Indoctrination  Displaces  Education
Part Three

Political Correctness and Moral Relativism

Political correctness, in this case, is an effort to protect those who are easily offended, and especially their lawyers.  Moral relativism teaches that one belief system is as good as another, and that there is no absolute right and wrong.  (They're wrong.  Absolutely.)

See also Political Correctness vs. Traditional Family Values.

Teacher Forced Out for Using Confederate Flag in Civil War History Lesson.  [Woody] Hart, a 70-year-old teacher at Suttle Middle School of the Folsom Cordova United School District, was ousted after using a Confederate battle flag, along with a period United States flag, as part of a lesson on the U.S. Civil War.  The school's superintendent, Deborah Bettencourt, released a statement late last week that the board of education had "accepted this Sutter Middle School teacher's retirement ... and he will not be returning to school this year.

Ohio State class teaches students to detect and respond to microaggressions, white privilege.  A class to be offered this spring at Ohio State University is an identity politics-based course that in large part is focused on teaching students how to detect microaggressions and white privilege.  The course is dedicated to social justice themes, and pledges to teach students how to "identify microaggressions," define and address "systems of power and privilege," advance notions of diversity and inclusion, and prioritize "global citizenship," its description states.  "Crossing Identity Boundaries" aims to expand students' "self-awareness" and help them develop "dialogue skills."

'Fat activist' lectures college kids on 'thin privilege'.  To mark "International No Diet Day," the University of Minnesota's School of Public Health invited Virgie Tovar, a Cal-Berkeley lecturer and "fat activist," to instruct America's future nutritionists, dietitians and social workers on the finer points of "fat oppression."  Tovar's talk, entitled "Dispelling Myths:  Fat, Fatphobia, and Challenging Social Stereotypes," was designed to help students understand that "fat phobia" is rampant in a "white, heteronormative society" that is looking to actively oppress people with larger body types.

The Editor says...
Gluttony is not something to be proud of.  Obesity is usually an outward sign of a lifetime of bad judgment and a lack of self-restraint.

The Feminization of American Males.  Not only are the government schools harmful to a child's brain, they are infinitely more harmful to boys with their jihad against masculinity in all of its manifestations.  Historically, all political ecologies demand obedience, which they win through warfare, violent compliance regimes and gender-norming to estrogen nation.  As Iceland has demonstrated, there is terrific danger to governments that don't savage the very notion of masculinity.  Job one in the American education system beside instupidation and surgical removal of critical thinking faculties is the absolute supremacy of the feminine mindset and concomitant pursuit of security above all else and absolute risk aversion and mitigation.  This is not a jeremiad against the fairer sex but a simple affirmation that both happen to be genetically and psychologically wired differently for very good reasons when combined in a cooperative union.

No Whites Allowed.  [Scroll down]  No Whites Allowed is alive and well under the diversity rubric at Northwestern University, where a "white student was rejected for a diversity appointment because 'he [was] a white heterosexual male."  In fact, "pigment is everything" in the diversity scam that marks colleges and universities today.  Then there is the "cleansing of the syllabus," where "micro-aggressions and white privilege lurk in every seminar room."

Welcome to the United States of Alice.  For decades, most universities have based instruction on theories of cultural and moral relativism.  In practice, this created political correctness (PC), which psychologist John Ferudi coined as "velvet totalitarianism."  Ferudi grew up in Communist Hungary as the son of Jewish parents who survived WW II labor camps and witnessed the effects of hijacking language and thought for political power.  Now many professors, administrators, and students function as thought police on campuses nationwide.  The most recent and ridiculous incarnation is called "microaggression," which dictates that a growing list of what normal people see as innocent phrases are "really" forms of mini-racism, -sexism, and so on.  Examples include:  "the most qualified person should get the job"; "everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough"; and "there is only one race, the human race."

Children are being taught "men cause climate change."  Not mankind in general, just men.
Indoctrination At Schools In Germany Reaches New Level.  The main message of the text is that men, with their macho lifestyles, produce far more CO2 than women and thus the planet is suffering because of it.  The text cites scientific studies (from women) and presents claims made by the studies as fact.

Feds investigate Redneck Day at Arizona high school, have nothing better to do.  The U.S. Department of Education has officially opened an investigation into allegations that an Arizona high school's campus-wide "Redneck Day" amounted to a federal civil rights violation. [...] It's not exactly clear how dressing like a hillbilly was going to motivate anyone for prom.  What did happen, though, is that one kid bedecked himself in Confederate flag regalia, which offended some students.

The Editor says...
Public school students aren't taught how to frame a house, milk a cow, solder a pipe, or tune up a car.  But they are taught 101 ways to go through life without offending anyone, and 101 ways to conform to the government's wishes.

Fighting for Free Speech.  The author of a new book is angry at the suppression of politically incorrect views on campus.  "On college campuses today, students are punished for everything from mild satire, to writing politically incorrect short stories, to having the 'wrong' opinion on virtually every hot button issue, and, increasingly, simply for criticizing the college administration," writes Greg Lukianoff, the president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), in Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate.

Sherlock Holmes Banned from Reading Lists for Being Anti-Mormon.  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories have appealed to generations — but on Thursday [8/18/2011] the Albemarle County School Board in Virgina voted to remove the detective's A Study in Scarlet from sixth-grade reading lists, the Charlottesville Daily Progress reports, because it is, as the board reported, age-inappropriate.  But as the Los Angeles Times notes, "The two gory murders weren't the problem.  The trouble was the way the book portrays Mormonism."

NY Officials Want Schools to Teach About Unwanted Baby Laws.  After two young moms recently abandoned their newborn babies — one of whom did not survive — New York officials are proposing that high school curriculum include lessons on what mothers can do if they give birth to a baby they don't want.  Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, State Sen. Eric Adams and State Assemblyman Hakim Jeffries are proposing state legislation requiring the change to high school health curriculum.

College-Bound:  Turning Your Child Over to the Campus Liberals.  Last week we headed south to launch our daughter on the next phase of her life:  college.  It was wonderful to see her eyes twinkling with excitement and expectant hope for the future.  We have confidence in her strength of character and strong sense of vales, and know she chose her college for all the right reasons.  But we still worked hard to prepare her for the reality that, on most college campuses, the prevailing orthodoxy seeks to challenge and even opposes both Christian values and conservative principles.

'La Cage' a folly in school.  A manhattan dad nearly choked on his Wheaties when his 14-year-old son timidly asked:  "Dad, do I have to wear a dress to school?"  No joke.  These conversations went on in kitchens and living rooms around the city, as a top school that educates learning-disabled and autistic children staged a student production of "La Cage aux Folles" — a cross-dressing, limp-wristed, gay comic romp whose main characters are a pair of "married" men.

Postmodernism:  A unified theory of all the trouble in the world.  Running under cover of academic freedom and educational "philosophy," postmodernists managed to do what other strains of totalitarianism only dreamed of:  insinuate their beliefs into every aspect and level of education.  Not since the Middle Ages has the West needed to regain the sure footing of classical values so badly.  The path we're on is headed in the opposite direction.

My Idea and Your Consequence.  [Scroll down]  Those who are most opposed to marriages and families are the ones most likely to teach "Marriage and the Family" on our college campuses.  And, unfortunately, most of those teachers are sociologists with a limited understanding of biology and a limitless desire to promote their radical political views in the classroom.

How the Academic Left Elected Obama:  [Today's] youth live and learn on college campuses where "diversity" and "tolerance" and "multiculturalism" — bogus buzzwords that apply only to ethnic, gender, and sexual diversity, not genuine diversity of ideas — reign supreme.  Racial diversity is at the crux of this academic trinity, the source and summit of the faith.  It is the molten, golden calf, where much of the intelligentsia and their disciples gather to worship.  Political correctness has supplanted traditional religion.  Thus, when the university community was presented with Barack Obama, a charismatic, impressive, seemingly excellent Democratic presidential candidate — who happened to be African-American — the reaction was nearly reverential, bordering on idolatry.

De-Programming Students.  Letters from parents often complain of a sense of futility in trying to argue with their own children, who have been fed a steady diet of the politically correct vision of the world, from elementary school to the university.  Some ask for suggestions of particular books that might make a dent in the know-it-all attitude of some young people who have heard only one side of the story in classrooms all their lives.

Mein Kampus.  College has long been bigoted toward conservatives.  We have all seen it in the elevation of relatively untalented radical Leftists like Angela Davis, Ward Churchill, and William Ayers to professorships while genuine conservative scholars like Newt Gingrich were denied tenure.  David Horowitz has built an entire organization simply to defend the individual rights of students against bullying by radical professors (professors, some of whom in their day overran college administration buildings and intimidated the campus faculty.)

Why black sheep are barred and Humpty can't be cracked:  Traditional nursery rhymes are being rewritten at nursery schools to avoid causing offence to children.  Instead of singing "Baa baa, black sheep" as generations of children have learnt to do, toddlers in Oxfordshire are being taught to sing "Baa baa, rainbow sheep".

Rainbow-colored sheep take Britain by storm.  Has anyone ever actually seen a rainbow-colored sheep?  That's surely what a few British toddlers are asking.  Teachers at nursery schools in Oxfordshire, England, have asked children to change the words of "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" to "Baa, Baa, Rainbow Sheep" to avoid the possibility of offending anyone.

Education at Its Finest.  For these professors, words and the literature that they make up have no inherent meaning or value.  Grammar itself is merely an artificial construct.  To the extent that any interpretation or work prevails, it is an indication of only the power of those who espouse that interpretation or work rather than any value intrinsic to the work itself.  No work, according to these professors, is inherently more valuable than any other, and the racial or sexual identity of the author is always more important.

A Quiet Defeat for Political Correctness.  Maybe this is how political correctness ends; not with a bang, but with a whimper.  Across the country, universities that had abandoned in loco parentis in the 1960s because it was too oppressive and intrusive have replaced it with in loco Big Brother programs of political and cultural re-education.

Anti-liberal universities.  [Scroll down] It is all right in sociology, women's studies or minority studies to express hatred toward men, toward Christianity, toward heterosexually, marriage and all whites.  Modern "liberal" professors usually require students to regurgitate their beliefs and opinions or the student suffers ridicule and disastrous grades.  Students are not allowed to discuss anything that may be disparaging, no matter how factual, about minorities, other religions, gays or feminists.

When sexual "harassment" is a joke.  By the year 2020, every American will be a victim.  Give it another 15 years, and there will be a study that puts every man, woman and child into one aggrieved group or another.

Universities limit students' exposure to conservative ideas.  Diversity is more than skin color.  It includes life experiences and viewpoints.  Missouri universities, especially Missouri State and Drury, lack true diversity.  Students are not exposed to diverse viewpoints because of a huge liberal bias.  Students are far more likely to be taught by liberal professors, read textbooks written by liberal authors and attend liberal guest lectures.  Exposure to conservative views is limited to a handful of conservative professors, guest speakers and outside readings.

Study:  Students Rarely Adopt Politics of Their Professors.  Conservatives complain that college professors lean left when it comes to politics — and the data mostly show that's true.  But new research suggests the personal politics of academics have little effect on what their students think.

No School is Safe and Free from the ACLU.  Many parents remove their children from public schools for various reasons.  Some do so because they believe their kids would excel in a private or religious school and get a better education.  Others do so out of concern for their religious values being impugned by the likes of Planned Parenthood who have been allowed to teach sex education to our children in some parts of the country.

Why Johnny isn't going to college:  It's too bad that male sports are being eliminated on most college campuses.  Except for Texas, USC, and a few other places, radical feminism rules in the athletic departments at the expense of popular male sports.

Cross Removal Stirs Va. College Campus.  [William and Mary's] School President Gene R. Nichol often goes to the 120-seat chapel alone at night to think in the quiet.  Nichol ordered the cross removed in October to make the chapel more welcoming to students of all faiths.  Previously, the cross could be removed by request; now it can be returned by request.  "It's the right thing to do to make sure that this campus is open and welcoming to everyone," Nichol said.  "This is a diverse institution religiously, and we want it to become even more diverse."

Why William & Mary's president is hiding:  By secretly removing the cross from the altar of the College of William & Mary's 275-year-old Wren Chapel last October, the school's president, Gene Nichols, has created a major crisis at the second-oldest campus in the nation.  W&M is perhaps America's highest-ranked college with the lowest endowment.

William and Mary president resigns in disgrace.  The head of the College of William and Mary, Gene Nichol, has resigned in disgrace.  Several readers send along his resignation letter.  You'll recall that he roiled the campus with his decision to hide the cross at the famous school chapel to make it "less faith-specific."  More recently, he hosted a sex workers show on campus while restricting critics who wanted to tape it.

Call it what you will, it's still failure.  A group of teachers has proposed that the word "fail" should be banned from use in British classrooms and replaced with the phrase "deferred success" to avoid demoralizing pupils.

Namby-pamby nation:  The left-wing Kumbaya crowd is quietly grooming a generation of pushovers in the public schools.  At a time of war, when young Americans should be educated about this nation's resilience and steely resolve, educators are indoctrinating students with saccharine-sticky lessons on "non-violent conflict resolution" and "promoting constructive dialogues."

Sack race is banned as health risk.  The sack race and three-legged race have been banned from a school sports day because the children might fall over and hurt themselves. … Laura Midgley, founder of the Campaign Against Political Correctness, said: "It's health and safety rules gone mad.  I think it's completely over the top.  The worst thing that could possibly happen is the children fall over."

[That's why the game is usually played in a grassy field, not a parking lot.]

Colorado School Bans Tag on Its Playground.  An elementary school has banned tag on its playground after some children complained they were harassed or chased against their will.  "It causes a lot of conflict on the playground," said Cindy Fesgen, assistant principal of the Discovery Canyon Campus school.  Running games are still allowed as long as students don't chase each other, she said.

The Editor says...
When I was a kid, lots of things happened against my will at school — starting with attendance.  But alas, this is the way the government prepares kids for their long careers in thankless, meaningless, unrewarding dead-end jobs.

Believing the true believers.  The time is long overdue for our media and our educational institutions to start presenting both sides of issues — and for our schools and colleges to start teaching students how to think, instead of telling them what to think.

I beg to disagree.  Where an argument starts is far less important than where it finishes because the logic and evidence in between is crucial.  Unfortunately, our educational system is not only failing to teach critical thinking, it is often itself a source of confused rhetoric and emotional venting in place of systematic reasoning.

Higher education in decline.  College costs have risen dramatically over the last several decades.  In many cases, it's difficult to find a college where per-student costs are under $20,000 each year.  Most often, tuition doesn't measure the true cost because taxpayer and donor subsidies pay part of the expenses.  While costs are rising, education quality is in precipitous decline, particularly at the undergraduate level.  Part of the reason is the political climate on college campuses, where professors use their classrooms for proselytizing and indoctrination and teach classes that have little or no academic content.

Schools told not to warn parents about lice.  School administrators in Scotland have been told to stop sending letters homes warning of lice outbreaks because they may hurt the feelings of the kids who are infested.

Numerous other examples  of political correctness in public schools.

The Wrong Question to Ask About The Tragic School Shootings:  If the fetish of being non-judgmental means more to you than your children, then what kind of parent are you?

Parent offended by lesson in vocabulary:  Use of a word that sounds like a racial slur has landed a New Hanover County teacher in the middle of a controversy.  Stephanie Bell, a fourth-grade teacher at Williams Elementary School, taught the word "niggardly" to her class last week in an effort to improve her students' vocabularies.

 Related story:   Rolling over on phony charges of racism:  When we succumb to this kind of bullying because we lack the fortitude to stand up for truth and principle, we damage our society and do nothing to abate racism.

Unless It's PC at UT, It's O-U-T:  An attorney with a leading public-interest law firm says the University of Texas is awash in "political correctness," and UT is attempting to silence any views that disagree with the liberal left.

College profs steeped in post-modernism:  73% of polled seniors say instructors don't teach standards of right and wrong.

College Professors Spread Moral Relativism:  Three-quarters of all college seniors report that their professors teach them that what is right and wrong depends "on differences in individual values and cultural diversity," a poll conducted for National Association of Scholars (NAS) reveals.  Only about a quarter of 400 college seniors randomly selected from campuses around the country said their professors taught the traditional view that "there are clear and uniform standards of right and wrong by which everyone should be judged."

The Professor vs. the PC Brigade:  If you thought political correctness on campus had gone the way of pet rocks and hula hoops, think again.

Group "Honors" Campus P.C. Extremists "Political correctness is alive and well on the American college campus," says the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, which has released its fourth annual list of campus outrages – including student financing of an S&M club and how-to guides on vandalism and arson.

School Cancels Production of 'Ten Little Indians' Over Concerns of Racial Slur.  An Ohio high school has canceled its student theater production of "Ten Little Indians" after local residents complained about a racial slur in the original title of the Agatha Christie novel, which never has been published under that name in this country.  The best-selling murder mystery originally was named "Ten Little N---ers" when it was published in England in 1939.  The name of the book was changed for production in the United States, and the school was using the name "Ten Little Indians" for the play's title.

Boy faces jail for slapping girl's bottomAccused boy's mother:  "It's political correctness gone mad."

More about Zero Tolerance Nonsense.

Sex Education

As A Teacher In 90s, Gwen Walz Brought Up Sexual Orientation On First Day Of Class.  Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz's wife discussed sexual orientation in the classroom as a high school teacher, and spoke to at least one student about his sexuality before he had told his parents he identified as gay, the student said during a campaign event aimed at LGBTQ voters.  Jacob Reitan, a former student of Gwen Walz when she taught at Mankato West High School in Minnesota, has said on numerous occasions that Gwen Walz told his entire class "on the very first day" of sophomore year that her class was a safe place for any student that identified as gay or lesbian.  Fifteen-year-old Reitan, like many other students, had never heard a teacher discuss gender in the classroom before.  Reiten, who had not yet come out publicly as gay, shared that he had been bullied and accused of being gay since the seventh grade, but did not know anyone who identified as gay, nor seen LGBTQ people portrayed on television.

Leaked Toronto school 'sex-ed' material omits all references to 'boys' and 'girls'.  The largest school board in Canada seems to have gone all in on radical gender ideology, with a recent social media post showing it has stripped some of its sexual "education" material of all references to terms that affirm biological reality, such as "men," "women," "boys" and "girls."  "Toronto District School Board health worksheets for grade 5 (10-year-olds) refers to 'people with a uterus,' 'people with a penis,' 'people who have more testosterone' and 'people who have more estrogen'.  There is zero mention of boys / girls / men / women," wrote True North's Anthony Furey, breaking the story on X on June 17.  [Tweet]

The agony of sex education.  Responding to criticism that existing "Relationships, sex, and health education" (RSHE) resources tend to be outsourced to dubious commercial agencies and hidden from parents, a curriculum overhaul is on the cards in English schools.  Under proposed new guidelines, teachers rhapsodising about inner gender identities will henceforth be silenced, but that's not the only welcome change.  Information about the birds and the bees will be withheld to the ripe old age of nine; and "explicit discussion of sexual activity" put off until 13.

From Sex Education to Sexuality Education.  What, exactly, is the "information and education" young children will receive?  Parents around the world will be shocked to learn what the United Nations and its specialty agencies consider appropriate sexual and reproductive information and education.  UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund (originally United Nations Fund for Population Activities), is the UN's sexual and reproductive health agency.  Its motto is Ensuring rights and choices for all.  The agency's 2014 "Operational Guidance for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE): A Focus on Human Rights and Gender"[ii] is extremely enlightening. [...] The foundational assumption in CSE is that schools are the appropriate place for "sexuality education," not the home.  This assumption facilitates the Marxist objective of replacing family authority with the authority of the state in order to collapse America from within.

Maryland Bravely Leads the Fight to Keep Porn in Public School Libraries.  As with many other parts of the country, several counties in Maryland have recently seen parents pushing back against inappropriate sexual content in school libraries and getting some books removed from the shelves.  The books primarily deal with either transgender ideology or more adult sexual content of any nature.  But the Democrats in the state legislature want to put an end to that.  They are currently working to jam through a new bill that is cleverly called the "Freedom to Read Act."  They claim to be working to ensure a consistent statewide standard for library content, but the underlying goal seems obvious.  They are unhappy with the success the parents have achieved and they want those books placed back on the shelves.  The main battlegrounds for this battle appear to be Carroll and Howard counties, both located in more rural areas to the North and West of Baltimore.

Biden Administration Demands Georgia Schools Show Pornography To Kids.  Bureaucrats in President Joe Biden's Department of Education just put their thumb on the scale of a book dispute in Georgia by not only smearing parents' concerns about sexually explicit books in schools but also leveraging their federal power to intimidate districts that have successfully purged porn from campuses.  In the Biden administration's latest attempt to weaponize an arm of the federal government against parents, the DOE's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) wrote a letter to Forsyth County Schools Superintendent Jeff Bearden on May 19 outlining everything it deemed wrong with the district's decision to pull several inappropriate books from school bookshelves.  Not only did the federal agency demand that the district offer "supportive measures to students who may have been impacted by the book removal process," but the OCR also ordered the Georgia school district to administer a "climate survey" to middle and high school students so bureaucrats can "assess whether additional steps need to be taken."

The Culture War Has Moved to a New Phase.  Most Americans just want to get along whenever possible, not fight about sensitive social issues if they can help it and, most of all, not be mean to people.  That's a laudable attitude in general, but when up against radical, ideologically driven opponents, oftentimes you have to push back.  If you don't, they won't stop.  As we have now seen, just trying to get along can end in pure insanity.  That's precisely how we ended up with little kids being taught about super sensitive sexual topics at ages when they should be playing in sandboxes.

Community Notes Gets Another One After Teacher Shares Pornographic LGBT Book and NBC News Lies About It.  In the apparent never-ending quest for some teachers and the mainstream press to normalize grooming, a recent controversy arose in how NBC News decided to report a teacher who showed pornographic materials to her students.  According to the liberal broadcast network, a police report was filed against Sarah Bonner, a teacher in Illinois, after she shared a book called This Book Is Gay in a so-called classroom "book tasting."  When a student brought that book home and their parents found out, they decided to escalate the situation.  Here's how NBC News reported the incident. [...]

Parents Forced to Sue School District for Compelling Student to Read Sexually Explicit Monologue in Class.  It's always encouraging to see parents and others fighting back against the effort to sexualize children.  At a time when progressives are trying desperately to introduce their ideology on sexuality and gender identity, people are using the legal system to put a stop to the movement to indoctrinate young minds in the classrooms.  Nevada parents have filed a federal lawsuit against the Clark County School District (CCSD) after their 15-year-old child was allegedly forced to read a pornographic script during a class assignment.  The incident, which took place in March 2022, involved the student being assigned a sexually explicit monologue written by another student and edited by the teacher.  The parents initially raised their concerns during a school district meeting, but the mother's microphone was cut off due to the explicit nature of the language.  The parents, Candra and Terrell Evans, initially filed the lawsuit in January.  The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has taken the case and filed a federal suit against the district in the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada.

A Colorado School District Is Concealing Student Gender Transitions From Parents.  In recent years, several school districts have been ousted for keeping parents in the dark about their child's gender transitions at school.  As Townhall has covered, school districts in Virginia, Kansas, and California were exposed for concealing this information from parents.  And last year, Republican Sen. Tim Scott (SC) introduced legislation that would prevent schools from hiding information about a student's gender identity from their parents.  Documents obtained from parental rights organization Parents Defending Education and reviewed by Townhall show that Pueblo School District 60 in Colorado has guidelines to keep students' "gender identity" secret from their parents.

Florida looks to ban discussion of menstrual cycles in school.  When Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature moved to block sexually explicit books and content for school children, I fully supported the idea.  The same goes for material discussing "gender identity" for children who weren't even reaching the age of puberty.  The trend toward sexualizing children in their formative years is beyond disturbing, and such matters are best handled by parents and guardians.  But the latest proposal in the Florida legislature just seems to be a bridge too far and pulls the debate off in the wrong direction.  A new bill moving forward in the Florida House would ban the discussion of menstrual cycles with girls in elementary school.  This proposed law is drawing a lot of criticism and for good reason.

Rogue Sex Education Battled in Michigan.  Outraged parents in Michigan have created a grass roots response to the hypersexualization of children in their schools.  They have created the Great Schools Initiative (GSI) to fight against what is termed "rogue" sex education.  Rogue sex education is when discussions about sex, gender ideology, the use of pronouns inconsistent with biology, or display of materials such as LGBTQ flags or clothing for cross dressing, etc, occurs in classes other than the approved sex education class.  Also, the instructor of the sex education class must be certified in this area.  Michigan law, as based on a 1976 statute (PA 451, Sec. 1507-3), is very clear on this matter.

School district forced to pay over 100K in legal fees after banning moms from exposing pornographic materials.  A school district was forced to pay over $100,000 in legal fees after banning moms from exposing pornographic material at school board meetings.  Forsyth County School District [FSC] agreed to pay attorney's fees in a federal lawsuit brought by a group of parents who were censored at school board meetings.  The group, called the Mama Bears, claimed in the federal lawsuit that their First Amendment rights were violated and won the case due to the legal representation of the Institute for Free Speech.  The Mama Bears settled a federal lawsuit against the Georgia school district after one of the group's members was barred from reading sexually explicit excerpts at school board meetings.  FCS will pay the Mama Bears nominal damages of $17.91 and their attorneys $107,500.

Pennsylvania English Teacher Says His Sex Ed Course Is Designed to 'Desensitize Children' to Sexual Imagery and Genitalia.  Teacher Al Vernacchio is an English teacher at Friends' Central School in Wynnewood, PA.  He also coordinates programs and assemblies centered on sexuality.  The content goes far beyond the biological aspects of sexual education.  Vernacchio says children are inherently sexual beings and he thinks sex education classes should be "transformative."

Teachers trying to protect their students from Christian symbols.  Incredibly — and illogically — the same teachers who push Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the classroom and revel in discussing every conceivable sexual orientation and practice with young students are absolutely determined to keep their charges from being exposed to any Christian symbols during the Christmas season.  In fact, they don't want you to even say the word "Christmas."  The blog We Are Teachers recently reposted a 2018 Facebook article titled "Holiday Decorations Don't Belong in Classrooms — Period."  So, it's okay to adorn one's classroom with a LGBTQ and/or BLM flag, but not with Christmas decorations?  Yup.  Why?  The article cited a number of reasons, including the fact that "not everyone celebrates Christmas."  Well, not everyone celebrates gay pride or the burning and looting of American cities, either, but that doesn't seem to matter to these insane "educators."  Another reason listed was, "The holidays are difficult for a lot of kids."  Yeah, well I'd say being forced by adults to talk about sexuality is difficult for all kids.

Why Are Communists Determined to Destroy the US?  To fight pornography in the schools, a Texas housewife recently appeared at a school board meeting.  She lectured the officials: "I do not want my children to learn about anal sex in middle school. ... I want you to start focusing on education, not public health."  Education, as we'll see, is the first refuge of scoundrels.  Do you imagine that this school board is hip and cutting-edge?  In fact, liberals have had few new ideas in more than a century.  During World War 1, the communist government of Hungary "imposed a system of pornographic sex education on Hungarian school pupils."  Ever since, communists have tried the same pervy tricks again and again.  During World War 1, the deputy people's commissar for culture and education was an extreme Marxist named György Lukács, then considered the most brilliant communist since Marx himself.  He advocated promiscuity, denounced the family, and encouraged children to mock their parents and religion.

The Anti-Fascist Fraud.  One hotly contested battle between current anti-fascism and common sense is K-12 education.  Anti-fascists paint parents and teachers concerned about pornographic books in school libraries as "literal Nazis."  Books like Gender Queer contain graphic pictures of sexual acts; however, according to the Left this book should remain in school libraries to champion Diversity and Inclusion.  If a parent holds the opinion that the sexualized material might be too graphic for minors, that parent is a fascist on par with Mussolini.  But what happens when the anti-fascists want to ban books?  Do they become fascist-anti-fascists or anti-anti-fascists?

Project Veritas Undercover Highlights Chicago School Dean Bragging About Sharing Sex Toys with Minors in Classroom.  Project Veritas Undercover has captured video of a Chicago school dean of students bragging about how he organizes sexualization of minors in school complete with [stuff] for the students to play with.

Hundreds of Muslim Parents Shut Down Dearborn, Michigan School Board Meeting Over Democrat-Endorsed Child Porn Books.  For well over a year now American parents have discovered that while they were sending their children to school and trusting them with local school boards and administrators, these same people were pushing porn books in the school libraries.  Many parents around the country were shocked last year when they became aware of the illegal porn books their local schools are pushing on kids in the student libraries.  This phenomenon is taking place across the country.

Poll: Almost No One Wants Sexualized Smut in K-12 Classrooms.  A large majority of likely voters (77%) are at least somewhat concerned that school-age children get exposed to sexually explicit material that is not age appropriate.  Even 61% of Democrats and 50% who call themselves liberal fall into this category.  In all gender, race, and age categories except for voters 18-39, 50% or more say they are very concerned.  Oddly, likely voters in major cities are a bit more concerned than those living in small cities and suburbs.  Without exception, a majority of likely voters across race, gender, and age groups say they believe it is at least somewhat likely that sexually-explicit materials are available in public school libraries.

Sexual Liberation in Public Schools.  Los Angeles Unified School District has adopted a radical gender-theory curriculum encouraging teachers to work toward the "breakdown of the gender binary," to experiment with gender pronouns such as "they," "ze," and "tree," and to adopt "trans-affirming" programming to make their classrooms "queer all school year."  I have obtained a trove of publicly accessible documents from Los Angeles Unified that illustrates the extent to which gender ideology has entered the mainstream of the nation's second-largest school district.  Since 2020, the district's Human Relations, Diversity, and Equity department has created an infrastructure to translate the basic tenets of academic queer theory into K-12 pedagogy. [...] In a week-long conference last fall, titled "Standing with LGBTQ+ Students, Staff, and Families," administrators hosted workshops with presentations on "breaking the [gender] binary," providing children with "free gender affirming clothing," understanding "what your queer middle schooler wants you to know," and producing "counter narratives against the master narrative of mainstream white cis-heteropatriarchy society."  The narrative follows the standard academic slop:  white, cisgender, heterosexual men have built a repressive social structure, divided the world into the false binary of man and woman, and used this myth to oppress racial and sexual minorities.

A look at the 'open love" Kamala wants in your child's classroom.  I remember every one of my K-12 teachers, a few of whom were good, most of whom were mediocre to awful.  The one common thing about them was that they never mentioned their private lives in class.  Now, though, Libs of TikTok reveals that every LGBTQ+ teacher desperately needs to get those five- or seven-year-olds to validate his, her, or its choice — and our Vice President thinks that's how things should be.  On Sunday [7/24/2022], Kamala Harris sat down for a short interview with Brian Tyler Cohen, a podcaster, and it was a doozy.  She's exceptional in that, every time she opens her mouth, Kamala exposes either ignorance or radical beliefs... or both.  [Video clip]

Court Overrules School District That Banned Father Who Exposed Obscene Library Books.  A federal judge on Wednesday [7/20/2022] overruled a Maine school district that banned a parent from school property after he exposed library books promoting transgenderism and pornography.  The U.S. District Court for Maine issued a temporary restraining order allowing Shawn McBreairty back on school property after the father filed a lawsuit claiming the ban violated his constitutional rights.  The court ruled that the First Amendment protects McBreairty's comments at board meetings, where he has spoken out against sexualized school library books.  The court also determined that the school board selectively applied its speech policy, which prohibits "vulgarity," against McBreairty.

Homeschooling as a Safe Haven.  Teachers are being caught molesting students, working in pornography in their free time, and even allowing young girls to pose topless in sexual positions for art projects.  These incidents are growing.  Child sex changes are being normalized, and sexuality is being pushed onto children even in preschool.  No longer can parents brush these incidents off as isolated.  Children are being sexualized more and more at younger and younger ages and it's gotten to the point that parents who wish to protect their children's innocence must stand up and take control.  While politicians and the media fearmongers about the 1 in 10 million children who will face school shootings (those are the same odds as being struck by lightning), 1 in 10 public school students are sexually abused by a teachers or other school staff members.  This is the epidemic communities need to be fighting.  Yet the sexualization of minors has become so commonplace that Ghislaine Maxwell was charged and sentenced for sex trafficking minor girls and not a single man who sexually abused those involved has been arrested or brought to justice.

Florida school board cuts off dad's mic as he slams schools for providing 'pornography' to children in libraries.  A Florida school board was forced to cut off a dad's microphone after he read 'pornography' in an attempt to show people an example of books that can be found in schools.  Bruce Friedman tried to read an excerpt from Alice Sebold's 1999 memoir 'Lucky,' which documents her rape as a college freshman and how it affected her.  Friedman is the president of the Florida chapter of No Left Turn in Education, a group dedicated to the mission of 'reviving in American public education the fundamental discipline of critical and active thinking which is based on facts, investigation, logic, and sound reasoning.'

Washington state school board director to teach sexual 'pleasure' class to 9-year-olds at sex shop.  A Washington state school board director who owns a sex shop is making headlines after announcing she will teach sex education classes for children as young as 9 on topics such as "sexual anatomy for pleasure" and "safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities."  "The class for 9- to 12-year-olds is an introduction to topics related to relationships, puberty, bodies, and sexuality.  We focus on what makes healthy vs. unhealthy friendships and romantic relationships, the science of how puberty works, consent and personal boundaries, defining 'sex', and discussing why people may or may not choose to engage in sexual activities," Jenn Mason, owner of sex shop WinkWink in Bellingham and school board director for the Bellingham School District, told KTTH radio host Jason Rantz.  Mason announced there will be four, three-hour sex education classes held at WinkWink next month as part of an event billed the "Uncringe Academy."

Children's Librarians to Host Founder of 'Beginner's Sex Store' to Discuss Sex Education for Youth.  The Association of Children's Librarians of Northern California (ACL) is hosting two events where sex-shop founder and activist Corey Silverberg will be discussing "sex education that centers justice" and "how sexuality and gender show up in public spaces."  The two sessions are part of a program called "Sex Ed for Librarians," and the sessions, titled "The Sex Education We Deserve" and "Sex Ed. and Public Libraries," both feature Silverberg as a speaker.  The ACL notes that its mission is to "further the cause of library work with children" and to review and evaluate "children's books and other materials produced for young people."

Va. middle school librarian justifies pro-prostitution book because many students 'do sex work': report.  The woke culture pervasive throughout government-run schools set another benchmark in insanity in Northern Virginia after a librarian defended the "validation" garnered from one questionable book for students who may have confessed to being sexually abused.  The Loudon County Public School (LCPS) district has become something of a household name nationwide for repeatedly being at the center of controversy while conforming to the demands of the LGBTQ movement.  Their promotion of equity that involved the coverup of a rape involving a teenage boy claiming to be a girl may now be revealing other victims throughout the community.  A new report from the Daily Wire explained that a teacher at Sterling Middle School reported the librarian, Stefany Guido, to the police after she confided that a book promoting prostitution was beneficial to the students because there are kids aged 11- to 13-years-old enrolled there who "do sex work" and the content affirms their lifestyle.

Las Vegas mom goes viral for confronting school board over explicit assignment.  A video from a recent CCSD board meeting is now going viral on social media and making national headlines.  Kandra Evans addressed the school board saying her 15-year-old daughter was given a pornographic assignment.  Evans says her daughter was required to memorize the pornographic content and then recite it in front of her entire class.  CCSD board members then stopped the public comment over the explicit language.  "This is a public meeting.  I ask for decorum," said a school board member.  "If you don't want me to read it to you, what was it like for my 15-year-old daughter to have to memorize pornographic material and memorize it?" Evans responded.

You are not paranoid about the escalating leftist indoctrination in schools.  In coming years, conservatives may look back on the lockdowns with a certain fondness, despite the suffering and damage they caused.  Why do I say that?  Because the lockdowns meant that parents got a chance to see what was going on in their children's classrooms and were rightly horrified.  For now, though, there's a fierce ideological battle between normal people and leftists.  In Evanston/Skokie School District, the leftists are ahead with a radical gender plan.  Meanwhile, in Florida, the conservative DeSantis team is blocking racist textbooks.  Evanston/Skokie School District is in Evanston, Illinois.  It's home to Northwestern University and is an über-left, affluent Chicago suburb.  To give you an idea of just how leftist it is, in 2012, Evanston gave Obama 85% of its votes and then, in 2020, it gave Biden 90%.  That fealty to the Democrat party helps explain the new curriculum the school district instituted to ensure that its students fully embrace the "gender spectrum" and forever abandon any concept of a biological binary gender system.

Parent dressed as Easter Bunny passes out condoms at Texas elementary school.  Some Gullett Elementary School students received a rather strange item Thursday from the Easter Bunny: unopened condoms.  In a letter to parents, Gullett principal Tammy Thompson says that a parent had visited the campus in Northwest Austin Thursday afternoon during dismissal dressed as the Easter Bunny and handed out plastic eggs.  Thompson says that some eggs contained candy, but some students were also given unopened condoms by the parent.  Gullett parents were assured in the letter that this was not planned or sanctioned by the school.  Austin ISD says that the parent was asked to leave, but they went to the public sidewalk and continued to give away eggs, an act the district called "an incredibly careless and inappropriate action."

The Editor says...
Obviously this was an intentional act.  It was not just "careless."

Parents Outraged After A Parent Dressed As The Easter Bunny Hands Out Easter Eggs With Condoms Inside At Elementary School.  Some Gullett Elementary School students received a rather strange item Thursday from the Easter Bunny: unopened condoms.  In a letter to parents, Gullett principal Tammy Thompson says that a parent had visited the campus in Northwest Austin Thursday afternoon during dismissal dressed as the Easter Bunny and handed out plastic eggs.  Thompson says that some eggs contained candy, but some students were also given unopened condoms by the parent.  Gullett parents were assured in the letter that this was not planned or sanctioned by the school.

Yes, government schools have a huge pedophile problem.  National awareness of the grooming problem in public school classrooms is rising, thanks to the campaign opposing Florida's law prohibiting sexualizing the youngest students in grades K-3.  The hysteria of the law's opponents has served notice on the public that an active movement exists in schools and the media to indoctrinate the young in the notion that one's sex is a matter of preference, not biology, and even to facilitate homosexuality and transgenderism in pre-pubescent children.  Helping public awareness rise is the number of online videos, especially on Tik Tok, where public school teachers proclaim their goals.

1st Grade Teacher Tells Students That Doctors "Guess" The Gender of Babies and Sometimes Make an "Incorrect Guess".  A charter school in Boston held an "identity share" session on a Zoom call with kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders.  During this session, one of the teachers, a transgender man named Ray Skyer, informed the children that when babies are born, doctors "guess" their gender and are sometimes wrong.  On the Zoom call, Skyer was asked to share something cool about himself, and the "coolest" thing about him is apparently that he's transgender.  Before diving into his ridiculous, inappropriate explanation of 'transgender', Skyer reminds the kids that they "touched a little bit about that at the beginning of this week in the book that Ms. Hammond read," suggesting that these K-2 graders were already read a book on being transgender.  This in itself is a totally inappropriate classroom topic for such young kids.

The War on Innocence.  The principles of queer theory have escaped from the college campus and made their way into a summer camp for children in rural Kentucky.  Last year, a nonprofit coalition called Sexy Sex Ed organized a series of "Sexy Summer Camp" events targeted toward minors that included lessons on "sex liberation," "gender exploration," "BDSM," "being a sex worker," "self-managed abortions," and "sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs."  The program is the brainchild of Tanya Turner, who calls herself a "femme, fat, queer, magical pleasure worker" who was raised by "a host of witchy women" in a "coven-like mountain matriarchy" and uses "crystals," "sex toys," and "tarot" in her teaching.  She founded Sexy Sex Ed in 2012 and has run dozens of events across the Appalachian region, recruiting LGBTQ youth and working with a number of regional philanthropies, including the Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky, Southern Power Fund, Chorus Foundation, and Rise Healthy for Life, which is affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist church.  According to the organization's promotions materials, the purpose of Sexy Summer Camp is to teach "teenagers and people of all ages to openly discuss personal and political consent, sexual safety, and anatomy."

Six Key Battles Currently Being Fought In The Culture War.  A bill making its way through the [Florida] legislature [...] prohibits schools from teaching primary school children (grades 3 and younger) about sex and gender period, not just homosexuality.  It also requires schools to notify parents if their child indicates alternative sexual tendencies in school.  Such situations would include if a child openly questions his or her gender, or if they proclaim they are homosexual.  The bill is wholly reasonable, which is why the left is so passionate in their opposition.  Leftists believe that they, not parents, should be the ones instilling values in our nation's children.  If a father explains to his daughter that girls are girls and boys are boys, that's problematic and must be stopped.  If a mother teaches her son that God wants him to wait until marriage to have sex, and that marriage should be to a woman, such talk is homophobic and bigoted in their view.  But this is a losing battle for the left, and a winning one for the right.

Apparently all they teach in school now is deviant sex.
Connecticut school district asked eighth-graders to share their sexual desires in the form of pizza toppings.  A school district in Enfield, Connecticut was left with pie on its face after asking eighth-graders to share their sexual desires in the form of pizza toppings.  'Now that you know this metaphor for sex, let's explore your preferences!' explained the instruction pamphlet distributed to students in a recent health class at John F. Kennedy Middle School.  'Draw and color your favorite type of pizza,' it added.  'What's your favorite style of pizza?  Your favorite toppings?  What are your pizza no-nos?  Now mirror these preferences in relation to sex!'

Wyoming County Commissioner resigns after pressure from MassResistance parents over obscene library books.  When it comes to arrogant anti-family public officials, parents don't have to just sit and take it.  But they have to be willing to take a very strong stand and be persistent.  Like most areas in Wyoming, Campbell County is quite conservative.  But unfortunately, liberals and RINOs have been elected to key positions.  Last summer, local MassResistance parents began complaining to their County Commission about the pornographic and obscene LGBT books for children and teenagers appearing in the public library.  Some of the graphic homosexual books for young teenagers are sickening even for adults.

Parents Push Indiana Legislature For Hearing On Toughest School Racism And Pornography Bill.  Indiana is among the numerous Republican-led states to consider bills this spring legislative session to protect kids in public schools from pornographic, racist, and anti-American materials.  Parent activists in the state say they're concerned the strongest bills on such issues will be kept from public hearings and open votes to protect Republican lawmakers from primaries and angry constituents.  In an era in which critical race theory and anti-American curriculum are shifting elections, that could be a fool's move.  Indiana's legislative session opens today, Jan. 4, with the first hearing on hot-topic education bills slated for Jan. 5.  Two bills, Senate Bill 167 and House Bill 1040, have already been filed to deal with critical race theory and other education issues of high public concern.  More are expected.  But legislative leadership hasn't committed to giving the strongest parents rights bill a hearing or vote.

Vermont school commits to kiddie porn as enlightening for children.  Vermont's Essex-Westford School District, which includes the town of Essex that last year fired a high school lifeguard for merely questioning Critical Race Theory, has done it again.  In the midst of a national furor over a sexually explicit graphic novel, the school has proclaimed it has the duty to expose children to pornographic imagery — to support free speech.  It is axiomatic that free speech rights do not extend fully into schools — they never have.  For example, the First Amendment protects quite a shocking variety of pornographic materials, including bondage and rape videos.  Are those acceptable, protected school teaching materials?  School administrations are supposed to be answerable to the appropriate needs of children.  But ESWD has declared itself the champion of the minuscule percentage of children afflicted with gender dysphoria, which not only is rare, but most often disappears with adulthood.  All children must be sacrificed at Essex-Westford.

NYC Will Spend $500 Million Teaching Kids To Obsess About Sex And Race.  Last week, fifth-grade teacher Amy Parker took the pages of the education site Chalkbeat to celebrate New York City's initiative to promote "culturally responsive education" in its public schools.  Parker introduces her essay by lamenting that "School taught me to hide who I was and what I valued" because it didn't assign books with characters who had gay parents.  But, at the same time, Parker also complains that she "was overly represented in the books [she] read and the classes [she] took."  To make up for this injustice, Parker has now committed herself to providing a "culturally responsive and sustaining education" or "CRSE."  This means that she will pick texts on the basis of "representation" and "diversity" and emphasize racial and sexual identity in all her lessons.  Instead of learning about the world and how to contribute to it, her students will now learn about themselves and how to become "agents of change."

Fairfax County Parents Demand School Board Resign After 'Doubling Down' On 'Porn In Schools'.  Parents gathered outside the Fairfax County School Board meeting on Thursday, voicing their opposition to what they term pedophilia and "porn in schools" after Fairfax County Public Schools reintroduced two books containing depictions of sexual activity.  "They've doubled down on porn in the schools.  They've all got to go," Stacy Langton, the Fairfax County mother who confronted the school board with images from the books in September, told Fox News.  "Who's in favor of porn in the schools?"

Origins of Radical Sex Education.  The origins of radical sex education date back nearly a century to a Marxist program implemented in Hungarian public schools in their quest to destroy Christianity in Western Europe.  The curriculum included sex lectures and graphic instructional materials about free love and sexual intercourse.  Students were encouraged to ridicule and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and Church authority.  Hate was turned toward parents, clergy, and all dissenters.  The program was a huge success.  Continued exposure to atheism, radical sex education, and rebellion against authority turned Hungarian students into bullies, thieves, murderers, sex predators, and sociopaths who disrespected authority.  In his 1958 book, The Naked Communist, Cleon Skousen identified 45 communist goals.  Because education is always a key vehicle for totalitarians to instill left-wing ideology early, the goals included getting control of schools; dumbing down the curriculum; discrediting the founding fathers; and presenting homosexuality as "normal, natural, and healthy."

New National Sex Ed 'Common Core' for Kids Is More Like Hard Core, Too 'Deranged' to Describe in a Headline.  A former official in the Trump administration is warning parents about the "radical" and "deranged" nature of the latest National Sex Education Standards.  This "blueprint for sex education of children grades K thru 12" is being called a "common core" for sex ed.  But Nick Bell, who served as deputy director at the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives at the Department of Education under President Trump, calls the new standards "radically extreme".  This sex ed "common core" was developed by three "leftist" nonprofits in 2020, and it's being rolled out now.  In an op-ed for The Federalist, Bell advises parents that "in practice, the standards serve as an indoctrination camp in extremist sexual ethics designed to destroy children's innocence and undermine their attachment to the traditional, Judeo-Christian understanding of sex and marriage."

It's time to start arresting school board members for child pornography.  [Scroll down]  How things have changed.  Now high schools have graphic novels with text and illustrations favorably detailing all aspects of homosexual sex, including pedophilia.  When a mother in Fairfax, Virginia, brought that to the board's attention, the board shut her down.  It's time that parents use lawfare and shut these board members down.  It's time that parents across America do that.  I'll include Asra Q. Nomani's Twitter thread about the hearing at the end of this post.  For now, I'll just summarize the main point, which is that Stacy Langton, a brave mother, showed the board that there is graphic pornography in the libraries at two high schools.  These materials are available to kids as young as 12 and 13.  Langton read excerpts of the books, which are written as graphic novels — and they put the "graphic" in graphic.

Ohio High School Book Prompts Kids to 'Write a Sex Scene You Wouldn't Show Your Mom'... Mayor Demands Resignations.  The Mayor of Hudson, Ohio is as mad as hell about students in his small Akron suburb being told to write "a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom," and wants "all five school board members to resign or face possible criminal charges," according to a report on Monday in the Akron Beacon Journal.  Mayor Craig Shubert made his demand after parents complained about some of the material in a book called 642 Things to Write About used in local schools' Writing in the Liberal Arts II class.  The book provides writing prompts for students, including "write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom," and a follow-up prompt that instructed high schoolers to "rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you'd let your mom read."  That looks to me an awful lot like getting kids to write hot sex scenes for teacher, then teaching them how to hide those thoughts from mom and dad.

Hudson OH Mayor Demands Resignations Or Be Arrested After Learning High School Students Were Given Pornographic Topics To Write About.  Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert and Hudson High School parents are calling for the resignation of school board members and teachers after students in the school's Liberal Arts II writing class received a book of inappropriate writing prompts.  "It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom.  I've spoken to a judge this evening and she's already confirmed that.  So I'm going to give you a simple choice:  either choose to resign from this board of education or you will be charged," Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert said during the school board meeting on Monday.  [Video clip]

Why not both?
Ohio mayor warns school board during meeting:  Resign or face charges for 'child pornography'.  A mayor in Ohio told all five local school board members to resign during a board meeting or face charges over class material for high schoolers he deemed "child pornography."  "It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom," Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert told the Hudson Board of Education during a meeting on Monday [9/13/2021].  "I've spoken to a judge this evening.  She's already confirmed that.  So I'm going to give you a simple choice:  You either choose to resign from this board of education or you will be charged," Shubert added, which was met with cheers from the audience.

Momma Bear Exoritates Texas School Board For Including Book That Promotes Pedophilia To 4th Graders.  This Texas mom brought the hammer down at this Leander Independent School District meeting over the inclusion of a book titled Lawn Boy.  Supposedly, there are two books by the same title, one is for younger kids and the other promotes kids as young as 10 [having sexual contact with] older adults.  It is not known if the school district made a mistake or if they actually read this adult version and approved it anyways but no matter what, it's a massive scandal.  [Video clip]

Crowd Gasps as Fed-Up Parents Read School's Pornographic Books Out Loud at Board Meeting.  If there's one good thing that came out of school closures, it's that parents finally had a window into what their kids were being exposed to in the classroom — and many were horrified by what they saw.  That's exactly what happened in Carmel, Indiana, where parents learned the full scope of the perversion being peddled to their children.  The school libraries there are filled with storybooks pushing radical transgender ideology, lessons on masturbation for middle schoolers, and novels with explicit sexual scenes including one describing a bloody rape.  At a meeting of the Carmel Clay School Board on Monday [7/26/2021], outraged parents took turns reading excerpts from these materials.

Chicago to Provide Free Condoms to School Children 10 and Older.  As Chicago continues to struggle with high unemployment, spiking crime, and low COVID vaccination rates in some neighborhoods, the City's school district announced its new plan to provide free condoms to all school children over the age of 10.

NYT Blasted for Defending Pornography for First graders — "These People are Sick".  Concerned parents and media critics swatted the New York Times on Thursday [7/8/2021] after the newspaper heralded Justine Ang Fonte, a New York teacher who recently became infamous for her sexual education curriculum for children and young adults, as a "sex-positive educator," and called her lessons "pornography literacy."  For seven years, Fonte was the director of health and wellness at the Dalton School on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  In May, she was invited to teach two Zoom lessons on "pornography literacy and consent" to juniors and seniors at the Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School on the Upper West Side.

Columbia Prep students and parents reel after class on 'porn literacy'.  Parents at the posh Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School are outraged they were never told of a fourth "R" being added to the curriculum:  raunch.  In addition to the usual reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic, the school this month launched lessons on porn — without informing families or allowing them to opt out, parents fumed.  When juniors at the $47,000-a-year Manhattan school showed up for a health and sexuality workshop, most thought it was "just going to be about condoms or birth control," a student told The [New York] Post.  Instead, it was something called "Pornography Literacy:  An intersectional focus on mainstream porn," taught by Justine Ang Fonte, who's the director of Health & Wellness at another elite prep school, Dalton.

New York Democrat Pushes for Sex Ed That Would School 11-Year-Olds in Pansexuality and Anal Sex.  In case you haven't noticed, education's been getting an overwhelming overhaul.  For the state of things, look no further than New York's potential upgrade to sex and gender instruction courtesy of a proposed bill.  As reported by the New York Post, first-time Democratic state Sen. Samra Brouk is sponsoring legislation to adopt the standards of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States.

NY lawmaker wants sex ed for kindergartners.  Get ready for the latest woke wave in education:  comprehensive sex ed for kids as young as 5 — thanks to a new bill in the state Senate.  Legislation sponsored by state Sen. Samra G. Brouk, a freshman Democrat from Rochester, would tie New York's health curriculum to standards written by a left-wing interest group that advocates "Sex Ed for Social Change" — and would make those lessons mandatory statewide.  Under that group's current standards, public and charter schools would have to teach 5-year-olds about "gender identity" and instruct 8-year-olds on hormone blockers to prevent puberty in transgender-identifying preteens.

Comprehensive Sex Ed Proponents Admit Teaching Children Sexual 'Pleasure' Is a Primary Goal.  May is being touted as #SexEdForAll month on social media platforms, and a look at many posts using the hashtag shows teaching children about sexual "pleasure" is now included in the language of "medically accurate" sex ed. [...] Cathy Ruse, senior fellow and director of human dignity at Family Research Council, wrote, "The 'facts of life' have not changed, but 'inclusivity' and 'sex positivity' and other popular buzz-word concepts have changed sex education."

Sex Education in Public Schools: Sexualization of Children and LGBT Indoctrination.  Talking to children about sexuality is a highly sensitive endeavor.  It is emotionally charged, even under the best of circumstances.  As a nation we have "outsourced" sex ed.  Frankly, most parents really don't want to have these awkward conversations with their children.  Parents instinctively don't want to disturb the natural innocence and sexual latency period before puberty.  When education "experts" offer to handle the topic, it can be appealing.  Especially when they promise us that lessons will be ordered around saving sex for marriage, creating strong families, and protecting children's health and well-being.  It sounds reasonable.  But does it really work this way?  A major new study reveals failure rates as high as 87 percent for school-based sex ed programs.  Even worse, some programs actually result in increased sexual activity, increased number of sex partners, and increased sexual experimentation by students.  And yet, school systems are devoting significant classroom time to them — 70 hours per child in one district — even while American public schools are failing to fulfill their core mission.  [PDF]

World Health Organization's History of Promoting Radical Sex Ed.  When President Donald Trump pushed the pause button on funding the World Health Organization this past week, most people's only experience with the group was as a harmless arm of the United Nations.  But the "watchdog" of the global health is a lot more than the world's disease and infection police.  It's also, as more Americans are starting to learn, one of the biggest promoters of abortion and peddlers of radical sex ed.  At this point, it's undeniable.  And it's been its agenda for many years.  If Americans are upset about anything, it shouldn't be that the president temporarily cut the WHO's funding.  It should be the incredible injustice that's been done to taxpayers by sending billions of dollars to a group that doesn't share most people's values.

Silence of The Seattle Times on the sexxx-ed bill: cowardly, complicit or bought off?  After a week of being pressured on social media, The Seattle Times has finally written something about this.  They wildly miss what parents object to in the bill.  There is no age appropriate time to teach children in schools much of what is in the FLASH and 3R curricula.

'Grooming': Washington passes far-left sex ed plan promoting promiscuity, LGBT, abortion.  The Washington state legislature gave final approval this weekend to a pro-abortion, pro-gender ideology sex education plan that will allow the sex act to be described to five-year-olds, seven-year-olds to be taught about sexual pleasure, and sixth graders to be directed to a website featuring [even worse].  Critics warn will these materials will expose children to explicit material and far-left values.

Students are taught self-esteem and sexual promiscuity more effectively than science and civics.  Why would we expect decades of teaching sexual promiscuity in our schools to result in sexual restraint in our students?  Why are we surprised at the selfishness of our culture when we have immersed several generations of our children in a curriculum that teaches self-esteem more effectively than it does science and civics?  How can we possibly think that teaching values clarification rather than moral absolutes will result in virtuous people?  Where is there any evidence in all of human history that the subordination of a child's right to be born to an adult's right to choose ever resulted in the protection of any individual's unalienable right to life?  And why would any culture ever think that after decades of diminishing the value of marital fidelity that the same culture would then be able to mount a vigorous defense for the meaning of marriage and morality, or anything else for that matter?  This list could go on and on.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools.  Concerned citizens all over the country are joining the resistance to what the sexual-radical Left calls "comprehensive sex education" (CSE).  One such group is Informed Parents of Washington (IPOW), who describe themselves as "a coalition of parents dedicated to fighting Comprehensive Sexxx Education in our schools and legislation that [infringes on] parental rights."  They point out that 58% of participants in a statewide survey said they do not want CSE mandated in the schools.  But the Democrats controlling the state Legislature are ignoring the will of the people.

Austin ISD Sex-Ed Curriculum Unauthorized, Says Canadian "Health Service".  At a press conference today [2/14/2020] Texas Values and Austin area parents released some of their findings from an open records request concerning Austin Independent School District's (ISD) radical sex education.  Those records revealed Alberta Health Services (AHS), a Canadian abortion provider, did not authorize use of their copyrighted sex education curriculum to Austin ISD. Additionally, this week State Senator Donna Campbell, whose district includes Austin ISD schools, sent her own Public Information Act request to Austin ISD asking them to hand over their communications with the Canadian abortion provider, Alberta Health Services.

Indiana University Offers BDSM Instruction.  The cost of college has been rising almost eight times as fast as wages, even as the quality of education appears to deteriorate.  But at least students are learning new things that were not previously part of the curriculum.  For example, at Indiana University, they can acquire instruction in kinky sexual practices during SexFest20.

Parents outraged that their children learn about rape and DNA evidence!  I wonder if the parents that don't have a problem with their kids being taught about anal sex, or by transgenders at storybook time, are the same ones that are upset with a recent question on a 9th grade homework assignment?  A Texas school district says it has taken "corrective action" after a question about rape appeared on a ninth-grade homework assignment.  About 90 biology students at Klein Collins High School near Houston received the assignment focusing on DNA, which included what the Klein Independent School District calls an "inappropriate" question, per KPRC.

Growing Number of Parents Call for Ban of Explicit Sex Ed Classes from California Schools.  A growing number of angry parents is calling for sexually explicit LGBTQ-focused sex education classes to be banned from California schools, according to reports.  Parents and protesters argue that the new sex-ed curriculum is too "perverted" to be shown to school children.  In mid-September, pro-family activist group MassResistance began campaigning against, what it describes as, "the horrors" of the "Teen Talk" graphic LGBTQ/sex-ed curriculum.

Open Records Reveal Austin ISD Dishonest:  Gov't Struck Sex Ed Deal With Canadian Abortion Provider.  It has been discovered yet again that Austin Independent School District (Austin ISD) and staff were dishonest about the nature of their connection with abortion provider Alberta Health Services.  Documents that were turned over as a result of Public Information Act request have revealed that Austin ISD had direct communication with Alberta Health Services, which made it clear that Austin ISD is required to have an agreement with the abortion provider in order to use their sex education material and Austin ISD used these materials under these terms.

Austin ISD Adopts Radical Sex Education, Opens Government Up to Legal Attack.  After the overwhelming majority of local residents testified against Austin ISD's new radical sex education curriculum, the elected Austin ISD school board voted to formally adopt a radical, hypersexualized and potentially illegal sex education curriculum that was imported, in part, from Canada. 126 people had signed up to testify and testimony lasted until after midnight.  This new curriculum promotes a Leftist ideology that is in direct conflict with traditional views on sexuality, marriage, family, and even biological facts by encouraging sexual activity and normalizing unhealthy sexual behaviors to children at a very young age.  Not only does the curriculum promote homosexuality and gender confusion, but it condemns any opposition to these ideologies.

Austin ISD board unanimously approves new sex-ed curriculum.  A new sex education curriculum is coming to schools in the Austin Independent School District despite a lot of opposition.  The AISD board unanimously approved the new sex-ed curriculum early Tuesday morning [10/29/2019] just after midnight.  The new curriculum will affect students in grades third through eighth.  Each grade level has a different education plan and will include lessons about sexual orientation and gender identity.

School District Responses to Parents Mad About LGBT Indoctrination of Preschoolers.  Last week I wrote about a suburban Chicago school district's Oct. 7-11 week of LGBT curriculum as an example of what the state legislature has required all Illinois public schools to teach starting next July.  Although the Evanston/Skokie school district is in a very liberal area, not all parents were comfortable with their preschoolers being taught, among other things, that polyamorous families are equivalent to families of sexually faithful married biological parents, and that being gay simply means "loving" someone of your own sex.  According to a local newspaper called the Evanston RoundTable, the district's administrators and school board heard from several dozen upset parents after their children started coming home and talking about what they were learning about sex in school.  These officials responded with a condescending, inaccurate, and embarrassing defense of themselves.

Louisiana Parents Outraged over State 'Health' Survey Asking Sexually Explicit Questions.  Parents in Oakdale, Louisiana expressed outrage after their middle-school children were asked sexually explicit questions on a survey at the school-based health center.

Minnesota Parents Rally to 'Protect Kids' Against State-Mandated Planned Parenthood Sex Ed.  Minnesota parents and families, who oppose state-mandated comprehensive sex ed (CSE) pushed by Planned Parenthood and LGBT activist groups, are planning to rally to protect their children.  Child Protection League (CPL) Action will hold its "Protect Kids Rally" on Sunday, September 22 on the steps of the state capitol in St. Paul.  CPL Action states that, in April, a majority of Minnesota House lawmakers voted to mandate that every Pre-K-12 traditional public and charter school teach comprehensive sex ed.  "Democrats said the legislation focused on teaching 'harassment' and 'consent,'" CPL Action continues.  "But the curriculum includes pornographic images and unscientific ideas about gender, and it trivializes or even encourages high-risk and abusive sexual behavior."

Utah parents protest school board over students asking 'spontaneous questions' about sex.  Two conservative groups voiced concern Thursday at a Utah school board meeting about a new law allowing teachers to answer "spontaneous questions" about sex from students.  "If one child asks about oral sex or something explicit and the teacher answers it, it doesn't mean the other 30 kids want to hear it," said Robert Woods, a father with four children in public school, according to The Salt Lake Tribune.  "Why can't the teacher just say 'That's outside our curriculum.  Please ask your parents if you really want to know'?"

Former Planned Parenthood Sex-ed Teacher:  Classes Promote Promiscuity to Increase Abortions.  A former Planned Parenthood instructor reveals in a bombshell report that her former employer "pushed sex ed on kids to create a market for abortion."  In a shocking story published by, former sex-ed teacher Monica Cline claims Planned Parenthood "pushes sex education that 'grooms' children for promiscuity and leads to abortion."  Given the length of the list of atrocities committed by Planned Parenthood, such a story should not be surprising, but Cline's chronicle of the organization's pro-abortion agenda and how its sex-ed classes are designed to drum up business to further that agenda is startling and sickening, nonetheless.

Pro-Family Advocates:  Opposition to California's Graphic Sex-Ed Curriculum Grows.  As the new school year approaches, churches, parents, and family advocacy groups are sounding the alarm about the comprehensive sex education curriculum being put into place in schools throughout California based on a 2015 law passed in the state.  "Assembly Bill 329 forced all schools to adopt the new 'comprehensive sexual education' requirements for students," Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) and Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) wrote in literature about the law.  "These 'comprehensive' requirements force schools to promote the sexual practices of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender lifestyles."

Here Are The Details On California's Sex Education.  The California Board of Education implemented progressive sex and gender education curriculum in public schools across the state, regardless, in some cases, of parental knowledge or consent.  Progressive groups, including Planned Parenthood, collaborated on AB-329 in 2016 and the recently introduced Health Education Framework in May as highlighted by a video created by the conservative group, Our Watch.

Leftism Threatens American Family Life.  Schools were established in loco parentis (in place of the parents) but now increasingly operate as though they rule the children and that the parents are simply there to rubber stamp the school's practices.  In NY State, minor females can be referred for an abortion without parental notification.  [Indeed] a 13-year-old girl can get an abortion without her mother or father knowing about it?  Yet the same girl cannot get a learner's permit to drive until she is 16.  The message is that the state loves and cares for you more than your own parents.  That idea is noxious to me.  Health education teachers are teaching the birds and bees with demonstrations about how to put a condom on a cucumber.  Non-marital fornication is thus being encouraged by our public educational systems.

Families In Small Michigan Town Want Sex Ed Focused On Abstinence Rather Than Gender Identity Issues.  A small school district in Michigan is pushing back against those who would alter its sex ed program by incorporating discussions of sexual and gender identity.  For the last eight years, Allendale, Michigan, a town of roughly 26,000 people, has offered a sex ed program titled "Willing To Wait," which holds fast to the "benefits of abstaining from sex until marriage" and does not address the issues of gender and gender identity.  But, as reported by National Public Radio's Alyssa Edes and Ailsa Chang on Monday, last spring, partly prompted by parents' discovery that a teacher named Tiffany Harp was discussing gender identity in her "Family and Relationships" class, a heated debate arose about changing the sex ed curriculum to include LGBTQ+ issues and a stronger emphasis on scientific discussions of sex and sexuality.

An Uncomfortable Truth About American Education & Sex.  Spring isn't too far away.  That means the subject of reproduction may be surfacing in schools across the nation.  Join me for an in-depth look at the not so wonderful transformation happening across our nation.  Educrats believe it's their place to teach your children about sex.  We've seen the overreaches of many CCSS Machine groups indoctrinate (or try to), not only public schools, but every school-related group possible, with their brand of sexual beliefs and practices.  Like the picture, the CCSS way of 'teaching' sex, is too much information, at too young an age.

The Editor says...
Apparently CCSS stands for Common Core State Standards.

Schools Ordered to Teach Eight-Year-Olds That 'Boys Can Have Periods Too'.  Schools in Brighton have been ordered to teach children as young as eight that people "of all genders" can have periods, as well as to install sanitary waste disposal units in every toilet room.  The instructions were included in guidelines published by the local council earlier this month on 'Taking a Period Positive Approach in Brighton & Hove Schools', which assert there is "more work to do across all settings to prevent and reduce stigma related to periods and talking about periods".

Parents angry after Planned Parenthood 'consent' sex ed video forced on students — without consent.  A Planned Parenthood-produced sex education video shown during an English class at Sarasota, Florida's Pine View School lectured students about the concept of consent.  Now parents are offering a different lesson about consent to school officials, who never asked for permission to expose their kids to morally questionable material.  Seniors in an English Literature course were treated to the video "How Do You Know If Someone Wants To Have Sex With You?" on Nov. 7 as part of a presentation by a counselor from the "Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center," which partners with the district for sex education, WVTV reports.  The video depicts several scenes with same-sex couples, as well as an inebriated teen, while offering advice about the limits of sexual activity in different circumstances.

Parents upset after fifth-grade students take sexuality survey.  A Windsor parent was shocked to find out her daughter had taken a survey in her fifth-grade class that asked questions about students' sexual history, preference and gender identity.  "My daughter is 10.  So are all the other kids who took this," said Vanessa Beach.  "A sexual partner at 10 years old would be called sexual abuse."

Get Your Kids Out of Government Schools, Right Now, Today.  The situation in government schools is dire and getting direr every year.  All parents, whatever their circumstance, must consider the danger government schools present to the souls of their children and even the soul of our country.  Activist/author Mary Rice Hasson and philosopher Theresa Farnan get this exactly right in their important new book Get Out Now:  Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It's Too Late.  They explain that, while education achievement markers have been declining, government schools "have been successful in one area: churning out youthful progressives — growing numbers of men and women in the grips of existential confusion, perpetual victimhood, and political intolerance."  Hassan and Farnan begin with the hottest of issues roiling American schools, the imposition of "gender ideology."  They call it "the game changer," and indeed it is.  Government schools now preach, and enforce, the radical, anti-science position that biological sex is meaningless, that some kids are born in the wrong bodies, that women have penises, too.  Pediatrician and outspoken child advocate Michelle Cretella calls this psychological abuse.

Not quite off-topic:
Oregon High Schools to Mix Genders in Showers and Bathrooms in New Transgender Ruling.  A U.S. District Court Judge in Oregon recently ruled that boys must be allowed to use the girls locker room, showers and bathrooms, and vice versa in public schools throughout the state.  According to Judge Marco Hernandez, for children to "see or be seen by someone of the opposite biological sex while either are undressing or performing bodily functions in a restroom, shower, or locker room does not give rise to a constitutional violation."  Perhaps not, but it does violate normal standards of decency.  The Judge offered an alternative to parents who disagreed with the policy, telling them to send their kids to private school, according to WND.  That way, not only do they get to have their conservative beliefs trampled on, but they also get to pay taxes to support the public school trampling on their conservative beliefs, and private school tuition.

Exposed: Fort Worth ISD Sex-Ed Curriculum.  In another attack on parental rights, the Fort Worth Independent School District (ISD) has denied parents access to the district's 6th grade sexual education curriculum.  Thankfully, parents and our friends at Stand for Fort Worth are successfully fighting back against the school district.  Attorney General Ken Paxton recently issued a letter strongly warning the school district to stop violating state law and stating the school district must give parents full access to the curriculum.  Back in 2016, Fort Worth ISD issued "transgender guidelines" that allowed boys into girls' showers, locker-rooms, and bathrooms.  The guidelines also violated parental rights in state law by prohibiting parents from knowing if their child struggled with "gender identity" issues at school.  Texas Values worked with parents to help ensure the dangerous guidelines were successfully overturned.

Erotic Manias and Disappearing Fathers.  Judeo-Christian values and traditional norms promoting integration of love-sex-marriage, modesty, and self-restraint are disappearing with the happy support of school administrations, the psychological counseling establishment, the government, and the legal system that allows erotic love to trump agape, or selfless love.  Schools in NYC and elsewhere may not lead students in prayer, but they are allowed to lead students into paths of sexual expression such as ten-minute counseling before sending them for an abortion, lessons on how to put a condom on a cucumber or a banana, and the need to prevent STDs rather than uphold the sex, marriage, and love unity.

Prof says 'wealth redistribution' key to 'sexual fulfillment'.  A Northeastern Illinois University philosophy professor argues that Americans would have no need for sex robots if they were to embrace "wealth redistribution."  Tyler Zimmer also suggests "radically" shortening the workday without reducing workers' wages, asserting that the additional leisure time would "give more people a chance at sexual fulfillment."

Ad Exposing Planned Parenthood Sex Ed for Kids Images Rejected, "Too Shocking".  Last week American Life League tried to run a full page ad in the New York Times and Washington Post that showed images from actual Planned Parenthood sex education materials for kids as young as 10 years old.  Both newspapers rejected the ad as "too graphic" and "shocking" for their adult readers to see.  But the images are okay for kids in the classroom to see — at taxpayer expense.

Duval schools respond after angry father questions daughter's sexually explicit assignment question.  A Jacksonville father is demanding answers after he found an inappropriate question in his daughter's homework assignment.  Omar Austin told First Coast News that when his daughter, an eleventh grader at Westside High School, first read him the question, he thought it was a joke.  "Those type of questions should be left for reality TV and soap operas, not an eleventh grader's anatomy class," Austin said.

Florida dad outraged by sexually explicit question on teen's homework assignment.  Omar Austin had to do a double take when he spotted a sexually explicit question on his teenage daughter's homework assignment this week.  "This needs to be seen. [What the hell] is going on in our schools???" the Florida father asked as he read the question aloud in a video posted to Facebook on Wednesday [4/25/2018]. [...] Austin told First Coast News in Florida he immediately contacted the principal at Westside High School in Jacksonville to flag the inappropriate question that was on his eleventh-grade daughter's practice test for her upcoming anatomy exam.  "This was a district-generated worksheet that her teacher just printed offline and it was given to the students," Austin explained to the local news station.  "I want it to be acknowledged.  I want it to be reviewed.  And I want it to be changed."

Parents Say, 'Enough' to Planned Parenthood's 'Pornographic' Sex Ed.  Parents in cities across the U.S. as well as Canada, Australia, and now, the U.K. are pulling their children out of schools Monday to protest what they view as "pornographic," "gender-bending" sex ed curricula conducted and promoted by taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood's Degenerate 'Comprehensive Sex Education' Lesson Plans.  As is usual for the convergence of leftism in our society, there are many organizations tied to Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign which try to obfuscate where the information is coming from.  I will show you that they are connected and all are involved in the federally-funded "comprehensive sex education" program that has infected public schools. [...] Planned Parenthood also lists partners of theirs in the comprehensive sex education programs including but not limited to: the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United State (SIECUS), Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network, Future of Sex Education, The Guttmacher Institute, ETR Associates, Bedsider, Rutgers University, Advocates for Youth, and many more.  They are all far-left, pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-transgender organizations.  Not one of them deviates from the relentless push to normalize promiscuous and deviant sexual behavior.

Here's What Your Children Are Learning Today.  Why on earth should kindergarten curricula include lessons on gender reassignments or anything to do with sex education?

School District Scraps Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Program.  The Cumberland County Board of Education in North Carolina voted Tuesday to scrap its Planned Parenthood middle school sex ed program after many parents voiced their concerns.  The board voted to remove Planned Parenthood's Get Real sex ed program and return to the curriculum the county began using in 2009, reports WFMY News2.  "It got pretty descriptive as far as some of that information, our committee felt like it was simply not appropriate for our sixth-grade students," said Tim Kinlaw, Cumberland County Schools Interim Superintendent, according to WNCN.

Portland, Maine Has A New School Transgender Policy.  Our Townhall colleague Timothy Meads had a report on Saturday on new rules established by the school board which will not only allow school-aged children to pick which gender they'd like to be, but forbids teachers from arguing with them or even taking the side of the parents if they disapprove. [...] Keep in mind that this applies to all the schools and all the students, not just the high school classes.  Meads brings up one of the obvious questions which follows such a decision.  What about the parents?  Portland can now have second-grade boys showing up and declaring that they're girls, and the teachers will have to refer to them as such even if the parents specifically object.

Portland, Maine's New Transgender Policy Tramples on Parental Rights.  This week, the Portland, Maine School District adopted a comprehensive transgender policy for their students.  But in an attempt to welcome and create a safe haven for all, the left-leaning city has ended up crafting an overreaching debacle that tramples upon parental rights.  On Tuesday, November 28, 2017, the Portland Board of Education unanimously approved a motion that requires all Portland, ME schools implement annual staff training on gender issues, "use a student's preferred name and personal pronoun, and take the student's side at school if there is disagreement with a parent's wishes."

Portland school board adopts policy to protect transgender students.  After an emotional discussion about inclusion and equity for all students, the Portland School Board voted unanimously Tuesday night to adopt a comprehensive new policy that affirms and protects transgender and gender-expansive students in Portland schools.  Gender expansive is a term used to describe people whose gender expression and identity goes beyond what is perceived as expected gender norms.

Planned Parenthood to Toddlers: 'Your Genitals Don't Make You a Boy or a Girl'.  Planned Parenthood has long been known for its frank, scientific, and matter-of-fact advice on how parents should talk to their kids about their bodies and sex.  But the organization's recently revamped website has scrapped biological explanations for male-female distinctions in favor of a non-binary view of sexuality and gender, even for the very young.  The new guidelines include lengthy discussions on gender identity for all ages and encourage adults to explain to preschoolers that one's private parts "don't make you a boy or a girl."

Former Abortion Clinic Owner:  We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create a Market for Abortion.  For six years Carol Everett operated four abortion clinics in Texas.  As reported by The Catholic Register, Everett earned a commission for every abortion in addition to a share of the fees charged by each clinic.  She says she sold abortion and made big bucks off of the "cash cow" of abortion.  A new abortion clinic, she said at the annual Rose Dinner for the National March for Life in Ottawa, would make enough money to pay for itself in a single month.

Today's Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America's Cult-Like Education System.  Sex education in the schools has become a platform for Planned Parenthood to push its abortion agenda and encourage kids to have sex, which really just adds up to another assault on their privacy.  The program to de-sex children by feeding them the lie of gender ideology and insisting their biological sex isn't real only adds to a lack of context, causing confusion and loss of moorings as they try to adapt to being forced to think of themselves as the other sex, or having fluid identities, or no identity at all.

Sex-ed isn't working.  A Cochrane review released last month with muted publicity concludes the same thing the HHS study found about school-based sex education:  It is not working.  Valerie Huber of the pro-abstinence Ascend says the conclusions of the Cochrane study, which involved 55,000 young people from around the world, are not surprising.  "We've known for a long time what the best health message (abstinence) is for young people, and we're getting more and more details that they're resonating with that and that the opposite message (safe sex) is having the opposite effect," Huber relays.

California's students will soon learn more LGBT history in schools.  California's students will soon be learning more about LGBT people and their struggles after state education officials voted to include contributions from the community in history and social science instruction.  The California State Board of Education on Thursday voted unanimously on a new History-Social Science Framework that includes "a study of the role of contributions" of minority groups, including "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans."  LGBT content will be included in some elementary, middle and high school grades.  In fourth grade, for example, students would learn about "the emergence of the nation's first gay rights organizations in the 1950s," the framework states, as well as struggles in California from the 1970s to the present day to affirm the right of gay people to teach and to get married.

Washington State To Teach Transgenderism To Kindergartners.  By fall 2017 Washington state public schools will begin teaching gender expression to kindergarteners under newly-approved health education learning standards that designate sexual health a "core idea" of public K-12 education.  While some aspects of sexual health aren't taught K-12 (HIV prevention begins in fourth grade), one component of sexual health titled "Self-Identity" begins in kindergarten, where students will be expected to "Understand there are many ways to express gender."

Schools in Washington Adopt Controversial Learning Standards Regarding Gender for K-12 Students.  Washington State public schools have approved health education learning standards that include teaching gender expression to kindergarteners.  The new K-12 health and physical education learning standards were quietly adopted by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) on March 25 without issuance of public notice or press release, according to the Daily Caller.  The Daily Caller reports that the controvesial standards will include teaching "Self-Identity" — which includes educating students on numerous ways to express gender — to students in kindergarten.  According to the state's health education glossary, gender is defined as "a social construct based on emotional, behavioral, and cultural characteristics attached to a person's assigned biological sex."  The kindergarten curriculum will also include lessons on "safe and unwanted touch," but it is not clear whether the lesson plans will include teaching consent.

Sex ed books pulled from library shelves at Rainier elementary school.  A sex education book full of illustrations depicting sexual acts is creating quite the controversy at a Hudson Park Elementary School in Rainier.  Parents said the book was shown to their kids without their permission, and now the school is pulling the book from library shelves.  The book in question, titled "It's Perfectly Normal," touts itself as a children's book for ages 10 and up, that talks all about changing bodies, sex and sexual health.

Tennessee lawmakers fume over state university's 'Sex Week'.  Youngsters at the Volunteer State's flagship university are about to engage in all sorts of debauchery ranging from lessons on male sexual fluidity to a lecture [...] from an amateur porn star.  Sex Week at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville kicks off April 4 — five days of depravity that makes Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street look like a Sunday school picnic.  The star of the show is Sophia St. James, a self-described "queer diesel femme."

Condom-Nation Hits Middle Schools.  I phoned a couple of education reformers to get their take on the program.  Most wanted nothing to do with the controversy.  They are concentrating on what they see as the dumbing down of school curricula.  I understand.  It's not as if I want to write this column, but somebody's gotta do it.  I reached Lisa Snell, director of education and child welfare at the libertarian-leaning Reason Foundation.  She deftly questioned the "age appropriateness" of condoms at middle schools.  Many parents already distrust public schools, Snell observed, and this program simply reinforces their suspicions.  Snell asked, "Why even go there?"  Answer:  Because they can't help themselves.  Carranza and the school board want parents to trust them on academics, but they don't trust parents to know what's wrong for their own kids.

N.J. mom says 8th grade homework asks about herpes, one-night stand.  Amy Loper says her son was given the homework in his language arts class at the Powell Elementary School in the Cedarville section of Lawrence Township.  The question describes drinking and hooking up with a stranger.  Loper says while the assignment might be better suited for a sex education class, she believes it does not belong in language arts.

Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him.  At the same time that children are being exposed in the classrooms to the sort of sex education only sailors on leave in major ports once had, we are making heterosexual conduct by young people fraught with criminal consequences.  In tony Fairfax, Virginia, for example, elementary students will be taught about oral, anal sex, and incest from which lessons parents cannot opt out.  This sexualization of the young in our schools is not unique.  Federal tax dollars are being withheld from school systems that do not conduct gender identity classes and educators are taking this to be an order to sexualize our children already bombarded by twerking, rap culture, and other execrable behavior.

Alameda Teacher Accused Of Assigning Bizarre Extra Credit For Sophomores.  Parents of students at Encinal High School in Alameda want a teacher fired after they say he sent them home with an extra credit assignment of finding sex toys and condoms in their parents' private drawers, and taking a selfie with what they find. [...] "It was to go into your parents' private drawers or whatever to seek out sexual toys or condoms, or anything of that nature and to take a selfie with it," Cobene said.  Encinal High administrators implied to the moms that the assignment may have been a joke, but not every student saw it that way.

Alameda Teacher Suspended After Alleged "Sex Toy Selfie" Assignment.  An Alameda teacher who reportedly gave high school sophomores an assignment of finding their parents' sex toys and taking a selfie with them has been suspended.  Encinal High School math teacher Wing-Wah Leung allegedly issued the assignment as extra credit.  "It was to go into your parents' private drawers or whatever to seek out sexual toys or condoms, or anything of that nature and to take a selfie with it," parent Kimberly Cobene said.  Parents said school administrators implied the assignment was meant as a joke, but that at least one student took it seriously and showed off the work in class.

Schools Quiz Twelve-Year-Olds about Gay, Oral, and Anal Sex.  A public hearing is taking place Wednesday morning [5/6/2015] in the Massachusetts State House to look into a controversial sex survey given to middle school and high school students.  Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and called the "Youth Risk Behavior Survey," the survey asks students as young as 12 a series of very personal and highly ideological questions.  The survey asks students if they are homosexual and if they are transgender.  It also asks if they have had oral or anal sex and if they have performed such acts with up to six people.

Two Planned Parenthood workers who taught high school sex-ed, revealed to be sex-toy instructor and 'pleasure activist'.  Parents with students at one California high school recently learned that two Planned Parenthood employees who taught their impressionable children sex education also held down some controversial side jobs.  One of the sex-ed instructors at Acalanes Union High School in Lafayette also taught a class on sex toys at a nearby shop while the other identified herself as a 'pleasure activist' on her now-deleted Twitter profile.  The job history of the two teachers was revealed after parents learned about the school's partnership with Planned Parenthood and demanded the curriculum be changed.

Parents surprised to learn 9th graders being told they can choose gender, prep for sex.  Welcome to California, home of the finest, most progressive school system in the country.  And if your 13 and 14 year old children are attending Acalanes High School in Lafayette, California, they can learn all sorts of amazing things.  For example, they are probably right up to date on the best water based lubricants for intercourse, the best way to beat a pesky, sexually transmitted infection, and the wide range of options they have regarding which gender they would like to be.

Abstinence high school speaker ousted: Message called 'hate speech'.  Many public schools across the nation have regularly invited speakers from Planned Parenthood to inform high school and middle school students about under-age and premarital "safe sex" and how to use various forms of contraception, but when one abstinence speaker was scheduled to inform students in southeastern Pennsylvania about the rewards of saving sex until marriage and the dangers of casual sex, her speech was quickly cancelled, with critics calling it "hate speech."

Las Vegas schools consider teaching kindergartners about masturbation, homosexuality.  Las Vegas schools are considering plans to teach children as young as 5 about masturbation and homosexuality.  Clark County School District proposed the changes during closed-door meetings with community members last week, EAG News reported.

Parents outraged by school's 'horrific' explicit sex education class.  The birds and the bees this was not.  Parents at a middle school in California are up in arms after it emerged their children were given a sex-ed class laced with crude memes.  'That's something you can't unsee,' one parent, who asked not to be identified, told ABC15.  'This is definitely more than R-rated.  This is X-rated.'  The X-rated presentation titled 'Top Conception Myths' was out on for pupils at Pine Valley Middle School in San Ramon [California].

Man says free speech rights violated in arrest over book.  Some parents in Gilford are voicing concerns about a book with a risque love scene that high school students are reading.  School officials said the book "Nineteen Minutes" by New Hampshire author Jodi Picoult has important themes, but some parents disagree.  Parent William Baer was handcuffed and escorted out of a meeting held Monday night [5/5/2014] in which the book was discussed.  School officials said the book has occasionally been part of the curriculum since 2007, so the controversy came as something of a surprise.  But some parents objected to page 313 in the book, which describes a sexual encounter.

Warning:  This article includes the offending passage, and it's not family friendly.
Dad Arrested For Questioning New Hampshire School Board About Sexually Explicit Book.  Mr. William Baer was handcuffed and escorted out of a board meeting Monday night after expressing concern about a required reading book given to his 14-year-old daughter. [...] National Television media refuse to quote the passages from the book for fear of FCC violations for graphic sexual content.  National print media refuse to publish the pages due to graphic sexual content.  But a High School can present the book to a 14-year-old student, and require them to read it for the lesson plan, and not inform the student's parent(s).

NH Parent Arrested for Protesting Book That Contains Graphic Sex Scene.  William Baer became furious when he learned that his daughter had been assigned the book.  He said the school not only failed to notify parents, but they also failed to offer parents a chance to opt their kids out of reading the book.  "I was shocked when I read the passage, and not much shocks me anymore," Baer told  "My wife was stunned by the increasingly graphic nature of the sexual content of the scene and the imagery it evoked."  Baer, who is an attorney, put it in perspective.  He said if someone had been handing those passages to students off campus, they might have been arrested.  Ironically, it was Baer who got arrested — at a school board meeting to address the controversy.

Stifling dissent through police-state tactics.  Mr. Baer explained that he was arrested at a meeting of the Gilford School Board meeting on Monday, [May] 5, 2014, and charged with a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct.  As audio and video evidence of the events clearly illustrates, however, there was nothing remotely disorderly about Mr. Baer's conduct at the meeting.  It was the first time he was arrested in his life.  No, there was something far deeper at work here, something that you will not see, hear or read about in the "drive-by" reports done by the mainstream media.  It is this lead-up to the school board meeting that puts the events of May 5th in a much clearer, and much more unsettling perspective.

Parents upset by X-rated sex ed poster in middle school.  A Kansas father said he was shocked after he discovered his 13-year-old daughter's health curriculum included references to vaginal intercourse, anal sex, and touching each other's genitals.  "I got furious," Mark Ellis, of Shawnee, Kan., told me.  "And I'm still worked up about it."  Ellis' daughter is an eighth grade student at Hocker Grove Middle School in the Shawnee Mission School District.  Last week, she came home from school and showed her parents a photograph she had taken of a poster on a classroom door.

High School Sex Ed Indoctrination Reaching Dangerous Levels.  I was astonished recently when one of my stepdaughters arrived home from public high school in Washington state with a red ribbon painted on her cheek.  Sex education in the schools — which conservatives have tried to limit to abstinence-only — has now gone well beyond simple education.  Today's students are being coerced into promoting and acting out the politically correct views taught them.  It is being done so sneakily, using the authoritative stamp of approval by the public schools, that even my conservatively raised children were cajoled into participating.

Planned Parenthood wants preschoolers to know mechanics of sexual intercourse.  Planned Parenthood Federation of America has just announced a new insidious Internet presence referred to as "mobile interactive tools to help teens make healthy decisions."  STOPP's national director, Rita Diller, joined ALL's Jim Sedlak on his Radio Maria "Armed for Battle" broadcast November 1 to warn about what lurks within the many webpages of this new "tool" for indoctrinating both children and parents.  "By 'mobile interactive tools,' Planned Parenthood means it is on its website so that kids can access this stuff from their smart phones or their computers when their parents aren't looking," Diller said.

Sex Ed at UCLA.  When two freshman sisters at UCLA were told their mandatory orientation on sexual harassment would include a section on sex education, they respectfully requested exemption from that part of the program.  As conservative Catholics, Angelica and Bella Ayala did not want to participate in the sex-ed presentation — which discussed, among other topics, how to put on a condom and how to ask someone to have sex with you — because contraception and premarital sex violate their moral code.  But the two girls were swiftly reprimanded for their small protest and told they were required to attend the session, even if it violated their conscience.

Obama: Sex Ed for Kindergartners 'Is the Right Thing to Do'.  The Chicago Public Schools this year are mandating that the district's kindergarten classes include sex education, fulfilling a proposal President Barack Obama supported in 2003 when he served in the Illinois state senate and later defended when he ran for president in the 2008 election cycle.

College Wants Students to Discover Their 'Erotic Truth'.  Incoming freshmen at the College of Charleston are being encouraged to discover their 'erotic truth' by reading a comic book memoir about a woman coming to terms with her sexual identity and her closeted gay father who had a relationship with an underage male babysitter.

Hooking kids on sex: Start "saturation process" in kindergarten.  While the White House says sequestration has eliminated funds for children touring the White House, President Obama has no problem spending $350 million federal tax dollars for sexual indoctrination programs starting in kindergarten for those same children.  This is not your grandmother's sex education about how things work and what can go "wrong."  In fact, the exact opposite is the essence of the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP).

The Abolition of Sex.  [Scroll down]  Our children are being brainwashed into believing their sexual identity is a completely arbitrary matter.  Thus, they are being abused rather than affirmed as they are created.  Psychological and emotional manipulation and experimentation is just as cruel as physical torture, perhaps even more so, as children have almost no filters to sift through the garbage that is being poured into their little minds and hearts.

University of Tennessee uses Student Fees to pay for Lesbian Bondage Expert.  A lesbian bondage expert and a campus-wide condom scavenger hunt are among the activities planned for The University of Tennessee's first-ever "Sex Week" — an event paid for in-part by student fees.  Sex Week is sponsored by the university's Sexual Empowerment and Awareness at Tennessee club.  The six-day event is expected to cost nearly $20,000 — covered in part by university grants, student fees and contributions from academic departments.

Chicago public schools may start sex ed in kindergarten.  Chicago Public Schools is considering a new proposal that would begin teaching sexual education in kindergarten. reports that the district's proposal follows "national sexuality education standards" and addresses sexual orientation and bullying for the first time.

Chicago Will Require Kindergarteners to Take Sex Ed.  A new policy that was created in part with the consultation of Planned Parenthood of Illinois will require Chicago Public School students from kindergarteners and up to receive sexual health education instruction beginning in 2015.  According to the Chicago Public Schools website, the new policy passed last week requires "minimum instructional minutes" for students, and instructional material is tailored around age-appropriateness and "medically accurate information."

Sex education in kindergarten?  Closer than you think.  The city's school leaders have decided that kindergarten is not too young to learn about sex.  Currently, the curriculum begins for students in the fifth grade, and the school system said each level of instruction would be age appropriate.  Kindergartners through third graders would learn about their anatomy, all living things that reproduce and appropriate and inappropriate touching.

Planned Parenthood Gets Obamacare Funds to Push Sex on 9th Graders.  Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Virginia has received government funding that enables it to expand its systematic sexualization and degradation of 9th graders in the Newport News public schools with "risk reduction" sex education.  The money comes from the $75 million pool set aside as a part of Obamacare to teach the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP).  The PREP money is setting students up for disaster as it enables Planned Parenthood and other organizations access to the most vulnerable youth across the nation.

Obama's HHS 'Grooming' Children for Sex.  The Obama administration, which fully embraces the debunked Kinsey sex-education model, has begun pushing a curriculum that, in many ways, eerily mirrors the "FBI Molester Grooming Paradigm."  Both Obama's HHS and many public sex-education programs are doing to children, constructively, what pedophiles do to "groom" them for sex.

How American Public Education Has Become a Criminal Enterprise (Part 3).  Contributing to the delinquency of a minor has long been considered a crime. [...] But in schools, where pornographic sex education is used to introduce children to premarital, recreational sex, the crime of contributing to the delinquency of a minor is permitted.  Is there any doubt that teaching children how to use condoms encourages premarital sex?  And is there any doubt that premarital "recreational" sex can lead to unwanted pregnancies, abortions, children out of wedlock, venereal disease, negative emotional entanglements, and other social problems?  Yet, the public schools see no reason not to continue purveying explicit sex information that clearly destroys the innocence of the young.

Parents Furious After School Teaches Graphic Sex Class.  Parents in a small Washington State community are infuriated after their 11-year-old children were given graphic descriptions of oral and anal sex during a sex education class led by an elementary school principal.

Springfield schools approve policy that could provide condoms for 12-year-olds.  The Springfield School Committee has given first-step approval to a policy that would make condoms available to students as young as 12.

Begin Sex Ed in Kindergarten, Says New 'National Standards' Report.  By the time they leave elementary school, children should be able to "define sexual orientation," and by the eighth grade be able to "define emergency contraception and its use," according to a report containing controversial new recommendations for sex education in U.S. public schools.  "Ideally, comprehensive sexuality education should start in kindergarten and continue through 12th grade," says the "National Sexuality Education Standards" report, drawn up by a range of advocates, academics and public education officials.

School Surveys 7th-Graders on Oral Sex.  A middle school in Massachusetts is under fire for requiring children to complete a graphic sex survey — without parental knowledge or consent — that included questions about sexual partners and oral sex.

Government Won't Let Failure Stand In Way Of Its Expansion.  There was a story on the Fox News Channel about schools that are using their time to indoctrinate kindergartners and fourth graders with politically correct attitudes about sex.  Anyone familiar with the low standards and mushy notions in the schools and departments of education that turn out our public school teachers might think that these teachers would have all they can do to make American children competent in reading, writing and math.

Warning:  Explicit sexual content.
The Left's Dirty Little Secret:  Regardless of how the left spins it, children being forced to listen to one uncomfortable, repellant sex talk after another, is not safety.  It's also not education.  It's actually a state-sanctioned form of child abuse.  This is another of the left's dirty little secrets:  the ease in which they will use and abuse children for their radical agenda.  Back in the 60's, the secret was the molestation of kids in places like Berkeley.  Today, it's the widespread exploitation of children in the public schools.

Oakland 2nd Graders Reportedly Engage In Sex Acts, Teacher Suspended.  A teacher at Oakland's Markham Elementary School has been suspended indefinitely after school officials said a pair of second-graders performed sex acts on each other in class — with the teacher present.

The Climate of Depravity.  Since the early days of pioneer America, schoolteachers have been repeatedly forced to interrupt class so they can stop second-grade students from getting naked and engaging in oral sex before their classmates.  In this case, the teacher just stood and watched, which the school district describes as an "unacceptable lack of supervision."  Who is this unacceptable teacher?  The district won't say.  They've suspended the individual but will not release the name.  Yes, that's right, "suspended."

Make Way for the Milk Monitors.  The hardest thing to figure out is the dichotomous mind of a liberal.  Liberals are so confused that destroying a child's innocence is considered a virtuous accomplishment, but allowing M&M's in the cafeteria is an abomination.  Liberals remove soda from vending machines to protect the well-being of children and then, in some school districts, insist on teaching kindergarteners sex education couched in confusing stories like "Gloria Goes to Gay Pride."  Truth is, sanctimonious liberal educators believe they are fulfilling a higher calling if middle-school students are shielded from drinking Yoo-Hoo while being instructed how to properly place a condom on a cucumber.

Obama Supports Kindergarten Sex Ed.  The nursery rhyme "Rub a dub-dub, three men in a tub" could mean something incredibly different to grade school students in Helena, Montana if the public school system adopts a controversial sex education plan.  At the center of the controversy is a desire by educators and special interest groups to begin teaching a pro-gay sex education curriculum to children as young as five years old.

Sex Education for Kindergartners?  A proposed plan to teach kindergartners sex education has come under fire in Helena, Montana.  The Helena Public School system is considering a comprehensive plan for students in kindergarten through 12th grade.  It includes teaching first graders that people can be attracted to the same gender.  In second grade students are instructed to avoid gay slurs and by the time students turn 10 years old they are taught about various types of intercourse.

Helena, Mont., Mulls Kindergarten Sex Ed.  The Helena Public Schools Board of trustees faced a large and emotionally charged crowd at its meeting Tuesday night [7/13/2010] as it considers whether to begin its sexual education curriculum in kindergarten.  Members of the community were invited to give public comment on the proposed K-12 Health Enhancement Comprehensive Curriculum before the nine-member board votes next month.

Helena School Board, Blasted Over Sex Ed Proposal for Young Children.  A proposed sex education program that teaches fifth-graders the different ways people have intercourse and first-graders about gay love has infuriated parents and forced the school board to take a closer look at the issue.

Planned Parenthood Pushes Intensive Sex Education for Kids as Young as 10.  A new report by the International Planned Parenthood Federation is advocating that children as young as 10 be given extensive sex education...  The report, "Stand and Deliver," charges that religious groups, specifically Catholics and Muslims, deny their young access to comprehensive sexual programs and education.

Former Surgeon General Elders Advocates Sex Ed for Kindergarteners.  Former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders got a standing ovation after speaking at the annual summit of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice where she advocated health clinics offering contraceptives on public school campuses and comprehensive sex education in the schools starting in kindergarten.

The Editor apologizes for the graphic nature of this article, but the truth must come to light.
Upward Bound Is Down... Radical Sexual Indoctrination of Kids Is In.  Despite the runaway federal spending and record budget deficits, Barack Obama is including $410 million in the 2011 budget for his "safe schools" czar Kevin Jennings.  This is an increase of $45 million over last year's budget.  Obviously, some things are more important than others. ... Kevin Jennings, the founder of the GLSEN organization, has a long history of promoting sexual material in classrooms including books that describe sex between first graders and books that promote S&M.  The GLSEN group also pushes books that romanticize child rape and books that show men having sex with boy scouts in the background.

Funds for Schools that Give Birth Control to 11-Year-Olds?  A middle school in Portland, Maine, has decided to provide birth control pills and patches to its students, ages 11 to 13, and under the policy, parents may never know if their children get the birth control.

Same story...
Abstainers Are Killers?  The lesson from the anything-goes crowd is so illogical it borders on the obscene.  In order to "protect the youth" from unsavory sexual messages, we should provide them will all the technology so they can have "safe sex" — even at age 11.  But who is responsible for this bombardment of sexual messaging in our culture that's fueling this fire?

School Won't Back Down, So Lawsuit Over Contraception Will Proceed.  A conservative civil liberties group said it will proceed with a lawsuit against the Portland, Maine, School Committee for refusing the reconsider its policy on prescription contraceptives for middle school students as young as 11.

Sex Education Lesson:  Beat Up the Virgins.  Today's sex education and teen pregnancy prevention advocates claim that they stand ready with contraceptives and factual information to assist teens and preteens presumably possessed by the raging hormone monster.  The notion that their programs would somehow encourage sexual activity is laughable, they charge.  But a series of videos for teens promoted through a teen pregnancy prevention program, G-CAPP (Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention), mocks the idea of abstinence.

Sex ed planned for fourth graders.  The Springfield School District plans to introduce sex education to fourth-graders next school year, a grade younger than its current practice.  "Kids are developing a little more rapidly," said Kathy Hulcher, who oversees health education for the district and helped lead a committee that re-evaluated the sex education curriculum.

What Your Teacher Didn't Tell You About Abstinence:  From the media to the classroom, teens today are constantly being inundated with "safe sex" claims.  They will become sexually active anyway, the thinking goes, so let's teach them how to do it "safely" – that is, with contraception.  Teenagers are told it is fine to practice "safe sex" and abstinence is given short shrift.  But that lie could ultimately destroy them.

Exposing Failed Radical Theories and Policies.  A growing body of findings from objective social science research is providing defenders of the truth with the ammunition they need to counter the phony ideologically-biased research that dominated policy discussions in the aftermath of the sexual revolution of the 1960s.  While the radicals of the 1960s are still administrators of foundations, heads of leftist organizations and members of the tenured faculty of American universities — their remaining bastions of power — slowly, but steadily, these radicals are becoming more and more obsolete, like their enablers in the mainstream media.

Arkansas Parents Uncover Volumes of Vile Literature in School Libraries.  An Arkansas mother who succeeded in getting three sexually explicit books removed from Fayetteville school libraries says she has found there are more than a hundred books of that nature in the school district.  Now a mental health counselor is recommending a parental audit of all the books in the city's school libraries.

Teacher Reassigned for Anatomy Drawings.  A teacher has been barred from classes after having his seventh-grade students draw male genitalia on the blackboard during health class, a school spokeswoman said Friday [1/26/2007].

Judge rules sex-education curriculum violates First Amendment rights.  A federal judge in Montgomery County, Md., has issued a temporary restraining order to stop the teaching of a sex-education course because it violates the First Amendment.  I can't remember any other case in the last 30 years in which a judge sided with parents against a curriculum adopted by a school board.

Veggie porn in school?  Most states derive their sex-ed curricula, in whole or in part, from the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, a group with a decidedly liberal view of these matters.  SIECUS promotes sex ed starting in kindergarten, when children should be taught the proper names for body parts and the difference between good touch and bad touch.

Attack on decency.  During the 1960s, the education establishment launched its agenda to undermine lessons children learned from their parents and the church with fads like "values clarification."  So-called sex-education classes were simply indoctrination that sought to undermine family/church strictures against premarital sex.  Lessons of abstinence were ridiculed, considered passe, and replaced with lessons about condoms, birth control pills and abortion.  Further undermining of parental authority came with legal and extra-legal measures to assist teenage abortions with neither parental knowledge nor consent.

The Left Launches an Offensive Against School Abstinence Programs.  Rep. Henry Waxman, one of the U.S. House of Representative's most liberal members, has taken aim at federally-funded abstinence education programs, accusing many of them of promoting misleading information regarding abortion and sexually-transmitted diseases. … It is important that Americans understand that Rep. Waxman is a leading proponent of condom-distribution programs.  He is not simply an unbiased observer in this situation.

School System Pays for Squelching Student's Viewpoint on Homosexuality.  A federal judge in Detroit ordered the Ann Arbor Public School system to pay $102,738 in attorney fees and costs to the Thomas More Law Center, which defended a student who expressed her religious views against homosexuality.

In Scotland ...
Schools told to give pupils gay sex advice.  Official guidance on how to teach Scottish schoolchildren about gay sex is being issued for the first time since the abolition of laws which banned "promoting" homosexuality in schools.

Texas Textbook Debate Revolves Around Issue of Abstinence.  Official debate over abstinence-only health textbooks in Texas public schools has ended.  Opponents of the proposed books — among them Planned Parenthood and the Texas Freedom Network — claim the texts should include lessons on condoms and birth control.

Inside the Texas Textbook Controversy:  The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) is embroiled in a battle over textbook content that, media reports claim, could dictate public school curricula nationwide.  As the single largest textbook purchaser in the country, Texas is a major decision-maker regarding content of books available on the market, since publishers naturally cater to their most lucrative client.

Women's Group Fired Up About "Fistgate 2" A national women's group is joining other conservatives in condemning a homosexual activist group's promotion of homosexuality in Massachusetts schools.

Teacher's porn lesson a shock.  [An Australian] teacher who told a class of teenage boys to research pornography online has been allowed to keep teaching.  Mark Heiberg won a promotion after Victoria's teacher watchdog dismissed a complaint about his assignment entitled:  "Is Nudity and Pornography the same thing?"

Pro-Gay Sex Education is on the Rise.  Those who think that granting homosexuals the right to marry won't affect them might want to reconsider in light of a recent National Public Radio broadcast about how instruction in gay-sex techniques is showing up in sex education classes in Massachusetts.

Mom's Resignation from National PTA:  My mother has resigned from the National Parent-Teachers Association.  And that is a significant thing, for my mom has been a leader in the local PTA in our hometown for the past 25 years.  She is fed up with the overwhelming political correctness that rules the National PTA, evident in its partnership with Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) at its recent convention.  "I do not think the gay agenda should be addressed with my dues money," my Mom explained.

Acceptance and Promotion of Homosexuality

School kids are being taught to accept perversion as normal behavior.  This is the inevitable result of liberal "envelope pushers" having control of the sex education curriculum.

Federal Court Vacates Biden Regime's Radical and Unconstitutional Rewrite of Title IX.  A federal court in Kentucky on Thursday vacated the Biden regime's radical and unconstitutional rewrite of Title IX.  The Department of Education regulatory requirements would have forced educational programs that receive federal money to accept transgender ideology.  Congress enacted Title IX in 1972, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program that receives federal money, including K-12 schools, colleges, and universities.  Biden's rewrite forced educational programs to allow gender-confused males to enter female-only spaces and join female-only organizations.  And if schools ignored these requirements in an attempt to protect women's rights, the federal government would have revoked their funding.  "It is abundantly clear that discrimination on the basis of sex means discrimination on the basis of being a male or female," the United States District Court Eastern District of Kentucky stated in its decision.  "Expanding the meaning of 'on the basis of sex' to include "gender identity" turns Title IX on its head."

Stark County school district pays teacher $450,000 in settlement over student name, pronouns.  The Jackson Local School District in Massillon is paying a teacher $450,000 to settle a lawsuit over whether to call students by their preferred names and pronouns, which she said violates her religious beliefs.  The $450,000 settlement will cover damages to Vivian Geraghty, who taught English at Jackson Memorial Middle School, as well as attorney fees.  The conservative Alliance Defending Freedom represented Geraghty and announced the settlement in December.  [Two advertisements]  The settlement comes as gender transitioning and recognition of transgender youth has surfaced at the forefront of cultural debate, from the halls of the U.S. Capitol and Ohio General Assembly to local classrooms, as demonstrated by the Stark County case, which began in 2022.  Some conservatives want to delay or deny gender transitions.  On the other side are LGBTQ and youth advocates who believe children's needs should be considered.

The Editor says...
Nobody needs a sex-change operation.  Nobody under the age of 18 should be allowed to "identify" as something they are not, especially in a classroom.

DOJ Spent $100 Million Funding DEI, Social Emotional Learning in Classrooms.  Parents Defending Education (PDE) just released a report on the amount of money the Department of Justice spent funding DEI, Social Emotional Learning and Restorative Justice in US schools.  Between 2021 and 2024 (under Joe Biden) the total was at least $100 million. [...] SEL seems like a pretty insidious way to mainstream DEI without letting parents catch on to what is actually happening. [...] And once you've turned every classroom into this kind of daylong therapy session it's not much of a leap for left-wing counselors to start making specific recommendations to some of the kids.  ["]Over the past two years, I have been so inundated with parents' stories of school counselors encouraging a child to try on a variant gender identity, even changing the child's name without telling the parents, that I've almost wondered if there are any good school counselors.  One parent I interviewed told me that her son's high school counselor had given him the address of a local LGBTQ youth shelter where he might seek asylum and attempt to legally liberate himself from loving parents.["]

University Offers Course on 'Trans Erasure'.  Just when you think "higher" education can't get stupider, woke universities say, "Hold my puberty blocker beer."  Tufts University is offering a course called "Transcestors" this upcoming semester, and it's as imbecilic as it sounds.  [Advertisement]  Did you know transgenders were erased throughout history?  They were so erased they didn't exist until modern Western de-civilization!  Fortunately, Tufts University is eager to inform America's youth of the made-up — er, forgotten — history of transgenders (for a high tuition cost, of course).  Tufts' Spring 2025 courses for its Experimental College include several woke propaganda classes, including [...]

The Editor says...
There is no room for all the lunacy that followed, in the article above, meaning I don't want to dignify it with any further publicity, so you can go read it for yourself.

Stunning victory for Vegas mom who sued school district over child's 'pornographic' assignment.  A Las Vegas mother has settled with her local school district after her 15-year-old daughter was forced to memorize and read out a sexually-explicit monologue in front of her theater class.  Candra and her husband, Terrell Evans, filed a $50,000 lawsuit against the Clark County School District and superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara last year, alleging they engaged in 'unlawful grooming and abuse of a minor' over the assignment which they characterized as 'pornographic material.'  They say their unnamed daughter, a student at the Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, was made to perform the monologue written by a fellow student — in which a narrator came out as lesbian and talked about not liking 'd**ks.'  The passage was so lewd that Ms. Evans' microphone was cut off as she read it aloud during a school district board meeting last spring, and she was admonished for violating the board's decorum rules.

Texas Public School District Bans Bible In Libraries.  A Texas public school district superintendent informed parents that the Bible was removed from the district's libraries because it violated a state House bill requiring library books to be expunged if they contained "sexually explicit material."  HB 900, the READER Act (Restricting Explicit and Adult Designated Educational Resources), was passed by the 88th Texas Legislature, signed into law by Republican Governor Greg Abbott, and implemented on September 1, 2023.  It states, "a library material vendor must perform a contextual analysis of the material to determine whether the material describes, depicts, or portrays sexual conduct in a way that is patently offensive."

Bible Banned in Texas Public School District.  When decent people try to protect children from having homosexual pornography foisted upon them in school, liberal educrats respond by banning the Bible: [...] Consequently, the Bible was removed from libraries in his district — clearly in retaliation for protecting children from sick hardcore porn.

Biden Admin Funded $4 Million Program to Pull Kids Out of School and Indoctrinate Them.  The Biden administration quietly rolled out a controversial new program aimed at providing LGBTQ+ education to students, including lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation, without requiring parental consent.  The initiative is part of a broader push by the outgoing administration to advance progressive, woke education onto kids and indoctrinate them behind parent's [sic] backs.  According to details of a grant, the Biden Administration handed out millions of dollars to researchers for an experimental program that lets students to participate in a paid 10-week long "intervention" designed to help LGBTQ-identifying kids "cope with the effects of minority stress."  The $2.5 million National Institute for Health (NIH)-funded program stated that the "bias-based victimization, part of which is commonly known as minority stress, has been cited as a participating factor in the substantial behavioral health disparities" among LGBTQ adolescents.

Yeah, that'll fix it!
Chicago Teachers Union Demands Transgender Curriculum After 80% Of Students Can't Do Math.  The Chicago Teachers' Union, like Nazis, Islamic terrorists, and diseased ferret owners, are always angry.  After demanding $145,000 salaries, free Ozempic, and turning every school into an illegal alien shelter/Green New Deal lab, they still haven't gotten everything they wanted.  Like free sex changes and "more queer competent" employees.  Also secretly transitioning students.  Now CTU is shrieking that a "contract that protects queer & trans students and ensures affirming, inclusive curriculum is what our students deserve" and tweeted a video of a transgender man at a CTU rally demanding "fully funded bilingual education", and claiming that "if our schools aren't safe for queer and trans adults, how can they be safe for our queer and trans students?"

Parents vs. LGBTQ+ Ideology.  Back in 1983, KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov stated that it takes 15-20 years to indoctrinate a generation.  That's the length of time it takes to educate one child.  He called it "ideological subversion" and said it means " change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."  It's been happening in America since at least the 1960s, and countering it will likewise take decades.  We nurture our children, we raise them and we send them off to school hoping that their teachers will instruct them in what they need to know.  Years pass. [...] Our kids come home from high school or college and surprise us with how much they've changed in such a short time.  This is to be expected, but sometimes the degree of those changes sets us back.  I remember my sister changed so much during her high school years that we almost didn't recognize her after a while, and this was in the mid-1970s.

Critically Thinking about Children's Books — What's in Your School?  Before doing some research, I was under the impression that age-inappropriate books for children in the libraries of US public schools, were outliers.  Wrong!  BTW, when I say "age-inappropriate" I mean any books in K-12 schools that normalize profanity, drug use, hate, violence, suicide, illicit sex, etc. are age-inappropriate.  As if those weren't bad enough, there are other deeply concerning issues in many of these books — like historical distortions, inciting activism, etc.  The possible good news part is that this can be a relatively winnable fight.  One reason is that the gatekeeper for what books go into a school library is typically one person:  a librarian.

Meet the Groups Funding Harris:  Abortionists, Pornographers, and Trans Activists.  The nation's leading LGBTQIA+ pressure group, the controversial Human Rights Campaign (HRC), has dedicated $15 million to the 2024 presidential election.  As this author has written at The Washington Stand, HRC opposes laws protecting minors from transgender procedures and surgeries, and its controversial K-12 curriculum encourages employees to teach children radical transgender ideology beginning in preschool: [...] HRC is joined by the so-called Equality PAC, which is co-chaired by Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), which has raised $12 million for the 2024 election.  "Welcome to our annual convening of the gay mafia," Torres told the group's star-studded fundraiser in June.  "Vice President Harris, some of you from California may remember that she began marrying gay couples when she was the DA in San Francisco — before gay marriage was even legal across the country," Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) told the crowd.  The group has raised so much money that it has branched out from supporting candidates who identify as LGBT to spreading LGBTQIA+ activists' money throughout Democratic congressional campaigns broadly.

Teacher fired for refusing to use trans student's pronouns awarded $575K in lawsuit.  A Virginia school board must fork over more than $500,000 to a former French teacher who was fired in 2018 for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns.  The teacher, Peter Vlaming, along with Christian legal group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a lawsuit against the district, arguing his termination was a violation of his religious beliefs.  "I was wrongfully fired from my teaching job because my religious beliefs put me on a collision course with school administrators who mandated that teachers ascribe to only one perspective on gender identity — their preferred view," Vlaming said in a statement following the settlement agreement.

The Editor says...
Yes, "his termination was a violation of his religious beliefs," not to mention common sense.

Psychology professor fired for opposing trans surgery for children wins free speech lawsuit against University of Louisville.  A leading child psychiatrist has won a lawsuit after he was abruptly fired for comments about gender dysphoria.  Dr. Allan Josephson, 72, was tapped to head the University of Louisville's Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry more than 20 years ago.  In 2017, Josephson expressed caution about gender treatments for children[,] leading to his termination in 2019.  After being hit with a federal free speech lawsuit, the Kentucky school argued it was within its rights to fire Josephson for the criticism, aired at a Heritage Foundation panel.  Attorneys for the university claimed his personal comments related to his professional role at the medical school and thus overcame his First Amendment claim.  Now that he's been vindicated, his message for academia is 'tolerance is a two-way street.'

Tax-Funded Group Sends Anti-White, Pro-Trans Board Books To Wisconsin Daycares.  A tax-funded organization sent "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Belonging Kits" to 300 daycares in Wisconsin this year that push leftist activism and expose very young children to racial hatred and queer relationships.  The kits included nearly two dozen identity politics books for toddlers, "multicultural" play dough in six skin tones, a "Chilean rain stick," and 12 "Diverse Family Structures" posters from Kaplan Early Learning Company that depict homosexual couples with children.  "It's okay to wonder:  Am I a girl?  Am I a boy?  Am I both?  Am I neither?" says one page of Being You:  A First Conversation about Gender, a board book in the kit sent to daycares that parent children as young as four weeks old.  "Today I feel like a boy!" exclaims one character in the book by Megan Madison, Jessica Ralli, and Anne/Andy [sic] Passchier, a "nonbinary" illustrator who describes herself as "very queer."

The Editor says...
If somebody sends you a nasty book, that doesn't mean you should pass it around.  If someone decides to celebrate homosexual "Pride Month," that doesn't mean you have to participate.

Teacher Who Refused to Refer to Students by 'Preferred Pronouns' Jailed for the Third Time.  A teacher in Ireland who refused to refer to his students by their "preferred pronouns" was jailed for the third time.  To recap, two years ago, Townhall covered how Enoch Burke, a history and German teacher in Ireland, was arrested for violating a court order prohibiting him from teaching or being present at Wilson's Hospital School, the school where he taught.  This all started when he refused to address a "transgender" student as "they" instead of "he."  As a result, the school placed him on administrative leave "pending the outcome of a disciplinary process."  However, Burke refused to stay away from the school, leading to his arrest.

School Can Keep Student's Transgender Status Secret From Parents, NH Supreme Court Rules.  A policy that allows school staff to keep a child's transgender status a secret does not violate a parent's fundamental rights under the New Hampshire constitution, the state's Supreme Court has held.  The policy was challenged by a New Hampshire mother who sued the Manchester school district after finding out from a teacher that her minor child (identified as M.C.) had asked school staff and students to be called by a name typically associated with the opposite sex.  According to the lawsuit, when the mother first asked the school to continue using her child's given name and sex-appropriate pronouns, two teachers wrote to her saying they were willing to comply.

Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools.  Effective July 2025, teacher licensing rules passed last year in Minnesota under Democrat Gov. Tim Walz will ban practicing Christians, Jews, and Muslims from teaching in public schools.  Walz is now the presidential running mate of current U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris.  His resume includes a stint as a high school social studies teacher who sponsored a student queer sex club in 1999.  Starting next July, Minnesota agencies controlled by Walz appointees will require teacher license applicants to affirm transgenderism and race Marxism.  Without a teaching license, individuals cannot work in Minnesota public schools, nor in the private schools that require such licenses.  The latest version of the regulations requires teachers to "affirm" students' "gender identity" and "sexual orientation" to receive a Minnesota teaching license: [...]

Teachers Union Convention Backs Progressivism, Endorses Kamala Harris.  The American Federation of Teachers' 88th National Convention centered not on workplace conditions or the resolution of deep issues rampant throughout the nation's classrooms but underscored the union's longstanding devotion to progressive politics, culminating in a resounding endorsement of presidential candidate Kamala Harris.  The convention, which hosts AFT delegates from across the nation to vote on resolutions which guide the union's internal operations for the year ahead, was markedly partisan as the infamously progressive union preps its members for election season.  Resolutions passed by this year's delegates covered a swath of hot button political issues:  "The AFT will recommit resources," for example, to "support LGBTQIA+ affirming and inclusive school environments and curriculum," according to a resolution regarding "physical and psychological violence" against queer youth.

California's New Law Lets Schools Keep Secrets from Parents.  Child predators follow a common playbook: target the victim, gain their trust, fill a need, and, crucially, isolate the child from her parents.  For several years, this has also been standard California state protocol with regard to schoolchildren questioning their gender identities.  On Monday, this scheme became law.  The "SAFETY Act," AB 1955, signed by California Democratic governor Gavin Newsom, legally forbids schools from adopting any policy that would force them to disclose "any information related to a pupil's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil's consent."  Schools may not, as a matter of policy, inform parents of a child's new gender identity unless the child volunteers her approval.  The law also prohibits schools from punishing any school employee found to have "supported a pupil" hurtling down a path toward risky and irreversible hormones and surgeries.  The law effectively shuts down the local parents' rights movement in California by eliminating its most important tool: the ability to organize at the community level to stop schools from deceiving them.

Alabama drag queen teacher resigns after going viral for talking about how he introduces LGBT ideology to students.  Meet former Auburn City Schools teacher Seth McCollough — part-time middle school educator, part-time drag queen — who had a simple response to parents who dare to protest the sexual indoctrination of young children: "[...]."  [Tweet with video clip]  Libs of TikTok provided an update, reporting that Auburn City took down the teacher's page on their website, and that the teacher later resigned.  [Tweets]

80% of students were reportedly absent for Ottawa elementary school 'pride' flag raising.  An Ottawa elementary school was missing 80 percent of its students during its scheduled "Pride" flag raising ceremony earlier this month, a local pro-family activist has said.  Speaking to LifeSiteNews, Muslim pro-family activist Kamel El-Cheikh said that on June 4, teachers and staff at Michaelle Jean Elementary School in Ottawa, Ontario were baffled when 591 out of 738 students (80 percent) were missing from the school's LGBT "Pride" flag raising ceremony.  The reported absences coincided with Campaign Life Coalition's 2nd annual National 'Pride' Flag Walk-Out Day.

Federal court rules conservative kids have no free speech rights.  In a ruling that completely contradicts long standing court rulings that had insisted the first amendment allowed students to wear T-shirts and armbands with whatever political statements they wished, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on June 9, 2024 ruled that a Massachusetts middle school had the right to censor and ban a 12-year-old boy wearing a shirt that said "There are only two genders."  This story is a follow-up of a blacklist story from May 2023.  At that time 12-year-old Liam Morrison was forced to leave Nichols Middle School when he refused to remove his T-shirt that said "There are only two genders."  He later came to class with the T-shirt shown in the picture to the right, with the words "only two" covered with the word "censored."  He was once again sent home, and subsequently his parents sued.

California School District Settles $360K Lawsuit With Teacher Fired After Refusing To Use Students' Preferred Pronouns.  California's Jurupa Unified School District settled a lawsuit on Tuesday, agreeing to pay $360,000 to a former high school teacher who was fired after refusing to use students' preferred pronouns, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.  Advocates for Faith and Freedom filed suit in May 2023 after then-gym teacher Jessica Tapia was terminated for refusing to comply with the school district's requirements in 2022 regarding her religious beliefs and students' gender identity.  The school district will give $285,000 to Tapia and $75,000 to her lawyers, according to the Chronicle.  "Today's settlement serves as a reminder that religious freedom is protected, no matter your career," Julianne Fleischer, legal counsel for Advocates for Faith and Freedom, said in a statement.

Court Rules Schools Can Force LGBT Ideology On Kids Against Parents' Religious Objections.  In a growing environment of left-wing activism in schools, especially related to LGBT ideology, parents who have not been able to influence curriculum have had the option of opting their kids out of classes.  Not any longer, at least according to a federal appeals court in a Maryland case of three families suing for the right to religious freedom for their elementary school-aged children in public schools.  In August of 2023, three families — one Muslim, one Christian, and one Jewish — brought a case against the Montgomery County Board of Education for a recent policy change removing the opt-out option for curriculum.  Previously, parents received advanced notice of materials that would be read to their children and could opt out.  The school board announced that parents would no longer receive advanced notice of materials, and they could no longer opt out of readings or lessons.

Separate but equal:
University of Maryland schools offering graduation ceremonies segregated by race, sexuality.  At least three schools in the University System of Maryland are participating in a nationwide trend of offering separate "Lavender Graduations" for students who identify as LGBTQ.  The University of Maryland at Baltimore will host its "Lavender Graduation" on May 10, which is "an annual ceremony conducted on numerous campuses to honor lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally students to acknowledge their achievements and contributions to the University."  A week later, the University of Maryland at College Park will host its own "Lavender Graduation" on May 17.  A university spokesperson told Campus Reform that this year will mark the 26th occurrence of the ceremony.

Student suspended for truthful statement.  Catholic teenager Malachy O'Kane was suspended from his Ontario public high school for 6 days because he wore a sweatshirt reading, "There are only two genders."  O'Kane, 16, was suspended earlier this month, the second day he wore the shirt to the Granite Ridge Education Centre in Sharbot Lake, a small Ontario municipality in between Toronto and Ottawa.  One of the school's counselors told Malachy that he was not allowed to wear the shirt because the school considers it "hate speech."  Ironically and hypocritically, the school itself, which serves children from kindergarten to Grade 12, prominently displays controversial ideological-political messaging — including LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter images — on its walls.

Parents' fury after trans supply teacher explained their gender identity to seven-year-old pupils.  Parents at a Church of England primary school have complained after claiming that a trans supply teacher told seven-year-old pupils 'I'm so gorgeous because I've put makeup on and had a shave.'  Year 2 pupils were said to have been left 'confused' when the teacher[,] who was wearing women's clothing[,] explained their gender identity to them at the start of an English lesson.  Bitterne Church of England Primary School in Southampton, Hampshire, said it had not been aware that the issue would be discussed in class.

University's trans policy may be unlawful.  A major London university may have broken equality law by barring staff from promotion unless they support its pro-trans diversity policy.  A barrister has found that King's College is potentially discriminatory against those who believe there are only two sexes and that trans people are not the gender they identify as.  It could also fall foul of new rules to come into force in August to protect free speech in universities.  King's College told staff they cannot be promoted unless they sign up to the whole of the university's "equality, diversity and inclusion ambitions".  The policy states that staff members should provide evidence of what they have done to promote inclusion, such as taking part in activity run by Stonewall, the charity that has recently come under fire for its support of puberty blockers.

Seattle high school teacher who believes men can have babies and mocked a student for identifying as straight is finally suspended.  A Seattle high school teacher has been placed on leave after footage emerged of him agreeing that the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel was justified.  Ian Golash, the social studies department chair at Chief Sealth International High School, was placed on leave last week according to the district.

Elementary School Denies Request to Start Prayer Club, Approves 'Pride Club'.  In 2015, religious freedom seemed compromised when a Washington high school football coach was fired for praying with his team after a game.  Joe Kennedy waited roughly six years for the Supreme Court to hear the oral arguments for his case.  He was represented by a Christian nonprofit legal organization, First Liberty Institute, which took the position that "no teacher or coach should lose their job for simply expressing their faith while in public."  This was a notable case in 2022, and recent events have caused the issue to resurface.  Earlier this year, Laura, an 11-year-old girl who attends Creekside Elementary in Washington state, requested to start an interfaith prayer club at her school.  But her request was denied.  When Laura and her mom approached the principal about the matter in February, they were informed that the school's budget for clubs had been finalized in October.

High schoolers walk out as adults push transgenderism.  High school girls and boys are protesting the official push for shared restrooms at John Jay High School in Wappingers Central School District in New York State.  Students at John Jay High School staged a walkout on Monday in protest of students being allowed to use restrooms of the sex they identify with, rather than their actual biological sex, according to a report by Spectrum News 1.

Blue state mandates forced LGBTQ indoctrination in all public schools.  Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, signed a bill into law this week requiring all public schools to teach so-called LGBTQ history.  The bill, SB 5462, specifically "requires the state's education agency, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to update learning standards to include lessons on LGBTQ+ history and contributions," according to The Advocate, an LGBTQ magazine.  The bill goes into effect in 2025.

University staff told not to address classes as 'ladies and gentlemen'.  University staff have been advised not to address their classes as "ladies and gentlemen" in case it offends non-binary students.  Academics attending an event at the University of Westminster's Centre for Social Justice Research were advised to avoid using "unnecessarily gendered language" and against "dividing students into groups by their perceived genders".  The Non-Binary in Higher Education report, a 37-page document launched at the University of Westminster on February 29, said that staff should announce their own pronouns when introducing themselves and "look up students' pronouns and chosen names on the student information system in advance of class or meetings".  The report's authors are self-described as "three non-binary/genderqueer academics" who recognise their "privileged positions as white, non-disabled, securely employed academics and are committed to the dismantling of the racist, classist and ableist structures of academia".

NYC school gives kids as young as 5 woke BLM coloring book with 'queer, trans-affirming' lessons.  A New York City elementary school is facing criticism for doling out a woke Black Lives Matter coloring book to kids as young as 5 that features "queer and transgender affirming" lessons and teachings on revolutionary politics, according to a report.  Students at PS 321 in Brooklyn's Park Slope — which teaches children from kindergarten through fifth grade — were handed the "What We Believe:  A Black Lives Matter Principles Activity Book" coloring book last week as part of a Black History Month lesson, the Free Press reported.  The book, which prominently features the 13 "guiding principles" of the BLM movement, uses various drawings and worksheets to get its message across.

Crossdressing teacher is placed on leave after wearing pink dress and cowgirl hat.  A Texas high school teacher been suspended after video emerged of him talking to his students in flowing pink dress, and taking a class in a tutu.  Hebron High School in Lewisville took action after footage of chemistry teacher Rachmad Tjachyadi went viral and prompted a furious backlash.  One video shows the educator strolling about in a pink taffeta dress and matching pink hat and boots, as pupils look on.

Non-Muslims need not apply for this exemption.
This Minnesota school district is going to let kids opt out of LGBT curriculum after Muslim families brought lawsuits.  Huh, it's almost like there's one group of religious people in the US who get special treatment.  The St.  Louis Park school district in Minnesota is going to let students opt out of being catechized by the LGBT Rainbow Cult, but only if those kids are Muslim.  [Tweet]

This Dude In Heels And Fem Clothing Is Teaching Your Kids.  This is an actual teacher at John Marshall High School in Glen Dale, West Virginia.  Senor Jesus Marin teaches Spanish and has been in the school system for 20 years and auditioned for Survivor last year.  He wears high heels to teach students because it's "sexy."  He appears to have a fetish for wearing heels and women's clothing.  [Video clip]

WHO Quietly Admits There's No Solid Scientific Backing For Giving Children 'Gender Affirming Care'.  The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it would not be issuing recommendations on "gender affirming care" for children or adolescents, citing the lack of scientific literature addressing it.  The WHO is in the process of developing guidelines for the "health of trans and gender diverse people," but has declined to extend those guidelines to people under the age of 20, according to a Jan. 15 document released by the agency.  Scientific findings on the long-term consequences of child sex changes are "limited and variable," according to the WHO.  "The scope will cover adults only and not address the needs of children and adolescents, because on review, the evidence base for children and adolescents is limited and variable regarding the longer-term outcomes of gender affirming care for children and adolescents," the document reads.  The WHO defines anyone between the ages of 10 and 19 as an adolescent, according to its website.

The Transgender Suicide Scam.  How do you get largely reluctant parents — and a resistant American public generally — to cooperate with transitioning kids?  Bring in legal penalties and state surveillance, of course!  Not to go along will be discrimination and require intervention.  Becoming an enemy of the state is looking easier for trans-nonconforming parents[.]  When it comes to big stick policy, the Biden administration has it down.  Looming in March 2024, Biden's about face on Title IX is already acting as an invitation to put the squeeze on parents, since schools strive to stay ahead of changes tied to federal funding by instituting policy early.  Not to cooperate with social transitioning such as decisions concerning restrooms, sports, and hotel accommodations will make a parent subject to scrutiny, targeting, stigma, and coercion.  As many have observed, expanding sex to encompass "gender" reverses the sex-based protections Title IX was set up to uphold.  Parental protections as well would be eroded, as for instance, by removing parental opt-outs from lessons covering gender or their ability to help identify pornographic books in school libraries.

Teacher tells students not to identify as 'straight' — because it's offensive.  A Seattle high school teacher has stirred up controversy after allegedly telling a class they could not identify as "straight" because it implies other identities are "crooked."  Chief Sealth High School's Ian Golash (pictured) also is accused of telling a male student he is the "product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care," KTTH-770 reports.  Golash had handed out a "Social Identity Wheel" worksheet to his class which supposedly helps determine who has "unearned privilege or oppression."  The mom of a (male) student in the class had complained to Golash and Principal Ray Garcia-Morales, writing that her son "was told that if he identifies as straight that he needed to pick a term that was less offensive.  It is completely inappropriate to dictate what terms a student can and cannot use to identify themselves with."

Scholars Insist We Need More Gay People Studying Fish.  Since 2020, oceanology has seen slews of publications, webinars, and round-table events aimed at "ocean equity and justice."  The authors hail "the United Nations (UN) Oceans conference, which specifically focused on finding solutions that would help achieve diversity, equity and inclusivity (DEI) in the ocean space." [...] The scholars — from enclaves of esteem such as The University of Western Australia Oceans Institute, Universidad Nacional Physics Department, and the University of Cape Town Department of Biological Sciences — won't wait to find out.  They're calling on "antiracist interventions" — and an end to white privilege: [...]

Compelling Speech and Behavior at a Math and Science School.  Students at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) staged a sit-in protest on December 8th, complaining that their preferred pronouns weren't being used, and demanded that harsh punishments like detentions, suspensions, expulsions and the removal of leadership positions be enacted for those who commit offenses.  Not only that, but an "offending" student's future school choice may be affected as the IMSA protesters demanded that "potential future colleges" be notified.  Consequences are also extended to staff and faculty after the completion and assessment of a biased incident report.  The latest above is merely the continuation of the leftists' march through the institutions, which began half a century ago.  We've seen this gradually take place in one form or another, in federal bureaucracy, big corporations, universities, and even K-12 schools.

Saying 'Gender Is Binary and Cannot Be Changed' Got an Award-Winning California Teacher Fired.  A gay fifth grade teacher in Glendale, California, is suing the Glendale Unified School District after he was suspended and then fired for condemning transgender ideology at a school board meeting in April.  Ray Shelton, a 25-year veteran teacher, spoke at a Glendale Unified school board meeting amid concerns over the district's promotion of LGBTQ+ curriculums to elementary students, including by an administrator stating that all children were naturally "socialist" and "queer," The Daily Signal reported.  [Video clip] [...] Shelton, who taught at Mark Keppel Elementary School, was named the Glendale school district's "Teacher of the Year" twice, and earlier this year won the PTA's Golden Oak Award.  He attended the April school board meeting wearing a T-shirt that said "Make Biology Great Again."  He told The Daily Signal that he was supposed to have been given three-to-five minutes to speak at the board meeting, though he was only given 60 seconds before he was cut off.

Judge Orders California School District To Reinstate Teachers Who Refused To Lie To Parents Under Trans Policy.  A federal judge ruled Wednesday that two California teachers who were placed on administrative leave for refusing to hide students' gender transitions from parents should be reinstated.  Elizabeth Mirabelli and Lori Ann West filed a lawsuit against the Escondido Union School District (EUSD) and the California State Board of Education in April last year over a policy that required educators to hide a child's preferred pronouns and gender identity if a student asks to keep parents in the dark.  Mirabelli and West were put on administrative leave in May, but a judge ruled this week that the district must reinstate the teachers.

Missouri School District Offers Coloring Pages on Preferred Pronouns, Gender Expression to Kindergartners.  A Missouri school district is providing elementary-school teachers with coloring pages, asking children as young as kindergartners to choose their pronouns and draw the corresponding hair and clothing.  Webster Groves School District Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Shane Williamson emailed administrators a resource list of "Gender Identity and Expression Activities" in October 2022 in honor of LGBT History Awareness Month, according to public documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and shared with The Daily Signal.  "I believe it would be good to start our own resource sheet that provides ideas and activities that can help affirm and support our elementary students around the topic of gender identity and expression," Williamson said in the email.  Williamson started the list and allowed others to add more activity resources.

The Corruption of Everything.  Sexuality has been corrupted.  Men claim to be women and vice versa.  Drag queens set the kiddie agenda in schools, and transsexuality has become epidemic, although de-transitioners are becoming more noticeable these days.  Meanwhile, young lives have been ruined because of this fad.

VA Supreme Court Revives Lawsuit by Teacher Fired for Not Using Trans Student's Pronouns.  Virginia's Supreme Court has revived a lawsuit filed by a high school teacher who was fired for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns.  The court's action happened on Thursday [12/14/2023], according to the Washington Post. [...] In a social media post on Thursday evening, the Babylon Bee's Seth Dillon shared his thoughts on the issue, writing, "Cases like these prove that they aren't just 'preferred' pronouns.  They're mandatory."

School Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible.  A school board member in Virginia took his oath of office with his hand not on a Bible, but on a stack of books containing graphic depictions of gay sex.  Karl Frisch, who will become chairman of the Fairfax County School Board, swapped the Bible for books including "Lawn Boy," "Gender Queer," and "Flamer."  His male partner held the books as he placed his left hand on them and his right hand in the air.  "He was sworn in on a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems," Frisch's campaign said on his website.

11-Year-Old Girl Assigned to Sleep With 'Trans' Student on School Trip, Parents Say.  An 11-year-old girl was assigned to share a bed with a male student who believes he is "transgender" on a "cross-country" school trip, according to a report from The Daily Signal.  The girl's parents were not notified of the arrangement and found out the night of the trip.  Reportedly, the girl's parents, Joe and Serena Wailes, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), sent a demand letter to the Jefferson County School Board in Colorado and Jefferson County Public Schools Superintendent Tracy Dorland regarding the situation.  In the demand letter to the school board and the superintendent, the parents inquire "whether JCPS will continue this practice of intentionally withholding information about rooming accommodations from parents like the Waileses, who object to their children rooming with a student of the opposite sex, regardless of the other student's gender identity."  "This practice renders it impossible for these parents to make informed decisions about their children's privacy, upbringing, and participation in school-sponsored programs," it continued, asking for the ability to "opt-out" of the rooming policy for upcoming school-sponsored trips.

Christian Teacher Fired for Revealing Student's 'Gender Transition' to Parents Sues School.  A teacher fired over her concern for a student's welfare is not going down without a fight.  Bonnie Manchester, whom MassResistance reported is a Christian, was sacked from a middle school in Ludlow, Massachusetts, back in 2021 after informing a female student's father that the school was secretly referring to his daughter as a boy.  Two years on, Manchester is filing a $10 million lawsuit against Ludlow, its school board, current and former school district superintendents, and several former school employees.  One of the defendants, the school's former librarian, is a woman who identifies as a man.  She allegedly pushed books on children containing sexually explicit content, "either in the form of illustrations, explicit descriptions of sexual activity, or both."

Biden rule takes lunch money from schools that reject progressive gender, sexuality agenda.  A new Biden administration rule forces schools to comply with progressive ideology on gender and sexuality or risk losing the federal aid for free and reduced-price school lunches.  Legal observers say this is just the first in a slew of new rules on the horizon tying federal education funding to far-left policies on gender and sexuality.  The school lunch funding controvesy began in May 2022, as The Center Square previously reported, with an announcement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which handles federal help for school lunches.  The USDA said at the time it would change its longstanding interpretation of Title IX, the law broadly governing discrimination protections in education.  USDA said it would expand its previous prohibition against discriminating based on sex "to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity."

My Journey from Frustration to Outrage to Seething Anger.  I have seething anger about the takeover of K-12 education by leftist teacher unions and school boards that indoctrinate children during their formative years in racism, victimhood, and LGBTQ++ matters, denounce mainstream culture and religion, and tear down the family structure, all while blocking parents from knowing.  I have moved from frustration to outrage about so-called "trans" movement's overtaking society (although fewer than 3 in 1,000 even meet the traditional psychiatric definition for gender dysphoria) under the LGBTQ++ rainbow banner, requiring us to pretend along with the lie under penalty of social ostracism.  I am outraged at forcing women to open their private spaces to men and the unequal physical competition in women's sports that occurs, all while everyone is expected to act as if it is normal.  This is kangaroo court territory, where we are forced to repeat, under penalty of punishment, an obvious lie that there are more than two genders and that a man who announces he is a woman is, in fact, a woman.

But Johnny Can't Spell G-A-Y.  October is itself LGBTQ+ History Month, the Los Angeles Unified School District bureaucracy has reminded what it calls the district's "fabulous educators."  Other LGBTQ+ programming will take place throughout October, picking up where Gay Pride month left off.  The goals for the so-called Week of Action are ambitious:  to turn six-year-olds into budding gender and critical race theorists.  An LAUSD teacher forwarded me the district's "toolkit" for teachers laying out that agenda.  Use of the toolkit, decorated with a Black Power Fist superimposed on neon rainbow stripes, is nominally optional, but elementary school teachers who forego LGBTQ programming during the Week of Action will surely risk stigmatization.

Judge blocks California school district policy to notify parents if their child changes pronouns.  Parts of a controversial Southern California school district policy that require school staff to tell parents if their child asks to change their gender identification will remain halted after a judge granted a preliminary injunction Thursday to block them until a final decision is made in the case.

Clemson Students Protest the Removal of Feminine Hygiene Products From Men's Bathrooms.  This article isn't just about the absurdity described in the title.  It's also about the insanity that is allowed to exist in what are supposed to be institutions of higher learning.  Using this subject as an example, let's break down how our education system is collapsing in front of our eyes.  Instead of producing well-educated young adults ready to contribute to society, we are producing weak, overly sensitive snowflakes that are offended by everything, most frighteningly by reality itself.  First, the idea to put tampon or pad dispensers in men's bathrooms had to be initiated by a group of radicals from the far left.  The very thought is dripping with not only biological denial but also stupidity.  The left is full of ideas, most of which are totally ridiculous.  Anyway, this idea had to be presented to the campus administrators, which brings us to the next problem.  Instead of stopping this nonsense in its tracks and simply saying no, they placated these delusions and agreed to install the dispensers.

Teacher Orders Fourth-Graders to Reveal Sexual Orientation; Gay Kids Got Cupcakes, Straight Kids Got Nothing.  A fourth-grade teacher posted a disturbing video on social media.  The unnamed teacher said she had instructed her students to walk into a closet.  Then, the students were told to emerge from the closet and announce their sexual preferences.  Watch the video below after the advertisement plays.  "Fourth grade is the perfect age for children to really start exploring their sexual orientation and gender identities," she said.  "I would have the kids one at a time go into the closet and then they would come out and share with the class what their sexual orientation is," she said.  The teacher said the children who announced they were LGBT received a cupcake.  "The kids that came out and said they were straight I didn't give them anything because they were contributing to a hetero-normative society," the teacher said.

Judge strikes down Wisconsin school district's gender policy.  A judge in Waukesha County issued a ruling that sides with parents in the debate over how school districts handle transgenderism in schools.  Judge Michael Maxwell on Tuesday sided with two parents in the Kettle Moraine School District after they sued in 2021 because the district did not tell them that school leaders and teachers were calling their middle school-aged daughter by a different name at school.  "This court has before it what modern society deems a controversial issue — transgenderism involving minors within our schools.  Clearly, the law on this issue is still developing across the country and remaining largely unsettled.  However, this particular case is not about that broad controversial issue.  This particular case is simply whether a school district can supplant a parent's right to control the health care and medical decisions for their children.  The well-established case law in that regard is clear — Kettle Moraine cannot," the judge wrote.

Oregon middle school refuses to say if hulking bully filmed pulverizing much smaller girl to floor on hallway is transgender.  An Oregon school has refused to comment on whether a school bully who was seen pulverizing a smaller girl to the floor of a middle school hallway is transgender.  The incident happened at Hazelbrook Middle School in Tualatin last week, with school spokesperson Traci Rose telling The Oregonian that federal law barred them from discussing a student's gender identity.  Horrific video footage seen millions of times online showed the aggressor — a well-built student in girl's clothes — dragging another smaller female pupil by her backpack in the hallway before pulling her hair and hitting her several times.

Conscientious objection in public education.  Does the freedom to listen or not listen fall under our rights of free speech?  Yes!  If I am watching something on TV that I find offensive or objectionable, I can flip the channel, turn off the boob tube or mute the box.  These actions happen all the time in our free society.  Here's something else that happens every day in our public schools.  Teachers shower their students with their extreme political views, and those children are obliged by law to sit there, exposed to these unwelcome rants.  Do the young have any recourse?  The radically left Human Rights Commission tells us that every child has the right to change his gender and orientation at a tender age.  It argues that parents who oppose such re-definition are guilty of abuse and deserve to lose their parental rights.

For Just $83,140, Princeton Will Train Your Son to Be a Drag Queen.  It costs a staggering $83,140 to send a student to Princeton University, and that's just for one year.  Four years of this august Ivy League school will set you back a cool $332,560, and just think: for that kind of money, you could have bought a brand-new Corvette convertible every year and had some spare change left over.  But Princeton has its benefits: you may not be able to tool around in the glorious sunshine with the wind blowing your hair back, but for all that dough, Princeton will take your thoughtful, intelligent son and turn him into a prancing, preening, children's-innocence-stealing drag queen.  And they will do that in just one year, in case you can't afford all four.  Hey, it's worth $83,140 to get in step with the times, isn't it?

Anti-Grooming Protests Sweep Canada, Parents Speak Out Against Transgender Propaganda in Schools.  A large anti-grooming protest is sweeping across Canada as demonstrators speak out against transgender propaganda and gender identity ideology being taught to children in schools.  "I am watching videos from across Canada.  Amazing and inspiring," prominent feminist Meghan Murphy wrote on X, [... Tweets]  Murphy explained that tens of thousands of Canadians are saying "no" to gender ideology being taught in schools, telling trans activists to "leave the kids alone," as they peacefully protest in Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, among other cities.  "The sheer number of people here is unreal.  We will get police counts soon, but it's gotta be close to 10,000 in Ottawa alone," journalist Keean Bexte wrote on X.  "This is happening across the country, and may just be the death blow to the Trudeau Government," Bexte added.  "The election may be a ways away, but he's done."  [Tweet with video clip]

Parents Appalled After Biological Male Crowned Homecoming Queen at Missouri High School.  A biological male was crowned homecoming queen at Oak Park High School in Kansas City, Missouri on Friday.  Tristan Young took the crown away from four biological females who were in the running. [...] This isn't the first time a boy pretending to be a girl won homecoming queen at Oak Park High School.  In 2015, a male was crowned homecoming queen at Oak Park HS.

The Editor says...
If I am not mistaken, the homecoming queen is elected by the student body.  Outcomes such as the one described in the aricle above prove that teenagers should not be allowed to vote in any election that affects the public at large.

Parents, school-board members slam 'state-sanctioned kidnapping'.  California parents and school board members are up in arms over a slew of bills proposed by Democrats that push gender ideology in the state.  The bills introduced push parents to accept their child's belief that they are a different sex than their biological sex and would make many aspects of gender ideology state law.  These parents and school board member believe these laws are an attack on parental rights and an attempt by the state to take their role, they told the Daily Caller News Foundation.  One of the bills introduced this session, A.B. 957, which passed California's upper chamber Aug. 8, requires judges to consider whether the parent accepts their child's belief that they are a different sex than their biological sex in custody cases.  Democratic Assembly Member Lori Wilson and California State Senator Scott Wiener introduced the bill in February.

Atlanta Area Superintendent Stands Firm On Opposing 'Pornographic Material' In Schools After Calls For His Removal.  A school superintendent in the Atlanta area this week doubled down on his promise to protect students from "pornographic material" after critics called for him to be removed for banning books.  Superintendent Chris Ragsdale of the Cobb County School District faced both critics and supporters at a heated school board meeting on Thursday, where he emphasized his "professional and moral obligation to protect Cobb's students."  "I, as superintendent, will not knowingly allow children in the Cobb County School District to access lewd, vulgar, sexually explicit, obscene, or pornographic material," Ragsdale said, according to the school district's online post about the board meeting.

Progressives Flip Their Lids When Kennedy Reads From Books They Push in Schools.  What's creepier?  A 71-year-old Senator reading explicit pornographic content out loud during a Senate hearing or your fourteen-year-old child reading that same explicit pornographic content in school.  There's a correct answer here, but yours may depend on which side of the aisle you're on.  Progressives were outraged when Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana began reading literary pieces of filth during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing titled "Book Bans:  Examining How Censorship Limits Liberty and Literature, according to the New York Post and The Advocate.

California prof:  Heterosexuality is 'tragic'.  A professor at the University of California-Riverside called heterosexuality "tragic" and stated that men are often pulled into toxic masculinity because of it.  University of California-Riverside Gender and Sexuality Studies Professor Jane Ward was recently featured in an Insider article titled, "Why heterosexual relationships are so bad for us, according to a sex researcher" in which she told the outlet that heterosexuality "tragic."  Ward has also authored a book called The Tragedy of Heterosexuality.  "It really looks like straight men and women don't like each other very much, that women spend so much time complaining about men, and we still have so much evidence of misogyny," or woman-hating behavior, Ward told Insider.  "From an LGBT perspective, [being straight] looks actually very tragic."

Oklahoma district who hired drag queen to be elementary school principal faces backlash.  The superintendent of the State of Oklahoma, Ryan Walters, called for Western Heights School District to "immediately" terminate a drag queen they hired to be an elementary school principal.  "It's outrageous to have a drag queen running a school, you know, here in Oklahoma that doesn't line up with Oklahoma values," Walters told Fox News Digital.  "I hear from parents every day that are concerned with this woke left-wing indoctrination or schools, this gender theory that continues to be thrust upon our kids.  It's completely inappropriate."  The principal of John Glenn Elementary School, Shane Murnan, is a drag queen who goes by the name "Shantel Mandalay," Fox News Digital can confirm.  Murnan maintained a separate Facebook page from another called "Shantel Mandalay."  According to the page, Murnan was employed as a drag queen at a venue called "The Boom."  "This individual is not fit to lead a school district," Walters said.  "It has to stop."

Rocky Mountain high:  Colorado teachers union instructing members to destroy evidence.  [Scroll down]  Once you get into the meat of the story you find out that, not only were they bold enough to suggest it, they also were kind enough to give teachers specific "how-tos" circumventing both state and federal law, and parental rights.  They didn't whisper them in a phone campaign, either.  Flat out sent instructions in a union email. [...] One of the mothers with a Jefferson County grassroots parents organization called "Jeffco Kids First" said she was shocked when, after an email went to every district employee from the school board prior to opening for the fall reminding them that "state and federal law prohibited mandatory surveys about protected information" and voluntary ones as well unless parents could opt-put, her son can home with a survey.  Denise Crawford said the survey was querying her young lad on his "gender identity," with scores of fellow JeffCo parents as surprised and furious as she at the contents of their children's backpacks in those first couple weeks of school.  Dozens of teachers happily surveyed their students' gender identities in direct contravention of instructions and statutes.

Mother of trafficked Virginia girl sues school district over secret gender transition.  A Virginia mother is suing her local school district in federal court, saying staff there secretly transitioned her daughter, putting her in such dangerous situations that she ran away only to be kidnapped and sex-trafficked.  Michele Blair, mother of Sage, filed a lawsuit against the Appomattox County School Board and district staff, as well as Baltimore, Maryland, area public defender Aneesa Khan, who is accused in the lawsuit of conducting a "series of acts aimed at depriving Mrs. Blair of custody of her daughter and keeping [Sage] in Maryland to be affirmed in a male identity."

California school district settles with mother after school 'transitioned' daughter without her consent.  In what's been called a landmark victory for parental rights, a California school district has settled for $100,000 with a mother who said her daughter was "socially transitioned" to a boy without parental knowledge or consent.  Jessica Konen said her 11-year-old daughter, Alicia, was told by her school in the Spreckels Union School District in Monterey County that she may be upset because she didn't know who she "truly was inside."  From there, the school allowed her to use the boy's bathroom, used male pronouns to refer to her and was "socially transitioned" away from her biological gender.  Once Konen found out that her daughter was being identified as a male and socially transitioning without her knowledge, she sued the district.

The Decline and Fall of Gettysburg.  [Scroll down]  Last week, the Gettysburg School District held a public board meeting, in which hundreds of residents stood up and cheered their support for the hiring of a transgender tennis coach.  This man, who for the past few years has worn a wig and called himself a woman, has a crowd of supporters who are threatening to sue the school board if they do not hire him.  His contract expired last year after he entered the high school girls' locker room on at least two occasions, with girls present.  He now believes he is entitled to be re-hired.  On its own, this would not be a surprise, but the surprise was the hundreds of supporters he had.  At the board meeting, 29 people stood up for public comment.  Twenty-seven of them spoke in support, with standing applause from the crowd.  These people are lost and blind.  Education ought to prepare young people for the real world.  Instead, it is teaching them to live in denial of the real world.  There is not a single person in the Gettysburg School District who truly, in his heart, believes that wishing and pretending to be a woman can turn a man into a woman.  Yet the overwhelming majority in that auditorium believe that it is good and right to tell children exactly this.

Parents Outraged After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence of Student Surveys Regarding Gender Identity.  Parents are outraged after a teachers union in Jefferson County, Colorado told teachers to destroy evidence of student surveys on gender identity.  The teachers union told educators to use pencil and paper instead of a digital survey so there would not be any trace of it after it was disposed of.  They encouraged them to take notes on the answers they gave and not hold onto the surveys.

Oberlin College coach: 'Felt like I was burned at the stake' over opinion on trans athletes in women's sports.  Oberlin College women's lacrosse head coach Kim Russell broke her silence about transgender inclusion in women's sports in a documentary for the Independent Women's Forum on Tuesday.  Russell, who became the head coach of the Yeowomen before the start of the 2019 season, talked about how administrators and her players ridiculed her after she posted on her personal social media account a message about Lia Thomas winning an NCAA Championship in the 500 in 2022.  In the video, Russell reposted a headline sarcastically congratulating then-Virginia swim star Emma Weyant for the victory over Thomas, a transgender female.

California AG Sues School District to Stop Policy That Informs Parents of Student Gender Transitions.  California Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit Monday against the Chino Valley Unified School District for approving a policy that requires school officials to inform parents if their child wants to change their gender.  The district's board of education approved the policy in July after many parents weighed in, some in favor and some against, but the district was slapped with a subpoena after Bonta opened a civil rights investigation in August, according to a press release.

Unions Against Teachers.  Unfortunately, this is just the latest episode in a long-running cultural compliance campaign, set in motion by teacher union executives who seem intent on burning their own union to the ground.  Instead of protecting teachers and preserving academic freedom in a politically divisive environment, those running the country's largest teacher unions are actively harming rank-and-file teachers by exposing them to career-ending — and sometimes bankruptcy-inducing — liability. [...] Of course, the NEA — and its smaller but more vocal ally, Randi Weingarten's American Federation of Teachers — have long veered left on many of these social issues.  What's most fascinating about their more recent journeys into the progressive wilderness is how ruthlessly they force rank-and-file teachers along for the ride.  In a world with new and changing workplace rules, especially surrounding sex and transgender issues, union executives aren't taking any chances.  Instead, they're creating liability to prevent teachers from defecting.

Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Maryland Parents Have No Right to Opt Their Children Out of Woke LGBTQ Curriculum.  A district judge appointed by Joe Biden has ruled that parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, have no right to opt their children out of the school's woke LGBTQ curriculum.  United States District Judge Deborah L. Boardman ruled against the Muslim-led group of parents who did not want their children exposed to far-left propaganda about sex and gender.  The parents sought an injunction before the first day of school on August 28 after the district changed its policies in March to no longer allow parents to opt their children out of being assigned books that advocate pride parades, gender transitioning, and pronoun preferences for kids as young as pre-kindergarten.  Becket, a non-profit law firm, represented multiple parents in the district in a lawsuit alleging that the policy violated their First Amendment religious rights to determine their children's educations.

Nation's Biggest Teachers Union 'Coached' Teachers To Inject Gender Identity Into Curricula, Report Says.  America's largest teachers union "coached" teachers on how to expose students to gender identity in the curriculum, according to a new report.  The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) "coached its members on how to inject gender identity politics into classroom teaching," said the report published Wednesday by the conservative Defense of Freedom Institute.  The report describes the ATF's Together Educating America's Children (TEACH) conference in July.  Two of the sessions at the conference were titled "Affirming LGBTQIA+ Identities in and out of the Classroom" and "The TGNCNB [transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary] Inclusive School and Classroom," the report said.  "Both session descriptions offered attendees ideas and action items to take back to their schools," reads the report. "The unions' mission is clear: train teachers to affirm every gender identity that conflicts with a student's sex, ignore basic biological facts, hide the training from parents, and shape school policies to force others to do the same."

California mother claims she lost her job for opposing sexual ideology in schools.  A California mother of three who claims she was fired for speaking out about education curriculum at her local school board meeting told Fox News Digital that she has been unfairly branded as racist, homophobic and transphobic by members of her community in letters sent to her employer and printed in local news outlets.  Janet Roberson spoke at a Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) meeting on April 20, where she expressed concerns about the district's sexual education curriculum that she said taught "gender confusion, not gender clarification" because it told 10-year-old students they could choose their own gender and receive puberty blockers.  She said teaching "vulnerable children that lifetime dependence on medical care is a viable option is completely unacceptable and evil."  "Children are being asked to identify their pronouns and this is now part of the ten-year-old curriculum," Roberson said of the curriculum. "This forces a gender discussion beyond the scope of the state requirements and complicates an already overburdened classroom environment."

Survey: Teachers at 1,000 Districts Hide Kids' Sexual Display from Parents.  More than 1,000 school districts across the United States have policies openly stating that district personnel can or should keep students' transgender status hidden from their parents.  This figure includes 18,335 schools and 10,712,558 students, according to the organization Parents Defending Education.  [Tweet]  The expansion shows the growing reach of advocates for the transgender ideology.  They claim that the government must treat each person's self-described "gender" as more important than their male or female sex.  As Breitbart News previously reported, a recent study strongly suggests that social contagion is a factor in teenagers and young adults identifying as transgender.

Next Time You're Sparring With A Leftist, Try Asking A Question.  In June, a British teacher reprimanded two 13-year-old students, labeling the teenagers "despicable."  Their offense?  Asking a simple question.  Following an eighth-grade "life education" class about "identity," one of the students asked a classmate:  "How can you identify as a cat when you're a girl?"  The two students disagreed with the lesson, asserting:  "If you have a vagina, you're a girl and if you have a penis, you're a boy."  The teacher told the inquiring students they would no longer be welcome at school if they continued to express their opinion.  If only such stories were anomalies.  Yet, as Americans know all too well, there is now often a steep price to pay for questioning the zeitgeist when it comes to sexual or racial ideology.  Conservative thinkers are maligned and assaulted.  In the social sciences and humanities in the United States and United Kingdom, 75 percent of conservative academics say their departments are a hostile environment for their beliefs.  Conservative students regularly self-censor, as do federal employees.  As painful as this is, those teenage British girls are onto something.  Indeed, they employed a rhetorical strategy as ancient as the very beginnings of our philosophical tradition — that of the great Greek philosopher Socrates, who unveiled the foolishness of his interlocutors not by shouting insults or fist-pounding but by asking honest and penetrating questions.

The Mounting Urgency to Affirm Parental Rights.  School starts soon, and this year, parents of K-12 children are likely to be greeted by new, well orchestrated assaults on parental rights provoked by the left's strategy to promote "gender transitioning."  Most Americans assume that parental decisions about the care, custody, and control of their children are fundamental, God-given rights supported by the Constitution, common law, and centuries of Western tradition.  The progressive left is determined to eviscerate parental rights by using schools to drive a wedge between parents and children under the false flag of "gender transitioning."  So far, the left is winning.

Maryland school district trying to make gender and sexual indoctrination mandatory.  Lawyers representing Maryland's largest school district recently argued in court that opt-out policies that 'allow' parents to exempt their kids from gender and sexuality lessons undermine "specific goals the district is trying to advance."  Incredibly, coming as it did from lawyers representing the government, that statement is unquestionably accurate, although not in the way that the schools would like us to believe.  The Montgomery County Public School District recently reversed its original opt-out policy that 'gave' parents (and their kids) the right to refuse lessons they considered inappropriate or at odds with their religious views.

California AG Launches Probe Into District that Voted to Alert Parents If Children Identify As Trans.  California's Democratic attorney general launched a probe into a school district that plans to alert parents if their child starts to identify as a different gender.  Critics say he's trying to stifle opposition to the state's LGBT agenda in schools.  The state's top cop Rob Bonta said Friday he is exploring "potential legal violations" by Chino Valley Unified School District in Southern California, alleging that its parent notification policy could "expose a student to parental abuse or increase their risk of self-harm or suicide."  Chino's board voted last month to reject state guidance that urges schools to keep students' gender exploration hidden from their parents.

Emily Drabinski, president of the American Library Association doubles down on tweet admitting she's a 'Marxist lesbian'.  The president of the American Library Association, who began her tenure in July by declaring herself a 'Marxist lesbian' when she was elected, now faces staunch criticism by conservatives and states are cutting ties with her group.  In April 2022, following her election to her current post, Emily Drabinski, 48, tweeted (and has since deleted): 'I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary'

Parents Challenge LGBTQ Book Policy That Requires Teachers 'To Shame Children' for Religious Faith.  Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Latter-day Saint, Protestant, Ethiopian Orthodox, atheist, and agnostic parents are taking a Maryland school board to court Wednesday, Aug. 9, for denying them the right to opt out of the school's LGBTQ book curriculum.  "These books are in fact teaching explicit sexual orientation and gender identity issues as early as pre-k," Will Haun, senior counsel at Becket Law, told The Daily Signal in a Thursday interview.  The associated reading instructions "require teachers to make dismissive statements about a student's religious beliefs, to shame children who disagree, and to teach as facts things that some would not agree are facts."  "This is not a challenge to get the pride books out of the curriculum," Haun, whose firm represents hundreds of families and the organization Kids First, clarified.  "This is about restoring the right to opt out."

Iowa School District Will Review Nearly 400 Books Flagged For Sex Acts, Gender Identity.  An Iowa school district will review nearly 400 books that were flagged for depictions of sex acts and references to gender identity.  The Urbandale Community School District northwest of Des Moines will review 374 books to figure out whether they violate a new state law.  The new law prohibits schools from purchasing books that depict sex acts and also prohibits teaching gender identity or sexual orientation to students younger than seventh grade.

California State Official Escorted Out Of Heated School Board Meeting On Gender Policy.  California's superintendent of public instruction was escorted out of a heated school board meeting on Thursday after he argued against a new policy requiring schools to tell parents about student gender transitions.  The Chino Valley Unified School District just east of Los Angeles approved the gender policy on Thursday after several hours of debate.  The new policy requires teachers to inform parents if their children begin using names and pronouns that do not match the ones on their birth certificate or if a student requests to use the school bathroom of the opposite gender.  California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond showed up at Thursday's packed meeting and addressed the school board.  [Tweet]

California school superintendent is thrown out of meeting after opposing new rule.  Parents reacted with cheers of 'leave our kids alone' as a California superintendent was thrown out of a school board hearing for aggressively opposing a policy forcing teachers to notify parents if their child is transgender.  Tony Thurmond, the California State Superintendent of Schools, was booted from the Chino Valley Unified school board meeting on Thursday after going over his allotted time to vigorously attack the policy.  Over 300 people filled the main hall at Don Lugo High School in Chino, California to weigh in at the hearing, which was marked with hostility as Thurmond clashed with the school board's president, Sonja Shaw.

The imposition of transgender madness: The bottom-up approach.  The astounding speed with which a delusional fantasy has been imposed on society — that people can become the opposite sex simply by saying so — requires explanation.  This obliteration of nature's (and God's) most fundamental truth of our lives and the resultant diminishing of the reproduction of our species clearly vectors toward societal and civilizational collapse.  It destroys fertility when surgical and chemical interventions are used, and this dooms the society successfully targeted to decline relative to the rest of the world unaffected by the craze.  (Have you heard about transgenderism spreading in Russia and China?)  The indoctrination of young children into the ideology means that even among those whose bodies are not mutilated or poisoned, the post-adolescent sexual attraction and bonding necessary for the population to remain stable is diminished.  So far, the strategy to impose this on American society has been top-down in nature.  The educational system, from preschool through grad school, has largely been captured by the left, and their bureaucrats and teachers have often eagerly acted as indoctrinators and enforcers.

Can Concerned Parents Stop Schools from Grooming Children?  This horrid episode was reported from eyewitness accounts in the 1936 book Mexican Martyrdom.  When the new anti-God socialist government gained control in Mexico, Catholic churches and schools were closed and replaced with new socialist-run public schools.  However, many concerned parents did not want their kids indoctrinated with this godless doctrine and placed them in underground (home) schools (often run by clergy who could risk execution).  In some regions fewer than 35% of children showed up at these socialist schools.  When the elected Mexican dictator, General Plutarco Elías Calles, learned of this, he decided to enter into what he termed "the psychological revolutionary period" to take possession of the minds of the children.  The current more sophisticated equivalent is mass formation psychosis.  He ruled that children belong to the Revolution, not to the parents (sounds familiar) and immediately directed his Secretary of Education, Narciso Bassols to separate them and introduce a "modern" system of sexual education designed to corrupt children's sexual morality and thereby undermine the influence of traditional families that are resistant to socialist indoctrination.

Joe Biden Dreams Up [an] Illegal Federal Library Code For Public Schools.  Just call him the librarian-in-chief.  In yet another gross abuse of executive authority, President Joe Biden is wielding the power of his Department of Education to stop parental efforts to remove sexually explicit books from public school libraries.  It's his latest in a string of moves meant to bully parents and other concerned citizens into silence when it comes to what kids learn in public schools and, in this case, when they should be exposed to sexually explicit material.  But the notion that the federal government has any authority to veto a school district's decision to protect students from pornographic content belongs in the library's fantasy section.

Seattle public schools offer free sex change services to students as young as 13 without telling parents.  According to documents obtained by Parents Defending Education (PDE), the health centers are operated by Country Doctor Community Health Centers (CDCHC) which offers "no cost comprehensive, trauma-informed, and gender-affirming care, conveniently at the school."  As stated on its website, CDCHC provides services to "transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse patients."  Services include "gender-affirming medications (estrogen, androgen blockers, testosterone, etc.) and injection techniques," "hormone therapy for adolescents and specialty referrals for younger patients as needed," and "referrals for gender-affirming surgeries."

Toronto teachers demand school board force kids to attend drag queen story hour against parents' wishes.  The Toronto District School Board is planning and scheduling Drag Queen Story Hours in their schools for this coming school year and the LIBS are BIG mad.  Not because of the dude in a dress reading to kids - no, they love that.  What they are mad about is that the school board has decided to let parents opt their kids out of the drag performances.

Largest School District In Ohio Spent More Than $24,000 On Trainings About How To Hide The Transing Of Kids.  Columbus City Schools (CCS) shelled out more than $24,000 taxpayer dollars to a consulting firm that taught staff how to sneak radical gender ideology into classrooms without parents' permission, a public records request made by Parents Defending Education revealed.  The two-day training in September 2022 was conducted by Q-inclusion, now known as "Hey Wes," an organization led by a woman disguised as a man that boasts of partnering "with schools, healthcare clinics, businesses, and communities in order to support queer & trans belonging."

Forty percent of Brown University students say they are LGBT, suggesting social contagion.  New survey data from Brown University's student newspaper provides further evidence that the increase in LGBT identification is driven by social pressures.  The latest data show that between 2010 and 2023, identification as LGBTQ+ has almost tripled among the student body at Brown (from 14% in 2010 saying they were not heterosexual to 38% now).  "The Herald's Spring 2023 poll found that 38% of students do not identify as straight — over five times the national rate," The Brown Daily Herald reported.  "Over the past decade, LGBTQ+ identification has increased across the nation, with especially sharp growth at Brown."

How Leftists Are Bypassing Red-State Legislatures to Corrupt Kids.  For conservatives, Democratic infiltrations of state agencies to swing coming elections represent an immediate threat.  But another infiltration accomplishes similar ends by longer-term means:  creating "Trauma-Informed Schools" for teachers to shape children's personalities by instructing them to locate past trauma in problems like racism, sexism, and even climate change — problems that only big government can solve. [...] This definition, which makes trauma completely subjective, is not the accredited psychological definition, which makes diagnoses dependent on clinically determined traumatizing events — e.g., sexual assault or military combat.  As mainstream psychologists and even center-left commentators have pointed out, it's a manual for priming children to be frightened of the world at large based on prognostications of racism, sexism, climate change, et al.  What's more, even casual reports from inside schools suggest that teaching based on this definition disrupts lesson plans, loosens discipline, doesn't solve violence, distracts administrators, comes between parents and children, and diminishes student learning.  But if Assistant Commissioner Henningsen and Coordinator Yoesel aren't pushing this redefinition, where is it coming from?

Do Not Be Fooled; Your Library Is Already Compromised.  Even though we read stories every day of attempts to influence children with extreme leftist ideology, most people in small towns still believe their communities will be untouched.  They won't be, though, and the local library will probably be the first target.  A recent experience in Georgia illustrates that libraries that look to the American Library Association for guidance are pushing back against parents who are concerned about age-inappropriate activities for their children.  The ALA supposedly "fights for intellectual freedom," but it actually encourages deception.

School District Bans Parents From Board Meeting on Policy Restricting Parental Rights.  The largest school district in Maryland will limit access for parents at an upcoming meeting where it will discuss a policy that bars parents from opting their children out of lessons on gender identity and sexuality.  Montgomery County Public Schools is set to hold a meeting Tuesday evening, and instead of its usual policy of opening the meeting to the public, the district said in a statement it is limiting it to "scheduled speakers, invited attendees, and other guests."  The district cited concerns over "safety" as reason for the limitation.

Apparently no elected official realizes how stupid this is.
State of New Jersey Suing School Districts That Require Parental Notification if a Child is Gender Transitioning.  Three school districts in the state of New Jersey require parental notification if a child begins transitioning their gender.  As a result, they are being sued by the state.  This is outrageous and shows that concerned parents who have been showing up at school board meetings in recent years had every right to be worried about where things are going.  Imagine such a monumental thing happening to your child and the school you fund with your tax dollars hiding it from you.

College allegedly fired biology professor for teaching sex was determined by chromosomes X and Y.  A Texas community college fired one of its biology professors for teaching his students that sex was determined by X and Y chromosomes, according to a new report.  First Liberty Institute, a law firm that defends religious liberty for Americans, sent a letter to St. Philip's College in San Antonio on behalf of the professor, Dr. Johnson Varkey, demanding the institution reinstate him after he was fired in January 2023.  "When teaching the human reproductive system, Dr. Varkey also stated that human sex is determined by chromosomes X and Y, and that reproduction must occur between a male and a female to continue the human species," First Liberty stated in its letter.  "In the course of teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology, he made these statements in every class for 20 years, without any incident or complaint."

New Jersey files 'emergency' lawsuits against school districts over trans notification policy.  Democratic New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy's administration filed three "emergency" lawsuits on Wednesday against several school districts that implemented new policies requiring staff to notify parents if their child expresses the desire to change their gender identity.  The administration filed the lawsuits against Middletown, Marlboro, and Manalapan-Englishtown school districts just one day after the policies were approved.  New Jersey is seeking a temporary restraining order to block the policies.  Middletown school district's policy would require teachers and other school staff to notify parents when their child chooses to change their name or pronouns or requests to use a restroom that does not align with their biological sex.

The insidious presence of porn in K-12 public schools.  In the past three years it has become routine to see stories almost weekly of school board meetings where parents arrive en masse complaining loudly about the pornography they have discovered openly available in school libraries.  Similarly, there are numerous other stories of public school teachers and programs eagerly promoting the queer agenda in the classroom, sometimes doing so secretly when faced with parental opposition.  The situation however is far more insidious than suggested by these stories alone.  It seems that this issue has been building for a long time, unnoticed by parents and kept quiet by school officials and teachers as they introduced these materials widely in school curriculums and libraries.

Four Ways the Deep State Betrays Americans.  A federal judge ruled that a student's First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were not violated when school administrators ordered him to remove a shirt with printed text saying, "There are only two genders."  The Obama judge concluded that "the shirt invades the rights of others."  The freethinking boy was later ordered to remove another t-shirt that read, "There are censored genders." [...] While the (in)justice system punished the young rebel for possessing a working brain, the seventh-grader pointed out that his school allows posters covered in rainbow flags and encouraging students to "rise up to protect" the trans agenda — messages that target his personal beliefs.  Sorry, son, free speech protections in America exist only for special people.

Government Schools' Trans Policies Aren't Keeping Children Safe.  In the week of June 12, 2023, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) published a document titled "Creating a Safe, Supportive, and Affirming School Environment for Transgender and Gender Expansive Students."  The document instructs teachers that if the student doesn't want their parents to know that they are transitioning they should hide the information from them.  The document gives a hypothetical example of a student with the legal name Kevin coming out as a transgender girl who asks teachers to call him Kimi but who wants teachers to still call "her" Kevin when talking to "her" parents.  Teachers are instructed to do what Kevin wants in order to keep Kevin safe.

Insanity and immorality reign in schools.  Why?  In most schools, parental consent is required for students to take a field trip — or ingest a Tylenol.  But, in many of these same schools, kids as young as 8, 9, and 10-years-old are allowed to "change" their names and genders without the school informing parents or guardians in any way.  No one, regardless of their education level or credentials, can reasonably or satisfactorily explain such a bizarre dichotomy.  Tucker Carlson weighed in on such absurdities by noting that we have experienced a "moral inversion."  So true.

Library conference speaker tells librarians not to label LGBT+ books because 'it makes it too easy for parents or community members to find'.  A speaker at a recent virtual library conference instructed school and public librarians to take steps to prevent parents and community members from finding books with LGBT+ themes, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.  The June seminar, hosted by Library 2.0 and called "Banned Books and Censorship: Current Intellectual Freedom Issues in the Library," featured Valerie Byrd Fort, an instructor at the University of South Carolina.  Byrd Fort presented a session titled "Get Ready, Stay Ready: Community Action Toolkit" that instructed librarians on how to best ensure that parents and other concerned community members would not find LGBT+ books.  The presentation covered "some things you could do proactively to get ready when censors come knocking at your door."

Catgirl: today's culture of affirmation is failing children.  It feels absurd to be typing this, but audio has emerged from an East Sussex school of a teacher reprimanding some pupils who've refused to treat as a reality another pupil's claim that they are, in fact, a cat.  The teacher's response has to be heard to be believed; were it not for the recording made by a shrewd child in the room, I would have struggled to believe this wasn't a hoax.  Having chastised them about the importance of "inclusion", the teacher informs the girls they are "despicable" and ought to be at a different school.  (Child murder?  Despicable.  Defrauding a charity?  Despicable.  Saying girls have a vagina and boys a penis?  Not so much.)  Next, she threatens to report the children to "Miss Willis", the Cotton Mather de nos jours.  When one pupil says that her mother will back her up on this, the schoolmistress claims that this explains why we have such a problem with homophobia around the world.  Yes, that's right, we've cracked it.  The Ayatollah and the Taliban are taking their lead from the mother of a teenage girl somewhere in East Sussex.

New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be 'Nonbinary' in Four Years.  The number of New Jersey students claiming to be "nonbinary" has increased by over 4,200 percent in four years, according to figures released by the state's Department of Education.  The number of students in pre-kindergarten through senior year claiming to be "nonbinary" increased from 16 to 675 from 2019 to 2022, according to the data.  Eight of those children are in preschool.  "In the 2019-2020 school year, of those 16 nonbinary students, 10 were in high school.  The youngest was in second grade, state records show," the Epoch Times reports.  "In the 2020-2021 school year, there were 85 nonbinary students; the two youngest two were in pre-kindergarten classes.  By the 2021-2022 school year, that number had soared to 376 nonbinary students, with eight in pre-kindergarten."

Massachusetts middle school students tear down rainbow decorations and chant their pronouns are 'U.S.A.' during Pride celebration.  Massachusetts middle schoolers tore down Pride decorations and chanted that their pronouns were 'USA' in a striking protest after they were asked to wear rainbow colors to school.  Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, were asked to wear rainbow-colored shirts to celebrate Pride Month on June 2, but a preplanned protest broke out with students tearing up Pride flag stickers and chanting: 'USA are my pronouns.'  Decked out in red, white and blue, the students destroyed the decorations lining the hallway the student organization Spectrum Group distributed, including a quote from American playwright Tennessee Williams, signage saying the school was a 'safe space' and 'equality for everyone' decorations.

University Launches Gay Summer Camp for 11-Year-Olds, Will School Them on 'Health Topics'.  Did you go to camp when you were a kid?  Camp still exists, but the sorts of adventures being served to children have substantially changed.  Consider a summer escape compliments of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.  Thanks to the college's social consciousness, middle schoolers will enjoy an outing centered around what kind of sex they'd like to have.  Supplementally, the endeavor will support sixth-through-eighth graders' embrace of a "gender" contrary to their sex.

Math Teacher In Cali Plays Gay Propaganda Film Instead Of Arithmetic.  Students Ask Why They Have To Watch It.  Parents of kids at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California say this video was played to their kids in math class.  The kids clearly didn't want to watch this pride video so the teacher threatened them with Saturday school to get them to watch it.  [Video clip]

Public School Looks Like an Indoctrination Center.  So let me just see if I can understand the logic behind this.  The Bible, which preaches acceptance and loving they enemy, neighbor, etc. is supposedly a 'hate speech book' that brainwashes kids.  But this, which most people would consider WAY over the top, is perfectly acceptable?  [Video clip]

Woke Prof Brags About Failing Student Over Saying "Biological Female," Cites Transphobia, White Supremacy as an Excuse.  We've heard from the University of Cincinnati student who received a zero grade for using the term "biological female" to describe females who were born that way biologically.  Now, her gender studies professor is speaking out to give her — I think "her" — side of the story.  Melanie Rose Nipper, adjunct professor of sexuality studies at UoC, brags you're goddamned right she gave the student a zero grade.  The professor's personal belief is that "biological woman" is bigoted towards "transgender women."  If a student wants a passing grade, those personal beliefs must be affirmed.  Note: The student's project was on "transgender" women competing against "biological" women in sports.  [Tweet]

Round 3 in Newsom-Komrosky feud: Temecula school official doubles down on Harvey Milk.  First, the Temecula Valley Unified School District board president called Harvey Milk a "pedophile" while attempting to ban from the district's curriculum a book that mentioned the gay activist and onetime San Francisco supervisor.  Joseph Komrosky's efforts were successful, and the material was removed from the district's social studies curriculum last month.  Then, Gov. Gavin Newsom lambasted Komrosky as "ignorant" for his "offensive" comments regarding Milk.  "This isn't Texas or Florida," Newsom tweeted on Saturday.  "In the Golden State, our kids have the freedom to learn.  Congrats Mr. Komrosky you have our attention.  Stay tuned."  Now, Komrosky has fired back at Newsom.

Muslim-Led Coalition Protests in Montgomery County Against LGBT Books in Schools.  On Tuesday, a Muslim-led coalition protested at the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) building to express their frustrations with a new policy that eliminates parental rights to restrict their children's exposure to materials that discuss sexual orientation and gender identity.  Montgomery County recently approved a list of LGBTQ+ inclusive books to be used in classrooms, including books suitable for pre-kindergarten students.  The policy stipulates that students and their families cannot opt out of engaging with these instructional materials, FOX 5 reported.  Chanting "Protect our children!" the coalition claimed that it infringes upon parental rights.  They believe that while it may be acceptable to introduce these books into the curriculum, parents should have the ability to decide what their child is exposed to.

Canada's Tolerance Meter Just Broke.  Once again, Canada, America's nutty neo-fascist neighbor to the north, has broken new ground in Leftist weirdness.  As you know all too well at this point, it is Pride month here, there, and everywhere. [...] As Pride Month kicked into gear, a teacher at Londonderry Jr.  High in Edmonton unloaded on students who opted not to attend a Pride event.  [Tweet with video clip]  This, ahem, educator apparently missed an important point about Islam.  It is opposed to homosexuality.  That may not be what she believes, but it is the reality.  Of course, reality and progressivism have never gone hand-in-hand.  Maybe she thinks that Islam is similar to the Western churches that have bent over backward to accommodate the LGBTQ lobby.  Whether one agrees with the tenets of Islam or not, the prohibition against homosexuality is non-negotiable.

The Editor says...
Neither homosexuality, nor unwarranted pride, nor Islam, nor Canada's totalitarian socialist government, deserves any verbal defense.

Armenian Men Beat [up] Antifa and Far-Left Protestors Outside Glendale, CA School Board Meeting About Pride Events.  Armenian men beat [up] Antifa thugs and far-left protestors outside of a school board meeting in Glendale, California Tuesday evening [6/6/2023].  Glendale has a large Armenian-Christian population and they are fed up with the LGBTQ/pride events taking place in elementary schools.  According to CBS News, 50 police officers were deployed to break up the massive brawl that erupted around 6 pm local time.  These Armenian dads have had enough!

Massive Brawl Breaks out outside Glendale, CA School Board as Armenian Parents Take on the Alphabet Mob.  A huge fight broke out outside the Glendale School Board meeting in Los Angeles as parents, many of them from the Armenian-American community, came to protest the school's pride events.  Naturally, the left-wing zealots — read "Antifa" — showed up in force, and as you will see, some serious punches were thrown on both sides.  A heavy police presence attempted to stop the fighting, violently pulling apart combatants to prevent serious injury.  Someone with a bullhorn shouts, "Do not engage!  Step away.  We are not here to fight!"  Maybe that person wasn't there to fight, but plenty of other people were.

Community irate as student cut from graduation for saying only 2 genders exist: School now invoking nuclear option.  At Kellogg High School in Kellog, Idaho, another conservative American is facing consequences for affirming a traditional view of male and female.  During a recent assembly where soon-to-be graduating seniors were meant to give parting words of wisdom to underclassmen, 18-year-old Travis Lohr made a statement that apparently offended the school's administration.  "Guys are guys and girls are girls," Lohr said according to the Shoshone News-Press.  "There is no in-between."  Shortly thereafter, Lohr was informed that he would not be allowed to walk in the school's graduation ceremony.  Lohr and the other seniors had to prepare their statements in advance for school approval.  After school officials told Lohr he wasn't allowed to say that "guys are guys and girls are girls," he chose to share the statement anyway, according to the News-Press.

School district presses phys-ed teachers to don LGBTQ pride apparel.  According to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation through a public records request, a Colorado school district recently strongly encouraged its physical education (P.E.) teachers to don LGBT pride gear and use preferred pronouns in an effort to display their unwavering support for the LGBTQ community.  To that end, a number of Jeffco Public Schools (JPS) high school teachers were trained via a presentation on how to make the district's P.E. programs "even more inclusive," so that all students feel welcome regardless of their "race, ethnicity or sexual orientation."  The presentation instructed teachers to engage in "public visibility" by sporting various types of rainbow pride gear — such as pins, t-shirts, flags, or stickers — and by participating in pride events and practicing using preferred pronouns.

North Dakota Parents Outraged After School Will Keep Kid's Preferred Gender Identities Under Wraps.  North Dakota parents fumed at a school board after discovering it has kept students' preferred gender identities under wraps.  Fargo Public Schools publicly announced that they would defy Republican Gov. Doug Burgum's law that bans such actions in the classroom.  "We will not openly out any student because of one law if we know that that's going to cause harm to that child," Fargo Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rupak Gandhi said.  The school district, among other schools in the country, has indicated they will allow minors to decide on which gender they, fueling the Left's radical agenda.  The bill, signed into law this month, bans school boards from instilling policies that require the use of a student's preferred pronouns, barring schools and teachers from "withhold[ing] or conceal[ing] information about a student's transgender status from the student's parent or legal guardian."

Feds decide depriving schoolkids of pornography creates 'hostile environment' and may violate their civil rights.  Incredibly, the federal government, in the form of the Department of Education of the United States, has concluded that a Georgia school district's removal of fewer than a dozen book titles, all with extreme LGBTQ and sexual content, may have created a "hostile environment" for students, potentially violating their civil rights.  After completing its investigation into the Forsyth County School District's decision to pull the books from its library shelves — after parents voiced profound displeasure over their radical sexual and LGBTQ content — the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights sprang into action and released its findings.

Transgender high school athletes no-show state track championships following backlash.  Two transgender female high school athletes were no-shows for their race at the California State preliminary Track and Field Championship on Friday — a week after they clinched a spot in the elite race.  Athena Ryan, from Sonoma Academy, and Lorelei Barrett of Sherman Oaks Buckley, opted not to participate in the scheduled girl's 1,600-meter run at Buchanan High in Clovis, Calif., according to The Los Angeles Times.  "The CIF is disappointed for two of our student-athletes and their families because due to the actions of others, they found it necessary to withdraw from the State Track and Field Championships out of concern for the student's well being," the California Interscholastic Federation, the governing body for high school sports in California, wrote in a statement to the outlet.

The Editor says...
Notice that the school bends over backwards to express their disappointment that the two men chose not to compete with the girls.  That shows you whose side they are on.  The school is actively promoting mental illness.

Six Maryland Parents Sue School Board For Forcing Kids To Read 'Pride' Books.  Six Maryland parents are suing their children's school board for allegedly forcing their children to read "Pride" themed books without parental knowledge.  The three couples, who come from different religious backgrounds, filed a lawsuit Tuesday in federal court against the Montgomery County Board of Education, alleging the board violated their parental rights.  The lawsuit comes after the school board in October compiled a list of 13 new "LGBTQ-inclusive" books.  The board also allegedly informed parents they could no longer opt their children out of the curriculum.

The Editor says...
The only way to be sure your kids learn what you want them to learn is to teach them yourself, in your own home.  Most people don't want to put in the time and the effort to do that, but it can be done.

School board defies state law so it can force LGBT ideas down kids' throats.  Many school districts across the nation now are adopting mandatory LGBT indoctrination programs for students.  Sometimes described as "sex education," sometimes as "diversity," their common factor is that they promote the LGBT ideologies to young children.  It is this very issue, when it arose in Florida and Gov. Ron DeSantis and lawmakers banned it, that Disney lobbied for the ideology, provoking what now is a war between the state and the company that for decades had provided children's entertainment.  Now the fight over the issue has been escalated, with a lawsuit on behalf of parents in Maryland who are charging that the Montgomery County Board of Education simply decided to violate state law and require children to endure the leftist lessons.

Here's What an Ohio School District Is Telling Teachers to Do About 'Unsupportive' Parents of Trans Kids.  A public school district in Ohio reportedly advised employees to "consider" reporting child abuse to protective services if a "transgender" student's parents are not supportive of their gender identity.  Documents obtained by parental rights organization Parents Defending Education show Cincinnati Public Schools instructing its staffers to be supportive of transgender students' gender identities and to keep it a secret from parents, or, in some cases, report the parents.  The guidance states that "parents may or may not be supportive of the student's gender identity" and that information relating to a student's gender identity "should not be shared with parents if disclosing the information to parents could put the student at risk of harm at home."  And, the guidance advises school staffers to "also consider whether there is a mandatory duty to report child abuse to 241-KIDS."

California Democrats want gender-neutral bathrooms mandatory in all K-12 schools.  A California state lawmaker has introduced legislation that would make the Golden State the first in the nation to require schools to have at least one gender-neutral bathroom on campus.  State Sen. Josh Newman (D) introduced SB 760 last week, which would require all K-12 public and charter schools to have at least one genderless bathroom for student use amid ever-increasing controversy over the place of public schools when a student claims to identify with a gender different from their biological sex.

Father gets fired immediately after speaking at school board against queer agenda.  They're coming for you next:  Immediately after Jason Brunt, a father of three boys in the public schools, gave a three minute speech at his local Sarasota School Board meeting, pleading for the school to provide his "straight" kids a safe space instead of harassing them for their preferred sexuality, queer activists began harassing his family and calling his employer with slanderous accusations, resulting in his immediate firing.

Female Wyoming Students Break Silence after Suing Sorority for Admitting [a] Male.  Female University of Wyoming students who recently sued their sorority for inducting a male student are speaking out about the case for the first time, telling National Review that they were "blindsided" by the decision, which has stoked bitter division within the once tight-knit sisterhood.  Seven plaintiffs, all members of Wyoming's Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter, petitioned the court in March to order KKG to nullify the transgender-identifying man's admission and abandon its unauthorized gender-inclusion policy.  Their claim alleges that KKG national headquarters breached its contract to provide a single-sex experience to its members after its president unilaterally instructed chapters to admit male members without going through the requisite process to change the organization's bylaws.

Is This Why Transgenderism Is Exploding in American Public Schools?  When Audrey Hale shot her way into Nashville's Covenant School on March 27 and murdered three adults and three nine-year-old children, attention immediately focused on her "manifesto" as possibly having the answer to the anguished "why?" question.  Hale was clearly a seriously troubled young woman who had previously attended the school.  She was also undergoing gender transition drug treatments, a fact that made the contents of her manifesto even more intensely of public interest.  Such treatments are typically associated with a psychological condition known as "gender dysphoria."  Local authorities initially said the manifesto would be made public in due time, but then the FBI got involved in analyzing the documents that collectively constitute vital evidence in the case. [...] Is there a connection between Hale's actions and the side effects of transgendering drug treatment?  The manifesto may shed light on the answer to that question.  Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.), whose district includes the Covenant School, thinks there should be an investigation into the possibility of a connection.

Colorado Mom Sues School After Secret Trans Group Recruits Her Daughter and Does 'Unthinkable Things'.  A Colorado momma bear is suing Wellington Middle School in Fort Collins, Colo., after learning they pulled her sixth-grade daughter into a secret transgender recruiting meeting disguised as an "art club."  "When she got there, she very quickly learned it was actually a gender and sexuality awareness club," Erin Lee told Fox News.  "The art teacher had invited in an outside presenter into the classroom that day," Lee continued.  "And this woman did absolutely unthinkable things with the kids."  "What you hear in here, stays in here," the mystery groomer allegedly told the kids, suggesting that telling their parents wasn't "safe."  Lee further disclosed that the guest presenter informed the kids they were transgender if they didn't feel totally comfy with their gender.  "She explained to my daughter that if she is not 100 percent comfortable in her female body, then she's transgender," Lee stated.

7th-grade student fights back after school told him to change his 'There are only two genders' t-shirt.  Liam Morrison was expecting a comment or two from his peers when he wore a T-shirt to Nichols Middle School (NMS) that said "There are only two genders."  However, he says the response from his fellow classmates was overwhelmingly positive. "Everyone in my homeroom and everyone in my gym class had supported what I had done," he told Fox News Digital.  Morrison, 12, added that no fellow student directly confronted him about the shirt or said it offended them or made them feel unsafe.  However, he was pulled out of gym class on March 21 and told to remove the shirt because several students and staff had reportedly complained.  When he respectfully declined to take the shirt off, school officials called his father to come and pick him up.

World's Largest Baptist University Hosts 'Queer Sex Ed' Night.  Society is in an aggressive state of change, and that includes the arena of Christian education.  Baylor University is the world's largest Baptist college.  The 16,000-student institution was founded in 1845, making it the oldest perpetually-operating university in Texas.  Even so, don't assume it's old-fashioned.  On March 23rd, the school hosted an event certifying its contemporary credentials.  As advertised on Instagram, the extravaganza was called "Queer Sex Ed."  An accompanying caption read, "Secret is out.  See you tomorrow!! You can still DM us to become a member and join our Queer Sex Ed!!!"  The ad didn't detail what was involved, but featured in the post was the Planned Parenthood logo.

School District Teams Up With Union To Equip Teachers With Pro-Gay Badges.  A Pennsylvania school district announced its partnership Wednesday with the nation's largest teachers union to launch an LGBTQ initiative, giving teachers "ally" badges that provide resources to gay students.  Norristown Area School District (NASD) launched the "I'm Here" initiative, created by the National Education Association's (NEA) LGBTQ caucus, which provides teachers and faculty ally badges featuring the pride flag, according to a school press conference.  The "I'm Here" badges display a QR code for students to scan which takes them to the NEA LGBTQ caucus website that provides resources on "coming out" and "sexual education."

Record one in FOUR high school students say they are gay, bisexual or 'questioning' their sexuality, official CDC data shows.  Around a quarter of high school students identify as gay, bisexual or have a more fluid sexuality, official data suggests.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's biannual youth report found that just 75.5 percent of 14 to 18-year-olds said they were heterosexual in 2021 — a new low.  The remainder said they were either bisexual (12.1 percent), gay or lesbian (3.2 percent), 'other' (3.9 percent) or said they 'questioned' their sexuality (5.2 percent).

Two Groomers Studying to Become Teachers Admit Their Going to Brainwash Kids to Be Gay.  Has our education system become just indoctrination centers for people who want everyone to be exactly like them?  Seems that way.  [Video clip]

Florida bans lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation in ALL public school grades.  Educators in all Florida public schools for all grave levels will now be banned from teaching students about gender identity and sexual orientation in a sweeping move announced by Ron DeSantis's board of education on Wednesday.  The move marks a huge expansion of the The Parental Rights in Education law — also dubbed the 'Don't Say Gay' bill by critics — which was signed last year by the governor and sparked a firestorm across the country.  Critics of the policy claim it could harm children who identify as gay and transgender.  While the previous version of the law prohibited instruction of these topics to children ages 5 through 8, and the expansion would now apply to students up to the age of 18.

Trans Teacher Who Allegedly Said She Was Going to Kill Kids and Commit Suicide Finally Removed From the Classroom.  What happens when a pre-operative transgender teacher says she wants to shoot some of her students and has suicidal ideation?  If the school is Fox Chapel Middle School in Hernando County, FL, the answer, until yesterday, was "not much and definitely not immediately."  In a police report posted on the Moms for Liberty Hernando County Facebook page, on March 24, the school resource officer was contacted by the assistant principal and guidance counselor (you just knew that when a guidance counselor got involved the whole story was going pear-shaped, didn't you?).  They told the police officer that Ashlee Belle (formerly Alexander) Renczkowski, a math teacher for grades 6-8, had "just made concerning statements about self-harm and then possibly making statements about shooting students."  The school resource officer visited the teacher.  When asked how "she" was feeling, Renczkowski said, "Not good, I'm having bad thoughts."

The Editor says...
Why was such a person hired to be a schoolteacher in the first place?

Canadian students hold large protest over high school's hosting of drag queen event.  A group of young Canadians held a large protest Wednesday in front of York Mills Collegiate Institute in Toronto after the high school decided to host a drag queen event for some of its students.  Leading Wednesday's protest was the pro-family volunteer organization Save Canada, along with one of its flagship members Josh Alexander, the now-well-known 16-year-old Ontario high school student who drew international headlines earlier this year when he was suspended indefinitely and arrested after he opposed gender ideology at his Catholic school in Renfrew, Ontario.

Federal judge backs firing of Indiana teacher who refused to use transgender students' names, pronouns.  An Indiana music theory teacher pushed out of his job for refusing to call transgender students their preferred names and pronouns took a hit from a federal judge Friday who upheld a lower court's ruling that the school district did not violate his rights.  Former Brownsburg High School teacher John Kluge sued the school district alleging religious discrimination after he cited his personal religious convictions for refusing to abide by the name and pronoun policy, opting to address transgender students by their last names instead.

University Athletics Director Claims There's No 'Competitive' Difference Between Men And Women.  The San Francisco State University athletics director claimed there is no "competitive" difference between men and women following the alleged assault of University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines, who spoke on campus in favor of sports being separated on the basis of biological sex, according to the Golden Gate Express.  Stephanie Shrieve-Hawkins said that believing men have an athletic advantage over women in sports is a common "mistake," according to the Golden Gate Express.  Shrieve-Hawkins' comments come after Gaines was allegedly "ambushed and physically hit" on campus after speaking out against transgender athletes on April 6.

The Battle Over School Library Censorship.  [Scroll down]  The Left mischaracterizes this battle.  Is not a clash between good versus evil let alone a war between First Amendment champions against narrow-minded religious fanatics pushing ignorance.  A better understanding is that today's library censorship battles just reflect how contemporary publishers are flooding the market in pursuit of an ideological agenda.  Book censorship cuts across the political spectrum, and today's Left periodically champions library censorship, albeit with different targets.  A story reported by CNN — hardly a conservative outlet — depicts how a library has banished such classic children's books as Little House on the Prairie, Peter Pan and several Dr. Seuss picture books for their racist depictions of indigenous, black and Asian characters.  Censorship can be indirect, for example, relocating offending books to the adult collection or burying them an "historical artifact" beyond the reach of young patrons.

Theologian fired, called 'terrorist' by Bible college for tweet against homosexuality.  A Bible college in the United Kingdom has allegedly fired a professor and threatened to report him as a "terrorist" for tweeting against homosexuality.  Aaron Edwards, a theologian at Cliff College in England, was removed from his position after sending the tweet, Fox News reported.  "Homosexuality is invading the church.  Evangelicals no longer see the severity of this [because] they're busy apologizing for their apparently barbaric homophobia, whether or not it's true," Edwards posted to Twitter in February.  "...If sin is no longer sin, we no longer need a Saviour," he added in the post.  According to Edwards, he was told to take down the tweet by Cliff College, but refused, he said in an interview with CBN News on March 21.

NY Parents Set to Sic the Law on School Board That Insists on Porn in School.  The school board wars are turning up the temperature on porn-pushing administrators.  In Fairport, N.Y., a group of parents has grown tired of asking for the school board to remove explicit books and materials from their schools.  After months of asking nicely, speaking to the board, writing letters, and other efforts, the Fairport Educational Alliance has filed a claim against the board's insurance bond.  This type of claim has been tried with forced masking in other parts of the country but has been unsuccessful.  However, parents in Fairport say the major difference between those complaints and this one is that the school district is breaking federal and state laws which are tied directly to the complaint.  This was the major flaw in trying to file insurance claims against schools for masking, as there were no laws on the books preventing them from imposing masks.  There are, however, multiple laws against endangering children and distributing child pornography.

Enough With the Pervert Adults in Public Schools, Already.  Another day, another public school making the case for why the Department of Education should be abolished.  It's no secret that I'm not a fan of the direction public education in America has taken since the late 1960s.  [Indeed], I wrote a book about it.  That direction has gotten worse in the last year or so.  At least it seems that way.  I'm certainly relieved that my daughter is out of school now.  Kevin wrote something yesterday that featured some more infuriating news from those we entrust our children to for a huge portion of their young lives: [...]

Mom Tells Congress Teachers Union Sued Her for Asking if Her Kindergartner Was Taught 'Radical Gender Theory'.  Regardless of how many times we write or read about children as young as kindergartners being indoctrinated with the immoral madness of radical gender theory, pronoun self-selection, or explicit sex education, it's incumbent upon us to continue to stand up and fight back against the insanity.  Rhode Island resident Nicoletta Solas, the mom of a 5-year-old, recently did just that.  Solas testified before Congress this week that the NEA — the nation's largest, most powerful, and most radical teachers union — filed a lawsuit against her for repeatedly asking for a copy of her child's class curriculum.  The mom also wanted to know whether or not her child was being taught about radical gender theory, which recognizes and affirms identities such as "non-binary," "gender non-conforming," "drag queen," "pansexual," and "polyamorous."  In many cases, teachers are also required to use the "preferred gender pronouns" of their students.

Just Call it What it Is.  Vladimir Lenin saw the potential of using education to undermine capitalism in proclaiming that it would take only a generation of four-year-olds to build a socialist state.  In kind, the Biden administration is determined to turn a whole generation of grade school children against their parents and country, putting their thumb on the scale of parent-teacher relationships, sending G-men to harass those who would dare to object, promoting fairy tales that leave a sour taste of America's past and present, imposing CRT pedagogy to create racial and ethnic divisions, and gaslighting gender confusion.  Inspiration for gender dysphoria in children can be found in woke school districts that coax youngsters to disassemble their private parts without parental consent.  Brainwashed minors can now sidestep parents by hopping a Greyhound to California, where health workers are queued up to impose acts of cruelty upon those barely old enough to work a newspaper route.

New York teacher 'manipulated' fifth-grade student into changing gender without parents' consent, lawsuit claims.  A New York teacher is being sued for allegedly manipulating a fifth-grade girl into changing gender without her parents' consent.  The nine-year-old child, who was taught by Debra Rosenquist at Terryville Road Elementary School in Long Island, identifies as a girl but was being called a boy's name and given male pronouns in class.  The [...] lawsuit claims that Rosenquist started calling the fifth-grader 'Leo' and using he/him pronouns in class in October 2021 — unbeknownst to the girl's parents.

Texas Lawmaker Introduces Bill That Allows Teachers To Reject CDC Trans Activism.  A Texas lawmaker introduced a bill Monday that would protect teachers from participating in "inclusivity policies" such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) assessment that tells teachers to be supportive of LGBTQ students and join their school's "Gay Straight Alliance Club."  House Bill (HB) 2659, filed by Republican Texas Rep. Terri Leo-Wilson, would make it illegal for school districts to "discipline, retaliate against or otherwise discriminate" against a teacher if they refuse to participate in mandated "inclusivity policies" such as the CDC's "LGBTQ Inclusivity in Schools: A Self-Assessment Tool," which grades teachers on their ability to "address the needs of LGBTQ students who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized" in their classroom.  It is unclear if any schools are requiring the assessment but the bill was introduced in the event that teachers are mandated to do so.

A teacher tells students to call her 'mom' to encourage their sharing secrets.  Up until quite recently, the teacher's job was to pass on concrete knowledge to equip children to be productive adults and good citizens.  That was the beginning and end of a teacher's job.  Then, states passed laws that imposed on teachers the obligation to file a report if they thought a parent was abusing a child.  That was a reasonable thing to do, given that a teacher might be the only other adult in a child's life and, therefore, would be the one who noticed bruises or malnutrition.  Somehow, though, this responsibility morphed into a cadre of teachers deciding that all parents are potential abusers — not physical abusers, but potential mental abusers.  And what constitutes mental abuse?  Parents who challenge those teachers who deviate from the hard work of teaching concrete information (math, reading competency, etc.) and slide effortlessly into celebrating their own life choices in the classroom — and the more deviant, the better.

School district forced to pay over 100K in legal fees after banning moms from exposing pornographic materials.  A school district was forced to pay over $100,000 in legal fees after banning moms from exposing pornographic material at school board meetings.  Forsyth County School District [FSC] agreed to pay attorney's fees in a federal lawsuit brought by a group of parents who were censored at school board meetings.  The group, called the Mama Bears, claimed in the federal lawsuit that their First Amendment rights were violated and won the case due to the legal representation of the Institute for Free Speech.  The Mama Bears settled a federal lawsuit against the Georgia school district after one of the group's members was barred from reading sexually explicit excerpts at school board meetings.  FCS will pay the Mama Bears nominal damages of $17.91 and their attorneys $107,500.

California Democrats want gender-neutral bathrooms mandatory in all K-12 schools.  A California state lawmaker has introduced legislation that would make the Golden State the first in the nation to require schools to have at least one gender-neutral bathroom on campus.  State Sen. Josh Newman (D) introduced SB 760 last week, which would require all K-12 public and charter schools to have at least one genderless bathroom for student use amid ever-increasing controversy over the place of public schools when a student claims to identify with a gender different from their biological sex.

Man Goes Off On Teacher After She Put His Grandson In A Dress — TWICE!.  Grandpa Malcolm pulled out his phone, hit record, and burst into the classroom.  The teacher's jaw hung open as he began to confront her.  "My daughter called me and told me she had an issue here about my grandson being in a dress," Malcolm tells the teacher.  "I'm trying to see what the issue is about."  The woman stammered that he'd have to speak to the school's director, but he was having none of it. "I come down here because we don't do that transgender and all that," Malcolm tells the teacher.  "We don't do that."  But the teacher's reply sent him reeling.  [Video clip]

Follow the money.
Doctors from St Louis transgender clinic told teachers to 'affirm' an entire group of fifth graders.  Doctors from the St. Louis gender clinic now under investigation following bombshell whistleblower claims advised teachers to 'affirm' an entire group of fifth graders, emails The Washington University Transgender Center at the St. Louis Children's Hospital was shamed last week by whistleblower Jamie Reed, a former employee who wrote a bombshell article for The Free Press describing the 'medically and morally appalling' scenario at-play.  Her claims sparked two investigations — one by the Missouri AG's office, and another by the office of Senator Josh Howley.

Mom Sues School After Creepy Guidance Counselor Buys Her Daughter A Chest Binder And Encourages Her To Secretly Transition To A Male.  Mom Amber Lavigne, who lives in Wiscasset, Maine, has demanded an investigation into her daughter's school.  Lavigne recently discovered that school guidance counselor Sam Roy gave her 13-year-old daughter undergarments.  Lavigne said she found a chest binder in her daughter's room and pressed her on how she obtained it.  Lavigne said her daughter reluctantly admitted that her school counselor had purchased it for her.  Allegedly, Roy told her daughter about gender transitioning, reportedly purchasing two binders for her.  He apparently also told her she did not need to tell her parents, and neither would he.  Without parental consent, Roy also started calling her by a male name to assist her in transitioning and assigned her he/him pronouns.

The Approaching Disintegration of Academia.  Several years ago, in the pre-pandemic world of in-person meetings, a newly hired colleague at Fashion Institute of Technology proposed an LGBT-themed sociology course before the School of Liberal Arts.  This is a necessary step in getting the course approved by the college-wide curriculum committee.  It's a time for constructive feedback and occasional tweaking before the final committee vote.  It was a good course.  The proposal was clear and concise, indicating not only a command of the relevant literature but a sensitivity to students' interests, expectations, and ability to handle the workload.  But I noticed an apparently minor, easily correctable issue.  Among the learning outcomes listed was a requirement that students develop a greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ perspectives and rights.  That struck me as problematic.  I happen to think that such acceptance is a good thing, but to stipulate it as a learning outcome raises a knotty question.  If a student masters the course material, turns in the required work, and passes the exams, but doesn't exhibit that acceptance, is he going to fail?

Student Is Kicked Out Of Catholic School For Saying There Are Only Two Genders.  An Ontario high school student is not allowed to attend his Catholic school for the remainder of the year because he expressed the belief that God created only two sexes, with the school arguing that his presence would be "detrimental to the physical and mental well-being" of transgender students.  Josh Alexander, 16, has not been permitted to attend St.  Joseph's Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario since last November when he organized a protest in support of the right of female students to have single-sex washrooms after two girls had confided in him that they were uncomfortable sharing spaces with trans-identified male students.

America First Legal Demands Answers From CDC on 'Abhorrent' Transgender Activism in Schools.  America First Legal has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, demanding records related to the CDC's "self-assessment tool" urging teachers, administrators, school health staff, and others to advocate LGBT causes in school.  "It's abhorrent that federal tax dollars are going to pay for a dangerous ideology that experiments on children and undermines the rights of parents, the vast majority of whom do not support this agenda," Ian Prior, senior adviser at America First Legal, told The Daily Signal in a statement Friday.  America First Legal, a nonprofit founded by Stephen Miller, former senior adviser to President Donald Trump, filed the request for information under the Freedom of Information Act on Thursday.

State University Offers Exclusive Housing for Trans Students and 'Voice Feminization' Services.  Some people prefer to live among those similar to themselves.  In select cases, it's the only way they can feel safe.  And now more than ever at the University of Houston, safety is served.  The school boasts an LGBTQ Resource Center, which lists a plethora of programs for those alphabetically inclined.  Amid the offerings:  a "Gender Diversity" residential area.

Iowa School Board Member Says [It's] 'Not the school's job to teach what parents want'.  An Iowa school board member posted on Facebook on Tuesday that public education is not to teach kids what parents want, but rather what the community needs.  "The purpose of a public ed is to not teach kids what the parents want.  It is to teach them what society needs them to know.  The client is not the parent, but the community," Linn-Mar school board member Rachel Wall posted.  The Facebook post garnered much pushback in the comment section.  The post received over 100 comments.

Gender-mad teachers smugly trample parents' rights.  Not so long ago, teachers were responsible for educating kids about specific subject matters (math, English, history).  Parents were responsible in all other ways for raising those same children.  Only if a parent were genuinely abusive was a teacher obligated to interfere in that relationship, and that meant contacting Child Protective Services.  Today, though, gender-crazed teachers have concluded that they have greater rights in children than parents do.  Thanks mostly to Libs of TikTok, we've spent the last two years seeing teachers boasting about how they hide a child's gender "transition" from parents, and we've seen parents raging on the internet and at school board meetings about how teachers hid from them what was happening to their children — something they sometimes discovered only after a damaged child tried suicide or broke down in some other way.

Florida Teachers Should Not Have the Right to Circumvent State Law Regarding the Content of Children's Reading Material.  Florida teachers are being told to make their classroom libraries — and any other books that haven't been approved by the state — inaccessible to students.  The policy was put into place last week in response to HB 1467, which Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) signed into law last March.  That law established that teachers could not pick books that they say are appropriate for their students based on their own idea of what's "appropriate."  The teachers are complaining that the state doesn't trust them to choose only approved literature.  And they're right.  And that's a good thing.  I'm pretty much a free-speech absolutist.  But I draw a line when it comes to choosing reading material for children that deals with non-age-appropriate subject matter like sex, gender questions, sex preferences, and other obvious adult topics.

College Founded in 1892 Offers Dorm for Transgender Students.  At New York's Ithaca College, a specialized housing provision has been made.  Established in 1892, the institution is keeping up with the times.  Hence, its "Open Pages" residential community.  If you're something other than "cisgender," you'll be right at home at the 20-bed facility.

Mom in Cat Get-Up Protests Drag-Wearing School Board Member, Threatens to Sue.  Last December, Arizona mom Lindsey Graham went viral for crashing a school board meeting dressed in a cat costume — complete with ears, whiskers, and tail.  Donning leopard spots, Graham approached the mic and expressed outrage over a male school board member's being allowed to dress as a woman while still keeping his position.  She accused board members of failing their "one job" by "forcing [children] to participate in their lie" in denial of not just truth, but basic biology.  "No tail, whiskers, or outfit makes me a cat," she said, nor does any "lipstick, high heels, or long hair" make the man in question, Paul Bixler, 72, a woman.  The board in question is Liberty Elementary District, located in Buckeye.

'Queering the Schoolhouse:' Teacher Training Seeks to Mobilize Student Activists.  A teacher training course from the University of Colorado called "Queering the Schoolhouse" explains how to embed leftist gender theory into the education system and turn students into activists.  The six-week online teacher training is designed to teach educators "about the history of LGBTQ+ issues in education and develop strategies for building more inclusive learning environments for students, teachers, and community members."

Harvard Offering Course About LGBTQ Healthcare For Infants.  Harvard Medical School is now offering a course about providing LGBT healthcare to infants.  The course is titled "Caring for Patients with Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities, and Sex Development."  The course description states, "clinical exposure and education will focus on serving gender and sexual minority people across the lifespan, from infants to older adults."  The elective includes "partnerships and clinical experiences at Harvard Medical School hospitals and within community settings, including clinical experiences at Boston Children's Hospital."

Heard about the Chicago public schools grooming gangs?  It was a story that came and went a few days ago.  The Chicago Board of Education's Inspector General's office came up with an annual report noting hundreds — and hundreds — of sexual incidents by Chicago public school teachers commiting crimes against students in their "care" — groomings, rapes, "love" affairs, and inappropriate sexual touching and encounters.  The figure was described in the report as "an extraordinary high case volume."  Kira Davis at RedState has descriptions of some of the most revolting activities. [...] Undoubtedly, there are more such crimes of this nature that go unreported as such things go.  If you were a kid, would you even know who to report such unthinkable acts to?  You wouldn't have any idea who could be trusted and you'd probably see your claim swept under the rug if not get yourself penalized for reporting it.  It's also a very good reason to leave the public schools.  And yes, people are leaving.

Inspector Report Found Hundreds Of Chicago Teachers Allegedly Sexually Groomed, Raped Students.  The Chicago Board of Education's Office of Inspector General (OIG) annual report found hundreds of Chicago Public School (CPS) teachers were accused of adult-to-student sexual misconduct in the 2021-2022 school year.  The OIG's Sexual Allegations Unit (SAU) opened 447 cases investigating teachers for allegedly grooming, sexually assaulting, or raping CPS students last school year, following the 325 opened in 2021.  Of the open cases, the SAU closed 600 over the past 12 months, according to the OIG annual report, reported ChicagoCityWire.  SAU investigated a Chicago high school substitute teacher for grooming several students for sex and engaging in sexual acts with at least one student on school property, the OIG found.

Who Gave the Government the Right to Push LGBT Propaganda into Schools?  Obviously, the message has not resonated with the federal government that parents are fed up with government dictating what their children are being taught and being told they have no rights as parents.  On December 27, the CDC republished a "self-assessment tool" that encourages teachers, administrators, and school health staff to promote LGBT-inclusive "school environments, policies, programs, and practices."  The CDC website has an entire section under "For Schools" devoted to "Supporting LGBTQ Youth" that includes professional development for staff.  There, under "Tools for Supporting LGBT Youth," is the self-assessment document, "LGBTQ Inclusivity in Schools: A Self-Assessment Tool."

Brooklyn librarians lead fight to keep pornographic books in schools — and promptly receive award.  Librarian Jackson Gomes and his intrepid colleagues at the Brooklyn Public Library have taken up (figurative) arms to fight what Gomes claims is a War on Books.  Theirs is a movement, he avers.  One he hopes will continue to grow.  Gomes was stirred to action by the recent accounts of parents' and conservative lawmakers' attempts to get certain extremely graphic — and shall we say "sexually diverse" — books removed from school libraries.  "When I work with kids, it worries me that they don't have access to freedom to read books," Gomes said.  So, he and several other librarians leapt to action and started their own book club called "Books Unbanned" to make certain that our youngsters continue to have access to books filled with gay porn and transgender propaganda.  (This so impressed the folks at Library Journal that it has already named them librarians of the year.)

Shocking Chicago Public Schools Report Reveals Over 600 Cases Of Staff Grooming and Sexually Assaulting Students.  A shocking report from the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has revealed hundreds of cases of teachers sexually grooming and assaulting CPS students in 2022 and earlier.  The report, released last week, details disturbing encounters between staff and students, including one CPS teacher who "groomed and sexually assaulted" a 17-year-old girl on multiple occasions.  In a move that will feel familiar to parents already sounding the alarm about school officials encouraging students to be open about sexual issues with teachers while hiding it from parents, the girl told investigators "she began to think of him as her friend and therapist."

Pro-Trans Organization Explains How They Embed Gender Ideology in Schools.  A pro-transgender organization explained how they use children's books to embed gender ideology in schools and get "in front of kids."  A video from the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) sheds light on how the organization seeks to embed gender ideology into America's schools.  Michael Rady, who runs the organization's "Rainbow Library" program, explained that they send "LGBTQ+ affirming books to schools and libraries for free" and that some of the books are even aimed at children in kindergarten.

A federal judge essentially says parents have no rights over their children.  Lenin is reputed to have said, "Give me four years to teach the children, and the seeds I have planted will never be uprooted."  Every parent knows this is true: Children are sponges, learning things incredibly quickly.  These things then stick, for they are buried in the very deepest recesses of our brains.  Today's leftists are attempting to reinstitute this specific type of Leninism in America.  They want your children, and your efforts to protest will be unavailing.  A Massachusetts federal judge confirmed this last week, saying that it didn't "shock the conscience" that a school secretly indoctrinated two children into transgenderism. [...] The case revolves around the fact that the school deliberately made the decision to keep from the parents the demands that they be treated as members of the opposite sex in junior high school.

Federal Judge Says School Hiding Kids' Gender Transitions Doesn't 'Shock The Conscience,' Throws Out Parent Lawsuit.  A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit from Massachusetts parents who accused public school officials of hiding their children's gender transitions from them.  U.S. District Court Judge Mark Mastroianni, an Obama appointee, criticized Ludlow Public Schools officials for allegedly hiding the pair of siblings' gender transitions from their parents, but he said the officials' actions do not "shock the conscience."  "While the court is apprehensive about the alleged policy and actions of the Ludlow Public Schools with regard to parental notification, it cannot conclude the decision to withhold information" about the children from their parents meets the conscience-shocking legal standard in Massachusetts, the judge wrote in his December 14 ruling.

Biden investigates school library for removing child pornography.  Biden's pushing to force the Granbury, Texas, school district to make the book [Gender Queer] available at its library to children.  This is part of the recruiting effort — grooming — by the LGBT wing of the Democrat Party.  The campaign began with the American Library Association selecting this obscure comic book (marketed as a graphic novel because its paper quality is better than most comic books) as the library association's book of the year in 2020.  This allows liberals to parade the book around as if it were great literature.  These are the same liberals who have tried to ban Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer.  The left praised To Kill a Mockingbird for 60 years and rightly so.  Now it is considered racist.  The battle to force schools to make Gender Queer available is loony but effective.

This is what kids are learning nowadays.  There was a time in America when schools did the job they were supposed to do.  "Transgenderism" indoctrination did not exist.  Schools made sure to prepare the future generation to succeed in the real world.  However, that has now changed.  Flash forward to the twenty-first century, and you will find that kids are learning about "drag queens" as well as the idea that men can be women and women can be men.  These people are sick!  This societal corruption is psychologically, and at times, physically, hurting our children.  This is what Democrats want for your children.  Think about that.

Chicago private school holds 'affinity groups' that white students are banned from attending.  The elite, $40,000-a-year Chicago school that was recently revealed to have students as young as 14 discussing sex toys also has 'affinity groups' that ban white children from attending.  Francis W. Parker School has come under fire after Dean Joseph Bruno, 41, told an undercover reporter from the conservative news website Project Veritas that the school aims to teach students at the Francis W. Parker School all about queer sexual intercourse.  There's more to the 'progressive' school's activities, including the affinity groups for children as young as four.

Project Veritas Undercover Highlights Chicago School Dean Bragging About Sharing Sex Toys with Minors in Classroom.  Project Veritas Undercover has captured video of a Chicago school dean of students bragging about how he organizes sexualization of minors in school complete with [stuff] for the students to play with.

Here's someone who shouldn't be allowed within 500 feet of a school building:
Woke California teacher who identifies as 'trans demi-boy non-binary' is teaching kids about gender and pronouns.  A woke teacher who identifies as 'trans demi-boy non-binary' teaches children about gender and pronouns using 'gender-fluid' stuffed unicorns and narwhals.  Skye Tooley told TikTok followers how fifth graders at Saturn Street Elementary in LA are taught using the bizarre methods.  Tooley told the 13,000 people who follow him there are 'many more genders out there in the universe' — using a stuffed toy to demonstrate.  In one segment, the teacher says: 'This is a lama unicorn... I thought it was so cute to let my kids name the llama unicorn.  'It was a mistake.  So this little llama is gender-fluid; we will be practicing pronouns with this little llama.  '[Children] are very much ready for these topics and are way more accepting than adults when it comes to discussing these topics and talk about gender, gender assumptions, pronouns, all the things.[']

It's time to wage war against classroom décor.  Libs of TikTok has a running theme: Videos and photographs showing how teachers have decorated "their" classrooms.  These decorations reliably take the form of pro-LGBTQ+++ and pro-BLM paraphernalia.  Sometimes, the videos come from students and parents highlighting the indoctrination taking place in these classrooms but, as often as not, the videos come from the teachers themselves, proudly boasting about the political values they're selling in "their" classrooms.  However, these rooms do not belong to the teachers.  They belong to the school, which is paid for by the taxpayer.  It's time to stop all this personalization and return classrooms to neutral forums.

Michigan Department Of Education Provided Educators With Materials On How To Create A 'Gay Straight Alliance' Club.  The Michigan Department of Education (MDOE) promoted resources for educators on how to start a "Gay Straight Alliance" (GSA) club in their schools, according to training materials.  The MDOE's LGBTQ Students Project includes trainings and resources for LGBTQ students as well as educators on getting a GSA club "up and running," according to the materials.  For starting a GSA club, the department promoted a GSA resource list and brainstorming activity for educators to teach them how to advertise the club and insure student confidentiality.  An activity titled "what are some best practices to help your GSA be successful?" encourages educators to find a "safe space" for a club by reaching out to a school counselor or band director.  To advertise the club, the activity suggests school announcements and putting the information in school newsletters.

Biden Education Official Says Democracy — And Everything Else — Is White Supremacy.  "Kristina Ishmael [she/her]," a Biden deputy director to the Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology, made her Twitter account private after Fox News caught her claiming that democracy, "fatphobia," and, well, pretty much everything else is "white supremacy."  Considering that Ishmael said she was tuning out white people, while she/herself is white, should we follow her example and exclude her from public expression? [...] Ishmael also seemed to ponder if white homosexuals ought to be considered marginalized in school curriculum.  Which is clearly a consideration of paramount importance for an educator.  "In most 'inclusive' materials, the most dominant folx are still represented in the marginalized group (e.g. white, cis, gay men).  This does not include the nuance of this group," Ishmael whined.  But she's always focused on the most important aspects of education:  "[M]ost of my curriculum was written from a very narrow and white perspective."

Oregon school board takes meetings online to hide from angry parents.  The North Clackamas School District in Oregon is only the latest in a long string of districts where parents have grown fed up with the school's woke leftist policies being approved by the school board.  Parents have been showing up for school board meetings with a list of grievances over inappropriate, sexualized material in the schools, gender-bending indoctrination, and policies intended to keep secrets from parents regarding their children's development.  After one recent meeting, the board decided to respond, but not by addressing the parents' concerns.  They instead announced that all future meetings would be held "online," depriving the parents of the opportunity to be heard.  As a result, the school is now losing more students and the board members may face the possibility of being removed from their positions.

Michigan Parents Sue School Board For Allowing Pornographic Books In Schools.  Dearborn parents are suing a Michigan school district for admitting pornographic books into schools.  Dearborn Public School parents served the school board with an intent to sue on Monday night at a Board of Education meeting.  After a tumultuous board meeting in October, when hundreds of Muslim and Christian Dearborn parents called for the removal of multiple "sexually explicit" books, parents had "no other choice but to retain legal expertise," said Dearborn resident Mike Hacham.  "As you are well aware, these parents have expressed to you great concerns regarding books depicting/describing pornography, pedophilia, and/or other sexually explicit content in your school library," the lawsuit reads.  "They are also concerned over your sexual education policy, enhanced by your own denial of their right to 'opt-out' of your district's sexual education program, in direct violation of Michigan law."

Leftists carefully market sex books to make them seem wholesome for kids.  Calvert County, a wealthy, mostly conservative, county in Maryland, is either deliberately grooming its public school students or it fell prey to the way in which genuinely obscene books are marketed as charmingly educational.  That is, the marketing is intended to fool parents and staff alike.  Back in the 1970s, not a single library book in my high school had openly described sexuality, whether fiction or non-fiction.  In English classes, we read the classics: Shakespeare, Dickens, Orwell, and (to my dismay) Salinger. [...] When my kids were in high school less than a decade ago, they didn't read the classics, but they did read a novel about life in a South African brothel and learn that, in Japan, there once were three acknowledged sexes.  The kids were greatly surprised when I explained that this "third sex" was the use of young boys as the poor man's substitute for an expensive prostitute.  That is, it was a polite cultural cover-up.  My school days seem antediluvian and my kids' school days have a certain nostalgic charm compared to what the kids are learning in high school nowadays.

Ron DeSantis understands that the culture war is a winner.  I have argued consistently that fighting against the "transgender" movement is a winner for conservatives.  Once people have children, they become very protective of them and do not want their son's weird, pierced, blue-haired kindergarten teacher to convince him he's really a girl and, oh, by the way, don't tell your mommy and daddy that.  Ron DeSantis's decisive victory in Florida indicates that the policy is a winner (with Glenn Youngkin's 2020 Virginia victory suggesting the same).

Michigan Muslims Rock the Casbah Over Gay Porn in Schools, Jumping En Masse to the GOP.  Seven months ago, an intrepid PJ Media columnist with wonderful hair opined that the transgender movement would bring down the ultra-commies running the Democrat party.  While the Democrats were attacking white Christians for believing women are women and men are not, they never thought the Muslim community might have a say in all this.  They do.  We are less than a week before the midterms, and the Democrats are in panic mode.  They didn't learn from Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin's victory last November — don't mess with people's kids — and they didn't see themselves possibly losing Michigan.

Parents fume over local library's kids' section featuring a queer 'manifesto' and 'pornographic' sexuality guide.  In Thomasville, Georgia, parents are furious over a local library featuring in its kids' section the queer manifesto "All Boys Aren't Blue" and what is described as a pornographic sexuality guide called "It's Perfectly Normal."  Several books are being protested after parents discovered much to their collective horror that they were being provided by the library, according to the Daily Mail.  Aside from "All Boys Aren't Blue" and "It's Perfectly Normal," the library is also promoting "Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out."  Another book deemed as offensive is "The Hate U Give," which delves into police brutality against black youths and teenagers.

Federal Judge Refuses to Block So-Called 'Don't Say Gay Bill,' Protecting Children From the Left's Agenda.  A federal judge won't block Gov. Ron DeSantis' (R-Fla) "Parental Rights in Education" bill, dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill.  U.S. District Judge Wendy Berger refused to block Florida school districts from carrying out a new state law that restricts instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in classrooms, rejecting arguments by parents, students, and a non-profit organization.

Students demand professor be fired for stating a fact.  Persecution is now cool!  After decades of quiet effort by leftists to eliminate all conservative teachers from the halls of education, we are now seeing the results:  Students at the University of Southern Maine are boycotting the classes of one education professor, Christy Hammer, while also insisting she should be fired, simply because she stated in class this basic fact of biology:  that there are only two sexes.

Eight things that killed the Democrat Party.  [#5] Drag Queens in the Schools:  Young children have been indoctrinated into sexual fetishism and perverse sexual behavior at the behest of school administrators and leftist parents who seem to see nothing morally wrong with gay men dressing up as women in highly sexually-suggestive costumery and behavior.  Why they are doing this has become clear:  They want to break down all parental control over children and indoctrinate them into pedophilia, perversity, and compliance.  For most parents, this was a bustier too far.

CDC spends $85 million on grant program requiring schools to allow LGBT clubs.  Public records show that a major grant program requires schools that receive the funding to allow LGBT clubs and policies.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spent $85 million on a 5-year grant program which compels schools to increase their support for LGBT ideology.  According to a notice of funding report put out by the organization, recipients could be granted between $12,000 and $350,000 from 2018-2023.  In 2018, the CDC released a lengthy document titled "Promoting Adolescent Health through School-Based HIV Prevention."  This resource details the requirements to form LGBT clubs called Gay-Straight Alliances or Genders and Sexualities Alliances (GSA).  In order to be eligible for the grant, schools must "establish or enhance [these] student-led clubs that support LGBT youth."

Christian Teacher Fired for Refusing to Read LGBTQ Books to Children.  Last week, a Christian teacher in California was fired from her job at a preschool for refusing to read an LGBTQ-themed book to the children of her class.  As reported by NewsBusters, Nelli Parisenkova has since filed a lawsuit against her former employer, Bright Horizons Children's Center, over her firing.  The school, located in Studio City, serves children at or under the age of 5 years.  The school has publicly declared its "commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion."  Parisenkova had previously voiced her religious objections to having to read such materials, and was granted an exception for four years.  However, in April of this year, when the school's location's director Katy Callas, who is a lesbian, heard about Parisenkova's objections, she refused to extend her religious exemption.

How Much Porn Do Libraries And Schools Have To Sponsor To Get Defunded?  The latest big flare-up over public education institutions sponsoring explicit sexual materials for kids occurred in Dearborn, Michigan, on Thursday.  The community's majority-Muslim school parents pitched a royal fit at two school board meetings last week over homosexual and transsexual books for kids on public school library shelves.  They verbally clashed with teachers union and other LGBT activist groups and locals.  The pro-LGBT speakers insisted that attempting to keep sexually explicit materials from kids amounted to "erasing" homosexuals and transexuals and an act of "hate" against their identities.

North Carolina Mom Reads From Graphic Book 'Found' In Classroom, Slams 'Pedophile' Teacher Who 'Grooms Children'.  A North Carolina mother read from a graphic novel found in her child's seventh-grade classroom during an Oct. 12 school board meeting, according to video footage from the event.  The mother alleges that the book "This Book Is Gay," by Juno Dawson is available to seventh-grade students at a middle school in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools.  The book was allegedly found at Collingswood Middle School and allegedly on a recommended reading list at another school in the district.  Before reading the graphic novel, the mother insisted children leave the room before she read a chapter titled "The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex."

At least 269 K-12 educators in the U.S. have been arrested for child sex crimes already this year.  This is not normal and we are under no obligation to accept it as normal.  [Tweet]  Now, it's true that, by relative numbers, this is a very small fraction of the total number of teachers in the United States.  Still, by raw numbers it's quite a lot.  There's no point in downplaying that.  And we should be prepared to learn about many more incidents in the years ahead.

Substitute Teacher Fired for Expressing Concerns About Book Promoting Homosexuality To Children.  A substitute teacher in Bryan County, Georgia, was fired after expressing her concerns about a book in the school library depicting same-sex couples taking their children to school and two lesbian mothers, one of whom is pregnant.  Lindsey Barr, 37, first encountered the book, titled "All Are Welcome," when her 6-year-old son's teacher informed parents that it would be introduced to students during a "read aloud" story time in the school library.  Barr's three children attend public school in Bryan County, with her first- and third-grade sons attending McAllister Elementary School, where she sometimes teaches.

Hochul orders probe into Pride flags ban at Long Island high school.  A woke Long Island teacher was forced to remove two Pride flags from her classroom after students complained that one of them made them "uncomfortable" — prompting Gov. Kathy Hochul to launch an investigation.  The flag flap erupted when Sarah Ecke, a math teacher at Connetquot High School in Bohemia, refused to take down a Rainbow flag and a Progress Pride flag, Newsday reported.  Some of the students had complained that the Progress flag — which has more colors than the traditional version — left them "feeling uncomfortable," according to the news outlet.

Celebrity Drag Queen Serves As Crossing Guard For Denver Students To Promote Safety.  A Denver school featured a drag queen as a crossing guard in celebration of National Walk and Bike to School Day, according to school social media posts.  Drag entertainer Dixie Krystals helped students cross the street at Denver Public School on Oct. 12 as a part of the school's Walk & Roll to School Day, according to social media posts.  Krystals was included as one of the school's "celebrity crossing guards" in honor of Pedestrian Safety Month.  While at the event, Krystal is seen in a Twitter video donning a yellow safety vest, blowing a whistle and waving several students across the street.  "Drag queens are known for their lewd and sexualized performances, and they have no place in or around schools," Parents Defending Education Investigative Fellow Alex Nester told the Daily Caller News Foundation.  "Yet, for whatever reason, schools have been insistent on giving children access to these performers.  It's immoral, distracting and confusing for children."

Students Want Professor Removed for Saying There Are Only Two Sexes.  The University of Southern Maine's Christy Hammer, who could fairly be described as a "woke" professor herself, is the target of an effort by students to remove her from teaching a class because she answered a student's question honestly.  Hammer, an associate professor of Teacher Education at the public (taxpayer-supported) university, was teaching a graduate course last month, entitled "Creating a Positive Learning Environment," when a student asked her how many sexes there were.  Hammer responded, "Two."  That upset the student who asked the question, Elizabeth Leibiger, who identifies herself as "nonbinary," or neither male nor female.  Leibiger told the media, "I felt under personal attack."  "I let her know," Leibiger said, "I didn't think she was qualified to teach a class about positive learning environments.  It's the ultimate irony."  Actually, the "ultimate irony" is that Dr. Hammer's response is somehow considered "controversial."  Throughout human history, it has been widely understood that human beings are either male or female.

Biden administration demands Alabama embrace genderless schools or else, but we aren't giving in.  Undeterred by repeated losses, the Biden administration's war on red states and our "Neanderthal thinking" rages on.  This month, my colleagues and I are fighting Biden and his comrades at the United States Department of Agriculture in court to protect the right of states to run their public schools as they see fit.  This time, the fight isn't over curriculum or masking — it's whether states still possess the paltry authority to require boys to use the boys' bathroom at school.  The United States Constitution leaves no doubt as to the states' broad authority over their own public schools, but the Biden administration supposes that everything — even schoolchildren — has a price.

King's College in London doing study on menopause in "trans-women".  Not to put too fine a point on it, but men pretending to be women do not get menopause.  That isn't an obstacle to the researchers at Kings College in London.  Apparently they got some money to research the non-existent phenomenon. [...] When I saw a link to the study I assumed it was a joke, but silly me, I just haven't wrapped my mind around how ridiculous our intellectual masters have become.  No matter how clownish you know they have become, they actually are much worse.  There actually is a method to their madness.  What they are doing is generating a body of fake "science" that they then can refer to when arguing that trans-women are real women.  It is of a piece with Planned Parenthood and others arguing that men can get pregnant.

Is the Transgender Fad a Triumph of Marketing?  The number of cases of child gender dysphoria in the U.S. has now exploded well over 1,000 times above its historically tiny 0.01 percent of the population.  This unnatural surge in popularity has all the symptoms of a fad, and most parents are concerned (except for the woke). [...] Our education system is on the front lines with many new woke teachers who will actively influence K-12 students to accept gender-affirming measures and are willing to keep it a secret from parents.  However, there are many more players than woke schoolteachers inside the educational system helping to hypersexualize our children.  This shocking video from the No Left Turn in Education organization describes the growing and extremely disturbing web of powerful organizations involved.  This is obviously a well-funded, multiheaded monster that will be difficult to defeat.

North Texas School District Promotes LGBT Group Offering 'Queer Sex Ed' Lessons.  As school districts across the state come under fire for indoctrinating students with transgender theory and divisive racial policies, Lewisville Independent School District, located near Dallas, is promoting "Queer Sex Ed" to children.  Last week Libs of TikTok — a Twitter account that routinely exposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children — shared screenshots from Lewisville ISD's Counseling Services page, which included links to LGBT organizations PFLAG and Youth First Texas.

Muslims, Christians and Jews Unite To Demand Removal of Explicit Books From Dearborn, MI Public School Libraries.  How far are parents willing to let leftist educators go when it comes to the indoctrination of their children before they say "enough!"?  Will the Democrat lawmakers and leaders who are supporting the theft of our children's innocence pay a heavy price for supporting this radical "families last" ideology?  This weekend, a huge group of over 800 parents in the predominately Arab community of Dearborn, MI, came together to fight back against the sexualization of our children in public schools.  The huge crowd included Muslims, Christians, and Jews who are fed up with the sexualization of their children and are coming together to fight back.  Their goal is simple — Protect our children from the radical agenda of educators who allow explicit material on library shelves in public schools that can be accessed by students without consent from their parents.

Gay Man Gives Fiery Speech Against Woke School Board Wanting to Teach Transgenderism to Kids.  Conejo Valley School District probably wasn't ready for what came at them last Tuesday when a man named Mario came and gave an important and energizing speech against the grooming of children and the attempt to teach them transgenderism.  Known as "Mario Presents" to the public, Mario represents a group gaining a lot of popularity called "Gays Against Groomers."  A gay Hispanic man himself, Mario has indicated that he's against the abuse of children by the LGBT activist community by teaching them things like gender fluidity, homosexuality, and transgenderism.  According to Mario, the basics such as reading, writing, and arithmetic, should come first.  He made his position clear when he gave a small speech that got a massive ovation from attendees that, thankfully, was recorded so that we could all see it ourselves.

Air Force Academy diversity training tells cadets to use words that 'include all genders,' drop 'mom and dad'.  A diversity and inclusion training by the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado instructs cadets to use words that "include all genders" and to refrain from saying things like "mom" and "dad."  The slide presentation titled, "Diversity & Inclusion: What it is, why we care, & what we can do," advises cadets to use "person-centered" and gender-neutral language when describing individuals.  "Some families are headed by single parents, grandparents, foster parents, two moms, two dads, etc.: consider 'parent or caregiver' instead of 'mom and dad,'" the presentation states. "Use words that include all genders: 'Folks' or 'Y'all' instead of 'guys'; 'partner' vs. 'boyfriend or girlfriend.'"

Burn It All Down — Fire the Creeper Teachers.  One thing I'm constantly grateful for these days is that my daughter is no longer in the K-12 portion of her education journey.  It's a freak-filled jungle out there.  OK, maybe not "filled."  I should say up front that I know that a lot of teachers are good people and dedicated to doing their jobs well.  It's just that the bad ones are becoming more prominent in our collective awareness.  One wonders how long they've been lurking.  We've discussed the leftist penchant for blathering on about sex in front of school kids.  It's become pathological, and we've seen parents pushing back for the past couple of years.

New Jersey To Punish Schools That Don't Teach 10-Year-Olds About Gender Identity.  The New Jersey Department of Education will intervene in school districts that do not implement the state's new sexual education standards that teach 10-year-olds the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity, according to statement shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation.  The New Jersey Department of Education told the DCNF that schools that fail to adhere to their new sexual education standards will face "disciplinary action," resulting in monitoring or intervention from the state government.  The standards were passed in 2020 but their implementation was delayed until the 2022-2023 school year because of the pandemic.

Sixth Graders Protect Their Fellow Students From a Creepy Teacher.  What do you do when your teacher is a pervert and no one will listen?  You take matters into your own hands.  According to a report in The Boston Globe, sixth-graders, no less, at Davisville Middle School in Rhode Island had had enough of their teacher not only being cruel to the boys but also with the way he treated the girls.  He leered at them, gave them pet names, and asked them to dance.  He even allegedly asked one girl to take off her shoes and show him her toes.  The unnamed teacher, who was also a coach, told the kids he had dealt with parents' complaints before and was not worried.

And then they wonder why parents are pulling their kids out.  We see it all around us.  I meet more and more parents who are homeschooling or doing whatever it takes to take their kids out of public schools.  In California, for example, 250,000 have dropped out.  Well, one thousand here, one thousand there, and pretty soon a lot of kids are not attending their local public schools.

Texas teacher on pedophiles: 'Don't judge people just because they want to have sex with a 5-year-old'.  A Texas high school teacher's apparent defense of the feelings of pedophiles blew up big time after a video of her instructing students to refer to depraved sexual degenerates as "Minor Attracted Persons" was posted to social media where it went viral, resulting in a predictable firestorm of outrage that may have burned her career to a cinder.  The woman — identified as Amber Parker — who teaches English at Franklin High School in El Paso has been placed on administrative leave and is facing termination for her remarks during a lesson, admonishing a student who did not use the "woke" left's preferred descriptive term for criminal perverts who prey on underaged victims.  "Stop it Diego!" Parker harshly scolds a student.  "We are not going to call them that.  We are going to call them MAPS, Minor Attracted Persons so don't judge people just because they want to have sex with a 5-year-old."

Dismantling the Transgender Establishment.  The kids may be back in school, but this year parents are more fearful thanks in part to the courageous parents in Loudoun County Virginia who nearly two years ago brought to national attention the transgender policy, pro-LGBT Sex Ed, and divisive CRT indoctrination in public schools.  Although their exercise of free speech earned them threats from Biden's increasingly militarized DoJ, more parents nationwide learned that their kids, from K-12 and college, are likely to be indoctrinated with radical leftist woke ideology, including the absurd idea that sexual identity is a personal choice.  In Virginia, the top issue remains transgender bathroom policy.  A clear majority of parents showing up at school board meetings the last two years don't want biological males who identify as female in girl's private areas and vice-versa.  All legislators should take heed of the lesson learned by Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe (D Va.) who lost a seemingly shoo-in governor's race to novice politician Glenn Youngkin (R) after telling concerned parents they have no say in their kid's education!

Florida school board votes down proposed LGBTQ month after heated meeting.  The Miami-Dade School Board in Florida rejected a proposed LGBTQ month for students after a contentious three-hour meeting Wednesday night.  The measure would have recognized October as an official period of LGBTQ recognition in the district's schools and taught older students about two Supreme Court cases related to gay rights.  Backers of the proposal argued that the initiative would ease stigmas plaguing the community — with some public speakers likening opposition to Nazi marginalization of specific groups.  Opponents asserted that the plan was tantamount to "indoctrination" and would introduce sexualized subject matter to Miami-Dade schools without adequate parental awareness.  The board eventually voted down the proposal by a margin of 8 to 1, with the plan's sponsor, board member Lucia Baez Geller, the sole backer.

Irish teacher suspended from school, jailed over transgender pronouns flap.  A teacher in Ireland has been suspended from work and then jailed for contempt of court after he refused to use the correct pronouns to address a transgender student.  Enoch Burke was arrested on Monday for violating a court order barring him from teaching at Wilson's Hospital School in Westmeath, or even being present there, the news site reported.  Judge Michael Quinn found Burke guilty of violating an order made by the High Court last week and sent him to Mountjoy Prison, where he will remain until either he purges his contempt or the court gives further orders.

Suspended Public School Teacher Who Refused Using Preferred Pronouns Wins Huge Settlement In Court.  A Kansas middle school teacher won a massive settlement against her former employer in a case surrounding preferred pronoun use and amidst a larger cultural battle in which radical gender theory continues to creep into modern life.  Teacher Pamela Ricard was awarded $95,000, thanks to the support of the liberty advocacy legal group Alliance Defending Freedom.  They rightly defended Ricard's right to freely exercise her faith and express her own viewpoints after she was suspended for three days last March by using only the student's enrolled name.

Title IX Comes for Christian Schools.  Sometimes, scrolling through the news, you come across a story so ludicrous, so extreme, it seems like someone must have made it up to prove a point.  Take, for example, the recent situation at Grant Park Christian Academy in Tampa, where the federal government was threatening to take away school lunches for underprivileged children unless the school allowed, among other things, male students to share lockers, showers, and bathrooms with female students.  For Grant Park and other Christian schools and universities that have chosen to uphold their deeply held beliefs, reality is proving crazier than fiction.  The Biden administration has proposed changes to the language of Title IX, a civil rights law designed to prevent sex-based discrimination.  The administration is trying to change the meaning of the word "sex" to include "gender identity and sexual orientation."  This seemingly small change would set off a cascade of problems, as it would compel all Americans — regardless of their deeply held beliefs about the nature of sex and gender — to assent to the current radical view that maleness and femaleness are just a matter of individual expression.

Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country.  [Scroll down] The most obvious example is education.  American schools teach less and indoctrinate more than ever before.  Big-city public (and most private) schools are damaging young Americans to an extent and in ways no one imagined just a few years ago.  Young children are prematurely sexualized — they are, for example, exposed to "Drag Queen Story Hour" in class and in local libraries from the age of 5.  These feature a man dressed as a woman reading and dancing for them.  And who is facilitating all of this?  In virtually every case, a woman.  Ninety-two percent of kindergarten teachers are women, 75% of all teachers are women and 85% of librarians are women.  And they are teaching young people to despise their country (the creator of the poisonous "1619 Project" is a woman), to feel guilty about their "white privilege" or to think of themselves as victims if they are black.  Even worse, they are indoctrinating them in "nonbinary" thinking regarding sex and gender.

Teachers Who Don't Affirm Gender Identities [are] Accused of Harming Students.  Do you remember when you first heard of the terms "nonbinary" or "gender fluid"? How about "gender-expansive" or "gender-nonconforming"?  I bet it was within the last five years.  I recently came across a guide distributed to teachers and administrators nationwide.  The guide was made in partnership with the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Education Association (the largest teachers union in the United States), and other LGBT groups.  The guide is titled "Schools in Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools."  So what's in this nationally distributed guide?  It states: "The expression of transgender identity, or any other form of gender-expansive behavior, is a healthy, appropriate and typical aspect of human development.  A gender-expansive student should never be asked, encouraged or required to affirm a gender identity or to express their gender in a manner that is not consistent with their self-identification or expression.  Any such attempts or requests are unethical and will likely cause significant emotional harm."  It continues, "Ongoing learning is a key element of this process.  Educators and administrators need to engage in regular professional development and training to build a school climate that avoids gender stereotyping and affirms the gender of all children."

Pedophiles Are Proliferating in Our Schools.  In the social hierarchy of prison inmates, mob bosses, bank robbers, and cop killers tend to get respect.  But "short eyes," those convicts who have committed crimes against children, especially sexual abuse, are hated, harassed, and abused.  In schools, however, this group of detestable perverts rates a "meh."  The numbers are stunning.  A report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education in 2004 revealed that nearly 9.6% of students are victims of sexual abuse by school personnel, and these are just the reported cases.  Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation (SESAME), a nonprofit that works to stop childhood sexual abuse by teachers and other school employees, discloses that in 2015, about 3.5 million 8th-11th grade students, or nearly 7% of those surveyed divulged that they had experienced "physical sexual contact from an adult" (most often a teacher or coach).  The type of physical contact ranged from "unwanted touching of their body, all the way up to sexual intercourse."  Even worse, the statistic increases to about 4.5 million children (10%) when other types of sexual misconduct are taken into consideration, such as being shown pornography or being subjected to sexually explicit language or exhibitionism.  SESAME also explains that one child sex offender can have as many as 73 victims in their lifetime.

Fairfax teachers [are being] trained to transition children's genders without parental approval.  Fairfax County Public Schools in northern Virginia are requiring all teachers to complete a training program that says parental permission is not required for students who seek to be addressed by different names or pronouns.  According to materials obtained by the Washington Examiner, the district assigned the training program "Supporting Gender Expansive and Transgender Youth" on July 22 for teachers in all grades, including preschool.  Two sources within Fairfax County Public Schools confirmed that the training was required for all teachers.

Woke Teachers Have No Idea When America Was Founded, Focus On Teaching BLM And LGBTQ Lessons Instead.  This teacher, who doesn't know when America was founded, says she teaches her students about protesting and activism but refuses to teach the curriculum.  [Video clip]

Take a Look At The Sexual Propaganda Displayed In A 5th Grade Classroom At The United Nations International School In NYC.  Posters promoting cross-dressing, gender fluidity, social justice and "sustainability" are plastered on the walls of a fifth-grade classroom at the United Nations International School in New York City.  "Proud are the brave," a poster featuring a man dressed in drag states.  "Be true to you."  "All that matters is that we are in love.  Love knows no gender and no hate," the caption on the photo continues.  "Lets celebrate and flaunt our true colors and be proud of it."

The Battle for Our Children and Their Minds.  In late June 2021, a video went viral of a father being tackled and dragged out of a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia by burly cops, his t-shirt torn, his hands cuffed, his mouth apparently bleeding.  Scott Smith, 48, had committed the heinous crime of protesting the board's woke policy of gender-fluid bathrooms because his daughter was sexually assaulted in one, at Stone Bridge High School, by a boy who "sometimes wears a skirt."  The sexual assault was later confirmed and the assailant arrested.  He was also charged with one more sex crime at another school and is now at a juvenile detention center.  But during the meeting, woke board members and some parents just wouldn't let Smith speak.  Board members said they knew of no assaults in trans-friendly bathrooms and that the "predator transgender student or person simply does not exist."  For losing his cool at this blatant denial, the cops, says Smith, swooped on him like a "SWAT team."  Smith now stands vindicated and is suing the school district.

Major Teachers' Union Supports Keeping Students Sexual Secrets from Parents.  The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the largest teachers' union in the country, demonstrated its support for teachers maintaining a level of secrecy around students' sexual behavior, such as their so-called "gender identity," even if it includes going so far as keeping such information from their parents.  According to Fox News, AFT's website features a "Share My Lesson" presentation which includes a series of cards that teachers can use in the classroom, categorized as being for "all" grades.  "Something as simple as a Student Introduction Card could make a student feel seen and affirmed," the website post reads.  The lesson was created by the AFT's Vision and Mission of the Identity Affirming Classroom Team.  The cards feature a number of questions that teachers can ask the students about themselves, including their preferred pronouns, and whether or not they want their parents to know about their different pronouns.

Male Teacher Asked This Mom's 11-Year-Old 'Transgender' Daughter To Sleep In Boys' Cabin.  At the beginning of the school year in 2019, Jennifer received an email from her daughter's 5th-grade teacher.  The teacher, a male, was using a different name for her then-10-year-old daughter.  Jennifer thought it was a mistake.  The teacher must have accidentally emailed the wrong parent.  But then, Jennifer went to her daughter's room and found a yellow Post-It note stuck to her dresser with that same name, along with the pronouns "they/them." [...] Jennifer lives in a suburb of Washington state, where children as young as 13 years old can access their own medical and mental health services without parental knowledge or consent.  Parents in these cases are billed by insurance companies with no explanation of benefits, meaning they're stuck with the tab but have no ability to know what services or treatments their child received.

Wisconsin School District Bans Pride Flags Despite Woke Outrage.  We need more school districts like this.  It seems every week we are inundated with stories about school districts subjecting students to woke propaganda instead of focusing on teaching them how to read, write, and do math.  But at least one school district in Wisconsin is refusing to follow suit.  Kettle Moraine School District Superintendent Stephen Plum instructed employees not to display gay pride flags or put their preferred pronouns in email signatures.  The move sparked pushbacks from alumni, students, and members of the staff.  Plum insists he is only following a policy that has already been established.

Portland Public Schools defends teaching transgenderism to kindergartners.  The school district is using a grade-by-grade curriculum to teach children starting at age 5 about transgender ideology, sexual orientation and the role of "white colonizers" in marginalizing LGBTQ people, according to presentation slides that conservative Manhattan Institute fellow Christopher Rufo posted on Twitter last week.

Portland Public Schools defends teaching transgenderism to kindergartners.  In 2016, the Obama administration's Department of Health and Human Services issued a rule that would have forced doctors across the country to assist in transitioning patients out of their biological sex, regardless of a provider's medical opinion or conscience objections.  "A provider specializing in gynecological services that previously declined to provide a medically necessary hysterectomy for a transgender man," for example, "would have to revise its policy to provide the procedure for transgender individuals in the same manner it provides the procedure for other individuals."  The rule left no room for religious physicians or institutions to breathe, instead menacing them with draconian fines, were they not to toe the controversial new line.

Preferred Pronouns and More:  What I Saw at Teachers Union Convention.  As a teacher, I attended the National Education Association convention last week, and my worst fears were confirmed.  Public schools are no longer a safe place for families who hold traditional values or for families who believe gender (as in male/female binary) is biologically determined.  It was also evident that the teachers union is a lobbying arm of the Democratic Party.  The NEA seems to think there are many gender options, and that's why teachers and students must always address themselves with their "preferred" pronouns.  It thinks this pronoun practice is essential and will create a more inclusive society.  That was demonstrated firsthand when each state delegate who spoke during the three-day convention July 4 to 6 was encouraged to state his or her name and "preferred" pronouns before addressing the assembly.  Pronouns I heard were he, she, they — and hex.  One delegate even announced "they" had a uterus before addressing the assembly, apparently because that was something we all needed to know.

Families pull children from school after photos of drag queens [were] displayed in classrooms.  Two families removed their children from a school district in West Chester, Pennsylvania, due to "woke indoctrination," according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.  Stetson Middle School in West Chester, Pennsylvania, posted photos of drag queens and LGBTQ activists on the walls of classrooms for 7th graders as a part of Pride Month, according to documents obtained by the DCNF. Jim Jacobs, a father of an 11-year-old at the school, and Jacobs' brother have removed their children from the school after learning of the pride month activities, Jacobs told the DCNF.

Court upholds right of Catholic school not to employ LGBT teacher in same-sex union.  A Federal appeals court on Thursday [7/28/2022] ruled that a Catholic high school has the right to end its employment of a teacher who entered into a same-sex union in violation of church teachings.  The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Starkey v. Roncalli High School and Archdiocese of Indianapolis that religious schools have a constitutional right to choose who teaches their faith to the next generation.  The appellate court asserted that Lynn Starkey's role as a guidance counselor included ministerial duties, a ministerial exception under the First Amendment allowed the school to not renew her contract.  A district court ruling previously came to the same conclusion.

Maryland School's Guidelines Claim Kids Have A 'Right' To Keep In-School Gender Identities Private.  A Maryland public school district asserts kids have the "right" to keep their in-school gender identities private from parents, according to Montgomery County Public School's "Guidelines for Student" Gender Identity.  The guidelines vow to "respect the right of students to keep their gender identity or transgender status private and confidential," including parents who do not affirm the child's perceived gender identity.  When building a "Gender Support Plan," educators are told to work with the student's family only "if the family is supportive of the student" and their perceived identity, according to the district's guidance.  Educators are told not to contact a student's parent or guardian until they speak with the student to "ascertain the level of support the student either receives or anticipates receiving from home."

Report: At Least 181 K-12 Educators [were] Arrested on Child-Related Sex Crimes in [the] First Half of 2022.  A Fox News Digital analysis of child sex crime data in school districts around the nation has found a minimum of 181 K-12 educators have been arrested on child-related sex crimes in the first half of 2022.  Among those educators arrested were four principals, 153 teachers, 12 substitute teachers, and 12 teachers' aides.  The crimes ranged from child pornography to rape of students.  "Arrests that weren't publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher," Fox News Digital reported.  According to the analysis, at least 77 percent, or 140 of the arrests, constituted alleged crimes against students.

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin's Guidance Allowing Biological Males In Girls' School Bathrooms.  A federal judge has temporarily blocked the Biden administration's Title IX guidance on gender identity and sexual orientation.  U.S. District Judge Charles Atchley in the Eastern District of Tennessee ruled last week that the administration's guidance misquoted the Supreme Court to equate sex and gender identity, likely violating federal law.  The administration's guidance effectively forced states to allow biological males to use girls restrooms, forbade states from barring males from participating in female sports, and forced employers to use employees' preferred pronouns, all at the risk of losing federal funding, according to the state attorneys general who sued the administration.  The guidance was released last year by the Education Department and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Non-binary teacher boasts 1st grader 'came out as trans' after she read pronoun book in class.  "Libs of TikTok" has once again provided a perfect example of why parents are becoming increasingly worried about sending their children to public schools.  The alleged teacher in the video describes how she is non-binary, and how she volunteered to enter other teachers' classrooms to educate their children on LGBT concepts.  Three "allies or accomplices" took her up on the offer, she says, and from there she proceeded to read a book on pronouns to one of the classes.  With a large smile on her face, she announced that when she was finished, one of the first-graders "came out as trans."

Grandparents Lose:  Committee Votes to Keep Graphic Gay Sex Novel on Library Shelves in Oregon Schools.  Grandparents lost their appeal to a committee that voted to keep a book with same-sex oral sex acts and other sexual content on library shelves in Salem, Oregon, schools.  The book at the center of the controversy is Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe, which details the author's "journey toward coming out as nonbinary and asexual."

The Left's obsession with transgenderism is barbaric.  How to explain the Democrat party's obsession with transgenderism, with shoving it down the throats of every American, from ages five and up?  It's inexplicable.  Does every registered Democrat support confusing small children with gender identity indoctrination?  That can't be true.  But school districts across the country are using books about all manner of sexual issues, including pornography, topics way beyond the grasp of small children.  And they are using those books without parents' knowledge.  When parents discover these books and object, they are threatened.  Grooming, a word that once applied to other cultures or the worst sadists, grooming young children for sex with adults, now applies to public schools in America with the full support of American Democrats in Congress.

School Board Accepts Grant for 'Gender-Affirming' Clothing for High School Students.  Missouri's Columbia Public Schools Board of Education this week accepted a $10,000 grant for the creation of what has been described as a "gender-affirming closet" to offer articles of clothing to high school students to assist them in affirming their chosen gender.  The $10,000 grant comes from the It Gets Better Project, a nonprofit organization that aims to "uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth around the globe," according to its mission statement.

Judge stops Idaho university from punishing Christian students for opposing gay marriage.  A judge issued a temporary block to a university policy that censored three Christian students who had expressed opposition to same-sex marriage on religious grounds.  Students Peter Perlot, Mark Miller and Ryan Alexander sued the University of Idaho over a policy in which they were barred from talking with a student about their views on same-sex marriage.  The three belong to the University of Idaho chapter of the Christian Legal Society, which holds traditional views on the definition of marriage and sexual ethics.  In an order released last week, Chief U.S. District Judge David C. Nye issued a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the university's policies against the plaintiffs.

Taxpayer-Funded Brooklyn Public Library to Host Drag Queen Makeup Tutorial for Teens.  The taxpayer-funded Brooklyn Public Library is set to host a drag queen makeup tutorial specifically intended for teenagers.  The event, called "Teen Time:  The Art of Drag — Make-Up Tutorial," is set to take place on July 16th, and will be hosted at the Brooklyn Heights Library.

Children's Library Association Pushes Gender Confusion On Kids With Pro-LGBT Summer Reading List.  The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) is pushing multiple LGBT recommendations in its 2022 Notable Children's Books and Summer Reading Lists.  Some of these books include a simple picture of a gay union, while other suggestions are fully centered around transgenderism, but in each case, these recommendations are meant to normalize and promote LGBT values and lifestyles to children.  By the ALSC adding these books to the reading list, it communicates that these works are of "especially commendable quality, books that exhibit venturesome creativity, and books of fiction, information, poetry, and pictures for all age levels (birth through age 14) that reflect and encourage children's interests in exemplary ways."

Virginia Parents Sue School Board Groomers.  If an adult pulled up to a public playground in a white van and started engaging random children in conversations about sexual behaviors or asking them about their gender identity, it would be a matter for law enforcement, right?  Imagine if that same creepy adult assured the children that their secrets about their inner, nascent sexual feelings would be kept secret "just between them," and he assured the children that their parents would never know about their special conversations.  This would escalate the already troubling situation, wouldn't it?  What if this adult also encouraged the children to use the potty together?  Boys and girls, all going at the same time in the same room.  Even if some of the children were uncomfortable with this arrangement or if their parents told them never to do this sort of thing, the creepy, strange person told the children that it was the rule and they had no choice... they had to go to the potty together in the same room, even if it made them uncomfortable to be in this private place with someone of the opposite sex.  In fact, the adult tells these children they'll be in trouble if they complain about the new potty arrangements.

Gay Kentucky Teacher quits high school job citing homophobia after he was was accused of 'grooming' children.  Willie Carver Jr., who is openly gay, said he felt pushed out of Montgomery County High School after ten years by homophobia, describing his time teaching as a gay man in Kentucky as a 'death by a thousand cuts,' according to NBC News.  His 'breaking point' was when a woman repeatedly accused him of grooming students during a school board meeting earlier this year — and he says the school did nothing to support or defend him.  Carver said that when he was accused of grooming — a homophobic accusation of predatory sexual behavior that has often been lobbed at the LGBTQ community — in March, the accusations and attacks spread online, with somebody posting a photo of him and LGBTQ students alongside homophobic slurs.

Long Island library reverses decision to remove Pride displays and books.  The Long Island library that decided to tear down Pride displays and remove books from children's sections reversed its decision at an emergency meeting Thursday night.  The Smithtown Library board of trustees voted 4-2 to rescind its controversial Tuesday night decision.  One of the seven trustees abstained.  The initial decision prompted a massive response from advocates and a strong statement from the governor, leading to the emergency meeting.  On Tuesday, the board voted 4-2 in favor of a "motion to remove all Pride Displays, in addition to removing all books of the same subject on display, from all Children's sections in all Smithtown Library buildings."  One member was absent Tuesday.

After drag queens, pedophilia is next.  Drag queens are the ultimate symbol of disrespect for women.  Men portray women as gross, ugly beings by dressing up in over-styled inadequate skimpy clothing, with exaggerated features such as caked make up, spiked high heels, etc.  They look like whores, swaying their bodies in a sexually provocative manner, flinging their private body parts around inappropriately, thereby dragging sexuality through the muck.  These shows denigrate women, and portray sexuality as ugly and cheap.  Unfortunately, not only have children been taken to some of these shows, they have even participated in them by stripping, whereupon the adults reward them with money.  The rationale for exposing children to such disgusting behavior is an attempt to sexualize them, and push them into abnormal sexuality by promoting it through imagery and social pressure, and by pushing sexuality in their face everywhere.  Children are being exploited.  This is despicable and is not the least bit funny.  Parents have every right to be outraged.  The goal is to confuse children sexually so that when they grow up, they will think that the weird is normal.

This teacher's arrest is a microcosm of the left's obsession with child sexuality.  A male teacher in Hawaii was arrested for having sex with a 13-year-old male student, which he recorded, and for trading child pornography with a teacher on the mainland.  That's disgusting enough.  What takes the story to a whole other level is the frantic tweets the teacher published haranguing conservatives for having dirty minds and projecting their sins onto innocent educators who merely wanted to make sure young people truly understand sex.  It is a microcosm of the left's predatory obsession with child sexuality.

New York mayor backs city-funded Drag Queen Story Hour for school children.  New York City Mayor Eric Adams defended Thursday sending drag queens to public schools and libraries, saying that inviting flamboyant female impersonators to read to young children promotes "a love of diversity."  The mayor's statement came a few days after the New York Post reported that the city had paid $207,000 to Drag Story Hour NYC to read books to students at dozens of elementary schools, middle schools and high schools since 2018.  "At a time when our LGBTQ+ communities are under increased attack across this country, we must use our education system to educate," Mr. Adams said.

Democrats' New Catchphrase: 'A Drag Queen for Every School'.  Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe captured the mission of the Democratic Party in 2021 when he uttered this phrase:  "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."  Move aside, Terry.  A new catchphrase encapsulates the Democratic Party even better:  "A drag queen for every school."  That demand was uttered Wednesday by Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel at an education speech she delivered in Lansing.  While McAuliffe's tagline showcased the Democratic Party's disregard for the right of parents to have a say in their children's education, Nessel's gets closer to the truth:  Democrats want to indoctrinate children into radical progressivism.

Private Massachusetts Catholic school is excommunicated by local bishop for refusing to remove BLM and Pride flags.  A Catholic private school in Massachusetts has been excommunicated by a local bishop after ignoring orders to remove pride and BLM flags.  The Nativity School of Worcester has been sanctioned by Robert J. McManus, the Bishop of the Diocese of Worcester, for their refusal to take them down.  He says the facility — the only tuition-free private school in the region — cannot continue to call itself Catholic while flying in the face of key church teachings.

Biden under pressure to dump policy using school lunch money to push LGBTQ agenda.  Republican attorneys general in 26 states have called on the Biden administration to drop its LGBTQ requirements for federal school lunch funding, a policy that is accused of using "hungry children as a human shield."  The letter urged President Biden to withdraw the Agriculture Department's May 5 memorandum, which said that state agencies and schools participating in federal food assistance programs must update their policies to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

'Queer Ethics Professor' Calls For Pedophilia To Be Destigmatised And Taught In Schools.  A so called 'ethics professor' from Norway has claimed that pedophilia should be classed as an 'innate sexuality' and taught in schools.  Yes, really.  Reduxx reports that Ole Martin Moen from Oslo Metropolitan University is calling for the 'destigmatisation' of pedos, claiming that "the mental state of finding children sexually attractive is very common."  Moen, a gay man who identifies as "queer,"also claims that a significant "percentage of high school students have an innate pedophilic sexual identity," something he equates with those who identify as LGBTQ+.  Oh, are we finally adding the 'P' now?  What colour will the pedos have on the rainbow flag?

Joe Biden to sign order for LGBTQ+ inclusive schools, foster system.  President Biden will mark Pride Month Wednesday by mandating that federal agencies craft "inclusive" school policies and ensure that same-sex couples and transgender adults can foster children.  Biden will sign an executive order that includes various other gay and transgender rights initiatives at an afternoon White House event with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the first Senate-approved openly gay cabinet member.  Other provisions instruct the Federal Trade Commission to look into whether the phrase "conversion therapy" amounts to deceptive marketing and order the Department of Health and Human Services to draft a "Bill of Rights for LGBTQ+ Older Adults."  A Biden administration official told reporters that the president will use the signing event to condemn recent legislation in Republican-led states that restricts the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity.  A Florida law restricts such topics in kindergarten through third grade.

New York Spent More Than $200,000 on Drag Queens — at Public Schools.  When you think of school, do you remember all the drag queens?  A growing number of graduates will do exactly that.  According to the New York Post, colossal amounts of cash have been funneled into cultural education.  Since 2018, the state's Council on the Arts has contributed $50,000, while $157,000 has come courtesy of the city's Departments of Education, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Community Development, and the Department of Transportation.  Such taxpayer funds have covered the cost of drag performers making the rounds at the Big Apple's public schools.  Might the $200,000+ meet a more pressing educational need?  Apparently, no:  ["]New York City Council has allocated $80,000 for Drag Story Hour NYC this year alone, more than triple the 2020 funding.["]

Drag queens are coming for the kids — and you're paying for it.  A friend reminded me that, just last year, the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus created a "light-hearted" take on the heterosexual paranoia that the LGBTQ+++ cadre is coming for our children.  Except that, this year, it seems less like paranoia and more like an accurate take on the situation.  On the same day the New York Post reported about the money taxpayers have spent in New York City on drag queen performances in schools, Twitchy reported on a drag queen explicitly saying that the point is to normalize LGBTQ+++, especially for kids.

Republican governors rightly reject Biden's transgender blackmail.  President Joe Biden's Education Department has not yet released its proposed regulation governing school compliance with gender identity nondiscrimination procedures, but former President Barack Obama's Education Department released a guidance letter in 2016 that will assuredly serve as a baseline.  That guidance would have forced all preschools, K-12 schools, and colleges and universities that receive federal funding to accept and, in effect, preach the fiction that gender is merely a social construct, totally separable from biological sex.  Practically, schools receiving USDA money would have to open up all restrooms and locker rooms to any student who wanted to use them regardless of their biological sex.  Girls who do not want to be in the presence of naked male genitalia while they change for PE or extracurricular sports would lose all privacy.  The guidance also would have forced teachers to use the preferred pronouns of students, also regardless of their biological sex.  This would be compelled speech that violates the religious beliefs of those who believe, along with 99% of all sentient humans throughout history, that girls are born girls and boys are born boys.

When leftists fight like mad to steal and brainwash your kids.  It used to be that students brought their lunches to school or went home for lunch.  Then schools began offering lunches.  And now some school systems offer breakfast and dinner as well.  The assumption behind this is that if the schools won't feed the children, they won't get fed.  In recent years, the argument has moved to a parent's right to know what is going on in the classroom.  A recent example of this is the Parental Rights in Education Bill that is now law in Florida.  Despite the mischaracterization of the bill in the media, what it does is prohibit the discussion of sexual topics in kindergarten through the third grade and require that parents be notified when certain topics come up.  It is a bill that recognizes the rights of parents to raise their minor children, and it has the support of a majority of voters.  The reaction from the left should tell you what leftists think about parents.  President Biden called the bill hateful on Twitter.  Other media reports talk about how teachers worry they won't be able to talk to a child who is struggling with his sexual preferences.  Teachers shouldn't be concerned about that, especially not when a child is just barely old enough to understand that boys and girls are different.

Teachers Explain How They Push 'Gender Lessons' On Young Children.  Teachers across the country revealed the strategies they use to teach young children about gender ideology in a Friday article published by The Washington Post.  Teachers discussed the various ways they are injecting gender-related discussions into their lessons, including comments about using hormones to stop menstrual periods and declining to state that sexual anatomy is gender-specific, according to The Washington Post.  One transgender teacher makes a point of telling students about the process of gender transitions, including with personal testimony.  "LGBTQ identities are a naturally occurring facet of human variation, and that is why we need to learn about them in the context of biology and human anatomy," Sam Long, a biology teacher at Denver South High School, told The Washington Post.  Long, who is transgender, frequently discusses gender ideology with students, teaches that gender is a spectrum rather than a binary, and shares his own sex change experience.

The Editor says...
Gender is not an option, or a spectrum, nor is it "assigned at birth."  There are two types of chromosomes, XX and XY, and you have one or the other.  Deal with it.

Annandale students plan walkout after district leaders deem their pride signs as too political.  Annandale High School freshman Landon Nelson says his first year of high school has been challenging.  Besides it being his first year in high school, Landon also came out as queer recently.  "It's almost every day," Landon said of the bullying at Annandale.  "You just get harassed in the hallway and get called the f-slur."  He added.  That's why he and other students turned to the Gay-Straight Alliance.  GSA is a club created at Annandale by students and teachers who wanted to create a safe and inclusive space for students who identify as LGBTQ+ to look to for support.

Biden threatens to starve schools that don't adopt trans agenda.  President Joe Biden's Pride Month 2022 proclamation condemned "an onslaught of dangerous anti-LGBTQI+ legislation" introduced and passed in multiple states, which he claims targets transgender children.  "Today, the rights of LGBTQI+ Americans are under relentless attack.  Members of the LGBTQI+ community — especially people of color and trans people — continue to face discrimination and cruel, persistent efforts to undermine their human rights," he said.  "We condemn the dangerous State laws and bills that target LGBTQI+ youth."  "Anti-LGBTQI+" legislation refers to bills passed in states such as Arizona, Oklahoma, and Alabama, which mandate students to play on sports teams that align with their biological sex or ban "gender reassignment" surgeries and hormone blockers for adolescents under 18.

Biden Admin Will Pull Meal Funding for Schools That Don't Comply With Its LGBT Agenda.  The Biden administration is requiring schools to comply with its LGBT policies or lose billions in federal funding for school lunches.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service announced in May it will prevent low-income students from participating in its National School Lunch Program if their public school does not adopt the administration's interpretation of Title IX, which holds that the federal civil rights law's provision against discrimination based on sex includes designations of sexual orientation and gender identity.  The move was originally reported by The Center Square.

Biden Administration Forces K-12 Gender Ideology Compliance with Lunch Money Threat.  The Biden administration has tethered federal school lunch funding to compliance with gender identity ideology, including whether a school allows boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms.  The move comes as the Biden administration is using heavy-handed measures to enshrine gender ideology into federal law.  Biden's Department of Agriculture announced earlier this month that in order for schools to receive funds for student lunches, breakfasts, and other food items, it must comply with its interpretation of the ban on discrimination based on sex in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and other food-related programs, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity.

Maryland school district to offer reading of book about transgender 4-year-old to young students.  A Maryland school district is offering families with pre-K-5 students a Pride Week reading of the picture book "Calvin," about a 4-year-old transgender boy who dresses as a boy for the first time for his first day of preschool.  The Howard County Public School System also will give away free copies of the book to the first 50 families who register for the June 7 virtual reading by "Calvin" authors JR and Vanessa Ford, according to a registration form a restricted HCPSS Google Document shared with parents.  The virtual reading will be part of several events planned by the school system to address and celebrate LGBTQ issues during Pride Week next month, and comes amid a national debate over gender and sex education in schools.

LGBTQ-themed flash cards removed from Wake classroom.  The Wake County Public School System is responding after questions were raised about LGBTQ-themed flash cards found in a classroom.  North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland, posted photos of the cards on his website Friday, saying a constituent emailed Rep. Erin Paré, R-Wake, the images.  The constituent was concerned the flashcards showed what they believed to be a pregnant man.  The cards were being used to teach children about the colors of the rainbow in a preschool classroom at Ballentine Elementary School in Fuquay-Varina according to the principal, who verified the information with a teacher.

If Schools Don't Let Boys Into Girls' Bathrooms, Biden Will Take Their Lunch Money.  The Biden administration will require schools that receive federal funding for lunches to enforce its ban on discrimination on the basis of gender identity and let biological males into girls' bathrooms.  All state and local agencies that receive Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) funding, including schools, will have to update their non-discrimination policies to include protections for gender identity and must investigate any allegations of discrimination on the basis of gender identity, according to a May 5 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announcement.  Obama-era guidance interpreting Title IX to prohibit gender-identity discrimination stated that transgender students must be allowed to use the restroom, locker room and shower facility that matches their gender identity.

Teenage girl forced to leave school after questioning transgender ideology in class.  We've all heard a lot about "transphobic bullying" these last few years, with everything from "misgendering" to disagreement with the tenets of gender ideology being recast as triggers for transgender suicidal ideation in order to strongarm everyone into silence.  We hear much less of this sort of bullying — the hostile demands of activists, educators, and gatekeepers that everyone either agree with the aims of the transgender agenda or keep their mouths shut.  The latest example of this was described in the Daily Mail by John James, a teacher at a private Home Counties school in the U.K. where a girl was forced to leave after expressing her views on gender ideology.  An 18-year-old girl in sixth form asked a visiting baroness from the House of Lords sceptical questions about gender ideology, noting her view that biological sex is real.

State Farm [is] donating transgender books for 5-year-olds to schools in Florida.  The auto insurance company State Farm is encouraging its agents in Florida to donate books promoting transgenderism to 5-year-olds to their local schools or public libraries, according to an email shared by a whistleblower.  The email, obtained by the nonprofit organization Consumers' Research and shared with the Washington Examiner, revealed that State Farm has partnered with the GenderCool Project, which promotes issues of gender identity in children through various advocacy and public awareness programs, to donate a packet of three books to local schools and public libraries.  The three books, A Kids Book About Being Transgender, A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary, and A Kids Book About Being Inclusive, contain various descriptions about gender and identity meant to disprove the notion that gender is the same as biological sex and establish that it is therefore changeable.

NYC's public schools are blasted for introducing woke children's book with 'queer' main character that hails AOC and the Squad.  New York City public schools have been blasted for introducing a children's book that features a 'queer' main character that hails AOC and her Squad, while mocking Mitch McConnell.  A book titled:  What You Don't Know:  A Story of Liberated Childhood has reportedly been distributed to NYC school libraries, according to the New York Post.  The picture book is intended for 10 and 11-year-olds and is reportedly labeled as part of the Universal Mosaic independent reading curriculum, which the Department of Education is expected to launch next year.

Parental pushback against sexualizing public school children is working.  The lockdowns revealed America's public school classrooms to parents and many of them were dismayed by what they were seeing.  They thought that their kids were learning reading, writing, and arithmetic and were dismayed to learn that their children were, instead, getting instruction in the finer points of gender identity and racism.  To Democrats' dismay, parents across America began to push back against this kind of instruction.  What's fascinating is that these hardcore ideological teachers may not wait to be fired but might leave voluntarily.

High school loo-natics ditch bathroom doors to create 'non-gendered' facilities.  A Southern Australia public high school has enraged and horrified parents by removing outer bathroom doors in order to create "non-gendered" facilities and in the process sacrificing privacy by exposing toilet cubicles to students and teachers walking past the restroom.  Peter Kuss, who is the principal of Golden Grove High School in Adelaide, sent out a letter on May 12 to parents and caregivers informing them of bathroom changes that were being implemented according to the Daily Mail.  "The health, safety and wellbeing of all young people is important to us.  We understand that accessing toilet facilities whilst at school can cause anxiety for some students," he wrote in the letter.  "The guidelines for the provision of student toilets has evolved over time."

This book for NYC school kids has AOC instead of ABCs.  A book intended for 10- and 11-year-olds — which glorifies socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her far-left "Squad," knocks religion, and mocks Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — is being distributed to public school libraries, parents told The [New York] Post.  The book, "What You Don't Know:  A Story of Liberated Childhood," was written and illustrated by Brooklynite Anastasia Higginbotham and appears on a fifth-grade independent reading list labeled "Universal Mosaic."  The DOE's new Mosaic curriculum is supposed to kick off next year.  The picture book centers on a black child who talks about fitting in at school and church and a friend "who's queer like me."

School district tells Philadelphia teachers to attend 'Kink, Trans Sex and BDSM' workshop to 'learn more about trans community'.  Philadelphia's School District encouraged its staff to attend the largest free transgender wellness conference in the world, where extremely explicit content was shared in the name of breaking down barriers.  The annual event was held online, organized by the Mazzoni Center, which under the leadership of Sultan Shakir works to improve health and wellbeing among the LGBTQ community in Philadelphia.  The School District, led by Superintendent William Hite, emailed teachers and school staff on their mailing list in July 2021 to invite them to attend, describing it as an opportunity to 'learn more about the issues facing the trans community.'

The Editor says...
Worrying "about the issues facing the trans community" makes it sound like the transvestites and perverts are the victims.

Parents riled up after Montana school hands out questionnaire regarding students' sexual orientation:  Report.  Parents from Missoula, Montana, expressed frustration over an alleged questionnaire which was handed out to the Sun Sentinel freshman high school class which asked about the students' sexual orientation, according to NBC Montana.  The questionnaire, according to the outlet, asked questions like, "99 percent of reported rapists are heterosexual.  Why are straights so sexually aggressive?"  The outlet reported that there were 15 questions in total, including, "When did you choose your sexual orientation?"

Student Drag Queen Is Crowned Prom King At Indiana High School.  When Cristian Hernandez was named prom king of his Indiana high school, the 18-year-old senior — standing next to his four suit-wearing competitors — barely missed a beat before strutting down the red carpet in a black sequined gown, blond wig and feather boa to collect his crown.  "Honestly, when I walked out there, I left everybody speechless," said Hernandez, who is nonbinary and uses he and they pronouns.  [Video clip]

Tuscon High School Counselor Who Organized Drag Queen Show In School Arrested For Having Sex With 15 Year Old.  The counselor behind Tucson High School's first-ever drag show has been arrested for having sex with a teen student.  According to the Tucson Police Department, they received a report on May 3 about an inappropriate relationship between Zobella Brazil Vinik, age 29, and a 15-year-old student.  An extensive investigation including interviews and reviews of electronic devices was conducted before the arrest of Vinik.

Fairfax, Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students For 'Misgendering' People.  For those who scoff that Florida's new education law bans "non-existent" gender indoctrination, let the tale of Fairfax County, Virginia serve as a wake-up call.  Fairfax County's school board has long prided itself on leading the way for the nation in cutting-edge education policy and curriculum.  As the tenth-largest district in the nation, it holds disproportionate sway over other school boards.  In 2015, the Fairfax school board blindsided parents with changes to its non-discrimination policy, followed by a sweeping expansion of the sex-ed curriculum and new rules governing student offenses and penalties.  This is not an isolated policy.  In Wisconsin, three middle-schoolers have been accused of "sexual harassment" for using biologically accurate pronouns to refer to a fellow student.

The Editor says...
Getting kicked out of a dysfunctional school might be the best thing that could happen to a young student.  Home schooling is difficult, and private schools are expensive, but why stay in a government indoctrination camp where all they talk about is sexual perversion?

Is This the Most Inappropriate Homework Assignment Ever Given to Four-Year-Old Kids?  They're out of control.  These teachers are out of control.  It's not just an American problem either.  Our neighbors to the North are also dealing with some out-of-control educators.  Since the COVID pandemic, it's been a steady stream of teachers wanting to make everyone gay, transgender, and everything in between.  They're decorating their classrooms with far-left propaganda.  The BLM, gay pride, trans pride, and other pride flags are being plastered everywhere.  There is nothing wrong with supporting these movements, even though it's all rooted in cultural marxism.  People can support whatever they want; they think we're all terrorists for supporting gun rights.  These people are unwell, but they have the right to be wrong.  That line is crossed in the schools, however.  These are little kids.  They don't know what gender identity is, and the circus freaks that are caught posting videos peddling this propaganda are certainly not qualified to offer instructions about it.

Wisconsin mom says son, 13, was hit with Title XI sexual harassment complaint for refusing to refer to non-binary classmate by 'they/them' pronouns.  A Wisconsin mom shared her horror after her 13 year-old son was accused of sexual harassment for refusing to refer to a non-binary schoolmate with 'they/them' pronouns.  Rosemary Rabidoux hit out after her son Bradon became one of three eighth grade schoolboys at Kiel Middle School subjected to an ongoing probe.  It was triggered after they chose not to use the gender neutral pronoun for their unidentified classmate, who they instead referred to using 'she' and her'.

Colorado teacher invites schoolgirl, 12, to after-school arts club that was actually a meeting about trans and queer identity.  A mother has been left fuming after her 12-year-old daughter's teacher invited her to an after-school arts club that was actually a gender and identity group.  Erin Lee, whose child was at Wellington Middle School in Colorado up until this year, slammed Jenna Riep for getting the youngster to go to the Genders & Sexualities Alliance event.  She told how her daughter came home and revealed a speaker told them they may be transgender if they were not comfortable in their bodies.

Homeschool jujitsu.  By this time, it has become abundantly clear to everyone that government schools deliberately and consciously scheme to abduct children from their parents and convert them to become good little leftist perverts.  This reality has prompted a marked increase in homeschooling, limited mostly by affordability.  Technology and the marketplace, though, are coming to the rescue.  The more parents learn about what's happening in public education, the more there are parents who desire to extract their children from the maw of the government schools but find that extraction financially unworkable:  They cannot afford the loss of income that home schooling demands and cannot afford private school.  That's where homeschooling jujitsu kicks in.

'Per Loves Perself': University Schools Students on 'Why Pronouns Matter' for 'Folx'.  California State University, Northridge wants its attendees to understand the importance of pronouns.  Therefore, via its University Student Union's Pride Center, the school has dedicated a webpage to "Why Pronouns Matter for Everyone." [...] If everyone has their own pronoun combinations, communication-wise, we're on course to become the most complex society in human history[.]

The Grooming of our Children Takes Many Forms.  By now it is widely known that Disney will be adding many LGBT characters to help groom our kids for early sexual activity of all kinds (with the likely unintended consequence of helping prepare many for sex traffickers and pedophiles).  In Virginia, news coverage of parents protesting the indoctrination of their children in the woke CRT and LGBT agendas at school board meetings in Loudoun County helped close some doors to the sex-obsessed left who want to hypersexualize our kids from K-12.  The Loudoun County protests also resulted in an unexpected loss for (former VA governor and fundraiser for the Clintons) Terry McAuliffe (D) in his run for governor against a political novice, Glenn Youngkin (R).  McAuliffe's defeat was assured only after he reinforced the leftist notion that parents have no say in what their children are taught.

Pansexual Florida teacher canned for discussing orientation with students.  A Florida teacher claims she was fired for discussing her pansexual status with middle school students whom she then asked to draw pictures representing their own sexual orientations.  Cape Coral art instructor Casey Scott said her students were curious about her sexual orientation and she explained to them that she was pansexual during a lesson in March, NBC2 reported.  "A discussion happened in class and because of that, now I'm fired," Scott told the outlet.  Pansexual refers to someone who is attracted to all categories of people regardless of their sex, gender identity or sexual orientation.  Scott, who is married to a man, said the kids at Trafalgar Middle School then created flags representing their own sexuality and gender identities ranging from transgender and non-binary to gay.

Normalizing Perversion.  The reasons for the Left's perverse sexualizing of very young children make sense only if you are sexually neurotic.  None of it makes sense if you are a rational, healthy, sexually normal person.  For example, what is to be gained by first graders learning about drag queens and transsexuality?  How is a child's life improved, how is the culture improved when children whose brains are not physically equipped to process such information get exposed to it?  If it is the hope of sexualizers that children will be more accepting of perversity, to what end?  No government-schooled child of any age should be taught matters of sexuality, sexual behavior, or sexual identity beyond the egg-sperm basics.  There is no legitimate reason for it.

The 'drag kids' trend is a trainwreck about to happen.  Last week, it was announced that Discovery Plus will be launching a new show called Generation Drag, centered on the stories of five teenagers and their families as they prepare for a performance in Denver, Colorado, celebrating "teen queens, kings, and non-binary performers ages 8 to 18." In the trailer, we see the kids primping and posing in brightly colored wigs, skimpy outfits, and winged eyeliner. [...] But the trendiness of drag culture today is yet another way in which gender ideology and the transitioning of gay children are being glorified as forward-thinking.  Some boys will naturally gravitate toward the campy caricature of femininity because they are gender-nonconforming (this is likely due to their being exposed to lower levels of testosterone in the prenatal environment).

Portland schools offer free feminine-hygiene products in boys' bathrooms for 'menstruating students'.  Portland Public Schools plans to provide free menstrual products in both the boys' and girls' bathrooms as districts move to comply with an Oregon state law for "menstruating students."  "Starting next year (2022-23), products will be available in all restrooms (male, female, and all-gender) in every PPS building where education occurs," said the April 19 memo titled "Update on PPS Implementation of Menstrual Dignity Act."

More proof that public schools are sexually grooming kids.  City Journal's Christopher F. Rufo reports that "Evanston-Skokie School District 65 has adopted a radical gender curriculum that teaches pre-kindergarten through third-grade students to celebrate the transgender flag, break the 'gender binary' established by white 'colonizers,' and experiment with neo-pronouns such as 'ze,' 'zir,' and 'tree.'"  (Tree?)  In his piece, Rufo claimed that he had "obtained the full curriculum documents, which are part of the Chicago-area district's 'LGBTQ+ Equity Week,' which administrators adopted last year."  This is yet another instance of an educational institution going all out to "groom" — meaning indoctrinate — young children into acting, behaving, and identifying in ways that please and favor those in control of that educational institution.  It is the creepiest form of coercion imaginable.  It is an abuse of power.  It is child abuse.  It is monstrous.  And it must stop.

Pennsylvania teacher on leave following raunchy drag show performed for students in LGBT club.  A Lancaster, Pennsylvania high school teacher has been put on administrative leave after hosting a raunchy drag show for "Genders Sexualities Alliance" club students after school hours without bothering to notify parents or ask for their permission.  The disturbing performance featured professional dancers and occurred at Hempfield High School on Monday [4/25/2022].  It was announced while school was in session but parents were not told it was taking place.  The teacher placed on leave was not named, but the club's adviser is French teacher Kelly Tyson.  She organized the event and is reportedly proud of it.  Another adviser to the club is English teacher Carla Vicidomini.  Neither has commented on the event.

Suspended?  That's all?
Pennsylvania Teacher is Suspended After Hosting a Highly Inappropriate Drag Show In Front of Kids.  A picture of a Hempfield School District teacher and four people dressed in drag circulating on social media has some parents outraged.  In the picture circulating on social media, the teacher is standing with what appears to be four drag queens in revealing clothes, one of whom appears to have their backside exposed.  According to Hempfield School District, it was "made aware of a serious situation" that took place at the high school on Monday, April 25, during after-school hours.  [Video clip]

Massachusetts Department of Education says kids can use whatever bathrooms they want.  Libs of TikTok is still at it, exposing the insanity of the left and specifically their gender ideology and how it affects children.  A recent post by the account contains screenshots from the Massachusetts Department of Education's official website outlining their policy on transgender students and their access to bathrooms in schools.  The official ruling?  Any kid can use any bathroom they want as long as they claim it validates their gender identity.

Evidence Mounts That Florida Was 100% Right to Protect Young Schoolchildren.  Even as criticism of Florida's Parental Rights in Education Bill continues, the mountain of proof that lawmakers were justified in passing the law continues to grow.  Nowhere is that proof more obvious than the Evanston/Skokie School District 65.  The Illinois system recently adopted a radical gender education program specifically aimed at children from pre-kindergarten through third grade.  Kindergarteners are taught that they will "feel like a boy or a girl or some of each," and that is their gender identity.  Kids learn to celebrate the transgender flag, shatter gender norms built by white "colonizers," and do exercises with new pronouns for the 72 genders.  After all, it's never too early to learn the proper usage of "ze," "zir," "tree," and "treeself."  Yes, these are pronouns taught to kids in the Evanston/Skokie School District 65.

More Secret Gender Transition Closets Discovered in Public Schools.  They started in colleges, but trans closets — rooms stocked with transgender clothes and accessories for students to change into after arriving to school and back out of before going home — are being discovered in public schools with some indication they are being kept a secret from parents.  In a recent TikTok video, a California teacher implies that the trans closet he started at the high school where he works is meant to be kept from parents.  "The goal of the transition closet is for our students to wear the clothes that their parents approve of, come to school and then swap out into the clothes that fit who they truly are," the teacher said.  The California Family Council and others eventually confirmed the identity of the teacher as Oakland Unified School District Spanish teacher Thomas Martin-Edwards, who is also the founder of "Queer Teacher Fellowship."

David Brooks says critics of teaching gender dysphoria to young children are, unlike him, "barbarically lunatic" "cruel" "crazies" who "dehumanize" their opponents.  Florida recently passed a law that leftist opponents and their collaborators in the media have branded the "Don't Say Gay" law.  Actually, however, the law does not say "don't say gay."  Rather, the law says:  "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."  Note the classrooms to which this prohibition applies — only kindergarten through third grade.  And note the persons to whom it applies — only instructors, not students.  And note the subject to which it applies — only sexual identity and sexual orientation, not any other sex issue.  But using authority figures like teachers to indoctrinate kindergarteners into the wonders of transsexuality is something the left wants.

Radical Gender Lessons for Young Children.  Evanston-Skokie School District 65 has adopted a radical gender curriculum that teaches pre-kindergarten through third-grade students to celebrate the transgender flag, break the "gender binary" established by white "colonizers," and experiment with neo-pronouns such as "ze," "zir," and "tree."  I have obtained the full curriculum documents, which are part of the Chicago-area district's "LGBTQ+ Equity Week," which administrators adopted last year.  The curriculum begins in pre-kindergarten, with a series of lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity.  The lesson plan opens with an introduction to the rainbow flag and teaches students that "Each color in the flag has a meaning."  The teacher also presents the transgender flag and the basic concepts of gender identity, explaining that "we call people with more than one gender or no gender, non-binary or queer."  Finally, the lesson plan has the teacher leading a class project to create a rainbow flag, with instructions to "gather students on the rug," "ask them to show you their flags," and "proudly hang the class flag where they can all see it."  In kindergarten, the lessons on gender and trans identity go deeper.

3 Colleges Get Their Just Deserts.  [#2] Shawnee State University:  Another school in Ohio, Shawnee State University, just agreed to pay $400,000 in damages to 20-year philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether, along with his attorneys' fees.  The school had punished Meriwether for refusing a male student's demand that the professor refer to him as a woman, using female titles and pronouns.  According to the professor's lawyers at Alliance Defending Freedom, the male student "became aggressive, physically circling him, getting in his face, using expletives, and even threatening to get him fired."  Meriwether offered to refer to the student under any name he wanted instead of using pronouns, but the student and the university said that wasn't good enough and that Meriwether supposedly had created a "hostile environment."  Meriwether sued, saying that the university was violating his religious beliefs as a Christian under the First Amendment.

Parents sue Massachusetts public school district keeping their 11-year-old child's genderqueer status and new pronouns a secret from them.  Parents of middle school kids have filed a federal lawsuit alleging that a Massachusetts school district violated their rights by keeping children's gender-nonconforming status a secret from them.  The suit was filed on Tuesday in US District Court, accusing the the Ludlow School Committee and school administrators of violating due process and religious freedom with their gender identity policies.  The plaintiffs in the case are two sets of parents:  Stephen Foote and Marissa Silvestri, and Jonathan Feliciano and Sandra Salmeron.

Groomer School in Massachusetts Sued for Hiding 'Gender Identity' From Parents.  The fight against gender cult grooming is raging across the country and in Massachusetts, two sets of parents have filed a lawsuit alleging violations of religious freedom, privacy, and parental rights against public school officials who attempted to drive a wedge between them and their children using extreme gender ideology.  The Massachusetts Family Institute put out a press release about the lawsuit.

Yes, It IS 'Grooming' By Definition.  The Media, the LGBT community, and liberally radical democrats treat the term "grooming" in relation to the bills being passed by an increasing amount of states to protect children from having adults who are not their family members discussing or "teaching" children up the third grade about gender and/or sexual topics or lifestyles, as the most offensive term ever, yet, by definition, grooming is exactly what democrats are fighting for.  They just have temper tantrums over the term "grooming" because it accurately describes what they are fighting for, and it isn't good optics.  Much like calling abortion "pro-choice," or "reproductive rights," rather than killing an unborn child.  The terminology is critically important, and liberals, the media (same!) and the entire LGBT community, understands this.  Which is why they fight so hard against the "grooming" label.

Professor Disciplined For Rejecting Preferred Pronouns Wins Huge Settlement.  We can bow to the woke mob and surrender our culture to their insanity, or we can take a stand and push back.  One professor at a university in Ohio has provided a blueprint on how to hit them where it hurts:  In their bank accounts.  As reported by Fox News, in June 2018 a philosophy professor at Shawnee State University named Nick Meriwether was formally disciplined by the university for his refusal to use a student's preferred pronouns.  A written warning was placed in Meriwether's permanent file with a promise to apply "further corrective actions" if similar incidents occurred in the future.  But Meriwether didn't just cave to the pressure, he fought.  He sued the university, took them to court, and won in the U.S. Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit in March.  Meriwether's legal team has now come to a settlement agreement with the school, which has agreed to pay Meriwether $400,000 in legal fees and damages.

A Professor Was Punished For Refusing To Use Preferred Pronouns.  He Sued And Just Settled For $400K.  A Shawnee State University professor who refused to use the preferred pronouns of a male student who identifies as female has settled with his employer for $400,000 and an agreement that he will never be forced to use pronouns.  Shawnee philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether refused to address a male student who identifies as female by the student's preferred pronouns, instead referring to the student as "sir," saying that his evangelical Christian beliefs were behind his actions.  "To accede to these demands would have required Dr. Meriwether to communicate views regarding gender identity that he does not hold, that he does not wish to communicate, and that would contradict (and force him to violate) his sincerely held Christian beliefs," Meriwether wrote in his lawsuit against the school after he was disciplined over the incident.  The lawsuit also notes that Meriwether addresses students as "sir" or "Miss" to show respect,"

Step 1 is to call the freaks and perverts what they are.
Defending American Democracy Requires We Start by Crushing the Public School Weirdos.  If you think pierced mutants with blue hair and gender confusion have some sort of right to leverage their position as public school teachers to groom your kids with racist Marxism and sexual confusion, you hate democracy.  Schools were not established so that narcissistic stange-os with galaxy-sized daddy issues could work out their personal psychodramas using our children's minds as props.  They were established to teach our kids to read, write, do some math, and be useful citizens.  And that's what we, the People, want.  And we, the People, get to make the decision about what gets taught in our classrooms.

This isn't education:  First grade teacher tells students that doctors "guess" child's gender at birth.  [Scroll down]  Little did we know back then that gender isn't a matter of anatomy or biology but instead is based on a "guess" by the doctor who delivers the child during childbirth.  At least that's what a clearly misguided Boston-area teacher believes.  Ray Skyler, who teaches first grade at Brooke Roslindale School in the suburb of Roslindale, claims.  We would love to slam this woke take on gender "assignment" at birth as yet another example of public schools failing students, but in this case, Brooke Roslindale is a "charter" school.  According to Breitbart, Skyler, who shouldn't be within 20 miles of first-graders, told his classroom that she is transgender, as if four and five-year old's know what that is... or for that matter, if they should know what that is.  Skyler revealed her sexual identity to the children on an "Identity Share" Zoom call, which included kindergarteners, first graders and second graders.  One must consider that if a stranger were telling young children about their sexual identity outside of a school setting, they would (and should) end up in handcuffs.  In a 2022 classroom?  Anything flies apparently.

Harvard Offers Students Sex Surgeries and 'Chemical Transgender Conversion Therapy'.  In addition to being one of the most elite schools in America, Harvard's apparently also one of the most transgender-friendly.  That's set to become even more effectively true, thanks to a student group called The Harvard Women's Cabinet. [...] The study will be aided by the Council's chief of diversity, equity and inclusion.  For the big project, the Women's Cabinet has formed committees including Mental Health; BGLTQ Healthcare; and Sexual, Reproductive, and Menstrual health.  As for the health of Harvard's social consciousness, the patient is thriving.  Last October, the school offered a Shakespearean spectacular in the form of modern adaptation Macbeth in Stride.  The American Repertory Theater invited everyone — except those who weren't black.

Bellingham, Washington School District Pays Middle School Students $2,000 to Perform Drag Show.  Whatcom Middle School's Gender Sexuality Alliance club (yes, for 10-12 year olds) came up with the idea to host the "Drop Dead Gorgeous Drag Show."  Totally normal.  But don't worry because the school insists the drag show will be "behaviorally appropriate," KGMI reported.

The Democrats' big lie about puberty blockers being harmless and helpful.  From the moment we're born, our bodies are constantly changing.  The initial changes, from baby to toddler to child, occur when we lack the self-awareness to be taken aback by the process.  Indeed, there are only two times in life when we are intensely aware of the changes — and, often, find them disturbing.  The first is when we go through puberty and the second is when age finally catches up with us.  In both cases, people may fight back against those changes.  We know all about Hollywood stars and the fight against aging.  It's the adolescent changes that matter.  The changes can be disturbing and even dismaying. [...] The promise is that puberty blockers will improve a confused child's mental health and do so without any ill effects.  The opposite is true.  News broke on Thursday [4/14/2022] that the University of Washington is under fire for misrepresenting "the results of a study of the effects of puberty blockers on transgender and nonbinary teens in an attempt to suggest their mental health improved thanks to such treatment."  That was a lie: [...]

Media that gleefully pilloried the Catholic Church over pedophilia charges averts their eyes over much larger school teacher pedophilia problem.  Imagine if 7 separate charges of pedophilia against Catholic priests had surfaced in one day.  The progressive media would have blared the total on front pages and in newscasts all day long.  But yesterday, 7 separate cases of accused pedophile teachers came to light, and it took astute blogger (and veteran newspaperman) Don Surber to put together the story of the crime wave. [...] I am not complaining that the Catholic Church's problems should have been ignored by the media.  The institutional failure of the Church to confront its pedophile priests caused great suffering among innocent children.  But that suffering and institutional failure apparently is dwarfed by the magnitude of the pedophilia and grooming problem (they are closely related) in government schools.  In both institutions, people entrusted with leadership responsibilities failed their young charges, and used them for their own perverse sexual gratification.

7 pedo teachers in 1 day.  [Scroll down]  Of course not all teachers are pedos.  Not all coaches are.  Not all priests are.  But let us get real.  Just as Willie Sutton hung around banks because that is where the money is, pedos flock to these occupations.  We would be foolish not to protect our children from these predators who seek the most vulnerable children they can find.  Florida's Parental Right in Education law protects prepubescent children from groomers.  Their targets are not all the children.  A lion never attacks the whole herd.  No, pedos seek the weakest ones.  The people who oppose the new law aid and abet these crimes.  They don't want to be called groomers.  That's an easy title to lose.  Stop grooming and stop enabling groomers.

A drag show in a suburban high school showcases leftists' narcissism.  Middleton, Wisconsin is a medium-sized (21,800 people) suburb of Madison.  Its residents are mostly affluent, white-collar workers.  Although the town is growing fairly rapidly, if you leave the window open at night, and the wind is blowing in the right direction, you can smell the cow pastures on the outskirts of town.  In many ways, it feels like classic, small-town America.  That is, it feels the way right up until the moment you read about the drag show a departing teacher put on for high school students.  If nothing else, the show reveals the narcissism that lies at the heart of so much LGBTQ+++ instruction at school.  If you visit the home page for Middleton High School ("Home of the Cardinals"), it doesn't boast about academic excellence.  Instead, the first word you see is "inclusive," followed by "innovative. inspiring."  On the "mission and beliefs" page, the commitment to academic excellence is again missing.

The Left Did This to Itself.  A number of pro-LGBTQRSTLNE teachers in one school district in Texas are reportedly upset that they cannot express their support for gay pride in the classroom and on their vehicles.  Some are even being pushed out of their jobs on account of their activism.  Now they know how righties have felt for decades in America.  We have long been terrified that if we speak out our livelihoods will be threatened, we will be publicly harangued and shamed, or worse still, we will be charged with hate crimes.  Yet the dominant forces on the political left have consistently celebrated the persecution of actual dissidents.  These teachers claim it is unbearably oppressive to not be able to stand up for what they believe in at work.  Try walking in the shoes of someone really reviled and opposed by the U.S. power structure.

High Schoolers Assembled To Watch French Teacher's Drag Performance For 'Fine Arts Week'.  Last week, high schoolers in a Wisconsin town not far from Madison had to endure a sing and dance routine by a French teacher from the school, who was dressed in drag.  Shannon Valladolid, the district's director of Information and Public Relations, reportedly admitted that staff performances are vetted by the high school's teaching faculty.  French teacher Matthew Kashdan, whose LinkedIn page states he is "looking to shift away from K-12 public education and into higher education study abroad programming and advising," performed for the students during Middleton High School's Fine Arts Week.  "Kashdan strutted onto the auditorium stage in a high-cut, blue sequinned dress, red boots and blond wig, lip-syncing and dancing to 'Rain on Me' by pop divas Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande," Empower Wisconsin reported, adding, "It was all a surprise to the assembled students."

Female Biology Teacher In California Is Arrested After Molesting 7 Children.  A California biology teacher has been arrested for allegedly molesting seven students and sharing graphic photos online, authorities said.  Anessa Paige Gower, 35, is facing 29 separate criminal counts over the alleged abuse that occurred when she was teaching at Making Waves Academy in Richmond, the Costa District Attorney's Office said.

The Editor says...
Apparently homosexuality and deviant behavior is all they talk about in school these days, so stories like this should be no surprise.

It's Not a 'Don't Say Gay' Law.  It's an Anti-Indoctrination Law.  The radical left just can't stop talking about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' anti-"grooming" bill.  The left's warped worldview prevents them from understanding why DeSantis signed Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill into law March 28, or why parents don't want their children being indoctrinated into LGBT ideology.  The rabid response to the bill's passage has been just as telling as the left's initial opposition. [...] It's comical how one-dimensional this line of attack is.  In a childish criticism of genuine parental concern, woke activists accuse anyone in favor of the new Florida law of trying to ban the word "gay" from the collective vocabulary.  More insidiously, they claim that trying to ban classroom instruction of LGBT topics to young kids in kindergarten through third grade is the same as banning gay people from existing at all.  That's a lie.  Americans concerned with LGBT indoctrination in schools don't want to ban gays from existing or saying the word "gay."  Their concern lies squarely with activists in classrooms grooming children.

New Jersey public school students as young as 10 could be taught that puberty blockers are an acceptable way to 'manage' adolescence.  The new sample lesson plans, some of which are accompanied by animated videos, are part of a broader, K-12 health and sex education curriculum adopted by the New Jersey Board of Education.  The plans are now being reviewed by individual school districts in the state.  In one proposed lesson plan aimed at fifth graders entitled 'It's All about the Hormones,' students are instructed to watch a video containing animation called 'Puberty and Transgender Youth.'  'Whether you identify as male, female, gender queer or something else, you're perfectly normal, and there are lots of ways to manage puberty so that it can be a fun, exciting time rather than a scary or stressful one,' the video states.

Leftists Try, Fail to Paint Republicans as the Real Pedophiles.  It's clear that Leftists are stung when we rightly point out that they're groomers.  (But honestly, what else would you call someone who insists on initiating children into the adult world of human sexuality and all its colorful permutations?)  The talking points went out last week, and progressives want us to know that they're very upset we are calling them names!

Schooling or grooming?  Teachers and administrators at New Jersey's Pearl R. Miller Middle School forced students to watch a video about a "transgender man's" hormone treatment without notifying the students' parents.  The video, "Ten Years on Testosterone," was part of a social studies class and detailed the "transition" of an LGBTQ activist.  The Garden State will put in place "updated" health standards this September, guidelines that were approved by the governor-appointed New Jersey Board of Education in 2020.  The new "standards" mandate teaching second-graders about genitalia, reproduction, and "gender expression."  [Lurid details omitted.]  Naturally, Planned Parenthood praised the state's plan, noting that it aligns with the similarly updated National Sex Education Standards.  Moving from the East Coast to the West Coast, we find that a packet distributed by the California Teachers Association discusses the formation of gay and transgender clubs in schools.  The packet contains an almost overwhelming array of disturbing content and recommendations.

New Jersey Model Curriculum: 'Gender Identity' Lessons for 1st and 2nd Graders.  A model New Jersey state curriculum provided to parents in the Westfield school district and released by State Sen. Holly Schepisi (R-39) suggests that students should begin learning about gender identity as early as the first or second grade.  Transgender activists believe that gender identity is different from biological sex, and that individuals may switch genders.  While there is growing tolerance for that idea among adults, including in Supreme Court decisions, many Americans believe it should not be introduced to young children, for whom discussions of sex, gender, and sexuality are inappropriate. [...] While some materials might be considered broadly acceptable — such as telling kindergarteners that it is OK for some kids to have two mothers or two fathers — others cross into more sensitive topics.  In one set of materials for first grade, students are to be taught to "Define gender, gender identity and gender role stereotypes."  In another, for second grade students, students are to be taught that "there are some body parts that mostly just girls have and some parts that mostly just boys have.  Being a boy or a girl doesn't have to mean you have those parts, but for most people this is how their bodies are."

Weirdos Who Want To Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely Be Stigmatized As Groomers.  What does it say about the pathetic state of the political right that instead of spending our energy advancing the ideas and institutions that promote human flourishing, we're quibbling over whether "groomers" is the right word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing other people's kids and hiding it from their parents?  The ranks of progressives and unmistakably pro-LGBT media — who spend their days throwing around insulting hyperbole like "Nazi," "fascist," and "silence is violence" — are being joined by so-called conservatives who've taken it upon themselves to lecture those to the right of them that ackshuuully it's not appropriate to call the kids' entertainment creators and state-sanctioned educators who insist on sexually indoctrinating 5-year-olds "groomers."

No Grooming Allowed.  Per InstaPundit, the Left is up in arms because conservatives are referring to the forced sexualization of five, six and seven year old children in the public schools as "grooming."  You can always tell when we have hit on an effective theme:  the Left declares it out of bounds. [...] Of all the evil things liberals are doing these days, trying to sexualize small children has to be high on the list.  It makes me think we need an anti-grooming movement.

School District To Pre-K Students:  Draw Your Own Transgender Pride Flag.  As part of its ongoing LGBTQ+ Equity study month this April, an Illinois school district has suggested that Pre-K students "identify the colors in the rainbow flag" and "participate in making" their own "rainbow and/or trans pride flag," according to curriculum materials reviewed by The Daily Wire.  District 65, located in Evanston, Illinois, has dedicated a significant portion of the academic year to "equity weeks."  From September 15 to October 15, it hosted Latinx Heritage Month.  In February, District 65 hosted Black Lives Matter At School Week of Action, The Daily Wire reported Wednesday.  The district's LGBTQ+ Equity Month study unit is currently running for Pre-K to eighth grade.  According to curriculum materials posted online, it is appropriate for students in the preschool to learn that some of their friends' parents might be "non-binary or queer" and to learn about the rainbow flag.  The curriculum also has students learn what each color of the flag represents[,] before drawing their own.

How the Schools Got Queered.  Years back, when I lived in Northern California, a huge controversy erupted in a town called Novato about implementing a pro-LGB curriculum and movie called That's a Family in the elementary schools.  Parents were outraged, including liberals, and it made national news for months.  California was the epicenter for gay education/indoctrination in the schools, and I was fully enmeshed in these issues, with kids in public and private schools in Marin and San Francisco.  The school my kids attended at the time was grappling with the same That's a Family brouhaha.  I led the opposition, with tremendous support from mostly liberal parents, including one LGB parent, who said:  "At this age, all my child wants to do is play, be with friends, and is not thinking about these issues.  It's just not age-appropriate."  How did we get from there to Disney opposing Gov. DeSantis's Parental Rights in Education bill and bragging about outwardly "queering" entertainment for our kids?

Florida teachers quitting in protest after bill would make open gay grooming virtually impossible.  LGBT teachers in Florida are lamenting the passage of the Parental Rights in Education Act — disingenuously described by its opponents as the "Don't Say Gay" law — banning sexuality education for early elementary schoolers.  In case you've been living under a rock over the last few weeks (in which case I envy you), the left is now fully committed to the policy platform that public school teachers must be allowed to teach your first-graders about sex. [...] The Parental Rights in Education Act, which Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed last week, bans instruction on "sexual orientation or gender identity" for children in kindergarten through third grade or to older students "in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."  Robert Thollander, a sixth-grade teacher in Orlando, said he plans to make the career change to real estate after a group of parents took issue with his discussing his upcoming gay nuptials.  He told NBC News that he thought the parents had been empowered by the bill.

Gay Substitute Teacher Fired After Rainbow Wristbands Begin Appearing on Students: 'I Don't Try to Recruit Anyone'.  An Ohio school district fired homosexual substitute teacher Jay Bowman after he distributed LGBTQ+ bracelets to high school students.  The incident is part of a nationwide debate on homosexual topics in the classroom.  Bowman claimed why the school district fired him "appears to be tied directly to my being gay" in a March 24 post on Facebook.  He said he learned about his dismissal after a couple of his assignments got canceled.  The teacher of thirty years said the school administration gave him "evasive" responses on why the school nixed his duties.

Grooming: Is It Time to Bring Some Form of Racketeering or Conspiracy Charges against Public Schools?  In the wake of the left's Don't Say Gay Campaign, numerous incidents have been made public proving it is the Educators and their leftist enablers who "don't say gay."  Don't tell your parents we're transitioning you."  [One] child is dead because of it, and this school nurse has been suspended for revealing what has been going on in a Hartford, Connecticut School without parental notice or consent. [...] These incidents are happening in schools all over the country.  Children have been chemically and emotionally modified without parental consent.  And while no one will likely be able to find the interstate connection that ties them all together to invoke RICO (unless we pin it all on the Democrat party), the evidence strongly points to a conspiracy.  No single individual is responsible for manipulating the gender ideology of a dozen or more students in one school.

NBC Report — Florida Teachers Who Promote Gender and Sexuality Lessons With Kindergarten Students Are Quitting in Protest.  It looks like the Disney corporation may be getting a new batch of applicants as NBC reports that LGBTQ elementary school teachers, those who generally advocate for the promotion of kindergarten gender and sexuality discussions, are quitting their jobs in Florida.  As shared by fourth grade lesbian teacher Nicolette Solomon, "so many kids" throughout her elementary school — even those she did not teach directly — came out to her."  Apparently, if the LGBTQ teachers are correct, there are thousands of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and queer elementary aged students in Florida entering the school system every year, and the grooming teachers are now panicked they will not be able to guide them in their sexual exploration.

Poll: Majority of Americans Approve of Florida's Parental Rights in Education law.  The majority of Americans approve of Florida's Parental Rights in Education law — misreported by the left-wing media and activists as the "Don't Say Gay" bill — according to a poll publicized by the Editorial Board at the Wall Street Journal.  That includes 55 percent of Democrats and 53 percent Americans who voted for Joe Biden.

LGBTQ+: Leftism's corruption of God's sacred gift to humankind.  The Florida legislature recently passed the "Parental Rights in Education Bill," containing language forbidding open discussion, without parental permission, of matters of sexuality and homosexuality in public school early primary grade classrooms (K-3). [...] It has been accepted, since time immemorial, that parents responsibly defer "The Talk" — the family discussion of "the birds and the bees" — to when they surmise their maturing children have reached the day they can understand and accept the explanations given without being confused, even bewildered.  Until that moment, the dominant parental motive is to shelter them in their innocence, a motive long shared alike by teachers.

Six Outrageous Videos Posted By The "Libs Of TikTok".  [#3] A grammar school teacher in Florida explains her plan to defy new law on parents' rights:  There are two types of people who adamantly oppose the recently enacted Florida law protecting parents' rights with children in the third grade and younger.  First, we have those who haven't read the bill and believe the lies the left have been spreading with their narrative that it's a "Don't Say Gay" law.  It's nothing of the sort, and these people are merely ignorant.  They may be militaristic in their ignorance, but they're ignorant, nonetheless.  And then we have folks like the woman in this video.  [Video clip]

To Protect Kids We Need To Fire A Lot Of Teachers.  Thank God for the Twitter account "Libs of TikTok."  Whoever the anonymous woman running that account is, she's doing the Lord's work when it comes to exposing the general public to the entitled brats now working as teachers in the public school system across the country.  It's hilarious and horrifying all at once, and something needs to be done about it if we're going to stand a chance of returning to sanity in this country.  A lot of teachers, and I mean a lot of them, need to be tossed out [...], and soon.  What Christopher Rufo did to expose Critical Race Theory, Libs of TikTok is doing to expose what leftists are fighting to turn our schools into — a gender-bending science experiment where "progressives" seem to be doing and saying things about gender simply to see if they can get away with it.  Horrifyingly, they have been able to, at least so far.  If you're some demented, entitled weirdo with more metal pieces in your face than in your car, there's a good chance you have a TikTok account.  The Communist Chinese spy app is heroin for narcissists with a desperate need for external validation.

Gay substitute teacher fired after handing out pride bracelets to students.  A gay substitute teacher in Ohio was fired last week after handing out pride bracelets to high school students.  Jay Bowman, who taught at Huntington Local Schools in Chillicothe, Ohio, for 30 years, said he was fired due to "community complaints" about private conversations with students over a wristband he was wearing.  The bracelet is rainbow-colored and represents First Capital Pride — a local non-profit supporting the LGBTQIA+ community.  Mr. Bowman said he handed them out to students and answered questions about the group.

'I cannot teach in Florida': LGBTQ educators fear fallout from new school law.  Last month, a group of parents in Orlando, Florida, demanded "consequences" against sixth grade science teacher Robert Thollander.  His crime?  Thollander acknowledged his marriage at school.  "He married a man.  This alone is not an issue.  Sharing the details ... with all his 6th grade students is the issue," the parents wrote in a letter sent to their children's school board, which was shared with NBC News.  "It was not appropriate.  Many of these students felt very uncomfortable with the conversations and shared this with their families."  Had Thollander just "said he will be out for a few days because he was getting married, no problem," the letter continued, "but to discuss the details and create an uncomfortable situation for the students with no benefit to teaching his subject matter is inappropriate."

Teachers Were Secretly Giving Pre-Teen Students Puberty Blockers Behind Parents' Backs.  This is simply getting out of control.  Again, I'm not a culture warrior.  These were never issues that got me animated, but now it looks like we all must fix bayonets and skewer the freaks who are turning our places of learning into dens of sexual deviancy.  This isn't about LGBT folks.  I don't care about them.  This is 2022 — if you're part of that community — good for you.  It's no longer a shocking detail or taboo.  Younger conservatives don't care either — the shock value is gone.  This is about ending this grooming bit in our schools and the brainwashing that goes along with it.

Absentminded conservatives allowed an army of perverts to take over the schools.  [Scroll down]  Now, in 2022, American culture is so depraved, its echoes that of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Our culture and society has pandered to the once sequestered faction of sexual deviants and in doing so, the deviancy has skyrocketed.  The [Florida Parental Rights in Education Law] out of Florida, made obvious the alarming number of adult perverts in the school system.  What is so conspicuously a parent's rights initiative to protect young children from exposure to pornographic material, is facing hysterical opposition.  It's safe to say, efforts by teachers and school staff to expose kindergarteners to sexual material is pedophilic. [...] While a mob of degenerates took over the schools, where were conservatives?  Pushing pornographic sex "education" has been going on for decades.

Transgender Confusions.  [Scroll down]  A handful of federal circuit and district courts have ruled that schools must defer to the gender identity of their students or risk being found guilty of sex discrimination.  Most of these cases have dealt with access to restrooms, and courts have consistently held that schools may not require transgender boys — most plaintiffs have been natal females who identify as male — to use the girls' restrooms or some alternative unisex facilities.  Additional lawsuits have raised questions about who may participate in girls' sports, whether schools may facilitate gender transitions for students without notice or consent from their parents, and clashes between religious liberty and transgender "inclusive" policies.  If the litigation campaign over restrooms is any indication, we should expect most or all of these cases to be resolved in favor of transgender students.

Leftists Brainwash Children as Young as Possible with This Sort of LGBT Propaganda.  The LGBTQ agenda includes the indoctrination of youngsters, [...] and students who attend public schools and colleges.  Radical LGBTQ activists are going all out to restrict the free speech of the opposition and to obtain special treatment for themselves.  They will go to great lengths to reach their goals, including distorting science; likewise, they out right lie about what the Bible clearly says about homosexuality, sexual immorality, and God's plan for marriage — one man, one woman for life!  This is leftists way of indoctrinating children so they can never reproduce.  Couple that along with their death jabs and you have a recipe for population control.  [Video clip]

'The Future is Not White': The Normalization of Activist Elementary Education.  Two years ago, I discovered the subversive diversity, equity, and inclusion movement secretly deployed to indoctrinate children — my children.  Propaganda-based children's books were read in class to my first grader.  The private Montessori school offered no warning to parents; I merely heard my child mentioning rainbows and parades in the car-ride home from school.  A trip into the classroom revealed the books This Day in June and Pride:  The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag, complete with images of gay pride parades and "God Says No" signs.  I was dumbfounded and felt betrayed.  Why would these books be part of an elementary education, let alone a Montessori curriculum based on innocence of the child?  I implored the administration to tell other parents.  Not all children are like mine and willing to mention details of their school day.  The administration refused.  Pointing to cartoon pictures of parade floats with shirtless sailors and rhymes of "clad in leather/perfect weather," I could not sway the teachers, the lower-elementary administrator, or the principal from declaring the books justified and age-appropriate.  News reports from a nearby state demonstrated the negative impact the propaganda had on youth: a seven-year-old came home questioning her faith after being read the same book about Harvey Milk.  Yet my child's educators refused to tell other parents of the book's existence in the first grade.

Florida's Fictional 'Don't Say Gay' Bill Doesn't Go Nearly Far Enough.  The problem with Florida's much derided "Don't Say Gay" bill is not just that the moniker is a complete lie.  It's that the bill so lambasted by Democrats and the national press doesn't go anywhere near far enough to protect children from predatory poison in the schools.  This bill could be described far more accurately as:  Florida will henceforth allow classroom teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity beginning in the fourth grade.  We're talking 9-year-olds!  But restricting such talk to children ages 9 and above is still far too restrictive for leftists bent on destroying children's lives for their own depraved agenda, and who have had a free run of public schools for years.  But that's just how big the lie is.  And most people will never know it.  Normal people don't see any place for a public airing of this private issue between parents and their offspring anywhere in public schools.

Students are being groomed by teachers to embrace LGBT 'glitter families' in place of parents.  Earlier this month, a photo of a sign posted at a Wisconsin high school went viral.  Showing a Mama Bear surrounded by three cubs — one rainbow-colored, one striped like the transgender flag, and the third colored blue and shades of purple (if this is another alphabet soup identity, I can't identify it) — it read:  "If your parents aren't accepting of your identity, I'm your mom now #freemomhugs."  The photo was shared on Twitter by Parents Defending Education (a "national grassroots non-profit empowering parents to advocate for classrooms that educate, not indoctrinate") and by several social conservative activists on Facebook.  Teri Piper Thompson of the Eau Claire Area School District confirmed to Newsweek that the sign had, in fact, been hung up at North High School but had been taken down.

Kansas Teacher Sues After Being Punished for Refusing to Use Student's Preferred Pronouns.  A Kansas school district is accused of suspending and reprimanding a teacher for "discrimination and harassment" after she refused to use a student's preferred first name and gender pronouns.  The teacher also was denied a religious exemption to the district's required practice.  The allegation comes in a federal lawsuit filed Monday against USD 475 Geary County School District and the principal of Fort Riley Middle School in Fort Riley.  It is filed on behalf of Pamela Ricard, a "decades-long" teacher assigned to the school since 2005.  Ricard was reprimanded and suspended three days in April 2021 "for addressing a biologically female student by the student's legal and enrolled last name," according to the lawsuit, in an apparent attempt to avoid using the student's preferred first name.  That name is not disclosed in the court filing, but a classmate has said the student preferred "he/him" pronouns.

The Autocracy of the Gender Benders.  Tom Bevan at RealClearPolitics shared on Twitter a local horror story from the Chicago area.  His fifth grader came home from school with a vocabulary assignment in science class.  The words included "transgender," cisgender," "nonbinary" and "consent."  The last word carries the most irony — because the educational elite in this country isn't interested in the consent of the governed.  Resistance to LGBT indoctrination in our public grade schools is not recognized as part of a democratic, governing process.  Just like the cause of critical race theory, the parents are not simply irrelevant; they are seen as an impediment to essential progress.  The other words sound ridiculous in a science class.  They are at war with science.  They are at war with common sense.  And they are at war with religious Americans who feel that God made the human race male and female, not some unscientific blur.

Liberal Reporter Tries to Ask DeSantis a Biased Question, Gets Wrecked.  The Parental Rights in Education bill is making its way through the Florida legislature.  The bill was already approved by the state's house, and the Senate is expected to pass it today.  Gov. DeSantis will then sign it into law, and it will take effect this summer.  The bill basically calls for children to be allowed to have a childhood and for parents to be in charge of their own children's moral upbringing at very young ages.  The bill prevents schools from teaching gender bizarreness and exotic sexuality to children in kindergarten through third grade — the horror! — and also gives parents the right to know what schools are doing to their kids' mental health.  The bill also makes provisions for situations where telling a parent about a student's emotional issues may place the student in danger.  While most of us would be shocked to learn that the provisions in the law aren't already the case in schools, the Left is naturally shrieking and wailing.  They have labeled the proposed legislation the "Don't Say 'Gay'" bill and are campaigning hysterically against it.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Proves Conservatives Can Beat LGBT-Obsessed Left.  The Florida state Senate on Tuesday [3/8/2022]passed a parents rights bill, a media-maligned piece of legislation that will prohibit primary school teachers from talking about sexual orientation with children in pre-K through third grade.  Senate passage of the Parental Rights in Education bill by a vote of 21-17 marks a milestone in parents' efforts across the nation to fight back against the radical left in the classroom.  The legislation also represents a model for other states to use as they push back the woke tides.  The Florida House of Representatives passed the legislation last month, 69-47.  It now goes to Gov. Ron DeSantis for his signature.  Opposition to the Parental Rights in Education bill has been fierce, with many on the left attempting to reframe the law as the "Don't Say Gay" bill.  The left has attempted for years to indoctrinate children with LGBT ideology in public schools, and now activists are furious at attempts by conservatives to push back.

Psaki Suggests 'Horrific' Florida LGBT Education Bill Was Motivated by Bigotry.  Addressing reporters one day after the Florida legislature passed a bill barring teachers from including discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in their K-3 curriculum, White House press secretary Jen Psaki questioned whether the bill's supporters are bigots intent on doing harm to gay children.  The bill would "discriminate against families, against kids — put these kids in a position of not getting the support they need at a time when that's exactly what they need," Psaki said.  "It's discriminatory, it's a form of bullying, it his horrific.  I mean, the president has spoken to that."

Florida Democrats expose both their dishonesty and moronic thinking.  Florida's new law expanding parental rights bans sexual orientation and gender discussions in kindergarten through 3rd-grade classrooms (four- to eight-year-olds), deeming them developmentally inappropriate.  Democrats charged Florida with murderous homophobia and transphobia and coined the catchphrase "Don't Say Gay" to describe the law.  This is dishonest because that's not what the bill does.  As if to demonstrate that they have no good argument against the bill, Democrats protested the law's passage by saying "gay."  Yup.  That's their argument.

Florida Legislature Passes Parental-Rights Bill on LGBT Ed for Young Children.  Florida's senate passed the Parental Rights in Education bill Tuesday which would bar teachers from engaging kindergartners through third-graders in discussions about sexual orientation or gender identity.  The bill advanced through the Florida senate after the state house of representatives approved it late last month.  It has earned the staunch support of Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to sign it shortly.  "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards," the bill reads.

Are leftists liberating children or preying on them in public school classrooms?  In response to the uproar over Florida's new law holding that public school teachers may not instruct the four- to eight-year-old crowd in the finer points of the LGBTQ agenda, Governor Ron DeSantis's spokesperson said that the bill is essentially an anti-grooming bill.  That means that those who oppose it are people who want to groom children themselves or just think it's an okay thing to do.  The outrage at her claim was instant and overwhelming.

UPenn, Philly DA ignore complaints about Lia Thomas's male nudity in women's locker room.  Imagine you are a parent to a female college student-athlete.  Now, imagine, what would you do if your daughter told you that someone who was a man and still had male genitalia was frequently naked in front of your daughter every day after practice.  How would you feel as a parent?  That is a current predicament at the University of Pennsylvania.  A letter was sent to city and school authorities addressing the vast concerns over the situation.  It appears to have been ignored by all those addressed in the letter.

LGBT Is OK in Schools — but a West Virginia Christian Revival Assembly Sparks a Walkout.  Our society's social engineers are all in on exposing young children to sex in classrooms, which is why they're currently up in arms over a Florida bill that would prohibit just that.  But the same social engineers are also quite definite about what they don't want in schools — faith in God, for instance.  Perhaps the latest battle on this front concerns a West Virginia school that recently held an evangelical Christian revival assembly.  The event, at Huntington High School, inspired a Wednesday homeroom-period walkout by somewhat less than 10 percent of the pupils — approximately 100 of the more than 1,000-strong student body — and negative coverage by about 99.5 percent of the mainstream media.

Biden's transport secretary Pete Buttigieg claims Florida Republicans' 'Don't Say Gay' bill will drive up suicide rates.  US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg claimed on Wednesday [2/9/2022] that Florida Republicans' controversial Parental Rights in Education bill could drive up LGBTQ youth suicide rates if it's implemented.  It's part of an all-out offensive the White House seems to have mounted against the legislation, which President Joe Biden denounced as 'hateful' on Tuesday evening.  Republican lawmakers in the Sunshine State are working to pass a bill that bans discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in state public schools from kindergarten through fifth grade.  It also encourages parents to sue school districts that promote talking about such issues.

School Board Demeans Parents Over Controversial Books.  On January 31, 2022, the Orange County NC School Board held a special meeting, reviewing the books Out of Darkness, Gender Queer, and Lawn Boy.  The board voted unanimously to keep these books in the public school libraries.  The board then waived the procedure stating the status of the material as indefinitely approved, unable to be challenged after two years per the stated policy.  Parents needed to be punished for raising concerns!  Towards the end of the meeting, board member Sarah Smylie implied that parental concern is a "distraction" from real work.  To imply that parents are only doing this for the sake of "distraction" is incorrect.  Trust me, there are better things I could be doing with my time than reading and researching these books.  Parents, like myself, participate in this conversation because public school students deserve the highest quality academic and creative materials and resources available.  These books do not meet that standard.  This has nothing to do with the ethnicity or sexuality of the characters.  This has to do with the level of discourse and gratuitous nature of the sexual and violent passages in these books.

Tennessee bill would ban teaching of LGBTQ issues in schools.  Tennessee lawmakers are considering a bill to ban the teaching of LGBTQ issues in Tennessee's public schools. [...] The bill, sponsored by State Rep. Bruce Griffey, would ban textbooks and other instructional materials in public schools that "promote, normalize, support or address LGBT issues or lifestyle."  Griffey first introduced the bill last year and says schools have no business teaching students about LGBTQ issues, which he says could offend "a significant portion of students, parents and Tennessee residents with Christian values."

This Is a Prime Example of what Democrats Insanity is Doing to this Generation.  The easiest way to control a generation of people is by fear.  One way to acheive that fear is to create subgroups that ensure the messaging promotes your messages and only your messages.  Case and point, the transgender movement which is solely the creation and implementation of Democrats across the USA.  [Video clip]

Chicago schools training says sex 'not rooted in biology,' tells teachers to hide gender pronouns from parents.  Chicago Public Schools mandated a teacher training program that declared sex a social construct and threatened punishment if faculty didn't use students' preferred pronouns, multiple teachers told Fox News Digital.  A 104-slide PowerPoint presentation echoed a number of left-leaning talking points that have surfaced in trainings across the country.  Titled "Supporting Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Nonconforming Students" the presentation argued that "everyone has multiple, overlapping identities" and that sex is assigned at birth.  "Gender & sex are socially constructed, meaning they've been created and enforced by the people in a society," one slide from the presentation reads.  The notes claim that "the concepts of Gender and Sex are actually not rooted in biology.  Instead, they are socially constructed, which means they have been created and enforced by people in a society."

This Is Teaching Young Children In Louisiana.  This confused man pretending to be a woman [...] is teaching children somewhere in Louisiana.  [Video clip]

Oregon Elementary School Hosts 'Queer and Sexuality Alliance' Club for Nine-Year-Olds.  [Scroll down]  The grade-schoolers will get versed in ways to "advocate for change in [their] community;" they'll "have conversations about identity, gender, equal rights, and social issues."  The club will also be available to fifth graders.  These days, sexuality and youngsters are commonly combined.  Last March, Nebraska eyed schooling kindergarteners on gender identity and 11-year-olds in pansexuality and demigenderism.  In November, Vermont made history by handing condoms to 11-year-olds.  A month prior, a Florida school board member hit headlines for taking elementary children to a gay bar and grill.

Why Accepting Child Transgenderism Will Pave The Way For Accepting Pedophilia.  The last several years can be viewed as a testament to the remarkable strategic power the woke left wields.  The speed at which absurd ideas have been thrust into the limelight by vested media and a wide array of well-financed academics and non-profits is both startling and impressive.  Not long ago, it would've been unimaginable that a seven-year-old boy's innocent preference for Polly Pockets over Power Rangers would find its tragic end in puberty blockers, chemical castration, and 15 minutes of fame on Snapchat's explore page.  Calling this abuse doesn't encapsulate the full extent of the damage.  It is a culturally bolstered, politically incentivized mass grooming campaign with a disturbing history.  Even worse, this all may be eclipsed by a much darker future should it continue unabated.

California mom accuses teachers of secretly manipulating daughter to be transgender.  A California mother has taken legal action against a school district with the explosive claim that staffers manipulated her middle-school daughter into aligning as transgender, saying they encouraged her to change her name, pronouns and gender identity behind her mother's back.  Jessica Konen filed a claim this week against the Spreckels Union School District, two teachers and a principal seeking damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress and civil-rights violations over policies she says allowed the staff to prod her daughter into identifying as transgender starting in sixth grade.  "These are the disgusting behaviors and tactics of predators, who have abused their role as trusted authority figures to our children," Ms. Konen said in a Thursday statement issued by the Center for American Liberty, which represents her.

Parents Group Claims Saint Paul Public Schools [are] Indoctrinating Preschoolers On Transgender Issues.  A parents group claims that a Minnesota school district is indoctrinating toddlers about pride and other "equity" agenda items.  Saint Paul Public Schools is partnering with two organizations, AMAZE and OutFront Minnesota, to purportedly push materials discussing gender identity on children as young as three, according to a release by Parents Defending Education (PDE).  One document released by PDE from AMAZE included books aimed at preschool-age children, including "When Aidan Became a Brother," "I Love My Colorful Nails" and "My Princess Boy."

Teacher who 'stalked' kids online for LGBTQ club responds to backlash.  A California middle school teacher who admitted she "totally stalked" student online activity to identify candidates for an LGBTQ club said her explosive comments were made "tongue in cheek," according to a new report.  Buena Vista Middle School staffers Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki ignited an ongoing controversy in the small Spreckels Union School District after they spoke about their recruitment approach at an October LGBTQ conference.  "When we were doing our virtual learning — we totally stalked what they were doing on Google, when they weren't doing schoolwork," Caldeira said at the gathering.  "One of them was Googling 'Trans Day of Visibility.'  And we're like, 'Check.'  We're going to invite that kid when we get back on campus."  An attendee recorded the remarks and sent them to journalist Abigail Shrier, who later wrote about the matter.

Parent SNAPS After her Child is Brainwashed to be Tranny - Then Tries to Commit Suicide.  Suicide is running rampant in the USA right now as the indocrination into leftist culture continues to expand into every facet of our lives.  Watch as a furious parents unleashes all hell on a school board because teachers at her childs school were relentlessly pushing her child to become transgender.  The child developed depression and eventually tried to take their own life.  This parent lets the school board and the teachers brainwashing children into hating themselves for who they are, know exactly what the problem is.  It's them, not her child.  [Video clip]

Arizona Teachers Attended LGBTQ+ Training That Distributed Lesson Plans About Race, Gender For Kindergarteners.  Arizona's State Board for Charter School promoted an LGBTQ+ training for faculty which encouraged educators to incorporate "LGBTQ-inclusive" curriculum beginning in Kindergarten, according to an email reviewed by the Daily Caller.  GLSEN — pronounced "glisten" — is a New York-based education organization that works to create "safe and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 schools" nationwide.  The organization hosted a training for educators in September, in part to promote its "Rainbow Library Project," which distributes literature on LGBTQ+ ideology.  The presentation told educators how to incorporate LGBTQ+ ideology and Rainbow Libraries in the classroom, according to a PowerPoint obtained by the Daily Caller.  The training, which was presented by an activist named Michael Rady, said that the incorporation of LGBTQ+ ideology would provide a "stepping stone" for more "inclusive curriculum" at the district and state levels.

The Editor says...
"Stepping stone" is a code word for incremental yet relentless changes yet to come.  They won't tell you what their ultimate goals are.  You only hear about seemingly inocuous changes in the near future.

2 California Teachers Accused of Encouraging Student's Clandestine Gender Transition.  Two teachers in a California school district are accused of coaching a student into coming out as transgender behind the backs of the student's parents, according to video footage circulating on social media.  School staff reportedly changed the student's name and pronouns and called Child Protective Services when the parents objected to the gender transition, according to a Twitter thread by LibsofTikTok posted early Thursday morning [12/16/2021].  The thread included video of the girl's parents addressing the school board of Spreckels Union School District on Wednesday.

L.A. Schools Host LGBT Club For 4-Year-Olds, Promote 'Two Spirit' Sexuality And Child Mutilation.  The Los Angeles Unified School District's Office of Human Relations, Equity and Diversity hosted a 10-week online club for LGBT elementary schoolers, down to four-year-olds.  It also prepared a series of presentations that promoted leftwing gender theory and deviant sexualities including the "Two Spirit" sexuality.  The club was called "Rainbow Club," and met once a week for 10 weeks.  It was advertised to students from preschool to fifth grade as a "virtual club for LGBTQ+ elementary school students, their friends, and their grown-ups."  ("TK" stands for transitional kindergarten, for children who are four years old, or preschool age.)

Arizona High School Halts Transgender Spirit Week After Outcry From Parents.  A public records request revealed that parents at Estrella Foothills High School in Goodyear, Ariz., successfully halted a Transgender Awareness Week that aimed to push left-wing gender theory on the school community.  The week originally included a variety of different activities, including wearing name tags with students' pronouns, wearing rainbow colors to celebrate the LGBT movement, and another day on which students were instructed to wear blue, white, and pink, the colors of the transgender flag.  The spirit week was being hosted by Estrella Foothill High School's Coexist club.  The club also made an Instagram post encouraging students to donate to the National Center for Transgender Equality, a far-left organization that advocates for boys to be able to use girls' restrooms in schools, a policy that threatens the safety of young women.

Kindergarten Teacher Brainwashes Her Class Remi The Pronoun Reindeer.  This is what is brainwashing your kids from K through 12 and beyond.  Take control or your children will grow up to hate you, the country and capitalism.  [Video clip]

Chicago Elminates Gender Specific Bathrooms In Public Schools For 'Equity' Reasons.  Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is requiring all schools in the district to adopt new signage in an effort to make restrooms gender-neutral.  The initiative, which CPS is referring to as a "big step forward for gender equity," requires the schools to display language outside of restrooms informing students, whether they are male or female, that they may use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.  "We're requiring all schools to adopt new signage to make our restrooms more inclusive," CPS wrote in a tweet announcing the change.  "This is a big step forward for gender equity for our students and staff."  [Video clip]

Chicago Public Schools eliminating sex-specific restrooms to 'increase gender equity'.  Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is requiring all schools in the district to adopt new signage in an effort to make restrooms gender-neutral.  The initiative, which CPS is referring to as a "big step forward for gender equity," requires the schools to display language outside of restrooms informing students, whether they are male or female, that they may use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.  "We're requiring all schools to adopt new signage to make our restrooms more inclusive," CPS wrote in a tweet announcing the change.  "This is a big step forward for gender equity for our students and staff."

How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids.  Incensed parents now make news almost daily, objecting to radical material taught in their children's public schools.  But little insight has been provided into the mindset and tactics of activist teachers themselves.  That may now be changing, thanks to leaked audio from a meeting of California's largest teacher's union.  Last month, the California Teachers Association (CTA) held a conference advising teachers on best practices for subverting parents, conservative communities and school principals on issues of gender identity and sexual orientation.  Speakers went so far as to tout their surveillance of students' Google searches, internet activity, and hallway conversations in order to target sixth graders for personal invitations to LGBTQ clubs, while actively concealing these clubs' membership rolls from participants' parents.

Conservative activists call 'social emotional learning' a Trojan horse for critical race theory.  Parental and conservative activists nationwide say "social emotional learning" is priming students to learn critical race theory while sidelining parents from caring for their children's mental health.  Now facing scrutiny, retailers of the method insist it only serves to help students manage their emotions and learn empathy.  A defining moment in the push against social emotional learning, or SEL, occurred at a September school board meeting in Southlake, Texas, at which a local mother called on the Carroll Independent School District to ban SEL, saying it amounted to "advertising suicide."  The harsh charge represents the activist accusation that SEL is a Trojan horse for liberal ideas, including critical race theory and gay and transgender advocacy.

Report claims coordinated teacher recruiting, spying and targeting of middle schoolers for LGBT clubs.  An alarming new report has come out regarding the recruitment of students into LGBT clubs by the California Teachers Association (CTA).  The report comes from Abigail Shrier, author of the controversial book "Irreversible Damage:  The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters," which made a splash in June of 2020.  On her blog, "The Truth Fairy," Shrier claims that leaked audio of a CTA meeting in October makes plain the agenda of the largest teacher's union in California:  to promote homosexual exploration.  Shrier wrote that the documents of the meeting show teachers being encouraged to recruit students into LGBT clubs, and encourage them to "have the courage to create a safe environment that fosters bravery to explore sexual orientation."  One teacher allegedly cracked a smug joke about their own students, saying "we're going to do just a little mind-trick on our sixth graders."

How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids.  Incensed parents now make news almost daily, objecting to radical material taught in their children's public schools.  But little insight has been provided into the mindset and tactics of activist teachers themselves.  That may now be changing, thanks to leaked audio from a meeting of California's largest teacher's union.  Last month, the California Teachers Association (CTA) held a conference advising teachers on best practices for subverting parents, conservative communities and school principals on issues of gender identity and sexual orientation.  Speakers went so far as to tout their surveillance of students' Google searches, internet activity, and hallway conversations in order to target sixth graders for personal invitations to LGBTQ clubs, while actively concealing these clubs' membership rolls from participants' parents.

Teen Sues New Hampshire School Over Punishment for 'Only Two Genders' Comment.  A New Hampshire student is suing his high school for violating his right to free speech and religious beliefs after being disciplined for stating there are only two genders.  The freshman and football player for the school, identified as "M.P." in the lawsuit, received a one-game suspension for violating the school district's transgender student policy.  The student made the comments on a school bus and then later in a text exchange with another student off school grounds.  The student's attorney, Ian Huyett of the Manchester-based Cornerstone Policy Research, said his client is seeking permanent relief from the school policy under protections for free speech and religious belief in the state constitution.  Huyett said the student is a practicing Catholic and has the constitutional right to hold the belief that there are only two genders.  "As the United States Supreme Court has said, students do not check their First Amendment Rights at the schoolhouse gate," said Huyett.

Connecticut School Teaches Kindergarteners About Transgenderism as Part of Its 'Social Justice' Lessons.  An elementary school in Connecticut is requiring its students to engage in its "Social Justice Lesson Standards," which includes transgender content being exposed to children as early as kindergarten.  Parents of students attending West Hartford Public Schools contacted nonprofit parent group Parents Defending Education about the material, and expressed concern over it being used by the district to push group identities through books about transgenderism that are included in the curriculum.  District officials informed parents that they will not be allowed to opt out of the curriculum.  One parent was particularly disturbed by a book taught to fourth graders entitled, "When Aidan Became a Brother," which the parent described as "full on gender theory" that teaches students their biological sex is "wrong."

My Son's English Teacher Showed a Transgender Activist's Video in Class.  My eighth grade son recently got a "lesson" in English class that featured a video of a transgender activist making a speech that includes sexually suggestive language.  As a society, we have seen this sort of thing play out time and time again in recent years.  First the left asks for tolerance, then acceptance, and then they demand that you celebrate their push for full "social justice" indoctrination in every classroom in America.  The results of the governor's race in Virginia gives me hope that my wife and I are not alone in concern over schools abusing the trust we place in them to protect our children.  To me, this is not part of a "culture war," but about keeping our schools focused on education and not indoctrination.  To the credit of my son's middle school, when I requested a meeting about the use of this video on transgenderism in class Oct. 4, the principal immediately scheduled one four days later.  As we will see, though, even if the principal wanted to resist such lessons he would be hard-pressed to do so.

Student suspended for 'only two genders'comment sues school.  A New Hampshire student-athlete is suing his school district after he was suspended from a football game for allegedly expressing his view that there are "only two genders."  The lawsuit, filed on Nov. 4, said that the suspension in September was in violation of the student's constitutional right to free speech and the New Hampshire Bill of Rights because he expressed his religious beliefs, The Portsmouth Herald reported.  The plaintiff is also aiming to prohibit enforcing Exeter High School's gender-nonconforming student's policy because of what he says is its infringement on his First Amendment rights.

Blame Public Schools for Transgender Bathroom Rapes.  In Loudoun County in Virginia, Scott Smith was dragged out of a school board meeting and arrested because he claimed that his daughter had been sodomized in the girls' restroom by a male wearing a skirt.  He was angry because the school had tried to conceal it, despite there being medical tests as proof.  Nearly two months after Smith's arrest, the school board voted to approve its transgender rights policy, which requires that teachers use students' preferred pronouns.  From six states in 2019, today, only four have laws that forbid instruction of LGBT propaganda in public schools:  Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Louisiana.  Alabama repealed its law, and South Carolina's was overturned.  Despite Texas law, schools actively promote transgenderism.  The library at the elementary Blackshear Fine Arts Academy in Austin hosted a drag queen convicted of prostitution charges.  A few weeks later, the Austin ISD School Board of Trustees adopted a radical sex curriculum.  Despite heavy parent opposition, the Austin school district continues to promote a radical sex curriculum.

Florida elementary school class takes field trip to gay bar.  This past week, a Florida elementary school class took a field trip to a gay bar as part of a so-called "Unit of Inquiry."  According to The Daily Wire, the Wilton Manors Elementary School trip involved a lesson titled "How We Organize Ourselves" in which "students learn about neighborhood safety, community helpers [...] different jobs in a community, and social skills when interacting with others."

It's Come To This:  Missouri High School Names A Boy In A Dress Homecoming Queen.  It's a tradition as old as time: homecoming queen.  But this year, Rock Bridge High School made a change in their traditions.  Senior Zachary Willmore won the title of homecoming queen at this year's homecoming game.  He's the first boy to win the title.  "It was literally like a dream" Wilmore said.  [Video clip]

Pull your kids out of public school if you want to save them from LGBT propaganda.  One of the few encouraging trends we've seen in the last couple of years is the increasing pushback by parents against the implementation of transgender ideology (and other progressive agenda items such as Critical Race Theory) in their schools.  For years, progressive teachers and school boards have had a free hand to educate children as they see fit, and for years their views have been getting increasingly radical.  As children begin to suddenly identify as the opposite gender overnight and become indoctrinated into ideas that were considered extreme very recently, many parents are finally getting wise.

Loudoun County schools are worse even than you imagined.  We've written before about the madness in the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), most recently when it comes to parents protesting LGBTQ pornography in the school system's libraries.  There've also been newsworthy moments when parents spoke out about Critical Race Theory in the school district.  One of the most explosive moments occurred when the school board, tired of having angry parents (i.e., voters) yell at them, called the cops, with several arrests, including that of one man getting physically dragged out.  It now turns out that the man was protesting the fact that the school's policies led to a boy in a skirt sexually assaulting his daughter in a girl's bathroom. [...] On June 22, Scott Smith, a White plumber was filmed as the police arrested him and dragged him out of an LCPS board meeting.  It was his arrest, writes Rosiak, that the National School Boards Association cited when it sought the federal help that AG Merrick Garland so willingly gave, referred to as a possible form of "domestic terrorism."

North Carolina GOP Lt. Gov. Says He Won't Resign After Blasting Schools for Teaching Graphic Sexual Concepts to Kids.  North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson says that he will not bow to calls for him to resign after he blasted schools for teaching sexual concepts to young children.  Gov. Robinson said "I will not be silenced and I will not be bullied into submission."  The Republican outraged the left when he said that LGBT issues and sexual concepts should not be taught to children in public schools while speaking at Asbury Baptist Church in June.

Student Protests University's 'Inclusive' Pronoun Rules, a Petition Demands He Be Kicked out of School.  At Pittsburgh's Point Park University, they're serious about speech.  And one student's been framed as Pronoun Enemy #1.  As I covered last week, the roughly 4,000-attendee school announced stringent rules related to language.  The "Misgendering, Pronoun Misuse, and Deadnaming" section of a recent dictate reads thusly:  ["]Any individual who has been informed of another person's gender identity, pronouns, or chosen name is expected to respect that individual.  Point Park University fosters a community of inclusivity for every member at the institution.  Misgendering, continued misuse of an individual's pronouns, or using an individual's deadname after being informed of a chosen name could result in a violation of the Policy on Discrimination and Harassment for gender-based discrimination.["]  It's an odd choice — the missive outlaws things not only said to someone, but about them.  After all, biology-based pronouns are used in third person.

The Editor says...
Unless you are utterly destitute, you should not enroll your kids in public schools.  If you do, you should be prepared to un-teach everything they learn every day.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe Makes Enormous Blunder at Virginia Governor Debate.  Last night [9/28/2021], Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin debated again as part of the race to be the next governor of Virginia. [...] During the debate, typical positions were staked out, but when the topic of what's being taught in schools came up, McAuliffe made an enormous blunder.  The clip is still going viral this morning.  [Tweet with video clip:  Terry McAuliffe:  "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."]  On what planet should parents not be directly involved in what's being taught to their children?  It is parents who elect schoolboards or elect the officials who appoint them.  Kids are not wards of the state, not yet anyway, and it's jarring to see someone who wants to be governor of a fairly large state pronounce that parents should have no say in whether educators feed their children garbage or not.  Youngkin should have this playing on repeat in every single ad he puts out over the next month before the election.

Glenn Youngkin Goes for the Jugular After Terry McAuliffe's Stunning Declaration on Public Education.  Though it's laughable that Clinton Democrat Terry McAuliffe keeps trying to portray himself to Virginia voters as a "woke" moderate with the all-important backing of so-called "leading conservatives" like Never Trumper Bill Kristol in the state's closely-watched gubernatorial race, what's not in any way funny is what he declared last night during his debate with Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin on the issue of public education and parents' roles in what their children are being taught.  As we reported earlier, McAuliffe and Youngkin were sparring over state education guidelines on transgender students, what's appropriate to teach children in public school classrooms, and if parents should be notified when lesson plans will include sexually explicit content when a visibly agitated McAuliffe told a persistent Youngkin that "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."  For those who missed the moment, watch:  [Video clip]

School Board Squirms As Mom Reads Them The Gay Porn In Books Available To Students.  A Virginia mom found that books graphically depicting pedophilia were in her child's school as part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion — so she read from them, verbatim, to the school board.  The school board's reaction was ironic:  It silenced her, citing that there were children in the room.  [Language warning from that point onward.]

Federal judge sides with gay teacher suing Catholic school over firing.  A federal judge has ruled in favor of a gay substitute teacher this month in a lawsuit over his being fired from a Catholic school because of his marriage to another man.  U.S. District Judge Max O. Cogburn Jr., an Obama appointee, sided with Lonnie Billard, who sued Charlotte Catholic High School in North Carolina after he was removed from substitute teaching because he chose to marry a man.  According to the federal lawsuit, Mr. Billard argued that the school discriminated against him in violation of the Civil Rights Act and removed him from its substitute teaching list after he announced on social media that he would be marrying his partner.

Christian University's Residence Hall Gets 'We're Here!  We're Queer!' LGBT Mural.  At Emory University, they're decorating the dormitory with change.  As reported by Campus Reform, the school has permitted a local artist (and Emory graduate) to paint murals in one of its residence halls.  Alabama Hall now features art dedicated to Gay Pride.  The work portrays an assortment of multi-colored people with raised fists. [...] The mural seems noteworthy, as Emory is a Christian college.

Calif teacher who removed US flag, suggested students pledge allegiance to pride flag removed from classroom.  A California teacher who went viral after bragging in a TikTok video that she had taken down the American flag in her classroom because it made her feel "uncomfortable" and suggested that her students should say the Pledge of Allegiance to a rainbow flag has been removed from her classroom.  "She has been removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave, as our investigation continues," Newport Mesa Schools spokesperson Annette Franco confirmed to Fox News Wednesday [9/1/2021].  The teacher was identified as Kristin Pitzen of Newport Mesa Schools in Orange County.

Virginia Supreme Court upholds reinstatement of teacher who opposes transgender pronoun mandates.  Loudoun County Public Schools failed to convince the Virginia Supreme Court that it had the right to suspend a teacher — and ban him from school board meetings — for publicly speaking against a proposed transgender pronoun mandate.  The high court upheld a circuit court ruling that reinstated Tanner Cross as his free speech lawsuit proceeds against the district.  It cited recent First Amendment precedents from both the U.S. Supreme Court and the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which does not have jurisdiction over Virginia federal courts.  "[I]t is settled law that the government may not take adverse employment actions against its employees in reprisal for their exercising their right to speak on matters of public concern," and the district doesn't dispute that Cross was speaking on an "issue of social, political, or other interest to a community," the high court said.

California Teacher's Video Shows What She Did to US Flag.  A California teacher created a stir on social media when she posted a video that was picked up by "Libs on TikTok," an account that posts about the odd, leftist TikTok videos.  The teacher, later identified as Kristin Pitzen of Newport Mesa School District in Orange County, recorded herself giggling about how she'd hidden the American flag from her class so they couldn't pledge allegiance to it because it made her "uncomfortable."  But as an alternative, she suggested they could pledge allegiance to the pride flag that she had on the wall.

California teacher boasts not having American flag, tells students to pledge allegiance to gay pride flag.  A California school district is investigating a teacher after she posted a video admitting that she encouraged her students to pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag after she removed the American flag from her classroom.  "Okay, so during third period, we have announcements and they do the pledge of allegiance," the teacher, identified as Kristin Pitzen of Newport Mesa School District in Orange County, said in a video posted to social media.  "I always tell my class, stand if you feel like it, don't stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don't have to say the words."  "So, my class decided to stand but not say the words.  Totally fine," she continued in the now-viral video.

Illinois sex ed classes to teach gender expression as early as K-2 starting next school year.  Starting next school year, schools in Illinois teaching sexual education lessons will start as early as kindergarten.  Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Friday signed Senate Bill 818, which his office said will modernize sex education standards with age-appropriate content for grades K-12.  The measure requires the Illinois State Board of Education to provide the standards for schools that teach sex education by August 2022.  Schools don't need to adopt the standards unless they teach sex ed.  Parents will be able to opt their children out.  The law states the curriculum will align with and be updated alongside the National Sex Education Standards.  Those standards are cultivated in part by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, or SIECUS.  That group has the tag line "Sex Ed for Social Change."

Social Media, Schools, and the Secret Rise of Transgender Children:  The New 'Social Contagion'.  In the midst of the isolation that ensued due to COVID-19 quarantines and school lockdowns, some parents have described how a new "social contagion" has quietly crept into homes to infect and transform their children.  It was given a name in a 2018 study:  rapid-onset gender dysphoria.  Now, parents are sounding the alarm.  In September 2020, January Littlejohn of Tallahassee, Florida, was shocked when her 13-year-old daughter inadvertently revealed a secret.  School officials wanted to know which bathroom she preferred to use "as a result of her requested name change."  More shocking was her discovery of a plan devised during a private meeting between her daughter and school officials without her knowledge or consent.  "She was so flippant about it," Littlejohn told The Epoch Times, "and what I've come to understand is these kids claiming transgender identities out of the blue have no idea of the scope or scale of what they are saying, things they are asking for in terms of hormones and surgery.  It's like they're asking to get a nose ring or their hair dyed or a piece of clothing they know their parents are going to reject.

University's Required Training Labels Straight White Males 'Oppressors' — in the Name of Being 'Inclusive'.  At James Madison University, they're trying to make sure everyone's included. [...] As for "privilege" oppressors, the school listed them thusly:
  •   Male
  •   Cisgender
  •   Christian
  •   Heterosexual
  •   Western European
  •   Upper-to-middle class
  •   Thin/Athletic build
  •   Able-bodied
  •   Age 30s to 50s
  •   White

Scottish Govt Guidance:  Schools Can Assist Gender Changes from Age Four, Not Tell Parents.  Scotland's left-separatist Scottish National Party (SNP) government has issued official guidance to schools saying they can assist supposedly transgender pupils to change their gender identity from the age of four, without telling their parents.  In a 70-page document backed by controversial LGBTQ groups such as Stonewall, Scottish schools are advised by Scotland's devolved administration — roughly equivalent to a state government in the United States — that children can "come out" as transgender "at any age", and should be supported to change their gender identity even from the earliest year of primary school, where the youngest pupils are aged four or five.

School board activism returns as Loudoun County advances controversial transgender rules.  As students prepare to return to classrooms in the fall, battles over critical race theory and mask mandates are resurfacing at school board meetings nationwide.  Parents packed into auditoriums and parking lots for meetings this week to protest various school policies as the first day of classes quickly approaches, reviving the chaotic scenes that closed out the spring semester earlier this year.  In Loudoun County, Virginia — the site of one of the fiercest fights against left-leaning school rules — more than 150 people lined up to speak at a meeting to weigh in on a transgender policy.  The Tuesday [8/10/2021] meeting dragged on for hours due to comments from parents, pushing the final vote to Wednesday.

Harvard Professor Insists There Are Two Sexes, Colleague Is 'Appalled'.  A diversity leader at Harvard University is speaking out against her coworker.  The issue:  controversial statements made on Fox & Friends.  Last Wednesday, Carole Hooven — co-director of the college's Department of Human Evolutionary Biology — shared her thoughts on a primary component of human existence.  Carole contended biological men and women are different.  As relayed by The College Fix, she was commenting on medical teachers' reluctance to use terms such as "male" and "female."

This Whackjob Who Believes There's An Endless Spectrum Of Genders Is Teaching Your Kids.  Imagine this, this guy who is spouting off about there being far more than 2 genders is a science teacher.  [Video clip]

Some medical schools now teaching that biological sex is a social construct.  Last month Katie Herzog published a piece in which doctors warned that woke ideology was taking over the field of medicine.  "Wokeness feels like an existential threat," one doctor told Herzog.  Today, Herzog has a follow-up piece from the perspective of a medical student.  The student's real identity isn't shared in the piece because she fears repercussions.  Instead Herzog refers to her as simply as Lauren.  The piece opens with Lauren recalling a professor who apologized profusely during a lecture for using the phrase "pregnant women."

The LGBTQs are coming for your kids — and they're not hiding it.  One of the real sticking points for American parents is the left's insistence on forcing sexuality onto kids.  In leftist world, kids must be exposed as early as possible — in preschool is best — to all 52 or 76 or 103 (or whatever) different "genders" and sexual practices the LGBT community is currently claiming.  Parents understand that when leftists refuse to allow children a long, innocent period in which to develop their own sense of self free of sexual and "gender" pressure, they are, in fact, "coming for our children."  To leftists, though, saying that aloud is "homophobia," so the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus created what they seem to think is an "enlightened" video about their "coming for your children."  Tim Rosser and Charlie Sohne composed the song, which is really, really bad.  Musically, it's uninspired, and lyrically, it's creepy.

Teacher Shares Behind-Scenes Look at How Unions Further Woke Agenda.  California teacher Brenda Lebsack says she began seeing "red flags" in public education when she decided to become more involved with her union, the California Teachers Association.  After she began attending the union's conferences in 2015, Lebsack says, she was alarmed to see that many of the topics weren't academic but instead focused on social justice, human rights, and LGBTQ issues.  "I thought, wow, my union does not seem to care that much about academics as much as they do the political side of things," Lebsack told The Daily Signal in a phone interview.  A teacher since 1987, Lebsack has taught a variety of grade levels and subjects.  She currently is a physical education teacher for special education students in several elementary schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District, about 35 miles south of Los Angeles.

High school blaring sexual identities over its loudspeakers.  This story is about a week old, but it's such a striking example of the way in which public schools have completely embraced leftist culture that it still deserves to be noted.  A high school in New York's rural Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District recently informed parents that school officials will literally be loudly disseminating information about sexual identity over the edifice's loudspeakers each June day in honor of Pride Month.  The school released a statement proclaiming:  "Each day on the announcements we will be talking about a different part of the LGBTQ+ community to help educate people on it."

VA School District to Appeal Ruling Reinstating Gym Coach Who Refused to Use Trans Pronouns.  The Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) plans to appeal a judge's reinstatement of a high school gym coach who refused to address trans students by their preferred pronouns.  The Virginia school district put gym teacher Byron "Tanner" Cross on leave after he cited his Christian faith in opposition to the proposed Policy 8040, which would require educators to address trans students by the pronouns they prefer.

Veteran teacher shows how schools are intentionally confusing children about gender.  A longtime public school teacher has produced a short video which pulls back the curtain on the influence that abortion giant Planned Parenthood, the pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign, and others are exerting to intentionally confuse elementary school children about their sex.  "As an insider," begins 25-year veteran teacher Brenda Lebsack at the start of her video, "I feel compelled to warn parents about dangerous ideologies being promoted to your impressionable children.  I've always been an advocate of public education, but not anymore.  This agenda is not about transgenderism.  It's about intentionally confusing children about their gender."

I'm A Mom Seeking Records Of Critical Race and Gender Curriculum, Now The School Committee May Sue To Stop Me.  I am a mother in the South Kingstown School District in Rhode Island investigating through public records requests how critical race and gender theories are integrated into lessons, school policies, and contracts.  Now the School Committee is considering suing me to stop me.  My child is enrolled in kindergarten and I became concerned that Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender theory were integrated into lessons when an elementary school principal told me that teachers don't refer to students as "boys" and "girls."  Additionally, I was told a kindergarten teacher asks five-year-olds, "what could have been done differently on the first Thanksgiving" in order to build upon a "line of thinking about history."  I asked why kids could not be called "boys" and "girls" and was told it was "common practice."  I asked for clarification on the "line of thinking" about history but got no answers.  The more questions I asked, the less answers I received.

The public school system had stopped teaching children long before the pandemic.  If the academic year now ending has taught us anything, it's that the public school system would rather indoctrinate than educate its students.  The school system was created to teach students academically and morally, and to prepare them for the next phase of life.  The pandemic proved that most public schools will abandon this responsibility when given the opportunity. [...] None of this seems to bother the public school administrators, who moved on from traditional subjects such as mathematics a long time ago in search of a more social justice-friendly curriculum devoid of true educational content.  According to this new curriculum, it does not matter to the public school system whether students flunk out of biology, as long as they understand the unscientific topic of transgenderism and the "gender spectrum."

Elementary School Teacher Placed on Leave After Insisting Biological Boys Can't Become Girls.  An Virginia elementary school gym teacher has been placed on leave after delivering a speech to his school board announcing that he will not "affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa," according to a report from Fox News.  "My name is Tanner Cross and I am speaking out of love for those who are suffering from gender dysphoria.  '60 Minutes' this past Sunday interviewed over 30 young people who transitioned but they felt led astray because of lack of pushback or how easy it was to make physical changes to their bodies in just three months.  They are now detransitioning," he pointed out.  Cross proceeded to speak out about a new school policy, 8040, requiring staff in Loudoun County, Va., schools to use the preferred pronouns of students.

Female student, 29, faces disciplinary action by university after fellow classmates complained about [her] 'offensive and discriminatory' comments.  A student who said women were born with female genitals and the difference in physical strength between men and women 'was a fact' is facing disciplinary action by her university.  Lisa Keogh, 29, who studies law at Abertay University in Dundee was reported to university chiefs by her classmates after she said that women were not as physically strong as men.  The mature student, who is in her final year, is now facing a formal investigation by the university for the alleged 'offensive' and 'discriminatory' comments.

San Diego School District Adds 2,000 LGBTQ+ Books for Elementary Students.  In California, kids just got loaded up with reading material.  On Monday [4/26/2021], parents of kiddos in the San Diego Unified School District received an email.  The superintendent let them know of new resources coming into the system.  Per the message, nonprofit Gender Nation would be donating 2,000 "age-appropriate LGBTQ+ inclusive" books.  As reported by The Daily Wire, the missive explained that, in an effort to "empower students through inclusive stories," the district would "now have access to more literature specifically geared towards LGBTQ+ students."

The Editor says...
The clear implication here is that the school will gladly push left-wing propaganda, as long as the books are supplied by a non-profit organization.  Can two play that game?  Can a right-wing non-profit group supply textbooks, too?

6th Circuit Reaches Right Conclusion on 'Preferred Pronouns.' Other Courts Should Follow Suit.  In a victory for free speech, the rule of law, and common sense, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit has ruled that a philosophy professor could not be forced to use a transgender student's "preferred pronouns," and that his suit against the university for violation of his First and 14th Amendment rights could proceed.  The court's decision is the first of its kind, and establishes a needed boundary against American culture's new, brutish sexual orthodoxy.  At least within academia, one can no longer be compelled to say things one doesn't believe.

The LGBTQ etc. crowd comes for Christian colleges.  Thirty-three self-identified LGBTQ etc. students who are currently attending Christian universities have sued the Department of Education, demanding that all federal funding should be withdrawn from those institutions.  This suit is an inevitable sequel to the Obergefell lawsuit, which put the whole non-traditional sexual identity spectrum into the Constitution.  However, it also highlights that Christian institutions should never have gotten entangled with the federal government.

Professor can't be punished for not using transgender student's pronouns, appeals court rules.  A public university violated a professor's constitutional rights by punishing him for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday [3/26/2021].  In a unanimous opinion written by Judge Amul Thapar, a Supreme Court short-lister for former President Trump, the court compared the Ohio university's behavior to a "McCarthy era" law against "subversive" government employees.  Philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether, a "devout Christian," sought an accommodation under which he would not have to address the student as a woman in classroom discussions, which often touched on gender identity as a cultural controversy.

Tennessee Bill Aims to Prohibit Textbooks, Materials with LGBTQ+ Content.  A bill currently in the Tennessee legislature seeks to prohibit the state from approving textbooks and other instructional materials containing LGBTQ+ content.  "The bill, H.B. 0800, was introduced by Representative Bruce Griffey (R - District 75) [pictured] and will be considered by the Education Instruction Subcommittee on March 30," KSDK reported Wednesday [3/24/2021]. The bill says public schools need to focus on teaching subjects such as reading, science, and mathematics.  It also adds LGBTQ+ content is inappropriate for the classroom and may offend a significant portion of school communities that hold Christian values.  In addition, the bill suggests LGBTQ+ issues be treated with the same rules as religious teaching in public schools.

Nebraska Eyes Teaching Kindergarteners Gender Identity While Eleven-Year-Olds Study Pansexuality and Demigenderism.  As reported by Omaha's KETV, the state's Department of Education released the first draft of its Health Education Standards on March 10th.  Per Chief Academic Officer Dr. Cory Epler, the guidelines address the question of, "How do we help students make choices and have the knowledge skills to have a healthy life?"  That skillset comes courtesy of a group of educators, health professionals, and — as put by ABC7, "subject matter experts."  The standards demand third graders be able to "demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for people of all genders, gender expressions, and gender identities, including other students, their family members and members of the school community."

The Editor says...
If all they talk about in school is "genders, gender expressions, and gender identities," it's no wonder so many kids are confused.

Little boy forced to read redefined 'GayBCs' and social media explodes: 'This is full-on abuse!'  A viral video has surfaced of a woman helping a little boy read from a book called "The GayBCs" that uses the alphabet to introduce readers as young as 4-years-old into the progressive, woke LGBTQ universe.  The video starts out with the woman asking the little boy if he likes the book and if he's a 'woke' toddler.  The woman goes through the entire redefined alphabet starting with A for "ally" and B for "bi."  The child seems to have gone through "The GayBCs" a number of times.  He is very familiar with the book and is innocently parroting the politically correct letters of a new, progressive alphabet that he has been taught.

Parents Recoil at Third Grade Teacher Reading Transgender Book to Kids.  A Northwestern school system reevaluates its approach to equity.  As reported by The Salt Lake Tribune, a third-grader recently brought a book from home and asked the teacher to read it aloud.  Call Me Max concerns a female identifying as a boy.  Here's Amazon's provided story summary: [...] At Horizon Elementary, the teacher obliged.  Word got out to parents, some of whom gave a less enthusiastic review than above.

'Equity' Book Program Suspended After Backlash From Parents Over Third-Grade Transgender Book.  A school district in Utah is suspending its "equity book bundles" program after receiving backlash from parents when a third-grade teacher read a book about a transgender boy to young students without parental permission.  According to The Salt Lake Tribune, a student of Horizon Elementary brought the book, "Call Me Max," from home and asked the teacher to read it aloud. [...] However, some students mentioned the book and discussion to their families.  Some families then called the district and were reportedly "angry that the book was shared with their kids without permission."  The school district plans to review all of the literature included in the program, and Perry said the goal will be to examine them to see if any share the same topic as "Call Me Max" or might cause concern for other reasons.

27 alternate pronouns displayed on college business school application, along with an 'other' option.  Georgia State University's J. Mack Robinson College of Business features a program called WomenLead which "equips female students to excel in school, enter the workforce with developed skills, and find their place in leadership positions."  One might assume a program geared toward women wouldn't need much in the way of gender identifiers on its application form, but once you scroll down a little ways past boxes to input your last name, first name, and "nickname or preferred first name if different from your given name," the form asks "what pronouns do you prefer?"  And it's a smorgasbord.

Judge To Carroll ISD: LGBT Plan "Must Cease".  Today [12/2/2020], a Tarrant County, Texas judge granted an emergency order ruling that Carroll ISD likely violated the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA) by assembling a quorum and conducting secret deliberations contrary to TOMA notice provisions to advance the controversial and divisive Cultural Competence Action Plan (CCAP) which promotes radical LGBT agendas and policies.  Texas Values expressed concern about the actions of Carroll ISD's board starting in July of this year regarding CCAP.  Texas Values team members presented testimony back in August on how the plan threatened the religious liberty of students who hold Christian values, and filed an open records request for information on board activities.  Today's order requires the school board to cease from taking any further administrative action on CCAP.

Major UK textbook publisher Pearson vows to 'flip harmful gender stereotypes' in its products.  School books and exam papers could soon show girls dressing up as firefighters and boys watering plants after one of the country's largest education companies launched plans to tackle gender bias.  Pearson, which owns the exam board Edexcel and produces resources for schools, today announced guidelines to 'flip' gender stereotypes and 'avoid unconscious bias.'  The move, which was developed in close collaboration with The Fawcett Society, will show girls as firefighters, astronauts and mechanics and boys watering plants, baking cakes, playing in a pretend kitchen and performing in a dance competition.

The Transgender Agenda Hits Kindergarten.  From California to Minnesota to the District of Columbia, the transgender agenda has infiltrated the classrooms of even the most tender youth.  Last week Alexandra DeSanctis reported for National Review Online about the "transition ceremony" hosted by a kindergarten teacher at California's Rocklin Academy Gateway to celebrate a gender-dysphoric boy donning the attire and appellation of a little girl.  As DeSanctis noted, the shocked and angry parents of the Rocklin pupils had not received advance notice of the "lesson" and learned of the events only when their confused children returned home.

To support queer youth identity, one Seattle school will be renamed after a LGBTQ+ leader, among other reforms.  Seattle could soon see a school named after Marsha P. Johnson, James Baldwin, Cheryl Chow or another prominent LGBTQ+ individual.  Under a new a resolution the Seattle School Board passed unanimously this Pride month to support queer youth identity, the state's largest school district is on the hook to consider several measures:  Creating a new LGBTQ+ culture and identity curriculum, include an all-genders bathroom in any new school construction projects, offer LGBTQ+ sensitivity training to staff and rename one school.  The district will also be required survey all schools and report back on how many have gender-inclusive bathrooms, and brainstorm possibilities to create new inclusive restrooms in existing buildings.

Mom Pulls Children From School Over LGBT Adult "Hangout".  An outraged California mother announced on Facebook that she would be pulling her children from public school after receiving an email advertising an online "LGBTQ+ Safe Space Web Hangout" for "LGBTQ+youth ages 13-25."  According to the advertisement, which was e-mailed to middle-school children by government schools in California's Gilroy and Morgan Hill school district, this "Safe Space Web Hangout" is "private" and by "invite only."  They happen every Wednesday at 4 PM, the email said.  The hangouts are hosted by "The LGBT Youth Space," a self-styled "community drop-in center" funded by taxpayers for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and ally youth and young adults ages 13-25."  Yes — ages 13 through 25.

Elementary School Librarian (aka Leatherman) Hosted Male Prostitute Drag Queen.  An elementary school librarian in Austin, Texas, who goes by the nickname "Leatherman" during perverted sex shows, invited a convicted male prostitute "drag queen" to read to young children while dressed in female clothing.  It all happened during the school district's "LGBTQ+ Pride Week."  Yes, seriously.  An investigation by activists revealed that the drag queen, a man named David Lee Richardson but who uses the stage name "Miss Kitty Litter" (shown), had a criminal record that included a conviction for prostitution.  Perhaps even more alarming, the librarian, sex fetishist Roger Grape, helped him conceal that using a loophole so he could read LGBT stories to young children.  The scandal, first reported by the pro-family group MassResistance, surrounds the Blackshear Elementary School, a so-called "magnet" school that describes itself as a "fine arts academy."  Few parents who sent their children there, though, imagined that the "magnet" school would be a magnet for perverts seeking to sexualize and groom their children.

Incremental changes go in only one direction.
New Jersey Public Schools To Teach LGBT Ideology In Every Subject.  A little more than a year ago, the New Jersey Legislature passed, and Gov. Phil Murphy signed, a law mandating the teaching of LGBT subject matter in public school curriculum, beginning in 2020-21.  In response to the law, the activist group Garden State Equality has prepared a curriculum, currently piloted in 12 New Jersey schools and planned to be employed statewide in the fall.  This is consistent with Murphy's vision.  At Garden State Equality's 2019 Ball, he said, "I applaud Garden State Equality for not only leading this effort, but for your continued work in helping to craft this curriculum."

The Editor says...
One might easily presume that radical environmentalism is already infused into every subject, along with "affirmative action" propaganda.  It will be interesting to see how they inject Islam, animal rights, abortion, and feminism into every subject in a few more years.

FRC: 'Keep Your Kids Home on Transgender Propaganda Day,' Thursday, Feb. 27.  The conservative Family Research Council (FRC) is urging parents across the country to keep their kids home on Thursday, Feb. 27, a day that pro-LGBT activists and teachers will use to read pro-transgender books to children in some schools and libraries, a practice they want to establish as an annual event.

Wisconsin parents suing school district for letting students switch genders without notice.  Parents are suing a Wisconsin school district for adopting a policy that allows students of any age to transition to a different gender and use a different name while at school without parental notice or consent.  The policy, according to the religious-liberty law firm Alliance Defending Freedom, prevents school officials from communicating about the child's choice to transition with parents if the student does not consent.  The parents charge that the school's policy violates their parental rights, usurping the upbringing of their children under Wisconsin law.

N.J. should pay for kids to switch schools over 'harmful' curriculum, lawmaker says.  A New Jersey lawmaker wants the state to pay to send students to private school if their parents are offended by what they are learning.  And the plan is already being ripped as an attack on New Jersey's requirement for an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum.  State Assemblyman Robert Auth, R-Bergen, proposed the school voucher bill this week, saying all parents should have the option to spare their children from "harmful" curriculum.  "Harmful" could refer to almost anything, according to his bill, as long as it conflicts with parents' beliefs regarding sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, conscience, ethics, morality or religion.

UK: Muslim Father Faces Jail for Pulling 9-Year-Old Son Out of LGBT Lessons.  A Muslim father in Birmingham, England, is being prosecuted for removing his son from LGBT lessons, which he claim risk the safety of his child.  Jabar Hussain, 51, faces fines and potentially time in prison for removing his son for months from the Parkfield Community School in Alum Rock, Birmingham.  The dispute emerged after the introduction of the LGBT inspired 'No Outsiders' curriculum, that inspired protests from mostly Muslim parents in the school district.

Where do campus LGBT orgs get their training material?  They won't say.  Multiple schools that offer extensive training and educational opportunities on LGBT issues are refusing to say where they get their instructional material, who writes it, and who on campus is qualified to teach it.  Drexel University, Duke University, Georgia Tech and the University of California, Davis all have active and dedicated LGBT resource organizations that offer students numerous opportunities for learning about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender culture.  The websites for these organizations offer very little information about where the material for those classes and workshops come from.

The Strange Alliance:  Secular Humanism and Neo-Paganism.  Starting in the 2020 school year, the state of Illinois will require its public schools to include LGBTQ history in their curriculum.  Christian and Jews have of course been here before, and just as when in ancient Rome they refused to celebrate human carnage as sports entertainment or refused to commit collective adultery and honor it, by calling it "love making", we must now refuse to accept the "politically correct", "New Speak" of "One Love".  The great Author of "Animal Farm" and "1984" would, if he were alive today easily recognize the language of the Left as propaganda.  The words gay and homophobia are both insidious, gay because it is a euphemism for a life style which is anything but benign.  Homophobia is especially insidious because its use transfers the sting of abnormality to the normal.  The deviant now becomes the healthy and morality is turned up-side down.

Texas students protest outside professor's home over research exploring sex between men and boys.  A group of students from the University of Texas at Austin showed up at a professor's house last week and pounded on the windows and doors, accusing him of being a pedophile over his past research on the history of pederasty, or the sexual relationships between adult men and young boys.  Students with the group Fire The Abusers wore face masks, carried signs and shouted through bullhorns outside the home of professor Thomas K. Hubbard.  A video posted by the group on Dec. 9 showed students pounding on the doors and windows and chanting, "Thomas Hubbard, come outside.  Pedophile, you can't hide," and, "Thomas Hubbard, you're a creep.  Keep an eye out when you sleep."  The protesters contend that Mr. Hubbard is a child molester because of his writings on pederasty, though he has not been found guilty of any sexual misconduct violations or crimes, the University of Texas at Austin told The Dallas Morning News on Tuesday.

Students Handed Out Pride Flags At A High School.  Others Responded With The Confederate Flag.  A group of friends at West Plains High School in Missouri handed out several pride flags at their school last week to show LGBTQ students that they weren't alone.  But later that day, other students responded by displaying a Confederate flag in the school cafeteria, sparking a contentious debate on social media that has roiled the small town of West Plains.

Texas Values' Open Record Requests Reveal Drag Queen Shockers.  Texas Values recently submitted open records requests to Austin and Willis Independent School Districts after reports of drag queens being allowed on school campuses.  The results are in and are shocking for parents and concerned citizens. [...] In Willis ISD, a drag queen stage named 'Lynn Adonis', whose real name was revealed to be Jerred Bridges after the school initially refused to release his name, visited a cosmetology class as a guest speaker.  According to an email from the Willis High School cosmetology teacher, the teacher concedes to the fact that Jerred Bridges is an entertainer and not a licensed cosmetologist.  Jerred Bridges was allowed to make physical contact with students by applying makeup to them, despite having no license to do so.  We are committed to leading the fight against the outrageous attacks on students' safety and parental rights.  Schools should be a safe space for students to learn and not a stage for adult entertainers.

Transgender Professor:  Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 'Queerest' Holiday Special.  A biological male transgender English professor derides "conservatives" for missing that the 1964 Christmas special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is all about "queer" people.

LGBT Wimberley ISD Policy Voted Down; Parents Say No.  Monday night [11/18/2019] the Wimberley Independent School District Board of Trustees (in Central Texas) voted against a proposed controversial school policy that would add "sexual orientation", "gender identity", (SOGI) and "gender expression" as special protected classes, becoming the most recent local government and possibly the first ISD to vote policies like this down.  This growing trend in local government fights appears to be part of a larger trend of public and parent-based push back.  Many times School districts adopt these policies without a vote in order to bypass public comments and pressure against these radical issues.  These LGBT policies are also out of step with state and federal law.

Utah Teacher Fired After Telling Boy Who Gave Thanks For His Adoptive Dads That 'Homosexuality is Wrong'.  A Utah substitute teacher was fired this month after allegedly criticizing a fifth grade boy who told the class he was thankful for his two adoptive dads.  The incident occurred last Friday at the Deerfield Elementary School in Cedar Hills after the sub asked students about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.  When the 11-year-old child remarked about his two fathers, she allegedly described two men living together as a sin.

Mayor Pete's Rainbow Army.  [Scroll down]  Why anyone would think that Pete Buttigieg is qualified to be president is a mystery.  An even greater mystery would be why a conservative evangelical girl would spend her college break knocking on doors for a cultural radical to be president of the United States.  Actually, it's no mystery.  The answer is right in front of you:  she's in college.  This promising young lady went to an elite university in the northeast.  End of story.  In no time, Hillary-like, she was fundamentally transformed — fully converted from Bible-believing evangelical to LGBTQ-crusading leftist.  It took only two or three semesters.  That's no surprise.  That's the job of these colleges, after all.  That's what they do.  From day one, orientation day, when your son or daughter is asked which gender pronoun he or she prefers, young Americans are overwhelmed with obsessive, unrestrained, unhinged identity ideology.  They are force-fed a nonstop toxic diet of race, gender, and sexual identity.

Lawsuit filed against Minnesota school district over treatment of transgender teen.  The family of a transgender teen is suing a Minnesota school district for discrimination.  The Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose District is accused of mistreating the teen from 2015 to 2017.  "What happened to Matthew was devastating," said Helene Woods, his mother.  She pulled him from Buffalo Community Middle School in February 2017.  She said this discrimination severely affected his mental health.

Teachers and Trans Students Are Clashing Over Whose Rights Come First.  Aidyn Sucec remembers how much better he felt toward the end of eighth grade when, after years of struggling with his identity, he told his family he was transgender.  It was the spring of 2017, and Aidyn's anxiety and depression began to lift as people embraced the teenager as "him." [...] Before Aidyn, who was designated female at birth, started at Brownsburg High School in Brownsburg, Indiana that fall, his mother, Laura Sucec, worked with school officials to make sure his new name and gender would be logged into Brownsburg's database.  She wanted to be sure teachers knew him as Aidyn and didn't use his former name — his "dead name" — when addressing him.

The Editor says...
Someone who is female is not just "designated female at birth."  Addressing a female with masculine pronouns does not change that person into a male.  Genes identify one as male or female, not clothes or school records.  Confusion and misconception are not remedied by more confusion.

Parents in Virginia's Loudoun County Protest Against LGBTQ Books in Schools.  Parents are speaking out against an influx of pro-LGBTQ children's books in public schools in Virginia's Loudoun County, according to the Washington Post.  The books in question, promoting same-sex marriages and same-sex adoption, have been appearing in elementary schools and high schools throughout Northern Virginia.  Many parents have called it "sexual propaganda" and "a political agenda."  The Loudoun County School Board flipped from red to blue in last week's elections, as Democrats made gains all across the state of Virginia.  The subsequent implementation of such pro-LGBTQ material is indicative of the Democratic Party's shift further to the Left on social issues, which is now encroaching on the education system.

LGBTQ Activist Students Walk Out of Class to Protest Chick-Fil-A Food Cart at Football Games.  While one group of students at West Linn High School in Oregon walked out of class to protest the presence of Chick-Fil-A food carts at their school's football games, another group walked out waving bags of the chicken franchise's offerings and sporting MAGA ("Make America Great Again") hats. [...] West Linn school officials say the Chick-Fil-A food truck, which is just one of many chosen by the booster club, will continue to serve students for the remainder of the season — after which the school will create a policy to address the LGBTQ activist students' concerns.

The Editor says...
Is there ever a school policy created to address normal student's concerns?  In other words, do the concerns of a few misguided homosexuals outweigh the common sense of the other students?  Must the tail always wag the dog?

Columbia Prof. Resigns over Push for Transgender in 'Romeo & Juliet'.  Columbia University Professor Andrei Serban, who fled communism in Romania, resigned from the university over concerns that it has become communist.  The breaking point for Serban was a push on campus for a transgender student to be cast as Juliet in Romeo & Juliet.  According to a report by The College Fix, Columbia University Professor Andrei Serban announced that he is resigning from his position because "I felt like I was living under communism again."  Serban has first-hand experience with communism — the former Columbia theater scholar fled communism in Romania earlier in life.

Report: Student Refuses To Wear LGBT 'Rainbow Poppy', Distributes Poster With Her Reasons.  Then She's Suspended.  According to a former Conservative Party candidate from northern Manitoba in Canada, her 17-year-old cousin was suspended from school when she refused to wear a Remembrance Day poppy containing a rainbow in support of LGBT+ causes.  A report from The Post Millennial indicated the teenager was suspended for distributing a poster outlining her reasons for refusing to wear the rainbow poppy.  Cyara Bird of the Little Black River First Nation, whose grandfather was reportedly a World War II veteran, wrote on Twitter that her 17-year-old cousin Natalie and another student said they would not wear the rainbow poppy at Stonewall Collegiate as they preferred to wear the traditional red-and-black poppy, with Natalie reportedly saying the rainbow poppy was "disrespectful" to the World War II veterans in her family.

Parents fight back as schools jam mandatory LGBT lessons on kids.  Parents in the United Kingdom infuriated by mandatory LGBT lessons in public schools have launched an organization and a petition demanding the right to exempt their children from the indoctrination.  The Premier broadcast network in the U.K. reports the organization is called OCOFOR, Our Children Our Faith Our Rights.  Members recently staged a demonstration at Parliament Square insisting the government allow them to opt children out of the LGBT lessons.  The online petition warns that society "in the process of liberating the LGBTQ community," is snatching away "the rights of Christians who chose to live according to biblical views and other religious groups regarding homosexuality."

Woke Evangelists Spread the Gospel.  Elly Barnes, founder of Educate and Celebrate, an organization that "transforms schools into LGBTQ-friendly places," says that the goal of her group is to train teachers to "completely smash heteronormativity."  Along the same lines, Sarah Hopson, a primary school teacher from Warrington, told the BBC that she "conditions school children as young as six to accept LGBTQ ideology while they're young and impressionable, so they'll be less likely to accept a Christian view of sexuality later on in life."

College Dorm Hosts Drag Queens To Read And Dance With Children.  A dorm located on Michigan State University's campus hosted two drag queens to read and dance with children.  The event was hosted in celebration of "National Coming Out Day."  The Morning Watch reported the attendees were mostly parents with their children.  The reporter notes there were few MSU students in attendance.  Drag queens Asio Aviance and Caj Monet read children's books focused on LGBTQ pride and "the hardships people in this culture face."

Here are five questions that need to be asked.  [#3] Third, since Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is now rated the front runner, how many candidates agree with her position that California's public school gender indoctrination should be extended to the rest of the country?  Because this is a new issue — only now emerging into public conversation — it is worth quoting a question from the recent CNN town hall.  Question:  "How do you feel about schools teaching children about gender orientation and gender identity?  In California, we're already starting those kinds of teachings and parents have been very upset and outraged.

How Illinois Schools Teach Preschoolers To Celebrate Transgenderism.  Starting July 1, 2020, all Illinois public schools are legally required to teach children LGBT history and only buy textbooks that include the topic.  NPR affiliate Illinois Public Radio labeled Christian and conservative opposition to this law while it was being considered as stemming from "hate groups."  The explicit goal of such laws, which are also in place in California, Colorado, New Jersey, and Oregon, is to make children agree with the left's views of sexuality, which contradict the historic views of all major world religions.  This is not only the open, stated goal of those pushing such laws but also explicit in the curriculum.

'Gender neutral' student crowned homecoming queen at California high school.  Trevor Meyer had been nominated previously for the homecoming court.  But what Meyer really longed for was to win homecoming queen.  Meyer, who identifies as "gender neutral," had that wish granted when Clovis East High crowned the slender, 5-foot-10 senior as homecoming queen Friday night during halftime of the Timberwolves' football game against Clovis High.

Teacher Fired for Refusing to Use Transgender Student's Preferred Pronoun Sues School District.  A Virginia teacher who refused to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns and was fired as a result filed a lawsuit Monday [9/30/2019] against the school district.  Peter Vlaming, a French teacher who was unanimously fired by the West Point School Board in December 2018, said in his lawsuit he was fired because he exercised his First Amendment right to free speech.  "This isn't just about a pronoun, it's about what that pronoun means," explained Tyson Langhofer, of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represents Vlaming.

Duke University student government rejects Christian group over LGBTQ stance.  Duke University's student government has rejected a national Christian organization as an official student group because its policy excludes LGBTQ individuals from leadership positions.

San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation".  The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday [9/13/2019].  Alex Malazza, a self-identifying Catholic student of San Diego, posted evidence of the sick propaganda on his Twitter account.  He specified that the "lesson" took place at a state university[. W]hile it's unclear exactly where he's a student, the major state university in his city is San Diego State University.

Students Ordered to Reveal Their Sexuality, Religious Beliefs.  A Mother Fights Back.  The other day I received a message from Dina Bartus, the parent of two sons at Heritage High School in Wake Forest, North Carolina.  On the second day of class her son's 10th grade English II Honors teacher distributed a "Diversity Inventory" worksheet and called on students to reveal their religion, economic status, and sexual preference.  The students were then instructed to stand under "titles" that asked questions like, "what makes you the most privileged?"  The teacher, who identified herself to students as bisexual, told the class she is privileged because she is white, Mrs. Bartus told me.

Back to School Day in Arlington, VA Includes Gender-Neutral Sports Uniforms, Preferred Pronouns.  Children heading back to school in grades K through 12 in northern Virginia on Tuesday will now fall under sweeping transgender and "gender-nonconforming" policies pushed and put in place by groups such as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the Arlington Gender Identity Allies (AGIA).  The University of Michigan reported on Arlington Public Schools' new policy implementation procedure (PIP), which includes using "preferred pronouns" and gender-neutral sports uniforms.

LGBT and fourth-graders.  I feel sorry for my nine-year-old niece, who is about to start fourth grade in the Chicago Public School System.  According to the Chicago Tribune, Illinois has passed a law requiring that "the history curriculum in public schools include lessons on [sic] the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Illinois and the United States.  The lessons must be taught to students before they complete the eighth grade."  The law is set to go into effect in 2020.  Question 1:  Why is someone's sexuality important to history?  That's the same question Illinois state representative Tom Morrison (R) asked.  "How or why is an historical figure's sexuality or gender self-identification even relevant, especially when we're talking about kindergarten and elementary school history?"

LGBTQ Classes Now Legal Requirement for Illinois Middle Schools.  Teaching LGBTQ classes is now a legal requirement for Illinois state middle schools after Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a new bill into law.  The new legislation signed by Pritzker will force the state's schools to teach "LGBTQ history" to students by the eighth grade.  Schools are now required by law to teach children about the history of prominent lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and "queer" Americans, according to the New York Post.

Illinois Passes New Law Requiring LGBTQ Classes in Middle School.  Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has signed a new bill into law requiring the state's schools to teach "LGBTQ history" to students by the eighth grade.  The law will require schools to add the history of prominent lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, according to the New York Post.

Back to School Buzz:  Know Your Parental, Privacy, and Religious Liberty Rights.  Parents need to be aware of radical sex education that the school district may be pushing.  In Austin Independent School District, as well as Fort Worth Independent School District, radical sex-education is being pushed through, or is being hidden from parents.  We encourage all parents to thoroughly review the sex-education curriculum at their child's school.  Far too often, groups like Planned Parenthood and pro-LGBT groups seek to use sex-education curriculum in schools to advance their agendas.  Parents have the right to know what is being taught to their children and the ability to tell the district to opt-out their child from sex-education.  If you are in the Austin area, we encourage you to attend our upcoming Townhall for parents and taxpayers on August 22nd.

This Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing to Society.  CNN reported last week:  "Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law a bill that ensures the contributions of LGBTQ people are taught in public schools. ... "[The bill states] 'In public schools only, the teaching of history shall include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State.'  "Equality Illinois, the state's largest LGBTQ civil rights advocacy organization, supported the bill and said the curriculum can have a 'positive effect on students' self-image and make their peers more accepting.'"  Once the purpose of teaching history is changed from teaching what happened to "having a positive effect on students' self-image," history is no longer about what happened; it is propaganda.  But rewriting history is not a problem for the left.

LGBTQ history curriculum required for Illinois public schools.  The Land of Lincoln will require public schools to incorporate LGBTQ figures into history lessons.  Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Friday [8/9/2019] signed House Bill 246, which mandates the following:  "In public schools only, the teaching of history shall include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State."  The bill, introduced by Rep. Anna Moeller, will go into effect in July.

University investigates feminist grad student for saying men can't become women.  University of California-Santa Barbara doctoral students, alumni and "allies" are demanding the administration take action against Laura Tanner, an outspoken critic of transgender ideology and doctoral candidate in its Department of Feminist Studies.  Tanner's Twitter feed is dominated by discussion of transgender ideology's threat to women, including young lesbians.  She believes that transgender women — biological males — are wrongly appropriating a female identity.

NYC Public Students Can Change Gender, Name Without Documentation.  According to a press release, students at the New York City public school will be permitted to change their name and gender without providing proper legal documentation.  Instead of first changing their name at city hall, students will be permitted to change their personal identifiers with the New York City school system itself.  However, students will be required to obtain their parent's permission before requesting a name change.

Louisville officially endorses transvestites
Peace Treaty or Suicide Pact.  Louisville, KY mayor recently declared June 10-17 as Pride Week, celebrating 'diversity' and the LGBTQ community.  Many public libraries and public schools are being made available to promote the gay life-style complete with the gay flag flying outside.  Recently, hundreds of students were pulled out of a public school in Rocklin, California by their parents because of a new LGBTQ curriculum beginning with 2nd graders.  Parents were originally allowed to opt out of such programs, but no longer.  Parents pulled their kids out anyway.  Other states have implemented similar programs beginning as early as pre-school.  They include books and activities meant to introduce alternate life styles like switching genders and having same sex parents, making them seem normal and commonplace.

Christian University Caves in to the LGBTQ Crowd.  You don't win battles when there is an abundance of white flags in your arsenal.  Christian universities haven't grasped that concept.  One after the other, Christian schools have hoisted the white flag of surrender regarding their practices, policies, and precepts.  That's called apostasy.  Last month, California passed a resolution calling on religious leaders to affirm homosexuality and "transgenderism" and to accept that Christian efforts to help people with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion are "ineffective, unethical and harmful."  Eager to please, Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Azusa Pacific University (APU) chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals, kissed the LGBTQ ring and genuflected under the rainbow flag by "directing pastors and counselors to reject biblical views of sexuality and deny counseling for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion."  And another white flag went up.

Teenager Tells His Teacher There Are Only 2 Genders.  The School Suspends Him for Not Being 'Inclusive'.  In Aberdeenshire, Scotland, a teen told his teacher there are only two genders.  The teacher didn't agree.  As reported by the Daily Mail, the instructor had informed his class that a website which only allowed for two gender options was "old fashioned."  The 17-year-old spoke up, claiming that male and female are the only two, biologically.  For taking a position that was "not inclusive," he was kicked out of class.

Little Girl Traumatized as School Teaches 6-Year-Olds 'There Is No Such Thing as Girls and Boys'.  A Canadian family has filed a civil rights complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario after their six-year-old daughter became overtly confused when her first-grade teacher taught the class to question their gender.

Student Gets Kicked Out of Class For Saying There's Only Male and Female.  This is just an amazing video to watch.  Hat tip to Rod Dreher for covering it.  The student, Murray, tells the teacher that there are only two genders, male and female.  The teacher tells him that the national authority says otherwise.  [Video clip]

Parents get cold shoulder after warm welcome for 'Vica Steel'.  Without notifying their parents, elementary school students were required to watch a "coming out" video about their teacher, Mr. Busenbark, transforming into a woman.  Mark Vincent Busenbark was permitted to share his personal "coming out" video to children that included kindergarteners at Frank Allis Elementary School, located in Madison.

NEA teachers union president pitches transgenderism to kindergartners.  The National Education Association and the Human Rights Campaign thinks it's critical to teach kindergartners about transgender ideology, so the nonprofits partnered together to "support and celebrate" the cause through the union's Read Across America Day.  In schools across the country, teachers and LGBTQ advocates are reading NEA-endorsed stories that explain the gender spectrum and teach students they can "identify" as whatever they want.  NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia and Sarah McBride, a transgender spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign, led by example with 50 kindergartners at Ashlawn Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia, late last month.  The duo read from "I Am Jazz," about a boy who turns into a girl, and "Julian Is a Mermaid," about another boy who fantasizes about being a mermaid, then answered questions from the wide-eyed 5-year-olds, The Washington Post reports.

Muslims vs.  LGBT: The 'Coalition of the Minorities' Collapses.  This is not simply about teaching equality as is being presented.  It is a deliberate and diabolical piece of social engineering aimed at undermining traditional family values — widely held by people of all major faiths and social conservatives alike — by targeting the youngest of children before the full development of their rational mind.  As well as promoting same-sex relationships and parenting, the concept of transgenderism is also being promoted in schools.  Books like 'My Princess Boy' and worksheets like 'The Genderbread Person' confuse children about gender.  These are already widely used in 'Relationships' lessons in primary schools.  Parents and grandparents across the country can already see the confusion which has been sown in children's minds.  Over the last 10 years, there has been an 4,000 percent increase in children being referred for gender dysphoria.

Teachers Crown Transgender Prom King at Massachusetts High School.  A Massachusetts high school named a biological female prom king Friday [5/31/2019].  "Nicholas Bulman, the Barnstable High School student who came out as transgender last summer, was crowned prom king at the Class of 2019's celebration Friday night at the Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis," according to The Cape Cod Times.  Students did not have the opportunity to vote, according to the report.  Instead, teachers chose Bulman from a list of five prom king candidates, and chose the prom queen from a list of five girls.

Teacher fired for refusing to use a student's 'preferred pronoun'.  A teacher in Virgina has been fired for refusing to use the preferred pronoun of a trans student who went from female to male.  His refusal was based on his Christian faith.

Fired for Refusing to Use a Student's 'Preferred Pronoun:' Why Every American Should Be Concerned.  Peter Vlaming was a well-liked French teacher at West Point High School in Virginia.  But late last year, Vlaming was fired because he refused to call a ninth-grade student who transitioned from female to male by the student's new preferred pronoun, "he."  "I could not, in good conscience based on my Christian faith, call a girl a boy," Vlaming said.

U.S. Supreme Court rejects appeal over transgender bathrooms in Boyertown School District.  The U.S. Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it will not take up a challenge to the Boyertown School District's policy of allowing transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their gender identity.  The justices rejected an appeal from students who argued that allowing transgender students to use the same facilities violated their right to privacy.  The court's order leaves in a place a May 2018 federal appeals court ruling that held that the school district could continue to allow transgender students the choice of what facilities to use.

Teacher's 1-on-1 Transgender 'Lessons' Leave 9-Year-Old Boy Suffering from Anxiety.  Most people understand that kids just want to be kids.  While adults run around squabbling over politics and careers, the childhood years are a time to develop and grow free of the complexities of adulthood.  But at an elementary school in Oregon, a teacher is being accused of trying to push her sexual views and politics onto a student, all hidden from parents.  To make matters worse, the student was only eight years old at the time.

Parents Sue Oregon School District Over Attempts To Transgender 8-Year-Old.  When does in loco parentis cross over into just plain loco?  A story from Oregon earlier this week demonstrates at least one instance where the line got crossed.  A lawsuit alleges that a teacher took an 8-year-old aside to repeatedly question his gender identity, and then began giving him instruction on transitioning to female.

Teacher Gives Student Private Transgender Lessons Without Telling Parents.  Parents are suing a school district in Oregon after a teacher kept their eight year-old son in from recess for several days to educate him about being transgendered.  According to the Statesman Journal, the boy's second-grade teacher saw him using a staff restroom and assumed that it was due to gender identity issues.  In reality, the student has a medical condition so he was allowed to use the staff bathroom.  Without asking the student why he was using that bathroom, or asking the parents for permission, this teacher took it upon herself to help the young child with the gender identity issues she incorrectly assumed he was working through.

Parents Sue School Over Transsexual Indoctrination.  Finally, a little pushback from parents regarding the depraved transsexual indoctrination taking place in public schools.  In Oregon, parents are suing the Woodburn School District for targeting their son on behalf of the LGBT agenda:  ["]The student was 8 years old when his teacher, after noticing the boy used the staff bathroom, pulled him aside, kept him from recess and showed him videos and books 'in an effort to promote (him) becoming transgender,' according to the complaint.["]  Actually, the boy was using the staff restroom at Nellie Muir Elementary School due to an arrangement that had been made because of a digestive issue.  But these days it is no surprise that the teacher leapt to a warped conclusion and pounced on a potential new recruit.  She repeatedly held him from recess to indoctrinate him with propaganda meant to encourage children to pretend to be the opposite sex.

Chick-fil-A likened to 'pornography' as university's faculty push for chain's campus ouster.  The anti-Chick-fil-A protests that started in 2012 have taken a new twist — this time with the restaurant chain being likened to "pornography."  Left-wing activists condemned the popular company seven years ago due to Dan Cathy, the company's president and CEO, supporting the traditional definition of marriage.  Ironically, faculty at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo are likening the Christian-friendly business to sexually explicit films.

California OKs new sex-ed guidelines for teachers despite objections from parents, protesters.  The California Department of Education approved controversial sex education guidelines for public school teachers Wednesday [5/8/2019] that encourage classroom discussions about gender identity and LGBT relationships, but removed five resources and books, including one that explains sex to students as young as kindergarten.  LGBT advocates praised the new recommendations for giving attention to a community that is often left out of sex education policies.

When Sex Ed Goes Way Too Far.  It's no longer enough to educate young people about the biological changes their bodies undergo.  It's not even on the radar to counsel them about abstinence, self-control, dignity, or other factors that will keep them healthy in mind and body as they grow into adulthood.  Instead, children are being taught the opposite: that chromosomes and genitals have no bearing on reality; that feelings and lust should be acted upon as quickly as possible; that depravity is normal; and that there are no repercussions — either physically or emotionally — from any sexual experiences the most debased minds can dream up.  Colorado's "wildly controversial, comprehensive sex ed legislation" specifically "prohibit[s] religious, moral, and ethical perspectives on sex from being discussed in the classroom.  The bill demands that schools teach about the relational and sexual experiences of LGBT teens.

'Downright Sickening': CA Preps Graphic Sex Ed with Bondage, 'Blood Play', and K-3 Gender Queer.  The state of California is poised to adopt a no-holds-barred K-12 health curriculum that teaches children as young as kindergarten about gender identity issues and talks explicitly with high school students about every imaginable sex act.  The State Board of Education has been taking public comment on the curriculum for months and despite protests from various parent and conservative groups, it appears it will adopt it this month.

ABCs of LGBTQ history mandated for more U.S. public schools.  A picture book for second graders about a family with two moms.  A lesson for fourth graders about Gold Rush era stagecoach driver Charley Parkhurst, who was born a woman but lived as a man.  These are just some of the ways U.S. public school students will learn about LGBTQ [...] history in a growing number of states moving to mandate inclusive K-12 curriculum.

Ignorance, Fear, and LGBTQ.  LGBTQ activists' domination of our culture has come a long way from the days when they claimed they only wanted tolerance.  Today, they demand that we bend a knee in total submission and approval of their lifestyle in education, entertainment media, and even Christian churches.  LGBTQ activists are aggressively seeking to ban the Bible, declaring it bigoted hate speech.  LGBTQ activists seek to make it illegal to counsel those who wish to transition from LGBTQ lifestyles.  Leftists are thrilled about Corpus Christi, which is a blasphemous movie in which Jesus and his disciples are portrayed as homosexuals.  And yet, leftists are demanding that public schools forbid students from drawing pictures of Mohammad because Sharia law says to do so is blasphemy.

Forget Trump, Here Are Five Reasons Why Obama Should Have Been Impeached.  [Scroll down]  Obama also unilaterally redefined the meaning of existing laws in order for them to concur with his agenda.  In 2016, the Obama administration warned all public and private schools receiving federal funds that "gender identity" was now protected under the 1972 Title IX statute, which protects against sex discrimination.  What this effectively did was bully schools into allowing boys to use girls' bathrooms and locker rooms and dorms.  Suddenly, "transgender" students' right to use whatever bathroom they felt like trumped the privacy of every other student who might object to having to undress in front of a member of the opposite sex.  This also meant that boys declaring themselves "transgender" could play on girls sports teams, and as I've covered in the past, this has resulted in male students dominating athletic competitions and ruining opportunities for real girls.

Conservative views got prep-school student, 16, expelled, parents claim.  A Connecticut couple intends to sue their 16-year-old son's former prep school, alleging he was expelled for espousing conservative political views in class, according to a report.  Theodore and Sonia Mancini of West Hartford said their son, Michael Mancini, was "scrutinzed and tormented for his conservative views on subjects, views which he defended with facts," after a disagreement with students in English class at Cheshire Academy, the New Haven Register reported.  The teen disagreed with classmates who claimed William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" portrayed transgenderism in a positive light, saying it "was not historically accurate because up until the Twentieth Century that kind of behavior was frowned upon in England."

Yale Law School Bows to LGBT Activists, Blacklists Christian Legal Firms.  Yale Law School students who intern at firms that support and defend traditional Christian values will no longer receive stipends after a campus LGBT group complained.  And if some students at the Ivy League school had their way, Christians would no longer be admitted to the law school.  The LGBT group known as Outlaws raised the issue after the Yale Federalist Society invited an Alliance Defending Freedom attorney to speak on campus.  ADF is one of the nation's top religious-liberty law firms.

How Gay Marriage Activists Are Using Your Kids As Pawns.  Marxists target very young children for government indoctrination from the cradle to the grave, even as young as two years of age.  A militant homosexual advocacy group targeting young children is the Human Rights Campaign, which uses a sophisticated, psychologically intrusive approach toward gay indoctrination.  Their national program is "Welcoming Schools," which infiltrates young minds through
  •   introducing the concept of homosexuality,
  •   teaching that homosexuality is normal and natural, and
  •   teaching that parents and friends who make negative comments about gays are bad, bigoted, and intolerant.
These radical programs are heavily funded by major U.S. corporations including Macy's, Pepsico, Dell, MetLife, Whirlpool, Goldman Sachs, Hershey, Microsoft, American Airlines, Apple, Morgan Stanley, Shell, CVS Health, Staples, Merck, Northrop Grumman, Coca-Cola, Google, IBM, BP, MGM Resorts, Showtime, Lexus, Citi, Symantec and many more.  The vehicles used to slither their indoctrination into schools are the "anti-bullying" laws for which the national LGBT movement has lobbied heavily from state to state.  These laws have little to do with legitimate anti-bullying, instead mandating schools to provide LGBT "diversity training" and to punish "anti-gay" opinions or discussion.

California Parents Protest Explicit Sex Ed, Gender Fluidity Lessons in Elementary Schools.  An estimated 500 protesters gathered at the steps of the Sacramento Capitol Building on March 28 to protest explicit sex education, including gender fluidity lessons, being taught in the state's elementary schools.  The protest was organized by the Informed Parents of California (IPCA), which was established following the enactment of the California Healthy Youth Act in January 2016.  That legislation was initially called the California Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Act and was designed to provide "comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education" to California kids in grades seven through 12.

Are Democrats Pushing Sharia Law?  Public education is the battlefield of the culture war.  Democrats use public schools to normalize the LGBTQ agenda in the hearts and minds of our kids.  Upon infiltrating public schools, LGBTQ activists began molding and shaping students into their image beginning in pre-k.  Democrats continue to up the ante by expanding deviancy.  Students are being indoctrinated to embrace numerous dangerous sexual perversions under the umbrella of "healthy sex education" — BDSM, rimming, anal sex, asphyxiation, gender-bending and more.

UNG 'safe zone training': 'Avoid saying mailman'.  Students received a "gender unicorn" and "LGBTQ-Inclusive Language" at a University of North Georgia "safe zone training" on Tuesday [3/26/2019].  The school invited students to a "university-wide training program committed to making the University of North Georgia a safer, more inclusive environment for members of the LGBTQ+ community" earlier in March, according to an email obtained by Campus Reform.  The email went on to describe the March 22 through April 3 trainings as opportunities for students to "examine prejudice, assumptions, and privilege."

LGBT group sues Arizona over law barring HIV, AIDS instruction in schools.  An LGBT rights group filed a lawsuit against Arizona this week over the state's prevention on HIV and AIDS education that "promotes a homosexual life-style."  Equality Arizona and an unnamed student argue in court that the state's 1991 law discriminates against LGBT students and puts their health at risk.  "By classifying on the basis of 'homosexuality,' the challenged statute... discriminates against non-heterosexual students on the basis of sexual orientation and places them in an expressly disfavored class," the lawsuit filed in federal court Thursday states.

University's LGBT groups claim 'patriotism' of student vets threaten 'vulnerable' community.  Oregon State University's Pride Center recently found itself mired in controversy after a Facebook post about "the particular type of American patriotism" displayed by student veterans.  The educational watchdog Campus Reform reported Monday on an "open letter" by the center regarding OSU's Veteran Student Association (VSA).  Its authors opposed sharing a campus lounge with student veterans due to the "practical consequences" for the "vulnerable" LGBT community.

School Lets Transgender Advocate Address Kindergartners, Says It Informed Parents They Could Opt Out.  This Report Says the District Lied.  At the very end of February, an elementary school in Arlington, Virginia had kindergartners sit on the floor to hear a transgender spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) read them a book in which the claim is made that a boy can have a "girl brain but a boy body" or a boy brain and a girl body.  The school district later claimed "parents were notified by a letter ahead of time and were allowed to opt out of they chose." But that claim was reportedly false.

7 Reasons Why the Equality Act Is Anything But.  [#2] It would compel speech.  Virginia high school teacher Peter Vlaming lost his job for something he did not say.  A county school board voted unanimously to fire the veteran teacher over the objections of his students after he refused to comply with administrators' orders to use masculine pronouns in referring to a female student who identifies as transgender.  Vlaming did his best to accommodate the student without violating his religious belief that God created human beings male and female, using the student's new name and simply refraining from using pronouns altogether.  Unfortunately, the school still considered this a violation of its anti-discrimination policy.

Teachers' Union President, Transgender Advocate Push LGBTQ Agenda on Kindergartners.  The president of the nation's largest teachers' union joined a man who identifies as a woman in teaching transgender ideology to an Arlington, Virginia, kindergarten class last week.  Lily Eskelsen Garc'a, president of the National Education Association (NEA), joined with Sarah McBride, a spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), in reading the books I Am Jazz and Julián Is a Mermaid to young children at Ashlawn Elementary School.

School Program Teaching Kids About Homosexuality Shut Down Because Muslim Parents Protest.  There's an intersectionality fight going on in Great Britain between humanists who had a program teaching tolerance to their schoolchildren about homosexuality and Muslims who forced the school to suspend the classes.

The Editor says...
If Christian parents complain, nothing changes.  If Muslims complain, the homosexual indoctrination stops.

Unisex toilets in schools are leaving girl pupils 'too afraid to use the loo'.  Schoolgirls are too afraid to use unisex toilets over fears of 'period shaming' from boys and sexual harassment, campaigners warn.  A growing number of schools are ditching separate-sex loos claiming they are not inclusive to transgender children and are a breeding ground for bullying.  But some girls are avoiding going to the toilet during school hours because of cruel taunts from boys and a lack of privacy, according to the Daily Express.

University hosts LGBT 'Discovery Camp' for young teens.  The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee hosts an annual "Pride Discovery Camp," a summer program put on for teenagers by the school's LGBT Resource Center.  According to the event's webpage, the camp "is designed to inspire LGBT+ high school students to embrace their multiple identities and gain a better understanding of marginalized identities through community building, activism, self-expression, and connections in the LGBT+ Communities."

Elementary Schools In Germany to Introduce 'Third Gender' Bathrooms.  Elementary Schools in the [sic] Munich, Germany are proposing to implement 'third gender' bathrooms designed for 'gender neutral' children who don't identify as boys or girls.  The proposal for the new 'neutral' bathrooms comes after an external school advisor proposed the concept, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports.

Don't Pretend Drag Queens at Libraries Aren't Promoting Anything to Kids.  Just when you think the left can't behave worse, we find the inspiring story of public library officials in a Detroit suburb heroically defending their "children's story hour hosted by drag queens."  Since 2017, the Huntington Woods library has been hosting "Drag Queen Story Time," where little kids are read to by characters like former Miss Motor City Pride, "Miss Raven Divine Cassadine."  Library official Joyce Krom discovered the San Francisco-born program online, after she followed a Google Alert promoting literacy. [...] Part-time library clerk Jon Pickell, "who has proudly watched the program thrive," rejects Iverson's concerns as "hogwash."  The clerk, who identifies as gay, says DQSH "is not promoting anything.  You're not going to end up as transsexual ... because you saw a drag queen story hour."

Transgender activists gearing up to rewrite Harvard Medical School's curriculum.  Harvard Medical School recently unveiled a project called the Sexual and Gender Minorities Health Equity Initiative styled as "a three-year plan to amend the core MD curriculum" to reflect recent beliefs about transgenderism and gender ideology.  The program is meant to teach medical students how to "provide high-quality, holistic health care for sexual and gender minority patients of all ages."  The new program seeks a broad overhaul of the medical school's curriculum in order to eliminate "assumptions or errors about sex and gender, such as conflating sexual orientation with gender identity, presuming gender is immutable or treating heterosexuality as a default."

Mothers in shock as daughters come home from college with mustaches, breasts removed.  For years, college officials have told students gender is a choice.  They've pressured all students to announce their preferred pronouns on name tags and in emails as gender fluidity is normalized.  They've celebrated students who choose to transition as brave warriors.  They've provided the medical tools necessary for students to "transition."  In fact, a recent column in The Wall Street Journal reports that "health plans at 86 colleges — including those of nearly every Ivy League school — cover not only cross-sex hormones but surgery as well."  The piece featured the phenomenon of "rapid onset gender dysphoria," described as overwhelmingly afflicting girls who then receive the full support of the medical community.

N.J. may require schools to teach about the accomplishments of LGBTQ and disabled people.  Gov. Phil Murphy will now decide whether middle school and high school students in New Jersey should be taught about the historical contributions of people with disabilities and in the LGBTQ community, after the state Assembly approved a bill Monday that would mandate a change to the curriculum.  If the governor signs the bill, school boards would have to make changes to the curriculum in time for the 2020-21 school year, according to the bill.  "A board of education shall adopt inclusive instructional materials that portray the cultural and economic diversity of society including the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people , where appropriate," according to (S1569).

Six-Year-Old School Children Instructed to Write Gay Love Letters to Make Them 'Accepting of Diversity'.  A video published by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) showing 6-year-old school children being instructed to write gay love letters has been causing a stir on social media.  The video, originally uploaded to BBC Radio Manchester's Facebook page, shows young children at Bewsey Lodge Primary School being instructed to write love letters from "Prince Henry" to his manservant, "Thomas", with the teacher instructing her pupils:  "You're going to tell Thomas why it's a brilliant idea for him to marry you."

The "Gay Mafia" Accelerates Its Thrust Into Primary Schools!  If not for the morphing of three main spears, the "Gay Mafia's" thrust into America in specific and the west at large would be negligible.

School Goes After Male Teacher for Not Being Willing to Supervise Biologically Female Student in Locker Room.  Earlier this school year, a school district in Florida allowed a biological female student to access and use a middle school boys' locker room without any notification or warning to the boys or their parents.  Now, two PE teachers appear to have lost their jobs at the school for not being willing to supervise the female student while she was dressing and showering.

Scotland to embed LGBTI teaching across curriculum.  Scotland will become the first country in the world to embed the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex rights in the school curriculum, in what campaigners have described as a historic moment.  State schools will be required to teach pupils about the history of LGBTI equalities and movements, as well as tackling homophobia and transphobia and exploring LGBTI identity, after ministers accepted in full the recommendations of a working group led by the Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) campaign.  There will be no exemptions or opt-outs to the policy, which will embed LGBTI inclusive education across the curriculum and across subjects and which the Scottish government believes is a world first.

Sexuality course ditches men and women for 'people with penises' and 'people with vaginas'.  An educational psychology course at the University of Texas-Austin doesn't see students as women or men.  The class taught by clinical psychologist Michael Parent sees them as "people with vaginas" and "people with penises," or PwVs and PwPs for short.  Human Sexuality is a popular upper-division elective credit at UT.  It teaches that gender and sex are societal constructs and sexuality is on a spectrum.  Parent also normalizes the idea that some prepubescent children who identify as the opposite sex can begin medically transitioning.  The professor recently told students that children as young as 7 should not be stopped from taking gender hormones.

LGBTyranny: School Has 6-year-olds Write Same-sex "Love Letters".  "You're Prince Henry," said the teacher.  "You're going to tell Thomas why it's a brilliant idea for him to marry you."  This instruction was given to a class of six-year-olds, as they were told to write same-sex love letters, according to a BBC video.  The indoctrination occurred in a British school, but it's a glimpse into America's future — that is, if the sexual devolutionaries continue to hold sway.  The video is found at BBC Radio Manchester's Facebook page and bears the title "Primary School Teaches Pupils About LGBT Relationships."  The institution is Warrington's Bewsey Lodge Primary School, according to headteacher Emma Wright, posting at the BBC Facebook page.  It's in the region of Cheshire, England.  Or is it the Twilight Zone?  Read what the BBC video relates and judge for yourself.

Purdue holds gender-neutral homecoming, honoring 'royalty' rather than king, queen.  Purdue University in Indiana held its first gender-neutral homecoming on Saturday [9/22/2018] in an effort to bring equality to campus.  The university's student-led Spirit and Traditions committee decided to do away with the traditional "king" and "queen" labels for the ceremony's respective male and female winners, instead bestowing them with the title of "homecoming royalty."

Public School Drag Show.  Below is Sean Fitzgerald's new video Public School Drag Show, unveiling how K-12 schools are bringing drag queens into the classroom to indoctrinate our children with gender ideology.  The video was produced in conjunction with the David Horowitz Freedom Center's Stop K-12 Indoctrination campaign.  [Video clip]

At Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, students can now minor in Queer Studies.  Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has officially finished its first year offering a new Queer Studies minor.  According to Cal Poly's website, by taking the minor, students "learn how constructions, experiences and expressions of sexuality — including the invention of homo/heterosexuality and ab/normality, intimacy, kinship networks and embodiment — change over time and are lived in relation to interlocking systems of race, ethnicity, religion, class, nation, age, dis/ability and gender."  Launched last October, the minor was intended to effectively create a more diverse atmosphere on Cal Poly's campus.

UCLA professor dies in 'mummification' ritual at Hollywood executive's home.  A California university professor died during a bondage session at the home of a Hollywood executive that went horribly wrong.  Doran George, 48, was found dead inside the home of Skip Chasey, an executive for Hollywood's William Morris Endeavor agency and known in the BDSM community as "Master Skip," on Nov. 19, 2017. [...] "The decedent's partner observed that the decedent was not reacting properly," the report states.  "The partner checked the decedent closer and realized that the decedent was not breathing.  The partner called 911 and began cutting off the plastic and tape."

The Editor says...
The article immediately above shows that a "UCLA professor" was heavily involved in deviant behavior on his own time.  What he taught in the classroom likely went far beyond the scheduled curriculum.

The Left and Children.  Tens of millions of U.S. children who are stuck in government schools are not only being taught that homosexuality and same-sex "marriage" are normal, but that biology doesn't determine a person's sex.  Because of liberalism, children are being read to by drag queens, "entertained" by drag queens, and even turned into drag queens!  Because of liberalism, children in government schools are being provided with a study guide on transgenderism that instructs kids that a gender-deluded lifestyle is just another choice for a young person to make.  Because of liberalism, children in government schools are being provided with a George Soros-funded "sexual health toolkit" that, among other immoralities, and in spite of the significant health disparities suffered by homosexual teens, instructs them on homosexual behavior, including sodomy.  Because of liberalism, those who wish to flee the immoral and unhealthy homosexual lifestyle are being hindered from doing so, and in this backwards process, liberals have banned the Bible.  Because of liberalism, in addition to invading girls' locker rooms and bathrooms, and as I warned would be the case, boys are taking trophies from girls.

Policy Allowing Children to Identify as Transgender Without Parental Permission Reversed.  The administration of Delaware Gov. John Carney, a Democrat, has reversed a prior policy proposal that would have allowed children to identify as transgender at school without notifying their parents or obtaining their permission.  Delaware education secretary Susan Bunting reversed course after reviewing some 11,000 comments, the majority opposed to the original provision that was termed an "anti-discrimination" policy.

School District:  Biological Sex Is Meaningless.  The Virginias school system are falling into the pit of idolatry and sexual corruption.  While West Virginia schools are indoctrinating their children with Islam, a school board in Fairfax County, Virginia, voted overwhelming to teach children that their biological sex is meaningless. [...] So, what do they want to teach that they consider important rather than the God-ordained order of marriage and sex within that marriage to continue human existence?  Take a look. [...]

Fairfax County School Board to Teach Kids:  "Biological Sex Is Meaningless".  The Fairfax County School Board is poised to make some radical changes to their sex ed curriculum.  Already, each public school student must suffer through 80 hours of sex ed. [...] They call it "Family Life Education" but everybody knows that's a joke.  You won't find lessons on building happy marriages and healthy families here.  No, instead you'll find hour after hour of instruction on your evolving "sexual identity," on the proper handling of contraceptive drugs and devices, and on how to give consent for sex.

Illinois Senate passes bill that requires LGBT history in public schools.  The Illinois Senate passed a bill Wednesday [5/2/2018] that would require public schools in the state to teach lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) history, as well as use inclusive and "non-discriminatory" textbooks.  The bill, which passed with a 34-18 vote, would require "all elementary and high schools to teach a unit studying 'the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State,'" The Associated Press reported.  Supporters of the legislation, such as Democratic Sen. Heather Steans, who sponsored the measure, told Fox News that teaching LGBT history in schools is important to "increase compassion and understanding as well as to provide historical role models for LGBT students."

The Dire Consequence of the Republicans Losing Congress.  A Texas pre-k elementary school teacher exposed how the LGBT agenda is being taught to 4-year-old students.  Teachers are instructed to explain homosexuality to 4-year-olds and teaching the kids that "gay love is beautiful."  The pre-k teacher was instructed to use LGBT children books in the school library like, Jacob's New Dress, which celebrates a little boy who wants to wear a dress to school.  To be inclusive, the principal instructed teachers to no longer refer to students as boys and girls, but rather call them, "eagles."  The pre-k teacher said her school is a Title 1 school, which means most of her student's families are at poverty level.  They struggle with writing, reading, and math.  The mostly minority parents view her as a trusted advocate for their kid's education.  This teacher questioned why she was forced to spend a large amount of valuable time teaching LGBT lessons.  She also felt uncomfortable teaching LGBT lessons without parental knowledge or consent.  Democrats are force-feeding students and their parent's transgender ideology.

State comes out with new LGBTQ curriculum.  Bay State schools will be able to try a new curriculum with LGBTQ-themed history, English and health this fall that proponents say is an effort to help all students see themselves reflected in classrooms.  The curriculum, developed by a team of teachers with Massachusetts Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students and the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth, will be released this summer.

California School District Says Parents Can't Pull Kids Out Of New LGBT Sex Ed Class.  A California school district says that parents can't opt out of a new sex education course that will deal with abortion, homosexuality and transgender issues.  California passed a law called the California Healthy Youth Act in 2015 to promote "healthy attitudes" about "gender [and] sexual orientation."  The law is meant to teach students about the "effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods" and allow for "objective discussion" about "parenting, adoption, and abortion."  The law also gives parents the ability to opt-out of this education and said that the "pupil" shall not be punished academically in any way if they don't participate.

The Perversion of America.  Sarcastic humor about homosexuality is not yet illegal, of course, although it would be unwise to make any such jokes on a university campus in America, where the activist mobs are intolerant of anyone who refuses to participate in the compulsory celebration of "diversity" and "inclusion."  At Harvard University, for example, an evangelical Christian student group was recently "suspended" and "defunded" — to all intents and purposes, banned from campus — because it asked one of its leaders to step down after she became involved in a lesbian relationship.  Christianity is now practically prohibited at Harvard, a school founded by Puritans for the training of Christian clergy, one of those 21st-century ironies we're supposed to ignore, the same way we are expected to ignore how much Sen. Booker's interrogation of Pompeo resembles the anti-Communist crusade of Joe McCarthy:  "Are you now, or have you ever been, a homophobe?"

Parents Hold Protest Against Graphic School Education Program.  Those with conservative and traditional views have found the recent infiltration of the liberal agenda into schools teaching young children is disturbing to say the least.  While parents also have an influence on their kids and corresponding education, it is undeniable that students grow and develop according to what they are exposed to in school.  Recently, however, several groups of parents throughout the nation determined that the sex education program at their children's schools were highly inappropriate, almost pornographic.  In response, many are pulling their children from school for a day to send a message and to inform other parents who apparently do not know about such sick information being propagated to youth, as "bureaucrats use deceptive means" to otherwise withhold information.  The discussion first gained momentum in Charlotte, North Carolina where a group of parents determined that the sex ed program at their children's school is "graphic, hedonistic, and ideological under the influence of pro-choice and gay rights groups."

Illinois Senate plan would include LGBT history in schools.  Illinois senators advanced a plan requiring public schools to teach a unit on the role and societal contributions of gays, lesbians and other LGBT individuals.

University students and faculty [are] 'unlearning' the gender binary.  Universities are traditionally thought of as centers of learning, but students and faculty at Temple University are "unlearning" the "binary system" of gender in order create a more inclusive environment for transgender and non-binary people on campus.  The Philadelphia university's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, Advocacy and Leadership (IDEAL) offers Safe Zone training programs about issues affecting the LGBTQ community.  Nu'Rodney Prad, director of student engagement at IDEAL, said people have been socialized to believe there are two sexes and two corresponding genders.  Safe Zone helps people unlearn what they have learned about sex and gender, he said.

Scammed by a Black, a Woman, and Now a 17-Year-Old.  The tactic is called incrementalism. [...] Incrementally, we went from leftists claiming that homosexuals wanted only tolerance to preachers being jailed, Christians forced out of business, and public schools teaching kids to try homosexuality.  Parents are not allowed to opt out their children from LGBT indoctrination.

Stop Indoctrinating Our Children.  As part of transgender instruction in Rocklin Academy in Rocklin, California, a male kindergartener was reintroduced to classmates as a girl.  A first grader at the school was sent to the principal's office after she called the student by his given name on the playground — apparently unaware that the five year old had changed gender.

How Pompous Thou Art:  Of Pronouns and 'Plain Speech'.  Controlling the language is an important step towards controlling many arguments; language is, in a sense, the terrain upon which arguments are fought It's instructive, then, to consider the current academic skirmishing along "Pronoun Ridge," a key piece of our linguistic terrain.  A "pronoun," as grammar school informed us, is a word which replaces a noun.  A certain tribe of modern linguistic Vandals sees great value, apparently, in seizing control of this dynamic, and subversively replacing pronouns relating to the sexes with "nonbinary pronouns" meant to obscure rather than clarify meaning, to blur the language to reflect the deliberate blurring of the sexes.  It appears that many our universities have welcomed these vandals as liberators, eagerly ceding Pronoun Ridge to their occupation.

Swedish Preschools Recast Children's Gender in Social Engineering Experiment.  Following State regulations to counteract traditional gender roles, a number of Swedish preschools have begun experimenting in innovative ways to blur the differences between boys and girls.  The Swedish government has been committed to the deconstruction of gender for decades, and in 1998, added a requirement to its national curriculum that all preschools "counteract traditional gender roles and gender patterns" and encourage children to explore "outside the limitations of stereotyped gender roles."

Homeschooling: The Best Hope for America's Future.  A 7-year-old in second grade came home and said, "Mom, Dad, guess what!  Our teacher read us the funniest book.  It was so silly.  It was about a prince who was getting married, but he didn't marry a princess.  He married a prince!  Isn't that so silly, Mom?"  The book read to the confused child to introduce 7-year-olds to same-sex "marriage" is King and King by Linda de Haan.  Without parental knowledge or consent, 5-year-old Jacob, entering kindergarten, came home with a "diversity bookbag."  Inside was a book introducing kindergartners to same-sex households, celebrating Clifford and her dad's "partner," Henry — selling homosexuality to 5-year-olds disguised as diversity.  The book is Who's in a Family by Robert Skutch.

Student Banned From Christian Theology Course Allowed Back In Class.  A university announced Monday [3/19/2018] that it would allow a student back in a Christian theology course after he was booted upon saying there were only two genders.  Indiana University of Pennsylvania President Michael Driscoll permitted student Lake Ingle to re-enter the course and indefinitely suspended the student's academic integrity board hearing.

Student Kicked Out of Class for Saying There Are Only Two Genders.  A religious studies major was barred from Christianity class at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for saying during class that there are only two genders.  Lake Ingle, a senior at the university, said he was silenced and punished by IUP Professor Alison Downie for questioning her during a Feb. 28 "Christianity 481: Self, Sin, and Salvation" lecture.  After showing a 15-minute TED Talk by transgender ex-pastor Paula Stone Williams discussing the "reality" of "mansplaining," "sexism from men," and "male privilege," the professor asked the women in the class to share their thoughts.  When no women in the class said anything, Ingle spoke up, challenging the professor on biology and the gender wage gap.  He told the class that the official view of biologists is that there are only two genders.

College Student Barred From Class For Claiming There Are Only Two Genders.  A student who attends Indiana University of Pennsylvania was barred from a religious studies course that he needed to complete in order to graduate after stating the fact that there are only two genders.  The student, Luke Ingle, was barred from class after objecting to claims made in a video featuring a transgender individual, countering with the argument that there are only two genders.

Student barred from class for claiming there are two genders.  A student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania was recently barred from attending a religious studies class that he needs in order to graduate after he questioned his instructor's claims regarding the "reality of white male privilege."  Lake Ingle said he objected to some of the claims made in a video featuring a transgender woman, and countered by arguing that there are only two genders and that the "gender wage gap" is a myth.

When a picture is worth a thousand nervous breakdowns.  Just another example of mind-blowing stupidity on campus?  More proof that many college students will be unable to function in a society that doesn't care how woke they are?  Yes, and more. [...] Minorities, feminists, gays — any group told they are "marginalized" — are, in fact, in complete control of campus thought.  They are not snowflakes or marginalized in any way.  They are dominant.

'Pronouns matter': Georgia college suggests 'ne' and 've' as gender-neutral words.  department after a new controversial pamphlet lists several gender pronouns as "ne," "ve," and "ey."  The words are featured in a pamphlet titled "Pronouns Matter:  A guide to using gender neutral pronouns" that administrators handed out in Kennesaw State University's Student Center Tuesday, as reported by  Tammy Demel, a university spokesperson, told Fox News it was "made available by the Kennesaw State Office of Student Engagement for those in the campus community with questions or who had particular interest in this topic."

In the good old days, such a person wouldn't have been allowed within a mile of an elementary school.
Elementary Principal Announces He Is Transgender, Will Start Dressing as a Woman.  A 52-year-old male elementary school principal has announced he is now transgender and will begin dressing as a woman at school.  Tom Daniels, principal of Stanley School in Swampscott, Massachusetts, said in a letter to the school community that was forwarded to the Boston Globe, "I am transgender.  For me, that means I identify as both a male and female, and I plan to move toward presenting myself and identifying as female."

UK Education Giant Unveils Hard-Left, Identity Politics-Pushing LGBT Classroom Programme.  Announcing an 'LGBT-inclusive' update to all of its products, education giant Pearson has launched a guide to pushing 'social justice' activism in every part of the school curriculum.  'Creating an LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum' was produced by LGBT activist group Stonewall and is sponsored by Pearson, which owns the exam board Edexcel and publishes thousands of school textbooks as one of the UK's biggest education companies.  Claiming an inclusive curriculum is "a crucial part of tackling" homophobic bullying in schools, the handbook advises ways in which teachers can alter lessons across the syllabus so LGBT pupils "see themselves represented in what they're learning".

NYC School Cancels Father-Daughter Dance to Comply With New Gender Guidelines.  A Staten Island elementary school cancelled its traditional father-daughter dance because of the Department of Education's (DOE) new gender guidelines.  PS 65 had the event scheduled for Friday, February 9, until the school's parent-teacher association realized it would not comply with the Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Guidelines, which went into effect in March 2017.

Transgender Ideology Hurts Kids.  Properly understanding sex, gender, gender identity, and gender dysphoria will continue to be pressing concerns in 2018.  A proper understanding is a prerequisite for properly forming people in the truth and properly ministering to people in need.  As new gender ideologies are promoted throughout America, their lies will impact not only those who suffer from gender dysphoria, but all children who need to mature in their self-understanding as a boy or girl, man or woman, a potential husband or wife, father or mother.

Emerson College: 'Homosexual' is Offensive to Gays so Stop Using It.  Apparently, the word "homosexual" can be offensive to gays at Emerson College.  Instead, students are recommended to use the words "gay" or "lesbian."

College tells students that saying 'homosexual' is offensive.  Emerson College now considers the term "homosexual" to be an offensive reference to gay or lesbian people, deeming only the latter two terms sufficiently inclusive.  The guide also asks students not to use terms like "accused, claimed, or alleged" in regard to sexual assault allegations, saying they "convey bias and disbelief."

Sexual Orientation is Fixed, but Gender's Completely Fluid.  And 2 + 2 = 5..  As I wrote in Part One of this series, the theory that gays are "born this way" is not the fruit of science.  It's a political orthodoxy enforced by media, pressure groups, and increasingly the government.  It stands in stark and strange contrast to what those same groups want us to think about being male and female.

School Assembly:  Sex Changes Are "Perfectly Normal".  Back in December (just in time for the Christmas break), George Mason High School in Falls Church, Virginia held a school assembly with a special guest speaker.  Washington Post columnist, author and Pulitzer Prize winner Amy Ellis Nutt arrived to lecture the children on a number of subjects, particularly transgender issues.  That's not surprising since she's still pushing her 2015 book, Becoming Nicole:  The Transformation of an American Family.  Cathy Ruse at The Daily Signal has a long, well developed breakdown of the speech given at the assembly as well as the question and answer session which followed.  (Be warned in advance that some of this is extremely disturbing and Nutt is far off base on some of her "science.")

Scholastic Book 'George' About Transgender Child Outrages Conservative Group Calling for Boycott.  A conservative advocacy group is rallying its supporters against Scholastic for publishing a popular children's book about transgender kids.  One Million Moms, a self-dubbed "pro-family" group of the American Family Association, called on its website last week for Scholastic to discontinue publishing George, a chapter book intended for kids in grades 3 to 7 and written by queer activist and author Alex Gino.  The story is about a transgender fourth-grader who hopes to play Charlotte in her school's upcoming production of Charlotte's Web.  The 10-year-old hopes that if she gets the part, her family and teacher will look past the male gender identity she was assigned at birth and finally accept her as a girl.

The Editor says...
The public schools fail to teach these two facts, among many others:  [#1] A male who dresses like a female is a transvestite.  [#2] A boy does not become a girl by deciding to be a girl and dressing like a girl, and acting like a girl.

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

Isaiah 5:20        

Rainbow Textbooks Adopted in California.  Late last year, the California board of education brought to an end a decades-long campaign to emphasize lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender historical figures in state social-studies/history textbooks, approving K-8 volumes that make identity politics of all kinds the core of the subject.  California has had enormous influence on the nation's history textbooks in the past, and single-interest groups have long flocked to Sacramento to try to gain expanded, favorable inclusion.  The LGBT lobby has been notably assertive. [...] In 2006, Sen. Sheila Kuehl of Santa Monica — the state's first openly gay legislator — introduced a bill that would require textbooks to include LGBT contributions to state and national history.

The Whore of Babylon Dances the Night Away.  I spent a restless night last night — thoughts of how far down the sewage tank this nation has gone — thinking of how polluted this nation has become and how the perverts — the Sodomites — the Lesbians — the child molesters — have infected this nation and so many in it How wicked — vile — deceitful — degenerate — depraved — Like Nineveh, like Rome — sin fills the air and open rebellion against God is everywhere. [...] They not only protect and defend sin as being how to live but they pound it into the faces of everyone day in and day out.  They have used the public school system to make sure that our children find nothing wrong in two mommies or two daddies or grade schoolers learning how to put on condoms or how to have anal sex or how to get an abortion.  Look at the media attention to the perverts and out of wedlock children by those whose only claim to fame is being able to read scripts and ACT.

California Parents Barred from Opting Kids Out of Mandatory LGBT-Inclusive Textbooks.  California has become the first state in the union to mandate the use of LGBT-inclusive textbooks in elementary schools and have given parents no way to opt out.  The choice has been made for them.  It's the law.  That law requires a "fair, accurate, inclusive, and respectful" treatment of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and lesbian Americans despite the historical insignificance.

Christian students claim school told them to 'revise' beliefs.  A Christian student group has filed a lawsuit against the University of Iowa, alleging that the school tried to make it "revise" its Statement of Faith before reinstating its official status.  A member of the group had claimed in 2016 that he was denied a leadership position in the group for being openly gay, a charge the group denies, saying the student was turned down because he rejected the group's core beliefs.

Change my mind that there are more than 2 genders.  The longer our young people are in school, the more likely they are to believe nonsense — and, in this case, the nonsense is that wishing makes it so and that people, once having created their own wish-filled reality, may use government force to coerce everyone else into believing it as well.  While the young people to whom Crowder spoke forced themselves to acknowledge chromosomes, each truly believed that "because feelings" is a rational and convincing argument sufficient to make someone (that would be Crowder) agree that people must be forced to accept another person's "non-binary gender identity" and should suffer consequences for failing to do so.

Eating Their Own:  University administrator slams LGBTQ center for being "too white".  The Assistant Director of "LGBTQIA Programs & Services" at the University of Missouri — Kansas City (UMKC), Jonathan T. Pryor, has published a personal manifesto outlining all of the ways that humans who refuse to accept their natural biological dispositions are still being "triggered" by the everyday world around them.  Two of these triggers apparently include the LGBTQIA Center at UMKC, as well as the "rainbow flag," a common symbol of LGBTQ-etcetera — both of which Pryor claims are offensive because they're too "white."  Pryor, whose skin color is ironically about as pasty white as it gets, explains in his paper how the LGBTQIA building where he works on campus is in close proximity to other buildings and spaces that apparently make his cohort of gender non-conforming snowflakes feel "uncomfortable."  One such space is the student center where Greek Life flags are displayed, as well as all of the Greek houses located just outside of campus — two symbols of "straightness" and "whiteness" that Pryor feels violate his LGBTQIA safe space.

Canadian elementary school teachers attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP' inclusiveness training session.  Would you understand the title?  A Canadian school board is making progressive steps by having teachers participate in extensive inclusiveness training, but the title of the session has left some perplexed.  The Canadian Elementary Teachers Federation (ETFO) of Ontario hosted a LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP inclusiveness training session on June 6.  The acronym stands for Lesbian, Gay, Genderqueer, Bisexual, Demisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Twospirit, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Allies, Pansexual and Polyamorous.

Parents Repudiate Gender Indoctrination in Schools.  Americans are fed up with public school curricula that incorporate gender ideology in the name of civil rights and are fighting legal battles across the country to end the indoctrination.  Parents in Portland, Oregon, filed a federal lawsuit to reverse a Dallas School District policy allowing a biological female to use the bathroom and locker room for males.  Allowing the 16-year old "transgender male," Elliot Yoder, to use the boys' facilities violates the civil rights of the majority of students who are not transgender, the lawsuit argues.  Two years ago, Yoder requested to change her clothes before gym class in the boys' locker room because other students noticed when she left to change in the gender-neutral facility, which was inconveniently located two floors away.  The Dallas district accommodated her request, igniting parents to protest at a school board meeting.

Questioning gender fluidity is the new blasphemy.  The capitulation of the establishment to the politics of transgenderism has been astonishing.  I'm struggling to remember any other time when a new and contested ideology has been so uncritically embraced by the powers-that-be.  We have a Tory government pushing a Gender Recognition Act that would allow anyone to change his or her gender without so much as popping a hormone pill.  An established Church which yesterday issued guidelines to its schools encouraging them to let kids 'explore gender identity'.  Police forces exchanging helmets for caps because 'gender-based headgear' is disrespectful to trans people.  And of course a university system — the nurturer of future leaders — in which women's colleges are throwing themselves open to people who were born male, students are told to use gender-neutral pronouns, and anyone who says 'Men cannot become women' can expect to be hounded off campus.

Prof suggests using art classes to help kids 'turn out queer'.  A professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) recently argued in favor of using art education to help "kids turn out queer."  Complaining that "heteronormativity" is pervasive in school curricula, Adam Greteman suggests that "we can, and perhaps should, help our kids turn out queer" through "queer affirmation" strategies in class.

Transgender lesson gets New York 7th-grade teacher suspended.  A New York public school teacher has been suspended after outraged parents accused her of distributing materials on gender identity that were inappropriate for seventh-graders.  The health teacher at Cambridge Central School, north of Albany, was suspended with pay Tuesday after a parent told other parents on Facebook live that his 11-year-old son brought home a packet of information about sex change operations that included graphic sexual definitions, WRGB-TV reports.

School dumps graduation tradition for sake of gender inclusivity.  A popular graduation tradition at California's Camarillo High School is about to come to an end because — well — because the grownups who run the school district are morons.  For as far back as anyone can remember graduates wore gowns reflecting the school colors.  The guys wore navy blue gowns and the gals wore blue gowns.  But that tradition just got deep-sixed for the sake of gender inclusivity — and now graduates will only be allowed to wear one color that represents all genders.

Fifth Grade Teacher Imposes Perverted Gender Politics.  It is now too much to ask for teachers to encourage kids to speak proper English, and for science teachers not to demand that children deny objective reality.

Parents divided in opinion after gender neutral teacher sends note home with 5th graders.  A new fifth grade teacher at Canopy Oaks Elementary is asking students to use gender-neutral pronouns in the classroom.  Math and science teacher Chloe Bressack sent the request home in a letter to parents headlined "About Mx.  Bressack."  "... my pronouns are 'they, them, their' instead of 'he, his, she, hers.'  I know it takes some practice for it to feel natural," the letter reads, "but students catch on pretty quickly."

The Editor says...
Just like every perverse behavior, "it takes some practice for it to feel natural," because it's not natural.

Middle School Teacher Asks Students Not to Tell Parents As She Shows Inappropriate Video.  One middle school teacher in West Virginia decided to show her students a music video that talked about suicide prevention.  However, that is not the problem at hand.  The problem is that the video, which was not approved by the school, portrayed an implied after sex scene as a father walks in on his son in bed with another boy, as well as a sex toy.  Remember, this is a middle school class.  The teacher also asked her students not to tell their parents about her showing it to them.

Gender Ideology Harms Children.  The American College of Pediatricians urges healthcare professionals, educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex.  Facts — not ideology — determine reality.  Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait:  "XY" and "XX" are genetic markers of male and female, respectively — not genetic markers of a disorder.  The norm for human design is to be conceived either male or female.  Human sexuality is binary by design with the obvious purpose being the reproduction and flourishing of our species.  This principle is self-evident.  The exceedingly rare disorders of sex development (DSDs), including but not limited to testicular feminization and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, are all medically identifiable deviations from the sexual binary norm, and are rightly recognized as disorders of human design.  Individuals with DSDs (also referred to as "intersex") do not constitute a third sex.

Harvard pulls Chelsea Manning's visiting fellow title, but maintains speaking invitation amid backlash.  The dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government has announced that the school has scrapped a plan to make convicted WikiLeaks leaker Chelsea Manning a visiting fellow, but still plans to have her speak at its vaunted Kennedy School.  Douglas W. Elmendorf stressed that Manning is still invited to talk with students and then host a forum where she would be asked "hard questions" about her story.  He said the school never had any intention to honor her or endorse "any of her words or deeds."

The Editor says...
By referring to Mr. Manning as "her," the school is in fact honoring at least one of his deeds and many of his words.  He may prefer to dress and act like a woman, but that doesn't make him a woman.

Prof Calls for Preschools to Use More 'Gender Fluid' Books.  There's an old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times."  Well, boys and girls, we definitely live in interesting times.  They're so interesting, in fact, that more and more children appear to be going through the process of transitioning from their birth gender into something else.  To be sure, the numbers aren't really all that staggering.  It's far more likely that the handful of cases we hear about are the majority of examples in existence, which means maybe a few dozen throughout the Western world.  However, a professor at the University of Rhode Island thinks we need to pave the way for these kids by introducing the concept to children in preschool.

Encouraging Gender Fluidity Is Child Abuse.  [Scroll down]  One of the biggest scare tactics transgender supporters throw at parents is that they must allow gender transformation to prevent suicide.  This is a huge lie.  In Sweden, one of the most lgbt-affirming countries in the world, the suicide rate for adults who undergo sex reassignment is 20 times greater than that of the general population. [...] People today also refuse to acknowledge that the same God who created a man and a woman stated clearly that homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism and even cross-dressing is an abomination (Leviticus 20:13; Deuteronomy 22:5; Romans 1:26-27).

Pompeo cancels Harvard talk over hiring of Chelsea Manning: report.  CIA Director Mike Pompeo has canceled a planned talk at the Harvard Kennedy School after the Ivy League school hired Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow.  Pompeo sent a letter to the school on Thursday [9/14/2017] informing them he was canceling his speech over Harvard's hiring of Manning, whom he called an "American traitor," NBC News reported.  "Ms. Manning stands against everything the brave men and women I serve alongside stand for," Pompeo wrote.  "Let me be clear, this has nothing to do with Ms. Manning's identity as a transgender person.  It has everything to do with her identity as a traitor to the United States of America and my loyalty to the officers of the CIA."

Chelsea Manning Named Visiting Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School's Institute of Politics.  The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has named convicted felon and transgender activist Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow at its Institute of Politics for the 2017-18 academic year.  Harvard's announcement of its incoming class of visiting fellows at the Institute of Politics celebrates Manning's inclusion as the program's "first transgender fellow."  The Kennedy School describes Manning in its press release as "a Washington, D.C. based network security expert and former U.S. Army intelligence analyst."

Feds Spend $138,000 Asking Four-Year-Olds About Their 'Internal Sense of Gender Identity'.  The National Science Foundation is spending over $130,000 on a study that asks four-year-olds about their "internal sense of gender identity." A grant for a two-year study was awarded to the University of Washington this summer.  The project will interview 250 children aged four to six, and their parents, asking a series of questions about "gendered behavior."  "Prominent theories of gender development have discussed the degree to which gender identity results from an internal sense of gender and socialization processes," according to the grant.

First Grade Student Punished for 'Misgendering' Another Student.  If a child is dressed in pink dress with pigtails, you're probably going to assume they are a girl.  If the child is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, with short hair and possibly a ball cap, you will assume he is a boy.  First graders are no exception to that rule.  If they see someone acting in the manner of a certain gender, then thats the gender they will thank the person is.  It is a no-brainer to them.  A California charter school is confusing the children though, and then punishing them for the confusion.  In what is being considered a "pronoun mishap," a first grader allegedly "misgendered" another student.

Students calling for removal of LGBT flag liken it to rebel flag.  A group of students and parents in Alabama is calling for the removal of a rainbow pride flag from a high school classroom — arguing that it can be compared to displaying a Confederate flag.  "We strongly feel that it creates a hostile and provocative learning environment for students not comfortable to openly supporting the LGBTQ+ community in a public school where students come from diverse political and religious backgrounds," a petition reads about the flag in Auburn.  More than 800 people have signed the petition demanding the flag on display just outside a classroom at Auburn High School be taken down.

After Trans Discussion, Kindergartener 'Came Home Crying And Shaking So Afraid She Could Turn Into A Boy'.  Angry parents stampeded a California charter school board meeting Monday after a teacher read her kindergarten class picture books about transgenderism to affirm a gender dysphoric classmate.  During the class, parents say, the gender dysphoric boy also switched clothes to look more like a girl in a "gender reveal."  Parents were not notified beforehand of the discussion or the classmate's psychological condition, and learned about it when their confused kindergarteners arrived home from school that day.

California Kindergartners Undergo Transsexual Brainwashing.  One day, American society may recover its health and look back with horror upon the many crimes against sanity and decency the liberal ruling class has been inflicting.  Among the most appalling is the systematic use of schools to corrupt small children with depraved teratosexual ideology.  Not even kindergarteners are permitted their innocence.

Parents outraged by transgender reveal in kindergarten class.  The Rocklin Academy school board is facing tough questions from parents concerned over a controversial incident involving transgender discussions inside a kindergarten class, CBS Sacramento reports.  "These parents feel betrayed by the school district that they were not notified," said Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute.  The incident happened earlier this summer during the last few days of the academic school year.

Princeton University allows students to select from Six gender identities.  Princeton University is now allowing its students to select from six genders.  The online student services interface, which is called TigerHub, lets students choose from one or more of the following genders:  'Cisgender,' 'Genderqueer/gender non-conform[ing],' 'Trans/transgender,' 'Man,' 'Woman,' and 'Other'.  'Students use TigerHub to provide the University with personal information on a confidential basis,' a university spokesman told Fox News.

Planned Parenthood Issues Guidelines On How To Talk To Pre-Schoolers.  In new guidelines issued on the official Planned Parenthood website, the federally subsidized corporation explains how parents should talk to their pre-schoolers about gender roles, sexuality, masturbation, and transgenderism, even offering tips on how to tell if your toddler "is transgender or gender nonconforming."  Filling the head of your three-year-old child who thought he was a dinosaur last week with confusing messages about sex and gender?  What could possibly go wrong.

Minnesota Is Pushing Gender Identity Debate on Kindergartners.  It would seem to be common sense that schoolchildren fresh off of learning the alphabet should not have to learn the alphabet soup of growing gender pronouns sprung from the laboratories of college campuses.  But that is exactly what is happening in Minnesota.  On Wednesday [7/19/2017], the Minnesota Department of Education advisory council voted to implement an LGBT "toolkit" for public and charter schools in the state.  Nor are these guidelines just intended for older students.  Instead, they were created for children as young as those entering kindergarten.

Transgender Toolkit for Minnesota Public Schools.  If a 5-year-old boy wants to pretend that he is a girl named Gertrude, everyone must play along or be denounced as transphobic.  Older students may enjoy the access to bathroom and locker room facilities of the opposite sex to which they are entitled according to the toolkit.

Transgender "Toolkit" Approved by Minnesota Department of Education.  The Minnesota Department of Education will begin distributing a new toolkit resources to school district on supporting transgender and gender non-conforming students.  The move came Wednesday [7/19/2017] during a special meeting of the state's School Safety Technical Assistance Council.  Proponents of transgender rights applauded the move, while opponents warned council members of the problems that would come from allowing schools to pursue policies that would allow transgender students access to restrooms of their choice.

'Safe Space Committee' works to challenge 'heterosexism'.  Old Dominion University's "Safe Space Committee" is seeking to cultivate a climate of diversity by reducing "homophobia, transphobia and heterosexism" on campus.  According to the committee's website, the organization is dedicated "to a vision of a community that is open, safe, and accepting to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning people and allies."  Heterosexism, a term that commonly appears in the gender studies literature, relates to the alleged prejudice against homosexuals based on the idea that heterosexuality is the more desirable form of sexual orientation.

Parents Shocked by Adult Drag Queen Performance — at Grade School Talent Show.  What in the name of Ru Paul is wrong with the New York City Board of Education?  Parents are furious after children as young as 5-years-old were exposed to a man's erotic drag show performance at what was supposed to be a school district talent show.

Catholic school hit for canceling LGBT play for 5-year-olds.  LGBT Canadians are furious after a Catholic school district canceled performances of a play about gender identity — meant for children as young as 5 years old.  "I fear these cancellations may be based on misinformation, grown out of fear, intolerance, transphobia, homophobia and misogyny," wrote Jessica Carmichael, the artistic director of the Carousel Playhouse.

At Riverview High, a teacher who supports LGBT students is accused of shutting out others.  Lora Jane Riedas knew something like this could happen.  "I'm out.  I'm gay.  I work at the same school as my wife," she said.  But when the 45-year-old math teacher got that call from the principal of Riverview High School, she had trouble wrapping her head around the news:  She was under investigation in the Hillsborough County School District.  A conservative advocacy group was alleging she didn't let students wear crosses and that her efforts to help LGBT students feel comfortable in her classroom had crossed a line into political activism.

University of Kansas students are being offered buttons spelling out their preferred gender pronouns.  University of Kansas students are being offered buttons through the school's library system meant to make their preferred gender pronouns clear.  Various University of Kansas Libraries employees now sport the square-shaped pins, with extra ones also doled out to interested students, the Lawrence Journal-World reports.  Library leaders say the buttons are part of the library system's 'You Belong Here' marketing effort meant to lure undergraduates and ensure that they feel welcome, including transgender students.

King's College London removes a photo of the former Archbishop of Canterbury from its 'wall of fame' amid student anger about his views on gay marriage.  An image of the former Archbishop of Canterbury has been removed from an alumni 'hall of fame' at one of Britain's top universities amid outrage over his views on gay marriage.  King's College said Lord Carey of Clifton's image 'did not capture the diversity of our university community' after taking it down from its campus on the Strand, London, following a long student campaign.  The student union crusade was started in 2012 after he sparked outrage by saying:  'Same-sex relationships are not the same as heterosexual relationships and should not be put on the same level.'

Oxford University tells colleges to 'remove gender-specific titles'.  Oxford University has told colleges and academic departments to remove gender-specific titles such as Mr and Mrs from their websites and leaflets.  The guidance, contained in a document from the Equality and Diversity Unit, suggests only academic terms like Dr and Prof should be retained.  It advised that while the process of removing gender-specific titles is underway, people should be given the option of appearing without any prefix.

After Sorority at Tufts Delays Membership for Transgender Student, Half Its Members Quit.  Since the beginning of the semester, more than 40 members of a Tufts University sorority have ditched the group in protest over then national office delayed its decision on whether to approve membership for a transgender student.  Though Alpha Omicron Pi eventually extended a membership offer to the student, Harper Hopkins, the sorority's national office first hesitated, saying it lacked a policy on admitting transgender students.

No king nor queen: gender-neutral school homecoming may be trend.  The University of Nebraska at Omaha has named its royal homecoming pair, but don't call them king and queen.  The school has joined a growing number of other schools around the county that are moving to gender-neutral homecoming courts to be more inclusive of transgender students.  The trend appears to be part of a larger national dialogue that erupted after a series of so-called "bathroom laws" and other pieces of anti-LGBT legislation were introduced in statehouses nationwide.  UNO administrators supported the change to dub the school's homecoming winners as "royals," CBS Omaha affiliate KMTV reports.

UM students to decide their own pronouns.  In an effort to be inclusive, the University of Michigan announced Wednesday it will allow students to designate their own pronouns that will be reflected on class rosters.  UM students can select pronouns such as he, she, him, her, ze — a gender neutral pronoun — or other pronouns they identify with starting this week.  The change is so students can let others know which pronoun they identify with and expect others to use when referencing them, Provost Martha Pollack and Vice President for Student Life Royster Harper wrote to students on the Ann Arbor campus.

After college lets students pick their 'preferred pronouns,' one decides to milk new policy for all it's worth.  When the University of Michigan, in an attempt to "foster inclusiveness," announced this week that it would allow students to choose their own "personal pronouns," which faculty and staff would be expected to use when talking to them, Grant Strobl had an idea.  While the school probably thought students would choose "he," "she" or the new gender-neutral pronoun "ze," Strobl chose a different one:  "His Majesty."

Professor threatens conservative who trolled U-Mich LGBT pronoun rule.  Grant Strobl has become a viral internet legend in the last few days for his epic troll of the University of Michigan's new online pronoun system, which encourages students to select whatever gender pronoun they wish to be called.  The university faculty and staff are required to comply and use whatever pronoun the student picks, and the pronouns would be distributed to classrooms.  Strobl — a UM student, YAF Chapter Chair, and 2016 Red Alert Politics '30 Under 30' winner — selected the pronoun "His Majesty," proving the ridiculousness of the program.

Conservative Student Is Now 'His Majesty' After University Of Michigan Lets Everyone Make Up Their Own Pronouns.  A conservative student at the University of Michigan has fairly brilliantly subverted a new campus-wide policy intended to force professors — and the entire campus community — to use exotic pronouns to refer to students who insist they belong to some alternate, fictional gender.  The student, Grant Strobl, has declared that he shall henceforth be referred to as "His Majesty, Grant Strobl."  Strobl was able to announce his new pronoun because the taxpayer-funded school launched a new web page allowing students to declare their preferred, "designated" pronouns.

Brown University Providing Tampons in Men's Bathrooms Because 'Both Sexes Menstruate'.  Tampons are now a genderless necessity, according to Brown University, who have announced that they will be providing tampons for both men's and women's bathrooms across the university this academic year.  The tampons will be delivered to bathrooms by the university's student president, Viet Nguyen, as well as 20 volunteers, with Nguyen claiming the initiative is a means of educating students that men menstruate as well as women.

Tampons in the Men's Restroom.  Having long been a leader in political correctness, Brown University has found another way to embarrass itself and to alienate its alumni.  (Among them, yours truly.)  Opening up a new frontier in sensitivity towards the transgendered, Brown has started placing tampon dispensers in men's lavatories.  And, they will be free.  Apparently, these are needed by women who believe that they are men and who therefore will insist on using the men's room.

Gender-neutral bathroom signs not inclusive enough, UNC students claim.  Student activists at the University of North Carolina are hopping mad over the university's decision to replace their all-gender-inclusive bathroom signs with more mundane ones that comply with federal guidelines.  The new signs, the students complain, are not inclusive enough.  "I think people will look at the new signs and think they look similar because you can still use the bathroom whether you're male or female in accordance with the new signs.  But it blatantly excludes people that don't conform to gender binaries," student Regan Buchanan told the Daily Tarheel.

The Editor says...
The misguided fools who can't bring themselves to conform to "gender binaries" that have existed for thousands of years (and have only come into question in the last decade or two) may think they are discovering their true identity by exploring non-standard options, but in reality they are denying their true identity and believing a lie.

School tells students:  Not using transgender language is criminal offense.  West Virginia University (WVU) has told its 29,000 students that they are breaking federal law if don't agree to use the pronouns — including 'he' or 'she,' 'zir' or 'hir' etc. — preferred by each person who claims to be transgender.  That policy means if a biological man — for example, famous transgender athlete Bruce Jenner — says he "identifies" his gender as female, then all other students must refer to the man as a "she," or else be treated as a law-breaker.

University To Students:  You're a Criminal If You Don't Use Transgender Approved Language.  West Virginia University (WVU) has told its 29,000 students that they are breaking federal law if don't agree to use the pronouns — including 'he' or 'she,' 'zir' or 'hir' etc. — preferred by each person who claims to be transgender.  That policy means if a biological man — for example, famous transgender athlete Bruce Jenner — says he "identifies" his gender as female, then all other students must refer to the man as a "she," or else be treated as a law-breaker.

LGBT Agenda Puts the Squeeze on California Christian Schools.  California Senate Bill 1146, called "the most oppressive LGBTQ anti-religious proposal in the nation," has yet to pass the state legislature, which is in its final eight days before adjournment.  SB 1146 was designed to force Christian colleges and universities in the state to hire homosexuals, house students who are openly homosexual, and allow self-designated transgender people to play on sports teams, use intimate facilities, and live in dorms with the opposite sex.  Critics say the bill, sponsored by state Sen.  Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), would ultimately remove Title IX exemptions for nearly all religious schools, forcing Christian colleges and universities to abandon moral codes for students and faculty and, as originally written, would create a legal path for lawsuits against religious schools if the institutions seek to uphold biblical decency.

Md. school district:  Don't tell parents of transgender males bunking with daughters on field trips.  A Maryland school district is instructing teachers and administrators not to tell parents if their daughters are bunking with male transgender students on overnight field trips.  Bob Mosier, chief communications officer for the Anne Arundel County public school system, says in a training video on how to accommodate transgender students that privacy issues prevent the district from informing parents about such arrangements.

University to females:  Transgenders can use your bathroom, don't 'gender police' if a man comes in.  The University of South Alabama today [8/15/2016] debuts a wide-sweeping new policy that allows men who identify as female to use girls' bathrooms.  In announcing the new policy, it also admonished students not to "gender police" if someone of another biological sex saunters into the restroom.  "There is no rule that a person must look a certain way to use a certain restroom.  This kind of 'gender policing' is harmful.  Individuals should not have to dress or groom in a way that conforms to someone else's gender standards," the university stated in its FAQ section announcing the new policy.

Tragedy: 'Gayest College In America' Has Not Suppressed Anatomically Correct Singular Pronouns.  An Oberlin College student has taken to the page of the Washington Blade — the nation's oldest newspaper specializing in news for gay people — to tell America why she "chose the gayest college in America" and why she is really sad that some students won't stop using anatomically-correct pronouns.  The dedicated lesbian, Jesse Arnholz, says she chose famously politically correct, generally whiny Oberlin College — a 3,000-student student in college where a year of tuition, fees and room and board costs costs $66,602 — because she "needed to go somewhere very queer."  She was "seduced by Oberlin's history" as an enclave of progressivism, she explains in the 744-word exercise in navel-gazing.

New School 'Gender Unicorn' Sparks Parental Outrage.  A protest was held Tuesday [8/9/2016] after a school district in North Carolina created a "gender unicorn" to teach staff and faculty about gender identity, gender expression and transgenderism.  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), a school district in Charlotte, N.C., created a purple unicorn with two hearts to explain transgenderism in training materials for school staff, reports WCNC.  The school district will use the training materials to teach staff and faculty how to best help transgender students.  The North Carolina Values Coalition led a protest against CMS' plans to let transgender students use the pronouns, name and bathroom according to their gender identity.  Speakers at the protest said that new CMS policy infringes on student privacy.

Good Grief:  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Want To Stop Calling Kids Boys And Girls.  Why can't hardcore nutjob moonbat liberals just let kids be kids?  Why do they have to push their crazy ideas on kids?  Why can't they just mind their own business and, oh, say, teach them subjects which will allow them to be functional members of society?

Bill would prevent LGBT discrimination at religious schools.  A bill moving through the [California] Legislature would remove a longstanding exemption from anti-discrimination laws for religious institutions, potentially exposing the schools to civil rights lawsuits from students and employees.

Ontario court deals blow to Christian law school.  In April 2014 the Law Society of Upper Canada announced it would not accept graduates of TWU's proposed program, because it deemed discriminatory the school's community covenant that requires students to abstain from sexual activity outside marriage between a man and a woman.  After TWU appealed the decision, last year a three-judge panel ruled against the school, even though the judges agreed a religious freedom violation had occurred.

Colorado school dials back 'bias response team' amid censorship complaints.  After Heat Street reported earlier this month on how the University of Northern Colorado's Bias Response Team policed speech on campus and in the classroom, a university spokesperson has told the local newspaper "there are some pieces that we can do better next time."  "We do not want to be in the process of censoring — that is not the intent," the dean of students, Katrina Rodriguez, told the Greeley Tribune this week.  After reviewing more than 200 pages of records, Heat Street revealed that the Bias Response Team had asked professors to change their teaching style and lessons after students reported being offended.  In both cases, the professors had asked their students to weigh opposing arguments about social issues, including gay and transgender rights.

College Profs Investigated for Acknowledging Existence of Other Opinions.  Whether transgender is a real thing, a psychological condition, or the result of a science fiction experiment brought to life by a howler monkey on meth is irrelevant.  Honestly, the professor not having expressed his personal opinions on the matter is irrelevant.  What is relevant is that American college students just can't handle opinions different from their own.  This is just another element in a phenomenon many have been watching since the fiasco at the University of Missouri brought whiny college liberal tantrums to our attention.  These students, who are allegedly adults, are unable to handle even the concept that someone doesn't conform to their worldview.

Democrats, LGBT activists' sinister plan to crack down on Christian schools.  If California Democrats have their way, Christian colleges and universities will no longer be allowed to require students attend chapel services or require them to profess a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Senate Bill 1146 would close a loophole that lawmakers say allows Christian universities to discriminate against students based on their gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.  "All students deserve to feel safe in institutions of higher education, regardless of whether they are public or private," said Senator Ricardo Lara, the author of the legislation.  "California has established strong protections for the LGBTQ community and private universities should not be able to use faith as an excuse to discriminate and avoid complying with state laws."

K-12 Gender Identity Standards Surprise Some Washington Parents.  Kaeley Triller Haver is no stranger to the transgender bathroom debate.  After being sexually assaulted as a child and going public with her story, the single mom from Washington state now opposes shower, locker room, and bathroom policies that she believes leave her and her daughter vulnerable and unsafe.  So earlier this month, when she found out that Washington public schools quietly adopted a new set of health education standards that include teaching kindergartners about gender expression and identity, Triller Haver was shocked she wasn't involved.  "The only way I found out was through a Facebook post," Triller Haver told The Daily Signal.  "Not really the way any parent should discover information this critically important to their child's life."

Now boys can wear skirts to school — as new 'gender neutral' uniforms introduced.  Eighty state schools are allowing boys to wear skirts and girls to wear trousers under new government-funded "gender neutral" uniform policies.  The schools have either dropped references to girls and boys in their dress codes or have rewritten their uniform policy to say that pupils as young as five can dress in the uniform in which they feel most comfortable.  It is part of a government-funded drive for schools to be more sensitive to "trans" children who are questioning their gender identity.

'It's Not Fair': Transgender Student's Success in Girls Track Causes Backlash.  An Alaska transgender student's success against female runners — including capturing all-state honors — is causing a backlash among parents and her rivals.  Haines High School senior Nattaphon Wangyot, who was born male and identifies as female, took fifth place in the Alaska high school girls 100-meter finals and third place in the 200-meter race on May 27.

The Editor says...
Of course he did well.  He's not a girl.  But what can the school do about the unfair competition between males and females when they've been trying for decades to teach the kids to think of gender as an imaginary "social construct"?

K-12 School Proposes Removing Urinals and Making Bathrooms Gender Neutral.  A nationally ranked Minnesota charter school facing a discrimination complaint by the parents of a former kindergarten transgender student approved a controversial new gender inclusion policy at a school board meeting.  While the school board, which consists of a mix of parents, teachers, and community members, overwhelmingly voted in favor of the new policy Monday night, some parents are upset with the outcome.  "What has happened at Nova is unthinkable," a mother with two children at the school told The Daily Signal.  "A classical school based in logic and reason has taken the most radical approach possible, that of affirming gender fluidity."

Transgender Teacher Gets $60k After Co-Workers Won't Call Her 'They'.  A "transmasculine" teacher at an Oregon elementary school has been awarded $60,000 by her school district as compensation for harassment she claims to have suffered on the job, including being referred to by the wrong pronoun.  According to The Oregonian, Leo Soell was born a woman, but now prefers to identify as "transmasculine" and "genderqueer," meaning she does not consider herself to be male or female.  After getting breast cancer in late 2014, she had her breasts amputated to create a more masculine appearance and changed her name to Leo.  Once she returned from medical school in May, 2015, Soell was fully public with her gender-neutral identity.

The freaks have become militant victims:
HS principals group:  Transgender students are not 'those' kids.  They're 'our' kids.  We can't ignore the research that reveals transgender students are more likely to feel unsafe and be victimized in school.  And fear for their safety causes one in three of these students to miss at least one day of school each month.  The research links a 90 percent school attendance rate closely to academic success, so more absences means less learning, lower grades, and a smaller chance of success after high school.  In short, kids who live in fear don't learn very well.

The Editor says...
The power-hungry state constantly tries to take possession of (or just assume ownership of) all school children.  You are expected to enroll your children in government schools by age six, and keep them there through high school.  There they will be subjected to government indoctrination most of the day, and unless you want them to be unprepared for anything other than a life of dependency (or prison), you had better un-teach all the anti-capitalist, anti-American, environmentalist, and homosexual propaganda they learn at school on a daily basis.  Not to mention the incomprehensible nonsense that is currently being peddled in place of mathematics.  Or you could go the extra mile and teach your kids at home.

Burlington College.  [Scroll down]  [H]ow about the coming swarm of transvestites, transsexuals, Tim Curry impersonators, and just general perverts ready to descend on public-school girls' bathrooms and locker rooms?  That comes courtesy of America's own would-be caudillo Barack Obama, who has decided the plight of trannies with an urge to drain the main vein is the civil rights cause of our time.  So urgent, he's decided, that constitutional niceties like the separation of powers and federalism must go by the wayside.  His administration put out a letter to the nation's 98,000 public schools, not a single one of which is run by the federal government, demanding they allow sexually confused boys into the girls' rooms and vice versa.  The letter went even further, resisting any attempt to define eligibility for such treatment — if a boy determines he "feels" like a girl on a given day and demands entry into a girls' bathroom the school shouldn't question his judgement.

UW Prof. Offers Extra Credit if Students Lobby Against Legislation.  A University of Wisconsin Madison professor offered students in her LGBTQ studies class extra credit if they visited the state Capitol on Thursday to testify against a bill she opposes.  Dr. Elizabeth Cabell Hankinson Gathman is a graduate of UW Madison's sociology department and this semester she is teaching Intro to LGBTQ Studies (SOC/GWS 200), a required class for students in the LGBTQ studies certificate program.  On Wednesday [11/18/2015], Prof. Gathman related to her students that she would give them extra credit on their final course grade if they went to the state Capitol to testify in opposition to AB 469, a bill that establishes uniform policies for how Wisconsin public schools will handle locker room and restroom accommodations for transgender students.

Escape from Obama's transgender school bathrooms.  Barack Obama's transgender regime has officially carried its demands for your child's compliance with sexual deviancy to the level of an imperial directive: [...] The Department of Justice, which apparently now means primarily "social justice," aka cultural Marxism, is joining the Department of Education — a thoroughly anti-constitutional entity the continued existence of which represents the greatest failure of the Reagan presidency — to complete American compulsory schooling's true, original, and essential mission: the reduction of the population to a confused, helpless mass of spiritually unindividuated "worker units" for the benefit of a permanent corporate-political ruling elite.

Obama in the girls' bathroom.  The diktat comes in the form of a letter from the Justice Department's Office of Civil Rights stating that "when a student or the student's parent or guardian ... notifies the school administration that the student will assert a gender identity that differs from previous representations or records, the school will begin treating the student consistent with the student's gender identity."  Schools are forbidden from seeking to verify a student's "gender assertion."  In short, there will no longer be any single sex locker rooms or showers in America's public schools.  You could not have found a conservative fever swamp in 2008 in which anyone would have predicted a slide so far and fast into such absurd relativism within the short (but seemingly endless) span of a single presidency.

Feds' push for trans rights in US schools is simply insane.  Sheer lunacy:  That's the only way to describe the Obama administration's decision to enforce the full "trans rights" agenda on the nation — in public accommodations, and in school bathrooms and locker rooms.  Yes, polite society in progressive precincts has embraced the idea that those with non-standard "gender identities" deserve the same protections as racial and other minorities.  But that idea surely never entered the mind of any lawmaker who voted for (or against!) the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or any of the other laws Team Obama is citing as authority for its actions.

Obama's 'Transgender' Plan:  Exclude Parents, Let Officials Handle Childrens' Sexual Problems.  President Barack Obama's new transgender plan for K-12 schools recommends parents be secretly excluded from any decisive role when their children experiment with sexual "gender identities" as male or female.  The exclusion of parents from their children's life-and-death, prosperity-or-suicide, teenage development is explicitly approved by Obama's Democratic Party aides in a nine-page, May 13 legal directive, dubbed a "Dear colleague" letter.

Liberal indoctrination is working:
College Students Can't Explain The Difference Between Man And Woman.  A new video shows Seattle University students struggling to say how men and women are different, if they're even different at all.  The Family Policy Institute of Washington released a video this week where it interviewed students at Seattle University about gender identity and transgender bathrooms.  The students soon struggle to explain how gender is actually fluid ... kinda.  "I don't think there is really any one way to distinguish between a man and a woman, and I don't think it's necessary," one student says.

Chicago Students Now Required To Adopt Transgender Newspeak.  Under a new set of guidelines rolled out last week by Chicago public schools, children will now be required to address transgender students and employees by their preferred name and pronouns — or face the consequences.  Transgender students and employees can choose their preferred bathroom, locker room, name and pronouns, and everyone else is required to affirm the individual's new identity, according to the guidelines.

Obama administration to issue decree on bathroom access for transgender students.  The Obama administration will issue guidance Friday to all public school districts in the U.S. telling them to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity, according to The New York Times.  While the letter doesn't have the force of law, it does carry a threat:  Schools that don't comply could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid.  It is signed by officials at the Justice Department and Department of Education.

Rainbow badge
Feds Promote Rainbow Badges for Teachers, Staff at Public Schools to Identify as LGBT 'Allies'.  The federal government's anti-bullying website posted a blog last month touting the OUT for Safe Schools program started by homosexual activists in the Los Angeles, Calif., public schools where "rainbow badges" are worn by teachers and staff to identify them as "allies" of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender students.  "School continues to be a dangerous place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth," said the April 19 blog, which was written by staff from the Los Angeles LGBT Center and the Department of Education.  The blog said that 30,000 rainbow badges were provided to Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) teachers, administrators and staff "to wear voluntarily that proudly identify themselves as allies and protectors of students who are LGBT."

New Chicago Schools Bathroom Policy Proves Liberals' Extreme Agenda.  Chicago Public Schools announced on Monday [5/2/2016] that students and staff must be granted unfettered access to intimate school facilities based on their chosen gender identity.  Put concretely, boys now have the "right" to undress in the girls' locker room before gym class so long as they say they would feel more comfortable doing so.  Kids and teens have many things to worry about as they grow into adulthood and get an education.  But having to deal with people of the opposite sex in their bathrooms and showers shouldn't be one of them.  This latest front in the bathroom wars proves that same-sex marriage was merely the start, not end, of the left's LGBT agenda.

Patrick Wants Fort Worth Superintendent to Resign.  Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Monday called for the resignation of Fort Worth ISD Superintendent Kent Scribner over new guidelines dealing with transgender students.  "After less than a year as superintendent, Dr. Scribner has lost his focus and thereby his ability to lead the Fort Worth ISD," Patrick said in a statement.  "He has placed his own personal political agenda ahead of the more than 86,000 students attending 146 schools in the district by unilaterally adopting 'Transgender Student Guidelines.'"  Patrick's statement came in response to Scribner's recent approval of a set of guidelines that instruct district employees to "acknowledge the gender identity that each student consistently and uniformly asserts."

The Sad Demise of a Once-Catholic University.  At Georgetown, the oldest Catholic and Jesuit institution of higher learning in the U.S., the official teachings of the church against homosexuality have been set aside.  Wednesday is the occasion for a "Lavender Graduation" event, described as "a special ceremony for LGBTQ and Ally undergraduate and graduate students," in order to "acknowledge their achievements, contributions, and unique experiences at Georgetown University."  Before this eyebrow-raising event was set to occur, Georgetown University hosted Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for 40 percent of all reported abortions committed in the United States.  The student newspaper reported that Richards spoke "by invitation" from the student-sponsored Lecture Fund, which is funded by the university, and that she spoke about "reproductive justice" and "women's reproductive rights."

N.J. school district seeks to lead in transgender equality.  The borough has never been afraid to take a stand for progressive values, even if it meant making a little noise, said Darcie Cimarusti, president of the Highland Park Board of Education.  Which is why Cimarusti and other officials and experts were not afraid to say that the state has not gone nearly far enough in addressing transgender and gender diverse equality with statewide policy.  So, the Highland Park Board of Education plans on taking its own action, and is scheduled to vote early next month on a new policy that officials and experts say could be the most dynamic in New Jersey in addressing transgender equality.

Believing in two genders is a 'hate crime' under police investigation at Loyola Marymount University.  [Scroll down]  Both the police and the university's Bias Incident Response Team are investigating the stated belief that only two genders exist, male and female, as a hate crime.  A Loyola alumni office employee discussed her views on sexual orientation, which align with the Roman Catholic Church, with three students who were hanging up posters on the subject on April 14.  Cosette Carleo, one of the students involved, told The College Fix in a phone interview that the hate crime under investigation is "denying transgenderism."  Carleo's account agrees in part with an email by the husband of the employee with whom she tangled.  The employee told Carleo, who identifies as gender-neutral, that only two genders exist, male and female, according to the student.  Carleo told The Fix that statement was the hate crime.

Obama's Civil Rights Divisions.  For instance, under the Office of Civil Rights within the Department of Education (DOE), public schools will now be in violation of Title IX if they do not permit transgender students to use the locker room or bathroom of their choice.  At an LGBT Summit hosted by the White House and attended by officials from seven different federal agencies in Michigan last Thursday, the DOE Assistant Secretary for the Office of Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon assured the LGBT community that the White House would be "aggressively engaged" in the fight to allow transgender students use whichever bathroom they please at school.  As Peter Hasson of the Daily Caller reported, the event was co-sponsored by the activist group Equality Michigan, which has led the charge to allow schoolchildren to choose their name, gender, and bathroom without parental knowledge or input.  This radical interpretation of Title IX was in fact upheld by Judge Henry Floyd, whom Obama appointed to the fourth circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

Minnesota Parents Sue To Get Trans Classes In Kindergarten.  Parents of a 5-year-old "transgender child" have filed a complaint against a St.  Paul charter school, alleging it failed to protect him from bullying and refused to teach all the students their preferred transgender-awareness curriculum.  David and Hannah Edwards, whose child was born a boy but now thinks he's a girl, has filed with the city's Department of Human Rights, claiming their child "wasn't able to take full advantage of Nova's educational opportunities because of her gender identity and expression.  This violated her rights."

New school rules give transgender students 'right to be who they are'.  When a transgender girl graduated in white gown from Springfield Township High School, her parents made an unusual request for two diplomas:  one for her, with her new female name, and one for them, with her male birth name.  Springfield administrators say they complied without hesitation as they, like many public and private schools, increasingly are being asked to accommodate students who have switched name and gender.  The small Montgomery County district, however, has gone a step further than most.

Federal Court:  Schools May Not Provide Separate Bathrooms Based on Biology.  On Tuesday [4/19/2016], the Fourth Circuit Court ruled against a Virginia school district that sought to accommodate a transgender student while also protecting the privacy rights of other students.  The court concluded that Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 — which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex — should be interpreted as prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity, as a Department of Education letter suggested in 2015.  The ruling allows a lawsuit brought by a transgender student to proceed.

Appeals Court Favors Transgender Student in Virginia Restroom Case.  Weeks after a new North Carolina law put transgender bathroom access at the heart of the nation's culture wars, a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., ruled on Tuesday [4/19/2016] in favor of a transgender student who was born female and wishes to use the boys' restroom at his rural Virginia high school.  Advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people note that the ruling from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit applies to North Carolina, where the controversial law approved last month limits transgender people to bathrooms in government buildings, including public schools, that correspond with the gender listed on their birth certificates.

Florida teacher suspended for diversity questionaire asking 7th, 8th graders sexual orientation and disabilities.  A teacher was suspended from her Florida school pending the administration's investigation into a form she handed to students asking, "How much privilege do you have?"  Tampa teacher Yoselis Ramos asked her 7th and 8th graders at Monroe Middle School to label themselves with topics beyond what's found on a typical diversity questionnaire, according to WTSP-TV.  To the parents dismay, the form asked students in Ramos' Spanish class whether they were gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, cisgender or genderqueer.  It also probed their religion, skin color and disabilities.

Spanish teacher who quizzed middle schoolers over 'privilege' resigns.  A Tampa middle school Spanish teacher who incited parental outrage with a student questionnaire about "privilege" resigned on Thursday [4/14/2016].  First year teacher Yoselis Ramos, 23, asked her seventh- and eighth-grade students at Monroe Middle School last week to fill out an assignment titled "How much privilege do you have?" that inquired about sexual orientation, race, gender identity, mental illness and other personal information.  The assignment asked students to circle the terms that apply to them, and provided options including "queer gender," "pansexual," "cisgendered," and "asexual," The Tampa Tribune reports.

Professor Ordered To Apologize For Conservative Blog Post, Or Lose His Job.  The tribulation of political science professor John McAdams began nearly a year and a half ago.  McAdams has long run a blog called Marquette Warrior where he frequently voices conservative views on both Marquette and national issues.  In the fall of 2014, he wrote about an incident between a Marquette undergraduate and a graduate student, Cheryl Abbate, who was teaching a philosophy course.  Abbate was discussing how the philosophy of John Rawls could be used in modern political debates, and so spent some time engaging in short debates over various political issues.  But when she reached gay rights as an issue, she skipped over it, allegedly stating that "everybody agrees on this."

Michigan Schools To Let Students Choose Gender, Name And Bathroom.  Michigan's State Board of Education has drafted a guidance that would push the state's schools to allow all students, regardless of parental or doctoral input, to choose their gender, name, pronouns, and bathrooms.  Spearheaded by board president John C. Austin and signed by state superintendent Brian Whiston, the guidance informs Michigan public schools that only the students themselves — i.e. not their parents or doctors — can determine what their individual gender identities are.  "The responsibility for determining a student's gender identity rests with the student.  Outside confirmation from medical or mental health professionals, or documentation of legal changes, is not needed," the guidance states.

Let no child be left unconfused.  [Scroll down]  Typical of the search is a school in the English seaside resort of Brighton, a favorite of the politicians, leading the way.  The kids at Blatchington Mill School were assigned, as part of their homework, to choose from a list of 23 terms to describe their "gender."  (Even the English, like their American cousins, no longer understand that "gender" is none of your business unless you're a noun in pursuit of a hot pronoun.)  If you're a 10 o'clock scholar at Blatchington Mill School, you can choose to be a boy or a girl (if you insist), and even better, to be a genderqueer, a gender nonconformist, a tomboy, a transboy, a demi-boy, a demi-girl, or even something called "genderfluid," and 14 other things.

UMass Students Earn Academic Credit for Building LGBTQA-Themed Light Displays.  Parents typically work especially hard to ensure their children have the opportunity to attend college and receive the education and skill-sets needed to make it in the world.  Apparently, a requisite life-skill is to learn how to make an electronic light signs with a gay, lesibian, bisexual, transgender, queer and asexual theme.  In other words, "Queer Lights" is a for-credit course.

Eighth-graders asked if they were gay during bullying workshop.  School officials defended the superintendent after eighth-grade students at West Allegheny Middle School in Imperial were asked last week to step into a circle and answer questions including whether they were gay, what their religion was and about their family's financial status.

Groundbreaking High School for LGBT Students to Open.  A first-of-its-kind private school in Georgia aimed at attracting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth and teachers is being established in Atlanta for students who feel bullied or not accepted in traditional schools.  Pride School Atlanta is a k-12 institution designed to be an alternative for LGBT students, though the school is open to any student who believes they're not getting the support they need for "being different," says Pride School founder Christian Zsilavetz.

Grade School Children Brainwashed to Celebrate Sexual Perversion in Oakland Public School.  If you send children to a government school, you may be subjecting them to this nauseating brand of brainwashing, which is intended to undermine millennia-old conceptions of family and morality.  If you pay property taxes, you finance it.

What the Gay-Marriage Ruling Means for Education.  Like fascists, Communists, and boy-band producers, the American Left has always believed it could fine-tune human nature if it could only "get 'em while they're young."  That's why the Left works so hard to impose its will on schools and universities.  As John Dewey, America's high priest of educational progressivism, explained in 1897, the student must "emerge from his original narrowness" in order "to conceive of himself" as a cog in the larger social order.  Last week's gay-marriage ruling will yield a new wave of liberal efforts to ensure that schools do their part to combat wrong-headed "narrowness."

Obama Insists High School Girls Stare at Naked Boy Who Thinks He's a Girl.  [T]he federal government has now mandated that high school girls be forced to change and shower in their locker rooms next to mentally ill biological boys who think they're girls.  On Monday, the federal government ruled that a Chicago high school could no longer merely allow a transgender girl [...] into the girls' locker room:  they had to allow him to change, shower, and do all the other activities the girls do with the girls present.

This is what Americans think about transgender students in locker rooms.  Earlier this month, a suburban Chicago school district erupted in anger after a high school agreed to allow a transgender girl to change in the girls' locker room.  The school's decision came after the girl had filed a Title IX complaint with the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR).  The Obama administration, through OCR and other agencies, has taken the position that transgender discrimination is a form of sex discrimination — and had intervened on behalf of the transgender girl.  In public meetings, parents in District 211 were furious, arguing against the OCR's mandate.  Those parents' opposition nearly scuttled the agreement between the OCR and the school district.  As of this writing, the transgender girl will be changing in the girls' locker room, in a private curtained area that will be available to any student who prefers privacy when she changes.  This decision applies only to the student in the case, and is not a district-wide policy.

The Editor says...
People who undergo a sex change, whether real or imaginary, who then want us all to pretend they were born in their artificial state, are entirely responsible for any adverse reactions that follow.  The so-called discrimination that they encounter is completely avoidable, and the person undergoing an unnatural and perverse transformation is to blame.

Illinois School District Settles With Feds To Let Cross-Dressing Boy Shower In Girls' Locker Room.  Facings federal threats of lost millions in funding for the children of taxpaying parents, a school district in the suburbs of Chicago voted on Thursday [12/3/2015] to allow a male high school student who dresses like a girl and otherwise identifies as female to use the girls' locker room and shower there.  The student will use a separate, semi-private area in the girls' locker room of his public high school.

The DOE is now in the High School Girl's Shower.  The Civil Rights Division of the DoE declared a new cultural battleground when it sent a letter to Dr. Daniel Cates, Superintendent of the Township High School District 211, a school district near Palentine, Illinois, accusing the district violating anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a transgender student who identifies as a girl to change and shower with the girls in the girls' locker room without restrictions.  The DoE gave the district 30 days to accommodate the transgender student or lose its Title IX funding.  The problem began when the transgender student's family filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR), because the student was not allowed to shower with the female students.  The student filing the complaint is biologically male, but self-identifies as female.  The school made arrangements to accommodate transgender students by providing separate, private facilities for the student to use to use.  This was not satisfactory for this student.

San Francisco Elementary School Adopts 'Gender-Neutral' Bathrooms.  Miraloma Elementary, a grade school in San Francisco, has instituted a policy of gender-neutral bathrooms.  The school is changing restroom door symbols accordingly.  "There's no need to make them gender-specific anymore," Miraloma Principal Sam Bass told the website  "One parent said, 'So, you're just making it like it is at home.'"  A 2013 California law requires schools to allow students to use the bathroom consistent with their gender identity, and San Francisco has had a similar policy on the books since 2003.

SF School Adds Gender-Neutral Kindergarten Bathroom.  The first San Francisco elementary school to make bathrooms gender neutral has proudly removed the circles, triangles, and stick figure signs from the kindergarten and first-grade bathrooms that delineate the differences between the sexes.  Principal Sam Bass of Miraloma Elementary said the change at the beginning of the school year was prompted by the needs of six to eight students who are outside calling themselves simply boys or girls, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.  Bathrooms for children older than first grade will be altered in coming years, even outside bathrooms that have multiple stalls.

Harvard Now Lets Students Choose Whichever Pronoun They Want.  Harvard University has become the latest and certainly the most notable American university to hop on the bandwagon of letting students choose personalized pronouns for themselves.  As reported by The Harvard Crimson, the online registration tool for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) now includes a page where students can input not only their chosen gender but also the specific pronoun they wish to go by.  Besides traditional pronoun sets like "she, her, hers," students can also choose options like "they, them, theirs" (referring to a single person) and "ze, hir, hirs."

Teenage girls stage walk-out to avoid sharing locker room with poorly disguised boy.  This boy is not merely looking for a bathroom he can supposedly feel comfortable in; he wants to shove his new "gender" in the girl's faces.  This is all about activism and forcing other people to accept the transvestite agenda, and in this case, the other people are young girls, who should be protected from this kind of ridiculousness.

Gay and Transgender Groups Celebrate Ohio School District's 'Gender Neutral' Bathrooms.  School districts across the country are rushing to make policies for the tiny number of students who claim to be transgender.  The latest to make such a policy is the Troy, Ohio, school district which has added a "gender neutral" bathroom policy, causing gay and transgender groups to descend upon the town to celebrate the decision.

It would only be newsworthy if these protests didn't happen.
Missouri Teenagers Protest a Transgender Student's Use of the Girls' Bathroom.  A transgender high school student in Missouri is facing backlash from her peers after requesting to use the girls' bathrooms and locker room.  More than 100 students at Hillsboro High School, about an hour south of St Louis, walked out of class on Monday in protest.  "I'm hoping this dies down," said Lila Perry, the 17-year-old who began identifying as a girl publicly in February.  "I don't want my entire senior year to be like this."

Gay and transgender support groups to rally outside Troy schools.  Gay and transgender support groups are applauding Troy schools announcement to add a gender neutral bathroom in every school.  Both Equality for Ohio and The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network plan to hold a rally supporting district leaders outside the Board of Education Tuesday morning [9/1/2015].

At War with Reality.  No doubt inspired by Lewis Carroll's nonsense poem, the administrators of the University of Tennessee's Office for Diversity and Inclusion [...] appear determined to eradicate prejudicial pronouns from the English language.  Gender neutral pronouns are to replace traditional terminology.  No one is to be referred to as "he" or "she" lest the transgender community be offended.  A helpful chart indicates the new, gender free terminology designed to replace the offensive pronouns and all their variants.

At Washington State, They'll Dock Your Grades For Using Inappropriate Terms Like "Illegal Alien," "Male" And "Female".  If you've got some aptitude for a skilled trade, got get a job out of high school or save money on higher education and go to a community college.  Increasingly it makes zero sense to attend a four-year university — because the crazies who run all too many of those universities don't educate, they indoctrinate students into a suicide cult of politically-correct societal death.

University wants everyone to use 'gender inclusive' pronouns.  Rickey Hall, the vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, said their quest for gender neutral pronouns is not an official university policy.  "It's not policy," he said.  "It's about inclusive practice." [...] He said gender neutral pronoun usage is not new[,] and that as things change[,] people always have questions.  Nevertheless, he stressed this is not a mandated university policy.

University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she'.  The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' — and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.  The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.  According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.

I'm a Duke freshman. Here's why I refused to read 'Fun Home.'.  As a Christian, I knew that my beliefs and identity would be challenged at a progressive university like Duke.  My first challenge came well before I arrived on campus, when I learned that all first years were assigned "Fun Home," a graphic novel by Alison Bechdel.  The book includes [offensive material].  After researching the book's content and reading a portion of it, I chose to opt out of the assignment.  My choice had nothing to do with the ideas presented.  I'm not opposed to reading memoirs written by LGBTQ individuals or stories containing suicide.  I'm not even opposed to reading Freud, Marx or Darwin.  I know that I'll have to grapple with ideas I don't agree with, even ideas that I find immoral.  But in the Bible, Jesus forbids his followers from exposing themselves to anything pornographic.

College freshmen revolt: 'Gay' reading is 'immoral'.  Members of the freshmen class at Duke University are refusing to read a summer reading book claiming it conflicts with their religious and moral beliefs.  Brian Grasso, an incoming freshman, wrote in a Facebook post that he would not read Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic because of the 'graphic visual depictions of sexuality', according to the Duke Chronicle.

California college will now ask students to pick from 6 genders.  Beginning this fall, students at UC Irvine will have the option to self-identify about their sexual orientation on all university admissions forms, reports CBS Los Angeles.  The new form will ask students to pick one gender from six different choices.

The Editor says...
Why must an applicant select only one gender?  That sounds inflexible and exclusionary!

Parents outraged after middle schoolers attend LGBTQ sex conference.  "Concerned Citizens" are petitioning Iowa's Humboldt School District to prevent students from attending the Iowa Safe Schools conference after realizing it's more about gay sex than bullying.  The group of concerned parents and citizens in Humboldt believe it's "a gross misuse of taxpayer money" to send students to the conference after several came home disturbed by the graphic, profanity-laced presentations delivered at the event in Altoona this April, WHO TV reports.  The "Iowa Governors Conference on LGBTQ Youth" April 3 was billed as an anti-bullying summit aimed at fostering understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ youth, but when they arrived they soon learned there was a lot more going on.

I've Had Enough: How About You?  I am tired of the "It Takes a Village" mindset which claims special insight in what our children should learn and how they must be taught. [...] I am tired of a school system which indoctrinates rather than educates.  Don't indoctrinate our children into acceptance of socialism or homosexuality.  Alumni who give to these systems are just as guilty as those who teach in them or run them.  And parents, take the time to see what they are teaching your kids; from global warming nonsense to sex they are teaching your kids things that will make you angry.  Stand up and opt out.  You should decide what your child needs to know and what he is to be taught.

Same-sex marriage is only the beginning.  That the majority threw a bone to religious people, their churches and institutions, saying they could continue to preach and teach that homosexual marriage is wrong, will almost certainly be challenged by gay activists and secularists whose goal is to drive religious people, and especially Christians, out of the public square.  What might be a preview of things to come occurred last week when the Fairfax County (Va.) School Board voted 10-2 to approve a "gender identity" curriculum for children starting in seventh grade.  News reports said the crowd that showed up for the vote overwhelmingly opposed the decision, but majorities no longer matter.

Transgender student sues school, citing restroom policy.  A transgender teenager said in a lawsuit Thursday [6/11/2015] that he has been stigmatized by a policy that bars him from using the boys' restrooms at his eastern Virginia high school.

Time to pull your kids out of public school?  Washington, D.C., radio talk show host Chris Plante spoke about this on his program recently.  Callers told stories of what their children have experienced in Montgomery County public schools.  One man said his eighth-grader was shocked to hear from a male classmate that he is now identifying as a female.  His son didn't know how to respond.  The caller said he didn't know what to do.  Plante, who is from a Catholic background, said, "Send him to Catholic school if you can afford it."  How can anyone not afford it when the secular authorities appear to be brainwashing the next generation into believing that any choice is valid and should be universally accepted, and that anything one might say in opposition to these new sensibilities is labeled sexist or racist?

Now Your Kid Can Get a Scholarship for Being "Gender-Creative".  EAG News reports on Center School in Greenfield, Massachusetts, a progressive day school from Pre-K through 8th graders with a "social justice mission."  "Increasingly concerned" at the suicide rate among "gender non-conforming kids," the school is now offering a scholarship for "gender creative children." [...] Massachusetts has had a law on the books since 2013 permitting transgender students full reign over gender-labeled school facilities.

Parents furious over school's plan to teach gender spectrum, fluidity.  One of the nation's largest public school systems is preparing to include gender identity to its classroom curriculum, including lessons on sexual fluidity and spectrum — the idea that there's no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.  Fairfax County Public Schools released a report recommending changes to their family life curriculum for grades 7 through 12.  The changes, which critics call radical gender ideology, will be formally introduced next week.  "The larger picture is this is really an attack on nature itself — the created order," said Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council.

Coming Soon to a Middle School Near You: 'Gender Fluidity' Studies.  One of the nation's largest public school systems is contemplating introducing the concept of "gender fluidity" into its curriculum.  In case you're not up to speed on the latest in the gender identity nonsense, gender fluidity posits the notion that biology doesn't matter — that no one is 100% girl or 100% boy.  The radical gender identity crowd is bound and determined to mainstream transgenderism.  In this campaign, science doesn't matter.  Biology is a fraud.  Only personal feelings and fulfillment is what counts.

200 fill Orange County school meeting about gay fable.  A teacher who read his third-graders a book about two princes getting married after a bullying incident in his class got strong support Friday night [5/15/2015], while some who spoke against the book said they're now the ones being bullied.  About 200 people attended the meeting at Efland-Cheeks Elementary School, a school in western Orange County.  A school policy requires a review committee to hold a public meeting whenever someone lodges a formal complaint about instructional materials.

Gay fable brings protest at Orange County elementary school.  A fable about a prince who marries another prince has brought a protester to school, parents to a public meeting and a third-grade teacher to the brink of resignation.  Efland-Cheeks Elementary School will hold a second public meeting at 5:30 p.m. Friday [5/15/2015] to hear complaints about the book "King & King" by Linda De Haan and Stern Nijland.

Feds Forcing Public Schools to Adopt 'Nondiscrimination' for Transgender Teachers and Students.  The U.S. Department of Education is demanding that the Fairfax County Public Schools, in the Virginia suburbs just outside Washington, D.C., "revise their non-discrimination policies to include gender identity" or risk losing the federal funds they receive for their schools.  The "nondiscrimination" would apply to transgender students and teachers.  The Fairfax County School Board is scheduled to vote on the new policy, a revision of its existing non-discrimination rule, Policy 1450, on Thursday, May 7.

Marxism is the End Game of the Rainbow Jihad.  Radio host and television pundit Tammy Bruce has somehow managed to live her life as an openly homosexual woman, without it completely dominating the content of her character. [...] Bruce felt similarly compelled when she took to Fox News and Twitter last week in the face of the Rainbow Jihad's targeting of children.  She was addressing how a school in Maine stirred up controversy after a book about a child "with a boy's body but a girl's brain" was read to children in kindergarten through third grade.

This was unthinkable 50 years ago.  Thanks, liberals!
CA ballot initiative would keep boys out of girls' bathrooms.  A group called Privacy for All is trying to get enough signatures to create a ballot initiative in California that would prevent boys from going into girls' bathrooms and locker rooms, even if the boys wiggle when they walk and talk in high-pitched feminine voices.

Teens shocked by graphic content at anti-bullying conference.  They thought the Iowa Governor's Conference on LGBTQ Youth was about anti-bullying.  Instead, about 1,000 teenagers from more than 100 Iowa communities were treated to a profanity-laced performance by a drag queen along with graphic conversations on oral sex and a transgender tutorial on how to make fake testicles.  The April 3rd conference was sponsored by Iowa Safe Schools, a non-profit group that creates "safe and supportive schools" for LGBTQ young people.

Pro-life crosses mocked, thrown in garbage at Clarion University.  Students at Clarion University of Pennsylvania destroyed a pro-life display on campus that featured dozens of white crosses commemorating lives lost to abortion.  The public university's Students for Life (SFL) chapter discovered Monday morning that a significant portion of the crosses had been broken, removed and tossed into nearby garbage cans, Campus Reformreported.

Day of Silence: How the LGBT Agenda Is Hijacking America's Youth.  On Friday, April 17, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) will have thousands of public high school students, and increasing numbers of middle school students, remain silent throughout an entire school day to promote the militant LGBT agenda among young people.  "Silence can create change!" GLSEN states on its website, promoting the Day of Silence.

Teacher hopes Southeast's first LGBT school will be a haven.  Math teacher Christian Zsilavetz wants to work at a school where he can be himself — somewhere he can mention that he used to play girls basketball or was married to a man.

White Privilege Conference Workshop Pushes Grade School Lesson About 'Genderqueer' 'Transgender Folks'.  This year's recently-concluded White Privilege Conference in Louisville, Ky. featured a workshop promoting lesson plans designed to teach children as young as kindergarten about "genderqueer," "gender-fluid" and "transgender folks."  The workshop, entitled "'Your skin is too brown': Taking Action to Address White Privilege in the K-5 Classroom[,]" occurred on the closing day of the conference, which was held at a posh downtown hotel.

The pronoun police.  The governing student association at George Washington University, for one prominent example, has decreed that the leaders of certain student groups must be reconstructed, their minds and vocabularies cleansed of thinking unapproved thoughts about lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.  New categories of students of unusual, uncommon and unorthodox behavior will no doubt be added as they appear and names can be coined to describe them.  Groups that do not dispatch their leaders to the reconstruction sessions will be at risk of losing their funding.

College conservatives branded 'hate group' for refusing LGBT sensitivity training.  A conservative student group at a Washington, DC, college has been branded a "hate group" and fears it could lose its funding for refusing to take part in gay, lesbian and transgender-oriented sensitivity training.  Members of the Young America's Foundation student organization at The George Washington University believe the traditional values they espouse merit a religious exemption from taking part in the training.  They are asking the student government to allow them to sit out the LGBT sensitivity training, and a requirement that they use the "preferred pronouns" of the people they address or refer to.

Perpetual Grievance: "queer theory" linked with illegal immigration.  The average illegal alien might be puzzled to see his situation analyzed under the rubric of "queer theory."  That confusion would only mean that he has not spent enough time in university circles, where such pairings spring naturally from the all-consuming campaign to magnify victimhood and denounce the American status quo.

Another Christian Teacher Investigated for Facebook Comments Against 'Gay' Lifestyle.  A New Jersey school teacher has found herself in hot water for using her Facebook page to express her moral outrage over the normalization of homosexuality.  As reported by the New York Times, Viki Knox, a special education teacher at Union High School in Union Township, used Facebook to complain about a school display recognizing October as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History month, writing that "homosexuality is a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning of creation."

Students opposed to LGBT agenda shamed in classroom.  Teenagers at a California high school were publicly shamed for disagreeing with speakers allowed to push an LGBT agenda during an English class, according to several upset parents.  The Queer Straight Alliance at Acalanes High School, in Lafayette, lectured students in several ninth-grade English classes on Jan. 29 about LGBT issues, according to Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, which is representing the parents.

Queering Agriculture?  Queer theory has taken over student life on many campuses.  Now that gay identity has been thoroughly institutionalized, declaring oneself "trans*," "genderqueer," "pangender," or any of the other rapidly multiplying alternative sexes has become the last frontier of self-engrossed agitation available to students.  But apart from the odoriferous leavings of female ginko trees, the "problem" of gender and plants did not seem to be a pressing one, making the application of queer theory to agriculture an innovation that even the most dogged observers of identity studies might not have seen coming.

Decoding the Left.  Liberal academics speak like this because they're obsessed with identity politics.  They see society as organized into groups and are determined to refer to those groups without sounding offensive.  And since the threshold for offense has been lowered to the level of a limbo bar at a drunken house party, the English language must be rinsed and sterilized accordingly.  Hence "non-binary POC," which sounds like something I forgot during a high school chemistry quiz.

New York college bans 'Mr.' and 'Mrs.' salutations.  Mr. and Mrs. Politically Correct have laid down the law at City University of New York, where gender-specific salutations are now a no-no.  School officials sent out a memo barring professors and other staffers within the graduate program from addressing students with titles like "Mr." and "Mrs.," according to the Wall Street Journal.  "Effective Spring 2015, the (graduate center's) policy is to eliminate the use of gendered salutations and references in correspondence to students, prospective students, and third parties," read the memo to employees.  "Accordingly, Mr. and Ms. should be omitted from salutations."

The Homofascist Agenda.  [Scroll down]  More recently, we have the very hateful Dan Savage, who is most famous for berating an auditorium full of high school kids, basically spitting on their Christian beliefs with his hateful bile, seemingly rooted in his own self-hatred.  Ironically, Savage is behind a number of schemes to further brainwash and indoctrinate your sons and daughters into thinking that immoral and grotesque sexual acts are as normal as the sunrise and the sunset. [...] Let's not forget all that the public education system has done to invite professional perverts from Planned Parenthood, on your tax dollars no less, to teach your child how to put a condom on a cucumber or discover the world of sadism and masochism.

D.C. Council: Religious Schools Must Adopt Its Views on Sexual Morality.  The impact of the repeal is likely to be broad, since the city's Human Rights Act will prohibit religious schools from acting in accordance with their beliefs regarding sexual morality in decisions related to funding, facilities, campus organizations, benefits, etc.  The schools cannot even withhold "endorsement, approval or recognition" of those promoting messages at odds with the religious teachings of the school about appropriate sexual conduct.  While other states have been acting to protect religious liberties, D.C. is trying to narrow the permissible decisions and even speech of religious schools.

Media and schools try to reeducate us to embrace cross-dressing.  Aided by national media and the education establishment, President Barack Obama is using federal agencies to push special treatment for transgender persons — people who want to ignore their biological sex and live life as the opposite sex.  Some have sex-change operations, but most don't.  Now Obama's administration has authorized use of Medicare funds for those surgeries, and some states are including those as benefits under Obamacare.

Nebraska school district urges teachers to be more inclusive, stop referring to "boys and girls".  Via Katherine Timpf of NRO, I'm 90 percent sure this is a hoax.  No, wait, let me rephrase:  I would be 90 percent sure this is a hoax, if not for the fact that the school superintendent confirmed on a local radio show that these materials were handed out to teachers at one Lincoln-area middle school.  Repeat:  Middle school.  Oh well.  High time America's 10-year-olds started considering whether they're cis or trans.

School Told to Call Kids 'Purple Penguins' Because 'Boys and Girls' Is Not Inclusive to Transgender.  A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by "gendered expressions" such as "boys and girls," and use "gender inclusive" ones such as "purple penguins" instead.  "Don't use phrases such as 'boys and girls,' 'you guys,' 'ladies and gentlemen,' and similarly gendered expressions to get kids' attention," instructs a training document given to middle-school teachers at the Lincoln Public Schools.  "Create classroom namesand then ask all of the 'purple penguins' to meet on the rug," it advises.

Victory! Boys born as boys can shower with girls in Kentucky school.  I probably would have missed this story were it not for Maggie Gallagher at The Corner.  It seems that the good people on the appeal board considering a case at Atherton High School (part of the Jefferson County public school system) have determined that you can use the girls' bathrooms, locker room and showers if you say you're a girl.  No physical required.

School bans 'offensive' Chick-fil-A sandwiches.  Did the waffle fries and banana pudding milkshakes exceed the nutritional limits deemed acceptable by the federal government?  The answer, dear readers, is no.  It seems Principal Val Wyatt's ban has less to do with poultry and more to do with politics.  "With their political stance on gay rights and because the students of Ventura High School and their parents would be at the event, I didn't want them on campus," Wyatt told the Ventura County Star.

More about liberals vs Chick-Fil-A.

Vancouver Schools' New LGBTTQ+ Policy Includes Gender-Free Pronouns Xe, Xem and Xyr.  The Vancouver (British Columbia) Board of Education has approved a sweeping new policy for accommodating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer, questioning and "all sexual and gender identities," including the creation of three pronouns, replacing masculine and feminine with xe, xem and xyr (pronounced ze, zem and zur).  Two spirit is an Aboriginal term which means having both feminine and masculine spirits.  It's not limited to gender expression or sexuality, but encompasses them both while incorporating a spiritual element.

The Editor says...
The schools wouldn't dare teach kids about the Bible, but they have no problem adopting "spiritual elements" from aboriginal witchcraft. When your kids come home from school with a perverse vocabulary from hell, designed to normalize and justify perverse behavior, you'll know it's time to get them out of the public schools.

Minnesota Radicals Demand Mandatory Transgender Classes Because Of Colonialism OR ELSE.  Members of a radical leftist group at the University of Minnesota have demanded that the school confess that it "exists as a product of" colonial evil and must therefore "fundamentally" restructure to conform to their organizing principles.  The group — which calls itself "Whose Diversity?" — has chosen to remain unrecognized by the administration, it says, to avoid becoming "complicit in reproducing a homogenized notion of diversity."  The comically lengthy list of demands is over 1,000 words longer than the Declaration of Independence.

Liberal groups angry with SC pols over order to teach Constitution.  The South Carolina legislature has rankled liberal groups after requiring that a pair of public schools use state funds to teach the U.S. Constitution and other founding documents — on the heels of a budget fight over gay-themed books in the curriculum.  State House lawmakers previously had cut funds from two public universities in retaliation for required-reading material containing homosexual themes.

Atherton OKs transgender non-discrimination policy.  Before a divided crowd of several hundred students, parents and advocates, Atherton High School's site-based council on Thursday [5/15/2014] approved a new non-discrimination policy sparked by a controversy over a transgender student's access to a girls' bathroom.  The school policy, which still must receive a second reading, bars discrimination based on a range of factors, including age, race or sexual orientation — but goes a step beyond a similar districtwide policy by also including gender identity.

Louisville Principal Allows Male Freshman To Use Girls Bathroom And Changing Areas.  A high school in Louisville, Ky. is allowing a male freshman student to use changing areas in a girls locker room and one of two girls bathrooms because the student wants to be a girl.  The transgender student attends Atherton High School in a tree-lined neighborhood of the city, reports The Courier-Journal.  The unidentified student was born male and is, by all accounts, still male.  However, because he identifies himself as a female, he asked for and received permission from Thomas Aberli, Atherton High's principal, to use a bathroom and a locker room marked for girls at the school.  At least seven students and around a dozen parents have complained.

The Editor says...
This year some young man may be admitted because he "wants to be a girl."  Next year someone else may get the same permission because he wants to be a voyeur.  How will the school draw the line between one class of deviants and another?

Group urging TUSD to act on transgender issue with restrooms.  A conservative religious-freedom group is urging the Tucson Unified School District to prevent transgender children from using the restroom they identify with, saying such a practice could "severely impair an environment conducive to learning."  Alliance Defending Freedom, a nonprofit legal organization that advocates for the rights of people to freely practice their religion, sent a letter to TUSD on Thursday urging that a change be made in order to protect Tucson children — a recommendation that TUSD Superintendent H.T. Sanchez and members of the school board are disregarding.

Transgender substitute teacher allowed to return to work at Lumberton I.S.D..  Lumberton Independent School District Superintendent John Valastro has decided to keep transgender substitute teacher Laura Jane Klug on the substitute roll with the district.  Klug was met with opposition after parents complained that she as a transgender woman was causing a distraction among 10 and 11-year-old students.

Gender Confusion and the Complicity of Public Schools.  Last week, the national press reported on a 56-year-old high school biology teacher in California who plans to undergo a sex-change operation (i.e. cosmetic surgery) and to return to the classroom appearing as a woman.  "To have a teacher be authentic ultimately is good for students and for the community," said Jennifer Levi of Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, or GLAAD, an advocacy group in Boston.  Sadly, the situation is far more complicated and confusing than advocates of gender confusion or their allies in the media will admit.

Free Speech for Me, Theft, Battery, and Vandalism for Thee.  Mireille Miller-Young is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara.  She teaches in the Department of Feminist Studies ("an interdisciplinary discipline that produces cutting-edge research," offers an undergraduate major and minor, and houses "the minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer studies").  According to her university web page, Dr. Miller-Young's "areas of emphasis" are "black cultural studies, pornography and sex work."  She appears to teach four courses:  "Women of Color," "Sexual Cultures Special Topics," "Feminist Research and Practice," and "Sexualities."  She holds a Ph.D. in "American History and History of the African Diaspora" from New York University.

Federally funded sex ed program teaches Hawaii middle schoolers that butts are genitals.  A member of Hawaii's House of Representatives is criticizing an ambitious, federally funded sex education program currently in use in 12 of the state's public schools.  The pilot curriculum, called "Pono Choices," targets 11- to 13-year-old students.  ("Pono" is a Hawaiian word that basically means "good" or "moral.")  Its creators include the University of Hawaii and, of course, Planned Parenthood.  Rep. Bob McDermott, a Hawaii Republican, claims that the curriculum is "not age appropriate and not consistent with state policy" [...]

Maine's highest court: Transgender student's rights were violated.  The rights of a transgender girl from Orono were violated when school administrators made her use a staff bathroom at her elementary school instead of the girls' restroom, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court ruled Thursday [1/30/2014].  The ruling is the first in which a state supreme court has affirmed a transgender person's right to equal access to restrooms in places of public accommodation.

Moral Intelligence and Public School Bullying.  On December 4, 2013 Randi Weingarten, president of the 1.5-million member American Federation of Teachers (AFT), spoke on C-Span about bullying, particularly of gay students.  Ms. Weingarten said, with surprise in her voice, that she doesn't understand why gay students are still bullied in public schools, because in 2013, "It's cool to be gay."  She also said she is gay, and now speaks about it openly. [...] As Ms. Weingarten talked about the love that not only dares speak its name but never shuts its yap, I imagined how it would sound if a heterosexual male schoolteacher said, "The way I do sex is cool."

ENDA Would Grant Transgender Rights to Elementary School Teachers.  It's hard to imagine that in the year 2013 that any business in the country could fire someone simply because he is gay without facing a major backlash and boycotts.  So does the country now need a new federal law prohibiting such discrimination by private businesses?

Former N.J. high school athletic director who was targeted for being a lesbian awarded $800K.  A jury in New Jersey has awarded $800,000 to a former athletic director who claimed she was the victim of a hostile work environment because she's a lesbian.

Girls 'harassed' in school bathroom by transgender student told his rights trump their privacy.  The rights of a transgendered Colorado high school student are being put ahead of girls the boy harasses in the girls bathroom.  A male student at Florence (CO) High School who claims to be transgendered has caused controversy by harassing female students in the girls room, but will not face any discipline — this despite vocal protests from the girls' parents.

Los Angeles school district wants teachers to wear pro-gay badges.  Los Angeles public schools are encouraging teachers and staff to wear badges that identify them as "LGBT allies" and supporters of the pro-gay movement.  Superintendent John Deasy kicked off the effort Thursday [10/10/2013], which he said was necessary to prevent gay kids from being bullied.

Public Schools "Celebrating" LGBT History Month.  What are your kids studying in school today?  Public schools from California to Florida are celebrating LGBT History Month, where they highlight a homosexual or lesbian each day. [...] "If parents think our school children should be focused on science and math, not sex and murder, they need to talk to teachers, principals, and school boards to ensure that this program is stopped," cautions Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.

California teen named nation's first transgender homecoming queen.  In what is being described as the first known event of its kind, a transgendered teen was named as her high school's homecoming queen on Friday [9/20/2013].  "I am so proud to win this not just for me, but everyone out there," 16-year-old Cassidy Campbell said after receiving her crown during the halftime of Marina High's homecoming football game Friday night in Huntington Beach, CA.

Rise of the Thought Police: Bullying Your Children Into Forsaking Their Values.  [Minnesota] House File 826, misleadingly titled the Safe and Supportive Schools Act, serves as a trial balloon modeling what its supporters would like to implement nationally — a radical transformation of schools from institutions of academic achievement into political reeducation camps which correct Orwellian Wrong Think.

Female student aiming to become homecoming king.  A Pennsylvania school board has agreed to review a request by a biologically female student who was denied the opportunity to appear on the ballot for homecoming king.  Kasey Caron, 17, was assigned as female at birth, but identifies and presents as male.

California lawmaker pulls son from class over transgender law.  A Republican state lawmaker says a new California law allowing transgender students to choose which restroom and locker room they use is part of the reason at least one of his sons will not return to his local public school this fall.

DOJ ripped for making transgender restroom use new front in civil rights battle.  The U.S. Department of Justice's latest cause — fighting for a transgendered California ninth-grader's right to use the boy's room at school — has conservative groups wondering just how far Washington will go in the name of civil rights.  The student was born a girl but "has identified as a boy from a young age," according to the Department of Justice, which reached a settlement with the public school district in Arcadia, an affluent LA suburb.  Under the deal, the district must not only change the student's restroom privileges and make similar accommodations on overnight trips.  It also must institute a host of measures to ensure transgender students are treated as whatever gender they consider themselves to be.

Calif. lawmakers pass K-12 transgender-rights bill.  California lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday [7/3/2013] that would require public K-12 schools to let transgender students choose which restrooms they use and which school teams they join based on their gender identity instead of their chromosomes.

The Editor says...
Whenever schools allow the kids to make decisions about their rules, trouble is inevitable in the chort term, and chaos in the long run.  The same would be true if the inmates were allowed to make policy decisions in prisons.  Where liberals rule, common sense does not.

California is about to pass a law requiring bathroom, locker room access regardless of gender.  Mere ownership of a penis or a vagina will no longer limit California students in their decisions concerning which bathrooms and locker rooms to use, or which sports teams to join.  Under a proposed law that has passed the state legislature and now awaits the signature of Gov. Jerry Brown, students in California will be able to make such choices based on their perceived gender identities, CNN reports.  Assembly Bill 1266 aims to extend the rights of transgender students.

Shape-shifters are Changing America.  Mostly unbeknownst to most of us mortals, a modern day shape-shifter can become the opposite of the sex he or she was born as, transforming into a man or woman in an instant.  It doesn't matter if the biological assignment given at birth remains.  Proclamation of one's sexual identity is enough.  One's gender can be established by fiat.  Even children may change sex just by proclamation, as the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary School guidelines affirm, stating that even if a child physiologically resembles a boy in every respect, but decides to be a girl, his new identity is to be acknowledged as the "real" one.  Just to be perfectly clear, lest anyone accuse the district of discrimination, it is not necessary to declare one's self male or female at all.  A student can essentially check the box "Neither."

Student wins free-speech lawsuit against teacher.  A Michigan teacher who kicked a student out of class after the teen made a comment against homosexuality during a high school anti-bullying day was ordered to pay $1 for violating his free speech rights.

Professor Orders Students to Support Gay Rights.  A Tennessee community college professor ordered her students to wear ribbons support gay rights and said those who supported the traditional definition of marriage are just "uneducated bigots" who "attack homosexuals with hate," according to a legal firm representing several of the students in the class.  Students in a general psychology class at Columbia State Community College were directed by their professor to wear "Rainbow Coalition" ribbons for an entire day and express their support for the homosexual community, said Travis Barham, an attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom.

School Cancels Santorum Speech over Marriage Views.  A Michigan high school canceled a speech by former Sen. Rick Santorum after teachers became outraged over his opposition to gay marriage and threatened to stage protests and a possible work stoppage.  Santorum had been invited to deliver a upcoming speech on leadership by the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at Gross Pointe South High School.  But the speech was canceled on Monday [4/8/2013] after the school district's superintendent heard from angry teachers.

Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment.  Parents across Massachusetts are upset over new rules that would not only allow transgender students to use their restrooms of their choice — but would also punish students who refuse to affirm or support their transgender classmates.  Last week the Massachusetts Department of Education issued directives for handling transgender students — including allowing them to use the bathrooms of their choice or to play on sports teams that correspond to the gender with which they identify.

The Progressive Agenda.  [Scroll down]  It's not about genitalia or chromosomes with liberals.  It's all about feelings.  Children may want to dress as a boy one day or as a girl the next and they should be allowed to use the boys' room or the girls' room according to how they feel at the time.  If I boy thinks he's a girl, all the rest of the students and the staff in the school have to pretend he's a girl too.  If they should think that ridiculous, they would be told the problem was theirs, not the confused student's — and they would be required to undergo brainwashing sensitivity training.  That's where public schools are going these days all across the United States and Canada.

School Wants to Oust Church Over Anti-Gay Sermons.  The head of Miami-Dade County Public Schools wants to evict a Southern Baptist church that rents space in one of their buildings because of the congregation's opposition to homosexuality.  Supt. Alberto Carvalho released a statement to a local television station alleging that Impact Miami's opposition to homosexuality "appears to be contrary to school board policy as well as the basic principles of humanity."

Dartmouth: Dorm Assignments Will Not be 'Limited by Traditional Gender Binary'.  Dartmouth College is expanding its "gender neutral" housing program, opening up more rooms where "students of any gender can cohabitate," the school newspaper, The Dartmouth, reported last week.  The Ivy League school's website says Dartmouth "seeks to provide a living environment welcoming to all gender identities; one not limited by the traditional gender binary."

Anti-Bully Advocate Dan Savage Bullies High School Kids With Profane Bible Rant.  As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant "pansy a····."  The speaker was Dan Savage, founder of the "It Gets Better" project, an anti-bullying campaign that has reached more than 40 million viewers with contributors ranging from President Obama to Hollywood stars.  Savage also writes a sex advice column called "Savage Love."

'Gender Bender Day' leads to 'Social Justice Week'.  Yesterday [4/24/2012], reported on two events held during "Social Justice Week" at Chicago Public Schools' Jones College Prep.  One event featured a community organizer who taught students how to protest, and engaged in inflammatory rhetoric gainst the National Rifle Association.

Christian, Conservative Groups Counter Pro-Homosexual "Day of Silence".  A coalition of conservative, Christian, and pro-family groups contend that the "Day of Silence" is little more than a tool of radical homosexuals to engage teens in "gay" advocacy — and to recruit some of the more vulnerable ones into the destructive lifestyle along the way.  One of those groups, Mission America, encouraged parents to keep their kids home from school on that day.

If your child's school allows 'Day of Silence' propaganda, keep your child at home April 20.  The Day of Silence, which is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), fast approaches.  This year it will take place in most public schools on April 20.  On this day, thousands of public high schools and increasing numbers of middle schools will allow students to remain silent throughout an entire day — even during instructional time — to promote GLSEN's socio-political goals and its controversial, unproven, and destructive theories on the nature and morality of homosexuality.

Judge rules school must allow access to sexually explicit LGBT sites.  A federal judge has ordered a Missouri school district to unblock its web filters and give students access to sexually explicit material by the middle of March.  A US District Judge issued a preliminary junction against the Camdenton R-III School District banning them from using filtering software.  The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the district claiming it was deliberately restricting access to homosexual themed sites, while allowing students to view what it claims are "anti-LG BT sites that condemn homosexuality."

Alberta Law Would Ban Homeschool Parents From Teaching Against Homosexuality.  If you want to witness the eventual direction of "diversity" in America, you may want to take a long look at what is happening in Canada.  Under the new Education Act poised for implementation in Alberta, Christian schools and homeschool parents would be prohibited, as part of their academic program, from teaching children that homosexuality is sinful.

The Editor says...
Please note:  This law does not pertain to the public school curriculum — it restricts what parents can teach their children in their own homes.

Superintendent Bullies Student for Article Opposing Homosexuality.  A Wisconsin school superintendent may be rethinking how he dealt with a student who wrote a school newspaper article condemning homosexuality as sinful.  As part of an assignment for his journalism class, which is responsible for producing the school newspaper, 15-year-old Shawano High School student Brandon Wegner contributed half of a pro-con editorial feature on adoption by homosexual couples, using Scripture to buttress his case against same-sex couples adopting children.

Gay history law on Calif. books, but not in texts.  California's first-of-its-kind "gay history" law went into effect Jan. 1, but so far, state educators don't appear to be on the same page.  Given the state's budget crunch, the state Department of Education has released no companion curriculum or textbook revisions to comply with the FAIR Education Act, which requires schools to include the contributions of "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans" in instruction programs and curricula at all grade levels.  The law, which evolved from Senate Bill 48, also outlaws instruction materials "reflecting adversely" on those individuals.  The act also adds "persons with disabilities" to the list.

Disgusted Parents 'Occupy' the Classroom.  Some folks in this movement are protesting the left-wing socialist propaganda that passes in our public school classrooms for history, social studies, economics and literature curricula.  Others are focused on protecting their children's innocence and instilling their moral and religious values by resisting the so-called comprehensive sexuality agenda and its full-on mandate to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism, regardless of the religious beliefs of public school students.

Wisconsin School Punishes Christian Kid for Being a... Christian Kid.  Superintendent Todd Carlson of Shawano High School in Shawano, Wisconsin, is sorry a student observed his First Amendment rights and had his article published in the school newspaper that denounces homosexuals adopting children.  And so Superintendent Carlson is making amends by punishing this Christian kid for being so ... Christian.  Superintendent Carlson has also decided in his infinite wisdom to censure this article by having it sent down the memory hole so that no one else will be confronted with this evil Christian's views.

State-mandated "Sexual Brainwashing" Begins in California Schools.  Students in California public schools may not be leading the nation in their knowledge of the "three R's," but they are well on their way to being experts in deviant lifestyles.  Under a law signed last year by Gov. Jerry Brown (D), all public schools in the state are now required to promote homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, and same-sex "marriage" at every grade level, including kindergarten — and to do so without parental consent or even notification.

Whitewashing History for California's Kids.  California's efforts to be inclusive in the classroom could spell disaster for education.  A new law took effect January 1 requiring public schools to include the contributions of gays, lesbians, and transgendered individuals in its history lessons.  That alone is proving unpopular with some.  But the real issue is that the law also bans teaching material that reflects "adversely" on gays or religions.

The Editor says...
To teach children right from wrong, it is necessary to be able to speak "adversely" about things that are evil and wrong.  To teach children that all religions are morally equivalent is false and misleading, and it is pernicious and dangerous to teach them that perverse, deviant lifestyles are normal and natural.  Wherever the teachers are forbidden to speak the truth, the kids are wasting their time in the schools.  All they learn is how to stand in line and wait.

The Great Golden State Business Exodus.  California's in trouble.  Businesses are leaving along with intellectual and investment capital and skilled workers.  But rather than face up to serious problems, legislators pass silly laws. ... Beginning this year, the state requires schools to intervene if personnel see gay bullying.  Meanwhile, it makes schools teach the historical achievements of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals.

2012 ushers in new abortion, immigration, indoctrination laws.  Girls seeking abortions in New Hampshire must first tell their parents or a judge, employers in Alabama must verify new workers' U.S. residency, and California students will be the first in the country to receive mandatory pro-homosexual indoctrination under state laws set to take effect at the start of 2012.

Georgia Grad Student Fighting Expulsion Over Christian View of Homosexuality.  Faculty and administrators at a Georgia university are attempting to derail the dream of one of its graduate students to become a school counselor.  The reason:  Her Christian beliefs on homosexuality don't square with the politically correct doctrines embraced by the school.

Parents Outraged Over Teacher Removing Word 'Gay' from 'Deck the Halls'.  Christmas carols help us get in the mood to celebrate the holidays.  But would they have the same meaning if we changed a few words?  Parents of students at an elementary school in Michigan say, "No."  A music teacher at Cherry Knoll Elementary School in Traverse City decided to change the word "gay" to "bright" in "Deck the Halls" for the children's Christmas concert.  Her reasoning for the switch?  First- and second-graders would not stop giggling when they sang the word "gay."

The Editor says...
This simply means that the children have not been properly instructed.  The word gay is perfectly legitimate, but it is a word that has been hijacked in recent years and now erroneously refers to homosexuals.  If homosexuals are mentioned in classrooms at all, they should be called homosexuals.  (I don't recall homosexuality being mentioned at all when I was in school.)  The children should also be told to wipe those smiles off their faces, because there is nothing funny or cute or heroic about homosexuals, transvestites, or others who openly engage in perversion.

Not-So-Free Speech in New Jersey.  New Jersey high school teacher Viki Knox may have been inspired by Christie's comments to think that it was okay for a New Jersey public employee to express an opinion about homosexuality, as if the First Amendment is alive and well in New Jersey.  Knox believes that homosexuality is a sin.  She posted her belief — not on an official school web site, but on her personal Facebook page.  The Union High School District is investigating Knox to determine if she violated school policies.

California schools scrambling to add lessons on LGBT Americans.  At Wonderland Avenue Elementary School in Laurel Canyon, there are lesson plans on diverse families — including those with two mommies or daddies — books on homosexual authors in the library and a principal who is openly gay.

Obama to Keynote Event of Gay Group That Promotes LGBT Curriculum in Elementary Schools.  President Barack Obama will speak on Saturday [10/1/2011] at the Human Right Campaign's (HRC) annual dinner in Washington, D.C. — the HRC is a pro-homosexual lobbying group that, among things, is promoting a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender-inclusive curricula for children in elementary school.

Student Suspended for Saying Gay Is Wrong.  A Fort Worth high school student was sent to the principal's office earlier this week for telling another classmate he believes homosexuality is wrong.  Fourteen-year-old Dakota Ary spent most of the day Tuesday [9/20/2011] serving an in-school suspension.  It was punishment for discussion in his German class at Fort Worth's Western Hills High School.

Texas School Punishes Boy for Opposing Homosexuality.  An honors student in Fort Worth, Texas, was sent to the principal's office and punished for telling a classmate that he believes homosexuality is wrong.  Holly Pope said she was "absolutely stunned" when she received a telephone call from an assistant principal at Western Hills High School informing her that her son, Dakota Ary, had been sent to in-school suspension.

Texas High School Suspends Student for Opposing Homosexuality.  [Scroll down]  The boy's family sought legal advice, and once an attorney from the Liberty Counsel entered the fray, the indefensible suspension was lifted and expunged.  By the sounds of things, young Dakota was the unwitting target of an instructor with a clear sexual-political agenda.

ACLU Bullying Schools Into Allowing Porn Access on Computers?  At different locales around the country, in places as diverse as Detroit, Mich., Lawrenceville, Ga., and Camdenton, Mo., the ACLU is sending letters and filing lawsuits seeking to disallow government school usage of certain Internet filters.  They claim their campaign is designed to end the blocking of "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" activist group sites, but in reality it will allow school children to access to pornographic websites.

ACLU Wants to Force School District to Allow Access to LGBT Websites Via School Computers.  The American Civil Liberties Union is trying to force a school district in the Missouri Ozarks to remove blocking software from school computers that restricts student access to homosexual and transgendered Web sites, but the district says it can't comply, because to do so could expose grade-school and high-school students to pornography — in direct violation of federal law.

ACLU battles schools over gay websites.  A fierce legal battle on free speech and family values is brewing about Internet filters used by school administrators to block students' access to gay educational and advocacy websites.  Gay rights groups say school systems cannot impose blanket bans on gay-related informational and cultural websites on school computers, while values groups warn that the absence of the blocking filters could leave children exposed to sexually explicit material.

Teacher Opposed To Gay Marriage Could Be Fired.  A former "Teacher of the Year" in Mount Dora, Fla. has been suspended and could lose his job after he voiced his objection to gay marriage on his private Facebook page.

Our "Gay Pride" President.  [Scroll down]  This is no doubt what Prof. Robert Weissberg (University of Illinois-Urbana) had in mind in his warning to America:  "Make no mistake, this is not just telling youngsters to ignore 'odd' classmates, the traditional tolerance-based solution.  Rather, this is a drive to legitimize homosexuality, swathed in the rhetoric of tolerance, by portraying this sexual predilection as 'normal' at a time when youngsters barely grasp sexuality of any variety.  This quarrel is hardly an academic one:  confrontations are real, and, ironically as so often is the case, their tumultuousness undermines the very social tranquility tolerance instruction is supposed to bring."

From Crayons to Condoms.  Under the guise of "tolerance" and reducing "hate crimes," students are often indoctrinated with the idea that there is no difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality even though what is being taught may violate the personal or religious beliefs of many of the students and their families.  Homosexual, bi-sexual, and transgendered panels are often brought in to discuss their lifestyles.  However, heterosexuals are not usually a part of any discussion.

Moonbeam brings queer studies to California grade schools.  The latest addition to the California public school curriculum will not help our children learn how to write a complete sentence, locate their home state on a map or even run a mile.  Instead, it aspires to sensitize students, as early as kindergarten, to the travails of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans.  The FAIR Education Act requires the inclusion of the contributions of "sexual minorities" in California public school history lessons and textbooks.  As this new law suggests, homosexual rights advocates have convinced many Americans that they are large in number but short on influence.  The opposite is true.

Taxpayer Money Will Help Homosexual Activists Establish 'Safe Spaces' in Public Schools.  A homosexual advocacy group is getting taxpayer money to increase the percentage of schools that set up "safe spaces" for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth.  The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) will receive $285,000 annually for five years to partner with 20 targeted school districts across the country to help keep LBGT students safe and healthy.

California Governor Signs Landmark Law to Teach Gay History.  Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a landmark bill adding lessons about gay history to social studies classes in California's public schools.

Education Secretary Advises School Districts on Homosexual Clubs for Students.  Education Secretary Arne Duncan issued a "Dear Colleagues" letter on June 14 advising federally funded schools about establishing clubs on campuses, specifically Gay-Straight Alliance clubs for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.  The letter was issued from the department's Office of Civil Rights for elementary and secondary schools and was sent to all school districts in the United States, according to Jo Ann Webb, spokesperson for the Department of Education (DOE).

Calif. School Permits Transgender Propagandist in Classroom.  A school in Oakland, California wants to change boys into girls and girls into boys, Fox News reports.  The latest fad in the classroom is "transgender" education, or teaching the idea that boys and girls really aren't that different, and anyone can identify himself any way he wishes.

The "Fairness Doctrine" Is Unconstitutional.  [Scroll down]  The largest union of educators, the National Education Association (NEA) openly embraces the homosexual movement, and the acceptance of homosexuality.  They even have a Gay and Lesbian Caucus (GLC).  They teach young people that opposition to such deviant behavior is wrong and "homophobic."  Much of what is taught in our schools and institutions of higher learning is pure filth.  But there is one thing that they will not allow, and that is the teaching of traditional Judeo-Christian principles.  Feminist and homosexual groups are welcomed on campus, but many Christian groups have had to go to court to be allowed the equal right of having their groups.  They are the only ones who are not welcome.

Tennessee May Ban Teaching of Homosexuality in Elementary School.  Last week, the Senate Education Committee of the State Senate of Tennessee passed a bill that forbids public school elementary and middle school teachers from "furnishing any materials on human sexuality other than heterosexuality."

California set to teach gay history and rights in schools.  California is set to become the first US state to require the teaching of gay history and rights.  Children would take lessons on issues affecting gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people, with schools granted discretion about what age to start the lessons.

Freedom to be Christian but banned from acting Christian.  Christians, Orthodox Jews or anyone with traditional views of sex and marriage should be barred from state university counseling programs unless they agree to violate their beliefs.  That's the gist of theamicus brief the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed Feb. 11 in a case in which a Christian student is challenging her dismissal from a graduate counseling program at Eastern Michigan University in 2009.

Paladino says kids shouldn't be 'brainwashed' into thinking homosexuality is OK.  GOP gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino yesterday went well beyond his opposition to same-sex marriage, telling a Brooklyn Hasidic congregation that children should not be "brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option.  It isn't."  He told about 50 worshippers at the K'hal Adas Kashau synagogue in Williamsburg that kids "would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family."

Carl Paladino Spoke the Truth.  For modern American liberals, there is no greater sin than to publicly express the view that there may be something wrong with homosexual activity and that children should not be taught to consider homosexual behavior morally equal to chastity and marriage.  No prominent politician who questions the wholesomeness of same-sex sex can escape a vicious beating by the liberal elite — because these beatings serve a strategic purpose.  They are designed to intimidate good people out of seeking political office and sticking up for the truth.  They are designed to uproot the laws and norms of our society from the immutable natural law that is the true foundation of our freedom.  They are designed to destroy truth and promote a lie.

'Gay lessons' in maths, geography and science.  Children are to be taught about homosexuality in maths, geography and science lessons as part of a Government-backed drive to "celebrate the gay community".  Lesson plans have been drawn up for pupils as young as four, in a scheme funded with a £35,000 grant from an education quango, the Training and Development Agency for Schools.

House Democrats Pass Bill to Grill School Children about Sexual Preference.  At the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing last Thursday [9/16/2010], Democrats passed a bill to require federal health officials to question anyone seeking services from Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) community health centers or other programs about their sexual orientation and "gender identity."  Introduced by Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), H.R. 6109 requires HHS to obtain, retain and analyze sexual identity information from patients who seek healthcare, including children.

Queering Education.  The recent court rulings against students Jennifer Keeton in Georgia and Julea Ward in Michigan reveal the power amassed by the cabal of radicals in academia who have pushed the gay agenda into education.  In both cases, judges upheld the right of counseling departments at public universities to expel Christian students who refused to counsel homosexuals in a manner that affirmed their homosexuality.

School must oblige transgender 6th-grader.  The radical homosexual agenda is making itself known in Maine, where a human-rights group has ruled a school must accommodate the sexual preferences of a sixth-grader.

Augusta State University to student:  Accept homosexuality or leave school.  An Augusta State University counseling student has filed a lawsuit against her school claiming it violated her First Amendment rights when it told her to change her traditionalist Christian views on homosexuality or get out.

Court:  Student Can be Expelled for Christian Beliefs.  A federal judge ruled in favor of a public university who removed a Christian student over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong.  The decision, according to Julea Ward's attorneys, could result in Christian students across the country being expelled from public university for similar views.

Court Upholds Expulsion of Counseling Student Who Opposes Homosexuality.  A federal judge has ruled in favor of a public university that removed a Christian student from its graduate program in school counseling over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong.  Monday's [7/26/2010] ruling, according to Julea Ward's attorneys, could result in Christian students across the country being expelled from public university for similar views.

U. of I. instructor fired over comments on homosexuality.  The University of Illinois has fired an adjunct professor who taught courses on Catholicism after a student accused the instructor of engaging in hate speech by saying he agrees with the church's teaching that homosexual sex is immoral.

Academic Freedom, for Some:  The Hounding of Dr. Howell.  Officials at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana have sparked controversy over their decision not to extend the hiring of Adjunct Professor Kenneth Howell, a highly rated instructor who has taught electives at the university since 2001 on the history and tenets of Catholicism.  Howell's apparent "offense" is that he accurately rendered those teachings in an e-mail distributed to students in one of his classes.

He wore a crown, he wore a tiara.  A pair of gay best friends were voted prom king and queen by such a wide margin at an upstate New York high school that the school didn't bother choosing runners-up.

Keep Your Students Home On "Day Of Silence".  Many public schools across the nation are planning to allow students affiliated with GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) to sponsor a "Day of Silence" on April 16.  Cooperating schools will allow students and teachers who support the homosexual agenda to remain silent during instructional time.  The AFA [American Family Association] is joining many other pro-family organizations around the country in calling for families to pull their students out of participating schools that day.  AFA president Tim Wildmon said, "No school should allow an organization like GLSEN to hijack classroom instructional time for political purposes.  This turns taxpayer-funded government schools into propaganda forums for promoting homosexuality and cross-dressing.  No right-thinking school officials should allow the educational environment to be prostituted in this way.

Day of Silence Still Sparks Protest.  The National Day of Silence encourages students to "take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) name-calling, bullying and harassment in their schools," according to the Day of Silence website. ... In Bedford, New Hampshire, high school students who observed the Day of Silence were given credit for fulfilling the "Democracy in Action" component of Real World Learning hours, a requirement for graduation.

The Cut-and-Paste Doctrines of the Left:  This semester, the gay activist group SoulForce will make its second visit in four years to the campus of the Christian university where I teach.  We are one of sixteen stops the group will make at campuses deemed to have policies which discriminate against gays.  Their annual tour is called the Equality Ride, an event which reflects the activists' desire for the gay rights movement to be the civil rights movement of our generation.

Maine Commission Moves to Ban Gender Specific Bathrooms, Sports Teams in Schools.  The Maine Human Rights Commissions taking heat over a proposal to ban schools from enforcing gender divisions in sports teams, school organizations, bathrooms and locker rooms, saying forcing a student into a particular room or group because of their biological gender amounts to discrimination.

Democrats Push HR 4530, a Radical Safe Schools Czar's Dream Come True.  On January 20, 2009 President Barack Obama promised to "begin again the work of remaking America."  He wasn't kidding. ... But you haven't seen anything yet.  The democrats in Congress are moving closer to passing the most radical anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-family bill through Congress that we have seen in decades.

H.R.4530:  Assault on Genuine Child Safety and Morality.  The purpose of this bill is not what is being stated, but is quite simply to mandate in public schools one acceptable viewpoint on the issue of homosexuality, using purported violence or harassment as the rationale, and the power of the feds as the hammer.  The goal is to silence those who may warn about or object to student expression of homosexuality or gender confusion.  Such warnings might literally save a child's life.

Kevin Jennings' twisted terminology:  Kevin Jennings is Safe School Czar not by some vetting breakdown.  He was an official in the Obama Campaign as its Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual fund-raising co-chair.  For twenty years until 2008, Jennings succeeded on a massive scale at pro-homosexual propagandizing of school children.  His adeptness and accomplishment at semantic deception are extraordinary.

Why Obama's Elementary Queering Must Be Stopped.  Kevin Jennings is not just your normal activist nominee.  He is a firm advocate of mandated affirmation of approval of homosexual actions by school children, and to this end, his involvement with the GLSEN's "Day of Silence" has moved them to go beyond that to demand "Queer Proms" in the local public schools, and to lobby for legislation in each state to change the definition of marriage to make it mean something it has never meant.  With Jennings' support, the GLSEN chapter in Connecticut has begun pushing not just for "tolerance" or "acceptance" of those who choose to engage in homosexuality in the public schools, but they have actually created an "activity" for the school systems which pushes "positive levels of attitude" such as mandated "admiration" and "nurturance."

Critics say Obama's 'Safe Schools' Czar is the Wrong Man for the Job.  [Kevin] Jennings was appointed to the position largely because of his longtime record of working to end bullying and discrimination in schools.  In 1990, as a teacher in Massachusetts, he founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which now has over 40 chapters at schools nationwide.  He has also published six books on gay rights and education, including one that describes his own experiences as a closeted gay student.

Fairy Tales Don't Come True.  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled recently that parents had no right to know about a very graphic sex survey given out to elementary school students in California.  In fact, the court said that parents have no right to claim sole responsibility for their children's sex education. ... Schools often give information without parental notice about multiple access points to enter such behavior through "gay" community groups, homosexual school clubs, local health clinics, Internet chat rooms, and politically correct youth organizations and clubs.

Why Obama's Elementary Queering Must Be Stopped:  Obama sought to distract with his own, "Once, Twice, Three times a Muslim" act in Cairo, all the while praying that no one would notice that a protector of a child sodomist was being given access to children in our public schools.  Kevin Jennings is not just your normal activist nominee.  He is a firm advocate of mandated affirmation of approval of homosexual actions by school children, and to this end, his involvement with the GLSEN's "Day of Silence" has moved them to go beyond that to demand "Queer Proms" in the local public schools, and to lobby for legislation in each state to change the definition of marriage to make it mean something it has never meant.  With Jennings' support, the GLSEN chapter in Connecticut has begun pushing not just for "tolerance" or "acceptance" of those who choose to engage in homosexuality in the public schools, but they have actually created an "activity" for the school systems which pushes "positive levels of attitude" such as mandated "admiration" and "nurturance."

Gay Curriculum Proposal Riles Elementary School Parents.  A group of parents in a California school district say they are being bullied by school administrators into accepting a new curriculum that addresses bullying, respect and acceptance — and that includes compulsory lessons about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community that will be taught to children as young as 5 years old.

ACLU demands schools allow access to gay Websites.  Students and parents are demanding Metro Nashville's public schools stop blocking access to Web sites about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.  They complained to the American Civil Liberties Union, which on Wednesday [4/15/2009] gave Metro and Knox County schools an April 29 deadline to announce plans to open access to the non-sexual sites.  A letter to the districts threatened lawsuits if they don't comply.

The Seventh Grade Is Invited to Teacher's Commitment Ceremony.  In Harlem a week ago, a 32-year-old math teacher handed out slips of paper inviting the entire seventh grade of Columbia Secondary School to his upcoming ceremony, where, the names on the invitation made clear, he'd be celebrating his commitment to another man.

The Editor says...
The article above appears in the New York Times, which reports the incident as something laudable.  No wonder the NY Times is going broke.  There just aren't that many people who concur with such a viewpoint.

Plans for gay high school scrapped.  Designers of a plan to create the city's first gay-friendly high school pulled the plug on a watered-down version of the plan Tuesday [11/18/2008] but vowed to resurrect the idea next year.

College sued over speech against gay marriage.  A college student has filed a lawsuit saying a public speaking professor berated him in class for making a speech opposing same-sex marriage.  In the federal court suit filed last week, student Jonathan Lopez said that midway through his speech, when he quoted a dictionary definition of marriage and recited a pair of Bible verses, professor John Matteson cut him off and would not allow him to finish.  He said Matteson also called him a "fascist bastard."  A student evaluation form included with the lawsuit lacks a score for Lopez's speech, and reads "ask God what your grade is."

Public Schools Change Young Evangelicals' Values.  Barack Obama's selection for secretary of education is his crony Arne Duncan, who most recently made news by recommending the creation of a Chicago Social Justice High School-Pride Campus, where half the students would be homosexuals and the other half straight.  Somehow that school was canceled just about the time that Obama announced Duncan's appointment.

Chicago Schools Administrator:  Homosexual High School is "Necessary".  A proposed homosexual-friendly Chicago public high school is "necessary" for the well-being of students, a Chicago Public Schools administrator told Wednesday [12/10/2008].  Joyce Brown, who is in charge of the public school district's high school counselors, said the "Social Justice High School — Pride Campus" is necessary because "the issue (of homosexuality) is out there."

Psychiatrist:  Gay Curricula Should Conform To Science.  The press for tolerance education for homosexuality in classrooms is driven by the desire to provide safe, learning-friendly environments for all students.  The program of education is based on the testimony of teachers that intimidation of children with same-sex attractions is rampant in schools, and prejudice against gay people is strong enough to keep teachers from "coming out."  However, a Philadelphia psychiatrist told The Bulletin that many of the conceptions that drive the push for curricula that endorse a homosexual lifestyle have no basis in scientific findings.

University Of Toledo Sued For Firing Christian Official.  The Thomas More Law Center, a public interest law firm that defends and promotes the religious freedom of Christians, filed a lawsuit yesterday [12/1/2008] against the University of Toledo for firing one of its officers for expressing an opinion against homosexuality.  Crystal Dixon, a high-ranking black official at the University of Toledo, was fired in May by the university because she wrote a newspaper commentary expressing her personal Christian views regarding homosexuality.

California Elementary School Parents Blindsided by Homosexual "Coming Out Day".  Parents of students attending an elementary school in Hayward, California, are in a frenzy after learning the school allegedly made no effort to inform them their children were to participate in today's homosexual "Coming Out Day" school event, reports the Pacific Justice Institute ... .

Yet another reason to pull your kids out of the public schools:
School Clams Up on 'Gay' Pledge Cards Given to Kindergartners.  A California school system refuses to say what action, if any, it will take after it received complaints about a kindergarten teacher who encouraged her students to sign "pledge cards" in support of gays.  During a celebration of National Ally Week, Tara Miller, a teacher at the Faith Ringgold School of Arts and Science in Hayward, Calif., passed out cards produced by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network to her class of kindergartners.

What same-sex "marriage" has done to Massachusetts.  At my own children's high school there was a school-wide assembly to celebrate same-sex "marriage" in early December, 2003.  It featured an array of speakers, including teachers at the school who announced that they would be "marrying" their same-sex partners and starting families either through adoption or artificial insemination.  Literature on same-sex marriage — how it is now a normal part of society — was handed out to the students.  Within months it was brought into the middle schools.

PETA Wants Proposed Homosexual High School to Have 'Vegan' Cafeteria.  In the name of "tolerance," People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) wants a proposed Chicago public high school designed for homosexual and lesbian students to offer a vegetarian-only menu.

US Supreme Court turns down David Parker's appeal.  Validates state's right to teach homosexuality to young children over parents' objections!  Allows outrageous lower court rulings to stand.

Class surprises lesbian teacher on wedding day.  A group of San Francisco first-graders took an unusual field trip to City Hall on Friday [10/10/2008] to toss rose petals on their just-married lesbian teacher — putting the public school children at the center of a fierce election battle over the fate of same-sex marriage.

Obama High: No child left benign.  Elected officials in Chicago made international news last week by proposing to create a public high school for gay, lesbian and transgender students. ... Yet no American journalist covering the presidential race has queried the Chicago-based Sen. Barack Obama about this radical development in education reform:  a key issue to which the young senator has committed much of his public life and all of his executive experience.

California Bill Would Force Public Schools to Honor 'Gay Hero'.  A conservative group is warning parents about a bill under consideration in the California Legislature that requires public schools to have an official "Gay Day."  AB 2567 requires Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to proclaim May 22 of each year as Harvey Milk Day, putting it on par with President's Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

'Gay Day' Bill Vetoed in California.  Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed a bill that would have designated May 22 as "Harvey Milk Day," named after the homosexual San Francisco supervisor who was murdered in 1978.  Conservative critics said the bill was tantamount to establishing a "Gay Day" in San Francisco schools.

Irmo principal to resign after gay club approved for school.  The principal of Irmo High School has opted to resign rather than share his campus with an organization for gay students.  Irmo High School Principal Eddie Walker confirmed to The Associated Press he is stepping down in the summer of 2009.

Toledo Blade Article Gets University Employee Fired.  [Scroll down]  You know, I have often wondered why the civil rights establishment has allowed homosexual extremists to co-opt the mantle of civil rights for their own twisted agenda.  [Crystal] Dixon is exactly right.  I can no more "decide" not to be white as she can "decide" not to be black. … But, it is possible to decide not to be gay.  It is something eminently under the control of the individual to change.  It is a behavior, not an unalterable fact.

College Suspends Administrator for Op-Ed on Homosexuals.  The University of Toledo has suspended with pay one of its administrators for writing a newspaper op-ed that questions whether homosexuality is a civil rights issue.  The school said the administrator was suspended precisely because her views on homosexuality do not comport with those of the university, a state institution.

'Day of silence' generates controversy.  The silent observation is meant to highlight the plight of gay students who feel they must hide their sexual orientation for fear of harassment, bullying and discrimination, according to those who are taking part.  Those opposed to the activity say it is really a veiled movement to promote a homosexual lifestyle in public schools.  A number of Oregon City High School students and some teachers took part, writing their thoughts rather than speaking. … The school announced the day of silence over the school intercom, but Wallace said no notification was given parents.

'Be Happy Not Gay' shirt gets OK.  A US federal court has granted permission for a teenager to wear a T-shirt with the slogan "Be Happy, Not Gay" during a Christian day of action on Monday held in response to a gay rights protest.  The high school in Neuqua Valley, Illinois, had banned student Alexander Neuxoll from wearing the T-shirt in class on Monday, when a Christian group is organising a "Day of Truth" to show its opposition to homosexuality.

High School Officials Assign Racist "Gay" Porn.  Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Illinois, had assigned the pornographic book "Angels in America:  A Gay Fantasia on National Themes" to students as required reading.  When a group of outraged parents found out, they filed a formal complaint.  Now the book has been changed to an "optional title," meaning kids may still select the book for peer study under the direction of a teacher.  The book is replete with profanity, overt racism through multiple uses of the N-word, an explicit description of a sex act involving Mother Theresa and some of the most graphic, vile and vivid depictions of homosexual anal sodomy every put in print.

"Gay" Sex Kills?  Can you imagine officials at a middle school, junior high or high school setting aside a day to promote "tolerance" for heavy smoking and drinking among children?  How about a day where teachers encourage kids to "embrace who they are," pick up that crack pipe and give it a stiff toke?  Neither can I.  The public would go ballistic, and for good reason.  But that hasn't stopped officials in thousands of schools across the country from promoting other politically correct and socially "in-vogue" behaviors that — both statistically and manifestly — are every bit as dangerous as the aforementioned frowned-upon behaviors.

Oklahoma lawmaker threatened with legal action for practicing free speech.  Oklahoma state lawmaker Sally Kern has had to obtain legal representation in the wake of a barrage of tens of thousands of hate-filled emails and threatened lawsuits after she spoke publicly about the dangers of the radical homosexual agenda.  During a recent speech at a Republican club meeting, Sooner State Representative Sally Kern said she was concerned that the homosexual agenda would destroy the nation and that the threat the movement poses is as big a threat to the nation as terrorism.  She also told how young public school children are being indoctrinated into believing that the homosexual lifestyle is normal.

Librarian sues OSU to get his job back.  A former Ohio State University librarian accused of sexual harassment after recommending a conservative book for freshmen has filed a lawsuit against the university and some of its faculty.  Scott Savage, who said he resigned because of personal and professional attacks on his character, asks for his job back and for OSU to be forced to change its sexual-harassment policies.  OSU is "an aggressive proponent of the homosexual lifestyle by virtue of its practices and policies," Savage says in the lawsuit, filed in federal court because he says his civil rights were violated.

Children's Book About Same-Sex Penguin Couple Causes Flap in Virginia.  A children's book about two male penguins that hatch a chick together has been pulled from school library shelves in Loudoun County, Virginia.  Parents complained that the book has a gay agenda and have called for its removal.  But supporters say the book's removal is censorship.

The Editor says...
Yes, it's censorship.  So what?  Censorship has an important role in elementary schools.

Family of girl, 12, sues after 'Brokeback' shown in class.  A suit was filed on behalf of a 12-year-old girl who claims she suffered psychological distress when a teacher showed in class the gay-themed movie "Brokeback Mountain." … According to the suit, a substitute teacher introduced herself as Ms. Buford to Jessica's class at Ashburn Community Elementary School … She then said, "What happens in Ms. Buford's class stays in Ms. Buford's class," the suit claims.

'Gay' cowboy love scenes 'traumatize' schoolgirl, 12.  A 12-year-old girl who says she was traumatized when her teacher showed the film "Brokeback Mountain" featuring love scenes with homosexual cowboys is suing the Chicago Board of Education for $500,000.  "What happens in Ms. Buford's class stays in Ms. Buford's class," is what the substitute teacher told eighth-grade students at Ashburn Community Elementary School after showing the R-rated movie, according to a lawsuit filed Friday [5/11/2007] in Cook County Circuit Court.

One more reason to switch to home-schooling...
School challenge:  Transgender student is age 9.  For school officials in Haverford Township, the challenge was daunting:  What do you do when a 9-year-old student, with the full support of his parents, decides that he is no longer a boy and instead is a girl?

The Editor says...
The problem is "daunting" only because common sense and basic decency have been thrown out of the schools along with the Bible.

School disciplines students for using the term 'gay'.  The president of the Pacific Justice Institute says officials at a California public school are having their free-speech rights violated in the name of "tolerance" for homosexuals.  The school, he says, could soon find itself facing a lawsuit for telling elementary children they cannot use the word "gay" in a derogatory manner.

Outrage over San Diego school's involvement in 'gay pride' parade.  A San Diego, California, school district has rebuffed efforts by 12 Christian men and women to prevent minor children from being exposed to the city's 33rd annual homosexual pride parade.  This group, dubbed the "San Diego Twelve," is calling on the district school board to bar a K-8 charter school from once again marching its students under the school's banner in this summer's "San Diego LGBT Pride" parade.

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children.  A federal judge in Massachusetts has ordered the "gay" agenda taught to Christians who attend a public school in Massachusetts, finding that they need the teachings to be "engaged and productive citizens."  U.S. District Judge Mark L. Wolf yesterday dismissed a civil rights lawsuit brought by David Parker, ordering that it is reasonable, indeed there is an obligation, for public schools to teach young children to accept and endorse homosexuality.

You're Opposed to Same-Sex Marriage — You Must be a Member of the Ku Klux Klan.  Without question, the comments comparing Justin [Boone] and his teammates to members of the KKK were rude, offensive, and thoroughly unprofessional.  Moreover, given the fact that Justin is an African-American, these comments were especially derogatory, inflammatory, and demeaning.  The teachers should be reprimanded and disciplined for their rank unprofessionalism.

Just Say No to these Pro Homosexual Materials at School.  Some tolerance lessons taught to our kids — learning respect and civility toward people of all races and ethnic backgrounds — are valuable.  And certainly, we need to stop the cruelty involved in bullying.  Unfortunately, many of the lessons in our schools have been corrupted by adding to these positive messages the poisonous myth that accepting homosexuality and "transgendered" behaviors is desirable, while objecting to them — even in a civil way — is "harassment," "discrimination" and even "bullying."

School prepares for transgender second grader.  The issue of being transgender usually pops up with students in high school.  Now a second grade Colorado boy wants to dress as a girl and be addressed with a girl's name.

The Editor says...
In the good old days, this kid and his parents would all be taken to the gates of the city and stoned.  Then their house would be burned down.  The next couple to consider converting their son to a daughter would then have a reason to reconsider.

Does Your School Promote Homosexuality?  The activities and policies listed in this article may sound nice, but in reality protect and promote homosexuality and sexual promiscuity, putting students directly in harm's way instead of cautioning them about risky behavior.  Is your school jumping on this foolish bandwagon?

Transfer denied for kids taught by transsexual.  Five parents who asked to transfer their children out of Batavia High School classes with a transsexual teacher have been denied, according to Batavia district Superintendent Richard Stutzman Jr.

Gender Terrorism:  The Transgendered Agenda Most Americans would be outraged at how rapidly revolutionary ideas about gender are invading our classrooms.  But discussions about cross-dressing, sex change surgery and even abolishing gender altogether are now part of the trendy "gay" agenda and are such are gaining widespread acceptance by teachers, the NEA, and school boards.

The California homosexual activists' assault on schoolchildren:  On May 11, the California State Senate passed Senate Bill 1437.  The bill demands "no teacher shall give instruction nor shall a school district sponsor any activity that reflects adversely upon persons because of their … gender … [or] sexual orientation." ... If a boy decides to come to school in a dress, teachers may not even request that he change clothes.

Parents' Suit Challenges Gay-Themed Book.  Two couples who say a suburban school district undermined their parental rights by giving out and reading storybooks with gay themes without telling them first have filed a federal lawsuit against school officials.  The couples claim the officials broke state law, violated their civil rights, and were trying to teach their children about a lifestyle they consider immoral.

Uninvited guests:  How hospitable should Christian campuses be to visitors who oppose their beliefs?

Pinch Me If I Am Paranoid.  A bill is close to passing in California that would make all government (public) schools mandate a "positive" portrayal of homosexuality in their textbooks and literature.  However, many of these same schools will not allow the mention of the word Christmas or Easter for fear that it will in some way "indoctrinate" the kids into Christianity.

Same Sex "Marriage", Homosexuality, and the Education of Children:  The legalization of same sex liaisons as "marriage" in the U.S would drastically alter the nature of what is taught to children in schools, community groups, camps, churches and in the media.  Currently, a high-pressure campaign by homosexual activists, supported by the National Education Association, is underway to promote acceptance of homosexuality among children, and a great deal of headway has already been made through the establishment of homosexual clubs, adoption of pro-homosexual school policies, the showcasing of homosexual literature, special occasion speakers, and so-called anti-bias programs.

Catholic League:  Homosexual High School Teacher Was Rightly Fired.  Jeff Crouse, a 45-year-old former seminarian, has been fired from Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas after school officials learned he was trolling for same-sex dates on the Internet.

Homosexual Book for First-graders:  A North Carolina couple is outraged by a book their first-grade daughter brought home from the school library in which a prince finds his true love — in the form of another prince.

15 Good Reasons to Oppose 'Sexual Orientation' (Homosexuality) Codes in Schools

Falling Boulder:  Many American schools have sponsored pro-gay speakers, allowed pro-gay art displays, and sanctioned clubs called "Gay-Straight Alliances."  But Colorado's Boulder Valley School District is going a step further, advancing new curriculum standards that would require students to "demonstrate" their acceptance of homosexuality.

Gay Crime Syndicate?  The left's latest experiment with segregation has certainly started out with a bang.  This September, New York City opened the nation's first taxpayer-funded school for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered teens — Harvey Milk High School — and a crime wave is already underway.

Is Harvey Milk High School really a good idea?  This is the new American myth.  Gone is the "rags to riches" ethic.  Now it's "woe is me.  Give me some special treatment."  In this country, it is now taken for granted that the principles by which our culture has traditionally functioned are no longer deemed appropriate.

California Tells Christian Club it Must Admit Non-Christians and Homosexuals.  A new Christian club at California State University–San Bernardino was recently denied official recognition by the university because it required its members to adhere to Biblical principles of morality.  Some of these principles, as explained by the student organizer, Ryan Sorba, include abstaining from premarital sex and homosexual relations.

School Sexual-Orientation Survey Not Approved.  Parents are angry and school leaders are promising action in response to a "Heterosexual Questionnaire," approved by two teachers, that asked students questions such as:  "If you have never slept with someone of your same gender, then how do you know you wouldn't prefer it?"  Hundreds of Port Washington High School students were told to submit written answers and discuss the survey.

Government Schools Promote Same-sex Marriage.  "Any parent who leaves his or her child in the hands of homosexual activists does not love that child.  They are declaring their indifference," said Robert H. Knight, director of Culture and Family Institute.  "It's a form of child abuse.  They're allowing their children to be seduced into immoral and dangerous sexual behavior."

Read this article:
Colleges to avoid, part II.  Parents thinking of sending their children to Georgia Tech should visit the university website or stop by the campus to get a sense of how far the university has fallen in recent years.

Male, female, or other:  can I check all three?  On college campuses, psychotic is very trendy.  Next fall, my university will follow the lead of other schools by adding an 'other' category to the gender section of admissions forms so that "students will now be able to express exactly who they think they are."  In short, unfortunate delusions are to be treated as perfectly acceptable.

Comments on gays broadcast at school raise furor.  A teacher who condemned homosexuality as part of a broadcast at Miami Sunset Senior High has come under fire.

Under the radar:  Gay-rights groups are quietly but aggressively advancing their agenda.  While the news media focused on immigration last week, California Democrats focused on completing the transmutation of public-school social science curricula into a punctuated series of pro-homosexuality tracts.

Caution — graphic descriptions throughout:
The Hetero-flexible Gene.  The recent New York Times article on the Cuddle Puddle at Stuyvesant High School unwittingly undermines the legal strategy of the Gay Rights movement.

Baptists:  Probe homosexuality in schools.  A resolution urging churches to investigate the level of homosexual advocacy in their local school districts will be presented to the Southern Baptist Convention Resolutions Committee for possible consideration at the denomination's annual gathering [2005].

This article is soaked with liberal bias:
Christians Sue for Right Not to Tolerate Policies.  Ruth Malhotra went to court last month for the right to be intolerant.  Malhotra says her Christian faith compels her to speak out against homosexuality.  But the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she's a senior, bans speech that puts down others because of their sexual orientation.

Forcing the "Trans-Gendered" Agenda on the kids.  What this whole story is about is a mentally ill old man who had his male parts cut off and is taking hormones to stop his body hair from growing.  Not to make light of any type of mental illness, but wanting to have your parts cut off by its very nature means you need to have your head examined.

"King And King" Promotes Perversion.  America's parents need to realize that homosexual activists are very serious about taking over our schools and brainwashing our children.  They want to indoctrinate our kids with the lie that homosexuality is normal and healthy, and that anyone (including their parents) who believes differently is a homophobic bigot.  If you want to get scared into action, check out the website of the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network.  They conduct seminars promoting the teaching of homosexuality to children as young as kindergarten age.

Gay Seminar Upsets Parents.  Parents of a student who attended a taxpayer-funded summer educational institute are upset that the program included, without their prior knowledge, a seminar that promoted homosexuality.

The Editor asks...
Why is it necessary (and how is it possible) to promote homosexuality if, as they claim, "you're born that way"?

Court says high school can enforce dress code against anti-gay T-shirt.  The ruling by the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals addressed only the narrow issue of whether the dress code should be unenforced pending the outcome of the student's lawsuit.  A majority of judges said, however, that Tyler Chase Harper was unlikely to prevail on claims that the Poway Unified School District violated his First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and religion for keeping him out of class when he wore a shirt with the message "homosexuality is shameful."

[You can bet that the ruling would have been different if the message on the T-shirt had been different.]

Same story:
Public schools can ban anti-minority messages.  Public schools can prohibit students from displaying messages that attack gays or other persecuted minorities, a divided federal appeals court ruled Thursday [4/20/2006] in the case of a Southern California youth whose T-shirt proclaimed that "homosexuality is shameful."

The homosexual agenda.  Homosexual activists have set a well planned and well financed agenda that started in the 1960s and now includes not only tolerance of their lethal lifestyle but acceptance with privileges as a special class, as a minority group.  The key target is our youth.

ACLU Seeks Mandatory Homosexual Sensitivity Training.  The American Civil Liberties Union is suing school districts in California and Kentucky in an attempt to force them to conduct mandatory homosexual appreciation sessions for students and staff.

 Editor's note:   The notion of "mandatory homosexual appreciation sessions" is quite a large step in the downward spiral of our traditional culture.  Students may be encouraged to appreciate certain things, but when have they ever been required to appreciate anything?  Look up the word "appreciation" in the dictionary, and in its definition you'll see words like gratitude, admiration, favorable judgment, etc.  These students are now being told that tolerance is not enough — approval of homosexuality is now mandatory.

Public Libraries, The Left, and the Corruption of Children.  At the Upper Arlington Public library, near Columbus, the public library is embroiled in controversy for having allowed two explicit homosexual publications to sit in the foyer.  The foyer serves as a gathering place for elementary school children before school.

Temple University Faces Suit After Trying to Have Christian Student Committed.  Back in 1999 Temple University sponsored the controversial and blasphemous play Corpus Christi, in which Christ is portrayed as a homosexual.  Michael Marcavage, then a Christian student at the Philadelphia school, complained to administrators.  Temple officials eventually tried to have Marcavage committed to a mental institution because of his opposition to the play.

Not only must you tolerate perversion, you must do so quietly.
WPU Censures Student-Employee for Expressing Biblical Beliefs Against Homosexuality.  A 63-year-old campus technician and student at a New Jersey university who sent a private e-mail describing lesbianism and homosexuality as "perversions" has been formally reprimanded by the school for violating its non-discrimination policy.

An Investigation of the Biblical Evidence Against Homosexuality.  Certain school systems today actively teach youngsters the idea that we must embrace every concept that society popularizes, else we will be unloving and intolerant.  Thus, many children are quietly convinced from a very young age that if they do not give everyone "complete and total acceptance," then they are bigoted and mean spirited.

On the use and abuse of labels:  The homosexual lobby [has] succeeded in getting some public schools to use the terms "harassment" and "bullying" as thinly disguised weapons to suppress the free speech of those who don't subscribe to their view that the state and society should affirmatively validate the homosexual lifestyle.  Students who simply utter opinions contrary to the prescribed dogma are stigmatized as harassers or bullies, when they engage in no harassment or bullying whatsoever.

UConn Students Divided Over How To Greet Scalia.  A same-sex kissing booth is not exactly what you'd expect to greet a U.S. Supreme Court justice visiting Hartford next week.  But for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, known for his conservative rulings, strongly worded opinions and a recent hand-to-chin gesture that caused a stir outside church, it might not be that farfetched.

Gay Rights Activists Arrested at Liberty.  More than 20 gay rights activists were arrested on trespassing charges Friday [3/10/2006] when they stepped onto the campus of Liberty University, the school founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell.

Judge Halts Pro-Homosexual Sex-Ed Class.  A group of parents took their opposition to the sex-ed courses to court last week, arguing that they depicted homosexuality as a natural and morally correct lifestyle and did not offer any contrary opinion.

S*x for Dummies:  The strangest aspect of the Montgomery curriculum is the insistence that students should ponder their gender identity.  In plain English, this means boys should examine whether they really want to be boys, and girls should wonder if they should be girls.  This is a current obsession in the world of sex ed, apparently inserted here to accommodate transvestites and transsexuals.

Homosexual Activists' Conference Angers Conservatives Conservative, pro-family organizations are blasting a homosexual activist group for continuing its campaign to "indoctrinate children in the nation's public schools by convincing kids that homosexuality is a normal and healthy lifestyle."

Young Activist Claims School Censored Protest Against Homosexual Event.  Members of a high school conservative group in California are saying their First Amendment rights were violated when they tried to protest an upcoming pro-homosexual "Day of Silence" event.

High School's Rainbow "Diversity" Flag Doesn't Fly With Some Parents.  A rainbow-colored homosexual pride flag has created a stir in a Michigan high school.  Members of the Howell High School Diversity Club recently hung the flag to promote different types of sexual orientation within the homosexual community.

Mom Wants Pro-Homosexual Poster Out of Arizona Elementary School.  At issue is a wall poster at Washington Elementary School in Winslow [Arizona] that includes information about the school's female art teacher and features a rainbow flag symbolizing homosexual pride.  The poster urges acceptance of all people, regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.

Are SpongeBob's Pants Really Square?  Should the public school system be used to encourage sexual attitudes in children, especially attitudes to which their parents might object?

"Tolerant" Homosexuals are Intolerant of "Ex-Gays".  Following a "Gay Pride Week" observance, a Virginia school system rejected the idea of allowing ex-homosexuals to address its student body.  Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute says "ex-gays" seem to have no standing at all.

Attorney Claims Lesbian Teachers Using Schools to Push Homosexual Lifestyle.  Recently a group of lesbian teachers in the Scotts Valley Unified School District (Santa Cruz County) started hanging pro-homosexual posters in their classrooms, discussing homosexuality in their classrooms, and providing referrals to homosexual and bisexual organizations to students questioning their sexuality.  Numerous parents have complained to school officials, who said they would investigate matters. However, no administrative correction has been initiated in response to the complaints.

Suspension of Student Spawns Lawsuit Against San Diego School District.  Promotion of homosexuality is OK, but expression of faith is silenced.

In Defending Marriage — Take the Offensive!  For more than 40 years, the homosexual activist movement has sought to implement a master plan that has had as its centerpiece the utter destruction of the family.  The institution of marriage, along with an often weakened and impotent Church, is all that stands in the way of its achievement of every coveted aspiration.  Those goals include universal acceptance of the gay lifestyle, discrediting of Scriptures that condemn homosexuality, muzzling of the clergy and Christian media, granting of special privileges and rights in the law, overturning laws prohibiting pedophilia, indoctrinating children and future generations through public education, and securing all the legal benefits of marriage for any two or more people who claim to have homosexual tendencies.  These objectives that seemed unthinkable just a few years ago have largely been achieved or are now within reach.

Hiding truth from schoolchildren.  The boy featured in an 'educational' video about gay issues is no longer gay.  But that little detail is being repressed.

Homosexual Agenda in Public Schools Marches Forward.  GLSEN has achieved stunning progress over the past six years in our public schools by shifting the debate away from parent authority to sexual orientation, student safety, equal access, and anti-discrimination.

Homosexual Teacher Tells Class:  "I'm Married".  A middle-school teacher discusses his gay "marriage" in front of students.  In response to a few negative comments, he equated his "marriage" to historical topics ranging from suffrage and bigotry to the Magna Carta.

Stealth Agenda Trumps Academic Success in Schools:  Gov. Gray Davis and Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin preoccupy themselves with the sexual orientation of students.  Using the themes of "safe schools" and "tolerance," they have implemented policies that have paved the way for the normalization of homosexuality in the state's schools.

"Sexual Orientation" Codes are Harmful to Schools:  "'Sexual orientation' school codes are invariably used to advance one-sided, pro-'gay' programs and classroom teachings," said Peter LaBarbera, senior policy analyst at the Culture and Family Institute.  "This bias violates parents' rights and the beliefs of the majority of students who oppose homosexuality."

The Legal Liability Associated with Homosexuality Education in Public Schools:  An assessment of the risks and liabilities associated with policies and programs that normalize homosexual behavior in public schools.

British schools 'will have to promote gay rights'.  New gay rights laws will force schools to teach homosexual equality, one of the country's most respected judges warned yesterday [1/8/2007].  Teachers who tell pupils homosexual sex is wrong will be guilty of breaking the law, former Lord Chancellor Lord Mackay of Clashfern said.

Parents face court action for removing children from gay history lessons.  Parents face possible court action for withdrawing their children from lessons on gay and lesbian history.  More than 30 pupils were pulled out of a week of teaching at a primary school which included books about homosexual partnerships.

Male teacher returns to school as a woman.  For 20 years, Nicholas Kintz has taught math at West Linn High School.  When students return to the classroom this fall, the longtime teacher says they'll be introduced to Nicole Kintz.

California's SB 1437

Bill Would Force Schools to Support Homosexuality.  Gender-neutral bathrooms in public schools?  Girls running for prom king?  Those are just a few of the possibilities which could result if the California Legislature passes SB 1437 which would force schools to adopt an exclusively pro-homosexual message.

California Assembly Passes SB 1437.  A bill which prohibits any California textbook from "portraying homosexuals negatively" been passed by the California Assembly and sent to the state Senate for a concurrence vote.

Tell California Officials to Oppose Pro-Gay Bill.  Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger did say last month that he would veto SB 1437 if it reaches his desk — but there is no guarantee he will follow through on that statement.  That's why it's imperative he and Assembly members hear en masse from Californians and others about why SB 1437 is a bad bill.

Gay Bill Battle Continues.  SB 1437 would ban teachers, textbooks, instructional materials or school activities from reflecting "adversely" upon people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. … The measure initially was wider in scope, seeking changes in social science curriculum to recognize the contributions of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.

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