Liberalism, or progressivism, is a wide one-way road that leads to destruction.
Gas prices are high* because liberals are opposed to every practical
source of energy,*
including offshore oil drilling* and oil production in
Electricity is expensive because liberals are engaged in a war on coal.*
It's nearly impossible to run a business because of all the red tape generated by
the EPA,
and of course, Obamacare.
New York City has bedbugs because liberals got DDT banned in the 1970's.*
Unemployment is high because the minimum wage is too high,* and because it's
easier just to live on food stamps and "disability" checks.*
Millions of children have never met their fathers, because the welfare state rewards
Many others have been abandoned* because of the belief that
a baby is just a growth or piece of tissue that's part of a woman's body, which she can dispose of as she
pleases.* Over 54 million people have been killed (so far) because
of that kind of thinking.*
That's why the Social Security ponzi scheme is falling apart — there are fewer young workers.* Drunkenness
and gluttony are now considered diseases instead of being evidence of bad decisions, because political
correctness* has done away with stigma.*
The public schools are mass-producing dimwits who don't speak intelligible English*, can't write a coherent paragraph, don't know American history,
don't know the difference between facts and opinions, can't make change without a cash register, and can't multiply or divide without a
calculator.* They are being taught that styrofoam, oil, guns and Christianity
are bad,* but animal rights,* car
pooling* and Islam* are
good. (Don't bother to bring your lunch to school.* You can eat out of
Big Brother's hand.*) Billions of dollars are being wasted on solar
panels* and windmills,* because
of a baseless fear of "global warming"* — even though global warming
stopped, all by itself, before the end of the 20th century.*.
The goal of progressivism is the abandonment and destruction of traditions, rules, standards,
conventional wisdom, common sense and common knowledge.
This is a copyrighted original compilation, © 2024 by Andrew K. Dart
One glaring example of the Democrats' impact is the over-abundance of
homeless bums in big cities, especially on the west coast.
And you would already know all this, except that the so-called news media are now just producing infomercials for big
America is being destroyed from within (much like Detroit or California) by
left-wing tax-and-spend socialist Democrats, and here are the results:
Overview articles:
(Scroll down for timely news, or click here.)
12-Year Term. It turns out, no matter your party affiliation, it may have been good for
America that Trump lost in 2020. [...] Yes, the country suffered — badly and almost beyond repair — but
it did expose the Democrats' true colors and toxic agenda and "woke" up enough people. Yes, the
last four years were a disaster. Pick your poison:
• Abruptly pulling out of Afghanistan.
• High Inflation.
• Cancel culture accelerated.
• DEI run awry.
• Unconstitutional executive orders.
• Coddling Iran and failing to confront Russia and China.
• Identity politics.
• Wars in Ukraine, Middle East, and throughout Africa.
• College campus takeovers and chaos.
• Transgenderism: hormone blockers for kids and sex change operations for inmates.
• Crime. Lots of uncontrolled crime.
And of course, the biggest disaster of all: an open border. Biden and the Democrats effectively
welcomed more than ten million illegal migrants — nobody knows exactly how many — housing many
in luxury hotels while Americans struggled.
Election is a Referendum on Us. We have accepted steady erosion of our social compact
because it is too arduous to reason with the unreasonable, too frustrating to speak calmly with
those who shout, too uncomfortable to speak over the screams of the nihilist tribes. We have
stood by in silence as the fabric of our society unravels, tacitly engaged in a dangerous
appeasement with the left. [...] Evidence of this threat abounds. The public has not only
lost trust in government but also in journalists, the judiciary, universities, and medical
institutions. We can't rely on legacy media to report the truth. Religion is
mocked. Morality has been replaced by shallow, narcissistic virtue signaling and fake
empathy. Patriotism is too often seen as a partisan issue. "I see you are flying a flag,"
quips a neighbor. "I didn't know you were Republican." Parents are blocked from knowing
what transpires in their children's classrooms. Many universities seem to offer only three
majors: grievance, arrogance, and ignorance. Officials take our money and spend it to
serve their personal ideology without asking our approval. Words like truth and faith have
been hollowed out. Preferred pronouns become more important than national security.
Gratitude is replaced with resentment. Good faith dissent is stomped into silence. DEI
has banished meritocracy in the military and many other organizations. Skepticism against
authority — vital to a healthy democracy — is rebuffed with
cancellation. Is this the country we want to live in?
Has Its First Show Trial. Everything the Left touches it destroys. The Justice
Department and the American legal system are only the most immediate examples. Here are
25 other examples:
[#1] Universities.
[#2] High schools.
[#3] Elementary schools.
[#4] Children's innocence.
[#5] Marriage and family.
[#6] Children who say they are the other sex.
[#7] Journalism.
[#8] Women's psychological health.
[#9] Black life.
[#10] Black-white relations.
[#11] Art.
[#12] Music.
[#13] Architecture.
[#14] The military.
[#15] The FBI.
[#16] The CDC and NIH.
[#17] The American Medical Association and most other medical associations.
[#18] Medical schools.
[#19] Free speech.
[#20] Women's sports.
[#21] The border.
[#22] Religion.
[#23] The economy.
[#24] Fighting crime.
[#25] America's major cities.
The Editor says...
That looks like a long list, but #1, #2, and #3 are the same; #11, #12 and #13 are the same; and #24 and #25 are almost the same.
The Editor continues...
The list in the article above is informative, but over the last year or two, I have compiled my own list of things that
have been ruined for everybody by socialist Democrat busybodies:
• Public schools
• Singing the national anthem
• The reasonable assumption that everybody in America should speak English
• The reasonable assumption that nobody crosses
the international
with impunity
• The reasonable assumption that only U.S. citizens vote in our elections
• The expectation of civility and decorum in public places
• The reasonable assumption that the results of presidential elections will be accepted by all parties
• The circus
• Columbus Day
• The Boy Scouts
• Animal crackers
• Statues of historical figures
• Aunt Jemima
• "Merry Christmas"
• Six Flags
[11] (Not that I care; nor do I care about Bud Light.)
• Public libraries
• Harmless depictions of cartoon violence
• Locally-owned radio stations with local announcers
• Television
• Restrooms in public places
Others have compiled similar lists:
by Any Other Name Still Stinks. One of the peculiarities of our own time is that so
many people remain blind to the totalitarianism growing and spreading around them. Western
governments have seized the authority to tell us what is true and what must be censored as harmful
"disinformation." They openly spy on our phone calls, read our emails, record every Internet
search and keyboard click on our computers, and monitor our social media conversations. They
tell us which "politically correct" words we must use and which words are outlawed for inciting
"hate." They have criminalized reading from parts of the Bible or acting with religious
conviction. They insist on manipulating the value of money and rigging markets in ways that
confiscate the meager savings of the have-nots and further enrich the well-to-do.
Corporations and government ministers work together to spread the same propaganda. Mainstream
news media operate as compliant mouthpieces for the State. Banks discriminate against
customers due to their personal beliefs. Companies fire employees for not being sufficiently
"woke." Prosecutors contort statutes into weapons that can be used to punish innocent people
for their political speech.
Bezmenov Plan: Is America now in the Last Stage? [Scroll down] And
it's not hard to recognize the plan being followed is parallel to the blueprint plan revealed forty
years ago by Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov, who explained the four stages of communist subversion:
1) Demoralization, 2) Disorientation, 3) Crisis, and 4) Normalization. The
United States has been under prolonged internal attacks of demoralization for several generations,
through the educational system and the culture which have delivered messaging that disparages the
United States and derides traditional values. The second stage, known as disorientation, is
most successful after a large portion of the population has been demoralized. Covid-19 brought
about disorientation through mask mandates, social distancing, quarantines, lockdowns, and the
abandonment of best medical practices of preventative and therapeutic treatments. Another
important part of disorientation that was inflicted on America at that time was the ginned-up
racism after the death of George Floyd, which triggered rioting, looting, and destruction of
several billion dollars' worth of property and the tearing down of historic statues and memorials
in many cities across the United States.
Must Have Courage To Take Back Our Country. Fifty years ago, the seeds of our
destruction were planted with the beginning of the social justice movement, the anti-war movement,
identity politics, and alternatives promoted as equal to or superior to intact nuclear
families. We were told, "Do your thing," without regard for society's needs. A new
version of communism stormed our shores, led by teachers' unions, free love, and blaming whites for
every wrong imaginable. We must scream against this lie at the top of our lungs before,
collectively, we forget who we are. No one will be able to skirt unscathed what's
coming. There's an undeniable feeling among conservatives that we lack the necessary will to
retain our Republic. J6 demonstrated the unrestrained power of government to assert supremacy
over its citizens. Millions have been cowed from speaking out against the gathering darkness,
and our government shows little regard for respecting the Constitution. What's happening to Trump
in Manhattan is breathtaking. Yet, as far as Democrats are concerned, this is only the beginning.
is the Stupidest, Most Venal Leadership Class in History. Let's examine the results
of your "work", since your boy, Clinton, Rhodes scholar and corporatist stooge, took power in '92:
[#1] Clinton's blithe handing over of manufacturing to China created homelessness. [...]
[#3] You have allowed the cartels, Asian and Mexican, to take over in every single state.
In Arizona, they own the governor and the government. [...]
[#7] In D.C., where you live, only 19% of high school
graduates can do math and only 35% can write or read English.
[#8] You've made food insanely expensive because of your grovelling to the climate cult
which has made energy prices soar, when we have enough energy to be independent. [...]
[#11] You foisted Obama on us who doubled the debt, more debt than every other President combined.
[#12] Then you inflicted Covid on us, which was deliberate, to destroy Trump. Another
$10 Trillion in debt. Millions of small businesses destroyed.
[#13] Then you lied and cheated and stole 2020, which has been proved many times over, and
foisted a sick, mean, thief on us, (whose corrupt disgusting son sold us out to the worst regimes on earth),
and who added $3 Trillion to the debt in 2023 alone. You then boast of a recovering
economy which is just flat-out stupid.
[#14] And then came Ukraine, a war which you started out of sheer vanity and self-importance,
giving your corrupt associates at NATO something to do and shifted hundreds of billions of dollars into a failed
state, failed because of you.
Supporting Trump Is Not 'Idol Worship'. Do you want to know why Trump-supporters feel
as strongly as they do? Because in their hearts, they believe that if Trump had remained as the 45th
president of the United States through to the present day, the following would not have happened:
[#1] A tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan, with 9,000 Americans reportedly left behind
along with billions of dollars of equipment that appears to have made it to...
[#2] Hamas in Gaza, that then perpetrated a historic massacre and subsequent attacks in Israel with the help of...
[#3] Iran, who recently received billions of dollars via frozen assets thanks to the Biden administration. [...]
[#4] And of course there's the Russian invasion of Ukraine that has so far led to more than
500,000 deaths and, as of September 2023, more than $75 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars sent to a corrupt regime.
[#5] Let's not forget record-setting opioid deaths in the United States, likely impacted by...
[#6] Uncontrolled immigration (including drug cartels) at America's borders that is contributing to a...
[#7] Rise in crime as millions of illegal aliens are flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border. That also leads to...
[#8] Rising costs for taxpayers, who are already struggling to pay for homes,
health insurance, food, gas, and oil heat in the northeast.
The Editor says...
Moreover, the price of gasoline is twice what it should be, because Joe Biden, from his first day in office, has
choked off the domestic supply of petroleum in every way he can. And the price of Diet Coke
has doubled since Joe Biden was installed in the White House.
Establishment's Alternate Realities. Leftwing journalists and activists, and even
Democratic politicians, who all supported defunding the police, now cannot escape the resulting
street violence and unleashed murderous predations. Everyone knows the culprit is the
post-George Floyd effort — with Biden administration complicity — to defund
the police, end cash bail, institutionalize catch-and-release of criminals, and show more sympathy
toward victimizers than victims. Yet neither state nor local officials nor Joe Biden himself
even admits to a crime wave. The more the public is attacked and avoids major downtowns, the
more it polls furor over the crime wave. The more our officials, in gaslighting style, claim
such alarm is all in our collective heads, the more they themselves are attacked by the very
criminals their policies empowered.
Starbucks Is Failing in Crime-Ridden San Francisco. First, Whole Foods closed and now
Starbucks is shuttering a slew of locations in San Francisco. The Seattle coffee giant
announced Tuesday that it would close seven of its 59 locations in the city, effective Oct. 22.
The city's "doom loop" is speeding up. Starbucks didn't mention crime in its official reason
for leaving the City by the Bay. "There are several factors Starbucks considers when tasked
with the tough decision of closing a store, but it is all part of ensuring a healthy store
portfolio," Jessica Borton, Starbucks' regional vice president for Northern California, said in a
statement to district managers. That corporate-speak doesn't say much, but it's hard not to
think that crime and the city's deteriorating street conditions didn't play a major factor in this
wide-scale shutdown. Starbucks has been known to jump into woke causes, then dodge woke
consequences. It's not surprising to see the coffee chain go mum on the crime issue.
the Left Did to Our Country. [Scroll down] What we are witnessing seems to
be utter nihilism. The border is not porous but nonexistent. Mass looting and
carjackings are not poorly punished, but simply exempt from all and any consequences. Our
downtowns are reduced to a Hobbesian "war of all against all," where the strong dictate to the weak
and the latter adjust as they must. The streets of our major cities in just a few years have
become pre-civilizational — there are more human feces on the sidewalks of San Francisco
than were in the gutters of Medieval London. The FBI and DOJ are not simply wayward and
weaponized, but corrupt and renegade. Apparently the perquisite now for an FBI director is
the ability either to lie while under oath or better to mask such lying by claiming amnesia or
ignorance. Immigration is akin to the vast unchecked influxes of the late Roman Empire across
the Danube and Rhine that helped to finish off a millennium-old civilization that had lost all
confidence in its culture and thus had no need for borders. In other words, the revolution is
not so much political as anarchist. Nothing escapes it — not ceiling fans, not
natural gas cooktops, not parents at school board meetings, not Christian bakeries, not champion
female swimmers, not dutiful policemen, not hard-working oil drillers, not privates and corporals
in the armed forces, not teens applying on their merits to college, not anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Will Say No More to the Current Madness? [Scroll down] Like Britain from
1939 to 1940, America is in existential danger. The Biden administration has utterly
destroyed the southern border — and immigration law with it. Biden green lighted
7 million illegal aliens swarming into the U.S. without legal sanction or rudimentary audit.
China spies inside and over the U.S. with impunity. Beijing has never admitted to its
responsibility for the gain-of-function Covid virus that killed a million Americans.
President Biden printed $4 trillion at exactly the wrong time of soaring post-COVID consumer demand
and supply shortages. No wonder he birthed the worst inflation in 40 years. In
response, interest rates tripled, gas prices doubled. Our military is thousands of recruits
short. It lacks sufficient munitions. Following Biden's humiliating pullout from
Afghanistan, vast troves of arms were abandoned in Kabul. Billions more in scarce weapons
were sent to Ukraine. [...] The Biden renegade Department of Justice, CIA and FBI have become
weaponized. Ideology, politics, and race — not the law — more often
guide their investigations, intelligence operations and enforcement. The downtowns of our
once majestic major cities are becoming unlivable. They are mired in refuse and trash,
violent crime and homelessness.
DC — Too Many Americans Remember. [Scroll down] Conversely, we
could boil down all of the various Machiavellian plans being unfurled today by Western governments
seeking our surrender into a single order: forget. Forget your history and
your ancestors' sacrifices. Forget your religious convictions. Forget
your natural rights and freedoms. Forget the importance of personal liberty, property,
and privacy. Forget the sanctified bonds of marriage. Forget the
unbreakable bonds of families. Forget the sacred duties of parents.
Forget that forced experimental medical treatments are crimes against humanity.
Forget that climate cultists were warning about global cooling just years before warning
about global warming. Forget that one-world-government types who wish to control all
farming methods and hydrocarbon energies have depended on climate models that have been
consistently wrong. Forget that race relations had drastically improved during the
last century before the callous race-hustlers re-emerged with new intensity to divide human beings
again. Forget that paper money backed by gold once had value. Forget that
warrantless government surveillance is a sign of tyranny. Forget that J6 election
protesters have been persecuted as "insurrectionists" while Antifa and Black Lives Matter domestic
terrorists have been protected from prosecution. Forget the lies told to justify
earlier wars so that new lies can be told to justify the next. Forget that a
government's legitimacy comes from the people's consent.
quiet riot against insanity in America is gaining strength. How have we gone from America's
low-inflation, high tax revenue, full employment economy, with an expanding middle class, energy independence
and rock solid military to the kowtowing disaster of the last two years? The only possible conclusion
is that this is a long-term and well-planned operation to kneecap America. Accepting that the most
prosperous nation on earth is suddenly falling into poverty, crime and wokeness, and our citizens are
happily voting for more, requires a level of insane thinking that is unprecedented, yet we now have...
• Ballot counting machines that can't count ballots
• Judges who refuse to judge
• Anti-American American presidents
• Prosecutors who don't prosecute
• Peaceful protests labeled as domestic terrorism and domestic terrorists labeled as peaceful protestors
• Representatives who don't represent
• Corporations that don't seek profit
• Banks that don't protect their depositors' money
• News reporters who don't report the news [...]
• Teachers who don't teach, advocating graphic books on sex for children too young to understand sex
• Psychologists and physicians encouraging dysphoria insanity in vulnerable children — while keeping parents clueless
• Men playing women's sports and assaulting girls in their locker rooms
• Doctors who don't heal, promoting vaccines that kill
• Groups demanding reparations from people whose ancestors mistreated their ancestors
• Free speech that isn't free
Obama. Not so long ago, America had a great economy, the lowest unemployment ever for
a range of demographic groups, energy independence, an increasingly secure southern border, a
strong international profile, and no new wars. It had freedom. It had national
pride. And all because it had a highly skilled president of unabashed patriotism who was
devoted to the best interests of his people. Now we're being readied to eat bugs while our
overlords dine on steaks. To live in "fifteen-minute cities" while they fly to conferences in
Fiji. To tighten our belts to prevent rising sea levels while they luxuriate in sea-level
mansions in Malibu and Martha's Vineyard. In a direct challenge to parental authority,
common-sense values, and sensible pedagogical priorities, government schools indoctrinate children
in Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology. To shatter our sense of security and
restrict our freedom of movement, Soros prosecutors turn major cities over to violent felons.
Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while
young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned
houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as "white supremacists" while Muslims who
love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims. Then there's what happened during the
pandemic. Churchgoing was banned, violent street protests permitted. Small businesses
were forced to close and went bankrupt; giant chain stores stayed open and reaped record profits.
thinking about what's happening to America. Let's briefly step back and see several examples
of where America's opponents are attacking, and what successes they have had to date.
Target: Standards. Strategy: Promote relativism., where all points of view are equally valid, and that all truth is relative to the individual.
Target: Religion. Strategy: Undermine Judeo-Christian beliefs and morality.
Target: Men. Strategy: Emasculate, feminize and weaken men. Specifically, this is mostly about "de-privileging" white men.
Target: Women. Strategy: Defeminize women, dilute the role of mothers, corrupt the definition of "woman," allow men to compete in sports as women, etc.
Target: Families. Strategy: Redefine what a conventional family is, and undercut its importance. Promote pornography to undermine healthy adult relationships.
Target: Education. Strategy: Propagandize children. Emphasize conformity instead of critical thinking.
Target: Initiative. Strategy: Undermine by awarding participation instead of accomplishment.
Target: Citizens. Strategy: The collective's rights take priority over individual rights. Additionally, the planet's rights supersede those of humans.
Target: Economy. Strategy: Waste enormous sums on foolish political agendas, driven by lobbyists, which are not in the best interest of citizens or the country.
Target: Financial System. Strategy: Undermine the Dollar on a variety of fronts from bitcoin to CBCD.
Target: Industrialization. Strategy: Corrupt the electric grid with unreliable, expensive renewable energy, while opposing fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
Target: Science. Strategy: Use apostate "scientists" or "experts" to misdirect real Science analyses, and to confuse the public about what Science is.
Target: Unity. Strategy: For example, inflame racism to incite discord and distrust among fellow citizens.
Target: Patriotism. Strategy: Inject WOKE, DEI, CRT, etc. ideologies in our education system to sabotage citizen support for their country.
Target: Propaganda. Strategy: Utilize mainstream media as a major source of disinformation on societal topics ranging from COVID to climate change.
Target: Free Thought. Strategy: Trick citizens into questioning their own thoughts by normalizing non-sensical situations (e.g., there are more than two genders, etc.).
Target: Elections. Strategy: Corrupt the election process so that key legislators are not always elected by citizens. Resist meaningful audits to avoid exposing this.
Target: Border Security. Strategy: Allow essentially anyone who chooses, to come into the country — including criminals, spies, etc.
Target: Military. Strategy: Use many of the above tactics to weaken our military.
Next for Wokeism? Twenty-five years ago, I told a friend that we would likely bear witness to the acceptance
and even protection of several abhorrent social or political practices. That came true, but it didn't stop there. [...]
During the 1980s and 1990s, the social norms listed below were largely unacceptable; eventually the practices became
mainstream through the strident promotion by activists and ineffective pushback by traditional institutions:
• Open homosexuality, coupled with the very public promotion of the lifestyle
• Gay Marriage
• Transgenderism
• Sex by consenting children with young adults
• Open Borders
• Anti-Capitalism
• The acceptance of recreational drug use as acceptable behavior
• Rampant crime and reduced punishment
• Society no longer requires work to live
• Single-parent constructs as equal to two-parent families
Take a moment to reread this list. Nothing surprises us anymore. History teaches us that radical
social change usually ends badly, even for progressives. All of the above continues to have a significant
stigma for many Americans. There is general agreement that promoting negative moral or societal values can
and usually will have a deleterious effect on society. With no national debate, the redefinition of our
country has almost been achieved. Today, our ability to be shocked must surpass a very high threshold.
Bidenana Republic.
Readers may believe calling America a banana republic is an exaggeration but think about it. Congress is in the
midst of passing what is laughingly called a budget. Half the money comes from taxpayers. Half the money is
borrowed. All the money goes to special interests. The FBI provides the muscle. In 2016, it
investigated Hillary who sent 33,000 emails to a trucking company in Red China. The FBI granted immunity from
prosecution to her staff and helped destroy key evidence. Jimmy the Weasel Comey said that since she didn't mean
to break the law, he would recommend not prosecuting. He made that recommendation days after his boss, Loretta
Lynch, and Bill Clinton had an impromptu 45-minute talk on an airport tarmac. Clinton said they discussed their
grandchildren. By grandchildren, he meant that vacancy on the Supreme Court. At the same time, the FBI tried
to con a judge into approving wiretapping of Donald Trump. In a rare act of courage, the judge turned them down in
June but in October the judge caved in and the FBI spied. A lot. We do not know if the FBI ever
stopped spying. There sure seem to be a lot of leaks about what The Donald is doing. When the FBI isn't
covering up crimes and spying for Democrats and RINOs, it is entrapping civilians. Democrat Governor Whitmer was
in jeopardy of losing her job when an FBI informant convinced four losers to hatch an asinine plot to kidnap her.
This is why many people believe that the FBI and Capitol Police enticed people to enter the Capitol, which was closed to
the public at the time, on January 6, 2021. This allowed Nancy Pelosi and the rest to recast a rally on the
National Mall as an insurrection. This led to a post-presidency impeachment trial. These people are
nuts. But these people are in power.
Democrats' Contempt for the American People. The inflation rate is still hovering around 8-9%, in contrast
with the 1.4% when Donald Trump left office. A record number of people (853) have died at the U.S. southern border
in the past 12 months (and those are only the ones we know about and not including the people, including children, that
were raped, robbed or killed on the trek through central America to the border). Fentanyl pouring across the
Southern border is killing 100,000 Americans a year. Crime is way up in all major cities. North Korea has
resumed firing ballistic missiles over Japanese territory and has restarted its nuclear weapons program, both of which
had been stopped under the Trump administration. China has humiliated the United States on U.S. soil and is
preparing to invade Taiwan. Russia, which, according to the Democrat-media storyline, was supposed to be Trump's
boss, invaded Ukraine soon after Biden's inane remark that a little invasion might not be a big deal, resulting in
hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and massive economic dislocation around the world, while Trump remains the only
president in the past four presidents that has not presided over Russian aggression against a neighbor. Biden, who
criticized Trump for cozying up to dictators, has gone begging the Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, for oil to bring down
U.S. gas prices. Economic experts are once again talking about a major recession in the near future. Trust
in American institutions, including the media, the FBI, etc., is at an all-time low.
Young Americans Unwittingly Voted to Ruin Their Lives. In short, it seems that young Americans voted for
the people who are ruining their lives. It is the Left that is primarily responsible for the unprecedented levels
of depression and despair among young people.
• The Left deprived children of school for nearly two years — for no valid reason.
• The Left ensured that young children would not see anyone's face outside their home for
nearly two years — again, for no valid reason.
• The Left frightens young people about their future — through its hysteria over
global warming — in a way that no group ever before frightened young Americans.
• The Left has destroyed the healthiest beliefs in a citizen's life — especially
in the life of a young citizen: belief in God and belief in one's country. God, religion, patriotism, and
the national flag have all become objects of mockery.
• The Left lies to them about everything — from nonbinary genders
to the founding of America to the extent of white racism in the country to opponents of the Left being fascists.
• The Left works feverishly to prematurely sexualize children by talking about sex and the nihilistic
falsehood of sex being "nonbinary" to children beginning in kindergarten.
• The Left encourages taking children as young as 5 years old to observe and participate in
"Drag Queen Story Hours" featuring men dressed as women reading and dancing for them, often in a sexualized manner, and
then having some of the children do the same.
• The Left works feverishly to diminish the authority and stature of parents, the most important
people in a young person's life.
• The Left has created the unprecedented explosion — not only in America, but in
recorded history — of young people who think they are really a member of the opposite sex.
• The Left corrupts young people's ability to think clearly by suppressing commonsense dissent.
Everyone knows it is grossly unfair for a man to compete in women's sports. But if a man says he is a woman, we are
supposed to believe it and to assert that it becomes fair. And any girl or woman who says it is unfair is threatened
with expulsion from her team, the end of her chances for a sports scholarship to college and social ostracization.
What Is Conservatism?
Before diving into the fundamentals of conservatism, it may be useful to recognize what it is not. What I mean is
that Republicans should remind themselves what they are opposing in today's political climate. Consider what the
left has affected in recent years: It has affected the whole of education, beginning with schoolchildren being
exposed to a radical and aggressive sexual agenda with sexually explicit reading materials and drag queen story hours
all the way up to higher education, where radical ideologies have been normative for decades. It has tainted
confidence in the sciences, with recent years revealing scientific "experts" denying basic biological fact by failing to
define a woman, promoting blatant medical propaganda, and squashing medical freedom by threatening, punishing, firing,
and silencing opposing voices (even when they are respected experts themselves). [...] It has also affected the economy
insofar as it has threatened national energy independence; produced hyperinflation; and, of course, promoted continual
dependence on the Federal Reserve. It long ago infected entertainment via Hollywood, but also more recently
infiltrated other arenas by promoting woke sentiments in sports, music, late-night shows, and comedy. It has
produced a culture of death, devised turbulent foreign policies, fostered corrupt alliances, emboldened criminals,
weaponized technology companies, tarnished intelligence agencies, and more. These recent advancements are the
direct result of leftist ideology concentrated in the Democrat party.
Left Were the Mad Scientists, We Were Their Lab Rats. As the midterms approach, one way of looking at
America's current disaster is that we, the American people, were lab rats. And since 2021, the Left were the mad
scientists, eager to try out their crackpot leftist experiments on us. The result is that the housing market is
tottering on the verge of collapse. As interest rates soar, our $31 trillion national debt crowds out
everything else in the budget. Inflation roars at a rate of 8-9 percent per annum, higher than at any time in
40 years. Yet the prices of the stuff of life — food, fuel, shelter, energy — are far
steeper still than the official rate. No one is safe from thugs anymore — whether a commuter on a
New York subway or the Pelosis in Pacific Heights. The country reportedly has a 25-day supply of diesel
fuel — the energy source that runs the nation. Meanwhile, we keep draining the Strategic Petroleum
Reserve of oil — a commodity we have in abundance but refuse to produce fully. We never fixed the
supply-chain crisis of last year, and so still face shortages of key consumer goods. The labor participation rate
is at an all-time low — given fat government COVID subsidies, the Siren-song appeal of staying home after the
lockdowns, fear of COVID, and millions of workers with long COVID.
government's executive branch is deliberately destroying liberty. How are they destroying us? Let me count the ways.
1. Electoral Fraud.
A. 2000 Mules.
B. Electoral Insurrection (treason).
2. Destruction of the Economy
A. Funding COVID development ("gain of function") in the Wuhan Lab; deliberate exaggeration of the COVID crisis; and COVID lockdowns.
B. Elimination of fossil fuels; creation of energy dependency; intentionally driving up gasoline prices; and pushing for electric cars.
C. Deliberately enhancing inflation.
D. Inviting unlimited immigration for cheap labor and Democrat voters.
E. Climate change hoax.
3. Destruction of the Family
A. Promoting abortion
B. Promoting sexual perversion and transgenderism.
C. Using public education as a platform for sexual grooming and turning children against their parent's values.
4. Establishment of Federal Police State
A. FBI persecution of Mama Bears as "domestic terrorists."
B. Property destruction by government brownshirts.
C. COVID lockdown, so the US is becoming "democracy with Chinese characteristics."
D. Corrupting the legal system by mob intimidation of the Supreme Court.
E. Government censorship of speech; classifying truth as "misinformation".
F. Breakdown of law and order.
G. Government efforts to disarm the public.
5. Destruction of the US Military
A. Wokism
B. Seeking war with Russia and China
C. Mandated vaccinations
Imagine the Unimaginable.
Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that
once would have seemed unimaginable. [...] The traditional bedrocks of the American system — a stable economy,
energy independence, vast surpluses of food, hallowed universities, a professional judiciary, law enforcement, and a credible
criminal justice system — are dissolving. Gas and diesel prices are hitting historic levels. Inflation
is at a 40-year high. New cars and homes are unaffordable. The necessary remedy of high interest and tight money
will be almost as bad as the disease of hyperinflation. There is no southern border. Expect over 1 million
foreign nationals to swarm this summer into the United States without audit, COVID testing, or vaccination. None will
have any worry of consequences for breaking U.S. immigration law. Police are underfunded and increasingly
defunded. District attorneys deliberately release violent criminals without charges. [...] Supermarket shelves are
thinning, and meats are now beyond the budgets of millions of Americans. An American president — in a
first — casually warns of food shortages. Baby formula has disappeared from many shelves.
COVID Testing Fail. On Monday, January 10, [...] Joe Biden unilaterally declared that everyone will get up to
eight free at-home COVID tests per month, to be covered at no additional charge by insurance companies. [...] COVID tests are
notoriously unreliable, and in most cases, unnecessary. [...] We are talking about government creating a new mandate that is
actually impossible to either deliver or afford. [...] They didn't acknowledge the fact that this quantity of tests is
unavailable. They didn't provide for the cost; they didn't give the providers, public or private, a chance to research
this deliverable and negotiate with manufacturers or deliverers first to see what might be achievable. The Biden-Harris
regime simply didn't think it through at all. And, for the shrinking percentage of our population who care about the
law, it's worth noting that, in addition to being impossible, this order is completely unconstitutional.
The Editor says...
Here's the gold nugget in the article above: "The Biden-Harris regime simply didn't think it through at all." Exactly!
• That's why they started printing money and handing out "stimulus" payments to everybody.
• That's why they think it's a good idea to defund the police, while letting violent criminals out of jail because they might catch Covid.
• That's why they encourage (or force) businesses to hire marginally-qualified ethnic minorities, just because they're not white,
• That's why they think if they eliminate
failing grades it will improve the quality of the public schools.
• That's why they killed the Keystone XL pipeline regardless of its effect on gas prices.
• That's why they opened up the Mexican border.
• That's why they pay unmarried women to reproduce.
• That's why they want everybody to drive an electric car — but please don't recharge it, because electricity is already in short supply.
• That's why they thought it would be okay to remove religion from the public schools.
• That's why they see nothing wrong with using a cell phone or a TV set as a babysitter.
• That's why they think we can eliminate hydrocarbons and get by on solar panels and windmills.
• That's why they elect politicians who promise to create "green jobs," even though there are no such jobs.
• That's why mail-in voting is allowed.
• That's why school teachers are unionized.
• That's why they insist on everyone wearing a useless face mask.
• That's why they celebrate men competing in women's sports, and transvestite sex perverts reading books to little kids at the public library.
Nobody on the left stops to ask, Where is this going to lead?
Cruel Progressive Creed Undoing Civilization. Debt is suffocating us. Our currency is on its way to being
Lebanonized. Most major American cities are broke, dirty, unsafe, and run by either corrupt incumbents, neo-Marxists,
or both. The law is optional, and applied asymmetrically on the basis of race and ideology. The past is found
guilty by the laws of the present and so it is being undone. The military budget is on a trajectory to be the smallest
in terms of GDP allotment since World War II; its careerist officers, for their own short-term interests, are now demonizing
and will soon be driving away the very demographic that has suffered percentage-wise the greatest casualties in recent wars
and was once unquestionably the foundation of the military. There is no U.S. border; it is an abstract construct that
millions will illegally cross in the next few years, ostensibly because they will become future soldiers in the progressive
wars for America to come. The idea of merit that built America is a dirty word, replaced by medieval tribalism of
hiring and promotion by superficial appearance. In just five months, Joe Biden created a desert and called it progress.
collective insanity that's rapidly erasing America. Many of us older than half a century no longer recognize the country
we grew up in. We have a hard time reconciling that past America with what we see happening today. America, to our view, was
predominantly a place of light, freedom, and joy. Now, as we witness a massing storm of iniquity, we either don't understand what we're
seeing or we choke back the language to describe it because the words all sound too harsh or politically incorrect. [...] This plague on our
society has pushed us to many forms of mass hysteria:
• We shun those who do not comply with outrageous and unconstitutional mandates.
• We blindly believe government officials and their allies in the media, though they have proven time and again that they lie and should not be trusted.
• We're emptying our jails of violent offenders while imprisoning law-abiding citizens — sometimes for simply exercising their rights.
• We're taking political prisoners like any third-world dictatorship.
• We allow our cities to be torched and looted with few repercussions.
• We're tearing down our history, our culture, and our traditions in the name of progressivism.
• We invite seemingly anyone who wants to enter the country illegally to take our jobs, receive public services, and drag down wages.
• Our national debt reaches into the stratosphere while politicians go whistling past the graveyard.
• We abort the innocent and defenseless while vigorously defending the guiltiest among us.
• We scare our children into radicalism with tales of impending doom due to climate changes that are as old as the earth.
• We're wrecking entire industries to "protect the earth" while propping up those same endeavors for our enemies.
• We deny biological realities and allow men to use women's facilities and participate in women's activities, provided that they "self-identify" as women.
• We subject the military to ideological litmus tests.
• We fraudulently change election results while casting those who push for transparency as "conspiracy advocates" and add their names to a list of domestic terrorists.
• We allow the government to censor those who oppose the lunacy that passes for public policy.
• We teach dependency and hatred at many school districts across the country, and within our colleges and universities.
• We accuse, disarm, and punish the law-abiding while acquitting the guilty.
This is the short list of our collective insanity.
Time Has Come for Reasonable Americans to Stand up and Draw a Line in the Sand. In Florida, Governor Ron
DeSantis has been under nonstop attack by corporate media because he has insisted on following the science and good sense
when it comes to keeping his state safe and open for business. CBS News deceptively edited video of DeSantis answering
a question about vaccine rollouts at Publix stores to make it look as if he were dodging a question he answered immediately,
clearly, and honestly. Hollywood productions and Major League Baseball are calling for boycotts of Georgia over their
latest voter laws. Airline companies and Coca-Cola are registering their condemnation. These entities and the
people who run them constantly bemoan the "division" in this country even as they willingly make half of their customer base
into automatic enemies with every new statement of protest they register. They have made what we eat and drink
political. They have made biology political. They have made flying political. They have made our national
pastime political.
I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know
then. Here are some important things that I didn't know five years ago or now.
• There actually is a Deep State, and those who constitute it really do not honor the election results or the will of the people.
• There really appear to be lawless elements within the upper echelons of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who are not accountable for their crimes and are thus above the law.
• The fourth branch of government, the bureaucracy, really is unaccountable to the "unwashed masses."
• Many of our top military command, along with many in the military-industrial complex, don't always hate wars. There's a lot of money and many promotions to be made during a time of war. The last four years saw no new wars and even troops coming home. For some, that is bad for business.
• Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm are no longer works of fiction, but prophecies.
• George Orwell was righter than Nostradamus.
• The news media centers of New York City and Washington, D.C. are not neutral arbitrators of the truth; rather, they uncomfortably resemble TASS and Pravda from the Soviet Union days.
• The old robber barons like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan are starting to look a whole lot better compared to the new robber barons like Dorsey, Zuckerberg, and Bezos.
• The United States Supreme Court would actually refuse to hear a legitimate case because it was frightened of violence.
• The left insists on conflating and equating evangelical Christians with White supremacists. This should terrify the Christian community.
• Words such as mom, dad, aunt, uncle, brother, and sister are now not words of love and respect, but considered politically incorrect verbiage in Congress.
• Censorship, the cancel culture, and becoming a nonperson come from the left, not the right.
• The left, not the right, actually is going to try to deny citizens' rights afforded to all in the Bill of Rights.
• Violence from the left is regarded as free speech and noble, while violence from the right is classified as sedition and felonious by powerful institutions.
• It really is not Republicans vs. Democrats, but globalists vs. nationalists.
• The new McCarthyism, blacklists, history re-writers, and re-education camps are coming from the left, not the right.
• Fences and barriers are a good thing for our nation's capital but somehow a bad thing for our nation's borders.
• Our Founding Fathers of yesteryear would be called "domestic terrorists" by some today.
• Presidential elections really can be stolen by corrupting just a handful of precincts in just a handful of states.
• Calling into question the validity of the 2016 presidential election is patriotic, while calling into question the validity of the 2020 presidential election is treasonous.
The Time for
Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past. Conservatives must accept this hard reality and avoid the aforementioned instinctive, very
human but in this case deadly habit: projection. [...] Their no-holds-barred attitude is apparent to all with eyes to see. They have
• continually attacked us traditionalists and fomented unrest at our political events while accusing us of authoring violence;
• visited career and reputational destruction upon those who dare speak unfashionable truths while accusing those truth-tellers of intolerance;
• used government agencies such as the IRS and FBI to persecute us while accusing us of endangering the republic;
• played the identity politics card and demonized whites while accusing conservatives of being divisive, racist and bigoted;
• conspired with foreign powers to undermine our nation while accusing us of treasonous behavior;
• enabled China, an imperialistic foe and a clear and present danger to our country;
• endeavored to steal an election after having wrongly accused conservatives of thus doing in 2016;
• abetted an invasion of our nation in order to raise an alien electoral army that can help them seize power;
• mismanaged a pandemic and caused death while using it as a pretext for stripping our liberties, "locking down" the country and destroying people's livelihoods;
• corrupted our children with perversion and scarred their bodies, minds and souls;
• facilitated the murder of the unborn while accusing us of indifference to the vulnerable;
• prosecuted conservatives on trumped up charges while shielding their co-ideologists from justice;
• called truth "hateful" or "misinformation" and censored it via Big Tech while presenting convenient lies as "fact";
• encouraged violent mobs to create mayhem and attempted to strip the imperiled of the capacity for self-defense while sometimes being protected themselves by armed details;
• attacked our history and heroes and destroyed our cultural heritage while effecting their own "Year Zero," dystopian transformation;
• indoctrinated the young in schools to transform them into foot soldiers in the leftist campaign of civilizational rape;
• attacked our nation's foundational faith, Christianity, while spreading corruptive moral relativism and destructive theologies; and
• degraded society with perverted science while accusing us of scientific obscurantism.
Revolution 2020. [Scroll
down] The Supreme Court's 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which outlawed state-directed
segregation, also gave impetus to all manner of efforts to re-form society by legal-administrative force. The decision
itself eliminated any chance that this could be done in a disinterested manner. It was not based on the plain,
unequivocal meaning of the 14th Amendment's "equal protection of the laws." Back in 1896, Justice John Marshall Harlan had
dissented from Plessy, arguing that any state establishment of racial preference whatever, regardless of its character
or intention, violates those words. But Thurgood Marshall based his decision on "science" — that is,
on the variable opinions of the credentialed class. A sociologist by the name of Kenneth Clark claimed he had proven
that Negro children could feel and learn normally only in a racially mixed environment. (The "black is beautiful"
movement began countering this immediately.) Quickly, "scientific" conventional wisdom made "benign" or "remedial
discrimination" by race official U.S. government policy. The Brown decision's reliance on "science" also confused
legally established segregation with the segregation that results from personal choices. This confusion was the basis
for Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination in "public accommodations" on the basis of
race. Thenceforth, Civil rights law was no longer about removing legal barriers to personal choices. It had begun
forcing personal choices. The Supreme Court's approval of the law as a mere regulation of interstate commerce
was thin pretense. The Act turned out to be the little law that ate the Constitution and poisoned American
society. It was passed primarily by Republican votes. Democrats, seeing the empowerment of a historic Republican
constituency in the South as potential disaster, scrambled to avert it by out-pandering Republicans, while describing any
reticence on their part as racial animosity and ascribing whatever ailed Negroes to the Republicans' racism. Quickly,
the dynamics of politics turned "civil rights" into a ruinous socioeconomic scam.
needs a New Declaration of Equal Justice under the Law. What has been allowed to grow in the American cultural
and political petri dish over the last two generations is a mixture whose contagious influence is as harmful as it is riddled
with absurdities. A partial list would include: an unequal two-tiered justice system; open borders; preferential
treatment of illegal aliens over American citizens; the dominance of political correctness and its de facto censorship of
free expression; fake news; rewriting history; the 1619 project; renaming Columbus Day; the abolition of traditions of every
size and shape; destruction of American historical monuments; trampling the American flag and other symbols of democracy; the
eradication of family values while celebrating and elevating relationships counterproductive to procreation — an
imperative for any civilization that wants to survive; election fraud and dismantlement of the electoral process; an
attempted coup that would have nullified the Constitution and the peoples' sovereignty; a baseless and wasteful impeachment;
the disgraceful character assassination of nominees to the Supreme Court; the pervasive infiltration of education with
academics hostile to America; the adoption safe spaces and the prohibition of trigger words on college campuses; union
control and influence on public school educational curricula whose net effect dumbs down students and often paints America as
the great villain.
the Totalitarian Power of Politicization. [Scroll down] Consider a schoolteacher who will not bow to the
ugly utilitarian aims of the Common Core, but who teaches great poetry for its own sake. The automatism of her fellow
teachers and her superiors will move to crush her. Consider the secretary who declines to post a rainbow flag on the
wall beside her. The machine lurches into action. Consider the curator of a small museum, who exhibits paintings
he believes are beautiful and powerful, without regard to the sex or the race of the painters. Juggernaut comes
a-rolling. The system is perpetually hungry. It must be so because lies evacuate the soul. The more you
feed, the emptier and hungrier you become. To the totalitarian mind, all things must be politicized; no region of life
may remain untouched, unabsorbed, undevoured. Choirs, knitting groups, groceries, elementary schools, day-care centers,
libraries, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, congregations, bowling leagues, fast-food joints, department stores, florist
shops, delicatessens, marriages, flirtation, love poetry — all must go down the vast assimilating gullet of Jabba
the State, who belches up emptiness and rages for more.
Democratic Descent into Madness: Super Tuesday Edition. The Democratic Party [...] has pushed some of the
worst ideas and most destructive policies ever seen, including its defense of slavery and the Confederacy during the Civil
War; the creation of the KKK to harass and kill former slaves; the enactment of an intricate web of laws throughout the South
to prevent former slaves and their descendants from exercising their full rights as citizens; calling in armed soldiers to
prevent black kids from attending state college; using "progressive" policies to destroy great cities across the country
(Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, and San Francisco among them); passing off a serial sexual predator as a champion defender of
women; attempting to destroy the U.S. healthcare industry while lying through their teeth about it; nominating Hillary
Clinton as its candidate for President; using the power of the federal government to spy on the rival party's presidential
candidate; and Chuck Schumer. [...] This is a party that needs to be punished. And the only way to punish a political
party is to take away as much of its power as possible.
Why Are Liberal Cities Such a
Mess? Many major U.S. cities run by liberal Democrats are in rough shape. They are afflicted by the problems of homelessness,
violent crime, gangs, and unemployment to a far greater degree than the country as a whole. Liberal cities are governed by the guiding
tenets of softness, misplaced "compassion," and individual unaccountability. Examples include:
• Hands-off policing style (NYC has long since abandoned the highly successful stop-and-frisk practices of the Giuliani years that led to low street crime).
• Sanctuary cities, which give rise to higher incidents of crime, poverty, unemployment, and the wasting of taxpayer-funded public resources because of the undocumented population's draining effect on the community.
• The inexplicable decision of cities like Boston to no longer prosecute crimes such as shoplifting and breaking and entering, leading to urban stores not being able to remain open and be profitable (thus denying the community of a valuable resource).
• Widespread locally approved abuse of the SNAP/EBT program, allowing its acceptance for alcohol and other nonessential items.
• Explicit sanctioning of sleeping on the street or other common public areas and unrestricted public loitering.
Liberal policies have worked almost perfectly to degrade the quality of inner-city life for their residents to the point of abject unacceptability.
In the age of
Canada elects a substitute drama teacher for prime minister.
Calling someone an "illegal alien" (a
legal term), carries a fine of up to $250,000.
Teachers are required to present LGBT content to junior high school
Illegal aliens can obtain driver's licenses.
A sharia law Islamist who married her brother to circumvent American
laws is now an American congresswoman.
A woman who fabricated a lie to gain entry to Harvard is at the top of the Democratic presidential
candidacy polls.
A man who endorsed the American Communist Party is running for president of the United States.
In a
time of surging stocks, record employment, record female work participation, and economic prosperity in the most capitalist country in the
world, capitalism is scorned.
Belongs to Those Who Oppose Drag Queen Story Hours. A new kind of debate is now raging inside conservativism. In
times past, we discussed the strategic and tactical options by which we might work toward common goals inside the existing political
framework. Today, the framework itself is in question. What is being discussed is the classical liberal foundation of the
American political system. Indeed, both left and right have worked inside this framework for much of our nation's history.
Rarely have we faced such a challenge to the way America resolves its problems. However, liberalism is in crisis. Our
society is in shambles and drifting steadily leftward. The most outlandish behaviors — political correctness,
transgenderism and Satanism — are being mainstreamed.
Fruits yet to be harvested:
You Understand that Democrats will Destroy America? The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All,
free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth,
leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak
the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican
tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US. Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken
immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket
government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be
rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to
keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit
will eventually destroy the value of the dollar.
Mayor Pete
and the Crackup of Christianity. Consider what has changed already. In the 19th century, blasphemy was a
crime. In the Roaring '20s the "vices" of booze and gambling were outlawed. Now they are major sources of state
revenue. Divorce was a rarity. Now half of all marriages are dissolved. After the sexual revolution of the
'60s, births out of wedlock rocketed to where 40 percent of all children are born without a father in the home, as are half
of Hispanics and 70 percent of all black children. Pornography, which used to bring a prison term, today dominates
cable TV. Marijuana, once a social scourge, is the hot new product. And Sen. Kamala Harris wants prostitution
legalized. In the lifetime of many Americans, homosexuality and abortion were still scandalous crimes. They are
now cherished constitutional rights. Yet, Mayor Pete's assertion — that God made him gay, and God intended
that he live his life this way, and that this life is moral and good — is another milestone on the road to a new
Do Most People in This Country Work, while Others Never Will? [Scroll down] In President Obama's home
town, the south and west side neighborhoods of Chicago had long been decimated by the long-term effects of a stream of
uninterrupted rule by Democratic mayors. The people left behind in these neighborhoods long ago gave up hope of a
better life and have been inevitably forced to rely on public assistance and making money in the underground economy,
including an unlawful drug trade dominated by violent gangs. The overwhelming loss of high-paying and often unionized
manufacturing jobs previously located in these neighborhoods had devastating and permanently detrimental effects and was the
main reason behind their rapid decline. The Democrats focus on addressing the grievances of their coalition of
constituent interest groups with the unfortunate effect of further dividing the American people by providing these groups
with special privileges and extra attention.
is Swallowing Up the Social Order. [D]espite increased government controls of everyday life in education,
policing and citizen surveillance (don't forget those traffic tickets based on surveillance cameras), and dictation of many
aspects of everyday living, we do not observe increasing order. We observe increasing social anarchy. Let's look
at a somewhat truncated list of what we have endured and are enduring as a society. We have seen horrible onslaughts as
follows: the Fort Hood jihad massacre, the Boston Bombing jihad massacre, the San Bernardino jihad massacre, the Pulse
Nightclub massacre, riots in Berkeley, Ferguson, and Baltimore, cop shootings in Dallas and New York City, the Sandy Hook
massacre, the Las Vegas massacre, the Texas church massacre, the Florida HS massacre, the Chattanooga recruiting station
attack, and the jihad attack in Garland, TX against Pamela Geller. We see anarchy further revealed by regular and
frequent breakdowns of mass transit systems in metropolitan New York City and elsewhere and massive infiltration of our
country by illegals (reminiscent of flooding in of Germanic tribes leading to collapse of the Roman Empire). The anarchy
occasioned by mass illegal immigration is encouraged by sanctuary cities with the avowed policy of protecting illegals, even
those with multiple illegal border crossings, from apprehension by ICE. Also, there is a drug use and abuse health crisis
of epidemic proportions. Further, the family in America is also being ripped to shreds as the number of children born
outside of the marriage bond was 5% in 1960 and is 40% for the last few years.
a Socialist Really Wants. Now we have the remarkable spectacle of Venezuela, one of the richest countries in
the world, being reduced to poverty and hunger by a dimwitted socialist junta. The whole thing is a public spectacle,
like botched plastic surgery on a movie star. The socialists in charge have all the answers. They know what you
need better than you do. Unfortunately, that turns out to be every tragic, stupid outcome imaginable. How does
any other country dare to discuss socialism?
It is not Mr. Trump who is dividing
America. When Barack Obama commandeered one seventh of the U.S. economy in the name of making health insurance
available to a small minority of Americans who did not have it, and he did so through political chicanery, with no support
from the Republicans, and against the wishes of the majority of Americans, that was divisive. When Mr. Obama tried
to force schools to allow males who "identified as" females to use women's bathrooms (and vice versa), and he did so with no
public debate of the matter and in the complete absence of credible scientific evidence that a biological male can in any
psychologically healthy sense claim to identify as a female, that was divisive. When white students at our best
colleges (and even recruits to the U.S. Army) are taught that they have enjoyed undeserved advantages because they happen to
have been born white in a nation founded and peopled mostly by whites, that's divisive. And when our political and
economic institutions are vilified as expressions of "white supremacy" because they were developed predominantly by the white
majority, that's divisive.
Pitiful Roots of Anti-Americanism. The Progressives' failure is not a failure to enact their agenda. They
have dominated America politically for the past century. FDR gave us really big government, and the federal government
has become a scandal of fraud, waste, and abuse — a scandal that even the Big Government Press cannot keep hidden
from us. LBJ declared War on Poverty — and that war was lost. Instead of eliminating poverty, the War
on Poverty has made poverty more pathological, creating an underclass, often now described as "permanent," living on
government handouts. Even the Progressives' anti-Americanism was given free rein with the election of Barack Obama, who
shared their obsession with "fundamentally transforming" America. Yet wave after wave of electoral victory has not made
American Progressives happy. Whenever the voters put the Progressives in charge, the result is governmental metastasis
and social catastrophe — by necessity. The left is simply wrong about how things work. It is easy to
come up with programs that defy common sense. It is also possible to use governmental power to impose those programs on
society. But the power of government can't make them work.
Worst-Run States Have This One Thing In Common. Four of the five worst-run states all have one thing in
common — and it's exactly what you think it is. That's right, states with the worst fiscal condition —
according to the Mercatus Center at George Mason University — are almost universally run by Democrats.
Aren't the Problem. The Collapse of the Morality You Mock is the Problem. God is not mocked and our
society has been mocking him for some time. From the collapse of the family; to a culture of death that champions
abortion on demand; to a growing hostility towards people of faith; to championing deviancy while normalcy is defined a
deviant; to attacks on the two parent, heterosexual nuclear household; to porn culture, our society is rotten and these
things happen in rotting societies. This has always been under the surface. Now it is boiling out because God has
handed us over to ourselves. [...] We have determined that mothers and fathers are interchangeable or don't even matter.
We have determined that sexual expression is the height of society. We have determined that humanity and personhood are
severable. Frankly, even lax European cultures have less of a culture of death than we do. We stand almost alone
in the West in liberal abortion policy.
Democrats wage war on God, faith and American history. The further we've moved away from God in our schools,
the more he's been replaced by the extreme indoctrination of our kids with teaching and programs that completely undercut
what families teach their children at home. Nobody seems to care that parents are offended that many schools are no
longer interested in partnering with them and instead are undermining them as the primary authority in the lives of their
children. Political correctness has infected schools to the point where priorities are out of whack. Our schools
lack the security they desperately need, teachers are underpaid, and yet politicians ignore these real issues and, instead,
pick fights with people of faith.
Americans Got Hoodwinked. [Scroll down] By the 1980s, an entire new generation was disoriented.
School and media had turned young minds toward an ideology at odds with America's founding principles and values.
Americans progressively lost their moral bearings and their identity as Americans. Marxist activists and other
crusaders for a collectivist nation had by now taken positions of leadership in academia, government, and church.
Public schools were beginning to pit students against their parents and filling their heads with ideas calculated to
undermine the core values of their country and heritage. Americans who got all their news from the mainstream press or
TV were unaware that a culture war had broken out across the country. Mainstream media reporters, allegedly on the side
of truth, were either ignorant or complicit.
Socialism's Gateway
Drug. There's open talk of a divorce between individualists and collectivists; i.e., a separation of the US
into at least two separate countries. Can chaos be far behind when so many see the corruption from top to
bottom, and are giving up belief in The Great Experiment? [...] The corruption in government is not just for enrichment or
power. It's to sow the seeds of WHY BOTHER? among the population. [...] The flood of third-world immigrants is
not just for "diversity". It's to sow the seeds of violent civil unrest as the natives of America and Europe finally resist
at the 11th hour. [...] The deficit spending of every Western government is not just to buy votes. It's second-level
intent is to sow the seeds of an inevitable financial collapse, leading to societal chaos. [...] Look around you at what's
happening. Look at everything — every single thing — the Left does, in the context of
trying to precipitate chaos.
Giving Leftists What They Want Made America Better? In 1962, the United States Supreme Court gave leftists what they wanted:
the removal of prayer from public schools. So how has that worked out for us? Since prayer was removed from schools in 1962,
out-of-wedlock births for girls 15-19 years old has tripled. Violent crimes have increased tenfold. Single-parent female-headed
households have grown from 5 million in 1962 to 12 million and growing. Sexually transmitted diseases in kids 10-14 years
old has skyrocketed, increasing 257% since 1962. Fifteen-year-olds having sex since 1962 is up 1,000%. For decades, divorce rates
were declining. Since 1962, divorce rates have increased 117%, making America number one in the world for divorce.
Course Children Prefer Liberalism. Liberals knew well what they were doing as they worked for decades at destroying
the family. As generations of Americans have been raised in broken homes — often by broken people — it makes it
easier to make them wards of the state. After all, if you don't have parents who care much or provide much for you,
why not look to Uncle Sam and his trillions? One of the great lies of modern liberalism — perhaps the great
lie — is that the world owes us something, and it's up to us to do whatever it takes to get it. If one has the "right" to
do whatever one wishes in the sexual realm, why take responsibility for an unplanned pregnancy? And if we don't have to
worry about sex leading to children, why get married at all? And if we want to get married, why can't we define
what is marriage?
the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture. [Scroll down] This cultural script began to
break down in the late 1960s. A combination of factors — prosperity, the Pill, the expansion of higher
education, and the doubts surrounding the Vietnam War — encouraged an antiauthoritarian, adolescent,
wish-fulfillment ideal — sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll — that was unworthy of, and unworkable for, a
mature, prosperous adult society. This era saw the beginnings of an identity politics that inverted the color-blind
aspirations of civil rights leaders like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. into an obsession with race,
ethnicity, gender, and now sexual preference. And those adults with influence over the culture, for a variety of
reasons, abandoned their role as advocates for respectability, civility, and adult values. As a consequence, the
counterculture made great headway, particularly among the chattering classes — academics, writers, artists,
actors, and journalists — who relished liberation from conventional constraints and turned condemning America
and reviewing its crimes into a class marker of virtue and sophistication.
Is Swallowing Up the Social Order. [Scroll down] Thus, despite increased government controls of everyday life in
education, policing, and citizen surveillance (don't forget those traffic tickets based on surveillance cameras), we observe increasing
social anarchy. [...] We see regular and frequent breakdowns of mass transit systems in metropolitan New York City and elsewhere, massive
infiltration of our country by illegals (reminiscent of flooding in of Germanic tribes leading to collapse of the Roman Empire), and the drug
use epidemic. We see thirty-one "gender designations" by the City of New York with male and female demoted to being only two of the
thirty-one. Recently the mayor of Oakland, Calif. notified 1,000 illegal alien felons (yes, felons — not just nice men and
women scrambling to make a living) that ICE was coming for them. These developments suggest that anarchy is rife. Thus,
we see that the scope of government has grown and become more intrusive, but at the same time, anarchy seems to be racing forward at
warp speed. The leftists seem to think the anarchy is growing because government, despite its growth, has not been growing big
enough or fast enough. According to their thinking, growth in government power is the answer to anarchy.
Liberal-Created Failure. According to professor William Gronfein at Indiana University-Purdue University
Indianapolis, by 1955 there were nearly 560,000 patients housed in state mental institutions across the nation. By
1977, the population of mental institutions had dropped to about 160,000 patients. Starting in the 1970s, advocates for
closing mental hospitals argued that because of the availability of new psychotropic drugs, people with mental illness could
live among the rest of the population in an unrestrained natural setting. [... But] shutting down mental hospitals didn't
turn out the way advocates promised. Several studies summarized by the Treatment Advocacy Center show that untreated
mentally ill are responsible for 10 percent of homicides (and a higher percentage of the mass killings). They are
20 percent of jail and prison inmates and more than 30 percent of the homeless. [...] Many innocent people have
been assaulted, robbed and murdered by mentally ill people. Businesspeople and their customers have had to cope with
the nuisance created by the mentally ill.
The Left Is Reaping
the Whirlwind of the Culture They Made. [Scroll down] It seems clear to me the sheriff was speaking about
rap music with its hateful, violent and misogynistic lyrics, and video games like Grand Theft Auto, where you can have
sex with a prostitute then strangle her or pull an innocent person out of a car, beat him, then steal his vehicle. I am
a First Amendment purist and don't want to see expression censored in any way. And I don't argue that there's a
straight line between any specific cultural creation and bad acts. But surely, a culture in which those in authority
approve of and argue for things like gangsta rap and GTA — and indeed for the use of violence to silence speech
that offends them — well, such a culture becomes a machine for transforming madness into murder.
A Time for War.
Civil War. It's here. Now. Thankfully this is not yet the blood in the streets kind of war, but war it is.
[...] Examples of the current battles in the war:
Racialism, black lives matter, NFL kneeling, and the war
on being white.
The new feminism, and the war on being male.
The new feminism, and the
war on the unborn.
Turning sex into a cesspool. Weinstein, Hollywood, preying on children, rampant
unfaithfulness, broken families, transgenderism.
Turning race baiting and sex allegation into weapons of
mass destruction.
Environmental catastrophism.
Health care control.
Spending our grandchildren's money.
Allowing immigration to strangle what's left of our institutions.
Pretending radical Islam is okay, but Judeo-Christian culture is not.
Teaching that socialism
is just another form of government and not a failure.
Teaching that our country is inherently evil, and
must be changed throughout.
There are many others. But the important thing to understand is every one of these major
battles is going on simultaneously.
No, I Am Not a Moron but Half
the Country is Deranged. Of all the crises plaguing the nation, who would ever consider gender identity and
potty access as the most pressing issues yet we now have the unthinkable occurring. Men allowed to enter ladies
bathrooms whenever they like and dogs getting their own bathrooms at JFK airport. Criminals getting their sex change
operations paid for by taxpayers while in prison. Transgender former males winning female sporting events ('quel
surprise') like wrestling or weightlifting. The language we all learned from day one has become weaponized by the
gender militants in our Marxist academia.
6 Big Ways Liberals Are Destroying America's Culture. [#1] The Politicization Of Everything: Want to
watch football? There are players protesting the flag. Turn on a Hollywood awards ceremony? There are
actors making political statements. Want to go to the bathroom in peace? Well, first, we need to know if you're
okay with sharing it with someone who feels like the opposite gender today. You're just a regular person telling an
off-color joke you heard? Better be careful; that could turn into a front page scandal if the wrong group gets
offended. Want to buy a Halloween costume for your kid? Well, you better make sure it's someone of the same race
or people will be upset. Want to go on a date? If you date someone of the same race, you may be racist.
Ready to marry your honey? Then you better support gay marriage or you're a homophobe. I can remember a time in
America where you could just live your life without paying attention to politics at all if you wanted and that was a good
thing. Remember that old saying? Never discuss race, religion or politics in polite company? Well, because
of liberals, you don't have a choice anymore.
the Left Devalues American Citizenship. In his relentless effort to devalue what it means to be an American,
Obama exempted citizenship applicants from a major part of the Oath of Allegiance. Applicants no longer have to
pledge to defend our country. [...] While illegals are not official citizens, outrageously, they receive benefits unavailable to
citizens — free attorneys, college tuition, checks, abortions, and more. Democrats and fake news media are
working to guilt-trip Americans into gifting illegals the right to vote (some are already voting). So, illegals don't
desire or need no stinkin' U.S. citizenship. Obama's illegals have no desire to assimilate.
Democrats: Does Trump do anything that's not racist? [Scroll down] When you don't enforce immigration
laws, you will get more illegal immigration. When you don't hold people to account on sexual abuse like Bill Clinton, you will
get more sexual abuse. When you have a secret slush fund to pay off claims for congressmen and no disclosure, you will get more
claims. When you allow people like Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and Holder to lie to Congress with no repercussions, you will get
more liars, and when you have a secretary of state who repeatedly lies and violates securities laws — who enriches her
family and foundation with her political position, who repeatedly lies and not only doesn't get penalized, but gets rewarded with
a presidential nomination — you will get more political corruption.
Island, Connecticut and Illinois are the 'worst possible states to live in' (but Louisiana and Mississippi aren't much
better). If you live in Illinois, Connecticut or Rhode Island, the chances are you know someone who is not
happy. Not happy at all. Around a quarter of the population living in these regions have described them each as
the 'worst possible state to live in', according to a Gallup survey. The map data doesn't explain the nature of the
residents' grievances.
Timely news and commentary:
Biden Noise. Here is a small sample of some of the noisiest issues, which were almost
entirely self-inflicted:
• DEI — Forced DEI policies throughout the government at the expense of merit.
• Borders — Four years of open borders, welcoming in over eight million
immigrants, most of whom were illegal and scarcely vetted for criminal and/or terrorist backgrounds.
• Deficits — Annual, unsustainable federal deficits averaging
>$1.9 trillion for four years, causing inflationary distress throughout the U.S. economy.
• Climate Change — Extensive shutdown of the fossil fuel industry,
declaring climate change an existential threat to the world.
• COVID — Regime-wide cover-up by Fauci, his Pharma cronies, and the MSM, with no effort at accountability.
• Endless Wars — Following the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan,
the Biden regime gave huge financial, military, and diplomatic support to Ukraine after Russia's
Feb 2022 invasion facilitating total casualties estimated to be over a million.
The overwhelming November election sweep of the House, Senate, and White House was a clarion call
for smaller government and big policy and personnel changes in our leadership.
Decline and Fall.
When I moved to Minnesota after law school, it was considered a good place to live. The state
had a strong economy, pretty good public schools and an educated work force, above average health
care, very little crime and a reputation for clean government. All of that is gone. [...]
Terrible (i.e., left-wing) governance is the main cause of Minnesota's collapse, but immigration —
itself largely a consequence of bad governance, of course — has played a significant role.
EPA [is] killing the state. Readers know the perils of the government of California
SSR. It is a place where shoplifting is a right, pooping in the streets on demand is the law, and
illegal aliens are as protected as snail darters. Neither type of animal is on the endangered
list. Under Chairman Brylcreem's command, the state blows up dams to save fish. That
exploding the dam killed hundreds of thousands of fish and deer is no reason to criticize Governor
Gavin. His heart was in the right place. The state suffered the worst manmade disaster
in America this month when wildfires destroyed much of Los Angeles. The combination of the
state ignoring basic forestry management, draining reservoirs ahead of the annual Santa Ana winds,
and Los Angeles cutting back on fire department spending — which meant it postponed
checking fire hydrants — doomed the people. And for good measure, Mayor Karen the
Cuban Commie Bass put lesbians in charge of the fire department, emphasizing DEI over
competence. Oh, I almost forgot. Democrats refused to let insurers raise their rates,
which led to them canceling policies.
Lousiest President of All Time. Anybody who wants to explain how bad the Biden
administration is has to start with COVID. [...] [T]his society was immediately cleaved in
two. All the healthy and thoughtful people were pitted against the sanctimonious do-gooders,
the goose-steppers, and the hysterical weaklings. And they beat us into submission, big
time. And Joe Biden was their champion. Almost overnight, millions were thrown out of
work, and a vaccine was made up that nobody had properly tested, which no company was liable for
and, in its experimental form, until the pandemic hit, had never been approved by the FDA. Joe
Biden tried to force every American in a company of more than 100 people to take it or lose
his job — around two thirds of the whole country, it turned out. Heart attacks in
teenagers went through the roof. People had to choose between gambling their health and
losing their homes. Pfizer was completely unaccountable and made a windfall.
Mom-and-Pop stores across the nation went bankrupt, and gyms and churches were forced shut, and
Walmart and Amazon made a killing. To make up for the mass unemployment Democrats caused and
encouraged, Joe decided to print more money than anyone ever did in American history — a
bill worth $1.9 trillion, which singlehandedly made the dollar implode. This made
everybody in the country take a giant pay cut, effectively, and now most Americans can't afford the
groceries they were buying in 2019.
the Storm Arrived? Thanks to former President Joe Biden, America has
10-15 million new illegal aliens, mostly young men of military age, from virtually every
country across the globe. Biden upped the national debt to over $36 trillion, with
annual interest payments on this debt exceeding $1 trillion, more than we spend on
defense. Crime is out of control, as exemplified by a New York City subway rider being set on
fire and a flight attendant getting her throat slit on the 16th Street Mall in Denver. We
have spent hundreds of billions of dollars securing the borders of Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, South
Korea, and others while leaving our borders open with a large welcome mat. The government has
been weaponized against domestic opposition, ranging from a presidential candidate to nonviolent
protestors, school board attendee parents, Latin Mass aficionados, and those challenging the
whimsical and fickle COVID "science." Inflation has wrecked the finances of middle-class
America, making it challenging to put groceries on the family table, pay basic bills, and enjoy
anything close to the lifestyle of past generations.
Crowning Legacy: 20% Bidenflation And The Economic Carnage Left Behind. Which is the
bigger cover-up — Biden's frailties or Bidenflation? The so-called experts, Nobel
laureates, and leftist media elites have the chutzpah to hoodwink Americans into believing
inflation is 'under control' just because CPI dropped from its 9.1% peak under Biden. But ask
any hardworking family, and they'll tell you the truth — prices didn't go back down;
they just stopped rising as fast. [...] When Biden took office, inflation was at just 1.4%. Since
March 2021, inflation has consistently remained above the Federal Reserve's 2% target (46
consecutive months). Under Biden, the federal debt has increased by $8.4 trillion. To
finance the President's spending spree, the Federal Reserve printed money from nothing. The
increased money supply, without a corresponding increase in goods and services, reduced the value
of each dollar, causing prices to rise quickly and leading to high inflation, effectively acting as
a hidden tax on everyone. Prices have increased by 20%, while real wages have declined by 3.2%.
liberal is seeing red after decades of California misrule meant my house burned down.
One-party rule has been squandering California's abundant talent and treasure for decades, turning
a one-time exemplar of the middle-class American dream into a crumbling, crowded and crime-ridden
hellhole. Los Angeles especially has suffered a steep decline. The enlightened liberals
of Hollywood and Silicon Beach simply chose not to see it — gated communities and
private schools certainly helped. That was before this month's catastrophic wildfires leveled
whole communities — and took out some of the choicest real estate in the country.
Now the grossly incompetent leadership of our climate-change-crazy, DEI-obsessed overlords have
many in this bluest of blue states seeing red.
Environmentalist War on California. Misguided environmentalist policies were major
contributors to the California fires. The first policy led to a self-inflicted shortage of
water, the second policy led to the buildup of tinder in California's forest, the third to the
large number of EVs that exploded. Additional environmental policies were indirectly
responsible for the self-inflicted shortage of firemen, fire equipment, and powerlines that
desperately needed to be fireproofed. The first major factor that contributed to the massive
fires was lack of water. Southern California has more than enough rainfall to put out
fires. However, the majority of rainfall occurs during the rainy season. In order to
avoid out-of-control conflagration during the dry season, such as the one that just took place,
that water should be stored in reservoirs. Why hasn't this been done? In the last
century California built dozens of dams creating the reservoir system that supplies the bulk of the
state's drinking and irrigation water. This century California has been unable to complete
even one. The Sites reservoir was planned in a remote corner of the Sacramento valley for at
least 40 years. One reason is that environmentalists blocked it with lawsuits and
another is the difficulty in getting permission from the environmentalist state water board to use
Sacramento River water to fill the reservoir.
the Great Destroyer. The lights are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them
lit again in our lifetime. Energy costs are de-industrializing one former economic power
after another. [...] There is no way any country can manufacture products competitively if it has
uncompetitive energy costs. This is blindingly obvious, and yet liberals in most countries
either haven't gotten the message, or are deliberately impoverishing their own citizens. I
think the latter is more plausible.
progressivism is so progressive, why does it keep taking us back to the Stone Age?
Taking away parental rights and allowing young children to mutilate their bodies based on some
immature thoughts is not forward-thinking. It is intentionally harmful. As the medical
industry improves, it is moving backwards to move towards abortion at any stage of a pregnancy no
matter how fully developed the child is. It is extremely harmful to women to move backwards
and force them to compete against males, and share locker room space with them because certain men
say they feel like they are women. There is nothing more backwards-looking for a country than
supporting soft-on-crime district attorneys, promoted and financed by George Soros, versus
enforcing laws and keeping dangerous criminals off the streets. Moving towards socialism and
away from capitalism is intentionally destructive, not progressive. I can think of nothing
that Joe Biden has done that has made the U.S. or the world safer or stronger. Every
achievement Biden and other Democrats brag about involves big government spending: Obamacare,
the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act, paying off student loans, the CHIPS act,
etc., all involved massive government spending that puts us further in debt.
Cascade of Failures in California. Besides dry brush and celebrities, Topanga Canyon
also contains many homeless encampments. People cooking food and drugs in steep-sloped
canyons with dry brush is a recipe for disaster. Local residents pushed for legislation to
have them removed, but it's taking time. Meanwhile, L.A. County responds to multiple
wildfires in homeless encampments every day. If Phase One is allowing massive amounts of
unburned fuel to accumulate, and Phase Two is to import vast numbers of illegals, some with
malicious intent, and to allow homeless encampments in fire-prone areas, then Phase Three is to
reduce the amount of available water, firefighting personnel, and equipment. California
hasn't built a new reservoir since 1980. One reason for this is that dams and reservoirs are
costly, and voters feel that the money would be better spent elsewhere — perhaps on
Governor Newsom's high-speed rail. California residents have faced periodic droughts and
water shortage measures for years but have chosen not to take action to increase their potable
water supply. Another reason is a three-inch silvery blue fish that lives in the San Joaquin
Delta. The delta smelt faces extinction, so, once again, legislators bowed to special
interest groups and diverted water from crop lands and reservoirs and allowed it to flow into the
ocean in order to save the fish.
Bass, and Negligent Homicide. When progressive icon and communist dictator Mao Zedong
launched his so-called Great Leap Forward (and later his Cultural Revolution) in China, he was
rumored to have invoked an old French saying about cracking a few eggs to make an omelet. [...]
Decades later, Anita Dunn and Ron Bloom of the progressive Obama administration proudly paraphrased
Mao's famous 1949 speech in Tiananmen Square, declaring, "Political power comes from the barrel of
a gun. We will attempt the power of persuasion, but we will not hesitate to use the
persuasion of power." In modern America, the closest thing to Mao's and Obama's
progressive utopia is to be found in the sad, debauched state of California.
update: No lights in Cuba, no water in L.A.. At some point, socialism
collapses. It does not have to be overthrown, it simply collapses on its own. Down in
Cuba, mismanagement did not update the power plants. Over in Los Angeles, environmental
fanaticism means that the fire hydrants can't pump water. Incredibly, no one in LA
has the courage to explain why the hydrants can't pump water.
The poorly-educated millennials watch too many movies, and cheer for the villains.
Strange, Persistent, Cheering at a CEO's Murder is Proof We Are Now an Idiocracy. Why
on earth are we still hearing more expressions of empathy for Luigi Mangione, alleged assassin of
United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson, than for his young children left fatherless? Incredibly
silly women are fawning over the 26-year-old alleged cold-blooded killer of the CEO and
even getting his face tattooed on their bodies as an everlasting memory of their stupidity.
Some gays have idolized him as an 'icon,' too. Even jealous Sean Diddy Combs is complaining
that Mangione is getting more attention than he is at the correctional center they're both now
imprisoned at. Because Mangione has a killer smile and rock-hard abs, he is designated to
achieve rock-star status among the amoral, mentally challenged populace of mostly younger Americans.
be careful for whom you vote; your lives may depend on it. [Scroll down] [Gavin
Newsom] takes no responsibility for his catastrophic policies that have quite literally ruined his
state. He does not remotely live by the dictates he imposes on the rest of us; not during the
COVID lockdowns and not during these fires. His policies — destroy dams, restrict
water to farmers and fire hydrants alike to protect the delta smelt, are all absurd on their
face. Then there is our commie mayor, Karen Bass (she is a Castro fan). She left the
country after she knew the fires were a threat due to the extreme winds. She is a DEI
mayor who has seen to it that the entire cast of Los Angeles government is woke —
pro-LGBTQ, diverse, as in prominently minority, gay and, above all, multi-cultural in the
extreme. The same is true of her Fire Department chief and assistant fire chief.
Neither merit nor qualifications are necessary to get a job in the Los Angeles ruling class.
Both Newsom and Bass should be immediately impeached for abject failure on the job. Neither
one of them is qualified or able to do the jobs they've been stupidly elected to perform. It
would be hard to adequately describe the anger Southern Californians now feel toward these two people.
Too Awful to Imagine? [Scroll down] [N]ot since the Woodrow Wilson scandal of
1919-1920, have the media and the Democratic left conspired to hide the morbidities of a president
that left him unfit mentally and physically to carry out the duties of the office. That
current and still ongoing covert effort put the nation at great risk, as evidenced by the
catastrophic humiliation in Kabul, the successful Russian gamble that the U.S. would not or could
not deter Putin from invading Ukraine, the unsteady and anemic reaction to the theater-wide wars in
the Middle East, the hyperinflation of 2021-2, the erasure of the southern border, the deliberate
greenlighting of some 12 million illegal aliens into the United States, and the weaponization
of the FBI, CIA, and DOJ.
Ugly Residue of the Biden Presidency. So just how bad is the damage Biden's
done? On the international scene, we have disappointed a number of allies. Saudi Arabia
has no idea where Biden is coming from, or what his motives are. Although Benjamin Netanyahu
praises U.S. support of the Gaza War, Biden seesaws between his willingness and his refusal to send
arms if Israel doesn't comply with his demands for a ceasefire. Since it looks like a deal is
imminent (although I don't know how a deal can be imminent after several weeks of negotiating),
Biden has backed off on his pressure. He can't seem to decide whether to reject Iran or get
in bed with them, so he's made half-hearted attempts to impose sanctions, while he continues to
supply them with cash. His ambivalent efforts to supply Ukraine with war materiel has
compromised their fighting efforts. The embarrassing, costly and incompetent exit from
Afghanistan will never be forgotten. And then there are the complications with the
Russia/China/Ukraine relationships: [...]
jobs that are most appealing to Gen Z. [Scroll down] What do we value?
Social justice, civil rights, climate change, personal happiness, and success, if they come
easily. Not all Americans, of course, but, in general, that's the vibe. Check out this
chart from Newsweek: [Illustration, not shown here, but well worth studying.] And these
are just the ones who haven't been indoctrinated in our colleges and universities. They want
"mental health" breaks. They want shorter hours, more vacation pay, and higher wages.
They want a stress-free work environment. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are
fine if someone else is doing the work, right? If we deny the reality of what America has
become, we can never solve the problem of what America should be.
Debt Grew by $2.5 Trillion in 2024. The national debt of the United States grew
by at least $2.5 trillion in 2024, and is projected to rise even higher in coming years.
As reported by Just The News, the national debt was $33.8 trillion on Christmas Eve of
2023. By December 24th of 2024, the debt has reached $36.3 trillion. If it
continues to rise at the current pace, then it will hit $39.2 trillion in 2026 and
$40.95 trillion in 2027. These estimates were made by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
forecast for the next 10 years. Along with the debt itself, the average interest rate
that the government must pay is also rising. Five years ago, the rate was 2.378%; it is
currently 3.155%. The interest rate rising alongside the debt creates a seemingly never-ending
cycle where the debt causes the interest rate to rise, which then results in more money being added
to the debt, which makes the interest rate rise even higher.
Democrats, too. Readers may believe I am being too harsh in my assessment, but look
at the way the Gay Transportation Secretary destroyed miles of interstate highways in the name of
fixing racism from 60 years ago. Governor Brylcreem is destroying dams in the name of
saving endangered fish; the dam removal killed the very fish Newsom said he was saving. Money
that should go to building things such as water reservoirs and bridges goes to Ukraine and luxury
hotels that house illegal aliens instead. Democrats are feeding the seed corn to the birds.
The best way to stop Democrats and cleanse Washington is to remove the craziest communists.
2025 — Taking Out the Trash. [Scroll down] Many US cities have
already failed outright — Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Buffalo
etc. They are abysmally governed and falling to pieces. They are filled with
purposeless humanity, lost souls, dangerous criminals, and ever-fewer places of employment.
Even the arguably still-successful cities — New York, Boston, Miami — have
attained a scale of operation that is not sustainable, not consistent with the resource and capital
scarcities to come. They will have to contract, drop services, lose population —
and the process will be very messy. Eventually, they'll be smaller, but they still occupy
some of the best geographical sites, so they will not disappear altogether. The contraction
will take a long time to resolve.
is no pardoning the Biden administration. The Biden administration, set up as it was
by the Obama administration, has been a clear and present danger to the United States of
America. [...] Its unwillingness to ever be available, accountable, or transparent is only matched
by its overwhelming desire and propensity to lie to the very citizens it is supposed to
serve. Which we have seen in its attempts to protect itself, smear Trump and his supporters,
give a pass to the Chinese spy balloon, and in its flat-out refusal to tell Americans anything
resembling the truth about the drone fiasco that has been ongoing for over a month. The
non-answers and gibberish that has spewed from the mouths of "government officials," has been truly
mind-blowing[,] on this and numerous other matters. As if all of this weren't enough, its
foreign policy may yet lead to our destruction. It essentially surrendered to goat-herders in
Afghanistan, leaving behind billions of dollars of high-end military equipment, more than a dozen
dead Americans, and our reputation and dignity.
Was So Different This Time About Trump's Election? [Scroll down] [D]uring the
2024-2025 transition, Trump has all but assumed the presidency. Over 100 foreign leaders have
elbowed each other to be invited to Mar-a-Lago or to phone in their congratulations to the newly
elected Trump. Remember that in 2016 the left screamed "Logan Act" if a Trump transition
appointee even talked with foreign officials. So why is newly elected Trump a veritable
cultural hero in 2024 in a fashion unimaginable eight years ago when the media had rendered him a
near demon? One, Trump is now seen as a welcome relief. A departing and unpopular Joe
Biden will leave with about a 36 percent approval rating. The prior Biden years are now
seen as abnormal, if not disastrous. The left's cultural revolution championed fringe
policies never quite seen before: destroying the border, welcoming in 12 million illegal
aliens, nihilist critical race and legal theories, institutionalizing a third sex, and mandating
woke/DEI quotas and indoctrination sessions. Yet Biden had inherited from Trump a secure
border, an economy rebounding after the COVID quarantines, 1.23 percent inflation, no wars
abroad, and cheap energy.
that the Biden DOJ is not only corrupt but is pure evil. If there is anything
Americans have learned from the horrific four years of the Biden administration, it is that our
government and its institutions — the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc. — is deeply
corrupt, and operate as any mafia or crime family organization. This state of affairs began
under Obama, was escalated and perfected by the destroy-Trump cabal, and consolidated under Biden
and his team of traitors — Mayorkas, Blinken, Sullivan, Garland, to name a few.
Each of them has, at the very least, behaved treasonously during their terms of office.
They've done terrible damage. They engineered the invasion of ten to fifteen million illegal
migrants and the concomitant rise in crime. With the open border came the trafficking of
hundreds of thousands of children and massive amounts of fentanyl that has been killing a hundred
thousand Americans a year. Biden's indiscriminate spending caused the inflation that is
hurting every working and middle class American. The Biden administration sabotaged the
country by ending our energy independence that Trump put in place.
the Years of Madness Ending? Never has the justice system, from local to state to
national jurisdictions, so systematically and coordinately, sought to bankrupt, render inert, and
jail an ex-president and current presidential candidate. [...] Never has a political party sought
to systematically violate long-standing traditions, customs, and often the law itself to destroy a
political opponent: hiring a foreign national to spread smears among the media and bureaucracies,
impeaching a president twice, trying an ex-president in the Senate, seeking to remove a
presidential candidate from 16 state ballots, using five different judicial jurisdictions to
try an ex-president, and serially so defaming a candidate and ex-president as a dictator, fascist,
and Nazi to create a climate that encouraged two near-miss assassination attempts on him.
an End to Corruption. The last four years under leftist domination led to
trillion-dollar deficits, sky-high inflation, millions of illegals prioritized over Americans, our
government hiding the truth about the Butler assassination attempt, and pardoning the president's
son. We have reached a tipping point where woke political correctness is rapidly giving way
to common sense. People say our country is divided into two equal camps, but the reality is
that 40% of the population has given up on "politics" and doesn't pay attention. The 20% of
committed leftists are the new "vocal minority," bolstered by fraudulent voting and the propaganda
media no one watches. Across the world, we are waking up to the fact that the globalists have
been systematically and ruthlessly undermining all attempts at conservative reform.
National Spelling Bee Goes Woke: Women Is Now Spelled W-O-M-Y-N. If your
third-grader is competing in the 2025 Scripps National Spelling Bee, good news: "W-O-M-Y-N" is now
an acceptable spelling of "women." (What a time to be alive!) In fact, "W-O-M-Y-N" is
explicitly listed on the National Spelling Bee's list of 50 "study words" that's distributed to
third-graders. Nobody knows when spoken language began, but written language developed
independently in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and Mesoamerica. Presumably, shortly after the
emergence of writing, was the emergence of the crotchety, ornery, spinster schoolteacher who'd
shame you before the class when you misspelled a word. And now, the proper spelling of women
is "W-O-M-Y-N." The National Spelling Bee has disavowed any responsibility. According to
them, all the words they used were taken directly from the Merrian-Webster Unabridged
Dictionary. Alas, after the Merrian-Webster's Grammar Gestapos approved of "W-O-M-Y-N,"
nothing more could be done. The Language Lords have spoken.
The Editor says...
The National Spelling Bee doesn't waste everybody's time with trivial words that are part of
everyone's vocabulary — unless the organizers choose to waste everybody's time
by injecting left-wing activism into everything they can.
Tipping Point. As we look through the "death by a thousand cuts" of woke American culture...
• transgender surgery performed without parental consent
• men competing in women's sports
• abortion near and after birth
• "Climate Change" and Earth worship to replace Jewish and Christian values
• Critical Race Theory
• lawlessness in inner cities
• unrestricted illegal immigration
• and a hundred more
...we see that the "overstory" was political correctness: "Everyone is entitled to their opinion,
even if they're 100% wrong. I don't want to be thought of as racist, sexist or intolerant." But now,
• when your son comes back from spring break to announce he's a woman in a man's body
• you lose a promotion to a totally unqualified person based on gender and skin color
• your restaurant is forced to replace its gas stoves
• you're told you will have to drive an electric car when there are already brownouts in your state
• the media tell you Biden is at the top of his game, Kamala Harris is winning in the polls,
the economy is the best it's ever been, and elections are safe and secure
• and a thousand more,
a new overstory has emerged: "common sense." You now say, "I'm fine with other people
holding crazy ideas, but if it hurts me, my family, or my country, I'm not putting up with it anymore."
(and Fiscal Reform) Will Double Your Income. Government and (via permission given to)
the banks, have stolen our wealth, captured our labor, leaving us with a measly 10% of our life's
energy to work with, to grow. Unless of course, you sign onto the grift, then you get cashed
out. The rest is paid to the government and to the banks, where it seethes in a vicious
circle to further immiserate us. Their principal energy is bent towards shutting us up.
All that changed on November 5. You can't have a free America and a locked down world.
That's a recipe for bullets, blood and the guillotine. Massive fiscal reform will release
that money and return it to you. The result will be a boom for the ages. Try to stay
with me on this. It will be all anyone will be talking, shouting, complaining about for the
next 18 months. And it is the only way to save the culture. No green economy, fancy
derivative, debt forgiveness, UN plan or tax will stop a thousand years of misery. Only this.
Was Fine With Milk and Egg Prices, Panics Over Guacamole Prices. After years of
telling Americans not to worry about high milk, bread and egg prices, the media is panicking over a
threat to their staple: guacamole. [Tweet] [...] Now maybe I'm a little biased because despite
living for nearly a decade in Southern California, I'm not sure why anyone would even eat the
stuff, but when your problem is being able to afford guacamole, instead of milk, bread and eggs,
you have a coastal elite problem. California used to produce a whole lot of avocadoes, but
since Democrats took over and decided to wipe out the water supply for farmers and destroy dams to
create artificial droughts, the avocados either come from Florida or Mexican cartels.
Pro-Crime, Defund The Police Activist Gets Her iPhone Stolen And This Video Is Delicious.
Independent journalist Kevin Dahlgren captured the moment the unidentified woman pleads with the vagrants
who she believed had her phone. 'If you stole it from rich scum, by all means keep it and sell it, but
I'm, like, really [lovely],' the woman said in the clip taken by photographer Tara Faul. 'If you
guys come up with my iPhone, I will give you more than... Like, I'm an honest person,' she added.
Dahlgren later reported that, despite her pleas, the woman did not get her phone back. The woman
also claimed she would not call the police, according to the journalist. It's not clear what the
woman was doing in the area or how her phone was stolen, but Dahlgren described her as a liberal
activist. [Video clip]
Influence of Herd Mentality on Sexual and Gender Identity. In a recent study (Gallup
2024) of sexual identity in the US, 30% of female respondents between 18 and 26 self-identified as
LGBTQ. In the Ivy League colleges, the numbers are even higher for both men and women.
At Brown University, a 2023 study showed that 40% of the students identified as such. How did
this come to be? In fact, how did the idea of being born a different gender or being born gay
come to be accepted by huge segments of the population? How is it that 3 million Americans
say they are transgender, and almost one million Americans say they identify as animals (furries)?
Already with the F-Bombs. I have a satellite TV system with a handful of movie
channels featuring new movies made for cable, and every time I click on one in the middle of some
story — no matter the format — cops and robbers, comedy — within
ten seconds — I am not kidding! — an actor spits out [the F-word]. And
as soon as I hear that word — I find it ugly and grating — I click to the
next channel and — I am not kidding! — with ten seconds, an actor, even an
actress, spews the same four-letter word. Then I click immediately to the third channel
and... same thing. I no longer can watch such "entertainment." The behavior also
exposes, every time, the scriptwriter's unwitting admission that he suffers from a limited
vocabulary in the rich English language. American culture has become unbearably vulgar, which
adjective commonly connotes dirty words that usually concern bodily functions below the waist.
The Editor says...
Yes, it does appear that nobody under 30 knows how to express himself or herself forcefully without
using profanity, and this condition has spilled over into television programs. Most of you would
eject a stranger who came into your home cursing and swearing. Why do so many people tolerate the
same behavior from the TV set? You have only yourself to blame if you don't unplug the television
and leave it out by the curb for the next garbage truck or neighborhood scavenger. Nothing requires
you to own a television, and the TV industry long ago passed the point where their programming does more
good than harm. If thousands of people cut the cord and stop watching television, the TV execs
will eventually get a clue and clean up their products.
Biden's EV mandate. While Biden's EV mandate and lavish subsidies have wrought havoc
in the auto industry, it has also affected the dependability of the U.S. energy grid. Our
energy grid was once a source of affordable and reliable power. Historically, America's power
grid has been mostly supplied by coal, with natural gas and nuclear power as significant
contributors. All these energy sources are extremely reliable, affordable, and have the
ability to produce the enormous amount of energy necessary to support the U.S. economy. [...]
Under Biden, the federal government has mandated the retirement of reliable and conventional energy
plants while rewarding utilities with extravagant profits for the construction of so-called green
energy sources such as wind and solar. What's more, the push for green energy has been
advocated for by giant utility companies and green lobbyists. Unsurprisingly, this has led to
the destabilization of the energy grid and ever-rising energy prices as well as more frequent
blackouts and brownouts. Ironically, the EVs that Biden, Left-leaning ideologues, and green
lobbyists want to force Americans to drive require huge amounts of electricity from a grid they are
making less reliable.
one should believe economists — they are apologists for bad policies. Here
are some of the actual Biden, Harris policies that led to high inflation: Doling out massive
amounts of taxpayer money to buy votes when the economy was already rapidly growing. There is
no excuse for running a $2 trillion deficit this year, in a supposedly growing economy.
They're just masking the problems. Flooding the United States with millions of illegals
because Biden and Harris reversed Trump's policies and ignored the law. Issuing massive
amounts of new regulations is clearly inflationary. Blocking pipelines and drilling on
federal lands while publicly seeking to destroy companies that use natural resources to produce
reasonably priced energy causes inflation in the U.S. and throughout the world. Forcing
people and businesses to buy expensive health insurance policies instead of fostering freedom of
choice. The media and other Democrats intentionally lie and claim that Obamacare has made
health insurance more affordable; the truth is that prices have skyrocketed for 14 years
because of the Affordable Care Act. Throwing money at colleges for 60 years has
certainly added to inflation. Then, we had a president who dictatorially paid off the loans
using other people's money and debt, which is also inflationary. Forcing car companies to
make expensive electric cars and trucks that people don't want is obviously inflationary. It
raises the prices of gas-powered cars, which covers the losses and all the capital investments.
emergencies and the new world order. [Scroll down] Without the "Diversity,
Inclusion, and Equity" ("DIE") emergency, would we have tolerated the sexualisation, feminisation,
and castration of our children? Would we have tolerated men punching women in boxing rings
for televised sport? Would we have tolerated gangs of thugs targetting and raping vulnerable
young women, or beheading those of us who criticise their beliefs, or the blasphemy laws protecting
them? Would we have tolerated the placement of rapists in women's prisons, or boys in girls'
changing rooms, or men as heads of rape crisis centres? Would we have tolerated men in
dresses, with no ability or interest in war fighting or operational readiness, commanding our
military forces?
and Harris Raided Medicare to Fund Green New Deal: Premiums Are Now Set to Spike.
When Democrats rammed through the Inflation Reduction Act during the days they controlled all of
Washington, D.C., it ignited a chain reaction that led to higher Medicare costs for America's senior
citizens. "Nearly two years after its passage, the IRA has diverted nearly $260 billion
from the projected Medicare 'savings' to pay for special interest handouts like large tax credits for
costly electric vehicles, enormous subsidies paid to big health insurer-PBM corporations, and funding
health care programs for illegal immigrants," Ron Fitzwater, Chief Executive Officer of the Missouri
Pharmacy Association, wrote in an Op-Ed in the Missouri Times. "The Biden-Harris administration
is not protecting Medicare; they're stealing from it," he wrote.
Obama connected to the Dem panic about Hegseth as Defense Secretary? The military is
both America's last and first line of defense against foreign enemies inside and outside of
America's borders — and for decades now, the Democrats have been chipping away at
it. Democrats have demoralized the military by snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in
Vietnam (we won the Tet offensive), Iraq (we'd won until Obama pulled us out, leaving a vacuum for
ISIS and Iran), and Afghanistan (we were at least maintaining until Biden gave us the most
humiliating retreat in American history). Democrats have structurally weakened the military by
focusing on climate change, not defense. And Democrats have corrupted the military at a core
level by bringing racial identity politics to what was once the best-integrated institution in
America and by flooding it with people who have a deviant sexual agenda. Pete Hegseth
promises to stand against all of that.
Inflation, and the Donkey that Cried Wolf. [Scroll down] Why is it that
the Democrats object to the inflationary aspect of tariffs, and they never object to the
inflationary effect of anything else they advocate? Over the past four years, the Democrats
have caused the costs of diesel fuel and gasoline to jump by fifty to a hundred percent. That
was inflationary. Did the Democrats ever apologize for that? Over the past four years,
they also printed hundreds of billions of dollars in fiat money to give to illegal aliens, green
energy companies, weapons systems for Ukraine, and big city bailouts through such pork-laden
programs as the Inflation Reduction Act. This was all inflationary, but it didn't stop
them. They fought to close coal plants and spend mints building worthless wind turbines and
solar panel farms, producing the least efficient and therefore most expensive energy possible for
our overtaxed electric grid. This increased cost of energy has driven up the cost of
manufacturing, the cost of refrigeration, the cost of cooking — everything from foods
and beverages to manufactured goods has gone up because of the Biden-Harris war on energy. That's
inflationary. But that didn't stop the Democrats from advocating such policies, did it?
City Blues. In reading through the stories of problems in America's larger cities,
one notices commonalities. When cities make the news for all the wrong reasons, those
covering them often mention their leaders. The 25 largest cities in America all have Democrat
mayors, and as of 2023, over 85% of the largest American cities are mostly populated by and led by
Democrats. That stands to reason. The colleges and universities that are turning out
people with advanced degrees have faculties that are overwhelmingly left-of-center. The high
schools, middle schools, and elementary schools likewise have faculties that lean left.
what Trump was — but what Harris wasn't. I received a Facebook message
written by an old friend whom I went to high school with back in the Midwest. [...] My friend's
comments accentuated the fact that wealthy liberals (especially in the D.C. area) have for so long
been isolated from real America that they don't know what most Americans are feeling these
days. For the last three-plus years, we've dealt with the Biden-Harris Administration giving
their blessing to boys in the girls' locker room, regular folks having to buy only half a tank of
gas to have enough money left over to buy lunch, or reading about unvetted immigrants killing and
raping our citizens while feeding at the government trough.
Trump's astonishing comeback means. Prosperity and improved public morale were
reversed when COVID-19 struck and riots erupted in the wake of the death at police hands of a black
drug abuser called George Floyd. Even though these riots were promoted by Democrats, a
chaos-averse public turned to a familiar and seemingly less divisive figure, Joe Biden, whom voters
judged more likely to bring back order and stability. Trump's refusal to accept that he lost
helped Democrats win two Senate seats in Georgia and led to a riot by Trump supporters at the
nation's Capitol. In January 2021, it seemed a good bet that he was a spent political
force. But then Biden enthusiastically smashed his promises of centrist government and
normalcy and pushed an agenda of unregenerate leftism. He threw open the southern border,
flooding communities across the country with unvetted migrants from around the world. He
stoked historically high inflation with massive debt-financed spending, which eroded everyone's
paychecks, especially those at the bottom of the income scale. In addition to the greater
costs of their own groceries, housing, and transportation, voters had to pay for all those items
being showered by Democrats on to Biden's illegal immigrants.
a True Vote Count, Trump Wins in a Landslide . Many feel that the November 5 election
should rightly be a referendum on corruption and misuse of power, specifically the Biden-Harris abuse of
power that may be unparalleled in America's long history. Consider:
• The exposure of massive corruption and compromise of the Biden family — during and after the time Joe Biden served as vice president — including tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments, and notably from entities with connections to America's number one enemy, the CCP.
• The adoption of an open border policy that enabled as many as 20 million illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. during the four-year Biden-Harris term, overwhelming our health and education welfare system, escalating the risk of terrorist attack on our soil, and increasing the likelihood of massive election irregularity.
• The two-tiered justice system on display in the political prosecution of Donald Trump, the arrest and imprisonment of J6 protestors — many of whom committed no crime — and the instigation of open season lawfare and jail sentences on most everyone on Trump's team from his first term. [...]
• The out-of-control deficit spending, money-printing and borrowing, pushes the U.S. ever closer to insolvency and the demise of the dollar, while having the immediate effect of spurring inflation in energy and food prices — with the greatest burden on the poor and lower class, many of whom now find the essentials of everyday living unaffordable.
Childless Cat Women, and Politicians. We are in the midst of a profound cultural
shift whose implications we refuse to look at because too much of the establishment is invested in
consumerist lifestyle libertinism. One reason all societies up to our day were interested in
and regulated marriage is that it was the way by which societies perpetuated themselves —
and societies had an interest in survival. Only in our time has that instinct of self-preservation
been subverted by constant claims of "autonomous individualism," an isolated individualism that results
in even natural things like the man-woman relationship and marriage becoming suspect. If all
this "social progress" was leading to greater general happiness and "joy," that's not apparent on the
streets of America. Depression and suicide among minors are growing. Marriage is delayed
or deferred until one of the latest points in life on record.
and Crime: Legacy of the Biden-Harris Border Policies. Upon being inaugurated,
one of the responsibilities Joe Biden and Kamala Harris assumed was to keep the American homeland
secure and safeguard our sovereign borders. Nearly four years later, looking at the
catastrophic, unprecedented border crisis that has unfolded on their watch, can anyone say with a
straight face they have fulfilled that obligation? The answer, unequivocally, is
no — and Americans are the ones paying the price. From the beginning, Biden,
Harris, and other key officials in their administration were determined to end President Donald
Trump's effective border security policies — regardless of the consequences. They
also refused to enforce long-standing immigration laws that administrations of both parties have
enforced. According to a new report by my committee, the incoming Biden-Harris team was
warned by current and former Department of Homeland Security law enforcement during the
presidential transition of what would happen if they embarked on this path — and yet,
they chose to do so anyway.
is disintegrating. What happens in a country without cultural conservatism?
Look no further than Canada, where the national identity is disintegrating. In 2015, soon
after taking office, the new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gushed to a fawning New York
Times that, "There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada. There are shared
values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each
other — but there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada." Along with his
fellow travellers in the institutions, he set to work ripping the country's historic identity to
shreds. The three prongs of the attack involved setting fire to its past, promoting LGBTQ and
critical race theory in schools and government, and unleashing an unprecedented wave of mass
migration. Only now that the full impact of this cultural revolution is sinking in is the
country waking up. Even the mainstream liberal left admits things have gone too far.
Voting by Facts, Not Feelings. When Harris and Biden stepped into office in 2021,
they inherited Trump's 1.4% inflation rate. They quickly exploded the overall inflation rate
to 19.75 by passing the American Rescue Plan Act. Then, in August 2022, the Senate
passed the Inflation Reduction Act because of Kamala's tie-breaking vote. That act authorized
$891 billion in additional spending, massively increasing inflation. Harris's philosophy
of restricting gas and oil production had a substantial detrimental effect on American
consumers. The national average cost of gasoline under Kamala rose 47%. Americans paid $2.28
per gallon under Trump, but that same gallon would cost $3.35 today. Under Kamala, filling up
a 20-gallon gas tank would cost Americans $67; under Trump, it would cost only $45.60, or $21.40
less. The increase in fuel costs put incredible hardships on truckers who ship various goods
across the country. The unnecessary increase had a catastrophic domino effect.
Groceries became more expensive by 20%, electricity went up 28%, and rent went up 21%.
Nearly everything Americans purchased became far more costly.
Current Government Is No Longer Constitutional. A recent Wall Street Journal
editorial tells us that notwithstanding the proven sheer impracticality of it, the new greenhouse
gas emissions rules that the Environmental Protection Agency promulgated require that
battery-powered and plug-in hybrid vehicles constitute 32% of new automobile sales by 2027, and 71%
by 2032. Never mind that EVs are vastly inferior to gasoline-powered vehicles and extremely
dangerous because they catch fire in minor accidents. Still, coal, gas, and nuclear are out,
and wind and solar are in. The hills are alive with solar and wind farms, but what do they
plan for when the sun's not shining and the wind's not blowing? Where can you find a charging
station when you need one, how long will it take to charge your EV, and how far can you drive
before you next charge? Since one terrorist with a .22 rifle can take out a substation, we
might want to contemplate life without electricity.
Costs Explode As Kamalanomics Massively Backfires. Go to Kamala Harris' campaign
website and among the very short list of alleged achievements is this: "She cast the deciding vote
to lower drug prices and cap insulin prices for our seniors." The only problem is that drug
costs for seniors have skyrocketed since Harris signed that bill. Harris is pointing to the
criminally misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act," which got zero Republican votes, and which was
supposed to lower the cost of prescription drugs by giving, as Harris puts it, "Medicare the power
to negotiate lower drug prices with Big Pharma." When George W. Bush established Medicare
Part D, he let private insurers negotiate with drug companies over prices and then compete for
seniors' business. The result was a program that cost both seniors and taxpayers far less than
government bureaucrats had expected, offered seniors a wide range of options, and had premiums that
barely budged for more than a decade.
got to take responsibility for what happened in your administration.". Oops!
The above quote may be Kamala Harris's most devastating, grievous error in her sit-down with Bret
Baier last night. We can be sure that those words escaped her mouth before she realized what
she was saying. [...] With that quote, she admitted that she and Biden are indeed responsible for
[#1] The horrific withdrawal from Afghanistan.
[#2] The mind-numbing, tragic consequences of their open border. At least
ten million migrants have entered the country unvetted, thousands of criminals among them.
Sex- and human-trafficking has exploded as a result. So has crime across the board.
[#3] The war in Ukraine — millions lives lost there.
[#4] The Hamas attack on Israel, due to their obvious anti-Israel bias.
[#5] The irresponsible spending that gave us the highest inflation in decades.
[#6] The evisceration of our military with DIE and transgenderism.
[#7] the gift of billions of dollars to Iran that has funded the subsequent terrorism against Israel.
[#8] The lawfare unleashed on Trump, all of it manufactured out of whole cloth to take him off the board.
[#9] The weaponization of the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, etc. that has led to peaceful protesters being
imprisoned for exercising their First Amendment rights.
[#10] The fact that Joe Biden is owned by the Chinese Communist Party — he owes his wealth to them.
[#11] The administration's disastrous response to the hurricanes.
By her standard, Harris
must "take responsibility" for all of the above.
U.S. government [is] now effectively a criminal organization. Think of the millions
of illegal aliens, many of them criminals, allowed to cross our border in recent years.
Countless numbers of whom have been given cell phones, pre-loaded credit cards, driver's licenses,
and been transported around the country and put up in nice hotels. Or sent to 'battleground
states.' For some reason. Coincidence, I'm sure. The government doesn't want you to
think about the staggering amount of crime, sex-trafficking, and fentanyl that has come across the
border with them. Mention this, and you will likely be accused of racism, xenophobia ... or
of spreading 'misinformation.'
Out of the Closet. [An earlier] article described the Cloward-Piven Crisis strategy
that Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, two radical Columbia University professors, dreamed
up. Their first target was the welfare system. They hoped that signing up every person
eligible for every public service would overwhelm the system and cause its collapse. In the
ashes, they would then suggest the solution: a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. (Note
that such proposals have been added to Biden spending bills but were stripped out). They went on to
target voting and were the authors of the National Voter Registration Act (i.e., Motor Voter). That
law made voter roll maintenance much harder while making non-citizen voting much easier.
Since then, the Crisis strategy has expanded into virtually every area of our lives. Almost
everything we are witnessing in our nation today is part of it. From tidal waves of illegal
immigration (don't call them "migrants," which is leftist terminology; they are illegal
aliens), the fentanyl crisis, suicides at record numbers (especially among the young and
members of the military), to the war on energy, the war on morality and sexuality, the War on White
America and the War on Black America (yes there is one of those too) — everywhere you
turn the Left has put our nation at war with itself, with the ultimate goal of overwhelming it to
the point that the entire society degenerates into chaos and civil war. That end goal will
provide the pretext for the powers that be to declare martial law, seize our guns and take over by
force if necessary.
2020 Theft Saved This Country. First let's state the obvious:
of course Trump won in 2020. The statistics are overwhelming. Leftists often try to use
statistics to "prove" racial discrimination in all sorts of situations. For some reason, they
don't seem to have the same desires and statistical certitude regarding the overwhelming
statistical evidence that Trump won. Combine this with the truckload of obvious —
and unexplainable — shenanigans across many states and it is clear the rightful winner
was Trump. [...] If Trump's win had been acknowledged he would have been President the last
3.5 years. A whole lot of bad things in this country and across the globe wouldn't have
happened. But they did. But these actions and their results have acted as a catalyst to
real change.
Excrement Has Poisoned the West. The West has seen the destruction of marriage, and
now even the destruction of the human being as male or female, promoted as progress, both in the
name of equality. Constant disestablishment of norms recognized by nearly every civilization,
all in the name of "equality," is an attempt to create civilizational sanctification achieved by
ceaseless flagellation deemed necessitated by a radicalized definition of "equality." But the
endless punishment of a given culture's norms only leads to wounding and hardened scarification of
the individual's and society's conscience, their innate sense of moral order. The
never-ending revolution in the name of "equality," the constant wounding and amputation of
foundational principles only leads to sickness and to the great equalizer of death, be it
individual or collective.
Biden, Harris and Granholm Made a Looming Grid Crisis Immeasurably Worse. Last May — that's [M]ay
of 2023, not this year — I wrote a story at Forbes about the looming crisis in the US power grid due
to a shortage of high-capacity power transformers and their mucked-up supply chains. At the time,
it was a crisis that had been developing for more than 2 years — since late 2020. It was
a rising issue the U.S. Department of Energy, led by Secretary Jennifer Granholm, was about to make
immensely worse by forcing manufacturers and power companies to comply with new, completely unneeded
efficiency standard imposed on products that already function at well over 99% efficiency.
Republicans in congress were becoming increasingly alarmed by the DOE effort, which would exacerbate
the supply issue by forcing makers of these scarce transformers to retool entire factories and create
entirely new components in order to comply.
Disasters and Unnatural Expectations. Hurricanes can be predicted; the devastation
they leave behind often cannot. Hurricane Helene left some people on its path alone, while
causing devastating flooding for others. [...] Sure, there are charities, more than ever, in some
places. But charities exist on donations, and many such donations have dried up in recent
years, as DEI/ESG policies have encouraged corporate donors to shift their corporate donations away
from traditional charities toward other, more politically-directed nonprofits. [...] In fact, the
biggest disaster in the country for the past four years hasn't been caused by Mother Nature at all,
it's been caused by the abandonment of our borders by Basement Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala
Harris. There's been a shift in the way that charities work in the United States; too many of
them now focus on sheltering and feeding the tens of millions of illegal aliens and "refugees" that
clutter our cities, big and small. Many hotels and motels have no vacancies, because they're
full up with Latin Americans, Africans, Haitians, and Asians, who walked here, drove here, or were
flown in by the Biden-Harris regime, over the past four years.
gets all puppet-y again. It is not fear: [...] To tell the public about how
disastrous it is that Biden and Harris have built up the finances of Russia, Iran, and non-state
terrorists with high energy prices. [¶] To tell the people how much more dangerous
the world has been since they took office. [¶] To tell people how they kept schools
and businesses closed due to the COVID lies of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and a host of other
bad actors. [¶] To tell the people that Democrats fired people who chose not to take a
COVID vaccine. [¶] To tell people how Democrats are willing to damage women's sports.
[¶] To tell people that Biden and Harris have weaponized the Justice Department by going
after him, Catholics, parents, pro-life people, Elon Musk, and other Trump supporters.
An Arrogant and Deadly Worldview. After Lyndon Johnson declared "war on poverty," the
federal government spent trillions of dollars only to make Americans relatively poorer while
greatly increasing wealth inequality. Four decades after the creation of the Department of
Education, American children have never performed so poorly on standardized tests. Barack
Obama and the Democrats insisted on "saving" Americans from high medical costs by nationalizing
health care — only to give us a broken hospital system that is even more costly.
Anything the government touches turns into an inefficient and poorly run enterprise, which is why
so many Americans correctly feared that Obamacare would create the medical equivalent of the U.S.
Postal Service or the local DMV. In turn, "the best boys from the best colleges" have turned
postal employees and Department of Motor Vehicle personnel into essential workers for registering
voters and collecting ballots.
Collapse In Slow Motion. The commercial real estate market is in the doldrums across
much of the U.S., but it is especially bad in some places. Like Minneapolis. [...] Why are
Minneapolis's problems so acute? Because of crime. Formerly a low-crime city, the
George Floyd riots and accompanying attacks on law enforcement have caused a dramatic increase in
the rate of serious crime. That has caused businesses, as well as individuals, to avoid the
city. With leases continuing to expire, there is no reason to think the downward trends have
bottomed out. The City of Minneapolis, meanwhile, is exploring ways of redeveloping George
Floyd Square in a manner that will, in the mayor's words, "honor the life of George Floyd, and
point toward a more equitable future." Somehow, I don't think that is the focus that the
city needs if it is to recover economically.
Biden and Kamala Harris owe the world an apology for the perils they've created. If
President Biden had any decency, he'd limit his United Nations speech Tuesday to two words:
I'm sorry. Kamala Harris should echo that. Obama Defense Secretary Robert Gates once
warned (all too rightly) that Biden had been "wrong on nearly every major foreign-policy and
national-security issue over the past four decades." Over the past four years, Joe and Kam have
continued that pattern, leaving the world facing its most perilous threats in decades. Start
with the disastrous bugout from Afghanistan, executed in blatant defiance of every military adviser
and the plan left in place by the Trump team. That bugout enabled the Taliban to triumphantly
retake control of the country, humiliating America and seizing billions in weaponry our forces left
behind — erasing all the progress made in 20 years of fighting. Worse, it
sent the message that Washington can't be trusted as an ally, that aggressors could get away with
almost anything.
Grim Specter Haunting America. Many of us have experienced our malaise
firsthand. If we haven't, friends and family have. If they've been spared, it's in
every news report: rampant suicides, addictions, homelessness, unpunished violent crime, a border
clobbered by hordes of criminals and terrorists, towns inundated with illegal immigrants dropped at
their doorsteps and draining their public services, intra-familial murder with parents killing
children and children killing parents, the elderly beaten by hoodlums, children changing their
gender, drag queens enticing our kids. Our streets aren't safe, our schools aren't safe, our
malls aren't safe, and our presidential candidates aren't safe. We send our loving, mentally
intact children off to college only for them to return politically and culturally radicalized,
addicted to drugs, and treated with medications for a long list of entirely new mental conditions.
Will Destroy America. The 2020 riots showed Kamalism in action. The regime's
paramilitary operation, BLM and Antifa among others, sparked the fire that lit the riots; the
regime's intellectuals justified them; corporations and foundations funded them; the media covered
them over; politicians fanned the flames; and the regime's justice apparatus, including Kamala
herself, freed law breakers. Even the military got into the act, denying Trump needed
resources. According to Kamalism, it's fine for boys to compete against girls in school
sports. A child can have an abortion or sex change without parental consent. And it is
somehow impossible to know what a woman is. This is all obviously insane. But it gets
worse — much worse. Under Kamalism we usher in millions of illegal immigrants with
cultures different from our own and then insist on not assimilating them. The regime's
military is increasingly focused on racial and gender quotas at the expense of military
readiness. Kamalism also wants to put an end to the traditional mother/father family.
Kamalism plays Americans for foolish children in need of close supervision, which can only be
provided by their "betters": the destructive Left.
Catastrophic Costs of Government-Dictated Green Energy. All the energy related
problems we have experienced in recent years, which have been a lot: high gasoline prices,
higher heating bills, higher electricity bills, and unreliable electricity, which is a huge problem
we need to talk much more about, are the result of government-dictated green energy. And its
very simple. When you shackle the most cost effective and scalable source of energy, fossil
fuels, and you subsidize unreliable solar and wind, that wouldn't otherwise be competitive, energy
necessarily becomes more expensive, less reliable and less secure. So again, it's very
simple. Unfortunately the current administration and many others are engaged in a denial
campaign blaming our energy problems on everything but their own policies.
Trump fact check blows up. Those blue cities also tend to harass and prosecute
officers for doing their jobs, while simultaneously denying them necessary and constitutional tools
like stop and frisk, so in self-defense remaining officers tend to do as little as possible, and
particularly avoid contact with black criminals, who tend to commit the most crimes, largely
against honest black people. Citizens quickly learn the police aren't going to respond to
calls for service, even 911 calls, and even if they do, they're not going to solve any crimes, so
they quit making reports. Criminals, knowing the police are pretty much going to ignore them
and people aren't going to report their crimes are delighted, and do things they wouldn't think of
doing in communities with fully functional criminal justice systems. Ending bail and refusing
to prosecute criminals doesn't help. Those same blue cities, knowing crime rates are at
obscene, politically deadly, levels do all they can to cover up, and have long since stopped
reporting to the FBI. The politicians of any city with out-of-control crime rates tend to avoid
talking about them, but blue cities, unable to admit their beliefs and policies are insane and
encourage crime, are particularly unwilling to admit the truth.
Insurance up a Whopping 55% in Biden-Harris Admin's America. Car insurance rates have
skyrocketed under the leadership of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and
Americans are feeling the squeeze. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that car
insurance prices rose 55 percent from January 2021 — when Biden and Harris
first took office — to July 2024 — the last year of their first term.
[Advertisement] Once again, their policies are to blame. As Breitbart News previously
reported, Americans' auto insurance rates are rapidly rising due to the pro-migration policies of
Biden and Harris, putting millions of these new migrant drivers — "often without driver
training or English language lessons" — on the road, increasing risk. [Advertisement]
As Breitbart News detailed, "Since 2021, Biden has imported roughly ten million legal, illegal,
and quasi-legal migrants. The huge inflow has stalled wages and raised housing costs and has
also imposed many other civic and social costs on ordinary Americans." [Advertisement]
Ready for World War Three? Americans broadly remain blissfully oblivious regarding
how close to World War Three we are and have been since early 2022. Repeated warnings from U.S.
military and intelligence leaders about this dire state of affairs, which this newsletter reported
in detail, with looming war against Russia, or China, or Iran — or worst of all, Russia,
China and Iran — have fallen on deaf ears. Not to mention that, given the
parlous state of America's military, amid recruiting and retention problems, shortages of weapons
and munitions, plus the anemic condition of our defense industrial base, the Pentagon would be
hard-pressed to prevail in even one major theater war, while it would almost certainly lose,
probably fast, when confronted by three of them at once. This alarming strategic situation
keeps failing to register with the public, even in an election year. Americans seem not to
care that World War Three looms, while the Biden-Harris administration, whoever is actually running
it, is eager to distract the public from the geopolitical catastrophe they've sleepwalked America
into, while allowing our military to further degrade.
is where nations go to die. We are tolerating our kids being indoctrinated instead of
educated in our schools. We are tolerating the mutilation of their genitalia, and the
consequent theft of their sexual health in their adult years[,] often aided and abetted by their
"educators." We tolerated lockdowns and the mandatory introduction of experimental mRNA
vaccines into our bodies. And being told we couldn't attend the weddings or funerals of our
loved ones. And it appears highly likely that we are going to tolerate the ruination of our
economy, as we are tolerating the destruction of our urban areas. It seems a near certainty
that we will tolerate the demise of the nuclear family, as we are halfway there already. In
fact, odds are, we will tolerate the utter dissolution of our society, and the death of America
herself, as we have tolerated an open Southern border.
US Is Spiraling Down the Doom-Loop Drain Hole Rapidly Now. First, we hit a level of
debt years ago that seemed astonishing at the time when the national debt topped one-trillion
dollars for the first time in over 200 years of being a nation. Recently, we hit the
insane level where just the deficit that adds to the debt each year hit one-trillion dollars a
year. We, then, soared almost immediately right past that to where we had a trillion-dollar
deficit more than twice a year. And now, today, we finally hit the outer limits where just
the annual interest on the debt is a trillion dollars. If anyone thinks we are not
caught in a debt doom loop, consider this: we can only pay that interest by taking out more debt
just for debt service. So, we're forced to take out a trillion in new debt each year just
to cover the interest on the old debt, and that amount is growing quickly.
poll: 81% say cost of food is rising faster than income. According to a new poll from
a D.C-based nonprofit No Kid Hungry, the number of Texans negatively affected by grocery store
prices continues to increase, with a vast majority (81%) reporting that food costs are outpacing
their incomes, and around half (49%) revealing that they've either cut back on meat consumption, or
given it up altogether to remain in budget. The second statistic is exaggerated among
lower-income families making less than $50k, with children in the public school system, where it
goes from around one-out-of-two to almost three-out-of-four (71%). These survey results echo
an earlier poll, conducted this past spring in New York, where almost nine-out-of-ten (85%)
respondents said food prices were accelerating past their incomes; [...]
Debate at the Kitchen Table. If the dryer or oven breaks, and costs a couple hundred
to fix, versus two or three times that to replace, that was always a difficult debate, but we knew
how to have it, how to weigh the pros and cons of getting a few more years out of it versus just
getting a new one. But today, with the tyrannical climate hoax — based
restrictions that the federal government has placed on household appliances, whole new issues, and
incredibly higher costs, must be factored in. If your gas furnace or central air unit breaks
today, there's the one price to just repair it, which is higher every year, of course. But
now there's something new: new refrigerant mandates, and the double phase furnace mandate about
to kick in, mean that if you replace it today, it will cost a lot, but if you wait a couple years,
the replacement will cost twice as much as that — because the Biden-Harris regime has
banned the perfectly functional, affordable technologies that have worked well for decades,
and mandated high-end versions instead, for both manufacture and sale.
is a joke when journalists claim they care about journalistic integrity. Trump handed
off a rapidly growing economy, not a disaster, with extremely low inflation and a fairly secure
border, yet somehow he must be defeated. Trump did not put out a fictional dossier to destroy
his political opponent. That was Hillary and the DNC. Trump did not use the FBI to spy
on and lie about his political opponent. That was Obama and Biden. Trump did not
illegally spy on and jail journalists. That was Biden and Obama. Biden, Harris took a
rapidly growing economy and low inflation and destroyed the purchasing power of Americans,
especially the poor and middle class. Biden, Harris took a relatively peaceful world and
destroyed it by building up the finances of Iran and Russia. Biden, Harris took a fairly
secure border and opened it up, decimating cities and towns throughout the U.S.
Not the Fed That's Causing Inflation. In their first week in January 2021, Joe
and Kamala cut off every source of oil within their jurisdiction. In the very next month,
three things happened: our domestic production of oil plunged from 13.1 million barrels per
day to 9.7, oil prices doubled from $55 to $110 per barrel, and the monthly inflation rate leaped
from 1.4 percent to 9.6 percent. The red-herring inflation chart they offer shows
inflation peaking six months later, which distracts from the fact that their action was the sole
cause of inflation. It is a "trailing average" chart. It takes the 9.6-percent monthly
rate and averages it with the previous 11 months, which averaged 1.8 percent, and so on.
Thus, the peak of inflation appears to happen six months after it actually peaked. A monthly
chart would show the truth: that the reduction of oil supply was the direct cause of inflation.
Harris Victory in 2024 Would Make the U.S. a One-Party State. The election of 2024
will be epochal for the United States. It will be as impactful on the course of the nation as
the election of 1860 and the ensuing Civil War. This November's election will determine
whether the U.S. remains a viable constitutional republic or becomes a one-party state. If
Vice President Kamala Harris wins, the result will be the realization of President Obama's intent,
voiced in his famous 2008 remark, to "fundamentally transform" the United States. Thus, the
election is important for all Americans, particularly the voting public, to be aware that should
Harris win, then 2024 is likely to be the last free, fair, and competitive election in the U.S.
If she does win, then the U.S. by 2028 will be a one-party country, with the Democrats in permanent
control, as California, Illinois, Massachusetts, or Hawaii are at the state level today.
traffic deaths are the result of woke policies. The number of traffic-related deaths,
adjusted for population growth, remained relatively static for decades until 2014, when that number
jumped by 20% and started a trend upwards. 2014 also marked a change in practice by the IMPD
(Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department) and many law enforcement agencies around the country
following Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael Brown was killed while
attacking police officer Darren Wilson. The early narrative was that he was shot while
surrendering to the officer with his hands raised in the air. Despite being counterfactual,
the early narrative was powerful and unrelenting. Subsequent public pressure caused police
agencies to pull back from police initiating traffic stops and other common law enforcement
practices. This rollback of law enforcement was termed "the Ferguson Effect." The
IMPD fell in line.
Harris caused America's inflation nightmare; here's how. Two years on, it's time we
rename the Inflation Reduction Act as the Inflation Expansion Act. The Inflation Expansion
Act (IEA), passed two years ago, marks a significant turning point in the economic policy of the
United States. Spearheaded by Kamala Harris, whose decisive vote in the Senate enabled the
bill's passage, it has wreaked havoc on the American economy. Its effects are palpable:
inflation has surged, energy prices have skyrocketed, and the cost of living has become
increasingly unaffordable. The Biden-Harris administration's ironically-titled "Build Back
Better" agenda, which underpins the IEA, has exacerbated these issues. From an economic
standpoint, the IEA's purported goal was to reduce the deficit by $58 billion. Instead,
it has resulted in an alarming deficit increase of over $796 billion.
The Real Story Of How America's Squatter Epidemic All Began. There's a squatter
epidemic taking place in cities across America. With lax eviction laws and back-logged court
systems, blue cities have empowered a whole cottage industry of housing crime. Professional
squatters use fake leases to turn nice properties into trap houses. Often, they turn to
violence to keep the owners off "their" property. And good luck getting an eviction, which
can take years to rule on let alone enforce. If squatters can show they've resided in a
property for as little as 30 days, it's almost impossible to get them out. From the
smallest apartment to the grandest estate, no one is immune. How did we get here?
politics of police defunding. The "defund the police" campaign that started over four
years ago has done catastrophic damage to our country. In the wake of said campaign, a number
of politicians — including President Joe Biden — have pushed for the removal
of funds from police forces, diverting them elsewhere in an effort to "teach a lesson," as it
were. However, the real lesson came in the backfire of the campaign. Thousands of
officers, particularly in New York, have left their posts as a result of the lack of support and
many still believe that, even in the aftermath of this with a massive increase in crime, it's still
the "right move" when it comes to the concerns of their community. Tell that to
Oakland. The California city has seen a massive number of criminal acts over the past few
days, including shootings and a hit-and-run incident, along with robberies and much more.
A Nation Committing Suicide. It is the business of politicians to aspire to power, to
tell us that our problems are because of the other party, and to divert our attention from where it
should be — on ourselves. If we so focus, many I believe will conclude it is hard
to see a future for a nation with fewer and fewer children, greater and greater government and
debt, and less and less economic growth. Per the Congressional Budget Office, growth of the
U.S. population averaged 0.9% per year from 1974 to 2023. It projects from 2024 to 2054 it will
be half that — 0.4% per year. For a population to hold steady, to not shrink, the
average fertility rate must be 2.1 children per woman. We have fallen well below this to
1.67, and CBO projects it will stay there. The implications are an aging population, with
fewer and fewer of working age and an increasing burden of the expenses of an aging
population — greater retirement costs and health care costs.
The Editor says...
Whose fault is that? Which party supports homosexuality, gender confusion, abortion, and feminism?
and 'Hope' in Kamala Harris's America: Car Insurance Prices up 54%. Americans
are having a hard time finding the "joy" and "hope" that Democrat elites touted during their August
convention, as they struggle to pay their bills while the cost of goods skyrockets. This
includes car insurance prices, which, under Vice President Kamala Harris's watch, rose 54 percent.
People Vote on What They Know or How They Feel? As I have written previously, when
liberals govern, things are worse for low-income minority families than elsewhere:
• Nearly half the homeless people in the country now live in California.
• The New York City school system is among the most segregated in the country; and San Francisco ranks up there as well.
• In Washington D.C., black students attend schools with 55 percent higher poverty rates than white students and score an average of 5 grades lower on achievement tests.
The Editor says...
And what about Atlanta
and Chicago
and Baltimore?
More of the same. Electing a black mayor doesn't solve anything.
prosperity and environmental protection. [T]he Biden-Harris administration's
environmental policies have been defined by regulatory overreach and economic disruption; their
approach to climate change and environmental protection has often been characterized by stringent
regulations and ambitious goals that have led to increased energy costs and economic
uncertainty. These policies have placed undue burdens on businesses and working-class
Americans, who have borne the brunt of higher energy prices and reduced economic
opportunities. Kamala Harris, as the Democrat nominee, will continue these policies,
exacerbating the economic challenges faced by many Americans. The expansion of regulatory
frameworks and the push for aggressive climate agendas threaten to stifle economic growth and job
creation, undermining the progress made during Trump's presidency.
Pig, Different Lipstick: Covid and the Green Revolution. Green Revolution
practices have caused serious environmental harm. Aquifers are being depleted as irrigation
water is pumped from the ground faster than rain recharges it. Unimaginable amounts of
fertile soil have been washed or blown away. Fertilizers and pesticides pollute soil, air,
and water beyond the agricultural lands themselves, including rivers and oceans. Converting
forests, grasslands, and wetlands into farmland has destroyed much wildlife/game habitat and
lessened atmospheric carbon uptake. Consequently, the natural resources needed to produce
food have been degraded, portending eventual, widespread crop failure and food shortages.
Economic and social damage has also been done. Green Revolution inputs were too costly for
small farmers. Therefore, they couldn't compete against larger, well-capitalized, or
debt-leveraged growers, whose higher yields glutted markets and depressed prices.
is an example of what 60 years of Great Society anti-poverty programs can yield.
For the last 60 years, Democrats have claimed that their war on poverty and all their handouts
helped lift people up. Instead, it encouraged single parenthood and single parenthood is the
greatest indicator of who will end up in poverty. The result of these supposedly empathetic
policies is generational poverty. [...] There is nothing compassionate or generous about
encouraging single parenthood. There is nothing compassionate or generous about giving away
subsidies on everything to make people dependent on the government. There is nothing
compassionate or generous about refusing to enforce border laws and flooding towns with more people
who will be dependent on the government. There is nothing compassionate and generous when
Democrats block poor and minority children from opportunities to go to better schools. And
there is nothing compassionate, generous or smart in destroying companies that produce reasonably
priced energy. That destroys the poor and middle class.
Harris' Oakland Is a Disaster. [Scroll down] Oakland has every imaginable
advantage of climate and geography. The weather is immaculate [...] and the city has a major
port that is practically a tax gold mine. Yet, Oakland always seems to be on the verge of
full-on implosion. With the departure of the Oakland A's, a Major League Baseball team, at
the end of this season, the city will lose its third and last major sports franchise in a
decade. The loss is symbolic of a city that feels like a collapsing settlement at the edge of
the Roman Empire on the eve of the Dark Ages. It's worth noting that without the last-minute
sale of the dilapidated Oakland Coliseum, the city was looking at a budget shortfall of over
$100 million. The sale hardly solves the long-term problem. Oakland
is pondering doling out reparations to black residents, but a reparations panel said it needed
$5 million just to draw up a plan. This is a city that's used to treating taxpayers like
a piggy bank for grifting. Of course, Oakland has been associated with high crime rates for
decades, but following the mayhem of 2020 the challenge became acute. In 2021, the Oakland
City Council in effect voted to defund its already beleaguered police department. Crime exploded.
World Is on Fire Thanks to Biden and Harris. When President Donald Trump left office,
there was peace throughout the world. Today, there are ongoing wars in several regions of the
world and other conflicts could escalate into war at any time. While Trump was President,
Russia did not invade any countries, in contrast to what happened during the George W. Bush and
Barack Obama administrations. [...] In August of 2021, the United States demonstrated tremendous
weakness during the withdrawal of our military forces from Afghanistan. The debacle resulted
in the death of 13 American military heroes and billions of dollars in military equipment left
behind for the use of the Taliban terrorist regime. In addition, Biden and Harris abandoned
the massive Bagram air base in Afghanistan. The base featured a 12,000-foot runway, a 50-room
hospital, and 100 parking spots for fighter jets. In their haste to depart the facility, the United
States military left behind 3.5 million items, including armored vehicles, weapons and ammunition.
Harris polling better than Donald Trump? The Biden administration locked up patriots
who strolled through — or near — "The People's House" on Jan. 6, some of
whom are still imprisoned, but has supported legislation that lets hardened criminals go
free. Moreover, it has made deals with countries that sponsor terrorists — and
with terrorists themselves, when it is not actually paying them or gifting them advanced military
equipment. The Biden administration has let illegal aliens in by the umpteen millions and
treats them better than it does American citizens. Biden administration policies have caused
rampant inflation that has eaten up a significant part of Americans' earnings and made home
ownership for many young families virtually impossible. Democrat and Democrat-appointed
judges have thrown the book at Trump for imagined or comparatively trifling "crimes" while treating
much more serious offenses committed by the likes of Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton with kid gloves.
Denigration of America's Great Cities. [Scroll down] Kamala Harris and her
supporters will blame the urban decline on racism, capitalism, white supremacy, historical economic
divide between white persons and minorities, and American republican constitutionalism.
Though there are elements of all these issues affecting the conditions of American cities these are
not the major cause of the decline I have witnessed. The cause is intentional and ideological
and found in communities run by progressive Democrat mayors. The Great Society programs
pushed by President Lyndon Johnson accelerated the growth of urban slums after a period of economic
energy following World War II. Marxist philosophical programs have furthered urban decline during
the past three decades and was given an additional push by the Obama administration. The
Biden administration has furthered this effort through its border policies, excessive targeted
domestic spending, and rhetoric. Defund the police efforts have shrunk these forces of
protection. The chaos these mayors and DAs have created via additional crime, declining
economic opportunity, racial division, fewer prosecutions, and increased taxation allows these
above narratives to appear real.
Lab Rats? Millions feel they are virtual lab rats in some grand research project
conducted by entitled elites who could care less when the experiment blows up.
Consider: Our military turns over $60 billion in state-of-the-art weapons to terrorists
in Kabul and then flees in disgrace? Terrorist flags fly in place of incinerated Old Glory at
the iconic Union Station in Washington as radical students and green card-holding guests deface
statues with threats that "Hamas is coming" while spewing hatred toward Jews — and all
with impunity? A wide-open border with 10 million unaudited illegal immigrants?
Once beautiful downtowns resembling Nairobi or Cairo — as paralyzed mayors spend
billions without a clue how to remedy the self-created disaster? Fast food drive-ins priced
as if they were near-gourmet restaurants? In truth, this apparent rapid cultural, economic,
and political upheaval is well into its third decade.
State Carnival Barkers Distract Us with Kamala. Pay no attention to the sky-high
interest rates making home ownership unaffordable or the sky-high inflation that has doubled the
cost of basic necessities. So what if the average person's paycheck barely covers monthly gas
and grocery bills? Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris identifies as a female "person of
color." She is a shiny object that should help everyone forget about personal financial
troubles. Don't worry about the fifteen million illegal immigrants that have streamed across
the border in the last three years. Ignore the precipitous rise in violent crime and the
growing homelessness crisis. Diversity remains our strength! And crime statistics can
be easily manipulated to reflect a better reality! Forget about mail-in-ballot fraud and
other voting crimes. Democrat secretaries of state and Democrat attorneys general have vouched
for the security of our elections. Democrat judges have vouched for those Democrats' vouching.
Anybody who objects is simply an "election-denier" who should be imprisoned for "insurrection."
Courage and Biden's Failures. One is tempted to become one of those awful conspiracy
theorists who might propose that this presidency has been planned from election day
November 2020 through the Biden Executive Orders reversing most of Trump's Executive Orders
through the Afghan debacle, through the inflation debacle, through the Ukraine v. Russia
debacle, through the deficit debacle, through the Transgender Visibility Day being held on Easter
Sunday debacle, through the campus riots against Israel and Jews debacle (which continues without
real-time censure or comments from the Administration), through the lawfare prosecution and
persecution of J6 defendants (whatever happened to habeas corpus?) debacle, through the decline in
the dollar in international markets debacle, through the illegal mass immigration debacle, and
through the fentanyl death debacle, the shifting away from Medicare to Medicare Advantage debacle,
the computerization of elections debacle, the Balkanization of America into so many sub-ethnicities
and sub-groupings debacle, and now the recommendation of Kamala Harris for President debacle.
'Livable America' According to Radical Leftists. A number of celebrities and VIPs of
the radical left, including one who betrayed our Vietnam veterans while they were putting their
lives on the line for this country, have been warning that if President Trump returns to office,
life in America will not be livable, as it presumably is under Biden. Whoever believes this
must also believe, or pretend to believe, that America is more livable when the following
conditions are in place:
• Immigration laws are violated to allow foreigners to enter this country
illegally, disregarding the warnings, official and unofficial, against terrorist infiltrators. [...]
• You can go to prison for disagreeing with the government's policies,
dictatorship style, [regardless of] the Constitution. [...]
• Cities under Democrat mayors make the list of worst in the country to live in. [...]
• Crime is promoted instead of fought, with policies that decriminalize
felony and make the police stand down where it occurs. [...]
• Increasingly less of your income is yours to keep, as taxes keep growing, unabated. [...]
• Small businesses are crushed under excessive regulations, forcing many out of business. [...]
• Big businesses send jobs overseas, leaving American workers and their families struggling to survive. [...]
• Babies that are not wanted are killed before they leave their mother's womb and disposed of like trash. [...]
It is necessary for one to be totally insensitive, brainwashed, and uninformed to permit such conditions,
and to have missed the fact that President Trump acted vigorously to end such barbaric attacks against the
American people.
The Editor says...
This page seems to accumulate bullet lists, but that's the easiest way to list all the poisonous fruits.
will Democrats be held responsible for their Trump-hating rhetoric? We tolerate a lot
of things. To wit:
• Democrats and the media falsely accused the Trump campaign of colluding with
the Russians. And no one cared.
• Democrats, the media, and 51 top intelligence officials ludicrously claimed
that the Hunter Biden laptop "had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign." And
no one cared.
• Antifa, BLM, and assorted thugs burned down parts of our major cities, did
billions of dollars in damage and killed and injured dozens of people. And no one really cared.
• Statues of past heroes and historic figures — even including Washington,
Lincoln, and Churchill — were vandalized or destroyed. And no one cared.
• We were locked down for many months on end and told that we couldn't even
attend the weddings — or funerals — of our loved ones. Our kids were
kept out of school. Many folks were told that their jobs weren't all that important.
Many businesses closed. And no one really cared. [...]
• Hardly a day goes by that we don't hear of an illegal immigrant raping,
assaulting, or murdering someone. And no one truly cares.
• The Biden administration has repeatedly tried to imprison its primary
political opponent — to save our democracy — and no one
truly cares. Least of all spineless RINOs and other Republicans.
Disaster - Nearly 50% of Small Business Will Not Survive if Biden Gets 2nd Term:
Survey. A survey of small business owners found almost half believe a second term for
President Joe Biden would be the iceberg that would send their enterprise to the bottom.
Forty-nine percent of those who responded to the PublicSquare/RedBalloon poll said their businesses
"definitely" or "probably" would not make it through four more years of Biden. Seven in 10
business owners said they were holding off on adding staff and six in 10 said they
expected stagflation — when prices rise but the economy does not grow.
Biden 'Achievement': Interest Payments [are] Now Second Largest Federal Spending Category.
If you want to know just how dire the federal government's fiscal situation is, consider the fact
that interest on the national debt for the first time now tops every other spending category but
one, according to the latest monthly report from the Treasury. This "achievement" has been
brought to you by President Joe Biden. According to the report, the federal government spent
$682 billion in "net interest" payments so far this fiscal year (which ends Sept. 30).
That's more than all the money spent on "health" ($670 billion), national defense
($644 billion), and income security — which includes payments to the poor
($508 billion).
Feel The Heat As Bidenflation Climbs Toward 20%. The dark reality of Bidenomics is
the alarming 19.5% inflation under the President's watch, which is 5.7% annually. When he
took office, inflation was at just 1.4%. Since March 2021, inflation has consistently remained
above the Federal Reserve's 2% target for 40 consecutive months. Under Biden, the federal
debt has increased by $6.9 trillion. To finance his spending spree, the Federal Reserve
printed money from nothing. The increased money supply, without a corresponding increase in
goods and services, reduced the value of each dollar, causing prices to rise quickly and leading to
high inflation, effectively acting as a hidden tax on everyone.
Biden. Joe Biden's cognitive decline has been obvious since he launched his
presidential 'run' in 2019. [...] Once he was 'elected', the cognitively impaired Biden was used as
a rubber stamp to push their agenda. [...] The results of the Biden administration's misgovernance
are open borders, out-of-control inflation, rampant crime, targeting of dissenting citizens,
identity politics giving preference over merit, and spending on gratuitous foreign wars and items
such as the Green New Deal.
They Cheat a Dementia Sufferer Back into the White House? Biden is damaged
goods — for reasons discussed and politically. Four years ago, Biden was running
as a challenger. 2020 was a referendum on Trump's performance. This year, the roles are
reversed. Even a healthy Biden would have to defend the indefensible. The cost of
living is killing average wage earners. The border remains wide open. Crime has
skyrocketed in cities. Campuses were roiled with anti-Semitism. Biden's handlers are
edging us closer to war with Russia. Where's the prosperity, where's the peace?
Compounding Biden's troubles is the unique feature of this race: a former president is contesting a
sitting president for the White House. That hasn't happened since the 1892 Cleveland-Harris
contest. Was life better under Trump or is it better under Biden? That's a no-brainer
for most voters.
Too Many Rights?
Our Constitution worked successfully for almost 200 years until a litany of newly perceived
pseudo-rights burst upon the scene, devaluing our core historical rights. How did we
transition from a generally accepted interpretation of the Constitution to where we are today,
where almost anything can be inferred? By corrupting or diminishing core tenets and
understanding of the Constitution, we have created discord and distrust in our court systems that
will deliver you any answer you want if you shop the right court or judge in our court
system. Millions of individuals see what is happening as intentional and contrived, with an
end game of weakening our country and seeding the ground for what's to come.
Bringing in the lawyers won't solve this problem.
Biden Threatens to Send Out Attorneys General to Go After Grocers in Plan to Combat His Food
Inflation Crisis. Grocery prices are soaring thanks to Joe Biden's tax-and-spend
policies. The US economy is in bad shape because of Joe Biden's war on domestic oil and the
'Green New Deal' disguised as the 'Inflation Reduction Act.' Moody's Investors Service
recently cut the US's outlook to negative. Moody's lowered its ratings outlook on the US
government citing high interest rates, government spending, and deficits. Inflation is still
high, grocery prices are up more than 19%, gas prices are still high and more than 15 million
illegal aliens have poured over the border since Biden was installed in January 2021.
Most Americans are struggling to put food on the table thanks to Joe Biden.
exactly are Biden's achievements in his first three-and-a-half years? Here are some
things Biden deserves credit for, which may be why he isn't so popular: Mass migration from a
dissolved border, which has made cartels rich, increased drug-, human-, and child-trafficking, is
destroying cities, and putting pressure on schools, police, housing, and health care, and made our
southern border is now the deadliest border in the world; dictatorially and unconstitutionally
paying off hundreds of billions in student loans; making the world much more dangerous, as Biden's
energy policies are essentially funding Russia and Iran (we are funding both sides in the
Ukraine-Russia conflict); and destroying women's sports by making them compete against men.
deliberate murder of virtue. For decades, the American Left has been making a
deliberate and successful attempt to kill virtue. Much of what they do demonstrates a
disregard for normal traditional American virtues such as decency, consideration, productivity,
respect, decorum, honor, and moderation. The truly virtuous would never dream of announcing
their sexual preferences in public. [...] The Left have taken a careful and systematic approach to
destroying American virtues such as hard work, modesty, humility, consideration of others, and
planning for the future. In their places, the Left decided that it was virtuous to be
demanding, slothful, narcissistic, godless, and sexually profligate. The Leftist
virtue-killers think the government has its own money to give to them for doing nothing.
Taking what belongs to others and lazing about the house and streets with it is not virtuous.
It is theft; taxpayers pay for the progeny and sloth of these unvirtuous slackers. If the
Left can remove time-honored virtues such as productivity and merit, they create a national
movement where they can be taken care of by others without consideration for those who really
pay. You get a nation of unvirtuous entitled slobs.
affront to America. [Scroll down] Ultimately, the Democratic voters are
responsible. But they'll tell you they didn't know. They've been lied to by the
Democratic Party. The fabled and very effective Democratic propaganda machine lies to
Democrats as well as us poor Republicans. You have to think for yourself lest the lying
Wizard behind the Green Curtain leads us all into oblivion.
• Joe Biden doesn't like Donald Trump, so Joe blew away Trump's border control
policies and we now have a disaster.
• Joe Biden doesn't like Donald Trump, so Joe blew away Trump's
energy independence policies and we now face an energy shortage.
• Prices are 20% higher and interest rates more than doubled under Biden than under Trump.
• With the high prices, high interests, and the influx of illegals, there is a housing
crisis under Biden.
• There is war in Europe under Biden, there was peace under Trump.
• There is war in the Middle East under Biden. The Trump
Abraham Accords, which promised Middle East peace, are on life-support and anti-Semitic violence
rages throughout our country under Biden.
Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter. Is the American media establishment
fair, balanced, and independent? Do the FBI, CIA, IRS, and Justice Department stand for the
rule of law, judicial fairness, and the American way? Is the GOP a formidable political foe,
working hard to contain the excesses of crazed liberal Democrats? No, not remotely, and you
gotta be kidding. The despicable media spread the lies they're given, enthusiastically and in
unison, often using the exact same language. It's almost as if they've been given a script to
follow. They have. If the current American justice system didn't have two standards,
why, it would have no standards at all! A simple comparison of the judicial treatment
afforded, say, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump makes that abundantly clear. You're free to
burn down a city, if you're BLM, but say prayers across the street from an abortion abattoir, and
you're going to prison. As for the GOP, those pretenders and senders of strongly worded
letters and subpoenas that are thrown into the circular file as soon as they're received, they have
a perfect avatar in former Senate leader Mitch McConnell: a chinless, bespectacled turtle.
Illinois loses $10 billion in income from 87,000 people moving out. More
than 87,000 people moved out of Illinois taking with them nearly $10 billion in income,
according to the latest Internal Revenue Service data. For the last six years, the total lost
adjusted gross income is more than $47.5 billion. For nearly a decade, annual population
estimates from the U.S. Census show Illinois losing population. For well over a year,
Gov. J.B. Pritzker has denied the state's population decline, saying the Census is getting it
wrong. In May, he doubled down. "You should take what I'm saying as truth that actually
when we count people, it turns out we're gaining," Pritzker said. The U.S. Census did
recently revise Illinois' population upward from previous estimates, but the state still continues
to lose population. It's not just Census data showing Illinois' loss. Moving companies
routinely show Illinois among the states with the most people moving out year after year.
of a Sudden, A Crisis Is Revealed. The first official presidential debate of 2024 was
held on June 27, and the reactions are fascinating. [...] While the Right has been talking
about this issue for years, this is the first time that most such voices of the Left have done
anything but deny the fact of Biden's incapacity. [...] But most importantly, they weren't
embarrassed when mountains of undeniable evidence proved his criminality — and the
criminality of his family — in a pay-for-play pattern that has been going on for
decades. And they weren't embarrassed when he appointed incompetents, criminals and freaks to
be cabinet secretaries and department heads, ranging from an airport kleptomaniac in drag to a man
wearing a plastic nursing chest prosthesis for imitation breastfeeding. And they weren't
embarrassed when his policies caused record deficits, unprecedented inflation, a collapse in the
American standard of living, a flood of illegal aliens, a lethal crime wave, and the destruction of
our standing as a net exporter of energy.
Biden is not the problem. Watching the CNN roundtable after the debate was comical,
if not tragic. For months (years) Republicans have been asserting that Joe Biden was not
competent, and that it is not he who is running the White House. Today, those assertions are
vindicated. Anyone thinking that Joe Biden is making policy decisions, or setting the
direction of the White House is smoking dope. To say that the CNN "brain-trust" was
apoplectic is an understatement. [...] Here's the problem for Democrats — of the top
concerns of the American people; immigration, inflation, jobs and the economy, Social
Security/Medicare, foreign entanglements, abortion, crime and public safety, it doesn't matter a
hill of beans who takes Joe Biden's place on the ticket — Hillary, Michelle, Whitmer,
Newsom, Pritzker, or Kamala. It is not Joe's policies that have failed the American
people. It is leftism writ large. Interject any of the above-mentioned names onto the
Democrat ticket and the trajectory of Americas destruction continues apace.
Is In Shambles Because Of Democrat Policies, Not Just Joe Biden. The jig is up.
Here's what disillusioned Democrats and independents and moderates need to know. What all the
blue-state refugees who now live in Texas and Florida instead of California and New York City need
to admit. What all the fed-up middle-class families and forgotten nonwhite voters in the
suburbs need to remember: These aren't just Joe Biden policies that are disastrous.
They're Democrat policies. Abortion. Economy. Crime. Immigration.
Lawfare. Foreign policy. Health care. It doesn't matter what pet issue has voters
down in the dumps. Democrats are in lockstep on the losing side. And anywhere they
aren't in lockstep — like on whether Israel is a victim of terrorism or a group of
oppressive "colonizers" — they tow the radical line. You think a Democrat
switcheroo is magically going to secure the border and end the unmitigated illegal alien crime
wave? Not a chance. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Biden's expanded asylum,
repeal of Remain in Mexico, outrage over shipping migrants to Martha's Vineyard, support for
ripping down border razor wire, and playing footsie with Mexican cartels are all fruits of the same
poisonous tree: Democrats' antipathy for the U.S. border.
Away Illusions and Prepare for Struggle. The hour is already very late. We are
ruled by a regime that deeply hates and fears the bulk of its own people, and is demonstrably
willing to do whatever it takes to retain power. A regime that characterizes its political
opposition as "extremists" and "domestic terrorists," and uses its security services to surveil and
intimidate even the most ordinary dissenting citizens, treating them as enemies of the state.
One that wields the law as a weapon, flagrantly showcasing a two-tier legal system as it routinely
seeks to arrest, humiliate, and destroy its political enemies while shielding its friends and foot
soldiers from accountability. A regime that now holds hundreds of political prisoners.
That has turned the tools of its military counterinsurgency apparatus on its own people. That
colludes with the world's most powerful technology and media companies to establish vast systems of
mass censorship, propaganda, and reality distortion. That has successfully corrupted nearly
every public and private institution with a distinctly totalitarian state ideology.
Train of Regulations Coming to Destroy Small Businesses. The Job Creators Network
said that $1.2 trillion in new regulations is about to hit America and will directly affect
small businesses. That's on top of the $1.9 trillion we already lose to regulations,
$10,000 per household. It comes to $10,000 in new regulations on top of $15,000 in
regulations we already pay. Twenty cents of every dollar you earn is snagged by regulatory
costs that you never see on top of taxes on top of new rules. There are manufacturing
restrictions on pretty much everything in your house, including dishwashers, water heaters, ceiling
fans, lightbulbs, gas stoves, washing machines, and, of course, air conditioners. The new
rules for the climate change hoax will raise the price of a washing machine by $200 and the furnace
by $500. The cost of refilling your air conditioner will increase by over $1000. It
could push some products like gas stoves out of existence altogether.
for America's Identity. After 171 years without a doctrine of separation of
church and state, the Supreme Court of the USA in 1947 by a mere 5-4 vote declared that this
separation is necessary and sacrosanct. And by 1962 and 1963, both Bible reading and prayer
were declared by the Court forbidden in our public schools. By 1973, a woman's right to an
abortion on demand was declared a constitutional right, and legitimate thereby in every state in
the Union. Only recently did the Supreme Court reverse itself, after 60 million-plus
abortions, to allow each individual state to make its own abortion laws as its voters see
fit. Abortions are not inherently a national, constitutional right.
Minimum Wage Continues to Destroy Restaurants. Would you rather have some jobs
available at $12 an hour or no jobs available at $20 an hour? The answer may vary depending
on whether you're a business owner or job seeker — or politician or bureaucrat.
Regardless, the opening question, which is of the kind late economist Walter E. Williams often
asked, should be pondered with news that California's new $20 minimum wage is continually claiming
victims. The latest is a San Francisco McDonald's franchisee who'd been in business for
30 years. This pales in comparison, though, to one of the new minimum wage's first
victims: Rubio's Coastal Grill. That chain is closing 48 Golden State locations —
more than a third of its 134 remaining restaurants across California, Arizona, and Nevada.
Door Closes, A Window Opens. The roster of "Joe Biden's" failures is so deep that all
Mr. Trump has to do is remind the audience what they well-know adds up to an apparently
deliberate effort to wreck the nation: the open border and the growing record of atrocious
crimes committed by illegal aliens plus the immense anxiety about the intentions of jihadists and
other nefarious foreigners ushered in by Homeland Security; the idiocy of our role in the Ukraine
War and how easily the conflict could be concluded by willing negotiation; the cratering
on-the-ground economy of goods and services (minus government hand-outs, bail-outs, subsidies, and
statistical shell games); the out-of-control Deep State intel blob that is eating away at our basic
liberties; the insane race-and-gender hustles aimed at sowing hatred and disordering normal modes
of human relations; and much more that has been done to insult and humiliate the people of this land.
the Monster You Created. [Scroll down] Well, my friends. You
miscalculated. [...] You supported drug legalization on the farce that you cared about boosting tax
revenues when in reality you just wanted to enjoy your daily edible because apparently your life in
the first world, middle-upper class, most privileged society in recorded history is just too
unbearable without cannabis to ease your omnipotent suffering. But you have since discovered
that they never intended legalization to end with cannabis, and your once-beautiful city is now a
feces-covered open-air fentanyl market.
EPA Rules Will Cause Blackouts for Millions of Americans, Study Warns. President Joe
Biden's aggressive climate regulations targeting fossil-fuel-fired power plants will create
widespread electric grid instability and lead to mass blackouts impacting millions of Americans,
according to a recent study commissioned by North Dakota's state government. The research,
conducted in May by the firm Always On Energy Research, concluded that the Environmental Protection
Agency's recently finalized regulations are not technologically feasible and will foreseeably lead
to the retirement of coal power generation units. Intermittent and weather-dependent green
energy sources, such as wind and solar, will replace such retired generators, leading to unreliable
conditions, the study found. The study largely echoes concerns that have been voiced by the
U.S. grid watchdog, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation; regional grid operators;
and power utility companies. Four regional grid operators that oversee the infrastructure
supplying power for 154 million Americans warned after the EPA regulations were first proposed
last year that grid reliability would "dwindle to concerning levels" under the regulations.
Revolution Will Not Be What You Expect. America today is far removed from the
unreconstructed America that student radicals in the '60s hated. From the boardroom to the
stock room, America is now almost entirely woke, groveling in abject and continual apology.
Diversity and inclusion are enshrined in our national life, despite the constant lectures on
race. Movies and television are full of "people of color." Our national sports heroes are
almost all black. Mixed-race couples dominate our national advertising. (Fortunately, we
have an army of grievance professionals available to interpret the "systemic" racism in our every
word and gesture, which they will do for large sums of money.) In addition, marriage
redefined is the law of the land. Gay pride is celebrated for the entire month of June.
Homosexuality is mainstream. On transgenderism, parents in some states are still trying to
establish their right to stop their minor children from being sexually mutilated without their consent.
demoralized, military demoralized, trains derailing, airplane parts falling, and products
recalled. Why? Police departments around the country are shorthanded, defunded,
demoralized. Many officers have retired, retired at their desks, or walked away, because they
aren't valued — or, worse, are demonized. All for working long hours for not great
pay ... and putting their life on the line for public safety. And, if they do arrest somebody
for even violent behavior, the perps often are sprung the same day, no bail required. This
has led to the majority of American citizens being less safe than perhaps ever before. Our
military is far less capable than it was just a few short years ago. Patriots, Christians,
MAGA types, and conservatives have been deliberately drummed out of the services in favor of more
left-leaning individuals. Competence — let alone excellence — has been
dismissed in favor of diversity, equity, and inclusion. [...] Recruiting goals are not close to
being met. The U.S. Navy, 600 ships strong at the end of Reagan's presidency, is now down to
just 283 mostly functioning vessels. [...] All of this was predictable. In fact, there is
no other possible result of an all-out assault on competence, reason, and productivity.
Biden's Foreign Policy: A Series of Failures. [Scroll down] The
withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan marked the end of the twenty-year "War on Terror,"
declared by President George W. Bush after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The Afghan operation
aimed at destroying the Taliban terrorist group ended completely at the wrong time — the
agreements with official Kabul and the Taliban reached during Trump's presidency were multiplied by
zero. In consequence, the Taliban seized the entire country. The withdrawal of troops
was long overdue. The twenty-year presence in one of the most problematic regions of the
world cost at least $825 billion since 2001 (several experts say that these numbers are
seriously underestimated), and the lives of 2,300 soldiers. Our troops left the country at
the time of a Taliban offensive, removing the last shield protecting Afghan civilians, while also
leaving the Taliban weapons worth billions of dollars, including helicopters, armored vehicles,
artillery systems, rifles, and much more.
New York City Die of Stupidity? Since the 1960s many of America's foremost cities,
notably Detroit, Newark, St. Louis, and Baltimore have exhibited sharp declines in
population, economic vitality, and overall quality of life. Today, other major cities such
Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and even New York City may soon join this list. Our urban
failures cannot be explained by the usual destructive forces. No foreign invader sacked them
or bombed them into rubble; no earthquakes or plagues made them unlivable nor have economic
depressions rendered them irrelevant. [...] Like carbon monoxide poisoning, urban decline comes
slowly, often barely noticed and decades may pass before a tottering-on-the brink city must be
rescued by Washington. If one word explains this slide toward disaster, it is stupidity
and, particularly, stupidity month after month, year after years and is the barely noticeable
nature of insanity that makes it so difficult to reverse.
Left Knows Leftism Doesn't Work. Do not expect the radical left to survey the
wreckage of socialism and communism in history and accept that statism impoverishes people and
erodes their freedoms. There will never be admissions by our elite that progressivism exists
mainly for the acquisition of power by the utopian and virtue-signaling few, who ensure that they
are never subject to the baleful implementation of their ideological agendas on the rest of us.
[Advertisement] Still, leftists look around at what they have done to America in the last four
years and implicitly know that the plan did not work, the people detested it, or both.
[Advertisement] How do we know this? By a variety of barometers. [Advertisement]
None of the major Biden "achievements" — 10 million illegal aliens across a nonexistent
border, key components of the cost of living 25-30 percent higher than in 2020, wars and chaos
abroad, DEI racial and tribal obsessions, wars on fossil fuels — poll at even
40-45 percent. Biden's own approval ratings, as the nominal architect of the most
left-wing agenda since the Roosevelt administration, hover between 36 and 34 percent.
the Status Quo Is the Only Way to Survive. For years we've been bouncing around in a
pinball universe designed by Orwell, Huxley, and Bradbury. When the government isn't policing
our language or arresting little old grandmothers for engaging in wrongthink, it's busy
helping Mexican drug-smugglers hook Americans on Chinese fentanyl and encouraging young boys to
chop off their willies. The Gestapo FBI spends most of its time hunting patriots as "domestic
terrorists" and orchestrating elaborate entrapment schemes to justify bloated budgets. The
Josef Mengeles at the CDC work to create new diseases that will require experimental "cures."
The Department of (in)Justice can't stop locking up Americans for their political beliefs while
lecturing the country about the importance of thwarting tyranny. So much insanity now grips
the United States that the great dystopian novels of the last century appear downright tame by
comparison! The easiest way to navigate this Kafkaesque environment is to follow a simple
rule: whatever the government says, believe the opposite.
more than spectators? Today we are witnessing the final stages of Western
civilization. The agents of destruction (the Marxist Left) have seized control of all levers
of power, social and institutional. One after another the avenues of redress of grievances
have been shut down. Academia and the press, as well as Hollywood, have reshaped public
opinion. The system of checks and balances, so precious to our freedom, has been dissolved
into an all-powerful executive branch. The legislative branch is mere window dressing much
like the Roman Senate under Caesar while the judicial branch has become another bureaucracy
accountable only to the executive. The Marxist Left feels no need to hide its true intentions
of fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a communist welfare state. The
mask has come off because the transformation is complete. Political prisoners are held
without trial while rival politicians are victims of show trials. The FBI, CIA, Justice and
State departments are mere toys in the hand of the executive. The Supreme Court is neutered
by outright physical threats from the unchecked mob.
School Shooter's Writings Leak: 'I Hate Everything About My Gender'. This week the
Tennessee Star published a description of previously unseen writings by Audrey Hale.
The Star is one of the papers that is part of a lawsuit trying to force the Metro Nashville PD to
release the documents, but this did not come as a result of their efforts in court.
Apparently someone just leaked several dozen pages, all of which had been left behind by Hale in
her car. One entry about civil rights was written 35 days before the attack. [...]
Audrey Hale considered herself trans and went by Aiden Hale at the time of the shooting which took
place on March 27, 2023. Just 16 days earlier, Hale wrote a diary entry titled "My
Imaginary Penis." [...] Hale also wrote that she would "kill" for puberty blockers but that they
were introduced too late for her as she's already gone through puberty by the time she knew about
them. Later in the same entry, Hale describes how she fantasized about being a man using her
stuffed dolls to simulate intercourse and taking photos of the whole thing.
the United States Become a Third World Nation? What generally defines "Third World"
includes pervasive poverty, dilapidated infrastructure, lack of sanitation, inadequate modern
healthcare, rampant crime, ineffective education, and violent political instability often
reflecting ethnic rivalries, not democratic elections. Law reflects the whim of the powerful;
not following written precepts. Third world governments also have a penchant for crushing
national debt and wild spending. Invariably, a very rich minority governs masses living in
squalor. What separates First World nations like the U.S. from Third World nations like
Nigeria is not vast natural resources. Third World Nigeria abounds in natural wealth
while First World Japan has little. The key difference is human capital, a collection of
multiple traits, especially brain power and a strong work ethic, and absent these traits, a modern
capitalist economy cannot exist. Expats in Third World countries routinely complain "nothing
works," and the corrupt government cannot fix or maintain anything. Countless outward signs
of a typical Third World nation have recently emerged in the United States. Most
visible is the physical decline of major cities: filthy streets, unsanitary homeless encampments,
open drug dealing and use, unpunished crime, burgeoning slums "off limits" to ordinary people, and
a general incivility.
Dude Has Just Been Crowned Miss Maryland USA. A man has been crowned Miss Maryland
USA. Transgender male Bailey Anne has beaten dozens of women to win the prestigious women's
pageant title. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Nobody dares to object.
tribe gets hooked on internet porn. Teenagers in a remote Brazilian tribe have become
hooked on pornography months after they were given high-speed internet access via Elon Musk's
Starlink. The indigenous Marubo people, who for hundreds of years have existed in small huts
along the Itui River in the Amazon, were connected to the billionaire's satellite network in
September. The community embraced the technology, marvelling at the life-saving ability to
call for immediate help when grappling with venomous snake bites as well as being able to remain in
contact with faraway relatives. But, since a group of men arrived at the camp with antennas
strapped to their backs to connect the remote tribe of 2,000 people to the internet, there
have been some less desirable consequences. Critics warn tribe members have become "lazy", reclining
in hammocks all day glued to their phones to gossip on WhatsApp or chat to strangers on Instagram.
The Editor says...
Where did this isolated tribe of natives get the money for the satellite terminals, the internet
service and the smart phones, or laptops, or other devices? It sounds like they are neglecting
their occupations, but what were those occupations? If they're so isolated and primitive, who
told them how to set up the equipment? And what magnanimous wealthy globalist decided
these guys needed to be on the internet?
End of the Nation-State. Indeed, nowadays there are as many as 195 recognized states
in the United Nations, but many of those are known as failed states — Somalia, Haiti,
Syria, and Yemen, for example — and one organization that measures such things, a Fund
for Peace think tank in America, found in 2023 that two dozen others are so fragile that they
cannot provide a full range of basic state functions, plus another 84 that have one or more warning
signs of failure. [...] But we don't have to go traipsing around to find the best example: it
is here. The America of 2024 could no longer be called a nation, in the sense of a common
culture, common loyalties, common beliefs, common religion, common ideology, common vision, common
allegiance, or even common language. It does not have a common agreement on what marriages
should be or how many genders there are (ABC news in 2024 counted 53 in use), or what the
country's history has been or even what year it started, or what constitutes a crime; it does not
have a working system for public education in any state; it does not even have defended borders,
the minimum task that a civil body must fulfill to be a nation.
Merchan Scale. [Scroll down] We have a lot of problems with government in
this country, not because the people don't know how to fix them, but because the government has
ceased to give a hoot what the people want. They don't want high electric bills and spotty
service, but everything the EPA and government has done is designed to create just that. They
don't want high food and transportation bills, but the president himself signed executive orders to
create the situation that would cause it. They don't want crimes to go unpunished, but every
major city and many states have engaged in a revolving door policy for criminals. Come in,
get booked and walk out.
day in the life of Joe Biden's America. What's this single day's news?
• Joe Biden is spending his Memorial Day weekend honoring George Floyd
• Biden's vaunted Palestine pier to supposedly deliver humanitarian aid has
ripped off from its moorings, been blown out to sea, and has washed up on the shore. [...]
• San Francisco's city government is apparently brimming with criminals according
to a whistleblower report, so by all means let's expand government
• Biden has denied Catholics a permit to hold their Memorial Day Mass at
Arlington cemetery for [the] first time in decades
• Special Counsel Jack Smith has launched a desperate new bid for a
gag order on President Trump for talking about the FBI making plans to use lethal force on him
• New York state Justice Juan Merchan gave his jury in the Trump hush-money
trial bad instructions on unanimity of the premise and legal eagles are complaining
• The Nevada state supreme court ruled unanimously against a Democrat bid
to block voter identification [...]
• Illegals from Chechnya have rolled in through Joe Biden's open border
and are now spying on U.S. military bases
the disgusting. The concept of America was and is beautiful. [...] Now we have new
tyrants, we're not getting educated, we're not growing our personal fortunes due to Bidenflation,
we're not engaging in forming traditional nuclear families much anymore, and we're not even having
many babies. We have certainly lost the notion of the "gentleman" or "lady." We have long
ago lost the idea that "children should be seen and not heard." That is a shame.
Children are not developed people with much to offer the country until they are civilized and
educated. Until they are, they should not have an international platform on which to spread
their venom, their bad habits, their Marxist ideas, their silliness, and their hubris. Not to
mention their utterly horrific narcissism. America has become a land where the
DEI-incompetent flourish and get nourished by other incompetents. We have become a nation of
the garish, where otherwise attractive news anchors tart themselves up in drag queen eye and lip
makeup, and where TV commercials unappetizingly serve up bottoms, armpits, and "packs" as they hawk
full-body deodorant for men and women. It's disgusting.
Day Weekend in the City. In rabidly anti-gun cities like New York, Chicago, and D.C.,
no matter how many thugs and robbers are heavily armed, the law-abiding citizen is not allowed to
be, and he must walk defenseless if he walks at all. Are they changing that policy this
summer? In the blue states where the so-called progressives have proudly
"eliminated cash bail," even criminals who are caught and prosecuted are still set free to rob,
rape, or brawl again, without so much as requiring a single dollar bond to make sure they ever
return for trial. They are just set free as soon as the documents are filed for the last
crime. Are they changing that policy this summer? Every day, we read or hear the news:
over a hundred thousand unknowns per month cross our intentionally porous border with Mexico,
heading north. They aren't all from Mexico, but that's where they fly, from Asia and
Europe, from Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. They all come to Mexico so they can
walk across the border and blend effortlessly into these United States, unfollowed and largely
untrackable. Some are decent folks who mean no harm; many are hardened criminals, from more
violent cultures than our own, either lone wolves or members of countless foreign crime syndicates.
What about them, you pompous Democrat governors, mayors, and police chiefs, we ask?
Are you doing anything to close off this dangerous spigot this summer? For generations
now, we have seen judges, governors, legislatures, law schools, and newspapers join
forces to attack standard minimum sentencing guidelines; to attack the concept of capital
punishment, no matter how richly deserved; and to push the spread of alternative punishment like
"community service" in lieu of prison time. Anything and everything they can think of,
to increase the odds that known criminals will be back through the revolving door, infesting our
streets and alleys, our parks and beaches, within the hour. Are they changing this policy,
too, this summer? Hardly.
Finds Teen Marijuana Use Tied To Dramatic Increased Risk Of Psychosis. A study
published Wednesday found that teens who use cannabis are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed
with a psychotic disorder, according to NBC News. The study was led by researchers from the
University of Toronto and examined teenage patients who used cannabis within the last year and
those who did not, according to NBC News. When the study was further limited to teens who
were sent to the emergency room or hospitalized, it showed a 27-fold increase in the likelihood of
being diagnosed with psychotic illness. "I think that there's enough evidence out there for us
to give recommendations that teens probably shouldn't be using cannabis," Andre McDonald, a
postdoctoral research fellow at McMaster University and lead author of the study, said, according
to NBC News. "If we can somehow ask teens to delay their use until their brain has developed
a little further, I think that would be good for public health."
The Editor says...
Somehow? Ask? Delay? I guess self-control is a thing of the past.
So is parental authority.
the taxpayers all went out of Massachusetts. Let's add another state to the list of
blues losing people and taxpayers. It's Massachusetts, or one of the original 13, but another
one bites the dust, proving the reality that going blue has consequences. [...] According to the
story, people are leaving because of three reasons: a high tax burden, expensive housing, and
health care costs. There goes Obamacare again! Another reality is that remote work
policies have made it easier for "prime age" workers to leave. Why does that matter?
Prime age workers buy homes and cars, and pay taxes.
Change 'Solutions' Are Harming the Environment. As whale deaths mount on the East
Coast, The Heartland Institute along with our allies at CFACT and the National Legal and Policy
Center have filed a lawsuit seeking a temporary restraining order on Dominion Energy's plans to
begin pile driving for construction of the base and tower portions of 176 giant offshore wind
turbines it plans to erect at great economic and environmental costs off the coast of Virginia as
part of President Biden's "all of government" approach to fight climate change. CFACT has
established a great resource devoted to the myriad environmental problems — including
the threat to the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW) from the push for offshore wind
along the East Coast. These turbines are being erected right in the middle of NARW and other
protected marine mammals' habitat and migration routes. In the rush to erect these turbines
quickly, the federal government and Dominion played fast and loose with the rules and permits, in
particular failing to follow the law and proper procedures in accounting for potential
comprehensive, cumulative whale impacts.
Intelligence Deserves the Distrust It Is Generating. President Obama sought to change
the demographics and the political complexion of the federal work force, and intelligence leaders
such as CIA director John Brennan (2013-2017) made clear that they intended to change the
organizational cultures of agencies in politically significant ways. They succeeded
brilliantly, with overt activism in defense of Obama/Brennan changes beginning in 2016, when Trump
emerged as a potential threat to the "progress" that Obama's policies allegedly had achieved.
This radical change became glaringly obvious when former CIA deputy director Michael Morell invoked
his CIA credentials in a New York Times op-ed to rationalize endorsing Hillary Clinton for
president while harshly criticizing Trump. Morell then became one of the "talking heads,"
along with Brennan, former director of national intelligence James Clapper, former CIA director
Michael Hayden, and several dozen less-senior people whom the mainstream liberal press promoted as
legitimate observers of everything relevant to their anti-Trump campaign.
study finds risk of suicide jumps 12-fold after gender surgery. A new study has found
that people who've undergone transgender surgery boast a much higher risk of committing
suicide. Published last month in Cureus, a medical science journal, the study specifically
found that "[g]ender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt
risks." The researchers reached this conclusion by analyzing the healthcare data of
90 million adults aged 18 to 60. They specifically looked at emergency room treatment
data for those who'd undergone transgender surgery.
Schmidt destroyed Portland with freed criminals, drug use and empty stores. Mike
Schmidt, the leftist prosecutor in Portland, Ore., is asking voters to give him the opportunity to
serve four more years as head of the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office. In an
interview with local media last October, he graded himself an "A" for his performance. But if
the past four years of record homicides, decriminalized antifa rioting and surging street overdoses
represent Schmidt as his best, Portland may not survive another four years with him at the
helm. Schmidt's re-election is being challenged by his subordinate, Nathan Vasquez, a senior
deputy district attorney and moderate candidate who promises to prosecute crimes and restore the
office's relationship with police, which was broken by Schmidt's open cop hatred.
Deep State and Globalism. America's decline from a previous high mark in the quality
of life of its citizens was a topic that was not covered by the mainstream media. Today that
decline needs no reporting, for it stares us all in the face. The pretense of leftist VIPs
that America is a better place than ever and on the right track shows the quickness of leftists to
lie. The drive toward a new world order, since its presidential proclamation in 1991, is
obviously not taking us to a world fit for human habitation. It is a world certain to be run
by men with no real interest in humanity, as the World Economic Forum demonstrates. Such leaders
as these are unfit to govern anyone, let alone everyone. Millions are noticing a
world that is not on the right track and is not headed toward a better place than ever.
Landmark on the Road to Decline. Every dimension of our socio-political
order — all three branches of the federal government, and many blue-state governments;
popular entertainment and high-brow culture; mainline churches; corporate boards and C-suites;
national security and defense agencies, and education from K-12 to universities — has
been corrupted by illiberal, if not antihuman ideologies that undercut the foundations both of our
political freedom and equality, and the morality and ethics that nourish both. We've known
for decades that our educational systems have been failing to educate the young, even as politics,
social fads, and culture war propaganda have replaced foundational skills like reading, writing,
basic science, critical thought, and history.
has Biden accomplished in his presidency? Devastation. Biden and his sycophants
in the media sing his praises on a daily basis, pretending he has been an effective
president. In fact, all he has accomplished is desecration on every level. [...] Biden
drained our strategic oil reserve to keep gas prices momentarily low through midterms. He has
yet to refill it. The inflation caused by his administration's and Congress' irresponsible
spending is destroying the lives of millions of American working families who now struggle to pay
for groceries, health care, housing, electricity, insurance, as well as gasoline. What was
Biden's answer when asked about his inflation? He replied that "people have the money to
spend." He has no idea of the disaster he has caused or how it affects people. The debt is
now $35 trillion and going up by a trillion dollars every 100 days! The nation is
headed for an economic disaster of epic proportions. By the end of this year, the interest on
that debt will exceed our national defense spending! All the money spent must be borrowed.
Risks 1200% Higher After 'Gender Affirming' Surgery. [T]his isn't what we have been
told. At least not what the MSM, the medical establishment, the President of the United
States, every civil rights organization, or anybody in the Establishment has told us. [...] There
is rarely a correlation between what the mainstream media puts out and what is actually true.
Sure, they are perfectly willing to report facts when they don't upset their narrative, but the
goal of their "reporting" is to reinforce a false view of the world that corresponds with their
ideological priors. This is how we get years of propaganda that insists that parents face a
choice between a live daughter or a dead son. Never, ever have the statistics even hinted
that this is the case. There was zero evidence of this assertion, yet it was made every day,
several times a day, to "prove" that children needed to be sterilized and mutilated in the most
horrific ways in order to preserve mental health.
Is Not the 1960s. [T]he United States in the 1960's was a far different country than it is today:
• During the 1960s the vast majority of Americans believed the United States was an exceptional
country and were extremely proud to be Americans. By 2023 only 39% were extremely proud to be Americans.
• Seventy-years ago just 15% of Americans wanted the country to go more in the direction
of socialism; in 2019 43% of Americans believed socialism would be good for the country (young adults — 50%)
• This was also a far more religious nation with the vast majority of its population
steeped in an attendant sense of national and individual moral responsibility. In 1965, 70% of Americans
said religion was "very important" to them, by 2024 that number had fallen to 45%. In 1962, nearly 50% of
Americans attended religious services on a weekly basis, in 2021 just 29%.
However, the marches, demonstrations, and unrest of the 1960s do have one thing in common with the current
chaos not only in America's colleges but throughout the nation. That decade planted the seeds for the
Marxists to overwhelmingly dominate America's institutions.
Food Workers Make $20 Min. Wage in California, Now Everyone Wants It.
California implemented a $20 minimum wage only a month ago, which many workers celebrated.
However, the initial optimism has given way to concerns as massive layoffs sweep various
industries. Who could have predicted that? Also, not every fast food worker is getting
$20 an hour. Now, all want wage increases, and the unions are pushing for more with no end in
sight. Before you know it, more layoffs will follow, and businesses will fold.
of Young People Whose Bodies Were Sacrificed on Altar of 'Gender Ideology Cult'. The
cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and surgeries being prescribed to young people struggling
with their gender identity are "experimental," according to Mary Margaret Olohan. "We don't
actually know what kind of effects that the puberty blockers and hormones are having on these young
people," Olohan says of women and men who attempt to change their bodies to appear as the opposite
sex. In her new book "Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult,"
Olohan shares the stories of detransitioners, such as Prisha Mosley. As a young woman, Mosley
took testosterone and had a double mastectomy before she chose to detransition and return to living
as a female. Now an adult, she is expecting a child, but will never be able to breastfeed her
baby. "I'm very happy for her and glad to see that she is able to bring new life into the world,"
Olohan says of Mosley, but added that "we don't know if other people will be able to do the same."
Real Reason Pro-Hamas Protesters Wear Masks. Some of the mask-wearers themselves
maintain that they are trying to "stay safe" — in what they believe is the ongoing COVID
"pandemic." Other observers have postulated, however, that this is an effort by the protesters to
hide their identity. [...] The central reality to gauge here is that unisex/desexualized dress
satisfies leftists' morbid pining for enforced sameness. It is crucial, in their world, to
erase physical as well as emotional differences and attractions between people. In the
utopian endgame, humans must all be replicas of one another and be devoted to the cause, the
revolutionary state, and to its all-knowing administering of "equality" and "social justice."
It is no surprise, therefore, that Western leftists were enthralled with the Maoist social
engineering experiment.
Theft Ring Busts Reveal Some Hard Truths. Los Angeles County Sheriff Department
detectives proudly announced a complex and successful sting this week. A retail theft ring
has been caught red-handed, with millions of dollars' worth of make-up, perfume, pharmaceuticals,
and more, stolen from stores in and around California, much of it still bearing store tags. [...]
Where do these ringleaders get the army of foot soldiers to do the swiping, the smash-and-grabbing,
the flash-mobbing? For the past few decades, the leftist approach to the problem of urban
crime has been to empty the jails and just hire more social workers. They disregard or
statutorily reduce sentencing guidelines for property crimes, so that even after shoplifters,
burglars and other robbers are convicted, they are released back into the community almost
immediately. Should anyone be surprised that crime is rampant, when the government is
knowingly releasing every thief they catch via a revolving door policy?
Economy Does Not Look Good. Core inflation rose at a 3.8 percent annual rate in
the first quarter and 2.9 percent in March, the Commerce Department reports. Fearful of
renewed inflation, the Federal Reserve will not ease up on the money supply and will keep interest
rates at their highest level in more than two decades, as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell announced on
Wednesday, which should slow economic growth further. Meanwhile, President Biden is doing his
very best to destroy the economy via regulatory brutality. The American Action Forum reports
that Biden "agencies published $875.3 billion in total costs" on the U.S. economy in just
one week in mid-April, including tighter emission standards for cars, tougher efficiency
requirements for light bulbs, and silica exposure limits clearly meant to end coal mining.
Biden's one-week regulatory bacchanal amounted to "[j]ust $20 billion less than what President
Obama did in two terms!" notes AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin. The contrast between Biden
and Trump is ten times as dramatic as that: $1.37 trillion by Biden to $30.1 billion by
Trump by April of year four of their respective administrations.
Defectors Warn About Four Stages Of Subversion — And America Is On The Last
One. Forty years ago, a KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, revealed the systematic plan
Soviet communists used to take down countries and establish a communist-type society and
regime. More recently, a Chinese defector immigrant, Xi Van Fleet, has been on a crusade to
warn Americans about the parallels between what is happening in America today and what Mao did in
the Chinese Cultural Revolution. [...] While America is still in the crisis stage, some subversion
experts argue that the lawfare, censorship, and cancellation regimes that now exist are really part
of the last stage of communist takeover known as normalization — Bezmenov's fourth and
final stage. If America's borders remain open and the American people are denied access to
information, become accustomed to rigged elections, accept limitations on free speech, and
acquiesce to the rewriting of history, the constitutional republic that was the United States will
be gone, and the new world of communist global elite control will be normalized.
the Economy... Again. By this November 5, a high electoral price from the
Democrats may be called in due to a fractured American economy. In the runup, there are
several negative economic indicators flashing red — factors soon to converge in force,
each one predicated on Biden's incompetence. His economic climate tells against the erstwhile
middle class, or the legally voting 'majority,' and its prosperity. The collective, negative
impact of Biden's combined and often unilateral federal actions, the upshots of bad policies and
mismanagement, suggests that we will soon have a new, expanded class of 'the poor' in the United
States — an historical phenomenon that has eventually manifested itself in every country
subsequent to communist/socialist takeover. Biden's policies and directives are coalescing
and advancing in a hushed, cumulative economic effect very quickly.
Anarchy: An Understatement. Every perversion known to mankind is being embraced
and gradually legalized. The idea that morality is created by each individual as he makes
decisions throughout each day is a step beyond anarchy. Since Lawrence v. Texas
decriminalized homosexuality, we have been in a state of moral anarchy. Crude and licentious
parades with many naked or almost naked men celebrating sodomy are considered by many to be
positive and invigorating. The abrogation of Roe v. Wade in the recent
Dobbs decision does not end abortion, but simply leaves the existence of abortion laws up to
each separate state. There are so many different laws now on when it is legitimate to abort a
baby. Thus, the people have decided that it is legitimate for citizens to decide when a life
is a life. The truth is that a life begins and is a life at conception. That is what
the Holy Bible teaches and has been the basis of the sanctity of life — announced even
in our Declaration of Independence — for thousands of years.
Have Deliberately Shattered The Ties Binding America. Two generations of leftist
media, a broken education system, and a corrupt government that protects itself at all costs have
brought us to this day. By and large, our youth have lost their ability to look rationally at
what is required of them to shape their own future. They feel simultaneously entitled and
angry. Ask them, and they'll tell you that the Baby Boomers were the last generation to make
it. They feel justified to malinger and complain about the remaining scraps. Biden told
them they were entitled to abandon their student debt obligations. 15% of Americans want to
leave our country. Never before have so many been so disenchanted that they effectively see
the American Dream as dead. The clock is ticking down our remaining time, however much that
is. There is time left to make a difference.
Won't Live By Your Wokeness. A young woman who came to the pregnancy center where I
work shared this story with me. She had a pediatrician appointment for her baby girl last
week. She brought her infant, dressed all in pink, into the doctor's office. After
stating the baby's female name, the doctor asked, "So, have you decided what gender you're
assigning to this child?" She was stunned. She said she just stood there until the word
"female" came out of her mouth. This wasn't the first time I've heard this line of questioning
in a pediatrician's office. A friend told me her daughter was asked the same thing on her
first visit to the doctor's office with their infant son. The question, "gender assigned at
birth" is now on many medical forms. A man I know was at a new doctors' office and the
paperwork included an entire page on "gender identity."
Major City Will Completely Collapse First — Los Angeles, Chicago or New York
City? In 2024, virtually all major U.S. cities have certain things in common.
First of all, if you visit the downtown area of one of our major cities you are likely to see
garbage, human excrement and graffiti all over the place. As you will see below, some of our
core urban areas literally look like they belong in a third world country. Most of our
politicians don't seem too concerned about doing anything to clean up all the filth, and so it
shouldn't be a surprise that rat populations are absolutely exploding all over the country.
In some of our largest cities, the total rat population is numbered in the millions.
Meanwhile, rampant theft, out of control violence, endless migration, predatory gangs and the worst
drug crisis in the entire history of our nation have combined to create a "perfect storm" of social
decay that is unlike anything that any of us have ever seen before. Millions of law-abiding
citizens and countless businesses have been fleeing America's largest cities, and property values
in our core urban areas have been absolutely crashing. We really are in the early stages of a
full-blown societal "collapse", and things just keep getting worse with each passing day.
Democrats' Anti-Business Policies Create The Food Deserts They Decry. Riots [...] are
just one way a community can be destroyed. Another, far more insidious, is common
crime. With riots, everyone can point to the damage and clamor for rebuilding, but with
common crime, once the window is replaced or the body chalk is washed away, the neighborhood looks
exactly the same as it did before. But of course, it's not the same. From citizens
being scared to walk down the street to kids having to dodge junkies as they walk to school to
upstanding members of the community not visiting certain neighborhoods — and not
spending money there — the fear of violence has devastating consequences on any
community. Food deserts are one of those consequences. Retailers typically are not
charities. They exist to make money. When violence, security costs, and shoplifting
make it so they can't make money, they usually close. Hence, when all the food stores close,
you have said "food deserts." [...] Why all this matters is because the chickens are coming home to
roost. Across the country, from San Francisco to Seattle to New York to Boston, stores are
closing because of crime.
Cities Fall Into A "Doom Loop" As The CRE Crisis Absolutely Explodes. In the entire
history of the United States, we have never witnessed an urban collapse of this magnitude.
During the pandemic, millions of Americans started working from home, and many of them have never
returned to the office. Meanwhile, rapidly rising levels of crime, homelessness and migration
have transformed many of our inner cities into extremely dangerous places. As a result,
thousands upon thousands of businesses have left our core urban areas in search of greener
pastures. So now there is lots and lots of commercial real estate space that is sitting
empty, and commercial real estate prices have absolutely plummeted.In the entire history of the
United States, we have never witnessed an urban collapse of this magnitude. During the
pandemic, millions of Americans started working from home, and many of them have never returned to
the office. Meanwhile, rapidly rising levels of crime, homelessness and migration have
transformed many of our inner cities into extremely dangerous places. As a result, thousands
upon thousands of businesses have left our core urban areas in search of greener pastures. So
now there is lots and lots of commercial real estate space that is sitting empty, and commercial
real estate prices have absolutely plummeted.
The Editor says...
What do all the doomed cities have in common? Socialist government, un-punished
crime, homeless bums in the streets, and illegal immigrants everywhere.
Founding Fathers' Fears Are Coming True, and the Damage Is Intentional. The Founding
Fathers, in all their prescience, wrote the Constitution to protect We the People from the
very onslaughts we are seeing today, some two-and-a-half centuries later. Donald Trump
represents a clear and present danger to the pinko-Americans who have infiltrated every institution
in the United States, and we can all see how the Constitution somehow doesn't protect this one man.
[...] Need more evidence that our nation is on life support? Our replacements are being
invited to cascade over the southern border by politicians who were elected to protect us from such
an onslaught. Criminals, many of whom aren't even citizens (yet), operate with impunity
within our borders. Fentanyl, created by China and sent to the Mexican drug cartels for
assembly and distribution, floods over our phantom southern border and kills roughly 80,000
Americans annually while enriching the Chinese and Mexican drug lords, yet nothing changes.
Have you wondered why? Worse, the destruction we see taking place in the United States is
100% intentional.
Bargain with Government Is Coming Apart. [Scroll down] Take education, for
example — a paradigmatic service people expect from government. People are openly
challenging public schools, which spend more on racial and sexual ideology than on reading,
writing, and arithmetic. On crime prevention, perhaps the number-one benefit derived from
government, problems abound. Crime is surging. Progressive no-bail policies are
releasing offenders the same day they are arrested. Terrorists and criminals are flooding
across our borders unvetted. At the federal level, we're more vulnerable to attack than we
have been in decades because we redirect defense spending from war-fighting to DIE seminars.
If you are a low-wage worker, open borders allow illegal aliens to pour in and take your job.
The government is not keeping its end of the bargain. Insecurity is the word of the day.
Fitness Founder Admits the Truth: Company Has Pretty Much Been Destroyed. You
let perverts go into any locker room they want, and it will destroy your company. The Alaska
Planet Fitness isn't the only one that's been having problems with mentally ill individuals going
into the locker room of their choice, regardless of their biological gender. North Carolina and
other states are seeing the same shit. Now, the founder of Planet Fitness is admitting
defeat. [...] You pander to the communist "woke" left, and this is what happens. They will
happen to any company that bends their knee to the communist Democrat agenda.
Will Champion Despicable Pedophilia Within Five Years, or Less. Transgenderism is
validated by psychiatric and other medical professions that stopped caring about patient welfare
long ago, and instead, champion woke delusions. The profit motive exerts tremendous
attraction; there are millions to be reaped from hormone treatments and sex-organ
mutilations. To opine that the deviant "road to progress" will lead to pedophilia is not mere
conjecture. Preliminary moves in that direction have already been undertaken.
Brainwashing of America. Brainwashing is defined as "the process of pressuring
someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means." In
case you haven't noticed, that is the kind of pressuring presently threatening the "blessings
of liberty." [...] Rather than anger, good people seem to be owning the accusations and in turn
acquiescing to abuse like mistreated pets. Riots are purposely incited by implicit
suggestions that retaliation for things like racism is justified. Police are disrespected,
shot, and killed. Terrorist states are enriched, and foreign wars financed with tax money
siphoned from government coffers. Our border, language, and civilization is being decimated,
and Third World diseases infect our citizens. Meanwhile, everyday Americans are portrayed as
inherently evil. To ensure voters' voices are drowned out at the ballot box, instead of
forbidding illegal entry, our government presses beaten-down taxpayers to feed, clothe, enrich, and
accommodate hordes of illegals that include swindlers, murderers, and rapists. As stunned
citizens lick the wounds inflicted by government, progressives support an invasion of military-aged
men armed with tactical game plans printed in Chinese.
Words Aren't
Enough. The more and better-distributed sources of information that fill the search
engines and radio programs, the harder the truth is to hide. That's an important role in the
ultimate battle for America down the line. The border fiasco is all Biden, the lower wages
are all Biden, the inflation is all a product of Bidenomics, the debt is all Biden, not because he
came in with a clean slate, but because he has increased spending to the point that we now owe over
a trillion dollars a year, just to pay interest on the debt. That's more than we spend on the
Department of Defense. In January of 2021, when he took office, the debt was 21.6 trillion
dollars and that was after the lockdowns and the pandemic. U.S. debt today is 34.6 trillion
dollars and adding a trillion dollars every 100 days. Our tax collections run at about
4.5 trillion dollars a year, with budgets ranging from 6.5 to 7 trillion dollars a
year. The spin is that we need these illegals to help the economy.
Reasons I'm In Mourning. High rents and theft are a key reason many dollar stores are
closing in medium and large cities. However, dollar stores in rural locations are
thriving. Dollar General just opened its 20,000th store in Alice, Texas, with plans to open
800 more this year! By focusing on rural locations, they have less competition, lower real
estate expenses, and less chance of retail theft. (At least not at levels seen in larger cities
where culprits walk in, shove items into bags, and walk out knowing there's little chance they will
be arrested and/or prosecuted.) Who knows how long the other dollar chains will last?
Family Dollar, whose parent is Chesapeake, Virginia-based Dollar Tree, Inc., announced it will
close 600 Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores. The Dollar Tree empire employs nearly 212,000
employees (retail staff, distribution center, and store support). How many will be affected by the
announced Family Dollar and Dollar Tree closures?
St Louis
Is Dying. We all know that prominent coastal Blue cities are in deep trouble, but
this report in the Wall Street Journal reminds us that almost all large cities are run by idiots
driven by Democrat ideology. Democrat ideology is toxic. In cities across America a
doom loop has set in. [Tweet] Saint Louis, it seems, is seeing its central business
district die a slow and painful death. Office buildings have been clearing out, and with them
the businesses that supported the workers have been leaving to set up in greener pastures.
Most Important Election in American History? The ideological division in America is
the greatest it has ever been — even during the pre-War Between the States era.
And the contrast between the two candidates (regardless of whom the Democrats finally nominate)
could not be more dramatic: one a decided pro-American patriot, the other an unequivocal
Leftist totalitarian heading a party that gives every indication it hates everything traditional
America stands for and wants to continue to take the country down a determined leftward, morally
decadent path. [...] America isn't anything even close to what it was in 1960. [...] But, until
Obama, and especially Biden, we didn't realize the depth of the anti-Americanism, the full
intention of what the Left was trying to do with and to our country. We noticed the
increasing immorality and growth of government, but the horrific degeneracy, decadence, and
economic recklessness have exploded in our faces the past few years.
The Great Illusion In Ruins? [Scroll down] Now, as we enter the fourth
year of the great experiment, America is $35 trillion in debt, borrowing $1 trillion
every 100 days. Home mortgages are at 7 percent. Key prices for food,
insurance, rent, and fuels are 30-40 percent higher than when Biden entered office. The
nation has been humiliated and emasculated abroad. Racial relations are the worst in a
half-century. The military is in virtual receivership. Biden is polling about
40 percent approval and is behind in key swing states in most of the 2024 polls.
Administration Environmental Rules Estimated to Cost Americans Almost $1 Trillion.
Mandates, mandates, mandates; subsidy after subsidy. All of these cost money, and we're occasionally
reminded of just how much. The Biden administration seems determined to shatter all the norms when
it comes to unilaterally deciding that they know best what's good for us Americans and are willing to
spend our money to those ends. Now we see the cost; the environmental rules alone implemented by
this administration (without input from Congress) are projected to cost Americans more than
$845 billion. As if the fiat-currency dump fueling inflation wasn't enough already.
99 Cent
Only Stores Shuttering all Locations, Citing Crime and Inflation as Key Factors. One
of the first places I discovered when I moved to California in the late 1980s was the 99 Cents
Only Store. One of my apartments was in walking distance of one, and I could buy a week's
groceries for $20. Those halcyon days are long gone, not just for me and others, but for the
iconic 99 Cents Only Store. When the company had to raise their price point from $0.99
to $1.01 a few years back, you kind of got the sense they weren't going to outrun this. It
was finally the weight of inflation and the COVID pandemic that did them in. [...] The press
release did not mention rampant retail theft as a reason, but you know that factors in as well.
99 Cent Only Stores are extremely soft targets, with very little security presence. In
California, with Prop 47 in place, retail theft of up to $950 won't even be prosecuted.
So, thieves could take out three-quarters of the store and get away scot-free.
Are the Real Conspiracy Theory Nut Jobs? Remember how the left ridiculed us for
predicting disaster once Biden got into the White House? They were quite sincere and
convinced that we were wrong. They said with conviction, "Oh no, you are wrong! Biden
will be a president for all the people. The world will be relieved at his presence.
Peace and security will ensue." Now, Biden is overseeing a vast human tragedy at the border,
soaring gas prices, racial hatred, and the world on the brink of war. Not only were we
right — we were too right. It has degenerated faster than even we imagined.
We emphatically warned that he would rain down calamity after calamity. That he would cause
soaring gas prices, inflation, a spike in murder rates, unrest in the Middle East, and war.
GOP Landslide in November. The Biden Democrats have opened the southern border to
about eight million illegal aliens, many of them military-age single males. Assume only half
of those aliens are males and one in a thousand are in terrorist sleeper cells infiltrated by
Al-Qaeda, ISIS, or Iran. That adds up to 4,000 attackers spread all over the country, which
is 200 times greater than the twenty that Al-Qaeda planned for its attack on
September 11, 2001. Instead of thousands of deaths, the casualties could be hundreds of
thousands. That death toll would overshadow the body blow to American cities from millions of
unscreened "migrants" whom Democrat governors and mayors are subsidizing with free housing and free
money. The answer from Biden Democrats to the terrorist threat is to ban the terms "Islamic
terrorist" and "jihadist" from intelligence reports at the Pentagon and the FBI.
Democrat party is a Potemkin village. The Democrat party as a democratic institution is a false front.
Our judicial system has been Stalinized; Democrats are free to break all laws, conservatives will be punished severely
for minor infractions. Our law enforcement agencies have been thoroughly weaponized. Rampant
crime is the chaos the Democrat party needs to further its agenda. What has been done to the
people who were present at the Capitol on January 6 is Stalinist in the extreme as is the
lawfare perpetrated against Trump. On top of that, Biden intentionally destroyed the energy
independence we enjoyed under Trump. His open border has forever altered the demography of
the nation and not in a good way. The migrants pouring over the border are not coming to be
productive citizens; they are coming to be taken care of by American taxpayers. They are not
grateful for what they are receiving, and they expect more. That's what we get when other
countries are emptying their prisons and mental institutions and sending their worst our way.
Democrats routinely, endlessly present themselves as the party of democracy while they censor
narratives and opinions they do not like.
Maintain Your
Brain. Generations ago it wasn't uncommon for educated people to memorize chunks of
The Iliad, building up their minds by forcing them to do all the rewarding work associated
with real reading: assembling images, keeping track of plot and character structure, juggling
themes and challenging ideas even as you carried the story along. Then came mass media.
Newspapers shortened attention span, movies arrived and did visual assembly for you, TV mastered
mental junk food, MTV replaced story with montages of interesting nonsensical images, then finally
the Internet came and made it possible to endlessly follow your own random impulses instead of
anyone else's schedule or plot. [...] Inventions like TikTok, which I'm on record saying shouldn't
be banned, are designed to create mentally helpless users, like H addicts. If you stand there
scrolling and thinking Next! enough, your head will sooner or later be fully hollowed out.
You'll lose the ability to remember, focus, and decide for yourself. There's a political
benefit in this for leaders, but more importantly there's a huge commercial boon. The mental
jellyfish is more susceptible to advertising [...]
York, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco And Baltimore Were Once Such Beautiful Cities.
If America is heading in the right direction, why have so many of our major cities become cesspools
of violence, drugs, theft, trash and homelessness? Once upon a time, millions of young people
from all over America flocked to our rapidly growing metropolitan areas. Today, there is a
mass exodus out of our largest metropolitan areas due to the absolutely deplorable
conditions. If you are not yet convinced that we are a nation in decline, spend some time
wandering around our core urban areas. The shiny new cities that previous generations of
Americans built for us are degenerating at a pace that is absolutely stunning.
River Is Essentially Dead': How Enviros' Push To Save Salmon Ended Up Killing 'Hundreds Of
Thousands' Of Them. A well-funded environmentalist group played a key role in the
push to remove dams in the Pacific Northwest's Klamath River ahead of premature deaths of thousands
of salmon. American Rivers — an organization that has received millions of dollars
from left-of-center environmentalist grantmaking organizations in recent years — was
"the orchestrator of the Klamath dams removal project," according to Siskiyou News, a local outlet
in Northern California. The drawdowns of several reservoirs pursuant to the scheduled removal
of four dams in the river preceded the deaths of "hundreds of thousands" of young salmon in the
waterway, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting. The push to remove the dams is often
marketed as beneficial for salmon, as proponents of the plan — including American
Rivers — have argued that the dams obstruct the natural movements of salmon as well as
their access to habitat. However, weeks after beginning the process to remove one of the
systems scheduled for deconstruction on the river, a large number of the 830,000 young salmon
released into the river on Feb. 26 had died as of March 2, according to the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW).
losers in Biden's America. The future is not bright for most people under 50. You
are seeing (and will see) a continued deterioration of the dollar and a diminishing standard of
living if you vote for Democrats. As Ronald Reagan succinctly stated, "You and I have a
rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on
earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness." Freedom
and (market) opportunity have served prior generations of Americans. Joe Biden and
Democrats have a vision for America, where freedom and opportunity are subverted to the interests
of the state. "You will own nothing and be happy." [...] If you want to buy a home, rent a
home or apartment, eat, or drive, you are getting hammered by Bidenomics. The affordability
of homes for new buyers is all but out of reach for most Americans. Rents are
skyrocketing. The cost to fill up a car or truck is 50% more than it was when Donald Trump
left office. Eating out has gotten expensive, even for fast food, with McDonald's meals
reaching $18. In California, wait until the minimum wage for fast food workers goes
to $20/hr. Your meals will also increase in cost to absorb this expense.
Biden's winners. The top of Biden's winner list has to be illegal aliens.
As the saying goes, what you promote, you get more of. Joe Biden and his surrogates have
actively promoted the arrival of more than 7 [to] 8 million new illegal aliens since
his inauguration, when he overrode Donald Trump-era policies and instituted new executive orders,
opening the floodgates. Illegal aliens are being housed, fed, given stored value cards, free
medical treatment, and "the promise" of amnesty. A peripheral beneficiary of our open border
is the Mexican cartels, who are making bank, trafficking drugs, adults, and children. [...] On the
heels of illegal aliens are non-governmental organizations and other leftist activist
groups, who are grifting the government to the tune of billions of dollars per year. Woke
Catholic charities, woke Protestant charities, woke attorneys, woke hotel chains and housing
authorities all benefit from the continuation of the border surge. Leftist homeless groups
benefit from the continuation of, not the elimination of, homelessness. If they "solved" the
homeless crisis, they would be out of work. Not the "people" in said sanctuary cities and
states, but leftist Democrats, who benefit from the increased number of congressional seats
afforded them, by the increased counts in the Census, soon to be the right to vote.
Should Fight First for the Bill of Rights. [Scroll down] The military
recruiting crisis is so bad that the Army is now seeking retirees to come back in a desperate move
to fill "critical position vacancies." According to the directive, "There is no age limitation,
although personnel older than 70 are not normally recalled." No worries, America.
Everything's fine. We're just looking for a few good men with experience — and
senior citizen cards! [...] I guess all those commercials highlighting a "woke" military culture
and fondness for men in drag didn't quite puff up enlistment figures enough to intimidate global
adversaries. Truth be told, bringing back the Old Dogs might be the only way to save an
otherwise sinking ship — but only if yesterday's soldiers are permitted to turn today's
soldiers into something more than their preferred pronouns. The Armed Forces are in dire need
of an ideological fumigation that can drive the "woke" mind virus out for good. Unless the
branches return to a culture that celebrates honor, strength, and merit, DIE-obsessed Marxists will
continue to transform America's once-intimidating fighting forces into a puny pack of politically
correct toy poodles. Nothing invites aggression so much as perceived weakness.
Through Chaos and Fear. [Scroll down] What do you imagine the BLM and
Antifa riots are about? Or the "Defund the Police" movement? Eroding trust in rational
systems and behaviors creates radicals and radicalization empowers the worst elements of a
society. Without enforcement of existing rules about civil campus behavior, radical students
and professors overcome the moderates on campuses. Those desirous of honest debate or who
take different non-radical views leave or shut up, and the mission of the institution is corrupted
and destroyed. [...] I think it's safe to say that we can expect more of this drive for power through
manufactured chaos, and you've no real choice except to resist bullying as well as you are able.
Third Act has begun. The gears of the machine have become visible. We can all
see the FBI is rotten and the DOJ is weaponized. We know the border is open
intentionally. We know the cartels are working with our government. We know our
elections are DESIGNED to not be auditable and there's only one reason for it. We can see
Biden is not in charge. We know the Ukraine war was always about its energy resources and who
gets to own them. We know our rising debt is ruinous. We know our experts are
liars. We know our pharma and food industries are poisoning us. We know our government
is racist. We know the corporate media is essentially owned by Democrats who are controlled
by intelligence entities and they are actively brainwashing the population.
and the insurmountable. Black voters seem to have matured a bit. Street
interviews and polls suggest that an increasing number realize that they re-enslaved themselves to
the Democrat party and received little by way of meaningful benefits in return. Yes, they got
welfare, cheesy food stamps, and drug-infested housing, but look what it cost them: their
dignity, a husbandless family, females working two and three jobs to feed their families,
alienation from their churches, more crime, and you know the rest. Biden inflation has eaten
any wage increases workers obtained during the Trump years. The cost of essentials is
devastating for those on the lower-socioeconomic level. Furthermore, competition from Biden
illegals is beginning to create adverse employment opportunities, and it will only worsen.
The military was an employment refuge for many black and white citizens, who gained many social
benefits and positive life experiences as well as post-service education stipends. Now the
military cannot fill its quotas because of what Biden has done by way of sexualization.
McAfee Ruling Is The Latest Blow to Public Trust in Government. Quite simply, of
late, the unbelievability of the government's positions and actions has escalated significantly:
• We are supposed to believe that the southern border is secure,
the millions of impoverished, military-age males flowing into our country pose no threat to
our economy, culture, or national security, and the only people opposed to this invasion are racists.
• We are supposed to believe America is a fundamentally, systemically racist country.
• We are supposed to believe a new economic principle holding that paying the
same price for a smaller bag of Doritos is intrinsically different from and somehow more sinister than
paying a higher price for the same size bag of Doritos.
• We are supposed to believe that our withdrawal from Afghanistan was a
well-planned and brilliant success, not one of the worst military and foreign relations disasters in our lifetimes.
• We are supposed to believe that DEI is a far better rubric than merit for
making all our institutions — even our military — better.
• We are supposed to believe that it is perfectly fair and right for biological
male athletes to compete against biological females — despite the former being dramatically
overrepresented in winners' circles.
This list could go on for pages, but some of the examples are far weightier than others. The
Russia Hoax, arguably the most corrupt, treasonous scandal ever orchestrated by the cabal of governmental
agencies, opposition party, and media, delivered a massive body blow to government credibility. The
COVID scandals — from identifying origination to lockdowns to the efficacy of the
vaccines — and the Hunter Biden laptop scandal fully exposed in the Twitter Files release
were a one/two punch combination that left government credibility on teetering legs.
Bloodbath. The Left is castigating presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump for
warning that there would be a "bloodbath" if he's not elected in November. The dishonest
media wasted no time taking the comment out of context (he was talking about tariffs on foreign auto
imports) and falsely claiming that Trump was cooking up an insurrection — or maybe
even WWIII. [...] While left-wing media parrots are weeping and gnashing their teeth about Trump
using the word "bloodbath," there are very real bloodbaths that the policies of Joe Biden
and the Democrats have caused:
• A million dead babies a year, courtesy of Democrat policies and bolstered
by their evil minions at Planned Parenthood
• 13 troops killed during Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal —
13 families who lost mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters.
• 55,000 deaths a year from Fentanyl overdoses thanks, in part, to Biden's
refusal to protect our southern border.
• The highest increase in suicide rates in two decades.
Democrats yapping about bloodbaths are complete and utter hypocrites. Nothing Trump has
done comes close to the ghastly, ongoing genocide of innocents on the tables of abortion clinics.
Inflation Numbers Keep Economic Concerns Front and Center. Inflation tickedup in the
latest figures from the U.S. government's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), released March 12.
It's not a huge rise, but enough to keep the eroding value of the dollar in the headlines, feed
Americans' dissatisfaction with the economy, and be received as very bad news by the White
House. The president and his allies work hard to claim credit for what they tout as a
thriving economy, but all they've done is link the Biden brand to rising prices and a general
distaste for the president's management. "The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers
(CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in February on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising
0.3 percent in January," according to the BLS. "Over the last 12 months, the all
items index increased 3.2 percent before seasonal adjustment." That's a big
improvement over the 9.1 percent that inflation hit in 2022. But it's still a reminder to
the public that the money in their wallets buys less with each passing day.
The Editor says...
The 9.1 percent inflation from 2022 is not erased or mitigated by the 3.2 percent inflation
the following year. This is a shell game, and if you watch TV news, you lose.
Minus Truth. Are you feeling more confident that the US military can competently
defend our country? Probably more like the opposite, because the manipulation of language is
being used deliberately to turn our country inside-out and upside-down. At this point we
probably could not successfully pacify a Caribbean island if we had to, and you've got to wonder
what might happen if we have to contend with countless hostile subversive cadres who have slipped
across the border with the estimated nine-million others ushered in by the government's welcome
wagon. Momentous events await.
Haiti: How Biden Is Transforming America Into a Gang-Infested Wasteland. What
is transpiring in Haiti is so post-apocalyptic — so unspeakably brutal — that
it would be impossible to believe were it not for the steady stream of phone videos and
first-person testimonials substantiating the media reports pouring out of the country.
"Millions of Haitians Face Starvation as Gangs Aim for Total Takeover, Free 5,000 Prisoners," reads
one recent headline. "Haiti Gangs Launch Main Airport Seige, Massacring People
'Indiscriminately' Days After Massive Jail Break," reports another. This weekend's
Washington Post report, titled "Haitians shot dead in the streets and there's no one to take
the corpses away," paints a picture of the scene on the ground: [...] The situation is grim, even
by Haitian standards. (And the situation in Haiti has been varying levels of grim for the past
200 years.) Reports suggest that a gang leader named "Barbecue" — a reference to
his enthusiasm for burning people alive in their homes, not to his culinary prowess — is
now "the most powerful man in Haiti." Barbecue's gangs recently stormed two Haitian prisons
and released thousands of prisoners before launching a full-scale attack on Haiti's main airport.
Is Rising as Freedom Falls. The U.S. military is being used to patrol subway stations
and police the U.S.-Mexico border, supposedly in the name of national security. The financial
sector is being used to carry out broad surveillance of Americans' private financial data, while
the entertainment sector is being tapped to inform on video game enthusiasts with a penchant for
violent, potentially extremist content, all in an alleged effort to uncover individuals subscribing
to anti-government sentiments[.] Public and private venues are being equipped with sophisticated
surveillance technologies, including biometric and facial recognition software, to track Americans
wherever they go and whatever they do. Space satellites with powerful overhead surveillance
cameras will render privacy null and void. This is the state of our nation that no is talking
about — not the politicians, not the courts, and not Congress: the government's
power grabs are growing bolder, while the rights of the citizenry continue to be trampled under foot.
the Destruction of New York City in Real Time. The New York City police are finally
arresting some of the violent migrants. There were two attacks in Times Square, where there
are multiple migrant shelters. Two of the suspects are members of one of Venezuela's most
violent gangs, Tren de Aragua. The gang has a strong and visible presence in New York,
Chicago, LA, Miami, and elsewhere. Venezuela's Communist President Maduro opened the prisons
and sent the criminals to our border. Thank a Democrat. Currently, there is a manhunt
now for 16 other people who stabbed a teen in the back. Cash [Jordan] says the majority
are fleeing extreme poverty. We understand that, but we can't take in the entire world. [...]
Cameras are everywhere, but they don't do much since they don't give clear photos. It also
doesn't matter because the criminals are released immediately. There are mobs of foreign
people here illegally, running around, doing whatever they want. They grab phones and
belongings from tourists while zooming around on e-bikes. Watch what has happened to New York
City under Progressives: [Video clip]
beclowns itself by confirming the escalating cost-of-living crisis while trying to pin it on
Trump. A recent article from Matt Egan at CNN admits that Americans have a problem
paying for things... but neither he, nor any of the outlet's other employees ever bring up Joe
Biden or his policies as a significant cause of the problem; [...] Egan says the problem has been
building for years instead of admitting that inflation didn't start increasing rapidly until
Biden took office. Despite COVID and supply chain issues, inflation remained below 2%...
until Biden. The economy was growing rapidly pre-Biden, despite the entire country having
come to a screeching halt over a virus, yet he signed the $2 trillion American Rescue
Plan, and fulfilled his campaign promise to destroy affordable energy (oil), which sent prices
skyrocketing. He compounded the inflation problem by issuing executive orders to open the
borders: housing, food, education, healthcare, law enforcement, energy, and other things are
obviously strained when millions of people are suddenly thrown into the mix, bringing no wealth and
anti-American cultures and ethos. The federal budget is around 60% higher than before COVID,
and they are borrowing trillions each year. That obviously puts pressure on prices and forces
an increase in interest rates. Here's how Egan framed it though, to distract from the obvious:
["]From the historically unaffordable housing market and budget-breaking day care rates
to high car prices, the United States has a cost of living problem many years in the making.["]
New York City Really Dead? Far too many edicts coming from Mayor Eric Adams'
administration are simply mind-boggling. The city has been invaded by illegal immigrants from
several countries and the mayor has ordered that they be sheltered in hotels, schools and senior
residencies, displacing senior veterans, and resident citizens. In addition, a pilot program
will be giving them $10,000 prepaid debit cards to buy certain items. What?!!
Needless to say, the recent political judgments against President Donald Trump and his businesses have
induced a "get out of NYC asap rampage." No one wants to do business here if biased judges
can officiate over kangaroo court cases against political enemies. Those families who can move
are relocating to red states but there are many of us without the resources to do so. There
are also many like me who prefer to stay and fight. New York City used to be the greatest city
in the world and as I was born here during its glory years, the very idea that it's doomed is
unacceptable. I believe that everything that is wrong with the city is due to misguided,
progressive politics, primarily instituted by Democrats.
The Editor says...
Just because you know who caused all these problems, that doesn't mean the city isn't doomed.
The damage may already be irreparable.
Americans No Longer Trust the Healthcare System. Trust is foundational in
relationships, whether between individuals or between individuals and institutions. A Gallup
survey from last summer found, "Americans' faith in major societal institutions hasn't improved
over the past year following a slump in public confidence in 2022." Notable other examples
where surprisingly few Americans have "a great deal or quite a lot of confidence" in major
institutions include Congress at 8%, big business and television news at 14%, and the criminal
justice system at only 17%. The medical system fared slight better with 34% of Americans expressing
confidence. But two thirds have lost trust. Doctors, hospitals, and healthcare systems
used to be held in high esteem, but no more. Aren't these the "experts" in white coats? [...]
In terms of one's own healthcare decisions, "35% of American adults believe it's safe to trust
advice from experts" By party however, only 22% of Republicans trust the experts compared to 52% of
is the new 20. People who do the shopping for their families know that inflation is
not "under control," as President Biden and his advisers are insinuating. When was the last
time any of them went food-shopping or filled up their own gas tank? "The economy is booming
and everyone knows it — except for the American people," wrote former Treasury secretary
Larry Summers this month in a working paper on inflation and the cost of money. A January
Gallup poll found that 45% of Americans think the state of the economy is "poor," and 63% say it's
getting worse. What's the reason for the disconnect? Well, statistics and politics have
a lot to do with it. The primary measure of inflation, the CPI (Consumer Price
Index), is constantly being manipulated and redefined to achieve the desired results.
Again, Again. In 1984, the Reagan-Bush campaign aired a political commercial that
helped seal their landslide re-election, winning 49 states and 525 electoral votes. "Morning
in America" is an iconic piece of political history — a video that is fondly nostalgic
for the Boomer generation because the Reagan years were a golden time of peace and prosperity.
[...] Time and again, Biden issues policy directives that are disgustingly immoral. Have we
really reached the point where we are not allowed to say what is a man and what a woman? Are
we required, on penalty of loss of employment or expulsion from school, to refer to "non-binary"
individuals as "they" and "them" instead of he/she and him/her? Do we really wish to allow
repeated shoplifting if it falls below $900 per occurrence? Do we want open borders with tens
of millions of unvetted individuals entering our country? Do we want to see our living
standard cut by 6% or more annually as a result of inflation, driven largely by out-of-control
government spending?
Stinking Privilege of the Green New Deal. A few years ago when I was building my
house, [...] I followed the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum template,
contracted the job myself. I wanted to build a healthy house, which meant as little chemical
off-gassing as possible. Despite my savings, which were considerable, it still cost
40 percent more than a traditional stick-frame. The geothermal system cost $35,000 more
than traditional heating and no, I have not "made back that money." Today that cost would be
north of $150,000. We're all in this together, right? The only reason I am not bankrupt is
that where I live is so restricted as to land use, housing prices have skyrocketed. Only the
rich can afford to live here. My property with its "improvements," which is to say my money
and labor, is now worth 30 times my initial investment. This is known as old-fashioned
economics, wherein you restrict supply and prices, via demand, go up. This too is a perfect
micro-illustration of the "Green Economy" or the the "Green New Deal." It is "green" only for
the wealthy or privileged by virtue of education. It is very, very "green" for those who
profit from it. The people who took my extra money, other than the giant suction hose of
government, were mostly those demanded by "green" theology: engineers (5), lawyers (3),
surveyors (2), wildlife consultants (2), and permitting bureaucrats. Those requirements
have doubled in the intervening years.
green movement is stripping away life's small luxuries, one by one. Our former
colonial masters, the micro-managing misery merchants of the EU's institutions, have agreed on a
new way to interfere in our lives with a deal banning sauce sachets and regulating the air inside
boxes. When you fly away on holiday in six years, you may need to pack your own ketchup to
address both concerns. If your suitcase is too empty it might be considered wasteful
packaging and be either quarantined as an eco-crime, or stuffed with images of sad-eyed Swedish
children whose future you have stolen. The goal of the snappily titled Revision of the
Packaging and Packing Waste Directive is to reduce packaging waste, which is on the rise. In
2021 each EU citizen generated 189 kg, up about 17 percent over the decade. This raises
questions over the utility of the previous legislation. Self-evidently it failed.
However, the intention is noble, reducing the impact of some materials, deemed polluting, on the
environment, including for example hard to recycle plastics. All packaging on the EU market
will have to be recyclable by 2030. The best way of encouraging such change is inventing better
alternatives. The rise of plastics over the last 100 years is due to their utility.
Dams Down: Will Ranches Survive? The largest, most devastating dam removal
experiment in modern history has reached the point of no return. As of January 23,
2024 — despite opposition by a majority of local residents — the four
hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River have been officially breached. Ironically, dam
removal proponents claimed the project would help salmon, but now the Klamath River is being
polluted with millions of cubic yards of decomposed algae, organic deposition, chemicals, and fine
silt that has built up behind the dams. Dead steelhead trout and other species are floating
to the banks. Any salmon spawning beds in the Klamath River were undoubtedly destroyed.
At press time, conditions in the Klamath River were not likely survivable for the salmon juveniles
that were beginning to emerge from the tributary rivers and creeks on their way to the ocean.
There's no way of knowing the survival rate of those juveniles until it's time for them to return
to their natal spawning grounds as adults (fall of 2025 for coho salmon; later for Chinook salmon).
But there is cause for great concern: by one estimate 26 million cubic yards of sediment is
stored behind the dams. No one knows how much of it will slough off into the river, or how long
the river will remain in its turbid state, or how much of the sediment will settle on the river-bottom.
Realizes Drug Decriminalization Has Failed Spectacularly. I'm not trying to get
anyone's hopes up here too much, but it's just possible that we are witnessing a turning of the
tide in terms of the progressive fads and policies that have been sweeping the nation over the past
couple of decades. First, we saw the "defund the police" movement turn into a "refund the
police" effort (at least in some places) as voters began to feel the bite of rising crime
levels. Many progressives who formally sympathized with less strict immigration laws have
been changing their tune after witnessing a literal invasion of our country numbering in the
millions. And now, out in Oregon, previous successful efforts to decriminalize hard drugs
have morphed into a push to "recriminalize" those same substances. It's not just talk,
either. The state legislature passed a measure this week that would roll back the previous
decriminalization rules and the Governor has already indicated that she is inclined to sign it.
Dark and the Light. The poison killing our country is pervasive untruth. Every
institution we have relied on to run the public interest has become a factory churning out lies,
evasions, and misdirection — not unlike the way mRNA "vaccines" turned the cells in your
bodies into tiny generators of spike proteins destroying your organs. Likewise, half the
population, apparently, thinks this is a good thing, that we need more lawfare — the
perversion of law by attorney perverts — and that we need ever more lies, evasions, and
misdirection (just as the degenerates who run Harvard declare their student body needs more mRNA
boosters to remain in school). Since the doctors have all failed — miserably and
dishonorably — America needs an exorcism. [...] Are you asking yourselves: what
will satisfy these maniacs? Anything short of the ruin of our country? What will their
coveted power be worth in a ruined country? Mr. Trump volunteered to play the role of
exorcist in this grand psychodrama. Whatever else you make of him, he has shown a lot of fortitude.
Democrats Want The Same Fate For America As Hamas Does For Israel. [Scroll down]
This worldview is institutionally endemic from the campus to the boardroom to the federal
bureaucracy. It — antiracism, progressivism, intersectionality, gay race communism,
et al. — is the basis of our de facto state religion. Those who are
filtered through and direct American institutions cling to this ethos with religious zeal.
That presents a serious threat to the lives and safety of the American people. Observe how
adherents of this worldview embedded within the U.S. government foment chaos and violent crime by
refusing to enforce the law at the southern border. Currently, legions of fighting-age men
from across the globe, including several suspected Islamic terrorists, are illegally flooding
across the shared border with Mexico before finding themselves in the country's heartland, where
they've committed hundreds of thousands of violent crimes. But whole generations of people
are reared to sincerely believe this isn't a problem. They believe the U.S. is an
illegitimate nation whose institutions seek to target and oppress nonwhite residents, such as these
illegals. From their earliest days in the education system, virtually every child in America
is taught to despise the nation and its culture because it is deemed "oppressive" and infringes on
an abstract, ever-expanding notion of "rights."
Feminization of America. We are witnessing a new rise of authoritarianism in
opposition to freedom. Men do not want to be ruled. Look at the national submission to
COVID mandates: this was a pure feminine reaction favoring security. We are on the brink
of total submission to authority. "Please, keep me safe! That's all I ask!" We the
People, men pointedly, meekly allowed ourselves to submit to loss of freedom imposed by a vastly
overreaching government. We consented to be so governed. The despair of
men who have lost their role and identity as independent and strong seems to be cheered on in the
guilt-ridden media who see masculinity as a sickness. Their concern is that men are not
adapting as anticipated... some are resisting.
Michelle Obama (or any other Democrat). [Scroll down] They've spent the
last three years taking a wrecking ball to our liberty and individual rights while continually
lying that we're doing that — always repeating their big lie to make it the truth.
You can always tell what they've been doing because they accuse us of doing it. They ripped
open the border to an illegal invasion, but somehow, some way, it's the fault of the pro-freedom
right, because we didn't legalize the invasion and funnel more money into its facilitation.
They're causing rampant inflation, printing money to buy votes, but somehow, it's also our fault,
because we noticed. [...] All indications are they are going to wait until the convention to play
the Biden bait-and-switch on the people. That helps them, because if we focus just on him and
the disaster that has been his regime, a fresh face wipes that all away. Hence, we have to
hammer the party instead so the Democrats can't get away with their usual treachery. The far
left is always thinking three or four steps ahead of the game. That's why leftists had Joe
take the fall for the economy with the "Bidenomics" label.
Is a Fundamental Value. The administrative class delights in imposing its views on
the rest of us, especially when it involves our private lives. Small businesses are made to
prepare wedding cakes for gays; young children are forced to study sexual practices from which they
ought to be shielded; workers are made to attend classes on DIE in which, if they are white, they
are accused of racism and exploitation, even as they are the ones being exploited by racism.
We live in a world turned upside-down, and it can only end in chaos. For the woke class that
now governs our country, it's not enough that gays and transgenders, now treated as minorities and
thus victims, are granted complete equality and full human rights. What they seem to want,
and what the administrative class imposes on the rest of us, is superiority and oppression of
others who are straight. Everything gays and transgenders demand is granted by administrators,
judges, corporate leaders, and politicians who are afraid to refuse them because of the stigma of
seeming to be "anti"-minority. Even when it imposes harm on the rest of society, the wishes
of gays and transgenders come first.
Reserve records massive losses, makes up fictitious value called 'deferred assets' to
compensate. When inflation started rising rapidly after Biden took office, the
Federal Reserve and others falsely called it transitional. Biden campaigned on, and has
governed on, policies to intentionally destroy reasonably priced energy. As a result of these
radical policies, energy prices soared, and energy inflates the cost of everything. Crude oil
is used in over 6,000 products, and crude oil is still up over 90% from the day Biden was
inaugurated. Yet I have not seen members of the Federal Reserve call out Biden for his energy
policy as a great cause of inflation. Biden's green policies are forcing car companies to
produce electric cars, which are losing them a massive amount of money, because the public doesn't
want them. Then the car companies jack up the price of gas-powered vehicles so they can cover
the losses, and make profits to cover the cost to manufacture the more expensive E.V.s.
Consumers, especially the poor and middle classes, are hit with huge increases in car
payments. I haven't heard the Fed say how that contributes to inflation. Because
of the increased cost of cars, car repairs and insurance rates are soaring — a
"staggering 23%" increase for repair costs in just one year, and a "26%" increase for insurance
rates, which equates to a $500 per year jump.
never thought I'd see. There are days when I wake up in an America I hardly
recognize. Some of that is my age, but much of it is astonishment. A part of me is
thankful that my grandparents are not alive to witness what we all are. They would not have
tolerated what we now take for granted.
Absurd Democrat Border Con. In 2021, Joe Biden opened wide an inherited, secure
southern border that had finally stopped mass illegal immigration. When he overturned Donald
Trump's efforts, a planned flood of over 8 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S.
Almost all arrived without background checks, health screening, or vaccination
certificates — but with massive needs for free housing, education, healthcare, and food
entitlements and subsidies. For four years, Donald Trump battled the courts, his Democratic
opposition, and the open-border establishments within his own party to ensure legal-only
immigration. Somehow, he rebuilt some of the old porous border fence. He had begun to
build his long-promised new wall to the Gulf of Mexico. He had ended Obama-era
catch-and-release. Would-be refugees had to apply for asylum in their home country.
Trump leveraged Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to police his own border
and stop cynically transiting millions of illegal aliens into the U.S. There was general
Democratic Party opposition to all of Trump's measures, both through Congress and via the
courts. For the last three years of Biden's mass influx, the left has applauded open
borders. That is, until late last year, when overwhelmed southern border state governors
began busing and flying illegal immigrants en masse to northern sanctuary-city jurisdictions.
Inflation is real, and it is the result of the Democrats' print-money-and-spend-it policies.
Shares Tumble After Executives Acknowledge Price Inflation. McDonald's executives
have finally acknowledged that their $18 Big Mac meals and other inflated prices are putting off
lower-income customers. "We certainly know consumers are more wary or weary of pricing," Chief
Financial Officer Ian Borden told investors during a Monday earnings call. [...] A Big Mac burger,
a medium beverage, and a medium fry meal now costs $18 in some locations, up $10 from 2018 when
former President Donald Trump was in office, Breitbart News reported in November 2023.
report says [the] US deficit [will] skyrocket in [the] next decade. The nonpartisan
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Wednesday released a report projecting that federal budget
deficits will skyrocket to well over $2 trillion per year in the next decade. The
baseline in the CBO's annual budget and economic outlook covers the 2024 to 2034 period and
projects that the budget deficit will rise from about $1.6 trillion in 2024 to
$2.6 trillion in 2034, with deficits topping $2 trillion each year after 2031. As a
percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) — or the size of the U.S.
economy — the deficit rises from 5.6% of GDP in 2024 to 6.1% of GDP in 2034. That
comes after the percentage briefly dips in the late 2020s due to the projected expiration of tax
provisions from the 2017 Trump tax cuts resulting in increased tax revenue for the government.
'Middle Finger' To Americans. Police say that at least 12 illegal aliens pummeled two
NYPD cops outside a taxpayer- funded shelter in Times Square on January 27. Among five
arrested, four were released without bail, three hours later. Unrepentant, Jhoan Boada, 22,
waved his middle fingers as he left court. [...] "Why aren't they in jail right now?" New York
City Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry demanded Thursday. "They brutally
attacked a New York City police officer and a lieutenant. Our criminal justice system is
upside down. It fails every day." This incident encapsulates life under the Joe Biden
Democrats: BINO — A Border in Name Only, rampant illegal immigration, disdain for
law enforcement, far-Left "prosecutors" who lionize criminals, pushover judges with bleeding
hearts, illegal aliens fueled by entitlement rather than gratitude, and an ever-expanding sense of
chaos. The American people did not vote for this, nor did they ask for the crime explosion
that Biden and his border-hating Democrats have detonated.
Tale of Two Canals. The United States chose to give up the Panama Canal during the
Carter administration. With our rigorous processes for major capital projects, it's
inconceivable that a Panama Canal under U.S. control would have undergone its recent expansion
without making proper provision for the necessary additional water sources to prepare for an
extended drought. [...] What we teach in our business schools, how our manufacturers source the
materials they make and sell, which business choices are rewarded or punished by Wall Street
investors — and most of all, who we elect to public office — makes a
difference. Sometimes a very costly difference indeed.
Must Be Empty. Ever since Obama's presidency, Democrats have demonized police
officers and lionized criminals. They lied about "hands up, don't shoot"; maligned cops as
Klan members with badges; and instigated race riots throughout the country. They excused
criminal behavior, cut bail requirements, reduced felonies to misdemeanors, and celebrated
unethical prosecutors who have used their powers to lock up police officers for spurious charges
while treating violent crime as some kind of race-based civil right. Barack Obama and Eric
Holder (the corrupt attorney general who regularly abused the law to protect friends and target
political enemies) set the country down a dangerous path, where criminal gangs are psychologically
empowered to target law enforcement officers for assassination and municipal politicians are so
desperate to prove their soft-on-crime bona fides that they release violent criminals from jail in
order to make room for unjustly indicted cops.
crash; thank the liberals. Remember when America's great cities were great? San
Francisco, New York, Chicago and other major cities were centers of art, culture, wealth,
sophistication, and shopping. Now, the cities are overrun with vagrants. Liberal judges
decided that people have a Constitutional right (see, Martin v. Boise) to camp on the
sidewalks and poop in the gutter, because stopping them from doing so constitutes cruel and unusual
punishment for violating the laws that prohibit them from doing so. Crimes such as
shoplifting have been de-criminalized. The outcomes are predictable to anyone but a
liberal: This new retail mode where payment is optional has produced more cases where people
choose not to; Store owners, from small family-owned hardware stores to Walmart, are leaving the
cities because they can't make money if they can't charge for their goods; liberals are shrieking
"racists!" Laws against dangerous drugs have been relaxed. The result is more dangerous
drugs and drug addicts. Duh. Then there are the illegal aliens. Lots of
them. Tens of millions of them. The liberals who preside over the cities virtuously
signaled that these illegal aliens are welcome in their cities. To their surprise, the
illegal aliens took them seriously, and took their cities by storm.
America Already A Dead Country? The Democrat party's open southern border has allowed
millions of able-bodied, unvetted young men into the United States. Is a terrorist
attack coming? The porous border was the number one issue for New Hampshire primary
voters — and New Hampshire is quite a distance from the southern border. It was
also top of mind for Iowa's voters, another state far from Mexico. Let's assume
7 million unvetted illegal alien invaders have waltzed into our country since
January 2021. If just one-quarter of 1 percent have malicious intent to do us harm,
that would be 17,500 people, all of whom are scattered across the United States, with many
receiving free housing, free medical, free education, free driver's licenses, free iPhones and, in
some cases, free ballots. It is estimated that the United States government has so far spent
more than a whopping $450 billion on these illegal invaders. Think what ONE
person can do when they go on a murderous rampage at a school, shopping mall, or Las Vegas hotel,
and then multiply that by the possibility of thousands of terrorists waiting to cause injury,
death, and havoc from sea to shining sea.
is drowning in three disasters of his own making. Responding to the killing of three
American soldiers by Iranian proxies this weekend, President Joe Biden's Secretary of State Antony
Blinken said the Middle East is now more volatile than at any moment since 1973. At around the
same time, Biden finally admitted that the southern border is in "crisis," just as his Department
of Homeland Security announced 300,000 migrants were arrested for illegally crossing into the U.S.
in December, a number dwarfing all previous records. Again, at the same time, inflation
ticked higher last month, as a record number of people find they cannot pay their rent and
consumers owe more personal debt than ever before. Workers can't afford a home or a car, and
their real wages are lower than when Biden took office. There is upheaval, even chaos, at
home and abroad. Every one of these crises — Iranian aggression in the Middle
East, chaos on our border, and higher prices at home — are all disasters created by
Biden. His policies caused each, which is why, if anything, the president's 40% approval
rating isn't low enough.
Blackouts in Hawaii Offer a Case Study For Michigan. Rolling blackouts in the Aloha
State presage things to come in Michigan. Michigan's new net-zero and "100% clean energy"
policies mirror Hawaii's "goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045." These energy plans are
causing both states to rely on more weather-dependent wind and solar, which means that reliability
issues are becoming more pronounced. On Jan. 8 and 9, heavy rains hit much of the island
of Oahu. News releases from Hawaiian Electric, the island's main electric utility, explained
that during the storm two large generating units at the Waiau Power Plant had gone offline.
In an email, company officials said that water damaged a control system at one plant. The
system at a second plant "tripped after a tie-in to the grid was damaged, likely by weather."
That was unfortunate timing, for as the utility noted, it had also recently taken several
generation units offline for scheduled maintenance.
Army's 'Recruitment Crisis' Happened When White Recruits Stopped Showing Up. A
DEI-driven 43% drop in white recruits caused the Army's 'recruitment crisis'. The military
recruitment crisis that has crippled our defense capabilities has been talked to death by generals,
politicians and pundits who have blamed everything from rising minimum wages to obesity to Gen Z
culture for the problem. They have raised enlistment bonuses to unprecedented levels, spent
fortunes on ad campaigns that feature lesbian weddings and doubled down on DEI as the answer to the
crisis. And yet the crisis has grown worse. That's because recruitment was a
self-inflicted problem caused by a woke racist military.
Biden, the demolition man. President Trump worked hard with Central America to close
the border; on day one, Joe Biden worked very hard to open that border back up. Trump worked
very hard to cut off funds from Iran, to stop the sponsorship of terrorism, and Biden turned the
spigot back on, deluging the regime with billions of dollars. Trump gave the world the
Abraham peace accords; Biden gave the world a massive disaster by sparking conflict after conflict
between nations with fragile relations. Trump worked very hard to keep oil prices low and
make America energy independent; Biden told the world we were going to destroy our domestic oil
industry, which jacked up the global price, and allowed Iran to fund the terrorists and Russia to
fund its war. I don't understand why Iran is still sponsoring all these attacks since the
Biden administration has told Iran in strongly-worded terms, many times, to stop sponsoring
terrorism. But, according to the media, other Democrats, Nikki Haley, and many establishment
Republicans, it is Trump who causes chaos.
is Your FBI,' thanks to DEI. [Scroll down] "The FBI does not appear to be
getting experienced, 'mature' candidates, such as the former cop, former military person, the
professional career person, the lawyer, accountant or engineer." Sound familiar? The
U.S. Army has the same problem. The brass can't seem to recruit anybody who can do a
push-up. Who in their right mind wants to risk their life by joining an organization run by
entitled, shiftless incompetents who despise them? "The FBI is now a joke among other law
enforcement agencies because of its apparent investigative failures, political targeting of certain
individuals/groups, and woke adoption... The FBI is considering hiring candidates not accepted by
other law enforcement agencies." The G-men have Diversity Recruitment Events —
"straight white males may not attend." In other words, there's no room for a modern-day
Inspector Lew Erskine. But Dylan Mulvaney or Jussie Smollett — come on down!
world war, not a civil war. The de-stabilization of the West goes beyond the
invasions. Western leaders turn their back on the Lord as the devil collects the souls of
nation upon nation. Countries no longer praise the men who freed them but instead shame
today's white people for what are declared past sins. In Canada, Justin Castreau made up a
story about Catholic boarding schools killing Indian students and burying them in shallow
graves — without evidence. Conveniently, they won't dig up the alleged graves
because that might disrespect them. In America, LGBT groomers use child porn in schools to
recruit kids. Public schools have become a poor man's Epstein Island. I won't go into
the transmania today because it sickens me so. Given the attempts at suicide by our society,
how can historians not conclude that the terrorists won 9/11?
to Death. Today young men and women are more likely to die from drug overdoses,
especially fentanyl, though tomorrow it may be some other trendy drug. Though different from
car racing, the underlying cause of death is the same: the heedlessness and overconfidence of
youth within a society that in nearly every media venue glamorizes speed, drugs, and sex. If
only the young would recognize the dangers of life and their own limits — in other
words, if only they would become conservative and wise beyond their years — then little
of this would happen. But of course, they do not, and in 2022, there were 105,452 deaths from
drug overdoses and 42,795 deaths from car crashes. Altogether, there were 218,064
"unintentional deaths," so approximately 70,000 accidental non-auto deaths unrelated to
drugs. In addition, there were 49,449 suicides in 2022. I suspect that most of those
dying in these careless and destructive ways do not value their lives as they should. The
underlying cause is not just that the young are heedless — the young have always been
so — but that they have become increasingly heedless, and dangerous to others, in
recent years.
The Editor says...
It appears to me that the public schools are teaching nihilism, secular humanism, and recklessness,
instead of teaching civics, ethics, good citizenship, history, and common sense. Public school
kids seem to have little regard for right and wrong, but they're very aware of what they can get away
with at any moment of the day. Teaching philosophy and Christianity, or at least the Golden Rule,
would help. But alas, the Communists have taken over the public schools, directly or indirectly,
thanks to the Socialist Democrats; and the internet has taken the place of fatherly advice, so this is
the fruit. Young people today don't know how to act in church, in a restaurant, in a theater,
or on the highway. We expect them to behave and they won't. The first thing you have to
wonder about teenagers racing their cars (or their mothers' cars) in the street is
where are their fathers?
Illegal Border Crossings In December. Biden's failed policies have created the crisis
at the southern border. In Biden's first 100 days he took more than 94 executive actions
on immigration, including halting construction of the border wall and ending the successful "Remain
in Mexico" policy. Illegal immigrants have confirmed this: "The border is open... everybody
believes that the border is open. It's open because we enter. We come in, free, no
problem... We came illegally." The Biden administration lost track of at least 150,000
illegal immigrants during the summer of 2021. Joe Biden and "border czar" Kamala Harris are
nowhere to be seen, with each only having visited the border once since taking office. It's
not just Biden; Democrats in Congress have consistently voted for policies that make the border and
country less secure. Democrats aided sanctuary cities and sent stimulus checks to illegal
immigrants, opposed legislation to fund Title 42, and repeatedly voted against funding the border
wall. Democrats voted against hiring more border agents, deporting felons, preventing illegal
immigrants convicted of crimes from becoming permanent residents — and voted against
strengthening the successful Remain in Mexico policy. Democrats voted against funding for
counternarcotic operations and ensuring the enforcement of immigration laws at the border.
Democrats voted against ensuring all local and state law enforcement are permitted to cooperate
with federal immigration officials to track illegal immigrants.
Biden Poison-Pilling Trump? Biden is a disgrace. No other president in history
has done more to cripple a country than the former senator from Delaware: devaluing the dollar,
raising energy prices, forcing people to stay home, firing workers who showed up because they
wouldn't take a government-mandated experimental vaccine, causing massive instability in Ukraine
through failed diplomacy, leaving thousands of men, women, and children behind in Afghanistan, who,
because of his failed policy, now live under tyranny and death. Biden's failure to protect
Israel by doing business with Iran cannot be forgotten. His encouragement of sanctions of
immoral health practices — even encouraging and supporting genital mutilation among
"trans" youth — is criminal. Pandering to every progressive pipe dream, no matter
the cost, including the inefficient desire to be carbon-neutral without any credible science or
benefit to support his goals, is psychotic. All of this adds up to a country that has been
mortally wounded, with blow after blow of egregious and sociopathic leadership. This is the
legacy of the Biden presidency.
The Editor says...
Leaving stink bombs for the next president is exactly what
Obama did. This is just more evidence that Obama is still the acting president in 2024.
2024 —
America's Year of Living Dangerously. During Biden's tenure, the U.S. military has
suffered historic shortfalls in recruitment, the disastrous humiliation in Afghanistan, a new DEI
commissariat that wars on meritocratic promotions and assignments, the politicization of generals
and admirals, the hyped but otherwise inane effort to root out mythical white supremacists and
"domestic terrorist" bogeymen from the ranks, and the expulsion of some of our best soldiers for
their reluctance to be vaccinated, many of them having developed natural immunity from prior
infection. The Pentagon is short on ships and planes. U.S. weapons stocks are
dangerously low, drained by the abandonment of billions of dollars of equipment to the Taliban, the
resupply efforts to Ukraine and Israel, the failure of the Biden administration to fund the
restocking of our munitions and to ramp up resupply production — and a $35 billion
national debt fed by $2 trillion annual deficits.
Healthcare Potemkin Village. A 2020 study compared ten-year (2007-2017) performance
of top healthcare stocks to patients' access to care. The time period extended from before
the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — passed in 2010 and implemented in 2014 — to
after full implementation and thus included effects associated with the ACA on stocks and on
patients. Over the ten years, the seven largest healthcare stocks all increased in share
price, with average gain of 307 percent (range: 157 to 635), while the Standard & Poors Index
gained 80 percent. Over the same time period, the maximum average wait time to see a
primary care physician increased from 99 days to 122 days. As stockholders gained
value, patients lost access to medical care. While this is a statistically significant
(p<0.0001) temporal association, that does not prove cause and effect. One may infer
causation based on how health insurance companies profit.
strikes: If you waited to buy your 'Forever' stamps, you're out of luck.
[Scroll down] And now you know why every business or every organization is begging you
to switch to online bill delivery and offering you all types of goodies if you do. You also
know why you, an over-30-something, are now paying your bills online, fees included, to avoid
high-priced stamps and questionable delivery resulting in late payment fees. You've even
become accustomed to receiving online wedding and other gala (and not so gala) invitations,
announcements, etc., tucked among the daily multi-platform, multi-multi messages jamming your
computer and/or cell phone. Faster and cheaper can't be beat. Oh, and not so by the
way, for those of you with long memories, which includes 21-year-olds, in 2021, when President Joe
Biden (D) took office, the price for a first-class forever stamp was 55 cents, so today's
first-class stamp price increase comes to 23.5 percent in just three years. A fine
example of Bidenomics in action. Get used to it; more to come.
Minds To
Think. For a lot of us, there is no excuse to be uninformed and unprepared by now,
but there are so many who come across bits and pieces of the picture without the will to put them
together and form a strategy for resistance. [...] They see the pandemic for the fraud that it was,
for how it destroyed whole swaths of American cultural freedoms, but still they complied.
They accepted, they were too timid to just tell people no. They cling to their
current lives, living in the hours before the devastation of the American experiment, holding onto
careers that no longer exist, jobs that will not even be there in a year. They protect their
bank and 401k accounts as if the entire worldwide economic reality hasn't drifted into fantasy,
held aloft only by the belief that debt doesn't matter, that going digital will provide control,
but where is that ability to control without electricity?
Populism and the Rise of Donald Trump. Conservatives have lost control over
organizations that have shaped their communities over the years. Many judges and lawyers no
longer respect a settled body of law. Churches no longer preserve our foundational Christian
heritage, and college professors don't enforce firm standards of academic accomplishment.
Globalist progressives have taken over all the vital institutions. Now, even parents are
timid about enforcing discipline and passing on traditional family values to their children.
Conservatives are mocked as people who cling to their Bibles and their guns and are labeled as
fascists, haters, homophobes, and worse. The ruling class has given us $35 trillion in
national debt; an underfunded, politicized, and emasculated military; more than 8 million
illegal aliens; massive police defunding; 100,000 dead each year due to fentanyl; and a highly
partisan DOJ and FBI.
Going To Get Dirty. [Scroll down] If you want freedom, you're going to get
dirty. By all evidence, we are mere steps away from a global war. I believe the Western
powers will lose it, that when it starts the U.S. will have its legs ripped out from under it by
the nearly one million foreign fighters who have been allowed to infiltrate the U.S. through
Biden's traitorous open borders. That's when the internal fighting will begin while the
military is busy getting annihilated overseas. I am less convinced of a nuclear exchange
because I don't think either Russia or China believe they need to resort to it and there is no
one in the United States chain of command who believes enough in the righteousness of America to
use them to defend it.
Democracy: Tyranny Comes to the US. I am angered that Americans are being
conditioned to loathe our shared history and the very people who made our modern country
possible. Even our founding documents have been labeled potentially harmful. Make no
mistake: these actions are happening because of unscrupulous politicians, bureaucrats, and others
who are intentionally destroying our nation's heritage to obtain greater power, control, and
wealth. In place of the constitutional republic gifted to us by our founders, these
charlatans promote "their" democracy. Even though our founders rejected direct democracy
because it leads to tyranny through mob rule, our elites have managed to convince Americans
otherwise. As a result, in pursuit of their democracy, our political class has amassed
unsustainable national debt and created an enormous welfare state. While declaring unity, our
democracy cheerleaders encourage racial animosity. One way is by falsely claiming white
supremacy as our country's greatest threat.
Hysterical Style in American Politics. The [Covid] lockdown caused untold economic
chaos, suicides, and health crises. One result was the 120 days of looting, arson,
death, destruction, and violence spawned by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in the aftermath of the
tragic death of George Floyd while in police custody in May 2020. Suddenly, a hysterical
lie took hold: American police were waging war against black males. The details around
Floyd's sudden death — he was in the act of committing a felony, resisting arrest,
suffering from coronary artery disease and the after-effects of COVID, and being high on dangerous
drugs — were off limits. The riot toll reached $2 billion in property damage,
over 35 deaths, and 1,500 injured law enforcement officers. A federal courthouse, a police
precinct, and a historic church were torched. Police forces were defunded. Emboldened
left-wing prosecutors nullified existing laws.
is around double of what it was when Joe took office. The Biden campaign workers,
posing as journalists, are out in full force: They are telling the poor what great benefit
they are getting now that inflation is now down to less than 4% [...] The analysts are making
month-to-month and year-to-year comparisons, ignoring the rises that have already happened and not
been compensated for with higher salaries. What voters are comparing, though is what prices
were like before Joe Biden took office and what prices are like after Joe Biden took office.
That makes the TIPP CPI Index, which makes that comparison, much more useful. What's their
reading this month? 16.6% higher overall than it was when Joe Biden took office "with no signs of easing."
Promises the Expansion of the Green Energy Scam. Years ago, I wrote a post about how
cheap air travel to Europe was ruining America. My point was that the Americans visiting
Europe were confusing what they experienced as a tourist with the reality of life in Europe.
These progressive American fans of two-hour lunches and 6 months of maternal and paternal
leave didn't have a clue about how average Europeans lived. Indeed, a couple of years later,
the Foundation For Economic Education came out with a study that showed the poorest 20% of
Americans were better off than the average European. Basically, the average European suffers
from high taxes, high prices, tiny homes and cars, and, increasingly, less freedom. But
tourists sipping tea in London or shopping in Paris rarely, if ever, see this, or understand it if
they do. Nonetheless, with little understanding of economics or history, they decide that
America must become Europe. Socialism, Obamacare, and gay marriage are just some of those
European imports that Americans have to deal with today.
Airplane Crashes, and Bad Medicine. How safe are you nowadays on commercial
airliners? How safe will you be tomorrow? Are airlines sacrificing safety at the altar
of "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)?" Who do you want piloting the jetliner you're on, the
best, most experienced pilots or box-check hires? Flipping the page, medical schools will
graduate bevvies of DEI doctors as the decade unwinds. What if you need open-heart
surgery? Cancer treatment? Won't you need a sound diagnosis for starters? Will
the most capable physicians attend you? Or will you have to settle for the right color, right
gender, right sexual orientation, pick-your-pronouns person in a white lab coat? The nation
is being plagued by incompetence. Plenty of that is from lax parenting, subpar education,
trophies for just showing up, and a debauched culture that discounts hard work and competence.
Forget excellence. While that's bad enough, DEI adds another corrosive layer. People
are receiving degrees and certifications for superficialities. Merit is shunned.
Standards [a]re being dropped in too many instances and exceptions made. Victimhood is
ginned up and fobbed off as part of progressive social reform.
Biden's Scary Speech on Jan. 6. Just recently, ahead of the anniversary of
Jan. 6, President Joe Biden gave a speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, to kick off his
2024 campaign. [...] Politically speaking, the purpose of the speech was clear. Given that
Biden has among the lowest favorability numbers ever recorded for a sitting president, he cannot
make the election about his achievements. Because he has none that warrant his
reelection. In every way, he has made America a worse country. He has terribly damaged
the economy — increased an already unsustainable national debt; changed an
energy-independent and energy-exporting country into an energy dependent and energy-importing
one. He hurt America and the world by withdrawing — and in the way he
withdrew — American troops from Afghanistan. He showed that America cannot be
counted on by those who depend on us. He abandoned $7 billion in weaponry, much of it
now being used by Islamic terror groups. [...] He has created the first large set of political
prisoners in American history — hundreds, soon perhaps thousands, of Americans sentenced
to prison for merely entering the Capitol, or for just being present on the Capitol grounds, on
Jan. 6. He has weaponized the Department of Justice against his political opponents, and
is overseeing the prosecution of an ex-president and political rival for the first time in American
history. From his first day in office, he has stoked racial tension in America. His
inaugural address was the most hate-filled and divisive inaugural address in American history.
He has so demoralized the American military that recruitment levels are at their lowest ever.
Chronicles of
Decline. Internal data reviewed by show that "the Army's recruiting of
white soldiers has dropped significantly in the last half decade." The "most significant drop"
occurred from 2022 to 2023. Army officials and data experts are baffled by all this. The ones
interviewed by blamed "partisan scrutiny of the service, a growing obesity epidemic
and an underfunded public education system." It's a bold move to react to a decline in white
recruitment by arguing that white men aren't enlisting anymore because they're dumb, fat, and
stupid. [...] Recall that in 2021, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a "stand down" to
confront "extremism" in the ranks. In practice, that meant lecturing people about our
perennial bugaboo: "white supremacy." And while troops were reminded of the importance of staying
apolitical, their superiors encouraged them to support Black Lives Matter. People noticed
that discrepancy. Sen. Tom Cotton gathered written complaints from members of the
military who were put off by what seemed to be a double standard about what is and is not
considered "extremism."
Steady At 16.6%, With No Signs Of Easing. The dark reality of Bidenomics is 16.6%
inflation under the President's watch. When he took office, inflation was at just 1.4%.
Inflation has stayed above the Federal Reserve's 2% target for 35 consecutive months since
March 2021. Average hourly earnings for all employees dropped 2.5% to $11.10 in December
from $11.39 in January 2021 when Biden assumed office. Despite nominal salary increases
at their fastest pace in years, American workers are now worse off than when the President took
office. In summary, the prices have increased by 16.6%, while real wages have declined by
2.5%, meaning Americans have taken a 2.5% pay cut under the current administration. To put it
differently, people now need 19.1% more income than they had in January 2021 to maintain their
living standards. How do Americans make up the shortfall? Many must take up a second
job, tap into their savings, or supplement with credit cards.
Town, USA learns the hard way that welcoming lawbreakers has negative consequences. A
few days back, AT published an essay by contributor C.S. Boddie that highlighted a recent tragedy
in Colorado: an illegal alien, who had been deported four times before, killed a mother and her
16-year-old son, as he drove (allegedly) completely inebriated near a high school. The
illegal had four "alcohol-related driving" convictions under his belt, and just days before, he'd
received probation, community service, and work release from a Colorado judge; Boddie's piece also
included a number of other "chilling" examples underscoring the deadly consequences of admitting
millions of scofflaws. But dead Americans aren't the only casualties — say
adios to Whitewater, Wisconsin, a once-safe and once-quaint midwestern town.
Whitewater recently came into the national spotlight after a letter to the Biden regime got picked
up by conservative media. Local police chief Daniel Meyer, had appealed to Washington to
request help for the influx of illegals that have cropped up since 2022, putting a "strain" on
reasources, and bringing in problems like these: [Tweet]
Are in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government. California is now covering the
costs of genital-mutilating surgeries for illegal aliens. Leftism's slippery slope invariably
leads to depraved absurdity. Consider how Governor (receding) Hairdo and the Pyrite State's
other communist saboteurs have greased the shifting ground under Californians' feet:
[#1] There is no illegal immigration crisis.
[#2] There may be a crisis, but California taxpayers won't be paying for it.
[#3] Taxpayers may have to foot the bill for the illegal immigration crisis,
but California will do nothing to incentivize illegal immigration.
[#4] After further review, these aliens aren't "illegal," but rather "undocumented."
[#5] Health care is a human right.
[#6] California must provide "undocumented" aliens healthcare.
[#7] Mutilating the genitals to make them look like the opposite sex is health care.
[#8] California taxpayers must pay for "undocumented" aliens' genital surgery.
[#9] Californians who object to paying for undocumented aliens' genital surgery
may be guilty of "hate" crimes and will be prosecuted.
Men Don't Want To Join An Army That Tells Them They Aren't Wanted. The U.S. Army is
experiencing a sharp decline in the number of white recruits it's bringing into the service, a new
report found. According to data analyzed by, "A total of 44,042 new Army
recruits were categorized by the service as white in 2018, but that number has fallen consistently
each year to a low of 25,070 in 2023, with a 6% dip from 2022 to 2023 being the most significant
drop." The report further noted how "[n]o other demographic group" has experienced such a
downward trend in recent years, and that the "rate at which white recruitment has fallen far
outpaces nationwide demographic shifts." Much like the Navy and Air Force, the Army missed its
recruiting targets for the 2023 fiscal year, with the branch coming up 10,000 recruits short of its
goal of 65,000. When discussing the matter with reporters in October, Army Secretary Christine
Wormuth claimed the Army understood its 2023 target was a "stretch goal" and described the branch's
plans to launch a "new 'talent acquisition' enlisted occupational specialty dedicated to
recruiting" to help stymie the problem.
Recruitment of White Soldiers Plummets, Take a Wild Guess Why. Military recruitment
is in trouble, with the U.S. Army missing its goal by about 10,000 new soldiers in 2023. [...] The
Army is now having to absorb more deployments with fewer deployable soldiers, meaning those who do
sign up are facing more time away from their families. In turn, that incentivizes potential
recruits to look elsewhere. It's a vicious cycle of stretching what is there while creating
the conditions for continued failure to hit recruiting goals. [...] Why are white people looking at
the Army and deciding not to join when they were doing so at nearly double the rate just
five years prior? One only needs to look at the changes within the military over the last
several years to figure that out.
U.S. Army Sees Massive Decline in White Recruits. Over the last several years, the
U.S. Military has struggled to meet recruitment goals across all branches, perhaps most of all with
the Army. One of the reasons for this has now been explained. White men are no longer
enlisting in the numbers they did in the past. Families which used to encourage young men to
enlist are doing so in far fewer numbers for reasons which are obvious to many. New woke
policies, the vaccine mandates and the embrace of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies
mean white recruits are looked over for advancement in the US Military today. All of these
factors have all contributed to this decline in white recruits.
Biden's Scary Speech on Jan. 6. Last Friday, ahead of the anniversary of
Jan. 6, President Joe Biden gave a speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, to kick off his
2024 campaign. [...] Politically speaking, the purpose of the speech was clear. Given that
Biden has among the lowest favorability numbers ever recorded for a sitting president, he cannot
make the election about his achievements. Because he has none that warrant his
reelection. In every way, he has made America a worse country. He has terribly damaged
the economy — increased an already unsustainable national debt; changed an
energy-independent and energy-exporting country into an energy dependent and energy-importing one.
[...] He has done terrible damage to the most important freedom — freedom of
speech. Among other things, his administration worked with Big Tech before and since the 2020
election to censor political speech. He has created the first large set of political
prisoners in American history — hundreds, soon perhaps thousands, of Americans sentenced
to prison for merely entering the Capitol, or for just being present on the Capitol grounds, on
Jan. 6. He has weaponized the Department of Justice against his political opponents, and
is overseeing the prosecution of an ex-president and political rival for the first time in American
history. From his first day in office, he has stoked racial tension in America. His
inaugural address was the most hate-filled and divisive inaugural address in American
history. He has so demoralized the American military that recruitment levels are at their
lowest ever.
Prices Are Soaring: It's Time to Hold the "Energy Transition" Accountable.
Electricity prices in the United States are skyrocketing, with all-sectors electricity rates
reaching new all-time highs in 2022 and 2023, but wind and solar advocates like to pretend that
these energy sources are not responsible for the rising electricity costs paid by American families
and businesses. However, recent reports from Regulatory Research Associates (RRA), a division
of S&P Global Commodity Insights, evaluating requests from electric companies to raise their prices
(known as rate cases) clearly show that rising electricity prices are largely being driven by
spending billions of dollars on wind turbines, solar panels, natural gas plants, and new
transmission lines in pursuit of the so-called "energy transition." Our deeper-dive into the
eight-largest rate increase requests, as identified by RRA, reaffirms these findings by quoting
directly from rate cases filed with state regulators, debunking the idea that wind and solar aren't
causing electricity rates to rise, once and for all.
Culture in Collapse. In the last six months, we have borne witness to many iconic
moments evidencing the collapse of American culture. The signs are everywhere and cover the
gamut of politics, the economy, education, social life, popular culture, foreign policy, and the
military. These symptoms of decay share common themes. Our descent is self-induced; it
is not a symptom of a foreign attack or subterfuge. [...] What is happening to us is not due to an
adherence to a too strict conservative tradition but is almost exclusively the wage of the
progressive project. In short, we are seeing fissures that America has not experienced in our
cultural history since the Civil War. The radical Left apparently feels such chaos, anarchy,
and nihilism are necessary to topple past norms and customs and thereby adhere to a socialist,
equity agenda that no one in normal times would stomach. Some of the decay is existential and
fundamental; some anecdotal and illustrative. But either way, while decline came about
gradually over decades, its sudden and abrupt chaos during the three years of Biden's presidency
has shocked Americans.
Another Trans Shooter. Once is an event. Twice may be a coincidence.
Three times is a pattern. Four? Five? Six? At what point does it become a
trend? [Tweet] We are now at the "it's a trend" stage. We still don't know much about
the shooting, and early reports are usually unreliable. But the evidence is mounting that the
shooting in Perry, Iowa, was perpetrated by a mentally ill boy who identified as "genderfluid," was
an LGBTQ+ activist, and pushed alphabet ideology. [Tweet] 2023 seemed to be the year for
transgender shooters, and it looks like 2024 may continue the trend. Given that there isn't a
lot of evidence that I am aware of that transgender-identifying people have in the past been
particularly prone to shooting large numbers of people, we have to ask, "What has changed?"
And I think the answer is obvious: a lot of things have changed over the past couple
of years, and they have all been pushed by the Left.
and the Left. The smug superiority of many on the progressive Left never ceases to
amaze me. They regard Republicans, especially of the MAGA variety, as knuckle-dragging cave
people with diminished intellectual abilities while they are really the one's with contracted brain
function. Every societal issue, such as unfettered illegal immigration, record unchecked
spending, and disastrous U.S. foreign policy, involves proof of how the Left is incapable of higher
than the most rudimentary thinking.
Was a Time When Governments Tried to Make Their People Better. The Biden regime seems
hell-bent on celebrating and subsidizing the worst tendencies of human nature: not only every
conceivable manner of perversion, but resentment, envy, the privilege of protected classes rather
than advancement on the basis of merit, and so much more. It is not hard to suspect that
Biden and his henchmen have some vested interest in encouraging Americans to become worse people,
harder to get along with and more difficult to deal with. What could more effectively justify
an authoritarian crackdown than a population that is as obstreperous as it is immature? One
outcome of all this will be that Americans will become worse people than they used to be. A
government can't expect to celebrate mental illness, demanding that everyone take it as normal on
pain of ostracism, deplatforming and worse, and exalt skin color and gender over competence and
expect that Americans will continue in large numbers to value being rational, competent, and capable.
60 Years After Congress Killed Off Mental Hospitals, Complete Breakdown of the System Has
Lawmakers Attempting to Bring Them Back. What people think is compassion sometimes
brings bad results. Fail to confront the slacking employee and other workers have to carry
more of a load. Be a pal to your children and then be frustrated by their disrespect.
Lavish welfare and then wonder why unappreciative people won't work. And then there's the
running away from obligations to protect the mentally ill from themselves and from society.
Perhaps you've had the same thoughts as I — the grand experiment in mental health care
of the past half-century or so has failed. Just witness the aggressiveness of babbling
panhandlers, the general filth of helpless people living on the sidewalks, the destruction of
cities such as San Francisco. Believe it or not, the left-leaning Politico published an
article Monday that gave a nod in the direction of some kind of return to the involuntary
commitment of some mentally ill people.
Want Disruption, Not Chaos. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page used their positions in the
FBI to create an "insurance policy" against our electoral choice. Their plan certainly
introduced a bit of chaos into the 2016 election. Leftist groups filed lawsuits against
virtually every action President Trump attempted in office. Those suits caused a great deal
of uncertainty and confusion about America's path forward. The longest shutdown in U.S.
history was brought about by Democrats to avoid funding a border wall. It caused weeks of
political disorder and years of unrestricted national invasion. When the Mueller
investigation spent three years investigating a crime that never happened — based on
fabricated evidence provided by Hillary Clinton — we experienced years of political
upheaval. When General Mark Milley informed his Chinese counterpart that he would inform them
of any surprise attack Trump planned, it introduced chaos into our military chain of command.
Anthony Fauci was responsible for a healthy dose of chaos when he illegally funded "gain of
function" research at the Wuhan lab, creating a virus, which the Chinese "leaked," leading to a
global pandemic. It was a stark demonstration of the chaos men are capable of who have more
ego than wisdom. We also experienced a bit of chaos when San Fran Nan conducted two
impeachments, based on hearsay and disagreements.
Is Everything So Stupid? [Scroll down] This past week, many analysts were
suggesting that the Ivies be shuttered, given the performance of their Vice-Chancellors in
Congress. Academia is lying to us, corporations are lying to us. Every institution is
corrupted. Individual lives are substantially impacted, population growth has collapsed.
We are deliberately refusing growth to Africa and inflicting cruelty far above any colonialism
caused. The shame of this will last a hundred years.
Corruption of Everything. Sexuality has been corrupted. Men claim to be women
and vice versa. Drag queens set the kiddie agenda in schools, and transsexuality has become
epidemic, although de-transitioners are becoming more noticeable these days. Meanwhile, young
lives have been ruined because of this fad. In addition, no TV or streaming drama is complete
without the obligatory sex scene. This has made family watching almost impossible and even
non-prudes like me squeamish. Sex scenes are not even necessary to enhance the storylines.
It's just another way the left can degrade something beautiful and sacred.
and Miracles. Government handouts changed people's thinking. They taught
millions of Americans: You are entitled to a check. No longer was it individuals'
responsibility to help families, neighbors and ourselves; now it was clearly government's
job. The result is that people became dependent on handouts. Government rarely teaches
people to be self-sufficient; handouts encourage you to be helpless. Welfare created something
never seen before in America: a near-permanent "underclass." Welfare told parents:
don't get married; you'll lose benefits. Don't work; your check will be reduced. Above
all, make sure the father isn't home when a welfare worker comes. If he is, your check may be
reduced or eliminated. This changed incentives that motivated parents for generations.
The result has been ruinous for millions of children.
Dept of Energy Continues War on Consumers. We all know the routine. Water-saving
toilets that don't flush (flush twice), water/energy-saving dishwashers and clothes washers that don't
clean (run two cycles), lightbulbs that don't light, dryers that don't dry (run twice), and all the
ancillary nonsense that comes from the intervention of the regulatory state. What Biden and the
progressive movement call the "green new deal" effort toward "sustainability," including the ban on
gas stoves and internal combustion engines, simply results in a diminished quality of life, a loss in
lifestyle productivity, and the exact opposite outcome from their expressed/intended purpose.
It's an abject mess of stupidity, pushed under the guise of environmentalism. Today the Biden
Dept of Energy (DOE) takes it one step further with rules and regulations on fridges, freezers and
fans. [...] Now we will see air conditioning units that don't cool, fridges that don't chill,
freezers that don't keep things frozen and fans that do not move air.
Soars As Punishment Vanishes. Portland, Oregon, decriminalized drug use in 2020.
Fentanyl pills — all coming through Mexico with ingredients from China — sell
for only a dollar or two, down from three times that in 2020. (This is one notable area where
"Bidenomics" actually lowered the price of something.) Kevin Dahlgren has worked with the homeless
for 30 years and calls Portland "the largest open-air drug zone in state history." He has
written, "I have found more dead people and seen more overdoses this year than in all the other
years of my working and volunteering, combined." In Washington state, theft up to $750 is only
a misdemeanor, and just like in big California cities, prosecutors often choose not to prosecute
shoplifting. In November, unionized workers went on strike at three Seattle-area Macy's,
saying the chain "is not doing enough to address shoplifting, violent shoppers, and other safety
threats to workers and customers." One worker said that when she called police to report "a repeat
shoplifter that even law enforcement was familiar with," she was suspended without pay.
Three and Four-Year Olds, Hundreds of Children Under Six Sent to Disgraced NHS Transgender
Clinic. Children as young as three years old have been referred to Britain's
socialised medicine's 'Gender Identity Development Service' transgender clinic, with hundreds of
young children referred in the past decade. 382 children aged six and under have been
referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in the Tavistock and Portman Trust,
known commonly as the National Health Service's transgender clinic, in the past ten years new
figures from the Trust reveal. The numbers, published by the Daily Mail, reveal how
even the youngest children have been pushed into interacting with the controversial clinic, and
that the numbers being referred to GIDS have soared in recent years.
Fence. The lesson of "Chesterton's Fence" tells us to not tear down a fence until we
know the reason it was erected. It may have been built for a good reason of which we are
unaware, and tearing it down would reap horrible consequences. Traditional marriage?
Not important, get rid of it. Traditional roles between the sexes? Oppressive!
Traditional values? Racist and colonialist! The cultural suicide the West is committing
can be explained by viewing the Judeo-Christian institution as a very old, paint-peeling, building
column. The impulse of modern man was to beautify things by chopping them down, without
realizing that this was supporting the entire building of Western civilization. A building
that is now collapsing.
Then why is New York still a "sanctuary city?"
Adams Suggests Migrant Crisis Will Result In Rampant Crime. Democratic New York City
Mayor Eric Adams raised concerns that the city's migrant crisis will create more crime during a
press conference Tuesday. Migrants that are arriving and unable to work in the U.S. legally
have become a challenge for the city, Adams said during the news conference, where he was asked
about rising crime. Out of the more than 100,000 migrants that have arrived to the city, only
2,200 have been approved for work permits, Anne Williams-Isom, the city's deputy mayor for health
and human services, said. "When I talk about the devastation impact that the migrant and asylum
seekers, people only think about the volume of people that are coming in. There are
byproducts to this, cuts to services, like we had to postpone a police class, looking at some of
the budgetary cuts, having a body of people, many young, who can't work," Adams said.
The Editor says...
Those problems were all self-inflicted.
Use the
Colorado Precedent. Americans will not be defended from the antagonistic members of
society by behaving themselves. They want to, they have been taught their whole lives that
there's nothing worth fighting for, that's not the way civil society operates, even while they are
amidst the most uncivil society ever devised in the homeland. They are being shown scenes of
Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Maoist China on their own streets, in their own courts of law, and
they still refuse to see it. They have endured a biological weapon unleashed on them; seen
young, strong athletes drop dead on football fields across the land and they still don't break free
of the trap into which their mind has been captured. Invasions of illegals from every nation
in the world have descended upon their borders and strolled through with the guidance of border
patrol officers. This is at the behest of a single president, a single department in the
government in violation of the will of the people.
Destruction for Destruction's Sake. America's cultural degradation began in the late
1960s. The counterculture was the primary agent. Libertinism has been battling
traditionalism ever since, with traditional America giving ground, sometimes in inches, other times
in feet, proving that it's much easier to destroy than preserve and build. In this quest to
ruin America, institutions, public and private, have been thoroughly infiltrated —
actually, in some ways, ceded by traditionalists. Schools, media, and entertainment have seen
decades of steady retreat by traditionalists who prefer other pursuits. Culture is the
captive of the degenerate elite. Americans are required to swim in the cesspool that
nihilists choose to fashion or shut up and slink away — for the time being. Any
objection deemed a notable threat leads to cancellation, a form of oppression. Government and
private institutions are used to cancel objectors. If not stopped and reversed, the
oppression will only increase.
Without Secession. [Scroll down] It's a trend that has been taking place
in New York, San Francisco and any other "sanctuary cities" where they separate themselves from
United States laws they don't like, even when they find their separation is a burden too difficult
to bear and seek financial aid from the rest of us to make it bearable. This is the insanity
that has gripped the United States after several internal coups against the rule of law and replace
it with the rule of power that we see playing out everywhere in the US today.
January 6th protesters are charged with insurrection, but leftist/communist/Muslims take over
the capitol during session and a few arrests take place, but nothing like the dragnet set out by
the FBI for J6ers. That's the rule of power. Any attempt to restore the rule of law,
such as vacating the chair when McCarthy betrayed the whole Republican Party, is met with
incredible pressure and the corruption of whoever is finally selected as the Speaker of the
House. But that's just under Republican control. This never happens under Democrat
control, because they are the ones behind the coups, who benefit from the rule of power.
28 is the Codification of Elite Hate, and Lies all the Way Down. [Scroll down]
Such are the fruits of the modern environmental movement. Wherever they go, they destroy. In
Dubai this past week, at Cop 28, they devised a slave system for the world. After their globalist
system is in place, the only people who will make money will be the cartels. It'll take a couple of
decades, but our world will be a slave state run by criminals, just like my gorgeous province that both
sets of paternal great grandparents settled in the 1880's when there were 4,000 people in Vancouver.
They built the water systems, clear cut the neighborhoods, built churches, founded schools and the hospital
and made a welcoming city replete with one hundred years of peace and prosperity. Now, fathers are knifed
in front of their children outside of Starbucks, and people lie on streets dying from fentanyl and native
women are so desperate they prostitute themselves to serial killers, organ harvesters and slavers.
All that goodness extinguished under violence and greed and, above all, the wilful ignorance of the
comfortable. Many, many cities are experiencing the same and under COP28 it will get worse.
Must Choose Between Civilization or Its Destroyers. When Joe Biden entered office in
January 2021, the U.S. was naturally rebounding from more than a year of Covid-enforced
lockdowns. Overtaxed supply chains were still fragile. Pent-up demand was
soaring. Consumers were flush with government cash. Trillions of dollars had been
printed and infused into the economy to ward off a feared recession. All economists advised
not to increase the deficit, spike further consumer demand, and expand entitlements. Instead,
the Left did just the opposite. Four trillion dollars were printed and distributed. In
no time, Americans, recovering from Covid, next experienced the worst, but entirely preventable,
inflation in 40 years. Three years later, prices on staples remain 30-40 percent
higher than when Biden took office. Mortgage rates tripled.
DEI, and the Rise of Fake Reporting. We know that the modern West has developed a
jaw-dropping degree of totalitarianism, wherein the bureaucracies of the state and the corporate
sector coordinate together to cripple humans outside their power networks and media channels.
But what are the mechanics of this coordination? To understand one of the games they play,
consider the rise of measures and standards associated with DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) — both occupants of a highly abstract
thought dimension and the latter an especially incomprehensible word salad. ESG as a phrase
was coined in a 2006 United Nations report, gradually gaining adoption by private companies like
BlackRock via the production of annual ESG reports. Governments then started supporting these
voluntary efforts, and eventually began making them mandatory. Since early 2023, corporations
in the EU have been compelled to report on ESG. [...] Bahar Gidwani, co-founder of a company called
CSRHub, a compiler and provider of ESG company ratings, estimates that the collection of ESG data
alone is already costing companies $20 billion worldwide.
Monthly Mortgage Payment Explodes to $3,322 In Biden's America. The average monthly
mortgage payment in Joe Biden's America has soared to $3,322, per analysis from the Wall Street
Journal. That $3,322 is nearly double the average monthly mortgage payment when His
Fraudulency assumed office. When former President Trump left office, the average monthly
mortgage payment was $1,787. [Tweet] "Homeownership has become a pipe dream for more
Americans," writes the WSJ, "even those who could afford to buy just a few years ago."
Totalitarian Three-Step. This simple political dance can be done to many types of
"music," for it has only three steps. We have seen its familiar choreography in efforts
against racism and crime, in steps to preserve our national security, in efforts to support
agriculture and education, et al; whatever the tune, the steps are the same:
[#1] Manufacture a "crisis"
[#2] Offer "emergency solutions" people would never accept except for the "crisis"
[#3] Results achieve the hidden goal, unrelated to the supposed problem [...]
We can see how this "dance" played out in the 2008 housing bubble
collapse: Step One, the "Crisis": Bill Clinton manufactured the "crisis," saying poor people
couldn't afford to buy their own homes. Of course, poor people have never been able to afford
their own homes, so why was suddenly a crisis? That situation is actually a motivation for
good behavior: work, save money, defer children until you're more financially secure, use alcohol
(or drugs) only moderately, if at all, etc. But no, to Clinton and the left it was suddenly a
"housing crisis." Step Two, Emergency "Solution": Force banks and mortgage companies to
lower housing loan standards so people who can't afford homes are able to get loans anyway.
Is the Age of Regress. It took a long time, and it was a protracted painful process
for Western civilization — white male Western civilization — to achieve
everything we have and take for granted, and are now losing to an invading horde. Today,
Enlightenment values, science, and Western culture have disappeared under the jackboot of "decolonization,"
"indigenous knowledge," "transphobia," and "Islamophobia." Objective knowledge and the concept
of intelligence are now forbidden "white constructs."
America Starts with Rejecting Digital Currency. The downward spiral of America is
punctuated by: 1) massive corruption of elites inside and outside government who go along with
manipulating the masses through creating and sustaining narratives that benefit them while keeping
citizens largely ignorant about what is really going down, including threats to their health and
their very survival; 2) the loss of confidence in the integrity of U.S. elections, which
demoralizes the public and undermines the legitimacy of government; 3) the erosion of privacy,
property rights, and freedom; 4) the Biden administration's deliberate open-border policy to
facilitate the influx of millions of migrants for political purposes; 5) the politization of the
judiciary and the attendant two-tiered justice system that has undermined the rule of law and
order; and 6) the atomization of American society and the deterioration of family and community
resulting from elite narratives that divide people — primarily around race and gender;
and 7) uncontrollable government profligacy and accompanying kickback corruption — the
continuing trajectory of which is certain to bring insolvency and collapse of the U.S. monetary
system, sooner than later.
One Simple Campaign Message for Reelection. Since Biden took office in January 2021,
prices for essential goods and services have risen from 20 to 70 percent without a commensurate
increase in wages. By so many measures, we individually and collectively are worse off than
four years ago. The debt and deficit have exploded, along with interest payments on the
debt. We are at war in Ukraine and the Middle East. Purchasing power is down while
crime and drug overdoses are up. Illegal migration, that which we know about due to millions
of "getaways", is approaching 10 million, more than the population of most U.S. states.
Trump's energy independence has been replaced by much higher fuel and energy costs under
Biden. The question Donald Trump needs to ask voters is simple. Do you like the way
things are now or would you rather things go back to how they were four years ago? Four years
ago isn't some hypothetical walk back in time. Trump was president then and was responsible,
in large part, to the state of America.
administration is 'spooked' over price complaints. A Five Guys customer's video
complaining about the extremely high prices of the items at the fast-food chain has resurfaced on
multiple social media platforms. Michelle Newell posted the clip to TikTok explaining that
she and her husband had paid $42 for two cheeseburgers, a side of fries and two milkshakes.
The visibly upset patron told viewers that the couple had visited a Five Guys location on a
Saturday afternoon for lunch. Newell shared her anger last year — but a check by Friday evening confirmed it remains just as expensive to buy the same meal.
Newell said she ordered a regular cheeseburger for herself, another cheeseburger with mushrooms for
her husband and a side of fries. The couple also got two milkshakes. She said that
'we're absolutely done' and businesses are 'playing with their customers'. According to the
Five Guys current menu, regular-sized cheeseburgers cost $12.09 each, while regular fries are
priced at $6.89. [A]nd milkshakes cost $5.89 each.
The Editor says...
In my opinion, Whataburger makes a better hamburger for one third of the Five Guys' price.
But the word is getting around, which is why there's almost never a crowd at Five Guys.
Even so, the price of everything is going up rapidly, so the prices at Five Guys are not all that extraordinary.
They're just ahead of the curve.
pee to the poop destroying American cities, with Baltimore as Exhibit A. One of the
solid hits that Ron DeSantis landed on Gavin Newsom during their Thursday night debate was his
waving a map graphically illustrating that San Francisco is covered with human fecal matter (aka
poop), something that magically vanished only when a Chinese dictator came to town. San
Francisco may be the worst city for human poop, but it's not the only problem facing urban
America. In Baltimore, the fact that the city has become a giant urinal is destroying the
city's historic buildings. [...] In Baltimore, a Democrat hellhole with gorgeous 19th- and early
20th-century architecture, public urination is eating away at the buildings: ["]Many of
downtown Baltimore's buildings are slowly being washed away. The problem is less flooding and
rain, more golden showers. That's right, pee is eroding thousands of historic buildings
downtown, the exterior bases corroding with every spurt.["]
the Woke Air Force. The military has always excelled at forming our diverse citizenry
into a unified force — it embraced "E pluribus unum." However, the U.S. Air Force
is currently indoctrinating airmen in neo-Marxist ideology and creating activists thorough its
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) programs. Some will push back and claim that DIE is
simply about being inclusive of diverse viewpoints, and if this were the case, there would be
little controversy. Yet when senior leaders discuss diversity, as in DIE, the word has a
neo-Marxist meaning. Herbert Marcuse in his 1969 "Essay on Liberation" stated the following:
"the familiar (used and abused) vocabulary of freedom, justice, and equality could thus obtain not
only new meaning but also new reality," with a "methodical subversion of the linguistic of the
Big Mac Extra Value Meals Selling for $18, Up $10 from 2018. A Big Mac burger, a
medium beverage, and a medium fry meal now costs 18 dollars in some locations, up $10 from 2018
when former President Donald Trump was president. The skyrocketing costs could impact the
2024 election, as the soaring inflation under President Joe Biden reflects poorly on his economic
plan of so-called "Bidenomics." The Big Mac Value Meal's price increase is just one example of
continued inflation, the New York Post's editorial board reported.
The Editor says...
The Big Mac is expensive in the same places that a gallon of gas is expensive, and for the same reasons.
America's Conor McGregor? [Scroll down] The U.S. is now effectively
bankrupt from these policies, these New Green Deal, industry killing, inefficient policies, thus
putting our national security in the hands of our creditors, or inflating our currency to the point
of worthlessness. They've chosen treason over pursuing policies that would benefit the
American people. They've chosen foreigners as their constituencies, allowing millions of
illegals, some of them with a tactical purpose, to flood our borders and displace the
population. Some of them serve China and some of them serve Islam or the objectives of big
political donors wanting the cheap labor illegals provide. None of them serve America.
The importations have allowed big corporations to use child labor, children with no identity, no
accounting for their time, no true benefactor for their tiny souls. They labor in service to
the global elite in one way or another, something completely illegal, but not out of the reach of
those who daily disregard any law with the aid and assistance of our broken political system.
World Is On Fire And Biden's Spineless Foreign Policy Isn't Helping. When we look
around the world, we see a world on fire and tensions at an all time high. Thousands of
innocent civilians murdered in Israel on Oct. 7th by the savage Hamas terrorists. Hundreds of
thousands of pro-Hamas protests in major cities such as London, Paris, Sydney. Thousands of
Americans and foreign nationals inciting violence against Jews with a Cornell student calling on
his fellow students to "slit the throats of Jews" on campus. This is all happening in 2023.
[Other examples omitted for brevity.] So yes, the world is on fire right now and that is
because America has a senile and weak Commander-in-Chief at the helm right now who talks out of
both sides of his mouth when it comes to foreign policy.
Are Getting Mugged By Reality, Often Literally. Some Democrats are waking up and
noticing that the policies they've been cheerleading have produced violent crime waves, a massive
migrant crisis, and genocidal antisemitism. One would hope the public at large is catching on
as well. Just over the past few weeks, we've seen a spate of headlines about lefty,
soft-on-crime Democrats attacked on the mean streets they've helped create. [Examples omitted
for brevity.] At the same time, Democratic mayors are finding their cities being mugged by the
illegal immigrants that Biden and his open-border cronies have let flood into the country.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams recenty announced plans to cut $4 billion from the city's budget,
including canceling the hiring of new police officers, to pay for the influx of more than 100,000
illegals in the past year.
York is now the 'least free' state, thanks to Democratic policies. New York state
once again ranks as the "least free" in America, as a new Cato Institute report nails woes The [New
York] Post has long decried. Cato's libertarians rank the Empire State dead-last, 50th, for
policies impacting economic, social and personal freedoms — and even where it scores
slight gains (for legalizing pot and reforming criminal justice), Albany plainly screwed up.
"Combined, state and local taxes are crushing. Debt is down from years past but is still the
highest in the country at 26.1 percent of income," notes the report. No wonder the state's
seeing a huge exodus to Florida (No. 2 in freedom, behind New Hampshire, and first in economic
freedom), with Miami now looking like a credible threat to displace Gotham as the nation's
financial capital. New York's endless and onerous state regulations also drive away
businesses (and jobs and people) — and its growing green "climate" rules will send power
costs soaring and further degrade the state's livability.
a Chick in it and Make Her Gay. And Lame. There is no peace in the streets,
EVER, your people have started three wars in the last two years. You kill millions of babies
and agitate to kill more babies. You've demanded so much money for social justice, we are
broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have
enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of
military-aged men on the border, and at the border, hundreds of thousands of women and children are
raped and being sold into sex slavery. Women — most women — have zero
consciousness of any of this. Almost one hundred thousand children have vanished into the sex
trade. But they want the border open because COMPASSION. Never mind the sharp uptick of
crime, sooner or later, honey, you are going to want a gun and a man because the world you
created — go girl — is so dangerous. YOU ARE THE STUPIDEST
Institutions No Longer Curate Civilization. Schools, by and large have abandoned the
task of inculcating self-restraint and, instead, have adopted the dubious project of boosting
self-esteem. Factor in single-parent households, empty houses of worship, and demoralized and
de-funded police departments, and you can easily see the trouble we're in: Our instruments of
civilization have fallen into disrepair. One result is a major problem that hardly anyone in
or out of government ever discusses; namely, that an enormous number of American youth have not
learned either self-restraint or the difference between right and wrong. These kids' images
appeared in everyone's living room during the George Floyd riots. They continue to make the
evening news when they band together as flashmobs and ransack department stores or commit worse
now unwilling to fight for their country? A disheartening new poll conducted by the
Echelon Insights research institute purports to show that 72% of American voters would not be
willing to volunteer to fight for their country if the United States faced a major conflict. [...]
So let's take a look at why we won't fight. Here are 21 reasons, some admittedly tied together.
[#1] Nearly all of us have become soft and spoiled by our relative wealth and ease.
[#16] A lack of familiarity and experience with firearms, vehicles, machinery,
etc., and a desire to largely stay apart from them. (Completely opposite of American youth's
attitude from the Revolutionary War through Vietnam.)
[#17] Helicopter parenting, which prevents kids from experimenting, "inventing," and developing a spirit of adventure.
[#18] The attacks on "toxic masculinity" and the simultaneous feminization and infantilization of society.
[#19] Some too distracted by watching sports, streaming television shows, video games,
gambling, social media, and porn to dedicate the time and energy to much of anything else.
[#20] Too many consumed with "self-medication" via pot, alcohol, fentanyl, opioids, etc.
[#21] Too many overweight and out of shape.
Now, a Few Words from Election '24. As it stands today, the Biden administration has
propagated the expansion of divisive and destructive things like open borders; a looming recession;
high gas prices; trillions in debt; funded enemies; fentanyl deaths; unprosecuted crimes and riots;
energy shutdowns; "gender" madness infiltration; a woke and neutered military; indoctrination
instead of education; caliphates enriched with U.S weapons; corporate-targeted censorship; ignored
election integrity laws and more. I could go on, but I don't have all day. And
recently, the FBI has designated Donald Trump and his legion of supporters as "domestic terrorists"
who embody a "persistent, evolving, and deadly threat" to the United States. So, it's not the
FBI — who is actually advancing further division in the American electorate —
who is the bad guy, but the group of traditional Americans who want their freedoms and country
back. Even Hillary Clinton advanced the idea, with respect to Trump supporters, that "at some
point, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members."
finally solved the illegal immigration problem! Here are a few of their actions:
[#1] By turning off the fossil fuel spigot, they made us dependent on marginally effective and costly energy sources.
[#2] By mandating excessively stringent EPA clean air standards and other regulations,
they forced us into buying expensive and inefficient electric vehicles that have few re-charging stations
and depend on Chinese-sourced materials for their batteries.
[#3] By "tweaking" the tax system, they can punish wealthy Americans for their industriousness and innovation.
[#4] By dumbing down our educational system in the elementary through high school levels, they
can create new generations of history-illiterate automatons who will do their bidding at the ballot box.
[#5] By instituting "emergency measures" via executive orders as part of their federal,
state, and local toolbox, they can effectively circumvent existing legislation and give themselves carte blanche
to declare any challenge to their orthodoxy an "emergency."
Ingenious. Martial law without the guns. Liberty infringement by executive fiat.
environmentalists have made our cities filthy. If you've visited a big city in recent
years, you've probably noticed that the streets are strewn with trash, litter is scattered all over
the sidewalks, the buildings are covered in graffiti, and off-putting smells seem to emanate from
every corner. Take San Francisco for example, which not that long ago was considered one of
the most beautiful cities in America. Today, the Golden City is one of the filthiest, with a
"dirtiness index of 189.03, ranking 9th among the 40 cities included in the report" and a "litter
index of 210.2," which ranks fifth. San Francisco's streets are riddled with garbage,
needles, and human feces. Its sidewalks are overrun with homeless encampments. And its
public spaces, once enjoyed by tourists, have become open-air drug markets in which vagrants can do
as they please.
eclipse of America's greatness. The commencement of our decline probably can be
traced to the Boomers' "God is Dead," "Flower Power" culture of the 1960s. That is the
generation that allowed an entire generation that followed it to be indoctrinated by a
"progressive" secular theology, which incubated in our schools and supplanted the Jewish and
Christian principles upon which this nation was founded. That is the brainwashed generation
that is now coming of age and taking control of our country's levers of power. And yet, the
remaining aging Boomers pretend to be shocked when the new "humanist" religion they enabled
displaces divinely inspired concepts that once undergirded our most unique Constitution —
like the inherent value of human life and the rule of law. That is the presently emergent
ideology now taking hold in our nation, wholeheartedly committed to the advancement of politically
malleable secular concepts like diversity, inclusion, and equity.
You Oppose Tyranny, You're on the FBI's AGAAVE List. Isn't it amazing that so many
hippy-dippy teenagers who "fought the man" during the '60s and '70s grew up to be more
authoritarian than anything they experienced in their youth? Isn't it surreal that so many of
them produced children who embrace authoritarianism as a quasi-religion? Just what kind of
counter-culture creates generations of government bureaucrats who instinctively demand that
Americans do exactly as they're told? The same people who once fought to have their voices
heard now insist on silencing all dissent. The same people who used to see mainstream culture
as antithetical to authentic art now demand that only one "politically correct narrative" ever be expressed.
not about Israel: We are the target. Let's apply Occam's Razor to the question,
"what is the motive behind Biden's actions as president?" Biden's first steps were to
systematically dismantle everything Trump had accomplished during his presidency. Using the
"global warming emergency" as his excuse, Biden ended drilling for oil and natural gas and moved us
from energy independence to having to rely on our enemies to obtain dirtier oil. His
appointees to the military focused on wokeness, not readiness, and ended up with weakness.
His support of Ukraine, to the tune of $60 billion, with another $53 billion allocated, has
depleted our military of the supplies and ammunition we need to defend our own country. He
spent money we didn't have for projects we didn't need, and has run up the national debt to
$33.7 trillion -- fueling massive inflation that is ruining the lives of the "average Americans"
he claims to represent. He immediately began ignoring the law and opened our borders to all
comers — terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers, and common criminals.
Fentanyl is now killing over 110,000 Americans per year, the equivalent of a Boeing 757-300
crashing every single day. Biden has done everything in his power to support Iran.
America Does Not Win, Its Enemies Do. In January 2021, Iran was on the verge of
economic asphyxiation, barely able to continue financing Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and
Hamas. [...] Russia had not yet invaded Ukraine. Chinese President Xi Jinping was not
threatening Taiwan. Then came the Biden administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan;
Russia's invasion of Ukraine; China's spy balloon, unstopped until it had finished collecting
information over America's significant military sites for a week; the Biden administration's
cancellation of the China Initiative that had been effectively combating Chinese espionage; failure
to close illegal Chinese police stations throughout the US; no response to roughly 70,000 Americans
each year killed by Chinese fentanyl; a US southern border overrun by seven million migrants, and
reported a known 1.5 million "gotaways" who have presumably evaded announcing themselves for a
reason; around 1,800 young Chinese men, in packs, with simialar clothes, haircuts and tattoos who
pretend not to speak English, some of whom US border guards recognize as members of China's
military; failure to prevent China buying American farmland, possibly either to grow their food or
destroy America's — especially near US military bases; a California laboratory with mice
bio-engineered to carry at least 20 deadly pathogens ready to be released into the US; Confucius
Institutes that had been closed down but were renamed and are now spreading from universities to
high schools; China's subversion of America's children by a "Trojan Horse" named TikTok; financing
Iran's nuclear weapons and terrorism programs by ignoring sanctions on Iran to enable it to profit
by close to $60 billion, funding the Palestinian Authority to the tune of nearly $1 billion,
unconditionally, despite its deadly pay-for-slay "jobs program," and last week, Secretary Janet
Granholm inviting the Chinese and Russian officials to inspect a US nuclear testing facility.
York loses 10 billionaires in four years as magnates flee for Florida. New York has
lost 10 billionaires in the last four years — three of whom fled to Florida —
leaving tax coffers lighter by tens of millions of dollars annually. This year 62 New
York-based billionaires appeared on the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans, compared to 72
in 2019 and 65 last year. Investor and Washington Commanders owner Josh Harris, whose net
worth was valued at $5.7 billion last year, has grown his fortune to $6.9 billion —
but he packed his bags for Florida. Other billionaires who have relocated from Gotham to the
Sunshine State in the last four years include hedge funder Daniel Och — whose net worth
now stands at $3.6 billion — and investor Carl Icahn, who's worth $6.9 billion.
Nashville shooter's motive was leftist beliefs. It has taken about seven months, but
we now know what was going through the head of the Audrey "Aiden" Hale, the Covenant School mass
murderer. No thanks to politicians, though. They have been delaying the release of the
handwritten "manifesto" for months. While it was expected to show that Hale had mental health
issues (as it can be argued any mass murderer does), it was speculated that the reason for not
releasing the document was because it would have shown the trans-man was targeting the school staff
and students because of their Christian beliefs. [...] In fact, the cover-up probably did more harm
to the trans community than releasing the manifesto would have done. This is because it
caused the trans activists to show their true colors by occupying state capitals. They made
transgenderism part of the motive through their actions, tying their cause to a mass shooting.
The cover-up tends to be worse than what is being hidden because it compounds the original problem.
cities: Be careful what you wish for because you're going to get it. A young
friend of mine moved to Portland, Oregon, because, as a nascent hipster, he thought Portland would
be a cool yet affordable place to live. After less than a year there, he can't wait to
leave. The coup de grace to his dreams of a life in the hipster capital of the Pacific
Northwest was the mini tent city that sprang up immediately outside the door of his apartment
building. Apparently, stepping through human feces, needles, and used condoms just isn't hip.
[...] In 2020, Oregon voters decided to decriminalize the possession of hard drugs.
Technically, selling them is still a crime, but the police in Portland don't police that
crime. With a dramatically reduced force, why bother? When your city has gone in a few
years from one of the safest cities in America to one of its murder capitals, policing drug sales
is a low priority. The city has been adding police to its roster again, but it's a case of
too little, too late.
Items to Remember for When Disaster Strikes. "We, the People," through the bitter
experiences of the past two decades, no longer trust our major political, financial, medical, and
educational institutions to safeguard our lives, our freedoms, and our property. Our nation
had been invaded by eight million illegal aliens. We have allowed fentanyl to destroy our
inner cities. We have let Marxist-Leninist politicians to empty our prisons and they have
allowed crime and prostitution to flourish. We have let out our illegally elected president
run up the national debt and destroy our energy independence. Our national media, with few
exceptions, have become the yapping lapdogs of the Marxist Democrats. America has crossed the
tipping point. We can clearly see that the inevitable politically caused disasters such as
terrorism, overseas conflicts, and economic downturns will not be met with rational, coherent, and
comprehensive solutions from the current federal or state authorities. Each of us is now
personally responsible for the survival of his family and friends.
Jews on the Left Are Just Shocked by Their Fellow Leftists. The Left —
specifically schools of education and teachers unions — has ruined elementary schools
and high schools. And it has destroyed universities as institutions that allow open
dialogue. The Left affirms the lie that men can become women and women can become men, and it
works to crush the lives and careers of anyone who denies that people can become the other
sex. The Left supports the demise of women's sports by fighting to allow any man who says he
is a woman to compete in women's sports. The Left supports putting children who say they are
the other sex on hormone-blocking drugs, and supports allowing girls under the age of 21 (and
sometimes under 18) who say they are boys to have their breasts surgically removed. The Left
has been waging the most successful war against free speech in American history. As a result,
almost half of America's young people say they believe in free speech but not in "hate speech,"
which, of course, means they do not believe in free speech. The Left asserts that the human
fetus at any stage of development is, literally, worthless, certainly worth less than a dog, if the
woman carrying it wants an abortion. The Left has essentially destroyed mainstream
journalism. Mainstream media no longer hold truth as an ideal.
Really Is Going On In Nashville. [Video clip only.]
Nashville Police Department Suspends 7 Detectives Over Leak of Transgender Shooter's
Manifesto. As RedState's Bonchie reported Monday, at least part of the manifesto of
transgender Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale was leaked to talk show host Steven Crowder, and
the writings revealed a disturbed person who wanted to punish students at the school as well as
privileged white people. Hale killed six people, including three children, in a March
shooting spree at a Nashville Christian school before she was taken out by quick-acting police
officers. The leak also enraged Nashville Democrat Mayor Freddie O'Connell, who demanded an
investigation. After months of deflecting on the issue, officials had refused to release the
writings and have never given a satisfactory explanation. According to a report, revenge came
swiftly, and the Nashville P.D. on Wednesday suspended seven detectives: [...]
Much More Than the Manifesto is Needed on Nashville Shooter Motivations. Following
conservative pundit Steven Crowder's release of three pages of a "manifesto" written by the
Nashville school shooter, controversy erupted over whether Crowder selectively publicized content
to bias the public against leftist dogma. One the pages implicates "white
privilege" — a favorite bogeyman of critical race theorists and the progressive
left — as motivation for the killing rampage. [...] Instead of denouncing Crowder, his
critics should decry the government authorities who arbitrarily kept this killer's writings from
the public. Multiple media outlets requested the shooter's manifesto through public records
only to be denied by the Nashville Police Department and FBI. These outlets, including Star
News Digital Media Inc., are suing for the records in both district and federal court. Even
if all documents authored by the shooter are released, however, insight into the killer's
motivations will remain seriously incomplete. The murderer's medications also need to be
public information.
Manifesto. Audrey Hale is the transgender mass murderer who killed six people,
including three small children, at a Christian school in Nashville. Soon after her murder
spree, it came out that she left behind a "manifesto" that described her motivation. The
authorities have withheld that document from public view, contrary to the usual practice,
presumably because it makes the "trans" movement look bad. Someone leaked three pages of
notebook paper in Hale's handwriting to Steven Crowder. These pages are not the "manifesto,"
although they may come from the same notebook. Rather, they appear to be the notes that
Ms. Hale made on the last days of her life: [Tweet]
As if the political embarrassment is as bad as the shooting:
Mayor Launches Investigation into How Images from Shooter's Manifesto Were Released.
Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell (D) launched an investigation Monday into how purported images of
the transgender Nashville shooter's writings "could have been released." [...] Metro Law Director
Wally Dietz clarified that he will undertake an investigation at O'Connell's direction. "At the
request of the Mayor, I am initiating a full investigation with multiple law enforcement agencies
to determine exactly what happened," Dietz said. Beyond confirming the beginnings of the
investigation, Dietz walked the same line as the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) and the
Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD), stating, "I cannot confirm or deny the
authenticity of the documents due to the existing lawsuit." Early Monday, Breitbart News
spoke with the TBI and communications director Josh Devine, who said, "We're aware of the images,
yes, but we're not offering confirmation on their authenticity."
Mayor Wants Legal On Trans Shooter Manifesto. Since the March 27, 2023, shooting at
the Covenant Christian School, many of us have been clamoring for release of the shooter's
writing. Many journals, a suicide note, and a memoir were left by transgender shooter
Audry/Aiden Hale. Today, three photocopied pages were obtained by a podcast host and the
Nashville Mayor is incensed. Furious. Legal action involving possible local and Federal
authorities is being looked into, according to Mayor Freddie O'Connell. If this is beginning
to sound like more tangling of the woven web, you are so right. Without wasting anytime at
all to mourn the six victims of the Christian School shooter, the media and opinion writers have
blamed various aspects of Tennessee life: Our Governor and open carry and a so called
anti-Drag bill. It couldn't have possibly been a severely mentally ill human. It had to
be the gun culture and hatred in Tennessee. Now, a rational being might think that the dead
sicko's writings might be important for the psychological community to study and for the general
public in spotting signs. A month after the shooting, we were told that the writings would
not be released completely because they were too disturbing. Which might be a reason they
should be released.
Nashville school shooter's manifesto reveals the left's favorite message. On March 27,
2023, a woman entered The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, and slaughtered three
nine-year-old children and three adults. It was only because police were nearby that she was
stopped. The woman, who claimed to be a so-called "trans man," left behind a manifesto.
However, while police departments and media outlets are usually quick to release statements from
mass murderers, government officials in this Democrat-run city refused to do so in this case.
Steve Crowder, though, obtained the first three pages of the manifesto, which he released
today. In addition to showing an obsessive level of preparation (this was no spur-of-the-moment
killing), the manifesto shows that the killer was motivated by one of the left's favorite mantras:
"white privilege."
Trans Shooter Couldn't Spell White Privilege, But Knew She Hated It. Audrey Elizabeth
Hale, who called herself Aiden Hale in her fantasy life as a male, was a product of what the Left
has done to education. She couldn't spell "white privilege," but she knew it was evil, and
was determined to do her part to eradicate it from the face of the earth. On March 27, 2023,
she took a rifle into Nashville Covenant School, a Christian school in that city, and murdered
three nine-year-old children and three adults, one of whom was black. Audrey Hale epitomizes
what the Left inculcates into America's children: bitter hatred and envy, violence, gender
confusion, and abysmal ignorance of what everyone used to take for granted as necessary to learn in
order to function well in society. Ever since her mass murders, Hale's "manifesto" has been a
closely guarded secret. On Monday, however, political commentator Steven Crowder released
several pages of this manifesto, making it clear that Hale acted out of hatred for Christians,
white people and the wealthy, three groups the Left very much wants us all to hate.
of trans Nashville school shooter [was] leaked, [and is] full of anti-white hate. A
leaked manifesto reveals the Nashville trans school shooter had a violent hatred of the "little
crackers" with "white privilege" that were murdered. First obtained and released by the
Louder with Crowder conservative Rumble show, the three-page handwritten document shows Audrey
"Aiden" Hale meticulously planned their last moments and the mass school shooting at The Covenant
School on March 27. Three young children and three school staff were killed before Hale,
28, was shot dead by responding police. The manifesto, written in a spiral notebook, has
various screeds and thoughts scrawled down by pen.
Thanksgiving Day Parade Goes Woke, Gender Non-Conformity Will Be Front and Center. A
treasured national tradition is getting a little less family-friendly this year. Americans
looking forward to the quintessential national holiday are getting a rude awakening with word that
the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Manhattan is going to showcase more than street
versions of musical numbers and marching bands from around the country. The transgender
agenda will be taking center stage for some of the screen time, and one of Hollywood's biggest
liberals will be the featured performer.
Francisco McDonald's Shuts Down After 30 Years amid City's Decline. A McDonald's in
downtown San Francisco, California, has shut down as the city grapples with numerous issues
plaguing businesses in the area. [...] Meanwhile, local bank branches are closing up shop at their
San Francisco locations due to the city's economic decline and numerous other woes, Breitbart News
reported Wednesday. The report added, "some of the closures in San Francisco are related to
the ongoing exodus of retail businesses, many of which were exhausted by the persistent problem of
shoplifting." The Fox Business article also highlighted the fact McDonald's has been
concerned after California said it would institute a minimum wage increase that the business feared
would not be a good thing for its franchisees. Workers' baseline pay will rise to $20 an hour
come April 1.
EV Conundrums. The crude oil industry's time in California is limited, and the
oil-refining industry is behaving as any industry would in comparable circumstances, by
transitioning its operations away from gasoline to activities that will prove to be more profitable
in the long run. [...] Refineries are also shutting down because California has imposed a new
regulation that bans the sale of gas-powered cars and light trucks by 2035 and the State requires
35 percent of new car sales to be zero-emission vehicles by 2026. It makes no economic sense to
invest in new capacity in a state that has de facto outlawed the industry's existence in a few years.
DNC Con Job to Come. We watch the news clips, on our televisions or computer screens,
and cringe, as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stumble over their words, even uttering gibberish when
prepared remarks are on the printed page in front of them. It has been clear from the start
that neither one is up to the intellectual requirements of this (or any) job. When we can
manage a sense of humor, we laugh and attribute it to dementia with Biden, to sheer stupidity with
Harris. When we are not in a mood to laugh, however, we reflect on what it means to our
reputation on the world stage, as our enemies — military, economic, and
cultural — delight in our momentary weakness and move to take advantage while the
getting is good. We watch our nation's suffering as a result — homeownership out
of reach, career advancement opportunities disappearing, the prospect of retirement
evaporating. We watch other nations suffering as a result as well — Russia's
invasion of Ukraine, Europe's energy dependence upon Russia, Iran's attack on Israel through its
pawns in Gaza. We know that all this is happening for one reason: the weakness of
America, caused by the Biden-Harris regime.
Light District Erupts in New York with Influx of Venezuelan Prostitutes. A whole new
red light district has erupted in New York City with a mass influx of Venezuelan migrant women
working as prostitutes. "Roosevelt Avenue in the Corona neighborhood of Queens is filled with
Venezuelan migrants offering sex services in the open-air, so-called 'Market of Sweethearts,"
reported the Daily Mail. Prostitutes have even been seen working in the neighborhood during
the day and sometimes soliciting children as they leave school. New York Mayor Eric Adams,
who previously warned that the migrant crisis would dramatically alter his city, said that the
eruption in prostitution just represents yet another example of its impact.
Biden Isn't 'Managing' Or Confronting Problems. Joe Biden Is The Problem.
There's a simple pattern that the media follow when covering each new crisis that pops up during
Joe Biden's catastrophic presidency: A calamity occurs either domestically or abroad, and
rather than examining the cause, the media instantly frame Biden as a hero at battle. [...] But
back to Biden. He's not confronting or managing a series of events that happened to
him. He and his party actively created them. Or, at minimum, they created an
environment that anyone could have predicted would lead to them. Russia has long insisted
that NATO stop expanding along its border. The second Biden got into office, he pushed for
Ukraine's membership. Israel had its country under relative control for years right up until
Biden's team gifted Iran, the Jewish state's greatest threat, $6 billion worth of goodies.
We were energy independent until Biden said we couldn't be. The economy was working itself out
until Biden and his party thought it would be a good idea to pump hundreds of billions of dollars
more into Covid-era welfare ("childcare" and "living assistance"). And let's not start on the
electric vehicle scheme, wherein car companies grabbed another round of multi-billion-dollar
taxpayer funds, courtesy of Biden, for a product that barely works (and for which manufacturers are
now rolling back their production of).
They shut down the coal-fired power plants and look what happened.
rollin', rollin' blackouts in... Tennessee?! [W]hat has the TVA —
America's largest government-owned utility, by the by — given up and replaced that
brings them to a place where they have to institute rolling blackouts? The first thing to
consider is the influx of people the region is seeing. According to the TVA's own webpage
[...] It sounds like everyone who didn't move to Florida stopped in TN. [...] But if you can't keep
the power on, those gains will be fleeting. The second thing to consider is, again, the fact
that the TVA is owned by the federal government. It puts them under extraordinary pressure to
go along with whatever the latest "thing" is as far as the clean/renewable energy push goes, and it
seems this is where it's starting to trip them up. They're shooting for "net zero" emissions by 2050.
California, is falling apart. Last month, at a small church in East Oakland, Calif.,
hundreds of fed-up city residents gathered outside of a community safety meeting held by Mayor
Sheng Thao and District Attorney Pamela Price. The group was as diverse as it was united, and
despite the reduction in their quality of life over the past year, there was a palpable energy of
hope. Seneca Scott, a community leader, hosted the get-together under the banner of his
Neighbors Together Oakland (NTO) organization. A one-time Oakland mayoral candidate, Scott
formed the group in 2021 as a response to the influx of outside money and special interest groups
that have contributed to his city's decline.
All Americans Can See the Insanity of the Biden Energy Strategy. We've been warning
regularly on these pages that the Biden war on American fossil fuels is not just an economic
calamity, but a national security threat as well. We have known for fifty years that
terrorist organizations like Hamas are primarily financed with petro-dollars. Just as Biden
has aided and abetted the Russian war machine in Ukraine, he has enriched Middle East oil-producing
nations like Iran as well. Our latest CTUP analysis finds that the reduction in US oil output
under Biden from the Trump trend has cost the U.S. roughly $500 million a day. Much of that
money has been transferred week after week from American producers to nations hostile to the U.S.
and Israel.
Late Hour of Our Republic. It is my belief, and solely my own, that we, the United
States of America, have been captured by the powerbase of the elite and that our representatives
and senators now respond to that powerbase, that the people, that are the powerbase of America,
have been conquered. It was done in secret, behind our backs, not in a war or through
attrition, but by trickery and now whatever fighting we do for our nation is done for the powerbase
of the elite. [...] I tell you that the disinterestedness of our elected officials in our pleas to
rectify the election process is a symptom of this capitulation to the powerbase of the elite.
They don't care, because they don't have to. Anything that could implicate them in the
fraudulent elections is discarded by those same elite. This is the same with the immigration
laws, with the laws against theft, rape and murder. They don't matter, because we do not live
in a constitutional republic. Our rights have been subsumed by their system of graft and
clout, of power and prestige.
Biden has blown up the world. On day one of the Biden administration, he canceled the
Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of skilled workers out of work. Over the ensuing months,
he canceled oil leases, stopped fracking, and drained our strategic oil reserve. All this was
surely intentional; he means to starve the American people of energy, making what is available more
expensive by the day. Like Obama, he means to transform America, and not in a good way.
The most catastrophic stunt Biden pulled was the tragically ill conceived withdrawal from
Afghanistan. He left billions in state-of-the-art military equipment to the Taliban along
with the Bagram Air Base, which sits close to China. Thirteen young American patriots were
killed by the sheer ineptitude of their leaders. This tragic maneuver telegraphed Biden's,
and thus America's, weakness to every leader in the world. Russia thought taking Ukraine's
Russian-speaking border regions would be a cakewalk. Our careless warmongers in the Biden
administration thought their puppet-of-the-oligarchs Zelensky would easily defeat Russia with
billions of U.S. dollars. The military complex wanted that war. All of that went
awry. Here we are a year and a half later; Ukraine has lost half a million people and is
still begging for billions more in aid. None of this would have happened if Trump had been in office.
545,000 New Yorkers left the state in 2022, headed for Florida, Texas and further: census
bureau. Beset by high taxes and quality of life woes, 545,498 New Yorkers left for
other states in 2022, according to US Census data. Top destinations included Florida —
the most popular choice — followed by New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania as well as
more distant states like Texas and California. The exodus was partly offset by more people moving
to the Empire State in 2022 than any year over the last decade, with 301,000 new residents making the
transition. Despite that uptick, New York still suffered a net population loss of 244,000.
Out, You Might Get What You're After. The crumbling debt sodden American Empire is
being led by an outright moron and anyone expecting Biden to do anything other than make things
worse, has probably been jabbed five times, has a BLM, Israel, and Ukraine flag in their Twitter
profile, and still thinks Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation. The U.S. provoked
Ukraine conflict has drained the coffers of the U.S. and EU of hundreds of billions, while
depleting their precious armaments, just as WW3 launches. With the Middle East set to explode
in a ball of fire, the world's flow of precious oil, is in danger of being cutoff abruptly.
Luckily, Dementia Joe depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve for election purposes, leaving us
with 17 days worth of supply. Maybe Biden's green energy windmill and solar farms will fill
the gap when gasoline prices soar to $6.00 a gallon and 1970s like gas lines become common again.
the Mouth of Marxist Madness. Americans [are] under siege from an Orwellian deep
state that manipulates the public by distorting history and undermining the meaning of words.
In a nation that celebrates George Floyd as a hero, clings to the "Hands up, don't shoot" lie as a
sacred "truth," and blames Hillary's election loss on Russian bots, propaganda is king. The
U.S. government fights racism by institutionalizing racial preferences. It supports Black
Lives Matter and Antifa domestic terrorists while locking up American patriots as "domestic
enemies." It replaces impartial justice with "social justice" and equality under the law with
"equitable" special privileges. "Climate change" communism kills property rights.
Meme-makers are imprisoned, but Russia collusion hoaxers are not. Gene-altering serums are
called "vaccines." And generations of judges have replaced the U.S. Constitution with their own
postmodern revisions.
Racist Chickens Have Come Home to Roost. Rather than elevate black people, the far
left has created a situation where black crime is legal and white people are racist if they
notice. Shoplifting alone has gutted major cities, and most of the videos we see show black
perps. Some localities have made it illegal to try to stop thieves. Businesses even
fire employees for trying to stop criminals from stealing, to the point that the stores close and
the workers lose their jobs. Hundreds of businesses have left West Coast cities and taken
their jobs with them. Once flourishing cities like Seattle, San Francisco, and Portland are
turning into ghost towns. Crime, drugs, and tent cities have taken over, as planned by the
Marxists looking to enslave us all. [...] This is what happens when lefty politicians convince
black people they are "victims" and then make crime an entitlement. Black crime is now
acceptable. What could go wrong? The truly insidious move here is that someday a
reckoning will occur. Whether a patriotic president wins or globalists take over our nation,
criminals, many of them black, who enjoyed surfing the Democrat-created crime wave will likely end
up in prison, never realizing they were pawns.
suggests that Northeast cities like NYC and Boston are hemorrhaging income due to political
ideology. With a single tweet, Chamath Palihapitiya, the CEO of Social Capital,
recently became the provocative main character of the day on X, formerly known as Twitter.
Palihapitiya sent out a screenshot of a Bloomberg article based on how six southern states
had contributed more to U.S. gross domestic product than the northeast corridor of Washington-New
York-Boston for the first time in history. But it was his accompanying caption that sparked
hot debate: "Go woke, go broke," he said, implying that the ongoing culture war and economic
policies of northeastern states had facilitated the migration of wealth and economic power to the
South. While tweeps weighed in with their own thoughts — including fellow
billionaire Mark Cuban — here's what the numbers show is really going on. [...]
lawmaker furiously denies her support for defunding the police is to blame for soaring crime in
city. Council member Kshama Sawant said the city should not add police resources to
the Central District neighborhood after 24 children had to crawl to the bathroom of a daycare
facility following a shooting. The incident happened on Monday outside of the A-4 Apple
Learning Center, with a 47-year-old man being shot on the street. A bullet pierced through
the window of the center, with co-owner Appollonia Washington telling staff and children inside to
'army crawl' to the bathroom and hide. In response, the facility shared a statement slamming
the City Council and its members for allowing violence to 'plague' the area.
Biden Has Killed the American Dream. If you only paid attention to the mainstream
press, you'd be inundated with a constant stream of articles ensuring you how great the economy is.
"Look at the jobs market," the headlines have blared while promoting the supposed historic
resiliency of our present moment. The full-court press has been so strong that the Biden
administration has even taken to labeling it "Bidenomics," a marketing ploy that has proven less
than ideal. What looks good on paper, though, is often not representative of the real-world
impact. Thus, Joe Biden's current economic malaise, for which Americans are assured they
should be incredibly thankful, is hitting American families far harder than Paul Krugman's latest
cherry-picked bar graph indicates. Shockingly, if you ignore how much things actually cost
across the board, you can spin a rosy picture in which a greatly delayed slowing of the rate of
inflation is actually an incredible accomplishment. But back in the real world, this reality
still remains.
There is No Respect for Life, Evil Flourishes. The loss of respect for life has also
begun to dramatically infiltrate the American ruling elites and the overall society as over the
past two decades the following, previously unthinkable, changes have occurred within the United
• Unfettered abortion up to the point of birth and post-birth
infanticide has become a policy position of the Democrat Party.
• Euthanasia
is openly discussed and supported by an ever-growing (73%) segment of the population.
• Sexually confused teens are being coerced into mutilation and permanent disfigurement
in order to appease the gods of transgenderism, accompanied by an unabashed campaign to legalize
• A significant plurality of Americans is demanding the
censorship, imprisonment, and persecution of their political adversaries while they, and recent
Islamic immigrants, are openly supporting and justifying the slaughter of Jews by Hamas.
• Tribalism has been mainstreamed and with it the belief that certain ethnicities
or races are inferior to others and also responsible for society's ills, therefore, they are deserving
of disrespect, abuse and discrimination.
The path the United States is presently traveling will inevitably lead to the darkening shadow of
unfettered evil descending upon the land leading to national self-destruction.
Fingerprints Are All Over This". Obama didn't travel to Cairo, Egypt for his first
foreign policy trip accidentally; he did it with great intent and purpose. The layers and
layers of ideologues he and Hillary embedded in the institutions of the State Dept are as deep as
the layers of ideologues Obama embedded in Main Justice and the intelligence community. The
time when Barry needed to give directions is long past. The embeds are self-aware, acting on
purpose, and the outcomes we see today are simply manifestations of that activity. It is also
worth remembering there's an entire new generation of people, who were in their 20's and 30's
comfortably oblivious to what was taking place between 2009 and 2017, when the embeds were
installed. That era of the American people is only now starting to have their own slow
awakening to the damage as it surfaces. When Obama aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, only
a small percentage of the American people actually saw the big picture and realized the potential
for long term issues.
to Dem-Backed Law, Prostitution Spreads In California. Californians are complaining
about barely-clothed prostitutes roaming the streets in broad daylight, an issue heightened by
Democratic Gov. Newsom signing Senate Bill 357, local officials say. SB 357, which was
authored by Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener and backed by the ACLU, decriminalizes
"loitering with intent to commit prostitution." Critics say the law effectively decriminalizes
prostitution in California. National City Mayor Ron Morrison, an independent, recently
criticized the law, telling Fox News that prostitutes are now "wearing less than what you would
consider a scanty negligee" and "flaunting it in everybody's face."
The Editor says...
There is a very effective way to get scantily-clad whores out of the streets: Stop voting for Socialist Democrats.
We Please Stop Pretending There Aren't Animals Among Us? Political correctness has
been immolated and replaced by its tantrum-throwing progeny, "woke," which decided that ignoring
crimes by minorities is no longer sufficient. One must now cheer on, say, rampant
shoplifting, lest one find oneself the target of a fusillade of Antifa spittle launched by spoiled
demons from spendy neighborhoods who grew up in lavish bedrooms full of participation
trophies. I remember when pedophiles were considered monsters. [...] The next step in the
cultural Marxism playbook is making it a-ok for terrorists to rape Jewish women, mince Jewish
babies, and burn Jewish people to death in the name of Allah. If you ask the rich kids of
Harvard, they'll actually tell you the Israelis are to blame for the recent carnage. I'm not
sure who is responsible for such hatred, the brats themselves or their chardonnay-sucking "cool
moms" who never said "no" to them.
to Biden's Open Borders, in Dem Cities it's Black vs. Brown. The last time the
black vs. brown tension was this thick, you could cut a chunk and fry it as the Black Lives Matter
riots were tearing Chicago into pieces. Black protesters led by media-protected white
leftists tore up downtown to hurt Donald Trump's re-election prospects. This was their
insurrection. It took lives and cost billions of dollars in damages in cities across
America. They tore up the downtowns and black neighborhoods and black-owned businesses.
Then Mayor Lori Lightfoot was in literal panic. But in Chicago, the BLM rioters and their
white Democrat Socialist handlers did did not tear up the old and iconic Latino neighborhoods on
18th and 26th street. Why is that? Because Latino street gangs publicly threatened to
shoot Black Lives Matter rioters if they were found in the Hispanic neighborhoods. And so,
BLM backed off. But now? The tension if not the physical damages are high, with
longtime black residents told to step off the corner, to step back and give their place in line to
illegal Latin immigrants who are being courted as new prospective voters by Biden Democrats.
Black voters have been betrayed.
Clockwork Orange as Left-wing Politics. Starting with Antifa and BLM riots of
2020 — fully supported by leftist local governments — urban centers in
Democrat-led cities like San Francisco have spiraled into a "doom loop" wherein urban business
flees "flash mob" looting and skyrocketing violent crime. A few examples:
• San Francisco: After flash mobs looted Neiman Marcus and other stores, two dozen
retailers have left. Walgreens closed 12 San Francisco stores, while upscale Nordstrom pulled its two
stores, including its Westfield mall flagship. Australian furniture retailer Coco Republic, which invested
heavily in its showroom off Union Square, abruptly closed the store less than a year after opening across from
Macy's. Once fashionable Union Square is now a ghost town.
• Los Angeles: Even two years ago, 20+ robbers at the popular Grove shopping center
used a sledgehammer and assorted weapons to smash one of a Nordstrom's windows, reportedly taking men's clothing.
That was child's play, however, compared to the recent flash mob of 100+ that looted a 7-Eleven.
• Philadelphia: Even the examples above pale in comparison to the two-night
Philadelphia flash mob spree featuring caravans of hundreds who wrecked dozens of stores, including T-Mobile,
Apple, Lulu and Footlocker outlets. One of the looters, a social influencer calling herself "Meatball,"
gleefully livestreamed the event to 181,000 Instagram followers, rationalizing it by explaining "Everybody
gotta' eat." A tearful "Meatball" seemed less gleeful when charged with six felonies.
Kevin McCarthy's Ouster Be a Tipping Point? [Scroll down] You don't need
me to recount how our country differs from when you grew up. You don't need me to tell you
that we are nearing the end of a social and economic war where we are on the losing end. You
don't need me to tell you that Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and a veritable army of anti-Americans have
taken over our country and are rapidly depleting not only our culture and world standing but are
figuring out how to empty your pockets and turn us into a beggar nation. Like the French, we
watch it happen in real time. The fundamental difference today is that we've had much more
time to assimilate what is happening to us, yet we stand mute and feckless as our world collapses
around us.
residents [are being] told not to call police for help. Portland officials were proud
of themselves in 2020 when they defunded the Police Bureau by $15 million instead of increasing
it by $3 million as planned. One commissioner was even upset that the council didn't
remove more from the budget. [...] A year later, the council was trying to add funding and retain
the city's police officers. "The added police spending is occurring amid a year of a record number
of homicides, the city's greatest police staffing shortage in decades and reform recommendations
made by the U.S. Department of Justice," PBS reported. It was too little, too late. The
damage was done, and the city has yet to recover. In fact, the city government is telling
residents not to call police unless their lives are at risk. Given how dangerous Portland has
become, it might not affect the volume of calls to police because more residents' lives are at risk
from criminal activity than ever before.
Left San Francisco: Less Than 3% Of Restaurants Have NOT Been Vandalized In Last 30 Days.
As lawlessness in San Francisco shows no signs of abating, local businesses are reeling from the consequences.
A recent survey from the Golden Gate Restaurant Association reveals that a staggering 97% of 74 restaurants
surveyed in the city have fallen victim to graffiti or property crime in the last month. While the liberal
mayor pours money into temporary relief, the persistent problems of crime, homelessness, and open-air drug use
are driving businesses and consumers away.
with Consequences. [Scroll down] Consider the crime wave that is currently
ruining cities with Democrat mayors. Far-left Soros funded district attorneys such as Alvin
Bragg and Chelsa Boudin and George Gascón have made the decision to not prosecute
criminals. As a consequence, crime is rampant and 'Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance
Public Trust and Public Safety' are nonexistent. To say that Biden has removed our
opportunity to vote on his decisions concerning his policies would be a major understatement.
But that's only half the story. Biden is trying to create a consequence-free society.
Decisions have consequences in the real world, but not in Biden-world. Making decisions
without consequences is simply not possible. Every decision has consequences, be they
favorable or unfavorable, expected or not, intended or unintended, or some combination thereof.
for the Senate. Prior to Schumer's decree, Fetterman was voting from the Senate's
doorway, but no more. Last week, sporting a G. Gordon Liddy mustache that seemed more suited
for a character in the Far Side, Fetterman presided over the Senate in short-sleeves and
shorts. Fetterman's apparel is fit for the locker room, not Congress. Dressing like an
adolescent is contempt for the office and the people he represents. Schumer has no more
regard for the Senate decorum and dignity than does Fetterman. The Biden administration has
appointed two men in dresses to senior positions, so you could argue Fetterman is just following
suit — minus the suit. Democrats constantly lament about White male privilege but
have changed the protocol for a White male who would be just as comfortable in an orange
jumpsuit. Gone is any pride of appearance. Standards of professionalism and propriety
are disdained. Once upon a time in America, casual dress was for weekends and
tailgating. Now it is everyday wear in the U.S. Senate.
Democrats' greatest fears are religion, truth, honesty, and integrity. I am confident
that most Americans are worn down by all the chaos that exists in our country, Independent,
Republican, and Democrat voters alike. We have a president who is clearly age-disabled.
We have 2024 presidential elections where both party leaders are accused of corruption. Women
and girls are under attack. Parents are asked to surrender their children to the state.
Children are taught to lie to parents. Religious freedom is considered a terrorist act.
Crime and homelessness are rampant in cities. We can't afford food, gas, or a house.
Our educational standards have failed. A costly war is in Ukraine. Simply being "white"
makes you racist. Immigration is out of control and destroying communities. The black
community's need for school choice is ignored. Citizens are fearful after defunding the
police. Radicals are destroying American history. Corruption exists with our press and
social media. As an older senior, I ask, how did it get this bad in just three years?
who's upset now about illegal aliens depressing wages. Karl Marx once wrote of
repeating events in history that they occur "first as tragedy, then as farce." That was my
reaction to an article appearing in the Thursday, September 22 New York Post. The
article focused on complaints of existing illegal aliens in the metropolitan New York City
area. The huge influx of illegal aliens has them occupying 50% of the hotel rooms in the
city. They are sleeping all over the sidewalks in Midtown Manhattan. Mayor Adams has
declared that the costs of dealing with them "will destroy the city." NYC has prided itself on
being a sanctuary city willing to house and feed any and all illegal aliens. Daily television
showed city authorities meeting the arriving buses from the border, shaking hands and greeting the
new illegals. But the large flow from the border has swamped the system. As was posited
in Field of Dreams: "If you build it, they will come." They did, and they did.
Marches With Autoworkers While Causing Their Problems. The UAW is demanding a 35%
hike in pay and benefits over four years, as well as automatic cost-of-living adjustments, just
like in the 1970s, along with a four-day workweek. The inflationary 1970s are calling Biden,
and they want their benefits back — with a post-COVID-19 four-day twist. According
to news reports, Biden told workers, "You should be doing incredibly well." But he has
singlehandedly, through the power of his executive branch, caused them to face job losses and
higher inflation. By changing his policies, Biden could address some of the fundamental
reasons for their strike; namely, job loss because of mandatory vehicle electrification and higher
inflation resulting from his war on fossil fuels, resulting in higher energy costs. Both were
imposed by the executive branch without support from even the Democratic Congress in place during
Biden's first two years in office.
Role of the Smartphone and Digital Content in the Left's Revolution. Christopher
Rufo, Douglas Murray, and Victor Davis Hanson have all pointed out that we are in the middle of a
cultural revolution that is assailing our culture, values, traditions, and institutions, our
national security and sovereignty, our economy, our Constitution and rule of law, and our overall
quality of life. The percentage of Americans saying they are worse off is at its highest
level since 2009. One of the most fascinating aspects of this obvious decline is that
leftists have managed to convince a very large portion (in many cases a majority) of Americans to
support the divisive and corrosive policies producing their own destruction. What arguments
have leftists used to accomplish this? Chiefly, though not exclusively, they have employed a
trifecta of completely nonsensical tropes about race, gender, and climate.
not working. First, I do think that the economy is hurting people big time, from the
price of gasoline to the price of cereal to everything else that you can imagine. I see this
every Sunday when the waiter puts the lunch bill on the table. More than once, my wife has
given me that "I don't believe this" look. Add to this the border crisis which is now a
national problem rather than only El Paso, Texas. For a while, the media could avoid talking
about the border. It's different when New Yorkers see migrants sleeping on their streets or
Texas border cities are screaming for help. Second, more and more Americans do not want to
destroy their country in order to destroy Trump.
Bet You We're Not Better Off Now With So Much Gambling. I'm no puritan, I honestly
don't care what you do with your money as long as you don't expect me to subsidize it or make up
for your mismanagement of it. The problem is, we are all being asked, or made, to subsidize
it now. When gambling took some effort, things were different. Yes, there were still
degenerate gamblers, but not that many. Now, in states like Michigan, you can play casino
games for money on your phone with your credit card. What could go... right?
Nothing. I keep citing Michigan because I grew up there, and was back not that long ago and
noticed a lot of television commercials for casino apps. There are three full casinos in the
city of Detroit. The argument for allowing them was the reported million dollars per day
going across the Detroit River to Casino Windsor, with their neon sign glowing its siren song to
people who couldn't resist its call. The city and state want a piece of that action, so they
got their own.
Berkeley Retail Shutting
Down Just Like San Francisco. Rising crime, looting, and tolerance of drug-addled
transients taking over the streets has led to an exodus of retail establishments from San
Francisco. Now another Democrat-controlled California city is enjoying the same exodus of
retail establishments: Berkeley. Here YouTuber Metal Leo looks at streets near Cal
Berkeley University, where store after store after store are closed, boarded up or for lease.
[Video clip] Banks, pharmacies, cinemas, pizza chains: all closed. The only thing
that seems to be open are Starbucks.
Is the
Left Happy That They Got Their Wish? Critical legal theory has now trickled down into
most of our large cities. It insists that criminals are not criminals at all, but rather
victims of prior racial and class oppressions. Thus their victims should blame society for
their injuries, not their predatory victimizers. Critical legal theory is a sort of Marxist
redistribution schema — the middle class almost deserves its equal share of violence
commensurate with that of the inner city. As a result, in Chicago and Oakland and hundreds of
other cities, prosecutors let out criminals without bail or sometimes even indictments —
in part out of spite and hatred of middle- and upper-middle-class America that supposedly deserves
a payback for its bourgeois indifference, in part out of sheer ignorance of the unleashing of human
nature once all deterrence is removed. And the result? Anxious liberal professionals
are fleeing our major cities in the greatest out-of-state migrations since the 1930s. Or they
simply avoid their own downtowns.
Over America, Blue Cities Are Facing A Severe Shortage Of Police Officers. Do you
remember a few years ago when blue cities all over the nation wanted to defund the police?
Needless to say, that didn't work out too well. Wherever police budgets were slashed, crime
rates shot up. Today, we are in the midst of a massive crime wave that is sweeping the
country. In fact, it has gotten so bad that even many our most liberal politicians are
desperate to restore law and order. But that won't be so easy, because after everything that
has transpired blue cities are discovering that they are having a really difficult time finding
enough warm bodies to serve in their crime-ridden communities.
Destruction of the United States Is Intentional. Here's What Will Happen Next.
The commies began the operation decades ago. As Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov warned, the
college professors and civil rights leaders indoctrinated — or as Bezmenov calls it,
demoralized — generations of Americans and convinced them to hate their nation and,
frequently, themselves. The Soviets successfully infiltrated the black communities, convinced
them they were less than, and let the anger seethe into subsequent generations. That is why
we see highly educated and successful black folks like the Obamas, MSNBC's Joy Reid, and the
deranged Cori Bush screaming about racism, even though they are one-percenters. If systemic
racism were real, how did these poor, indentured serfs get so far?
Do The Poor Countries Always Stay So Poor? It's now more than sixty years since the
independence movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s transformed nearly all of sub-Saharan
Africa into independent countries. Hopes soared for a new era of progress and
prosperity. But six plus decades on, with essentially no exceptions (maybe Botswana?), the 49
countries of sub-Saharan Africa are about as poor as ever. [...] The funny thing about the bad luck
of sub-Saharan Africa is that it seems to afflict all 49 countries at the same time, even as
elsewhere in the world at least a few countries (South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand) are able to find
the magic recipe to rise out of poverty.
Feds Sue New York Landlords for Not Allowing a Tenant's Emotional Support Cat.
Federal housing officials are charging a pair of New York landlords with violating fair housing law
for making no exceptions for emotional support animals in their "no pets" policy. On Monday,
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it had filed a complaint
against Ronit and Voyl "Tom" Mecham — owners of a two-unit rental property in Jamestown,
New York — for denying a tenant's requests to keep a cat on the premises. The
Mecham's tenant, whose name is redacted in the complaint, had requested in November 2021 that they
be allowed to have the cat as part of the treatment they were receiving for unspecified mental
health issues. The tenant said they would provide a doctor's note justifying the emotional
support cat.
Were Too Young to Consent but Now They're Old Enough to Sue. An unnamed woman who
once identified as transgender filed suit last week against the University of Nebraska Medical
Center, Nebraska Medicine, and three doctors for "negligence and lack of informed consent" after
she had a "gender-affirming" double mastectomy at the age of 16 in 2018. Now a young woman,
the plaintiff will never nurse her children, assuming she is still able to bear them after four
years of testosterone treatments that "caused significant mental and physical harm." All
because the medical industry — I used to call it "healthcare" — decided that
surgery and hormones were the answer to a troubled teenager's emotional and mental health issues
and, according to the lawsuit, bulldozed her into their preferred "treatment." That poor kid
doesn't seem to have ever stood a chance against the adults arrayed against her.
To Market,
to Market. Among the factors weighing heavily on public disaffection with Democratic
governance is the downturn occasioned by their policies, which hamper production, raise prices, and
allow widespread retail theft. Robert Barnes has done the math: "Under #Trump, real median
family household incomes rose 15% in just 3 years, the highest rate since after World War 2. Under
#Biden, real median family household incomes fell 5% in just 3 years, the fastest rate of decline
since the Great Depression." To be sure, the bien pensant big thinkers don't see this as a
problem. The New York Times columnist Paul Krugman offers up a defense —
essentially, voters shouldn't believe their lying eyes. "The economic data have been just
surreally good. Even optimists are just stunned," says Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman.
Woke Lefties Ruined Aspen. That story begins only 150 years ago with, appropriately
enough, a somewhat crackpot idea called "free silver." For the last quarter of the 19th century,
the idea kicked around that the government should buy large quantities of silver to create an easy
money supply. And for a time, it did just that. Aspen, originally called Ute City, had
some of the largest silver deposits on Earth, and it boomed, reaching a population of more than
12,000. Congress repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act in 1893, ending the artificial demand for
the metal, and Aspen became a quasi-ghost town with a population at the dawn of the 20th century of
only a few hundred. After a long downturn, Aspen boomed again immediately after World War II,
with skiing as the new silver. Beaton tells with verve the very human story of Army veterans
and Chicago businessmen coming together to create a ski resort. Aspen's first modern chair
lift was opened in 1947, one of the longest in the world. Aspen became not just a town, but a
brand — now one of the most prestigious in the world. But Aspen then had a second
downfall. The 1960s introduced America to drug abuse and other moral laxness on a widespread scale.
accelerated in August to 3.7% as consumer prices heat up again. Inflation accelerated
for a second straight month in August, reversing previous declines as consumers continued to
grapple with the rising cost of everyday goods. The Labor Department said Wednesday that the
consumer price index, a broad measure of the price for everyday goods including gasoline, groceries
and rents, rose 0.6% in August from the previous month, in line with estimates. It marked the
steepest monthly increase this year, underscoring the challenge in taming high inflation.
Prices climbed 3.7% from the same time last year, faster than both the 3.2% reading in July and the
3.6% estimate from Refinitiv economists.
Haven't Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President. The last time Americans saw a
drop in household income as large as we did last year, Barack Obama was president. The Census
Bureau on Tuesday released its calculations for the change in real median household income for last
year. By its calculations, the median income of U.S. households fell in 2022 by 2.3 percent,
the worst decline since 2010. History may not necessarily repeat or even rhyme, but it certainly
rings a bell on occasion. The last time household income suffered a decline as large as it
did in the second year of Biden's presidency was in the second year of Biden's vice presidency.
That's before taxes. Once you calculate in changes to the taxes paid and subsidies handed out,
household income fell 8.8 percent.
Justice is Just Plain Ugly. I think that the crime problem, the mass incarceration
problem, and mental health problem arise out of the liberal cultural beliefs and liberal political
power that our liberal friends have used to impose their beliefs and culture on the rest of
us. And for most people not in the laptop class liberal culture and power make things
worse. But I could be wrong. Earth to liberals: Urban violence and murder rates
are a witch's brew of fatherless homes, welfare, and the separation of sex from marriage and
child-raising. And You Did It. Earth to liberals: Mass incarceration and three
strikes laws are the knee-jerk response of ordinary people to the rise of crime and violence that
amped up in the Sixties with the Great Society.
You Better Off Today Than You Were Four Years Ago? Another metric is food inflation as
all Americans need to purchase and consume food. Food inflation currently sits at 4.9 percent
compared to 1.8 percent four years ago. It has more than doubled in the past four years, with
no sign of slowing down. At a macroeconomic level, is our national debt higher or lower
compared to four years ago? In 2022, the national debt was $30.8 trillion. Four years
ago in 2018 it was $21.4 trillion. In four short years it increased by almost $10 trillion.
It took America until 2008 to even reach $10 trillion in debt and in four short years we added
230 years' worth of debt to our ledger. That's what America owes. How about what
America spends? The annual U.S. budget deficit was $665 billion in 2017, rising to $2,772 [billion]
in 2021. This is more than a fourfold increase in spending money we don't have. Budget deficits
used to be measured in the billions. Under Biden they are in the trillions.
'Climate Emergency' Is a Hoax. The Biden administration, however, appears not to be
concerned about the widespread poverty and massive starvation that will be caused by the
unavailability of cheap and reliable energy in underdeveloped countries, or the inflation caused by
the skyrocketing prices that are crushing Americans "barely able to afford one meal a day". [...]
The Biden administration also does not seem concerned that it is killing wildlife, sea life and the
fishing industry by installing offshore wind turbines along the Atlantic seaboard, or that
mandating electric vehicles will throw virtually the entire auto maintenance industry out of work
(EVs do not need routine maintenance), or that lithium batteries not only explode but cost
thousands of dollars to replace. The administration even wants military equipment, such as
tanks, to be electric, as if there were charging stations in the middle of foreign deserts in the
event of a conflict. Moreover, according to NBC News, volcanoes, unimpressed with executive
orders, "Dwarf Humans for CO2 Emissions."
Cotton: Military Citations Using 'Themself' Instead of 'Himself' or 'Herself'.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) on Friday sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin demanding he
explain the Pentagon's apparent decision to use the "gender neutral" term "themself" instead of
"himself" or "herself" for decoration and award citations. Cotton, an Army veteran, wrote to
Austin: ["]I write regarding the Department's decision to incorporate 'gender neutral'
language into decoration and award citations. Our military apparently will now use 'themself' —
which is not even a word, I hasten to add — instead of 'himself' or 'herself' to describe
heroic or distinguished actions.["]
San Francisco is the car break-in capital: Low-risk, high reward. In case
you've somehow missed all the news coming out of San Francisco for the past several years, the city
has the highest rate of property crime in the country. The SF Chronicle published a
story today asking the obvious question: "Why is it so bad here — and not elsewhere?"
The answer the article comes to is not entirely satisfying but it does make some amount of sense.
Transgender Kids as Emotional Support Animals. Do y'all remember the time an
emotional support animal was kicked off a United flight for being disruptive? In this
instance, "being disruptive" included a pig defecating and screaming in the cabin. Passengers
were quick to complain about the stink, noise, and awkwardness of it all because, when you pay good
money to fly, doing so without a barnyard experience is a reasonable expectation. Thankfully,
over the last decade, emotional support animals have been kept on a tighter leash since they are
not now, nor were they ever service dogs. Airlines have reeled in their restrictions and put
a muzzle on the idea any animal can fly under the "if it fits, it sits" mantra. Everybody
knows that the owner of that peacock, hamster, boa constrictor, cat, or hedgehog does not rely on
the animal to aid in the performance of specific tasks. Rather, they don't want to leave
their beloved animal behind. Levity, affection, companionship — that's why we have
pets! We also have therapists.
Them': Dem Who Backed Efforts To 'Dismantle' Police Says She Was Carjacked In Front Of Her
Kids. Shivanthi Sathanandan, the second vice chairwoman of the Minnesota
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL), said in a Facebook post that she was violently attacked and
carjacked Tuesday in front of her two children. Four men allegedly broke Sathanandan's leg
and beat her with their fists and guns in front of her two young children at her Minneapolis home
before stealing her car and fleeing the scene, she said in the post. Sathanandan, who had
previously backed efforts to reduce the police force, urged fellow Minneapolis residents to "take
back" their city and prosecute violent criminals in her post following the incident. "We need
to get illegal guns off of our streets, catch these young people who are running wild creating
chaos across our city and HOLD THEM IN CUSTODY AND PROSECUTE THEM," Sathanandan wrote.
Activists Used To Be About Fighting 'The Man.' Now They Are 'The Man'. For decades,
the left defined itself by its opposition to authority, gleefully fighting the old conservative
fuddy-duddys in power. But as a slew of formerly rebellious rockstars have learned, the left
has since become the very thing it used to fight. Alice Cooper, a famously painted-up rock
icon since the '70s, came under fire for a series of benign comments regarding the current
transgender pandamonium. "I'm understanding that there are cases of transgenderism, but I'm
afraid that it's also a fad, and I'm afraid there's a lot of people claiming to be this just
because they want to be that," Cooper said. "I find it wrong when you've got a six-year-old kid who
has no idea. He just wants to play, and you're confusing him telling him, 'Yeah, you're a
boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.'" For this perfectly innocuous statement,
Cooper lost a brand deal with Vampyre Cosmetics, which accused the musician of transphobia.
Clearly, the LGBT community is so oppressed and powerless that banal criticism of them results in
losing work. Cooper didn't express anything hateful, he simply cautioned of too many people
hopping aboard the current cultural bandwagon and that these procedures have permanent
consequences. For that, Cooper was accused of "spewing debunked bathroom predator myths" and
"leaning on right-wing, anti-trans scare tactics" by Rolling Stone, an outlet that used to be about
covering music but has since moved on to political hackery.
'poop' rampage in Wyoming is an important insight into today's homeless. The headline
at the Daily Mail was eye-catching: "Squatters take over Wyoming city: Vagrants leave
millions of dollars worth of damage to motel and 500 lbs of human feces in downtown area — as
Casper fights off a homeless invasion." It was an image at odds with how we think of Wyoming;
that is, a clean, naturally beautifully conservative state. But the homeless plague is everywhere,
and the situation in Casper reminds us that most of today's homeless are not just ordinary people down
on their luck; they are dysfunctional drug addicts who are the inevitable result of 60 years of
leftist drug policies.
and the Collapse of American Constitutionalism. [Scroll down] So today in
America the new social contract proposed by the Democrats provides, for example, that if you decide
to be a man, be a man. If you decide to be a woman, be a woman. If you want even more
personal freedom, be either from time to time. If you are a girl, then America is your
oyster. If you don't want to have a baby, don't have a baby. With immigration, if you
want to be an American, come here and be an American. If you want to join the ruling elite,
just register for college. Someone else will pay your tuition and, presto, without much
effort you will have your passport into the new American elite. If you struggle with illness,
taxpayers will free you from that hardship. But there was a bait-and-switch in Rousseau's
design template. None of us really will have individual authority to live as we might
wish. We must surrender our rights to the collective which has all sovereign power.
Decline of American 'Civilization'. The glorification of violence and sex in a
society is uncivilized. These things appeal to the most squalid nature of man, his most
carnal appetites, not his noblest. Uncontrolled lust and violence are characteristics of the
lowest common denominator of humanity. Jungle instincts must be restrained, contained, and
overcome for civilization to exist. Any society that refuses to do so will suffer dire
consequences, as indeed we see in America today.
90% of Online Content May Be AI-Generated Garbage by 2026. A recent report from
Europol warns that by 2026, as much as 90 percent of online content could be generated by
artificial intelligence, raising concerns that the web might be even more jammed with useless
garbage in a few short years than it is today. Futurism reports that a recent study by
Europol suggests that by 2026, up to 90 percent of online content could be artificially
generated. This staggering figure has sent ripples through various sectors, from journalism
and art to technology and law enforcement. Synthetic media, which refers to content generated
or manipulated using artificial intelligence, is not a new phenomenon. However, its rapid
proliferation has raised eyebrows and concerns alike.
and 'looking like a dump': How Brighton's controversial eco policy went to seed.
Borage, yarrow, knotgrass and ribwort; for the enthusiastic forager there are herbs enough to fill
an apothecary's cabinet. This is no countryside hedgerow, however, but rather the pavement
outside a £1.5 million house in Hove. Five-foot tall horseweed growing up between the
cracks in the paving slabs has become a familiar sight for the residents of Brighton and
Hove. On some streets a tapestry of grass has formed that makes it impossible to walk in a
straight-line down the hilly streets. It is a verdant sight, but not, however, a welcome one
for residents. "My mother is 89 and if she's walking around on these pavements, she can't do
it," says one local who preferred not to be named. "I worry about her falling all the time."
For the past four years nature has been left to its own devices after the then Green Party-led
council in 2019 banned toxic weed killers that include chemicals such as glyphosate following a
petition from residents.
Glyphosate, best known as the active ingredient in the weed killer
Roundup, has been the subject of many studies and legal challenges regarding its potential to cause
cancer, specifically non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Its environmental damage, particularly to soil
quality, is also well documented.
wind and solar power are running out of juice. Alternative energy
madness — and that's what it is — has had its biggest impact in
California. But New York and New Jersey have adopted most of that state's mandates.
Sales of new internal combustion vehicles will be banned beginning in 2035 in the states. All
of the electricity sold to retail consumers will have to be "zero-emissions." Homeowners and
building owners will be forced to replace gas- and oil-burning space and water heaters with
electric heat pumps. And, gas stoves will be regulated out of existence. New York also
will soon implement another California import: a carbon "cap-and-invest" program, which will impose
a tax on fossil fuels sold by wholesalers and utilities. The billions of dollars collected
each year will provide a green slush fund, allowing the governor and legislators to hand out money
to their politically favored cronies, as has so often been the case in the past. Washington
State began its "cap-and-invest" program in January of this year. Modeled after California's,
Governor Jay Inslee promised the program would have "minimal impact, if any. We are talking
about pennies." Instead, the program has raised gasoline prices — almost 50 cents
per gallon so far this year.
Call It Treason. Millions of people around the world are beginning to figure out that
there is a force, an evil cabal trying to take over the entire planet. [...] National leaders are
going out of their way to destroy their collective countries. These chief executives and
oligarchs, feeling a New World Order is inevitable, are merely vying for high position in what they
think will be a new society. It is not more evident than here in the United States.
These leaders make decisions that no one understands[,] destroying the election system of the
greatest democracy in the world, ignoring the needs of their citizenry, destroying the military and
police departments, with no regard for national security, citizen safety or law and order.
Gone is energy independence, dozens of food processing plants (its become a global phenomena),
hundreds of farms (meat and dairy are bad, but bugs are good). Millions of illegal migrants pour
into our countries without vetting, background or medical checks.
compendium of everything wrong with Barack Obama's legacy. President Obama's assault
on Americans' constitutional rights and protections as well as on the nation's constitutionally
defined governmental institutions and their respective authority entailed myriad particulars.
It included undermining of First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of the press,
and religious freedom. It extended to usurpation of the legislative authority of Congress and
disregard for the constitutional authority of the Supreme Court. In addition, Obama
compromised the rule of law and protection of rights more broadly. He ignored the findings of
lower federal courts. He subverted federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the
FBI, the CIA, the IRS, and other departments of the federal government, to illegal politicization
and lawless attacks on perceived political enemies. He promoted federal intrusion in and
subversion of state and local law enforcement, also in the service of political ends. The
collective impact of Obama's abuses of power, the "transformation" of America that he so often
promised, was the creation of a less democratic, post-constitutional, authoritarian nation.
Crime" Is a Myth. Five days after sustaining serious injuries, a San Francisco store
clerk named Yowhannes "John" Tewelde has died. He was beaten with a baseball bat by a man
whom he tried to stop from stealing beer from his store. Tewelde's death marks yet another
homicide in the Bay Area, which, between San Francisco and Oakland, has seen an enormous amount of
crime and mayhem in recent years. The nature of Tewelde's death illustrates an important
reality that progressives working to ease up on supposedly nonviolent crimes don't seem to
appreciate: even "minor" offenses like retail theft, open-air drug use, and smoking on subway
platforms are frequently backed by a threat of violence. Had Tewelde not intervened, allowing
the thief to take what he wished, progressive prosecutors like former San Francisco district
attorneys George Gascón and Chesa Boudin probably would have refused to prosecute him, citing
the nonviolent nature of the offense. All we'd have is a lowly shop owner forced to shoulder
the cost of a few cheap beers. No big deal, right? Wrong. The decision to ignore
the theft would allow an individual who was in truth both willing and able to kill over $10 to
remain on the street. It would be only a matter of time before he did something terrible.
anyone who supported COVID fascism has no right to complain about inflation and housing
crisis. Inflation is very simply defined as too much money chasing too few
goods. Our government decided to spend and then print more money (by a mile) than ever before
while shutting down supply chains! Now we are dealing with endless long-term debt and the
expense of servicing it, which is inducing even more inflation, forcing interest rates up, and
creating the housing crisis we are living with today. [...] Regardless of who would be president in
2021, that inflation cake was baked. Obviously, Biden increased spending even more and locked
up our energy supplies, placing more pressure on energy prices. His Ukraine policies made it
even worse. However, the core inflation would be with us today regardless of which party is
in the White House, because, with few exceptions, both parties equally embraced these terrible
policies of loose money.
Biggest Environmental Scandal In The World. A dead whale washed ashore on Takanassee
Beach in New Jersey in the early evening yesterday. Police blocked off the area so tractors
could be brought in to remove it. "We were sitting on the beach yesterday, and I noticed it when
people started running up to it," said Soraya Nimaroff, who lives nearby. "I'm very sad. It
is very sad." Yesterday marked the 60th known whale death on the East Coast since Dec 1, 2022.
Whale strandings have increased markedly since 2016. The North Atlantic right whales are headed for
extinction. Their population has dropped to 340. There have been 200 humpback strandings
and 98 strandings of right whales since 2017. "It caused us concern enough to ask, 'What is
happening?'" said Cindy Zipf, executive director of the Long Branch-based nonprofit Clean Ocean
Action (COA). "We looked into what was different about this December and early January." The
only thing she and other researchers found was offshore wind exploration.
return of animal sacrifice. We look back with bewilderment at the ritual sacrifice of
animals by our ancestors. Whether it was the Celtic people's sacrifice of livestock to
appease pissed-off deities or the Ancient Romans' slaughter of oxen so that Jupiter might be more
sparing with his stormy weather, it was all a bit mad. We would never be so superstitious, we
tell ourselves. I'm not sure that's true. Consider the proposed slaughter of hundreds
of thousands of cattle in Europe in the holy name of Net Zero. This is the return of pagan
lunacy, surely. Irish farmers are under pressure to 'cull up to 200,000 cows' in order that
Ireland might meet its 'climate goals', reported the Financial Times at the weekend. The
Irish government is considering proposals to bump off that amount of cattle over the next three
years to help it achieve a 25 percent reduction in its agricultural emissions. Cows produce
methane, you see, and methane is bad. It's a greenhouse gas. Farming accounts for 40 percent
of Ireland's greenhouse-gas emissions, so it has become a natural target for the Net Zero zealots.
Every EU member state is under pressure to make strides towards Net Zero, and if that entails the
sacrifice of livestock, so be it. Save the planet, slaughter the cows.
power company raises rates to cover increased expense due to climate legislation. A
Washington utility company jacked its rates on residents as a result of the Democrat-passed
cap-and-trade program, but was prohibited from informing its customers as to the reason why,
according to a new report. The Center Square reported that the Washington Utilities and
Transportation Commission (UTC) approved a request by Puget Sound Energy earlier this month to
raise its natural gas rates to cover the costs of Washington's cap-and-trade program, part of the
Climate Commitment Act, which was passed by the Democrat-controlled state legislature and signed
into law by Democrat Governor Jay Inslee.
Save the
Rule of Law By Destroying It? Some truths are so staggering in their ramifications
that Americans simply shrug and tune them out as if strangers in a strange land. Is their
current bewilderment because modernist America is unrecognizable — a nonexistent border,
downtown homeless juxtaposed to hipster professional elites, DEI racial essentialism, cities
reverting to precivilizational wastelands, millions exiting blue states to red, an FBI and DOJ gone
rogue, the normalization of violent theft and assault, biologically born men sandbagging women's
sports and their locker room privacy? We are reaching the point where the once unbelievable
has become the banal, as a single generation has done its best to undo the work of a prior 12 generations.
Predictable Doom Loop. At one time not so long ago, Portland leaders turned the
sleepy town into a progressive hub for the creative class, spending billions on 19th-century light
rail Choo Choo trains to convey bus riders to their planned utopia. The more the plans
failed, the more the planners planned, as Ronald Reagan once said. Because of the hard hand
of the planner class, a corrupt system of regulatory capture, and the certitude of those who know
better than we do how to run our lives, Portland leaders never really stopped to consider if anyone
wanted what they were selling. They went on blithely singing kumbaya and giddily handed the
match to the activist left, which lit the Molotov cocktail that sparked the city's
self-immolation. Now these leaders have regulated, locked down, and scared away a third of
the downtown office buildings. When San Francisco hit this marker it was called a "doom loop."
Sporting Goods Is Learning What the Consequences of Going Woke Are. Go woke, go
broke. That's what conservatives say, and unfortunately, sometimes it's just rhetoric that
doesn't materialize. Still, there are times when the adage proves true. Enter Dick's
Sporting Goods, the woke outdoor company that has prided itself on inserting itself into various
cultural battles. As RedState reported, shareholders were greeted with bad news recently when
it was revealed that Dick's saw a 23 percent drop in profit over the last quarter. That
sent the company into a freefall. On August 21st, the stock price was $141. Two days
later, it was at $108. That's a dramatic drop for a well-known retail brand with so many
years in the game. The question is, what led us here? According to Dick's own
admission, a sharp rise in retail theft has severely hampered profitability.
York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street business as firms flee the city: report. A
giant, sucking sound is coming out of Wall Street — and it's siphoning staggering sums
of money out of the Big Apple while handing business to Florida and other states farther
south. Nearly 160 Wall Street firms have moved their headquarters out of New York since the
end of 2019, taking nearly $1 trillion — yes, that's trillion with a "T" —
in assets under management with them, according to data from 17,000 companies compiled by
Bloomberg. Looking to dodge rampant crime, stiff taxes and an increasingly exorbitant cost of
living, 158 fed-up financial firms representing a whopping $993 billion in assets have packed up
and left the Big Apple, taking thousands of high-paid employees with them, the data shows.
blue cities defund themselves. 'Defund the police!' they yelled in 2020, that famous
summer of love: They did that. Now they're discovering — the hard
way — that they're actually defunding themselves. [...] [New York] businesses are
fleeing for the same reasons that the people are fleeing: Bad government. After all,
the picture is largely the same: Run one of the world's most expensive cities. Tax them
up the wazoo. Demonize corporations. Embrace COVID lockdowns. Defund the cops, or
else incentivize them to retire at their desks. Let the homeless and drug-addicted roam
freely. Let the organized theft rings shut down the retailers and restaurants. Let
every car be subject to smash-and-grab robberies. Let vital city services, such as the
subway, become dangerous no-go zones. Lose an analyst or two every so often to random violent
crime. Ensure that public schools are not worth going to. And most important, mock and
laugh at those who do the logical thing, which is move someplace else where the costs are lower,
the taxes are lower, the bums know they can't camp out in front of someone's headquarters, and the
criminals know that they're headed to jail every time they loot a business.
LA hotel devolves into housing projects, repairs cost taxpayers more than $11.5
million. Built in 1926, The Mayfair Hotel in downtown Los Angeles was a historical
treasure, a unique marriage between the glamor of Old Hollywood and the elan of the Roaring
Twenties, and then California Democrats got ahold of it. The Mayfair once hosted the first
ever Academy Awards after-party, but now it houses Skid Row. [...] (How could anyone think inviting
drug-addled derelicts into a luxury hotel wouldn't end up this way?) Like
stereotypical crazy bums, the transients housed at the Mayfair "punched through walls," trashed
appliances and bathrooms, smashed windows to throw objects onto the street below, and left
fentanyl-covered tinfoil sheets strewn about. And, in predictable fashion, the idiotic decisions
of the left aren't limited to only affecting leftists, and the havoc spilled out onto the street.
Corruption Disqualifies Biden From Serving Another Term. In the 30 months since Trump
departed the White House, American cities have been in free fall towards becoming crime-ridden
infestations of homeless public misfits, drug addicts, and violent criminals. Uncountable
millions of illegal aliens have flooded across the southern border and been distributed around the
country at unsustainable cost to America's education system, social service network, and law
enforcement organizations. The country has been commercially strangled by a green terror
which implausibly purports to be saving the planet but is contributing to the reduction of the
disposable income of the great majority of Americans. Public education standards are
crumbling; the academy and media are largely in the hands of anti-American elements.
proposed wealth tax spells doom for entrepreneurs and economic growth. A group of
far-left lawmakers has introduced yet another bill to soak the rich. The new bill is called
the Oppose Limitless Inequality Growth and Reverse Community Harms Act — the OLIGARCH
Act, get it? It would introduce an entirely new tax on wealth above $120 million, starting
at 2% and climbing to 8%. This new tax would be in addition to the income tax.
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) claims the legislation is designed to "tax extreme wealth, reduce
inequality, and combat the threat to democracy posed by aristocracy." But it
would more accurately be described as an economic devastation bill. Indeed, it should alarm
anyone who wants to start a business, build up wealth for retirement, leave an inheritance for
their children, or just see the economy grow for everyone.
expect the greens' 1,600 percent mistake on ocean plastic to get them to change course.
For climate warriors and enviro-radicals, the science (their science, anyway) is always
"settled." That is, until it isn't. The latest backtrack? Turns out there's
less plastic in the oceans than claimed. Far less. Per a new study in the journal
Nature Geoscience, just 500,000 metric tons of plastic end up in the world's oceans each
year, not the 8 million tons previously bewailed. That's an overestimation of
1,600%! Meanwhile, worries about ocean plastic have fueled restrictions on the use of a
range of products — shopping bags, utensils, straws — no matter the
inconveniences or side effects.
Result of Incorporating Saul Alinsky's Eight Marxist Rules for Radicals Into The Governance of The
Republic. In just two years the Biden/Obama administration spent the US Government
into an additional unsustainable and unheard-of increased National Debt "of an additional
$4.9 Trillion in spending". That reckless spending increased the National Debt from
$27.7 Trillion to an unrecoverable National Debt to $32.6 Trillion. That irresponsible and
uncalled-for spending on Climate Change and Social Programs, while terminating the drilling for crude
oil on government land, has created the massive inflation Americans are faced with; it is the worst
inflation in over 40 years. [...] That massive new spending of $4.9 Trillion in just
2 years, by the Biden/Obama administration, is one of the eight recommended ways to change the US
Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State by installing Saul Alinsky's Eight Marxist Rules for
Radicals. The Biden/Obama administration intentionally increased the National Debt to such a
large deficit in a short two years, in order that it will never be able to be repaid by the United
States. The annual interest on that National Debt will have to repaid by a constantly
increasing taxes on the American people, negatively effecting the US economy, and personal wealth.
Iranian Hostage Deal. Since January 20, 2021, the Harris-Biden administration has
delivered a relentless cycle of incompetence, ineptitude, incoherence, corruption, subterfuge, and
scandals. The citizen suffers due to inflation, high crime, the open border, crumbling
infrastructure, and a lot more. If they dare to raise their voices they are targeted much
like the regime's foremost political opponent, President Donald Trump. Internationally, the
regime has weakened and demeaned the US. Following its hasty and unplanned withdrawal from
Afghanistan that betrayed allies within the country. It also handed that country back to the
most dangerous terror organizations in the world. The Harris-Biden administration has managed
to make the U.S. appear untrustworthy, dishonorable, and unreliable. The withdrawal
doubtlessly emboldened President Putin to intervene in Ukraine after repeated provocation from
surrounding NATO countries. The war in Ukraine continues to this day and there is no way for
anyone to know what actually is happening because most of the Western media is pushing a narrative
and not covering facts.
and Capitalism. [Scroll down] In Rhodes, Greece, this week, a resident
published his video of fires being set at night, all at the same time across a ridge of
trees. This is an almost perfect climate psy-op. Fires, and then film the misery of
tourists sleeping in the airport waiting to leave. And then there is this: [Tweet] I'm
starting to think it is a world-wide scam of set fires meant to scare us into more regulation, more
giveaways. In Canada we have arrested dozens of fire-setters, and dozens are still being
sought. Fires and fear promote the idea that "nothing has been done," but in fact, behind the
scenes, everywhere, the Iron Triangle of the movement has installed palettes of regulation on every
town and county, every rangeland, parkland, wilderness, forest and mountain. Wherever you go,
metaphorically or not, there is a sign that says: Do Not Enter. It is killing all
productive activity, it is killing the economy of every nation. "Climate change" is now eating
capitalism. It is a profit center for both government and business. In 2002 Goldman
Sachs built a division that sold "climate solutions" by way of tax and carbon credits. This
zero-sum game is trading in the misery of hundreds of millions.
Trump Indictment and 2024. Over the past sixty years while America slept and the
citizenry reveled in unprecedented peace and prosperity, the Marxist/socialist movement, after
decades of living in the shadows, has successfully infiltrated many of the nation's vital
institutions while promoting creeping immorality and societal corruption. The institutions
targeted by the American Marxists were those in the fields of education, entertainment, and the
media. The radical left knew that dominion over of these institutions would be the first step
in achieving their ultimate goals: control of the Democrat Party, hegemony within the federal
bureaucracy, and the domination of the judiciary. Their success to date has been extraordinary.
Today, liberal (socialist) professors on college campuses outnumber conservatives by a ratio of
17 to 1 (in 1968 it was 2.7 to 1). This same imbalance also infects the
nation's K-12 public schools through the radicalized teachers unions. As a result, two generations
of Americans have been subjected to unending socialist indoctrination and revisionist American history.
Collapse Continues as It's Forced to Sell Off Some of Its Brands. Anheuser-Busch's
downfall has been a brutal lesson to corporations about how the people have had it with woke
culture engagement. Especially when it comes to being a brand that claimed to represent the
heart of America and its values. Now, A-B is apparently being forced to sell off a few of its
brands in order to stay afloat. These include Shock Top, Breckenridge Brewery, Blue Point
Brewing Company, 10 Barrel Brewing Company, Redhook Brewery, Widmer Brothers Brewing, Square Mile
Cider Company, and Hiball Energy. All of these are craft beers, meaning that A-B is cutting a
solid chunk off of its craft beer portfolio.
is really just a ploy to destroy American energy. While jetting across the country
trumpeting the supposed success of "Bidenomics," Vice President Kamala Harris had this to say,
"Most Americans are a $400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy." What's not to love?
The White House must not be seeing the same headlines we are about record inflation, declining
income, and concerning job trends. President Joe Biden's rampant spending has destroyed the
economic comfort and prosperity of the previous administration — something even the most
devout anti-Trumpers are becoming nostalgic about as family budgets grow tighter and tighter.
Biden erroneously claims that his energy policies are a panacea that will offer Americans the best
of both worlds, saving money and protecting the environment. The president has made poor
policy choices about many things — but when it comes to energy, he's never been more
wrong and has weakened our country in the process.
Destruction of Common Law. By defunding the police in major cities, and by showering
leftwing district attorney candidates with millions of dollars in campaign funding, the Left
systematically eroded the law as we know it in our major cities. As a result, downtowns are
after-dark, no-go zones, as once great metropolises resemble veritable combat theaters.
Cities are becoming depopulated as consumers and businesses no longer find it safe to conduct
commerce. Criminals and homeless now routinely break the law with impunity. Public
violence, defecation, urination, fornication, and injection do not even rate as misdemeanors.
The Left has redefined violent crime to such an extent that shoplifting is no longer
actionable. Flash mobs that take over streets and swarm to loot stores are rarely if ever
arrested. Security officers who apprehend thieves or intervene to stop violence are more
likely to be prosecuted than criminals themselves. There is no longer any immigration law; it
has been utterly destroyed by Joe Biden. Seven-million illegal entrants flood into the U.S.
and, along with the Mexican government, make demands on their hosts to accommodate their illegality.
Debt Rating Downgrade Shows Washington Is Still Building Back Bankrupt. While the
press and the American people focused on the Justice Department's latest indictment of President
Trump, another no less significant event was taking place on Tuesday afternoon. Specifically,
Fitch Ratings announced it had officially downgraded the United States' credit rating. The
action by Fitch comes a dozen years after Standard and Poor's downgraded the federal government's
debt rating, meaning that two of the three credit rating agencies have stripped Washington of its
vaunted "AAA" status. It is but the latest indication of how presidents and politicians from
both parties have ignored the serious fiscal problems within our nation — and yet
another warning of the reckoning we will ultimately face as a people.
High Cost of Crime: Oregon County Loses $1 Billion as Residents Flee Lawless Portland.
Residents who fled Multnomah County, Oregon, in 2020 took over $1 billion in income as they
searched for a better life in other areas. The news is according to an analysis of data from
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Oregonian reported Sunday. "Numbers gleaned from
annual income tax returns provide the most detailed information available on where Americans are
moving — and taking their money," the outlet said.
gas is high. It's hot here and some countries are cutting back on production.
The heat is the heat and I've lived plenty of it in Texas. In fact, I remember when our
second son was baptized back in 1988 that it was 108 around here. That holy water must have
felt great on that baby's head. I remember 1980 when we had a whole 30 days of 100-plus
temperatures. What I don't remember was gasoline going up. So what's the other reason?
Countries cutting back production. Of course, why is that even an issue when Texas and Alaska
could take care of our energy needs? Why are we suddenly depending on countries for one drop of
oil? The answer is the Biden administration listening to the climate-change fanatics who want to
attack the problem by having American families paying more for energy.
And Chicago, and Houston, and Portland, and San Francisco, and St. Louis, and New Orleans, and Baltimore, and Philadelphia.
the Left's is turning New York into a crime-ravaged, drug-infested nightmare. Give us
pizza or give us death!' So chanted New Yorker Scott LoBaido a few weeks ago in downtown Manhattan
before he started hurling large slices of pizza over the gates of New York's City Hall.
LoBaido, a conservative artist and activist, was staging a lone and eccentric protest against a new
green crackdown on coal and wood-fired ovens. Opponents say it will badly hit the city's
already struggling small businesses — particularly its iconic pizzerias —
which face paying tens of thousands of dollars to install oven filters that must be regularly
inspected. [...] The city is suffering a crime epidemic so bad even ice cream and laundry detergent
are security- tagged in shops, and endless anti-business measures are driving down earnings, but
politicians appear more preoccupied by the culture wars: woke causes and green issues, such as air
pollution. Yet for all the concern about air quality, the authorities have only themselves to
blame for the all-pervasive stench of contraband weed on its streets, a consequence of officials'
disastrous tinkering with cannabis legalisation on the grounds of 'racial equity', which has led to
the proliferation of 1,400 illicit marijuana shops.
the Name of Climate Change: Travel Restrictions and the Great Reset. If you
experienced unprecedented delays during air travel this summer, the airlines likely blamed it on
the weather. You might have been surprised, for bad weather wasn't reported in the
news. But here is what should surprise and shock you even more. The real
reason — a shortage of pilots and air traffic controllers (ATCs) — is linked
to the Great Reset, the agenda to control people and restrict freedom conceived by the global elite
and being implemented through leftist groups and their sympathizers. It is now well known
that Klaus Schwab, chief of the elitist World Economic Forum (WEF), set the Great Reset in motion
during the pandemic, calling it an opportunity to "reflect, reimagine, and reset the world."
The COVID lockdown also connects to the story of the recent flight delays, because it was during
the pandemic that travel restrictions were imposed worldwide and pilots and ATCs were laid off.
Is a False Gospel and a Counterfeit Religion. Liberalism is a false and counterfeit
religion that is incompatible with the Judeo-Christian worldview that built the United States and
much of the western world. The year 2023 is the 100-year anniversary of J. Gresham Machen's
prophetic book Christianity and Liberalism. This book is just as accurate today as it
was prophetic when he wrote it. His central thesis 100 years ago was that liberalism is its
own religion, distinct and incompatible with Christianity. It acts as a parasite on
Christianity, and can only be accurately understood as a separate and false religion. Machen
was right, of course, and the past 100 years of decline in American life bear him witness.
Search the past century across the globe and you will find scores of previously Christian nations
that adopted liberalism, declined every meaningful way, and lost their faith. Most of these
Judeo-Christian nations have attempted to accommodate it rather than defeat it.
society's 'top brains' have gone mad — and dysfunctional politics is the
result. There's a lot of craziness in the air these days. But for the most part
it seems to be flowing from the top down, not bubbling up from the bottom. It wasn't farmers
and factory workers who came up with the idiotic COVID responses — nor was it they who
originated the more or less criminal idea of conducting "gain of function" research on making
dangerous viruses more dangerous. It wasn't shopkeepers and bus drivers who thought the way
to deal with burgeoning urban crime was to get rid of police and release criminals without
bail. It hasn't been landscapers and auto mechanics championing the notion that a child in
the single-digit age range can make a lifetime choice about his or her genitalia or maintaining
that even criticizing that idea is itself a species of "violence." Ordinary Americans haven't
been claiming the way to promote free speech is to censor people or the way to end racism is to
classify everyone by race and consequently treat them differently.
GOP Death Wish. The American economy is in freefall. Our borders are wide open
to taxpayer-funded freeloaders and criminals, cities are ridden with crime, filth, drugs, and
homelessness. America is needlessly pushing a hot war with the largest nuclear power in the
world. Our children are being trafficked or indoctrinated with woke sexual and gender
deviancy. Republicans are either silent or playing along. There is little difference
between the DNC and GOP on so many core issues, making the GOP increasingly irrelevant as a
political party. Instead, we are ruled by a uniparty, unified in its goal of self-enrichment
and power, with little regard to the well-being of America or the wishes of American voters.
What's the solution?
principal killed himself after being singled out during DEI training. This story was
already being cited as cause for concern about corporate DEI training even before last week when it
took an even darker turn. Earlier this month the National Post reported that retired
Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto was suing the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) over the
treatment he received during diversity training sessions. [...] So this training is routine in
Canada but what wasn't routine was Bilkszto's reaction. Instead of going along with it, he
stood up to the trainer. And that quickly resulted in him being told to shut up and sit down
because he was white.
the European Union Devolve into a Group of Third-World Countries? For the past 30
years, politicians throughout the E.U. kowtowed to the green parties and eco-terrorists in their
countries by declaring war on the carbon atom and the hydrocarbon bond based on the fraudulent
man-made global warming hypothesis. Many politicians in Europe joined the global warming
chorus with full-throated support; it assumed the element of noblesse oblige. In 2018,
British prime minister Theresa May stated: "There is a clear moral imperative for developed
economies like the U.K. to help those around the world who stand to lose most from the consequences
of man-made climate change." The implication from the prime minister's remarks: those who
don't support the fraudulent hypothesis are immoral. Today, energy costs in the U.K. have
trebled from just two years ago, and rampant inflation throughout the E.U. is at a level not seen
since the 1970s. The price advantage manufacturers once enjoyed in international markets is
gone, in the process smashing the continent's once-harmonious labor relations as unions throughout
the E.U. in every economic sector from transportation to manufacturing to health care strike for
higher wages to offset higher energy and food costs.
whine about Con Ed hikes caused by their own dumb policies. Better sit down before
you open your next Con Ed bill: Rates are set to soar, starting next month — and
double over the next two years. If you're a progressive, you can't complain.
What did you think would happen, based on your anti-fossil-fuel, big-spending, anti-business
agenda? On Thursday, the state's Public Service Commission OK'd hikes of 9.1% for electricity
and 8.4% for gas, starting in August, along with additional jumps though 2025. At that point,
typical bills will have doubled, from about $70 a month to $140 — or an extra $840 a year.
The Editor says...
Maybe electric cars aren't such a great idea after all. Maybe it's not a good idea to eliminate
coal-fired power plants. Maybe your windmills will stop on the hottest day of the summer, or
freeze on the coldest day. Maybe your solar panels won't work at night — oh wait,
that's a certainty.
imposition of transgender madness: The bottom-up approach. The astounding speed with
which a delusional fantasy has been imposed on society — that people can become the
opposite sex simply by saying so — requires explanation. This obliteration of
nature's (and God's) most fundamental truth of our lives and the resultant
diminishing of the reproduction of our species clearly vectors toward societal and civilizational
collapse. It destroys fertility when surgical and chemical interventions are used, and this
dooms the society successfully targeted to decline relative to the rest of the world unaffected by
the craze. (Have you heard about transgenderism spreading in Russia and China?) The
indoctrination of young children into the ideology means that even among those whose bodies are not
mutilated or poisoned, the post-adolescent sexual attraction and bonding necessary for the population
to remain stable is diminished. So far, the strategy to impose this on American society has been
top-down in nature. The educational system, from preschool through grad school, has largely been
captured by the left, and their bureaucrats and teachers have often eagerly acted as indoctrinators
and enforcers.
Is Quickly Turning Into A Blue City [...] With High Levels Of Violence. These are
common scenes particularly over the weekends in Austin Texas with brawls and violence all over the
downtown area as people get drunk at the clubs. The last Republican mayor In Austin was way
back in the mid 80s. [Video clip]
CEO Warns San Francisco's Downtown [is] "Never Going Back To The Way It Was". San
Francisco is a 'hellhole' that epitomizes everything wrong with how progressives govern
cities. That's because Democrats in City Hall believe that most criminals are
victims — don't arrest them — which allows for open-air drug markets,
homelessness, and violent crime to thrive. Due to failed social justice reform policies, the
business conditions in downtown San Francisco have become challenging. Furthermore, the
ongoing structural decline in demand for office space has thwarted any potential economic recovery
in the area. [Tweet with video clip] Marc Benioff, chief executive officer of
Salesforce, the city's largest employer and anchor tenant in its tallest skyscraper, understands
the metro area is in trouble.
does the city bounce back from this? One of the enduring mysteries of life is how
people and societies can see disaster coming and do nothing to avoid it. [...] We are seeing this
principle in real time with the collapse of cities like San Francisco and Portland. They have
been liberal bastions for so long that the idea of bucking the Democrat Party is unthinkable, no
matter how bad things get. And they are getting very very bad in both cities. San
Francisco has produced some of the most powerful politicians in California. Off the top of my
head, I can name the current governor, Gavin Newsom, the current VP, Kamala Harris, and of course
Senator Diane Feinstein. Many of the most powerful people in the legislature hail or hailed
from the city, and the tradition of moving up the ladder from SF to the heights of power is ancient
in political terms. When the Democrat Party took its radical Left turn the city moved with
it — led it, in fact — and the results have been disastrous.
Classic Psychology Text That Predicted Today's Urban Decay. It's a question that most
Americans who follow the news ask themselves daily: "How can the residents of so many of the
nation's largest cities keep supporting local officials who tolerate the ongoing destruction of
their communities?" Why this May, for example, did the citizens of Chicago — a
city where 21,000 students cannot demonstrate a basic competence in reading, science, and
math — choose the teachers union-backed candidate, Brandon Johnson, for mayor?
Especially when Johnson's chief opponent, Paul Vallas, had promised the electorate sensible school
reforms? Why, a few years earlier, did San Franciscans elect a mayor, London
Breed, whose obvious reluctance to crack down on criminal behavior has since forced the city's
largest mall to close, two of its best hotels to declare bankruptcy, and tens of thousands of
high-earning taxpayers to move away? Why has there been no serious movement to get New York
Gov. Kathy Hochul to initiate proceedings to remove Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district
attorney who refuses prosecute "low-level" crimes, all while promising to downgrade felony charges
and to decriminalize resisting police arrest?
Cities Will Drag All of Us Down. First, a quick refresher on the compounding problems
of urban areas. Chief among them is that big cities are dark blue, and thus they've become
crucibles of Left-wing policy failure. Uncontrolled crime, roving drug and mental-illness
zombies, and swarms of sanctuary-recipient asylum scammers are crowding out reasonable people and
businesses. The normals who remain to take advantage of access to cultural events (such as
they are) and restaurant variety are also subject to totalitarian social controls and two-tiered
justice systems that punish them when they fight back against criminals. But no matter how
desperate the situation becomes, city councils can be counted on to double down on woke policies,
then double down again. Businesses are fleeing. In the ones that remain, shopping for
basic goods has become a frustrating exercise in waiting for an associate to unlock the case so you
can grab a razor and some toothpaste. Add in today's high interest rates, which make owning
and running a business prohibitively expensive, and the writing is on the wall.
City Struggles With Police Officer Recruitment After Droves Of Retirements: Report.
New York City is struggling to recruit more police officers after a mass amount of experienced
officials retired, according to the New York Post. The New York Police Department's (NYPD)
March officer exam far underscored the amount of applicants the department expected, with 1,300
signing up to take the test compared to the 3,000 expected, sources told the NYP. This year's
second exam, which took place on Thursday, didn't meet expectations, once again, despite incentives
given by the NYPD. "The NYPD's best recruiting tool has always been word of mouth," Police
Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry told the NYP. "But right now the word is,
'Stay away.'"
Paradigm Shifts that Shatter Establishment Illusions. [#1] Now people understand that
the left's real mission is to reject reality. Castrating boys so that they can pretend to be girls
is not "healthy." Perpetuating racism as social policy is not "justice." Imposing a "woke"
State religion over personal conscience is not "moral." Aiding and abetting child sex-trafficking
and drug-smuggling at our borders is not "compassionate." Stealing property is not "equitable."
Just as with Leninism and Maoism before, today's leftism is evil.
Someone Please Wake Me From This Nightmare? When Joe Biden became president, America
was on a solid footing, inflation was under control, we were energy independent, the price of
gasoline was under $2.00, and things in America were great. Now most of that has been undone,
and nothing is being done about it. [...] While Trump was president, nearly 500 miles of wall were
built and immigration was controlled. Biden has opened the border and invited all to come,
and they are coming by the millions. When Biden became president, America was energy
independent and we were even selling energy abroad. Biden stopped construction of oil
pipelines, stopped drilling on public lands, and began a campaign against fossil fuels, the very
product that has made America great. [...] Under Trump there was little inflation, prices were
fairly stable. Biden has spent billions by just printing the money. This is classic
inflation and is hurting everyone with higher prices for everything from food to hardware.
This is especially true for gasoline, the price of which is also affected by the Biden energy policies.
the 2024 Election the Last Gasp for America? The American economy is in freefall,
Washington, D.C. is spending money we don't have. Our borders are nonexistent with millions
streaming across, many unskilled, illiterate, disease-carrying, criminal, or potential enemy
combatants. We are already engaged in World War III by proxy against the largest nuclear
power in the world, for no discernable U.S. national interest other than enriching the
military-industrial complex and politicians. Social norms and traditions are out the window,
where men can claim to be women just because they say so, in defiance of biology and common sense,
and we must shut up, agree, as well as praise their courage. Government has been weaponized
against political opponents in the manner of the Soviet Union or East Germany, where an elite
ruling class exempts itself from justice and the Constitution, while any opposition is crushed
under the jackboot of a tyrannical government. Elections are rigged, not as a conspiracy
theory, but in the opinion of most Americans.
Denialism: Affirmative Action's Last Ditch Defense. [Scroll down] Almost
unnoticed, a labyrinth of soul-crushing social programs was taking root and would soon be
institutionalized by the Lyndon Johnson administration under the rubric of "The Great Society."
At the time, the only person brave enough — or crazy enough — to call
attention to the damage done by these programs was Johnson's undersecretary of labor (and later
U.S. senator), Daniel Patrick Moynihan. In his remarkably prescient report, "The Negro
Family: The Case for National Action," Moynihan sounded the alarm in 1965, the same year the Great
Society was launched. "The evidence — not final, but powerfully persuasive —
is that the Negro family in the urban ghettos is crumbling," Moynihan warned. Causing the
dissolution were the sundry social programs that promised women financial security on the real but
rarely spoken condition that there be no married father in the household. Until about 1960, the
income gap between backs and whites was narrowing. After 1960, with the surge in single-parent
households, it began to reverse itself.
Third of Seattle Residents Are Considering Leaving, Citing Crime and Costs. One-third
of Seattle residents are considering packing up and moving elsewhere, largely citing home prices
and crime, according to a Seattle Times/Suffolk University poll conducted in June.
Roughly 33 percent of Seattle residents surveyed say they are seriously considering moving out
of the city, while 67 percent say they are not.
underlying, uncomfortable, reality at the core of America's malaise. Massive
corruption in government. Lying by public officials. Office holders receiving
bribes. Unjust prosecution of political opponents. Justice meted based on political
affiliation. News and information dissemination based on allegiance to a particular world
view. Parents denied the right to mold and shape their own children and instead being forced
to yield those rights to the state by law. Forced celebration of deviant behavior with a
demand for approval of same, or else. The compromising of a once muscular military into one
which is inundated with self-defeating progressive policies. And we could go on. The
symptoms of decay noted above are occurring virtually unabated in this country right now, and in
the West in general, and are directly linked to the widespread adoption of leftist ideologies.
These have been embraced by many in our institutions, public and private, and have captured the
imagination of our youth. Ironically, they represent policies that only a decade or two ago
would have been scorned and reviled by those same individuals who now accept and promote them.
Provider Warns of Impending 'Crisis,' 'Blackout Conditions' Driven By Biden Plans.
The U.S. faces an "impending energy crisis" as the Biden administration pursues a transition away
from fossil fuels, an electricity cooperative warned Wednesday. Moon Lake Electric
Association, which serves parts of Utah and Colorado, accused President Joe Biden of being
"unrealistic" in his emissions reductions goals, according to Deseret News. "It's unrealistic
and it's too ambitious," CEO Yankton Johnson reportedly said. "They need to pull back on the
throttle, pump the brake and think about what they're going to do to individuals." Johnson's
comments came after the Biden administration announced billions in investments for green
energy. The president seeks to achieve a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, net-zero
emissions in the economy by 2050 and 50 percent of new vehicle sales being electric by 2030,
according to the White House.
celebrate humility. As I reflect upon the decadence of the last several decades, I
think America would be better served by a Humility Month rather than a Pride Month.
Certainly, there are some very loud voices dominating the culture right now, but no one group has
cornered the market on moral decay. We all bear some responsibility. The shamelessness
and depravity permeating our culture are on a scale far beyond that of previous generations, so we
must have gone wrong somewhere. This depravity is the result of, not the cause of, our
problems. Our misplaced priorities have led us into a snare. One by one, the things we
have given ourselves to instead of God, family, and community have hoisted the banner of pride,
asserting their sovereignty over our lives. Whether it is sports, film, music, shopping, or
dining, the enterprises we have pledged our allegiance to have seized the reigns of the culture and
are driving us like cattle. Over the years, we've been seduced and manipulated to compromise
our values and rationalize selfishness. Pride turns life into a game that coerces us to
abandon the essential and pursue the frivolous. Putting points on the board becomes more
important than relationships with people.
It's Time to Learn from Hamtramck, Michigan. Every June, the LGBT movement throws a
tantrum fit that would put any cranky toddler shame. Their goal? Acceptance and
attention. It's as if they were toting a screechy, ear-piercing megaphone for the sole
purpose of shaming Americans for holding traditional values. Of course, they enlist other
mercenaries to help wage their war on god-fearing Americans — Target, Kohl's, Pet Smart,
and even Cracker Barrel. Corporations, in their zeal to be in the "in-crowd," muck up their
logos, apparel, and storefronts with bright, bold, unmissable rainbows. Public institutions
hoist the Pride flag high on their poles, peddle LGBT propaganda, and deck out police cars and
firetrucks in a paint box explosion of kaleidoscope colors. This year, even the White House,
in a move that should make anyone with a sense of decorum cringe, chose to display the Rainbow Flag
sandwiched between two American flags in a shocking violation of the U.S. Flag Code. And
let's not forget the U.S. Airforce, which deemed it fitting to release a picture of a soldier
saluting the Pride flag. It's like we've stepped into a technicolor dream world where the
queering of America is now a national priority.
America Doesn't Hear Anybody. Obviously the Democrats don't hear the people. [...]
They are complaining that Biden is not getting enough credit for bringing down inflation, inflation
that he created. Oh, and while inflation may be officially at 4%, that's only because the
government doesn't include all of the things people need in their inflation calculation. And
it's still significantly higher than when Biden took office. Nor do they include the
devaluation of money which is also inflation that people must deal with. And real wages have
declined as well.
Portland Real Estate Nightmare.
[Scroll down] Well, for a lot of people and businesses, it's too late. Such as
Kevin Howard, for whom the City of Portland refused to do anything about the homeless people
breaking into his property and trashing the place. And who then fined him because the place
was trashed. [... How did this happen?] Easy. You let Social Justice Warriors take over
your city. This is the expected outcome.
in SoCal, and with green recycling, here come the rats, roaches, flies and maggots.
[H]ere in San Diego, where we are under a state mandate to recycle our green garbage —
food scraps, food-soiled paper, and yard clippings — fresh new environmental problems
are abounding. According to local T.V. station KFMB: ["] [...] Some people said
they're concerned the waste could attract rodents and other animals. "We understand it's
something that people have to get used to and put into practice," said Director of Environmental
Services Department, Renee Robertson.["] Did I hear that right? Did she just say
we need to get used to having rats and roaches around the old middle-America ranch house now going
for a million dollars on the market, with property taxes indexed to it? I think that's what
she's saying, because people are reporting problems because they use the government system.
in a Media World. Our country is now divided into two numerically equivalent
ideological blocs. Not surprisingly, those in the leftist bloc have been generally impervious
to what conservatives and Republicans have exposed as scandals in their camp. And there have
been lots of them. This long train of abuses would include Hunter Biden's acceptance of
bribes from foreign governments, his father's likely involvement in Hunter's influence-peddling,
the Democrats' weaponization of the administrative state against both political opponents and
religious Christians, the witch hunt against Trump carried out on the basis of the discredited
Steele dossier, and Biden's and Hillary Clinton's scandalous treatment of classified
material. Democratic iniquities might also include promoting programs to sexualize children,
the championing of LGBT and CRT indoctrination in public schools and the military, our humiliating
setbacks in foreign affairs, and the sacrifice of American energy independence in pursuit of a
Green New Deal benefiting Communist China.
Lawsuits Reveal Horrors of Procedures. Kayla Lovdahl is the perfect test case as a
13-year-old who was approved for "transgender surgery:" She could not conceive, at the time, of the
possibility of suffering a lifetime of disfigurement and chronic pain. Ms. Lovdahl, now
18, has retained an attorney, Charles Limandri, who has employed such emotionally charged words as
"barbaric and cruel" to describe the medical team's actions in causing his client deep physical and
emotional wounds. Essential to his case is the claim that Lovdahl was hopelessly ignorant of
the statistical reality that nearly half of trans surgeries result in serious and life-threatening
complications. How can a 13-year-old grasp what it means to remove perfectly healthy breasts
(in female-to-male transition)? Sanitizing the language, Lovdahl was informed she could opt
for "top" and/or "bottom surgery." She had never heard of the term "double mastectomy" as she was
wheeled into surgery for what the medical team had described as "top surgery." Her harrowing
surgical experience was spared "bottom" mutilation.
the Quiet Part Out Loud. If Americans cannot trust their government to oversee free
and fair elections, then what exactly can Americans trust their government to do? To guard
the country's borders from invasion? Nope. To enforce the law impartially and safeguard
citizens and their property from violence? Not anymore. To vigorously defend Americans'
constitutionally protected rights? Not when the federal government attacks their free speech,
freedom of religion, right to bear arms, and freedom from warrantless searches. To maintain
the monetary value of the nation's currency? Not with reckless money-printing and
spending. To protect American sovereignty and avoid long-term foreign obligations? Not
when the U.N., WHO, and WEF rule from afar. In every way, the federal government has failed
to fulfill its principal obligations to citizens of the United States.
Economic Program is Made in China. As reported by New York Times Magazine at
the time, Joe Biden's goal was to transform the economy from the get-go: "The Biden Team Wants to
Transform the Economy. Really." Nearly two-and-a-half years later, the damage and chaos of
that transformation process are obvious: continuing high inflation (especially energy, food, and
gasoline prices), rising interest rates, recession predictions, a stagnant economy, depleted
individual savings, sky-high credit card debt, and other indications of stagflation and
recession. Who has benefited from the Biden economy? Green new deal grifters benefit
from the gargantuan tax subsidies and federal spending on transitioning the US economy from
hydrocarbon energy sources to "clean" sources, especially solar and wind energy.
The communist Chinese are happy to benefit from Biden economic policies that ultimately mandate
and subsidize green products from Chinese companies at the expense of the US companies who produce
and use hydrocarbons.
In order to get anywhere, begin any sort of resistance to the WEF, UN or WHO, one has to start with
the designation, or belief by a majority of the people, that the current government is presiding
over a failed state. That determination or designation originates from an international
definition. From Britannica, it includes this paragraph: ["]A failed state is
composed of feeble and flawed institutions. Often, the executive barely functions, while the
legislature, judiciary, bureaucracy, and armed forces have lost their capacity and professional
independence. A failed state suffers from crumbling infrastructures, faltering utility
supplies and educational and health facilities, and deteriorating basic human-development
indicators, such as infant mortality and literacy rates. Failed states create an environment
of flourishing corruption and negative growth rates, where honest economic activity cannot flourish.["]
You Breathe Smoke Last Week? This is Why. [Scroll down] Meanwhile,
Canada has arrested dozens of fire-setters in the last few weeks, and Quebec and Alberta are
running full-bore investigations. The new Premier of Alberta was blocked from Facebook for
saying so. Not one pontificator knows what has happened to the forests since Rio and the 92
Earth Summit. Since then the regulatory structure created by the U.N.'s FAO (Food and
Agriculture Organization) has been instituted all over the world. It is a new method of
forest management - "sustainable" - that throws over 1000 years of silvaculture. A forester
takes seven years of wickedly difficult education to be able to manage forests. What the UN
did was send a bunch of heavily indoctrinated, radically-undereducated hysterics into the forests -
which cover one-third of the world - and proceeded to destroy them with a "no-touch" policy.
is some of the garbage we can expect with indoctrinated kids and greedy lawyers.
These children say that their lives have been destroyed because of coal and oil so they are suing
Montana. [...] Lawsuits and policies should be based on the truth and scientific facts, not on
easily manipulated computer models and made up predictions which have consistently been wrong, like
this lawsuit and the radical green policies which are being forced on the American people.
Indictment and the Collapse of Confidence in Our Institutions. Before turning to the
charges facing Trump, consider their larger political setting, which begins with any democratic
government's most fundamental responsibilities: preserving public order, ensuring its citizens'
safety, and applying the law fairly. The institutions charged with those responsibilities are
crumbling at the local, state, and federal levels, and millions of voters on both sides of our
gaping ideological spectrum know it. Each blames the other and accepts no blame for
themselves. This collapse of public order is painfully obvious in many major cities, where
violent crime, massive organized shoplifting, and homeless encampments have become dangerous facts
of ordinary life. Law-abiding citizens, the backbone of those cities, have found the quality
of their lives declining. They bear much of the blame themselves. They elected the
district attorneys who refuse to prosecute serious crimes and so encourage even more. They
elected the mayors and legislators who justify such rampant disorder under the heart-warming name
of "social justice." How do armed robberies, looting, and gang violence qualify as social justice?
This Is Your City On
Democrats: Philadelphia. Evidently it is the deepest desire of Democratic Party
activists to turn the streets of American cities into needle-strewn wastelands of drug addicts
openly shooting up and [defecating] on the street. Because that's the results that the Democratic
Party drug- and crime-tolerant policies create time and time again. Here's a video of the
Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. [Video clip]
Atlanta Seen the Light? It's no secret that cities take the positives and negatives
of the human experience and multiply them exponentially. Of course, we know that many of the
worst tendencies we're seeing in cities today are the result of Democrats' policies. George
Soros-funded district attorneys are refusing to enforce laws and bring criminals to justice, while
sanctuary city policies are bringing in illegal immigrants at the expense of law-abiding and
tax-paying citizens. Racial and political animosity that groups like Black Lives Matter and
Antifa brought into America's cities, short-sighted approaches to homelessness and drug addiction,
and pandemic-era government intrusion did untold amounts of damage to urban areas. The state
of our cities has suffered tremendously on the heels of Democrat leadership. [...] And people are
fleeing Democrat-run cities in droves. That's a trend that's likely to continue unless the
leadership in cities can get a handle on crime.
Bad Does It Have to Get? Murders, street crime, white-collar crime, shoplifting,
trespassing, abuse of power, illegal drugs, legal drugs, illegal immigration and open borders,
election-tampering, institutional decay, homelessness, illiteracy, phony racism, real racism,
corrupt politicians, vengeful district attorneys, child abuse, domestic partner abuse, disregard
for human life, a weakened military, the rise of authoritarianism, expanding ignorance, AI, CRT,
DIE, poverty, inflation, radical environmentalism, gender fluidity, lowered standards and weakened
values, flight from personal responsibility, death of the meritocracy... the list goes on, and
it's getting bigger by the day.
Free America. [Scroll down] Woke companies like Walmart, CVS, Target, and
even specialty brands like Old Navy were sucked into "doing the right thing" and building in
"underserved" areas of big cities. Now, those very same names are pulling out in droves as
they count their losses in the billions, but won't mouth the reasons why as established
corporations, they can't survive in buzzing districts. The truth is obvious, but wokeism
won't allow you to say that the principal causes are shoplifting, violent crime, weak or unenforced
laws, and courts that return the most profligate and violent offenders for endless rounds of mayhem.
shows Austin's 'crown jewel' trail trashed by hidden homeless camps. Jamie Hammonds
said city policies have pushed homeless into areas where the public can't see them[.] An
Austin, Texas, resident is raising awareness of the city's homeless problem and its unseen impact
on greenbelt areas. Jamie Hammonds, an investigative filmmaker who runs the organization
Documenting Austin's Streets and Homeless, or DASH, shared videos Wednesday on Twitter, showing a
homeless encampment in the Violet Crown Trail after roughly a year of neglect. "It's
destroyed. It will never be the same," Hammonds tweeted. A real-estate agent concurred,
saying the "environmental damage from these camps is immense."
Francisco's doom loop accelerates. The owner of 2 major San Francisco Hotels,
including the city's largest hostelry, has announced that it is walking away from its mortgage on
the two properties, surrendering them to the lender. [...] "Concerns over street conditions" is a
delicate way of describing the takeover of much of downtown SF by drug addicts, currently termed
"the unhoused" as if the main problem were high rents, when in fact the thousands of vagrants
ruining the city are attracted from all over the country by the tolerance and active financial and
social services support they receive. They leave feces and urine on the streets, shooting up
in front of the dwindling crowds of passers-by who have learned to avoid what was not very long ago
one of the most attractive and vibrant cities in the world. The high office vacancy rates,
the lower return of workers to offices, and the reduced convention schedule that trouble Park's
management are all closely related to the takeover of downtown (and other neighborhoods) by bums
and junkies.
San Francisco Sustains Another Massive Blow. Not too long ago, San Francisco was
still a remarkably beautiful city, although even then it could change on a dime. One could be
in the midst of a leisurely stroll down a gorgeous street filled with chic cafes, turn a corner,
and find oneself without warning in the middle of a large crowd of menacing homeless drug
addicts. Now, after decades of far-Left misrule that has picked up speed in the wake of the
COVID hysteria, the city's dirty, degrading, and dangerous areas are growing rapidly and taking the
whole place over, and the city's remaining sane people are fleeing. The end is near for the
Golden Gate City: the day is approaching when its ruins will bear silent witness to the ways in
which Leftism destroys human societies. In anticipation of that day, a luxury hotel chain is
leaving town.
of San Fran's largest hotels are bailing out. Another week and another business is
pulling out of the formerly great city of San Francisco. Well, two businesses actually,
though they are owned by the same parent company. The Hilton San Francisco Union Square Hotel
is the largest in the city. The Parc 55 Hotel is the fourth largest. Both are owned by
Park Hotels & Resorts, which is stopping payments on a massive loan for the two hotels and allowing
them to go into foreclosure. It is simply no longer safe or profitable to operate such an
operation in San Francisco. The CEO of the company described the move as a "very difficult,
but necessary" decision.
Confronts KJP On Men In Women's Locker Rooms Possibly Driving Up Suicide Rates. A
White House reporter confronted White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about suicide rates
increasing among young girls as school administrators allow males in women's locker rooms.
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley suggested school administrators allowing males into
women's locker rooms drives up suicide rates during a Sunday CNN town hall with Jake Tapper.
Haley said, "My daughter ran track in high school. I don't even know how I would have that
conversation with her. How are we supposed to get our girls used to the fact that biological
boys are in their locker rooms? And then we wonder why a third of our teenage girls seriously
contemplated suicide last year. We should be growing strong girls, confident girls."
It's Not
About Politics! Too many people still believe what we see on the news is politics as
usual. It is not. Politics departed long ago. What we are witnessing, what we see
demonstrated everyday, is good vs. evil. [...] Normalizing homosexuality, pushing transgenderism,
even celebrating them is not politics. Hospitals operating on children, mutilating them,
removing perfectly normal reproductive organs or creating faux body parts as a poor substitute is
not politics. Observing major corporations getting into politics like never before is not
mere politics. Watching these same corporations changing their wares to heighten the Left's
narrative is not politics. Major store chains selling clothing to hide genitalia to enhance
the cloaking of actual gender or allowing men in women's bathrooms is not politics. Thousands
upon thousands of homeless living on sidewalks in major Democrat cities while allowing hardened
criminals to prey on the innocents is not politics. Authorizing marketing execs to destroy
their brand just to normalize abnormality and then watching other companies follow suit is not
politics. Inviting drag queens to display their deviancy to children in public libraries and
classrooms and then calling it 'promoting imagination' is not politics. Finding thousands of
ballots over and above the number of voters in any precinct or allowing people to vote without
proving who they are is not politics. Opening borders to millions of unvetted, unknown people
from foreign countries the world over is not politics. Giving up energy independence is not
politics. Punishing political rivals with censorship is not politics. Spending
trillions on what no one can identify is not politics. Politicians and Deep Staters
committing treasonous acts for decades without repercussion is not politics. Permitting
people to 'serve' in Congress and the presidency who are mentally incompetent or even dead is not
politics. Using 'climate change' to amass power and money is not politics.
America's collapse inevitable? [Harold] Robertson gives it heft and dimension by discussing
how America began to shift from a meritocracy to a diversity system in the 1960s, with the passage of the
Civil Rights Act. He then explains how it became embedded in American employment culture.
Of course, moving away from a system that discriminated against people based on race is a good thing.
The problem is that, thanks to how "diversity" has been interpreted, we've embraced a whole new style of
discrimination. Now, the most important characteristic a person can bring to a job is skin color,
sex, and sexual orientation or "identity." This metric, when applied across American culture, especially
within the government, but with increased aggression in education and the workplace, practically ensures that the
people responsible for America's public and private systems won't be the "best"; they'll just be the most "diverse."
Systems Won't Survive the Competence Crisis. At a casual glance, the recent cascades
of American disasters might seem unrelated. In a span of fewer than six months in 2017, three
U.S. Naval warships experienced three separate collisions resulting in 17 deaths. A year
later, powerlines owned by PG&E started a wildfire that killed 85 people. The pipeline
carrying almost half of the East Coast's gasoline shut down due to a ransomware attack.
Almost half a million intermodal containers sat on cargo ships unable to dock at Los Angeles
ports. A train carrying thousands of tons of hazardous and flammable chemicals derailed near
East Palestine, Ohio. Air Traffic Control cleared a FedEx plane to land on a runway occupied
by a Southwest plane preparing to take off. Eye drops contaminated with antibiotic-resistant
bacteria killed four and blinded fourteen. While disasters like these are often front-page
news, the broader connection between the disasters barely elicits any mention.
the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up? How can America be turned upside
down, as it is, when there is little public support for the things happening around us? They
don't see much backing for the current border policy and illegal immigration, yet it
continues. Conservatives feel that most Americans reject the trend of biological men
dominating female sporting events. They fear American jurisprudence has become now vastly
weaponized and warped. Certainly, former President Donald Trump will be more likely indicted
by a politicized New York City prosecutor for supposedly overvaluing his net worth over a decade
ago than would be a current violent street criminal clubbing a subway commuter. In 2020
torching a federal courthouse or massing at the White House grounds, in efforts to get at the
president, earned either few arrests and little or no jail time. In 2021, if one entered the
Capitol and illegally paraded around like a buffoon, he could get a five-year prison
sentence. Traditionalists feel that sky-high energy prices, out-of-control urban crime, a
depressed economy, high interest rates, and a politicized FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and
Pentagon are all needlessly self-created messes. How then did these extremist policies that
have little popular support become institutionalized?
The Editor says...
The sleeping dragon might wake up, but if the elections are corrupt, will it matter?
Party's Over. The red fascists masquerading as our Democrat political party have
obliterated the home of Truman, Kennedy, and LBJ. What remains is a shell, a Trojan Horse packed
full of crazy-eyed warriors prepared at every moment to commit murder and mayhem to advance their
power. There is no polite answer to the armed killer at your door. In too many places,
the police have been depopulated and terrorized. Our prosecutors have been emasculated and
suborned. Even our armed forces are being hollowed out and rendered unfit for combat.
Decline and Fall of the American Empire. [Scroll down] Debauchery is an oft-recurring
theme in the demise of empires. Societies develop an abnormally immature obsession with sex. An
obsession that requires increasing deviancy to satiate coupled with concurrent abuse of children and the
marginalization and exploitation of women. Meanwhile, the use of drugs and alcohol expands exponentially.
Debauchery is a symptom of the absence of meaning in people's lives leading to the self-destruction of society and
concomitantly a loss of a sense of duty and patriotism. Other symptoms common among many empires in the last
stages of decline include:
• Massive and growing disparities between rich and poor and an undisciplined and over-extended military.
• An intensification of internal political hatreds and a corresponding inability to reconcile in order to save the empire.
• An ever increasing level of self-serving corruption and patronage among the ruling class.
• A massive influx of unassimilated foreigners whose allegiance and cultural ties are with their native lands and not the host nation and who do not feel obligated to defend the empire.
• Severe financial and economic crises linked to the unending debasement of the currency.
• An ongoing and irreversible decline in monotheistic religions that emphasize self-sacrifice, temperance, a sense of duty as well as honor and integrity.
Additionally, while the decline of empires is precipitated by internal factors, the final collapse is marked by defeat at the hands of powerful external enemies.
Is Destined for Dictatorship. Fathers are increasingly nonexistent in the lives of
kids who are routinely abused, sexually, emotionally, and otherwise, in state-run
institutions. Everybody talks about the abuse the Catholic Church has tolerated with respect
to pedophile priests, but the public schools are infinitely worse. Parents who do care enough
to oppose it are tarred as domestic terrorists and targeted by the Justice Department.
Extended families exist as real connections less and less. We're terrible at love and
romance, worse at raising our children. We have to stage organized boycotts of the Disneys
and Targets of the world because organic signals from the market aren't strong enough to dissuade
stupid woke corporations from bombarding us with smut. And those who attempt to uphold
timeless societal standards are derided as "culture warriors" and prudes. The internet is
covered with videos of looting, mob violence, street chaos, murder, beatings, carjackings, and
other mayhem. People break out their phones to document the horrors and earn clicks on social
media rather than act to stop it. There is no confidence in our governing institutions, and
there shouldn't be. They're mercilessly corrupt.
of Chicago 'Peacekeeper' police substitute demonstrates the folly of 'defund the
police'. A man wearing the vest of the new "Peacekeeper" corps deployed over the
Memorial Day weekend, to stem the mayhem on a holiday weekend that has become an opportunity for
murder tallies to soar, was arrested for a violent attack. [...] One of the many fantasies of the
progressives is that there is something inherently wrong or dangerous with police. Instead of
armed police capable of using the threat of violence to restrain offenders, unarmed social
worker-like alternatives can reduce violence by sympathizing with offenders and understanding the
root causes of their behavior. The Chicago Police Department's 1,700 vacancies are so
catastrophic that Democrat politicians are desperate to deflect blame for their support of defund
the police and anti-cop measures. Chicago's new mayor, Brandon Johnson, ditched his former
defund-the-police rhetoric during the campaign but still won't commit to adding funds to the police.
Consequences of American Meritocracy in the Rearview. While some differences persist
between races or between sexes, the reality is, Americans of all stripes have more opportunity than
virtually any place on the planet. Indeed, black median household income in the United States
($38,800) is higher than that of every country in the world but four, while at the same time, the
poorest 20% of Americans are richer on average than most Europeans. And the "gender wage gap"
is gone, too. What's more, advancement is alive and well, demonstrated by the fact that 20%
of America's richest citizens are self-made, starting their lives in poor households. The
fact that 60% of are self-made from the middle class or below shows exactly how much opportunity
there is in America. But a funny thing happened on the way to leaving stereotypes and its
discrimination behind and focusing on content of character; the nation was hijacked by the party of
the KKK and Jim Crow. Suddenly, at the very moment when America had achieved something very
close to a true meritocracy, the modern Democrat put its only vehicle to power, the Victim
Industrial Complex, into overdrive.
to Destroy a People. Wokeness is not about "rights" — it is about
favoritism on a colossal scale. It is about transforming America into a Marxist totalitarian
state based on a coalition of groups antagonistic to traditional American identity. And so,
ultimately, it is about destroying America as we have known it for over 200 years. The
special consideration that these groups demand comes at the expense of ordinary citizens —
those decent, hardworking, family-oriented citizens who now find themselves forced to the back of
the bus. Ordinary Americans pay the higher taxes necessary to fund the privileges that
marginal groups now claim; ordinary folks are expected to nod in agreement as their children
are subjected to woke brainwashing; ordinary people are told they must swallow the idea that
the needs of homosexuals, transgenders, transvestites, criminals, illegal aliens, environmentalist
radicals, communists, atheists, and anarchists come first — in education, hiring,
culture, politics, and the news. There is little space or funding left for everyday
Americans, who are told that they are less important and "outdated" and even "hate-filled" just
because of their noble beliefs in Christianity, self-responsibility, decency, and goodness.
Extensive Corruption of Morals in the USA. [Scroll down] Thus, we are not
surprised to learn that the district attorneys of many cities, including New York, do not prosecute
prostitution any longer, but treat it as a form of maladjustment to be treated therapeutically, not
punished as a legal and moral wrong. Lotteries today have invaded millions of bodegas and
grocery stores. Casinos are no longer just to be found in Nevada, as was the case in the
1950s and 1960s, but exist in states throughout the nation. Swearing is common in corporate
offices and boardrooms. The F-word has become commonplace; when this writer worked in a
corporate division of industrial engineers even in the 1990s, it was the expletive of choice.
In our era, instead of cruelty to animals, as existed in the early 19th century, we see the
destruction of millions of babies, many of whom are dissected while alive in order to retrieve
their body parts and sell them.
Check In And See How The Largest Metropolitian Areas In The United States Are Doing.
Our largest cities are being run by progressive politicians that have been working very hard to
implement extremely ambitious progressive agendas. So how is that working out? In this
article, I am going to check in on the three largest metropolitan areas in the United States to see
how they are doing. Have they been transformed into "liberal utopias" that can serve as
examples to show the rest of the world how they should be doing things? Not exactly.
Instead, conditions have gotten really bad in each one of them and things are getting worse with
each passing day.
Murderer Freed By Innocence Project Becomes Drug Dealer And Murders A Man. Shaurn
Thomas, a black man who was freed for murder in Philadelphia by the Innocence Project and given $4
million in restitution by the state, allegedly became a drug dealer upon release, killed a man for
owing him a $1,200 drug debt and told his accomplice it was his "third" homicide. Shaurn
Thomas was a millionaire, but prosecutors say he killed a man over a $1,200 drug debt. Thomas
was paid more than $4 million three years ago after spending 24 years behind bars for a murder
conviction that was later overturned. [Video clip]
new whistleblower describes the horrors of "gender-affirming care" at Texas Children's
Hospital. [Scroll down] No. It won't turn out well. There's
absolutely no proof that a transgender surgery will "cure" patients' depression or whatever mental
health issue they're going through, which I believe is real. We have a generation of kids
with mental health problems. It's very sad. And we need to treat those problems
correctly, not by recommending that they change genders to fix their mental health problem.
That's never worked. It never will work. There's no proof that it will work anywhere in
the literature. So yes, we're ruining them. They're going to wake up in ten years and
discover that they're infertile, that they can't have children, that their sexuality is completely
dysfunctional. That they can't function as a normal human being. And ultimately, I
believe that that realization is going to cause them to harm themselves — when they wake
up and realize that they've already been ruined.
Mental Illness. We must all understand that "transgenderism" is a mental disorder.
But not just any mental disorder. This one is being force-fed into the minds of our children from
the earliest of ages. We are "manufacturing' mental illness. We are creating psychopaths in
the "laboratories" of our modern American culture. There was a time when sexual predators were not
allowed within 1000 yards of a school building. But now, schools — both public and
private — are inviting them in specifically to indoctrinate and groom children of all ages,
even in pre-school. Pity the one who would dare to stand against this evil — they'll
be labeled as "hateful bigots," ostracized from their communities and sometimes even jailed, for daring
to stand in the gap to protect children.
Really Are Looking Up Under Biden. [Scroll down] The problem is that they
are all the wrong things. Inflation, interest payments, debt, illegal immigration, labor
force dropouts. Those are all way up under Biden. To show this, we've put together a
series of charts. [...] During President Donald Trump's entire four years in office, the Consumer
Price Index climbed a total of 7.3%. In less than two-and-half-years under Biden, prices have shot
up 16%. That's not because of Putin's war. It's not because of greedy oil companies.
It's not because cattle farmers don't have enough competition. Nor is it because of any of
the other lame excuses Biden has peddled. The one and only reason prices are skyrocketing is
Biden's $5 trillion spending spree.
Union Is Not a Suicide Pact. From my point of view, never have so many Americans been
so consciously aware that things must change. The federal government's response to the 9/11
Islamic terrorist attacks has been endless war and the construction of a national security
surveillance state that now targets Americans as "domestic enemies." Its response to mass
communication through social media has been the implementation of State-sanctioned
censorship. Its response to widespread calls for border security has been mass sponsorship of
illegal immigration. Its response to Americans' rising demands for personal freedom has been
COVID lockdowns, a centrally directed economy, and a declaration of war against "white supremacy."
Cataclysm to Come. The United States, ripped apart internally, has become ever less
willing and able to lead internationally. The doctrines that built the United States and
Western civilization, assimilated from ancient cultures over thousands of years, are being
methodically dissolved. America is entering an uncharted, revolutionary time. The
foundation of American life, abundant food, energy autonomy, a sound economy, sound education at
all levels, and enforceable and equal application of the law, are eroding. Our society is
"fundamentally changing," and these changes are not for the better. Hard-left fanatics have
absorbed the Democrat party and are transforming the country with woke and equality-of-result
agendas. Prosperity and leisure have misled a complacent society into thinking the modern age
no longer needs to worry about law and order.
Sanity Returning? I'm referring to the firestorm rejection consumers are giving to
Anheuser-Busch (AB), specifically to buying and drinking Bud Lite. [...] AB's executives, Hollywood
celebs, academia, TV networks, Big Media, Big Tech, most large corporations, and most government
agencies have collectively decided they know what's best for you, know exactly what you need, and
have proceeded to shove it down our throats while forcing their political insanity onto
society. You must hate President Trump — Check; every TV network and celebrity
continually echoes that mantra. We will teach racist ideology to your children, and you'll
learn to love it — Check; Democrat-controlled school boards cram Critical Race Theory
(CRT) into every school curriculum. Demand gun control/gun confiscation — Check;
every mass-shooting is not because the shooter is deranged or mentally ill; no, it's the gun's
fault and Dems demand guns be confiscated. Americans must have and support open borders to
flood the country with illegals and change the voter base — Check; Biden and Dems have
refused to control the border, resulting in five million (but who's counting) illegals in slightly
over two years (thanks, Joe). America needs a weakened military more focused on White rage than
defeating our enemies — Check; all service branches are struggling to recruit new
members. So, given the large numbers of idiotic, woke businesses and lunatic
government/military agendas, Anheuser-Busch managed to outstupid them all. AB used a
girly-man transgender to advertise Bud Lite (BL) to the average working man.
Scale Solar Kills Jobs. Does it matter that utility scale solar has a negative effect
on the environment — destroying farmland, forests, wetland, recreational land?
Does it matter that property values are driven down? Does it matter that the mining of
cobalt, lithium, rare earths and copper to build solar panels and battery energy storage systems is
done by slave labor in the Congo and China?
reality hits, it will hit hard. The work ethic has vanished in large portions of the
population. The military cannot find enough recruits. We are now at the stage of
super-saturation, with corruption, debt, and debauchery leading the list. All this has come
about due to one cause — to keep the government in power, at any cost to the people
being ruled. The impending disturbance that will bring it all crashing down cannot be
precisely foretold, but that is because there are so many possible events that it is inevitable
that one of them will occur. One need only look at the headlines to see it. Black swans
abound. Worse yet, many threats are under-reported, or distorted to conceal their true
magnitude. Is it hopeless? The short answer is yes. Nothing in the short term can
pay off the debt, restore the work ethic, and return public morals to the levels of sanity.
This Failure Is Deliberate. I recently had a reader ask, "Why is Joe Biden still
President?" [...] Everything Biden has done has been a disaster. The economy is
teetering. The border is non-existent. The banking system and the dollar are
crumbling. Our enemies are taking advantage of the weakness they perceive in the White
House. Crime is out of control in most of our once-great cities. Traditional morality
and decency are in the toilet. Our children are being butchered and groomed for the
hedonistic pleasure of a cadre of sexual deviants. Women athletes are losing hard-earned
rights because of the "transgender" movement, something that almost no one had heard of five years
ago. Government spending is without restraint and, as a result, inflation has soared, and
America's middle class is being squeezed into near oblivion. The education system continues
to produce semi-literates who will do — what? — in the future. No
patriot wants to join the military anymore. The list of Joe Biden's cataclysms is endless,
but my space in this column isn't, so I mention only a few of the most egregious catastrophes this
man and his ideology have foisted upon the nation. Why is he still President indeed?
age of manufactured crises. This week, with the eclipsing of Title 42, the U.S.
southern border has gone from a hot mess to a full-blown emergency. We were pushed into the
conflict with Ukraine and Russia as well. Before that was the debacle in Afghanistan.
Our leaders killed drilling for oil and terminated pipeline projects which led to elevated gas
prices and fueled inflation. If inflation was a concern, you'd never notice it from our
leaders. They pumped trillions of dollars into the economy to make inflation worse (and had
the gall to call it an Inflation Reduction Act.) Even when there isn't a crisis, the current
administration creates one. For example, claiming gun violence and trans-oppression are
national emergencies. You can almost hear them, "Let's make loans easier for people with bad
credit ratings," which is destined to ignite a housing crisis down the road. If that isn't
enough, looming on the horizon is a Taiwan crisis, the Sudan, and perhaps an incident or two with
North Korea. Rather than get in front of an issue and calm it, actions are taken (or not
taken) to ensure that problems are allowed to fester and explode.
sure like dead black men. We are a nation led by a party that is bent on
destruction. On the West Coast, Democrats are destroying dams in the name of nature.
Elsewhere, they are destroying nuclear plants in the name of safety. They are destroying coal
plants in the name of global warming. They are destroying sections of interstates in the name
of racism. Black men kill black men by the thousand each year. Liberals ignore those
actual murders. Instead, they turn the media spotlight on the very rare occasion when a black
man dies at the hands of a white person. The murkier the details, the louder liberals
screech. Liberals are playing America. When President Obama said if he had a son he
would look like Trayvon Martin, he created this monster we still grapple nearly a decade later.
Martin was beating George Zimmerman's head against a sidewalk when the victim pulled his gun and
killed his assailant. The death of another teen thug, Michael D. Brown, gave libs an
excuse to destroy Ferguson, Missouri, a quiet suburb that black people used to escape
St. Louis. The list goes on, ending in the overdose death of George Floyd while
in police custody. Liberals used their rationalization to destroy cities.
Daycare as a Way of Life. Teenagers today would not survive in that world where there
were no cellphones, Internet, constant entertainment and "safe spaces." I have never heard the
term "safe" as much as I have heard over the last couple years. The world is not safe
regardless of how anyone perceives it. For those who hold this perception as true, I suggest
going to a foreign country and experiencing how different America truly is. [...] What
happened? We, as a group, decided to get soft. Technology has provided an environment
where one can live an easy and soft life. We subconsciously agreed to not let anything bad
happen to our children. Everyone won and everyone was told they were the best. Even
when they weren't even close. This fiction twisted our American youth with no non-painful
remedy. We sent these kids out into the world with a distorted view that everything was going
to go their way and when it did not it was acceptable to throw a temper tantrum and blame others.
Have We Learned? We've learned that white liberals will ignore crime stats and
sacrifice their kids to black bullies simply to show the world how "not racist" they are.
They will take a useless/dangerous shot — and, astonishingly, give it to their
kids — to avoid being called a "conservative." Libs will cheer for an obese,
mentally ill man when he dons a dress and beats their daughter in a "beauty" pageant.
Progressives don't see a problem with turning adult males with Down Syndrome into drag
queens. They will ignore any news that doesn't come from a state-sanctioned news source, lest
they be called a "conspiracy theorist." Liberals will dutifully prove they aren't "transphobic"
by applauding — extra loudly — as a bearded lady steals their daughter's
place on the college swim team. Kids of liberals seem to pay the high price of mommy
signaling her "virtue" to the world.
Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America. [Scroll down] So, the
world became topsy-turvy. Throwing a firebomb into a police-occupied patrol car earned a
light sentence, while protesting illegally at the Capitol won a decade in prison. An American
who did not get vaccinated was to be thrown out of the U.S. military; an illegal alien crossing the
border unlawfully without a vaccination might earn a free phone and free lodging in a big-city
hotel. The more the government printed money it did not have, the more the country was
slandered as cruel and mean to its underclass. The more standards were dropped for admission,
hiring, promotion, and retention, the more employers were deemed unfair and bigoted.
American Despotism.
Democratic long-term rule over cities like Baltimore, Detroit, and Chicago shows the country's
trajectory. Gentrifying cosmopolitans drive out middle-class voters with high rents and plan
tent cities of drug users and street defecators. Homicides in major cities rose 44 percent
from 2019-20, another 5 percent from 2020-21. Nationwide they rose 30 percent, a
60-year high. Even as the homeless filled cities like Los Angeles, the elites welcomed in
millions more illegal immigrants, who bring the Mexican drug cartels' wars with them. As
Houston reported skyrocketing homicides, the Harris County sheriff reminded deputies to share their
personal pronouns in introductions. No longer prosecuting property theft, cities like Dallas
and San Fran- cisco released criminals from prison to terrorize the public and only enforced
violations on citizens who could pay fines. The city of Chicago decided not to prosecute
gangsters involved in a deadly public shoot-out because they were engaged in "mutual combat."
Grand Alliance to Overcome the Elite Betrayal of America. For the first time in
history, the ruling class of a powerful nation has abandoned its fellow citizens. What is
happening in America today is more than a return to feudalism, although the new economic model into
which we're being herded is correctly compared to feudalism. The reality is actually much
worse: America's elites view ordinary citizens as no longer necessary. Because of globalism,
they are replaceable. Because of automation, they are superfluous. Because of
environmentalism, they are unsustainable. These factors explain what is otherwise
inexplicable: Constitutional conservatives and Christians, and the values they profess, are now
stigmatized by establishment institutions as often, if not more often, than they are praised.
Nationalism and religious faith empower individuals and communities to resist a ruling class that
has abandoned them. That makes them a threat. They recognize that the ideology of
America's ruling elites is itself leading to disaster. They recognize that America's elites
have decided the nation's middle class is disposable, and this is the real reason they are pushing
an agenda of woke degeneracy and extreme environmentalism, designed to lower birthrates and reduce
standards of living.
do liberals support legislation that obviously harms them? The reality is that the
U.S. economy is hardly growing, inflation is still at more than 5%, and the Chinese are arming
rapidly while America's defense budget shrinks in real terms. Biden's progressive policies
have set us on a course of self-destruction. Everyday life is noticeably worse than it was
when Biden took office, what with lower real wages, supply chain shortages, higher taxes (many of
them hidden from view, like the 1% tax on share buybacks that, in effect, constitute a wealth tax
on investors and retirees), weakness overseas, and a weakening dollar. Every visit to the
grocery reveals the misery spreading across America: there are fewer shoppers, each of them
purchasing less. Even such a successful and well run company as Kroger saw fourth-quarter
2022 results decline from 2021 with EPS of 0.62 vs. 0.75 and gross margins decline.
Layoffs are mounting in the tech sector and other industries, and banks have become more selective
in making and renewing loans. The office rental market is hard pressed, and, on top of declines
in 2022, home builders are "on the verge of a steeper downturn as buyers pull back." America
is headed toward self-destruction, yet almost half of Democrats want Biden to run again.
favorite snacks really ARE shrinking. If you've picked up a bag of Doritos recently
and thought it had less chips in it, you're not going crazy. Some of America's favorite
snacks have shrunk by up to 20 percent in the last 25 years as companies cost-cut amid rising
inflation, a move dubbed 'shrinkflation'. It is not just chips. Fast food, cereals,
soda, ice cream and dressings have all been kept at the same price or even made more expensive
despite shrinking in size.
2024 Presidential Election. America is at a tipping point. Will we continue the
downward spiral into a fascist third-world dictatorship? Can we change course back to a
constitutional republic that values the free will of men and women, freedom of speech and assembly,
the rule of law, and equal justice? Already in the descent to an authoritarian state, free
speech is suppressed and thought is censored and replaced by Orwellian New Speak enforced by
the thought police. The free press is transformed into shameless state-run propaganda outlets
that run the approved false narrative of the day. The state takes guns away under the guise of
public safety. The thought enforcers of the state supersede local control of the police.
Scapegoats are created. Yes, the evil of the 1930s is again rising.
day brown shirts. Goal #15 of the CPUSA, which was read into the Congressional Record in 1963,
stated: "Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States." Some of the other
listed CPUSA goals that have been not-so-coincidentally pursued by radical Democrat Party activists over the
past several decades include:
• Infiltrate the press.
• Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
• Get control of the schools.
• Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity.
• Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity (now to include "transsexualism") as
"normal, natural, healthy."
We have all been sleeping while the radical Left — the militant arm of the Democrat Party — has achieved
most of these objectives over the past 50 years! All of this nonsense has been normalized to our
collective detriment.
Disposable Biden. By any national metric, we're all far worse off now than we were
before Biden stumbled through the doors of the Oval Office like a lobotomized polio victim.
His "stiff gait" is an indicator of serious neurological decline which has become a brand of
sorts. It's Biden's version of Trump's rambunctious mane. But, instead of signaling a
raucous virility, Biden's halting and unbalanced gate communicates fundamental weakness and
morbidity. The leader of the free world? How about sock puppet? [...] Our institutions
have been poisoned by feckless, political appointees. But, the watershed moment in deep state
corruption manifested itself when Barack Obama sauntered into the White House, and Karl Marx
followed with him. Every apparatus of deep state power fell under the full control of left
wing radicals, installed by the Obama administration — a phalanx of unelected officials
that still occupy key positions today.
truth about morality. The birth-control pill helped to reduce the stigma of losing
one's virginity before marriage. This, in turn, indirectly reduced the stigma of premarital
pregnancy. This, in turn, reduced the perceived need for the birth control pill. Once
the initial phase of these events had occurred, the floodgates were opened, and what quickly
followed was what is called, the sexual revolution. This revolution was supposed to have
freed women from the injustice of sexual repression. Instead, it led to millions of women
becoming pregnant and abandoned, left on their own, to raise their fatherless children. Many
of them were, as a result, raised in poverty and amid crime. The welfare state sought to
correct this mistake by subsidizing single motherhood. This, in turn, predictably increased
what it subsidized. Today, the harm wrought by the abandonment of sexual morality has left us
with a society that cannot even recognize the good and natural differences between the sexes, even
to the point of denying that there are two complementary sexes, and certainly denying that they are
a naturally ordained partnership, one without which, society suffers consequences so pervasive that
many people call them good.
The real surprise here is that New York City still has tourists!
York City is starting to smell like dirty bong water, disgusting even the tourists.
[Scroll down] The bottom line here is that the failure to enforce pot laws and the
decriminalization of marijuana use inevitably leads to public consumption and a lot of bums whose
lives revolve around pot-smoking as a lifestyle choice, camping out on the streets. The link
between homeless encampments and pot smoking is very strong. The failure to clear those
encampments or enforce any laws against petty crime means lots more pot stench to breathe in.
The other issue is that excessive pot-smoking is linked to a lot of crime. Medical studies
have shown that pot-smoking in young men with genetic vulnerabilities, is connected to the
emergence of schizophrenia. Many schizophreniacs commit hard, impulsive violent crimes.
Virtually all mass shooters are prodigious pot consumers. Pot consumption is a part of this
whole dysfunctional picture.
Transgender Craze. Future historians may look back on 2023 as Peak Trans Women
insanity. [...] Who can forget the mediocre male swimmier Lia Thomas winning swimming championships
as a female? Meanwhile, a trans weightlifter will even compete in the upcoming Olympics and
do so as a woman. A transgendered athlete recently defeated 14,000 female competitors in the
London marathon. Far less publicized is that state prisons now contain 5000 men who identify
as women while some 1300 are inmates of federal prisons. What is going on? Is America
experiencing a mass psychosis where men wake up as "women" and demand to be treated as
females? Has our water supply been massively contaminated by estrogen? Or are we just
experiencing a harmless fad like purple hair? This men-becoming-women trend is the other side
of what occurred decades back as women increasingly moved into traditional male fields.
Woman by Any Other Name is Still a Woman. A famous line from Shakespeare's Romeo and
Juliet is, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet", meaning that things are what they are,
regardless of what you choose to name them. This is why modern man uses language to precisely
define people, places, and things, irrespective of how we might feel about said things. The
same can be applied to men and women, or boys and girls. They are what they are, regardless
of how we choose to name them. Such thinking was common sense for centuries, but now in our
post-enlightenment culture, accepted descriptors are somehow verboten, requiring a new language
with cumbersome verbosity replacing simple one or two syllable words.
Strange Trans Fruit. Leaving the fight against the trans movement, specifically the
men who demand that we all play along with their supposedly feminine identities, entirely up to
women would relinquishing to feminists (and their many male allies and puppetmasters) exactly what
they want. They want it to be impossible for the public to see a distinction between feminist
and woman, as if all females are enthusiastic participants in a feminist Borg collective. In
fact, one of the most potent tools of feminism in recent decades has been to say "Women need X"
when the truth is that feminists want X and don't care what the rest of women actually want.
This conceals feminists' actual, far smaller numbers.
Never Been About Tucker, Trump, or Fox News. America is going to hell in a
handbasket. Not in the surreal world created by TV and social media, but in the real
world. A civilizational inferno has engulfed America and the people we've elected to fight it
have done nothing of substance to contain it. We're not dealing with people who merely
disagree on how to put the fire out. We're dealing with political pyromaniacs who set the
fires, watch them burn, and work to stop anyone who tries to put them out. They're facilitating
illegal immigration, weaponizing government, redefining crime and punishment, changing the definition
of inflation to spend more, corrupting our election system, cheering and funding a tyrannical gender
revolution, and butchering history to institutionalize a cultish gospel of black victimhood.
Greatest Threat to America. America has recently witnessed an assault on freedom of
speech, watched the White House send condolences to the trans community after one of its members
murdered innocent children at a Christian school, and learned of a proposed tax plan that would
hurt the finances of millions of Americans by adding four trillion dollars in new taxes. But
perhaps most indicative of a threat from within, this administration has ushered in a period of
unprecedented domestic chaos by attempting to forcefully vaccinate citizens, prioritize DEI over
equality and common sense, and crater military enlistment by promoting wokeness. Every
administration presides over some level of disagreement on issues amongst the general public, but
nothing compares to the confusion they are causing young American children to endure, especially
during such a crucial time in life for a child's development. All these problems will have a
devastating impact on America's long-term future if not stopped dead in their tracks.
Ruling Class's Stalinist Purge. Whenever human dignity is pushed to the shadows
because agents of the State bully and taunt those with character, evil grows. Whenever
individuals are forced to betray their consciences to save loved ones from wretched fates, evil
grows. Whenever government institutions demand reverence for lies while blaspheming religious
truth, evil grows. Whenever people are punished for their beliefs, ostracized for their
dissent, or purged from the public square, evil grows.
is being normalized. Imagine waiting for all the possible information about the food
on your plate and waiting to eat until it is all processed and discovered. You would simply
starve to death and die. So you eat, based upon the experience that broccoli and prime rib
will sustain you. A nice glass of wine (which one day is, one day isn't, and a third day is
supposed to be good for you) is a nice touch as well. We just act because we must, based on
common sense. You work with what you have and what you know and make the best decisions
possible. It's how we must navigate the world. So what happens when you dump something
like "critical theory" into everything? The whole point of critical theory is to take simple
and understood concepts and turn them into a jumble of gobbledygook in which your normal
understanding of what things are and how things work into a total mess. That mess is created,
actually, with a purpose. That purpose is that we are subjected to a tyranny of those who
claim to be in the know about the real state of the world, and the means is destroying your
heuristic. Your understanding of how the world works becomes destroyed. It is paralyzing.
jumped 10% since 2021 in major Democrat-led US cities thanks to soft-on-crime policies:
study. The murder rates in major US Cities have soared more than 10% in the past two
years — with most homicides occurring in Democratic areas with soft-on-crime
policies. In a study released by WalletHub Wednesday, researchers found that Memphis,
Tennesse; New Orleans, Louisana; Richmond, Virginia; Washington, DC; and Detroit, Michigan are
suffering from the biggest homicide rate problems. All five cities are led by left-wing
mayors. After comparing the rise in murder rates in 45 of the country's most populated cities
between 2021 and 2023, scholars noticed that killings were rising faster in Democrat-led cities
than in their Republican counterparts. Though the Covid-19 pandemic can be blamed for the
initial jump in homicides, scholars theorized that soft-on-crime policing has exacerbated the issue
in progressive cities.
Menopause In Autistic Girls: Is This What We Really Want? When an adolescent girl claims
she is really a boy in the wrong body, these are safe assumptions:
• She is likely to be on the autism spectrum and experiencing difficulties associated with that condition.
• She is likely to have engaged in suicidal or self-harm ideation.
• She is likely suffering from other issues like sexual trauma, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.
• She is likely already in the throes of puberty — physiologically, mentally, socially, and spiritually — and absolutely miserable.
Puberty blockers will stop bone and breast development, may leave a girl short and stunted for life, and
will put a girl into menopause, adding tortuous suffering on top of everything she's already experiencing with
puberty and her teen years.
theme is "finish the job." Have you seen the job thus far? What's happened to the
economy under Biden's policies? Despite the glowing reviews from the White House press
briefing lectern, real wages have gone down, not up. Income levels are down and people have
drained their savings trying to keep up with rising prices. All of that was directly driven
by inflation which has remained at or above 5% for almost all of the Biden presidency. And
that inflation was a direct result of the trillions of dollars in imaginary money that was pumped
into the system in the name of "stimulus." None of this is any sort of partisan politicking
or hyperbole. The figures are all out there for everyone to see. And then there's the
situation that started on the southern border almost immediately after Joe Biden issued his first
executive orders. They don't call it the Biden Border Crisis for nothing. We are now up
to more than 6.3 million illegal immigrants that have invaded the country since January 2021.
great sorting that's taking place in America. [Scroll down] Lastly, of
course, there was the leftists' highly political response to COVID, which divided liberty lovers
from those with totalitarian instincts. At this point, many conservatives want nothing to do
with the GOP. All these trends have accelerated under Biden and are exploding at a rate that is
impossible for Americans to ignore, whether in terms of border security, economic policies,
national security, military readiness or, most significantly, the transformation of America's very
fabric (racial, sexual, the family unit, etc.). No wonder, then, that we're experiencing a Great
Sorting. [...] What's also a sea change is the way in which the COVID experience shook Americans'
faith in science and medicine, in public schools, and in academia. That support was normative
in the 20th century. These changes are accelerating.
Monday rant on saving civilization. Justice, to the Left, means people destroying
things, stealing things, committing violence, and tossing people out of the public and economic
square. Creating inflation in order to eliminate the middle class. [Tweet] We live in
a society now where killing babies and old people is considered a positive good, and paying people
not to work in the midst of a huge labor shortage is considered just. Where performing
sterilization on children before they even reach puberty is to be celebrated. In Minnesota,
in just one day, the Minnesota Senate passed 3 bills that shock the conscience: banning
so-called conversion therapy for transgender people, which is just giving counseling to troubled
youth and not a cult reprogramming as implied; making Minnesota an abortion sanctuary where
non-custodial parents can take their children for "care;" and the same "sanctuary" law that allows
such parents to get "gender-affirming" care for children despite not having custody rights and
violating court orders. The Democrats cheered and clapped after they passed all 3
bills. This is their vision of a just society. It is, literally, evil. The
intentional destruction of our society.
Jr. Says Middle Class Was 'Systematically' Wiped Out by COVID-19 Lockdowns.
Democratic 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said COVID-19 lockdowns across the
United States decimated the middle class, suggesting that it has yet to recover. "The strength
of a nation comes from a strong economy and a vibrant middle class," Kennedy told Fox News over the
weekend, "and we have wiped out the middle class in the country systematically." The
69-year-old, who is a prominent skeptic of vaccines, stated that COVID-19-related policies
benefited the elite ruling class at the cost of the middle class. Those lockdowns, he
asserted, shifted $4 trillion in wealth from the middle class to a "new aristocracy of
billionaires." Those lockdowns "created 500 new billionaires," Kennedy stated. "The
Oxfam report, which came out this week, shows that the billionaires that existed at the beginning
of the pandemic, the people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Bezos, Bloomberg, etc.,
increased their wealth by 30 percent during the pandemic. From the lockdowns. And
[Bezos's] Amazon got to shut down all of its competitors."
Adams: New York City Is Being 'Destroyed' by President Joe Biden's Migrant Crisis.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) said New York City is being "destroyed" by President Joe Biden's
migrant crisis during a panel discussion in Washington, DC, hosted by the African American Mayors
Association. "The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis," Adams bluntly stated. [...]
Adams seemingly took a shot at other New York City officials, accusing them of not fighting hard
enough to get federal resources to the city.
The Editor says...
Does the mayor think New York City is the only place that's being affected? Has he changed
his mind about the wide-open Mexican border? Why is more federal spending the answer
to every problem?
One Problem After Another. Last month, Oklahoma voters rejected the legalization of
recreational marijuana. Hopefully, this means the word about all the problems associated with
marijuana use is getting around. In New York City, licenses for legal pot shops have been
slow in coming so illegal shops have proliferated, leading to the sale of illegal drugs and
attracting more than 500 violent robberies last year alone. Mayor Eric Adams noted there are
as many as 1,500 of these illegal shops in the City. They open near schools and target kids.
"We are losing our grip," he said. Licensed shops also target kids with candy-flavored
gummies and other cannabis products. It's Joe Camel all over again. Legalized marijuana
is also a factor in Colorado's rising crime rates. It attracted criminals to the state
initially, and now the homeless and others are committing armed robbery and burglary to get the
money to buy marijuana. The same pattern is playing out in other states. Legalizing
marijuana was supposed to reduce crime but, instead, the illegal drug market has mushroomed and
violence has increased.
Has Turned Into Another Liberal Hellhole. Massive spikes in crime, violence, and
homelessness thanks to the city being run by liberals have put Austin on the fast track to becoming
the next leftist statistic. [Video clip]
Lesson in Corporate Wokeness: The Disaster After Making Aunt Jemima a Pariah. In
2020, amid the Black Lives Matter upheaval seen across the country, companies were bending the knee
on a regular basis. Many brands and corporations came out with statements and pledges about
altering their practices and evolving their corporate structures, with "diversity" being thrown
about in their mea culpa. Of course, lost in these self-congratulatory announcements was the
unspoken admission they did not realize they were making: If you are promising to no longer be
"racist," that means you are stating you had previously been a racist company. In the flurry
of these Wall Street struggle sessions was a number of brands eradicating their corporate mascots
that could be interpreted as racially insensitive. Uncle Ben has disappeared from boxes of
rice. Land O'Lakes removed the famed Native American woman from its boxes, leaving the land
and lakes on its packaging. Joining these dispatched designs was the classic breakfast staple
brand Aunt Jemima.
York City is Discovering that Legalizing Marijuana Wasn't Really a Great Idea.
Decriminalizing marijuana, we've been told to the point of stupor for years, would simply be a
matter of recognizing the way society has changed and coming to a mature accommodation of a
widespread current practice. It would free up valuable police resources to deal with actual
crimes and real criminals, and end a longstanding injustice in which — you guessed
it! — people of color were, we were told, disproportionately targeted for arrest and
prosecution. So the state of New York has legalized marijuana, and how's it going?
Doritos and Patchouli oil sales through the roof? Maybe. But there have been a lot of
unexpected downsides.
Means the Death of Military Professionalism. Since 2018, from record highs at the end
of last century and into the post-9/11 era, positive civilian impressions of the military
plummeted. This decreased trust is, in no small measure, due to bipartisan public perceptions
of a politicized military from both the left and right. A 2022 Ronald Reagan Institute survey
noted that half of respondents attributed military politicization to a "woke" agenda. It is a
sentiment certainly shared by some in civilian leadership and many current military members and
veterans. The Reagan Institute polling does not define "woke." Ipsos polling, however,
suggests that the meaning of "woke" can be fluid. Although "woke" may have different
definitions, for many, it is associated prominently with Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE).
Doctor Asking For Your Pronouns Isn't Just Annoying, It's A Sign Of The Industry's Decline.
Last summer, I went to establish care at a new doctor's office. My beloved pediatrician, one of
the few true family doctors left in the industry, had once kindly offered to keep seeing me until I
have my own children, but I was in the midst of a post-college move, and that was no longer
feasible. So I found myself in a waiting room wading through the moat of new-patient forms
that stand between patients and doctors all across America. As many of those forms now do,
this one wanted to know not only my sexual orientation and sex, but also the so-called gender
I was "assigned at birth," whether I identified as transgender, and my preferred pronouns.
As if that weren't enough, when the nurse walked me back into the doctor's office, she proceeded
to ask me the same questions again. I might have pointed out that I'd already had to endure
this interrogation once — I know I made a face. Looking back, I wish I'd thought
fast enough to remind her that sex is an immutable characteristic that is neither "assigned" nor
"reassigned," but I was just ready to get out of there. Needless to say, I never went
back. A colleague of mine had a similar experience filling out an online form for his
daughter's upcoming medical visit. After spending 20 minutes trying unsuccessfully to
click "submit," he realized that while he'd already selected "female" under the tab for "gender,"
there was a small, separate box he had overlooked labeled "sex" where he had to select "female"
again. Plenty of patients have been forced to jump through hoops like these.
War on Pronouns is Really a War on Language. One recent example I noticed was linked
by and included the headline, "Non-Binary Ex-Biden Staffer Sam Brinton's Family Calls Them
A Liar, Claims Their Abuse Story Never Happened." The headline is incomprehensible by
traditional rules of grammar. The reader would not know who is meant by "Them" and "Their."
Even if we are familiar with Sam Brinton and his story, we would not know what people his family
calls "a liar." The plural words tell us that there are multiple third parties that Brinton's
family accuses. We are misled and distracted by those plural pronouns. An innocent
reader would not have concluded that Brinton, himself, is the real target unless the reader
undertook the process of clicking on the link and reading the article. The reader would then
have to remember the new mandate that requires us to misread plural pronouns as applicable to
single people — as the individual subject's whim dictates. Singular is now
plural. Plural is now singular. Words have no meaning.
to the cornfield. [Scroll down] To lift that fog it is crucial that the
language that allows it to occur be fought at every opportunity — and we can start with
refusing to allow a few undeniably false and manipulative terms that have entered the societal
conversation to be used as cudgels for the progressive/woke/equitarian power and manipulation
complex. Misinformation, denialism, disinformation, malinformation, trigger, safe space,
equity, systemic, existential, intersectionality, zero anything, toxic, cis, they, zir,
anything-ist, anything-ism, and on and on and on — all these words and terms are used to
distort meaning, undermine objective facts, and purposefully use a devious combination of
familiarity and confusion to lead society down a path it would never even consider if it could
truly and immediately decipher their impact.
Did the U.S. Become East Germany? How long will it be before dissent is criminalized in this country?
Mothers and fathers are being stripped of their parental rights, and children are being told to be the functionaries of
government. The Sanderses and AOCs would love nothing more than to elist them to spy on their families and report
their involvement in disinformation, misinformation, and "anti-government" activities. Wealth redistribution schemes
are disguised as green policies. Our retail shelves have in recent times looked like the bare counters of communist
East Berlin. We're told that we have to make do with less, and fewer choices are in our best interest. Our
economy would be full-on GDR-ed if the Sanderses and Ocasio-Cortezes had their way. The left is unrelenting in
its ambition to take more of the economy out of the private sector and place it in the hands of elected Democrats and
administrative tyrants.
We Do Anything About America's Decline? Twenty-first-century America was on a trajectory
of gradual decline — until it began to implode. Was the accelerant the COVID-19
pandemic and unhinged lockdowns? Or was the catalyst the woke revolution fueled by the
2020 summer of exempted rioting, looting, arson, and violence? Or was it perhaps the
deranged fixation on removing Donald Trump from the presidency and destroying the rule of law in
the process? Or all that and more? Now with the election of Joe Biden, what had been a
fast-tracked decline has accelerated at such an astonishing rate we can scarcely recognize our
country. [...] America is in a similar position to where it was in 1861, 1929, 1941, and
1968 — only perhaps worse, given in all those cases, there was at least a president and
Congress that identified and reacted to the crisis, whereas today our elected government is what
caused the crisis.
The Revenge of Moriarty.
[Scroll down] Unfortunately, the dark spiderweb enveloping America is being woven not
by one isolated fiend but by a multitude of them, disciples of a sick and toxic leftist
ideology. And for far too long, conservatives stood by and let the spiderweb spread, thread
by thread, until we too became caught in it. Now, infamies once thought unfathomable or
unspeakable by a moral society are being more than embraced, in fact mandated. The radical
Democrats doing this have taken power from the docile normal people, aided by their education-brainwashed
acolytes. Hence, the foundations of the country have lost substance while a perverse fantasy
carries governmental — if not yet constitutional — weight.
shoplifting blues. Once upon a time, we used to call shoplifting stealing. But
recently, shoplifting has been the latest episode of "No justice no peace." In other words, there
are many blue city district attorneys who don't think that shoplifting is worth arresting
you. Let them steal and let the corporate cats eat their losses. Well, it turns out
that the corporate cats have limits and can't just sit back and let their stores get sacked.
be blunt — legal weed is turning New York workers into zombies. Not just
because decriminalized marijuana led to proliferating mayhem in the five boroughs. Not just
because stinky smoke hangs everywhere, seeping into subway cars and even Broadway theaters —
the overture to "My Fair Lady" at Lincoln Center was "accompanied by an acrid aroma that wasn't Liza's
flowers," my friend Stephen M. Silverman recently remarked. It's also because of a forbidden-to-utter
truth, in an age where raising the minimum wage ever higher has become mantra — namely, a
license to get high has turned service employees into zombies.
Columbia breaks new overdose records one month after decriminalizing all drugs. Seven
years after the province of British Columbia declared the drug epidemic a public health emergency,
and just one month after the decriminalization of all drugs, overdoses continue to skyrocket.
According to the Canadian Press, B.C. tragically set three new overdose records this March,
just the second month after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's federal government allowed the province
to decriminalize all drugs starting February 1, 2023, in an effort to combat the crisis.
West Declares War on Itself. For Americans who cherish self-government, free speech,
and personal liberty, the reality of today's America is jolting. How can Hillary Clinton's
campaign, Barack Obama's FBI, and an assortment of sordid Intelligence Community actors conspire to
frame Donald Trump as a Russian spy in a veritable coup d'état without suffering
any legal consequences? How can the IRS target Americans for their political viewpoints and
be rewarded with bigger budgets and more armed agents? How can the FBI illegally spy on a
presidential campaign, target parents concerned over the content of their children's public
education, and label half of America "extremists," and not be disbanded? How can the
Department of (in)Justice seek to punish Americans' speech and religious faith as impermissible
expressions of "hate" and deprive Americans of their Second Amendment protections without being
immediately defunded as a threat to the Bill of Rights?
public sector unions can't print money. Chicago, Portland, Milwaukee, etc. are all a
big mess. It goes like this: the taxpayers move out and the public sector unions elect
their man. So what happens now? We will see, but this may be a blessing in disguise
because the finances of these cities are going nowhere. [...] At some point, many of these cities
will run out of money because the check from the state legislature, or COVID, is not in the
mail. The businesses will move out and take their taxes with them. And the schools will
collapse because they can't cover costs. You can strike all you want but the teachers of
Chicago may have to make concessions or lose their jobs. That's not what they voted for but
that's what they will get. So reality is around the corner and it's not pretty.
is dealt a blow [by its own socialist policies]. As much as Oregon has to offer, our
housing unaffordability, homelessness, increasing taxation, drug addiction crisis, untreated mental
illness, gun violence, traffic deaths and educational mediocrity are changing the calculus for many
about where to live, raise a family or retire. A year's decline in the state's population
does not spell our doom — at least not yet. But the census provides bracing data
that shows too many people have decided Oregon is no longer where their future lies. The
state depends on population growth to fill jobs, provide tax dollars for public services and inject
the energy and perspectives that build thriving neighborhoods and communities. A stagnant or
declining population instead dictates a future of cuts and diminished opportunities that can lead
to even more people moving out.
It Time to Panic Yet Over the State of America? The economy is a mess with daily news
stories about another country abandoning the U.S. dollar for trade and commerce, favoring the
Russian ruble, Chinese yuan, or gold, but no longer the U.S. dollar. What happens as these
countries, now making up most of the world population, start dumping dollars? Today's current
inflation will look the good old days. As these dollars otherwise held and used by many
countries flood back into the U.S., "too many dollars chasing too few goods" will go into
overdrive, fueling hyperinflation, destroying the savings and pensions of most Americans, leading
to economic misery as we see in Argentina or Venezuela. Politicians are oblivious, those of
both parties continuing to throw money into a losing proxy war in Ukraine, adding to a national
debt that we soon will be unable to even pay the interest on. Is that panic time?
common denominator in the recent big problem banks: ESG. Silicon Valley Bank and
Signature Bank both were multi-billion-dollar bank failures. First Republic and Credit Suisse
were multi-billion-dollar banks that's required large cash infusions to avoid failure.
Writing in the Washington Examiner, Paul Tice points out that all four institutions followed PC
prescriptions for enlightened corporate leadership, basically the recipe for ESG (and DEI). [...]
The line connecting ESG policies to the bank failures is indirect, or, if you will, a dotted
line. The proximate cause of the SVB failure was not loans to politically correct
environmental startups, but rather too many long term Treasury securities in its portfolio of
assets. But the fact is clear, at least in the case of SVB with which I am most familiar,
that management took their eyes off the ball of risk management. Risk management roles
remained unfilled for a time, and some risk managers clearly prioritized ESG over actually, you
know, managing risk.
The Trump
Trials: Changing the Subject. Going into a presidential election year, the incumbent
president looks to be facing a difficult reelection campaign. Persistently high inflation
numbers remain a problem. Energy prices are still up. America's southern border is
being overrun with illegal border-crossers and fentanyl. Major bank failures have raised the
specter of a banking crisis. There are multiple House of Representatives investigations
covering Biden family finances, the weaponization of government agencies, China, and the origins of
COVID. For the current administration and its supporters, the answer is as easy as it is
familiar: change the subject to Donald Trump.
end of cities. I recently reviewed the results of the mayoral election in Chicago,
which appear to have sounded the death knell for America's third-largest city. The buildings
will remain and the people without the means to escape will still huddle in their homes (at least
those who have homes), hoping to avoid being the next statistic in a crime wave that shows no signs
of abating. Commerce has slowed to a crawl and its once-famous entertainment district is now
too dangerous for most to risk an evening out on the town. At the Washington Examiner,
Stephen Moore takes a similarly dim view of Chicago's prospects, but he notes that the Windy City
is not alone in its downward slide. Many cities across the United States are simply becoming
unlivable. And the real tragedy in all of this is that the decline was completely
avoidable. But an epidemic of suicidally dangerous liberal policies has opened the gates for
the barbarians that were always waiting outside.
Trump, Tiberius Gracchus, And America's Imminent End. [Scroll down] It has
taken less than 20 years since Barack Obama promised to "fundamentally transform" America for the
country to change from a functioning but imperfect republic into a farce of a country characterized
by a banana-republic-level tyranny. With a complicit bureaucracy, Obama used the IRS to
target political opponents, the Justice Department to coerce banks into blacklisting businesses he
didn't like, and Obamacare to give government unprecedented control over Americans' health
decisions while doubling the cost. He unconstitutionally opened the immigration spigot that
has now become a torrent. Within six months of taking office, Obama would set the tone for an
administration that would set race relations back 50 years. His "evolution" on gay marriage
would give cover to the spineless Supreme Court to impose that travesty on the country and lay the
ground for the fascist LBTQ hellscape America endures today. And finally, he weakened two of
the most foundational elements of American society: The military and residential communities.
What Would a
Real Manchurian Candidate Do Differently than Joe Biden? The Biden regime has taken a
wrecking ball to the economy. In one of his first acts, Biden shut down domestic oil and gas
production, which spiked gasoline prices to stratospheric heights. The Democrats'
Infrastructure Bill, the Orwellian "Inflation Reduction Act", and the bloated Omnibus spending bill
added trillions to the national debt and brought US inflation to 40-year highs. Other
symptoms of the horrible Biden economy include (1) the personal savings rate is near seventeen-year
lows, according to the St. Louis Fed, (2) credit card debt is at record levels, according to
the St. Louis Fed, and (3) real wages in the United States fell, year-over-year from April
2021 to November 2022, according to the Mises Institute. Then there is the relentless push to
transition the US economy to green technology through the implementation of environmental,
societal, and governance standards that led to the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and the
continuing US banking crisis.
America lost? I have been struggling with a near depression this past week regarding
the current state of the country. Objectively speaking, the State of the Union is not
strong. Inflation is out of control, our banking system is teetering on the brink, our legal
system is being turned into a political weapon, our cities are becoming crime-ridden war zones, our
education system is collapsing, and our moral boundaries have eroded. There's more, but that
is enough to make one cry. Everyday Americans are at least peripherally aware that things are
amiss. They tell pollsters that the country is on the wrong track. But when given the
opportunity to actually do something about the rot, enough Americans go to the polls and choose to
continue the policies that have brought us to this point.
S.F. on the brink: It's worse than it looks. The downtown area, the city's primary
economic driver, is teetering on the edge, facing challenges greater than previously known, new
data shows. The wounds suffered by the economic core are deep, and city officials have yet to
come up with a plan to make the fundamental changes that some economists and business leaders argue
could make the area thrive again. "A general economic decline is what we're trying to avoid,"
said Wade Rose, president of Advance SF, a business group that advocates on behalf of several major
employers in San Francisco. The group is working with the city on short-term ideas to bring
more people back downtown, but Rose agrees that the problem needs a rethink in the long run.
Francisco, RIP? [S]omething like three-quarters of San Franciscans who deserted the
city during covid have not returned. The same phenomenon has been observed in cities like
Portland and Minneapolis, while other cities, like Salt Lake City, have rapidly bounced back.
But Salt Lake City is not run by liberal goofballs. [...] When you go downtown and you don't feel
safe and you see people "using the street as a toilet," you stop going downtown. There is
nothing mysterious about this.
Broken Windows. The U.S. government actively engages in viewpoint discrimination and
political censorship. J6 political prisoners rot in jail. Churches are firebombed for
refusing to redefine the institution of marriage or insisting on protecting the sanctity of every
unborn life. Children are sexually groomed in the classroom for the pleasure of perverted
adults. Medical doctors castrate and mutilate confused minors before they have had a chance
to truly live. News media spread endless waves of State-controlled propaganda while accusing
political dissenters of being propagandists. Intellectuals publish a bloated collection of
narrow groupthink while accusing free thinkers of being too dumb to understand the issues.
Patriotic Americans who love their country are branded "domestic terrorists" while anti-American
zealots who insist America is irredeemably racist are rewarded with prizes. A presidential
candidate who destroyed subpoenaed evidence and fabricated an international Russian conspiracy that
divided the nation suffers no legal consequences, yet an elected president who took no salary while
surviving one Deep State attack after the next is persecuted still today. These are the
rotten fruits of Marxist seeds.
you like what's coming? At the rate things are going, we'd better start preparing for
life under perpetual Democrat or Uniparty governance. Here are just a few points to ponder
about what that life might be like. Feel free to share with Woke family and friends. Do
you like the dark, i.e. living in the dark and carrying flashlights and candles after the sun goes
down? You'd better because there will be lots of opportunity once Uniparty-induced brownouts
and blackouts take hold because of our power grid's inability to supply dependable power as the war
on fossil fuels takes hold. Exaggerated? Read about California in the last 20 years.
Do you like extreme heat in your house in the summer? See above. [...] Do you like
extreme cold in your house in the winter? See above. By the way, don't depend on
firewood. They'll ban it. CO2, you know.
It Happen Here? It Is Happening Here. My field of study in graduate school was
communism. As a fellow at the Russian Institute of Columbia's School of International
Affairs, I was, if I remember correctly, one of seven students in the entire university to major in
what was known at the time as "Communist Affairs." I cite this in order to make this point:
In my wildest dreams, I never imagined what I was studying would ever apply to the United States
of America, the freest country in world history. I assumed that communism was, for various
reasons, something that happened elsewhere — most obviously, Russia, China, Vietnam,
Cuba, Cambodia and North Korea. What were those various reasons? One was the absence of
freedom in the history of those countries. Another was that all those countries were, with
the exception of Cuba, outside of Western civilization.
11 Priorities for America in order to save the Republic. Now that the USA is
experiencing a second communist POTUS (Obama then Beijing Biden), all morals are being
flipped upside down, rights to free speech and press are being flushed down the toilet, and the
infrastructure of functionality is being crippled, on purpose, by the powers that be in Washington
D.C. Somehow Beijing Biden got 80,000,000 votes, even though every campaign event he threw had
fewer people attend than a bad middle school basketball game on a rainy day. Somehow,
peaceful US citizens are in jail (without a trial) for over two years for protesting a crooked
election, while violent criminals from Antifa and Black Lives Matter walk the streets after
destroying property, businesses, and lives protesting staged events. Somehow, US citizens are
supposed to support Ukraine, where the leaders are corrupt Nazi sympathizers, and send them all of
our money and weapons, while the USA crumbles from inflation, supply chain issues, lack of proper
military defense, and a demented leader who molests children at his speaking events.
Will This Climate Madness End? What do gas ranges, Dutch farmers, and moose have in
common? In a normal everyday context, very little. But in the world of apocalyptic
climate change, everything. [...] The enlightened climate cult solution is to ban everything that
adds greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and embrace everything that lowers the concentration of
greenhouse gases. For example, gas ranges and ovens are bad because they use fossil fuels
like natural gas and propane to cook food. If gas stoves are banned, electric ranges and
ovens can fill the gap. No worries, right? The same argument can be made for
fossil-fueled vehicles. Ban them, and switch over to electric vehicles. Ditto for
fossil-fueled power generating stations. Ban them, switch to renewable sources, and have a
happy day. This sort of logic extends to another greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide. In the
Netherlands, the Dutch Government is trying to force up to 3,000 farms to close to meet European
Union pollution limits on nitrogen oxides and ammonia. This means that almost no form of
agriculture is safe from climate change diktats.
a desperate America may soon annex its 51st state. US government finances are
appallingly bad. The national debt exceeds 100% of GDP, annual deficits run into the
trillions of dollars with no end in sight, and major trust funds for Social Security and Medicare
will soon run out of money. Political incompetence is mind-blowing; politicians fail to be
able to even identify problems, let alone understand them, let alone reach compromises to solve
them. Ditto for central bank incompetence. These people simply cannot understand how,
by keeping interest rates at zero for nearly a decade and conjuring trillions of dollars out of
thin air, they engineered record high inflation. And they also fail to understand how their
actions to 'fix' inflation are causing widespread havoc in the economy and financial system.
Social divisions across the country are extreme. Censorship and cancel culture prevail, and
corporations now wag their fingers at their own customers to "be better". The education system
is in pitiful shape, with many politicians and school board officials turning classrooms into
activist training camps. The population is terribly unhealthy. Obesity and drug
addiction are epidemics. Plus there's an obvious mental health crisis that drives far too
many people to commit horrific acts of violence on innocent people, including children.
National security is in decline. Military readiness is down, yet top officials seem more
concerned about diversity and inclusion rather than the ability to prevail in war. The rule
of law has been perverted, including for political purposes and self-aggrandizement.
Seems to Be Circling the Liberal Drain as a Massive Brawl Engulfs the Street Saturday Night.
[Video clip only.]
Crisis breeds fascism.
Democrats and RINOs never let a crisis go to waste because a crisis allows them to expand their
powers. 9/11 is just one example. Bush and company used it to add a Cabinet-level
department, make the unpatriotic PATRIOT Act law, and start two wars they later would
abandon. Washington does not wait for a crisis to come along. The deep state turned
President Trump's actually peaceful protest on the National Mall on January 6 into what they
called an insurrection. DC now has the power to jail dissidents. They also beta-tested
their facial recognition apparatus. The border crisis allows Democrats to flood Republican
states with illegal aliens by sending them to Wyoming and other states instead of sending them
home. I don't know where to begin in enumerating the extensions of power under covid.
It was overplayed by DC which jacked up the numbers by giving hospitals cash incentives to label
deaths as being with (not necessarily from) covid.
All Began With the Pill. If the Nobel Prize Committee had the category of Most
Influential Invention of the Last Century, one candidate might be the Pill, the contraceptive that
came into widespread use in the 1960s and triggered a chain reaction of one tectonic, societal
earthquake after another. I was a college student at the time and watched it happen. [...]
The Pill's advent ignited a tsunami of fornication, a.k.a. premarital sex and adultery, that led to
a further tsunami of millions of couples divorcing, the invention of no-fault divorce, millions of
tears, and millions of broken families. The Pill produced "Women's Lib" and women like Hillary
"Lady Macbeth" Clinton, who sneered at motherhood and wanted a "career" just like a man.
The green
foods time bomb. Green propagandists continue to inflict lethal damage to our electricity
industry here in Australia — and it has become unreliable and expensive. City food
supplies cannot survive without reliable refrigeration at every level, from farms to retail stores.
Thus, unreliable green power supplies will produce unreliable food supplies. Their intrusive green
energy infrastructure is also nibbling away at our grasslands and farms, thus reducing their capacity to
produce food. Less recognized is the damage green propagandists are doing to our health and our
food supply by attacking animal foods, and promoting grains, vegetables, seeds, and fake foods for humans.
Much Longer Can Western Governments Spit on Their People? Ordinary citizens did not
empower central banks to print money and manipulate markets, so as to create a ticking financial
time bomb that will almost certainly unleash the world's worst economic depression —
governments did. Ordinary citizens did not spend taxpayer funds on biological weapons
programs that may or may not have led to the release of COVID from a Chinese lab —
governments did. Ordinary citizens did not choose to throw out common sense, the Scientific
Method, and an elementary school-level understanding of medical ethics to impose draconian
lockdowns, mass surveillance, and coerced experimental injections on a global scale before either
the pathogenic disease or its reputed "vaccine" could be properly studied — governments
did. Ordinary citizens did not choose to have their businesses shut down and livelihoods
destroyed — governments did. Ordinary citizens did not choose to eviscerate
Western economies in the name of "science" — governments did. Ordinary citizens
did not choose the largest welfare and stimulus programs in world history, nor the unprecedented
levels of inflation that were the obvious consequence — governments did. And
ordinary citizens have certainly not chosen to have the World Economic Forum's Western acolytes
scoop up farmland, ban hydrocarbon mining, and impose strict carbon limits that have logically
unleashed runaway food and fuel prices, economic insecurity, and depleted savings — that
self-defeating strategy was the brainchild of Klaus Schwab and his merry band of WEF
arsonists. Yet from COVID to currency collapse, Western powers insist on escaping blame.
Federal Reserve shot itself in the foot. By now, most understand that SVB failed due
to an extreme mismatch in maturities between its deposits and its assets. Can you believe
that the Federal Reserve has fallen prey to the same mistake? Further, the Feds' own actions
caused its problems. Ever since the Federal Reserve started printing U.S. dollars in 2008,
called Quantitative Easing (Q.E.), we have expressed grave concern that the Treasury bonds the Fed
was buying were short-term and therefore subject to a rising interest rate environment.
Further, those Treasuries decline in face value as rates rise. That has all come to
pass. The Federal Reserve shot itself in the foot: since the same entity that printed dollars
(Q.E.) invested those dollars (Treasuries), and then raised interest rates (FOMC), which impacted
its income and its balance sheet (the value of the Treasuries also declined when the Fed raised
rates), the Federal Reserve is the instrument of its own demise.
patriotism and hope in America are collapsing. Americans are losing faith and
interest in their country and its future. There is no other way to read the devastating
results of an opinion poll published on Monday [3/27/2023] by the Wall Street Journal.
It finds that only 38% of respondents think patriotism is very important, not much more than half
the number who thought so as recently as 1998, when the poll was first conducted. Likewise,
there has been a massive decline of interest in religion: Thirty-nine percent now say it is very
important compared to 62% 25 years ago. America was founded in large part by people who
wanted the freedom to practice their different faiths unmolested. Thus, a founding purpose of
America is being rapidly discarded by the inhabitants of the current culture. Having children
was regarded as very important by 59% of respondents a generation ago, but by only 30% now,
effectively a halving of concern to perpetuate the nation with succeeding generations.
America's Political Paralysis. Why are some Americans having such a hard time
figuring out what is happening to our country? And for those who do see, why are so few
taking action? One in four Americans say they know someone who died from the COVID vaccine,
and 50% now have less trust in government health experts. Sixty-seven percent say they
"weren't surprised" hearing that COVID came from a Chinese lab. Most voters agree that the
FBI has been weaponized by the current administration, and 61% believe that government agents
helped provoke the J6 riot. Ninety-one percent think bail should be set for criminals who may
be a danger to the community. Fifty-four percent think Biden is lying about his family
connections to China. Fifty-five percent of Arizona voters say issues in Maricopa County
likely affected the 2022 results. Sixty percent think climate change is a false religion, not
scientific fact. Most Americans now have zero trust in their government — the way
it responds to health crises, the fairness of our law enforcement agencies, or its ability to
conduct free and fair elections. We think our president is a puppet of China. So why
does life seem to continue as normal? In other countries, when elections are stolen or Social
Security benefits are taken, it means rioting in the streets. Why do we put up with policies
pushing climate change and wokeism that make zero sense? Who could entertain the idea that
children can be given sex change treatments when just a few years ago, they were expelled from
school for taking an aspirin without permission?
Holding the
right people responsible for the global energy crisis. America's grid is in decline
and about to get far worse due to policies that 1) reward unreliable electricity, 2) prematurely
shut down coal plants, 3) criminalize nuclear, and 4) force electric vehicle use. The root
cause of our grid's reliability problems is simple: America is shutting down too many reliable
power plants — plants that can be controlled to produce electricity when needed in the
exact quantity needed. And it is attempting to replace them with unreliable solar and
wind. Nationally, as demand has increased over the last 10 years we have seen a decline in
reliable capacity (gas, coal, oil, nuclear, hydro, battery storage) by 5%. Will batteries make
unreliable solar/wind reliable? No. Battery storage is expensive and can only provide a
given "capacity" (e.g., 1 GW) for a few hours, and only then if fully charged. Planned
batteries are nowhere near enough to compensate for solar and wind's unreliability.
Don't Want to Fight for a Woke, Anti-American Military. The House Armed Services
Subcommittee for Military Personnel held a hearing last week to discuss the growing national
security crisis arising from the military's cratering recruitment numbers. A potpourri of
Pentagon nincompoops all universally lauded the Defense Department's ideological obsession with
"lived experiences" and "diversity for diversity's sake." While championing the Marxist military's
decision to waste over six million man-hours of training on the dangers of "extremism" and "white
privilege" and the seminal importance of "diversity, equity, and inclusion," not one Pentagon
official could muster a real answer as to why recruiting numbers are so disastrous. The
touchy-feely, group hug-loving mandarins proved experts in Critical Race Theory but poor
problem-solvers when tasked with the actual duties of their jobs — building and
maintaining lethal military forces filled with top-notch warriors who will fight to win.
Intentionally dividing Americans against each other and pouring salt in old wounds obliterate
personnel cohesiveness.
There is
a Simple Fix to Economic Chaos. Some of us have been saying this for a very long
time: green will bring down the world. Green creates a vicious circle, a term you may remember
from Economics 101. It is when the serpent eats itself, no wealth is created and collapse
results. That is what we are doing with ESG, with carbon taxes, with the forced adoption of
unreliable vertiginously expensive green energy. It has skewed every single market. No
one is investing in sound enterprise, and anything once sound is a Jenga tower, unstable, rotting
from within. This. This is what threatens to bring down the world. Green is built
on subsidies. And not just government subsidy. Every mutual fund, every hedge fund,
every multinational and every local or national corporation has a green monster within preventing
innovative investments, sucking profits and growth.
problem with trying to understand Democrats. As a former member of the Democrat
party, I still stay in touch with many of its members who are my close friends. However, one
thing that strikes me is that my friends are almost universally in denial of what the current
administration has brought upon this once great nation in just two years of being in office.
The reality of a soaring crime rate in our nation's cities, runaway inflation that was once termed
"transitory," our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan — which served as the catalyst
for Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, all seem to elude them, as if it never happened. When
presented with any hard evidence or facts, they are not only in denial, but typically push back
with emotion minus facts as if they live in an alternate universe where they can pick and choose
the "facts" that fit their own party's narrative.
Hollywood Has Doomed the Once-Unbeatable Movie Industry. Hollywood, specifically the
film industry, is going through a legitimate, serious, and potentially fatal phase. No one
likes the movies anymore. The key to a healthy industry — audience goodwill —
is evaporating quickly.
ripple effect of Joe Biden's mismanagement. The banking crisis is like a brick thrown
into our economic pond. Busted banks don't just sink silently to the bottom, never to be
heard of again. Their plunge sends ripples out across the entire surface that wash into every
financial inlet of our lives. If you think this has nothing to do with you because you didn't
invest in Silicon Valley Bank or keep an account there, think again. The spreading circles of
its demise will splash you if you merely feel the pinch of high interest rates or buy groceries.
[...] Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen ignored the $250,000 upper limit on secured
deposits and, to "stop the contagion," implicitly guaranteed all $17.6 trillion deposited at U.S.
banks. This put Washington on the hook for twice as much as the Federal Reserve actually
has. It means, as has been noted, that depositors are freed from market discipline —
they can't lose their stash — so they needn't be careful where they put their money.
They'll go to banks that offer big rewards by taking big risks. This is a short-term rescue
at the cost of long-term instability.
Might Have Stabilized, But The Biden Contagion Is Still Spreading. 'The U.S. banking
system is sound and resilient," Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell said on Wednesday in
an effort to calm depositors worried about more bank failures. That was the same day the Fed
raised interest rates another quarter point to deal with inflation that has been running at
four-decade highs for nearly two years. The two problems, along with so many others that
families are confronting right now, have a common cause: President Joe Biden's disastrous economic
policies. While another banking crisis might have been contained — a reassurance
we take with a grain of salt — the Biden crisis will continue to metastasize as long as
he and his administration are calling the shots.
Isn't the Victim; It's the Perpetrator. Around the country, almost every problem
Americans endure is a result of Big Government action or inaction. Government overspending
and central bank money-printing have crushed the value of ordinary Americans' income and
savings. The Intelligence Community's use of the PATRIOT Act and other unconstitutional tools
to violate Americans' Fourth Amendment rights against warrantless searches has not only eliminated
privacy, but also made every citizen a suspect. The Biden administration's choice to leave
America's borders wide open has exacerbated crime, drug addiction, and identity theft while
breaking city budgets and local communities. Washington, D.C.'s endless bureaucratic
rule-making touches every part of every American's life. What products can be bought and
sold? What can a citizen do on or with his private property? What speech should be
censored because the government judges its content "hateful" or unacceptably contrary to the
bureaucracy's official point of view? While Congress never stops passing laws, agencies never
stop exponentially compounding those laws with new standards, rules, and regulations that
micromanage everything Americans do.
Francisco supervisor Hillary Ronen begs for more police in her district after voting to defund in
2020. A San Francisco district supervisor is calling for more policing in the
crime-ridden city — despite advocating to defund the police in 2020. Hillary Ronen,
Democrat, represents District 9 on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. During a Budget
and Appropriations Committee meeting on Wednesday, she made an impassioned plea to add more
officers to the Mission District, which she represents. Ronen was attacking San Francisco's
police chief for spending a large amount of overtime on an anti-retail theft program instead of
prioritizing police presence in her district.
to Prevent More Meltdowns like Silicon Valley Bank. The Fed was more aggressive
during the COVID pandemic. When federal and state governments locked down the economy, the
government determined that it should pay the people it put out of work. The Fed became so
aggressive with Q.E. that the presses that printed money had trouble keeping up. Money was so
easy to obtain from the government that billions were fraudulently delivered to criminals.
Some of this easy money found its way into bank deposits, which were used to purchase securities
paying very low interest rates. To the surprise of the Fed and Janet Yellen, inflation
resulted from their policy of free money. They couldn't believe it. They said it was
transitory and then blamed Putin, Trump, oil executives, greed, and a virus. While there are
many reasons for inflation, the primary reason is quantitative easing and the flood of cash the Fed
poured into the economy for a decade. After waffling for months, the Fed decided that inflation
was real and started raising interest rates in an attempt to control the inflation it created.
Catastrophes Multiply as American Power and Influence Crash to New Postwar Lows. In
only two years, Joe Biden's presidency has produced multiple catastrophes from which recovery will
be difficult, if it is even possible. Domestically, we see the banking system teetering on
insolvency, as the rapid escalation in interest rates has devalued long term Treasury notes that
used to be considered a safe place for banks to park funds in excess of what could be safely
lent. The reason for these Federal Reserve interest rate hikes is the inflation that was
immediately triggered by Biden's jihad against domestica oil, gas, and coal production, that
triggered an inflationary spiral that continues today, devaluing the life savings of thrifty
Americans, and pushing food and energy costs up so fast that many families have had to drastically
reduce their standard of living. Bad as these catastrophes are, the potential for serious
damage to the welfare of the American people from the military and diplomatic policies of the Biden
administration is much worse. Losing a war — or even just fighting a nuclear
war — makes a mere Depression look like a day at the beach.
Really? There was high inflation under Jimmy Carter, and the banks didn't collapse.
Banking Mess Is Another Consequence of Biden's High Inflation. The complexities
around, and solutions to, the current banking crisis lie well beyond my core competency, so I'll
leave those matters to others. What I will say is that it's indisputable that much of the
upheaval can be traced back to the Biden administration's disastrous inflationary policies, which
have forced the Fed to hike up interest rates as a form an anti-inflation 'chemotherapy' for the
overheated US economy — actions that have, in turn, directly and heavily contributed to
unpleasant externalities like the collapse of Silicon Valley and Signature banks. Biden and
his team were directly warned about the highly risky spending they were jamming through in
partisan, Democrat-passed behemoths, including by respected Democratic economists. They
didn't listen, then pretended the warnings never happened once the resulting "transitory" inflation
was undeniably non-transitory after all.
loaned millions to useless startups making greenie things no one wanted to buy — WSJ's
Strassel. Is there anything more ... Soviet ... than a bank that lends money to
companies making things no one wants to buy? That's the missing puzzle piece we needed on why
Silicon Valley Bank went belly up, and Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal has found it,
persuasively arguing that yes, the failure of the bank was indeed premised on ESG, which descended
into wokester lending priorities, creating the abnormal conditions that left the bank ripe for a meltdown.
Left's Criminal Abuse Of The Young. Democrats have long portrayed themselves as the
great guardians of the children. In truth, they are destroying the young. The harm
they've done to children, teens and young adults has spiked in recent years, from scaremongering
about global warming to pandemic lockdowns that have unnerved a generation to teaching them a
divisive, politically charged curriculum. According to an online medical journal, the
University of Calgary has determined there was a spike "in emergency department visits for
attempted suicide and suicide ideation among children and adolescents" during the period of "social
isolation" that coincides with the pandemic lockdowns. The university conducted a
meta-analysis of 42 studies representing more than 11 million pediatric emergency department visits
in 18 countries, and compared "the data on visits prior to the pandemic with those that took place
during the pandemic, up to July 2021."
'diversity' and 'equity' first nearly crashed the economy. Several years back I asked
what it would take to halt the diversity, inclusion, equity obsession in America. What would
it take to get back to excellence and competence as the only criteria for employment? Perhaps
it would require the bridges to start falling down. Though I suspect that if they did then
certain people would claim they'd only fallen because of "structural racism." Still, this week
we had a good reminder of just how over-tolerant we have been of this insane, anti-excellence
agenda. Because although the bridges haven't yet started to collapse, the banks have.
And one reason is that the banks in question prioritized equity over excellence.
Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophes. "Put the adults back in
charge," they whined. "Donald Trump will break the world," they lied. Well, they
manipulated election rules to certify suspicious vote totals that preposterously portrayed senile
Joe Biden as the most popularly elected president in history; censored and locked up anyone who
complained; and covered up their crimes with J6 show trials drenched in untruths meant to hide from
history the Uniparty's underhanded machinations in outright stealing a presidential election.
The whole mess was so banana-republic-yucky that Biden was inaugurated behind barbed wire
and a show of military force befitting the small junta who attended the successful coup's
celebration. And as a result of the Uniparty's installation of Dementia Joe as White House
marionette, the American people have been plagued with crime, inflation, political persecution,
COVID tyranny, deadly battlefield retreat, open borders, staggering drug deaths, proxy wars,
bankruptcies, bank runs, endless new regulations, a plummeting standard of living, economic panic,
and social volatility.
Accountability Leads to Chaos. Trust in our institutions is collapsing, according to
a recent Gallup survey. Less than a quarter of the public is confident in:
• The Supreme Court — 25 percent confidence
• The Presidency — 23 percent confidence
• Newspapers — 16 percent confidence
• The criminal justice system — 14 percent confidence
• Big business — 14 percent confidence
• Television news — 11 percent confidence
• Congress — a whopping 7 percent confidence
The only institutions that exceed 50 percent public confidence are the military and small businesses.
[...] [T]hose institutions remain necessary for a civilized society to function. They provide order.
But when they fail:
• Media doesn't inform
• Bureaucrats don't serve
• Commerce doesn't provide prosperity
• Schools don't prepare future citizens
• Law enforcement doesn't protect
• Judges don't ensure fairness
• Politicians don't lead
Biden Economy Is Falling Apart. The Biden Economy — hailed Monday morning
by Presidentish Joe Biden as "strong" — seems like it's falling apart, everything,
everywhere all at once. NYSE halted trading of Charles Schwab, whose shares fell by more than
20%, and even a few Etsy sellers have been impacted by the fallout of Silicon Valley Bank's (SVB)
collapse. [...] What went wrong? In a word: Inflation. In a few more words: The
higher interest rates needed to combat inflation smashed the cheap-money expectations that SVB's
bond portfolios required. Other sectors of the economy that have become addicted to historically
low interest rates include high-tech, particularly startup firms, and the housing market.
blames Trump deregulation for Silicon Valley Bank failure. President Biden said
Monday that the U.S. banking system is "safe and secure" following the failure of Silicon Valley
Bank and closure of Signature Bank last week. "Americans can have confidence that the banking
system is safe. Your deposits will be there when you need them," Biden said in remarks at the
White House before leaving for a three-day visit to California and Nevada. Biden blamed the
bank collapses on former President Trump's 2018 decision to scrap some Obama-era banking rules.
was only 'transitory' they said. First off: These collapses did not occur in two
days. The problems have compounded over time and should have been very easy to spot by
regulators and "experts" on Wall Street. The collapses were not caused by too few
regulations. For years, the Federal Reserve kept interest rates artificially low. Those
low rates caused investors to chase up the value of stocks, houses, commercial real estate, crypto
currencies, and other things. But those low rates did not punish the poor and middle class
with rapidly rising prices on food, energy and other necessities. Trump kept inflation low
with energy independence, fewer regulations, and lower taxes. Energy prices affect almost
everything we use and do. In 2020 when we were hit with COVID, we flooded the economy with
money to help businesses the government forcibly closed and individuals who had lost their
jobs. We had supply chain problems. But we still didn't have high inflation because we
still had low energy prices thanks to Trump's policies of domestic energy production. From April
2020 to the end of 2020, jobs grew 16 million (much faster than under Biden); still, no high inflation.
God's Wisdom Back In The Classroom. Perhaps the single biggest factor contributing to
America's rising crime rate can be traced back to 1962. That was when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled
that a voluntary, non-denominational prayer recited by school kids in New York State classrooms
violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. For the record, the prayer that
ignited that controversy reads as follows: "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon
Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country." These
22 words were so repellant to Steven Engel, a founding member of the New York Civil Liberties
Union, that he became the lead plaintiff in the effort to prohibit the recitation of them.
After years of dogged effort, Engel succeeded in preventing children from acknowledging God in
school. What has replaced prayer in schools during the 61 years since the Engel
v. Vitale decision? New York City Mayor Eric Adams knows. Adams, a retired
NYPD captain, told the city's religious leaders during an Interfaith Breakfast in Manhattan earlier
this month, "When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools."
Contrast in Army Recruitment Ads From Russia, the U.S., China, and Britain Point to Ominous
Future. While "woke" has insidiously metastasized throughout American society, the
rapidly spreading cancer perhaps portends most ominously for its continuing effect on America's
Armed Forces. The Twins of Woke, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Joint Chiefs Chairman
Mark Milley have worked tirelessly to transform the greatest fighting force on the planet from "a
few good men" to even fewer self-identified genders with self-assigned pronouns. If it
wasn't the U.S. military we were talking about, the failed social experiment would be somewhat
humorous — instead of a potentially clear and present danger to the security of the
United States. As it stands, I'd have a hard time suggesting enlistment to a loved one or
friend. [Video clip]
think crime is out of control in New York City now? Just wait. New York City
cops are resigning at a "record-breaking pace in 2023, and there is no sign that the bleeding will
slow. [Tweet] Bad crime policy leads to more crime. Fewer police to keep the city
safe leads to more crime on top of that. It's not hard to see how this ends.
say their jobs have become "1,000 times harder" in the 2 years Biden has been in
office. The economy is a disaster, as anyone could see. But for ranchers who
have to operate on razor-thin margins, it's unlike anything they've seen in decades. It's
harder than ever to be a man working the land. And besides that, the undue burden of the
Biden administration's draconian rules and regulations is making it impossible.
nothing - just the second largest bank failure in U.S. history today. Part of what
happened is explained in [a] series of tweets. SVB, thanks to the COVID emergency rules
adopted by Jerome Powell — who is still in charge of the Federal Reserve —
was no longer required to hold any cash on hand to meet its "reserve requirement." [...] Why
that detail matters is because this bank's problems started with an announcement Wednesday that it
was in the middle of a cash crunch and looking at a possible sale as a way of raising funds.
Point to 'Bidenflation' as Cause of Silicon Valley Bank Closure. Prominent
conservatives throughout politics and media reacted to the sudden closure of the Silicon Valley
Bank (SVB) on Friday. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is already standing firm against bailouts
for the bank, and many are pointing to "Bidenflation" as a driver of the implosion. Gaetz
appeared on Steve Bannon's War Room where Bannon asserted that the closure was "100 percent
because of Biden's policies."
Not Hard to See the Future of America Under this Manchurian President. President
Biden is not only compromised but exemplifies the ultimate Manchurian President. I also see
him as a traitor to our nation — plain and simple. His actions and deeds,
controlled by those we do not yet see, are purposefully destroying our democracy, legal system,
freedoms, independence, and republic. [...][ It's evident that Biden is but a simple puppet, a
marionette. The question is, who exactly are the puppeteer(s) pulling his strings? I
also believe Biden, like his son, is compromised by the Chinese and the Russians. Just look
at the actions he's taken since January 2021. [...] Whomever his puppeteers are, they are
undoubtedly far left, not favorable towards America, view our Constitution with disdain, and look
to change America forever. They pull the strings of their marionette named Biden, the
Manchurian President, from behind the red Marxist and fascist curtains. The strings are
pulled to purposefully change America from a champion of liberty, opportunity, freedom, and
democracy to an autocracy, dictatorship, and tyrannical system.
Biden Enriched Cartels Whose Revenue Increased 26x Since 2018, We Need to Pressure Mexico, Not
Invade It. On Tuesday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "Jesse Watters
Primetime," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated that President Joe Biden "is the best thing that ever
happened to the Mexican drug cartels" and cited the massive surge in cartel revenue since 2018 and
argued that the solution to cartel violence isn't to invade Mexico or go to war with it, but
rather, to pressure the country to act against cartel violence. Cruz said, "Well, listen,
those who kill American citizens must be held accountable. And, at the first instance, this
wouldn't happen if we had responsible presidential leadership. Joe Biden created the chaos at
the border. Joe Biden stopped building the wall. He reinstated catch and release.
He pulled out of Remain in Mexico. And what Joe Biden has done is he's turned these vicious
narcoterrorists into multibillionaires. [...]"
Life Among the Ruins.
We are suffering an epidemic of premodern barbarism. The signs unfortunately appear
everywhere. Over half a million homeless people crowd our big-city downtowns. Most know
the result of such Medieval street living is unhealthy, violent, and lethal for all
concerned. Yet no one knows — or even seems to worry about — how to
stop it. So public defecation, urination, fornication, and injection continue unabated.
Progressive urban pedestrians pass by holding their noses, averting their gazes, and accelerating
the pace of their walking. The greenest generation in history allows its sidewalks to become
pre-civilizational sewers. In a very brief time, we all but have destroyed the downtowns of
our major cities — which will increasingly become vacant in a manner like the
6th-century A.D. Roman forum. All accept that defunding the police, no-cash bail,
Soros-funded district attorneys, and radical changes in jurisprudence have destroyed
deterrence. The only dividend is the unleashing of a criminal class to smash-and-grab,
carjack, steal, burglarize, execute, and assault — with de facto
immunity. Instead we are sometimes lectured that looting is not a crime, but lengthy
incarceration is criminally immoral.
Closing its Last Two Stores in Portland, Oregon in March. In late March, Walmart is
closing the last two locations it has in Portland, Oregon. The company's official line about
the closings is that it has to do with store performances, customer needs, and other corporate
speak. Does anyone doubt that this probably has a lot to do with theft? Portland is a
hotbed of leftism, and for the last few years, shoplifting has become a norm for the left.
the Real Reason Political Anxiety Is So High? [#1] Governmental power and
control. The only reason we have anxiety, stress, and worry about what happens in government
is because the government is ridiculously, uncomfortably powerful. If our political enemies
(whoever they happen to be) take power, they could exert tremendous control over our lives.
So on some level, a bit of anxiety is reasonable. [#2] It doesn't help that we're in the era of
the 24-hour news cycle. Media companies come in all shapes and sizes, from corporate
juggernauts to independent journalists, and everyone is racing to publish news stories for the
public to consume on a constant basis. There is no more reading the morning paper; we are
constantly bombarded with information. Even if some of this information is positive, it's
easy to become overwhelmed and feel anxious as a result. [#3] Bad media incentives.
It's ironic that the very news organizations publishing stories about high rates of political
anxiety are the same ones (perhaps) intentionally stoking those anxieties. Media companies
aren't necessarily incentivized to tell the truth or commit to quality journalism; instead, they're
incentivized to get clicks and attention.
Day Your Doctor Won't Treat You If You Aren't the Right Kind of Patient Is Closer Than You Might
Think. Could the day come when you are denied medical treatment because you're white,
male, or a member of some other group of "oppressors"? Of course it could, and it's coming sooner
than you might think. Even in solidly red Tennessee, where Donald Trump won 60% of the vote
in 2020, a new report has revealed what the Tennessee Star on Friday called "the pervasive
infiltration of woke diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) ideologies in Tennessee medical school
curricula and programs." Could this have an impact on the quality of your medical treatment?
Injustice of the Court.
I was encouraged to look at sacrifice for my nation as the highest honor. I saluted the flag,
got choked up at the sound of the national anthem. Now, I have to ask what purpose would my
sacrifice serve? Would it be to keep Hunter's diary a secret? Would it be to hide all
the crimes of pedophilia among our representatives, senators, presidents and judges? Would my
sacrifice be to see drag queens in Kindergarten? Would it be to keep political prisoners of
the current regime? Would it be to fund extortion and brutality of parents concerned about
their children and the schools they go to? The problem that has been created is that as a
patriotic son of the founding ideals, I would have to fight against all of that, against the
crooked institutions of today. I could not, in good conscience fight to sustain this
treason. It's a paradox created by their lies and deceit that I could not fight for the
government of my nation, but am forced to try and bring it to heel, to bring it back under control.
Beating the
Balrog. What we are seeing is evil so strong that it's almost bubbling up out of the
ground. The pivotal evidence is the way we are treating children. The Left likes to
talk about "systemic racism," but I argue that what we're truly seeing is systemic, Satanic, child
abuse. If we don't rip children limb-from-limb from the womb (and sell their body parts), we
raise many of them in households where they are ill-fed, ignored by parents too busy to really pay
attention, and too secular to take them to church. We send them off to government schools
that have failed horridly (A third of our children cannot read at grade level, then we lock them
out of their schools, where they at least had friends. Then we have stuck them with an
overload of questionable vaccines, and now we have allowed sexualization at an alarming pace
culminating in the schools getting involved in grooming young children for sex with adults and,
even worse, sexual mutilation without parental consent. This is not just human evil.
We've gone back to the time of Baal and Moloch, idols that demanded human — i.e.
child — sacrifice.
Biden Puts Liberal Theories to the Test. Theory 2 — Government spending is
good for the economy: Whenever the American economy suffers a downturn, the left defaults to
one government solution. The theory is that sufficient government spending will trigger
economic growth. Leftists tax the population, give a little bit back to the citizens, spend
the rest on liberal causes, and call it stimulus. Joe tested this theory by spending nearly
$5 trillion on various COVID relief, infrastructure, and inflation reduction boondoggles. Did
it help the economy? No. Instead we've gotten:
• inflation at a
40-year high;
• families spending more to service the national debt than
they do on their home mortgages;
• a $7-trillion loss in stock market
value — much of which is our retirement savings; and
• a $9,000
drop in personal savings in one year.
You Tired of Having Your Intelligence Insulted Yet? You, most likely being a mere
normal, are probably looking around at the current state of things and wondering just how we
managed to get to this point. Food prices continue to skyrocket, energy prices remain
stubbornly high, and if you were thinking about buying a house, you can forget about it with
current interest rates. Meanwhile, real wages are down, meaning your buying power is
diminished coming and going. That's just a small taste of what Americans are going through,
and you'd expect the nation's leadership to provide some guidance among the malaise. At the
very least, you'd think they could admit there's a problem. Instead, the Biden administration
insults your intelligence. [Tweet]
Crime and No Punishment
in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts state legislature must have failed to pass a
142-strikes-and-you're-out legislation just days earlier. The liberal legislature deems such
legislation too harsh on misunderstood criminals, who deserve just one more chance. The
criminal in question, Derek M. Lindsay, was the berserker dad who made national news in
May 2007 after he got into a fight with parents and police at a McDonald's playground after telling
his kid to push the other kids out of the way to get to Ronald McDonald. But that was among
his least serious offenses. More recently, he had been charged in March of this year with
attempted murder for stabbing someone at a local tattoo parlor. So naturally, the local
judges let this model citizen go free back into society back in March. Thus, his 143rd
arraignment this week. Throughout Massachusetts, but particularly in the City of Taunton,
such events are commonplace.
Sudden Dominance of the Diversity Industrial Complex. Little more than a decade ago,
DEI was just another arcane acronym, a clustering of three ideas, each to be weighed and evaluated
against other societal values. The terms diversity, equity, and inclusion weren't yet being
used in the singular, as one all-inclusive, non-negotiable moral imperative. Nor had they
coalesced into a bureaucratic juggernaut running roughshod over every aspect of national
life. They are now. Seemingly in unison, and with almost no debate, nearly every major
American institution — including federal, state, and local governments, universities and
public schools, hospitals, insurance, media and technology companies and major retail
brands — has agreed that the DEI infrastructure is essential to the nation's proper
functioning. From Amazon to Walmart, most major corporations have created and staffed DEI
offices within their human resources bureaucracy. So have sanitation departments, police
departments, physics departments, and the departments of agriculture, commerce, defense, education
and energy. Organizations that once argued against DEI now feel compelled to institute DEI
training and hire DEI officers.
& Piven Are Laughing All The Way To The Welfare Agency. Food shortages are
ubiquitous. Baby formula to Brussels sprouts to ground meat to eggs continue to run in short
supply as prices rise. Suspicious fires, bombings, and "accidents" at food processing plants
are blamed without explanation along with droughts, avian flu, and the dreaded (supposed) COVID-19
super-duper "sub-variants." Government regulations reducing the application of certain
fertilizers on farms in Holland, Spain, France are proliferating, forcing crop, flock, and herd
reductions. Results: farms closing, creating more food shortages, unemployment, and
increasing welfare rolls. Public outcry and political pressure have been suppressed through
ignorance caused by the media.
Flee the Big Apple as High Crime and Excessive Taxation Chase Them Away. I'm not a
math whiz, but I'm not incapable either, so let's do some calculations... 1,452 residents worth
over $25 million left in 2021, plus a whole bunch before that. That's a lot of
deserters. I plug that into my Excel spreadsheet and it says, "a whole lot of tax revenue
just fled for the hills." You might think, well, New York has plenty of taxpayers, it's not
that big a deal. But consider this: the top one percent of earners in New York account for
close to half of the state's income tax revenue.
Taking Back
America. As I travel, I constantly see tattered American flags blowing in the wind. They are a
metaphor for the state of the Union. It is emblematic of how our country is being hollowed out. We have a
Manchurian leader who is gutting us of our rights. The latest assault is Biden's determination to put us under the
domination of the World Health Organization, who will determine our health care. [...] In fact, the goal of Marxists is
the total annihilation of freedom. No matter how many times the communist dream is proven to result in nothing but
misery, it seems to get resurrected. And historical ignorance is the means by which the next generation gets
sucked in. Consequently, a statue of Teddy Roosevelt that used to invite visitors into the Museum of Natural
History is taken down. On the other hand, a statue of career criminal George Floyd is erected despite the fact
that Floyd committed three armed robberies, three violent home invasions, six burglaries, three car thefts, beat four
victims senseless and held a gun to a very pregnant belly of his robbery victim.
'Great Awokening' Is Transforming Science and Medicine. The "great awokening" touches every elite
institution in America, mostly radiating out from our compromised system of higher education. One of the most
disturbing and illuminating aspects of this cultural revolution is how much it is transforming science and
medicine. A video of medical students at Columbia University reciting an updated version of the Hippocratic oath
that injected elements of critical race theory made the rounds on social media recently. As many have noted, this
"student-led initiative" sounds cult-like.
to rampant leftism, Austin, Texas, heads for Mad Max territory. I lived in Austin, Texas, in the mid-1980s
and found it a lovable city. It had a vibrant cultural community, beautiful neighborhoods, and a massive campus
that felt surprisingly safe and normal for a girl who had graduated from the degrading madness of UC Berkeley.
Now, though, Austin is a city in thrall to hard leftism, and the only vibrant thing there is the out-of-control
crime. In 2020, Austin moved to the forefront of leftist-run cities that enthusiastically embraced the defund the
police mantra. [...] Leftism promises heaven and invariably delivers hell. Cities with leftist governance have
more crime, more filth, more homelessness, more public urination and defecation, and more underperforming schools than
conservatively run cities. What works to maintain a city is what always works: Policies that encourage
responsibility and discourage crime. Abandon those principles and, suddenly, once-shiny American cities begin to
look like Mad Max outtakes.
collapse of civilization on the altar of equity and diversity. The Biden administration has gone stark
raving mad. While they surely know better, they are moving ahead with the false notion that "diversity is our
strength," that forced "equity" will make the country a better place. It began under the Obama administration, the
purposeful ginning up of the most vile racism since slavery; but this time Black against White. Before Obama took
office, there was actually near racial harmony in America. The American left has become so radical now, "diversity
hires" are now a thing. We are following in the footsteps of South Africa and mandating racial quotas. What
has that meant for South Africa? Their economy is in near collapse. Their electric grid is failing because
no one knows how to fix it. The country is wracked by violence. Mandated equity, the primacy of race
over merit, means civilizational failure. Why have there been so many near misses in air traffic? Why so
many railway derailments? Why horrific events like the murder of Tyre Nichols in Memphis? Those cops were
clearly not qualified to be Memphis police. When standards are done away with, this is a predictable consequence.
'dirtiest' cities in America run by Democratic mayors, study says. The top five dirtiest cities in the
country are run by Democrat mayors, a new study has found. Among 152 of the biggest cities across the United
States, Houston won the No. 1 spot for dirtiest city, followed by Newark, New Jersey, San Bernardino, California,
Detroit and Jersey City, New Jersey, according to a study released Thursday by LawnStarter. LawnStarter measured
each city across four categories: pollution, which measures things like air quality and greenhouse gas emissions; living
conditions, like the percentage of homes containing mold or rats; infrastructure, which measures waste output and
regulations; and consumer satisfaction, or the percentage of residents who find the city dirty. Houston, which is
run by Democratic Mayor Sylvester Turner, ranked No. 1 in overall score for the dirtiest city. It ranked third
in the nation on pollution, fourth on poor living conditions, 12th on infrastructure and 34th on consumer satisfaction.
Times Asks: 'What's the Matter With Portland?' Answer: Leftist Ideology. "What's the matter with
Portland?" That was the question asked in a lengthy and interesting report in The Los Angeles Times. The
piece was enlightening in the sense that it did capture the mentality that has led to the city's awesome
dysfunction. It highlights how despite that dysfunction — rising crime, rampant open-air drug use, and
many other signs of urban decay — many of the city's residents are simply unwilling to acknowledge how
ideology and bad policy have turned the Oregon city that should be quite pleasant to reside into a shell of its former
self. Some residents, such as Flora Gonzalez, who lives in a blue-collar neighborhood now beset by crime, can see
clearly what the problem is.
Kind of Military Does Our Country Need? Much has been said and written about America's increasingly woke,
politicized military and its negative impacts on recruiting and readiness. Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, attracted widespread criticism when he spoke of "white rage" and reportedly hid nuclear codes
from President Trump while telling his Red Chinese counterpart he would provide advance warning of any planned U.S.
attack on China. Even cadets and midshipmen at the nation's military academies are undergoing woke indoctrination
in Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, "toxic masculinity," and so-called Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, which many
military experts fear will harm unit integrity, morale, and war-fighting capability. And now there is a new
wrinkle at our academies: the Spectrum Club, which "actively bridges the relationship between Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender Questioning (LGBTQ) cadets [and midshipmen] and their allies" and "serves as a safe haven for
LGBTQ cadets [and midshipmen] when they need support[.]" Since the introduction of women to our military academies
in 1976, our armed services have struggled mightily with the issue of sexual fraternization among cadets and
midshipmen. Why, then, would these institutions not only permit, but celebrate clubs based solely on sexual
orientation? One doubts whether heterosexual clubs would be approved, nor should they be. And do we really
want future military leaders who are so fragile as to require "safe spaces"?
America Is Becoming a Corrupt
Country. James Q. Wilson and George Kelling introduced the concept of "Broken Windows" in an essay in
1982. In essence, they said that allowing a neighborhood to decay physically will lead to a rise in crime.
The existence of disorder makes more disorder more acceptable. In what may have been the most successful
anti-crime experiment in history, Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton applied this theory in a
stunning reversal of crime in New York. The Big Apple became one of the safest cities in the world. In
recent years, as liberals have rejected the enforcement of the law against small crimes, the rapid decay of communities
has been tragic further proof that "Broken Windows" was right. If you send a signal that crime is acceptable, you
will get more criminals. If you send a signal that corrupt government officials are acceptable, corruption will
become a way of life.
Here's your proof of
a rigged and stolen 2020 election. It's clear the election of 2020 was rigged and fixed. We all know
it. And Kari Lake's stolen election in 2022 was even worse. The theft of Kari Lake's Arizona election makes
Bernie Madoff look like a small-time shoplifter. But I'm not talking about any of that. To me the proof the
2020 election was stolen is the state of the nation. Open your eyes. The consequences of a stolen election
are all around us. The supply chain is crippled. Highways, ports and infrastructure are crumbling.
Blue states are banning trucks from the roads. Grocery prices are skyrocketing. Egg farms are burning to the
ground. Eggs cost $10 per dozen — if you can find them. Over 100 food plants have burned to the
ground in the past year. Trains are derailing. The East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment may be the worst
ecological disaster in U.S. history. Experts are calling it "our Chernobyl." There is a mushroom cloud of
deadly chemicals floating over the farm belt. Animals are dying. Fish are dead. People are sick.
And it just happens to have poisoned hundreds of thousands of acres of prime Midwest farmland. The same exact
thing that's happening to food and farmland is happening to energy. Under former President Donald Trump we had
energy independence and cheap, plentiful energy. Under President Joe Biden we have soaring gas and electricity
prices, energy shortages and depletion of our national fuel reserve. In the middle of this, our government is
desperate to ban gas stoves.
installed: What could possibly go wrong? Whoever pulled the strings to install Biden should go to
prison. Whoever is really calling the shots and implementing such terrible policy — lockdowns, vax
mandates, restricting the capture of domestic energy, mandating DIE, ESG, CRT, etc. throughout every institution and
corporation in the US — should be sent to prison for treason. Whomever they are, they are traitors to
this nation; they're waging a war against the American citizenry. The vaccines alone have killed thousands;
their pro-criminal policies have killed countless innocents; the open border has caused the deaths of thousands of
migrants, and of law-abiding Americans who fell victim to criminal aliens and/or the fentanyl crisis. The economy
is the worst it's been in four decades. Our national debt is $31 trillion — the interest alone is
$750 billion a year. None of this is sustainable. The "green agenda" is climate communism to control
how we all live. If their "15-minute cities" come to America, there will be a second Civil War. They want to
mandate EVs but there is not enough lithium on the planet to put everyone in an electric vehicle. That is a
fantasy that will never be realized.
Meritocracy Is Deadly. After Christmas, Southwest Airlines simply canceled 71 percent of its
flights. It blamed staff shortages due to storms. The airline seemed incapable of ensuring enough of their
pilots, attendants, crews, and airport staff could get to work. The Federal Aviation Administration in January
canceled all flight departures from the United States for two hours due a computer safety system collapse.
Thousands of additional flights were canceled, many for over 24 hours. Something has gone terribly
wrong. Either the Department of Transportation and its Secretary Pete Buttigieg, or the head of the FAA, or the
quality of either ground crews, pilots, or air traffic controllers — or all combined — are putting
American travelers at mortal risk. If not corrected, these near-death airline experiences and the near collapse of
the U.S. commercial aviation system presage catastrophes to come. [...] Many of the major airlines have established
racial and gender quotes for government pilot training programs. United Airlines has set quotas to ensure half of
its trainees will be minorities or women. Since 2013, the FAA has been lowering standards for air traffic control
qualifications to achieve de facto race and gender quotas.
Real and Fake
Worlds: Why the Trains are Failing. In the olden days, you didn't need a college degree to get a real
job. You took an IQ test to get a job. In Griggs v. Duke Power Co, the far left wing Supreme
Court all but outlawed these tests. Employers thus started to required university degrees for jobs that a smart
and ambitious 19 year old could have begun learning via on-the-job training and mentorship. All the smart kids
were forced to attend college. Most of them realized, "If I am going to go through all this hassle, I may as well
sell insurance for State Farm upon graduation." Banning IQ tests for jobs, more than any other policy, hollowed out
the middle. Millions of smart kids got left behind. We should care not for their sake, but our own.
The Libertarian-Socialist
Axis. Policies inspired by socialists make it easier for private corporate and financial interests to form
monopolies, since the regulatory excess inspired by socialist ideals drives smaller potential competitors out of
business. Examples are plentiful. Complying with environmental regulations requires an overhead burden that
will overwhelm the financial capacity of a small company, but can be absorbed easily by large companies. Complying
with union work rules and wage demands is easy for monopolistic companies because they pass the higher labor costs on to
consumers. But similar compliance kills companies too small to have a captive market. Enforced scarcity
caused by mandates designed to combat "climate change" allows vertically integrated companies to raise prices, reap big
profits, and expand, since their underlying costs haven't changed. In short, socialism eliminates competition,
which empowers the biggest corporations on earth to get even bigger.
Biden infringes on the right to bear arms. Advocating that guns are the reason for increasing crime is a
distraction from failing crime-control policies. These policies are the reason crime has steadily risen: 1) a
decrease in prosecuting violent crimes, 2) an increase in catch and release bail, 3) defunding cities' and
towns' police forces, 4) an increase in early prison release, and 5) an increase in little or no jail time
for violent offenders. Those are the real reasons for increased violent gun related crimes, not law-abiding citizens'
gun ownership. The philosophy that the police and prisons are the reason for high crime is wrong and not the belief of
mainstream America. The Left would love for everyone to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens result
in high rates of gun-related crimes.
We Describe America's Largest Cities As "War Zones", We Aren't Exaggerating One Bit. Denver was once such
a nice place to live. So what happened? Unfortunately, it appears that illegal immigration is fueling much
of the crime that is happening in the Mile High City, and every year it just gets even worse.
Abandoning Blue States Should Abandon Democrats, Too. A recent New York Post article declared that, in a
"staggering exodus," in 2022, more residents of New York moved to Florida "than any other year in history." [...] In
what is almost certainly an effort to cover for Democrats, CBS News practically ignores the politics of the Blue State
Exodus and benignly points to "more affordable housing and plentiful jobs" in red states as the main reasons for
citizens fleeing Democrat-dominated states. CBS News brushes off the idea that higher taxes in blue states are
contributing to this mass exodus, and it fails to mention at all crime, COVID-lockdown policies, and the like as reasons
for the growing number of "leftugees." Much, and likely the vast majority, of the population loss in blue states
is due to those fleeing even higher-taxed and more crime-ridden large U.S. cities.
kids for addiction. There is no doubt that the well-funded and decades-long push for marijuana
legalization has been successful. Maryland will soon join the sad reality that marijuana is now legal
recreationally in 21 states and D.C., and legal medically in 37 states. Proponents of marijuana legalization tout
that making the drug lawful will decrease arrests. But what is it doing to our communities and why have they
started to target children at younger and younger ages? Addiction-for-profit industries have always targeted young
audiences. The younger the addict, the longer the cycle of addiction, the greater the profit.
Dem-Led City
Reports Highest Violent Crime Rate In 15 Years After Defunding Police. Seattle's violent crime rate rose
to its highest point in 15 years in 2022, with reported homicides surging by about 24% compared to 2021, according
to the Seattle Police Department's (SPD) Year-End Crime Report, more than a year after the city cut its police
budget. Rapes and aggravated assaults increased by about 4% and 5% respectively, contributing to 5,591 total
reported violent offenses, a roughly 4% spike, the report shows. Though arson and burglaries declined, 1,596 more
motor vehicle thefts were reported, and Seattle ended up with an around 4% higher overall crime in 2022 despite a
fourth-quarter reduction. Seattle's City Council reduced SPD funding by almost 17% in its 2021 budget following
the George Floyd protests of summer 2020. The city's 2023 budget funds Democratic Mayor Bruce Harrell's officer
recruitment and retention plan but eliminates 30 unfilled SPD positions, The Seattle Times reported.
Mess of an Address. After listening to the State of the Union address, Americans know why the latest
Reuters poll has President Joe Biden at 41 percent approval. Vice President Kamala Harris polls even lower —
despite the obsequious efforts of the most biased media in history that has, in effect, merged with the Democratic
Party. The nation was reminded again why only 37% of Biden's own party want him to run again. Only a quarter
of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction under his leadership. Given all that, what could
a president possibly tell a nation when he entered office inheriting a 1.4% inflation rate only to spike it to 7%?
How did Americans' 30-year mortgages of 2.7% soar to 6.5% in less than two years? How does a president explain
that eggs climbed to $7 a dozen, or a thin steak hit $15 a pound, or a sheet of plywood reached $95? How does a
president explain to Americans that gas averaged $2.39 a gallon when he took office and, even after draining the
strategic petroleum reserve, it is still $3.50 a gallon — and recently spiked at $5 a gallon in many states. Can
Biden explain why once affordable, or even cheap natural gas more than tripled in price in less than a year? What
can a president say when in his first two years over 5 million foreign nationals poured into the United States — all
illegally across a nonexistent border?
A Century
of Homicides. The revolving door crime wave exploded in the 1960s, putting the criminals back on the
street before the police could fill out the paperwork. Over the last year I talked to a thousand people about
crime and not one, including criminal justice professionals and elected officials, could tell me how this revolving door
started in the 1960s. Some suggested the Great Society, drugs, or the disintegration of the American family, but
these came later. Crime shot up like a Saturn V rocket because it was deliberate policy to open up
the jails and let criminals walk. Supreme Court justices, other top judges, intellectuals, criminologists, and the
U.S. attorney general all proclaimed prison confinement a medieval idea and that behavioral 'scientists' would simply
rehabilitate the criminals. The results were disastrous. Homicides more than doubled and all other
categories of crime quadrupled or more. Progressives refused to reverse course and fought against sentencing
reform for decades.
left took over an important cultural institution while you weren't looking. If you were raised in America,
you probably grew up reading books published in the "Little Golden Books" series. It's likely, too, that parents
associate that label with trusted and wholesome products. Well, they're probably still wholesome (no sex,
obscenities, or other nasty things in these books), but recent content has taken both a shallow and a leftward turn,
with the Little Golden Books starting early to turn your kids on to pop culture and to "wokify" them.
Rocky Mountain Hellhole. Seven years ago, Business Insider published, "14 reasons why Denver is the best
place to live in America." They recommended everyone consider Denver as "your next hometown" citing a strong job
market, low unemployment, great restaurants, and practical perks such as a low crime rate and good schools. That
was then. How is Denver doing now as "trendy and desirable"? In answering that question, the Glendale Cherry
Creek Chronicle published, "Denver becoming America's crime capital." That's quite the turnaround in less than a
decade, especially when we think of New York City, Baltimore, or Philadelphia as America's crime capitals.
Everything Biden Won't Tell You About The Disastrous State Of Our Union. The state of our union is a
complete, unmitigated disaster. The economy is in shambles, the border is two years into the worst migrant influx
in U.S. history, taxpayer dollars are flying into the hands of a corrupt Eastern European regime without oversight, and
our No. 1 enemy — Red China — has compromised our president, our politicians, our phones, and our
skies. Much as he did in his lie-riddled speech last year, President Joe Biden will likely try to use his State of
the Union address to Congress this week to credit himself for helping the nation back onto its feet. In reality,
he's done nothing but subject Americans to more crippling crises that prompt historic levels of disapproval. In an
unprecedented "level of sustained pessimism," 71 percent of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track.
Ten Righteous
Men. Typical of a Marxist regime, none of our valued institutions are functioning in a reliable way.
Our children are being abused by the very institutions designed to open the wonders of the world to them. Our
young men, who should be in the prime of their lives, are dropping dead in the midst of the games they love to
play. Our money is no longer worth much, we're finding it harder and harder to fuel our homes and automobiles, and
we're seeing iconic businesses fold all around us. What with Ukraine and woke ideology, the military we have
proudly depended on to protect us is unprepared and poorly supplied.
Government Forces Dairy Farmer to Dump 30,000 Liters of Milk Because He Exceeded His Quota. A dairy farmer
from Southern Ontario, Canada has spoken out about how the Canadian government makes farms dump thousands of liters of
fresh milk because they have gone over the quota. In a video shared on TikTok by Travis Huigen and widely shared
by Bushels Per Acre on Twitter, Canadian dairy farmer Jerry Human expresses his outrage at the Canadian government and
the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) for wasting hundreds of liters of fresh milk despite inflation. "Right now,
during the winter months, you milk quite a bit more milk because the feed is very consistent. And if you do a good
job, you will produce quite a bit of milk. But right now, we're over our quota, and it's regulated by the
government, and [implemented] by the DFO," said Human. "Look at this milk running away. It's the end of the
month [and] I dump 30,000 liters of milk and it breaks my heart. This year Canadian milk is $7 a liter."
The disappearing law-enforcement
presence in San Francisco. Last month a group of business owners in Seattle gathered for a town hall to
discuss persistent crime in the city. All of the owners had experienced break-ins, often several of them in a
year. And the cost to repair broken windows and doors was often more than the value of whatever thieves had
stolen. Several of the owners had been dropped by their insurance because they'd made too many claims. They
wondered why the police never seemed to have time to walk around their neighborhood at night to keep the thieves at
bay. The situation doesn't seem to be much different in San Francisco. When Joe Vernieri, the owner of the
Black Magic Voodoo Lounge, reported his bar had been broken into it took police 15 hours to respond and even then
they responded in the middle of the night when no one was around. [...] So as far as Vernieri is concerned there
are no police in San Francisco. None that will help him.
Trojan horse is taking on a life of its own. Biden was the Democrat left's version of the Trojan
horse. Get the 78-year-old inside the White House pretending to be a gift to the American people, and then let the
real puppet masters emerge and change the nation's demographics, destroy the economy, and transform every social
norm. For two years, Biden did precisely what the Democrat socialists wanted him to do: run to podiums,
mumble, and then wander away. Smile, wave, and lie. And in the process, the southern border became an open
floodgate for illegal aliens and deadly drugs. Inflation halted the buying power of most Americans, and American
streets became crime-infested homeless camps. Uncle Joe: the gift that kept on giving.
Who could not have predicted this?
turn NYC hotel into violent, drug-infested 'free-for-all': employee. A once-trendy Manhattan hotel has
become a wild "free-for-all" of sex, drugs and violence after the city began housing migrants there, an employee claimed
Tuesday [1/31/2023]. Row NYC worker Felipe Rodriguez — who told The Post earlier this month that
migrants were throwing away "tons" of prepared food at the hotel — said the facility has now descended into
anarchy. "Chaos, total chaos," Rodriguez told "Fox & Friends" when asked to describe conditions at the hotel.
"There's no accountability. There is no daily supervision to show these people that ... 'You don't destroy your
hotel. You are only there temporarily. This is not your home.'
root of our problems as a nation. When a six-year-old brought a gun to school and shot his teacher, the
first thought was that it was an accident. When upon further review it was announced that it was intentional and
deliberate, a sort of shock wave went through the population. This was not just another incident, not just another
step along the road to perdition. Society is no longer slouching toward Gomorrah. Like the expanding cosmos,
the headlong race toward the edge of the cliff is actually accelerating. This was a quantum leap, an
order-of-magnitude increase. When one observes the breathtaking increase in moral degeneracy, one is reminded of
the biblical warning that the beast, knowing that his time is short, is seeking to devour whom he may. [...] Society is
becoming more and more disoriented, less structured in terms of norms, and, as an inevitable result, more
dysfunctional. Indeed, the definition of what is "normal" has become so vague as to have lost all practical
meaning. If everything is normal, then nothing is. If everything is a matter of personal opinion, then facts
become irrelevant. If your truth is not my truth, nor mine yours, then there can be no social contract. Dysfunctional
societies must eventually collapse. Whether from internal strife or external invasion, they cannot survive.
Anarchy, American-Style.
The 1960s revolution was both anarchic and nihilist. But it was waged against — not from —
the establishment. Hippies and the Left either attacked institutions or, in Timothy Leary fashion, chose to "turn
on, tune in, drop out" from them. The current revolution is much different — and far more
dangerous — for at least three reasons. The current Left has no intention of "dropping out." Why
would it? It now controls the very institutions of America that it once mocked and attacked — corporate
boardrooms, Wall Street, state and local prosecuting attorneys, most big-city governments, the media, the Pentagon,
network and most of cable news, professional sports, Hollywood, music, television, K-12 education, and academia.
In other words, the greatest levers of influence and power — money, education, entertainment, government, the
news, and popular culture — are in the hands of the Left. They have transformed legitimate debate over
gay marriage into a hate crime. Transgenderism went from a modern manifestation of ancient transvestism or gender
dysphoria to a veritable litmus test of whether one was good or evil.
Goldberg asks if 'we need to see White people get beat up' to see change, then quickly clarifies. "The
View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg wondered on Monday if "we need to see White people get beat up" to see meaningful police
reform before clarifying that she was "not suggesting that" following the death of Tyre Nichols. "Do we need to
see White people also get beat before anybody will do anything? I'm not suggesting that. So don't write us
and tell me what a racist I am. I'm just asking is that what people have to see in order to wake up and realize
this affects us all?" Goldberg asked. She also wondered when this brutality would "finally lead to some police
reform from the ground up."
The Editor says...
There has already been "police reform from the ground up," which is why they only hire black officers,
whether they are fit for service or not.
Is Nothing Democrats Won't Destroy. The left has changed the definition of words to help their
division. "Woman" has no meaning now, and men win the awards created expressly to celebrate them. It has to
be weird for the old feminists, most of whom look like men now, to know they've plowed the road for men to dominate as
women. Can't wait till Rachel Levine demands the return of Virginia Slims advertising so he can be on them under
the banner, "You've come a long way, baby." But few words have been bastardized more than "community." It
used to mean your neighborhood and the people in it; from the kids you grew up with to the old guy in the corner
house everyone was slightly afraid of but who was secretly always nice. Now it means people who share your skin
tone or sexual proclivities.
believe their country is going down the tubes [again]. Fewer and fewer Germans are satisfied with their
state. This is the result of a recent Allensbach survey. Some 80 percent of all Germans are of the
opinion that the state is inhibiting itself in its development through too much bureaucracy. This also means that
fewer and fewer believe in a good economic future. Only 39 percent still think that Germany will still be one
of the leaders in the world economy in 15 years. In the past, this number used to be almost 60 percent.
Some 68 percent of all Germans are dissatisfied with so-called digital progress. Only 14 percent of Germans
believe that Germany has emerged stronger from the crises of recent years. And half believe that many things are
no longer working properly in their country. This is not good for the German government, nor is it an
optimistic assessment of the future.
Warning: The Anti-Police
Movement Is Deadly. In the Bay Area, criminal homicides increased from 295 in 2021 to 309 in
2022 — 50% higher than 2019. Oakland had 120 homicides in 2022, a 60% increase over 2019. And the
share of murder victims who were black rose from 53% in 2019 to 58% in 2021. In other words, in the two years
after millions of Americans promised through their checkbooks, their lawn signs, and their social media updates to do
everything in their power to protect black lives, the killing of African Americans skyrocketed.
This migrant
mess is ruining NYC's Midtown. Why is Mayor Eric Adams destroying Midtown? The pulsing heart of the
city, the theater, restaurant and tourism district, has not fully recovered from the COVID lockdown yet is already full
of homeless hotels with their associated problems. Now the mayor has announced he's going to turn yet another
hotel into a shelter for illegal migrants in the middle of the Theater District. The Paramount Hotel, a 600-room,
Renaissance-style gem opposite the Richard Rodgers Theatre where "Hamilton" has been playing since 2015, is the fifth
Midtown hotel converted to an "emergency" shelter in as many months. Earlier this month, tourists were paying $330
a night to stay there and prices hit as high as $1,000 around New Year's Eve.
Day, Another Walgreens Getting Robbed. No one blinked, they are so used to it because of California's
crazy laws that benefit criminals and punish honest business owners. [Video clip]
Future is Bleak When Only 27% of the Younger Generations are Proud to be American. As recently as 2004,
91% of Americans were extremely or very proud to be American and the United States ranked first in the world in national
pride. However, in less than twenty years there has been a stunning reversal that portends a dire future for the
United States as a precipitous erosion in national pride has undermined societal confidence, self-reliance, optimism,
and cohesion. A recent poll revealed that a record low of just 68% of the citizenry are extremely or very proud to
be American. However, underlying that overall dismal outcome is the reality that among the two youngest
generations only 38% of Millennials and 16% of Gen Z are proud to be American despite being the beneficiaries of
living in a unfathomably prosperous nation that has not known any profound national adversity since the Great
Depression. What we are seeing play out is the reality of demographic change in America as the younger
mal-educated generations account for over half of the populace and are increasingly becoming culturally and politically
influential. Within these generations an overwhelming majority have been indoctrinated by socialist/Marxist
ideologues to believe that a capitalist United States as founded is irredeemable and must be transformed.
You brought your problems upon yourself.
Adams: 'Unfair' for Sanctuary Cities to Carry the Weight of the Border Crisis. New York City Mayor Eric
Adams (D) once again took to the airwaves to say Democratic cities who declared themselves to be a sanctuary for illegal
immigrants are being stretched thin due to the large number of people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. New York
City has had to open a fifth shelter for recent arrivals from the southern border, which is in addition to using hotels
and homeless shelters to house people coming from Latin America and even parts of Asia. "Well, I believe that when I
took the trip to El Paso, you can see firsthand the impact of how it not only harm the foundation of El Paso, but look
at Chicago, Houston, Washington, New York City, this is just unfair for cities to carry the weight of a national
problem," Adams told MSNBC on Wednesday. "We're going to open for more hotels, emergency hotels... This as a
major financial impact on New York City and cities across this country that are receiving the brunt of it." Adams
said the Biden White House claims there is a person who is in charge of helping American cities with the immigration
problem, but he does not who the person is.
Is Running Out of Morgue Space Due to the Fentanyl Crisis. When you run a city on the values of (personal)
truth, (social) justice, and the (anti) American way of life, there are bound to be consequences, no matter how hard you
try to ignore them. That may include the spike in violence in New York City, the crime and homelessness throughout
California, or the general collapse of Portland, Ore., on every front. For Seattle, it includes those things and a
fentanyl crisis that is claiming lives at an alarming rate. The rate is so high that the King County Coroner is
running out of places to store the bodies.
greenie left is coming for your coffee. It wasn't enough that the greenie left came for our light bulbs,
our flush toilets, our guns, our plastic straws, our gas stoves, or our hamburgers. Now they're coming for our
coffee. [...] What they want, of course, is to take away more stuff from us, the better to control us. It wasn't
enough to target our gas-powered cars and tell us to take the bus. It wasn't enough to take away our electricity
and natural gas in the name of 'going green' and tell consumers to freeze in winter. It wasn't enough to howl for
an end to jet travel while greenie leftists bought carbon indulgences and continued to jet about with their private
planes. It wasn't enough to take away our plastic bags, to ensure that we only use unsanitary bacteria-filled
cloth recycle bags. It wasn't enough to take away our meat and tell us to eat bugs. All these are things
they are — no, really — trying to take away. In some cases, they have succeeded at such
schemes, too, all for a phony and chimerical quest to stop global warming, which somehow never happens.
Lives Matter and the enduring legacy of 'defund the police'. Over at the Free Press, author Leighton
Woodhouse has an excellent article about the ongoing legacy of Black Lives Matter and the "defund the police" movement
they helped usher in to cities across America. Regular readers know this is a particular bugaboo of mine.
That's not just because it was a brutal issue for Democrats who jumped on the bandwagon in 2020. It's mostly because
it's such a shining example of how progressive enthusiasm for fundamental change can often result in complete
disaster. Committing to defunding the police without a plan to replace them with something better is one of the
dumbest things the left has done in my lifetime and as such it should be used as an object lesson of what not to
do for many years to come.
Massive Effort at Moral Rebuilding Is Necessary. I think it fair to say that political economy in our time
does not take the home seriously, because it does not take virtue and vice seriously, as the political economists
themselves are mainly content with the withering of religious life — they having been brought up in, and
having accepted, the dissolution of sexual morals that is rendering America a nation of broken homes, amputated
families, fatherless children, and dispirited lovelessness between young men and women, some of whom are condemned to
loneliness because they do not sin, and others condemned to that and worse because they do. [...] In all our rush to
define the essence of marriage out of our consciousness by extending the category to couples who by definition cannot
perform the marital act, we have heard hardly a whisper about all the moral and social questions that bear upon
marriage — no whisper at all about divorce, for example, and none at all about how you can possibly promote
sexual continence, let alone chastity, while countenancing and blessing actions that presume incontinence and unchastity
and that far surpass them in physical and moral harm.
Any of You Leftists Wake Up? The policies being pursued by Democrats at every level of government are
visiting wholesale destruction on our economy, our culture and our future. Whether we're talking about Biden and
the Democrats spending trillions of dollars, drawing us into hyperinflation and unsustainable debt, or the freakish
efforts of the LGBTQ educrats to proselytize, indoctrinate and impose horrific sex change surgeries on our children that
have led to an unprecedented level of child suicide, the devastation is incalculable. I suppose the rationale for
deifying the LGBTQ agenda is to curb population growth? Have Gay, lesbian and transgender people become the modern
heroes of the environment because they are not part of the contemptible "breeders" crowd? Meanwhile, at the same
time, you leftists promote open borders to bring millions into this country precisely because our dwindling population
doesn't provide you with the goods and services you want at prices you want. The rationalizations would be
hilarious were they not so universally destructive.
Shocking! Who could have predicted this?
After Seattle Defunded
Its Police, Local Business Owners Say Crime Is Worse Than Ever. Two years after Seattle slashed its police
budget, local business owners say crime has skyrocketed, with police unable to deal with thefts, homelessness and
open-air drug use that plague the city. Seattle and broader King County had more than 13,000 homeless people
within its boundaries in 2022, more than every other similar area except Los Angeles County and New York City, according
to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, while the Seattle Police Department (SPD) lost more than 130
officers, KOMO News reported, as homicides, shootings and motor vehicle thefts increased. Local business owners
say law enforcement is failing to effectively deter the rampant drug use and theft disturbing their livelihoods[.]
Rohan Joseph, owner of Elliot Bay Community Fitness in Seattle's Belltown neighborhood, has been posting videos on
Twitter for months of people doing drugs, trying to sleep or otherwise causing disturbances outside his business.
DC want to be the carjacking capital of the USA? Washington, D.C.'s city council has just provided
incontrovertible proof of the willful incompetence of the gun control movement. The same people who want to outlaw
the possession of firearms by law-abiding people passed legislation to reduce penalties for carjacking, home invasion,
and similar violent crimes. Use of a gun to commit a violent felony in the nation's capital can now be punished by
no more than four years in prison. This makes it clear that the D.C. city council has no real desire to keep
firearms away from violent criminals who really shouldn't have them, and the legislation is so dysfunctional that Mayor
Muriel Bowser, who is certainly no conservative, intends to veto it. It also makes Washington, D.C. the ideal
place for carjackers, robbers, home invaders, and gun felons to ply their trades because, in contrast to almost every
other jurisdiction in the United States, they won't get much prison time. If you want to stick a gun in somebody's
face to demand money, then you should do it in D.C., where you can't get more than four years (unless U.S. attorneys
step in, as discussed below). If you want to force somebody out of a car at gunpoint, then D.C. is the place to do
it. If you do it in Florida, you can get up to life in prison.
2023 Murder in Seattle Carried Out by Thug Freed by Bail Fund. Most people have stopped paying attention
to bail funds aside from the time that Kamala Harris tweeted support for the Minnesota Freedom Fund during the BLM race
riots. While MFF's policy of bailing out arrested criminals has proven fatal, it's not the only bail fund with
lethal consequences. The Seattle and Portland bail funds have had their own death toll. Including the first
murder of 2023 in Seattle. [...] There have been a number of cases of bail funds freeing domestic abusers only for it to
end in violence and even murder. And, each time, the bail fund claims that it could never have seen this coming.
Don't Botch the Hearings. Here are the questions Americans have:
What is causing inflation, and why are energy costs so high?
Why is fentanyl killing tens of thousands of Americans?
Why is our southern border wide open?
Can we trust the FBI and DOJ?
What is causing the spike in inner-city crime?
Why are we letting China steal American data, patents, and military secrets?
Where did COVID come from? Do the vaccines work? Are people really "dying suddenly"?
Why is our education system failing our children?
Get Ready
for 'Climate Change Death' Tracking. Anyone following the regime's playbook already understands that when
you disagree with it, you'll be accused of killing someone. Don't take the vaccine, don't lock down, or don't wear
a mask — you're killing grandma. Question voting and balloting procedures, and your words will provoke
a deadly insurrection. Suggest that a man can't get pregnant, and you're guilty of stochastic terrorism. The
regime characterizes conservatives as killers for their opinions, yet its partisans celebrate abortion up to
parturition. It wants to let murderers out of jail, and is now moving to destigmatize the "dignified" culling of
the elderly and infirm. Climate change is the platform from which the regime seeks to achieve power by creating a
rationale for laws and regulations that dictate where and how people can move, live, purchase, and work. So it
makes sense that climate change would re-emerge as a priority just as the world moves on from a pandemic, where the body
count of those dying "from" or "with" Covid was used to justify repressive policies such as lockdowns, shutdowns,
election process changes, and the prevention of the practice of your religious faith.
Paul Revere, a Massachusetts Republican Sends Warning. The fact is that progressives have been actively
working to take over the Democrat party — city by city, and state by state — for years. Even though progressives
are never the majority anywhere, they've gotten their grubby little mitts on all the levers of power, corrupting voting
laws and elections, instituting destructive policies, and securing permanent rule for themselves. Places like
California, New York, Illinois -- and sadly, Massachusetts — might be past saving at this point. No wonder so many
are leaving. Progressives have finally succeeded in taking over the Democrat party at the national level,
too. They've shoved aside all the normal, moderate Democrats, like the kind you used to see. Can you think
of a current Democrat politician who doesn't stick to the progressive narrative, even when it's obviously ridiculous?
Scariest Developments to Watch Out For in 2023. In just the past two years, our national government has
spent roughly $13 trillion and authorized spending trillions more. Politicians use words and phrases like
"investments," "long-term savings," "reducing inflation," "protecting Ukraine's sovereignty," etc. to justify
this. Clearly, they are either lying or living in a fantasy world. Most of the money is being used to pay
off campaign contributors and special interest groups, such as the climate change lobby, or to make politicians look
good. Inflation spiked to nine percent in June 2022, so the Federal Open Market Committee began raising interest
rates to fight it. As interest rates rose, the stock market tanked. In 2023, interest rates will likely
increase further, possibly sparking a worldwide recession. Neither is good news for investors.
Inflation Report Shows How Insane Grocery Costs Have Gotten. Even as fuel oil costs fell 16.6 percent
in December, the cost for the necessary expense to keep homes warm through the winter is still 41.5 percent more
expensive than it was one year ago. Meanwhile, electricity costs for Americans advanced 14.3 percent over the
last 12 months and piped utility gas bills increased 19.3 percent in 2022. The more stable core CPI
number — which excludes food and energy — increased 0.3 percent in December, an acceleration
from November 2022's 0.2 percent increase, for an annual core inflation rate of 5.7 percent as most indexes
continued to see prices rise. Among the indexes that continue to spike is food, up 10.4 percent in the last
12 months.
What Caused the
Political Hysteria? The Left has gone mad over Donald J. Trump — past, present, and
future. The current Democratic Party and NeverTrump "conservatives" assumed that Trump was and remains so
obviously toxic that they do not have to define exactly what his evil entails. Accordingly, they believe that any
means necessary are justified to stop him. And furthermore, these zealots, when out of power, insist such
extraordinary measures should not be emulated and institutionalized by their opponents, much less ever boomeranged back
upon their creators. In this context, the Republicans retaking control of the House of Representatives once again
raises the question whether they should reply in kind. Given the current investigation following the Mar-a-Lago
raid, should there also be a mirror-image special prosecutor to examine President Biden's lost stash of classified
documents in his insecure office following his vice presidency? Can House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) ever
be considered too inflammatory, given that his predecessor, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tore up the
president's State of the Union address on national television?
McCarthy Negotiations, GOP Landed On [the] 'Most Significant Win For Conservatives In A Decade'. Life
expectancy in the United States is at its lowest level since 1996. Teen suicide rates spiked nearly 30 percent
in the last decade. Though drug overdose deaths declined from a record high in 2021, they remain 50 percent
higher than just five years ago. In the second quarter of 2022, the majority of workers lost a median
8.5 percent in real wages — a 25-year high. Marriage and fertility rates are falling. A
heightened nuclear threat looms amidst the invasion of Ukraine. In the last fiscal year, the government recorded
2.76 million illegal crossings at our southern border, as tens of thousands of desperate people stream into the
country every month, trafficked by cartels. American happiness is at a record low. So is institutional
trust. It's in this dismal context that Kevin McCarthy's bid for the House speakership faltered over the course of
four frenzied days last week.
A Rendezvous With Rwanda?
America is an increasingly multiracial society. Despite its early history of slavery and racial segregation, and
ongoing bias and tensions, the United States remains one of the few contemporary multiracial constitutional systems that
have actually worked. Yet recently few have appreciated that achievement. Usually multiracial nations and
empires — Yugoslavia, the former Soviet Union, the Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires — require
some level of coercion incompatible with a democratic constitution to force calm. Brazil, India, Lebanon, Nigeria,
and Kenya may be currently multiracial democracies in theory, but in fact they are often sectarian and tribal
cauldrons. In most such places, pride, solidarity — and even safety — are only found through
common religious, ethnic, and racial bonds that become all-encompassing. The individual's primary allegiance to
each particular warring group inevitably becomes incompatible with every other's overriding loyalties. The United
States is insidiously nearing that abyss. It has all but renounced its old commitment to the melting-pot, and a
"content-of-our-character" ideal of assimilation and integration within a common culture. But as we obsess on race
and accordingly separate, do we really know the final consequences of what the diversity/equity/inclusion tribalism
actually entails?
Attendance Collapses 48% over Four Very Woke Years. Between 2018 and 2022, movie theater attendance
dropped in half, and I do not want to hear any excuses about the pandemic. People will go to the theater to see a
movie that appeals to them. Spider-Man: No Way Home proved this last year. Top Gun: Maverick
proved it this year. Avatar: Way of the Water is proving it right now. And those are just the
blockbusters. [...] In other words, blaming streaming or the China Flu on the collapse of the movie
business is anti-science, so please do shut up.
Pelosi calls House Democrats 'The greatest collection of intellect, integrity, and imagination assembled.
Just when one thinks one has heard everything, one is proven wrong. Outgoing speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
recently wrote her last "Dear Colleague" letter to her Democrat co-conspirators/comrades. In this missive, she
stated, "During the 117th Congress, President Biden and Congressional Democrats have put forth a shining vision of
justice for all. Together, we have worked tirelessly to infuse this value into our legislative efforts. We
can all take immense pride in our achievements toward that goal, which is making a real difference in the lives of the
American people." Justice? For all? Tell that to all those still rotting in prison, without
conviction or charge, for strolling through the People's House on January 6, 2021. Tell that to those who
were snatched from their homes in the wee hours of the morning by armed feds when a simple summons to appear would have
sufficed. Tell that to all those whose jobs were considered unessential. Tell that to all those
in the military who were discharged because they wouldn't accept an experimental substance into their
bodies. Tell that to all those who have lost loved ones to violent crime, rates of which skyrocketed in the past
two years due to Democrat policies — or to those who have lost loved ones to fentanyl because Democrats
absolutely refuse to police our southern border. And tell it to America's rapidly dwindling middle class, beset by
historic inflation, supply chain problems, and rising taxes.
Hatred Is Not Cheap. We have a close family friend who voted for Joe Biden. [...] We'll call her
Pat. She voted for gropey Joe even though she disagrees with almost all the radicalism that he and the Democrats
are pushing. Her reasoning is quite simple. She refused to vote for Donald Trump because he is too
personally offensive to her. [...] It didn't take long to realize that the Trump alternative — Joe
Biden — came with some hidden costs of his own, that Pat didn't know about. Now that we're two years
into his presidency, we can actually quantify some of those costs. Immediately upon assuming office Joe got with
his pals in Congress and went on a spending binge. We shouldn't be surprised. That's what socialists
do — spend other people's money. Joe, San Fran Nan, and little Chucky Schumer had a grand time,
spending almost five trillion bucks and driving the national debt up another three trillion dollars. But Joe never
considered the post-party hangover — a 40-year high inflation level. That ear-popping inflation isn't
going down either, unless there are some serious changes in fiscal behavior. With the recently passed omnibus
spending bill, there's no indication that anybody, in either party, intends to change behavior. The Congressional
Joint Economic Committee has found that inflation alone is costing American families an addition $635 per month.
That's the equivalent of a nice car payment to fund Joe's big spending, energy choking, regulation expanding, experiment
with banana republicism.
The Coup We Never Knew.
Did someone or something seize control of the United States? [...] Was it not against federal law to swarm the homes of
Supreme Court justices, to picket and to intimidate their households in efforts to affect their rulings? How then
with impunity did bullies surround the homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch,
John Roberts, and Clarence Thomas — furious over a court decision on abortion? How could these mobs so
easily throng our justices' homes, with placards declaring "[...]"? Since when did Americans create a government
Ministry of Truth? And on whose orders did the FBI contract private news organizations to censor stories it did
not like and writers whom it feared? How did we wake up one morning to new customs of impeaching a president over
a phone call? Of the speaker of the House tearing up the State of the Union address on national television?
Of barring congressional members from serving on their assigned congressional committees?
of the 10 Neediest Cities in America Have Something in Common. A recent study showed that the 10 neediest
cities in the U.S. have a few things in common. The most glaring commonality of this list is that eight out of the
top ten cities had a Democrat at the helm at the time the survey took place. released the tragic
list showing which cities are starting 2023 with a thud. They used 28 indicators including poverty, hunger,
homelessness, etc. There are not a lot of surprises in this list of 182 towns across the U.S. Detroit
comes in as the neediest town in America. Motor City has been dying for decades. Corruption and plunging car
sales have gutted this once-beautiful town since the 1970s. If you think getting a cab in Hockeytown is hard, try
calling an ambulance. Budget cuts reduced EMS crews to just 15 more than a decade ago. Detroit also scored
third place for "food insecurity" as well as "inadequate plumbing."
War On Truckers, Refrigerators, And Your Well-Being. In the same way our "superiors" think that their food
comes from the grocery store rather than a farm or ranch, they must believe that those items magically appear on the
shelves. Otherwise, why would the ruling class, made up of and zealously backed by elites, go to war against
trucks? Just before Christmas, the Biden Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule that it calls a "key
step toward accelerating zero-emissions future," and part of "the historic Clean Truck Plan, which is moving America's
highly polluting heavy-duty trucking fleet towards low-carbon and electric technologies." Enforcement of course
will mean fewer trucks on the road. For many drivers, the cost of working under the new regime will be too
high. "Truckers and manufacturers warn that the rule is too stringent and costly, and that compliance could send
higher prices through the economy that is already suffering from high energy costs and high inflation," says the
Institute for Energy Research.
Rebellion Against the People.
It was not so long ago that competition was the breeding ground for excellence, now any mention of competition is hissed
at with emotional tantrums by those who could not compete on any level and it's drawn the whole nation into an
acceptance of failure. One need look no further than the two institutions of importance, the schools and the
military to see the end result. The majority of our students cannot pass rudimentary tests in the critical
studies, but they can emote. Our military is so confused about its mission that it ranks success as acceptance of
perversion rather than marksmanship. The question thus arises, what is left to support? What is there now
that an American can devote oneself to that is not now decidedly un-American?
The Tyranny
in America. It never ceases to amaze me when I hear media talking heads plaintively ask, "Why won't Biden
or Harris visit the border?" They ask the question genuinely believing that if either the President or the Vice
President saw the looming existential disaster, it would change their minds. Such naiveté confirms
Dr. King's idea that "nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious
stupidity." Daily, we see the dictatorial moves by Biden and his administration. We view the tears of those
at the southern border who fear for their lives and property. As the illegals surge into the country, sexual
exploitation, human trafficking, crime, rampant drug use, violence, disease, death, and soul-searing fear continue to
suffocate Americans. [...] Of course, illegal immigration will continue. In the next two years of Biden's rule,
another five million illegals will enter the country and thus an entrenched dictatorship will take hold.
an economic illiterate could say that Biden's policies are working well. Here is a headline in Yahoo
Finance on December 30th: "This week in Bidenomics: It was a pretty good year." The author is Rick Newman, whose
title is "Senior Columnist. Newman admits that the S & P 500 was down 20% for the year, the Dow
Jones was down 10%, and the Nasdaq was down 34%. Nevertheless, he brags that gas prices are down from their high
to $3.15 per gallon, never acknowledging that gas was $2.17 when Biden won the election. Bragging about prices
that are up 45% in two years does not show any ability to think cognitively. Diesel prices are also down from
their Biden-era high. Still, their Biden-era "low" is $4.53, which is 90% higher than the $2.38 price for diesel
when Biden was elected. Crude oil is around $80 or up 100% from $40 when Biden was elected. That is what
happens when one of your major goals is to destroy industries that provide reasonably priced energy.
Must Convince People That The Fascist Far Left Wants To Destroy The US. Events are part of an overall plan
that has a specific purpose that proves it's not just incompetence. Leftists desperately had to suppress the Biden
laptop scandal because it showed that they were under foreign influence. We know now that if the people had been
aware of this, history would have been changed. That influence explains why we are diminishing our energy
capabilities while giving the red Chinese a free pass. The purpose is to weaken us compared to them. That
influence explains why we are diminishing our military capabilities by shoveling cash and weapons into Ukraine.
That influence explains why we are committing national suicide with an open border that not only weakens us to the point
of a Cloward-Piven implosion but also provides all manner of military infiltration opportunities. That open border
also is giving leftists a great opportunity to take a page from the history of the Opium wars and destabilize the US
with a flood of Fentanyl.
Wokeism, Animal Farm Comes to Life. Have you read George Orwell's perennially popular and spookily
prescient book Animal Farm? Written in 1945, it is recognized as one of the most foundational books of the
20th century and the book's satire vs. the reality of today is striking. [...] It takes intellectual rigor to avoid
making the same mistakes repeatedly. It is challenging especially for the young and those who:
a. Did not acquire a good grounding in reason or academic discipline through education
b. Have never experienced real suffering or failure
c. Have been deprived of appropriate role models
Yet, warts and all, since our country was created, we've seen an unbroken string of generally successful adults, until
recently. [...] One reason why we have so many developmental problems now is the pervasiveness of substance abuse such
as the massive amount of fentanyl crossing our borders which has become proof of an undeclared war against us. And
so is the sedition, subversion, and treacherous behavior of those knowingly subverting our young and our institutions.
[...] If you are over 40, remember how we used to live. Put aside the mistakes we made but recall the
successes, achievements, and good our country has been able to accomplish in the past: all that is now a quickly
receding memory. There is no easy way forward, but there is one legitimate way forward. We must stop those
hiding in our midst from continuing to destroy us under the guise of free speech.
Warren's Disappearing Act. It's been one lie after another from the Democrats in D.C., compounded with
economic policies that could only make matters as bad as possible. When President Trump left office in January
2021, the national average for gasoline was around $2.30/gallon. Biden immediately signed a series of anti-energy
executive orders restricting fracking, oil exploration, and fossil-fuel production. He did this for two
reasons: 1) To counter and negate anything that President Trump had done, simply out of infantile
spite; 2) To curry approval and favorable publicity with the Green New Deal faction and their
supporters. Predictably, retail gasoline pricing spiked. It was soon in the mid-$3.00 range, more than a
dollar over where it was under President Trump. This was well before Russia invaded Ukraine. This was
not "Putin's price increase." This was all Biden. As fuel went up, transportation/delivery costs
increased and pricing for all goods started to go up. This was an absolutely unnecessary tax on the American
public, diluting consumer's buying power and sapping their confidence. The Biden energy policy's effect on overall
consumer pricing would have been bad enough if that's all that there was. But it wasn't, not by a long shot.
Unopposed Imposition of Stalinism. The majority of Americans are against open borders. Once again,
what we want doesn't seem to matter. A steady wave of illegal immigration is what Biden wants and no one seems the
least bit interested in putting an end to it. Millions of unvetted migrants are streaming across the border and
being shipped to secret destinations in direct violation of U.S. immigration law. This is nothing short of
treasonous. The import of deadly drugs, violent criminals, terrorists, and COVID spreaders constitutes the worst
public safety issue since World War II. At a time when runaway inflation is driving millions of Americans into the
poorhouse, we are being forced to provide public assistance to millions of freeloading non-citizens. Local
communities are being torn apart by the influx of refugees. [...] None of this is happening by accident. "It is
becoming harder not to conclude that the border crisis is intentional," said Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana.
"Nobody is this incompetent." Of course it is intentional. Biden knows exactly what he is doing. He gets
his stooges, DHS Secretary Mayorkas and Press Secretary Jean-Pierre, to deny that the border is open, but we know they
are lying through their teeth.
The Democrats' war on
the family. It wasn't that long ago when older men dressed as women twerking with children at
city-sponsored parades or schools adopting unisex locker rooms or medical clinics exploiting gender dysphoria to pad
their bottom line all would have been considered child abuse. But today, Joe Biden, the Catholic who once stood by
his religion, tweets, "Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no room for
compromise..." As they say, one thing leads to another. This swift and headlong lurch into androgyny started a
while ago when the revolutionaries realized before you can deconstruct the West you've got to deconstruct Western
notions of the family. The Human Rights Campaign's Welcoming Schools program celebrates transgender youth and
normalizes gender fluidity in kindergarten. Planned Parenthood, when they're not doing their best to eliminate
families, says "no worries," we're sexual beings beginning at birth.
Expectancy Craters in Biden's America of Fentanyl ODs and COVID Jabs. During the two years that President
Joe Biden has occupied the White House, life expectancy in the United States has fallen to its lowest level since 1996
as official figures show that drug overdose deaths reached their highest levels in recorded history last year.
Data from the National Center for Health Statistics reveals that life expectancy in the US declined by more than a year
between 2014 and 2020, from 78.9 years to 77.8 years, the Daily Mail reported. Health authorities blamed a
number of factors for the decline, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the isolation and lockdowns that followed as well as
drug overdoses, suicide, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and homicide.
Philly: Win your freedom after 25 years on Death Row, get executed on the street. It continually baffles
me why these Democratic bastions go for the most mediocre — sometimes outright malevolent — hands
down worst choices every single time. City residents watch their world dissolve around them, solely through
the actions of the very individuals they return to office time and time again, yet nothing but nothing will shake them
free of their mindless devotion to their own destruction. New York City's a terrific example of that
mindset. So is Philadelphia. [...] In January, the city is due to reassess whether their new community-based
programs to reduce gun violence have produced results. That will depend on what their definition of "results" is
and how lucrative the community found the grants from the programs.
US life
expectancy reaches 25-year low, according to CDC. The life expectancy for the average U.S. citizen has hit
a 25-year low, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Life expectancy for
people born in the U.S. during 2021 stands at 76.4 years, the lowest on record since 1996. Life expectancy
for those born in 2019 was 78.8 years — a drop of 2.4 years, according to CDC data. This
marks a dramatic reversal from the steady growth in expected longevity of U.S. citizens for the past two decades.
CDC officials blamed the drop on two factors — the COVID-19 pandemic and a rapidly growing epidemic of
substance abuse and drug addiction.
The Editor says...
Allow me to translate, embellish or amplify the last sentence in the excerpt above: [#1] Every illness under the sun
was counted as Covid-19, if the patient was in a hospital with a financial incentive to blame Covid, and [#2] "a rapidly
growing epidemic of substance abuse" refers to the tidal wave of fentanyl coming over the unenforced border.
The Swamp strikes
back. The U.S. is currently in the midst of myriad crises due to the Democrats. The border is
unguarded, causing millions to illegally enter the U.S. The Border Patrol says there have been over 5 million
border crossing incidents that were tracked. High inflation is draining savings and placing hardships on citizens
while the crime wave has placed citizens in peril. None of the Biden-backed initiatives such as the Inflation
Reduction Act nor the infrastructure bill nor his climate initiative addresses the citizens' suffering. Beyond
their misgovernance, the tyrannical Democrats have displayed a propensity for totalitarianism. The Democrats have
branded citizens as domestic terrorists for being from another party. Protests are a fundamental right in a
democracy, but the Democrats have seized this right from their political opponents.
What Eddie
Fisher Said. [Scroll down] Many of today's troubles, I believe, are due to malicious intentions
by a powerful few. Everything that is wrong in the world today is totally unnecessary because it has been
engineered deliberately by malicious enemies of our nation. Just four years ago, America was booming. The
stock market was in an unprecedented surge, wages were higher than ever for all, including minority groups, unemployment
was historically low and natural resources were plentiful. Peace was happening in the Middle East; our military
forces were being restored to strength and expanding and we had worldwide respect once again. At the helm of the
administration was a leader despised by the elite GOP and the Left but responsible for all of the benefits
mentioned. So, what happened?
Paso's migrant state of emergency is a taste of what nation faces as Biden shrugs at border crisis. Oscar
Leeser, the Democratic mayor of El Paso, has bent over backward not to "embarrass" the head of his party, President Joe
Biden. As migrants poured across the border, unmetered and unvetted, he quietly grappled with the strain on the
city's resources. He provided the shelter and food the federal government wouldn't. Hestruck private deals
with Mayor Eric Adams to alleviate the crush, busing some people to New York. Even as the City Council begged him
to point outwhat was happening, he refused. He insisted he'd been told by the Biden administration that if he was
patient, they would help. This went on for months. On Saturday, Leeser's patience finally broke. He
declared a state of emergency, admitting what had been obvious for nearly two years: The border is out of control,
and President Biden isn't doing anything about it.
10 Steps to Save America.
Most Americans know something has gone terribly wrong — and very abruptly — with the United
States. They are certain that our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a
result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war. Crushing
national debt and annual deficits, spiraling food and fuel costs amid "normal" seven-percent-plus annual inflation,
bread-and-circuses entitlements, a nonexistent border, a resurgence of racial tribalism, pandemic violent criminality,
and humiliation abroad — all these pathologies are easily cited as symptoms of a sick patient. Our
crises are not as the Left maintains — a nine-person Supreme Court, the Electoral College, or the
filibuster — all distractions from existential problems the Left largely created.
Belgium's Energy Suicide?
Belgium's situation is dramatic. While our neighbors have taken and are taking measures to cushion the energy
crisis, maintain their budgetary health and guarantee their energy supply, Belgium is in a situation of clear and
obvious failure on all three counts. I will only deal here with the energy misery, which is entirely avoidable and
caused by the anti-nuclear tendencies of two environmentalist political parties, Ecolo and The Greens. Security of
energy supply seems, for some officials, to be an abstract concept. It is anything but. In practice, when
energy security is not guaranteed, it means load-shedding, blackouts and an explosion in energy costs, as well as, for
many, having to choose between "heat or eat".
prices in San Francisco plummet as drug abuse and crime soar. Luxury condo prices in the heart of downtown
San Francisco have plummeted as drug abuse and crime have spiraled out control — and as many techies continue
to work remotely. Data analyzed by Compass shows the Golden Gate city — once pegged as the hottest real
estate market globally — has since fallen fast. The median sale price of a two-bedroom condo, for
example, has fallen 16.5% since 2021, while sale prices in surrounding areas have slipped only 7%, according to the
market report.
Commercial Impacts of COVID Will Last for Years. Have you noticed that things have changed in our country
over the last three years? In 2019, my truck broke down. I got it into the shop the next day to be
fixed. In 2022, I needed a mechanic to service the brakes on one of our cars. It took three weeks to get the
car into a garage. We also had a fender-bender this year. It took two months to get an appointment for an
estimate — not even to get someone to actually fix the damage. [...] Those are minor annoyances. Things
get a bit more serious when we look at the medical industry. [...] Are you noticing a pattern? Prior to COVID,
everything worked. After COVID, every industry is struggling to meet customer needs.
Our Parasitic Generation.
Are we sure that there is all that much ruin left in the United States? We are $31 trillion in collective
debt. The new normal is $1.5 trillion budget deficits. The military is politicized and short of
recruits. We trade lethal terrorists for woke celebrity athletes as if to confirm our enemies' cynical
stereotypes. Our FBI is corrupt and discredited, collaborating with Silicon Valley contractors to suppress free
speech and warp elections. We practice segregation and racial discrimination and claim we do not because the right
and good people support it and, anyway, the victims deserve it. The country has seen defeat before but never
abject, deliberate humiliation as in Kabul, when we fled and abandoned to the terrorist Taliban a $1 billion
embassy, a huge, remodeled air base, thousands of friends, and tens of billions of dollars in military
hardware — and hard-earned deterrence. We are witnessing the breakdown of basic norms essential for
civilized life, from affordable food and fuel to available key antibiotics and baby formula. Old Cairo seems safer
than an after-hours subway ride or stroll at dusk in many major American cities. Medieval London's roadways were
likely cleaner than Market Street in San Francisco. Speech was freer in 1920s America than it is now.
Crumbling States of America. Our union is crumbling, our borders are smashed, and our respect has been
obliterated. No one fears America therefore evil runs wild. And with corruption embedded so deeply into the
ability of the people to elect the persons of their own choice (i.e. Maricopa County, AZ allowing 294k plus votes
to be counted that had no persons attached to the ballot) the outlook seems dire. What the circumstance requires
is a fighter, a builder, and someone who stands up to our enemies and for our way of life. In other words the
exact opposite of what incompetent buffoons currently in charge offer.
resignations shoot up by 30% as 1,225 officers ditch the US's biggest police force. Thousands of New York
City police officers have ditched the country's biggest police force and fled to other states for higher salaries.
Police department recruiters from other states, including Florida and Colorado have rushed to the Big Apple to persuade
some of the city's 34,000 officers into relocating in exchange for higher pay and better work environments. The
retention rate among NYPD officers is rocky, especially since 1,225 officers have resigned through November before
reaching five years at the police force, according to the New York Times. About 3,200 total have left this year,
including retirees.
terrible consequences of stolen elections and government corruption. [Scroll down] The results of
their treachery? A legitimately life-threatening energy crisis due to Biden's cancelling of pipelines and
drilling which spread and intensified the inflation we are enduring. The catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan
gave the Bagram Air Base to China and billions of dollars' worth of high-tech U.S. military equipment to the
Taliban. Biden threw open the southern border; and well over two million migrants have entered the country.
Where are they now? Who knows? Many of the unaccompanied children are obviously being trafficked.
Biden is absolutely in business with the cartel sex-traffickers. This administration's irresponsible spending has
increased the national debt to $131 trillion, and yet they continue to throw billions we do not have to
Ukraine to protect a border that is irrelevant to Americans; it's part of their scheme to take Putin down but the war
has killed thousands of Ukranian civilians with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's complicity. Where have
the billions of dollars gone? Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants an audit; the Democrats say 'no.' [...] Biden
wants to forgive billions in student loans; he wants working taxpayers who could not afford college to pay for those who
did but are slackers. He wants to continue to subsidize millions of illegal migrants he's ushered into the
country. Homeless Americans, nearly all of them mentally ill and/or drug-addicted, are abandoned onto the streets
of Democrat-run cities like detritus but Biden ignores them.
Experts Finally Discover Why 'LGBTQ Youth' Are Suicidal. Liberal and tolerant Public Health experts seem
to have finally sussed out, based on hard clinical research, the true sources of LGBTQ+++ youth suicidality. [...] It's
obviously just a major coincidence that suicidality increases when pop culture floods children's corporate media
programming to celebrate "Transgender Day of Visibility" and libbed-out parents encourage their four-year-old children
to "explore their genders." This is clearly not disorienting or confusing for children.
We Living in a 'Post-Truth' Society? The online Cambridge dictionary defines "post-truth" to mean
"relating to a situation in which people are more likely to accept an argument based on their emotions and beliefs,
rather than one based on facts." Given this definition, I personally believe much of the United States has transitioned
to a "post-truth" society, and many of us will become casualties of this new paradigm before harsh reality steers our
nation back to an "objective truth"-based decision-making. [...] What caused our society to reach this tipping
point? I believe that objective truth is dying from a thousand little cuts and these cuts are a purposeful
strategy to destroy our society and groom a population so it can be manipulated through feelings. I will mention a
few below (I am sure the reader can come up with dozens more):
• Participation Trophies (avoid the trauma of losing and starve the intuition of how to win)
• Eliminate Traditional Roles (break down the nuclear family by eliminating mothers and fathers, the distinction between men and women)
• Changing Definitions of Words (causing words to have no objective meaning, crippling our ability to communicate with each other rationally)
• Toxic Masculinity (discourage boys from becoming men who know how to manage the risks needed to provide for and protect a family)
• Teach children how to avoid trauma with trigger warnings and safe spaces (teaches children to avoid facts and data that would promote rational thought leading to objective truth and an informed intuition)
• Censor Speech (so that "my truth" will not be confronted by "the truth")
All these assaults on the truth are carefully planned and promoted by those who want to tear down our country to replace it with a new paradigm.
Extreme Danger: "Boring" Election
Issues. Some of you may have heard that first New York City and now Washington D.C. passed a law allowing
non-citizens to vote in city elections. When I tell people in the real world about this, they don't understand
what I mean at first because it sounds so outlandish because Americans are supposed to be electing American
leaders — not people from the Dominican Republic, or Chinese nationals, and so forth. We filed a
lawsuit. We've got four clients, and we're suing New York City. [...] Some people are trying to fundamentally
transform how our elections are run, who is voting. The reason they have allowed foreigners to vote in New York
City elections, here is the important part, is that they are trying to normalize it. They are trying to normalize
foreigner voting in the United States.
The Year the Ruling Class Took Control. Is the world really a better place when a major league baseball
and football team got rid of their names, a black woman wearing an apron was removed from bottles of maple syrup, and a
squaw was removed from butter containers all in the name of social justice? It's totally laughable, but these are
all examples of the top-down cancel culture the country has been experiencing since 2020. Every day there are numerous
articles identifying the rotten woke establishment consolidating its control.
Hollowed Out. Most military
experts agree that the U.S. military is no longer capable of achieving its mission as mandated by national defense
doctrines adopted by administrations of both parties. President Biden is exacerbating the situation by focusing
military strategy on progressive politics instead of military preparedness. Even a Democratic controlled Congress
overruled his proposed budget in order to increase spending and partially to fund programs required to reverse the
decline. While the U.S. military remains the world's most powerful military, it also has the broadest mission of
any nation, with global security needs and commitments. Those proud of U.S. capabilities fairly observe that no
other nation could have evacuated 124,000 people in two weeks from Kabul. Nonetheless, insufficient funding, slow
modernization, and woke mandates are hollowing out the military's readiness and capacity to achieve its mission.
Get your cities under control. It cannot be said enough that if you are in a Democratic-run major American
city right now, you should probably be making plans to get out as soon as possible: [...]
Defends Multi-Trillion Dollar Scam: 'We Did So Much, Nobody Knows the Effects Yet'. Oh, Joe, bless your
clueless heart; you don't even see the irony. [...] Biden, on Tuesday [11/29/2022], defended his ill-fated "American
Rescue Plan" for the zillionth time by arguing that the (at least) $1.9 trillion spending spree helped enable local
governments to keep paying their employees (which does zero to help productivity). He also boasted of his
additional trillions in spending for government-subsidized health care, manufacturing, infrastructure, and so-called
"green energy." Biden's claim was not only nonsensical; it was a direct contradiction of Economics 101:
Injecting trillions of dollars into a struggling economy to chase a relatively limited supply of goods and services
generally leads to an increase in inflation — not a decrease, as Team Biden disingenuously
continues to claim.
to forcefully shut down 3,000 farms. The Great Reset is in full gear in the Netherlands as the country's
government moves to shut down thousands of farms. To comply with the European Union's radical climate laws, the
Dutch government of World Economic Forum acolyte Mark Rutte will force up to 3,000 farms to shut down for good.
Farmers will be made an offer on their farms, which the government claims is "well over" market value. According
to nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal, the government purchase will be compulsory. "There is no better
offer coming," claimed van der Wal. Recent EU nature preservation rules require member states to reduce
emissions across sectors of the economy. As one of Europe's most prominent farming nations, half of the
Netherlands' emissions come from agricultural activity. Rutte has warned that those who refuse to comply could
face government force.
Biden caused the diesel supply crisis he is complaining about. During recent public appearances, President
Joe Biden has continued to complain about energy prices as well as the potentially catastrophic shortage of diesel that
has been forecast to hit the United States soon, particularly in the northeast. Of course, he never takes the
blame for any of this himself. He instead tries to blame the "greedy" energy companies or, of course, Vladimir
Putin. He has called for bans on oil and gas exports and even suggested a mandate that diesel stocks be maintained
at a higher level. But a new report from the Institute for Energy Research addresses the actual root of these
problems. What we're facing is a significant loss in refinery capacity in the United States and its various
territories. We've lost more than a million barrels per day in production capacity, but rather than working to
rebuild that capacity, the White House is issuing new edicts that will result in diminishing it further.
70 Percent of Children Aged 7-12 [are] Now Afraid of Climate Change — Survey. More than 70 percent
of children aged 7-12 are now afraid of climate change according to the results of a survey. More than seven
in ten children aged 7-12 are now worried about climate change, research conducted by a UK-based start-up has reportedly
found. It comes amid reports from various experts that children and teenagers of various demographics are
experiencing high rates of mental health difficulties, with one school councillor earlier this year saying that anxiety
rates have hit an all-time high post-lockdown. According to a report by Euronews, the survey — which
polled 1,000 children born between 2010 and 2015 on their views regarding the environment — found that a
total of 71 percent of respondents were now worried about environmental changes, including the changing climate.
The Editor says...
What other "environmental changes" are going on, other than the constantly (but imperceptibly) changing climate?
Shouldn't the public schools teach kids not to be afraid of trivial things that are beyond their control?
Are they teaching kids to worship the Earth and fear it at the same time?
Crushing Inflation Spikes Household Credit Card Debt to New Heights. The Biden administration has worked
overtime to gaslight Americans into believing everything is totally fine when, in fact, everything is not fine. As
a matter of fact, it's getting worse by the day. And by "it's," I mean everything is going south. The
latest indication of yet another looming economic crisis — and no, I'm not talking about the developing
housing crisis, the diesel fuel crisis, the home heating oil crisis, the inflation crisis, or the illegal immigration
crisis — was revealed in a startling report this week regarding total household credit card debt, which has
now increased by the most in 20 years, rising a staggering 15% from last year.
is behind the rise in girls questioning their gender identity? Earlier this year, a team of NHS
researchers was asked to investigate why there has been such a huge rise in the number of adolescent biological girls
seeking referrals to gender clinics. The figures alone do seem remarkable. According to a study commissioned
by NHS England, 10 years ago there were just under 250 referrals, most of them boys, to the Gender Identity Development
Service (Gids), run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust in London. Last year, there were more than
5,000, which was twice the number in the previous year. And the largest group, about two-thirds, now consisted of
"birth-registered females first presenting in adolescence with gender-related distress", the report said. The
review team is looking into the causes behind "the considerable increase in the number of referrals" and the changing
case mix, but is not expected to publish any findings until next year.
Living under Communism. Did you ever wonder what it would be like to live under communism? Well, now
you know. The last two years have seen a parade of dumb and dumber policies, the kind you expect in totalitarian
dictatorships. The distinguishing traits are as follows: rulers show contempt for their serfs; policy wonks
concoct endless stream of counterproductive ideas; and casual cruelty hurts everyone, day after day. Here are a
dozen examples. Think back to Biden's decision to shut down the pipeline bringing petroleum from Canada.
Could anything be more irrational than shutting down a functioning pipeline, thus causing higher prices for everyone
(and giving Putin the money he needed to invade a neighbor)? Then we had the president wandering around foreign
countries begging for their petroleum. Millions of Americans knew for the first time what a totalitarian society
feels like. The top guy is nuts, and there's nothing you can do about it.
You Freer than You Were Two Years Ago? Children in the 1950s recited the Pledge of Allegiance every
morning, took part in schoolyard flag-raising, learned the evil of communism, respected their parents, were not exposed
to inappropriate material in school or at home, attended church with their (two) parents, worked chores and odd jobs,
and idolized their nation's Founders. In sum, they grew up in an atmosphere of order and respect, and they
were happier and healthier for it. Freedom means the condition of acting and thinking on one's own, without
restriction or regimentation, but if the polls are any indication, a large percentage of Americans now have little idea
of what freedom entails. Otherwise, they would not elect governors and representatives intent on expanding the
size and power of government.
A Report
on What Democrats Are Doing to [the] US Military. At last a little light is shining on the social
engineers who have been using wokeness to debilitate American armed forces. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and
Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) have issued a report finding that indoctrinating the US military with Critical Race Theory and
LGBT ideology has significantly weakened it: ["]The report finds that instructors at military academies use
'antiracist' approaches to education that direct soldiers to center their understanding of American society on an
acknowledgment of its racist past and present, the report said.["] "Antiracist" means "racist against
America's core population." ["]Kelisa Wing, the chief diversity equity and inclusivity officer at the
Department of Defense, has tweeted she is 'exhausted with these White folx' and suggested Black people are incapable of
Blues, and How to Get the State Back. As of Nov 8, 2022, the Colorado GOP is effectively dead or at least
on life support. What was once a solid red state became purple, post-Watergate. Today, Colorado is solid
blue after the 2022 mid-terms and is the second consecutive election where Democrats control all state-wide offices.
[...] Colorado's lurch left has not improved the lives of the average Coloradoan: Colorado is ranked first in
motor vehicle theft and second in property crimes. From 2019-2022, robbery is up 15%, murder is up 30%, vandalism
up 36%, arson up 56%, and auto theft up 111%. Drug overdoses have doubled over the same period. Colorado
student proficiency test scores have been in steady decline for math and reading at the 4th and 8th grade since
2010. Legalization of marijuana in 2012 didn't help either. Colorado has one of the worst mental health
rankings among states. As Democrats have consolidated power, we are seeing the Californication of Colorado with
new laws that allow for unrestricted abortions, expanded illegal immigration and taxpayer funded benefits, weak
enforcement of gun laws, no cash bail, and significant restrictions on fracking and energy production.
Worst Generation of Political Elites Ever. In other words, in one generation America's finances have been
ruined, at every level of government. From a fiscal point of view, this is undoubtedly America's worst generation
ever. In our brief case study: city spending went from $36.3 billion to $101.1 billion; the state
from $79.7 billion to $222 billion; and the federal government from $2.0 trillion to
$6.0 trillion — and the ultimate funding source, U.S. public debt, from $5.7 trillion to
$30.6 trillion. Among economists it was understood, and widely agreed upon, that public debt should never
exceed 70% of GDP. And yet here we are at 121%, higher than at the peak of WWII, rising rapidly, unsustainably, as
far as the eye can see. The Congressional Budget Office forecasts 2052 debt at 185% of GDP. And make no
mistake. No amount of taxation can fix this problem, even leaving aside the ruinous impact of excess taxation on
incentives, growth capital, innovation, personal freedom and prosperity.
The Voting Morons.
We now have two mentally damaged individuals in high office in this country, neither able to function as an independent
adult. How did they get there? By being elected... with the addition of other means. But it was the
votes that created a situation where those "other means" could work. In other words, the moron vote played a large
role. Tens of millions of voters who can't recognize a mentally crippled individual when they see one. Who
witness electoral cheating in front of their eyes as clearly as that of a three-card monte dealer but don't see it for
what it is. Who simply can't make the connection between the close of critical pipelines and gas costing six bucks
at the pump.
crime comes to previously peaceful and safe Martha's Vineyard. And guess why. Last Thursday,
November 17, minutes after it opened for the day, a small bank in the island town of Vineyard Haven was invaded by
three armed masked men. They threatened, subdued and duct taped the employees and proceeded to make off in a
stolen car with an undetermined amount of cash — after brandishing semiautomatic handguns to intimidate the
bank personnel. Nothing like this crime has ever been seen on Martha's Vineyard. Previously, the crime rate
on the small island off the southern coast of Massachusetts was almost non-existent, confined to things like DUIs and
the occasional passing of a bad check. But now, like many other blue communities that have declared themselves to
be sanctuaries for illegal immigrants, things are changing. [...] This island-wide welcome mat has resulted in the
presence of hundreds if not thousands of migrants who now seem to be close to outnumbering the American
citizens — most of them working- or middle-class — who reside year-round on the island. This
radical and sudden demographic shift has been largely ignored by the island's news media.
Our dangerous
diesel shortage [was] caused by anti-fossil-fuel politicians. Diesel shortages could get worse in the
coming months as European bans on Russian fuel kick in. Because diesel is a global market this will likely mean
even higher prices in the US and Europe, and severe shortages in poorer regions. Because diesel is a global market
there are many contributing causes to diesel shortages. The fundamental global cause is the global
anti-fossil-fuel movement, which has suppressed all the fundamentals of diesel supply: oil investment, oil production,
oil refining, oil transport. [...] Instead of unleashing our diesel potential, clueless anti-fossil-fuel politicians
destroyed it by
[#1] Preventing us from importing Canadian oil well-suited to our refineries
[#2] `Preventing or shutting down diesel-producing capacity in the US
[#3] Threatening new diesel investments
Shortages Persist Under Biden, It's Time To Ask: Is This On Purpose? Did the United States suddenly become
a socialist basket case? It's hard not to come to that conclusion after reading about the endless shortages
plaguing the nation. Each of which President Joe Biden either seems clueless to resolve or determined to make
worse. Let's start with the biggest one: the shortage of diesel fuel. While Biden was busy draining the
Strategic Petroleum Reserve to tamp down gas prices before the midterm elections, the real worry was that supplies of
diesel fuel have been running short. Two years after the short-lived COVID lockdowns ended, diesel inventories
continued to trend downward to their lowest levels since 2008. The cost for a gallon of diesel fuel is 46% higher
than it was a year ago, according to AAA, and now costs more than $5 a gallon.
[is] cutting back meat production to fight global warming. Germany is still caught up in the demands of
the climate change lobby to reduce its carbon footprint drastically in the coming years. One part of this
initiative, similar to calls we've seen from activists in the United States, was a mandate to reduce all livestock on
German farms by 50%. Farmers have been protesting the decision in the same way they recently did in the Netherlands
this summer, but the initiative is moving forward beginning this year. Now, to the great surprise of nobody who
has been paying attention, the German Meat Industry Association has reported that the country will be facing a severe
meat shortage by the time spring arrives and consumers should expect prices to skyrocket, potentially doubling in some
cases. It would appear that some people in the German government have never heard of something called the law of
supply and demand. But at least they're going to defeat global warming, right?
denial is the driving factor in the 2022 election outcome. Democrat voters are not a monolithic
bloc. Yes, some are hard-core ideologues who swooned over Bernie Sanders. Some are recipients of public
assistance and dependent on Democrat party largesse. Some are students and recent graduates majoring in
insurrection. But they're not all community organizers, and they don't all hate America. Most are normal,
center-left people who habitually vote Democrat. [...] But consider for a moment what the habitual Democrat would have
had to acknowledge to vote Republican on November 8th:
[#1] That the President of the United
States is a doddering mediocrity.
[#2] That the person (or persons) responsible for the policies and
decisions emanating from the White House is a matter of conjecture.
[#3] That the administration's
policies are blatantly extremist and being implemented with ruinous effect.
[#4] That proper
stewardship of the nation's fiscal and energy resources is utterly lacking — to the point of precipitating a
foreseeable crisis.
[#5] That large numbers of inner-city youth, trapped in broken homes or broken
schools, are not being taught respect, self-control, or the difference between right and wrong.
That the freedoms, values, and checks and balances on which this country was founded are being left grossly
[#7] That despite mounting challenges we are not presently capable of deterring our
adversaries or defeating them on the battlefield.
Perhaps it's all too much to contemplate. The habitual
Democrat voter prefers to remain incongruously oblivious.
blacklisted American: Half of today's students support the death penalty for some speech. This is no
longer a land of the free: According to a new poll, half of today's college students now believe that the death
penalty is justified for some people should they dare express an opinion that offends. Specifically, the students
were asked if they agreed or disagreed with the statement: ["]Violence in response to offensive speech is
not a new phenomenon. In some cultures, some types of offensive speech even merit the death penalty. Some
speech can be so offensive in certain cases that it merits such harsh punishment.["] [A]cross the board,
43% to 55% of students from private and public schools, from all types of majors, from all levels of income, and from
across the political spectrum, all agreed with this statement. The results were remarkably consistent.
Tolerance was not their watchword, but oppression and dictatorship. If you say something that offends, half of
today's students feel justified in calling for your death.
The Editor says...
I wonder how many of the same "students" oppose the death penalty for murder or treason.
Was No Cheating, Peasant! The educated class said they cared about the workers. But they let the
workers price themselves out of the market with labor unions, and now the midwestern industrial heartland is a Rust
Belt. You did it, liberals. The educated class said they cared about the Negroes. But they swaddled
them in welfare so that, by 2010, 72 percent of black babies were born out of wedlock vs. whites at 36 percent.
Eeevil Jim Crow segregationists couldn't have cooked up a better way to wreck black Americans. You did it, liberals.
[...] The educated class decided to help students pay for university education with student debt. So universities hired
a bunch of administrators and cranked up the tuition. Now a whole generation of young people is drowning in debt.
You did it, liberals.
2022 Mid-Terms Exposed the Existence of Two Americas and the Overwhelming Importance of the 2024 Election.
The United States is currently plagued with uncontrolled inflation spiraling into a severe recession, crime is rampant
in the nation's cities, the borders are open and uncontrolled, the standard of living is rapidly deteriorating, society
is sinking into a morass of premeditated cultural decline, and an increasingly bleak future awaits the vast majority of
Americans. Yet fifty percent of 2022 voters chose to continue this state of affairs by opting to elect or re-elect
the politicians that have created or abetted this ongoing national devastation. Far too many, particularly the
younger generations who voted overwhelmingly Democrat, dwell in mindless loyalty to a collectivist tribe, its leaders
and its attendant ideology. In their addled thinking this fidelity outweighs the well-being of themselves or the
nation and its citizenry.
2022, the GOP had the most favorable political environment ever.
• 80% of Americans say America is on the wrong track.
• 58% do not support President Joe Biden.
• 62% do not support Vice President Kamala Harris.
• Democrats have caused the highest inflation in 40 years.
• Americans said inflation was their number one issue in this election.
• Democrat policies have led to sky-high gas and fuel prices.
• Democrats persist in doubling down in their war on fossil fuels.
• Democrats continue their anti-police rhetoric.
• Democrat efforts to defund the police have contributed to rampant crime and murder in many major cities at epidemic levels.
• Democrat open border policies have led to 100,000+ fentanyl/illegal drug deaths in 2021, [...]
• Since Joe Biden became president, at least 5,000,000 illegal aliens have responded to his open border policy and invaded America.
• Democrats no longer try to hide the extremism of abortion on demand for any reason and up to the moment of birth.
• Democrats now require taxpayers to pay for these abortions.
• President Biden's abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan led to the worst foreign policy defeat in American history.
• Our enemies in Russia, Iraq, and China see that we have a weak, ineffective, and mentally challenged president.
Primary Factors Stopped That Red Wave. The American public, having been fed a steady diet of leftism and
dumbed-down curricula from nursery school through graduate school, no longer understands civics or economics, and sees
our form of government as somehow inferior to European socialism. European socialism is only made possible by the
U.S. Defense umbrella in the form of NATO, but few understand that distinction. As a result, Americans don't see
the threat to our freedoms that vaccine and mask mandates and lockdowns were and are. They also don't understand
that someone must pay the bill for government handouts, either directly as confiscatory taxes or indirectly as rampant
inflation or hyperinflation. As a result, they tend to vote for the person who promises them something for nothing.
America's Death Wish. Let's get real:
The American people are electing the pols they deserve, demagogues who mirror the woke prejudices of an increasingly
propagandized people. According to the media, "threats to democracy" constituted one of the top concerns of the
people. How lame. Large segments of the American public clearly swallowed Joe Biden's self-serving malarkey
on that subject whole. Never mind that Biden was clearly referring not to authentic threats to democracy but
challenges to regnant liberalism. Biden is not afraid for democracy but afraid of it. He
desires a one-party state. The relative success of the Democrats on Tuesday is a measure not of the public's
rationality but of its submission to wokeness. Those in the 18 [to] 29 demographic voted for the Democrats
overwhelmingly — a tribute not to their wisdom but to their lack of it. These voters entered the booth
after receiving a warped education at colleges and universities swimming in wokeness. It is nearly impossible to
impress upon this generation the dangers of liberalism. They simply shrug at any description of them.
Inflation Reduction Election. Inflation is hands down the most important issue on the minds of Americans
on the eve of the midterm elections. An Economist/YouGov poll taken of 1,500 American adults in the first week of
November found that 68 percent say that they will be thinking about inflation "a lot" when casting a vote in
this year's election. [...] The Biden administration has struggled to present a palatable program for fighting
inflation. There was the infamous Inflation Reduction Act, which every reputable economist agreed would do little
or nothing to reduce inflation. According to the Economist/YouGov poll, just 32 percent of Americans say they
approve of President Biden's handling of inflation. Fifty-four percent say they disapprove of Biden on inflation,
with 40 percent saying they strongly disapprove.
yells 'There is no more drilling!' just months after claiming he never shut down energy production. Is
there any lie that's just too brazen for old Joe Biden? Seems not. [...] Biden has blamed Vladimir Putin, OPEC's
barons, Big Oil, global warming, Republicans, and all other things he could think of for high prices at the pump.
The one thing he won't do is consider what Americans can see with their own eyes: that before President Trump left
office, gas prices were about $2 a gallon. Now they are $5 and $6 a gallon in California, and well above $3 a
gallon in the rest of America. That's "lived experience." The clearest reason for that is Biden's policies
to halt drilling. Back in January 2021, Biden signed off on an executive order dictating a ban of oil and gas
drilling on federal lands. Fox News has a string of other bans and hamperings he's done to stop energy production
and drive pump prices sky-high.
can anyone name a well-run Democratic city? Can anybody in any Democratic-run city honestly say that their
lives — and city — have improved over the last couple of years? That's a slightly easier
question. As New Yorkers go to the polls it is also a slightly devastating one to ask. Because it has a
devastating answer. I dare even the most die-hard, dyed-in-the-wool Democrat to say, "Oh, New York has never been
better. In fact, it's just getting better and better." Does anyone really believe that? Is there a single
person out there who can really say that with a straight face? As they survey the crime in our city, the
homelessness, the waste and rats. And I'm not even talking about the incumbents of City Hall. Does anyone
think that this great city has become greater in the last two years? The stats in New York speak for
themselves. Ignore the nightmare year of 2020, and just look at the increase in crime during the last year.
Between July 2021 and July 2022 shooting incidents in New York increased by almost 14%. The number of murders
increased by almost 35%.
It isn't a "failed presidency" if all this destruction is intentional.
is gaslighting Americans about his failed presidency. The Biden Administration will be known to history
for many things: an open border and its deadly consequences, the abandonment of Afghanistan, weakness that led to
catastrophe in Europe, skyrocketing inflation, and the use of federal law enforcement to target political
opponents. The catalog of infamy goes on. Above all, though, this administration may be remembered for its
duplicity — its continual, shameless "gaslighting" of the American people. Biden, his team, and his
sycophantic media supporters repeatedly tell us that "all is well" where it manifestly is not. No matter how bad
things become in the nation, no matter how many people suffer, reality has no purchase on the ideological bubble of this
White House. That is why, in these midterm elections, the American people must deliver to Joe Biden an unequivocal
message: that they refuse to be gaslit, that they are not buying what he is selling.
Hochul's funding, progressive drug policies transform East Harlem into Zombieland. Progressive policies
funded and foisted on the Big Apple by Gov. Hochul and her left-wing allies have caused a legion of drug-addicted
zombies to descend on East Harlem and transform parts of the neighborhood into lawless, open-air shooting galleries,
neighbors and critics told The [New York] Post. The real-life horror show plays out daily in the neighborhood's
gritty streets where The Post witnessed dozens of raving, hunched-over junkies commandeering East 126th
Street — now the home of a controversial public-injection site — as drug dealers hovered nearby
like vultures. Others along Park Avenue down to East 114th Street have been spotted nodding out, splayed on the
sidewalk, and injecting themselves in the neck or through jeans in broad daylight.
The Floyd Effect. Democratic
politicians have been flailing about looking for a way to get off the hook for the historic increase in murder and car
crash mayhem ever since our respectable class' leaders declared "the racial reckoning" was at hand following the
unfortunate expiration of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. For example, New York's Democratic governor, Kathy Hochul,
suddenly finding herself in a tight race with Lee Zeldin largely over the crime surge, kvetched to Zeldin in a debate
about crime, "I don't know why that's so important to you." [...] Before getting to the red state vs. blue state issue
that everybody wants to talk about, let's look at the national murder trend, which has been jaw-dropping. [...] The
argument I find most persuasive for why black-on-black shootings erupted during the anti-cop mania of 2020 is that when
our society's leadership told police to not pull over blacks so often, they obeyed. With reduced fear of being
stopped and searched, blacks then started carrying illegal handguns more and driving worse. Thus, the black car
crash death rate also exploded in June 2020: [Chart]
suburban women are flocking to the GOP: As simple as A,B,C. To hear Democratic candidates, and the party's
media cheerleaders, talk now, nobody ever supported defunding the police. But, of course, Democrats across the
board did just that, and GOP candidates, and honest media, have been replaying the video. In a spasm of
post-George Floyd mass hysteria, the political system, and in particular the governments of Democratic-run cities, made
drastic cutbacks in police protection, installed revolving-door, no-bail arraignment systems and encouraged the
proliferation of homeless encampments and open-air drug markets in many areas. Unsurprisingly, the result was
surging crime. Around America, downtown businesses have closed, and people — especially
women — have felt unsafe in their own neighborhoods. Crime is now a major issue with the electorate,
and even among black voters, the alleged beneficiaries of police defunding, only 17% support defunding the police, per a
recent Grio/Kaiser Family Foundation poll.
Biden Thinks The Economy Is Going To Crash Next Year. David Strom at Hot Air noticed something in the
Democrats' campaign messaging as the midterm elections draw near. Namely, the emergence of a talking point about
how if Republicans win control of Congress they will "crash the economy." There's only one reason to say this.
Democrats know they've set the economy on course to crash and they're hoping to blame Republicans when it does.
Declared War on Democracy Through COVID Tyranny. Some of us were sounding the alarms on COVID tyranny when
it was first starting. Lockdown policies were never about saving lives but a test to see how many liberties and
rights the government could take away without much pushback by the population. Fear is the main path tyrants take
in trying to strip freedom from their citizens. Scare citizens enough and they will enslave themselves to whatever
dictates the dear savior will come up with. This is replaying itself as we approach the November 8
election. Democrats destroyed entire families through their COVID lockdown policies which eliminated businesses,
put stress on homes, and harmed the intellectual development of children. Those are years that will be hard to
recover, if at all. COVID tyrants are hoping Americans forget their debacle in handling the pandemic and the
tyranny that so many experienced because of it. Families were unable to visit loved ones. Churches were shut
down, some never to reopen. Businesses, once staples and pillars of the community, suddenly vanished and are now
vacant and rotting with overgrown weeds and mold.
The Blue
City Murder Problem. Those on the Left know that their soft-on-crime policies have wreaked havoc in the
cities where they have implemented those policies. It is not hard to understand why "reforms" such as ending cash
bail, defunding the police, refusing to prosecute entire categories of crimes, letting thousands of convicted felons out
of prison early, significantly cutting the prison population, and other "progressive" ideas have led to massive spikes
in crime — particularly violent crime, including murder — in the communities where those on the
Left have implemented them. Left-wing politicians and their backers recognize that rising crime rates and the lack
of a general sense of safety that follows are a problem for them and their chances for reelection. In fact, recent
polls show that voters care a lot about rising crime — an issue that is second only to rising, rampant
inflation and the lackluster economy. So the Left is engaging in political traditions as old as time: obfuscation,
finger pointing, and blame shifting.
Lucy Move the Football Again? While the meme of "most important election in our lifetimes" is overused,
just a brief review of the past 22 months since the Democrats took control of both houses of Congress and the White
House would lead one to think that it might just be true of these mid-term elections:
• From energy independence (no longer relying on the Arabs who hate us) and even an exporter of
energy, we're now experiencing gas prices two and three times the per gallon price at the end of 2020, plus the prospect
of rolling electrical blackouts this winter and beyond, not to mention the higher costs of food and everything else
due to higher gas prices.
• From the most booming economy in over 50 years, with inflation barely over 1%, we're
now facing near-record high inflation of over 8%, while the Democrats (and many treacherous Republicans) voting to spend
trillions we don't have, exacerbating the problem.
• From a relatively peaceful, safe society, in under two years we have devolved into a crime-ridden
hellscape comparable to the horrors we've witnessed in Third World countries. Democrat district attorneys who will not
enforce the law, releasing violent felons without bail to again prey on innocent citizens, have given criminals free rein,
knowing they won't be held accountable for their crimes.
• While the public schools in the U.S. have long been grievously underperforming, at least they
weren't teaching our kids to hate us, to celebrate "gender diversity" and to believe that boys can be girls and girls can be
boys. Nor were they taught to distrust anyone who doesn't look like them, as Critical Race Theory is now doing. [...]
• Over five million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border since Biden took office.
Most are receiving health care, housing, food allotments, etc., paid for by us, the taxpayers, because the Democrats want more
voters to ensure they keep political power.
But all these things, and others, are well-documented and reported upon. The question is, "What are the Republicans going
to actually do about it if they regain control of the Congress?"
Don't Cry For Me, America.
We've seen this movie before. The Democrats' populist giveaway plans can't possibly work, because government
bankrupts everything it touches. History teaches us that ObamaCare and the myriad of government's unfunded
entitlement programs will be utter, complete disasters. Today's Democrats are guilty of more than stupidity; they
are enslaving future generations to poverty and misery. And they will be long gone when it all implodes.
They will be as cold and dead as Juan Perón when the piper must ultimately be paid. Throughout history,
Democrats' Marxist templates for wealth redistribution have proven fatal for civilized societies.
Is On The Cusp Of A Fundamental Transformation. No matter how bad Obama's actions while in office, nothing
he did compares to Joe Biden. Since being installed as president, Biden has done an insane number of things that
simply make no sense from a rational perspective. Literally the first thing Biden did was reduce the amount
of energy available to Americans. [...] Then, of course, there is the economy. With the American Rescue Plan and
Inflation Reduction Act, Biden poured trillions of dollars into the economy and drove inflation to levels not seen in
40 years. Everything, from energy to housing to food to clothing... virtually every single thing Americans
use has gone up in price since Biden became president, often by giant leaps. As a consequence, Americans are
fighting to stay afloat financially, with 60% worse off than they were a year ago and a staggering 40% of businesses
missing their rent payments in October.
Back to
the Carter economy. The latest edition of "Joe Biden: Bad Ideas" came yesterday when Biden stepped up his
attacks on Big Oil and suggested that unless they lower prices he would push to implement a Windfall Profits Tax on the
companies, essentially seizing their profits as a punishment for making money. Such taxes are notoriously idiotic,
and even the dimwits in the White House must know that. It seems like Biden is trying to ruin the economy, and we
have hit the point where we have to actually consider that to be a possibility. Everything he has done to the
economy has made things worse, and after a while you have to consider whether it is intentional.
Cart Before the Horse. We knew from the get go that freedom was the ticket, that government was the enemy,
that God was the foundation on which this nation must be built. A large portion of our citizenry, unfortunately,
has forgotten these things, and the latest generations never learned them in the first place. We've lost track of
the paradoxical fact that you can't have freedom without law. Not only that, but you can't have law without
punishment. We're seeing that right now as defunded police departments and lax district attorneys are allowing
criminals to roam our streets with no fear of retribution. Inner city dwellers are no longer free to leave their
homes and run their businesses.
Every Day is Halloween Now.
Nobody wanted to live in a world in which there's no way to know what is real and what isn't. But that's the world
we live in now. Costumes have become the norm and normalcy is the aberration. Men dress up as women.
An NAACP president turned out to be a white woman who identifies as black. New York State Senator Julia Salazar is
an antisemite who identifies as Jewish. And it's revealed that prominent Indian activist figures, Marlon Brando's
Oscar night princess, a prominent academic, a poet, were just white people even though they took to dressing up as
Indians all year round. Identity politics values what people identify as more than who they are. Magical
thinking leads people to believe that life is just a costume that you can change when you want to. In a world that
is becoming increasingly unreal, it's easy to think of reality as endlessly malleable.
Democrats Lost Interest in the Working Man? The Biden-Harris regime began — Day One — with a
flurry of executive orders, cancelling the contracts in place for ongoing work on the Keystone XL pipeline. Most were
union construction jobs. Thousands of workers were thrown out of work on the spot — no notice, no severance —
just because the incoming regime's green agenda didn't square with the idea of a pipeline moving Canadian fuel southward. In
state after state along the route, materials were left sitting where they were, work unfinished, people fired and forced to move
elsewhere to find new jobs. [...] Drilling, exploration, R&D, everything in the critical oil and gas sector that requires any federal
permit, from drilling on federal lands, to drilling on private lands that require government access or government authorization of
any kind, slowed to a crawl instantly. For all intents and purposes, this development just isn't happening anymore.
And that's why gasoline has more than doubled in price.
America's energy crisis
is mostly US Democrats' fault. [Thread reader] America is experiencing our worst energy crisis since
the 1970s. High oil prices are making driving expensive, while high natural gas prices are making heating and
electricity far more expensive — above all in the Northeast, where some ratepayers might see prices >2X last
winter's. Here's a chart of residential natural gas prices over the last several winters from the US Energy
Information Administration. Notice the massive spike projected for this winter — meaning record heating
bills for many. [Chart] Democrats are claiming there's nothing they could have done about today's oil and natural
gas prices. These prices, they say, are outside America's control because they are largely set by global
markets. In fact, had Ds been pro-oil/gas our prices would be much lower.
The Economic
Disaster of the Pandemic Response. The sick and well alike were quarantined through the use of
stay-at-home orders, domestic capacity limits, and business, school, and church shutdowns. This occurred not only
in the U.S., but worldwide — with the notable exception of perhaps five nations and the state of South
Dakota. Needless to say, the consequences were profound. Coercion can be used to turn off an economy.
But given the resulting trauma, turning an economy back on is not so easy. That is why, 30 months later, we are
experiencing the longest period of declining real income since the end of World War II, a health crisis, an education
crisis, an exploding national debt, 40-year high inflation, continued and seemingly random shortages, dysfunction in
labor markets, a breakdown of international trade, a dramatic collapse in consumer confidence, and a dangerous level of
political division.
York, New England Begin Rationing Heating Oil — Before Peak Winter Has Even Hit. Biden's war on
oil has consequences, and now the chickens are coming home to roost. We've already gotten a taste of it nationwide
with persistent, sky-high gas prices. In California, we felt it this summer as our power grid was stretched to
capacity by heat waves and we were subject to rolling brown-outs along with warnings not to use appliances or charge
electric cars. How very First World. [...] Bloomberg is reporting that the rationing of heating oil is already
underway, despite it not even yet being November. The reason: stockpiles are at 30 percent of their normal
levels. [...] The bottom line? Americans will pay almost 30 percent more to heat their homes than last
year — the most in 25 years. Biden will continue to blame Vladimir Putin and the invasion of Ukraine
for our oil woes, and scold Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for refusing to bend the knee and pump more oil, but
it's Joe's own fault we're in this mess.
Economy Will Never Prosper Under Biden: Here's Why. The White House has also promised to use "every lever
at its disposal — including regulatory action — to deliver on the president's priorities,
including containing the pandemic, driving a durable economic recovery, advancing equity, and combating climate change."
We are already seeing the fruits of Biden's approach. A recession in the first half of the year. Sky-high
inflation. Widespread despair. What the left can't seem to understand is that when government gets active,
businesses get passive. They become more risk averse. Compliance costs weigh them down. Long-term
investments become problematic if you don't know what the rules will be down the road. This is one big reason
why energy production has never recovered after the pandemic — the oil and gas industry has no idea
what lies ahead. So, as Biden's regulators descend upon the land, the economy will — as it was
throughout Barack Obama's eight years — be on a long and dreary slog. Indeed, Biden's regulatory
zeal will probably ramp up if Republicans win big in November, since his legislative agenda will be caput.
Compassion Puts Lives in Jeopardy. The shooter, Nestor Hernandez, was there to visit his girlfriend, who
had just given birth to his child. Hernandez is a 30-year-old lifelong criminal with a rap sheet going back to his
teens. He had been in and out of the Dallas criminal justice system for such charges as robbery and felony assault
before he was twenty, and he earned his first serious jail time — an eight-year sentence — after a
violent burglary in which he and his accomplice repeatedly beat up a woman to gain access to her apartment and
car. For that one, Nestor Hernandez pled guilty in September 2015 to "aggravated robbery," which could have won
him anywhere from five to 99 years in jail. They gave him eight. Only they didn't. If he'd served the
full eight years, he'd still have been in jail. He wouldn't have been free to acquire a girlfriend, get her
pregnant, visit her at the hospital, beat her up, and kill two hospital employees. So what happened? The
system decided to show "compassion" to this model prisoner with a violent history, a rap sheet going back to his
childhood, and gang tattoos on his face and neck. They didn't even make him stay the full eight years but let him
out of jail on October 20, 2021, after just six years. They installed an ankle bracelet and called it "parole."
It was this choice that enabled him to put this girlfriend in a position where he could visit her hospital room and
start killing innocent bystanders on October 22, just a year after he was freed.
Atlanta, and Miami Metros See Fastest Inflation. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported
that the consumer price index rose 8.2% in September compared with the year before, but that national average hides the
fact that prices are rising faster and higher in certain parts of the nation. Breaking the country into the same
subregions used by the Census Bureau, the rate of price increases that consumers pay for goods ranges from 7.2% in the
Northeast to 9.6% in the Mountain States. More local measures show an even greater range in price increases, from
5.7% in metropolitan San Francisco to 13% in metropolitan Phoenix.
Now Mired In
Crime, The City That Kicked Off The 'Defund The Police' Movement Is Struggling To Recruit New Officers.
Minneapolis is having a tough time restaffing its police force amid a crime wave after officers left en masse following
the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, according to The Associated Press. Then-Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria
Arradondo said the department lost almost 300 officers by October 2021 to causes including retirement, resignation and
disability leave for claimed post-traumatic stress disorder following Floyd's death and large-scale protests, according
to Newsweek. The department has reportedly seen applicant numbers drop from 292 in 2019 to 57 this year, with its
September graduating recruiting class only featuring six people, according to the AP. "In Minneapolis, with what
we've been through for the last couple years, for you to be here and have an interest in law enforcement ... I'm
impressed with every one of you that's here," training officer Matthew Hobbs told attendees at a March recruitment
information session, the outlet reported.
crime epidemic keeps growing thanks to radical leftist prosecutors and their social experiments. The
United States has a crime epidemic, and it is being further fueled by certain prosecutors who are more interested in
radical leftist ideologies than in enforcing the law. These prosecutors are becoming disturbingly more common in
many states and communities, and they have no reservations about sacrificing the safety and security of their residents
to perform their deeply misguided and ridiculously dangerous social experiments. In many jurisdictions around the
United States, an increasing number of violent criminals are being released from custody as they await their
trials — or given mere slaps on the wrists in plea deals that do nothing to rehabilitate them or to protect
the community. This is a recipe for disaster and anarchy, and cities across the country are paying a catastrophic
price as a result.
Destroying the Economy. Is It Intentional? Here are seven Biden administration steps to undermine an
economy and a society from within. [...]
[#1] Dismantle the nation's energy supply
[#2] Don't enforce the border
[#3] Devalue the nation's currency through inflation
[#4] Destroy the nation's finances by running up the debt by multiple trillions of dollars
[#5] Divide rather than unite the nation
[#6] Dumb down and indoctrinate our children with anti-American propaganda in the schools and media
[#7] Decriminalize a lot
Is 'Buying Votes' Ahead of Midterm Elections With Policy Decisions: Rep. Lauren Boebert.
[Scroll down] In 2021, when green energy policies caused gasoline prices to soar, Biden directed the Department of
Energy to release 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which amounts to about two and a
half days' worth of the nation's consumption. When gas prices continued to climb, Biden dipped into the reserves several
more times. By July 29, the SPR had reached its lowest level since 1985. As of Oct. 14, the SPR had about
405 million barrels, down from 638 million barrels in January 2021 when Biden took office. Congress created the
SPR in 1975 to protect the United States from volatility in oil markets and to ensure an inventory of energy supplies in
emergencies, such as war or natural disasters. The United States just reached the end of peak hurricane season,
and Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently threatened NATO forces with nuclear weapons. Boebert said Biden
and Democrat lawmakers are skirting legislative procedure to buy the votes they haven't earned over the past two years.
Next Crisis: Home Heating Oil Rationing Begins in Northeast, and It's Not Even Winter Yet. It looks like
President Joe Biden might get his winter of death after all, and it's not because of the unvaccinated. If you live
in the Northeast, you know that even in normal times, heating oil bills constitute a significant expense because winters
are usually brutal. Unfortunately, this year could be the worst year ever for residents of the region hoping to
adequately heat their homes. Not only are heating oil prices through the roof on anti-fossil fuel President Joe
Biden's watch, but even for those who have the funds to stock up, it doesn't really matter: heating oil rationing is
already taking place. Rationing. Like toilet paper and baby formula rationing. Why is all this rationing
happening on Biden's watch? For the record, we never once worried about rationing under former President Donald Trump.
Democrats' Bizarro World. [Scroll down] Is that not what the Democrat Party has created right here in
America, transforming a once prosperous, strong, united, and safe nation into a debt-laden, militarily weak, socially
divided, and increasingly dangerous society? Here are some of the Bizarro policies and beliefs inflicted on us by
the neo-socialist, globalist, anti-American Democrat Party over the past few decades:
Although leftists and atheists may deny it, the writings of the Founders make clear that the Classical Liberalism upon
which this nation was founded stemmed from Judeo-Christian principles. The self-discipline, respect for law and
order, and Protestant work ethic that helped build the U.S. created the most prosperous and militarily mighty nation in
history. But the leftist Democrats can't have that, for Christian principles block their irresponsible and
increasingly perverse demands, so God had to go, leading to the continual erosion of Judeo-Christian principles,
plunging our nation into the current chaos.
Our Enemies Walk Among
Us. All the poverty you see around you, all the lack, the financial pain in the faces you pass, the lost
businesses of the last three years, the titanic risk in the markets, the actual recession, all of it has been
engineered. We all, all of us, every single one of us, should be three times as wealthy, and three times as
creative. The most visible result of their malfeasance is homelessness. Which has been engineered to shame
you. Entirely. 100%. Every time you drive by some poor soul dying on the sidewalk, you are meant to feel
1. Guilt
2. Anger at the system (capitalism) and
3. an urge to vote for the compassionate left who promise to work only for the dispossessed.
It's a psy-op. It is why the homeless population is front and center in the richest, most beautiful city in the world:
San Francisco. This fact is meant to shout that no matter how much money private enterprise generates, capitalism means losers,
addicts, madmen and women, because our system is brutal and must be changed. San Francisco's beauty and reputation mean that its
homeless catastrophe is publicized all over the world.
Ukraine, The Democrats Have Locked Us Into A Pointless, Dangerous War. Our southern border is being
overrun by cartels, drugs, and illegal aliens. It is, from almost any perspective, an invasion. Rampant
crime is wreaking havoc on our cities. Inflation is out of control, and the price of gasoline continues to
rise. Is it possible that there are bigger fish to fry than spending untold billions that we don't have to protect
borders that are not ours? How well have our past efforts at policing the world worked out for us? Well,
there was Vietnam. We know how well that worked out. Then there's Afghanistan. That's still an open
wound that will not heal anytime soon. And who could forget Iraq and its WMDs? It's not exactly a stellar
list of accomplishments. It is, however, the very definition of insanity that we would want to try this again with
a country that controls the world's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. [...] Joe Biden says we will support Ukraine
for "as long as it takes." As long as it takes to do what? What is the objective?
Everything Is a Mess and You're Paying For It. There's a reason inflation and the economy are the most
prominent issues in voters' minds: For almost two years, the cost of every last thing you buy has been going up at a
pace that considerably outstrips the (nominal) growth in wages. What that means is simple: Your standard of living
is going down. And the electorate correctly senses that our real problems have only just begun. The
consensus is that because inflation is continuing at a high if not ruinous rate, the Fed will continue to have to raise
interest rates to suppress business activity and consumer demand. That means we're in for a recession. The
only realistic questions among those willing to face reality are how deep and for how long. Among the MSM, of
course, it's impolite to say "recession," so you don't hear it that much (and won't until after November 8).
The only things it's polite to say are "abortion" and "January 6."
Diesel Fuel Supply Crisis Could Soon Cripple America in Ways Never Before Seen. Oil prices and President
Joe Biden's continued draining of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) have dominated the headlines over the past few
weeks, but analysts say a more impactful and serious crisis on the energy front looms: a diesel fuel shortage.
Diesel doesn't get as much of the limelight as oil and gas, but it should because diesel fuel is the industrial
lifeblood of the United States, and the price of diesel alone probably has a more significant impact on inflation and
the prices you're paying at the grocery store over any other factor. Without ample amounts of diesel, semi-trucks
don't move, farms are shut down, and critical manufacturing sectors are crippled.
Democrat Admits 'All of Us Knew' Their Party's Policies Would Cause Inflation. For many, many months, Joe
Biden has blamed everyone else for inflation. He once falsely claimed that "inflation started under Trump" and
that inflation was was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. More recently, he's tried to blame the Russia war in
Ukraine for inflation, which Biden dubbed "Putin's price hike." Back in June, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen
admitted that she and Biden were wrong about the impact inflation would have. "Well, look, I think I was wrong then
about the path that inflation would take. As I mentioned, there have been unanticipated and large shocks to the
economy that have boosted energy and food prices and supply bottlenecks that have affected our economy badly that I
didn't — at the time didn't fully understand," Yellen told CNN. "But we recognize that now."
The Editor says...
If you don't "fully understand" what could happen before it does happen, you
shouldn't be the Treasury Secretary.
Senate Incumbents Refuse Responsibility for Fueling Inflation, Gas Prices. Four embattled Senate Democrat
incumbents have set a pattern of refusing to take responsibility for soaring inflation and gas prices that have occurred
in record-setting fashion under their leadership. [...] On Thursday, Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), who is
losing in the polls to Republican Adam Laxalt, claimed gas prices are spiking because oil companies are not producing
enough oil. "Instead of increasing supply, they're taking in profits," she tweeted. Masto did not mention that gas
prices have spiked since Democrats regained control of the executive branch, legislative branch, and administration
state in 2021. Nor did she mention President Joe Biden's campaign promise to reduce oil drilling. In the last two
years, the Biden administration has succeeded in driving up private and public financing costs of oil drilling, halting
drilling on public lands, and canceling the Keystone pipeline.
of furry. A vigilant group of parents and kids in Jefferson County have been hounding school officials
about the bizarre presence of "furries" in Colorado middle schools and high schools since February 2022. This is not a
"GOP talking point" or an election-season ploy. This is not a joke or satire. It's real, it's disruptive,
and it's sick. [...] Back in February, a parent had informed JeffCo's "chief student success officer" Matt Palaoro about
rabid furries at Wayne Carle Middle School who wore "cat/dog ears, tails, fur gloves, collars, and leashes" while
threatening peers who objected. The parent's son reported that the costumed students would "hiss, bark, scratch,
and meow" at students who objected to the behavior. Another child reported that the herd of furries would "walk on
all 4s in the hallway" and "also eat with their face in their food." Back in March, parents at Drake Middle School
in Jeffco met with principal Melinda Feir to alert her of the classroom disruptions caused by the human pet parade.
blasts San Francisco as 'city of chaos,' closes store over rampant crime. The CEO of a popular clothing
brand Cotopaxi is closing the company's only San Francisco store due to "organized theft rings" and a lack of safety in
the city, he announced this week. CEO Davis Smith announced the closure in a lengthy post on social media, saying
the location faces regular attacks by thieves with virtually no response from law enforcement. "We are closing the
store due to rampant organized theft and lack of safety for our team. Our store is hit by organized theft rings
several times per week. They brazenly enter the store and grab thousands of dollars of product and walk out,"
Smith wrote. "We started keeping the door locked and opening it only for customers, but even then, they'll have a
woman go to the door, and then hiding individuals rush into the store as soon as the door opens. Our team is
terrified. They feel unsafe. Security guards don't help because these theft rings know that security guards
won't/can't stop them," he added.
things that killed the Democrat Party. [#8] Crime: Because of the Democrat rule in blue cities, crime is
not being prosecuted in the name of some weird kind of reparations. What the Democrats don't get is that they hurt
their own innocent population by allowing criminals a get-out-jail-free card, and by not prosecuting at all. Their
racist policies hurt the very people they claim to want to help. Why are they doing this? To deliberately
create chaos in the execution of anti-white racism. The one solution to the rising crime rate, the prosecution and
incarceration of criminals, is the one thing blue cities under Democrat rule will not do. Mayor Lightfoot makes
weird and demonic home videos of herself dancing around in what appears to be a drugged stupor. Rather than be a
responsible mayor, she has totally ignored the death-by-violence rate in Chicago. This is another very clear
example of Democrats doing what they do best; destroying things.
England facing natural gas shortages, rolling blackouts this winter. Winter is on the way here in the
northeast, as I was reminded when the local weatherman told me that it might snow here this week. In the middle of
October. But the annoyance of potentially having to break out the snow shovels before Halloween has arrived is
small potatoes compared to what may be coming in a couple of months. Power grid operator ISO New England issued a
warning to consumers this week about the effects that a particularly cold winter (as is being projected) could have on
heating and electrical power consumption limits. The northeast relies heavily on natural gas for home and business
heating needs. But many of the power plants in the region also run on natural gas.
The Editor says...
Which political party opposes drilling, fracking, pipelines, and methane emissions? Which political party has been claiming
for the last 30 years that the world is heating up at a dangerous rate? Which political party opposes the use of
petroleum and coal because of an irrational fear of carbon dioxide? When you're freezing this winter, that's the political
party you should blame.
Make Huge Sacrifices As Bidenflation Rises To 12.8%. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) released by the
government last Thursday showed an 8.2% year-over-year price increase from September 2021 to September 2022. The
CPI has edged down steadily from a 40-year high of 9.1% in June to 8.2% in September. The official CPI does not
tell the whole story of price increases under President Biden. Bidenflation, measured by the TIPP CPI using
the same underlying data, stood at 12.8% in September. It was 12.6% in August and July and 12.7% in June. We
developed the TIPP CPI, a metric that uses February 2021, the month after President Biden's inauguration, as its base.
'woke' policies turned Downtown San Francisco into an urban drug-den. Earlier this month, old-fashioned
Xeroxed copies of a newspaper article appeared across the Mid-Market neighborhood in Downtown San Francisco. The
article, from the San Francisco Chronicle, featured the headline: "S.F. D.A. Brooke Jenkins says she'll consider murder
charges for fentanyl dealers." The article was taped to walls on neighborhood corners regularly frequented by drug
dealers. At least one of those Xerox copies had the headline translated into Spanish — all the better
for the dealers in question, most of whom are Honduran nationals, to get the message. The photocopies were
distributed by Matt Dorsey, Supervisor for the district that includes the Mid-Market area, which is adjacent to the
Tenderloin (in San Francisco, which is both a county and a city, Supervisors are the equivalent of City Council members
in other cities). Dorsey's office had organized a neighborhood clean-up and the Supervisor had handed the article for
volunteers to promote. Dorsey is himself a recovering addict and prior to becoming Supervisor, he was the
Communications Director for the San Francisco Police Department. Ridding the neighborhood of drug dealers is his
number one priority — a goal he shares with new District Attorney Jenkins.
Democrats are responsible for the hardships faced by citizens. Inflation is at a 40-year high making
essential commodities expensive. Even the price of candy reached its highest recorded mark which will impact
Halloween celebrations. The price of gasoline continues to rise. The border is open causing over 4.9 million
migrant to enter the US since Biden took over, and the smuggling of illicit narcotics is resulting in numerous drug
overdose deaths. The rate of violent crimes in the U.S. is rising while the murder rate spiked by 30%, the highest
increase since record-keeping began in 1960. Democrats are placing restrictions on firearms, which are the only
affordable means of defense for citizens. The Democrats were responsible for the lockdowns that infringe upon the
right of movement and the right to earn a living. The Democrats impose vaccine mandates that eliminate the right
of choice. The Democrats desperately want to change the topic. Hence the focus on the 'insurrection'.
The goal of the January 6th committee was never to find facts, it was instead to persecute their main political
opponent, Donald Trump.
Horrified to Learn Son's Death Is Scheduled in Two Weeks After Skimming Through His Email. A mother in
Canada was horrified when she discovered that her son had made an appointment to kill himself with the help of a
doctor. The incident shines a light on how Canada's assisted suicide program has spun entirely out of
control. On Sept. 7, Toronto resident Margaret Marsilla logged in to her 23-year-old son's email account and
discovered that he had applied for permission from the Canadian government to be killed. A doctor had approved the
request and scheduled the murder for Sept. 22, Common Sense reported.
To Gig Workers: Drop Dead. In essence, the White House wants to outlaw gig work in America. No, it's
not saying so outright. The Biden Labor Department obscures that harsh reality with words meant to deceive.
Labor Secretary Marty Walsh says the department's proposal is needed to safeguard "our nation's most vulnerable
workers," and ensure they are not deprived "of their federal labor protections." Left out is the part that, should
the proposal become policy, millions of Americans will be stripped of their jobs and income. Under its rule, the
Labor Department would be free to "determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor under the Fair
Labor Standards Act." And it will determine in every case that the worker in question must be a hired
employee, no longer free to continue his or her job as an independent contractor.
today vs. 1950 — what we are missing. There was a time — and it wasn't that
long ago — when kids would leave home on a summer morning and roam free," reports [...] Today's
children are not being taught any kind of survival skills," writes Traci Baker at "I know adults who can't
count change, who can't write checks, some who can't even pump their own gas or find their way home without help.
We are setting ourselves up for disaster. And no, using computers and cell phones are not considered survival or
even basic skills!" "There are many benefits to unsupervised outdoor play and experiences in nature, including a
reduction in obesity and the symptoms of anxiety, depression and ADHD," reports "Research has shown
that children learn self-control over their own actions and decisions in this time alone without their parents.
Without time unsupervised, children may not develop a sense of self-control or an ability to judge and manage risk on
their own."
Legalizing Pot Supposed To Reduce Crime? [A]nyone pushing for legalized marijuana should look at what's
going on in California before cheering this on. That state, as have several others, legalized marijuana on the
promise that it would reduce crime, improve public health, increase traffic safety, and stimulate the economy.
Instead of wasting time prosecuting people for possession or for selling pot, states could capture a new revenue source
by taxing it. Legalization would also mean that states could regulate it, presumably making the marijuana safer
and free of adulterants. So far, 19 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for nonmedical
use, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Army [is] Scrambling to Explain [its] Massive Recruitment Failure. The U.S. Army is scrambling after
missing recruitment numbers in 2022 by wide margins. "The Army plans to increase its investment in marketing and is
expected to expand a new program for struggling recruits, but leaders on Monday offered few new details on how they'll
fill the ranks after falling far short of recruiting goals this year," the Associated Press reports. "Army Secretary
Christine Wormuth told reporters that a new recruiting task force is coming up with ideas. But any new plans would
have to gel quickly in order to reverse the dramatically low enlistment numbers over the past year. For the fiscal
year that ended Sept. 30, the Army enlisted just 75% of its goal — falling 15,000 soldiers short of the
60,000 target. It was the only service to miss its recruiting goal, but all of the others had to dig deep into
their pools of delayed entry applicants, which will put them behind as they begin the next recruiting year on Saturday."
Chief Says Left-Wing DAs are Causing the Spike in Crime. Left-wing district attorneys implementing
policies such as bail reform bear significant responsibility for the nationwide spike in crime, former New York City
police commissioner Bill Bratton argued Monday. Many cities' district attorneys sympathetic to "criminal justice
reform" are releasing criminals who should be in jail, Bratton told NewsNation's Chris Cuomo in an interview aired
Monday. Such cities have borne the brunt of the crime wave thanks to bail reforms and other criminal justice
reforms, he said. [Video clip]
Different Would America Be Today if Trump was Still President? Let's start with the obvious. How did
this happen? The 2020 election was stolen. That's how they removed Trump from office and installed a man who
doesn't know who he is, where he is, or what he's doing. A man who can't put 2 sentences together, and who can't
attract more than 20 people in concentric circles to his speeches, yet they want us to suspend reality and believe he
got 81 million votes — the most in history. Bizarre. And look what they did to us after rigging and stealing
the election. They quickly put a plan in place to disassemble America; overwhelm the economy, make America poor,
destroy the middle class, make America unsafe, and to open the borders and make America foreign to Americans. And
as a bonus, they put in place a disastrous foreign policy of liberal weakness, wokeness and appeasement that has set the
entire world on fire.
Yes, New York's
Bail Reform Has Increased Crime. Pre-trial detention in New York State is not supposed to be conditioned
on whether a person is likely to reoffend. Both before and after bail reform, judges must release offenders on
"the least restrictive alternative and condition or conditions that will reasonably assure the principal's return to
court" — that is, minimize his risk of failure to appear. Manhattan Institute scholars have emphasized
time and again that New York State is unique in prohibiting judges from giving any consideration to public safety risk
in remand decisions. But even given that reality, a shift toward less-restrictive pretrial detention conditions on
average seems to have driven up the risk of rearrest following release. Perhaps the increase in crime identified
above will be offset by a reduction in future offending, given the long-run criminogenic effects of jail. On the
other hand, the most relevant study to New York finds that the incapacitating effect of jail pretrial slightly outweighs
its criminogenic effect post-release, at least within the study period. In any case, those effects are
heterogenous. Some detainees are career criminals, for whom the benefits of keeping them behind bars almost
certainly outweigh criminogenic costs; others are not.
Food Stamp Hike Ever, Thanks to Bidenflation. Food stamp benefits are increasing by 12.5 percent as
families grapple with grocery prices that have skyrocketed under President Joe Biden. Under the maximum benefit, a
family of four on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will see their payments increase from $835 to
$939 per month.
Democrats Wrecked My Retirement. Biden printed billions of dollars to spread around and bribe voters,
calling it "COVID relief," and paid people to stay home and not work. Now, under Biden, we have 8 [to] 9%
inflation and a labor participation rate that is the lowest it's been since the 1970s. Prices are out of
sight. The supply chain has collapsed, and shortages of household staples have become so commonplace that it's
just an accepted way of life in 2022. The administration puts forth an abomination deceitfully labeled the "Inflation
Reduction Act," knowing there is not one single thing in that bill that is intended to reduce inflation. Now the
Fed is raising interest rates to try to calm inflation. In order for that to work, it has to crush consumer demand
so suppliers will reduce their pricing in order to entice a weak and shrinking pool of customers to buy something.
Nice going, Joe. [...] Retirement accounts are in a shambles. Two short years ago, things looked great. Now
there's a financial/investment canyon that will likely take ten years to recover from.
Bidenomics, A 'Soft Landing' For Economy Is No Longer Possible. The Democratic Party's faithful are
whistling past the graveyard, hoping with all their might we'll avoid an economic slide. As a matter of general
economics, we're already in a recession. And it looks like things will soon get worse, not better. "We hope we
can have what they say, 'a soft landing,' a transition to a place where we don't lose the gains that I ran to make in
the first place for middle-class folks, being able to generate good-paying jobs and — expansion," President
Joe Biden told CBS' 60 Minutes last month. Good luck with that, Mr. President. Even members of your own
party think it's hogwash. As economist Larry Summers, who advised both Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama,
said last week, a soft landing is "really quite unlikely." We agree, as do most economists of our acquaintance.
in Disarray as 'Comeback' Narrative Completely Falls Apart. [Scroll down] The problem for Democrats,
however, is that most elections usually boil down to one thing: the economy. If people generally feel like they're
doing well, the party of the person who occupies the Oval Office tends to do well at the ballot box. If those same
voters are feeling the pinch come election time, though, the outcome for the president's party typically is not
good. The latter has consistently been the case for President Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and
Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer going back for at least a year or so as inflation and a volatile job market
along with the supply chain crisis, rising interest rates and rising food and gas prices hit middle-class Americans hard.
power plant closure leaves schools underfunded, hundreds unemployed in NM. The clamor of second graders
breaking away from lessons to form lunch lines has gotten quieter in a rural New Mexico community, where families losing
coal jobs have been forced to pack up and leave in search of work. At Judy Nelson Elementary, 1 in 4 students
have left in an exodus spurred by decisions made five years ago to shutter a coal-fired power plant and mine that sit just up
the road from the school in a largely Navajo community. The plant and mine had provided electricity to millions of
people across the southwestern U.S. for nearly a half-century. The San Juan Generating Station burned its last bit
of coal Thursday. The remaining workers will spend the coming weeks draining water from the plant, removing
chemicals and preparing to tear down what has long been fixture on the high-desert horizon.
Why We Will
Never Control Medical Costs. The purposes of medicine are expanding rapidly beyond treating actual
illnesses/injuries and promoting wellness, to also facilitating life fulfillment and making personal dreams come
true. Latest case in point: A gay couple has filed a class-action complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against the City of New York, suing for unlawful workplace discrimination because they
were denied coverage for fertility services. If successful, health insurance nationally may eventually be required
to pay for IVF/surrogacy services for male gay couples.
Market Tanked 14 Percent Since Biden's Inflationary Boondoggle Passed. The stock market continued its
downward spiral on Thursday as the economy struggles to cope with Democrats' reckless spending adding fuel to runaway
inflation. All three benchmark indexes closed under their opening value with the Dow Jones Industrial Average down
more than 450 points. The NASDAQ dropped nearly 3 percent Thursday and the S&P 500 fell by nearly 80 points.
The Dow's decline marks a continued trend since the signature passage of President Joe Biden's dubiously named "Inflation
Reduction Act" on Aug. 16. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has now fallen nearly 5,000 points, or more than
14 percent, in the aftermath of Biden's bill becoming law.
a major reason why the world in 2022 is like the world in 1939. [Scroll down] At the very moment when
a fragile peace could have been worked out and negotiators begun to solve the differences between Russia and Ukraine,
Joe Biden steps in and does what he does best, mess things up. The timeline here is interesting. Even
though, on March 10, the US promised Ukraine $13 billion and, on March 26, Biden told the world that Putin "cannot
remain in power," the Russian and Ukrainian negotiators were still able to come to an agreement on a peace deal.
And staggeringly, Joe Biden scuttled it. Here we are in September, and much of the world is in recession, prices
for everything are up dramatically, the US has provided Ukraine with upwards of $60 billion in aid, and Europe is facing
energy shortages and skyrocketing prices just as winter approaches. And now nuclear war is in the air. All
of this because Joe Biden wants revenge on Russia for something it didn't even do.
some polls show a dead heat for a generic ballot. The Afghanistan withdrawal was perhaps the most serious
foreign policy mistake in U.S. history. It left the Taliban billions of dollars of state-of-the-art military
equipment and the Bagram air base which is in spitting distance from China. Joe Biden's ill-conceived spending
kicked off the inflation that is currently sullying the lives of millions of Americans. Drunk with power, Biden
gleefully imposed mask and vaccine mandates on millions of Americans — law enforcement, military, federal
employees, etc. Those who were wisely skeptical and refused the experimental jab lost their jobs. As it
turns out, they were the smart ones; the vaccines were ineffective and have caused countless deaths and vaccine injuries
far more devastating than COVID. The mortality rate among young people is up by forty percent. Biden gleefully
put an end to our energy independence that President Trump had won. He cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline from
Canada and ended drilling on most federal lands. He has drained our strategic oil reserves at a most inopportune
time. This can only be a purposeful plan to destroy America as founded.
is being attacked from within. The United States' biggest threat isn't foreign nations, it is the
systematic dismantling of the foundations of democracy, it's the woke philosophy of the left and methodical uncoupling
of a nation that poses the biggest risks, according to Number 45. "Where did my America go, seriously? I mean
this wholeheartedly folks," asked One America News Network host Dan Ball at the beginning of the September 26 segment
featuring former President Donald Trump. "Where did the America that I grew up in, the America that millions of
people across this globe are trying to reach and become citizens each and every year? That America. The
America that for decades the entire world looked to for freedom, for liberty, for security? The America that used
to value a hard day's work. That protected our future, our children?" Trump had a solid answer: the
Democrat Party broke that America and we are dangerously close to a point of no return.
$9 trillion in private wealth [was] wiped out in stock plunge. [Scroll down] Where does this stock
downturn and its accompanying wealth loss come from? It's brought on by Joe Biden's complete inability to resolve
the energy crisis of his own making by removing his roadblocks to fossil fuel production, and his even worse ability to
rein in government spending. During his short, vacation-laden presidency, he's signed the $1.9 trillion American
Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, the Extending Government
Funding and Delivering Emergency Assistance Act, and the Emergency Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, both of
which could be worth more than a trillion dollars, plus a bill to raise the national debt limit by an extra $2.5 trillion
so he could have lots of extra room for cash to spend. This year, he signed the badly misnamed "Inflation Reduction
Act" of 2022, which tacked on another $732 billion. As if that were not enough, his 530-and-counting executive
orders have cost American taxpayers another $532 billion, with that number set to rise to about $800 billion if
his student loan forgiveness scheme goes through.
Have Lost $7.6 Trillion in Value Since Biden Took Office. Joe Biden destroys everything he touches. [...]
The stock market has also taken a brutal beating since Joe Biden was installed. Fox News is now reporting that the
stock market is down $7.6 trillion since Joe Biden took office. [Video clip]
do we see President Biden wearing a sweater? You think the price of everything is up? Wait until the
seasons change up north and your electricity bill shows up in the mailbox. Talk about sticker shock. Talk
about people rediscovering their fireplaces to keep their homes warm, not just to share a glass of wine with their
favorite person. [...] The Democrats may get lucky because most of these big bills will get mailed out after
Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, this is a great opportunity to remind the voters that our energy cost crisis was
largely self-inflicted. We have all the energy we need to keep our costs down. We are not Europe, having to
depend on Putin for energy. We have our own and could flood the market with oil and natural gas to keep prices
down. We did it under President Trump. Are you ready for a presidential speech about wearing a sweater and
controlling your thermostat?
Oil Level Hits 40-Year Low as Hurricane Season Fires Up. Thanks, Brandon. [A]lmost anytime even a
moderate strength hurricane enters the Gulf of Mexico, oil production on the rigs at sea to the refineries that dot the
southern U.S. Gulf Coast tends to shut down or is heavily restricted until the storm passes. For especially
ferocious storms that hit vulnerable areas in the Gulf and trigger longer work stoppages at the refineries or rigs, the
U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) usually makes the news headlines, as the U.S. government relies on the emergency
supply of crude oil to keep the country running and to stave off high prices and panic. That's what it's there
for — emergencies. The U.S. government has tapped the SPR after several hurricanes in the past,
including Ida, Gustaf, and, of course, Katrina. But under the current administration, the SPR is also routinely
used as a political expediency tool. President Joe Biden, in a desperate effort to bring gas prices down after
they skyrocketed thanks mainly to his anti-American energy independence policies, has released and sold off hundreds of
millions of barrels of oil from the SPR.
2020 Warning About Biden Comes True. A clip of former President Donald Trump arguing that the election of
President Joe Biden would lead to a plummeting stock market circulated online on Friday after Wall Street saw a
bloodbath. The Federal Reserve increased targets for the federal funds rate by 0.75% on Wednesday afternoon,
sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which tracks 30 of the most prominent companies on American exchanges,
tumbling more than 500 points. After stagnating on Thursday, the index fell another 500 points by early Friday
afternoon to 29,400. On January 20, 2021, the day of Biden's inauguration, the Dow had closed slightly above 30,900.
"They said the stock market will boom if I am elected," Trump said during a 2020 presidential debate. "If he's elected, the
stock market will crash."
York] City kids seeking therapy after unending exposure to vagrants and addicts. New York City school kids
are losing their minds over the zonked-out drug addicts and raving vagrants they encounter every day — and
are flocking to therapists to find ways to cope with the stress, The [New York] Post has learned. In neighborhoods
such as Hell's Kitchen "a lot" of kids are now in therapy, according to mom Katie Hamill, 43, whose 7-year-old daughter
is being treated for anxiety. "My daughter has seen [bad things], you name it, she has seen it. ... consistently and
constantly. She is in this constant state of panic," said Hamill, who works in real estate. The little girl gets
upset when she sees "the dying people" — the junkies who look dead whom she thinks no one is helping, the
mom said. And she sees far too much vile behavior from adults, including one addict trying to rip out his hair after
getting high at a West 42nd Street playground.
estate sales drop 34% in Seattle as crime ravaged West Coast sees prices tumble. Seattle's housing market
is slowing faster than any in the country, a new study has revealed — as cash-strapped buyers increasingly shy away from
home purchases. The study, from real estate firm Redfin, ranked the nation's most populous hubs using metrics such
as prices, price drops, and supply — and found that the real estate market is cooling fastest primarily along the West
Coast. Property prices along West Coast metropolitan areas are understood to be dipping because of a glut of
properties on the market, amid a mass exodus of citizens deterred by rising mortgage rates, crime, and warnings of a
looming recession.
the World into the Ground. Who can claim to be better off under Biden? The economy has tanked,
inflation is at a 40-year high, people can't afford to heat their homes or fill up their cars with gas, crime statistics
are off the charts, and confidence in America is at an all-time low. Biden's open-border policy, which is opposed
by a majority of American citizens, is leading to social unrest and economic chaos. A country without a
functioning border is not a country, yet that is where Biden has taken us. America is marching toward
totalitarianism as Biden empowers the DoJ and FBI to go after his political opponents, i.e., at least half of the
population. His worst offense, however, is following the climate dictates of the World Economic Forum. Biden
is torpedoing the robust U.S. economy in service of a totally false assumption — that human beings are able
to change the planet's climate. He is raising taxes so that billions of your dollars can be wasted on ridiculous
anti-fossil fuel projects. Biden has declared war on the energy industry in the name of global warming. He
wants us to believe that oil, gas, and coal are killing the planet.
economic facts demand a Democratic midterm defeat. President Joe Biden last week talked about record-low
unemployment. He explained that the headline inflation number rose only 0.1% month on month. Biden
conveniently ignored comments by Democratic-leaning Harvard University professor Jason Furman that the August consumer
price index report actually suggested an acceleration in inflation. Furman explained that the Cleveland Fed's
median CPI, which excludes all the large changes in either direction and is better predicted by labor market slack,
showed an annual rate of inflation of 9.2% in August, the single highest monthly print in their dataset (which starts in
1983). Furman also suggested that there is a real possibility of stagflation, with an unemployment rate at or above
6% and sustained inflation of 4%-plus.
Real Crime? Spotlighting Government Failure. The midterm elections are only weeks away. The
Democrats are in complete control of the House, Senate, and presidency. Donald Trump's name appears nowhere near a
November ballot. Yet the only things Democrats talk about are the former president and his "Make America Great
Again" voters. It is as if Joe Biden's and Nancy Pelosi's political troops have no interest in touting their
successes in opening the Southern border to endless illegal immigration, promoting divisive lockdowns and "vaccine"
mandates, passing a Green New Deal spending extravaganza, encouraging transgender drag queen shows for
elementary-schoolers, emptying prisons of criminals, eliminating cash bail for felony arrests, leveraging Americans'
pain at the gas pump to push them into expensive electric vehicles, or presiding over the highest rates of inflation in
over forty years.
Sorry Democrats, Abortion
Won't Save You. Contrary to Democratic hopes, November won't be about abortion vs. inflation. The
midterms will be a referendum on Biden's performance, particularly as it affects inflation. This is almost always
true for the first midterm of a president's tenure, but the Supreme Court's Dobbs ruling gave Democrats false
hope that they could defy history. This may have been possible if the Biden administration hadn't committed so
many fiscal blunders. As it is, polls conducted in September clearly indicate that Americans are deeply unhappy
about the sorry state of the economy and that they know who to blame. According to a PBS/NPR/Marist poll, for
example, "Six in ten Americans think the nation's economy is in a recession ... and more than half think President Joe
Biden has weakened the economy." This would not be as lethal for the Democrats if it involved a less visible issue,
but voters are being mugged daily by the grim reality of inflation.
in Democrat cities: Don't say we didn't warn you. America's big cities are almost exclusively run by
Democrats and have been for decades. America's big cities contain most of America's minority race
population. And America's big cities are suffering from soaring crime caused by failed Democrat social and
economic policies. It is a given that police in these cities will have to use force against a criminal who will be
a member of a minority race. When that happens, it is inevitable that riots, arson, looting, and such will
occur. Democrat leaders of these cities find it easier to throw police under the bus than to admit that the crisis
was caused by their policies. [...] Why would anyone genuinely interested in the true mission of law enforcement go to
work as a police officer in a Democrat-controlled city?
Prices Hit 40-Year High, Keep Breaking Records Every Month. Food prices have increased every month of
2022, with each month since February breaking 40-year records, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS). The price of food at home increased 13.5% year-over-year in August, the highest it's been since May 1979,
according to the BLS Consumer Price Index (CPI) report. Since February, when the year-over-year cost of food at
home increased by 8.6% — at the time the highest level since 1981 — grocery prices have increased
every month, first breaking a 10% year-on-year increase in March, according to archived CPI reports by the BLS. The
rate of increase blows away the increases over the past two years, with food at home prices increasing 3.5% in 2020 and
2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The increases are also well above the USDA's
Aug. 25 estimate of a year-on-year food at home price increase between 10% and 11% in 2022.
the police' aftermath means fewer officers on job across US. Police officers across the nation are leaving
their jobs because of the "defund the police" policies in cities, leaving personnel shortages and longer response
times. A survey of several large cities shows a downsizing with fewer applications to fill the vacancies as crime
is on the rise. Los Angeles has even taken the step of offering a rental subsidy in exchange for taking a job at
the Los Angeles Police Department. Dennis Zine has spent 54 years working for the LAPD, currently as a reservist
after retiring as a sergeant. He is a former city councilman and an organizer for a campaign to recall District
Attorney George Gascon. "All these cities with a woke generation mentality like 'defund the police,' 'neuter the
police,' 'we don't need the police' is affecting what we are seeing," Zine told the Washington Examiner.
"Black Lives Matter was instrumental in getting a lot of people out." Law enforcement certainly don't do their jobs
for the pay, so when police feel unappreciated, they leave, he said.
Rates Jump Above Six Percent for First Time Since 2008. Mortgage rates when President Joe Biden took
office? 2.65 percent. Today? 6.28 percent. On Tuesday, Biden held a weird celebration of his
"Inflation Reduction Act" on the lawn of the White House. Why was it weird? Because at the very same time as Democrats
were applauding themselves, the U.S. Labor Department was releasing figures that showed an "unexpected" rise in inflation, with
the cost of rent, food, and other basic necessities continuing to skyrocket. Now we learn that mortgage rates have
climbed above six percent for the first time since 2008.
The Bidenomics
Sham Is Collapsing. With red lights flashing nearly everywhere, the economy's prospects look grim.
Soaring inflation, crashing home sales, plunging GDP, falling real incomes. No question, the economy is a
mess. So why is the Biden administration saying things are going better? It's not just this week's
"unexpected" 8.3% inflation jump. Or the scary plunge in stock prices, destroying trillions of dollars in
household wealth in just days. It's that the ruling party, the Democratic Party, seems utterly oblivious to the
damage it's done. This week, President Joe Biden touted the "progress" made by his administration against
inflation, just a day after the report that prices had risen 8.3% overall, and food prices by 11.4%, the fastest since 1979.
are the Cause for American Decline. In the maelstrom of the chaos of 24/7 news, societal decay and
violence, and media and political platitudes, it must be recognized that conservatives are not guilty of American
decline. Conservatives are the ones defending, and conserving, the symbols and story of American unity.
Progressives, on the other hand, have been demolishing these symbols and assaulting the traditional story and opting for
a new one — one that is meant to destroy those symbols which had previously unified American life. At
least since the 1960s, American progressives have been taking a battering ram to the symbols of justice that served as
the unifying force for American society. The Declaration is considered a fraud and the revolution it inspired
equally fraudulent. The Constitution is belittled as "a piece of crap." The American flag is said to be a force
for evil and division. American churches are now assailed as pillars of white supremacy and racism.
Really Do Matter. I have always loved math and numbers. I love them because of their certainty,
their preciseness, and my confidence that 'truth is in the numbers.' [...] Here are a few to consider: the day Donald
Trump became president, the Dow Jones Average was at 19,827. The day he left office, it was at 34,005, an increase
of 71.5%. Now two years into the Biden-Harris regime terrible, the market is at 31,216, a nearly 8%
decline. The price of gas on that wonderful January 20, 2017, was $1.97. Today it sits at $3.75, a 90%
increase which is actually down from a high of $5.01. The national rate of inflation the day Donald Trump left
office was 1.36%. Today that rate sits at 8.3%. Read those numbers again if you still don't see the
obvious. While shrinking daily, our ever-dwindling stock portfolios and savings are needed to help supplement our
wages to provide necessities at an ever-higher cost.
A Time of Evil.
What we have seen the last two years, and especially the last few months can only be explained in one word.
Evil. For this is a time of evil. [...] Why would Biden refuse to protect our southern border? Why would
Biden knowingly allow in fentanyl, human trafficking, cartels, and terrorists? Why would Biden allow child
predators and unaccompanied minors to cross our borders? Why would Biden make it very clear to our enemies in
China, Iran, and Russia that we will not fight for our borders and we are not a sovereign country? Why would the
occupier of the White House display our weaknesses to friend and foe? Why would the placeholder of the White House
purposely make America weaker militarily and economically? Why would Biden's FBI and Department of Justice cover
up obvious felony crimes on Hunter Biden's laptop, yet search the bedroom of President Trump's teenage son? Why
would the FBI and DoJ ignore the 4th and 5th Amendments in their illegal raid on President Trump's private home?
Why would the FBI/CIA/NSA disregard all precedents, all laws, all tradition, the Constitution, and all common sense in
their illegal attacks on President Trump since he came down the golden escalators? Why has the FBI/CIA/NSA abused
and misused the Patriot Act in their attack on Biden's political enemies? And why has the ACLU remained totally
silent and mute as these Third Reich tactics have been used on the American people? Why has Biden/FBI/Justice
Department carried out Stasi police state raids on many of President Trump's closest supporters?
highest inflation in 40 years is deeply embedded in the economy and spreading. Today's CPI inflation
report shocked Wall Street and the nation with a significantly higher than expected print. Pollyannas everywhere
are painfully learning that there's no magic cure. There's no easy way out. After several years of excessive
federal spending, regulating, taxing and money-printing, the highest inflation in 40 years is deeply embedded in the
economy and it is spreading. The only significant decline came with gasoline prices. Overall, the topline
CPI came in at 8.3% for the year — food up 11.4%, even energy is still up 24%. Electricity is up 16%; natural
gas 33%; new cars 10%. Even with the recent drop, gasoline is still 26% above a year ago. Rent is up 6.5%.
Overall, services are up nearly 7%. Core goods prices are up 7%. Used cars are up nearly 8%. The so-called core
inflation rate, omitting food and energy, has risen 6.5% annually over just the past three months.
Carlson: Voters Must Make Democrats Pay For Out Of Control Crime. FNC's Tucker Carlson reviews the record
crime levels in Chicago and other inner cities, saying Democrats need to be held responsible for the collapse of law and
order on city streets. "You think [Chicago district attorney] Kim Foxx cares?" Tucker Carlson asked. "But she
is not the only person who did this, the federal government also played a role." "Over the eight years of Barack Obama
administration, the department of justice forced more than a dozen police departments across the country to enter into what
is called a consent decree. The Obama administration began an investigation into the Chicago police department and
they got a consent decree. They pronounced police departments guilty of racism if they disproportionately interact
with African-Americans, regardless of whether those interactions were legally justified. In other words, the law is
entirely irrelevant to the consent decree."
El Paso looks like
a 'third-world country' after Texas border city is overrun by migrants. Shocking photos show President
Biden's border crisis has hit a new peak in El Paso, Texas — where a historic flood of migrants has turned
the city into what a local pol says resembles "a third-world country." Regional Border Patrol Chief Gloria Chavez
posted snapshots Monday night on Instagram that showed hordes of migrants dumped under an El Paso bridge over the
weekend because the city has no more room to even process them. "We've never seen anything like this," said outraged
US Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), whose district covers part of the city, as El Paso began grappling with its
highest daily influx ever last month. "It's a scene that you would see in a third-world country, not in the streets
of El Paso." Gonzalez warned, "Everything that I've been told and every indication tells me that we haven't seen
the worst yet.
Democrats' massive spending spree for our economic crisis. For two years, families have experienced the
dire consequences of massive government spending at the gas pump , the grocery store, and elsewhere. [...] Democrats
began spending as soon as they took the majority, and they have made it clear they don't intend to stop. Their
first major act was passing $1.9 trillion in COVID aid, which was much larger than most economists were saying was
necessary and ultimately was the catalyst to the inflation crisis. Even after months and months of record high
inflation, Democrats refused to change course and continued to spend trillions of more dollars. In fact, Democrats
have added an astounding $2.7 trillion in federal spending over the past two years. President Joe Biden hopes to
add hundreds of billions of dollars more to that number with his student loan debt heist.
You Please Stop Being Stupid? The country is on the verge of being completely taken over by the
Communists. Censorship is rampant. Political indoctrination is taking place throughout every institution,
state or private. The major news outlets are propaganda outlets. Formerly neutral government agencies are
being oriented against dissenters. The economy is being destroyed. There is an invasion on the southern
border. And, of course, you have the (traditional) Democrat election fraud now and then.
You're Going to San Francisco... No, stop! Don't even think about going to San Francisco. The
place is a disaster area, possibly as bad as Portland. If you think that is impossible, check out this photo essay
in the Daily Mail. The story is about the city's new "soft touch" approach to drug addiction and homelessness.
"Nobody's going to jail," city officials say. No, they're going straight to the morgue. San Francisco has seen
nearly 1,700 fatal fentanyl overdoses so far in 2022. The text is depressing, but the message is really in the dozens of
photographs that accompany it. Addicts openly shooting up; homeless encampments on the streets; filth everywhere.
America Delira. Travel
abroad and or talk to pro-American foreigners here, and you will be surprised at what they say. [...] They seem
staggered by the very ideas that now emanate from the United States: that nonexistent borders are desirable; that once
rarified institutions like the FBI or CIA now function like the Stasi of old; that the very idea of meritocracy is
considered racist; that one incorrect word can destroy a life-long career; that there are three or more sexes, not two;
that biological men with male genitalia and physiology can compete, and destroy decades of advances, in women's sports;
that race is the sole mode of self-identification; and that half of America dislikes American customs,
history — and the other 50 percent of the population — as much as do its enemies. Onlookers
no longer see American universities as free-wheeling bastions of unfettered research and expression. Rather they
watch dreary (and sometimes scary) places where conformity to the old Soviet-style is enforced — or else.
[gets] smacked down for gaslighting about Americans being 'better off' under Joe Biden. In comparison to
Joe Biden, Barack Obama appears to be a picture of probity, wisdom, and dignity. But in reality, he's just a more
unflappable liar, and now that Democrats are on the rocks in the polls, he's cribbed a page from Ronald Reagan, a man
he's always had a curious fascination for, claiming that "the country is better off than when you took office. We
should all be deeply grateful for that." If Obama were ask that as a question, the way Reagan once did, the
open-ended answer would not have been to his liking, so Obama supplied the answer, too. He was all gaslighting.
'Better Off' Under Biden? Who Is Obama Kidding? Let's review just how much "better off" we all are
thanks to Biden and his fellow Democrats.
COVID deaths: When Biden took office on the promise that he had a plan that would end COVID, the official
death count was 424,318. Today it is over 1.044 million. In other words, there have been nearly 620,000
COVID deaths on Biden's watch. And that's despite all the interventions Biden claimed would end the pandemic.
Are the families of those 620,000 people better off?
Inflation: Despite the recent decline in pump prices, gasoline costs 91% more than it did on
January 2021, according to the Consumer Price Index. Food prices are up 14%. Overall prices have climbed 13% in
the time Biden has been president. To put that last number in perspective, the overall increase in the CPI during
President Donald Trump's entire four years in office was just 7%.
Real earnings: How about workers, are they better off? While wages have climbed, they haven't nearly
kept pace with Bidenflation. As a result, workers have seen their real wages decline by 5%, which works out to an
effective average pay cut of $2,726 a year. Does that, in Obama's mind, make them better off?
A World on Fire. [Scroll down]
Let's talk about life in a one-bedroom apartment in London. The price of energy for heat has nearly doubled,
seemingly overnight. Truly, it took months but it has felt like one day to the next. [...] This is all running
wildly ahead of consumer prices generally. This is only through June. We are already approaching 100%
inflation in energy. [...] My friends in the UK are truly panicked. They want to come to the U.S. just to get
away. But many of my friends are rebels and did not accept the vaccine because they are healthy and under the age
of 80. They rejected the jab. Now they cannot come to the U.S. because the U.S. is still imposing rules that
forbid travelers from foreign countries who are not vaccinated from getting across the borders.
Mississippi: This Is What The Water Looks Like When A Radical Communist Is In Power. Chokwe Antar Lumumba,
Democratic mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, promised to make the capital "the most radical city on the planet" during his
2017 campaign, but so far he's been unable to even solve even the city's basic infrastructure problems and the city's
running water is now unsafe to drink. He campaigned on plans to introduce universal basic income and alternatives
to policing, to replace vacant lots with urban farms, and resolve chronic issues with the city's water and roads in
order to break the "cycles of humiliation" he said black residents experienced in Jackson, the most heavily black large
city in the U.S. Instead, the city's water problems have worsened, and Republican Gov. Tate Reeves declared a
state of emergency Tuesday because running water is not reliably available nor safe for consumption.
Reset: Switzerland Threatens to Jail People Who Heat Their Homes Too Much in the Winter. People who heat
their homes above a certain temperature in Switzerland during the Winter face fines and potentially up to three years in
prison if energy rationing measures are put in place. Under proposed legislation in the home of the World Economic
Forum (WEF), Swiss lawmakers are preparing to set legal limits on the use of heating during the winter should the
country face energy shortages. Under the plans, gas-heated buildings would be capped at 19C (66.2F) and water
heating up to 60C (140F). Saunas and swimming pools would also be forced by government diktat to remain cold.
took a booming economy without inflation and turned it into a high-inflation bust. There's a growing view
inside the mainstream media that Joe Biden's recent legislative victories and his recent speeches that MAGA Republicans
are a threat to democracy and are "semi-fascists" are going to give the Democrats some midterm momentum and they're
going to overtake the GOP by snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. I'm not buying it and here's why you
shouldn't either. First of all, the new legislation is not popular. By 36% to 12%, an Economist-YouGov poll
shows that voters believe the IRA legislation will actually increase inflation. As for the student loan
cancellation, a poll from another network shows by 59% to 38% that voters believe that too will increase inflation.
By the way, the latest inflation report for July was 8.5% year-on-year and the inflation tracker from the Cleveland Fed
predicts an 8.2% CPI for both August and September.
Minister of Economics Under Fire as Energy Driven Reality of Economic Collapse Starts Sinking In. German
Minister of Economics Robert Habeck is under fire after his comments during an interview with an ARD broadcaster on
Tuesday evening. [...] Mr. Habeck responded that businesses can stop operating, but that doesn't mean they will go
insolvent. Just because the business loses most or all of their revenue, doesn't mean they will go bankrupt.
That doesn't make sense, Minister Habeck was pressed to apply commonsense. If businesses close to save money,
workers are not employed. If workers are not employed people do not earn income. If people do not earn
income, the economy worsens. Habeck had no response other than an economically detached "Green Party" perspective
that businesses will not go bankrupt just because they are not operating. However, his facial expressions reflect
that he knows what comes next, total economic collapse. [Video clip]
Return of the
Ice Age. To Europe, anyway. Years of horrible decisions by European leaders have come home to roost,
as Europeans now worry about how to heat their homes this winter. Reliance on a geopolitical enemy for much of
their energy turned out to be a mistake, as Russia has now shut off gas supplies. Who could have predicted
it? Other than anyone with a modicum of common sense? Which Europe's governing class has lacked for many
years. The continent's leaders are panicking and preparing to ration energy: [...] European countries are
voluntarily turning themselves into third-world nations. Will any politicians pay the price for this
disaster? Don't bet on it.
Must a Good Citizen Become a Dissident? Is it when the FBI and other Deep State truth-twisters manufacture
crises and manipulate elections? Is it when free speech comes under attack under the guise of State-labeled
"misinformation"? Perhaps it is when the president-in-name-only reads carefully scripted messages (written by those
who control his office from the shadows) attacking half the country's citizens as "fascists." Or when government and
media "elites" falsely frame political protest as "insurrection" in order to justify criminal persecution and
imprisonment of opponents of the ruling regime. Or maybe when the endless declaration of fake "emergencies" is
used to justify the steady imposition of extraordinary State power over each citizen's livelihood. Maybe it's when
the Intelligence Community operates a massive domestic surveillance network targeting Americans who have committed no
crimes. Maybe it's when secretly collected information mined from supposedly independent social media
conglomerates and too-big-to-fail private banks is used to track and trace unsuspecting citizens. Maybe it's when
the value of the U.S. dollar is intentionally chipped away by central bank authorities enabling tax-and-spend
legislators to expand institutional power at current and future Americans' expense. Perhaps it is when the same
federal government that insists on fighting wars all over the world in defense of other nations' borders staunchly
refuses to protect America's own borders from invasion.
Feel the Earth Move Under my Feet. We have a nation filled with at least two generations of people who
have not been properly educated, who have no respect for the church, no respect for teachers, no respect for
parents. We have a nation saturated with drugs, many people addicted because of painkillers, many too young to
make sensible decisions about substances they can procure with ease. Things like the flailing economy can be
corrected with the right policy decisions. The border can be fixed with a wall. The crime problem will
settle down when we go back to punishing criminals. Most of this isn't rocket science. It just takes an
honest look at human nature (Newsflash: we're not basically good.) and the application of common sense — and
all that takes time.
Practical Ways to Make America Great Again. I am guilty, like many of my fellow conservatives, of
complaining about everything that has gone wrong since COVID. That includes massive inflation, the loss of small
businesses because of a messed up COVID response; supply chain problems; gas prices; the border sieve; the swallowing up
of the mainstream media by Great Resetters and [Democrats]; the Afghanistan defeat and weaponry giveaway; the billions
and trillions spent on Ukraine; the paying of people not to work; the Luciferian malignancy of CRT, DEI, and ESG
infecting our institutions, schools, and businesses; and the litany of other complaints MAGA Americans get so
justifiably indignant about. But what can the average American do to actually take down this behemoth of leftism
that is strangling liberty, free speech, and prosperity? It may take a while, but it is doable with small things
to start with.
West's Energy Disaster Worsens. There is no excuse for advanced economies to
experience a shortage of electricity, or of energy generally. The world has more than ample
supplies of fossil fuels. And, if you buy the global warming hype, nuclear energy is the
obvious alternative, although that implies universal use of electric vehicles that are devastating
to the environment. Nevertheless, an electricity crisis is upon us. [...] The current crisis
in Western Europe is due in part to the threatened cutoff of Russian natural gas. But
countries like Britain and Germany are vulnerable to such a cutoff because they fecklessly failed
to provide for their own energy self-sufficiency.
Too Late For Corrupt Media To Decide Political Violence Is Bad. The 2020 election was
nothing less than a hostage situation, and everyone who lives in a major city (all of them run by
Democrats) knew it when they saw their shops, offices, and storefronts boarded up. That
wasn't in anticipation of a Biden victory. It was in fear of a Trump victory. The Left
had shown all summer that year what it's capable of when things don't go their way. They will
fabricate a conspiracy to derail a president who was never given a chance. They will hype up
an airborne virus, laying every single death it causes at the feet of their political
opponents. They will perpetuate a lie about race and police to shut down highways,
businesses, and government services. The cost: At least 25 deaths and up to $2 billion
in property damage. And that's just from the George Floyd riots of summer 2020.
There's also the retarded development of an entire generation kept out of school, countless
livelihoods ended via shutdown orders, and the ever-lasting trauma that will be endured by those
who were told they could not tell loved ones goodbye.
Jersey banned plastic bags. So, people are stealing grocery store shopping baskets. Grocery store
customers are walking off with those plastic hand baskets you find in the supermarket, an apparent consequence of New
Jersey's plastic bag ban that went into effect this spring. "They are just disappearing," said Louis Scaduto Jr.,
chief executive officer of Middletown-based Food Circus Super Markets, which owns four Super Foodtown stores in Monmouth
County. "I may actually have to just do away with them soon, can't afford to keep replacing them," Scaduto wrote
in a text message. It's not just happening at Super Foodtown. Stop & Shop in Long Branch didn't have any
hand baskets during a recent visit. ShopRite in Freehold Township didn't have any either.
True Cost of Student Loans. The cancellation of student debt has echoes of two other
unwise political decisions, one made by a Republican President, the other by a Democrat President.
[...] The second one was the decision of the Clinton administration to allow people to have access
to mortgages they had little chance of actually repaying. Under Clinton's Housing and Urban
Development Secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher
ratings for home loans made in "credit-deprived" areas. In short people with low and poor
credit were still given massive loans for homes, despite the obvious risk to both borrowers and
lenders. The government made clear that it would take the hit for any mortgage default.
As a result, banks realized that the smart money was not in being careful with mortgages, but
instead lay in getting as many people signed up as possible. After all, Uncle Sam would bail
you out. This caused the 2008 economic collapse.
chaos as millions of student loan borrowers rush to get Joe Biden's $10,000 debt
amnesty. They blew out their own website based on the high volume of traffic from
those seeking the $10,000 debt freebie. Seems that Joe took the Obamacare rollout fiasco as a
model, not a warning. They never set up a special website for this matter at all before the
debt forgiveness plan was announced, which might have saved the rest of their website, and still
don't have any plans to do it. Plan? What plan? They have no idea how many people
will apply for the $10,000 freebie. They have no idea what it will cost.
to Implement Energy Rationing Amid Fears of Gas Riots. As officials in the country
express their fears about future gas riots this winter, the German government has announced a host
of new energy rationing rules that will come into effect [...] next Thursday. In what appears
to be the latest attempt to avoid energy shortages this winter, the German government is to
implement restrictions limiting the use of energy in the country. Ministers appear to be
hoping that the rationing efforts will help reduce the risk of energy shortages this coming winter,
with a number of bigwigs now openly fearful of a future of public unrest and gas riots should
people be left unable to adequately heat their homes.
Macron Warns of Public Unrest in France as Energy Crisis Bites. President Emmanuel
Macron has warned that the French public may react poorly to what he calls the "end of abundance"
in France and Europe, as multiple crises brought about largely by political management wreak havoc
on the continent. With a long line of political mismanagement finally coming to a head across
the European continent, France's President Emmanuel Macron has now said that his country faces what
he calls the "end of abundance", something he fears could disrupt the stability of his
nation. Macron's warning comes amid growing political panic in neighbouring Germany, where
many political bigwigs are now fearing that the country faces a future of riots and public
upheavals as people lose the ability to adequately heat their homes over the winter.
Going On in America. When we see adults in leadership who have made it legal for
minors, very young minors, to have permanent, life-altering sex changes, while it would be a crime
to give these very same minors cigarettes, alcohol, or the car keys, we can't believe what's going
on. When China, Russia, and Iran no longer fear us, and Israel, Japan, and South Korea no
longer trust us, we know that leadership is making purposeful mistakes. When kindergarten
students are still being forced to wear masks that do not work, and everyone knows they don't work,
we wonder aloud why. When J-6 political prisoners are still being held in D.C. gulags without
charges being filed against them or bail being afforded to them, we know that this is just not
American. When there is practically no border at all on our southern flank, and we know that
all sovereign nations do in fact have borders, we know that history shows us clearly that this is
suicidal for a people.
How Unlivable Blue Cities Have Gotten. How bad have things gotten in
Democrat-controlled cities like New Orleans, New York City, Detroit, San Francisco, and
Chicago? So bad that when you think of those cities, it's not the good things about them,
from culture to industry, beautiful shopping districts to stunning city parks, that come to
mind. Rather, what almost every American thinks of when such blue cities as those are brought
up is of the bloodshed, crime, and heartbreak within them, the streams of blood flowing down their
streets thanks to crime that would rival the French Revolution in terms of both volume of blood
shed and the pointlessness of it all. While many might avert their eyes and avoid criticizing
such places and the little being done to combat crime within them out of fear of being called
"racist," or something, Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson went full steam ahead in criticizing the
bloodshed of inner-cities and the violence present in Democrat-controlled areas. In fact,
Tucker even went so far as to say that the horror of those cities shows that our "civilization
is falling apart."
Evade Accountability to Avoid Political Fallout. Gasoline now costs on average more than $4 per gallon.
Two years ago, it was less than $2. Americans are suffering the worst inflation in more than 40 years:
9.1 percent in July 2022. Inflation is a hidden and highly regressive tax. It hurts lower income families
more than high earners. Who is accountable for inflation? The Biden administration never admits its policies
are responsible for inflation, such as suppression of domestic oil and gas production and spending several trillion dollars.
Biden claims the following are to blame: greedy meatpackers, venal oil companies, mercenary physicians, Donald Trump,
Putin's war in Ukraine, amongst others. Never, ever blame his Day One executive orders! Federal politicians,
bureaucrats, and their complicit media avoid paying for their egregious acts by dispersing accountability and thus
avoiding feedback.
Turbines Are Destroying the Planet. New York, along with other states, is moving
forward with massive wind turbine projects. The push for "9,000 megawatts of offshore wind
energy" comes at a high price, not only for families who are left dependent on expensive and
unreliable energy, but for the planet. Wind turbines require massive amounts of rare earths
for their generators and motors. A single wind turbine eats up tons of rare earth
metals. Rare earth mining carried out in China is horrifyingly destructive to people and the
environment. One story described radioactive lakes, high cancer rates and villagers whose
"teeth began to fall out" and "hair turned white at unusually young ages". "Children were
born with soft bones and cancer rates rocketed."
Predatory Male Behavior Of So-Called Transgender Women. How do you know so-called
transgender women aren't real women? Because they act just like predatory men who, rather than
having sympathy for women concerned when physically intact men invade their territory, revel in the
ability to impose their will on these women. [...] Women are generally smaller and physically
weaker than most men, so savvy women learn to be careful. Women also rely on the traditional
social contract ensuring single-sex privacy in places in which they may be naked or exposed, such
as dressing rooms, bathrooms, or locker rooms. She expects that, in these spaces, she'll be in the
company of women and free from voyeurs or exhibitionists. Sadly, this social contract has been
broken because mixed-up or opportunistic men claiming to be women are allowed to invade these
private spaces. These men's insensitivity to women's fear and discomfort is additional proof that
they are not women.
the police' advocate Ilhan Omar's city experiences sharp increase in majority of crimes, data shows. "Defund
the police" supporter Rep. Ilhan Omar's city is experiencing a sharp increase in most crimes, data shows. The
spike comes just one year after she backed a failed campaign to dismantle and replace the Minneapolis Police
Department. Omar represents Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, which encompasses the city of Minneapolis. So
far this year, citywide crimes have spiked in nine of 14 categories over the same time period last year, according to a Fox
News Digital review of crime statistics.
are not learning from their defund-the-police failures. Last week, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) just barely won
renomination in her Democratic primary. Democratic leaders had failed to see it coming — that such a
prominent member of the left-wing "Squad" could come within just 2 percentage points of losing to an opponent whom she had
outspent nearly 3 to 1. Don Samuels, a former city councilman, nearly defeated Omar in the very district where George
Floyd was killed in 2020. Having campaigned previously against disbanding the Minneapolis police, Samuels ran a
law-and-order, anti-crime congressional campaign. It was nearly enough to win a majority of Democratic primary voters
in one of the most liberal cities in America. One would hope that Omar's near-death experience leads Democrats to be a
bit more skeptical about the defund-the-police movement in which she has played such a large role. Alas, nothing else
up to that point, not even the national crime wave resulting from their folly in so many of the nation's major cities, had
convinced them to give it up.
IRS: Gestapo
in the Making. Inflation is skyrocketing. Gas prices, despite Old Joe Biden's crowing about minor
reductions, are still substantially higher than they were before his presidency was inflicted upon us. America's global
standing is drastically diminished by Biden's handlers' catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, due to the lack
of preparedness of a politicized military distracted by wokeism. The Southern border is essentially nonexistent, and
due to that as well as to the arrival of tens of thousands of unvetted Afghan migrants, there is an unknowable number of
criminals and terrorists in the country who would have been kept out by remotely sane immigration policies. [...] The people
who run Joe Biden looked around at their dumpster fire of an administration, and the smoking ruin they have wrought, and
decided that what America really needs are tens of thousands of new employees for the IRS.
to Give the Conspiracy Theorists a Break? How many times have you heard, "That sounds like a conspiracy theory
to me"? Was it because you asked if the virus was released from a lab in China? Or did you question the safety and
effectiveness of the "vaccines"? Did you ask why doctors and nurses are not free to treat their patients according to their
best judgment instead of government protocols? Or maybe you asked about the decrease in energy, selling our oil to
China, the problems with supply chains, government deficit spending, censorship on social media, inflation, food shortages,
the rise in racism, the burning of our cities, our unprotected border, and the release of criminals. Did you wonder why
everything is getting worse? Is there is a plan to destroy Western civilization?
We Lost Trust in the Expert Class. For years, European policymakers had assured the world that the relatively
rapid "transition" to "green" energy was the world's preordained future — regardless of the costs.
Accordingly, many European Union governments followed the advice of green experts. They eagerly shut down coal, natural
gas, and nuclear power plants to transition immediately to "renewable energy." Most citizens were afraid to object that
in cloudy, cold Germany solar panels were not viable methods of electrical generation — especially in comparison
to the country's vast coal deposits and its large, model nuclear power industry. As a result, German government
officials warn that this winter, in 19th-century fashion, families will have to burn wood — the dirtiest of modern
fuels — to endure the cold. And there is further talk of "warm rooms," where like pre-civilizational tribal
people, the elderly will bunch together within a designated heated room to keep alive.
Point of No Return. This is an election year. But the issues this year are not about Democrats and
Republicans. The big issue is whether this nation has degenerated to a point of no return — a point where we
risk destroying ourselves, before our enemies can destroy us. If there is one moment that symbolized our degeneration,
it was when an enraged mob gathered in front of the Supreme Court and a leader of the United States Senate shouted threats
against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, saying "You won't know what hit you!" There have always been irresponsible
demagogues. But there was once a time when anyone who shouted threats to a Supreme Court Justice would see the end of
his own political career, and could not show his face in decent society again. You either believe in laws or you
believe in mob rule. It doesn't matter whether you agree with the law or agree with the mob on some particular
issue. If threats of violence against judges — and publishing where a judge's children go to
school — is the way to settle issues, then there is not much point in having elections or laws.
Is Worse and You Are Just Supposed to Take It. You are asking for too much, you terrible person. You want
cheap gas and a functioning supply chain, air conditioning and not to eat bugs. But most of all, you expect the elite
to actually do its job, and for that, you are terrible. And racist. Bums litter our streets figuratively
and — in ghastly form — literally. Criminals run rampant unmolested by the gendarmes, who have
been told — expressly and impliedly — to let the crooks be. Our economy is sensational, groovy,
glorious — except for the inflation and the hollowing out of your 401K. Try to buy a house instead of
renting — just try. The globalist elite has failed in doing what we want, but it seems to be doing what it
wants. It is gathering power and payoffs unto itself, and that is precisely the goal.
Denver —
a 'hellhole' of drugs. Once a cosmopolitan utopia of clean, safe, family-friendly neighborhoods and parks,
Denver now looks and feels like a drug orgy. The stench of marijuana wafts through neighborhoods where a small
percentage of family dwellings have transitioned into pot farms. Walking through much of Denver and other Colorado
cities, one becomes accustomed to stepping over and around growing numbers of full-time drug users living on sidewalks,
parks, medians, and lawns. The broad-based degradation started when voters approved Amendment 64 in 2012, which
established the civilized world's most lenient marijuana law. Critics argue legalization, problematic on its own,
became a "gateway policy" that lowers political resistance to other illicit drugs. Indeed, in 2019, the Colorado
Legislature and Democratic Gov. Jared Polis essentially decriminalized all schedule 1 and 2 drugs —
including fentanyl, the nation's leading killer of people ages 18-45.
Force Includes Drag Show In Woke 'Diversity' Festival At Langley. The U.S. military is hosting a drag show at a
family-friendly festival at Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE) at the end of July. JBLE is hosting its first ever
"Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival" on July 30, featuring a series of performances and speeches, including a
poem on "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" and a drag show by Joshua Kelley, who performs under the moniker Harpy Daniels.
Mom Forbidden To See Teen Daughter After Refusing To Pretend She's The Opposite Sex. Jeanette Cooper, a mom in
Chicago, has missed her daughter's 13th, 14th, and 15th birthdays. She doesn't get to be there as her daughter is
learning to drive. In fact, she has only seen Sophia for eight and a half hours in the last three years. That's
because Cooper lost custody of her daughter after refusing to go along with Sophia's belief that she is transgender.
When Sophia was 12, Cooper went to pick her up from a custodial visit at her father's house, but her daughter refused to come
home. Cooper learned that Sophia, whom the mother said had always come across as more feminine than Cooper, now
identified as transgender and felt "unsafe" around her mom.
rates for NYC criminals are off the charts. More than two years ago, the new bail reform law in New York went
into effect and the results have been obvious to pretty much everyone who lives in the Big Apple. The law was
ostensibly designed to "combat racism" and focus on "rehabilitation over incarceration." The law's proponents claimed that
most criminals are simply misunderstood and lacking in opportunities. Given the proper motivation and a chance at a
fresh start, most of them would happily take up nine-to-five jobs and turn their backs on gang activity and lives of
crime. But the latest NYPD crime statistics report shows us how that actually worked out. The law basically
alerted criminals that the door to the candy store was unlocked and they were free to ramp up their criminal business model
with abandon. Recidivism rates in Gotham are as much as three times greater for some categories of crime than they were
before the law took effect.
last major media holdout still shilling for Joe Biden. By all accounts — by every economic indicator, every
political poll, every overseas interaction, every lie at the presidential podium — Joe Biden is a miserable
failure as president. Inflation brought on by government spending has now tipped the economy into recession and there
is no end in sight. The border lies open, with the Border Patrol converted into a de facto valet and escort service for
literally millions of unvetted illegal border crossers. Crime is out of control. America is a laughingstock
abroad, with Biden's name on the most humiliating military pullout in U.S. history. He's a man utterly unfit for the
office, a man whose very placement in office demonstrates the horrific consequences of electoral fraud.
Trans Fiasco: Will There Be Accounting? The "trans" fad has devastated the lives of many people,
especially children. Will there ever be an accounting? In the U.K., there are signs of one: the National Health
Service's Tavistock gender identity clinic for children is being shut down. [...] Basically, Tavistock was run according to a
"trans" activist ideology, and therefore destroyed many lives. So there is at least the glimmer of accountability in
the U.K. How about here in America? Hans Bader sums up where we stand in a long post at Liberty Unyielding.
warns of brain swelling and permanent vision loss in kids taking puberty blockers. The FDA recently added a
warning to the puberty blockers used by transgender children, reports The Post-Millennial. The warning was added after
the FDA identified "a serious potential side effect" that can "cause cause a dangerous surge of spinal fluid pressure in the
brain," as well as "headaches, nausea, double vision, and even permanent vision loss." "The FDA identified 6 cases in
females ages 5-12 years old who were diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri" after receiving puberty blockers. Pseudotumor
cerebri "means 'false brain tumor' because the signs and symptoms in affected patients are similar to those of a large brain
tumor." "The agency considered the cases clinically serious... this potential serious risk associated with GnRH agonists
justifies inclusion in product labeling," an FDA spokesperson explained. As the Post-Millennial observes, puberty
blockers are used for gender transitions (formerly known as sex changes) by children.
Los Angeles bridge opens, then quickly closes amid chaos. The newest bridge in Los Angeles, a $588-million
architectural marvel with views of the downtown skyline, opened to great fanfare on July 10. It has already been closed,
to great dismay, several times since then amid chaos and collisions. The 6th Street Viaduct — which soars over
the concrete-lined Los Angeles River to connect downtown to the historic Eastside — quickly became a hotspot for
street racing, graffiti and illegal takeovers that draw hundreds of spectators to watch drivers perform dangerous stunts in
their vehicles.
The Editor says...
This is exactly the behavior one should expect in a state that's all crime and no punishment.