Political Content Menu

President Barack H. Obama
Mr. Obama had the most liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate, during his brief experience there.  He has never managed a business or governed a state.  Some of his closest advisors are left-wing radicals, to put it politely.  If you don't mind being lied to constantly, and you want the United States to be more like Cuba, Obama's your man.

Obama and Associates, P.U.
    Jeremiah Wright
    Michelle Obama
    Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
    Frank Marshall Davis
    Tony Rezko
Is Obama a Christian?
      Obama wants no association with Christianity
      Obama makes vague references to religion without a religious track record
      Obama snubs the National Day of Prayer
      Obama lies
      Obama lies about job creation and "stimulus" spending
      Obama lies about socialized medicine
      Obama lies about taxes
      Obama is the most pro-abortion candidate ever
      Obama faces credible accusations of plagiarism
Is Obama a Muslim?
Is Obama a Natural Born Citizen?
      Does Obama have a valid Social Security number?
      Obama's alleged birth certificate is a fake
Examples of pro-Obama favoritism in the press
Obama's secrecy, obfuscation, and evasiveness
Obama's speeches
Racial opportunism
Obama's potential as a Marxist dictator
Obama's intentional destruction of the U.S. economy
Obama's Intentions for America
Obama Evidently Hates America
Obama's greatly overrated intellect
Obama's war in Libya
Taking control of the internet
Obama and Gun Control
Obama is weakening America's defenses
Obama's cabinet, staff and other associates
Operation Gun Runner / Operation Fast and Furious
The Solyndra scandal
Barack Obama's Culture of Corruption
Obama spends our money on himself
The clamor for Obama's impeachment

The Media Bias Page
A discussion of the widespread lack of objectivity and balance in the national news media.  On topics from gun control to the environment to the economy, reporters rarely tell both sides of any story.  Sometimes there are stories that are deliberately suppressed by the "mainstream" news media, which is one reason you should bypass the TV and get a large portion of your information from the internet.  The ongoing problem of shallow, superficial, over-commercialized and intellectually vacant "news" programs is another matter altogether.  Specific examples of biased news coverage are shown here.

Abusive and Invasive Airport Searches
People who give up their Fourth Amendment rights for the sake of an airplane ride do not deserve to live as free men.  If the government can get away with all the pawing and groping that goes on at the airport, it won't be long before we all get the same treatment at the courthouse or the DMV.  The situation at the airport is just insane, and if that insanity is tolerated at the airport, it will spread all over town.

Pork Barrel Politics
Taxes are plenty high these days (have you noticed?), and one of the biggest reasons is the amount of wasteful and unwise spending being done by the federal government.  When a billions of dollars go to waste in "pork barrel" projects, will someone please stand up and express outrage?

The Sports Page
A spinoff of the Pork Page.  This page is all about the millions of taxpayer dollars being given to the owners of professional sports teams, who are wealthy enough to build their own stadiums without corporate welfare.

The Causes and Effects of High Oil Prices
Oil is selling at record high prices, and the U.S. is buying it from other countries even though there are places where our own domestic oil sits in the ground.  Many areas in the U.S. are floating on oil, but the Congress has declared them to be off limits.

The Causes and Effects of High Gas Prices
Everybody knows the price of gas is high and it affects the price of everything else.  Cheaper oil would lead to cheaper gas, but there are other factors at work, including a shortage of refineries and a number of environmental regulations and taxes that prop up the price.

The Global Warming Page
The "crisis" of global warming seems to be a hoax which originated as a means of expanding the power of the federal government and has been perpetuated as a means of expanding TV news audiences and newspaper circulation.

Airline Insanity
Taking plastic knives out of airport restaurants is not a sensible deterrent to ruthless mass murderers!  I'm just astonished by the number of frequent fliers who put up with unreasonable search and seizure as a matter of routine.  It seems everyone who travels by air has stories to tell about ridiculous screening processes which include everything but common sense.

The Crash of TWA Flight 800
Another spinoff from the Media Bias Page, this is a page about a plane crash which was explained by the government in a way that does not make sense.  And as you'll see, I'm not the only one who thinks so.  One recently developing theory is that the same evildoers who shot down Flight 800 are the ones who attacked Washington and New York on September 11.  Includes a lot of material about the crash of American Airlines Flight 587.

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
They used to be just another option at the hardware store.  Now, thanks to "conservative" George W. Bush, they will soon be the only option.  CFLs are expensive, they never last as long as the manufacturers claim, and they contain mercury.  Worst of all, there wasn't anything wrong with ordinary incandescent bulbs, and there certainly isn't anything wrong with letting the consumer decide for himself which kind is best.

Huge list of government agencies
The list is by no means complete, but you can see why you only take home two-thirds of your paycheck.  There is a bureau and a bureaucrat for every imaginable function of our overgrown government, as well as a great deal of overlap and duplication of services.

The Supreme Court
This page is about the specific issue of Supreme Court nominees, but there is also some material about the Supreme Court's effect in general.

The USA Patriot Act
The Patriot Act expands the ability of the government to conduct secret searches — even in criminal investigations unrelated to terrorism.  And it grants the FBI broad access to sensitive medical, financial, mental-health and educational records about individuals without having to show evidence of a crime and without a court order.  Many people believe the USA Patriot Act is much more likely to be a threat to the rights of ordinary Americans than an impediment to terrorists.

The Environmental Issues Page
Another spinoff from the Media Bias Page.  News and opinions about environmental activism, especially that which is taken to the extreme by anti-capitalist troublemakers.  Much of the "environmental news" on television is false, midleading and intentionally deceptive.  Numerous subtopics.  Great stuff.

The Endangered Species Act
A spinoff from the Environmental Issues Page.  This is a discussion of the unintended consequences of the ESA and other environmental regulations, the amount of money that is being spent on "endangered" species, and the utter futility of the whole idea.  I mean, you would think that environmentalists would be happy when "survival of the fittest" is allowed to run its course, and the weak and vulnerable species die out!  How many billions of tax dollars should be spent on such an undertaking?

It's Time to Scrap NASA.
Editorial comment:  I'm sorry, but I am no longer willing to sit quietly while the government spends billions and billions of tax dollars for... nothing!

The NASA page includes a subsection about The Misconception of Space Research Byproducts.  Many people believe that we wouldn't have Teflon, Velcro, Tang, or microwave ovens if it were not for the manned space flight program.  They're wrong!

Electronic Voting
This page branched off from the National ID card page, and is a discussion of the numerous risks involved in paperless ballots and a system that can't be verified.  When you use a touch-screen voting system, you can never be sure that you actually voted.  The workers at the polls will assure you that your vote will be counted, but they have no way of knowing if that's really true.

Socialized Medicine
Yes I know that personal injury lawyers and insurance companies and greedy employers have made the price of even routine health care go up.  But any time the federal government gets involved, things like this get worse, not better.  And there are still people waiting for the opportunity to have the government take over the entire medical profession, just as co-president Hillary Clinton attempted to do several years ago.

The Education Issues Page
This page is goes somewhere between the Culture War Page and the Zero Tolerance Page on the broad spectrum of topics covered on this web site.  Most people seem to believe that the quality of education is going down while the price keeps going up.  Public school kids these days don't hear much about the Wright Brothers or the Constitution or algebra because they're too busy studying multiculturalism, birth control and the evils of styrofoam!

Zimbabwe Implodes
With record-breaking inflation and mass starvation imminent, the nation of Zimbabwe is rapidly deteriorating thanks to the "leadership" of its not-so-benevolent dictator, Robert Mugabe.

Invasion of the Food Police
The Food Police are the busybodies who try to get you to eat healthy food whether you like it or not.  This is what you get when you combine tabloid news media, ambulance-chasing class-action lawyers and animal rights fruitcakes.

Liberalism in General and the Socialist Platform of the Democratic Party
The Democratic Party stands for a lot of things with which most voters don't agree.  This page puts a little light on the subject, exposing the most objectionable parts of the Democratic platform and the beliefs of its leaders.

Information about the ACLU
The ACLU's ultimate goal appears to be the removal of the Christian religion from American culture.

The War With No Name
I do not want this country to turn into a police state, where we all have to carry a National ID card, because of an open-ended undeclared war on a poorly defined enemy.  Naturally the War on Terrorism has generated a lot of discussion on the internet, and I have been gathering information about my favorite subtopics, but the collection started to get excessively large.  So in an effort to make each page load more quickly, the War Page has been chopped up into smaller pages for the various subcategories.

The United Nations
The U.N. is a collection of corrupt bureaucrats from corrupt little countries all over the world.  The U.N. has been trying for years to become the center of a unified world government, with its own army and the authority to collect taxes from all six billion of us.

The Oklahoma City Bombing
Yet another byproduct of the Media Bias Page, this one explores the details of the Oklahoma City bombing and the unanswered questions that remain.  This is one of the most-visited pages here at akdart.com.

Organized Labor Issues
Most labor unions appear to be little more than fundraising machines — and pools of temporary manpower — for the Democratic Party.  But the Democratic Party supports a number of things that the average blue collar worker opposes.  This page is part of my effort to get Joe Average to stop and consider where his union dues are going.

Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign Finance Reform is a nice-sounding name, but the law itself is an assault on free speech and a clear violation of the First Amendment.

Militant Islamism is a Continuing Threat
On the TV and in the newpaper, we hear all about Ramadan, quotes from the Koran, and constant reminders that Islam is a wonderful "religion of peace".  Judging by the articles on this page, nothing could be further from the truth.

Judicial Activism, Filibusters and Lawyers
Law and order is great, but hair-splitting legalism is not.  This is a page about judicial vacancies, obstructionism in the Senate, and lawyers in general.

The Proposed National ID Card
Here is another solution in search of a problem.  But this idea is just plain wrong for a number of reasons. — politically, technically, and constitutionally.  Making everyone carry a National ID Card won't make anything better.

Hurricane Katrina — News and Analysis
This was the biggest news story of 2005, yet the news coverage was lacking in objectivity, the disaster was turned into a political issue right away, and many significant aspects of the story went unreported on TV.  Included in this page is a lot of information (none of it positive) about FEMA.

Capital Punishment
Here is an issue which simmers on the back burner until a few days before someone is executed, and then it's suddenly a hot topic.  Capital punishment should be swift and sure, but execution is only the third leading cause of death on death row.

Poverty and Dependency in America
There are lots of people in America who consider themselves poor, but the definition of poverty is this country is not what it used to be.  Those who are permanently poor, in most cases, are those who deserve to be.

The Boy Scouts vs Political Correctness
Homosexual "activists" have been badgering the Boy Scouts for the last few years, trying to get them to accept openly homosexual men into their organization.  But the Boy Scouts have standards, and it's a private organization, and they have the right to freely associate – or refrain from associating – with whomever they please.

The California Energy Crunch of 2000
Evidently the people of California think cheap electric power is an inalienable right, even with the country's most cumbersome environmental laws in place.  But a few years ago California found itself in a jam, and the rest of us should learn some lessons from their experience.

Anti-Christmas and Anti-Anti-Christmas Sentiment in American Society
Political correctness demands that we keep from offending those who don't celebrate Christmas.  But that courtesy only goes one direction, and the people who do celebrate Christmas (and call it by its proper name) are the ones who have the most to lose in this battle.

Interesting News Items
Recent news items, most with political implications, many of which were largely ignored by the mainstream press.  Provided as a public service, because bad ideas sometimes go unnoticed and become law when there is insufficient public outcry.  Other items are included just because they're somewhat bizarre.

The Immigration Issues Page
Although lately there is some concern about Islamic terrorists entering the U.S., this country's primary immigration problem involves Spanish-speaking people immigrating — often illegally — and failing to assimilate into the American mainstream.

The English Page
A spinoff from the Immigration Issues Page, this is a discussion of the idea of making English the official language of the United States.  Many people contend that the establishment of English as the official language of the United States would do a great deal to promote national unity.

The Social Security Page
Social Security is often called "the third rail of American politics."  It is politically indispensable, but there is no provision in the Constitution for direct payments to individuals.  The government is not supposed to be in the position of guaranteeing retirement money for anyone who lives 65 years.  That's what hard work and savings accounts and children are for.

Zero Tolerance
Zero Tolerance has displaced common sense in public schools and elsewhere.  Some of these stories would be quite amusing if it were not such a serious problem.  For example, two eight-year-olds were charged with "making terrorist threats" because they were playing cops and robbers with paper guns.  Many other stories of such lunacy are listed.

The Gun Control Page
Included on this page are many news stories about lives being saved through the lawful use of guns.  Such stories are rarely heard on television news programs, and if they are, gun ownership isn't depicted as anything good.  That's one reason the Media Bias Page was created.

Political Resources Directory
A massive collection of links to other people's web sites, many of which are more interesting than this one, believe it or not.  Recently revised and reorganized.

The Editorial Page
Opinions and viewpoints expressed clearly and convincingly (I hope).

George W. Bush Won the Election, but How Can You Tell?
George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election.  But he seems to be doing many of the things Al Gore would have done, had Mr. Gore won.  Similarly, he won the 2004 election, but many of his domestic policies are probably similar to what John Kerry would have implemented.  My main complaint about President Bush is that he isn't as conservative as he sounded while he was on the campaign trail.  I thought he was going to get rid of those 1.6 gallon toilets!

The Affirmative Action / Multiculturalism Page
Material related to "Affirmative Action", quotas, racial profiling, reparations, multiculturalism, diversity, and the aftermath of the Cincinnati riots.

The Corporate Scandals Page
This page is about the political fallout surrounding the Enron bankruptcy and other similar news items, as well as the news coverage which was apparently designed to favor the Democrats.

The Hate Crimes Page
“Hate Crime” laws are Orwellian thought control regulations which set up different levels of punishment for a given crime, depending on what someone was thinking when a crime was committed, and depending on who the victim was.  There are so many things wrong with this idea that it was fairly easy to put together a lot of material about it.

The Privacy Page
Your right to privacy is one of those items that wasn't listed in the Constitution because the founding fathers assumed that we'd always have it, and they apparently never imagined that the federal government would someday begin snooping into areas that were once considered reasonably secure.  Today privacy is also taking a beating from banks and other businesses, and the wholesale invasion of privacy is being carried out automatically through the use of systems known as Carnivore and Echelon.  (See below.)  The widespread use of RFID chips will only add to the erosion of privacy.

Carnivore, Einstein, Tempest, and Echelon
These four programs are closely related, and you may not have heard of them.  Carnivore is an e-mail wiretap system being developed and used by the FBI to read everybody's e-mail looking for suspicious words and phrases that only a criminal would use.  Echelon is essentially the same thing except that it monitors signals send by radio rather than by wire.

Government Waste
A few suggestions for places to trim the fat in Washington, DC.

Abuse of Power
This is a collection of news articles about the abuse of power and the perpetuation of over-powerful government.  It is a series of pages about heavy-handed government agencies with too much power, too little restraint, and/or no common sense.

The Road to Tyranny is All Downhill From Here
Snitch on Your Neighbor
Incompetence and Absurd Application of the Law
Property Rights and Property Seizures
The Bill of Rights is Taking a Beating
Invasion of Privacy
The Government's Role as Overprotective Nanny
Money Down the Drain
The use of Traffic Signals as Fundraisers
Taxes and The IRS
The Americans with Disabilities Act
The Endangered Species Act
Waco and Ruby Ridge
Other Items of Interest

The Clinton Body Count
The long list of people associated with Bill Clinton who have ended up dead, many under very suspicious circumstances.  Most notably, Vince Foster and Ron Brown.

Quotations (Positive)
These are inspiring and uplifting quotations.  I really like the first one.

Quotations (Negative)
These are more frightening and foreboding quotations.

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Document location http://www.akdart.com/p-index.html
This index page was last updated January 10, 2012.
Many of the subsections listed here are updated every few days.

©2013 by Andrew K. Dart