Note: You might want to start at the Barack
Obama Index Page, especially
if you arrived here by using a search engine.
The subsections on this page were originally located on three other pages, but I thought it would
be useful to put the subject of pro-Obama media bias on a page of its own. The American
news media seemed to have picked a winner in the 2008 election about two years before the
hoi polloi went through the motions of voting for him. Every imaginable positive
pronouncement was made loud and clear, and every negative warning sign was ignored, suppressed,
or sent to the most obscure sections of the newspapers where nobody would likely see them.
The warning signs popped up on the internet soon enough, bypassing the mainstream media, and some of them
were collected and posted
and here. Yes, I know
Mr. Obama's principal opponent was no great prize himself, but at least that former opponent
appears to be a sane and rational man, and in my opinion, the country would have been
a better place (already!) if the other guy had won. At least America's downward spiral
wouldn't be so frighteningly steep!
Examples of media bias in Obama's favor are almost too numerous to list, but I'll try.
On this page:
Media favoritism in Obama's favor
On other nearby pages:
The Unexpected: Bad news about the economy always comes as a surprise.
ABC is the most obvious about it
The Obama team manipulates the media
"Spontaneous" events and "randomly selected" people
Not just a Fluke: Left-wing activist posing as victim.
Friday night document dumps
Media favoritism in the 2008 presidential campaign
Media favoritism between the November 2008 election and the January 2009 inauguration
The strange case of "Ellie Light"
Barack Obama vs Fox News Channel
And not only Fox News...
White House pressure is applied to all who disagree
Obama and the news media versus Toyota
Using doctors as props on the White House lawn
Using the National Endowment for the Arts as a propaganda tool
Candy Crowley exhibits unmitigated bias as debate moderator
The dog ate my thesis.
Biased news coverage of "tea parties"
Obama is a cigarette smoker but nothing
is said about that on TV.
Media bias (in general)
Specific examples of media bias
Media bias in Joe Biden's favor
Media bias in Hillary Clinton's favor
Media bias in opposition to Donald Trump
Media bias (in general)
Specific examples of media bias
Similarly, the media has covered up Joe Biden's gaffes and baggage,
and after the election.
There are many other examples of news items
unfavorable to Obama that have been actively suppressed by the "mainstream" news media.
The clamor for Obama's impeachment,
although muffled by the news media, is beginning to brew.
Note: The newest material is at the bottom of the page. This is an inversion of the style you are probably
accustomed to, but the page has acuumulated over three-quarters of a megabyte now, and it's too late to change the layout.
Media favoritism in Obama's favor
Media bias is probably the second biggest reason Mr. Obama was elected. Numerous examples of bias in
Obama's favor during the 2008 campaign can be found here.
(Conversely, Obama's team has been shown to exert
its leverage on the media.) Now that he
is in office, the bias hasn't subsided a bit.
Course Obama's Race Protected Him from Negative Media Coverage. When asked during an interview on "CBS This Morning"
about the differences in how Obama and Trump are treated by the media, Clinton conceded that the media's standard for Obama was
different than for other presidents. "They did treat him [Obama] differently than other Democrats and Republicans," Clinton
said, in a rare moment of honesty. "It was the political press." You think? Let's look at the evidence.
According to Pew Research Center, Obama received an absurdly larger share of positive media coverage compared to his two predecessors
and his successor during his first 60 days. Trump's media coverage was only 5 percent positive, while Obama's was
42 percent positive. Obama's positive coverage was also significantly greater than George W. Bush's 22 percent
and Bill Clinton's 27 percent.
Of The Decade: News media adulation of Obama. Today, we're reviewing the most over-the-top adulation of
Barack Obama from the last decade. [Video clip]
Demise of the Mainstream Media. [Scroll down] It is this iteration of the
mainstream media that accelerated the self-immolation of a nine-decades-old institution.
Unlike their predecessors, they no longer hid behind a fig-leaf of objectivity. Beginning in
2008 they abandoned any pretext of objectivity by their obsequious fawning over Barack Obama, their
mindless determination to destroy Donald Trump, and their unabashed support for an obviously
incapable and senescent Joe Biden. They robotically assumed the role of the Democrat Party's
Praetorian Guard as they, almost universally, regurgitated and promoted the talking points,
fabrications, innuendos, and "fake news" given to them by their fellow-travelers. In a recent
Gallup poll taken prior to the 2024 election just thirty percent of the citizenry have a great deal
or fair amount of trust and confidence in the media. Further, 70% believe the media is
pushing an agenda and not fairly reporting the news.
Reveals Long-Hidden Transcript of President Obama Talking to Progressive Media About the Trump-Russia
Fraud Story 3 Days Before Trump 2017 Inauguration. On January 17, 2017,
just three days before President-Trump was sworn into office, outgoing President Obama had a secret
conference call with progressive media allies. A long battled FOIA request by Jason Leopold
was finally able to receive documents and within the documents the transcript of the phone call is
revealed. Again, this is three days before Trump took office, when the Obama White House and
Intelligence Community were intentionally pushing the Trump-Russia conspiracy story into the media
in an effort to disrupt President Trump's transition to power. President Obama is essentially
asking his progressive allies to help defend his administration.
Journalism from the Journalists. It has been eleven years since investigative
journalist Sharyl Attkisson first revealed that Barack Obama's government was illegally spying on
her. Although she has pursued the matter doggedly in court, no high-ranking Obama
administration officials have ever been held accountable. The incident remains remarkable not
only because it laid bare another instance in which Obama's administration engaged in unlawful,
unconstitutional, and unethical conduct (remember when Attorney General Eric Holder got caught
arming international drug cartels in Operation Fast and Furious for reasons that only he could
justify?), but also because the silence from the American press corps was deafening. [...] Judged
from their tepid response, it would appear that most corporate news reporters tacitly approved of
Obama's government conducting espionage operations against the press — at least so long
as the "right kind" of reporters were the ones being targeted.
we go again with that hopey-changey scam. [Scroll down] You might wonder
how Obama got away with a campaign so short on particulars. Why didn't the press ask him for
some? Two reasons. First, the press wanted a Black man to be elected President and
would settle for a half-Black one who "identified" as all Black. Indeed, they liked it better
that way because this crowd is scared of fully Black men who have left the Democrat plantation.
(See, Thomas, Clarence and Sowell, Thomas) I voted against Obama for reasons having nothing
to do with his race. It was because he looked far too liberal to me. His race was
actually a positive for me. On election eve in 2008, I felt a bit of pride that America had
elected a Black man to be President. What an opportunity for healing, I naively
dreamed. Second, the press even back in 2008 was overwhelmingly liberal, and, despite Obama's
vague campaign, they could see that he was too. People who hang with the Reverend Wright and
Bill Ayers are plenty liberal if not downright radical. These two factors set the stage for the
press's most obvious and shameless bias since the days of Franklin Roosevelt — when we had
a world war to win. Because in the minds of the press, we had another world war to win.
How the Liberal Media Ruined Obama. The fact is
that this Obama we saw Wednesday night and have endured for the last four years is a product of our liberal leftist media. Obama was not ready
Wednesday [10/3/2012], he has never been ready, and he will never be ready to be the leader this country needs, for he is the first president to have
never been vetted. [...] It is the fault of America's leftist liberal media who have continually misled Obama into thinking he would never have to
answer to his record.
AP: Romney Hates Poor and
Disabled, Loves Guns. The Associated Press is on the Obama bandwagon.
Media Fawns Over Obama
Inauguration. President Barack Obama's inauguration received 35 times the coverage in the world
media than George Bush did in 2005.
The smoker-in-chief.
It's been a long time since we've had a smoker in the White House. The media, of course, never really got
around to telling the American public that the Democratic candidate for president was a nicotine addict.
Even now, they prefer to write stories about his 45 minute daily work outs, and how awesomely lean and
fit he is. But the plain fact is that the President first smokerhas a nicotine jones, and can't get the
monkey off his back.
President Barack Obama still smoking? [Anderson] Cooper's question: "Have you had a
cigarette since you've been to the White House?" The president's answer: "No, I haven't had
one on these grounds."
What's that? You didn't know he
was a smoker?
Obama Thinks Original Declaration of Independence
is Not Good Enough? In his Saturday remarks during his campaign train ride, President-elect
Barack Obama issued some soaring rhetoric about the state of the country today. At least the Old Media
thought it was soaring rhetoric, anyway. Typically, the media was overawed by his mellifluous tones, of
course. But during these remarks in Baltimore Obama made a startling suggestion. He said we need
a "new Declaration of Independence." ... Can you imagine the media giving a pass to a Republican that proposed
making a new Declaration of Independence?
Obama as God's Instrument: There was the
populist effect of the "Joe the Plumber" narrative, the eleventh hour unearthing of a video exposing Obama's undiluted
wealth redistribution philosophy in his own words, and Obama's past liaisons with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and
Reverent (sic) Jeremiah Wright, to name a few. It is left to the discretion of future historians to decide how
to exculpate the media for the many other, even more disturbing nuggets that it actively suppressed or simply chose
not to report.
Reasons I'm Already Tired of the Obama Era:
[#9] It's grotesque to see the worshipful treatment Obama is getting. It seems like his face is on the
cover of half the magazines in the country, the press treats him with kid gloves, and they're naming
schools after him. Meanwhile, he's just another sleazy politician who has yet to show an aptitude
for much of anything other than reading off of a teleprompter.
Seven reasons for healthy skepticism:
The big media companies that once invested in serious accountability journalism are shells of their former
selves. ... The end result: There are few reporters in this country doing the kind of investigative
reporting that hold government officials' feet to the fire.
Sorry media, Obama's just not that
into you. The vaunted fourth estate of American democracy has transformed itself into a bunch of breathless
and biologically-pressured thirtyish career women hoping to be noticed by the hot guy who just walked into the room and
winked in their direction. ... It would appear Obama phones ahead to the ones he plans to call upon at news conferences,
and the leftover ladies and gentlemen of the press don't like it.
Clear and Present
Danger. Now that the festivities are over, it is time for the masters of the media to stop asking inane
questions of the new folks in town — such as, "How do you like your new office?" — and for the
Obama administration to get down to work on a clear and present danger.
The Phenomenon as
President: Obama is the object of unprecedented media adoration. Part of it, of course, is because
he is the first black man to be elected president, which is an extraordinary and authentically moving achievement in
American history. But ideology is also at work. If, say, Clarence Thomas had been elected president, the
media attention would not be anything like what we have witnessed. I find Obama to be an interesting and in many ways
an attractive figure, but watching the media coverage of him over the last several days has been embarrassing.
Inauguration extravaganza sees journalists
caught up in the moment. When George Bush's people put on a $42-million inaugural program four years ago, many
editorial writers and columnists around America came unglued. A St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times commentator said the
president needed to prove that his call for sacrifice "is more than just empty words." ... A columnist at the New York
Observer evoked images of Louis XIV. It would have been nice, for the sake of consistency and fairness, if the
commentariat had leveled a measure of that same attitude at last week's Obamapalooza, which cost roughly the same but
drew a fraction of the blow-back.
The Immaculate Perception. He
hasn't taken the oath of office yet, but Barack Obama is expected to Do Great Things. What this expectation is
based on is anybody's guess, unless you count promising all things to all people on the campaign trail. He is,
for many, a new Messiah who can do no wrong. To see the media coverage, one would think his election is the
greatest thing this nation has seen since its very inception.
Media averts eyes
from subpoenas to Obama top staff. If this had happened to Bush 43, do you suppose the
media would have ignored it? The meme of Karl Rove being frog marched out of the White House would
have been born immediately.
Ushering in
the error of Obama. The inauguration-ordination-coronation of Barack Obama on Tuesday was
heralded by his fawning media as nothing less than a "messianic" revival, with endless inaugural balls and
star-studded celebrations on either end. Strange, but I seem to recall that the Leftmedia skewered
George W. Bush for spending almost $40 million on his first inauguration, proclaiming the events to
be "grotesque" and all about "excess." But with deficit spending estimated to fly past the
trillion-dollar mark in Obama's first year in office, not one of his media sycophants has questioned
the cost of this week's events.
Obama: The Endless
Honeymoon? "When," someone recently asked me, "does President Obama's media 'honeymoon' period
end?" Answer: It won't. Oh, sure, every relationship experiences peaks and valleys. But
the "mainstream media" wanted Obama to win, and helped him do so. If Obama were a stock, the media would
be "fully invested." ... The major news media saw former President George W. Bush as a villain and
themselves as sheriff. Obama, on the other hand, enjoys their support.
Time Mag Photographer Works as Both a 'Journalist' AND Team Obama
Employee? Time Magazine has employed a photographer named Callie Shell that has apparently
been doing double duty as both a "journalist" AND a member of team Obama, taking pictures subsequently
sent out as official White House photos. How is it that we can have someone thinking that bias
cannot be presumed when that same person is working for both a news agency and at the same time
for the subject of that news?
Pliability Journalism.
More than 144 hours into Barack Obama's presidency, the economy is still in recession, the country is
still at war, and in many parts of the country it's still cold outside. Citizens are growing impatient:
Wasn't President Obama supposed to bring change? Yet one institution has changed dramatically, and in a
very short time: the press. After spending the Bush years as a voice of opposition, American
journalists have by and large turned on a dime and become cheerleaders for the man in power.
Andy Rooney Can't Find Anyone Who Dislikes Obama. At the end of Sunday's 60 Minutes on CBS,
commentator Andy Rooney did some of his usual thinking out loud, praising Barack Obama: "I've lived
through the election of a lot of American presidents — more than ten, I think — and
about half the people I knew at the time hated one or the other of the two candidates ... Maybe I'm reading
the wrong newspapers and listening to the wrong people, but I'm not hearing anyone who hates Barack
Obama." Perhaps Rooney should stop listening to his own network's fawning Obama coverage and
consult the 46% of the country that did not vote for the Democratic president.
Stop Shoving Obama Down Our Throats.
No space needs to be taken up here to provide examples of the mainstream media's unyielding affection for the
new leader. There are too many to list. In ordinary times, it might not matter that so-called
journalists choose to become toadies and roadies for the president's band. But we are in a place and
time where we need the President of the United States to have a successful administration, as defined by
economic growth, not the growth of a personality cult. We want an ailing economy to get healthier.
But some of us don't see how the personality cult being watered and fed daily by the mainstream media is going
to produce that result.
is Still Pushing Lie of Wright/Hagee Comparison. Not only did CNN fall back on the lie
that Hagee is somehow just as bad as Wright — and thereby smearing John McCain with Wright's racist
hatespeak — but CNN got a twofer with this piece by again portraying America as the land of
permanent, unrelenting racism by hinting that Obama will never get a chance because he's black.
hard to believe I'm no longer American. On the front of USA Today was the screaming headline,
"Americans go gaga over first lady's inaugural gown." I didn't even know she had an inaugural gown.
Then, and this is the tricky part, it turns out, according to rumor, that she hadn't actually picked out the
gown she would wear; it was still before noon on the day of the inaugural. Evidently, I would be gaga
later, but the USA Today was so sure that I, as an American, would be gaga that the headline could be written
in advance.
Impending Obama Meltdown. Some of us have been warning that it was not healthy for the U.S.
media to have deified rather than questioned Obama, especially given that they tore apart Bush, ridiculed
Palin, and caricatured Hillary. And now we can see the results of their two years of advocacy rather
than scrutiny. We are quite literally after two weeks teetering on an Obama implosion — and
with no Dick Morris to bail him out — brought on by messianic delusions of grandeur, hubris, and a
strange naivete that soaring rhetoric and a multiracial profile can add requisite cover to good
old-fashioned Chicago politicking.
Exclusive: Interview with Bernie
Goldberg. This is not a book about the same old media bias. They crossed a very bright
line this time, the main-stream media, a very bright line. And they moved from media bias to media
activism. We know about judicial activism where judges know what's best for everybody, and to [heck]
with the legislature, we know what's best. And in a similar way a lot of reporters thought that they
knew what was best, and what was best was not only to be partisan witnesses to history, but to help shape
Obama's Press List: Presidents
are free to conduct press conferences however they like, but the decision to preselect questioners is an odd
one, especially for a White House famously pledged to openness. We doubt that President Bush, who was
notorious for being parsimonious with follow-ups, would have gotten away with prescreening his interlocutors.
Mr. Obama can more than handle his own, so our guess is that this is an attempt to discipline reporters who
aren't White House favorites. Few accounts of Monday night's event even mentioned the curious fact that
the White House had picked its speakers in advance.
Blue Skies For Obama.
Katrina crashes into New Orleans, FEMA responds feebly and President Bush is blamed for the loss of life and
limb. Winter smacks middle America, killing 55, FEMA's late again, but President Obama gets a pass.
Slobbering Love Affair Between Obama and the Press. [Bernard] Goldberg often inserts corny jokes into the text for
levity, but underneath it all is a sadness, a sense that a profession he once was proud to call his own is less than a
shell of its old self. And he's not just bemoaning an industry's self-induced collapse. He's afraid of what
an ineffective press means for the country.
ABC: Part of the Obama Media Machine. Is
it unethical for former Clinton flack George Stephanopoulos — an independent journalist — to
participate in daily conversations with three of the Democratic Party's top strategists while employed as ABC News' chief
Washington correspondent and anchor of "This Week"? "If Karl Rove took a job as an anchor on FOX News you would have
to pass smelling salts around Washington DC," Media Research Center President Brent Bozell told Human Events.
Obama Ignores Intelligence
Findings. When Barack Obama hit his head while entering Marine One, this is how one objective journalist
covered it: "It looks like those finely honed reflexes sharpened on the basketball court served him well as he
appeared to bend in order to soften the blow almost as soon as he sensed it coming." When Gerald Ford did it, we
got Chevy Chase mocking him every Saturday night. When Barack Obama does it, it just shows how honed his
reflexes are, and the need for an upgraded helicopter.
Obama and "Me". It's one thing for a supposedly
combative press to fawn over a presidential candidate — and now a president. Who wants to devote precious
column inches to Barack Obama's ties to radical bomber Bill Ayers when Sarah Palin's wardrobe demands investigation?
Why shoot ordinary photographs of the president when you can portray him as a haloed Byzantine saint? But now the New York
Times has gone too far: it is attempting to rewrite the history of English grammar in order to flatter the president.
Media idiot of the day.
Combine Obama idolatry with malignant fanning of racism, and you get today's winner. The title goes to Jon-Christopher
Bua, political analyst for Sky News, whose embarrassing near-orgasmic tribute to Obama betrays a singular lack of
knowledge, combined with a malignant fanning of racism.
How media sucks up to the White House:
In the early days of any administration, reporters reach out to the men and women who might become their sources
over the next four years — then slather them with glowing profiles suitable for framing in their
mothers' bedrooms. ... But this proliferation of profiles isn't about the reader's need to know, or at least
not entirely.
and the Stock Market. [Almost nobody in the media is] saying anything critical of Obama's policies
which, obviously, the stock market — conventionally the predictor of our economy — thinks
are dead wrong. Cognitive dissonance? Mental imbalance? Slavish idolatry? Or
just plain inability to admit you made a mistake? You tell me. Meanwhile, the market goes
lower and lower while the media continues its hosannas to BHO.
Obama Can't Double-Talk Us Out
Of This. Obama is a great pretender. He repeatedly says he's doing things that he isn't,
trusting his powerful rhetoric to obscure the difference. ... He's helped by much of the media, who seem so
enthralled with him that they don't see glaring contradictions. During the campaign, Obama said he would
change Washington's petty partisanship; he also advocated a highly partisan agenda. Both claims could
not be true. The media barely noticed; the same obliviousness persists.
Broadcasts Cartoon Homage to 'Dear Leader' Obama. Does anyone here recall Nickelodeon presenting
a cartoon homage to President George W. Bush? No? Of course not. "Wrong" politics.
However, if you think your very young children are safe from being exposed to subtle political brainwashing
while watching Nick Jr., which presents Nickelodeon cartoons for children 5 and under, you would be wrong.
There'll Be No
Debate. While the erudite, urbane left demonstrates its sophistication and collegiality by
personally attacking Rush Limbaugh, the nation is going down in financial flames, largely because of the
unchecked policy insanity being unleashed by our new president. Yet his flacks in the media continue
to shield him from even rudimentary questions that any other president would receive.
Plight of the Right Could Have an End in Sight. Politics these last few weeks have been a game
of distraction. Pres. Barack Obama gives a State of the Union?like speech, and we subsequently fixate on
the first lady's daring to bare her well-toned arms in February. A young, rising-star Republican gives a
response to Obama's address, and we focus on the way his suit billows off his shoulders.
Late-Night Comics Still
in Thrall to Obama. As a fan of comedy in general and satire in particular, I've always enjoyed
the late night television circuit. ... One of the chief complaints I've been hearing from conservative friends
over the last several years, though, is that these shows are nothing more than thinly disguised bastions of
left-wing brainwashing where pseudo-intellectual elites bash the Grand Old Party and indoctrinate the nation's
socialist youth against sound conservative thinking.
Bush Had Done What Obama Is Doing... Herewith some questions about contrasts and double
standards — and how the leftists comprising the nameless "they" who rule the world would
react to what Barack Obama is doing if Obama were George Bush. For instance ... If Obama were Bush,
what would their reaction be to the president's failure — even now — to submit a plan
to salvage the nation's banks? What would they think of their president if he and his acolytes took out
after the other party's leading entertainer — Oprah Winfrey — declaring her not only
de facto head of the Democratic Party but the foremost embodiment of that party's ideological excesses?
Media Bias Against Traditional Values:
Not only does Google enjoy a 70-percent share of the ads accompanying search results and articles and
90 percent of U.S. advertising profits, but it also accounts for almost 70 percent of U.S.
searches. This means if Google buries a site, an archeological dig may be necessary to find it.
That is, for most Americans, anyway. We should also note that Google has forged quite an alliance with
Barack Obama. Not only did CEO Eric Schmidt campaign for the president, he also was on Obama's economic
advisory committee. This isn't surprising, given that they're ideological soulmates. But this
similarity does bring to mind my observation that people not only get the government they deserve, they
also get the media they deserve. Let's just hope they don't end up being one and the same.
Wikipedia scrubs Obama eligibility.
Wikipedia, the online "free encyclopedia" mega-site written and edited entirely by its users, has been deleting
within minutes any mention of eligibility issues surrounding Barack Obama's presidency, with administrators
kicking off anyone who writes about the subject, WND has learned. ... The Wikipedia entry about former
President George W. Bush, by contrast, is highly critical.
Front-Page Story: President McCain's First 50 Days. Suppose Sen. John McCain, rather than
Sen. Barack Obama, won the presidency but made the same decisions and pursued the same goals to turn around
the economy.
Conservatives and the
death of newspapers. It didn't require the Obama candidacy to tell us that newspapers are virtually
the house organs of the Democratic Party (which is why an industry bailout may soon be in the offing). Yet
MSM journalists continue to see no bias, hear no bias and speak no bias. Despite the extensive damage this
problem has done to the industry and the profession, journalists refuse even to address the issue, let alone
talk about remedies.
if 'President McCain' Joked About the Special Olympics. President Barack Obama ... quickly
apologized. Crisis averted. Fair enough. But the real story is the media double standard:
Imagine the uproar if a President John McCain made the Special Olympics comment. For that matter,
imagine if a President McCain mistook a White House window for a door; his secretary of Treasury had not
paid taxes; he granted two dozen waivers to his no-lobbyists-in-government rule; and he had promised
bipartisanship but got only three across-the-aisle votes for his "stimulus" package.
Freeman Affair Reveals Problems For Obama
and the Media. The recent appointment and ultimate withdrawal of Chas Freeman to head the
National Intelligence Council has exposed much that is wrong with President Barack Obama's first months in
office, both in terms of policy and vetting, as well as the media coverage surrounding both. Many of
Obama's supporters said it was unfair to criticize Obama's associations with people like the unrepentant
terrorist Bill Ayers and the anti-Semitic preacher of hate, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and called it guilt
by association. It is now becoming clearer why those sorts of associations matter.
TV Journalists Enchanted by Obamas: 'America's Unofficial
Royalty'. NBC's Chuck Todd then admired how "the President was able to do a diplomatic
decathlon, packing in a week's worth of international diplomacy into 12 hours," before he hailed
how "America's unofficial royalty, the President and First Lady, reconnected tonight for more ceremonial
duties, including a private audience with actual royalty, the Queen herself."
Gag me — Press
goes ga-ga over Michelle. Is Michelle Obama the second coming of Jackie Kennedy? That seems to
be a common theme among a press that has gone over the top with their coverage of the First Lady.
Ingraham Tweaks 'Today' On Obama Obsession. The "Today" show devoted much of last week's coverage of Obama's
European trip to obsessing over such frivolous matters as what Michelle Obama was wearing and what kind of gift the Obamas
gave the Queen, so when Laura Ingraham was invited on Wednesday's "Today" show, the conservative radio talk show host
couldn't resist knocking the silly coverage...
A Fawning
Frenzy For Michelle. Imagine being Laura Bush and turning on the television and watching the
absolute deluge of sticky-sweet syrup being poured all over Michelle Obama during her European debut as first
lady. It is as if every TV reporter was handed a pamphlet of talking points and ordered to compare
Mrs. Obama to Jackie Kennedy. NBC's Dawna Friesen gushed: "Though Harvardeducated Michelle
Obama has substance, not just style, and that's what sets her apart." Apart from ... whom?
Media Insiders Say Internet Hurts Journalism.
In a poll of prominent members of the national news media, nearly two-thirds say the Internet is hurting journalism more
than it is helping. ... The media insiders were also asked about coverage of President Obama. Of 45 respondents,
71 percent say it has been "about right," 22 percent say it's been "too easy" and 7 percent say it has
been "too tough."
Obama, aided by media, falling
short on pledge for change. The purpose of the press is supposed to be to report the news in
an objective manner to the public. Once reporters start adding their own personal perspectives to the
story it is hard for the public to trust the accuracy and objectivity of the reporting and it starts to
become similar to entertainment reporting. It is worse when the press underreports or down plays
newsworthy items. An example would be the increase troops in Afghanistan. If I had not been
watching the news on that particular day, I would not have even known about it.
It's all Obama, all the time. If it's
Thursday, it must be Obama. Or Friday. Or Saturday. Or just about any day. Barack Obama has
gone from being historic to being ubiquitous. He doesn't just control the news cycle, he is the news cycle.
Boss Obama. The mainstream
media has been called the fourth branch of government because it has a duty to monitor the actions of our
politicians. However, journalists have already abdicated this role — as was clear during the
campaign. We are seeing the rise on an imperial presidency, and the media, or what is left of it,
O's Foreign
Follies. The world has rabies and our swooning media deliver headlines about the new Obama family
dog. Yeah, the puppy's cute. But must journalists be lapdogs?
Cover Obama Like He's Ultimate A-List Celebrity. For the national media, Barack Obama isn't merely
the president of the United States. He's so much more than that. Obama is a celebrity, and he and his
family are covered that way. That means there is a heavy focus on the personal, making Obama the first
"Entertainment Tonight president." First, it was Michelle's wardrobe. Then, it was the kids'
school. Then it was Michelle's White House vegetable garden. And most recently, it is the
new dog, Bo.
Consequences Of An "American Idol" Presidency.
According to the press, collegiality and even love now abounds among nations that excoriated the United States and its
former President, George W. Bush, only months ago. In wonderful contrast, they extol America for its openness
and professed willingness to sit down and talk with adversaries. At least that is the picture that Obama's leftist
cohorts want the general public to receive. Unfortunately, the truth is far less rosy. And the likelihood of a
day of reckoning for all of this foolishness is far greater.
Cover Up Obama's Spelling Error in Letter to Fan. If former President George W. Bush made
a spelling error in a written reply to a piece of fan mail, would press outlets have covered for him or
pointed it out?
Shirtless Obama magazine cover
generates heat. A photograph of a bare-chested Barack Obama on the cover of a popular Washington magazine
had some fans swooning while others cried foul, saying the image had been doctored. The Washingtonian has been
swamped by readers who had seen the May edition showing the US President wearing nothing but swimming trunks and
sunglasses, next to the line: "Our new neighbor is hot."
Judgment. We are now on the 95th day of Barack Obama's presidency, and that revving sound you
hear is the machinery of the media-industrial complex, gearing up for the Big Day. There will be special
sections, news analyses, cable logos and round-the-clock chatter as journalists race into their 100-day evaluations.
This arbitrary benchmark has become nothing less than another opportunity for media marketing. ... So why do
we do it? The media love anniversary-type stories. They want to feed off the high public interest
in Obama, his family and his dog. They are desperate to keep the excitement of the campaign alive.
"Never Again," Obama
Style. No president in modern times has managed to conceal so much of his biography as this
one. The journalists assigned to the Obama beat seem to have lost their traditional avidity for digging
out the missing details. We do not have a medical report, or a college transcript from Columbia, or a
notion of how well he did in Harvard Law School. These things are not automatically significant, but
they can be.
100 Days of
Love. There's something very curious — even laughable — about watching the
media assemble to offer President Obama a grade after the first 100 days. They weren't
exactly a team of dispassionate scientists in a lab. They continue to be what they've been all
along — a rolling gaggle of Obama cheerleaders — only before it was a campaign and now it's
an administration. So now they're assessing whether their awe-inspiring historic candidate
still glows with the luster of victory.
Obama Staffers Attend Secret Dinners With Lefty
Media. The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz has let the cat out of the bag in the Post's April 27 issue
about a regularly scheduled secret media dinner attended by some of the top left-wing journalists in the country. ... The
secret dinners for Obama staffers and his boosters in the Old Media have been going on for "more than a year" and are
sponsored by David Bradley, the owner of the Atlantic. In attendance have been some of the most well known lefty
journalists in Washington.
What Would the Media Say if Obama's Frequent Hollywood Guests Were Oil
Execs? The Hollywood contingent is downright chummy with this president. That's not a
surprise — Hollywood gave tens of millions to Obama, and Obama returned the favor by attempting
to shoehorn a $246 million tax break for Hollywood into the stimulus package. What's shocking is
the media's soft treatment of this phenomenon. Suppose that every single day, oil magnates stopped by
the White House to chat with Obama. Or — Heaven forefend — executives from
WalMart. Do you think the press would stand for that sort of favoritism? Or would they scream
bloody murder from the rooftops?
Barack Obama aglow after 100-day honeymoon — just like
Carter. [Scroll down] The day has been seized as another opportunity to hone the Obama
image, which was carefully crafted and protected during a campaign in which his persona and life story,
rather than his policies, led to triumph. Advisers who publicly mock the theme of 100 days have
been discreetly parcelling out made-to-order anecdotes to the press, each one designed to show how
decisive, far-thinking or cool under pressure he is.
The things you don't read about Barack
Obama: The Chronicle Herald recently made space for an urgent Associated Press dispatch
from Washington informing readers the Obamas had chosen a Portuguese water dog. Not original
reporting, of course, but an AP rephrasing of a White House-arranged scoop in the Washington Post
online. ... So here is a small selection of news on the most powerful man on Earth which has been
deemed unfit to print.
'Press Corps Has Taken Such a Pathetic Dive' with Obama. Reacting to the questions posed during
Wednesday's presidential news conference, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich expressed disappointment with
the White House press corps, telling FNC's Greta Van Susteren the journalists have "taken such a pathetic dive
with this President that they ought to be part of his PR firm. I mean it's embarrassing to watch."
Watchdogs are heeling for Obama.
With few exceptions, the mainstream news media have been dutifully pushing the Obama message, burnishing his
carefully crafted image and offering few challenges when he makes questionable or misleading pronouncements,
gestures or policy statements. In short, they seem mesmerized by the glamour of this new and different
president. ... Whatever Obama says, or doesn't say, is usually good enough for them.
Lies And Liars. Last week saw an unusual
number of outright lies from our media and political class. Lies that went virtually unchallenged. ... Lie #1:
ABC, celebrating Obama's 100 day mark, announced he is enjoying the best presidential job approval rating of any
president at this point in 20 years. Not so. A simple google search shows that George W.
Bush, at the 100 day mark in his presidency, enjoyed a 62% approval rating. Obama, alas, enjoys only
a 52% approval rating. ABC lied.
Networks Devote Half Their Nightly Newscasts to Obama. Earlier on Monday [4/27/2009], my colleague
Tim Graham previewed a study from the Center for Media and Public Affairs finding that Barack Obama received more
television coverage in his first 50 days in office than George W. Bush and Bill Clinton did through
similar points in their presidencies combined. The final report has now been published, and the
results are even more absurd.
Reporters Rise For The President. Some people noticed that many reporters rose from their
seats last Friday [5/1/2009] when President Obama unexpectedly entered the White House briefing room, but the
same courtesy was not always extended in the past when President Bush would make an appearance. Comparison
videos were even posted on YouTube.
Puffball Nation. As the lamestream
media continues to swoon Scarlett O'Hara-like over this president, we now know two things for sure:
they're really cheap dates. Easy too.
Me, But Did He Just Ask for Grey Poupon? [Scroll down] And that burger "joint" — well, it's
not exactly a glorified White Castle or Steak and Shake — or even a Five Guys, it's a spot where you can drop up
to $17.50 on a burger. You can get yours with foie gras, bordalaise sauce, and even white truffle oil. Just
like Mickey D's, right? It turns out that maybe the cool "let's-show-them-we-are-just-like-them" adventure was
at least a little flawed, but you'd never know it by the news coverage.
gives the far Left 99 dreamy days. President Obama reaches his 100th day in the White House
Wednesday, so the liberal press is about to burst with flowery tributes to multiple milestones —
some real, most imagined — of this most radical American chief executive ever. Contrary to the
plaudits flowing from America's left-leaning journalists this week, The Examiner must dissent by noting three
of Obama "achievements" that likely mark his administration as a disaster in the making.
Pro-Obama bias is so routine that the few
exceptions are newsworthy:
Too Silly, Even for the MSM.
For once the mainstream media was not entirely snowed by the Obama administration's dog-and-pony show. The
subject was healthcare "savings" and everyone from the AMA to major insurers to drug companies pledged to do
their part. The only thing missing was any reasonable explanation for how they'd do so. And the MSM
figured it out.
Just suppose for a moment ...
Palin's First 100 Days: A near disaster. The first 100 days of the Palin presidency, according
to a consensus of media commentators, have proven a near disaster. Perhaps it was Palin's scant two
years' experience in a major government position that has eroded her gravitas, or maybe it was her flirty
reliance on looks and informal chit-chat.
voice all but lost in Obama-Notre Dame drama. Given how this has been spun, by an adoring pro-Obama
(and pro-abortion rights) media, the weekend's news coverage is tiresomely predictable: Christian
protesters whose faith teaches them to oppose abortion will be depicted as intolerant extremist fanatics,
perhaps just one step removed from the Appalachian snake dancers.
Media: Stop Digging. The first rule of getting out of a hole you have dug yourself into is
to stop digging. But at the White House Correspondents' Dinner Saturday, they handed out shovels at the
door. ... Now, if I remember correctly, about 53% of voters voted for the President. Well, there's no
disputing that American journalism serves that chunk of the audience. Their fawning subservience to
those in presently in power is even starting to creep out President Obama. "Most of you covered me;
all of you voted for me," he told his audience of tingle-legged supplicants.
CNN Invents the News, Again.
Yesterday's top news story was the very public debate between President Barack Obama and former Vice-President Dick
Cheney regarding the interrogation of captured terrorists. ... [But] CNN chose as its top news item something
that happened over five years ago, not even providing its readers with a single sentence explaining how this
particular story was remotely newsworthy.
Narcissus And
Echo: Obama And The Mainstream Media. It is troubling that our president is a pathological
narcissist caught up in the thought patterns of Darwin, Marx, and Alinsky. Even more troubling is the
fact that the Mainstream Media, suffering from an Obama-inspired narcosis, shirks its duty, refusing to
publish or even explore any aspect of Obama's dark side.
The Cynical Idealism of Obama.
Barack Obama is able to wrap his Chicago cynicism in the language of idealism, making him appear to be what he
is not. But much of the press, which has an unprecedented emotional investment in Obama and his success,
has decided to look the other way, time and again. Countless reporters and commentators thirst for his
approval; they clearly count it a privilege to be part of his team. At least a few of them have done us
the courtesy of doing so explicitly and officially rather than maintaining the fiction of disinterestedness.
The Obama
Infatuation. The Obama infatuation is a great unreported story of our time. Has any recent
president basked in so much favorable media coverage? Well, maybe John Kennedy for a moment; but no
president since. On the whole, this is not healthy for America. Our political system works best
when a president faces checks on his power. But the main checks on Obama are modest. They come
from congressional Democrats, who largely share his goals if not always his means. The leaderless and
confused Republicans don't provide effective opposition. And the press — on domestic, if not
foreign, policy — has so far largely abdicated its role as skeptical observer.
Men's Mag Votes for The One. It's time for me to end another men's magazine subscription. Sad. I
thought this one might last an entire 12 issues. "Details" just declared its unconditional love for President
Obama with a "think" piece teased on the front cover — "Can Obama make you better in bed?"
Journalists who don't
kiss Obama's feet. The White House press corps is now completely supine, utterly shameless in its
groveling cowardice. Stalin himself couldn't have wished for a more slobbering press corps. Rather
than mailing them nice little Lipton tea bags, millions of sane Americans might consider sending air sickness
bags to our Reigning Media. But not, thank haven, across the broad Atlantic.
journalists, how close is too close? Author and former Newsweek journalist Richard Wolffe is
refuting charges that he acted more like Barack Obama's campaign spokesman than as a journalist covering Obama's
presidential campaign. It was Obama, himself, who suggested that Wolffe write his book Renegade: The
Making of a President. Wolffe, however, denied that writing the book meant trading objectivity for
Obama, a "Sort of God"?
On Friday evening Newsweek editor Evan Thomas had an extraordinary exchange with MSNBC's Chris Matthews.
Thomas, commenting on Obama's Cairo speech, said, "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country,
above — above the world, he's sort of God." ... It is now impossible to mock the media's adoration
for Obama. In the past, if conservatives had said that MSM commentators viewed Obama as God, people would
have assumed they were exaggerating in order to make a point. But in this instance, there is no
exaggeration; Thomas stated that Obama is "sort of God."
in Action: American Mainstream Media.
The government now puts itself in charge of everything from running large companies, such as General Motors, to
determining compensation for businesses under government control. ... Objections or concerns about an unconstitutional
seizure of power, anyone? Where are the stories reminding us of the smashing job government does in running Amtrak
or the post office? Where are the stories contrasting Canada's move toward greater privatization of its health care
system to the President's desire to move toward a Canadian model?
Unquestioned Authority.
This religious-like faith in Obama has led the media not to question much of what he does. He claims his
stimulus plan has "saved or created" 150,000 jobs and that "stimulus II" will "save or create" 600,000 jobs
this summer. How does government "save" a job and how does one measure such a claim? In January,
before taking office, the president said 90 percent of the new jobs he would create would be in the private
sector. The media have yet to ask him why that promise has not yet been fulfilled.
the suddenly shy press corps? The May employment figures are out. The new jobs data
blatantly, unambiguously contradict the claims made by the President earlier in the year when he was
justifying the stimulus bill. But the silence from the mainstream media over the difference between
President's promises and his results has been nothing short of deafening.
The Man Who
Would Be God. One of the things that annoy me the most about Obama is how easily he lies.
One of the things that annoy me about the media is the way they enable him to get away with it. For
instance, when he jammed through the trillion-dollar pork pie, he claimed it was so urgently needed he
couldn't spare the legislators even 48 hours to plow through the 1,100 pages. However, once they
passed the bill, Obama waited four days before flying off to Denver to sign it.
Obama's Other
Controversial Church. While John McCain was being tortured as a prisoner of war in Hanoi, First
Unitarian Church of Honolulu — at which the elementary-age Obama would later attend Sunday school
after returning from Indonesia in 1970 or 71 — was sheltering deserters and AWOLs recruited by
'flirty fishing' coeds from a Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) group known as "The Resistance". ... The
story of his ties to the church began to emerge only after he attended [his grandmother's] memorial service. ... The
connection to Vietnam deserters has not been included in any of the Obama-related coverage.
President Missed Rev. Wright's Racist Rants Because 'He Wasn't Much of a Churchgoer'. If you've
ever wondered why the mainstream media didn't show much curiosity about how 20 years of attending Rev.
Jeremiah Wright's church shaped President Barack Obama, there is a perfectly logical explanation. Obama
wasn't really there.
Obama cruises past media.
President Bush and his team were regularly savaged by the media elite if they so much as sniffed a hint of evasion
over the rule of law and the bounds of constitutional authority in fighting terrorism. So why is President
Obama's unprecedented intervention in the auto industry, including a TARP-fund bailout expressly ruled out by
Congress, all but ignored?
1984 all over again. On the
night of June 24, ABC News will turn their broadcast over to the White House so that Obama can sell his national health
insurance program. ... It is true that the networks routinely hand over time to the party in power so that the president can
address the nation. But this is much different. In essence, I agree with Drudge; this makes ABC a part of the
executive branch — a cog in the Obama PR machine. It makes a cruel joke of the idea of an independent
The Obamedia.
[Scroll down] This exchange is revealing on several fronts. First, it demonstrates that Obama — who
is (literally) compared to God by some journalists, who sends a thrill up the leg of others, and who
causes reporters and editors to weep and choke up with emotion in simply thinking about The One — apparently
believes he deserves worshipful coverage across the board; when he doesn't receive it, he views it as
a grave injustice. It warrants a stronger response from him than, say, the repression of freedom
in Iran.
From Newsroom to
Bedroom. Today ... the press has become a subsidiary of the advertising department, catering
to target groups that are most likely to buy advertisers' products. The ABC News division has taken
this one step further. On June 24, it will essentially become a mouthpiece for the Obama
administration and its position on reforming health care.
The Editor says...
The article below is an example of glowing Obama worship in the press. Father's Day, San Francisco Chronicle.
Obama's example:
Putting family first. On this Father's Day, the American public should proudly note that
our president takes his personal role as father (and spouse) as seriously as he does his job as father
of the country. ... We can only hope that fathers and spouses everywhere will be thinking "What Would
Obama Do?" as they navigate through the murky waters of parenthood and family life.
The Editor continues...
Besides the author's blindness toward's Obama's massive character flaws, her ignorance of history
is showing as well: George Washington, not Barack Obama, is generally thought of as
the "father of our country."
Media's Mask Is Slipping As
Deficits Surge. A calm Sunday breakfast might have been ruined after a glance at the Washington
Post's front page on June 14. A chart below the fold explained that under Obama's federal spending
proposals, the U.S. would be required to borrow $9 trillion during the next decade. That's
$9,000,000,000,000. The Post compared that, in today's dollars, to the financial burden of World
War II: $3.6 trillion. That's not all of Obama's spending plan. That's only the
part that's in the red. ... Sadly, this Washington Post article notwithstanding, the news media aren't
questioning the new health "reform" drive. They are enabling it.
end to the Obama love affair. "Obama Kills A Fly." "FLOTUS In The Garden." "The
Obama Diet." These aren't tabloid tales. These are a few of the headlines — just from
one day — by journalists who regularly cover the Obama administration. Is this really what
Americans want to know about our commander-in-chief?
Media Cheer Obama's Golf Outings;
Criticized Republicans' Trips to Course. President Barack Obama has gone to the golf course
at least 11 times since he took the oath of office a little more than six months ago — three rounds were
played during the late January, 12-day holiday Obama took with his family in Hawaii; one at Andrews Air
Force Base; and seven at Ft. Belvoir Golf Course, including a round on Sunday, Father's Day, with Vice
President Joe Biden. These 11 rounds played by the president are documented through media
reports of his golf trips.
Politics of personal perfection.
Let's be honest: Barack Obama is better than you are. He's a better father — taking
breaks from running the world to cheer on his daughters at soccer and basketball games. He's a better
husband — zipping his wife off for dinner in New York and Paris. He's got a better
diet — nibbling on vegetables from his homegrown garden to keep his love handles in check.
And he's got a terrific jump shot. ... "This is a guy who was elected as a celebrity and is governing as a
celebrity," said Republican consultant Rick Wilson. "If George Bush had been photographed taking his
daughters out for ice cream [as Obama was on Saturday], it would have been: 'Nero fiddles while Rome
Cap and Trade: Political Alchemy, Economy
Buster and Disaster for Poor. [Scroll down] Many believe there is a more sinister aspect
behind Obama's Cap & Trade legislation. Faltering companies, like General Electric, have been awarded
or promised huge government contracts regarding the research and development of alternative energy sources.
NOTE: General Electric is expected to receive billions of dollars in government contracts. General
Electric owns NBC and MSNBC and they have been some of Obama's biggest supporters in the mainstream media,
both prior to and after his election.
The Editor says...
GE has been called "Obama's Halliburton"
because the company has received a lot of "stimulus" money, and it is heavily involved in missile
defense systems, broadcast news, and wind-driven
Obama Administration
Gave GE 24.9 Million in 'Stimulus' Grants. The Obama administration gave corporate giant General
Electric — the parent company of NBC — $24.9 million in grants from the $787-billion economic "stimulus"
law President Barack Obama signed in February 2009, according to records posted by the administration at
Despite getting $24.9 million from U.S. taxpayers, GE decreased its U.S.-based employees by 18,000 in 2009,
according to the company's 2009 annual report. According to Standard & Poor's, GE took in $156 billion
in revenue in 2009.
Endless Love.
Thanks to a few pointed questions from the press corps at a White House news conference, the long Obama
captivity of the media is at an end. The Hotline, an inside-the-Beltway tip sheet, proclaimed
June 23 "The Day the Love Ended." ... But what truly confuses is how a few tough questions make up
for months of forehead-scraping obeisance to The One. ... Indeed, shouldn't this be a moment for
reflection on how bad the press has been until now?
When did the lowbrows
take over the culture? [Scroll down] In his press conferences he hypnotizes all the
ink-stained wretches of the media. It's a sight to behold. The man swats a fly and the suck-ups
of the media go ga-ga with applause, and go back and write articles about it. That's not just a
reflection on their (lack of) character and judgment. It's not just their childish immaturity. It's a
reflection on their brains, or rather, on all that empty space between their ears. Our media stars are
just not very bright.
Silent Scandals:
In just the last month, an unusual number of what were formerly regarded as scandals went unnoticed and
largely unreported by the old media, to wit: Obama recently fired an Inspector General of Americorps,
giving him one hour to resign or be fired. This, in direct contradiction to legislation Obama co-sponsored
as Senator, requiring 30-day notice and an explanation.
someone mention Inspector General
Gerald Walpin?
Media pussy
cats. What were the people at NBC News thinking? Long-time NBC anchor Tom Brokaw was being
considered for a White House appointment when he interviewed President Obama on Jan. 5 and covered him on
the news. The position in question was to become a commissioner on the White House Fellows Commission.
Neither NBC nor Mr. Brokaw ever made any disclosure that Mr. Brokaw had been offered or was considering the
position. It was not until June 17 that NBC made public that Mr. Brokaw was joining the commission.
I'd like to ask Mr. President a
few hardball questions. I don't go to those fancy presidential press conferences and ask the softball questions
the reporters there like to ask. ... The questions I have in mind are more of the hardball variety, to wit: ... Mr.
President, when are you going to develop an exit strategy for getting out of owning General Motors? Why didn't
you have such a strategy before you obligated all of us to buying such a turkey?
Hey media, Obama isn't 'God'.
So, as it turns out, U.S. President Barack Obama is not "God" when it comes to dealing with the Islamic world, after all.
This, contrary to that gushingly inane description of him by Newsweek editor-at-large Evan Thomas, following Obama's
June 4 speech in Cairo, seeking reconciliation with Muslims.
Post Hired Left-Wing Obama Enabler as Its 'Chief Digital Officer'. The Washington Posts's first ever "chief
digital officer" came aboard the newspaper, where he also oversees Newsweek's online efforts, after three years of working
diligently to help elect liberals and Democrats to office — including Barack Obama.
Administration, Lobbyist, Journalist: Who
Can Tell the Difference? The [Washington] Post, embarrassed by disclosure of its cozy, profitable
relationships with lobbyists and the Obama administration, has repudiated the "salon" program. Given that
their publisher was the program's host and the paper's "news executives" were set to participate, the paper's suddenly
discovering its ethical standards rings rather hollow. It's worth mentioning that the story came to light
because a lobbyist who received the Post's flyer was offended by the ethics of the event and blew the whistle.
Welcome to Obamacare Theater.
The White House sure likes to put on a show. Fresh off its joint stage production with ABC News, the Obama
administration broadcast another health care propaganda play this week under the guise of a citizen "town hall."
Chicago consigliere and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett managed the floor and human props for Obama. In a telling
moment as the event kicked off, she protested a wee bit much: "I want to emphasize that the President has not
seen the questions ahead of time." The audience responded with polite laughter. But the denials of
pre-planning and stacked decks deserve nothing but derisive mockery.
Obama reads Pushkin. Two
weeks ago it was the Urdu poets. This week it's Obama's love for Pushkin's poetry. The week before it was
probably the Bhadavad-Gita in Sanskrit. If it's Tuesday this must be Zorba the Greek — in Greek.
It's all in a day's light reading for our Obama.
News Executives In The
Tank. It seems like a never-ending spin cycle: laudatory coverage leads to popularity, which leads to
higher TV ratings, which leads to more laudatory coverage. But it's not working any more. Behind the glittery
curtains, Obama's polls are falling. Worse, some ink-stained wretches are getting a little sick of the propaganda
News Notes Communist Past of the 'Green Jobs' Czar. The administration's "Green Jobs" czar, Van Jones,
has a "very checkered past" deep-rooted in radical politics, including black nationalism, anarchism, and
communism. The broadcast network newscasts have mostly failed to report on Mr. Jones's past political
affiliations which are lock-step with the network's downplay of coverage regarding President Obama's
associations with the former radical and terrorist William Ayers during the election.
Obama's Weakened
Condition: What did President Obama achieve for himself and for America during last week's G-8
summit? Not much. Despite what presumably was his best effort at using the charm, personality and
teleprompter that catapulted him into office, he was unsuccessful in persuading either wealthy or developing
nations to sign off on a plan to combat "global warming." It's not that he lacks support from the
European media. CNN International and the BBC, among others, continue to blanket their networks
with "green" propaganda in a disinformation blitz that would have made Joseph Goebbels proud.
Scientists, Two Standards. The New York Times recently warned its readers about a wacky
scientist in the Obama administration. But the fish wrap of record let the real nut job off the
hook. ... The rationality police in the newsroom have not ... seen fit to print the rantings of a radical
secular evangelist now serving as the White House "science czar." John Holdren, Obama's director of
the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and co-chair of the President's Council of Advisors
on Science and Technology, co-authored the innocuously titled "Ecoscience" in the 1970s with population
control extremists Paul and Anne Ehrlich.
Obama is dumb. Admittedly, George Bush was not the most eloquent President we've ever had, but
of course, neither is Barack Obama once he gets off his teleprompter. The biggest difference between the
two men is not their speaking ability; it's that the mainstream media decided from day one that George Bush was
dumb just because he was a Republican from Texas. ... Was it George Bush who claimed that there were more than
57 states? Did Bush say he saw our "fallen heroes" in the audience during a speech? Was it
George Bush who made a racist comment about "typical white people?" Did W. spend 20 years without
complaint at a church where the pastor spouted off ignorant, anti-Semitic ideas and conspiracy theories?
Was George Bush so much of an airhead that he actually ended up "thanking himself in a speech" because
that's what his teleprompter said to do?
We Must Destroy The Economy To Save The Economy.
In a recent New York Times post, [Paul] Krugman proclaims that "Deficits saved the world." The unspoken logic is
pretty clear, and inside Krugman states, "government deficits... are the only thing that has saved us from a second Great
Depression." The unspoken logic is pretty clear. Since Obama must be given credit for saving the world, and
saving America from a second depression... and the only thing Obama has done is run up a huge deficit... the new line of
argument has to be that "Deficits saved America and the World from a second Great Depression."
Rare, Truthful Treat:
'Fact Check' On Obama Presser Hits Surprisingly Hard. [Calvin] Woodward [of the Associated Press] and ABC's
Jake Tapper remain virtually alone in the White House press corps in their willingness to report negative news about Obama
when it occurs (unless it's impossible to avoid, as in the Obama-Gates matter), or to criticize him in identified analysis
items. Will that ever change?
Just how smart is Obama?
Just how smart is the President? Famous presidential historian Michael Beschloss, a regular on PBS's Newshour
show, says his IQ is "off the charts" and that he is "probably the smartest guy ever to become president,"
while admitting he doesn't know what his IQ is. I say: let's look at the evidence.
Where's Obama's Birth Certificate?
The mainstream media have been extraordinarily disinterested in any credible documentation of Obama's life story. Something is very wrong about that.
Something is bizarre that Time Magazine is putting Obama's picture on the cover for a twelfth time in twelve months!
Obama's rise to power has been meteoric. His path there remains shrouded in deliberate obscurity.
Obama's birth
certificate and the real issues: The major media have done their best to obscure the existence
of oddities in Obama's life story that never made it to the two autobiographical works purportedly authored
by him. It has been left to the blogosphere to point out his many lies about his past. Yet the general
public remains blissfully unaware of these lies, though it does know everything about Sarah Palin's family
thanks to inquiring minds of the media. Even worse, the mainstream media twice dug up intimate details
of the lives of two men who stood in his way in acquiring his seat in the United States Senate. ... If the
media had not abandoned its watchdog role for Obama, while aggressively pushing it on two strategically
situated opponents, he would never have become president.
Camera Hog In
Chief. President Barack Obama appears to be breaking every record kept on U.S. presidential
press coverage. Over the first six months of this year, he was cited in a staggering 1.1 million
stories across mainstream, Internet and social media — an average of 6,100 references a day.
That's more than triple what Obama's last two predecessors, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, got in the
mainstream press during their first six months.
Door from Journalism to Team Obama Now Up to a Dozen. With the revelation that Newsweek
Washington bureau reporter Daren Briscoe will start a new job on Monday as Deputy Associate Director of Public
Affairs for the Office of National Drug Control Policy, my list of journalists who have jumped to the Obama
administration — plus one who traveled through the revolving door from helping the Obama campaign
into a news media slot — is up to a dozen.
Embedded Obama Campaign Reporter Joins Obama Administration. The revolving door between the media
and Team Obama continues to rotate. Some journalists on the campaign trail were infatuated with Obama, and
that's certainly true of the Newsweek reporter who covered Obama in-depth (with the promise that nothing he learned
would be revealed until after the election).
The President's Biggest Whopper
and MSM's Complicity In Serving It Up: President Obama did it again yesterday, "guaranteeing" Americans
that if they liked their health insurance, they could keep it. (Exact quote: "Here's a guarantee that I've
made: If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance. If you've got a doctor
that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor.") This is obviously, almost absurdly not true, but still the
president repeats it again and again, probably because he knows that if Americans genuinely understood the threat to their
existing insurance posed by his plan, they would pursue their representatives and senators with a fury that would kill
the plan off immediately.
All-Access Obama. A
new study by the Business and Media Institute shows that if liberal health plans are losing popularity, it can't be
blamed on TV news. From Jan. 20 to June 24 on ABC, CBS and NBC, fully 70 percent of the soundbites
supported Obama's leftist health-care ideas. Network reporters exaggerated the number of uninsured Americans up
to "50 million." The networks ignored how big-government health schemes like the one in Massachusetts were
more costly than planned.
Care Facts Not In Evidence. It's pretty daring to question the very premise required to
stampede-sell the destruction of the private insurance industry and takeover of health care. ... For
the most part, though, it seems that urgent need for "health care reform" — whatever that actually
means — is a fact unquestioned by the media, like the article of faith anointing the president as "The
Greatest Communicator Ever" (despite the evidence to the contrary: his total dependence on
scripted words on teleprompters; his ever increasing disasters when off-prompter).

Time Mag Covers Since Election for Obama. Time magazine's August 10 edition with President
Barack Obama on the cover ("Paging Dr. Obama") trying to heal the nation in a photo illustration as a physician,
wearing a white smock with a stethoscope around his neck, brings to seven the number of issues the magazine's
cover has featured Obama just since November's election — make that eight for the First Family if
you add in June 1's genuflecting "The Meaning of Michelle."
Unread Lips. It should not take
alternative news sources to bring the president's multiple "read my lips" reversals to public awareness. Isn't it
obvious that if such inconsistencies — suggesting calculated untruthfulness — had come from a
Republican president, the establishment media would have unearthed them long, long ago?
Runs Glowing Segment About Pro-ObamaCare Rally. CNN's Newsroom on Thursday [8/6/2009] ran a
glowing documentary-style report about a pro-ObamaCare rally on Capitol Hill that was organized by a coalition
of left-wing organizations. Anchor Heidi Collins introduced the report without referencing any of the
organizers, which included ACORN, and SEIU. The report also featured a former Obama campaign
operative who pushed for the president's plan.
empty words of a journalist turned flack. Linda Douglass, the former CBS and ABC News correspondent who
joined the Obama presidential campaign and later the administration, has emerged as the point person in the White House
push back against "disinformation" regarding national health care. She's one of several former journalists who are
part of Team Obama, and her story, in particular, illustrates the difficulties that politically connected Democratic
journalists can face both inside and outside the government.
The Obama family sure does spend a lot of time on vacation.
First Family Heading to Yellowstone,
Grand Canyon. The First Family is taking a vacation before their vacation. White House Press Secretary
Robert Gibbs said Friday [8/7/2009] the president, First Lady Michelle and the kids are heading west on Aug. 14 for a
long weekend to visit Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National parks. Just days later, the First Family travels to
Martha's Vineyard, off the coast of Massachusetts.
The Editor says...
Where are the reporters who complained so loudly about George W. Bush taking so
much vacation time?
You may recall that when President Bush was in office, "mainstream" reporters counted weekends as vacation
time, and complained that Mr. Bush was away from the White House one third of his term. The big
difference is that President Bush spent his time at Crawford, or Camp David, or Kennebunkport. Obama
travels to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Central America — wherever totalitarian dictators can
be found — and the press is perfectly content.
Anchor: "'Socialist' Is Becoming the New N-word". Did you know that when you refer to someone as
a socialist, you're really calling them the N-word? Such an astonishing hypothesis was offered by MSNBC's Carlos
Watson Monday [8/10/2009]...
Protesting the
Protesters. How odd that in a different context, with different protesters, these disruptions would be
seen as brave. But it's not brave at all, according to the media. That's because, for once, the media is
not on the protesting side. Instead, the media is the "power" that's being spoken to — and that
confuses them. And so they mock.
CNN Lets White House 'Fact Check' Anti-Obama
Claims. CNN's 3pm ET Newsroom anchor Rick Sanchez on Tuesday pleaded with White House spokesperson
(and former ABC and CBS reporter) Linda Douglass to reject as a "falsity" that the health care "public option"
desired by congressional liberals would include government payments for abortions. "There's no evidence,
as we've found out, that there's any plans to make the government or make all Americans pay for abortions in
the plan," Sanchez insisted before lobbing this softball to Douglass: "What's your strategy for dealing
with those falsities?"
Merchandise a Big Seller at NBC Store. If you're a fan of all things Obama, NBC Universal's
online store has no fewer than 29 options for your buying pleasure — from a shirt with the
president's picture proclaiming "YES WE DID" to both of his books to a special inauguration DVD to a
refrigerator magnet of the first couple.
New York Times' Disgrace
Deepens. It is not just the rapid growth of online news alternatives that is destroying newspapers.
The New York Times was once the most respected paper in America. Now it has become a paper in service to an
agenda and a political party. Is it any wonder why people look elsewhere for news?
What Went Wrong:
[Scroll down] There is a growing fear that Obamism is becoming cult-like and Orwellian. Almost on script,
Hollywood ceased all its Rendition/ Redacted-style films. Iraq — once the new
Vietnam — is out of the news. Afghanistan is "problematic," not a "blunder." Tribunals,
renditions, the Patriot Act, and Predators are no longer proof of a Seven Days in May coup, but
legitimate tools to keep us safe. Words change meanings as acts of terror become "man-caused
disasters." Hunting down jihadists is really an "overseas contingency operation." Media
sycophants do not merely parrot Obama, but now proclaim him a "god."
unaccustomed to having his lies challenged. President Barack Obama is one of the most spoiled
politicians ever to capture the imagination of a nation. He has enjoyed what author and newsman Bernard
Goldberg has described as "a slobbering love affair" with the American media. So many members of the
Fourth Estate in this country have so thoroughly compromised themselves to sell his radical agenda that the
American people no longer trust them even to report the news.
Michelle Obama and the
double-edged sword of fashion. I suppose there must be some people who genuinely regard Michelle Robinson
Obama as beautiful, elegant, and tasteful. But I am not among them. I have yet to meet a heterosexual male
who finds Michelle a hottie. The media hype portraying her as the heir to Jackie Kennedy may persuade a few, but
in most instances I believe that it only reinforces the reputation of such media outlets as purely propagandistic organs,
the same folks selling the equally implausible narrative of the town halls as full of Nazis and astroturfers.
thrill is gone for Obama and the media. There's nothing like a summer vacation to rekindle a
romance. So maybe a week on Martha's Vineyard can bring back some of the magic between the Obama
administration and the media.
Obama and
faith: Reaching out to progressive faith leaders in two massive conference calls, Obama
insisted that God was on his side. ... When President George W. Bush invoked God as his inspiration,
many liberals lamented the shattering of the wall between church and state by our theocrat in chief.
When Obama does likewise, it's inspiring, spiritual leadership.
Palin Flummoxes
the Elites with Common Sense. As you may have noticed, the "traditional" media recently morphed
from administration critics into a pro bono public relations firm for the White House. It
happened on or about January 20, 2009. Now, they're flummoxed by their failure to refute a woman
they believe has the communications savvy of a pimento.
The Editor says...
In my opinion, "it happened" no later than November 4, 2008.
Obama and the Media:
Trouble in Paradise. Many have remarked upon the growing rift between the former sweethearts. ... It's
the president and the mainstream media. Those soul mates are at odds — squabbling in public
and tossing about recriminations. What had been a match made in heaven has turned sour, and it's not
clear they can ever go back to the way things were during their long and intense courtship.
False reports about
guns. Countless newspapers and television networks — from CBS to MSNBC —
have misreported that conservative protesters are threatening President Obama with guns at public
events. It hasn't happened.
The Internet power grab by the Obama White
House. "Once Americans realize what's happening it may be too late thanks to Obama's supporters
in the news media. Do a search and you won't see stories about this power grab in the major media,"
warns [political strategist Mike] Baker.
Guest Comments on Obama in Classroom. Once again, one of the masters of the universe trotted out
on MSNBC has discovered the cure to one of society's ills — more Obama.
Van Jones story finally goes
mainstream. I say finally because as Byron York pointed out yesterday in the Examiner, not one major media
organ had a word about the Truther. Today [9/5/2009], however, that has changed as WaPo, CBS, and CNN have discussed
the controversy.
Networks censor health care
debate. Both [ABC and NBC] have refused to run an ad proposed for national telecast by the League of American
Voters, a nonprofit group with 15,000 members. The supposedly offensive ad makes the simple claim that the proposed
government-run health care program would ration medical care.
should look in mirror. Now that White House "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones has resigned, what's
next? Inevitably, the American mainstream media — ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, the
Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, et al — must be held to account for sitting on the sidelines
as this major story kept building without them, went viral on YouTube, and then became so large that a key
appointee of President Obama was forced to step down.
Obama Set to Force ObamaCare while His Eligibility
Trial Date Set? If Obama's motion to dismiss is not granted, [Orly] Taitz' discovery hearing
will take place that same day and the case challenging Obama's eligibility will proceed. ... As of this
writing not one of the major news outlets (aka Obama's State-run media) have reported anything at all on Judge
Carter's ruling.
Imagine Van Jones in a
GOP White House. Perhaps you are tired of pundits writing "If a Republican president had done what Obama
just did..." or "If a Republican had said something like that..." It does get rather boring to point out double standards
that the press uses to report on Democrats and Republicans — and especially Barack Obama and any GOP president,
past or future. But the record must be made...
Obama's Lies Matter, Too. It is telling
that so many people who claim to be speaking on the side of Truth, Justice, and the American Way of Journalism
have consistently focused their outrage-o-meters at individual townhall attendees, political broadcast entertainers,
and the lesser lights of a lame (if resurgent-by-default) opposition party, while letting walk nearly fact-check-free
the non-irrelevant occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
CBS Had No Difficulty Finding Van Jones in 2003. If you rely only on the three major broadcast networks or one
of the top major national papers as your news sources, the name "Van Jones" might prompt you to say,"Who?" But, while
the media had difficulty reporting on Van Jones the embattled member of the Obama Administration, it had no such trouble
covering Van Jones the anti-Iraq War protestor.
Flick Off Obama. The omnipresence of Barack
Hussein Obama is guaranteed by the television, more aptly identified by the little people as, "the boob tube". Obama's
speech to Congress last night was forced upon the unwashed masses. Or was it? ... The television networks and lying
politicians do not deserve your patronage.
First reports from AP
and NY Times indicate 'thousands' at DC protest? Pictures supplied by Fox and CNN appeared to me to
show a crowd stretching all the way from the Capitol steps, back many, many blocks, stretching off into the
distance. By any stretch of the imagination, such a crowd should have been indentified in "the hundreds
of thousands."
of the House ACORN vote: The House's 345-75 vote to defund ACORN is indeed, as my Examiner
colleague Byron York put it, extraordinary. Democrats voted 172-75 to defund ACORN; Republicans voted
173-0 to do so. This would not have occurred but for the [] videos of ACORN
employees encouraging tax evasion and prostitution. "Mainstream media" studiously ignored this big, big
story, because it put Obama's political allies in ACORN in a bad light ... As indicated by members' votes,
mainstream America was clearly repulsed by the facts that "mainstream media" tried to conceal.
someone mention ACORN?
'Killing Granny'. Newsweek seeks to
make us more comfortable with the idea of killing our parents and grandparents. The ObamaCare deal they want us buy
is that only if more old people die, will there be better medical treatment for everyone else. That is, you and
me. It's a sucker's deal. Because not only will more "old" people die with ObamaCare, but more of everyone
else will die too.
YouTube Caught Red-handed Cooking Stats for Obama. is currently linking to a YouTube video of a government schoolteacher instructing young students to praise
Obama in song. While this is shocking, there is an even bigger story here. Consider this: the video's
"views" counter listed only 363 views as of 1:04 p.m. EST on Sept. 24. But at the same time it had
2,279 comments. What's wrong with this picture? ... YouTube likely doesn't want you to know about the Obama worship
video. So, perhaps, like a sleazy car dealer dialing down an odometer, they dial down the hit counter to a point
where the video languishes in the recesses of the site.
Obama and ACORN: Barack
Obama gave five interviews last Sunday, and only one interviewer bothered to ask him about the ACORN scandal.
about Obama and ACORN.
Pollsters push people to accept
Obamacare. Gallup has unintentionally revealed how they, and other polling organizations, have been pushing
the public to accept Obamacare. The revelation came in a report late last month which revealed that a significant
majority of Americans believes that individuals themselves, and not the government, should be responsible for ensuring
they have health insurance. ... Even though the survey was released on September 30, not too many folks have seen
these numbers. As they do with most anti-Obamacare news, the Democrats' Big Media acolytes have avoided the
How The VRWC Really Works:
The more accurate the reporting on a story that unnerves the Democrats, the more likely the major media are to block it.
There is no more stunning example of this than the reporting on Christopher Andersen's new best-seller, Barack and
Michelle: The Portrait of an American Marriage.
Goes Into Astroturf Mode. Remember back just a few short months ago — when thousands, if not
millions, of Americans were protesting out-of-control government spending and other policies favored by President
Barack Obama's administration? Surprised by the resounding turnout, the usual lefty talking heads on
MSNBC ... explained the protests away as being fake grassroots aka AstroTurf.
Awed By Obama — for Blocking a Basketball Shot. Hours before the Nobel committee awarded its "Peace
Prize" to President Barack Obama, the CBS Evening News found another "achievement" to tout: A White House-released
photo of Obama blocking a basketball shot.
Consumer Reports Chucks Reputation to Hawk
ObamaCare. Consumer Reports has tossed away political neutrality to side with Democrats in
support of a government run health care system that will be costly to consumers. "[W]e are doing
something that we've never done before. For the first time ever, Consumers Union is weighing in with a
TV ad that calls on lawmakers to find a solution for health reform," said Jim Guest, publisher of Consumer
20 More Questions for
Barack Obama. Because our servile journalists spend their days awash in ecstasy, thinking endlessly of the
tingle that runs up their leg when they see Barack Obama, they don't seem to be able to find the time to ask him any tough
questions. That leaves the rest of us out in the cold, dreaming of queries we'd like to see asked of the President
of the United States — if our press would turn in its Obama Fan Club memberships and start acting like members of
the media again. With that in mind ... I've come up with 20 questions I'd like to see asked to Barack Obama.
Evidence to Contrary, Boston Globe Says MA Economy is 'Generally Improving'. In an October 16, 2009,
article in the Boston Globe, staffer Andrea Estes makes the eye-opening assertion that the economy in Massachusetts is
"generally improving." Facts and reality suggest otherwise.
Couric Finally Notices Obama's $1.4 Trillion Deficit. Back on October 7, when the Congressional
Budget Office reported that the federal deficit had ballooned to a massive $1.4 trillion during President Obama's
first year on the job, Katie Couric's CBS Evening News did not tell viewers. But Couric finally caught up to the
bad news after the Obama White House put out its final numbers on Friday afternoon [10/16/2009].
Editors' Group Creates Award Category for Obama Covers. The Magazine Publishers of America's American Society
of Magazine Editors has added a category to its annual magazine cover awards: Obama. This new category is the
only ASME category focused on a single person, and highlights the reverential attitude for the President widely held in
the magazine publishing community.
Obama's Pedophilia Czar. This is the only
time in our recent history that the White House has directly complained about news coverage by naming an entire news
organization. Of course Fox is the only network that did not participate in the last election as if it was one of
Obama's campaign outlets. [Anita] Dunn went on to complain that Fox could not be a real news organization
because of the fact that it did not blindly support Obama.
propaganda has seeped into everything. With the full blessing of the media, Obama is still in
election mode, and I say: If elections persist more than 24 months, it's a problem. Especially
when the networks are giving him free time to air what amount to campaign commercials.
Firing at Fox, Shooting Themselves.
The White House's effort to target a news organization like Fox is vaguely Nixonian. The case put forward by the
pro-Mao political theorist Anita Dunn is filled with errors and erroneous statements. ... This whole anti-Fox gambit
will come across to a lot of people as misguided and petty, the product of a White House that is unusually thin-skinned
and somewhat paranoid — and, perhaps, as one that can't be trusted with power.
Does Anyone
Know Barack Obama? If, as the saying goes, the perfect is the enemy of the good, then Barack Obama is his
own worst enemy. That becomes clear in the upcoming HBO documentary "By the People: The Election of Barack
Obama," which is the product of many months of behind-the-scenes access to Obama during the presidential campaign.
It reveals — you will be surprised to learn — that Barack Obama is pretty close to the most
perfect person you will never get to know.
Silence of the Lambs.
Words have the power to wake people up. Silence can lull them to sleep. Silence legitimizes
abnormal behavior, makes it appear normal and acceptable. People become desensitized, numb. First
there's one advisor to Obama linked to Communism. The MSM doesn't say a word. Then there are three
or five or ten or [who] knows how many. If The New Black Panthers bring billy clubs to polling sites and
get away with it, that's the new normal. The next thing we know, a union thug bites off a finger at a
Town Hall. If Hillary and Sarah are vilified and enough people don't speak out, then everyone, from
Rush to us, becomes fair game.
Evita Obama. A New York Times
op-ed today verges on self-parody, as the biggest cheerleader for Michelle Obama, graphics editor Charles Blow,
expresses his adoration for the First lady. He has enough sense to begin with the words, "Forgive me in
advance for fawning..." and lives up to the billing.
Media Discovering that
Obama Balloon a Hoax. [Scroll down] If not for the Obama mania, the soaring rhetoric, the messianic
frenzy, the tingling legs, the false hope, the thronging, the fainting, the gushing, the emotionalism, the fawning,
the hype, the rapture, the delusion, etc., the news reporters would have noticed. ... They should have noticed
that the man didn't come out of Middle America, but out of the crooked streets of Chicago machine politics.
They should have noticed his associates were not exactly normal Americans. They should have noticed it
wasn't guilt by association, but guilt by associating. They should have noticed that remaining in Jeremiah
Wright's racist, divisive, anti-American church for 20 years was simply not reasonable.
someone mention Jeremiah Wright again?

What if George W. Bush had done that? A
four-hour stop in New Orleans, on his way to a $3 million fundraiser. Snubbing the Dalai Lama. Signing
off on a secret deal with drug makers. Freezing out a TV network. Doing more fundraisers than the last
president. More golf, too. President Barack Obama has done all of those things — and more. ... Conservatives
look on with a mix of indignation and amazement and ask: Imagine the fuss if George W. Bush had done these
Congress Uses Sham Poll to Force Total Control
ObamaCare. Liberal and leftist Congressional leaders have recently used what strongly appears to
be an exaggerated and embellished-in-ObamaCare's-favor poll in order to bolster the case for their
government-run healthcare mandate — no it is neither a public "option" nor Nancy Pelosi's
consumer "option" but, it is no option at all.
'Most Powerful Writer Since Julius Caesar,' Says NEA Chief. Rocco Landesman, chairman of the
National Endowment for the Arts, declared in a speech to art philanthropists in Brooklyn last week that
President Obama is the world's most powerful writer since the days of Caesar.
bootlicking NEA chairman. I suspect that Obama would prefer [Rocco] Landesmann keep his
mouth shut when it comes to claims that Obama actually wrote his own books. Given the accumulating
weight of evidence that Obama's first book was actually ghost-written by his neighbor Bill Ayers, the less
attention devoted to the subject, the better.
someone mention plagiarism?
Came, He Saw, He Kowtowed. It seems Rocco Landesman, the head of the National Endowment for
the Arts, didn't get the memo, literally. ... By demonstrating with brazenly self-abasing ignorance that
he is wholly Obama's man, Landesman is making it clear that the NEA is completely committed to Obamaism.
There's no need for any more of Mr. Sergant's tacky, Chicago-style pay-to-play. Self-humiliation sends
a far more powerful signal. No doubt the provincial official has pleased his Caesar.
the media. The American media elected Obama. No presidential candidate's past ever
went so deliberately underexposed. So the attack on Fox may simply have been payback to the networks
that are hemorrhaging viewers, the equivalent for the media of a night in the Lincoln bedroom. Whatever
the rationale, Team Obama's apparatchiks were fully in step with the global left's war on freedom of speech.
We know more about the Obama's marriage than we do about healthcare.
transparency: I've given up hope of ever finding out what young Barack actually did at Occidental and
Columbia or even reading a snippet of what he wrote, if anything, for the Harvard Law Review. ... I'm not really
interested in Obama as a man (or as a husband). I'm interested in what he does. And most of that, of late,
he has done in secret. We know more about his marriage than about how the healthcare legislation was
drafted or how its contents are being negotiated.
at the ready: The New York Times gushes over the Obamas' state dinner. If you're feeling
queasy, look away now. The New York Times scales new heights of sycophancy in its report of the White
House state dinner last night, which by their account was the most charming, imaginative, glittering —
yet tasteful! — social event since Jackie Kennedy was Queen of Camelot. Indeed, it may even
have surpassed Jackie's standards, since Barack and Michelle added a deeply appropriate and thoughtful
element of multiculturalism to the glamorous proceedings.
follow W.H. script. [Scroll down] But a detailed examination of news coverage of
the reassessment issue in the major national newspapers, primarily The Washington Post and The New York Times,
suggests that many angles and details of the stories were being carefully fed by White House aides to
all-too-willing reporters who dressed it up as the inside dope. In reality, many reporters were
steered into spinning the story exactly the way the White House wanted it told, with relatively little
skepticism or criticism.
ADL Report Smears Tea Party
Conservatives. The report has been all the "rage" in the Obama PR machine — a.k.a. the
mainstream media — which has exhausted any remaining trace of objectivity by spending a summer and
fall crudely mocking average Americans who've shown up at town halls and tea parties in a true exercise of
"community organizing" that the Beltway-Greenwich cocktail axis just can't stomach.
Did White House "Gatecrashers"
Have Ties to Obama? While the major media have bought the official storyline about the so called White House
gatecrashers, could there be more to this scandal? The mainstream media have ignored obvious holes in the story and
important facts about the alleged gatecrashers.
Times Downplays 'Non-Religious Christmas' Plans at White House. Maybe they didn't know it, but
The New York Times left a Christmas bomb in paragraph 12 of its syrupy Sunday story on Desiree Rogers, the
bumbling Obama social secretary. ... In a description of how Rogers would make sure the White House was "Obama-tized,"
Stolberg noted Rogers would bend tradition to make Christmas much more secular in the new era.
Media Finds Any Excuse to Blast Sarah Palin. The entertainment media's treatment of Sarah Palin
and her family has been abhorrent. Like their biased and unjust hard news media brethren, entertainment
outlets have gone out of their way to tarnish Palin's image. While tabloids, semi-legitimate entertainment
programs and celebrities issue incessant praise for President Obama and his leftist policies, Palin is showered
with insults and inappropriate slurs.
Mr. Obama:
Tear Down Your Wall of Secrecy. At a press conference earlier this year, White House press
secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about Obama's detailed birth certificate. His response? He
laughed. And he laughed some more. The room filled with journalists laughed heartily with
Gibbs. The question continues to "astound" him. After all, it's posted right there online.
As long as it's a laughing matter, why not humor us, Mr. President? Humor us with your complete
birth records, naming the hospital and physician.
A Year of
Obama Love. The year 2009 might be classified as the year Barack Obama came down to Earth.
The latest NBC-Wall Street Journal poll found that 47 percent approve of the job Obama is doing, and
46 percent disapprove. Those are not exactly Messiah numbers. And that's the big difference
between the public and the press. The media do believe he's God.
Percy Sutton dies;
His Obama revelation omitted from obituaries. However, one of [Percy] Sutton's most notable
moments is absent from the media hagiographies I have seen: he stated on television that he knew that
an Islamic supremacist, Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, and advisor to a wealthy Saudi, had paid for Barack Obama's
education at Harvard Law School. Exactly how young Barack Obama, a man of slender means, managed to pay
for a Harvard Law degree has long been a mystery, and the President has not been forthcoming about any
details of his elite education.
Boo hoo.
Frets Obama Must Work. The failures that allowed the unsuccessful Christmas Day terrorist
attack have marred President Barack Obama's relaxation schedule in Hawaii, CBS's Jeff Glor and Chip Reid
regretted Thursday night as Reid fretted Obama had "hoped to spend this vacation recharging his batteries,
but now he appears to be spending most of it working"...
Translation: Newsweek is letting White
House speech writers produce their magazine.
to Pen Cover Story on Haiti and the Earthquake for Newsweek. Like at a lot of publications,
Newsweek was forced to start its week over when the earthquake hit Haiti. Give the magazine credit
for an artful recovery. The Washington Post Co.-owned publication has tapped President Barack Obama
to pen a cover story on Haiti for the Jan. 25 issue hitting newsstands on Monday [1/18/2010].
The Editor says...
The article probably will not be written by Barack H. Obama, because apparently he
has never written anything before.
Idol' Goes Out of the Way to Pay Tribute to Current President. Now even pop culture
platforms like "American Idol" are in the tank for President Barack Obama? It appears so.
How To Kill
Political Correctness Before It Kills Us. I've been doing consumer reports for over 34 years
and, from my perspective, the No. 1 consumer issue is the sad state of the mainstream media. It has
become something other than a segment of the media, and now can be correctly described as a propaganda organ of
a Democratic Party controlled executive branch of the U.S. Government. What's worse, it is totally biased,
dishonest, and fraudulent and can no longer be trusted to deliver the information needed by the American people.
It pulled off the biggest fraud in electoral history by pushing the election of President Barack Obama, and is
continuing to work hand-in-hand with the Obama administration in destroying America as we know it.
Obama's Bipartisanship Scam: [Scroll
down] Flipping between CNN and Fox, I couldn't hear much of what Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-Ind.)
said. Pence's microphone wasn't working. And when members asked the president questions — tough
ones from Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) — the
cameras never panned to show the congressmen. They showed the president and only the president.
The Most Important
Story You Didn't See Last Week: A Senate hearing last week confirmed the public's worst concern
about Barack Obama: that when it comes to national security, Obama hasn't just been asleep at the
switch — he hasn't even bothered to find the switch. ... The Obamedia all but ignored the
hearing, of course. It was more important for them to protect their anointed One... even if folks'
lives are at stake.
Obama vs. Einstein: According to the
Washington Post, David Axelrod, Barack Obama's senior advisor, said that the president worked with "[Harvard
professor] Laurence Tribe on a paper on the legal implications of Einstein's theory of relativity." I've
read that paper, "The Curvature of Constitutional Space." It's complete nonsense. It shows no
understanding of Einstein's theory of relativity, or of the relationship between relativity theory and
Newton's theory.
Dawn's Early Light: How the MSM Fawns over Johnsen. Despite repeated, uxorious, absurdly
one-sided endorsements from the liberal media, the February 4 vote on President Obama's year-old
nomination of "darling of the left" Dawn Johnsen to head the Justice Department's Office of Legal
Counsel (OLC) has mercifully been postponed.
about Dawn Johnsen.
Bashes Blitzer For Ignoring Obama's Sinking Poll Numbers. Conservative talk radio host Rush
Limbaugh absolutely trashed Wolf Blitzer Tuesday [2/9/2010] for ignoring Barack Obama's declining poll numbers. ... "He's
down to 44% in a couple of polls, 46% in another, and where is the State-Controlled Media reporting this?"
To drive home the point, Limbaugh shared a montage of how Blitzer one day in March 2006 reported George W.
Bush's sagging poll numbers almost every hour on the hour.
Balloon Hits the Dirt. The hot-air balloon has crashed to Earth, and you can tell conservatism
is back with a swagger. You can tell because the media's daily output has gone from breathless
valentines for Obama to angry denunciations of Tea Party protesters.
Ignorance is Strength.
When it comes to Obama, the "New York Times" always looks on the bright side of life.
From the administration's lips to the
pages of the Washington Post. [Scroll down] I also find it interesting that [Walter]
Pincus is reporting the administration's line so uncritically. If the Bush administration had presented,
a month and a half after the fact, a set of alleged facts designed to counter public perception that it had
botched a matter like this, would the Washington Post's crack investigative reporters fail to entertain the
possibility that they were being fed self-serving spin? I don't thnk so.
Watch: AP's Ben Feller Shamelessly Spins Obama Talking Points. It's not exactly surprising to
see a writer for the Apparatchik Press — er, the Associated Press — compose an in-the-tank
item sympathetic with the Obama administration. But Ben Feller's unlabeled analysis Monday morning [2/15/2010]
is so over the top and totally backwards that it may merit its own place in the journalistic Hall of Shame.
'Gridlock' For U.S. Budget Woes. Less than a month after Scott Brown whittled Democrats' Senate
majority to a mere 59-41, the Old Gray Lady is already blaming "gridlock" for America's budget woes.
Celebrates Obama Stimulus With a Birthday Cake. Over at the most trusted name in news, they sure
know how to party when it's called for. That was evident this afternoon on CNN Newsroom when anchor Ali
Velshi gushed: "Happy birthday, dear stimulus. Our producer Ben Tinker (ph) baked this cake.
It is a stimulus happy birthday — first birthday cake, which is also a pie chart. It is the
birthday of the stimulus."
How the Left Reveals
Itself: I have recently come to the conclusion that leftists reveal their innermost thoughts
when attacking those with whom they disagree. This was perhaps illustrated most clearly when, after
President Obama's recent State of the Union address: MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews revealed that for
an hour he forgot the president was black.
What a
Difference a Year Makes. A year ago the media resonated with the celebration of democracy,
grassroots pushback against the existing order, the renewal of Congress, and the novel harmony between
government and the people. Now? Suddenly all this seems to be inoperative: ... The people
themselves have almost magically gone from enlightened to dense, gullible, and undeserving of their
one chance at progressive salvation.
Breitbart to NY Times Reporter: 'You're a Despicable Human Being'.
After Barack Obama's election as the first black president of the United States, we were supposed to
have entered a new, post-racial era. However, as many feel it has turned out, any dissent or
criticism of the most powerful man in the free world or his agenda draws allegations of "racial
tones," as happened on the New York Times Web site on Feb. 18.
Everybody but NBC played along with the White House on this one:
Obama Made Dalai Lama Sneak Out of White House Past Trash Bags. Uniquely among Friday's broadcast
network evening newscasts, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams gave his viewers a glimpse into the undignified
exit endured by the Dalai Lama, who was made to walk past a number of trash bags as President Obama sought to keep
the Chinese government from noticing the meeting. A photograph of the Tibetan spiritual leader walking past
the bags was shown as Williams read the piece.
What's the Plan?
[Scroll down] The President's tactic, it seems, is to demand that the Republicans put forth a plan,
regardless of how often Republicans say, "Here it is!" Obama will just keep demanding that the Republicans put
forth a plan. He is confident — obviously with very good reason — that the MSM, in
full lapdog mode, will help all it can in convincing the public that the Republicans have no plan. The
cynicism is just stunning.
Free and Fabulous Healthcare. Back in August 2009 ... CNN was frantically producing infomercials
for Obama's healthcare plan. Lucky for them Michael Moore had a handy supply of valuable footage from his
infomercials for Castro's healthcare plan. So on the August 6 edition of CNN's "Newsroom," while
Morgan Neil "reported" on location from a Potemkin Havana hospital, gushing about Cuban healthcare's "impressive
statistics!" the broadcast included clips from Michael Moore's Sicko, adding much oomph to the
propaganda montage.
Disillusionment with Media-Created Obama Causing People to Snap? [Scroll down slowly] Many,
evidently, believed the whole rotten fairytale spun around this mere mortal. And let's face it. Barack
Obama had absolutely no accomplishments to his name other than a couple of Ivy League degrees (degrees, but not
a transcript or a paper or a shred of research), a bunch of radical political connections from the most corrupt
city machine in American history and a childhood narrative of pure political gold in a country still guilt-ridden
over the racist actions of their ancestors. Yet, the establishment media drooled...
Health Care Summit, Republicans Calm, Collected, and Camera-ready. Speculation was rampant
that today's health care summit could be a trap for Republicans. ... The concern for the GOP going in was
that President Obama, with his supreme oratory skills, would back the GOP into a corner and get them to agree
to legislation out of sheer political necessity. The national news media would, of course, be lying in
wait, cameras rolling, anticipating a slip up to fill the evening broadcasts.
GOP Worried About Obama Standing Over Them 'Like God'. Even when Chris Matthews attempts to side
with the conservative/Republican position on an issue, he ends up either bashing them or praising Democrats,
something he did three times on Wednesday's Hardball. First up Matthews raised a GOP concern that Barack
Obama should not speak in an "elevated" position, by using a podium, at the health care summit because it would
present Obama as "standing up there like God" over them.
the accountability? Two years ago, the Democrats and their friends in the liberal media were
patting themselves on the back because of a National Intelligence Estimate that baldly stated, "Iran halted its
nuclear weapons development program in the fall of 2003." This was thought to make President George Bush look bad
because he was insisting that Iran was a rogue nation that presented a growing threat in the Mideast and throughout
the world. Since it made George Bush look bad, it was therefore considered of major significance.
Why Are the
Media Still Falling for Obama's Health Care Deadlines? President Obama's so-called reform is
getting readies for yet another "final push," so why do journalists still believe Obama's deadlines?
Obama named fitness role model. Fitness magazine named Michelle Obama one of 10 role models
committed to bringing healthy living, exercise and better nutrition to U.S. communities.
'Healthzilla' Monster Now, Or Live With MSM-Created Horror Forever. [Scroll down] And don't
underestimate the power of the MSM. When the January jobs report showed a fractional decrease in the number
of unemployed, the MSM jubilantly proclaimed that the economy had turned the corner and hailed Obama as an economic
savior. And all for a microscopic, temporary improvement in the jobless rate, due largely to the sad fact that
more people simply stopped looking for work.
Points vs. Reality: [Scroll down] I can say that I can afford to buy a Rolls Royce,
without going into debt, by using my inheritance from a rich uncle. But, in the real world, the question
would arise immediately whether I in fact have a rich uncle, not to mention whether this hypothetical rich
uncle would be likely to leave me enough money to buy a Rolls Royce. In politics, however, you can say
all sorts of things that have no relationship with reality. If you have a mainstream media that sees no
evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil — when it comes to Barack Obama — you can say
that you will pay for a vast expansion of government-provided insurance by taking money from the Medicare
budget and using other gimmicks.
to America: Bend Over and Cough. [Scroll down] Democrats bask in an Obama-loving
liberal traditional media. The media cheerlead for health care "reform" and desperately want to give the
President a "victory" — while accepting preposterous claims at face value.
Rips Media for Not Covering Deem and Pass; Suggests Pelosi Impeachment Warranted. [Scroll down]
"Well yeah and the other thing is treason media," Bachmann said. "Where is the mainstream media in all
of this not telling this story? This is a compelling story — that the Speaker of the House
would even consider having us pass a bill that no one votes on?" According to Bachmann, this is such an
egregious maneuver by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, to force through health care reform using the
Slaughter Rule, as known as deem and pass, that it warrants her impeachment from the post.
for ObamaCare: A Year of Slanted Media Coverage. As the Media Research Center's latest
Media Reality Check details, over the past year, the media have served as cheerleaders for ObamaCare,
praising the proposed legislation, while continually slamming its critics.
The Media Have Voted:
Health Care Reform Passes. Forget democracy, journalists have thrown their weight behind the
president on nationalized health care since the beginning.
You Lie! MSNBC Lets Dem's False 45,000 'Uninsurance
Deaths' Go Unchallenged. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, for one, does not want blood
on his hands from 45,000 Americans who allegedly die every year due to lack of health
insurance. And MSNBC's Alex Witt, for one, doesn't think it worth questioning the
veracity of that number.
Goverment Secrecy Increasing Under Obama, But It's Not His Fault. In a week that has been
chock full of lame claims, it would not be correct to say that the howler propagated by Sharon Thiemer of
the Associated Press on Tuesday [3/16/2010] is the worst. But it's definitely in the upper echelons.
Contributor Equates State Lawsuits Against ObamaCare to Causes of the Civil War. Why miss an
opportunity to inject racism accusations into a highly charged debate like health care reform that was
recently signed into law by President Barack Obama given the opportunity? Melissa Harris-Lacewell, also
of The Nation Magazine, in appearance on MSNBC's March 24 "Countdown" found a way, without exactly calling
detractors "racists."
Pseudo-Achievement: The story here is not that he succeeded against all odds and
with the winds against him to push through historic legislation, even though that is what the media
would have you believe. The story is that a party holding a 75-seat margin in the House of
Representatives was barely able to squeak by with its greatest legislative priority and most
devoutly desired policy.
Where Were You When
the Republic Died? [Scroll down slowly] The worst part of watching the proceedings
unfold on Sunday was the endless stream of commentators and pundits calmly discussing this bill
as if it were just one more piece of bad legislation that we will have to live under. In fact,
what has transpired is nothing less than an overthrow of the old Constitutional order.
of Thousands Protest ObamaCare in D.C., Legacy Media Unimpressed. Fox News made it "thousands,"
and the Washington Post first estimated hundreds and then stopped mentioning crowd size at all. Yes,
it's time for another game of "Legacy media, let's estimate that crowd."
Dissent's Noble — Until
Aimed At Democrats. During the Bush years, the news media were the promoters of protest, the
champions of dissent. Denouncing the president as a brain-damaged warmonger was the most patriotic
thing you could do (just ask the Dixie Chicks), and it was guaranteed to please the press.
to Dems: People still don't like Obamacare. Did the world really change overnight?
If you listen to some Democratic spinners, you might think that the same American people who opposed Obamacare
for many, many months now support it. This week the president's supporters embraced a quickie poll by
Gallup/USA Today showing that more Americans say it was a "good thing" than a "bad thing" that the health care
plan has now been passed.
MSM Let Obama Get Away With 'We Don't Quit' War Whopper? There are lies, damned lies, and then
the kind of brazen rewriting of what a man stands for that Barack Obama engaged in yesterday [3/28/2010]. The
swaggering Barack Obama, in his faux-military leather jacket, who boasted to American troops that "the United
States of America does not quit once it starts on something," is the same man who in 2007 told the troops and
the entire world that America and its military couldn't win in Iraq, never could, and should immediately quit.
Boycotts Glenn Beck — Promotes Che Guevara. "More than 200 companies have joined a
boycott of (Glenn) Beck's program," reports the Washington Post. "A handful of advertisers, such as
(IPhone owner) Apple, have abandoned Fox altogether." We can only assume this Apple "boycott" was
prompted by what CBS's Katie Couric (quoting the Fox commentator's critics) describes as Beck's "inflammatory,
unfair, despicable, hateful rhetoric."
Obama's 'Soviet-Style' Takeover of Student Loans. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R., Tenn.), the U.S.
secretary of education from 1991 to 1993, tells National Review Online that President Obama's revamping of
the federal student-loan program is "truly brazen" and the "most underreported big-Washington takeover in
history." "As Americans find out what it really does, they'll be really unhappy," Alexander predicts.
Cantor Case, Media Fanned Flames of Violence: 'There Will Be Blood'. [Scroll down]
But if you are waiting for the mainstream media to cover this, put down the bong. Leftist media
propagandists and their despotic leaders continue to smear and slander good, decent Americans who are trying
to save the country from subversives, traitors, overthrowers and savages. While the left and their media
handmaidens rammed a bone-crushing, freedom-killing Obamacare bill though Congress, Americans had to listen to
the wailing and caterwauling of the media over fake threats to Democrat criminals.
Obama Garden Photo-Op. ABC and NBC on Wednesday night [3/31/2010] managed to contain to a brief item
their enthusiasm for First Lady Michelle Obama planting her garden for the season, but not CBS which
dedicated a full story to how the hula-hooping First Lady "is enjoying the kind of popularity her
husband would jump through hoops for."
When Media Become Obama
PR Agents. In December 2004, my wife and I were invited to and attended the White House Hannukah
Party. Try as you might, you will not easily find anything in the mainstream media to reveal that President
Bush was the first president to hold such an event. His guest list included both Democrats and Republicans.
Now we have the spectacle of the White House seder, glowingly detailed on the front page of the New York Times.
Wonder where
the next 'crisis' will be manufactured. Now the MSM plays a vital role covering up initial
results that fall well short of "expectations" and the financial justification erodes before our eyes.
Never once does the MSM compare real versus actual results, or re-examine the business case, or question the
ability to achieve the desired outcomes. The stimulus inability to create jobs and the inconsequential
climate improvement promised by the "cap and trade" bill are conveniently ignored by the MSM. The
Mainstream Media is an active co-conspirator to government greed and manipulation, hiding in plain sight,
and has forfeited any credibility as a fair and balanced check and balance of power.
ObamaCare and
the Constitution : The constitutional challenges to ObamaCare have come quickly, and the media
are portraying them mostly as hopeless gestures — the political equivalent of Civil War re-enactors.
Discussion over: You lost, deal with it. The press corps never dismissed the legal challenges
to the war on terror so easily...
Columnist: Media Didn't Do Enough to Shill for Health Care. A lefty columnist for the
Huffington Post believes that the media's coverage of the health care debate was sorely lacking. ... [Allison]
Kilkenny's complaint seems to be that all media did not skew their coverage to the left, and those that did
simply didn't skew it enough.
why does Newsweek heart Joe Biden? Please do read Newsweek's mash note to the vice-president
"Why Liberals Have Grown to Love Joe Biden" — provided you're able to properly keep your gag reflex
in check. There are so many embarrassing things about it, it's hard to know where to begin.
Mag Chief Stengel: Obama a Mandela for the 21st Century. Time magazine Managing Editor
Richard Stengel, who will be part of the roundtable on today's [4/4/2010] Meet the Press, wrote in a new book
released on Tuesday: "It is impossible to write about Nelson Mandela these days and not compare him to
another potentially transformational black leader, Barack Obama. The parallels are many."
Obama is no
Mandela. At a time when the press corps is competing to find the most creative ways to fawn
over President Obama, I really have to hand it to Richard Stengel. The managing editor of Time
has a new book out on Nelson Mandela, released last week, and he goes to great lengths to compare the two
Spares Us From Energy Independence; Ignorant MSM Cheers. [Scroll down] The drilling would
not be permitted any closer than 125 miles from any shoreline, which is well into international waters.
In fact, nobody would ever see the drilling platforms. A person of average height can only see
about three miles into the horizon and even folks in the tallest luxury hotels have a vista that extends maybe
25 or 30 miles tops. No, wrecking the view isn't something that folks are being spared from.
Because Frank Rich Says So.
It's an amazingly consistent process: Frank Rich conjures up his thesis, scouts around for confirming
evidence, and finds it every time!
Blasts Media for Demeaning and Neutralizing All Who Oppose Obama. "If you oppose the Obama administration,
you must be demeaned and neutralized." So said Fox News's Bill O'Reilly Monday [4/5/2010] about the
state of today's media. "Ever since the Tea Party protest began last summer, the left-wing media in
America has been attacking the movement," he began his Talking Points Memo.
Does Anybody Really
Understand ObamaCare? Since the passage of the Health Care Reform Bill, the Democrat leadership
has embarked on a strategy of demonizing its opponents as angry, potentially violent racists. Charles M.
Blow developed a new line of attack in his New York Times column last weekend, with an argument based on a
recent Pew Research Council poll: Republicans don't understand ObamaCare, so they have no right
to criticize it.
Should Obama Step Down? On
page 31 in the transcribed text of the March 25, 2010 session of the Kenyan Parliament, there is a
brief statement by the Kenyan Minister for Lands (Mr. Orengo). What Mr. Orengo says is nothing short
of a bombshell, and yet not a mention has been made anywhere in the mainstream media. I think, for
obvious reasons.
Barnicle: Ever Heard Of Bork? Mike Barnicle just wrapped up the Obama Parrot of the
Week. That's the award I hand out on my local TV show to the MSMer doing his sycophantic best to
parrot the Obama party line. Barnicle gave his award-winning performance on today's Morning Joe, in the
course of tossing two super-softballs to David Axelrod.
GE's Big Brother. [Scroll down
slowly] First and foremost, GE has been the recipient of bailout funds and stands to benefit from
current and future contracts with the U.S. government. This may partly explain MSNBC's highly favorable
treatment of the Obama administration. With GE's CEO sitting on Obama's economic panel, it is no surprise
that MSNBC rarely provides critical coverage of the administration. Furthermore, GE's environmental
business interests may explain why NBC recently joined Hollywood in inserting environmentally-friendly
messaging into network programming.
House press corps turns on Barack Obama. It's well established that Barack Obama, both as a candidate
and a President, has received very favourable coverage from the American press. But what's less known is
that many of the White House reporters who cover Obama greatly resent the way they are treated by the Obama
Why Is the L.A.
Times Burying the Obama/Khalidi Tape? Given the extraordinary sudden turnabout in US policy
toward Israel under the Obama Administration, I have become obsessed by the repressed 2003 videotape of
Rashid Khalidi and Barack Obama. That tape — or so we are told — is ensconced in
a safe at the Los Angeles Times building. In the current situation, its release by the paper is more
important and newsworthy than ever. The Khalidi tape could be of tremendous significance in revealing
the provenance of Obama's views on the Middle East and the degree to which the public was misled on those
views during the presidential campaign.
about the Khalidi tape.
Barack Obama plays eight times more golf than George W Bush.
President Barack Obama has played golf 32 times since he took office, eight times more than his
predecessor George W. Bush — who was mocked by the Left for his fondness for
the game — did in his entire presidency.
How's His Handicap?
Remember when Democrats used to criticize George W. Bush for golfing at the wrong time? Maybe
there was a crisis somewhere; maybe someone had died in combat; maybe legislation was being debated on
the Hill. It didn't matter. Every time Bush golfed, the Democrats woofed. So it is
interesting to see that Barack Obama went golfing today rather than attending the funeral of Polish
President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, Maria. This is the 32nd time Obama has golfed since taking
office less than a year and a half ago.
Obsessing Over Enron, Media Mostly Ignore Obama-Goldman Sachs Connections. President Obama has
extensive ties to Goldman Sachs. Yet even given record-breaking financial contributions and sketchy
relationships between Goldman executives and Obama officials at the highest level, the mainstream media will
not afford Obama the same scrutiny it gave to George W. Bush during the collapse of Enron.
The Provocateur-in-Chief. [Scroll
down] Following the President's lead, the liberal media will reinforce and defend any and all of his provocative
statements. Once the opposition is identified, they will be branded as dangerous right-wing radicals and
railed against, on a daily basis, by the liberal media until they are marginalized. This scenario has been
playing out since before President Obama was elected, and will continue throughout his tenure in office.
Time mag lauds Obama as "on the path to huge success," ignores facts.
President Obama's success is underestimated by his critics and he's on path to become one of the most successful
presidents ever, writes Mark Halperin of Time magazine. ... As for scandals, let's see: There's the questionable
dismissal of Gerald Walpin, the gangster-like shunting aside of creditors to General Motors and Chrysler, and the
Justice Department's refusal to pursue charges against the Black Panthers who threatened Philadelphia on voting
day. There are the phantom districts getting stimulus money. There's the administration's revolving
door relationship with Goldman Sachs and other special interests.
Obama's Weekly Address Ignores Oil Spill. Talk about your Katrina
moments: as the Gulf Coast deals with one of the biggest oil disasters in history, President Barack Obama used his weekly
address to push for campaign finance reform. ... [C]onsider how media members would have responded if he was a Republican.
The Origins of the Lapdog Media.
Noam Chomsky, a self-declared socialist, once said, "Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the US
[mainstream] media." Never would he have imagined that his critique would apply more than ever to the present-day
relationship between the mainstream media and President Obama. This march to the media's present role of being
in league with the Obama administration is the culmination of the good-versus-evil narrative of modern journalism.
Show' Writers Helped Obama With Correspondents' Dinner Jokes. It now makes total sense why so many liberal
media members thought President Obama killed at Saturday's White House Correspondents' Dinner. Writers from the
"Daily Show" helped craft the jokes. Such was reported Sunday by the Daily Beast's Lloyd Grove.
Obama/Media vs.
Arizona/America. Obama and the liberal mainstream media apparently couldn't care less about
the national racial tension and violence fueled by their irresponsible distortion of the Arizona law.
This is the Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley Hoax all over again. Only this time, it is the President
of the United States spreading lies and fueling the flames of racial hatred.
about Race-based Political Opportunism.
Editor Thrills Over Obama Performance, Compares it to the Beatles. The hosts and guests of a special
Sunday edition of Morning Joe fawned over Barack Obama's May 1 performance at the White House Correspondence [sic]
Dinner. Time managing editor Richard Stengel appeared and knocked host Jay Leno by comparison: "I think
that's one of the things that undermined Jay's routine is that it's like coming after the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan
The Media's Obamacare Whitewash.
Now they tell us. The same press that swallowed President Barack Obama's every talking point about
healthcare reform over the last year is now starting to shed some unflattering light on the numbers behind
the recently passed legislation.
Obama's Burden of
Brightness. President Obama is frequently described as highly intelligent. His advisor
Valerie Jarrett has described this as a "burden." ... The "progressive" media can be counted on to regurgitate
this mantra. They have, in fact, surpassed it, and they have often entered the realm of idolatry or even
adolescent infatuation. Chris Matthews is perhaps the leading example of this.
The Editor says...
If President Obama is so terribly bright, why does he need a Teleprompter for every speech? Without
a Teleprompter, he is a stammering dolt. He only knows what he is told by his speech writers.
When he speaks extemporaneously, it is obvious that he is still just a "community organizer" (troublemaker)
from Chicago. Before pronouncing him a genius, let's see some test scores and college transcripts.
Show me his law license. (He voluntarily surrendered it.) Show me his diploma from Occidental
College. (Nobody remembers him being there.) The "burden" of his intellect isn't that great.
White House Correspondents Go Green, Follow the Money. In the Politico today [4/30/2010], there's
a story about how the Natural Resources Defense Council is advising the White House Correspondents' Association
on how to "go green" with their annual dinner. They seem to be taking this very seriously.
Supermarket-Scanner Moment: I Don't Know How To Work an iPod. Remember when the MSM went crazy
over [and likely exaggerated] George H.W.'s supposed unfamiliarity with a supermarket scanner?
Pres. Obama has now had his supermarket-scanner moment, claiming he doesn't know how to operate an iPod, among
other popular electronic devices. Do you think the MSM will pick on this in the same way to paint a
portrait of an out-of-touch president?
Strange new respect.
Just turn on your TV, open a paper, or walk around your local downtown, and you'll notice love for the troops
we've not seen since at least 1991, if not 1945. Suddenly, aside from the clinically insane, most
everyone seems to admire the soldiers who provide us our cherished freedoms; but why, especially when from
2001-2008, that admiration was pitifully lacking? Oh yes, we have a different president. That's
the unspoken reason.
Double Standards: Some Fair and Others... Not So Much. Less than five years after George W.
Bush wrecked his presidency through his limp response to a natural disaster in Louisiana, Barack Obama has
escaped largely unscathed from his similarly feckless response to a man-made disaster in precisely the
same part of the country.
Magazine Introduces Radical Obama Nominee, Says He's Not Radical. "Any health care funding plan
that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the
poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional. Britain,
you chose well." Was that a British socialist speaking in Parliament? Nope. It was Dr. Donald
Berwick, a Harvard professor about to face Senate confirmation as President Obama's nominee to head Medicare
and Medicaid.
We Have to Talk About Elena Kagan.
While the mainstream — or irrelevant — media waxes on about how she is a surprisingly moderate nominee
for the president to have chosen, the extent of their critical examination of Ms. Kagan, former and first female
Dean of Harvard Law School, consists of yarns about basketball and softball pickup games.
Google clamps down on Obama's Social
Security story. Internet behemoth Google apparently is clamping down further on consumers'
access to a report about President Obama's Social Security number, which points out the number was designated
for a Connecticut applicant, by warning that some sites carrying information on the situation "may harm your
The Editor says...
For those of you who get all your information from television, and have just recently discovered the
news media bypass known as the internet, here's the story: Barack H. Obama is a man with a remarkably
murky past. His own grandmother says she witnessed his birth -- in Kenya! He's the only American
president who has had his name legally changed. His name used to be Barry Soetoro -- that's why
columnists sometimes refer to him mockingly as "Barry." When he was a kid, he was registered in school as
a Muslim. He says he attended Occidental College, but nobody remembers him being there. The
people who call themselves "journalists" haven't really cared about any of this, but a handful of investigators
and attorneys have been digging, and one of the most remarkable discoveries is that Mr. Obama has apparently
used multiple social security numbers in the past, including one that was issued
to somebody else in Connecticut, where Mr. Obama has never lived. If Obama were a
Republican, would this not be a front-page scandal?
about Obama's Social Security Number(s).
'Haven't Read It' Arizona Immigration Law Admission Gets Little Coverage. It will surprise
almost no one who visits this site that Holder's admitted ignorance about a routinely misrepresented
law — misrepresentations that have led to calls for boycotts of Arizona, a PC-obsessed cancellation
of a girls high school basketball team's hoop dreams, and hysterical hyperventilation at Holder's Justice
Department as well as by the President of the United States himself — has received very little
establishment media attention.
Holder Can't Read? Liberal reporters always think that the liberal politicians they're covering
are the smartest people in the room. In fact, when they're opposing something, they're so smart that
they don't have to read the policy they're discussing. They have a clairvoyant sense of how wrong
it is. ... If it weren't for Fox News and The Washington Times and talk radio and blogs, this
embarrassing episode might have vanished into thin air. Once again, the so-called "prestige" media
simply blacked out the news that they would dismiss as tiresome Republican talking points.
Has Donated Exclusively To Democrats; MSM Pretends Not To Notice. In the aftermath of President
Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, ABC and Politico, among others, have reported on Kagan's
history of political contributions. Not surprisingly, she has donated exclusively to Democrats, with
Obama receiving more than half ($6300) of the $12,300 in total she contributed to national level campaigns in
the preceding 10 years.
about Elena Kagan.
Sestak Get WH Job Offer? Media Seem Not to Care. In February, Congressman Joe Sestak,
D-Pa., alleged that the White House had offered him a "high-ranking" job in exchange for him refraining from
challenging Sen. Arlen Specter in that state's primaries. Since Sestak defeated Specter on Tuesday
[5/18/2010], a number of media outlets have profiled him. The White House denies that it ever made
such an offer, which means either the Obama administration or Sestak is lying.
More about this topic is posted
under Obama's Culture of Corruption.
Press Largely Covers Obama's Tracks on Disgraceful Daniel Pearl Remark. President Barack Obama's
statement just before he signed the Freedom of the Press Act on Monday painfully avoided reality to the point of
giving offense. If it became widely known, it would likely become very problematic.
Did President Obama Know And When Did He Know It? Unfortunately, there are no alleged reporters
in all of the Washington press corps who are either smart or curious enough to ask the President what the American
people are to believe about the appearance of the Administration coordinating with unions to intimidate private
citizens in their homes, terrorize their children, and break federal laws by organizing mobs to occupy and
shut down bank buildings. If the Executive branch of the government were conspiring with any group to
break the laws of this nation, would that be grounds for impeachment, if not a few questions on the subject?
Obama: He's
Better than Teflon — He's a Democrat. The difference in coverage between Katrina and
the twin disasters of the Gulf oil spill and the Nashville flood? The "D."
What Our Media Taught Me:
Somewhere around the millennium, a new style of aggressive, public-interested, and astute reporter began sermonizing
in print, advising on the Internet, and lecturing us on television. At the time I mistakenly assumed that
reporters were too often partisans who were creating new, almost impossible standards of probity in order to
embarrass conservative opponents: they wanted Republican scandal first, news second. But now, I see that
they were simply laying nonpartisan new ground rules for the Bush administration so that they could later prove their
integrity and professionalism when a member of their own faith would come into the new crucible of public examination.
There was never, you see, a hate-Bush media. So we will shortly see that now as they unrelentingly turn their
scrutiny on Barack Obama and his legion of ethical and competency lapses.
Once again, it's the "coverup" — or is it? [Scroll down] But the real issue now is not
the "Deep Dish Sleazemeisters" from Chicago. They are who they are. Rod Blagojevich, Rahm Emanuel
and Barack Obama are all cut from the same cloth. The real issue is our media — the Fourth Estate
that we all are supposed to depend on to vet these people. When Nixon was president, they did so with
an alacrity hitherto unseen. With Obama, as we all know, it has been completely the reverse. The
press' record on investigating the president — as a candidate and in office — has been nothing
short of embarrassing.
Barack Obama didn't part the
waters — he just made them dirtier. On the day of the memorial service for the
11 dead on the oil rig last week, Barack flew to San Francisco for a fund-raiser on behalf of the hideous
Sen. Barbara "Botox" Boxer. It was held in a mansion owned by a member of the Getty family, of Big Oil
infamy. And yet nary a word among the usual Ivy League pukes on MSNBC and in The New York Times.
Michelle Obama's
top chef friends. When Michelle Obama kicks off her "Chefs Move to Schools" program on
Friday afternoon [6/4/2010] at the White House, she'll be accompanied by a stellar roster of chefs.
Home cook extraordinaire and talk show host Rachael Ray — a last minute addition to the
lineup — will be at Obama's side, along with the Food Network's Cat Cora, Anne Burrell,
Aaron Sanchez, Ellie Krieger and Alex Guarnaschelli, sources tell POLITICO.
ABC Bashes
Bush on Memorial Day. The ABC News report on the rainout of President Obama's planned Memorial
Day speech in Illinois noted that Obama had been criticized for not staying in Washington to go to Arlington
National Cemetery. But ABC provided a ready excuse, subtitling its report "Obama Not First to Skip
Arlington on Memorial Day" and asserting that George W. Bush "did not attend in 2001 or 2002."
ABC was flat-out wrong about 2001, and highly misleading about 2002.
The News Business. If journalists ever venerated anything, it was the First Amendment shield that
blunted efforts to limit their freedom. So why, as the administration contemplates a federal takeover of
their business, such thundering silence?
The Man Who Would Be King.
Over the heads of some of the sycophants in the mainstream media there appears to be the proverbial light bulb
turning on. After sixteen months of the Obama presidency, questions are being asked about not only his
competency, but what motivates this putative savior. The current President of the United States, acting
in a way that would make Nero proud, continues to fiddle while not only the United States burns, but the rest
of the world begins to spin out of control.
Joe Scarborough Continues Defense of Obama. Joe Scarborough continued his open defense of the
Obama administration's response to the BP oil spill, on Wednesday's [6/9/2010] "Morning Joe." Facing off
against Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), Scarborough called comparisons of the president's handling of the current
crisis with Bush's handling of Katrina "obscene."
Sanchez Highlights 'Big Oil' Cash to Republicans, Omits Obama. On Wednesday's Rick's List,
CNN's Rick Sanchez twice highlighted how "several Republicans want to keep the cap on what oil companies
pay for spills at $75 million" and how apparently that's about "how much they [oil companies] spend on
campaign contributions to politicians each year," but omitted that President Obama was the top recipient of
money from BP during the 2008 election cycle.
radical associations matter, but go ignored by press. From Obama's participation in the socialist
New Party in the mid-1990s, to his connections to communist-terrorist Bill Ayers, it's all relevant today.
How? For example, some of the same anti-American, anti-capitalist revolutionaries from those bad old days
now help craft republic-changing legislation.
The Media's Obama Malfeasance. You
don't need a time machine to recall how the media portrayed then Sen. Barack Obama in the run-up to the 2008
presidential election. Scribes dutifully reported on Obama's bipartisan nature, his intellectual fitness
for the task at hand and his promise of a truly transparent administration. Business as usual would no
longer hold the political process in its meaty grip. That was the narrative not just from Team Obama
but from the starry eyed reporters covering the well-spoken candidate.
Speaks At Lower Grade Level Than Bush. You know why President Obama's Gulf Coast oil spill
address from the Oval Office failed so miserably on Tuesday? It went over too many heads. At
least that's what the folks at believe.
Americans are Too Stupid to Understand Obama's Brilliant Speech. President Obama's speech on the
gulf oil disaster may have gone over the heads of many in his audience, according to an analysis of the
18-minute talk released Wednesday.
Quits Daily Kos After Being Bashed For Criticizing Obama's Oil Speech. When the vitriol is too
much for Keith Olbermann, something is seriously wrong. The MSNBC prime time anchor parted ways with
the far-left Web site Daily Kos on Wednesday [6/16/2010], citing the site's apparent unflinching, see-no-evil
attitude towards President Obama, and the omnipresence of wild leftist conspiracy theories there.
Media ignore Obama's radical
past. All of this isn't "guilt by association." It's association, a key to
understanding how the radicalism of Obama's past today shapes the policy dictating our future.
And it cries out for further journalistic digging. Consumers of New Media blogs, talk
radio — already know some of the story, while The Manchurian President's brisk sales
guarantee a wide audience. But the MSM? Clueless. Which wouldn't much matter if it
still weren't the case that only the MSM cover the president. Or do they cover-up the president?
oil disaster. You can bet that if George W. Bush were in the Oval Office, the media would be
blaming the president for the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. But they're largely giving
Obama a pass, implying that small-government conservatives have no room to complain when government fails to
live up to its responsibilities.
Obama is
in over his head. [Scroll down] President Obama and his congressional allies expect to be
assisted in their casual shuffling off of the most basic of Article I duties by a Manhattan-Beltway media
elite, quick to assure their dwindling audiences that the abandonment of budgeting isn't completely without
precedent. Lefty pundits can and will point to a year or two where the pressures of business ended the
hope of a formal budget. The president's pals in the press will be hard-pressed, though, to find any years
in which the effort wasn't even begun, and there is no example of a year wherein a deficit like the one the
country faces today went unaddressed by a national budget plan.
Obama media doubles down on doublespeak. The fawning media rumpswabs are finally turning on
Barack Obama — to a point. So let's review the state-run media's role in creating this
calamity, by substituting hagiography for journalism in coverage of this clueless boob. ... Criticizing
Bush — the highest form of patriotism. Criticizing Obama — hate speech. Who
caused Bush's problems? — Bush. Who causes Obama's problems? — Bush.
MSNBC, Joke Network. This
really has to be seen to be believed. We all know that MSNBC — Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow,
etc. — is in the tank for the Obama administration, but I think this is the first time an on-air
MSNBC personality has confessed to "working with the White House" on talking points; here, regarding the
Gulf oil spill.
Obama White
House loved the magazine cover of him walking on water. Ever since the Obama White House got rid
of that colonial era bust of on-loan from Great Britain, they've been on the lookout for new less offensive art.
Now we learn, thanks to Howard Kurtz on CNN, that Obama adviser David Axelrod made a call to the editor of the
New Yorker magazine requesting a copy of the Feb. 1 cover of the magazine showing No. 44 walking on
water. (No, not the newly-resurfaced Gulf of Mexico.) The only stipulation: the cover art
had to be autographed by artist Barry Blitt.
Praise Obama's 'Brilliant' Handling of McChrystal Controversy. President Obama's decision to
relieve General Stanley McChrystal of command in Afghanistan and replace him with General David Petraeus was
met with a chorus of praise in the media, as anchors and pundits on CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC all sang in
unison that it was a "brilliant" move.
Media Report Professional Misconduct? Did you know that President Obama has nominated for a
federal judgeship someone who believes a serial killer and rapist's "sexual sadism" should be a cause to
give him a less serious punishment? Probably not, since the media have given it almost no coverage.
president's wife set to guest on 'Army Wives'. Lifetime network's "Army Wives" is set to welcome
the wife of Vice President Joe Biden in a future episode.
When Folks Stop Liking Barry.
[Scroll down] What, then, is preventing a total collapse of Obama? In a word, it is Obama's likability.
Before my conservative friends commit me to an asylum, we must be objective: Many millions more Americans like
Obama than see him as an effective leader. He is (or is seen as) a loving father, a good husband, a
sincere man who rose out of difficult circumstances into high office. Obama speaks well, he talks about
sports, he is seen in every flattering photo-op which the servile leftist press can engineer.
You're Not Hearing from the Liberal Media About Immigration Reform: A popular narrative about
immigration reform has emerged in the media: that Congress would be discussing comprehensive immigration
reform right now if only President Obama could get support from Republicans. This narrative lets Obama
off the hook for a string of broken promises to Latino voters that he would tackle immigration
reform — in his first 100 days, or in his first year in office, or before the midterm
elections, or after the midterm elections but still in his first term, or in his second term.
Witt: I Got 'Chills' Listening To Obama Immigration Speech. When it comes to Barack Obama,
MSNBC is the network of thrills and chills ... Chris Matthews famously felt a thrill going up his leg listening
to an Obama speech. Now, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt has been similarly moved by Obamian oratory, declaring
this morning "I got a few chills" listening to PBO's "very powerful" speech on immigration.
Quietly Lowers the 'Normal' Unemployment Bar to 6%. Those looking for evidence that there is a
move afoot in the establishment press to lower the bar for whatever economic accomplishments might be
accomplished during the Obama administration will be interested in how the Associated Press's report
on the government's June jobs report defined "normal" unemployment.
Media blackout
for Black Panthers. Where is the New York Times? Where is The Washington Post? Where
are CBS and NBC? A whistleblower makes explosive allegations about the Department of Justice; his story
is backed by at least two other witnesses; and the allegations involve the two hot-button issues of race and
of blatant politicization of the justice system. A potential constitutional confrontation stemming from
the scandal brews between the Justice Department and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. A congressman
highly respected for thoughtfulness and bipartisanship has all but accused the department of serious impropriety.
By every standard of objective journalism, this adds up to real news. Or it would be real news if a
Republican Justice Department stood accused. It would be real news if the liberal media weren't mostly
in the tank for our celebrated but failing first black president.
Boring Barry. Camera
angles, editing, selection of questions asked, choice of news covered, and a dozen other tricks can make
a candidate more likable. Magazine covers treat Obama like a rock star and show adoring photos of
his wife and children. Marvel Comics, Tiger Beat, Vanity Fair, GQ, Rolling Stone, and Vogue are
magazines supposedly not connected with partisan politics, but Barack and his family find their photographs
in good poses, smiling amiably at readers of those magazines. ... The propagation of leftism in America
means that Obama is never shown in unattractive poses or losing his temper at underlings.
Beckel Reveal Previously Undisclosed Ties to Obama WH. The confluence between the Obama
administration and the journalists who cover it can leave news consumers wondering if they're getting the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Two prominent media personalities —
liberal Fox News Channel commentator Bob Beckel and media mogul Mort Zuckerman, owner of the New York Daily
News — have recently let slip that they have worked closely with the Obama administration.
On the other hand...
Mort Zuckerman Seems To Recall Writing A Speech For Obama. Apropos of very little, Zuckerman
told Fox's Neil Cavuto that "I voted for Obama, I in fact helped write one of his speeches, we endorsed
Obama" but declined to say which speech. Turns out what sounded like misplaced overzealous cocktail
chatter might have been just that. Politico's Ben Smith says no one in the Obama camp can recall even
meeting Zuckerman let alone getting speech assistance from him.
Bowdlerizing Berwick.
[Donald Berwick] has written and spoken extensively, and his views concerning wealth redistribution, rationing,
and the free market are very much at odds with those of mainstream health policy experts as well as the
electorate. Moreover, he has not been reticent about revealing his positions in writing and public
statements. This is one of the reasons Obama chose to bypass the Senate confirmation process and it is
why Democrat-friendly journalists and bloggers have worked diligently, since his nomination last April, to
bowdlerize Berwick's record.
Team Blocks Media from Oil Spill. [Scroll down] To this day, the media continue to have
unnecessarily limited and prohibitive access to the disaster area, including reporters being hassled on public
streets. NPR reported yesterday [7/11/2010] on a reporter who was asked to reveal the images on his camera,
and his social security number by members of the local police, FBI and BP. But there is a second story.
The second story is that while national reporters are fighting the Obama administration's lack of transparency,
they're not reporting the Obama administration's lack of competence.
You're a Liberal/Progressive if You Believe...
the mainstream media is completely unbiased — except for Fox News. Fox is singled out because
they dare to question the radical agenda of the Obama administration and our Democratically-controlled
Congress, or because they broadcast news stories that other organizations consider "unimportant" — like
the video of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia in 2008.
Show Job Search Segment Turns Into Ad for Obama Agenda. A segment that was billed as a
guide to help some of Today's unemployed viewers find work, on Wednesday's show [7/14/2010], turned
into a platform for the president of the liberal National Urban League to attack those who opposed the
President's plans, as he railed against those in Congress who have been filibustering extension of the
unemployment benefits.
Real Simpletons.
In the latest issue [of Real Simple, I saw a short feature titled "How Health-Care Reform Affects You."
The article reads like an advertisement for Obamacare. One would be forgiven for thinking it a part of the
administration's campaign to improve the legislation's popularity.
show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright. It was the moment of greatest
peril for then-Sen. Barack Obama's political career. In the heat of the presidential campaign, videos
surfaced of Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, angrily denouncing whites, the U.S. government and
America itself. Obama had once bragged of his closeness to Wright. Now the black nationalist
preacher's rhetoric was threatening to torpedo Obama's campaign.
someone mention Jeremiah Wright?
We know more about
the Tiger Woods sex scandal than about our own president. [Scroll down] Obama has been in
office for over a year now, and this same press:
Still cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors,
Or locate any of Obama's college papers or grades,
Or how he paid for a Harvard education,
Or which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's,
Or Barry Soretoro or even Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis on racism.
... Yet the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth!
Jones' Documentary 'The Obama Deception' Censored On YouTube. A viral YouTube video of
documentary movie "The Obama Deception", which was buzzing on Internet in recent days, has been censored.
The movie by Alex Jones is seen to be questioning US President Barack Obama. "The Obama Deception" YouTube
link has been viewed about 6.5 million times, but now all the links throughout the web will reach to a
dead page. How the video disappeared is still not known.
Is MSM Admitting Collaboration With Obama?
Only someone who has been on a spaceship on a mission to a far away planet for the past decade would be
unaware of the nauseous and fawning relationship the mainstream media (MSM) has had with Barack H.
Obama since his entry into the political world and the years to date. It is so disgustingly
apparent that even people who rarely ever consider involving themselves with political circle happenings
have become aware of this heavily one-sided favoritism that causes a blank in what should be reported news.
Obama's Poll Numbers Down, Imaginary Racism Up.
The Democrats are depressed about their collapsing poll numbers, so it's time to start calling conservatives "racist."
As we now know from the Journolist list-serv, where hundreds of liberal journalists chat with one another,
and which was leaked to Daily Caller this week, journalists cry "racism" whenever they need to distract
from bad news for Obama.
Obama wins! And Journolisters
rejoice. Ostensibly unbiased reporters weep for joy as Obama wins the 2008 election.
about the JournoList.
Too Many Voters
Unaware Of How The Mainstream Media Corrupts The News. My sister is an intelligent senior citizen
but she doesn't watch Fox News very much though does watch CNN and upon further discussion told me she'd never
heard of Anthony ("Van") Jones, the green-jobs czar ousted from the White House after Mr. Beck exposed his
communist background. Her television news sources are CBS, NBC, and ABC, and, as a Democrat, she had
no problem voting for the relatively unknown Illinois Senator Barack Obama. She also refuses to get
involved with the World Wide Web. I've done a similar personal survey of persons I know to be Obama
supporters and, similarly, their news sources are the same.
With Fox News
seated up front, how about some real questions? [For example,] Mr. President, why do you
persist in ignoring the documented security risk of jihadist infiltration through the Mexican border and
instead turn the Arizona law into a rather transparent bid for future votes from illegal immigrants?
Drudge, Bash Rush and Get a Career Boost? Although it has long been well-known that
journalists overwhelmingly have liberal leanings, they have typically claimed that it doesn't affect their
reporting. But the boost given Weigel's career by the revelations that he advocated shaping news
coverage to help President Obama pass his legislative agenda was extremely surprising.
MSM Immortalize Obama's Laughable Proclamations? For the media, "Mission Accomplished" represents
everything that was wrong with the George W. Bush administration and its war policy. ... Will Barack
Obama have a "Mission Accomplished" moment? That is, will the media seize on something he or his
administration has said as evidence of the large gap between his rhetoric and the effects of his policies
and tout it for years to come as indicative of his flawed style of governing? The gap already exists.
Suspended for Accurate Report on BP's Donations to Obama. WJLA-TV, a Washington, D.C. ABC
affiliate, suspended reporter Doug McKelway following his alleged "partisan" comments at a liberal rally
on Capitol Hill marking the three-month anniversary of the Gulf oil spill. Video of the broadcast
tells a different story.
Gasparino: GE Execs Encouraged CNBC Staff to Go Easy on Obama. On last night's 'O'Reilly
Factor,' Fox Business Network reporter Charlie Gasparino claimed that during his time at CNBC, General Electric
Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt suggested to senior CNBC staff that they were being too hard on President Obama.
Gasparino did not say that it became official CNBC policy to tone down criticism of the president. But he
claimed that "the question of whether they were being fair to the president was brought up" and that he had
"never heard that before."
Defends Obama's Leisure But Mocked Bush's Working Vacations at Texas Ranch. While Newsweek's David
Graham is hard at work defending President Obama's summertime leisure — "A Short History of Presidential
Vacation Outrage" — by insisting that the press corps always complains about any president's vacation
habits, it's instructive that he failed to indict his own magazine. "War on terrorism stalled, economy
on precipice, time for a month on the Crawford ranch."
JournoLista Sargent Gets Sandbagged by Obama and Harry Reid. Greg Sargent is a Washington Post
blogger and compromised JournoList hack whose "Plum Line" entries are decidedly left of center. Greg was
overwhelmed with enthusiasm last Friday [8/13/2010] when, for a brief but shining moment, it appeared President
Obama was supporting the construction of the ground zero mosque. He gushed that it would "go down as one
of the finest moments of his presidency."
The Media and the Mega-Mosque. It was
deceptive. At a White House dinner with Muslims celebrating Ramadan, Barack Obama finally weighed in on
the Ground Zero mosque controversy. Incredibly, he lectured Americans about the religious freedom of
Muslims "that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in
Lower Manhattan." Those were prepared remarks, a clear and very deliberate effort to skirt the issue.
But this time, it was blatantly sophomoric, too.
The Separation of Islamophilia
from State. By modern secularist standards, Barack Obama's boosterism for Islam violates the
"separation between Church and state." Had George W. Bush held a rosary and modest fish dinner at
the White House to mark the beginning of Lent, the ACLU left would have freaked out. But these same
secularists didn't mind Barack's "Iftar dinner" last Friday night.
Let Me Translate:
We Don't Believe Him — or You. Memo to the ruling class media: We are not
ignorant or stupid. We've not forgotten Jeremiah Wright. It's not that we don't "know" what faith
Obama subscribes to — it's more that we don't believe him. Or you.
Nearly Silent as ObamaCare Proponents Drop Deficit, Cost Savings Claims. It has now been five
days since Politico's Ben Smith published a powerpoint presentation created by an amalgamation of powerful
left wing interest groups, conceding that two of the central arguments for passing ObamaCare — that
it will lower the deficit and will reduce health care costs — have failed.
Obama has Played More Golf in Two Years Than
Bush Did Both Terms. Between 2000 and 2008 one of the left's most cherished ways to ridicule
President Bush was to point out how often he went golfing. Bush's golfing was a clear sign that he was
ignoring the work he had to do in Washington and that he just didn't care, they claimed. He was a
playboy, a goof off, a time waster. But now that Barack Obama has come to office all of a sudden
the left has found that golf isn't worth noting...
Where Are the New Jobs? "Corporate
profits are soaring. Companies are sitting on billions of dollars of cash. And still, they've yet
to amp up hiring or make major investments." So writes The Washington Post about the recession's
stubborn refusal to go away. The statisticians at the National Bureau of Economic Research declared
the Great Recession over — but tell that to people who can't find jobs.
How 'Brilliant' Can President Obama
Be? Every person, newscaster and commentator always prefaces any, even the mildest criticism, of
President Obama's policies with some statement about how dazzlingly brilliant the man is. Liberals,
conservatives, independents — it never changes. Why is this? And most important of all,
is it true?
making of a dictatorial presidency. The making of a presidency or the undoing of one is not the
job of a free press. Their function is to search and report the truth to the citizenry as the watchdogs
of the government. The light of truth is an antidote to the establishment of a tyrannical government.
Reporters should present the facts so that citizens can make an intelligent evaluation of the administration in
power. It is the will of the people, not the media's censorship or distortion of the facts that should
determine the direction of our government. The truth has been perverted by the insidious practices of
the media ruling class to promote their political agenda.
The Obamorons Strike
Back. During the 2008 election campaign I coined the phrase "Obamorons" to describe the uncritical
cheerleaders of Obama — the people who would leap to his defense even if he drove a truck over his
aged grandmother. Love-stricken TV host Chris Matthews comes to mind, complete with thrills running up
his leg, as does English major Maureen Dowd, lifestyle columnist for the New York Times. The
Times itself is a leading Obamoron outlet.
Bozell Launches 'Tell the Truth' Campaign.
Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell III is calling on members of the liberal media to "Tell the
Truth" about the administration's efforts to push the U.S. toward socialism.
So, MSM... What
Did You Do in High School? The activist old media is hitting an all time low. Quite
a challenge for them. The same media that didn't [care] what Barack Obama did during the first 46 years
of his life when he was running for president (except that he was organizing communities) is now in a full scale
sprint to find out what Republican candidates did as kids.
Truth, Justice, or the Obama
Way. It is about to get harder for both the Obama administration and the mainstream media to
downplay the New Black Panther party scandal. The mainstream media did their best to ignore this
blatant case of voter intimidation by two New Black Panther party members at a Philadelphia polling place
on Election Day 2008.
The Wrongdoing, the Cover-Up, and
Executive Privilege. [Scroll down] All that information remains hidden from view because
the Justice Department is concealing it. The mainstream media have just woken up to the extent and
importance of the scandal, so perhaps they will get around to this aspect of the case. Yet I get the feeling
that if it had been the Bush administration telling whistleblowers not to testify and withholding, absent any
legal basis, key documents that could implicate high-ranking officials, the media would have already been all
over this.
about the Black Panthers scandal.
No Follow-Up on Obama's Education
Hypocrisy. The "Today Show" is belatedly celebrating our children's return to school this month
with a series on the state of the nation's education system. So what better way to kick off a superficial
look at the subject than with a superficial and fawning interview of President Barack Obama to solicit
platitudes and plugs for his pet projects?
To Be
Well-Informed You Must Go Online. [Scroll down] But it's the 2008 presidential campaign
that will go down in history as the most blatant corruption of the Fourth Estate, with most of the mainstream
media losing all perspective and going gaga over candidate Barack Obama. While some of their fervor has
dimmed because of the catastrophic state of the economy, there are still loyalist press hounds defending this
administration. ... The reason the Democrats are in trouble is that many voters are ignoring the status quo
sources with the liberal stamp of approval and getting their news straight from the World Wide Web.
How Obama and NBC Favor the Rich Over the Poor.
While NBC has once again put itself in the service of the Obama administration, this time on education, they are
both unwittingly making the case for more choices for parents desperate to get their children out of dead-end
public schools. But is there a reason other than liberal bias that explains NBC's willingness to serve
as an outlet for Obama Administration propaganda?
Viacom shills for Obama.
If anyone doubted that Hollywood is in the pockets of Barack Obama and the Democrats, doubt no more.
Politico reports: ... Viacom will announce today that its cable networks BET, CMT and MTV will air a one-hour,
commercial-free youth town hall with President Obama at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 14.
Clinton One of the Best Secretaries of State Ever? How much in the tank for Democrats would
you have to be as a mainstream media member to say on national television that Hillary Clinton is one of
the best Secretaries of State this nation has ever had? Or that Joe Biden is one of the best Vice
Presidents? Well that's what liberal radio host Bill Press told Ed Schultz Wednesday [10/6/2010]
on MSNBC's "The Ed Show."
Time for the
IRS to investigate Media Matters. Mark Levin is calling for an IRS investigation of Media
Matters for using the tax exempt funds to promote Obama and the Democrats, rather than promoting principles,
which would be consistent with its status as a 501(c)(3).
Krugman: Obama Really Hasn't Increased Federal Spending. There are times when you have to
wonder whether liberal shills in the media are are just ignorant or dishonest.
list of 100 powerful women seems to confuse marriage with achievement. [Scroll down] But
Michelle Obama as number one — sorry? Apparently, she beats every chairwoman of the board,
political leader and high-rolling one-woman entertainment conglomerate on the planet for her role of being
"within pillow-talk range of her husband the president".
MTV Denies That Obama Telecast Is Political.
Viacom networks MTV, BET and CMT are giving an hour of free air time to President Obama less than three weeks
before the midterm elections. The so-called "A Conversation with President Obama" will be live and
commercial-free on six Viacom networks at 4 p.m. on Thursday [10/14/2010]. The networks will not
give equal time to a Republican before the election, according to a spokeswoman.
Obama's Media Helpers Hide Bad News for Democrats. While network correspondents complain about the
unfairness of independent advertising, they might ponder the unfairness of their habitual tendency to omit or
downplay bad news for Team Obama, especially in the crucial last weeks of a campaign. Consider some of the
latest stories that would have drawn much more attention and media hostility if the shoe was on the Republican
How the Old Media
Deliberately Censored New Media Scoops in 2009. The Old Media are in danger of losing even more
audience members as long as they refuse to acknowledge news until after Democrats in Congress or the White
House decide it's news worth a public reaction. During the last administration, Newsweek editor Evan
Thomas insisted: "Our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." But in 2009, he
proclaimed that President Obama was poised above the country, even above the world: "He's sort of God."
The news media should not see its job as "bashing" the president, but in 2009, it should not have been their
job to inflate him into a celestial being, either.
Obama's Biggest Lies. President
Obama loves to make up things that are patently untrue, like every economist agrees his $800 billion
economic stimulus "has done its job," the economy "is moving in the right direction," and the Bush tax cuts
caused the trillion dollar deficits. The facts say otherwise, but he is never challenged by the news
media for his repeatedly dishonest myth-making. Here are some of his worst offenses.
How CBS's 60 Minutes Works Overtime
for the Obama Left. For more than 40 years, CBS has boasted of 60 Minutes as
a hard-hitting news show, a weekly story of investigative gumshoes digging up dirt and accusing major business
and government leaders of committing dastardly deeds against the public interest. But the history of
60 Minutes isn't filled to the brim with brutal investigations. It has a much softer,
syrupy side, and it isn't just reserved for movie stars or rock musicians. When it comes to champions
of liberalism and even the radical left, the CBS News program has rolled out a red carpet, asking softball
questions and lionizing their policy stands and programs — whether they were actually "achievements" or
Stone Love Letter To Obama: He's The Best President Since LBJ. With less than three weeks to
go before the crucial midterm elections, the folks at Rolling Stone magazine have decided to pen a love
letter to Barack Obama clearly in the hopes of motivating readers to get out and vote for Democrats.
Scandalously indecorous:
Jon Stewart Have Called the President 'Dude?' Barack Obama's appearance on "The Daily Show with
Jon Stewart" last night marked the first time a sitting president has been a guest on the Comedy Central
program. It likely marked another first: the first time a president was called "dude" in a
TV interview.
The Inexplicables.
Barack Obama entered office; nationalized health care; ran up record $1 trillion deficits; promised to
hike taxes on the rich; pushed cap and trade through the House; took over large chunks of banks, insurance
companies, and auto corporations; made hard-left appointments from Van Jones to Sonia Sotomayor ... Yet if
one were to read mainstream Democratic analysis, there is almost no acknowledgment that the party has become
far too liberal.
I guess Jimmy Carter hasn't seen this web page.
Blames 'Irresponsible News Media' for Obama's Low Approval Ratings. [Scroll down]
According to [Former President] Carter, despite "an extraordinary job" by Obama, it is the media's fault his
numbers have suffered — not a poor economy or any other lackluster outcomes from the president's
policies. "I think under the circumstances that I just described, he's done an extraordinary job,"
Carter said. "He's got some good things done. They've been totally twisted around by some of the
irresponsible news media to project him as a person that he's not and as we all know."
Obama the Tax
Cutter: A Network Fairy Tale: Executive Summary. In a typical network example, NBC's John
Yang credited the president with significant tax cuts when he lauded Obama's successful passage of the enormous
stimulus bill that was more than 70 percent spending and less than 30 percent tax relief, saying:
"Obama hasn't been in office even four weeks yet and he's already won passage of the biggest spending increase
and tax cut bill in history." NBC "Nightly News" went on to depict Obama as a tax cutter 14 times as
often as they discussed his tax increases.
Says 'Fantastic' Report Shows 151,000 Jobs Added, But Rate 'Holds Steady'. The Bureau of Labor
Statistics released the unemployment numbers for October showing "fantastic" gains of 151,000 jobs, according
to MSNBC, and an unchanged 9.6 unemployment rate. ... Neither [CNBC or MSNBC] reminded viewers of the president's
promise to create 4 million jobs by the end of 2010.
Man up, Media and
Open Your Eyes! How could the most brilliant leader in the history of the world not know exactly
what he is doing? Change? He has never explained what he means by the word change. The media
has never asked him, the media has never pinned him down on this, so, I will take it that they do not want to pin
him down on this. They worship his Vagueness. ... Man up, media! Pin this guy down on what change
really means to this guy. Get specific with him, demand he answer, follow up with him for as long as it
Jindal Slams Obama for His Slow Response to Oil Spill. Bobby Jindal, on Monday's [11/15/2010] Today show, slammed
the Obama administration for its slow response to the BP oil spill off the coast of Lousiana, charging that: "It seemed
like the federal government was disconnected from the facts on the ground." However Today co-anchor offered excuses for the
President as he queried the Louisiana Republican Governor.
All The News That Is
Unfit to Print. [Scroll down] For over a year of hope and change, we were told by Obama that
renditions, preventative detentions, and tribunals were anti-constitutional, that Guantanamo was synonymous with a
gulag, that Iraq was lost, that Predators were a sort of airborne terror, that KSM and other terrorist killers
should be tried in civilian courts — and what happened? Suddenly the world was turned upside down and
what was once bad was now tolerable. And not a whimper about why, just the quiet assumption of "that was
then, this is now."
records lost down the 'memory hole'. There remains a startling dearth of documentation pertaining to Obama's
progress through his 49 years of life that only begins with his birth certificate. A gaping hole —
dare I say "memory hole"? — seems to have consumed all possible Obama records from his education, health, family
records, even his pre-presidential political career. But this subject is never taken seriously by the media or
the political establishment, including, most glaringly, erstwhile GOP opponent John McCain, who, on being challenged
on the eligibility question himself, should have called on Candidate Obama to join him in releasing their bona fides
together. But even to suggest such a thing is to indulge in "conspiracy theories."
God Bless Barack
Obama. [Scroll down] Newsweek, which just was auctioned over for $1, continues its
Obama adulation and apologia with a cover equating him to the Hindu god Shiva and a suggestion that he
is the god of everything and the job is too big for one man.
New York Times
with Obama to the Bitter End. The Obama administration is coming apart at the seams, with
only the most recklessly dishonest of its partisans, among them New York Times reporters, left to
defend it.
War, Hell, and a Democratic President.
The last time I checked, war was still hell, and American soldiers were still risking their lives at the orders of our
commander-in-chief. But the day a Democrat became president, daily body counts suddenly went MIA, Code Pink
protesters went AWOL, and D.C.'s playground politics took over the MSM's daily propaganda bubble. As if on cue
from some hunch-backed news controller for the party, gruesome stories from the front lines disappeared.
The WikiLeaks Disaster. The Obama administration is minimizing the impact that publication
of 251,000 stolen U.S. embassy cables will have on America's foreign relations. Funny, that's not how
our overseas partners see it. President Obama has yet to make a statement on the broadest U.S. security
breach in history.
The mask has slipped. We've seen
our national treasury looted, with the unaccounted for cash handed out to already fabulously wealthy financial
houses. We've seen core industries taken over and control given to thug unions who caused most of the
financial woes the industries suffered from in the first place. We've seen regulations heaped ever deeper
on independent agriculture, making us further dependent on the Third World and large multinational corporations
for our food. Despite the wailing about dependency on foreign oil, Obama and his unindicted Democrat/RINO
co-conspirators have — quite illegally — thrown up roadblock after roadblock to domestic oil production.
Bad as all this has been, with the stentorian efforts of the "mainstream" media, the fascists have managed to
keep up the pretense that this is all for our own good.
Is President Obama getting a free pass over WikiLeaks?
The United States' position as a superpower and the trust of important allies has been undermined by unscrupulous,
America-hating figures with the aid and comfort of several major newspapers including The New York Times,
Le Monde and The Guardian. However the WikiLeaks scandal to date has not resulted in demonstrable
consequences for the Obama presidency or for the president himself.
Thankless in Obamaland. [Scroll down] Too
much of the backlash has focused on what people don't want, rather than what they do want. That has allowed the
Obama Administration to frame it as a choice between security and privacy. When it's actually a choice between
good security and bad security. That isn't entirely accidental. Too much of the coverage was led by sources
who don't think that there even is such a thing as terrorism.
media's silence on the Pigford Black Reparations story. The media is protecting the White House
again... by ignoring the Pigford Black Reparations Scam expose that Andrew Breitbart is running at Big Government.
As you read the news online, watch TV, and peruse the papers, please keep track of what news outlets are reporting
on Breitbart's Pigford expose... and which ones are deliberately silent on this.
Fantasy Figures, Real Pain.
Early Friday morning [12/3/2010], before the Department of Labor released its monthly jobs report, the mainstream
media was reporting job gains of as much as 200,000 as more or less the consensus figure. Never mind that
200,000 was not the consensus among reputable economists. The mainstreamers wanted the jobs report to turn
up as an assist to the Obama administration, and so they fudged their predictions.
Fails to Publish Own Poll on ObamaCare's Lowest Popularity Ever. A new ABC-Washington Post poll
found ObamaCare sunk to its lowest popularity yet: 52 percent opposed, and only 43 percent in
favor. ABC mentioned the poll without fanfare at the end of a Jake Tapper report on Monday's World News
[12/13/2010], and Tapper added this was the health law's "lowest level of popularity ever." But
Tuesday's Washington Post reported not one sentence on the poll in the paper — even as they
reported in the paper that the same survey found Obama's tax-and-unemployment-compensation deal has "broad
bipartisan support."
decision striking down individual mandate is very big deal. Ezra Klein, the Washington Post's
blogging wunderkind, is a smart guy. He made his name becoming the go-to pundit for health care
policy. He understands health care policy as few do in D.C. But if you're looking for an
unvarnished opinion about the political realities of Obamacare, he's the last guy I would read.
Crucible of a Hero.
This case is of shatteringly great significance, and if you don't know about it, well, you can thank the
cowards, commies, and crooks at your favorite mainstream media Bureau of Disinformation, National Desk.
Lt. Col. Lakin has been abandoned by the establishment press, dastards and lackeys almost to a one.
about Lt. Col. Lakin.
Walters vs. Sarah Palin: When ABC's Barbara Walters deems Sarah Palin one of the year's "Most
Fascinating People," it's a backhanded compliment. Walters knows Palin has an adoring fan base, and
she's definitely not part of it. When the Dec. 2 special began, Walters greeted Palin with "Many
people find the thought of you as president a little scary." This is not what Walters asked President
Obama in yet another gooey Barack-and-Michelle hour-long ABC interview on Thanksgiving night. ... Liberals
like Walters always assume that if you're liberal, you're smart; if you're conservative, you're either evil
or stupid. Or both.
media elites are still batting for Barack Obama. Media watchdog NewsBusters published an important
story on Tuesday [12/14/2010] describing how The Washington Post had failed to highlight in its news
coverage a key finding of the latest ABC News-Washington Post poll which showed unprecedented levels
of public opposition to the White House's controversial health care reform proposals.
Goes to Work on the Obama Rehab Project. Politico seems to think that all this amounts to a victory
for Obama. True, it does leave him alive to fight another day, but what is he fighting for now?
Calling ObamaCare 'Government Takeover' of Health Care Is Biggest Lie of Year, Touts ABC's 'Nightline'.
ABC's "Nightline" touted a PolitiFact story Thursday that rated the five biggest lies of 2010 in politics.
The number one lie? Republicans calling the health care bill a "government takeover of health care."
When asked why the claim received the status of biggest lie of the year, editor Bill Adair
answered that it was "so pervasive" and "just not true."
The Meme That Would
Not Die. They've said this about Obama for years, that he's some sort of Great Compromiser, who
would bridge the gaps between Left and Right, between Black and White, and all the other chasms of American
political and social life — like... I dunno, like some miraculous kind of spackling paste. ... The
same Obama who, when faced for the first time by real opposition, put on the most petty and petulant press
conference performance in presidential history. The same Obama who, just days later, walked out on
another briefing, blaming his wife. I could go on, but why? ... The question is, where did this meme
come from and why does the press keep insisting that it's true?
The Second
Swoon: President Obama's Kept Press. Wednesday's [12/22/2010] press conference may have starred President
Obama fresh off his alleged big win on START and DADT, his losses on the Dream Act and the Omnibus spending bill, and
the tie on the tax deal, but the big story was the eagerness of the White House Press Corp to revert to fawning treatment
of their once-and-future leader.
Obama Doesn't Know the Price of an Apple.
President Obama today tried to pay for four apples with one dollar. Now, if Bush did this, can you imagine the
uproar?? ... Recognizing the error, Obama personal aide Reggie Love quickly stepped in with some more money for the fruit
seller, who had just been ripped off by the leader of the free world.
The Nine Snootiest Practices
of Barack Obama. President Obama puts in 18 holes nearly every weekend. Once over a recent two
or three day spread he got in 36. I don't know about you, but if I was spending so much time on the fairways my wife
would have my clubs on ebay before you could say "tee time." Of course, the White House doesn't really like to
emphasize Obama's love of the links. And that's simply because golf is for the rich people, and Obama is for
the poor people.
Janet Napolitano,
performance artist. [Scroll down] The media told us that Barack Obama was the hippest
president Americans would ever have, a new kind leader. His appointment of Janet Napolitano as Homeland
Security Secretary is part of a sustained postmodernist agenda, featuring other meaning-destroying moves,
such as Michelle Obama as fashion plate, 9.8% unemployment as recovery, and Islam as a part of our
republic since its founding. If you don't get it, you are just not cool.
How Did All That Happen?
How did villains become heroes, global warming become "climate change," and the most liberal senator become a
"bipartisan" president? ... Lurking somewhere behind all these improbables is a rather small Western elite
that is enormously influential in the media, government, the arts, universities, and Hollywood.
The Return of Obama
Gravitas. Stay tuned for 2011, when the political and media establishment will declare that
indeed, Barack Obama has found his misplaced gravitas. Insiders will celebrate an awesomely deep
president who will have sharpened his pants crease and will again bask in the unrestrained praise of the
media gods.
Prices Back Above $3, Networks Don't Question Obama Policies. Gas prices are "soaring" again, crossing
the $3-a-gallon threshold on Dec. 23 for the first time since Oct. 17, 2008. Back then the benchmark was
a relief as prices plunged from the highest price ever of $4.11. Pump prices have been climbing all month, yet
network reports downplayed the pain and suffering of consumers.
Top Ten
Examples of Media Bias in 2010. [#1] Refusing to describe the U.S. homebuilding industry and
new home market as the worst since World War II. The current meme is that it's the "worst in
47 years of record-keeping," except that in most instances the "record-keeping" phrase is omitted,
giving readers the clear impression that at least 2010 wasn't as bad as 1963. That's not so.
2010 was 43% worse than 1963, and worse than every full year after Japan blessedly surrendered to
us — even before adjusting for population.
News Continues Lobby Effort for ObamaCare. ABC News continues to behave like they are working
hand-in-hand with the Obama Administrations' health care take-over message machine. The latest effort
came from ABC News Political Director Amy Walter as she offered a harsh warning to Republicans: Don't
mess with ObamaCare.
President Obama is in Hawaii. Many [TV news] producers take great delight in being able to tie
stories together that have no natural tie. Yes, we have all seen new anchors strain at trying to tie
stories together. Now the strain is to totally ignore the perfect segue. I've been waiting
patiently to see one of the net's do this Blizzard Of 2010 story and follow it with ..." Meanwhile,
President Obama is in Hawaii playing his 4th or 5th round of golf during his vacation." Hummmmm.
Haven't seen that yet.
says Russian Regime Untrustworthy, After Endorsing Russian Arms Treaty. A Washington Post
editorial on November 19 endorsed Senate passage of the New START treaty with Russia. On
December 27, after the treaty was passed, the Post published an editorial saying that Russia was firmly
under the control of former KGB officer Vladimir Putin, the former president who is now Prime Minister, and
that the Russian regime could not be counted on to live up to international standards. Wouldn't it have
been nice for the Post to have told its readers this fact before the treaty was passed?
Lingo: Republicans 'Hack Away Derisively' at Obama's 'Landmark' Health Care 'Accomplishment'. The
media's coverage of the incoming GOP-controlled House of Representatives could be called the March of the Mean
Words. When Democrats ascend to power, they pass "historic" and "landmark reforms." When Republicans
do the same, the media argot is colorful and violent, sending unsubtle meat-axe messages of conservative
"assaults" and "attacks."
Media Excuse Obama's Power Grab.
Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post reported on Friday [12/31/2010] that "the Obama administration is
prepared to push its environmental agenda through regulation where it has failed on Capitol Hill..."
There was no hint that this approach is illegal or unconstitutional. The account simply assumes that the
Obama Administration can do what it wants, no matter what Congress or the law says. This kind of
matter-of-fact reporting about lawlessness by the federal government is typical of the decline, if not
death, of adversary journalism in the nation's capital.
Worst Secretary of State. Simply by virtue of being married to Bill, being a woman, and being
as left-wing and progressive as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton gets a pass on pretty much everything.
The media swoon over what a trailblazer she's been, how brilliant she is, and what a spectacular job she's
doing as Secretary of State. None of those things are true, particularly that last one.
Matthews Slams 'Older White People' for Still Having a 'Problem' With Obama. Appearing on MSNBC,
Monday, to promote his new special on Barack Obama, Chris Matthews attacked "older white people" for still
holding bigoted feelings against the first African American President.
The Editor says...
I really don't care if Obama is black. But I do care if
Erroneously Reports that 'Opposition' to Obamacare is Easing. A widely reprinted AP story, based
on a recent AP/GfK poll, is entitled, "Opposition to health care law eases." Don't believe it. What
has eased isn't the level of opposition to Obamacare, but rather the level of effort that AP/GfK has made to
ensure that its polling sample is representative of American voters.
Three Networks Agree: Obama Sounded 'Reaganesque' in State of the Union. During
coverage of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night, all three broadcast networks,
CBS, NBC and ABC, managed to compare the tone of the speech to that of Ronald Reagan. Reporters
and pundits uniformly praised the supposed optimism of Obama.
Constitutional contempt.
There are precious few in the media who lack culpability in this matter. Many pundits who command
audiences of millions, whether on the radio or television, have made it a blood sport to mock reasonable
people who deserve answers to legitimate questions. Some make it about race while others make it
about conspiracy. Some intentionally obfuscate the issue, while others make false claims of having
seen or holding a paper of historical importance. Meanwhile, the instruments of this administration
have created, willfully and deliberately, a fictitious Internet clearing house to reportedly separate
rumor from fact. There is ample evidence of intent to deceive the American people, and strong
suggestions of criminal intent.
Bozell Blasts Media Coverage of Obama SOTU. When Republican presidents in years past
delivered their State of the Union addresses, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted this morning,
"no sooner had the words, 'God bless America,' left their lips than the analysts were there... just
pouncing on them, pointing out any discrepancy, pointing out any controversy, ridiculing any mistake."
Now "along comes Barack Obama..."
channeling Reagan? Hardly. One of the least credible tales to come out of President Obama's
recent ideological makeover is the story that he is modeling his presidency on Ronald Reagan's.
Time Magazine asserted this week that "there is no mistaking Obama's increasing reliance on [Mr. Reagan's]
career as a helpful template for his own." Just to keep this preposterous public relations ploy
in perspective, we have compiled a handy list to remind people how little these two men have in common.
The Media, Reagan, and
Obama. Some presidents have been used to degrade the image of others. Herbert Hoover was
a convenient whipping boy to tar various Republicans through the years. Nixon was the epitome of evil in
the White House. The fate of Ronald Reagan, on the other hand, has been a curious one. The punditry
that savaged him before, during, and after his years in office are now trying to burnish Barack Obama's image
by comparing the two presidents. This is just the latest gambit to try to boost the appeal of Barack
What's wrong with
Peggy Noonan? Whether naiveté or denial, Noonan's refusal to recognize Barack Obama's
ideological intransigence is unbelievable. By all means, hope is a virtue, but it must be tempered with
wisdom. Noonan is unwise and begging to be lied to, as long as those lies are less obvious and better
spun than those told by the President last Tuesday evening.
Portrait of an Etch-A-Sketch President.
[Scroll down] And so last week, we witnessed a feeding frenzy from the media and the blogosphere, discussing
the change in Mr. Obama's attitude and rhetoric. Some made for juicy, thought provoking, reading.
Others were spin. The Big Three Alphabet Media agreed, Obama was "Reaganesque". The problem
for Mr. Obama is that we are now on to his character, if not yet his legal identity. Chameleonesque
is a better description for this president.
Tale of Two SOTU's.
Even though it was Obama's first State of the Union since his party lost control of the House and saw its
Senate majority shredded, the [New York] Times didn't dwell on the decline in his party's fortune. By
contrast, Kate Zernike's 2007 lead story on Bush's first State of the Union after the Republicans lost
Congress emphasized the power shift away from the president, while lauding new Speaker of the House Nancy
Why the Black Panther Case
Matters. Attorney General Eric Holder and his minions, along with some of their slavish
apologists in the media, are deliberately trafficking in lies of great note. They prevaricate with great
enthusiasm, and they excuse lawlessness with fierce disdain. They — both the Department of
Justice (DOJ) officials and their leftist amanuenses pretending to be journalists — brazenly
ignore the public's right to information, and intentionally distract attention from relevant facts and from
their own deep beliefs. These conclusions arise from the accumulated weight of evidence in what should
be a broadening scandal emanating from the infamous New Black Panther Party voter-intimidation case.
The Left-Wing Mainstream Media has over-reached
itself this time. With the advent of the centennial of Ronald Reagan's birthday on Sunday, it
was perhaps predictable that Time Magazine would photoshop a picture of Obama and Reagan as if they were
standing together. "Why Obama ♥ Reagan" was the cover line. Obama would have been twenty
years old when Reagan took office and, of course, he not only never met Reagan, but he was no fan of his
conservative policies.
Obama's Prayer Breakfast
Knuckleball. [Scroll down] For a man capable of fabricating a relationship with his
father — to the point of writing a book about it — fabricating a relationship with
Jesus is no big deal, at least not to [Time Magazine's Michal] Scherer and the mainstream media. They
are prepared to believe whatever Obama says and belittle those who don't.
The Manic-Depressive
MSM. In the fall of 2008 and early 2009, the left dared to dream big. Back then, we saw
the Daily News' hagiographic endorsement of Obama (their publisher and erstwhile Obama speechwriter has since
seen the light). This was quickly followed by Rahm Emanuel's ham-handed "Never let a serious crisis go
to waste" quote. In early January of 2009, even before Obama took office, John Judis of the New Republic
wrote, "A decade ago, I might have been embarrassed to admit that I was raised on Marx and Marxism, but I am
convinced that the left is coming back." James Carville promised their reign would last for
40 years. ... Two years later, and all is lost.
How President Obama plays media like a fiddle.
Time's Mark Halperin has hailed Obama as "magnetic," "distinguished" and "inspiring" — in one story.
ABC's Christiane Amanpour saw "Reaganesque" optimism and "Kennedyesque" encouragement — all in one
speech. Howard Fineman, the former Newsweek columnist who now writes for The Huffington Post, said
conductor Obama was now leading a "love train" through D.C.
The Era of the Obama
'Blank Screen' is Over. [Scroll down] Mr. Obama's "treatment of the issues" (and his
opponents) is no longer a mystery. The days of Obama as a "blank screen" are over. The
"leave-them-guessing strategy" may have worked while campaigning, but not as many are still guessing about
the identity of the real Obama. Yet, it's curious that Obama and his fans in the media still believe that
the vehicle of the blank screen is operable. Time Magazine's recent photoshopped cover showing Ronald
Reagan approvingly embracing Obama is such an example.
Imagine the reaction in the press if President Bush had said this.
assertion: FBI can get phone records without oversight. The Obama administration's Justice
Department has asserted that the FBI can obtain telephone records of international calls made from the U.S.
without any formal legal process or court oversight, according to a document obtained by McClatchy.
That assertion was revealed — perhaps inadvertently — by the department in its
response to a McClatchy request for a copy of a secret Justice Department memo.
Has Already Thrown in Towel on 'Winning the Future'. Reuters reports that Obama's proposed
budget would cut the deficit by $1.1 trillion over 10 years. Are you kidding me? We
wouldn't even come close to balancing the budget if we applied all those cuts in one year, but spread out
over 10 years, they are insulting. Plus, many of these "cuts" would be solely the result of
bringing troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Lying Left. It should be
painfully clear to conservatives by now that Obama cannot open his mouth without a torrent of lies pouring
forth. His most recent, and some of his most egregious, were in his remarks about the administration's
proposed economy-wrecking budget. And surely by now, they know that TV "journalism" and our major
newspapers are nothing but Democrat Party propaganda outlets. Combine the two, and you have a
dangerous mix...
Hides Real Reason for Rise in Gas Prices. Fill 'er up folks. Gas prices in Southern California
have hit $4.59 a gallon. Oh, the media has finally started covering "Pain at the Pump" but they are not
giving us the real reasons for the jump. ... The activist old media intentionally ignores Obama's role in
rising gas prices. His name is intentionally kept miles away from any story dealing with higher gas
prices. When Bush was in the White House the media had no problem reporting the fact that the rise
in oil prices were due to the depreciation of the dollar, but they seem to have forgotten that little fact
Link Bush to 'Skyrocketing' Gas Prices 15 Times More Than Obama. As gas prices rose in 2008,
network reporters mentioned President Bush in 15 times as many stories than they brought up President
Obama in a similar period in 2011. Bush drew gallons of coverage in 2008. Comparing a 20-day
span of rising gas prices in 2008 to 24 days of rising prices in February 2011, the Business & Media
Institute found the networks did more than 2½ times as many stories during the Bush years versus
A secret Obama
doesn't want you to know. No doubt by now you've heard the story on the nightly news that the Obama
economy grew at a weaker pace in the fourth quarter of last year than was expected. What's that you say?
You didn't hear that on the evening news? I wonder why.
Chris Matthews is a big Obama fan. The thrills up his leg embarrassingly came at the beginning
and the end of "Hardball" in what at times seemed like an hour-long commercial for the President's reelection.
Matthews Swoons Again. Professional Obama fan Chris Matthews appeared on Friday's [3/4/2011]
edition of the Martin Bashir show to slam the President's critics and to swoon, "Everything he's done has
been good for this country." Matthews went on an extended rant against those who oppose Obama...
The Media and
the Republicans. [Scroll down] The media has begun its efforts to re-elect Obama
and protect their interests. Already stories are circulating making him out to be invincible and
the potential Republican field full of inept, right-wing loons. Every effort to rein in spending
in Congress is met with the obligatory story of child and senior citizen deprivation and joblessness.
The reporting of a possible shutdown has been slanted as a warning to the Republicans that they will
suffer as they supposedly did in 1995. It matters little whether the country is marching off a
financial cliff.
Brown: Obama Might Have 'Worst Inbox Of Any President In History'. Barack Obama's
complaints about the burdens of his office have found a sympathetic ear in the person of Tina
Brown. ... I generally think of Brown as one of the more astute members of the liberal media.
Which makes one wonder: how could she possibly imagine that the burdens facing Obama are tougher than
those confronting any of his predecessors?
Anti-Obama Riots Ignored by Media. A U.S. President beset by angry mobs screaming "Yankee
Imperialist Go Home", exploding Molotov cocktails, rubber bullets, tear gas, riot police. In 2007 the
MSNBC headline screamed "Protests greet Bush upon arrival in Brazil" and The Guardian one-upped it with
"Angry crowds hunt Bush as protests mark start of Latin America tour". Fast forward to 2011 as
another U.S. President faces identical protests and riots. Funny thing, though, this time there is
absolute stone cold silence on these protests and riots...
Will The
Media Call Obama a Hypocrite? Mr. Nobel Peace Prize has launched hundreds of Cruise Missiles
into Libya inflicting major damage and killing civilians. He has also kept two wars going while
ramping up the battle in Afghanistan. Sounds like a warmonger.
The Big Obama Defeat
the Media Ignored. Lost amid all the excitement over the Rio trip, the anti-obesity campaign,
and the March Madness picks was the revelation that Senate Democrats had given up any attempt to confirm
Donald Berwick as chief of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). It seems that 42 Republicans
had informed the Democratic majority by letter that they would vote for Berwick's confirmation when Hell
froze over.
Ignore Anti-Obama Protests In Brazil. Union protests against a Republican governor as well as
mass demonstrations aimed at an Egyptian President have been the central focus of our news media the past
two months. But as Big Government's Susan Swift reported Sunday [3/20/2011], Brazilians protesting the
imminent arrival of Barack Obama hours after he launched missiles at a country that didn't attack America is
not considered newsworthy to his many fans in the press here.
ABC Mentions Obama Flip-Flop on Presidential War Powers, CBS and NBC Ignore. While a report on
ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday referenced 2007 comments from then-Senator Barack Obama against a president
taking military action without congressional approval, CBS and NBC both failed to point out President Obama
contradicting those earlier statements by failing to seek congressional approval before committing U.S. forces in Libya.
If Republicans Acted Exactly Like Democrats.
Imagine George W. Bush, after vacillating for month, deciding to put American troops in harm's way, even as he
remained on vacation while the conflict began. Imagine he did it without the Constitutional necessity of
consulting Congress, and subordinated American interests to the whims of the United Nations. ... Imagine if
George W. Bush had committed the American military to a conflict where we're on nobody's side. Now
imagine everything above either being virtually ignored by the mainstream media, or deliberately mischaracterized
by it.
Will Ignorance Lead to
a Second Obama Term? In the face of a dishonest and complicit mainstream media, it is up to all
thinking Americans to make efforts to educate themselves, their neighbors, friends, colleagues, and family as
to the dangers of four more years of Obama as President.
Garrett Sounds Like an Obama Flack. On Morning Joe, Major Garrett, formerly of Fox News,
now with the National Journal, claimed to be "militantly non-partisan" ... then proceeded to offer a
passionate defense of President Obama's Libya policy. As an hors d'oeuvre during the
discussion of the need for the media to acknowledge their leanings, Katrina vanden Heuvel risibly
refused to admit that her Nation magazine is left-wing.
Lock-Out Coverage for Obama in NY Times. President Obama arrived home to the White House on
Wednesday [3/23/2011] from his five-day trip to Latin America and found himself locked out of the French
doors to the Oval Office, as captured by several news organizations. My Media Research Center colleague
Tim Graham reminded me that back on Nov. 21, 2005, the New York Times published on its front page a photo
of President George W. Bush making a face after trying to leave a press conference in Beijing through a
locked door, accompanied by an article that mentioned the gaffe.
Obama Re-Election and
the Cult of Personality: The American people can expect to see President Obama on as many
sympathetic television talk shows as possible and he will grant innumerable interviews to sycophantic news
anchors and talk radio personalities as he can get into his schedule when not interfering with golf or White
House parties. The Obama family will be prominently featured in all the celebrity worshiping magazines
and news shows, which will also highlight the various White House functions with whoever is the entertainment
or sports superstar of the day.
Let Them Buy New Cars.
This week President Obama replied to a man who told the president that he is hard-pressed to buy gasoline for
his van that he ought to trade it in for a new car with better mileage. Obama assured him he'd probably
get a great deal these days — from GM, Ford, or Chrysler, he added. The Associated Press
first reported this incident and then scrubbed it from its story; most of the media did not care about it
at all, because Obama is awesome.
Why are
Obama and the Press so Silent on Afghanistan? The mainstream media basically downplayed or ignored
a March 15 Washington Post/ABC News poll which showed American support for the Afghanistan war seriously
eroding. For the first time since the war there began almost a decade ago, nearly two of three surveyed
said the battle is not worth fighting. Normally, such a dramatic turn in public sentiment against a war
would rate screaming headlines and endless speculation on how that might affect President Obama's political
standing and re-election chances in 2012.
Gets Predictable AP Kid-Glove Treatment. This evening, [AP's Jim] Kuhnhenn and his wire service
are expecting the AP's readers — and ultimately its subscribing media outlets' readers, listeners,
and viewers — to believe that President Obama, who, with plenty of help from Nancy Pelosi and Harry
Reid, will have run up over $4 trillion of steadily rising federal government deficits by the time we get
to September 30, the end of the current fiscal year (after making appropriate adjustments to reverse
obfuscatory accounting entries designed to mask the truth), has now seen the light, and is on board with the
idea of serious long-term deficit reduction.
A War Gone Missing.
I'm hoping someone can help me. I left on vacation last week, and when I got back, an entire war was
missing. I've looked for it on all the major networks and cable outlets (excepting Fox News), as well
as all the major newspapers. Although I've found hints that it still exists somewhere, President Obama's
Libyan War is officially missing in action.
Common Sense and the usurper Obama:
There continues to be a conspiracy of silence about Obama's ineligibility among the political
elite and the main stream media (MSM). They know the Constitution has been violated.
Either they lack the courage or the integrity to speak the truth.
More questions
about Obama's eligibility .
Donald: Doing the Job the Media Won't Do. [Scroll down] Trump, while he's at it, might
want to turn his investigators onto Obama's academic records — high school through Harvard
Law — which remain top-secret. ... Trump might want to question members of Obama's former
church to find out how, during his 20 years as a member, Obama managed to miss every single sermon
in which his "spiritual adviser," the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, shouted the anti-Semitic, anti-American, racist
statements widely seen on YouTube. We know Bush's grades. We know his brand of whiskey before he
kicked it. We know he eats pork rinds. Dan Rather nuked his own career trying to prove Bush got
high-hat treatment in the Texas Air National Guard — a contention Rather still holds. But
Obama? Nothing to see here. No, the real story about Trump isn't Trump. It's the pass
given Obama by the media.
Obama's ineligibility: The American press
has dishonored itself. We now have the media of an one-party state. I was watching
ABC's George Stephanopoulos interviewing Donald Trump about the birth certificate issue. It struck me
how much more Stephanopoulos sounded like an Obama staff member than an independent and objective journalist.
Obama's Apologists.
Barack Obama often suffers paralysis when it comes to making a decision. But such freezing in the face
of pressure is not what is being portrayed by Obama's cheering section in the media. Instead, we are
fed a different vision that idolizes Barack Obama as a wise leader. ... He is praised as an exceptionally
deep and nuanced thinker whose skills are beyond our ken.
The President's Maturity
Problem. Far from being a post-partisan healer, President Obama has proven himself to be petty,
juvenile, and someone totally lacking the temperament and class we should expect from an Oval Office executive.
Apparently coming to grips with this uncomfortable reality as they watch him forgo press conferences for Daily Show
and Tonight Show appearances, some on the left have taken a different approach in defending him. Writing a
piece entitled (no joke), "The Trouble with Presidential Dignity," the New Republic author Jonathan Chait concluded,
"our problem is not too little presidential dignity but too much."
Tea Party David Vs.
Two-Headed Goliath. On the O'Reilly Factor TV show, Dennis Miller was asked his
thoughts regarding the media's response to Obama's numerous flip flops. Miller said the media will
report whatever Obama does in a positive light. We patriots are well aware of the liberal media's
love affair with Obama. And yet, for some reason, the reality of Miller's comment hit me hard right
between the eyes.
It's ReVolting. In our fast
paced, ever-changing lives, we can take occasional comfort in the fact that some things never change.
We can rely on death, taxes, McDonald's, the fecklessness and narcissism of Barack Obama, and above all the
obsequious New York Times. Yes, the NYT has, once again, lived down to expectations. Thus comes
Lawrence Ulrich, on the Times website, with a review of the much-ballyhooed Chevy Volt, a review that could
not be more fawning if it was named "Bambi." In fact, "Volt" could easily be replaced with "Obama" in
much of the review and it would yield yet another Obama puff piece for which the NYT has become justly infamous.
Obama's Church Choice For Easter
Based On Race? It may sound a little callous and abrasive to even be suspicious of Obama's
choice of churches for Easter Sunday 2011, but given the climate of the media bias so overwhelmingly in
favor of casting Obama in the best light possible, the regular media professionals can't be trusted to
actually do some basic reporting. ... While this pastor is a little less flamboyant than Jeremiah Wright in
both tone and wardrobe, the evidence is in: Obama prefers and actively seeks out these churches, race is
our President's primary motivation on a variety of decisions, and the media will actively provide cover for
minority racists as long as it fits their narrative.
someone mention Jeremiah Wright?
in Defeat, 'View' Crew Trashes Trump as 'Racist'. I'm no Birther, I simply believe that the
White House and MSM teamed up to keep the birth certificate issue alive as a weapon to use against the
Right. As an example, nothing made NBC's David Gregory happier than to ask a conservative about the
issue and subsequently nothing made the rest of the corrupt media happier than to amplify that moment and
use it to drown out the conservative political message. So instead of the MSM doing their job and
educating the public — as they did when McCain's place of birth was questioned — they
chose to palace-guard Obama and join in on the racial smearing. This was all about fundraising,
distracting, and dividing. Or, what we call standard operating procedure when it comes to
our friends on the Left.
birth certificate proves Americans are powerless. Mr. Obama did not release the birth
certificate because the media pressured him or because the courts actually listened to one of the many
cases that were filed. He released it because an obsessed billionaire threatened his electability in
2012, which forces us to ask the question: What good are our democratic institutions if they don't
stand up for the people? Journalists did not address the fact that the president was refusing to
resolve an issue about his constitutional eligibility. Instead, they covered the "birther" movement
in an effort to discredit any American who had a legitimate question.
Obama has declared war on the Constitution.
First, there is no more important issue for the country than the integrity of the Constitution.
Without it, the federal government is null and void and the rule of law is undermined. Second, the
political elites want to move on because they have been complicit in a flagrant contravention of the
Constitution, the Founders intent and judicial precedence by substituting political fiat for the legal
processes involved in amending the Constitution. The political elites and the MSM have always known
that they were promoting an infringement of the Constitution by protecting Obama.
The Obama Lie That
Drove the Birther Movement. [Scroll down] The media proved especially ignorant in their
discussion of Obama's birth certificate. Last week, ABC's George Stephanopoulos set a new media low
in his ambush of Rep. Michele Bachmann. In full partisan fury, he waved a copy of Obama's certification
of live birth in her face as excitedly as if he had just discovered Al Capone's vault. "Well I have
the president's [birth] certificate right here," crowed the clueless Stephanopoulos, utterly unaware he
had no such thing. Worse, what he did have had been floating around the Internet since 2008.
"It's certified, it's got a certification number." Neither he nor his media colleagues seemed to
know how foolish this spectacle appeared to the millions of Americans who knew better.
someone mention Obama's birth certificate?
America needs Fox News.
You can bet that if George Bush were president, the media would be out for blood. You would have to
be deaf, dumb and blind to not notice that gas is four smackers a gallon, real unemployment is still above
10 percent, America is trillions in debt with no end to annual trillion-dollar deficits in sight, we are
still in two wars and itching for another one in Libya, China is poised to eclipse our economy in just a
couple of years, and 25 percent of our kids do not graduate from high school.
TV Reporter Writes of Thrills at Interviewing 'Gifted and Complex' Obama. Justin Farmer is a
reporter for Atlanta's WSB-TV, and he's exactly the kind of local-news reporter Barack Obama's been looking
for — the kind that's too star-struck to be objective.
Booed By Media At White House Correspondents' Dinner. If we had a truly impartial media,
would they boo a political figure regardless of his or her opinions?
Gregory's Long Tall Smooch To Obama. President George W. Bush's nickname for David
Gregory was "Stretch." True to his moniker, the elongated Meet The Press host gave a long, tall,
three-part smooch to President Obama during his appearance on this morning's [5/1/2011] Today Show.
Mainstream Media's
Paradise Lost. Over the past ten years it has become painfully obvious that the mainstream
media's level of vituperation directed at conservatives has gone up exponentially while their willingness to
accommodate and turn a blind eye towards the devastating policies of the Left (in particular President
Obama) has never been higher.
Professors Gone Wild.
[Scroll down] The Washington Post put its reasoning ability on display last week with the pronouncement
that Barack Obama is too smart for the office he holds. Government-run institutions are collapsing
because the nation is "too stupid" to fall "adoringly at Obama's feet" and simply do what he says. The
writer — the Yale-trained Beltway insider Dana Milbank — cites two professors who blame our
national woes on an electorate unable to function at the same level of a president who is "the very
model of a complex thinker."
Matthews throws his panties and room key at President Obama. Chris Matthews gave up all
pretense of objectivity Friday [4/29/2011] and moved directly into oohing and ahhing over President
Obama. "If you think about him as a guy out in the sun, with the sun in his face, looking like a
cowboy with his sleeves rolled up ... here he is out in the sun, short sleeves, he's always been fit,
looking like a million bucks, looking like a guy."
Obama Killing Bin Laden Proves He's Effective Commander-in-Chief. As we watched President
Obama tell us Sunday evening [5/1/2011] of Osama bin Laden's death, we knew the media would be starting the
Mother of all victory laps. Not surprisingly out ahead of the cheering throngs was Huffington Post's
senior politics editor Howard Fineman with his Monday love letter...
Obama Girl Behar:
"Skip the Next Election". As a discussion of the death of Osama Bin Laden with ABC News'
Brian Ross on The View turned political, Joy Behar suggested that we "skip the next election" since
this event apparently guarantees that Obama will win re-election next year. If I were Behar I wouldn't
count my chickens just yet.
Obama, We Hardly Knew Ye.
Most of agree that President Obama did the right thing in ordering the attack which resulted in the killing of Osama
bin Laden; but his sycophants and cult worshippers, led by the New York Times, are making an all-out effort to make
this single deed into a redemption of all his many policy failures and his persistent lack of decisiveness and leadership.
Time For Conservatives to
Focus on Obama's Performance in Office. Emotion should have no place in the upcoming campaign.
In order to make these tactics moot it is time to put the issue of Obama's birth certificate, college grades, and
all manner of personal questions on the sidelines and concentrate on making certain he is defeated based on his record.
That is not to say that there may indeed be some validity to these issues; but they cannot be proven with absolute
certitude between now and the fall of 2012. Placing any attention on these matters will not succeed in helping
defeat Obama as long as the mainstream media is a wholly owned subsidiary of liberal deep-pocket benefactors and the
Democratic Party with their access to taxpayer money.
You Must Be A Racist
If You Don't Love Obama, Right? CBS anchorman Bob Schieffer says that Donald Trump is a racist.
Whoopie Goldberg and her colleague on the View, Joy Behar, concur. MSNBC host Ed Schultz interpreted Mr. Trump's
questioning as to how Obama was able to get into Harvard with his alleged poor grades, as a racist remark doubting
Obama's intelligence. The host on Fox's Red Eye, Greg Gutfeld, usually ends his Gregalogue rant with, "and if
you don't agree with me you must be a racist." Gutfeld, however is a satirist but these mainstream media pundits
are serious.
Obama: Just Trust Me.
Inquiring minds apparently don't want to know. Most in the activist old media seem very willing to
accept and even perpetuate the president's argument for not releasing the death photos of Osama bin Laden.
The same media that has fought disclosure issues all the way to the Highest Court in the land, released Abu
Ghraib photos, and battled George W. Bush on numerous disclosure issues now seems more than willing to
just trust Dear Leader.
Obama: Deniability Man.
Fictional "news stories" take a lot of coordination, which is why normal American administrations give just
one answer for Special Ops: "No comment." But normal administrations don't run PR stunts with
national security. This is not a normal administration. This is the first ACORN administration,
and the end justifies the means, just like it says in Alinsky. Obama desperately wants to look tough.
We can tell, because all the mediots came out with John Wayne headlines. Suddenly the left is giving
Obama the Nobel Prize again for doing nothing — and looking as phony as Pelosi's facelift.
NPR Brushes Aside Transparency Concerns at
DOJ Civil Rights Unit. On Tuesday's Morning Edition, NPR's Carrie Johnson highlighted critiques
of the Obama White House from the left on their promise to be "the most transparent administration in history,"
but downplayed questions over the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Unit's use of non-disclosure agreements
with companies under investigation.
More Questions.
Why does the media suddenly have no interest in asking hard questions? Why are they "factophobic"?
What is difficult about "trust but verify"? And, why malign those who want truthful answers? Would
it be that they are Democrat operatives cloaked as journalists; or proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing?
These and many other questions animate those who no longer trust the media and who seek answers to legitimate
questions in their quest of the truth. Obama repeatedly promised "the most transparent administration
in history," his continuing resistance to American citizens who seek the facts about him is a non sequitur
and establishes him as Deceiver-in-Chief.
Obama the Warrior
showed "as much courage as our Navy SEALs". The media has moved into full Obama hype and
hyperbole. America's most effeminate Commander In Chief is now being touted as a cross between
General Patton and Chuck Norris.
Sex, Lies & the TSA. Most
Americans still "don't get it." Our rights as American citizens are under attack by the most socialist
administration ever to assume power, installed by an elite oligarchy of globalists through a continuity of
agenda that began decades ago. Americans continue to be sold some of the biggest lies in history by
the establishment media, which has been progressively infiltrated by some of the most powerful socialists,
communist sympathizers and sellouts in the history of the Fourth Estate.
Associated Press
poll claims 60% Obama Approval. Obama sycophants in the media, which means most of the media,
have been trumpeting an Associated Press poll that purports a 60% approval rating for Barack Obama.
And if you believe that number, I have a compound in Abbottabad I'd like to sell you. The AP reached the
60% figure by lumping the majority of 'Undecideds' into the Obama approval column. Typically approval
polls categorize respondents into three categories: Approve; Disapprove; and Undecided. Not the
AP poll.
Obama's Scandalous War Against Domestic Oil.
Do you remember the terrible things the left was saying about President George W. Bush when gas prices
soared under his watch? Yet President Obama, whose policies and actions are actually contributing to
rocketing gas prices today, gets the usual mainstream media pass. Is it that the liberal media exempt
Obama from accountability because they're on his team in general? Is it because they think he's blameless
in the equation even though they sprang to the unfounded conclusion that Bush was culpable? Or could it
be that they aren't critical because they share his bias against conventional energy and believe the pain
caused by his policies is necessary to move us toward alternative energy sources?
Bounce, My Backside.
It's amazing how often the truly obvious eludes a mainstream media so tainted by left-wing ideology they are
incapable of seeing that which is right under their collective noses. Last week Osama bin Laden was
killed, and as far as the leftist presstitutes are concerned, it's virtually pointless for anyone in the GOP
to run for president. Obama's re-election is a "done deal." Really?
Journalists: Today's White House Reporters Are Too Timid. "If you watch an Obama news conference, and
watched a Bush news conference previous to that, where correspondents sit in their seats with their hands folded on
their laps, [it's] as if they are in the room with a monarch and they have to wait to be recognized by the president,"
says Sid Davis, the former NBC Washington bureau chief who covered nine presidents. "It looks like they are
watching a funeral service ... and it shouldn't be that way."
Cartoonist Can't Get Anyone To Publish His Anti-Obama Pieces. Ted Rall's cartoons and opinion pieces
were all the rage when he was attacking George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and American soldiers. ... In the past,
editorial rejections had numerous causes: low budgets, lack of space, an editor who simply preferred another
creator's work over yours. Now there' s a new cause for refusal: Too tough on the president.
Corsi Book An Important One.
As I have come to learn firsthand, the anti-journalist does not seek to report the news. The anti-journalist attacks the
people who do report the news or, just as likely, ignores them completely. When in attack mode, the anti-journalist
disregards the facts and dismisses the fact finder as partisan, whacko, reckless, and inevitably, in regard to Obama, racist.
No reporter in America knows this form of abuse better than Harvard Ph.D. Jerome Corsi.
Media Skip Study That Found Stimulus 'Forestalled or Destroyed' Jobs. On the front page of
Wednesday's Investor's Business Daily, reporter David Hogberg reported that a new study found President
Obama's "stimulus" plan "may have destroyed or forestalled employment, including more than 1 million
private-sector jobs." Destroyed or forestalled? Our media only cites studies which estimate the
number of jobs Team Obama "saved or created."
A Libyan Quagmire? The botched and
confused handling of the conflict in Libya has been a stunning example of President Obama's leadership style, and
of the media's continued determination to ignore or gloss over anything that makes him look weak, incompetent or indecisive.
Obama's ineligibility: We know.
[Scroll down] We know that the MSM is hopelessly biased. They will always give liberals flattering
coverage and attack conservatives even with misinformation or outright lies. They will actively conspire
to support Democrats and attempt to influence Republicans to choose the weakest candidates. We know that
the Republican leadership will work with the MSM to discredit any Republican candidate, who might offer real
change. The Republican elite would rather lose an election than risk losing the benefits of political
Times Columnist: Obama Pauses While Speaking Due To 'Intellectual Stammer'. The Los Angeles Times,
in an opinion column, has decided to defend Barack Obama's tendency to pause or sometimes tumble over his words by
chalking it all up to a phenomenon the paper has decided to call "The Intellectual Stammer."
British Newspaper Blasted
Bush's Etiquette Flub, but Glosses Over Obama's. Imagine the newspaper headlines if President
George W. Bush had written the wrong date in the Westminster Abbey guest book; or if he had continued
toasting the Queen of England after the British national anthem started playing. Obama did both of
those things on Tuesday, and while media outlets reported the incidents, there was no suggestion that
he is a blundering fool.
Money Finds 10 Reasons 'You Should Love $5 Gas'. Many have noted that homelessness seems to
always become a concern for the legacy media when a Republican is president. Similarly, during
Democratic administrations, media outlets always seem to find good things about bad economic news (remember
"funemployment"?). The latest such attempt comes from MSN Money, which on Wednesday tallied ten reasons
that "you should love $5 gas."
British press seduced by
Obama. US President Barack Obama's speech to Britain's parliament was "Churchillian" in its
delivery and a fitting end to a visit which has boosted his re-election chances, Britain's press said on
Thursday [5/26/2011].
Michelle Obama's
high staff turnover. Here's a shocker: Michelle Obama has trouble keeping staff.
Despite the effort by Julie Mason and Amie Parnes to soft-peddle their Politico report regarding the high
turnover rate on the FLOTUS's staff, the message comes through loud and clear. ... The lickspittle media is
consistently exposed as being the Obamas' handmaidens, but the length to which this article goes is
Covering for
Obama's high unemployment results. Can President Obama be re-elected in 2012 with unemployment
figures at record highs? If the media and Democrat operatives have their way, it just may be possible.
Witness [a recent] article by Jeremy Greenfield headlined "Unemployment: The New Norm".
Stop It
Already — He's Not So Smart. [Scroll down] Think back to his press
conference when, recklessly venturing beyond range of a teleprompter, he described his campaign efforts
through the 57 states. If Dan Quayle had said that, people would have thrown potatoes at him.
With Obama, though, we are told it was a slip of the tongue. When he could not properly pronounce the
military term "corpsman," pronouncing it instead as one would describe a cadaver, the late-night comics did
not perceive humor.
Obama and the Betrayal of Black America. One of the talking points formulated by Obama's
apologists in the media is the notion that Obama is not the president of black America. They
argue he is the president of the United States of America. This pathetically feeble argument
exists for the sole purpose of deflecting legitimate criticism of Obama's failure to meet the needs of the
black community.
Lincoln 'Peas in the Same Pod' Declares Technology Writer. Barack Obama and Abraham
Lincoln "are peas in the same pod," at least in the eyes of technology reporter Andrew Leonard.
And just how exactly? Because "both [were] irredeemably stained by the hard fiscal decisions they had
to make to save their nation," Leonard argued in a June 2 "How the World Works" blog post.
Useful Idiots. The spending
has not stopped, it has not even slowed down, and the Republican-controlled House appears to have no
intention to make real cuts in spending or to pass a budget. Neither are they addressing the
Democrat-controlled Congress failure to pass a budget last year. The compliant media is ignoring the
issue entirely as if it does not exist while portraying the economy as booming.
Brags 'I Have Better Plane' And 'Bigger Entourage' Than Three Years Ago. Imagine a Republican
president giving a speech on tough economic times in which he claimed that the plight of Americans who are
hurting is what is on his mind every day as he walks to the Oval Office. Imagine that same Republican
president, in that same speech, bragging that he has "a better plane" and "a bigger entourage" than when he
was a candidate. Now imagine the howls from the MSM about such president's vainglory and insensitivity.
Backs EPA War on Coal, While Networks Ignore Harm to Industry. It is no longer a secret that
President Obama's administration is willing to allow electricity prices to "necessarily skyrocket," in
order to accomplish his green energy agenda. Although he has so far been unsuccessful at instituting
cap-and-trade, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hard at work running coal companies and
consumers into the ground. Not that you'd know it from ABC, NBC and CBS news coverage.
Maybe this has something to do with it...
in Congress invested in news media. Many members of Congress have financial interests in the media
that cover them, financial disclosure documents show. The Center for Responsive Politics reported Wednesday [6/15/2011]
some 60 senators and representatives, or their spouses, have investments in at least 19 media corporations.
Obama will Resign and for Good Reason.
It is now widely acknowledged that the mainstream media ran interference for him, ignoring or disparaging
those who questioned his eligibility. After two and a half years in office, however, his arrogance and
incompetence is so manifest that even they can no longer cover for him. Obama has single handedly
generated a mass political movement called the Tea Party and election results for governors and members of
Congress have put opposition candidates into office.
blasts reporters at Obamacare waivers presser. Freshman Illinois Republican Rep. Joe Walsh
ripped mainstream media reporters at a press conference Wednesday morning [6/22/2011] for their failure to
adequately cover the Obamacare waivers imbroglio. "This is an outrage," Walsh said of the Obamacare
waivers program. "I don't know why your profession isn't outraged. If this were any other
president or any other administration, you would be investigating this tooth and nail every single day."
Picks on Supposed Republican Stumbles Before Showing Obama Soothing a Baby. On Tuesday night [6/21/2011],
NBC decided to highlight a series of stumbles by Republican presidential candidates, none of them all that
significant (Romney having $100 bills in his wallet and Perry referring to Twitter as "tweeter"), before
later in the newscast showing White House-produced video of a baby which stopped crying when handed to
President Obama.
CBS Heap Praise on 'Baby Whisperer' Barack Obama and His 'Magic' Touch. The ABC and CBS morning
shows on Wednesday [6/22/2011] gushed over "baby whisperer" Barack Obama. Both Good Morning America and
the Early Show played White House-produced video of the President comforting a baby while working a rope line.
GMA's Lara Spencer lauded, "You know, the President is plenty busy trying to turn the economy around.
But he still has time to stop some babies from crying, of course."
Ludicrous Analysis of Obama's Afghanistan Speech? The elusive distinction of most ludicrous
analysis of Obama's Afghanistan speech should be awarded to NPR for its story, "Obama's Afghan Speech
Echoed Lincoln's Talk." The segment was less than a minute-and-a-half, but it was a doozy.
Obama: "Fortunately, We Have Help From The Media". In an interview with CNN, First
Lady Michelle Obama thanks the media for their "support" and "kindness."
CNN reporter:
"How's the family ready for this [the election]? It's going to be quite vicious, isn't it? How do you prepare for that?"
First Lady Michelle Obama:
"You know, it's ... we're ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we're doing. We
work hard to do that. Fortunately, we have help from the media."
Three Networks Ignore Obama's Medal of Honor Screw-Up. On Thursday [6/23/2011], at Fort Drum, New
York, as reported by the Military Times, Obama told the 10th Mountain Division he had the privilege of meeting
"a comrade of yours, Jared Monti" adding it was "the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor
to who actually came back and wasn't receiving it posthumously." Turns out Monti did receive it posthumously,
as Obama presented the award to his parents at a White House ceremony in 2009. ... This insensitive blunder by the
President was not covered the Big Three Network evening news shows on Wednesday and received zero stories on
Thursday's morning shows.
Goes All Orwell in Covering Obama Apology for MOH Gaffe. A search on the last name of
deceased soldier and Medal of Honor winner Jared Monti at the AP's main site only returns one relevant
story: its Friday night/Saturday morning coverage of Obama's apology. Wait until you see how
dishonestly the wire service tried to cover its tracks...
media covers up horrifying Obama mistake. No one in mainstream media seems inclined to mention
Barack Obama's horrifying mistake last Thursday when, speaking at Fort Drum, he said that SFC Jared Monti
was "the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn't
receiving it posthumously." Alas, he was mistaken. He awarded the Medal of Honor to Jared Monti
posthumously in 2009 and awarded the Medal of Honor in person to SSG Sal Giunta in person in 2011.
all Journalists -- Obama's multiple social security numbers. Last year, two investigators searched
numerous data bases and found that the social security number Obama is currently using is a Connecticut issued
number and it was issued between 1977-79. Further, the social security number assigned to Barack Obama
may have been previously assigned to someone born in 1890. It's important to note that Obama's grandmother,
Madelyn Dunham, was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court probate department and had access to Social Security
numbers of dead people. With this issue alone, you'd think this would be enough to warrant some type of
investigation from the so-called free press.
about Barack Obama's highly questionable Social Security number.
Quixote's Legacy: Confused, Ill-Educated and Not Too Bright. The claim that Obama is the
smartest man to ever hold presidential office is absurd and a reflection on the state of our media who
insist on propping up this man-child. Obama's obsession with keeping his college records and personal
past secret is prima facie evidence that the claim is untrue. His knowledge base and
dismal performance on the world stage is even more damning. Instead of having a superior intellect, we
likely have the most ignorant, ideological, brainwashed dupe this country has ever elected to high office.
Suspicious Connections to Clean Tech Companies Receiving Federal Money. Having friends in
Washington is one of the quickest and dirtiest paths to success, but when President Barack Obama is the
one helping you out by discriminately favoring your company's products over others, very few in the media
seem to care.
Our Prickly President.
[Scroll down] Regardless of which Republican he faces next year, the liberal media will resume its role as
Obama's cheerleader, including Mark Halperin who will undoubtedly be eager to seek the forgiveness of The Anointed
One. I fully expect that he and his cohorts will revert to a Nina Burleigh-like state in which they fall
to their knees before Obama with their mouths agape. Yet it might not be enough. Even the
liberal media cannot stop Obama from self-destruction.
Attempt To Determine Who's Electable. As a conservative with some experience in presidential
politics, it's more than amusing for me to watch left-of-center mainstream reporters and pundits —
and even a few establishment-type Republicans — work overtime to lock the 2012 GOP contenders and
potential contenders into the box of conventional wisdom. ... For many in the mainstream media who unethically
worked to create the false narrative used to help elect Sen. Obama in 2008, there is a genuine fear of a
general election match-up between their beloved Obama and either Gov. Perry or Rep. Bachmann.
It's like TMZ for politicians!
send out crazed stalkers to shadow GOP candidates. They record every word, every gesture,
every aside, every remark made by GOP candidates. They stalk their quarry, going from town to town,
speaking engagement to speaking engagement, hoping against hope that a Republican candidate will make a
mistake like saying there are 57 states in the US, or averring that there is an Austrian language.
There goal is to make a video that goes viral on YouTube and sinks the Republican's chances to get elected.
Religious Expert Excoriates 'Radical,' 'Theocratic' Christians. In a segment on the religiosity
of Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, MSNBC's Richard Lui on Wednesday [7/6/2011] looked to an author who has
smeared conservative Christians as "radical," weird individuals who "hate" America. The guest host for
Martin Bashir interviewed Frank Schaeffer, a blogger on the liberal Huffington Post website and also a
constant critic of the religious right. ... Lui never pointed out Schaeffer's liberal leanings or his
endorsement of Barack Obama in 2008.
Listeners Hear EPA Touted as 'Environmental Investment Agency'. In the Obama era, the
Environmental Protection Agency and its chief Lisa Jackson have been absolutely non-controversial in the
national media. Few reporters have considered its aggressive "green" tactics a job-crusher.
Right: It Is Worse Now. The Obama administration recently created a new White House post
charged with rapidly responding to unfavorable stories. They could have spared the taxpayers $72,500,
since the mainstream press is already doing that job free of charge.
Tosses Softballs to Obama. Six out of seven reporters, called on by Barack Obama at today's press
conference, asked a question of the President that came from the left and/or blamed Speaker John Boehner and
the Republicans for standing in the way of a deal on the debt ceiling.
Obama on 'Better Homes' cover. Better Homes and Gardens will feature First Lady Michelle Obama
on the cover of its August issue — the first public figure to grace the magazine's cover in 48 years.
He rescued us?
On Sunday [7/10/2011], on Meet the Press, Treasury Secretary Geithner said "The Amercian economy was falling
off the cliff in the Fall of 08 and the first months of [President Obama's] Administration and he
put in place the most creative, the most forceful set of economic measures we have ever done as
country, and because of that we prevented a second Great Depression ...." If you haven't seen this
performance, you should — the forcefulness and conviction with which the Secretary delivered these lines is
impressive. There's something I don't understand. Why didn't David Gregory, the host of MTP,
laugh in Geithner's face?
Top 10 Obama Gaffes. The Left had a
grand old time with President George W. Bush's mangling of the English language, and let Sarah Palin or
Michele Bachmann make a slip of the tongue and the mainstream media will turn it into a major news story.
Not so with President Obama's verbal missteps.
Media Are In The Bag For Obama. Of course, the idea that Obama is a moderate is ludicrous to anyone
who's even casually followed this presidency. The biggest expansion in federal spending since World War II,
ObamaCare, regulators run amok and now the push for massive tax hikes. No wonder more than half the
public — including one in five Democrats — think Obama's more liberal than they are. But
to the mainstream press, Obama merely has to call himself a centrist for reporters to believe it...
Where's Dan Rather Now?
Remember his nightly fake sadness for soldiers that "Bush was killing?" He had his nightly Bush Death
Count. So, where have all the America-hating journalists gone now that the DeadStream Media's candidate
is Commander in Chief?
Accuses Press of 'Accepting Every Leak Out of the White House'. Charles Krauthammer on Friday
[7/15/2011] marvelously demonstrated just how in the pockets of Barack Obama America's news media are.
After claiming on PBS's "Inside Washington" that we now have a "completely compliant, pliant, supine press
accepting every leak out of the White House," he silenced the entire panel by asking them to name one specific
cut to entitlements the President has proposed.
Is The First Dude
Still Toking? Obama famously admitted using marijuana and cocaine and the media gave him a pass
unlike their skewering of his predecessor for similar youthful indiscretions. The question in my mind
today is this, "Is this guy still toking?"
Investigative Unit Ignores Obama's ATF Debacle. The NBC News Investigative Unit has devoted
considerable resources to uncovering "scandals" ranging from Marcus Bachmann's health clinic to Newt
Gingrich's credit line at Tiffany to the Sarah Palin document dump, but continues to ignore a botched
Justice Department operation that contributed to the death of a U.S. border agent.
someone mention Fast and Furious?
Wisdom Frames a Faulty Storyline to Suit Obama. [CBS's Bob] Schieffer represents the Conventional
Wisdom about as well as anyone — and in this case, the CW seems to be that the GOP plan is a "total
waste of time," unreasonable, unserious, and inflexible, while anything President Obama demands is fair,
balanced, thoughtful, and Solomon-like.
Lies About Mom, Networks Yawn. Barack Obama in 2008, [claimed] his mother, Ann Dunham, died of
cancer while battling with insurance companies all the way through. Dramatic? Yes. But an
utter lie.
the Hammer. No doubt some reporters were shocked, shocked to find that President Barack Hussein
Obama had misled the public about his own mother's death to gain a political advantage. There was never any
doubt that Obama's mother had full medical coverage to treat her terminal cancer. It was disability
coverage, not health care coverage, that she was fighting with the insurance company over. Obama should
have known this because he is the attorney she hired to represent her against the insurance company. ... But
the mainstream media will continue to let Obama say whatever he wants whether there is any truth to it
or not.
pledge to not criticize Obama worth noting. Was MSNBC's decision not to make former 6 p.m.
host Cenk Uygur's role at the network permanent a product of the cable outlet's desire to protect President
Barack Obama at all costs? ... Uygur admitted he didn't, but pointed to a May 2011 interview in which the
Reverend Al Sharpton, Uygur's likely replacement at MSNBC, encouraged people not to criticize Obama.
The Unbelievable
Brilliance Of Barack Obama. There are hundreds more examples of Obama gaffes but one has to Google
them on the Internet because the mainstream media never reported them. Yet every slip of the tongue by
Bush was deemed evidence of his stupidity. In fact, Obama has made many more slips when speaking without
his teleprompter but these are excused as merely a result of exhaustion or some other lame explanation.
Al Sharpton, MSNBC
and journalistic standards. How can a media outlet such as MSNBC that purports to be
presenting political journalism possibly employ someone as a journalist — even an opinion
journalist — who publicly and categorically pledges never to criticize the President of the
United States under any circumstances? That would be like hiring a physician who vows never to treat
any diseases, or employing an auto mechanic who pledges never to fix any cars, or retaining a pollster who
swears never to make any findings about public opinion.
Associated Press Uses Polling Firm That Favors
Obama. In the weeks following the news of Osama bin Laden's death at the hands of U.S. Navy
Seals, the mainstream media was running all manner of stories praising President Obama's leadership.
That frenzy was partially about America triumphing over an evil mass murderer, but also overwhelmingly
about how it would help Obama get reelected.
Editor's Note:
The tax-and-spend socialist baby-killing Democrats apparently have a fax network or some means of
disseminating their bumper-sticker sound bites to all the right people. One recent example is
the catch phrase, "tea party downgrade" -- an attempt to blame the reduction in America's credit rating
on the tea party people rather than Barack H. Obama's uncontrolled spending. Some examples of
the resulting press coverage (that is, their voluntary promulgation of this canard) are shown below:
Axelrod: This was a 'tea party downgrade'.
Tea Party Downgrade? Who Thought That One Up?
"Tea Party Downgrade"? They Can't Possibly Sell It.
Democrats seek to pin credit downgrade on tea party. drives new liberal catch phrase: 'Tea party downgrade'.
Dean: What's the tea party smoking?.
Kerry blames tea party for downgrade.
Obama Needs To Offer Alternative To Capitalism. Chris Matthews claims that for purposes of the
2012 campaign, Barack Obama needs to offer an alternative to capitalism. Along the way, Matthews, on his
MSNBC show this evening, offered a completely crazed notion of what capitalism is about.
Levin: Michelle and Barack Obama "power hungry," "arrogant". During the 2008 election cycle,
political talking heads kept a sharp eye on the alleged extravagance of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
And decades ago they had a lot to say about First Lady Nancy Reagan and her lifestyle in the White House.
Why are there no stories about First Lady Michelle Obama? London's Daily Mail newspaper claims Michelle
Obama has spent $10 million in taxpayer money on vacations.
Comcast is the nation's largest cable operator and the new owner of
Employees Top Donors to Obama and 'Victory Fund'. While Comcast employees gave
$5,000 each to Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty, "Comcast employees contributed nearly $80,000
directly to Obama for America and roughly $200,000 to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint account
benefitting both the Obama campaign and Democratic National Committee, through the first half
of 2011 records show." The Center for Responsive Politics analysis found 40 percent
of Obama Victory Fund contributions are coming from two very blue states: California
(25 percent) and New York (15 percent), also two states where most of our
news and entertainment media are located.
Comcast-Obama Alliance. The media is still showing the love for Obama. Not
only does the fawning coverage continue but media executives are putting their money where their
collective mouths are, by showering the Obama campaign with money.
Obama's Enablers.
As a rule, the press is the scourge of presidents. They're expected to endure unending scrutiny,
mistrust, and badgering — plus hostility if they're Republicans — by a hectoring
herd of reporters and commentators in the mainstream media. But there's an exception to the rule:
President Obama.
The big stall. Members of the
political-media complex have no intention of addressing Barack Hussein Obama's ineligibility for the Presidency
or his criminal activity both before and after occupying the White House because it would expose their own
culpability in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people. Their plan is to stall, wait
for the Obama "problem" to be overtaken by events, like the 2012 election, and then sweep his crimes and
theirs under the rug.
The Motley Fool.
[Vice President Biden] is a walking pratfall, a clown of the tongue-tied, stumbling kind, and only the media's
determined effort to shield the Obama administration from laughter has kept Joe Biden's miscues, misunderstandings,
and mispronouncements from becoming our long-running national joke.
Press Forgets
Obama's Anti-Intellectual 2008 Campaign. Some of the reaction to Politico's tireless
quest to find out if Democrats think Rick Perry is "dumb" centered on the fact reporters conveniently
have yet to produce President Obama's school records. That's true — and a point
worth making. ... The president ran the most vacuous, messianic campaign imaginable — and
yet Perry is tagged as a dense would-be theocrat.
Dreams From His
Uncle, cont'd. Apart from a brief online update, the New York Times has yet to report on the
saga of Obama's Uncle Onyango.
someone mention Uncle Omar?
Johnny Can't Figure Out Which End of the Hammer to Hold. I see that the president, in a spirit of
bipartisan compromise, is proposing this time round to toss a mere third of a trillion dollars into the Potomac
and watch it float out to sea, all in the interests of what the Associated Press calls "jump-starting" jobs.
David Espo and Jim Kuhnhenn are using "jump-start" metaphorically. In fact, I would be interested to know
whether Barack Obama has ever in his life jump-started anything in a non-metaphorical sense. Or whether
Messrs Espo and Kuhnhenn have.
Ford, Jr.: Obama 'Greatest Orator The Office Has Ever Known'. On today's [9/8/2011]
Morning Joe, the unctuous Harold Ford, Jr. went into sycophantic overdrive, telling White House press
secretary Jay Carney that President Obama is "the greatest orator that the office has ever known."
the media are dividing Republicans. The liberal media are President Obama's last
hope. His popularity is plummeting. The economy is in crisis. Global recovery
has stalled. The Middle East is drifting toward chaos. Even many Democrats concede
that Mr. Obama's re-election is in serious jeopardy. Hence, he has only one chance left:
Provoke the GOP presidential candidates to tear each other apart.
Did the MSM Know and When Did They Know It? When it comes to protecting democracy,
an over-zealous media is always preferable to a lapdog media so enamored with those in power that
they lose their curiosity, skepticism and willingness to dig or ask questions for fear of what
they might find.
alters transcript to hide Obama gaffe. At one point Mr. Obama made a major gaffe; he
identified Abraham Lincoln as the founder of the Republican Party. Lincoln did not join the
Republicans until 1856, over two years after the party was founded. The first Republican convention
was held in Ripon, Wisconsin in 1854. Such a gaffe would have brought huge amounts of ridicule
and derision on George W. Bush, but in the case of Obama the media yawned. Actually, they
did more than yawn; government-funded PBS has altered the transcript of the President's speech,
removing the offending comment.
Readies for Season of Tea Party Trashing? Hollywood knows Obama can't win on his failed record
and therefore you can expect Hollywood (and the MSM) to pull out all the vicious stops to make our side
unelectable. The worse Obama's poll numbers get, the uglier all of this will get.
Count on it.
Techniques for Untruth.
As the 2012 election season lurches into full activity and the presidential darling of 2008 looks
increasingly beatable, members of the Obama campaign team, also known as the mainstream press, realize
there's much work to do keeping their man in the White House. Two recent NPR stories display some
techniques available to journalist-activists, allowing them to misrepresent truth while at the same time
maintaining an appearance of objectivity.
Media Blasted for Obama Coverage.
Obama still gets far better coverage than a Republican politician would. But the rise of right-leaning
media outlets and the competition for web traffic has made it much harder for mainstream outlets to ignore
legitimate stories that reflect poorly on Democrats.
Media Myth Debunked:
Don't Pay Less Tax as Percent of Income Than Lower Earners. As President Obama trots out his new
"Buffett Rule" to raise taxes on millionaires, the media are predictably assisting his efforts by spreading
misinformation about the wealthy paying less taxes than lower wage earners as a percent of income. 2009
tax figures recently released by the Internal Revenue Service thoroughly refute this assertion.
York Magazine Calls Obama 'The First Jewish President'. In New York magazine this
week, John Heilemann contends that President Obama is the "best thing Israel has going for it right now" and
despite some setbacks he remains a president "every bit as pro-Israel as the country's own prime minister...
Is Obama Pro-Israel?
[Scroll down] On the other side of the debate, New York magazine has a pathetic cover story by John Heilemann,
titled "'The First Jewish President:' The truth? Barack Obama is the best friend Israel has right
now." How credulous an Obama apologist do you have to be to believe that?
Obama Is the 'First Jewish President,' I Am the Last Barbie Doll. I am finding it hard to laugh
about John Heilemann's cover story in New York magazine. Heilemann is a regular contributor to
New York's pages and has also penned a book about Barack Obama's "hope" campaign on which he worked.
In a scandalous town and in a scandalous time, the cover of the 9/26 issue of New York magazine may be in a
class all its own. It depicts President Obama, seen from behind, wearing a kippah.
mainstream media should try actual reporting for a change. I know it may sound crazy, but I have
a suggestion for The New York Times. Instead of taking the word of the Obama White House, its
energy department, or even the word of Republicans for that matter, why don't you simply gather a team of your
investigative journalists, remind them of their professional responsibility to be ethical, honest, and
non-biased, and then unleash them to do some actual reporting for a change instead of insultingly
regurgitating White House spin?
Obama figures he can just lie.
A polite word for what President Obama is being with his claims about millionaires and taxes is "disingenuous."
A more straightforward term would be lying. Neither the Associated Press nor the Wall Street Journal called
him that yesterday, but both reported the facts that the President is grossly and willfully distorting.
Predictable Scandals. The media finally conceded the Obama administration to be inexperienced and
inept, reminiscent of the Carter administration — but, they maintained, not possibly involved in any
corruption. Then suddenly scandals erupted on nearly every conceivable front.
Media Set Pretty Table For Democrats. To listen to the networks talk, it's the Republican field
that is a mess in desperate need of new talent, and its debate audiences are a bloodthirsty horror movie.
One place that Democratic contenders go for positive publicity is the network morning shows. Their
audiences are diminished, but they remain a powerful national platform, especially for female voters.
An Ugly
Sunrise for Republicans. No one thinks Barack Obama is sitting pretty in this race for the White
House. The Real Clear Politics average of the mid-September approval-rating polls measures him at
43 percent approval, 51 percent disapproval. With these numbers, they should be measuring his
political coffin. But to listen to the networks talk, it's the Republican field that is a mess in
desperate need of new talent, and its debate audiences are a bloodthirsty horror movie.
'Today' Swoons Over Michelle Obama Shopping at Target. Friday's [9/30/2011] NBC "Today" devoted
an entire segment to photos of First Lady Michelle Obama stopping by a Target store in Alexandria, Virginia,
as Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell — on location at the shopping center — gushed:
"Check this out. Behind those dark glasses, tucked under that Nike cap, one of the world's most famous
women. Yes, that is the First Lady of the United States at Target."
First Lady Campaign Photos under Scrutiny. The Associated Press is facing some scrutiny for
taking pictures of First Lady Michelle Obama at a Target Store nearby the White House. Some critics are
expressing concerns that AP is trying to deflect the public's attention away from Mrs. Obama's extravagant
spending habits to help get Barack Obama re-elected to the White House.
Solyndra: Big Three Networks Barely Mention Burgeoning Scandal. Energy Secretary Steven Chu's
admission, on Thursday, that he approved more taxpayer money to the financially strapped solar panel company
Solyndra, after it defaulted on a $535 million loan from that agency. Big Three network coverage?
Zero. This is just a continuing pattern of ABC, CBS and NBC barely touching the bourgeoning scandal for
the Obama administration.
about Solyndra.
No Attention to Obama Marching With the New Black Panthers. President Obama has been exposed, again,
for his radical roots, but by all means, let's continue to accuse the tea party of racism with no evidence.
about the Black Panthers scandal.
Pass' Bill Must Be Nuked. For a full month now, President Obama has insisted that Congress "pass
this bill." And for a full month, his own party has steadfastly refused to bring it up for a vote. ... All
the while, Obama has been running around the country blaming Republicans for blocking his bill, with pliant
media regurgitating the charge.
and hope, credit and blame in the Gunwalker Scandal. [Scroll down] As evidence, ladies and gentlemen
of the jury of history, I present the undisputed fact that on the evening news shows of NBC, ABC and CBS
this week not one — NOT ONE — mentioned the unprecedented subpoena by a Congressional committee
of information regarding the entire top echelon of the Justice Department in the Gunwalker Scandal.
Had this scandal involved John Ashcroft and the Bush Administration, does anyone doubt that the story
would have led the nightly half-hour "puppet theater"?
Gunwalker Subpoena a Virtual Non-Story. On October 9, an unbylined Associated Press story
reported that Congressmen Darrell Issa "could send subpoenas to the Obama administration as soon as this
week over weapons lost amid the Mexican drug war." On Wednesday, October 12, Issa did just
that. ... It appears that only Fox News did cover the subpoena's issuance the day it occurred.
Obama hold on to African American voters in 2012? For several months, radio host Tom Joyner has
pleaded with his 8 million listeners to get in line behind the first black president. "Stick together,
black people," says Joyner, whose R&B morning show reaches one in four African American adults. ... Even as
Obama and his campaign play down the suggestion that support among African Americans is flagging, a cadre of
powerful allies is snapping back at critics in the black community and making explicit appeals for racial loyalty.
The Editor says...
Racial loyalty? "Stick together, black people"? Is that is not blatant racism,
what is it?
Is Coming, the MSM Is Corrupt, and Big Journalism Needs Your Help. As individuals I have
no doubt the MSM is populated with genuinely decent people who love their kids and make great neighbors.
But as a whole, they are partisans, charlatans, and liars. Thanks to the wonder of the Web, you need not
accept the daily injustice of a partisan media using objectivity as a weapon to destroy what we know is right.
Michelle dominates Laura in press attention. A media research firm says Michelle Obama has gotten
nearly 30,000 mentions in the press since her husband was elected president, more than tripling the attention
paid her predecessor, Laura Bush, during the equivalent time.
Holder's toast, is the media far
behind? I'm still amazed at the war of containment being fought by the mainstream media in a rearguard
action for the current Administration. Only Sharyl Attkission of CBS News, William LaJeunesse of Fox News,
and Richard Serrano of the Los Angeles Times have been covering this story diligently, while the Washington Post's
plagiarist Sari Horwitz and NY Times' disgraceful Eric Lichtblau carry out unsourced and inaccurate character
assassinations on behalf of the Administration that even the left wing bloggers wouldn't run. The various
plots that make up Gunwalker (Fast and Furious, Wide Receiver, other unnamed operations mentioned in newly
released documents) are evidence of the most explosive and deadly scandal in U.S. political history.
someone mention Fast and Furious again?
Jay Leno Embarrasses Himself Sucking up to Obama. When
President FailureTeleprompter arrived on the 'Tonight Show' set, you would think the herd of elephants
that follow Obama everywhere had never existed at all. ... [Leno asked] Nothing about the failed
stimulus. Nothing about Solyndra, Fast and Furious, unemployment or record deficits.
Obama's dirty laundry.
Obama can continue to give hollow speeches trying to ease the concerns of his Jewish constituency, but alas
the dirty laundry is out in the open for everyone to see and finally understand. Amazingly, or perhaps
not, the mainstream media barely reported the story, and yet if it were a Republican president causing such a
gaffe it would have been front-page headlines for quite some time. What does it mean when our president
joined in the denigration of one of our most trusted traditional allies? What does it tell us when the
mainstream media glosses over the story?
Diverts Attention from Obama Economic Cataclysm. The media has taken a great field of GOP candidates
and made them look like a sequel to the Hollywood blockbuster Dumb and Dumber. Each success frontrunner has
been mowed down to size by outlandish and journalistically unethical reporting, combined with a nonstop series of
debates that produce highlight reels of gotcha questions these so-called reporters never ask Obama. Obama in
contrast simply travels the world at government expense, teleprompter in hand giving well-crafted speeches written
by others. The softball questions lofted his way are intended more to boost him than share with Americans the
true story of how tough it really is living in the Obama socialist economy.
Ignores Multiple Scandals of the Obama Administration. Bloomberg recently published a horribly inaccurate
post by Jonathan Alter titled, "The Obama Miracle, a White House Free of Scandal." It's time for Mr. Alter
to wake up, remove the rose colored glasses, and come back to reality. President Obama's administration
has a huge scandal on their watch and it's called Operation Fast & Furious.
Obama's Energy
Plan: Chevy Volt. Three years ago, the national average for a gallon of regular grade gasoline was
around $1.70. The price climbed to $2.60 in 2009 and $2.80 a year later. As of November 11, 2011,
gas rose to an average of $3.45 per gallon, roughly twice as much as what we were paying in 2008. When gasoline
prices hit their peak at around $4.00, Democrats were demanding Bush's head on a platter, but under Obama the higher
prices are simply the new normal.
Electability and MSM Bias. It is open season for the liberal media on any GOP presidential candidate
who displays the audacity to surge in the polls, the latest targets being Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich. A
reasonable case can be made for some of these criticisms, and conservatives often concede the weaknesses, but there
is no justification for this same media's ongoing cover-up for the current White House occupant.
Avoids Word 'Obama,' Buries Story on Plea to Delay Solyndra Layoff News. Revelations that the
administration asked Solyndra to delay a layoff announcement until after the 2010 midterm elections made the
front page of the Washington Post on Wednesday [11/16/2011]. ... Meanwhile, the New York Times buried the
revelation in a page 24 story Wednesday by Matthew Wald, "Solyndra Was Asked to Delay Layoff News Till
After Midterms, Memo Says." And while the Post forthrightly identified 'The Obama administration" as the
culprit, Wald's opening paragraph only blamed "The Energy Department." Bizarrely, the word "Obama" doesn't
appear in the story at all.
Hey Obama: Gas Up and Go.
You can tell people are filling up their cars with gasoline by the scowls on their faces. Nearly three
years into Obama-Nation and the term "gas pain" is something that Tums just can't erase. It's the culmination
of the most anti-oil, anti-energy administration this country has seen since the failed presidency of Jimmy
Carter. But the American media are doing their best to hide that fact.
Parrots White House Spin for Booing of Michelle Obama. Good Morning America's Josh Elliott on
Monday [11/21/2011] repeated White House talking points in regard to the booing of Michelle Obama at a NASCAR
event on Sunday. ... The Today show didn't cover the event at all.
Econo-Misery and Three Econo-Myths.
[Scroll down] Any number of possible earthquakes from, say, Europe, bankrupt U.S. cities, or elsewhere could
bring the whole [US economy] crashing down at any time. Sadly, none of this matters to President Obama,
his apparatchiks, or his establishment press propagandists nearly as much as their virtually all-consuming goal of
achieving his reelection. That is why you can expect any number of expectations-diminishing characterizations
of the economy — de facto ditch painting and ditch decorating — to emanate from the
White House and to be dutifully repeated in the media between now and November 6, 2012.
calls for media silence, watchdogs scratch fleas. Established media freedom groups are ignoring
Attorney General Eric Holder's demand that The Daily Caller stop writing about congressional calls for his
resignation. The groups' silence contrasts with their vigorous defense against Republican critics of the
news media, and contrasts with the praise given to the media's aggressive coverage of decisions by officials
in George W. Bush's presidency.
Brian Williams Gushes Over 1950s 'Wholesomeness' of Obama Family. In an interview with President Obama's
outgoing assistant Reggie Love on NBC's Rock Center Monday night, host Brian Williams fawned over the First Family:
" a retro almost 1950s American family, that there's a — kind of a wholesomeness about them. They
play board games, they play on the floor of the living room with the dog, they're not — the girls aren't
allowed a lot of TV and social media."
Chicago Tribune Stands by Barack Obama. According to Bruce Dold, editorial page editor of the Chicago
Tribune, the newspaper stands by its October 17, 2008 endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for the presidency.
In response to an e-mail asking, "Mr. Dold, if you had it to do again, would you endorse Barack Obama for President?,"
Dold answered on November 28, "I stand by that endorsement."
Fast and Furious is infuriating. [Scroll down] One year later the Obama administration has
the case records sealed and now neither the public nor the press has any access to the information. This
action from the most "transparent administration ever" headed by the most transparent president ever. Where
is the main stream media and all their hot shot reporters bringing this story of government "corruption" and
wrongdoing to the public? The one reporter for a TV network that dared to bring the story forward was muzzled
within a few days. If this were a Republican administration, this story would be front page every day and
looped "ad nausea" 24 hours a day on TV. But not so for the most transparent administration ever!
Schweizer's Book and Why Media Have Mostly Ignored It: Last month, NewsBusters reported
60 Minutes cherry-picking Peter Schweizer's book about Congressional insider trading to make it
appear the problem was largely a Republican one. Schweizer did a phone interview with NewsBusters last
week to discuss this matter in greater detail including how with the exception of Fox News, despite this being
a bipartisan issue, the media have largely ignored it to protect liberal politicians they revere.
Pay for 'Free' Health Care, Obama Gets the Thanks. As the 2012 election approaches, the mainstream
media is crawling back into the tank for their guy. How do I know this? Because of a new round of articles
touting the "unappreciated benefits" of President Obama's health-care law. It is an obvious attempt to build
support for the unpopular legislation and rehabilitate Obama with the independent voters who have abandoned him.
Times: 'Obama Has Been a Regular Church-goer For Decades'. Over at PJ Media's Tatler section, Roger
Simon caught Alana Semuels at the Los Angeles Times in what has to be a lead candidate for the Non-Eric Holder howler
of the day. ... Simon goes on to cite a Time Magazine item from December 2009, i.e., eleven months into Obama's
presidency, called "No Church-Going Christmas for the First Family," in which Amy Sullivan wrote that "The Obamas
have attended Sunday services in Washington three times this year." To understate, most pastors wouldn't
call a congregation member who has shown up three times in eleven months a "regular."
Tells 60 Minutes 'Damaging Behavior on Wall Street' Was Legal. There was an astonishingly revealing
moment on Sunday's 60 Minutes when President Obama said, "Some of the most damaging behavior on Wall
Street, in some cases, some of the least ethical behavior on Wall Street, wasn't illegal." For what should be
obvious reasons, CBS's Steve Kroft didn't bother asking his guest who created, voted for or signed the pieces of
legislation that allowed this "damaging behavior on Wall Street" to be legal.
Obama's imperiled
America. The administration will get a free pass in making political hay out of the bin Laden
takedown. The same critics who grumbled that the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks should be off limits for
President George W. Bush in the 2004 election will be more than willing to put bin Laden's death at the
center of Mr. Obama's case for reelection.
60 Minutes Wasted Its Interview with Obama. The hour-long conversation was a typical example of a
broadcast journalist failing to hold a powerful politician accountable. ... Were I an adviser to President Obama,
I'd urge him to give his next exclusive to Kroft too, for there is a superficial toughness to his interviews.
many gaffes of Barack Hussein Obama. For much of his eight years in office, George W. Bush was
portrayed as a dope by the very media that ignored Obama's mention of "57 states." Of course, if your
name is Barack Hussein Obama (and you have a 'D' behind your name) the rules are much different. You have
been annointed "god of all things," and you have adoring fans in the media who would gladly shine your shoes
with their tongues (on camera) with a snap of the finger. Gaffes? Who cares?
Watch Left-Wing Pseudo-Journalists Roll Over and Purr:
for Obama, Get a Federal Contract. Solyndra, Lightsquared, and now Solayzme are all companies
that are closely connected to the Obama campaign and all got government money. While the Obama Administration
has been attacking Republicans as "crony capitalists" and using an army of left-wing pseudo-journalists to make the
attacks, the Obama Administration has been rewarding campaign friends with government contracts. In Barack
Obama's America, he, not the marketplace, picks the winners and losers. But just how far into the government
and into the Obama campaign does this crony capitalism go?
Minutes Broadcast Edits Out Laughable Obama Claim as 4th Best President. George Washington was
the father of our country. Eh! No big deal. Barack Obama is better... at least in his own
mind. Such was the laughably absurd claim of President Obama on 60 Minutes last Sunday.
What? You didn't see it? That was because 60 Minutes conveniently left it out of
its broadcast.
Sun Times Does Hit-and-Run on Obama-Rezko Payoff Lead. Last July, two Chicago Sun-Times reporters noted an
allegation of "payments made by Rezko to Obama" that surfaced in a deposition involving former Rezko business partner
Daniel T. Frawley. Since then, the only follow-up coverage from the Sun-Times has been the sound of crickets.
An article dated July 11, 2011, entitled "Ex-Rezko partner's sentencing delayed," announced that Daniel Frawley's
sentencing for bank fraud had been postponed, yet again. He came up for sentencing again this week, and —
surprise! — there's been another postponement.
Walters' Slobbering Interview With Obama: Barbara Walters, who famously asked Katherine Hepburn what
type of tree she was, may have outdone herself in a slobbering interview with Michelle and Barack Obama.
In previews of Friday's "20/20" segment, Walters asked the President, "If you were a superhero and you could
have one super power, what would it be?"
2012: A Year of
Media Savagery. For those Republican presidential candidates who eventually conclude there is no
path to the nomination, there is consolation in the notion that they won't be the ones to face the brutal onslaught
being prepared for the GOP king-of-the-mountain by team Obama and its army of "objective" media allies. This
time around, the Obama machine cannot run on the fairy dust of hope and change. ... So it can be guaranteed that
whoever wins the Republican contest will face one of the most scorching personal assaults the country has ever
Abet Obama's Aloofness on Tough Issues. Over the past five months, the Republican presidential
candidates participated in 13 debates where they fielded dozens of penetrating questions on every major
issue facing the nation, and some not so major. ... Yet, during all that time, the man they hope to defeat next
November has rarely been asked by news reporters about many of these issues. Since August, President
Obama has held only one formal White House news conference.
Matters Attacked Palin For Clothing Costs, Defend Michelle Obama. The Soros and SEIU-funded
Media Matters is smarting over three losses these past two weeks. First there was the Simon Wiesenthal
Center slamming Media Matters for America for its anti-Israel screeds, the second was Politico calling the
propaganda site a "core institution" of the Democrat party, and the third was the Girls Scouts backing away
from linking to the site in its brochures. Because of this stellar track record Media Matters decides
to throw another noodle at the wall and reverse its position on "class warfare" by defending the
$2k dresses (to say nothing of the shoes and handbags) worn by the First Lady.
Politico Obsessed with Palin's Wardrobe Ignores First Lady's Pricey Duds. Personally, I don't
care what Michelle Antoinette wears on her taxpayer-funded lavish Hawaiian vacations with her husband President
FailureTeleprompterDuffer. Thanks to an autobiography that was probably ghost-written by domestic terrorist
Bill Ayers, Obama's a millionaire and more power to him. If the First Lady wants to lord over the peasantry
her fashionable dresses and skirts and purses that cost enough to feed about 500 hungry families, that's Our
Champions Of The Poor's business.
Ignore Obama Hawaii Golfing Buddy Who Was Arrested in Prostitution Sting. Mediaite's Nando Di Fino
reports President Obama has played at least two rounds of golf in Hawaii with a high school buddy, Robert "Bobby"
Titcomb, was arrested as part of a prostitution sting, after he allegedly approached an undercover police officer
for sex in downtown Hawaii.
The No News Stories of 2011:
Barack Obama simply does not expect to follow normal political customs and traditions because he knows the media
do not expect him to: he will not release the transcripts because he does not have to and it is his pleasure
not to, in the way he did not worry about explaining his near worship of his racist pastor of twenty years, or
being the first to renounce public financing of presidential campaigns in the general election, or the first nominee
in recent memory not to have released his medical records, or the first to have raised $1 billion dollars in
private cash, or the first to have played 90 rounds of golf in his first three years in office. All
of these may or may not be real issues, but they have always been real issues to the press and suddenly are no
longer such — and Obama not only knows it, but enjoys knowing how the media exempts rather than
audits him.
Obama Campaign
Rips Romney For Failure to Release Records. Seven years after Barack Obama burst onto the national
political scene, we still await the disclosure of his background records.
1. Occidental College records and transcripts — Not released
2. Columbia University records and transcripts — Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper — 'not available'
4. Harvard University records and transcripts — Not released
5. Medical records — Not released
6. Illinois State Senate schedule — 'not available'
7. Illinois State Senate records — 'not available'
8. Law practice client list — Not released
9. Certified Copy of Original Birth certificate — Not released
10. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
11. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
12. Record of Baptism — Not released or 'not available'
Of course, there are different standards for legacy media's preferred candidates. Remember how the media
unearthed Rick Perry's college transcripts within 48 hours of the announcement of his candidacy?
Will Obama Go to War?
[Scroll down] Three separate news reports from media outlets that are the first to cheer Obama and genuflect
before his ideas. Three media outlets that are supported by a viewership made up largely of
Liberal-Progressive-Democrats. Three media outlets with staffs and on-air talent that also overwhelmingly
support the president and the L-P-D agenda. All three statements from official Obama administration
spokespersons reported by the so-called mainstream media without comment. One needs only a minimal
amount of imagination to visualize the reactions of these same media outlets if a spokesperson representing
the Bush administration had spoken exactly the same words in exactly the same context.
Williams Gushes Over Shirtless Obama Vacation Photos. The sycophantic fluff was reminiscent of media
adulation over similar Hawaii vacation photos of then-President-elect Obama in December of 2008.
Media Blasts Republicans While Obama Destroys Nation. What has happened with the recent recess
appointments to reward Obama's union thugs is worthy of a lead story for nights on end, but it barely gets a peep
from the Activist Old Media. Jonah Goldberg rightly calls it "An Imperial Sham."
King Sucks Up to Friend Michelle Obama. New anchor Gayle King tossed softballs at admitted friend
Michelle Obama on Wednesday's CBS This Morning. King sympathized with the First Lady over how many supposedly
see her. ... During the twelve-plus minute interview, which aired in two segments, the close associate of Oprah
Winfrey also especially sympathized with Mrs. Obama over charges against her in a recent book.
School Kids Boo Michelle Obama During Healthy
Lunches Speech. School kids in Virginia booed Michelle Obama on Friday [1/13/2012].
The local ABC 7 Channel skipped the booing part in their report.
How Progressives Work:
This week, the day after asking for another trillion dollars in spending, President Obama gave a speech about
how he wants to shrink government. His plan to combine several departments within the Commerce Department,
shrink the federal work force by about 1,000 and save an estimated $3 billion over 10 years, was hailed
as "bold" by progressives and an example of how seriously he takes our current fiscal mess. They were
counting on, and got, compliance by the media in not reporting that this "bold initiative" save approximately
3/4 of one day's worth of the deficit Obama has racked up ($4 billion).
We Must Be Really,
Really Stupid! As you may have heard by now, Newsweek's forthcoming issue headlines, "Why are Obama's
critics so dumb?" Well, sure. We who who are unhappy that unemployment has increased on Obama's watch,
that over-regulation has stymied economic growth, that our children now owe a $15 trillion debt that we
can't pay — hey, we're just dumb! We obviously aren't smart enough to understand how devastating our
economy, unemploying millions of Americans and burdening our children with trillions of dollars in debt is
really a great idea. If that's what you think, you are a liberal and you may take Newsweek seriously.

Cover Story: 'Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?'
Is there anything the mainstream media won't do
to get Obama reelected?
are Barack Obama's critics so smart? Prominent Obama-backer Andrew Sullivan has a rather pompous
piece in this week's edition of Newsweek, which the magazine has subtly headlined on its cover page:
"Why are Obama's critics so dumb?" You can read the whole article ... at The Daily Beast, but his conclusion
pretty well sums up the entire piece, which reads a lot like a desperate White House press release.
Why Is Andrew Sullivan So
Dumb? "Why Are Obama' Critics So Dumb?" That's the question posed by Andrew Sullivan in the
cover story of this week's Newsweek. But you'd have to be stupid, fanatical, and dishonest to
argue — as Trig Truther Sullivan does — that Barack Obama's failures are part of an
ingenious "long game" that is destined to succeed.
The Unbearable Lightness of
Being the MSM. [Scroll down] As dumb as we are, however, most of us grasp something that has
obviously eluded the brainiacs at Newsweek — insulting the customer is not a good strategy for
selling one's product. But the editors of that increasingly ridiculous publication, like most of their
colleagues in the establishment media, are intellectual lightweights.
Preposterously Claims Obama Added 'Only 13 People' to Federal Workforce. On Thursday's [1/12/2012]
Hardball, Chris Matthews preposterously insisted that Barack Obama added "only 13 people" to the federal
workforce in 2009 and that the total number of individuals working for the U.S. government (as of 2010) was
4,443. Two hours later, in the otherwise identical 7 PM EST re-play, MSNBC inserted a new
graphic and a new audio overlay in which Matthews corrected his incompetence without noting any change from
his first broadcast.
Why Are President Obama's Defenders
So Dumb? A presidential infomercial posing as a news magazine distorts the record to shamelessly
shill for a failed administration.
Obama's dumb critics.
Struggling left-leaning magazine Newsweek grabbed some rare attention this week with its cover story
asking why President Obama's critics are "so dumb." In a lengthy essay, avowed Obama junkie Andrew
Sullivan posits that Mr. Obama is not the pathetic loser many of his critics say he is. ... Liberal propaganda
aside, three years into the Obama term, the "blame Bush" mantra no longer works.
Obama's Button Men (And Women).
Journalists like to claim they speak truth to power. But when Barack Obama wields that power, they're all too
willing to do his bidding, even if it means attacking one of their own.
Favorite SuperPAC, The Activist Old Media. Let's call it what it is now, folks. The biggest
SuperPAC out there right now is the one working overtime to destroy any Republican who might be so bold as want
to take on the media's Dear Leader in the White House. ... The Activist Old Media has two very specific goals in
mind here, 1) keep the "horse-race" going as long as possible because it will help ratings and revenue,
2) work to damage whomever becomes the GOP winner.
Self-Destruction of the Mainstream Media. For the past forty years the mainstream media has
become increasingly liberal and more overt in promoting the policies of the Democratic Party. This
evolutionary process reached its zenith in 2008 when the media were instrumental in Barack Obama being elected
President. Many journalists dropped any pretense of objectivity and became not only cheerleaders but
active de facto members of the campaign. [...] Thus they appear willing to sacrifice their own future and
standard of living by actively campaigning for Obama's re-election rather than honestly report on the lies and
machinations of this regime and their devastating impact on future generations.
is the best US prez in my lifetime'. Barack Obama is the best President in my lifetime of
53 years — George Bush was the worst," remarked the editor of the New Yorker, David Remnick.
Questions The Mainstream Media Would Ask Barack Obama If He Were A Republican: [#1] Numerous
Mexican citizens and an American citizen have been killed with weapons knowingly provided to criminals by our own
government during Operation Fast and Furious. If Eric Holder was aware that was going on, do you think he
should step down as Attorney General? Were you aware that was going on and if so, shouldn't you resign?
Matter the State of the Union, Reporters Love Obama's Speeches. There's no need to spend a lot of
time wondering about what the media will say after The Great One speaks, since — like a gaggle of
corporate yes-men — journalists have gushed over every one of these major addresses. ... If the media
were to focus on the dismal state of America under Barack Obama, their reviews might not be so adoring.
Time, Newsweek Bury Keystone.
When it comes to both the cited issues of Time and Newsweek the reader will struggle to read any news or analysis of
consequence at a time when the GOP presidential race is producing hot news on a daily basis. We have yet to see
whether the rest of the mainstream media takes its lead from Time and Newsweek in the coming weeks. But the editorial
focus of these two journals look to have been triggered by the growing liberal left opinion that a second-term Obama
presidency has recently become a real prospect...
Are Big Media
Covering Up Fast and Furious? Not since Lenin gathered his fellow Bolsheviks together in 1912 at the
Prague conference to plan the publication of Pravda has there been such an all-out effort to quash facts that out
in the open might bring down Attorney General Eric Holder and the whole Obama administration. An amoral herd
of left-wing journalists acting like "bootlicking propagandists," as Orwell once called members of his own British
press in 1944, might find it difficult in the long run to get away with suppressing a scandal involving mass murder.
Obama Got Served.
The mainstream media, in lockstep with Obama, reported nothing of the events, in a stunning blackout on a truly
historic hearing — one that discussed the eligibility of a sitting president to run for a second term.
And more troubling was the fact that the media failed to acknowledge the even more sensational news —
that the president and his defense attorney snubbed an official subpoena. Today [2/2/2012], Attorney Van
Irion, on behalf of his client, Georgia resident David Welden, filed a "Motion for Finding of Contempt" with
Judge Malihi.
More about the
day Obama ignored a subpoena.
MSM's Coverage Of Holder's Fast and Furious Testimony. Right off the bat C-SPAN should have aired
this hearing. There is absolutely no excuse not to air it on TV. Since I had to stream it online I kept
my TV on DirecTV News Mix to keep an eye on the news. The only network that had consistent coverage of the
testimony was FOX News. I'm not shocked at all. I didn't see anything about the testimony on the
other channels. Jeff Poor from The Daily Caller helped me keep an eye on MSNBC and he didn't see anything.
Media Swoon Over 'Techie' Obama.
President Obama's pals in the media are at it again, this time cheering Team Obama's command of the latest technology.
Fast and Furious: Three Questions Not
Asked. To date, the media has largely buried the story of the Department of Justice scheme that contributed
to the deaths of a federal agent and more than 300 Mexican citizens. Such a story would have held front-page,
top-of-the-hour focus until answers were provided and officials had been hounded out of office or imprisoned had it
occurred under a Republican administration. But Barack Obama is a Democrat, and black. Also, Eric Holder is a
Democrat, and black. It is inconceivable for the mainstream media to grill the decisions, motives, or goals of
black Democrats for fear of being "racist" according to their own definition of the term...
Defends Planned Parenthood, Not Catholic Church. When the Obama administration announced on Jan. 20
that it was giving religious institutions one year to comply with a mandate for coverage of sterilization, abortion-inducing
drugs and contraception in their health plans without a co-pay, it took CBS 10 days to air one news brief on the
controversy while NBC and ABC said nothing for two weeks.
and NBC Anything But Fast and Furious On Gunwalking Scandal. Deaths, guns, whistle-blowers and
the highest law officer in the land stonewalling a congressional investigation are the juicy ingredients of a
story network news reporters would love to cover — if a Republican were in office. However, when
Attorney General Eric Holder testified on Thursday (February 2) before a House oversight committee
investigating Operation Fast and Furious, the news was completely ignored by NBC and ABC (there was one
full story on Friday's CBS This Morning). The virtual blackout of Holder's testimony continues an
overall trend of ABC and NBC burying one of the Obama administration's biggest scandals, despite continual
coverage by their competitors at CBS, CNN and Fox News.
Loose lips.
NBC News is reporting that Israeli spies have been involved in the assassinations of five Iranian nuclear scientists.
So far, not so bad. We'd say the engineers basically needed killing. But here's the astonishing part:
The source for the story apparently is the Obama administration — albeit through anonymous leaks.
[Italics in original.]
to Help Blow the Dog Whistle On the Media? Our battle may be perceived as being with President
Obama but in reality, he's already defeated. The media has him on life support, and its their false
narrative that we must overcome.
Obama Media begin the Faking of Obama Poll Numbers.
In order to sway the vast majority and growing number of Americans who have finally faced up to the fact that Obama is purposefully
trying to destroy the United States of America, the Obama Media have begun their side of the Obama syndicate's overall
strategy of lying to us. Polls now show 50% of voters would vote for Obama. Intelligent people —
even those few on the Left — know this is a lie.
How Obama learned to manufacture the 'truth':
The Obama administration's blueprint for control of the United States of America comes directly from the world's richest and
best marketed environmental organization: Greenpeace. ... There is no stopping Greenpeace, which is kept afloat by millions of
dollars in public contributions from gullible people who bought the version of Greenpeace as Peter Pans of the ocean out there
saving the whales. There is no stopping Obama, whose lies are carried as truth by a massive mainstream media.
accuses media of double standard on Obama and Jeremiah Wright. Rick Santorum accused the media of
a "double standard" Friday [2/17/2012] for defending President Obama for the comments of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright,
his former pastor. Santorum was reacting to criticism of comments Thursday by Forster Friess, who made ill-advised
remarks about birth control. He said he shouldn't be held accountable for every comment by one of his supporters,
and said the media were playing "gotcha politics."
Obama jets off to Aspen for ski weekend. Taking a break from her strenuous official duties, Michelle
Obama jetted to Aspen, Colorado for a President's Day Skiiing weekend with her daughters. ... Nancy Reagan was
pilloried in the press for buying new White House china during a recession — even though all the money
for the dishware was donated. Mrs. Obama can jet out to Aspen with the only word in the press coming from
a bare bones report in the local paper.
The Obama Obfuscation
Alliance. When faced with an issue they do not care to discuss the Obama administration is doing
what any adolescent would do — change the subject. With the usual co-operation of the mindless mainstream
media, the Obama administration is doing all it can to shift attention and obfuscate its economic track record.
Hail GM 'Record' Profits, Forget to Mention GM Doesn't Pay Any Taxes. One thing I've learned in
the year I have spent tracking General Motors cum Government Motors (GM) — and all its Crony Socialist,
green non-energy "energy", flammable absurdities — is the fact that the car media are every bit the Leftist
open-channel steno pool as are the political media. And with President Barack Obama running for
reelection in large part on the utterly failed "success" of the $85 billion auto bailout, the car
and political media have by now achieved fully melded fusion.
Sex, Lies and Rick
Santorum. When Barack Obama was campaigning for president in 2008, he declared that marriage is
between a man and a woman. For the most part, his position was treated as a nonissue. Now Rick
Santorum is campaigning for president. He too says that marriage is between a man and a woman. What a
different reaction he gets.
Obama's Law of Contraception.
A thinking person would ask where the President has the legal authority to order the insurance
companies to give away anything for free. But there are no such thinking persons in the Democrat
Party-controlled press, which is ready to applaud a third-world style Obama benevolent dictatorship —
benevolent, that is, if you are part of the party political machine.
Welcome to the Brave New
Obama World. The master propagandists of the left have taken on a breathtaking task: selling the public on
Obama's economic disaster as a good thing. The witting left understands that the "fundamental transformation" Obama
promised means permanently high unemployment and workforce shrinkage, as the private sector is squeezed out of sector after
sector of the economy. Thus, it becomes important to propagandize the public that there are benefits to unemployment.
Skewers Santorum, Romney On Faith, What About Obama? The religion and religious views of Rick Santorum, Mitt
Romney and Newt Gingrich are all widely known. They are reported on, discussed, and insulted regularly in the press.
On the other hand, discussing President Obama's religious views is apparently not in the realm of permitted discussion.
That's because Obama's religious philosophy seems to have a lot more to do with politics than spirituality — and
the press doesn't want you to know anything about it.
Mainstream media ignores stories about Hollywood ties to Obama administration. President Obama hit the
hills of Hollywood for two $36,000-a-plate fundraisers that featured Grammy-winning rock band The Foo Fighters and A-list
celebrities like George Clooney and Will Ferrell a few days ago. The events reportedly bought in over $3 million
for Obama's 2012 campaign, yet coverage of the events were ignored by some networks, or referred to merely as an "eight-stop
West Coast fundraising tour" by others, according to a new report.
Still Praising Rev. Wright and Making Excuses. Rev. Jeremiah Wright it still out giving fiery sermons,
but some journalists are either lazy publicists or Obama-loving whitewashers. On Wednesday [2/29/2012] at
noon, Rev. Wright will speak in Cleveland at the "Amistad Chapel" of Cleveland's United Church of Christ for
Black History Month. It's open to the public, but you must register and bring photo ID. (Isn't
asking for photo ID a scheme for racists?)
Some 'Splainin' to do in
Chicago. Why did it take an obscure website to break this story when the Sun-Times has those
three-musketeer journalists they call the WATCHDOGS? And when the Trib has equally dogged sleuths
like John Kass and John Chase? Did either paper have knowledge concerning
what Illinois Pay To Play reported and decide to sit on the
information? Thanks to the legendary Bob Cooley, yet again, some current and former Chicagoans got some
'splainin' to do. But, what we'll most likely hear instead is the sound of crickets.
Like the Price of Gas?
Just Wait! The worthy journalists of the mainstream media have not seen fit to raise urgent questions
about the soaring price of gas, and the current the current administration's role in causing it. Contrast
that with the intensely critical commentary directed at George W. Bush when gas spiked during the latter
part of his tenure, and you can almost taste the difference. Of course, the MSM silence is not amazing
at all. President Obama is the darling of the media, and they want desperately to see him re-elected.
Economic News From Big Brother, 'The
Recession Is Over!' Big Brother sends us today's urgent Newspeak via the Associated Press...
Tale of Two Enemies Lists. Fully
tax-exempt, like ACORN, Media Matters (MM) put together a list of President Obama's presumed enemies and furthermore, suggested
ways to smear or harass them. The organization was in regular communication with the Obama White House, suggesting it was
acting as a proxy for the Obama machine. ... What has been the response of mainstream news media to MM's skulduggery?
Only silence. Only the targeted Fox News rips MM's wretched excesses; it is joined by no one else. The silence
of the mainstream media is, once again, deafening. Is it conspiratorial, too?
Why No Coverage
of This Odd Obama Remark about Religion? Did you miss the widespread news coverage these past days in which that
really odd comment that Obama made about religion came back to embarrass him and embroil him in great controversy? Yes,
you missed it — such coverage never occurred. It should have — and the fact that it didn't tells
yet another distressing story about the double-standard of media bias.
The media bias for Obama. The media may turn
against President Obama eventually, but for the moment we have to endure a lot of fawning, uncritical press.
The contrast with the abuse President Bush got from the media is incredible.
Obama's alleged birth certificate is a forgery.
Obama and the Matter of Trust.
At the March 1 press conference, Sheriff [Joe] Arpaio concluded that there is "probable cause" to believe
that the document is a "computer-generated forgery." ... Most of the reporters' questions at the end of the
press conference were statements in defense of Obama, and the subsequent coverage by major news outlets asserted
that rumors about the president's birth certificate were "debunked" and "discredited," but gave no details of
the debunking or discrediting.
Sheriff Joe
Arpaio exposes forgery of Obama's Selective Service registration, the Browns report. Having just
attended Sheriff Joe Arpaio's "Cold Case Posse" news conference in Phoenix, Arizona, we candidly admit we have
never seen a greater example of raw media bias in our 30 years of watching the fourth estate. ... Obama's
team responded with ridicule, not answers. His campaign tweeted links to an old episode of the X-Files
TV show. But ridicule in the face of legitimate questions only works so long. Citizens are still
daring to ask questions about Obama. And by doing it you face certain ridicule, name calling and being
treated as children.
Are Cable News Networks Giving Free Airtime To Pro-Obama Propaganda Film? As a liberal, this shouldn't bother
me. Yesterday [3/8/2012], cable networks devoted whole segments to a film that presents President Barack Obama in a glowing,
almost saintly light, even though it has little to no news value. The film focuses on the past, rather than on
current events, and doesn't present any new information (that's why we call it "news," knuckleheads), so even for a
liberal like me, it's hard to understand how these cable networks are doing anything other than trying to ensure the
President's reelection.
What if George W. Bush had done that?
A series of recent moves — from aggressively filling his reelection war chest to green-lighting shoot-to-kill
orders against an American terror suspect overseas — would have triggered a massive backlash if
George W. Bush had tried them, say former Bush administration officials and a few on the political left.
Even Obama's love for the links draws only gentle ribbing rather than the denunciations that helped drive Bush
to give up the game for the balance of his presidency.
AP: None Of Obama's
Problems Are His Fault. You see, no other American President has ever been beset with so many
problems not of his making. For instance, President Bush did not have any problems during this administration.
Why the
Bell-Obama Connection Matters: The verdict is in: The mainstream media believes that Derrick
Bell is not a story. They believe it so deeply that they've had members of the team on national
television repeatedly; they've spent thousands of words covering it; and they've mentioned it on radio and the Internet
incessantly. All to say that there's nothing to see here. Unfortunately, for President Obama, there's
something to see here.
Left-Wing Media
Dishonesty: Before he died, Andrew Breitbart spoke to "The Hollywood Reporter." That was the last
interview he ever did. Mr. Breitbart was upset because he believed the left-wing media was trying to destroy
him. He pointed to Media Matters as the primary offender. Breitbart went on to accuse the far-left
website of receiving orders from the Democratic National Committee and directly passing those orders on to MSNBC.
about the untimely death of Andrew Breitbart.
Smith, Buzzfeed 'Water Carriers' for DNC. Ben Smith's Buzzfeed seems to have become the Democrats' outlet
of choice for attacking conservative media. The latest incident began with the Daily Caller's Matthew Boyle
questioning Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz about the Fast and Furious scandal.
Buries Obama's Tanking Poll Numbers. Did you know that this debate we've been having around abortion,
contraception and other health care issues is hurting the GOP? You may not know it, unless you read the New
York Times. ... They buried Obama's falling poll numbers, while insisting the debate must be hurting the GOP,
because that's what they wanted and thought it would do.
sees conspiracy from media vs. 'birthers'. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio believes that a media conspiracy
"bigger than Watergate" is purposefully downplaying his volunteer posse's investigation of President Barack Obama's birth
certificate. Arpaio and the posse held an hourlong news conference earlier this month describing their belief that the
online version of Obama's long-form certificate is a fake.
Did someone
mention Sheriff Joe Arpaio?
Obama's Triumphal Statist Presidency.
In the March/April issue of the Washington Monthly, Paul Glastris offers a long essay in defense of Barack Obama. ... Glastris
has unwittingly created a glossary of radical statism as a defense of Obama. His own words: "legislative tonnage,"
"reform," "takeover," "biggest stimulus in history," "sweeping regulations," "protection," "vast expansion," "Net neutrality,"
"greatest increase" in still more "protection," and "revolutionary reform." To liberals, this is the poetry of paternalism
but to the rest of America it's a nightmare lexicon.
They Call These
Accomplishments? Obama wasn't kidding when he promised to fundamentally transform America, and he has
succeeded in doing so, to the everlasting detriment of the country. Four more years of this and it's hard to
imagine what kind of shape we'll be in. Paul Glastris, Ryan Cooper and Siyu Hu co-wrote the piece for the Washington
Monthly. If you want to see just how far apart red America and blue America are, you must examine their list,
recognizing that they are actually bragging about these "accomplishments."
The Master of Words. Control of the conversation
is the top priority of the establishment and the mainstream media. As Michelle Malkin wisely noted, "When you vet the president, you
vet the media. And they don't like the narrative table-turning one bit." Especially when the narrative's tables are turned over
to reveal the inconvenient truths lurking beneath them.
Poking around the
propaganda factory. Consider the following frequently heard justifications for a second term for President Obama (and
the unspoken truths behind them):
• Unemployment is down (as long you don't count the people who are most
discouraged about the chance of finding a job and have therefore stopped looking for work).
• Inflation is low (if you don't count the commodities that are increasing in
price most dramatically like food and gasoline).
• The right to use contraception is under attack (except it really isn't unless
you think you have a right to free contraception, paid for by people who oppose it for moral or
religious reasons).
• The right to religious freedom is being protected (by forcing people to pay
for things they oppose for religious reasons).
• Your freedom to vote will be defended zealously (even if you are an illegal
• The war in Afghanistan is being won (unless you mean by us).
YouTube Censors
Comments Critical of Obama, Allows Republican Trashing. Apparently it's all sweetness and light,
unicorns and fuzzy bunnies in the YouTube comments section of Obama's new hagiographic, hack-u-mentary short
film directed by Academy Award-winning director David "star-struck" Guggenheim. Barely a cross word is
seen there about the Obammessiah since most negative comments seem likely to have been deleted from the YouTube
page leaving only the most sugary, sycophantic sap behind.
Obama versus the Democrats.
Obama is reneging on his declaration that if he didn't have things on track in three years, he should be a one-term president.
No sane people expected an incompetent megalomaniac to really live up to that declaration, now did we? Two things have
saved Obama to date: the media and Obama's "blackness." Had it not been for either, Obama's choices would have
been impeachment or resignation.
Misleads on Oil Reserves, Networks Defend Him, Fail to Fact Check. On March 7, 2012, Obama
declared: "We've got 2 percent of the world oil reserves; we use 20 percent. What that means is, as much as
we're doing to increase oil production, we're not going to be able to just drill our way out of the problem of high gas prices."
While technically true, Obama's "oil reserves" numbers are very misleading due to the narrow definition of "proven reserves."
The three broadcast networks failed to clear up that misconception for viewers and passed blame for high prices on to others.
Birthermania! Now that Sheriff Joe
Arpaio has released his ten-page report on President Obama's purported birth certificate, we are witnessing the predicted
response of the establishment national news media: yawns, sighs, and laughter — but little
reporting. ... The blackout by the establishment conservative press is likely also fear-based. The cowards
of the conservative media fear the Saul Alinsky tactic of isolation and humiliation.
Sheriff Joe: 'Tons' More Shocking
Obama Info. "America's toughest sheriff" says there is "tons" more potentially shocking information on Barack
Obama in connection with his probe into the president's eligibility, and he calls the media's suppression of his findings of
a likely forged presidential birth certificate and Selective Service Card "probably the biggest censorship blackout in the
history of the United States."
Media Threatened With Federal Investigations If Obama Birth Certificate Story Reported. Individuals and
member organizations of the American media were threatened with FTC and FCC investigation if information gathered by
Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse concerning the forgery of Barack Obama's long form birth certificate were passed on to
the American public. It was Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo who made this stunning revelation, stating "During
our investigation, we actually were told [that media] had been threatened with FTC investigations. Commentators
[had been] threatened with their jobs."
A radical Obama mobilizes the troops.
Last week I detailed my experiences of March 9, whereupon I commented on a videotape released by the late Andrew Breitbart's
organization featuring Obama and professor Derrick Bell, yet another radical Obama mentor, and the significance of Obama having
endorsed Bell, a proponent of Critical Race Theory. A day prior, CNN's Soledad O'Brien had torpedoed her credibility when
she chastised's Joel Pollak for not understanding this august and revered paradigm (CRT). Pollack subsequently
shredded O'Brien after it became apparent that she'd probably not even heard of Critical Race Theory until that day.
The Pants-on-Fire President.
[Scroll down] The performance by Barack Obama last August as referenced by the Washington Post was such an obvious and
egregious falsehood that it could no longer be ignored. Yet there has been five years of outright lies and narcissism that
have been largely ignored by the media, including some in the conservative press and political class who are loath to call
Mr. Obama what he is, in the bluntest of terms, a liar and a fraud.
Silence of the Lapdogs.
Warning: This column contains news of evidence of possible forgery and fraud in the long-form birth certificate of the
president of the United States and — bonus — his Selective Service registration card. I figure the
warning is necessary to prevent Americans, particularly Americans who work in news media and politics, from hurting themselves
on any hard, sharp facts that might poke through my discussion of what is surely the biggest scandal to emerge around the
seemingly dodgy docs Barack Obama is using to verify his identity.
Obama Loves the Hoodie. I knew it wouldn't
take Obama long to see how to make the shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida a political talking point. ... As it turns out, the "white"
man who shot the kid was actually a half-white and half-Hispanic man. Funny how the media considers a half-white half-Hispanic
man white, but a half-white half-black president black.
Atlantic Shills for Obamacare, Calls
Single-Payer Conservative. Clive Crook has an interesting post at the Atlantic today [3/30/2012] arguing
that Obamacare is a "milder dispensation" of government power than single-payer. And if single-payer is Constitutional,
then stopping the Obamacare mandate is really no victory worth having. In other words, the government can already
tax you and send you a box of broccoli, so why get worked up about defeating the broccoli mandate? It's an
interesting question with an equally interesting answer. Let's start by noting that Clive Crook's view of
the Constitution is a bit different than that of most conservatives.
Jumping Through Hoops. [D]id anyone catch
the loving treatment Mr. Obama received from CBS during halftime of last night's NCAA basketball finals? To be sure, he
did look a bit lost without his teleprompter while trying to respond to CBS's analyst Clark Kellogg's tough questioning.
And he did look rather runty in the presence of Kellogg, a towering former NBA and Big Ten star forward. Yet it also
amounted to four minutes of adoring advertising, it would seem.
Newshounds in heat over Obama.
Any hope that the full-blown love affair the old-guard media has with President Obama might cool off for their coverage of the
2012 presidential election vanished long about lunchtime Tuesday [4/3/2012]. That was when Mr. Obama appeared once again
in their midst at the annual Associated Press luncheon. He sauntered out onto the stage all smiles and full of jokes
as if it were one of those celebrity roasts where everybody is witty and they are all friends and just joshing around.
But for the assembled "news" hounds — the most vaunted gathering of news executives from across the country —
it was all very serious swooning. They were like a bunch of dogs in heat.
President Scofflaw. I've
seen many debates about the war powers of the U.S. Congress, but I've never seen an American president openly
laugh at the idea of seeking congressional approval for a major U.S. military assault on another country.
Obama did it with Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Kenya and tried it in Syria. But not in Iran. Gaddafi
is dead, Libya is a disaster, and no one has gotten any answers. Other than that contemptuous laugh.
The media don't even dare to ask questions. They are afraid of retaliation.
Obama's Legal Humiliation.
Today there is no American news outlet factually covering the illegal actions of the sitting President of the United States in context.
Nor is there one consistently exposing the laws his administration has flagrantly broken, though this corruption now demonstrably permeates
every level of the federal system.
President Looter. Obama has
been on a depraved personal spending spree throughout the presidency, but never a critical word is uttered by his big media propaganda
arm. The worse the economy has gotten, the more obscene Obama and Michelle's spending has gotten. Where is the outcry?
I, for one, as an overtaxed American, am sick of it. It kicked off as early as his inauguration. Obama spent an obscene
150 million dollars on his inauguration. The media rejoiced in his decadence. Bush, OTOH, was raked over the coals for
spending a fraction of what Obama spent on his inauguration.
ABC's Pity Party For Obama:
Poor Guy Has "Money Woes". You suppose if Mitt Romney had problems raising money they'd be whining about it
at ABC?
Time's Joe Klein Says
the Election Isn't About Obama's Record. Yesterday [4/13/2012], Time's Joe Klein may have produced the single dumbest analysis post
ever. Absurd as it is, it's still important, because it probably betrays Barack Obama's election strategy, with which the press will
gleefully cooperate.
How The MSM Covered Up Fast and Furious.
In Katie Pavlich's devastating new expose of the Eric Holder Justice Department-approved Fast and Furious operation, Pavlich doesn't just expose
the Obama administration. She exposes the mainstream media for what they are: tools of the Democratic Party, and of the White House.
someone mention suppressed news
and the Fast and Furious scandal?
Spinning the polls for Obama.
Certainly no Pulitzer judge would honor a manufactured story, especially one that misled news consumers about the real facts of any situation.
Almost all "national" polls about the presidential race are at best entertainment, however, and some are downright disingenuous and a few
intentionally misleading.
Far, Media Mum on Obama's Defense Secretary: A Million Dollars for Commuting Costs? The
big three networks have, thus far, shown little interest in investigating the nearly one million dollars
in commuting costs spent by Barack Obama's Defense Secretary. According to the Washington Times,
Leon Panetta's weekend flights home cost $32,000 and have totaled $860,000 as of early April.
House denies 'deal' on Panetta's commute. Contradicting an account by a Pentagon official, the
White House is denying that President Obama struck a "deal" with Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta to
allow him to commute home to California most weekends on a military aircraft at a cost of $32,000 per
round-trip flight and a total of $860,000 as of early April.
Obamunist-Controlled Press Has a Job to Do on Jobs. This week's jobless claims came in higher than
expected tending to confirm that the recovery is: 1) still very slow; and 2) jobless, despite attempts
by the Obamunist-controlled press to paint a different picture. [...] Depending on to whom you listened, the stock
market was up early in trading on the unemployment report or was down midday on the unemployment report.
Left Wing Conspiracy: DOJ Refers Reporter to Media Matters, Source Claims. Katie Dixon, a 'confidential
assistant' in the Office of Public Affairs at the Department of Justice, reportedly sent an email to Washington
Free Beacon writer C.J. Ciaramella saying that she had been directed to send him a link to Media Matters
for America, which holds weekly "strategy calls" with the White House, in response to an inquiry regarding the Operation
Fast and Furious scandal.
Won't Apply 'Truth-O-Meter' in Article About Obama Eating Dog Meat as Boy. Karl at Hot Air[,] and others
recording their objections at Twitter[,] caught Politifact being two-faced in deciding who gets the "Truth-O-Meter" text.
Mitt Needs to Weaponize
Transparency. If there's one area where President Obama is wholly vulnerable, it's his utter lack of
transparency — yet the presumptive Republican nominee is somehow losing this issue to the president.
This is patently insane. Barack Obama is the president the mainstream media have refused to vet. In fact,
the networks and newspapers have a vested interest in the American people knowing as little as possible about
The One.
The biggest threat to genuinely fair and honest elections
is the naked prejudice of the establishment media.
Order More Band-Aids! Almost four
years into the Obama presidency, huge blank spots remain in the incumbent's personal history (we knew more negative
information — much of it invented — about Sarah Palin in four days than we've learned about the
president in four years). Now, as the administration blunders from one mess to another, the establishment media
hastily plasters its "Band-Aids of silence" over the worst goofs and gaffes.
Why the 'Obama eats dogs' meme
has (four) legs. Most of what's written on Twitter you will never see, and much of what you do see will be
forgotten in a few hours. So it's no wonder that liberals like Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews are at a loss to
explain the staying power enjoyed by tags like #ObamaEatsDogs, #ObamaDogRecipes and #PrayForBo.
Will the Media Carry Obama to Victory
in November? In a recent interview with Accuracy in Media, Richard Benedetto, a retired White House correspondent and
columnist for USA Today, said that "the media have been a huge factor in President Obama maintaining the job approval rating that is
not at 50%, but just a little bit below. I think he works very hard at courting that," said Benedetto. "He knows how the
media cover him. He takes full advantage of it. He makes sure that he's out there all the time — and that's
part of the game."
The Obama re-election myth.
The Obama campaign machine is firing up, and its most important fuel is the media. For the millions of Americans who get
their news from the networks, most cable programs or the average kneejerk liberal newspaper, it's a foregone conclusion that
President Obama will get a second term. This is supposedly because the economy is rebounding and Mitt Romney is a flawed
candidate. None of these pro-Barack assumptions are true.
A more aggressive press corps might have motivated him to preserve his dignity.
Obama the Unseemly.
There's been a lot of talk of late about how "cool" Barack Obama supposedly is. But people are starting to notice the man has
no class. "Blue collar Democratic voters, stuck taking depressing 'staycations' because they can't afford gas and hotels,
are resentful of the first family's 17 lavish vacations around the world and don't want their tax dollars paying for the
Obamas' holidays, according to a new analysis of swing voters," reports the Washington Examiner's Paul Bedard.
Cool To Be In The Tank For Obama. Reporters normally cast a jaundiced eye at a political campaign's PR strategy.
Yet they are eagerly parroting the Obama campaign's talking point about how "cool" the president is.
Obama DOJ Wants Greater Power to Access
Cellphone Records. Barack Obama's Justice Department is requesting that access to cellphone records be made more available
to the government. [...] This move by the Obama administration may go unremarked upon in the media; they routinely cover for Obama's
antics. But when the Bush Administration headed down the same path, there were howls of indignation from the Left.
Network TV Uproar In 2004 At 'Poor Taste' of Brief 9-11 Images in Bush Re-Elect Ads. As the networks come to the
defense of the idea that the Obama re-election campaign would devote a 30-second chunk of its new "Forward" video spiking the
football that Osama bin Laden was killed at Obama's orders, it's worth remembering these same networks were all busy on March 4,
2004 lamenting that the Bush campaign aired two ads that had a few seconds of 9/11 images.
Meet the First Obama Girlfriend.
It only took nearly six years for the media to begin vetting President Obama's past. Today [5/2/2012], Vanity Fair released
an excerpt from a new biography of Barack Obama by David Maraniss. The excerpt discusses Barack Obama's first love affair, with
a white Australian woman named Genevieve Cook. It's a telling examination of who Obama was as a young man — and it
shows a self-absorbed "internationalist" with delusions of grandeur.
America's Historic Cokehead
President. Does it bother you that the most powerful man on the planet was a longtime drug user? Does it
bother you that he has attempted to use his drug abuse to gain credibility with young Americans? Does it bother you that
his acknowledgment of having been a serious drug user has been given a pass in the news media? If any of these facts do
bother you, then you obviously fail to recognize their significance.
Bill Maher: Obama's reelection is
black America's last hope. On Friday's [5/4/2012] "Real Time with Bill Maher" on HBO, Maher said a Romney win in November
would reflect poorly on "black America" and help conservatives undermine America's faith in black politicians. "I think the second
term for Obama is more important even than the first," Maher said.
Hey, Big Spender. Even as Ann Romney's wardrobe becomes an issue in the 2012 presidential election,
critics of her sartorial choices have turned a blind eye on first lady Michelle Obama's frequent appearances in pricey designer outfits. When the wife of the
presumptive Republican nominee appeared on television last week wearing a nearly $1,000 blouse, pundits were quick to point out the price tag. MSNBC's Lawrence
O'Donnell called the blouse "a really ugly T-shirt" that is "yet another example of how out of touch the Romney family can be with how 99 percent of Americans
live." The first lady's expensive designer clothes, however, rarely warrant mention.
NY Times Goes Hunting for
Racist 'Ultraconservatives' in Ohio Who Won't Support Obama. The New York Times sent reporter Sabrina Tavernise to the battleground state of Ohio, to
the blue-collar town of Steubenville in pursuit of a pet theory: Barack Obama may struggle to win because some whites are racist. Tavernise starts by
suggesting this could be a problem with Democrats, but "ultraconservatives" quickly surface.
Spin of the Times: Bias cloaked as front-page news.
It's no surprise to anyone who pays attention that mainstream media tilt their coverage in favor of Democrats and leftish ideas. But it's not confined to endless puff
pieces about the president, or the ignoring of unpleasant facts. Often, it's more subtle — as when the general thrust of a news story advances a particular
narrative even when the facts within the story don't really support it. For that sort of thing, you have to go to the acknowledged experts, the reporters and editors
of The New York Times. And as Obama fights for re-election, you can expect to see a lot more of it.
One of These Things Is Not Like the Other.
Almost a month after the election, a CNN journalist wrote, "The Americans who are comparing him to those remarkable predecessors are putting a lot of faith in a
man they barely know." [...] Which seems fair, when Tom Brokaw, Charlie Rose and a CNN staffer each admitted they didn't know anything about the guy they had
just voted for and for whom they and their networks had spent the entire year leading his cheerleading squad.
Flashback: Obama's Sordid High School Past. Obama, by all
accounts, was a habitual drug user in high school. He tried cocaine, he admits in Dreams From My Father; he "tried drugs enthusiastically." The
Chicago Tribune reported back in 2007 that Obama thanked the "Choom Gang" in his high school yearbook; "chooming" was Hawaiian slang for smoking pot.
The Honolulu Advertiser reported that Obama's senior portrait "prominently displayed ... A package of 'Zig-Zag' rolling papers and a matchbook."
Media Downplays Obama's Past, Tries
to Define Romney with Teen Prank. Media bias isn't just about what is and isn't covered. It's also about how something is
covered and rolled out. For instance, the failing and corrupt Washington Post has twice now attempted to use decades-old incidents to create
ongoing media narratives meant to negatively define serious challengers to their precious Obama. The way in which this is done is to use huge
splashes that are rolled out in a way that ensures plenty of attention and coverage (probably through coordination) from their fellow members of the
corrupt media.
Cracks in the Washington Post story on
Romney's 'pranks' emerge. A question emerges in reading the Washington Post piece on Mitt Romney today: How can Romney's old
pal Stu White tell the Washington Post that he has "long been bothered by the Lauber incident" — and then later admit to ABC News that
he was "not present for the prank" and "was not aware of it until this year when he was contacted by the Washington Post"? This is curious.
There's Something Fishy About
the Mitt Haircut Incident. [Scroll down] ABC News followed up with Mr. White, and found this: "White was not
present for the prank, in which Romney is said to have forcefully cut a student's long hair and was not aware of it until this year when
he was contacted by the Washington Post." How could White have "long been bothered" by a prank for which he was not present,
and of which he was not even aware until the Post told him about it? Is this sloppy writing, or fabrication? [...] Horowitz
has some explaining to do, and so do his editors. Did he fabricate any part of the story and implant it with Mitt's school friends?
Did he work on the timing of the story's release with anyone in the Obama campaign?
So When Will We See Obama's College Transcripts? Or The Rashid
Khalidi Tape? I just got through reading Washington Post reporter Jason Horowitz's "expose" of Mitt Romney's prep school
days the centerpiece of which focuses on an alleged bullying incident of a gay student in 1965. If the Washington Post and
other liberal media outlets insist on getting the skinny on Romney's day to day life from the age of 12 to 18 then the very least
they can do is to at long last release President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental, Columbia University and Harvard Law School.
Does it really have to take a $10,000 bounty to find about Obama's academic records?
The Washington Post's Romney hit piece comes apart. The Washington
Post was already skating on thin ice with its fantastically convenient hit piece on Mitt Romney, published in perfect synchronization with
President Obama's embrace of gay marriage. [...] The Post based this hit on testimony from five men who "mostly lean Democratic," including
one who was a volunteer for the 2008 Obama campaign. No one else seems able remember the incident taking place.
Hair-Cutting Desperation. Let's get this
straight: Joe Biden's latest gaffe forces Barack Obama to "come out" in favor of gay marriage, something he might have done
anyway, but not as soon. The media jumps into the frenzy, hoping to make people believe that the 2012 elections are about
families with "two mommies" rather than families with zero jobs. [...] I wonder when anyone in the "mainstream" media will mention
that we now know more about Mitt Romney's record in high school than we know about Barack Obama's record in college or graduate school.
50 Year-Old Bully Barack Obama Targets Private
Citizen. Obama is abusing his power in a way only Nixon could appreciate, and yet the very same news out let that took Nixon down, the
Washington Post, is now coordinating their messaging with the White House in order to help Obama defines his candidate as some kind of
homophobe. Hard to pick which is worse: our bullying President or the corrupt media crawling into bed with him.
Chris Matthews Excoriates: Rick Santorum Is a 'Theocrat' and Franklin Graham
Is a 'Disgrace'. Only two days after admitting that Barack Obama has a problem with his "frightening" birth
control decision, Chris Matthews on Thursday [5/11/2012] was back on offense. He berated Rick Santorum as a "theocrat"
and knocked Reverend Franklin Graham as a "disgrace."
Washington Post Ombudsman Gives Up
Any Pretense of Credibility. [Washington Post ombudsman Patrick] Pexton says the story holds up to scrutiny, despite the fact
that the story directly quoted a dead man; it claimed things about him that, being dead, he is in no position to affirm or refute; it mischaracterized
the opinion of one of its core witnesses; and the family of the dead man says the story is factually inaccurate. Other than that, it holds
right up. Pexton also admits that the Post timed the story to help the president.
Media Rekindle Their Obama Love Affair.
Three years ago, former CBS News correspondent Bernie Goldberg wrote the aptly titled book "A Slobbering Love Affair," in which he detailed how the
mainstream press had gone above and beyond its own well-established liberal bias to take on the corrupting role of Obama's cheerleader, collaborator
and protector. Now having helped land Obama in office, the so-called independent press is determined to keep him there.
Maddow Accuses Fox News Of Ginning Up
Anti-Obama Scandal With Disregard To Facts. The story originated with a blog post on the Obama campaign's Keeping GOP Honest website. The
post, entitled "Behind the curtain: A brief history of Romney's donors," listed seven donors, including Frank Vandersloot, who was noted as being "a bitter foe
of the gay rights movement." [Rachel] Maddow noted that Vandersloot has said his business has suffered following this attack on him — and that
Fox News is simply trying to gin up a scandal that portrays the president in a bad light.

Who Is Barack Obama? The Question that Won't Go Away.
Alternative sources of information are much more potent now than they were in 2008. It matters not if The New York Times closes ranks and buries a
story. There are too many other instruments of disinterment. The news will out. And the more people know about Barack Obama, the more, I predict,
they will wonder how this man became president of the United States.
Nina Totenberg: Reverend
Wright Is Irrelevant Because Obama Killed Bin Laden. The Obama-loving media had quite a hissy fit this week when the President's America-hating
Reverend Jeremiah Wright suddenly became a campaign issue despite all their efforts.
The Media Mess of Pottage? The 2012 election season has begun in
earnest, and the mainstream media find themselves in the position of having to defend and reinforce a failed president, Barack Obama — the man they
chose to sleep with in 2008. The media are systematically pulling out all the stops to destroy Mitt Romney, the Tea Party movement, and major Republican
financial contributors in an undeclared but understood alliance with the Obama re-election machine.
Their Rules, Not Ours: Time
to Vet Private Lives of Journalists? We now have three instances of three individual Politico writers digging up and publishing political
oppo-research about the private lives of private citizens who don't support Obama, and the motive behind these attacks can only be for two reasons:
1. To change the narrative of effective criticism of Obama to the less flattering moments of the private lives of these individuals. 2. To
intimidate and frighten others who might consider supporting a candidate not named Obama.
"The so-called 'news' media have sunk to a new low."
Religious Lawsuit in U.S. History Launched, Liberal Evening News Shows Ignore It. This is the worst bias by omission I have seen in
the quarter century history of the Media Research Center. Every American knows about the Chinese communists withholding for 20 years the
news that the US had landed on the moon, because it reflected poorly on the government. Our US media today are no different. They are now
withholding news from the American people if it is harmful to the re-election of Barack Obama. This is not a mistake, nor is it an editorial
oversight by the broadcast networks. This is a deliberate and insidious withholding of national news to protect the 'Chosen One' who ABC,
CBS and NBC have worked so hard to elect and are now abusing their journalistic influence to reelect Obama.
Obama's Bio Grows Even Sketchier.
The other night, MSNBC's Chris Matthews argued on his "Hardball" show that Americans would be wise to re-elect Obama because he's "the candidate we know."
He claimed he's a trusted brand who "is who he seems to be." [...] Of course, Obama isn't at all who he seems to be. And judging from Obama's sinking
poll numbers, this is becoming more apparent to the electorate — thanks in part to the new media's revetting of Obama after the old media's
half-hearted attempt in 2008. Voters who don't watch MSNBC are starting to see that the president's public persona is merely a hologram created
by media shills like Matthews, who define his identity and ideology and redefine it when facts disrupt the carefully constructed narrative.
Are Democrats Ready to Dump Obama? So far,
Obama has had weak showings in Louisiana (76-24) and North Carolina (79-21), and squeakers in Oklahoma (57-43), West Virginia (59-41), Arkansas (59-41) and
Kentucky (58-42). And Barack Obama had no credible opposition in any of these races. In some instances, his only opponent was an incarcerated
felon! It appears obvious that many Democrats are trying to convey a message that the liberal media is unwilling to hear.
Was Rev. Wright
Offered Hush Money? Nobody In The Media Cares. In Ed Klein's new book "The Amateur," he interviewed Rev. Wright on tape
for three hours. The most shocking revelation: suggestions that Friends of Barack were trying to suggest Wright take some
"hush money" to shut up for the rest of the 2008 campaign. Media interest? Pretty much zero. Let's imagine for two
seconds what would happen if a friend of George W. Bush — even a disgruntled ex-friend of Bush — gave an interview
to an author charging that Team Bush offered him money to shut up and go away during the 2000 campaign. Who would not expect
that would have been screaming-siren top news?
Obama Is a Spendthrift — And
Here's the Proof. You wouldn't think that, after adding $5 trillion to the U.S.' debt, President Obama would seriously
claim he's a fiscal hawk. But thanks to a misleading article on CBS' MarketWatch site, that's just what he's doing.
Nuts to Nutting: Under Obama, Real Spending Has Exploded.
On Tuesday, Rex Nutting of MarketWatch, who per his Linkedin profile is the site's Washington bureau chief, published a column titled "Obama
spending binge never happened." This column will show that it did, but that clever accounting has largely concealed its existence.
Is President Obama trying to fill in some missing
pieces of his biography? What kind of brain freeze or derangement leads someone to refer to my sons, when
two daughters are the only fruit of conception one has created? If George W. Bush has spoken of his sons in
public twice, can you even begin to imagine the ridicule the likes of David Letterman, Bill Maher, and Jon Steward would
heap on him? But with BHO, all one hears is the sound of crickets chirping.
Obama Is Not That Bright.
Barack Obama is the smartest man with the highest IQ ever to be elected to the presidency, historian Michael Beschloss told radio talk show host
Don Imus in November of 2008. "So what is his IQ?" Mr. Imus asked. Mr. Beschloss didn't know. He was just assuming.
Many shared that assumption. Adjectives frequently applied to Mr. Obama are "smart" (278 million hits on Google), "intelligent"
(62 million) and "brilliant" (24 million). There is little evidence to support it.
Censor News of Massive Democratic Protest Vote Against Obama. During the month of May, Obama suffered through a series of humiliating
protest votes in Democratic primaries. On May 8th, the incumbent President nearly lost the West Virginia primary to a convicted felon.
Yet, except for a single mention at 4 am on May 9th, the networks have buried Obama's bad news.
Obama's Very Tough Road to
Reelection. Incumbent Presidents enter a reelection campaign with a number of distinct advantages. The
command a bully pulpit, able to make news and usually dictate the issues the public is discussing. They can use the
levers of power to direct federal spending and initiatives to certain parts of the country. They can generally attract
far more campaign donors, giving them the ability to out-spend their opponent. [...] If they are Democrats, they have the
added bonus of a compliant media who will deflect criticism and cast negative attention on their opponent. And yet,
Obama is very likely to lose in November.
The Obama experience. Obama does have one thing
right. If you're a Democrat who wants to make a ridiculous claim, put it out there and watch the mainstream media carry your
water like Gunga Din. While they're at it, they'll suggest that your long-time relationships with extremists such as
Rev. Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers are irrelevant while your opponent's one-time appearance at an event with one of the most
famous men in America, Donald Trump, is a sign of moral turpitude. It would be a farce if it weren't so tragic.
Politico's Top Story Memory-Holes Vetting
of Obama's Adult Years. Politico's Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen published a feature today (currently their top
story) that pretends to be an examination of the double standard we're seeing from the media with respect to the vetting of
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. But through the use of that infamous Politico sleight-of-contextual hand, Allen and
VendeHei are actually protecting Obama while pretending to be critical of the media.
O'Brien Defends Obama's Jobs Record. With the release of another horrid jobs report Friday [6/1/2012], the
Obama-loving media are already out in force trying to spin the numbers so they don't hurt the reelection prospects of the
current White House resident.
Barack Pinocchio Obama.
Are the media beginning to catch on to President Obama? The answer is a tentative yes. This doesn't mean the
press is softening its hostility to Mitt Romney. Heaven forbid! But at least for now Obama is getting razzed
by the very people who used to uphold and defend him. It's about time. Obama and his team have been playing
the media for fools.
20 rules
for covering the campaign. The left denies that there is a double standard in media coverage of President Obama and Mitt Romney;
the right finds it patently obvious and deniers of such bias disingenuous. The bias in story selection, word choice and tone is so
obvious to many of us, one can easily come up with the rules, the unspoken assumptions that result in biased coverage (in some cases,
unconsciously so).
Obama Not a Socialist. Yesterday [6/4/2012], the Associated Press published an article that tried to debunk the notion that
President Barack Obama has socialist leanings and paint Republicans who have called him a "socialist" as foolish. The article also
insinuated that when Republicans call Obama a "socialist," they are slurring him with racial overtones.
US Media: If you're Totalitarian you can Kill Anyone you
Like! For years, it has been hard enough to find anything good to say about the leftist media; those media who
comprise at least 98% of all "press" within the USA. Now, however, said media have outdone themselves in their attempts
to fully support all actions of the despotic and — I assert — criminal Obama syndicate in order to assist
bringing down America and its people.
MSNBC declares Obama winner of the Wisconsin recall. "Tonight, the really big winner
in the Wisconsin recall election is President Obama," MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell said at the top of his Tuesday [6/5/2012]
program after parent network NBC called the race for Gov. Scott Walker over Democrat Tom Barrett. Over the past several
months, the left-leaning hosts at MSNBC have put a lot of emphasis on the Wisconsin recall, saying it was important for current
Walker to be defeated in order to maintain the American middle class.
Unmasking the media's birth certificate
hypocrisy. [Scroll down] The answer is that the liberal media have become thoroughly corrupt. They no longer
care to hold leaders of both parties accountable; rather, they act — and view themselves — as the communications
arm of the Democratic Party. In short, their mission is not journalism, but propaganda. This is now blatantly obvious to
the point of becoming a professional embarrassment.
Spineless officials choose to ignore Obama fraud.
[Scroll down] As I've previously noted, some media outlets that subscribe to this column have informed me they won't run
anything I write on the eligibility subject. No doubt other writers are similarly censored — sometimes even after
publication. For example, on March 5, 2012, Floyd and Mary Beth Brown's syndicated column, "Sheriff Joe Exposes Forgery
of Obama's Selective Service Registration," appeared at Then it was taken down. On March 24, 2012,
John Mariotti published a piece at called "Is There an Impostor in the White House?" That was taken down, too.
As World Net Daily noted, Geraldo Rivera's May 24, 2012, WABC radio interview with "birther Lord Christopher Monckton" is
still listed in the WABC archive, but the audio file of the show is no longer there. Why isn't it?
So just who was 'smearing' whom?
What if Barack Obama gave a "party," and nobody came? No, I am not talking about the noticeably small crowds when President Obama officially kicked off his
re-election bid a few weeks ago, though that was certainly interesting. I am actually talking about the fact that President Obama was a member of the socialist
"New Party" in 1996, lied about it in 2008, and got caught in the lie about it just last week. It seems like news. But for some reason the mainstream media,
then and now, doesn't care.
The Media's Lockstep Elation About
a Chevy Volt Non-Improvement. Obama is trying to run for reelection on his record of bailing out failed vehicles like the Chevy Volt.
Another Feckless Attempt to Change the Conversation.
So, what to do when your Keynesian-cuckoo economic policies are running the country into the ground? Change the subject, certain
in the knowledge that our lapdog media will more than accommodate you.
and NBC Ignore Holder Hearings, CBS's Fast and Furious Coverage Slows to a Crawl. The news that the House Oversight
Committee will vote next week on whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, for refusing to turn over
subpoenaed documents in the Fast and Furious investigation, was met with silence from the Big Three (ABC, NBC, CBS) network news
shows. There was no mention of the Holder hearings on Monday's evening news shows or Tuesday's morning shows.
The bias is in the
drumbeat. You'd be hard-pressed to find a series of news cycles over the course of the last four years dominated by a
single story about actions under Obama's management unfavorable to him as a candidate or as president.
TV blackballs
anti-Obama book. It's heading for a fourth consecutive No. 1 spot on the New York Times non-fiction best-seller
list, but the mainstream media — including the NYT — is ignoring the anti-Obama book "The Amateur," by former
New York Times Magazine editor Ed Klein. The publicist for Regnery Publishing charged to Secrets that the media is blackballing
the author and book to protect the president. "Klein's got the hottest book in America and is getting blackballed by the networks
and other national news outlets," said Keith Appell. "This is beyond bias. This is an in-kind contribution to the Obama
Nightly News Devotes Mere Seconds to First-Ever Mention of Fast and Furious. In the eighteen months since the Operation
Fast & Furious investigation began, Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News have never mentioned the Department of Justice's gunwalking
controversy. Every single time Mr. Holder has testified or a major development happened, NBC Nightly News ignored it.
Tonight [6/12/2012], in their first mention of the scandal — ever — NBC Nightly News and Brian Williams distorted
Attorney General Eric Holder's testimony.
The S.S. Obama is Leaking. The holes in the Obama
Administration continue to show the greatest inherent problem to the President's re-election: These people are incompetent.
At almost every level, in almost every issue the Obama Administration is barely keeping afloat. [...] Imagine the apoplexy among the
studio hosts on MSNBC if George W. Bush had been found riffling "baseball cards" deciding who should live, who should die and in
which order.
Lord of the Skeptics. Lord Christopher
Monckton was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of California's Ventura County Tea Party. He addressed, in great detail, his
opinion on the validity of Obama's long-form birth certificate presented by the White House. Monckton conducted a similar
discussion a few days earlier at an Arizona Tea Party rally. Except for a few Tea Party and conservative websites, and the
tenacious WND, there was no mainstream coverage of either event.
AP Hammers Romney for Lack Of Military Service. At the end of May, Gallup released a
poll that found Mitt Romney leading President Barack Obama by 24 points, 58% to 34% among veterans, who make up 13% of the population. [...] A
week later, on June 5, the Associated Press conveniently and coincidentally published a story that hammered Romney — and
three generations of his family — for not having served in the military while giving Obama a pass for not having served.
You don't interrupt the president. Take a look
again at the strange silence from his colleagues surrounding Neil Munro as he asks his question. Take in all the media outrage you are hearing
over Munro. What are you really seeing and hearing? You are seeing a group of supposed professionals caught in the act of playing the
carrot-and-stick game. The silence is in reality a most vocal plea for access. "Not me!" it telegraphs to the President and his
staff. "I didn't do it... it was Munro over there." These are not journalists... they are White House poodles.
Why Does Media Tolerate Obama's Lies?
The media loves to come up with catchphrases that boil down who they are and how things operate in the world of politics. Phrases such as,
"It's the cover up, not the crime," or, "It's the lie that gets you." Both of these statements have always proven true, at least for every
Republican under the sun, but most certainly not for Barack Obama.
Biographer David Maraniss Downplays
Obama Lies as 'Literature'. As I wrote yesterday, the media loves being lied to by Barack Obama. As we all know, the furor
over a sitting President caught telling 38 falsehoods in his self-penned biography would be unquenchable were we talking about a president
with an R after his name. Not to mention the lies Obama told the media about his relationship with Bill Ayers and his membership in the
socialist New Party. But as you'll see in the [video clip in this article], Obama biographer David Maraniss, who found no less than
38 falsehoods in Obama's bio, is determined to downplay Obama's lying.
Touting That Killer Barack Obama. Team Barack Obama
knows they are in a heap of re-election trouble when pundits look at his shambles of an economic record. So what to do? Easy. The
most shameless of our Obama-loving journalists are painting Obama as an action-movie superhero in the war on terror. Just open up Newsweek
Magazine to an advertisement for a book by its own Daniel Klaidman called "Kill Or Capture." It begins by asking about Obama: "High-minded
idealist or calculating killer?" They mean that in a positive way.
Pollster Scott
Rasmussen: Fast and Furious outcome depends on the media coverage. Pollster Scott Rasmussen told The Daily Caller he thinks coverage in
the mainstream media will ultimately be one of, if not the, single biggest factors in how the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and
Furious moves forward, and whether Attorney General Holder keeps his job. A new poll Rasmussen's polling firm released last week shows
40 percent — a plurality — of likely-to-vote Americans want Holder to resign.
ABC Reporter Engaged to Obama Press Sec. Sets Romney
Up. Last Friday, Barack Obama violated his oath of office by proudly announcing he would no longer enforce the law and deport
somewhere around a million Mexican illegals. This act was nothing more than a power grab/political stunt and the result was cheers from the
President's Media Palace Guards. Boxed in, or so the corrupt media thought, all eyes turned to presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney, who
wisely chose not to play.
the 2,000-Death Count in Iraq, ABC, NBC, PBS, MSNBC Skip 2,000 Marker in Afghanistan. On June 13, the CBS Evening News
devoted a story by David Martin to the Afghanistan death count reaching 2,000, as Martin interviewed a mother of a fallen Marine. CBS was
alone. There was no story last week on the Afghanistan death "milestone" on ABC, NBC, the PBS NewsHour [...] But the networks were
all more aggressive when the 2,000 mark arrived in Iraq on October 25, 2005. The Big Three networks devoted 14 morning and
evening news stories to the death toll from October 24 through the end of October, and another 24 anchor briefs or mentions.
They used the number to spell "disaster for this White House."
Breitbart News Report Results
in Suspension of Politico Reporter. You had better read this quick, because unless it's a Daily Caller reporter standing on the
shoulders of "giants" to interrupt the President of the United States with a question or a Daily News photographer being shoved around by the
star of a low-rated sitcom, the corrupt media protects its own. So you can bet that the story of Joseph Williams, Politico's White
House Correspondent, being suspended for outrageous race and class-baiting is about to go right down the ole' memory hole.
Pethokoukis Slices, Dices, and Destroys WaPo's Romney-Outsourcing Story. In a post at the American Enterprise Institute's blog
this afternoon [6/22/2012], James Pethokoukis, who previously toiled at U.S. News and Reuters, made mincemeat out of Washington Post reporter
Tom Hamburger's Thursday Mitt Romney-Bain Capital hit piece ("Romney's Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas").
Time For Super PACs to Tell the Truth
About Fast & Furious. Forget about the media. No amount of shaming will ever convince those moral illiterates to tell the
full and complete story of Fast and Furious. If you think Brian Williams and those who staff every other newsroom in this country went
to journalism school to hold power accountable and inform the public, think again. They entered media for one purpose and one purpose only:
to defeat the right and to further the leftist cause.
Voters Disapprove of Obama Blocking Release of
Fast & Furious Docs. After the President invoked executive privilege, the media was forced to cover a story it had strenuously
covered up for a year. In response, the media attempted to paint the President's move as a fight against a renegade Republican Congress
playing political games during an election year. Not only does this poll prove that tactic failed, my guess is that these numbers will
get worse as people start to ask, "What the heck is Fast and Furious?"
Milbank Claims: 'Media Would Love to Have an Obama Scandal to Cover'. Unintentionally defining irony, in the midst of trying to
rationalize news media disinterest in the "Fast & Furious" scandal by maintaining "it's not a political scandal" but "a scandal of government,"
Washington Post columnist and former reporter Dana Milbank claimed on CNN's Reliable Sources: "It's not an ideological thing. I
think the media would love to have an Obama scandal to cover." Cue the laugh track as you watch the video.
Magazine Tries to Tell The "Truth" About Fast and Furious, Fails Miserably. [Scroll down] The guns sold during Fast and Furious
didn't "eventually fall into criminal hands," they were put there intentionally as soon as ATF approved the sale of those guns to guys they knew
were straw purchasers before they even walked through the door of the gun dealerships. Not to mention, weapons were never seized until they were
found at violent crime scenes; 1400 remain missing.
The Dictator in the Black Iron Man Suit.
[Scroll down] Sam Donaldson and a majority of his comrades in the mainstream media have launched their own re-elect Obama campaign. Their
modus operandi is to declare all opposition to Obama racist — "people on the right against a black president." Such is the narrative
they plan to brand on the forehead of every patriot until the election.
What's next for Attorney General Eric Holder?
Congress held Attorney General Eric Holder in both civil and criminal contempt yesterday, in historic bipartisan votes, for his refusal to provide
subpoenaed documents in the Fast and Furious investigation. This has never happened before. So what happens next? The first
consequence will be that the last media outlets trying to protect the Obama Administration by refusing to report on the worst scandal in Justice
Department history will be obliged to mention it, in considerably more detail than they would like.
ABC Skips Its
Own Footage of the Supreme Court Contradicting Obama on Tax Increase. In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling that ObamCare is
constitutional as a tax, a number of media outlets played the now-embarrassing clip of Barack Obama insisting the law isn't a tax.
Despite the footage coming from a 2009 nterview on This Week, ABC's journalists studiously avoided highlighting their own footage.
CBS, however, played it.
In Obama's America, A Somewhat
Less-Free Press. Campaign operatives masquerading as media "fact checkers." A President who uses the power of the Executive
Branch to shutdown blogs. Do American journalists care? [...] Had media professionals been more interested in facts back in 2008, rather
than merely advancing the narrowly defined agenda of "diversity" and ushering in America's first Black President, there may have been concern
about Barack Obama and the company he keeps. Now after nearly three and a half years of "change," it remains to be seen if the
journalists among us remain committed to the agenda.
Eric Holder Cries To The Washington
Post. Attorney General Eric Holder is in big trouble! So once again the Old Media must swoop in to the rescue.
Media to Obama: Feel Free to Keep Lying
About Romney's Outsourcing. Romney did not outsource jobs. Obama is lying and saying he did.
DC Area Out of Power, Obama on
Vacation. Damage that has been described as "worse than some hurricanes" has not moved Obama to interrupt his
air-conditioned holiday. This dereliction of duty is not happening in distant New Orleans, but right in the heart of
the nation's media and political center. Yet the mainstream media has not bothered to comment on Obama's absence.
CNN's Soledad O'Brien: Don't
Blame Obama For Job Numbers. Throughout the day [7/6/2012], I watch both CNN and MSNBC and a couple of hours ago as the
jobs numbers were released I listened to both networks. The best way to describe what unfolded was watching a bunch of kids being
told their bikes had just been stolen. Yes, the media was crushed. Not for the American people, though, but for Their
Precious One.
Media Refuses to Make Obama Pay Price
For Lies. Other than his rather bizarre wistful recalling of how great things were in Nixon's America, yesterday in
an off-teleprompter stump speech, President Barack Obama told two humongous whoppers. First, he distorted the Clinton years, as
though those years in any way resembled, well, what the Obama years look like this very day. Secondly, he twisted his very
first campaign, the most Chicago-style of Chicago-style campaigns, into some sort of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington struggle —
when he ran unopposed. And what have we heard from a media currently obsessed with fact-checking? Not a peep, not a
sound, not a word.
David Maraniss and Obama's Communist Mentor.
It's interesting that not only does Barack Obama need continued vetting, but so do his biographers. The culprit is the same: the liberal bias that
dutifully protects Obama like white knights guarding the king's castle, shamelessly tossing journalistic objectivity right out the window. As Sean Hannity
likes to say, when it comes to Obama's background, it has fallen to us conservatives to do the job that the mainstream "Obama-mania media" plainly refuses
to do. The most recent Obama biography getting a vetting by conservatives is David Maraniss' Barack Obama, the Story. [At] American
Thinker, Jack Cashill has intrepidly taken up the charge, thereby provoking the wrath of the nation's "journalists" for daring to flag the contradictions in
their reporting.
Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises. The liberal media will make sure to go through the motions
and occasionally hit President Obama with some critical points, but they will hold their fire when it comes to addressing five major
unfulfilled campaign promises, former CBS reporter and media critic Bernie Goldberg told Fox News's Bill O'Reilly last night [7/9/2012].
Class-Warfare Rhetoric Demonizes Success. Anyone who wants to study the tricks of propaganda rhetoric has a
rich source of examples in the statements of President Barack Obama. On Monday [7/9/2012], for example, he said that
Republicans "believe that prosperity comes from the top down, so that if we spend trillions more on tax cuts for the wealthiest
Americans, that that will somehow unleash jobs and economic growth." Let us begin with the word "spend." Is the
government "spending" money on people whenever it does not tax them as much as it can? Such convoluted reasoning would
never pass muster if the mainstream media were not so determined to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil when it
comes to Barack Obama.
Apply Harry Reid's 'Dog Catcher' Standard to Barack Obama. The mainstream media has been repeating —
without any criticism, context, or opposing view — Sen. Harry Reid's claim that Mitt Romney could not be confirmed
by the U.S. Senate to serve in the Cabinet — or even to serve as "dog catcher" — because he has only
released his most recent tax returns, not his entire tax history. The story currently leads major news websites,
including National Public Radio's hourly news update. So it seems appropriate to do what the media will not:
apply Reid's "dog catcher" standard to Barack Obama.
A Leftist Media for Obama.
The national media likes to present the left, even the radical left, as more or less mainstream, even as it depicts the Tea
Party as a fringe movement. Politicians who espouse Marxist ideas, like Barack Obama, are treated as if they are centrists,
well-suited to solve the crises that their own policies have created. As the liberal media see it, the debate is over.
America has become a European-style social welfare state, and there is no going back. There is only going forward,
or what Obama calls "forward," toward the hardcore communism of the past.
After all the trillions Obama has spent...
Pelley Upset House's ObamaCare Repeal Votes Have 'Cost Taxpayers' $50 Million. Showing a renewed concern for the
interests of taxpayers, CBS put "Cost to Taxpayers" on screen Wednesday night as CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley
worried not about the cost of ObamaCare, but "how much it cost taxpayers for the House to repeal the law again and again?"
Pelley relayed how "the Congressional Research Service tells us that the House of Representatives costs us $24 million a
week. So with two weeks spent repealing the law, that comes to a little under $50 million."
Still Slobbering Over Barack
Obama. Any other President with Barack Obama's record — high unemployment, record deficits, and scandals
such as Fast and Furious and the leaking of our nation's intelligence secrets — would face withering scrutiny from the
press. But since Obama was elected, journalists have continued the adoring coverage that marked the 2008 campaign.
Reagan Jr's Howler of the Week: 'Media Is Not Giving Obama Enough Credit'. We media analysts see, hear, and read a lot of
stupid comments from press members everyday. For me, the howler of the week has to be MSNBC political analyst Ron Reagan Jr. saying
about President Obama on Friday's [7/13/2012] Hardball, "The media is not giving him enough credit".
Kurtz Warns CNN: Liberal Media Double Standard Apparent 'to Many'. Media critic Howard Kurtz warned CNN on Friday that "to
many people" it looks like the media has a massive double standard in its campaign coverage of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.
"[W]hen you combine all the stories, all the airtime, all the column inches, it looks to many people, I'll just say this bluntly,
like the press is giving much more aggressive scrutiny to Romney and his background than it ever gave to Barack Obama," Kurtz told
CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Our Disgraceful President.
The administration of Barack Obama embodies the worst characteristics of the worst Presidents in our history — the abuse of
power, the incompetence, the laziness, the bigotry, the disinterest, the dishonesty, the arrogance. The reason he's still personally
popular is the same reason we know the names Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Perez Hilton or that TMZ exists — A large portion of
our culture now celebrates what it used to shun, cheers that which used to drive people into hiding and rewards existence over
accomplishment. That's why the media parrots and trumpets attacks on Mitt Romney's incredibly successful private-sector record
but ignores President Obama's public-sector failures.
How the Democratic Media Spin the News.
The Romney campaign puts on a devastating show, and the only thing the Democratic Party reporters are interested in is how they can spin it back to
Obama's talking points.
Media Shields Obama from... Small
Business Owners. Yesterday, I showed you how Slate's Dave Weigel and NBC's Peter Alexander worked together to journOlist
away the Romney campaign's compelling and troubling evidence that the Obama White House has used billions in taxpayer dollars to pay off
campaign supporters. Today, I'm going to show you how the media is protecting Barack Obama from paying a political price, not only
for these alleged payoffs, but also for Obama's off-teleprompter statement in which he said, "If you got a business, you didn't build
that — somebody else made that happen."
Four Days Late to Obama's Infamous 'You Didn't Build That' Remark. Four days after President Obama insulted job creators
by asserting "If you've got a business, you didn't build that; somebody else made that happen," CNN finally reported the controversial
remarks, and only once the Romney campaign featured them in a campaign attack. In contrast, when Romney surrogate John Sununu said
on Tuesday morning [7/17/2012] that he wished "this President would learn how to be an American," it only took CNN a few hours to jump
on the remarks.
CBS: Still Lazy
With Obama After All These Years. Back in 2007 and 2008, it was remarkable watching Barack Obama treated to one puffball
interview after another, courtesy of Steve Kroft on "60 Minutes." Kroft compared him to Abe Lincoln and oozed about his
"political poetry." But it's simply irresponsible, after three and a half years of President Obama wrecking the economy, that
CBS — now with anchor Charlie Rose — is still in puffery mode.
Ten Pieces of Bad Economic News the Media's
Covering Up. Except for number ten, all the bad economic news below came out this week — much of it today
[7/19/2012]. And this explains why the corrupt media is making all of our eyes glaze over as they enter day 11,485 of demanding
Romney release his tax returns and Bain-Bain-Bain. By focusing on nonsense and on Romney, the media can protect Obama from what
you see below — which is an economy and Americans in very real trouble.
All Three
Networks Fawn Over Obama Kiss: 'Woohoo! Hot in Here!' All three networks on Tuesday [7/17/2012] absolutely gushed over
Barack Obama kissing his wife at a men's Olympic basketball game on Monday night [7/16/2012]. CBS This Morning guest
anchor Norah O'Donnell thrilled, "Whoo-hoo-hoo! Hot in here!" Good Morning America news reader Josh Elliott cheered
on the President's ability to kiss his wife in public.
Dana Milbank Hurls McCarthyism To Shield Obama
From Criticism. We saw this in 2008, when the desperate and desperately corrupt media attempted to silence legitimate
criticism of Obama by equating and tying that criticism to racism, crazies, and extremists. And what this is is nothing more
than a form of New McCarthyism, by means of which you smear, terrorize, and marginalize those you disagree with by drawing a very
long and dark line from what they've said or what they believe in to portray them as scary, freaky, wacko lunatics who might be
Media Declares Use of 'You Didn't Build That' Racist.
Obama's Media Palace Guards know that when the full context is played of Obama's revealing "you didn't build that" quote, it's absolutely devastating
for Obama because the full context of those comments show the President openly ridiculing America's small business owners. So what's a panicked
media to do? Well, at first the corrupt media lied about Obama being taken out of context. But that's a desperate lie and everyone
knows it, which means the Romney campaign was comfortable to keep on keeping on with its use of the President's comments.
NBC Uses D+11 Poll to Find Obama Up by 6.
Serious question: Does NBC just think we are all idiots? Have they been under a rock for the last decade and not realize that they no
longer can control the information we hear? Do they think they can breathlessly report that their latest poll has Barack Obama leading Romney by
6-points and not mention that they are using a D+11 sample? Its only July. What games will they play in October?
Media Doesn't Want You To Know News For Obama Is
All Bad. It seems that the only time the media mentions our battered economy is when they say, "Despite a struggling economic recovery
Obama remains ahead in our latest XYZ poll." Note how the media likes to use the word "recovery" — because saying "the recovery is
struggling" sounds better than "the economy is struggling." And the recovery isn't struggling. The recovery is out of breath, dazed, and
has taken a knee.
Cojones Required to Defeat Racist
Democrats and Media. When Obama entered the national arena, the bias of the mainstream media intensified times ten. Obama
was their dream come true. Not only was Obama a left-wing hater of traditional America like them, but he was black. Perfect!
What white person would have the cojones to criticize the first black presidential candidate? John McCain did not. Remarkably, Sarah
Palin did. Upon winning the White House, what white person would have the cojones to oppose the first black president implementing his
vowed "hope and change" agenda? Rush Limbaugh did. Obama minions, a group that includes the mainstream media, sought to destroy
Limbaugh while sycophant Republicans held their coats.
Schieffer Cues Up DNC Chairwoman: 'Is Mitt Romney a Wimp?'. A left-wing writer for a liberal magazine wrote an article trying
to undermine the Republican presidential candidate, a cover story which featured an insulting characterization. But instead of treating
the attack as irrelevant, CBS's Face the Nation decided to showcase it.
Top 10 most dangerous liberals. [#3] Mainstream
media: Led by the New York Times and the Washington Post, the mainstream media — which forgot to vet the presidential candidacy of
Barack Obama in 2008 — are making sure that no stone is left unturned when it comes to Mitt Romney. From Romney's high school antics
to his wife's equestrian hobby, the supposedly objective media are trying to make scandals out of triviality while shedding no lights on a failed
Sanitizing of quotes is disgraceful
journalism. There's something journalists you trust haven't told you: Those quotations you're reading from top officials may
not have been said by those officials during their interviews. In a shameful journalistic acquiescence that we who covered presidents and
politicians once considered unthinkable, reporters and editors are now letting officials who were interviewed review, approve and even alter
quotations before publication. We know about this only because of a fine article by The New York Times' Jeremy W. Peters.
On July 15, Peters did what every self-respecting Washington journalist should have done.
Obama's Ultimate Cover-up. [Scroll down] The nation
recoils in horror at the child predator Jerry Sandusky, the Penn State football coach protected and even facilitated by the university where he
worked. Yet, the fact that Obama was under the tutelage of a pedophile for eight years continues to be a non-story.
WaPo's Richard Cohen Calls
Romney 'The Village Idiot'. Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has successfully founded a private equity
company, rescued the 2002 Winter Olympics, and governed the state of Massachusetts. Despite such accomplishments, the Washington Post's
Richard Cohen on Monday [7/30/2012] called Romney "the village idiot". [...] By comparison, Barack Obama who never actually produced anything
is the smartest man on the planet.
Liberal Media Promote Unproven Claim: 'Obama Related to America's First Slave'. The website is trying to
build an appealing Obama tale... and promote business to its website, and The Washington Post and other pro-Obama media are biting
like hungry fish. Washington Post reporter Krissah Thompson was thrilled: "President Obama's extraordinary family story
gained a new layer this week as a team of genealogists found evidence that he is most likely a descendant of one of the first
documented African slaves in this country." Underline "most likely."
Obama's Slave Roots?.
Obama's handlers are trying hard to make the President 'more' black. With less than 100 days to go until
the election, we discover Obama might be descended from "authentic American slaves" through his mother.
Declares Tax Study Co-Authored By Former Obama WH Employee 'Nonpartisan'. NOWHERE, in this act of propaganda meant to
tee-up Obama's latest round of anti-Romney lies, does [Jennifer] Epstein mention the fact that this so-called "nonpartisan" study so
devastating to Romney is co-authored by someone who, until last year, worked in the Obama White House.
Five Reasons There Are Bad Polls.
This morning, CBS and the New York Times announced excitedly that their new swing-state poll (conducted by Quinnipiac University) in
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey showed a substantial margin for Barack Obama in all three. The problem: The poll's
results are preposterous. We know this not because it shows Obama leading but because its "internals" are hilariously out of
whack in relation to vote totals in 2008 and 2010.
Propaganda poll shows Obama
ahead. These results are as valuable as the media that sponsored them. It is a shame that Quinnipiac,
which was once respected, has thrown in with the propagandists.
The Mainstream
Media's Treatment of Obama's and Romney's Grades, Compared. Yes, while the mainstream media continues to insist that Romney's youth as a
prep school boy in Michigan is all-important to his character and so on, it continues to conceal Barack Obama's grades, asking us to take it on faith
that Obama is a genius, even though the evidence of his presidency suggests anything but. Perhaps that is because the mainstream media knows that
there are many more questions than answers surrounding Obama's grades, and the classes he took, than they have let on.
Obama's College Classmate: 'The Obama
Scandal Is at Columbia'. [Scroll down] The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia
classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama. Now all of this mystery could be easily and instantly dismissed if Obama released his Columbia
transcripts to the media. But even after serving as President for 3½ years he refuses to unseal his college records. Shouldn't the
media be as relentless in pursuit of Obama's records as Romney's? Shouldn't they be digging into Obama's past — beyond what he has written
about himself — with the same boundless enthusiasm as Mitt's?
Why Obama Thought Going
Toxic Was a No-Lose Strategy. Obama may be enamored of false flag operations. In Fast and Furious, the Obama
administration allowed Mexican cartel members to buy automatic weapons. The objective was to make it appear, as Hillary
Clinton had previously said, that the violence in Mexico was the result of liberal gun policies in America, thereby providing
a rationale for restricting the rights of American gun owners. In the latest case, a PAC supporting Obama has run a
horrendously evil ad. Obama had every reason to believe that his connection to the ad would be hidden by the media
because the media has refused to report on what really happened in Fast and Furious.
More about
the Fast and Furious scandal.
Getting Obama Out of the Bubble.
There is much to mock in the New York Times report on how President Obama's obsession with his own press coverage has convinced him
the media is not biased quite enough in his favor. But I come not to mock, but to offer some unsolicited advice to the president.
Transparent Administration Hasn't Fielded Question from WH Press in Seven Weeks. Despite giving numerous interviews while overseas, the
press complained about limited access to Mitt Romney while he traveled to England, Poland, and Israel. That same media hasn't so much as whispered
after President Obama hasn't answered a single question from the White House pool for seven weeks.
Look Who the Press Is Blaming for the
Ugly Campaign. What a surprise. Mitt Romney finally throws a counterpunch to a series of outrageous Obama campaign lies, and the
press accuses Romney of going negative. The media's pro-Obama bias is a wonder to behold.
Poll: Media in Obama's pocket. Likely
voters, by a five-to-one margin, believe that America's media is in President Obama's pocket and will treat his candidacy better than challenger
Mitt Romney's as the election nears, according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll. The startling numbers point to an even more disturbing
trend for the media: Reporters just aren't trusted to deliver the news in an unbiased fashion. The proof: Rasmussen found
that when it comes to information about the presidential campaign, 48 percent of likely voters trust friends and family while just
26 percent trust reporters.
What if the mainstream media told the truth?
Is it possible the mainstream media is finally starting to grasp what I predicted three months ago — that Obama will lose in a landslide?
The first domino has fallen. Ultra-left Newsweek's cover story on Monday [8/20/2012] features a photo of Obama and the headline: "Hit the Road
Barack, Why We Need a New President." My, how the mighty have fallen. As the mainstream media realizes that Obama will not only lose, but lose
big, I predict this will be the first of many negative headlines for Obama. No one likes to bet on a lame horse.
Obama's MSM shield starts to crumble. A
shocking development is rocking the Obama campaign, as a reliably supportive media outlet has published a cover story with the shocking caption, "Hit the
Road, Barack: Why We Need a New President." [...] Even more important than the devastating content of the cover story is where it was published.
Newsweek is published by Tina Brown, long a fixture of the media social scene, a trendsetter. The cover story represents a serious breach in the
cofferdam erected around Obama and the progressive cause. It constitutes recognition that this particular emperor actually has no clothes.
Obama meets the press and makes
stuff up. Over the past several months, President Obama has become accustomed to questions like these:
· "It must not be too bad to be friends with George Clooney? Is he a nice guy?"
· "Is the campaign bus comfortable?"
· "If you had a super power, what would it be?"
Tapper: The Media is Failing the Country. In an interview
[8/21/2012] with Laura Ingraham, White House reporter Jake Tapper said that the media is failing the country. "A lot of people are hurting out
there. Unemployment is 8.3 percent. That doesn't even take into account the underemployed," he said, arguing that too much time has
been spent not talking about the economy.
Obama Programming Media to His Favor.
Obama threw the White House press corps a bone on Monday by appearing for 20 some minutes and taking a grand total of four questions
from those members of the Old Media whose official job is to report from the White House. The President has taken about six serious questions from the
press since June. But this doesn't mean he's taken no other questions from the press. Unfortunately, the questions he has taken have not been
from a free and open press but have been pre-programmed.
The Press is soft on Obama. In its otherwise
glorious history, the Oval Office has suffered its share of scoundrels. [...] Yet Barack Obama's conduct puts him in a class of one. Day in, day out,
he diminishes the traditions of an office that, starting with George Washington, were created to keep the presidency above the soiling scrum of partisan
politics. No. 44 specializes in a small-mindedness fueled by arrogance and contempt.
Washington Post
mistakenly debunks embarrassing Obama Ohio photo. An embarrassing photo of President Obama trying to spell Ohio with a group
of students was snagged by Buzzfeed this afternoon, as Zeke Miller posted two different photos of the incident on their website. Many
Romney supporters quickly tweeted the photo, joking that the President didn't know how to spell Ohio. The Washington Post quickly
posted a defense of the president claiming that the erroneous photo had been photoshopped.
Show Americans Are Wise to Media's Cheerleading of Barack Obama. A new poll by Rasmussen shows that 51 percent of voters
think the media will, for the most part, attempt to help reelect President Obama rather than work to accurately and fairly report on the
campaign. Only 9 percent of respondents believe the media are in the tank for Romney. That same poll found 59 percent of
likely voters "believe Obama has received the best treatment from the media so far."
The Biggest Myth of 2012. I don't know whether President Obama or
Mitt Romney will win on November 6, but I do know what the MSNBC talking heads will say in the event that Obama loses. They will
say that Republican billionaires bought the election; that Republican legislators suppressed the minority vote through onerous photo
identification requirements; and that Romney frightened white working class voters into thinking Obama favored minorities over other
groups. They will say the 2010 Citizens United decision allowed Republican billionaires to inject undisclosed "dark money"
into American politics, and Democrats could not compete because they had no financial interest at stake, no Charles Koch or Sheldon Adelson
of their own.
America's Historic Cokehead President.
Does it bother you that the most powerful man on the planet was a longtime drug user? Does it bother you that he has attempted to use
his drug abuse to gain credibility with young Americans? Does it bother you that his acknowledgment of having been a serious drug user
has been given a pass in the news media? [...] Barack Obama is the first U.S. president to admit to cocaine abuse, to describe it in a
manner designed to impress the young, and to get away with it. It's historic.
Obama Pouts: 'America Doesn't Need a Birther-In-Chief'.
Every day and in every way, the Obama campaign and his media minions ask themselves one simple question: How can we run out the clock and
avoid talking about the issues and the failing economy in order to drag this failure over the finish line? And don't you dare blame Mitt
Romney for creating a distraction.
MSM: Focusing on the
Minor While Ignoring the Major to Help Obama. Remarkably, the mainstream media functions as if getting Obama re-elected trumps
everything, including world affairs, national security, the U.S. economy, and national race relations. While our media imitates sharks
responding to blood in the water by ripping apart Akin, Iran unveiled a new upgraded missile. In response, Israel is talking about possibly
attacking Iran. Food and gas prices continue to skyrocket. [...] One in seven Americans is on food stamps. Have you heard the
mainstream media talk about any of these crucial issues? The answer is no, because these extremely important news stories do not further
the mainstream media's mission to re-elect Obama.
Has the old media worm turned against Obama?
If Obama loses, the old liberal media will catalogue the reasons for his fall. But we shouldn't expect any confession that they
intentionally misrepresented him for six years, from 2006 to 2012. There will be no admission of their failure to do journalistic
due diligence concerning his background and qualifications to become president. Nor a collective stomach-pumping to
purge their Kool-Aid-invoked reporting on him as president.
The 'Housewife' Media Are
Desperate To Muzzle. Four years ago, the major media gleefully showed off Michelle Obama as her husband's "secret weapon."
Now they refuse to broadcast Ann Romney because it would soften their version of who Mitt Romney is.
Will Powerful Media Re-Elect Obama,
Subverting Will Of The People? The major media in past elections have veiled their pro-Democrat bias. But in this race they've
become so militant there's a real risk the election may be rigged for President Obama.
PolitiFiction. The website PolitiFact is going
to be truth-squadding the Republican convention speakers this week, delivering verdicts on which claims are "mostly true" and which deserve a
"pants on fire" rating. Our advice: Pay no attention to those ratings. PolitiFact can't be trusted to get the story right.
Obama Lies While Accusing the Romney Campaign
of Lying. If you want a near perfect encapsulation of how the Obama campaign is leaning on incompetent partisans masquerading as "independent"
media fact checking organizations to do their dirty work, I strongly encourage you to read today's article in the New York Times, "Obama Team Sharpens
Attacks on Rivals' Character."
Media Madness, and the Reckoning. Last week a line was
crossed, and full blown insanity manifested itself in the formerly-mainstream media. [...] Even if Artur Davis weren't black, how is it a non-story,
when the guy who seconded Obama's nomination ends up with a prime time spot on the GOP Convention stage?
NBC's Chuck Todd Follows Obama's 'Bank of America' Talking Points.
One of the funniest and most revealing things coming out of the upcoming Democratic convention is how Democrats will NewSpeak the name of the very place the convention is being
held. [...] Democrats changing the language, facts, and calling something it's not is a time-honored tradition.
sleight-of-hand goes to convention. Obama's pattern is this: Make a promise; break the promise; insist that
you've kept the promise, and hope the press gives you a free pass. When called out, resort to absurd word parsing.
This is how Obama campaigns, and it is how he governs.
The First Refuge of Scoundrels.
Why have so many in the so-called mainstream media become unhinged in their attacks on not only Mitt Romney, but anyone who does not
openly support Barack Obama?
The media's help is paying off.
Barack's free pass. A new poll by the
Hill found that 52 percent of respondents think President Obama does not deserve a second term, while 40 percent think he
does. With economic growth stalled, unemployment climbing and record numbers of Americans on food stamps, the question is not
why the re-elect number is so low but why Mr. Obama's support is so high. Millions of Americans seem content to give Mr. Obama
a pass on his wretched economic record.
Were journalists using fake names to
make Obama donations at the convention? [Scroll down] So the next time you hear a "journalist" pitching in with the sort of in-kind campaign
contribution that Democrats love, even though they are very upset by the idea of other types of corporation participating in political speech, remember
that he or she might be driving home in a car with a "Democrats Are Hot" bumper sticker, purchased under a fake name at the Democratic National Convention.
Journalists Using Fake Names to Buy Obama Merchandise. Several journalists have reportedly used fake names to buy Obama
campaign merchandise inside media-only areas of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC.
Are the Media Going Soft
on the Democrats? The question must be asked: Are the media getting swept away in Charlotte in a way they most
certainly weren't in Tampa?
The Audacity of Cronyism.
It's hard to know which is worse: the arrogance of the Obama administration in assuming that its White House staffers can get away with anything, or
the apathy of the media in not holding those staffers accountable. Actually, let's scratch the word "apathy" and call it what it really is:
abjectness. The media have been abject in their willingness, even eagerness, to serve the political interests of this administration and its re-election
Why Obama Is Still Ahead. If a
Republican president had a record like Obama's, his approval rating would be lower than Carter's. Press bias in Obama's favor
is a given. It was activated again by the attacks on American embassies in the Middle East. The media scorned Romney's
criticism of the Obama administration's response as a gaffe that may have doomed his campaign. Obama got a pass, though the
anti-American assaults were stark evidence of the failure of his policy toward Islamic countries. This was press favoritism
at its most typical: Obama's okay, his critics aren't.
Is Melting Faster: America's Position in Middle East or MSM's Position in America? If an American consulate had been
attacked and four Americans including the ambassador slaughtered on George W. Bush's watch — on 9/11, no less —
the outrage broadcast over the nation's elite media would have been intense and round-the-clock. Had George W. Bush then
responded to those events by jetting to Vegas for a fundraiser and campaign rally marked by a rote and emotion-less nod towards the
victims and a callous transition to the difficulty of campaign life for political volunteers, well, the hysteria that would have followed
would have melted wires.
Obama Lists His
Five Criteria for Death by Drone. From his interview with Ben Swann, host of Fox 19's Reality Check, to his sit-down
with CNN's chief White House correspondent Jessica Yellin, the kill-list compiler-in-chief is gradually exposing details of the principles
he purportedly follows before targeting someone for assassination. The president may assume that there is little reason to try hiding
something that is being publicized daily — except in the mainstream media.
Yorker Writer: Obama Ditched Outdoor Stadium Speech Because of Humility!. We have to give [John] Cassidy credit for
originality. Absolutely nobody else came up with that hilarious excuse. Cassidy also provides more laughs in the form
of head scratching over why Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was a convention no-show. [...] Do you really have to ask why Geithner
didn't make an appearance at the convention, John? I'll give you a clue: it might have to do with the fact that he would
have been an unwelcome reminder about the miserable state of the American economy.
Media Smothers News of Romney's
Commanding Lead With Independents. Even as the most recent polls show Obama's convention bounce fading (as expected),
that doesn't mean our dishonest and corrupt media is going to crawl off the bandwagon they crafted over the weekend proclaiming
Obama's win as inevitable.
How They Get Polls to Show Obama Ahead: Given that no credible person
could say with a straight face that Obama is doing even a mediocre job as president, how to make sense of polls showing him ahead?
Simple — the polls are conducted by his fellow oligarchical collectivists, who cheat. [...] What is the point of even
taking a poll if you are going to play tricks to get unrepresentative numbers?
Rally On Embassy Attacks. Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton tells [The Washington Post]:
"The perception of American weakness that provided the foundation for these attacks is largely because of Obama administration mistakes
and lack of resolve. A repetition of 1979 in Tehran is nor fetched, especially given the weakness of Obama's statement this
morning." He dismisses the media storyline as pure boosterism: "The press criticism of Romney's statement is so clearly
at the administration's behest that they are giving lapdogs a bad name."
How Republics Fall. The closeness
of mainstream journalists to President Obama has debauched their integrity. Some of them give the White House veto authority over their
stories. Others look to be rewarded with plum jobs or stimulus-funded ads. This abasement before power presages a return to a time
when political writers, among them Swift and Defoe, were the professed protégés of statesmen and relied on Whig or Tory patronage
for their bread; it also leaves the country vulnerable to the distortions of ostensibly neutral journalists who are too fervently committed to
the leader to tell the truth about him.
Poll: Obama,
Romney Tied in CO; Obama Underperforming. [Scroll down] Another poll released on Thursday [9/13/2012] had Obama leading
by five points, but mainstream outlets, unlike local news organizations in Denver, failed to mention that the poll was conducted by a public
affairs firm run by Democratic operatives who ran the campaigns of Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and Sen. Mark Udall, both of whom are
Trumpets Obama's 'Remarkable Moment of Candor' in What Makes the 'Sacrifices Worth It'. [Scroll down] Viewers soon heard
from Obama how all the sacrifice he must suffer through as President, such as "the inability to just take a walk," is all "worth it" when he
hears about how an ObamaCare provision has saved someone from dying of cancer. Yes, it takes "remarkable candor" to tout yourself as
magnanimous, but you'd think a journalist of Pelley's stature wouldn't be so excitedly gullible.
Trashing the Constitution.
First, let's dispense with a persistent media trope, which is that President Obama was a constitutional law professor in Chicago.
Former University of Chicago Law School Dean Richard Epstein blew a hole through that recently with his recollection that New York Times
reporter Jodi Kantor's claim that Mr. Obama was offered tenure is false. Mr. Obama was never even a law professor, just a part-time
lecturer. "[U]nder no circumstances would an offer to Obama be tenured," Mr. Epstein told the Daily Caller. "The thought that
the law school could have made a tenure offer to a person with no academic writing was out of the question."
Obama and his news
media enablers. If we had an honest media/Democratic Party, this week would embarrass them. But we
don't. And since we don't, rather than honest reporting about President Obama's failure to comprehend and react
strongly to an ever growing string of attack in the Middle East, we get stories about how Mitt Romney didn't wait for
what pundits deem to be his turn when denouncing it. An honest media would wonder why the ambassador in Libya
wasn't sufficiently guarded by United States Marines.
Egypt, and Israel: None Dare Call It Treason, Fifty Years Later. [Scroll down] Romney's basic point was
that Islamists are attacking us because we are weak; as a campaign document puts it, "We have seen a foreign policy of weakness
and decline in American influence and respect. Yesterday, we saw the consequences of this perceived weakness." And
that's what has sent the MSM into overdrive in defense of Obama. Romney is now being picked apart on minor timeline issues
(issues on which he was correct), while the major thrust of what he said — his critique of Obama policy
weakness — is ignored.
Media and Obama are Taking Us Down the Rabbit Hole. To re-elect Barack Obama, the media has a long list of
what they expect us to believe. [...] The media expect us to believe that Barack Obama is a foreign policy expert, and
Mitt Romney knows nothing about foreign policy. How's the Middle East looking? The media expect us to believe the
Arab Spring was a good thing and the Muslim Brotherhood are our friends. The media expect us to believe Obama cares
about national security, even though he golfs more often than he goes to intel briefings.
The Polls: Solid As A Rock.
There was a time when images of American embassies under siege and a United States ambassador being dragged through the streets by a
baying mob would have represented serious trouble for the administration in power, especially when coupled with obvious dishonesty
about the circumstances that led to the debacle and an apparent lack of foresight and prudence on the part of the State Department.
foreign policy of reconciliation lies in tatters. What exactly is the nature and intention of Barack Obama's foreign policy?
What has the net effect been of his emphasis on apology and reconciliation with the Muslim world? How does he now see America's global
role? Bizarrely enough, none of these questions was being discussed in the immediate aftermath of last week's attack on the United States
consulate in Libya, which resulted in the first killing of an American ambassador since 1979.
Endangers Private Citizen to Hide Obama's Middle East Failures. Instead of questioning President Barack Obama about the
intelligence and security failures that led to the deaths of four diplomatic personnel in Libya Tuesday, the media has focused its ire
on a California private citizen.
The November
Referendum on the Liberal Media. The old media is dialing-up its defense of a failed Presidency.
It will cost them. [...] The Obama regime's slogans and memes, propagated by the legacy media today, include, but
are not limited to, the Republican's "War on Women," "fair-share," "Forward," and the general characterization
of "rich" Republicans as uncaring about the poor, minorities, LGBT persons, and so on. The legacy media
parrots these memes and repeats the Obama Re-Election Campaign's talking-points — daily.
The sun never sets on Obama's failures. Our adversaries are stronger.
America and her allies are weaker. And yet, after spending practically a decade blaming every last thing, including the bad weather, on
President Bush, the media seem determinedly uninterested in ascribing even the slightest amount of responsibility to President Obama.
You Top This? CBS/NYT Poll Weights Registered Voters Dems 35%, Republicans 22%. In a campaign season which is on track
to go down as the worst ever for cooked polling, one from CBS News and the New York Times has outdone everyone to this point.
Clearly, they didn't like what a properly weighted result would have told them, which is that Mitt Romney is in a deadlock with
Barack Obama if one uses Gallup's party affiliation numbers from before Democratic National Convention, or that he's up by five
points if one opts for Rasmussen's affiliation numbers.
of World Trade Center bombing to be "transferred" to Egypt? I thought a line had been crossed when sheriffs showed up at
midnight to bundle away a man who had made an anti-Islamic movie that embarrassed the President. [...] Will there ever be a last straw
for the MSM that is acting as Obama's press corps? Is there anything Obama could do that would make them say "Enough!" and
stand up for America? What would it take?
Mitchell: NBC Hasn't "Authenticated" Obama Redistribution Clip, Won't Air. On her MSNBC program this afternoon [9/19/2012],
NBC News' Andrea Mitchell said the network would not air the clip of then-State Senator Barack Obama endorsing redistribution in 1988 because
the network could not "authenticate" the clip.
Another absurd manufactured
controversy. As a huge portion of the world riots against the United States, the President will sit down with David
Letterman and party with Jay-Z, Beyonce and other millionaire donors tonight at major fundraisers. And the media will focus
on something Mitt Romney said at a fundraiser back in May. Why? Because the alternative would be to report on the
aforementioned stories that make the President look bad. And no one in the "objective" media wants that.
Frank Marshall Davis, Jr.? [Scroll
down] The truth will eventually come out, perhaps in 2013, but maybe not for many more years. When it does, historians will
ask why the media was complicit in deceiving the American public about the career of the man who was called Barack Hussein Obama II.
Media lap dogs in hot
pursuit of the wrong story. What we are in the midst of witnessing right now is a complete, Fukushima-style meltdown of the
mainstream media. Without these slobbering lap dogs, President Obama never would have been elected in the first place. And
now they are his only hope for staying in office amid all the global violence, a morbidly paralyzed economy and a national crisis of
confidence so profound that the American Dream has become nothing more than quaint fiction for millions.
Media Bias Designed to Save Obama's Presidency.
Our media understand that, in the same way that Jimmy Carter lost Iran and America was humiliated during the Iranian hostage crisis,
there is a danger that Obama will be perceived to have lost Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, as violent demonstrations continue in the
Middle East and other Arab/Muslim areas of the world. Hence, attention is being directed to a film that has been on the Internet
since July. It is a diversion intended to save Obama's presidency.
News: Justice Dept. thinks its collaboration with Media Matters 'not a big deal'. The Department of Justice continues
to ignore requests for comment in response to the revelation its Office of Public Affairs director Tracy Schmaler has coordinated
with left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America, and is sending signals to at least one media organization that the cabinet
agency doesn't believe the collaboration has great significance.
Emails reveal Justice Dept. regularly
enlists Media Matters to spin press. Internal Department of Justice emails obtained by The Daily Caller show Attorney General Eric Holder's
communications staff has collaborated with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals
plaguing Holder and America's top law enforcement agency.
Resignation calls
fly at Justice Dept. spokeswoman over Media Matters collaboration. Several targets of a collaborative relationship between Justice
Department Office of Public Affairs director Tracy Schmaler and the liberal message group Media Matters for America told The Daily Caller that
Schmaler's conduct is grounds for her resignation, or for the termination of her employment. And members of Congress have told TheDC that
Media Matters' enviable tax-exempt status may be in jeopardy as a result of that collusion.
Issa: Obama
'Enemies List' Nixonian. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chair of the House Oversight Committee, has come out firing today [9/20/2012]
after reports about collusion between the Department of Justice and far-left propaganda machine Media Matters for America. The reports showed
that DOJ officials and Media Matters were trading information about particular conservatives, including Breitbart News editor Joel Pollak.
Is the Liberal Press
Shooting Itself In the Foot? Reporters have been trying to help Barack Obama limp across the finish line by creating a
daily distraction to divert attention from the Obama administration's awful record. Whenever possible, they have trumpeted the
claim that Mitt Romney has committed one gaffe or another, that he is falling behind in the (bogus) polls, that his campaign is in
disarray, and he is basically doomed. No doubt this gives reporters and editors momentary satisfaction, and they have indeed
convinced most people that Obama will likely win, but does that really advance the objective of re-electing Obama?
President Obama, First Lady to Appear
Together on 'The View'. The first couple will together take questions on their relationship, family life inside the White House and the 2012
presidential race from the program's five female hosts, the network said in a statement.
The Editor says...
I suspect the softball question have probably been written and pre-approved already, and the correct answers loaded into the ABC teleprompters. But
Mr. and Mrs. Obama probably won't be asked about Frank Marshall Davis, Mr. Obama's phony Social Security number, his fraudulent birth certificate, his
Indonesian citizenship, the Keystone XL pipeline, four-dollar gasoline, double-digit unemployment, campaign contributions from Doodad Pro, Obama's connections
to the Weather Underground, Rashid Khalidi, ACORN, Jeremiah Wright, Black Liberation Theology, vacations in Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard, bowing down to King
Abdullah, or the name of the person who wrote his two best-selling books.
Question: Are We That Stupid? [I]n spite of the fact that
this administration failed miserably in not securing our embassies and State personnel on 9/11 before Ambassador Stevens and others were brutally assassinated, poll
numbers show Obama leading Romney in swing states. The media and his sycophants are still covering for this foreign policy disaster. When it was pointed
out that Obama hadn't bothered to attend intelligence briefings, National Security Council spokesman, Tommy Vietor told Marc Thiessen of the Washington Post that
Obama didn't need to because he was "among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet." Oh really?
Though Illegal, Obama Appears to Solicit
Super PAC Money at Jay-Z Fundraiser. If our corrupt media believe a Republican said something inappropriate at a fundraiser about the
47% of the American people the rest of us carry, the corrupt media attempt to destroy his campaign over it. However, if a sitting president
appears to openly and brazenly break the laws surrounding the solicitation of super PAC money, this very same media dutifully report but refuse
to talk about it.
New York Times announces that
only Obama will be allowed to approve stories in advance. It was revealed last week that the Times gave the White House the right to approve
details in a lengthy story in advance. Now that the Obama story has run, the Times has realized that that policy may just be a violation
of journalistic integrity and quickly announced a new policy that prohibits quote approval. In other words, what's good for Obama just ain't gonna
fly for Romney.
Who needs elections when we have the mainstream media?
Obama's Army. The election is over, and Mitt Romney lost. He's toast; his goose is
cooked; put a fork in him he's done; he's yesterday's news. Disagree? That's too bad. The American media have made up their minds.
Reward: $100,000 for Khalidi Tape.
Breitbart News is doubling its reward — to $100,000 — for one of the missing pieces of Barack Obama's past, which may be the key to
understanding his collapsing Middle East policy: the "Khalidi tape," a video kept under wraps by the Los Angeles Times since April 2008.
The Khalidi tape shows Obama at a 2003 farewell party for radical Palestinian academic and activist Rashid Khalidi, and reportedly features vitriolic
anti-Israel rhetoric.
Khalidi Tape Cover
Up: Media 'Selectively Edits' Its Ethical Standards. [W]hen it comes to protecting Barack Obama, the corrupt media doesn't get all
that wrapped up in the details of what is and isn't legal or ethical. The Romney video is news; it's a revealing moment from The Man Who Might
Be President, and as a result we're entering day four of the super-loop the media's put the video on across every news outlet in America.
The truth behind the 'Khalidi video' and
why it's not for sale. [Scroll down] In the case of the Khalidi video, the unnamed source agreed to share the illuminating bit of
video evidence with [Peter] Wallsten, but only with the understanding that the reporter could not reproduce or rebroadcast the images. The
journalist had to make a decision: Do I agree to that condition and get to see evidence that no other reporter has seen of Obama meeting
with Palestinian Americans?
Bias alert:
After smearing all MSM-bypassing conservatives as "the political fringe", the LA Times offers the anemic rationalization that it will not release this
damaging video, not because it would end Barack H. Obama's political career, but because the LA Times would lose at least one source of timely
tips for one of its reporters. Obviously, the needs of the newspaper come first.
LA Times: Why We Won't
Release The Khalidi Video. This week, Breitbart News offered a $100,000 reward to anyone who produced the infamous 2003 tapes of Barack Obama
at an event honoring Palestinian anti-Israel radical Rashid Khalidi. And today, James Rainey of the Los Angeles Times took to his keyboard
today to write a diatribe defending the Times' refusal to make public those tapes. While Rainey gives several justifications for not releasing the
tape itself — guarding the source of the tape being the most prevalent — he offers no justification for why the Times refuses
to offer even a complete transcript of that evening's events.
Obama to Condemn Christian
Filmmaker Before United Nations. For weeks this administration, aided and abetted by The State Media, has shamelessly lied to us about what
happened in Libya. Moreover, in order to cover up and distract for unforgivable security lapses, this hapless filmmaker has been targeted for all of
the blame — certainly more blame than the Administration's failure to secure a consulate on 9/11 (of all days), but even more blame than the
actual murderers. And now, even though we know the truth about what really happened in Libya, it won't stop. It will never stop. Because
Obama knows his media will never make him pay a political price for lying and scapegoating. At all costs, the media quietly whispers amongst
themselves, Obama must be reelected.
Can Obama Cruise to Victory? Just before the
Republican National Convention, a mainstream media (MSM) narrative began to take shape. The false meme stated that Obama had the momentum
and the necessary support to easily win re-election. Soon another feature was added to the construct — i.e., that Obama's
re-election is inevitable. Too often this narrative was supported by selective polling data that underpinned the stories and purported to
make them true.
Media Estimate 18,000 in Not-Quite-Full
5,000-Seat Arena for Obama in Wisconsin. President Barack Obama is having trouble drawing large crowds on the campaign trail. At the
Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, his campaign was forced to move his acceptance speech from the 74,000-seat Bank of America Stadium to
the 20,000 Time Warner Cable Arena, citing weather as the excuse. But the media are always eager to help — for example, putting
18,000 people inside a 5,000-seat arena at an Obama event in Milwaukee on Saturday [9/22/2012].
Mayor Tom Barrett was source for inflated Obama crowd numbers in Wisconsin. As Breitbart's Joel Pollack investigates, both The Wall Street
Journal and Politico reported that President Obama's Saturday [9/22/2012] rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin drew a crowd of 18,000 supporters. That's at
least a bit odd, since the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal reported that the President was speaking at a 5,000-seat arena. The report added that "thousands
more who sat in bleachers and stood on the pavement," but made no mention of the abnormally large 18,000 estimate.
Trifecta: Politico, WSJ
and AP Report Obama Crowd in Wis. of About 5,000 as 18,000. Saturday [9/22/2012], Joel Pollak at Breitbart's Big Journalism observed that
President Obama is having some trouble drawing big crowds these days, and that the national press is exaggerating the turnout at his events. He
specifically cited the situation this weekend where Politico and the Wall Street Journal claimed there were "18,000 people inside a 5,000-seat arena at an
Obama event in Milwaukee on Saturday." I looked at the Associated Press's national site, and the AP did the same thing, while adding that the crowd
with the made-up size was "the largest yet of Obama's reelection campaign." Really.
about sparse crowds at Obama appearances.
Fact Check: Obama Lies About
Responsibility for Deficit. Yesterday [9/23/2012], President Barack Obama told CBS News' 60 Minutes that "ninety percent" of
the reason the federal budget deficit has risen dramatically under his administration is because of his predecessor, George W. Bush. Not
only is that a baldfaced lie — Obama borrowed more money in less than four years than Bush did in eight — but it is a lie that
many in the media want to believe, as Andrew Sullivan of Newsweek demonstrates.
Media Keep Doing Free PR Work for Obama.
Want additional proof the mainstream media act more like PR agents for the Obama campaign than watchdogs who "speak truth to power"?
Here are three fresh examples from the weekend.
Powers: More Americans will be put in danger if the media doesn't start challenging the White House on Libya. A few reporters have
stepped up, of course. Eli Lake at Newsweek has done a bang-up job, CNN has stuck with the story all week, Tapper had a solid report last night
about who knew what and when. But perhaps we're asking too much from the media generally; there are, after all, Romney gaffes to be covered.
And if there's one thing that America wants and needs from its media right now, it's more navel-gazing horse-race election dreck.
Barack Obama Strolls Down EZ Street.
Perpetual campaigner Barack Obama is everywhere. He's in Las Vegas, the internet, over at Jay and Bey's place, and even showed up on
EZ Street's show on Washington DC's interactive urban contemporary radio station WKYS. WKYS features "what's hot in the hip-hop
community" and judging from the homepage, it's clear Barack Obama remains "hot" in the hip-hop community. Recovering from an unsettling
Univision interview, Barack spent a good portion of his marshmallow interview reciting a laundry list of predictable talking points.
Campaign: Birth Control Costs $18,000. If anything as embarrassing as [this] occurred at a Republican presidential
contender's website, including the follow-up ridicule by the opposition, the press would never be able to resist covering it.
Guide to the Obama Administration's Five Major Scandals for Mainstream Media Dummies. Five big scandals to chew on, any
one of which have the potential to bring down a president. A couple of them are easily bigger and juicier than Watergate.
A couple even have body counts. A couple could be linked together to show a pattern of lawless behavior. Get to work,
intrepid reporter. You don't need Deep Throat, and you don't need to be Woodward or Bernstein. You just need to follow up
on any one of these five massive scandals and report them fully in the mainstream media. I should advise you, you won't win any
Pulitzers and you'll probably get fired. But you just might save your country.
Is Barack Obama a Compulsive Liar?
[T]here has been five years of outright lies and narcissism that have been largely ignored by the media, including some in the conservative
press and political class who are loath to call Mr. Obama what he is in the bluntest of terms: a liar and a fraud. That he relies
on his skin color to intimidate, either outright or by insinuation, those who oppose his agenda only adds to his audacity. It is apparent
that he has gotten away with his character flaws his entire life, aided and abetted by the sycophants around him; thus he is who he is and
cannot change.
There would be
no media pass on the Mideast if Bush were president. [Scroll down] In a campaign interview, he says Egypt is not a U.S. ally,
prompting a public correction by no less than Carter. Even worse, his administration (including his secretary of State) seems unwilling to call
the attacks premeditated or even terrorism and wants to blame an obscure anti-Muhammad video. On the Sunday talk shows, his U.N. ambassador claims
the Libya attack was "not ... premeditated." She is immediately repudiated by the Libyan president, who states there's "no doubt that this was
pre-planned, determined." And media report that U.S. diplomats in Libya had been warned three days before that attack. Then we hear that a
terrorist released from Gitmo was involved. The president, bear in mind, did not attend a single daily intelligence briefing during that period.
And still keeps campaigning and talking to celebrities.
the media are massively biased towards Obama. The Republicans aren't worried about Romney performing well in Wednesday's debate.
They're worried about how the mainstream media will choose to report it.
Pollster To Megyn Kelly: Media Guilty Of Corruption Of The First Order' For Protecting Obama. Former Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell
appeared on Fox News Channel with Megyn Kelly on Monday to elaborate on a talk he gave recently in which he claimed that the media has today become "the
enemy of the American people." Caddell called the media's deliberate downplaying of certain stories that could damage Barack Obama's electoral
prospects as "corruption of the first order."
WaPo: 'Will Romney Reach out to Racists?'.
According to Wikipedia and another source, The Root is an online magazine devoted to black culture. It's also owned by The Washington
Post. Saturday, The Root published an entire article devoted to this headline: Will Romney Reach out to Racists in Debates?
The subtext of the article is even more noxious; that if Romney does win it will be due to racism.
Top Ten Reasons the 2007 Obama Video
Matters in 2012. Once the Daily Caller story did hit, and it became clear that Tucker Carlson had found never-before-seen video of
Obama in a way voters have never seen him, none of that mattered. The desperate narrative to protect Obama had already been set and, as
though the rest of us were insane, the corrupt media doubled down in its efforts to tell those of us who had never seen this video that we had.
Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease. There's nothing more entertaining than
watching in real-time as an elite member of the corrupt media completely loses his cool over something he has no
control over. And more importantly, something that might derail all the wicked work he's done to drag a
failed president over the reelection finish line.
about Senator Obama's 2007 speech.
D'Souza Can't Quite Accept the Real Obama.
[Scroll down] The major media have used their power to suppress the truth about Obama. A researcher like [Dinesh] D'Souza has to work
around them. [...] More troubling is the willingness of D'Souza and his colleagues in the established conservative media to join in the suppression.
For the most part, they will not touch issues like Obama's Social Security number, the birth certificate, his passport and travel inconsistencies, his
dubious parentage, his radical affiliations, his school records, or the authorship question. More often than not, they ridicule those who raise
these issues, often without knowing what the issues are.
Explaining the Media Devotion to Obama.
Barack Obama boasted that he was not a lightweight like President Bill Clinton, who claimed that he "never inhaled." He was a sage — an
accomplished drug user who bragged about consuming cocaine and marijuana. At once I knew that the drug culture (media included) would worship
Barack Obama with the same reverence that they paid Tommy Chong. That they would elevate Barack Obama to celebrity rock star status.
Dismisses Obama Video as Old News, Edits Out Jeremiah Wright Comments. In a stunning omission on Wednesday's NBC Today,
brief coverage of a 2007 video of Barack Obama completely ignored the then-Senator praising his controversial pastor Jeremiah Wright as a
"great leader, not just in Chicago, but all across the country."
JournoList plotted to kill Jeremiah
Wright story in 2008. Now that The Daily Caller has uncovered and published video of President Barack Obama's "other race speech," liberal
media figures are once again trying to quell coverage of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright story — just like in 2008. Records obtained by TheDC
in mid-2010 showed that "at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their
favored candidate," after ABC News' Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos asked then-Sen. Obama about his controversial reverend during an April 2008
Matthews Meltdown Mirrors
Mainstream Media Panic. There were no tingles running up Matthews' leg as Romney pulled back the curtain to reveal Obama was no wizard,
but a charlatan. His ballistic response to Romney's verbal waterboarding of the empty suit to his left confirmed the observation of ABC's Jake
Tapper that the media were in the tank for Obama in 2008 and are again. The fourth estate has been Obama's fifth column.
Obama's Boys on
the Bus. It comes quite naturally to these pillars of the mainstream media to elevate issues with a pro-Obama
tilt. And they're not even the biggest contributors to the liberal bias that has dominated media coverage of the presidential
race. The bias has been so massive, palpable, and unprecedented that the scales have begun to fall from the eyes of a few
stalwarts of the media establishment.
Mitt Romney: The Whitest Man in the Room?
Some time back, I suggested that Romney is so squeaky-clean that, in their campaign, the Obamanistas would be reduced to snark-attacks focusing on the
three things upon which they feel they can hurt him — viz., that he is a rich, white Mormon. That is precisely how the campaign has
played out. The Obama allies in the mainstream media (MSM) — which is to say, the entire MSM — have written dozens of hit
pieces on Mormonism — pieces that never appeared, needless to say, during the time that rich, white Mormon Harry Reid (D-NV) has ruled
the U.S. Senate.
The Media Has Stopped Filling In The Blanks
For The Obama Campaign. President Barack Obama's campaign has responded to the newfound adversity he faced after his debate loss with a
stunning lack of competency. What is even more revealing about the political earthquake that has occurred since the debates, the media has stopped
filling in the blanks for team Obama.
The liberal media loved Obama to death.
Obama had seen that his friends would protect him, and so he believed he could mail it in Wednesday [10/3/2012], but this was the venue that could not
be spun. No filter. No edits. No choosing what to put in or leave out. No shaping of the story. Just the story itself,
rolled out in real time, sans narration, before 70 million American voters, undoing six years of hype and hysterics. It revealed one small,
not all that keen academic, having been inflated by the narrators beyond all recognition, dissolving before everyone's eyes.
ABC's McFadden
Gushes to Michelle Obama: Do You Face 'Extra Pressures and Responsibilities?'. Nightline co-anchor Cynthia McFadden continued her
fawning, multi-part profile of Michelle Obama on Monday night [10/8/2012], worrying about the "extra responsibilities" that Mrs. Obama faces as an
African American First Lady.
It's scary, how much the New York Times is in
the tank for Obama over Libya. Radio talk show host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham was right when she confronted New York Times political
reporter Jeff Zeleny on the set of "Fox News Sunday" this weekend: "I would hope that the New York Times, as they camped outside of Scooter Libby's house
during the whole Valerie Plame thing — are you guys camped out of the Susan Rice residence?" She said, "This is ridiculous and I think the
press is partly culpable here." And she wasn't alone in voicing that sentiment.
Chris Matthews: Is
challenging Obama unconstitutional? [Scroll down] After the clip ended, Matthews seemed appalled. "I
don't think [Romney] understands the Constitution of the United States," Matthews said. "He's the president of the United
States. You don't say, 'You'll get your chance.'"
Klein: Benghazi Consulate Controversy 'The October Mirage - It Really Isn't An Issue'. The Obama-loving media were out in force Sunday
[10/21/2012] downplaying the significance of the White House's ever-changing position on the attacks on our consulate in Benghazi last month.
E-mails Break; Morning Shows Minimize Pressure on Team Obama. On Tuesday evening, CBS broke wide open a story on State
Department e-mails showing the White House knew on September 11 that the consulate in Benghazi was subjected to a terrorist attack,
and that terrorists took credit on Facebook and Twitter. But by Wednesday [10/24/2012], the three network morning shows weren't
leaping to follow up.
Williams Treats Obama as a Victim of Bad Intelligence on Benghazi. Even after all the e-mails and information has come
out over the past few weeks proving dissembling by President Obama himself and other administration officials on what they knew about
the Benghazi attack and how their public pronouncements did not match reality, NBC's Brian Williams, on Thursday's [10/25/2012]
Rock Center, treated President Obama as a victim of bad intelligence who is struggling to find the truth.
Krauthammer: Lack of
Benghazi media coverage 'a journalistic scandal'. During the online portion of Fox News Channel's "Special Report" on
Wednesday [10/24/2012], Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer used some particularly harsh words to describe the media's
coverage of the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attack on the Benghazi embassy. "This is really a journalistic scandal," Krauthammer
said. "I mean, the fact there was not a word about any of this in the Times or the Post today."
and Obama: the media is trying to shore up this desperate administration. Here's one thing we can be sure of about the
Benghazi affair: almost everything we've been told since by the mainstream media is a lie, invariably one designed to shore up
the creaky and desperate Obama administration.
Actively Telling Viewers How to Vote on Gay Marriage. It should come as no surprise that MSNBC's socially liberal anchors
are biased in favor of gay marriage — saying it's an issue of "marriage equality." But on Friday's [10/26/2012]
MSNBC Live, anchor Thomas Roberts dropped all pretext of being a neutral journalist by explicitly telling viewers how they
should vote on the controversial issue. Speaking on Friday with Jennifer Chrisler, Executive Director of the Family Equality
Council, openly gay host Thomas Roberts actually told his audience how to vote on ballot questions in the states of Maryland, Maine,
Minnesota and Washington.
Obama's Homeless. There are more homeless right
now, at this point in Barack Obama's presidency, than there were at this point in Reagan's presidency. That's significant
because the homeless, at this point under Reagan, were used by liberals to torpedo Reagan's reelection bid. And yet, today,
liberals are completely silent about the homeless under Obama. Liberals have not turned the homeless into a propaganda issue
today, as they did in the 1980s.
Are the TV anchors rooting for
President Obama? It is widely perceived that the national television news industry skews left and in some cases actively
supports liberal political candidates. While that is debatable on a case-by-case basis, the evidence is overwhelming that the folks
who deliver the news to the nation are sympathetic to liberal causes, and that obviously favors President Obama during this election cycle.
Drones Armed And Ready To Attack Benghazi Terrorists — But Obama Refused To Give Order? Perhaps no more glaring example of today's
media blackout is when NBC's David Gregory cut off a guest who attempted to raise the Benghazi issue by promising to "get to that later" and then ignoring the
issue for the rest of his Sunday morning [10/28/2012] news show.
Accomplice Media, Three Years Later.
Fast and Furious should have been enough. The Accomplice Media managed to keep details of this deadly political plan under the radar for a very long
time, and when they were forced to discuss the matter, they managed to change the conversation from, "this was a cynical political ploy to bolster anti-Second
Amendment support" to, "this was a covert operation that didn't work as intended". [...] The Accomplice Media was successful in their insertion of the word,
"botched". The general American public ate it from their spoon without comprehending that the only thing that was botched was the fact that the Obama
administration got caught red-handed.
Cindy Sheehan Was
Cheered, Charles Woods Is Ignored. During the 2004 presidential campaign, a media eager to deny George W. Bush
a second term made Cindy Sheehan, who lost a son in Iraq, a national heroine and reported virtually her every word and move. [...] But
nobody in a mainstream media eager to see President Obama get a second term is bringing the Benghazi debate to the White House
doorstep. On all the Sunday [10/28/2012] talk shows, when Benghazi was brought up, the moderator quickly changed subjects.
Comedians Joke about Romney ... Again
and Again and Again. Late-night TV comedians want you to laugh at Republicans, and especially at Mitt Romney. A study by the Center for
Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University found that late-night comedians overwhelmingly target Republicans in their comedy routines.
Study: TV Comics Hit Mitt Most. Late night TV talk-show comedians have
told more jokes about Mitt Romney than about all Democrats combined since the party nominating conventions, according to a new study of political
humor by the Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA). Overall, the study found that Republicans were the targets of jokes more than twice as
often as Democrats, with the greatest disparity occurring in David Letterman's monologues.
Category 5 Media Bias On Display In Wake Of
Sandy. At an event for Hurricane Sandy victims, reporters pummel Mitt Romney to answer questions about FEMA. This is the same press
corps that refuses to ask President Obama a single tough question about Benghazi.
Media Favoritism May Be Hurting Obama.
This election's X-factor may be a gift to Romney from the mainstream media. It is the suppression of public expression of support for
him. However, while pre-election polls may not have been fully recording it, Election Day may finally capture Romney's true support
level for the first time — to Obama's ultimate detriment.
Media Celebrate Increased Unemployment, Lower
Wages. In January of 2009, when President Obama took office, the unemployment rate was 7.8%. Four years and around $5 trillion
dollars in debt later, it's 7.9%. When Obama took office the long-term unemployment (U-6) rate was 14.2%. Today, it's 14.6%.
Obama promised us 5.2%. And, still, the media celebrates the jobs numbers.
Wave goodbye to the Obama media.
By tomorrow night we'll likely know the name of the next president. But we already know the loser in this election cycle: political
reporters. They've disgraced themselves. Conservatives have long complained about liberal bias in the media, and with some justification.
But it has finally reached the tipping point. Not in our lifetimes have so many in the press dropped the pretense of objectivity in order to
help a political candidate. The media are rooting for Barack Obama. They're not hiding it.
Journalists Found Donating
Heavily to Obama Campaign. Here in the waning days of this campaign for the White House, Politico reports that many journalists, editors,
and news personnel have donated thousands to Barack Obama's reelection campaign.
Chicago Sun Times: 'Diversity' for
Obama, Racists for Romney. Lynn Sweet, columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, is once again banging that liberal drumbeat that Romney's
voters are all racist white folks because crowds at Obama's rallies are more "diverse."
We Got to 'Death to America' in Dearborn. "G*d [...] America!" was the first and only
serious crisis of Barack Obama's ascension to the Democrats' presidential nomination in 2008.
[No it wasn't; see note below.] Obama's longtime pastor, Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity
United Church of Christ, said those words repeatedly in an infamous videotaped sermon. In an earlier
age, a presidential contender sitting still and keeping his mouth shut during years of sermons like
Wright's would have torpedoed Obama's presidential ambitions.
The Editor says...
Jeremiah Wright was one problem, but there was also legitimate concern about Obama's college transcripts, his questionable
citizenship status, his forged birth certificate, his phony Social Security number, and other matters that the news media
refused to discuss.
This is an original
compilation, Copyright © 2025 by Andrew K. Dart
Why We Lost the Republic. With a record that should
have made a second term nearly impossible, conservatives should be asking ourselves how the Obama camp got close enough to a majority vote to win the
election — if they indeed won it — or even to steal it, if that is what really happened. One conventional answer is that
most of the news media were in the tank for Obama, that they kept the lid on scandals like the deadly Benghazi fiasco and the subsequent White House
cover-up, and that they got their talking points from the White House.
N.Y. Times: MSNBC
Voice Of Obama's America. The New York Times, in a puff piece about its spiritual cousin MSNBC, said that the
leftist network is the megaphone for Barack Obama.
Veracity No Longer Required
To Be President. Today, Barack Obama showed why trips to the dentist are more frequent than formal press conferences.
Fortunately for him, though, he doesn't have to demonstrate leadership, honesty, transparency, or a full command of the issues in them to
be deemed successful by a fawning White House Press Corps.
Sure, our ambassador was murdered and the Obama administration is lying about it, but the real story is that McCain
is a grouch. CNN wants you to look over there! [...] Here's the rule: When a Republican screws up, that's the story. When a
Democrat screws up, the Republican response is the story.
There We Went Again. Most observers of the 2008 presidential
campaign — even including some liberals after the fact — were shocked and appalled by the media's pro-Barack Obama sycophancy.
Unfortunately, the intentional and unintentional advocacy of the media on behalf of Obama was even worse in 2012.
CBS boosts Obama adulation, likens President to
Lincoln. On Thursday's [11/15/2012] CBS This Morning, open Obama supporter Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell repeatedly prompted liberal historian
Doris Kearns Goodwin to equate the newly-reelected President Obama to Abraham Lincoln.
CBS and Another 'Obama is Lincoln' Story. On the network morning show recently
breaking in as the top rated morning program, CBS This Morning hosts Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell kicked off their Lincoln segment attempting to link Abe
Lincoln and Obama by gravely wondering if there was a "lesson for Obama, now in his second term, with Lincoln?"
MSNBC's Bias Against Mitt Romney Was Astonishing.
No one really expects MSNBC's coverage to put a positive spin on Republicans — but in the final week of the 2012 presidential campaign, the network's
coverage toward presidential nominee Mitt Romney skewed entirely negative.
Is the Petraeus Scandal an Obama Scandal? The news media are continuing to try to
protect the Obama administration from a rapidly growing scandal. A November 13th article in The Washington Post by Scott Wilson argued that Obama "has been
untouched by the unfolding investigation involving former CIA director David Petraeus," a view that belongs on the opinion page under the heading, "wishful thinking,"
not on the news pages.
Benghazi gate.
After almost 3/4 of a year the president finally holds a press conference but the press fails to show up. I mean they physically showed up but not
journalistically. In the world of politics and press when the press fawns over someone they find a way to either not ask a probing question or they simply
ask a non-consequential one. That is what happened on Wednesday when the president was served up a bunch of softball questions that made for one of the
dullest press conferences in recent memory.
How The Press Helped Obama Over The Finish Line.
It's hard to see how press coverage of President Obama's re-election bid could have gotten any more biased, but a new report shows the media managed to outdo themselves
the week before voters went to the polls.
Pew: Positive media coverage
of Obama surged in campaign's final week. President Obama had his best run of media coverage during the final week of the campaign, while positive coverage
of Mitt Romney dwindled, according to a study released Monday from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism.
Media Hype Comparisons of Obama to Lincoln.
One was a self-educated rail-splitter and circuit lawyer in humble frontier towns. The other is an Ivy League-educated radical who only ventured
out from his comfortable Hyde Park digs for some day work stirring up trouble as a "community organizer." But to watch MSNBC is to learn that
Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama have so much in common.
Now They Tell Us The Economy
Stinks. Little noticed in President Obama's "fiscal cliff" plan is a demand for a huge new stimulus package. Wait!
Wasn't he and everyone in the press telling us just before the election how the economy was gathering steam? [...] In the crucial last few
weeks before the election, the mainstream media were falling over themselves painting a rosy economic picture. Every upbeat bit of
data made it to the front page; any bad news got buried.
Williams Fantasizes Over Change in Constitution Allowing Obama to Control Business by Fiat. In an interview with
Apple CEO Tim Cook for Thursday's NBC Rock Center, host Brian Williams wondered why the tech giant couldn't be a "made-in-America
company" and outlined a political scenario in which President Obama was all-powerful: "Let's say our Constitution was a little
different and Barack Obama called you in tomorrow and said, 'Get everybody out of China and do whatever you have to do, make these,
make everything you make in the United States.'"
President Obama's Pravda. The president has rewarded his campaign loyalists from MSNBC with an off-schedule West Wing meeting, where
he's given them new talking points to win the next battle over taxes. Yes, this state-press collusion is happening in your capital, not just
Caracas or Havana. The lovefest between Obama and MSNBC toadies Lawrence O'Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton actually took
place on Dec. 4.
NBC News to Obama: How to Beat 2nd Amendment
Advocates. As we learned during the election, Barack Obama can always count on NBC News to help him navigate his way to whatever victory he
seeks. This morning [12/17/2012], NBC's First Read — written by Chuck Todd and others — is all within the context of winning the argument
over the passage of laws that would restrict the law-abiding from purchasing the ability to defend themselves — in other words, having access
to guns.
Hillary Clinton Must Answer for Benghazi.
It's almost as if many in the mainstream press wish we could switch temporarily to a monarchy. That way we could coronate Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and
assure her role as our next leader and be done with it. [...] Four Americans lay dead because of these failures, and most of the media seems entirely comfortable with
this being swept under the rug.
The Fiscal Cliff Diversion. After the election the
economy has continued to implode, yet its downward plunge has been largely ignored by the mainstream media (MSM). Apparently the MSM's economic
orthodoxy is now only centered on fiscal cliff narratives. The MSM's focus on the cliff gives Obama, their hero, economic cover since the cliff
story is the economic story and not the terrible economic results occurring weekly and monthly.
The gospel according to David. [David]
Gregory appears to be a disciple of his Lord the President. Gregory seeks to disseminate the Obama gospel. "Is this your Lincoln moment?"
Gregory actually asked him. And that may not have been the worst of it.
Networks Ignore Obama's Lie About Mom's Cancer.
This level of dishonesty from the national networks is not merely disgraceful, it's dangerous. Without a free and HONEST press, the Republic can't survive.
The Four-Year Honeymoon.
President Obama never disappoints. When the monthly unemployment rate fails to drop, forget it. What's important
is the number of jobs created. But when the rate actually does drop, forget the growth (or lack of it) in jobs.
It's the rate that matters. And don't blame Obama for the persistence of slow economic growth and high joblessness.
That's the "new normal." As for the millions of dropouts from the job market, that's no big deal, hardly worth more than
a passing mention.
Democrat Hurricanes
Versus Republican Hurricanes. Mature adults understand that earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters are an unfortunate
fact of life. They further know that government agencies are, by their very nature, slow and lumbering animals. [Paul] Krugman was
right about one thing, though. Sandy would not be Obama's Katrina because the press is on his side.
The Obama-Media Love Affair.
Media bias is not just a "problem" or an "annoyance." It is a fundamental challenge to the political health and future of America.
Hosts In 'Really Deep' Segment On Need To Call Him 'President Barack Obama' In Every Single Reference. On Friday, MSNBC's The
Cycle investigated the outrage directed at cohost Steve Kornacki, as well as other journalists, for referring to President Barack Obama
simply as "Obama" after the first reference. Seriously and without irony, this happened. [...] Kornacki says he was inundated by angry
emails and tweets from the president's supporters after he referred to Obama on the second reference as simply "Obama."
Candy Crowley
On Lack Of Diversity In Obama White House: 'Does It Matter?'. It really has been amazing to watch Obama's media cover for the lack
of diversity in his cabinet picks. [...] Throughout 2012, Americans were bludgeoned on a daily basis by people such as Crowley about the
so-called Republican war on women and how the GOP was the party of white men. [...] Now that Obama is appointing almost exclusively white men to
serve him in his second term, skin color and gender no longer matter.
There's No Sin at This
Inauguration. Sheryl Gay Stolberg's New York Times piece on Rev. Louie Giglio has since been scrubbed, but here's the original
language: "An official with Mr. Obama's Presidential Inaugural Committee said the committee, which operates separately from the White
House, vetted Mr. Giglio. People familiar with internal discussions between administration and committee officials said the White House
viewed the selection as a problem for Mr. Obama, and told the panel on Wednesday night to quickly fix it. By Thursday morning,
Mr. Giglio said he had withdrawn." [...] But now, the story eliminates any indication of White House pressure on Giglio — it's
just gone, as if it never happened.
media glazes over Obama press conference attacks, contradictions. President Barack Obama's Jan. 14 press
conference included many attacks and much self-praise and numerous contradictory charges — few of which were
recognized or highlighted by the reporters that presented the event in terms vary favorable to the president.
Levin Trashes CBS's Bob Schieffer: 'Phony Journalist,' 'Propagandist' And Obama 'Cheerleader'. After CBS reporter Bob
Schieffer compared taking on the gun lobby to ending segregation or America defeating the Nazis in World War II, conservative radio
host Mark Levin bashed the journalist as a "phony" who is a "propagandist" acting as a "cheerleader" for the Obama administration.
"You should hear the media today. It's pathetic. If we were talking about the First Amendment as I've said repeatedly, they'd
be going nuts about a dictator," Levin began. "But because we're talking about the Second Amendment, they cheer him on.[..."]
Campaign journalists 'swooned' over Obama during off-the-record bar visit. "The behavior of the assembled press corps was
telling. Everyone, myself included, swooned. Swooned! Head over heels. One or two might have even lost their
minds," [Michael] Hastings writes, as each reporter had a chance to speak personally with the president. "We were all, on some
level, deeply obsessed with Obama, crushing hard, still a little love there. This was nerd heaven, a politico's paradise, the
subject himself moving among us — shaking our hands, slapping our shoulders!"
CBS News' Political
Director: Obama Must 'Destroy' Republican Party. The author of this outrageous left-wing fever dream is John Dickerson,
whom Slate describes as "Slate's chief political correspondent". What Slate leaves out of its little bio, though, is that
Dickerson is also the political director at CBS News. Dickerson is merely being Dickerson, and there's no doubt he speaks for
legions upon legions of those in the media today.
Do You Know What is Happening in Mali?
During the third debate of the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney talked about Mali and the danger al-Qaeda represented there.
The Obamamedia laughed and derided Romney, carrying Barack Obama's water and continued advancing the fraud that Obama had decimated
al-Qaeda, even though al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists had taken over an American consulate and killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya
just weeks prior. Surprise!
Leader: CNN Correspondent Wrote Obama Letter Every Day for Four Years. Most people would cut a 13-year-old girl some slack if she
became obsessed enough with Justin Bieber to write the teen singer emails and letters all the time, but what if an ostensibly professional
journalist were to do the same to a politician? This odd scenario actually is not a hypothetical, however. A CNN correspondent named
Tom Foreman has been doing just that, writing a letter every single day to President Obama for the past four years.
CNN's Slobbering Love Affair with
Obama's Inaugural Speech. Anderson Cooper, Gloria Borger, Dana Bash, David Gergen, etc. not only couldn't bring themselves to
criticize anything in Barack Obama's Inaugural speech (really, he's going to make hard choices to reduce the deficit and health care costs?), but
after a good half-hour of post-speech analysis, the gushing became nauseating. And what won CNN's hearts? Well, what always and so
easily wins over this simplistic crowd: identity politics.
Matthews: Obama 2nd Inaugural Akin to Gettysburg Address. Barack Obama is perhaps the only modern president who has had the
burden of swatting away comparisons between his own soaring rhetoric and that of our 16th president. You may recall that, in the wake of
the Newtown massacre, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter David Maraniss gushed over the president's remarks, writing, "People will long remember
what Barack Obama said in Newtown," and calling the speech "[Obama's] Gettysburg address."
Obama's Secret
Beer Summit With Reporters Turns Into Swoonfest. In his illuminating new e-book on covering the Obama re-election campaign,
Buzzfeed reporter Michael Hastings reveals that President Obama secretly joined reporters for drinks once while the campaign was in Orlando,
Fla. The "beer summit" with supporters is described by Hastings as little like teenage fans meeting Justin Bieber during his North
American tour.
Obama Speech Ignores Failed
Economy; Media Gushes Anyway. Imagine an alternate universe where it was George W. Bush, or any Republican, sworn in for a
second term yesterday — but with Obama's economic record. Imagine if after spending nearly a trillion dollars on tax cuts
(instead of stimulus), Bush stood before the nation and gave an ideological address that focused almost solely on divisive social issues and
never once mentioned his struggling economy.
Obama's Bogus Journey. The world will little
note nor long remember anything President Barack Obama said in his second inaugural address; still less will it remember any of the gushing
encomiums his admirers in the press reliably produce, comparing him variously to Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln and Jesus.
Obama said that developing "sustainable-energy sources" is "what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared." Does anyone
believe that in a week anyone will find that an arresting and compelling thought? Or credit it for being a thought at all?
Church, Obama's Pastor Calls Republicans "The Enemies" — Starts Chanting "Forward". Obama went to church today in
Washington DC. His pastor used the story of Moses to call Republicans "the enemies." And, started chanting "Forward!" [...] For some
strange reason the Obama-media didn't think this outrageous service was newsworthy.
CNN reporter
writes letter to Santa Claus every single day for four years. Wait, no, not Santa Claus. What's the name of the
other jolly fellow who hands out free toys and candy to everyone as if by magic, and only the emotionally stunted believe in
him? Oh yeah, that's right: President Barack Obama. I had never heard of Tom Foreman before today, but that's only
because he's on CNN.
CNN Correspondent: 'I Feel Like I Should Pinch Myself Right Now'. CNN correspondent Jim Acosta was positively giddy while
covering President Obama's inauguration parade on Monday afternoon, and didn't hold back his feelings on-air. "You know, I feel
like I should pinch myself right now, Wolf. I can't believe I have this vantage point of history in the making," Acosta gushed.
On Obama's 'Amateurish' Press Corps: 'When They're Near Him, They Lose Their Minds'. Rolling Stone reporter Michael
Hastings, author of the BuzzFeed special book on the 2012 campaign Panic 2012, joined Martin Bashir on Thursday where he revealed that
journalists who covered President Barack Obama during the campaign were sometimes so overcome by his presence that they would "lose their
minds" and behave in "juvenile" and "amateurish" ways. Among other anecdotes, Hastings admitted that he once had the opportunity to ask
the president hard questions, but was so similarly moved by his presence that he only asked "soft" questions.
Mitchell Claims Obama Said Only Guests Shot Skeet — But Even New Republic Editor Contradicts Her. How big of an
Obama lapdog is Andrea Mitchell? Even bigger than ardent Obama fan Chris Hughes. The Facebook co-founder, who bought the New
Republic last year, recently scored an interview with President Obama that has been criticized for its generally soft questioning.
But during an appearance on Mitchell's MSNBC show today, even Hughes was more candid about the prez than Mitchell.
Kroft's Softball Obama Interviews Diminish '60 Minutes'. On 60 Minutes, the news-magazine show that prides itself
on "hard-hitting" investigations and interviews, correspondent Steve Kroft, who has won most of the highest awards in his industry, has
just broadcast another softball interview with the most powerful man in the world, a performance that ought to earn him a rebuke from his
peers in the news business but almost certainly won't.
Media Bias in the Age of Obama.
[Steve] Kroft, as embarrassing as his interview was, is merely symptomatic of a larger phenomenon: the unprecedented swooning and
cheerleading by the press for Barack Obama. To say that the elite media has a liberal bias is similar to declaring that the sun
rises in the east. But it's never been this transparent, the infatuation never this deep, the advocacy this passionate.
'Obamedia' Ignore Major Events, Fabricate Others. Would Communist Russia's TASS news agency or Pravda newspaper have been
any more subservient to the party in power, the chief executive who leads it, or the ideology at their foundation than America's major
media outlets are being to Barack Obama, the Democratic Party and their socialist-style liberalism?
Admits: Obama Likes Me Because I Throw Softballs. CBS News reporter Steve Kroft has been deemed President Obama's
"Go-to Interviewer." Appearing on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight [1/28/2013] he divulged why the President likes him so much.
What does the
president mean by giving everyone a 'fair shot?'. [Scroll down] All this points to the abject failure of the MSM to
perform its role of investigative critical analysis. Our once vaunted free press held politicians accountable and asked hard
questions of politicians and did not brook evasive answers.
A Shameless Media. Bob Schieffer of CBS News
described President Obama's recent opening remarks at the gun control press conference as, "one of the best speeches I've ever heard him
deliver". Schieffer went on to praise the president's cause as similar to the ten-year hunt for Osama bin Laden and Lyndon Johnson's
successful attempt to pass civil rights legislation. Although Schieffer indicated that more than an Obama speech would be required,
this wasn't objective journalism but slobbering praise for a man with a checkered record of accomplishment.
'essentially' ran 'a voter suppression campaign'. [Scroll down] I'm always saving and categorizing noteworthy
stories I read — essentially taking notes — just in case they prove useful later. In this case, the
moment I figured I'd have to write something about media bias came on September 12 or 13. I was sitting next to
Washington Examiner writer Phil Klein, who remarked in disbelief that the story about Benghazi — a huge story about Obama
over-promising and under-delivering on Middle East policy — was being turned into a story about a Romney gaffe.
Media Spins
Unemployment Increase as Good News. Apparently, the increase in the unemployment rate means the economy is so
good, more people are joining the labor force ... except 169,000 people dropped out of the labor force, and the economy isn't
good; it collapsed over three points in the last quarter and shrunk 0.1 [percent(?)]. The AP called today's news
"upbeat," you know, even though consumer confidence hit a two-year low.
On Bias, Yet Again. Any statement which helps Obama is deemed
presumptively true by liberals. No fact-checking needed, no skepticism applied; if it helps Obama, then it must be true, right?
Obama Operatives
Training Media How to Sell Obamacare. The Old Media is getting a little help from team Obama on how to report about
Obamacare the "correct" way. To achieve that goal, Obama operatives are setting up propaganda symposiums for journalists and
giving large cash donations to journalism associations to help spread Obama's word. This Obamacare propaganda campaign seriously
blurs the line between government and "journalism" and seems to be a blatant attempt by team Obama to write the media's Obamacare stories
for them.
What Difference Does It Make? Every day brings news that
would be utterly different had Mitt Romney won the 2012 election. To answer the question Hillary Clinton recently posed to the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee in another context: The facts on the ground make all the difference indeed. Even the dimmest New
York magazine blogger ought to be prepared to admit that a hypothetical Romney administration would be subjected to far stricter scrutiny
by the U.S. media than President Barack Obama has experienced.
ABC, CBS, NBC Slant 8 to 1 for Obama's Gun Control Crusade. CBS was the most stridently anti-gun rights network.
By a whopping 22 to 1 ratio, CBS aired more stories that favored gun control (44) to those that supported gun rights (2),
with 37 neutral pieces. ABC aired almost six times as many stories that favored gun control (29) to those that favored gun
rights, with 25 neutral stories.
and WaPo Got Pulitzers Disclosing Secrets Under Bush — Those Secrets Are Safe Under Obama. The media
complicity in President Obama's drone strategy gets more and more astonishing with each passing day. On Wednesday [2/6/2013],
Britain's Guardian published a piece with the incredible sub-headline "New York Times and Washington Post knew about secret drone
base in Saudi Arabia but agreed not to disclose it to the public."
Why Does the Media Go
Easy on Barack Obama? Allegations of liberal media bias are almost constant in the conservative press, but their
intensity has increased since President Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared together on 60 Minutes, where interviewer Steve
Kroft posed "softball" questions that were almost comically obsequious. "Mr. Kroft, as embarrassing as his interview was, is merely
symptomatic of a larger phenomenon: the unprecedented swooning and cheerleading by the press for Barack Obama," Peter Wehner wrote
in Commentary, echoing an argument voiced by many on the right.
Supplies Secret To Restoring Washington's Good Name: More Government Programs. Nowadays, our nation's capital is in such
ill-repute that if George Washington were around, he might sue to have his name taken off it. But never fear: restoring
Washington's good name is just a few trillion dollars away! So Chris Matthews assures us in an MSNBC "Lean Forward" promo that is
currently airing. After ticking off a number of big-government programs initated under past presidents, Matthews continues:
"we got to get back to that, and then Washington will have a good name again."
NY Times Notices Obama Tax Hikes Are
Crushing Americans, Fails to Mention Obama. This should be the first in a series. Wait until these poor [people] start have to paying $20,000 a
family to start for their free ObamaCare. Still, curiously missing from this story is the name of the man responsible for this massive tax hike.
Media Cover Up True State
of Our Union. Even though Obama has failed miserably when it comes to managing the economy, and things have only
gotten worse during his watch, the American media has spent the last two years intentionally covering this fact up. Instead
of reporting on and pressuring the White House to solve a problem afflicting tens of millions, the media prefers to work in tandem
with the White House to manufacture divisive distractions that boost his standing.
Without Serious Spending
Cuts, the Conservative Base Will Walk Away. What the Fiscal Cliff deal also illustrates is the utter mendacity of Democrats who for years
droned on and on about the Bush tax rates as "tax cuts for the wealthy." The vast majority of Democrats (49 in the Senate and 172 in the House) voted
to make the evil Bush tax rates permanent. The lapdog media, however, contends that the president won big in the Fiscal Cliff deal.
'WaPo': Rise in Gas Prices Has Absolutely Nothing
To Do With Obama. Hot Air's Ed Morrissey helps to clear up the Washington Post's confusion over the startling 45 cent rise in
gas prices in a single month. What's also of interest, though, is a word found nowhere in the Post's 750-worder; and that word is "Obama."
Not once does the Post question, examine, or consider how White House policies or lack thereof might be exploding the price of a gallon of gas.
Times Square Billboards: 'It's Time the Liberal
Media Stop Censoring the News!' The Media Research Center (MRC), a conservative watchdog group that tracks liberal bias in the news, rented five large
billboards in Times Square over the weekend as part of its "Stop Censoring the News" campaign to educate the public about how certain media outlets apparently are
spinning their coverage or simply censoring news critical of the Obama administration to protect and promote a liberal agenda.
Media Protect Obama By
Ignoring Gasoline Price Rise. As of Tuesday [2/19/2013], U.S. gasoline prices had increased for 32 straight days.
The media, however, aren't interested. They would be, though, if a Republican — particularly a Bush — were
in the White House.
and NBC News: Is journalistic integrity dead? The truth seekers have gone, the truth tellers are rapidly dying off.
The "news" is little more than political campaign for a particular party. Every subject is skewed and skewered to the point that
everything you see hear and read should be taken with the proverbial "grain of salt." A recent article on the popular progressive
website Politico refers to Obama as a "puppet master", calling him "a master at limiting, shaping and manipulating media coverage of
himself and his White House." While this states the obvious, they go wrong in their claim that the media is powerless to do anything
except parrot White House press releases and accept them as cold hard facts. Whatever happened to questioning the "facts"?
Obama's obedient lap dog.
For more than four years, the fawning mainstream coverage of the president has been a national disgrace. The only standard was a
double standard, and Obama accepted the adoration and demanded more. Never lacking in self-reverence, he came to believe that he
can arbitrarily set the terms of news coverage, and cleverly uses carrots and sticks to get his way. He doles out interviews and
chances to ask questions at news conferences to organizations whose coverage flatters him and promotes his agenda.
Liberal Bias Central to Obama
Media Edge. No matter how smart the strategies employed by the White House, the president's ability to skate through four
years without getting seriously challenged by the mainstream media would not have been possible if most of those being played were not
willing accomplices. Due credit must be given to the administration's ability to take advantage of technology as well as their
brilliant if unscrupulous game playing with journalists. But without the liberal bias of most of the mainstream outlets that
let the president play them like a piano, he would come across as a bully and a demagogue rather than the reasonable nice guy seen
in those "60 Minutes" interviews he loves to give.
Enforcing the Liberal Media Omerta.
A basic rule of life: If you volunteer to be somebody's doormat, you forfeit the right to complain about the footprints on your
back. The White House has merely exploited the unabashed fandom of the journalistic elite, which is so overwhelmingly liberal
that they were only too happy for the opportunity to publish daily valentines to their presidential heartthrob.
Obama holds off-record meeting with top White House reporters. President Barack Obama held an off-the-record meeting with
top White House reporters on Thursday afternoon [2/21/2013], POLITICO has learned. The meeting, with reporters from major print
and television outlets, comes days after the White House Correspondents Association complained publicly about their lack of access to
the president during a golf outing in Palm Beach, Fla., and one day after Obama met with local television reporters.
Why was Michelle
Obama at the Oscars? It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now
the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the
benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband's election). [...] It makes both the president and the
first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird.
The Editor says...
The Obamas simply can't stand to let a day go by without one or both of them being on television. Mrs. Obama is obviously
being groomed to run for President in 2016, much like George Wallace's wife, Lurleen, the proxy governor of Alabama in the 1960s.
Mrs. Obama is no less qualified than her husband to be the president, but that's not saying much.
The Oscars, the Obamas and
Camelot. The Obamas are the beneficiaries of a media whose liberal bias is beyond doubt. They also have a
skillful staff that is ruthlessly manipulative and takes full advantage of social media and creative tactics. But mere
bias and smart tactics don't fully explain it. No president or presidential family has been treated by the mainstream
media with the sort of deference if not reverential awe the Obamas get since John F. Kennedy and his beautiful wife were
in the White House.
The Media Threat to Democracy.
I have absolutely no doubt that Barrack Hussein Obama won election and re-election on the strength of mainstream media support for
him and his leftist ideology. It certainly wasn't that Obama had distinguished himself in his career. He had accomplished
nothing other than getting himself elected to office, and he did that by dazzling the mainstream media. He had few, if any,
qualifications for the presidency. And he has yet to satisfactorily prove to many that he is even eligible for the position.
How then does someone like Obama get elected and then re-elected after a disastrous first term?
Puppet Press Finally
Realizing It's Being Abused By Obama. As early as last spring, the airwaves were being saturated with slick, systematic
accusations that Mitt Romney was everything from a Mormon Ebenezer Scrooge, to finance felon, to murderer of the cancer-stricken wife
of a laid-off union employee, to torturer of his family dog. It was so effective that Romney's grand slam in the first debate
couldn't undo the damage. Where were the media during all of this? Comfortably in the Obama team's camp, compliantly allowing
their strings to be pulled.
Sequester fabrication
revealed. Never underestimate the White House's ability to mislead voters or the willingness of lefty pundits and
mainstream media journalists (some overlap there) to be misled.
Woodward: Obama Sequester Cuts
'Madness'. Obama proposed sequester, got it passed into law, blamed it on the other party, and the media is letting
him get away with it.
Cult of Obama:
List of Journalists Throwing Woodward Under Bus. The media stands by its own, at least until one of its own upsets The
Narrative. Not even a living legend is immune from this rule. In the case of Bob Woodward, his detailed and lengthy reporting
on sequester has resulted in the possible derailing of the most crucial Narrative the White House and media are likely to launch this
year. The fate of Obama's second term and even his legacy rest on it.
Fact-Checker Blasts White House Sequester Scare Tactics. The President of the United States is lying. He's not
lying about his personal life sex a la Bill Clinton; he's lying about policy. And he's not just lying; he's brazenly lying,
audaciously lying. Obama and the media know the stakes in this battle are enormous. If the GOP and sequester can't be
blamed for our failed economy, Obama and his big government philosophy will be. That simply can't be allowed to happen.
Report About Director's Resignation 'Inaccurate And Misleading'. Is it a coincidence that Gary Mead, the director of
Enforcement and Removal Operations for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a division of the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), is suddenly retiring after DHS came under fire for releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants? The Associated Press doesn't
appear to think so.
All the
President's unaccountable men. When Bob Woodward, one of Washington's most distinguished journalists, accuses the
White House of rewriting history, even liberals should take note. And when the White House responds by threatening him, you'd
think the story would become a national scandal.
Talks Sequester Doom Then Gives $250 Million to Egypt. John Kerry said the U.S. is releasing $250 million
of our money to the Egyptians two days after Barack Obama predicted doom over Sequester. The media hasn't put this oddity
together. I guess it's over their heads.
Our Father, Who art in the White
House. Do you accept Barack Obama as your Lord and Savior? Chris Rock does — calling him our father, who
art in the White House. The media does as well. [...] To the media, the man can do no wrong. He is universally portrayed as
successful, moderate and bipartisan, when he has not one single measureable success, is probably the most left-wing president the nation
has ever elected, and has 'reached across the aisle' only to publically slap those who have dared to disagree, or beneficently allow
them to do as they are told.
Illustrated Names Obama One of the Most Powerful People in Sports. The media's adoration of Barack Obama knows no bounds.
Media Protects
Obama From Post-Sequester Poll Collapse. The media knows that any Narrative about Obama's fall from grace with the public
will only undermine his political capital all the more. So rather than act like journalists and report on a real story, the media
instead conspires together in silence, hoping they can ignore reality long enough to ride it out.
As U.S.
Debt Exceeds $16 Trillion, NYT Reporter Asks 'What Is So Special About a Balanced Budget?' New York Times economics
reporter Annie Lowrey's "news analysis" on Wednesday downplayed the gargantuan national debt. [...] Obama himself made the same
observation in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, saying, "My goal is not to chase a balanced budget just for the
sake of balance." The national debt figure is now running over $16 trillion, more than the Gross Domestic Product, [b]ut
those frighening [sic] figures failed to make it into Lowrey's story.
Sharp Left Turn Began With Education Takeover. Realizing that they could actually influence the national polity, including
elections, the media abandoned any semblance of journalistic balance and became shameless mouthpieces for liberalism, the Democrat
National Committee, and any political cause or candidate of the political spectrum's left side. National reporters and news
anchors have descended to the level of overt cheerleaders for the left. They blatantly run interference for Barack Obama,
even to the point of abetting the cover up of major scandals such as Benghazi.
Media refuse to interrogate Obama on his chicanery.
[Scroll down] Why, after knowing the al-Qaida leader's whereabouts for eight or nine months, did Obama suddenly order a strike on
May 2, 2011? [...] [T]he death of bin Laden erased the birth certificate issue from the news, where, thanks to Donald Trump and
author Jerome Corsi, it actually was commanding new levels of scrutiny that had prompted the White House to release its online document
at a press conference on April 27, 2011. A few days later, boom — bin Laden was dead. Wasn't that a little bit
Obamacare: The World's Ugliest Toddler.
On Saturday [3/23/2013], President Obama marked the birthday of his "most important domestic achievement" with a statement in which he
catalogued the miracles this prodigy has already performed in its first three years. Among these, you may be surprised to learn, is
that it is saving us money: "Most importantly," he said, "the growth of health care costs is beginning to slow." He made the
same claim in his SOTU address, and his toadies in the establishment media dutifully repeated it, but the facts reveal this to be just
another example of Presidential prevarication.
Compared the Palestinians to Canada? Networks Ignore The Gaffe. Radio hosts like Mark Levin and Web sites like Canada Free
Press are mocking President Obama's statement in a press conference yesterday [3/21/2013] with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, where
he compared the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to U.S.-Canada relations. What? Levin called him a "moron" for the comparison.
But ABC, CBS, and NBC failed to notice. They acted like a press release service for Obama on their newscasts Thursday night and Friday
morning [...]
Joan Walsh Shrieks Media Must Respect POTUS's Daughters, Yet Attacked Jenna Bush In 2001. The very same Joan Walsh, who
today rails about the need to show POTUS's daughters "respect" and "decency", in 2001 penned an article for Salon implying that Jenna
Bush, a teenager at the time, may have a drinking problem.
White House Scrubs First Daughters Ski Trip
Report. A local news affiliate in Idaho reported that the First Daughters, Sasha and Malia Obama, are on a Spring Break ski
trip in Sun Valley, Idaho. The story quickly spread across the Internet when picked up by the highly trafficked Drudge Report
website. But hours later, the story disappeared from the KMVT website without an update or correction. Breitbart News
confirmed that the White House requested that the post be removed.
Media compliant with White
House censorship. While spring break students visiting Washington DC are locked out of the sequestered White House,
the resident students of the White House, Malia and Sasha Obama, are enjoying their spring break. First they jetted off to
the Bahamas for sun and fun and then, for a change in weather, jetted off to Sun Valley, Idaho for some skiing. [...] But, unless
you got an early glimpse of the Drudge Report or a local Idaho television news report, the Obama sisters' double spring break
vacation disappeared from the news.
Media Ignores Lavish Obama
Vacations, Slammed Bush for Mountain Biking. Eight months into President George W. Bush's second term, the Washington
Post wrote that Bush's frequent trips to his Texas ranch symbolized "a lackadaisical approach to the world's most important day job"
and gleefully noted that Bush was intent on setting the record for being on "vacation" — or away from Washington,
D.C. — for the most number of days of any president.
Our Own Little Pravda. The Washington Post
is our own little Pravda, kissing up to Obama on every day. Each day there's a story about the pain caused by the sequester,
the idea being that any attempt to introduce a bit of fiscal sanity puts all Heaven in a rage. Coupla days ago the Post had a
story on page one above the fold on how Obamacare is empowering nurses. There will be fewer doctors and the nurses will take up the
slack. A story about how doctors will retire rather than deal with Obamacare gets a feminist spin.
A Criminologist Questions the
Bin Laden Episode. Soon after the raid, successive Obama administration renditions of the event were sufficiently contradictory
that even the leftist London Guardian was motivated to acknowledge the inconsistencies. Was Bin Laden armed, or wasn't he?
Did he resist, or didn't he? Did he use women as shields, or didn't he? Was the compound luxurious, or not? The Obama
administration said different things at different times in regard to these issues, which the London Guardian (and almost every other MSM
outlet) attributed to the "fog of war."
Pelley Hails Trilogy of Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy and Now Barack Obama. Does journalistic insistence on catapulting
President Barack Obama into historic greatness and relevance know no bounds?
How The Media
Continues To Serve As Obama's Bodyguard. [Cindy] Sheehan was given any and every platform, with the media tripping over itself, for years,
to report her words. The espoused rationale for the intense coverage was, purportedly, that this grieving mother deserved an 'explanation' for
her son's death. [...] That same media, however, who believed Sheehan was owed an explanation, is curiously dismissive of Pat Smith. Pat Smith
lost her son, Information Officer Sean Smith, in the Benghazi attack last autumn.
America's Economic Disconnect. The state of our
economy has become a constructed fantasy created largely by mainstream media (MSM) narratives. Media accounts of economic performance over the
past four years have ranged from confusing to inaccurate to flagrant happy talk and spin. Rationalization and selective reporting have created
economic 'good' news and false 'hopes' where none existed or should exist. The techniques employed have included consistently biased memes, factual
omission, factual commission, and even misdirection.
The Top 50 Liberal Media Bias Examples. [#20] Obama as Messiah:
Everyone knows the left-wing media did an excellent job selling Barack Obama as the ideal candidate for president in the 2008 elections. His background was
ignored, his votes unreported, his schooling and records never looked into, the media fell thoroughly in love with their "O." It got so absurd that newspaper,
after, TV newser, after news outlet began to employ visuals presenting Obama in near religious imagery. Obama was constantly shown as if he had a halo around his
head. As his first 100 days commenced, the media went into overdrive as cheerleaders for him.
Obama Fizzles Out. In 2009 Newsweek editor
Evan Thomas summed up the MSM adoration of Obama when he said, "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above — above
the world, he's sort of God." The god-factor resulted in a de facto "don't ask don't tell" pact between Obama and the media.
The media didn't ask Obama to detail his hope and change and he didn't tell. Gods don't have to explain themselves.
Why Don't They Do Something? There appears to be a
disconnect between widespread public discontent — e.g., distrust of the federal government, hostility toward Congress, belief that the country
is headed in the wrong direction — and paucity of overt attempts to rectify the status quo. Many focus on the mainstream media
(MSM) — still the largest source of news for most citizens — noting that the MSM's love affair with Barack Obama insures that
negative stories — e.g., Benghazi — never get much, if any, coverage. The MSM's misreporting of the news probably anesthetizes
some who might otherwise be motivated to "throw the bums out." Unquestionably, partisanship plays a role.
Obama Golfs Ahead of WH Correspondents'
Dinner. President Obama spent Saturday afternoon at the golf course, just a few hours before he is set to attend the White House
Correspondents' Dinner later this evening [4/27/2013].
The Editor says...
A day on the golf course, followed by a night of partying with the press, should count as a do-nothing vacation day. And it would, if the
news media were honest, or if the president were a Republican.
AP Edits 'Muslim' Out of Obama's 'Muslim
Socialist' WHCD Joke. In some of its reports on Saturday night's White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD), the Associated Press chose to edit
one of President Obama's own gags. The AP strangely edited out the word "Muslim" in one of Obama's self-referential jokes.
Obama: 'I'm Not the Strapping Young
Muslim Socialist That I Used to Be'. President Obama quipped at the White House Correspondents' Dinner Saturday night that he's "not the strapping
young Muslim socialist" he once was as gray has salted his hair.
AP Omits 'Muslim' from Obama WHCD
Joke. In some of its reports on Saturday night's White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD), the Associated Press failed to include one of President
Obama's own gags. AP strangely left out the word "Muslim" in one of Obama's self-referential jokes.
CNN's Candy Crowley: System
'Worked' In Boston. The Free Beacon catches this jaw-dropper from CNN's Candy Crowley on her Sunday show, "State of the
Union": ["]Here's what I'm gathering from the show today talking to folks in office and out of office observing from an expert
point of view, it doesn't look as though there were really dots that were not connected. It looks as though it worked even though
it ended up horribly. [... "]
Stories Conveniently Distract from the Government Failures Around Us. This president can't get squat done about North Korea
or Syria, and so he doesn't want us to focus on those far-off lands. His policies have done diddlysquat for most of the long-term
unemployed. He's not interested in throwing people off public assistance, even when they don't deserve it, and he wants to insist
that every terror attack is a one-time occurrence, instead of connected bits of an international ideological movement dedicated to killing
Americans. Obamacare's a mess, and he's hoping you don't notice. The debt continues to increase, even with the alleged horrors
of sequestration.
Sins Of The Fourth Estate
(Part II). We know the media is spineless. However its neglect to report on the Gosnell abortion trial shows that
they have lost any moral compass they ever had just to cover up Obama's strong support of the abortion industry. [...] What a
bunch of hypocrites there are in the mainstream media. I've been reading their excuses and apologies for shirking their
responsibility in ignoring the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Either details from the Grand Jury trial are "too
grisly" or they don't cover "local news" and other such nonsense spew from their barf-inducing tripe masquerading as opinion
columns. One pundit had the nerve to suggest that conservatives hadn't covered the story either.
Dancing with Obama. Political satirist Greg Gutfeld
said: ["]The media would not know a good story if they woke up next to it after they were drunk last night. For them Benghazi is like an
ugly wallflower at the prom. They just want to dance with Obama all night.["] It's a way of life that's not without consequences to them
or us.
MSNBC's Tamron Hall Is
Moonlighting as an Obama Education Department Publicist. In 2005, USA Today uncovered the scandal that black columnist Armstrong Williams was paid to
promote Bush's Education Department initiatives. In 2013, it's never a scandal when MSNBC anchors promote Obama's Education Department initiatives.
It's another Great Leap Forward for government-media synchronicity.
Media are Curled Up at Obama's
Feet with Their Eyes Covered When They Should be Demanding Answers. The destruction of an American Consulate and the murder of four American citizens
and the rape of an American Ambassador is an open sore on the Obama administration, and the more they stonewall it, the more they send out political allies to explain
it, who were thousands of miles away when it happened, the more they claim that in the seven or eight hours it took to unfold that there was no way any help
could have been sent, the more they intimidate the people who can and are willing to blow the whistle on this sordid mess, the more anybody who is willing to accept
the truth realizes there is some underlying factor that the Obama administration doesn't want the American public to know.
Media Will Either Ignore or Destroy
Benghazi Whistleblowers. On September 11, 2012, an al-Qaeda affiliated terror group operating in Libya launched a massive, hours-long attack on our
consulate in Libya. When it was all over, four Americans were dead, including an American ambassador. For the two weeks that followed, and for purposes
of winning re-election, President Obama and his Administration brazenly lied about the attack — and the media just as brazenly let him.
Turning on Obama. From
reporters to opinion writers, from newspapers to television, after a mere four and a half years of economic
fecklessness, foreign policy failure, unseemly narcissism, and a Nobel Prize for deeds to be named later,
prominent liberal-leaning pundits and organizations may have finally realized that reality, if not
journalistic ethics, demands a more clear-eyed look at the president they have been so deeply invested in.
Real Purpose Behind Obama Jaunt to Mexico: Recruitment!
Americans like to think of their press as freer, but it's only free in the sense that it voluntarily puts on its own muzzle.
European tabloids get into bloody brawls with regulators. American newspapers have nothing to brawl about. They will
gleefully report anything that undermines national security at the drop of a hat, knowing that they won't be touched, but there is
a long list of subjects that they won't touch with a million-mile pole.
Nobody Drowned at Watergate. The emergence of the whistle
blowers has made the story too big to ignore, as much as the media would prefer it would go away. You will note that when it wasn't
until after their beloved Obama was safely ensconced in the White House for another four years did the media show any interest in the
biggest story of the administration.
Liberal media spin
Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama. The Obama administration has lied, stonewalled, bullied, and intimidated —
the true marks of an open and transparent administration. And, with a few notable exceptions, the American media haven't just let
them get away it. [...] they've helped. Hill testimony of State Department whistleblowers might change that, but it's doubtful
given the one-sided reporting so far.
Benghazi hearings in the Mirror Universe.
It's amazing to watch the media bury yesterday's explosive testimony on Benghazi. Just imagine for a moment that today is the day
after a veteran career diplomat — the top man on the ground in Libya after the murder of the ambassador — testified
that a Republican administration told him not to cooperate with Democrat congressional investigators, shook him up with a
menacing phone call from the top political "fixer" for a Secretary of State widely viewed as a leading 2016 presidential candidate,
demoted him under cloudy circumstances so they could portray him as "disgruntled"... and then spent eight months loudly boasting of
their enthusiastic, transparent cooperation with Congress.
Earthquake: Did Carney Presser End MSM
Monolith? Do not underestimate the significance: the Obama administration has not faced such an onslaught of truth-seeking
since he took office in 2008, and further, no Democratic administration has been charged from all sides like this in recent memory.
That press conference was unthinkable just days ago.
Carney Has to Be Careful. You got the
sense today that the White House's propaganda arm is starting to play Benghazi very, very carefully. Up until now they've been
able to get by fairly easily on the fact that most of the relevant evidence is on the other side of executive privilege, or in the
hands of politically appointed loyalists, and on the White House Press Corps' indifference. But Greg Hicks might have been the
first leak in the dam.
Benghazi Whistleblower's Attorney
Claims NBC Spiked Him Being a Democrat Who Voted for Obama. If you were a journalist reporting on Benghazi whistleblower Gregory Hicks, wouldn't you
find it interesting that he was a Democrat who voted for Barack Obama twice?
Benghazi Coverup Uncovered. BBC has apologized for its coverage
of the Benghazi murders; ABC has unraveled the mendacious tale of the talking points' genesis and the Congressional hearings this week have dramatically established the
administration's elaborate lies about how our ambassador and his brave defenders were murdered and its failure to protect them. Maybe now the press will feel it's
okay to get off their duffs and report how a thoroughly incompetent administration, motivated solely by self-interest, left our ambassador and others to be murdered and
then lied about it with consequences to us all.
Obama likely to wriggle out of
Benghazigate; Clinton less so. Team Obama has come up with its excuse for converting the Benghazi talking points into a false narrative.
It was a purely bureaucratic matter, you see. The CIA and the State Department disagreed about what happened, and the White House simply wanted to make
sure the talking points represented all viewpoints. The White House has been suggesting this excuse for a few days. Today, the Washington Post's
"fact-checker," Glenn Kessler, tries to inject it into the mainstream.
Obama Is Every Bit as Bad as We Warned You.
The common thread in each of these scandals is corruption and a willingness to abuse the expanded powers of big government — while
failing to carry out the most basic responsibilities of any government. [...] In Benghazi, Obama a) failed to take action to save American diplomats
in danger, then b) lied about it, with the enthusiastic help of mainstream media journalists (some of whom now want to blame Mitt Romney).
Media AWOL: IRS, Libya
[Were] Legitimate Stories Before Obama's Reelection. Lie after lie after coverup after coverup, and all the media did during
that time was savage Mitt Romney whenever he opened his mouth about Libya and declare all other criticism as nothing more than
politically-motivated. Flash-forward eight [...] months. Obama is safely re-elected, and only now is the media
starting to tell the truth about White House lies told eight months ago.
The Still-Forgotten Obama Lie.
"Benghazi-gate," "IRS-gate," "AP-gate" — it would seem the intrepid investigators in the dinosaur media, in an effort to repair
their shredded reputations, are finally catching up to the truths known months or years ago to those of us who get our news from the
internet. [...] Hey, dinosaurs, now that we have your attention, we have a hot tip for you: there's one big Obama lie that's two
years old that you completely missed. In fact, you suppressed the truth.
Finally, the rest of the world catches up.
Dear MSM, You'll have to excuse me if I don't fall all over myself congratulating you for finally doing your jobs.
who spin for Obama are getting lonely as scandals pile up. Hard as it is to believe, there are still Obama administration
loyalists out there in the media insisting scandals are not scandals. These are just bad facts (e.g. auditing tea partyers, spying
on reporters, creating a false narrative on Benghazi) on which Republicans "seize" to attack the president — for doing things
like politicizing the IRS, the Justice Department and national security. [I]t doesn't quite make sense, but their job, you
see, is to keep spirits high on the left and defend and deflect criticism of the White House.
Obama Is
Counting on a Double Standard. While not licking their chops at the thought of tearing into the president's aides about
the IRS scandal, the Justice Department's fishing expedition into the AP's phone records, or Benghazi, they're asking a salient question
of journalists: What would you do with this material if it was George W. Bush or Dick Cheney who were accused of lying about a
terror attack, infringing on the rights of the press, or selectively enforcing the laws to punish political opponents?
Eight Months Too
Late, The Media See The Real Obama. Suddenly, President Obama is mired in multiple scandals. If his friends in the media
had been doing their jobs, they would have realized who he was well before last year's election.
To See Here! O'Donnell Says IRS And Benghazi Are NOT Scandals. So much for conventional wisdom. Lawrence O'Donnell
bucked the bipartisan condemnation of the IRS's actions on his show tonight, affirming that he believes the tax-collecting agency did
nothing wrong in singling out Tea Party groups. O'Donnell diagnosed the media with "scandal fever," saying that in spite of such
media focus on such big scandals, the truth, as O'Donnell put it, is that "there are no real scandals" involving the White House going
on right now, no matter how bad Benghazi or the IRS targeting might make them look.
Late Night
Comics Struggle to Write Obama Jokes Despite IRS, AP, Benghazi Scandals. There's nothing funny about President Barack Obama.
That's what we've been hearing for five years now as the excuse for comedians not making jokes about him. He's not stupid, like Harvard
MBA George W. Bush. He's not a pervert like President Bill Clinton. And, if you want to go way back, he's not a
scandal-ridden control freak like President Richard M. Nixon. Oh, wait a minute. On Friday the IRS scandal broke,
quickly followed by the AP phone records imbroglio, so you would assume that by Monday the late night comics would be all over them.
AP Phone Records Furor
Breaks 335 Days of Silence on Obama Leak Scandal. The media furor that began Monday night over the Justice Department
obtaining two months of phone records from the Associated Press marks the first time in 335 days that any of the Big Three evening
newscasts have even mentioned the existence of two criminal investigations into whether White House or other national security officials
leaked sensitive secrets, perhaps to politically benefit Barack Obama's re-election campaign.
Strange Goings-On at the White House.
The recent spate of Washington scandals has some liberals finally confessing in public what many of them have said privately for a long time.
The Obama administration is arrogant, insular, prone to intimidation of adversaries, and slovenly when it comes to seeing that rules are followed.
Indeed, the Obama White House is a strange place, and it's good that its operational model is now likely to be finally dissected by the media.
Scarborough, Piers Morgan: Obama Scandals Prove Gun Advocates Aren't Crazy. How big of a wake-up call are the Obama scandals,
especially the ones surrounding the seizing of phone records from the Associated Press and the IRS's targeting of conservatives?
So big that two of the media's most shameful and shameless gun control advocates — Joe Scarborough and Piers Morgan — have
finally conceded that arguments made by pro-Second Amendment activists against the expanding of background checks might not be so ridiculous.
Reports Obama DOJ Also Spied on James Rosen of Fox News. The Washington Post on Monday [5/20/2013] reported that
Obama's Department of Justice was investigating journalists before they started wiretapping the Associated Press —
for one, Fox News correspondent James Rosen in 2010. Their headline wasn't "Obama Team Also Spied on Fox News." Fox
wasn't in the headline, on A-1 or on A-12, where the story continued.
About "Bush Appointee" Doug
Shulman ... The left loves to remind everyone that the former IRS commissioner was a Bush appointee, because
somehow this makes it OK that his IRS office abused power to criminally target conservatives. For a party that loves
to blame Bush, they sure love signing off on everything Bush did and then maximizing it times eleventy. Shulman may
have been a Bush appointee, but he was an Obama donor.
Gives 15 Minutes to Latest IRS Scandals Details; ABC, NBC, and CBS Ignore [it]. There have been a number of
new revelations this week in the ever expanding scope of the IRS scandal. However, even with so many developments in
the investigation of this egregious scandal, there was extremely limited coverage of the unfolding of this affair in the
morning news of many more liberal stations like ABC, NBC, and CBS. In contrast, Fox News devoted almost 15 minutes
in their programming on Thursday morning's [5/23/2013] Fox & Friends show to enlighten the public of all of the new
information in the scandal.
Obama Advisor Turned NBC News Analyst Rips CBS's Schieffer for Criticizing Obama. Former Barack Obama senior advisor David Axelrod on
Tuesday [5/28/2013] demonstrated why it's absurd for him to have been hired by NBC News at the beginning of his previous boss's second term.
Dionne Claims Obama is 'Middle-of-the-Road' President, Blasts Conservatives as 'Way to the Right'. Eager to reset the political
discussion away from scandal and in a manner that promotes Barack Obama as an almost apolitical statesman, MSNBC's Morning Joe this
morning [5/28/2013] turned to a liberal Washington Post columnist who praised the president as a "middle-of-the-road liberal" dominated by
Republican[s] who have "gone way to the right" of their own party historically.
the Latest Obama Scandals Robbed Liberal Media of Their Favorite Defense. The biggest problem for Liberals in these current growing Obama
scandals is they have been robbed of their usual favorite defense/justification of Obama: "Bush did it too!" Perhaps you've seen this
yourself over the past 4½ years.
7MSNBC Contributor Michael Eric Dyson:
Eric Holder 'Is The Moses Of Our Time'. In an elaborate effort to exonerate the members of President Barack Obama's Justice Department of any
wrongdoing in relation to the scandal surrounding the sweeping subpoenas of the communications records of journalists, an MSNBC panel implied that the
administration was the subject of persecution. During the discussion, MSNBC contributor and Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson said
that Attorney General Eric Holder, himself a victim of an elaborate right-wing effort to smear him, is "the Moses of our time."
Brokaw: Obama's Scandals Aren't As Big As Watergate, Iran-Contra, Or Even Abu Ghraib. NBC Newsman Tom Brokaw dismissed
the significance of the various scandals surrounding President Barack Obama's White House on Thursday [5/30/2013].
Protect Obama From Scandal, Media Pretend to Care About Economy. Yes, we might have enjoyed a couple of weeks of the media
acting like real journalists as a trifecta of scandals broke over the White House. But you can already tell that the media are
preparing to return to form as Obama's Shamefully Dishonest Palace Guards.
It's the Power, Stupid! Neither the
Benghazi or IRS scandals are getting much traction in the MSM. What has riled them up is Obama's heavy-handed use of government
power to spy on his "buddies" in the MSM.
Find a shiny object, quick!
Obama to Launch Fresh Push on Student Loans.
President Barack Obama on Friday urged Congress to prevent student loan rates from doubling in a month, prompting a fight with House
Republicans who accused him of playing politics instead of sitting down to work out small differences and avoid an increase.
The press and President Mitt Romney.
Conservatives have been wondering how the media would be reacting to the recent scandals surrounding President Obama if there was a
Republican in the White House. There's no need to speculate, as I am writing this from an alternate universe where Mitt Romney
has been president of the United States since January 2009.
Post Gets Democrat Memo on GOP 'Overreach'. Except for the not-believing-in-God part, being a Democrat has got to
be a beautiful thing. What a joy it must be to have the entire media-complex standing at the ready to leap on any talking point
you want leapt upon. On Friday, the Democrats put out a memo titled "The Month of Overreach." Naturally, it was all about
slamming Republicans for daring to look into legitimate scandals like the IRS and Benghazi.
Voters Keep Obama Ratings Afloat. The results suggest Obama's ratings could erode dramatically if the scandals stay
front and center in the news. There's no guarantee of that, of course, given media support of this administration.
But even the decidedly pro-Obama mainstream media are stepping up scandal coverage.
Post Plays 'Hide the Benghazi' In Its Front-page Susan Rice Promotion Story. Apparently, the Post thinks American
values include shameless lying on TV news shows.
New York Times quietly
changes published editorial to make it less [critical] of Obama. The New York Times edited its damning editorial condemning the Obama administration
for collecting phone call data from Americans to make it less stinging shortly after the editorial was published online Thursday afternoon. The editorial
originally declared that the Obama "administration has lost all credibility" as a result of the recently revealed news that the National Security Agency and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation have been secretly collecting call data from American users of Verizon under the authority of the Patriot Act.
Progressives in the Media Ignore Uncomfortable Facts and Justify Their Bias. [Scroll down] Progressives don't want a level
playing field, they want to disqualify their opponents at every opportunity so they can win unchallenged. Look at Obama. How did he win
his first few elections in Illinois? Simple — by getting his opponents disqualified or playing dirty pool by unsealing divorce
records to force his opponent to drop out so he could run unopposed. So it's no surprise at all that an Administration under Obama's direction
almost immediately turned to trying to disqualify the opposition.
Matthews: Obama Has Literally Never Done Anything Wrong. Chris Matthews, thy delusion knows no bounds. In a month where the
veritable pileup of scandals resembles an especially bad freeway car accident — indeed, on the heels of the PRISM revelation — Matthews
maintains that President Obama is as close to a perfect person as we've seen, potentially since Christ.
Poof! Media drop coverage of IRS
scandal. That was fast — but not unexpected. The media frenzy over the IRS scandal, which dominated
the Big Three networks for two weeks, has practically disappeared from the news, according to a new report. The dominant story
in May when ABC, CBS and NBC crawled over each other for new details and provided 96 stories on morning and evening broadcasts has
fallen to just one this week on ABC's Good Morning America, according to the Media Research Center. In some cases, it was
replaced by the National Security Agency snooping scandal.
Pigford: The Unexamined
Obama Administration Scandal. The Obama administration has again been protected from a troubling scandal by the mainstream
media (MSM) using the tactic of omission to simply ignore the scandal, its reality, and the negative blowback attendant to a disturbing
story. As sunlight began to illuminate the scandal's inconvenient and troubling facts, charges of racism were used to temporarily
silence those sounding the alarm. Seemingly, the alarm-ringers' only crime was having the temerity to respond with a politically
incorrect point of view to abuses.
Chris Matthews: Lack of Teleprompter
'Ruined' Obama's Berlin Speech. MSNBC's number one Obama fanboy, Chris Matthews, was obviously disappointed with President
Obama's letdown of a speech in Germany Tuesday [6/18/2013]. Rather than place the blame where it belonged — on the empty
rhetoric, hypocritical platitudes, and a crowd 95% smaller than the one Obama captured in '08 as a presidential candidate —
Matthews blamed it on the sun blotting out Obama's teleprompter. [Video clip]
Matthews: Berlin Sun
'Ruined' Obama's Speech. MSNBC host and Obama sycophant Chris Matthews blamed the sun for spoiling the president's speech
in Berlin today. [...] Speaking behind a glass bulletproof shield, Obama appeared to be using the text of the speech rather than reading
off of teleprompters.
NBC's Todd
Excuses Obama's Poor Speech Performance: Crowd Too Small, 'It Was Hot'. Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday [6/19/2013],
NBC's chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd came up with a long list of excuses for President Obama's poor speech performance in Berlin.
In Press
Briefing, Reporters Don't Ask Obama a Single Question About Scandals. During his flight to Africa aboard Air Force One, President Obama
headed to the part of the plane where the travelling press corps was seated and held an impromptu news briefing. Despite the many scandals
currently swirling around the administration including NSA spying and lying, Benghazi lying, and the revelation that the IRS's political attacks on
conservative groups was even more widespread than originally thought, the left-leaning journalists did not ask Obama a single tough question.
Do media
treat Michelle Obama like the new Jackie Kennedy? Not since Jackie's Camelot days in the Kennedy administration has a first lady so
captured public attention and respectful coverage by much of the press.
the Media Ignored Obama's Lies About His Own Biography and Memoir. Liberal journalists — especially hacks like Chris
Matthews at MSNBC — routinely disparage conservatives for the "birthers" and their conspiracy theories that Obama can't be president
because he wasn't born in the United States. [...] But the public should see the entire national media as a pack of "mythers" — people
who blithely accepted Obama's concocted life story without challenging the factual reliability of any of it.
President Obama's sad view of
America. President Obama's extensive remarks in the White House Briefing Room this afternoon were as surprising as they were
gratuitous. [...] The media seems fixated on "how personal" the speech was. I am baffled by that response. He is the president
of the United States, the only elected leader there to represent us all and to provide cohesion, but here he was channeling Oprah Winfrey.
He cheered for emotionalism and for the perspective that insists it is always about race.
The Real Reason For Obama's
Sudden Press Shyness. Unlike other recent two-term presidents, Obama has had fewer day-in, day-out interactions with the Beltway
press, allowing him to dodge hard questions about issues of the day. When he gives interviews, it's to select, friendly outlets that lob
him one softball after another.
Insulating Obama From His
Corrupt IRS. The media elite are still colluding with Obama to spread the bizarre fiction that there are no "Obama scandals."
Inside the Obama-media bubble, Obama alone defines authenticity, honesty, and problem-solving panache. Outside that bubble, in the world of
reality, the Obama administration is making Richard Nixon's IRS manipulations look like child's play. Last week, House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee hearings uncovered infuriating new scoops on the scandal of Obama's IRS targeting Tea Party conservative groups
and denying them tax-exempt status.
Obama: Reporters tell me my
ideas are great. President Obama said reporters praise his economic proposals as "great" and tell him they are "all good ideas."
Obama made the remarks in a speech Wednesday [7/24/2013] in Galesburg, Ill., focused on the economy. The address didn't include any new proposals on the
economy, and Republicans criticized Obama for giving an address that was more of the same. But Obama said the news media often praises his ideas.
Reporters Tell Obama His
Ideas are "Great"? We have all heard about liberal media bias, but this is just over the top. [...] In his speech that lasted over an
hour yesterday [7/24/2013], President Obama said reporters praise his economic proposals as "great and tell him that they are "all good ideas".
The speech which droned on for what seemed like ages, presented no new ideas and was dismissive of serious concerns with his administration.
Watch: Networks Skip Clip of Obama Boasting Reporters Say He Has 'Good Ideas' That 'Sound Great'. One snippet of Obama's speech in
Galesburg, Illinois is getting left out of the TV news packages for perhaps obvious reasons. Obama announced yesterday that reporters are
with him in thinking his socialist plans are "good ideas" and "sound great," but Republicans will never back them. This might also make it
sound like there's zero overlap between "reporters" and "Republicans."
Obama calls the United States and Europe 'developing countries'. You can imagine the derision that would have flowed from the liberal
"mainstream media" if George W. Bush had referred to the United States as well as its European allies as "developing countries." This is
exactly the term he used in an interview with The New York Times, which has just been published. [...] As we've seen on a number of previous
occasions, Barack Obama clearly struggles with his words when he is without his beloved teleprompter.
Obama goes where he knows he will be warmly received.
President Obama to Return to 'Tonight
Show' for 6th Time. [President] Obama will appear on the Aug. 6 broadcast of NBC's late-night talker, which would mark
his sixth time and the fourth appearance since becoming president. According to NBC, Obama plans to discuss jobs initiatives and the
economy during his visit.
Four Things the Media
Aren't Telling You About Today's GDP Numbers. [#1] GDP growth of 1.7% stinks. In order to artificially prop up President
Obama, the media have created what I call "The Obama Curve." In order to make his failed economic recovery look good, the media
have — for the first time in my lifetime — dumbed down what was once considered acceptable job and GDP growth to
practically zero.
Neglect At The New York Times.
After a long three-year gap since their last exclusive sit-down interview with President Obama, you might think The New York Times would be ready to ask
tough questions on the most contentious issues of the day, beginning with the deepening Obama scandals. Wrong. Instead, the Times defined the
"news" in this interview to be Obama's counter-attacks.
fired for anti-Obama headline says bosses responded to pressure. A Tennessee newspaper editor who was fired for a headline
critical of President Obama says his bosses bowed to pressure from the president's supporters, claiming he wouldn't have been canned if
he had said the same of former President George W. Bush. Drew Johnson's editorial, titled "Take your jobs plan and shove it,
Mr. President: Your policies have harmed Chattanooga enough," went viral and drew national attention earlier this week when Obama
visited the city.
Another journalist fired for sassing Obama.
As you may recall, KMOV reporter Larry Conners was fired last May after making national headlines for actually asking President Barack Obama some
tough questions. Conners then speculated that his insolence might've had something to do with his subsequent IRS audit, and KMOV canned him.
Now another journo is out of work after crossing Obama.
Newspaper Editor
Fired Over 'Shove It' Obama Headline. Drew Johnson, the editorial page editor of the Chattanooga Times Free Press
was fired after 14 months on the job for publishing an editorial with a headline that read: "Take your jobs plan and shove it,
Mr. President." The editorial ran Tuesday, the same day Obama visited Chattanooga.
[the] White House Have Something To Do With Chattanooga Editor's Firing? A Tennessee newspaper fired an editor over a
hard-hitting editorial denouncing President Obama's jobs plan on the very day the president came to town to tout it. This
has the odor of White House revanchism.
Obama's lapdogs. If you seek a delightfully written article
on politics, look at yesterday's Washington Free Beacon, an 18-month-old online newspaper. Editor-in-chief Matthew Continetti
examined a recent New York Times interview of Barack Obama not for its news content — there was none — but
for how "it reveals the mentalities of the participants."
Five Things Media
Aren't Telling You About Today's Jobs Numbers. Using anti-science exuberance, for the last few days, the media have pom-pommed someone's
ethereal projection that the economy had created 200,000 or so jobs in July. [...] If you are wondering why the media are still artificially propping
Obama up at the expense of working people — even after he has been safely re-elected — the answer is simple: After investing
so much in him, the media must now prove they were right to do so.
Questions ABC-NBC-CBS-CNN-PBS-NPR-AP-NYT-LAT Won't Ask. [Scroll down] But in a really low blow, Matthew Continetti wrote a
column pointing out that America's elite scribblers had an extended audience with the leader of the free world and didn't ask a single question
about, oh, say, Edward Snowden, Lois Lerner, James Rosen, Mohamed Morsi, Bashar Assad, Nouri al-Maliki, Vladimir Putin, Hasan Rouhani, and Hamid
Karzai. Not even about Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, or Bob Filner.
The name of Obama's game is blame.
By traditional standards, the 2012 presidential election should have hinged on who offered the best ideas for dealing with the nation's high
unemployment and tepid economic growth — with most of the attention on the incumbent's fiscal stewardship. It didn't work out
that way. Instead, President Obama and his team ran a relentlessly negative campaign, with the news media, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, going
along for the ride.
Worry Covering The Benghazi Attack Threatens White House Access. Last week, CNN aired two striking reports revealing that the Central
Intelligence Agency had a large number of agents on the ground on the night of the attack and that a suspect in the attack has never been interviewed
by investigators. Following these revelatory reports, which some in President Barack Obama's administration believe represent a political threat,
some CNN reporters now fear for their access to the White House. They are not alone.
CBS Touts
Study Showing Obama Most-Joked About; Skips Decades of Anti-GOP Barbs. On Tuesday, CBS This Morning pounced on a new study by the Center
for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA) showing that President Obama is now the butt of more jokes on late night TV than any other politician. [...] But
the real news is how, in two presidential campaigns and in his first term as President, Obama has largely evaded the harsh barbs of TV's comics.
Obama can't remember
Dr. Jill Biden's name or where the Gulf of Mexico is. Yes, one could assume for the president that he meant "along the Gulf"
AND "places like Charleston ... Savannah ... Jacksonville," none of which are on the Gulf of Mexico, just as we all would have assumed that's what
George W. Bush meant in a moment of misspeaking, right? But that's not what he said, and as with 57 states, I'm not as inclined to
give the Smartest President of All Time as much slack as, say, the AP gave him by fixing up the quote.
Overlook Obama's Gaffe-tastic Performance on Leno. Barack Obama delivered one gaffe after another in his August 6 interview with
Jay Leno, but the networks that usually mock every mistake or slip of the tongue made by Republicans ignored the President's verbal mishaps.
Reporters Afraid To Ask Obama White House About
Benghazi. Obama has apparently taken his cue for this from Hollywood. It is a well-known fact that movie stars in Hollywood will
not grant access to those reporters and media outlets that do not write or report favorably about them. [...] The end result of this is that there is no
honest reporting coming out of Hollywood these days. This has likely been obvious to most everyone for quite some time. Now that Obama is
doing the same thing, how long will it be before there is no longer any honest reporting coming out of the White House Press corps? Perhaps we
are at that point already?
Press Corps Meets President, Takes Careful Notes. President Barack Obama held a rare press conference on Friday afternoon [8/9/2013]
in the East Room of the White House, and was treated to all-too-common deference by the White House Press Corps. Only Ed Henry of Fox News
asked a question that challenged the president in any way. The rest asked soft questions that often invited him to take shots at the Republican
opposition and revisit talking points he has made repeatedly in recent speeches.
America's Three Worst Pravda Press Organizations.
The competition for the most loathsome news organization in the U.S is fierce. Based on their offenses against the basic tenets of journalism seen
during just the past two weeks, some of which would have made the propagandists at the former Soviet Union's Pravda blush, three lame losers —
Politico, the Huffington Post, and the Associated Press — have emerged as leaders of the left agenda-promoting, Barack Obama keister-covering
brigade. Politico is the trailblazer in frequently tailoring and even altering its coverage to minimize Obama administration embarrassment.
Is Obama 'Insuring' Softball Questions?
[Scroll down] American media executives, and American journalists, might have political positions with which we cannot agree, and they might not even appear
sensible, but for the most part, they are still intelligent people. And they remember a lot of what they hear or read. They see how this
administration has approached dealing with those it might view as "enemies." They have heard how a president's choice for the FCC views control
of the media. [...] So perhaps we should view these media "softball" questions as a pre-emptive defense position. That would be the most
charitable view we could take. Otherwise, we would have to conclude that the mainstream media are acting in collusion with the administration
to undermine the Constitution of the United States of America.
AP Admits Covering Up Obama's 'Gulf' Gaffe.
During his Wednesday [8/7/2013] appearance on Jay Leno's "Tonight Show,' President Obama made three factual gaffes; one of them involved the claim that cities not
found along the Gulf of Mexico are. Were Obama a Republican, these gaffes would have led news coverage for the next forty-eight hours. Not only did most
of the media ignore or downplay these gaffes; the Associated Press went so far as to cover one of them up.
Imagine the reaction from the press if George W. Bush had done this.
Obama finds time for Egyptian condemnation — and
then right back to golf. On Thursday, Mr. Obama delivered a six-minute statement to reporters about the violence that has left hundreds dead in Cairo this
week, then immediately headed off for another round of golf in Martha's Vineyard, his usual summer vacation spot where he and his family are spending the week.
Obama plays golf as White House condemns Egypt violence.
While President Obama played golf again on vacation, the White House criticized the latest crackdown in Egypt on Wednesday, saying violence between government forces
and protesters will make it more difficult for the interim government to shift to a democracy.
The Editor says...
If the president's name were George W. Bush, the press would be howling in derision.
Just How Corrupt is the Obama Administration?
Scandal after scandal, coupled with an ongoing contempt for the law and the Constitution, demonstrated by high-level officials and the president himself, point to
one deeply troubling conclusion: the Obama administration may be the most corrupt administration ever inflicted on the American public. And while the
mainstream media have done a remarkable job deflecting much of that reality, even they cannot keep up with the avalanche of disturbing revelations that arise,
seemingly on a daily basis.
'I'm Not Paranoid': Matthews Says
GOP'ers Calling Obama 'Obama' Attempt to 'Delegitimize' Him. MSNBC host Chris Matthews went off on Tuesday [8/20/2013] about what he characterized
as a variety of efforts by Republicans and conservatives to "delegitimize" President Barack Obama. Among the efforts he cited to prove this case are Republicans
calling Obama "a liberal leader," or simply "Obama," instead of "The President of the United States."
The Editor says...
I'll bet Mr. Matthews is really steamed when writers refer to the putative president as Barry Soetoro, which could very well be the man's legal name. Where
is the (genuine, not Photoshopped) paperwork that proves Mr. Soetoro had his name legally changed to Barack H. Obama?
Presidential Pets Get The Air Support Benghazi Didn't.
The breaking news on Monday [8/19/2013] was not a new revelation about the National Security Agency, the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, or the pending collapse of
ObamaCare. It was that President Obama and his family have adopted a companion for first dog Bo. The new presidential pet is called Sunny, a name obviously
not picked because it reflects the future of America under this administration.
Birtherism's Sudden Respectability. The MSM has embraced it's [sic] inner kook and
decided that birtherism is actually kind of cool after all. Amazingly, all it took was for a Republican to emerge who they could pin it on and then
suddenly... serious questions need to be asked! Of course I'm sure it's all a big coincidence that so many MSM outlets are suddenly interested
in the question of eligibility to be President.
Networks Seize on White House Scandal... From
40 Years Ago. Perhaps the most infuriating was NBC, which hasn't touched the IRS story in 56 days, sending correspondent Peter Alexander to the lawn
of the Obama White House to report on the decades-old Nixon recordings for Thursday's Today.
Obama's Increasingly Tyrannical Proclivities.
Democrats control the Senate, which the Constitution (Article I, section 3, paragraph 6) makes the trial body in impeachment cases.
As the Clinton episode showed, Democrat senators will not convict one of their own. Moreover, don't expect the mainstream media, who are among Obama's
biggest fans, to support any effort to remove him from office. The MSM will not publicize his and/or his Administration's campaign to gut the
separation of powers. They will characterize any impeachment campaign as "racism" and "mean-spirited partisanship."
Cyrus and the Pornification of America. Consider this: during a week in which news reports on NSA mass surveillance, militarized
police forces, and a war brewing with Syria were vying for attention, CNN's number one news story was Miley Cyrus' VMA performance.
Sounds like the death knell of an empire to me.
Quagmire at Home. Republicans also have reason to
suspect that Obama's decision to request congressional approval was an effort to put them on the spot — and his ludicrous denial yesterday that he
"set a red line" or that his credibility is at stake reinforces that view. The fierce watchdogs of the press, confronted with this brazen falsehood,
show themselves once again to be Obama's pet hamsters.
Limbaugh Compiles Round-Up of Media
Celebrating Obama's 'Genius' Embrace of Kerry's Gaffe. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh tore into the media on Tuesday and accused them of malpractice
in their reporting of how the so-called Russian proposal to impose a diplomatic solution on Syria. Limbaugh played a montage of clips of members of the media celebrating
the "genius" of President Barack Obama for embracing a misstatement by Sec. John Kerry and making it the centerpiece of American policy towards that country's civil war.
"Turns out, this was the plan all along — at least what the media wants us to believe," Limbaugh said of the Russian solution. "This is journalistic malpractice."
How the Big Three Networks Have Censored or Spun Obama's Deadly Foreign Policy Failure:
Benghazi Blackout.
Wednesday marks the one year anniversary of the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead and sent the Obama
administration scrambling for a cover story that the Big Three broadcast networks initially bought and were slow to unravel. A similar pattern has emerged in 2013.
As new information about the administration's actions before and after the attacks have been revealed through congressional testimony, whistleblowers, and eyewitnesses, the
Big Three have responded by censoring, breezing past or spinning politically damaging bombshells.
Obama Giving Interviews To Every Major TV News
Network Monday Except MSNBC. It seems even Barack Obama doesn't want to be seen on MSNBC. The Washington Post reported moments ago that the President of
the United States, ahead of his address to the nation about Syria Tuesday, will give interviews to the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, CNN, FNC, NBC and PBS Monday. Deliciously
absent was MSNBC, the network so deeply in bed with Obama that there's hardly room for the First Lady.
Things Fall Apart for Obama. If Obama continues to flounder, as I expect,
the media cofferdam around the less savory aspects of his past may be breached, and all sorts of awkward questions relating to his background, including the financing of his higher
education by a Saudi, as alleged by the former Borough President of Manhattan (a black Democrat) may come to the fore, considering that he is proposing intervention on behalf of the
side supported by the Saudis in Syria.
Supposed Brilliance Is Very Much In Question. [George W.] Bush was mocked relentlessly by the media for playing golf and being "disengaged."
Does Mr. Obama playing over four times as much golf as Bush — including during the Syrian crisis — or cards in the final moments of Osama
bin Laden mean he is more "disengaged" than Bush or other presidents?
15 Journalists Have Joined Obama
Administration. According to the Atlantic, Time managing editor Rick Stengel's decision to join the Obama administration
is just the latest example of a new trend among mainstream media journalists who are making it official by joining the Obama administration.
Stengel, who is joining the State Department, is just one of 15 (or 19) who have given up a career in journalism to join Obama's crusade to
fundamentally transform America.
The Editor says...
Even a complete doofus can read a teleprompter on TV and make himself seem larger than life.
It comes as no surprise when TV "news" personalities transition to left-wing politics.
These people have been political activists all along. They were never journalists in the first place, in most cases, if "journalist"
means a person who writes original copy to report a meaningful recent event. Rephrasing a Democratic Party talking point isn't
journalism, it is the plastic-coated dissemination of left-wing tax-and-spend baby-killing Democrat propaganda.
This Depressing Economy. It is true that 164,000 seasonally adjusted
payroll jobs were added during the month, per the Establishment Survey of employers, but June and July were revised down by a combined 75,000.
The Household Survey used to determine the unemployment rate had even grimmer news, as it showed that 115,000 fewer Americans were working in August
than in July. The only reason that the official ("U-3") unemployment rate fell to 7.3 percent is because the civilian workforce shrunk by
over 300,000, taking the labor force participation down to 63.2 percent, that figure's lowest level in since 1978.
The Editor says...
Job creation figures are often revised downward, weeks after their initial publication. That's because the revisions go un-reported;
or if they are reported, it's in the back of the newspaper somewhere.
A Puzzled Ed
Schultz Marvels: 'It Amazes Me That People Don't Love Obama'. A perplexed Ed Schultz on Friday [9/13/2013] couldn't fathom why
Americans have failed to "love Obama." The MSNBC anchor highlighted a new poll showing that the President only has a 45 percent approval
rating. Schultz marveled, "I just cannot believe this number. Seriously."
Stengel Is at Least the 21st Journalist to Work for the Obama Administration. Keeping track of how many reporters went to
work under President Obama is tricky. Do you count those who had some other job in between reporting and the Obama administration?
NBC's Todd: House
Republicans 'Have Not Dropped' Benghazi. Talking to NBC's chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd on Sunday's Meet the Press,
moderator David Gregory noted "Benghazi back as a political focus this week" following the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attack, prompting
Todd to observe: "It is. The House Republicans have not dropped this as an issue."
ObamaCare's Desperate Defenders.
Liberal opinion writers who feel duty-bound to defend President Obama's signature health-care reform law have been quite creative in trying to
blame the GOP for the flaws in what was a law passed by Democrats against bipartisan and public opposition. The most recent narrative, that
Republicans are "sabotaging" the law, is quite clearly nonsensical. But they are opinion writers, so we can understand their efforts to
spin the policy failure. Yet there is really no excuse for supposedly impartial reporters to not only infuse their news writing with such
silliness but even openly rant about it as a prelude to the facts.
America-hating Obama a Threat to World Freedom. The US mainstream media, which
brought a radical malcontent community organizer into power and keeps him there, is now the welcome mat for the American disseminated propaganda of despots like
Putin and Rouhani. It is largely thanks to the mainstream media that the takeover of MidEast countries by the Muslim Brotherhood was passed off on an
unsuspecting citizenry as replacement by a democracy-loving Arab Spring. Why does our tolerance allow the media to define, shape, propagandize and
flat out lie about the current shift of power that is leading the Free World into a helpless Socialist State?
NBC Launches Week of Programming to
'Help' Obamacare Succeed. NBC announced today that it would be launching a week of programming to help Obamacare get off its feet,
according to a press release sent out by the network. [...] The NBC release says it will help explain how to enroll in Obamacare, a service no doubt to
President Obama who has himself been barnstorming the country to try to boost enrollment in the program.
NBC News to air special
series on Obamacare. NBC News announced Friday that it will present a special series of programs and reports next week intended to "help
Americans get the most out of the Affordable Care Act," according to a press release. Timed to coincide with the rollout of new insurance exchanges,
"Ready or Not, the New Healthcare Law" begins airing Monday, Sept. 30. The series will appear on such network mainstays as "NBC Nightly News"
and "Today," as well as on social media and other digital outlets.
NBC to Air Obamacare Advertising
Series as 'News'. NBC News has announced that it will air a special series that will "help Americans get the most out of the Affordable
Care Act." A press release reports that NBC News will "help" Americans get all they can out of Obamacare.
Seymour Hersh Rips US Media: 'Carrying
Water for Obama'. Left-wing journalist Seymour Hersh, a living legend with the American mainstream media, states the obvious in a new
interview with The Guardian: When it comes to Obama, the American media's unrequited crush on the president has turned them into useless fanboys and
water carriers.
Media Shamefully Silent After White
House Links GOP to Terrorists. [Scroll down] The American public, too, has become accustomed to the Obama administration vilifying
its political opponents in ways that would have horrified many just three short years ago. "What we're not for is negotiating with people with a
bomb strapped to their chest," said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House advisor for strategic communications — let that sink in, strategic
communications — on CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper on Thursday [9/26/2013]. "It's a negotiation if I'm trying to sell you my
house and we are debating the price of it," he added. "It is not a negotiation if I show up at your house and say, 'Give me everything inside or
I'm going to burn it down.'"
Politico to Media: Ignore ObamaCare Launch
Problems. Essentially what you have here is an outlet that likes to present itself as objective, begging its media colleagues not to report on any
problems the American people might have with Tuesday's ObamaCare launch. This, despite the fact that the White House has already admitted there will be
"glitches." Again, because Politico is always trying to fool people into believing it is an objective news outlet, the piece also warns the media not to
declare ObamaCare a "success" based on the first few days.
Dangerous Times: The Crisis-Monger.
Obama thrives on crises, not solutions. That's the key to this whole administration. [...] He believes that politically he can't lose with
a completely obedient media spinning everything his way. As long as Americans are suckered by our monopoly media, we will never solve any real
problems. Instead, we will be drawn into phony crises instigated by Obama and the Democrats. Any real dangers, like nuclear proliferation
and the Jihad War, will be ignored as long as Democrats are in power. The only permanent solution is to fire the mendacious media, and that
is completely up to you.
Establishment Conservative Journalists Meet Off-the-Record with
Obama at White House. This is hardly the first time Obama has held select, politically-motivated off-the-record sessions. [...] Obama's cozy relationship
with select members of the press has created abiding unhappiness among many members of the press corps, who feel that the president has created a stratified system with
favored and unfavored journalists.
Unbelievable: Obama gets no
questions at presser on ObamaCare rollout or shutdown theater. It ran for one hour and six minutes, with 12 different reporters being called on —
although, notably, not Ed Henry of Fox News — and between them they couldn't muster one question about the catastrophe that is or the spectacle of
National Park Rangers locking senior-citizen tourists out of war memorials and/or inside their hotels.
Fascism: Reporters Living in Fear of Obama Administration.
We still have no answers why the Obama "Justice" Department targeted James Rosen of Fox News or tapped the phone lines of the Associated Press. And clearly
the media is too afraid to speak up. [...] If the media had any dignity they'd boycott this administration and skip the daily Jay Carney briefings.
Subservient reporters will roll over and bark, if that's what Obama wants.
Barack Obama Compliments Softball Questions He
Gets: 'That's a Great Example'. One way to know if a journalist is asking a softball question is if the President of the United States compliments the
reporter after he or she asks it.
Media's Off-the-Record Meetings
with the President Really Need to Stop. Earlier this year, President Obama privately sat down with the primetime lineup of MSNBC to talk about selling
his tax plan to the American people. Those journalists, or pundits, or hosts, or personalities, or however [...] we define those who host cable news shows
these days, weren't there for an interview, they were there for instructions.
How the Media are Shaping Obama's Government
Shutdown. President Barack Obama remains in an intense public relations war with the Republican-led House of Representatives.
He believes that the compliant media will back up his most outrageous actions, even as he tries to magnify the crisis for the average American. [...] The
reason President Obama believes he is winning, and can continue to win the current showdown with Republicans over the partial government shutdown
and the debt-ceiling hike, is his confidence that the media will continue to support him — no matter how irresponsibly he acts.
Wussies! Every Last One of You.
The liberal media can't help themselves. They have a huge crush on the President. He can do no wrong. [...] There's something very dangerous about
the liberal love affair with the President. Fear of asking the tough questions crushes accountability. And without accountability, tyranny follows.
ObamaCare a Planned Disaster for Political Reasons.
Obama has not ever been pressured to compromise or change course, no matter how disastrous his policies. He has a unique partisan pass, thanks to his idol status as our
first black president among the compliant liberal media. Obama will go down in history as America's most unaccountable president. He has skated over one calamity
after another, with none of the blame attached to his party — our economic stagnation, the suffering of our neediest citizens, the destabilization of the Middle
East, a looming nuclear Iran, Benghazi, the IRS, the spying on ordinary citizens and the press. None of these significant failures have mattered one whit to loyal
Democrat voters. Why would ObamaCare be different?
Poynter Offers Media Guide to Gloss Over Millions of ObamaCare's Victims.
Because the media are as desperate as Obama to see ObamaCare succeed, the faulty federal website is getting all kinds of attention. One thing that isn't, though, is
that millions among the working and middle class are losing insurance they are happy with and seeing their monthly premiums spike, sometimes by as much as 150%.
The Press Endures Obama's Unrequited Love.
Journalists pride themselves for being on the cutting edge of events and trends, but they have been slow to realize or to admit that they have been
instrumental in electing a pathological liar to the highest office in the land.
Questions Rarely Asked — and Never Answered.
Is there still a notion of scandal? If EPA director Lisa Jackson's fake email con and the Pigford payouts were small beer, what were the scandals about
Benghazi, the IRS, the AP, and the NSA? Does anyone care that every presidential pronouncement about the Affordable Care Act was false? We
have reached a new point where either the media is an appendage of government, or the public is too weary to care about the conduct of its
government — to the degree that this administration could do pretty much anything. [...] How did Barack Obama become the
most anti-civil liberties president in history — to almost complete silence?
Minutes: Benghazi Revelations of Betrayal, No Mention of Hillary, Obama. In the whole segment, which established damning evidence that
the U.S. had evidence that an attack on the annex where Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed was clearly in the works, [Lara] Logan never once mentions
the names of Hillary Clinton of Barack Obama. Unsurprising that a featured player in the MSM should not report on the truly lethal evidence that
could have sunk Obama's 2012 campaign until almost one year after his reelection.
NBC News Deletes Huge Obamacare Story, Stealth Edits,
Breaks Drudge Link. On Monday [10/28/2013], NBC News reported that President Obama's administration knew for three years that Americans
would lose their current insurance under Obamacare. The story quickly became the lead at the Drudge Report, making it the hottest political story
on the Internet immediately. For several hours, there was no problem. Then, late at night, the story was pulled, the link was changed thereby
breaking the Drudge link, and stealth edits were made to the piece. In particular, one key paragraph met the cutting room floor.
Obama just got used to
saying things that were never challenged. He was going to close GITMO was one of the early promises. He even signed an executive
order to close it within a year. But GITMO is still open and will likely stay open the day that President Obama flies home to Chicago in early
2017. I'm not good at predictions but I can predict today that [President] #45 will inherit GITMO. He said that you could keep your own
health care plan or doctor. [...] It looks like millions won't keep their insurance. Where was the media on both of these? They weren't
doing their job. This is why he got away with making these statements.
NBC hides its
bombshell that Obama knew millions would lose health insurance. An NBC investigative internet story that has upended the administration's
oft-repeated promise that Americans will be able to keep their health care plan under Obamacare was largely ignored on the network's premier TV shows,
NBC Nightly News and Today, according to a media watchdog group.
White House Caught in Outright Lies, Media Yawns.
CBS News has caught the White House in an outright lie. It's a lie that administration officials stood by and disseminated through the media.
Stated more clearly, the White House used many credulous members of the media to misinform the public. Now, after having been made fools of by their
Democratic allies in the executive branch, one might be excused for expecting the press to push back against their abusers forcefully. Instead, the
race is on to make excuses for the embattled White House.
The media in panic
that Obama is the 'nowhere man sitting in his nowhere land'. The media is concerned that President Obama looks detached, aloof and any other word
synonymous to disconnected. They don't understand how the smartest man to ever take the oath knows so little of what is going on around him.
The Obama Facade Cracks at Last. Only
now — five years into his presidency — are we seeing some cracks in the protective shield surrounding President Obama,
and then only after the abuse of reporters' privacy has been threatened. Mainstream journalists have not scrutinized his controversial
policies, nor have they held him accountable for questionable actions that have caused outrage among fair-minded critics and produced
irreparable harm to the nation. Some facts are irrefutable, but the president has, by and large, deflected all blame and few in
the media have dared question his policies and actions.
Mika Suggests Obama 'Too Smart' For The
Job. Too smart to be President. Is that really Barack Obama's problem? Mika Brzezinski thinks so. On today's [11/4/2013] Morning
Joe, as Mike Barnicle and John Heilemann kicked around the notion, as others have before, that President Obama doesn't much like politics and the people
in it, Brzezinski piped up with a different explanation for his aloofness: he's "too smart for the job," she suggested.
The Editor says...
I can provide copious evidence that Barack H. Obama is not all that bright.
MSNBC's Alex Witt:
'Does It Matter' That Obama Lied About ObamaCare? Leave it to MSNBC weekend anchor Alex Witt to continue marching forward, carrying
the flag of ObamaCare as the rollout phase sputters along at a crawl.
Other Scandals, Virtually Ignored By Big Media. Obama only looks "relatively scandal-free" when the media quit doing their job and choose
to dwell in a wonderland of denial.
Pro-Obamacare team trains reporters on covering Obamacare website problems.
Reporters with the Society of American Business Editors and Writers received "training" on how to cover Obamacare's rollout from a policy expert who
works with President Obama's former health information technology adviser. The Commonwealth Fund's Sara Collins claimed during the training that's chronic dysfunctionality does not signify "deeper issues" with the law.
The Obama Purchase. Obama's greatest strength in gaining
office was a servile media that suppressed every scandal and ugly truth, every sordid association, every risible mistake and radical position.
It's easy being cool when nine wide phalanxes of fawning human shields stand between you and the flak, but one wonders how cool Obama would have been
had he not benefitted from the regular affirmative action that got him established and the cultural affirmative action that got him elected. Of
course, we'd never have known because his coolness would have been confined to passing the bong with the Choom Gang. We never would have heard
of him.
New York Times' Obama cheerleading harms the nation.
The ObamaCare debacle is the exception that proves the rule. Wall-to-wall complaints are forcing the media to report that the law's Web site
is a lemon and that its rules are causing millions of people to lose insurance plans they liked. The mainstream media is acting only because
the story is too big to ignore. Had it been mildly skeptical sooner, it could have exposed the law's destructive rules and prevented the disaster.
Yet the [New York] Times, especially its editorial page, remains his most devoted cheerleader. The latest example is embarrassing enough
to make a Gray Lady blush.
NY Daily News
Editorial Attacks America's 'Immaturity' for Showing Anger Over Obamacare's Lies. We were just asking for it. This is, essentially,
what Century Foundation fellow Michael Cohen took to the pages of the New York Daily News on Monday [11/11/2013] to say. In a profound scolding,
Cohen diagnoses America's "immaturity" as demonstrated by the backlash against President Barack Obama over to his oft-repeated and false claim that
every American who was happy with their health insurance would be able to keep their health insurance. This was never true. The president
and his staff were aware this was not true as early as February, 2010.
Hometown Chicago Tribune Wonders If He Lied About Obamacare — So Why'd They Endorse Him Twice? The Chicago Tribune slammed
its hometown hero in a Monday [11/11/2013] editorial: "The American public is having a credibility-shattering debate about the president:
Did he not bother to learn the details of the law before he told us we could keep our doctors and our insurance, or did he know the truth and flat-out
lie?" Perhaps a better question: Why did this same Chicago Tribune editorial board endorse this accused liar or dilettante — twice?
ABC, CBS Notice
Obama's 'Lowest Ever' Approval Rating; NBC Out to Lunch. On Tuesday, ABC's World News and CBS Evening News both reported
the latest poll numbers from the "respected" Quinnipiac University, as CBS's Scott Pelley labeled the institution, regarding President Obama's "lowest
ever" approval rating, along with Americans' dim view of the politician's honesty. ABC's Diane Sawyer noted that "for the first time in his
presidency, a majority of American voters — 52 percent...say President Obama is not honest and trustworthy."
Digging for News vs. Digging out Obama.
As the Obamacare fiasco deepens and broadens, and one watches the panic enveloping Team Obama, which strategy looks more desperate: Defending the
indefensible or savaging critics as somehow responsible for this mess? The spin control is actually amusing when you consider that it isn't Team
Obama trying to influence the media. It's the media doing damage control for Team Obama.
Byron York: Sympathetic
Journalists All Knew Cancellations [were] Coming. In a Friday editorial mainly taking aim at President Obama and Democrat lawmakers,
The Washington Examiner's Byron York argues that the wave of millions of insurance cancellations were in fact not a surprise for many who are now
claiming it was. They knew, knowingly lied and they were not the only ones. York points out that "sympathetic journalists" also knew
what was coming and remained silent.
Might the Establishment Turn Against
Obama? [Scroll down] Meanwhile, the bulk of the media, dominated by progressive executives and editors, along with their useful
idiots the journalism majors, made protecting progressivism's new poster child and mocking or ignoring anyone who dared to challenge him their
primary mission. [...] The leftist media majority, meanwhile, followed the Democratic Party's talking points right down the line, as they were
hired to do. And the doomsday clock for American liberty that is ObamaCare was carefully concealed through the obvious and
simplistic tactic of delaying much of the law's implementation until after Obama's re-election.
Obama's "5 Percent" Con Job. In
sum, Obama is well aware that his proposed "fix" is frivolous. His hope is that the country overwhelmingly consists of dolts who are too
uninformed to realize that this is the case, and who, with a little help from his media courtiers, can be convinced to blame the insurance
companies, rather than the president, for the fact that millions of Americans are losing their coverage under his "reform."
Juan Williams Describes
Journos' Meeting With Obama: White House in 'Full Fight Mode'. "I met with other senior officials at the White House, I can tell you
they are in full fight mode over the Affordable Healthcare Act right now," Williams said. "What you hear from these senior officials is they're
concerned about what happened with insurance companies; they wish the insurance companies hadn't sent out the cancellation notices; and if they had,
that they had simply call them renewals. They feel as if they had a major systems failure, a major management failure, and they're trying to
get back on track."
The Editor says...
Juan Williams seems to be very careful not to utter the term Obamacare, probably because the new law and Obama are dragging
each other down. Mr. Williams evidently recognizes the importance of carefully selecting words: He believes that if the
government calls a perfectly good insurance policy "substandard," and the insurance companies call a cancellation a "renewal," the
unfortunate person on the receiving end would be happier about it, and would not blame Barack H. Obama. President
Obama himself says he wants to rebrand and remarket Obamacare. As usual, he is taking the wrong approach. Solutions
to major problems — especially those that have been caused by big government — require more than semantics.
Time Breaks From Media:
Reports On Future ObamaCare Debacles. While the mainstream media have had no choice other than to report on ObamaCare's ongoing smoking
guns of failure, something the media have adamantly refused to do is look ahead and report on what horrors ObamaCare will bring next. Time
Magazine broke with that three-year media tradition Wednesday to warn its readers that Obama's promise about keeping your doctor will not
live up to reality.
Why Obama can't wave away this scandal.
[Scroll down] Consider the events that would have been unprecedented scandals in a Republican administration — with teams
of reporters digging and scratching daily at every nook and cranny in every bureaucratic corridor — that have instead been
covered dutifully but with relatively little passion and almost no follow-up. Why? Because it would have hurt Obama,
that's why.
Time Editor Blames Romney for Media's
Failure to Scrutinize ObamaCare. Time Magazine editor-at-large Mark Halperin appeared on "The O'Reilly Factor" Thursday [11/21/2013].
Guest host Laura Ingraham pressed Halperin, one of the tippy-top members of the elite media, to explain why he and his colleagues refused to
scrutinize ObamaCare for three years or take Republican warnings (all of which are proving true) seriously. To his credit, Halperin
didn't dodge the fact that the media failed to do its job. He did, though, rather bizarrely blame Mitt Romney and Republicans for it.
Demnesia strikes IRS political
appointee. One of only two political appointees at the IRS, a generous Democrat donor, at the IRS is relying on purported
memory failure to evade testifying on embarrassing and potentially incriminating activities related to the targeting of Tea Party groups. [...] The
media are cooperating in ignoring the heinous abuse of the IRS by the Obama administration. One of the articles of impeachment of
Richard Nixon that Hillary Clinton helped draft was his purported use of the IRS against his political opponents.
Liberal media's chickens [are] coming
home to roost. [Scroll down] In other words, the shift of cable news viewers away from liberal CNN and radical left (Forward!)
MSNBC is considerable. Unlike monopoly newspapers, cable news viewers have a choice, and they are finding that those who uncritically supported
Obama are less trustworthy and therefore are changing their viewing habits. Unmistakably, there is a trend here.
Previews Obama Interview: POTUS 'A Brilliant Writer' Who Turns in Paper with 'Misspellings'. On Thursday night [12/5/2013], MSNBC host Chris Matthews
will sit down with President Barack Obama for an interview which will, in part, focus on the problematic roll-out of the Affordable Care Act.
Matthews said that he intends to grill the president on this failure and contended that this incident was akin to "a brilliant writer" who, despite
a "great theme," turns in an essay full of technical flaws.
The Latest in a String of Panicky Decisions:
Breaks Glass on Chris Matthews. For years, MSNBC host Chris Matthews has been sitting patiently behind the emergency glass
waiting for President Barack Obama to come wildly swinging the ax of panic. As recently as August, Matthews cited Obama's careful
avoidance of the network, which just last month was forced to discipline two hosts for conduct so indefensible they could not continue to
represent MSNBC, as an indication of his and his colleagues' neutrality. On Tuesday, the air raid sirens blared and the president came
screaming out of the fog begging for aid. Matthews' interview with the President of the United States will air on Thursday [12/5/2013].
Why Matthews' Obama interview
matters. For almost a decade now, Chris Matthews has served as a barometer for baby-boom progressives' attitude toward Barack
Obama — from the "thrill" that went up his leg when he heard the presidential candidate speak in 2008 to the utter disappointment
following last October's debate in Denver. That's why Matthews' interview with Obama, which takes place at 2 p.m. today [12/5/2013]
and airs at 7 p.m. on MSNBC, is a crucial one for the president, and for MSNBC.
Geraldo, Fox & Friends
Openly Mock 'Adoring' Obama 'Fan' Chris Matthews and MSNBC. Fox News Channel host Geraldo Rivera and the hosts of
Fox & Friends openly mocked MSNBC and host Chris Matthews on Friday [12/1/2013] for his performance during an exclusive interview with
President Barack Obama. Rivera called Matthews a "fan" of the president and the hosts dismissed the network as a place that does not
specialize in "objective" analysis.
Hardball?? How Chris Matthews rolled
over for Barack Obama. Matthews is a likable guy with a passion for politics, but he left his interviewing chops at the door. The
mile-a-minute man who jumps all over his guests let the president ramble on with long, discursive, three-part answers. At times Matthews acted like
a political science professor. Maybe he was getting a reprise of the famous thrill up the leg. This was clearly a home game for Obama.
CNN Analyst 'Defends' Obama: 'Every
President Is Going To Lie'. CNN's analyst LZ Granderson has defended President Obama's outright lies about Obamacare with some of
the most insidious, cynical logic seen in recent years. According to Granderson, the American people have rationalized the health insurance lies
fed to them by Obama in this way: "We can deal with the lies that President Obama tells us because we believe in his heart, he has the best interest
for the American people."
Article (or Press Release?) Promotes Raising Gas Tax by 15 Cents a Gallon. With anti-tax Republicans in control of the House, it's a
little odd that The Washington Post would devote a story on Thursday [12/5/2013] to liberal Democrat Earl Blumenauer's proposal to raise the federal
gas tax by 15 cents a gallon. It was stranger that reporter Ashley Halsey III seemed ordered to produce a Blumenauer press release, quoting
absolutely no opposition to such a tax hike, instead quoting tax-hike backers like AAA and unions. No one seemed to ask whether the
nation's infrastructure was supposed to get a boost from Obama's "stimulus."
The dark lining to
the silver cloud of Obamanomics. The government's latest reports that the economy grew at a 3.6 percent annual rate
in the third quarter and created 203,000 new jobs last month left out a lot of caveats. Moreover, the network news media's hyperbolic
reports that the economy was surging at full throttle, and that the job market was strengthening, needs to be taken with a large grain
of salt, too. The truth is that the economic-growth rate isn't what it's cracked up to be, and the employment figures contained a
large number of "part-time" holes.
MSNBC Anchor: Obamacare = N-Word. MSNBC's
Melissa Harris-Perry evidently exists to say ridiculous things. The same radical who declared that all children belong to the state
said Sunday [12/8/2013] that "Obamacare" is the new "n-word."
Putin Pulls Press'
Strings But Obama Doesn't Have To. Who needs a palace propaganda organ when "independent" news sources like Politico bury the
revelation that insurance companies don't know "who is enrolling in their plans" under ObamaCare, as it did last week. Instead, it
highlighted a scant two-day enrollment period as evidence "the federal exchange is on the mend." Who needs Putin's court media
jesters when a political reporter with decades of experience in Washington like Howard Fineman, a fixture at Newsweek before it was
sold off for a dollar, gushes after interviewing Obama about "a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see in person a president talking
about what it's like to be president, while he's actually president!"
PolitiFact rewrites its own
history in Obamacare 'Lie Of The Year' decision. In an impressive display of chutzpah, the Tampa Bay Times' fact-checking organization PolitiFact has
designated President Obama's promise that "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it" as their "Lie of the Year" for 2013 while simultaneously distancing
itself from its own years-long record of failing to identify it as a lie.
The Death of Obama's "Noble Lie". [Scroll down]
New York Times editorialist David Firestone, in a piece with the sneering headline "The Uproar Over Insurance 'Cancellation' Notices," referred to
Obama's lie as "President Obama's unfortunate blanket statement." The paper's editorial board averred that Obama "clearly misspoke," then claimed
the canceled policies were "not worth keeping." House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters: "I don't think the message was wrong.
I think the message was accurate. It was not precise enough."
Obama portrayed as victim. Some may think reporters and editors
are simply clumsy or indifferent writers, and sometimes they are. But much of the time they choose their words (and photos) with exquisite and subtle care.
They also realize that most people only look at the headlines and photos of most articles, and that those are therefore the most important elements, and
that even people who do read the article often read only the first few paragraphs.
The 'Duck' is all about the left
being bored with Obama. Let's look at this partial list of disappointments:
1) GITMO is still open and it won't close anytime soon;
2) The NSA program has really shaken up liberals;
3) The "still in place Bush anti-terror policies" that they hated so much at "the yes we can" rally;
4) Income inequality at a high level in the 5th year of "hope and change";
5) Black unemployment is very bad under our first black president;
6) The Iran deal under attack by Senate Democrats;
7) Global warming not so warm; and,
8) The Obama Care "roll out" has raised serious concerns about competence and the future of liberalism. [...] You can make a good case
that the law is falling apart.
My point is that you will see a very aggressive left on same sex marriage, abortion, Voter ID cards, and the issues that create excitement with the
base. They need something to grab and "get pumped up about." It already started with Charles Blow bringing racism into it.
Advertising in the Age of Obama. Obama was
sold to the American voters twice on the strength of shrewd marketing, but as the truth of his unsuitability for this high office becomes increasingly
obvious to all but his most uninformed base, even advertising cannot help him pull out of his nosedive. People who know a thing or two about
medical care, insurance, and simple math warned about the doom embedded in the very heart of ObamaCare, warnings the media ignored or made fun of.
The Fall of NBC News. It seems that turning
itself into an Obama lapdog has not worked out too well for NBC News. The once-respected and prosperous news organization is facing cutbacks
and an alienated staff.
Obama: 'You
Can't Say You Take Pride in American Democracy' and Be in Favor of Voter ID Laws. On Wednesday [12/4/2013], Obama-enthusiast Chris
Matthews sat down with President Obama to ask him some softball questions, ironically, on his show entitled, "Hardball." [...] Matthews, a fanatic by
even MSNBC's standards, has made no secret of his undying admiration for Barack Obama and speaking with the president, Matthews seemed about as giddy
as a teenage girl in the front row of a Justin Bieber concert. The interview more-closely resembled two comrades griping about politics over drinks
than anything that could really be expected for an interview with a sitting president on a political news show. Matthews swooned as the president
spoke and the president focused on those who dare to object to Obama's radical agenda.
When '60 Minutes'
Checks Its Journalistic Skepticism at the Door. [V]iewers expect the show to bring its A game, and deserve it, when it
takes on a huge issue like the N.S.A., to serve as a stand-in for the American people and ask the uncomfortable questions.
60 Minutes Report on Susan Rice Misleads on
Benghazi. This evening [12/22/2013] 60 Minutes did yet another puff piece on a member of the Obama Administration.
This time it was National Security Adviser Susan Rice's turn. Lesley Stahl called Rice "the quarterback of American foreign policy."
If that is the case then Susan Rice is to the American foreign policy what Ryan Leaf was to the San Diego Chargers. However, the most
egregious part of the segment concerned Benghazi.
Obama Hawaii Vacation: Day 3. White House
officials announced that Obama signed up for health coverage through a new insurance exchange for the District of Columbia.
The Editor says...
The Associated Press, in the article immediately above, announces that Mr. Obama signed up for Obamacare. The Associated Press, in the
article immediately below, admits that "he didn't actually sign up for it himself."
Enrolls for Health Coverage, Won't Use It. He won't use it, and he didn't actually sign up for it himself, but President
Barack Obama has enrolled for health coverage through the new insurance exchanges.
2017 and the End of Ethics. Will there
be a scandal if the new political appointees at the IRS sic their auditors on What will the Washington Post say should the
new president keep Guantanamo Bay open for five more years, quadruple the number of drone missions, or decide to double renditions? [...] In other
words, because for the past five years the members of the Washington press corps have abdicated their traditional adversarial role as watchdogs of
the executive branch, can we still have watchdogs at all in 2017? If the next president falsely swears that his new health-care program will
not affect citizens' current coverage, what consequences could possibly follow?
Misreporting Underscored Mainstream Media's Malfeasance. No better example of this mainstream-media malfeasance exists than the
case of ObamaCare and thousands of liberal "journalists" at the networks, cable networks, newspapers and radio outlets who chose — out
of loyalty to the president and his naively utopian nanny-state beliefs — to shill for a program they knew to be built on a foundation
of lies from day one. Worse than knowing it was built on a foundation of deceit, most also knew it would decimate our health-care system,
increase costs for tens of millions of Americans and put doctors in an untenable position. They knew it, and they still hid the truth.
When the press is a poodle.
This nation's Founders had a special role in mind for the media in the constitutional arrangements they carefully constructed.
It was to provide a fourth source of checks and balances on the potential abuse of power by the three branches of government, by
virtue of journalists' independence and, if assured freedom of the press, their ability to expose and, thereby, to counter overreaching
presidents, legislators or courts. The Framers of our Constitution didn't reckon on the American media in the age of Obama, however.
10 Forms of 2013 Media Malpractice. [#10] Sit on important
information if doing so helps the administration. In November, the AP's Julie Pace reveled in the fact that she and her
employer knew of secret negotiations between the U.S. and Iran a full eight months before they were publicly disclosed.
The wire service's claim that doing so involved doing the Obama administration no favors blew up in its face when another news
organization acknowledged that it and AP "were asked to not publish til end of Iran talks."
Reporters Hit a White House Stone Wall.
With the exception of those who depend on Fox, ABC radio, the Wall Street Journal, and other conservative outlets, too many of the consumers
of news are blissfully unaware of the liberal, rubber stamp product they are receiving. It is the complete betrayal of those whom the
press is supposed to serve. They did not report the truth about Obamacare. They have not reported the truth about Obama's failed
foreign affairs policies, including the attack on Benghazi. They have largely ignored other scandals. Obama's new economic "inequality"
lies are right out of the Communist Manifesto. The result, however, was his reelection in 2012 and millions of canceled health plans.
Obama on the Couch. It takes cash to
afford the cable connections, premium channels, and Netflix subscriptions required to watch all of the titles on the president's viewing list.
It is also necessary to have leisure time, which, disturbingly, the president seems to have a lot of. No wonder he finds out about
everything from the newspapers. Shear clearly had a thesis in mind when he sat down to write. His article is an argument in
search of evidence. He seems to think Obama's taste in television reveals a tragic sense of life, [...]
a Pressured President, a Real and Rare Vacation in Hawaii. Mr. Obama's vacation schedule was nothing if not routine. He
went to the gym at Marine Corps Base Hawaii for a sunrise workout. He played golf nine out of 15 days. And he and the first
lady, Michelle Obama, stepped out for dinner at a few of their favorite restaurants: Alan Wong's, Morimoto Waikiki (twice!) and Nobu Waikiki.
Bias alert!
There is nothing rare about Obama's annual Hawaiian vacations, or his annual summer vacation at Martha's Vineyard. In fact, every
cross-country flight on Air Force One and every international junket would be considered a remarkable vacation by most people. (I like
to fly as much as anybody, but I haven't been on an airliner since the early 1990's.) The writer of the New York Times article above
goes to great lengths to portray Mr. Obama as overworked and under-rewarded, when exactly the opposite is true.
How the Obama administration dismantled American
government. Obamacare is a flea bitten dog that never would have been enacted without wholesale and deliberate
falsehoods said over and over again by Barack Obama and every Democrat cheerleader. It never would have been enacted
without legislative sleights-of-hand and backroom bribes offered to key Democrats. It never would have been enacted
and Barack Obama would likely not have won a second term without the willing negligence of a toothless "watchdog press" who
refused to independently investigate or report obvious lies.
Bush to Blame for 'Security Vacuum' in Iraq Created by Obama's Troop Withdrawal. Introducing a report on Monday's [1/6/2014]
NBC Nightly News about Al-Qaeda forces seizing control of the Iraqi city of Fallujah, anchor Brian Williams went out of his way to
blame the President George W. Bush for the deteriorating security situation: "U.S. fighting forces are gone from Iraq. But
as so many predicted when President Bush chose to go to war there after 9/11, the fighting has started up again."
Doyle McManus: 'None' of Obama's 'Controversies ... Quite Reached Scandalhood'. According to Keith Koffler at White House Dossier,
the Obama adminstration was at "Two Dozen Scandals and Counting" in August, including but obviously not limited to the following:
• IRS targets Obama's enemies
• Benghazi (which Koffler correctly describes as "three scandals in one")
• Watching (i.e., spying on) the Associated Press
• The Justice Department's suggestion that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal to justify monitoring his every action
• The ATF "Fast and Furious" scheme
• Solyndra
There isn't any reasonable debate as to whether these items fit the textbook definition of a scandal ("a disgraceful or discreditable action,
circumstance, etc."). They obviously do.
Media Again
Humiliated After Hyping Unreliable ADP Jobs Numbers. The unemployment rate dropped from 7% to 6.7%, but that is due only to
the disheartening fact that 525,000 of the unemployed stopped looking for work. As a result, the labor force participation rate
dropped to its lowest point since 1978. Still, President Obama enjoyed a week of celebratory news about job creation thanks to
our objective, unbiased, not-at-all liberal media once again hyping the notoriously unreliable jobs report from ADP.
Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media's 'Bridgegate Mania' Look Like a Joke. Whatever happened in New
Jersey under Governor Chris Christie in regards to the already-infamous "bridgegate," the open gloating by the media over the
unacceptable behavior of the Republican governor's staffers is extremely revealing. Regardless of one's views on Governor
Chris Christie, this coordinated political feeding frenzy is liberal hypocrisy at its finest.
Bridging the Obamacare, IRS,
and Benghazi Scandal Gap. [Scroll down] "My own view is that most politicians pose as know-everythings when they run for
office and know-nothings after they are elected," I replied, hoping that such a general observation would end this discussion before we
started tossing things at one another. "What do you mean?" he asked looking genuinely surprised. "Well, Obama claims not to have
known about almost anything his administration has done until he's read it in the newspaper. And once he does know, no one seems
to get punished for his or her misdeeds. He lied repeatedly about ObamaCare and Benghazi which affects many more people more substantially
than a traffic jam — and yet, no one has been fired and the press has not spent a lot of time covering the bad deeds or the lies
about them."
They fall right into his
lap: Journalists jump for jobs on President Obama's team. Journalism and open government groups have criticized President Obama
for falling short of promises to increase transparency, but that hasn't stopped reporters and editors from gobbling up jobs in his
administration. One of the latest to go from covering the administration to promoting it is Dorie Nolt, who left her job as
education reporter for The Associated Press to become press secretary at the Education Department. She joins at least 22 other
former journalists who have worked or who continue to work in the administration, according to White House announcements, ethics filings
and media reports.
Documents: Obama, Hillary lied completely about Benghazi. Obama knew he couldn't win the election if he told the
American people the truth. I bet Obama didn't think twice about lying. The media helped him, debate moderators saved
him, and now we're stuck with the most incompetent President of all time.
Obama invisible in media
coverage of Benghazi report. The Senate intelligence report that was published earlier this week that concluded the Benghazi
attack could have been prevented never mentions the name of the individual most reponsible [sic] for the debacle.
Strategy — How Barack Obama is Playing America. Hitler's Propaganda Minister, Goebbels, affirmed:
"the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. ... It is the absolute right of the state to supervise
the formation of public opinion." Does mainstream media's "love affair" with this administration possibly fit this narrative?
Mainstream media goes whichever the wind blows in supporting or protecting the administration.
reporters parrot Obama's 'income inequality' mantra. Washington's political reporters, in lightning knee-jerk speed,
have embraced President Obama's Robin Hood war on "income inequality," the latest example of the president's success in using the
bully pulpit to steer attention to his new populist campaign. The issue took center stage Wednesday during a briefing from the
nonpartisan Business Roundtable meant to focus on the group's agenda to push economic growth from 2 percent to 4 percent, but
instead saw several reporters pestering the group's president and chairman about the minimum wage and income distribution.
Shriver Report Is the
New 'War on Women' Manifesto. If there was every any question of whether the Left would recycle the "War on Women" campaign
effort for 2014, there isn't now. The release of the Shriver Report — with its the lengthy, anecdote-filled document catchy
website and social-media campaign day-long events; and presidential pow-wow — shows that the Left is doubling down on the
message that women are under siege in America, and only bigger government can save them. The publication ably describes some of
the hardship and challenges facing American women, though there is the obligatory use of exaggerated statistics.
Limbaugh: Obamanomics Is Killing Jobs; GOP Fiddles. If it weren't for a shamelessly
dishonest, hyper-protective liberal media, the American people would know, unanimously and without doubt, that Obamanomics is killing American jobs. There is no
silver lining in the December jobs numbers. Experts and analysts were expecting this latest jobs report, released Friday, to show 200,000 new payroll jobs in
December, but there were only 74,000, which is 37 percent of the goal.
Five years
later, journalists challenge White House 'economic crisis' excuse. On "This Week," ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl challenged White
House press secretary Jay Carney over the knee-jerk excuse that administration officials give when they are asked about the bad economic numbers.
During the interview, Karl showed a clip of Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., reminding his audience that seven million more Americans are living in poverty today
who were not in poverty when President George W. Bush was leaving office.
Will: Obama Knows He Has Media Covering for Him on IRS. George Will zinged the media's duplicity in how they have
approached the IRS scandal versus past major scandals when a Republican was President, a lack of interest President Obama recognizes
and, "hence, his sense of weariness and boredom as he discussed this with Bill O'Reilly." Will, on Bret Baier's FNC panel
Monday night, recalled "three big" scandals "regarding the distortion and abuse of institutions: Watergate, Iran-Contra and
the IRS," noting "the first two were ravenously covered by the media; they were Republican Presidents' problems."
George Will: IRS
Scandal [is] as Big as Watergate and Iran-Contra; So Where's the Media? Appearing on Fox News Channel's Special Report on
Wednesday [2/5/2014], conservative columnist George Will said the scandal involving the Internal Revenue Services' targeting of conservative
groups is as serious as Watergate or Iran-Contra. The distinction between those scandals and the one involving the IRS, he said, was
that the press covered those earlier controversies heavily while they have largely dismissed the latest.
Can a Marxist who wants to take down the Free West really be "not a bad
guy"? Whitewashing the fact that top Fox guy Bill O'Reilly said of Marxist Obama: "He is not a bad guy. I
think people misread him", Fox News followed O'Reilly February 2nd interview by heaping praise on him for "asking the right questions".
If there was any chance of Obama answering the "right questions", he would never have shown up for the Fox interview.
Three Ways Obama's Executive Orders are the
Worst of Any President. Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post is the latest to defend President Barack Obama's use — past,
present, and future — of executive orders to circumvent Congress. She argues that his "push-the-envelope moves" are "within the bounds
of the modern presidency." Marcus is not alone here: others have pointed out that Obama has used fewer executive orders than his
predecessors, forgetting that constitutionality is what matters, not quantity.
Poof: A Scandal Disappears. It requires
terrific confidence in the passivity of the press to float the discredited "Cincinnati did it all" dodge since we know that IRS employees
in that office were taking direction from Washington. We further know that IRS offices in California, Oklahoma, Washington, D.C.
and other places have been identified as singling out groups with "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in their names. Obama's confidence in
the press is not misplaced. Despite juicy opportunities to delve into the story of government abusing its power, reporters have
let the matter drop.
Impeach President Romney? Thought
experiment: What would the media and the Left (but I repeat...) be saying if President Romney was rewriting Obamacare on his own executive
authority, delaying the business mandate, etc.? My guess is they'd be screaming for Romney's impeachment.
Hayes Pleads: 'Where is the Mainstream Media' on Obama's Lawlessness? "Where is the mainstream media on this?" Steve Hayes of The
Weekly Standard pleaded on Tuesday's [2/11/2014] Special Report with Bret Baier in reference to President Obama's latest decision to
change the ObamaCare law. "Can you imagine if this were George W. Bush? I mean, we would be talking about a constitutional crisis,
front page New York Times splashed above the fold, 'George W. Bush: Dictator President.' You're seeing none of that."
Johnny Carson's Head Writer: Late Night Comics Protect
Obama. The paucity of Obama jokes is the dog that didn't bark. Like their news anchor counterparts, our hosts go gentle into that late
night, despite the target-rich environment of this administration. With his pen and phone, our selfie-absorbed president is one whacked uncle away
from appointing himself Supreme Leader. It isn't that they've abstained from attacking Democrats. Bill Clinton got savaged during his eight-year
run and we can expect torrential yuks if and when Hillary declares. But they're tongue-tied when it comes to roughing up the present POTUS.
Washington's Pack of Pretenders. Last Friday, in what would be a
humiliating episode if it were capable of embarrassment, the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, acted as if a tweet from "@BarackObama"
about the TV program House of Cards represented an "endorsement" of the program by President Barack Obama himself. [...] The folks at AP are so smitten
with Dear Leader that they either weren't aware or didn't care that the Twitter account involved is from Organizing for America, a group of Obama lovers
who are technically but not substantively separate from the White House, and whose life mission is to promote his missions of the moment.
Historians Begin to Gild Obama's Reputation. The problem
with fixing the historical reputation of presidents — in both meanings of "fix": securing in place and repairing — is
that it is done by historians. That problem is manifest in Politico's recent invitation to "ten leading historians" to write
a paragraph on "Obama's rank in the pantheon of American presidents."
Two New MSNBC Hosts Bring News
Media-Obama Revolving Door to 30. With two political activists, who toiled for Barack Obama, starting hosting duties today [2/24/2014]
with new shows on MSNBC, the Media Research Center's list of those revolving between working on behalf of Obama and positions in the news media has
reached 30.
Barbara Walters Literally Kisses Up to Joe Biden, Calls
Him 'Superb' VP. Is it MSNBC or The View? Hard to tell today as The View's own Barbara Walters literally and figuratively
kissed up to Vice President Joe Biden during his appearance on the show. Walters welcomed Biden by declaring there's not "much doubt that you're
a superb Vice President."
Supermarket alert: Michelle Obama on the nutrition label.
Michelle Obama's feigned concern that nutrition labels on food packages make grocery shopping a difficult and trying experience for the moms
of America, is no different than her televised dancing gig with giant anthropomorphic vegetables that kicked off the fourth anniversary of
her 'Let's Move' campaign on Jimmy Fallon's all too accommodating The Tonight Show.
FLOTUS to Appear on 'Parks
and Recreation,' Show Wants Hillary Clinton, Too. Not content with their news division selectively editing video after video
to favor President Barack Obama, NBC is now shilling for the administration in the dramatic department. First Lady Michelle Obama will
guest-star on NBC's season finale of Parks and Recreation, airing at 8 p.m. April 24.
CNN's Don Lemon: Yesterday, Obama 'Became
the Black President'. CNN anchor Don Lemon became visibly emotional on Thursday after President Barack Obama announced an initiative
aimed at helping minority youth to graduate from high school and train for careers. On Friday [2/28/2014], Lemon expanded on his
impressions, telling CNN anchor Carol Costello that Obama "became the black president" in that moment.
The Editor asks...
What was he up to that point?
Press Ignores Turley's 'Government Unto Himself' Warning on Obama's Executive Overreach. The volume of significant news going
unreported in the establishment press has gone from astonishing to surreal. The best example of that, as intrepid NewsBusters posters have
noted now for nine months, is the virtually complete blackout in the establishment press of developments in the IRS-conservative
targeting scandal.
President Not-Present. We now know — even the
Associated Press, better described as the Administration's Press, has now acknowledged it — that President Barack Obama, in
AP's words, "did not participate" in a White House meeting of his national security team Saturday morning [3/1/2014] "to get
updates on the situation and discuss policy options" in reaction to Russia's invasion and takeover of Crimea and threatened
military intervention in the rest of Ukraine. Those who need help getting past AP's whitewashing need to understand that
"did not participate" means "did not attend." Last time I checked, the president of the United States was the nation's
commander in chief, the person who is supposed to be primarily responsible for the nation's security and well-being in its
relations with the rest of the world. He happens to live in the same White House where the national security meeting was
held. [...] Congress and the American people should demand to know exactly what could possibly have been more important than
Obama's attendance at that meeting. We all know that if a President Romney or George W. Bush had acted similarly,
the press would already be demanding an answer for us, and quite properly so.
Media's Obama Protection Society. While [Sharyl] Attkisson is just one reporter and CBS has long since ceased being a
dominant force in the national media, this may be a crucial moment in the history of American journalism. It was assumed that
any major news outlet would regard aggressive coverage of all administrations as a given. But that ceased to be the case when
Barack Obama entered the White House. If Attkisson is being shown the door at CBS it is not because her work is not highly
regarded but because she has violated the prime directive of liberal media insiders: thou shalt not report on Obama in the
same way that you reported on George W. Bush or even Bill Clinton. The liberal bias that conservatives have long
complained about is out of the closet.
ObamaCare Meets Kafka. Daily we learn of
cancer patients who are losing their medical coverage, their doctors, their access to oncology centers only to be met with the derision
of Harry Reid who calls them "liars." Gary Weiss writes of his experience as he signed up for his 2014 health insurance on the New
York exchange. He was puzzled by the fact that the Gold plan cost more than the Silver plan although the Silver plan was substantially
better and he "thought it odd that this peculiarity was nowhere noted in any of the news media accounts of the New York debut of Obamacare."
How's This for Flexibility, Mr. President?
It was a shocking disclosure just two years ago. In Seoul, South Korea, President Barack Obama's voice was picked up
on a hot mic as he told Russia's Dmitri Medvedev: "Tell Vladimir [Putin] I can be more flexible after the election."
It was an unprecedented confession by an American head of state. It was shocking — or should have been — because
it showed the president of the United States conspiring, literally whispering assurances to a foreign leader that may not
have been consistent with his own public pronouncements to us, the American voters, or to the world. [...] Our liberal
media — always in the tank for Mr. Obama — yawned and brushed it all off.
Press to Obama: Thank You, Sir, May I Have Another? How much abuse will the mainstream media take before
they stand up for themselves? When the abuse comes from the Obama administration, their tolerance appears
to be unlimited. This week, for example, two things happened that should have sent reporters into a frenzy of
outrage. First, there were reports that the Obama administration has effectively crippled the Freedom of Information
Act, despite Obama's promise of unequaled transparency. [...] Next, we learned that Michelle Obama has banned the
press from her taxpayer-paid China visit.
The Death of
Journalism. Of course when Republicans are in office, liberal journalists become quite aggressive and love to
launch investigations. When Democrats are in office, these same journalists help the politicians cover up their misdeeds.
The identical press that blasted George W. Bush throughout his administration is totally uninterested in examining
President Obama's failed policies, broken promises and weak leadership. The biggest omission has been a detailed
examination of Obamacare and the President's many exemptions, extensions and revisions to the plan.
A few questions for the Cheer Leaders at ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, NYT, et al.
You few, you proud, you journalists who inform Americans about their nation and the world; you inheritors of the glorious
tradition of a free and vital press — may I turn the tables and ask you a few questions? Will any of you
Obama cheerleaders ask the "Leader of the Free World" why he was so wrong and Romney was so right about the geopolitical
challenge that Putin's Russia poses to America? Will you all apologize to Sarah Palin for y'all mocking her when
she suggested Obama's weakness might encourage Putin to invade Ukraine? Ya, know, since she was so right and you
all were embarrassingly wrong?
MSNBC: Hate Forward. MSNBC's entire primetime
lineup is stacked with liberal journalists and pundits, who in turn have on more liberal journalists, pundits, and
Democratic lawmakers as their guests more than 90 percent of the time. The subject matter, as anyone who
watches MSNBC knows, is nearly always to gleefully and freely shred Republicans. One common point of contention:
Daring to oppose the commander in chief. Yet, rather than engage Republican and conservative criticisms of Obama,
anchors and guests often dismiss nearly all of them as stemming from a "hate" for the president.
Is A Fiasco, So Why Don't Media Report It? How do we know ObamaCare is failing?
Ironically, because those very same "reporters" are doing the opposite of the Bush years. They're
burying the story. They aren't in denial. They know the truth. They're just choosing
to ignore it. They are pretending there are no broken promises about keeping your insurance plan,
or keeping your doctor, or lowering your premium by $2,500 a year. They are pretending, like
Ellen DeGeneres told the president, that "everyone" in America loves ObamaCare.
Just how much coverage have they given to this, the most important domestic issue since Ronald Reagan's economic
recovery plan?
Still Spraying Heavy Perfume, Calling Obamacare A 'Signature Domestic Achievement'. It's the
bland leading the bland as Obamacare enrollment (sort of) ends. The front page of Monday's
Washington Post carries the headline "New fronts in health battle: Challenges after sign-up
milestone." (Yawn.) The pull quote inside on A-2 is "The unresolved issues mean it is far
too soon to know how President Obama's signature domestic achievement will turn out." In that case,
why use the word "achievement"? Did they describe the Iraq War as Bush's "signature achievement"?
GM's safety calamity, an utter Washington failure, isn't a hot TV topic. GM, you'll recall,
had to be rescued by the taxpayers in 2009, and the federal stake was so large that the company was dubbed
Government Motors when it went through bankruptcy. But bankruptcy rules require a disclosure of all
liabilities as well as assets. By hiding the defect in its cars, GM may have committed bankruptcy fraud.
Beyond that, the utter failure of the National Highway Transportation Safety Agency to crack down on the defective
ignition switch is an embarrassing failure. But regulatory agencies are a journalistic backwater, drawing
a fraction of the coverage lavished on the White House, Congress and politics. Even so, with GM's
CEO and the acting NHTSA chief scheduled to be hauled before a Hill committee today, you'd think there
would be a drumbeat on the air.
Obama's 'children' on a rampage.
Since Barack Obama was elected president, all criticisms of his policies have been deemed by the MSM as racially
motivated. All the MSNBC anchors regularly do is drop the R bomb against the right wing without any
validity but truth no longer matters on this biased network which consequently is seriously tanking in the ratings.
Celebrating Meaningless, Movable O-Care Goalposts. It's like deciding half-way through a semester that
getting a D+ will be OK then pretending you're Einstein reincarnate when you do. Through the miracle of almost
no memory whatsoever, the lefty cheerleaders are celebrating the "[...]-SEVEN MILLION!" number like the parents of
the paste-eating kid who finally wrote his name legibly for the first time in the fourth grade.
Joins Obama in Mission Accomplished Obamacare Spin. The old media really seemed to be reveling
in the "miraculous" recovery of Obamacare, uncritically reporting signups have "surged" to that vaunted,
administration-set "seven million" enrollees figure that remains under a cloud of suspicion given major
gaps in what we know about it. Tuesday, Obama held a triumphal news conference replete with adoring
crowds applauding and some of his most deeply partisan rhetoric of his presidency. It was a spiking
of the football that Obama hasn't indulged in since he "got" bin Laden.
Rise of
conservative media is unintentionally protecting Obama. Liberals dubbed Ronald Reagan the "Teflon president"
because they felt nothing ever stuck to him. President Obama is the Scotchguard president; the would-be scandals that
ought to be dogging his administration simply seem to bead up into little droplets before they are briskly wiped away.
Conservatives will tell you, and rightly so, that this is happening because the mainstream media — the prestige
press and the network television commentariat — are committing sins both of commission and omission. At
times, they act as the president's blocking tackles in some respects, speaking with contempt and dismissal when the
scandals are even mentioned.
Census Questions Will Change ObamaCare Findings; Networks Ignore. New Census questions
will change the findings on the impact of ObamaCare, reported the New York Times on Tuesday.
The broadcast networks ignored this new report on the Tuesday evening newscasts, however. In fact,
a census official told the Times they "are expecting much lower numbers" of the uninsured "just
because of the questions and how they are asked." As the Times stated, the Census Bureau "is
changing its annual survey so thoroughly that it will be difficult to measure the effects of President
Obama's health care law in the next report, due this fall, census officials said."
Network Will Win the Battle for Sharyl Attkisson? As you've likely heard by now, she
recently quit the network due to a significant drop in air time, which she says was because the
network was being submissive to the Obama Administration. To those who work in news, Ms. Attkisson
is seen as the most coveted free agent reporter on the market right now.
Buries Own Results, Allows 18 Seconds for Obama 'Facing Worst Poll' of His Presidency. The news that
Barack Obama is "facing the worst poll numbers of his presidency" warranted a mere 18 seconds of attention
from Good Morning America on Tuesday [4/29/2014]. This scant coverage is despite the fact that ABC
conducted the poll in question (along with the Washington Post). Reporter Amy Robach briefly explained,
"And President Obama is returning to Washington today, facing the worst poll numbers of his presidency.
His approval rating has dropped to 41 percent, mostly because of the economy." In contrast, when
George W. Bush's approval rating dropped to 42 percent on March 7, 2006, GMA offered two segments.
Ignores [Its] Own Poll Numbers Showing Obama's Lowest Approval Rating. Tuesday's World News
ignored ABC's own poll showing President Obama's lowest approval rating of his presidency. ABC gave a
scant 18 seconds to the numbers on Good Morning America earlier that day. [...] Instead of the poll numbers,
however, the World News found two minutes for an update in Italy's trial of Amanda Knox, which NBC and CBS didn't
think newsworthy. ABC also devoted a 50-second news brief to the announcement of the cast members in new
Star Wars movie.
White House Impressed Corps. On Friday, the speaker of the House ordered a special
probe into a White House cover-up of terrorism. On Saturday, the White House press corps buried the
news and yukked it up with the president at the black-tie dinner. Once viewed as a serious news
network, CNN blacked out hard news for five full hours to cover the gala, including "live updates of
the red carpet arrivals." Instead of interviewing White House officials about Benghazi emails,
anchors interviewed comedian Joel McHale, who roasted Republicans as racists.
Much Everyone in America Wants an Investigation into Benghazi Except... the Media.
The journalistic establishment is convinced that the investigation into the attacks on Benghazi is
a partisan sideshow that is unlikely to unearth any new information, the fact that new information
was unearthed just weeks ago as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request notwithstanding.
Nevertheless, reporters are quite sure that any investigation into the preparation for and response
to the Benghazi attack is purely political. CNN's Erin Burnett summed it up best when she declared
on Wednesday night that even the word Benghazi has "become like abortion." Meaning, the issue has
grown so polarizing that there are few people left who can be persuaded to change their already
settled opinion on the matter.
Host Sullivan: NYT Fired Abramson for Criticizing Obama. The firing of Jill Abramson
as executive editor of The New York Times happened because she "went over the line" in criticizing
the heavy-handed tactics used by the Obama administration in dealing with the media, claims radio
talk show host Tom Sullivan. Sullivan pointed out that "earlier this year" (in fact, just last
month, in an interview with The Takeaway) Abramson said, "The Obama years are a benchmark for a
new level of secrecy and control." He said she added that "sources who want to come forward with
stories they feel are important are scared to death they're going to be prosecuted."
IRS's Media Firewall. After the full House of Representatives cited former Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) official Lois G. Lerner for contempt of Congress on Wednesday, the Washington
Times fittingly made it the lead story. Over at the Washington Post, however, print readers had
to go 19 pages deep to "The Fed Page," a union-style newsletter for federal employees. If the Post
had buried the story any deeper, it would have been wedged into the classifieds or crumpled up in a
backyard mulch barrel.
NBC Ignore Report Showing Obama Administration Knew About Ongoing VA Problems. Of the
big three networks, only the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley covered the new revelations
in the VA scandal. CBS News host Scott Pelley noted that "The Bush White House was so concerned
about this back in 2008 that it warned the incoming Obama Administration." CBS Evening News
and Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier were the only evening news programs to cover
the report while NBC Nightly News and ABC World News remained silent.
routinely shocked, angered by things happening within his own administration. The
media swears that this is the scandal, finally, that will really hurt the administration.
They're all over it. But they were "all over" previous scandals, too, before they lost interest
and eventually started playing defense for the administration. Will (at least) dozens of dead
veterans hold the press' attention long enough to leave a lasting mark? We'll see, but in the
meantime, please excuse my skepticism.
Missing Media Label For Obama's Presidency. When a reporter asked in a two-part
question whether Obama had been "caught by surprise" by the mushrooming scandal at the VA, Obama
ignored it. It was a good question. [...] Yet neither the reporter nor anyone else in the room
insisted that Obama answer it. Now try to imagine how the mainstream press would have responded
if Obama were a Republican. They'd almost certainly describe him as disengaged, maybe even
incompetent. Or worse, an inveterate liar. At the very least they wouldn't let him dodge such a
pertinent question. Especially not after he'd made the same plea of ignorance about the ObamaCare
website fiasco, IRS targeting, AP snooping, Fast and Furious and other scandals.
Lord Obama. Think of
the following: the Fast and Furious scandal, the VA mess, the tapping of the communications of the
Associated Press reporters, the NSA monitoring, Benghazi in all of its manifestations, the serial
lies about Obamacare, the failed stimuli, the chronic zero interest/print money policies, the
serial high unemployment, the borrowing of $7 trillion to no stimulatory effect, the spiraling
national debt, the customary violations of the Hatch Act by Obama cabinet officials, the alter
ego/fake identity of EPA head Lisa Jackson, the sudden departure of Hilda Solis after receiving
union freebies, the mendacity of Kathleen Sebelius, the strange atmospherics surrounding the
Petraeus resignation, the customary presidential neglect of enforcing the laws from immigration
statutes to his own health care rules, the presidential divisiveness ("punish our enemies," "you
didn't build that," Trayvon as the son that Obama never had, etc.), and on and on. So
why is there not much public reaction or media investigatory outrage? [...] [T]he media is
invested in seeing Obama as a once-in-a-lifetime emissary of its own politics.
Anchor Gives Michelle Obama Power to Sign Bills into Law. CNN anchor Carol Costello
ascribed new powers to the ceremonial office of first lady of the United States on Tuesday [5/27/2014] in a
report about Michelle Obama's healthy school lunch initiative and the opposition it is receiving
from Republicans and members of the food industry. Costello declared that Michelle Obama signed a
bill regarding her initiative into law in 2010 after it passed Congress. The Constitution, however,
limits the power to sign legislation into law to Mrs. Obama's husband, the president.
Also posted
under news media incompetence.
Rose's contemptible interview with Susan Rice. Charlie Rose of PBS (and CBS News)
enjoys an elevated reputation among a wide swath of the educated public, and not just limited to
the left leaning portion of that demographic slice. But an hour-long interview he conducted
Thursday night with National Security Adviser Susan Rice on PBS should damage that reputation.
Somehow or other, he managed to completely avoid the subject of the attack on the Benghazi
diplomatic facility on 9/11/2012, and Ms. Rice's role as a disinformation officer spreading the
outright lie that the attack was sparked by an obscure video that no one in Libya had even heard
of. Paul Bremmer of Newsbusters documents what ought to be career-killer for Rose, demonstrating
how at multiple moments, the topic was talked around and avoided by Rose.
Rose's Hourlong PBS Interview of Susan Rice Never Mentions Benghazi. On Thursday,
Charlie Rose spent the entire commercial-free hour of his PBS show interviewing Obama National
Security Advisor Susan Rice, yet never asked her a single question about the 2012 Benghazi attacks
or her role in disseminating faulty talking points afterward. In fact, the B-word never escaped
Rose's nor Rice's lips during the entire show. There were, however, a few moments when a question
about Benghazi would have seemed appropriate. Early in the interview, Rose asked where in the world
America's core interests were under attack at the moment. Rice pointed to the ongoing terrorist
threat: [Video clip]
CNN produces the most biased headline of the month:
U.S. economy shrinks, but it's
not a big deal. Revised numbers released Thursday show the economy shrank in the first
quarter, marking the first downturn since early 2011. Gross domestic product, the broadest
measure of economic growth, fell at a 1% annual pace, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Greenwald Once Called Brian Williams 'NBC's Top Hagiographer'. Tonight [5/28/2014] at
10 p.m. ET, NBC News will air an hour-long, exclusive interview with Edward Snowden, making Brian
Williams the first American journalist to score an in-person sit down with the former NSA contractor.
The interview was a big get for Williams and presumably Snowden and his media liaison Glenn Greenwald had
their pick of just about any news anchor when they decided to grant it. There's nothing too surprising
about the choice of Williams on the surface. After all, he does consistently draw the largest number
of total viewers for any network evening newscast. But a Salon column from just over two years ago
shows that Greenwald did not always think so highly of the NBC anchor.
I just want to take a walk in DC by myself. Feeling the weight of the world on his
shoulders, a weary President Obama says his fondest dream is getting a chance to take a stroll by
himself away from the White House. Obama — who rides in motorcades, jets on Air Force
One and is under constant guard — says he'd take a solo hike across the National Mall,
if only the Secret Service would give him the chance. "I would go take a walk," the president
said Friday on "Live with Kelly and Michael" when asked the one thing he'd like to do if only he could.
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Finally 'Gets' the Deception of the Obama Regime — It's Just
Priceless. In a roundtable discussion on Morning Joe on Wednesday, co-host Mika
Brzezinski appears to be confounded about the Administration's actions surrounding the Bergdahl
prisoner exchange. She asks journalist John Heilemann to address it, with three "tough" questions
about the situation — about Bergdahl's health, why Susan Rice repeatedly said Sgt.
Bergdahl served honorably, and why the White House said they consulted Congress when, by all
accounts, they didn't.
Icarus Descending,
Dishonorably. [Scroll down] But even with 20 percent inflation, international
humiliation, the Iranian hostage crisis, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and gas lines, in
retrospect Jimmy Carter seems like Pericles of Athens compared with Barack Hussein Obama, the
least-qualified man ever to actively seek and win the presidency. When the full extent of the harm
the Obama administration has inflicted on the United States is finally realized, not only will Obama
come in for blame, but so also will the forces that put him in office, especially the Democrat-Media
Complex, led by David Axelrod.
Begala: 'If Barack Obama Cured Cancer,' GOP 'Would Attack Him'. On Thursday's New Day on CNN, during a
discussion of President Obama's decision to release five high-risk Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for
hostage Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, without even notifying Congress first, liberal CNN commentator Paul Begala took a gratuitous swipe
at Republicans as he cracked that, "if Barack Obama cured cancer, the Republicans would attack him for putting oncologists out of work."
Nazi gives Hitler Salute from Rose Garden. Today the corporate media are still covering up their
complicity in Obama's worse-than-Watergate criminality. Former SecState Hillary is still denying her own betrayals
in Benghazi, sacrificing our people to protect the personal careers of big Democrats with a lifelong history of
anti-American sabotage. No wonder our former allies are enraged at us today. No wonder Putin and the
Iranians are drunk with laughter. No wonder the Taliban are celebrating the coming Muslim Dark Ages, now visibly
beginning to descend again over Afghanistan. We can now see Obama's version of the Knockout Game against
our allies, always favoring our deadliest self-proclaimed enemies.
Williams Skips V.A. Scandal in Obama Interview; Omits Reid's Claim on Bergdahl Swap.
Brian Williams glossed over the V.A. scandal during his interview of President Obama on Friday's
[6/6/2014] NBC Nightly News. Williams did devote time to the ongoing controversy
surrounding the release of senior Taliban leaders in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl —
specifically the White House failing to inform Congress 30 days before the Islamists were let go
from Guantanamo Bay, as required by federal law. However, the anchor didn't mention that Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid revealed that he was informed of the trade for Bergdahl on May 27,
2014 — a day before it actually happened.
5 Times, NYT's 'Rush to Demonize Bergdahl' Editorial Attacking GOP 'Operatives'. The seething anger at seeing the Obama administration being raked over
the coals by critics of the Bowe Bergdahl exchange of five hardened terrorists for a soldier who left his post, including many
Democrats and most prominently his fellow unit members, was apparently too much for the editorial board at the New York Times.
On Thursday [6/5/2014], they let loose with a poorly sourced and hastily drafted editorial originally entitled "The Politics of the
Bergdahl Case."
Dance Around Mentioning President Obama When Discussing Increased Iraq Violence. Al
Qaeda-affiliated militants have seized control of two cities in Northern Iraq, including Mosul the
nation's second largest and Tikrit, the hometown of Sadaam Hussein. Despite the increased violence,
all three network morning shows did their best to downplay or ignore the Obama Administration's
Iraq policy for potentially contributing to the violence.
Iraq faces collapse, the media blackout of the war abruptly ends. The media have long
since checked out of Iraq. Even in the final years of U.S. involvement, the images of war all but
faded from television and the newspaper stories moved to inside pages. The American public was
sick of the conflict. Journalists were sick of the conflict, which was bad for ratings and circulation,
not to mention expensive and dangerous to cover. The news seemed relentlessly depressing.
Media is blindly following
Obama. That the leftist media remain a sucker for story lines about Democratic unity,
as opposed to those about a Republican "civil war," is a disgrace that helps define the age of Obama.
Uncurious and unserious journalists are not journalists. They are stenographers at best, shills at
worst. Their abdication is destructive. The refusal to subject Obama to the same critical standard
applied to Republican presidents provides cover for policies that lack public support. And that blackout
of skepticism serves to keep potentially wayward Democrats in line. Then and only then is it possible to
claim they are "starting to unite" behind a policy that doesn't exist.
The Media Smears
More Lipstick on Obamacare. Most voters view Obamacare as a bloated, stinking beast.
Yet, if you browse the web for recent news on the president's "signature domestic achievement" your
search engine will return countless articles describing it as a spectacular success story. [...]
This is no coincidence. The figures used in the hundreds of articles about the low cost of
Obamacare plans, for example, come directly from the administration.
Bias and the Obama Scandals. We live in a strange time. Historically, reporters and
editors have believed that their job is to disseminate news. That is no longer true. Now, most
reporters and editors believe that their principal function is to prevent people from learning things
they are better off not knowing. Day after day, they run interference for their party, the
Democrats. Blockading inconvenient stories from making the news is job number one.
The news media waves a shiny object to divert us from Obama's many scandals:
Curiosity Rover Celebrates First Martian Year. Today marks the first Martian
year — 687 Earth days — since NASA's Curiosity rover landed safely on Mars.
The robot has had a string of groundbreaking discoveries since it landed on the red planet in
August 2012.
how the press reacted to IRS's commissioner's implausible testimony. Above what is
the web equivalent of "the fold," The New York Times printed nothing about the IRS
commissioner's testimony. The story barely registered on the site's U.S. news section.
It was the Times' politics section where it was determined the IRS story should lead. That is
striking because, in one post on the Times site billed as a Q&A style explainer for the IRS
scandal, many questions are asked and admittedly not satisfactorily answered.
Savages NYT For Burying IRS Email Scandal: 'This Is A Scam!' Co-host Mika Brzezinski
had just wrapped up explaining another possible scandal for New Jersey Republican Governor Chris
Christie, involving diverted funds for the Pulaski Skyway, when Scarborough pounced on the
newspaper. "Let's see, so this is the top of The New York Times," he began. "I'm trying to
figure out where the IRS story — is it on the front page? Because actually, there
was an investigation launched yesterday of the IRS — an internal investigation."
The Only Reason The Regime's Not Getting Pilloried Over IRS Scandal — Is The
Press. Dr. K makes the obvious point that the only reason the Regime's not getting
pilloried is because of the media. If this scandal happened under a Republican president, "there
would be screaming headlines," he said. He went on to make another obvious point by nothing
that either we're dealing with rank incompetence by the party of Big Government, or it is
corruption. (I don't know why it can't be both.) "This really is a serious issue," he continued
(making another obvious point.) "In the absence of a Special Prosecutor, we may never know.
So I return to it again — give Lois Lerner immunity so she has to tell the truth." [Video clip]
Shame and Loathing on the Media Trail. The front page of Tuesday's New York
Times made no mention of the congressional hearings on the missing Lois Lerner emails and
putative computer crash; the networks were a virtual silence of the not-so-lambs. [...] Political
parties and politicians come and go. The media doesn't. They may be in the tank for Obama, but
much more than that they are in the tank for themselves — a whole lifestyle and world
view that has been going on for decades, moral narcissism distilled to its purest essence.
The Palace
Guard MSM Drops the Mask. Since its birth in the 1920s with the first national radio
networks, the modern MSM has always had a cozy relationship with power, and until the creation of
Fox News, one channel on your TV dial or satellite guide, that power has almost exclusively meant
their fellow Democrats. The media have long voted overwhelmingly Democrat in presidential
elections; as Walter Cronkite once said at a Radio & TV Correspondents Dinner in the mid-1990s,
in-between feting the Clintons on his yacht in Martha's Vineyard, "Everybody knows that there's a
liberal, that there's a heavy liberal persuasion among correspondents."
No way out
for Dems and media? The Democratic Party and mainstream media both bet big on Barack
Obama in 2008, and doubled down in 2012. Both institutions wagered that his policies and his
purported skills and abilities would benefit America. Now, with scandal and disaster breaking
on nearly every front, those bets are coming back to haunt them.
Reversal: 'We Were Wrong' — Obama Worse than Bush. The Billings
Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed President Obama over John McCain in 2008 (but went
with Romney in 2012) admitted Friday that they were wrong — Obama is in fact worse than
his predecessor, George W. Bush. Apparently, the potential collapse of Iraq (and the disastrous
worldwide consequences sure to follow) was the last straw.
Percent of Network Stories Omit Obama's Role in Causing Border Crisis. While all
three networks played clips of Barack Obama on Monday blaming the GOP for the border crisis, they
have been reluctant to cite the President's own failure to enforce immigration laws as a cause for
thousands of immigrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexican border. From June 8 through the
morning of July 1 ABC, CBS and NBC have offered a total of 45 stories on the border crisis, on
their evening and morning shows, and in only 5 (11 percent) have they brought up Obama immigration
policies as a possible cause for the most recent surge of illegal immigrants, including unaccompanied
children, crossing the border.
Anti-Media Tantrums. President Barack Obama treats the press like a spoiled child
treats his parents. Despite the pampering, he just keeps complaining about them until he gets his
way. As America tires of his inflated sense of self-importance while the economy limps and his
foreign policy crumbles, Obama travels around the country complaining that the mean old media
aren't complimentary enough.
not just on the loose. He's also hungry. [Instead of reporting on Obama's many scandals, the Associated Press
prefers to deflect your attention with heartwarming filler material about the President's diet.]
IRS Lawyers Ready for Busy
Week Ahead. The Obama administration has managed to keep the IRS story just below full-blown-scandal level for
months now. The Washington-based establishment media, long friendly to Barack Obama and his White House, have been
willing to accept at face value the increasingly implausible nothing-to-see-here claims of top IRS and Obama administration
officials. Many reporters are eager to believe Democrats' claims that the scandal is yet another example of right wing hysteria.
When Republicans make wild public accusations without evidence to support them, as we've seen in abundance in recent weeks, they
make it easier for lazy reporters to move the IRS story from their "potential scandal" box to their "Washington dysfunction" pile.
What's behind Chicago's
carnage. The media ignored the serial $1 trillion deficits, the chronic high unemployment
and low growth, the nonexistence of the long-promised "summer of recovery," and the nonappearance of "millions
of shovel-ready and green jobs." The fact that electrical-power rates, gasoline prices, and food costs
have soared under Obama as wages have stagnated has never really been noticed. Nor have the record
numbers of Americans on food stamps and disability insurance.
Washington Post puff piece on President Obama's recent fundraising tour is really something
else. Juliet Eilperin at the Washington Post gained some amount of notoriety earlier
this year after she penned an embarrassing and now-debunked attack on Charles and David Koch, the
libertarian-leaning bogeymen of the left. And now she has authored what may be this year's
silliest puff piece for the Obama administration.
Ignores VA Whistle-Blower Hearing; ABC Gives News Only 23 Seconds. On Tuesday morning
[7/15/2014], NBC's Today refused to cover the latest news in the Veterans Affairs scandal as
the House Veterans Affairs Committee heard testimony Monday night [7/14/2014] from additional whistle-blowers
who faced punishment from superiors for identifying allegedly manipulated response times for veterans
who filed benefit and disability claims.
White House Reporters Can Reclaim Their Beat. Paul Farhi of The Washington Post writes
today [7/24/2014] about a trend at the White House — and throughout journalism — that
threatens the quality and credibility of news-gathering: Public-relations "minders" are injecting
themselves into our interviews with politicians, CEOs, and other policymakers. Minder madness joins
the surge of "background briefings" and the decline of access to decision-makers as evidence that the White
House — and other big instititutions — are manipulating the press. It's that, but
it's also something worse: It's evidence that journalists are ceding control when they should be seizing
it, accepting canned news rather than breaking it.
needs to work on his foreign policy, not his golf game. Nero fiddled while Rome
burned. On Saturday [7/26/2014], President Obama played golf while his foreign policy, and that of
the nation he leads, was going up in smoke. Literally. Saturday was the day the State Department
ordered the evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in Libya.[...] The embassy staff had to be evacuated
overland as thick black smoke from the fighting hung over the Tripoli skyline. In any other
circumstances — and especially if the chief executive were a Republican — this
would have been a scandal blared across the media. But at a time when we are witnessing the
near-total collapse of American foreign policy, it barely registers.
Hypes Democrats Fundraising Off Impeachment, Dismisses Boehner Lawsuit. In the wake of
Speaker of the House John Boehner's impending lawsuit against President Obama, CBS This Morning [7/30/2014] did
their best to minimize its merits and instead promote Democratic efforts to raise money off of
impeachment. [...] [Nancy] Cordes did her best to oversell the political damage Republicans faced
following the impeachment of President Clinton. After the 1998 election, the "backlash" Cordes
referenced was a loss of only five seats in the House and none in the Senate. Republicans didn't
lose their majority until Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords left the GOP in 2001, a far cry from the "backlash"
portrayed by CBS.
Reasons Not to Trust the 'What Me Worry' Media About Ebola. [#3] The Media Lets The
Obama Administration Lie[.] There is also no doubt in my mind that the same media that is
actively engaged in covering up Benghazi and the IRS scandal would aid and abet the covering up of
anything else the Obama Administration wanted covered up — even an outbreak of Ebola.
The media is also committed to seeing 11 million illegals legalized into voting Democrats and has
already gone to extreme lengths to cover up the parade horribles happening on the Southern border.
Covering up an Ebola outbreak is just one more moral compromise in an ocean of them.
is Betraying the Republic's Trust. The current occupant of White House has been in
office for 6 years. He could not have achieved this without the refusal of the media to
affirmatively vet his past, and then, the media's abandonment of all objectivity to actively support
and protect Obama from all forms of criticism. In first averting, and then betraying, their
indelegable public duty to hold government accountable for its actions, the media has betrayed the
free republic that tolerates its existence in the first place. With their betrayal of first the
public trust, and then the Republic's trust, the media has literally, and finally, cut its own
throat. Only 40% of Americans get their information from the "Big 3" networks and newspapers.
and NBC Use False Talking Points to Counter Criticism of Obama's Vacation. Eager to
defend President Obama from criticism of his vacation in Martha's Vineyard amid multiple
international crises, both Sunday's [8/10/2014] ABC Good Morning America and Monday's NBC
Today used false spin to downplay the bad optics. On GMA, co-host Dan Harris tried to
deflect from Obama's time on the golf course by claiming that "George W. Bush played his fair share
of golf during the Iraq war as well," an assertion that NewsBusters' Mark Finkelstein promptly disproved.
Irresponsible' — Obama Gives Pointless, Yet Damaging, Press Conference. President Obama gave
a press conference this evening [8/6/2014]. He started a little over an hour late without explanation.
Reporters stuck to asking questions that they evidently knew Obama would be comfortable answering. None of
them asked him about any of his administration scandals. ABC's Jon Karl, usually a tough questioner of Obama
and his spokesmen, asked a rambling question that played right into the Democrats' "economic patriotism" canard.
Enquirer Keeps Michelle Obama's Name Out of Story on District Ending Federal School Lunches. Fort
Thomas Independent Schools in Northern Kentucky have decided to get out of the federal school lunch program,
specifically because of the requirements imposed in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act championed by First Lady
Michelle Obama. Simply put, the district is tired of being forced to give kids food they won't eat.
Until it ran into problems, HHFA was seen as Mrs. Obama's signature achievement, and the press fawned over its
alleged awesomeness. Now that the program has encountered fierce real-world resistance, her association
with it seems to have vanished from many press reports.
White House loosens
restrictions on lobbyists. President Barack Obama is loosening restrictions on lobbyists who want to
serve on federal advisory boards, a White House official said on Tuesday [8/12/2014], a setback to the president's
efforts to tamp down special interest influence in Washington.
The Editor says...
Instead of calling it a flip-flop or a betrayal of a campaign promise, the Reuters writer called it "a
setback to the president's efforts," as if he had no control over his own actions.
grows between Obama, media as press groups blast administration 'spin'. While Congress
is on recess and President Obama vacations in Martha's Vineyard, a coalition of free press groups is
escalating an already-aggressive campaign against the Obama administration for allegedly freezing
out the press and cracking down on reporters. The flood of critical letters and petitions and
statements from First Amendment groups marks a new level of tension in a relationship that for years
has been deteriorating. Though Obama, as a candidate in 2008, was widely seen to enjoy favorable media
treatment, his administration now is fielding accusations that it's one of the least transparent in history.
mates critical of Bergdahl can't get a book deal. Six former platoon mates of Sgt.
Bowe Bergdahl have hit roadblocks in shopping proposals for their book, because some publishers are
reportedly afraid it will discredit President Obama. [...] "I'm not sure we can publish this book
without the Right using it to their ends," Sarah Durand, a senior editor at Atria Books, a division
of Simon & Schuster, wrote in an email to one of the soldiers' agents, Yahoo News reported.
Rejects Fellow Soldiers' Book on Bowe Bergdahl, Because 'the Right' Might Use It 'Against
Obama'. Remember all those books that the publishing houses rejected during the eight
years before Dear Leader took office because they might get used by "the Left" to hurt George W.
Bush? No you don't, because it didn't happen. But now, things are different. Fellow
soldiers of released 5-year Taliban captive Bowe Bergdahl are trying to publish a book on their side
of the "he was a deserter" controversy. A divison of publishing giant Simon & Schuster has rejected
their submission. That isn't necessarily unusual, but the contents of a rejection letter from
one of the publisher's representatives certainly is.
'vacation from hell'. President Barack Obama really wanted to take a vacation. But
then the world intervened. [...] Nobody really can feel sorry for the guy. He's the leader of the
free world. Stuff happens. Before he even left for Martha's Vineyard, White House officials had
announced that Obama would return to Washington on Sunday for two days of meetings, though they still
won't say what's exactly important enough to interrupt his vacation.
Pity Party: Obama Is on a 'Vacation From Hell'. Does anyone remember a media report
expressing sympathy for former President George W. Bush when adverse events happened during his
Crawford, Texas "vacations"? (Given that he and Laura lived there, calling a visit to your place
back home hardly seems to qualify as some kind of "vacation") Well, Thursday evening [8/14/2014],
Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown took pity on President Obama for his "vacation from hell."
pic of Obama dancing while Ferguson burned removed by photographer. A picture of President
Obama dancing at a party in Martha's Vineyard at the exact moment that police and protestors were confronting
each other in Ferguson, MO has been deleted from the photographer's Instagram account.
comedians and 'SNL' are shielding President Obama. At last, we know the reason why
comedy writers don't make fun of President Obama much. It turns out the man is completely
unmockable. We learn this from Jim Downey, the longtime "Saturday Night Live" specialist in
political japery.
and ABC Ignore Obama Admin. Broke Law With Bergdahl Exchange; CBS Gives It 24 Seconds.
After Thursday's [2/21/2014] network evening newscasts ignored a report from the Government
Accountability Office that the exchange of five terrorists from Guantanamo Bay for Army Sergeant
Bowe Bergdahl was illegal, NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America remained silent
on the Obama administration scandal on Friday [8/22/2014]. Only CBS This Morning made
any mention of the violation of federal law, providing a mere 24-second news brief on the topic.
House: Obama Expresses His Grief By Golfing. The internal newsletter of the Democrat
Party, which makes itself available to outsiders under the name "The New York Times," field-tests
the most pitiful spin ever attempted. We know you're in the bag for this failing Administration,
guys, but you can still exercise some discretion over which emailed White House talking points you
build into "news" stories. You'd have been doing your man a favor by scuttling this one: [...]
Unemployment Rate Higher than Reported. While the media celebrates a low unemployment
number and job creation that barely keeps up with the increase in population, the labor
participation rate remains at decade lows.
Ignore Report That Obama Was Briefed on ISIS Going Back 'at Least a Year'. On Tuesday
night [9/2/2014], the three major broadcast networks omitted from their coverage on the Islamic
group ISIS a report that President Barack Obama has received briefings on the terrorist organization
"for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer." ABC, CBS,
and NBC all led their evening newscasts with multiple segments on the gruesome murder of American
journalist Stephen Sotloff at the hands of ISIS in a propaganda video released on Tuesday afternoon.
'Tough' Obama 'Wasted No Time' Issuing 'Fighting Words' Against ISIS. After President Obama admitted on Thursday [9/4/2014]
that he had "no strategy" for dealing with the ISIS terrorist network, on Wednesday, the network morning shows rushed to portray the
aimless commander-in-chief as a tough-talking leader ready to "destroy" the radical killers.
Family Furious with White House... and The NYT Buried It. The family of Steven Sotloff, the latest American
journalist beheaded by ISIS, is reportedly "outraged" at the Obama administration for "deliberate leaks" they interpret as
"an attempt to absolve the administration of inaction." This reporting comes Wednesday from no less a source than the
New York Times, which chose to bury the news under more than two dozen paragraphs: [...]
Argues He Needs A Vacation Without the Press Following Him. Sunday on NBC's "Meet The Press," host Chuck Todd took President
Barack Obama to task for the optics of going golfing moments after his statement on ISIS beheading journalist James Foley. Obama
complained during his vacations he would "love" not to be followed by the press. "You know, it is always a challenge when you're
supposed to be on vacation, because you're followed everywhere, part of what I would love is a vacation from the press," Obama said.
The Editor says...
I wish Mr. Obama had enjoyed his fractional-term career in the Senate without any attention from the press.
and NBC Barely Mention Obama Approval Rating 'Near Record Lows'; CBS Ignores. On Tuesday, ABC's Good Morning America and
NBC's Today, offered mere seconds on President Obama's approval rating hitting "near record lows" amid his reluctance to aggressively
combat ISIS terrorists. CBS This Morning skipped any mention of the dismal poll numbers for the commander-in-chief.
Study: TV Buries the Bad News on Obama's Collapsing Polls. It's no secret that television news has long been
addicted to public opinion polls; decades ago, all three broadcast networks decided to partner with an influential newspaper
(ABC News with the Washington Post; CBS News with the New York Times; and NBC News with the Wall Street
Journal) to sponsor their own regular surveys for use in their political coverage. That's why it's so extraordinary
that polling news has practically vanished from the Big Three evening newscasts in 2014 as President Obama's approval ratings
have tumbled and the public opposes defining administration policies like ObamaCare. Just last Thursday, for example, Gallup
found Obama's approval rating at a record low of 38 percent, yet none of the three broadcast networks bothered to mention
this on their evening or morning newscasts.
Democrats' (and Media's) Obama Problem. The Democratic Party and the mainstream media
joined to run interference for Barack Obama when he became a national figure. Obama was painted as a
charismatic, competent, new kind of politician. The passage of time destroyed this image. Now, the
public increasingly sees Obama as incompetent, untrustworthy and unmotivated. Supporters are now in an
awkward position. Do they continue to support what is increasingly seen as an inept president or do they
turn against him?
Reported Bush 2006 Low Approval Numbers 13 Times More Than Obama's 2014 Numbers.
According to a study released by the Media Research Center last week, the network evening newscasts
have been reluctant to report on President Barack Obama's low-approval numbers, particularly
compared to the extensive coverage given to then-President George W. Bush eight years ago.
Honesty, Common Sense, and A Sound
Mind. I will admit that I honestly believe that Liberalism is a mental disease, especially those in the media. How
exhausting it must be to be presented with facts on a daily basis and have to think of ways to spin it to favor your political position.
The mainstream media abandoned its job of keeping government honest and instead has been spinning lies for the current administration for over
six years. If I had to engage in the kind of thinking where I had to lie to others, I myself would need therapy. Now that
America is reaching a breaking point, some in the media are slowly jumping off the sinking ship.
Holder's Fast and Furious Fiasco Was Media Scandal, Too. Thanks to his stonewalling of
the House of Representatives investigation into the Fast and Furious scandal, in 2012 Eric Holder
became the first Attorney General held in contempt by Congress. Maybe his resignation on
Thursday will revive the story for the three broadcast network evening newscasts, but don't count on
it. With Sharyl Attkisson no longer working at CBS News, there is no broadcast journalist who has
shown any interest in pursuing this disgraceful story.
Todd: Eric Holder is a 'Very Non-Political Person'. [Meet the Press host Chuck] Todd says
this of the man who openly talked about serving "my people" as attorney general. He made that comment in
connection with the New Black Panther case — a racially-tinged case that Holder's DOJ dropped even
after the government had won it. Eric Holder desperately wants to treat al Qaeda terrorists as
criminals rather than non-state illegal combatants. That's a political choice, and one for which he has
been roundly criticized. When Holder attempted to move trials of al Qaeda terrorists from military
tribunals to civilian court — in New York — he lost. Big. Being obtuse to
the viewpoints of others, and being unable to comprehend that the things that you say and do offend and anger
others, is not the same thing as being "non-political."
Todd begins 'rehabilitation' by calling Eric Holder 'non-political'. [Scroll down] But should anyone think I'm being
too hard on Todd for that exchange (after all, he did seem so earnest and full of good intentions to be an unbiased journalist), he lost
no time proving he is just another lefty shill as he covered the story of Holder stepping down.
Uses Bush Photo to Distract From Obama's 'Latte Salute' Gaffe. [Scroll down] News anchor Natalie Morales
chimed in to defend Obama: "He's got a lot — he's got ISIS to deal with, a lot on his mind. So,
I — you know, there's a lot more — bigger concerns in the world and we're focusing on a cup of
coffee." Rather then just cover the incident as a gaffe for Obama, the NBC morning show sought to muddy the
waters by seizing on a photo of Bush put out by liberal spin doctors and dismiss the whole thing as just another
"back and forth" between political partisans.
Kroft's Softball Obama Interviews Diminish '60 Minutes'. For Sunday's [9/28/2014]
interview, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who sat beside him, benefited from
60 Minutes gravitas while answering questions better suited to Ellen. It hardly
matters whether [Steve] Kroft is deliberately pulling his punches to secure ongoing access or is
simply disinclined to fulfill the core journalistic duty of holding powerful people accountable for
their actions; his Obama interviews ought to diminish his standing and the reputation of his employer.
Friedman says Reagan had it easy compared to Obama. The rationalizations for Obama's
failures are already beginning, and Tom Friedman employs the laziest of all strategies, tearing down
a great man to make a small man look bigger. In his Sunday [9/28/2014] column in the New York Times,
Friedman makes a number of highly dubious points.
Hails 'Candid' Obama As He Passes the Buck On ISIS Failure. Co-host Matt Lauer opened
the morning show [9/29/2014] by proclaiming: "Underestimated. The President admits his
administration and U.S. intelligence officials misjudged the threat of ISIS." While that headline
suggested to viewers that Obama was taking responsibility for the failure, a soundbite ran of the President
distancing himself from blame: "I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria."
makes cameo on CBS hit. Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett hates politics — or
at least she does in the fictional universe of the CBS drama "The Good Wife." In a cameo appearance on
Sunday evening's [9/28/2014] episode, Jarrett is seen encouraging the series' protagonist — Alicia
Florrick, the wife of an adulterous Illinois governor — to run for public office herself.
Attkisson: CBS News Nixed Story that Predicted Obama's Comments on ISIS. Former CBS
News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson told Fox's MediaBuzz Sunday morning [10/5/2014]
that her former employer nixed a story of hers two years ago that anticipated much of what President
Barack Obama is currently saying about ISIS. Attkisson very publicly split with CBS News in the
spring following a string of stories on Fast and Furious and Benghazi; on the way out she accused
CBS of being too compliant with the Obama administration.
the Nation' Leaves Out Netanyahu's Criticism of Obama. Anyone watching Sunday's
[10/5/2014] broadcast of Face the Nation on CBS did not hear critical comments about President Obama
from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Those were edited out and sequestered to CBS's
website, leaving only the positive comments aired.
The Left's fantasy world is no amusement
park. The Obama propaganda machine churns out fantasy to the liberal and Left media
outlets, who obligingly publish and defend everything they put out. And since Fox News is the
biggest media source that does not buy into this Fantasy World, they are the ones portrayed as
living under false conceptions.
Rose Scolds Panetta: Shouldn't You Wait Until Obama's Out of Office to Criticize Him? In an interview aired on
Wednesday's [10/8/2014] CBS This Morning, co-host Charlie Rose lectured former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on criticizing
President Obama in a new memoir: "There are those who say, you know, he appointed you to two of the highest positions that
this country has to offer, just wait until he's out of office before criticizing."
Obama Blames
The Media For His Low Polls. Americans don't understand that economy is doing great
because the press is biased against good news, President Barack Obama told a group of prosperous
donors Tuesday [10/7/2014]. "Frankly, the press and Washington, all it does is feed cynicism," he insisted,
despite getting six years of favorable coverage from establishment newspapers and TV shows. "Most of you
don't know the statistics I just gave you," Obama said, after listing a series of cherry-picked data that
ignored that roughly 10 million Americans who have given up looking for work, and the $7 trillion
in added debt.
Coddling by the Media Coming to an End. A high-profile consultant who does crisis
management for big corporations and celebrities such as the late Michael Jackson said in a speech
hosted by Americans for Tax Reform Wednesday [10/8/2014] that President Obama's easy ride from the
media will soon be over.
Appalled, Shocked Obama White House Would Lie to Them. Late last night the Washington
Post broke a story about a connection between White House aides and the 2012 Secret Service
prostitution scandal. When the scandal broke two years ago, the White House denied involvement or
knowing about the details of what happened. The Post story proves otherwise and provides evidence a
White House volunteer officially checked a prostitute into his hotel room in Cartagena, Colombia.
The report also details threats made against the Inspector General, who was asked to delay the
release of embarrassing and damaging information about the connection between the White House and
the scandal until after the 2012 presidential election. Now, journalists who cover the White
House are confused about why the administration would lie and cover-up such a minor issue.
That's the point.
Obama Stumps For Candidate, Calls Him Wrong Name SEVEN Times. First Lady Michelle
Obama attended a campaign event in Iowa today for Democratic Senate candidate Bruce Braley. Only
problem was, Michelle accidentally called the man she was stumping for the wrong name... seven times.
Media Meme: Michelle MEANT To Flub Candidate's Name!. Yes, seriously. Not one, not
two, but three prominent media figures are floating the idea that Michelle Obama (and Bill
Clinton, apparently) intentionally butchered Iowa Senate candidate Bruce Braley's name seven times
last Friday [10/10/2014].
Priorities: 57X More Coverage of NFL Scandals Than Obama Scandals. In the crucial weeks leading up to the midterm
elections, the broadcast networks were obsessed with scandals, but not any of the Obama administration controversies that might
influence how voters behave on Election Day. No, despite revelations in the Benghazi, IRS, Veterans Administration and
Secret Service prostitution scandals it was the NFL domestic abuse scandals that captured the attention of the Big Three
(ABC, NBC, CBS) networks.
How the
NYT blatantly spins for Obama on Ebola. Just look at the New York Times, always an industry
leader: It's become the official stenographer of the Obama White House. On Saturday, The Times
ran a story about the president and his response to the Ebola outbreak that read like it was dictated word
for word by the president's top men. If I were a stockholder in the New York Times Co., I would
certainly hope the paper was properly compensated for the front-page placement of this naked political advertisement.
Dorian Warren Bets 'History Will Be Very, Very Good' to Obama. Don't know what Dorian
Warren's been smoking, but we can guess what he's been reading: Rolling Stone, and in particular a
recent column in which Paul Krugman claims that Barack Obama is one of the most "successful presidents in
American history". On today's [10/20/2014] Morning Joe, MSNBC contributor Warren said he'd be
happy to call his Vegas buddies to bet that "history will be very, very good to Barack Obama."
Hey, all these red-state Democrats running away from me are strong supporters who vote with me! As I've
mentioned before, there's maybe nothing that cheers me more about Republican prospects that Democrats acting so very,
very desperate. You'll hear not a thing about a tone of "unprecedented negativity" in this year's ads because
the worst examples are coming from endangered Democrats. But just because the press doesn't report the pattern
doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Newscasts Avoid NBC's Latest Bad-News Poll for Dems. Jeffrey Meyer noted earlier that
Meet the Press host Chuck Todd announced on Sunday morning that the latest NBC News-Wall
Street Journal-Annenberg weekly tracking survey found "the biggest lead we've reported yet for
generically for the Republicans," 49 to 44 percent among likely voters (and 45-43 among registered
voters). "Here's what I can tell you. All Democrats agree, it was a bad week for them," Todd said.
But Sunday's NBC Nightly News and Monday's Today couldn't locate that poll, much like they've avoided
other NBC News polls that look bad for Democrats.
NBC Omit Any Mention of Midterm Elections on Day Two Weeks from Election Day. On
Tuesday [10/21/2014], ABC and NBC made no mention of the upcoming midterm elections, which were two
weeks away from Tuesday and include numerous Senate races that will decide whether Republicans or
Democrats control the U.S. Senate.
election? Big 3 networks ignore anti-Obama election. The nation's Big Three TV
networks that breathlessly reported the 2006 anti-Bush election which gave Democrats control of
Capitol Hill have practically ignored this year's anti-Obama midterms that are expected to return
full control of the Hill to the GOP.
election? Network news gives up on covering midterms. It is probably safe to assume
that you have been following the midterm elections closely. You decided to click on this link, which
would indicate that you have at least a passing interest in the coming national vote in which Americans
will determine which party controls the upper chamber of Congress for the remainder of the Obama presidency.
If, however, you have been closely following the coverage of the coming midterms, you might have noticed that
network news outlets do not appear to share your enthusiasm. You're not imagining things.
News Blacks Out This Year's Bad Election News for Democrats. In less than two weeks,
voters head to the polls in midterm elections that seem certain to yield strong Republican gains, if
not outright control of the U.S. Senate. Such a political sea change is big news, but a new Media
Research Center study finds that, in contrast to their enthusiastic coverage of the 2006 midterms
when Democrats made big gains, the Big Three broadcast evening newscasts are all but ignoring this
year's political contests.
Obama Administration
Released Illegal Aliens Charged With Murder Into the U.S.. USA Today softens
news of Yet Another Obama Administration Scandal™ as best it can, using the headline
"U.S. misinformed Congress, public on immigrant release." Translated into English, it means
"Obama Administration Released Illegal Immigrants Charged with Homicide."
reporter reveals how the liberal media protects Obama. In her new memoir/exposé
"Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in
Obama's Washington" (Harper), Attkisson unloads on her colleagues in big-time TV news for their
cowardice and cheerleading for the Obama administration while unmasking the corruption, misdirection
and outright lying of today's Washington political machine.
Sharryl Attkisson's
Stonewalled: How the Media Protects Obama. Former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson
has a new book out, Stonewalled, that details the battles that ultimately led to her parting
ways with the Tiffany Network. Attkisson was instrumental in breaking the "Fast and Furious"
gun-walking scandal and she also uncovered all sorts of official dissembling about Benghazi. In
an extensive review, The New York Post's Kyle Smith notes that Attkisson considers herself
"politically agnostic" and a reporter who follows wherever the story leads. That inevitably
led to trouble when the story cast a bad light on the Obama administration.
media outlets cover up for President Obama and kill unfavorable stories'. An ex-CBS
reporter is releasing a book that blames mainstream media outlets for covering for President Obama.
Sharyl Attkisson left CBS in the spring and opened up about her former employer and colleagues in
'Stonewalled' and claims that the media is liberal and covers up for the current administration.
goes to ground over claims it buried anti-Obama stories. CBS honchos stuck their heads
in the sand Monday rather than address a former veteran reporter's memoir that revealed how the
network routinely canned stories it perceived as anti-Obama. Everyone from network CEO Les Moonves
to "Evening News" anchor Scott Pelley to former "Evening News" Executive Producer Patricia Shevlin
ignored repeated phone calls and e-mails from The [New York] Post seeking comment on the bombshell
claim by ex-CBS investigative ace Sharyl Attkisson.
Finally Falling From America's Obama-Obscured Eyes. In his first few years and beyond,
liberal funnymen sometimes complained that Obama was so flawless that he didn't provide them any
material. Of course, we knew at the time that this otherworldly caricature of Obama was wholly
mythical, but it was nonetheless very real in the eyes of its liberal beholders. They regarded him
with a quasi-idolatrous zeal — almost as though it would be sacrilegious to criticize,
much less mock, him. But on "Saturday Night Live," among other shows, the comics have grown
increasingly derisive.
Korps: The farce of the White House press. Is the White House press corps obsolete?
Today its members are restless, grumbling about an Obama White House that claims to be the most
transparent ever. From big issues such as the tapping of a Fox reporters's phone to the media
blackout imposed on the president's golf game with Tiger Woods, the chorus goes up: When it
comes to the press, President Obama may be even worse than ... Nixon.
Statist Media Spins GOP As 'The Party of No'. The recent revelations of Sharyl
Attkisson, the one-time CBS investigative reporter, are very telling in this respect. What Attkisson
describes is a major television network whose executives are hard-core Statists, Statists who have made it
their goal in life to support and protect Statism wherever and however it appears on the American political
scene. If that meant suppressing Attkisson's various investigative projects that might cast a
negative light on a Statist project — than so be it.
Midterm News Blackout Part of Liberal Media's 'Inescapable Pattern' of Covering for Obama. Well before the
2014 midterm race heated up, there was an "inescapable pattern" in the media's blackout on stories involving Obama
administration scandals from Benghazi to Fast & Furious to the IRS's targeting of Tea Party non-profits. "If the
accounts hurt the president and his party, the media deliberately suppress their airing before the public," Media Research
Center founder and president Brent Bozell noted in a piece for National Review Online this morning [11/3/2014].
Promotes Michelle Obama's School Lunch Program.v On Monday, ABC's Good Morning
America provided First Lady Michelle Obama's school lunch program, entitled the Healthy,
Hunger-Free Kids Act, with some free publicity. Co-host George Stephanopoulos touted how "new
federal guidelines pushed by the First Lady have cafeterias serving up healthier foods. And a new
study finds those lunches may be better than the ones parents pack for their kids."
There Is No Obamacare Briar
Patch. One of the favorite hobbies of liberals is warning Republicans about the
supposed political dangers of repealing Obamacare. The latest iteration of this particular liberal
fantasy comes via the communist agitprop rag Salon, which warns ominously that if the Supreme Court
eliminates subsidies in the states that do not have their own exchanges, that "SCOTUS could roil the
GOP: How the new threat to Obamacare could backfire on the right."
Obamacare Architect's Admission of Dishonesty Should Matter to Every American. [Scroll
down] And now, with the statement by Jonathan Gruber we may have reached the ne plus ultra of
statements confirming this administration's essential dishonesty. Here you have one of the consummate Obamacare
insiders — cited 71 times in DNC emails in 2009 alone — saying on video that the bill was designed
to fool stupid voters, in fact to fool them by fooling the non-partisan CBO which is supposed to be an honest
broker. Incredibly, even at this point, there are some, like MSNBC's Ronan Farrow and Washington Post writer
Jose DelReal willing to suggest we're just missing the nuance.
'Inexcusable,' 'Virtual Blackout' on Gruber Comments Shows Bias. Howard Kurtz, host of
the Fox News Channel's "Mediabuzz" slammed the media for failing to report the controversial comments of
Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, arguing that the "inexcusable," "virtual blackout" was an example of
liberal media bias on Wednesday's [11/12/2014] "O'Reilly Factor" on the Fox News Channel.
blackout shields ObamaCare architect who bet on public stupidity. [T]he press usually
loves when hidden video surfaces, as it did this week with MIT professor Jonathan Gruber, and we get
unvarnished comments showing what someone really and truly believes. And yet there hasn't been a
mention on the network evening newscasts. CNN's Jake Tapper, to his credit, played the clip twice,
asked two senators about it and wrote an online column on the subject, but that was about it for the
network. Nothing in the Washington Post but for a couple of online items.
NBC Finally Acknowledge Existence of Gruber Videos. It took nine days, but ABC and NBC
finally covered the controversial videos of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber making disparaging
remarks about the American voters. Since the first video surfaced, CBS had been the only "big
three" (ABC, CBS, and NBC) network to cover the Gruber video, but on Sunday, November 16 ABC's
This Week with George Stephanopoulos and NBC's Meet the Press briefly mentioned the
videos. However, as of this writing, ABC and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to
mention the Gruber controversy once.
Downplays Jonathan Gruber as Obamacare Architect. Since Politico is now unable to
ignore the Jonathan Gruber scandal as they tried to do earlier this week, they have switched gears
to craft a story by Politico health reporter Paige Winfield Cunningham to portray him as much less
than an architect of Obamacare. Ironically, this same reporter as recently as July also referred
to Gruber as an Obamacare architect.
Anchor says CNBC "silenced" her coverage of Obamacare. An anchor for Fox Business
Network who used to work for CNBC told viewers that her superiors at the network "silenced" her
reporting on Obamacare, telling her she was "disrespecting the office of the president" by pointing
out that Obamacare's math didn't add up. [...] This isn't surprising, of course, but it raises an
interesting question. How many other reporters over the years had a little chat with their
superiors about negative coverage of the Obama administration? Most journalists would be
embarassed to come forward and admit they tanked their stories because of their bosses' support of
President Obama.
Melissa Francis: 'I Was Silenced' When at CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare. During her
Fox Business Network (FBN) show on Friday afternoon [11/14/2014], Melissa Francis told viewers that
she "was silenced" by executives at CNBC when worked there after she criticized ObamaCare on-air and
told viewers that the "math of ObamaCare simply didn't work." Speaking in regards to what ObamaCare
architect Jonathan Gruber said about relying on the "stupidity" of voter and the need for lying to
get the law passed, Francis opined that while: "It is shocking, but it actually doesn't surprise me
because when I was at CNBC, I pointed out to my viewers that the math of ObamaCare simply didn't
work. Not the politics by the way, just the basic math and when I did that, I was silenced."
Goldberg on FNC: 'Transmission Belt of Liberal Journalists' Reaffirmed Gruber's Mendacity. National
Review's Jonah Goldberg went on a tear on Monday's [11/17/2014] Special Report with Bret Baier, connecting the
circles of lies by the White House and Jonathan Gruber that had impact thanks to liberal journalists. Goldberg
charged that, in the lead up to the ObamaCare vote, Gruber was "being touted around through a transmission belt of
liberal journalists, who all are all pretending to be objective analysts too, quoting each other, reaffirming each
other, all with the help of the White House which went along with this soup to nuts — a process which this
guy says was all about lies and misleading the American people."
Reporter: Gruber Comments Confirm 'All The Worst Suspicion Republicans Had' About Obamacare. The panel of MSNBC's
"The Cycle" agreed that the recent flurries of insulting and impolitic videos of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber was horrible
press for the law, with MSNBC reporter Alex Seitz-Wald saying it confirmed "all the worst suspicions that Republicans had" about Obamacare.
The Editor says...
Yes, and many more of the Republicans' "worst suspicions" would be confirmed if the news media would look into them.
There are lists of Obama scandals
available. Pick one.
Host Literally Screams 'No One Cares About Jonathan Gruber!' MSNBC's "The Cycle" went
into overdrive while covering for the Obama administration and the recent videos of Obamacare
architect Jonathan Gruber insulting American voters and admitting to lying about to law, with
co-host Ari Melber literally screaming "Nobody cares about Jonathan Gruber!"
Obama Counted On 'Minions in the Press' to Help Cover Up Gruber Scandal. Appearing on
Fox News's Special Report Monday [11/17/2014], columnist Charles Krauthammer suggested that
the reason President Obama waited a week to comment on the Jonathan Gruber ObamaCare scandal was
because the White House knew it could count on the liberal media to ignore the story.
Aide Destroys Media Narrative, Admits Gruber Was an 'Important Figure'. A former
adviser to Barack Obama on Tuesday [11/18/2014] overturned the media narrative, promoted by the
President, that Jonathan Gruber was an unimportant, minor figure. The New York Times on
Tuesday insisted in an editorial, "Republicans are crowing over Mr. Gruber's remarks because he has
been portrayed as a major architect of the health reform law. In truth, his role was limited."
The health care operative has repeatedly bragged about fooling "stupid" Americans. The paper's
editors lectured, "His comments should not be taken as evidence that the reform law was hatched in
secrecy and foisted on the public by trickery." Yet, Steven Rattner, a former Obama administration
adviser, countered this narrative on Morning Joe.
found the Jonathan Gruber videos — and no media outlet would call him back.
The man who changed the ObamaCare debate was at a gas station when I reached him, and he wasn't
dying to talk. "I really want to stay out of the limelight," said Rich Weinstein, a Philadelphia
investment adviser. "This is not about me." But it is about him in the sense that if not for one
slightly obsessed citizen, we wouldn't have the videos of Jonathan Gruber saying the health care law was
deceptively designed and its passage depended on the stupidity of the American public. And it is
about his frustrating struggle to get that information out to the media.
Administration Elitists Have Contempt For Voters. The media have abdicated their
watchdog role. Obama, Gruber, Holder, Lerner and Rice are empowered by understandably assuming they
should be exempt from media criticism. Wealth and status assure elites that their own lives are
never affected by the laws they pass or by the concrete ramifications of their own ideology. In
the view of the snobocrats, the harm that follows from ObamaCare, blanket amnesty or out-of-control
bureaucracies should always affect someone else — someone thought to be too stupid to
figure out what hit them.
Refuse to Cover Obama's Amnesty Announcement and Resulting Constitutional Chaos.
Thursday evening will mark a momentous announcement from President Obama concerning his hugely
controversial executive order to "shield" and otherwise legalize millions of 'undocumented' illegal
immigrants living in the United States. But is this tide turning presidential address scheduled
to be carried live on TV for all the country to witness? No. It seems that the big four
networks — ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox — have all opted out of broadcasting the
15 minute speech, instead airing their November sweeps shows as scheduled in hopes of maximizing
viewer ratings.
The Editor says...
In my opinion, it is much more likely that the three networks intended to do Mr. Obama a favor by
keeping his tyranny quiet. Many (but not all) Fox stations carried the President's announcement
and then delayed their prime-time entertainment programs by 17 minutes.
immigration edict has no legal justification. The broadcast networks refused to air
the president's immigration speech, with some insiders admitting the networks found it too
political. Besides that, the speech was insulting to anyone remotely familiar with our system of
government, and it assumes that his base is so unhinged it will stop at nothing to get what it wants.
The Editor asks...
When have the networks ever considered Obama's speeches to be "too political" to put on the air?
condescending stereotype of Mexicans. It is unbelievable that the president of the
United States would say something this elitist regarding the nation's largest minority group —
and perhaps just as worse that it's gone virtually unreported. [...] Not all Mexicans do the type of work
that Obama described, especially the ones who have been in the country for several generations and have
gone to college. This is just more of the same, sadly, to be expected from this arrogant president
who jaunts around the world on luxury vacations, and whose favorite past time is golf, not charity and
actually helping those less fortunate.
Covers Sex Abuse Case Against Obama 'Friend,' As Big Three Censor Story. CNN stood out
on Sunday and Monday for actually covering the sex abuse charges against Terry Bean, a "major
fundraiser for President Obama," as correspondent Erin McPike labeled him. The cable network
devoted three full segments and two news briefs to the criminal charges against Bean, who is also
the co-founder of the left-wing homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign. As of Monday
morning [11/24/2014], the Big Three networks have yet to cover the story on their morning and
evening newscasts.
Obama: A Companion of Fools. It seems that Barack Obama has a propensity to surround
himself with some questionable friends. [...] Take for example one foolish companion the president
walks with: the prominent gay rights activist Terrence P. Bean, 66, who has been indicted for
allegedly sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy. At a 2009 Human Rights Campaign dinner, Mr. Obama
called the alleged child molester a "great friend and supporter." As a matter of fact, Obama's
"great friend" Terrence has frequented the White House at least six times in the past couple of years.
An ardent and influential supporter of many prominent Democrats, in addition to visiting 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue, Bean has also been a guest of the president on Air Force One flying around at $181K an hour.
the Media Blackout on Gay Rapists. Liberal politics, not people, matter to our evil
media. That's precisely why they rush to their cameras, microphones and keyboards when news
breaks about a pedophile Catholic priest having his way with altar boys. Not because they care
about the altar boys, but because they want to discredit the Catholic Church. If you doubt that
fact, ask yourself why you haven't heard much from the Mainstream Media about the recent arrest of
66 year-old Terrence Bean, charged with raping a 15-year old boy. The answer is because
Terrence isn't a Catholic priest. Instead, he's the co-founder and on the board of directors
of the homosexual organization ironically called the "Human Rights Campaign."
Nightly News Breaks Silence on Jonathan Gruber 32 Days After First Video Surfaced.
After a month in which NBC Nightly News gave more prominence to ugly Christmas sweaters,
grape salad, Al Roker's 34-hour weather report, and a live broadcast of Peter Pan starring Brian
Williams' daughter, Allison, the broadcast finally discovered Jonathan Gruber. On Tuesday evening [12/9/2014],
NBC's evening newscast acknowledged the name Jonathan Gruber for the first time and his insulting comments regarding
ObamaCare a full 32 days after the group American Commitment unearthed the first Gruber video on November 7.
Endless Lies and His Media Accomplices. It was appropriate that the Democratic Senate
report on "torture" was released on the same day that Jonathan Gruber was testifying about lying to
the American people regarding the benefits of Obamacare. The Senate report was another form of
deception, designed to confuse and mislead about what Obama has used in place of interrogation techniques
of terrorists. Obama doesn't interrogate terrorists, he kills them. Yet, we are led to believe
Obama believes in American values and practices them. The American people would see through the
lies if only they could depend on a media that would lead them out of all the deliberate obfuscation.
for Hope and Change. Never has a modern president been so pampered by the press, and
never has the press been so disrespected for its obsequiousness. After Obama, what will the press
do? Will it investigate some future Republican abuse of executive orders, deplore serial crippling
deficits, complain of a government hostile to the media, expose scandals in the IRS or VA, lament
the decline of U.S. prestige abroad, tally up "illegal" Predator assassinations, chronicle bombing
without congressional approval, talk of a McCarthy-like administration tapping reporters' communications
and computers, whine about an anemic "jobless" recovery, chart how a president deliberately misled the
country about health care, amnesty, or dangers in the Middle East? Will it demand that the next
presidential candidate release his college transcripts and medical records or details about his associates?
and Michelle playing the race card in People Magazine. Having learned nothing from its
in-the-tank-for-Democrats Hillary Clinton cover debacle, People Magazine is helping out
President and Mrs. Obama in their efforts to play the racial victimization card with an interview
bemoaning racial profiling, accompanied by a photo that shows a lot of work on making them look like
an appealing couple.
Gloria Borger: Obama is basically Superman. You have to hand it to CNN's Chief Political Analyst
Gloria Borger. She's not afraid to bear all her biases in a naked display of cheerleading under the
guise of dispassionate political scrutiny.
Gushes Over Obama's Press Conference 'Swagger'. An MSNBC panel could barely contain
their glee at President Obama's press conference performance on Friday, repeatedly noting the
president's "swagger" and gushing over what they termed "Obama 2.0." "This was relaxed, confident
president today, in a way that we have not seen him in a news conference," said former White House press
secretary Robert Gibbs. "Incredibly strong," agreed "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd. "That was
a president who feels as if he has earned the right to have some swagger."
Don Lemon: Obamas Are 'Closest Thing We Have to Royalty'. CNN's Don Lemon on Thursday
[12/18/2014] insisted that Barack and Michelle Obama are the "closest thing we have to royalty." The
anchor was discussing complaints by the First Lady that she had been mistaken for a Target employee
during a visit. Lemon lamented, "But speaking to People magazine, according to the Obamas,
they're sometimes treated less than like royals, or the first couple, and more like the help."
The Homelessness Problem Is Still
With Us — and Growing. While the gatekeeping establishment press insists on
promoting the alleged wonders of the nation's still-nascent "recovery," two indicators relating to
homelessness surfaced this month with relatively little notice. Five and a half years after the
official end of the recession and six years into Barack Obama's presidency, these indicators
demonstrate that the problem has not only not lessened, it has arguably gotten worse.
Todd: Obama 'Earned The Right To Have Some Swagger'. On Friday afternoon President
Obama held [h]is annual end-of-year press conference, and following the event the folks at MSNBC
eagerly cheered on the president's performance. During MSNBC's post-press conference coverage,
Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press, proclaimed that Obama looked
"incredibly strong" and was "a president who feels as if he's earned the right to have some swagger."
Media Celebrate Obama's "Audacity".
The media fervor celebrates President Obama's most radical policies — from a lifeline to
the communist dictatorship in Cuba, to a unilateral rewriting of immigration laws, to an absurd deal
with China, whereby the U.S. commits to severe and specific cutbacks of energy use by 2025, while
the Chinese commit to nothing except to consider starting cutbacks in 2030, all in the name of
global warming.
Chris Moody: Optics of Obama Forcing Army Couple to Move Wedding 'Hilariously Bad'. On
Monday afternoon [12/29/2014], CNN's Wolf covered the controversy surrounding President Obama's
playing of golf on a Hawaii golf course that forced an Army couple about to be married there to move
their wedding during which CNN's Chris Moody called the optics of the move "hilariously bad."
Following a panel discussion on the 2016 presidential campaign, substitute host Brianna Keilar
introduced the topic and after some background on what happened, Keilar and Time's Zeke Miller did
their best to defend the President and the White House, pointing out that there was "no way that the
President" or the White House knew of this decision beforehand by the golf course. [Video clip]
House reporter finds deep meaning in rainbow over Obama's vacation home. As President
Obama was wrapping up one of his last days of time off in Hawaii, White House reporter David
Nakamura of the Washington Post was moved by a rainbow sighting over the first family's vacation
home. In a Friday [1/2/2015] pool report — the write-ups of public events by individual
reporters selected to represent the regular White House press corps — Nakamura detailed
the apparently inspiring vision.
Reporter Sorry He Couldn't Get Photo Of Obama Under A Rainbow. Washington Post
White House reporter David Nakamura is in Hawaii covering President Obama's family vacation.
In one of the more inane — and there are many — White House pool reports about
the trip, the reporter talks about how he regrets not snapping a photograph of the commander-in-chief
under a rainbow. Considering that a few years ago that Nakamura was stuck in a sports laundry
room at Rollins College in Winter Park, Fla., where he traveled with Obama, this is a HUGE
step up for him.
Denial About the Attack in France. Most journalists tried to downplay or ignore
Obama's failure to attend the huge Sunday "unity" rally in Paris, where 40 world leaders gathered in
a show of support for France. While the New York tabloids mocked Obama, most national newspapers
mentioned "World leaders link arms" and barely noticed the leader of the free world had stayed home
to watch football games. Even after the White House spokesman admitted it was an error for top
American officials to skip the event, obviously in reaction to national and international outrage,
still some newspapers buried it inside their papers like it was no big deal.
Obama Press Conference, No Questions on Skipping Anti-Terror Rally. Barack Obama on
Friday [1/16/2015] conducted an almost hour-long news conference with journalists, but faced no
questions on his administration's much-maligned decision not to send a representative to last
Sunday's massive anti-terror rally in France. [...] After a nearly 20 minute preamble, Obama and
British Prime Minister David Cameron finally got to reporters. After offering up a tough question,
Karl lobbed this softball: "If I may, Mr. President, I really like would hear your reaction to the
news that Mitt Romney is thinking about running for president again."
Ignore John Kerry's Embarrassing James Taylor Stunt in Paris. On Friday [1/16/2015],
while all three network morning shows covered Secretary of State John Kerry arriving in Paris to
offer U.S. condolences following the recent terrorist attacks, none of the broadcasts mentioned one
of the most embarrassing moments in American diplomatic history that occurred during the visit —
Kerry bringing musician James Taylor to a press conference to sing "You've Got A Friend" to the French people.
the real economic story. President Obama has had no better ally on the state of the
American economy over the last six years than the nightly network news shows. When the economic
numbers have been terrible or just plain mediocre, the network newscasts have often ignored or
underplayed the larger human story of jobless people struggling to survive. When there was
periodically modest improvement, however brief, they made it sound like the economy was roaring back.
Bob Schieffer Swoons: Obama's Speech Was 'Uplifting' with 'Soaring Rhetoric'. At the
conclusion of President Barack Obama's 2015 State of the Union speech, CBS News chief Washington
correspondent and Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer offered plenty of praise for the President's
address by proclaiming it as "the best speech he's made in awhile" with "soaring rhetoric" and being
"uplifting at the end."
Stephanopoulos Finds It Credible Barack Obama Can Be Another Ronald Reagan. Without
laughing, ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday's [1/20/2015] World News Tonight advanced
the White House hope that Barack Obama will be seen as Ronald Reagan was in 1987, as a President who
rescued the economy and was rewarded by voters. Opining on the President's political mission at
tonight's State of the Union speech, Stephanopoulos said the goal was for Obama to convince the public
that the economic "recovery is sustainable.... and it's because of the work that he did over the
last six years."
Panel Blasts Obama's "Extraordinary Disconnect". This video is posted by The
Washington Free Beacon as an example of punditry discussing the White House ineptitude. However,
this video is actually more reflective of something far more annoying. Every one of these
"pundits" have spent the last six years extoling the virtues of President Obama's brilliant foreign
policy. Every single one of these panelists have written columns, given opinion, and appeared on TV
shows telling the consuming sheeple how brilliant President Obama was. Now they sit around
presenting themselves as some form of disconnected gallery observers talking about how the
consequences of those same policies they exalted are abject failures. [Video clip]
Obama: We need more
drone regulations. [Scroll down] A man operating a drone recreationally early
Monday morning [1/26/2015] apparently lost control of the two-foot wide quadcopter before it crashed
on the White House grounds. He called the U.S. Secret Service on Monday to "self-report" his
involvement and was questioned by agents.
The Editor says...
The news reports about this incident breathlessly assured us all that the Mr. and Mrs. Obama were in
India at the time and were in no danger. Wowee, what a relief! Nor would they have been in
any danger from this little toy if they had been standing at the windows of the White House.
The Lying Sleeps
Tonight. [Scroll down] Iran is convincing the administration to retreat
everywhere by explaining each time that it is really a victory for Obama. In consequence, America's
enemies are finding it childishly simple to manipulate the experts in Washington. A few colored
policy beads, some lengths of cheap agreements, one or two photo ops seem sufficient to send the
natives by the Potomac on a frenzy of celebratory dancing round the talk show campfires of CBS, NBC
and ABC.
The Big Lie:
5.6% Unemployment. Right now, we're hearing much celebrating from the media, the White
House and Wall Street about how unemployment is "down" to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is
deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and
Wall Street would like you to stay in the market. None of them will tell you this: If you, a
family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job — if you
are so hopelessly out of work that you've stopped looking over the past four weeks — the
Department of Labor doesn't count you as unemployed. That's right. While you are as unemployed
as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you are not counted in the figure
we see relentlessly in the news — currently 5.6%. Right now, as many as 30 million
Americans are either out of work or severely underemployed.
CNN goes to bat for Obama in this heavily biased article:
is not a Christian? One of the strangest right-wing conspiracies is that Barack Obama
is not really a Christian. [...] From the perspective of the religious right, his faith is contradicted
by his policies: How can a Christian support same-sex marriage or say "Thank you, Planned
Parenthood. God bless you" when it is an organization that provides abortion services?
Reality Beneath "Low Unemployment" Propaganda: Less than half of adult Americans are employed full-time.
Gallup regularly tracks the percentage of U.S. adults that are employed for 30 or more hours per week, and it is
currently at 44.2 percent. It has been hovering between 42 percent and 45 percent since the
end of 2009. This is extremely low. As I discussed the other day, there are 8.69 million Americans
that are considered to be "officially unemployed" at this point. But there are another 92.90 million
Americans that are considered to be "not in the labor force". Millions upon millions of those Americans would
work if they could. Overall, there are 101 million U.S. adults that do not have a job right now. But
you won't hear that number being discussed by the mainstream media, because it would make Barack Obama look really bad.
Guthrie Lobs Softball to Axelrod On 'Whether Racism Animated' Obama Critics. In an
interview with former Obama White House aide David Axelrod on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah
Guthrie tossed a softball on "whether racism animated some of the President's critics." [...]
Guthrie followed up by questioning Axelrod's account of Mitt Romney suggesting Obama only won
reelection in 2012 due to the black vote.
the President's Explainers. A sit-down interview with the president of the United States must be
the most overrated get in all of journalism. Obviously, few journalists would spurn a chance to touch the
hem of his garment if offered the chance. But beyond a brief burst of positive buzz for the news outlet,
these sessions produce little in the way of news, as Vox's Ezra Klein and Matt Yglesias demonstrated anew Monday
[2/9/2015] in their lengthy domestic and foreign policy Q&As with President Barack Obama.
Hits Vox for 'Nerf ball' Obama Interview. [Scroll down] Vox has also humiliated
itself dozens of times in the past year. In some cases, it corrects the mistakes, and in some cases,
it pretends they aren't mistakes. The final irony is that Vox only got the Obama interview because
it is reliably progressive and prone to do exactly what it did, i.e. boost the President rather than
challenge his assumptions. If Vox were really the site Ezra Klein claimed it should be, this
interview would never have happened.
Levin Shreds Obama's Vox Interview. Mark Levin went through Obama's interview with VOX
and completely shredded it, clip by clip. It's honestly the best analysis you are going to hear
on the Marxist claptrap being spewed by this president. [Audio clip]
Fawning Brian Williams Bows To POTUS At White House. Although I rarely watch any MSM
news shows, I do remember catching a segment on NBC, in June, '09, that I had found troubling:
Brian Williams, over a period of several days, had aired a two-hour special about the new president
and his life in the White House. At the end of the last segment, I was shocked when Williams,
saying goodbye, bowed to Obama.
Guthrie Helps Axelrod Keep the 'Obama Critics Are Racists' Myth Alive. A news division
that's reeling might want to get out of the low-info leftist opinion pimping business and work a bit
on some actual reporting. This is nothing more than Savannah Guthrie earning her good little lapdog
cred by keeping a tired lie alive.
Obama. The president has had plenty of worshipful media coverage, certainly back in
the day when "hope and change" wasn't so risible. But none has ever been so in keeping with his own
self-image and pose as the dispassionate, above-it-all paragon of reasonableness. Vox Obama is
the only rational guy in town. Vox Obama is a non-ideological devotee of facts. Vox Obama speaks in
dulcet tones. Vox Obama has data sliding beside his face to prove his points! [...] Vox called the
video clips of its interviews "films." They had dramatic cut-aways and soothing music, as well as
cute gizmos and other supporting material flashing on the screen to illustrate the wisdom and correctness
of everything Obama said.
and Barack: Lies, damned lies, and journalism. The most telling point about David
Axelrod's revelation that Barack Obama fibbed about his position on marriage to get himself elected
is not what it says about politics or even the president. It's what it says about American journalism.
Walker Gets College Scrutiny That Media Failed to Give Obama. David Fahrenthold's
examination of Walker's college years in the Washington Post spanned more than 2,000 words, and in
the end, there is little mystery. Walker was an active member of the Marquette student body and has
openly said that he decided to leave the university after being offered a full-time job during his senior
year. [...] Unlike Walker, who was well known at Marquette and had a group of friends, Obama was a ghost
at Columbia. More than 400 classmates of Obama were contacted during the 2008 election, and
not one said they remembered him. The New York Sun described Columbia just before the 2008
election as a place Obama "rarely speaks about and where few people seem to remember him." The
record on Obama's Columbia years was sealed.
Media: When You Attack Obama, You're Attacking Them. It was just a few short days ago
that President Obama said that Republican attempts to tie ISIS to a radical form of Islam are lying
and helping to drive recruitment by not leaving out the religious element to their terror the way he
does. After he said those things, there was no furor in the press. Journalists were not
taking to social media to express their outrage at the President suggesting Republicans were aiding
a barbaric Islamic terror group. They were largely silent. It was a whole different story
however, when news broke broke just the day before about comments former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani made
at an event for Governor Scott Walker.
audacity of the media's Obama worship. By "audacity," I of course mean "utter
shamelessness." Over the past week, media reporters have tried to hold Republicans accountable for
any personal attacks by anyone on Barack Obama, going out of their way to demand that GOP candidates
defend Obama's honor — especially Scott Walker, who has emerged as a top-tier candidate
in the early campaign. This trend reached its nadir when two reporters from the Washington Post,
Dan Balz and Robert Costa, demanded that Walker answer whether he thought Obama was a Christian —
despite the fact that Walker has never brought up that topic.
When a Republican does this, it's called lying.
writers struggle to characterize VA director's special forces fabrication. A majority
of headlines this week have characterized Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald's claim that he
served in the Army's Special Forces as a "misstatement" and a "false claim." Very few have referred
to his admitted fabrication as a "lie." McDonald, who qualified but never served as a Ranger and
did not serve in Special Forces, apologized this week for the falsehood. Headlines from the
Huffington Post, the Washington Free Beacon, the Washington Examiner, the Hill and Military Times
have used variations of "falsely claimed" in headlines regarding McDonald's fabrication.
Reasons Why We Really Hate the Media. [#3] They're all in bed with the Obama
administration. From the Rhodes brothers to Jay Carney and Claire Shipman, to Rick Stengel, the
super-cozy relationship between reporters and administration officials — born of their
shared devotion to the Democrat Party — just comes naturally.
NBC Hit Netanyahu for 'Controversial Address' While Obama 'Fires Back'. All three
broadcast networks reported on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress
with segments in their Tuesday night [3/3/2015] broadcasts, but it was CBS and NBC that led the way in hitting
Netanyahu for making a "controversial speech" and touted President Obama for "firing back," "point
by point for 11 minutes." CBS Evening News substitute anchor Charlie Rose began the show's
coverage by telling viewers that "Netanyahu did an end run around President Obama today" in his speech with
the caption "controversial speech" appearing beside him.
Anyone Fact-Check the President? Barack Obama is not the only Pinocchio in political
life, but more than any other public figure I can think of, he seems to think he is entitled to make
up his own facts. That sense of entitlement probably results from the press's unwillingness to
point out his many errors.
The Democrats' Thugocracy.
There are a couple things about the Obama years that have registered "does not compute" for me. The
first was the complete powder taken by the media. Yes, I know that they are all ruling-class
liberals that believe in all the received liberal notions and still swoon today at the thought of a
First Black President. But you would have thought that, here and there, a liberal journalist would
have popped his head above the parapet to take a potshot at the president. [...] Journalists are
understandably timid. They live by their sources, and if they don't toady to their sources, then
good-bye sources, and good-bye career.
Five times Democrats undermined Republican
presidents with foreign governments. On Monday, 47 Republican senators led by Tom
Cotton, R-Ark., released an "open letter" to Iran's leaders noting that any deal the regime signs
with President Obama without the approval of Congress could be revoked by a future president or
changed by Congress. The White House went into a tizzy trying to portray the move as somehow
"unprecedented" — a view that has found a friendly audience with the media.
Obama Addresses Ferguson, Reads Mean Tweets on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'. The late-night
host welcomed Obama for his first in-person visit to the Jimmy Kimmel Live stage with a
humorous introduction: "The first Kenyan-born Muslim socialist ever elected to run this
country." In Jimmy Kimmel style, the president partook in a reading of mean tweets. "I
have to say though, those weren't that mean... You should see what the Senate says about me," Obama
said after reading numerous negative comments directed at him on Twitter. He also admitted
that he does not "physically tweet in general" because he "generally" has "some other stuff to do."
The Editor says...
I don't think that Obama being a "Kenyan-born Muslim socialist" is a laughing matter.
Mr. Kimmel is attempting to diffuse Obama's scandalous past by mocking those of us who try to sound the
alarm about it. (He left out "liar," "narcissist" and "baby killer.") If I'm wrong about
Mr. Obama, nothing bad will happen to anyone but me; but if Mr. Kimmel is wrong, we're witnessing the
end of this country, facilitated by the left-wing liberal news media and late-night propagandists
masquerading as comedians, and it was all entirely preventable.
of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election. A sweeping study of some 130,213
news articles on the 2012 presidential match between President Obama and Mitt Romney has proven anew
that there was a strong pro-Democratic bias in the U.S. and international press. The study,
published in the authoritative journal Big Data & Society, also tested the campaign themes the
media focused on and determined that Obama succeeded in stealing the economic issue from Republican
Romney. "The 2012 elections saw an 'issue trespassing' strategy with President Obama taking the
initiative on the economy," found the survey of stories produced by 719 U.S. and international outlets.
CBS Points Out Top Obama Aide Is Working to Defeat Netanyahu. On Monday night
[3/16/2015] and Tuesday morning, all three networks covered the down-to-the-wire election in Israel.
But only CBS noticed that Barack Obama's 2012 national field director is hard at work trying to
defeat Benjamin Netanyahu. This Morning reporter Barry Petersen explained that the
left-leaning Labor Party "hired Jeremy Bird who ran the Obama campaign ground game in 2008 and
2012." ABC and NBC ignored this key point. Instead, Good Morning America co-host
George Stephanopoulos danced around the issue.
by the Muslim Brotherhood. [Scroll down] So why doesn't the Press report just
the facts? What is the reason for such an incredible failure by the press to inform the
American people of the dire state of their government under Barack Obama? There are
several. Many advisors to Obama are married into the media, or have worked in media
themselves prior to joining the administration. Both Ben Rhodes and Susan Rice have familial
connections with powerful executives in (what was once known as) the free press. Four times
more journalists identify as liberal compared to conservative. Evidently, with the case of
Brian Williams coming to light, some in the media don't care about the truth and would rather
make up bald-faced lies. Yet the biases above don't fully explain the conspicuous silence
of the mainstream press on the Muslim Brotherhood. For it is no longer bias or loyalty that
sway the press, but fear. The Obama administration has proved that it will stonewall, punish,
illegally wiretap, and in general make life difficult for inquisitive members of the press.
Case in point, Sharyl Attkisson, who refused go along with the official lies regarding Benghazi.
Big Whoppers Told About ObamaCare On Its 5th Anniversary. [#3] "Sixteen million have
gained insurance thanks to ObamaCare." The administration released a two-page paper last week making
this claim, and reporters have swallowed it whole, despite the fact it's hardly credible. As we
pointed out in this space, the 16 million claim rests entirely on a dubious analysis of Gallup's survey
of the uninsured. Census data show the uninsured rate had dropped steadily from 2010 to 2013 —
before ObamaCare went into effect.
and Furious Cover-up Rewarded in Appointment of New ATF Director. On Friday, March 20,
2015, B. Todd Jones, the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF,)
announced his resignation. [...] The announced new Acting Director is the current Deputy Director, Thomas
Brandon, a man with an apparently secret history at the ATF. In news dispatches of March 20th,
Mr. Brandon is described blandly by the AP, CNN and ABC as a 26-year veteran at the agency who was appointed
Deputy Director in 2011. This gives the impression of an earnest, knowledgeable, hard working civil
servant, does it not? Perhaps all of the professional reporters are too pressed for time these days
to perform a basic Google search. Or, perhaps not a single so-called journalist has the brain capacity
to remember a shameful, deadly national disaster called Fast and Furious.
Washington Post Sugarcoats Obama's Communist Mentor. [Scroll down] If Rudy
merits "Three Pinocchios," then Barack Obama deserves at least 22 for expunging all 22 references to
"Frank" in the audio version of Dreams from My Father that was released in 2005, as he
prepared for a run for the presidency and no doubt feared being tied to closely to a man who joined
the Communist Party under Stalin and had been so radical that the federal government placed him on
the Security Index. By completely scrubbing all mentions of "Frank" from the audio version of
Dreams, which Obama himself personally approved (as the jacket design says) and narrates in
his own voice, Obama deliberately concealed Davis.
controls what we buy, the news we read — and Obama's policies. A former
Google officer is the president's chief technology adviser. Google employees contributed more to
President Obama's re-election than did employees of any other company except Microsoft. Google
lobbyists met with Obama White House officials 230 times. By comparison, lobbyists from
rival Comcast have been admitted to the inner sanctum a mere 20 or so times in the same period.
Oh, and on Election Night 2012, guess where Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt was? Working
for the president. In the president's campaign office. On a voter-turnout system designed
to help the president get re-elected.
Complete Timeline of Obama's Anti-Israel Hatred. For some odd reason, many in the media and Congress
reacted with surprise to Obama's supposedly sudden turn on Israel. The media, in an attempt to defend Obama's
radicalism, pretend that Netanyahu's comments in the late stages of his campaign prompted Obama's anti-Israel action.
is going Alinsky Rule 12 on Republicans. For the Mainstream Media, any notice of Barack Obama's radical
roots is out if bounds, so I suppose that we should be grateful that the AP even notices nastiness as a political
strategy of the White House.
and The Obama Agenda — A collaborative goal to work policy objectives through the media.
[Scroll down] These would seem like disconnected coincidences if we didn't know, with direct sourcing, that
CNN and the White House work in concert with each other both ideologically and specifically with a collaborative
goal to work policy objectives through the media. Most conservatives immediately respond with thoughts of
CNN's Candy Crowley supporting Obama during the CNN hosted 2012 presidential debate. Or you might reference
CNN's Fareed Zakaria who is also a key Obama foreign policy advisor.
More proof that late-night TV "comedians" are actually propagandists:
Goes Ga-Ga for Obama; 'You Can Feel the Electricity' Whenever He's Here. During the
opening monologue of Tuesday's Late Show on CBS, David Letterman channeled his inner Chris Matthews
in professing his admiration for President Barack Obama following his appearance on Monday's program
by declaring that "you can feel the electricity in the room" whenever he's on the program.
Golfs V-E Day Celebrations Away, Funerals Too. Except for his weekly address, Obama
ignored the many V-E Day celebrations in the Capitol commemorating the 70th anniversary of the
victory that led to the end of World War II. The address was the most minimal thing he could
do. Instead he flew to South Dakota to talk TPP (it must be a terrible treaty if he wants it
this much) and he bloviated about redistributive free college that heavily-taxed working Americans
can't afford. The media claimed he "led" the celebrations but that was to give the false
impression he actually participated. They covered for him as usual.
perpetuates tale that Benghazi attack caused by anti-Islam film. In a report about a
Supreme Court ruling, the Associated Press on Monday [5/18/2015] continued with the ruse that an
anti-Muslim film posted on YouTube caused violence in the Middle East, culminating in the murder of
a U.S. ambassador on Sept. 11, 2012. "In a victory for free speech advocates, a federal appeals
court says YouTube should not have been forced to take down an anti-Muslim film that sparked violence in
the Middle East and death threats to actors," the AP wrote.
Ramadi Falls to ISIS, POTUS Goes Golfing, Gets New Twitter Account. During the Iraq
War, the United States paid a terrible price to secure Anbar province from terrorists. Between
April of 2004 and September of 2007, 1,335 Americans and nearly 9,000 Iraqis died in the battle for
Fallujah and Ramadi. But by 2008, the battle had been won — and liberated Iraqi citizens
could again walk the streets without fear. Now Ramadi and Fallujah are back in the hands of terrorists.
But never mind that, the big news today is that POTUS has a new Twitter account, you guys!
Columnist: Racist Anti-Obama Tweets 'Make You Question' 1st Amendment. Liberal
Washington Post columnist and MSNBC contributor Jonathan Capehart opined on Twitter that some of the
racist and hateful tweets directed toward President Obama were enough to "make you question your
support for 1st Amendment."
Stephanopolous Tried to Save Hillary in 2008. Always more an activist than a journalist, once Hillary was
knocked out of the campaign Stephanopoulos joined his pals in their quest to get Obama elected. He got a chance to
prove his loyalty in September of that year when interviewing the senator on ABC's This Week. "You are
absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith," said Obama carelessly. Stephanopoulos
quickly corrected him with a sotto voce "Christian faith," and Obama affirmed the correction. The rest is history.
Were it not for "reporters" like Stephanopolous the comically inept and hopelessly corrupt Ms. Clinton would not dare run for
mayor of Chappaqua. As it is, she could well be the next president of the United States.
Media Supporters Growing Nervous About ISIS. Charting President Obama's relationship
with the media that passively-aggressively adores him is tricky. More than once, he's seemingly
angered or dismayed them enough to trigger a paradigm shift, only to have the paradigm slip right
back to the usual worship of a titan striding across history. The media might admit he's made a
mistake now and then — no, wait, make that a "less than optimal decision" —
but he still gets endless credit for good intentions and towering intelligence.
Brooks: 'Obama Has Run An Amazingly Scandal-Free Administration'. One doesn't know
what to do with the rubbish which follows beyond noting it and hoping that the ridicule which
results will somehow and in some way have some kind of impact. Despite 6½ years of
horrid governance and dozens of acknowledged scandals, several of which a few of the credible
remaining outposts of liberal thought have actually agreed are scandals, David Brooks, the New York
Times's resident fake conservative, asserted on Friday's [5/29/2015] PBS NewsHour, as if it's
an indisputable fact, that "President Obama has run an amazingly scandal-free administration, not
only he himself, but the people around him."
Schieffer: 'Whole Political World Was Struck' by Obama's Candidacy. Retiring Face
the Nation moderator Bob Schieffer sat down with Fox News' Howard Kurtz on Sunday's [5/31/2015]
MediaBuzz and did his best to excuse the media's soft treatment of President Obama since he
first ran for president. Schieffer argued that "the whole political world was struck by this fella
who sort of came out of nowhere with this very unusual name and when he won out in Iowa, I think
people sat up and took notice."
The Rise
and Fall of the Obama-Media Romance. Departing Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer
saved the best for last: In an interview aired yesterday [5/31/2015] on a competing Sunday show,
Howard Kurtz's Media Buzz on Fox News Channel, he conceded that the awe-struck press had given
Barack Obama an easy ride in his 2008 presidential campaign and perhaps beyond. "I think the whole
political world was struck by this fella who sort of came out of nowhere with this very unusual name and
when he won out in Iowa, I think people sat up and took notice," Schieffer said. "Maybe we
were not skeptical enough."
Bias? With Obama It's More Like Battered Spouse Syndrome. Imagine a Republican president who
investigated, harassed and stonewalled the press at every turn. Reporters would be in a vein-popping
rage. But with President Obama, they keep blowing kisses.
York Times ignored 15 unpaid tickets of Obama in 2007. You can't get much more
hypocritical than the New York Times, which acted as a megaphone for the oppo research
efforts of American Bridge, the pro-Hillary operation founded by David Brock. The "scandal"
amounted to four traffic tickets for Marco Rubio over 18 years, puffed up by including his
wife's driving record into a headline of 17 violations for the couple. The problem is that the Times
studiously ignored the scofflaw behavior of Barack Obama, who ignored 15 outstanding parking tickets
until his run for the presidency forced him to clean up his record.
Some news outlets bleep Obama's
use of N-word. After President Obama used the n-word in an interview on Monday [6/22/2015] to make
a point about enduring racism, decisions about whether to air and write the slur varied among the media.
Fox News and MSNBC debated Obama's use of the word but bleeped it in news reports.
In The End, It's Up
To Us. At Obama's direction, the IRS and the EPA have been used to selectively attack
his political opponents. The Veterans Administration has neglected the health care needs of
veterans, and Obama does nothing. Obama routinely ignores the counsel of his military leaders,
and has refused to acknowledge the threat of ISIS. He has imposed preposterous rules of engagement
that make the military's task much more dangerous, and much less effective. The media acts as a
shield for Obama's failures, and has abandoned all pretense of "professional journalism". [...]
Unpunished in Press for Skipping Away from Tragedy for a Podcast, Fundraisers, and Golf. In the wake of
the Charleston church shooting, Republican candidates canceled events in South Carolina and altered their schedules.
President Obama did no such thing, jetting off to four California fundraisers, golfing in Palm Springs, and doing a leftist
podcast with former Air America host Marc Maron in a garage. [...] The [Washington] Post isn't going to point out
where Maron lands politically, because he's very liberal, and so are they. His Air America show was called Morning
Sedition, which is a play on the NPR morning news show Morning Edition. But on Monday [6/22/2015],
Post reporter Steven Mufson could only ooze Maron hosted an "extremely popular" podcast series.
Hails Obama's 'Big Victory That Is Key to Health Care 'Legacy'. After the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Barack
Obama on Thursday [6/25/2015], the journalists at NBC pounced to hail the "big victory" and assert just how relieved 2016
Republicans must be. Peter Alexander touted, "So it is a big victory for the Obama administration. Basically, the
Supreme Court has, for the second time, bailed out ObamaCare." He reiterated, "So, this is a big victory for the
administration." In case anyone was unclear, Alexander repeated, "So, bottom line here, big victory for the administration."
'This May Well Be The Best Week' of Obama's Second Term. Thursday's [6/25/2015] CNN Newsroom hyped
the Supreme Court's decision that again upheld ObamaCare as a "huge win for the President of the United States," as Wolf
Blitzer put it. Gloria Borger and John King tied the Court decision to Congress passing the President's fast-track
trade legislation earlier in the week. Borger trumpeted, "You have trade legislation being approved —
huge win for the President. You have this reaffirmation of ObamaCare... huge for his legacy." King added,
"This may well be the best week of his second term."
Yawn at News IRS Destroyed 24,000 Lois Lerner E-Mails. On Thursday night [6/25/2015],
the major broadcast networks ignored a new development in the IRS scandal that the agency erased 422
backup tapes and in turn destroyed 24,000 e-mails of embattled former official Lois Lerner. With
ABC, CBS, and NBC on the sidelines, the Fox News Channel's Special Report offered a full report
on Thursday's House Oversight Committee hearing concerning the multi-year scandal. Host Bret
Baier introduced the segment by informing viewers that there was "new information about thousands
more e-mails in the IRS targeting scandal destroyed during the investigation."
Mass Unemployment, Lower Wages Is 'New Normal'. The AP's subtle point here is we are
supposed to accept Obama's failed economy as the 'new normal.' There's nothing that can be done
about it. And certainly none of this is Obama's fault.
Censor Obama's Assault On Suburbs. ABC, CBS and NBC refused to cover the administration's official unveiling of a
policy as ambitious and politically radioactive as its socialized medicine scheme. Under sweeping new regulations finalized
last week, more than 1,250 municipalities across the country now must diversify neighborhoods through rezoning or risk losing
billions in federal funding from the Housing and Urban Development Department. Besides the fact that legal scholars view
the federal mandate — whose goal is racially balancing the nation, ZIP code by ZIP code — as patently
unconstitutional, it also threatens to import violent crime into the suburbs while lowering property values and negatively
impacting local schools. As kitchen table issues go, this is huge; yet the evening news didn't see it that way.
In fact, newscasts completely blacked out the issue after HUD released the rule last week.
Reporters Question President Pinocchio: A Pathetic Press Conference. Today [7/15/2015] President Obama met
the White House press corps at length to defend his Iran nuclear deal. One could deconstruct his evasions line by
line, but that would largely duplicate the content of many posts we have done over the past weeks and months.
Instead, I want to focus on a few key issues. But first, this observation: if any of the reporters present
had read the agreement, which is only 159 pages long, it was not apparent. Maybe reporters are not accustomed
to reading legal documents; maybe they are too lazy to try; maybe they have read and understood the agreement and are just
partisan hacks, covering for their president. But I have a full-time job, and nevertheless have read the agreement
several times. Why can't reporters do the same? That would seem to be a prerequisite to participating
intelligently in a press conference on the subject.
to Bush, Obama Has It Easy From Reporters. It is not uncommon for the President of the United States
to receive difficult and sometimes inflammatory questions — especially if your last name is Bush.
On Wednesday [7/15/2015], CBS reporter Major Garrett asked President Obama a pointed question about the four American hostages
left in Iran and why they were left out of the deal with Iran. President Obama seemed to be angered by Garrett's
question and said he 'should know better.' Since then, many have taken to social media and denounced Garrett's
phrasing of the question.
Garrett Earns A Field Promotion To Lt. Colonel. Major Garrett of CBS News did what no
one else in the White House press corps managed to do on Wednesday [7/15/2015]: he asked President
Barack Obama a real question. For his trouble, Garrett was rebuked by the president, criticized by
his colleagues, and accused of racism by celebrities. Yet he succeeded in bringing the plight of
four captive Americans to the forefront of national debate, and set a rare example of journalistic
integrity in what has otherwise been a dark age.
Veteran DC Journalist to Obama: 'On Behalf of an Ungrateful Nation, Thank You'. What's
funny here is that [Dick] Meyer works for a project called Decode DC, which Scripps describes as a
"podcast and narrative reporting tool aimed at smart, curious people of all ages who want political
coverage that is rooted in D.C. but is not of D.C." Meyer's gush doesn't sound just like
D.C. — it sounds like he's tapping it out on a laptop in the White House residence.
Matthews: Obama Has Had 'Immaculate' Presidency With No Corruption Allegations.
[Scroll down] Matthews continued, "He's been immaculate in the presidency. Nobody has accused
him of any corruption. His kids are perfect. His wife is perfect. He's done everything that these
right-wing white conservatives say we're supposed to be in this country. He's done everything right. [...]"
in full, and full of it. President Obama appeared on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart
the day before yesterday [7/21/2015]. [...] Obama is playing before a friendly audience and Stewart
does everything but give him a French kiss. He wants to, but modesty somehow intrudes. [...]
Obama's misrepresentations and prevarications are striking and comprehensive. He shamelessly
exploits the ignorance of his audience and followers.
Just Another Dishonest Liberal Seeking Obama's Approval. Jon Stewart isn't a fearless,
funny comedian who bravely skewers politicians of all stripes with his wicked humor, sarcasm and
invective. But he plays one on TV. In reality, he's just another left-wing media toady.
As Stewart prepares for his final "Daily Show" taping on Aug. 6, maybe we shouldn't be surprised that,
as Politico reported Tuesday, he has taken secret trips to the White House so President Obama could try to
influence his show. We doubt that he did the same thing for George W. Bush.
Networks Refuse
to Report on Latest IRS Scandal Revelations. None of these three stunning IRS scandal
developments, that have unfolded this week, have yet to be reported on by any of the Big Three network
evening or morning shows. The cover-up behind the IRS targeting scandal continues to unravel,
despite President Barack Obama's protest to The Daily Show's Jon Stewart last week that "the truth of
the matter is there was not some big conspiracy." This week's revelations provided the perfect
opportunity to catch Obama in a "gotcha" moment but so far ABC, CBS and NBC have reacted with total silence.
God Still Bless America? The MSM has made sure the masses know nothing about Obama and
Democrats supporting and covering up the PP illegal baby body parts chop shop scandal. And yet,
everyone knows about the death of a lion. The MSM also makes sure (King) Obama can lie with
impunity. In my youth, I naively thought public officials cannot lie because we have video.
If Obama lies to America and the MSM refuses to call him on it, does it make a sound?
Intelligence Committee Democrats Play Political Games on Iran Deal. The Hill ran a story today
[8/14/2015], "Spy panel Dems rally to support Iran deal," which gives the impression that all of the House Intelligence
Committee's Democratic members signed a letter supporting the nuclear agreement with Iran. The article did not mention that
a third of the committee's Democratic members did not sign the letter or the absurdity of the letter's claims. I therefore
believe a more accurate title for The Hill article would be "One-third of House Intel Committee Democrats Refuse to Sign
Letter Supporting Iran Agreement."
Todd Admits Iran Deal Vote More 'About Avoiding Defeat' for Obama. On Wednesday, September 2, all three network
newscasts cheered Obama securing a 34th vote for the Iran deal which included Chuck Todd's colleague, NBC Nightly News
anchor Lester Holt, who proclaimed the vote a "major win for the Obama administration" for a deal that "now appears unstoppable."
In addition, the networks repeatedly dismissed the overwhelming majority of Congress who opposed the Iran deal and refused to provide
soundbites of those who planned to vote against the controversial agreement.
The American Refugee
Resettlement Scam. President Obama and his rancid leftist allies have subjected America to a blizzard of lies.
Nothing that leaves his mouth even remotely parrots the truth, but typically stands truth on its head. The propaganda
infrastructure spanning media, Hollywood, non-profit institutions and the halls of academia then erects a virtually impenetrable
wall of disinformation to advance the lie.
is CNN Hiding Its Poll Showing Deep Distrust on Iran Deal? CNN did a poll on the Iran deal from September 4 to 8.
On Sunday morning [9/13/2015], CNN pollster Jennifer Agiesta (formerly of The Washington Post) reported the results — another
poll showing deep skepticism about Iran, and the prospect that Iran will cheat on any nuclear deal. Obama has a bad disapproval rating on
Iran. You'd never know this from all the "major victory for Obama" talk on this deal.
Todd: So What if Obama Is Muslim, America Has Freedom of Religion. Friday [9/18/2015] on MSNBC's "Andrea
Mitchell Reports," "Meet the Press" moderator Chuck Todd discussed the controversy over a town hall audience member pressing
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on the "Muslim" problem and suggesting President Barack Obama is Muslim. Todd
echoed the words of former Secretary of State Colin Powell by saying, "So what if we have a president or elected leaders that
are Muslim? You know, Muslim Americans are Americans, too."
Bush were still president, this would be a huge story. Imagine for a second that cancer-stricken children had
been ejected from a park where they had been conducting a candlelight vigil because President Bush had been leaving the White
House to attend a gala with Texas Republicans. I daresay it would be a lead item on the Sunday morning interview shows, with
TV news shows all day showing crying children and their outraged parents interviewed at length. But the standards for Obama
are quite different.
pen strikes again. The most important story you never heard anything about in the mainstream media is when President Obama
picked up his fabled pen and signed an executive order on Tuesday, Sept. 15, entitled "Using Behavioral Science Insights to Better
Serve the American People." Ladies and gentlemen, you have just been "Nudged."
Obama Scandals The Mainstream Press Is Ignoring. A little more than a month ago, the Daily Beast reported that 50
intelligence analysts said their reports on the Islamic State had been watered down to suit the White House's spin, and that pressure
to do so had come from senior military and intelligence officials. If true, it means that the White House actively engaged
in an effort to mislead the public about its war on this increasingly dangerous terrorist group. It's the sort of thing the
watchdog press would normally eat up, with dreams of Pulitzer Prizes and movie deals. The fact that this harkens back to
the Benghazi scandal — where Obama officials actively misled the public to maintain Obama's claim that Libya was a big
success — makes it meatier. Instead, after a few obligatory stories in early September, the press lost interest.
Obama Scandals The Mainstream Press Is Ignoring. This list only scratches the surface. There's Obama's inept handling
of the BP oil spill. His intimidation of reporters who didn't toe the party line. The failed multi-billion-dollar ObamaCare
launch. The Solyndra collapse. The Fast and Furious scandal. Heck, even Obama's scandalous mishandling of the economy
should be the talk of the nation. All of these paint a picture of a president who is out of control, out of his depth, dangerously
out of touch with reality, and incapable of effectively running the government or protecting taxpayer money.
Censor Justice Department Ending Probe Into IRS Scandal. ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening newscasts on Friday [10/23/2015] all
failed to cover the Justice Department announcing that it would be ending its investigation into the IRS's targeting of conservative
groups. The Big Three networks' news program did find time to air reporting on the top Google searches for Halloween costumes,
the fewer number of turkeys available for upcoming Thanksgiving dinners, and the controversy over the first bear hunt in Florida in
20 years.
Calls Jill Biden a Doctor 3 Times More Often than Ben Carson. The New York Times referred to Jill Biden as a
'doctor' three times more than Ben Carson, according to the Weekly Standard. Jill Biden, Vice President Joe Biden's
wife, has a doctorate in education. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson was the first neurosurgeon to successfully
separate conjoined twins.
News: Obama-Clinton Emails Render His Related Kroft Interview Statements False. A Friday evening story at the New York Times
covered the Obama administration's decision to "try to block the release of a handful of emails between President Obama and former Secretary of
State Hillary Rodham Clinton." In it, reporters Michael D. Shear and Michael S. Schmidt demonstrated that President Obama undoubtedly
did not tell the truth in his interview with CBS News's Steve Kroft in a 60 Minutes episode which aired on October 11.
Obama Whoppers for the Media to Chew On. Now that the media have shown their eagerness to expose the "lies" of
presidential candidate Ben Carson, they might want to review some of the nuggets they overlooked in the rise of Barack Obama.
To be sure, there is no going back, but future generations of journalists might benefit from seeing how shamelessly the fourth
estate transformed itself into the Democrats' fifth column.
Made At Least 9 False Claims About His Bio That The Media Ignored. The media firestorm that has erupted this
past week over alleged inconsistencies in Dr. Ben Carson's life story has been breathtakingly hypocritical. Not only is
there no evidence that Carson embellished any aspect of his personal biography, this kind of scrutiny was never even remotely
applied to President Obama when he was a candidate. Here is a list of just some of the many inaccuracies in Barack
Obama's personal bio that the media never bothered to investigate.
Media cheer Obama's Syrian
refugee plan. Many in the mainstream press are calling for the U.S. to admit as many Syrian and Iraqi refugees as
possible, despite warnings from top intelligence officials and evidence that refugees have been arrested for terror-related activity,
and evidence that one of the Paris attackers last week entered France as a refugee.
Syrian refugees: In
desperation, Obama offers statistics and lies. The Obama administration told reporters this week that roughly half of all Syrian
refugees admitted to date have been children. It claims around 25% are adults over 60 and only 2% have been single males of "combat age."
Not surprisingly, the mainstream media published these statistics without questioning them. [...] So where did the statistics come from? A
U.S. government report? Congressional testimony? No, these numbers were given to the press in a private briefing by three unnamed senior
officials. This means there's no way to check the accuracy of this data or to hold these officials accountable for their claims.
Can't Mock Disability, But Obama Did, and Media Yawned. [Scroll down] The real point here is obvious.
When it suits, the Left is relentlessly willing to attack any conservative or Republican. To make fun of their disability if
they have one. Or to attack their race or gender. There is no blinking. No outrage. All of it done to
preserve the supposed hold of liberalism over perceived races, genders or other "classes" of Americans in the eternal Leftist
quest for power and control. Which in this latest dust-up means trying to stir outrage over Americans with disabilities.
Earth: Networks Evening Shows Spend 15 Minutes Hyping Climate Change Agenda, Summit. Seeking to boost President
Barack Obama and backers of the Paris climate change summit, the "big three" networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted on Monday
night [11/30/2015] over 15 minutes of airtime across six segments touting the summit, a Discovery Channel documentary on
climate change, a hashtag campaign, and climate scientists in the Arctic Circle to name a few examples. Leading the way
toward the 15-minute-and-14-second total (without teases) was the CBS Evening News, which started with the topic on its Monday
broadcast and included anchor Scott Pelley cheering "the unprecedented global summit meeting" and a friendly poll of their own
to back the climate change advocates.
and Power Drive Obama's Climate Agenda. Obama's green energy plan put the coal industry on life-support,
targeted oil and gas as the enemy and sought to impose restrictions on power plants that generate electricity to homes
and businesses. What the president reportedly hides behind the curtain is his alliances with international green
elites, a select group of political and Wall Street cronies, and energy regulatory czars who have orchestrated a CO2
carbon-taxing scheme that would put billions of dollars into their own pockets. [...] The media neglect the real reason
Barack Obama wants your hard-earned dollars to flow into a global green machine. Barack Obama continues to push,
at the expense of America and beyond all logic and recent scientific data, for a long-term and massive financial
commitment to global warming.<>/p>
the Press': AG Loretta Lynch Not Asked About Pledge to Criminalize Anti-Muslim Speech. Out here in the
hinterlands, when we rubes hear no less than the Attorney General of the United States pledge to a specific group that she
"will taken action" against certain kinds of "rhetoric" directed at that group, like all threats of fascism, we consider
that kind of a big deal. On Sunday's [12/6/2015] "Meet the Press," although Lynch had made that exact pledge to a
Muslim group just a few days earlier, it was not considered newsworthy, or even raised during her Sunday [12/6/2015]
appearance. Had moderator Chuck Todd's interview been eaten up only by a search for news about the San Bernardino
terror attack, one could forgive the oversight. But it wasn't.
Released Guantanamo Detainee Now al-Qaeda Leader in Yemen; Will Media Cover? According to a Wednesday night [12/9/2015]
post on the website Long War Journal by Thomas Joscelyn, a former detainee held at Guantanamo Bay named Ibrahim Qosi has rejoined the
world of Islamic terrorism and ascended to a leadership post in al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) following his release in July
2012. With this shocking story coming as the Obama administration still hopes to close the prison, the question going forward from a media
standpoint is this: Will the media show any interest in this threat to national security and failure on the part of the adminstration?
prison for 'ringmaster' in giant Chicago fraud case involving politically connected black figures in Obama's circle. So a bunch of
Obama's Chicago buddies stole millions from taxpayers intended to go to worthy causes and used it for living large? There's no particular
reason why the national media should be interested, I guess.
All Being Pretty Quiet About Obama's Failures, Aren't We? [A] major theme of Obama's presidency has been that
Al Qaeda's on the run, ISIS is the JV team, they're totally contained, and we're going to stay the course while fighting
them. This is quite obviously wrong to everyone outside of most newsrooms. Also, Obama has claimed that we're out
of Afghanistan and Iraq. Except that we're in no way out of Afghanistan and Iraq. In October, he announced that
the U.S. would keep 10,000 troops in Afghanistan, contrary to the campaign promise he'd end the war there.
Hemingway Examines Media's Silence on Obama's Multiple Failures. It sure "[m]ust be nice to be a Democratic
president" given the media's air cover for your foreign policy/war-on-terrorism failures, The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway
sighed at the end of her December 15 piece detailing all the ways in which the media are "Being Pretty Quiet About Obama's
Failures." Hemingway — who, you may recall, won the first annual Noel Sheppard award earlier this year —
began by noting how "President Barack Obama's 2012 reelection campaign was built on the claim that he was not just tough on
terrorists, but also he was successful in fighting them."
I Didn't Realize How Nervous People Were About Terrorism Because I Don't Watch Enough Television. Kind of a
weird statement from a guy who seems to learn quite a lot about world events by first hearing about them in the press, no?
[...] This is a dangerously out-of-touch, cloistered "leader" — the type of man who'd give a news-free speech on
national security without mentioning the major, controversial steps he'd just taken to undermine national security.
Incidentally, the [New York] Times stealth-edited this highly newsy nugget, disappearing it down the memory hole.
I wonder why. The paper says it was due to length constraints, but that excuse doesn't fly. They ended up
adding more words to the final version than they erased. It's almost as if they're protecting a political ally.
New York Times Just Memory-Holed This Devastating Obama Admission. [Scroll down] The version of the
New York Times story that was published early Thursday evening [12/17/2015] indicated that Obama knew he was out of
touch with the country on terrorism, and he thought that was due to not watching enough television. Obama critics immediately
pounced on the stunning admission from the president, expressing shock that he would claim that a lack of TV time was the real reason
for him not understanding Americans' anxiety about terrorism. As of Friday morning, however, the passage containing Obama's
admission was gone.
Says He Does Not Watch Enough Cable News to Grasp Terrorism Fears. President Obama reportedly told a group of
news columnists this week that he does not watch enough cable news to grasp terrorism fears in the country following terror
attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California. The characterization of Obama's comments was included in an article from
Friday's issue of the New York Times and has since been edited out of the piece without correction, Mediaite
first reported. Several journalists also drew attention to the excerpt on social media before its removal.
The quiet impact of Obama's Christian
faith. [Scroll down] Obama did not grow up in a religious household and became a practicing Christian as an adult.
He has written more extensively about his spiritual awakening than almost any other modern president, addressing it in two books before he
was elected to the White House and in more than a dozen speeches since.
The Editor says...
It would be difficult to find a better example of dishonest media bias in Obama's favor that the article immediately
above, which appears in the Washington Post. Barack H. Obama never "became a practicing Christian as an adult." He
has never been a practicing Christian. All of his actions — support
of abortion,
and Islam, not to
mention his narcissism and a continuous
stream of lies
everything — demonstrate that he really should become a
Christian, but he never has. One might also ask to see examples of anything Barack H. Obama has written
himself on the subject of Christianity. The two books mentioned in the Washington Post article are believed
to have been written by someone else.
Further rebuttal of the article immediately above:
invisible impact of Obama's Christian faith. Jaffe's thesis is laughable. He writes, "[Obama's] faith had been
central to his identity as a new kind of Democrat who would bring civility to the country's political debates by appealing to
Republicans through the shared language of their Judeo-Christian values." But for many years, indeed almost until the 2008
election, Obama's faith was manifested by his participation in the church of his "spiritual mentor" — the man who
presided over his wedding and the baptism of his children — Jeremiah Wright. Reverend Wright brought civility
to country's discourse through such unifying comments as "America's chickens have come home to roost" (following the 9/11
attacks) and "God d*** America," not to mention all of the vicious anti-Israel comments Wright included in his "pastor's
page." Jaffe never mentions Rev. Wright. What attempts did Obama make to unify the country?
Cheers When Obama Sinks 40-Foot Chip Shot. President Obama went golfing in Hawaii yesterday [12/21/2015] and called the
press over when he reached the 18th hole. The commander in chief then made what ABC News describes as a 40-foot chip shot:
[Video clip]
Media Give Obama An Early Christmas Present. Our IBD/TIPP polls showed that the public has little faith in
Obama either domestically or internationally. Just 46% now approve of the job he's doing overall, and a mere 28% approve his
handling of ISIS. So what's the press writing about as the year comes to a close? How he's "broken the second-term
curse"! His incredible faith! How he "roughed it" in Alaska with Bear Grylls and was in a Web video with Jerry Seinfeld!
The New York Times ran through a "series of accomplishments" and how Obama's "success in the past 12 months, both overseas and at
home, defied expectations." The story couldn't have been more glowing if it were written by the White House press office.
Media Outdid Itself In 2015. [Scroll down] Former CBS News producer Dick Meyer won the "Obamagasm" Award
for lecturing an "ungrateful nation" in a July 16 op-ed on the glories of Obama. "Americans are lucky to have Barack
Obama as president, and we should wake up and appreciate it while we can. President Obama will go down in history as an
extraordinary president, probably a great one. ... It would be a morale-booster and a sign of civic maturity if more Americans
appreciated what an exceptional president they have right now."
Churns Out Full Story with Soft Piano Music Looking at Obama's Year in Photos. Closing out 2015 on the Thursday
morning [12/31/2015] newscasts, NBC's Today churned one of its most fawning pieces on President Obama as NBC News correspondent Ron
Allen reviewed Obama's top photos by White House photographer Pete Souza while hushed, soft piano music played in the background.
Fill-in social media correspondent Sheinelle Jones introduced Allen's piece by gushing that "[i]f a picture is worth a thousand words,
White House photographer turns out about two million words a day, capturing pivotal events in history and more personal moments."
pass from the press. Sometime in the spring of 2007, something strange happened to the Iraqi coverage in the
national media — it disappeared. Or rather, as soon as the news ceased to be bad, the media lost interest in
covering it. It was not till July, when Michael O'Hanlon reported back from the front that the surge had been working, that
the world started to realize what happened. To them, the fact that George W. Bush had succeeded in something was what
the press couldn't bear to believe. Something of the sort is happening now in reverse regarding the current Middle East
crises, which make Iraq in 2006 seem calm in comparison. This time the press, which can no longer deny that the world has
been going to hell since Barack Obama started unleashing his peacemaking powers, is doing its best to insulate him completely
from any possible blame for it all.
NSA Spying on Congress Not a Story at AP — Until GOP Responds. The Wall Street Journal ran a blockbuster story Tuesday
afternoon ("U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress") about how the Obama administration's National Security Agency's "targeting of Israeli leaders
swept up the content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers." In other words, the NSA spied on Congress. As talk-show host
and commentator Erick Erickson drily observed: "Congress began impeachment proceedings on Richard Nixon for spying on the opposing political
party." Whether or not Congress has the nerve to defend itself and the Constitution's separation of powers, what the Journal reported
is objectively a major story. Yet the Associated Press ignored it on Tuesday [12/29/2015], and most of Wednesday.
and the Insanity of the Liberal Mind. [W]hile logic would dictate expanding the number of terrorists held at Guantanamo
Bay, Obama is releasing known terrorists back to the killing fields, common sense — and his oath of office —
[notwithstanding]. As Stephen Hayes noted, despite Obama prioritizing "emptying the facility over the security of the country,"
and then lying about it, the mainstream media has been MIA. This is no surprise given that the liberal media have, for the most
part, given the president a pass on his responsibility for the rise of the ISIS caliphate, expanded Iranian hegemon, Russian and Chinese
aggression, and the years-long Syrian civil war.
Today Set to Air Obama Infomercial Live From White House. At the top of Wednesday's [1/6/2016] NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer teased
an "exciting" announcement about the morning show preparing to broadcast from a new location far from its New York studio. Fellow co-host Savannah
Guthrie added: "Yeah, the whole show is headed somewhere. We'll have more on that in a minute." At 7:30 ET Guthrie proclaimed:
"We promised a big announcement. Here it is. You see the White House there. Next Tuesday, in a morning show first, we are going to
broadcast our entire show there. This is unprecedented."
The Editor says...
Here's a question for Lauer and Guthrie: Why not originate your big show from the White House every day? That way, the viewers will
understand that it's an infomercial for big government.
Observations of The Obama/CNN "Guns in America" Town Hall Meeting. [#1] At the top of the show, Cooper admitted
that CNN approached the Obama White House about doing this town hall after the San Bernardino attacks. So even though the San
Bernardino attacks were a result of Islamic terrorism, CNN nevertheless approached the Obama Administration with the idea of having
a town hall meeting about gun control and the Obama White House enthusiatically agreed. [...] [#2] I'm not sure why Obama agreed
to this meeting. He came off worse tonight than he did in his first debate with Mitt Romney. Without a teleprompter,
he is utterly incoherent.
NBC Punt on Bad Obama Polls Ahead of SOTU; Touts Need to 'Recapture the Hope and Change'. In the Tuesday evening [1/12/2016] newscasts before
President Obama's final State of the Union address, ABC's World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News failed to mention any of the poor polling
numbers for President Obama on a variety of issues but instead hailed the President's "big themes" in a speech "trying to recapture the hope and change of
when he first took office, despite the setbacks and gridlock that have helped turn his hair gray."
Rose, Guests Vomit Praise Over Obama's Gifts in the PBS Afterglow. If you're not a Democrat who thinks Barack
Obama and Bill Clinton are titans whose visages should be sculpted into a cliff, you might want to avoid taxpayer-funded PBS
and the Charlie Rose show. Both leaders were adored live in the 11 pm hour on the East Coast in the afterglow of Obama's
final State of the Union address. Early on, Rose said Obama's listing of four arguments the country needed to have were "very
worthy," and then it slipped into how Bill Clinton was a great president like Jefferson, or FDR.
CNN: Hey, Folks, Relax!
Don't Panic! Everything's Awesome! Forget for a moment that U.S. stock markets have seen their worst start to a new year
since the Great Depression or that some $2.5 trillion in wealth has been evaporated in less than two weeks. CNN says it's
hardly the time to panic. [...] Pay no attention to the fact that last week not a single cargo ship was transporting raw materials in
the South China Sea, the first time in history that it has happened. The economy is is great shape and this is not proof that
global commerce has literally stopped.
side is Obama on? The dangerous decisions of a lame duck. It was hard to avoid all the really important media coverage
of the Eastern winter storm that had not hit anywhere by Thursday [1/21/2016]. So, you may have missed the trivial news about
Barack Obama releasing yet more terrorists from the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility, including one particularly dangerous man.
No "Major Scandal" in Obama Administration? The ongoing incestuous
relationship between the Obama administration and the media often tilts in favor of the administration, leaving many scandals uninvestigated, minimized, or outright
ignored. For example, both CBS News president David Rhodes and former ABC News president Ben Sherwood have siblings working for the administration. CNN's
deputy Washington bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Tom Nides, a former Obama staffer under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. And David Plouffe,
Obama's former campaign manager, joined Bloomberg News, while MSNBC hired Axelrod. President Obama even joked in 2013 that "...David Axelrod now works for MSNBC,
which is a nice change of pace since MSNBC used to work for David Axelrod." With so many members of the elite media in bed with the administration, Dartmouth
College professor Brendan Nyhan's 2011 observation that "the current administration has not yet suffered a major scandal, which I define as a widespread elite perception
of wrongdoing" becomes essentially meaningless.
Post Airbrushes Obama's Mosque Visit. Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post provides a near-worshipful account of
President Obama's Wednesday [2/3/2016] visit to a Baltimore mosque. [...] Jaffe describes the Islamic Society of Baltimore mosque as "a
simple house of worship." Post readers are never informed that things at the mosque aren't quite that simple. As Scott [Johnson]
has pointed out, just a few years ago the FBI was monitoring this mosque as a breeding ground for terrorists, after arresting a member for
plotting to blow up a federal building. Agents secretly recorded a number of conversations with a 25-year-old Muslim
convert — Antonio Martinez, aka Muhammad Hussain — and other Muslims who worshiped there. According to
the criminal complaint, Martinez said he knew "brothers" who could supply him weapons and propane tanks.
Interview Devolves Into Asking Obama What's in His Pockets. After sitting down with the President and the First
Lady on Sunday [2/7/2016] for a friendly chat before the Super Bowl, CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King was not
finished with her sycophantic fawning as she followed Obama into the Oval Office for a one-on-one exchange highlighted by her
asking what "cool things" he was carrying in his pockets that day.
Brooks Misses A Lot More Than The Crease in Obama's Pants. As much as I loathe Donald Trump, I loathe Barack
Obama even more and would not miss him for a nanosecond. After all, if it weren't for Obama's deference to our enemies and
disdain for America and her Allies, there would be no chance that Trump would be a viable presidential candidate. Brooks
praises Obama's integrity for running an administration which has been "remarkably scandal-free." Well, how about Fast &
Furious, The VA, The IRS & Benghazi? If the Obama Administration is willfully giving guns to Mexican drug gangs, allows
veterans to die waiting for health care, makes a concerted effort to stifle free speech while refusing to help the four Americans
under assault from terrorists doesn't merit the word scandal in David Brooks' book, then he demonstrates no capacity for reason.
Then again, the New York Times only prints the news it sees fit printing and Fast & Furious, the VA, the IRS, and Benghazi
don't fit into their agenda.
Mitchell Frets Over 'Painful' and 'Insulting' Attacks on Obama. While discussing Barack Obama's comments about Donald Trump, Andrea Mitchell on
Wednesday [2/17/2016] lamented the "painful" and "insulting" attacks the President has endured. Regarding Obama's assertion that Trump won't be president,
Mitchell worried, "He's speaking from the perspective of someone who was so demeaned by Donald Trump back in 2008." Showing considerable empathy for the
President, Mitchell continued, "Just think of how painful and insulting and diminishing that was for Barack Obama to hear that from Donald Trump at the time."
Thrilled by Obama's 'Historic Trip' to Cuba. The network morning shows on Thursday [2/18/2016] were beside themselves with glee over the White
House announcing President Obama would travel to Cuba in March. While all three broadcasts hailed the upcoming "historic trip," it was ABC's Good
Morning America that went the extra mile by proclaiming the President was more popular than singer Beyonce on the island nation. At the top of
GMA, fill-in co-host Amy Robach announced: "Breaking overnight, President Obama will travel to Cuba, the first president to visit in more
than 80 years. And the huge events in the works in Havana, from Major League Baseball to Beyonce."
Demotes Ditka after Hall of Famer Calls Obama 'Worst President We've Ever Had'. Less than a week after calling
President Barack Obama "the worst president we've ever had," Mike Ditka lost his job on ESPN's marquee Sunday football program.
Never-Ending Obama Valentine. President Obama may be a lame duck, but the press never tires of celebrating him
as the first black president. They ran President Bush's poll ratings into the ground as his term ended, but here in Black
History Month, they are promoting Obama like it's still 2009. [...] Obama fans from 4 to 106 are presented as the "news." The
White House put out a video of 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin being so delighted to meet the President and First Lady that she
broke out into dancing. After years of requests to visit, McLaurin was invited to a Black History Month event. The same
networks that bury Obama scandals and shrug at his insults — the bad manners of skipping Justice Scalia's funeral is only
the most recent — all celebrated this official White House promo on their morning shows and their evening shows.
Ignores Obama's False-Equivalent Belief That Some Communist Ideas 'Work'. As noted in my previous post, the
press is determined that the world not learn of profound statements made by world leaders it despises. The specific reference
was to Israeli Prime Mininster Benjamin Netanyahu's five-word admonishment to those who believe that some accommodation can be
reached with Islamic terrorists: "Terrorists Have No Resolvable Grievances." Meanwhile, the press protects those it
likes when they make breathtakingly ignorant remarks. Such remarks occur with alarming regularity any time U.S. President
Barack Obama speaks without the aid of a teleprompter. In Argentina on Wednesday [3/23/2016], during a question-answer
exchange with a youth group, Obama said that debates over the superiority of capitalism compared to communism "are interesting
intellectual arguments," but that "for your generation, you should be practical and just choose from what works." Press
coverage of Obama's remarks has been sparse.
Vulgar President Condemns Divisive, Vulgar Rhetoric. [Scroll down] Usually it's Obama claims the earth is
flat and the media claims that anyone who disagrees is a racist. ["]Obama said that politics has 'always been rough
and tumble' but when politicians become ignorant of reason and facts and analysis, 'when it doesn't matter what's true and what's
not, that makes it all but impossible to make good decisions on behalf of future generations.'["] True.
That's the kind of atmosphere in which you run up a 20 trillion dollar national debt while the media repeats your talking
points about cutting the budget. ["]Obama noted increasing pressure on journalists and declining resources but said
the cause of journalism needs to stay on the forefront. 'A well-informed electorate depends on you and our democracy depends
on a well-informed electorate,'["] And then an award named after an Obama fan was given out to a left-wing reporter.
hypocritical liberal media accuses Obama of hypocrisy. As President Obama begins his long goodbye from office,
the media that made him begins reclaiming its credibility — too late. Let's mark the beginning of the
liberal media's effort to distance itself from the Obama regime with two recent examples.
10 Misreported or Underreported Stories of 2015. [#10] Securing our Skies: After September 11, 2001,
one might think that keeping our skies safe would be a top priority. However, the Obama administration is more interested
in fostering diversity among air controller candidates than hiring competent personnel, thereby placing all Americans at risk.
[...] The media have been studiously ignoring this, and many other scandals, in order to avoid the embarrassment that any one
of them would cause President Obama. As we have previously documented, President Obama and his administration have waged
an unprecedented war on journalists and whistleblowers while failing to hold people accountable for scandals that occurred on
their watch, such as at the IRS, at the VA (Veterans Affairs) and the FAA. And 2015 saw a continuation of this culture of
corruption and cover-up by both the administration and the news media.
Boosts 'Fast and Furious' Car Chase, Omits Gunrunning Scandal News. On Friday [4/8/2016], the Big Three networks' evening
newscasts gave a collective yawn at the latest development in the Obama administration's Fast and Furious scandal: the White
House "turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records" related to the gunrunning debacle to the House Oversight and Government
Reform Committee. ABC's World News Tonight actually used the "Fast and Furious" phrase at the top of the program, but not in
reference to the controversy. Instead, they mentioned it as they teased a one minute and 30-second segment on the latest police
chase from Los Angeles.
Leftist Thinking Compares Trump With Hitler, But Ignores Obama's Dictatorial Actions. On February 21st,
Danielle Allen wrote an opinion article for the Washington Post titled "The moment of truth: We must stop Trump". [...] In
the [second to last] paragraph she states that "Donald Trump has no respect for... constitutional democracy, nor for the
requirements of decency necessary to sustain democratic citizenship". So, with this quick and late entry in her article,
Ms. Allen shows how twisted her thinking is in wondering how a Hitler can come along in a modern state: she has ignored
the denial of a "constitutional democracy" under the Barack Obama administration, considering that he illegally and unconstitutionally
opened the borders of America to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. And Obama spit on the idea of a "constitutional
democracy" when he denied Americans the right to select and pay for their own healthcare.
Post's virtual Obama museum: 'Cool,' or 'cult worship'? The Washington Post's virtual museum of President
Obama's legacy has drawn both praise and uneasiness from media. The newspaper unveiled its ambitious new project Friday
morning [4/22/2016]. [...] But for some in media, the Post's new project seems less about education, and more about heaping
fawning praise on America's 43rd president.
Coos Over 'Sly' and 'Self-Aware' Obama, 'Our First Comedian-In-Chief'. One obvious sign liberal journalists are
already missing Obama? Celebrating him as a comedian. Washington Post gossip Emily Heil is a big fan of his
comedic stylings, as the headlines proved: [...] It took Heil 14 paragraphs to acknowledge the obvious: Obama has joke
writers to make him funny. Is it really that hard to please a roomful of liberal journalists who voted for you?
Or did he have them at "Hello"? "The president's reputation as a funny guy is, of course, partly courtesy of the
professionally crafted material he reads off the Teleprompters," Heil wrote, but turned quickly to former Obama speechwriter
David Litt for spin. You see, Obama "tweaked" the jokes so masterfully.
Poll: Not a Single
White House Reporter Is a Republican. Not a single member of the White House press corps is a registered
Republican, according to survey results recently published by Politico. Those results are buried in a story this week
on President Barack Obama's relationship with the press. An infographic posted in the story reveals that not a single
one of the 72 members of the White House press corps surveyed by the Virginia-based trade publication identifies with the
GOP. Of the journalists surveyed, more than a quarter are registered Democrats and 13 percent are not members of any
political party. Sixty percent are not registered to vote, but 72 percent of those polled said they think reporters
should vote in elections they cover.
Reporters Treat Obama Interview Like Tourists Rather Than Journalists. Two local news reporters who interviewed
President Obama on Monday about the White House campaign to get Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court seemed to treat the
occasion like wide-eyed tourists rather than journalists. America Rising Squared flagged several clips and tweets of
reporters Cammy Dierking of Local 12-Cincinnati and Kari Lake of Fox 10-Phoenix gushing about their excitement over
talking to Obama, giving him a card and confessing heart palpitations.
Advisor Openly Brags About Lying to Public, Media Yawns. Remember that time the White House deceived those
gullible Americans about the Iran deal? Haha, good times! That was the undeniable tone of a recent New York
Times profile of President Barack Obama's national security advisor Ben Rhodes. In the profile, Rhodes goes on at
length about his failed attempt to become a novelist, and how he sees his work at the White House as essentially the same
kind of storytelling and narrative-weaving. And when crafting his non-fictional storylines involved selling the
American people fiction, well, Rhodes was more than up to the task.
Lob Softballs to Obama, He Tells Them How to Cover Campaign. During a White House press conference in the 12
p.m. ET hour on Friday [5/6/2016], President Obama was treated to a series of softball questions from reporters, who
repeatedly teed him up to bash Republicans and promote his liberal agenda.
Acolytes Gush Over His 'Powerful' Commencement Address. The networks on Saturday, Sunday and Monday gushed over
Barack Obama's "powerful" commencement address to Howard University, highlighting the President's self-serving calls for
compromise and touting how successful he's been. CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King on Monday [5/9/2016]
unquestioningly hyped, "I thought one of most important things he said is when he said when you disagree with somebody, you
got talk about it. You can't reach any kind of agreement or compromise without talking." How often has the President
compromised on ObamaCare or gun control? King didn't discuss Obama's tendency to "listen." Instead, she praised,
"It was such a powerful speech.... I thought that was a powerful statement that many people need to hear."
Is Ben Rhodes Apologizing For Insulting The Press? It's not clear why Rhodes felt the need to apologize, since
reporters weren't complaining all that much. The story began with a massive 9,500-word puff piece in the New York Times
magazine about Rhodes, who at 38 has become President Obama's foreign policy guru. You don't have to read too far into
it to get a sense of the gauzy portrayal to come: "Ben Rhodes' life is still unique, and perhaps not strictly
believable, even as fiction," author David Samuels writes in the second paragraph. But as the Times story unfolds, so
does a picture of the press as a willing accomplice in the administration's effort to sell a phony "narrative" about the Iran
nuclear arms deal, which arguably provided the support the White House needed to get it accomplished.
'compadres' in the press still serving as his King's Guard. Every once in a while, some liberal will drop the
left-wing code of omerta and blurt out exactly what their organized deception syndicate is up to. In the latest spasm
of inadvertent truth-telling, President Obama's deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes gleefully told The New York Times
that selling outrageous lies to members of the press was a breeze, because so many of them are gullible and lazy, willing to
swallow and parrot whatever they are told. Spewing contempt for "journalists" whom he considered ridiculously easy
marks, Mr. Rhodes was particularly proud of duping the press on Mr. Obama's dangerous Iran nuclear deal.
CNN calls it "guidance."
Feds' transgender guidance
provokes fierce backlash. The Obama administration's directive on the use of school bathrooms by transgender students
has provoked a torrent of criticism. It also marks a new front in America's long-running culture wars. The latest battle
over transgender rights and sexual identity comes in response to a joint letter Friday [5/13/2016] from the Departments of Education
and Justice directing public schools to ensure that "transgender students enjoy a supportive and nondiscriminatory school environment."
ABC: At Least Teens Still Admire Obama. The journalists at Good Morning America on Thursday [5/12/2016]
looked at a Newsweek expose on the differences between teens in 1966 and 2016. Fifty years after the magazine published, "The
Teen-Agers," Amy Robach revealed, "There are distinct differences, says Newsweek between today's teens and teens in 1966.
Fifty years ago, teenagers most admired icons were JFK, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Lyndon Johnson and Helen Keller."
She contrasted, "Today, only one of those names remains the same, Abraham Lincoln and only one other President, President
Obama made the list." Apparently, teenagers of today no longer gush over John F. Kennedy. The baby
boomer journalists of ABC have done this plenty, fawning over "American royalty."
White House Reporter: Media 'Happy to Be Managed' by Obama. Retired USA Today White House reporter
Richard Benedetto penned an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal on Friday [5/20/2016] titled "How Obama Gets Away With
It." He suggested "Usually when an incumbent president is leaving office and a slew of candidates are battling for his job,
that departing chief executive's record is a major campaign issue." But Obama's record in office is not an issue.
Obviously, one reason is the Republican establishment didn't want Obama to be an issue, which is why they moved to take any
budget fight with Obama off the table for the rest of his presidency. Benedetto noted "Donald Trump's bombastic
candidacy is a huge distraction and often blocks out or obliterates more-substantive issues." He also argued the
media is putty in Obama's hands.
White House Correspondent Explains "How Obama Gets Away With It". [Scroll down] One of the news media's
main jobs is to hold public officials accountable, from the president on down. But Mr. Obama is the beneficiary of
news-media managers and reporters who mostly like his style and agree with his policies, from his reluctance to make strong
military commitments to his advocacy for LGBT rights, fighting climate change and supporting tougher gun-control laws.
Case in point: The administration's easy orchestration of the media story line about the Iranian nuclear deal, recently
revealed by Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, only scratches the surface of the White House's skill at managing a
media happy to be managed. Given such a congruence of opinion, Mr. Obama's policies don't receive the scrutiny and
analysis they should.
Clarke: Media Talk 'Gun Control' To Distract From Fact That 'Obama Cannot Keep Us Safe'. Commenting on
the push by the Obama administration, many Democrats, and the liberal media for more gun control in the wake of the radical
Islamic terrorist attack in Orlando, Fla., Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. warned people to not take the bait
because the "gun contol" talk is designed to distract attention away from the fact that President Barack Obama is "an abject
failure" against terrorism in the United States, and he "cannot keep us safe."
CBS Declare: 'Familiar Ritual' for Obama to be 'America's Pastor'. President Barack Obama was in Orlando,
Florida Thursday to pay his respects to victims of Sunday's terrorist attack and push for more gun control in the
process. And the liberal news networks were happy to aide with his agenda on their evening news programs. "It has
become a familiar ritual of a current national tragedy," lamented NBC's Lester Holt starting off Nightly News, "The
president of the United States traveling to embrace survivors and grieving family members after an act of mass
violence." "Grief beyond description" — those were the words of President Obama late today after meeting
with families of the fallen from the Orlando nightclub massacre," stated CBS's Scott Pelley to begin Evening
News. Pelley echoed Obama asking, "Why does this keep happening?" The CBS host went so far as to declare that
Obama is America's pastor saying, "We were reminded today of how many times in recent years a president has been called on to
play the role of America's pastor. To lead the nation in prayer for victims of a deadly attack."
The Editor says...
Nobody has ever "called on" Barack H. Obama to be America's pastor. Barack H. Obama inserts himself into every high-profile news story
for his own petty self-aggrandizement. He only enters a church when he is the featured speaker or the center of attention.
a Mass Shooting, Wait and Die? Or Fight Back? Regarding the Orlando shooting, notice how quickly the
media pivoted from the culpability of a sexually repressed Muslim Afghan registered Democrat mass murderer to an assault on
firearms? Forget Islam and jihad and the Obama administration's resolute determination to fundamentally change the
nature of the United States by importing as many Muslims from alien, anti-Christian and anti-Western cultures as
possible. The real problem, in their view, is gun violence.
Gun debate
makes America less safe. On the morning of Sunday, June 13, 2016, the national press, the president and
everyone else in the Democratic Party, and their colleagues in the Republican Party woke up to the sickening news of an
Islamic terrorist attack on the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, hours earlier. What sickened the president and
these minions was not the death of 50 gay people, including the assailant, but rather the fear that another Islamic attack in
America would help elect Donald Trump. Our Gollums in Washington immediately worked to change the subject from
President Obama's failure to protect the nation. Sadly, the press and the politicians succeeded. After casting
about for what to blame — homophobia — the press and the politicians went to an old reliable: gun
control. We are talking not about how to root out young Muslim men who want to kill us indiscriminately, the media
focused on the gun. There is not one mainstream media outlet that has not followed this insanity down the rabbit hole.
[is] Never Blamed for Bad Security. It seemed like every piece of bad news during the Bush years was somehow
Bush's fault — and proof of his incompetence. [...] But absolutely no one in the media wonders for two seconds if
Obama looks incompetent when a terrorist calls the cops to declare himself an ally of ISIS and shoots more than 50 people,
killing 49. Instead, the post-shooting "news" focused on how the Republican love of "assault weapons" and hatred of
homosexuals are the obvious targets for blame. What of Islamic terrorism? What of Obama's incompetence —
his very real refusal to even call the threat by its name? It doesn't matter if it's San Bernardino, the Boston Marathon,
Chattanooga, Benghazi or Fort Hood. No terrorist attack has ever cast the slightest shadow over this president.
The Democrat Media
Complex. [Scroll down] The objective of the press today is not merely to inform, but to instruct the
millions of impressionable American minds on what to believe, who to believe, and how to believe. The content is so
rigidly controlled today that in a way the fourth estate has now become nothing more than an institution of the government
restricted to publishing and advancing White House directives and Democrat policy agendas. The role that the press
plays is to make clear to the American people what the Obama adminstration is doing, why the adminstration is doing it, and
why it is forced to act in a certain way. Of course, as we have become accustom to hearing, the Obama adminstration is
always forced to "act in a certain way" because of the "obstructionist" Republicans. The effect of this is to demonize
the Republican party to the point of capitulation. This formula for "reporting" by the press encompasses every single
issue advocated by the Obama adminstration and the Democrat party.
Cuts Obama's Bible Flub, Praises His 'Scripture'-Quoting Speech. President Obama's speech at a memorial service
for the five police officers assassinated in Dallas while patrolling a Black Lives Matter protest led Wednesday's New York
Times. The paper portrayed Obama flatteringly as having "spoke hard truths to both sides" at the service, while
downplaying how the President politicized the memorial by thumping for gun-control, ranting about how a Glock pistol was
easier to get than a book. The story was unnecessarily sycophantic, while tamping down criticism of Obama's politicized
tone. [...] The Times also failed to catch — then conveniently excised — a flubbed Biblical
quotation by Obama.
to Televise Obama Infomercial on Race, Gives Host Supporting Black Lives Matter On-Air Role. ESPN provides
Barack Obama with an hour-long, commercial-free commercial for free in primetime that advertises the president's views on
race. "The President and The People: A National Conversation," a townhall-style event with an audience —
at least in part — hand picked, simulcasts on ESPN and ABC at 8 p.m. Eastern this Thursday. [...] The
decision to install [Jemele] Hill on the politicized broadcast comes after the Worldwide Leader in Hypocrisy instituted a purge
at the network that included firing baseball analyst Curt Schilling for a social-media post in support of keeping males out of
the women's room and demoting football talking-head Mike Ditka immediately after he opined on a radio program in March that
"Obama is the worst president we've ever had."
Alphabet Soup Corruption. [Scroll down]
Given a largely obsequious media, it will take years to assess the full legacy of the Obama administration. But, eventually, historians will
find that it marked one of the more politically driven, corrupt, and unconstitutional eras in the history of American governance.
Mitchell Calls Obama Greatest Speechwriter Since Lincoln. Following President Obama's speech Wednesday night [7/27/2016] at
the Democratic National Convention, several political commentators on MSNBC rushed to praise his address and extol his speechwriting
skills. One of them was MSNBC reporter Andrea Mitchell. Mitchell took the political fawning to another level with her
commentary on Obama's speechwriting skills. Obama was "extraordinary in invoking the Framer's thoughts to form a more perfect
union, the most optimistic speech, the most generous speech. Politically, having covered the campaign eight years ago, I could
have never imagined this kind of embrace of Hillary Clinton," Mitchell began.
Frets to Obama: 'Trump Has Made it Pretty Personal Against You'. After asking President Obama if the prospect
of Donald Trump having control of the nuclear codes was "frightening," in part two of a White House interview aired on
Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie worried that Trump was the one launching personal attacks: "Does it feel
personal? I mean, Mr. Trump has made it pretty personal against you. I could give you a list, which I guess
I probably don't need to." Obama used the opportunity to mount his high horse and lecture the GOP: [...]
Obama Paid Iran $400 Million Ransom for Release of American Hostages. Obama gave Iran an extra $400 million (on
top of the money he gave them in the Iran nuke deal) to get the four American hostages freed. Basically, Obama and the
Democrats gave the top state sponsor of terrorism $400 million tax payer dollars. Basically, what Obama did with the
secret $400M payment to Iran constitutes treason. But since Obama is loved so much by the corrupt Democrat media complex,
it wouldn't even get a sniff.
The Washington Post is Worried About the Ever-Expanding Power of the Presidency. We've just spend 7+ years
living under a president (perhaps yours, not mine) who has increased the power of the Chief Executive and the agencies which
report to him by leaps and bounds. Obama has used whatever power he could take, legally or not, constitutionally or
not, whenever he wants. The rule making emanating from the White House and federal agencies has been breathtaking.
But, now, this is suddenly a problem.
MSNBC 'community
kids' host worshipped with Obama. MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry worshipped with President Obama at the
controversial Trinity United Church in Chicago, WND has learned. Harris-Perry was also an associate of Obama's when
both taught at the University of Chicago in the early 2000s, and she eventually became a regular commentator on Obama to the
news media. The MSNBC personality is currently in hot water after the network released a promo video in which she
argued Americans must grow beyond the idea that children belong to their parents. Instead, Harris-Perry contended,
kids belong to the community.
Baffled by 'Mystery' of 'Coincidental' Iran Payoff. On her MSNBC show on Thursday [8/4/2016], host Andrea
Mitchell bemoaned the Obama administration's "unforced error" in sending Iran $400 million at the exact same time American
hostages were released from Tehran in January. She was puzzled by the decision: "...they never explained that this
other money was going — the $400 million. It's unrelated to the nuclear deal. Why do it on the same
day?" Washington Post political correspondent Anne Gearan was equally baffled: "It's a mystery why, exactly.
They didn't need to do it that day, there was nothing in particular forcing their hand that we know of to do it that day."
She avoided the possibility of the White House paying the money as ransom for the hostages.
Website Gets
Busted Trying to Cover Obama's Lies. Rumor-disproving website Snopes has proven itself especially unreliable on
all matters political, and it did so again this week when it tried to "bust" the myth that President Obama had paid Iran
$400 million in exchange for American citizens being held in Iranian jails. Both Snopes and the Obama administration
insist that the payment was part of the Iran nuclear deal and completely unconnected to the release of the men.
Admits: Host Gayle King Attended Gushing Obama Birthday Party. CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King
isn't just a Democratic donor, she also attended Barack Obama's 55th birthday party this past weekend. The woman who
regularly covers political stories, including the 2016 presidential election, was outed by her co-host Charlie Rose as a
guest. After reporter Dana Jacobson highlighted a New York Times story on the secrecy of the Obama White House
bash, Rose blurted, "Did you tweet anything [at the party]?" King replied, "Oh, no. They ask you not to tweet.
I'm not tweeting a thing." She bragged, "It was a very nice tribute to him [Obama]. The last time in the White House
and I can say a good time was had by all." An excited Rose wondered, "And you danced with the President?" Remember,
these people call themselves neutral, unbiased journalists.
Push Obama's 'Cool Brand,' Present Summer Playlist as 'News'. Who in the world decided that revealing Obama's
summertime playlist actually constituted as newsworthy? Apparently ABC News did, as well as CNN, Politico, The
Washington Post — and even Obama himself when he tweeted: "Been waiting to drop this: summer playlist,
the encore. What's everybody listening to?"
None So Deaf as They Who Will Not Hear. Barack Obama bids fair to be remembered as the Florence Foster Jenkins of
politics. Like that socialite he can't perform his job for beans. Like that socialite his friends are covering up for
him. According to a Twitter whistleblower the social media giant's CEO ordered the employees to protect Obama from hurtful
Tweets. "According to a former senior Twitter employee, Costolo ordered employees to deploy an algorithm (which was built
in-house by feeding it thousands of examples of abuse and harassing tweets) that would filter out abusive language directed at
Obama. Another source said the media partnerships team also manually censored tweets, noting that Twitter's public
quality-filtering algorithms were inconsistent. Two sources told BuzzFeed News that this decision was kept from senior
company employees for fear they would object to the decision."
Writer Discovered on Payroll of Pro-Iran 'Echo Chamber' Architect. A Washington Post writer who recently
claimed that a $400 million cash payment to Iran was "American diplomacy at its finest" failed to disclose that he has been
on the payroll of an organization that emerged as a chief architect of the White House's self-described campaign to build a
pro-Iran "echo chamber," according to information obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Allen S. Weiner, a
Stanford law professor and contributor to the Post's opinions section, co-authored a piece arguing in favor of the
Obama administration's decision to pay Iran $400 million in hard currency in what many described as a "ransom payment" for
the release of several U.S. hostages. Weiner and the Post failed to disclose that the writer has long been on the
payroll of the Ploughshares Fund, an organization recently exposed as a key cog in a White House-orchestrated campaign to build
what it called a pro-Iran "echo chamber."
Puts Nuclear Codes At Risk, Media Laugh It Off. For those who don't know, it's rather risky to point out the
exact agent holding the nuclear football. But this isn't the first time Biden has done this sort of thing. In May
2011, while speaking with reporters, Biden revealed that the Navy SEALs had killed Osama Bin Laden. The Washington
Times immediately reported that Navy SEALs began warning family members to remove personal information from their Facebook
accounts to avoid targeting.
that ripped Bush on Katrina ignores Obama on Louisiana flooding. President George W. Bush was torn to shreds in 2005
by mainstream media commentators for his initial response to Hurricane Katrina — yet President Obama's detached
response to the recent Louisiana floods has been met with resounding silence from those same outlets. "George Bush
doesn't care about black people" was the shocking charge by singer Kanye West about President Bush's response to
Katrina. West's was a particularly blunt assessment, but echoed a growing narrative pushed by mainstream media outlets
that Bush's response was out of touch, inept and most of all, he didn't care about people on the ground.
Times: Iran Ransom Story Is 'Fake,' Because Obama Says So. The New York Times editorial board declared
firmly Tuesday [8/23/2016] that the accusation that the Obama administration paid a ransom to ensure the release of American
hostages was "fake," and the Obama administration's diplomatic actions deserve to be lavishly praised. We know this,
they argue, because the Obama administration says so. That's only a barely an exaggeration. The easiest way to
describe the editorial, "The Fake $400 Million Iran 'Ransom' Story," is lazy; it literally just takes the
administration's talking points and repeats them verbatim: [...]
goes techie with Wired magazine. President Obama will "guest edit" Wired magazine's November issue, the
publication and the White House announced Tuesday [8/30/2016]. "We want to wrestle with the idea of how today's
technology can influence political leadership," Wired Chief Editor Scott Dadich explained about why he wanted the magazine to
collaborate with the president. "We want to explore how modern thinking and tools can help advance us as a society.
And who better to help us explore these ideas than President Obama? He's one of the smartest, most thoughtful leaders
this country has had in generations. We are thrilled to be working with him."
The Editor says...
There is no evidence that Obama is "one of the smartest, most thoughtful leaders this country has had in generations." There is a mountain of
evidence to the contrary. There is also considerable evidence that Mr. Obama's two books were written by someone else. There is no
reason to believe that Mr. Obama has any aptitude as a magazine editor. He has never managed or owned a profit-making business in his life.
media journalists rationalize their war on Trump. The mainstream media's lopsided coverage of the presidential
campaign has gotten so blatantly anti-Trump and pro-Hillary that even some progressives are starting to notice. [...] Was it
an "idealistic form of journalism" when the media carried on its "slobbering love affair," as Bernie Goldberg put it, with
Barack Obama in 2008? Where were the intrepid "guardians" of the public weal when the media ignored the gaps in Obama's
history, his fabrications in his memoirs, and his associations with the racist pastor Jeremiah Wright and the unrepentant
terrorist Bill Ayres? Or when Journolist, an online discussion group of journalists and activists, colluded to downplay
these unpleasant facts and coordinate negative coverage of the Republicans? Or how about CNN Political Correspondent
Candy Crowley in the 2012 presidential debate, violating every canon of professional objectivity when she intruded herself
into the debate in Obama's favor by backing up his false claim that he had called the Benghazi attacks an act of
terror? And don't forget Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, [...]
Blackout State Department Admitting Ineffectiveness of Iran Deal. When the Obama administration finished
constructing the Iran nuclear agreement the public was told, and the liberal media supported, claims that the deal would lead
to smoother negotiations and interactions with the country. "Now, under questioning from Fox News, the Obama
administration is allowing for the possibility that they were wrong," announced Special Report anchor Bret Baier Tuesday
[9/13/2016], "And that the nuclear deal may be making the behavior of the Iranian regime worse." Even with such a
shocking change in position the "Big Three" networks failed to report it.
Obama Is 'A Communicator Who Can Deliver That Unlike Anything We Have Ever Seen'. In the hours following
President Barack Obama's campaign stop for Hillary Clinton on Tuesday afternoon [9/13/2016] in Philadelphia, MSNBC's Chris
Matthews was beyond giddy at the "magical" stump speech but he was later joined by Brian Williams, who declared on The
11th Hour that Obama will go down as "a communicator who can deliver" enthusiasm "unlike anything we have ever seen."
Networks Worried About Release of Personal Information When It Hurt Obama. While Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC)
network reporters and anchors were quick to pounce on Donald Trump's private tax returns being released, they didn't seem to
express the same concern when candidate Barack Obama was having his personal information looked into. Back in 2008 when
it was revealed that Obama's personal passport information was being examined by Bush administration State Department
officials the terms "skullduggery," "political dirty tricks" and "bombshell" were being thrown around.
Post Botches Defense of Obama's Insurer Bailout. Obamacare's "risk corridor" program was designed to
redistribute money in the Obamacare exchanges from health insurers who made money to those who lost money. Profitable
insurers would pay in; unprofitable insurers would get paid out. With so many insurers losing money under Obamacare,
however, the program was positioned to become a bailout, as there was no guarantee in Obamacare's text that the money paid
out wouldn't exceed the money paid in. Marco Rubio sounded the alarm in a Wall Street Journal op-ed in November of 2013.
reporter under fire for claiming Obama's Paris climate change agreement is designed to STOP storms like Matthew. An MSNBC reporter
was bashed online on Wednesday, when he claimed on air that the new Paris climate change agreement would stop storms like Hurricane Matthew.
Ron Allen was reporting from the White House, where President Obama spoke to the media about the agreement being ratified by the required number of
nations. When President Obama wrapped up his speech, Allen started speaking and tied the agreement to the current hurricane barreling
towards Florida.
Post Reporter Spiked Info About Podesta Conflict Of Interest. A Washington Post reporter gave former White
House Senior Counselor John Podesta advance reassurance she was withholding information about his ethically compromising
financial links to a Democratic mega-donor. "I just wanted to make sure John Podesta had a heads up that his name
will be in a story concerning the White House's ethics policy, which could run on Monday," WaPo White House Bureau Chief Juliet
Eilperin told then-Obama White House Assistant Press Secretary Frank Benenati in a March 21, 2015, email.
The Exhausted Epithets of the
Left. Barack Obama's signature phrase, "the audacity of hope," came from a black nationalist, Jeremiah Wright.
Obama stocked his administration with black nationalists, delivered speeches to openly separatist black colleges and associations,
rolled out the red carpet for Al Sharpton, encouraged the reverse racism of "Black Lives Matter," and rationalized the behavior of
athletes who protested the American flag. None of this qualified as "ethnonationalism" in the eyes of the media. They
reserve that smear for conservatives who oppose hyphenated Americanism.
Tribune: Obama has been Pro Second Amendment! Steve Chapman is a writer for the Chicago Tribune.
He has often written about gun legislation. He stands out at the Tribune as a voice that recognizes reality more often
then most. His writing and viewpoints have been a reasonable voice crying in the wilderness of Chicago.
Unfortunately, he lives in the fantasy bubble of current Progressivism. It is evident in his recent column excoriating
the NRA. He buys into the leftist propaganda without introspection or examination of facts. It is an opinion
column, but opinions should have a basis in reality.
Trump-Trashing Journalists Oozed Over Obama's '08 Transition. During the campaign, the liberal news media did
everything they could to prevent Donald Trump's election — including 91% negative coverage from the broadcast
networks — but he won anyway. Now, journalists are trashing the way Trump is handling his transition, as
well as his early Cabinet picks. But eight years ago, viewers heard a very different tone coming from the media, as
journalists celebrated the election of Barack Obama, cheered the "brain power" of the "team of geniuses" he was assembling
for his Cabinet, and tingled over how "cool" Obama seemed as he assumed the responsibilities of office. With Trump, the media
are touting the "continuing turmoil" in his transition, as ABC's Tom Llamas claimed on the November 16 Good Morning America.
Michelle Obama's Departure Ends 'Singular Era for American Fashion'. What would Thanksgiving Day be without
more gushing over the Obamas? The Washington Post on Thursday declared That Michelle Obama's "departure from the East
Wing signaled the end of a singular era for American fashion." The piece by Robin Givhan contrasts with the writer's bashing
of the looks of conservative women such as Carly Fiorina, who she mocked as a "style bully." Regarding Mrs. Obama,
Givhan fawned, "She helped young people see that fashion is more than catwalk extravaganzas and 'Project Runway.'"

Announces Primetime 'Farewell to the White House' Oprah Special with Michelle Obama. Obama-endorsing Oprah
Winfrey will interview First Lady Michelle Obama for the last time inside the White House in a new primetime special for CBS,
the network announced Monday. [...] The taped special will include the usual smoochy softball topics: Mrs. Obama's
eight years as First Lady, her plans for the future, and her hopes for the Obama legacy. It probably wouldn't be any
stronger an interview if CBS put its in-house Obama fan/Oprah pal Gayle King to play journalist on the special.
An Orgy
of Double Standards. While the mainstream media was willing to excuse Barack Obama for everything he did, it is
in full attack mode with Trump. To be more precise, the press declared everything Obama did to be genius. It
seems to believe that everything Trump does signals incompetence and an absence of qualification. Have you noticed that
no one questioned the absurdly thin resume of Barack Obama? Some of us have questioned the Trump qualifications, but
how many people pointed out that Obama had no qualifications to speak of? He had a few years as a backbench U.S.
senator who accomplished nothing. Trump has no experience in government but he has worked as an executive and has dealt
with foreign countries for decades. Trump's antics managed to make Obama look presidential, but Obama's resume makes
Trump look qualified.
Williams Gushes Over Obama's Press Conference. MSNBC host Brian Williams gushed over President Obama's last
press conference on Friday [12/16/2016], rising to the height of eloquence by quoting Aaron Sorkin in his praise. [...] Aaron
Sorkin is the screenwriter and producer of, among other things, the West Wing, a TV show that features a fictional Democratic
president and his administration. Sorkin is also very sad Donald Trump won the electio