to throw the election by putting his managerial skills to work to address a postal system that is in complete disarray.  Second, he's attacking his own former Vice President, who is now waiting in the wings to be officially crowned as the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Tensions linger between Biden and Obama camps throughout 2020 primary campaign: report.  Despite the best-friend bond Joe Biden touts with former President Obama, tensions have lingered between the two statesmen over their vastly different governing styles, according to a Politico report.  To start, a number of anonymously sourced quotes from Obama leaked out throughout the 2020 Biden campaign where the former president allegedly expressed doubts about his former running mates' fitness for office. [...] When lamenting his own diminishing relationship with the current Democratic electorate, particularly in Iowa, Obama reportedly told one 2020 candidate:  "And you know who really doesn't have it?  Joe Biden."  Some Biden aides pointed out that, when Obama's endorsement of Biden in 2020 finally did arrive, it didn't have nearly the energy of his endorsement of Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Publishers Fret Over Obama's 'Failure to Perform'.  ook contracts routinely include a "failure to perform" clause.  Contracts that come with a reported $65 million advance, such as the one signed by Barack and Michelle Obama in February 2017 with Penguin Random House (PRH), will inevitably include such a clause.  Among the most common of such failures is the failure to complete a contacted work by an agreed-upon deadline.  PRH is staring down one such failure right now.  At the time the Obama deal was made in early 2017, insiders were telling Publishers Weekly that books by both Michelle and Barack would be released in fall 2018.  Michelle's book, Becoming, was released by PRH's Crown division on schedule in November 2018 and has exceeded expectations.  Barack's book will be released at least two years behind schedule with no publication date in sight.

How Obama is clearing the VP field for Susan Rice.  Joe Biden's campaign recently delayed his self-imposed August 1 deadline to announce his running mate.  Biden's handlers were under pressure from Senator Kamala Harris and Representative Karen Bass to name them.  The Biden brain trust delayed the announcement so surrogates could discredit Harris and Bass.  That opens the door for Obama's choice:  Susan Rice.  Former President Barack Obama, indispensable to the campaign, knows Biden lacks the cognitive skills to govern, and his tenure will likely be brief.  Like four years ago, Democrats have convinced themselves President Donald Trump cannot win.  For Obama, Biden's running mate will be our next president.  Obama must control that person to continue his socialist transformation of America and protect himself from exposure for undermining candidate and President Trump.

The New Old Obama.  In his latest incarnation as president emeritus and corporate multimillionaire community activist, we are reminded of the earlier Barack Obama of "get in their face," "take a gun to a knife fight," and "punish our enemies" vintage.  From time to time, Obama ventures from his hilltop, seaside, $12 million "you didn't build that" Martha's Vineyard Estate or his tony Washington, D.C. $8 million "spread the wealth" mansion to lecture the nation on all of its racist sins, past and present.  In these outings, he seeks to advise lesser folk on how we can still find redemption (make Puerto Rico a state?), given that his own eight years as president apparently proved that the United States remains hopelessly captive to the spirit of Bull Connor and that a president such as himself — starting out with complete control of the Congress — had no power to change much.  His latest weaponization of the funeral of John Lewis revealed all the Obama signature characteristics.

Obama emerges as Biden's hatchet man.  In a role reversal from their eight years together in the White House, Barack Obama has become Joe Biden's wingman and, in his understated way, his hatchet man.  The former president's Thursday eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat who was active in the civil rights movement, was a case in point.  Obama criticized President Trump and reminded Democrats who they would be letting down if they didn't elect Biden and a Democratic Senate, urging them to jettison the filibuster — a key institutional obstacle to liberal ambitions — as a "relic of Jim Crow."

Obama Privately Warns Top Dem Donors:  Trump Voters 'Glued' to Breitbart, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh.  Former President Barack Obama is privately telling some of the biggest and most influential donors on the left that the 2020 election will not be a lock for former Vice President Joe Biden because President Donald Trump's voters are "glued" to outlets on the right like Breitbart News and will turn out in droves in November, according to a Thursday report in the New York Times.  Obama has reportedly raised $24 million for Biden in two months by having conversations with people like LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, actor George Clooney, and top party leaders.  According to the Times, "donors who have paid six-figure sums" have been able to see Obama have these "wide-ranging Q. and A. sessions about the state of politics and unvarnished analysis" on Zoom.

Obama Vilifies Feds During John Lewis Eulogy, Accuses them of 'Using Tear Gas' Against 'Peaceful Demonstrators'.  Former president Barack Obama fanned the flames of racial resentment in his politicized eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) at his funeral in Atlanta, Georgia, Thursday afternoon, comparing law enforcement officers and President Trump to racist Democrats Bull Connor and George Wallace.  "Bull Connor might be gone, but today we witness with our own eyes, police officers kneeling on the necks of Black Americans," Obama intoned.  "George Wallace may be gone, but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators.  His fact-free assertion about federal agents using tear gas on "peaceful demonstrators" was met with enthusiastic applause from the mostly Democrat attendees.

The New George Wallace: Barack Obama.  [Scroll down]  Yesterday there was a new George Wallace.  He appeared in an Atlanta church to eulogize the late Democratic Congressman John Lewis, Lewis a certifiable hero of the 1960s civil rights movement.  There were, in fact, three former presidents there, including George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.  But it was former President Barack Obama and Obama alone who chose to use the literal pulpit to divide by race. [...] Can you imagine if some Republican — Bush 43 in this instance — had stood up at the Lewis funeral and pushed the Republican agenda?  Not to mention if he got up and played the race card?  Yes, you can. [...] What is particularly despicable here is that the race card was played at a funeral for a man whose famous moment of heroism was protesting ... racism.  Not to be forgotten here is that the state troopers involved that day in Selma when John Lewis had his skull cracked were in the employ of Democrat Gov. George Wallace.

Obama Uses John Lewis Funeral to Call for 'Eliminating the Filibuster'.  Former President Barack Obama used his eulogy at the funeral of Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) to call for an end to the Senate filibuster to pass Democrats' new legislation on voting reform.  Obama said that Republicans had imitated Jim Crow-era restrictions on voting rights, which Lewis marched against, by passing state voter ID laws and other measures that conservatives argue prevent voter fraud.  He urged Congress to pass a new version of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Joe and Barack in Delusional Conversation.  On Thursday morning [7/23/2020], the Biden campaign released a video of Joe Biden "in conversation" with Barack Obama.  It makes for tedious viewing, as the two marinate in each other's perceived wonderfulness, trading compliments and seconding each other's empty musings.  The two scoff at Trump's "inability" to "take responsibility."  We never took that tack, chortles Obama, who famously believed in "leading from behind."  He then unburdens himself of the profound insight that leaders must be "able to relate," a quality, he says, that Biden has in abundance.  The Democrats, you see, have a monopoly on empathy.  They uniquely understand the struggles of the "vulnerable."  Not like that clod Trump.  Never mind that they are the party of killing unborn children.  Never mind that Biden is a cold opportunist who has sold his soul to Planned Parenthood.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden Meet to Socially Distance and Trash Donald Trump.  Former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden teamed up for a socially distanced conversation to discuss the election and trash President Donald Trump. [...] The full video of the conversation will be published by the Biden campaign on July 23.

Barack Obama Can't Stop Trashing His Wife's Writing Ability.  Former president Barack Obama has been "working" on his third memoir for several years.  In that time, his wife, nutrition extremist Michelle Obama, has authored and published her own internationally best-selling memoir, Becoming.  For whatever reason, Barack appears unable to tolerate his wife's literary success.  He has expressed an almost pathological level of annoyance at Michelle's ability to complete a memoir in under two years. [...] Sources told the Atlantic that when Obama discussed his book, for which he and Michelle received a combined advance of $65 million, he tended to point out that he was writing it himself — unlike his wife, who used a ghostwriter.

Obama Reportedly Slams Trump Calling Coronavirus 'China Virus'.  Former President Barack Obama reportedly accused President Donald Trump of spreading "anti-Asian" sentiment with his comments about the coronavirus.  Obama ripped his successor for using the terms "China virus" and "kung flu" to describe the coronavirus, according to a New York Times article published Sunday.  Obama reportedly made the comments during a private, virtual fundraiser for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Obama Soliciting Funding for Vote-by-Mail Effort.  Former President Barack Obama sent out an email blast yesterday soliciting individuals to donate money to fight "voter suppression" by advocating vote-by-mail, early voting, and online voter registration.  The message was sent out by Obama on behalf of All On The Line, a campaign launched by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) which was formed after Obama's political organization Organizing for Action (OFA) merged with his former Attorney General Eric Holder's National Redistricting Action Fund (NRAF).

Former President Obama Has Cured The COVID Virus To Facilitate Five Days of Mass Gatherings and George Floyd Memorials.  Previously the Lightbringer proclaimed he could "heal the planet", force the "oceans to recede", and anointed himself as "the last great hope for all humanity"; so it should come as no surprise that today Uno Cero declares he has defeated the COVID-19 virus.  The One has spoken just in time for America to gather together in collective protest and enter a five-day phase of national mourning, across multiple states, for George Floyd.

Obama urges George Floyd protesters to push for change, 'make people in power uncomfortable'.  Former President Barack Obama, in a virtual town hall hosted by his foundation Wednesday, called on demonstrators to channel their anger over George Floyd's death into an opportunity to make leaders "uncomfortable" and pressure them into making real policy changes.  The town hall was hosted by the Obama Foundation's My Brother's Keeper Alliance, which supports young men of color.  During the event, Obama said he rejected a debate that emerged in "a little bit of chatter on the internet" about "voting versus protests, politics and participation versus civil disobedience and direct action."

Obama: Let's not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it.  This plea would have a longer cultural reach delivered on television instead of in a Medium post, but it's welcome regardless coming from the most influential person in the Democratic Party.  Plus, I think he's in a tight spot politically that prevents him from charging into the debate via a big TV appearance.

Obama Issues Statement On George Floyd, Minneapolis Unrest.  With the situation in Minneapolis exploding into rioting and looting on Wednesday and Thursday, former President Barack Obama, whose presidency was marked by similar racially charged protests over officer-involved deaths of African Americans, issued a statement Friday [5/29/2020] addressing the death of George Floyd, the 46-year-old African-American man who died after a white officer held his knee on his neck for several minutes.

How Obama just endorsed Trump.  Just when we thought we'd seen it all, heard it all, we are hit with another surreal shocker certain to wend its way into the narrative, and onto paid media as the 2020 presidential derby charges forward.  In two recent virtual commencement addresses, former President Barack Obama took aim at Trump by questioning his willingness, much less his ability, to lead.  Predictably, the left roared in delight while the right howled in protest.  Yet lost in the partisan noise was a more telling passage of prose Obama uttered that day, words that may have eluded vetting by his political handlers — but not the rest of us.  In nine words, Obama effectively endorsed the incumbent and eviscerated the challenger.

Obama's 'My Pet Goat' moment.  Remember how President George Bush took all that flak from leftists as the flames of 9/11 destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon?  It happened as he was by chance reading a story to schoolchildren called "My Pet Goat."  He finished the story as the bad news was whispered into his ear, so as not to panic the children.  Now it's President Obama's turn, but it's a lot less innocent. [...] This is pretty ridiculous, given the hugeness of the scandal engulfing him.  Instead of hiding or fighting, he's out to change the narrative because he thinks you're stupid.  Bush, at least, had the mitigating factor of not knowing that the catastrophe was going to take place.  Obama, on the other hand, seems to know very well that #ObamaGate is trending, and word is getting out about how he weaponized government to spy on and destroy an incoming administration.  Instead of hide, he's going for an image makeover as Mr. Marvelous.

Obamas Read a Children's Book as Obamagate Revelations Erupt.  Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have broadcast themselves reading a children's book aloud to the interwebs while "Obamagate" revelations about former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn have erupted.  The Obamas posted a tweet of themselves Thursday reading the children's book The Word Collector, about a child who collects words that he hears in scrapbooks, ignoring the news of President Donald Trump's call ordering Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) to have him testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee for investigating Flynn and Trump during Trump's transition period.

Obama's staged "leak" rallies the troops and gives them their talking points.  Within moments of the recent Russiagate documents release and the DOJ recommendation not to pursue the case against Michael Flynn, the left and MSM chorused nearly the same thing almost in unison: this is a travesty of justice!  And they weren't talking about the wretched excesses of the state apparatus regarding the framing of Flynn, they were talking about the Barr DOJ and its suggestion regarding Flynn. [...] All that was left was for Obama to get into the act, which he promptly did via the "leak" of a "private" phone call between Obama and some unnamed people who had worked in his administration.  In an article written by none other than Michael Isikoff, who had his own role in Russiagate as one of the first to write about the infamous Steele dossier, Obama's call conveys the ex-president's opinions about the recent DOJ actions regarding the Flynn prosecution.

Obama is panicking.  After seeming years of silence, and plenty of billionaire vacays, President Obama is on the warpath. [...] A huge Obama White House effort to spy on a political opponent and prevent him from serving in public office is slowly being exposed.  So the ridiculous carp about President Trump's coronavirus crisis leadership being 'absolute chaos' is nonsense, a naked bid to knock down President Trump.  And his Flynn complaint is complete nonsense.  The Flynn prosecution was dropped because of naked prosecutorial misconduct.  Prosecutors do that because they know their cases aren't going to win.  Rule of law?  Since when does prosecutorial misconduct of the worst kind merit not dropping a tainted case? [...] For Obama to 'warn' about rule of law, as if that were something he ever cared about before this, is disingenuous.  It's also projecting, a typical passive-aggressive Obama maneuver to say the least.  That Obama arranged for this leak, under cover of 'private conversation' is simply a joke.

Michael Flynn fiasco will reveal Obama's truth.  The former president knows his Teflon coating is wearing thin.  With his nemesis, Gen. Michael Flynn, suddenly exonerated, he also knows that Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr are closing in on the truth of his role in the whole dirty Russia-collusion lie.  "There's more to come," President Trump told "Fox & Friends" on Friday [5/8/2020], the day after the Justice Department dismissed its case against Flynn, having found that the FBI had laid a "perjury trap" for his short-lived national security adviser.  "I believe [Obama] and Biden ... Sleepy Joe was involved in this also, very much."  The only way to ensure that the truth about Obama never sees the light of day is to defeat Trump in November, even if all the Democrats have for a candidate is a sleepy guy in a basement.  "We got to make this happen," Obama said Friday in a vehement conference call with 3,000 supporters.

Barack Obama Forgets That Bill Clinton Got Away With Perjury.  As we get closer and closer to November's election, a ghost of presidential past is beginning to haunt the political discourse.  Barack Obama is back.  Beginning last month on Twitter, he started attacking president Trump directly.  Now audio of a phone conversation has been "leaked" in which Obama has more to say about what he views as Trump's failures.  In the remarks, one thing stood out: his remarkable take on the exoneration of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Obama rattled in leaked private call, says dropping Michael Flynn case means 'rule of law is at risk'.  The man who very likely had an oversight role in destroying former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's life actually said during a private call this week that letting him off the hook threatens "the rule of law."  In a call with former members of his administration, Barack Obama not only criticized the Justice Department's decision to drop its case against Flynn, who briefly served as President Donald Trump's top security consultant, but he blasted the administration's coronavirus response as "an absolute chaotic disaster."

Obama says in private call that "rule of law is at risk" in Flynn case.  Former President Barack Obama, talking privately to ex-members of his administration, said Friday that the "rule of law is at risk" in the wake of what he called an unprecedented move by the Justice Department to drop charges against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.  In the same chat, a tape of which was obtained by Yahoo News, Obama also lashed out at the Trump administration's handling of the coronavirus pandemic as "an absolute chaotic disaster."

Obama 'Worried' That Flynn Cleared By DOJ Over Illegitimate Investigation: 'Rule Of Law Is At Risk'.  Former President Barack Obama said on Friday that he was "worried" by the Department of Justice's (DOJ) decision to drop the charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn this week after Attorney General William Barr said that "there was not a legitimate counterintelligence investigation going on."  "The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn," Obama said.  "And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free.  That's the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.  And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we've seen in other places."

The Editor says...
The man who orchestrated Fast and Furious, the man who accepted illegal campaign contributions from fictitious people like "Doodad Pro," the man who gave preferential treatment to the Black Panthers, the man who illegally spied on thousands of Americans, the man who issued the "greatest number of individual clemencies in a single day," the man who lied about Benghazi and lied about Obamacare, the man who fired an Inspector General of Americorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case, the man who secretly sent plane loads of cash to Iran, the man who used the IRS and EPA as weapons, the man who has a forged birth certificate and uses somebody else's Social Security number, is now concerned about the rule of law!

Democrat Law Professor Blasts Obama For False Statements About DOJ Dismissing Flynn Case.  Jonathan Turley, Constitutional Law Professor at George Washington University, slammed former President Barack Obama on Saturday after Obama made false statements about the Department of Justice (DOJ) dismissing the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.  "The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn," Obama said in a leaked phone call late this week.  "And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free.  That's the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.  And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we've seen in other places."

Michelle and Barack Obama rake in millions of dollars, as adoration by liberal media continues.  The Hollywood Reporter recently broke a scoop about the latest Netflix documentary from the Obamas, designed to offer us an oasis of joy as we suffer through the coronavirus pandemic.  The documentary is called "Becoming" and it will be available worldwide Wednesday.  As the title suggests, it promotes Michelle Obama's memoir of the same name, which has sold more than 10 million copies.  So let's get this straight.  The Obamas were awarded a book deal worth an estimated $65 million for their memoirs, hers and then his.  They also struck an estimated $50 million production deal with Netflix.  (We don't have actual numbers.  Could someone in the media ask for a tax return?)  With this self-aggrandizing documentary, the second deal is being used to accentuate the profits of the first.  The buck raking here is intense.

Michelle Obama Asks DC Residents to 'Stay Home' While Barack Goes Golfing.  Former First Lady Michelle Obama and former President Barack Obama do not appear to be on the same page regarding Washington, DC's stay-at-home orders.  Michelle Obama recorded a message for Washington, DC, residents, urging Americans to stay home, even though her husband went golfing in Virginia two days earlier.

Tucker Carlson asks why Obama was out golfing while wife Michelle lectures Americans about lockdowns.  Former President Barack Obama has apparently concluded that playing golf is an essential activity during the coronavirus pandemic that has most the country quarantined.  Last Saturday [4/25/2020], according to Politico, he was spotted on the links at the Robert Trent Jones Country Club in Virginia, which is located approximately 40 minutes from his residence in an upscale Washington, D.C., neighborhood.  This outing occurred despite the fact that both D.C. and Virginia are under a strict lockdown and have been for about a month.

Barack Obama Pops Off, Launches Veiled Attack on President Trump Over His Coronavirus Response.  President Trump back in January limited incoming flights from China and the left attacked him as a racist and xenophobe.  Trump then sent hospital ships to New York and California to help hospitals overwhelmed by Coronavirus patients and it turned out the ships weren't even needed.  The President then provided extra ventilators and PPE supplies to states that requested back up help from the federal government.  Now Trump is sending out tens of thousands of testing kits to states like California where Governor Gavin Newsom is praising Trump for his "promises made, promises kept."  But this isn't enough for Barack Obama and the radical left.

Report: Obama Had 'Long Conversations' With Bernie Sanders, Pressed Him Out Of Primary Race.  Former President Barack Obama "nudged" Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) out of the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, holding "long conversations" with the Vermont socialist over the last couple of weeks, trying his best to press Sanders out of the primary in service of defeating President Donald Trump.  "For months, [Obama] kept in close contact with senior party officials, in hopes of preventing a repeat of the protracted and nasty 2016 primary race," the Chicago Tribune reported Tuesday, echoing suggestions from earlier in the year that Obama was playing a considerable "behind the scenes" role, streamlining the race for the Democratic nod.

Obama to the rescue, asleep amid the raging seas.  Mr. Obama has arrived on the battlefield just in time to shoot the wounded.  The Democratic primary is over.  Bernie Sanders is already waving the white flag.  The multitudes once seeking the Democratic nomination have all surrendered. [...] At final long last — after nearly a year of bloodshed within his own party — Mr. Obama now endorses his long-suffering vice president, Joseph R. Biden.  Talk about "leading from behind."  What a brilliant reminder of everything that was wrong with Barack Obama, a truly selfish coward full of empty words.

Obama: DACA Illegal Aliens Deserve Amnesty During Coronavirus Crisis.  Former President Barack Obama says the time is now, during the Chinese coronavirus crisis, to provide amnesty to about 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  While about ten million Americans have filed for unemployment in just three weeks, Obama took to Twitter to call for an amnesty for DACA illegal aliens in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.

Obama won't publicly endorse his former VP for president, but he'll publicly endorse 'mail-in' vote fraud.  Obama tends to pop up from his multi-million dollar digs in Martha's Vineyard when something is really important to him, when he sees an opportunity to advance his Marxist agenda.  Like now, during the coronavirus pandemic that has been hyped and hyped and hyped as a planet killer by his Garbage Party and their media propagandists.  The former president came out and formally endorsed Democratic efforts to nationalize California-style "ballot harvesting" and mail-in vote fraud, using the alleged 'danger' of the COVID-19 virus as justification.

Barack Obama Joins Democrats' Push for Vote-by-Mail During Coronavirus Crisis.  Former President Barack Obama joined prominent Democrats arguing that the United States should implement a vote-by-mail option in the upcoming fall elections.  "Let's not use the tragedy of a pandemic to compromise our democracy," Obama wrote on social media.

Chicken Little Obama Frets About Trump's 'Climate Denial' Amid Coronavirus Pandemic.  On Tuesday [3/31/2020], former President Barack Obama ripped into President Donald Trump's decision to loosen environmental standards, comparing "climate denial" to the original skepticism officials expressed at reports of the coronavirus pandemic.  Yes, in the midst of a pandemic that is choking the economic life out of this country, Obama focused on climate change.  Obama shared an article from The Los Angeles Times entitled, "Trump rolls back biggest U.S. effort to combat climate change."  The article details Trump's move to loosen fuel efficiency standards as the oil and gas industry struggles with extremely low prices amid an oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia.  This oil war has hit companies particularly hard during the coronavirus crisis.  Obama instituted the higher standards in 2012 and he likely sees this move as a blow to his legacy.  Yet rather than just complaining about Trump undermining his legacy, Obama used the tensions of the coronavirus crisis to spread fears about climate change.

Barack Obama Suggests Donald Trump 'Denied' Coronavirus Warnings.  Former President Barack Obama suggested on Twitter on Tuesday [3/31/2020] that President Donald Trump "denied" warnings of the coronavirus pandemic.  "We've seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic," Obama wrote.  The former president shared an article on Twitter about Trump rolling back fuel economy standards, and also accused the president of "climate denial."

Has Obama Been Meddling in the 2020 Democratic Primaries?  Obama's confidants have done well in muddying the waters as to what the popular Democrat in recent memory has been up to in his post-White House life.  Sort of.  Perhaps, we probably should have known that Obama was glued to this race.  He is after all probably irritated like no other that Donald Trump is pretty much undoing all that he did in eight years in just three.  He wants to beat Trump.  He's too smart, too engaged, and too in the thick of all of this to just not care.

The 2020 Race Is Now A Referendum On Barack Obama.  With his stunning Super Tuesday wins, Joe Biden is now the odds-on favorite to become the Democratic nominee.  Bernie Sanders, the last man in Biden's way, now finds himself as he did in 2016:  one-on-one against a former member of the last Democratic administration.  Several candidates dropped out this week, and one joined the race.  His name is Barack Obama.  Now that the campaign has settled into a two-man contest, the central issue, which was not inevitable, has emerged.  Do Democrats want a return to the less radical era of private health-care options and free trade?  Or do they want a new Democratic Party in Bernie's image that nationalizes whatever it can get its hands on and engages in protectionism and Green New Deals?

Where is Obama while his party descends into socialism?  The title question today comes to us via the latest syndicated column from our friend Andrew Malcolm.  He notes that former President Barack Obama has, at least for the most part, stayed admirably silent about the 2020 elections thus far.  That's a rather curious state of affairs when you consider how hard he worked to craft his image as a non-threatening centrist during his own campaigns.  Today, with the Democrats seemingly racing each other to see who can dive off the cliff into full-blown socialism, does his silence indicate some sort of tacit approval of these developments?  Or is he biting his tongue in frustration over a leftward lurch that could leave the eventual nominee virtually unelectable?

Obama spoke with Buttigieg after he dropped out of 2020 race: report.  Former President Obama spoke with former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg after he dropped out of the 2020 race Sunday, The New York Times reported Monday [3/2/2020].  Obama reportedly did not directly tell Buttigieg to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden.  But he did tell the former South Bend, Ind., mayor that he now has leverage and should consider how to use it, a Democratic official familiar with the conversation told the Times.

O, how Obama could alter 2020 presidential race for Joe Biden.  Two days after the South Carolina primary in 2008, Ted and Caroline Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama after he beat Hillary Clinton there by 30 points.  Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said on Saturday that those Kennedy endorsements were extraordinarily important to the Obama campaign.  Think how much more crucial it would be right now if Obama finally followed suit and endorsed Joe Biden after his vice president's smashing victory in the Palmetto State.  There was a 10-day gap between Obama's win in 2008 and the multistate primary on Super Tuesday.  This year, Super Tuesday is ... this Tuesday.  Biden could really use a massive news event to make the point to voters in those 14 states that he is a winner and a better choice against Donald Trump than Bernie Sanders — and Obama's ego might be tickled by the prospect at being a decisive player in the race.

Did you hear who Obama endorsed in the Dem primaries?  It may come as something of a surprise to Barack Obama that he has already endorsed a fellow Democrat for their party's presidential nomination in Milwaukee come mid-July.  According to a new Morning Consult poll, most Democrats know that the former president has announced his pick to oust that usurper Donald Trump from the White House.  In fact, 60 percent of likely Democratic primary voters know that he has.  These folks are less certain who is the lucky candidate to get Obama's political blessing out of the eight surviving wannabe's who still claim to have a chance.  You know, those Chicago pols can be shifty.  Maybe Obama even gave his primary endorsement to more than one Democrat, like the New York Times.

Obama steps into the presidential race to demand South Carolina TV stations pull 'despicable' Republican ads.  Former President Barack Obama is sending a cease and desist letter to television stations in South Carolina demanding that a Republican-backed, anti-Joe Biden attack commercial be taken down.  The super PAC, Committee to Defend the President,' began airing the ad earlier this week as South Carolina prepares for its Democratic presidential primary on Saturday.  Obama, however, wants it pulled down because it relies on audio and quotes from his 1995 book, 'Dreams from My Father,' in a 'misleading way,' says a spokeswoman for the former president.

Maybe Obama is cool with Bernie.  Ex-presidents have extraordinarily little power.  They are deflated balloons that were once large but are now shriveled and small. [...] Obama has not retired.  He has a castle in Kalorama where he meets with people who are trying to make the presidency of Donald John Trump hell.  Publicly, Obama has stayed out of things.  Maybe the presidential race will force him to break his public silence.  If I were him, I would continue to stay on the sidelines — publicly.  His deal with Hillary was she would support him in 2008, he would support her in 2016.  Picking Biden as his running mate sealed the deal because no one thought 12 years ago that Democrats would be foolish enough to nominate him.

The mouse roars:  Obama wants his share of credit for Trump's economy.  It has been something of a blessing that Barack Obama, since leaving the White House, has kept relatively quiet.  Maybe the reason is that he has devoted his complete attention to making — and spending — the fortune he has amassed.  Yesterday [2/17/2020], Obama broke his silence to whine on Twitter about his forgotten (nonexistent?) role in the unprecedentedly robust economy the nation has enjoyed since he left office.  He not only mentions the $831-billion stimulus package he signed into law but includes a photograph of his signature on the legislation to prove he was behind it.

Obama is jealous of Trump's economy.  Barack Obama, ex-prez, took to Twitter to try and claim that today's great economy is due to his 11-year-old policy — suggesting, laughably, his White House is owed a big ol' thank you from President Donald Trump, from the world of business and from Joe Q. Taxpayer and Jane Q. Consumer.  Sorry, Mr. Obama, but to coin one of your own phrases:  You didn't build that.  You didn't build the economy America is now cheering.  If memory serves, and it does, you built the economy that earned you the monicker, "Food Stamp President."

Obamas-produced film 'American Factory' wins Best Documentary Oscar.  "American Factory," the first Netflix film from former President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama's production company, is officially an Oscar winner.  The film won the Academy Award on Sunday for "Best Documentary Feature."  The project from filmmakers Steven Bognar, Julia Eichert and Jeff Eichert followed the story of an Ohio factory after it was reopened by a Chinese billionaire.

Obama-Produced Film Wins Oscar, Producer Quotes Communist Manifesto In Acceptance Speech.  Obama Praises.  The first Netflix film produced by former President Obama and Michelle Obama's production company won an award on Sunday during the Oscars and, while accepting the award, the filmmakers recited Karl Marx's Communist manifesto.  Julia Reichert of "American Factory" received the award and said:  "Working people have it harder and harder these days — and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world unite."  The term "workers of the world unite," comes directly from the communist manifesto and was widely noticed by media critics.

Two more reasons not to vote for Biden:
Joe Biden Suggests Making Michelle Obama Running Mate, Appointing Barack to Supreme Court.  Joe Biden suggested on Tuesday that the Obamas would be appointed to high office if he were elected in 2020, telling voters the former first lady could be his running mate, while her husband was destined for the Supreme Court, provided he wanted the appointment.  The former vice president made the promise during a campaign town hall in Iowa, where he was asked by a voter if he would consider appointing Obama to the Supreme Court.

Obviously prepping us for Michelle's run for the White House:
Barack Obama:  Women 'Indisputably Better' Leaders Than Men.  Former President Barack Obama declared Monday that women are better leaders than men, musing that the world's living standards would increase if the fairer sex ran the world.  Speaking in Singapore at a private event on leadership, Obama conceded that while women have their flaws, he argued that they are "indisputably better" than men, the BBC reports.

Obama gave Common Core contract to publisher, got $65-million book deal in return?  As far-left Democrats yell about bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors, let's turn to their own side of the aisle, starting with the once penniless President Obama, who left public office a very, very rich man.  He just bought a Martha's Vineyard mansion for a cool $11.75 million, which is in addition to his Kalorama lookout post, his Chicago home, and possibly a Hawaii spread.  At some point, you've made enough... but not him.  Ostensibly, it's mainly the work of his book deals.  No bribery there, right?

Obamas pay $11.75M for Martha's Vineyard home on nearly 30 acres: report.  Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have purchased a nearly 7,000-square-foot home on Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts for $11.75 million, according to a report.  The purchase price was recorded Wednesday with the local Registry of Deeds, the Vineyard Gazette reported.  The Obamas paid about half the original asking price for the property when it first became available in 2015, the report said.

Obama: 'I Don't Care' Whether You'll Like the Nominee, Just Vote Democrat.  On Thursday [11/28/2019], former President Barack Obama was the main guest at a fundraiser in Silicon Valley.  When asked a question about the many candidates running, he told those present that he couldn't care less whether they'd like the eventual nominee.  They just have to vote for him/her/it.  "Everybody needs to chill out about the candidates, but gin up about the prospect of rallying behind whoever emerges from this process," Obama told the millionaire techies, according to far-left news channel CNN.  "There will be differences" between them, he added, "but I want us to make sure that we keep in mind that, relative to the ultimate goal, which is to defeat a president and a party that has ... taken a sharp turn away from a lot of the core traditions and values and institutional commitments that built this country," those differences are "relatively minor."

Obama to Greta: 'You and Me, We're a Team'.  During her recent visit to Washington, DC, Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg was hailed by Barack Obama as "one of our planet's greatest advocates."  When the two met prior to her speech before Congress, the former president assured her of his own environmental bona fides with this:  "You and me, we're a team."

Barack Obama and the Behar doctrine.  On Friday [11/15/2019], Barack Obama emerged from his $10 Million Martha's Vineyard enclave to caution Democrat Presidential candidates against veering too far left, a move he said "...would alienate many who would otherwise be open to voting for the party's nominee next year[.]"

Liberal Pundits, Activists Strike Back After Obama Suggests Democrats Not Move Too Far Left.  Liberal pundits and activists criticized former President Barack Obama on Saturday morning after he suggested the Democratic Party should avoid leaning "too far left" ahead of the 2020 election.  Democrats laid into the former president after he urged them to consider a moderate approach during a fundraising meeting Friday [11/15/2019].  Climate activists and pundits turned on Obama, suggesting on Twitter that he was enabling that white supremacists gain a foothold in American politics.

The Editor says...
What does white supremacy have to do with the climate?

$355,000 is priciest ticket to Obama appearance in Silicon Valley.  Former U.S. President Barack Obama is coming to town next week for a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee's Unity Fund.  But if you want to attend, you'll need at least $10,000 to get in the door and $35,000 to take a photo with Obama.  Obama will appear for a conversation with DNC Chair Tom Perez on Nov. 21 at the Los Altos home of Democratic donor Karla Jurvetson.  The Los Altos Town Crier posted the invite:  Ticket prices range from $10,000 for the opportunity to attend with no photo to $355,000 for a VIP reception, "access to the National Finance Committee Benefits" and a "premium package" for the 2020 Democratic Convention in Milwaukee.  The $35,000 "champion" level includes a photo as well as the Finance Committee perk.

The Editor says...
I wouldn't let Barry Soetoro in my house if he knocked on the front door, and I certainly wouldn't pay $10,000 (or 10¢) to listen to him.

Michelle Obama: 'Many' Around the World Feel Barack is 'Their President'.  Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday [10/29/2019] that her husband, former President Barack Obama, could have built his presidential library anywhere in the world because many feel he is "their president."  Obama, speaking at the Obama Foundation Summit at the Illinois Institute of Technology, explained Chicago's Jackson Park was selected as the site for the Obama Presidential Center because it was close to the couple's former home and situated near her South Side childhood home.

Obama: 'Get Over' Being 'Woke,' Stop Online Outrage Cancel Culture.  Former President Barack Obama warned young people in Chicago on Tuesday [10/29/2019] that they should "quickly" get over trying to be "woke" because the world is a complex place and that young people need to stop engaging in online outrage mobs and cancel culture.  "This idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're politically woke and all that stuff — you should get over that quickly," Obama told an audience at the Obama Foundation Summit.

The Editor says...
What goes on at an "Obama Foundation Summit" — aside from the price of admission going into Michelle's pocket?

Obama Falls Asleep During Hillary Clinton's Speech at Elijah Cummings Funeral.  It sure look like former President Barack Obama falls asleep during Hillary Clinton's speech at the funeral service for Elijah Cummings.  It could be argued he was in prayer, though. [...] Hillary Clinton has a history of putting people to sleep.  Remember back in 2016 when her husband fell asleep as she was accepting the Democrat nomination.

Obama Headlining Democrat Redistricting Fundraiser at Alex Soros's Home.  Former President Barack Obama will headline a fundraiser for the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) at Alex Soros's New York City home on Monday evening, according to Politico Playbook.  Also expected to attend the NDRC event are the group's founder and chairman, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and former Virginia governor and CNN contributor Terry McAuliffe.

Corruption blinders of the media and other Democrats.  If the media and Democrats want to investigate anything, how about a possible corrupt payback from Netflix to Obama?  Obama gave the very wealthy Netlfix, Google and others huge financial benefits with net neutrality and Netflix gave the Obama's a huge contract even though they had no video production expertise or experience.

Suspicious Trump demands investigation into Obama's multi-million dollar book and Netflix deals.  Donald Trump thrust his foot on the gas in a Wednesday attack on Barack Obama, arguing that his predecessor's mammoth book and movie deals be reviewed by Congress.  Trump suggested Obama's undisclosed payday was suspiciously high for an amateur filmmaker and argued that the most famed directors and producers didn't earn the kind of money the Democrat is assumed to be making off his production company.

Barack Obama takes aim at Donald Trump telling a tech conference 'not watching TV or reading social media' is his advice.  Twitter and TV can 'cloud your judgement' as president, former President Barack Obama said in a not-subtle dig at President Donald Trump during a speech to a high-tech conference in San Francisco Wednesday [9/18/2019].  The president made the remarks at a conference for big data software firm Splunk, a day after Trump breezed through town for $100,000-per-couple fundraiser in Palo Alto.  He said as president he benefited by hearing from a team 'with a diversity of opinion.'  'The other thing that is helpful is not watching TV or reading social media,' he quipped, in a reference to Trump's regular TV viewership and Twitter focus.

The Editor says...
Barack H. Obama once said, "I spend most of my time watching ESPN in the morning."  [Source]

Would You Pay $4,200 to Listen to Michelle Obama Scold You?  "At a certain point, you've made enough money."  Back in 2010, President Barack Hussein Obama said that out loud into a microphone.  But now, once again, Past Obama and Present Obama find themselves at odds.  I cannot imagine Barry is saying the same thing today to his wife. [...] At a certain point, you've made enough money.  But you don't get to decide when that "certain point" arrives.  The Obamas get to decide that.  And obviously, they've decided that their own "certain point" isn't anywhere close yet.

Trump recommends congressional investigations into Obama family book and Netflix deals.  In 2017, Barack and Michelle Obama signed a joint book deal worth a reported $65 million.  They also inked a deal with Netflix in 2018 to produce content for the streaming company.  Last month, the Obamas' first produced documentary, American Factory, streamed on Netflix.

The impenetrable, gloomy rage of the Democrat presidential candidates.  The Clintons and the Obamas all became fabulously wealthy during and after their terms in the White House.  Just how did they do that?  We know more about the Clintons and their foundation that was a pay-to-play scheme for access to power and preference, like the sale of 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia.  It is still a mystery, aside from their books and Netflix, how the Obamas did it, but they are obviously not worried about the seas rising any time soon.  Their $15M mansion is on the water at Martha's Vineyard.  And they travel to the world's most luxurious places with abandon.

Obamas try to muscle little company into handing over their trademark to them.  The Obamas have always been big on Chicago-style political muscle, and even in the post-presidency, Barack and Michelle have not changed a bit.  Get a load of this outrageous bid to force a little company to give up its trademark — to him. [...] The only other thing they can tell the judge is that they're the Obamas, and little people just need to get of the way.  It's not just outrageous in itself; it raises questions about just what the Obamas will do if they get laughed out of court.

Legal woes for the Obamas' as "deplorable behavior" is cited.  The U.S. Trademark Office did what few do — the office told the Obamas "no".  The former First Couple is now aggressively demanding that no be turned into a yes.  You may remember the news not so long ago that the Obamas have now taken over Netflix with a fabulous agreement that their new production company will make movies and television series.  Their production company is called Higher Ground Productions.  Back in April, the Obamas wanted to trademark the name, and that is when the problems began for them.  A woman named Hanisya Massey has a business called Higher Ground Enterprises, which helps authors publish e-books.  Her trademark is in Class 41, which includes entertainment services.  Her attorney says Massey has been using "Higher Ground" since 2008.

Barack Obama's Production Company Runs Into a Trademark Problem.  "When they go low, we go high," said Michelle Obama at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.  Going high evidently includes a trademark fight.  On Aug. 20, Barack and Michelle Obama's Higher Ground Productions made a move to save its name.  That day, the company went to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and demanded cancellation of someone else's earlier trademark registration for "Higher Ground Enterprises."  Higher Ground Enterprises is run by Hanisya Massey, who, according to her attorney Larry Zerner, is in the business of helping authors publish e-books.  Her trademark is in Class 41, which includes entertainment services.  Zerner says Massey has been using "Higher Ground" since 2008.

The Editor says...
Seems like a competent lawyer would have seen this coming.

The leftist, Democrat socialist, Green Hypocrite folks talk a good story.  [Scroll down]  And former President Barack Obama is reportedly purchasing a waterfront mansion worth $14.8 million dollars.  The property is on Martha's Vineyard, where all the liberal climate change swells hang out.  Lots of rooms to heat and air condition equals a large carbon footprint. [...] As for the Obama's, the purchase of a waterfront home shows us they apparently have no real fear of sudden and severe oceanic inundations rising to destroy their new home.  The "let them eat cake" approach to others less wealthy than themselves shows us one salient fact about so-called climate change — it's not that big a deal.

Netflix is now a propaganda machine for the Obamas.  This week's widespread media blitz heralding Netflix's broadcast of its first Obama-endorsed presentation, "American Factory," was more than synchronicity.  It felt as though US publicists and journalists collectively exhaled their relief at finally regaining the bully pulpit.  Reviews of "American Factory," a doc by indie veterans Julia Reichert and Steven Bognar, were not reliable accounts of the film's quality.  Its lack of focus following a Chinese manufacturer's takeover of a former General Motors plant in Ohio — a move that fails to relieve working-class anxieties but, instead, predicts job-market doom — didn't faze flacks and reviewers.  The media class saw Reichert and Bognar's facile, generalized survey as a chance to take on President Trump's trade policy; many jettisoned film critique to try their hand at economic and moral analysis instead.

Barack Obama Launches 'Redistricting U' Campaign for 'Fair Maps'.  Former President Barack Obama on Monday [8/26/2019] unveiled a new initiative to influence redistricting efforts across the United States.  The initiative, Redistricting U, will send activists to provide free training and tools to volunteers involved in redistricting efforts and guide groups on how to "be leaders in the movement for fair maps."

The Obama Propaganda Scheme Rolls On.  Michelle and Barack Obama have formed Higher Ground, a production company that is now partnered with Netflix to deliver several titles.  It's first is called "American Factory" and promotes globalization via a storyline about a Chinese company's employment of American workers laid off because of the effects of [...] globalization. [...] [B]y pushing the emotional sob-story about how a Chinese company "saved" the poor working people of Moraine, Ohio from unemployment, the Obama's — and their likeminded Progressive and globalist brethren — are romanticizing globalization without explaining that it was unbridled globalization that created the unemployment of those people in the first place.

Inside The Obamas $15 Million Dollar House of Hypocrisy on Martha's Vineyard.  The home, which the Obamas reportedly made a bid on, is a whopping 7,000 square foot sprawling mansion that sits on 29-acres of pristine land, and would reportedly be a "summer home" for the former First Family.

Obamas fight climate change by... buying an oceanside estate.  Remember that time when former President Barack Obama was addressing Wall Street reform and said, "I do think, at some point, you've made enough money."?  Well, what better way to celebrate his own good fortune than buying a fabulous 29-acre estate on the island of Martha's Vineyard, right?  Unless, of course, people paying attention say, "Hey, wait a minute.  What about your carbon footprint, Mr. Obama?"

Obama Ocean Mansion 3-10 Feet Above Sea Level Extremely Vulnerable to Global Warming.  As some have noted, the Obama picked up a $14,850,000 seaside mansion on Martha's Vineyard, despite the inevitable doom of climate change, global warming, global cooling, a climate emergency or whatever we're calling it this week.  Renting the place is one thing.  Shelling out almost $15 million bucks is an investment.

Image courtesy of Coldwell Banker.
Do As I Say, Not As I Do.  Then there is Barack Obama.  "At a certain point you've made enough money."  "You didn't build that."  "There's only so big a house you can have."  It turns out, though, that the Obamas haven't yet reached those limits.  Barack and Michelle have bought a $14.85 million estate on Martha's Vineyard from the owner of the Boston Celtics.  This is not, of course, their only home, but most of us would find it more than adequate:  [Photo]  [...] [M]ost Americans have figured out that when Obama said, "At a certain point you've made enough money," he was talking about you, not him.

Why Would the Obamas Buy a Doomed Beach House?  It has 29 beachfront acres.  The main residence is just shy of 6900 square feet. [...] It's got the obligatory pool, the outdoor fireplace, vaulted ceilings, two guest wings, but it's right on the beach.  It's right on the beach.  The Obamas have just sunk $15 million into something that may not be there in 10 years because of climate change and rising sea levels.  So why would the Obamas do that?  Why would the brilliant Barack Hussein O plunk down $15 million on a property that's gonna be ruined and destroyed inside of 10, maybe 12 years at the outside because of climate change?

Obama Family Purchasing Swanky Martha's Vineyards Mansion.  The Obama's are reportedly purchasing 29 beachfront acres, 7 bedrooms, just shy of 6,900 square feet, $14.85 million mansion in Martha's Vineyard.  The home is currently owned by Boston Celtics co-owner Wyc Grousbeck.  The Martha's Vineyard estate was previously listed for $22 million, but the Obamas are paying less than the current listing price according to "multiple island sources."

Obamas Buying $15 Million Mansion; Socialists AOC and Bernie Oddly Quiet.  Someone needs to alert Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the socialists in this country that leftist fan-favorites Barack and Michelle Obama will soon have new digs.  More importantly, because their new mansion in Martha's Vineyard costs a cool $15 million, those new digs are a vivid demonstration of the income disparity between the haves and the have-nots. [...] However will the Obamas cope with only a two-car garage?  With 29 acres, I'm sure that they can find a spot to build a bigger garage if they want.  In the meantime, Comrade Bernie Sanders will no doubt be more than happy to store any of their extra cars at one of his three houses.

Report:  The Obama Family Is Purchasing Massive Martha's Vineyards Mansion.  Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle are reportedly set to purchase a mega-mansion in Martha's Vineyard.  The Obamas will purchase the house from Boston Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck for a discount, according to a report published by TMZ Thursday.  The property contains 29 beachfront acres, 7 bedrooms, and is listed at $14,850,000.  The report stated that the former first family rented the house for the summer and enjoyed it so much that they decided to purchase it.

The Editor says...
Where did Barack H. Obama get that kind of money?

For Barack And Michelle There's No Business Like Show Business.  The Obamas long ago seized the moral high ground from which to lecture down to the rest of us.  Having learned the ropes of Show Business through Hollywood friends like Johnny Depp and Tom Hanks at their White House Wednesday night parties, and through their daughter Malia, who interned with their one-time friend and campaign contributor Harvey Weinstein, the Obamas are the Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks of the 21st Century.  The ambitious couple is about to celebrate their first release — a "documentary" titled "American Factory", which the Hollywood Reporter says, will chronicle the culture clash between Chinese and American workers in a U.S. auto glass factory.  Free entry to the next anti-Trump screed if you can guess which workers will be portrayed as the good guys.

Barack Obama Blames Donald Trump, Guns, 'White Supremacist' Websites for Mass Shootings.  Former President Barack Obama delivered a lengthy response to the dual mass shootings that killed 31 people in Texas and Ohio over the weekend.  He blamed guns, white supremacist websites, and President Donald Trump's rhetoric for the ongoing violence in the United States.  In a message shared on Twitter, the former president specifically called for more gun control to help prevent more mass shootings.

The Editor says...
I find it hard to believe that Barack H. Obama writes his own tweets, unless he reads them off a teleprompter.

Marianne Williamson's path.  Urkel's legacy is that he was the first black president.  Period.  He made history on January 20, 2009, and that was it.  The next eight years were a blur that enriched him and his friends.  And of course, President Trump stopped Urkel's attempted coup dead.  Thin-skinned Urkel is humiliated and angry.  He seeks vengeance.  Kamala Harris is the conduit for this.  Like him, she is a black American who has no American slaves as ancestors.  Like him, she was raised for a time in another country.  Yes, Canada is another country.  And like him, she can fake being a moderate.  So the Obamas back Harris.  That is a pretty good call.  She is the great white shark at this beach party.

Barack Obama's shadow government of coup plotters in exile.  It used to be a truism of American politics that we only have one President at a time.  That there was a strong tradition ensuring the 'peaceful transition of power" from one administration to the other.  President Barack Obama is obliterating those quaint traditions of American democracy.  Indeed he seems to have set up a government in exile, in Washington DC, while he seeks to undermine and sabotage the sitting President.

Iran Drone Incident An Obama-Thrown Bombshell?  The Obamas are staying in a $62,000-a-week vacation rental in Avignon, France, a small town in the Provence region of France, known for its scenic landscapes, nearby vineyards and historic sites, like Palais des Papes, where the Pope lived in the 14th century.  Next stop, Lake Como, Italy, and the home of George and Amal Clooney.  Being an in-the-closet 'Resistance' leader leaves plenty of time for lavish holidays when the plants back home do your job while you're away from home.

Good News, America:  Obama Doesn't Plan to Shut Up in 2020.  Nobody misses Obama being president as much as Obama misses Obama being president.  The Democratic Party sure doesn't.  They lost over 1,000 seats nationwide between 2009-2017, and they're still trying to claw their way back to relevance after Hillary Clinton failed them so miserably.  Obama was behind her all the way, spending all his political capital on getting her elected.  He really put himself out there for her.  Whoops!  But, as with all of Obama's other failures, he sees himself as blameless.  It's everybody's fault but his.  So now he's ready to inflict himself upon the Democratic nominee in 2020.

Hobnobbing Obama raking in the cash post-presidency, while still dabbling in politics.  Life outside the White House has been sweet for former President Barack Obama, with perhaps the most difficult thing being the one he does best: politics.  Mr. Obama is navigating a landscape in which he must fit his obvious relish for the celebrity lifestyle with an unwritten code of conduct for past chief executives, a world that is his for the taking yet tradition dictates he do so incrementally.  It's a political scene where players may covet his endorsement or desire his invisibility.  Mr. Obama enjoys tremendous post-presidential popularity within the Democratic Party's rank and file, but he has not always followed the unwritten rules of the Presidents Club.

Is Obama secretly meeting with Italy's Renzi to get their stories straight?  Former President Obama's weird careening around Europe is starting to have the look of a spygate rationale.  Following his earlier meetings, publicly known, with President Emmanuel Macron of France, and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, he's now meeting secretly with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, in what might just be a bid for the two of them to get their stories straight.  Italy, recall, is the nation that elected a Trump-like new government, following the deep state collaborations of the earlier government, and the new government has fired four Italian intelligence officials, apparently over a spygate bid to pin Russian collusion charges, falsely, on President Trump via planted emails, in a Machiavellian bid to get him thrown out of office.

Obama playing dictator-in-exile from a kingly south of France palace?  President Obama is living the life of a former king, vacationing these days at a palatial estate in the south of France.  At what point has he made enough? [...] Why the taxpayers should pay for this via the security guard details, as if the man can't afford any of his own after all the payoffs he's now collecting from speeches and book deals is rather a side issue.  The problem is that this comes as he's engaging in quite a few shenanigans on his own around Europe.  DCWhispers, a pretty reliable blog, reprinted an item stringing together all the Obama spottings around Europe with its leaders, all of whom are of the #NeverTrump ilk, calling it the activity of a "dictator in exile."

Obama and Former Italian PM Renzi Are Holding a Secret Meeting Today.  [Scroll down]  And now another Internet Sleuth has uncovered some shocking news related to the recent removal of these top Italian intelligence ministers from their positions as top spies in the government.  The story begins in January 2017 when Computer World wrote about alleged crimes committed by Italian Giulio Occhionero: [...]

Report: Barack Obama's Troubling "Dictator In Exile" Behavior.  Regardless of whether or not you supported Barack Obama as president, what he's doing now should not be supported by anyone regardless of their political leanings because a globalist oligarchy is a threat to the freedom and future of everyone.

It's Time to Question Whether Obama is Running a Shadow Government.  We started tracking former President, Barrack Obama's movements over 4 months ago and frankly, I am a bit worried with what we found.  Most Americans have not had the time nor inclination to make a deep dive into how many federal agencies and employees were involved in the attempted coup of Donald Trump.  Even fewer have considered the ramifications of what such a widespread, inter-agency operation may mean to their own constitutional protections.  They should care because our Republic has been gravely imperiled by these deep state actors.  If they can get away with this level of corruption with the intent to incriminate a president, what chance does an ordinary citizen have once they're targeted?

Obama-appointee to federal bench dismisses lawsuit against transfer of park land to Obama's personal monument.  The monument to Barack Obama, the community organizer turned president, has vanquished the community organizers who attempted to stop its takeover of public land.  Federal Judge John Robert Blakey, appointed by Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate in 2014, wants construction to begin "without delay" on the "Obama Presidential Center" (OPC) on former park land belonging to the citizens of Chicago.  The OPC should not be confused with a presidential library, as it will not contain any official records of the Obama presidency and will not be under the control of the National Archives or any governmental body at all.  It is strictly a private project, under the control of a board of Obama acolytes unaccountable to the public and will function as a monument to Obama.

Barack Obama Attends NBA Finals Game 2 in Toronto.  Former President Barack Obama was in the house to watch the Warriors beat the Raptors Sunday night in Toronto.  The 44th leader of the U.S.A. strolled in and was greeted with applause from the packed stadium.

Obama Earning Almost $600K for Speech in Colombia.  Former President Barack Obama is being paid almost $600,000 to speak at a marketing conference in Bogota, Colombia on Tuesday [5/28/2019].  According to a report from El Tiempo, a Colombian news outlet, Obama is earning "2 mil millones de pesos" for a speech and discussion on-stage about leadership strategies at the EXMA Conference in Bogota.  When converted from Colombian pesos to U.S. dollars, Obama's payment for participation in the event is equivalent to $594,000.  According to the Colombian news website Publicmetro.co, conference attendees who want to attend the event with Obama and take a photo with him have to pay 11 million Colombian pesos, which is approximately $3,267.

Report: Obama Wants His Memoir to Beat Michelle's Book Sales, Points Out She Used a Ghostwriter.  Former President Barack Obama wants to beat the book sales of his wife Michelle's bestselling memoir when he publishes his own and even dings her for using a ghostwriter, according to a new report.  Obama, who has already written two memoirs, is trying to finish his third, which will reportedly cover his political career from 2004 to the present.  Following the smashing success of Michelle Obama's Becoming, which has sold more than 10 million copies and could wind up the best-selling political memoir ever, Obama is feeling pressure to beat her, The Atlantic reports.

The Democrats' Sore Loser Syndrome.  [Barack H. Obama], it turns out, is a sore winner.  He won the presidency twice, and that ought to be enough for anyone.  Now he can make millions of dollars on the lecture circuit, play golf to his heart's content, and smoke cigarettes behind Michelle's back.  But since leaving the White House he has been grumping and grousing and acting as a pain in the neck to the army of professional writers whom he has employed to write his books, his speeches, and his letters to the editor.  Truth be known, he is not a very good writer, though I can understand his bad mood.  Did you read the economic news Friday?  Donald Trump is stepping all over Barack's record on the economy.  All of his guff about a 2 percent growth rate being the new normal is nonsense.  Donald's economy is on its way to new records every quarter.

Obama Still Writing the Hate-U.S. Narrative at Netflix.  For eight long years former President Barack Obama got to spin a nauseating narrative from the comfort of the White House.  It was a narrative that branded America a "bigoted" and "racist" nation and one that sought to spread visceral hatred of the U.S.A. abroad.  The narrative, rudely interrupted when DNC presidential nominee Hillary Clinton failed to get Obama a third term in office, will now continue at Netflix Inc., the world's largest online video streaming service and domestic DVD-by-mail delivery service.

Netflix releases details of $65 million bribe to Obama.  Barack Obama will rake in about a billion bucks off his presidency.  The presidency already has cost Donald John Trump a billion.  So far, Netflix gave the biggest bribe: $65 million to produce seven films. [...] What a long way the Obamas have come since the University of Chicago Hospital bought the senator off with a part-time, $300,000 a year no-show job for his wife.

Obama and Clinton's Coup d'état Enters the 2020 Election Campaign.  The coup in which Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton used the FBI to try to overturn the 2016 election of Donald Trump lives on, and has moved full-bore into the 2020 presidential election campaign.  Making it a big deal that he is "not Obama endorsed", ex-vice president Joe Biden launched his presidential bid as the front runner who will fight off Trump for the "soul of America".  Behind all the hullabaloo, aside from spreading the Big Lie that Trump's a "racist", Biden is really only in the presidential race to keep a seat warm for Obama, who will install whomever he wants as the Democrat nominee, unfortunately perhaps including his overbearing wife, Michelle.  Having lost his last shot at a third term in office through the 2016 humiliating defeat of Hillary Clinton, the Big O's back in the presidential game, and this time he's playing for keeps.

Shadow Government?  Obama Meets In Private With Germany's Merkel.  The king of open borders USA met privately with the queen of mass migration Europe this week in what some are justifiably calling an example of shadow government in action.

Arrogant Obama Speaks in Berlin:  "Michelle Would Leave Me if I Ever Ran For Office Again".  Former President Barack Obama arrived in Berlin Friday [4/5/2019] to meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel at her office in private.  On Saturday, the Obama Foundation held a town hall with young civic leaders in Berlin.  Obama went back to his roots as a community organizer and said, "You can't organize a community if you don't have a community."

Rashida Tlaib on Obama Meeting:  He Told Me 'I'm Proud of You'.  Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) revealed Thursday [3/28/2019] that former President Barack Obama said he was "proud" of her during a meeting this week with House Democrat freshmen in Washington, D.C.  "President Obama met with us new members of Congress and it was a thoughtful discussion.  The best part was when he looked straight at me and said, "I'm proud of you," Tlaib wrote on Instagram, sharing a photo of her posing with the former president.

House Leaders Bring In Barack Obama To Help Rein In Freshmen Dems.  It Doesn't Work.  Leading House Democrats, apparently concerned that freshmen Dems, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), are making trouble for national candidates by proposing massive new funding plans that are expensive and unpopular, brought in former President Barack Obama for a sit-down talk.  The Washington Post reports that Obama sat down with legislators, including Ocasio-Cortez, to explain that high-price tag policies would hurt legislative success rates overall, and cautioned freshmen lawmakers to think "boldly" but logically about plans like the Green New Deal (though he didn't name any specific policies).

Obama and Pelosi Rally the Troops.  Nothing that happens with professional leftists is organic; everything is always planned, organized, astroturffed, constructed and schemed.  Club officials control everything; plan everything; organize everything; and then enlist specific groups of designed foot-soldiers.  This is what they do.  This is all they do.  This is all they know how to do.  It might seem subtle, but Team Trump has them off-balance.  How far off-balance?  Well, remember, they were planning for a sequence.  The current objective, an increasingly difficult challenge, is to solidify the launch platform for the chosen one.

Barack Obama Is Still Trying To Rewrite His Presidential Legacy.  Have you been following Obama's post-presidency career as a comedian?  Well, I have.  His most commonly used bit was the claim that he didn't have any scandals during his presidency.  Though his usual audience tends not to laugh but to cheer at this claim, it is easily debunked by anyone who paid attention during that time.  It appears that Obama is now testing out some new material.  In addition to his "I didn't have any scandals" bit, he's now working in a couple new ones: [...]

Justin is in Trouble and Look Who Pops Up in Canada, Again.  It does not appear accidental that each time Justin from Canada starts finding himself in trouble, serious trouble; the same person happens to show up.  In June 2017, Justin was being challenged with a new NAFTA trade agreement[,] and former President Obama showed up while delivering a speech to the Board of Trade in Montreal.  Fast forward to today:  March 2019 — the Canadian economy has halted; Justin from Canada is embroiled in a growing bribery, corruption and obstruction of justice scandal around SNC-Lavin; and immediately after he loses two cabinet ministers[,] former President Obama shows up to deliver a speech to the Board of Trade in Vancouver.

Obama: Hope Possible by Training a 'Million Baracks and Michelles'.  Former President Barack Obama said Monday [3/4/2019] that hope is possible for the future if the next generation of leaders is modeled after himself and former first lady Michelle Obama.  Speaking at the Bell MTS Place in Winnipeg, Canada, Obama detailed plans for creating a "university for social change" aimed at developing the skills of young people from around the world who harbor cynicism towards "old institutions."

Suggested Exhibits for the Barack H. Obama Presidential Museum.  Obama's departure from longstanding precedent regarding presidential libraries has even managed to annoy historians and academics, who weren't impressed by his plans to create the "first digital archives for the first digital president."  But no one cares what they think!  An Obama museum is an intriguing concept.  It seems destined to become a mecca for woebegone millennial pilgrims seeking to recapture the magic of the 2008 election, and all the heartwarming memes that came after.  Parents will able to bring their children to behold the relics of the Obama era, in lieu of doing something fun.  We don't know exactly what kind of exhibits the museum will offer, but in the meantime, here are a few suggestions to consider...

Barack and Michelle Obama Beef Up Production Company After Netflix Deal.  Former president Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama hired two new executives for their company Higher Ground Productions, according to a report Tuesday [2/26/2019].

CNN Publishes Obama Official's Civil War Conspiracy:  Calls for Military, State Rebellion If President Trump Refuses to Accept Defeat After 2020 Election.  CNN published an op-ed on Saturday by a former Obama administration official that calls for planning, including the military and a rebellion of states, should President Trump refuse to "peacefully" leave office if he loses his 2020 re-election bid and fails to accept the results.  While the Obama official does not use the phrase "civil war", it is the name for the rebellion of states and the military that he calls for if Trump will not "peacefully" hand over the reins of government on January 20, 2021 following an election defeat.  Curiously, the op-ed comes the day after a 2018 election for a Congressional seat in North Carolina was vacated due to fraud and a new election ordered to take place by the State Board of Elections.

Obama should not ditch physical documents at his presidential library.  Online or on paper?  That's one question at the heart of a debate over Obama's planned presidential library which would, unlike the those of his predecessors, contain no physical archives.  The yet-to-be-built library was thrust into the spotlight this week with the unexpected release of a legal agreement on the digitization of documents raising new questions about access and preservation.  Historians have rightly criticized the digital-only plan, arguing that it would limit research.  The new Obama institution would also likely lack a dedicated staff of librarians that make the document collections more than large-scale data dumps.

Barack Obama Lectures Minority Youth 'You Don't Need Eight Women Around You Twerking'.  On Tuesday, Barack Obama spoke at an event in Oakland, California to mark the 5th anniversary of the My Brother's Keeper Alliance, an organization that focuses on helping minority youth.  ["]The My Brother's Keeper Alliance is part of the Obama Foundation and was founded after the 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin that sparked protests across the nation,["] Newsweek reported.  Obama joined NBA star Stephen Curry to encourage young minority males to be good examples in their communities.  Obama's advice to the youth?  Don't wear 8-pound chains around your neck and surround yourselves with "twerking women."

Barack Obama discusses racism and toxic masculinity at event with NBA's Steph Curry.  Barack Obama has spoken about the dangers of toxic masculinity and what it really means to "be a man".  The former President attended a conference in Oakland for his My Brother's Keeper initiative alongside NBA star Steph Curry.  The foundation was launched by Obama in 2014 to "unlock the full potential of boys and young men of colour in America" through mentoring and educational programmes.

Barack Obama spends Presidents' Day dining at high-end San Francisco barbecue restaurant.  Barack Obama spent Presidents' Day dining in San Francisco with Steph and Ayesha Curry, as well as Hollywood A-listers Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.  The former president had dinner on Monday night at International Smoke — a high-end barbecue restaurant run by actress Ayesha and celebrity chef Michael Mina.  Obama was joined by Ayesha and her Golden State Warriors star husband.  Chef Mina later shared a photo on Instagram of him posing with Obama and the Currys.

Judge gives go-ahead to lawsuit aimed at stopping Chicago Obama library.  A federal judge ruled Tuesday that a lawsuit filed by an advocacy group hoping to halt construction of former President Barack Obama's $500 million presidential center on Chicago's South Side can proceed. [...] The proposed Jackson Park site is seven miles from downtown Chicago, is near low-income neighborhoods where Obama worked as a community organizer, and lies just blocks from the University of Chicago, where Obama was a law professor.  It is also close to the home where the Obamas lived until he won the presidency in 2008.

The Editor says...
Mr. Obama was a lecturer, not a professor.

Obama's dream of a monument to himself in Chicago suffers a blow from a judge that he appointed.  Hopes for timely groundbreaking for the "Obama Presidential Center" in Chicago suffered a blow yesterday in a federal courtroom.  A federal judge appointed to the bench by Barack Obama gave the go-ahead for a lawsuit that will delay, and quite possibly end, the plan to build and operate the monument as a center for extolling the sheer wonderfulness of Barack and Michelle Obama.  The lawsuit, brought by Protect Our Parks, challenges the legality of handing over 20 acres of irreplaceable lakefront park land for 99 years to a private interest group, the Obama Foundation, which enjoys tax deductibility for donations to it but is unaccountable to any elected representatives of the people.

Judge gives go-ahead to lawsuit aimed at stopping Chicago Obama library.  A federal judge ruled Tuesday that a lawsuit filed by an advocacy group hoping to halt construction of former President Barack Obama's $500 million presidential center on Chicago's South Side can proceed.  U.S. District Judge John Robert Blakey, who was nominated to the federal bench by Obama in 2014, ruled that Protect Our Parks has standing to sue the city because it represents taxpayers with concerns that providing land in Jackson Park to the Obama center violates their due process rights.  The judge indicated that he doesn't want the litigation to drag on, and that he'll limit any fact-gathering before the trial to 45 days.

Obama to play a role in new NBA-backed basketball league in Africa.  Former President Barack Obama is lending his support to one of his favorite pastimes by helping the NBA and International Basketball Federation (FIBA) launch a new league in Africa to grow the game across the continent.  "I've always loved basketball because it's about building a team that's equal to more than the sum of its parts.  Glad to see this expansion into Africa because for a rising continent, this can be about a lot more than what happens on the court," Mr. Obama tweeted Saturday.

Lawsuit threatens plans for $500 million Obama museum and library in Chicago.  Odds may still favor the eventual construction of former President Barack Obama's $500 million museum and library in a public park along Chicago's lakeshore, but it's no longer a sure thing in the face of a formidable legal challenge by a parks advocacy group.

Is There A 10-Foot Wall Outside Obama's House?  We Went There To Find Out.  Here's what we know:  Obama purchased a mansion in the D.C. neighborhood of Kalorama for $8.1 million in 2017. Beefed up security features have certainly been added to the home, including a tall pilloried wall around the front of the home and a high-tech guard tower for Secret Service to control entry to the home.  However, no definitive accounts of the security features have been reported.  The Daily Caller traveled to Obama's D.C. neighborhood to find out if the "10-foot wall" existed.  What did we find?  Obama does not have one wall.  He has many.  He has barricades.  He has armed guards entirely blocking the suburban road where he lives.  Multiple cement and iron barricades block the road leading up to the Obama mansion.

Obama Gets A Rude Awakening When He Shows Back Up In America Strutting Around Like He's Still Pres.  Obama's presence in America is one that many could go without ever having to see again, but like a bad taste in your mouth, we just can't seem to brush him away from political podiums and the like.  When the former President isn't jetting around the globe he is busy working with his underground shadow government to overthrow the current administration by any means necessary, and when he wants to look a little less like a suspicious, tyrannical super-villain he is helping the Democrats at fundraisers and such.  At this point there isn't anywhere in America that Obama can go to attend an event without someone heckling him.  You would think that by now he would have gotten the point — to leave and stay gone.

Obama's Organizing for America joins forces with Eric Holder-run group on voter activism.  Former President Obama announced Thursday [12/20/2018] that his political operation, Organizing for America, would be joining forces with the group run by his former attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., in a striking pre-2020 partnership.  The two men announced the decision in emails to their respective supporters, saying it means Mr. Holder's National Democratic Redistricting Committee will now have access to Mr. Obama's powerful grassroots network.

Bail reform poster boy busted before meeting with Obama.  A darling of the RFK foundation's bailout effort was set to miss out on meeting former President Obama at its Manhattan gala Wednesday night — because he was busted during a traffic stop hours earlier.  Bail-reform poster child Pedro Hernandez, 19, was stopped while driving a BMW in The Bronx at about noon, cops said.  A computer check revealed the car's plates were stolen and Hernandez's driver's license was suspended.  He was charged with aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and related charges, a law-enforcement source said.

Keyword: slush fund.
Obama Foundation Sees $232 Million Windfall in 2017.  Contributions to President Barack Obama's foundation skyrocketed last year as the group hauled in more than $230 million, its most recent tax forms show.  The drastic increase in funds also coincided with hefty pay raises for its executives, with one individual pulling in more than $800,000 in total compensation.  The Barack Obama Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit that was launched in 2014 and carries a primary goal of building the Obama presidential center in Jackson Park on the South Side of Chicago, reported $231,993,748 in contributions and grants in 2017.  This was an increase of more than $218 million from the $13 million in donations the foundation reported in 2016.  A majority of the foundation's money last year came from just 13 undisclosed donors.

At a certain point you've made enough money.  Right, Barry?
Super-Rich Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back.  By his own admission, Barack Obama is now fabulously rich.  So why are middle-class taxpayers paying him roughly a million dollars each year?

The Obamas Are on Their Way to Becoming a 'Billion Dollar Brand'.  Michelle Obama, wife of former president Barack Obama, is in the midst of a book tour to sell her autobiography Becoming.  It's a sure-fire best seller and the book tour itself will net her millions.  She also gets $225,000 a pop in speaking fees.  Combine that with the cash being raked in by her husband and a strong case can be made that the former first couple should be placed at the front of the line when the redistributionist policies they so fervently support become law.

Obama Foundation deal with Chicago calls for $10 fee on 99-year lease: reports.  The foundation behind the planned Obama Presidential Center in Chicago has a tentative agreement with the city to pay just $10 to use 19.3 acres of city park space for 99 years, according to a report.  The accord is described in legislation that Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration will send to the City Council on Thursday, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.  If approved, the proposals will bring the estimated $350 million project closer to reality.

Obama loses again.  Consider, of the three competitive races that Obama re-emerged from (quasi) private life to try and whip, all three lost.  Andrew Gillum, Sen. Bill Nelson, and Stacey Abrams were all supposed to be in unbelievably tight races.  In the end, they all finished behind their Republican opponents (Abrams could still just barely make a runoff, but it doesn't look good) despite Obama taking the time to rally for them.  On the one hand, this may just reflect poor selection of candidates, though that demonstrates his efficacy as a whip as well.  But on the other, Obama fell into the trap of being Obama in the era of Trump.

Trump Gets 27,000 in 50° and Drizzle in a Cornfield; Obama Can't Fill a High School Gym at Room Temp.  Trump held a rally in Columbia, Missouri Thursday [11/1/2018].  The president campaigned for Republican Josh Hawley in his race against DC elitest Democrat Claire McCaskill.  It was 50° and drizzling in Columbia on Thursday!  The traffic to see President Trump was backed up for miles.

Obama's Netflix deal was about attacking Trump all along.  After going to great pains to assure his media allies that his unconventional Netflix deal was all about inspiring and telling uplifting stories, former president Obama got down to business with what he really had in mind:  Getting Trump.  Apparently, that's what passes for "uplifting" for the embittered ex-president.  When he said "uplifting," he meant uplifting himself.

The Obamas Are Planning An Anti-Trump Netflix Special.  Remember that multi-million dollar deal the Obamas signed with Netflix (after the Obama administration successfully pushed a pro-Netflix Internet streaming regulation just a few years earlier)?  Well, one of the first Obama projects is said to be an anti-Trump program intended to show the "chaos" of the Trump administration.  No former president has ever been so intent on sowing discord against his successor as has Barack Obama — and he's being rewarded with tens of millions of dollars to do so.

The Obamas might make a TV show about disorder in the Trump administration for Netflix.  Is former President Barack Obama about to unleash one long subtweet against his successor in the form of a Netflix show?  Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have acquired the rights to adapt Michael Lewis' book The Fifth Risk as part of their overall deal with Netflix, Deadline reported Wednesday [10/31/2018].  Lewis' book describes the disorder within the Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, and Department of Commerce that took place during the transition between the Obama administration to the Trump administration.  Many of the new president's appointees were completely unprepared for their jobs and some roles weren't filled at all, the book describes.  Deadline reports that the possible series adaptation would be intended to "help people better understand the inner workings of the government."

As Obama's monument to himself in Chicago is imperiled by lawsuits, Chicago Tribune implies poor blacks will be victimized.  Judging by this article in the Chicago Tribune, there must be serious worries that the planned giveaway (a 99 year lease at 10 cents a year) of 19.3 acres of precious, irreplaceable lakefront Chicago park land to a private monument to former President Obama is in trouble.  Starting with a picture of a pensive-looking black woman in shadows — worth a look here — the piece pulls out all the victimization stops, claiming, "anxiousness ... has swept over some residents and communities on the South Side as they brace for a possible long wait, a bitter fight or even another grand disappointment."  The article by Lolly Bowean and Jeff Coen features residents who regard the "Obama Presidential Center" as an unalloyed benefit to the poor communities that are nearby — "a new historical treasure to [the] already culturally rich African-American community.  [But] if the community is "already culturally rich," why does it need another cultural monument?  Oh, that's right:  "jobs and investment."

Obama Is 'Making Stuff Up' About The Trump Economic Boom.  Economists expect the third-quarter GDP number — to be released this Friday — to be a strong one, in the range of 3.4%.  Maybe that's why Barack Obama is running around this week trying to take credit for the economic boom.  And he says President Trump has trouble with facts?

Barack Obama's campaign appearance set for Friday at Milwaukee's North Division High School.  Democrats announced details for a campaign rally featuring former President Barack Obama.  The event will be held Friday [10/26/2018] at Milwaukee's North Division High School, with doors opening at 12:30 p.m.

As hurdles mount for Obama Presidential Center, worry and anxiety grow on South Side.  Paraisia Winston looks forward to having the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park, 4 miles from her South Shore home, to add a new historical treasure to her already culturally rich African-American community.  She believes the center will spur investment and economic development in her South Side neighborhood — one that has long struggled to secure basic amenities like a major grocery or a recognizable clothing store.  But recently, as development of the Obama center has faced obstacles and groundbreaking has been pushed back, Winston and some of her neighbors have begun to worry about the project's fate.  It faces a legal challenge in federal court over the use of park space for the center, and its chief local backer, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, recently announced he will not be seeking a third term as mayor.

Obama visits Coachella just days after tweeting that more people attend music festival than voted in key states.  Former President Barack Obama made a visit to California's Coachella Valley on Saturday [10/20/2018], just days after tweeting that the turnout for the area's annual music festival surpasses the combined number of votes in three states that turned the 2016 presidential election.  The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio, about 130 miles east of Los Angeles, typically attracts a few hundred thousand people over two consecutive three-day weekends each April.  It wasn't clear why Obama was in the area, [...]

Democrats Fear Obama Is Going Soft for the Midterms.  With just three weeks to go before one of most critical midterm elections in modern American history, the most powerful figure in the Democratic Party has kept his distance.  Barack Obama's involvement in the 2018 cycle was always bound to be limited.  The former president has stressed his desire for the future generation of Democratic leaders to step up, along with a reverence for norms dictating that ex-presidents should not criticize current ones.  But with fear growing within the party that they may not win back either chamber of Congress, even members of Obama's alumni network are beginning to question whether the detachment is strategic at all.

Obama Foundation is raising big bucks but hiding the identities of its mega-donors.  The planned Obama presidential library "Presidential Center" that wants to grab priceless lakefront property from taxpayers for a vast campus that amounts to a cenotaph-like monument to the wonderfulness of the 44th president of the United States recently filed its required Form 990 for 2017 with the IRS.  It revealed three surprising facts.  One:  The Foundation's fundraising skyrocketed from $13.175 million in 2016 to an eye-popping $232.6 million in 2017, 17.6 times as much.  Would it be too cynical of me to notice that this coincided with the elimination of the self-imposed limit of $1 million per contributor? [...] Two:  The Obama Foundation decided to mask the identities of its mega-donors.

Obama Center is all about raising huge sums of money.  After reading Lynn Sweet's piece last Wednesday on the Obama Foundation's fundraising efforts ("Fundraising bonanza fuels Obama Foundation"), I feel that the foundation should consider renaming the Obama Center itself to The First National Bank of Obamaland, with branch offices in New York and Washington, D.C.  Let's face it, that's what all this is about:  raising huge sums of tax-free money.  (Mr. Obama must have learned that from the Clintons.)  All the prior political semantics about bringing jobs and opportunity to the communities (supposedly) involved is just a sop for the public.

Our Affectionate Uncle Barry.  Dear President Obama, Congratulations on the new book!  It's so great to see you back in print, comforting the afflicted in these dark times.  And my, what a pleasure cruise this must be for you:  To Obama, With Love, Joy, Anger, And Hope, by New York Times bestselling author Jeanne Marie Laskas — you didn't even have to lift your famous pen and phone to make it happen.  I had no idea you were such a profuse epistolarian.  Answering 10 letters a night during your eight years in office — that's no small feat.  It's fascinating reading them in a compilation and seeing how you took pains to correct those who disagreed with your vision, while offering encouragement to those who praised you to high heaven.  One of your detractors might call your dedication to letter writing a mixture of incompetence and neglect with regards to the more important areas of statecraft.  But I can't hold it against you.

Barack Obama in Philly.  In the Philly area alone, Democrats are gunning to unseat Republicans in four U.S. House districts and more than a dozen state legislative seats, per the Associated Press.  But Obama was stumping primarily for two incumbents on Friday [9/21/2018]:  U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and Pa.  Gov. Wolf, both of whom face firebrand Republican challengers.

What's really behind Obama's stealth midterm campaign?  President Trump does not mind poking, aggravating and motivating opponents.  In fact, he seems to enjoy it.  As does his steadfast 40+ percent plurality of supporters.  Obama's course this fall is trickier.  Have you noticed him on all the network, cable and Sunday shows mocking Trump, pushing a minimum wage hike and all the other predictable progressive applause lines?  No, you haven't.  That's because Obama wants to sneak into carefully-selected districts like some in California's Orange County and rally Democrats without rousing Republicans.

Obama's monument to himself covertly grabbing $244 million of Illinois taxpayers' money for 'privately-funded' project.  Barack Obama announced that he would not have a federally funded presidential library, but instead would rely on private money paid to the Obama Foundation to build a "presidential center" that may or may not have any books (we still don't know, but there definitely will be basketball courts).  That's what Obama wants, so that's what Obama gets.  The entire project would be all his to control, a monument created by the person being honored.  Normally, that is the practice of dictators like Saddam Hussein, but Barack Hussein Obama was a president like no other.  And oddly enough, the building style chosen by the Obamas resembles nothing so much as a cenotaph, even though Obama is alive and kicking.

Obama Steals Away $244 Million in Tax Dollars from Bankrupt Illinois for His 'Private' Museum.  Barack Obama sold his fake presidential library as a "private" project that would not require any state tax money.  But now it appears that his facility has gotten $244 million in tax dollars already.  And who knows how much more will be thrown at his fake library in the near future?  First of all, Obama's presidential library is not a "library."  Unlike other presidential libraries where the president's papers, books, and records are stored in the facility bearing his name, the "Obama Center" will not have any of Obama's papers.  None.  So, Obama's "center" was a bait and switch on that level from the beginning.  Instead of housing his papers and serving as a place for scholars to study his presidency, the "Obama Center" will be an overgrown "community center" and gift shop.

Barack Obama's $50 Million Netflix Swamp Cash Deal Explained.  Want to know how the D.C. swamp works at the highest levels and how this one White House example is legion throughout the federal government?  It goes something like this:  As president, Barack Obama aggressively pushed for "Net Neutrality" which primarily built and then protected the platform for Netflix ISP dominance.  Netflix's value skyrocketed.  And what then happened in 2018?  Netflix turned around and gave the Obamas a $50 million dollar 'consulting and development' deal.

What on Earth is Obama doing?  In his post-presidency, Barack Obama has mostly tried to stay out of politics, spending a lot of time goofing off with billionaire friends, writing a book, creating TV shows, and collecting vast sums in buckraking speeches.  But he has finally started to dip his toes back into the political waters, recently releasing endorsements for the 2018 election and cutting his first ad spot of the election cycle for the billionaire Illinois gubernatorial candidate J.B. Pritzker.  What's been most striking about this political re-entry is its profound worthlessness.

Federal judge hands Obama Presidential Center opponents a win.  A federal judge will let groups suing the Obama Foundation over its plans for a presidential center on Chicago's South Side begin demanding information from the city of Chicago to determine how the site was selected for the project instead of other private properties.  In a hearing late Tuesday [8/14/2018], District Court Judge John Robert Blakey agreed to let the plaintiffs, led by Protect Our Parks, obtain information from the city of Chicago and Obama officials on how it selected the site.  The Barack Obama Presidential Center is being proposed on federal land that was deemed by the government in 2012 to be inappropriate for construction.

Obama's Latest Lie:  If You Like Your Century-Old Trees You Can Keep Them.  If you listen carefully, you can almost hear the exasperated groans of the good people of Illinois carrying on the wind, as former President Obama sticks it to them again.  The original purpose of the transfer of public parkland to the Foundation — a private non-government entity — was to house an official federal Obama Federal Library.  However, that purpose no longer exists.  Obama decided that "The Obama Center" will not include his official presidential library.  The federal National Records and Archives Administration will run it from someplace else.  One of his promises in selling the non-library-library project was the building, or the center wouldn't touch the trees in Jackson Park some of which were planted in preparation for the Chicago World's Fair which opened in 1893.

Barack Obama, Chicago mayor?  Early next year the first round of the Chicago mayoral election will be held, If no candidate achieves a majority, then the top two face each other in a runoff.  The two-term incumbent, Rahm Emanuel, President Obama's first chief of staff, is running, as are several other candidates, each with baggage, including former Chicago Police superintendent Garry McCarthy, who Emanuel fired after the details of the shooting of Laquan McDonald became public, political gadfly and ex-Chicago Public Schools head Paul Vallas, and Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown, whose office is under federal investigation.  There is a one person who could wipe the floor with Rahm and these other candidates and easily avoid a runoff.

Obama Center Breaks Pledge Not to Remove Trees in Jackson Park.  The Obama Presidential Center has already started destroying dozens of age-old trees in Chicago's Jackson Park, despite a pledge not to start removing trees until all legal paths are cleared.

Obama Foundation's monumental rip-off.  The Obama Presidential Center planned for Chicago is nothing more than a personal monument to Barack Obama and a center for political indoctrination in his radical views.  It serves no public purpose the way that a presidential library would.  Obama's presidential papers will not be housed there, and no scholars will be afforded the opportunity to explore the history of his presidency.  And, this is receiving vast public subsidies, despite assurances that it would be privately funded.  Barack and Michelle Obama have been playing a major role in its design, in a fashion reminiscent of a dictator putting up monuments to himself in some third world country.  As the revised design stands, it will look like a cenotaph bizarrely erected before the death and burial of its principal.

The Obama Center Can Afford More Than $1 Rent.  Now comes news that Illinois taxpayers will put up at least $174 million for roadway and transit reconfigurations needed to accommodate the Obama Center.  If you don't live in Illinois, you may be smirking — but you'll be footing the bill, too.  Eighty percent of such spending is generally reimbursed by the federal government, and Illinois officials confirmed to me that they expect to receive $139 million from Washington if they request it.  All that taxpayer money — and for what?  Originally, Chicagoans imagined they'd be getting a true presidential library, akin to those they might have visited for Ronald Reagan in California or John F. Kennedy in Boston.  But unlike those libraries, the Obama Center won't be run by the National Archives and Records Administration.  It won't even house Mr. Obama's records, artifacts and papers, which will be digitized and available online.  Instead the center will be owned and operated by the Obama Foundation.

Vacationers fawn over Barack and Michelle Obama on Martha's Vineyard: 'It's like the Beatles'.  In keeping with an old tradition, former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have returned to their customary summer retreat.  The couple are visiting Martha's Vineyard and have been quietly enjoying themselves on the low-key and picturesque island — likely to stay until the end of August according to the Martha's Vineyard Times.  The local news organization has much to cover.

In political season, Democrats wonder, 'Where's Obama?'.  "Join me on Team '18," former President Barack Obama wrote in a recent fundraising email from his old political group, Organizing for America.  "Every election, every ballot measure, every conversation between now and November ... it all matters."  It wasn't much, but the email was one of Obama's few public, political, overtly partisan appeals as the Democratic Party approaches midterm elections that could stop President Trump's agenda and boost Democratic prospects going into 2020.  To have an ex-president who remains highly popular with his party sitting on the sidelines cannot be what Democrats hoped.

'Obama! Obama!': Barack Obama is back on Martha's Vineyard.  According to The Martha's Vineyard Times, Obama arrived on the island Saturday for a vacation that could last for much of August.  The former first family frequented Martha's Vineyard during summers of Obama's presidency, and visited again the first summer after Obama left office in 2017.

Jackson Park trees cut down near Obama Center site despite lawsuit, promises.  The city and Chicago Park District are cutting down trees in Jackson Park — in a project related to the Obama Presidential Center — despite a pending lawsuit, city and federal approvals still needed and a pledge from the Obama Foundation CEO to keep trees intact until the permitting process is complete.  The Chicago Park District is digging up baseball fields in Jackson Park south of the proposed Obama Center complex.  The reason?  The diamonds are being removed to make room for a track field displaced by the Obama Center, to be located on 19.3 acres carved out of Jackson Park.

Barack Obama likely to avoid direct combat with Trump as he dives back into campaign mode.  Barack Obama will significantly raise his profile in the coming months as he campaigns for Democrats in the November midterm elections but he is unlikely to take on President Donald Trump more directly, allies of the former president said.  The two-term Democratic president is planning to re-emerge as a regular fixture at fundraisers and on the campaign trail after Labor Day, but will continue to strive for an above-the-fray style, said the sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss emerging strategy.

Report: Obama Wealth Grew 40-Fold Since Entering White House.  Former President Barack Obama and wife Michelle entered the White House in 2008 with a net worth of $1.3 million, but in the 10 years since that time, that has grown to an estimated $40 million, and could earn as much as $242.5 million in the years ahead.  Obama made $20 million from the time he joined the U.S. Senate in 2005 through the end of his presidency, including money from his government salary, book royalties, investment income, and from Michelle Obama's income from the University of Chicago before she became first lady, reports Business Insider.

Obama's Endorsements Leave Out Every Woman Veteran.  Former President Barack Obama has endorsed 81 Democrats in 13 states around the country — yet snubbed women who are military veterans running in the 2018 midterm elections.  Five of the 15 military veterans on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's (DCCC) Red to Blue list are women, including former Navy pilot Mikie Sherrill running in New Jersey's 11th congressional district.

Construction of Obama Presidential Library delayed (guess why).  As everybody knows, when Obama was president he and his administration had a tremendous love of government regulations: [...] But sometimes regulation-happy pols fall into their own traps.  Here's more proof that what goes around comes around.

Obama Foundation delays presidential center groundbreaking until next year.  The Obama Foundation has pushed back the groundbreaking date for the Obama Presidential Center after the federal review process was delayed for a second time this summer, officials confirmed Friday [7/27/2018].  Instead of starting construction later this year, the foundation is now saying they plan to break ground for the half-billion-dollar project sometime in 2019.  Officials avoided setting a specific date during the year.  They also would not say if this will change their timeline for building the center, which was once slated to open in 2021.

Obama's back, and he's more like Trump than you might think.  Neither Obama nor Trump has a limited opinion of himself.  Neither minds sharing his observations, whether you asked or not.  Neither is shy playing to his crowds.  Neither is immune to an affliction called tone-deaf.  And neither is capable of publicly apologizing.  Remember Obama speeches?  It seems like years already, doesn't it?  They're meticulously organized and chronological, almost like a lawyer wrote them.  Oh, wait.  He did.

Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning to His $8 Million Mansion.  At a recent speech in South Africa, former President Barack Obama criticized wealth inequality, saying those who have more money should share their earnings with the less fortunate.  "Right now, I'm actually surprised by how much money I got," Obama said of the more than $20 million he earned between 2005 and 2016.  Obama then chided wealthy individuals for excess, saying, "There's only so much you can eat.  There's only so big a house you can have.  There's only so many nice trips you can take.  I mean, it's enough."

Obama arrives in his father's native Kenya for low-key trip.  Former US president Barack Obama arrived in Kenya on Sunday, the country of his father's birth, his first visit to this East African country since leaving office.  Obama is in Kenya to help launch the sports and training center founded by his half-sister, Auma Obama, through her foundation Sauti Kuu.  In Nairobi, Barack met President Uhuru Kenyatta at the official residence, according to Kenyatta's Twitter account.

Top Venture Capital Firm Tight Lipped About Barack Obama Visit.  Former President Barack Obama on Friday visited a prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm.  Andrew Chen, a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, posted a photo on Twitter of Obama posing Friday [6/29/2018] with a large group of people, including several venture capitalists at the firm based in Menlo Park, California.

Obama still backing Pelosi while other Democrats move on.  The list of Democrats expressing frustration with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been growing longer in recent weeks, but don't expect to see former President Barack Obama's name on it.  At a party fundraising event Friday afternoon [6/29/2018] in Northern California, Obama spoke highly of Pelosi — and even predicted that she will return to the job of House speaker after November's midterm elections.

The myth of Obama's 'disappearance'.  If you believe recent media accounts, the former Democratic president has suddenly transcended the political fray.  It's as if a newly "Zen-like" Barack Obama is content to just write his memoir and let Donald Trump and Republicans write the next chapter of history.  In a cover story asking "Where is Barack Obama?" for example, New York magazine concluded that the 44th president has "virtually disappeared" from the political scene and is sitting idly by as his legacy is dismantled piece by piece.  From an exclusive interview, the periodical concluded Obama was "modeling his political engagement out of office after George W. Bush's — that is, staying out of the rough-and-tumble of politics, maintaining distance from his former office and resigning himself to be an elder statesman fading into the sunset.  Don't buy it.  Obama is doing far more to shape the political landscape than is visible.

Ben Rhodes insults voters and then promises them More Obama.  [Scroll down]  Why do the Democrats have such a void of new leaders?  Well, because Obama pretty well sucked all the air out of the room for his fellow Democrats, as Rhodes seems to admit later on in the interview.  Democrats these days are ruled by gerontocrats redolent of the old gray men of the Kremlin because they're the only lizards who survived the Obama meteorite strike.  Now Obama's coming back, Rhodes assures, to reinforce the decline.  Seems the former president just can't stay out of the spotlight.

Where Is Barack Obama?  How did the most ubiquitous man in America for eight years virtually disappear?

It's Happening:  The Obama-Holder Progressive Left Counter-Offensive.  Former President Barack Obama and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder have planned — and are leading — a massive counter-offensive to give the progressive left faction of the Democratic Party control of key state legislative bodies and state supreme courts in time for congressional redistricting after the 2020 census.  If they are successful, Democrats could well control the U.S. House of Representatives for the decade of the 20s and have in place a progressive left farm team from which to draw leftist national leaders for many years beyond.

Democrats Want Obama Back Because [There is] No One Else.  As the Democratic party struggles to find its footing, they look toward past leadership to guide them into the future.  After former President Bill Clinton's unapologetic remarks regarding Monica Lewinsky and the #MeToo movement — as well as the revelation that most voters see him as little more than a sexual predator — Democrats are stepping back from the Clinton family.  Instead, they are pushing for former President Barack Obama to return from the sidelines.

Obama Presidential Center to cost Illinois taxpayers nearly $200 million.  The state of Illinois has approved $224 million to pay for street and transportation projects in Chicago's South Side neighborhood around the Obama Presidential Center site, $199 million of which will fall directly on the shoulders of Illinois taxpayers.  Gov. Bruce Rauner signed into law the legislature's budget on June 4, which included $174 million for road work in and around Jackson Park — where the 235-foot-tall building would be located — and another $50 million to renovate an above-ground rail stop two miles away.

Barack Obama network takes aim at Texas' hottest congressional races.  Obama for America organizers are heading to Houston and San Antonio to help flip key congressional seats from Republicans to Democrats.  Former members of President Barack Obama's presidential campaign has announced it is sending representatives to Houston and San Antonio as part of a nationwide effort to mobilize voters in key congressional races.

Barack is the next Pelosi.  Obama is about to discover that he can only remind critics of what a lousy president he was, and remind many supporters of what a disappointment he was.  While it is true that he can rally those who believe he succeeded, the majority of Americans believe he had his chance and should go away.  Even if he limits himself to black and Hispanic neighborhoods, people will compare what he accomplished for them in eight years to what President Trump has done in less than two years and find Obama lacking.

Barack Obama to appear at DNC gala ahead of midterms.  Former President Barack Obama is set to help Democrats gear up for the 2018 midterm elections, which supporters hope could see the party take control of at least the House this year.  Obama will appear at a Democratic National Committee Gala Dinner in Los Angeles on June 28, organizers said in an emailed invitation.

Obama Encourages Gun Controllers to Stay Committed 'No Matter How Long It Takes'.  Former President Barack Obama encouraged gun control proponents on Friday to stay committed to securing new gun laws "no matter how long it takes." Friday was National Gun Violence Awareness Day.  Obama tweeted that gun control proponents must not only push for a change in laws, but also in "leadership" to secure the new laws.

Five Reasons for Conservatives to Boycott Netflix.  [Reason #3] Obama's "Higher Ground Productions" [...] You don't have to watch a single episode to know the former "lecturer-in-chief" is going to use to the platform to oppose Republicans and desperately try to maintain some sort of legacy while President Trump actively dismantles his administration's "signature achievements" and policies.

Haven't the Obamas Made Enough Money?  While the Mrs. is busy showing up angry on book tours, hubby will be pleasantly giving speeches at $400,000 a pop where he can pontificate about community organizing and commiserate with the problems poverty-stricken Americans suffer.  And while payroll is processing Barack's speaking stipend, the former president can continue to bide his time with extemporaneous musings about American prejudice, minority mistreatment, and how Trump-style capitalism is a global blight.  Just recently, the Obama $65-million+ pie expanded, receiving a fresh infusion of cash from internet entertainment company Netflix.  Netflix is perfect for the Obamas because the network's programming includes liberal topics that cover subjects such as sexual awareness in children and normalizing abortion.  It was a top Obama campaign contributor named Ted Sarandos that provided the Obamas the opportunity to community organize 125 million Netflix subscribers in 190 nations worldwide.  Sarandos is the chief content officer and manager of the $8 billion Netflix budget who brokered a deal that industry sources say could be worth more than $50 million for Mr. and Mrs. "You Didn't Build That."

How about Netflix pay Dinesh D'Souza to make some movies, too?  Netflix acts as though it's losing subscriptions and is obviously in damage control mode in the wake of its decision to give President Obama a contract to produce shows. [...] It shouldn't surprise anyone that subscribers may be fleeing.  Obama himself has botched things for the company by admitting that his idea is to shove more community organizing on the subscription service's offerings.  Customers are on to it, knowing exactly what that means, and rebelling at the politicization of more of their culture.

Netflix Exec:  Productions From the Obamas Will Not Have a 'Political Slant'.  Netflix has inked a multiyear deal with the Obamas for original programming — but the content from the former First Couple will not have any political bias, according to chief content officer Ted Sarandos.  "This is not The Obama Network," said Sarandos, speaking Tuesday at the Paley Center for Media in New York.  "There's no political slant to the programming."  Sarandos was interviewed journalist Ken Auletta at the event.  Noting that the Netflix exec is a Democrat, Auletta asked what he would say to Republicans about Netflix's seeming push to the political left — including the appointment of former Obama adviser Susan Rice to its board.

Netflix Invests in Obama's Celebrity.  President Obama's experience, talent and value are in front the camera, not behind it.  Unless Netflix is really just paying him off for his now-defunct net-neutrality rules, then this week's splashy production deal must rest on Netflix's belief that he's been hiding unsuspected gifts as an auteur.  Let's spend a moment on the payola theory, just for fun.  The Obama deal has been valued in the media at $65 million — almost exactly what Al Gore personally extracted from the cable industry for his Current TV carriage rights when he sold the unwatched cable channel to Al Jazeera in 2013.

Campaign contributor helped Obamas score Netflix deal.  Barack and Michelle Obama are raking in the cash, thanks to the influence of a former campaign supporter.  The couple last week signed a creative production deal with Netflix that one entertainment-industry source said could be valued at more than $50 million.  Ted Sarandos, a major campaign contributor for Obama and the streaming giant's creative-content chief who oversees an $8 billion budget, helped to broker the deal, the source told The [New York] Post.

Obama's Netflix deal was about community organizing all along.  Netflix's deal with former president Obama to produce content for its shows isn't going as well as its media toadies hailing the scheme thought it would.  They presented us with this and assumed we'd get excited about it. [...] What they've got now is a Netflix buyer boycott on the cards, for starters.  Turns out Netflix's customers aren't all in for more politicization of their entertainment.

Netflix Users Threaten Boycott Over Obama Content Deal.  Some Netflix users aren't too happy about the streaming provider's newly announced deal with former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to produce original content on the service.  After the deal was announced on Monday [5/21/2018], a growing number of users have said they'll cancel their Netflix subscriptions and called on others to do the same.

Goodbye, Netflix.  After about thirteen years of being a loyal customer of Netflix, the time has come for me to say goodbye. [...] Given that I'm a conservative, one might be inclined to believe that my choice to leave Netflix is predicated upon the company's most recent decision to partner with Barack and Michelle Obama's new company, called "Higher Ground Productions," to produce loads of new content.  In a way, I guess that's correct.  But this choice by Netflix has not alone led me to this decision.  Rather, this was the straw that finally broke the camel's back — the latest in a series of indicators that the network has become little more than a propaganda arm for radical left-wing political actors.

We'll Never Be Rid of Them:  Obamas Sign a Deal With Netflix.  [Scroll down]  My biggest pet peeve is when highly paid politicians refer to their "public service."  Four hundred thousand dollars a year with a domestic staff that's on call 24/7 in your mansion, followed by over $200K a year for life and all funded by taxpayers is not service.  It's a sweet gig.  Building a house with Habitat for Humanity is service.  I am not quite sure how the Obamas were meeting these people from "all walks of life," as it seemed as if they were spending most of their free time with the extremely wealthy people in Bel Air.

President Obama, wife, sign multiyear deal with Netflix.  Former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, have signed a multi-year deal with Netflix, the company announced on Monday, the latest high-profile hire by the streaming media giant.  The Obamas will produce a mix of content that includes the potential for scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries and features, which will be available to Netflix customers, the company, which boasts 125 million members in more than 190 countries, said.

Federal lawsuit accuses Obama Presidential Center of 'bait and switch' in land grab of park space.  Chicago is planning to hand over 19 acres of public parkland, occupying a prime lakefront site, to a private entity, for a nominal sum, in order to build a monument to Barack Hussein Obama.  Now a Chicago nonprofit, Protect Our Parks, filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court [...] The complaint cites an "institutional bait and switch" because the original plan was for a federal entity to take possession of the land and build an Obama Presidential Library, which would be publicly owned and controlled.  That was the bait used to obtain priceless open park land that would be taken away from the citizens of Chicago.  The switch came when the presidential library plan was sidelined, and in its place was instituted a "presidential center" that would be under the control of a private foundation, with Barack Obama himself in a position to shape the center's planning, mission, and operations toward whatever ends he desires.

Federal lawsuit filed to block Obama Center in Jackson Park.  A federal lawsuit seeking to block construction of the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park was filed Monday by public parks activists against the city of Chicago and the Chicago Park District.  The suit comes as the Chicago Plan Commission on Thursday [5/10/2018] meets to consider applications for zoning and other approvals needed for the project submitted by the Obama Foundation, Chicago Park District and Chicago Department of Transportation.  The commission will also take up a resolution authorizing a long-term ground lease for 19.3 acres in Jackson Park from the city to the Barack Obama Foundation.

Federal lawsuit accuses Obama center organizers of pulling an 'institutional bait and switch'.  A federal lawsuit filed by a Chicago nonprofit in an attempt to block the Obama Presidential Center from being built in Jackson Park accuses organizers of pulling an "institutional bait and switch" by shifting the center's purpose away from being a true presidential library.  Protect Our Parks Inc. also claims in its lawsuit, which was filed in U.S. District Court on Monday, that the Chicago Park District and the City of Chicago don't have the authority to transfer public parkland to nongovernmental entity such as the Obama Foundation.

Obama Presidential Center museum to contain Oval Office replica.  The Obama Presidential Center museum will include a replica of former President Barack Obama's Oval Office, museum director Louise Bernard told the Chicago Sun-Times.  "We imagine that will be a real draw for people and for young people as well, to kind of see themselves in that space," Bernard said in an interview offering the first details of what will be in the museum.

Obamas Have Slammed Trump A Dozen Times Since Leaving The White House, Breaking With Precedent.  Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have bashed his successor, President Donald Trump, a dozen times since leaving the White House on Jan. 20, 2017.  In criticizing his successor — and doing so repeatedly — Obama has abandoned the precedent set by previous presidents.  He and his wife have slammed Trump a dozen times since leaving office.

Obama Whines About Trump's America — 'I Worry When Our Values Are Not Being Upheld'.  Former President Barack Obama had some barely veiled criticism for President Trump at a Monday talk in San Diego, implying that American values "are not being upheld."  "I've been trying to be careful about not editorializing too much.  When I get worried about our country, or the world, it is not around a particular issue," Obama said, according to NTK Network.  "I worry when our values are not being upheld," he said.  Obama added, "Our democracy, just like any organization, can't work if, for example, we don't insist on facts.  Like, facts are really useful.  We can't make good decisions if we don't at least agree on the facts."

The Editor says...
Oh, you mean we can agree on facts like, "If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance?"

Obama endorses Sen. Dianne Feinstein for re-election.  Former President Barack Obama on Friday [5/4/2018] endorsed Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein for re-election to her California seat, giving the veteran legislator another dose of big-name support as she tries to fend off an upstart challenger from her left.  Mr. Obama, who served with Ms. Feinstein in the Senate from 2005 to 2008 before taking the White House, said Ms. Feinstein has been one of the "most effective champions for progress" in the august body.  "She's always been an indispensable leader for California, and we became dear friends and partners in the fight to guarantee affordable health care and economic opportunity for everybody; to protect our planet from climate change, and our kids from gun violence," Mr. Obama said in a statement through the Feinstein campaign.

Obama jets off to legitimize South Africa's Zimbabwifying regime.  South Africa is busy Zimbabwifying itself, ready to expropriate white-owned farms without compensation.  At this point, it should be a pariah state.  But in goes President Obama, likely to egg them on.  The gushy New York Times piece about it pretty well calls Obama's planned trip to play community organizer abroad in South Africa a wonderful thing.

Barack Obama Urges on Anti-Gun Student Activists, Dreamers, and Black Lives Matter.  Former President Barack Obama urged on liberal student activist groups in a special essay published by Time magazine recognizing the top 100 most influential people in 2018.  Barack Obama reminded all Americans of a duty to make their country more equal for all races and ages.  "This generation — of Parkland, of Dreamers, of Black Lives Matter — embraces that duty," he wrote.  "If they make their elders uncomfortable, that's how it should be."

The Editor says...
Spoken like a true "community organizer" — which is another way of saying, "leftist troublemaker."

Obama Praises The Parkland Kids — Article Will Make Gun Owners' Heads Shake.  Former President Barack Obama wrote an article TIME Magazine's Most Influential People about the pro-gun control Parkland students.  It will make gun owners' shake their heads.  Obama wrote that students like Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg, "have the power so often inherent in youth: to see the world anew; to reject the old constraints, outdated conventions and cowardice too often dressed up as wisdom."  The former president took aim at the NRA and its supporters in the piece as well.

Barack Obama Gives Glowing Praise To David Hogg, Kyle Kashuv Destroys Every Word.  Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg, who was nowhere near where the actual shooting took place, has become as annoying as a canker sore, especially to Kyle Kashuv.  He is one of the students who has received the least attention because he supports the Constitutional right to bear arms. [...] On Thursday [4/19/2018], it was announced that David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Kyle Kasky and other anti-Second Amendment activists from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, as a group, were named as one of Time Magazine's most influential people of 2018.  In a shocking twist of irony, their write up in the magazine was penned by none other than former President Barack Obama, the same president who helped run guns to Mexican drug cartels with former Attorney General Eric Holder in Operation Fast & Furious.  Kashuv thought it was ridiculous, and he destroyed it on Twitter.

The Editor says...
It would not surprise me to learn that someone other than Barack H. Obama wrote the article for Time Magazine, since Mr. Obama has apparently taken credit for other writer's work in the past.

Obamas 'building new swimming pool' at their $8.1 million mansion in exclusive Kalorama neighborhood of Washington DC.  Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama are building a swimming pool at their home in an exclusive neighborhood of Washington DC.  The 44th president and his family purchased the the 8,200 sq ft mansion in the Kalorama area of the capital in 2017 for $8.1 million having initially rented the property.  Plans are now afoot for a new swimming pool in the grounds, according to TMZ, which says it has seen building permits.

Obama Aims to Train 'Next Generation' of Anti-Trump Activists.  Barack Obama picked an appearance at a town-hall meeting broadcast by ESPN to announce Michelle and his current project.  Some will see this as nothing more than good PR for Obama's foundation in Chicago, while it is more likely we are seeing his return to his community organizing days he learned from Saul Alinsky and his leftist disciples.  During the town hall[,] Obama said he wants to create a "platform" to train the next generation of activists and leaders.

Chicago officials caught short-circuiting required review of Obama Presidential Center.  The so-called "Obama Presidential Center" in Chicago is not a presidential library, and it is not part of the National Archives.  It will contain no collections of presidential papers and therefore will have little if any value to historians and scholars of his presidency.  It is a private building, financed by private donations.  Its function appears to be serving as a monument to the man himself, offering space for basketball courts and meeting rooms for "community organizing," among his favorite pursuits.

Barack Obama is set to earn $1.3million for a whistle-stop speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand.  Barack Obama is set to rake in $1.3 million for a whistle-stop speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand.  The former US President has already raked in thousands for an appearance at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney.  After a one-day stop-over in Australia, Obama boarded a plane to New Zealand where he spent three days on engagements, meeting dignitaries and playing golf.  Next on his one-week tour is Japan and Singapore, and he is expected to earn seven figures for his work.

Obama Library infrastructure could total $175M.  The city's transportation department estimates that the cost of widening streets and building at least four new underpasses near the site in Jackson Park may total $175 million.

Barack and Michelle Obama go all in behind Parkland students' gun control campaign.  Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama penned a letter to the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School heralding them for their efforts to get new gun laws passed.

Never Say Goodbye.  We learned last week that Obama and his wife, Michelle, are in the final stages of negotiations with Netflix to produce one or more shows that will allow him to retain his influence on global affairs.  News reports indicated that the Obamas do not plan to use the Netflix shows to respond directly to the Trump administration but will instead use the new medium to highlight powerful stories. [...] But hold on.  The New York Times reports that the Obamas' media venture may not be the apolitical project we would prefer.  "In one possible show idea," the Times reports, "Mr. Obama could moderate conversations on topics that dominated his presidency — health care, voting rights, immigration, foreign policy, climate change — and that have continued to divide a polarized American electorate during President Trump's time in office.  Another program could feature Mrs. Obama on topics, like nutrition, that she championed in the White House."  If we may be forgiven for saying so, these ideas don't sound like ratings sensations.

Why Won't Barack Obama Go Away?  Why do those who criticize Donald Trump for not being a "traditional" president fawn over President Obama not being a "traditional" post-presidential citizen?  I would say Michelle and Barack Obama are back in the news, but they've never left the news since the 22nd Amendment mercifully exiled them from the Oval Office last year. [...] Obama moved into a $5-million D.C. mansion — but only after the wall surrounding the 8,000-square-foot mansion was completely erected.  Oh, and Obama's former senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, moved in with the Obamas, which is just bizarrely weird.

Netflix Stock is Plummeting in Response To Obama Show.  Last week, Big League Politics exposed how former President Barack Obama is in advance negotiations with video streaming service Netflix to have his own show.  In response, Trump supporters across the country began boycotting Netflix by canceling their memberships.  Just days into the boycott Netflix is already feeling the heat.  Their stock has been steadily lowering in price since the boycott began.  Just today [3/13/2018] the stock has dropped nearly 3% in value.

With Netflix, Obama builds another monument to himself.  Concerned about his crumbling legacy and unable to bear life out of the spotlight, the former president is in talks with Netflix "to produce a series of high-profile shows that will provide him a global platform after his departure from the White House," as the New York Times, which got the scoop, put it.  Let that sink in.  The man is seeking to rewrite history, his own history, the better to influence the public to think he wasn't such a bad president after all, through a television series about himself where he controls all the content.  It shows how reluctant he is to let go of the reins of power and act the graceful role of retired president.

Obama in Talks to Provide Shows for Netflix.  Former President Barack Obama is in advanced negotiations with Netflix to produce a series of high-profile shows that will provide him a global platform after his departure from the White House, according to people familiar with the discussions.  Under terms of a proposed deal, which is not yet final, Netflix would pay Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, for exclusive content that would be available only on the streaming service, which has nearly 118 million subscribers around the world.  The number of episodes and the formats for the shows have not been decided.  Mr. Obama does not intend to use his Netflix shows to directly respond to President Trump or conservative critics, according to people familiar with discussions about the programming.  They said the Obamas had talked about producing shows that highlight inspirational stories.

The Editor says...
In other words, it will be another Democrat propaganda channel, with an endless stream of tear-jerker stories about innocent victims who can only be helped if the government gets bigger and spends more money.  Barack H. Obama is not going to produce or direct the show, and certainly won't write it.  All he will do is stand in front of a camera and read the teleprompter.

'Collusion' with Chicago officials and 13 other problems locals have with Obama Presidential Center.  A panel of national and local experts, comprised mostly of African-Americans, lambasted Chicago city officials in a meeting Wednesday night [3/7/2018] for how they have worked closely with the Obama Foundation to build the Obama Presidential Center on public land despite criticism and serious concerns from representatives of the South Side neighborhood. [...] University of Chicago professors, leaders in the black community, and experts on historic preservation and architecture repeatedly condemned former President Barack Obama and his organization for engaging in closed-door negotiations with the university and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who served as Obama's first term chief of staff, and said the Democratic leader is ignoring the historic black community's needs.

Will Obama center hurt those it's supposed to help?  A commander in chief turned salesman in chief, Barack Obama painted a rosy picture Tuesday of his planned presidential center's urban impact.  He described a transformed neighborhood, with visitors checking out a restaurant or an art studio across Stony Island Avenue from the center.  Yet Obama also revealed his pragmatic side, promising the center would supercharge areas hit by decades of disinvestment, while acknowledging fears that such growth will force out low-income residents.  "You can't have one without the other," he said.

Obama makes pitch for his center in Jackson Park, says too much development' has not been the problem for South Side.  Former President Barack Obama came to Chicago on Tuesday to again make the case for building his presidential center in Jackson Park, telling hundreds of people gathered at McCormick Place that he believes his South Side complex will create more jobs, attract businesses and give more opportunities to local residents.  Obama downplayed concerns about increased housing costs and other issues that have been raised by residents who live near the center.  "A lot of times, people get nervous about gentrification and understandably so," he said.  "It is not my experience ... that the big problem on the South Side has been too much development, too much economic activity, too many people being displaced because all these folks from Lincoln Park are filling in to the South Side.  That's not what's happening.

'Uprising' Against Obama's Proposed Library Forming In Chicago.  Chicago residents have given anything but a warm welcome to the proposed location for the Obama Presidential Center.  Since the plans were announced in May 2017, the building of the library in Jackson Park has received criticism from different groups and former community organizer Barak Obama is facing a "minor uprising."

Ironic: Chicago Community Organizers Fighting Against Obama.  In what Politico acknowledges is the "ultimate irony," former community organizer-turned-President of the United States Barack Obama has found himself in an uncomfortable public feud with community organizers in his hometown Chicago, who are using the tactics he once used himself against the "establishment."  The feud centers around the building of the Obama library and demands by community organizations that Obama's foundation agree to a community benefits agreement which would require investments in or hiring from the community in which the structure will be built.

Non-stop vacation:
Former US President Barack Obama set to head Down Under for speaking tour.  Former United States president Barack Obama will visit Australia next month as part of a trip that will also see him speak in New Zealand.  The New Zealand United States Council announced on Sunday it would host Mr Obama at speaking events in Auckland and Sydney on March 22 and March 23 respectively.

Obama library's public cost estimated at $175M: report.  The planned Obama Presidential Center in Chicago is being privately funded, but on Friday city officials estimated how much taxpayers will pay for roadwork and other construction around the center:  $175 million.  It was the first time city officials put a specific dollar figure on the expected cost to the public, the Chicago Tribune reported.  "These proposed investments are intended to make the (center) and surrounding Jackson Park a world-class destination on par with Chicago's Museum Campus," the city's Department of Transportation (CDOT) told the newspaper, in a statement accompanying the figures.

Obama Posts Chilling Message to Teens Marching and Organizing For Gun Control 'We've Been Waiting For You'.  Barack Obama posted a chilling message to his Twitter account Thursday [2/22/2018] to the teens marching and organizing for gun control. [...] Obama tweeted, "Young people have helped lead all our great movements.  How inspiring to see it again in so many smart, fearless students standing up for their right to be safe; marching and organizing to remake the world as it should be.  We've been waiting for you.  And we've got your backs."  Remake the world as it should be?  Chilling.

Obama Calls For Gun Control After Florida School Shooting.  Former President Barack Obama demanded unspecified "common-sense gun safety laws" after the Florida school shooting on Wednesday that left 17 people dead.  "We are grieving with Parkland.  But we are not powerless.  Caring for our kids is our first job.  And until we can honestly say that we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change," Obama wrote in a statement posted to Twitter.

Obama Calls For Gun Control After Florida Shooting — Twitter Responds.  Barack Obama just won't go away.  Apparently 8 years of destroying America wasn't good enough for him.  On Thursday afternoon [2/15/2018], Obama took to his Twitter account to call for long overdue 'common sense gun safety laws'.  Whatever that means.

Obama Presidential Center Denounced by Professors at U. Chicago.  It's amazing how many people on the left are objecting to Obama's presidential center.  Did anyone see this coming?

UChicago faculty denounce plans for Obama Presidential Center.  Faculty at the University of Chicago have joined a growing chorus of Chicagoans voicing alarm and anger over the planned Obama Presidential Center, set to be built in a sprawling historic park in the south side of the city.  Residents and environmentalists alike have signaled frustration and opposition to the plans to build the large, five-building mecca in the heart of the beloved, 140-year-old park flanking Lake Michigan — and many faculty at the private university located blocks away from the site agree.

Obama's presidential library ripped as 'ugly waste of taxpayer resources' by Chicagoans.  Chicagoans in droves are venting their displeasure with President Barack Obama's planned library, calling it an "ugly waste of taxpayer resources" and a "dangerous precedent" for the preservation of historic public parklands.  Recent letters to the editor published in the Chicago Tribune have overwhelmingly panned the Obama Presidential Center, which will take nearly 20 acres from historic Jackson Park and cost taxpayers $100 million in renovations to the surrounding area.  In a letter published on Jan. 26, John Deal of Dolton, Illinois, called the egg-shaped main tower and surrounding buildings "garish monstrosities that ruin the aesthetics of the surrounding parkland stolen from the taxpaying public."

Good news:  Obama plans to mess up Democrats' 2018 chances by campaigning for them.  Obama is upset that President Trump is revoking his executive orders, reducing tax rates, opening ANWR, appointing conservative judges, and eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate.  Trump has spurred the economy and the stock market.  Companies are giving raises, increasing the hiring rate, and giving employees bonuses because of the corporate tax cuts.  This is good for America but bad for the Obama legacy.  Obama cannot accept that his "legacy" of high taxes, Obamacare, and a flat economy is being shredded.  Obama wants to protect what he perceives as a good legacy.  Thus, in addition to criticizing President Trump at every opportunity, at home and abroad, Obama plans to actively campaign during the 2018 congressional and local elections to defeat candidates who support President Trump. [...] I welcome his campaigning in the 2018 elections.  He can only help Trump and Republicans.

Black activists shout 'Shame on you!', at Chicago aldermen supporting Obama Presidential Center.  Now that the huge monument to Barack Obama won't be a presidential library and is purely a private endeavor, the gift of precious park land belonging to the people of Chicago to a private group is questionable.  And federal permits are necessary for certain aspects of the planned center.  This isn't going to be simple or easy.  Plenty of people, black and of other races, are not thrilled with the impact the monument will have on their neighborhood, their parks, and their lives.

Vowing to 'rip' Trump 'a new one,' Obama's ex-presidency devolves into third-world coup plotting.  Far from content living his golden years on the $400,000 speech and lecture circuit of other former presidents, President Obama has been busy with clawing back his old power.  He's actually covertly plotting to oust his democratically elected successor, President Trump, vowing to his associates to "rip him a new one" in the 2018 midterm elections.  Seems he's not all that interested in watching his younger daughter grow up.  That's the word from DCWhispers, which reports that Obama's Kalorama mansion, in the heart of the capital's toniest district, is the center of significant comings and goings among the Obamatons, who, led by his consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, are busily raising funds for the project as Obama eggs them on.

Obama Center reps visit churches to spread the word.  Representatives of the Obama Foundation borrowed pulpits at churches on the South and West Sides Sunday to share this message:  If you support the Obama Presidential Center being built, then speak up, because it isn't a done deal.  "The main reason I am here is so that people know it's not a done deal," Brian Sleet, a spokesman for the Obama Foundation, told congregants during a service at the Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church in the Woodlawn neighborhood.

Plans revised for 'Obama Presidential Center': taller, uglier and a little bit less white.  A faint odor of desperation accompanies the latest revised plans for the monument to the greatness of Barack Hussein Obama planned for Chicago.  You see, the City of Chicago and its mayor, Rahm Emanuel, have to approve the plans and the appropriation of park land designed by Frederick Law Olmstead — America's greatest landscape architect — to memorialize America's First Black President (unless you count Bill Clinton).  The effort to combine grandiosity with the appearance of community responsiveness is a tough challenge for anyone, it must be conceded.

Lavish Obama Center hits mounting opposition in Chicago as profs blast plans, 'socially regressive' ideas.  Plans for the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago are coming under fire amid concerns about the cost and doubts about the benefits for the local area, with a group of professors from the school where Barack Obama once taught slamming one proposal as "socially regressive."  The former president said in a video statement released Tuesday [1/9/2018] that he had been "pretty hands-on" with the project and had high hopes for what it could do for the local area.

Obama Presidential Center Panned as 'Socially Regressive'.  The planned construction of the Obama Presidential Center near the University of Chicago has been criticized as "socially regressive" by over 150 faculty members.  In an open letter released Monday [1/8/2018], the professors and lecturers echoed the concerns of multiple community organizations regarding the center's current blueprint, which would saddle local taxpayers with an estimated $100 million tab, and commandeer large swaths of beloved historic public parks for private development.  "The Obama Center as currently planned will not provide the promised development or economic benefits to the neighborhoods," wrote the lecturers.

Obama non-library 'presidential center' in Chicago devolving into a fiasco.  The first community organizer to become president has managed to anger community groups so much with his planned personal monument, aka a "presidential center," that part of the plan was just scrapped.

Obamas criticized for lavish library plans, including 'test kitchen'.  In their effort to break the mold, the planners of the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago are taking heat for some less-than-lofty features in the sprawling complex.  Namely, a "test kitchen."  Reports first surfaced last fall that the monument to the first black president's legacy was taking on an activity-center vibe.  There would be a museum — but also a basketball court, possibly a room for yoga classes, and a test kitchen to teach visitors "about the full production cycle of nutritious food."

Landscape group warns Obama Center 'adverse effects' in Jackson Park.  The federal government has invited comments on "adverse effects" the Obama Presidential Center may have on Jackson Park and a leading landscape advocacy group has three big ones: the planned iconic high-rise tower; the proposed closing of Cornell Drive and not taking into account the historic Frederick Law Olmsted designs for the related Midway Plaisance and Washington Park.  The closing of Cornell has sparked an enormous community outcry.  Obama Center architects Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, the Obama Foundation and City Hall are pushing strongly to get rid of the roadway.

Obama is the 'most admired man' in Gallup's poll for the 10th year in a row.  U.S. adults have chosen former President Barack Obama as the man they admire most worldwide for the tenth consecutive year, according to a new Gallup poll.  Seventeen percent picked Obama for 2017's most admired man in the survey released Wednesday [12/27/2017].  Obama snuck past President Trump, who placed second with 14 percent after his first year in the White House.  Pope Francis trailed a distant third at 3 percent, followed by a three-way tie for fourth place at 2 percent.

"It is better to deserve honors and not have them
  than to have them and not deserve them."
Mark Twain         

Obama's Presidential Library Is Change Chicagoans Can't Believe In.  Something fascinating is happening in Chicago.  When Barack Obama became president, the city was ebullient; he was, after all, a favorite son, and he'd promised to deliver the liberal policies beloved by Chicagoans.  But now, nearly nine years later, city residents find themselves at odds with Obama over the plans for his presidential library.  In its initial bid for the right to host the library, put forth on behalf of the city, the University of Chicago offered large tracts of idyllic land in Washington Park and Jackson Park as two potential sites.  Almost immediately, the people of those parks' districts began scratching their heads.  "Why not build it in one of the many blighted areas?" they asked.  "Why are you taking a huge chunk of our parks?" Obama's response was essentially an ultimatum:  If the library couldn't be built in a Chicago park, he'd take it to Honolulu or New York City.

Obama Center designers sticking with Midway Plaisance for garage site.  Despite some community concerns, the Obama Foundation is sticking to its proposal to build a garage on a patch of the historic Midway Plaisance, across from the future Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park, officials told the Chicago Sun-Times on Wednesday [12/20/2017].  But plans for a basketball court, BBQ grills and picnic tables on top of the structure have been dropped.

Obama tries to claim credit for Trump economic boom, finally gets smacked down.  One of the more obvious things about the Trump economy is how much better it is than the Obama economy.  Yet incredibly, President Obama, as if jealously looking on at this night-and-day difference, is trying to claim credit for it.

Finding the real Obama — the Obama wiretapping edition.  Barack Obama, the outgoing president, had used his last few months in office to undermine Donald Trump, [the] duly elected incoming president and, since leaving the White House, has set himself up as a government-in-exile, and in opposition, using Fifth Columnists still within the government to destroy President Trump.

Team Obama attempted 'stealth coup' by undermining Trump.  From the moment Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination and then the presidency, national security officials under President Obama have shown themselves to be intense adversaries in public and behind the scenes.  In the latest development, special counsel Robert Mueller's top-gun prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, praised acting Attorney General Sally Yates, a Trump nemesis, for refusing a White House order to defend the president's travel ban on Muslim-majority countries, according to internal emails.

Bloviating abroad, Obama reminds us why we elected Trump.  Based on his speech for a group of communications executives called 'Les Napoleons,' he thinks women make better leaders than men, men are 'having problems' with sex harassment, global warming's Paris Treaty is coming back, and 'global challenges' must be faced. [...] For starters, what would Obama, community organizer in chief, know about business sense?  Obama seems to be opaque to the reality that the Paris climate accord cost millions in productivity, tacked on insane costs and empowered a eurochicken-style bureaucracy, looking to expand its power.  As for absence of leadership, ask again why so many nations want out of that accord based on our lead?  The French, if they have any sense, should appreciate the fool's existential absurdity.

Obama In Paris: 'We Have A Temporary Absence Of American Leadership'.  Did you think Barack Obama was going to follow his predecessor, George W. Bush, and fade into the background after eight years in the White House?  Yeah, think again.  Obama can't stand being out of the spotlight for even one minute, which is why last week he embarked on an five-day trip to China, India and France, where he met with foreign leaders as if he were some sort of shadow president.  In Paris on Saturday [12/2/2017], Obama said there is a "temporary absence of American leadership" when it comes to tackling climate change.

Shut up, Obama.  Barack Obama today [12/1/2017] disgraced himself and the office he once held by going overseas and criticizing Our President.  This will come to bite his sycophants in the press and his loathsome Marxist supporters.  And not just because feuds with President Trump usually end up worse for the experience.  Obama just set a precedent.

Barack Obama arrives in a four-SUV motorcade to a private Democratic fundraiser at $35m Manhattan mansion.  President Barack Obama mingled with Democratic leadership and high-powered donors at a New York City mansion on Tuesday, while raising money for the cash-strapped political party. [...] The fundraiser was held at the palatial Upper East Side duplex owned by Dennis Mehiel, a former candidate for New York lieutenant governor and major Democratic donor.

'Obamaland' In Chicago Is Just As Crazy As You Would Think.  Former President Barack Obama is facing backlash from Chicago community organizers over his plan to build a sprawling 20-acre community center in the heart of the city featuring a sledding hill, recording studio and garden.  The Barack Obama Presidential Center, set to open in 2021, is being touted as a monument to the ideals of democracy, civic engagement, art and culture, but many Chicago residents are concerned about appropriating such a large swath of public land for the massive compound.

Obama Uses Texas Church Massacre To Call For Fewer Guns.  Former President Barack Obama used the Texas church shooting that left 26 people dead on Sunday [11/5/2017] to call for fewer guns.  Obama said that Americans should ask God for "the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst." [...] Obama, who has taken an unusually active role during his successor's administration, offered no specific details on what those steps to reduce the guns "in our midst" would look like.

Obama Presidential Center will have public, not presidential library.  The future Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park will not house an official U.S. government presidential library.  I know a lot of people call it the Obama Library.  But really, it's the Obama Center.  Here's why.  Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle decided that a government-run National Archives and Records Administration facility won't be incorporated into the Obama complex.

Former President Barack Obama called for jury duty in Chicago.  Cook County Chief Judge Tim Evans on Friday [10/27/2017] told county commissioners during a budget hearing that Obama, who owns homes in Washington, D.C., and Chicago's Kenwood neighborhood, will serve in November.

No Obama documents in Obama library?  Historians puzzled by Chicago center plans.  The Obama Foundation is taking an unconventional approach to the presidential center and library being planned in Chicago.  It's opting to host a digital archive of President Barack Obama's records, but not keep his hard-copy manuscripts and letters and other documents onsite.  That means no thumbing through the ex-president's correspondence on the health care fight or first drafts of his State of the Union addresses.  The decision has historians scratching their heads.

No Documents in Obama Library?  No Mystery There.  [Scroll down]  The Chicago Tribune broke the story that, to this point, has attracted no major media attention.  Its headline raises much the same question Fox News did:  "Without archives on site, how will Obama Center benefit area students, scholars?"  The Tribune tries to answer that question but succeeds only in pacifying Obama fanboys.  There is no good answer, but there is an answer, and it is this:  Obama is not a literary genius.  In fact, Obama is not a particularly good writer.  His reputation would wither if researchers were allowed access to original documents.  To this day, Obama supporters in the media refuse to accept what is obvious to anyone who has looked carefully at his literary track record.

Without archives on site, how will Obama Center benefit area students, scholars?  Traditionally, Presidential Libraries are places where historians, academics and college students travel to dig through paperwork and hold the first drafts of speeches, letters and legislation in their hands.  But without those papers on site, some have begun to ask whether the Obama Center can even attract researchers to the University of Chicago, Chicago State University or the University of Illinois.  What will it mean to have those documents online rather than in a physical form for inspection?  And with digital technology constantly changing, how will the National Archives and Records Administration ensure the documents will be placed online in a timely manner and accessible over time?

Obama's $1.5-billion ego project.  The Obama Library is on track to cost $1.5 billion, three times the $500 million it was projected to cost, and quite a bit of that will be borne by taxpayers.  Yet it won't contain... any library materials.  It won't even be hooked up to the National Archives system — on account of it being too cheap to want to pay the six-figure costs of that purpose.  All it will have is online document access, which can be reached from any computer anywhere.  There will be nothing special about coming to the Obama library to do any kind of presidential research.  What's more, it's a great way to cherry-pick which documents can be seen among the Obama papers and which cannot.  Is this library really about what libraries are about, which is to say scholarship of the historical record?  Not in Obama's case.  He'd probably rather no one remember the details of his many failures in office, which those records could show.

Obama's Presidential Library Won't Actually Have Library Materials.  Unlike traditional presidential libraries, the Obama Presidential Center will not actually have library materials.  That is — it will not house former President Obama's manuscripts, documents, letters, and gifts from his tenure in office — items presidential centers around the country all have.  Instead, it will include space for outdoor functions and picnics, a basketball court, recording studio, sledding hill, children's play garden, and more.  As for the actual library documents, the center will rely [upon] online archives for Obama's presidential materials as a way to avoid meeting federal standards in construction, raising money for an endowment, and paying the National Archives and Records Administration to run the facility.

'Privately funded' Obama presidential library could cost Illinois taxpayers $100 million or more.  Erecting a monument to the Obama presidency is a task best handled quickly, before the seeds of disaster planted in Iran, the federal debt, and the FISA Court (among other places) come to full flower.  And despite promises of private funding, taxpayers are going to have to cough up, even in Illinois, a fiscal dead man walking with pension obligations that dwarf the taxing capacity of the state and the City of Chicago.  Barack's plans for a monument to his glory will not be thwarted by mere politicians or community groups.

Dem leaders want state to pay for Obama Center-related road projects.  Senate President John Cullerton and House Speaker Michael Madigan — the Chicago Democrats who control the Illinois General Assembly — are mapping plans for the state to help pay for infrastructure improvements in and around Jackson Park related to the Obama Presidential Center.  The two leaders "are looking for a commitment from the governor to support road projects that would support the Obama Presidential Center," Cullerton told the Chicago Sun-Times on Tuesday [10/3/2017].  Gov. Bruce Rauner's office did not respond to a request from the Sun-Times for a comment on state assistance for road projects associated with the future Obama Center.

'Privately funded' Obama presidential library could cost Illinois taxpayers $100 million or more.  Erecting a monument to the Obama presidency is a task best handled quickly, before the seeds of disaster planted in Iran, the federal debt, and the FISA Court (among other places) come to full flower.  And despite promises of private funding, taxpayers are going to have to cough up, even in Illinois, a fiscal dead man walking with pension obligations that dwarf the taxing capacity of the state and the City of Chicago.  Barack's plans for a monument to his glory will not be thwarted by mere politicians or community groups.

Obama Foundation seeks a 'diversity consultant'.  Evidently, systemic racism (or "white privilege" or whatever) is so pervasive that the closet racism of the Obama Foundation needs a corrective force. [...] So it seems that without a special executive focused on nothing but racial (and sexual and...?) bean-counting, the wrong people (this means you, heterosexual white males!) might receive contracts based on price and quality, as if these were the only important factors.

Well we're movin' on UP ...
Obamas eyeing Upper East Side apartment.  Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle are eyeing an apartment in a historic building in Manhattan, multiple sources exclusively tell Page Six.  The Obamas have been looking at 10 Gracie Square on the Upper East Side, situated between East End Avenue and East River Drive and near the mayor's residence, Gracie Mansion, according to sources who have seen the couple arriving at the building for viewings.

Obama hauls in millions from Wall Street, media don't say a word.  Former President Barack Obama is hauling in millions from Wall Street banks — the very institutions he harangued throughout both of his presidential campaigns.  Throughout their political careers, both Hillary Clinton and Mr. Obama berated banks and the "fat cats" who run them as heartless corporations (while filling their own pockets with their cash).  Mrs. Clinton made millions giving speeches to the huge financial institutions, swatting away charges of hypocrisy.  This apparently didn't really sell with Mr. and Mrs. America, who didn't elect her president.  Now it's Mr. Obama's turn to make bank.

Obama, Please Go Away!  We know that black turnout in the last election was down from 2012, when black turnout was actually higher than white turnout.  The left screams "GOP vote suppression!," except that the lower turnout occurred in many instances in cities and states that Democrats control.  Maybe the fact that Obama was no longer on the ballot — and Hillary was — might explain why some black voters stayed home (or voted for Trump — he got the highest GOP share of the black vote in 30 years).  Or maybe blacks are tired of Democrats in general, and Obama in particular.  Obama is currently making plans for his presidential library and community action center to be located on the south side of Chicago.  The mostly black neighborhood where it is planned to be built isn't happy about it, and not buying Obama's happy talk about how it will bring prosperity to the neighborhood.

How Obama is funding the anti-Trump resistance.  An estimated $640 million has been diverted into what critics say is an improper, if not unconstitutional, "slush fund" fed from government settlements with JPMorgan Chase and Co., Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp., according to congressional sources.  The payola is potentially earmarked for third-party interest groups approved by the Justice Department and HUD without requiring any proof of how the funds will be spent.  Many of the recipients so far are radical leftist organizations who solicited the settlement cash from the administration even though they were not parties to the lawsuits, records show.  "During the Obama administration, groups committed to 'revolutionary social change' sent proposals and met with high-level HUD and Justice Department officials to try to get their pieces of the settlement pie," Cause of Action Institute vice president Julie Smith told The [New York] Post.

Obama to host an event for New Jersey governor candidate.  Former President Obama will host an event this fall for Phil Murphy, the Democrat running for governor of New Jersey, Democratic sources say.  Murphy served as U.S. ambassador to Germany from 2009 to 2013 under Obama.  He also worked for more than two decades at Goldman Sachs.  It's one of several events Obama is expected to attend in the coming weeks as he seeks to lend his star power to Democrats across the country.

Obama Goes From White House to Wall Street in Less Than One Year.  [Scroll down]  While he can't run for president, he continues to be an influential voice in a party torn between celebrating and vilifying corporate power.  His new work with banks might suggest which side of the debate he'll be on and disappoint anyone expecting him to avoid a trap that snared Clinton.  Or, as some of his executive friends see it, he's just a private citizen giving a few paid speeches to other successful people while writing his next book.

Obama Announces Two-Day 'Inaugural Summit' for His Foundation.  Former President Barack Obama announced Wednesday morning that the Obama Foundation will hold a two-day "immersive event" in Chicago featuring hundreds of leaders from around the world later this year.  The Obama Foundation Summit is being billed as an event to "exchange ideas, explore creative solutions to common problems, and experience civic art, technology, and music from around the world."  The foundation tweeted out the announcement with a short one-minute clip and a link to more details.

Barack Obama:  The former president who won't go away.  The Obama rapid response team quickly swung into action against the latest Republican move on immigration last week.  The new policy was "wrong."  It was "self-defeating."  It was "cruel."  It wasn't "required legally," but was "a political decision."  Only two things were unusual about this strong Democratic pushback:  Barack Obama was no longer in office at the time — and yet all the above responses came from the former president himself.  If the 2016 presidential election seems like a never-ending contest, with vanquished Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton constantly relitigating the campaign and criticizing the man who ultimately bested her, the tug-of-war between President Trump and his immediate predecessor has been just as intense.

Obama's Shameless, Hypocritical DACA Lies.  Obama inc. has been teasing a return of America's worst president forever.  We were told he would "finally" speak out when President Trump and Attorney General Sessions decided to slowly wind down his illegal alien amnesty aka DACA aka Dreams of Illegal Alien Amnesty.  What we got was a Facebook statement which conveniently promotes his own forum.  It's no coincidence that this comes after his letter to Trump became a news story.  It's all part of the rollout for Obama's midterm campaign.

Ex-President Obama Visits Storm-Weary Houston to Lend Support.  Reminiscent of his presidency ("Obama's refusal to interrupt vacation amid Louisiana flooding stirs anger"), summer intern Biff Spackle snapped these photos of Barack Obama visiting Houston.  The former president — as could have been predicted — offered comfort, money, and much of his time to assist the victims.  Hahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahah

Obama's Motives.  Barack Obama will not languish in the shadows in his post presidency.  Indeed, he cannot afford to, but not because of an acute civic crisis looming forever just over the horizon.  He has an image to rehabilitate.

No Bench:  The Democratic Party's Obama Dilemma.  It was obvious that Obama was just not going to fade into the ether after he left the presidency.  This is Professor Barry; he can't help himself.  Yet, while he has a knack for delivering speeches and giving Democrats a boost of enthusiasm on the campaign trail, the Democrats lost Congress under his watch, then scores of state legislatures, then numerous governorships, and finally the presidency.  There are 1,000 fewer Democrats in office across the board since 2008-2009.  Meanwhile, the GOP has become the dominant political force in the country, controlling Congress, The White House, 69/99 state legislatures, and two-thirds of all the governorships.  While the Obama political machine beat the Republicans twice, the former president ironically was a highly motivating factor for the GOP and conservative grassroots.

Obama Makes Dangerous Announcement — He's Coming For Trump.  When was the last time a former president effectively organized what amounts to rebellion against the new and sitting president?  But that's precisely what Obama is doing.  The worrying thing is that, while Obama was a crappy leader, he does have a LOT of experience in organizing radical Liberal elements to take dangerous action.  That's what got him into the national spotlight in the first place.

Democrats long for Obama's return.  He's been out of office for nearly eight months, but former President Barack Obama remains the Democratic Party's best weapon for 2018.  Democrats are already nostalgic for Obama as they battle against President Trump's agenda.  When he talks, they listen, as evidenced this week by a tweet from Obama about Charlottesville that became the most popular in the history of the platform.  The tricky question now facing the party is how to use the former president on the campaign trail.

Barack Obama Pushes Communism in Italy to a Receptive EU Crowd.  The Sentinel posted two articles about former president Obama's speech in Italy last week during which he exposed his statist goals for the world.  Obama openly espoused, what the Sentinel originally characterized as socialism but what Conservative Treehouse describes as communism.  In any case, people should be very concerned about this speech because the forces behind Barack Obama are powerful and some of these leftists are embedded in our government.  The speech in question took place in Milan at the food security conference organized by "Seeds and Chips".  Obama received a reported $2.7 million for his attendance.

Obama Quietly Trying to Rebuild Democratic Party.  Former President Barack Obama made his interest in the future of the Democratic Party clear well before the end of his second term.  During his last six months in office, he used Airforce One to fly all over the United States campaigning for Hillary Clinton- a move that is a clear conflict of interest.  Of course, he also attempted to salt the Earth for the incoming Trump Administration by imposing harsher than ever before sanctions on Russia, pushing the antagonism so far that military leaders were afraid a nuclear exchange might result.  But Obama's attempts to create an unlevel playing field for Republicans have not ended with his departure from office.  According to sources close to the 44th President, he has been involved in a series of discussions concerned with the future of the Democratic Party.  Indeed, since leaving office he had been on a world wind speaking tour all over the United States earning big bucks giving college commencement speeches, keynote talks, panel discussions, as well as many other not so public meetings with high-ranking members of the left.

Barack Obama Returns To Politics.  Former president Barack Obama will formally reenter the political fray this week less than six months after leaving office, headlining a fundraiser for a group that could prove critical to the Democratic Party's rebuilding efforts.  Obama's appearance Thursday [7/6/2017] before a few dozen people at a closed-door event in the District on behalf of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) highlights the balance he is trying to strike as his party seeks to regain its footing at both the state and national levels.

Obama Makes First Political Appearance Since Leaving White House.  On Thursday [7/13/2017], former President Barack Obama will make his first public political appearance since leaving the White House in January.  Obama will be attending a fundraiser at a private home in Washington, D.C. hosted by former Attorney General Eric Holder, and that will be attended by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.  "The National Democratic Redistricting Committee is proud to have the support of President Obama as we work to undo gerrymandering and create fairer representation in our democracy," Holder said, according to Politico.  Holder is currently leading the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

Obama, Holder, and tyrannical judges put liberty in the crosshairs.  A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece about the possible 2020 presidential run by Barack Obama's gun-running buddy and fellow race-baiter, former US Attorney General Eric Holder.  Not surprisingly, some of my readers dismissed the possibility that Holder could be a serious threat if he were to be the Democrat nominee, even though I warned against taking such a position based on the "behind-the-scenes" work he is doing with Obama.  Well, the wheels of their agenda will be put in motion later this week.  One of the ways Holder and Obama are hoping to shape the political landscape is through the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC).  This group is working at the grass-roots level to elect enough Democrats in state and local government over the next few years, giving them the power to control Congressional Redistricting after the 2020 census.

No Mention of July 4th on Barack Obama's Social Media Accounts.  Seems very odd, to say the least, that a former president of the United States is silent on July 4, while the head of a foreign government wishes Americans a "Happy Birthday."

Barack Obama Just Violated The Logan Act — Again.  For some unknown reason Barack Obama met with South Korea's new leader almost immediately after he returned from a meeting with President Trump. [...] If Obama continues to stick his nose in the middle of delicate negotiations between the USA and other nations, should he be prosecuted under the Logan Act?

Shadow President?  Obama Meets With South Korean President To Discuss Trump.  Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in Monday [7/3/2017] for 40 minutes.  The Korea Herald reported that Moon spoke about his recent meetings with President Trump in Washington and asked Obama for his advice on how to improve that relationship.  The meeting came after Obama spoke at the Asian Leadership Conference and the Fourth Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta.  There he attacked Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change accord.

Ex-POTUS Obama is Still on an American apology tour.  Over the weekend, former President Obama took a break from sampling Indonesian cuisine on his luxury vacation to throw thinly veiled pot-shots at President Trump and his supporters, apologizing for America's decision to pull out of the Paris climate accords.  Ostensibly, Obama was to give a speech in Jakarta about religious tolerance and international cooperation, calling on Indonesia and the rest of the world to confront "discrimination against people based on race or ethnicity or religion."  "If we don't stand up for tolerance and moderation and respect for others, if we begin to doubt ourselves and all that we have accomplished, then much of the progress that we have made will not continue," Obama said.

After Obama's two terms as president, why does he suppose his party needs rebuilding?
Obama working behind the scenes to rebuild Democratic Party.  Former President Barack Obama is conducting select meetings to begin a process of rebuilding the Democratic Party as leaders and elected officials in both Washington and across the country are still debating how to go forward.  After the 2016 elections, besides losing the White House and not having control of either chamber of Congress, Democrats were faced with new lows of seats they held in state legislatures.

Obama Laments 'Absence of American Leadership' Under President Donald Trump.  Former President Barack Obama challenged President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate agreement, describing it as the "absence of American leadership."  "In Paris, we came together around the most ambitious agreement in history about climate change, an agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership, can still give our children a fighting chance," Obama said during a speech in Indonesia on Saturday [7/1/2017].

Malia and Sasha Obama join their parents on a 10-day vacation in Indonesia.  Barack Obama has been pictured visiting the Tirta Empul Temple during his family trip to Bali. [...] The Tirta Empul Temple is famous for its holy spring water, which worshipers consider holy, where Balinese Hindus go to for ritual purification.

The Editor says...
Mr. Obama should review Psalm 1:1

The Obamas take a private jet from Bali to Java.  Former President Barack Obama and his family wrapped up their five-day vacation on Indonesia's resort island of Bali and headed to the historic city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday [6/28/2017] during a nostalgic trip to the country where Obama lived for several years as a child.

Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations.  Ex-presidents, understandably and un-controversially, go on vacations immediately after leaving office.  But the level of luxury the Obamas enjoy on their vacations is unprecedented for a modern-day president, say travel experts.  Since leaving office in late January, Obama has visited late actor Marlon Brando's private island; the Four Seasons in Bali — where rooms cost upward of $2,000 per night; a Palm Springs estate; Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island; the exclusive Mid Pacific Country Club in Oahu; the 13th-century Borgo Finocchieto in Tuscany; and the Rising Sun, Hollywood studio mogul David Geffen's private yacht.

Apparently Mr. Obama plans to be on vacation for the rest of his life.
Obama: Back home again in Indonesia.  Barack Obama is off on another extended vacation abroad this week, this time in Indonesia where he spent much of his formative childhood years.  Since his White House lease expired in January, the ex-president has vacationed at a friend's house in Palm Springs, on Richard Branson's private Caribbean island, on David Geffen's private yacht in French Polynesia and in a Tuscan hamlet purchased in its entirety by John Phillips.  Obama appointed Phillips ambassador to Italy.  He turned the old town into a private luxury estate.  Now, after a lengthy private jet flight from Hawaii, Obama's back home again in Indonesia for nine days with a large family entourage, including wife Michelle and half-sister, Maya Soetero-Ng, her family and, of course, Secret Service agents.

The Obamas fly into Indonesia for a $2,500-a-night stay at the Four Seasons.  Barack and Michelle Obama, along with their two daughters, are taking a luxury vacation to Indonesia — where the former president lived in the 1960s.  Soldiers fell into formation in the popular tourist destination of Bali on Friday [6/23/2017] in preparation for the Obamas' five-day vacation at the Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan, Ubud, where villas cost upwards of $2,500 a night.  The former president is then scheduled to travel to the island of Java to speak at the 4th Indonesian Diaspora Congress in Jakarta, where he spent his childhood after his mother Ann Dunham married second husband Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian man.

The GOP should do something!  Since President Trump's election, our president has been under daily siege from within and without.  Not a day goes by without an attack by the mainstream media and the press.  The attacks range from unfounded accusations of Russian collusion, which have been debunked, to obstruction of justice, since there is no evidence of collusion.  The whole scenario is a concocted schizophrenic scheme by the entire left to paralyze the Trump administration's agenda with a mission to impeach and remove President Trump from office.  This seditious plot is organized by Barack Hussein Obama from his compound in D.C. and financed by billionaire George Soros, who favors a one-world government.

Obama Complains About Income Inequality — While Making $13,000 A Minute!.  Bill Clinton has banked more than $100 million since he left office in 2001, and he still commands up to $500,000 per speech (wife Hillary is on her way to banking $100 million, too).  George W. Bush cashed in with some huge paydays for a couple of books.  And Barack Obama has already signed a book deal for $25 million.  He's only 55, which means he'll no doubt soar past the $100 million mark in no time.  So it's always a little weird when former presidents are talking about us regular people, and especially — as Democrats and Socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders like to do — when they go on a rant about "income inequality."

Addressing Canada, Obama is out of ideas.  In his latest jet-setting travels, this time to Canada, President Obama warned of "authoritarianism" taking hold, in what his media ally, CNN, helpfully revealed was a veiled attack on President Trump.  Politics, for Obama, doesn't seem to stop at the water's edge.  In his frustrated ex-presidency, it appears he really is determined to be the Backseat Driver in Chief, and he is about as useful.

Desperate Obama Is Now Just Getting Downright Weird.  Remember that Obama signed the [Paris] agreement without the consent of the U.S. Congress, an executive overreach of extraordinary magnitude.  But when Trump decided that the accord was just too costly ($1 billion-plus already in taxpayer money) for a measly return (two-tenths of one degree Celsius reduction in global temperature by the year 2100), Obama spoke as if he is still president.  And, of course, he praised his own bold vision.

Obamas buy $8.1 million fat cat home — their second.  Barack Obama, his wife Michelle and their two kids have a new home — an $8.1 million dwelling, the same one they've been renting in Washington, D.C., these past few months.  The fat cat's come home to roost.  After years and years of paying lip service to the utter detestability of Wall Street types, big bankers, financial wheelers and dealers and yes, the rich and wealthy of the nation who just don't ever seem to pay their fair shares — Obama's embraced his own inner capitalistic greed.

Report: Obamas purchase DC house for $8.1M.  Former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have purchased the home they've been renting in Washington, D.C. for $8.1 million, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.  The Obamas reportedly closed on the home Wednesday [5/31/2017].  "Given that President and Mrs. Obama will be in Washington for at least another two and a half years, it made sense for them to buy a home rather than continuing to rent property," Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis told the Sun-Times.

Obamas buys [sic] D.C. home for $8.1 million; keeping house in Chicago.  Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle purchased the home here they have been renting, the Sun-Times has learned, closing on the $8.1 million purchase on Wednesday [5/31/2017].

As SWAT teams circle, Obama in Berlin complains about walls.  Seeking to help Merkel get re-elected, it's clear that Obama's new game out of office is to have a cadre of like-minded world leaders to obstruct President Trump as he seeks to work with Europe.  (So much for returning to his community organizer roots and helping the black youth or watching Sasha graduate).

Barack the BS Master Brags about Humility.  [Authors Sandra Sobieraj] Westfall and [Kathy] Ehrich suggest that the nation is having trouble adjusting to a 45th president whom they describe as "erratic and impolitic," which implies that Obama is neither of the two.  The article said "mission-focused" Obama yearns to settle into his downscaled life but is conflicted because of "Trump's shadow" making it impossible for him, as an "engaged citizen," to remain disengaged.  And so, according to the authors, Michelle and Barry distract themselves from the "chaos in Washington" they caused by doing everyday things like "plugging away at a congressional redistricting plan, spearheading educational initiatives, and writing his'n'-hers memoirs," which will net "at least $60-million" of shareable wealth the duo will share with no one.

Obama surpasses algore as Global Warming's Biggest Hypocrite.  Barack Obama who's about as much a nutrition expert as his wife Michelle, was paid a whopping $3.2 million as keynote speaker at the Seeds & Chips Global Food Innovation Summit in Milan, Italy on Tuesday, speaking about food security and climate change.  That's $3.2 million for advising the unwashed to keep meat off the dinner plate.  Likely hoping most wouldn't remember the $100-per serving wagyu steak he preferred to have served up in the White House during his days as president, Obama now warns the world that more people on the planet are eating meat — causing a dramatic rise in climate emissions.

And the Oscar Goes to...  There are so many obvious citations, awards, prizes, and trophies Obama deserves that the awards committees should hurry up and start working out the scheduling for all the ceremonies.  Not only is it about time for another Nobel Peace Prize (this one for having averted a humanitarian catastrophe in Syria), the Norwegians' colleagues over at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will no doubt be eager to present the former president with a Nobel in economics for the brilliant success of the stimulus, Obamacare, or both.

Obama's Non-Profit On Same Dubious Path First Blazed By Clinton Foundation.  Barack Obama's presidential foundation is barely two years old, but he is taking it down the same controversial — and by some accounts illegal — post-presidency path of his predecessor Bill Clinton, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group.  Federal law requires tax-exempt entities like the Barack Obama Foundation and the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation to stick closely to their IRS-approved missions.  For former chief executives, that mission has been building and operating libraries to house their official papers for posterity.

Tower at Obama center (don't call it a library) needs tweaking.  If nothing else, last week's unveiling of a design for the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago's Jackson Park reveals that the American presidential library has entered a new phase, one in which its traditional role as a trove of physical documents — actual pieces of paper and artifacts handled by actual presidents — is dead, a victim of the digital age.  The old school is epitomized by the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas, with its four-story, glass-encased archival collection of 45 million pages of documents from the administration of Lyndon Baines Johnson.  That architectural expression, a vitrine, simultaneously safeguards and sanctifies the documents.  The Obama center will have no such repository.

Obama Foundation Headed Down the Same Nefarious Path as the Clinton "Charity".  Barack Obama's presidential foundation is barely two years old, but he is taking it down the same controversial — and by some accounts illegal — post-presidency path of his predecessor Bill Clinton, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group.

Obama speeches revive GOP bid to target his pension.  As former President Barack Obama hits the speaking circuit, Republican lawmakers say they plan to reintroduce a bill that would directly target pensions for ex-presidents raking in more than $400,000 after leaving the Oval Office.  House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, plan to dust off the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act later this month, according to USA Today.  The push comes after Obama decided to accept a $400,000 speaking fee — the same amount as his White House salary — for a speech at a health care conference run by Wall Street investment firm Cantor Fitzgerald in September.

Congress plans to cancel Obama's $200,000-a-year government pension following news of $400,000 speaking fees and a $65 million book deal.  Congress could soon throw a monkey-wrench into Barack Obama's retirement finances, yanking his presidential pension since he is reportedly cashing in with six-figure speaking fees.  Former presidents currently receive $207,800 per year, the same amount cabinet secretaries are paid.  But lawmakers are considering a move to shrink that payment — dollar for dollar — for Oval Office retirees who collect more than $400,000 in income.  Last year Obama vetoed a bill that did just that.

Obama, the Anti-President.  Many observers feel that the controversial ascension of Obama to the White House is no longer newsworthy.  The sun has apparently set on Obama's destructive stewardship of the country.  He must be allowed to fade into political irrelevance while the country tackles without distraction the enormous problems that confront it. [...] This is a relatively common sentiment, but it is, I believe, a blinkered view of the Obama phenomenon.  The sun is still at its zenith as the reality and repercussions of Obama's tenure remain in force.  Obama isn't going away.  He is intent on maximizing the damage he inflicted on the country during the two terms of his faux presidency, having now set up shop in Washington to pursue a post-presidency agenda advancing a left-wing insurgency, civil unrest, racial conflict and the destabilizing activities of a shadow government.

Barack Obama, international man of interference.  After successfully interfering to deny former FLOTUS and former senator of New York Hillary R. Clinton (D)'s destiny to smash a glass ceiling by becoming the first spouse to become president all by her valiant self in 2008, but endorsing her in her hapless campaign eight years later, after failing to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union despite his desperate trip there to warn them he would be really mad if they disobeyed him, after ignoring his own bloody red line warnings to Syria so Syria did the same, after unsuccessfully spending over $350,000 to twice defeat Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, you'd think former president Barack Hussein Obama (D) would have learned his lesson about manipulating others' election races and just shut up.  You'd think wrong.

Obama's questionable $400,000 speech.  Obama once said that at some point, rich people have "made enough money."  But that didn't stop him from charging $400,000 for a speech on Wall Street that riled up some Democrats, who said it looked bad at a time the party is trying to rebuild from the disastrous 2016 election.  Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., admitted that Obama's speech "just does not look good."

Obama to deliver speech in Chicago on Wednesday.  Former President Barack Obama will return to Chicago, the Sun-Times has learned, to deliver a speech Wednesday night [5/3/2017] to the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago, where he will reflect on his two terms and his Obama Presidential Center.

Greedy Grifters Barack & Michelle Obama Robbing Blind the Party That Made Them.  Wake Up Call for all the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) activists:  You can't Occupy Wall Street, because greedy grifters Barack and Michelle Obama are already squatting on it. [...] In other words, remaining true to "progressive values" means taking money from Wall Street is not the same as being bought by Wall Street.  How about being owned by Wall Street while being the de facto leader of the OWS activists?

Obama [was] Paid $800,000 From Wall Street In One Week For A Job Well Done.  Seems there is a great deal of money to be made giving speeches about caring for the poor.  Ironic.  The first speech the president signed up for is a banking summit where he will earn a quick $400,000 speaking and schmoozing with the very people he convinced voters he was against:  [Video clip]  The second speech was a 90-minute giggle and nod affair given in front of a roomful of Wall Street media advertisers.  These paid speeches are but the first of many likely to come from the Obama Machine.

Obama scores another $400K speaking fee amid criticism.  Even as President Obama faced criticism for getting $400,000 for a speech to a Wall Street bank, he pocketed the same amount of money for a second speech, The [New York] Post has learned.  Obama made another $400,000 on Thursday when he appeared at the A&E Networks advertising upfront at The Pierre Hotel.  He was interviewed over 90 minutes at the Midtown Manhattan event by presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin in front of the cable network's advertisers.  Out of office just 98 days, Obama caught some flack earlier this week when it was learned that he had agreed to speak in September at a health care event sponsored by Wall Street bank Cantor Fitzgerald.

Obama Turns Out to be a Greedy One-Percenter.  President Obama's devotees no doubt had hoped he would come out swinging against President Trump.  Instead, the only thing he's done so far is cash in on his presidency with a massive book deal and a six-figure speech gig.

4 reasons Obama's $400,000 Wall Street speech is a bad idea.  Former president Barack Obama reemerged this week for his first formal public event since leaving office, but all people can talk about is a future event — specifically, one for which he will be paid his old annual salary for one speech.  News broke Monday [4/24/2017] that Obama would be paid one of those exorbitant speaker's fees that Hillary Clinton received:  $400,000 for speaking at a Wall Street conference put on by the investment firm Cantor Fitzgerald.  Obama's situation is not the same as Clinton's, in that he cannot run for president again.  So taking Wall Street's money, at this point, won't directly affect official U.S. policy that Obama will pursue in the future.  Nor is there any rule prohibiting him from receiving the money.  But that doesn't mean the arrangement isn't problematic — especially these days and especially for Obama and his party.

The Editor says...
Barack H. Obama can't run for president again, it's true.  Unless his wife runs as a placeholder.  (Much like Lurleen Wallace of Georgia, Debbie Dingell of Michigan, and Ma Ferguson of Texas.)  And as president, Michelle Obama would probably report directly to Valerie Jarrett, just like Barack did.  So (follow the money!) there is reason to believe that Mr. Obama is getting $400,000 per speech because the buyers hope to acquire much more than a mediocre speech.

Obama's $400G Wall Street speech leaves liberal base stunned.  Former President Obama's upcoming speech to Wall Streeters is putting $400,000 in his pocket — and putting longtime supporters in a difficult situation.  Democratic Party leaders and grass roots activists alike are at a loss to explain how the onetime champion of the 99 percent could cash in with a September address at a health care conference run by investment firm Cantor Fitzgerald.  "Spiritual leader of the people's #Resistance cashes in with $400k speech to Wall Street bankers," read one tweet.

Obama Vows to Continue Community-Organizing America.  Former President Obama suggested he will focus his post-presidency on redistributing wealth, emptying prisons, and sabotaging the economy with carbon-emission controls, during his televised return to the national stage yesterday.  Obama reiterated the politically tone-deaf radical policy priorities of his presidency in a speech at the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts at the University of Chicago. [...] So what Obama failed to mention was just as interesting as what he did get around to saying.  He did not say the name of his successor.  He did not say anything about his multifaceted taxpayer-funded efforts to kneecap Donald Trump's administration before it took office.  Obama did not say that he wiretapped candidate Donald Trump while his CIA Director, John O. Brennan, conspired with foreign intelligence agencies to spy on Trump.  Obama did not say that he worked with Hillary Clinton to promote the utterly wacky conspiracy theory that Trump colluded with Russia to change the results of the November election.  Obama did not say that he is waging war against the Trump administration through his generously funded agitation outfit, Organizing for Action, to defend his grotesque record of failure and promoting civil unrest.

Obama spokesman defends reported $400,000 Wall Street-backed speech.  A spokesman for Barack Obama spoke out Wednesday [4/26/2017] against critics who called out the former president for reportedly accepting a $400,000 speaking fee, backed by a Wall Street bank.  Eric Schultz, the spokesman, said that in 2008, then-candidate Obama pulled in more money than any candidate in history, and went on to "implement the toughest reforms on Wall Street since FDR."  Fox Business reported that Obama has agreed to speak at a Wall Street conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald LP.  The speaking fee will be $400,000, which is nearly twice as much as Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state, and the 2016 Democratic Party candidate, charged private businesses for such events.

Earnest: If Trump Crosses 'Red Lines,' Obama Will Return to Political Debate.  Monday on MSNBC former Obama White House press secretary Josh Earnest said former President Barack Obama would come back to the political debate if President Donald Trump crosses "red lines" such as using information from deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) applications to deport so-called DREAMers.  Earnest said, "After the last eight years, the president doesn't relish the prospect of getting back into the day-to-day fights that characterize governing the United States of America in the 21st century.

The Editor says...
Nonsense.  Obama craves attention as much as any politician in history.  I think he wants to remain relevant even more desperately than Hillary Clinton.

Obama's Legacy.  The Obama years have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.  Severely wanting.  By the end of Obama's presidency, the U.S. standing in the world was weaker — clearly and appreciably weaker — than when he became president.  The force of American power was diminished, and freedom was in retreat.  By the end of Obama's presidency, was there a single part of the world where the United States was in a stronger position than when he took office?  Was there an ally who was more confident or an adversary who was less so?  By the end of Obama's presidency, were any important countries either friendlier or freer than they had been when he took over?  The answer to all these questions:  no.

Obama Cashes In:  Set to Take $400,000 for Speech to Wall Street Firm.  Barack Obama has agreed to a $400,000 fee for speaking to a prominent Wall Street firm, according to Charlie Gasparino of the Fox Business Network.  Former president Obama will speak to a health care conference sponsored by Cantor Fitzgerald in September, Gasparino reports.

After his billionaire vacay, Obama cashes in at the speech trough.  For ordinary Americans, the one way you draw a $400,000 paycheck is to do something to create value.  This is the story of very hardworking small businesses everywhere.  As one wag put it several years ago in a book title, the first $20 million is the hardest.  Then there's Obama, fresh off his billionaire vacation over in Tahiti at Marlon Brando's exclusive hideaway estate, now drawing his first $400,000 paycheck for a speech, from Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald. [...] The bigger question to ask may be what Cantor Fitzgerald got in return for its $400,000.  Was it an expectation that Obama's minions would be returned to power, and an expectation of being remembered for their emoluments, or was it a payoff for some favor the Obama administration did during his presidency?  A good investigative reporter should probably check into this.

The Editor says...
One could easily suspect that the payoff is part of a long-term influence-peddling plan connected to Michelle Obama's upcoming presidential campaign.  Obama's speech couldn't have been that good.

Obama cashes in with $400,000 payday for a speech to Wall Street bankers.  Obama is being rewarded for his eight years of faithful service to the bankers on Wall Street and the warmongers in the Military Industrial Complex.

The University of Chicago to Allow Black Terrorist to Speak.  This public appearance ends his three months of silence, as Obama vacationed in the Caribbean and Palm Springs California hosted by many of his big name celebrity friends.  Obama will be speaking with young people on "community organizing and civic engagement".  That's right, Obama returns the very job that gave him his start.

It was a vacation that started in December and was interrupted only by someone else's inauguration.
Vacation's Over:  Obama Returns to Public Life Next Week.  Barack Obama's extended post-presidential vacation is about to end.  After spending weeks in French Polynesia — including time on the yacht of the movie mogul David Geffen along with Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey — Mr. Obama will return to Chicago on Monday [4/24/2017] for his first public event as a former president.  His self-imposed silence since Inauguration Day will end with a series of events over the next four weeks.  A Monday event with students at the University of Chicago will be followed by an awards ceremony in Boston; a series of public remarks as well as private paid speeches in the United States and Europe; and an appearance at the Brandenburg Gate in Germany with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Obama heads to Chicago to agitate against Trump.  Barack Obama's about to emerge from the shadows — and first stop, University of Chicago.  Why there?  No doubt, it's one of the more receptive breeding grounds for his particular brand of activism — the activism he'll be touting to malleable student-age minds while engaging in, as his people called it, a "conversation about community organizing and civic engagement."  Make no mistake about it.  This is about teaching the upcoming generation, loud as it already is about all topics that offend, to get even louder, even Leftist Prouder, and to — here's the gist — use that Leftist Loud and Proud persona to tackle the problem of President Donald Trump.  This will all be couched in polite-sounding language, of course.

Barack and Michelle Obama pose on billionaire David Geffen's superyacht with Oprah, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Hanks in French Polynesia.  They've spent the last month quietly recuperating in French Polynesia since leaving the White House earlier this year.  But Barack and Michelle Obama interrupted the quiet island life they've become accustomed to this weekend with a star-studded jaunt out to sea.  The former First Couple joined Bruce Springsteen Tom Hanks and their wives on music mogul David Geffen's superyacht Rising Sun on Friday [4/14/2017], making quite the splash as they arrived at the vessel off the island of Mo'orea in a spruced up speedboat.

Obama writing his memoir during extended stay in French Polynesia.  Obama arrived at a luxury resort frequented by Hollywood stars in mid-March, though it was unknown at the time what he was doing there.  The Washington Post reported Sunday that Obama is writing his White House memoir during his extended stay at the eco-friendly resort in French Polynesia's atoll of Tetiaroa.

The Editor says...
Or maybe he's just vacationing continuously (by himself?) while somebody else writes the book.

Apparently Obama and his ghostwriter are in French Polynesia earning that huge advance for his memoir.  Buried deep inside a very long Washington Post article about Barack Obama's post-presidency is the revelation that he is supposedly writing his memoir during his month-long South Pacific retreat to French Polynesia.

What We Know About the Obama Foundation, as Former President's Plans Take Shape.  As his successor puts a very different stamp on the American political landscape, observers in the Beltway and beyond are looking to see what former President Obama is going to do next. [...] Two months after he left office, all eyes are still on what exactly will be keeping Obama active.  On Feb. 24, the former president made headlines when he stopped in the Big Apple to speak with some folks at the Simons Foundation, rumored benefactors for the Obama Foundation.

People Just Saw What Obama Has Been Doing in DC — It's Worse Than We Thought.  We have never seen a former President do this before.  Label a current sitting President as an enemy within and go after him to destroy him.  It should not surprise anyone in the least that Barack Obama would do this.  It was the plan all along to salvage his legacy and destroy Donald Trump, so the left could seize power again.  Obama has 30,000 activists for Organizing For Action on speed dial.  He has a war room set up in his mansion, not two miles from the White House, to plot the demise of Trump.  He's not hiding any of it by the way.

The Trouble With Barry.  Unlike every other president in American history, Obama has dedicated himself to the practice of what the Washington Examiner has described as "post-presidential meddling."  He has thrown himself fully into Alinsky-style "community organizing," stirring up resistance to the Trump administration in every way conceivable:  installing, according to the New York Post, a "shadow government," dubbed Organizing for Action, comprising more than 30,000 agitators and 250 chapters across the U.S., in order "to sabotage the incoming administration"; renting a dwelling and setting up command headquarters around the corner from the White House; cooking up the Russian hacking fable; and most recently, allegedly wiretapping Trump Tower, which seems disturbingly probable following the salient remarks of Ret. Army Intelligence Officer Tony Shaffer on Fox and the revelations from Breitbart News.  Mark Levin's accusation that Obama is orchestrating a "silent coup" against Trump rings true.

The Beginnings of Obama's Shadow Government.  [Scroll down]  All of this sets Obama up to war against Trump from both inside and outside the government.  His operatives salted throughout the government and intelligence agencies will plant phony controversies; his army of agitators outside of it will protest over them.  This is what Obama meant when he said that he would devote part of his post-presidency to rekindling his roots as a community organizer.  Yes, he is organizing a community of sorts, but to conduct a coup.  If anyone has a right to be livid, it is Trump.

Barack Obama's Politically Active Post-Presidency Isn't Normal, or Good.  In a break from modern tradition, former President Barack Obama appears to be wading back into political waters. [...] This is a guy who, in not even a single term as a U.S. senator before running for the highest office in the land, accomplished little but did try to filibuster Sam Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court, and supported a "poison pill" to kill immigration reform.  Who ran as a celebrity, helping pave the way for the sort of hero worship that President Trump's fans now employ.

Holder: Obama preparing to get back into political spotlight.  Former President Obama is getting ready to jump back into the political pool, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday [2/28/2017].  Holder said he has been talking with Obama about different ways to help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, according to Politico.  Obama asked Holder to be chairman of the group last year.  "He's ready to roll," Holder told reporters at a briefing.

Holder: Obama is 'ready to roll'.  Barack Obama is getting closer to making his public reappearance in politics, his friend and former Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday [2/28/2017].  Holder said he's been talking to the former president about ways — including fundraising and interacting with state legislators — that could help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Obama asked Holder to chair last year.

Barack and Michelle close to signing record-breaking deal worth over $60 Million for the rights to their new memoirs.  Barack and Michelle Obama whipped the literary world into a frenzy with the news that the former president and first lady were getting to work on new books, and now they have found a publisher.  Just a few hours after multiple people with knowledge of the joint publishing deal told the Financial Times that bidding had surpassed $60million, The New York Times reveals that the couple has inked a deal with Penguin Random House.

Publishers in a $60 million bidding war over Barack and Michelle Obama's book rights.  A bidding war for the rights to books by former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama ended Tuesday [2/28/2017] with Penguin Random House winning the fight, according to reports.  Bidding surpassed $60 million, more than four times what the second-highest president's book rights were auctioned off at, though they only included the former leader, not his wife.

Obama, Democratic 'super group' unite to win state races.  Former President Obama and other top Democrats are focusing efforts on state-level races and ending the reconfiguring of voting districts through the politically-laden process known as gerrymandering — a combined effort to end "Trump-ism" and help their party regain control of Congress and legislatures across the country.  Obama indicated before leaving the White House last fall that his short-term, post-presidency focus will be on General Assembly races and redistricting after the 2020 Census.

Barack Obama's presidential library may need $1.5 billion.  The Barack Obama Presidential Center in Chicago could require a $1.5 billion endowment, its architects say, three times what was raised for the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas.  Husband-and-wife architectural team Tod Williams and Billie Tsien noted that it will be difficult to raise such a huge sum because Obama scrupulously declined to do much fundraising while he was still in office.  The Obama Center is due to be so expensive because it will require the construction of both a presidential library and a museum about the lives of Barack and Michelle Obama.  And federal requirements now stipulate that former presidents must have larger endowments to pay for annual operating costs at the libraries.

Barack and Michelle Obama are looking for interns to help them with their post-White House plans.  The Obamas have returned from their post-White House vacation, and they are getting back to work and looking for some new employees.  The 'Office of Barack and Michelle' put out a listing for interns to work directly with the Washington-based power couple.  Exactly what the tasks will be is unclear, but Michelle and Barack have a number of speaking engagements planned and will each be writing books in the coming months.

Barack and Michelle Obama Are About to Get Even Richer.  The White House doors may have closed on former President Barack Obama's presidency, but for him and his wife Michelle, the path to lucrative new book deals and paid speeches is wide open.  The Obamas recently hired top-dollar attorneys Robert Barnett and Deneen Howell to handle their book contracts, and a high-profile public relations agency — known for repping the Clintons and Mia Farrow — to coordinate speaking appearances.  The Obamas haven't yet set book-release dates or announced any scheduled speeches.

Sperry: Obama Organizing Violent Anti-Trump Protesters Just Miles from White House.  Paul Sperry writes that former President Barack Obama is setting up a "shadow White House" in Washington, DC, for organizing anti-Trump protests nationwide and "rebuilding the ravaged Democrat Party."

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency.  In what's shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn't just staying behind in Washington.  He's working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular "America First" agenda.  He's doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action.  Normally you'd expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama's OFA.  Rather, it's gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Obama Cashes In:  Former President set for lucrative speech circuit with new book planned.  Barack Obama has set the stage for his post-presidential career by gearing up for lucrative speaking gigs and a book deal following his exit from the White House.  The former President, along with wife Michelle, have selected the Harry Walker Agency to set them up on the highly-profitable speaking circuit.  The couple have also hired top attorneys Robert Barnett and Deneen Howell to manage publishing deals for their respective books, according to their spokesman Kevin Lewis.

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency.  In what's shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn't just staying behind in Washington.  He's working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular "America First" agenda.  He's doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action.  Normally you'd expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama's OFA.  Rather, it's gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Living in D.C., will Obama really refrain from Washington politics?  Upon leaving office, most ex-presidents are delighted to depart that contentious community. [...] The Obamas kept their home on Chicago's South Side, which has become an urban free-fire zone in recent years.  But citing their daughter's remaining years in a private Washington high school, the Obamas rented a D.C. mansion owned by Joe Lockhart, ex-Clinton press secretary now in New York with the National Football League.  The Secret Service is building a wall around it.  Sasha's high school is as good a cover story as any for Obama remaining in the capital of the nation's politics and political media.  He's leased office space in the same building as the World Wildlife Federation.  Presumably like many former office-holders, he and a helper will write a lucrative memoir.

Obama may challenge Trump more forcefully in coming months, report says.  It took former President Obama 10 days from leaving the White House before he spoke out against President Trump's order to temporarily ban people from seven predominately Muslim countries.  The statement was from a spokesman, and it did not attack Trump directly.  Rather it appealed to protesters.

Jobless Obama Rears Head to Attack President Trump.  Similar to his loony liberal cohorts on The Hill, Barack Obama is allegedly opposing the emergency immigration reform being implemented by President Donald Trump.  This is no surprise at all, but what some may not remember is that Obama himself employed an eerily similar tactic during his failed presidency.

How Obama will take on Trump.  Barack Obama and his aides expected to take on President Donald Trump at some point, but they didn't think it would happen this quickly.  Now they're trying to find the right balance on issues that demand a response, and how to use Obama to deliver the selective pushback.

Obama Should Quit Opining On Trump And Get Back To Golf.  When Barack Obama became president of the United States, it was a rebuke of George W Bush's presidency.  Bush's reaction was muted.  He painted pictures and let his successors be his successors.  That's the way it works.  Eventually you aren't president anymore, and you let the next guy do his thing.  There was a hope that Obama would treat his post-presidency the same way.  But it turns out he didn't.  He has chosen to engage again and summon more chaos.

Cavuto: Presidents Normally Wait a While to Criticize Successors, Obama Did It Pretty Quickly.  Former president Barack Obama's statement criticizing President Trump's travel ban went against the general precedent of presidents waiting a while, at the very least, before uttering words of criticism about their successors.  The statement today (10 days into Trump's presidency) makes it clear Obama rejects religious discrimination and supports the nationwide protests going on.  Fox's Neil Cavuto questioned how quickly Obama got into the fray, wondering if whether this is more about his passion for the issues or about being opportunistic.

The Question the Times Should Have Asked 'Writer' Barack Obama.  The Obama scandal in the making centers on the price tag for Obama's post-presidential memoirs, a price driven in large part by Obama's reputation as a literary craftsman.  "Mr. Obama's writing ability could make his memoir not only profitable in its first years but perhaps for decades to come," Gardiner Harris observes matter-of-factly in a September 2016 piece in the Times.  Harris speculates, in fact, that Obama's newest effort will be a book for the ages, not unlike the memoir of Ulysses S. Grant, which continues to sell. [...] As the book critic for the [New York] Times, [Michiko] Kakutani should know better.  The evidence overwhelms the dispassionate observer that Obama no more "wrote" Dreams from My Father than John F. Kennedy wrote Profiles in Courage.

The Obama Foundation Launches With Lobbyists and Wall Street at the Wheel.  Immediately following his presidency, Barack Obama has begun marketing the Obama Foundation, which appears to use the same oligarchic formula that Bill and Hillary Clinton implemented in the Clinton Foundation in order to peddle their own influence and grow their personal wealth under the pretense of philanthropy.  The Obama Foundation's Board of Directors closely resembles the make-up of the Clinton Foundation's board in that it relies on corporate lobbyists and financial industry insiders over philanthropy experts.

Obama is set to cash in on presidency with a reported $20Milllion advance for his memoirs.  Former President Barack Obama could rake in more than $20 million in advance for a memoir.  Esther Newberg, co-head of ICM Partners' publishing unit, claims that an Obama memoir would 'go for more than any president's memoir has ever gone'.  Obama, 55, went into the White House as a bestselling author for his book Dreams of My Father, which was published in 1995.  The only other presidents to enter office as bestselling authors are Dwight D Eisenhower, for his 1948 book, Crusade Of Europe, and Donald Trump for his 1987 book, The Art of The Deal.

Malia Obama gets political at Sundance.  Malia Obama got political at Sundance by attending an event in protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline on Monday [1/23/2017].  "It was amazing to see Malia," activist and actress Shailene Woodley told Democracy Now.  "To witness a human being and a woman coming into her own outside of her family and outside of the attachments that this country has on her ... because she recognizes, regardless of her last name, that if she doesn't participate in democracy, there will be no world for her future children."

The Editor says...
It is apparent that young Ms. Obama believes that the world will come to an end if the Dakota Access Pipeline is completed.  This level of ignorance and superstition is almost unimaginable.

Michelle Obama Promises on Trump Inauguration Day: 'Will Be Back Before You Know It'.  Michelle Obama forcefully and passionately warned last year of the dangers of electing Donald Trump.  And, for eight years in the White House, she was never shy about her dislike of politics or her resolve to never seek political office herself.  But, within hours of sitting witness to Trump taking the oath of office and then making her post-inaugural getaway to Palm Springs, Calif., Mrs. Obama was on Twitter, promising her followers that she's only taking "a little break."  "Will be back before you know it to work on the issues we care about."

Obama Shows His True Colors as He Leaves Office.  Obama leaves office as a relatively young man of 55.  His next chapter could very well be as a leader on the international stage, perhaps at the U.N. (secretary-general?) or some transnational (ostensibly) human-rights organization.  What better demonstration of bona fides than a gratuitous attack on Israel?  Or the about-face on Manning and WikiLeaks?  Or the freeing of a still-unrepentant Puerto Rican terrorist, Oscar Lopez Rivera, also pulled off with three days remaining in his presidency?  A more likely explanation, however, is that these are acts not of calculation but of authenticity.  This is Obama being Obama.

Professor:  Obama doesn't seem to want to leave the stage.  Retired White House correspondent responds to the outgoing president's final acts in office.  [Video clip]

The Obamas' post-presidency money machine.  How greedy will the Obamas be, once they are free to start making deals with speakers' bureaus, book publishers, television broadcasters, movie producers, boards of directors, and other providers of part time and episodic employment of the most lucrative sort?  Most unfortunately for the plucky couple, the last Democrats to leave the White House gave a bad name to the shameless pursuit of wealth from megarich interests.  So a man in his early fifties vitally concerned over his historical legacy might want to think twice about cashing in.

Obama uses his final press conference to issue extraordinary warning to Trump that he will step in if he 'rounds up' children for deportation, hits voting rights or 'silences dissent'.  President Obama issued a farewell warning to President-elect Donald Trump, saying he would jump off the political sidelines if Trump goes against certain 'core values.'  At his last scheduled news conference before leaving office on Friday [1/20/2017], Obama said if there was 'systemic discrimination,' efforts to 'silence dissent' or to 'roll back voting rights,' he would be 'speaking out.'  It was among his most activist descriptions of his next act, and indicates Obama may be rethinking his post-presidency role and heeding the urging of some activists to play a stronger function in the leaderless Democratic Party as it navigates the Trump administration.

He'll speak out whenever there's a microphone nearby.
Obama says he would speak out if Trump targets Dreamers.  President Obama said he would regard any effort to round up and deport Dreamers as an attack on American "core values" that would cause him to speak out publicly.  The so-called Dreamers, young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, "for all practical purposes are American kids," Obama said at what is expected to be the final news conference of his tenure.  "The notion that we would just arbitrarily or because of politics punish those kids, when they didn't do something themselves ... would merit my speaking out," he said.

Disregard all those farewells: Obama isn't really leaving.  For the first time in almost a century, the immediate ex-president will continue residing in Washington, ostensibly while a daughter finishes the second half of high school. [...] Those Obama farewell parties were as fake as most of his photo-ops.  The 55-year-old Democrat ain't really leaving.  Thanks in large part to his own failures and arrogance, Obama is all that Democrats have left for national party leadership.  He's already rented office space.

A $20 million book deal, speaking deals with Ari Emmanuel and a half billion dollar library.  President Obama's presidency may be almost over, but he has no plans to slow down in his retirement.  For Barack, there's a presidential library to build, hundreds of millions of dollars to raise, causes to champion and a book to write.  And don't forget that long-promised vacation with his wife.  His next chapter starts Friday when he becomes an ex-president.  He'll be freer to speak his mind, set his own schedule and make some money.

Obama states, "I'm the Father of the Tea Party."  In an interview with fake news ABC Correspondent George Stephanopoulos, ego-maniac Barack Obama states he's the founding father of the Tea Party.  Because it's all about him.  What is he going to do after January 20th when he becomes insignificant?

Obama to return to community organizing, terrorizing GOP.  Jimmy Carter framed houses, Ronald Reagan built fences, and George H.W. Bush leapt from airplanes.  Post Oval Office, President Obama will return to community organizing.  It'll be a different sort politics and a more dangerous one for Republicans.  During his farewell address, an event not unlike the thousands of campaign speeches that defined his career, Obama told an adoring crowd that he's not going anywhere.  One of three explicit promises, the outgoing executive pledged to be "right there with you."

Obama's Transparent Presidency.  A mere week remains of Obama's tenure in office.  But Obama remains intent on carrying on as if he will never leave power.  He has pledged to continue to implement his goals for the next week and then to serve as the most outspoken ex-president in US history.

Saint Barack?  Obama's frequent appeals to history's judgment reflect his confidence that history will be kind to him.  In the short run, it will:  liberals will canonize Obama.  Like the faithful Catholics chanting "santo subito" after the death of Pope John Paul II, Obama's liberal boosters will turn him into Saint Barack, savior of health care and slayer of bin Laden.  You might see hints of this already in your liberal friends' wistful Facebook posts:  "I'm really going to miss this guy."  If liberals are calling the shots, Obama's name will shortly be inscribed on statues and state buildings, and his face will someday appear on coins and currency, while the divisions he sowed and exploited in pursuit of personal glory will be papered over.  Generations of schoolchildren will learn about the beloved, barrier-shattering college professor with the megawatt smile who could tell a joke and make a jump shot — not the ambitious, polarizing ideologue whose disdain for half the country was palpable.

Obama to return to community organizing, terrorizing GOP.  For the last six years, Obama has been on the legislative defensive.  Other than executive order sorties, the president's been busy figuring out how to stave off attacks against his marquee accomplishments.  In retirement, the old president can go back on offensive.  He can set a smoke screen of nostalgia and he can weaponize his charm.  Obama's always been strongest on the campaign trail.  Like Springsteen, he was born to run, not govern.  And once free from policy restraints, the former president can focus exclusively on politics.  Budgets that don't balance won't matter anymore.  Neither will a healthcare law that didn't work.

Obama Still Doesn't Get America.  Today the left-establishment is happily scapegoating white guys because of their race, gender, and sexual preferences.  Such is the domestic peace Obama has left us.  Racial politics inevitably turns to anti-Semitism at some point, since Jews make natural mob targets.  Our universities are becoming unsafe for Jewish students and faculty.  I have seen it coming for decades.  And waddayaknow, Obama has capped his slew of anti-American outrages by moving to delegitimize the State of Israel in the jihadophiliac United Nations.  It's pretty clear that Obama is doing all that with an eye to the future.  When (not if) he is nominated to be Sec General of the UN, he will have 57 votes from Muslim nations, plus the votes of European countries that are already submitting to Jihad.

Cleaning up After 'Third Term' Obama.  Unfortunately, President Obama and his ego are not going anywhere, at least not until his youngest daughter finishes school.  He'll stay in Washington, close to his friends in the mainstream media, where he can be the always available commander in chief of the Democrats' raggedy Trump Resistance Movement.  Obama is already rehearsing his new role as America's Other President.  Recently he made headlines by boasting he could have beaten Donald Trump and been reelected to a third term by running again on his message of hope and change.  Too bad the Constitution got in the way.  But Obama's big ego can't be limited by the Constitution — or reality.

Obama: I won't leave on Jan 20.  President Obama used his final weekly address in 2016 to make it plainer than ever that he won't retire quietly once Donald Trump is sworn in as president.  Couching his address to the nation as assurance that he will remain committed to defending the "progress" achieved by his administration, the president made it crystal clear that he intends to be a thorn in President Trump's side after the official handover of power on Jan. 20.

Obama's Twilight Moves Against Israel May Foreshadow His Move to UN Sec'y Gen.  President Obama's UN declaration that Israeli settlements are illegal says this duck isn't lame.  It was not the finale of Obama's closing months as president but the prologue to years ahead, pushing his legacy to where it can be carried out at the UN. Congressional leaders say Obama is already plotting further action on Israel before he leaves office, according to the Washington Free Beacon.  The Simon Wiesenthal Center put Obama's refusal to veto the UN resolution at top of its annual list of anti-Semitic acts.  One has to acknowledge, regardless of his or her position about Israeli settlements, that Obama is choosing to create an unusual whirlwind of controversy as he leaves office.

Obama 'Might Just Weigh In' On Issues During Trump Presidency.  President Barack Obama plans to speak out when he believes he needs to during the presidency of Donald Trump.  During an interview with his former White House adviser and now CNN political analyst David Axelrod, Obama reflected on the last 8 years what he wants to do for himself in the near and long term future[.]  "I'm not sticking around by the virtue of the Constitution and because I believe in the wisdom that George Washington showed that at a certain point you make room for new voices and fresh legs," Obama said.

On His Way Out, Obama Makes Another Promise He's Sure To Break.  President Obama's "exit interview" on CNN with former advisor David Axelrod generated plenty of attention when Obama bragged that he could have beaten Donald Trump.  Missed in the hullabaloo, however, was a pledge by Obama that he would abide by tradition and retire with dignity as ex-president.

Obama Agonistes.  Hillary's self-destruction is all too obvious; but Obama's strikes me as equally tragic, and equally apparent on reflection.  And it reminded me of parallels from another tragic self-defeating President.  But his is over; Hillary's is almost over; Obama's is just beginning its third act.

Post-Presidency, Starring Barack Obama.  The Obamas are walking out of the White House and into Hollywood.  That Obama is planning to publicly defend his legacy is a well-known fact, facilitated by his upcoming living arrangements — the Obamas will have a home in Washington DC and one in Rancho Mirage, a quick flight away from Hollywood.  The president carefully picked these locations, one allowing easy access to the political press corps, the other convenient to an unprecedented career in showbiz. [...] Even if the Obamas surprise us and stay relatively quiet, we can be sure that the media will fall all over themselves to cover every available microdetail of the outgoing first family's post-presidency life.  And based on the Obamas' time in Washington, it seems to logically follow that Barack and Michelle will not shy away from the cameras and open mics.

Obama preps for post-presidency feud with Trump.  When George W. Bush left the White House in early 2009, he boarded a helicopter and went home to Texas, where he mostly remained silent about President Obama's actions.  This presidential transition is shaping up a little differently.  Rather than returning home to Illinois, President Obama is moving just down the street from the White House to a mansion in the tony Kalorama neighborhood.  And rather than remaining quiet, Obama, 55, who will become one of the youngest ex-presidents in history, has promised to dive in with grassroots liberals seeking to oppose Donald Trump, a man he has been feuding with for years.

Editor-In-Chief: Is Obama Going To Start A Media Company?  President Barack Obama is interested in a career in digital media and potentially launching his own outlet, according to a report Friday [12/2/2016] from Mic citing sources close to the president.  Obama's communications director Jan Psaki denied that the president is seeking to be involved in digital media following January 20.  "While the president will remain actively engaged in inspiring young people and he is interested in the changing ways people consume information, he has no plans to get into the media business after he leaves office," Psaki said in a statement given to Mic.

The Editor says...
Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack H. Obama has never run a for-profit business in his life, and isn't going to start now, except as a figurehead.  His current job is just such a position, and in it he has demonstrated abject incompetence for the last eight years.  He only kept his current job for the full eight years because it would have cost too much "political capital" to impeach him.

Barack H. Obama used to speculate constantly about his third term as president.  Now he is enjoying it:

Before Barack H. Obama came along, lots of things were unthinkable.  Who would have imagined that the voters would elect a president who hates America?  Who would have thought the country would elect a man with no qualifications for the job — other than dark skin?  When has there ever been a president with a more opaque biography?  How did we allow the re-election of a commander-in-chief who has continually weakened our military defenses?  Now, at the end of his second term, there is a great deal of discussion and speculation about whether or not Mr. Obama will leave quietly when his second term ends.

Malik Obama says half-brother Barack is 'still running the country'.  Abon'go Malik Obama believes his half-brother former President Barack Obama is "still running the country" — and would have "a big role to play" if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the 2024 election.  Malik — who was best man at Barack's wedding but has since parted ways with the 44th president — told The [New York] Post that his relative made "everything flip" in July, when he swapped out President Biden for Harris as the Democratic nominee, without a single primary vote being cast.  "Definitely he had something to do with it. ... He's still running the Democratic Party, and he's still running the country behind closed doors," he said of his estranged half-brother.  "He's going to be extremely influential in whatever goes on should they win."

President Biden's Incredible Vanishing Act Reveals Who's Really in Charge of the Government.  The president of the United States, often referred to as the "leader of the free world" and the "commander in chief," seems not to be his own man.  President Joe Biden, who ostensibly wields the awesome power of the Oval Office, yielded to a loud pressure campaign demanding that he step aside in the 11th hour of a presidential race that Donald Trump seemed destined to win.  Jubilant fellow Democrats hailed Biden's decision to step aside, but his move raises a far more ominous question:  Who, exactly, is in control of the U.S. government?  The answer may surprise you.  It seems the answer may be former President Barack Obama.  After all, Obama notoriously joked to late-night TV host Stephen Colbert that he wouldn't mind having a "stand-in, a front man or front woman" in the White House, whom Obama could direct from afar using an "earpiece."  After all, pressure from Obama appears to have convinced Biden to drop out of the race.  Yet if Obama is pulling the strings from afar, he seems to be doing so rather loosely.

Is Obama cash underwriting Iran's election interference?  Obama's administration was an open cash spigot for Iran's unsupervised and undocumented use, to the tune of $1.7 billion (that we know of, from that one period), in cash.  They have undoubtedly used this cash in many ways to strength their militant intelligence.  How may U.S. elections since Obama's first grab have they tinkered with?  Not to be undone by his old boss, Biden has continued, in March of this year, the 'aid to Iran, regardless' tradition:  "Just six weeks after an Iran-backed drone strike killed three American soldiers in Jordan, President Biden has approved a sanctions waiver giving Tehran continued access to more than $10 billion — money it can use to import goods and repay debts, freeing up $10 billion elsewhere to spend on terrorism, missiles, nuclear weapons and the repression of Iranian women."  We can reasonably add election interference to Iran's current shopping list, paid for by the United States.

The Last Election Before the War.  The 2024 election is the most consequential election in our lifetimes, but it still doesn't matter.  We have already been immersed in the hell that is communist rule.  We have a president that does absolutely nothing and Harris will be no different.  What we have seen over the past four years is a government run fully by cabinet-level appointees.  I have no doubt that Obama was deeply involved in choosing these cabinet posts and is the one who will be answered to on all policy positions from now until he is finally rooted out.  If Trump is the one to do that, he's going to need a lot of help.

Obama's Proxy Presidencies:  No, You Can't!  Mattieu Mabin, France 24's Washington correspondent, reported on Barack Obama's DNC 2024 speech Tuesday, noting:  ["]It is remarkable to see how little Barack Obama has changed.  What's even more surprising is that, after leaving the White House nearly eight years ago, he can pick up his presidential rhetoric exactly where he left off, adding some required updates, and most notably, as if he were himself a candidate in 2024.["]  Oui, Monsieur Mabin, you're right!  Barack Obama is, in effect, seeking his fourth term.  Obama served two terms as president from 2009 until 2017.  Following Donald Trump's four years in the White House, Joe Biden was elected.  The Trump-Biden debate and Joe's ouster as the 2024 candidate made it clear that Biden was not capable of being in charge for much of the past three and half years.  So who was?  There are several candidates among the Democrat elite, among them the power pair, Bill and Hillary Clinton; Nancy Pelosi; Chuck Shumer; and Barack Obama.  There are certain indications that it was mostly the last.  Approximately three quarters of Biden's key aides served under Obama.

Why Did Barack Obama and Eric Holder Select Kamala?  Washington DC created the modern national security apparatus immediately and hurriedly after 9/11/01.  DHS came along in 2002, and within the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 the ODNI was formed.  When Barack Obama and Eric Holder arrived a few years later, those newly formed institutions were viewed as opportunities to create a very specific national security apparatus that would focus almost exclusively against their political opposition.  The preexisting Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Dept of Justice (DOJ) were then repurposed to become two of the four pillars of the domestic national security apparatus.  However, this new construct would have a targeting mechanism based on political ideology.  The DHS, ODNI, DOJ and FBI became the four pillars of this new institution.  Atop these pillars is where you will find the Fourth Branch of Government.  We were not sleeping when this happened, we were wide awake.  However, we were stunningly distracted by the economic collapse that was taking place in 2006 and 2007 when the engineers behind Obama started to assemble the design.

Our Three Silent Mice.  [Scroll down]  Add it all up, and the president, the vice president, the Democratic presidential candidate, and the vice presidential nominee all either cannot or will not speak casually and publicly to elected representatives, reporters, or the people themselves.  Worse still, they retire from their responsibilities of public engagement because these selected officials accept that the alternative of transparency is nearly suicidal to their own agendas.  No one is now in charge of America — neither the ghosted president nor the campaigning vice president candidate who both act as if they hold no office.  It gets far worse still.  Joe Biden was created by a soft coup of sorts in March 2000 when all his unpalatable left-wing radical rivals mysteriously vanished in unison at a time when an inert "centrist" Biden had not yet won a single primary.

Former House Speaker McCarthy:  Barack Obama [is] Secretly Running Kamala's Campaign.  Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) appeared on 770 WABC's "The Cats Roundtable" Sunday with host John Catsimatidis and dropped a bombshell: the Obamas are actually running Kamala Harris' campaign behind the scenes.  And they were running the White House before that, he alleges:  ["]If you're watching the campaign now, some of Obama's [key people such as] David Plouffe and others are now working on the campaign.  You're getting the Obamas shifting from running the White House to now running this campaign.["]  The 44th president's former staff has their fingerprints all over the place,

Analysis: Shadows and Appearances and Lions and Foxes.  In the last month we Americans have seen some remarkable changes in the shadows on the wall.  Remember that doddering shadow we called Slow Joe?  Gone, all of a sudden, to be replaced by another shadow, a prancing illumination that the far-Right call Kackling Kamala.  And who was directing the shadows and throwing the sticks on the fire?  Was it Nancy Pelosi, revered descendant of the imperial D'Alesandro dynasty?  Good question. [...] The question is:  who is the stage manager back there?  Is it Nancy Pelosi?  Chuck Schumer?  Barack Obama?  The Intelligence Community?  All of the above, or none of the above?  Don't forget to "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."  If you know what's good for you.

Trump versus the opaque Obama empire.  Conservatives suspect that Trump is really running against his arch-nemesis, Godfather Barack Hussein Obama.  Obama served two terms as POTUS from 2009 to 2017 and cannot serve again due to the 22nd Amendment.  Obama's motto to Transform America led his two terms and has been continued into the administration of Joe Biden, Obama's puppet.  Legally, Obama served eight years, but many of us suspect he is finishing his 12th year with a propped-up Biden out front.  Suspicions run high that he is running for four more years with Kamala Harris as his latest stand-in.  Two noteworthy bits of evidence suggest that Obama is still running the Oval Office.  Unlike most former presidents who leave Washington after the end of their administration, Obama maintains a home in Washington, very close to the White House.  Secondly, many of the people advising Joe Biden also served during Obama's administration.

The Harris Flop Would Be Scarier Than Her Flip.  Joe Biden won in 2020 on the premise that until the November election, he would pose as good ol' Joe from Scranton and not scare voters.  So Biden talked about "unity" and "competency."  He erased his prior wild primary pandering to left-wing voters about shutting down fracking and opening the border.  But as soon as he was elected in 2020, Biden became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term.  Fooled and naïve voters were shocked that their supposedly moderate candidate turned into a veritable neo-socialist president.

WaPo: Obamaites Take Over Team KamalaHo hum, nothing to see here, just another cycle in which Barack Obama runs for president.  What is this, five in a row now?  In this case, though, we may have to give Kamala Harris a pass.  It's not as if she developed a team of campaign experts on her own.  Or that they'd stick around for long if she did[.] [...] O'Malley Dillon tried gaslighting this right off the bat, although the Washington Post doesn't put it that way.  "This team is a reflection of the vice president," she declared, but the Post's reporting makes it abundantly clear that it reflects Obama rather than Harris.  Harris' existing staffers will remain in place, but the reporting strongly suggests that they will be eclipsed by people who [checks notes] know how to get to Iowa in a primary cycle.  On one hand, this is smart politics, especially given Harris' record of abysmal performance on the campaign trail. [...] If anyone needs an Obama rescue, it's Kamala.

Kamala's Terrible, Horrible, Awful Policies for the USA.  Kamala doesn't have good policies for America unless you like how San Francisco is doing.  She is still a San Francisco radical in all her policies.  The media is memory-holing her border, economy, and fossil fuel policies when she's not denying policies she had five minutes ago.  Get those policies out there, Republicans.  For example, besides being a border czar, Kamala was appointed AI czar.  She was czar in name only.  Obama did the work.  Kamala Harris wasn't the AI czar, as Joe Biden told us.  Barack Obama was.  He planned the White House AI strategy without telling the public the truth until recently, in an NBC News article.  The news outlet presented it most nonchalantly.  Former President Obama has quietly advised the White House on AI for five months.  He didn't just advise.  Obama was fully engaged behind the scenes with tech companies and holding Zoom meetings with top West Wing aides.  Kamala did nothing.

'Proud' Barack Obama Endorses Kamala Harris for President.  Former U.S. President Barack Obama issued a statement Friday morning [7/26/2024] endorsing Vice-President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic 2024 presidential nominee.  The move ended days of speculation over whether he would support her.  Obama and ex-First Lady Michelle Obama said in a joint missive they believe Harris has the "vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands".

The Editor says...
From what I'm hearing, Harris is probably just a placeholder for Michelle Obama.  Barack H. Obama is endorsing Harris because he knows she is so unpopular that the Party will have to replace her at the last minute — with Michelle.  So much for the primary process.

Obama Leaves No Fingerprints Behind.  Seconds after Barack Obama's knife was removed from Joe Biden's back — the current president having caved to the coup plotter's demands by stepping down from his re-election campaign — the Obama Left turned on their maudlin fire hose full blast.  They soaked America with overwhelming, treacly sentimentality to lock her in as the Democrat party nominee no one voted for.  It came out of that hose so forcefully that we could hardly breathe.  It came out so forcefully that we forgot there was such a thing called democracy.  And that it dies in darkness.

Democracy is Under Attack, But Not By Trump.  We, as a nation, dangerously accepted long ago, without any noteworthy resistance, that it was too implausible for Joe Biden given his obvious mental incapacitation, to be calling the shots.  While that conclusion was easy to draw, we should have never accepted anyone — whether it be Barack Obama, confirmed as a key player and driving force behind Biden's ouster, the Clinton-Soros duo who quickly endorsed Kamala and undoubtedly wield influence through their "charitable" foundations, or even a faceless shadow government — to lead us from behind the scenes.  Nowhere in the Constitution does it make room for such a mob-rule style agreement.

Details of the Botoxic/Rutabaga phone call have leaked.  They are VERY telling.  [Thread reader]  Botoxic supposedly gave him "data" that he would lose.  This is VERY IMPORTANT:  It tells you they know they CANNOT STEAL IT.  If they could, she wouldn't have made that call!  Contrary to Hoax Media reports — remember, this whole thing is a Hoax Media-led coup attempt on Rutabaga — that Biden was more willing to consider stepping down, he got in a yelling match with Botoxic and said her "data" was wrong.  Next important data point:  She demanded she talk to someone else and told him, the President, to "get off the phone."  Who took over?  Obama?  NO.  Mike Donilon, one member of the "Four-headed hydra" RUNNING THE COUNTRY (Jilly, Hunter, and Andrew ... forget his name, but ... contd ... he is Donilon's accomplice.  They replaced who?  Obama?  NO.  Jayapal, Anita Dunn, and Ron Klain.  NONE of these seven people have any ties to Obama at all.  They are totally NON-Obamaites.

Cackling While America Burns.  The campaign by Democrats to force President Joe Biden to drop out waned a bit after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.  But it quickly resumed as Biden stumbled and bumbled through the week.  Just yesterday, news broke that Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer urged Biden to step aside, as did Calif.  Rep. Adam Schiff.  While there's not a single person on any list of possible replacements who wouldn't continue the decline of the U.S. under Biden, one stands out as more frightening than the rest:  Kamala Harris. [...] First off, if she were elected president, there would be at least another four years of the Biden administration, which in reality would be Barack Obama's fourth term.  Little good has come from the combined 11 1/2 years of Obama and Biden. "Fundamentally transforming" this country has not improved it but instead drained it of its identity, independence, cohesiveness, and perpetual optimism.

Democrats Have a 'Plan C' for Their Biden Problem.  Joe Biden appears to be in a free fall in the polls, yet he appears unwilling to drop out of the presidential race.  His campaign, the White House, and the Democratic Party are all in chaos.  If Biden won't leave, what is the party to do?  If "Plan B" is replacing Biden and he won't go, a left-wing scholar is advocating a "Plan C" to save the president's floundering campaign.  Supporters of this plan suggest a straightforward strategy to counter Trump's growing campaign momentum: replace Vice President Kamala Harris with former President Barack Obama.  "A Biden-Obama ticket would have a much better chance of beating Trump," explained John Banzhaf, a professor at George Washington University Law School.  "Barack Obama is likely one of the few individuals whom a majority of Americans would want and trust as president," he claimed, without evidence.

Who's Behind This Show?  Most now know Joe Biden has serious dementia problems.  Many thought this was already true during the last election.  They kept him in the basement, he never did much, never campaigned much, never gave many press conferences, and even they were scripted.  Since he has been installed to the presidency, he rarely makes appearances, doesn't really take unscripted questions, and has been set up to be hidden most of the time.  Things have hit a tipping point with this debate. [...] Joe is not capable of running the country.  That's a fact.  The bigger question:  Who is it that will actually now make the decisions?  More important, who has been running this country these years while pretending Joe was President?  This is a hard point to get beyond:  These people, whoever they are, all knew.  Not only did they know, they also pretended Joe was normal. [...] This is the issue:  What kind of people would want to pull this travesty off?  Answer:  Very sick people, people awash in evil, people who value power over all, people who willingly lie and cheat to maintain their power.  People who think their moral status is so high they are willing to go into the gutter and use a man with dementia so they can clandestinely run this country.

A Biden Replacement?  Obama Involved?  For the past seven and a half years, former president Obama's post-presidency has been a great unwritten story:  the strange piece of furniture in the room no one comments on yet everyone knows is there.  Nominally spending his time increasing his net worth, he lives in Washington, D.C., the first ex-president to do so since Woodrow Wilson, who was incapacitated by a massive stroke.  At first, this choice was explained as Obama's second daughter, Sasha, wanting to finish her high school education in the city, but soon Sasha was out of the house, and the Obamas remained in Washington.  By 2023, two Washington journalists, speaking anonymously to the reporter David Samuels, told him that Secret Service vehicles bearing White House officials were regularly seen pulling in and out of the Obama residence at night, but no one was reporting on the story. Staffing at the Biden White House seemed to support what this fact implied — that Biden's first term was Obama's third.  Susan Rice, Neera Tanden, Samantha Power, John Kerry, Antony Blinken, Robert Malley, Wendy Sherman, John Podesta, Anita Dunn, and Bob Bauer — from domestic to foreign policy to political operatives, the Biden administration has been a reformulation of the Obama world.  When the former president visited the White House, footage captured staffers crowding around him as President Biden wandered, vacantly, through the crowd.
[Emphasis added.]

Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter.  Upon leaving office, why did Barry buy a mansion — one of several the suddenly wealthy socialist purchased — in D.C.?  To conveniently keep running the show.  Kinda hard to call the shots from Hawaii.  Did Joe Biden ever run anything?  As president, did he ever have one original idea?  Did he really do anything in four years besides eat ice cream, read badly what was given to him on the teleprompter, and poop himself while visiting the pope?  No, nein, and not a thing.  Not only was Slow Joe the very definition of a puppet, but the powers that be kept him hidden from the American public as much as possible, trotting him out only to garble canned speeches and sniff the hair of women and children.  During Biden's term in office, did everyone around him, including all the media talking heads and the party of Arthur, know that ever more of Joe's already limited neurons were blinking out by the minute?  Of course, silly.  They knew from day one Biden was fried and only going to get worse.  They were simply going to lie through their teeth to the American public for as long as it took, to re-install an ailing octogenarian in the Oval Office and continue Obama's diabolical quest to destroy our nation.

Colonel Macgregor:  Biden's cognitive decline makes it obvious the US gov't is in 'unelected hands'.  Retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor has said that "the governing power" of the U.S. lies "in unelected hands" after the first presidential debate highlighting President Joe Biden's cognitive decline to the whole world.  In a video message published on the YouTube channel Our Country Our Choice, MacGregor expressed his concern for the U.S. after Biden's catastrophic showing in the first presidential debate on June 27.  [Video clip]  "President Biden is not fit to discharge the immense duties of the presidency," the army veteran stated.  "The alarming evidence of his cognitive decline was on display for all to witness.  Yet his enablers and political allies continue to exploit the president to substitute their destructive agenda for the interests of the American people."

Who knew and when did they know it?  President Biden's incoherent debate performance appeared to shock the world.  But is it truly surprising?  Politician Biden has always been a phony and a grifter.  He has never been the sharpest tool in the shed, but his accelerating decline over the last few years has been obvious to everyone. [...] Our nation is certainly not being run by this desiccated shell of a formerly mediocre politician.  At best, his unelected subordinates are making all the decisions, likely at the behest of behind-the-scenes unelected Democrat party leaders.

Obama rolls up his sleeves, gets busy cleaning up Joe Biden's mess of a campaign.  I suppose it's fine and dandy for Joe Biden to have as experienced a hand as Obama 'advising' him on how many field offices he needs, quintupling his social media budget, and calling up celebrities to appear with him at events.  Obama in fact has stuck his nose into almost everything regarding Joe Biden's campaign, and insists that he be kept regularly updated about what the campaign is doing, according to the piece.  Joe Biden, the piece suggested, doesn't like it, and both he and his aides didn't think his services were needed this time because of his three 'successful' years in office and his absence of a primary challenger.  But Obama insisted on being there anyway and Biden considers him something of a punk who's not as bright as he is: [...] But that's inside baseball stuff.  What it really says is that Joe Biden is so incompetent he can't even handle his own campaign for president and needs his more successful and popular predecessor to issue orders from behind the scenes.  That supports the puppet theory, that Obama has been pulling the strings on Joe Biden all along.

No One Is Allowed Inside Obama's Secret Meetings With Biden.  There are some people who think Obama is the secret mastermind behind the Biden administration.  It's true, but not in the sense people tend to think of it.  The Obama administration was not just a man, but a corps of radicals, and they're still active in politics, corporate life, the entertainment industry and government.  Including the Biden administration.  Anyone who thinks that Obama is secretly masterminding the Biden has both too high and too low an opinion of him.  Obama was politically slick, but lacked depth.  The Biden administration is politically awkward, but uncompromisingly leftist in a way even Obama wasn't.  That's because Obama was actually a brake on some of those people, he would act out of self-interest to torpedo moves deemed too extreme, whereas Biden is being hag-ridden by radical aides to the extent that he's incapable of actually pulling back on the extremism.

Obama Seeks 4th Term.  As everyone with an IQ above their shoe size already knows, the so-called "Biden Administration" is actually the 3rd Obama Administration.  The entire Biden staff and cabinet is made up of all the Obama era Executive Branch officials and Obama has been in charge again since January 20, 2021.  The greatest "community organizer" in U.S. history has managed to orchestrate a near total destruction of the USA by simply creating deep divisions across the electorate, using every divisive issue available, "fundamentally transforming America" just as he promised to do in his 2008 Presidential campaign.  Like any expert con artist, Obama has consistently told you exactly what he was going to do or is doing right before your eyes in real-time.  Even the leftist news propaganda machine is forced to finally admit that Joe Biden doesn't have the mental ability to run a summer lemonade stand, much less a country.  It's Obama 3.0 and always has been.

No more than spectators?  [Scroll down]  The principal power resides in the hands of Barack Hussein Obama.  He is the puppet master and might as well be a shadow monarch.

The Editor says...
Obama may be Biden's puppet master, but apparently Obama himself is somebody's puppet, because he's not really all that smart.

It's High Time We Kicked All the Tyrants and Traitors to the Curb.  [Scroll down]  It is as if the Biden administration is telling citizens, "Hey, not only did we not steal the 2020 election, but we will also put you in jail just for saying that we did."  Or, put another more brazen way:  "Yes, we did steal the 2020 election, and we are going to arrest you for noticing.  And there is nothing you can do about it."  This is all part of the fabulous "fundamental transformation" of America that Barack Obama promised on the campaign trail in 2008.  Yes, President Trump spoiled his plans for four years, starting with the 2016 election, but the manipulation of the 2020 presidential election results solidly got the plan back on track.  Presently, it is almost as if Obama himself is behind the scenes today, pulling the strings on decisions being executed from the White House.  Even though that observation is tempting to believe, there may likely be a scenario with more depth, one pointing to a deep-state faction being controlled by globalists.

Team Obama's Third Term in the White House Has Been a Disaster and an Insult to Britain.  Significantly, both Obama and Biden advanced presidencies that have been the antithesis of practically everything Churchill stood for as Britain's great wartime savior.  They are two of the weakest leaders in American history, who have done more to promote America's decline than any president in the modern era, including Jimmy Carter.  They clearly could not stand the sight of Churchill watching over them, as they did all they could to tear apart the U.S./U.K. Special Relationship and drag down the world's superpower.  In so many respects the Biden presidency has been Obama's de facto third term.  As USA Today reported back in June 2021, a staggering three quarters of top aides to Joe Biden appointed in the early months of his presidency had served in the Obama administration.  Barack Obama has loomed over the Biden White House to an extent that no previous ex-President has before, even overshadowing the present incumbent at a White House reception in April last year, where Biden was pictured wandering around seemingly lost and largely ignored while his predecessor was mobbed by an adoring crowd of supporters.

Barack Obama, 21st-Century Schizoid Man.  [Scroll down]  No, poor old Joe isn't running things now, nor was he back when he was "elected" and still had two neurons to rub together.  It's always been Barack Obama.  Barry O's the puppet master who's been running the show for fifteen years now, eight overtly and seven covertly, leading the Deep State efforts against sitting President Trump and later telling senile Joe exactly what to say on notecards and teleprompters. [...] He alone makes the sad dried up turnip in the Oval Office's mouth move and spew socialist venom, even as he, B.O., pretends to care about democracy.  After fifteen years of King Barack's either overt or covert rule, America has been brought to her knees.

The Democrats' Only Purpose Now Is To Destroy America.  The two [villains] who are currently running the country are:  Barack Obama and George Soros.  Biden obviously runs nothing; at this point, it's amazing that he even remembers his own name.  Obama has great assistance in that the liberal Democrats as his minions now control every single major institution in America (including the Deep State).  Actually, they have maintained control over the "mainstream" news media and the universities for the past forty years, and more. [...] Like Wayne Allyn Root, I've studied Obama's background and his shenanigans, for the past sixteen years (at least).  In general, this is the way it works:  Obama, by trade, is a Saul Alinsky trained community organizer, which he's been doing most of his life.  Soros, on the other hand, is the bagman:  Soros finances the groups that Obama supervises.  Obama and Soros are as thick as thieves; in fact, their relationship goes back at least fifteen years.

Rep. Keith Self Warns U.S. Constitutional Republic Can't Survive 'Fourth Obama Term'.  U.S. global influence is declining under President Joe Biden, whose presidency is a continuation of former President Barack Obama's policies, according to Republican Congressman Keith Self, who warned that America could not survive a "fourth Obama term."  He also blasted Biden's weakening alliance with the Jewish State and the rise of anti-Israel protests on college campuses, which he attributed to socialist ideology fueled by "woke" academia, while advising that children be prepped with conservative values before entering higher education institutions.  In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on the sidelines of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Hungary 2024 on Friday, Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) lamented the "decline in the influence of the United States around the world" under Biden.

Biden's Continuation of Obama's Foreign Policy [is] Fueling More Middle East Chaos.  If a belligerent state launched 185 explosive drones, 36 cruise missiles, and 110 surface-to-surface missiles from three fronts against civilian targets within the United States, would President Joe Biden call it a "win"?  Would the president tell us that the best thing we can do now is show "restraint"?  What if that same terror state's proxy armies had recently helped murder, rape, and kidnap more than 1,000 American men, women, and children?  What if this terror state were trying to obtain nuclear weapons so it could continue to agitate without any consequences?  This is what Biden and the Barack Obama acolytes, Iranian dupes, and Israel antagonists he's surrounded himself with demand of the Jewish state.

O'Keefe Media Group Exposes Who Is Really Running the White House.  Joe Biden doesn't even know where he is most of the time.  He gets lost on stage and can't remember when or how his son died.  He mixes up world leaders, and claims to have spoken with dead people.  Is he really the guy running the country?  Well, O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) went undercover and discovered the White House's real power structure.  What they found probably confirms what you long suspected.  According to Tyler Robinson, special advisor to the chief of staff of SBA administrator Isabel Guzman, Biden's chief of staff, Jeff Zients, is "the second most powerful person in Washington."  He told OMG's American Swiper Citizen Journalist that "whatever this guy says, it's what the president says."  Robinson said that Zients holds more power than Vice President Kamala Harris and that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have behind-the-scenes involvement at the White House.

Special Advisor Reveals That Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Are Still Involved Behind The Scenes!  Tyler Robinson, a special advisor at the United States Small Business Administration (SBA), recently revealed to an O'Keefe Media Group undercover journalist the inner workings of the Biden Administration and who is really running the White House.  Robinson says he reports to Arthur Plews, SBA Chief of Staff, who reports to SBA Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman.  He revealed that some refer to former Facebook board member and Biden Chief of Staff Jeff Zients as "the second most powerful person in Washington" and that "by getting Jeff's sign off, you're getting the President to sign off."  "Whatever this guy says, it's what the President says," Robinson told an undercover journalist.  Robinson also said Jeff Zients is the most powerful person at the White House, "other than like the President."  Zients is even more powerful than Kamala Harris "in some ways" but "not legally," according to Robinson.

Third Obama Term Rules the Day, We're Poorer for It.  [T]he Biden administration's policies fully embody and implement what a third Obama administration would have looked like.  Three-quarters of Joe Biden's top aides were part of the Obama administration.  The assurances of 2020 have turned into a nightmare of broken promises not only besieging working-class and middle-class families across the country as they struggle to make ends meet, but endangering our safety and risking new wars that would have seemed unimaginable five years ago.  The Obama administration declared war on the traditional family in America.  The Biden administration has remained steadfastly loyal in continuing to prosecute a relentless war on traditional families in America.  While President Barack Obama was undisputedly a champion of the transgender agenda, President Joe Biden continued the "struggle" by ostensibly trying to overshadow one of the holiest christian celebrations of the year when issuing a proclamation for Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter.  Much like Team Obama's penchant for quickly reading and reacting to adverse political reactions, on the day after Easter, Biden denied having made the proclamation in the first place.

"Don't" Is Not A Foreign Policy.  One day, Biden is pledging unwavering military support for our greatest ally in the Middle East, and the next day, he is condemning Israel's strategy and tactics.  Since World War II, American support for the sovereignty and safety of Israel has been unconditional except for two Presidencies, Obama and Biden.  Nobody, except for China and Russia, has done more to bolster and finance Iran's effort to become a nuclear threat, continue to be the biggest supporter of worldwide terrorism, and pledge to destroy Israel and America.  President Trump had put a stranglehold on Iran with restrictions, sanctions, and freezing Iranian funds in America.  These efforts had put Iran in a poor financial situation, which curbed their hostile actions.  Joe Biden reversed all of Trump's decisions and set Iran free to pursue their devious plans once again.  Billions of dollars were immediately available.  For four years, we had this threat under control, but just like our border and the streets of America, Biden unleashed fury on America with no apparent purpose other than negating any Trump act.  That is not a foreign policy position, but we were warned that Biden has never been on the correct side of any foreign decision.

The time to start asking this question was about two years ago, when the answer was already obvious.
Is Barack Obama serving a third term by running a 'shadow government' in Biden's White House?  Former U.S. president Barack Obama once famously said that he would serve a third term as long as he didn't have to do all the legwork.  "If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats ... and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that," Obama remarked to liberal comedian Stephen Colbert in November 2020.  Sounds familiar, doesn't it?  According to multiple media outlets, Obama has been making his presence increasingly felt in the cognitively impaired Joe Biden White House.  Reports published by Deep State-owned CNN, the New York Times, and The Washington Post have all touted the former president's intensifying involvement in the administration's efforts, a not-so-subtle sign as to who is really in charge.

The New York Times Admits Obama is Running the Deal.  The fake news New York Times said the quiet part out loud today.  Steve Bannon has made bold claims regarding Barack Obama's involvement in efforts to undermine former President Donald Trump.  According to Bannon, a recent New York Times article by Katie Rogers provides groundbreaking insight into Obama's behind-the-scenes activities, suggesting a direct link between Biden and current actions against Trump.

Following Biden's Lead?  The Biden-Blinken strategic portfolio includes the less-than-exemplary American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the not-exactly-wonderfully executed war in Ukraine.  Since the Biden Administration is really staffed by many from Barack Obama's Administration, we need take a quick peek at the strategic record of Barack Obama and his team.  Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize scarcely weeks after taking office, and then sped the world to war and chaos.  Obama rushed to remake the Middle East by sowing destruction and mayhem in Egypt, Libya, and Syria.  Obama's satisfied customers included the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Assad Regime in Syria, the ayatollahs in Iran, and a power-hungry dictator in Turkey.  Very satisfied customers included Vladimir Putin who got a military base in Syria thanks to the Obama-aided anarchy that ripped the country to shreds and sent waves of Muslim refugees to Europe.  No red lines there.  There were also a few happy gangs in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other American officials.  However, the Obama-Biden-Clinton policies left many unsatisfied customers — hundreds of thousands who were killed or displaced thanks to the brilliant initiatives of Mr. Obama, the Peace Prize laureate.

Obama's Biden Conundrum.  By March 20, 2024, Donald Trump will have amassed sufficient Republican delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination.  On the same date, Joe Biden will have accumulated the delegates required to secure the Democrat nomination.  Thirty-three weeks before the election, the nominating process will theoretically be concluded.  However, Joe Biden will be the oldest presidential nominee in American history (he will be 82 in November) and suffering from noticeably accelerating mental and physical disabilities.  If over the next seven months he were to die, or have a debilitating stroke or, in a far more likely scenario, is forced by the party hierarchy (i.e., Barack Obama) to drop out of the race due to his age, escalating infirmities and persistent unpopularity, the process to replace him is relatively straightforward.  The only considerations will be when Biden exits the race and the timeframe necessary to print ballots.  However, choosing someone to replace him is a potential minefield only Barack Obama can navigate.

It Doesn't Matter Who the Democrat Nominee Is.  Many now believe that there is a person or group controlling Joe Biden, and with good reason.  If an illegal shadow government is reigning, the logical expectation would be for its administrators to choose the next puppet to carry out their agenda, meaning a vote for whomever the Democrats nominate is a vote for a continuation of this agenda.  While Biden's poor record makes him vulnerable, we shouldn't expect any other Democrat to be viewed very differently.  In fact, all of the most rumored replacements, Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, and Kamala Harris, have their own unique way of attaining unpopularity.

Obama's Third Term — Going For Four.  The United States of America has become the laughingstock of the world, with Joe Biden playing the role of our "president" in this macabre stage production put on by the Luciferian Globalists. [...] Anyone who thinks Biden's in control of anything is sadly ignorant and deluded.  Biden has never had any authority of any kind in his 50+ years of being a professional politician.  He's merely a cardboard cut-out and he's only in the White House now because he's the most easily manipulated "candidate" the DNC could come up with.  Anyone who truly thinks he won the 2020 election honestly and fairly is under the greatest of delusions.  Prior to that election, Biden himself openly stated, "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." And he didn't even campaign.  His "rallies" consisted of a dozen people, sitting alone in chairs placed in circles, six feet apart.  Meanwhile, his opponent had tens of thousands of people, all eager to see and hear Trump speak, wherever he went.  No — regardless of what the "fact checkers" will tell you, and regardless of our lawless "justice system," the 2020 election was absolutely and clearly rigged.  A stolen election.

America's military decline is deliberate.  The woke and weakened military is no accident, nor is Biden the principal cause of this problem.  Biden cannot craft any strategy that would transform an institution like the military into a socialistic morass.  For that, we must look to Obama.  He crafted the strategy and set the wheels in motion.  Over five years, Obama fired 197 senior military officers who did not agree with his foreign policy nor his vision of the role to be played by the military.  The coup of our country's warrior class leadership had begun.  This coup created a void in the ranks of our nation's senior generals and admirals, and Obama began filling that void with sycophants who saw the opportunity for promotion.  Over the ensuing 12 years, each promotion cycle focused upon more like-minded generals and admirals who, coincidentally, had been groomed and selected by those Obama initially chose to replace the "fired 197."  The message became crystal clear:  Go woke or go home.  Biden's inner circle has simply followed the Obama recipe.

Obama's Fourth Term.  [Scroll down]  Voters who overruled Obama's policies are being flogged by Biden as military-aged male illegals flood over the Southern border, are housed on tax dollars, and resettled in neighborhoods where they murder innocent Americans and beat up the police, whom Obama once asserted have a tendency to "act stupidly."  Is there a person in the room who believes a cognitively deficient man who can't grope his way to a lectern, can't maneuver AF1 short stairs, and has trouble reading off a teleprompter is meticulously working on complicated legislation?  Lest we forget, Obama despises Netanyahu, which may explain Joe's disastrous response to the Israel-Hamas war.  Obama is no fan of Putin, segue to Joe's undying affection for Volodymyr 'Stiletto' Zelenskyy.  In 2015 Obama rejected the Keystone Pipeline proposal, Trump opened it then Joe shut it down.  How about overtime guarantees, does anyone believe that was on Joe's priority list?  Trump backed out of Obama's Paris Climate Agreement, and Joe rejoined.  How about Joe's Inflation Reduction Law or his expansion of Medicare as a vehicle to progress toward Obama's vision for universal health care?  Then there is Biden's Obama-style stance on gun control, support of extreme abortion rights, fossil fuel demonization, and the forceful mandating of "safe" vaccines.

The Corrupt Republican Democrat 'Uni-Party' is Implementing Cloward-Piven Communism.  The Communist assault on our free market capitalist economy, national sovereignty and our constitutional republic is underway by the UniParty Republican-Democrats headed by installed Marxist President the corrupt lying Joe Biden.  Actually Comrade Biden is not running anything and he is definitely not functioning with a sound mind.  This is evident by the fact that on Wednesday February 7th 2024 Comrade Biden announced that he had been chatting with former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl at a 2021 meeting of G7 globalist leaders.  Somebody needs to tell Comrade Biden that Helmut Kohl died in 2017.  So in all realty former Communist president Barack Hussein Obama is actually running this Internal Marxist revolution in the United States in his third term.  My opinion.

Choose your future:  Trump or Obama?  If you want it down to bare bones, the election of 2024 pits Obama against Trump.  Some of you might doubt me, citing the fact that Obama has already served eight years as POTUS and that the Constitution forbids him from a Putin-like endless rule.  I might be tempted ask you what other former President moved less than two miles from the White House to continue forcibly engraving his ego on American politics?  Obama, like Putin, does not want to leave the stage.  He is willing, however, to let surrogates or the "right people" do his bidding as long as he retains control.  During President Trump's first term, it was obvious that outsider Trump was having difficulty getting the attention and cooperation of a federal workforce ideologically and sentimentally attached to the Great Community Organizer.  Did Obama shed any tears over his successor's difficulty?  No, he made sure that the "right people" sabotaged Trump's every move.  The federal workforce, aka "the Swamp," slow-walked everything President Trump tried to do.  I argue that Obama began his presidency during the last months of George W. Bush's administration and that he has been in some level of control ever since.

Michelle, Ma Belle.  For starters, how pathetically weak is the party that such a walking fiasco as "Joe Biden" is allowed to even pretend that he can run this race?  His campaign is an obvious sham, a place-holder in hopes that one or another of the [specious] lawfare court cases against Mr. Trump might knock him off the game-board — and that's not looking so great now since Fulton County DA Fani Willis [erred] in her giant RICO action and Special Counsel Jack Smith is getting smacked around week after week on esoteric points of procedure. [...] A late August kick off for Michelle Obama would minimize her public exposure until, really, the last two months of the race.  (She reportedly hates being on display.) [...] Except for one thing:  none of the people chattering about this (James Rickards, Dan Bongino...) have mentioned that the Michelle plan actually represents a fourth term for Barack Obama.  I mean... really... do you suppose that Barack will spend the next four years upstairs in the White House "residence" with an apron on, baking red velvet cakes and sweet potato pies while Michelle presides in the Situation Room, directing drone strikes against various people of the Koran?

The Constitution Literally Allows Texas to Engage in War at the Southern Border.  Here's How.  Within hours of President Joe Biden being sworn into office, he signed a proclamation that ordered an end to construction of President Donald Trump's southern border wall.  His stated reason was that the wall was "a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security."  This statement was so absurd that we knew at once that this man who had somehow assumed the presidency was not on our side.  Biden had just sworn the president's constitutionally prescribed oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," and within hours he had flung open the nation's borders to all comers.  Biden was announcing that he was the second act in the Obama administration's mission to "fundamentally transform" the United States.  He was declaring that the Trump years were over, and the revolutionaries were back in charge.

Obama is now campaigning for a fourth term.
Report: Michelle Obama Angling to Replace Joe Biden for President.  An article by New York Post legendary gossip columnist Cindy Adams reports Barack and Michelle Obama are angling to replace Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle as the Democrats' 2024 presidential nominee.  Obama world was rocked when Donald Trump short-circuited the Obama revolution to remake America when he defeated would-be Obama successor Hillary Clinton in 2016 and has taken merciless revenge on President Trump ever since.  Barack Obama is thought by many to be the behind the scenes power of the Biden presidency.  But with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris having some of the worst polling numbers for incumbents seeking a second White House term and Trump leading Biden in most polls, it appears the Obamas are quietly laying the groundwork for Michelle to step in and save the Obama revolution.

Trump designated Yemen's Houthis as terrorists — one day after taking office, Biden reversed it.  Shortly after taking office in 2021, President Joe Biden reversed President Donald Trump's designation of the Iran-backed Yemeni Houthis as a terror group.  In so doing, Biden spoke about the need to deal with the humanitarian disaster in Yemen at the time.  The Trump administration believed that the Houthis had used violent campaigns to destabilize the region.  The Houthis took over the Yemeni capital Sana'a in 2014 along with much of the northwestern region of the country.  The US and UK conducted joint operations to bomb Houthi infrastructure in Sana'a on Thursday.

Obama is Trying to Take Over Biden's Campaign.  [Scroll down]  Now Obama showed up to name his price for a piece of what's left of Biden's soul.  Why is this story appearing in the Washington Post?  Obama's people are applying pressure on Biden's people by way of putting the word out to Biden's donors.  ["]Obama also recommended that Biden seek counsel from Obama's own former campaign aides, which Biden officials say they have done, the people said.["]  No doubt.  Biden's people are worried about being displaced.  A campaign shakeup and a hijacking followed by Obama's people taking over.  This is really a pitched battle over who gets to be the hand inside an elderly and increasingly less functional puppet.

Obama held secret lunch meeting with Biden to urge him to be 'more aggressive'.  Barack Obama recently had an off-the-books White House lunch with President Joe Biden to share his concerns and advice about his former running mate's campaign, according to a new report.  Obama grew 'animated' as he discussed the 2024 election and Donald Trump's bid to return to the presidency, and suggested Biden should restructure his campaign to be more agile, the Washington Post reported on Saturday, citing people familiar with the matter.  The lunch meeting reportedly occurred in recent months, but has not been previously reported, and Obama does not appear in the White House visitor logs, which have exemptions for certain types of visits.

The Editor says...
Since Obama is enjoying an illegal third term as president, it would not be surprising to learn that he holds lots of secret meetings.

How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings.  The Biden administration's status as Obama presidential term three is confirmed by Biden's appointment of enormous number of Obamaites:
National Security Adviser:  Jake Sullivan, Obama's Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy.
Secretary of State:  Antony Blinken, Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017).
Secretary of Homeland Security:  Alejandro Mayorkas, Obama Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.  He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division.
Director of National Intelligence:  Avril Haines, Was Obama's Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor.  Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021.
Ambassador to the United Nations:  Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Obama's Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.
Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID):  Samantha Power, Obama's transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017)
Deputy Secretary of State:  Wendy Sherman, Obama's Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs.  Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting) [...]
Secretary of the Treasury:  Janet Yellen, Obama's Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden's appointment as Secretary of the Treasury.
Chair, Council of Economic Advisers:  Cecilia Rouse, Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the chair by Biden in 2021. [...]
Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission:  Gary Gensler, Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021

Why Is Everything So Stupid?  Clandestine, another Substacker, made the point that the October 7th attack on Israel looks like an inside job, from neo-liberals trying to effect a color revolution in Israel and to get rid of Netanyahu.  I reported that six weeks ago here, but this is not the point.  The point being, as Devin Nunes said this week, that Obama's team is still running the show.  Biden, apparently has refused to quit so they can install another puppet, since it looks unlikely that he can cheat his way to victory again.  Valerie Jarret flounced out of the White House for this reason.

Can Climate Change Cause the New Economic World Order?  President Joe Biden has continued to pursue the agenda that President Obama developed during his administration.  On January 20, 2021, President Biden canceled the permit for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline that would have delivered around 1 million barrels of Canadian crude oil a day to U.S. refiners.  In his executive order, President Biden stated, "Leaving the Keystone XL pipeline permit in place would not be consistent with my Administration's economic and climate imperatives."  On January 27, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order announcing a moratorium on new oil and gas leases on public lands and in offshore waters.  On April 16, 2021, at President's Biden's direction, secretary of the interior Deb Haaland revoked policies in Secretarial Order 3398 established by the Trump administration, including rejecting "American Energy Independence" as a goal.

Who's running the show at the White House?  Maria Bartiromo suggests it's NOT Biden.  Soon after former President Donald Trump suggested someone else may be pulling the strings in the Oval Office, Fox Business Network's Maria Bartiromo questioned "who's running the show" at the White House.  Speaking with Rep. Richard McCormick on "Mornings with Maria" the host examined the connection between President Joe Biden and his one-time boss, former President Barack Obama.  Recently Trump addressed the ongoing theory by some that Obama is really in charge, effectively running his third term as president through his former VP.  "You've been ripped off by everybody and betrayed by the corrupt globalists, Washington, Wall Street people, those combinations of Washington, Wall Street, they're the worst of all," Trump said in October at a New Hampshire campaign event.  "And it's never been worse than it is now under crooked Joe Biden, and frankly, his boss, Barack Hussein Obama.  I think it's his boss."  The former president also addressed recent attacks against him for seeming to mistakenly refer to Biden as Obama.  [Tweet]

Barack Obama is using his toxic radical, 'un-American, Marxist and anti-Semitic' views to control the Biden presidency.  Barack Obama has been controlled and dominated by radical, 'un-American' Marxist, communist and anti-Semitic influencers throughout his life — and is using those same toxic philosophies to control the Biden presidency, a new incendiary book about the former president claims.  The 44th POTUS, who has been outspoken about the ongoing Israel-Hamas war — condemning Israel's decision to cut off water and energy from Gaza last month — would have adopted his left-leaning foreign policies long before he entered politics, having studied under two radical, anti-Semitic Palestinian academics, Eric Said and Rashid Khalidi, at the University of Chicago.  And according to Scott McKay, a contributing editor at The American Spectator and political commentator, it's those questionable but generally overlooked ties to such principles and scholars that could have otherwise cost Obama the support of the American people in 2008.

Obama's false equivalence on Hamas is outrageous — and adds pressure on Israel.  Former President Barack Obama has suggested a moral equivalence between Hamas' Oct. 7 atrocities and Israel's occupation.  These are his words: "What Hamas did was horrific, and there's no justification for it.  And what is also true is that the occupation and what's happening to Palestinians is unbearable."  They led more than 100 Obama-admin alumni to sign a letter urging he use his "leverage" with President Biden to get a cease-fire in the war — which may have had an effect.  Pressure is already on Israel to make its temporary cease-fire in exchange for hostages permanent.  Obama's obscene comparison reflects both ignorance and bias.  There can be no possible justification for the beheadings, rapes, burnings, kidnappings and mass murders of more than 1,200 Israeli babies, women, the elderly and others.  Obama has admitted as such.  Nor can there be any dispute that these abominations occurred and Hamas leaders have promised to repeat them again and again.  There are, on the other hand, legitimate justifications — legal, moral, political and historical — for Israel's continuing military occupation of part of the West Bank, from where terrorists have repeatedly attacked Israeli citizens.

Biden Might Release Another $10B to Iran Tomorrrow.  Iran is behind the Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Yemeni attacks, and they are behind the attacks on US military bases, injuring our soldiers.  Despite that, the Biden regime is allegedly considering releasing another $10 billion to Iran.  They use the funds for terror.  This is madness.  Richard Goldberg is a senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.  He said the decision is imminent.  Goldberg wrote: "Why should Iran have any access to more than $10 billion after sponsoring one of the worst terrorist attacks against American citizens and the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust?"

The Editor says...
The simplest explanation is that Barack H. Obama hates America, Barack H. Obama is a Muslim, and Barack H. Obama is the de facto president who tells Joe Biden what to do.

Biden is 'Fighting' Hamas for Biden's Interests.  The history of radical Muslim envy and hatred towards the Jews and the Christians is too lengthy to recount here.  However, we can start with Obama and his enduring predilections for the terrorist radical Muslim regimes in the Middle East and Africa.  Biden worked for Obama.  Remember all the fawning photos of Biden grinning at the Boss?  Not many American presidents would have picked a vice president with such a long history of venality and stupidity in D.C., but Obama picked Biden.  It probably was a marriage made in Hell:  Biden would do as he was told, and Obama would keep the intelligence receipts on Biden's family enterprises and international pay-to-play treachery locked safely away.  Obama armed Iran.  Obama released known terrorists from Gitmo.  Obama is now very rich.  Biden smiled through it all. [...] Biden's nod and wink towards the recent violent demonstrations in D.C. and elsewhere, notably in areas of larger Muslim populations, in support of the "Palestinians," is what we should have expected; we can expect a good deal more.

The Incredible Lightness of Barack Obama.  Joe Biden is caught in a quadfecta of corruption, cognitive decline, a failed agenda, and eroding polls.  Amid this apparent vacuum, an opportunistic Barack Obama — who used to be more discreet in managing his third term — is reentering the arena.  Last week, he came out as the overseer of the Biden administration's AI agenda, even as his foundation's "Democracy Forum" was warning Americans about the need for "inclusive capitalism" and the pathologies of "material consumption" — all this from a multi-mansioned multimillionaire.  Now, Obama is weighing in on the Gaza war by undercutting his third-term presidential proxy.  Yet just as he seems somewhat clueless about the contradictions of an erstwhile "community organizer" turned into a hyper-capitalist, consumption-addicted elite, so too Obama has little self-awareness about how much of Biden's unpopularity derives from his continuation of Obama's own agendas on the economy, border, crime, race, foreign policy, and energy.

The man behind the curtain steps out and he's planning to control the 2024 election.  Cue the man behind the curtain — Barack Obama.  For a while, Obama kept a fairly low profile while amassing gigantic personal wealth.  But now as crime runs rampant, inflation continues, the cost of food keeps climbing, interest rates going sky high, porous borders letting in terrorists and we're mired in two wars people are resenting the old man's idiotic policies. [...] Before the USS Biden slips completely below the waves democrats have asked Obama to step out from behind the curtain.  Few are likely surprised.  Joe Biden is not mentally capable of carrying out the duties of the Presidency.  He spends 40% of his time on vacation and cannot maintain a conversation with foreign leaders or face a press conference without cue cards and scripted questions and responses.  He clearly has no idea what's he posting on social media.  It's all propaganda put out by his staff, among them a paid adolescent sycophant who barely shaves.  It's widely acknowledged that Biden is Obama III, but Biden is screwing things up so badly [...]

Having Obama advise Biden on AI is like having the fox guard the hen house.  Why does Joe Biden think that President Obama or Kamala Harris have any valuable input on artificial intelligence (AI)? [...] What in their history should give the public any confidence that they have any valuable knowledge that would protect the public from abuse?  Obama has always been essentially a lobbyist for Google and Google returns the favor by having a major bias against Republicans.  Why would anyone trust Obama to be fair and unbiased on a strategy with AI when he allowed Google to have so much input into policies while he was president?

Just as Charlie McCarthy could always depend on the support of Edgar Bergen...
Barack Obama Backs Joe Biden as Other Democrats Sour.  Former President Barack Obama came out swinging in favor of Joe Biden this weekend despite the fact that Democrats have begun to sour on his 2024 candidacy.  In a post on X, Obama shared a video of Joe Biden celebrating the 15-year anniversary of their 2008 victory — the night Barack Obama became the first black president with Joe Biden as his vice president.  "For eight years, [Biden] and I worked to deliver change for the American people.  I couldn't have asked for a better Vice President and friend — and we'll always be thankful to all the campaign staff and Administration alumni who helped bring that progress to folks across the country.  Yes we can.  Yes we did," Obama emphatically declared.  In the video, Joe Biden hailed their 2008 victory as a night of great progress.  [Tweet with video clip]

Who's Pulling Biden's Puppet Strings?  NBC Just Gave Us a Clue.  Here at Townhall, we've highlighted how the Biden administration has been essentially a "third term" for former President Barack Obama as the current occupant of the White House seeks to accomplish or reinstate the goals and policies of the 44th president.  Now, according to NBC News, it turns out Obama's influence in the Biden administration has been more significant than just providing a template agenda for Biden to follow.  "Former President Barack Obama quietly advised the White House over the past five months on its strategy to address artificial intelligence, engaging behind the scenes with tech companies and holding Zoom meetings with top West Wing aides at President Joe Biden's request, according to aides to both men," explained the NBC News report.  So, Obama is back to working with aides in the West Wing, liaising with the private sector on behalf of the U.S. government, and guiding policies being enacted by the actual president.  All without the accountability of being an elected official.  If Biden had Obama spending months working on AI policy, what other policies might Obama have been working on "behind the scenes" over the past few years?

New Proof the Biden Presidency Is Actually Obama's Third Term.  It's been said that the Biden-Harris administration is little more than a retread of the Obama-Biden years, something of an attempt to restore and reinforce the heavy-handed policies enacted by our 44th president and his blundering VP-turned-commander in chief.  Whether Biden is aware of these claims or not, he's doing little to make his first term in the Oval Office look like anything but a third term for Obama and his legacy of abusing executive power.  More evidence of this arose on Wednesday when the Biden Department of Labor announced that it would begin work to enact a rule that was first tried by none other than Barack Obama.  Dealing with overtime pay eligibility, the Department of Labor announced a proposed rule which would grant overtime pay to "most salaried workers earning less than $1,059 per week, about $55,000 per year."  The proposed rule, according to the Labor Department, would mean 3.6 million American workers would suddenly get time and a half for working more than 40 hours each week.

Barack Obama's Puppet Appeases Iran.  As if Obama's insults weren't bad enough, the U.S. government, in 2018, traced some of the $1.7 billion Iran had gained access to, courtesy of the Obama administration, to Iranian-backed terrorists.  Iran used the cash to pay its primary proxies, the Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezb'allah and the Quds Force, Iran's main foreign intelligence and covert action arm and part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.  Alex Titus wrote in 2018 about Obama's Iran policy:  "America's failed policy of appeasing the Iranian regime is over."  It seems Titus was incorrect.  Obama's keen [interest] in achieving an understanding with Iran wasn't over.  The bumbling idiot who currently occupies the Bully Pulpit has seized Obama's Iran baton.  What Joe Biden has essentially done is created Obama's "third term," extending Obama's appeasement of Iran.  Under Trump's sanctions, Iran's funds had fallen to below $8  billion.  The nation could barely keep its economy afloat.  Iran was essentially broke and couldn't finance terrorist groups.  Once Joe Biden took office, Iran's funds increased to at least $80  billion.  Most of the money came from selling oil to China.

The Left's Planned Destruction of the Judeo-Christian World.  What is now occurring in Israel is no act of happenstance or the result of failed policy.  It is the execution of a premeditated plan of destruction that Obama began, and Biden is trying to finish.  The American left has long desired to eliminate Judeo-Christian followers.  Their reasoning is simple: you cannot conquer, subjugate, and enslave a population that refuses to accept the rule of an earthly authority.  With Barack Obama leading the American left and pulling the strings on the Biden marionette, the plan is in motion.  They seek to destroy Israel, followed by erasing Christians, whether through genocide (as in parts of Africa) or criminalizing Christianity. [...] To those who have followed Middle East events, it is clear that the last thing to concern Obama was a Jew's life.  His position always focused on protecting the Palestinian right to kill Jews, while minimizing the consequences.  Looking at today's horrors in Israel and Obama's lethargic response, how can any reasonable person believe otherwise?

Exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done:
Biden Admin Gave Hamas $75 Million While Knowing Terror Attack Was Imminent.  Democrat President Joe Biden's administration gave Hamas $75 million in early October, just days before the group launched an assault against Israel and after learning that a terrorist attack was imminent.  The aid was pushed through in a quiet move bypassing Republican obstructionism.  U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken approved the release of $75 million in funding for Hamas-controlled Gaza.  Blinken diverted the cash to Hamas just hours before the funds were set to be redistributed elsewhere.  The move was hushed through with little attention in early October, just days before Hamas launched its terrorist attacks against Israel, slaughtering, raping, and kidnapping hundreds of innocent civilians.

Admit the Obvious:  Barack Obama Uses Biden to 'Transform America'.  He told us he would like to serve a third term in office.  He even detailed how he would accomplish it.  And now he is doing it.  He is effectively transforming America into a Communist Muslim hell hole, just as he said he would, just as his every action conveys.  Yes, America is falling to the greatest imposter ever to set foot on American soil:  Barack Hussein Obama.  But everyone still says it was Biden who funded Iran with $6 billion.  They decry that Biden keeps the border open.  Bidenomics is destroying our economy.  Biden's DHS feeds the child sex-trafficking industry.  Biden's FBI now is targeting MAGA! Would you please all just stop it?  It isn't Biden.  It's Obama who is doing this to us!  Every time we assign blame to Biden for each progressive crime against humanity and against American sovereignty, we camouflage and thereby enable the real doer of all the evil.  Joe Biden now has the mind of a six-year-old child.  He hasn't the capacity to change his own underwear, let alone rule a nation.  But our continued willful ignorance in not seeing how this further enables the real architect of America's destruction is inexcusable.  As long as Barack Obama is kept hidden behind the curtain, the collapse of America proceeds — and at an ever-rapid pace.

Trump was a great president, but a looming Michelle Obama candidacy means we need a new plan.  The saying goes that you prepare to fight the last war (or political campaign), not the next one, and now there is the real possibility that Joe Biden will drop out to be replaced by Michelle Obama.  This would change the entire landscape of the election and serve as a convenient excuse to absolve the rest of the party for what Biden did, when we all know they are equally at fault.  It's easy to see how this could have been the plan all along.  Biden's installation meant four more Obama years of "fundamental transformation" with an unwitting scapegoat, the disposable bumbling puppet.  Knowing the proclivities of the far left's identity politics, you can easily see how this kind of development could have been pre-planned for maximum effect.

Party!  Party!  [Scroll down]  I've used quotation marks around Mr. Biden's name since he ascended magically to this office in 2021 because it is obvious that he is only pretending to run the executive branch, and has been since day one on January 20, 2021. [...] I believe the reason "Joe Biden" was installed in the White House was to allow Barack Obama to run the executive branch and all its agencies in secret from his headquarters across town in the DC Kalorama district, and the reason he is allowed to do this is because the Democratic Party has committed so many crimes against the country that a tremendous effort had to be made to cover them up, or else scores of figures in high places could have been subject to investigation and prosecution, including Mr. Obama.  It's also possible that an impeachment inquiry in the House will lead to evidence of Mr. Obama's role in the Biden family's bribery adventures abroad, including the participation in one way or another of high diplomatic officials under Mr. Obama such as US Ambassadors to Ukraine Jeffrey Pyatt and Marie Yovanovitch — as well as their nefarious roles in the first impeachment of Donald Trump.

A compendium of everything wrong with Barack Obama's legacy.  The great majority of those who contemplate the current sorry state of the nation now recognize only in general terms Obama's central role in bringing about our present difficulties.  This is true even of those who see in the depredations of the Biden presidency a continuation of Obama's tenure.  (As Joseph Klein notes in his contributions to the present volume, "out of the top 100 positions filled in the Biden White House during Biden's first 100 days in office, seventy-four previously had worked in the Obama administration.")

Biden administration to guarantee overtime pay to 3.6 million workers earning less than $55,000 in resurrected Obama policy.  Millions of employees earning less than $55,000 a year will be entitled to overtime pay, under new proposals outlined by the Biden administration.  The rule will ensure workers are paid time and a half for every hour they work over a 40-hour week.  Some 3.6 million people stand to benefit from the change being spearheaded by the US Department of Labor.  But business groups have hit back at the plan which comes as firms are already struggling to manage rampant inflation.

Why do we have an alcohol czar?  Taking after our good friends across the border in Canada, the U.S. alcohol czar has decided that we are now to have just two beers a week. [...] The point here is that people are the best judges of what's good for them and if beer is their thing, that's their "pursuit of happiness" as the Constitution guarantees.  Oh sure, it's just a 'recommendation.'  But in the Age of COVID, since when have "suggestions" stayed suggestions?  We know our health authorities "recommended" COVID vaccines — and heaven help anyone who said 'no.'  We know what they are up to.

So-called "czars" are popping up everywhere, just as they did in Obama's first two terms.
America's Alcohol Czar Wants Stricter Federal Guidelines for Drinking.  The federal government might soon take an interest in how many cold ones you've been cracking open.  George Koob, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, tells the Daily Mail that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) might soon revise its dietary guidelines to recommend that adults consume no more than two alcoholic drinks per week.  Canada's health authorities recently shifted to that guideline, and Koob says that the U.S. could follow suit.

Barack Obama the Vindictive Enforcer.  [Scroll down]  Obama's game plan: "level playing fields," "share the wealth," encourage worldwide contempt toward the U.S., enable mass illegal immigration, redefine democracy, rehabilitate Islamic terrorists, impose high taxes, usher in shoddy health care, encourage a weak military presence, foster energy dependency, stir racial unrest, insult allies, demonize law enforcement, install totalitarian diktats, desecrate the Constitution, and more.  Mysteriously, at a dizzying rate of speed, seven years after he left office, these are the very revenge tactics being enacted as we speak.  How can this be?  Starting with the presidency of Joe "Which Way Do I Go" Biden, the political enemies of America's wannabe third-termer are currently reaping their just reward for perceived noncompliance.  Joe is so befuddled, incompetent, clueless, and embarrassing — what better humiliation on the world stage than the current commander in chief?  Making America a laughingstock with the weakest of weak leaders smacks of Obama-style spitefulness. [...] Let's face it:  it is highly unlikely Joe Biden came up with the idea to cut open Trump's border wall in Arizona.  Nor is it likely that the guy who couldn't find his way to a podium accomplished the goal of abandoning U.S. soldiers Benghazi-style or haphazardly arming the Taliban with billions of dollars in military war weaponry.  Every policy decision, from the diminishing supply chain to destroying energy independence to the economic crippling of the middle class to the devastating invasion at the border to the vaccine mandates, hints at the forced exoneration of Obama's hurt feelings — on steroids.

The 2024 Michelle Obama Factor.  Over the summer, media commentators on both the left and right have been discussing Joe Biden's political future.  They all largely agree on one thing:  Biden is not a viable presidential candidate in 2024.  They cite Biden's immense unpopularity due to his disastrous record as president in every field, from the economy to the border to the war in Ukraine. [...] Commentators also note that Biden is certainly not acting like a 2024 presidential candidate.  Biden has no campaign office and does no campaigning. [...] Biden is sure acting like someone who is just marking time, rather than someone who is president now or has any real plans to run again.  In fact, Biden's entire presidency seems like he's doing a favor for someone.  If so, who could that someone be?  The Biden presidency began with a slew of Obama-esque executive orders reversing many of Donald Trump's accomplishments, and exists with about 70% of staffers who are veterans of Obama's eight years in the White House.  All evidence points to none other than Biden's old boss, Barack Obama.

This is exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done:
The $6 Billion Misunderstanding.  Robert Gover wrote the cult classic One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding.  It might have been cutting-edge in 1962, when it was published, but not for long.  Insofar as my subject here is related to President Biden, I can note that Hunter Biden's misadventures have taken reality far beyond Gover's satire.  However, I have found Gover's title an irresistible source of headlines for comments on the news.  Today comes word via the New York Times that the Biden administration has entered into a $6 billion arrangement with Iran for the return of five imprisoned Americans.  Fox News has posted an accessible story on the arrangement [elsew]here.  That's quite an increase over the $400 million non-signing bonus and future considerations (more money) that the Obama administration paid the Iranian regime for the return of four American prisoners and entry into the JCPOA.  The astronomical increase might be a case of Bidenomics in action or just a deeper descent into national abasement.

Here comes Obama's fourth term:
Michelle Obama Is A Top Contender For 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee, Historian Says.  For the better part of the entire year, people have made the case for why Biden could pull out of the race.  Often cited reasons are his declining health and scandals related to alleged illicit business dealings with his family — activities that are now drawing increased congressional scrutiny.  California Gov. Gavin Newsom is widely suspected to be planning a presidential run for 2024.  However, Stanley writes that "to replace Biden with the next Obama available, far from being revolutionary, would reinforce the line of political continuity that stretches from 2008-2024, with only [former President Donald] Trump's election as a temporary aberration."  Former President Barack Obama has been suspected of having an outsized role in influencing the current government serving under the Biden administration, due to sheer proximity — Obama still lives in Washington D.C., breaking with long-held precedent whereby past presidents leave from inside the Beltway.

We're living through Barack Obama's third term.  One of the big questions in Washington and across the country as Joe Biden's very public decline has accelerated is: who's actually running the show at the White House?  There have been various answers, including Ron Klain and Susan Rice; even Doug Emhoff has been touted as having outsized influence.  But the one name we ought to be paying more attention to is obvious — the man who cleared the 2020 field for Joe, tapped Kamala as his running mate and now hosts regular meetings at his 8,000-square-foot house just two miles from the Oval Office he used to occupy:  Barack Obama.  Last week's publication of an interview with biographer David J. Garrow by David Samuels in Tablet magazine went viral for a number of hot-button reasons, but this is the actual headline takeaway Americans ought to have for the piece:  they're living through Barack Obama's third term.

Is Obama Pulling Strings on a 'Weekend at Bernie's' Biden Administration?  It's been more than six-and-a-half years since Obama left office, and the United States is far from being unified.  The notion that there are "no red states or blue states" is even more of a farce than it was in 2008.  Americans are bleaker about their future than at pretty much any other time in our history.  Instead of a post-racial America, racial and gender identity are becoming the only things that matter to elite institutions.  Those are trends that began in earnest during Obama's second term and have only accelerated under Biden.  Of course, America's institutions are mostly ideologically captured, but they are being guided along by the federal government, too.  So, who is directing this fundamental transformation of America?  Obama, according to [David] Samuels.  Samuels wrote that while the legacy media have generally portrayed Obama as somewhat aloof from the politics of today and uninterested in power, the former president and his most loyal lieutenants are heavily involved in directing the federal government and politics in general.

Biden administration has given $2.35 billion to the Taliban since the withdrawal.  Since the fall of Afghanistan, the U.S. has forked over funds to groups under the brutal Taliban regime to the tune of $2.35 billion.  That's according to a new report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), released to the public on Tuesday.  Another $1.7 billion 'remained available for possible disbursement' at the time of the report, dated July 30.

The Machinery of Government is Coated with Gunk.  The juxtaposition of the Department of Justice's handling of Hunter Biden with its outrageous treatment of Donald J. Trump justifies Scott Adams's view:  "We can now see all of the machinery of government, from influence peddling to fake news to intel-supported hoaxes to political persecutions."  Diving even deeper, as have Jonathan Turley, James Freeman, Dan Bongino, and David Samuels, it's beginning to look as if Barack Obama knew of Hunter's corruption and the danger it posed to national security and did nothing about it.  In exchange, he's serving a third term as president behind the scrim while the demented present officeholder serves as a front.  Giving Hunter a pass does more than underscore the Administration's double standard, it explains why the Democrats worked so tirelessly to weaken 2020 election procedures to advance to the highest office a man demonstrably unfit to carry out its duties:  They had him on a short rope — he either ceded the powers of office to Obama or Hunter's illicit dealings would land both Hunter and him in jail.

Barack Obama is a work of fiction and now in his third term.  The most extraordinary article appeared Tuesday, seemingly unsung and stealthily by moonlight, and that's all I'm going to talk about it.  It was published in something called Tablet Magazine (John and I have both linked to it in the Headline section in the past 18 hours), but it is just so gobsmacking, I wanted to put it front and center.  Tablet's literary editor David Samuels has a lengthy, fascinating, horrifying discussion about and with historian David Garrow.  Mr. Garrow is the author of a 2017 book titled Rising Star — an in-depth look at Barack Obama's early years as described in Obama's Dreams from My Father. [...] Mr. Garrow's book came and went with barely a peep.  Until day before yesterday.  What Samuels' extensive interview and article exposes are not only the fabrications and fantasies that made Barack Obama the premier poseur we see today — documented in meticulous detail — but it also builds the true picture of the "free" American press as the compliant, obedient regime lapdogs we all knew them to be.  How their fawning complicity by incuriously allowing the establishment of the Obama public façade...  [Tweet]  ...has enabled this evil manifestation to continue to rule the country for a third term through his surrogates managing the supine and venal puppet currently in the White House.

The Obama Factor.  [Scroll down]  First, the Obamas never left town.  Instead, they bought a large brick mansion in the center of Washington's Kalorama neighborhood — violating a norm governing the transfer of presidential power which has been breached only once in post-Civil War American history, by Woodrow Wilson, who couldn't physically be moved after suffering a series of debilitating strokes.  In the Obamas case, the reason for staying in D.C. was ostensibly that their youngest daughter, Sasha, wanted to finish high school with her class at Sidwell Friends.  In June 2019, Sasha went off to college, yet her parents remained in Washington.  By then, it was clear to any informed observer that the Obamas' continuing presence in the nation's capital was not purely a personal matter.  To an extent that has never been meaningfully reported on, the Obamas served as both the symbolic and practical heads of the Democratic Party shadow government that "resisted" Trump — another phenomenon that defied prior norms.  The fact that these were not normal times could be adduced by even a passing glance at the front pages of the country's daily newspapers, which were filled with claims that the 2016 election had been "stolen" by Russia and that Trump was a Russian agent.  Given the stakes, then, it seemed churlish to object to the Obamas' quiet family life in Kalorama — or to report on the comings and goings of Democratic political operatives and office-seekers from their mansion, or to the swift substitution of Obama as party leader for Hillary Clinton, who after all was the person who had supposedly been cheated out of the presidency.

A review of the article above:
A Non-Pretending Discussion About Barack Obama.  [Scroll down]  I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to see an article that drops all of the pretending and starts to talk about the reality of our situation.  If we stop pretending we unite as a country, because we all start to accept the same baselines.  The fraud that has been purposefully deployed as a tool for fundamental change, can only exist if people pretend that fraud and corruption does not exist.  Stop pretending, and the sunlight of commonality begins to unite our nation.  This weaponized national security state will be the legacy of President Obama.  While future historians may reference the obvious failures in almost all of Obama's foreign policy, specifically the events in the Middle East and ISIS manifest, the core of what will be attributed to President Obama will be the weaponized surveillance state using all the tools created, fine-tuned and deployed during his time in office.

Obama Privately Warned Biden About Trump's Massive Popularity in Secret White House Huddle.  Barack Obama quietly huddled with Joe Biden at the White House on June 27 to discuss a strategy to defeat Trump in 2024.  Obama privately warned Joe Biden about Trump's massive popularity and promised he would do everything possible to help Biden get reelected, according to the Washington Post.  Shortly after the Obama-Biden White House huddle, Trump was indicted again by the federal government.  Joe Biden doesn't have a real strategy to win in 2024.

Biden finally cops to what 'we all suspected' about Obama.  President Joe Biden let slip at a fundraiser in New York City Thursday night what many already suspect, which is that Barack Obama has been "helping out a lot."  When top Obama lieutenant Susan Rice was named Biden's domestic policy adviser — she just stepped down — it was clear that Biden's old boss would have considerable influence in his administration, and while speaking at the campaign fundraiser the commander in chief let it be known that he still considers himself second fiddle to Obama even though we are told that Biden drew nearly 12 million more votes than the former president in the 2020 election.

Can we please stop using the term 'President Biden'?  Remember that bust of Winston Churchill that Barry Obama had summarily removed from the WH after his inauguration?  The one that President Trump put back in place?  Well, it seems (from none other than CNN) that Biden had it removed again.  Now we know that Biden can be petty and vindictive (ask Hunter's disowned daughter), but even the petty and vindictive need a motive.  Only one person would have the pettiness, vindictiveness, and the hatred to troll that low.  And that would be Barack Hussein Obama.  So, with Susan Rice's recent stint in the Biden White House as further argument about the real power behind the Oval Office chair (not to mention the estimable Merrick Garland as AG,) it really does appear that the Transformation of America is proceeding apace with the same cast of characters leading the way (where are Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder these days btw?).

Is Trump's Campaign and Reelection a Fool's Errand?  America is rapidly imploding on many fronts — financial and economic, cultural, safety, and our place in the world.  Does finishing the job mean erasing every achievement of former President Donald Trump?  Or is he completing former President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign promise, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America"?  Biden's presidency is actually Obama's third term, exactly as Obama described in a 2020 interview with Stephen Colbert, "He joked that he would be willing to sit 'in my basement' and 'deliver the lines' to a 'frontman or frontwoman' with an earpiece."  Biden is the front man while Obama transforms the country.  Biden is now expendable, having served his role.  Can America even recover from Obama's third term?

Prosecutors Near Decision on Hunter Biden Indictment.  If you think about Joe Biden's 4-year term in office as an intentionally constructed single term with no limits or consequences to the cascading damage inflicted; and if you think about the ideologues behind the plan to use cognitively challenged Biden as a tool to achieve their agenda; then everything from the way he was selected in 2020, to the disconnected and fragmented policy and Biden's interpretation of them, just makes sense.  As our friend Lee Smith summed up in early 2021, "Joe Biden is an avatar for Barack Obama's third term."  That is what we have been witnessing.  A term in office where every policy wish list and far-left agenda item could be triggered without any care or consequence of political damage.  The people behind Biden are ideologues using this unique opportunity to further the "fundamental change."  From that perspective every single granular move during the Biden term makes sense.  However, this also means there's no term two in the design.  The damage will be so great, there's no way for a second term.

White House Releases 11-Page Review of Biden Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, Blaming Trump for Biden's Bad Decisions.  Despite the Biden White House having complete control over the issues and events during their withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, which included the murder of 13 U.S. servicemen during a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport, the Biden administration has to blame Donald Trump.  Pathetic doesn't even begin to appropriately outline the issue, and even U.S. corporate media can see it.  Without announcing the release in advance, the White House dropped an 11-page after action report claiming the prior administration was in control of all their decision making in the summer and fall of 2021.

Biden's shameful Afghanistan whitewash blames TRUMP for disastrous withdrawal that killed 13 service members.  The disastrous Afghanistan evacuation that led to the death of 13 U.S. service members and hundreds of civilians was Donald Trump's fault — and the scenes of Afghans falling from planes and the Taliban shooting people in the streets wasn't chaotic, the White House said Thursday [4/6/2023].  National Security Council spokesman John Kirby defended the Biden administration's actions in Kabul during the disastrous withdrawal in August 2021, after releasing a report detailing the reasons why they think it unfolded.  Kirby said the administration was 'proud' of how U.S. forces carried out the withdrawal, as the Taliban toppled the American-backed Afghan government the U.S. spent trillions over 20 years to keep stable.

The Editor says...
I am confident that this deceitful report is the work of Barack H. Obama, and Associates.  Why?  (1) Joe Biden could not have written it, because he can't put a coherent sentence together, and (2) It was Barack H. Obama's long-standing habit to blame most of his failures on George W. Bush.

More evidence that Barack H. Obama is (again) running the White House:
Israel Under Attack: Biden's Coup to Get Iran the Bomb.  The Palestinian Authority's "pay-for-slay" jobs-program, paid for by "over $200 million" fungible U.S. taxpayer dollars in funding reinstated by President Joe Biden, incentivizes and rewards the murder of Jews.  "[I]f we had one single penny left, we would spend it on the families of martyrs and prisoners," Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said.  Abbas' Fatah faction boasted of carrying out 7,200 terror attacks in 2022 against Israel, while criticizing Hamas for not attacking Israel.  Many Israelis have no illusions anymore.  They see that the Palestinian Authority incites Jew-hate, whips up terrorism and tells Arab children and adults that to be a martyr for Islam allows them direct access not only to paradise, but also to generous funds for the terrorists and their families.

White House press secretary slips up, calls Biden 'President Obama'.  White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre slipped up during a Thursday press briefing, accidentally referring to President Biden as "President Obama."  Jean-Pierre's slip of the tongue came as she was making announcements at the top of the briefing, causing a wave of laughter and surprise among the press corps.  "So today, as you all saw just an hour or so ago, President Obama announced that — Pardon me, President Biden!" Jean-Pierre said as reporters shouted surprise.  "Whoa!  Ahem, that is news.  I know, we're going back not forwards.  We've gotta go forwards."

More evidence:
Biden Will Follow the 'Obama Model' For Re-Election Campaign.  President Joe Biden could wait up to a whole year before beginning his re-election campaign should he decide to run for a second term in 2024.  According to a new report, Biden will follow the "Obama model," in which former President Barack Obama didn't start campaigning until 13 months after announcing his re-election run.  "Obama went 13 months after the announcement to start campaigning," NBC News's Peter Alexander said during an interview on "Meet the Press."  "[Biden] could make an announcement in April and wait until next year to get on the trail."  In April 2011, Obama announced his re-election campaign but didn't begin holding events until May 2012.

Joe Biden Picks Obama Enforcer Susan Rice to Implement Critical Race Theory Throughout the Federal Bureaucracy.  Thursday, Joe Biden signed an executive order embedding the tenets of Critical Race Theory into the operations of the federal government.  EO 13985, Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government, requires the establishment of "Agency Equity Teams" to ensure that equal outcomes are imposed on federal programs. [...] Life isn't equal.  Half of the country has a below-average IQ.  Not everyone can play pro sports.  The bald-faced assertion that a lack of equal outcomes is due to "communities" (whatever [...] that means anymore) being "underserved" by the government is balderdash.  "Communities" have different outcomes because they are different.  The intellectual bankruptcy of the DIE stupidity lies in the fact that it sees 100% of all problems as racial.

DNC Moves to Align 2024 Primary Roadmap Using AME/BLM Model Constructed by Barack Obama Inc.  If you haven't followed the granular details of how Barack Obama organized the AME Church Network (SC, Clyburn) with the BLM movement (GA, Abrams) in 2020 to control the democracy primary process, then the moves today to codify that approach will not be clear.  Once you understand what took place in the 2020 Democrat primary that saw all candidates fall in line behind Biden, according to the process that Obama initiated, then everything centered around the DNC moves today makes buckets of sense.  Despite how the media is presenting this, it is not Biden's plan.  This is Obama's 2024 insider club roadmap, and it specifically includes the alignment of interests that he created in 2020 to remove the threat that Bernie Sanders represented. [...] These changes are all about keeping the corporate wing of the DNC in control and eliminating the influence of the momentum progressive candidates.  Just like the RNC wants MAGA destroyed, the DNC corporation wants control over the Bernie Sanders wing and democrat socialists.

Plans are being made for Barack Obama's fourth term:
Michelle Obama's Book Launch of her 2024 Campaign.  Don't be fooled.  In the promotional interviews for her new book, The Light We Carry, Michelle Obama insists that the book is simply her personal "toolkit" about how she deals with the challenges of "uncertain times."  No, The Light We Carry is not a self-help book.  It is Michelle's crafty attempt to position herself to be the Democrat nominee for president in 2024.  In fact, it is Michelle's second autobiography, a follow up to her wildly successful 2018 memoir, Becoming.  As it would have been awkward for Michelle to write a second self-promotional autobiography entitled "Becoming Part II," the new book is released under the ruse of a self-help guide.  So why would Michelle release a second autobiography disguised as a self-help book?  Michelle told an audience at the Obama Foundation in 2018, "Barack and I don't do things incidentally, there's a strategy."  I am convinced The Light We Carry is part of Michelle's strategy to become president in 2024.

Lazy Voters Enable Democratic Fraud.  The Democrats, buttressed as always by their liberal media allies, recognize that today's lazy voter will never press the matter of voter fraud.  So, the fraud continues and Democrats will forevermore "win" every close election.  The anti-Americanism of Obama's 3rd Term continues.  The fecklessness and the corrupt, willing complicity of the McConnell-McCarthy Rino/Deep State wing continues.  Unless real pro-American conservatives step up in a meaningful and intelligent way, the country is doomed.

Campaigning for Barack Obama's Third Term.  [Scroll down to page six]  Anyone who has followed Joe Biden's mercurial career knows implicitly that nothing he has ever said or done was really original.  In the case of energy policy, Biden is cribbing from Barack Obama, who promised to send energy prices skyrocketing if elected.  Obama was elected, and energy prices dutifully soared.  Indeed, our present dilemma is an eerie echo of early 2012, when nationwide gas prices climbed to nearly $4 a gallon, a move that, as today, clearly endangered then-president Obama's chances for reelection.  In response, the Obama White House cobbled together a convoluted series of contrived energy-policy speeches and road shows.  Any mention of climate in early 2012 was conveniently jettisoned in an effort to assure apprehensive Americans that the president was laser-focused on reducing gas prices, not atmospheric CO2.  Nowhere in the text of Obama's February 2012 remarks on energy do the words "climate" and "weather" even appear, the themes he had hammered relentlessly during his run for office in 2007-08.  Fast-forward to 2022, where a similar drama is playing out in which Biden finds himself captive to the program he had advocated during his run for office.

Who has really been running our country?  On the day that Joe Biden was sworn into office, he signed dozens of extensively radical executive orders.  Then the Biden administration began populating the federal government and the federal Judiciary — including the new Supreme Court vacancy — with hundreds (probably thousands) of the most extreme anti-American people imaginable. [...] This has all the fingerprints of the Soros organization.  The people there are extremely intelligent and proficient, they passionately hate America, they've been leading up to this for several decades, and they have access to untold wealth and influence.  Everything mentioned above is something they are more than capable of organizing and carrying out.  But most of this couldn't have been accomplished during Biden's first two years without the cooperation of the 50 Democrat U.S. senators and the Democrat majority in the House.  And then there are the cowardly Republicans in both houses, including the leadership, who consistently put up a "gentlemanly" fight that is destined to lose.  Right now, job number one is openly exposing the "shadow government" that is really running America, and doing everything possible to drive them completely out.

An Election, If You Can Hold It.  One thing a congressional committee might probe post haste: who exactly has been running the executive branch for two years?  My guess would be Barack Obama by way of Susan Rice, Director of the Domestic Policy Council (office in the White House) whose activities are never, ever discussed in the news media.  In fact, her mere presence is unacknowledged.  I doubt that one-in-a-thousand people in Times Square could tell you who she is and what she does.  How many times a day is Ms. Rice on-the-horn with the Gentleman of Kalorama?  Are there logs of her calls?  Does she use an endless supply of cheap untraceable burner phones?  Or does she limo across town regularly to get orders in person?  Is there some penalty for running a shadow government, perhaps something in the sedition or treason folders of federal law?  The degree of malign policy coordination throughout Western Civ also suggests that outside actors exert some heavy influence on our affairs.  Is Mr. Obama running "Joe Biden" according to a WEF playbook, as appears to be the case with WEFfer implants Justin Trudeau of Canada and Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand?

Does it matter which megalomaniac is behind the curtain?  George Soros with his Open Society money plus the Chicago Marxist contingency of Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Penny Pritzker, and Barack Obama are five people I'm inclined to group as the Biden puppet masters.  Is there a pecking order among them?  Does it matter?  I suppose it matters to these individual megalomaniacs, but to anyone else?  No.  Just get that totalitarian state up and running.

The Evil Origins of Our Bad Biden Era.  [Scroll down]  This locking of arms with the far-left faction was a crucial turn in the road for the Democrat party.  However, we can also track this in the context of continuity with the Obama administration and Biden's work within that administration.  Major holdovers from those first eight years are key players in implementing the destructive policies in Afghanistan and at our southern border, promoting "sustainability" even if it harms the health and well-being of many citizens, and proposing a radical reorganization of our educational and social system based on some pop culture ideas of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  Susan E. Rice, who was national security adviser to Obama, is now the president's domestic policy adviser. [...] Ron Klain, who was Biden's adviser during the Obama years, is now the White House chief of staff.  Jake Sullivan, like Klain, worked for Biden when he was vice president, and he is now national security adviser.  We might also note the carryover from the Obama years of John Kerry, who served as secretary of state and is now our "sustainability" honcho.

Biden Is Seriously Ill.  [Scroll down]  There's a reason that all leftist policy is about transferring responsibility from individuals to groups.  Biden may be the least popular president in history — but that's good for Democrats.  Just as it's good that he thinks he has cancer (or asthma or whatever).  If the Democrats can force him not to run for a second term, they can make him the scapegoat for all the suffering wrought intentionally by the leftist agenda.  It gives them a clean slate.  As long as America is willing to buy it.  I don't mean, of course, that America might be willing to buy into wrapping this trainwreck around Biden's neck.  They have known from the start, even Biden's voters have known, that he was never really in charge.  They knew that other people were standing in the shadows and pulling the strings.  Some Democrats voted for a third term of Barack Obama.  Some Democrats voted for a first term of Obama consigliere Susan Rice, et al.  But no one, or almost no one, really voted for Biden, who, remember, largely ran his campaign from his basement.

Yeah, "GOP Leadership."  That's a good one.
When Will GOP Leadership Come Out and Say It?  Biden is a Traitor.  He Must be Impeached, Then Indicted for Treason.  No one is even bothering to hide it.  Biden is clearly a suicide bomber, owned by the Chinese Communist Party and the Mexican Drug Cartel, and put in place to destroy America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, and most importantly, the great American middle class.  I learned this plan at Columbia University, Class of '83, alongside my classmate Barack Obama (who was never actually seen in any class at Columbia[,] but that's a story for another day).  The plan we learned at Columbia was called "Cloward-Piven."  The goals of Cloward-Piven were about overwhelming the system, collapsing the US economy, destroying capitalism and turning America into a socialist/communist country.  It's happening right now — with Biden as the frontman and brain-dead puppet, and Obama as the real president, lurking in the shadows, pulling all the strings.  Except now Obama has updated Cloward-Piven to include open borders and massive inflation to bankrupt the middle class.

Why I pray that Michelle Obama runs in 2024.  We all know that Barack Obama is having his third presidential term in the form of the senile presidency of Joe Biden.  Just ask Valerie Jarrett.  The transformation of America and its circling-the-bowl-descent to Venezuela is proceeding apace.  But what is the Left to do when its sock puppet president can no longer walk or talk or when his family's criminal dealings become too large for even the corrupt media to conceal?  How do you continue a shadow presidency then?  Enter Michelle Obama.  It is true that her hatred for the America of the Founding Fathers or even the "Greatest Generation" is almost embarrassingly palpable.  Remember:  "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country," all because her husband was nominated to run for president?  But I have every confidence that a servile, corrupt mainstream media will be able to airbrush that blemish away.

It is time to admit that the American left is malevolent.  The Biden administration has brought this country to a historically and frightening new low, domestically and internationally.  Our President and our nation are now laughingstocks, perceived as weak and vulnerable.  Biden has made it clear to the rest of the world, beginning with his shuttering of our energy independence and his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, that America is free for the taking.  China, Iran and Russia, even North Korea, have all sized up this president up and found him to be not only ridiculous but easily rolled.  Each of those enemies of America, enemies of freedom, are planning their takeover of America, thanks to Biden and his pathetic cabinet's fecklessness.  The US is now a vulnerable target of each of our enemies.  The US has never been more at risk than it is now, thanks to this President.  Obama began the seeds of our destruction and is most likely the Svengali who is running the Biden administration.  Obama loathes this country and planted the seeds of what he hoped to be our eventual demise.

Biden Continues Obama's 'Fundamental Transformation' of America.  Most Americans probably thought Obama was simply predicting his historic election as the first Black president of the United States.  But he had far more sweeping changes in mind for America, including the destruction of the oil and gas industries in the name of "climate change" and absorbing millions of illegal immigrants as a form of wealth redistribution writ large.  Once elected, Obama got right to work.  Steven Chu, Obama's energy secretary, had announced in September 2008, "Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe," which was $9 to $10 a gallon.  In 2010, the Obama administration canceled offshore oil drilling leases in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.  In 2011, a federal court held the moratorium on drilling to be illegal and ordered the leases to be reinstated.  But Obama's Department of the Interior refused to obey the court order and was held in contempt of court.  Policy analysts writing at the time pointed out that the moratorium was not only damaging the economies of the gulf states but the American economy overall, sending gas prices (and therefore the prices of other goods) higher.  Sound familiar?

Biden Accelerating Obama's Push for a 'Woke' Military, Undermining Combat Readiness, Analysts Say.  As the U.S. military rolls out its new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), which imposes different physical standards and requirements for men and women, longtime defense analysts and observers say that the military's push for diversity and inclusion — a trend that accelerated under President Barack Obama and that the Biden administration aggressively carries forward — undermines combat training and readiness.  "The Biden administration has assigned priority to diversity, inclusion, and equity as the primary criteria.  That is a key decision and from it flows everything else that is problematic" in the military today, said Elaine Donnelly, founder and president of the Center for Military Readiness, a public policy organization in Livonia, Michigan.  Donnelly views the Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2021 released by the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) as providing a good measure of the new priorities.  The plan's "Strategic Objective 2" is "Educate USSOCOM professionals and leaders to help facilitate and sustain a diverse and inclusive culture."  Another of its goals is to "Increase hiring rates of diverse applicants."

U.S. Seeks Jerusalem Consulate For Palestinians.  The US State Department once again is resuscitating the idea of reopening a Jerusalem consulate.  But according to Al-Arabiya, the US is committed to the reopening of the US consulate in Jerusalem.  Ned Price, the State Department spokesman told reporters last Tuesday that, "We continue to believe it can be an important way for our country to engage with and provide support for the Palestinian people."  If that is to happen, the Biden administration will be responsible for rewarding the Palestinians for their intransigence and terror, as well as undermining Israel's sovereignty over a united Jerusalem.  The Bennett government is very much against such a move by the US.  Israel contends that it would clearly erode Israel's position in Jerusalem.  Joe Biden, as a contender for the US presidency in 2020, made a campaign promise to reverse his predecessor's decision in 2019, to close the Jerusalem consulate in eastern Jerusalem, and move its operations to the newly established US embassy to Israel in Jerusalem.

Biden Takes Blind Sheikh's Terror Group Off Terror List.  In 1993, the United States finally arrested Omar Abdel-Rahman, popularly known as the Blind Sheikh, the religious leader of the Egyptian Jihadist group Gamaat Islamiya after three years during which his followers bombed the World Trade Center and plotted to bomb the Statue of Liberty and a range of targets all across New York City.  The Biden administration has now announced that it's taking Gamaat Islamiya off the terror list.  During the original Jihad in New York, an undercover informant described meetings to case potential targets in which a member of the terror cell told him, "Stand here, brother, let me take your picture with the Statue of Liberty because it will not exist anymore" and "Brother, let me take your picture with the World Trade Center because it will not be here anymore".

Is Biden's 'Success' Our Mess?  If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done differently than what Joe Biden has done?  So is Biden malicious, incompetent, or a wannabe left-wing ideologue?  When pressed about inflation and fuel price hikes, Biden either blames someone or something else, gets mad at the questioner, or claims Donald Trump did it.  His administration apparently believes things are going well and according to plan.  When polls disagree, his team either believes the American people are brainwashed or that they themselves have not supplied sufficient propaganda.  So they never pivot or compromise, but rededicate themselves to continued failure.  Why?  Apparently, what most in the country see as disasters, Biden envisions as success.

Biden Admin Pulls a Fast One, Swiftly Changed Status of Five Foreign Terror Groups Friday.  In a time-honored move known as the Friday news dump, with our federal government discarding any news or documents it would prefer to be buried and see little to no serious examination or media coverage, the Biden Administration informed Congress on Friday [5/13/2022] that it is about to move five foreign terror groups off the so-called blacklist. [...] The reporting by Fox News on this story brings up something RedState has kept an eye on for a while:  the concept that the Biden Administration, which has shown it is too lax for comfort about the safety and security of the American people, might be making this move as a test-run of sorts for removing another group from the list:  the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Mao Lover Anita Dunn to Return to West Wing as Regime Braces For GOP Investigations of Joe Biden.  Top Obama-Biden advisor and Mao Tse Tung lover Anita Dunn is returning to the West Wing as the Biden Regime braces for GOP investigations of Joe Biden.  "Anita Dunn will return as a senior advisor," the Biden White House announced on Thursday.  [White House statement omitted for brevity.]  CNN suggested Joe Biden is bringing Anita Dunn back into the fold to help him with the onslaught of investigations the GOP has promised to launch if they win back the House.

Obamas Urge Their Followers to Take to the Streets to Save Roe.  The leaked draft of the Supreme Court's decision to end Roe v. Wade has caused uproar on the Left — and it's only going to get worse.  Get ready for an epidemic of disgusting, hysterical, sociopathic behavior the likes of which you've perhaps never seen. [...] Former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, have dusted off their aloof, cool, intellectual act to bless us with their thoughts on the recent development.  The former president tweeted out a document entitled "Statement by President and Mrs. Obama on the Draft Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade."  Apparently forgetting he was no longer the president, Barack also forgot how important precedent and custom are, as he used his position and power to pressure sitting Supreme Court justices on a case they are currently considering.

'Biden Is Just A Front Man': Tulsi Gabbard Connects The Dots Between What Obama Wants And What Biden Does.  Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed Sunday that President Joe Biden was doing the bidding of his old boss, former President Barack Obama, when he went ahead with plans for a Disinformation Governance Board.  Gabbard, who has often been critical of Biden, argued in a tweet that the Biden administration had announced plans for the board just days after Obama had called for better moderation of misinformation and disinformation.  "Biden is just a front man.  Obama, April 21: social media censors 'don't go far enough,' so the government needs to step in to do the job.  Six days later, Homeland Security rolls out the 'Ministry of Truth' (aka Disinformation Governance Board)," the former Democratic presidential candidate explained.

On April 21 Obama Said Social Media Censors "Don't Go Far Enough" — 6 Days Later Puppet Joe Biden Rolls Out "Ministry of Truth".  It is clear that Barack Obama is calling the shots and Joe Biden is just a puppet.  On April 21, Barack Obama delivered a speech at Stanford University and blamed Big Tech for failing to stop the spread of 'disinformation' on their platforms.  Obama said people are dying because of so-called misinformation about the Covid vaccines.

How Obama and Biden Destroyed the Greatest Military the World Has Ever Seen.  Joseph R. Biden is directly responsible for the worst, most humiliating, most dangerous — yet completely avoidable — defeat in the history of American warfare.  He has betrayed the country that elected him and that he is sworn to serve.  Yet Biden has shown no remorse and taken no responsibility for the damage he has done.  Instead, he has brazenly lied and called his own disaster a "success."  Every tyrant and terrorist watched the humiliating retreat from Afghanistan and knew we were weak.  A few months after the fall of Kabul, Communist China completed its takeover of Hong Kong with rigged parliamentary elections.  Right around the same time, Vladimir Putin began the military buildup for the invasion of Ukraine.  None of that was a coincidence.  Biden has weakened our military while arming and empowering terrorists.  He has emboldened Iran, China, and Russia leading to threats and conflicts around the world.  The question is, what will Republicans do about it?

Why Biden pursues politically suicidal policies.  The politically insane plan to divert resources away from the Veterans Administration to care for illegal immigrants is only the latest example of the unpopular policies that have driven Biden's approval ratings into the toilet.  But it's not insane if the end game is to "fundamentally transform" the country in such a way that it can't be reversed, and politics will no longer play the same role.
  •   Once geopolitical alliances and relationships have been altered as they're being since Obama's first term and now on steroids;
  •   Once 4 years of an open border with possible 6-10 million illegal immigrants flood in and alter demographics and domestic policy including drugs, crime, welfare, education, housing, and of course voting;
  •   Once you destroy every major institution from academia and the media to the Democrat party and executive branch departments like State, DHS, IRS, DOJ, etc., not to mention the military.
You can't just reverse it.  So perhaps the end game, after Obama (and his handlers) realized that 8 years of slow change was the wrong method, is 4 years on steroids while gutting every constitutional protection that's kept us the greatest civilization in the history of the world.

The Ministry of Truth Is Real.  Things got pretty weird, pretty quickly in the wake of Elon Musk's trial balloon about buying Twitter[.] [...] The Biden administration and progressive activists (including former President Obama) sprang into action following Monday's [4/25/2022] announcement and — quite literally — began the process of defining disinformation and calling for its regulation to make sure bad speech was addressed and eliminated from the collective safe space. [...] But the Biden administration, feeble as it is, was just doing the hard job laid out for it by former president Barack Obama[,] who was just doing the job laid out for him by the Aspen Institute's disinformation commission.  Obama gave a speech at Stanford University on April 21st outlining the threats of disinformation online and how unfettered speech is a threat to democracy (Musk was already well in the throes of figuring out how to convince Twitter to sell by this point, of course).  And the former president painted a very frightening picture, indeed.  One that ultimately pointed a finger back at "companies that have come to dominate the internet generally, and social media platforms in particular."

Biden to ban traditional incandescent lightbulbs by 2023 in favor of LED alternatives that are $3 more expensive.  President Joe Biden is banning traditional incandescent lightbulbs in a push to be more energy efficient, but critics claim the switch to LED alternatives will prove costly for poorer Americans.  The Department of Energy (DOE) adopted two new rules Tuesday that strengthen energy efficiency standards for lightbulbs and will effectively phase out the sale of traditional bulbs by next year.  However, consumer analysts allege that not only are LED bulbs more expensive, costing nearly $4 each as opposed to $1 for an incandescent bulb, but are often not stocked in stores in lower-income communities.

The terrible unintended consequences of the Biden presidency (unless they were intended).  When Obama came to office, he liked to think he was elected to manage our decline.  It was Obama who weaponized the FBI, the CIA and the DOJ.  Obama hated America; he set back race relations at least fifty years.  With the advent of Black Lives Matter, the Democrat party lurched further to the left; they've now gone so far left they are aligned with the CCP.  It is as though they have adopted Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 as a handbook for the running of the United States.  Can all this damage done be chalked up to stupidity and incompetence or is it by design?  Is the Biden administration being run by his handlers in China and/or the arms dealers here who need war to line their pockets?  Does anyone know?

Disgraced Former CIA Chief John Brennan Joins 'Secretive' Firm Staffing Biden White House.  John O. Brennan, the former CIA director whose security clearance was revoked by President Donald Trump, has joined the WestExec Advisors, a "secretive consulting firm" whose alumni hold posts throughout President Joe Biden's administration.  The firm, described as "Biden's Cabinet in waiting" by Politico after the 2020 presidential election, employed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, White House press secretary Jen Psaki, and many others.  Politico noted:  "WestExec is loaded with other former top Democratic national security and foreign policy officials who raised money for the Biden campaign, have joined his transition team, or have served as unofficial advisers."

The Editor says...
I suspect that all of the "unofficial advisers" worked for Barack H. Obama.

Obama Admitted On Camera That He Is Serving His 'Third Term' In Shadow Govt.  It's clear, Obama set everything up just the way he wanted it.  He is the puppet master behind Joe and Kamala.  This means Biden's disasters are Obama's disasters.  Proof of this arrangement was confirmed when Biden and Obama recently appeared together, side-by-side on stage.  The world witnessed how the Democrat Party overtly acknowledged Obama as their real POTUS, while Biden was ignored and left alone to wander the stage aimlessly, searching in vain for someone — anyone — to simply acknowledge his presence.

What Obama's Third Term In Office Will Look Like.  In Obama's own words in a set of interviews for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in November 2020, he told Colbert about how he could've possibly extended his tenure:  "I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that because I found the work fascinating," Obama quipped.

The Charade to Portray Biden as Competent and Qualified Comes Crashing Down.  For well over a year, Americans have observed Joe Biden's undeniable mental and physical decline. [...] On Tuesday, the curtain was pulled back to reveal an old, dithering, insecure Biden, humiliated by his own party.  At a White House event celebrating the 12th anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Democrats competed for the attention of the former president, Barack Obama, while they ignored the current president, Joe Biden.  At one point a lonesome, meandering Biden even clasped hopefully onto Obama's right shoulder to get his attention.  But Obama ignored the president as he reached out to shake the hand of one of his adoring Democratic admirers instead.  The former president couldn't be bothered to turn his attention to the current president; not while his own fans were waiting.  When Obama spoke, he referred to Biden as his vice president.  Moments later, Obama added, "That was a joke."  But it wasn't a joke and it certainly wasn't funny.  Nor was it humorous when Biden said it, introducing himself as "Barack Obama's vice president."

Dog whistle:
Obama Gets Big Laughs Referring to Biden as 'Vice President' at Obamacare Event.  Returning to the White House for the first time since the end of his presidency, Barack Obama jokingly called President Joe Biden, who was Obama's Number Two, as "vice president."  The former president at an event on Tuesday celebrating 14 years since the enactment of the Affordable Healthcare Act, commonly known as Obamacare.  After receiving a standing ovation from those gathered, Obama thanked the crowd profusely before recognizing Biden and Harris.  "Vice President Biden, Vice President...," said Obama, pausing before adding, "That was a joke."

Proof has emerged from the White House that Biden's presidency is over.  Barack Obama was at the White House yesterday, making it clear, as did others at the reception held in Obama's honor, that Biden's presidency is over.  Watching Obama suck the oxygen out of the room made me wonder if Obama is planning a comeback, something he can easily do.  The ostensible reason for Obama's return to the White House was to celebrate Obamacare's twelfth anniversary (if you can celebrate our modern, cowardly, corporate-run "medical care," along with overpriced insurance that does little for people with serious health issues).  The reception in Obama's honor, though, hinted that the event's real purpose was to signal to Democrat apparatchiks that Biden is now shark chum.  The chumming process began when Obama referred to Biden as the "Vice President," adding, after a long pause, "that was a joke."  [Video clip]

Joe Biden, the fake president, can't fake being black.
Joe Biden is Humiliated by Barack Obama's White House Return, Ignored by Guests and Referred To as Vice President.  Barack Obama made a return to the White House last night to revive the dying Democrat brand ahead of midterm elections.  It can't be overlooked that saving Democrats might have to include aborting Brandon, because if anything was accomplished in his first official visit since welcoming Trump at the North Portico, Obama utterly shamed the sitting president.  Does it get worse than this?  Watch as the attention-loving Obama flashes his signature smile and speaks with his famous swagger:  [Video clip]  "Vice President Biden."  Obama went on to say that it was a joke, but watching that moment live did not feel comical in the least.

Obama's bloodless coup.  [Scroll down]  But, have you ever watched any politician, or ex-president no less, more narcissist than Obama's televised bloodless coup at the White House?  Clearly the overthrow was devised, written, directed, and implemented by the former president.  His sycophants couldn't betray and abandon President Biden fast enough.  Obviously, the Democrats don't believe that hapless Joe is destroying America fast enough.  And clearly, with fangs unfurled, Obama has messaged that being a puppet master is not a proper second act for a past president of his Machiavellian genius.  No more behind the scenes act for him.  Our First Lady, Jill Biden, is the spouse from the dark side.  She allowed this circus side show to travel, succeed, and expose her husband's weakness as he allowed the extreme left to accelerate America's decline.  Just where was she as her husband was deliberately humiliated, abandoned, and destroyed?

Obama refers to Biden as 'vice president' at White House event, says it 'was all setup'.  Former President Barack Obama on Tuesday referred to President Joe Biden as "vice president" when he took the podium at a 12th anniversary Affordable Care Act event at the White House on Tuesday [4/5/2022].  When the audience laughed, Obama responded, saying, "That was a joke, that was all setup."  Obama then said, "my president, Joe Biden."  Obama also said he "intended to get health care passed even if it costed me re-election, which for a while, looked like it might."

Biden Presses Panic Button, Invites Obama to White House.  Nothing — literally nothing — has managed to boost Biden's approval ratings.  Not even his Supreme Court nomination was able to dig him out of the hole he dug himself in, and now it seems that the White House has pushed the panic button because they've invited Barack Obama to participate in a White House event this week to celebrate the so-called successes of Obamacare.  According to an agenda for the week released by the White House on Sunday evening, Biden, Kamala Harris, and Barack Obama will each "deliver remarks celebrating the success of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid in extending affordable health insurance to millions of Americans as part of the President's agenda to cut costs for American families."

White House and Democrats want to Save the Planet, Crush the Middle Class, Eliminate Use of Oil for Energy.  In an effort to take advantage of the energy crisis they have created, the entirety of the Democrat political apparatus is singing in unison.  [Video clips]  The federal takeover of healthcare, via Obamacare, was the 'big move in Obama's first term'.  The federal takeover of all energy production and delivery, via climate change ideology, is the 'big move in Obama's third term.'

Obama is calling the shots.  If this were not true, what would be different?
Dr. Carol Swain:  Biden admin 'most anti-American, pro-Communist administration' in US history.  In honor of Women's History Month, the White House administration praised a female activist who publicly celebrated Osama bin Laden and insinuated that the terrorist leader was righteous in his cause.  "I consider Usama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire.  To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro..." Kochiyama said in a 2003 interview.  "I thank Islam for bin Laden.  America's greed, aggressiveness and self-righteous arrogance must be stopped.  War and weaponry must be abolished[.]"  To be clear, she celebrated the same Al Qaeda terrorist leader that was behind the Sept. 11, 2011 terrorist attacks that killed 2,997 people and injured over 6,000 others.

Obama, Biden, and the Threat to American Greatness.  [Scroll down]  If there were a foreign policy decision to be made that would be injurious to both America's security and its standing in the world, Obama made it.  America had found its Manchurian Candidate.  But the injuries Obama inflicted on America were quickly renewed under President Biden.  With the START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) up for renewal, the Biden administration did not even enter negotiations with Russian president Putin.  Instead, it folded and gave Putin everything he wanted — a five-year extension with no negotiations.  Biden is attempting to revive the JCPOA agreement with Iran that President Trump had appropriately killed.  The Iranians refused to negotiate directly with the Americans and demanded intermediaries.  The meetings in Vienna are being led — even now — by the Russians.  And they are demanding that Russia be immunized from the sanctions imposed on it due to its brutal war in Ukraine in return.

Obama's Third Term and the Destruction of the American Polity.  The paradigm of seeking a balance between the federal government and states began to cave during the Obama years.  Now, under Biden, the abandonment of the federalism paradigm is picking up steam, and we see an attempt to sabotage federalism in favor of a vast federal bureaucracy and regulations and laws produced and upheld by a cadre of antisocial, power-mad elitists.  The replacement is seen in a growing identity with authoritarian regimes and practices such as being soft on Iran and Russia.

Joe Biden's Lust.  Let's dispense with the Mt.  Everest of words that have been written to rationalize Joe Biden & Company's passion — indeed, lust — to put nuclear weapons in the hands of the fanatical mullahs in the terrorist-run state of Iran.  To be sure, the powers-in-power — more accurately those who are pulling their strings — have been busy creating distractions like Covid-19, the corrupt investigation into the January 6th so-called insurrection, and the strange "war" between Russia and Ukraine.  But while Biden & Co. rally against Vladimir Putin, the U.S. continues to buy millions of dollars a day of Russian oil, in essence helping to finance the war against Ukraine, and Biden continues to count on ole Vlad to broker the new Iran deal with U.S. negotiators in Vienna.

The Editor says...
I suspect this issue has nothing to do with Joe Biden's desires.  Joe Biden is not running the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government.  Somebody else is, and judging by the amount of effort put into appeasing Iran, it appears that the acting U.S. President at this moment is either Barack Obama or Valerie Jarrett.

Richard Goldberg on the New Worst Deal in History.  Richard Goldberg, a senior advisor for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, spoke to a February 21 Middle East Forum Webinar about President Biden's appeasement of the Islamic Republic of Iran as part of his administration's desperate attempt to finalize a nuclear deal with Tehran.  According to Goldberg, the Biden administration hopes for an agreement with the mullahs in Tehran in which Washington would lift sanctions and give the regime "the potential to retain much of the nuclear gains that they have ... advanced over the last year since Biden took office."  He anticipates three key messages the administration will tout to justify its deal to the American public — all of which are "misleading."  First, it will insist that the defunct nuclear deal with Iran, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), "was working" before President Trump left it in 2018.  Goldberg exposed this as a "false statement": the "JCPOA [that] was not working."  Nevertheless, the administration will argue that returning to the deal is the "only way to avoid either a war in the Middle East or a nuclear armed Iran."

Team Biden Runs the Syria Playbook on Ukraine.  The Biden administration has spent the last two weeks publicly censuring and sanctioning Russia over its brutal invasion of Ukraine.  Yet even as it engaged in evermore shrill public denunciations of the undoubted evils of Vladimir Putin, it was simultaneously working hand-in-glove with the Russian dictator to finalize a new agreement with Iran over its nuclear program.  So how do we make sense of the administration's public campaign to isolate Putin at the same time as it partners with the vilest man on the planet to cut a deal with a Russian client state?  The key to understanding this seemingly erratic set of zigs and zags is the recognition that Team Biden is following the template that former President Barack Obama created in Syria a decade ago.  Let's call it the "Syria playbook."

Taking Calls from Biden.  In January, the Houthis targeted civilian sites in the UAE with a combination of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones.  They killed several people.  The American response to this attack?  Nothing.  And the Houthis keep targeting Saudi airbases and oil installations as well.  The American response to those attacks?  Again, nothing.  In fact, in January 2021, Biden lifted the designation of "terrorist organization" from the Houthis, and despite their record of attacking civilians and civilian structures in two countries with which we are allied, he still has not reimposed either that designation or the sanctions that go with it.

The Editor says...
That sounds exactly like something Obama would do.

This Isn't Obama's Iran Deal.  It's Much, Much Worse.  Anyone seeking to gauge the imminent outcome of the international talks over Iran's nuclear program being held in Vienna should take a look at reports from late January that three top U.S. diplomats had quit — largely in protest over the direction set by U.S. Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley, who serves as the U.S. government's chief negotiator.  Having served for two years in former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's Iran Action Group, I knew that this development was tantamount to a public cry for an intervention.  Such resignations — not of conservative dissenters, but of career staff and President Joe Biden's own political appointees — should have been cause for Biden or Secretary Antony Blinken to recall Malley and investigate.  Their failure to do so is a sign either of a troubling lack of attention to the talks, or else the possibility that Malley — who served in the same capacity under President Barack Obama when the first Iran deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was originally negotiated and signed — has been given a free hand to negotiate whatever he wants, as long as he gets Iran to sign.

Exactly what Obama would have done.
Marco Rubio [slams] Biden for releasing 20th terrorist hijacker back to Saudi Arabia for 'mental health' treatment.  Families of 9/11 victims and Republicans expressed outrage as the so-called 9/11 '20th hijacker' was released from Guantanamo Bay prison and sent back to Saudi Arabia for psychiatric treatment.  Would-be terrorist Mohammad Ahmad al-Qahtani, 46, who reportedly missed boarding a plane to fly into the World Trade Center because he was detained by authorities on immigration charges, was shipped back to his native country, Pentagon officials said Monday [3/7/2022].  Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, who had sent a letter last week to President Joe Biden urging him not to go through with the release, said it was a 'massive error which poses a serious risk to our national security.'

Why Doesn't Barack Obama Get More Blame for Putin's Ukraine Invasion?  For more than a decade, American presidents stood by while Russian strongman Vladimir Putin had his way with Ukraine.  Indeed, going back to the fall of the Soviet Union when Bill Clinton supported the nuclear disarmament of Ukraine, U.S. presidents have had a particular blind spot when it comes to Ukraine.  An independent nation on the border of a country that has always seen that nation as one of its possessions could have used an independent nuclear deterrent.  But Clinton and then George W. Bush were too busy creating a post-cold war architecture of peace to be concerned about Ukraine.  And that's where Vladimir Putin entered the picture.

While America watches the war in Ukraine, Biden finalizes a dangerous Iran deal.  While the world's attention is fixated on Russia's war in Ukraine, President Biden's Iran envoy in Vienna, Robert Malley, reportedly is readying to finalize a deal that makes a number of worrying concessions to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his regime.  Gabriel Noronha, a former Senate Armed Services Committee aide to the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and former State Department official, has tweeted specifics of some American concessions to Iran.

More Evidence Obama [is] In Charge.  From President Biden's first week in office, after asking what he was signing during a live event, the question of who is actually in charge has been up for debate.  I have been arguing that former President Barack Obama has been running the current administration, from his home down the street from the White House, an "Obiden" administration.  Back on Nov 30, 2020, before Biden was sworn in, Obama actually laid out what conditions he would need in order to run for a third term.  The left says it was hyperbole, I believe reality.

CNN Poll Shows, Team Obama Have Pushed Disposable Joe Biden into the Political Furnace.  The people constructing the policies of the Biden administration are the same people who installed him, community activists from Team Obama.  In essence, Joe Biden's expressed policies unleashed, are Obama term 3 without care for the political fallout.  CNN reports on the results and show that exactly what has been discussed here for well over a year.  Obama's ideological crew have pushed disposable Joe Biden directly into the furnace of political consequence.  [Video clip]

Biden Makes Huge Concession In Attempt To Get Iran Back Into Nuke Deal.  Well, it's time for weak-kneed Joe to make the United States look weak again.  This time he's capitulated to Iran.  In a bid to get Iran to move forward on talks, Biden restored the sanctions waiver for their nuclear program that allowed Russian, Chinese, and European companies to do "non-proliferation" work at Iranian sites.  According to Foreign Affairs, here's the problem:  Russia and China have already been helping Iran.  And the work may not necessarily be related to "non-proliferation."  In fact, if one believes that Iran will accept anything to do with "non-proliferation," I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.  Even the unexpected happens, and Iran agrees they won't follow what they agreed upon, just as they did with the Obama version[.]

Biden To Set Free Would-Be 9/11 Hijacker.  The Biden administration is slated to set free a would-be 9/11 hijacker who has been imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay for his role in the deadly strike on Americans at the World Trade Center, generating outrage from top Republican lawmakers.  Mohammed al-Qahtani, who planned to hijack planes on Sept. 11, 2001, for al Qaeda but was denied entry into the United States, will be transferred to Saudi Arabia following the Biden administration's decision late last week to set him free.  He is scheduled to be flown to Saudi Arabia and placed in a "custodial rehabilitation and mental health care program for extremists," according to the New York Times.  Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Ala.), lead Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, called the Biden administration's decision "an appalling capitulation to the far-left."

Biden administration waives sanctions on Iranian civilian nuclear activities as deal talks hang in balance.  The Biden administration has waived sanctions related to Iran's civilian nuclear activities as part of its efforts to bring the regime back into compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal — while stressing that the waivers did not equal sanctions relief for Tehran.  Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed a waiver that restored the ability of foreign companies and other countries to participate in civilian nuclear and safety projects in Iran without facing U.S. sanction.  The Wall Street Journal, which first reported the development on Friday, reported that the waivers are aimed at turning Iran's heavy-water Arak reactor into a less-dangerous light-water reactor, and also applies to the export of enriched uranium and heavy water outside of Iran.  The waivers would also allow fuel to be sent to two reactors used for civilian purposes.

Biden removes some Iran sanctions imposed by Trump, including unfreezing $29 Billion in bank accounts overseas.  The US State Department is waiving sanctions on Iran's civilian nuclear program in the hope that Tehran will return to the 2015 nuclear agreement, a senior official said Friday [2/4/2022].  As U.S. negotiators head back to Vienna for what could be a make-or-break session, Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed several sanctions waivers related to Iran's civilian nuclear activities.  The move reverses the Trump administration's decision to rescind them.  The resumption of the waiver, ended by Trump in 2020, 'would be essential to ensuring Iran's swift compliance' if a new deal on controlling Tehran's nuclear program can be reached in talks in Vienna, the State Department official said.

This is exactly what Barack H. Obama would do:
Biden offers Putin access to NATO bases.  President Joe Biden has offered Russian President Vladimir Putin access to NATO bases so that Moscow can verify the US does not have Tomahawk cruise missiles in Romania or Poland in a bid to avoid war in Ukraine.  Sources close to Biden told Bloomberg on Tuesday the proposal would only come to fruition upon agreement with American allies, especially Poland and Romania.  Russia would also need to share similar information about a number of bases housing ground-launched weapons.  Biden's proposal reportedly aims to diminish the Kremlin's fears that the US could use the missiles to target Russia.

As Iran was about lose its UN General Assembly vote for nonpayment of dues, the US arranged funds to cover the debt and keep Iran voting.  The Trump administration's sanctions on Iran were working so well that the mullahs were unable to put together the money to pay up on its United Nations dues.  Not after paying much higher priority bills, such as supplying weapons to the Houthis fighting our allies in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and supporting Hezb'allah's attacks in Israel.  Or engaging in joint naval maneuvers with Russia and China. [...] Imagine if President Trump had bailed out the UN arrears of a US foe.  The articles of impeachment would have been drafted within hours.

Biden Administration Revives Useless Obama-Era Tactic of 'Hashtag Diplomacy'.  As Russia and Ukraine inch closer to war and as British intelligence warns of rumors of a Russian-engineered coup in Ukraine, the West waits to see what's happening and prepares for the next moves.  Well, that is, everybody in the West except the Biden administration.  Instead, the Biden State Department is bringing back a tactic from the Obama years — a little stunt I like to call "hashtag diplomacy."

'I love working for President Oba... uh, Biden' Psaki slips up on 'The View'.  White House press secretary Jen Psaki capped off a rough week by appearing on "The View" where she was warmly greeted by the popular daytime talk show's stable of liberal co-hosts as she attempted to put a positive spin on the wheels completely coming off of Joe Biden's presidency.  Over the last several days, it has been one body blow after another for the reeling Biden whose four-alarm dumpster fire of a press conference did nothing to instill confidence that he was up for the job after he practically invited Russia to invade Ukraine and was humiliated when two moderate Senate Democrats sank his prized election "reform" legislation as well as efforts to eliminate the filibuster. [...] Psaki responded, "You know, I don't know when I'm leaving, this is an honor and a privilege and I love working for President Oba... President Biden," catching herself after possibly letting the cat out of the bag by confirming the suspicions of those who are skeptical that Biden is the one calling the shots.

Biden has the Reverse Midas Touch — just like Barack H. Obama!
Everything Biden Has Touched Has Fallen Apart.  In one year, everything that President Biden has touched has fallen apart.  The United States today is less secure, less prosperous and less free than it was on January 19, 2021.  Look no further than the record number of border crossings or the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.  While he rolls out the welcome mat on the southern border, President Biden abandons the prison at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and lets thousands of Taliban terrorists go free.  Taken alone, either of these disasters is a huge threat to Americans' security.  Taken together, we're facing the probability that terrorists — who believe that they were released from prison to extract revenge on the U.S. — could be smuggled across our border and into our cities.  My friends gave their lives for American security, and now, the commander-in-chief has shown zero commitment to our cause.

More evidence that Obama is running the show.
Psaki confuses Biden with Obama as she talks about stepping down.  White House press secretary Jen Psaki doled out some advice during an appearance on The View Friday on how Americans can get over the voting rights bill failing in the U.S. Senate while also shedding some light on her future plans. [...] At the end of the interview, Behar also asked Psaki if she still planned to leave the job sometime this year.  'I don't know when I'm leaving.  This is an honor and a privilege and I love working for President Obam-Biden,' she said, almost slipping up and saying her ex-boss' name.

The Editor says...
Or maybe he's not her EX-boss.  Go ahead, Jen.  You want a really good book deal in a few years?  Go ahead and say that you work for Barack H. Obama.

Democrats plan to copy Obama's tactics to win in November.  In North Carolina, a group of voters is suing to keep U.S. rep.  Madison Cawthorn off the ballot.  They allege that, because he attended the January 6 rally, he violated the 14th Amendment's prohibition against allowing anyone to run for office if he "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the Constitution.  This is a trial run for an attack Democrats intend to make against Donald Trump and myriad Republicans whose congressional seats Democrats crave.  It's also the Obama tactic:  get your opponents off the ballot before the election.

Exactly what Obama would do:
Christian-owned company told they must remove Bible verses from Army products, including dog tags.  The Department of Defense is now facing a religious freedom lawsuit after they managed to create a problem for a Christian-owned company where one did not exist for over 23 years.  Shields of Strength has been told they can no longer offer their military branded dog tags with bible verses — something they have been doing without issue since 1997.  The biblical inspired products are so popular that President George W. Bush even requested one in 2003 to honor the first soldier from Operation Iraqi Freedom who was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, CPT Russell Rippetoe, according to their counsel's website.

As foretold, Biden waives sanctions on Iran.  Earlier this week, we looked at the negotiations with Iran that were set to restart in Vienna.  None of the parties involved seemed terribly optimistic that any progress would be forthcoming, particularly since Iran was still insisting that they wouldn't even begin to talk about their nuclear program unless sanctions against them were dropped.  The American envoy said at the time that Iran would not be allowed to use further delays as a way of "generating leverage" against the United States.  Well, it appears that they had already generated all of the leverage they needed.  We've now learned that the Biden administration waived multiple sanctions against Iran just as the talks were about to get underway.  But the White House didn't notify Congress of the change for a full ten days and the public is only just now learning about it.

Biden's Ultimate Plan to Thwart Religious Freedom.  Joe Biden's secularism pervades the federal government.  He is rooting out all the rules and regulations that his predecessor established in defense of religious freedom.  Earlier this month, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rescinded Donald Trump's rule protecting religious foster care and adoption agencies.  Biden seeks to cut off federal funding to any such agencies that do not conform to his LGBTQ agenda.  Xavier Becerra, Biden's HHS Secretary, dismissed Trump's rule as "a blanket use of religious exemptions against any person or blank checks to allow discrimination against any persons, importantly including LGBTQ+ persons in taxpayer-funded programs."  According to National Catholic Register, Becerra is also hatching a broad plan to wipe out the religious freedom of health-care providers — a rule that would force them to "comply with abortion and gender-transition agendas."

The Editor says...
No surprise here.  Pandering to the homosexuals is exactly what Barack H. Obama did in his first two terms.

Biden's economy is very successful by the standards Obama set.  Never say that Biden is incompetent.  His goal is to bring the country down and he is doing exactly what is necessary to succeed.  Still, we can survive and fight back.  Remember when Obama said that his policies would raise the cost of energy substantially and that this would be good for America?  He said this in campaign speeches and was still elected.  Biden has successfully followed thru on these policies.  One way to do this is to write down trillions of dollars of fossil fuels in the ground as stranded assets and kill all the traditional energy companies.  Then there's printing money, flooding the market with cheap, illegal labor, using the vaccine to destroy the middle and working class, etc.  The millions of illegal aliens not only stress the labor market, school systems, and welfare but they are carrying diseases (not just COVID) that will stress our health system beyond its limit.  The CDC's and public health system's silence is criminal.

Joe Biden and Democrats create crises on purpose because they despise you and the way you live.  The economic pain you're currently feeling isn't an accident.  It's on purpose.  Democrats have made deliberate policy decisions to get us where we are today.  So it's wrong to suggest the multiple crises facing our country — the border crisis, energy crisis and inflation crisis — are a result of the Biden administration's mistakes or incompetency.  Because that would suggest they don't want these results.  On the contrary, they do.  The people running our country aren't dumb.  President Biden may be the face of these policies, but we all know he's not in charge.  The people who are really running the show know exactly what they're doing.  They know the pain they're inflicting on you and your family.  They just don't care.

The Editor says...
Hmmm.  Barack H. Obama hates America.  Barack H. Obama did everything he could to cripple the U.S. economy.  What would be different in Obama's third term?

When Ideologues Take Over, Life Gets Much Worse For Most People.  Biden is afraid.  You see it every time you look at him.  He's overwhelmed.  He's off-balance.  And that's why he's so often snappy and aggressive, because underneath it all, he feels anxious.  Biden isn't always sure where he is or what's happening around him.  So a man like that cannot possibly lead a country this complex.  But the problem is his weakness makes him a target for predators.  Ideologues like Susan Rice or Barack Obama can take a man like that hostage and make him read their scripts.  That's exactly what is happening, and you saw it so clearly last week. [...] Unfortunately, Joe Biden is no longer in charge, he no longer makes meaningful decisions.  The ideologues are in charge.  The Obama people are in charge.  That's the point.  That's what we're watching.

Let's think about why Biden nominated a Marxist to the Treasury Department.  Normally, you would think receiving your postgraduate education at the University of Moscow (in the USSR) and writing your doctoral dissertation on the advantages of Marxism over free economy capitalism might be a disqualifier for this all-powerful position.  But not in the Biden administration. [...] Twelve years ago, Barack Obama opened his presidency by touring the world to apologize for how horrible a country the United States was.  We all remember the video highlights of Obama's "Great Apology Tour" as he bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia.  In looking at Omarova's nomination and everything else this administration has done, from the border, to Kabul, to the supported terrorists[,] including Iranians, receiving de facto permission to build their atomic bomb, I believe we are forced into one inescapable conclusion:  The Biden/Harris administration's actions are not the result of ineptitude.  They are a carefully thought out, well-planned, and almost flawlessly executed plan to ensure the destruction of the United States as we know her.  It is being viciously implemented by Obama acolytes such as Susan Rice and hundreds of others who are the people really running our country under the Biden administration.

Iran's Cash Reserves Soar Under Biden.  Iran's stockpile of hard currency has skyrocketed during the Biden administration, rising from just $4 billion at the end of 2020 when sanctions were at their height, to more than $31 billion by the end of 2021, according to projections by the International Monetary Fund.  The Biden administration's decision to pursue diplomacy with Iran and unwind the Trump administration's sanctions has helped the country recover from its cash shortage, according to the IMF's projections.  The group says Iran's cash reserves will top $31 billion by the end of the year and increase up to $42.9 billion by the end of 2022.  This number could be even higher if the United States reenters the 2015 nuclear deal and removes all sanctions imposed by the Trump administration.  Iran had $122 billion in cash reserves in 2018, when the Trump administration began to tighten the economic noose on Iran.  That number dropped to $4 billion by the end of 2020, during the height of the former administration's "maximum pressure" campaign.

This Is Obama's Third Term.  Obama doubled the federal debt.  He oversaw the worst economic growth of any president since Herbert Hoover.  Under Obama, Americans experienced a stagnant median household income, a decline in homeownership, an increase in health insurance rates, and an increase in the number of Americans on food stamps, to mention just a few lowlights.  By every metric that should have mattered to Americans, Obama had failed.  But from Obama's point of view, he had succeeded.  American prosperity is anathema to Obama and the modern-day Democratic Party.  The Democratic Party's power doesn't come from happy, successful, and independent Americans; but rather from miserable, forlorn, desperate, and impoverished Americans who are dependent upon the government for their salvation.  While Obama made great headway in fundamentally transforming America, he did not finish the job.

In Obama's first two terms, she was known as "Julia."
White House Sells 'Life of Linda' to Promote Socialist Cradle-to-Grave Government.  The White House released a new series of images to promote the "life of Linda" under President Joe Biden's proposed Build Back Better agenda, promoting the idea of a government role from the cradle to the grave.  The slides tell the story of "Linda," a pregnant working mother who receives a monthly check from the government to help her provide for her son after he is born and also gets money to help her pay for daycare. [...] The "Life of Linda" series shows no sign of a husband or father in her life or the life of her child, suggesting that government will fill in for the man missing in their lives.  The Biden White House "Life of Linda" series echos the "Life of Julia" marketing push used by former President Barack Obama to sell Obamacare to single women.

Biden [is] burying businesses under red tape; more rules [are] on the way.  President Biden accelerated the regulatory state on his first day in office by ordering agencies to consider aspirational but vaguely defined goals and benefits when imposing new rules on businesses large and small.  The order greenlighting regulations even when the benefits "are difficult or impossible to quantify" sent shudders down the spines of CEOs.  They fear business growth will be smothered in pursuit of vague objectives such as "human dignity" and "the interests of future generations."  "It is the most aggressive thing I've ever seen by an administration," said Doug Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, a right-leaning economic think tank.  "It's one thing to put out a bunch of regulations, but this changes the way regulation is done.  It allows you to jam through any regulation you want regardless of the impact [on] the private sector."

The Editor says...
This is exactly what Barack H. Obama used to do in his first two terms.

Judge Jeanine dishes on who's really running the White House and all fingers point in one direction.  With Democrat Joe Biden appearing much like an addled absentee landlord, Judge Jeanine Pirro is wondering who is actually in control in the White House, and by logical extension, of the entire U.S. federal government.  "What are we supposed to conclude when the most powerful man in the free world says that someone will reprimand him if he doesn't do what they tell him to do?" she asked.  "Is someone else in charge?"  Pirro then implied that she thinks she might know who is calling the shots on a de facto basis.  The pro-Trump host of Fox News' Justice with Judge Jeanine, who labeled the sometimes "confused" incumbent as "president in name only" who might either be a "liar or incompetent," implied that it may be Biden's ex-boss.  Along those lines, she also seemed to have a notion how "cackling Kamala" got the vice presidential nomination even as her own presidential campaign was a dismal failure.

Bill Ayers, a Familiar Face in the Birth of Critical Race Theory.  After Attorney General Merrick Garland sicced the FBI on unruly parents protesting Critical Race Theory (CRT) at school board meetings, it came to light that Garland had a dog in the fight.  That dog is son-in-law Xan Tanner, co-founder of Panorama Education, a leading distributor of CRT materials.  Among the materials Panorama has recommended for educators is an essay by terrorist emeritus and Obama pal Bill Ayers. [...] What Ayers thinks would matter less were it not for his outsized influence on the educational philosophy of former president Barack Obama.  Were Obama merely a former president, his thinking would not matter much, either.  But Obama may be more than that.  Even Tucker Carlson has openly speculated that Obama is the guy running the show at the White House.  What seems clear is that Joe Biden is not.

Pete Buttigieg Returns to D.C. From Playing House, and Is About as Useful as When He Wasn't Here.  Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has been on family leave since August, and no one in the Biden administration seemed to care.  According to White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, the meltdown at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are problems caused by the previous administration, and they are "tackling" it. [...] I would be curious to hear the responses from the peanut gallery if Buttigieg were a female Secretary of Transportation who was also part of a Republican administration. [...] In the midst of what is a true transportation infrastructure crisis, when the head of the transportation arms of our nation should be giving insight and working on solutions, Howdy Doody Buttigieg is deer in the headlights, talking about everything but the supply-chain issues.

The Editor says...
[#1] Barack H. Obama is using the same playbook he used in his first two terms, and one of his best plays is to blame everything on his predecessor.  Years ago, it was George W. Bush who got the blame for nearly everything — years after Obama took over, and now it's Donald Trump.  [#2] Two months of paid paternity leave is a lot, especially when same-sex marriage is still a controversial idea, as is paternity leave, and nobody in this household gave birth to the children.  The idea behind maternity leave, and later paternity leave, is that Mom needs to recover from childbirth and can't return to her routine right away.  That doesn't apply here, and even if it did, two months is highly excessive.

This is exactly what Barack H. Obama would do. [1] [2] [3]
In Reversal Of Trump Admin Policy, State Department Reveals How Many Nuclear Weapons America Possesses.  The State Department released newly declassified information Tuesday about the number of nuclear weapons in the U.S. stockpile, reversing the position it took under former President Donald Trump.  The total number of nuclear weapons in active status and in long-term storage was 3,750 as of September 2020, the department said in a press release.  The number is a roughly 88% reduction compared to its maximum of 31,255 warheads in 1967 and a roughly 83% reduction compared to 22,217 warheads near the end of the Cold War in 1989.  The U.S. dismantled 11,683 warheads between 1994 and 2020, including 711 warheads since 2017, according to a State Department fact sheet.  Around 2,000 additional warheads are retired and waiting to be dismantled.

Pelosi Slips When She Talks About Whose Agenda 'Build Back Better' Is.  [Scroll down]  Meanwhile, when Pelosi spoke to Congress today, she made a pretty big slip when she spoke about the Build Back Better bill.  She said that there was a requirement to pass the bill and "keep government open." "We have to do those imminently," Pelosi stuttered.  "More imminently to fully address the full Obama agenda of building back better."  [Video clip]  Now, was that too much adult libation for lunch that made her misspeak?  Or was she really saying something there?  It had a lot of people talking because there's often speculation on who the people are behind Biden.  It even trended on Twitter.  Barack Obama had previously joked himself that if he could get someone to front for him, he would.

Biden administration proposes rule reinstating DACA.  The Biden administration on Tuesday [9/28/2021] moved to strengthen protections for those brought to the U.S. undocumented as children, an effort to combat legal challenges to a program first started under former President Obama.  A proposed rule from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would solidify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which was suspended under former President Trump and enjoined by a Texas court in July of this year, leaving an estimated million people in immigration limbo.

Iranians To Get Uranium For Their Nuclear Weapons Courtesy Of Biden Administration.  In Washington Joe Biden and company want you to move on from the Afghan debacle. 'Nothing but a bump in the road.  The endless wars are behind us.  Smooth sailing ahead.'  Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth.  Ending our obsession with ruinous nation-building is a positive thing.  Surrendering a strategic area to our greatest enemies and allowing ourselves to be humiliated before the world is something else again.  We have not ended anything.  We have guaranteed much greater problems in our future.  AND Magazine has learned from its sources in Afghanistan that only days ago an Iranian delegation arrived at Kabul airport.  It was composed of Iranian geology and mining experts.  These individuals along, with similar experts from Pakistan and China, then left Kabul to inspect uranium mines in Afghanistan.

Exactly what Obama would do:
Biden's Jerusalem Embassy Won't Acknowledge Judaism's Holiest Day To Palestinians.  The Biden administration's State Department, which has been celebrating the one-year anniversary of the historic Abraham Accords between Israel and its Arab neighbors although they had nothing to do with it, as it was the fruit of the Trump administration's labors, showed its spinelessness once again this week, as the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem acknowledged Judaism's holiest day, Yom Kippur, but the wing of the embassy that deals with Palestinian issues only called it a "local holiday."  The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, which is only there because former President Trump willed it so, tweeted:  "U.S. Embassy Jerusalem wishes a meaningful Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) to all those who observe this holy day.  May you be sealed in the Book of Life and G'mar Hatima Tova!"

US pulls missile defenses in Saudi Arabia amid Yemen attacks.  The U.S. has removed its most advanced missile defense system and Patriot batteries from Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, even as the kingdom faced continued air attacks from Yemen's Houthi rebels, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show.  The redeployment of the defenses from Prince Sultan Air Base outside of Riyadh came as America's Gulf Arab allies nervously watched the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, including their last-minute evacuations from Kabul's besieged international airport.

Biden Removes US Missiles from Saudi Arabia, In an Obama-Like Move to Appease Iran.  The wheels of insanity in the OBiden Administration are about to fall off again.  Rather than solidifying President Trump's policy of peace in the Middle East, OBiden's actions are likely to blow the entire region up into another OBiden mess.  President Trump went to the Middle East and visited world religious leaders on his first overseas visit in an effort to bring peace to the Middle East.  President Trump inherited ISIS terrorizing the Middle East as well as Iran and both these terrorist entities were backed by the OBiden gang.

Obama's crew are the people behind Joe Biden.  That has been visible since the Democrat primary race in 2020, when Obama united the clans shortly before Super-Tuesday.  Obama had to unite the clans because Bernie Sanders was going to win the primary, and Obama could not rely on Sanders to protect the team from their previous corruption.  When I am asked who is actually behind Joe Biden, the simple answer is, "everyone who was kneeling in 2020"; because they were all at risk — yes, including the FBI — from their coordinated effort with the Intelligence Branch of Government.  Bernie Sanders had no allegiance to the corrupt crew of intelligence operatives that Obama and Biden triggered to target Trump.  When you see these Moonbats spouting unconstitutional demands and insufferable positions from the media punditry, remember they are all connected to the Obama regime.

Biden shares Obama's motive for failing to punish terrorists.  When it comes to Biden, there have indeed been times when he was dead against making terrorists pay — when they were Iranian.  Take the bombing of the AMIA building in Buenos Aires.  As Vice President, Biden stood by when Barak Obama made sure that the perpetrators, though identified, got off scot-free.  How and why could he do such a thing?  Well, as Tom Friedman summed up after talking to Obama, the president felt that the Iran deal was "a better outcome for America, Israel and our Arab allies than any alternative on the table."  What a table that had to be, with no side issues that would offend the Mullahs.  Eventually, everything was taken off the table — everything except the bribes.  For caliphate fanatics, the prickly issues were (1) holocaust threats they routinely make against Israel, and (2) their worldwide network of terror.

Obama Did This.  Blame is simply being directed to the wrong person.  It will never result in any change.  It's not Biden.  It's Obama.  Barack Hussein Obama.  Biden will not resign until Obama tells him to.  It's that simple.  Biden is just a figurehead — a punching bag — a life insurance policy that was converted into a rather cunning shadow presidency.  Almost everybody in the Biden administration is an Obama retread.  What does that tell you?  It's Obama's third term.  Won by Eric Holder's four years of setting up a magnificent cheat.  Why did every Dem bow out to let Biden win?  Because they knew it was really Obama.  We knew that Obama and Jarrett were a shadow "alternate" presidency of the Deep State during Trump's four years.  And they are the real government now.  The good mother's screed to Biden was well-intentioned, but it was delivered to a front — to a facade — to a stand-in — the "old white guy" — who takes the heat for a lying, Muslim, communist traitor.

Service dogs left for dead after Biden administration abandons them in Kabul:  American Humane.  An animal rights activist group released a scathing statement after finding out the Biden administration left contracted service dogs behind at the Kabul, Afghanistan airport, condemned the government for sentencing the dogs to "death."  The United States Military departed Afghanistan on Monday and concluded the nearly 20 year long military presence in the country after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Animal Rights Group Goes After Biden Administration For Allegedly Leaving Service Dogs Behind.  An animal rights group released a statement Monday, condemning the government for allegedly delivering a "death sentence" to contract working dogs left in Afghanistan after a complete withdrawal of the U.S. troops.  The last U.S. flight flew out of Kabul, Afghanistan, which concluded the 20-year-long military presence of the U.S. in the country, Commander of the United States Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said Monday [8/30/2021].  "These brave dogs do the same dangerous, lifesaving work as our military working dogs, and deserved a far better fate than the one to which they have been condemned," the statement issued by American Humane read.

The Editor says...
Why did this happen?  [#1] This isn't the "Biden administration," it's the third term of the Obama administration.  [#2] Barack H. Obama is a Muslim, if even half of this is true.  [#3] Muslims hate dogs.  Dogs are are seen as expendible.

Kevin McCarthy:  President Biden Picked the Taliban Over Our Allies and Over Americans.  McCarthy:  "Why would you quit?  Why would you quit with five days to go?  Why would you quit when Americans are still sitting over there?  Why would you quit when you have allies, the U.K., France, Germany, who have fought with us in Afghanistan, not because they were attacked, but because America was attacked, who have asked this president to extend the deadline so they can get their citizens out?["]  [Video clip]

Biden Tried to Send Pallets of Cash to the Taliban as Kabul Fell.  On August 14, Secretary of State Blinken spoke with Afghanistan's former president and promised that the Biden administration would provide a bulk shipment of dollars.  The next day Kabul fell.  On that same call, Afghanistan's former leader had agreed to surrender power to the Taliban.  The Biden administration had effectively agreed to provide a massive infusion of cash to the Taliban.  But the final deal fell through, the Afghan government fled, and the Taliban took Kabul.  The bulk shipment of dollars never did arrive.  Biden's diplomats scrambled to evacuate from Kabul.  Ajmal Ahmady, the governor of DAB, Afghanistan's central bank, already had a ticket and headed to the airport.  He managed to get on a military plane.  Since then he's tweeted that he was warned that the Taliban had come looking for him.  The Taliban were hoping to get their hands on Afghanistan's money, but much of it is in the United States.  The most tangible part of Afghanistan's assets, $1.3 billion in gold, is sitting in downtown Manhattan, a little bit south of Ground Zero, in the vaults of the Federal Reserve.

Biden Embraces Defeat.  [Scroll down]  The exit from Afghanistan, then, appears designed to accomplish two things: first, to demoralize the American military and the American people.  Over 22,000 American service personnel have been killed or injured in Afghanistan.  Every American knows someone who served there.  Knowing full well that the Afghan military would not defend the country, there could be little doubt that the United States was turning the country over to the Taliban.  Moreover, the US did so with the appearance of being run out of the country in shame and defeat.  One can only assume this was meant to demonstrate to American servicemen that their sacrifice had been in vain, and to the American people that our cause of defending America from the scourge of radical Islam was not just.  How else are sensible people to view the footage of killings, chaos, desperation, harassment, and contempt for the US and our citizens in Kabul?  Taken together these images are far more effective tools of propaganda than nearly anything Al-Qaeda and ISIS has employed over the past two decades.  Their message is clear:  America is weak and resistance to Islam is futile.

Biden's crimes.  Where is Congress?  Biden has blown up the reputation of the US and proven that he and his band of milquetoasts are wholly without decency, ethics, and any sense of morality.  This is a bad bunch of people who have taken Obama's intent to bring America down a peg and doubled down.  They are orchestrating our defeat which, given what he has surrendered to the Taliban/Al Qaeda/ ISIS, may lead to our destruction.  So, why are the men and women of Congress not standing together demanding that these treasonous tools of China be removed from office immediately?  Who do they represent if not the American people?  Biden is putting their families at risk along with the rest of us.  Biden's clumsy and lethal withdrawal from Afghanistan proves, once and for all, his malevolence.  He opened the southern border to all comers on the first day of his administration.  He is hosting an invasion, welcoming migrants with covid, syphilis, AIDS, TB, and probably many more diseases, some long ago eradicated in the US.  They are gang members, cartel employees, and sex traffickers and of course there are innocents among them.  Biden is preventing the deportation of all of them.  This can only be a calculated plan to infect Americans with covid and other communicable diseases and the crime that will surely infect their communities.  And now he is vowing to bring tens of thousands of Afghani refugees to our cities and towns.

The Drossy Touch of Joe Biden.  Almost everything Joe Biden has touched since entering office has turned to dross.  None of his blame-gaming, none of his distortions, none of his fantasies and unreality can mask that truth.  Seven months ago, Afghanistan was relatively quiet — with about 10,000 vestigial NATO troops, including 2,500 Americans, anchored by the Bagram Airfield.  They were able to provide air superiority for the coalition and Afghan national army.  With air power, NATO forces, if and when they so wished, could have very slowly and gradually withdrawn all its remnant troops — but only after a prior departure of all American and European civilians, coalition contractors, and allied Afghans.  The transient calm abruptly imploded as soon as Joe Biden recklessly yanked all U.S. troops out in a matter of days.  Many left in the dead of night, leaving no one to protect contractors, dependents, diplomats, and Afghan allies.  In Biden's world, civilians protect the last Western enclave while soldiers flee.

The Editor says...
What a coincidence!  Guess who else has the Reverse Midas Touch.

Thanks to the incompetent Joe Biden and his puppeteers from the Obama administration...
Taliban Fighters [are] Now Well-Equipped for Decades.  As if it were not enough that the Taliban took complete control of Afghanistan — imposing its will and murderous tactics on innocent citizens; endangering Americans still present in the country; and complicating efforts to extract Afghans who provided important support, such as translators — it gets worse.  The Taliban has also seized tens of billions of dollars of military equipment and supplies, which were formerly under the control of Afghan security forces.  More than $28 billion was spent equipping the Afghans between 2002 to 2017.  Expenditures after that are harder to come by, but since deliveries were continuing until just last month, it is safe to assume that the total amount is much more.  Indeed, the Taliban captured essentially all the necessary ingredients to fully equip both an army and an air force, spanning the gamut from 600,000 rifles and machine guns; 76,000 vehicles, such as high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles, armored trucks, and pickups; radios, night vision googles, and drones; and 208 helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.  Of equal significance are the amounts of supplies it acquired in the process:  millions of rounds of ammunition, spare parts, grenades, uniforms, boots, meals, fuel, and rockets — enough to sustain Taliban military efforts for years.

US Assets Seized by Taliban: $85 Billion; 600,000 Weapons; 75,000 Vehicles; 200 Aircraft.  A report from Fox News highlights the scope of the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan as the network claims the Taliban now control 75,000 vehicles, 200 aircraft, 600,000 weapons and $85 billion in funding.  "U.S. officials tell Reuters that the current intelligence indicates that the Taliban control at least 2,000 U.S.-made armored vehicles, between 30 and 40 aircraft and an untold number of small arms," writes a reporter from the global news agency.  "Joe Biden creates the Taliban Army and Air Force," posted former Trump official Richard Grenell on Twitter.

The Editor says...
It's almost as if the U.S. government intentionally fortified the "Tolly-Bon" in one disastrous week.  Who would do such a thing, other than a Muslim sympathizer who hates America, and the military in particular — like Barack H. Obama?

Exactly what Obama would do:

Biden administration appears to have stockpiled military equipment for Taliban months before collapse.  For months, the Biden administration was stockpiling military equipment for the Taliban before the collapse of the Afghan government.  The report comes from Reuters who shares that well over a month before the Taliban's march across the country, the Biden administration was sending military equipment to Afghanistan amid a "planned withdrawal."  The plans of the Biden administration were not very well thought out or executed.  But perhaps this was the plan all along.  According to Reuters, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters, "They'll continue to see a steady drumbeat of that kind of support, going forward."  The Biden administration had continued to ship new firearms, drones, communication gear, and more to the nation that they had plans to abandon in just a few short weeks.  Even as the Taliban takeover continued, the shipments continued.  The Taliban has bragged about the equipment they obtained, with videos of helicopters and firearms posted online.

Obama Presidential Center: 'In Honor of the President and Vice President Responsible for The Deaths Of All Those Left To Die in Afghanistan'.  The presidency of the purportedly cognitive-challenged Joe Biden is, in effect, the imperious 3rd presidency of Barack Obama — but the mainstream and social media don't want to talk about that.  The Taliban — some of its current leaders calling the shots, released from Guantanamo Bay Detention by Obama in 2014, have made Twitter and Facebook 'Grand Communication Central', while the relatives of all those trapped in Afghanistan are left helplessly broken-hearted in sorrow, grief and worry.  Obama's shameful 60th Birthday bash was celebrated by hundreds on the very day that Afghanistan began to fall.

Lara Logan Carries a Big Trumpet About Afghanistan — If The U.S. Government Wanted it to be Different, It Would Be.  [Scroll down]  We have seen this play out before where a crisis is created because the crisis has a purpose.  In Libya rather than Hillary Clinton and CIA Director Leon Panetta getting busted for selling surface-to-air missiles (SAMS) to al-Qaeda (Operation Zero Footprint), the State Department and CIA — essentially brother and sister agencies — helped "the Benghazi rebels" take over the Kadaffi weapons caches.  If SAMS were then used elsewhere (Syria), well, they came from Kadaffi's stores.  See how that works?  Based on current political alignment, alliances, and the ideology behind who is in charge of specific U.S. government agencies, it can reasonably be assumed someone (insert Obama here) wants Pakistan and Iran to have advanced military technology via the stolen weapons we leave behind in Afghanistan.  Why?  Because those same people already made money selling advanced military tech to Iran, and this 'crisis' provides cover when it shows up later in their arsenal.

White House Sends Junior Official to Explain 'Mission Was Accomplished' at Kabul Airport.  President Joe Biden did not take questions during a Wednesday [8/18/2021] appearance, nor did he say anything about Afghanistan, but the White House produced a junior official in a pink tie to explain which part of the "mission was accomplished" thus far.  In a video released by the White House official Twitter account, Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer, wearing a bright pink tie, attempted to explain "what's important to know about the situation in Afghanistan":  [Tweet] [Transcript]  Finer's biography at the Harvard University Kennedy School Institute of Politics explains that he is a Rhodes Scholar, attorney, and journalist who served in a variety of staff roles during the Obama administration.

The Editor says...
Oh, the Obama administration.  No kidding.

Joe Biden's puppet strings are being pulled by...  Barack Obama.  He's the one guy with both motive and opportunity.  As for motive, recall that Obama was once asked about American exceptionalism.  He answered, "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."  He might have added, "and the Taliban believe in Taliban exceptionalism."  In other words, he thinks America exceptionalism is unexceptional.  Obama is the guy who promised a "fundamental transformation" in non-exceptional America.  To some extent, he tried to effect one, but was limited by a citizenry that was not far enough left, and by his own cowardliness in needing everyone in the immediate vicinity to like him.  Now, Obama's hands are untied.  The country has drifted far enough left to tolerate — and in the case of many people, to embrace — humiliating defeat.  As for Obama's need for affection, he can still obtain that, as he did in his recent birthday bash, while pulling Biden's puppet strings secretly.  And he does.  Obama has not just motive but also opportunity.  Biden's press secretary admitted that Biden speaks with Obama "regularly" and on "a range of issues."  When pressed on how often "regularly" was, the press secretary refused to answer the question.  The answer is a number that they don't want known.

Strategic Incompetence in the Fall of Afghanistan.  I do not believe this had to happen, and the Biden Administration made some catastrophic mistakes.  Let me explain.  First, the Taliban followed a seasonal pattern of fighting throughout the war in Afghanistan.  They primarily fought from late April with what we called the "Taliban Spring/Summer Offensive," to peak fighting by August and tapering until around late October.  They don't completely stop fighting, but during the late fall and winter, the Taliban pull back to Pakistan or go quiet in remote locations.  In a criminal lack of judgment, Joe Biden announced and began the unilateral American withdrawal at the start of the fighting season in April.  Even worse, Biden planned for the complete pullout to take place during the height of the Taliban offensive in August.  This meant that the most substantial change of the war, the removal of critical U.S. support, was made at the height of the Taliban surge.

The Editor says...
Waiting until the worst possible time of the year to flee from Afghanistan is exactly what Obama would have done, which leads me to believe that Obama is one of the people who made this decision.  Joe Biden didn't make this decision, because Joe Biden is an incompetent and senile puppet.  Obama, on the other hand, is very friendly with the Muslims.  During his first two terms, Obama made a habit of weakening America's defenses.  And Obama is notorious for making bad choices.  The Afghanistan disaster has Obama's fingerprints all over it.

Biden's Afghanistan Debacle May Have Been Intentional.  During his speech yesterday, Joe Biden angrily blamed everyone else for the collapse in Afghanistan, including his predecessor, President Donald Trump, saying that he had to comply with the deal Trump had worked out, despite the fact that the Taliban had breached the agreement and despite the fact that Biden himself had tossed aside so many other deals that Trump had worked out.  But Politico has a great story that completely blows all this apart.  The story basically indicates that this debacle was intentional — that Biden always intended withdrawal, nothing to do with Trump, and to heck with our allies.  They noted on the Afghanistan pullout, for example, Biden overruled his top military advisers and ignored the near-unanimous view of the Washington foreign policy establishment.

The Editor says...
Biden says he had to comply with the deal Trump had worked out.  Really?  He's never before "had to comply" with anything Trump set up.  What about the deals Trump worked out to finish the border wall and the Keystone XL pipeline?  Biden spent his first day in office undoing most of the stuff President Trump accomplished.

Joe Biden Blames Donald Trump for Afghanistan Collapse — Despite Calling Taliban Takeover 'Unlikely' in July.  President Joe Biden issued a statement Saturday blaming former President Donald Trump after the Taliban rapidly took control of the majority of Afghanistan's major cities.  "When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor," Biden wrote, complaining that Trump negotiated a deal "that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001."  Biden also noted that Trump had set the troop withdrawal date of May 1 and reduced troop levels to 2,500.  The president said he had the choice of either following through with Trump's withdrawal plan or sending more troops back into Afghanistan to secure the country.

The Editor says...
This is exactly the behavior exhibited by Barack H. Obama in his first term:  He constantly blamed George W. Bush for everything that went wrong, for years after Bush was out of the picture.  This statement ostensibly issued by Biden was almost certainly written by someone other than Biden, as Biden is most likely asleep.  Almost nobody knows exactly who wrote it.  This is just a little more evidence that we are experiencing Obama's third term.  The decisions being made in the White House are exactly the decisions Obama would make, week after week.

At Last U.S. Troops Leave the Afghan War, but Biden Must Screw That up First.  Look, very few Americans want Americans to keep fighting in Afghanistan.  Twenty years — 19 of them mission creep — is more than enough time to do it, if you can.  But there's withdrawing, and then there is fleeing.  The American president is fleeing.  Like every president, Joe Biden has numerous problems, [...] Many, in fact, are of his own making.  Like withdrawing during the peak Afghan fighting season, instead of waiting for winter. [...] The optics are also awful, at home and abroad, and they cement the depressing impression that the Biden Administration is really a weak, apologetic 2.0 version of the Barack Obama Administration.

This Afghan rout is entirely on Joe Biden.  It doesn't get more idiotic:  "The Taliban also has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said with a straight face Wednesday [8/11/2021].  Oh, and the State Department has sent diplomats to "press the Taliban to stop their military offensive and to negotiate a political settlement, which is the only path to stability and development in Afghanistan."  They're also begging to have the US embassy in Kabul left alone, warning that future US aid is at risk — and so effectively promising that we'll actually subsidize these barbarians.  Hello?  The Taliban has never given a damn about world opinion or "stability and development."  It was a global pariah when it ruled Afghanistan in the '90s, ignoring the handwringing as it crushed the country's women, destroyed those 1,500-year-old Buddha statues and hosted the al Qaeda plotters of 9/11.

The Editor says...
Take it easy on Joe Biden.  He's only doing as he's told.

This is exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done in his third term:
Biden's 'Infrastructure' Bill Includes Massive Slush Funds for Green Energy Boondoggles.  Remember when President Obama signed the American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009? [...] Two years later, Obama lamented, "Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected."  Obama's so-called infrastructure plan also included a bevy of hand-outs to politically connected "green" energy companies.  Does Solyndra ring a bell?  How about Beacon Power?  Or A123?  Abound Solar?  Ener1?  Unsurprisingly, many of those companies filed for bankruptcy, despite hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government. [...] Yet, President Biden, knowing full well how disastrous Obama's green energy "investments" turned out, is doubling down on even more government "investments" in so-called green energy.

U.S. offers refuge to more Afghans who aided Americans in new program.  Thousands more Afghans who may be targets of Taliban violence due to their U.S. affiliations will have the opportunity to resettle as refugees in the United States under a program announced by the State Department on Monday [8/2/2021].  Reuters first reported earlier on Monday the plans to set up the "Priority Two" refugee program, covering Afghans who worked for U.S.-funded projects and for U.S.-based non-government bodies and media outlets.

Watch Closely, JoeBama Network Signaling Team for 2022.  David Plouffe is the former campaign manager for Barack Obama, a senior advisor to all current politicians who are connected to that Obama network, and a senior strategist of influence in the entire network of people pulling the strings of puppet and avatar for Obama's third-term, Joe Biden.  Plouffe is paid and funded by the corporate system, private companies and allies within the multinational sector, for his leverage and influence within the entire political apparatus.  Today Plouffe is signaling his political allies, those actual foot-soldiers who corrupted the 2020 election, they will have to re-double their efforts in 2022 if they are going to pull off another election construct similar to the fraud they executed in 2020.

This is exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done.
Biden nominates first Muslim to religious freedom post; Holocaust scholar as anti-Semitism envoy.  President Biden on Friday announced his intention to nominate four people to religious freedom posts, including the first Muslim to serve in one of the top roles; a noted Holocaust scholar as a special envoy on anti-Semitism; an openly gay Jewish cleric, and a Muslim immigrant who famously clashed with former President Donald Trump.  The president nominated Rashad Hussain to serve as U.S. ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom, a post most recently held by former Kansas governor Sam Brownback.  Mr. Biden also named Khizr Khan — noted for his 2016 Democratic National Convention speech claiming that then GOP presidential nominee Mr. Trump "had sacrificed nothing" for the nation — to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, or USCIRF, an advisory body.

The Editor says...
The people who make decisions for Joe Biden are obviously thrilled to appoint "historic firsts" to various positions in the administration, just for the sake of pushing the envelope, breaking new ground, or uprooting American traditions.  They don't seem to understand that if something has never been done before, there might be a very good reason.

Exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done.
In step to shut Guantanamo, Biden transfers Moroccan home.  The Biden administration took a step toward its goal of shutting down the Guantánamo Bay detention center for terror suspects Monday, releasing into the custody of his home country a Moroccan who'd been held without charge almost since the U.S. opened the facility 19 years ago.  The transfer of Abdullatif Nasser was the first by the Biden administration, reviving an Obama administration effort that had been stymied by conservative opposition and the difficulty of resolving the remaining few dozen cases, including finding secure sites to send some of the detainees.

This is exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done.  What a coincidence!
Biden Admin Deletes References to Palestinian Terror Incitement From Congressional Report.  The State Department deleted references to the Palestinian government's terror incitement in a report sent last week to Congress, highlighting what some see as an effort by the Biden administration to downplay Palestinian violence as it restarts U.S. taxpayer aid to the government.  The Biden State Department's latest report to Congress, issued under a mandatory reporting statute included in the 1990 Palestine Liberation Organization Commitments Compliance Act, omits specific references to the Palestinian government's ongoing calls for violence, as well as its support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which wages economic warfare on Israel.  Both issues, which are being closely tracked in Congress, were included in the outgoing Trump administration's October report, according to copies of both reports viewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

Our 'Woke' Pentagon Leaders Are Weakening America's Defense.  One of the most disturbing developments to emerge from the Biden administration has been the Defense Department's sudden embrace of Marxist Critical Race Theory — so-called 'Woke' ideology.  It's a clear and present danger to our national security and should be halted immediately.  Even West Point, the Army's elite university where tomorrow's generals are educated, isn't immune to the Woke disease.  Soon-to-be Army second lieutenants are being indoctrinated with Marxist-based Woke ideology.  You can thank Commander in Chief Joe Biden and his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley for this.  Milley, an Ivy League grad, has aggressively shifted the military toward the political left by compelling officers to push racist CRT ideas down conscripts' and officers' throats.

The Editor says...
As evidence that Barack H. Obama is enjoying his third term in the White House, please note how Obama weakened America's defenses.

The Man Behind The Curtain Speaks.  This is the man trying to destroy our republic.  This is the man behind the curtian.  Barack Obama is beginning to speak out, because the walls are closing in on his corrupt totalitarian, racist dream. [...] That's because Obama is complicit in this entire coup.  He is the one running Joe Biden.  They talk often we hear.  Everyone knows this.  Obama hates America.  He hates the freedom America stands for.  He is Vladimir Lenin with different pigmentation.  He needs to be exposed for the repressive wanna-be dictator he really is, and he needs to be held accountable for his treasonous actions over the last decade.

This is exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done:
As Iran Escalates Missile Attacks, Biden Pulls Anti-Missile Batteries.  Iran and its proxies have targeted the US with missile strikes in Iraq.  Its Houthi proxies have struck at Saudi Arabia from Yemen.  So even as Biden is helping lubricate the flow of money to Iran's terror machine, is pulling anti-missile batteries out of Iran's way. [...] Why are they being pulled?  The official spin is that Biden is preparing to take on Russia and China.  That's implausible.  Biden is not about to engage in missile exchanges with Russia.  And an actual land war with China is nearly as improbable.  This is a thin excuse for giving Iran a clear field.

More about Obama and Iran.

Biden expands Obama-era program for Central American minors to migrate to U.S. legally.  How about a new class of minors being created for Central Americans who migrate to the United States?  Joe Biden is doing just that in order to create more ways for Central Americans to legally come to the United States.  In this case, the minors will board planes and fly right into the U.S., with the administration's approval.  Joe Biden and his administration are overwhelmed with the border crisis he created on the southern border.  As we know, Biden doesn't actually have any new ideas of his own and this decision is no different.  He is bringing back a program initiated by Barack Obama in 2014.

Why JoeBama Picked Garland — U.S. Senate Confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson as DC Circuit Judge.  [Scroll down]  The vote was 53-47 [link here] Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Lindsey Graham voted with Democrats to support KBJ to the circuit court.  This Deep State manuever was transparently predictable.  This was the real reason why Biden elevated Merrick Garland to AG, to get him out of the way for Ketanji Brown Jackson to work her way to a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.  Obama would then have another tool for total control. [...] We all know that Biden is an avatar for Obama's third-term.  Hence the plan by Team Obama (BLM) and James Clyburn (AME) to use a cognitively impaired tool to secure the 2020 club nomination.  They then inserted Kamala Harris as the useful radical to manipulate for actual policy objectives.  Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that time before when you did not see them.

To Stage the Counter-Counter-Revolution, GOP Must Learn From Lenin.  [Scroll down]  Now, under the "Biden administration" — which is by all accounts being run directly and indirectly from chez Obama in Washington's tony Kalorama neighborhood — the goal is to bury the Trump administration and make sure such a thing never happens again.  (Why do you think Obama, alone among past presidents, broke with tradition and remained, along with his family and his advisors, in D.C. throughout the Trump administration?) [...] If the 2020 election wasn't a counter-revolutionary coup, abetted by unconstitutional changes in state election law "justified" by the non-threat of COVID-19 and assiduously promoted by the media, it certainly is beginning to look very much like one.  So let the counter-counter-revolution begin.

Exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done:
Biden to Celebrate 20th Anniversary of 9/11 by Freeing Gitmo Terrorists.  Biden is restarting every terrible Obama project.  And he's trying to finish those that Obama couldn't.  Obama's big dream was freeing all the terrorists and closing Gitmo.  One of his first executive orders addressed Gitmo's terrorists.  He forced out Secretary of Defense Hagel over it, and terrorized Secretary of Defense Ash Carter to such an extent that at one point Obama actually asked a Republican Congress for the power to override him on this.  The Osama mission wasn't about killing the terrorist leader, but detaining him for a civilian trial so he could justify dismantling Gitmo and the military court system.  Biden is following in Obama's footsteps, but he's chosen to be less confrontational about it.  That's a matter of tactics, not ends.  Unlike Hagel and Carter, Biden picked Lloyd Austin as a guy who will rubber stamp the worst possible abuses and crimes against national security.

Exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done:
Biden Administration Rewards Terrorists:  Abbas and Hamas.  US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's May 25 announcement that the Biden administration will ask Congress to allocate $75 million in aid to the Palestinians and that Washington will reopen the US Consulate in Jerusalem — which previously had served as a de facto embassy handling US relations with the Palestinians — is sending the wrong message to the leaders of the Palestinians.  First, these overtures signal to Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas that the US will support and lavish funding on any Arab leader who seriously abuses not only his own people but also his neighbors.  This policy would also include leaders such as Vladimir Putin in Russia, Xi Jinping in China and "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenei in Iran, as well as other despots.  One pretext for the war that Hamas initiated was that Abbas had cancelled parliamentary elections to have been held in May and July.  The real reason the elections were canceled was that they would have resulted in another victory for Hamas.

Exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done:
Biden's defense budget leaves analysts scratching their heads.  President Joe Biden's proposed military budget cuts reduce the Air Force fleet and would install a glacial pace in reconstituting the Navy's coffers, leaving hawkish defense analysts worried about China pulling away.  The military services briefed reporters Friday on the president's late-arriving defense budget request of $715 billion, which Republicans heavily criticized for not keeping up with inflation or adding the necessary funds to catch up with adversaries.  China is known to have a Navy that outnumbers the U.S. force of some 296 ships, and its shipbuilding capacity and military spending are more robust.  Likewise, the average aircraft age in the Air Force is 30 years, but some 200 aircraft will be decommissioned according to the budget, with only about 90 will be added.  As a result, analysts think the Biden budget will face heavy pushback from Congress.

Exactly what Barack H. Obama would do:
President Biden Lays Out His Plan To Celebrate 'Pride Month'.  President Joe Biden touted his administration's pro-LGBTQ policies Monday [5/31/2021] and vowed more action to continue "the historic progress made towards LGBTQ+ equality" since he took office.  The White House released a fact sheet Monday highlighting dozens of initiatives the Biden administration has undertaken to advance the LGBT movement, including rescinding former President Donald Trump's ban on transgender people serving in the military.  The administration has also announced that U.S. embassies across the globe are allowed to fly rainbow pride flags on the same pole as the American flag.  [Biden statement omitted for brevity, among other things.]  Biden followed up the White House statement with an official presidential proclamation declaring June 2021 "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month."

Exactly what Barack H. Obama would do:
U.S. Embassy to Holy See flies Pride flag: 'LGBTQI+ rights are human rights'.  The U.S. Embassy to the Vatican displayed a rainbow flag in celebration of Pride Month on Tuesday [6/1/2021].  "The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See celebrates #PrideMonth with the Pride flag on display during the month of June," the embassy tweeted.  "The United States respects the dignity and equality of LGBTQI+ people.  LGBTQI+ rights are human rights."  The tweet included a photo of the rainbow flag hanging outside the embassy, which is currently represented by Chargé d'Affaires Patrick Connell, ad interim, as President Biden has yet to choose a new ambassador since taking office.

U.S. Embassy to the Holy See delivers huge slap to American Catholics.  I'm not a Catholic, but I know that Catholic doctrine does not approve of homosexuality — something that is true for all of the traditional Judeo-Christian faiths.  Thankfully, modern religious doctrine does not require persecuting gays but it certainly doesn't include condoning deviations from the biological and religious norm of monogamous heterosexual relationships.  That's why the decision by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See to fly a huge Gay Pride flag is a slap in the face to all practitioners of traditional religion in America.

Exactly what Barack H. Obama would do:
Biden to Cancel Oil and Gas Leases in Alaska's Arctic Refuge Amid Rising Gas Prices.  The Biden Administration will suspend all oil and gas contracts in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge amid rising gas prices.  The national average price of gas per gallon in the US is $3.045 as of Tuesday, June 1.  Gas prices have spiked in Southern California to $6 per gallon.  Joe Biden is now freezing all oil and gas contracts in Alaska's Arctic Refuge after canceling the Keystone X [sic] pipeline.

Barack Obama:  Joe Biden 'Finishing the Job' with My Former Staff'.  President Barack Obama said in an interview published Tuesday [6/1/2021] his former Vice President Joe Biden was finishing the work he began to redistribute wealth through programs like Obamacare.  "I think that what we're seeing now, is Joe and the administration are essentially finishing the job," he said in an interview with New York Times columnist Ezra Klein.  "And I think it'll be an interesting test.  Ninety percent of the folks who were there in my administration, they are continuing and building on the policies we talked about..."

Biden Administration Will Import Metals and Close U.S. Mines To Appease Environmental Wing of Party.  Every economic policy of the JoeBama administration benefits other nations at the cost of the U.S. middle class.  If you look at the Biden policy from a position of America's interests they get everything wrong.  However, if you look at Biden economic policy from a goal to weaken the U.S. and benefit other nations, they get everything right.  This is the exact same big picture dynamic that was present during the Obama era.  The Chicago crew of policy advisors simply hate America and everything she/we stand for.  That element of Obama's network hates 'colonialism', despises the industrial revolution, and abhors free market capitalism.  When Obama said "share the wealth" he wasn't speaking exclusively toward domestic socioeconomic policy; he was also pointing out that America needed to share wealth with other nations.  This is the ideological alignment between Barack Obama and Osama Bin Laden.

Barack Obama [...] was so arrogant he believed he would have beaten Trump if he could have run for a third term, new book claims.  Barack Obama was a 'parasite' on the Democrat party who sucked it dry for his reelection and left it saddled with debt, a new book claims.  The former President used the party structure as a 'host' for his 2012 campaign for a second term then treated it like a 'husk' to be discarded with $2.4million in debt.  Obama's aloof demeanor and professorial detachment masked the reality that he was full of 'self-assured self-regard.'

So, Barry, Trump Is a 'Sexist Pig'?  In his own most recent memoir, Promised Land, Obama's fixation on Trump is manifest.  In fact, it borders on obsession.  In reviewing that memoir for my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama's Promised Land:  Deplorables Need Not Apply, I could not help but notice, however, just how situational is Obama's objection to the sexual mores of others.  There is, of course, his and Michelle's coziness with Hollywood pervert and major Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein.  In fact, their daughter Malia interned with Weinstein.  Tweeted cultural critic Frank Rich after the Weinstein saga became too big to ignore, "Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story:  How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there.  The stories were out there."  Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.  Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."  "Any man," that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.  About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough.

What a coincidence!  That's exactly what Obama would have done.
Biden authorized $235 million in funding to Palestinians one month before Hamas' attacks on Israel.  Just over a month ago, the Biden administration announced $235 million in US aid to Palestinians, and on Tuesday, Hamas launched a heavy rocket attack on Israel.  "The United States is pleased to announce that, working with Congress, we plan to restart US economic, development, and humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people," Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in early April.  This funding was a direct reversal of Trump's policy in the Middle East.  In 2018, President Trump withdrew US funding for Palestinians and began a peace process that focused on normalizing relations between Arab states and Israel.

Newsmax TV's Emerald Robinson says colleague told her it's 'only a matter of time' before Harris takes over.  Newsmax TV's White House correspondent Emerald Robinson dropped a bombshell during a Friday segment on host Greg Kelly's show, reporting that networks have altered how they are covering President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in anticipation of the latter being elevated to the Oval Office in the not-too-distant future.  For the past week, Robinson has appeared nightly on Kelly's program to report on "different aspects of the White House" with a particular emphasis on "who's running it" based on a comparison of Biden's "relatively light schedule on most days" versus Harris's "increased role," in addition to "other former Obama administration players who are now part of" the current administration, Robinson reported.  The Newsmax TV correspondent then noted that, earlier in the day during briefing, she told White House press secretary Jen Psaki that several outlets — including some on the left like The Hill and The New York Times — were asking "is this [former President Barack] Obama's third term."

The Third Obama Term in a Covid Battered World.  Although it is nowhere stated on the official platform, the main goal of Joe Biden's domestic policy — and perhaps the prime directive of his administration — seems to be to ensure that the populist rebellion of 2016 is truly buried.  The admission of the District of Columbia as the 51st state, the opening of the southern border, limitations on gun ownership, the addition of seats to the U.S. Supreme Court — all are so many stakes to be driven through its heart to make certain it never rises again.

More evidence that Biden's first term is really Obama's third term:
Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag.  President Joe Biden's administration will allow US embassies around the world to fly the gay Pride flag on the same flagpole as the American flag, reversing a Trump-era policy.  In 2019, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blocked embassy requests to fly the symbol of support for LBGTQ people on the same pole as the Stars and Stripes.  But now Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has given approval to fly the flag at diplomatic outposts around the world, according to a confidential cable reviewed by Foreign Policy magazine.

More evidence that we are living in Obama's third term:
West Point cadets forced to attend race theory seminars, incl. one calling white cops 'murderers'.  Last week, combat-decorated U.S. Army Green Beret turned congressman Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) wrote a letter to Lt. Gen. Darryl Williams, the superintendent of West Point, describing the concerns "unsettled soldiers, cadets, and families" had about "the U.S. Army's introduction of elements of critical race theory into cadet instruction."  In his letter to Williams, Waltz noted one mandatory Sept. 24, 2020 seminar in which white police officers were described as murderers.  "The entire corps of cadets was required to report to Michie Stadium for your address as Superintendent and to hear from a cadet panel.  In this session, an active duty female colonel described to the Corps how she become 'woke' to her white privilege, and felt guilty for the advantages of her race," Waltz wrote.  "At this same assembly, white police officers were described as murderers with no context or court documents provided to corroborate the anecdotes of police brutality."

How the Obama Crew Makes Things Worse.  The question confronting us Neanderthals during the present leftward lurch is: who exactly is the man behind the curtain pulling the levers of the Biden operation?  Sundance thinks it's the Obama crew:  ["]Barack Obama and his ideologues (who took over the DNC) are now completely in control over the leftist policy execution...  Today, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, the former spokesperson for Obama's State Department, essentially admitted that Obama's network was in charge, and Biden receives his instructions from the crew.["]  In a way, I'm encouraged, because I don't think the Obama crew is that smart.  I think that if President Obama, the First Black President, had granted America absolution from the sin of slavery in 2009, he would have been nominated for bipartisan political sainthood and the Democrats would have owned the future.  But he didn't: instead he doubled down on his race card bet and lost the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014.

Jen Psaki Admits Biden Gets Instructions from Obama.  Perhaps the most consistent question about the installed dementia patient occupying the oval office, is about who actually is planning the policy, scheduling the implementation and giving Biden his instructions after his breakfast pudding.  For those who have followed politics closely, the answer has always been obvious:  Barack Obama and the Chicago crew.  JoeBama is not a meme, nor is it a snarky slap at the current White House occupant, it is a reality.  Barack Obama and his ideologues (who took over the DNC) are now completely in control over the leftist policy execution. [...] Today [4/8/2021], White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, the former spokesperson for Obama's State Department, essentially admitted that Obama's network was in charge, and Biden receives his instructions from the crew.  [Video clip]

Psaki: Biden Talks To Obama Often, We're Not Going To Reveal What They Talk About.  White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said during Tuesday's press conference that President Joe Biden speaks to former President Barack Obama and that the administration will not disclose what they talk about despite the administration saying that it will be transparent.  "Has President Biden spoken to President Obama about how to pass the infrastructure bill?" a reporter asked.  "Has President Obama given him any advice on how to pass that bill?"  "They speak regularly," Psaki responded.  "They, of course, were president and vice president, but they are also friends and they share a bond of serving through eight years of the Obama Biden administration, but also a personal friendship and kinship and he speaks with him regularly, but we're not going to read out those calls."

Barack Obama Is In Biden's Ear — And The White House Just Confirmed It.  When Joe Biden stepped into office, conservatives all across the country were concerned that a Biden Presidency would just be a "third" Obama term, and the White House just confirmed that it's actually happening.  During her press briefing on Monday [3/22/2021], White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted that the two men "consult and talk about a range of issues". [...] Psaki didn't say how many times the two have spoken, but they say that they "keep in regular touch".

More evidence that Obama is in charge again:
Biden Admin Brings Back Operation Rushbo Against Tucker Carlson.  One of the dumber campaigns by the Obama administration was Operation Rushbo.  Operation Rushbo was a campaign by Obama's people to target Rush Limbaugh personally, as the most outspoken voice in the conservative movement, and to, seemingly 'destroy' the conservative movement by making Limbaugh into its public face.  As I said, it was the kind of dumb idea by urban lefties who lived in a social echo chamber and had no idea why anyone might want to listen to Rush.  Now, the Biden administration has decided to relaunch Operation Rushbo to target Tucker Carlson:  the most prominent figure on FOX News.

Alternative viewpoint:  Obama is too lazy to administer his third term!
No, Virginia, Obama's Not Running the Show.  [Scroll down]  Obama is not a serious man.  Never was.  To this point, Obama's best biographer, Pulitzer Prize-winning civil rights historian David Garrow, titles his summary chapter on the Obama presidency, "The President did not attend, as he was golfing."  Serious progressives in the Democratic Party have long thought of Obama as a dilettante. [...] As president, Obama's bourgeois lifestyle and cool demeanor made him all the more effective as a front man for a movement that had grown increasingly strident, even punitive.  As ex-president, he is simply redundant.  Although still willing to sell what he lacked the stomach to lead, the Left no longer needs the service of a front man like Obama.  They've got an even more pliable one in the White House.

Joe Biden Says Military Will Focus on Making "Maternity Flight Suits".  The Biden White House announced on Monday [3/8/2021], which happened to be International Women's Day, that the US military is focusing on "maternity flight suits" for pregant women.  Because it's important that pregnant women are able to drop into enemy territory during wartime.  Biden made the statement right before he forgot where [...] he was and the name of the general standing behind him.

The Editor says...
This is more proof that Barack H. Obama is pulling Biden's strings.  Weakening the military was one of Obama's primary goals.

Transgender surgery is now free for military, thanks to Biden executive order.  Taxpayers will now foot the bill for gender reassignment surgery for active military personnel and veterans, with some treatments costing upward of $200,000 under an executive order signed by President Biden.  Tucked inside Biden's Jan. 25 transgender order, "Enabling All Qualified Americans to Serve Their Country in Uniform," is a clause that repeals an Obama-era policy that prohibited federally funded reassignment surgery.  This was followed up by memos from both Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough specifically stating that surgery is now an added benefit.  "This revised policy will also ensure all medically-necessary transition related care authorized by law is available to all Service members," Austin wrote.

Obama's Wingmen Set to Take Over Justice Department Again.  In his first public remarks, Joe Biden's acting deputy attorney general promised he would spare no resource in the nationwide manhunt for anyone involved in the Capitol breach on January 6.  "The investigation into those responsible is moving at a speed and scale that is unprecedented, and rightly so," John Carlin said in a February speech on the threat of domestic terrorism.  "Those responsible must be held to account, and they will be."  Carlin referred to the Capitol melee as an example of "violent extremism."  If Carlin's name rings a bell, here's why.  Carlin headed Barack Obama's National Security Division at the Justice Department for more than two years; his office handled all the evidence presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) seeking permission to spy on suspected enemies of America.

Proof that Obama is in charge of the Biden White House:
Are we back to sending pallets of cash to Iran?  Earlier this month we learned that some of President Joe Biden's attempts at backroom diplomacy with Iran were rebuffed, with the Iranians essentially telling the White House that we would need to "go first."  What they wanted was the lifting of at least some of the sanctions on them before they would consider any direct negotiations with the United States over their nuclear program.  This weekend saw some news bubbling up in Arabic outlets suggesting that the Biden administration may have taken that request to heart.  Our colleague Nick Arama at RedState dug up some chatter from Iranian sources suggesting that Biden had unfrozen some of the billions of dollars of Iranian assets currently locked up in the Trade Bank of Iraq and that some "transactions" had already taken place.  If so, this would be a major shift in policy without any notification to the public.

Meet the New President of the United States ... Barack Obama.  Republicans, conservatives and capitalists are sick right about now.  We're in shock.  We can't believe Donald Trump is no longer president.  We can't believe Americans voted against the greatest economy — perhaps in history — the greatest jobs picture ever, the greatest improvement in middle-class incomes ever and the greatest economic comeback ever, which Trump produced after the COVID-19 lockdown and economic collapse.  Remember 33% gross domestic product in Q3 2020?  That was the biggest number in history.  Who would vote against all that?  You'd have to be self-hating and suicidal.  We also can't believe America voted for a feeble old man with dementia who mumbles, who clearly signs executive orders without knowing what he's signing and who says "we didn't have" a vaccine before he became president, even though he got his two vaccine shots before he became president.  We all believe the election was rigged and stolen.  We all know the feeble old man now called "president" would be more at home in an assisted living home than the White House.  That man can't be our new president.  I have news for my fellow conservatives, Republicans, capitalists and patriots:  Joe Biden is not president.  He's a puppet.  Yes, we have a new president.  His name is ... Barack Obama.

The Editor says...
Maybe so, but even during Obama's first two terms, he only did what he was told by Valerie Jarrett.

Michelle Obama Launching Netflix Kids Show 'Waffles And Mochi' About Healthy Eating.  Former first lady Michelle Obama is launching a new Netflix kids show titled Waffles and Mochi that will promote healthy eating and diverse foods from different cultures.  Michelle Obama announced that the show will debut on Netflix on March 16.  "I'm excited for families and children everywhere to join us on our adventures as we discover, cook, and eat delicious food from all over the world," she tweeted.

The Editor says...
Programs of this sort could be hosted by any completely-unknown actor or actress, and the target audience wouldn't know the difference.  The only purpose of having Michelle Obama narrate this production is to keep her face in public view, and soften up her image in preparation for a future presidential run.  Since Biden's presidency is turning out to be Barack Obama's third term, Michelle's would be Obama's fourth term.

Barack Obama Explains To Stephen Colbert The Satisfaction Of Being President, What A Third Term Could Have Looked Like.  More than four years since his time in the White House, former president Barack Obama says there are aspects of the job he misses.  Obama sat down for another set of interviews for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promote his new memoir A Promised Land. [...] While 44 maximized his stay in the White House as commander-in-chief, he told Colbert about how he could've possibly extended tenure.  "I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that because I found the work fascinating," Obama quipped.

Does Joe Know?  Does the mentally impaired Joseph R. Biden know that he was put into the presidency by a small committee* of hard Left operatives, and is currently serving as a figurehead, as all decisions about policy and personnel are made by others? [...] My bet is that Joe does not know.  Why?  Because committee frontman and marketing director Barack Obama in a recent interview with Stephen Colbert explained his ideal third term:  "I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or frontman or frontwoman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that because I found the work fascinating."

Biden's biggest problem:  His candidacy relies totally on Obama nostalgia.  Last week wiped away Democrats' worst fears.  Joe Biden's comeback likely ended the possibility that Bernie Sanders and his leftist fanatics will hijack their party and crash it in November.  But they shouldn't bust out the party horns quite yet.  Democrats think the general election can now be a referendum on President Trump, rather than one about the merits of socialism.  But their embrace of Biden means they're asking the country for something that might be equally unpalatable:  a third term for President Barack Obama, except attached to Biden.

Barack Obama fantasizes about being president again.  Barack Obama says if he was president again, he would "say hello" to the people serving him.  Appearing at the Oslo Business Forum, Obama was asked, "If you were president once more for a day, what would you have done and why?"  [Video clip]

Barack Obama Offers to Help Puerto Rico, Making Case He Should Still Be President.  Former President Barack Obama spoke out Tuesday about the need for aid to Puerto Rico in a Twitter post that encouraged Americans to "answer the call."  The island suffered a devastating blow from Hurricane Maria, leaving residents of the American territory without running water or power, in a situation that has seen Puerto Ricans begging for help from federal agencies.  President Donald Trump faced criticism that he failed to act fast enough to ensure adequate aid reaches the island, and he is also being accused of insensitivity for stating that many of Puerto Rico's problems, including its debt, predated the hurricane.

Crowd Chants 'Four More Years' As Obama Takes The Stage For Farewell Address.  The crowd chanted "four more years" as Barack Obama took the stage at McCormick Place in Chicago to deliver his farewell address Tuesday night.  As the president got on stage, he acknowledged that he is a lame duck president because "no one's following instructions."  The audience then broke out into a "four more years" chant.  "I can't do that," Obama said.

Obama Cried at Send-off, Says He Could Have Been Re-elected.  President Obama admitted he cried at a recent senior staff send-off dinner — and is now claiming that he'd be able to get re-elected if he had run for president again.  "I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it," Obama said in a "The Axe Files" podcast interview by former aide David Axelrod.

What if Obama dropped Hillary's email bombs?  Obama is a major narcissist who always wants to expand his personal power.  Being president has not satisfied his power-hungry ego; nothing ever will.  For months he has been talking about running for a third term, and he's back at it today.

Trump Would Have Beaten Delusional Obama.  President Barack Obama, the Democratic leader who presided over the decimation of his party, now claims that he would have beaten Donald Trump if he had a chance to run for a third term.  The problem is that Hillary Clinton ran as Obama's third term, with the president's active support and was rejected.

Delusional, defensive Obama can't see a legacy in tatters.  With only weeks left in his presidency, President Obama has been reduced to issuing unprovable boasts, sounding like the senior quarterback at a small high school.  In a recent interview on "The Axe Files" podcast with former senior strategist David Axelrod — which makes you wonder if Mr. Obama's blood relatives were unavailable to interview him — the president claimed he would have been re-elected to a third term had he been allowed to run again.  Perhaps conservatives should cheer, as the president finally appears to appreciate the constitutional constraints of his office, but here's the real takeaway from this softball interview with a South Side Chicago pal.

Obama:  I Could Have Won if I Had Run for President Again.  President Barack Obama asserts that he could have won a third term against Donald Trump if he had run again on his claim of hope and change.  "I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it," he told his former campaign chief David Axelrod on a CNN podcast interview.

Ego-driven fantasy another bogey for Obama.  President Obama may be chasing a golf ball in the far-off Hawaiian Islands, but his ego is omnipresent, as usual.  In a podcast released yesterday, Obama boasted that if he'd run against President-elect Donald J. Trump, he would have won.

Valerie Jarrett to Obama:  "Don't You Wish You Could Run For Another Term?".  Another moment in the creepy relationship between Obama and his Iago.  Hillary had her Huma.  Obama has his Valerie.  To pander to his ego until it becomes monstrous.

What this campaign is really all about:  If elected, Clinton will finish the economic redistribution Obama started.  The political firestorms of the past week — the 2005 tape of Donald Trump uttering crass statements about women, WikiLeaks' disclosure of thousands of Hillary Clinton's emails revealing her two-faced hypocrisy, the appearance at the second presidential debate of several women who have accused Bill Clinton of rape and sexual assault, Mr. Trump's comeback debate performance — have obscured one critically important truth.  Hillary Clinton is seeking the Democrats' third term in the presidency.  It's not, however, her husband's third term.  It's President Obama's.  She routinely praises Mr. Obama and his economic stewardship while embracing his radical, far-left approach that drives the party she now seeks to lead.

Will Barack Obama Try To Stay In Office If Donald Trump Wins The Election?  Normally we would not even have to ask such a question, but these are not normal times.  This week, Obama publicly stated that Trump "is unfit to serve as President" and that he is "woefully unprepared to do this job".  In addition, he told the press that Trump "doesn't have the judgment, the temperament, the understanding to occupy the most powerful position in the world."  If Obama really believes those things are true, would he really just stand aside and hand the keys to the White House to Trump?  Never before have I ever heard a sitting president claim that one of the major party candidates could not function as president.  But that is what Obama has just done.

The Potemkin Presidency:  What Obama And Hillary Are Preparing For America.  Even Obama's most insensate media supporters have had to notice how manic the president has been in the twilight of his term.  How likely is it that Obama's frenzied efforts are aiming toward the marginal relevance of a post-presidency?  Not likely at all.  The president is working, and working hard, to gain a third term — not merely for his policies but actually for himself.  The president is obviously clever enough to know he cannot seek a third term outright.  But the media powers-that-be would be happy for him to do it sub rosa.  The crucial element in this scheme is the Clinton candidacy.

Obama: I'm Not Quitting, I'm Being 'Forced Out' Of the Presidency.  President Barack Obama says he's being "forced out" of the Oval Office, not quitting, as he faces the end of his presidency.  Obama was asked about the future of his golf game by the Golf Channel's David Feherty in an interview that took place just before he played his 300th game as president.

Having never studied the Constitution, even for a minute...
Majority of Democrats want third term for Obama.  A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found.  Data provided to The Hill by the conservative polling outlet WPA Research found that 67 percent of Democrats would take a third term for Obama over a potential Clinton administration.  Only 28 percent said they're ready to move on from the Obama White House, while 6 percent are undecided.  Obama is enjoying a surprisingly strong approval rating for a president serving out the final months of his second term.

Is a Civil War Coming?  This is something we discovered is not out of a dystopian novel but hatched by our own government, with a fleet of 30,000 drones expected by the end of Obama's "third term."  And what if there was a secret memo that gave the Obama administration the authority to kill any U.S. citizen at any time, anywhere, without proof, without due process, accountable to no one?  Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff uncovered this last month.  So what if, unlike the Communists in Russia, the Obama administration wasn't able to disarm its enemy — conservatives — but were able to easily outgun them, with hundreds of thousands of "personal defense weapons," billions of rounds, tanks, and "public safety" drones?  Is a civil war coming between a totalitarian Obama administration and conservatives?

Obama: 'I think if I ran again I could win'.  President Barack Obama said Tuesday [7/27/2015] that he would win a third term in office if he ran again, but is barred by the Constitution.  "I think if I ran again I could win.  But I can't!" Obama said.

Obama: 'I'm a Pretty Good President' And If I Ran For a Third Term, I Could Win.  President Obama told the African Union Tuesday [7/27/2015] that he felt he had been a "pretty good" president and if he were allowed to run for a third term, he'd probably be victorious.  Obama made the remarks while criticizing leaders on the continent who wouldn't step aside at the conclusion of their terms.

New York congressman introduces bill to abolish presidential term limits.  New York Democratic Rep. Jose Serrano reintroduced a bill in Congress on Friday to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which places term limits on the U.S. presidency.  The bill, which has been referred to committee, would allow Barack President Obama to become the first president since Franklin Roosevelt to seek a third term in office.

Dem House Proposal Would Allow Obama to Run For More Than 2 Terms.  Before you take up arms against the government, keep in mind this has been proposed before in 2011 and died in committee.  It would have to get two-thirds support in both houses, including our radical right-wing hostage House of Representatives, and after that, three-quarters of the states would have to ratify it, or 38 states, which is nearly impossible.

The Editor says...
Or Obama could bypass the Congress and implement it himself, which is entirely possible.  It's worth noting that some Congressmen are willing to introduce bills which have no hope of passing, thus wasting everyone's time.  A law of this sort would require an amendment to the Constitution.  The only reason a Congressman might introduce such a futile bill is if he or she knows the Constitution has been ignored and bypassed for so long that anything goes.

Obama: 'Michelle Would Kill Me' If I Ran For A Third Term.  President Obama traveled to Nebraska after his State of the Union speech, where he spoke to an enthusiastic group of supporters — some even wanted him to serve as president for a third term.  "Four more years!" shouted a person in the audience.  Another person in the audience shouted that "Keeping you as President!" would help keep America safe and strong.  "Oh, well, I can't do that," Obama said.  "I can't do that because of the Constitution.  And I can't do that because Michelle would kill me."

Nightmare scenario: Obama UN head, Clinton 45th president.  Aside from imposing martial law and 'postponing' 2016 elections, there is no third term in the cards for the high-handed president, whose seven-year-long obsession is to fundamentally transform America.  Thus, Obama covets, and even lusts for the job held by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, whose term expires in early 2017.

Obama Calls Senate Environment Chairman 'Cray' for Doubting Climate Change.  On the fundraising trail last night for the Democratic National Committee, President Obama insisted to a celebrity-studded crowd in New York that his presidency "has never been about me."  "As I enter into my last year in office, some supporters started getting nostalgic, and so we'll take pictures and they'll say, oh, Barack, I wish you could run another term," he said.  "And I explain — no, first of all, not everybody says that.  But I explain, A, it's unconstitutional.  George Washington set a good example.  B, Michelle would not permit it, even if it were constitutional.  And, C, this has never been about me."

Obama confident he could win a third term as president.  Thanks to George Washington, Barack Obama cannot seek a third term, but the president confidently proclaimed this week that he believes he could secure another four years in the White House — a boast some analysts quickly cast as wholly unrealistic, perhaps even politically delusional.  With Mr. Obama looking tired as he limps to the end of his second term, sapped of momentum by a growing string of foreign policy challenges abroad and largely paralyzed by political gridlock at home, analysts say another national election victory would be a long shot at best as the broad coalition of voters who reliably supported him in 2008 and 2012 steadily frays.

Obama: 'Yes' I would win if I ran for president again.  President Barack Obama said Sunday he believes he would win if he ran for president again and called his last year of the presidency "bittersweet."  "Do you think if you ran again, could run again, and did run again, you would be elected?" asked Steve Kroft on "60 Minutes" Sunday night [10/11/2015].

How Obama will get a Third Term.  Looks like Barack Obama has a third term as POTUS in the bag, and won't be needing martial law or any other draconic measure to make it happen.  All Obama needs to remain in power and to press ahead with his deadly Fundamental Transformation of America is for a Democrat — any Democrat — to win the 2016 presidency.  Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and his twin sister Elizabeth 'Fauxcahontas' Warren or the shop-worn and decrepit Bernie Sanders will do.

The Editor says...
I don't know about the Biden or Warren presidencies being tantamount to Obama's third term, but if Hillary Clinton wins, it will certainly be Bill Clinton's third term.

65 Percent of Americans Would Not Vote for Obama Again.  A strong majority of Americans would not vote for Barack Obama if he were allowed to run for a third term in the White House.  According to a Monmouth University poll released Monday, only 27 percent of U.S. adults would vote to reelect Obama in 2016, while 65 percent would cast their ballots for someone else.  Support for the president is even weak among Democrats:  While 53 percent would support Obama for a third term, the share of liberal Americans who would not vote for Obama stands at 43 percent.

The Editor says...
The poorly educated masses are evidently unaware that it would be illegal for Obama to run for a third term; otherwise they would not dignify such an insipid question with any kind of response.  A much more sensible question would be this:  If Michelle Obama were to run for president in 2016, as an overt extension of Barack Obama's presidency, would you vote for her?  That scenario could easily come to pass, and the answer would give a better picture of B. H. Obama's approval.

Obama: 'I think if I ran again I could win'.  President Barack Obama said Tuesday [7/27/2015] that he would win a third term in office if he ran again, but is barred by the Constitution.  "I think if I ran again I could win.  But I can't!" Obama said.

Obama: 'I'm a Pretty Good President' And If I Ran For a Third Term, I Could Win.  President Obama told the African Union Tuesday [7/27/2015] that he felt he had been a "pretty good" president and if he were allowed to run for a third term, he'd probably be victorious.  Obama made the remarks while criticizing leaders on the continent who wouldn't step aside at the conclusion of their terms.

Poll: No, Mr. President, you would not win a third term.  It seems that Americans can add "no more Obamas" to the oft-heard calls for no more Bushes or Clintons, despite the president's belief that he would be a shoo-in for a third term.  Rasmussen Reports on Friday [7/31/2015] released a poll showing that just one third of likely U.S voters would keep President Obama in office if he ran again.  Even among Democrats, only 57 percent would vote for him a third time.

The Editor says...
There is an easy way to call Mr. Obama's bluff:  Have Michelle Obama run for President, openly pronouncing it as Obama's third term, and see how many votes she gets.  This would be similar to the case of Georgia governor Lurleen Wallace.  The danger in this challenge is that the poorly-educated "low-information" voters (millions of whom, apparently, will vote for the black candidate, whoever it is) just might get Michelle elected!

If Obama Needs 'Third Term,' as MSNBC Analyst Suggests, He's in Trouble.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton must be thrilled about this:  "If you are President Barack Obama and you want to be a transformational president, getting to that transformational stage sometimes requires you get a third term," NBC News Senior Politics Editor Mark Murray submitted amid a sleepy Monday [5/5/2014] segment packed with idle speculation about the 2016 election cycle.  "People in the White House, and President Obama, I am sure they would love to have a third or fourth term," Murray continued.

Rep. Gutierrez: Obama 'Should Be Expanding His Prosecutorial Discretion'.  At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said that President Barack Obama should be expanding his prosecutorial discretion when it comes to enforcement of immigration laws.  "Unfortunately, he should not be limiting his prosecutorial discretion.  He should be expanding his prosecutorial discretion," Gutierrez said during a hearing on the constitutionality and legality of actions the Obama administration has taken on issues like the enforcement of immigration laws.

Liberal law prof: Obama's unconstitutional power grabs are creating a "very dangerous and unstable system".  Show of hands:  Who thinks Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will keep Obama in line?  Before you answer, note that leading amnesty shill Luis Gutierrez argued at this same hearing that, if anything, Obama should have a freer hand so that he can go about unilaterally legalizing the illegals Gutierrez has been effectively representing in Congress for years.  That's what's left of Democratic opposition to the imperial executive.

WaPo Op-Ed Urges Letting Obama Run for a Third Term so Senate Will "Fear Him".  Four more years.  10 trillion more dollars in debt.  And by the end of it, we'll have a nuclear war in the Middle East and mandates forcing you to buy everything from electric cars to Michelle Obama's trademark Soy and Asphalt pie.

No Uncertain Terms.  On Wednesday [11/27/2013] we observed that it's hard for a political humorist to keep up with the real-life absurdities of the Obama crowd.  To illustrate the point, along comes Jonathan Zimmerman, a historian at New York University, with an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that we need to repeal the 22nd Amendment.  Now of course the way this was supposed to work was that Obama would be such an amazing president that he would come to seem indispensable.

Presidential term limits:  necessary and right, or bad for democracy?  In an opinion piece published in the Washington Post, Jonathan Zimmerman, a history and education professor at New York University, says deciding whether a president deserves a third, fourth or more terms should be left to the American people, not the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which placed a two-term limit on the position.

End presidential term limits.  Democratic lawmakers would worry about provoking the wrath of a president who could be reelected.  Thanks to term limits, though, they've got little to fear.  Nor does Obama have to fear the voters, which might be the scariest problem of all.

Washington Post: Repeal presidential term limits.  As President Obama faces a small revolt within his own party, a Washington Post op-ed is calling for the United States to end presidential term limits and allow him to run again in 2016.  "Barack Obama should be allowed to stand for re election just as citizens should be allowed to vote for — or against — him," writes New York University Jonathan Zimmerman professor of history and education.  "Anything less diminishes our leaders and ourselves."

Proposed repeal of the 22nd Amendment.  Introduced by Rep. Jose Serrano [D, NY].

Democrat Proposes Repealing 22nd Amendment on Presidential Term Limit.  This bill was introduced into the Judiciary Committee on January 6 (first day of the 111th Congress) and has no co-sponsors.  Before anyone starts freaking out, remember that a bill such as this must first make it out of committee, then be passed by two-thirds of the House and Senate, then be passed by three-fourths of the States before actually happening.  Regardless, this simply goes to show that the minority party or individual (the smallest minority there is) should always have their rights respected so as to provide a check against the majority.

Hail King Obama:  President for life.  As Inauguration Day approaches and Barack Obama prepares to assume his first term as president, some in Congress are hoping to make it possible for the Democrat to not only seek a second term in office, but a third and fourth as well.  The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary is considering a bill that would repeal the Constitution's 22nd Amendment prohibiting a president from being elected to more than two terms in office.

King of America!  And you wondered why this country is in the shape it is in today!  The sheer idiocy of such a move is breath taking.  But as long as we Americans continue to elect these clowns to lead us in the Congress, and in the office of President, this is the kind of country we will continue to have, until it implodes as it has nearly done in the past few weeks.

Getting started on term #2...
Obama in perpetual campaign, Barbour says.  It's no coincidence President Obama has traveled to key swing states to push his massive stimulus measure, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour said Sunday.  Barbour, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, said Obama's recent travel is an indication that the new president is already running for reelection.

And term #3...
Limbaugh:  Obama planning third term.  Rush Limbaugh stirred up some trouble today [6/30/2009] when he suggested Obama might have his sights on a third term:  "You have to wonder if Obama is just trying to lay a foundation for not being a hypocrite when he tries to serve beyond 2016.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if in the next number of years there is a move on the 22nd Amendment, which term limits the President of the United States."

What If It Happened Here?  Suppose, from a purely hypothetical standpoint, the crisis in Honduras was mimicked in the United States?  A fictional American president, lacking the votes in Congress and the judicial nod from the Supreme Court, circumvents the constitutional process and holds an illegal national referendum to repeal the 22nd Amendment — thus infinitely extending his potential for reelection.  The obvious legislative differences between the United States and Honduras aside, reactions would be nearly identical.  Members of the Armed Forces take a solemn oath to "support and defend the Constitution," not to a specific individual.

100 minutes in the life of Muammar Gaddafi.  [Scroll down]  "Terrorism is not just al-Qaida, it takes many forms."  In case the point was lost on anyone, he tore up his copy of the UN rule book.  Having thus abused and alienated 99.99% of the world's top diplomats, he suddenly changed tack, heaping praise and devotion on the one man he appears to respect.  "Now the black man doesn't have to sit in the back of the bus, the American people made him president and we are proud of that.  We would be happy if Obama stayed president of America forever."

WaPo Op-Ed Urges Letting Obama Run for a Third Term so Senate Will "Fear Him".  Four more years.  10 trillion more dollars in debt.  And by the end of it, we'll have a nuclear war in the Middle East and mandates forcing you to buy everything from electric cars to Michelle Obama's trademark Soy and Asphalt pie.

Having never studied the Constitution, even for a minute...
Majority of Democrats want third term for Obama.  A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found.  Data provided to The Hill by the conservative polling outlet WPA Research found that 67 percent of Democrats would take a third term for Obama over a potential Clinton administration.  Only 28 percent said they're ready to move on from the Obama White House, while 6 percent are undecided.  Obama is enjoying a surprisingly strong approval rating for a president serving out the final months of his second term.

Document location http://akdart.com/o3.html
Updated October 14, 2024.

©2024 by Andrew K. Dart