Scouts  vs  Political  Correctness
A Scout is trustworthy, courteous, thrifty, loyal, kind, brave, helpful, obedient, clean, friendly, cheerful and reverent.  (By comparison, a Royal Ranger is alert, clean, honest, courageous, loyal, courteous, obedient and spiritual.)

Homosexual "activists" have been badgering the Boy Scouts for the last few years, trying to get them to accept openly homosexual men into their organization.  But the Boy Scouts have standards, and it's a private organization, and they have the right to freely associate — or refrain from associating — with whomever they please.  It's easy to choose the Scouts' side of this argument, yet some do not.

More information about same-sex marriage and homosexuality in general can be found here.

Scouts' Honor.  The Boy Scouts were founded in Britain in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell, a lieutenant-general in the British army who authored a series of military training manuals, including one for boys.  Scouting was made American in 1910, and since 1911 the Boy Scout Handbook has accompanied every Scout as he ascends in rank, providing "advice in practical methods, as well as inspiring information."  By the time he reaches Eagle Scout, a Scout's handbook is dog-eared and well worn, his achievements and camping trips logged in the back.  The first edition of the handbook is beautifully written and endless fun to read.  It bursts with information, featuring chapters on Scoutcraft; Woodcraft; Campcraft; Tracks, Trailing, and Signaling; Health and Endurance; Chivalry; First Aid and Life Saving; Games and Athletic Standards; and Patriotism and Citizenship.  Teaching through stories and examples, it is an invitation to challenge and adventure.  Reading it makes you think it no accident that 11 of the 12 men who have walked on the moon were Scouts.

Families ditch Boy Scouts over 'chase of progressive visions,' seek faith-based alternatives.  The Boy Scouts' "chase of progressive visions" was credited for the growth of alternative organizations "rooted in Scripture."  [Video clip]  Ahead of the 115th anniversary of the once all-boys organization, the scandal-ridden Boy Scouts of America announced their embrace of leftist "inclusivity" featuring a rebrand to Scouting America.  Where their distancing from the narrow trail of tradition had seen historic lows for membership, faith-based organizations like Awana marked increases by the millions.

Boy Scouts Destroyed Itself By Accepting Girls.  The Boy Scouts of America announced Tuesday [5/7/2024] that it will be rolling out a new name:  Scouting America.  The change was made in the name of making girls feel included. "This will be a simple but very important evolution as we seek to ensure that everyone feels welcome in Scouting," said the organization's CEO in announcing the change. "We are an organization for all.  It's time our name reflects that," he said.  Back in 2019, the Boy Scouts announced that it would accept girls into its programs and would change the name of its flagship program to Scouts BSA to reflect that change.  Ever since, the organization has been in total freefall.  In 2018, the last year that only boys were allowed in Boy Scouts, the organization counted over 2 million boys among its members.  Immediately upon the rollout of the co-ed policy, membership plunged, falling to 1,123,651 in 2020. The organization claimed that the pandemic was primarily responsible and that membership would quickly recover.  That was not to be.  The organization counted 1,042,000 members at the end of 2022 and now says membership hovers just over 1 million.

Killing the Boy Scouts.  This week the Boys Scouts of America neutered themselves even further by removing the very DNA of what it had been as an organization by cutting the word "boy" out of its name.  In 2019, the organization changed its name from "Boy Scouts" to the more generic "Scouts BSA" to be more inclusive to girls joining local Boy Scout troops.  But apparently, even the "B" in "BSA" was too offensive for some, so the group has now adopted the completely gender-neutral name "Scouting America."  A once steadfast symbol of wholesome Americana, the Boy Scouts of America was transformed from the greatest boy-centered organization in the world to a generic, gender-neutral youth group with neckerchiefs.  The iconic masculinity program where boys went to learn from men how to become men is now gone, as most local troops are run by women.

Trying to be more inclusive is what caused the Scouts to go bankrupt.  Apparently they have learned nothing.
Boy Scouts of America changes name to 'Scouting America' to be 'more inclusive'.  After years of turmoil and upheaval resulting in a major identity crisis, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced today that it's changing its name to Scouting America in order to be "more inclusive."  The rebranding comes as the troubled organization emerges from bankruptcy after a tsunami of allegations of sexual abuse rocked the once-beloved, venerable institution geared to forming boys into men.  In all, more than 80,000 men came forward to file claims alleging that they were sexually abused while in BSA programs, resulting in a $2.4 billion bankruptcy plan that was approved by a federal judge last year.  The BSA began welcoming homosexual-identifying boys in 2013, and in 2015 halted its ban on gay adult scout masters.

R.I.P. Boys Scouts of America.  Wokeness has finally succeeded in destroying a formerly great organization.  After 114 years, the Boy Scouts of America is changing its name to Scouting America.  "The organization steeped in tradition has made seismic changes after decades of turmoil, from finally allowing gay youth to welcoming girls throughout its ranks," reports the Associated Press.  "With an eye on increasing flagging membership numbers, the Irving, Texas-based organization announced the name change Tuesday at its annual meeting in Florida."

Boy Scout Leaders Invite LGBTQ Advocates to Jamboree Camp.  The Boy Scouts of America scouting organization is inviting "LGBTQ" advocacy at its national jamboree camp in West Virginia.  The advocacy was applauded by LGBTQ advocate Mike De Socio in the Washington Post.  "There is value in the type of place it is becoming:  one where any kid, of any race or gender or sexual orientation, feels at home," De Socio wrote.  De Socio has campaigned for an official welcome for gays and lesbians, as well as transsexuals — dubbed "transgenders" — into the national organization.  That demand contradicted the organization's original purpose of redirecting and subsuming young men's energy to help guide them through their turbulent adolescent years and puberty.

Attendance Drops Off at First National Jamboree of New, Inclusive Boy Scouts.  Anywhere from 2% to 5% of Boy Scouts journey to the quadrennial National Jamboree.  At its peak, the BSA hosted 50,960 attendees at the 1964 Jamboree at Valley Forge, Pa., and President Lyndon B. Johnson gave a speech.  Attendance waned and waxed over the years, and in 2017, around 40,000 Scouts went to the Jambo at the Summit Bechtel Reserve, a 10,600-acre property in West Virginia that had been donated to BSA.  (This year, only 15,000 are expected to attend.) [...] To put the massive event in perspective, this was when the "The Future is Female" movement was cranking up and boys were being disparaged, slandered, stifled, and tossed aside in favor of prioritizing girls' prospects in society.  Scouting was one of the last existing organizations dedicated exclusively to boys and their particular inclinations, interests, and development for a successful future.  So naturally, the organization was under attack.

Scouts sell off camps under strain from sex abuse suits.  As the financially struggling Boy Scouts sell off a number of campgrounds, conservationists, government officials and others are scrambling to find ways to preserve them as open space.  A $2.6 billion proposed bankruptcy settlement designed to pay thousands of victims of child sexual abuse has added pressure to an organization beset by years of declining enrollment, and the Scouts and their local councils have been cashing in on their extensive holdings, including properties where some of the abuse took place.  Developers have bought up some.  Preservation groups hope others can be protected and some legislators have taken notice.

Trial set to consider approval of Boy Scouts bankruptcy plan.  More than two years after the Boy Scouts of America sought bankruptcy protection amid an onslaught of child sex abuse allegations, a judge will determine whether to confirm its proposed reorganization plan in a trial beginning Monday.  The trial in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware is expected to stretch over several weeks as attorneys and witnesses battle over a host of complex issues, including insurance rights, liability releases, the value of some 80,000 child sex abuse claims and how such a huge number of claims came to be filed.

Boy Scouts of America reaches initial $850M settlement with 60,000 men who brought child sex abuse claims against the organization.  The Boys Scouts of America has reached a $850billion settlement with more than 60,000 men whose claims of child sex abuse by volunteers and troop leaders span six decades.  The settlement was disclosed in a Thursday filing with the US Bankruptcy Court in Delaware — more than a year after the 110-year-old non-profit valued at over $1billion filed for Chapter 11 protection from creditors in the face of more than 275 abuse lawsuits and 1,400 potential claims.  More than 84,000 men joined the largest lawsuit before a November 2020 deadline for victims to come forward.

Woke Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts suffer unprecedented declines in membership.  The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are seeing a historic mass exodus away from their organizations: [...] The Boy Scouts, which is currently undergoing bankruptcy due to tens of thousands of people who have filed sexual abuse claims against the organization, is planning to stem the insane hemorrhage of attendance and funding by raising rates for everyone still in the organization.

The Boy Scout "Perversion Files".  It all started when the Boy Scouts if America knew a reckoning was coming.  The organization was facing more and more sexual abuse claims, some going back decades.  It filed for bankruptcy protection knowing there would have to be some sort of large payout, and wanting to take care of any claims once and for all.  By the time the fall deadline came last year for alleged victims to file complaints, there were more than 95,000, making it the single biggest sex abuse court case ever.

Maiden Voyage:  The Boy Scouts Welcome 1,000 Female Eagle Scouts.  As you may recall, in 2019, the organization did something very few boys-only groups seem to do: let in girls.  And now — as reported by The Associated Press — roughly a thousand girls will comprise the inaugural Eagle Scout crew.  For you non-scouters, The Daily Wire notes the rank of Eagle Scout is reached by earning a minimum of 21 merit badges.  Saturday star Isabella Tunney's obtained 137 — every badge possible.  So how'd the 16-year-old do it?  As told to the AP, "The quarantine helped a lot."  "I had a lot of time to spare," she explained.

Girl Scouts Sue Boy Scouts over Gender-Inclusive Rebranding, Alleging Recruitment Confusion.  Lawyers for the Girl Scouts claimed in a court filing on Thursday [12/24/2020] that a recruitment drive by the Boy Scouts was "highly damaging" to the Girl Scouts.  The Boy Scouts renamed itself Scouts BSA and removed the word "boy" from their recruitment materials in 2018, when the organization decided to open certain programs for female participants.  (The new Boy Scouts programs for girls remain separate from the boys-only programs.)  However, the Girl Scouts filed suit against the organization in November 2018 over trademark concerns, contending in the suit that the Boy Scouts' rebranding would be "uniquely damaging" to Girl Scout operations.  In the latest filing in the suit, the Girl Scouts asserted that Scouts BSA recruitment efforts caused confusion among parents who wished to send their daughters to Girl Scouts.

The Girl V. Boy Scouts War Is Heating Up Again.  In February of 2019, the Boy Scouts (now officially known as Scouts BSA) changed their name and began accepting membership applications from girls.  A lot of people opposed that change, with some parents pulling their sons from the program.  It was particularly unpopular with the Girl Scouts, who were already having enough trouble recruiting new members without this sudden appearance of competition from a larger and better-funded operation.  The hurt feelings haven't really abated since then, and now the Girl Scouts are taking Scouts BSA to court in an attempt to sue them for "infringing" on their recruiting efforts and using false or misleading marketing tactics in targeting girls for membership.

Nearly 90,000 file sexual abuse claims against the Boy Scouts in unprecedented case.  For decades, Gill Gayle thought his story of being sexually abused in Boy Scouts was unique.  Two Scout leaders abused him in the 1970s, Gayle said.  The incidents were unrelated:  The men lived in different cities in Alabama and didn't know each other.  Gayle was in sixth grade when the first scoutmaster fondled him while on a camping trip.  He repeated the abuse over months.  After Gayle's family moved during his eighth-grade year, he said he woke up at the second scoutmaster's house to the man "violently raping" him.  Years later, after therapy helped him deal with depression, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts and attempts, Gayle, now 58, knows his story is all too common.

Scouts' abuse claims may become largest case against a single national organization.  As a Nov. 16 deadline looms for abuse survivors to come forward to make claims in the Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy, a judge's ruling could allow the case to become the largest-ever child sexual abuse case against a single national organization.  Late last week, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein allowed the Coalition of Abused Scouts for Justice to join mediation discussions, giving a group representing 28,000 clients a say in any future settlement agreement.  So far, 7,300 victims represented by the 10 law firms in the coalition have signed consent forms allowing the attorneys to negotiate on their behalf.

Boy Scouts Cave to the Radical Left, Require Diversity Badge for Eagle Scouts.  There's nothing quite as 2020 as the Boy Scouts of America requiring a "diversity and inclusion merit badge" to be an Eagle Scout.  In a Monday [6/15/2020] "Dear Scouting Families" letter, the organization's National Executive Committee threw its support behind Black Lives Matter and said it would mandate "diversity and inclusion training for all BSA employees."

Boy Scouts to honor Black Lives Matter with 'diversity and inclusion' merit badge.  The Boy Scouts of America announced Monday that it is adding a new "diversity and inclusion" merit badge in honor of the Black Lives Matter movement, saying it will be required by young members to achieve the highest rank of Eagle Scout.  The organization said in a letter to scouting families that it would be implementing mandatory diversity and inclusivity training for employees and volunteers, among other changes in the wake of the George Floyd protests.  "There is no place for racism — not in Scouting and not in our communities.  Racism will not be tolerated," the letter stated.

The Editor says...
When has racism ever been tolerated in the Boy Scouts?  What is the purpose of this grand pronouncement?

Statue of Boy Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell will be 'temporarily' removed.  A statue of worldwide Boy Scouts founder Lord Robert Baden-Powell will be "temporarily" removed in southern England amid topplings of controversial monuments, officials said.  Amid the surging worldwide anti-racism movement, Baden-Powell, who served in the British Army, founded the Scouting movement in 1908 and died in 1941 at age 83, has been accused of racism, homophobia and support for Adolf Hitler.  Officials in the southern seaside town of Poole said the statue would be under 24-hour guard until it can be transported to a secure location.

I'm pretty sure the residents of the graveyard are already immune.
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts Barred From Placing Flags At Veterans' Cemeteries On Memorial Day.  The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts who have traditionally placed American flags on the graves of veterans at veterans' cemeteries on Memorial Day have been barred from doing so because of the coronavirus crisis.  The Scouts cannot perform their acts of honor because the Department of Veteran's Affairs has banned public events at the sites, Fox News reports, adding, "On Long Island, N.Y., where more than 500,000 veterans are buried at two national military cemeteries, there are demands for the VA to reconsider and rescind the ban."

Honey, We Molested the Kids!.  I wonder if any liberals are re-thinking their insistence that the Boy Scouts allow gay men to take 13-year-old boys on overnight camping trips. [...] The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have long been on the left's hate list.  Any organization that has the temerity to train young men in the virtues of integrity, patriotism and self-reliance is putting itself on the fighting side of liberals!  At the 2000 Democratic National Convention, a little group of Boy Scouts took the stage as part of the opening ceremony — and were promptly booed by the delegates.  For decades, the BSA has fended off lawsuits demanding that they embrace the holy trinity of G's:  girls, gays and godless atheists.  (If only it had occurred to the plaintiffs to start their own organizations!  They could have given them names like "The Girl Scouts.")

Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy amid hundreds of sex-abuse lawsuits, declining membership.  The Boy Scouts of America filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early Tuesday [2/18/2020] in an attempt to keep operating amid a wave of child sex-abuse lawsuits and declining membership.  The move, filed in Delaware bankruptcy court, halts the hundreds of lawsuits the 110-year-old organization is currently facing that allege sexual misconduct against children by BSA employees or volunteers.

Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy after sex abuse lawsuits.  The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early Tuesday after decades of sexual abuse claims within one of the country's largest youth organizations.  The petition, filed in Delaware bankruptcy court, halts the hundreds of lawsuits the BSA is facing that allege sexual misconduct by people within the 110-year-old organization over the years.  Sexual abuse settlements had reportedly strained the Boy Scouts' finances, with states passing laws last year so victims from long-ago abuse can sue for damages.

Boy Scouts bankruptcy is 'imminent' amid sexual abuse scandals.  A bankruptcy filing that could spell the end of the Boy Scouts of America is "imminent," sources told The [New York] Post.  Crippled by thousands of child sex-abuse claims in multiple states — and with more victims coming forward every day — the bankruptcy case could reach into the "billions," said one lawyer who represents 1,800 men who allege they were molested as scouts.  The filing, expected in Delaware, could come any day or in the next couple of weeks, sources said.  "It's going to be a mess.  If it takes a long period of time, it's an open question whether the Boy Scouts will have any resources to keep operating while the bankruptcy is pending," said attorney Tim Kosnoff.  Any bankruptcy by the Boy Scouts would be "historic" given the breadth of the organization.  It is active in every state and territory, and has seen millions of boys move through its ranks since its inception more than a century ago.  The group kept files on thousands of abuse allegations made against leaders since 1944.

Mormons pulling 400,000 youths out of struggling Boy Scouts.  For decades, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was one of Boy Scouts of America's greatest allies and the largest sponsor of troops.  But on Jan. 1, the Utah-based faith will deliver the latest blow to the struggling organization when it pulls out more than 400,000 young people and moves them into a new global program of its own.

Louisiana Boy Scouts Leader Charged with Over 500 Counts of Possessing Child Pornography.  A Louisiana Boy Scout leader is being charged with over 500 counts of possessing child pornography — one of many instances of scout leaders being charged with sexual impropriety that has emerged in recent years.  The office of state Attorney General Jeff Landry released in an announcement that 49-year-old Randy D. Miller was arrested on Tuesday after an investigation discovered his alleged possession of child porn.  He is being held on a bond of $50 million.

Long Island Boy Scouts Leader Accused Of Repeatedly Sexually Abusing Child.  A Long Island man is accused of repeatedly sexually abusing a boy at Boy Scouts of America events.  Nassau County Police say 26-year-old Jonathan Spohrer was arrested Thursday [10/31/2019] at his North Bellmore home.  Spohrer is accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy during Boy Scout sanctioned retreats and meetings in Suffolk County, Putnam County and Bellmore.

Lawsuits. Possible bankruptcy.  Declining members.  Is there a future for the Boy Scouts?  As the new school year begins, Bostian and Scout leaders across the country are vying for the future of an organization facing unprecedented threats from several corners.  Looming over the Boy Scouts are lawsuits that threaten to tarnish its image, reports of a potential bankruptcy and a struggle to define what it means to be a Scout today.  Most recently, a group of lawyers claimed to have uncovered hundreds of previously unreported cases of sexual abuse at the nearly 110-year-old organization.  It has been a tumultuous time for the Boy Scouts of America.  Youth membership has declined more than 26 percent in the past decade.  Then, last year, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced it would be cutting ties with the organization.  The church had been the largest participant in the Boy Scouts program in the United States, making up nearly 20 percent of all youth members.

Boy Scouts of America Must Not Allow Radical Islamic Brainwashing.  Cub scouts in Houston are likely being indoctrinated with radical Islamist values, including support for Iran and hatred for Israel and America.  This must be stopped!

Boy Scouts failed to stop hundreds of previously unreported sexual predators, a lawsuit alleges.  A group of lawyers is claiming to have uncovered hundreds of previously unreported cases of sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts, according to a lawsuit filed Monday in Pennsylvania.  The plaintiff in the case, named only as S.D. to keep his identity private, is alleging that he was assaulted "hundreds" of times by a scout leader in Pennsylvania over the course of about four years in the 1970s.

National Guard Bans Christian Scouts Because of Religious Beliefs.  The Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard facility regularly hosts tours for Boy Scout troops and other organizations, but Trail Life boys were told they could not participate because they belonged to a Christian scouting organization.  The National Guard tells me they had concerns about whether the Christian group was supportive of the LGBT community.  "After researching the organization online, it was quickly discovered that the organization restricted membership to certain persons," the National Guard told me.  "Army values and policy prevent discrimination against gender or sexual orientation within our ranks, which in turn led to the first-level reviewer denying the request."

Hundreds of former Boy Scouts reveal new sexual abuse claims, exposing 150 alleged pedophiles.  More than 200 individuals have come forward with new allegations of sexual abuse by members of the Boy Scouts of America in recent weeks as a trio of law firms seek to uncover unidentified child abusers.  A few of the victims are young, still underage or in their 20s, but many have held their secrets close for decades.

Boy Scouts naming 200 leaders accused of sex abuse in New York, New Jersey.  The names of close to 200 Boy Scout leaders in New York and New Jersey accused of sexually abusing kids will be released Tuesday [4/23/2019].  The leaders worked in both states and were named in the Boy Scouts of America's "perversion files," according to a pair of law firms representing victims.  At afternoon press conferences in Midtown and Newark, lawyers from the firms of Greg Gianforcaro and Jeff Anderson & Associates plan to release "shocking testimony" and demand that the Boy Scouts of America release the identities, background information and files on all BSA perpetrators in New Jersey who have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors.

Report: Nearly 8K Boy Scout Leaders Accused Of Sexual Assault Since 1944.  The Boy Scouts of America is continuing to grapple with sexual assault allegations within its organization.  Nearly 8,000 people have been named in the so-called "Perversion Files," which is a massive list of names kept by the organization since the 1940's documenting the number of volunteers kicked out of the Scouts due to sexual assault claims.  While the existence of the "Perversion Files" was made public in 2012, neither the number of people accused of assault nor their names has never been disclosed to the public — that is until now.

The Editor says...
Obviously, since the Boy Scouts was an organization exclusively for boys, until very recently, all of the perverts were homosexuals.  Not all homosexuals are pedophiles, but all homosexuals are perverts.

Boy Scouts organization inaugurates first all-girls troops.  Washington, D.C., marked the end — and the beginning — of an era this weekend when the Boy Scouts of America established its first all-girl troops in the nation's capital.  Now known as Scouts BSA, the organization — which celebrates its 109th birthday on Friday — has begun welcoming girls in a rebranding effort amid dwindling membership, sex abuse scandals and criticism from the equally venerable Girl Scouts of the USA.  In the District, nearly 30 troops with an estimated 200 girls took the Scout pledge on Saturday [2/2/2019].

The Editor says...
Here is the lesson to be learned from this:  If you start an organization for boys, don't ever admit any girls, homosexuals, transvestites or atheists into it, or they will take it over, and that organization will be nothing but an unrecognizable wreck.  Whatever is left of the organization will end up having a purpose that is the exact opposite of your original goals.

Boy Scout leader gets 10 years in prison for sexually abusing kids in his troop.  A former Boy Scout leader from New Jersey who admitted to sexually abusing at least three kids in his troop was reportedly sentenced on Friday to 10 years in state prison.  Stephen Corcoran, 51, of Morris Plains, is already serving a seven year sentence for child pornography — and will now be tacking on three more, according to  His latest sentence is going to run concurrent with the old one, which was handed down in 2017.

The Boy Scouts' Bankruptcy Is Not Just Financial.  It's Moral.  What's left of the Boy Scouts of America (now operating as Scouts BSA) is on the brink of declaring bankruptcy, according to recent news reports.  With estimated assets of more than $1 billion, Scouting's problems go beyond the financial, deep into the problems with America's civil culture today.

Sex abuse scandal-plagued Boy Scouts may declare bankruptcy.  The Boy Scouts of America are planning to file for bankruptcy, cutting their losses after years of declining membership numbers and a raft of sex abuse lawsuits, according to sources familiar with the matter.  Boy Scouts management has reportedly hired law firm Sidley Austin to plan a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, which would pause pending litigation and give the cash-strapped organization some breathing room.

Liberalism Bankrupts the Boy Scouts.  The other day President Trump called Rex Tillerson "dumb as a rock."  That was payback for an interview in which his former Secretary of State called Trump undisciplined and a poor study.  Trump had selected Tillerson for the job based in part on the recommendation of Robert Gates, Obama's Secretary of Defense, according to press reports.  Gates and Tillerson knew each other largely from the Boy Scouts, where they both held leadership positions during its transition from a traditional organization to a politically correct one.  As president of the Boy Scouts, Gates had endorsed the adoption of the LGBT agenda, urging the organization to succumb to the demands of its critics.  He cast adherence to Christian principles, not their betrayal, as the real threat to the organization's future.

Boy Scouts of America may declare bankruptcy.  The Boy Scouts of America is mulling declaring bankruptcy amid flagging membership and an avalanche of costly sex abuse allegations, according to the Wall Street Journal.  Leaders have hired Chicago law firm Sidley Austin for help in a potential Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, sources told the outlet.  The organization has been fending off lawsuits over alleged abuse, including one filed by four former scouts who called the club a "pedophile magnet" and alleged that they were molested by scoutmaster Waldron Ackerman between 1974 and 1976.

Boy Scouts of America may file for bankruptcy protection amid sex-abuse lawsuits.  The Boy Scouts of America is considering filing for bankruptcy protection.  The organization is facing a shrinking membership and escalating legal costs related to lawsuits over how it handled allegations of sex abuse.  Leaders of the Boy Scouts, one of the country's largest youth organizations, have hired law firm Sidley Austin LLP for assistance with a possible chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Girl Scouts oppose choice.  Last year, the Boy Scouts decided to drop the "Boy" from their name and admit girls, ending a hundred years of misogyny, right?  The Girl Scouts oppose this change.  At first, they thought they could capitalize on it.  In May, the Chicago Tribune reported, "Cate Readling leads an Oak Park Cub Scout den of four girls who are among the first in the Chicago area to join the Boy Scout organization.  She said the name change is nothing new to her.  "With girls having participated for years in certain Boy Scouts programs, Readling said she and others already called boys and girls alike the non-gender specific 'scouts.'

Girl Scouts sue Boy Scouts for trademark infringement.  The Girl Scouts are suing the Boy Scouts, saying the organization's inclusive rebranding effort has caused all sorts of consumer confusion from mistaken enrollment in the Boy Scouts to misinformation about a merge of the two groups.  Tuesday's [11/6/2018] trademark infringement lawsuit is an attempt to clear up the uncertainty, said the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.  The Manhattan federal case noted the two separate youth organizations have long coexisted.  But problems arose when "core gender distinction" was altered by the Boy Scouts of America, which announced in October 2017 it would open its doors to girls beginning in 2019.

Longtime Boy Scouts leader arrested for child pornography.  A respected Boy Scouts leader — who has spent more than two decades working with kids at a camp upstate — was thrown behind bars on Monday for possession of child pornography, according to prosecutors.  Russell T. Ruth, 34, of Lyons, was arrested and charged following an investigation by a state task force on crimes against children.  Court papers obtained by the Democrat and Chronicle outline the allegations against him, including how he flat-out told authorities about his alleged kiddie porn stash.

Where Is Barack Obama?  [Scroll down]  The previous evening, Trump had visited West Virginia, where he spoke at the annual Boy Scout Jamboree.  Addressing a crowd of roughly 40,000, who were expecting the usual talk about citizenship and service, the president uncorked a political diatribe packed with jabs at Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Washington, D.C., "cesspool"; reminders about the importance of saying "Merry Christmas"; and reminiscences of Election Night 2016 and the pundits he embarrassed.  "You remember that incredible night with the maps, and the Republicans are red and the Democrats are blue, and that map was so red it was unbelievable.  And they didn't know what to say," Trump told the Scouts.  They seemed bewildered at first but before long broke into chants of "USA!"  Adult observers were openly horrified.  Three days later, the Boy Scouts' leader would apologize for Trump's speech.

The  Boy  Scouts Are Being Told To "Be Prepared" With... Condoms?  You likely recall the recent announcement from the Boy Scouts saying that they were no longer actually the Boy Scouts, but rather simply the Scouts.  That's because they are now accepting girls.  Prior to that, they agreed to accept girls dressed as boys so long as they "identified" as that gender.  Well, with the World Scout Jamboree coming up in a couple of months in West Virginia, things are getting even more interesting.  Since the American Boy Scouts are the hosts for this international gala, they've had to get ready to implement all of the rules of the global organization.  And one of those is catching a lot of attention.

Boy Scouts to provide condoms at upcoming World Jamboree.  The Boy Scouts will reportedly provide condoms at the upcoming World Scout Jamboree.  The World Organization of Scouting Movement handbook requires the host organization to "ensure that condoms are readily and easily accessible for all participants and [International Service Team staff] at a number of locations on the site."

Mormon Exodus from Scouting Is Good for Boys.  It's official.  The Mormons have finally figured out that they can't do business with the devil.  Bully for them.  More specifically, the Salt Lake City-based denomination is flipping off the demonic forces assigned by Beelzebub to wage war on God's creation of male and female.  That's where the minions of Hell have been concentrating their firepower in recent years.  It's not for nothing that we've been told, over and over, that male-female differences are irrelevant and reality is entirely subjective.  But, be of good cheer.  Resistance to the cultural insanity is growing.

Mormon Church to Part Ways With Boy Scouts.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) — the Mormons — announced May 8 that it will sever its ties with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) following a 105-year close relationship with the organization.  In a joint statement with the Boy Scouts, the Mormons said the two groups had "jointly determined" that, as of the end of 2019, "the Church will conclude its relationship as a chartered organization with all Scouting programs around the world."  The statement noted that the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Boy Scouts of America have been partners for more than 100 years.  The Scouting program has benefited hundreds of thousands of Latter-day Saint boys and young men, and BSA has also been greatly benefited in the process."

Mormons to end long association with Boy Scouts of America.  The Mormon church announced Tuesday it will sever a more than century-old tie with the Boy Scouts of America and transfer its remaining 425,000 boys in the program into a gospel-focused youth group it is developing.  The church's announcement follows the Boy Scouts' unprecedented decision in 2015 to allow gay troop leaders and last year, to allow girls in its ranks — both seemingly at odds with the conservative beliefs of the Mormon church.

Huckabee: Boy Scouts of America 'Effectively Dead'.  Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee reacted to the Boy Scouts of America renaming their marquee organization "Scouts BSA" in a nod to the newly co-ed nature of the group.  Boy Scouts of America chief executive Michael Surbaugh announced the change Wednesday, months after the organization began accepting girls into Cub Scouts.

Why wait another year?
Mormon church to sever 105-year-old ties to the Boy Scouts at end of 2019.  The Mormon church is ending its 105-year relationship with the Boy Scouts of America at the end of next year.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and BSA announced their intention to part ways on Dec. 31, 2019, in a joint statement released Tuesday night [5/8/2018].  The LDS Church said it has grown from a "U.S.-centered institution" to an international organization whose members mostly live outside of America's borders.  Therefore, it said it needs to start its own youth program that "serves its members globally."  Although the statement did not address it, the announcement comes less than a week after the BSA announced the organization will change the name of its Boy Scout program to Scouts BSA.

I Predict the Boy Scouts Will Soon Abandon Their Oath to God.  The Mormons have decided to sever ties with the Boy Scouts — ending a relationship that goes back nearly a century.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has long been the biggest sponsor of Boy Scout troops — representing more than 400 thousand boys.  The Mormons said in a statement they plan to launch an international youth program focused on the gospel.  But the church had been deeply troubled by policy changes in recent years — including the inclusion of gays in scouting.  Many Catholic and Protestant churches have already fled the once-storied program — leading to a drop of more than 10 percent since 2013.  That was the year the BSA decided to open its membership to gay scouts.

Mormons to cut nearly century-old tie with Boy Scouts, a week after decision to drop 'boy' from name.  The Mormon church will cut all ties with Boy Scouts, a week after movement announced its decision to drop 'boy' from its name.  A statement issued by the church said it had opted for the split so it could create its own youth programme, although the two organisations' values had clearly diverged over recent years.  The announcement was not a complete surprise after the religion last year removed 185,000 boys between the ages of 14 and 18 from the Scouts, signalling an end to a nearly century-old relationship based on shared values.  In 2015 the Boy Scouts decided to allow gay troop leaders and announced last year it would allow girls in its ranks.  Last week, the organisation said it would change the name of its flagship programme next year to Scouts BSA to account for the inclusion of girls.

Liberals Have Finally Killed The Boy Scouts.  In America, you can be whatever you want to be, right?  I mean, the "pursuit of happiness" is completely ingrained in our DNA.  We literally guaranteed ourselves the right to be happy.  No one else really gets to say that. [...] And in this pursuit of happiness, we have seen a great number of converging and diverging interests in our nation, specifically as it pertains to cultural and gender-based norms.  As the women's rights movement came to the forefront to challenge the "men" in "all men are created equal", the nation came to realize that the modern world was changing the dynamic of what we believed 200-some years ago.

Boy Scouts self-destructing under the boot of liberalism.  For more than 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) organization has been helping to enrich the lives of young men by teaching them useful life skills in the context of all-male fraternization.  But all of that is soon to change, as the Boy Scouts are officially changing their name, as well as their all-male tradition, seemingly in an attempt to appear more "progressive."

An Eagle Scout Explains the Fatal Folly of Taking the 'Boy' out of Boy Scouts.  I was proud to be a Scout, prouder still to earn my Eagle rank just before my 18th birthday.  But of course, as we all know, once social justice warriors gets their slimy tentacles into something their thirst is never quenched until that something is entirely destroyed, and such has it been with Boy Scouting ever since its clueless national leaders began leading the organization down that perilous cliff.  From openly gay scout leaders to transgender members to just last Wednesday, when the organization officially announced a name change to Scouts BSA because, well, Boy Scouting isn't just for boys anymore.

[The] Boy Scouts [are being] Overrun by Sex and Gender Revolutionaries.  The Boy Scouts of America is dropping the word "boy" from its signature program.  The name change is part of a marketing campaign to promote inclusiveness.  The umbrella organization will still be known as Boy Scouts of America, but the older youth program will become Scouts BSA.  The term Cub Scouts will not be changed because it is considered gender neutral.  The Scouts recently announced plans to invite girls and transgender kids to join their ranks — hence the necessity for a name change to the once exclusively all-boys organization.

No, We Shouldn't Include Girls In Everything.  It's fitting that the Girl Scouts are still the Girl Scouts while the Boy Scouts have changed their identity and now even their name to include girls.  Girls can still have their own spaces and their own organizations in our culture.  They are forced to allow boys into their locker rooms and bathrooms, which is insane and dangerous, but even in that case the boy has to pretend to be a girl in order to gain admittance.  Boys, on the other hand, are expected to include girls in everything.  They are provided no area and no time to be boys, and do boy things, and be around other boys.  We used to understand that boys need space apart from girls.  Not anymore.  It's been trending this way for a while now.

Boy Scouts to drop 'Boy' from name.  The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is changing its name for the first time in its 108-year history.  The scouting organization, originally designed for boys ages 11 [to] 17, will be called Scouts: BSA starting in February, The Associated Press reported.  The move to a gender-neutral name arrives on the heels of the organization's decision to accept girls into its ranks next year.

With girls joining the ranks, Boy Scouts plan a name change.  For 108 years, the Boy Scouts of America's flagship program has been known simply as the Boy Scouts.  With girls soon entering the ranks, the group says that iconic name will change.

The End of the Boy Scouts.  The Boy Scouts of America stood for over a century on its strong foundation of Judeo-Christian values, growing boys into young men, and young men into leaders.  However, in recent years the BSA has allowed cracks to form in that foundation.  From the lifting of the ban on openly gay boys from joining the organization, to the sanctioning of openly gay adult leaders, to the encouragement of so-called "transgendered" boys to join, the BSA's moral foundation has been rapidly and steadily eroding into dust.  As soon as the BSA changed the definition of the phrase "morally straight" in the generations-old Scout Oath back in 2013, allowing for homosexual membership, we all knew that this first compromise would not be the last.  We all knew that it was only a matter of time before the BSA compromised itself into oblivion.  That day has now arrived.

Boy Scouts Will Admit Girls, Allow Them to Earn Eagle Scout Rank.  The Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization's highest honor.  "We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children," said Michael Surbaugh, chief executive of the Boy Scouts.  The scouting board of directors voted unanimously to make the historic change in an organization that has been primarily for boys since its founding more than 100 years ago.

It's Time for Patriots to Break Ties with Boy Scouts.  "I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree.  That was never our intent," BSA Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh wrote.  He went on to say the BSA regrets "that politics were inserted in the Scouting program." [...] Who — exactly — was offended by the president's remarks?  He was greeted with a tremendous welcome — thunderous applause and cheers.  Thousands of scouts chanted his name.

Franklin Graham to all churches: 'Pull out of Boy Scouts completely'.  In response to the Mormon Church pulling approximately 185,000 of its older youths out of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), Rev. Franklin Graham called all churches across the United States to pull every last one of their children from pro-LGBT organization.  "I think the Mormon Church — and all churches — should pull out of the Boy Scouts organization completely," the renowned Christian stated on his Facebook page.  "They need to get their younger boys out as well."

The Mormon church is pulling older teens from Boy Scouts' programs.  The Mormon church says older teens in the United States and Canada will no longer take part in two Boy Scouts programs, starting next year.  The announcement, made Thursday, is significant.  The church and the Boy Scouts of America have had a relationship for more than a century.  It was the first partner to sponsor Scouting in the United States, and to this day remains the nation's largest sponsor.

Mormon church pulls older teens out of Boy Scouts, up to 180,000.  The Mormon church, the biggest sponsor of Boy Scout troops in the United States, announced Thursday [5/11/2017] it is pulling as many as 185,000 older youths from the organization as part of an effort to start its own scouting-like program.

Mormon church to pull thousands of teens from Boy Scouts of America.  Older teenagers will be pulled from the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), the Mormon church announced Thursday [5/11/2017].  The announcement from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints means an estimated 130,000-180,000 teenagers ages 14-18 will no longer participate in Boy Scouts starting next year.  The Mormon church is the largest sponsor of Boy Scouts troops in the United States.  The Boy Scouts' "Varsity" and "Venturing" programs for older teens had become difficult to implement within the religion, Mormon officials said in a news release.

No, the Boy Scouts should not admit girls.  Earlier this week, NPR published an article entitled "Meet the Teenage Girl who wants to be a Boy Scout."  The article speaks about a 16-year-old girl, Sydney, who, after tagging along with her brother to Boy Scout's meetings, wants to become an official member.  She feels that her exclusion from the scouts is unfair and she has been petitioning leaders to admit girls.  Although the Boy Scouts program offers co-ed activities, the teen "specifically wants a shot at becoming an Eagle Scout like her brother," a badge only offered to official members.  Sydney does not want to join the Girl Scouts of America, because it is not simply the girl counterpart of the Boy Scouts.  The article states that while the Girl Scouts program is similar, it is not identical to the Boy Scouts.

Ex-Boy Scouts leader convicted in child porn case.  A former Parsippany Boy Scouts leader was found guilty Wednesday [4/12/2017] of possessing and distributing child pornography, the Morris County prosecutor's office said.  Stephen Corcoran, 49, of Parsippany, was convicted on all 11 counts in the case, said prosecutor's office spokesman Fred Snowflack.  Corcoran is awaiting a separate trial on sexual assault charges involving three Scouts in the 1990s.  Jurors were not told of the sexual assault charges.

Boy Scout leader charged with raping teen Scout.  A Boy Scout leader in Ohio accused of raping a teen boy scout was ordered held without bond during a court appearance on Wednesday [3/8/2017].  Aaron Robertson, 28, who also serves as an auxiliary cop for the Olmsted Falls Police Department, was removed from all scouting activities since his arrest this week, reported.  He was also relieved of all policing duties.

Boy Scouts' Moral Collapse:  Will Allow "Trans" Girls in Ranks.  There was a time when the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) spent money fighting a lawsuit brought by a girl who wanted to be a "boy" scout.  The organization won that battle.  Now it has lost its mind, deciding to let a girl join its ranks simply because she claims to be a boy.  The BSA will now judge applicants based on their "gender identity" and not, as had been the policy, based on the sex indicated on their birth certificate.  Because birth certificates are, as Barack Obama proved, so yesterday.

Boy Scouts of America allow transgender children who identify as boys to enroll.  The organization's leadership had considered a recent case in Secaucus, New Jersey, where an 8-year-old transgender child had been asked to leave his Scout troop after parents and leaders found out he is transgender.  But the statement issued Monday [1/30/2017] said the change was made because of the larger conversation about gender identity going on around the country.

Former Richmond teacher guilty on 87 counts of child molestation.  A former sixth-grade science and math teacher at a Richmond charter school was found guilty on multiple counts of child molestation, capping a trial in which prosecutors presented evidence that he assaulted 13 children repeatedly for years — including one inside a church.  A Contra Costa County Superior Court jury found Ronald David Guinto guilty on Thursday of 87 counts related to child molestation, said the prosecutor, Alison Chandler. [...] From 2008 to 2009, Guinto acted as a Cub Scout pack leader and summer camp counselor for troops of Cub Scouts throughout San Jose.  Through his affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America, Guinto went on to gain access to a church in San Jose.

Cub Scouts embroiled in transgender controversy.  The Cub Scouts are facing a transgender controversy after an eight-year-old born a girl who identifies as a boy was asked to leave a New Jersey pack.  Several readers alerted me to this story from Secaucus, New Jersey.  Before I get into the heart of the issue, I want to explain why I have chosen not to identify the parent or the child.  I find it reprehensible a grown woman would parade her child in front of the national media to advance some sort of cultural agenda.  This parent is sacrificing her child's privacy and innocence for 15 minutes of fame.  And I refuse to give the woman the satisfaction of reading her name in print.

Tillerson's Assault on Scouting.  [Scroll down]  Unless one takes a "Progressive" view of his faith or adopts some fringe religion, homosexual activity is forbidden.  If it is forbidden, how can one be "morally straight" or do one's duty to God while embracing it?  President-Elect Donald J. Trump recently announced he is considering Rex Tillerson to lead the State Department.  Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, was, among other things, the former head of the Boy Scouts of America and one of the people responsible for opening the BSA to homosexuals.  It was Tillerson who lobbied to end the "don't ask, don't tell" policy of the BSA.

Parents upset by Hooters-sponsored Cub Scout camp.  KMGH-TV reports Michelle Kettleborough picked up her 7-year-old son from the Frontier District Day Camp and found him surrounded by people wearing Hooters visors.

WashPost Pushes Muslim Boy and Girl Scouts as More American Than Trump.  Sunday's [5/29/2016] Washington Post Magazine had an anti-Trump cover story.  Three Muslim boys and three Muslim girls (all wearing a jihab) appear in their Scouting garb on the cover with the text:  "Be Prepared:  Muslim American Scouts grapple with the Trump era."  Throughout the piece, Post feature writer David Montgomery paired apparently outrageous quotes from Donald Trump (as well as Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Mike Huckabee) with Post rebuttals with all-American Muslim teenagers in Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.  It was all about "Islamophobia" clashing with American values.

California girls fight to become Boy Scout members.  Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.  They call their group "The Unicorns."  The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

The Editor says...
Isn't that what the Girl Scouts do?  As long as the Girl Scouts exist, why do girls need to infiltrate the Boy Scouts?

First LGBTQ Group to Charter Boy Scouts Troop Will Be 'Model of Inclusion'.  Two months after the Boy Scouts of America lifted the ban on openly gay parents and adult leaders, the Center on Halsted is poised to become the first LGBT community center to partner with the organization.  The center, 3656 N. Halsted St., is now looking for Scout leaders and mentors for a Boy Scout pack for first- through fifth-grade students.  A Girl Scout troop has been stationed at the center for three years.

Catholic Diocese in North Dakota Severs All Ties With Boy Scouts Over Gay Adult Troop Leader.  The Catholic Diocese of Bismark, North Dakota, is "formally" severing its churches, schools, and other institutions from the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) because of the latter's decision to allow openly homosexual adults and employees to work in the Boy Scouts.  The BSA's executive committee voted to lift its century-old national restriction on "openly gay adult leaders and employees" on July 27.  The Catholic Diocese of Bismark, headed by Bishop David Kagan moved swiftly to disassociate itself from the now pro-gay BSA.  "[E]ffective immediately, the Catholic Church of the Diocese of Bismarck and each and every one of its parishes, schools and other institutions, is formally disaffiliated with and from the Boy Scouts of America," said Bishop Kagan in an August 3 letter.

Sodomites in the Scouts:  What could possibly go wrong?
N.J. scoutmaster 'groomed' boy for sex, cops say.  A scoutmaster with a Boy Scout troop in South Jersey was "grooming" a young boy for sexual purposes by buying him pricey gifts, officials said Thursday [7/30/2015].  The Cape May man, Frank Thomson, was arrested and charged Tuesday with luring an 11-year-old boy after a concerned citizen tipped off authorities earlier this month to suspicious activity between the two, Cape May County Prosecutor Robert L. Taylor said in a release.  During several interviews with 68-year-old man, authorities say they discovered a separate incident several years ago where Thomson sexually assaulted a young boy.  Additional charges were brought against Thomson on Wednesday.

Boy Scouts Expected to End Ban on Gay Leaders.  The Boy Scouts of America is expected on Monday [7/27/2015] to end its blanket ban on gay leaders — a turning point for an organization that has been in turmoil over the issue.  But some scouting groups will still be able to limit leadership jobs to heterosexuals.  To gain the acquiescence of conservative religious groups that sponsor many dens and troops, like the Mormon and Roman Catholic Churches, the policy will allow church-run units to pick leaders who agree with their moral precepts.

Boy Scouts Ends Ban On Gay Leaders.  The Boy Scouts of America ended its blanket ban on gay leaders on Monday [7/27/2015], following an executive board vote that capped off several months of quick movement on the issue.  "On Monday, July 27, the national executive board ratified a resolution removing the national restriction on openly gay leaders and employees," Boy Scouts President Robert Gates said in a video announcing the news.  Under the new policy, however, individually chartered troops — many of which are backed by churches — will be allowed to continue the ban.

The Editor says...
Notice that only three years ago, the issue was just about the admission of homosexual scouts.  Now it's about scout leaders.  Changes like this are always done in small irreversible increments.  I predict the next incremental step is to remove the exemption of church-based scout troops from the exclusion of homosexuals.  After that, I further predict there will be a rule eventually requiring the inclusion of at least one homosexual leader in every troop.

Boy Scouts must release 'perversion files' after judge's order in North Jersey abuse case.  Four former North Jersey Boy Scouts who are suing the national organization over alleged abuse by their troop leader have won the release of secret "perversion files" kept by the organization, an apparent first in New Jersey.  The ruling by a state judge in Hackensack could provide potentially thousands of records the Boy Scouts kept on leaders suspected of sexual misconduct.

Boy Scout leaders vote to end ban on adult homosexuals.  A key Boy Scouts of America panel has approved lifting the ban on "open or avowed homosexuals" as BSA leaders and volunteers, and the final formal decision is expected before the end of the month.  The BSA announced Monday [7/13/2015] on its website that its National Executive Committee had unanimously adopted a resolution that would let adults lead Boy Scout troops without regard "to sexual orientation" if the local chartering organizations wish.

Scott Walker: Boy Scouts ban on gay leaders 'protected children'.  Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) said Tuesday that the Boy Scouts of America should keep its blanket ban on openly gay leaders because the policy "protected children and advanced Scout values."  The Boy Scouts' executive committee voted unanimously on Friday [7/10/2015] to drop the ban and the issue now moves to a national executive board that will meet later this month.  The proposed change stops short of requiring that all Scout groups allow gay leaders.

White Flags in the Culture War.  The battles of the culture war look increasingly one-sided.  Some of the supposed generals on the conservative side are more like defectors.  Take Robert Gates, president of the Boy Scouts of America, who recently urged the organization to succumb to the demands of its critics.  He essentially told the Boy Scouts that their Christian principles, not his counsel of capitulation, threaten the group's future. [...] In the past, the Boy Scouts served God and country by upholding the organization's principles.  Now, according to Gates's perverse spin on the code, service to God and country means abandoning those principles.

Killing the Scouts.  Because of their desire (again) to compromise with God-given absolute moral standards on sexuality, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are now the latest to go further down the wide path of destruction paved by modern liberalism.  The Girl Scouts of America recently announced a policy shift and will start allowing gender-confused boys into their ranks.  The FAQ section of the Girl Scouts' website reads, "Girl Scouts is proud to be the premiere leadership organization for girls in the country.  Placement of [gender-confused] youth is handled on a case-by-case basis, with the welfare and best interests of the child and the members of the troop/group in question a top priority. [...]"

The Editor says...
Categorizing Scouts "on a case-by-case basis" is absurd.  All Scouts wear uniforms, which is one way to make them all equal with their peers.  This case-by-case nonsense is one of the end results of the Left's "diversity" campaign over the last few decades.

Boy Scout officials all wet in watering down fun.  The Boy Scouts of America fired off a missive to leaders reminding them of a long-standing rule — water gun fights and water balloon fights are not allowed.  So why does Boy Scout leadership have its neckerchief in a knot over Super Soakers?  Well, according to their official Scouting magazine, water guns are considered "simulated firearms."

Boys Scouts president calls for end of gay leader ban to 'deal with world as it is'.  Robert M. Gates, the president of the Boy Scouts of America, urged the group on Thursday [5/21/2015] during its annual meeting in Atlanta to end its ban on gay leaders, saying the prohibition "cannot be sustained."  "I truly fear that any other alternative will be the end of us as a national movement," said Gates, former CIA director and secretary of Defense.  He recommended that local Scouting groups be allowed to decide for themselves whether to allow gay leaders.

Robert Gates: Boy Scouts' ban on gay adult leaders not sustainable.  The Boy Scouts of America must reverse its longstanding policy of excluding gay adult leaders or risk unfavorable legal decisions that could doom the historic organization, its president, Robert Gates, warned his group's national leadership Thursday [5/21/2015].  "We must deal with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be," said Gates, a former Pentagon and CIA chief.  "The status quo in our movement's membership standards cannot be sustained."  Gates's remarks came during the during the BSA's annual national meeting in Atlanta.

The Editor says...
Mr. Gates's statements directly contradict the Word of God, which says this in Romans 12:2:
"be not conformed to this world:  but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Utah Girl Scouts Troop Hopes to Attract Transgender Recruits.  The Girl Scouts are concerned about falling membership and a declining number of adult volunteers, so a Girl Scout staffer in Salt Lake City cooked up the idea to start a troop headquartered in the area's "gay pride center."  The idea is to attract "transgender" youth and children living with an LGBT parent.

Gay man chosen as Boy Scout Leader.  Have you ever wondered why no men are Girl Scout leaders?  And why no women are Boy Scout leaders?  I think the answer is obvious:  most men are attracted to women, and vice versa.  Having a man lead a bunch of teenage girls or a woman lead a bunch of teenage boys is a recipe for disaster.  But disaster is exactly what the Boy Scouts are courting by selecting a homosexual man as a Scout Leader.

Parents outraged at Cub Scout trip to Black's Beach.  It was supposed to be a nature hike through Torrey Pines State Park.  Diane Lekven and her husband Erik snapped a photo just before the hike got started on January 24.  They say what their 4th grade son and about half a dozen other kids were exposed to was far too much — dozens and dozens of nude people at Black's Beach.

California bars judges from belonging to Boy Scouts.  California's Supreme Court voted Friday to prohibit state judges from belonging to the Boy Scouts on grounds that the group discriminates against gays.  The court said its seven justices unanimously voted to heed a recommendation by its ethics advisory committee barring judges' affiliation with the organization.  In 1996 the state Supreme Court banned judges from belonging to groups that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, but made an exception for nonprofit youth organizations.

Boy Scouts alternative created after gay flap picks up 14,000 members in first year.  The adventure organization for boys formed in protest after the Boy Scouts of America eased its membership policies on gays in Scouting is growing "like wildfire" in its first full year, fueled by what organizers say is a hunger for a program that will help parents raise godly men.  Last September, the "unapologetically Christian" Trail Life USA unveiled its name, logo and other defining elements at a conference in Nashville, Tennessee.  The organization, which will mark its official anniversary Jan. 1, has 450 troops with more than 14,000 members in 47 states, said Mark Hancock, Trail Life USA chief executive officer.

Troop leader: Customs and Border agent held Boy Scout at gunpoint.  Jim Fox, the leader of the Mid-Iowa Boy Scout Troop 111, said the incident occurred earlier this month at a checkpoint along the Alaska-Canada border.  The scouts and their leaders were on a 21-day trek from Iowa to Alaska — a trip that had been three years in the planning.  As their vans were moving through a checkpoint into the United States, one of the scouts snapped a photograph.  Agents stopped the van and ordered all the passengers to get out.  They told the underage photographer that he had committed a federal crime.

Holder: If Gay Adults Are Fit for Military Service, They re Fit to Lead Boy Scouts.  The Attorney General of the United States told a homosexual advocacy group on Tuesday night that the Boy Scouts of America "preserves and perpetuates the worst kind of stereotypes" by refusing to allow homosexuals to serve as Boy Scout troop leaders.  "Today, courageous lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals routinely put their lives on the line as members of America's armed services," Holder told Lambda Legal Tuesday night [6/10/2014].  "And if these men and women are fit for military service, then surely they are fit to mentor, to teach, and to serve as role models for the leaders of future generations."

Attorney General Eric Holder blasts Boy Scouts for anti-gay discrimination.  Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that the Irving-based Boy Scouts of America perpetuates "the worst stereotypes" by barring gay people from becoming Scout leaders.  "The continuation of a policy that discriminates against gay adult leaders — by an iconic American institution — only preserves and perpetuates the worst kind of stereotypes," Holder said in a speech to the gay civil rights group Lambda Legal in Washington.

Also posted under Obama panders to homosexuals.

Meet the new boss:  Same as the old boss.
New president Robert Gates: I would have allowed gay men in Boy Scouts.  Robert Gates, the new president of the Boy Scouts of America, said Friday [5/23/2014] that he would have moved last year to allow openly gay adults in the organization but said he opposes any further attempts to address the policy now.

Calif. moves to ban judges affiliated with Boy Scouts.  California is proposing to ban members of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) from serving as judges because the Boy Scouts do not allow gay troop leaders, The Daily Caller has learned.  In a move with major legal implications, The California Supreme Court Advisory Committee on The Code of Judicial Ethics has proposed to classify the Boy Scouts as practicing "invidious discrimination" against gays, which would end the group's exemption to anti-discriminatory ethics rules and would prohibit judges from being affiliated with the group.

AP smears Trail Life boys with misleading 'Nazi' photo.  "I was horrified," said John Stemberger, chairman of the board of Trail Life USA, a new, rapidly-growing scouting organization that doesn't allow openly gay members.  Stemberger was referring to an Associated Press photograph that accompanied an in-depth story about Trail Life.  The image showed a group of young boys gathered in a circle with their hands raised at an unusual angle.  The AP's original caption on the photo said they were reciting the organization's "creed" during a meeting in North Richland Hills, Texas.  It took the AP several days to acknowledge their error.

No longer loyal to Scouts, boys join Trail Life.  [Scroll down]  The Orrs and others in Trail Life say they are fighting for the traditional values of Christianity and of Scouting, which includes a command in the Scout Oath to be "morally straight" — even as a changing America grows more accepting of gays and gay marriage.

Disney to pull Boy Scouts funding by 2015 over policy banning gay leaders.  The Walt Disney Company has given notice to the Boy Scouts of America that it will pull all funding to the group starting in 2015 because of a BSA membership policy that bans gay leaders, the entertainment company said Friday [2/28/2014].

Boy Scouts' Ranks Drop After Year of Policy Change.  The Boy Scouts of America said Wednesday that it lost 6 percent of its membership after an often-bruising year in which it announced it would accept openly gay boys for the first time, over the objections of some participants who eventually left the organization.

Openly gay Eagle Scout a first since new Boy Scout policy.  A Maryland teenager is the first openly gay Boy Scout to become an Eagle Scout, the organization's highest rank, according to the advocacy group Scouts for Equality.  High school senior Pascal Tessier is already awaiting the next challenge, which will come this summer when he turns 18.  Until recently, gays had been barred from the Scouts.  After years of debate, the organization eliminated the ban for minors effective Jan. 1, but kept the restriction against adult Scouting leaders.

Bible-based boys' group opens after Boy Scouts' nod to gays.  A new group that formed as a counter to the Boy Scouts of America's decision to let gays serve as scouts opened its doors this week, with a mission and motto to "walk worthy" in the path toward God.  "Our vision is to be the premier national character development organization for young men which produces godly and responsible husbands, fathers and citizens," Trail Life USAsaid on its website.

Lockheed Martin ends Boy Scouts gifts over gay ban.  Defense and aerospace giant Lockheed Martin is halting its donations to the Boy Scouts of America over the organization's ban on gays serving as adult leaders after a review of the company's philanthropy guidelines, the company said Thursday [12/19/2013].

New group forms as answer to Boy Scouts of America lifting gay ban.  The Boy Scouts of America has some competition.  In response to the organization's decision to lift a ban on gay youth earlier this year, former boy scouts convened in Tennessee this weekend to hammer out the nuts-and-bolts of a faith-based alternative.  NBC News reports that more than 1,200 ex-participants of the Boy Scouts of America, hailing from 44 states, met in Nashville for a two-day "national leadership conference," at which the "new scouts'" name, logo, and uniforms were selected.

Thousands gather to form alternative scouting organisation.  More than a thousand former members and officials of Boy Scouts of America gathered this weekend to create a Christian-based alternative to the BSA.  Its goal is to counter what the new groups says is the 'moral free-fall' of the nation, and 'raise a generation of faithful husbands, fathers, citizens and leaders,' organizers told the national inaugural convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

Why was such an offer made?
Obama Turns Down Boy Scouts' Offer To Speak At Jamboree.  Tired but filled with fresh memories from an experience they'll likely always remember, thousands of Boy Scouts are heading home after spending 10 days at their National Jamboree in southern West Virginia.

Non-Sexualized Boy Scouts Alternative Launched.  Created in 1910 to "prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes," the BSA, on May 23, 2013, inexplicably voted to welcome into its ranks "open and avowed" homosexuality (boy-on-boy sexual attraction and behavior), thereby disavowing the "morally straight" Scout Oath its members have been sworn to uphold for over a century.  Even worse, and in so doing, the BSA effectively waived the only legal defense it once had to preclude openly homosexual Scout leaders and gender-confused girls from its ranks:  religious and moral conviction.

Kentucky church wants pastor gone after wife's column.  A newspaper column lampooning Southern Baptists, calling the group "the crazy old paranoid uncle of evangelical Christians," is causing quite a stir in a Kentucky city and put a pastor's job in jeopardy.

Caterpillar stops funding Boy Scouts over gay ban.  Caterpillar said Thursday it is no longer giving financial support to the Boy Scouts of America because the organization bans homosexuals from serving as scout leaders.  Peoria-based Caterpillar said in a statement that while it applauds the Scouts' decision to lift its ban on gay youth members, it's ban of gay adult leaders "does not align with Caterpillar's enterprise policies on discrimination against sexual minorities."

The Editor says...
Remind me to buy my next bulldozer from somebody else.

The Boy Scouts' Next Capitulation.  With the Boy Scouts of America's (B.S.A.) decision to allow young gays into their ranks, another signpost warning against the sin of homosexuality has been removed.  In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts had the Constitutional right to exclude gay members.  This was because, as the Court concluded, opposition to homosexuality is part of the organization's "expressive message." [...] with their "expressive message" now compromised, how now can the Scouts argue legally to prevent the inclusion of homosexual leaders?

Boy Scouts Defy Rules, Wear Uniforms in Gay Pride Parade.  Despite a directive from a leader of the Great Salt Lake Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), prohibiting scouts from advocating political or social positions, some scouts and adult supporters of Scouts for Equality wore their uniforms Sunday as they marched in Utah's gay pride parade.

Church drops Boy Scout program after gay ban lifted.  An evangelical Christian church here [in Louisville, Ky.] with more than 30,000 members will break ties with the Boy Scouts of America because it believes the youth organization has become too polarizing, its executive pastor said.  The Boy Scouts' national council voted last week to allow openly gay youth but maintained its ban on gay leaders.

R.I.P., Boy Scouts of America.  It's a sad day for both Scouting and for freedom.  Indeed, it's a sad day for America.  The century-old Boy Scouts of America (BSA) — created in 1910 to "prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes" — has betrayed its own constituency, mission, oath and law.

Boy Scouts Change Membership Guidelines to Allow Homosexuals.  The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have reversed their longstanding membership guidelines to allow homosexuals to join the organization.  In an email to, the BSA public affairs office said the vote on the resolution to "remove the restriction denying membership to youth on the basis of sexual orientation alone" was passed with 61.44 percent in favor and 38.56 percent opposed.

SOS: Save our Scouts.  The battle comes to a head this week when the BSA's National Council convenes a three-day conference Wednesday in Grapevine, Texas.  The 1,400 delegates to the National Council will vote on a schizophrenic proposal that would unwisely end the ban on out-of-the-closet homosexual Scouts, while wisely retaining the ban on homosexual adults as troop leaders.  The delegates should unapologetically reject this ill-conceived proposal and stand up for the timeless values — "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent" — that have served the Scouts so well for more than 100 years.

The Editor says...
Leftist troublemakers don't attempt to make sweeping changes on our society overnight, because they would face overwhelming opposition.  Instead, they make changes in tiny — seemingly harmless — stages.  But with this first small step, it is clear to me that Scouting is now a thing of the past.  The decision to allow homosexuals (under age 18) into the organization is the first of many incremental steps that will eventually permit homosexuals of any age to participate.  The only homosexual adults who would participate are rabid homosexual activists, of the sort who pushed through the changes made this week.  And when sodomites are allowed to participate, they will encourage others to play for their team and become homosexuals, despite their repeated claims that homosexuals are "born that way."  These adults are not merely the victims of discrimination — they are activists who are intent on the destruction of cultural and moral standards, many of which are thousands of years old.  Now that the Scouts have buckled under pressure, donations will dry up and the Boy Scouts will become a group that no "morally straight" person will join.

Scouting is for honor, not sex and politics.  The Boy Scouts are one of the great jewels of American culture.  The success of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a result in no small part of the organization's commitment to a set of ideas and principles that have guided the program for more than 100 years.  Until recently, the BSA was unwavering in its conviction that these values and principles were "timeless."  But now those values are under attack.

Boy Scouts propose lifting ban on gays, but only for youth.  The Boy Scouts of America on Friday [4/19/2013] proposed lifting a ban on gay scouts but maintaining a prohibition on gay adults from leading troops, a compromise that attempts to end a fight that has split the century-old American institution into bitter factions.

This isn't just equal opportunity, this is affirmative action for homosexuals.
California tax bill seeks to punish Scouts for gay ban.  California lawmakers are considering taking some tax exemptions away from youth groups that do not accept gay, transgender or atheist members — a move intended to pressure the Boy Scouts of America to lift its ban on gay Scouts and troop leaders.

Public School Bans Cub Scout Pack.  A federal civil rights complaint has been filed against the Salt Lake City School Board after a principal booted a Cub Scout pack from an elementary school.  About thirty 8 to 11 year-olds were told they could no longer meet at Mountain View Elementary School because the Boy Scout's ban on gay members in leaders conflicted with the school district's anti-bias policy.

Eagle Scouts: We're Being Bullied by Gay Rights Activists.  The BSA is expected to offer a proposal that would remove the national rule banning open homosexuality — and replacing it with a local option.  That resolution would be voted on by the national council in May.  The announcement came as a shock to scouts and their parents, who overwhelmingly oppose the plan — but also to a number of religious organizations who sponsor troops.  About 70 percent of all troops are sponsored by church groups.

Scouts survey members on whether to keep gay ban.  Faced with a backlash against their ban on gays, the Boy Scouts of America are surveying their members on a potential change in policy.

Boy Scouts must stand firm for their principles.  [Scroll down]  Yet now, even after winning at the Supreme Court, Boy Scouts national leadership, under pressure from activist groups who don't agree with the Scouts' values, is toying with the idea of allowing individual councils to decide for themselves whether to abide by this policy.  In other words, Boy Scouts national leadership is toying with the idea of giving up their freedom to choose what they stand for.

Warning:  This article includes graphic descriptions of what homosexuals do.  Their behavior isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it isn't normal.
A Record of Sexual Abuse of Boy Scouts by Homosexuals.  The most powerful and effective homosexualist in America is President Obama.  He got homosexuals (which includes lesbians) who admittedly engage in sodomy, into our armed forces.  He supported the Senate bill repealing laws in the Uniform Code of Military Justice against sodomy, and sex with animals, so that the homosexuals who get into the military services can freely engage in all of their vile and filthy acts without fear of prosecution or discharge.  As President, he is also the Honorary President of the Boys Scouts, during his term of office.  He has called on the Boys scouts to allow homosexuals into the Scouts as members and as leaders.

Boy Scouts board delays vote on controversial policy banning gays from Scouting.  The Boy Scouts of America board has deferred any decision on its controversial membership policy that bans gays and lesbians from Scouting.  Deron Smith, a spokesman for organization's national headquarters in Irving, released a statement this morning saying that the national board won't make a decision today on altering the policy.

Will Boy Scouts Commit Gay-Activist-Assisted Suicide?  In coming days the Boy Scouts of America will decide whether to violate — eliminate, really — its own mission statement, oath and law by changing its policy to allow, within its ranks, Scouts and Scoutmasters who are open practitioners of the homosexual lifestyle.  Sadly, to do so would destroy BSA's credibility as a "morally straight" organization.  Such foolhardy capitulation to extremist pressure groups would spell the demise of Scouting as we've known it.

Will BSA Commit Gay-Activist-Assisted Suicide?  Instead of teaching young men to stand up to the bully, the Boy Scouts would model surrender — teach them that, when you reach an adversarial fork in the road, take the primrose path of least resistance.

Obama: Boy Scouts Should Expose Homosexuals to Opportunities.  One day after President Obama said "yes," he thinks the Boy Scouts of America should admit homosexuals — to expose them to "opportunities and leadership" — dozens of conservative groups are running a newspaper ad, urging the Boy Scouts to "show courage" and "stand for timeless values."  The 41 conservative organizations, in a full-page ad in Monday's USA Today, said it would be a "grave mistake" for BSA to change their longstanding policy against having openly homosexual Scout leaders or Scouts.

The Boy Scouts: A Deal With Gay Activists?  Let's suppose I wanted to take a group of twelve year old girls in the neighborhood, on a series of weekend camping trips.  Would anyone object?  Should anyone object?  After all, I've never been in trouble with the law, and even though I'm heterosexual, nobody has ever even accused me of pursuing underage girls.  In fact, I would be quite indignant if someone even hinted that I would do something so vile.  In our politically correct world, perhaps there are some who would hesitate to make a fuss, but most people, in their gut, would understand that this is "inappropriate."

A Century of Eagle Scouts.  Out of the more than 115 million boys who have passed through the Boy Scouts of America in the last 102 years, approximately two million have become Eagle Scouts, a 2% rate that has climbed to about 4% of all scouts in recent years.  Some may have excelled in outdoor challenges and troop leadership, or while earning merit badges for oceanography and entrepreneurship.  Yet all have been changed by the experience of what has been come to be called "the Ph.D. of Boyhood."  And these Eagles in turn have changed the face of American culture in ways both obvious and unexpected.

Perry: Scouting no place for lessons in sexuality.  Gov. Rick Perry stood his ground Saturday [2/2/2013] against allowing openly gay members to join the Boy Scouts of America, an idea the century-old organization will consider at a national board meeting next week.  Scout policy has traditionally refused gay scouts and scout leaders, a practice affirmed by the Supreme Court in 2000.  In a recent shift, Scout officials said they may consider lifting the ban.  Perry, an Eagle Scout, has been vocal against that.

The Gay Scouts of America.  The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) might abandon a century of commitment to the moral development of youth.  More than 100 million boys have taken the oath and learned self-reliance, patriotism, service and, most importantly, values through Scouting.  After fending off attacks on these values from left-wing activists for decades, the organization on Monday raised a white flag in favor of political correctness — and corporate donations.

Scouting's suicide.  Imagine that a group of girls is going on a long camping trip, supervised by adult volunteers who are young men you barely know.  Would you let your 15-year-old daughter go?  Nearly every parent, I think, would recognize the folly, even though the men might well be models of good behavior.  Why should our common-sense response be any different if the 15-year-old is a boy and the possible, even if not-likely-to-be-acted-on, sexual attraction of the adult supervisors is homosexual rather than heterosexual?

Boy Scouts close to ending ban on gay members, leaders.  The Boy Scouts of America, one of the nation's largest private youth organizations, is actively considering an end to its decades-long policy of banning gay scouts or scout leaders, according to scouting officials and outsiders familiar with internal discussions.

Boy Scouts may soon welcome gay youths, leaders.  As early as next week, the Boy Scouts of America may announce it will allow gay Scouts and troop leaders, a spokesman for the group has told USA Today.  If this policy shift is approved by the national board meeting next week, it will be a sharp reversal of the Scouts' decades' old national policy banning homosexuals.

Merck Foundation ends Boy Scout funding over gay rights stance.  The Merck Foundation says the Boy Scouts' exclusion of gays from its ranks and leadership positions conflicts with giving guidelines and the company's nondiscrimination policy.

Boy Scout 'perversion files' set for unprecedented public release on the Internet.  The BSA fought for decades to keep the files secret, arguing that people might be less likely to report abuse if they thought those reports might become public.  The files include cases from all over the nation.  Officials at BSA headquarters in Irving said the organization has greatly upgraded its youth protection policies since the 1980s.  New staff training programs are in place, and criminal background checks are conducted on paid employees and adult volunteers.

Homosexual Boy Scout Denied Eagle Award.  New allegations are coming from Ryan Andresen, a scout for the past 12 years who is claiming his homosexuality is preventing him from participating in the BSA.  In July, the organization announced that it plans to continue its ban on gay membership after a two-year review of the divisive policy.

The Editor says...
The Scouts' "divisive policy" is called freedom of association.

President Obama Opposes Boy Scout Policy Banning Gay Members.  Months after officially coming out in favor of gay marriage, the White House affirmed today [8/8/2012] that President Obama opposes the Boy Scouts' policy of banning openly gay individuals from joining the group.  When former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about what President Obama thinks of the policy, Gibbs did not say whether or not the president approves of it, but in a statement to the Washington Blade today, the White House makes the president's opposition to the policy unequivocal.

Boy Scouts will not allow gays to join.  The Boy Scouts of America said Tuesday [7/17/2012] it would keep its policy that does not "grant membership" to open or avowed homosexuals or persons who engage in behavior that would become "a distraction to the mission" of the century-old organization for boys, teens and men.  Critics immediately denounced the decision, saying a "secret" committee of 11 people shouldn't have the final say in an issue like this.  But Boy Scouting officials are letting it be known that, after two years of discussions, the policy is going to stand.

CNN Panel: Gays Should Attack Boy Scouts.  Soledad O'Brien's panel on her CNN morning show, Starting Point, all agreed that gay advocates should attack the Boy Scouts of America for its recently renewed decision to exclude gay men from serving as scout leaders.  On its July 18 show, the entire CNN panel fell all over themselves to laud gay activist guest Zach Wahls, telling him how great he was and openly encouraging him to go after the Boy Scouts for its decision.

Is Obama Creating a Pro-Gay Boy Scouts of America?  A Boy Scouts of America national board member, James Turley, who is also global chairman and CEO of the accounting firm Ernst & Young, recently said he "will work from within to seek a change" to overturn the BSA policy that bans gay Scouts and leaders.  But is Turley working on his own initiative, or has the White House prodded him with perks and favors?

Eagle Scouts return medals over organization's anti-gay stance.  The Boy Scouts of America's stance of not allowing openly gay people to serve as troop leaders or members has inspired several Eagle Scouts to return their hard-earned medals and renounce their membership.

The Editor says...
Good riddance.

PETA offers merit badges to gay scouts.  Upset that the Boy Scouts of America has reaffirmed its policy to ban openly gay boys and scoutmasters from participating in scouting, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Thursday [7/19/2012] developed a special merit badge for gay want-to-be scouts who help fight cruelty to animals.

Is Obama Creating a Pro-Gay Boy Scouts of America?  A Boy Scouts of America national board member, James Turley, who is also global chairman and CEO of the accounting firm Ernst & Young, recently said he "will work from within to seek a change" to overturn the BSA policy that bans gay Scouts and leaders.  But is Turley working on his own initiative, or has the White House prodded him with perks and favors?

Boy Scouts Facing Pressure to Abandon Policy Against Homosexual Leaders.  Following the ouster last month of a lesbian Cub Scout leader in Ohio, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) organization is facing intense pressure to abandon its long-time policy of barring homosexuals from serving as Scout leaders.  Jennifer Tyrrell, a Cub Scout den leader from Bridgeport, Ohio, was removed from that position in early April after Boy Scout officials discovered that she was a lesbian.  The Scout Oath emphasizes the importance of Boy Scouts being "morally straight," and homosexual conduct violates that value, BSA officials explained.

Latinos Say Boy Scout Patch Is Racist — Demand That It Be Replaced.  Latino groups claim the "Border Patrol" boy scout patch is racist.  The patch depicts a fleeing Latino family and is used on caution signs in border states.

Philly owes $877,000 for Boy Scouts' eviction case.  The city must pay nearly $900,000 after a failed effort to evict the Boy Scouts of America because of the group's ban on gays, a federal judge ruled Wednesday [3/21/2012].

Maybe this is why socialists hate the Boy Scouts:
Depending on the Government.  We are dependent on government, in scarier ways than Obamacare.  We haven't learned from the generations before us how to garden, and many city ordinances wouldn't let us grow our own food anyway.  We don't know how to build or craft many of our necessities.

Boy Scouts of America v. Barnes-Wallace.  The City of San Diego has long leased two properties to the San Diego unit of the Boy Scouts of America in return for the construction, operation and maintenance of youth recreational facilities.  The Scouts have spent millions on the two properties over the years, providing first class recreation operations open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis.  Many, many thousands who are not Boy Scouts use these facilities every year.  Nevertheless, a lesbian couple with a male child and an agnostic couple with a male child sued the City and the Boy Scouts over the arrangement.

A Scout is Reverent.  The City Council of Philadelphia is attacking the Boy Scouts of America, seeking to drive them out of a historic location because the Scouts teach traditional moral values, consistent with the Scout Oath and Scout Law.  City Council's action violates the First Amendment, and the Scouts should fight this in federal court.

The Penalty for Being a Boy Scout.  To be a Boy Scout in the twenty-first century entails some consequences.  It means that you may not get funding from the United Way.  It means that you cannot have summer camp in a city park (as a federal judge has told the Scouts in San Diego).  It means that your troop cannot be sponsored by a public school (lest your school be sued by the ACLU).  It means that you will get booed at a national political convention (the party starts with the letter D).  It means that you will be compared with the Taliban, which the Philadelphia Daily News did a few years ago.

Indiana United Way Cuts Off Scouts.  In what has become increasingly common tactic, the St. Joseph County United Way in Indiana has cut off funding the Scouts because Scouting no longer meets the new criteria for funding programs.  The United Way has decided to focus on dealing with "conflict resolution" in the youth programs it supports and, unaccountably, it has rejected the Scout program because it focuses too much on "developing leadership."

Philadelphia City Council Votes to Charge Scouts.  Without any prior notification, the Philadelphia City Council voted 16-1 on May 31st to authorize the city to end the lease with the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council for the headquarters building the city has leased to the Scouts since 1928.  The lease, which is below current market value, was supposedly to be in force "in perpetuity."

White House vs. Boy Scouts.  Over the past few months, a widely circulated e-mail has reported that President Barack Obama is not signing Eagle Scout certificates, which only 4-5 percent of Boy Scouts attain.  Categorically, Internet watchdog sites, such as, have classified the claims as "hogwash."  But I have found a steady stream of White House whitewashing when it comes to the Boy Scouts of America.  A new entry on defends that "President Obama's signature has been appearing on Eagle Scout certificates since late 2009," roughly one year into his presidency.  But the Boy Scouts of America National Council confessed that Scout candidates who'd had board reviews before the spring of 2010 had received unsigned certificates.

Obama Missing Historic Boy Scout Jamboree for Fundraisers, 'View' Taping.  President Obama will make history as the first sitting president on a daytime talk show when he visits with the ladies of "The View."  But he'll be missing out on another historic occasion — the Boy Scouts' Jamboree marking the group's 100th anniversary, right in the president's backyard.

Obama booed lustily by Boy Scouts.  The president decided to pass up the Boy Scouts of America's 100th Anniversary in order to make an "historic" appearance on ABC's "The View."  Despite the fact that the Jamboree was just a hop, skip, and a jump from the White House at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, the president sent a recorded message instead of showing up himself.  The reaction of the Boy Scouts to the video tells the story.

Obama's choice:  Boy Scouts or Islam.  President Obama couldn't bring himself to observe the National Day of Prayer or spend time with the Boy Scouts of America, but God forbid, he couldn't miss the Muslim Iftar Ramadan dinner, or pass up a chance to praise an Islamic center a stone's throw away from Ground Zero.  He later backed down — a bit.  One has to wonder exactly who is this Barack Obama?

White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 4.  In the first three parts of this series, I showed how the Obama administration is distancing itself from the Boy Scouts of America because of the organization's conservative positions.  Well, the White House just did it again.

Boy Scouts Defend First Amendment Right to Discriminate.
Editor's note:
The headline on the story above betrays an unmitigated bias on the part of ABC News.  There is no need to quote any more of it.  The Boy Scouts have the freedom to associate (or not) with whomever they please.  [1] [2] [3]

Wanted:  Grown-up governance.  At some point, the grown-ups are going to have to take over.  We're being governed by a gang of perpetual adolescents from the most liberal enclaves in America. ... The city [of San Francisco], which has thrown the Boy Scouts out of public facilities, has issued tips on how to bake "safe" marijuana-laced goodies.  It's not clear how this will contribute to the general welfare, except to create more voters with the functioning brains of 11-year-olds who keep getting hungry.  This should make it easier to recruit for one of the political parties.

Supreme Court declines to hear Lesbian couple's suit against Boy Scouts.  A lesbian couple and an agnostic couple in San Diego have legal standing to sue the Boy Scouts to force the group to stop using prime city land for camping and other scouting activities.  The US Supreme Court on Monday [5/3/2010] let stand an earlier ruling by the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals, which sided with the two couples.  The couples object to Boy Scout policies that exclude boys and adults who are atheists, agnostics, or homosexuals.  In refusing to take up the Boy Scouts' appeal, the high court action returns the case to the San Francisco-based Ninth Circuit.

Court puts Boy Scouts in a moral quandary.  Which of America's Founders could have foreseen a federal judge in 2003 kicking the Boy Scouts out of San Diego's Balboa Park, where the Scouts had a lease on a campground for 25 years?  The judge, Clinton appointee Napoleon Jones, ruled that the Scouts are "religious" and cannot lease city land.  The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had filed the suit for a lesbian couple and an agnostic couple over the Scouts' oath to honor God and be "morally straight."

The Editor says...
"Which of America's Founders could have foreseen" this?  That's easy.  John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

California Dems Won't Honor Boy Scouts?  Thousands of Boy Scouts across California will be gathering this weekend to celebrate the 100th anniversary of scouting in the Golden State — but they won't have the blessing of Democrats in the California Legislature.

Media Ignore Boy Scouts' 100th Anniversary in Favor of Pro-Gay Agenda.  In the media's eyes, the Boy Scouts of America are on par with bubble wrap — unimportant, disposable and something largely ignored unless someone wants to stomp on them.

Organizing for America can Recruit in New York Schools but the Boy Scouts Can't.  The Boy Scout's law conflicts with the Obama agenda, and a title of honorary president of the Boy Scouts is more of a hassle than it is an honor of Obama.  If Obama could find a way to use the Boy Scouts as community organizers, a sudden interest would appear.

Union troubled by Eagle Scout project in Allentown.  In pursuit of an Eagle Scout badge, Kevin Anderson, 17, has toiled for more than 200 hours hours over several weeks to clear a walking path in an east Allentown park.  Little did the do-gooder know that his altruistic act would put him in the cross hairs of the city's largest municipal union.

When Big Labor Bullies and Volunteers Collide.  The Boy Scouts' motto is:  Be prepared.  Who knew it meant preparing to defend themselves against purple-shirted union thuggery over community service?  Kids, pay attention.  This is a teachable moment for all of you on power, politics and Big Labor's culture of corruption.

Pennsylvania Union Leader Criticized for Threatening Legal Action Over Boy Scout's Volunteerism.  A Pennsylvania union leader has come under fire after threatening legal action against the city of Allentown for allowing a Boy Scout to voluntarily clear a walking path in a local park.  Nick Balzano, president of the Service Employees International Union's Allentown chapter, said last week that the union might file a grievance against the city for allowing 17-year-old Kevin Anderson to clear the hiking trail, instead of paying some of the 39 recently laid-off SEIU members to do the work.

Now for the happy ending...
Pennsylvania Union Leader Resigns Amid Criticism.  A union leader in Pennsylvania has resigned after being criticized for threatening legal action over an aspiring Eagle Scout's volunteer project.  Nick Balzano, president of the Service Employees International Union's Allentown chapter, submitted an unexpected resignation letter Thursday, along with a few other employees, SEIU spokesman Matt Nerzig told

More about organized labor.

Too Fat for the Boy Scouts?  Larry Armstrong has been volunteering with his local Boy Scout branch for years, chaperoning trips, serving on the council committee, even becoming certified in archery instruction for a day camp.  But Armstrong, at 6-foot, 2-inches tall and about 370 pounds, may no longer qualify for some scout outings because he's overweight, part of a new push by the national organization to ensure the scouts and their volunteers are healthy.

Boy Scouts sue Philadelphia to stay in headquarters.  The Boy Scouts of America's Philadelphia chapter has sued the City of Philadelphia in federal court to block the city's May 31 deadline for the scouts to open membership to gays and atheists, or vacate their historic 1928 headquarters off Logan Square.  The civil rights lawsuit, filed Friday [5/23/2008] in federal court in Center City, contends that the city's ultimatum violates the scouts' rights under the U.S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions.

In England...
Scouts to no longer bring penknives on camping trips.  Scouts will now be a little worse prepared after they were banned from carrying their traditional penknives due to the fears of those in charge of health and safety.

Boy Scouts could ease city woes; leave them alone.  I commend Mayor Nutter for focusing on the violence that is keeping too many Philadelphians captive in their homes.  However, the first step in addressing the horrific violence in Philadelphia is to understand that it is a symptom of a broader problem:  pathologically antisocial young urban males.  That's why I just don't understand Mayor Nutter's jihad against the Boy Scouts.

Scouts On the Way Out?  The Cradle of Liberty Council [Philadelphia] has occupied the historic Beaux Arts building since 1928.  It agreed in the 1920's to pay the city a nominal fee of $1 per year "in perpetuity."  After nearly 80 years at these headquarters, the City Council voted last June to declare the CLC anti-gay policies discriminatory and issued an ultimatum for the Boy Scouts to either end their exclusion of homosexuals, lose their preferential lease, or get out.

Philly's War on the Boy Scouts.  As Michael Nutter was sworn in as the city's 98th mayor last month, he called for a new wave of public service to clean up drug-infested neighborhoods.  If he is serious about renewing volunteerism, he'll start by putting an end to the city's campaign against the Boy Scouts.

Post Sugarcoats Thuggery Against Philadelphia's Boy Scouts.  The Washington Post this week stepped delicately around the thuggish tactics employed by Philadelphia City Solicitor Romulo Diaz, who has engineered a coup against the Cradle of Liberty Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

Will Apple Pie Be Next?  If you want to gain greater insight into the mindset of much of Hillary Clinton's base — the type of people she caters to, and will continue to cater to if she is elected — you should familiarize yourselves with a couple of recent news stories involving the Boy Scouts and our troops.  In Philadelphia, the glorious city where our unique experiment in constitutional governance began, the city solicitor issued the Cradle of Liberty Boy Scouts Council a dire ultimatum.  Unless it renounces its policy excluding homosexuals by Dec. 3, it will forfeit the right to rent from the city a building it has rented for $1 a year since 1928.

Scouts will fight for use of building.  The Boy Scouts of America will fight to stay in the city-owned building they have occupied since 1928, saying the City of Philadelphia has no right to force them to change their policy barring gay members.

Court:  Pentagon Can Fund Scout Jamboree.  A federal appellate court ruled Wednesday [4/4/2007] that the Pentagon can continue its financial support of the decades-old National Boy Scout Jamboree, which the Defense Department sees as a useful recruiting and training tool.

Boy Scouts face setback in Supreme Court.  Six years after the Supreme Court ruled the Boy Scouts could ban gay leaders, the group is fighting and losing legal battles with state and local governments over its discriminatory policies.

Boy Scout Magazine Going PC?  I'm never surprised to be hit in the face each morning with multicultural, victimization, support-group style reporting in my local papers.  That's the bread and butter of the mainstream media these days.  But if any publication was going to resist the trend I figured it would be Scouting magazine.  I was wrong.

Keep the Boy Scouts from ACLU's grasp!  The two monster hurricanes smacking our shores recently should reminds us that, sooner or later, conflicts or disasters make survival too much the issue for certain pointy-headed philosophical debates to matter, and we simply need disciplined leaders of grace and grit.

ACLU takes on Boy Scouts in 9th Circuit.  An ACLU lawsuit on behalf of an agnostic, lesbian couple seeking to nullify the Boy Scouts' long-standing lease with a San Diego park will be heard in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, widely regarded as the nation's most liberal.  The city of San Diego is appealing a U.S. District Court judge's ruling in 2003, which determined the agreement violates the First Amendment's ban on state-sponsored religion.

Pentagon Barred From Funding Scout Jamboree.  A federal judge has ruled the Pentagon can no longer spend millions in government money to ready a Virginia military base for a national Boy Scout event typically held every four years, the American Civil Liberties Union announced [recently].

Boy Scouts Drop Public School Ties.  The Boy Scouts of America is removing the charters of thousands of scouting units from public schools after an American Civil Liberties Union threat to sue taxpayer-funded institutions that charter BSA units.

"Save Our Boy Scouts" Bill Fails In Senate.  Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) issued a press release on November 20, [2004], discussing the failure of passage of the "Save Our Scouts" bill.  All Republicans supported passing it; while the Democrats opposed it.  The "Save Our Scouts" bill would have permitted federal support for the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts of America.  The legislation was designed to send a message to the ACLU that it should stop persecuting the Boy Scouts for its policies on atheists and homosexuals.

The Pentagon's Boy Scout Outrage:  The U.S. Department of Defense has agreed to stop sponsoring the Boy Scouts, according to a legal agreement announced Monday [11/15/2004].  The American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois sued the Pentagon and other government agencies in 1999, saying their funding of the Boy Scouts was unconstitutional because the organization excluded people who did not swear an oath to God.

Department of Defense Caves To ACLU's Anti-Boy Scout Agenda.  "The ACLU continues its war against the Boy Scouts.  It has succeeded in forcing the Pentagon to issue a warning to military bases around the world to avoid sponsoring Boy Scout troops," said Traditional Values Coalition Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon.  "This is a victory of humanistic fascism over religious freedom and the right of private organizations to set their own membership standards."

Rein in the ACLU.  The Boy Scouts of America — a respected all-American, private organization — continues to be attacked by the ACLU.  The latest example is the Pentagon's cave-in to settle a 1999 lawsuit by not allowing military bases to sponsor Boy Scout troops.  The name — American Civil Liberties Union — is at best a misnomer.  More accurately, ACLU means Assault Christian Liberties Unmercifully.

Boy Scouts still under heavy fire:  One of the most outrageous injustices occurring in our society is the homosexual activists' relentless assault on the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), all because the BSA will not conform its standards to accommodate their lifestyle.

The war on the Boy Scouts

War on the Boy Scouts, Round 2

 Update   Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Boy Scouts' Appeal.  The Supreme Court refused Monday [03/08/2004] to hear an appeal from the Boy Scouts over what the organization says is discrimination because of its policy against hiring gays.

Boy Scouts fight back.  All over the country, the Boy Scouts are being thrown out of public facilities that are open to other similarly situated groups — such as the Girl Scouts — as retribution, they claim, for a 2000 Supreme Court decision in Boy Scouts of America vs. Dale.

ACLU vs. Boy Scouts of America:  The last part of the Scout Law is a word that in these times has little meaning unfortunately.  That word is Reverent.  The Scout Law says "A scout is reverent toward God.  He is faithful in his religious duties.  He respects the belief of others."  It is this part of being a scout that has the ACLU all in an uproar recently.

Arkansas Boy Scouts are Scouting for a New Home, thanks to the ACLU.  Arkansas Boy Scout volunteers say they will not sacrifice their membership standards just to appease the ACLU or any gay rights activists.

"To support and defend… So help me God".  The Boy Scouts have yet to be kicked out of Chattanooga's National Cemetery, but they have been exiled from many other public places.

Boy Scout Scandal Hits Home.  The Greater Alabama Boy Scout Council has recently been the target of an FBI investigation to determine if the council falsely inflated membership numbers in order to receive funding.  Several events led up to this revelation, including attacks from homosexual activists.

Help Save the Boy Scouts!  As many as 50 chapters of the United Way are dropping their support for the Boy Scouts.  This development is devastating to the Boy Scouts because it means the Boy Scouts can no longer receive money from the United Way's general or unrestricted funds.  The United Way's support for the Boy Scouts is also crucial because many of America's largest corporations take their lead from the United way... and many of these corporations (such as Pitney Bowes) are now dropping their support for the Boy Scouts.  In addition, public school districts across America are banning the Boy Scouts from using their facilities.

Fireworks Over the Boy Scouts:  Each Fourth of July, the "Rhythm & Booms" fireworks show and concert raises thousands of dollars for an array of private local charities.  Last year, the Boy Scouts took in $2,500 as hundreds of Scouts volunteered at the event.  This year, the Scouts can volunteer, but they can't benefit from the fundraising because, in the words of City Alder Steve Holtzman, it "would be sending a very unfortunate message to the community."  Actually, Alder Holtzman misjudged.  The city council decision itself was an exceedingly unfortunate message to the nation that Madison, Wisconsin, prefers the far extremes of political correctness above moral straightness.

The Boy Scouts were right after all:  If I am accurately perceiving the national controversy over pederasty in the American Roman Catholic Church, I have to conclude that the Boy Scouts of America are vindicated.  The only logical conclusion deducible from the media's outrage over revelations of pederasty in the pulpit is that the Boy Scouts' ban against homosexual scout leaders is OK.

Renegade Scout Council Defies National Policy on Homosexual Leaders:  The Boy Scouts take an oath to do their "duty to God and country" and be "morally straight" -- but Philadelphia Scout leaders say that does not refer to homosexuality.

Boy Scouts Reaffirm "Traditional Standards":  The Boy Scouts of America has reaffirmed its policy that homosexuals cannot serve as Scout leaders.

Living by the Boy Scout Oath Would Save Millions of Lives:  So far, worldwide, 28 million people have died of AIDS — nearly all of whom would be alive had they lived by the Boy Scout Oath that is now under full scale attack.

The ACLU vs. the Boy Scouts:  The ACLU needs a new summer camp for its young folks, preferably in San Diego's Balboa Park.  The PC Scouts, as we'll call them, will head off to Balboa to obtain Rights Badges (as opposed to merit badges) and learn the meaning of the PC Scout Oath:  "On my self-esteem, I will do whatever feels good for myself; And to question authority, To help myself at all times, To keep myself physically gratified, Mentally interested, And morally tolerant."

 New!   U.N. Environmental Agenda Infiltrates Boy Scouts.  The United Nations Environment Program has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the World Organization of the Scout Movement, committing nearly 30 million children and youth to advancing this U.N. body's environmental agenda.

Major Donor Ends Support for United Way for "Not Being Truthful":  A United Way of Ventura County, Calif., policy to stop funding groups like the Boy Scouts and other organizations that don't admit homosexuals is likely to result in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars for the charity.

Attack Against Boy Scouts is An Assault Against Freedom:  The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that the Boy Scouts have the First Amendment right of "freedom of association" to exclude homosexuals.  Organizations have the constitutional right to set their own membership standards-and this freedom should not be violated.

TVC Condemns PBS For Tax-Payer Funded Attack Against Boy Scouts:  "If a heterosexual young man wanted to be a Girl Scout or Brownie leader, most people would be concerned about his sexual intentions," said TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon.  "We should have an equal concern for homosexuals when they indicate a desire to be Boy Scout leaders.  Men who wish to have sex with men should not have access to young boys."

ACLU sues Boy Scouts over city-owned site:  The Boy Scouts of America should not be allowed to lease 18 city-owned acres because the organization does not allow homosexuals, a lawsuit contends. The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit in federal court.  It wants a federal judge to stop the lease based on the Boy Scouts guidelines involving homosexuals and those who want to be Scout leaders but are atheists.

Scouts lose United Way funds over gay ban:  At least 39 United Way affiliates around the country have stopped direct community funding of the Boy Scouts to protest the Scouts' ban on homosexual leaders.

County Faces Penalty for Policy on Boy Scouts:  The education law signed recently by President Bush contains a provision that could result in Montgomery County, Md., losing $40 million in federal education funding because of the way it has treated the local chapter of the Boy Scouts of America.

California politicians reject Boy Scouts:  The Democrat-controlled California State Assembly rejected a resolution honoring the Boy Scouts for the organization's 85th anniversary.

Dishonoring Scouts and the Taxpayers:  In a time of tight budgets for governments up and down California, San Diego recently announced a massive contribution of taxpayer dollars to the American Civil Liberties Union.  The payoff is part of the city's cave-in to the ACLU's lawsuit that aims to kick the Boy Scouts off public parkland in San Diego.

More about the ACLU.

Scouts Targeted By Homosexuals In Nationwide Protest:  The Boy Scouts of America is taking fire on several fronts this week from a homosexual activist organization and its teenage leader.  The group Scouting for All (S4A) has scheduled rallies around the nation from Aug.19-25, to protest last year's 5-4 Supreme Court decision that allowed the BSA to prohibit homosexuals from participating in its organization.  This is the second year the group has organized such rallies, which so far are not drawing large crowds.

Scout Supporters Deluge Ted Kennedy:  A coalition of family groups Wednesday demonstrated their support of the Boy Scouts of America outside Senate offices and delivered 304,000 signatures supporting the Scouts' "right to set standards for leadership and morality" to Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., chairman of the Senate Committee on Education, Health and Welfare.

Same story:  Ted Kennedy Deluged With Signatures Urging Support for Scouts.

A few words about the Girl Scouts

[Black] Male steals hundreds in cash from Girl Scout's cookie stand; cops are disgusted.  Amale was caught on surveillance video stealing a bag containing $450 in cash from a Girl Scout's cookie stand in Fort Worth, Texas, last week, KDFW-TV reported.  The theft occurred around 2 p.m.  Feb. 11 outside a Walmart on Clifford Street near White Settlement Road, the station said.  Police shared the video showing the hooded suspect exiting the store and then grabbing the cash from the cookie stand and running off, KDFW said, adding that the suspect hasn't been caught.  But cops did provide an image of the suspect in the hopes that someone can identify him, the station said.  "We are talking about a little girl here," Officer Brad Perez with the Fort Worth Police Department told KDFW.  "A little girl trying to sell Girl Scout cookies."

Girl Scouts of America Now Tells Girls White People are Evil Oppressors.  The Girl Scouts of America used to be a wholesome, all-American institution that taught girls how to be patriotic young women.  Now, they are teaching kids to be baby-killing feminists who hate white people.  No exaggeration.  The Girl Scouts have committed to becoming an "anti-racist" organization.  Now, that does not mean they "stand against racism."  The anti-racist movement is a promotion of racism, not a refutation of it.  Yes, the anti-racist movement is against racism against minorities.  But they straight out promote racism against white people.  The movement is unreservedly racist against whites, who they deem to be permanent, unrepentant, and irredeemably racist people.

Girl Scouts Stick With BLM, Will Train to 'Decenter' Whiteness.  Sure, your daughter slings a mean pack of Do-si-dos, but how's her anti-KKK game?  The Girls Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) aims to ensure it's badge-worthy.  In case you're unfamiliar, "antiracism" isn't the mere absence of prejudice.  Rather, it identifies people as oppressors or victims [...] Has white dominance infiltrated campcraft mastering, tie-dye shirt-making, first aid training, charitable spaghetti-dinner hosting, and the selling of quality cookies in front of Kroger?  Perhaps, but the Girl Scouts are determined to rebuke the rot. [...] Beyond the Racial Equity workshop, Girl Scouts of the USA offers a plethora of anti-Aryan assistance.  Its site empowers parents to de-white their daughters.

Girl Scouts USA Starts Pushing Marxism, Announces Radical Training Programs.  The Girl Scouts of the USA has announced a new direction that will see the organization push radical Marxist training programs for children.  The Girl Scouts is set to offer a four-part Marxism-based "racial equity" training series to volunteers and parents.  Part of the training will focus on "internalized racism" and "white supremacy culture."  The 111-year-old organization was originally created to serve America's young women.  However, the Girl Scouts now appears to have adopted far-left Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Girl Guides of Canada won't participate in Santa Claus parade because the event is too religious.  Due to the Girl Guides of Canada's (GGC) secularism policy, the young ladies in the Ottawa area will not be allowed to participate in this year's Santa Claus parade.  The 2023 Kanata Santa Claus Parade is happening in the west end of Ottawa on Saturday, November 25 (an entire month before the religious holiday in question!), and Kanata South Councillor Allan Hubley told CTV News that he has been reaching out to community groups and inviting them to join in on the festivities.  According to the GGC's Guiding is for Everyone handbook ("everyone" excluding those who want to celebrate Christmas), as part of their broader "diversity, equity and inclusion policy," the girls cannot participate in any activities related to "faith-based beliefs, behaviours and traditions."

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts led the way for the Seattle Pride Parade.  [Scroll down]  Well, don't look away now, it's the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America carrying rainbow flags along with American flags in the lead of a parade featuring naked men:  [Tweet with video clip]  The Scouts have been woke for a long time, but participating in this sort of debauchery is absolutely shameful.  In addition to the indecent exposure on display at this parade, a preacher in Seattle was also surrounded by some mostly peaceful pride protesters and literally barked at by a person who, I guess, is a furry.  The preacher was also accosted by a man who stole his Bible and ripped it to shreds:  [Tweet with video clip]

Girl Scouts Offer Special Patch To 'Girls Of All Identities' Who Attend Pride Parades.  The Girl Scouts organization is encouraging its young members to participate in Pride Month by offering a special patch for scouts who complete a series of LGBT-themed activities.  Scouts can earn the rainbow-striped LGBTQ+ Pride Month segment of the multicultural community celebration patch by participating in LGBT educational activities and activism.  Those activities include participation in pride celebrations and completion of educational assignments about gay and transgender activism.

Various cults of leftism find well-groomed recruits thanks to the Girl Scouts.  It's springtime, and that means budding flora, fresh morning air, and those cute little girls in their Brownie vests selling my favorite cookie of all time, the Thin Mint.  But, for the third year in a row, I'll be politely declining the sales pitches and instead, handing the chaperone a homemade flyer with big bold letters across the top that read: "Did You Know?  The abortion industry is targeting your little girl through the Girl Scouts."  The seeping infiltration of leftist ideology into hallowed and wholesome American institutions resulting in their pollution is nothing new, but as cookie season is in full swing, it's time to remind conservatives why supporting the Girl Scouts of the USA is deeply troublesome at best.  The handout I mentioned above includes abbreviated examples (with sources), but below, you can find a expanded list: GSUSA is leading the charge to groom children for the climate cult. [...] A few years back, Meghna Gopalan, made headlines as she worked towards the "most prestigious award in Girl Scouting". Her project?  "Reproductive health justice" or what is otherwise known as expanded access to contract killings at the abortuary.  Again, I could go on and on, but you get the point:  cute as those little girls are, and tasty as the confections might be, GSUSA is a petri dish of perversion and corruption, and they don't deserve a dime.

Cookie Thief Makes Off With $420 Worth of Thin Mints From Chicago Girl Scout Troop.  A Chicago Girl Scout Troop on the northwest side of Chicago was the victim of a cookie theft over the weekend, after dozens of boxes of Thin Mints were reported stolen in broad daylight while the troop was working to sort through orders.  According to officials, on Saturday afternoon, scouts aged 5 to 11 and parents from Troop 25778 were unloading and sorting cookies on pallets near 6160 W. Higgins Road.  As the troop began to organize orders, an individual approached and grabbed boxes without paying, reports say.  "We put the cookies on the sidewalk out in front, and then we started sorting," said Troop Leader Cyndee Timmerman.  "I saw a guy with four cases in his hand and I asked him who he was with?  He couldn't tell me who he was with."  According to officials, 84 boxes of Thin Mints were stolen off a pallet along the sidewalk where the sorting was taking place.

Canada's Girl Scouts will drop the name 'Brownie' — for its youngest members — because the term is 'racist'.  The Canadian Girl Scouts have dropped the name Brownie in favor of Embers after the term was deemed 'racist' and 'offended' some of its members.  The name change was announced by Girl Guides of Canada on Wednesday to create a more inclusive space for the seven and eight-year-old girls branch, according to a news release by Girl Guides.  'With this new name we're showing girls that what they say matters, and that Girl Guides is a place for everyone to belong,' according to a tweet Girl Guides posted.

MacKenzie Scott donates nearly $85M to Girl Scouts.  Billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott gifted nearly $85 million to the Girl Scouts of the USA and some of its local branches in an effort to help advance the 110-year-old organization's mission.  It marked the largest donation from an individual since its founding in 1912. [...] The donation comes just months after Scott, whose fortune largely comes from her split from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos in 2019, donated $122.6 million to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to help transform mentorship in communities across the country.

Judge tosses Girl Scouts' recruitment suit vs.  Boy Scouts.  A federal judge rejected Girl Scouts' claims Thursday [4/7/2022] that the Boy Scouts created marketplace confusion and damaged their recruitment efforts by using words like "scouts" and "scouting" in recruitment drives.  Manhattan Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein ruled the Boy Scouts of America can describe their activities as "scouting" without referring to gender and that the matter does not need to be put to a jury.  Hellerstein said his written decision caps a "serious, contentious and expensive" litigation and necessitates dismissal of the lawsuit brought by the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.

Is anyone surprised by this?
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts suffer huge declines in membership.  America's most iconic youth organizations — the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the USA — have been jolted by unprecedented one-year drops in membership, due partly to the pandemic, and partly to social trends that have been shrinking their ranks for decades.  Membership for the BSA's flagship Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA programs dropped from 1.97 million in 2019 to 1.12 million in 2020, a 43% plunge, according to figures provided to The Associated Press.  Court records show membership has fallen further since then, to about 762,000.  The Girl Scouts say their youth membership fell by nearly 30%, from about 1.4 million in 2019-2020 to just over 1 million this year.

Planned Parenthood hardest hit:
Girl Scouts have millions of unsold cookies.  The Girl Scouts have an unusual problem this year:  15 million boxes of unsold cookies.  The 109-year-old organization says the coronavirus — not thinner demand for Thin Mints — is the main culprit.  As the pandemic wore into the spring selling season, many troops nixed their traditional cookie booths for safety reasons.

The Editor says...
At least the girls are learning an important lesson about the consequences of heavy-handed government interference in the operation of small businesses.

In the U.S., why do 'shy Trump voters' even exist?  [Scroll down]  Then there are the Girl Scouts.  Founded in 1918, the Girl Scouts were organized to facilitate girls and women supporting girls and women; to enhance their vision of female empowerment, to promote women in sports among many things, and to encourage engagement in activities outside the home.  This week, the Girl Scouts posted a beautiful photo of the five women to become Supreme Court Justices — with newly confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett included.  Naturally, it included Democrats and Republicans.  One would have believed the Scouts had morphed into a terrorist organization from the opprobrium heaped upon them.  Sadly, rather than living up to their storied mission, they deleted the post.  The deletion wasn't a political retreat, they moronically opined; after all the Girl Scouts are not political, just green.

Even the Girl Scouts Abandon Justice Barrett.  Yesterday [10/28/2020], the Girl Scouts congratulated Justice Amy Coney Barrett on her confirmation.  Then, they deleted the tweet.  Apparently, it is too "partisan" for the Girl Scouts to congratulate Justice Barrett on becoming only the fifth woman ever appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court since 1789.  The tragic irony for our nation's young girls is that the "too partisan" label runs one way.  The Girl Scouts' organization just hosted an event about encouraging women to run for office — and the panelists were all liberal.  On President Trump's inauguration day in January 2017, moreover, the Girl Scouts retweeted Hillary Clinton, thanking her for continuing to lead.  It's hard to imagine a more partisan statement at a more political time.

Never Buy Girl Scout Cookies Again.  Deleting that ACB tweet was a political act, Girl Scouts.  You can't have it both ways.  You caved to your progressive critics, who in effect exercise a veto over which women can and cannot be celebrated for their accomplishments.  I hope you have enough liberal customers to make up for the conservative ones you will lose for the cookies you peddle.  I do not want to support an organization that teaches girls that the only women worth celebrating are those who grow up to be progressives, and that the thing for women to do when they are criticized by Mean Girls is to retreat and apologize.  Never buy Girl Scout cookies.  Never, ever again.  If the Girl Scouts of America are ashamed of accomplished conservative women, and too afraid to stand up for them, then you don't deserve the support of conservatives, male and female both.

Never Apologize to the Mob.  What once was the start of healthy debate is now just as often a catalyst for personal and professional destruction.  "The mob" is out to cancel anyone who crosses it.  [Video clip]

Girl Scout Org.  Tweet Honors 5 Women on SCOTUS, Then Swiftly Bowed to SJW Scolds.  Earlier today [10/28/2020], the Girl Scouts of America organization shared what appeared to be a celebration of American women's achievements when it posted a tweet honoring the five women who've served as members of the Supreme Court of the United States.  The text above the Twitter image showing Justices Ginsburg, Barrett, O'Connor, Sotomayor, and Kagen, specifically recognizes new Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett's ascension to the High Court this week.  The tweet read:  "Congratulations Amy Coney Barrett on becoming the 5th woman appointed to the Supreme Court since its inception in 1789," and ended with a "praise" emoji.  But the positive tone from the over a century-old, non profit group for girls and women (which was founded in 1912) proved to be short-lived, once the SJW scolds on the Left got wind of it.

Oregon man busted for buying Girl Scout cookies with fake bills.  An Oregon man has been busted for repeatedly duping Girl Scouts, buying cookies with counterfeit money, police said.  Camden Stevens Ducharme, 36, of Salem, was arrested Sunday [2/23/2020] on charges of theft and forgery after two separate Girl Scouts troops reported getting bogus bills while hawking their iconic baked goods earlier this month, the Statesman Journal reports.  During one incident, police said Ducharme passed a counterfeit $20 to purchase a box of cookies from a Girl Scout troop outside a Walmart in Salem and received legal currency in exchange, the newspaper reports.

The Girl Scouts Have Plenty of Ties to Abortion, Despite What They Say.  It's hard to walk past a table of Girl Scout cookies, with the girls standing there looking plaintively at you hoping to make a sale.  The cookies are not expensive.  They're really good.  You may have been a scout yourself, or had a relative who went through the same experience years ago.  You feel guilty if you walk by and don't buy a box.  Don't feel guilty.  Some of that money you give to those polite, sweet girls looking at you pleadingly is going where you really don't want it to go. [...] GSUSA has a long and cozy relationship with pro-abortion groups and individuals.  It participated in the 2018 Teen Vogue summit, which focused on reproductive justice and LGBTQ+ rights.  Participants included Cecile Richards, former Planned Parenthood CEO.  Participants in a branch event included Sharmin Hossain, manager of Youth Organizing for Planned Parenthood, described by the Teen Vogue site as "a queer Muslim feminist organizer and rabble rouser."  GSUSA encourages participation in the Women's March.  The march includes "access to safe, legal, affordable abortion" among its unifying principles.

Girl Scouts Gives Highest Award To Girl Who Organized A Pro-Abortion Campaign.  As Girl Scout cookies season comes to a close, parents should be aware that the organization does not exactly have family-friendly values at its heart. [...] Though the organization's ties to abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood have been known for years, the Girl Scouts of America have yet to be so forthright about their closeted support for abortion.  Until now.  According to LifeNews, the group, which has been monitoring the organization for years over its pro-abortion stance, discovered last Friday that the Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona honored a girl for her volunteer work on "reproductive health justice."

Kansas City Catholics banish Girl Scouts and their cookies.  The Archdiocese says Girl Scouts is no longer a compatible partner when it comes to issues like virtue and values.  The Washington Post reports that Catholics fear the Girl Scouts' programs and materials are "reflective of many of the troubling trends in our secular culture," and that the organization is "no longer a compatible partner in helping us form young women with the virtues and values of the Gospel." The Archdiocese said some of the material used in the past has been offensive, disturbing and age-inappropriate.

Transgender Men Can Now Be Girl Guide Leaders.  The U.K.'s new Equality and Diversity Policy makes it unlawful for the Girl Guide organization to tell parents if their daughter's group is being led by a transgender man, even on overnight trips.  "It's shocking that if there is a man who believes he is a woman leading the group, it is forbidden that parents should be informed, even on residential trips," Amanda Gracey told The Christian Institute.  Her daughter recently joined a group for girls aged 5 to 7 and she is concerned for her daughter's safety.

St. Louis Archbishop voices opposition to Girl Scouts.  Catholics should think twice before indulging in a box of Thin Mints, according to the St. Louis archbishop, who said the church disagrees strongly with some of the Girl Scouts' values.  In a letter to priests, followers and scout leaders, Archbishop Robert Carlson said the behavior and views of one of America's oldest, secular youth organizations run at odds with the teachings of the Catholic church — in particular, the Girl Scouts' support for transgender rights and homosexuality.

Kansas City, Kansas May Be First Catholic Diocese to Sever Relationship with Girl Scouts.  The Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas may become the first Catholic diocese to sever its relationship with the Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA).  An article from the Catholic Committee on Scouting, posted on March 17 on the website of the archdiocese's Office of Evangelization and Catholic Formation for Youth, states that while GSUSA has had an important role in forming girls in the archdiocese for many decades, over the past several years, many parents and pro-life advocates have expressed significant concern that the Girl Scouts do not share Catholic pro-life and traditional family values.

Liberals are at odds with the Boy Scouts because they represent traditional American values, and the "progressives" want to move on to something else.  But the liberals seem to be happy with the Girl Scouts; in fact, they use the Girl Scouts as pawns for various leftist causes.

Hitler's Bund Deutsche Madel and the Neo-Feminist Girl Scouts.  Changes to the Girl Scout Law reveal the core of the shifts from individually focused, morally based foundations to a neo-feminist mindset.  The Law I memorized as a Brownie listed virtues to emulate in every situation.  The current Law vitiates virtues into vague, situationally specific, anti-moral formulations that involve making self-directed choices.  Hitler's utopia was racially pure, while the neo-feminist Girl Scout utopia is a sexually empowered, female-centric, self-esteeming, gender-bending journey.  Both are against human nature, and both nourish the seeds of catastrophe within their premises.

Colorado Man to Go to Trial in May Over $42 Girl Scout Cookie Purchase.  A Colorado man's purchase of $42 of Girl Scout cookies has led to a court date and more than $700 in debt for what he says was an error by a Girl Scout troop's bank.

Girl Scouts urged to end partnership with Barbie.  The partnership, announced last August, includes a Barbie-themed activity book, a website, and a Barbie participation patch — the first Girl Scout uniform patch with corporate sponsorship.

Girl Scouts Hire Lesbian as Chief Girl Experience Officer.  As millions of moms consider digging into pocketbooks for Girl Scout cookies this year, they may be interested to know about the hiring of Krista Kokjohn-Poehler in the Girl Scouts executive office in New York City.  Kokjohn-Poehler is an out lesbian married to a woman named Ashley Kokjohn.  And, given her sexual preference, it may strike some as odd that her job title is "Girl Experience Officer."  Her hiring five months ago was largely missed by the coterie of Girl Scout critics around the country who make the claim that the Girl Scouts have drifted leftward in the past 20 years.

This proves that the Girl Scouts are all about left-wing feminist politics:
Girl Scouts Promote 'Incredible' Wendy Davis on 'Women of Year' List.  The Girl Scouts recently promoted Texas gubernatorial candidate and pro-abortion advocate Wendy Davis as an "incredible" woman who deserved to be on a 2013 "women of the year" list.  After calling Davis, the mainstream media darling whose claim to fame was filibustering to block a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks, "incredible," the official Girl Scouts Twitter account linked to a Huffington Post list that had Davis and Gloria Steinem on it.

Girl Scout Cookiecott Breaks Out All Over.  The national boycott of Girl Scout cookies is inundating the group leading it.  John Pisciotta, the boycott leader and director of Pro-Life Waco, tells Breitbart News his phone is "ringing off the hook."  What started at Breitbart News has now been reported by hundreds of media outlets large and small all across America.

CookieCott 2014.  The Girl Scouts recently commended pro-abortion politicians Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius as worthy role models for our children.  In response, we're asking you to boycott Girl Scout cookies in 2014.

Declining membership fiscal woes among problems facing Girl Scouts.  Its interconnected problems include declining membership and revenues, a dearth of volunteers, rifts between leadership and grassroots members, a pension plan with a $347 million deficit, and an uproar over efforts by many local councils to sell venerable summer camps.

Girl Scouts: The Awful Truth.  Indiana freshman Representative Bob Morris is learning the hard way that the Girl Scouts of America is to the progressive agenda as the Komen Foundation is to Planned Parenthood, and the Catholic church (or so Obama presumed) is to an Obama abortion mandate.  What is — in one word — cover. ... And the truth is that, for all the generations of earnest, jumper-clad cookie entrepreneurs the GSUSA has lovingly nurtured, the organization is moving left at a fast clip, even if only at its highest levels of leadership.  This may be news even to most scouts, if not the parents, citizens, and business leaders who volunteer their time and talent as troop leaders.

Planned Parenthood, Girl Scout cookie monster.  Across the country, angry emails bombard official Girl Scout computers.  In Northern Virginia, a Catholic church bans the Scouts from meeting on its property.  An Idaho television station reports that a "rumor" about a Girl Scout-Planned Parenthood alliance is disrupting this year's cookie sales.  Emails and random churches are one thing, the bottom line is quite another.  The cookie sale is the Girl Scouts' largest fundraiser, bringing in close to a billion dollars annually.  This year, some girls will come equipped with credit-card scanners to expedite the sale.  But even high-tech toddlers won't make up for the loss if overall sales are down.

Girl Scouts: No involvement with Planned Parenthood.  "Our position on sensitive issues is quite clear," Girl Scouts of Alaska said in a written statement.  "We take no position on the subjects of birth control or abortion and we believe these topics are best discussed between girls and their families.  Neither Girl Scouts of USA, nor Girl Scouts of Alaska has a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood."

Virginia Catholic Church Bans Girl Scouts Over Group's Planned Parenthood Link.  The Girl Scouts of the USA organization continues to attract critics for straying from its roots in a more secular and non-traditional direction.  The most recent offense of this nature has prompted St. Timothy's Catholic Church in Chantilly, Virginia to ban the organization from meeting on its grounds because of its alleged connections to Planned Parenthood.

"Female Liberalism" Pervades Girl Scouts, Says Ex-Scout:  Unlike the Boy Scouts, who have become targets of the political left because they reject homosexual scout leaders, the Girl Scouts have found favor from leftist groups because of the organization's openness to a wide range of views on social issues.  In the summer of 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts of America had the constitutional right to bar homosexual scout leaders from the private organization, because homosexuality is contrary to the Boy Scouts' oath, in which members promise to be "morally straight."  The Girl Scouts cling to no such oath, however, allowing members to choose their own belief systems.

Girl Scouts go hard left — and downhill.  These changes began in 1970, when feminist Betty Friedan was put on the national governing board.  Then, partnerships were forged with Planned Parenthood, gun control advocates and other left-wing groups.  In 1980, the organization changed its policy on homosexuality and welcomed lesbians as scouts and troop leaders.  In 1993, the Girl Scouts put an asterisk by the word "God" in the promise and invited girls to tell the Creator to take a hike.  Patriotism has been replaced with globalism.  This year, the traditional flag ceremony was trashed.

Girl Scouts National Conclave to Feature Pro-Abortion, Pro-Lesbian Speakers.  Dr. Johnnetta Cole, a woman whose radical views forced the Clinton administration to withdraw her name from consideration for Education Secretary, will be one of three keynote speakers at the Girl Scouts USA national convention in Atlanta from October 7-10.  Another speaker is Kavita Ramdas, president and CEO of the Global Fund for Women, which, among other things, promotes abortion and feminism.  The third speaker is Ann Curry, news anchor for NBC's Today Show.

Pro-Abortion Feminist Scouts:  One might wonder why the Girl Scouts have been spared the painful attacks that have been launched upon the Boy Scouts by the Left in recent years.  The reasons are simple:  the Girl Scouts allow homosexuals and atheists to join their ranks, and they have become a pro-abortion, feminist training corps.

I'll never buy another cookie from these hapless pawns.
Girl Scouts Distribute Planned Parenthood Sex Guide at UN Meeting.  The World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides hosted a no-adults-welcome panel at the United Nations this week where Planned Parenthood was allowed to distribute a brochure entitled "Healthy, Happy and Hot."  The event was part of the annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which concludes this week.

Girl Scouts Back Away From Lobbying Pledge.  The Girl Scouts of the United States of America has launched a campaign called Forever Green that included an online pledge girls could sign, promising they would encourage public officials to pass emissions-reducing legislation.  But after asked the organization about the political advocacy on Tuesday [2/8/2011], the pledge was removed from the Girl Scouts' Web site.  The language should not have been so "inflammatory," one official said.

Say no to Girl Scout Cookies.  Last year, the Girl Scouts decided to admit boys who dress as girls.  When asked to admit a cross-dressing 7-year-old boy, a Colorado troop leader demurred, explaining to his mother, with tact and irrefutable logic, that her son couldn't be a Girl Scout because he has "boy parts."  The troop leader was chastised by the mom as being insensitive and promptly was overruled by the Girl Scout top brass, who, in a statement said, "If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout."  Perpetuating this cruel charade on the little boy and forcing little girls to participate in it is "inclusiveness" to the Girl Scouts.  To others, it's child abuse.  But it shouldn't be surprising:  The Girl Scouts have a cross-dresser in the front office.

Pelosi: Planned Parenthood Relationship to Girl Scouts 'Very Valuable'.  Rep. Pelosi was featured at the reception with a group of female government leaders to promote the Girl Scout's new initiative "To Get Her There," which seeks to create "gender balanced leadership" in one generation. ... The Girl Scouts have been linked to the nation's largest abortion provider in the past.  In 2010, a panel sponsored by the Girl Scouts USA at the United Nations Commission featured a Planned Parenthood pamphlet called "Healthy, Happy and Hot," according to published reports.

Labor union thugs hide behind the Girl Scouts to get access to businesses:
Labor Dept: If You Let Girl Scouts Sell Cookies, You Have to Let Unions Come in Too.  Obama's NLRB is trying to push a new rule that would force any business that allows Girl Scouts or any other local groups like baseball or football teams, school bands, charity groups etc. to sell their fundraiser items or solicit donations in front of or inside of their businesses to also allow unions into their businesses to cajole employees to organize.  Even when the purpose of many union actions are meant to drive customers away from the business in order to force the employer to accede to union demands, this rule would prevent a business owner from turning disruptive union activists away from their businesses.

Scouting for Trouble.  It's a sad commentary on the state of our society when stating the obvious is a radical and controversial act, but here I go:  Boys and girls are different.  This particular restating of the obvious was made necessary by a recent story that broke (in a British newspaper) of a 7-year-old boy in Colorado who wants to join the Scouts.  The Girl Scouts, that is.  When his mother tried to sign him up, however, the troop leader told her, quite sensibly, that the Girl Scouts are for girls, and that boys are therefore ineligible.

This Ain't Your Mamma's Girl Scouts.  The Girl Scouts' promise to its 3.2 million members includes, among other things, the commitment to help girls "develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making."  A quick look at the speaker lineup for its upcoming convention makes clear that the Girl Scouts are promoting not the traditional values of the original Girl Scouts, but the radical, raunchy values and relativistic decision-making of the trendy left-wing Girl Scouts.

Girl Scouts to stop linking to Media Matters.  In a statement to The Daily Caller, Girl Scouts of the USA confirmed on Wednesday that its literature will no longer refer scouts to Media Matters For America as a source of information to balance bias in news reporting.  "Girl Scouts constantly reviews our materials based on feedback and suggestions we receive from our members and we update our materials on a regular basis," said the statement.  "As a result of this process, upcoming reprints of journeys materials will not include links to Media Matters."

Ventura Girl Scout, 14, Calls For Cookie Boycott Over 'Radical Homosexual Agenda'.  A Ventura County Girl Scout is at the center of a national controversy after she released a video calling for a boycott of the group's popular cookies over what she calls a "radical homosexual agenda".  The girl — who has only been identified as 14-year-old "Taylor" — cited the recent decision by Girl Scout officials to allow a 7-year-old "transgender" boy to join a Colorado-based troop last fall.

Cancel the Cookies: Grave Concerns Over Direction of Girl Scouts.  A few pro-life and pro-family groups are recommending a boycott of the cookies this year because of the Girl Scout (GSUSA) organization's partnership with Planned Parenthood, its practice of allowing sexually confused boys to join its ranks, and its reported promotion of pre-marital sex among the girls it mentors.

Did someone mention Planned Parenthood?

Christ-Centered Girl Scouts Alternative Group Gaining Popularity.  For some, the Girl Scouts of the USA has not been adhering to the principles that originally served as the foundation of the organization, and has even gone as far as to revise its pledge, reflecting a major transition in the organization's function.  Likewise, the organization continues to come under fire for a number of items, including its recent decision to allow a little boy to become a member.  For this reason, an alternative organization has become increasingly popular and hopes to siphon off some would-be Girl Scouts, touting as its selling point that its agenda is Christ-centered:  the American Heritage Girls (AHG).

Girl Scouts under scrutiny from Catholic bishops.  Long a lightning rod for conservative criticism, the Girl Scouts of the USA are now facing their highest-level challenge yet:  An official inquiry by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Girl Scouts Threaten Legal Action Against Critical Pro-Life Groups.  The Girl Scouts of the USA has sent threatening letters to at least two small pro-life groups that have been critical of Girl Scout collaborations with Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy groups.  Since the beginning of the Girl Scout cookie boycott, exclusively announced at Breitbart News late last month, LifeNews has extensively reported on the connection between Planned Parenthood and the Girl Scouts.  LifeNews editor Steve Ertelt announced Monday that he had received a letter threatening legal action.

Girl Scout CEO Makes YouTube Plea Against Cookiecott.  There is now little doubt that the Girl Scout cookie boycott is having an effect on cookie sales this year.  Girl Scout spokesman Kelly Parisi went on The O'Reilly Factor this week to try and defuse the mounting controversy, and Girl Scout executives have sent threatening letters to their critics.  Girl Scout CEO Anna Marie Chavez took to YouTube on Thursday to deny all charges leveled by the boycotters and to deny at least one charge they haven't even made. [...] "We do not now, nor have we ever, had a relationship with Planned Parenthood," she claimed.

My Girl Scout Council. has one simple goal: to provide documentation of Girl Scout concerns that directly impact those seeking information.  Each statement uses Girl Scout documents to connect every member and council to the national (GSUSA) and international (WAGGGS) scouting organizations, and provides recent examples of why this is problematic for many pro-lifers.

Girl Scout Employee Resigns Over Pro-Life T-Shirt Ban.  An Arizona college student quit her job with the Girl Scouts after being asked to turn her pro-life t-shirt inside out because of its message, an incident not shocking to a previous member of the organization.  "I believe unfortunate situations like this will continue to arise, especially as people discover the truth about Girl Scouts' values," said Sydney Volanski, a former Girl Scouts member who left due to the organization's pro-choice stance.  "I can see a cycle forming: as more people know the truth, more people stand for their beliefs and get criticized; as more people get criticized, more people know the truth."

Black Panther-Inspired Girls Scout Group Sells 'Radical Brownies'.  An Oakland-based girls' group inspired by the Black Panthers seeks to provide a left-wing alternative to the usual Thin Mint-shilling troupes that hawk their capitalist goodies this time of year.  "Radical Brownies empowers young girls of color to step into their collective power, brilliance and leadership to make the world a more radical place," according to Radical Brownies' Facebook page.  The group is for girls aged eight to eleven.  It does not appear to be affiliated with any official national Girls Scouts organizations.

Should Girl Scouts Accept Boys Who Consider Themselves Girls?  The Girl Scouts of the United States of America now accepts boys who identify as girls. [...] Penny Nance, President and CEO of Concerned Women for America, [...] said that the Girl Scouts organization has been marching toward the left since the 1970s, and this is just the latest example.  "They're no longer Girl Scouts, they're just Scouts," Nance stated.  "That's fine if they want to rebrand.  But it raises all kinds of complications and questions for parents, volunteer parents who are involved."

Girl Scouts reject anti-transgender gift, then triple the money.  The moral dilemma began with a $100,000 check to the Girl Scouts of Western Washington — enough to send 500 girls to summer camp, Scout leaders knew.  But there was a catch.  The anonymous donor stipulated in a letter:  "Please guarantee that our gift will not be used to support transgender girls.  If you can't, please return the money."  That caveat was a problem.

Florida coordinator charged with stealing $84,000 from Girl Scouts.  A Florida coordinator for the Girl Scouts is facing theft and fraud charges after authorities say she stole more than $84,000 from the organization.

Less Camping, More Trans Pride Parades:  Meet the 'Radical' Girl Scouts Alternative Called 'Monarchs'.  If you tire of delicious cookies and moderate, yet capable instruction in things like horseback riding, camping, entrepreneurship and first-aid, the Girl Scouts now have a "radical" alternative — a social justice-focused, feminist organization for young girls called the "Radical Monarchs."  The Guardian describes the Radical Monarchs as a "youth group for girls of color," and "radical Brownies."  But the small group of 12 girls and two adult guides (based, of course, just outside of San Francisco), says they're more about empowerment and activism than badges and Thin Mints.

American Legion Joins Boy Scout Controversy:  The largest veterans group in the nation is calling on Americans to "take a stand against those who seek to destroy the Boy Scouts" by defending the organization.

Gays' Allies Besiege Boy Scouts:  Despite the Supreme Court's ruling that the Boy Scouts of America may ban homosexual leaders, sympathetic groups are waging war against the Scouts.

Scouting for Trouble is the last thing that the Boy Scouts do, but like ticks and mosquitoes, political and legal troubles fasten upon them as they toil through the moral swamp that modern America has become.

L.A. Times shuts out Scouts, and cuts aid due to BSA's exclusion of homosexual adult leaders.  After years of supporting the Boy Scouts' "Campership Program" — which enables needy Scouts to attend summer camp by underwriting part of the costs — The Los Angeles Times is for the first time turning down the Scouts' application for The Los Angeles Times' annual Family Fund.

Boy Scout supporters rally todayProtest United Way's decision to de-fund youth organization.

Movement Urges Jews to Snub Boy Scouts

Jewish Movement Urges Members to Disassociate From Boy Scouts

LA Sheriff Hedges on Boy Scout Affiliation
Following a flurry of petitions, telephone calls and e-mails sent to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, a spokesman for Sheriff Lee Baca said he "has not made up his mind" about severing his department's ties with the Boy Scout Explorer program.

Planned vote by city angers gay advocatesCity considers resolution praising troops for local work.

Despite Controversy, Boy Scouts Say Business Continues as Usual

Scouts still face funding gauntlet
Media organizations, even religious groups join homosexual activists in attacking BSA.

ACLU demands ouster of Boy Scouts It wants use of campground and public building in California terminated.

Scouts sue for equal school access Broward County "dragging them through the mud of gay political activism."

Homosexuals activists oppose Scout lease Youth group has used California sea base for decades.

Boy Scouts attacked in Congress Supporters force vote on revoking youth group's charter.

Bush defends Boy Scouts "Troubled" by Clinton-Gore probe, urges "respect" for besieged group.

New York Scouting Group Says Ban on Homosexuals Is "Stupid".

2002 Salt Lake Committee Bans Boy Scouts From Olympics

Boy Scouts Stand Tall Under Assault From the Left

L.A. Blacklists the Boy Scouts
The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously on November 26th to sever its ties with the Boy Scouts of America, claiming that the organization discriminates against homosexuals and atheists.

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Updated May 21, 2024.

 Entire contents Copyright 2024 by Andrew K. Dart