The Socialist Democratic party platform, agenda, and priorities
Liberal / Leftist / Progressive / Socialist / Anti-American

Liberals are people who oppose conservatism; that is, they are not bound by traditional values and beliefs and work toward the elimination of many of the moral standards that have been expected by civilized society for centuries.  Calling someone a liberal is usually disparaging, because liberalism is a system of beliefs with which most people disagree.  For that reason, liberal politicians do not refer to themselves as "liberal."

Liberals are sometimes called "progressive", but they appear to make progress in a direction that most people don't want to go.  In other words, liberals are out of step with America.

The Democratic Party platform contains a number of features that most people would find objectionable — in addition to the obvious.  Allow me to bring some of them to light.

Related topic:  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Green New Deal

Background, overview and recap articles:

(Scroll down for timely news, or click here.)

The election had nothing to do with racism and sexism, unless they're referring to the Democrats.  I would vote for anyone who has common sense policies like Trump, no matter what race or sex they are… but I would never vote for anyone who:
    Believes that big government is the solution to all problems;
    Uses unelected bureaucrats to regulate and control the American people;
    Intentionally opened the border and caused massive damage to communities throughout the U.S.;
    Supports lawless sanctuary cities and states;
    Refuses to support voter integrity laws to guarantee only citizens vote;
    Falsely claims that requiring photo IDs to vote is racist;
    Supports government health care for all, including illegals;
    Supports policies that lead to the disintegration of the family and generational poverty;
    Blocks poor and minority children from opportunities to attend better schools;
    Continually lies and says that Trump's tax rate cuts only benefited the wealthy while also falsely claiming that they cost the government trillions;
    Supported Dr. Fauci no matter how much he lied;
    Continues to lie about what Trump said in Charlottesville to gin up racial division and hate;
    Uses the FBI and IRS to target political opponents;
    Never cared that Biden and Hillary enriched their families with kickbacks from around the world;
    Used former intelligence officials to cover up the Biden family corruption as they interfered in the 2020 election;
    Continually builds up the finances of Iran and their terrorist groups that pledge death to America and death to Israel;
    Supports abortion with no limits;
    Refuses to support legislation that would render life-saving health care to newborns who survived abortions;
    Thinks that it is OK that parents have no say in whether their children’s genitals are removed;
    Can’t identify what a woman is;
    Forces women to compete against men in sports and share locker rooms with them;
    Falsely tells the public that the government can control sea levels, temperatures and storm activity if we just surrender more freedom and pay more taxes;
    Supports the worthless Paris Climate accord, which will bankrupt America and do nothing to change the climate;
    Blocks drilling and pipelines;
    Blocks natural gas exports;
    Forces people to buy electric cars and appliances;
    Hands out massive amounts of green kickbacks to political supporters;
    Falsely claims that inflation is due to gouging instead of too much spending, too many regulations, a destructive energy policy, and open borders;
    Continually lies that January 6th, 2021 was an insurrection;
    Incessantly throws huge amounts of money at colleges and universities and then dictatorially and unconstitutionally pays off student loans.

All America's Problems are Leftist Problems.  The problem with solving problems is that once they are solved, no one needs the solver anymore.  The better kinds of problems are recurring problems that ensure customer retention, employing plumbers, locksmiths and police officers, but the best kind are the completely unsolvable problems.  And those are the only kinds of problems that the Left wants to solve.  Given enough human ingenuity and technological development, most problems can concievably be addressed and that is why the Left has to contrive to make them unsolvable by either causing the problem (homelessness), defining it in such a way that it is inherently unsolvable (equity), defining the inappropriate problem while obscuring the actual problem (gun violence) or inventing fake problems (global warming) that can never be solved because they don't exist in the first place.  Why create unsolvable problems?  They're a virtually infinite source of money and power.  The Left came into being by defining inequality as its signature problem.  Since inequality is a factor of human nature and every attempt to solve it involves creating more inequality, it was the perfect unsolvable problem.

Beginning of the end of the Obama-Biden Democratic Party.  Harris and Walz have made a thing of "turning the page," but the page that must be turned is the one they are on.  In recent years, beginning with Obama, the Democratic party has become unmoored from its basic center-left policies and embraced ideas and policies which are illogical, absurd, and increasingly unpopular.  Things like these:
  •   Allowing open borders coupled with a very generous social welfare system to be tapped by all who enter;
  •   Endorsing chemical castration of children and allowing transgender women into the private spaces of actual women;
  •   Engaging in endless wars in which we have no genuine national stake;
  •   Supporting UNWRA, which exists solely to attack our longtime ally Israel;
  •   Issuing regulations which limit productivity in everything in the name of preventing the chimerical and unproven climate change;
  •   Fighting all efforts to make national elections auditable;
  •   Ignoring the violence on college campuses;
  •   Committing significant First Amendment violations and pursuing frivolous lawsuits against their opponents;
  •   Defunding the police and allowing crime to flourish in blue cities;
  •   Embracing corrupt dictatorial international bodies like WHO and WEF;
  •   Promoting DEI policies which are discriminatory and resulting in ethnic and racial identity, rather than merit, being the criteria for hiring and promoting employees.
Looking at some tea leaves, I see the beginning of the end of this party as presently constituted.  It will soon have to refashion itself, jettison its most outrageous members and their notions or be replaced by another new party altogether.

Betrayal and the Democrats.  Let me be blunt.  The worst of our betrayers are found in the Democrat party.  They are betraying America right now and have been for years. [...] This is a group of leaders committed to upending all of our institutions.  This is a group of leaders who have agreed to seek power above all, while reaping corrupt, unearned, ill-gotten gains.  While foisting huge debt on the American public, they preen in the public eye, proud of their fame, proud of their deceit; in their small-souled thinking, they are doing it for the revolution.  All while, they are not comprehending the destruction they are foisting on the world of others.  Delusionally, they believe this is for the greater good, for a Utopian vision only they, because they're so smart, can see.  One by one, they are upending the blocs of the governing agreements we once had as a nation:  They have contempt for the Constitution any time it constrains them.  They willfully change the meaning of clear pronouncements, proclaiming elasticity when it's needed to forward their ideas.  They censor, and no longer champion free speech.  They hide their evil deeds.  They want to disarm law-abiding Americans, while allowing violent criminals to go free to wreak havoc again.  They want a defenseless population to rule.  They criminalize people for not agreeing with them.  They go after anyone who effectively counters them and are doing so regularly using the Justice Department and the FBI (the new Stasi).  They have, and are, spying on their political opponents with the technology available through the Patriot Act.  They do this on a massive scale, to anyone in power who is against their ideas.  Even against ordinary citizens who align with the center-right.  They intimidate individuals and groups simply because they outwardly disagree with their policies.  They have instituted Soviet-style show trials to imprison their political opponents and have unleashed the horrid practice of lawfare on the country.

From the L Word to Cultural Marxism.  During the 1988 presidential campaign, then vice-president George H.W. Bush labelled his counterpart Governor Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts in pejorative fashion with the 'L' word, or 'liberal.' [...] In the same fashion, throughout the 20th century in the United States, to be labelled a 'Socialist' would have been political suicide and would virtually automatically preclude such a candidate from winning any national office.  That was the case until 2007, when Bernie Sanders won the Senate seat in Vermont as an avowed 'Socialist.' [...] Today, some sixteen years after Sanders' election to the Senate, we have five members of Congress and over 150 state legislature officeholders nationally who describe their political delineation as that of 'Democrat-Socialist,' which is not a classic political party — yet.  Most contemporary democrats of any stripe do not appear to reflect the democrats of previous generations.  Not too many democrats of today are espousing "Ask not what your country can do for you," and likely advocate the opposite.  But adding the term 'Socialist' to Democrat is not simply a play on words.  It is arranged that way to soften the impact of the term 'Socialist.'

America needs a new GOP.  You can't have a Republican Party if you don't have a coherent and cohesive agenda.  What do Republicans stand for?  We can't answer that question and get all Republicans to agree, judging by the way they vote with Democrats sometimes.  But with Democrats, you ask them what they stand for and they will all agree:  Climate change mandates, avoidance of fossil fuels, trans rights, gay rights, drag rights, abortion, "social justice", pedophilia, free stuff, socialized medicine, anti-capitalism, dissolution of the Constitution, gun confiscation, the abolition of private property, defunding police, liberality in prosecuting criminals, legalizing all recreational drugs, DEI, SEL, ESG, CRT.  Democrats are all in for lewdness, looseness, and loudness.  The Left have a concrete agenda and it does not involve freedom, liberty, and self-sufficiency.  It does not involve being left alone and leaving others alone to pursue happiness except when it is they doing the pursuing of said happiness.  Republicans are not allowed to pursue happiness if Democrats have anything to do with it.

Critically thinking about what's happening to America.  Let's briefly step back and see several examples of where America's opponents are attacking, and what successes they have had to date.
Target: Standards.  Strategy: Promote relativism, where all points of view are equally valid, and that all truth is relative to the individual.
Target: Religion.  Strategy: Undermine Judeo-Christian beliefs and morality.
Target: Men.  Strategy: Emasculate, feminize and weaken men.  Specifically, this is mostly about "de-privileging" white men.
Target: Women.  Strategy: Defeminize women, dilute the role of mothers, corrupt the definition of "woman," allow men to compete in sports as women, etc.
Target: Families.  Strategy: Redefine what a conventional family is, and undercut its importance. Promote pornography to undermine healthy adult relationships.
Target: Education.  Strategy: Propagandize children.  Emphasize conformity instead of critical thinking.
Target: Initiative.  Strategy: Undermine by awarding participation instead of accomplishment.
Target: Citizens.  Strategy: The collective's rights take priority over individual rights.  Additionally, the planet's rights supersede those of humans.
Target: Economy.  Strategy: Waste enormous sums on foolish political agendas, driven by lobbyists, which are not in the best interest of citizens or the country.
Target: Financial System.  Strategy: Undermine the Dollar on a variety of fronts from bitcoin to CBCD.
Target: Industrialization.  Strategy: Corrupt the electric grid with unreliable, expensive renewable energy, while opposing fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
Target: Science.  Strategy: Use apostate "scientists" or "experts" to misdirect real Science analyses, and to confuse the public about what Science is.
Target: Unity.  Strategy: For example, inflame racism to incite discord and distrust among fellow citizens.
Target: Patriotism.  Strategy: Inject WOKE, DEI, CRT, etc. ideologies in our education system to sabotage citizen support for their country.
Target: Propaganda.  Strategy: Utilize mainstream media as a major source of disinformation on societal topics ranging from COVID to climate change.
Target: Free Thought.  Strategy: Trick citizens into questioning their own thoughts by normalizing non-sensical situations (e.g., there are more than two genders, etc.).
Target: Elections.  Strategy: Corrupt the election process so that key legislators are not always elected by citizens. Resist meaningful audits to avoid exposing this.
Target: Border Security.  Strategy: Allow essentially anyone who chooses, to come into the country — including criminals, spies, etc.
Target: Military.  Strategy: Use many of the above tactics to weaken our military.

Stop Calling Them Democrats. They're Communists.  We've been conditioned to believe that communism is just a myth, that it isn't real, or even if it is real, it only exists in faraway places like China, and anyone who mentions it is a conspiracist who deserves ridicule.  But let's review a few basics:
  •   They're raiding and jailing their political opponents.
  •   They're turning the FBI, CIA, and IRS against American citizens.
  •   They've come out against freedom of speech, religion, press, the Second Amendment, and other core American ideals.
  •   They've abandoned the rule of law, and now have one set of laws for themselves and another for the rest of us.
  •   They're deliberately trying to bankrupt us — sometimes directly (through shutting down businesses), sometimes indirectly (through wasting trillions of our dollars.)
  •   They're indoctrinating our children with radical ideologies.
  •   They celebrate infanticide.
  •   They're making secret deals with foreign entities against our interests.
  •   They're deliberately keeping our borders wide open to erase our national identity.
  •   They mandate groupthink and conformity and punish anyone who doesn't parrot their chosen narratives, however absurd.
  •   They're purging the best from our military and converting what's left into a tool of Wokeism.
  •   They've transformed our once-great American cities into crime-ridden hellscapes.
  •   They relentlessly stoke division between everyone and never miss the slightest opportunity to accuse someone or something of being racist, sexist, phobic, supremacist, etc.
  •   They constantly work to slander, cancel, and erase our Founding Fathers, American heroes, and America itself.  (E.g., they removed the statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the American Museum of Natural History.)
  •   They want to defund the police, release criminals from prisons and disarm the rest of us.
  •   They defend terrorists.  (Joe Biden: "Antifa is an idea, not an organization.")
  •   They've ignored the first principle of the Nuremberg Code, which was written in the aftermath of WWII, and which explicitly prohibits coerced consent for experimental medications.
  •   They've tried to corrupt elections on a national scale.
  •   They've openly stated their desire to abolish the family structure itself.
  •   They've threatened to abolish the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and dismantle the electoral college system.
  •   They're criminalizing normality on multiple fronts.
  •   They've taken down American flags and raised other flags in government buildings and city streets, symbolizing their stealth political takeover.
  •   Their leaders have literally kneeled to one form of the cause they actually serve in the Capital building.
This list could go on, yet they accuse us of turning against America.

Our government's executive branch is deliberately destroying liberty.  How are they destroying us?  Let me count the ways.
1.  Electoral Fraud.
    A.  2000 Mules.
    B.  Electoral Insurrection (treason).
2.  Destruction of the Economy
    A.  Funding COVID development ("gain of function") in the Wuhan Lab; deliberate exaggeration of the COVID crisis; and COVID lockdowns.
    B.  Elimination of fossil fuels; creation of energy dependency; intentionally driving up gasoline prices; and pushing for electric cars.
    C.  Deliberately enhancing inflation.
    D.  Inviting unlimited immigration for cheap labor and Democrat voters.
    E.  Climate change hoax.
3.  Destruction of the Family
    A.  Promoting abortion
    B.  Promoting sexual perversion and transgenderism.
    C.  Using public education as a platform for sexual grooming and turning children against their parent's values.
4.  Establishment of Federal Police State
    A.  FBI persecution of Mama Bears as "domestic terrorists."
    B.  Property destruction by government brownshirts.
    C.  COVID lockdown, so the US is becoming "democracy with Chinese characteristics."
    D.  Corrupting the legal system by mob intimidation of the Supreme Court.
    E.  Government censorship of speech; classifying truth as "misinformation".
    F.  Breakdown of law and order.
    G.  Government efforts to disarm the public.
5.  Destruction of the US Military
    A.  Wokism
    B.  Seeking war with Russia and China
    C.  Mandated vaccinations

Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party.  The Democrat Party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson.  It was the party of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated racial segregation by legislating and brutally enforcing Jim Crow laws.  It unabashedly aligned with and supported the Ku Klux Klan for over nine decades, thus promoting antisemitism, religious persecution and xenophobia.  Over the past sixty-years the Party has embraced and promulgated cultural Marxism which espouses the transformation of traditional American culture and society.  The Party has succeeded in undermining the family structure and religious freedom as well as mainstreaming abortions up to the point of birth and what was once considered deviancy.  The Democrat party's two most exalted figureheads are the fervently racist Woodrow Wilson who set the Party on the path of undermining the Constitution in order to remold the United States into a "modern administrative state" (i.e., socialist) and Franklin Roosevelt who was enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his "New Deal" thus permanently embedding them in the Party's psyche.

They're Not Insane, They Have a Plan.  Is it just deranged thespians and virtue-signaling politicians who have been driven mad?  Not quite.  The ideological infection has spread all the way to the White House, with outgoing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki breaking down at the prospect of the excellent Florida Bill becoming law.  I could go on.  Just consider the organized indoctrination in our schools by delightful teachers parading their trans agenda on TikTok.  But at least the lunacy can't affect the real world that you live in, where 2 + 2 = 4.  The empirical world of real jobs, free markets, and concrete bottom lines will remain apart from this nonsense, right?  Wrong.  Thanks to the investigative journalism of Christopher Rufo, we now have internal videos from one of the biggest for-profit, capitalist entities in the world, the Walt Disney Co.  These videos show their perverse agenda to sexualize their young viewers.  Where did this all come from, and what do we do about it?  Well, as with most diabolical movements in Western Civilization today, the radical transgender project can be traced back to the Frankfurt School of neo-Marxists.  Whether it's environmentalism, globalism, open-borders policies, or just systematic anti-Americanism, it can usually be traced back to that motley crew of malcontents.

Biden thinks 'ultra-MAGA people' are extremists? He should look in the mirror.  President Biden is saying that "ultra-MAGA" people are the most extreme political party in recent memory. [...] Who are the extremists:
  •   The party that wants babies to be killed no matter what stage of pregnancy or the party that wants limits?
  •   The party that wants energy independence or the party that is seeking to destroy America by destroying the fossil fuel industry, despite no scientific evidence that fossil fuel consumption controls temperatures?
  •   The party that is for no bail or the party that believes that career criminals should be treated harshly?
  •   The party that wants to enforce immigration laws or the party that wants open borders?
  •   The party that believes that males should be able to compete with women or the majority of us?
  •   The party that believes that people should use restrooms and locker rooms based on how they feel or the rest of us, who think body parts and science should control what facilities we use?
  •   The party that wants to move toward socialism or the rest of us, who believe that capitalism has created the greatest country that ever existed?
  •   The party that believes that requiring photo IDs to vote is racist or the rest of us who understand that adults of all races can easily obtain a photo ID and that common sense tells us voter verification is important?
  •   The party that believes that children age five to eight should be encouraged to analyze their sexual identity or the rest of us, who believe that that is nuts and dangerous?

From Massachusetts, 10 talking points to counter Democrat positions.  A Democrat vote means you favor:
  [#1]   No fossil fuel production.  Like the price of gasoline, heating oil and natural gas these days?
  [#2]   Inflation at a 50-year high.  The government prints money and hands it out, and it becomes worthless.
  [#3]   No freedom of speech.  Say the "incorrect thing," and you're sued.  Or fired.  No opinions allowed.
  [#4]   No civil liberties.  Don't think the vaccine is right for you or truly safe?  Sorry — you have no say.
  [#5]   De-funding the police.  Smash and grab.  No bail for criminals.  Policemen being shot.  Feel safe?
  [#6]   A weakened military.  Our top generals are more concerned with "equity" than winning wars.
  [#7]   Higher taxes.  You think the government spends your money more wisely than you do, right?
  [#8]   Unrestricted illegal immigration.  Your taxes support their education, health care, and housing.
  [#9]   Choosing your gender.  Do you like 45-year-old men in the girl's room with your daughter?
  [#10]   Woke corporations.  Everything is racist all of a sudden.  Color and sex far outweigh qualifications.

The 2020 Democratic Party Platform — Understanding the Opposition.  As a historical perspective, why not compare to the 1960 Democratic Party platform on which John Kennedy was elected President?  The 1960 platform celebrated the party of Jefferson, instead of the movement today to remove, deface, or destroy his national monument in Washington D.C. and rename hundreds, even thousands, of public schools.  It promoted a strong military and economy to defend against the Soviet Union and Red China, rather than replacing the superiority of American military and economic strength with ineffectual diplomacy.  It promised housing for everyone and the end of urban blight, as consequences of a strong economy, instead of government handouts and welfare.  It recognized God rather than claiming that government is the only hope.  It established the need for the end of pollution and the wise use of resources instead of the blind religion of environmentalism and climate change.  It blamed previous Republican administrations for not accomplishing what the Democrats claimed they could only achieve, but without hatred.  It understandably was political propaganda, but it was strikingly different than what the Democratic Party states they believe today.

The Philosophical Background of Our Anti-Social Democratic Party.  For almost two centuries, we have seen various attempts to overthrow the assumptions, beliefs, premises, and conclusions of Christian ethics, sometimes called Judeo-Christian ethics.  The Christian worldview and its underlying belief system have been challenged by transcendentalism, Marxism, Darwinism, pragmatism, Freudianism, and existentialism.  These anti-Christian schools of thought in turn have spawned subcategories of "answers" [sic] to the human dilemma — namely, what is the purpose of life and how shall I live in order to fulfill that purpose?  These subcategories advanced by that part of the political class known as Democrats include globalism (explicit and implicit rejection of Western civilization); embrace of non-binary sexuality (the nuclear family is an artificial construct); critical race theory calling for repudiation of "whiteness"; ecumenicalism in religion (i.e., we all worship the same god); and ownership of all means of production by the state (but the state is to be perceived as a global village — i.e., as an extended family, not as a people led by an elected government).  Let us now consider three of the above post-Christian philosophies and briefly view their application to the ideological program of the Mobocratic Party: [...]

A Blueprint for a Pacifist, Socialist Republic.  The Democratic Party is now committed to a far more radical socialist platform than has ever been remotely hinted at by a serious American national party.  This includes open borders, and effectively the full right of undocumented residents to the benefits of the American welfare and education systems as well as the right to vote.  They are also intent on the seizure of firearms in private hands.  All those without comprehensive health insurance will be offered a "platinum" federal government health plan covering all contingencies which will soon be "free" healthcare for up to 150 million people.  Minimum wages and taxes on anyone earning above the average income will be sharply increased.  Most of the liberalizations of business and corporate regulations enacted by the Trump regime will be reversed, and unionization of the workforce heavily favored.  The Democratic socialist caucus' Green New Deal will be enacted, banning as quickly as possible (or even more swiftly than that) fossil fuel production and use, the internal combustion engine on land and in the air, and discouraging the consumption of beef to spare the environment the challenge of bovine flatulence with which it has coexisted for all of known history.  More than $1 trillion of student loans gradually will be forgiven over 20 years, university education will be guaranteed to be available and free to all families with incomes below $150,000 a year, and private, chartered, separate, and home schooling will all be discouraged to promote the monopoly of the underperforming, heavily unionized state school systems.  Abortion, including the disposal of newly born children, will be available without cost to everyone.

Trump Derangement Syndrome:  A Misdiagnosis.  From the beginning of its "long march through the institutions," the Left has been playing the long game.  That hasn't changed.  Leftists are playing it today.  Why did they take over the media?  The universities?  Hollywood?  To get their hands on the key levers of propaganda.  Add to this the leftward tilt of Google, Facebook, and Twitter, and we're looking at a virtual lockdown on the primary sources of information and public influence. [...] This is why the Democrats absolutely must keep their charades going full force.  This is strategy, not lunacy.  They are playing the long game.  They are constantly feeding their minions the narrative that Trump is an illegitimate and dangerous president, that he's tyrannical, racist, and xenophobic — that he's a crook who lies continually, etc.

Who's the Radical?  On Confidence and Common Sense.  I just heard a fellow on CNN say that Donald Trump has radicalized the Republicans.  Let's be clear on what is and isn't radical.  A well-patrolled border is not a radical policy.  An open border is a radical policy.  To believe in two genders is not radical.  To insert gender identity into Title IX is.  To praise Western Civilization as a legacy of political freedom and artistic genius is not a radical opinion.  To regard it as promotion of white supremacy is a radical opinion.  To love America as an exceptional creation is not radical.  To see America as founded on slavery and imperialism is radical.

How do you know you are no longer a Democrat?  You believe and respect the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  The founding documents of the United States still matter and must not be set aside.  You believe the right to free speech applies to everyone, regardless of political party affiliation.  You believe in the sanctity of human life and abortion is murder.  You believe in the Second Amendment and the right to own guns.  You believe that the United States is a sovereign nation with recognized borders; which must be respected, guarded, and protected.  You know there are only two biological sexes.  Men pretending to be women and vice-versa is make-believe.  There is no such thing as being born in the wrong body.  You believe that men pretending to be women should not be allowed to use women's bathrooms, nor should men be allowed in women's dressing or locker rooms.

Open Borders Equals Abortion.  As of say, 1960, and even 1970, the Democrats were still a mainstream, patriotic political party.  They still defended traditional marriage.  And gun rights.  And property rights.  Even a mostly free economy.  The party still held enough socially conservative members that you could be a Democrat and a Christian.  I don't think that's possible today.  If you watched the Democratic presidential debate, you understand why.  Not one candidate proposed the slightest restriction on killing unborn kids for our sexual convenience.  And not one supports natural marriage.  Not one spoke up for our Second Amendment rights.  Each of them to one degree or another supports the poisonous, anti-Christian ideology of socialism.

Can California Be Saved, or Is It Too Late?  How did this state, once the envy of all others, become the pathetic, indebted loser state it is today?  The answer is simple, single-party Democratic rule. [...] They want to control how we all live our lives by pretending we are causing global warming, as if we mere humans are more powerful than the sun!  They seek to destroy capitalism, the one economic system that has elevated more people out of poverty and tyranny than any other in human history.  They have successfully indoctrinated two generations of malleable young people with the false notion that America is a racist nation, illegitimately founded by white men so it must be destroyed and rebuilt according to their monstrous, failed progressive policies.  They loathe our founding documents, our anthems, our families, our traditions.  They want to do to the nation what they've already done to California.  They must be stopped.

The Anatomy of a Self-Annihilating Political Party.  The Democrat Party has lost its mind. [...] There's a word that describes the Party's behavior:  nihilism: "a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless, a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially moral truths."  That definition fits the current Democrat Party.  The Party and the left place little or no value on tradition, the Constitution, the sanctity of life, borders, private property rights, voting-law enforcement, election outcomes, standards of behavior, or free speech.  These are all fundamentally different kinds of rules or systems of rules.  The left does not like rules (at least not for themselves).  If you do not like rules, you do not like order, and the alternative to order is chaos.  The Democrat Party is attempting to lead the country into chaos.

The Real Game Is To Distract You, Fool You, And Bring Communism.  Of course the media lies all the time.  They do it to inculcate stated Democrat goals of implementing world-wide socialism and control by any means necessary.  By any means at all. [...] Democrats seem to embrace as holy anything that undermines America, Americans, or the American Way.  They want America gone — in order to replace it with some imagined, socialist fantasy world.

The devil is using the Democratic Party to destroy America.  21 areas reveal Democratic Party positions:
  [#1]   Radical redistribution of wealth;
  [#2]   Aggressive climate change initiatives;
  [#3]   Complete takeover of health care by federal government plus inclusion of all illegal immigrants;
  [#4]   Open immigration policy with full acceptance of all children and relatives; no border walls, entrance requirements, E-verify or penalties for those refusing deportation; disregarding the rule of law and full support for "sanctuary cities"; neglecting national security and allowing George Soros funded anarchy to "crash" our immigration system;
  [#5]   Government control over corporate profits;
  [#6]   Progressive taxes on the upper middle class and above;
  [#7]   Legalization of recreational marijuana;
  [#8]   Implementation of comprehensive LGBTQ agenda — including indoctrination of children in schools, transgender initiatives, gender reassignment surgery and removal of any "sexual discrimination" in the workplace and schools, disregarding conscience objections;
  [#9]   Taxpayer-financed abortion-on-demand until birth with full-funding of Planned Parenthood;
  [#10]   Major defense spending cuts with money redistributed to entitlements;
  [#11]   Comprehensive gun control;
  [#12]   Liberal, not originalist, judges on the Supreme Court and federal courts;
  [#13]   Alignment and support for radical feminist agenda and marches;
  [#14]   Increased censorship of "hateful" conservative thought on social media;
  [#15]   Liberalized voting standards to include fraudulent practices and everyone the party deems as "disenfranchised";
  [#16]   Partnership with Palestinians;
  [#17]   Alignment with United Nations and European Union transnationalism initiatives promoting "One World" globalism, rather than nationalism with international cooperation;
  [#18]   Euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide;
  [#19]   Taxpayer-funded child-care and college tuition;
  [#20]   Elimination of the Electoral College; and
  [#21]   Re-establishing the Iranian "nuclear deal" alongside increased protection for Islamic "rights" in America and abroad at the expense of Israel's safety.

What a Socialist Really Wants.  Socialists are passionately concerned with making sure the right people have the power — that is, themselves.  Democracy, on the other hand, is all about distributing power and making sure the worst people don't get it.  How do we know they are the worst people?  Because they are obsessed with grabbing power and using it to stifle other people, an arrangement they call socialism or communism.

From Russian Bolsheviks to American Socialists.  In December 1991, the world watched in amazement and trepidation as the communist empire spectacularly collapsed.  The jubilation proved to be premature.  Marxism adapted to a new reality and, in one of the most dramatic reversals of history, comfortably relocated to the United States, where it acquired a new life and malignancy within the Democratic Party.  In 2008 this ferment culminated in the election of Barack Obama who by 2016 had successfully transformed the Democratic Party into the de facto Social Democratic Party. [...] As the aspirations of the Bolshevik Revolution were being reincarnated in Vermont and exported to New York and California, the country inured to the world of unsustainable populist demands.  The barrier separating utopia and reason is crumbling; growing embrace of free education, free health care, and a guaranteed minimum income by young people is an obvious indication of the rise of the socialist movement.

Socialism Violates the Ten Commandments.  The very first commandment states, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."  Right there, socialism violates the very first commandment.  Socialism is essentially atheistic.  After all, Karl Marx did say, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.  It is the opium of the people."  In a socialist system, the worship of God is replaced with the worship of government.  The state basically becomes God.  We look to the state to give us our rights, our freedoms, our livelihood, our wages, our jobs, our meals, our education, and our healthcare — that is, if there's any of it to go around once the government takes over!  There is no appealing to a higher authority because the state is the final authority.  But as Christians, we don't serve the government, we serve God.  God is our Heavenly Father and our ultimate authority.  Our inalienable rights come from him and the state should conform to His natural law.

Timely news and commentary:

Kathy Hochul offers empty promises — and a blueprint for New York's failure.  Gov. Hochul's State of the State address Tuesday was another display of empty promises and political posturing.  Beneath the rhetoric lies the harsh truth:  This administration and the far-left legislature majorities continue to fail New Yorkers.  Instead of bold solutions, Hochul doubled down on the same disastrous policies that have made our state unaffordable, unsafe and unlivable.  Though the governor frequently talks about affordability, New York remains the highest-taxed state in the nation.  Skyrocketing property taxes are squeezing family budgets, small businesses are strangled by red tape, and residents are fleeing at a record pace.  Kathy Hochul's solution?  More spending and bureaucracy.

California Politicians Cut Fire Department Funding Because of These Three Things.  There's going to be hearings about the Los Angeles County fires.  Some investigation must be conducted to expose the shambolic response and maybe draft a new plan of attack concerning wildfires in the area before they become massive infernos.  This fire is likely to become the costliest natural disaster in American history.  It was preventable, but climate change loons and the overall strangeness of California residents prevented the state from enacting common fire prevention protocols; one is clearing brush and dry vegetation in fire-prone areas like under the power lines.  The Santa Ynez reservoir hasn't been full since last February; this could have been a crucial water source in the still raging and out-of-control Palisades fire.  Tens of millions of dollars were cut from the Los Angeles Fire Department despite warnings and its impact on emergency response.  LA Mayor Karen Bass' office also scrubbed a memo about the lack of manpower and deficient training.  The funding cuts had to be done because the state is addicted to coddling the homeless, illegal aliens, and climate change.  And everyone is now paying for that gross incompetence.

If Red dye #3 is so harmful, why did they wait until after the November election?
FDA bans Red No. 3, artificial coloring used in beverages, candy and other foods.  The Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday it's banning the use of Red No. 3, a synthetic dye that gives food and drinks their bright red cherry color but has been linked to cancer in animals.  The dye is still used in thousands of foods, including candy, cereals, cherries in fruit cocktails and strawberry-flavored milkshakes, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a food safety advocacy group that petitioned the agency in 2022 to end its use.  The FDA's decision marks a victory for consumer advocacy groups and some U.S. lawmakers who have long urged the FDA to revoke the additive's approval, citing ample evidence that its use in beverages, dietary supplements, cereals and candies may cause cancer as well as affect children's behavior.

Living in a blue wasteland.  Oregon, just like California, New York, and Washington state, is a Democrat-controlled blue wasteland that is now declaring itself an illegal immigrant sanctuary state.  The newly-elected state Attorney General Dan Rayfield has announced he is going to Trump-proof Oregon, whatever that means.  In the 2024 election, Oregon went full, deep blue, and we now have a Democrat supermajority, which means any taxes, liberal wants, or just plain dumb ideas can and will be proposed and passed because the Republicans do not have enough votes to stop anything.  We have seen this before, and the bills and laws submitted and passed never make Oregonian lives better, cheaper, or less regulated.  Already, the legislature is talking about gas taxes to fill the billion-dollar hole that the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has dug for themselves.  Already, we are seeing tolls on taxpayer-funded roads, which are the people's roads, being talked about, and this is proposed to strip away even more wealth from working people.

In a Blow to National Security:  Biden Removes Cuba from Terror List Despite Hamas, Hezbollah Ties.  In a move that has alarmed national security experts and Republicans alike, outgoing President Joe Biden has removed Cuba from the U.S. State Department's list of state sponsors of terrorism, despite the island nation's well-documented ties to terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.  This decision, widely criticized as a dangerous concession, overlooks Cuba's continued support for terrorist groups, which threaten U.S. allies and interests in the Middle East and beyond.  Biden's move is not only a diplomatic blunder but a direct challenge to the nation's fight against terrorism, undermining efforts to confront rogue regimes that promote violence and instability.  With less than a week left of Biden's presidency, the administration announced on Tuesday that he would be removing Cuba from the State Department's list of state sponsors of terrorism, claiming that it had not sponsored terrorism for six months.

If progressivism is so progressive, why does it keep taking us back to the Stone Age?  Taking away parental rights and allowing young children to mutilate their bodies based on some immature thoughts is not forward-thinking.  It is intentionally harmful.  As the medical industry improves, it is moving backwards to move towards abortion at any stage of a pregnancy no matter how fully developed the child is.  It is extremely harmful to women to move backwards and force them to compete against males, and share locker room space with them because certain men say they feel like they are women.  There is nothing more backwards-looking for a country than supporting soft-on-crime district attorneys, promoted and financed by George Soros, versus enforcing laws and keeping dangerous criminals off the streets.  Moving towards socialism and away from capitalism is intentionally destructive, not progressive.  I can think of nothing that Joe Biden has done that has made the U.S. or the world safer or stronger.  Every achievement Biden and other Democrats brag about involves big government spending:  Obamacare, the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act, paying off student loans, the CHIPS act, etc., all involved massive government spending that puts us further in debt.

Illegal Immigration Is Killing Small Towns.  Dementia Joe's disastrous presidency can't end soon enough.  While he's busy offering clemency to child rapists and murderers (and teasing the prospect of pardons for the lawfare tyrants who tormented his political adversaries these miserable last four years), his chief operating officer handling the Democrats' suicidal open borders policy — Department of Homeland (in)Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — is preoccupied with shielding a million more foreign nationals from future deportation.  This extra protection for Venezuelans, El Salvadorans, Ukrainians, and Sudanese is in addition, of course, to the lawless Biden regime's ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and abet international drug smugglers, sex slavers, and black market crime syndicates by resettling millions of illegal aliens (cartel "cargo") across the United States.  If the Biden White House really wants to insulate itself from the consequences of its own criminality, it will need to issue thousands of additional pardons for its closest friends (and America's enemies) in the next few days.

Liberalism is incompatible with Christianity.  Government is an unfortunate necessity.  We need it to do that which we cannot do for ourselves.  Its functions are listed in the preamble to the Constitution — to preserve the union of states, to protect the innocent and prosecute the guilty, to enable its citizens to live in peace and to protect them from foreign or domestic threats, to provide them with the opportunity to prosper and to protect the tenets of liberty for its citizens and their descendants.  One would think that the two main political parties in the U.S. would both aim towards the same goals even though they might differ in their preferred means of achieving them.  That no longer appears to be the case.  As they are currently constituted, neither party seems overly concerned with protecting our rights and limiting the size of government.  One party is actively working to make the country and the citizens less safe, less prosperous, and more divided while the other party talks a good game but rarely follows through.

Federal Court Vacates Biden Regime's Radical and Unconstitutional Rewrite of Title IX.  A federal court in Kentucky on Thursday vacated the Biden regime's radical and unconstitutional rewrite of Title IX.  The Department of Education regulatory requirements would have forced educational programs that receive federal money to accept transgender ideology.  Congress enacted Title IX in 1972, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program that receives federal money, including K-12 schools, colleges, and universities.  Biden's rewrite forced educational programs to allow gender-confused males to enter female-only spaces and join female-only organizations.  And if schools ignored these requirements in an attempt to protect women's rights, the federal government would have revoked their funding.  "It is abundantly clear that discrimination on the basis of sex means discrimination on the basis of being a male or female," the United States District Court Eastern District of Kentucky stated in its decision.  "Expanding the meaning of 'on the basis of sex' to include "gender identity" turns Title IX on its head."

Americans, be careful for whom you vote; your lives may depend on it.  [Scroll down] [Gavin Newsom] takes no responsibility for his catastrophic policies that have quite literally ruined his state.  He does not remotely live by the dictates he imposes on the rest of us; not during the COVID lockdowns and not during these fires.  His policies — destroy dams, restrict water to farmers and fire hydrants alike to protect the delta smelt, are all absurd on their face.  Then there is our commie mayor, Karen Bass (she is a Castro fan).  She left the country after she knew the fires were a threat due to the extreme winds.  She is a DEI mayor who has seen to it that the entire cast of Los Angeles government is woke — pro-LGBTQ, diverse, as in prominently minority, gay and, above all, multi-cultural in the extreme.  The same is true of her Fire Department chief and assistant fire chief.  Neither merit nor qualifications are necessary to get a job in the Los Angeles ruling class.  Both Newsom and Bass should be immediately impeached for abject failure on the job.  Neither one of them is qualified or able to do the jobs they've been stupidly elected to perform.  It would be hard to adequately describe the anger Southern Californians now feel toward these two people.

Biden's Terrible Legacy:  A Tsunami Of Growth-Killing Regulations.  On Joe Biden's first day in office, he signed a raft of executive orders, one of which we said was "almost entirely overlooked but could easily end up having the biggest impact."  Turns out we were right.  The executive order — "Modernizing Regulatory Review" — would, we predicted, "unleash the regulatory state with a ferocity never before seen in this country." [...] As the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Clyde Wayne Crews explains, that order "undermined the crucial watchdog mission of the White House Office of Management and Budget," which had served as a check on the administrative state.  "The federal government's sole watchdog ... has been transformed into a cheerleader for regulation."

Biden Administration Admits Defeat by Withdrawing 7 Woke Rule Changes.  The Biden administration withdrew seven far-left proposed rules at the end of December, potentially due to receiving hundreds of thousands of critical public comments.  The withdrawals are being hailed as wins by conservatives, who have submitted comments against the rules, which would have compelled allowing male participation in girls sports, prohibited religious exemptions for birth control coverage, taken federal funding away from pregnancy resource centers, and more.  "On balance, withdrawing these rules is a win for everyone who submitted comments opposing them," Ethics and Public Policy Center fellow Rachel Morrison told The Daily Signal.  "It means these bad policy proposals by the Biden administration will not go into effect."

While Trump has a definite mandate, it isn't 100%.  [Scroll down] There's still a good 40% of our fellow Americans who are, evidently, in favor of confiscatory taxes (their fair share), surgical mutilation of our children, open borders, abortion even up until birth, trans men in women's spaces, and the sexualization of our kids.  Those ideas aren't dead and gone.  They still need fighting.  Truth needs to be spoken over and over again.

New Biden water heater ban will drive up energy prices for poor, seniors: expert.  The Biden administration is banning certain natural gas water heaters from the market as part of its climate change agenda, a move critics say will jack up energy costs for low-income and senior households.  The move in the final days of the administration will take non-condensing, natural gas-fired water heaters off the shelves by 2029 in a bid to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which climate change advocates and President Biden say cause global warming.  The new rules will require new tankless gas water heaters to use about 13% less energy than today's least efficient tankless models.  The rules apply to both non-condensing and condensing gas water heaters, but the rules hike efficiency requirements to a threshold that only condensing models can meet, effectively banning the cheaper but less efficient non-condensing models, according to The Washington Free Beacon.  Condensing technology wastes less heat.

The Editor says...
Before issuing such a decree, some questions should be asked:  [#1] Is it up to the President to write and implement a law that should be produced by Congress?  [#2] Is it a proven certainty that man-made carbon dioxide emissions cause global warming, and that the amount of warming is enough to notice, and that the harm caused by CO2 is worse than the benefits of the energy released by hydrocarbon combustion?  [#3] If water heaters (or natural gas) are such a big problem, why didn't Joe Biden say anything about them over the last four years?  [#4] If someone invents a new type of water heater that is better than all the old ones, wouldn't the free market decide if consumers want them?  Is Biden a president or a dictator?  Do we live in a free country or not?  [#5] Who wrote this decree?  It wasn't Joe Biden.  He probably doesn't even know he signed it.

This is not surprising, as it comes from someone with near-zero seniority.
Babbling Jasmine Crockett says Dems need to 'shake it up,' ditch seniority.  Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) called for her party to "shake it up" to turn the page on its geriatric leadership during a Saturday MSNBC appearance.  The sassy black lawmaker has been regularly featured on the left-wing cable network which is bending over backward to promote her as a rising star despite her racist outbursts and theatrical antics that make her a poor man's AOC, leading some to speculate that she may be the dumbest member of Congress.  On Saturday's edition of "Alex Witt Reports" she gave her take on the recent election of 74-year-old cancer patient Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) as the top Democrat on the powerful House Oversight Committee, a rejection of the much younger Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) who badly wanted the spot.

The Editor says...
Socialists abhor American traditions and customs.

Hochul's senseless $75B climate cash grab will only speed New York's decline.  Gov. Hochul last week signed a new climate bill forcing fossil-fuel companies to pay $75 billion in "recovery" assessments over the next 25 years for their alleged role in causing "extreme weather."  "It's time for large polluters to pay their fair share," she declared.  But the claim is an unscientific joke — and the law, passed by some of the nation's most obtuse and know-nothing legislators, means the political class in Albany just hit the gas pedal on the Empire State's economic demise.  Under this law, New York will "impose cost recovery demands" for extreme weather events "on responsible parties," or fossil fuel companies, which "shall be strictly liable, without regard to fault" (emphasis mine).  Each company will be assessed a share of the $75 billion pot equal to its "applicable share of covered greenhouse gas emissions" — that is, carbon dioxide resulting from the fuel and power they have sold.  But it's a colossal money grab based on junk science, so arbitrary and capricious that court challenges are certain.

The Editor says...
Whenever a socialist politician says, "It's time for [some large company] to pay their fair share," the amount to be paid, and the fairness and the justification, are all completely arbitrary.

The Democrats Get a 12th Step Call.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. left the Democrat party because he was alarmed by Democrats' "resort[ing] to censorship, media control, and weaponization of federal agencies.  When a U.S. president colludes with, or outright coerces, media companies to censor political speech, it's an attack on our most sacred right of free expression.  And that's the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest."  Tulsi Gabbard left the party because she said it is "under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war."

There is no pardoning the Biden administration.  The Biden administration, set up as it was by the Obama administration, has been a clear and present danger to the United States of America. [...] It nourished this budding fascism even as it took every opportunity to baselessly label Donald Trump and his supporters as "fascists."  Similarly, it incessantly talked of "saving our democracy" even as it tried to destroy it by pushing for the end of the Electoral College and the filibuster, supporting the advent of congressional representation for Washington, D.C., urging the granting of statehood to Puerto Rico, and, most egregiously, going to any and all lengths to get rid of its chief political opponent, Donald J. Trump.  It is still doing all it can to obstruct the will of the people, as was evident in its post-election auctioning off materials for the border wall for pennies on the dollar, as well as in placing various other roadblocks in front of the incoming administration.  (In other words, it is doing everything possible to counteract the will of the people.  Doesn't sound very democratic to me.)  Leaving the border wide open for years has created the greatest current — and latent — security threat the nation has ever faced.

NY Governor Signs Law That Charges Companies for Greenhouse Gas Emissions.  New York Governor Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, signed legislation this week that requires major fossil fuel companies to contribute fees to support New York's climate change mitigation efforts.  Under the new law, companies with significant greenhouse gas emissions will be required to contribute to a state fund dedicated to infrastructure projects aimed at mitigating future climate change damage and repairing existing impacts.  The legislation, approved earlier this year, compels major oil and gas companies to help cover the costs of recovery after extreme weather events.  The funds will also support resilience projects, including coastal wetland restoration and upgrades to critical infrastructure like roads, bridges and water drainage systems.

Kathy Hochul signs law that fines energy companies $75 billion for 'climate change'.  From an item at the New York Post comes the news that Kathy Hochul has just signed a new bill, "modeled after a federal law that holds polluters responsible for abandoned toxic-waste sites," which establishes the New York Climate Superfund.  This endowment will be funded by energy companies that deal in gas, oil, and coal, and the money will finance "resiliency projects," like initiatives to shore up the coast and mitigate flooding — because obviously as every progressive and mainstream media consumer "knows," energy that comes from "fossil fuels" cause "climate change."  As of now, a number of companies operating in New York have been hit with $75 billion in fines, which are to be paid into the fund over the span of a decade.

Hochul and NY State Climate Cult Members Hit Energy Companies up for $75B.  This shameless money grab — and that's all it is — is going to make for some pretty interesting discovery during what I imagine is going to be an epic court fight. [...] They're trotting out the academics to attest that the costs associated with this fleecing "won't fall back on consumers." [...] Just like the cost of New York State's insane rush to renewables hasn't "come back on consumers," right?  That's why electricity is so "cheap and affordable" even at this stage of the transition in New York.

What Was So Different This Time About Trump's Election?  [Scroll down] [D]uring the 2024-2025 transition, Trump has all but assumed the presidency.  Over 100 foreign leaders have elbowed each other to be invited to Mar-a-Lago or to phone in their congratulations to the newly elected Trump.  Remember that in 2016 the left screamed "Logan Act" if a Trump transition appointee even talked with foreign officials.  So why is newly elected Trump a veritable cultural hero in 2024 in a fashion unimaginable eight years ago when the media had rendered him a near demon?  One, Trump is now seen as a welcome relief.  A departing and unpopular Joe Biden will leave with about a 36 percent approval rating.  The prior Biden years are now seen as abnormal, if not disastrous.  The left's cultural revolution championed fringe policies never quite seen before: destroying the border, welcoming in 12 million illegal aliens, nihilist critical race and legal theories, institutionalizing a third sex, and mandating woke/DEI quotas and indoctrination sessions.  Yet Biden had inherited from Trump a secure border, an economy rebounding after the COVID quarantines, 1.23 percent inflation, no wars abroad, and cheap energy.

It's the Democrats' Turn in the Wilderness.  Trump's landslide proved that Democrats are not now and never have been aligned with normal Americans' value systems.  Their whole groupthink support system, which runs on pure emotion and feelings and not logic, just took a major hit, and their cognitive dissonance is spiritually crushing them.  To recover meaningfulness, the party must go through the five stages of grief, a mandatory process to regain sanity and focus on the future.  It is doubly important for many in the party because the secular world is all they have, and to have lost the election to (in their view) evil, uneducated morons has caused profound bleakness and despair.  At this grief stage, Democrats are blaming everyone but themselves.  While blame for this loss must include their fellow travelers on the left who hijacked the party and are the major cause of this complete collapse due to radical policies that normal Americans found distasteful (e.g., DEI, identity politics, boys in girls' sports, etc.), they must stop blaming normal Americans if they are to accept the true reasons they lost.

Democrats Don't Transfer Power Peacefully.  If Joe Biden actually respected the will of voters or the office that Trump will once again lead, he would have refrained from taking actions that hamper or contravene well known Trump initiatives.  Instead, the Biden administration is using its last few weeks looking for ways to undermine President Trump's campaign promises.  Since the election, President-in-name-only Joe Biden has promoted loyal ideological allies into government positions that protect them from removal.  He has allocated billions of dollars to "climate change" initiatives and policy groups.  His administration is subsidizing sure-to-fail "green energy" companies.  His department heads are funneling unused taxpayer funds into politically aligned non-profits.  Biden is busy awarding illegal aliens with amnesty and health care while giving away unused portions of President Trump's original border wall.  Biden's people are openly working to "Trump-proof" the Democrats' administrative state.

As clock ticks down, Biden abandons student loan relief proposals he lauded.  The Biden administration indicated Friday it plans to scrap his latest student loan forgiveness proposals, which could have wiped away debts for tens of millions of Americans and cleared new paths to relief for borrowers in dire financial straits.  The rationale?  The U.S. Education Department has limited time and resources, and its leader would rather dedicate them to helping at-risk borrowers repay their loans.  The plans would also likely face more legal challenges and be abandoned once President-elect Donald Trump takes office.  In official notices set to be published the day after Christmas, U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona acknowledged the "uncertainty around the implementation" of the proposals.

Barreling toward a shutdown, KJP announces $1 billion for rainforests in South America.  We're barreling toward a government shutdown (go, go go!) because Congress wants to stuff their faces like pigs at the trough, and pesky dissenters like President Trump, Thomas Massie, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, the American citizenry are pushing back — meanwhile Karine Jean-Pierre just announced that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are focused on spending more money we don't have.  If you thought they might be guaranteeing the victims of Hurricane Helene aren't left homeless and starving this winter[,] you'd be wrong.  If you thought they were making sure retirees and Americans on disability still received their monthly payments[,] you'd be wrong.  If you thought they'd be doling out dollars to feed needy kids[,] you'd be wrong.  If you thought they decided to keep paychecks rolling to our soldiers and the military funded for the sake of national security during times of unprecedented political volatility[,] you'd be wrong. [...] Instead, they're handing out a billion dollars to support conservation efforts in South America:  [Tweet]

Biden Nationalizes Another 50,000+ Student Loans as He Heads for the Exit.  Departing President Joe Biden's administration is nothing if not busy as desks are cleaned out and preparations for final departure made.  On Friday it announced federal student loans for another 55,000 workers will be canceled through an existing program known as Public Service Loan Forgiveness.  Biden has now canceled an unprecedented $180 billion in federal student loans through existing programs during his term in office, covering 4.9 million Americans.  The total cost for Biden's latest act of Christmas charity will come in at $4.28 billion, courtesy of U.S.  taxpayers, the bulk of whom previously questioned just how fair such acts are when workers are left to fund the munificence.  AP reports the Education Department's announcement targets teachers, nurses, service members, law enforcement officials and others who've reached eligibility through the program, which promises to erase loans after 10 years of work in government or nonprofit jobs.

The Democrat Trump-Musk Feud Strategy.  President Trump has had a triumphant start even before being sworn in.  He seems on track to be delivering key campaign promises.  DOGE is already on the job, both Musk and Ramaswamy have been vocal about the scandalous recent 1500-page spending bill.  The D.C.  swamp could render DOGE irrelevant by preemptively mending its ways, but will not, because its existence is based on corruption and government excesses.  The swamp dwellers are now in a quandary.  They know that they cannot misuse agencies to target Trump as they did before.  Their media proxies aren't going to engage in blatant lies, after the ABC settlement.  They desperately need to derail this Trump train.  So what do they do?  They resort to petty ploys.

President Who Uses Massive Amounts Of Fossil Fuels Unveils Ambitious Climate Goal For Some Reason.  Brandon has a month left in office:  what, exactly, is the point of his advisors getting him to do this?  Even CNN thinks this is mostly worthless [...] First, Paris was never ratified by the US Senate.  It was written in a way to avoid the US Senate.  Hence, it is non-binding, so, there is no requirement.  And, Trump best pull the US out of it immediately, unlike his last term.  Second, how is this America's goal?  If the majority thought so they'd have voted for Harris.  If the Warmists thought so they'd practice what they preach.  Instead of acting like Biden and his advisors, who have monster sized carbon footprints.

Trump's 12-Year Term.  [Scroll down] We can hope that the Democrats — at least the sane ones — have learned their lesson these past four years. [...] Many of their leaders and pundits blame their messengers:  if only Harris and Walz weren't flawed and uninspiring. [...] They even blame their customers:  if only the American people weren't so dumb and deplorable.  They blame everything except the one thing that is fatally flawed:  their actual message!  Their message — their product — is not just flawed at the margin, it is toxic.  It is anti-American.  It is what caused the Democrats to lose and will always cause them to lose.  It is why even principled liberals like Bill Maher say they are crazy.  Think about it, Democrats.  You couldn't beat someone you tried to make into a convicted felon.  You couldn't beat someone found liable for sexual abuse.  You couldn't beat someone accused of paying off a porn star.  You wanted Donald Trump because after beating him down, you thought he was the only Republican you could possibly beat.

Feds Look To Hire Up To 1,200 New DEI Bureaucrats Before Trump Takes Office.  The federal government is currently in the process of hiring as many as 1,200 employees to work on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) — employees who would be embedded into the permanent federal workforce headed into the Trump administration, according to a Daily Wire analysis of federal job opportunities.  The jobs have annual salaries of up to $310,000, and could add up to total salary payouts of $160 million a year.  Thirty-three DEI jobs were posted in the 10 days immediately following the election of Donald Trump, and the hiring window closes before he takes office.  The bureaucracy is scrambling to fill even high-level jobs, just underneath the ranks of "political appointees," before the Trump administration takes over.  On November 15, for example, the Department of Health and Human Services advertised for a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health, to "promote health equity" at a salary of up to $221,900.

The Editor says...
The committee known as "Joe Biden" is leaving stink bombs for Presidnt Trump, just as Barack H. Obama left a bunch of stink bombs for him in 2016.  That tells you the committee is headed by Obama himself, which is why he still lives in Washington, DC.  In this case, Obama — oops, I mean Joe Biden — is creating a whole bunch of well-paying do-nothing can't-be-fired jobs exclusively for unqualified black females who can't get a break without a boost from the government.  But all jobs start with a few months of probation, do they not?  During probation, any employee can be terminated without warning and without a reason.

EPA greenlights Cali EVs.  With a little more than a month left in his term, President Biden is certainly not holding back from issuing controversial pardons, rules, and waivers as he packs up his belongings before heading back to Delaware.  On December 18, the Biden administration approved two waivers for California's Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations.  Specifically, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted "two requests from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for waivers to implement and enforce its Advanced Clean Cars II (ACC II) regulations for light-duty vehicles, and its 'Omnibus' low-NOx regulation for heavy-duty highway and off-road vehicles and engines."  Although these waivers might seem innocuous, they are extremely far-reaching.  In essence, they allow California to ban the sales of all new gasoline-powered automobiles by 2035.

Fury as California gets green light to ban all gas cars in Democrat state.  Automakers are furious after California moved forward with plan to ban the sale of all gas-powered cars by 2035.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday granted two requests from California to enforce strict standards for vehicle emissions after it found opponents were not able to meet the legal burden to how it was inconsistent with the federal Clean Air Act.  'California has longstanding authority to request waivers from EPA to protect its residents from dangerous air pollution coming from mobile sources like cars and trucks,' EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in a statement.

Biden Orders Scientific Agency To Expand Use of 'Indigenous Knowledge' in Final Days.  The White House ordered the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a federal regulatory agency, to expand its use of "Indigenous Knowledge" on Monday, as part of a last-minute push in the federal government to embrace what scientists call pseudoscience.  The agency, according to a press release, signed a formal memorandum of understanding with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium to "advance Indigenous Knowledge" and "achieve strong climate resilience for our tribal nations."  The agreement will impact at least 35 accredited universities and "empower our tribal colleges and universities to be leaders in the ongoing response to climate change."  "Indigenous Knowledge" is a discredited belief system posting that native-born peoples possess an innate understanding of how the universe works.  While scientists have referred to its ideas as "dangerous" and a rejection of the scientific method, those criticisms have not stopped the Biden administration from ordering the federal government to consider "Indigenous Knowledge" when implementing rules and regulations.

What is a Democrat, anyway?  The Republican Party is now far more "democratic" than the Democrat party.  Over the past four years, the Democrat party and the Biden administration have mangled democracy in more ways than we can imagine.  When they saw that Joe Biden could not win re-election, they unceremoniously dumped him and nominated Kamala Harris without her ever winning a single vote of the people.  The Democrat party no longer believes in democracy or in the Constitution. [...] With Donald Trump's victory, we now have our second birth of freedom.  The Democrat party wants no part of that.  The Democrat party no longer cares about individual citizens.  Rather, it survives by dividing the country into groups.   It cares more about government growth than economic growth.  Unfortunately, the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.  Democracy concerns the most important element of society:  the individual.  A democracy is about putting power in the hands of individual citizens.  The Democrat party, however, believes solely in the accumulation and protection of its power.

Josh Hawley:  Democrat Plan Is Amnesty for 13M Illegals to Flood Workforce.  Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said Democrats are hoping to give amnesty to some 13 million illegal aliens to flood the United States workforce with low-wage foreign workers with whom working and middle class Americans must compete for jobs.  During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this week, Hawley blasted a Democrat witness for his pro-amnesty position despite the majority of Americans supporting deportations.  "Why would you want American citizens and those who are here lawfully to have to compete against illegal immigrants?" Hawley asked the witness.

Why I want Dems to rely on MSM.  Mainstream media carried the Kool-Aid for Democrats.  Voters [rejected] it.  The message of making your daughter share the shower with a man failed.  The message of turning your son into a girl failed.  The message of teachers talking about gay in kindergarten failed.  These are side issues, the left now declares but that begs the question of why did the left fight so hard for them?  Trump was wiser.  He ignored his role in overturning Roe-Wade.  The Des Moines Register assured its readers that the abortion issue would carry Iowa by 3 points for Kamala.  Trump won by 13.

What Next for the Democrats?  Donald Trump won the popular vote by millions plus a strong electoral college majority by several dozen.  He turned the Senate and kept the House.  How was this done?  Several reasons include declining general economic prospects, family economic despair from inflation with additional pressures from a lower standard of living, and criminal violence on streets.  Unchecked illegal immigration displaces American citizens from workplaces, causing stagnant and even declining real wages.  It crowds out citizens for housing, food assistance, and medical care.  Illegal aliens include terrorists and violent and nonviolent common criminals.  Democrats lost their advantage in the culture with young males, among normal women who don't appreciate misogynistic and predatory men occupying female-protected spaces or competition in sports, and among the working class, including minorities, without college education.

Mass Immigration and Socialist Sanctuaries.  The mass migrations being experienced by the United States have been and still are being employed by the Biden/Harris administration as a tool to change America into a socialist entity, an effort that entails eliminating or severely curtailing the Jewish and Christian foundations of the West.  How is the socialist vision to be achieved in America?  It is to be achieved by open borders and the consequent influx of masses of immigrants and aliens from all over the globe.  Class warfare, a necessary ingredient of the socialist vision, is instantly achieved by mass immigration.  The divisions are more easily accomplished because most of the peoples illegally entering the country have mindsets and behaviors not informed or molded by our Republic's constitutional and religious foundations.  The vision requires redistribution of the wealth of the capitalist middle class.

The NDAA: Congress's Silent Coup Against President Trump's Authority.  The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025 is not just another defense bill — it is a calculated effort to undermine President Trump's incoming administration, entrench progressive priorities, and strip the executive branch of its constitutional authority.  This bill codifies perpetual support for Ukraine, entrenches controversial diversity and inclusion initiatives, and favors legacy defense contractors over innovative companies like SpaceX and Anduril Industries. [... For example,] Section 319:  This section weaponizes environmental regulations to obstruct fossil fuel energy projects on military installations.  By embedding legal hurdles and empowering activists, Congress ensures that President Trump's energy independence agenda is stalled at every turn.  This is not about sustainability; it is about sabotaging the administration's efforts to prioritize reliable energy sources that strengthen national security.

A Tale of Two Parties.  Much has been written about why the Democrats suffered such a devastating loss in the election, but I'm inclined to place great weight on the views expressed by Adam Mill in Chronicles Magazine, who argues persuasively that the Democrats' decision-making process doomed their chances, a process unlikely to soon change.  "Democrats don't have leaders, rather they have 'facilitators' who balance the many competing demands of their disparate coalition, leading to a rigid script of talking points," he argues.  To keep on message is the key autocratic aim of the party, so any "single deviation from the script endangers the entire enterprise."  This explains as well as most theories why Kamala Harris's rare public interviews devolved into bafflegab word salads.  Why in the absence of good sense, the party left the border open, supported pornographic books in public school libraries, "fought for abortion of viable fetuses up until birth, and demanded free sex surgeries for illegal immigrants in custody."

Democrats know they have to lie to the public about their policies to win elections.  During the 2024 presidential campaign, Democrat Kamala Harris tried to run away from her beliefs and policies as fast as she could.  Open borders, abolishing fracking, health care for illegals, higher taxes, and forcing people to buy electric cars are not popular policies, so she had to lie.  We are constantly told that James Carville is a very smart Democrat strategist.  I have not seen evidence of this intelligence.  Throughout the 2024 campaign, Carville watched Kamala and continually said she was going to win.  He did not lecture the campaign about how stupid they were.  In late October, Carville said, in a New York Times article that he was certain that Kamala was going to win.  But now that she got her clock cleaned, Carville badmouths her staffers and blames them for the voters' rejection of the Democrat nominee.  He says they were too progressive.

Trump's Victory:  A Historic Win with an Achilles Heel.  Trump won the popular vote, but his margin was 1.6% or 2.5 million votes, the smallest since Reagan, and popular vote margins can easily be overcome every four years, especially one this small. [...] People overlook that 48.5% of Americans voted to keep Harris and her Marxist woke policies in place.  Half of America didn't seem to mind that the border was wide open, Venezuelan gangs controlled apartment buildings, food was unaffordable, and children were abused with puberty blockers and permanently scarred to advance the trans agenda as boys pummeled girls in women's sports.  The majority of the country did not shift to the right; the Left still has a solid competitive base.

The Fumes of the 2024 Election.  To paraphrase Churchill, the 2024 victory is not the end of the beginning of the radical left, but the end of the beginning of the effort to do so.  There is no more stomach for spaghetti-arm Antifa rioting, BLM-inspired looting, and pampered foreign students spouting anti-Semitic venom while breaking their hosts' laws.  Israel has proved the feared Hezbollah and death-to-Israel Iran were paper tigers and blowhards.  The exhausted public has little tolerance left for toppling statues, renaming iconic buildings and streets, DEI venom, transgendered chauvinism, lectures from bicoastal grandees on why we must buy EV cars, throw away our gas stoves, flash our pronouns, study Professor Kendi, worship the moronic Ta-Nehisi Coates, or listen to the claptrap of sanctimonious Pete Buttigieg and Alejandro Mayorkas[.]

The Bullet We Dodged.  After dodging a bullet, Donald Trump was reelected president.  In a larger sense, the entire nation dodged a bullet.  The Democrats were soundly defeated, losing not only the presidency but also the House and the Senate.  Their sinister authoritarian, internationalist, socialist vision, with its wholehearted embrace of madness, deviance, and perversion, has been thoroughly rejected.  And while it's certainly a time for celebration, we aren't out of the woods yet.  The left hasn't given up.  In fact, aside from their wailing and hysteria over Trump's victory, many of their leading figures have been eerily quiet, and that can mean only one thing:  they're up to something and will soon begin a new onslaught against the forces of freedom.

The 2024 Presidential Election Landslide.  The 2024 election is a turning point in US history.  It was an epic battle between good and evil.  Was Trump's loss in 2020 providential to set the stage for 2024?  Since the 1960s, the Democratic Party has shifted from the one our grandparents knew to the Marxist left — a party that is aloof, condescending, and separated from the American people, opposed to an America founded on self-sufficient individualism, ingenuity, and exceptionalism.  It will be a long slog to excise this cancer that has infiltrated our country as leftists sought to turn America into a Marxist third-world dictatorship.  The Marxist left and its RINO counterparts are destroying our country with their failed policies, often driven by corruption, which are detrimental to the interests of the American people.  The people want limited government in accord with the Constitution, Bill of Rights, the rule of law, and subservience to the will of the people.  Now is not the time for reconciliation and forgiveness.

Or maybe this is the reason Kamala lost.  I keep reading articles claiming that this is the reason Kamala lost, with this being one of, or any combination of [a long list of reasons, omitted for brevity].  But there's one thing that has hasn't really been discussed:  why didn't the Deep State, sensing all this resentment attributable to numerous causes, adopt a pre-election strategy toning all those policies down the six months or so before the election, or at least four months before, when Kamala was anointed?  Slow the illegal immigration spigot at the border, stop spending, increase the supply of oil, stop censorship and targeting, tone down the transgender madness, etc.  Then resume all the original policies with a vengeance right after the elections, with no one to stop them ever again.

Beating the 'Committee'.  A lot of people put considerable effort into tying up Trump during his first term.  This was made possible by control of the institutions, cooperation from the media, and considerable assistance from the GOP establishment. [...] Then came two impeachments, intended to taint the Trump brand permanently, followed by a comprehensive program of lawfare targeting every aspect of Trump's life with the goal of at the very least bankrupting him, but with the hope of giving him a lengthy sentence.  We can presume that this was to be followed by the reelection of the committee's puppet president, with the hard Left's transformational wish list — the Green New Deal, expansion of the Supreme Court, D.C. and Puerto Rican statehood, universal censorship, and formalization of the woke and transgender agendas — going into effect shortly thereafter.

No one should believe economists — they are apologists for bad policies.  Here are some of the actual Biden, Harris policies that led to high inflation:  Doling out massive amounts of taxpayer money to buy votes when the economy was already rapidly growing.  There is no excuse for running a $2 trillion deficit this year, in a supposedly growing economy.  They're just masking the problems.  Flooding the United States with millions of illegals because Biden and Harris reversed Trump's policies and ignored the law.  Issuing massive amounts of new regulations is clearly inflationary.  Blocking pipelines and drilling on federal lands while publicly seeking to destroy companies that use natural resources to produce reasonably priced energy causes inflation in the U.S. and throughout the world.  Forcing people and businesses to buy expensive health insurance policies instead of fostering freedom of choice.  The media and other Democrats intentionally lie and claim that Obamacare has made health insurance more affordable; the truth is that prices have skyrocketed for 14 years because of the Affordable Care Act.  Throwing money at colleges for 60 years has certainly added to inflation.  Then, we had a president who dictatorially paid off the loans using other people's money and debt, which is also inflationary.  Forcing car companies to make expensive electric cars and trucks that people don't want is obviously inflationary.  It raises the prices of gas-powered cars, which covers the losses and all the capital investments.

Democrats, heed the lesson of the 2024 election — stop being so weird.  A lot of you people sound nuts.  It is unsurprising that a Donald Trump campaign ad featuring the tagline "Kamala is for they/them.  President Trump is for you" was effective in the 2024 presidential campaign. [...] Now, one suspects most normies aren't only turned off by "they/them" because it's grammatically mystifying or scientifically dubious.  For many, "they/them" represents the 14,000 confused children who have been mutilated by "gender-affirming care."  For others, "they/them" represents thousands of girls and women who are forced to compete with boys and men on the field.  For most, though, "they/them" is probably just a microcosm of all the weird cultural fads the Left has been trying to normalize and force-feed society.  Normies tend to reject social science quackery.  Americans are generally happy to make accommodations for alternative lifestyles.  That doesn't make this stuff less bizarre or extreme.  And the speed at which the Left has demanded everyone treat these unhinged notions as the norm is mind-blowing.

Climate Change Was the Big Election Loser.  Climate change fanaticism was effectively on the ballot last week.  The green energy agenda was decisively defeated.  It turns out that the tens of millions of middle-class Americans who voted for Trump weren't much interested in the temperature of the planet 50 years from now.  They're too busy trying to pay the bills.  That result shouldn't be too surprising.  Every poll in recent years has shown climate change ranks near the bottom of voter concerns.  Jobs, inflation and illegal immigration register much higher on the scale of concerns.  But if you asked the elite of America in the top 1% of income, climate change is seen as an immediate and existential threat to the planet.  Our poll at Unleash Prosperity earlier this year found that the cultural elites were so hyper-obsessed with climate issues, they were in favor of banning air conditioning, nonessential air travel and many modern home appliances to stop global warming.  Our study showed that not many of the other 99% agree.

One theory for the Democrats' catastrophic loss.  The driving force [...] is the long overdue awakening of the formerly free-living American public to the accumulated tyranny of the modern mega-state.  Various justifications have been offered for this persecution of the general public.  Most conspicuous is the grossly hyperbolic threat of catastrophic "climate change."  In California and at least eleven other states, unelected agency functionaries have issued complete bans on new fossil-fueled motor vehicles, to occur within the conceivable future.  Ignorance of the oscillation between past ice ages and warm periods was assumed to enable the political success of this hoax, but the resulting government-imposed misery was too much for free people to accept.  To further provoke this discontent, here in Northern California, there are frost warnings around the outlying Bay Area, and snow-caused mountain road closures, while winter is well over a month away[.]

What the Election Really Lost — and Won.  This wasn't just about whether Kamala Harris or Donald Trump won or lost.  It was about a clear rejection of divisive, impractical, and sometimes destructive ideas that have reshaped the fabric of our society in ways that feel fundamentally out of step with the values of the vast majority.  Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and wokeism — concepts rooted in division and categorization — were put to the test.  These frameworks, promoted as mechanisms of fairness, often result in stifling conversation, shaming dissenters, and creating divides where unity could have taken root.  This year, Americans chose not to double down on identity-driven narratives but to reclaim a spirit of unity that transcends the labels we've been so quick to assign to one another.  Cancel culture and the weaponization of public opinion were also rebuffed.  Americans are tired of watching as voices are silenced, careers are destroyed, and people are ostracized for straying from an approved narrative.

Why It's Too Late for Democrat Postmortems.  Communist and any serious leftist ideation has a bottomless problem with God, religion, family, commerce and enterprise (capitalism), prosperity, normal sexual mores, and the innate meritocracy of raising your brother's quality of life for hire.  They hold a fundamentalist view that there is something wrong with all of these existentialities.  The serious left wants all of these existentialities blown up in the hope that something better will arise from the fallout.  But there is only one alternative to the Adam Smith-style innate, voluntary interaction of commerce and enterprise, where buyer and seller both basically agree that the transaction raises both their qualities of life.  That lone alternative transaction is the non-voluntary one of kings, tyrants, and elites, where you give whatever they ask and accept whatever they "pay" (even nothing), with no power to refuse.

The Great 'Splainin' Cometh.  The Woke Democrats of recent times were our Jacobins, and the election of November 5, 2024, marks the kick-off of America's Thermidorian Reaction.  The crazies have been overthrown and our country awaits a restoration of norms in culture and law.  No more sexualizing of children, no more flood of criminal mutts across the US border, no more furtive censorship of public speech, no more creative lawfare, no more women on the battlefield, no more "anti-racist" racism in the workplace, no more intel takeover of everyone's private life... you get the picture. [...] The voters, subject to years of trips laid on them, were eventually able to see through all this induced psychodrama as to how they were being manipulated, and on November 5, they finally revolted.  Their quandary was probably epitomized by the absurdity of watching men in women's sports — spiking volleyballs on the girls' heads, bashing them on the lacrosse field, humiliating them in the swim lanes — and, more to the point, being helpless to do anything about it, because the officials in-charge under "Joe Biden" said it must be, no matter what you think and feel about what you are seeing.

Biden, on His Way Out the Door, Slams Energy Sector With Methane Tax.  Has anyone informed Joe Biden that he's leaving the White House in January?  Plenty of outgoing presidents have indeed taken a few last shots, sometimes literally on their way out the door; that seems to be a favored time for signing pardons, for instance.  But in one such move that's something of a head-scratcher, Joe Biden is imposing a new tax on the oil and gas industry — this one on methane emissions. [...] The fee won't continue to rise, of course, because in January, Lee Zeldin will be taking over the EPA.  Another aspect of this that's a trifle baffling is that even some climate change doomsayers are saying it won't have much effect.

The Editor says...
Joe Biden is a senile old man, and although he's mean enough and petty enough to throw a wrench into the Trump machine, he probably isn't the one who came up with this idea.  Because it sounds exactly like something Barack H. Obama would do — and Obama did leave a bunch of stink bombs for Trump eight years ago.

The Blind Eye.  [Scroll down]  We are also aware of the untruth buried in Kamala's financial plans.  Another of the Commandments tells us not to steal, but what do you call a 25% tax on "unrealized gains?"  Did the DNC think we can't do math?  If you own a million-dollar house and its value goes up to $1,200,000 then, whether you sell it or not, you owe $50,000.  That's theft.  Hasn't rampant inflation robbed us enough?  Aren't taxes already too high?  And we know that old canard about making the rich pay "their fair share" is just hogwash.  We know that:
    The "rich" already pay 95% of the tax burden.
    The corporations merely pass the tax bill on to the consumer.
    Printing more money merely taxes all of us.
Kamala evidently thought she could slip all that past us and ramp up the theft already being perpetrated.

The Fault, Dear Democrats, Is in Yourselves.  The Democratic election postmortem immediately descended into public blame-gaming — as expected. [...] The left cannot fault either a lack of funds; they raised a billion dollars more than Trump.  Leftists also cannot complain about 95 percent favorable media coverage, supposedly worth billions of dollars in free advertising.  They cannot regret that they did not do everything imaginable to destroy the Trump monster — given they had impeached him twice and tried him as a private citizen.  They cooked up the Russian collusion and laptop disinformation hoaxes, raided his home with a SWAT team, and unleashed five criminal and civil suits designed to bankrupt, demonize, and jail him.  They tried to remove him from at least 16 state ballots and daily smeared him as a fascist, dictator, and Hitler — even as two would-be assassins tried to shoot him.  So, we are witnessing the rich Democrat-media fusion blame and fault everything but themselves.

Democrats Are In Deep Trouble.  [Scroll down]  As the dust settles, I think Democrats will realize they are in a deeper hole than they thought. [...] Socialism was never a serious alternative for America; it is a discredited ideology that has been rejected around the world.  And socialism is not a plausible ideology for a party whose core demographic is people who earn over $200,000 a year.

Tariffs, Inflation, and the Donkey that Cried Wolf.  [Scroll down]  Why is it that the Democrats object to the inflationary aspect of tariffs, and they never object to the inflationary effect of anything else they advocate?  Over the past four years, the Democrats have caused the costs of diesel fuel and gasoline to jump by fifty to a hundred percent.  That was inflationary.  Did the Democrats ever apologize for that?  Over the past four years, they also printed hundreds of billions of dollars in fiat money to give to illegal aliens, green energy companies, weapons systems for Ukraine, and big city bailouts through such pork-laden programs as the Inflation Reduction Act.  This was all inflationary, but it didn't stop them.  They fought to close coal plants and spend mints building worthless wind turbines and solar panel farms, producing the least efficient and therefore most expensive energy possible for our overtaxed electric grid.  This increased cost of energy has driven up the cost of manufacturing, the cost of refrigeration, the cost of cooking — everything from foods and beverages to manufactured goods has gone up because of the Biden-Harris war on energy.  That's inflationary.  But that didn't stop the Democrats from advocating such policies, did it?

An Electoral Awakening Worth Celebrating.  [Scroll down]  It seems asinine now, but during the height of the COVID insanity, governments convinced most Westerners that scientific debate was somehow damaging to the advancement of human knowledge.  We were ridiculously close to the imposition of pandemic passports that would have effectively monitored Westerners' movements and speech at all times.  The Biden-Harris regime moved quickly to mandate COVID shots, punish workers who refused, and establish "quarantine" camps for those who resisted.  Totalitarianism returned not with Nazi troops brandishing rifles but with white-coated medical doctors insisting that we relinquish our liberties and obey the scriptures of dogmatic "expertise."  A strange thing happened on the way to tyranny, though.  A lot of people who had previously consented to their own COVID confinement shared a stunning revelation:  governments are much less interested in saving citizens from COVID than they are in using COVID as a pretext for controlling citizens.  It was a monumental shift in social consciousness and another "aha!" advance for the "Great Awakening."

With malice toward all.  In his second inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln told Americans they must have malice toward none and charity toward all. [...] With the re-election of Donald Trump, many Normal Americans of good will are not quite that generous, but are coming close.  We have to be kind toward and accepting of the people who not only called us Nazis, fascists, haters, garbage, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, racist, sexist, every sort of "ist" or "phobe," people who canceled us, tried to bankrupt us, jail us even kill us.  People who threw open the borders knowing the economic havoc it would cause, knowing they were unleashing vicious criminals, and welcoming and funding terrorists.  People who flooded America with drugs and who condemned children and women to sex trafficking.  People who want to abolish the Constitution the better to abolish us.  People who wouid do worse if they could.

The Democrats Have Been Kamalished.  Democrats didn't just lose an election, they lost a political party, the world's oldest.  Founded in 1828, Democrats will sow chaos no more.  The Civil War's perpetrators have finally come undone.  Two factors will contribute to the party's rapid disappearance on the national level.  Without control of the presidency and Congress, many Democrats will retire when their terms end, a process already underway.  Once in the minority, their ability to demand kickbacks vanishes.  The debt crisis immediately ahead means budget cutbacks ad nauseam.  And wholesale price deflation.  Democrats' entire act, since the New Deal, was passing out cash and accumulating debt.  Republicans generally abetted this scam, now over thanks to onerous interest costs.  Take away their credit card, and Democrats offer voters little.

Democrats' final humiliation:  The stock market loves Trump.  Democrats like to pretend that financial markets are politically agnostic, or perhaps are even fellow Democrats.  "After all," they caress themselves lovingly, "Financial people are smart, and smart people vote for us."  This election put the lie to that.  The market rocketed this morning on news of Donald Trump's re-election to the Presidency and the Republican re-take of the Senate.  Ordinary Americans are extraordinary people. [...] They're celebrating America's rejection of wokeism, DEI, identity politics, creeping and galloping socialism, onerous governmental regulation, transexuals in the girls' bathrooms, and semi-somnolent ineptitude.

Marianne Williamson:  The Democratic Elite Should Resign.  People are feeling hopeless out in America now.  In my opinion, Donald Trump offers false hope.  He'll name a pain, but he will not name a policy that's going to fix it.  But people will take false hope over no hope.  And the Democratic Party offered no hope.  Instead of talking about these things, what the Democratic elite did was this:  They just decided on an agenda.  We weren't even supposed to discuss what an agenda might be.  They suppressed a presidential primary.  They felt, in their smug arrogance, such a sense of entitlement:  They would choose Joe, then they would choose Kamala, and they would suppress any candidate or any conversation about the wider issues that could have provided a compelling alternative — a compelling vision — for the American people.

With a True Vote Count, Trump Wins in a Landslide .  Many feel that the November 5 election should rightly be a referendum on corruption and misuse of power, specifically the Biden-Harris abuse of power that may be unparalleled in America's long history.  Consider:
  •   The exposure of massive corruption and compromise of the Biden family — during and after the time Joe Biden served as vice president — including tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments, and notably from entities with connections to America's number one enemy, the CCP.
  •   The adoption of an open border policy that enabled as many as 20 million illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. during the four-year Biden-Harris term, overwhelming our health and education welfare system, escalating the risk of terrorist attack on our soil, and increasing the likelihood of massive election irregularity.
  •   The two-tiered justice system on display in the political prosecution of Donald Trump, the arrest and imprisonment of J6 protestors — many of whom committed no crime — and the instigation of open season lawfare and jail sentences on most everyone on Trump's team from his first term. [...]
  •   The out-of-control deficit spending, money-printing and borrowing, pushes the U.S. ever closer to insolvency and the demise of the dollar, while having the immediate effect of spurring inflation in energy and food prices — with the greatest burden on the poor and lower class, many of whom now find the essentials of everyday living unaffordable.

First, Second, Fourth Amendments Endangered by Kamala Harris.  Vice President Kamala Harris and Democrats claim they are the party of freedom.  In Harris' interview on Club Shay Shay on Monday, she argued that people need to vote for her to preserve the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments, that Trump "wants to terminate the Constitution."  Yet, on the First Amendment, Harris previously called for government "oversight or regulation" of social media to stop what she calls misinformation.  In 2022, her vice-presidential nominee, Gov. Tim Walz, claimed:  "There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech."  On gun ownership, Harris went so far as claiming: "I am in favor of the Second Amendment, I don't believe that we should be taking anyone's guns away."  Reassuring, but Harris' emphatic past support for gun control is consistent and legion.  Let's look at her record.

A Campaign About Nothing.  When objective political scientists write the history of this campaign, what will they say about the Kamala effort?  A Democrat nominee who couldn't think of a single policy she would change from the failed Biden administration.  On the issues that matter most to voters, things like the economy, run-away inflation, the wide open border, or safer streets, she could only remind us that she was raised in a middle-class neighborhood.  Pathetic. [...] In fairness, the Democrat ticket did offer issues where they planted the flag.  Allowing males to pretend to be females so they could dominate women's sports and taxpayer-funded sex-change surgeries (even for illegals in penitentiaries) were two positions that were undebatable.  Throw in tampons in boy's restrooms and COVID snitch lines in Minnesota for good measure, and you have a rather unattractive issue offering for middle America.  They never backed down on their commitment to totally unrestricted abortion.  Federalizing the late-term butchering of the unborn in all 50 states would have been job one in a Harris administration.  Beyond that, it was pretty thin gruel.

Biden's Student Loan 'Forgiveness' Wack-A-Mole, v. 4.0.  Past is prologue when it comes to the student loan policy of progressive grandees.  Hoping to hear an adoring public applaud one last time, the Biden-Harris administration released a fourth round of rules canceling student loan debt on Oct. 25.  First came the mammoth $430 billion plan birthed before the '22 midterms that made the student loans of 40 million borrowers eligible for cancellation.  That died the following spring at the Supreme Court only to be succeeded by the "Saving on a Valuable Education" plan, which drastically reduced the income borrowers must contribute toward repaying their loans at an estimated 10-year cost of $475 billion.

Kamala Harris and Democrats will pack the Supreme Court if they win.  In 2016, countless conservatives skeptical of Donald Trump voted for him anyway because the future of the Supreme Court was on the ballot.  Now that concern is even more pressing. [...] At her CNN town hall, Kamala Harris was asked if she supported packing the Supreme Court with multiple additional justices in order to change its ideological composition.  She declined to dismiss the idea.  Instead, she ominously said, "I do believe there should be some kind of reform of the court, and we can study what that actually looks like."  Her vague answer is the constitutional equivalent of then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) quip about ObamaCare that "[w]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."  When it comes to our Constitution, Americans deserve more than talking points.  We cannot afford to wait and find out what Kamala Harris's plan is for the Supreme Court.  The only way to be sure the court will continue in its current form is to reelect Trump and a Republican majority in the Senate.  For the past four years, Democrats have been laying the groundwork to pack the court.  If they win the Senate, House and White House, they will do it.

Identify as black, and never pay it back.
Kamala's Last-Ditch Pitch To Black Men Is A Dream For Scammers, Fraudsters.  Vice President Kamala Harris's plan to offer $20,000 in forgivable loans to minority entrepreneurs is a golden opportunity for scammers and fraudsters, experts told the Daily Caller. [...] The loans would be in partnership with the Small Business Administration (SBA), which also oversaw the administration of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a COVID-era program meant to give small businesses resources "to maintain their payroll, hire back employees who may have been laid off, and cover applicable overhead."  That program, however, was the target of a sprawling fraud scheme which was "the single largest transfer of money to criminal groups in our history," Haywood Talcove, the CEO of LexisNexis Risk Solutions Government, told the Daily Caller.  The rate of fraud under COVID-era payment plans like PPP was "conservatively 20 percent" and "probably closer to 35 percent," Talcove told the Caller.

The Editor says...
If anyone can "identify" as black, anyone can get a $20,000 "forgivable loan" and spend the money.  But free stuff isn't free:  the taxpayers pay for it.  If the government just prints money and gives it away, the rest of us pay for it through inflation.

10 Reasons Not to Vote for Kamala Harris.  First, her administration's reckless borrowing and spending brought us the worst inflation of the last 40 years, and added $7.9 trillion to the national debt.  That inflation has wreaked havoc over everyday Americans and their attitudes toward the economy — so much so that a survey released earlier this summer reveals that two-thirds of Americans say they are "falling behind due to the high cost of living," and a more recent survey shows that almost two-thirds of the registered voters surveyed believe the country is on the wrong track.  Second, and worse, Harris refuses to acknowledge that it was her administration's actions that caused inflation, and instead chooses to blame "corporate greed".  Her failure to acknowledge responsibility is troubling on two fronts — first, because it indicates she will not or cannot accept criticism, and, second, because if the diagnosis of the problem is wrong, the proposed solution is virtually guaranteed to be wrong.  Third, and even worse than that, Harris's solution to inflation is Soviet-style price controls.

King Biden and Queen Harris Overrule Supreme Court on Student Debt Forgiveness.  Please recall that when Harris was asked what she would have done differently than Biden, she could not come up with a single thing.  She supports Biden's energy policy to ban gasoline engines, Biden's immigration policy, the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare for All, and student loan forgiveness.  She lied about supporting fracking, backed off that, and now the lie is back on again.

Kamala's Inane Talking Points.  First, voters see the election as a conflict of two absolutely antithetical visions.  On the one hand, is the prior Trump 2017-20 concrete record: border security, no major wars abroad, calm in the Middle East, a deterred Russia, Iran, and China, low inflation, low interest rates, lower crime, lower taxes, strong deterrent military — and opposition to mandatory electric vehicle mandates, biological males competing in women's sports, and the woke/DEI agenda.  On the other hand, is the Biden-Harris 2021-2024 record: the unchecked entry of 12-20 million illegal aliens and a destroyed border.  People still struggle under Biden-Harris's earlier hyperinflation and high interest rates.  The horrific regional wars in Ukraine and the Middle East continue.  Biden-Harris embraces the unpopular DEI/Woke agenda.  Harris herself knows that the Biden-Harris years were a failure.  That is why she has shed almost all of their hard left-wing agendas — policies she has embraced for much of her adult life.  So suddenly, in the last 90 or so days, Harris has completely flipped and flopped.

Kamala Vows to Destroy the Supreme Court.  Speaking during a town hall with CNN Wednesday night, Vice President Kamala Harris entertained a court packing scheme that would destroy the U.S. Supreme Court should she be elected president in November.  [Advertisement]  "I do believe there should be some kind of reform to the Court," Harris said when asked if she would support expanding the Supreme Court to 12 justices.  [Tweet with video clip]  Harris falsely claimed the "American people" are losing confidence in the Supreme Court.  Reality proves it's Democrats who continue to undermine decisions that don't fall in line with their political goals.  [Tweet]  [Tweet with video clip]  Court watchers are pushing back on Harris' radical positions.  [Tweet with video clip]  [Advertisement]  [Two more tweets with video clips]  Further, Harris vowed to get rid of the Senate filibuster to push through a Democrat agenda.  [Tweet with video clip]

Here's the Telemundo Question That Tripped Up Kamala.  The woman cannot maneuver without a script.  Even then, she must know the pre-scripted answers aren't much of anything when the interview becomes more of a back-and-forth, which often happens.  The vice president cannot go off script, nor can she think quickly on her feet, devolving into a total mess, which eventually leads to her saying the quiet part out loud.  Kamala Harris sat down with Telemundo, where the Spanish-speaking outlet asked about immigration.  It's a top issue, one where she and Joe Biden's fingerprints are all over the failed policies that led to a massive invasion of illegals over the past four years.  Harris was asked about her immigration plan, specifically why Democrats are mum on the subject, which is self-explanatory, which led to this epic bumbling that again highlighted why this woman is unqualified.  She finally blurts out what she stands for — which is mass amnesty:  [Video clip]  [Tweet with video clip]

Is Kamala Harris a Marxist?  There has been a lot of analysis and commentary about last month's presidential debate, regarding everything from the ABC moderators' selective fact-checking to Harris's statement that she is a gun owner to Trump's reference to reports that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating dogs and cats.  Also remarkable was Trump's assertion that "[Harris] is a Marxist.  Everyone knows she's a Marxist.  Her father is a Marxist professor in economics.  And he educated her well."  But perhaps the most significant — and almost universally overlooked — aspect of the debate was something that did not happen:  Kamala Harris did not deny that she's a Marxist.  Moreover, she still has not denied she is a Marxist.

2024: Voting by Facts, Not Feelings.  Americans don't need to speculate what a presidency under Harris would be like, since Harris stated that there is nothing she would have changed regarding policies during President Biden's presidency.  Hence, Americans can expect at least 10 to 20 million more illegal aliens crossing over the border, receiving free benefits at taxpayer expense.  Four hundred thousand more American deaths due to Fentanyl overdoses.  Higher crime rates, including rape and murder, and higher food and gas prices, with young, hardworking Americans unable to afford a home.  Putting feelings aside, Trump had a significantly more robust economy and a more vigorous and secure southern border.  Americans had more spending money and were safer under Trump.

Kamala Harris Dangles Weed Before Black Men.  These are desperate times for Kamala Harris, the proof of which is demonstrable in Harris's actions.  The Harris campaign desperately wants to change the subject, so we have witnessed a series of unusual ploys. [...] In addition to the legalization of marijuana Harris proposed the following for African Americans:
  •   1 million fully forgivable loans of up to $20,000 for black entrepreneurs and others to start businesses
  •   A plan to come up with rules for cryptocurrency and other digital assets; more than 20% of black Americans own or have owned cryptocurrency assets
  •   Invest more in black male teachers, promote registered apprenticeships and credentialing opportunities in black communities, and invest in leadership training and mentorship programs like My Brother's Keeper
  •   A National Health Equity Initiative focused on black men that addresses health challenges that disproportionately affect them.
There are many problems with the above proposals.  Firstly, they discriminate on a racial basis.  If the government wants to assist citizens, it should be on an economic or perhaps disabilities but not racial basis.  Much like reparations and loan waivers, it is the equivalent of bribing voters, i.e. buying votes.

Voter Fraud:  The Only Issue That Matters in 2024.  Clearly, the only thing Democrats have cared about for the past hundred years is winning elections at any cost, the better to inflict their strangulating socialist/communist and now Islamist style of government on the American people.  And in the past four years in particular, they've been maniacally obsessed with lodging phony lawsuits against President Trump in order to ensure that he is not re-elected, even if the perpetual sore losers of the left have to buy the guns they say they hate in order to assassinate him.  Why?  Because the business mogul and non-politician Citizen Trump won the 2016 election by exposing the following:
  •   "The swamp's" systemic lawlessness, corruption, and treason.
  •   The Democrats' America-Last policies.
  •   The leftist bias of the bought-and-paid-for media whores.
  •   The Democrat racism that has kept blacks uneducated, impoverished, and imprisoned for decades on end because of the welfare system they created that promises food, housing, education, medical care, etc. to women and says they can have as many children as they desire, with only one ironclad rule:  if you get married, you lose all benefits!  Hence, tragically, the decades of broken families.
  •   The horrific trade deals that benefited foreign nations but not America. [...]

Kamala Harris's recreational pot pledge.  The "Gateway Hypothesis" — is the correct idea that marijuana is often an early gateway towards the future use of harder drugs by a middle school or high-school-aged person.  It too often turns out to be true and not a mere hypothesis.  Marijuana use is very destructive to the treatment process for persons with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Major Depression.  Marijuana's effects make it difficult or impossible for a psychiatric or mental health clinician to assess the therapeutic effects or side effects of psychiatric medications.  The thought derailment or a false sense of security that pot causes renders psychotherapy communication and counselling difficult or ineffective.

Joy Reid Displays the Absolute Insanity We're Up Against.  At some point, the hippies in the '60s learned that if they took a bath and put on nicer looking clothes, then people would think their insane ramblings actually had some intellectual weight to them.  They wormed their way into universities and media, pushing government reforms and slowly but surely injecting leftist radicalism into the government.  Now, we have open socialists winning seats in government, a socialist healthcare system, and a legitimate communist as the chosen and installed candidate for the Democrat Party's attempt at the White House.  Despite the fact that these policies they enact keep failing, people keep electing them. [...] They truly believe that the answer to achieving the Utopia the left is always trying to get to is simply arrived at by rejecting and denigrating the opposition.  If you listen to them talk, that's truly all they have to go on.

Report: Kamala Harris Would Import 12.3 Million Migrants.  President Kamala Harris could import almost four million migrants in 2025 — and 12.3 million migrants during her four years — by continuing President Joe Biden's policies, according to a report by pro-migration advocates.  The huge and disruptive inflow of migrants, however, will only raise annual economic growth by one cent for every $10, says the report by the business-funded Brookings Institution. [...] A 2025 inflow of 3.7 million legal, illegal, quasi-legal, and temporary migrants would deliver one migrant for every American birth.  So far, the Harris campaign has signaled she will continue the high-migration policies set by Biden.

The Kamala Harris (So-Called) Plan.  Kamala Harris runs commercials that identify her plans for the economy.  The United States has experienced high inflation caused by the government printing press during the Biden-Harris years.  Her solutions include a mix of scapegoating and even more federal spending.  (1) These plans include "going after price-gougers."  Harris and her handlers do not acknowledge the government printing press as the cause of inflation. [...] Harris has not explained what she would do to these "price-gougers."  If she provided such a detailed explanation, the obvious question would be why the administration has not already done this in the past four years.  (2) Kamala Harris has promised to crack down on landlords who charge "too much" for rent.  The obvious question would be how much is too much. [...] (3) Harris promises to solve the problem of skyrocketing housing prices by causing the federal government to build more homes. [...] The government would be entering a race to build houses before the government printing press could raise prices yet again by flooding the economy with dollars.  The printing press will always win that race, because the printing press will pay for the houses that Kamala proposes to build.

Harris Says She's Open to Reparations: 'It Has to Be Studied, There's No Question'.  Vice President Kamala Harris expressed openness to reparations during a Tuesday interview [...].  Sixty-eight percent of Americans oppose reparations, a Pew Research poll found in 2022.  [Advertisement]  "It has to be studied, there's no question about that, and I've been very clear about that position," Harris told the radio host:  [Advertisement]  ["]In terms of my immediate plan, I will tell you a few of the following one as it relates to the economy, which is a lot of what you have addressed.  Look, I grew up in the middle class.  My mother, you know, worked hard, raised me and my sister, and by the time I was in high school, she was able to afford our first home.  I know what it means for an individual and a family to have homeownership.["]  Harris, who hails from California, previously pledged to force taxpayers to pay "reparations for descendants of Africans enslaved" many times.  While running for president in 2020, she told Reverend Al Sharpton, an MNSBC host and activist, that she would sign a reparations bill if she became president.

The Editor says...
Whether Harris's mother had a hard time raising her kids or buying a house has nothing to do with reparations for slavery.  Whenever a lying socialist Democrat is asked a question and immediately changes the subject, it means they know they've lost the argument.

Harris plans to legalize recreational marijuana and create 'forgivable' loans in bid to get black men out to vote.  Kamala Harris has launched a series of measures to shore up the votes of black men amid fears they may not turn out for her on Election Day.  It comes as polls showed her level of support among black men lower than that of Joe Biden in 2020 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.  A New York Times poll last week showed 70 percent of black male voters backing Harris, and 20 percent Donald Trump.  Harris' figure was significantly down from the 85 percent who backed Joe Biden in 2020.  In a stark intervention last week Barack Obama urged black men to vote for the Democratic nominee.

This Is Kamala's Plan on How to Win Back Black Men.  Last week former President Barack Obama sounded the alarm about losing the 2024 election against former president Donald Trump and berated black voters, specifically men, for failing to support Vice President Kamala Harris' bid for the White House.  [Tweet]  The Democratic Party is panicking and today, Harris released a new agenda specifically targeted for black male voters.  It includes the following:
  [#1]   Providing 1 million loans that are fully forgivable to Black entrepreneurs and others to start a business.
  [#2]   Championing education, training, and mentorship programs that help Black men get good-paying jobs in high-demand industries and lead their communities, including pathways to become teachers.
  [#3]   Supporting a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency and other digital assets so Black men who invest in and own these assets are protected.
  [#4]   Launching a National Health Equity Initiative focused on Black Men [...]
  [#5]   Legalizing recreational marijuana and creating opportunities for Black Americans to succeed in this new industry.

The Editor says...
[#1] Providing taxpayer-funded benefits exclusively to black men is not the proper role of government, to say the least.  It is reverse discrimination.  [#2] A "fully forgivable" loan is just a handout.  Calling it a loan doesn't fool anybody.  [#3] Subsidizing recreational marijuana will not benefit this country in any way.  There is already far too much recreation going on, and not enough work.  Encouraging the use of marijuana is just a way to make the black men more docile.  [#4] We're not living in 1949.  Black men already have opportunities to succeed, start a business, or invest in Bitcoin, just like anybody else.

Next-Level Vote-Buying:  Harris Promises Black Men $20k 'Forgivable Loans'.  On track to post Democrats' worst presidential-election performance with blacks in 64 years, a desperate Kamala Harris smashed the vote-buying button on Monday, proposing an "Opportunity Agenda" for black men that includes dishing out one million "forgivable loans" at $20,000 each.  The loans would be offered to black entrepreneurs "in partnership with trusted organizations like mission-driven lenders and banks with a proven commitment to their communities," the Harris-Walz campaign said.  If these "forgivable loans" are anything like the ones dished out to businesses during the madness of Covid stimulus, they'll be loans in name only — meaning this is just a blatant wealth redistribution scheme aimed at buying black votes.

Kamala Harris's Racially Patronizing Agenda.  Kamala Harris's so-called "Opportunity Agenda for Black Men" is not just misguided — it's the epitome of the soft bigotry of low expectations.  It stands as a stark reminder of why Harris's policies are detrimental not only for Black Americans but for the very fabric of American society.  Her patronizing proposals reek of a condescending mindset that views Black men as incapable of success without the omnipresent hand of the government leading them by the nose, their ambitions shackled to the whims of state bureaucrats.  If you want a future where Black men are seen not as individuals, but as perpetual victims needing special allowances, then Kamala Harris is your candidate.  But for those who believe in equality of opportunity, who trust in the American spirit, Harris's proposals are nothing short of an insult to both intelligence and integrity.

The Strange, Mythological Campaign of Kamala Harris.  Harris as vice president in a 50/50 Senate has proven the decisive passing vote on more deadlocked bills than any other vice president in history — all thirty-three of them proudly progressive legislation.  She has done more to ensure left-wing government at the national level than any prior vice president.  [Advertisement]  Indeed, Harris, as both a California state official and its senator, and as vice president, has for some thirty years championed almost every issue dear to the left — Medicare for all, an end to private health care plans, banning fracking, mandatory EV requirements, unrestricted abortion, wealth taxes, income and inheritance tax hikes, defense cuts, price controls, open borders, ending the border patrol, stopping all deportations, opposition to a border wall, mass amnesties, free transition surgeries for illegal aliens, and mandatory buyback of semi-automatic firearms.  In most of these cases, Harris not only voiced support but did so proudly and emphatically in front of hard-left constituencies.  She has declared that she is a radical and woke.

The Culmination of Barack Obama's Plan "To Fundamentally Transform the United States of America" Into a Communist State.  Obama has had his fellow Communist allies register millions of the 18 million Illegal Aliens as possible, that the "Obama Open Border Policy" allowed to invade the US through the wide-open US borders over the last four years, so they can vote for Comrade Kamala Harris in the November 5, 2024, Presidential Election.  They will also execute their four-year plan to electronically initiate Voter Fraud on election night, to steal the 2024 Presidential Election from President Donald J. Trump by changing his vote totals, as they electronically stole the 2020 Presidential Election from President Donald J. Trump.  The Socialist Democrat Party has been misleading American Citizens over the last four years about their Progressive policies, attempting to convince the American electorate, that they only want to install an insignificant number of Socialist Policies in the US Government Bureaucracy (over the last 125 years, Socialist Policies have never worked in any government).  What they have been hiding from American Citizens is that Socialism is the "Short-Lived" waystation, on the way to Barack Obama's and Comrade Kamala Harris' final goal, their plan to change the US Constitutional Republic into an oppressive and freedom killing dictatorial Communist Government.

Walz Reveals the Harris Campaign's Solution for the Illegal Immigration Crisis.  At a rally in Arizona this week, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who is Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate, said that he supports mass amnesty for illegal aliens.  There are tens of millions of illegals who live in the United States who crossed illegally in border states, like Arizona.  "This is what you want and this is what we know.  To enact an earned pathway to citizenship to those who've lived in this country for years," Walz said at the rally as the audience cheered.  "This issue should not divide us, it should unite us," he added.  [Tweet with video clip]

Presidential Race Is Not Actually About Issues.  Harris doesn't talk about the issues because the issues don't matter much to college grads.  I know that sounds odd, given that we tend to (wrongly) associate education with intellectual interest, but in modern America, college grads care more about social signaling than economics.  They are, generally speaking, more insulated from social discord, economic chaos, crime, and the issues associated with border chaos.  The people hurt by Harris' policies tend to be more sensitive to these issues because of where they live, what they do for a living, and their need to pay close attention to bread-and-butter issues.

The U.S. government [is] now effectively a criminal organization.  From spreading lies, pressuring social media outlets, changing election law and procedure, and using unprecedented lawfare on its political opponents — and worse — the government as constituted by today's Democrats will do anything to retain and enhance its power.  It will pay any bribe, utilize any lie, cause any hardship, support any leftist, and oppose any political foe ... in order to assure the survival and the success of ... the government as constituted by today's Democrats.

Ackman: 33 Ways Kamala Harris Could Be Construed As A Domestic Enemy.  While the 33 actions I describe below are those of the Democratic Party and the Biden/Harris administration, they are also the actions and policies that unfortunately our most aggressive adversaries would likely implement if they wanted to destroy America from within, and had the ability to take control of our leadership.  These are the 33:
  [#1]   open the borders to millions of immigrants who were not screened for their risk to the country, dumping them into communities where the new immigrants overwhelm existing communities and the infrastructure to support the new entrants, at the expense of the historic residents,
  [#2]   introduce economic policies and massively increase spending without regard to their impact on inflation and the consequences for low-income Americans and the increase in our deficit and national debt, [...]
  [#5]   modify the bail system so that violent criminals are released without bail,
  [#6]   destroy our street retailers and communities and promote lawlessness by making shoplifting (except above large thresholds) no longer a criminal offense,
  [#7]   limit and/or attempt to limit or ban fracking and LNG so that U.S. energy costs increase substantially and the U.S. loses its energy independence,
  [#8]   promote DEI ideologies that award jobs, awards, and university admissions on the basis of race, sexual identity and gender criteria, [...]

Kamala Harris Is Poised To Revive The Worst Aspects Of FDR's Socialist Agenda.  At the Economic Club of Pittsburgh, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris recently said she would "engage in what Franklin Roosevelt called 'bold, persistent experimentation,'" as he had told the 1932 graduating class at Oglethorpe University.  But she did not mention FDR's vision of "remaking the world," which included fundamentally changing "our popular economic thought" to see to "a wiser, more equitable distribution of the national income."  Instead, she said she would seek "practical solutions" and even declared, "I am a capitalist."  She said she's "been working with entrepreneurs and business owners" for her "whole career."  (No one has yet even been able to verify Harris' job at McDonald's.)  She also professed her belief in "an active partnership between government and the private sector," sounding much like FDR at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco in September 1932.

Tim Walz Says the 'Electoral College Needs to Go'.  Minnesota governor Tim Walz on Tuesday reiterated his support for abolishing the Electoral College and switching to a national popular vote as the sole means of electing presidents and their running mates.  While campaigning for Vice President Kamala Harris on the West Coast, Walz suggested at two different fundraisers that he would prefer to focus on winning votes across the country rather than concentrate on key battleground states that could sway the upcoming presidential election as they have done in the past.  "I think all of us know the Electoral College needs to go.  We need, we need national popular vote, but that's not the world we live in," the Democratic vice-presidential nominee told donors in California governor Gavin Newsom's Sacramento home.  "So we need to win Beaver County, Pennsylvania.  We need to be able to go into York, Pennsylvania, win.  We need to be in western Wisconsin and win.  We need to be in Reno, Nevada, and win."

Tim Walz Kneecaps the Campaign Again With New Comments About Electoral College.  How many times have we heard the lie from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, as well as Democrats and media, that former President Donald Trump is somehow a "threat to democracy" or a threat to the Constitution?  [Advertisement]  Indeed, Harris lied about Trump again during the bizarre interview with Howard Stern, where she, perhaps the weakest presidential candidate we have yet to see, also claimed that Trump was too weak to stand for the American people.  The guy who was shot in the ear and stood up, in the face of possible bullets, for the people.  It isn't Trump using lawfare against political opponents, trying to get them kicked off ballots, censor speech, or undermine the Supreme Court.  If one becomes president or vice president, you have to swear to uphold the Constitution.  But while Kamala's Stern interview was airing on Tuesday, guess what her running mate was doing on the same day?  Calling for the end of the Electoral College.

Harris Cannot Stop Lying, Reverts Back to 'The Rich Don't Pay Their Fair Share' Canard.  The constant, pernicious lie the left continues to repeat is that "The rich don't pay their fair share" in taxes.  Kamala Harris repeated that lie in her recent "60 Minutes" interview.  She said:  "Well, one thing... I'm going to make sure that the richest among us, who can afford it, pay their fair share in taxes.  It is not right that teachers and nurses and firefighters are paying a higher tax rate than billionaires and the biggest corporations.  And I plan on making that fair."  Kamala, in particular, and the left, in general, love to repeat that lie, and when confronted, they use an apples are oranges deflection, claiming they are really referring to capital gains taxes, not earned income.  But we all know that they are gaslighting.  They want the uninformed (the majority of their base) to think that millionaires and billionaires are somehow in a lower tax bracket.  Of course, that is a lie.  Their lie is growing long in the tooth.

The Editor says...
The socialist Democrat platform seems to be replete with half-baked ideas:  Making taxes "fair."  Eliminating bad weather.  Electric cars powered by solar panels.  Everybody's a winner.  The real world will not comply with this nonsense, so don't waste your vote on it.

Kamala Harris' $500B home care election bribe and her faulty math.  Appearing on ABC's "The View" Tuesday, Kamala Harris proposed "a historic new Medicare at Home benefit" to "cover home care for the first time."  The cost of such a benefit could reach $500 billion per year (almost $4,000 per American household).  But the Harris campaign implausibly claims that it could be funded merely by cutting Medicare payments for drugs.  As people age, they increasingly need assistance with basic chores like bathing, eating, dressing, or using the bathroom; 40% of Americans aged 85 and older need such help — and their number is expected to double by 2040. Most of this care is currently provided by relatives.  But as seniors are increasingly divorced, childless, or living far from their kids, the need for formal assistance is growing.  This can be enormously expensive: the median cost of a home health aide is $33 per hour.

Also posted under Using handouts to buy votes.

Postbellum, not Antebellum. This election will be rigged, is being rigged as citizens wait to vote, so we know, or should know, by history, what electing Kamala Harris would be:  an end to the old republic and in much more heinous and terrible ways than ever before.  She has made it clear that ending the constitutional protections of the individual is her goal and by winning the election she would have a mandate to do so.  As the Vice President, however ungainly obtained, she would be able to move into the Oval Office immediately, retain all secretaries in their positions and proceed with the rape of the nation apace.

How does the Left do it?  The Left repeatedly demonstrates through its words and actions how much they despise the country and her citizens, even their own constituents.  And yet some people still support them. [...] They tell you they're going to raise your taxes.  They tell you they're going to continue to flood the country with vast numbers of illegal immigrants who siphon off taxpayer-funded resources and rob, assault, and murder Americans.  They tell you they're supporting radical Islamists who are threatening to nuke Israel, Europe, and America.  They demonstrate how they're censoring your speech. [...] They brag about sending millions of dollars overseas while Americans suffer from catastrophic storms.  They also brag about replacing American voters with immigrants who are more likely to support them.  They tell you that they support taxpayer-funded sex changes for convicted criminals and illegal immigrants[.]  They tell you that parents should not have influence over what their children are taught in school.  They show you they consider Catholics to be domestic terrorists by placing agents and informants in churches.  They pass laws prohibiting schools from informing parents of their children's "gender transition[.]"  They boast about forcing Americans into expensive, inefficient, dirty, and dangerous electric vehicles that most of us can't afford and don't want.

Censorship Is THE Biggest Issue in This Election.  There is a lot at stake in this election cycle, as you all know.  But in my mind, the make-or-break issue is protecting the First Amendment and, by extension, the Constitution and our freedoms.  Yes, the border matters immensely.  Yes, the US is embroiled in wars abroad that should never have broken out.  But without freedom of speech and the ability to break the near monopoly on information distribution, our country will be gone.  We won't even have a fighting chance.  Before you say, "the Supreme Court will save us," recall that the Democrats have been agitating to expand the Court and pack it with leftists.

Did She Really Just Say That?: Hillary Clinton Lets the Cat Out of Bag on Dems and Controlling Speech.  One of the things that Elon Musk just warned about at former President Donald Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, was the danger that the Democrats posed to free speech and how important it was to vote for Trump to preserve our Constitutional rights.  [Advertisement]  Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton let the cat out of the bag during an interview with CNN on Saturday, where she spoke about the need to control social media.  She said it should be "at the top" of every legislative agenda:  [Tweet with video clip, partial transcipt]  "We lose total control."  That's the real problem to them right there, that's why Democrats are so upset.  Yes, that's the point of the First Amendment — the government is not supposed to be in "control" of the speech of the people.  Sounds pretty fascistic to me.  People can now see and hear the truth without having it be filtered through liberal media organs.  We can now know when the media is lying to us.

Karine Jean-Pierre leaves briefing after Doocy questions Lebanon funding during hurricane season.  White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre got into a heated exchange with Fox News Channel's Peter Doocy over the White House sending aid to Lebanon during the hurricane season, which has had devastating effects on North Carolina.  Harris pledged Saturday to send $157 million of "additional assistance" to Lebanon while Israel attacks Hezbollah infrastructure and targets in the country.  Harris argued the country was "facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation."  Doocy asked Jean-Pierre why the Biden administration was soliciting congressional input before sending disaster loan funds to North Carolina, but not to send the slush funds to a foreign country.

The Editor says...
Peter Doocy is the only reporter at the White House who actually does his job.  That's why they hate him.

Kamala Harris and the 'Fair Share'.  A PAC supporting Kamala Harris runs an ad that features Harris making the following impassioned statement, "We are helping dig families out of debt by telling billionaires to pay their fair share!"  The commercial presents this exclamation as Harris' "reason for running" for office, but does not explain what it means.  Some of the audience tries to guess what this statement means while Harris' supporters do not care and will vote for her regardless of what she says.  Those who care to understand must speculate for an explanation.  To whom will "billionaires" pay this undefined "fair share?"  We can guess that she is talking about paying taxes.  She does not explain how billionaires paying more taxes will help dig families out of debt.

The Editor says...
"Dig[ging] families out of debt" is not the proper role of government, and was never seen as such until very recently — and even then, only by politicians.

Blocked Again:  Federal Judge Halts Biden Student Loan Forgiveness.  A day after a previous judge's block of President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness program expired, a federal judge in Missouri has blocked it again.  U.S. District Judge Matthew Schelp, who was appointed by then-President Donald Trump, issued the latest preliminary injunction against Biden's relief plan, once again blocking the U.S. Department of Education from forgiving student loan debt at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. [...] The case was redirected to the Missouri court after a Georgia court decided it lacked standing in the case.

Vance is right.  Harris and Walz are a threat to Americans' free speech.  In the vice presidential debate Tuesday, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz pulled the fire alarm.  His opponent, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, cited the massive system of censorship supported by Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate.  Walz proceeded to quote the line from a 1919 case in which Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said you do not have the right to falsely yell fire in a crowded theater.  It is the favorite mantra of the anti-free speech movement.  It also is fundamentally wrong.

If Kamala Has Such Great Plans, Why Hasn't She Implemented Them?  Minnesota Democrat Gov. Tim Walz spent an awful lot of time during Tuesday's vice presidential debate talking about what he and Kamala Harris would do on "day one" and beyond if Americans (and Big Tech oligarchs) elect them this November.  The problem?  As Sen. J.D Vance, R-Ohio, pointed out, Kamala Harris' "day one" was nearly 1,400 days ago.  If Harris wants to help struggling Americans, why hasn't she?  She does hold the second-highest office in the land, after all.  "If Kamala Harris has such great plans for how to address middle-class problems, then she ought to do them now, not when asking for a promotion, but in the job the American people gave her three and a half years ago," Vance said.  "And the fact that she isn't tells you a lot about how much you can trust her actual plans."  Vance is right.  It's the exact same tack Harris took while campaigning for her current vice presidency too.  Then-Sen. Kamala Harris talked about all the lawmaking priorities she would pursue if elected to the executive branch — as if she weren't then occupying the legislature.

US: In Danger of Losing Freedom of Speech, Replaced by Politburo.  Some politicians in the US are itching to take away your free speech rights and, given the chance, if they get enough votes, they will.  How do we know?  Because they tell us that they will.  Last week, at a World Economic Forum (WEF) panel on climate, former US Secretary of State and Biden-Harris administration climate envoy John Kerry complained that the First Amendment prevents the US government from shutting down what it deems to be "disinformation" on social media, which makes it more difficult to "hammer disinformation out of existence... particularly in democracies," he lamented.  What he does not mention of course is who decides what is "disinformation," or if it is just whatever the current government wants the public to think.  What comes immediately to mind are government narratives such as the Russia collusion hoax, that Covid-19 was transmitted by bats, or that Hinter Biden's laptop, according to no fewer than 51 former intelligence officials, was "disinformation."  All those allegations of disinformation, we now know, were themselves disinformation.

The DOE Is Stonewalling On Residential Energy Costs And Its Electrify Everything Push.  In 2022, the Biden administration held an "electrification summit" at the White House.  The goal of the meeting, which included top White House officials, as well as leaders of various NGOs, including the American Federation of Teachers, Greenlining Institute, and Rewiring America — a dark-money outfit whose goal is to "electrify everything for everyone" — was to create a "strategy to accelerate affordable, equitable, and efficient electrification of American homes, businesses, and transportation."  The same day of the summit, the White House published a "rapid innovation agenda" that touted President Biden's goal of "a carbon pollution-free electricity grid by 2035, and to reach net-zero GHG emissions no later than 2050."  It declared that by "electrifying our homes, businesses, industry, and transportation, the United States can get more than halfway to our goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050."  It also claimed that electrifying everything would "lower energy costs."  That meeting is only one example of the administration's push to electrify everything.

Tim Walz Endorsed Censorship In Front Of Millions Of Americans And No One Cares.  The most important exchange in Tuesday's vice presidential debate has been almost entirely ignored by the corporate media.  Not surprisingly, that's because it makes Walz look like an authoritarian and a fool in one fell swoop:  [Transcript]  Ok, let's unpack what happened here.  Walz challenged Vance on Trump's questioning of the 2020 election results and Jan. 6, and Vance countered by saying that if Walz and his running mate, Kamala Harris, were so concerned about the fate of democracy they wouldn't be so adamantly pro-censorship.  Specifically, Walz has previously said, quite incorrectly from any legal or moral standpoint, that there's no First Amendment right to "misinformation."  Walz interjects to, near as I can tell, try and clarify that he was also talking about limiting "threatening" words or "hate speech."  Interestingly, I looked at multiple debate transcriptions, and none of them had this quite audible interjection included — though the first word or two is hard to discern, the part about "threatening or hate speech" is quite clear.  In any event, to the extent that Walz is trying to defend himself he's doing an awful job.

The left is going to war on the First Amendment.  In the last 48 hours, two extraordinary videos have arrived on X.  The first features John Kerry, the Democratic candidate for President in 2004.  The second is of Bill Gates, the world's fifth-richest man and, with George Soros, its top left-leaning charity funder.  Kerry's video runs a mere two minutes.  Gates's lasts barely 30 seconds.  And both should terrify anyone who believes in free speech.  Both reveal that the top of the American left now explicitly rejects the First Amendment.

Did You Notice That a Huge Kamala-Biden 2024 Narrative Got Obliterated Today?  What's the main argument you hear from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or any surrogate:  it was chaos under Donald Trump?  That's one of the go-to lines that has been shouted incessantly, yet no one cares.  Kamala Harris isn't pulling away, and she's projected to be the worst-performing Democrat ever among union and working-class voters.  The economic message isn't resonating, likely because voters aren't stupid; her domestic plan is a carbon copy of Joe Biden's.  Kamala is the incumbent.  She cannot run away from it.  But we're engulfed in a mess right now, and the Kamala-Joe duo is asleep at the switch.

Walz Dismissal Of Springfield Immigration Crisis Signals Four More Years Of Open Borders If Harris Wins.  Minnesota Democrat Gov. Tim Walz dismissed the immigration crisis overwhelming the blue-collar town of Springfield, Ohio, Tuesday as tens of thousands of Haitians have descended on the dilapidated community of roughly 60,000.  After complaining about congressional Republicans killing a catastrophic bill that would have codified an open border, Walz went on to admonish former President Donald Trump and Sen. J.D. Vance for "creating stories" about the "large number of people who were here legally in Springfield."  "This is what happens when you don't want to solve it," Walz said, as if passing a bill to grant amnesty for all with 5,000 crossings permitted on a daily basis were solving anything.

Now is not the time to take one for the team.  Four years ago, Americans elected an elitest Washington politician and vastly overrated man to lead the most powerful country in the world — theirs. [...] "It will all sort itself out," was the liberal consensus, that was, until he showed us all just how clueless he was when it came to America's energy independence, our border security, our economy and foreign affairs challenges.  Keystone XL pipeline?  Cancelled.  Southern border with Mexico?  Keep it wide open.  The economy?  Force electric cars, busses and trucks on Americans; ignore runaway inflation; threaten job creators with new corporate taxes; and lock the country down, citing a national health emergency.  And on the foreign policy side?  Re-enter the Paris climate accords that did nothing to stem the pollution from China and India.  Then exit Afghanistan in the worst U.S. military fiasco in modern memory.  Add to that his insistence on end-running the Supreme Court with ridiculous schemes like declaring amnesty for student loan debt and threatening to ignore the court's ruling on the Roe v. Wade [...]

What conspiracy theories?
It's All True.  In case you missed it, global governance was instituted on 13 September 2024, through something called the Pact for the Future.  Remember the Global Citizen Digital ID conspiracy theory?  It's in there.  Remember the WHO pandemic treaty surrendering all national sovereignty in the event of a "health emergency"?  It's in there.  Remember how the radical-right fringe wingnuts have been saying the schools are nothing but indoctrination centers?  You ain't seen nothing yet, and it's in there, too. [...] The Pact for the Future is clearly a desperate, last-ditch blueprint concocted by cowardly world leaders scrambling to patch up the bleeding cracks of a crumbling planetary control system.  The mewling "leaders" dream big here, spewing visions of a utopia by the curious alchemical date of 2045, where everyone holds hands and faces the apocalypse with climate action, peace, and sustainable development.

Kamala Harris: 'What Can Be, Unburdened by What Has Been' — Is This Marxist Code?  During her 2024 campaign, Kamala Harris stated, "What can be unburdened by what has been."  At first glance, this seems like a straightforward message of optimism and progress.  However, upon closer examination, it reflects a more profound ideology that aligns with Marxist thought — casting off the past to create an equitable future.  Harris's words imply more than progress within existing systems; they require radical liberation from their foundations.  In Marxist ideology, dismantling the old is necessary to build a new social order.  Marx famously said through the character of Mephistopheles in Goethe's Faust, "Everything that exists deserves to perish."  Harris echoes a softer version of this idea, proposing that we achieve social justice not through reform but by redesigning the entire power structure.  To fully grasp the implications of this, we need to explore how Marxist dialectics have made inroads into modern American political thought, often without recognition, and now its resurgence.

Disinformation vs. the First Amendment.  I came across this John Kerry diatribe lamenting the perils of free speech in my news feed this morning. [...] ["]If people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.["]  I think it's safe to say that Kerry's idea of a "sick" source likely begins with Fox News and includes every other outlet that isn't part of the DNC propaganda machine.  And given his druthers, would love to "hammer it (and the rest of them) out of existence."  This should scare [...] every free-thinking American.  Not that Kerry has any political power, but the leadership of his party does and feels the same as he does on this subject.  Kill the filibuster, stack the Supreme Court, decree a Presidential nominee without a single primary vote.  The party that sees threats to democracy behind every tree desperately needs a mirror!

If Harris Can 'Eliminate The Filibuster For Roe,' She Can Nuke It For Fracking Bans And Gun Control Too.  What does abortion have to do with the future of fracking in the United States?  Much more than one might expect.  Kamala Harris' announcement that she supports an "exception" to the filibuster underscores the stakes in November's election.  If Democrats gain unified control of both houses of Congress and the White House in January, Harris' statement makes clear that they would undoubtedly use their power to pass radical legislation — not just on abortion but on energy and many other topics. [...] Harris and other Democrats have proposed so many different "exceptions" to the filibuster that, even by the end of a two-year Congress, the "rule" would ultimately look like Swiss cheese.

Harris's promise to shred our democratic norms should worry you.  [W]hile I do not agree with Harris that our democracy is so fragile to be blown off course by hooliganism in Washington, it is true that it is not impenetrable.  The question is:  What could actually dismantle it?  Harris's attack on long-standing norms, including those governing the Supreme Court, flirts with fire.  Norms are what ultimately keep this ship afloat.  Those in power can dismantle the filibuster, just like they can make a bunch of new states for partisan advantage.  Breaking glass seems fun in the moment, but it's purely destructive.  Harris seems dangerously blind to this reality, vowing to end the filibuster to legislate nationwide on the divisive topic of abortion.  Destruction is similarly what Harris's political oversight plan for the Supreme Court, euphemistically called "ethics reform," accomplishes.

Democrats want to get rid of checks and balances.  That is their goal.  Kamala Harris is making one of the most dangerous proclamations in modern American politics.  On Tuesday, Harris made clear her most radical proposition.  She was asked about killing the filibuster, and she replied:  ["]I've been very clear, I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe, and get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom and for the ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body and not have their government tell them what to do.["]  It's not even clear whether Congress has the authority to do that.  If you're talking about an interstate crime, then perhaps.  However, if you're talking about an intrastate crime — which is, for example, what criminalizing late-term abortion in many states does — it's not clear that the federal government has the authority to simply reinstate Roe v. Wade by fiat of Congress.  But that's not the salient point.  The salient point is that she wants to kill the filibuster.

CNN gets all puppet-y again.  It is not fear: [...] To tell the public about how disastrous it is that Biden and Harris have built up the finances of Russia, Iran, and non-state terrorists with high energy prices.  [¶] To tell the people how much more dangerous the world has been since they took office.  [¶] To tell people how they kept schools and businesses closed due to the COVID lies of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and a host of other bad actors.  [¶] To tell the people that Democrats fired people who chose not to take a COVID vaccine.  [¶] To tell people how Democrats are willing to damage women's sports.  [¶] To tell people that Biden and Harris have weaponized the Justice Department by going after him, Catholics, parents, pro-life people, Elon Musk, and other Trump supporters.

Kamala Harris's Four (Weird) Freedoms.  [Scroll down]  Her laundry list of "freedoms" was actually quite revealing, meaning both what she didn't include and what she did include.  First was the "freedom to make decisions about your own body." [...] Second on her list was the "freedom to be safe from gun violence."  But how will she ensure this?  She doesn't say.  Will she interfere with the freedoms of gun-owners?  After all, to guarantee such a freedom, there will have to be gun confiscation on a massive scale.  If this is really her second most important freedom, nothing less than that will be required.  Third was the "freedom to have access to the ballot box."  To be sure, that freedom was denied to women and minorities decades upon decades ago.  But just how is this freedom being denied to any eligible voter today?  And might it not be considered freeing to know that assurances are made to ascertain that only eligible voters exercise the franchise?

The Editor says...
Homicide, which occurs in an abortion, is not a right.  Absolute safety is not a right.  Gun ownership is an inalienable right.  Immigration is not a right.  "Access to the ballot box" has never been a problem, even for the infamous "2,000 Mules."  Letting non-citizens vote was unthinkable until about ten years ago.

The Real Kamala Harris.  It's crazy for Donald Trump not to agree to another debate.  While he may not be everybody's cup of tea, his opponent is an absolute lunatic who could do permanent damage to our country, in addition to the damage that she's already done.  The media sure aren't going to alert the public to this looming danger.  It's up to Trump.  Among her other plans for us, Kamala Harris is for:
  — Slavery reparations;
  — Defunding the police;
  — Taxpayer-supported transgender operations for prisoners and detained illegal immigrants;
  — Paying bail funds for violent BLM rioters;
  — Decriminalizing illegal immigration;
  — Abolishing ICE, (or, as The Washington Post put it, "she signaled an openness to a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency");
  — Banning fracking, offshore drilling and gasoline-powered cars;
  — Mandatory confiscation of "assault weapons"; and
  — Abolishing private health insurance.
The media act as if she's changed her mind on only one or two little things, like fracking — as opposed to on every single position she's ever held — and proceed to coach her on how to explain these trivial reversals.

The Democrat Party's False Words.  [Scroll down]  The Democrat Party Platform reflects this same mindset of trying to sound down-to-earth and normal yet at the same time taking a giant step on behalf of "the people" of the USA.  This desire to sound normal and elevated — operating at the same time from a higher plane — is the essence of the cocktail party mentality.  Superficial, yet drunk with lust for power, it lifts itself up while trying at the same time to appear normal. [...] Then the Platform states that everyone will have a "right to choose."  Does this refer to taxes, or is it a non-specific reference to abortion?  Within the same paragraph, political violence is then rejected.  Yet Democrat politicians continue to blame Trump for the "violence" (assassination attempts!) directed at himself.  If asked, undoubtedly, they would say they are referring to Jan. 6, but what about the riots after Trump won in 2020, when Sen. Rand Paul and his wife barely escaped the hysteria of an out-of-control mob in D.C.?  What about the maniacal and expensive riots over that precious saintly victim, George Floyd, that destroyed so many hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property and brought the hellish victimization of many persons?  All this drivel was packed into one totally vague paragraph in the Platform.

Biden administration has imposed $1.7 trillion in regulatory costs, House Republicans find.  The Biden administration has imposed an estimated $1.7 trillion in new regulatory costs since entering office, according to a new report from Republican staff on the House Oversight Committee.  The 26-page report, obtained first by the Washington Examiner, outlines the growth of new federal regulations since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn into office.  It accuses the administration of imposing new and costly bureaucratic hurdles on businesses and the economy to implement a "radical, left-wing agenda."  In a statement, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) highlighted the $1.7 trillion figure and said the administration has "pushed a whole-of-government regulatory blitz" since entering office.  Federal rulemaking under Biden has increasingly become a target of Republicans, who want to rein in the administrative state if they win in November.

Kamala Harris Calls for Eliminating Filibuster to Codify Roe v. Wade.  Vice President Kamala Harris said Tuesday that she supports eliminating the Senate filibuster if that's what it takes to secure abortion rights nationwide by codifying Roe v. Wade.  Seeking to distinguish herself from former president Donald Trump on the abortion issue, Harris has been adamant about signing a bill enshrining women's access to abortion into federal law.  But under the existing filibuster rule, passing such a bill would require 60 votes in the Senate — an all but impossible hurdle to clear given the current composition of the upper chamber and the partisan divide amongst voters on the issue of abortion.  Rather than working to build consensus on the issue before taking abortion out of the hands of the states, a President Harris would push to eliminate the filibuster so that legislation codifying Roe could pass with a simple majority.

A Word to Undecided Voters.  As unfathomable as it may be for folks on the farthest sides of the aisle to believe, there are American citizens who right this minute cannot decide who to vote for in November.  Some days their most pressing political need is for abortion to be regulated at the federal level, and other days they remember they need to put gas in their cars and food on their tables.  They like open borders and free speech.  They want equal, unfettered access to guns and gender affirming care.  It's just impossible to choose.  Could go either way, really.

Uncovering the Coverage.  [Scroll down]  I became less interested in accuracy and more interested in what the writer was trying to get me to believe.  Who were the people behind the reporters?  What was their agenda?  Who was getting paid?  And for what?  Why now?  How is it they are all saying the same thing at once?  Why does the message change so often?  Am I supposed to just forget what they told me five minutes ago?  Yesterday, Kamala Harris was against fracking, against ICE, against the police, against private health insurance.  Today she is in favor of all these wonderful things.  Remember the Green New Deal?  Well, you shouldn't.  Do you like Trump's policies?  No problem.  They are now the policies of his opponents.  Yesterday the Democrats slammed Trump as a threat to democracy.  But after a thoroughly undemocratic backroom deal to anoint Harris, they are now all about "brat" and "joy" and "moving forward."  At least for the moment.  The Democrats are not running on policy.  They are running on memes that roll across your eyes momentarily like a Tik-Tok video, but never sink into your consciousness, images that change faster than the voters can comprehend.

Kamalism Will Destroy America.  The 2020 riots showed Kamalism in action.  The regime's paramilitary operation, BLM and Antifa among others, sparked the fire that lit the riots; the regime's intellectuals justified them; corporations and foundations funded them; the media covered them over; politicians fanned the flames; and the regime's justice apparatus, including Kamala herself, freed law breakers.  Even the military got into the act, denying Trump needed resources.  According to Kamalism, it's fine for boys to compete against girls in school sports.  A child can have an abortion or sex change without parental consent.  And it is somehow impossible to know what a woman is.  This is all obviously insane.  But it gets worse — much worse.  Under Kamalism we usher in millions of illegal immigrants with cultures different from our own and then insist on not assimilating them.  The regime's military is increasingly focused on racial and gender quotas at the expense of military readiness.  Kamalism also wants to put an end to the traditional mother/father family.  Kamalism plays Americans for foolish children in need of close supervision, which can only be provided by their "betters": the destructive Left.

Call It Greenflation — And Kamala Wants More Of It.  For families struggling to make ends meet, Kamala Harris claims she has a plan to lower energy costs.  What she will deliver is more pain.  Just ask anyone paying energy bills in a state her party controls.  On Harris' campaign website, she pays lip service to reducing energy costs, but then rattles off a long list of plans to tackle the "climate crisis."  We already know you can't have one with the other.  At a congressional hearing last week, members of the House Budget Committee heard from witnesses about how Biden-Harris policies have fueled today's energy crisis.  One of the witnesses, Diana Furchtgott-Roth of the Heritage Foundation, presented lawmakers with a chart that deserves to be seen by anyone and everyone paying utility bills.

The Editor says...
There is no climate crisis.  There is no reason to avoid carbon dioxide emissions.  The climate is not affected by legislation.  The global warming / climate change hoax is based entirely on fear, media sensationalism, and flawed computer models.

How Pure Democracy Fails.  Fiddling with the Constitution to limit existing state rights in favor of pure majority rule should be rejected.  Yet, there's a movement afoot to do just that.  It really isn't all that new.  An earlier example of this movement culminated in 1913 with the ratification of the 17th Amendment.  The primary changes the 17th Amendment made to the Constitution was to provide for the direct popular election of U.S. senators, a function originally reserved only for the state's legislatures.  As a result, the ability of less-populated states to exercise their co-equal rights was eroded.  Presently, a push is gaining momentum to circumvent the Electoral College, in favor of a national popular vote.  Changing how Senate seats are assigned to states is also being advocated.  A "census-based" system like the one used for determining the number of seats in the House of Representatives, thereby, giving more populated states more seats and votes in the Senate.

Kamala Harris: coming to your home to check your underwear?  Since 2019, Kamala Harris repeatedly proclaimed she would ban all "assault weapons," and confiscate them with mandatory "buy-backs." How government could constitutionally "buy-back" what it never owned, for whatever price it chose went unexplained.  She even said she'd ban them by executive order if Congress wouldn't do her bidding.  How executive orders can override the Constitution likewise went unexplained.  Harris is usually wrong, but never in doubt.  More recently, Harris, in yet another miraculous election year conversion, AKA "flip flop," has proclaimed she's a gun owner and doesn't want to seize anyone's guns.  She absolutely wants to ban AR-15s, and presumably other non-existent "assault weapons," but she doesn't want to confiscate them anymore.  At least not until after she's elected.  We're meant to think no gun owner would ever want to ban guns.  Harris really thinks Americans are stupid.

Mad to the Max.  It is widely suspected by the not-insane that even the attempt at massive voter fraud may not avail to put over the paramount candidate of the insane:  Veep Kamala Harris.  Nobody believes that she is capable of being president.  But the insane don't seek a capable president — in fact, the opposite.  They want a president who can only function with direction and management of the blob, by the blob, and for the blob.  The blob's motives, besides seeking to avoid responsibility for its prior crimes, are a license to commit new crimes, especially crimes that expand the many perquisites and privileges of being in power.  These include the fortunes to be made in control of the nation's wealth, and the sadistic pleasure derived from punishing and humiliating their not-insane opponents.  For instance, running the insane Ukraine war, with its fabulous kickbacks for the military contractors and office-holders... and making you witness more drag queen story hours.

Kamala Harris Says She is Open to Slavery Reparations and Won't Discount 'Executive Action'.  Vice-president Kamala Harris has signalled her openness to the idea of reparations for black people, saying she would not rule out executive action if she wins the White House in November.  Speaking to the National Association of Black Journalists on Tuesday, Harris was asked about her position on the issue, which is typically confined to Black Lives Matter activists and far-left radicals.  "Do you have a position on whether that [reparations] should happen — this [reparations] commission should happen through executive order or via Congress?" she was asked by Politico's Eugene Daniels.  [Tweet with video clip]  It is not the first time that Harris has said she will support reparations for the enslavement of black people, which was outlawed over 150 years ago.

A Supremely Bad Idea.  Wielding "ethics" violations against one's political foes is a Washington tradition.  When it comes to ethics and the Supreme Court, observers should not be deceived.  Current attacks on the justices' ethics are bad-faith political barbs intended to undermine the Court — not expressions of genuine concern over actual transgressions.  And the policy reforms being suggested to solve this nonexistent problem would do enormous damage to our most important legal institution while producing few, if any, countervailing benefits.  The latest proposal, which Justice Elena Kagan herself has championed, is to create an "enforceable" code for the justices.  Details are sparse, but the basic idea is to empower lower court judges — whose work the Supreme Court reviews — to police the justices' alleged ethical violations.  Apparently, the chief justice would decide which lower court judges to endow with this extraordinary authority.  Precisely what investigatory and enforcement tools those judges would wield remains unstated.

The Biden/Harris Legacy.  Regarding the Biden/Harris presidential administration, what will history record?  I suggest that it is likely that the Biden/Harris administration will be recorded as highly corrupt and incompetent. [...] This administration has a long and uninterrupted history of promoting unfounded hate and divisiveness among US Citizens and of targeting its political opponents via lawfare and every other means at its disposal.  Wholesale weaponization of the whole of government against opponents, the likes of which have never been seen before in the USA. [...] And then there are the open border policies, failure to address CCP hostility, and the Fentanyl crisis.  The weaponization of the Intelligence community and corporate media to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story right before the election.  Which in itself constitutes election fraud and theft.  And then there are the horrible energy policy decisions, edicts regarding electric vehicles (and long haul trucks), and failure to keep an eye on the ball and follow through with infrastructure rebuilding proposals.

It's OK to Call Your Political Opponents Insane If They're, You Know, Insane.  The 2024 Democrats are in a dangerous state of mental unwellness.  That's not hyperbole, it's an obvious conclusion that can be arrived at after even the most cursory examination of their behavior.  I would like to make it very clear that I never used to be the kind of guy who dismissed those he disagreed with politically as stupid or crazy.  In fact, the decades that I have spent in the entertainment industry taught me how to get along with people who have differing viewpoints quite well.  Until recently, of course.  When they began acting crazy.  True, the point could be made that the Dems have always been a little nuts.  They believe that things that come from the government are free, after all, and have no cost attached to them anywhere.  There is a big difference, however, between merely having political beliefs that are just plain wrong, and what we see from them these days.  Democrats in the Biden-Harris era are fueled by rabid, animalistic rage that they use to dehumanize people on the Right.  That's their gateway to justifying any kind of aberrant, often violent, behavior towards us.  And they're marketing it as joy.

How to Beat 'Unhuman' Communists At Their Own Game.  Communism thrives on resentment, vengeance, and terror.  Its chief weapon is disorder, the dismantling of existing structures, the undoing of bonds holding together families, nations, civilizations.  Conservative pundits have been warning of this for decades. [...] They show that communism is not an ideology, it is a war tactic to terrorize populations and revoke human rights.  Not blood-sated with the 100 million deaths communist revolutions and regimes caused in the 20th century, communists seek to destroy what individual effort, initiative, and innovation have achieved.  The 'unhumans,' averse to what civilization builds by committing itself to order and social contract, are dedicated to the "desecration of the beautiful."

James Comer presses FBI to turn over its Tim Walz China files.  The chairman of the House Oversight Committee said Thursday that Democratic vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz might be a longtime key player in a Chinese influence operation within the U.S.  Rep. James Comer made the allegations in a letter to the FBI renewing his Aug. 16 request for information about the Minnesota governor's contacts with the Chinese Communist Party.  Mr. Comer said that Mr. Walz's history with CCP affiliates bears characteristics to the type of China's influence operations that the FBI previously told the committee it is on the lookout for.

Hey Kamala, Where Are Your Spending Cuts?  In 1982 the federal budget deficit rose above $100 billion for the first time (those were the good old days!), and then-President Ronald Reagan agreed to an infamous budget deal with then-House Speaker Tip O'Neill.  Democrats would agree to $3 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increases.  Reagan foolishly agreed to the deal.  The taxes went up.  The spending cuts never materialized.  Reagan used to fume for the rest of his presidency, "I'm still waiting for those $3 of spending cuts."  Back then Democrats at least pretended they would cut spending.  Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis pledged in 1988 that he would "only raise taxes as a last resort."  My, how times have changed.  Now we have red ink multiple times higher than back then, with the Biden-Kamala baseline forecast calling for $2 trillion in deficits from now until kingdom come.  The Democrats are entirely untroubled by the forecast and act as though the federal credit card has no limit.  Well, if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the election, we will put that risky proposition to the test.

Trump v. Harris:  A Choice To Be Made.  [Scroll down]  Kamala is still seeking a federal abortion law that will provide more consistent and, to her mind, more fair treatment to women seeking abortions in some states that have enacted strict abortion laws.  She does not understand that the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v.  Wade was based on the fact that abortion is outside the scope of federal legislation.  The SCOTUS decision in Roe v. Wade was that abortion is unconstitutional mainly because it is an area of legislation left to the individual states under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.  Thus, federal legislation applying to all states, whether de facto by the Supreme Court or by federal law, is inherently un-Constitutional.  There cannot be one federal law regarding, for example, driver's licenses, and in similar fashion there cannot be one law for abortions.  She does not seem to understand the very idea of a limited federal government which is the very basis of our federalist system of government.

The far-left confession that Kamala Harris may not be able to escape, even after debate.  Candidate questionnaires have long been a part of American politics, locking in politicians to certain policies, pledges and positions. [...] Five years ago Harris tried desperately to run to the left of Joe Biden during the 2020 Democratic primary, planting her flag on positions far from the American mainstream, particularly on immigration, law and order and social policy.  She also suggested her earlier actions as California attorney general and a U.S. senator were proof of her commitment to far-left policies.  Writing to woo the ACLU, she committed to:
  •   Taxpayer funding of gender reassignment surgeries and treatments for illegal aliens;
  •   A pathway to citizenship for those who broke the law by crossing the U.S. border without permission;
  •   The decriminalization of all illegal drugs under federal law including cocaine, heroin and fentanyl if a defendant claimed they were for personal use; and
  •   The knee-capping of the nation's main deportation agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ICE, as it is colloquially known in Washington circles, by banning its use of deportation.

Kamala Harris Lies About Climate Radicalism, Denying Her Past Support For A Fracking Ban.  Vice President Kamala Harris lied about her radicalism on energy in Tuesday night's debate with former President Donald Trump.  When the moderators with ABC asked Harris the rare skeptical question about her policy reversals, Harris said she "made that very clear in 2020:  I will not ban fracking."  [Advertisement]  "I have not banned fracking as vice president of the United States, and in fact, I was the tie-breaking vote on the 'Inflation Reduction' Act, which opened new leases for fracking," she said.  [Tweet]

Harris Says She's Not Taking Anyone's Guns Away, But Won't Explain Why She's Changed Her Position.  Gun control was one of few issues that ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis didn't directly bring up during Tuesday's debate, but Kamala Harris's 2019 plan to ban so-called "assault weapons" and to mandate gun owners turn them over to the feds in a "buyback" was still referenced on a couple of occasions.  The first was when Davis asked Harris to explain why her positions on so many issues have changed over the past five years, and included Harris's shift away from a mandatory "buyback" along with other flip-flops on fracking and universal healthcare.  Though Harris promised to address every one of the issues Davis spoke of, she neglected to mention her gun ban plans, or why she no longer supposedly supports a compensated confiscation scheme.

Kamala Harris' Platform Declares War On The Supreme Court.  Kamala Harris has finally released an "issues" page on her campaign website seven weeks after she became the presumptive Democrat nominee — and part of her platform includes waging a war on the Supreme Court.  On July 1 the Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision that a president has "absolute immunity" for "actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority," "at least presumptive immunity" for all "official acts," and "no immunity for unofficial acts."  The decision severely impeded the Biden-Harris administration's lawfare efforts against former President Donald Trump.  Harris has now vowed to fight "to ensure that no former president has immunity for crimes committed while in the White House."  "[Harris] will also support common-sense Supreme Court reforms — like requiring Justices to comply with ethics rules that other federal judges are bound by and imposing term limits — to address the crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court," the issues page states.

Kamala's policy page is generic mush with some leftism thrown in.  Almost a month into her candidacy, Kamala's website finally has a policy page.  Let's dive into the specifics — and as to each specific, be sure to ask yourself this question:  "For those things Kamala promises as new initiatives, if these are such good ideas, why hasn't the current administration already done them?"  Kamala promises to "cut taxes for middle class families."  The Trump tax cuts benefitted all people, even though Democrats claim they only helped the rich.  Kamala promises tax cuts for everyone but the rich.  The reality, though, is that under the current tax code, the top 1% of taxpayers already pay a rate almost eight times higher than the bottom half of taxpayers, and the top 50% pay almost 98% of all federal taxes paid.  Cutting taxes to that bottom layer is meaningless, while Kamala promises elsewhere to raise the taxes on the rich.  In the same section, Kamala says she'll increase the child tax rebate, an idea JD Vance first promoted and that the media fought before Kamala coopted it.

It's Not the Fed That's Causing Inflation.  In their first week in January 2021, Joe and Kamala cut off every source of oil within their jurisdiction.  In the very next month, three things happened: our domestic production of oil plunged from 13.1 million barrels per day to 9.7, oil prices doubled from $55 to $110 per barrel, and the monthly inflation rate leaped from 1.4 percent to 9.6 percent.  The red-herring inflation chart they offer shows inflation peaking six months later, which distracts from the fact that their action was the sole cause of inflation.  It is a "trailing average" chart.  It takes the 9.6-percent monthly rate and averages it with the previous 11 months, which averaged 1.8 percent, and so on.  Thus, the peak of inflation appears to happen six months after it actually peaked.  A monthly chart would show the truth: that the reduction of oil supply was the direct cause of inflation.

Democrats 'New Path Forward' Is Literally Communist Propaganda.  For all their cluck-clucking about blazing "a new path forward," Democrats are using a deceptive playbook that dates back at least a century.  The "new path forward" people — like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz — are employing old Bolshevik, Stalinist, Soviet, Maoist, and even Nazi tactics to burnish their message.  Beware, their latest slogan, "Strength Through Joy," is the exact slogan used by a 1933 National Socialist (Nazi) program to build support for the Nazi regime and control workers.  As if reading from a script of Adolf himself, Harris recently said, "The thing we like about hard work is we have fun doing hard work."  "Strength through joy" might be the most clever contemporary gaslighting strategy employed by the left.  Harris herself has ditched the Kamala Cackle for a broad smile and repeated references to "fun" on the campaign.  But more than 90% of her staff has departed since her elevation to vice president.  Illustrating their propaganda "joy" actually means grief for all.

Kamala Harris Finally Puts Some 'Policies' on Her Website, and Hoo Boy, Are They Bad.  After nearly two months of being in the presidential race, Kamala Harris finally got around to putting some "policies" on her website, and they are the perfect encapsulation of why she's such an awful candidate.  Harris has yet to give a press conference or do a solo interview, instead relying on her aides posing as anonymous sources in the press to present her positions to the public.  Naturally, the news media has gone along with that. [...] She's going to crack down on "anti-competitive practices."  Alright, how is she going to do that?  What specific examples of "price gouging" exist for her to go after?  On the subject of groceries, the margins in that industry are already some of the lowest in the economy.  What grocery stores and producers are "price gouging," and don't federal laws already exist to combat that?  Then Harris is going to be "taking on the pharmacy middlemen."  How's she going to do that?  What does that even mean?  We don't know because she doesn't say.

The Editor says...
Typical Washington politician:  She talks a lot and says nothing.  What about violent criminals coming here from Venezuela?  Why is the Mexican border wide open?  Will illegal aliens be allowed to vote?  What is your position on transvestites ruining women's sports?  Is the Secret Service incompetent?  Is the FBI corrupt?  Is Social Security bankrupt?  Has any global warming doomsday prediction ever come to pass?  What makes you so sure carbon dioxide is a pollutant?  How do you know?  Why does "Election Day" go on for a week or more?  Does the national debt bother you at all?  If the country's motto is E Pluribus Unum, shouldn't everybody speak English?  Why is abortion so important to you?  Should Hunter Biden be in prison?  Who is in charge of the Executive Branch at this moment?  Is China a threat to the U.S.?  Americans have questions, and socialist Democrats do not have honest answers.

Kamala Harris finally uploads a policy page to her website 50 days after Biden dropped out of the race.  Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign finally added an 'issues' page to her presidential campaign website — 50 days after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and just in time for her pivotal debate with Donald Trump.  The 59-year-old Democratic presidential nominee had been unveiling components of her agenda in some policy speeches and campaign announcements, but has faced criticism for not providing an in-depth platform and for only giving one major interview.  The new page titled 'A New Way Forward' includes four sections 'Build an Opportunity Economy and Lower Costs for Families,' 'Safeguard our Fundamental Freedoms,' 'Ensure Safety and Justice for All,' and 'Keep America Safe, Secure, and Prosperous.'

A Harris Victory in 2024 Would Make the U.S. a One-Party State.  The election of 2024 will be epochal for the United States.  It will be as impactful on the course of the nation as the election of 1860 and the ensuing Civil War.  This November's election will determine whether the U.S. remains a viable constitutional republic or becomes a one-party state.  If Vice President Kamala Harris wins, the result will be the realization of President Obama's intent, voiced in his famous 2008 remark, to "fundamentally transform" the United States.  Thus, the election is important for all Americans, particularly the voting public, to be aware that should Harris win, then 2024 is likely to be the last free, fair, and competitive election in the U.S.  If she does win, then the U.S. by 2028 will be a one-party country, with the Democrats in permanent control, as California, Illinois, Massachusetts, or Hawaii are at the state level today.

Trump, Harris, and Communism.  Kamala Harris has "vowed to lower prices at the grocery store with price controls and open up the increasingly out-of-reach housing market with tax subsidies for homebuyers."  Harris asserts that she "will work to pass the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food.  Her plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules."  As a result, Donald Trump said that Harris has gone "full communist."  But what does "full communist" even mean to generations of young people who have no idea what communism has wrought in the world?

Biden Admits "Inflation Reduction Act" was actually the "Green New Deal" Con.  With pretenses being dropped, Joe Biden is now admitting the "Inflation Reduction Act" had nothing to do with inflation, but was -factually- the severe leftist "Green New Deal." [...] Prior to the 51-50 passage of the massive $700+ billion democrat spending bill, they called it the "inflation reduction act." However, after Senate passage they are now calling it the climate change bill.  Deep inside the legislative language of the falsely titled "inflation reduction act", aka The Green New Deal legislative vehicle constructed by lobbyists and passed by congress, people are now starting to realize a carbon-trading system was created.  Ultimately, a carbon trading system has always been the holy grail of the people who run the western financial system and want to create mechanisms to control wealth by using the 'climate change' agenda.  A carbon trading system is a very lucrative financial transfer mechanism with a potential scale to dwarf the derivative, Wall Street betting, market.  Secondarily, such a market would cement the climate change energy policy making it very difficult to reverse.

A Barely-There Joe Biden Admits the Inflation Reduction Act Was a Total Scam.  Remember Joe Biden?  It's hard to believe, but despite his escalating dementia, he's still the President of the United States because nothing matters anymore.  He's also still speaking publicly on occasion, and on Thursday, he managed to admit the Inflation Reduction Act was a scam.  Why did he do that?  The simple answer is that he's senile and doesn't even realize what he's saying half the time at this point.  [Tweet with video clip] [...] This dude is still the president despite dropping his re-election bid with no official explanation, and the press just moved on like it was no big deal.  The fact that the 25th Amendment hasn't been used against Biden is a major scandal, and one Kamala Harris should be made to answer for.  She won't be, but she should be.

Like any good tyrant, Kamala wants the government to ban speech she dislikes.  As a modern tyrant attains power, he won't just push back against opposing ideas; he'll say they shouldn't be voiced at all.  Once he holds some power, he'll work with friends in the government, the media, and corporations to silence opposing ideas.  Finally, once he gains complete power, as his ideas invariably fail when put into practice, he must use the government's police power to silence those who challenge him lest he be toppled.  That trajectory is why it's noteworthy (in a scary way) that, once in 2019 and again today, Kamala has stated explicitly that she believes that if she controls the government, she has the right to use its vast power to silence critics.  In 2019 — that is, even before the great silencing of 2020, when speech challenging COVID policies or raising the Hunter laptop was stifled — Kamala was already mourning the fact that social media companies weren't silencing ideas with which she disagreed:  [Tweet with video clip]

This Is What Will Happen if Kamala Harris Wins, Part 1: Free Speech Is Toast.  The Operation Mockingbird mainstream media mudpuppies are working overtime to hide the fact that Kamala Harris, if "elected," will rule the United States like a tyrant and finish the job Barack Obama started to "fundamentally change" the United States of America.  I wrote "elected" because some of the most brilliant minds working in the world of honest news believe that the apparatchiks plan to lie for the next two months and pretend that Harris and Trump are "neck and neck" in the polls so they can steal another election, install Harris, and hand the United States over to the globalists looking to gut America and enslave We the People.  [Tweet]

Kamala Harris's Banana Republic on Free Speech.  In 2019, Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN's Jake Tapper that social media companies "are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and it has to stop."  Does it?  Every two-bit authoritarian in history has justified censoring its citizens as a way of protecting them from the menace of disinformation.  But social media sites, contra the reliably illiberal Harris, aren't "directly speaking" to anyone.  Millions of individuals are interacting and speaking to millions of other individuals.  Really, that's what grinds the modern left's gears: unsupervised conversations.  Take the Brazilian Supreme Court panel that unanimously upheld the decision by one of its justices to shut down Elon Musk's X over alleged "misinformation" fears.  We must assume that the Democratic Party's presidential nominee, who once promised to ban guns via an executive order, agrees with Justice Alexandre de Moraes's decision to shut down a social media platform for refusing to bend to the state's demands of censorship.

Having solved all other problems in Illinois...
Illinois's Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet.  In Illinois, they've figured out how to save the planet:  They're snatching the mini-shampoo bottles off your sink at that pricey hotel you're staying at and making you use a big communal bottle instead. [...] This has the same stupid and oppressive logic as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer banning sales of garden seeds even at allowed-to-be-open Wal-Mart in Michigan during COVID's lockdowns, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg banning 7-Eleven's Big Gulps and stealing salt shakers off diner tables for diners' own good.  It's obnoxious and futile for the purposes stated in the extreme.  But it certainly does satisfy the Democrat urge for power.

Left Wants Another American Revolution.  [Scroll down]  Their real issue is that the Constitution, and especially its first 10 amendments — referred to as the Bill of Rights — places restrictions on the government in favor of the people, rather than the government restricting the people.  They want to restrict what cars we drive, where and how we live, what we eat, how we prepare our meals and wash the dishes.  Progressives even want to restrict our speech — what we may and may not say — despite the clear language of the First Amendment, and deny us the private ownership of firearms, despite the clear language of the Second Amendment.  And to make sure we're living by their rules and restrictions, they want to be able to search our homes without a warrant, in clear violation of the Fourth Amendment.  Police and national guardsmen did exactly that after Hurricane Katrina.  They marched en masse, going door-to-door with weapons drawn in Democratic Party-run New Orleans and Democratic Party-run Louisiana, to seize privately-owned firearms.  Citizens were kept in handcuffs outside their homes while their property was being searched.  This video is frightening — you can't believe this happened in America.  Afterwards the National Rifle Association had to actually sue the city and the state on behalf of the gun owners for the return of their legally held weapons.  That's exactly how fragile our rights are, even with the Constitution in place.

Harris Wants to Take All Freedoms Away.  Free speech is under attack across the globe.  Last week, a Brazilian judge shut down X for refusing to obey government censorship demands; France arrested Pavel Durov, CEO of the unregulated app Telegram; and a Hong Kong court convicted two journalists of sedition for publishing material critical of the government.  The U.S. is the next front in the battle over free speech.  Voters here must decide if they want the government to limit what they can hear and read, the scientific information they can get, and the political views they're exposed to.  That's Vice President Kamala Harris' definition of "freedom."  Harris claims she's campaigning for freedom, but her track record shows she's the enemy of the most important freedom: free speech.  She uses government power to muzzle those who disagree with her.

The subversive truth behind "What can be, unburdened by what has been".  A simple honest paraphrase of that silly sounding sentence is, "Try doing something with complete disregard for history."  We have seen this exact sentiment attempted throughout history. [...] The phrase "What can be, unburdened by what has been" resonates with themes found in revolutionary movements, including the Chinese Revolution, by suggesting a radical break from the past to envision a new future.  Here's how it parallels with the Chinese Revolution:
  [#1]   Vision of a New Society:  The Chinese Revolution, especially under Mao Zedong, aimed to create a new society free from the shackles of feudalism, imperialism, and traditional Chinese culture, which were seen as oppressive. [...]
  [#2]   Cultural Revolution:  Mao's Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) was explicitly about erasing the "Four Olds" (old customs, culture, habits, and ideas) to make way for the "Four News." [...]
  [#3]   Economic and Social Reforms:  The Great Leap Forward was another example where Mao tried to leapfrog China into communism, bypassing stages of development that had historically been necessary for other nations. [...]

Dems Threaten To Torpedo GOP's Gov't Funding Bill Targeting Noncitizen Voting.  Democrats are already pushing back against a Republican-led plan that would temporarily fund the federal government until March, decrying a separate bill attached to the measure that requires proof of U.S. citizenship for voter registration.  Speaker Mike Johnson is planning to introduce the continuing resolution (CR) next week with the hotly-contested SAVE Act tethered to it, which would require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections, Punchbowl reported Tuesday.  At the same time, a number of Democrats have called the effort a nonstarter and encouraged Republican lawmakers to be more "bipartisan."

The Editor says...
[#1] When has anyone demanded socialist Democrats lawmakers be more "bipartisan?"  [#2] The Republicans are already far more "bipartisan" than they should be, but the socialists are never satisfied.  [#3] How can an individual be "bipartisan?"  [#4] What is the purpose of a two-party political system if everybody is "bipartisan?"

More Than Anything, Survival of the Constitution Is on the Ballot in 2024.  The dividing lines between Republicans and Democrats are now more like ever-widening chasms. [...] The principles of conservative Republicans haven't changed.  In reality, it's the Democrats who have been creating the rift.  They have been undergoing a progressive makeover for a long time and what they consider to be the center is hanging out somewhere on a beach in Cuba.  If you had a time machine and went back to the early 1980s and brought Tip O'Neill to 2024, he'd switch parties and be a moderate Republican.  Heck, he'd be more conservative than Mitt Romney, Larry Hogan, or whichever squish is running Ohio these days.  There really are two Americas now, and one of them is filled with people who hate America.  Democrats have been rewriting American history in public schools for decades now, telling everyone they can that they're embarrassed by it.

Making it too big to rig.  Kamala has tried to steal Trump's ideas such as dropping the tax on tips and giving parents of newborns $5,000. If the latter passes, look for taxpayers to pay for abortions in the name of equality.  Kamala has yet to sign up for MSSTA — making Social Security taxless again.  The media bias of the tips exemption was delightfully obvious.  Trump's no tax on tips would impoverish the government while Kamala's would help underpaid workers.

Why Kamala Harris Will Not Bring Prices Down.  Her Plan Needs Inflation.  In a recent interview with CNN, Kamala Harris said that Bidenomics is working and that she is "proud of bringing inflation down."  However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics published the latest CPI at 2.9%, despite annual inflation being 1.4% when she took office.  Inflation is a disguised tax and accumulated inflation since January 2021, when the Biden-Harris administration started, has increased more than 20%.  Of course, Democrats blame inflation on the war, the pandemic, and the science-fantasy concept of "supply chain disruptions."  No one believed it, because most commodities have declined and supply tensions disappeared back to normality, but prices continued to rise.  As a result, Harris invented the concept of greedy grocery stores and evil corporations to blame for inflation and justify price controls.  Is it not ironic?  She blames grocery stores and corporations for inflation, but when price inflation drops, she proudly takes credit.

Study: Most 'climate' policies don't help reduce emissions.  Only a small percentage of climate policies instituted globally have actually resulted in any significant emissions reductions, according to a study published earlier in August in Science, a respected scientific publication.  The new study, titled "Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions:  Global evidence from two decades," used artificial intelligence to assess 1,500 different climate policies pursued across 41 nations between 1998 and 2022, aiming to determine which types of policies have prompted significant emissions cuts.  The study's analysis found that only 63 of these policies constituted "successful policy interventions," meaning that just 4% of the measures evaluated in the study's sample effectively reduced emissions.  [Tweet]

The Kamala Harris Campaign Is Collapsing.  [Scroll down]  The American people do realize that this seemingly AI-generated candidate who hides from the media and can't string together three coherent sentences on her own has a cabal of deep state and Democrat power brokers behind the scenes pulling her strings.  A totalitarian cabal which truly frightens the voters.  A cabal behind the Harris push to: surrender the border, abolish ICE, defund the police, enable and release violent offenders; end fracking, destroy our fossil fuels, destroy our energy independence, confiscate our guns, end middle-class tax cuts; and eliminate the healthcare plans of millions of Americans while giving billions to illegal immigrants and gang members.

Democrats Have Made It Clear:  They Will Be Tyrants If Given the Chance.  The future of the Supreme Court is on the line in November's elections.  If Vice President Kamala Harris and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are victorious in November, the independent Supreme Court that the Framers bequeathed to us will be a thing of the past.  That's one of the big reasons why Harris must be defeated in her campaign for president, and why Schumer must be demoted to Minority Leader.  For the past three and a half years, the Biden-Harris administration has been on a rampage, disregarding the limits on executive authority emplaced by the Constitution.  The Supreme Court has responded as it should, striking down many executive actions as the Court enforces the Constitution's limits.  In case after case — the employer vaccine mandate, the moratorium on evictions, and the various versions of Biden's student loan payoff scams, for instance — the Court rejected the Biden-Harris administration's overreach.

The Great Realignment.  Since Reagan, the GOP had been the party that supported a strong military.  Reagan stood against the USSR, pushing up the cost of the arms race to defeat communism.  What's known as the military-industrial complex benefited from this stance. [...] Look at the parties today.  The Democrats have now become the party of endless war.  Democrats support the military-industrial complex.  Their foreign policies reignited the Ukraine war, and they seem to want it perpetually.  They insist on giving this war billions upon billions.  They cannot stop wearing Ukraine lapel pins, nor giving Ukraine's corrupt dictator his monthly fix.  Oddly there are no Democrat anti-war rallies about Ukraine.  Makeover complete.

Kamala Harris caused America's inflation nightmare; here's how.  Two years on, it's time we rename the Inflation Reduction Act as the Inflation Expansion Act.  The Inflation Expansion Act (IEA), passed two years ago, marks a significant turning point in the economic policy of the United States.  Spearheaded by Kamala Harris, whose decisive vote in the Senate enabled the bill's passage, it has wreaked havoc on the American economy.  Its effects are palpable: inflation has surged, energy prices have skyrocketed, and the cost of living has become increasingly unaffordable.  The Biden-Harris administration's ironically-titled "Build Back Better" agenda, which underpins the IEA, has exacerbated these issues.  From an economic standpoint, the IEA's purported goal was to reduce the deficit by $58 billion.  Instead, it has resulted in an alarming deficit increase of over $796 billion.

The media and other Democrats couldn't care less about the little guy.  Democrats always say they support the little guy.  They're lying.  They rewrite Title IX rules to destroy womens' sports to benefit the miniscule percentage of men who pretend they are women.  They don't think anyone has the right to protest beefy men competing and harming women and exposing themselves in their locker rooms.  The only time they pretend to care about women is on unlimited abortion and their actual goal is to help Planned Parenthood.  They pretend they care about poor and minority children but they block them from going to better schools when their government run schools are failing them.  They don't care if that holds them back their entire lives.  They care more about teachers' union boss Randi Weingarten than they do about the children.  After all she donates to them and the children don't. [...] The Democrats don't care about the little guy any more than they care about womens' sports.  They care about power.  They would love for the electoral college to be abolished and the Supreme Court to be stacked.

The Harris campaign is riding a wave to defeat — and may be setting a trap we've seen before.  [Scroll down]  For eight years now, Democrats have piously argued that they are the "protectors" of democracy.  Yet, with a straight face, Democrats had no hesitation in hiding President Biden's infirmity from the public — ignoring the undeniable truth that voters had a right to know.  Voters similarly have every right to see Harris regularly cross-examined by the news media on everything from the reported dysfunction in her office; her knowledge, fluidity and facility on the issues; how she responds under stress; and the reasons for her innumerable eleventh-hour flip-flops.  Changing positions on one issue is understandable; changing positions on nearly everything suggests the lack of a core — or, perhaps, that someone else is pulling the strings.  The argument by some of Harris' staff that she is upholding democratic norms of transparency with mere teleprompter campaign rallies is sophistry.

Americans Blissfully Drift Toward Financial Collapse.  Kamala Harris in her nomination acceptance at the Democratic National Convention assured the roaring crowd that she would "never stop fighting" for the American people and that she would "blaze a new way forward."  The speech disclosed no details, but she appeared to have in mind merely adding to the benefits that the welfare state bestows on grateful voters.  Subsidies for home mortgages, forgiveness of student loans and free universal preschool have been dangled as possibilities.  However, Harris and the other purveyors of free stuff have a big problem.  They are running out of other peoples' money to give away.  It's not just America but the world's advanced economies who are seeing the bill come due for decades of social spending exceeding revenue.  American leftists like to chide fiscal conservatives for fretting about high tax rates, but economists now note that some high-tax European states are approaching the peak of the Laffer curve, the point at which raising tax rates fails to raise additional revenues.  That means hitting the wall.

Kamala Doubles Down On Pushing Price Controls.  Vice President Kamala Harris doubled down on pushing price control policies during her first interview as the Democratic Party's presidential nominee on Thursday as she sought to deflect blame for poor economic conditions under the Biden-Harris administration.  Harris made the remarks during a taped CNN interview when asked about what she would say to voters who want to return to the way things were under former President Donald Trump, when "groceries were less expensive" and "housing was more affordable."  Harris started by blaming Trump for what she claimed was a "mismanagement" of the COVID-19 pandemic.  "We saw over 10 million jobs were lost," Harris said without noting that the economy was on its way to recovering by the time the Biden-Harris administration took over.

Experts Warn Kamala Harris' Tax Proposal Would Destroy America.  Experts are warning against Vice President Kamala Harris' proposed tax strategy, which they say would threaten the future of the United States economically.  Recently, Harris' campaign confirmed that the Democratic presidential nominee supports a $5 trillion tax increase, among a long list of other tax hikes, to the unrealized gains of wealthy Americans.  Economic advisors caution that such a move would be a financial calamity, resulting in the most significant tax increase the U.S. has seen in over 40 years. [...] Republican and Ohio businessman Vivek Ramaswamy also warned about the implications Harris' tax proposal would have on Americans, suggesting the vice president would destroy the U.S. and drive straight into communism.

Kamala finally submits to an 'interview'... and it should be the end of her campaign.  The CNN sit-down was supposed to be our introduction to her specific agenda, a clarification of her policies — on energy, immigration, the economy, transgenderism, etc.  Kamala's amorphous views on each of these issues has long been clear since her 2016 failed campaign for the presidency.  No fracking, no gas-powered cars, a completely open border, defund the police, dissolve ICE, transgenderism is great, etc.  Her stated agenda then was the total destruction of America as founded.  Tonight she said her values have not changed."  On the other hand, she admitted, probably falsely, that she now supports fracking, gas-powered cars, a border wall, etc.  The woman has no idea what she thinks, supports or opposes beyond what she thinks people want to hear.  She has no core values and does not even know that she has no core values.  She well and truly is an empty pantsuit, a woman without any knowledge of the issues she pretends to grasp, a woman who mistakenly thinks she is so smart, she can bamboozle the American people into voting for a cipher.

Defending Kam-unism.  The entire Kamala Harris campaign relies on you knowing nothing about Kamala Harris.  First rule of Kamala Harris Fight Club:  Nobody talks about Kamala Harris.  You must never mention her positions.  You must never mention what her crap administration has done.  You must never mention anything of the sort.  And you must certainly never attempt to get to the underlying philosophy that motivates her politics.  You must never ever attempt to do that.  That's because if you dig just a tiny bit, you find that the Democratic Party has gone so radically far to the Left that they are now indistinguishable from the Democratic Socialists of America.  That is the reality.

You're Welcome, Mr. Kennedy.  On August 20, 2024, Michelle Obama gave one of the most dishonest speeches in American history.  Speaking at the Democrat party's convention in Chicago, she claimed the following: "We don't get to change the rules so we always win.  If we see a mountain in front of us, we don't expect there to be an escalator waiting to take us to the top.  No.  We put our heads down.  We get to work.  In America, we do something."  She said this while standing onstage at a convention that had held no primary.  In fact, Kamala Harris, the Democrat nominee, never earned one vote from a Democrat party member.  Ms. Harris became the nominee for two reasons:  first, her party changed the rules to make it legally impossible for Democrats to vote for Marianne Williamson or Bobby Kennedy.  These two authentic Democrats sought to challenge President Biden for the presidency.  Second, Ms. Harris's party lied to the American people for well over a year, claiming that this circumvention of democratic process was justified because Biden, the sitting president, had every intention of running for a second term and was healthy enough to do so.

Biden Admin Looks To Open Up 31 Million Acres For Solar After Locking Up Oil, Gas In Huge Swath Of Alaska.  The Biden administration proposed to open up tens of millions of acres of public lands to solar development on Thursday after cementing restrictions on oil and gas activity across large swaths of Alaska.  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) rolled out its proposed "Western Solar Plan," which would put approximately 31 million acres across 11 western states on the table for possible solar development.  The agency's solar plan comes on the heels of its Tuesday announcement that it had finalized protections for 28 million acres of public land in Alaska that will effectively prohibit oil and gas activity on that acreage.

Looming 'Clean' Energy Disasters Off Our Coasts.  Kamala Harris is bullish about offshore wind.  For the last 3-1/2 years she's helped run an administration that's determined to convert the USA to wind, solar and battery power, expedite permits for onshore and offshore "clean energy" projects, and even waive requirements that offshore wind developers post bonds and pay for removing damaged, broken and obsolete offshore wind towers.  She supports banning plastic straws but has never asked how many plastic straws it would take to equal 15,000 offshore wind turbine blades. (Using nautical terms, an unfathomable number.) Moreover, plastic straws don't contain dangerously sharp fiberglass shards, and can't sink fishing boats that collide with enormous but hard-to-see slabs of turbine blades.  Ms. Harris, Tim Walz and other wind zealots ignore worries about hurricanes wiping out forests of offshore wind turbines as anti-wind fearmongering.  History says otherwise.

Kamala Harris's top economic adviser is a socialist with a longtime passion for seizing & redistributing Americans' hard-earned wealth.  Meet Bharat Ramamurti.  He has never run a business, nor has he ever worked for one.  Yet he's the top economic adviser for the Kamala Harris campaign, and a not-so-covert socialist ideologue who intends to cripple the American economy through ruthlessly "progressive" taxation.  He may have first appeared on your radar Wednesday afternoon after his appearance on CNBC, during which he advocated for the campaign's 25 percent unrealized gains tax proposal.  The full clip is worth your time:  [Video clip]

Kamalita Perón.  It was Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana who said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  Why cite him?  Because Harris and Walz don't seem to be able to remember the past, much less learn from it.  They want to take the U.S. back 75 years to replay the economic disaster that was Argentina. [...] What can we expect from Kamala Harris if she's elected?  More of what Joe Biden began.  Socialists love "infrastructure" spending, and Juan Perón didn't disappoint in this regard.  His administration made massive "investments" in public housing, hospitals, schools, dams, roads, and the electric grid.  In spite of the waste and corruption that came with the spending, many Argentinians still credit him with the "modernizations."  But to civil and economic libertarians, improvements in Argentine life could have been accomplished better and cheaper and without the heavy hand of authoritarianism.  Infrastructure spending is what Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of.  As the Democrats say, "Democracy is on the ballot."

Why Democrats' convention set them up to lose in November.  All icing and no cake.  That's the only way to describe the Democratic National Convention that mercifully ended Thursday night with Kamala Harris's acceptance speech as the party's improbable nominee.  The icing, of course, was all the joy shoved down America's collective throats from Chicago, a city where more than two dozen have been shot since the convention began, all without a care in the world about the state of the country.

Freedom Is Now Just One Election Away From Extinction.  Ronald Reagan famously warned us that "freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." For many, this may have sounded like hyperbole, but in 2024 we find ourselves at a crossroads where that sentiment couldn't be more relevant.  This time, freedom isn't just one generation away — it's one election away.  Make no mistake about it, the principles that have defined our nation for over two centuries — limited government, individual liberties, and free-market capitalism — are under siege.  But now, the radical left is so emboldened that they no longer even try to hide their intentions; they openly advocate for policies that would fundamentally alter the fabric of our republic.  They seek to expand government power, restrict free speech, erode our Second Amendment rights, and impose a socialist economic model that would devastate the American Dream and make freedom a thing of the past.

Is America Reaching a Suicidal Level of Complacency?  The worst president in modern history has passed the baton to an even worse candidate, Kamala Harris.  Harris is calling for government control of all commerce — though she calls her plan "price controls" rather than communism.  Her running mate, Tim Walz, is considerably less nuanced.  He endorses communism as "people sharing with each other."  Kamala Harris has failed at every job she has held.  She was the top law enforcement officer in San Francisco.  It's now a cesspool of crime, drug abuse, and homelessness.  Then she took her San Fransisco policies statewide as the California Attorney General.  Now one of the most naturally blessed states in the country is experiencing a mass exodus of its most productive people.  As the Vice President, Harris was appointed by Joe Biden to be the border czar.  Under her supervision, enough illegal aliens entered the country to populate Los Angeles three times over.  Yet in this year's election, Kamala Harris will undoubtedly get over 70 million votes.  How is it that someone as unaccomplished as Harris is even competitive?

Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden's Attempt to Give Amnesty and Pathway to Citizenship to Over a Million Illegal Aliens.  A federal judge temporarily blocked another illegal effort by the Biden regime to give amnesty to illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens.  The Biden regime recently announced a program called "Keeping Families Together" that would have given amnesty to individuals who have entered the country illegally and consequently married an American citizen.  U.S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker issued an administrative stay just days after 16 Republican states, filed a challenge against the program, which would open up a pathway to citizen for up to a million illegal immigrants.  In his ruling, Barker, a Trump appointee said that the plaintiff's arguments were "substantial and warrant closer consideration than the court has been able to afford to date."

Judge blocks Biden program providing pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens.  A federal judge in the Eastern District of Texas on Monday [8/26/2024] temporarily blocked a Biden administration program that allowed undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens to apply for green cards without leaving the U.S.  The program, which the White House named Keeping Families Together, would provide a form of legal relief known as "parole in place" to undocumented spouses of American citizens who could prove they have lived in the U.S. continuously for at least 10 years and met a host of other requirements.  Typically, undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens need to leave the country to apply for green cards and eventually citizenship, risking yearslong or even permanent separation from their families.  Parole in place would have allowed them to apply without leaving the U.S.

Goodbye, JFK Democrats.  President John F. Kennedy was a staunch anti-communist who fought against union and government corruption.  He was a pro-life Catholic.  He was laser-focused on faster growth ("we can do bettah") and saw sweeping tax rate reductions as a step toward achieving 4% to 5% growth.  Democrats are now for higher taxes:  They ignore and excuse union and government corruption and they don't even talk about growth.  It is all income redistribution.  They should listen to the words of wisdom of JFK circa 1960 to 1963.  In 1962, he famously declared: "It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now."  Sadly, today you could count on one hand the number of Democrats in Washington who believe that.  JFK called for a reduction in income tax and capital gains taxes.  Kamala Harris wants to raise every one of these rates — including doubling capital gains taxes.

RFK, Jr.  Lays Down his Marker.  The problem for Democrats moving forward is that substance is not on their side.  Party leaders are familiar with wielding power through targeted propaganda disseminated through allies in the mass media.  But, beyond smoke and mirrors, the party is nothing more than an institution void of any purpose other than the pursuit of power. [...] The DNC featured a Planned Parenthood abortion van providing free medication abortions, a celebratory speech from Kate Cox a mother who promoted her decision to abort her disabled child, and numerous orators glorifying abortion as a human right.  Oprah declared that, without the ability to abort children, "there is no American dream."  Throughout the convention, the nation was reminded that the Democratic Party is fundamentally built on the belief that children are expendable and should be discarded when their interests conflict with the ambitions, pleasure, or desires of their mothers. [...] The Democratic Party's discourse surrounding freedom revolves around sexual autonomy and the pursuit of individual pleasure.

This Is About to Get Ugly.  Do you think the DNC went well?  I'm not sure the Democrats did.  Reading between the lines of what was said and done between all that "joy," I think the Democrats are panicking, and for good reason.  They aren't selling themselves well.  If you think this is good, I've got sour news for you.  This is the kind of thing that spurs Democrats into action.  They live by the mantra "by any means necessary," and if the Democrats are the cornered animal they're hinting they are, then they're about to resort to some really brutal tactics to hold onto power.  The signs are all there.  Bizarre time change-ups, internal discord, Democrats avoiding each other, sudden and out-of-place displays of patriotism, speech disruptions, and a presidential candidate that they had to force into the position of nominee by abandoning the Democracy they claim to defend.

Harris Wants to Seize Guns, Ban Private Health Insurance; Said Covid Killed 220M Americans.  More remarks that expose Vice President Kamala Harris' totalitarian plans and oddball ideas have gone viral.  The latest on the Democratic presidential nominee are her comments about seizing guns from law-abiding Americans, her former plan to eliminate private health insurance, and her bizarre claims that Covid-19 killed over 220 million Americans.  The first vice president to believe computer data are stored in the air above one's head, Harris is also notable for a faulty understanding of inflation and an oft-stated desire to redistribute wealth.  The name for her ideology:  Kamunism.  [Tweet with video clip]  "The problem is that Congress does not have the courage to act" on guns, Harris said in 2019, during her first presidential campaign.  "And that is why, from the beginning, I have said, my agenda includes attempting to get Congress to act but if they don't within the first 100 days of my administration, I'm gonna take executive action.  Because what we need is action."

The Editor says...
[#1] Who is in charge of the Executive Branch at this moment?  Go talk to him (or her) if "action" is so urgently needed.  Harris sounds like an idiot when she promises to fix the country's problems (real or imaginary) when she's the Vice President right now.  [#2] What kind of a simpleton would claim Covid (or anything else) has killed 220 million Americans?  Would you say that, even if it rolled up on the teleprompter?  No, because you have a sanity check in your head when you read something aloud, especially if somebody else wrote it.  Harris lacks that filter. 

Harris Agenda:  Taxes on Gains That Don't Yet Exist.  Kamala Harris's handlers want her to win with joy, not substance.  Her job is to travel around joyfully with Tim Walz to fire up the crowds, not with an agenda but with some ethereal version of hope and change.  Substance and truth are missing, and in their place is joy and lots of misinformation, disinformation, outright lies, bald-faced lies, and lies by omission, backed up by fully corporatized media.  Harris won't tell us what her agenda is; she refuses to answer serious questions, and it's not as if a serious reporter could get close to her.  It's the basement campaign that Biden ran.  Some people doubt she will tax unrealized gains — gains that do not exist — gains on any appreciating assets — but she will.  She has made herself clear in the recent past.  Harris will claim it will only be levied against the wealthy.  However, no one should lose their rights because they are in a certain tax bracket.  Anyway, they'll take their wealth and leave.  Additionally, once this communist value is in our government, it will grow like a fast-spreading cancer as greed sets in.

The death of truth is killing America.  Lies abound:  Men can be women, men can menstruate and nurse babies, America is racist, the incompetent should be elevated while the competent get shoved off a cliff.  Universities are educating, Trump threatens democracy, Democrats can fix what's wrong.  Kamala is fit to be POTUS, Tim Walz is normal, and DEI isn't reparations and the theft of merit.  A civilization cannot survive without truth.  You cannot pay mediocre and incompetent citizens more than they are worth and still preside over a healthy economy and culture.  You cannot cut off our oil supply, buy it from an enemy who has sworn to wipe us off the globe, and still expect not to be attacked and starved out of existence.  You cannot tell men they really are women, put tampons in men's bathrooms, and allow men into women's sports and expect no backlash from normal people who get their intelligence insulted and their sports careers ruined.  You cannot reward the stupid and entitled, then expect rational thought from "influencers" whose lives mean nothing more to them than how many followers they have.  You cannot fling open our borders for four years while claiming that the border is closed.  You cannot ignore the drugs, criminals, mentally unstable, and violent people coming across the border, then use OUR money to house, feed, and treat them to health care and to luxury hotels and not expect crime to soar where they live.

RFK, Jr.  Full Speech:  Also as Text.  [Video clip and transcript.]  [Scroll down]  In Chicago, the democratic speakers mentioned Donald Trump 147 times just on the first day of the convention.  Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?  In contrast, at the RNC convention, President Biden was mentioned only twice in four days.  I do interviews every day.  Many of you have interviewed me.  Anybody who asks gets to interview me.  Some days, I do as many as 10.  President Trump, who actually was nominated and won an election, also does interviews daily.  How did the Democratic Party choose a candidate that has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle?  We know the answer.  They did it by weaponizing the government agencies.  They did it by abandoning democracy.  They did it by suing the opposition and by disenfranchising American voters.  What most alarms me isn't how the Democratic Party conducts its internal affairs or runs its candidates.  What alarms me is they resort to censorship and media control, and the weaponization of the federal agencies.

Democrats Crush Democracy By Cutting Out Political Competition In Swing States.  The self-proclaimed defenders of democracy are once again interfering with U.S. elections, attempting to drive another competitor off a critical swing state presidential election ballot.  Democrats have asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to block Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate, Butch Ware, from the Badger State's November ballot.  The Democratic National Committee argues Wisconsin's high court should take original action in deciding the case, foregoing the usual first filing in lower courts.  The leftist-controlled state high court on Thursday obliged the DNC, with a ruling coming as soon as Monday, legal experts tell The Federalist.

Trillion-Dollar Surprise in the Inflation Reduction Act.  Many have rightly called the IRA 'the New Green Deal Lite.'  The massive bill was primarily geared towards funding green energy projects.  Some of that funding took the form of direct subsidies for conservation and energy efficiency projects.  The main goal was to divert hundreds of billions of dollars into green energy projects.  The uncapped lion's share of the cost comes in the form of special tax credits through the internal revenue code.  Initially the Congressional Budget Office scored the IRA in September 2022 as reducing federal deficits by more than $200 billion over a decade.  The Center for a Responsible Federal Budget summarized the CBO's score for the IRA as costing ~$391 billion in energy subsidies and tax credits as well as ~$108 billion in healthcare subsidies.  The CBO estimated the IRA would raise ~$738 billion in revenue over a decade by increasing a variety of taxes and repealing various tax exemptions — a classic "spend now, pay later" scheme.  Yet the Joint Committee on Taxation put out revised estimates less than a year later (June 2023) that the clean energy tax credits, rather than costing roughly $270 billion, would cost closer to $663 billion.

The Lure of Easy Home Ownership.  The Harris/Walz economic agenda might be called "Free Stuff Socialism" where government taxes the "super-rich" to provide ordinary Americans with "free stuff," or at least stuff at sharply reduced prices.  Obviously, the aim is to secure votes and, no doubt, many Americans will find these lures convincing. [...] Consider, for example, the proposal to pay 400,000 first-generations home buyers $25,000 towards their down payment and a $10,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers.  All told, this plan is to help one million first-time home buyers per year while simultaneously boosting the home construction industry. [...] What could possibly go wrong?  Lots.  The law of supply and demand obviously poses a serious problem:  increasing the pool of those trying to buy homes will boost home prices, and even with government funds in one's pocket, home ownership may still be beyond reach.  Perhaps a Harris administration will then ban builders from "price gouging" as they intend to bar supermarkets from overcharging shoppers, but this response will fail for the simple reason that, as in all consumer pricing, who can determine the "real" price of anything?

Here we go again with that hopey-changey scam.  Kamala Harris is trotting out Version 2.0 of Hope and Change.  Of course she can't call it that, since Obama owns that empty phrase and, besides, promising "change" sounds funny from someone whose distance away from the presidency the last four years was just a heartbeat, and a very feeble one at that.  And even she is smart enough not to make a dramatic multicolored poster of herself like the one Obama traded on, pictured above.  That's sui generis.  (Art, not so much.)  So... she ginned up something similar to "Hope and Change."  It's "Joy."  We're told her campaign is full of "joy." [...] The reason for Kamala's joy is that she looks forward to a future "unburdened by the past."  In other words, don't judge her by her words and actions in the past, including the past four years.  Instead, judge her by the words and actions you imagine her speaking and doing in the future.  Anyone who dredges up her words and deeds of the past is not unburdened by the past and is a real killjoy.

Kamala's Bait-And-Switch:  Progressivism For Socialism.  If you're one of the shrunken number of people who have bothered to watch the Democratic National Convention, you will by now certainly know it's been long on rhetoric, and incredibly short on policy specifics.  That's not a bug, it's a feature.  On Thursday night's final evening of the Democratic National Convention, the party's candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris didn't release a party platform.  So "our democracy," as the Dems like to call it, apparently doesn't come equipped with any policy promises.  Just a candidate, who received zero votes in any primary.  The truth is, the increasingly far-left Democratic Party doesn't want anyone to know that it plans to push the nation even further to the socialist side of the scale because they know it won't sell with average Americans who still think the ol' U.S. of A. is a special place.  As such, it's no surprise Harris has been a bit gauzy about what she intends to do if elected.  Why, it's almost as if the Dems are hiding something from us.

The Kamala Harris Video That Might Finally Wake Up Americans.  Kamala Harris, who indeed has a record that is way off the mainstream of America is very close to becoming the leader of the free world.  [Video clip]  Kamala Harris supports government intervention in order to create what she thinks is equality between men and women.  She supports government forcing of pharmaceutical companies in order to enforce her progressive ideas on private companies.  She doesn't just believe in big government.  She believes in a super-centralized idea of federal power.  She believes in enforcing gun mandates in order to take guns back.

Report: Kamala Harris Wants to Hike Taxes by $5 Trillion.  Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris's economic plan would increase taxes by $5 trillion over ten years, according to Americans for Tax Reform (ATR).  Harris's campaign announced an enormous economic package on Monday that would undo former President Donald Trump's tax cuts, claiming it would be part of "a fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share."

Kamala Harris Outlines Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens in DNC Speech.  Vice President Kamala Harris outlined her plans to pass amnesty for 11 to 22 million illegal aliens in the United States during her speech on Thursday evening at the Democrat National Convention (DNC).  "I know we can live up to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system," Harris said on the final night of the DNC.  "We can create an earned pathway to citizenship and secure our border."  That "earned pathway to citizenship" is presumably designed to allow the nation's 11 to 22 million illegal aliens to apply for green cards, and eventually, secure naturalized American citizenship via legislation that remains opposed by the majority of lawmakers in the House and Senate.

Both Candidates Promise to Undo the Biden-Harris Administration.  Oddly enough, there's really only one thing both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump agree on:  Joe Biden has been a disaster as President of the United States.  Both Harris and Trump promise to undo much of what Biden has done, which is a good thing.  But it's a little bit weird that one of those candidates helped implement those policies in the first place. [...] Joe Biden's 4 years in the White House should be wiped clean from the history books.  We'll never get back the money the Biden/Harris administration cost us these years, but we can make sure we rip out the causes of that pain by the root.  Of course, what Kamala Harris is promising to do is much worse.  Price controls have been the foundation of some of the worst ideas that human being have ever come up with, and the concepts that accompany those ideas led directly to the deaths of more than 100 million people in the last century, so it's not a good road to travel down.

CNN beclowns itself and says the markets yearn for Kamala.  There is just so much to love!  Let's blame corporations for greed and gouging when they make a small profit, instead of big government spending and regulations.  What's not to love about destroying the oil and coal industries along with private health insurance?  Let's raise the corporate tax rate 33%, from 21% to 28%.  I can hear the companies cheering now!  Let's raise the top rate on individuals.  The applause is deafening!  Then let's essentially double the tax on dividends and capital gains to over 40%. That should get a standing ovation from all investors.  What harm could that do to asset prices?  Then, the big one that gets the loudest cheers of all:  Taxing unrealized capital gains at 25%.  There is nothing smarter than making people liquidate assets to pay a tax when they haven't sold the asset.  What would these geniuses do if prices crashed and the net worth of rich people went down?  They certainly wouldn't lower government spending, because smaller government is never an option for Democrats.

Half of America Are Cult Members.  Today, one of the nation's parties has utter disdain for the Constitution and is supported by voters who act more like cultists than autonomous adults.  The Democrat Convention in Chicago is Exhibit A.  From the Planned Parenthood Taco-truck providing free abortions to the 20-foot high inflatable IUD and the platforming of those suffering from transgender body dysmorphia, this perverse circus would be unrecognizable to any Democrat of JFK, or even Bill Clinton's era.  Yet those who love America must win on November 5th.  So what is to be done when tens of millions of Americans believe that 600,000 abortions a year are not enough and that a man can be a woman?

Democrat Platform Refers to 'Second Biden Term' 19 Times.  The Democratic Party platform, released Sunday on the eve of the convention that is to nominate Vice President Kamala Harris for president, refers over a dozen times to President Joe Biden's "second term."  Biden dropped out of the race in late July.  But as Breitbart News reported earlier Monday, the platform still refers to him as the candidate.

Price Gouging Is a Nonsense Narrative.  It's clear that the DNC will be heavily focused on ideas of price gouging, corporate greed, and making increasingly economically illiterate calls for price fixing, one of the worst and most discredited central planning ideas in all of history.  Price controls never work.  They destroy supply and result in shortages.

Democrat Platform Says America Was Built on Stolen Land.  The DNC 2016 party platform began by claiming that "Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago."  Four years later, out went the Continental Congress and all of America.  The 2020 DNC platform began with a politically fashionable 'land acknowledgement' asserting that America was an illegitimate entity operating on stolen land "built on Indigenous homelands."  The 2024 platform likewise begins with a 'land acknowledgement' claiming that Chicago properly belongs to 13 different Indian tribes.  Once again, the DNC asserts that they "recognize that our country was built on Indigenous homelands."  That is to say America should not exist.  If the Democrats truly believe it, why not turn over Chicago to the Indian tribes?

The Editor says...
If the Democrats are right about America (and they aren't), then what was the last country that was NOT "built on stolen land?"

Harris Economic Plan Rebrands Democrats' Old Playbook.  Vice President and Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris outlined her "Agenda to Lower Costs for American Families" in a widely anticipated speech in Raleigh, North Carolina last Friday.  Far from being an agenda, with actual costs and benefits specified, Harris's plan is a slapdash assortment of ideas for even greater interference in the economy by the people who broke it in the first place.  Harris's program does have a consistent theme: she will create an "opportunity economy" by "building up our middle class" and lowering costs of housing, health care, and groceries.  That echoes the rhetoric Harris and President Joe Biden have continually used to camouflage their destructive, big-government, antibusiness policies.

Beware of the Black Swans.  We've got about 75 more days left until the election, and who knows what [...] will happen that will change everything?  If the last 25 years have been any indication, something will happen, and it's going to be weird.  We only have black swans anymore.  We need to be looking for the white swan among the black flock.  What can happen?  Well, there's the Democratic National Convention.  It's going on as I write this and we might see total chaos.  The Democrats, on the streets, inside the arena, and aboard the abortion/castration RV, could show America their true colors and turn off the voters. [...] Even if [Harris] doesn't screw it up by tossing one of her word salads, her problem may be that what she says is clear as a bell.  After all, she's pushing all sorts of commie schemes, from price controls to giving first-time home buyers an extra $25,000 for their down payments.  That's great... for those of us who already own real estate.

Kamala and Biden have clearly surrounded themselves with people who know nothing about business or economics.  I have taken a few courses in economics and not once have I read that high inflation is caused by demand being too slow.  Yet, here is Democrat Sen. Chris Coons, who claims that the inflation that Americans have been inflicted with has been caused because the economic recovery was too slow. [...] And then this genius, who believes that the inflation came about because people weren't buying enough with their shriveling salaries, guarantees us that Kamala, Biden, and Democrat policies aren't the cause of inflation.  I wonder why people don't trust them.  Biden and Harris turned on the government money presses and set out to destroy the oil industry through regulation, but somehow they aren't responsible for oil, gasoline, diesel and utilities prices spiking.

Kamala Harris to Announce Soviet-Style Price Controls on Food Under Guise of 'Gouging Ban'.  Soviet-style centrally administered price controls on food and grocery prices will form part of the federal economic proposals U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will unveil Friday when she finally delivers an insight into her 2024 policies.  Her address will mark the first time Harris offers a policy focused speech since she was anointed as the Democratic candidate in July and been roundly accused by critics since as being a policy-free zone, as Breitbart News reported.  The Democratic nominee is promising to institute a first-ever national ban on price gouging and price-fixing within her first 100 days in office in an effort to deflect many voters' low marks for President Joe Biden's handling of the economy.  [Tweet]

Rent Control and Price Caps:  Kamala's Blueprint for Creating the Next Great American Slum.  Only in Hollywood or liberal party politics can one be taken seriously for releasing a plan to address the economic torpor one is responsible for creating.  Harris is responsible for massive increases in prices, which are a hidden tax imposed on the most economically vulnerable.  She's responsible for a 47% increase in eggs, a 51% increase in gasoline, and a 22% increase in average rent.  These are hardly luxury items or a tax on the rich.  It seems Democrats are content to soak the lower and middle classes, so long as they can maintain the illusion of compassion.  Fundamentally, this is a result of two Harris calamities.  First, the astronomical increase in the cost of goods and services is a direct result of the Harris-Biden administration's policy of spending like drunken sailors.  Inflation decreases the value of your dollars, inflating the prices of staples like milk and eggs.  It is solely the result of the spending policies that emanate from Washington, D.C. Inflation is not a product of corporate America raising prices to gouge consumers.  The only entity that has the power to print money is the federal government.  Therefore, the federal government is the only entity capable of producing inflation.

Sincere Christians Should Never Vote for a Democrat.  [T]he Democrat party is one of the greatest tools of Satan in the world today. [...] As I have often noted, and as we saw with slavery in nineteenth-century America, the modern Democrat party is on the wrong side of virtually every significant moral issue of our time.  Democrats have long been wrong on sex, wrong on marriage, wrong on life, wrong on the family, wrong on economics, wrong on the climate, wrong on crime and punishment, wrong on immigration, wrong on faith, and so on.  And they haven't merely been wrong; Democrats have made numerous laws and enacted countless policies rooted in their many wrongs.  Most of these laws and policies are in clear and direct contradiction to what Christianity teaches.  For example, the truth on marriage — that it is only the union of one man and one woman for life — is one of the oldest truths in the history of humanity.

DNC Convention:  Democrats Talk About Faith — Forget to Mention the Free Abortion Bus Out Back of the Convention Center.  A Democrat speaker on Monday night spoke about faith during her speech.  She forgot to mention the free abortion bus out back.  Planned Parenthood is offering free abortions and vasectomies at the convention this week.  Whatever happened to safe, legal and rare?  It's a like a sacrificial bus to their god.  ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter added this, "How is it that Democrats can talk about faith like this when there is a literal abortion clinic parked outside of their convention set up so people can kill their children for free?  Which Bible are they reading?"

Ten Techniques Marxists Have Deployed to Gain Influence.  [Scroll down]  In summing up, it might be worth pointing out that if cultural Marxist ideology seems muddled with contradictions, it is by design — to sow confusion and division, making it easier to gain influence and control.  An example of such a contradiction is the putative ideal of feminism: advancing equality for women in all spheres of society.  But if Marxists care about women, why would they put them in harm's way by forcing them to share bathrooms with biological men posing (or "identifying") as women?  Why would they revile women who object to the intrusion as "transphobic"?  The truth is that the endgame is not about the issue — women's rights, saving the planet, protecting transgenders/people of color, or whatever.  It's about fundamentally transforming American society and preparing the soil for communism.  It's all about the revolution.

The DNC's proposed platform is a bizarre document.  With the Democrat convention having begun today, the DNC released its platform, a 91-page mess of ideas and stances that is, as Lewis Carroll would say, a combination of "ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision."  Aside from insisting that Biden is the candidate, the document is a mess of communism, lies about Trump, economic ignorance, race-baiting, and, surprisingly, pro-Israel language that will enrage the pro-Hamas base. [...] Coming from a place of fantasy, they insist that sending tax dollars to imaginary renewable energy will lower costs.  Meanwhile, the Inflation Reduction Act, they say, hands out money to people to pay for their home energy.  Again, Democrats resist Econ 101:  If you print money, the cost of everything increases.  Savings get eaten up, and salaries lag, so all but the connected end up falling behind where they started.  Democrats still push electric cars even though consumers don't like them, and a renewable energy grid can't power them.

The eerie overlap between Harris-Walz images and slogans and those of the Nazis, Soviets, and Chinese communists.  The Harris-Walz ticket, we're told, is all about joy.  Joy.  Joy.  Joy.  Also, it's about the benefits Democrats create for children, with a special focus on teachers' unions and Tim Walz's creepy (but, to Democrats, admirable) focus on LGBTQ+ youth.  However, alert people are noticing that the Democrats' campaign's slogans, along with their images and ideas, have an uncanny resemblance to some things coming out of really icky regimes, such as the Nazis, the Soviets, and Chinese communists.  I'm not saying that the Democrats are ready to commit genocide or open gulags, but it really is weird how leftists always think alike.  What's been pushed down our gullet since Kamala's launch is that she is the embodiment of "joy" and that Walz's being added to the ticket merely multiplies that joy.

Kamala's inflation rhetoric misses the real culprit.  Kamala is outraged at grocery stores that have a net profit margin of around 2%.  Somehow, she blames them for the high inflation that is causing them to live paycheck to paycheck, clean out their savings, and run up their credit card debt.  But she didn't say a word about Google, whose net profit margin is 13 times what the grocery store margins are.  Could it be that they are special because they find a way to favor Democrats and harm Republicans on their almost monopolistic search engine?  Could it be that they are special as they support the green pushers while their carbon footprint, with their data centers and A.I., is massive?  It seems that as long as they pretend, they will be special and not blamed for inflation.  Facebook also was not mentioned despite its margin being 34.34%, or 17 times a grocery store's.  Of course, Zuckerburg spent hundreds of millions to beat Trump in 2020.

Kamala Harris' Proposed Price Controls May Lead To "Communism, Mass Starvation, & End Of America".  At a rally in North Carolina on Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, unveiled her communist-style economic plan of 'price controls.' Her argument has been evil capitalism and corporations for rampant inflation, despite the reality that reckless government spending under her and President Biden is the primary driver of sky-high prices, particularly in the grocery store.  What's hilarious is that even Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell criticized VP Harris' economic plan to implement price controls to stop "price gouging" on groceries.  "It's hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is," Rampell wrote.  She titled the op-ed, "When your opponent calls you 'communist,' maybe don't propose price controls?"  On Saturday morning, Elon Musk reposted one food industry insider's step-by-step summary of what would happen if Harris' economic price control plan was implemented.  Musk wrote, "Accurate conclusion."

Kamala Promises to Build 3 Million Homes in 4 Years.  Vice President Kamala Harris promised Friday that she would build 3 million new homes in four years if she were elected, but she and President Joe Biden barely managed to build eight EV charging stations in two-and-a-half years. [...] Harris did not explain how those new homes were to be built in a high-interest-rate environment.  She also did not explain whether she meant 3 million units in addition to those that would already have been built, or three million units total.  Nearly 1.5 million homes were built in the U.S. in 2023, so 3 million over four years would actually mean construction had slowed down by 50%.  Presumably, she meant 3 million additional homes — 750,000 extra per year.

The Editor says...
[#1] Building houses for the benefit of the private sector is not the proper role of government.  [#2] It's one thing to build a house, and it's another thing to find a buyer.  [#3] I suspect the houses (if any are ever built) will be sold only to "people who look like America" in the view of the socialist Democrats, i.e., anybody who isn't white.

Kamala Harris Skewered Over Price Control Plan, "Hard To Exaggerate How Bad This Policy Is".  Vice President Kamala Harris has faced enormous backlash over her proposal to enact price controls on groceries amid the rampant inflation the Biden-Harris administration has been accused of creating through its disastrous policies.  Among the many critics, the Washington Post's Catherine Rampell recently published a scathing opinion piece that stressed that it is "hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is."  Following the unveiling of her economic agenda, Harris has been criticized for embodying "communist" policies that revolve around central planning.  Therefore, Rampell's piece is titled, "When your opponent calls you 'communist,' maybe don't propose price controls?"  Many have blasted Harris for proposing policies that undercut free-market principles in something that would be seen in the Soviet Union.

What Constitution?  Kamala's attack on patents is pure socialism.  A video has emerged of Kamala during the 2019 campaign promising to fix drug prices and, failing that, to seize drug makers' patents to lower drug prices.  It is making the rounds now because she's again demanding price controls in America.  Kamala's solution is typically tyrannical:  Give her power, and she'll exercise it without regard to property rights or the innovation that comes with the promise of profit.

Kamala made a fool of herself?  Time for more climate hysteria!  Playing the climate/weather hysteria card is becoming more and more likely as the Harris-Walz economic agenda is falling flat on its face.  There are, however, limits to the effectiveness of this tactic.  First, the little boy has been crying "wolf!" for way too long to still have much impact.  Second, the measures suggested to deal with such an imaginary problem are really, really expensive, not to mention grossly inconvenient.  Only nut-bag zealots would ever be eager to lower their standard of living because of a popular fantasy.

Grand Theft MAGA.  "Kamaga" Harris is 2024's latest MAGA convert.  If you can't beat Trump, steal his issues.  Her latest positions include strong borders, no tax on tips, tough on crime, pro-fracking, child tax credits, and support for Israel.  At least for this week.  Lacking viable policies, Kamala plagiarizes Trump's act.  Plagiarism runs deep in her party.  Her running mate stole actual warriors' valor.  Biden's covert 1987 plagiarism doomed his first presidential run.  He was the first to withdraw from that election's primaries.  Harris withdrew first from the presidential primaries in 2019 and now openly plagiarizes Trump's policies.

Kamala Harris gets dragged, from even the left, on her communist price-control scheme.  For Kamala Harris, it was all so very easy.  To end inflation, which is the number one voter concern, a president need only get out one's pen and phone.  Waving the pen like an orchestra baton, a president could will away the inflation with the whip of an executive order that no one can raise their prices.  Price controls is her big economic plan.  That will fix it!  [Video clip]

Kamala's Last Walz?  Is there actual enthusiasm for Ka-blah-blah Harris among the voters?  If there is, I haven't seen it.  Even the slow learners out there who wore cheap surgical masks alone in their cars well into 2022 and attached tiny Ukraine flags to their mailboxes in support of nuclear war in Europe are staying quiet these days.  Where are all the "I'm with Her" signs that Hildebeest's astroturfing army placarded everywhere two election cycles ago?  Have Democrats become skittish about playing the woman card when so many of their voters struggle to define what a woman is?  Nah, that can't be it.  Sexual and racial grievances are the quintessential ingredients of the Democrats' political platform.  Without those, their campaign promises would consist of nothing more than higher taxes, open borders, more censorship, and rampant criminality.

Harris To Voters:  You Have To Elect Me To Find Out What I'm For.  In the three weeks since Joe Biden handed her the nomination, Kamala Harris spent a total of 70 seconds in front of reporters and issued one specific promise, which she stole from Donald Trump.  This is the first presidential campaign in history that appears to be guided by Nancy Pelosi's line about Obamacare:  "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."  At her brief stop before a handful of reporters while boarding Air Force Two, one of them oh-so-politely asked Harris when she'd sit down for a press interview.  Her answer: "I've talked to my team.  I want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month."  Staging rallies around the country is easy.  Sitting down for an interview with a fawning reporter?  That's complicated business!

If Kamala wants to copy Trump, why did the IRS launch a plan to go after tips last year?  Check it out..  Months after Trump first floated the idea of a "no tax on tips" policy, Kamala Harris flew into Las Vegas, picked an accent at random, and announced her own totally original "no tax on tips" policy.  [Tweet with video clip]  But this is far more than a simple case of Kamala Harris looking over her opponents shoulder.  Because under her own administration last year, the IRS cracked down on tips!  [Tweet]

Brian Fallon Copies Trump "No Tax on Tips" Pledge for Kamala to Read from Teleprompter in Nevada.  The flaw in every proposal from the left-wing thinking of Brian Fallon, is simply to say, "why hasn't she done it already?"  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are currently in office, if they plan to eliminate income taxes on tips then why are they not doing it?  "Vice President Kamala Harris rolled out a promise to stomp out taxes on tips during a campaign stop in Las Vegas Saturday — prompting former President Donald Trump to rip her for "copying" one of his signature proposals."  "It is my promise to everyone here, when I am President, we will continue our fight for working families of America, including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers," Harris told the crowd.  [Video clip]

Kamala calls for 'pathway to citizenship' for every illegal border crosser.  How is it a pathway to citizenship for people who crossed into the U.S. illegally going to disincentize the desire of millions to come over without papers?  Holding out citizenship to these lawbreakers is to reward the lawbreaking.  After all, if you can come illegally and get a plethora of benefits even legal immigrants don't get, with a U.S. passport at the end of the rainbow, why would you do it any different?  It's astonishing how little she [Kamala Harris] understands of human incentive, creating huge incentives to come to the states illegally and keep the surge going.

A Harris-Walz administration would be a nightmare for free speech.  The selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) as the running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris has led to intense debates over crime policy, war claims, gender identity policies and other issues.  Some attacks have, in my view, been inaccurate or overwrought.  However, the greatest danger from this ticket is neither speculative nor sensational.  A Harris-Walz administration would be a nightmare for free speech.  For over three years, the Biden-Harris administration has sustained an unrelenting attack on the freedom of speech, from supporting a massive censorship system (described by a federal court as an "Orwellian Ministry of Truth") to funding blacklisting operations targeting groups and individuals with opposing views.

The Election Is Not about Trump or Harris
  •   Biden/Harris have repeatedly pushed for restrictions on the Second Amendment while their Department of Justice has failed repeatedly to enforce federal gun laws with mandatory minimum prison sentences for those who possess, let alone brandish or discharge, guns during violent felonies.
  •   Prices and inflation have skyrocketed on Biden/Harris's watch.  Although consumers bear some responsibility for overpaying, e.g. squandering money on fancy brand names that are not backed up by actual value, the government squandering money on things we can't afford and don't need like college loan forgiveness exacerbates the problem.
  •   Walz has made it clear with driver's licenses for all that he will continue to welcome illegal migrants who are diverting taxpayer dollars from citizens and legal immigrants.  New York City has cut money for meals for seniors programs so it can squander $300 a night on hotel rooms for migrants. [...]
  •   Donald Trump revoked U.S. funding for UNRWA, which Israel recently designated a terrorist organization, and rightly so.  If the next Trump State Department adds UNRWA to our own list of terrorist entities, Kamala Harris's stepdaughter will no longer be able to raise money for it.
  •   When outhouse countries mutilate girls' reproductive organs, civilized nations call it female genital mutilation.  "FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls and women."  When doctors are permitted to do this in the United States, the left calls it gender-affirming surgery.
  •   Biden, Harris, and Walz have all equivocated on Israel's right to defend itself against the same violent, depraved Dark Age ideology that gave us 9/11, the Marine barracks bombing in 1983, terrorist attacks throughout Europe, the Mumbai massacre, discrimination against women in Afghanistan and Iran, a recent threat to attack a Taylor Swift concert in Austria, ISIS burning a Jordanian pilot alive, and mindless violence against peaceful Muslims in the Middle East and Central Asia. [...]
  •   Kamala Harris and Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro (D) both support junk taxes and fees on energy, while Donald Trump does not.  Biden/Harris have tried to force Americans to buy electric vehicles that few want and fewer can afford.

Kamala Harris Promises Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens, Nationwide Mail-In Voting.  Vice President Kamala Harris is vowing to sign legislation as president that would have millions of illegal aliens eventually securing naturalized American citizenship and imposing nationwide no-excuse mail-in voting.  During a rally in Glendale, Arizona, Harris said she would back amnesty for the nation's 11 to 22 million illegal aliens through so-called "comprehensive reform."

Barbarism in America:  The Harris-Walz Agenda.  In a move that should outrage every American, Minnesota governor Tim Walz, who is now Kamala Harris' running mate, recently signed into law the Pro Act, a bill that allows babies born alive to be left to die if the child survived an abortion attempt.  This legislation, now law in Minnesota, represents a level of barbarism that should have no place in a civilized society.  Some will claim this is an overstatement.  However, eight infants born alive have already been lost to post-birth abortion — bald-faced infanticide.  This barbaric policy is a brutal reality where newborns, who survive attempted abortions.  Abortion is unethical to start with as the purpose of medicine is to heal and maintain the health of the patient — every ethical doctor knows a pregnant woman represents two patients.  Abortion neither heals nor maintains the health of either patient, stopping the healthy function of the woman's reproductive system and snatching life itself away from the baby.

'Draft Our Daughters' Legislation Smacks Of Trojan Horse For Government Social Credit System.  Members of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), meeting behind closed doors, recently pulled "Draft Our Daughters" out of the legislative dustbin.  SASC Chairman Jack Reed, D-R.I., "sweetened" this year's version with a trade-off deal purporting to exempt female draftees from being "compelled to join combat roles that were closed to women prior to December 3, 2015."  The defense bill would automatically register all persons of draft age (18-26) who are subject to Selective Service law, extending government power into the lives of every young person in America while weakening military readiness.  The "combat carve-out" ploy was a false promise that should have fooled no one, but the measure passed on a 16-9 bipartisan vote.  If the Senate wanted to exempt women from direct ground combat, they should have done so across the board, instead of approving a ruse involving Selective Service registration.

Equality, Equity, and Kamala Harris.  In February 2021, when Harris had been vice president for a month, she took part in a virtual celebration of Black History Month.  She took the occasion to say this:  "And if the goal is truly about equality, it has to be about a goal of saying everybody should end up in the same place.  And since we didn't start in the same place, some folks might need more equitable distribution."  It's difficult to imagine a major-party nominee for president saying that.  But that's what Harris said.  Should she become president, she would have much more power to pursue her goal of equity across the entire country.  She would be a president pushing DEI, inequality, discrimination, and communism. [...] Ryan Bourne sums up Harris' position nicely.  The problem with Harris' perspective is that it's ridiculous to think that when treated equitably, people will end up in the same place.  There's no reason to expect different individuals (or different groups) to achieve the same economic outcomes or be equally represented in society when everything else about their upbringings, education, work experience, and/or other characteristics are made the same.  There is no reason to expect that, even if 'equity' (as Harris defines it) could be achieved, we would all 'end up in the same place.'

Biden Administration Declares War on Plastic Silverware as Green Obsession Goes Too Far.  On July 19, amid global calamities on a scale unseen since World War II, the Biden-Harris administration announced a plan to eliminate the deadly scourge of plastic silverware.  "Communities across the United States and around the world are facing a plastic pollution crisis," a White House statement began.  It only got worse from there.  In fact, two sentences later, the statement's author made the required genuflection at the liberal altars of equity and apocalypse-mongering.

The Harris Flop Would Be Scarier Than Her Flip.  Joe Biden won in 2020 on the premise that until the November election, he would pose as good ol' Joe from Scranton and not scare voters.  So Biden talked about "unity" and "competency."  He erased his prior wild primary pandering to left-wing voters about shutting down fracking and opening the border.  But as soon as he was elected in 2020, Biden became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term.  Fooled and naïve voters were shocked that their supposedly moderate candidate turned into a veritable neo-socialist president.  In general, the left acknowledges that its spread-the-wealth, high taxes, big government, open borders, soft on crime, and woke DEI agendas don't appeal to 51 percent of the people.  That reality requires disinformation for leftist policies to be implemented.  No one voted for the Biden-Harris ticket to borrow trillions sparking hyperinflation, to wage war on fossil fuels, to go woke, to welcome in 10 million illegal aliens, to abandon $50 billion in weapons to the terrorist Taliban, and to find America facing existential wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and soon perhaps over Taiwan.

The media campaign for Tim Walz gets a particularly sycophantic start.  It is astonishing what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Merrick Garland focus on while the world and economy burn.  While terrorists, gang members, child traffickers, and drugs pour across the border, and while the world is embroiled in war, the "adults in the room" have more important things about which to worry, like Trump supporters and a couple-degree temperature rise based on computer predictions.  Conservatives and warm weather are the greatest existential threats, not real violence in real time.  Kamala Harris, that "tough prosecutor" who helped bail out criminals in 2020, supports letting all illegals off the hook, and supported California measures that permitted thieves to steal $950 every time they went into a store — but you better never be a peaceful pro-life supporter exposing the baby parts trade, or Harris and her cohorts, Joe Biden and Merrick Garland, will target you as if you are a violent criminal, just like they did to parents who dared question school boards.

Why Do Democrats Wreck the Economy?  It's odd how often our Democrat friends start a war right after a presidential election:  Woodrow Wilson in 1917, FDR in 1941, Harry Truman in 1950.  And LBJ waited until 1965 to really crank up the Vietnam war.  You and I think about the economy:  our jobs, careers, getting inflation down and growth up.  But politicians don't.  They think about heroic deeds, like bashing the Kaiser, taking out Hitler and Tojo, sorting the commies, and "tackling" climate change.  Why do they do it?  Because wars are what rulers do.  They can tax and spend and inflate to their hearts' content, and if all the taxing and spending and inflating impoverishes the people, well, it's all in a good cause:  saving the world.  And when there's no war, then politics is all about taxing the rich and helping the poor.

Eric Weinstein: "It's The Communism Stupid".  Eric Weinstein, a former managing director of Peter Thiel's investment firm, Thiel Capital, took to X to explain one of the most under-discussed forces shaping the current US presidential election is the perception of communism.  Weinstein said the Democratic Party does not identify as a communist.  He noted that some see elements of the party's agenda — such as DEI initiatives, social justice movements, and progressive policies — as precursors to revolutionary Marxism.  This view fuels massive support for Donald Trump by notable individuals, such as the world's richest man, Elon Musk, and his deep network of VCs with 'enormous checkbooks.'  Weinstein said the belief is that the Democratic Party, by embracing progressive causes, is inadvertently promoting a communist agenda aimed at destabilizing capitalism and the American society.  This view, although not widely accepted by corporate media, is a pivotal factor in Trump's surging support.

Women's Issues' and the 2024 Election.  [Scroll down]  Now, turn to the Biden-Harris regime's war on forms of energy that work (and its associated policy of propping up forms of energy that don't work at all).  While raising taxes to subsidize windmills and solar panels that will never — never — be cost-effective in their energy production, the Biden-Harris regime (with the full support of the Democrat caucuses in Congress and the bureaucracy) has directly caused a doubling of the cost of gasoline and diesel, while simultaneously contributing to the degradation of the electric grid.  Women buy gasoline for their cars; women need power in their wall outlets for air conditioning, light, and appliances.  Women are the doctors, nurses, or patients in hospitals and clinics that suffer when the power grid goes down because Democrat party insistence on windmills and solar panels has caused yet another blackout.  Women are the mothers in maternity wards, or the patients in nursing homes, whose very lives are jeopardized by these power failures.  And since women are so often single mothers, responsible for the health and safety of their children, when the refrigerator goes out and food is spoiled, that's an extra burden on their suffering families.

Kamala Harris's Radical Islamic Terrorists Deal Revoked in Friday Night Surprise.  The Biden-Harris administration revoked a plea deal with the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks after bipartisan blowback against the agreement.  The administration announced the original deal, which would have taken the death penalty off the table for the terrorists, only two days before its revocation.  The deal immediately met overwhelming bipartisan blowback.  Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a memorandum Friday killing the deal, despite the three defendants — alleged mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as well as his accused co-conspirators, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin 'Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi — having already agreed to plead guilty to all charges, including the murder of 2,976 people, mostly Americans.

Commentary about Kamala Harris.  Harris has previously advocated for abolishing ICE, comparing the agency to the KKK, and has supported allowing criminals, including the Boston Marathon bomber and rapists, to vote.  She has also called for a ban on fracking and offshore drilling, defunding the police, providing taxpayer-subsidized healthcare to illegal immigrants, and eliminating private health insurance.  During a 2020 Democratic primary debate, Harris stated she would ban the importation of assault weapons by executive order if elected president. [...] Biden was more lucid than Harris because beneath his senescence was in essence a smart man.  Shamala is not smart.  She is not bright.  She is not talented.  She is merely there.  Jill Biden had high praise for the depraved opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics this weekend, despite widespread criticism that the performance mocked the Last Supper.  If you find the depraved degeneracy of the Olympics opening ceremony to be vile and disgusting and worthy of our collective contempt then you're going to love a Kamala Harris administration.

The Looming Kamala Calamity.  Just a few of the taxpayer disasters that Harris has in mind are that health care is a fundamental right and "Medicare for All" should be the policy.  She also believes in economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.  She favors family and medical leave, vacations, and retirement security for all workers, as well as "high-quality health care" administered by the federal government.  Harris also adheres to all the au-courant left-wing fashions.  As the Black Lives Matter riots were spreading like wildfire, she tried to set up a bail fund for those who were arrested. [...] She is a nightmare on taxes. [...] Harris, as the so-called border czar, has failed miserably. [...] Harris is notorious for rambling, often incoherently, when speaking.

If Chuck Schumer Doesn't Want A King, Maybe He Should Stop Attacking Our Institutions.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's latest gimmicky attack on the Supreme Court is called the "No Kings Act," which would overturn SCOTUS's recent immunity decision related to the prosecution of Donald Trump. [...] Now, I suppose, peddling some doomed law is an improvement on standing in front of the Supreme Court and threatening justices like a deranged demagogue, as Schumer did in 2020. Nevertheless, the court didn't anoint anyone a king.  I'm skeptical of constitutionally-protected presidential immunity arguments, but the Supreme Court merely recognized "that presidents have immunity from criminal prosecution for acts that are within the ambit of their executive authority."  This position was largely upheld for a long time by the norms that Democrats blew up when they shredded due process with their trumped-up, sometimes fictitious, charges against the leading GOP presidential hopeful.  The remedy for presidential misconduct, by the way, is impeachment and removal.  As much as he tries, Schumer does not have the power to dictate how the Judicial branch rules.

Biden's Supreme Court Reforms Are Unconstitutional.  On Monday, President Biden proposed two reforms to the Supreme Court — term limits for justices and a binding ethics code — along with a constitutional amendment to its recent presidential-immunity decision.  Making his case in a Washington Post op-ed, the president claimed broad support and specifically thanked "the bipartisan Presidential Commission on the [SCOTUS] for its insightful analysis, which informed some of these proposals."  But there's a problem with Biden trying to use the commission to give his proposals legitimacy.  Adam White, who served as a member of that commission, tells The Free Press that "nothing in our report actually recommended anything" that the president is now proposing.  Imposing term limits by statute would be unconstitutional, says White, a legal scholar for the American Enterprise Institute who was one of 34 experts who delivered a report on Supreme Court reforms to Biden in 2021.  "The Constitution explicitly guarantees that justices hold their office in good behavior, which means until impeachment or death or retirement, that's always been understood as life tenure," he explains.

Harris Is Recycling the 2020 Democrat Campaign.  Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election through a successful tripartite subterfuge.  [Advertisement]  One, Biden never really campaigned.  His handlers rightly assumed that the more the public and the media saw a debilitated Biden in the flesh, the less they would want him as president.  [Advertisement]  So, the Biden campaign used the COVID lockdowns to ensure that Biden stayed safe in his basement office.  Biden strategically distanced himself from disinterested journalists, using COVID as an excuse to avoid public appearances.  It allowed him to run a 19th-century, front-porch sort of virtual campaign.  [Advertisement]  In his place, the liberal media, Democratic grandees, and the billionaire donor class served as Biden campaign surrogates — vastly outspending, out-advertising, and out-lawyering the underfunded incumbent Trump.  Second, again using COVID as a pretext, well-funded Democratic legal teams altered the voting laws during early 2020 in key swing states to encourage non-Election Day voting.

The media's focus on candidates shouldn't obscure the real issues in this election.  The media would have us believe that this race is between Kamala the Magnificent, on the one hand, and Trump the Dishonest and Vance the Weird, on the other hand.  This is a lie.  What matters is that Americans must decide on November 5 if we are a constitutional nation with traditional values or a communist nation with values exemplified in the 2024 Olympics' opening ceremonies.  In the second half of the 20th century, Americans mostly shared the same values:  They liked the Bill of Rights, believed in the traditional family, wanted a color-blind society, expected a sovereign border, demanded strong national security, and desired capitalist-style prosperity that would allow them to ascend the economic ladder.  Presidential candidates promised them these things.  This year, though, the candidates and their parties have vastly different visions for America.

On energy policy, Kamala Harris is clueless.  During the Biden-Harris administration, the price of energy has increased across the board.  In fact, according to a new report by the Heartland Institute, the Biden-Harris administration's energy policies have directly cost U.S. households $2,548 since 2021.  Specifically, over the past three-and-half years, residential electricity prices have increased 23 percent, industrial electricity prices have increased 19 percent, home heating oil prices have increased 69 percent, oil prices have increased 52 percent, natural gas prices have increased 32 percent, and gasoline has increased $0.97 per gallon, or 42 percent.  In short, the sudden spike in energy prices under the Biden-Harris administration is largely due to the fact that President Biden nixed the Keystone XL Pipeline project; delayed new leases for oil and gas drilling on federal lands; implemented a slew of new regulations on fossil fuel production; embraces Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing metrics; and supports so-called renewable energy with massive subsidies.  While those policies have resulted in a steep rise in the price of energy over the past few years, they absolutely pale in comparison to what Kamala Harris would have in store should she become the next president of the United States.

The Biden-Harris plan to wreck the Supreme Court is the REAL threat to America's democratic system.  Democrats just revealed their true, sick political nature with their cynical push to remake the Supreme Court.  Indeed, they showed just how far they're willing to go to take down Donald Trump and win an election.  And that they are the real threat to democracy and America's political system.  The plan, rolled out by President Biden and Veep Kamala Harris, would impose 18-year term limits on justices, essentially, a plan to pack the court with liberals.  They'd subject justices to a code of conduct you can bet will be used similarly against justices they dislike.  Plus, they want more limits on presidential immunity after the Supreme Court reminded them that, under the Constitution, presidents cannot be charged with crimes for official actions they take while in office.

Biden's Supreme Court 'Reform' Is a Lame Duck Fantasy by a Failed Little Man.  Joe Biden used the op-ed page of the Washington Post rather than an address to the nation to announce his anticipated "reform" plan for the US Supreme Court on Monday. [...] It is in direct response to two related factors.  The 6-3 conservative majority does not seem to be going anywhere.  If Trump wins, that majority will probably be cemented for at least another generation.  The Supreme Court has proven to be the bulwark defending our civil liberties from the fascistic tendencies of Biden and his supporters.  The second factor is that the Supreme Court has made rulings curtailing the ability of federal agencies to rule by fiat (Loper Bright) and has attacked one of the sacraments of the Democrats' secular religion by ruling that abortion is not a constitutional right (Dobbs).  Along the way, it limited the ability of Democrats to use the legal system to harass and imprison opposing politicians by recognizing that a president has some degree of immunity for official acts.

The Democrat Party is the Greatest Threat to America.  The greatest threat to the survival of the United States as founded is not offshore but within its borders:  the Democrat Party controlled by the Obama-led Marxist faction.  Indicative of this dominance are the machinations surrounding the 2020 and the 2024 elections, which has brought this wing of the party to the final stages of achieving its long-term goal of transforming America into a one-party socialist oligarchy.  The American Left has long understood that in order to transform the United States, they would have to control one of two major political parties.  The Left-leaning Democrat Party, thanks to the socialist sympathies of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, was the obvious target.  The turmoil of the 1960s allowed the Marxists to accelerate this process as they focused on brazenly infiltrating the higher-education establishment.  By the 1990s they succeeded in dominating this vital societal institution and turning out legions of Marxist/socialist sympathizers to permeate the media and entertainment complex as well as their ultimate target — the Democrat Party.

Elizabeth Warren wants to give citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants and she says Kamala "will get that done".  Man, if you thought the Biden border was a disaster, wait until you get a load of the plans from Kamala and the radical left.  Here's our old fiend Pocahon — I mean, uhh, Elizabeth Warren — telling Jake Tapper that she and Kamala will provide a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegals.  [Tweet with video clip]  Hey, it's not "rigging" an election if millions of new Democrats are suddenly granted citizenship, right?  I mean, yes, it's fundamentally altering the demographics of the country in a cynical plot to assure Democrat electoral dominance for the foreseeable future.

Biden and Harris debut plan to overhaul Supreme Court — with focus on limiting Trump's powers.  President Biden formally unveiled his planned overhaul of the Supreme Court on Monday — with a clear eye on limiting the powers of former President Donald Trump should he succeed him.  The commander-in-chief took the unusual step of unveiling his major planned policy steps in a newspaper op-ed, with the Washington Post helpfully telling readers: "The writer is president of the United States."  Biden laid out three main changes to the court — which he said is "mired in a crisis of ethics" — including term limits and a binding code of conduct.

The Editor says...
I find it difficult to believe the Washington Post's claim that "The writer is president of the United States."  The man pretending to be the President is only awake for a few hours a day, and was unable to assemble a meaningful sentence during the televised debate a few weeks ago.  When somebody else writes a sentence for him, he can just barely read it off the teleprompter.  Nice try, WaPo.

Obamala Is Open to Destroying the Electoral College.  In March 2019, Kamala Harris, who was dubbed the "female Obama," said she was open to discussing eliminating the Electoral College.  She didn't seem to understand it's constitutionally mandated so a handful of heavily populated states don't get to decide the president.  It would silence smaller states.  "I'm open to the discussion," Harris said in an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live.  "There's no question that the popular vote has been diminished in terms of making the final decision about who's the president of the United States, and we need to deal with that, so I'm open to the discussion."  It would take a constitutional amendment.  States that have winner-takes-all within the state, like New York and California, deprive millions of votes.  In the last gubernatorial election, Long Island, Upstate, and Staten Island voted for Lee Zeldin, but Manhattan got to decide because of the millions who lived there.  Many people live there illegally.

This lame duck is a loose cannon.
Biden set to unveil major Supreme Court reform plans next week.  President Joe Biden is reportedly planning to unveil a dramatic Supreme Court reform next week in an attempt to overhaul the high court.  Two people familiar with the matter told Politico that the president is likely to endorse establishing term limits for justices, and bring in a code of ethics.  The 81-year-old is expected to push for an amendment that would limit immunity for presidents and other officeholders.

Janet Yellen Calls For $78,000,000,000,000 To Tackle Climate Change.  U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said during a speech in Belem, Brazil, on Saturday that the price tag for a global transition to a low-carbon economy amounts to $78 trillion in financing through 2050.  Yellen said that in order to achieve the goal of net-zero global carbon emissions, there would need to be $3 trillion globally in annual financing for the cause, which she said is a top priority for the Biden administration, according to the speech.  In order to contribute to this, Yellen vowed to finance green initiatives in developing countries through multilateral development banks and develop "clean energy technologies."  "The transition will require no less than $3 trillion in new capital from many sources each year between now and 2050," Yellen said during the speech.  "This can be leveraged to support pathways to sustainable and inclusive growth, including for countries that have historically received less investment."

The Editor says...
Every dollar spent on reducing carbon dioxide emissions is a dollar wasted, because [#1] carbon dioxide is not a pollutant and does not cause "climate change," and [#2] India and China don't have any concerns about carbon dioxide being dumped into the atmosphere that we all share, so any reductions on our part are completely futile.

Yellen: By the Way, We're Going to Need Another $3 Trillion per Year for Climate Change.  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave a speech in Belem, Brazil yesterday after attending the G20 summit in Rio.  She had some bad news for everyone.  Transitioning to a "carbon-neutral" footing has to remain the highest priority for every country, including the United States.  But reaching that net-zero goal isn't going to be easy and it's not going to be cheap.  She claimed that the fight against climate change would require an extra investment of three trillion (with a "T") dollars per year until at least 2050 globally.  But she then turned around and described climate change as "the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century."  We have apparently reached the point where climate change alarmists can say things like this with a straight face and simply expect everyone to nod along in agreement.

It's Far from Over.  We are in a time of a turning tide, a time where the Stalinist left is being exposed, where leftists are in disarray, and where American ideals long buried are being resurrected.  Trump's miraculous skirting of death has opened the eyes of many people to the evils we face.  Breitbart's saying that politics is downstream from culture is finally reassuring for those not on the left. [...] [The socialist Democrats] still control the commanding heights.  Additionally, those in power now are ruthless, corrupt, and terribly inhuman; they control the media, the tech companies, and most of the levers of control in our current government.  They live for power, and will do and say anything to keep it.

Kamala Harris Would Be Most Far-Left President In History.  There's nary a policy area that Harris has come into contact with, either while in the White House, as a member of the Senate, or in California state government in which she hasn't taken a position on the far-extreme of the spectrum — whether it's immigration, medical care and insurance, foreign policy, abortion, whatever.  She's almost always reliably on one side of the argument:  The far-left side.

Cruz Warns Biden's Plan To 'Reform' The Supreme Court Is About Destroying It.  Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned this week that President Joe Biden's plan to "reform" the U.S. Supreme Court was code for his intent to "destroy" the court because it is the one major government institution that the political Left does not currently control.  Cruz made the remarks during his most recent episode of "Verdict" with co-host Ben Ferguson while talking about Biden's Oval Office address on Wednesday evening.  In his speech, Biden, 81, said that for the remainder of his time in office, he would "call for Supreme Court reform because this is critical to our democracy — Supreme Court reform."  Cruz responded to Biden's remarks by saying: "Well, and understand by the word reform, he means destroy the Supreme Court.  What he wants to do is utterly politicize it."

Kamala Harris's First Campaign Ad Touts Abortion, Trans Pride, Trump Lawfare, and Beyoncé.  The Harris for President campaign launched its first official video Thursday.  The drop came less than a week after the defenestration of President Joe Biden was completed and Kamala Harris anointed in his place.  The ad titled "We Choose Freedom" first aired on her social media channels and touts her as a "peacemaker" as opposed to the "fear and chaos" inferred on her opponent.

The Most Devastating Campaign Ad of the Cycle?  Besides fracking, the ad effectively paints Harris as a radical on:
  •   The filibuster
  •   Green New Deal
  •   Offshore drilling
  •   Illegal immigration
  •   Abolishing immigration enforcement
  •   Defunding the police
  •   Opposing red meat (seriously!)
  •   Allowing convicts to vote from prison
  •   Forcible gun confiscation
  •   Eliminating private health insurance and imposing socialized medicine
  •   Free health care for illegal immigrants
What makes this interesting is how well all of this aligns with the hard-Left progressives who just forced Joe Biden out of the election and anointed Harris as the party nominee.  That's even true of the politically inept criticism of red-meat consumption, which springs from that Green New Deal agenda that thrills Academia-driven progressives but sounds absurd to voters outside that bubble.

Democrats side with Hamas.  On Wednesday, the prime minister of Israel visited the United States to address Congress nearly 10 months after Palestinian soldiers broke a ceasefire, invaded Israel, raped and murdered 1,200 civilians, and kidnapped 240 others.  On top of these international war crimes, the soldiers were dressed as civilians.  Democrats snubbed Bibi.  Biden, Kamala and Blinken were too chickenshit to greet him and his delegation of Israeli former hostages and families of the hostages.  The U.S. government's official policy now is to abandon Americans held hostage by the Hamas kidnappers.  Half the Democrats in Congress refused to show up for his address.  Democrats had their little Nazi storm troopers burn American flags at Union Station and wave Palestinian and Hamas flags.

Deep State Carnival Barkers Distract Us with Kamala.  Pay no attention to the sky-high interest rates making home ownership unaffordable or the sky-high inflation that has doubled the cost of basic necessities.  So what if the average person's paycheck barely covers monthly gas and grocery bills?  Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris identifies as a female "person of color."  She is a shiny object that should help everyone forget about personal financial troubles.  Don't worry about the fifteen million illegal immigrants that have streamed across the border in the last three years.  Ignore the precipitous rise in violent crime and the growing homelessness crisis.  Diversity remains our strength!  And crime statistics can be easily manipulated to reflect a better reality!  Forget about mail-in-ballot fraud and other voting crimes.  Democrat secretaries of state and Democrat attorneys general have vouched for the security of our elections.  Democrat judges have vouched for those Democrats' vouching.  Anybody who objects is simply an "election-denier" who should be imprisoned for "insurrection."

The Fracturing of the Democrat Party.  The Democrat Party is not a homogenous entity, but an amalgamation of left-of-center liberals and numerous left-wing factions.  It is a party now overwhelmingly dominated by its most radical faction, the avowed American Marxists, who assumed the mantle of dominance during the eight-year term of their titular leader, Barack Obama.  They did so because the largest group that underpinned the Party — the credulous, naïve, patronizing, and narcissistic liberals — willfully allied themselves with the "first Black president."  His past and Marxist-inspired upbringing was unimportant, his skin color was the only thing that mattered as they turned a blind eye towards the mass infiltration of the party by Obama's de facto army — the American Marxists.  After eight years of Barack Obama, the liberal wing of the party viewed their ultimate objective of assuming near-permanent political power as being within reach.  However, their erstwhile allies, the American Marxists, viewed the eight years of Barack Obama as the opening salvo in their ultimate objective of permanently transforming America.

Speaker Johnson Hints at Legal Challenges to Attempts to Replace Biden on Ballots.  Speaker Mike Johnson pledged legal challenges to attempts to substitute a candidate for Joe Biden on ballots wherever possible.  In an interview on ABC's "This Week," Johnson said, "Every state has its own system, and in some of these, it's not possible to simply just switch out a candidate." [...] The Democrats would obviously like a smooth transition to a new, sentient candidate and an avalanche of hagiographic articles and op-eds in major media.  The Republicans would like as much confusion and infighting as possible.  From Johnson's statement, he seems to visualize a challenge based on primary results.

'Democracy' means little to those who've made a god of government.  At long last — a mere 107 days from the election — the Democrats have abandoned democracy and have concluded that their "party leaders" (Barack Obama's words) will decide who will be their presidential candidate in 2024.  It turns out the dastardly Democrat party is a dreadful steward of democracy.  Of course, this should surprise no one.  The idea that democrats are the "defenders of democracy" is as much a charade as was the notion that Joe Biden is "far beyond cogent" and "better than he's ever been."  This would all be hilarious if it weren't so fraught with peril.  Having Joe Biden dodder around the White House, stumble across the country, and wander-off throughout the world for three-and-a-half years has proved a disaster for the United States.  Americans are quite lucky (blessed!) that things are not far worse in our nation.  Things will get worse if a more capable Democrat gets the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Slowly, Then All at Once.  [Scroll down]  But there was much more, starting with collective helplessness in the drawn-out RussiaGate psychodrama, even when all the players and their many nefarious acts were exposed by the alt news media, and extending to the mendacious roguery of the two-year Mueller (Weissmann) Commission, followed by fifty-one former intel higher-ups labeling Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian disinformation, followed by Rep. Adam Schiff's Ukraine "whistleblower" prank featuring CIA/NSC/DOD/DOJ moles Eric Ciaramella, Colonel Vindman and IC Inspector General Michael Atkinson, and then the FBI-instigated J-6 riot with the ensuing faked-up House J-6 committee ... plus you can throw in the stupid Ukraine war, the drag queens in the kindergartens, the bumbling Durham investigation, ten million unvetted illegal migrants flowing into the country and this year's four show-trials put on to finally break Mr. Trump.

Donald Trump Versus American Socialists.  The times have changed, and the modern Democrat party is not the party of John Kennedy.  It does not offer a different philosophy for achieving the same objectives.  Intead, for years, it has had a different philosophy and different objectives entirely.  This party's philosophy and new objectives were formulated by Barack Obama.  A devoted Marxist, Obama converted the Democrat party into a socialist cartel and put the country on its way to a "fundamental transformation" to socialism.  In pursuit of utopian/egalitarian virtue, the Party has been growing out of sync with American liberties.  It's embraced a slow-roll strategy of taxation and regulations designed to impose socialism on the United States subtly and incrementally under the guise of democracy.  Moreover, American socialists have consistently dismantled the established concept of domestic order.  The entire institutional spectrum, the Constitution, the legacy of American history, education, art, literature, holidays, legal basis, vocabulary, street names, and even monuments has come under ideological assault.

General Assembly sends carbon capture bill to governor's desk.  A legal framework for carbon capture and sequestration, part of a plan to reduce emissions and advance hydrogen development, has made it through the General Assembly.  It now awaits the governor's signature.  Senate Bill 831 has found support among some environmental groups like the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Environmental Defense Fund, and the Nature Conservancy — but others like the Better Path Coalition, Clean Air Council, and the Center for Coalfield Justice have opposed it.

The Editor says...
[#1] Carbon dioxide is not carbon, so please stop saying, "carbon capture."  [#2] Carbon dioxide is plant food.  It is not a pollutant that needs to be extracted from the air.  [#3] It is not necessary for every state (or any state!) to have its own carbon dioxide sequestration scheme.  Each additional plant would remove CO2 from the same atmosphere as all the others.  And no matter how many of these plants are built, they can't possibly keep up with the CO2 emissions from China and India.

Young, dumb, and full of Democrat party hate.  [Scroll down]  They're losing and they know it.  This is the only reason we're seeing the rift in their party now about replacing Biden.  If he were leading in the polls, or even close, they would ride that poor, tired, corrupt, senile old horse all the way to the glue factory if that's what it took to stay in power.  They can't win a fair election.  The funny part is they're too stupid to realize that poor old Scranton Joe Biden isn't their problem, their leftwing policies are.  Ordinary Americans hate them!  Inflation, open borders, inner city crime waves that go unpunished, transgender ideology, DEI incompetence, destroying the greatest military in the history of the planet for the sake of the world's most misguided social experiment.  We don't want any of it, yet they still tell themselves that Joe Biden is their problem.  Someone needs to tell Barack Obama.

Biden Is Blowing Up Affordable Drug Pricing.  What is it about Big Pharma that enamors the Biden administration?  Is it that the major drug companies donate heavily to leftist causes?  They donated nearly $6 million to President Joe Biden's campaign — four times what they provided to President Trump — and, according to the American Accountability Foundation, they've given hundreds of thousands to the Democratic Governors Association, Democratic Attorney Generals Associations, and other similar Democratic-connected groups on the state level.  Is it that they support leftist interest groups, like unions, pro-amnesty groups, and abortion advocacy organizations?  Whatever the reason for this unholy alliance is, it's costing the American people dearly.  This problem has gotten especially pronounced over the last week.

Dethroning Biden.  Joe Biden's cognitive decline has been obvious since he launched his presidential 'run' in 2019. [...] Once he was 'elected', the cognitively impaired Biden was used as a rubber stamp to push their agenda. [...] The results of the Biden administration's misgovernance are open borders, out-of-control inflation, rampant crime, targeting of dissenting citizens, identity politics giving preference over merit, and spending on gratuitous foreign wars and items such as the Green New Deal.

James Clyburn Says Democrats Have Until August 19th to Remove and Replace Joe Biden Through an Open Convention.  By now everyone knows the importance of James Clyburn in the 2024 election.  Through his network, Clyburn controls the ballot counters in roughly 15 different urban areas.  James Clyburn said earlier today the Democrats have until August 19th to replace Joe Biden through the open convention process.  It does not seem coincidental that Clyburn would make this statement in combination with a letter sent by 24 professional democrats urging, imploring, Joe Biden to release his delegates and allow an open convention to determine the 2024 Democrat nominee.  [Video clip]

'Palestine': Just The Latest Pretext for Bringing Down Western Civilization.  In the past year, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) agenda seems to have been replaced with an agenda that is "pro" the terrorist group Hamas as the newest, most efficient way to seek the destruction of the United States and by extension, the West.  In a new report, "How the Revolutionary Eco System Sustains Pro-Palestinian Protesters and the BLM Movement," published on June 25, Mike Gonzalez and Mary Mobley of the Heritage Foundation concluded:  "The infrastructure of organizations sustaining the anti-Israel protests today is virtually identical to the one that has supported the Black Lives Matter organizations since their birth in the middle 2010s.... It is deceptively powerful, already having altered America in profound ways.  Today, this ecosystem — which consists of activist organizations, fiscal sponsors, donors, and radical media groups — is being tapped by the anti-Israel protesters, but they aim to do much more than destroy Israel.  Their goal is to dismantle Western democracies, values, and culture, and their primary target is the United States.  It is hardly surprising, therefore, that regimes such as communist China, Cuba, and Venezuela are increasingly part of this ecosystem."

Kamala Harris Is Democrats' Top Choice to Replace Biden, Poll Shows.  A new poll has revealed that Kamala Harris is now the top choice to replace President Joe Biden on the party's ticket for the November presidential election.  Democrat voters have warmed to having Vice President Harris replace Biden as the party's presidential nominee.  However, they still believe Biden is their best shot at beating President Donald Trump, according to a poll.  In recent days, Biden has resisted pressure to step down after rattling Democrats with his disastrous debate performance against Trump last month.

The Editor says...
Does it matter what the pedestrians want?  If Michelle Obama is ordained by the Machine, that's who will get the nomination.

A Plot to Stop Trump in 2016 May Lose Dems the White House.  [Scroll down]  States like Washington and Colorado cracked down on "faithless electors" but if Biden wins the election and becomes officially non-compos mentis, the faithless might be the party's only hope.  The Democrats are mired in a crisis of their own making when after rigging the primaries for Biden they discovered that his brain might not be fully rigged, but that throwing him off the ballot may be unworkable.  Even if Biden remains the nominee and wins, and then plops, there's no mechanism for many electors voting for anyone else and that makes for a very split ticket.  Democrat electors would have a choice of selecting a dead (or brain dead) man or nothing.

Are Democrats really this incompetent?  [Scroll down]  While it seems Democrats don't have any competent person in mind to take over because they're stuck with Kamala, don't discount what they'll do to win in November, for power is the left's only goal.  The damage their politicians do to our country, our economy, our standing in the world, and the threats of external danger are secondary considerations.  Their only question is:  Which body can we drag across the finish line?  So, I return to my original point.  Are Democrats really that incompetent, even stupid?  Did they box themselves into a losing position all by themselves?  Or do they have a Hail Mary pass locked and loaded that we don't see coming?  Bird flu and the required lockdowns again, perhaps?  Maybe the long shot — Biden steps aside at the convention, Harris is the candidate who selects Barack Obama as the VP, leading to a third Obama Presidency once they win and Kamala steps aside?

Biden Administration Promises to Veto any Legislative Effort That Blocks Vote or Ballot Fraud.  The people behind Joe Biden that used illegal voter registration, subsequent ballot harvesting, and ultimately corrupt ballot counting to install Biden into office, have threatened to veto any legislation that would impede their election fraud operation.  [Document, not shown here.]  By now we should all know the essential process being deployed.  This is the reason for the open border policies.  The Biden administration (DHS) is not "importing democrat voters."  Instead, DHS is importing people, names, that allows the state fraud process to generate ballots.  This is an important distinction.  The migrants will not use the ballots.  The DNC harvesters will collect them, fill them out (Team Obama), then the Precinct workers will scan them and count them (Team Clyburn).  Illegals don't need to vote.  They only need to exist to create a ballot.

Chuck Schumer Has a New Plan to Throw Donald Trump in Jail.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has a new plan to ensure Donald Trump spends the rest of his days in prison.  Amid the battle over Joe Biden's senility among Democrats, Schumer moved to a different topic, pledging to legislatively declare Trump's actions surrounding January 6th as "unofficial."  That comes after the Supreme Court delivered a mixed opinion on the matter in late June, stating that "official" acts are indeed subject to presidential immunity while "unofficial" acts are not.  That set up a long legal battle whereby the special counsel prosecuting Trump must litigate each action to determine what category they fall under.

Leftists emulating Nazis.  [Scroll down]  Leftists are very much like other types of cults in that their various factions never get along in their quest for supreme power and the enslavement of society.  Read or view most of the left's gaslighting genre on the subject, and sadly, most follow the same tiresome pattern.  You'll find that they assert the right to arrogantly redefine the meaning of words to suit the situation at hand, in this case, the definition of the word socialism to conveniently exclude National Socialism.  They will then usually launch into a fact-free opinion that Nazis used the word "socialism" only for marketing or some other excuse.  They are purposefully omitting many historical facts that directly contradict this all too often repeated opinion.  You can think of this as one of the many mini-lies that undergird their main lie.  Unfortunately for them, we can point to the collectivist nature of the principle pounded out in their 25-point program:  Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz, which translates to "the Common Good before Individual Good," which they put on their coinage.

Dems Are Consolidating Absolute Power In The Name Of 'Democracy'.  We have now entered the "stage a coup against a sitting president endorsed by primary voters because we don't think he can win an election" phase of "saving democracy."  Democrats, through external and internal efforts, are pressuring President Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race.  But why is the left only concerned about Biden's candidacy?  Why don't Democrats acknowledge that if the current president is not fit to run, he's not fit to be in office at all?  It's because they care less about the wellbeing of the nation and more about how Biden's 2024 campaign threatens their hold on the executive branch.

Musk Identifies the Traitors.  Speaker Mike Johnson recently took to Twitter to promote a new bill that would strengthen protections against noncitizens illegally voting in federal elections.  Called the SAVE Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility), the proposed legislation would require state election officials to require proof of citizenship before distributing voter registration forms.  He received some unexpected love for his post from Elon Musk, who weighed in saying that anyone who opposes this legislation is a TRAITOR.

Democrats Have a 'Plan C' for Their Biden Problem.  Joe Biden appears to be in a free fall in the polls, yet he appears unwilling to drop out of the presidential race.  His campaign, the White House, and the Democratic Party are all in chaos.  If Biden won't leave, what is the party to do?  If "Plan B" is replacing Biden and he won't go, a left-wing scholar is advocating a "Plan C" to save the president's floundering campaign.  Supporters of this plan suggest a straightforward strategy to counter Trump's growing campaign momentum: replace Vice President Kamala Harris with former President Barack Obama.  "A Biden-Obama ticket would have a much better chance of beating Trump," explained John Banzhaf, a professor at George Washington University Law School.  "Barack Obama is likely one of the few individuals whom a majority of Americans would want and trust as president," he claimed, without evidence.

The Collapse of DEI.  The latest program to suffer the indignity of premature death is DEI.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs require that race, ethnicity, sex, and LGBTQ+ orientation be used as primary criteria to run and staff corporations, universities, and institutions.  These programs were all the rage as little as a year ago.  Every corporation, university, or institution had to have its DEI officer or department that would virtue-signal compliance with mandates.  Graduates specialized in DEI studies were guaranteed cushy jobs at woke firms.  Those days are now over.  DEI and its nasty cousin, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance mandates), are on their way out.  Massive pushback from conservative activists has all but sealed their fate.

Climate change season is upon us!  For anyone who remains skeptical that governments are anything other than corrupt and incompetent, I would remind you of the worldwide manufactured crisis we all just passed through just a few short years ago.  I'm referring to the COVID episode.  Before that, it was the two-decades-long War on Terror.  At no time during these last two events have we seen any evidence that government response to an alleged crisis has been anything other than abject failure.  In fact, government policies that were predicated on fixing these phony crises only made matters worse for most citizens.  At the end of the day, the so-called climate crisis is yet another attempt by government to grab more power and tax dollars at the expense of the ever-shrinking middle class.  Even if there was truly a temperature problem, government would certainly have no way of making those temperatures decline.  But since there is no temperature crisis — and hence no climate disaster — the response of government to a non-event will only serve to create major problems for the entire country in the years ahead.  Our task as citizens, therefore, is to resist the climate agenda of the left and refuse to even acknowledge it, let alone comply with any of its demands.

The Coming Coup.  The first question to ask if speculating on an hypothetical leftist coup is this:  Are there a substantial number of people in the United States who would like to see an anti-American revolution?  It's hard to quantify, but there's certainly a sizable population, made evident by the noise they make.  During the Antifa riots, apart from the violence, there were chants: "No border, no wall, no USA at all."  During the recent pro-Hamas demonstrations on campuses and elsewhere, anti-American views were overt:  For instance, students at the University of Michigan participating in the protests were given pamphlets titled "10 anarchist theses on Palestine solidarity in the United States," which included a page that stated, "Freedom for Palestine means Death to America."  The slogan "Death to America" was chanted in nearby Dearborn, Michigan, during a rally on the last Friday of Ramadan.

Bringing in the lawyers won't solve this problem.
Joe Biden Threatens to Send Out Attorneys General to Go After Grocers in Plan to Combat His Food Inflation Crisis.  Grocery prices are soaring thanks to Joe Biden's tax-and-spend policies.  The US economy is in bad shape because of Joe Biden's war on domestic oil and the 'Green New Deal' disguised as the 'Inflation Reduction Act.'  Moody's Investors Service recently cut the US's outlook to negative.  Moody's lowered its ratings outlook on the US government citing high interest rates, government spending, and deficits.  Inflation is still high, grocery prices are up more than 19%, gas prices are still high and more than 15 million illegal aliens have poured over the border since Biden was installed in January 2021.  Most Americans are struggling to put food on the table thanks to Joe Biden.

What exactly are Biden's achievements in his first three-and-a-half years?  [Scroll down]  We have been told for around 40 years that there is an existential threat from global warming and climate change, and the government is throwing lots of money to green pushers to supposedly correct this climate change.  The Biden administration took $7.5 billion to build 500,000 electric charging stations, and after three years, they have built a grand total of... seven.  What a raging success.  So, what has happened to the climate in the last 40 years because of these government policies?  Sometimes we have record cold and sometimes we have record warmth.  Sometimes we have droughts and sometimes we have lots of rain and floods.  Sometimes there are small amounts of snow and sometimes we have record snow.  Some years have huge and damaging storms, and some don't.  In other words, the weather changes cyclically and normally as it always has.

Littered With Lies.  When it comes to the most important moral issues of our time, few entities have been on the wrong side of the truth more often than has the Democrat Party and their apologists.  The Democrat platform has long been a mountain of lies.  On everything from abortion to "universal health care," the Democrat Party has lied repeatedly, for decades.  Since at least the early 1970s, in order to justify killing the most helpless and innocent among us — the unborn — the American Left has continuously dehumanized the unborn. [...] Likewise, the evil LGBT agenda was born out of the Left's lies on sex.  Among much other wickedness, the LGBT agenda has resulted in the perverse lie that is same-sex "marriage" along with the absurd lie that, through mutilating their bodies, human beings can change their sex.  In the name of more power and control over our lives — just as we saw with COVID — the Left continues to promote the lie that man-made  global warming  climate change threatens the planet.  This lie has become the "new religion of first-world elites."  This lie also demands trillions of dollars in a foolish and ineffectual "energy transition," that the use of fossil fuels must stop, and that we should eat bugs instead of beef.

We are NOT all Americans.  No, "We" are not "still all Americans", not when half the population support "the fundamental transformation" agenda of the Democrat Party Communists, who seek nothing less than the eradication of the Constitution and the end of our republic, in order to usher in an authoritarian / totalitarian communist Super-State, complete with social credit scores, carbon taxes, and a cashless system whereby the entire population can be made to completely submit.  A large percentage of our population today are anti-God, anti-Family, anti-Life, anti-Liberty and anti-American Marxist-Maoist amerikkans doing everything within their capability and means to destroy traditional America and Her founding virtues and principles and everything She has stood for over the centuries.  There is no room for compromise with evil [...]

Joe Biden is not the problem.  Watching the CNN roundtable after the debate was comical, if not tragic.  For months (years) Republicans have been asserting that Joe Biden was not competent, and that it is not he who is running the White House.  Today, those assertions are vindicated.  Anyone thinking that Joe Biden is making policy decisions, or setting the direction of the White House is smoking dope.  To say that the CNN "brain-trust" was apoplectic is an understatement. [...] Here's the problem for Democrats — of the top concerns of the American people; immigration, inflation, jobs and the economy, Social Security/Medicare, foreign entanglements, abortion, crime and public safety, it doesn't matter a hill of beans who takes Joe Biden's place on the ticket — Hillary, Michelle, Whitmer, Newsom, Pritzker, or Kamala.  It is not Joe's policies that have failed the American people.  It is leftism writ large.  Interject any of the above-mentioned names onto the Democrat ticket and the trajectory of Americas destruction continues apace.

America Is In Shambles Because Of Democrat Policies, Not Just Joe Biden.  The jig is up.  Here's what disillusioned Democrats and independents and moderates need to know.  What all the blue-state refugees who now live in Texas and Florida instead of California and New York City need to admit.  What all the fed-up middle-class families and forgotten nonwhite voters in the suburbs need to remember:  These aren't just Joe Biden policies that are disastrous.  They're Democrat policies.  Abortion.  Economy.  Crime.  Immigration.  Lawfare.  Foreign policy.  Health care.  It doesn't matter what pet issue has voters down in the dumps.  Democrats are in lockstep on the losing side.  And anywhere they aren't in lockstep — like on whether Israel is a victim of terrorism or a group of oppressive "colonizers" — they tow the radical line.  You think a Democrat switcheroo is magically going to secure the border and end the unmitigated illegal alien crime wave?  Not a chance.  Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Biden's expanded asylum, repeal of Remain in Mexico, outrage over shipping migrants to Martha's Vineyard, support for ripping down border razor wire, and playing footsie with Mexican cartels are all fruits of the same poisonous tree:  Democrats' antipathy for the U.S. border.

JD Vance: 'It Would Be a Massive Affront to Democracy,' Democrat Voters if Party Swapped Out Biden.  Sen. J.D Vance (R-OH) said that "it would be a massive affront to American Democracy" if Democrats pulled Biden as their presumptive nominee following Thursday's CNN debate.  Vance, one of a handful of rumored contenders to be Trump's running mate, appeared on Newsmax from the Spin Room after the debate, as Democrat pundits and commentators melted down across platforms and mused about potentially replacing Biden as the party's nominee after his shaky performance.

Joe Biden is the Most Pro-Abortion President in American History.  The legacy of the Roe v. Wade decision is the loss of nearly 65 million unborn children and the immeasurable harm it has done to women.  While states work to protect unborn children, it is deeply disappointing that the Biden-Harris administration is running roughshod over the good work states are doing by promoting unlimited abortion at every turn.  President Biden supports the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions and has used numerous legally fraught administrative actions to push abortion into pro-life states.  He has called for the elimination of the Hyde Amendment, which prevents federal funds from being used to pay for abortions in many federal programs.  President Biden has pledged to sign the "Women's Health Protection Act," a bill that would enshrine unlimited abortion until birth in federal law and do away with virtually all existing protections for unborn children and their mothers on both the federal and state levels, including parental involvement laws.

California Mandates Trains That Don't Exist.  California has long been infamous for its regulatory regime, imposing harsh restrictions on businesses and individuals.  This pattern has been accelerating since climate change alarmism took hold in the state, with demands for carbon emission reductions serving as an excuse to restrict or ban everything from charcoal grills to gas stoves and more.  Vehicles of all sorts have been swept up in this craze, with electric cars, trucks, and buses becoming the mandatory modes of transportation.  Now, however, the state has its eyes on another form of transportation.  Under a new proposed rule, the operation of diesel freight trains older than 23 years will be banned so they must be replaced with electric trains.  That will certainly come as welcome news to climate change alarmists, but there's one small problem with this proposal.  There are currently no fully electric trains in commercial production and there is no estimated timeline for when such trains might be commercially available given the current state of the technology.  In other words, California is looking to mandate the use of trains that do not exist.

The Anti-Christian Mind of the Democrat Party.  [Scroll down]  If we wish to know whether or not the Democrat party is an anti-Christianity party, we have to look [...] at people who compose "the mind" or "the intellect" of the Democrat party.  Who are these people?  They are the ideologues who create and disseminate the distinctive ideas of the party.  Almost never in recent times have these people been church-going Christians.  With only rare exceptions, they are hostile to Christianity. [...] Where are these ideologues to be found?Are they scattered evenly throughout the American population?Are they scattered evenly throughout the Democrat party?  Far from it.  No, they are concentrated in a small but influential number of locations:
  •   University faculties, especially in non-scientific departments — e.g., literature, philosophy, psychology, and the (so-called) social sciences.
  •   The profession of journalism, both print and electronic, especially those press organizations with a national audience.
  •   The entertainment industry:  TV, movies, popular music.
  •   Some high-prestige sections of the publishing industry.
  •   Among many leaders of public education, including teacher unions and graduate schools of education.
  •   The social work profession.

A Door Closes, A Window Opens.  The roster of "Joe Biden's" failures is so deep that all Mr. Trump has to do is remind the audience what they well-know adds up to an apparently deliberate effort to wreck the nation:  the open border and the growing record of atrocious crimes committed by illegal aliens plus the immense anxiety about the intentions of jihadists and other nefarious foreigners ushered in by Homeland Security; the idiocy of our role in the Ukraine War and how easily the conflict could be concluded by willing negotiation; the cratering on-the-ground economy of goods and services (minus government hand-outs, bail-outs, subsidies, and statistical shell games); the out-of-control Deep State intel blob that is eating away at our basic liberties; the insane race-and-gender hustles aimed at sowing hatred and disordering normal modes of human relations; and much more that has been done to insult and humiliate the people of this land.

Russia's KGB and Ours.  Biden exchanged a Russian arms dealer in an American prison for an American pothead lesbian basketball player held in Russia for drug dealing.  Now, according to published reports, he wants Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, held in Russia on phony espionage charges, to be exchanged for a Kremlin hitman who murdered an anti-Putin activist in Germany in cold blood in a public park.  The problem for Biden and his notion of "justice" through such an exchange is that the hitman, Vadim Krasikov, was convicted in Germany and is being imprisoned there, serving a life sentence.

Kathy Hochul is considering a new mask mandate, but this time she's looking to ban their use.  Kathy Hochul is considering the implementation of a new mask mandate — but not quite like the one she supported while aiding and abetting Andrew Cuomo as lieutenant governor, or decreed while governor.  This time, Hochul may mandate that you can't wear one, even if you want to!  Yes, you read that right — but why the sudden u-turn?  [Tweet with video clip]  An "alarming uptick" in anti-Jewish behavior and aggression?  Who could have possibly anticipated that?  I mean, after the government (both state and federal) permitted maniacs who applauded and celebrated terrorism and war crimes to run amok and wreak destruction (all under the guise of "freedom of expression"), could anyone have predicted that their appetites for chaos would move beyond defacing statues and blocking traffic to blood instead?  But wait, there's been an "uptick" of crime?  How can that be?  Am I imagining things or have "they" been telling us that crime is down everywhere?

Be Prepared for Chaos.  The economy stinks, the administration's foreign policy endeavors have been counter to American interests and made the world more dangerous.  Although many blue cities are not reporting crimes to the FBI, we all have eyes and can see that urban crime is out of hand now as the Democrats defund the police and no-bail policies are in effect.  Moreover, just as Biden is about to announce even more benefits to illegal immigrants, the tide against his open-border policies is continuing to crest to flood stage.  His grassroots support is slim, while Trump's keeps growing.  In sum, I see no nationally known Democrat who can alter that or who can persuade voters that he or she is capable of undoing the mess this administration has put us in.

Behold the Monster You Created.  My gut feeling is that your traditional liberal (the sophomoric yard signs and the Tesla, yes, but also the secure corporate job in the quiet, bourgeois neighborhood) feels uneasy with the crazed mobs spilling into the streets every time they don't get their way.  That sort of thing used to happen five neighborhoods away.  Then four neighborhoods away.  Then three neighborhoods away.  And that sort of unhinged rioting used to happen once in a generation.  Then once every few years.  Then once every few weeks.  Yet the suburban traditional liberal continues to vote Democrat because of abortion.  Or some nonsense about the rich paying their "fair share."  Or climate change.  Or any number of manufactured grievances designed not so much to solve a tangible problem than to make a certain class of educated voters feel righteous about themselves.

Report: Biden [is] Planning One of Largest Mass Amnesty Programs in History.  According to CBS News (and PBS), hundreds of thousands of immigrants living illegally in this country may soon get legal status, provided that they have been here for at least a decade.  Of course, the mainstream media is calling the Biden plan "one of the largest immigration relief programs in recent history," but it's otherwise known as "amnesty." [...] The program, to be known as "Parole in Place," will be sold as a way to help the spouses of immigrants and would of course be done by executive order because that is the way the president is able to force his policies on the country — regardless of whether there's been a congressional vote.

Summer Surprise:  The Looming Biden Replacement.  Anyone paying attention in 2016 and 2020 knows how little Democrats care about "giving voters a say" in the primary process.  As the Party has veered ever-leftward while prioritizing radical environmentalism, intersectionality, and a general Marxist economic disposition and disdain for this country and its history, the primary process in recent years has yielded a commanding advantage to hard-left socialists like Bernie Sanders as the crowded field of moderate candidates vied for the political center during the Democratic primaries.  To put it bluntly, neither octogenarian Bernie Sanders nor shrill socialist Elizabeth Warren would play in Peoria, or any of the vital swing states for that matter, and the DNC's awareness of that fact is ostensibly why they underhandedly rigged the 2016 and 2020 primaries against Bernie Sanders in the first place.  And hard-lined leftists like Sanders or Warren would have had a huge opportunity with an open primary in 2024, not only because moderate Democrats are disaffected with current leadership, but because there is an absolute dearth of "popular Democrats" to pick up the Democrat baton.

8 ways the Biden administration is working to increase gasoline prices.  The Biden administration claims that draining the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve shows its commitment to low gas prices.  In fact, this is yet another cynical ploy to disguise that its real goal is raise gas prices.  [Tweet]  Biden's claim that he released 1 billion barrels of gasoline to "lower prices at the pump" is his latest attempt to convince Americans he's trying to lower gasoline prices.  But in fact, he's doing his utmost to raise prices, because this is necessary for his anti-fossil-fuel goals.  From Day 1, President Biden has openly supported the destruction of the fossil fuel industry, from his 2019 campaign promise of "I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuel" to his 2021 executive order declaring that America will be "net zero emissions economy-wide" by 2050.  Biden's "net zero" plans require gasoline to be illegal or unaffordably expensive.

Who Are Biden Voters Saving The Planet For If None Of Them Are Having Children?  Anew report from the Pew Research Center released last week found that less than 20 percent of President Joe Biden's supporters believe society would be better off prioritizing marriage and children.  These are also the voters most likely to believe "climate change" represents an immediate existential threat to the future of the species, which raises the question, who are Biden voters saving the planet for if merely a fraction of them even want children?  [Tweet]  A separate report from the Pew Research Center out last summer found Democrats overwhelmingly view climate change as a "major threat," with 78 percent believing so compared to just 23 percent of Republicans.  Democrats were also found to favor expensive remedies to confront the challenge, with 59 percent calling climate change a "top priority."

Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes!  [Scroll down]  Yes, that's the ticket!  Let's forget Biden's senility and focus on Bidenflation, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the open border, Biden's attempt to force us all into EVs, the woke agenda, and our "trans" military.  Those issues are super popular with the voters.  So the bottom line is, Democrats are worried about the fact they are running an already senile — in fact, obviously senile — president for re-election to another four-year term, and they are desperate to change the subject.  Somehow, I don't think it is going to work.

The Left Knows Leftism Doesn't Work.  [T]he left is not running on its record of the last three-and-a-half years but instead studiously ignoring it, at least temporarily through November.  Suddenly, we aren't hearing so much about cancelling pipelines and freezing federal oil leases, or so much demonization of the "greedy" oil companies.  Instead, Biden is further draining the strategic petroleum reserve and begging OPEC in general and the no-longer-demonized Saudi Arabia in particular to pump oil as fast as possible.

Is This Really Necessary, Texas Democrats?  [Several tweets with video clips.]  These videos come from this weekend's Texas Democrat convention, in which the Party is putting forth its preferred image upon which it chooses to be judged as a political party.  I am probably not the only person to have noticed that a state political party pushing drag for kids, sterilizing and mutilating children, and backing Hamas is unlikely to appeal strongly to working-class people who are feeling an economic pinch.  It's an odd set of priorities at any time, but particularly in an environment where ordinary people are practically screaming that they are unhappy with the Democrats right now.  No doubt people in Austin are thrilled that the Democrats are fighting the "civil rights issue of our time," but once you get outside the wealthiest (and one of the Whitest) cities in Texas, the appeal likely drops off precipitously.  Austin is home of both the Texas state government (government employees being liberal) and the University of Texas, Austin (which is even more liberal), so you shouldn't be surprised to find that the city is very liberal compared to the rest of the state.

Rejecting the Status Quo Is the Only Way to Survive.  Can men give birth?  Do cow [emissions] cause tornadoes?  Must "disinformation" tsars censor words to protect free speech?  Should Democrats jail opponents in order to save "democracy"?  If you listen to the propaganda press, these are some of the most important queries of our time. [...] The easiest way to navigate this Kafkaesque environment is to follow a simple rule:  whatever the government says, believe the opposite.  Obama promised that socialized medicine would lower health care costs without benefiting illegal aliens; a decade and a half later, the only people who can afford Obamacare are the illegal aliens who get it for free!  Homeland (in)Security doofus Mayorkas still claims the U.S. border is secure, even as foreign terrorists and Chinese nationals flash middle fingers at television cameras documenting America's invasion.  Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer passed an "Inflation Reduction Act" that has done nothing but exacerbate inflation.  Obama doesn't care; the border has disappeared; and rampant inflation is the goal!

Civil War if Trump Goes to Prison?  [Scroll down]  Accelerationism here is "the goal of hastening the cataclysmic end of economic, political, and social systems so as to more rapidly bring about what is seen as an inevitable end-times collapse." [...] If you want to see real accelerationism in action, all you have to do is look at our southern border.  Joe Biden and the liberal Democrats are paying for mass illegal immigration with taxpayer money.  They want to use the illegal alien surge to add congressional districts in blue states.  They want to make the illegals citizens and allow them to vote.  The idea is to create a perpetual one-party left-wing national government.  This is large-scale social change in a short time frame.

If you vote for Joe Biden ...  If you vote for the current president who is trying to destroy a former president for far lesser offenses than he himself has committed, you are a hypocrite.  If you vote for the man who is currently attempting to imprison his political opponent, perhaps for life, for the sin of standing in the way of his continued power, you are an ignorant fool.  If you vote for the man who has labeled nearly half of your countrymen "domestic terrorists," you are a cad of the highest order.  If you vote for the man who is clearly beholden to at least one — likely more than one — of America's enemies, each with totalitarian governments, you cannot claim to be a patriot or defender of democracy.  If you vote for the man who clearly — and in so many ways — favors illegal immigrants over American citizens, and those who break the law over those who abide by it, you are voting for chaos, pain, and societal destruction.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Lockdowns.  You can call it a "road diet," or "15 days to stop the spread," or a "fifteen minute city," or a "smart city," a "central bank digital currency," or just an EV that comes with a virtual leash attached in the form of limited range and limited recharging options.  Or you can be more explicit and just call any one of these examples an assault on your mobility, i.e., a lockdown.  Whatever you want to call them, they've arrived, and it's just begun.  Americans, along with their European brethren, are being turned into livestock, living in high-tech pens, where literally every aspect of our lives is monitored and everything we do or consume is rationed.  The justification for these lockdowns is to protect us from pandemics, to protect the environment, and — in a society with diminished opportunities and a reduced standard of living — to ensure "equity" for members of protected status groups.  The common thread?  Protection.  And where there is a need for protection, there is a threat.  A killer virus.  A "climate crisis."  A toxic environment of white privilege.

Insane asylum.  If a frank enemy of the United States had taken over the executive branch of in January 2021, he would not have conducted himself one whit differently than Joe Biden, his administration, and his Democratic enablers in Congress and the media.  From his first day in office Biden garishly repealed every border control that President Trump had worked up to stem the tide of illegal immigration.  Biden put out the word to friend and foe alike that the United States had open borders.  As he had vowed to do, President Biden opened the borders to illegal aliens on January 20, 2021.  It was among his first acts in office and stands as an almost unbelievable act of willful destruction.  Indeed, as Andrew McCarthy bluntly put it in an August 2021 NRO column on Biden policy:  "The federal government is aiding and abetting illegal immigration."  Administration officials have both repeatedly lied about what it has done and deflected blame over the years since that day.  Instead, the Biden administration has repeatedly assured us, "the border is secure".  [Video clip]

Biden's plan to save Hamas.  There was nothing accidental about the timing of the speech on Friday afternoon, at a time when much of America's political establishment was heading out for the weekend while Israeli Jews were celebrating the Sabbath and many were not even using electronic devices.  After celebrating former President Trump's conviction, Biden announced a new deal under which Hamas would rule Gaza, get billions in U.S. aid and dozens of its terrorists would be released from prison in exchange for every hostage.  Or every hostage's dead body.  Under the terms of Biden's proposal, Hamas wins and Israel gets back survivors and corpses.  Finally, American taxpayers will be on the hook for an "extensive three- to five-year reconstruction program for Gaza that's fully backed by us" and which will cost endless billions.  The deal that Biden laid out gives Hamas everything it wanted, including staying in power.  An end to Israeli attempts to eliminate the terror group, and all the money it could possibly need.

First Defund or Abolish, Now Disarm the Police?  Southern California, particularly the San Diego area, has already been beset with more than its fair share of problems.  Illegal aliens are flooding the region, homelessness is out of control, and crime has been on the rise.  The police in both San Diego and Los Angeles have had their hands full.  But if one gun control group has its way, the cops' hands will be a bit more empty if they don't have any guns.  CBS News just concluded a two-year study into how the police buy their firearms and how they dispose of them when they reach the end of their service life.  They found that some of the old guns the police sold were later found at crime scenes.  Further, they investigated the gun companies that sell firearms to the police and determined that some of them have been cited for violations when they improperly sold weapons or ammunition.  Now, San Diego is considering a law that would ban the police from doing business with those companies.

The American Anti-Communist Revolution.  While America seems as if it's tumbling toward oblivion, it's more realistically the left that is tumbling toward oblivion and destroying the ship on the way down trying to keep their heads above water.  The truth is, communists can't run anything.  When their idyllic society is unable to provide food, water, transportation, or construction, they turn on the people to keep their failures quiet.  This is how genocides are developed, out of the increasing need to hide their failures and intimidate those who might expose them to the uninformed.  The trouble with all of this is that it takes so much energy to track down and silence people who know the failure is the product of communism, that they are further unable to make good the promises they made to gain power.

Americans remain sour on electric vehicles.  The out-of-touch elites who want us all to give up our gasoline-powered cars also carry a tendency to want to control how the rest of us live our lives.  They want us to abide by their ridiculous edicts:  Buy this type of car.  Use this type of lightbulb.  Eat this kind of food.  Replace your household appliances with what we think you should have.  Their penchant for micromanaging knows no bounds.  I think they have gone too far.  It is one thing to insist that someone use an LED lightbulb rather than an incandescent lightbulb.  In the grand scheme, this is but a small inconvenience.  However, it is quite concerning when those in positions of power demand that we stop driving gasoline-powered cars in favor of unproven, expensive, and unreliable EVs.

RFK Jr.: The Silver-Tongued Spoiler.  The moment this iconic Democrat went rogue by joining the Independents for a third-party run, Kennedy outed himself as a NeverTrump spoiler.  He appears to admit this himself, but with impressive verbal dexterity bordering on Shakespearean aplomb, twists it into a badge of honor: [...] Under the sway of such passionate rhetoric, listeners might not recollect that this knight errant supports the following Progressive positions:
  •   Abortion for full-term babies — aka infanticide
  •   Universal childcare.  Who pays?  We the Taxpayers.
  •   "Reparations" for inner city blacks, quickly rechristened as Targeted Community Repair though still primarily intended for Blacks, along with $5 billion in "reparations" for Black farmers.  Who pays?  We do.
  •   Cancellation of student debt.  Who pays?  We do.
  •   Police reform:  To create a "commission to root out systemic bias from the federal to the local levels."  Toeing the Progressive line that America is "systemically racist."
  •   Gun control: "Assault weapons" ban, and universal background checks.
  •   Catastrophic Climate Change:  The bogus, debunked hypothesis to justify globalists' plans to abolish fossil fuels to deindustrialize America and the rest of the West.
They might have also forgotten that far from Trump being a "tired and unpopular head of the uniparty," he's one of the most popular Presidents in modern history, an outsider who refashioned the Republican Party as MAGA America Firsters, or that it's that very same "Uniparty" Kennedy decries that keeps attacking Trump.

Even Dems alarmed as illegal aliens, 11-year-olds allowed to vote on some Boston expenditures.  A new program in Boston will allow illegal aliens and kids as young as 11 to have a say on the way that the city spends millions of dollars.  In 2021, Bostonians voted to approve the establishment of the Office of Participatory Budgeting, and participatory budgeting means exactly what it says:  giving voters the opportunity to participate in the way a portion of the city's budget is spent.  This year, as part of far-left Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu's fiscal year 2025 budget proposal, that office's purpose will finally be put into practice.  By September, Wu and her team will compile a list of 15 community projects.  Then in January, voters will select — either online or in person — five of them to receive a portion of the $2 million allotted for OPB spending.  Though $2 million sounds like a lot of money, it's actually just a tiny fraction of the city's overall budget, which in 2024 was more than $4.2 billion.

The Editor says...
I presume that "None of the above — just refund the money to the taxpayers" is not one of the options.

In Its Pursuit Of Power, The Democrat Party Openly Allies With Jihadists.  Currently, Marxists and Muslims are perfectly aligned.  They believe in statism and complete obedience to the state, political violence, and murderous hatred for Jews and Christians.  To achieve power, they are willing (temporarily) to embrace the leftist obsession with race and homosexuality.  This alliance explains why Marxists have substantially increased Muslim immigration into America, spurred on by eight years of Barack Obama's pro-Iranian presidency.  American Thinker readers will recall that one of Obama's early acts was his "American apology tour."  Watching an American President bow before the Saudi Muslim head of state was sickening.  Obama, who many believe is Muslim, also swooned over the beauty of the Islamic call to prayer and put Islam, a bit player in America, into a position of preeminence in our history.  The Muslim anarchy that is on full display today is Obama's doing.  It was part of his plan to destroy Israel, the world's only Jewish state, with America following as the larger target.  The American left is fed and driven by hate.

Karl Marx is alive and well in 2024 America.  Marxism was easily the most destructive political theory ever to be put into practice.  Over the course of the 20th century, it was responsible for purposefully killing well over 100 million people. [...] Marx was a despicable human being.  It's often said that he never had a job in his life.  That's not technically true.  Although he had a doctorate, his radicalism kept most universities from hiring him. [...] Marx never once took a job that would economically support his family and give them sufficient sustenance. [...] But the thing is, Marx had no direct connection to actual capitalism other than taking the money it produced to support him and his family.  He had no experience starting a business, building a business, managing payroll, insurance, suppliers, customers, employees, unions, or anything else.  No, he learned everything he knew about business and economics from reading.

Obama-Biden Have Been Punishing Israel Since 2013.  Joe Biden's vicious betrayal of Israel has surprised and alienated some of his supporters, who thought he was a moderate Democrat.  In the most recent outrage, his administration sent condolences over the death of Iran's President Raisi and joined the U.N. in a reverent minute of silence.  In stark contrast, Biden disparaged Prime Minister Netanyahu as "a bad [...] guy and "[...]" at a time when Israelis were traumatized and fighting for their lives.  It was predictable, considering that Biden brought back much of the foreign policy team of President Obama, whose backstabbing of the Jewish state foreshadowed Biden's hostile policies.  Early in 2013, when the U.S. was still in shock over the December 14, 2012 Newtown massacre, the newly re-elected Obama decided that one of his priorities would be to pressure Israel to release scores of convicted killers, among whose victims were children.  Although political leaders, including presidents, are expected to flip-flop occasionally, this might have been the first administration in history to flip-flop on the issue of the murder of innocents.

Sen. Chuck Schumer Demands Immediate Amnesty for All Illegals.  Over several decades of illegal immigration, Democrats have claimed there are 11 to 13 million illegal aliens in this country.  It's far more than that, but however many there are, Schumer demanded amnesty for them.  That's not a surprise.  We have no idea who these people are, yet he wants them all to vote.  A recent poll showed that more than 88% of the illegals would vote for Democrats.  It would give these unAmerican, authoritarian Democrats a permanent electoral majority.  Chuck Schumer says Democrats want to pass an immigration bill because "we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to."  Schumer then calls for amnesty for "all 11 million or however many" illegal immigrants in the U.S.

The Editor says...
[#1] Just taking Senator Schumer's statement at face value, he doesn't even know how many illegal aliens are here!  That's an admission of incompetence.  It is far more likely that he knows there are three or four times as many illegal aliens as he claims, and is duplicitously low-balling the number to sell his amnesty idea.  [#2] He wants immediate amnesty!  Right now!  What's the rush?  The only purpose for rushing through an irreversible and massive change like this is deception.  The election is coming up soon, and it's unlikely the Democrats will be able to manufacture enough extra ("look what we found") ballots to overcome the Trump victory this time.  [#3]  Mr. Schumer doesn't care if Americans reproduce as fast as they once did.  This isn't about reproduction, it's about signing up parasites for welfare payments and expecting them to vote for Socialist Democrats to perpetuate those payments — and the Democrats' power.  [#4]  If "we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to," whose fault is that?  Which political party is pushing gender confusion, gender neutral behavior, normalization of homosexuality in the public schools, normalization of same-sex marriage, abortion at any stage of pregnancy for any reason, and over-population panic?  The Muslims are the only group that's really eager to reproduce, and they're only doing so to overwhelm the rest of us at the ballot box in another generation or two.

The left is a shark:  It dies if it stops moving.  What differentiates the radical left from conservatives is that leftists will die if they stop trying to change things.  They, like sharks, cannot survive if they stop moving ahead.  They call it "progressivism," but it is studied destruction.  It's what physicists call "entropy" or disorder.  Leftists must change things for the sheer thrill of exerting destructive and revisionist power over others. [...] They are not content to be a solitary influence for the good for other people or endeavors.  They cannot function alone on merit.  They must be part of a flashy, recognizable group such as BLM or the latest Jew-hating cabal of antisemites on college campuses.  If what they do isn't loud and public, noticed and is not enough.  They must disrupt and cause something beneficial that exists to cease to exist.

To understand the craziest Democrat policies, always follow the money.  Why do scientists just repeat that the science is "settled" on climate change?  Follow the money.  Scientists get their funds cut off if they tell the truth that the climate has changed cyclically and naturally.  Why did the media and other Democrats shut people up on COVID and do what teachers unions want?  Again, follow the money.  The got federal funds for endorsing their positions, despite the harm their positions were doing to the economy and to schoolchildren.  They sure didn't care about science or the kids.  Why don't Democrats and the media care that Biden dictatorially and unconstitutionally pays off student loans that go to rewarding universities that push leftist policies?  [Advertisement]  Follow the money again.  Why don't Democrats get rid of racist prevailing wage laws that have oppressed taxpayers and minorities for almost 100 years?  [Advertisement]  Follow the money.  The money flows to unions and the union money flows back to Democrats.

Houston Storm Reveals Downside of Forced Electrification.  We live in a world with more and more devices that require charging.  Nothing shows the downside of that better than the recent storm that hit Houston, where thousands of residents still lack power.  Houstonians with electric stoves can't cook, those with electric water heaters lack hot water — and those with electric cars can't charge them.  The range of an electric vehicle without electricity is zero.  But President Joe Biden's Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation are requiring that, by 2032, 70% of new cars and 25% of new trucks sold will be electric.  Imagine the state that Houston would be in if the number of EVs on the road today met those standards.

Tyranny by Any Other Name Still Stinks.  All forms of collectivism are inherently totalitarian.  They are unsustainable without violence and eventually survive on force alone.  So-called "anti-fascists" are the most fascist street thugs operating today; they use billionaire donations to fund domestic terrorism that is meant to intimidate civilians into complying with the wishes of wealthy elites who already control the levers of government.  If Antifa members were really anti-fascist, they would beat up themselves.  The prudent way to understand our volatile times is to recognize them as the opening battles in an incipient war between government totalitarians and staunch defenders of human liberty.  What is globalism, after all, if not a system for maximizing the coercive power of a small number of international elites while denying citizens inalienable rights and freedoms?  Everything else is a calculated distraction.

Biden's Climate Agenda Is Running Headfirst Into A Wall Of His Own Making.  President Joe Biden's administration unveiled tariffs this week aimed at boosting domestic production of green energy technology, but the move could end up hamstringing his larger climate goals.  The tariffs announced on Tuesday quadruple levies for Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) to 100% and raise rates for certain Chinese green energy and EV components like minerals and batteries.  Biden has made the transition to green energy and EVs a key part of his climate agenda, but hiking tariffs on those products to help U.S. manufacturing could jack up prices on the already costly products, slowing adoption by struggling Americans, according to experts who spoke to the DCNF.  The risks posed by hiking levies on green technology expose the inherent tension between Biden's climate agenda and his efforts to protect American industry, which often struggles to compete with cheap foreign labor.  Items on his climate agenda typically raise costs, and requiring companies to comply could make them uncompetitive on the world stage.

The Damaging Modern Cultural Imperative of 'Compassion'.  Once you see misguided "compassion" as the foundational leftist value, it's no longer so confusing to see the relentless push for obscure and societally rare practices such as trans athletes, queer, or other strange and hard-to-define proclivities like gender fluidity.  We are no longer allowed to make judgments based on logic, history, and our powers of deductive reasoning.  Instead, we must travel with the herd and make sure we don't think independently or rationally, lest we realize that compassion is not a foundation but is, instead, the emotion we use that can fend off logic.

Yellen [is] Wrong Yet Again!  Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has recommended one foolish policy after another while ignoring their negative long-term effects.  Her policies, both as Fed chair and as Treasury secretary, have contributed to inflation and debt.  She has proposed an ill conceived capital gains tax that would reduce future economic growth.  Furthermore, she argues, incorrectly, that the federal government's growing debt is sustainable.

Why Is There a Left?  [Scroll down]  Given that rebelliousness and sexuality tend to emerge at roughly the same age, it is hardly surprising that sexual politics presents an especially alluring and explosive combination for adolescents to rage out of all control.  Their susceptibility to the most extreme leftist ideology renders them eager to destroy every pillar of the civilized order, as well as themselves, mutilating their own bodies in the name of ideology.  The government they have ushered into power in the United States is rooted in this ideology and encourages self-destruction.  But most debilitating is that even the opposition — the Republican Party, conservative pressure groups, law firms, think-tanks, media, universities — all show no understanding of how to oppose this, and most are too frightened of it even to try.

At WNBA Ceremony, Biden Urges America to Support the Women's Sports He's Destroying.  In previous years, people might have missed the irony.  But not now — not after the meteoric rise of women's basketball.  When the WNBA champs visited the White House last week, reporters didn't cover it out of obligation.  They covered it because it was a real story.  And President Joe Biden's betrayal of girls' sports only made it more of one.  The timing of the photo op couldn't have been more politically inconvenient for the president, whose administration has been lit up by lawsuits over the dismantling of the very thing the team was there to celebrate — women.  While Biden was applauding the champs for "showing that the future of women's sports is brighter than the Vegas lights," most people couldn't help but notice how utterly disingenuous he was being.  After all, Biden is the one trying to eradicate 52 years of women's progress.  He's the one insisting biological men make better girls than our daughters.  And it was his idea — not Congress' — to turn Title IX into a manifesto of transgender rights.

The Biden Anti-American Legacy.  Inflation has one primary cause: spending money we don't have.  We are adding debt at a rate of one trillion dollars every 100 days.  Biden is fully cognizant of these issues' damage to the middle class and doesn't care one iota since he can't win the next election without continuing these damaging policies.

Biden's Green Energy Policies Help China, Not America.  Throughout his term, President Joe Biden's administration has actively worked to curtail domestic energy production, forcing American reliance on foreign energy.  China, in particular, stands to benefit from a global green revolution.  Under the traditional model of fossil fuel-based energy production, the United States is one of the largest energy producers in the world.  By comparison, China is the world's largest energy importer.  To gain a competitive advantage, China has worked to change the terms of the industry.  For years, the CCP has encouraged a global transition to renewable energy — a transition that will turn nations into clients of Chinese industry.  Biden's energy regulations require a transition to Chinese-manufactured infrastructure, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries for electric vehicles.  Biden, like Barack Obama before him, has failed to recognize the dangers of forced reliance on China's "green" energy materials, even amid growing tensions between the U.S. and the PRC.

Biden and His 'Ironclad' Support of Israel.  I always thought "ironclad" meant binding, but to President Biden it apparently means a pledge that's good until it becomes politically inconvenient to stick to it.  On at least two occasions he asserted his (and our) commitment to Israel's defense was "ironclad": [...] With rockets pouring into Israel from Lebanon and Gaza, after the most murderous barbaric attack of October 7, "The Biden administration told Congress it would waive sanctions on military sales to several Middle Eastern nations the day before President Biden himself publicly declared that the U.S. would not give Israel offensive aid if it invaded Rafah.  (Israel had already begun to invade Rafah.)  Some of those countries have been accused playing an active role in the proliferation of Hamas and other terror groups intent on wiping Israel off the map.

After admitting there are no real facts, Biden effectively accuses Israel of war crimes.  Yesterday afternoon, the State Department issued a report in response to Biden's demand that it analyze whether foreign governments are appropriately using weapons they received from America.  It was apparent from the beginning that this was a set-up to attack Israel, and attacking Israel is what the State Department did.  Despite admitting that it has no data to back up its conclusions, it nevertheless concluded that Israel has failed to protect Gaza's civilian populations while using American weapons. [...] Apparently, Israel's unique approach to protecting enemy civilians — warning its enemy in advance of battle plans, warning civilians in advance of strikes, providing evacuation assistance to civilians in advance of battles, and providing millions of tons (and millions of dollars) worth of supplies, including food and medicine, to civilians — simply isn't good enough.  Nor does it matter that Hamas has deliberately intertwined its military operations with civilians or that it continuously attacks Israeli civilians).

Biden abandons Israel to appease student rioters and help Hamas survive.  Let's distill the real significance of Biden's decision:  First, this action proves that Biden has never really wanted Hamas destroyed.  Though he has appeared to support Israel from the beginning of this war, he has also been somewhat two-faced about that support.  Throughout the war, beginning almost immediately after October 7th, he has continually applied pressure on Israel to slow or even stop its effort, while in the background he has continued to funnel money and aid to Hamas.  Now he is made blatantly obvious his alliance with Israel is only skin deep.  As far as he is concerned it is perfectly okay to have a new Nazi regime established next door to Israel, flinging rockets and mobs of terrorists into its territory to kill Jews, even as that new Nazi regime indoctrinates more Arabs to its cause.  Second, by this decision Biden is meekly appeasing the student pro-Hamas rioters on college campuses.  They want Hamas saved and Israel destroyed, and have been protesting violently in order to influence Biden and the Democrats to apply pressure on Israel to stop its offensive.  Biden has now bowed to that pressure.

Biden OK's Chopping Down of 4200 Joshua Trees for a Solar Farm.  Biden signed an executive order to chop down 4,200 Joshua trees to install solar panels for a favored company, Aratina Solar Project.  The funds for removing the trees will be placed in a mitigation bank, which is code for politicians' pockets.  They've cut the once-protected trees before.  This isn't the first.  They have a lot of them, about two million, and they are in the Joshua Tree National Park.  The trees are unique, and they all have unique signatures.  Where are the environmentalists when you need them?  They only come out of the woodwork when Republicans or energy companies want to do something that will help Americans.  Climate change concerns are a massive fraud.  [Tweet]

Will the Supreme Court Let This Crisis Go to Waste?  The Democrats used their control of the Legislative and Executive Branches to attempt "fundamental transformation" of all three branches of government.  They came within two Senate votes of changing the nature of our government for decades — if not forever.  Had Senators Manchin and Sinema not balked, the Dems would have packed the Supreme Court, added two liberal states to the Union, and nationalized elections.  During all of this, the Supreme Court's power to stand against "fundamental transformation" was waning.  When the Court attempted to constrain Executive overreach (i.e., student loan forgiveness), the president simply ignored it.  Democrat strategists are even arguing that "Popular Constitutionalism" is a legitimate way to interpret the Constitution.  They insist that the president has the authority to interpret the Constitution and may read into it whatever he wishes.  They say the president can decide that the Dobbs decision was incorrect and declare that the Constitution provides an inalienable right to abortion.  "Popular Constitutionalism" is a giant red light that if the justices stay out of our current political civil war, the Court may become its first casualty.  We are at a constitutional cliff.  The Court aided our descent into banana republic status when it chose restraint over aggressive defense of the Constitution.

Biden's double game on Hamas should fool no one.  When President Joe Biden wants to say the right things about Israel and antisemitism, he knows how to do it.  Much like his comments immediately after the Oct. 7 massacres, his speech at a Holocaust commemoration held in the U.S. Capitol on May 7 struck all the right notes. [...] Yet, the president said, "people are already forgetting.  They are already forgetting.  That Hamas unleashed this terror.  It was Hamas that brutalized Israelis.  It was Hamas who took and continues to hold hostages.  I have not forgotten nor have you.  And we will not forget."  While his words earned the applause they garnered, that last statement isn't true.  That's because his policies — as distinct from some of his speeches that were, like those at the Holocaust ceremony, largely aimed at Jewish voters — contradict that promise.  Although he initially endorsed the Israeli goal of eliminating Hamas and seemed to implicitly commit to that again in his speech, the entire thrust of Biden's current Middle East policy is quite the opposite.  He is doing everything he can, including threats of cutting off certain military weapons, diplomatic maneuvers at the United Nations and duplicitous efforts to push through an agreement with the terrorist group, to save Hamas from defeat just when Israel put it on the ropes.

Biden administration continues its attack on energy.  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and White House officials, via a joint announcement, noted that the rules and regulations would apply to all coal-fired power generation and future natural gas power plants, which will be required to control/capture 90% of their carbon emissions.  This will force numerous older plants to simply shut down, or, to use the softer sounding euphemism, be "sunsetted."  It's certainly reassuring that the administration has its priorities in order!  Forget the open Southern border across which millions of unvetted foreigners are streaming, mostly military-aged men!  Forget 100,000 fentanyl deaths a year and the rampant sex trafficking!  Dismiss raging inflation and violent crime!  Who cares about unsustainable debt, wars breaking out across the planet, and the ongoing violent anti-Semitism spreading across our college campuses?!  Ditto for the continued collapse of the family and the impending collapse of Western nations' populations!  The Biden administration is properly laser-focused on limiting Americans' choices in appliances, vehicles — and elections — and in trying to significantly drive up the cost of their food and energy.

Biden Wants to Sell Out America to the WHO.  Consider this your periodic reminder that the globalists are on the move and they have a friend in the Biden administration.  The latest front in this battle is found in a scheme that would significantly expand the power of the World Health Organization and its ability to command, not advise, how countries deal with significant health challenges — including future pandemics — and Joe Biden has signaled that he would likely support such a system.  This prompted the entire Senate GOP conference to notify the White House that such a move would be not only inappropriate but likely unconstitutional as well.  The effort was led by Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.  He pointed out that entering into any binding agreement of this sort with a foreign organization would constitute a treaty, which the executive branch is not allowed to undertake without the approval of two-thirds of the Senate.

Saving Hamas:  Why is the Biden administration throwing the full weight of the U.S. government at Israel?  Reports are circulating that the Israelis are planning an operation in Rafah to eliminate the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza.  If so, the Netanyahu government will be acting against the very public wishes of the Biden administration, which has spent the last half year moving heaven and earth to save a terrorist organization from destruction.  Bizarrely, the White House's statements and actions show that Hamas' survival is more important than the security of a traditional American partner, Israel; more crucial to American interests than the preservation of the U.S.-led order of the Middle East; more precious than the dozens of American lives that Hamas ended on Oct. 7; more valuable than however many Americans and Israelis are still alive in the terror army's tunnels.  Why?  As the money and prestige that the U.S. has invested month after month in protecting Hamas demonstrate, the Biden administration sees the terror group as a valuable asset.

The Editor says...
Barack H. Obama is a Muslim.  Barack H. Obama is no friend of Israel.  Joe Biden is too senile to make any meaningful decisions, so Barack H. Obama is apparently acting as Joe Biden's puppeteer.  We are living in Barack H. Obama's third term.  That's the answer (to the headline above) in a nutshell.  Connect the dots.

Biden Administration Makes Rule Change to Give Taxpayer-Funded Health Insurance to 100,000 Illegal Immigrants.  As many as 100,000 illegal immigrants will now be eligible for health care subsidized by federal tax dollars, the White House announced Friday.  A new "final rule" issued by the Biden administration expands Affordable Care Act coverage to many of those who have been allowed to remain in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program first put in place by the Obama adminstration in 2012, while Joe Biden was vice president.  According to The New York Times, the DACA program, which also provides work permits to illegal aliens who entered the U.S. illegals while still minors, protects roughly 500,000 people from deportation, but has not provided them with health care coverage.

Investigation: Biden Executive Order Focuses on Registering Convicts to Vote.  An executive order signed by President Joe Biden has focused on registering convicts to vote and exclusively involved left-wing non-governmental organizations (NGOs), an investigation from the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project revealed.  In March 2021, Biden signed an executive order titled "Promoting Access to Voting," which he billed as a "nonpartisan" government-wide effort to "expand citizens' opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process."

America Is Headed For A Civil War... Maybe.  How does one know a civil war is coming?  Have you been on a college campus lately?  2024 is an echo of 1968. [...] Today, we have a completely different landscape.  In 2024, Democrats are virtually indistinguishable from communists, and being pro-American is seen as racist.  Hence, the college protests.  They're not just pro-Hamas; they're much, much more.  These protests are very much a reflection of their time given the seemingly mainstream nature of the beliefs that power them.  They're at their core not just anti-Israel, they're antisemitic, they're anti-American, anti-Western, anti-capitalist, anti-police, and of course, anti-white.  Sadly, all those things are basically mainstream Democrat policies in 2024.  We see every single one of them play out across the country in federal, state, and local governments.

The Democrats' Only Purpose Now Is To Destroy America.  The two principles that drive Democrats are: [#1] to create chaos [and #2] to re-distribute wealth[.]  Practically everything that the Communist Democrat politicians do is based on these two simple principles alone.  That's why Democrats love high crime rates:  because crime accomplishes both.  Out of control crime creates chaos in society while simultaneously robbing tenants, property owners and business owners of their wealth and their possessions. [...] BLM and Antifa, in essence, are the paramilitary arms of the Democratic party.  They operate in the open.  They receive publicity.  They are summoned by their masters (namely Obama and Soros), to counter-protest, to destroy property, and to create chaos, when occasion calls for it.  In contrast, criminals and gang members are the undercover paramilitary arm of the Democratic party.

Who benefits from this?
Biden plans to reschedule cannabis, easing restrictions.  President Joe Biden's administration plans to ease federal restrictions on cannabis by reclassifying the drug for the first time in half a century.  The Biden administration plans to announce an interim rule soon reclassifying the drug for the first time since the Controlled Substances Act was enacted more than 50 years ago, according to media reports confirmed by NBC News.  For decades, cannabis has been classified as a Schedule I drug, a class defined as drugs with no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.  Other Schedule 1 drugs include heroin, LSD, ecstasy and methaqualone, the hypnotic sedative sold under the brand name Quaalude before it was discontinued in the 1980s.

Communist Defectors Warn About Four Stages Of Subversion — And America Is On The Last One.  Forty years ago, a KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, revealed the systematic plan Soviet communists used to take down countries and establish a communist-type society and regime.  More recently, a Chinese defector immigrant, Xi Van Fleet, has been on a crusade to warn Americans about the parallels between what is happening in America today and what Mao did in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. [...] While America is still in the crisis stage, some subversion experts argue that the lawfare, censorship, and cancellation regimes that now exist are really part of the last stage of communist takeover known as normalization — Bezmenov's fourth and final stage.  If America's borders remain open and the American people are denied access to information, become accustomed to rigged elections, accept limitations on free speech, and acquiesce to the rewriting of history, the constitutional republic that was the United States will be gone, and the new world of communist global elite control will be normalized.

Wyoming governor, secretary of state say EPA rules will hurt state's coal industry.  Wyoming officials are not happy with the federal government's latest rules involving coal-fired power plants.  The Environmental Protection Agency's new rules finalized this week will require existing coal-fired plants and new natural gas plants to "control 90% of their carbon pollution" and will make mercury emissions standards stricter.  The stated purpose from EPA is to help combat climate change, but Gov. Mark Gordon isn't buying.  "It is clear the only goal envisioned by these rules released by the Environmental Protection Agency today is the end of coal communities in Wyoming," Gordon said in a press release.  "EPA has weaponized the fear of climate change into a crushing set of rules that will result in an unreliable electric grid, unaffordable electricity, and thousands of lost jobs."  According to the Energy Information Administration, which is part of the Department of Energy, Wyoming accounts for two-fifths of all domestic coal mined.

The Gutless Old Party.  The Democrats may very well want to off unborn babies; encourage adolescents to lop off their breasts or penises; counsel African-Americans to expect financial reparations from Whitey as penitence for past offenses; allow any Tom, Dick or Juan to waltz into this country unvetted, possibly unemployable, and potentially criminal; convince anxious middle schoolers that the Earth is doomed; and staunchly support all the vile college brats and anti-Semitic educators advocating for the extermination of Israel, I say.  But at least they have the courage of their conviction. [...] Democrats will fight, riot, lie, cheat, steal, and collude to win.  They'll sic the feds on Americans with the wrong thoughts, the IRS on folks of the wrong political party, provide the media with the official government-approved message, and make it ridiculously easy to cheat electorally while importing millions of new voters from abroad.

Biden's EPA Says Sweeping Power Plant Regs Won't Harm America's Grid — Experts Are Saying The Exact Opposite.  The Biden administration says that its new rules for fossil fuel-fired power plants will not cause grid reliability problems, but power grid experts are warning that the exact opposite could end up being the case.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced final rules for fossil fuel-fired power plants Thursday, marking one of the most aggressive moves that President Joe Biden has made in an effort to fight climate change.  While the EPA says that the rules will not make the electricity that powers the economy less reliable, power grid experts are concerned that the rules will constrain the amount of affordable and reliable power available to meet expected increases in demand over the coming years.  Under the new regulations, America's existing coal plants will have to use carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to control 90% of their carbon emissions by 2032 if they want to stay running past 2039, and certain new natural gas plants will also have to cut their emissions by 90% by 2032, according to the agency.

Biden Gives Us Climate Corps, Climate Emergency Diktat Is Next.  We have the Palestinians trying to kill all the Jews; the border is wide open, inflation is soaring, and energy is skyrocketing, but have no fear.  Biden established Climate Corps.  Appropriately, the genius of the House, AOC introduced it, saying it is the single biggest federal investment in tackling the [fake] climate crisis.  "Investment" means taxes.  The government doesn't have any money.  They're starting with 2,000 young workers.  It will be an indoctrination organization.  [Tweet with video clip]  Donald Trump established the Space Corps, and Biden organized tree huggers.  Marc Morano, founder of Climate Depot, said they are again discussing a climate emergency declaration that would give Joe Biden 130 new powers.  [Tweet]

When did we vote on this?
Biden EPA Threatens to Shut Down Coal Plants Amid Energy Crisis.  Just last month, it was determined that the cost of electricity in the United States was still rising at a rate faster than the national average for inflation.  In other words, even if you are somehow managing to pay your rent or your mortgage in this economy and maintain a place to live, you might not be able to afford to heat it or keep the lights on.  So what has Joe Biden done in response?  He has ordered the EPA to issue new rules that will either make electricity more expensive or remove some of it from the power grid.  (Possibly both.)  Under the new rules, coal and natural gas power plants will be forced to capture nearly all smokestack emissions or... (wait for it) shut down.  What could possibly go wrong?

A Warning to America.  The liberal establishment aims to destroy America so that a society more conducive to oligarchical collectivist rule can be engineered upon its ashes.  Meanwhile, it consolidates authoritarian control.  The means of accomplishing these objectives are not secret.  The video below spells out most of them in under 2 minutes.  Tactics include:
  •   Open borders and illegal immigration
  •   Rampant crime and unsafe cities
  •   Election insecurity and interference
  •   The educational indoctrination of children
  •   The asymmetrical weaponization of justice
  •   The destruction of private property rights
  •   Inflation and debt
  •   Destruction of the nuclear family and parental rights
  •   DEI and the new racism
  •   Moral and societal decay
Those at the wheel do not mean us well.  If they remain in control, this country is doomed.  [Video clip]

Democrats introduce the STAGE Act, a $1 billion per year 'cash infusion' so 'artists can find out who they are and become themselves'.  Oh no!  All the losers with the lesbian theater degrees can't find jobs since they settled on an "education" that had no applicability in the real world!  And, what's worse is that they're "artists," so they can't be expected to work a 9 [to] 5, or stifle their creativity with a boring conventional job, even though that's where the money is. [...] Again, if I'm working doubly-hard at my private sector job so I can make a salary and also pay the wage of an unemployed artists, that's a handout, not legitimate work. [...] Any theater that makes the stupid business decision to churn out unpopular entertainment should die, and using my money to bail it out is repulsive.  A theater exists for entertainment purposes; it's not supposed to be an apparatus of the Democrat left political machine.  "Unemployed artists" was, and still should be a slur; it should not be a status that qualifies you for a taxpayer-subsidized job!

Only a crazy person makes plans to inflict an emergency on everybody else.
President Biden Plans Climate Emergency Impacting Energy Industry.  U.S. President Joe Biden plans to declare a "national climate emergency" in what critics say is an effort to block American energy development while appeasing his environmentalist donor base, Worthy News learned Wednesday.  Biden's top advisers have resumed talks on declaring such an emergency "to reduce carbon dioxide emissions" ahead of upcoming presidential elections, according to sources familiar with the meetings.  The declaration would give Biden wartime powers to limit oil and liquefied natural gas exports, suspending offshore drilling and halting the industry's ability to transport its products via pipelines and trains.  "The average American is certainly not demanding a climate emergency declaration.  It's the losing team of left-wing Democrat activists and the shrinking base of elites who are," U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart said in published remarks.

Is Biden About To Declare Himself Climate Dictator?  Democrats have already made it clear that they will stop at nothing — nothing — to prevent Donald Trump from winning in November.  So, we aren't surprised to read reports that President Joe Biden might declare a "climate emergency" this year in hopes that it gooses his reelection odds.  Never mind that such a declaration would put the U.S. right on the path to a Venezuela-style future.  Late last week, Bloomberg reported that "White House officials are weighing whether to declare a national climate emergency several months out from the 2024 election." [...] Let's leave aside the entirely fatuous notion that there is anything even remotely constituting a climate "emergency."  What would be the basis for such a declaration?  The number of hurricanes, fires, floods?  None of these has been trending upward.  Death rates from natural disasters are a tiny fraction of what they were 60 years ago, and lower than they were 20 years ago.  Food production is way up.  But Biden has already used the "climate crisis" as an excuse to impose a draconian electric vehicle mandate on the country, attack a host of household appliances, pour billions into "clean energy" scams, and more.

Biden Admin Adds 'Gender Identity' as Protected Class in New Title IX Rules.  The Biden administration on Friday released its long-anticipated rewrite of Title IX, but left out any mention of transgender-identifying male athletes in women's sports.  The Biden administration's draft proposal included a radical revision that would have forced forced federally funded educational institutions to allow men to compete on their women's sports teams unless they demonstrate it compromises student safety.  Under that rule, the burden of proof would have been shifted to schools, which in effect would have to create separate policies for every sport.  But with the 2024 contest against former president Donald Trump in full swing, the Biden administration opted to punt on the issue of males competing in women sports.  With so much litigation surrounding the issue, it's unclear when the trans sports guidance will come down.

Dems want to send Trump to prison without Secret Service protection.  Key Democrats revealed new legislation Friday that would strip former President Donald Trump of his Secret Service agents if he is convicted and sentenced to prison.  Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, said it's about making sure Mr. Trump doesn't get special treatment for whatever crime he might be sentenced.  He is worried that having to accommodate a Secret Service protective detail could lead to accommodations for a former president.  "It is regrettable that it has come to this, but this previously unthought-of scenario could become our reality," the Mississippi lawmaker said.  "Therefore, it is necessary for us to be prepared and update the law so the American people can be assured that protective status does not translate into special treatment — and that those who are sentenced to prison will indeed serve the time required of them."

It's a Bill of Attainder — of the worst kind.
Democrats Move to Strip Trump of Secret Service Protection.  Democrats want Trump dead.  House Democrats on Friday moved to strip President Trump of his Secret Service protection if he is convicted.  Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson introduced a resolution that would terminate Trump's Secret Service protection.  The legislation dubbed the "Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act would apply to all Secret Service protectees convicted and sentenced under felony charges. [...] "Obvious subtext here is that removing USSS would make it easier for someone to kill Trump, which is arguably the goal of Thompson's bill, H.R. 8081," Byron York said.  [Tweet]

Former J6 Committee chair moves to strip Secret Service protection from anyone sentenced to more than 1 year in prison.  Rep. Bennie Thompson has filed legislation that would remove Secret Service protection from those who have been sentenced to at least one year in prison.  Thompson previously served as the chair of the January 6 Select Committee.  [Video clip]  The bill is called the "'Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act," also called the "DISGRACED Former Protectees Act."  [Advertisement]  It states that Secret Service protection shall be terminated for "any person upon sentencing following 7 convictions for a Federal or State offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year."  [Advertisement]  Thompson's committee previously recommended criminal charges against Trump for the events of January 6.

Dems want to send Trump to prison without Secret Service protection.  Key Democrats revealed new legislation Friday that would strip former President Donald Trump of his Secret Service agents if he is convicted and sentenced to prison.  Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, said it's about making sure Mr. Trump doesn't get special treatment for whatever crime he might be sentenced.  He is worried that having to accommodate a Secret Service protective detail could lead to accommodations for a former president.

Student Loan Forgiveness:  Morally Reprehensible and Legally Invalid.  Barack Obama set the stage in 2015 for the student loan forgiveness fiasco when he announced the 'America's College Promise' proposal to make two years of community college free.  On the proposal's web page is this:  "Students should be able to get the knowledge and the skills they need without taking on decades worth of student debt."  Obama's idea has now been extended to include four-year colleges.  His lackey, that joke who currently occupies the Bully Pulpit, is simply forwarding his boss' idea.  The problem for Biden is that Obama's idea is neither legal nor morally acceptable.

The Moral Hazard Of Student Loan Forgiveness.  The original plan is to tax other people for giant entitlement programs and new initiatives, but everything costs more than people think, and those costs trickle down to hit everyone if you give them enough time.  But costs and rising tax bills are only two problems that will plague student loan forgiveness on such a broad scale.  There are much more egregious moral hazards to be aware of — hazards that could lead to a whirlwind of consequences for pretty much everyone involved, and especially taxpayers.
Problem #1: Blanket loan forgiveness rewards people who overpaid for their degrees [...]
Problem #2: You're asking taxpayers to pay for individual decisions [...]
Problem #3: Student loan debt holders are already privileged [...]
Problem #4: Nobody has skin in the game [...]
Problem #5: Blanket forgiveness doesn't address rising costs

Dysfunctional and Dangerous.  The Democrat party right now is working as hard as possible to deny the majority its say in politics.  It will lie, cheat and steal votes to appear as a majority.  Everyone should vote, even though only American citizens are allowed to vote.  These are the conflicting messages they shamelessly push.  When they say "everyone" they mean, everyone, citizen, non-citizen, tourist, alive or dead is irrelevant, if a ballot can be produced, it should be counted; absentee ballots from Palestine should be counted, as long as they vote Democrat.  Now, this is a bit of teasing, because Republicans, at least their proposed policies, have a significant majority and therefore, by Democrat standards, must not only be American citizens, they must show ID and verify with bills to the claimed address.

Denver Mayor Implements the Worst Idea Ever.  Denver's Democrat Mayor Mike Johnston has cut funding to the city's police department by $8 million in order to take care of illegal aliens — or "newcomers," as Johnston likes to say.  What's going to happen next is all too predictable.  The influx of illegal aliens will bring in more crime, and then the cutting of funding to the police department will amplify the problem even further, turning the city into a crime-ridden hellhole that nobody wants to live in.

The storm before the calm?  Things are sure calmer now that Joe Biden is in office, right?  Back to normal!  No more mean tweets! [...] Sarcasm aside, none of this had to happen.  In fact, none of this would have happened if Trump were still in office.  That is not speculation.  When Trump was in office, Ukraine — and our borders — were secure, and the Middle East, via the Abraham Accords, was mostly peaceful... and hopeful of staying that way for the foreseeable future.  But why?  Trump wasn't an experienced politician — or a smooth statesmanlike figure!  He was a wild card!  And Biden was a life-long Washington insider!  (Insightful readers will realize the question "But why?" was just answered.)  None of this death and destruction need have happened.  Biden, and his handlers, snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.  Some of this may be because there are those in the administration that actually hate America (and Israel).  And some of it is because leftists are unaware of two crucial things:  history and human nature.

Report: Biden Has Taken Over 200 Actions Against US Oil.  President Joe Biden and his administration have taken over 200 actions against the U.S. oil and natural gas industry as energy prices have gone up, according to a new report.  "President Biden and Democrats have a plan for American energy:  make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase," the Institute for Energy Research states in a new report.  "Since Mr. Biden took office, his administration and its allies have taken over 200 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America."  The analysis highlights actions Biden took on his first day in office, listing them chronologically through March of this year.  The first act was canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, issuing a moratorium on all oil and natural gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and revoking Trump administration executive orders that decreased regulations in order to expand domestic production.

Joe Biden's Wars.  It's long been known around Washington, as former Defense Secretary Robert Gates once said, that Joe Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four" — now five — "decades."  So the conflicts raging around the world and forecasts of World War III should have been expected.  But, hey, at least we didn't elect in 2020 the guy who sent impetuous tweets that upset elites and snowflakes.  As president, Biden has projected American weakness in a Carter-esque fashion, starting with his chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, which a State Department report said suffered from "constantly changing policy guidance," and a top general described as a "strategic failure."

Lights Out:  Biden Admin Targets Lightbulbs In Latest Appliance Crackdown.  The Biden administration finalized energy efficiency regulations targeting light bulbs on Friday [4/12/2024].  The Department of Energy (DOE) announced the final rules for "general services lamps," a category of products that includes light bulbs, to nudge the market to adopt more energy efficient models.  The Biden administration, led chiefly by the DOE, has pushed similar regulations targeting a host of household appliances. [...] The DOE concedes that LED lightbulbs are more expensive up front relative to standard incandescent bulbs, but asserts that LED bulbs will save Americans money on their energy bills because of their higher efficiency.  The agency projects that the regulation will ultimately save Americans more than $1.5 billion annually over time and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 70 million metric tons.

The Editor says...
[#1] If new light bulb technology (or any other innovation in household appliances) will save the consumers money, no coercion by the government is necessary.  [#2] Light bulbs do not emit carbon dioxide.  The power plants that emit carbon dioxide are gonna run, whether your light bulbs are turned on or off.  [#3] Carbon dioxide is plant food, not pollution.  There is no reason to avoid carbon dioxide emissions.

White House commits $830 million to new climate resilience projects.  The Biden administration announced on Thursday $830 million in new grants to harden old U.S. infrastructure against the effects of ongoing climate change.  Eighty projects will improve roads, rail, ports, transit systems and other surface transportation infrastructure in 37 states with a special focus on those under particular threat from the effects of extreme weather.  The funds will help counter flooding impacts, upgrade stormwater drains, replace emergency bridges, and help cities set new plans to improve coastlines and transit projects.  Funds fall into one of four categories:  $621 million for resilience improvement, $119 million for coastal infrastructure improvements, $45 million for community resilience and evacuation improvements and $45 million for planning-stage projects.

Why is Joe Biden letting Hamas off the hook?  It isn't disputable whether Joe Biden's administration is letting Hamas off the hook.  That issue was settled months ago, when a spineless Joe Biden caved to activists interested in saving Hamas and thwarting the Israelis' attempt to defend themselves.  Gerard Baker's op-ed highlights what's at stake for the U.S. if the terrorists are permitted to survive.  In his op-ed, Baker wrote "If, under the pressure of internal Democratic politics and global public opinion, the Biden administration forces a 'cease-fire' that leaves our closest ally in the region short of victory over an enemy that seeks to destroy it, sooner or later we shall all pay the price."  It's time to revisit George W. Bush's speech to a joint session of Congress on Sept. 20, 2001. [...] How different is Joe Biden's approach to the Palestinians than George W. Bush's approach to the Taliban?  It's night-and-day different.  More than 75% of Palestinians support the Hamas government in Gaza.  How is that different than the Taliban's protection of al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan?

Words Aren't Enough.  The more and better-distributed sources of information that fill the search engines and radio programs, the harder the truth is to hide.  That's an important role in the ultimate battle for America down the line.  The border fiasco is all Biden, the lower wages are all Biden, the inflation is all a product of Bidenomics, the debt is all Biden, not because he came in with a clean slate, but because he has increased spending to the point that we now owe over a trillion dollars a year, just to pay interest on the debt.  That's more than we spend on the Department of Defense.  In January of 2021, when he took office, the debt was 21.6 trillion dollars and that was after the lockdowns and the pandemic.  U.S. debt today is 34.6 trillion dollars and adding a trillion dollars every 100 days.  Our tax collections run at about 4.5 trillion dollars a year, with budgets ranging from 6.5 to 7 trillion dollars a year.  The spin is that we need these illegals to help the economy.

Even Senate Democrats Are Starting to Reject Biden's Radical Environmental Agenda.  Even some Senate Democrats are rejecting parts of Joe Biden's radical environmental agenda.  The Senate passed a resolution on Wednesday voting down an important aspect of the Biden administration's efforts to force the transition to electric vehicles (EVs).  In a 53-47 vote, Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Jon Tester of Montana joined Republicans in blocking a rule aimed at reducing the number of gas-powered cars on America's roads.  Independent Sen. Krysten Sinema also supported the measure.

The Overlap Between Nazis and Hamas Is Downright Uncanny.  If you're wondering how Hamas and its fellow travelers, which both Biden and the Democrats support, are perfectly comparable to the Nazis, let me count some of the ways. (There are actually countless examples for all of these comparisons.)  In their approach to the Jews, the two entities are indistinguishable, which means those who hate the Nazis (and leftists claim to) should hate Hamas, too.  (For purposes of this counting, Hamas is the proxy for all of the people who call themselves Palestinians (inaccurately), given how strongly Gazan and West Bankian civilians support it.)

Biden, Transgenderism, and Making Christianity More Invisible.  As a President, you have to make countless difficult decisions.  Some things are simply more important than others.  Choosing to celebrate Easter, the holiest Christian holiday, over LGBTQ propaganda shouldn't have been one of them.  Biden, chose instead, to highlight on Good Friday — the day Christ sacrificed Himself in a brutal crucifixion to set us free from sin — a "Transgender Day of Visibility" proclamation.  One might expect this from an atheist President, but certainly not one who claims to be a practicing Catholic.  Biden proclaimed, in part, on the White House website:  "On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation's commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives."  So, now, a man appropriating womanhood is "courageous"?  A man trading his masculinity for faux femininity is brave?  Men displacing and replacing women in sports is something extraordinary?  Drag Queen story hours, where some with criminal records imitate striptease acts, are "contributions" to our society?

Obama's Continuing War on Suburbia, Courtesy of Joe Biden.  Like the prophets of old, Stanley Kurtz warned of the evil mongers in America, but sadly, no one seemed to heed his dire warning.  In his 2012 book titled Spreading the Wealth:  How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities, Kurtz painstakingly detailed Obama's and, now by extension, Biden's nefarious plans to destroy the suburbs.  The ever-stealthy Obama has been assiduously working on the goal of abolishing America's suburbs ever since his days as a community activist.  Coercion, not choice will mandate how this will be accomplished.  Already Americans are being told that they must stop driving their gas-fueled cars.  Under the guise of helping the environment, the government accrues more power for itself.  Think socialism, social democracy, extreme liberalism, Marxism, communism.  Class warfare will be pursued as the traditional American dream of striving for a better future with the freedom to move where you please is demolished.

Is The Great Illusion In Ruins?  In 2021, Joe Biden was elected after a bitterly fought campaign that deposed the incumbent Donald Trump.  Democrats eventually captured, for a time, both the House and Senate, ensuring the most left-wing government in modern American history.  Americans were then set to witness a great experiment.  For the first time in their lives, a truly radical socialist program would supposedly fundamentally transform the way America dealt with the border, immigration, the economy, race relations, foreign policy, energy, law enforcement, crime, education, and social questions such as religion, gender, abortion, and schooling.  In a sense, we were all to be lab rats of sorts, to be experimented on by the radical left and their various critical theories.  Now in the last year of the Biden term, we can see the results of that experiment — and the unfortunate disasters that followed.

Party of abortion and drugs set its sights on Florida.  If you're a leader of today's Democratic Party, the playbook for winning elections is pretty thin.  Bereft of ideas that empower communities to realize their potential, the socialist leadership of the party has few tactics to drive voters to the polls.  Race-baiting is one, for sure.  Hysteria over so-called threats to democracy and climate change are others.  Welfare and the expansion of "free stuff" is an old standby.  But it seems the center of gravity has shifted to two primary issues the left believes will put Florida in play in November.  These two issues should tell independent voters everything they need to know about which party is truly focused on the advancement of American society and which one is championing a race to the bottom.

Biden and his handlers are hell-bent on destroying America.  Here are 11 now familiar steps to civilizational destruction:  [#1] Wipe out a 2,000-mile border.  Allow 10 million foreign nationals to enter unlawfully.  Have no audit of any; nullify all federal immigration laws.  Let in toxic drugs that kill 100,000 Americans a year.  Give free support to those millions who broke the law.  Smear any objectors as racists and xenophobes.  [#2] Run up $35 trillion in national debt.  Keep adding $1 trillion to it each 100 days.  Defame anyone wishing to cut wild spending as cruel and inhumane.  [#7] Reinvent the justice system to indict, bankrupt, convict, jail and eliminate political opponents.  Use ballot removal, impeachment, civil suits, and state and federal indictments rather than elections to defeat an opponent.  Mob the homes of non-compliant Supreme Court justices, and attack them personally by name.  [#9] Make war on affordable gasoline and natural gas.  Substitute inefficient, unreliable and expensive wind and solar power, even as energy prices nearly bankrupt the middle class.

Biden To Force Jewish-Made Products From Israel To Be Labeled:  Report.  President Joe Biden is reportedly preparing to force Jewish made products from Judea and Samaria to be clearly labeled so consumers know where the products are from — a clear sign that the administration wants to enable boycotts.  The Financial Times reported that the timing of the new policy is unknown at this point and that it is designed to "increase pressure on Israel" over what Palestinians claim is violence from Israelis who live in Judea and Samaria.  The report said that the move from the administration would reverse a policy enacted by President Donald Trump that required goods made in Judea and Samaria to be labeled as "Made in Israel."  The Biden administration late last month refused to block a U.N. resolution calling for a ceasefire in Israel's war against the Hamas terrorists who murdered 1,200 people on October 7. Thousands more were injured and hundreds were taken hostage, including many Americans.

Biden Admin Takes Cues From Hitler to Label Jewish Goods From 'Occupied Territory'.  Is anyone still pretending that Joe Biden supports Israel?  I've never actually believed Biden was ever really on Israel's side.  From the earliest moments after the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, Biden's actions have spoken louder than words.  For example, the Biden administration repeatedly claimed that Iran wasn't involved in the planning or financing of the Hamas terror attack — something we knew to be false because they had just unfrozen $6 billion in Iranian assets a month before the terror attack.  The administration reportedly tried to cover up that they knew about the planned assault on Israel, and repeatedly sought to get Israel to postpone its ground assault in Gaza, even forcing a delay by not having adequate defenses in place at U.S. military installations in the area.  And now the Biden administration is moving forward with plans for new policy that Israel has described anti-Israel and discriminatory.

Vectoring Dangerously.  If your situational awareness is well-tuned, you can put together a political weather report from the swirl of events that otherwise seem to confound the degenerate simps who pretend to report the news.  Events are tending in the direction of self-reinforcing, ramifying chaos, and the people running the show are obviously insane as they do everything possible to hurry chaos along. [...] In any case, it looks like stormy financial weather which, if nothing else, is not exactly an advantageous accompaniment to a world war.  In fact, it could beat a path quickly to something like empty supermarket shelves — and you know what they say about a population being a few missed meals away from anarchy.

Biden's plan to save the 'deep state'.  The Biden administration is bracing for a second Trump term by rolling out a rule that would complicate Donald Trump's pledge to fire tens of thousands of federal workers if he wins in November.  The new rule is also a huge gift to the public-sector unions that Joe Biden needs firmly in his corner.  The latest edict, issued by the US Office of Personnel Management, is an almost direct response to Trump's stated plans to purge the bureaucracy.  That's not how the OPM is framing it, of course; instead, OPM deputy director Rob Shriver said it "is about making sure the American public can continue to count on federal workers to apply their skills and expertise in carrying out their jobs, no matter their personal political beliefs."  Those political beliefs caused never-ending ire in the Trump years, of course.

Biden Administration Environmental Rules Estimated to Cost Americans Almost $1 Trillion.  Mandates, mandates, mandates; subsidy after subsidy.  All of these cost money, and we're occasionally reminded of just how much.  The Biden administration seems determined to shatter all the norms when it comes to unilaterally deciding that they know best what's good for us Americans and are willing to spend our money to those ends.  Now we see the cost; the environmental rules alone implemented by this administration (without input from Congress) are projected to cost Americans more than $845 billion.  As if the fiat-currency dump fueling inflation wasn't enough already.

Biden admin temporarily drops 'outrageous climate mandate' amid flurry of lawsuits.  The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) temporarily suspended its controversial rule requiring private companies to disclose carbon emissions data after it was met with a slew of lawsuits.  The rule, which was finalized in March, was immediately met with litigation by a cohort of 25 GOP attorneys general, along with energy companies Liberty Energy and Nomad Proppant Services, and business groups including the Chamber of Commerce, Texas Alliance of Energy Producers and Domestic Energy Producers Alliance.  Last month, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals granted a brief administrative stay of the rule while the various lawsuits were consolidated.  The groups asked the 8th Circuit to force the SEC to block its rule.  On Friday, the SEC voluntarily agreed to temporarily suspend its rule while the litigation continues on the merits.

Who Are the Real Conspiracy Theory Nut Jobs?  Remember how the left ridiculed us for predicting disaster once Biden got into the White House?  They were quite sincere and convinced that we were wrong.  They said with conviction, "Oh no, you are wrong!  Biden will be a president for all the people.  The world will be relieved at his presence.  Peace and security will ensue."  Now, Biden is overseeing a vast human tragedy at the border, soaring gas prices, racial hatred, and the world on the brink of war.  Not only were we right — we were too right.  It has degenerated faster than even we imagined.  We emphatically warned that he would rain down calamity after calamity.  That he would cause soaring gas prices, inflation, a spike in murder rates, unrest in the Middle East, and war.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles ... and Trucks.  The Biden administration has announced in recent weeks new stringent emissions requirements for virtually the entire American transportation system.  The Environmental Protection Agency will mandate by the year 2035 that virtually every car made and sold in America must be an EV.  No more gas cars.  The New York Times comically declared that motorists don't have to worry because this "is not a ban on gasoline-powered vehicles."  Sure it isn't.  Today less than 2% of cars use the electric power grid for fuel.  So soon we will see 50 times more demand for electricity from autos.  Then the EPA announced new rules for trains in California to go electric — even as the Association of American Railroads has declared the mandate infeasible.  But wait.  The climate change lobby is just getting started.  There is now a new scheme to mandate that the long-haul trucking industry convert to electric battery operation from diesel fuel.  This is a technological and financial nightmare for our trucking industry.

Socialist Democrats are really good at solving problems nobody has.  That describes NASA, too.
Biden White House Directs NASA to Establish Standard Time Zone on The Moon.  On Tuesday, the Biden White House directed NASA to establish a standard time zone on the moon.  In a memo obtained by Reuters, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has instructed NASA to establish a standard of time for the moon and other planets.  The memo stated the U.S. government plans to establish Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) by the end of 2026.  NASA's space communications and navigation chief, Kevin Coggins, shared that a Coordinated Lunar Time is needed because "The same clock that we have on Earth would move at a different rate on the moon."

Biden Falsely Claims He Didn't Proclaim "Transgender Day of Visibility".  Last week, President Joe Biden proclaimed that March 31, Easter Sunday this year, would be "Transgender Day of Visibility."  It was yet another mud pie hurled in the face of decency and normal Americans who celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  But after a furious reaction to the proclamation, including those from House Speaker Mike Johnson and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, Biden said he didn't do it.  His handlers say the GOP is spreading "misinformation."  The facts say otherwise, not least Biden's proclamation.

Biden's Next EV Mandate Is Out and It's Going to Break America.  Say goodbye to the trucking industry as we know it, and goodbye to the American economy, too.  You might have missed it on Good Friday — which you can be sure was no accident — when the Biden EPA released its new tailpipe rules for semi-trucks, but the new rules will destroy how we move goods around the country.  It seems like only two weeks ago that I told you about Presidentish Biden's new EPA regulations, coming into effect starting in 2027, that will force two-thirds of new car buyers into electric vehicles whether they want one or not.  The tailpipe rules will effectively outlaw most gas and diesel engines by requiring a near-impossible 52% reduction in emissions.  On the Good Friday News Dump, the EPA announced similar restrictions on semi-trucks, again starting in just three years, and the changes will require one of those "fundamental transformations" the Left is so fond of.

Why do we support Trump?  [Scroll down]  When Trump left office, the price of a gallon of gasoline was about $1.86.  During the past year, the price exceeded four dollars.  Some places, it was even higher.  Trump supported the construction of the Keystone XL oil line, but Biden canceled it the first week in office.  Biden has made it clear that he wants to stop the use of all fossil fuels, to control climate change.  First off, they have no idea what causes climate change.  Carbon dioxide is a vital plant food.  And finally, they have no idea of the over 6,000 things made from fossil fuels, most of them from plastic.

Biden's Anti-Christian Easter Stunt Leaves No Doubt About Democrats' Descent Into Paganism.  While millions of Christians throughout the world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ this weekend, the Biden administration was busy hawking the demonic ideology of transgenderism.  On Good Friday, President Joe Biden, who claims to be a "devout Catholic," issued a proclamation declaring March 31, 2024 — the same day as Easter Sunday — to be the "Transgender Day of Visibility."  Because, as everyone knows, we don't have enough faux holidays commemorating the rainbow mob, right?  "Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans:  You are loved.  You are heard.  You are understood.  You belong.  You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back," Biden wrote.  Like clockwork, White House officials and prominent Democrat politicians celebrated the declaration.  New York Gov. Kathy Hochul took her LGBT obsession a step further by issuing her own proclamation dubbing March 31 a "Transgender Day of Visibility" and illuminating 13 state landmarks in so-called "trans colors" in recognition of the made-up holiday.

Black Gold.  In 2019, while campaigning in New Hampshire, Joe Biden promised to "end fossil fuel." Not only has he failed to keep his promise, oil consumption has reached a new all-time high.  For this we should all be thankful.  When a climate activist challenged him on that September day about his connections to the co-founder of a liquified natural gas company, Biden, as he has done throughout his career of "public service," became Joe the Clown.  Calling her "kiddo," he told her to look into his eyes, then said "I guarantee you.  We're going to end fossil fuel."  The ever-fawning-for-Democrats media called it an "intimate moment."  But it was nothing more than a typical "Biden moment" on the campaign trail.

Biden proclaims Easter Sunday as 'Trans Day of Visibility'.  President Biden has sparked outrage by declaring this Easter Sunday will also officially become Transgender Day of Visibility.  The White House doubled up backlash as it also banned religious imagery in submissions from children of military families taking part in the traditional Easter Egg Roll event, as critics branded the moves an 'attack on Christianity.'  Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy led the charge, as he mused 'I wonder how (Biden) came up with that date' by having Easter Sunday clash with the transgender tribute day.

It is safe to say that no such restrictions are in place when the White House celebrates Muslim holidays.
White House Prohibits Children from Submitting 'Overtly Religious' Art for Easter Egg Roll.  President Joe Biden's Democrat administration is taking flak for prohibiting children from submitting Easter eggs featuring religious artwork for a contest.  The event, which is part of the White House's annual Easter Egg Roll, is called "Celebrating National Guard Families" but will not allow submissions to feature symbols related to the holiday that Christians celebrate all over the world, the Daily Caller reported Friday.

Federal Judge Smacks Down Major Biden Admin Emissions Rule.  A federal judge in Texas has stopped the Biden administration from implementing a rule that would require states and cities to set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions "associated with transportation."  Republicans complained that the rule, issued by the Federal Highway Administration, was an attempt to impose the Biden climate agenda on conservative states and that the federal government did not have the authority to do it, The Daily Wire reported.  The state of Texas sued in December to stop the rule, and on Wednesday, a federal judge sided with the state.

Biden admin cracks down on gas-powered trucks and tractors despite electric vehicle infrastructure fears.  The White House finalized new emissions standards intended to sharply reduce pollution caused by new trucks and tractors Friday — with a leading industry group warning of "the most challenging, costly and potentially disruptive heavy-duty emissions rule in history."  The Environmental Protection Agency said in its announcement that it had modified the timeline of the new mandate due to concerns about a lack of electric vehicle charging stations along the nation's highways.

The Editor says...
If you make a living as a truck driver, you are probably paid by the mile.  In that case, you earn little or no income while waiting for your electric truck to recharge.  Do you drive a thousand miles a day?  Those days will come to an end, thanks to the socialist Democrats.

Biden Admin Imposes Strict Pollution Standards for Buses and Heavy-Duty Vehicles.  As part of its aggressive green agenda, the Biden administration on Friday imposed new strict pollution standards for buses, trucks, and other heavy-duty vehicles that would all but necessitate electrification.  Released by the Environmental Protection Agency, the rule progressively restricts the level of pollution trucks can legally emit across a manufacturer's offerings for model years 2027 through 2032.  The rule applies to vehicles, including tractor-trailers, school buses, R.V.s, garbage trucks, and cement mixers, and aims to combat climate impact from this part of the transportation sector.  "Today's announcement is a big one in terms of cleaning up the pollution from these vehicles on our roads and highways and importantly, the pollution that impacts our communities and our kids," White House national climate adviser Ali Zaidi told CNN.

The Editor says...
These new restrictions have little or nothing to do with air quality.  This move is all about restricting your movements.

Biden's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rule for Vehicles Struck Down by Texas Judge.  A judge in Texas struck down a Biden administration rule on March 28 that required states to measure and report the greenhouse gas emissions from any vehicles using the national highway system.  The rule was issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)'s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 2023 as part of President Biden's efforts to slash carbon emissions in half by 2030.  Specifically, it required state transportation departments and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to both measure their transportation-related emissions on the U.S. highway system and set their own emission reduction targets.

There is no greater threat to Biden's re-election than Biden himself.
Democrats Are Panicking As Kennedy-Shanahan Ticket Threatens Biden's Reelection.  While our two-party dominant political system isn't favorable to independent candidates securing a White House win, they can still decide the election, anyway.  On Tuesday, in the wake of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announcing his running mate would be the affluent 38-year-old tech lawyer and major Democrat donor, Nicole Shanahan, signs of stress began to appear from those in President Joe Biden's re-election camp.  Panic set in during a call hosted by DNC members, including Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA), Lt. Gov. Austin Davis (D-PA), and Sen. Mallory McMorrow (D-MI) held immediately after Kennedy's vice president announcement.  The Democrats expressed worry that Kennedy's campaign, particularly with his vice presidential pick Nicole Shanahan, could spoil Biden's chances.

Biden Is Considering Illegal Immigrant Amnesty.  I completely missed a barnburner of a story buried in a Politico report on why Biden hasn't been doing anything to douse the political fire caused by the border crisis.  Rather than taking executive actions to appear tougher on border crossers, Biden is actually considering going in the opposite direction and granting amnesty to long-time illegal residents, handing out Green Cards to people who have hidden inside the country for 10 years or longer.  [Tweet]  That'll stop the flow of illegals crossing the border!  It's a sure-fire hit.  I'm a bit shocked that he isn't considering a program to grant citizenship and register them all to vote, but maybe he hopes to accomplish that goal in his increasingly unlikely second term.

Eight States Plan to Ban the Sale of Gas-Powered Vehicles.  The Gateway Pundit reported last week that Joe Biden issued the most radical environmental rules in American history to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles and force customers to drive ineffective electric cars.  Now, a new report has revealed the effort to finish off the gas-powered car is well-underway in eight states.  As The Daily Mail reported Tuesday, the rules being adopted in these states specify that only zero-emission vehicles, which include electric vehicles and certain plug-in hybrids, can be sold beginning with the 2035 model year.  This is known as the Advanced Clean Cars II rule.  The eight states that have pledged to force their constituents to drive environmentally damaging electric vehicles are California, Rhode Island, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Washington.  The District of Columbia has also signed off.

8 states are planning to BAN the sale of gas-powered cars entirely.  At least eight states are planning to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars in the next decade — and others are considering joining them.  Only zero-emission vehicles can be sold in participating states beginning from the 2035 model year, according to the Advanced Clean Cars II legislation.  The rule, which was first adopted by California, means that automakers and dealerships would be banned from selling new gas cars in these states from that point onwards.  Americans will not be forced to take their gas-powered cars off the road, however, and will still be able to buy used and secondhand gas vehicles.

What Happened to Biden's Border Plan?  Politico has a follow up on something which seems pretty strange in retrospect.  Just a few months ago, the Biden administration was leaking to the media that it was about to crack down on illegal immigration.  Specifically, we were told there might be an executive order coming intended to limit the surge of asylum seekers.  But all of that seems to have faded away. [...] It's not clear when exactly this change of approach happened.  The White House probably got an early look at January border numbers shortly after those stories were published in early February.  All we know for sure is that by the time of the State of the Union rolled around a month later, Biden's team had decided they could get away with doing nothing so long as they could blame shift the problem to Republicans for not passing a bill.

Bernie Sanders' four-day-work-week scheme is a prescription for poverty.  Karl Marx would be proud:  Bernie Sanders has urged taking another step toward the philosopher's envisioned utopia by proposing to mandate a four-day work week.  In communist society, Marx wrote, workers would be liberated to "hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, raise cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have in mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd, or critic."  Needles to say that's not how communism turned out.  Yet the belief that work is basically a capitalist imposition that is unnatural and bad for people still holds sway on the left, and Sanders is, accordingly, proposing to move from a 40-hour to a 32-hour work week to make us healthy, wealthy and wise.

Kill the 'Climate Corps' Before It Kills Us.  The word "corps" generally calls to mind a military force fighting whose job is to protect the nation.  But defending the nation is out of fashion at the moment, so the word, like so many others these days, has had to be repurposed.  President Joe Biden has just proposed an $8 billion budget item to create a "Climate Corps" program with the mandate of "tackling climate change" by "end[ing] fossil fuel."  Which is to say, rather than defending a nation, this corps' goal is to impoverish one.  The White House seems to think that curtailing the leasing of energy production on federal lands and inserting into the absurdly named Inflation Reduction Act more than $369 billion in green giveaways isn't enough.

Rumors of a Charcoal or Gas Grill Ban in New York.  Spring has arrived here in New York State, not that you would know it looking at the current weather forecast.  And that means that grilling season is once again upon us.  Those who follow my social media streams know that we have a spring ritual at my house where I load up the grill with charcoal and toss on some steaks.  This year, however, some disturbing rumors have been making the rounds.  New York tends to follow the trends set by states like California and the climate alarmists have been banning things like natural gas and other supposed carbon demons.  Some legislators in the state capital have been making noises about extending those bans to propane and even charcoal, which would be bad news for grilling fans.

Trump's Third Act has begun.  The Democrats planned to cripple Trump financially so he couldn't spend as much on the campaign.  Trump turned Leticia James into his best fundraiser.  Lots of interesting developments lately on the topic of the 2020 election.  The Simulation wants at least one of those fresh allegations to be a Kraken.  Trump's legal maneuvering is likely to keep him eligible for the election.  You can fantasize about a heroic Democrat such as Newsom swooping in and replacing Biden, but it's looking less likely every day.  If it had always been the plan, it would have happened by now.  Looks like Biden has to stay on the job to keep the Biden Crime Family out of jail.  The predictable Democrat Summer Hoax will add some excitement, but it will be forgotten and debunked by November.

It's time to stop accommodating the crazies in America.  Illegal immigration is being normalized, with Joe Biden calling illegal aliens "newcomers" as if they have a right to be here.  New York City's Mayor, Eric Adams, floated the idea of inviting asylum seekers into private homes.  It seems everyone with a microphone (or megaphone?) is demanding we welcome a hoard of low-skill invaders into our country unvetted, medically undiagnosed, and frequently criminally active into our country.  You're supposed to close your eyes, cover your ears, and chant newcomer over and over until you, too, see the magnificent wisdom of Biden and his progressive left.  Fortunately, Americans seem resistant to this indoctrination.  Illegal immigration is the number one issue this election season.  Thirty-eight months into his term, Biden can only blame the Republicans for his decision to open the border in his first 100 days in office.

Biden Undermines Law by Invoking This to Create National Monuments.  Since 2022, President Joe Biden has used the Antiquities Act to create five national monuments, collectively spanning more than 1.5 million acres of federal land.  While these proclamations are ostensibly aimed at preserving areas of historic or archaeological importance, they often come at the expense of established laws and local economies. [...] One such case challenges Biden's 2021 expansion of the Bears Ears National Monument, led by Utah alongside individual recreationists and mining interests.  The plaintiffs argue that the Antiquities Act doesn't permit arbitrary and excessive expansions that infringe upon local interests and rights.  The case is headed to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals after being dismissed by the U.S. District Court of Utah last August.  Americans reliant on farming, logging, mining, and energy extraction have felt the brunt of the damage inflicted by these presidential decrees.  Consider, for example, Biden's recent designation of nearly 1 million acres in Arizona to create the Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.  This land has some of our country's richest uranium deposits.  While current mining operations continue, Biden's decision makes future uranium mining operations impossible.

New Biden regulation will make gas cars effectively illegal by 2030.  I have a friend who frequently says that, if you control CO2 outputs, you control everything.  Let me explain:  Every aspect of modern life is dependent on hydrocarbons and, when hydrocarbons are burned for energy, they produce CO2.  By demonizing CO2, you demonize hydrocarbons, which means... ta-dah!... you get to block hydrocarbons and control everything.  We're getting a glimpse of that with Joe Biden's new energy emission rules, which will effectively make it impossible to build a gas-powered car in a few years, forcing people into costly, dangerous, unreliable, and dirty electric vehicles. [...] This regulation comes just as Americans are making it increasingly clear that they do not want to buy electric vehicles.  Instead, they're turning to hybrids.  This makes perfect sense because electric vehicles are gimmicks at best and cons at worst.

EPA Rolls Out USA Auto Mandates Forcing EVs to Make Up Two-Thirds of Passenger Vehicles.  The backstory is so transparently corrupt it requires an explanation, so we'll go down the full rabbit hole and explain how China knew — to a demonstrable certainty — their multi-billion dollar investment in Mexican EV plants would be useful.  Always remember, there are trillions at stake.  First, who was installed in the Biden White House in charge of all personnel and staffing?  Catherine Russell.  Who is Catherine Russell?  She's the wife of Tom Donilon, a long-time aid and advisor to Joe Biden who served in the Obama White House.  After serving as Obama's National Security Advisor (prior to Susan Rice), Tom Donilon then went on to become "Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute."  His job was literally to "leverage the firm's expertise and generate proprietary research to provide insights on the global economy, markets, geopolitics and long-term asset allocation."  In essence, the Donilon family represented the interests of Blackrock in the White House.

Call it the 'Autocratic' Party.  [Scroll down]  Under Biden, this country has been subjected to pandemic shutdowns and hatred for the unvaccinated, yet he continues to support and fund "gain of function" research on viruses.  He has abused the concept of unifying the country to increase political polarization, weaponize government agencies to combat individual freedoms of speech and religion, and used fear of climate change to diminish the economy.  Political opponents such as RFK have been undercut by the party.  He has been denied Secret Service protection at least three times.  The Democratic party decided not to allow any debates against Biden.  They are attempting to destroy Trump through a two-tier justice system.  Essentially, the gloves are off.  They will not be denied.  The lust for power within the Democratic party is absolute.  Democracy is being replaced.  Call it socialism or Marxism, call it globalism or autocracy.  Whatever it is, it isn't democracy.  The name "Autocratic Party" fits.

The EPA Is About to Outlaw Your Car.  "Outlaw your car" sounds like such an outrageous phrase, and technically speaking, it isn't true — but only barely.  What practical difference is there between outlawing something, and regulating it out of existence?  That's exactly what the EPA intends to do this week with strict new rules going forward against gas- and diesel-powered cars and light trucks.  Expected as soon as Wednesday, the Biden EPA "is poised to finalize emissions rules that will effectively require a certain percentage — as much as two-thirds by 2032 — of new cars to be all-electric," according to Inside EVs.  Politico sells the expected rule as one that would "tackle the nation's biggest source of planet-warming pollution and accelerate the transition to electric vehicles."  The rule would require carmakers to cut their average emissions of carbon dioxide by 52% between 2027 and 2032. EPA projects that the standard would push the car industry to ensure that electric cars and light trucks make up about 67% of new vehicles by model year 2032.

Biden is throwing Israel under the bus to appease genocidal antisemitic voters.  It's been apparent to anyone who isn't in total denial that rabid antisemitism now lives at the very heart of the Democrat party.  October 7 proved that it's completely taken over the Democrats' ideological nesting grounds and incubators (aka academia). Worse, antisemitism's political face — that is, anti-Israel policies — is now an integral part of Biden's administration.  Biden needs the votes of the Israel haters, which means he's gotten into bed with, and is forcing America into bed with, people who are indistinguishable from the Nazis at their most virulent.  It's old news that Biden is trying to force Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, out of office.  It's also old news that Sen. Chuck Schumer openly called for Bibi's ouster and that Biden approved of that demand.  For those who note that presidents have called for regime change in the past, here's the rule of a principled American government:  As president, you're allowed to call for regime change in nations that are your geopolitical enemies and have non-democratically elected governments.  However, you're not allowed to call for regime change in an allied country that has true democratic elections and that is in the middle of an existential war.

Minnesota Democrats Push $500 Monthly Universal Basic Income for Illegals.  Democrats in Minnesota want to implement a freewheeling basic income program that would redistribute taxpayer money to those who are "needy," even if it is illegal aliens.  House File 2666 which was sponsored by Democratic state Rep. Athena Hollins cleared the House Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee on a voice vote on March 12, 2024, according to Blaze Media.  Considering that the Democratic Party controls the office of the governor and both chambers of the legislature, it looks like the bill will be passed.  If this bill is combined with the state Senate's companion bill, Senate File 2559, and then implemented, $100 million would be sucked out of the General Fund in fiscal year 2025, the news source said.  In turn, this money would be granted out to intermediaries.  These nonprofits would be tasked with giving away money in monthly increments ranging from $350 to $1,200 to those individuals and families they deem deserving for a period of 12 to 24 months.

Qatar Offered to Expel Hamas; Blinken Said No.  I have long been wondering about Qatar's willingness to host Hamas' leadership post-10/7.  As non-Western as Qatar is, the Emirate has been working assiduously to court Western approval and is hardly a radical Islamist state.  This is not to suggest the regime is liberal or Liberal, but rather that they aren't exactly Iranian-style fanatics.  The state is pretty much what you would expect in a country that is in a dangerous region filled with radicals but with an elite who are Western-educated and resolutely capitalist.  I had long suspected that Western governments had given implicit approval for Qatar's hosting of the radical Islamist terrorist group's leaders in order to use it as a back-channel to Hamas.  [Tweet]

Federal Court Halts Biden Admin's Corporate Emissions Disclosure Rule.  An appellate court paused the Biden administration's corporate emissions disclosure rule on Friday.  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted Liberty Energy's request for an administrative stay against the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) corporate climate risk and emissions disclosure rule, according to a court filing.  The regulation requires medium-sized and large public corporations to disclose climate change-related risks and data on the emissions created directly by their businesses in financial reports.  Liberty Energy, a company that specializes in fracking, asked the court to halt the policy's implementation while its case works through the judicial system, according to Bloomberg.  The judges who signed off on the stay did not specify why they decided to do so in the court order.

Our Fake, Fake, Fake World.  So much of our fake world has been built on two monstrously fake foundations:  fake progress and fake liberalism.  Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson redefined progress as something that only Big Government can provide.  Instead of celebrating human innovation, artistic achievement, work ethic, and private entrepreneurship as the essential ingredients for any prosperous future, progressivism insists that nothing of value can be achieved without a strong centralized government and a bloated administrative Deep State.  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt then picked up the Big Government cudgel by redefining liberalism as a collection of freedoms that only government can provide.  Instead of recognizing human liberty as diametrically opposed to coercive State power, FDR's "New Deal" style of liberalism insists that only new laws, new social programs, new regulatory agencies, and newly discovered rights can ever make people free.  In the last century of perverse word games, progressivism and liberalism promised progress and liberty and instead burdened Americans with the heavy weight of the government's chains.

Coup Plot:  Biden's Intel Agencies 'Expect' Protests to Topple Netanyahu for 'Moderate' Leader.  U.S. intelligence agencies are claiming that they "expect" protests to bring down the Israeli government and replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been an obstacle to President Joe Biden's plans for the Middle East.  The claim emerged in the latest "Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community," and was published by both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times Monday evening, suggesting a coordinated leak to the media.

Watchdog: Biden's 2025 budget would drive national debt to $45 trillion in 10 years, 106% of GDP.  The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) a budget watchdog group, found that President Joe Biden's fiscal year 2025 budget would drive the national debt to $45.1 trillion or 106% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2034, from $27.4 trillion or about 97% of GDP at the present time.  The organization noted that those calculations are based on the Biden administration's own internal figures.  The current $27.4 trillion debt figure is the debt held by the public, not the total national debt including intragovernmental holdings.

The Anti-Democratic Democratic Left.  The anti-democratic left has railed about ending the 187-year-old filibuster — but only when Democrats are a minority in the Senate.  And many in the Democratic Congress have lobbied to admit Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, as states in order to gain four new left-wing senators, thus ending the 65-year-old 50-state union.  Never before had impeachment been envisioned as a normal political ploy to weaken a first-term president once he lost his House majority.  Yet the Democratic House majority, for the first time in history, impeached a first-term president twice.  And also, for the first time, Democrats tried him as a private citizen in the Senate and rushed to judgment without a special counsel investigation or report.  There are two themes in the left-wing assault on American democracy's rules, protocols, and long-held traditions.  One, the left advocates changing or ending an institution only when it has lost control of it.  And two, it would charge as "insurrectionary" any similar Republican effort to do the same.

New York Democrats Now Want to Hand $6,200 to Inmates as They Leave Prison.  It seems as though Democrats jump from one outrageous, soft-on-crime idea to the next and this time Dems in New York want to hand every inmate a hefty $2,600 check of the taxpayer's cash as they leave prison.  The proposal from two Dems. from New York City (naturally) would deliver a whopping 65 times increase in the $40 walking around money inmates now receive as they finish their sentence.

The Picture That Says Everything About Why the Biden Team Is in Such Chaos.  The Biden team has spoken out — rightly — against the use of TikTok and the danger that it can potentially pose.  Joe Biden is now saying he will sign a bill to ban TikTok if the bill passes.  They say that they are trying to discourage people from using it, but then in the next breath, they turn around and use it all over the place, while trying to push Biden's campaign among young people.  So much for their principles.  It's more hypocritical "rules for thee" from them.  Do they not think people will look at that and wonder about the inconsistency?  But I have to say that a post by one of their TikTok content creators was quite the look into the operations of the Biden team.  Lauren Kapp, who does TikTok videos for both the Biden campaign and the DNC, posted two pictures side by side on X, with the caption "responding rapidly from Biden HQ."  This is quite something.  [Tweet]  Kapp limited the replies on her account, which showed she didn't want to hear what people had to say in response.  That's not exactly a good way to take the pulse of the electorate.

The Biden administration is trying to topple Netanyahu's government.  Biden has never made a secret of his hatred for Bibi Netanyahu (and it's easy to see why a stupid, draft-dodging man would hate an intelligent, accomplished warrior).  Still, he's now taking that hatred to new levels as he actively works to interfere in Israeli politics.  For decades, leftists told us that it was morally wrong to try to affect a nation's internal politics, but that doesn't apply when the nation is a liberal democratic ally, and the world's only Jewish state. [...] The same essay notes that Biden is undermining Netanyahu with his pier-building plan and the Gaza supply airdrops.  As I have pointed out (and currently seem to be the only one saying), the pier effectively forces a ceasefire on Israel.  That's because Gaza is so small, Israel cannot risk an errant rocket hitting American troops anchored off of Gaza's coast.  Leftists used to hate it when America interfered in the internal politics of another nation, especially nations that were hostile to America.  Now, though, it's a good thing because Israel is the left's enemy.

Why would anyone vote for Biden?  Let's look at some of the damage he has done since he took the oath of office on January 20, 2021.  [Numerous examples omitted for brevity.]  Therefore, with all of the above as his record of performance in office, why would anyone vote to give Biden another four years?  Let's examine the types of people who would pull the lever for him in November.  If you are on the public dole and looking for more government largesse, you'd vote for him.  If you're a college student with a significant loan outstanding, you'd probably want Biden to force taxpayers to handle it for you.  If you're a member of a street gang known as Black Thugs Matter, or Antifa, you'll vote for the guy who condones all of your riots, burnings, and lootings of cities whenever a white cop enforces the law against violent blacks who resist arrest, resulting in their serious injury or death — that is, unless the cop is the one killed.  Whom else can Biden count on to help re-elect him?  Those pro-abortion activists who want women to have the right to kill the fetus in the womb, or even after birth, if she decides at the last minute that she doesn't want the inconvenience of raising a child.

The Left-Right Divide is Not Bridgeable.  To cite a few samples:  How are we to bridge the gap between those who believe men can become women and women can become men and those who don't believe this?  Between those who believe men menstruate and those who believe only women menstruate?  How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe "colorblind" is a racist notion and those who believe "colorblind" is the antidote to racism?  How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe Israel is the villain and Hamas is the victim and those who believe Israel is the victim and Hamas, which openly states its dedication to annihilating Israel and its Jewish inhabitants, is the villain, morally indistinguishable from the Nazis?  How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe young children should be brought to drag queen shows and those who believe this sexualization — and sexual confusion — of children is morally detestable?  How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe reducing the number of police will reduce violent crime and those who believe reducing the number of police will increase violent crime?  How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe in suppressing free speech if they deem any given speech "hateful" or "misinformation" and those who believe in free speech?  Every one of these positions is mutually contradictory.

Will the Left want to live in the world they are creating?  Are leftists angling for more wars, more terrorism, more violent crime, more domestic insecurity and federal government coercion in every sort of natural and constitutional personal freedom?  Where does all the screeching from the Left and its media come from?  An inexact 'historical' idea?  No political education?  For 'communism' or 'socialism,' or their own favorite, 'fascism' — are all failed 'systems,' never having ever worked remotely well anywhere, at any time.  The Left talks constantly about 'MAGA' hatred but they are far and away the best at it.  They lie about hatred because they do not want to admit their guilt in the BLM riots, the many unjust political and religious persecutions, the staggeringly corrupt DoJ and D.C. establishment, and the Democrats' growing betrayal of fundamental moral justice for Israel.

House Dems Prep an "Insurrection" Bill Barring Trump from Taking Office.  The Supreme Court didn't dig into the weeds of the entire insurrection debate, but one obvious issue with the various efforts to remove Trump from the ballot in various states was that insurrection had been left entirely to Democrat state officials to define.  That kind of nonsense however won't fly in an actual legislative process.  Now that the Supreme Court blocked state officials from announcing that Trump can't be on the ballot because he's an "insurrectionist", House members are now trying to play the same game. [...] For now, in a GOP House, the bill is mostly virtue signaling, but tellingly Raskin is not so much trying to define insurrection as trying to define J6 as an insurrection.  It's the typical end run around the process of defining the thing because otherwise Democrat BLMers might fall afoul of it.  The Raskin bill conveniently defines J6 as an insurrection and carefully defines the term so as to specifically apply it to Trump.  It does not however define what an insurrection is making the whole exercise into a bill that specifically exists to block a particular candidate from being able to take office on grounds that would be unlikely to apply to his own party.  Does that raise some major banana republic issues?  Obviously.  Still, has Raskin considered what kind of can of worms he's opening here?

Biden Administration Shells Out Millions For Foreign LGBT Causes And Migrants.  The State Department has bankrolled a program to create 2,500 "LGBTQI+ Allies," given taxpayer dollars to "queer" Muslim writers in India and funded a Portuguese film festival depicting incestuous and pedophilic content since Biden took office in 2021.  The Biden admin had sent nearly $4.6 million in taxpayer funds to at least 55 foreign nations to support LGBT causes as of June 2023, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.  The federal government has also used taxpayer dollars to fund services for LGBT refugees in Latin America over the past couple of years, federal grants show.

Democrats Jump at Chance to 'Revive Legislation' to Kick Trump Off of the Ballot.  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 9-0 decision on Monday that Colorado erred in removing former and potentially future President Donald Trump from the ballot.  As the Court ruled, though, "responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States."  Democratic Reps.  Jamie Raskin (MD), Eric Swalwell (CA), and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) have thus wasted no time in their crusade to "revive legislation" to kick Trump off of the ballot and deny the American people their right to vote for or against him.  As Raskin explained it when offering his reaction to CNN's Dana Bash, these and other members are working "to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment."  [Tweet]

Oregon Realizes Drug Decriminalization Has Failed Spectacularly.  I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes up here too much, but it's just possible that we are witnessing a turning of the tide in terms of the progressive fads and policies that have been sweeping the nation over the past couple of decades.  First, we saw the "defund the police" movement turn into a "refund the police" effort (at least in some places) as voters began to feel the bite of rising crime levels.  Many progressives who formally sympathized with less strict immigration laws have been changing their tune after witnessing a literal invasion of our country numbering in the millions.  And now, out in Oregon, previous successful efforts to decriminalize hard drugs have morphed into a push to "recriminalize" those same substances.  It's not just talk, either.  The state legislature passed a measure this week that would roll back the previous decriminalization rules and the Governor has already indicated that she is inclined to sign it.

Left With the Ashes.  The House could solve the border problem on it's own, but it hasn't, because that would mean cutting spending and one might as well suggest setting themselves on fire.  If they cut all spending to the UN, refused to fund any NGO that deals with immigration issues of any sort, refused to fund any grants given to sanctuary cities and refused to provide any relief to states for immigration expenses, there would be no crowds at the border, because there would be no incentive. [...] The only conclusion is that illegal immigration is how they intend to break American society to institute communism, but they're being played by countries like China and the Islamist states.  The invasion places foreign fighters within the boundaries of the United States, who, when instructed, will wage war from within, but it won't be to institute communism with all of the Senators and Representatives as lifetime members of the politburo, as they believe, securing their advantages and elite status forever, but to claim certain states as Chinese states of America and Islamist states of America, with Russia taking Alaska and probably Western Canada in the tumult.

Congress Must Investigate John Podesta's Role in Biden's LNG Decision.  Ever since 2016, talk to a liberal and there's a good chance that they will blame "Russia" for something.  Election interference, inflation, record-high gas prices, the list goes on and on.  Since taking office, Joe Biden continues to take this deflection to a new level.  As a gallon of gas soared past $5 in the summer of 2022 it was all Russia's fault.  And who can forget the ill-fated #PutinsPriceHike campaign as Team Biden tried to dodge criticism for skyrocketing inflation.  Yet according to recent revelations, there may be more to Biden's "America Last" energy policy than meets the eye, and again, Russia enters the picture.  According to a bombshell report from the Washington Free Beacon, the decision to halt American liquified natural gas (LNG) exports was pushed by Biden's new Climate Czar John Podesta, who recently took over for John Kerry.  As a well-known climate warrior, it makes sense Podesta would be pushing for policies against American energy interests.  Yet at the same time, Podesta's brother, Tony, one of DC's most well-connected mega lobbyists, has financial connections to foreign LNG companies, including one with links to a Russian oligarch.

Biden's 30 x 30 Land Grab.  Your land could any time cease to be yours at the federal government's will.  This extensive land-grab in America is part of the global 'Half Earth' agenda, initiated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) at the Earth Summit 2012 in Rio de Janeiro.  One of its aims:  the setting aside of 50% of the world's land and water for conservation by 2050.  In 2021, it suggested that "at least 30% and up to 70% or more" should be protected.  President Biden signaled commitment to this preposterous agenda within days of taking office:  his Executive Order 14008, a.k.a. 'America the Beautiful' or 30 x 30, is a blatant departure from constitutional principles of private property and hopes to place 30% of land and water in the U.S. under permanent protection by 2030.  In tandem, the Department of Interior issued secretarial order (SO) 3396, rescinding the Trump administration's SO 3388 and removing state and local veto power over federal land acquisitions.  Under the pretext of reversing "human caused climate change," the program works in the sinister shadow of George Soros and his cabal of billionaire elite.

Obama's Fourth Term.  [Scroll down]  Voters who overruled Obama's policies are being flogged by Biden as military-aged male illegals flood over the Southern border, are housed on tax dollars, and resettled in neighborhoods where they murder innocent Americans and beat up the police, whom Obama once asserted have a tendency to "act stupidly."  Is there a person in the room who believes a cognitively deficient man who can't grope his way to a lectern, can't maneuver AF1 short stairs, and has trouble reading off a teleprompter is meticulously working on complicated legislation?  Lest we forget, Obama despises Netanyahu, which may explain Joe's disastrous response to the Israel-Hamas war.  Obama is no fan of Putin, segue to Joe's undying affection for Volodymyr 'Stiletto' Zelenskyy.  In 2015 Obama rejected the Keystone Pipeline proposal, Trump opened it then Joe shut it down.  How about overtime guarantees, does anyone believe that was on Joe's priority list?  Trump backed out of Obama's Paris Climate Agreement, and Joe rejoined.  How about Joe's Inflation Reduction Law or his expansion of Medicare as a vehicle to progress toward Obama's vision for universal health care?  Then there is Biden's Obama-style stance on gun control, support of extreme abortion rights, fossil fuel demonization, and the forceful mandating of "safe" vaccines.

[The] Courage to Serve Act [is] designed to lure foreigners into [the] US military.  Two House members, one Democrat and one Republican, recently introduced the Courage to Serve Act, which, if passed into law, would provide an expedited path to citizenship for illegal migrants who sign up to serve in the U.S. military. [...] Welcome to the new mercenary American military.  Give free stuff to illegal invaders — including a path to citizenship — and hope they jump at the chance to defend the nation they've been told is a heinous hellhole of discrimination and oppression.  (But, oddly enough, incredibly generous to "undocumented citizens!")

Illinois Bill [Would] Make It 'Child Abuse' For Parents To Object To Gender Transitioning Of Kids.  A bill introduced in the Illinois House of Representatives would legally define it as 'child abuse' for parents to object to gender transitioning of their children by way of puberty blocking, cross sex hormones or surgery.  The legislation, Bill 4876, introduced earlier this month, would also protect doctors from liability should they decide to prescribe those treatments to children who have not gotten parental consent.  The legislation would also allow for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to take children away from their parents for opposing such procedures.  [Tweet]

Is America Still Worth Fighting For?  America is now in a fight for everything it has stood for since its founding, and just as in 1776, there is no other country that would save it if it won't save itself.  Decay has penetrated society so deeply that there has been a normalization of:
  •   Open borders;
  •   The transgenderism lie which allows men in girls' bathrooms and to compete against them in sports, to groom minor children into consenting to a process that ends with permanent self-mutilation before they even turn 18;
  •   The murder of pre-born babies up until birth;
  •   The elimination of merit systems in academia, in the workplace and throughout society;
  •   The emergence of a victimhood hierarchy where society's so-called victims are given preferential treatment in the name of equity, not equality as written into the Declaration of Independence;
  •   The censorship and suppression of freedom of speech and the practice of religion;
  •   A ruse currently called "Climate Change" that is used to attack business, industry, commerce, Americans' very quality of life, farming, agriculture and even the food that sustains the population;
  •   And a persistent campaign to confiscate citizens' arms as protected by the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.

Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide.  The Vietnam, Afghan, and Iraq wars, the 2008 financial meltdown, and the COVID pandemic overreaction, all in hindsight, can be viewed as simply the unfolding of human stupidity in the contingency of time.  In accordance, it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country's current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of well-intentioned policies.  But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide?  What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of a prosperous, free, safe, and secure society?  As we examine the policies pushed by the Biden administration progressives regarding climate, national security, crime, and the border, we can rationally conclude that they are being purposely implemented to render our society unsuccessful, not successful, in its traditional aims, causing what could be the ultimate destruction of a thriving, liberal enlightenment society.

Biden Quietly Scraps Key Climate Policy After Realizing How Insane It Really Is.  Joe Biden is starting to ride back his committments on forcing the transition to electric vehicles (EVs).  According to a report from The New York Times, Biden's administration is giving up on its targets for production of EVs in an apparent "concession" to automakers and labor unions.  The plan is also said to be an election ploy as Democrats fear losing the support of automakers and labor unions: [...]

California Democrats Introduce Bill That Would Force Homeowners and Renters to Disclose Number of Firearms to Insurance Companies, Government.  For years, California Democrats have been hostile to gun owners.  California Democrats frequently attempt to erode Second Amendment rights in the state.  A bill in the Democrat-controlled California State Assembly that was introduced on February 16th, would force homeowners and renters to disclose information about firearms they own.  Assembly member Mike Gipson, and State Senator Catherine Blakespear are the two leading California Democrat lawmakers pushing this legislation.  Section 2086 will be an addition to the Insurance Code pertaining to AB-3067.  The questions include information as to the number of firearms in the home, the method of storage, and how many firearms are stored in vehicles on the property.  The questions include whether or not the firearms are in locked containers or not.

Joe Biden does deserve credit for everything he has done.  When he talks about the Inflation Reduction Act, he shouldn't be so shy!  He should be transparent, and acknowledge that it was never meant to pay for itself or reduce inflation, but take the credit he deserves, and brag about being the president who made the biggest "investment" into "clean" energy in American history — a "green" slush fund doesn't have the same ring.  Biden is also very proud of helping very wealthy companies with the CHIPS and Science Act.  Intel has a market value of $187 billion, and had $25 billion in cash at the end of 2023.  Wouldn't it have been smarter to just start requiring companies to buy their computer chips from American sources by 2027 for national security purposes instead of giving huge taxpayer handouts to very rich companies?

Under the Democrats' Rule, America Has Become A Failed State.  [Scroll down]  Global warming is a fiction, but our government drives at least half a trillion dollars being spent annually to "reduce" our "Carbon footprint."  These expenditures are direct (i.e., hundreds of billions of federal, state, and local government dollars) and indirect (i.e., the financial burdens forced on citizens through higher energy prices, higher transportation costs, and built-in green energy inefficiencies).  Every effort is chimerical when you consider human's actual, minimal CO2 impact.  Start with how much CO2 is in the air.  As of May 2022[,] CO2 in the atmosphere was 421 ppm or .04%.  But maybe it's rocketed up since then?  Nope.  Apparently, 100 ppm of that 421 ppm was generated during the last 120 years.  If we were to do nothing, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere in 2120 would sit at 531 ppm or .05%.  Not exactly choking the planet.  So, our government is essentially crippling our economy, sending inflation through the roof, and introducing a level of energy instability Americans haven't seen in half a decade to solve a problem that simply doesn't exist.  The governments of serious nations don't do that.

Biden's climate change reparations will bankrupt America.  Perhaps nothing better illustrates the backwards nature of our time than the drive for reparations.  This includes not only payment for race discrimination, but also for the impacts of climate change.  In both cases, it's the West's middle and working classes who will foot the bill.  Historically, compensation went to those who directly suffered from gross injustice in their own lifetimes.  Descendants of concentration camps, whether in the Holocaust or the less lethal, but also unjust imprisonment of Japanese Americans during World War Two are prime examples.  Their children and grandchildren, however, generally do not make any claim.  California, unsurprisingly, leads in reparations mania.  The state legislature is now considering a proposals from the Reparations Task Force for compensation of around $569 billion, with $223,200 per person — estimates of a national reparations bill could top $14 trillion.  This despite the fact that about the only people who could claim the legacy of slavery in California are Native Americans, who should send the bill to Madrid rather than Sacramento.

The One Border Question Dems Can't Answer.  Conservative Republicans have managed to defeat the fake border security bill wrapped in a political ploy inside of a Ukraine bailout bill. [...] If Democrats really wanted border security, they would have passed HR-2 in the Senate last year.  But even if they didn't want to give Republicans a win with HR-2, Democrats still could have incorporated the language of HR-2 in their grand compromise to prove that they really meant it when they said they wanted to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.  Instead, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell teamed up with his buddy Chuck Schumer to use their fake border security bill as a fig leaf to cover up their real goal — freeing billions of dollars to go to Ukraine and Israel.  McConnell sent his sacrificial lamb, Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, into the lions' den of lean and hungry Democrats as his chief negotiator to craft a "compromise" border bill, but he was apparently instructed not to involve House Speaker Mike Johnson or any other border hawks in his negotiations.  Moreover, the contents of the bill were kept secret until three days before Schumer intended to bring it to a vote in the Senate.  By that time, it was obvious what the game was.

Biden's Climate Agenda Will Cost Taxpayers Nearly $800 Billion.  President Joe Biden's so-called "climate initiatives" will cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars.  According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the President's Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has a heftier price tag than initially thought.  The CBO said Biden's climate agenda was projected to cost $428 billion.  In 2022, the CBO initially expected the IRA's climate and energy provisions to tap out at $400 billion.  However, experts admit that the estimate was too low.  "The budgetary effects of energy-related tax provisions remain highly uncertain," the CBO said.  However, per the latest figures, the investment banking company Credit Suisse revealed that the Left's radical climate policy will cost nearly $800 billion.

The Obama Doctrine vs. the West.  [Scroll down]  Barack Obama and these indoctrinated malcontents have spent their entire lives, from birth to the present wallowing in this mindset.  Due to his preeminence in the movement, this philosophy, and tactics to overthrow American culture and society as the final step in destroying western culture can be rightfully captioned as the Obama Doctrine.  The ongoing chaos in the United States is a direct result of their tactical methodology.  Which is to:
  •   Tribalize the American populace through an incessant drumbeat of the iniquities of the so-called white race and their attendant "white supremacy and privilege,"
  •   Infiltrate the universities in order to indoctrinate the younger generations about America's supposed role in the evils of exploitation and "colonialism,"
  •   Collapse the economy through the exploitation of unsubstantiated "climate change" and an equally fatuous "green agenda,"
  •   Undermine the Judeo-Christian foundation of the nation by promoting unfettered sexual and lifestyle "freedoms,"
  •   Manipulate the voting process in order to achieve permanent government power,
  •   Flood the nation with untold millions of illegal immigrants who will refuse to assimilate and will create massive dislocations in the society and the economy.
The suffering of the average American citizen facing economic ruin and the very real threat of Islamic terrorism within this, or any western nation's borders, are mere means to an end.  To Obama and his confederates, the radical jihadist movement is the tip of the spear to bring down the United States and the West.

The 'new' Ukraine Bill still hides the truth and still funds Gaza and the West Bank.  Senators Murray and Schumer, after last week's defeat of the 370-page long, $118,214,271,000 "Border Bill," have proposed a new amendment to HR-815.  This new "Ukraine Bill" (S Amendment 1388) is only 82 pages long and has a price tag of $95,628,914,000, just $22.6 billion less than its predecessor.  It has two sections — the National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024, and the Fend Off Fentanyl Act.  The new Ukraine bill portion that the Senate Democrats hope to pass this week is just a hacked-up version of last week's border bill.  They renumbered Section 3801 of the earlier amendment as Section 3401, but it still prohibits calculating the true cost of this bill and its impact on the budget.  As I wrote earlier, this hamstrings their congressional colleagues and the President in executing their duties to manage federal appropriations.  House members who are ultimately responsible for the budget, especially the majority Republicans, should not tolerate this.

NYC may ban detergent packs including Tide PODS in latest 'green' crackdown, with fines up to $1,200 for selling them.  New York City could soon ban Tide PODS and other laundry-detergent packs under the latest "green" push from lawmakers.  The "Pods are Plastic Bill," introduced by City Councilman James Gennaro last week, would make it illegal to sell any pods and laundry sheets if they're made with polyvinyl alcohol.  Fines for selling the pods would start at $400, double for a second violation and top off at $1,200 for flouting the rules more than twice, if the bill becomes law.  The bill would also require education and outreach to businesses on the ban for the first year.  The law wouldn't take effect until Jan. 1, 2026, if passed.  Polyvinyl alcohol, or PVA, is used as a film in pods that dissolves in water during a wash cycle.  But scientists counter that it breaks down into tiny microplastic pieces that still pollute waterways and slip through filtration systems.

Washington State [is] Now Coming After Car Tires.  Let's see:  straws, plastic anything, gas powered anything, light bulbs, refrigerators, guns, diving boards, disposable diapers, charcoal grills, the nozzle on your hose and shower head to control your water consumption, the thermostat in your house to control the temperature you live at, and now the tires on your car, so you can be unsafe when you drive, but environmentally responsible in some mythical way.  In Washinton state, Democrats want to outlaw the most popular tires.  House Bill 2262 intends to disrupt people's lives by mandating low rolling resistance tires on all passenger vehicles.  Of course, this tire ban, by eliminating the tires that everyone wants to use, punishes the innocent.  If violated, it would subject people to a $10,000 fine per occurrence.  Like masks, these tires are nothing more than social theater.  The tires aren't safe in wet weather, something that the northwest has plenty of, and are also more expensive.  They would also need to be swapped out during winter months for snow tires if traveling in areas with seasonal snowfall.

Dem senator torched for calling illegal migrants the 'people we care about most:' 'Giving away' the game.  Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., was condemned by conservatives and immigration experts after he stated that illegal immigrants are the people "we care about most."  When MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked Murphy on Wednesday about the failed border security bill, the Connecticut senator said, rather than pushing for a path to citizenship in border legislation negotiations like the party has in the past, Democrats were advocating for Ukraine funding.  "Well, I mean, Chris, that's been a failed play for 20 years.  So you are right that that has been the Democratic strategy for 30 years, maybe, and it has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country," Murphy said.

The Corrupt Republican Democrat 'Uni-Party' is Implementing Cloward-Piven Communism.  The intentional overload by the communists in regards to the social safety nets set up in the past by local, state and the federal government in states like New York and California is now inflicting catastrophic damage on these once prosperous free market economies.  The rampant approved illegal drug use by local and state governments, the acceptance of laziness, free unconstitutional handouts to illegal immigrants using tax payer dollars and the economic destruction forced upon citizens who can no longer afford rent and the basic needs for day to day living is an intentional attack on our free market capitalist economy.  The Communist Democrat/Republican Uni-Party are complying with the Cloward-Piven strategy to destroy our nation from within.  [Video clip]  They are Intentionally overloading the welfare system and inflicting economic pressure via out of control inflation which is pushing the middle class into poverty.  These unconstitutional economic policies are forcing Americans onto government dependence which is an attempt to bankrupt our country.

Joe Biden eyes emissions crackdowns, media warns he is 'ignoring industry warnings' of financial collapse.  Today, Joe Biden is cracking down on manufacturing, but I bet he doesn't have the scientific data to give credibility to the new policies, but he doesn't care.  He is bending over for the green pushers. [...] I bet they also can't come up with scientific data that shows that CO2, a clean, non-polluting gas, at 420 PPM in the atmosphere, is any more dangerous than it was in the late 1800s, at 280 PPM. It's what makes plants and trees grow, and that is good.  Yet, we are spending massive amounts of money burying carbon.  There certainly is no data that shows that the 50% rise in CO2 over the last 150 years has anything to do with temperatures since they have risen and fallen for periods of time while CO2 was rising.  Last week he was cracking down on natural gas, which is a very clean form of energy.  The push for electric cars will also not change the climate, but it will surely make the poor and middle classes poorer and more restricted.  Something everyone should notice about all these regulations is that Biden never goes through Congress to inflict on America his radical agenda; the legislative process of the founding fathers is just too cumbersome for Biden.  The executive branch is also trying to enact a new natural gas tax, even though the Constitution says only the legislative branch can impose taxes.

Biden Gives Game Plan Away: [The] Senate Bill [is a] Precursor to Amnesty for Illegals.  President Joe Biden says a bill from Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) is merely a precursor to ramming amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through Congress.  During an address at the White House on Tuesday, Biden praised the Senate bill that would expand overall immigration to the United States by codifying his parole pipeline that has freed hundreds of thousands of border crossers into the nation's interior.

The new 'border security' bill is about legalizing illegals.  The Democrats in Congress obviously aren't serious about stopping the crisis at the U.S. southern border, judging by the bill that they negotiated to address the crisis.  That said, the Republicans who agreed to this bill might as well change their party affiliation.  "I have no doubt that the Senate can, once again, rise to the occasion and lead America forward," wrote Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer on X (Twitter).  Not only does it show where their loyalties lie (and it's not with the United States), but it will anger their voters, making it less likely they will be re-elected this fall.

'No' to the Border Deal.  The United States has a set of rules intended to exclude illegal immigrants from the country, and now Republicans find themselves negotiating over to what extent those rules can be ignored.  The group of senators that worked on a border deal with the White House for months has finally released the text of a bill that is touted as ending "catch and release" and mandating a "shutdown of the border" if illegal crossings exceed 5,000 a day.  President Joe Biden, who has done so much to create a de facto open border since the initial days of his administration, suddenly says this legislation is necessary so he can unleash his inner border hawk.  The bill is, to be sure, the best bipartisan immigration bill we've seen out of Washington, D.C., in decades, although that is an extremely low standard.  The deal has worthy provisions, but it's not going to compel Joe Biden to do anything he doesn't want to and further entrenches a system that has been fundamentally distorted by mass bogus asylum claims.

Senate Border Bill Would Hand $1.4 Billion to Nonprofits That Help Illegal Migrants.  The Senate's border funding bill released Sunday night would allocate $1.4 billion for nonprofit organizations that help migrants who enter the U.S. illegally.  Page 67 of the 370-page bill contains a provision stating that $1.4 billion "shall be transferred to [the category of] 'Federal Emergency Management Agency — Federal Assistance' to support sheltering and related activities provided by non-federal entities through the Shelter Services Program."  The Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act [of] 2024 would allocate $118 billion in total, including $48 billion to aid Ukraine in its war with Russia and nearly $16 billion to aid Israel during its conflict with Hamas, until Dec. 31.

Schumer Threatens to Send US Troops to Fight Russia Unless Republicans Agree to His $100 Billion World Aid Bill.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Monday threatened to send US troops to fight Russia unless Republicans agree to his $100 billion world aid bill currently stalled in Congress.  The Senate's $118.28 billion national security supplemental package allocates $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine.  Schumer said the first vote on the bill is scheduled for Wednesday. [...] Of course, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is on board with this bill.  Only $20.23 billion was allocated to secure the US border amid an unprecedented invasion of military-age males from Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and China.

McConnell Retreats from Support of Border Deal, Lankford May Vote Against His Own Legislation.  Exactly how bad is the "bipartisan" legislation, which should be called, 'the border insecurity in exchange for Ukraine money act'?  The bill is so bad, and makes things so much worse, that James Lankford may end up voting against his own legislative creation.  Making matters worse, Mitch McConnell is now pretending the entire fiasco wasn't his idea, further leaving James Lankford out to dry on his own.

The 'Border Bill' deliberately hides the truth from the taxpayers.  The text of this new border bill starts out like so many others, with a title.  And, like so many others, incorporates the terms "and for other purposes" in that title — and that is where the devil lies in the details. [...] I am always concerned about "and for other purposes" and think that only appropriations bills should cover more than one topic.  The rest should be able to stand or fall on their own merits.  So, I took a look at one of the "other purposes" incorporated by the nefarious Democrats. [...] These Democrats want the truth hidden from their colleagues who are expected to thoughtfully consider this bill.  They want the truth hidden from the President, who is expected to take such things as budgetary impact and cost into consideration when signing legislation into law.

Democrat Border Deal:  Ukraine Gets More Money, Americans Get More Poor Illegal Immigrants.  The more you learn about the bill, finally made public over the weekend, the more hysterically offensive it is.  I'm not talking about the things that Republicans who oppose it say.  I'm talking about the things that the national media, which zealously support its passage, say.  Look at this from Axios on Monday: "The $118 billion package includes $60 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel.  An additional $10 billion is earmarked for humanitarian assistance in Gaza, the West Bank, and Ukraine.  The border changes include $20 billion for transportation for deportation, shelters, 4,000+ new asylum officers, more border agents, and anti-fentanyl trafficking efforts."  In short, that's $84 billion to be sent overseas, the vast majority to Joe Biden's dearly beloved Ukraine, and then a quarter of that amount would hire new government workers in the United States to process more poor illegal immigrants dumping themselves onto the care of American taxpayers.

Democrats Who Gutted Border Security Tout Senate Bill Codifying Mass Illegal Immigration.  The lying, scheming, and deception surrounding the Senate's emergency appropriations bill should have barred it from consideration — especially by Republicans.  Democrats' sudden support for legislation masquerading as a solution to the raging U.S. border crisis after they ignored the record-breaking invasion for the last three years is even more utterly disqualifying.  Republicans and Democrats alike pitched the Senate's latest as a one-size-fits-all solution to the nation's border woes.  They claimed it would be a fast track to the border shutdown the country needs and crack down on asylum claims.  In reality, the legislative package throws billions more U.S. tax dollars at securing Ukraine's borders while purposefully leaving the American border vulnerable to millions more illegal border crossings each year.

Washington Update From the US Oil and Gas Association.  Why Biden halting new LNG export terminals? [...] It might motivate his core voters, but there are obvious substantial downsides for the rest of America and the world.  First, the economic downsides.  As the Obama administration wrote in 2012 when they were considering opening up LNG exports, that "the U.S. was projected to gain net economic benefits from allowing LNG exports."  And that was the Obama administration which was as anti-fossil fuel as the Biden administration.  Second, halting new export terminals will almost certainly increase carbon dioxide emissions and not reduce them.  Globally, coal use hit an all-time high in 2023.  If countries think they can get affordable natural gas, they are more likely to rely on natural gas for future electricity generation, but if it appears that future natural gas prices are going to be constrained, countries will continue to keep their existing coal plants and they will continue to build new ones.  This includes countries like Germany.  Last year, Venture Global signed a 20-year supply contract with a German firm to receive LNG from Calcasieu Pass 2, but CP2 is one of the terminals Biden is halting.  Amazingly, the United States is now the second largest source of natural gas in Europe, behind only Norway.

Hell Must Be Empty.  [Scroll down]  Every insane policy initiative — such as the choice to provide illegal aliens with thousands of dollars of free stuff each month and a get-out-of-jail-free card for sucker-punching cops — can be understood if seen through the lens of a simple question: does the policy damage American society?  If so, then Democrat politicians, Uniparty co-conspirators in the swamp, and the Marxist globalists who seek money and power from America's demise are all on board.  It's why the Department of Homeland (in)Security specializes in aiding and abetting terrorism-linked cartels, human-traffickers, and drug-smugglers in their criminal enterprises across our borders.  It's why corrupt D.C. politicians send working Americans' tax dollars to un-American international institutions such as the United Nations that use those dollars to fund the manufactured migration of tens of millions of foreigners from all over the world into the United States.

Senate Border Bill is Worse Than Existing Immigration Law.  The Senate immigration bill, aka border security bill, is only designed as the cover for the Senate to send $60 billion more to Ukraine.  The Ukraine money is the priority (corps/lobbyists) the border "security" bill is the technique to create and spend it.  That said, they certainly would not want to let a created and purposeful border crisis go to waste, and they didn't.  The latest version of the Senate Immigration Reform Bill is now public.  The proposed Senate border security bill provisions are actually worse than existing non-secure border provisions.

Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food.  In early 2020 in the midst of the covid lockdowns, blue states run by leftist governors pursued mandates with extreme prejudice.  In red states like Montana, after the first month or two most of us simply ignored the restrictions and went on with life as usual.  It was clear that covid was not the threat federal authorities made it out to be.  However, in states like Michigan the vice was squeezed tighter and tighter under the direction of shady leaders like Gretchen Whitmer.  Whitmer used covid as an opportunity to institute some bizarre limitations on the public, including a mandate barring larger stores from selling seeds and garden supplies to customers.  "If you're not buying food or medicine or other essential items, you should not be going to the store," Whitmer said when announcing her order.  The leftist governor was fine with purchases of lottery tickets and liquor, but not gardening tools and seeds.  She never gave a logical reason why she targeted garden supplies, but most people in the preparedness community understood very well what this was all about:  This was a beta-test for wider restrictions on food independence.

Energy is not Joe Biden's strong suit.  [Joe] Biden thought he would be able to stick it to Trump's energy decision to drill, drill, drill.  Curtailing drilling for oil not only caused the loss of good-paying jobs, crippling towns where the workers lived, and became the genesis of our inflation, but also returned America to being energy-dependent on our adversaries.  Apparently, what Biden knows about the oil business could be put in a thimble.  He just does not have a "slant" on "dirty" energy technology.  He even stopped completion of the Keystone Pipeline, choking delivery of tar sand oil from Canada.  Meanwhile, oil industry folks decided to improve their ability to get more oil from their current wells, so America is now back to producing more oil than we can drink.  While all this was occurring, Biden drew upon stored oil to keep the price of gasoline from going to $10.00/gallon, and now he is replacing these strategic reserves, stored in case of war, at higher prices.

The Biden Administration Is Considering the Ultimate 'Betrayal' of Israel:  Report.  Is there no end to the astonishing moral bankruptcy of the Biden Administration?  Because, if administration officials are truly considering essentially betraying Israel as has been reported, it would be difficult to argue the contrary.  According to a report in Axios, Biden's State Department is currently reviewing possible options to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state.  Apparently, Secretary of State Tony Blinken has "asked the State Department to conduct a review and present policy options on possible U.S. and international recognition of a Palestinian state after the war in Gaza."  As Axios put it, "even considering such options signals a shift in thinking within the Biden administration on possible Palestinian statehood recognition, which is highly sensitive both internationally and domestically."

The SEC Oversteps its Powers on Climate Change.  Nearly two years ago, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed a rule that would force publicly traded companies to take climate change seriously by reporting on how climate change might materially affect their operations.  The mandatory reports were to include, among other things, what actions they are taking to fight climate change, to anticipate and mitigate its potential impacts, to report on their emissions, and the emissions created throughout their supply chain, and any efforts they were taking to reduce emissions.  This was a purely political action pushed by the commission's three Democrat appointees.  Facing fierce backlash from investors, the public, and Congress, the SEC has delayed, for the moment, formally imposing the rule.  During the SEC's delay, California, ever the leader in inane, job-destroying, consumer-costing policies, stepped in and passed its own similar law.  As will be the case should the SEC finalize its rule, business and farm groups sued to block the law, in part, because it usurps the federal government's constitutional authority to regulate interstate commerce by applying to companies headquartered outside the state, if they do business in California.

White House Taps John Podesta to Succeed John Kerry as U.S. Climate Envoy.  White House adviser John Podesta will be the top U.S. climate diplomat when high flying John Kerry steps down this spring and ceases his endless global tours warning the world of impending doom.  "We need to keep meeting the gravity of this moment, and there is no one better than John Podesta to make sure we do," White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients said in a written statement, shared Wednesday with The Washington Post, CNN and The Hill.  "John has — and will continue to be — at the helm of driving the implementation of the most significant climate law in history," Zients added.

The Editor says...
The climate does not respond to legislation.  Any time spent on writing laws to control the weather is completely wasted.  Any money spent on trying to alter the weather is also wasted.  Climate-control laws are all about controlling us, not the weather.  The climate is just fine the way it is, and your only option is to adapt to it, if it ever really changes.  (The transition from summer to winter and back is far more drastic than the "climate change" they're talking about, but you adapt to those changes, don't you?)  If the average global temperature goes up or down at the rate of one degree per century, you shouldn't have any trouble dealing with it.

The stupidity of Biden's liquefied natural gas export pause.  Last week's White House announcement that it was pausing new permits for exports of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, is a desperate move by a desperate president.  Its principal beneficiaries are likely to be Vladimir Putin and Hamas-harboring Qatar, rather than Joe Biden's faltering re-election campaign.  The president's political calculation is overt.  "We will heed the calls of young people and frontline communities who are using who are using their voices to demand action," Biden says.  "The pause on new LNG approvals sees the climate crisis for what it is:  the existential threat of our time."

The Aggressive Progressive Democratic Agenda.  The Democrats now running Virginia's General Assembly are not just more progressive, but far more ambitious than their predecessors.  To fully understand how ambitious you must compile the entire list of progressive bills advancing in the 2024 session and consider their total impact on the cost of living and cost of doing business in the commonwealth.  Individual news stories miss the big picture.  The push to radically regulate Virginia's energy future discussed earlier is being mimicked with equally aggressive legislation throughout the rest of our economy.  None of the ideas below are new, and most are already in law in places like California, New York or other more liberal states.  What has changed is that when proposed in the past, they usually were rejected in Virginia on a bipartisan basis.  Democrats now march in lockstep.

Biden's LNG pause: a deadly fraud.  Joe Biden has halted LNG expansion, which the world needs for low-cost, reliable, secure energy.  He pretends it's to lower prices or GHG emissions, but it will do neither.  Halting LNG is pure electioneering.  And we'll all pay the price.  We live in a world that needs much more energy.  Energy poverty is rampant, and even the wealthy world has chronic energy shortages.  Natural gas can dramatically help because it is low-cost, reliable, versatile, clean, and secure.  And America can lead.  America has a virtually limitless supply of natural gas and an incredible ability to ramp up production quickly.

Biden Admin Rolling Out Stove Regulation After Insisting It's Not Trying To Ban Gas Stoves.  The Biden administration finalized an energy efficiency rule for stoves on Monday after claiming that it has no intention to ban gas-powered models.  The Department of Energy (DOE) published the final rule in accordance with a court order that requires the agency to publish the rule by the end of January.  The administration proposed an aggressive efficiency regulation for stoves in February 2023 and subsequently promised that it is not attempting to ban gas stoves, calling suggestions to the contrary "misinformation."  Compliance with the rules will be required for newly-manufactured products starting in January 2028, according to the DOE.  The regulation applies to electric cooktops, gas cooktops, stand-alone electric cooktops, stand-alone gas cooktops and ovens.

Biden Blackmail Intensifies:  Won't Shut Border Until Congress Coughs Up Ukraine, Israel Funds.  As Republican governors circle the wagon around Texas, President Biden on Saturday doubled down on a reluctant agreement to secure the southern US border, but only if if Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would also allocate funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and would still allow as many as 150,000 illegal crossings per month.  "If that bill were the law today I'd shut down the border right now and fix it quickly and bring a bipartisan bill that would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here," Biden said, according to Fox News' Chad Pergram.  Except, as many have pointed out, Biden doesn't need Congress, or the bill, to do that right now.  As we noted yesterday, House Speaker Mike Johnson debunked the claim, saying "President Biden falsely claimed yesterday he needs Congress to pass a new law to allow him to close the southern border, but he knows that is untrue."

The Biden Administration Is Waging a Foolish War Against Abundant Clean Energy.  On Thursday [1/25/2024], the Biden administration announced it was invoking a hold on permitting processes for proposed new export projects for liquefied natural gas (LNG).  It was a nakedly partisan act designed to appease the Democrat party's climate alarmist funder base, one that will create ripple effects across the global economy and energy space.  It will also create uncertainty and alarm among consumers of US LNG, especially among European nations who are supposedly America's allies. [...] Fortunately for the United States and its LNG customers, an array of new export facilities already in the construction phase of development will add up to 12 billion cubic feet per day of new export capacity over the coming three years.  These projects would be unmolested by this latest authoritarian move by the White House, absent efforts to expand it.  One of the biggest of these is the Rio Grande LNG project being constructed outside Brownsville, Texas near the mouth of the Rio Grande River.

California magical thinking will derail America.  The unelected California Air Resources Board, which has been working for years to force the rest of the country to ban internal combustion engines in cars and trucks, now wants to control the nation's railroads.  If approved by the federal Environmental Protection Agency, a board proposal to phase-out diesel locomotives will affect rail service throughout the U.S. as interstate railroads divert billions of dollars from safety, maintenance and congestion projects.  It could also put some California shortline railroads that carry farm commodities and supplies out of business.  It must be stopped.  Under the proposed rule, beginning in 2030 diesel locomotives operating in California can't be older than 23 years.  New engines on freight trains must be zero emission by 2035.

Democrats Push Biden Administration to Shut Down Ammunition Plant Supposedly to Prevent Mass Shootings.  Democrat attorneys general are calling for an investigation into the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in an effort to shut down the facility.  The Missouri-based plant, which is the largest producer of small arms ammunition in the U.S., has become one of the latest targets of the anti-gunner crowd in their quest to keep as many Americans disarmed as possible.  The Democrats' request, which is ostensibly intended to curb the availability of "military-grade rounds" in the commercial market, is supposed to be a step towards decreasing the prevalence of gun violence.  However, like their other schemes, a closer look shows that this is just another way to make it harder for responsible Americans to possess firearms.  All 28 Republican attorneys general responded with a letter sent to the Biden administration countering claims that Democrats made in their initial overture to the White House.  The letter affirms that the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment "guarantees a personal right to each law-abiding citizen to 'keep and bear arms.'"

Biden hates working people.  As our sanctuary-country sinks even further under the weight of millions of illegal immigrants, the President and his fellow Democrats believe the solution is to give them work permits so they can "support themselves."  Where is their concern for the citizens whose jobs these illegal immigrants will take?  Have they never heard of the concept of opportunity cost?  Every job they take is a job that won't be available to legal citizens.  That's not a political philosophy but a cold hard fact.  And this is in an environment where Artificial Intelligence and robots/automation are forecast to slash the number of jobs for average working folks.  What is even worse is the fact that this army of illegal immigrants is certain to depress working folk's hourly wages for generations to come.  You will often hear it said they are only taking jobs Americans won't do.  That is a lie.  The truth is Americans won't do some of those jobs for the wages being offered.  So, rather than allowing the marketplace to raise the wages being offered, their revolting solution is to import millions of low-skilled illegals in a planned strategy to keep working people's wages low, forever.

Biden Blocks Several Huge Natural Gas Projects.  Let's begin with an either-or question:  Does Joe Biden a) honestly believe that natural gas is an existential threat to mankind, as he regularly claims, or is he b) more concerned with appeasing — for political purposes — environmentalist alarmists?  Ponder the question if necessary — but I'm gonna go with "b."  While the professed fossil-fuel-loathing president has hysterically declared war on everything from residential gas furnaces to gas stoves to even gas dishwashers, his quest never ends.  In a Friday morning announcement, the White House and Department of Energy (DOE) revealed their next target — and it's enormous. [...] Facts, data, and science only matter to Democrats when they support the left's narratives.  We saw it with COVID-19.  When facts don't support the left's narratives, they are to be dismissed, lied about, or outright ignored.

Biden Pursues 'Functional Ban' on New Natural Gas Exports.  President Joe Biden appears to be looking to expand his war on American energy in 2024 with his administration's latest move delaying a decision on "what would be the largest natural gas export terminal in the United States."  From day one of the Biden administration, the president has used executive actions to pursue his radical "green" energy transition as part of his climate crusade to "end" fossil fuels, and his latest target is liquefied natural gas (LNG), specifically the terminals through which U.S. producers export their product.  As with many of his previous climate edicts issued by executive fiat because his policies wouldn't pass the people's representatives in Congress, Biden is citing "climate change" for this latest decision.  According to reports based on leaks to the New York Times by anonymous officials, the White House "is directing the Energy Department to expand its evaluation" of the Calcasieu Pass 2 proposal for a 546-acre terminal site in Cameron Parish, Louisiana.  The $10 billion project "would export up to 20 million tons of LNG per year" according to KPLC.

California Democrat Introduces Bill Requiring 'Intelligent Speed Limiters' in Cars.  Proposed legislation in California may make it the first state to require vehicles to have a device that can limit a driver's speed.  State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced a bill requiring that some new cars have an "intelligent speed limiter," the Hill reported Thursday. [...] During a recent press conference, Wiener told reporters the technology already exists and is being used in different forms in other countries and areas of the United States, per NBC Bay Area.  "There are cars being manufactured right now where you have an option of having a speed limit," he said.  The outlet noted companies such as Volvo and General Motors offer an option for teenage drivers that allows their parents to limit their speed:  [Video clip]

The Editor says...
Democrat politicians often justify their half-baked ideas by saying other countries already do this, as if other countries are way ahead of us, and headed in the right direction.  Most of the other countries they cite have no concerns about individual liberty and freedoms we enjoy, because we have the Bill of Rights and they don't.

The Constitution Literally Allows Texas to Engage in War at the Southern Border.  Here's How.  Within hours of President Joe Biden being sworn into office, he signed a proclamation that ordered an end to construction of President Donald Trump's southern border wall.  His stated reason was that the wall was "a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security."  This statement was so absurd that we knew at once that this man who had somehow assumed the presidency was not on our side.  Biden had just sworn the president's constitutionally prescribed oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," and within hours he had flung open the nation's borders to all comers.  Biden was announcing that he was the second act in the Obama administration's mission to "fundamentally transform" the United States.  He was declaring that the Trump years were over, and the revolutionaries were back in charge.

Washington State Dems move to let felons vote, serve on jury, run for office while in prison.  Washington Democrats are attempting to pass legislation that would allow felons, including serial killers, to vote, serve on a jury and even run for office while incarcerated.  House Bill 2030 is sponsored by Dem.  Rep Tarra Simmons, an ex-convict who was sentenced to 30 months in prison in 2011 for theft, drug, and firearm crimes. [...] There are approximately 13,000 people in Washington prisons, but not all of them are citizens.  This legislative session, Simmons has also proposed a bill attempting to make it easier for level 3 sex offenders, rated the "worst of the worst" and most likely to re-offend, to renter society.  The Democrat is also co-sponsoring a bill that would allow misdemeanors to be dismissed, including assault, stalking, assault with sexual motivation, firearms offenses, and more.

The Dominant Narrative Requires Citizen Passivity.  Progressives scream that capitalism is evil, that there is a finite pie that is not being divvied up fairly, and that self-interest is an evil that must be rooted out of our society in favor of equity.  They teach this poison to young minds now entering the political and work sphere, anxious to deconstruct our country through any means necessary.  Progressives also use deceptive science to "prove" that we are on a destructive path that only they can fix, and they must do so without debate, argument, or voting.  The majority understand that what is happening is evil in design and implementation.  But we have become fearful of pushing back against a government that allows cities to be burned down while putting innocent people in prison for the lie of January 6th.  Progressives are essentially Marxists in disguise.

2024 Promises the Expansion of the Green Energy Scam.  Here in the West, we have people so spoiled by prosperity that they have the luxury of pining for a time when we weren't poisoning our earth with fossil fuels or risking apocalypse with nuclear power.  On both sides of the Atlantic, you have a perfect mix of brain-dead green energy cultists and fascist elites who seek to harness the power of that cult to control everyone.  That's a toxic combination because energy controls pretty much everything.  The reality is that inexpensive, reliable energy is the single biggest driver of prosperity in all human history.  And it's not even close.  Inexpensive, reliable energy drives virtually everything that we Westerners enjoy:  Our food, iPhones, transportation, heating and cooling of homes, televisions, hospitals, schools, movies, plumbing, video games, Starbucks, and the Zambonis at hockey games!  Everything.  It's not that energy didn't exist previously.  It did.  But the difference is that it was inefficient, hard to get, and expensive.

Twilight of the Democrats.  I often say that the greatest political miracle in of all American history is that the Democrats somehow managed to survive the Civil War. [...] In addition to Joe Biden's obvious lack of popularity and the serious lack of credible replacements, the Democrats are also suffering at the local level.  Crime, filth, rising taxes, vagrancy, and the obnoxious nature of many of the Democrats' agenda issues — such as messing with the sexual development of young, naïve, and innocent children are provoking ordinary, usually passive people to look for more comfortable choices. [...] It's not ideological to just let it become easier for plain folks to prosper.  It is, however, goofball ideology that urges government functionaries to inhibit the creation of new wealth[,] especially because of contrived, pseudo-scientific expectations of approaching catastrophic weather conditions.  Weather?  Really?

President Biden's 'Top Priority' for a second term?  What a platform Democrats will have for 2024:
  •   Make unrestricted abortion the law of the land (Make Abortion Great Again!)
  •   Pack the court
  •   Eliminate the Electoral College
  •   Eliminate the filibuster
  •   Statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
  •   Work towards the elimination of fossil fuels and gasoline-powered vehicles and equipment
  •   Provide more money for teachers' unions
  •   Provide more money for mainstream media outlets
  •   Progress towards making "15-minute cities" a reality across the United States
  •   Significantly raise taxes on ammunition so as to make it unaffordable for all but wealthy Democrat donors, thereby rendering guns — and the First Amendment — moot.
  •   Make mail-in voting a permanent fixture in every state for every election
  •   Lower the voting age to 16
All of this in the name of "saving our democracy," of course.

State AGs Blast Biden, Wall Street Plan To Sell Rights To America's Public Lands.  The current plan by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to create Natural Asset Companies (NACs), which would buy up land rights throughout America, faced heavy criticism from 25 state attorneys general, who in a Jan. 9 letter urged the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to reject the concept.  "What is happening here is clear," the AGs wrote.  "The Commission and the NYSE are seeking to implement a radical environmental agenda through the rulemaking process (and outside the legislative process)."  "This type of decision, particularly given its vast economic consequences, must be left to Congress and not the Commission or the NYSE," they stated.  The idea for NACs was developed by an activist eco-organization called the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG), funded in part by the Rockefeller Foundation, in partnership with the NYSE.  NACs would pool investors' money from around the world to buy the rights to public and private land in the United States and limit its use to "sustainable" endeavors.

Does the Earth have a fever?  Is it boiling?  Have we hit the tipping point?  The answer is clearly no.  The public is constantly being told that the Earth is the warmest it has ever been.  And that warming is being caused by humans, our use of natural resources, and CO2.  And the solution for the media and other Democrats is the same as the solution for all problems:  We need a bigger government, with higher taxes and more regulations and of course, the government has to be run by Democrats.  We need to give up our gas-powered cars, furnaces, gas stoves, and appliances before it is too late.  Something that never gets in their way as they push this green agenda are facts.  And here is a scientific fact:  If all the things we have been told cause warming that we have used a lot of in the last 160 years, we would not be setting a massive amount of cold temperature records. [...] In December 2023, ice in the Arctic rose at the third fastest rate on record (they have only been keeping records since 1981) because in significant parts of the Arctic, temperatures were significantly below average.

There's Only So Much Joe Biden Can Do To Kill Oil And Gas.  One of the frequent boasts then-candidate Joe Biden made during his 2020 run for the presidency was that his administration would mount a frontal assault on the domestic oil and gas business, outlaw hydraulic fracturing and put policies in place that would assure the industry was out of business within a decade.  The President and his energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm, made a habit of repeating that gone-within-a-decade promise throughout 2021 and 2022 as they aggressively worked to cement their Green New Deal agenda into place.  Funny thing, though:  A number of months have passed since we heard either Biden or Granholm repeat that pledge.  In fact, I was unable to find a single instance of either making the statement in 2023 at all.  Granholm had a prime opportunity to do that when she participated in a December 12 meeting of the National Petroleum Council, a DOE advisory committee made up largely of oil executives that serves at her pleasure.  But rather than go there one more time, the Secretary talked about her belief that the industry has a "trust gap" with the public related to climate issues, and urged the executives to do more to rein in their emissions.

Engineering an Energy Crisis.  If the destruction of hydroelectric dams doesn't strike you as an act of war, consider it in the context of this:  ["]Mike Sommers, president of the American Petroleum Institute (API), issued a stark warning that the White House was dragging its feet on allowing energy firms to drill on federal lands, threatening the economy and jobs. [... "]  Sommers observes that the Biden Regime is "sowing the seeds for the next energy crisis."  Never let a crisis go to waste; if there is no crisis, create one.

Dictatorial Control, From Covid to Climate.  Team Biden's endless torrent of dictatorial executive orders, regulatory mandates, and twisted legal reinterpretations for electricity generation, vehicles, appliances, agriculture, housing, and other matters are already impacting our industries, livelihoods, living standards, and basic rights and freedoms.  These diktats are designed to force us to convert everything we now operate with coal, gasoline, diesel or natural gas to electric models.  The United States will soon need 3 [to] 4 times more electricity than today — and still more to power the AI revolution.  But the same bureaucrats are shutting down coal, gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric generators — ensuring that electricity will be in short supply, generated primarily by weather-dependent wind turbines and solar panels, backed up by massive grid-scale battery systems, and thus unavailable or unaffordable during the coldest and hottest days, when electric heat or air conditioning becomes a matter of life or death.

The unelecting of a president.  Biden's problems are more serious because he has a chance to finally be elected president without mass fraud in 6 states.  He is being done in by bad policy.  Black Democrats resent his placing illegal aliens ahead of them.  The AOC crowd resents his support of Israel in particular and Jews in general.  The university crowd resents not having the $1.6 trillion they borrowed written off by the feds.  Jim Clyburn owns the South Carolina Democrat Party by virtue of its large bloc of black voters.  He has made its primary the Democrat kingmaker, crowning Obama in 2008 when he was behind Hillary, Hillary in 2016 when she was behind Bernie, and Biden in 2020 when he was behind everybody.  2024 may end that streak — and Biden is running almost unopposed.

Texas Rancher Says US Government Facilitating Plans For a Planned Food Shortage and Depopulation.  [Transcript]nbsp; "Hey, everybody.  This is Shad Sullivan coming to you from the headwaters of Bitter Creek, Archer County, North Texas.  We have to talk.  State officials will be assisting to help identify potential alternative markets if a producer is unable to move animals and if necessary, advise and assist on depopulation and disposal methods.  Ladies and gentlemen, we are plowing under vegetable crops from coast to coast.  We are euthanizing millions of chickens.  We are aborting sows and burying feeder pigs.  We are dumping milk by the hundreds of thousands of gallons, and now they are preparing us to depopulate the fat cattle ready to harvest.  [Video clip]

Only a Tiny Fraction of Voters in Swing States Care About Climate Change.  Joe Biden has talked about climate change endlessly since taking office, but a new survey shows that most voters in swing states do not care about the issue at all.  This would only be surprising to the left, but most people are not thinking about supposed climate change when they're struggling to pay for basic items like food, heating energy and gas for their cars.  Besides the economy, people across the country are also deeply concerned about issues like crime and the mess Biden has made at the southern border.

Have No Fear, 'Big Brother' Is On Duty.  What if the "Big Brother" of Orwell's 1984 dystopia weren't a person or a computer, but rather a neural network of millions of bureaucratic synapses working in harmony to serve the hive, rather than the citizens?  Would it look different from what we are witnessing now?  If the public came to the realization that "Big Brother" were a menace, to what lengths would our master go to protect itself?  Would it...
  •   Deny us our electoral choices — to defend democracy?
  •   Censor freedom of expression — to protect us from disinformation?
  •   Steal our property rights — so we can "own nothing and be happy"?
  •   Deluge us with foreign invaders — for "cultural enrichment" of course?
  •   Cancel our freedom of association — to prevent the spread of viruses and diseases?
  •   Undermine our freedom of religion — to eradicate "white supremacy" and "Judeo-Christian extremism" and usher in an "equitable" arbiter of good and evil like... a benevolent Big Brother?
  •   Attempt the removal of our elected leadership — because the left views the Constitution and its limits as just that sacred?
  •   Prosecute and imprison non-criminals — because "insurrection" almost killed "democracy"?
The hive would surely like us to maintain the illusion of self-governance.

Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack.  The people running this country have made choices — like throwing open the border — that are going to kill a lot of Americans because our enemies, unlike our alleged leaders, are serious people.  They're serious about subjugating and killing us.  But the only things our leadership is serious about are keeping their names off pervert passenger lists, skimming endless Ukrainian cash, and pronouns, pronouns, pronouns, always pronouns.  We have a distinctly unserious elite in the most serious of times. [...] The entire southern border is wide open — it would be a joke if it weren't going to lead to so many deaths.  We're seeing tens of thousands of military-aged males walking into the United States.  Some of them are infiltrators.  It will not take much to organize a force that launches simultaneous attacks over the width and breadth of this country.

Joe Biden Suffers Stinging Lawsuit Loss.  A push by the Biden administration to make dishwashers and washing machines more efficient was shot down by a judge as "arbitrary and capricious," after 11 Republican-run states brought legal action over the rule changes.  In a ruling on Monday, U.S. Appeals Court Judge Andrew Oldham said that it was unclear whether the Department of Energy (DOE) had the statutory authority to regulate water use in such appliances, and that the new rules it had proposed might not lead to less water use.

5th Circuit Delivers Smackdown of Biden DOE Efforts to Regulate Dishwashers, Washing Machines.  Joe Biden and the Democrats are always accusing Biden's political opponent, former President Donald Trump, of wanting to be a dictator or being fascistic.  It's very ironic, given it's Biden who fits that bill.  His administration even want to control what you do with your appliances in your home, all in the effort to appease their climate change fervor.  At the end of last month I wrote about the latest Biden administration effort where they tried to slip eco regulations by us on a holiday weekend targeting refrigerators and freezers.  Before that was the furor over gas stoves that were supposed to be bad for you.  Except that it seemed it was cool to have them if you were Kamala Harris trying to convince people that you were cooking a beef Wellington for Christmas.  And I guess she gets a pass on pushing beef as well, which they also want us to think is bad.

Biden's 'America Last' Policy at Work.  A National Review article in November 2021 reported that, "Biden's approach to energy represents in microcosm his approach to the presidency in general."  There is absolutely nothing about Biden's contradictory approach to energy that makes any sense.  He wants the United States to reduce the production of fossil fuels, reduce the number of new pipelines in America, limit oil and gas drilling on federal land, and abandon the Trump administration's mission to maximize fossil fuels production.  He wants other countries, such as Venezuela, to produce more fossil fuels for American use.  He even asked the Saudis to increase production, but got snubbed.  He maintains that there actually isn't a supply issue at all, but that oil companies all got together to gouge customers, an issue that the FTC must immediately investigate.  He opposed new fracking, promised to 'make sure it's eliminated.'  He even appropriated Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's "Green New Deal."  Why did/does Biden behave in this manner?  Because he was/is trying to please the whacko far-left base of his party which is opposed to oil production because it's not 'green.'  For Biden, pleasing environmentalists means putting America Last.

The Case Against Progressive Utopia.  Everyone wants to live in a place where all needs are met, where there is no anxiety, discord, or strife.  Whether by legislation or brute force, those who call themselves progressives, socialists, the radical left, or simply Democrats intend to achieve such a utopia in the U.S.  All actions are permissible, as the end justifies the means.  Right and wrong, morality and ethics take a back seat.  Totalitarianism may be required.  Tactics include hypocrisy and double-standards; diversion, distortion, disinformation, and misinformation; logical inconsistency; and rejection of proven science.  Radical activists conceal the fact that, to protect the Earth from pollution, climate change, and other ravages of human technology, utopia will require "rollback of the industrial age" — that is, without electricity, a hunter-gatherer society, where all your needs are provided, by you!

Anti-Intellectualism and the Left.  Every societal issue, such as unfettered illegal immigration, record unchecked spending, and disastrous U.S. foreign policy, involves proof of how the Left is incapable of higher than the most rudimentary thinking.  What do they think will result from the millions of military-age men of questionable intentions crossing into our country?  How much more money will be taken from ordinary Americans to pay for the policies of this administration and how will the relentless, out-of-control spending binge affect the value of our currency?  How has this administration kept America or her allies safe?  Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.  The Left, I'm convinced, does not possess even the tiniest vestige of critical or any other kind of thinking.

Separating fact from fiction on 'climate change'.  Three of the dumbest and most expensive policies that have come from a hundred years of false dire predictions are:
  •   Carbon credits.  Buying and selling worthless pieces of paper do nothing to reduce the carbon from planes, gas-guzzling trucks, or anything else.
  •   Carbon capture schemes.  Why [...] would anyone bury CO2, which is a clear, innocuous, non-pollutant gas that makes plants and trees thrive and allows the world to be fed?
  •   Forced E.V. transitions.  Forcing people to buy expensive, inefficient, and impractical vehicles powered by a highly-flammable pollutant that comes with serious environmental impact (rare earth mineral mining).
We have a clear choice in the election:  Vote for a dictator who wants to tell everyone what kind of vehicle to drive, what appliances they must use, and how they heat and cool their homes, or vote for a leader who believes in freedom of choice, and doesn't care if you want to buy a battery-operated car or a more affordable and practical gas-powered car.  We have a choice between a politician who is so arrogant who thinks he can control the climate, and one who knows he can't.

The United States is in A Dark Place.  We are in a dark place as a country.  This is a direct result of the extreme shift to the Left by the Democrat Party.  Prior to 2020, President Barack Obama was our most far-Left President.  But even Obama was still on the cusp between being an extreme liberal and being a communist.  In a recent book, John Drew wrote about his occasional meetings with Obama in the early 1980s and that Drew — a leftist at that time — had persuaded Obama to accept a more moderate position than that of the hardcore Marxists.  In another article in the same book, Trevor Loudoun reveals that Obamacare was a dilution of the healthcare plans desired by the Marxists in that it did not replace all private healthcare with a national, government-run healthcare system.  However, in July 2020, the camp pushing Joe Biden towards the Presidency and the camp promoting the communist Bernie Sanders' candidacy reached a landmark agreement — a 110-page pact regarding goals for the government.  In so doing, Joe Biden broke the policy of the Democrats going back to 1948 of not embracing the far-Left, communist element of the Democrat Party.

The Democrat party: who are they?  Just who are the members of the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) Party?  How do their beliefs differ from those of normal Americans? [...] Among their favored oppressed are criminals — the more violent and depraved the better — and their policies have turned our blue cities into third world war zones.  Other oppressed are the millions of illegal aliens they're importing.  Non-D/s/c Americans have so disappointed them.  They intend to abolish them and import their replacements.  That many of them are criminals, terrorists, pedophiles, slavers and masses who can't speak the language and have no skills with which to support themselves is a feature rather than a bug.  They're worried about the illegal avalanche, but not because of the damage it's doing to America.  They're afraid of losing power, afraid, despite their best Trump Derangement Syndrome efforts, their election fraud protocols might not prevail.

The Corruption of Everything.  [Scroll down]  The American standard of living has been corrupted.  We like our gas cars, our gas stoves, our air-conditioning, our steaks and chops, and our suburban life.  Enjoyment is forbidden.  So is comfort.  And so these things must go in order to satisfy the WEF and the American Marxists' lust for revenge and degradation of our standard of living because... climate change.

Biden Tries to Slip New Eco Regs Targeting Fridges [and] Freezers Past Us on [a] Holiday Weekend.  Climate change is a big excuse to make all kinds of societal transformative change and control our actions — not to mention, destroying or building up industries with those controls and restrictions.  Coal and oil are bad, electrical vehicles (except those from that evil Elon Musk) are good.  Government shouldn't be in the business of picking winners and losers, yet that's what they doing with their attempts at control.  But it looks like they'd rather we not pay attention to what they're trying to do.  Perhaps that might explain announcing new regulations about refrigerators and freezers on Friday, as we head into the holiday weekend.  They also announced proposed standards for commercial fans and blowers.

Biden's Campaign Message 2024.  Biden makes appointments, his vice president, his SCOTUS pick, etc., based on the anti-American principle of skin color, gender, and sexual orientation instead of picking best person for the job, leading to predictable disasters.  Biden engages in disturbing behavior towards children and little girls, even touching or sniffing them.  Biden ignores SCOTUS rulings, e.g., that forgiving student debt without congressional consent is unconstitutional, but repeatedly tries to do so anyways to buy votes of young people with taxpayer dollars.  Biden regularly speaks gibberish and needs to be led around like a baby, etc.  For these and for many other reasons, Biden will need an outrageous Orwellian strategy for his 2024 campaign. [...] Biden 2024 campaign is, therefore, going to be based on a "hate Trump" message grounded largely on their comical January 6 insurrection myth, comical because the FBI said there was "scant evidence" the Capitol attack was an organized effort to overturn the 2020 election, which did not stop the Democrat's media poodles from describing it as an "insurrection" for years.

The Chicago Mayor's Hat Trick of Dreadful Policies.  Mayor Johnson wants to:
  [#1]   Start city-owned and -operated groceries in some underserved areas.  The government that wants to take on these difficult new tasks is already failing at such basic services as fixing potholes and policing dangerous neighborhoods.
  [#2]   Ticket the buses bringing illegal immigrants to Chicago, mostly from Texas.  He calls them "rogue buses" because they are not "coordinating" with the city.  Giving them a ticket or even impounding the vehicles is his solution.  The bus companies' own solution is to drop off the passengers in the suburbs, which immediately send them to Chicago.  Johnson then rages at the Texas governor and never mentions President Biden.
  [#3]   Close down all the selective-enrollment (magnet) schools in Chicago, the only ones where students actually read above grade level.  If we judge by the likely outcome, Johnson's policy is really designed to drive middle-class families with kids out of the city.  The teachers union backs the plan, enthusiastically.  They must know how good the other schools are since the president of the CTU sends her own child to a private school.  Meanwhile, she is working with Gov. JB Pritzker to kill school choice for everyone else.

Waking Up to the Age of Deception.  The Biden administration often makes decisions about America's future based on half-truths.  Disinformation and lying has become so extreme they have created an unstable and divided country.  Green energy deception has resulted in negative effects on inflation and a mountain of unsold electric vehicles.  Democrats boast about restoring racism, dumping the Constitution, and forcing revisionist history.  They use disinformation and division to recreate society in their image, which they control.  Polls show Americans are fed up and ready for a new direction.

Climate Expert Blasts Biden Admin For Bypassing Voters To Impose Green Agenda.  Climate Depot executive editor Marc Morano blasted President Joe Biden for bypassing American voters to enact his environmental agenda.  The Biden administration signed on to a pledge to start "transitioning away from fossil fuels" at the United Nations COP28 climate summit Dec. 13.  "Do we need to abolish the gas-powered car?  We've never voted on it in the United States," Morano told former Rep. Sean Duffy of Wisconsin and "The Bottom Line" guest host Kelly O'Grady.

Look Who Biden Just Gave $50 Million to Promote 'Climate Justice'.  Whether or not you believe that anthropomorphic climate change is a genuine problem or not, you have to admit that our government's programs to deal with it are thinly veiled scams. [...] The Biden Administration just announced the distribution of $600 million — more than half a billion — to various nonprofits to pass along to their pet projects (and their favorite political activists). These groups are basically Left-wing activists who serve as the shock troops of the Democrat Party.  Of particular interest is the "Climate Justice Alliance," which, even without its deep dive into antisemitic politics of late, is a truly horrible group of communists who shouldn't be getting a dime from the taxpayers.

Can Climate Change Cause the New Economic World Order?  President Joe Biden has continued to pursue the agenda that President Obama developed during his administration.  On January 20, 2021, President Biden canceled the permit for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline that would have delivered around 1 million barrels of Canadian crude oil a day to U.S. refiners.  In his executive order, President Biden stated, "Leaving the Keystone XL pipeline permit in place would not be consistent with my Administration's economic and climate imperatives."  On January 27, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order announcing a moratorium on new oil and gas leases on public lands and in offshore waters.  On April 16, 2021, at President's Biden's direction, secretary of the interior Deb Haaland revoked policies in Secretarial Order 3398 established by the Trump administration, including rejecting "American Energy Independence" as a goal.

Biden's Party is Over, and the Hangover Has Begun.  As we approach the last year of Joe Biden's term, it's an opportune moment to reflect back on January of 2021. [...] He bragged about beating the tyrant Trump, and signed executive orders at a rate of dozens per day — to cancel any accomplishment of Trump.  It was irrelevant to him if Trump's achievements were beneficial to Americans.  If Donald did it, Joe undid it because... well, just because.  He threw our borders open to foreign invasion, simply because Trump had closed them.  Joe's policies added an additional 3.8 million criminals to our society.  That's enough people to populate Los Angeles — admitted with no vetting, no control, and no apology.  Joe added $5 trillion to our national debt — enough $100 bills to reach the Moon and back 10 times.  The spending drove inflation to a 40-year high. [...] He choked domestic energy production, making us again dependent on foreign oil.  Prices for gas and electricity skyrocketed.  In the process, he enriched Russia (a producer of oil) and China (a producer of solar and wind technology).  We're expected to pay no attention to the little issue that the Biden family received millions of dollars from Russia and China, for no apparent service.

Biden Admin's Latest Spending Spree Amounts to a Backdoor Ban on Gas-Powered Appliances, Experts Say.  The Biden administration announced Monday that it is spending more than $500 million to help state and local governments adopt green building codes, a strategy that amounts to a backdoor attempt to phase out gas stoves and other fossil fuel-powered appliances, energy experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.  The Department of Energy announced that it is spending up to $530 million to help states and cities adopt and implement new building codes that are aligned with "zero energy codes," which are defined as "a building energy policy requiring buildings to demonstrate net zero energy use based on measured building performance outcome," according to the New Buildings Institute.

Secession Without Secession.  We don't have to live like this.  We don't have to suffer, because those in Washington want us to.  They don't offer anything like what they take and they're getting much more tyrannical with their demands.  One is their push to go electric, which means that we're actually being told we have to starve to death and freeze to death.  Electricity is, especially now, the least reliable resource we have.  The whole grid can go down in a second and never come back.  But they want to take away our small generators.  Why?  Because it means we might survive a grid-down environment and they don't want that to happen.  They want us to use things like wind generators and solar panels that are more unreliable than coal, gas or nuclear powered electric generation and in a few years, the wind generators will fail and we won't be able to repair them, because our industrial base and transportation base will have been destroyed from lack of reliable electric generation.  Computers can't work in that environment, industry can't work in that environment, even small business can't work, trucking can't rely on electric vehicles, that's all nonsense.

Boom Boom:  Out Go the Lights!  Ruling like the dictator whom he says Donald Trump aspires to be, President Joe Biden has decreed restrictions, if not prohibitions, on gas stoves, gas furnaces, gasoline-powered cars and trucks, and other products.  Congress has passed no such laws for Biden to sign.  Instead, he has acted unilaterally, as despots do.  Emperor Biden further expects Americans to replace these fossil-fueled mechanisms with electric counterparts.  But what will propel these items as they draw electricity from America's already fragile grid?  Team Biden has not gotten that far.  To the contrary, it is hammering major sources of voltage, even while trying to coerce into existence the Electric States of America.

Trusting the government:  An oxymoron?  Let's take a look at just a few of the many lies we are asked to believe:  The Inflation Reduction Act of 2023.  Read the one-year report: "Inflation Reduction Act is Driving Historic Climate Action and Investing in America."  The article identifies spending more money in history this past year to fight 'Climate Change' than ever before.  Next read "Congress Is on a Christmas Spending Spree" by the CATO Institute.  The article ends, "Annual deficits are in the trillions, and interest rates are at historic highs.  Now is not the time to throw gasoline on the Yule log.  A Christmas emergency spending bonanza would worsen America's unsustainable budget trajectory and further undermine trust in the U.S. government as a responsible fiscal steward."  We are overspending billions on billions.  Is this inflation reduction?  Or a lot of wordsmithing?  This overspending has prevented our economy from tanking.  How much more debt can we add, however, before the dollar becomes a desperately weak global currency and we become trapped?

Biden admin finalizes most restrictive offshore oil drilling plan in US history.  The Biden administration on Friday finalized a plan to dramatically curb the number of offshore oil and gas lease sales over the next five years as it continues to aggressively push green energy development.  The Department of the Interior's (DOI) five-year offshore oil and gas leasing program schedules just three Gulf of Mexico lease sales through 2029, marking the fewest number of sales ever included in such a plan, which the agency is mandated to issue periodically.  According to the DOI, holding the sales will enable future offshore wind leases under an Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provision that tethers the two.  "President Biden's approach to severely limit leasing significantly curtails access to a critical national asset," Erik Milito, the president of the National Ocean Industries Association, which represents both traditional and renewable offshore energy producers, said in a statement Friday.  "The White House simply ignores energy realities by once again limiting U.S. energy production opportunities."

White House Sets Border Deal: 1 Million Illegals Per Year and $61 Billion for Ukraine.  President Joe Biden's border chief has a deal for the GOP:  He will carefully cap illegal migration at one million a year if the GOP approves $61 billion for war in Ukraine, according to press reports.  The offer would double pre-2021 immigration numbers, but it is a "good faith offer," said one of the four GOP negotiators told reporters.  "We're at 11,000" illegal migrants per day or roughly 4 million migrants in a year, Sen. Thom Tillis told CBS on December 13, [...] Tillis is a long-standing supporter of the federal migration programs that deliver cheap labor to investors and companies.  He was picked by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to help negotiate a deal that would curb Biden's mass migration in exchange for $14 billion to help quietly move migrants into American housing and jobs — plus roughly $61 billion for the war in Ukraine.

Americans Must Choose Between Civilization or Its Destroyers.  The United States can produce annually more natural gas and oil than any nation on earth.  It once pioneered nuclear power.  It has vast coal reserves and sophisticated hydroelectric plants.  The old idea was to use these unmatched resources to transition gradually to other cleaner fuels such as hydrogen, fusion power, solar, and wind.  That way, consumers would still enjoy affordable energy.  And the United States could remain independent of coercion by the oil-producing Middle East.  But that was not the nihilist way.  Instead, the left deliberately cut back on pipelines, new energy leases, and fracking.  It bragged of an upcoming ban on fossil fuels.  In drought-stricken, energy-short California, the state is blowing up, not building new dams.  Is the nihilist agenda to punish with bankruptcy the energy-using middle class?  Is the hope that Americans will have to beg the Saudis, Iranians, Venezuelans, and Russians to pump more of the hated goo for our benefit so we would not have to dirty ourselves helping ourselves?

U.N. Climate-Summit Nations Agree to 'Transition Away from Fossil Fuels,' Triple Green-Energy Infrastructure by 2030.  For the first time in the nearly 30-year history of the United Nations summit on climate change, all nations gathered unanimously agreed to a resolution that called for "transitioning away from fossil fuels" and committed member states to tripling existing green-energy infrastructure by 2030.  The nearly 200 member countries gathered at the COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai agreed to transition away from fossil fuels "in a just, orderly and equitable manner" before entirely eliminating carbon emissions by 2050.  While previous U.N. climate agreements committed member states to work toward slowing global warming, the deal announced Wednesday was the first to include an explicit commitment to do away with "fossil fuels."  As part of an effort to stop global temperatures from rising another 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next decade, member states agreed to triple their existing green energy infrastructure, including solar panels and wind turbines, by 2030.

Climate Change Is Taking Over Common Sense.  The late, great humorist P.J. O'Rourke used to quip that everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to wash the dishes.  Well, now that can be said for traditional environmental groups that seem to have lost their way.  Green groups are supposed to be about keeping our rivers, lakes and streams clean.  They are supposed to be about fighting litter and keeping toxic chemicals out of the air.  Their job is to maintain the beauty of our national parks and save elephants and tigers.  Not anymore.  The New York Times recently reported in a disturbing headline: "Environmental Groups Cut Programs as Funding Shifts to Climate Change."  In other words, the Left's climate change hysteria and its campaign to end fossil fuels is interfering with a commonsense green agenda.  Worse than that, the climate agenda is in some ways making the condition of the environment worse.

What the Democratic Party Has Become.  A recent headline in "The Epoch Times": "Chicago to Give Illegal Immigrants up to $9,000 Each for Housing Costs."  Chicago is paying people to break the law.  This is what the Democratic Party in America has become.  I guess Chicago did this.  The city is taking money away from hard-working, law-abiding, decent American citizens and giving it to people who should not be in the country.  People who are violating American laws, spitting in the face of our people, and mocking the United States.  They are criminals who are allowed to roam freely on our streets with no penalty, taking jobs from Americans, indeed, with money from honest people in their pockets, courtesy of the Democratic Party.  But this is what the Democratic Party has become.  They hate America.  What other explanation is there for robbing their own law-abiding citizens and giving the money to criminals?  America will never be saved until the traitorous, totalitarian, America-loathing Democratic Party is totally crushed.

Biden's new rule against methane becomes 'final'.  It's not really an exaggeration (if at all) to say that every single day we hear from Hillary Clinton, Liz Cheney, Joe Scarborough, the media, and others about how dangerous President Trump is — ad nauseam they declare how "like Hitler" he is.  And, it seems every single day, Joe Biden issues some new executive order or regulation assaulting our freedoms and our prosperity.  He knows he can't get his radical agenda through Congress so he just goes around them.  He violates his oath of office by not only refusing to enforce immigration laws that Congress passed, but sabotaging our sovereignty too.  It is a pure abuse of power, and yet most of the media just cheers. [...] Now, Joe Biden is dictatorially issuing another rule to handicap the coal, oil, and gas industries.  He clearly doesn't care about costs or the loss of tens of millions of jobs directly or indirectly related to those industries.  The costs of these green policies are already destroying Americans purchasing power but a power hungry politician like Joe clearly doesn't care.

President Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America's electric power.  The Biden administration made two virtue-signaling proclamations at last week's COP28 conference in Dubai that it says will help save the planet from climate change.  The policies aren't likely to change the planet's temperature by even one-tenth of a degree, but they might just destroy the 21st-century American industrial economy as we know it.  First, Team Biden announced it will stop production of all new coal plants in the United States.  This comes on the heels of President Biden's Environmental Protection Agency saying this year it would impose new power plant emission regulations that are virtually impossible for coal plants to comply with.  The bottom line:  No more coal.  Period.  But the White House was just getting started.  Vice President Kamala Harris trumpeted the next day new rules to "sharply reduce methane from the oil and natural gas industry."  The administration calls methane a "super-pollutant" that it wants to eliminate because it's "many times more potent than carbon dioxide."  But methane is effectively a hydrocarbon that comes from natural gas.

The Editor says...
Methane is a naturally-occurring gas.  It is not a pollutant; it is beneficial; it is not something to avoid.  Climate change is not a crisis.  The climate will always change.  The climate does not respond to legislation.  You might as well burn all the hydrocarbons you need, because the earth isn't being ruined by your use of them.  The billions of people who live in China and India couldn't care less about methane or carbon dioxide, and if they don't care, you might as well use as much natural gas as you like, because it won't make any difference.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a Moral Sickness Infecting Our Military.  The political vigilantism taking place under the banner of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) must be immediately and completely excised from our military.  DEI corrodes the moral foundations upon which our armed services were built and provides both the kindling and spark for igniting tribalism among our service members.  Officers of all ranks who promulgate these destructive ideas must be immediately relieved of command because they actively endanger our nation's security.

This Is the Age of Regress.  It took a long time, and it was a protracted painful process for Western civilization — white male Western civilization — to achieve everything we have and take for granted, and are now losing to an invading horde.  Today, Enlightenment values, science, and Western culture have disappeared under the jackboot of "decolonization," "indigenous knowledge," "transphobia," and "Islamophobia."  Objective knowledge and the concept of intelligence are now forbidden "white constructs."

US Joins New Climate Pact to Shut Down All Coal Plants.  The United States has "proudly" committed to not build any new coal-fired power plants and to get rid of existing ones entirely, John Kerry, special presidential envoy on climate matters, said on Dec. 2.  "To meet our goal of 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, we need to phase out unabated coal," he said in a statement, in which he announced at the annual United Nations COP28 climate change summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates that the United States had officially joined a coalition of 56 other countries who all plan to ditch coal in the name of climate change.  "We will be working to accelerate unabated coal phase-out across the world, building stronger economies and more resilient communities.  The first step is to stop making the problem worse:  stop building new unabated coal power plants."

The Editor says...
Carbon dioxide is not carbon, and carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.  So, technically, we already have "100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity."

Biden to phase out American (coal) power.  Reports indicate that the United States has committed to phasing out coal power plants, and sooner rather than later, though no specific date has yet been given.  The U.S. joins 56 other nations who have similarly pledged to rid themselves of coal power.  U.S. "special envoy" John Kerry recently announced that Washington has agreed to join something called "the Powering Past Coal Alliance" which means the Biden administration has effectively vowed to build no new coal plants and to phase out existing plants.  Kerry said the U.S. and other PPCA nations "will be working to accelerate unabated coal phase-out across the world," and added, "the first step is to stop making the problem worse: stop building new unabated coal power plants."  Due to other Biden administration "regulatory actions" and "international commitments" already in the works, there is some speculation that it may target 2035 as a coal-free date.

US commits to shutting down its coal plants during COP28.  The Biden Administration is forging ahead with its green agenda by committing the United States to not building any new coal plants and phasing out existing plants.  U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry announced at the annual United Nations climate change summit, known as COP28 and which is being held in Dubai, although no date was given for when the existing plants would have to go.  "We will be working to accelerate unabated coal phase-out across the world, building stronger economies and more resilient communities," Kerry said in a statement.  "The first step is to stop making the problem worse:  stop building new unabated coal power plants."  Kerry said America was joining the Powering Past Coal Alliance, a pact of nearly 60 countries that have promised to accelerate the phasing out of coal-fired power stations, except the very few that have carbon capture and storage.

The Editor says...
Nobody voted to outlaw the combustion of coal, which would certainly lead to widespread blackouts.  Nobody voted for John Kerry to have that kind of authority, either.

Putting oil spills into perspective.  I am 70 years old.  My electricity has been provided by a coal-fired power plant my entire life.  I have been privileged to have AC for around 60 years.  My heat has been provided by natural gas almost all my life.  I have lived within one mile of the coal plant, with scrubbers, for 44 years.  I raised three children in this close proximity.  Not once, that I can remember, did I worry about the air quality or worry about opening the doors and windows.  We are all very healthy.  Our current power plant was updated in 2005, at the cost of several hundred million.  It passed all environmental standards yet now, Democrats want to put it out of existence to claim they can change the climate.  It is a shame they care so little about the poor and middle classes that still have to pay off the plant, and now a replacement.  The choice for president gets easier every day — either choose the party that wants to dictatorially take away freedom of choice like what kind of car to drive and appliances to use, or choose the party that wants people to have freedom and lower costs.

Victor Davis Hanson:  Biden 'pandering to Hamas' could turn off voters ahead of 2024.  Victor Davis Hanson detailed why President Joe Biden's "hopeless" bid to engender positive sentiment among pro-Hamas sympathizers has proven to be a "losing proposition."  [Video clip] [...] "Why are we bringing in people who hate us and why are we allowing our campuses to fuel this hatred of us?" he asked fill-in host Lisa Boothe Friday [11/24/2023] while calling out the latest protests that featured chants of "Bombs are dropping, why are you shopping?"  When asked about the specific "political impact" for Biden seemingly acquiescing to the "pro-Hamas caucus," Hanson laid out,  "He has a choice between something bad and something worse."  "The more he panders to Hamas to get a measly 250,000 votes and maybe Michigan, the more that he's turning off people on an issue that they're already overwhelmingly angry about and that's open border and the ingratitude of people who come in here whether — sometimes legally, but illegally — and then they use our magnanimity and they reciprocate with disgust for the very institutions that help them," he said.  "And that's a losing proposition."

What's Extreme?  Some intrepid reporter should ask Joe Biden to name one federal program that could be eliminated, not that he would receive an answer.  Not only does Biden refuse to eliminate a single program, but he refuses to reduce his ever-larger budget requests for nearly every program.  Job Corps is a good example of what should be eliminated in entirety.  Established in 1964, Job Corps has received a grade of "F" from the GAO every year of its existence.  And yet every year, its budget grows:  in 2022, $1.755 billion compared to $1.701 billion in 2010.  The average cost per graduate (2017 figures) was well over $50,000 — and this for very basic job skills that could be acquired for free by working at McDonald's or any number of businesses.  And yet Biden continues to request more money for Job Corps every year.

A Monstrous Conundrum in the Middle East.  Rather than be filled with joy that some of the hostages in Israel are released, I'm sick to my stomach at the monstrous nature and sheer audacity of the "deal."  Biden is squarely on the backs of the Israelis, who know better than to become handmaidens of Hamas.  Dozens more, perhaps hundreds more of Israel's soldiers and thousands more civilians in Gaza will be killed as a result of this "kindness."  Seven-plus weeks into what history may eventually consider one of the most sadistic, cruel, and calculated terrorist events in world history, the Free World's common sense will continue to be in question. [...] Examine for a moment the crazy reversal of priorities and strength we are witnessing:
  •   Israel values life; Hamas does not.
  •   Israel is a pluralistic, democratic country, and Hamas is a Hitler-like autocracy.  Copies of Mein Kampf have been found in the tunnels under Gaza.
  •   Israel grants the same rights and responsibilities to its Arab citizens, while Hamas kills Arab collaborators, whether Arab citizens in Israel, Gaza, or the West Bank.
  •   Israel provides free advanced medical care for Arabs, from the West Bank, Gaza, and from within Israel.  Hamas kills any Jews it gets its hands on and will often prevent its people from accessing hospitals and medical care in Israel.
  •   Israel teaches its children (including Arabs) about the world at large and without hate.  Hamas teaches the destruction of Israel and the Jews from birth. [...]
  •   Israel is Western-facing and life-affirming.  Hamas is a death cult.

Did the Congress declare war?  I must have missed it.
Biden's Using Wartime Powers to Kill Off Many Gas Appliances.  On November 17th, Sentinel reported that Biden and his Obama staff were spending money on electric heat pump factories no one needed.  No one is asking for it, except perhaps recipients of government's largesse.  Biden used wartime powers to do it, with almost no one in the media questioning it.  The White House utilized the Defense Production Act to mobilize the production of heat pumps.  The government is choosing winners and losers using tax dollars from a bill that increases inflation — the Inflation Reduction Act.  It's going to affect all of our gas appliances.  In addition to consumer furnaces, over the last several months, the DOE has unveiled new standards for a wide variety of other appliances, including gas stoves, clothes washers, refrigerators, and air conditioners.  According to the DOE, its past and planned appliance regulations will save Americans $570 billion and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 2.4 billion metric tons over the next 30 years.

The Editor says...
[#1] No war has been declared, so the (acting) president has no wartime powers.  That's just common sense, so it's probably not the way things work in Washington.  [#2] Emissions of carbon dioxide by natural gas appliances have never hurt anybody.  Carbon dioxide is not something to be afraid of.  [#3] If any changes are needed in the household appliance business, the customers will make those changes without encouragement from the government.  Free market capitalism works really well.  Big government does not.

Spaniards Aren't Afraid To Protest, So Why Are American Conservatives?  The problems faced by Spaniards are strikingly similar to those facing Americans.  The American left hates our heritage so much they torched American cities and destroyed historical statues and monuments for an entire summer.  Our corrupt president, Joe Biden, was able to take power thanks to a rigged election, and his administration has weaponized the federal government against his most prominent political adversary, former President Donald Trump, and anyone in ideological opposition to the Democrats.  The Biden administration's disregard for border security encourages mass illegal immigration at the Southern Border, exposing the public to dangerous criminals and additional economic burdens while the middle class struggles to stay afloat amid increasing taxes, inflation, and gas prices.  And despite the public's rapidly increasing suffering, Biden prioritizes sending billions of tax dollars to foreign wars and international green energy projects.  All these things, but particularly the federal government's targeting of conservatives and its assault on election integrity, should be sparking massive protests.  Yet they aren't.  Unlike Spain, America was founded on the idea that human beings have God-given, inalienable rights.  Freedom of speech and assembly are not just First Amendment givens in the United States, but part of our culture.  So why aren't conservatives protesting?

Biden's illegal invasion is an unfunded mandate killing US cities and he's planning to expand it.  Recently Joe Biden bragged about his intention to allow more massive amounts of illegals to flood the country and it's frightening.  [Tweet with video clip]  Reparations for migrants?  What I never heard talked about is the fact that this is an unfunded mandate.  Biden does everything he can to keep the borders open for illegal invasion, to keep fentanyl flowing across the border, keep money pouring into the coffers of Mexican cartels and keep human trafficking flourishing.  This has a human horrible cost.  Young females are being abused on their travels to here.  Over 100,00 [sic] are dying every year from opiate overdose, most from fentanyl.  Then there is a gigantic financial cost to America.  We have seen how big-mouth politicians have devolved into mealy-mouthed politicians when their boasts of being sanctuary states and cities have their words shoved down their throats.  One is tempted to simply say "They asked for this.  Their constituents voted for this" and that's a fair assessment.  Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, is one such idiot.  He repeatedly boasted of being a sanctuary city.  Now that NYC has taken 142,000 illegals, the cost is becoming onerous.  To accommodate the illegals, Adams is punishing Americans.  He plans to slash the budget by $4 billion across the board by eviscerating the police force and education for his constituents.

My Journey from Frustration to Outrage to Seething Anger.  I am enraged that our US Congress continues to pile debt upon debt, with no consequences because it isn't the politicians' money (Cloward-Piven).  And they can't be held accountable.  They just keep increasing the debt limit.  I am outraged that Washington absconded with the power vested in the federated structure of our Constitution, which intends for most power to be issued from the states, and then assigned that power to an administrative state, where bureaucrats' regulations are enforced like laws. [...] I am enraged that America's city streets are filled with trash, needles, open drug use, human waste, and people living in massive tent cities — something the left has purposefully created as one way to collapse society (Cloward-Piven). We're told the solution is difficult, if not impossible, to fix, yet San Francisco just proved it could be done in a week.  I am enraged that the "defund the police" movement, which included releasing dangerous prisoners back onto the streets, is a by-design policy to increase societal unrest and make life dangerous for normal citizens (Cloward-Piven).

America on the Edge of the Cliff.  The most obvious problem is out-of-control government spending.  The interest on the national debt is pushing toward a cool trillion dollars, clocking in at $659 billion for fiscal 2022, gobbling up ever more American tax dollars.  While wise politicians should be sobered by that number, they instead are pushing the ship to ludicrous speed in search of Mad Max.  It is forcing ever higher deficit spending since it is mathematically impossible to bring in enough tax revenue to buy off voting blocs, meaning that it will skyrocket in the years ahead.  It's a serious problem that demands serious politicians in both parties.  But you first need a serious electorate, something in short supply these days.  The "ask not what your country can do for you" ethos of yesterday has transformed into the "give us more free stuff and we'll take some reparations on the side" grievance ethos of today.

Follow the Science — Except for Sex and Gender.  Throughout the real-life science fiction movie called COVID, we have been told to "follow the science."  The face of COVID, Dr. Anthony Fauci, condescendingly proclaimed, "I am the science."  It comes to light now that most of his assertions turned out to be incorrect.  Gender and sex are the latest battlefront in the realm of "science," and this, too, is turning out to defy actual science and common sense.  But as both COVID and gender are now political and advocacy issues rather than the science once taught in biology class, we are no longer following science and instead engaging in magical thinking.  What's the difference between sex and gender?  Once upon a time they were interchangeable terms.  But that changed.  Did the science change or did these terms become politically charged?

Why Governments Have Replaced God with Global Warming.  An adept government will never solve a problem unless it has a new problem prepackaged and ready to mass-produce for the public.  That's why Joe Biden didn't mind bungling America's exit from Afghanistan when he and other Obama administration alumni were already working on the next forever-war in Ukraine for the upcoming spring.  That's why the CDC and other government scientists owned and operated by the pharmaceutical industry never batted an eye when their miracle elixir COVID "vaccines" proved to be neither safe nor effective — because there is always some new exotic disease ready to be released from a Chinese bio-lab tucked away in an abandoned California factory that will require billions in taxpayer funds, too.  Any government worth its salt has an endless supply of boogeymen and a limited supply of expensive solutions that coincidentally require total citizen compliance.

Experts raise alarm after Biden strikes agreement with China to shut down fossil fuels.  U.S. energy experts are warning of the economic and national security implications of President Biden's pact with China this week to move towards shutting down fossil fuel production in favor of green energy.  The State Department announced this week it had struck a deal with its Chinese counterparts pledging to "accelerate the substitution for coal, oil and gas generation" with green energy sources like wind and solar power.  The nations, which account for nearly half of global greenhouse gas emissions, also agreed to "deepen policy exchanges" on reducing carbon emissions in various sectors, like power, industry, buildings and transportation, across their economies.  But the agreement — in which the nations further pledged to "sufficiently accelerate renewable energy deployment in their respective economies through 2030" — was criticized over its potential impact on U.S. consumers.  Experts also noted that China has rarely followed through on international accords and stands to financially benefit from such an agreement since it controls much of the world's green energy supply chain.

Two Words Describe Biden's Presidency:  Reckless Endangerment.  This week we've been treated to three government reports that all point in the same direction:  Disaster.  Interest payments are through the roof.  Real wages continue to fall.  And a record number of illegals crossed the border.  That's just the domestic news.  As of this writing, Americans are being held hostage by Iran-supported Hamas terrorists who killed nearly two dozen other Americans when they invaded Israel.  Our military forces face increasing Iranian-sponsored attacks in Iraq and Syria.  While President Joe Biden lets Iran off the sanctions hook for another four months.  The worry isn't just whether Biden — the architect of these disasters — will be voted out of office next year.  It's whether the U.S. can survive until then.

Boston Democrats Look to Extend Voting Rights to Foreign Nationals.  Democrats on the Boston City Council are looking to extend local voting rights to foreign nationals in the United States on visas, green cards, and other forms of legal status.  Councilwoman Kendra Lara (D) introduced the measure, which would allow foreign nationals on green cards, visas, and other forms of legal status to vote in Boston municipal elections.  The measure is likely to gain widespread support from the council, which is made up of 12 Democrats.

Biden Admin Pushing Coup in Israel.  The Biden administration keeps talking about the urgent need for Israel to have a post-war plan for Gaza.  What that really means is that it wants the PLO to take over Gaza.  Netanyahu has opposed that for now.  The Palestinian Authority is run by Fatah, the body behind the PLO, and is just another Islamic terrorist group.  And parts of it claimed to have taken part in the Oct 7 massacres.  But none of that is stopping the Biden administration from its obsession.  The thinking is that if the Palestinian Authority takes over Gaza, it can force negotiations on a Two-State Solution and finally bring peace by empowering terrorists.  A policy that has brought nothing but terror for 30 years.  And now that Israel's government is in the way, it's time to get it out of the way.

Green Agenda Driving Inflation and Hurting Economic Growth, Admits Central Banker.  Leftist green agenda policies are driving up inflation, raising the cost of consumer goods and depressing economic production, a top policy advisor to the Bank of England has admitted.  Net Zero agenda items pushed by the so-called Conservative party in the UK such as taxes on carbon and emissions trading schemes are increasing inflation and worsening the wallet crunch for Britons as companies pass along the costs onto average consumers, Catherine Mann, a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee has acknowledged.  In comments reported by The Telegraph from an address delivered at Oxford University, Mann said that economists have concluded that green "carbon taxes, public investments, and subsidies are all inflationary".

If This Is True, Biden's Incompetence Cost American and Israeli Lives.  While this question has become peripheral, it's still relevant and needs answers.  There have been pieces here and there pointing to the intelligence failures that occurred leading to Hamas' barbaric October 7 terrorist attack against Israel.  That invasion, which saw over 1,000 Hamas terrorists invade the Jewish state, killing 1,400 men, women, and children, was probably the worst intelligence failure Israel has suffered since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.  Israeli intelligence has much to explain, but so does the United States.  With the serial incompetence of Joe Biden, this story isn't shocking.  This man's foreign policy blunders are almost by default supported by a long history of being exceptionally poor at international affairs.  Also, his executive orders and public record provide concrete evidence for this emerging story about how the US intelligence community slept on Hamas because they were too busy focusing on global warming.

While Hamas Planned Its Attack on Israel, Biden's Intel Community Was Focused On Climate Change.  While the Hamas terror group was working with Iran to launch its Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the Biden administration's intelligence community was ramping up efforts to combat climate change, raising questions about America's failure to detect the terror attack.  As the Israel-Gaza conflict enters its second month, congressional leaders are beginning to examine whether the Biden administration's intelligence shift — which included adding a climate scientist to his Intelligence Advisory Board, a task force that tracks national security issues, and executive orders that required the intelligence community to assess security threats posed by climate change — may have contributed to America's failure to spot Hamas's planning beforehand.  Hamas had been planning the attack for over a year, according to reports.  "The world faces unprecedented threats from Communist China, the Iran regime, and Russia yet the Biden administration is shifting intelligence and defense assets to focus on climate change," Rep. Mike Waltz (R., Fla.), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told the Washington Free Beacon.

It's not about Israel:  We are the target.  Let's apply Occam's Razor to the question, "what is the motive behind Biden's actions as president?"  Biden's first steps were to systematically dismantle everything Trump had accomplished during his presidency.  Using the "global warming emergency" as his excuse, Biden ended drilling for oil and natural gas and moved us from energy independence to having to rely on our enemies to obtain dirtier oil.  His appointees to the military focused on wokeness, not readiness, and ended up with weakness.  His support of Ukraine, to the tune of $60 billion, with another $53 billion allocated, has depleted our military of the supplies and ammunition we need to defend our own country.  He spent money we didn't have for projects we didn't need, and has run up the national debt to $33.7 trillion -- fueling massive inflation that is ruining the lives of the "average Americans" he claims to represent.  He immediately began ignoring the law and opened our borders to all comers — terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers, and common criminals.  Fentanyl is now killing over 110,000 Americans per year, the equivalent of a Boeing 757-300 crashing every single day.  Biden has done everything in his power to support Iran.

The Wind is Always Blowing Somewhere Fallacy.  I have followed the Climate Act since it was first proposed, submitted comments on the Climate Act implementation plan, and have written over 350 articles about New York's net-zero transition.  I have devoted a lot of time to the Climate Act because I believe the ambitions for a zero-emissions economy embodied in the Climate Act outstrip available renewable technology such that the net-zero transition will do more harm than good by increasing costs unacceptably, threatening electric system reliability, and causing significant unintended environmental impacts. [...] The Climate Act established a New York "Net Zero" target (85% reduction and 15% offset of emissions) by 2050.  It includes an interim 2030 reduction target of a 40% reduction by 2030 and a requirement that all electricity generated be "zero-emissions" by 2040.  The Climate Action Council is responsible for preparing the Scoping Plan that outlines how to "achieve the State's bold clean energy and climate agenda."  In brief, that plan is to electrify everything possible using zero-emissions electricity.

How about some hearings on human disinformation and electoral interference instead of so-called AI disinformation?  The media routinely uses adjectives like extreme and controversial to describe Republican policies while calling Democrat policies progressive. [...] Which of the following policies are actually extreme and controversial:  Having limits, not bans, on abortions like most countries in the World, or supporting abortions at all stages of a pregnancy, like a few countries such as North Korea and China.  Enforcing immigration laws that Congress passed or essentially having open borders.  Continuing to use the natural resources the Earth has been blessed with or destroying oil, gas, natural gas, and coal companies which have greatly improved our quality and length of life.  How many people in underdeveloped countries die very young because green pushers tell them they will destroy the Earth if they modernize? [...] The reason Biden is unpopular is not his age, it's the Democrat policies.  Replace Biden with Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, or any other Democrat and you get the same policies to destroy the oil companies and to make the government more powerful.

Joe Biden's menthol cigarette ban poised to open a huge new market for Mexican cartels.  We already have wide-open borders with welcome signs and promises of "free" healthcare, food, living accommodations, and college, a situation which has spurred more than ten million crossings during Biden's tenure alone (a devastating and unprecedented record).  Naturally, this equates to record revenue for the honchos raking in coyote fees and recurring payments; sometimes, the crossers reimburse the cartels by allowing the abuse of their own children.  With the decriminalization of drugs, we've seen open-air drug markets spring up and devour urban centers; expectedly, this demands a product, and more job security for criminal enterprises that deal in fentanyl and illicit drugs.  Read below, from the New York Post this past July:  ["]Honduran migrants have taken over San Francisco's drug market with the aid and blessing of Mexican cartels, according to a new report.["]  Assault after assault against the Second Amendment has disarmed peaceable citizens; but as always, those intent on harming the innocent can still procure a firearm no problem.  Now add to the list, menthol cigarettes, because Biden and the federal government really cares about your health... which is also why they promote bugs as food, plant-based diets, GMOs, "cross-sex" hormones for children, forced the jab, etc.

The US Spent $4.1 Billion on Global LGBT Initiatives.  During the past three fiscal years, $4.1 billion in federal money from taxpayers has flowed to LGBT initiatives in the United States and around the world, an Epoch Times investigation has revealed.  From Oct. 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2023, the U.S. government issued more than 1,100 grants to fund LGBT-promoting projects around the world, according to a review of a federal spending website.  The scope of projects varies widely.  Plans to create a "safe space for LGBTQ youth and adults to seek support and resources" earned a $1.8 million grant from the U.S. government in 2022 for the LGBT Life Center in Norfolk, Virginia.  A proposal for encouraging "diversity, equity, and inclusion in Serbia's workplaces and business communities by promoting economic empowerment of and opportunity for LGBTQI+ people in Serbia" was also a winning plan.  To fund it, the U.S. government awarded Serbian activist group Grupa Izadji a grant of $500,000.

You Have Paid $4.1 Billion to Support LGBTQ Initiatives in Other Countries Thanks to President Biden.  You're paying quite a bit of money to fund LGBTQ initiatives in other countries.  According to a recent report, the Biden administration has been quite generous with your hard-earned cash over the past three years.  The White House has given about $4.1 billion in taxpayer dollars to LGBTQ endeavors in countries like Serbia, Armenia, and several others.

American Jews on the Left Are Just Shocked by Their Fellow Leftists.  Progressive American Jews are shocked by their fellow progressives.  But the only thing that is shocking is their shock.  The Left wing has been calling for an economic boycott of Israel for decades and has labeled Israel an "apartheid" state.  The Left labels America, the most tolerant, multiethnic society in history, "systemically racist."  The Left called for "defunding the police," supports attorneys general who abolish bail for violent criminals, and praised demonstrations against America — including many that included vandalism and violence — for more than half a year.  The Left supports all-black dorms and all-black graduations on college campuses.  The Left has almost destroyed every liberal ideal regarding race.  The University of California, among many other left-wing institutions, has labeled "racist" the liberal ideal of being color-blind, and labeled "racist" the beautiful anti-racist sentiment, "there is only one race, the human race."

Was October 7 an Earthquake for the Democrats?  I see the drag queens, black-masked thugs, and [pink] hat wearing spinsters at every Democrat party event.  I know the Dems are the party of radicals, community organizers, and the occasional posse-organizing bartender.  But there are also a great many average Joes who habitually vote Democrat.  The average Joe is a law-abiding, churchgoing family man who votes Democrat because he wants to make the world better — and has been led to believe that the Dems want that also.  The average Joe:
  •   Wants some social safety nets — but not over $33 trillion of debt.
  •   Wants clean air and water — but not at the expense of worldwide destitution.
  •   Believes that immigration has been good for America — but doesn't support open borders.
  •   Believes in showing tolerance to others — but not the destruction of Judeo-Christian values.
  •   Believes we can improve our society — but not by abandoning our founding principles.
So why does Joe vote for the party of debt, invasion, racism, socialism, and moral relativism?

Carbon Dioxide:  Vital Plant Food.  [Scroll down]  It is bad enough that many of these programs have been built on a false foundation.  In truth, many of them have not been really beneficial.  Large solar farms are built in the desert, but in just a few years, the projects have failed.  Wind turbines wear out, catch fire, and break down totally.  They presently cannot be recycled and must be buried.  The only parts that can be recycled are in the generator.  One city bought several electric buses but in just a short time quit using them as impractical.  Electric vehicles may be practical to drive from home to office and back again, but they are not practical on long trips.  It is necessary to stop every few hours and charge the batteries, and sometimes it is difficult to find a proper charging station.  Those who have lived near the coast have seen their cars flooded with sea water, then their cars caught fire as their batteries shorted out.  Not only that, but the driving range is radically reduced when driving in summer (air-conditioning) or winter (heater).

Carbon Dioxide:  Vital Plant Food.  Carbon dioxide has been called a poison, yet it is actually the sustainer of all life on Earth.  Plants grow from the carbon in carbon dioxide in the air, and animals grow from the carbon in the plants they eat.  So carbon dioxide cannot be a poison.  Turn on the television any day of the week, and there is likely to be some discussion or news about some aspect of energy use.
  •   Everyone needs to buy an electric vehicle.
  •   End the use of fossil fuels by 2035.
  •   Every home with a solar panel (California).
  •   Cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  •   No more coal.
  •   Eliminate the use of natural gas.
  •   No gas stoves.
  •   No gas furnaces.
  •   Battery-powered trucks and buses.
All these programs are based on one important foundation:  the belief that as carbon dioxide levels rise, the earth will get warmer, and will continue to warm until, with positive feedbacks, it burns up with us on it.  Few have ever taken the time to see if the foundation upon which they are operating is actually true.  Few even dare to ask a working scientist for the truth in the matter.  The truth is that carbon dioxide is needed by every plant on the Earth.  Trees, bushes, and plants of all kinds are made mainly of carbon and hydrogen, and the carbon comes from the tiny amount of carbon dioxide that is in the air.

Would The 'Woke' Movement Please Hurry Up And Die Already?  What do we mean by "woke"?  It's the extreme-left mindset encouraged by the "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion" movement, the ugly offspring of Marxism and critical race theory.  Its intent is all-inclusive, covering the entirety of culture, social interactions, and commerce.  Indeed, the movement's ultimate goal is to plant a permanent flag of ideological conquest in your brain so you'll be frightened to transgress even a little bit of the thought boundaries they've set for you.  It's working.  From once-sensible cops in Britain tearing down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas, to Hollywood's awful woke remakes of classic entertainment, to drag queens parading in children's classrooms and events, to our own woke military, "woke" now seems culturally pervasive, almost inescapable.

The DNC Con Job to Come.  Our problems are caused by policies.  These are not Biden-Harris-specific policies; they have become standard-issue, party-platform, shared official policies.  To advocate anything else would get one kicked out of the party.  Both our nation and the entire Western world are suffering from a reduction in current and future output of petroleum, natural gas, and coal — concurrent with a costly explosion of notoriously inefficient wind and solar farms.  That's a shared Democrat policy.  Both our nation and the entire Western world are suffering from an explosion of crime, caused in part by foolish criminal justice policies (denying self-defense to the law-abiding, refusing to execute convicted violent criminals, refusing to control the entry of international crime gangs such as MS-13 and Islamofascist terrorists).  These too are shared Democrat policies.

Joe Biden Isn't 'Managing' Or Confronting Problems.  Joe Biden Is The Problem.  There's a simple pattern that the media follow when covering each new crisis that pops up during Joe Biden's catastrophic presidency:  A calamity occurs either domestically or abroad, and rather than examining the cause, the media instantly frame Biden as a hero at battle. [...] But back to Biden.  He's not confronting or managing a series of events that happened to him.  He and his party actively created them.  Or, at minimum, they created an environment that anyone could have predicted would lead to them.  Russia has long insisted that NATO stop expanding along its border.  The second Biden got into office, he pushed for Ukraine's membership.  Israel had its country under relative control for years right up until Biden's team gifted Iran, the Jewish state's greatest threat, $6 billion worth of goodies.  We were energy independent until Biden said we couldn't be.  The economy was working itself out until Biden and his party thought it would be a good idea to pump hundreds of billions of dollars more into Covid-era welfare ("childcare" and "living assistance").  And let's not start on the electric vehicle scheme, wherein car companies grabbed another round of multi-billion-dollar taxpayer funds, courtesy of Biden, for a product that barely works (and for which manufacturers are now rolling back their production of).

Consequences of American Communism.  My position is quite clear:  this nation is done for. [...] It should be obvious that nearly two-thirds of this nation cannot stand to live with the other third.  There is no compromise on pedophilia, illegal immigration, corruption, spending the people into poverty, controlling the use of gas stoves and etc., but bigger issues are on the horizon and the federal government will not be able to deal with them.  The federal government has become a form of mafia that doesn't put one moment's energy into what the people or the nation want or need.  They see profit for themselves and make laws to satisfy those who will pay them off.  That's a nation with an expiration date and that date is rapidly approaching.

Biden Wants Another $56 Billion in 'Emergency' Spending.  Under the guise of responding to natural disasters, the White House is pushing Congress to approve $56 billion in additional borrowing to fund a wide range of nonemergency spending like broadband internet and humanitarian aid.  Less than half of the $56 billion requested by the Biden administration would be directed toward disaster relief — and only $9 billion would "address ongoing disaster response and recovery efforts," according to a breakdown published by the White House.  The majority of the new spending would be aimed at what the White House calls "critical domestic priorities" like welfare programs, the war on drugs, and government-funded broadband internet.  In other words:  nonemergency line items that could — and should — be decided as part of the regular budget process, not as a supplemental funding bill.

Joe Biden touted as a 'key' figure and a 'wartime' leader?  Ever since Joe Biden took office, he has idiotically said climate change is the greatest existential threat to the U.S. and the world.  Not Iran with its "death to America" pledges, not China with its dystopian communism, American farmland grabs, and land acquisitions near military bases, not North Korea with its nuclear bombs under the control of an unstable leader, not the Mexican cartels and their human butchery.  Nope, the greatest threat is a hypothetical and miniscule temperature increase in the next hundred years or so.  The Biden administration then pretends they can prevent this from happening if they could just stop Americans from using crude oil and gas-powered vehicles and equipment, which greatly rewards China.  Iran and Russia also love this abject ignorance and arrogance, and appreciate Biden's generosity as he has greatly increased the demand for their oil, thus driving up their revenue, which they use to wage war against their enemies.

Phrases that aren't that great:
Phrases that grate.  The phrase "you can't make this up" has become a tiresome incantation, often reflecting bemusement at Biden's petulant policies.  Instead, how about "inexplicable," or "incomprehensible," to succinctly capture his compunction to reverse Trump's America First policies?  Unfortunately, one can make this up because Biden is malevolently mad.  His unfathomable DEI and ESG imperatives are impervious to rationality.

Now All Americans Can See the Insanity of the Biden Energy Strategy.  We've been warning regularly on these pages that the Biden war on American fossil fuels is not just an economic calamity, but a national security threat as well.  We have known for fifty years that terrorist organizations like Hamas are primarily financed with petro-dollars.  Just as Biden has aided and abetted the Russian war machine in Ukraine, he has enriched Middle East oil-producing nations like Iran as well.  Our latest CTUP analysis finds that the reduction in US oil output under Biden from the Trump trend has cost the U.S. roughly $500 million a day.  Much of that money has been transferred week after week from American producers to nations hostile to the U.S. and Israel.

Joe Biden has blown up the world.  On day one of the Biden administration, he canceled the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of skilled workers out of work.  Over the ensuing months, he canceled oil leases, stopped fracking, and drained our strategic oil reserve.  All this was surely intentional; he means to starve the American people of energy, making what is available more expensive by the day.  Like Obama, he means to transform America, and not in a good way.  The most catastrophic stunt Biden pulled was the tragically ill conceived withdrawal from Afghanistan.  He left billions in state-of-the-art military equipment to the Taliban along with the Bagram Air Base, which sits close to China.  Thirteen young American patriots were killed by the sheer ineptitude of their leaders.  This tragic maneuver telegraphed Biden's, and thus America's, weakness to every leader in the world.  Russia thought taking Ukraine's Russian-speaking border regions would be a cakewalk.  Our careless warmongers in the Biden administration thought their puppet-of-the-oligarchs Zelensky would easily defeat Russia with billions of U.S. dollars.  The military complex wanted that war.  All of that went awry.  Here we are a year and a half later; Ukraine has lost half a million people and is still begging for billions more in aid.  None of this would have happened if Trump had been in office.

Obviously Obama never "left off."  He's still pulling the strings.
On Israel, Biden Picks Up Where Obama Left Off.  Secretary of State Antony Blinken contends that Hamas would gain no "greater" victory "than allowing its brutality to send us down a path of terrorism and nihilism.  We must not let it."  You can hear echoes of Barack Obama's insufferable moral equivalencies imbued in that statement.  The contention is a not-so-subtle warning to Israel, who will almost surely enter Gaza and try to dismantle the Hamas terror state — which has been indirectly and directly funded not only by Iran, the European Union, and the United Nations but also by the Obama and Biden administrations.  The insinuation, of course, is that Israel needs to temper its inclination to engage in "terrorism and nihilism."  It is a blood libel.  It is not "terrorism" to seek justice for the pregnant woman who had her baby cut from her body or the elderly couple who was burned alive.  And eliminating those who committed Nazi-like atrocities against your citizens is no more nihilistic than tracking down Eichmann or demanding Emperor Hirohito unconditionally surrender.  Yet, only days after the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, Biden was already lecturing Benjamin Netanyahu on how "democracies like Israel and the United States are stronger and more secure when we act according to the rule of law."  The insinuation, again, is that there is something nefarious about winning a war against those who massacre your citizens.

White House Would Rather Discuss Islamophobia Than Antisemitism.  [Scroll down]  But then there are times when the Biden administration demonstrates all the moral assurance of a blind man on a tightrope.  An exchange of this latter sort occurred on Monday, when White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded to a reporter's question about President Joe Biden's "level of concern right now about the potential rise of antisemitism in light of everything that's going on in Israel."  "Look, we have not seen any credible threats," replied Jean-Pierre.  "I know there's been always [sic] questions about credible threats.  And so, just want to make sure that that's out there."  Having disposed of antisemitism in 27 words, Jean-Pierre pivoted:  "But, look, Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks.  And certainly President Biden understands that many of our Muslim, Arab Americans, and Palestinian American loved ones and neighbors are worried about the hate being directed at their communities.  And that is something you heard the president speak to in his address just last Thursday."  Jean-Pierre spent three more paragraphs morally equating antisemitism and Islamophobia, noting that Biden has directed the Department of Homeland Security "to prioritize prevention and disruption of any emerging threats that could harm the Jewish, the Muslim, Arab Americans or any other communities."

The Editor says...
The White House is firmly on the side of the Muslims because [#1] We are witnessing Obama's third term as president, and [#2] Obama is a Muslim.

In the Mouth of Marxist Madness.  Americans [are] under siege from an Orwellian deep state that manipulates the public by distorting history and undermining the meaning of words.  In a nation that celebrates George Floyd as a hero, clings to the "Hands up, don't shoot" lie as a sacred "truth," and blames Hillary's election loss on Russian bots, propaganda is king.  The U.S. government fights racism by institutionalizing racial preferences.  It supports Black Lives Matter and Antifa domestic terrorists while locking up American patriots as "domestic enemies."  It replaces impartial justice with "social justice" and equality under the law with "equitable" special privileges.  "Climate change" communism kills property rights.  Meme-makers are imprisoned, but Russia collusion hoaxers are not.  Gene-altering serums are called "vaccines."  And generations of judges have replaced the U.S. Constitution with their own postmodern revisions.

How the Inflation Reduction Act Bankrolls EPA Overreach.  The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) offers a master class in implementing expensive, counterproductive, and highly partisan energy policy.  In previous posts, I discussed 1) how the electricity generation subsidies in the IRA could cost taxpayers $2.5 or $3 trillion and 2) why policymakers should remove those subsidies before expanding the high-voltage transmission system.  As we count the reasons why repealing the energy subsidies in the IRA is a good idea, let's also consider their interaction with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) proposed power plant rule.  It is technically true that, as Senator Joe Manchin has said, "[n]either the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law nor the IRA gave new authority to regulate power plant emission standards."  However, the IRA did provide the foundation upon which the EPA has built its power plant regulation by subsidizing the technologies that enable the new standards.  Consequently, lawmakers who oppose the EPA's overreach should consider repealing the energy subsidies in the IRA.

James Biden receives $200k from a failing hospital, then immediately writes a check to Joe for the same amount.  [Scroll down]  I see a lot of efforts from Biden and his party to destroy America, which no one could consider "working for the American people."  Here is a sample:  As soon as Biden took office, he started his war on oil companies.  That sent prices skyrocketing, greatly helping Iran and Russia while greatly harming the American people.  Biden also canceled an American pipeline while lifting sanctions on a Russian pipeline.  Communist China loves the fact that politicians in the U.S. issue diktats, telling their subjects that they will be required to junk their reliable gas-powered vehicles in favor of vehicles powered by minerals that China substantially controls.  Biden reversed President Trump's substantially successful border policies in favor of allowing millions of illegals to flow in every year.  It is not working for Americans to flood the U.S. with mostly unvetted illegals.  It is lawless.  As Fox also reported, the "high migrant numbers" broke multiple records.

Paying for our own destruction.  Democrats want to embark on The Green New Deal, which would likely destroy the economy and fatally bankrupt the nation, all while doing next to nothing to counteract "global warming" or "climate change."  Uncle Sam is paying to fly illegal aliens around the country and put them up in fine hotels — or set them up in apartments and homes, replete with a starter allowance for furnishing them.  The Biden administration left billions and billions of dollars worth of top-shelf military equipment in Afghanistan, to the amazement and delight of the Taliban.  Some of which has apparently now been funneled to the likes of Hamas and Hezbollah.  It has deliberately devastated our domestic energy sector and drained down our strategic oil reserve at a time when multiple conflicts rock the world.  Incredibly, we now go begging for oil from the hated Russians (who are at war with Ukraine) — and Saudi Arabia — when we were energy independent just three short years ago.

Where There is No Respect for Life, Evil Flourishes.  The loss of respect for life has also begun to dramatically infiltrate the American ruling elites and the overall society as over the past two decades the following, previously unthinkable, changes have occurred within the United States:
  •   Unfettered abortion up to the point of birth and post-birth infanticide has become a policy position of the Democrat Party.
  •   Euthanasia is openly discussed and supported by an ever-growing (73%) segment of the population.
  •   Sexually confused teens are being coerced into mutilation and permanent disfigurement in order to appease the gods of transgenderism, accompanied by an unabashed campaign to legalize pedophilia.
  •   A significant plurality of Americans is demanding the censorship, imprisonment, and persecution of their political adversaries while they, and recent Islamic immigrants, are openly supporting and justifying the slaughter of Jews by Hamas.
  •   Tribalism has been mainstreamed and with it the belief that certain ethnicities or races are inferior to others and also responsible for society's ills, therefore, they are deserving of disrespect, abuse and discrimination.
The path the United States is presently traveling will inevitably lead to the darkening shadow of unfettered evil descending upon the land leading to national self-destruction.

The Cult of Personality Will Destroy This Country.  We like to blame what Elon Musk calls the 'Woke Mind Virus' for most of our ills, and surely 'defund the police,' 'open the borders,' 'make it legal to poop on sidewalks,' 'decriminalize crime,' and other loony woke ideas are causing great harm, but understand that the 'woke' represent a very small percentage of the public.  The woke like to pretend that the word 'woke' is something the political right highjacked, but that has no real meaning.  Let me define the term.  Woke is the ability to see oppression where it does not exist.  The woke then wish to eliminate oppression, even where there is none, leading to all kinds of horrendous policies.  Ask yourself how it is that policies supported by a small fraction of the public — not even supported by the majority of the party pushing them — are rapidly becoming the laws of the land.

Absolutely not.  But if he wants billions to fly them all to Argnetina or New Guinea, I'm all for it.
Joe Biden Demands Billions to Fly, Bus More Migrants into U.S. Communities.  President Joe Biden's deputies are asking Congress for $14 billion extra to help bus illegal migrants up to the U.S. border and onward into hotels in many cities and towns around the nation.  The request is being touted as "border security" even though very few funds would be used to exclude economic migrants.  For example, Biden's deputies have ushered more than 300,000 economic migrants through the U.S. border in September alone.  The 2023 inflow has added up to roughly 2.5 million, not counting legal migrants and temporary workers.

The road ahead for Israel, America, and everyone else.  President Biden left Israel Wednesday [10/18/2023] after publicly instructing Jerusalem to show restraint in their expected ground invasion of Gaza, while privately reportedly giving the Israelis more wiggle room to get the job done.  Now, even meaningless moral virtue signaling is pretty rich coming from the guy whose administration is responsible for the horrendously botched withdrawal from Afghanistan (despite it being absolutely necessary), the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline, and other incidents that helped to spark a variety of global crises.  Nonetheless, it appears pretty clear that despite the Biden "bear hug" smothering routine, Israel intends on following through with its mission to severely limit the operational capability of Hamas, the terrorist group responsible for the October 7 massacre of over 1,300 Israelis.

Biden Administration Now Wants to Ban Furnaces.  In an attempt to force Americans to conserve energy, the Department of Energy is banning a whole class of popular furnaces, eventually raising heating costs and reducing product choices for families and businesses alike.  And it is using an outdated law to give itself the authority to do so.  While the DOE did recognize many of the comments that I submitted arguing against its attempt to regulate gas furnaces, it did little more than brush them off.  Unfortunately, higher costs and less choice won't be so easy for American families and businesses to ignore.  Furthermore, the DOE relied on outdated congressional authority to devise its final rule, and the law itself doesn't require the department to tighten standards for gas furnaces when there is no good reason for it to do so (and there isn't).  The new rule does not simply alter standards; it would effectively remove a technology from the marketplace and reduce competition.

If you're tempted to think the government cares about you...  Does anybody really believe that Biden cared whether the taxpayers have to pay $60 or $100 per barrel to refill the strategic petroleum reserve that he tapped to buy votes?  After all, it was his energy policies that jacked up the cost of gas and diesel, not the Russians or the supply chain disruption.  Does anyone believe that Biden cares whether taxpayers have to pay off $100 billion or one trillion in debt that he dictatorially is forgiving?  The government didn't care when colleges jacked up their costs much faster than inflation and now wants other people to pay off the debts that students ran up.  Is that fair?  The Democrats intentionally lied when they passed the falsely named inflation reduction act that they pretended would not only be paid for, but would reduce the deficit and reduce inflation.  The goal of the act was to buy votes and establish a slush fund for radical green pushers.

Report: Biden's HHS Imposes Gender Identity Pronoun Mandate on Employees.  President Joe Biden's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is ordering its employees to defy biological reality by referring to transgender coworkers by their "preferred pronouns."  The HHS, which employs approximately 80,000 people in the United States and abroad, imposed its new "Gender Identity and Non-Discrimination Guidance" late last week, which outlines "employee rights and protections related to gender identity," according to an alleged HHS email sent to employees and obtained by Catholic News Agency (CNA).

New York gas stove ban heats up as gas and construction groups file federal lawsuit.  A group of gas and construction trade groups filed a federal lawsuit Thursday challenging the legality of New York's ban on gas stoves and furnaces in new residential buildings in a move to challenge Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul's push for green energy.  The case was filed by the National Association of Home Builders and the National Propane Gas Association, among others and names the New York Department of State as a defendant on the lawsuit.  The lawsuit alleges that New York does not have the legal ability to enforce the gas stove ban because a preexisting federal law, called the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) of 1975, already regulates energy use policies.

Federal Lawsuit Filed Over New York State Ban on Gas Stoves That Democrats Said Wasn't Happening.  Remember the stupid ban on gas stoves?  The one that Democrats insisted wasn't happening?  Two professional groups have just filed a federal lawsuit over the ban in New York, claiming that the state doesn't have the authority to put such a ban in place.  There needs to be more legal action like this.  Democrats are out of bounds on this issue.

A gander at Joe Biden's executive orders tells us a lot about his presidency.  As of May 9, 2023 President Biden has signed 115 executive orders.  Here a few of them:  Executive Order 13985 — Advances racial equity and support for underserved communities through the federal government.  This is unconstitutional discrimination based on racial identity and not character and competence of the individual so it is a blatantly unconstitutional racist executive order.  Executive Order 13988 — Designed to prevent and combat discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.  It is one thing to tolerate adult gays, bisexuals, and transgenders but it is another to prove discrimination by heterosexuals and punish them for it.  Who will determine whether the discrimination was based on character and competence and not gender identity or sexual orientation?  Thus, this is an unenforceable order which may sound O.K. in theory but in practice is not enforceable.

Democrats' extremism, incivility, gaslighting precludes civil response.  Many people wonder why today, as opposed to even the recent past, the political parties can no longer be civil to — or even tolerate one another.  Well, the reason for that is that the Democrat party has become so extreme and moved so far left that it is no longer possible for a sane person to agree with them.  Today's Democrats bear little resemblance to those of the Truman or even Kennedy eras.  They are not just economic Marxists believing in equality of outcome, but cultural Marxists who wish to deny and/or destroy all that came before them, including the very concept of men and women.  Not content with even this, they boldly attempt to impose their ideas — and will — on everyone else.  They want equity of beliefs and values, as long as those beliefs and values are their own.  It is one thing to believe in somewhat bigger government and higher taxes, quite another to believe that baby-killing should be enshrined as the law of the land and that men can become women just by saying so.

Joe Biden is adamant that you pay other people's student loans.  Hey there, hardworking plumber, auto mechanic, nursing aide, dutiful married couple parents, and others of your ilk struggling to live within your income while faithfully paying your bills, your debts, maybe even loans — President Joe Biden (Democrat) thinks you're a fool!  A sucker!  Okay, okay, he didn't actually say that today, but that was definitely implied as he triumphantly announced a further expansion of canceling college student loan debt.

The 'McHenry Kicks Pelosi out' Story Gets Even More Amusing.  We wrote earlier about how one of the first orders of business for speaker pro tempore Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) in the aftermath of the House's ousting of Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as Speaker was to notify former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that she needed to immediately remove her things and vacate her hideaway office.  Also, according to reports, an email sent from a House Administration Committee aide indicated the room was being redesignated "for speaker office use."  Naturally, the move prompted some wailing from Pelosi, who proclaimed that the decision was "a sharp departure from tradition."  It was kind of an ironic statement to make considering, as my colleague Bonchie noted, ousting a House Speaker — which Pelosi's fellow Democrats ultimately supported even after she allegedly told McCarthy prior to him becoming Speaker she would push back against such a move — is quite a departure from tradition as well.

The Editor says...
Let's review:  A wide-open Mexican border, multi-trillion-dollar deficits, abortion on demand, forced vaccinations, men pretending to be women, men in the women's restrooms, mail-in ballots (with no evidence they were really mailed) counted days after election day, legalized marijuana, assisted suicide, gun control, an obviously corrupt and venal president, crime without punishment, a lesbian Senator who resides in Maryland representing California, electric cars, windmills and solar panels instead of coal and natural gas, defunding the police — nearly everything in the Socialist Democrats' platform is "a sharp departure from tradition."

Biden Administration Forces Transgender Orthodoxy in Workplaces.  The Biden administration seeks to force transgender orthodoxy on ordinary Americans via its Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).  The EEOC aims to weaponize a federal law prohibiting harassment on the basis of sex in the workplace by forbidding employers to believe that biological sex can not be altered due to one's self-identification, according to a report by the Daily Signal.  The federal agency published a proposed rule for workplace harassment Monday, citing the Supreme Court's decision in Bostock v.  Clayton County, which states, "sex-based discrimination includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity."

The Specter of Permanent Democrat Rule.  In today's House and Senate, nine members call themselves socialists.  Article VI, Clause 3 of the Constitution explicitly makes them ineligible to serve.  Another 15 members publicly lean socialist but do not declare themselves, probably for electability reasons.  In total, 102 representatives are members of the Democrat Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC).  Might you think that many of these are socialists in sheep's clothing?  Read the following and decide for yourself: ["]The CPC advocates a universal, high-quality, Medicare for All health care system, living wage laws, reductions in military expenditures, a crackdown on corporate greed, putting an end to mass incarceration, supporting and implementing swift measures to start reversing climate change, immigration policies that are humane, and reparations.["] [...] We are 35 years into the takeover of the Democrat party by world socialism and the World Economic Forum.  This Marxist front organization guides the world within its many bodies toward one-world government.  Ultra-left Rep. Pramila Jayapal is their caucus leader.

Democrats Use Issues to Push for Total Control.  In polling, Democrat voters rank climate change as an important issue, but less important than health care, education, and abortion rights.  Transgenderism is well down the list of voter priorities.  Transgenderism and climate change are problematic issues.  Men cannot become women and women cannot become men.  Gender is not a social construct, but a physical reality.  No matter how often you assert the opposite, it will not become true.  Likewise climate change.  "Everyone" knows that man-made climate change is destroying the planet.  The "entire" scientific community is united in agreement.  Both of these statements are false, but they are never debated.  The science upon which climate catastrophe assertions are based is not settled.  Just ask Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser, who was recently cancelled for undermining the supposed monolithic climate orthodoxy.  Why are these two issues, each with a questionable foundation in reality, at the forefront of Democrat activism?

Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act committed more than $100 million to promote 'tree equity'.  The "climate change" (uh huh, sure) picture is clear:  the transfer of wealth (to them and away from us), and an attack against nature and sensibility. [...] Leave it up to federal bureaucrats to argue that high crime rates are simply because criminals don't have access to trees, having nothing whatsoever to do with the procrime policies of the Democrat politicians in these concrete jungles with minority neighborhoods.  Who knew?

Biden Forest Service Hands Out Over $100 Million To Advance 'Tree Equity'.  "Tree Equity" is a term first coined by American Forests, a conservation nonprofit, that blames the lack of trees in minority neighborhoods on "redlining and other discriminatory policies," according to the organization's website.  The Forest Service argues on its website that planting trees will reduce crime and improve health outcomes.  The grants are funded through the Inflation Reduction Act, Biden's signature climate law.  While trees cover nearly half of Atlanta, the most coverage in the nation according to Trees Atlanta, the Forest Service approved a grant to the city for $10 million to "address issues related to tree equity" and develop a "sustainable, diverse nature-based workforce." Similarly, San Francisco had 14,543 trees per square mile as of 2021, and the Forest Service allocated $14 million to plant more trees this year, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.

Biden Admin Releases Most Restrictive Offshore Oil And Gas Drilling Plan In US History.  The Biden administration on Friday unveiled the most restrictive offshore oil and gas five-year leasing program in history.  The Department of the Interior (DOI) announced the plan, which allows for three offshore oil and gas lease sales through 2029, with sales in 2025, 2027 and 2029.  That schedule represents the lowest number of sales that the administration could have pursued while maintaining its ability to push offshore wind development under provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and it is the "smallest number of oil and gas lease sales in history," according to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.  "The Biden-Harris administration is committed to building a clean energy future that ensures America's energy independence," Haaland said of the schedule's release.

Dealing with Consequences.  [Scroll down]  Consider the crime wave that is currently ruining cities with Democrat mayors.  Far-left Soros funded district attorneys such as Alvin Bragg and Chelsa Boudin and George Gascón have made the decision to not prosecute criminals.  As a consequence, crime is rampant and 'Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety' are nonexistent.  To say that Biden has removed our opportunity to vote on his decisions concerning his policies would be a major understatement.  But that's only half the story.  Biden is trying to create a consequence-free society.  Decisions have consequences in the real world, but not in Biden-world.  Making decisions without consequences is simply not possible.  Every decision has consequences, be they favorable or unfavorable, expected or not, intended or unintended, or some combination thereof.

Cloward-Piven Strategy:  Its hellish culmination is nearly here.  The goal is to foist us into an economic crisis leading to the collapse of the United States as well as capitalism.  A two-class system will then rise out of the ashes — one rich and one poor.  The devastation will lead to the poor begging for the rich-in-charge (also known as the government, the global elites, the Democratic Party and the liberal left) to save them.  Therein lies our nation's conversion to socialism and enslavement.  Simplified further, the three-step process reads like this:  Overwhelm the nation.  Do it all at once.  Then prepare for the collapse of the United States.  The strategy relies on uncontrolled spending, massive debt and the distribution of entitlements.  It is the reason the United States continues to financially support Ukraine, leaving us with $30 trillion in debt while illegal migrants flood our border.  It was also the reason for the COVID lockdowns and unending state of fear that had many thanking the federal government for the meager handouts they were given.

Slouching Towards 1984.  [Scroll down]  Leftists seek to decarbonize the worldwide energy system — thus intentionally destroying a highly effective, proven, and safe energy production and distribution system that has lifted millions around the world out of poverty.  This system was refined and incrementally improved over time.  The Left wants to replace this system with technologies that are neither currently effective, proven, nor safe and although inchoate are expected to emerge fully formed — meaning that once implemented technological advancement will be more difficult and expensive.  The U.S. already spends billions in order to end up further behind where we are now from an energy, industrial output and standard of living perspective.  The planners are talking about required reductions in energy consumption, automotive miles traveled, airplane miles traveled and consumption of energy intensive foodstuffs — thus destroying our wealth and reducing the quality of life.

Radical Democrats' greatest fears are religion, truth, honesty, and integrity.  Our nation's first president, George Washington, predicted what could happen.  His fears described how an unprincipled group of men and women would take over a political party and subvert the Constitution.  Radical "activists" including communists, socialists, Marxists, progressives, LGBTQ++, and haters of religion and family, have adopted the Democrat party as their vehicle of choice.  They have coalesced with naive political leaders and the media.  They are now using this power to destroy America's culture.  Deviant thinking seeks to replace absolute truth with ever-changing concepts of identity, whims, and moods.  News organizations, social media, and politics have knowing or unknowingly spread their identity to create a godless culture.

House approves bill striking down Biden's crackdown on hunting and archery in overwhelmingly bipartisan vote.  The House voted late Tuesday evening in favor of legislation striking down the Biden administration's decision to block federal funding for school shooting sports courses.  In a 424-1 vote, the House approved the Protecting Hunting Heritage and Education Act with 216 Republicans and 208 Democrats voting in favor, and just one lawmaker, Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, voting against.  Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., introduced the bill on Aug. 1, days after a Fox News Digital report in late July revealed the Department of Education was withholding funds for school hunting and archery courses.  "Hunters and fishers are the best conservationists," Green told Fox News Digital after the vote Tuesday.

Synopsis:  The government is creating 20,000 do-nothing jobs for minorities.
Biden's climate corps will hire 'diverse generation' of 20,000 Americans to 'tackle climate change'; no work experience required.  President Biden is planning to sign an executive order Wednesday to establish a federal workforce training and service initiative as part of his administration's efforts to fight climate change.  Biden's so-called American Climate Corps will, according to the White House, mobilize "a new, diverse generation" of more than 20,000 Americans who will be trained and put to work on conservation, clean energy and environmental justice projects.  The ultimate goal of the program is to pave the way for members of the corps to find jobs in the public and private sector.  "The American Climate Corps is a new initiative that will... work on a wide range of projects that tackle climate change — including restoring coastal wetlands to protect communities from storm surges and flooding, deploying clean energy, managing forests to improve health and prevent catastrophic wildfires, implementing energy efficient solutions to cut energy bills for hardworking families, and more," the White House said.

Biden admin unleashes 50-year mining, oil drilling ban across thousands of acres in New Mexico.  The Biden administration proposed to block of thousands of acres from future oil drilling or mining in northern New Mexico in an effort to protect Native American lands.  According to the Department of the Interior (DOI), the proposal would ban new mining claims and oil and gas development across more than 4,200 acres in Sandoval County, New Mexico, located north of Albuquerque.  If finalized and implemented, the action would remain in place for up to 50 years.  "Today we're responding to call from Tribes, elected leaders, and community members who want to see these public lands protected," Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement.  "We look forward to hearing more from the public to inform decisions about how activities, like gravel mining, may impact these lands, including the important cultural and natural resources."

Biden Moves Closer to Martial Law with Executive Order Creating a Civilian 'Climate' Army.  When Americans quickly needed to raise an army to fight the Nazis during World War II, the first place they turned was to the young men who had been trained in discipline and military skills a decade earlier as part of the Civilian Conservation Corps.  With radical socialists now anticipating the declaration of a "climate emergency" that will supersede the normal elections process next year, likely triggering a massive public uprising and the declaration of martial law, the recent failures of an F-35 stealth fighter may have the government worried that its fleet of artificial-intelligence piloted drones may not be enough to get the job done.  Meanwhile, federal defense-spending dollars are all being rerouted to Ukraine or to helping military members fund medical procedures like abortions and transgender surgeries.  And recruitment in several military branches may be at their lowest levels in decades, at least.

Joe Biden to Announce Executive Level Gun Control Office.  President Joe Biden will announce the Office of Gun Violence Prevention on Friday and the new office will be coordinated with Mike Bloomberg gun control proponents and others.  According to the Washington Post, "The new office will report up through Stefanie Feldman, the White House staff secretary and a longtime Biden policy aide who has worked on the firearms issue for years."  Coordination in the office is expected between the "White House, the Community Justice Action Fund and Everytown for Gun Safety."  Shannon Watts, a Mike Bloomberg affiliate who founded Moms Demand Action, praised the creation of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention, saying, "If this announcement is, in fact, the creation of a single point of leadership on gun violence in the administration, it's a very big deal for the movement."

Why are Democrats/Socialists/Communists pushing transgender ideology so hard, especially on children?  In short, it is because Communist countries already practice totalitarian control over their people, while far-Leftists/wannabe — Communists in the West are endeavoring to achieve that level of control.  By brainwashing people, starting with very young children, into questioning their gender and trying to eliminate the concepts of "Mother" and "Father," "Boys" and "Girls," the Leftists in America are working to destroy the "nuclear family" which is the basis for freedom and democracy, as well as free- market Capitalism.  As German socialist philosopher Friedrich Engles once said: "The male-dominated nuclear family is essential for Capitalism."

RFK Jr says he would ban fracking in 10-point plan to tackle plastics pollution.  Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while announcing his 10-point plan to end the plastics pollution crisis, said he would ban fracking.  The process of fracking involves high pressure injections of liquid into underground rocks and layers to open fissures and extract oil or gas.  The United Nations says each year, 19-23 million tons of plastic waste leaks into waterways, polluting rivers, seas, and lakes.

Markey, Ocasio-Cortez ask Biden to create Civilian Climate Corps by executive order.  Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), two of Congress's most vocal proponents for aggressive climate action, on Monday called for President Biden to establish a Civilian Climate Corps (CCC).  The CCC had been a key element in early versions of the Build Back Better Act, the sweeping environmental and infrastructure bill.  It was not ultimately included in the slimmed-down Inflation Reduction Act, which nonetheless was the largest climate bill in U.S. history.  Biden was a vocal backer of the CCC early in his presidency, comparing it to the Civilian Conservation Corps introduced during the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  The original legislation called for $10 billion to launch the program.

Joe Biden to Announce Executive Level Gun Control Office.  President Joe Biden will announce the Office of Gun Violence Prevention on Friday and the new office will be coordinated with Mike Bloomberg gun control proponents and others.  According to the Washington Post, "The new office will report up through Stefanie Feldman, the White House staff secretary and a longtime Biden policy aide who has worked on the firearms issue for years."  Coordination in the office is expected between the "White House, the Community Justice Action Fund and Everytown for Gun Safety."

Mark Levin's The Democrat Party Hates America.  Once again, Mark Levin has done a great service to the Republic by writing a fully documented, highly pointed book on a topic of vital national interest.  Published today by the Threshold Editions imprint of Simon & Schuster, The Democrat Party Hates America is required reading for anyone who follows politics in America.  That most assuredly includes those who identify as Democrats, though most will shun the book because it is too much of a challenge to their sense of self-worth and virtue.  For the few who have the courage to read it, the book will be a revelation.  I make no secret that I was born into a family of active Democrats, and until reality intruded well into adulthood, I shared that political attachment.  I have since regarded it as a mistaken affiliation, but after reading this book I now have a sense a shame.  If it is widely enough read, and I predict that it will be a runaway best-seller, the book will change the way the public understands one of our two major political parties, forever tainting the Democrats for the racism, hypocrisy, lack of principle, and sheer ruthless pursuit of power at any cost that have permeated their party throughout its history.

The Democrat Party Is Stripped Naked In Mark Levin's Astonishing Bestseller.  Mark Levin has authored 10 bestselling books over the past 16 years related to politics, current events, and policy issues.  His latest book, The Democrat Party Hates America lays out a devastating argument that the Democratic Party is responsible for much of the division the country faces today.  But Levin demonstrates this is nothing new for the Democrats because its very origin was predicated on hatred.  Levin provides a detailed history of the Democratic Party since the Civil War and its shifting positions and language over time.  He observes party leaders like Barack Obama and Joe Biden have mastered political tactics to gain power while attacking, demonizing and even imprisoning critics.  At its core, the book warns of the longstanding Democrat embrace of hatred as its center, from Slavery to Marxism.

While Using Drag Queens for Recruitment, Woke General Milley Hotly Denies That Military Is Woke.  The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark "Thoroughly Modern" Milley, who apparently wears a medal on his chest for every military disaster he's overseen, bristles at claims that on his watch, the U.S. military has become woke, soft, and distracted from its actual purpose.  The uber-woke general claims that he's "not even sure what that word truly means" — that is, "woke" — and that the United States military is fearsome, powerful, and ready for anything.  And it's true, as long as the Chinese or Russians send an army of drag queens to confront us.

Biden Will Veto Military Pay Raise Because It Doesn't Cater to Climate Change, Transgenders Enough.  Since day one in office, President Joe Biden has advanced policies that weaken America's military and distract from its core mission of protecting the nation.  Biden has continually proposed cuts to the defense budget while sending hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine.  The president has also tried to politicize America's armed forces and cater to those who are transgender, pro-abortion, or radical climate change activists.  This week, the White House announced Biden will veto a GOP bill that includes military pay raises for soldiers should it pass. [...] "If the president were presented with H.R. 4365, he would veto it.," the White House said in a press release, pointing to the lack of Left-wing agenda items such as diversity initiatives, abortion, transgender issues, and climate change.

Gotham's Airheaded Carbon Law.  On Earth Day 2019, then-mayor Bill de Blasio signed the Climate Mobilization Act (Local Law 97) into law, heralding a Green New Deal for New York City.  The measure, committing the city to full carbon neutrality by 2050, represented the most aggressive urban climate-change plan in America.  Its centerpiece provision seeks to cut greenhouse-gas emissions from buildings, a source that constitutes two-thirds of the city's total emissions.  "In one of the great coastal cities of the world, there's a lot we have to do to make sure that life in 2050 will be livable," preached the mayor.  Local Law 97 won't make life in New York more livable in 2050.  On the contrary, starting next year, when its harsh penalties take effect, the law will further raise costs in the world's priciest housing market, force middle-income New Yorkers to subsidize green industries, and — by discouraging newcomers and driving away existing residents — displace emissions to less carbon-efficient jurisdictions.  In exchange for nearly three decades of New York sacrifices, LL97 will reduce global climate emissions by an infinitesimal amount.

What the Left Did to Our Country.  [Scroll down]  They launched a base attack on the American legal system.  Supreme Court judges are libeled, their houses swarmed, and their lives threatened with impunity.  The Left promised to pack the court or to ignore any decision it resents.  The media runs hit pieces on any conservative justice deemed too influential.  The prior Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer whipped up a mob outside the court's doors, and threatened two justices by name.  As Schumer presciently put it, they would soon "reap the whirlwind" of what they supposedly had sowed and thus would have no idea what was about to "hit" them.  Under the pretense of Covid fears, balloting went from 70 percent participation on election day in most states to a mere 30 percent.  Yet the rates of properly rejected illegal or improper ballots often dived by a magnitude of ten.  Assaults now followed on hallowed processes, laws, customs, and institutions — the Senate filibuster, the 50-state union, the Electoral College, the nine-justice Supreme Court, Election Day, and voter IDs.

"Who Is Biden Working For?" Admin Under Fire For 'Illegal, Reckless' Cancellation Of Alaska Oil Leases.  After canceling the Keystone XL pipeline project, draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to dangerously low levels (some of which was sold to a Hunter Biden-linked Chinese energy giant), and vowing "no more oil drilling" on US soil while America's geopolitical adversaries — two of whom paid his family handsomely — beef up their own energy independence, the Biden administration has done it again.  Last week the regime confirmed that it will cancel seven controversial oil and gas leases in an area of Alaska known as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), which were legally awarded from a 2021 sale.

Are You Better Off Today Than You Were Four Years Ago?  Another metric is food inflation as all Americans need to purchase and consume food.  Food inflation currently sits at 4.9 percent compared to 1.8 percent four years ago.  It has more than doubled in the past four years, with no sign of slowing down.  At a macroeconomic level, is our national debt higher or lower compared to four years ago?  In 2022, the national debt was $30.8 trillion.  Four years ago in 2018 it was $21.4 trillion.  In four short years it increased by almost $10 trillion.  It took America until 2008 to even reach $10 trillion in debt and in four short years we added 230 years' worth of debt to our ledger.  That's what America owes.  How about what America spends?  The annual U.S. budget deficit was $665 billion in 2017, rising to $2,772 [billion] in 2021.  This is more than a fourfold increase in spending money we don't have.  Budget deficits used to be measured in the billions.  Under Biden they are in the trillions.

A gun grab to test the waters.  Democrats are testing the waters for a national gun grab.  On Friday in New Mexico, the governor, a Second Amendment foe, tried to take legal guns away from one of her cities. [...] Let no one be fooled:  This is Step One to see if Americans are paying attention and if they have the stones to fight back.  If they are not and don't, this will go national and the Second Amendment will fall.  Democrats are clever.  They won't try this in a large, populous city with national attention.  They will try dying a corner of the fabric first to see if the color is good for the whole garment.  It seems the Guv got national attention anyway, probably because of the outrageousness of the grab.  Our Constitution is a paper document with nothing to protect it from being burned to ashes.  Unless the People rise up against this gun grab, the rest of us will be forever unprotected against what has become The Beast that is governmental overreach.

Democrats' 2024 Magic Bullet:  Mass Mail-In Voting.  What do you do, as a political operative, when your party's candidate doesn't appear to be physically well enough to endure a national presidential campaign?  When your candidate struggles with prepared remarks, trips on stairs, and cannot make it through a campaign event without uttering major gaffes?  When your candidate, simultaneous to the problems stated above, is unable to answer basic questions about a myriad of family scandals that allegedly involve millions of dollars funneling into family bank accounts from foreign entities?  When your candidate is not even able to point to a track record of success on the economy, the security of our southern border, or unifying the nation?  You find a bulletproof way to win, anyway.  And the Democrats just may have found it: mass mail-in voting.

White House:  Funds for Maui and Florida to be withheld unless Congress approves more money for Ukraine.  White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre suggested on Wednesday that much-needed disaster relief for Florida's hurricane victims and those in Maui who were devastated by the raging wildfire could be withheld unless Congress approves another $24 billion to aid Ukraine's military.  "[Republican Florida] Sen. Rubio, whose state is recovering from [Hurricane] Idalia, says the $16 billion in additional disaster relief should be decoupled from the additional funding [sic] for Ukraine.  Of course, that's part of their request which seems to be opposed by many Republicans," a reporter began during Wednesday's briefing.  "Is the administration willing to separate these requests and seek the FEMA disaster aid independently to ensure it gets to the hurricane victims [and] Hawaii wildfire victims as quickly as possible or do you see that these things have to be grouped together for the request?"

Biden Launches Nationwide Workforce Initiative — for Illegal Aliens.  President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has launched a nationwide workforce initiative that seeks to funnel millions of border crossers and illegal aliens into United States jobs — even as the labor force participation rate for Americans continues to decline.  On Wednesday, Biden's DHS announced "a first-of-its-kind national campaign" to make millions of border crossers and illegal aliens, who have been released into the U.S. interior, aware that they are eligible for work permits to take American jobs.

Biden's Declaration of War on Domestic Political Enemies.  Taking a page from former Chinese leader Mao Zedong's book about the suppression of political enemies in order to maintain control, Joe Biden has declared war on his own domestic political enemies.  Thanks to two decades of Democrats corrupting the nation's intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies, the awesome powers of the surveillance state have been turned from a focus on overseas threats to an ever-evolving characterization (by Democrat prosecutors and the US Dept of Justice) of "domestic terrorists."  Meanwhile, the Democrats' Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs are the vanguard of the American version of Mao's Cultural Revolution in the streets.

Biden's brain, mind, behavior, and character.  [Scroll down]  Biden had campaigned on green energy proposals toward America's shift to solar, wind, and electric-powered vehicles.  However, his abrupt, aggressive rejection of all fossil fuels, industries and pipelines was impulsive.  It hurt America because no gradual plan for such change to a higher and effective percentage of renewable energy was implemented.  In addition, gas and petroleum products and energy sources are impossible to forever be shut down.  Electric cars require fossil fuels for electricity that supports their operation.  Medical equipment and implements require oil-based plastic products, as do fertilizers and wrappings for meats and other foods.  Cold winters require natural gas and heating oil.  In addition, America has made huge progress in clean fossil fuel energy production and utilization via internal combustion engine technology.

Team Biden Continues Two-Pronged Assault on 2nd Amendment and Small Businesses.  The commie puppet masters who run Joe Biden's brain have made no secret of their contempt for the Second Amendment and law-abiding American gun owners.  They've had their senile mouthpiece babbling about "assault weapons" almost from the moment he was installed in the Oval Office.  Democrats don't have a lot of luck with sweeping gun control legislation for a couple of reasons.  First, they keep passing laws that make gun owners who have adhered to the law criminals overnight.  These laws eventually find their way to a judge or a court that says, "Yeah... no."  The other reason — and this is the big one — is that there are a lot of Democrats who own guns and are fond of their Second Amendment rights.  Most of them are in flyover country, which is why a lot of the D.C. Dems are out of touch with reality.

Biden cancels more student debt:  President wipes $72 million from 2,300 borrowers from online Ashford University.  The Biden administration is canceling $72 million in student loans for 2,300 borrowers who say they were cheated by Ashford University, a former for-profit college that was purchased by the University of Arizona in 2020.  The Education Department announced the action Wednesday, saying it will seek to recoup the money from the University of Arizona.

Biden admin mulls more intervention in the market with new overtime pay 'rules'.  Now, the Biden administration is mulling more intervention in the market, and wants to hike the threshold for overtime pay. [...] Does anyone truly believe that these regulations will help productivity, or that costs won't spiral out of control?  I am sure rising costs will help the poor and seniors on fixed incomes be able to afford their necessities.  It's as if we have a bunch of economic illiterates running the asylum in D.C. who think they have to regulate everything.  They must be voted out or they will never stop.

What squirrely priorities these people have!
Pentagon Officials Worked To Finalize Climate Plan During Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, Emails Show.  In the midst of the Biden administration's disastrous military withdrawal from Afghanistan, top Pentagon officials were working to get the Secretary of Defense to sign a major climate change initiative, according to emails obtained by The Daily Wire.  In the two weeks between the fall of Kabul to the Taliban on August 15, 2021, and the final U.S. military flight out of Afghanistan on August 30, Pentagon officials were scrambling with the White House to finalize the Department of Defense Climate Adaptation Plan, a document that declares climate change a major national security risk.  The emails indicate frustration from climate change-focused Pentagon officials at the difficulty of getting the plan signed — but that ultimately their determination to focus on climate change even during the Afghanistan withdrawal paid off.  Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin signed the climate initiative on September 1, just six days after 13 Americans were killed by a Taliban suicide bomber.

A Silly Scheme by Green Zealots to Appease the Global Warming Gods?  As the Biden administration moves toward vastly increasing carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems as a means of reaching the chimerical goal of Net Zero America, that is, net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, the Satartia disaster should serve as a warning.  The government has allocated $10 billion for CCS projects, besides grants, funds, and tax credits.  CCS involves capturing CO2 from industrial and other sources, compressing it, and conveying it via pipelines for storage in underground geological formations and disused oil wells.  Or, it might be used for forcing out more oil from active wells, as Denbury is doing.  As you can imagine, this would involve a huge grid:  a Princeton study envisages 65,000 miles of pipelines carrying CO2 across America by 2050.  The trunk lines will be four feet in diameter.  Currently, there are 50 pipelines — about 5,000 miles — transporting 70 million tons of CO2 annually for enhanced oil extraction.  Developers are now seeking permits for multi-state CCS projects that will ferry CO2 from ethanol plants in the Midwest through some 3,500 miles of pipeline.  All this could be at great risk to the ecology, besides exposing numerous human habitations to Satartia-like accidents.

Colorado Dems Go Full Commie, Choose Open Marxist Who Calls for Cultural Revolution for State House Seat.  Just in case you have any lingering doubt about what the Democrats plan to inflict upon America, consider the case of Tim Hernández, whom Colorado party apparatchiks have just selected to fill a vacant state House seat in the Denver area.  The charming Hernández is an open and proud Marxist, frequently rails against "Whiteness," and has called for a "FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution."  He is also, of course, a schoolteacher, busy raising up new cadres of Bolsheviks to bring about the revolution he desires.  Every Marxist revolution in history has been accompanied by appalling bloodlust; if Hernández ever gets what he wants, Coloradans can't say they didn't see it coming.

Barack Obama the Vindictive Enforcer.  [Scroll down]  Let's face it: it is highly unlikely Joe Biden came up with the idea to cut open Trump's border wall in Arizona.  Nor is it likely that the guy who couldn't find his way to a podium accomplished the goal of abandoning U.S. soldiers Benghazi-style or haphazardly arming the Taliban with billions of dollars in military war weaponry.  Every policy decision, from the diminishing supply chain to destroying energy independence to the economic crippling of the middle class to the devastating invasion at the border to the vaccine mandates, hints at the forced exoneration of Obama's hurt feelings — on steroids.  Then add to the equation the travelers aboard Biden's clown car, which include Giggles Harris, Sniffles Hunter, and the esteemed Dr. Jill.  And if that motley crew being within a mile of the nuclear codes isn't scary enough, what's even more disturbing is how everyone who dared question the 2020 election is being tarred; feathered; disgraced, and primed for political, professional, and in Trump's case literal gallows.

Quit Aiming for the Ankles.  On August 1, the Administration decreed it is illegal to sell the incandescent bulbs which most of us use (and have used for 140 years) and which are cheap.  You can only sell LED bulbs or compact fluorescent light bulbs.  Like Grant running through Richmond, the administrative state is running though our homes, mandating more expensive and less efficient household items. [...] [T]his week the administration added yet another sacrifice to the Sky Dragon — ceiling fans. [...] Once again, the defenders of this overreach pad the benefits to be obtained and minimize the cost to consumers.  At the same time, the beneficiaries are large corporations, you know, the kind of companies from whom — like unions — the Democrats count on for political contributions.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis.  Before the 1994 Republican takeover, Democrats had sixty years of virtually unbroken power in Congress, with substantial majorities most of the time.  Can a group of smart people, studying issue after issue for years on end, with virtually unlimited resources at their command, not come up with a single policy that works?  Why are they chronically incapable?  Why?  One of two things must be true.  Either the Democrats are unfathomable idiots, who ignorantly pursue ever more destructive policies despite decades of contrary evidence, or they understand the consequences of their actions and relentlessly carry on anyway because they somehow benefit.  I submit to you they understand the consequences.  For many it is simply a practical matter of eliciting votes from a targeted constituency at taxpayer expense; we lose a little, they gain a lot, and the politician keeps his job.  But for others, the goal is more malevolent — the failure is deliberate.

Democrats Have Broken America:  Where's the Outrage?  The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution — conservative America's reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.  Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves.  For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens.  These are not statements of opinion.  These are facts.  Part of me is glad that so many legal analysts have spilled so much ink exposing these charades.  But we degrade our country and ourselves when we treat this unspeakable behavior with anything other than horrified contempt.  Every good-faith critique normalizes and legitimizes this profoundly un-American conspiracy.

Pot, porn, and Planned Parenthood.  Laura Ingraham managed to boil down the Democrat Party platform into three little words: pot, porn, and Planned Parenthood.  It's a bit simplistic, I admit.  I would probably throw in a bit more bits of degeneracy, but it captures something essential about the fundamental message of the Left:  living a hedonistic, consequence-free lifestyle is the highest good.  If it feels good, do it.  [Tweet with video clip]  The funny thing about her alliterative description of the Democrats' philosophy is how readily so many Democrats agreed with her.

The Biden Admin Is Going After Another Common Household Item in the Name of Climate Change.  After attempts to ban gas stoves burned such proposals' Democrat proponents and proposed new federal vehicle efficiency standards seek to force costs even higher, the Biden administration is now going after (drumroll please) ceiling fans.  Republicans in the House of Representatives, however, are not fans of the proposal due to the impact it looks to have on America's small businesses.  In a new letter to the U.S. Department of Energy and its leader Secretary Jennifer Granholm, members of the House Small Business Committee pointed out the problems with the latest policy in the Biden administration's supposedly "green" energy crusade that's anything but.

Executive Orders and the End of Liberty.  [Scroll down]  We are fighting for the liberties with which we were born.  The issue is no less than tyranny.  It is no coincidence that the same mayor (Michelle Wu) has been under fire for maintaining an "enemies list."  Those that would change our lives through executive order apparently have a much larger "enemies list" than the one at issue in Wu's court battles.  Wu advocates a "green new deal" for Boston and beyond.  The original program with that name would have required every building in the U.S. to be torn down or completely renovated in the name of fighting "climate change."  It should be no surprise that the ideological successors to Pol Pot and Reverend Jim Jones would pursue a policy that would displace the entire population.  The most brutal of dictators have relied on mass relocation of their people for various reasons.  As in the case of Pol Pot and Jones, those policies ended very badly.  There is no way to remove/rebuild every building in the U.S. without displacing each person that lives and works in those buildings.  We feel safe that no such policy will ever be enacted because it is so extreme.  But we must remember that the idea of a national consensus is now quaint and poses no obstacle to government initiatives.  Executives now act on their own without a legislative mandate.

How America Becomes Zimbabwe.  What is the difference between South African politician Julius Malema, who led chants of "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" during a recent rally of the Economic Freedom Fighters, the political organization that he chairs, and U.S. Air Force general C.Q. Brown, nominated as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, whose goal as CJCS isn't to increase the combat capability of the Armed Forces, but to ensure that white male officers become a minority at the Pentagon?  Same clown, different uniform.  The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense used to be interested in improving the combat capability of America.  Now it is putting dresses on men and calling them admirals, hiring more refugees from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, and mandating that troops take an experimental non-FDA-approved vaccine lest they be fired or court-martialed for disobeying an obviously illegal order, all while demeaning the troops with bogus accusations of racism and white supremacy.

Understanding The Parasitic Cooperation Between Globalists And Leftists.  Consider for a moment the progressive "intersectional" narrative which we often refer to as "woke": It's not an activist movement because they already have equal rights under the law.  It's partially a political movement but their goals go far beyond putting candidates in government — A large part of the government is already on their side.  They claim to stand against "capitalism" and corporate power, yet their movement is primarily funded by the very money elites they say they despise.  No, this movement is something different — It's a system of blind belief and the invasion of a cult that worships itself, that worships power and seeks to undermine the truth whenever possible as a means to an end.  We are witnessing history in the making; the birth of a monstrous religion of moral relativism.

Biden administration best understood as a junta.  I have come to realize that the Biden administration is nothing but a junta.  Those who constitute it are the opposite of the Founders.  They don't believe in limited government — of, by, and for the people.  They do not believe in objectivity — or freedom of speech, religion, and assembly.  They do not believe in "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects," or in their right to be free from "unreasonable searches and seizures."  (Just ask Roger Stone or Donald Trump.)  Nor do they believe in equality under the law, the people's right to a "speedy and public trial" by a jury of one's peers (just ask Donald Trump), natural law, etc., etc.  And they certainly don't believe that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."  In fact, in recent years, they appear increasingly to disdain all these concepts...because they obviously increasingly disdain those who disagree with them and/or who could stand in the way of the ever-increasing power and control they have over others — power and control they revel in and believe they richly deserve.  They do believe in a Supreme Ruler.  But they believe they are that Supreme Ruler.  They believe they have the right — indeed, duty — to rule over the "deplorables" in rural areas and flyover country.  Preposterously, they purport to believe that their ideas and policies must be implemented, whether the rest of us like it or not... if we are to "save our democracy."  There is nothing less democratic — or more deplorable — than that.

Biden Declares War On Your Appliances.  President Biden's unelected bureaucrats were never going to stop at taking away your light bulbs.  Your gas stove is next, followed by your dishwasher and your water heater — then finally your car.  And it's not members of Congress who are doing this, so you can't vote them out of office.  This isn't conjecture.  This year the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation have announced proposed rules that would force you to give up your current appliances and cars.  Additional regulations to pressure companies not to fund American energy have come from the Council on Environmental Quality, the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Biden's new crackdown on another appliance will be worse than gas stoves.  We have seen a big consumer backlash in 2023 over Biden administration bureaucrats targeting gas stoves, but that could pale in comparison to the coming anger over costly air conditioning regulations.  In fact, that has already begun, making this unusually hot summer even more unpleasant for homeowners needing air conditioner repairs.  And things could get downright ugly starting next summer.  The Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) just announced a 40% production cut in 2024 for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the widely used class of refrigerants being targeted for their claimed contribution to climate change.  As it is, the modest 10% cut in force today has already caused many HFCs to triple in price, including HFC-410a which is used in most home air conditioners.

The Push to Trade with Enemies.  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's attempt in Beijing to separate commerce from geopolitics, to promote private trade and investment even with nations that present threats to American security which include control of strategic industry and resources is an error at best.  Secretary Yellen is not alone in pushing this notion based on classical liberal sophistries backed by the influential business lobbyists who inhabit the Washington swamp.  The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a major component of the Establishment, heavily funded by corporations and liberal foundations.  It has put out a paper casting as illegitimate the U.S. stand that national security issues are exempt from World Trade Organization rulings favoring "free trade" in all things.

We're selling Putin our nuclear power future.  Back when we first started waging economic warfare on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine, we slapped all manner of sanctions on Moscow and various Russian businesses and oligarchs.  (Unless they had business ties with Hunter and Joe Biden, of course.)  There were sanctions on Russian oil, vodka, caviar, and many other exports.  But there was one product that conveniently didn't get any sanctions.  That would be uranium.  Why?  Because we use a lot of uranium for a variety of things, particularly in our nuclear reactors, and we didn't want to upset the apple cart.  Russia is a major exporter of Uranium, although Kazakhstan is far and away the biggest exporter, so dealing with Kazakhstan is basically just dealing with Russia and the difference is subtle.

This is exactly what Barack H. Obama would have done:
The $6 Billion Misunderstanding.  Robert Gover wrote the cult classic One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding.  It might have been cutting-edge in 1962, when it was published, but not for long.  Insofar as my subject here is related to President Biden, I can note that Hunter Biden's misadventures have taken reality far beyond Gover's satire.  However, I have found Gover's title an irresistible source of headlines for comments on the news.  Today comes word via the New York Times that the Biden administration has entered into a $6 billion arrangement with Iran for the return of five imprisoned Americans.  Fox News has posted an accessible story on the arrangement [elsew]here.  That's quite an increase over the $400 million non-signing bonus and future considerations (more money) that the Obama administration paid the Iranian regime for the return of four American prisoners and entry into the JCPOA.  The astronomical increase might be a case of Bidenomics in action or just a deeper descent into national abasement.

GOP lawmakers barred from re-election in Oregon after 6-week walkout, state secretary says.  Oregon Republican leaders who orchestrated a six-week walkout from legislative sessions to stall Democrat-led bills will not be allowed to run for re-election when their term ends in 2024, Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade said Tuesday.  Griffin-Valade, a Democrat, vowed to uphold a 2022 law passed by Oregon voters known as Measure 113, which says lawmakers with more than 10 unexcused absences from the legislative session will not be eligible for re-election.  "It is clear voters intended Measure 113 to disqualify legislators from running for re-election if they had 10 or more unexcused absences in a legislative session," Griffin-Valade said in a news release.  "My decision honors the voters' intent by enforcing the measure the way it was commonly understood when Oregonians added it to our state constitution."

The Editor says...
One party rule!  There must be a name for that.

The definition of totalitarian

Biden Descends Into Complete Incoherence in New Mexico.  As we noted, he designated a new monument which is raising a lot of questions about whether this move will harm our national security.  His move also helps the Russians by cutting off our ability to develop uranium deposits within the ambit of the land blocked off by the national monument.  The land in question is almost a million acres, including land far away from the Grand Canyon, the area the new monument designation was supposed to protect.  There's also a question about how much land is being taken from private citizens and how it may affect their rights.  On top of that, he didn't seem to understand what the number and nature of the wonders of the world were, and he showed off some full-blown hypocrisy with a huge gas-guzzling motorcade while sermonizing about climate change.

The Editor says...
Never mind the motorcade in the middle of nowhere — what about the multiple jumbo jets needed to bring his limousine(s) out to the desert, and all of it just for show?

White House Teases Climate Emergency:  Says Every Big Storm a Result of Global Warming!  Is this really where we're headed?  A national emergency for climate change?  It's become abundantly clear that the Biden administration is now considering COVID-style lockdowns with the idea of exploiting weather conditions as a pretext for exerting more control over the American people.  During a recent CNN interview, John Kirby suggested President Biden treats the supposed climate crisis with "all the due gravity and seriousness."  What does that even mean?  Is it another clever way to prepare the masses for yet another assault on our freedoms, this time under the guise of "climate emergencies"?

        " 'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded."
F.A. Hayek               

Biden Is Moving to a Climate Emergency with 130 New Powers.  If Joe Biden declares a climate emergency, he would have 130 new powers, including the power to lock us all down.  He admits he has declared a national emergency, "practically speaking."  During an interview with The Weather Channel on Tuesday aired on Wednesday, President Joe Biden said that "Practically speaking," he's "already" declared a national emergency on climate change. [...] In light of the Maui fires, the media is pushing Joe Biden to declare an official climate emergency.  If Biden declares a 'Climate Emergency,' he would seize 130 new powers.  Among them would be COVID-style lockdowns that bypass democracy and human rights.

The Editor says...
The Constitution does not include the word emergency.  And even if it did, bad weather is not a national emergency.  One fire in Hawaii is not a national emergency.  This is a power grab on the part of the anonymous commie puppeteers who operate Joe Biden.

If Biden declares a 'Climate Emergency,' he would seize 130 new powers.  "The Biden administration believes that when democracy fails to achieve its climate goals, it's time to bypass democracy and Congress and follow the COVID model.  Climate activists have lusted after the COVID lockdowns as the model for climate lockdowns.  The plan is to declare a 'climate emergency,' toss out elected representatives and follow China's one-party rule model by implementing energy restrictions through the bureaucracy.  They don't need no stinkin' democracy.  Throughout history, emergency declarations have been used and abused to crush freedom.  For those who loved how unelected officials ruled our lives under COVID lockdowns, prepare for the attempts to make climate lockdowns permanent.

Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia, and now we depend on them for uranium.  Brilliant!
Biden just threw a wrench in efforts to reduce America's reliance on Russian Uranium.  The Biden administration announced Tuesday that it has designated nearly 1 million acres in Arizona outside the Grand Canyon as a monument, a move that could further America's reliance on Russia for sourcing uranium, according to the White House.  The monument designation will permanently prohibit new mining claims in the covered 917,618 acres, parts of which are known for having rich deposits of uranium, an essential material for generating nuclear energy, according to E&E News.  The Biden administration is justifying the designation by pointing to the land's cultural significance to local Native American tribes in accordance with its wider push for "environmental justice," according to the White House.

Hardly a man is now alive who lived in New Mexico in '45.
Biden wants to compensate New Mexico residents sickened by radiation during 1945 nuclear testing.  President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he's open to granting assistance for people sickened by exposure to radiation during nuclear weapons testing, including in New Mexico, where the world's first atomic bomb was tested in 1945.  Biden brought up the issue while speaking Wednesday in Belen at a factory that produces wind towers.

The Editor says...
Given his feeble state, one must question if Joe Biden meant to say this or he was just blithering incoherently.

Biden: I Wanted 'to Stop All Drilling' on the Coasts and Gulf, Got Blocked by Courts.  During an interview with The Weather Channel that is set to air on Wednesday, a portion of which aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden said that he "wanted to stop all drilling on the East Coast and the West Coast and in the Gulf" but was blocked by the courts from doing so.  Weather Channel Meteorologist Stephanie Abrams asked, "Let's talk Gen Z, because they're going to play a big role in the next presidential election, and many of them are angry about the 7,000 oil and gas permits you approved since you've been in office.  You promised no new drilling on federal land or offshore.  Can you tell Gen Z that you haven't broken your promise?"  Biden responded, "Yes, because the courts overruled me.  The courts said I couldn't do it.  I wanted to stop all drilling on the East Coast and the West Coast and in the Gulf.  But I lost in court."

The Editor says...
If he really was blocked by the courts, there would be some record of it.

Biden: I've Declared a Climate Emergency 'Practically Speaking'.  During an interview with The Weather Channel on Tuesday aired on Wednesday, President Joe Biden said that, "Practically speaking," he's "already" declared a national emergency on climate change.  He stated that, as part of this practical emergency declaration on climate, "we've conserved more land," "rejoined the Paris Climate Accord," and "we've passed a 368 billion-dollar climate control [initiative]."

Biden interview from the Grand Canyon:  He's already declared a national emergency for climate change.  Who knew?  I sure don't remember Joe Biden declaring a national emergency over climate change.  It seems like I would have remembered that if it was true.  This is Joe Biden we're talking about here so take everything with a big ole grain of salt.  Guess where the habitual liar-in-chief gave his first sit-down interview in over a month?  He sat down with a longtime reporter for The Weather Channel.  Yep, The Weather Channel.  He is rightfully being mocked for that decision.  To be fair, he surely didn't make the decision, his staff did.  We all know Biden doesn't actually run the country.  Those around him do that.  Joe Biden holds on to the climate issue for dear life — his political life.  Conservatives and other rational people are angry over the heavy-handed push to increase regulations and restrictions on regular Americans in the name of saving the planet while all it really is is a power grab by leftists.  Far left environmental whackos are angry that Biden's overreach isn't happening faster.  So, Biden has latched on to the alleged climate crisis as a top issue in his public remarks and speeches.

Down goes Biden.  According to the news story, the Biden rules are so vague that they give the administration the power to grant universal into debt relief.  Who gave the President such powers?  Don't we have enough government assistance programs already?  Maybe we should tell college students to major in something that makes you attractive to an employer running a business.  I remember the CEO of a company telling me that he asks job applicants a couple of questions:  How can you help me make a better product?  Or sell more of them?  Or help me get customers to pay on time?  I don't think that they cover those realities of life in gender studies!  We're back to square one:  Down goes Biden, who does not have the authority to do this.  However, expect him to come back with a variation of this theme because they need to mobilize the college vote.

What? Biden Sold America's Oil Reserve to China.  On and after January 20, 2021, [Joe] Biden has issued punitive, increasingly restrictive executive orders, regulations, and expensive legislation — passed by single-party government — intended to shut down big parts of the US fossil fuel industry.  Not satisfied to shut down supply, the federal government has — with and without legislation — methodically perverted the demand side of the curve, too.  After making gas and heating oil prohibitively expensive, they penalized makers of automobiles and countless gas-powered household appliances.  Specifically, they have punished makers of gas powered engines, cars, trucks, boats, lawnmowers, hammered the energy, construction, transportation, and farm sectors, then turned to appliances, aiming to outlaw everything from gas and wood stoves to refrigerators and water heaters.  The Democrat idea, fueled by activists, is to mandate everything by fiat.  The Soviets dealt this way, Chinese still do.  Biden's "make it all electric" mandate sees wind turbines and solar panels covering the Earth, powering the grid, now 80 percent fossil and nuclear.  By magic, wind and sun will run it all.

Biden student loan cancellation plan for borrowers who were misled blocked by federal appeals court.  A federal appeals court blocked President Biden's administration from implementing rules aimed at providing debt relief to student loan borrowers who were misled by their colleges Monday [8/7/2023].  The ruling from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is the latest defeat for Biden's efforts to forgive student loans across the country.  The court granted a request from a for-profit college in Texas seeking an injunction against the administration's rule change.  The block is temporary, and the three-judge panel will hear the case in full later this year.  The Biden administration's rule changes would have expanded the number of student loan borrowers who are eligible for debt relief as well as facilitated the application process for obtaining relief.

Democrats demand 1,000% excise tax on 'assault weapons,' high-capacity magazines.  More than two dozen House Democrats put forward legislation Friday that would slap "assault weapons" and high-capacity magazines with a 1,000% excise tax, a change that would raise the price of a $500 weapon to $5,000 in a bid to reduce access to guns across the country.  Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., and 24 other House Democrats introduced the legislation Friday.  It's the second time Democrats have put forward the idea.  Beyer and 37 Democrats proposed the same idea last year when Democrats controlled the House, but it never moved.

The USA's Turn toward Communism.  [Scroll down]  [T]he left-leaning but non-communist mainstream of the Democrats retained their claim to being "liberal" or "left of center" and managed to draw the line when it came to uniting with the extreme leftist wing of their party.  However, that boundary line collapsed 72 years later with the emergence of the Biden-Sanders pact.  The Dems are now the Demo-communist party with a few other elements of cultural Marxism included that were not anticipated by or included in the writings of Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels.  For example, Marx and Engels understood the family to be a bourgeois institution that they believed promoted selfishness, so they stood basically in opposition to the nuclear family as the building block of society.  However, knowledge of puberty-blockers and genital-mutilating surgeries was not available in the 1840s, so they did not explicitly promote "transitioning" as a legitimate albeit anti-family practice.  Today's left is, of course, totally on board with all this transgender-affirming ideology because it conforms totally with traditional anti-bourgeois, anti-family values.

If a product is given away at no cost, what is its value?
Whitmer launches new department in quest for 'tuition-free' Michigan.  Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order on July 11, creating a statewide department that will assist with educational resources to ensure that K-12 students are on a path to "tuition-free" college.  In a state that already has an education department, the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP) will share Whitmer's goals of universal and state-funded pre-K over four years, as well as tuition-free college.  "I'm establishing MiLEAP today because we need to get every kid started early, in pre-K, so they succeed in kindergarten, have paths after graduation to get higher education tuition-free, and forge strong partnerships with our employers so they can get a good-paying, high-skill, and in-demand job," Whitmer said.

Why is Biden withholding funding for schools with archery and hunting programs?  Even with all of the troubling things that the Biden administration has been doing over the past two and a half years, I'll confess that I didn't see this one coming.  According to a recent report from Fox News, the White House is blocking federal funding for public schools that have hunting and archery programs for students.  The excuse they are offering is that a provision in the Democrats' "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act" last year precludes federal funding for public schools with these programs.  Of course, that wasn't the actual intent of the bill, but as we've learned by now, the names that Washington politicians give to bills rarely have much to do with what's inside of them.  For proof, look no further than the hilariously named "Inflation Reduction Act" which was actually a climate change bill.

Enjoy Your Water Heater — While You Still Can.  Americans gave Joe Biden the Oval Office, and now he is taking away their cars, dishwashers, gas stoves, and, most recently, their water heaters.  Biden's Department of Energy on July 21 released new proposed energy-efficiency standards for water heaters.  This is the latest round in the administration's ongoing home-invasion campaign in the name of stopping climate change and saving the world, all while actively making life harder for everyday Americans.  If finalized as currently written, beginning in 2029, this regulation would require new boiler installations to use electric heat pumps, which pull heat from the surrounding air to bring water up to temperature, instead of heating the water internally.  Moreover, standards for traditional gas-fired water heaters will become stricter, thus making them more costly, which is in line with the Biden administration's push toward full home appliance electrification.

Biden's Awful Plan To Raise Your Taxes To Support Global Socialism.  The Biden administration has just spent two years negotiating with a group of foreign countries to raise taxes on U.S. companies operating overseas.  Now we're being told it's been "delayed" for two more years.  But why delay a bad decision?  It's an awful idea that should be rejected out of hand.  "Americans have already been crushed by inflation caused by the Biden administration," argued West Virginia congresswoman Carol Miller, in a recent op-ed.  "But now, they want to add fuel to the fire by giving American taxes to foreign countries, raising costs for Americans, and sticking us with the bill for funding a global socialist agenda."  Her analysis is spot on.  The U.S. Treasury and White House have no business negotiating a deal to subvert America's sovereignty and erode its economic power, which the accord with the 38-nation Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), headquartered in the ultra-deluxe Château de la Muette in Paris, is clearly meant to do.

GOP lawmakers slam Biden administration's proposed clamp down on home water heaters.  Water heaters could soon be subject to much more stringent efficiency requirements if a recent Department of Energy proposal that has been criticized by Republican lawmakers goes into effect.  In a draft rule unveiled Friday, the Biden administration is seeking to compel most electric water heaters to deploy heat pump technology and gas-fired ones to use condensing technology.  It comes months after the Biden administration ignited a firestorm over feared stove top regulations, after Albany lawmakers enacted a controversial first-in-the-nation gas stove ban in New York.  "Today's actions — together with our industry partners and stakeholders — improve outdated efficiency standards for common household appliances, which is essential to slashing utility bills for American families and cutting harmful carbon emissions," Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.

Orwellian or Kafkaesque?  Kafka's brainchildren are recklessly coughing up tyrannic edicts while using for an excuse the artificial hysteria being generated over reasonably normal weather.  The Biden administration has recently announced that all military vehicles will run on batteries as of 2030.  Since the purpose of fighting a war is to not lose, vast quantities of diesel-powered field generators will be needed to keep the caissons rolling along.  Governor Hair Gel of California has followed along by announcing a ban on the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.  The trick with this is to have enough lead time so the victims of such nonsense will have forgotten the original announcement — and will be more surprised than angry when they realize they've been screwed.  As of next January, California's already legislated ban on the sale of gas-powered gardening equipment will take effect.

Fighting extreme climate policies must happen now.  There's no need to make slippery slope arguments when it comes to analyzing the policies pushed by climate alarmists.  There's a simple reason why:  We are so far down the slope that past fears of the extremism to come are now the real extremism of today, from limiting what cars people can drive to restricting the use of natural gas stoves. [...] Pushing policies that restrict freedom, reduce economic growth, and drive-up prices for Americans isn't a law of science required to address rising global temperatures.  Instead, they are efforts to use the force of government to impose personal preferences and ideological objectives without regard for tradeoffs or costs.  Even worse, these policies would have little to no impact on global temperatures.

New York City pushes the limits of green policies.  New York City has embraced a set of controversial policies that push the limits of green experimentation in seeking to reduce emissions from buildings, kitchen appliances, and cars.  Critics argue the new policies are likely to be costly and burdensome for the city's millions of residents.  New York City has drafted rules to slash carbon emissions from its roughly 50,000 buildings by more than 40% by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050 — an ambitious goal, especially considering buildings in the city are the source of 70% of its total greenhouse gas emissions.  Of particular note, the rules would clamp down on gas stoves.

The Editor says...
There is no point in avoiding the emission of carbon dioxide as a byproduct of business and industry, for a number of reasons, the biggest of which is that China and India have no such concerns, and they share the same atmosphere.  You may hold your breath or do whatever else you can to avoid emitting CO2, but it won't make any difference to the makeup of the atmosphere.  In addition, carbon dioxide is plant food, not air pollution.  If you are concerned about the carbon dioxide content of the air — about which you can do nothing — it is probably because you watch too much television and/or you read the New York Times.  Also, here is my weekly reminder that carbon dioxide is not carbon, for the same reason that water is not hydrogen, so please stop talking about "carbon emissions."

Subverting the Court.  It's important to keep in mind that the Biden administration still wants to pack the Supreme Court, but they also want to compress it, and now more than ever, after it found itself on the losing side of several rulings.  By so doing, they seek to change the nature of American government.  Packing the Court, or adding more justices beyond the current nine, is a progressive policy going back at least to Roosevelt and the New Deal.  If the DNC can run up the number of justices on the Court, then it can cement a near-permanent majority, using the Court to legislate.

Dem bill in House seeks to scrub words 'husband' and 'wife' from federal law.  Democrats understand the lessons of George Orwell's 1984 and treat it as an instruction manual, not a warning. [...] The Dems are following Orwell's outline of the path toward totalitarian control.  Make no mistake, if they win both Houses of Congress and the Oval Office in 2024 (or later), they will enact this bill.  At first, federal code "including the Internal Revenue Code, Social Security Act, and Family and Medical Leave Act" will be changed to eliminate "husband" and "wife," but that is only the prelude to an all-out campaign to demonize the terms as "hate speech" and "literal violence" and effectively forbid their use.  Eventually, with people afraid to utter the terms, and with media purged of their use, they will become anachronisms, soon to be forgotten.

Joe Biden Dreams Up [an] Illegal Federal Library Code For Public Schools.  Just call him the librarian-in-chief.  In yet another gross abuse of executive authority, President Joe Biden is wielding the power of his Department of Education to stop parental efforts to remove sexually explicit books from public school libraries.  It's his latest in a string of moves meant to bully parents and other concerned citizens into silence when it comes to what kids learn in public schools and, in this case, when they should be exposed to sexually explicit material.  But the notion that the federal government has any authority to veto a school district's decision to protect students from pornographic content belongs in the library's fantasy section.

The Classic Psychology Text That Predicted Today's Urban Decay.  It's a question that most Americans who follow the news ask themselves daily:  "How can the residents of so many of the nation's largest cities keep supporting local officials who tolerate the ongoing destruction of their communities?"  Why this May, for example, did the citizens of Chicago — a city where 21,000 students cannot demonstrate a basic competence in reading, science, and math — choose the teachers union-backed candidate, Brandon Johnson, for mayor?  Especially when Johnson's chief opponent, Paul Vallas, had promised the electorate sensible school reforms?  Why, a few years earlier, did San Franciscans elect a mayor, London Breed, whose obvious reluctance to crack down on criminal behavior has since forced the city's largest mall to close, two of its best hotels to declare bankruptcy, and tens of thousands of high-earning taxpayers to move away?  Why has there been no serious movement to get New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to initiate proceedings to remove Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney who refuses prosecute "low-level" crimes, all while promising to downgrade felony charges and to decriminalize resisting police arrest?

Chasing a Green Chimera, Biden Has Put America in the Red Dragon's Grasp.  No country would ever depend on an out-and-out rival for something as vital as energy.  Yet the Biden administration, through its zealous, misguided pursuit of "net-zero emissions," is fast-tracking America's dependence on Communist China for the minerals and components that back-end green technology.  The administration also is curbing the mining industry, again allowing China to monopolize America and the world in minerals and ores.  This strategic disaster is a complete reversal of what President Donald Trump had achieved. [...] Biden, on assuming office, pledged to eliminate the fossil fuel industry and pursue a radical climate agenda to replace carbon energy with renewables.  He has since called for replacing 50% of carbon-fueled automobiles with electric vehicles (E.V.s) by 2030, creating a carbon-free electric grid by 2035, and having a carbon-free economy by 2050.  This push toward unstable solar and wind power will markedly increase dependence on China, which dominates the market in materials required for E.V.s, batteries, and other renewables.

10 Paradigm Shifts that Shatter Establishment Illusions.  [#1] Now people understand that the left's real mission is to reject reality.  Castrating boys so that they can pretend to be girls is not "healthy."  Perpetuating racism as social policy is not "justice."  Imposing a "woke" State religion over personal conscience is not "moral."  Aiding and abetting child sex-trafficking and drug-smuggling at our borders is not "compassionate."  Stealing property is not "equitable."  Just as with Leninism and Maoism before, today's leftism is evil.

Democrats: Let's lower the voting age.  Democrats are fond of aborting kids, sometimes even after birth.  They are also big fans of providing minors with hormone blockers and mutilating the genitals of those they didn't abort.  And, of course, they are engaged in an all-out effort to groom our children — sexually and politically.  For many Democrats, love of unfettered abortion and gender dysphoria combine with their unshakeable belief in man-caused climate change to become a surpassingly odd — and perverse — religion.  One in which doubters or dissenters, or even the insufficiently devout, are dealt with particularly harshly.  Democrats seem to have an unquenchable desire to sexualize children, and in the past week have been attacking opponents of child sex trafficking and calling us "conspiracy theorists."  The California Assembly Public Safety Committee actually initially voted down a bill, on a party-line vote, that would have enhanced penalties for child sex trafficking by making it a "serious felony," a step up from merely being illegal.  Hard to believe.  Yet, progressives also spent time trashing a movie chronicling and attacking child sex trafficking, even though audiences loved it.  They do, however, wish to garner kids' votes by... offering to let them vote.  And hold high office.  But do we really want 14-year-olds to vote, and 16-year-old governors?  What would this mean?

Dems Attempt To Cram The ERA Amendment Through Congress.  Democrats are attempting to resurrect the ERA — or "Equal Rights Amendment" to push their radical ideology.  It was not fully ratified by 1982, with only 35 states, and 3 more states ratified it AFTER the deadline.  Now two Dems, Rep. Cori Bush, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, want to push forward a bill that says it was ratified and force the National Archivist to certify and publish it as law.

Biden Proposal Would Give Foreign Climate Group Veto Power Over U.S. Military Contracts.  A new Biden administration rule aimed at reducing carbon emissions would give approval authority over large U.S. defense contracts to a little-known British environmentalist group that just incorporated two weeks ago.  Under the White House's proposed rule change, a London-based group called the Science Based Targets Initiative that is funded by the Democratic Party's main dark money network would be responsible for approving the carbon emissions reduction plans of large federal contractors.  The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is a fee-based service that helps companies set emissions reduction targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and verifies their progress.  But its foreign status and murky financial background raise questions about the Biden administration's decision to outsource its vetting process to the group.  Critics say the proposal would give SBTi enormous veto power over American defense contracts and access to potentially sensitive data about U.S. military suppliers.

Climate change is just about the only change progressives don't like.  Progressives/leftists/revolutionaries/Democrats (but I repeat myself) always demand change.  "Hope and change."  "Fundamental transformation."  Change, change, change.  Ergo, it is quite remarkable, upon reflection, that the one thing progressives don't want to change is the one thing that cannot be prevented from changing:  the climate.  The climate has always changed.  Dramatically, profoundly, radically.

Climate change is just about the only change progressives don't like.  [Scroll down]  Here, too, it seems odd that the one thing these leftists won't take on faith is the existence of God.  They purport to believe wholeheartedly in Dr. Fauci, global warming, Bidenomics, open borders, the Russia-collusion hoax, and that the 2020 presidential election was the most secure in history.  They believe people can change genders on a whim and that men can menstruate.  (That's putting the "men" into "menstruation!")  They think males should be able to breast/chest-feed infants.  They believe the Wuhan flu could not have come from the Wuhan lab where they were experimenting with coronaviruses.  They believe the subsequent lockdowns and mask mandates were effective.  They believe China is, in fact, a role model, and that a one-world government should be our goal.  They believe crime should be legalized, the unborn are simply non-viable tissue masses, Ukraine is defeating Russia, 9/11 was an inside job, the government has our best interests in mind, Biden is a nice man -- and that Jan. 6 was an "insurrection!" but the 2020 riots were "mostly peaceful."

Will Someone Please Wake Me From This Nightmare?  Biden has made it clear that he supports going to zero carbon emissions which would eliminate all use of coal, and fossil fuels.  Natural gas is used to make fertilizer, which is very important to agriculture.  And, over 6,000 things that we use on a daily basis are made from oil.  Wind and solar will never take the place of coal-fired, or natural gas-fired energy generation.  Electric cars will soon be a national disaster because they are useless during a time of disaster with no electricity available.  It is not possible to build batteries large enough to carry a city during times when the sun does not shine or the wind blow.

Did the Congress vote on this?
Biden Administration Announces $39 Billion in Student-Loan Forgiveness for Over 800,000 Borrowers.  The Biden administration announced Friday that it would forgive $39 billion in student loans for 804,000 borrowers, explaining it had pursued certain fixes to existing income-driven-repayment plans.  "For far too long, borrowers fell through the cracks of a broken system that failed to keep accurate track of their progress towards forgiveness," Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement.  These income-driven plans set a forgiveness threshold of 20 or 25 years.  Borrowers must make payments that qualify over this period, either 240 or 300 in total.  These payments can be as low as $0 based on an individual's income and family situation.

Sanctuary State Illinois: Gov. Pritzker Considers Allowing DACA Illegal Aliens to Police Americans as Cops.  Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) is considering signing legislation into law that would allow illegal aliens, enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, to become police officers in the sanctuary state.  Democrat legislators, with a supermajority in the Illinois House and Senate, passed legislation late last month that would allow thousands of DACA illegal aliens living in the state to become police officers or deputy sheriffs.

Extremist Democrats are openly calling for the destruction of the Supreme Court.  When spoiled toddlers lose a game, they often try to change the rules or otherwise throw a tantrum.  That's how former President Donald Trump handled losing the 2020 election.  And it's evidently how top progressive members of Congress — who endlessly criticize Trump — are handling a slew of recent defeats at the Supreme Court.  The conservative-majority Supreme Court recently ruled against racial discrimination in college admissions, against President Joe Biden's attempt to twist the law to spend $430 billion on a student loan bailout against Congress's wishes, and against LGBT activists in a free speech case.  Progressive Democrats are not taking these decisions well.  Indeed, they're responding by effectively calling to destroy the Supreme Court as we know it.

Five Storylines Overshadow Joe Biden's Summer Agenda.  Media headlines in recent weeks soured on President Joe Biden, as his agenda appears derailed by setbacks ranging from Supreme Court rulings to economic pessimism to nagging scandals.  While gearing up for his 2024 campaign, Biden launched an economic public relations scheme.  He calls it "Bidenomics."  The plan is meant to reverse voters' negative perception of the nation's direction.  According to a recent Politico/Morning Consult poll, 78 percent of voters believe Biden's America is on the wrong track, increasing over 25 points since Biden took office.

Understanding Marxism Is Key To Understanding Today's Leftists.  As Americans, we are being assaulted by numerous alphabet ideologies we don't understand — from DEI to ESG to LGBTQ+. We seek to understand through logic, but by doing so, we become only more confused.  The only way to understand what's happening is to recognize the ideology that underlies all of it:  Marxism.  When Patrisse Cullors, BLM's co-founder, acknowledged that BLM leaders were "trained Marxists," we failed to understand the significance.  It is time to change that.  Marxism's central idea is that the world is broken down into two groups; or as Marx stated: "in a word, oppressor and oppressed."  This is from his opening statement in the Communist Manifesto (published in 1848).  If you remember nothing else, remember this.

To Gain Power, the Left Seeks to Destroy the Supreme Court.  Always remember:  Any institution the Left doesn't control, it will seek to destroy.  The Supreme Court dealt a series of serious blows to the Left's agenda this summer, and leftists aren't taking it well.  First, the high court ended racial discrimination in college admissions, which the Left views as essential to upholding the diversity, equity, and inclusion regime.  Then the court struck down President Joe Biden's blatantly unconstitutional student loan bailout scheme, which was unpopular with the general electorate but extremely popular with the base of his party.  Several other Supreme Court decisions have the Left pretty steamed at the moment, too.

Castrating Kids to Win Elections.  Biden's first campaign ad attacked conservatives for keeping 'Lawn Boy', a book featuring a 10-year-old performing sex acts, out of schools.  The Department of Education launched a civil rights investigation of a Georgia school district for pulling books containing graphic sexual content from middle school shelves.  At a Pride Month event at the White House, it was announced that a special coordinator would be waging lawfare against schools that try to shield children.  The Biden administration sued Tennessee over the 'Protecting Children from Gender Mutilation Act'.  Democrat judges have illegally blocked similar measures in Florida, Arkansas and Alabama.  In Washington and California, Democrat majorities legalized the abduction of children by the state for transgender procedures.  Similar legislation is pending in other states.

Working around Kamala.  As the public wakes up to all of this malfeasance — since they're already realizing that they really are getting screwed — all the old tricks of the trade start falling flat.  The drums of racism and homophobia are falling ever more on deaf ears.  The manufactured hysteria over imaginary weather events and trends, in an effort to eliminate carbon-based energy along with the comfortable standard of living that comes with it, is coming up against increasing skepticism.  The tyrannical attempts at banning gas stoves, furnaces, and water heaters is logically generating profound public anger.  Never mind that the electrical substitute for powering natural gas appliances is itself produced by over 75% carbon-based and nuclear fuel.

Democrats Revive Calls To Pack Supreme Court.  Democrats revived calls to pack the Supreme Court with liberals last week after the court's conservative majority decided several cases the wrong way, as liberals view it.  On Thursday and Friday, the Supreme Court handed down three decisions on multiple closely watched cases.  The court ruled against Harvard and the University of North Carolina's race-based admissions processes, it ruled in favor of a Christian graphic designer who did not want to make wedding websites for same-sex couples, and the court struck down President Biden's student loan forgiveness program.  Democrats and liberals raged at the high court, some calling to expand the court's bench to dilute the conservative majority, which was cemented by former President Donald Trump's three conservative nominees.

Why the Biden White House Will Try to Keep Their Latest Global Warming Study a Secret.  The wanton destruction of priceless art and heritage sites across Europe by climate change activists is insane, and one would think we've reached peaked insanity with this unhinged community, short of acts of eco-terrorism.  Nope.  Sometimes, even banal actions, like a government study, can exhibit more ludicrousness than smearing paint on a Monet.  The latest Biden White House-endorsed study into curbing global warming is not just a case study in wasteful spending; it's a Rorschach test on mental health.  And there's a reason why they want to keep it a secret:  it deals with trying to bend sun rays to prevent the Earth's temperature from rising[.]

The Biden Regime Is Doling Out Your Tax Money to Promote Trans Madness Worldwide.  Why is the Biden regime so obsessively preoccupied with promoting sexual deviance and transgender delusion and fantasy?  Not only is it aggressively promoting "Pride" inside the United States, but it is also sending your tax dollars abroad to make sure that young Ecuadorians see their fair share of drag queens, and that Polish boys can decide they're really girls after all. [...] The Washington Free Beacon reported Friday [6/30/2023] that "the Biden administration has given nearly $4.6 million to help foreign groups promote LGBT projects like drag shows and pride parades."  This money comes from hard-working Americans who logged long hours, often at physically taxing jobs, to provide for their families, and dutifully forked over a significant percentage of their earnings to the U.S. government, which saw fit to use it to corrupt and sexualize children in other countries.  This is what things have come to, and it's likely only to get worse.

Constitutional cruelty: Democrats now oppose a democratic process on student loans.  "Disappointing and cruel."  Those words from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) after the Supreme Court's rejection of the Biden administration's loan forgiveness program may say more than the opinion itself.  The court's "cruelty" was in supporting Congress's core constitutional power of the purse.  Schumer's disappointment in having to address and vote on the forgiveness of hundreds of billions of dollars in loans speaks volumes about the collapse of our constitutional values.  The court's decision on the merits of the case was hardly a surprise.  President Biden was using the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) Act of 2003 to order the largest loan forgiveness program in U.S. history.  The law is only a few pages long and was intended to assist military personnel deployed abroad in combat zones.  The idea of using that law in order to avoid getting congressional approval for such a massive expenditure was laughable.  The Office of Legal Counsel considered the theory and issued a memo stating that it would be unconstitutional.  In his response to the court, Biden declared that "the hypocrisy is stunning" and that the court had "misinterpreted the Constitution."  However, during the last presidential campaign, Biden himself acknowledged that this effort would be unconstitutional.

Supreme Court tosses Biden's student loan forgiveness plan where it belongs: The trash.  On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court handed President Joe Biden and his administration a strong rebuke.  In a 6-3 decision, the conservative majority of the court struck down Biden's controversial decision to cancel billions of dollars in student loan debt based only on his say so and without Congress' clear approval.  "...this leads the Court to conclude that '[t]he basic and consequential tradeoffs' inherent in a mass debt cancellation program 'are ones that Congress would likely have intended for itself,'" wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the majority.  The president overstepped his authority in unilaterally declaring millions of Americans could benefit from up to $20,000 in student loan forgiveness, without going through Congress.  This "generous" plan would have saddled taxpayers — the majority of whom have not gone to college themselves — with at least $400 billion in debt.

Supreme Court Kills Joe Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Scam.  In a decision released on Friday, the Supreme Court struck down Joe Biden's student loan "forgiveness" plan.  Biden's plan, which was unveiled last August, mere months before the midterm elections, sought to cancel $10,000 of debt for individual student loan borrowers earning less than $125,000 per year (or $250,000 for households) and $20,000 of debt for borrowers who received a Pell Grant. [...] Biden's Education Department utilized the HEROES Act of 2003, which grants the U.S. secretary of Education the authority to let military service members postpone their student loan payments during national crises, previously used to postpone student loan payments during the COVID pandemic.  But the Biden administration attempted to use the HEROES Act to forgive debt.

'Bidenomics' in layman's terms is foreign corruption and government control.  The media and other Democrats disparage trickle-down economics, but apparently they're big believers in what they're calling "Bidenomics." [...] Democrat policies are striving towards socialism while not calling it socialism, because socialism has never worked, and socialist ideations like the Soviet gulags aren't exactly popular with mature Americans.  Essentially, Biden and the rest of the reigning Democrats consider the best economic plan to be one where they confiscate as much as they can for the government, keep a lot for themselves and a massive number of bureaucrats, maybe sell some state secrets, and then trickle out the remainder to special interest groups, like green fanatics and others, in order to buy votes.  They pretend that all the handouts, to keep more people dependent on the government, are free.

In Pennsylvania Democratic Party politicians just proved their fascist anti-first amendment beliefs.  When the parental rights organization Moms for Liberty arranged to have their annual 2023 summit in the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia beginning today, six Democrats from the Pennsylvania state senate immediately proved to the world that Democrats no longer believe in free speech, and in fact make their number one principle oppression and censorship, by writing a joint letter demanding the museum cancel the event.  These Democrats also proved that their method for silencing also includes routine slanders and libels, based on zero evidence.

Maine Democrats Kill Amendment to Ban Trafficking of Aborted Baby Remains.  Maine state Senate Democrats blocked a proposed amendment on Tuesday to a late-term abortion bill that would have placed a four-year moratorium on the trafficking of fetal remains leftover from late-term abortions, the Maine Wire reported.  Republican state Sen. Eric Brakey proposed the amendment and stated that if the late-term abortion bill passes (LD 1619) "the least we can do it to establish this moratorium on the trafficking of fetal body parts so that the legislature can thoughtfully consider the issue in the coming years and develop more permanent policy."  Trafficking in fetal remains would have been a Class C crime under the amendment.

The Democrats' Definition Of Democracy Is Like The Marxist Definition Of Peace.  The criminalization of politics is only one iteration of the left's doctrine that politics are war by other means, though.  The Democrats, with in-kind aid from the media, are also trying to bully the Supreme Court into submission to their will.  Their message to the Court's conservative justices:  Rule our way or we will harass you until you resign.  In this war with multiple fronts, the Democrats are attempting to establish a permanent majority through a direct assault on elections.  We're talking about far more than the "cabal" that was mobilized in 2020 to guarantee the presidency for Joe Biden.  The party is determined to federalize elections with rules that would put our voting system in the hands of Deep State bureaucrats and political insiders rather than the locals we live among, and codify practices that are illegal in most of the country.  This would end our political system as we've known it, with its crucial checks and balances, and eventually replace it with a Democratic Party dictatorship.

Senate Democrats Take One More Step Toward Socialized Medicine.  It's been less than a year since Democrats enacted the Inflation Reduction Act, which gives Medicare the power to set the prices of certain medicines.  Those price controls have yet to go into effect.  But Democrats already want more.  They've introduced new legislation that would amp up those price controls — and even permit the government to refuse to cover drugs in order to drive a harder bargain with pharmaceutical companies.  As for the patients who would benefit from those drugs — or may even need them to stay alive?  They may end up being collateral damage.

The hill we will die on.  In the decades during which I have followed politics and social issues, I have seen passionate disagreements among Americans.  The Vietnam War was the focus of massive protests.  Legalized abortion, after Roe v. Wade, was followed by bombings.  Racial integration was accompanied by murders by racist militants.  Unenforced laws, including immigration and retail theft, have left us feeling betrayed by our government.  The list goes on.  Somehow, we survived.  Then came the transsexual movement, complete with "drag-queen story hours" for young children.  Some of those children have become the victims of surgical mutilation.  This has occurred in the context of politicians and educators telling us we have no right to know what our children are being taught in school.  We are being threatened with loss of custody of our children if we do not "affirm" their "gender identity," if that identity does not conform with their biological sex.  Recently, during a so-called "pride march," the chanting marchers sang out, "We're coming for your children."  Even if this was chanted supposedly in jest, it was about as funny as joking that they would rape our mothers.  I doubt that all those who chanted this did so merely as a taunt.

Green madness: You'd have to burn a pizza stove 849 years to equal one year of John Kerry's private jet.  Environmental bureaucrats are out to save you from pizza.  The city government is set to restrict emissions from coal- and wood-fired pizza ovens in restaurants in the city.  New Yorkers are once again suffering at the hands of the unelected food police in the name of public health and climate change.  New Yorkers have already endured former Mayor Michael Bloomberg's attempts to ban soda sales of over 16 ounces for their own good and are facing Gov. Kathy Hochul's gas stove and furnace bans in the state, all in the name of climate change.  And now, another one bites the crust as New York City officials are going after pizzerias using the century-old cooking methods, citing the ovens' allegedly excessive carbon emissions.

The end of the American Experiment?  Radical leftist forces have been methodically undermining the American Experiment in an attempt to replace it with their own.  The grantors behind the new experiment are not visionaries, but ego-challenged elitist control freaks who seek power and retributive justice in a society of their own design.  The problem, they aver, is that the original experiment has failed.  After nearly 250 years of hollow promises, we continue to suffer systemic racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, and economic inequality.  We can do better!  In reality, they are engaged in a bloodless coup requiring a methodical deconstruction of the existing social order, attainable via recruitment of a sufficient number of malcontents to elevate its designers into their real goal of absolute political power.

The New Democratic Dictatorship and Transition of Power from Joe Biden to Gavin Newsom.  For his Twitter monologue episode 7, Tucker Carlson walks through the post COVID new authoritarian model of 'western democracy', a system of dictatorial fiat and unilateral power intent on retention of control.  Within our new system of "western democratic norms" authoritarianism is embraced by both wings of the UniParty vulture as it ensures power for those who benefit.  From the dual system of U.S. justice to the dictatorship now present in Ukraine, the common thread is power by a select group of system operators with large control mechanisms.  The retention of this power structure requires the passing of the baton to the next loyalist of the regime.  In the case of Joe Biden, Tucker foresees the rise of California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Michigan is criminalizing opinions.  To say that Michigan has lurched to the left under the leadership of Gretchen Whitmer and the state's liberal majority would be a significant understatement.  But with a new bill passed in the state House this week, they are taking things to a cartoonish level.  If (more likely "when") House Bill 4474 is signed into law, you will literally be able to be thrown into prison for hurting someone's feelings.  This is being hidden under the guise of protecting people from "hate speech," and includes standard liberal online tropes about "feeling threatened."  To be clear, you don't have to actually threaten someone with violence.  They simply need to "feel" threatened by something you say or post online.  There is no word from Governor Whitmer yet as to whether the State Police will be directed to establish a new "thought police" unit.

Michigan state legislature House passes censorship bill to make free speech a felony.  Democrats run the state government of Michigan, with majorities on the House and Senate of the state legislature and Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer with the ability to sign bills into law.  That's why a bill already passed by the State Legislature's House and assigned to committee in the State Senate is so dangerous.  Can you believe five years in prison for speech based on someone's feelings about it?  HB 4474 has a good chance of becoming law, despite its obvious unconstitutionality. [...] Yes, the bill is unconstitutional.  But if it becomes law, it will takes years and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars to get it to the Supreme Court for a finding.  IF it makes it there.  Meanwhile, left wing agitation to weaken the Court and drive conservatives from its bench will only intensify.  If they succeed or if mortality intervenes and Democrats get to appoint more justices or even pack the court by expanding it, the constitutional safeguards may crumble in the foreseeable future.

Michigan can now censor you if you hurt someone's feelings.  Michigan's Democratic House passed legislation on Tuesday that enables attorneys to shut down "hate speech."  The new House Bill 4474 is a vague and unconstitutional censorship law that determines "feeling threatened" as reasonable grounds to prosecute offenders.  The punishment for making someone "feel threatened" in Michigan is five years in jail and a $10,000 fine. [...] The problematic language about "feelings" can be found in the bill's definition of "intimidation" as "willful course of conduct, involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened."

Wood-fired pizza ovens are destroying the planet.  First, the climate alarmists in the government said they were coming for your gas stoves.  Then they said they weren't coming for them.  Then they came after them anyway.  So given this crowd's recent track record, we should probably take them seriously when they say that they're going to crack down on wood-burning pizza ovens.  Oh, and coal-fired ovens also.  Thus far this is only happening in New York City, but a "great idea" like this will no doubt be spreading to liberal circles across the land in no time.  And if you run a pizza shop that uses such a stove, you can either spend an arm and a leg for a new filtration system or the city will fine you huge amounts of money until you shut up and comply.

New NYC Mandate Threatens Future and Taste of New York Pizza.  If you only ate Chicago pizza, this would be not an issue.  The city of New York is cracking down on pizzerias, threatening their futures.  The New York City Department of Environmental Protection has drafted new rules that would order pizza joints using the decades-old baking method to slice carbon emissions by up to 75 percent, reports the New York Post.  "All New Yorkers deserve to breathe healthy air and wood and coal-fired stoves are among the largest contributors of harmful pollutants in neighborhoods with poor air quality," DEP spokesman Ted Timbers said.  "This common-sense rule, developed with restaurant and environmental justice groups, requires a professional review of whether installing emission controls is feasible."  The rule would force pizzerias with such ovens installed prior to May 2016 to buy [e]mission-control devices that could send local joints over their budgets.

These are the same people who oppose natural gas appliances.
NYC to Crack Down on Wood-Fired Pizza Joints to Reduce Carbon Emissions by Up to 75%.  New York City will be cracking down on wood-fired pizza joints to reduce carbon emissions by up to 75%.  "All New Yorkers deserve to breathe healthy air and wood and coal-fired stoves are among the largest contributors of harmful pollutants in neighborhoods with poor air quality," Department of Environmental Protection spokesman Ted Timbers said in a statement to the New York Post on Sunday.  "This common-sense rule, developed with restaurant and environmental justice groups, requires a professional review of whether installing emission controls is feasible."

The Editor says...
[#1] It isn't a "common-sense rule."  The tail is wagging the dog, as usual.  The "environmental justice groups" are anti-capitalist troublemakers, solving problems that nobody has.  Making pizza in a wood-fired oven is not an "environmental [in]justice," whatever that is.  [#2] While all this nit-picking is underway in New York, China and India are building coal-fired power plants as if carbon dioxide is not a problem.  Because it isn't!  [#3] The air in an overcrowded city may not be entirely fresh, but it's not necessarily unhealthy, and if you don't like the air in a big city, you're free to move!

Crybullies and Beyond: Four Additional Ways the Left Resembles Nazis.  [#4] Democrats and Nazis demand complete compliance - you will comply or else.  You've probably seen the famous picture from Nazi Germany in 1936, with one man later identified as August Landmesser standing with his arms crossed, as the crowd raised their arms in unison in the Nazi salute.  Today's Leftists are similarly demanding that you submit to their agenda.  You're a 'domestic terrorist' if you refuse to shop at Target.  They are in your face with their agenda and if you don't comply, they complain crybully style to the nation's socialist media.  This is how it all starts; they indoctrinate your children behind your back and do whatever they can to be as invasive in your life as possible.  And then when you push back, they suddenly become the victim.  Then when you don't fully comply with their demands, they label you a 'domestic terrorist.'  But somehow, we're supposed to ignore all of this because it might hurt the feelings of the leftists.  Never mind that they've been lying about this for more than 90 years and still haven't come up with a cogent explanation as to why National Socialism was 'far-right'.

President Trump Did What Ross Perot Could Not.  As Governor Mike Huckabee noticed during his recent appearance on NewsMax, the affairs of the prevailing political regime are scandals that dwarf Watergate.  Those comprising the Obama-Biden cabal have abused their powers for years with defining hallmarks like illegal surveillance and political persecution; but they've also weaponized the most powerful departments and agencies of the federal government, all funded by your tax dollars, against those (like President Trump) who stand in the way of the monopolization of political power for which they have an insatiable desire.  And, in a manner characteristic of their communist mentality, they consider anything that obstructs their power grab as "evil" and every detrimental action taken against their opponents as "good" — or, according to standard Marxian terminology used by Soviet rulers and similar regimes elsewhere: "progress."

Biden's Economic Program is Made in China.  As reported by New York Times Magazine at the time, Joe Biden's goal was to transform the economy from the get-go: "The Biden Team Wants to Transform the Economy.  Really." Nearly two-and-a-half years later, the damage and chaos of that transformation process are obvious: continuing high inflation (especially energy, food, and gasoline prices), rising interest rates, recession predictions, a stagnant economy, depleted individual savings, sky-high credit card debt, and other indications of stagflation and recession.  Who has benefited from the Biden economy?  Green new deal grifters benefit from the gargantuan tax subsidies and federal spending on transitioning the US economy from hydrocarbon energy sources to "clean" sources, especially solar and wind energy.  The communist Chinese are happy to benefit from Biden economic policies that ultimately mandate and subsidize green products from Chinese companies at the expense of the US companies who produce and use hydrocarbons.

Resistance.  I will hold the line, but very few others will.  I've watched it over and over.  They won't even stop watching sports, regardless of how offensive the left is willing to be, how calculating they used those programs to indoctrinate their audiences into the "acceptable" beliefs.  They just knuckle under and turn on the tube.  Soon, it's going to get hard to do the right thing.  The American people are all too willing to allow the teachers union to determine the gender of their children, allow scalpels to be used on their babies for fear of taking social backlash.  In California you can now be charged with child abuse if you don't shake the pom poms for gender reassignment surgery.  I guess it needs to get worse.  It will, it already is.  There will be a break, a moment when they attempt to call our bluff, to shove some means of transaction on us that will lead to our slavery.

The Green New Deal is full of holes, with AOC leading the charge to fall into them.  The New York congresswoman plans to drastically "cut carbon emissions across the economy from electricity generation to transportation to agriculture," to "create jobs" and "boost the economy."  Revealing the truth, her chief of staff stated the Green New Deal "wasn't originally a climate thing at all," rather, "we really think of it as how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing," "moving the U.S. economy entirely away from fossil fuels within 10 years, while simultaneously providing federal jobs and health care guarantee," advancing "social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based justice and equality and cooperative — and public ownership."  So, the Green New Deal is simply a Marxist-Leninist plan to destroy the U.S. economy and transform America into a full-fledged socialist nation costing $93 trillion in new government spending over a decade, while 2022 U.S. GDP was only $25 trillion.

Ramping up wind turbines, solar panels and electric vehicles can't solve our energy problem.  Many people believe that installing more wind turbines and solar panels and manufacturing more electric vehicles can solve our energy problem, but I don't agree with them.  These devices, plus the batteries, charging stations, transmission lines and many other structures necessary to make them work represent a high level of complexity.  A relatively low level of complexity, such as the complexity embodied in a new hydroelectric dam, can sometimes be used to solve energy problems, but we cannot expect ever-higher levels of complexity to always be achievable.

Report: Biden Admin Forced Social Security Employees to Complete 'Mandatory' LGBTQ+ Training.  President Joe Biden's administration forced Social Security Administration (SSA) employees to complete a "mandatory" training that lectured employees on respecting their coworkers' "sexual orientation," and "gender identity," The Sentinel reported.  The LGBTQ+ training warned that using preferred pronouns is compulsory and threatened investigations for those deemed noncompliant, according to audio recordings obtained by the Sentinel.

Biden Announces $600 Million for 'The Most Aggressive Climate Action Ever' During California Visit.  Climate action projects across the nation, including in California, will get $600 million more in federal funding, President Joe Biden announced during a tour of a nature preserve in northern California on June 19.  California's share — $67 million — will help build power lines and transmission infrastructure, and support the state's transition to 100 percent clean energy, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom's office.  "We're taking the most aggressive climate action ever," Biden said.  "I'm here today to announce that we're putting our critical climate investment to work."  The U.S. Department of Energy is also expected to announce a $2 billion investment to modernize the nation's electric grid.

The Editor says...
[#1] Where did Joe Biden come up with $600 million?  [#2] No amount of spending will improve the weather.

The left's assault on the United States military is picking up steam.  One of the most vital things for a successful dictatorship is military control.  A politically neutral military composed of people loyal to the country, rather than its leadership, represents an ongoing threat to a despot.  For centuries, America has had that politically neutral military, but the Biden administration is accelerating a process begun under Obama, which is to weaken military readiness while ensuring that both officers and troops hew to a specific political ideology.  In the first five years of his presidency, Obama fired almost 200 military officers, some of whom felt very strongly that there was an ideological purge taking place.  Certainly, the Pentagon class's willing embrace of leftist ideologies (DEI, CRT and, especially, LGBTQ+++) seems to indicate that those in charge of the military's strange new destiny are on board with all of this.

Maine Lobstermen Get a Big Win Over Biden; Admin's Hypocrisy Faces Big Questions and Investigation.  There are a lot of people who have been suffering under the Biden regime, from being crushed by Bidenflation to being oppressed by his overregulation.  The lobstermen of Maine know all too well about that second part.  The Biden administration's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) imposed a rule that could gut what is already a challenging industry.  The lobstermen challenged Biden in court.

Ready for even more medical shortages?  Big Pharma giant Merck has emerged as an unikely voice for freedom, which is what comes when one's ox is gored.  They've got a lawsuit out to overturn at least part of Joe Biden's odious "Inflation Reduction Act" which has an Orwellian clause about forcing pharmaceutical companies to allow the feds to dictate their prices, which amounts to constitutionally prohibited confiscation without compensation and sure as the sun comes up, will lead to even more medical shortages.  That's on top of the medical shortages we are already seeing, thanks to Pete Buttigieg's latest supply chain failure.

We should all give Biden great credit for what he has achieved in office.  We should be giving Biden credit for energy and spending policies that caused inflation to skyrocket from under 2%, despite COVID to over 9% or 4% in May.  Oil is still around $70 per barrel, or up around 75% from when Biden was elected.  I am sure people on fixed income, the poor, and middle class are extremely happy that food and energy prices have leveled off at such a high level.  When Biden was running for office, he repeatedly said he was going to destroy the oil and coal industry:  "I would transition away from the oil industry, yes," Biden said.  As soon as Biden took office, he dictatorially halted oil and gas leases on US land and water.  Biden also dictatorially cancelled the permit for the Keystone pipeline the day he took office. [...] As a result of Biden's anti-domestic oil policies, the price of oil skyrocketed from around $40 per barrel the day Biden was elected to $84 per barrel in October 2021, less than a year later, which was long before Russia attacked Ukraine.  When the price of oil inflates by over 110% in one year, it causes overall inflation to also go up rapidly, because energy prices affect everything.  It is a simple concept.  Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran benefit greatly when the U.S decides it no longer wants to be a major oil market competitor.

Biden's World Bank Head Promises To Spend 'As Much As We Possibly Can' On Climate Change.  Ajay Banga, the Biden-appointed president of the World Bank, promised to "push" the financial institution to its limits to combat climate change in an interview with Reuters late Tuesday.  While Banga said he would not take any actions that would threaten the global financier's "AAA" credit rating, he said that he would leverage the bank's balance sheet "as hard as you can" to address climate issues, Reuters reported.  Members of the Biden administration, notably including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and President Joe Biden himself, and climate activists have — at times over the objections of developing nations — called for Banga to shift the bank's focus from combating poverty to additionally combating climate change.

Law soon requires new Illinois homes to include electric vehicle charging capabilities.  A new law in Illinois soon requires electric vehicle charging stations in the garage of new or renovated homes.  Critics say this will increase costs.  State Sen. Sara Feigenholtz, D-Chicago, filed Senate Bill 40 to keep Illinois on its path to having one million EVs on the roads by 2030.  The bill was signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker Friday with an effective date of Jan. 1, 2024.  In 2021, Pritzker signed the Reimagining Electric Vehicles in Illinois Act into law, which incentivizes EV production across the state.  There are also state tax incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles.

The Editor says...
What's next?  Why not require every new house to have a basketball goal in the driveway, a dog house in the back, and built-in Christmas lights?  The answer is obvious:  If the home wants that stuff, he will buy it later.  Not everyone will buy an electric car — unless the Democrats rig every future election, which isn't out of the question.

State Senator Tells Parents to Flee His Own State Amid Law That Would Take Kids Away From Non-'Affirming' Parents.  A California state senator told a gathered crowd of parents at the California Senate Judicial Committee to flee the state on June 13 during a hearing on a bill which would put parents who don't affirm their child's "gender transition" in danger of child abuse charges.  Sen. Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, is the lone Republican on California's Senate Judiciary Committee, and he has served in the California Legislature for 11 years.  He was also the lone voice warning against language in AB 957, which a Democratic senator had amended on June 5 to rewrite the California Family Code to list "gender affirmation" alongside a child's need for "health, safety, and welfare."

Who is Driving the Train?  American Leadership is in Full Retreat.  How would John Kirby spin the following US retreats (strategic debacles) on the world scene in two interminable years of the Biden administration?
  •   The Biden administration has committed to a legally binding agreement that "will give the World Health Organization (WHO) control over U.S. pandemic policies," as reported here.  How is giving up US sovereignty to foreigners a demonstration of US world leadership?
  •   Then there was the Biden administration helplessly standing by and watching the communist Chinese facilitate a rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Losing geopolitical leverage to the Chinese in the Middle East is more US world leadership?
  •   How about the gifting of Afghanistan's natural resources to China?  Afghanistan holds lithium deposits estimate to be worth "between $1 trillion and $3 trillion."  China will be delighted to exploit those deposits to retain world leadership in the production of green technology (i.e., electric vehicles, batteries, and solar panels) for export to the US.  The debacle of the US withdrawal itself probably helped convince Putin to launch the Russian invasion of Ukraine, too.

California Bill Would Charge Any Parent Who Doesn't Affirm Transgenderism With 'Child Abuse'.  A recently amended California bill would add "affirming" the sexual transition of a child to the state's standard for parental responsibility and child welfare — making any parent who doesn't affirm transgenderism for their child guilty of abuse under California state law.  AB 957 passed California's State Assembly on May 3, but a co-sponsor amended it after hours in California's State Senate on June 6.  Assembly Member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, wrote the bill and introduced it on Feb. 14.  State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, co-sponsored it.  Wilson's child identifies as transgender.  Originally, AB 957 required courts to consider whether a child's parents were "gender-affirming" in custody cases.  Wiener's amendment completely rewrites California's standard of child care.

Democrats Had Better Be Careful What They Wish for After the Latest Trump Indictment.  Regardless of what you think about the Trump indictment, it's hard not to believe that it smacks of the Democrats' endless attempts to nail Donald Trump for — something.  We've gotten used to it over the past few years, and these legal maneuvers always seem to play out the same way. [...] Maybe they have him this time, but maybe not.  After all, we've heard the rhetoric about the "walls closing in" on Trump for a long time now.  [Video clip]  What seems to be missing from the Democrats' calculus in indicting Trump again (with potentially more indictments to follow) is that the whole scheme could backfire on them tremendously.  They don't seem to be aware of the precedent they're setting with these indictments.  The Democrats are clearly counting on being able to knock Trump out of the 2024 election cycle, but they apparently haven't given much thought to the idea that what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

The Editor says...
Socialist Democrats are apparently unable to think ahead and foresee the potential consequences of their half-baked ideas; for example, open borders, relying on solar panels and windmills while blocking every practical source of energy, allowing men in women's restrooms, letting bums live in the street, giving money to people who are too lazy to work, letting violent criminals roam free, demanding that employers hire the blackest available people instead of those with the most aptitude, letting the FBI act as the Secrete Police, killing babies at any stage of pregnancy — or even beyond, conducting obviously fraudulent elections, calling carbon dioxide a pollutant when it really isn't, Covid lockdowns, promoting homosexuality in public schools, printing money and spreading it around to buy votes, draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, dissolving student loan debt, prohibiting gas stoves, and subsidizing electric cars and gasoline diluted with ethanol that nobody asked for.

Biden administration is 'actively plotting' ways to jam through his $400 billion student loan forgiveness plan even if the Supreme Court strikes it down.  The Supreme Court is getting ready to hand down a decision any day now on President Joe Biden's proposed student loan forgiveness plan — and progressives are scrambling to find a way to still wipe clean that debt.  Meanwhile, the group that launched one of the lawsuits that landed the resident's plan at the Supreme Court says that they will sue any workarounds the Biden administration tries to jam through.  Job Creators Network President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz told that the Department of Education (DOE) is actively working on workarounds to still get at least $10,000 taken off of the debts of most borrowers with outstanding student loans.

Don't call modern leftists communists.  Communists also have a definite goal: the overthrow of the capitalist order and its replacement by a more harmonious collective system.  The means of achieving this objective have been vigorously debated by theoreticians, and the prescriptions have varied from revolutionary violence to parliamentary reform.  What exactly this earthly paradise would consist of is vague, but the intention is crystal-clear.  Modern Western radicals, on the hand, are a congeries of races, religions, economic classes, and sexes.  They are united only by their absolute loathing for the history and culture of the West and nothing more.  The writings of a Robin DiAngelo or the seminars of a Peggy McIntosh are not blueprints for creating a better world, but simply hate-filled propaganda designed to stoke the fires of resentment among groups.  Empty slogans about "equity," the destruction of Occidental living standards in the name of "saving the planet," race-revenge politics, and apparently endless third-world immigration seem to have no goal beyond themselves.  Chaos is cultivated for its own sake, and the endgame seems to be the void.  In short, then, what we have now is not communism.  Hard as it is to believe, it is worse.

Democrats are seeking to destroy the greatest country that ever existed.  Here are some examples:  On healthcare, Democrats want to either have single payer, government-run insurance or want to dictate, as with Obamacare, exactly what must be in health care policies.  Republicans want people and companies to have freedom of choice.  Democrats seem to want to make as many people to be dependent on government as possible, as with Great Society programs.  Why would Democrats fight so hard to block a requirement for able-bodied people to work for their benefits?  With Great Society expansion of welfare programs, Democrats essentially encouraged the break-up of families that leads to generational poverty.  Republicans believe in a safety net but want policies that encourage work, instead of welfare, which would potentially allow people to move up the economic ladder.  Democrats believe that the government should pay off student loan debt.  Republicans believe the people that borrowed the money and received the benefit should pay it off.

New York Calls for Reparations, Erasing Criminal Records, & Wearing Masks Indoors.  A New York bill is part of a national push to provide reparations for African Americans.  Democratic lawmakers in New York hope the Legislature will approve SB1163A in the coming days.  "There's a real question of whether slavery would have been economically feasible without New York," Democrat James Sanders Jr. told Politico.  "New York provided the insurance for the slave industry; New York paid for many of the votes; New York bought much of the cotton."  In other words, it's New York's fault.  This is the greed and politics of envy that socialism brings.

Ready for Socialized Electric Power?  Ever hear of the Build Public Renewables Act (BPRA)? Sounds great, doesn't it?  Yet, like "The Inflation Reduction Act" (the largest climate legislation in government history), its title has very little to do with its actual purpose.  Its true objective is to empower the state (in this case New York) "to provide clean energy if the private sector fails to."  Still sounds great!  There is, however, one little catch: the private sector has until 2030 to provide clean energy.  We all know that, given today's technology, the private sector isn't going to meet this requirement — which means that the second little catch will kick in:  the moving of power utilities out of private hands into publicly owned facilities.

How Green New Dealers became Washington power players.  It was just four years ago that backers of the Green New Deal were considered outcasts in Congress.  They butted heads with Democratic leaders on climate.  Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) derided them as "perfect" and "pure."  And their sweeping plan to transform the energy sector never got a vote on the House floor.  But fast-forward to today, and many of those young outcasts have ascended to top roles in Congress.  They're wielding power on committees — some as attack dogs, others as would-be consensus builders.  And their ideas have helped shape legislation like last year's landmark climate bill, the Inflation Reduction Act.

Biden admin is preparing to target Americans' gas furnaces amid stove crackdown.  The Biden administration is expected to soon finalize regulations restricting which home gas-powered furnaces consumers are able to purchase in the future.  According to experts, the regulations — proposed in June 2022 by the Department of Energy (DOE) — would restrict consumer choice, drive prices higher and likely have a low impact on greenhouse gas emissions.  The agency could finalize the rules targeting residential gas furnaces, which more than 50% of American households rely on for space heating, at any point over the upcoming weeks.  "This is a classic example of one size not fitting all," Ben Lieberman, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told Fox News Digital in an interview.  "Every home is different, every homeowner is different and people are best off having a wide range of choices.  They can work with their contractor to make the best decision for their home and their circumstances."

House Republicans Target Gas Stove Regulations, Power of Administrative State.  After repeatedly failing to overturn Biden administration regulations in existing legislation, House Republicans are taking the next steps in their attempt to exert authority over the administrative state.  Lawmakers discussed a series of bills intended to reach those ends during a June 5 Rules Committee hearing.  "The Constitution articulates where the laws are made.  It's here in Congress," said Committee Chair Tom Cole (R-Okla.) in his opening remarks.  Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa.), by contrast, said the proposals show that the House Republican majority "once again prioritizes right-wing culture wars over the American people."  Right-leaning ideology prioritizes individual liberty over the government intervention preferred by the left.

Government's Ban Isn't Only About Gas Stoves.  The gas stove ban that we were told wasn't going to happen is now being debated in Congress.  Democrats are trying to ban certain models of gas stoves and other household appliances.  Republicans, meanwhile, are pushing two bills to try to stop the bans from happening.  [Video clip]

Those Who Oppose Capitalism Are The Enemies Of Freedom.  Capitalism is not an economic system imposed by government in the way socialism or communism or any form of Marxism or planned economy is imposed on people against their will.  Capitalism is merely the economic activity that men will engage in when left alone, when they are free to act as they wish.  It is spontaneous, ordered and entirely organic.  When men are free to trade with each other without government intrusion, they will inevitably seek and sell capital.  And why wouldn't they?  It is their nature.  Innovators and entrepreneurs hungry to make their ideas flesh need capital to fund their ventures.  Those who have capital see opportunities to reap profits, so they trade their capital in an open market for profits to be realized later.  This is not exploitation but the manifestation of liberty.

It's Not About Politics!  Too many people still believe what we see on the news is politics as usual.  It is not.  Politics departed long ago.  What we are witnessing, what we see demonstrated everyday, is good vs. evil. [...] Normalizing homosexuality, pushing transgenderism, even celebrating them is not politics.  Hospitals operating on children, mutilating them, removing perfectly normal reproductive organs or creating faux body parts as a poor substitute is not politics.  Observing major corporations getting into politics like never before is not mere politics.  Watching these same corporations changing their wares to heighten the Left's narrative is not politics.  Major store chains selling clothing to hide genitalia to enhance the cloaking of actual gender or allowing men in women's bathrooms is not politics.  Thousands upon thousands of homeless living on sidewalks in major Democrat cities while allowing hardened criminals to prey on the innocents is not politics.  Authorizing marketing execs to destroy their brand just to normalize abnormality and then watching other companies follow suit is not politics.  Inviting drag queens to display their deviancy to children in public libraries and classrooms and then calling it 'promoting imagination' is not politics.  Finding thousands of ballots over and above the number of voters in any precinct or allowing people to vote without proving who they are is not politics.  Opening borders to millions of unvetted, unknown people from foreign countries the world over is not politics.  Giving up energy independence is not politics.  Punishing political rivals with censorship is not politics.  Spending trillions on what no one can identify is not politics.  Politicians and Deep Staters committing treasonous acts for decades without repercussion is not politics.  Permitting people to 'serve' in Congress and the presidency who are mentally incompetent or even dead is not politics.  Using 'climate change' to amass power and money is not politics.

Climate Madness: Government Looking to Cull Nearly 200,000 Dairy Cows.  The high priests of climate change are at it again, this time decreeing that 200,000 dairy cows must be put to death to satisfy the left's global warming religion.  This latest outrage is coming from government officials in Ireland who have announced the destruction of tens of thousands of dairy cows so that officials can meet their climate change goals.  One proposal claims that by reducing the country's dairy herd by 10 percent, the equivalent of removing 65,000 cows a year for three years, will help officials meet their emissions reduction plans, according to Farmers Weekly citing the Irish Independent newspaper.

The Editor says...
Or you could just ship 200,000 cows to Dimmitt County, Texas, where they could disappear overnight and no questions will be asked.  If you don't know what I mean, check into this fairly recent story: [1] [2] [3] [4] The Dimmitt County explosion was just one of a series of mysterious explosions at food processing facilities all over the country.

The Road to Socialism is Paved with Equity.  The Biden administration defines equity as "the consistent and systematic treatment of all individuals in a fair, just, and impartial manner."  Who could be against a policy so pure?  One would think the supporters of a policy so pragmatically pristine would encourage critical discussion.  This is not the case.  Anyone that dares question the Democrat party's pursuit of equity is castigated as a blasphemer against liberal orthodoxy.  Liberals require opponents to approach their canon with the reverence of monastic silence.  But when the equity dogma is examined, one realizes that it more closely resembles a Faustian bargain than progressive enlightenment.

Senate Votes To Overturn Biden's Student Loan Giveaway.  Two Democrats and one Independent joined with all 48 present Senate Republicans on Thursday to pass a resolution blocking President Joe Biden's plan to shift billions of dollars in student loans onto American taxpayers.  The Congressional Review Act resolution, introduced in the upper chamber by Republican Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, would overturn the Department of Education's 2022 move to forgive up to $20,000 in loans for some recipients.  A companion resolution introduced by Republican Virginia Rep. Bob Good passed the House in May, 218-203.  Biden has pledged to veto the resolution.  Democrats Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana, along with Independent Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, joined with Republicans.  [Tweet]

Arrest of Chicago 'Peacekeeper' police substitute demonstrates the folly of 'defund the police'.  A man wearing the vest of the new "Peacekeeper" corps deployed over the Memorial Day weekend, to stem the mayhem on a holiday weekend that has become an opportunity for murder tallies to soar, was arrested for a violent attack. [...] One of the many fantasies of the progressives is that there is something inherently wrong or dangerous with police.  Instead of armed police capable of using the threat of violence to restrain offenders, unarmed social worker-like alternatives can reduce violence by sympathizing with offenders and understanding the root causes of their behavior.  The Chicago Police Department's 1,700 vacancies are so catastrophic that Democrat politicians are desperate to deflect blame for their support of defund the police and anti-cop measures.  Chicago's new mayor, Brandon Johnson, ditched his former defund-the-police rhetoric during the campaign but still won't commit to adding funds to the police.

The Democrats' Greatest Achievement: Convincing Idiots That Tyranny Is Virtue.  The far lefties have spent decades demonizing conservatives, Republicans, and white Christians as hateful, racist, terrorists, hell-bent on oppressing minorities, and, lately, guilty of taking down our American democracy, while at the same time assuring their minions they are morally superior to these same liberty-embracing crowd. [...] Leftists, desperate to feed their cowardice — rather than starve it to death and replace it with courage — eat up their phantom supremacy by swallowing whatever self-righteous balderdash their Democrats masters throw at them, even if that means slowly stripping away their own freedoms.  Those at the top of the Democrat hate pyramid have learned they can thrust tyranny on their myrmidons if they just thinly disguise it with a bogus sense of virtue.  The weak are easy prey.  Die-hard leftists will trip over themselves in a desperate attempt to out-virtue signal their Bolshie friends, and if that means cutting off their noses to spite our Constitution-loving faces, so be it.

Why the White House Wants War.  With Ukraine's capital, Kiev, subject to increasing Russian bombardment, and Moscow subject to new drone attacks, the hostility now reflects direct provocation of central government and leadership.  Whether you rightly find Russia's aggression in Ukraine unacceptable, or like University of Chicago political scientist John Mearsheimer, you also see, pragmatically, a long trail of U.S. and EU provocation and mismanagement in foreign affairs, one thing is fairly obvious:  the United States is not interested in pursuing, or trying to broker, a peace deal.  Current U.S. foreign policy toward Russia is following a narrow path of strict escalation toward superpower confrontation.  Russia is not going to lead a peace effort, nor will Ukraine.

American Deviancy.  You don't have to look very far to witness how fundamentally fractured our society is.  Intersectionality lauds our differences, and sets us up for punishment for the transgression of individuality. [...] The nexus argument behind all claims of intersectionality is victimhood — white males have stolen everything, which rightfully belongs to other deserving distinct groups, all of course, sans white males.  Everything must be returned or taken by force, and only then can redress be genuinely achieved.  This has become incontrovertible and sacred doctrine among progressives, although nonsense!  (And that's being charitable when considering the absolute devastation yielded by the belief in and application of intersectionality.)

The Nanny State Stains a Deck.  When candidates run for public office — local, state, or federal — they campaign on some careful blend of their résumés, their personalities, and their political issues. [...]The related issue currently in the news is the world of natural gas appliances.  The United States has so much natural gas, it's practically free energy... but gas-powered ovens, ranges, furnaces, water heaters, and clothes dryers are under assault from blue states like New York and California and from the federal Department of Energy.  Some states have mandated that no new construction can include them; some cities have mandated that perfectly functional existing appliances be ripped out and replaced with electric.

Walz signs recreational marijuana bill into law.  Possibly the most talked about bill during this year's legislative session, the recreational marijuana bill, was signed into law on Tuesday [5/30/2023].  Joined by state lawmakers and other advocates, including former Gov. Jesse Ventura, Gov. Tim Walz signed the legislation during a ceremony at the State Capitol to make Minnesota the 23rd state to legalize recreational marijuana.  "Jimi Hendrix is looking down on Minnesota smiling today," Ventura said while pumping his fist.

Michigan GOP Blasts Dems' Proposal To Give Most Violent Convicts Chance For Reduced Sentences.  Convicted felons in Michigan, including most murderers and sexual offenders, could have a better chance of returning to society if Democrats get their way.  A package of legislation introduced last week by Democrat state Rep. Kara Hope aims to amend Michigan's penal code to allow nearly every criminal to petition for a reduced sentence after serving 10 years behind bars.  Michigan Republicans, led by House Minority Leader Matt Hall, blasted the Democrat-sponsored legislation, arguing that it prioritizes criminals above victims.  "The Democrats make these conversations largely about these criminals and how unfair the criminal justice system is," Hall, who represents areas around Kalamazoo, told The Daily Wire in a phone interview Friday.  "And what we're trying to do is make sure the voices of the victims are heard."

How to Destroy a People.  Wokeness is not about "rights" — it is about favoritism on a colossal scale.  It is about transforming America into a Marxist totalitarian state based on a coalition of groups antagonistic to traditional American identity.  And so, ultimately, it is about destroying America as we have known it for over 200 years.  The special consideration that these groups demand comes at the expense of ordinary citizens — those decent, hardworking, family-oriented citizens who now find themselves forced to the back of the bus.  Ordinary Americans pay the higher taxes necessary to fund the privileges that marginal groups now claim; ordinary folks are expected to nod in agreement as their children are subjected to woke brainwashing; ordinary people are told they must swallow the idea that the needs of homosexuals, transgenders, transvestites, criminals, illegal aliens, environmentalist radicals, communists, atheists, and anarchists come first — in education, hiring, culture, politics, and the news.  There is little space or funding left for everyday Americans, who are told that they are less important and "outdated" and even "hate-filled" just because of their noble beliefs in Christianity, self-responsibility, decency, and goodness.

In the Fight for America, We Hold the High Ground.  The radicals have infiltrated virtually all of our institutions.  But Americans who identify as "liberal" — the 21st-century codename for communists — are only 25 percent of the population according to Gallup.  As our institutions have become increasingly radical, confidence in them has collapsed.  With the loss of confidence, they are also losing their effectiveness.  The 75 percent are having their say in the matter.  Our enemies can't win ideologically, either.  Instead, they've tried to stifle debate.  But Biden's plan to govern disinformation crashed and burned.  The DOJ's attempt to censor dissenting opinions has been exposed as a major scandal, which may even threaten the existence of the FBI. [...] The radicals can't win elections, either.  Instead, they tried to institutionalize election fraud.  Their push to nationalize elections with H.R. 1 — the For the People Act — would have taken control away from the states.  The legislation failed to pass.  Even many of the rule changes that enabled the 2020 shenanigans have since been found unconstitutional.

The military is lying to you, of course.  Both Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and General Milley, Chair of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, insist that the Department of Defense neither funds nor supports drag queen story hours on military bases.  That was and remains a lie.  When presented with the evidence in a Congressional hearing Austin repeated the lie, even when confronted by incontrovertible evidence that he was spreading falsehoods.  He lied.  Then he lied again.  And again.  I have no idea if he was under oath, but it shouldn't matter.  Lying to Congress and the American people is unacceptable, except when a Democrat is in the White House.  Then it is apparently mandatory.  [Tweet]

The Corruption of Climate Science.  It is no exaggeration that every major institution in America has now committed itself to the elimination of affordable and abundant energy.  If it isn't stopped, this commitment, motivated by misguided concern for the planet but also by a lust for power and money and enabled by moral cowardice and intellectual negligence, will destroy Western civilization.  For over 50 years, with increasing frequency, corrupted, careerist scientists have produced biased studies that, amplified by agenda-driven corporate and political special interests, constitute a "consensus" that is supposedly "beyond debate."  We are in a "climate crisis."  To cope with this climate emergency, all measures are justifiable.  This is overblown, one-sided, distorted, and manipulative propaganda.  It is the language of authoritarians and corporatists bent on achieving even more centralized political power and economic wealth.  It is a scam, perhaps the most audacious, all-encompassing fraud in human history.

The Biden admin, with the help of the complicit media, sure pretends a lot.  Incompetence runs deep in the Biden administration.
  •   They didn't seem to prepare for the disaster in Afghanistan.
  •   They didn't control the border.
  •   They also couldn't control inflation and don't seem to have a clue on what causes it (hint, massive regulations and their destructive energy policies).
  •   And they couldn't even keep baby formula on the shelves or valuable drugs in the pharmacies.
But we are supposed to believe that these people can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever if we just give them trillions of dollars and allow them to destroy industries that use natural resources.  Everything in the Biden administration seems to involve endlessly offering talking points, which the media gladly regurgitates without doing research or asking questions.  Facts haven't mattered for a long time.

The Truth About Diversity and the Terrifying Reason the Commie Left Is Pushing It.  Anything being pushed by globalists — especially the evil commie clowns at the World Economic Forum (WEF) — requires a closer look.  So, I thought I'd look into their dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) which they've been hell-bent on gavaging down our throats.  It wasn't long before I stumbled upon a study from 2000 by a political science professor from Harvard named Robert Putnam.  Putnam, a liberal, has spent much of his career studying the reality of diversity.  What he has found, again and again, doesn't bode well for the apparatchiks, snowflakes, and prairie fairies preaching the supposed benefits of all things DEI.  We've been led to believe that our differences are our strengths, but Putnam's findings tell us quite the opposite.  He interviewed 30,000 people, and the results were staggering.

Medicare For All: This Idea Has To End.  Sen. Bernie Sanders is still promoting Medicare for All to "solve" several problems with the current health care system.  What are those problems?  Cost and access are the top two.  Advocates for socialized medicine schemes like Medicare for All get both wrong.  Typical framing of the cost issue shows U.S. healthcare spending relative to gross domestic product (GDP).  But, health care spending should be divided by household disposable income, which is the amount of income available to spend after taxes.  The U.S. ranks no. 1 in household disposable income in the world, and leads 2nd place by more than 20%.  Gross domestic product, in contrast, is a measure of the productivity of the economy rather than of income.  On a per-capita basis, the U.S. typically ranks between 10th and 15th place in the world, and trails countries like Luxembourg, Ireland, and Monaco (which has a per-capita GDP that is more than three times the U.S.)  Clearly, GDP is an antiquated measure developed shortly after WWII that doesn't reflect reality.

The Left's Systematic Slandering of the Police.  After the May 25, 2020 death of George Floyd, a Black man, in the custody of Minneapolis Police, many Democrats, including Joe Biden, have said the police are systematically racist.  San Francisco Democrat Mayor London Breed, Democrat "squad" member Rep. Cori Bush and others have called to defund them.  Their reasoning, so to speak, is that since some police officers rarely kill an unarmed Black man, the entire institution is "systematically racist" (the expression of choice by the Democrat party and their stenographers in what remains of our "news" media), it is necessary to defund the police.  Inferring from a few cases to a conclusion about an entire institution used to be called "the fallacy of hasty generalization" in university critical reasoning courses, but the lack of any good arguments for the Left's talking point has required their use of this fallacy in recent years.

Neil Oliver: There's nothing green about the green agenda; It's all a scam.  [Video clip.]

House Votes Against EPA Truck Emissions Rule, Setting Up Biden Veto.  The House voted on May 23 to overturn the Biden administration's rule on heavy-duty vehicles' tailpipe emissions, the latest knock against the president's environmental agenda in a closely divided Congress and the forerunner to an expected Biden veto.  The short piece of legislation would roll back a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for trucks in December 2022.  The rule, which can be read here, "sets stronger emissions standards to further reduce air pollution, including pollutants that create ozone and particulate matter, from heavy-duty vehicles and engines starting in model year 2027," according to the EPA.  Heavy-duty vehicles are those with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) above 8,500 pounds.  Heavier light-duty pickup trucks such as the Ford F-250 and the Chevy Silverado 2500 have GVWRs that top out above that, as do even heavier pickups like the Ford F-350.

On global warming, so many problems with the data.  Here are some of the destructive policies of the radical greenies that are based on predictions, not scientific data:  The destruction of energy-producing companies that produce reasonably priced energy. (They clearly don't care about the harm to the poor and middle class by high inflation).  The promotion of the highly flammable pollutant lithium while seeking to control CO2, a non-pollutant, clear gas, that makes plants grow and allows the world to be fed.  Spending trillions on carbon capture.  Selling worthless carbon credits so people like John Kerry can pretend they care as they fly in their private jets.  Outlawing gas stoves, furnaces, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and gas grills.  The destruction of fishing and killing of whales by wind farms.  Environmentalists claim to worry about landfills and pollution so where are they going to put all the gas- powered equipment which will be worthless when the wind turbines wear out?  Why should anyone trust the same people who did the following when they said they could control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity, if we just hand over trillions, and give up our freedom and quality of life?

Biden admin announces 'historic' plan to reduce western states' water supply.  The Biden administration announced Monday that seven western states had reached an agreement to conserve critical Colorado River system water supplies amid severe drought conditions.  The agreement — reached by the so-called Lower Basin states of Arizona, California and Nevada — ensures that at least 3 million acre-feet (maf), or 978 billion gallons, of Colorado River water supplies are conserved by 2027, according to the Department of the Interior (DOI) which has worked with states to address shortages.  Under the plan, at least half of that amount will be conserved by 2025.  "There are 40 million people, seven states, and 30 Tribal Nations who rely on the Colorado River Basin for basic services such as drinking water and electricity," Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement Monday.

Nebraska senator flips out debating ban on sex change surgeries for minors, screams 'we need trans people'.  A Friday morning session in the unicameral Nebraska legislature devolved into chaos after one Democratic lawmaker began shouting her support for transgender people amid a debate on a bill to ban sex change procedures for minors in the state.  The bill, which was ultimately approved by lawmakers and sent to Republican Gov. Jim Pillen's desk to become law, bans sex change procedures for minors, as well as abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy.  In voicing her disapproval to the measure Friday morning, state Democrat Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh slapped the lectern and repeatedly shouted: "Transgender people belong here, we need trans people, we love trans people."

Let's Call Them What They Are: Communists.  A "liberal" is someone who stands for liberty.  That is literally the opposite of what our "liberals" stand for.  They use cancelation and censorship to quiet disagreements.  They distort the law to crush dissent.  They use moral relativism to break our sense of right and wrong.  They don't deliver liberty.  They deliver oppression and corruption.  "Progressive" doesn't work much better.  A progressive is supposed to be a person who values progress.  But those operating under the progressive banner have
  •   created conflict in the name of social justice,
  •   destroyed our prosperity in pursuit of ecological justice, and
  •   used wildly out-of-control spending to buy our way out of problems that actually require human development.
In the name of "progress," they have delivered social strife, criminal chaos, and economic collapse.  They haven't delivered progress — only regression. [...] "Democracy" has nothing to do with what Democrats promote.  None of those labels adequately describes those who are actively working to undermine America's founding principles.  Let's stop denying the threat and call them what they are:  communists.

What Is Wrong With These People?  Imagine literally being upset about your state government preventing you from physically removing the genitals from your minor child.  It's difficult to do, I know, because the very idea of butchering the body of a child is foreign to you, but there are a lot of people wildly upset by just that idea.  Just as there is a slice of the public, small as it is, demanding Bud Light completely destroys itself in the name of "tolerance." Then there are the wealthy white liberals who, as if it were a sexual fetish of theirs, demand they and their children, and by extension everyone's children, be indoctrinated into the idea that they are responsible for things done by people who aren't them that happened long before they were born.  You really have to wonder what [...] is wrong with these people.

Eight Disturbing Similarities between the Democrat and Nazi Parties.  The overarching philosophy of both Democrats and Nazis is centralized control.  The individualists on the pro-freedom side of the political spectrum favor liberty and limited government.  The collectivists of the anti-liberty side of the political spectrum favor control and unlimited government.  This can easily be seen in the Democrat's obsession with controlling not only basic liberties, but also gas stoves, dishwashers, and air-conditioners.

The Editor says...
And low-flow shower heads, and one-gallon toilets, and 50-mpg cars, and fluorescent lightbulbs.

Democrats Are The Brainless Party.  The policies being pushed by the party aren't just brainless, they're dangerous.  Rep. Cori Bush, D-Missouri, this week introduced a Reparations Now Resolution that would provide $14 trillion in funds to descendants of American slaves.  "What we're talking about is freedom and equity and calling on this country to acknowledge the harm that it has inflicted," Bush said.  Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., tweeted in support of the bill saying:  "Reparations means equity.  Reparations means justice.  Reparations means dismantling the systems that have kept us marginalized."  Aside from the impossibility of figuring out how to divide the spoils, to say nothing of raising the money, a reparations bill would be massively divisive, given that 68% of Americans oppose it, including 58% of Hispanics and 65% of Asians.  Just 48% of rank-and-file Democrats back reparations.

The Editor says...
Representative Barbara Lee has been in the U.S. Congress for 25 years, yet she claims there are "systems that have kept us marginalized."  Cry on Oprah Winfrey's shoulder.

Karine Jean-Pierre slams bans on trans treatment for minors: 'These are our kids, they belong to all of us'.  While appearing at the 34th annual GLAAD Media Awards over the weekend, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted that trans kids are "our kids" and "belong to all of us" in response to what she called "anti-LGBTQ+ legislation."  Speaking with the website Jezebel at the event on Saturday, Jean-Pierre, who identifies as "queer," talked about the importance of representation and visibility for young people.  She also insisted that there needed to be more moments to "call out" Republican legislation for the sake of trans children.  "There are more than 600 pieces of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation out there.  A few hundred of them are anti-trans community, and that matters because we have to call that out.  And we've never seen this level.  It's historic in the number of pieces of legislation," she said.

Disturbing Democrat Trans Cult Thinks It Owns Your Children.  Despite the very public pushback against them in recent years, the predatory Democrat Trans Cult is still in full force, mobilized, and coming for your children.  These people are relentless and operating under the mistaken impression that they're compassionate.  The coastal bubble Dems are all on board with the push to normalize conversations about sexuality between 8-year-olds and any random adults they interact with during the day at school.  In their telling of the story, every other third-grader in America is trapped in the wrong body and agonizing to be liberated by a compassionate public educator.  This is just one more thing that was made worse by the evil touch of Hillary Clinton.  Ever since Granny Maojackets published It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us back in the '90s, Democrats have felt justified in claiming that parents really can't handle raising their own children and that such things should be left up to the nation's teachers.

Chicago, RIP.  Electing Lori Lightfoot as Mayor of Chicago was the beginning of the end for that city.  Replacing her with someone even more far left is accelerating Chicago's terminal decline.  Tom Bevan notes that the death throes are under way:  [Tweet]  The stupidity is hard to fathom.  A "head tax" on employees means less employment.  The tax on jet fuel will fall, I suppose, on all who fly into or out of O'Hare or Midway airport — yet another reason to avoid the city.  A 3.5% income tax that goes all the way down to $100,000 in income is suicidal.  I have no idea how the city plans to implement a "wealth tax," but it sounds as though a household with a net worth of just $1 million would pay another $4,000 a year.  And the transaction fee will drive banking and investment firms out of the city.  In short, the plan, if enacted, will be a disaster.

Sen. Markey introduces bill to pack Supreme Court, claims two Justices 'have no right to be there'.  Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey introduced a bill to pack the Supreme Court on Tuesday, claiming during a press conference on the legislation that Justices Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett have "no right" to be on the Court.  Markey's Judiciary Act of 2023, which pro-abortion groups Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America endorsed, would add four seats to the Supreme Court.  During his press conference on the Supreme Court steps, Markey called for Justice Clarence Thomas to resign and claimed that two justices have "no right to be there."  "In 2016, Senate Republicans broke the rules and packed the court," Markey said.  "In 2020, Donald Trump helped them to break the rules again."  Republicans refused to confirm Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016. After former President Donald Trump took office, Republicans confirmed Gorsuch in 2017.  After Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, Republicans confirmed Barrett in October 2020.

Is Sanity Returning?  I'm referring to the firestorm rejection consumers are giving to Anheuser-Busch (AB), specifically to buying and drinking Bud Lite. [...] AB's executives, Hollywood celebs, academia, TV networks, Big Media, Big Tech, most large corporations, and most government agencies have collectively decided they know what's best for you, know exactly what you need, and have proceeded to shove it down our throats while forcing their political insanity onto society.  You must hate President Trump — Check; every TV network and celebrity continually echoes that mantra.  We will teach racist ideology to your children, and you'll learn to love it — Check; Democrat-controlled school boards cram Critical Race Theory (CRT) into every school curriculum.  Demand gun control/gun confiscation — Check; every mass-shooting is not because the shooter is deranged or mentally ill; no, it's the gun's fault and Dems demand guns be confiscated.  Americans must have and support open borders to flood the country with illegals and change the voter base — Check; Biden and Dems have refused to control the border, resulting in five million (but who's counting) illegals in slightly over two years (thanks, Joe).  America needs a weakened military more focused on White rage than defeating our enemies — Check; all service branches are struggling to recruit new members.  So, given the large numbers of idiotic, woke businesses and lunatic government/military agendas, Anheuser-Busch managed to outstupid them all.  AB used a girly-man transgender to advertise Bud Lite (BL) to the average working man.

Something wicked this way comes.  [Scroll down]  What are we looking at?  Whatever its long-term provenance going back decades, the movement we are dealing with now starts with Obama.  In the 2008 campaign, Obama said the objective of his administration would be to "fundamentally transform" America.  I, and I suspect a lot of others, thought this was just political blather.  Not hardly.  But there is a problem with this objective.  To achieve it, you have to plow through the Constitution.  Obama didn't plan to do that by amendments but by stoking racial animosity.  Something important happened with the death (ruled to be murder) of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May 2020, for which police officer Derek Chauvin has been convicted and sentenced to 22.5 years.  (Given the plethora of relevant details around the case, a different judgment is imaginable.)  It effectively launched the Defund the Police movement.

Congressional Counter-Offensive.  This summer, Congress will pass 12 separate bills to fund federal government programs in fiscal year 2024.  In anticipation of that process, the Anti-Woke Caucus combed through all 12 of the bills that passed the then-Democratic controlled appropriations subcommittees in 2022 to identify woke funding requests.  As we say in the Navy, it was a target rich environment.  Speaker Pelosi's Democratic majority asked for $200 million for programs dedicated to increasing race-based hiring and recruitment in STEM; $200 million for the Department of State's Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund; $8.6 million for gender advisor programs at the Department of Defense; ICE to detain transgender illegal aliens only at facilities with staff who have received LGBTQ sensitivity and awareness training and medical personnel who have experience delivering hormone therapies; $108 million for environmental justice activities through the Department of the Interior and Environmental Protection Agency; the Army Corps of Engineers to prioritize projects that provide opportunities based on race; and the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish a program to combat "online misinformation" and "extremism."

The age of manufactured crises.  This week, with the eclipsing of Title 42, the U.S. southern border has gone from a hot mess to a full-blown emergency.  We were pushed into the conflict with Ukraine and Russia as well.  Before that was the debacle in Afghanistan.  Our leaders killed drilling for oil and terminated pipeline projects which led to elevated gas prices and fueled inflation.  If inflation was a concern, you'd never notice it from our leaders.  They pumped trillions of dollars into the economy to make inflation worse (and had the gall to call it an Inflation Reduction Act.)  Even when there isn't a crisis, the current administration creates one.  For example, claiming gun violence and trans-oppression are national emergencies.  You can almost hear them, "Let's make loans easier for people with bad credit ratings," which is destined to ignite a housing crisis down the road.  If that isn't enough, looming on the horizon is a Taiwan crisis, the Sudan, and perhaps an incident or two with North Korea.  Rather than get in front of an issue and calm it, actions are taken (or not taken) to ensure that problems are allowed to fester and explode.

Chefs join nationwide pushback against gas stove bans.  World-renowned chef José Andrés is trying to open his first Bay Area eatery but appears ready to quit the effort if officials in the city of Palo Alto don't allow the use of natural gas at the proposed site.  Andrés's position was revealed in an April 28 letter to the city from the attorney for the shopping center that has a deal to bring in the chef's new Zaytinya restaurant.  "Some of its more conventional cooking equipment can be made electric, but other unique pieces of gas-fired equipment critical for Zaytinya's success do not have electrically powered equivalents," the letter reads.  "Without a gas connection and appliances, Zaytinya would be forced to alter its signature five-star reputation and ... will likely choose not to locate within the city."  The controversy started in January after the chairman of the Federal Consumer Safety Products Commission, Richard Trumka Jr., said gas stoves posed a "hidden hazard" and suggested the agency could ban them.

Liberals sure like dead black men.  We are a nation led by a party that is bent on destruction.  On the West Coast, Democrats are destroying dams in the name of nature.  Elsewhere, they are destroying nuclear plants in the name of safety.  They are destroying coal plants in the name of global warming.  They are destroying sections of interstates in the name of racism.  Black men kill black men by the thousand each year.  Liberals ignore those actual murders.  Instead, they turn the media spotlight on the very rare occasion when a black man dies at the hands of a white person.  The murkier the details, the louder liberals screech.  Liberals are playing America.  When President Obama said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin, he created this monster we still grapple nearly a decade later.  Martin was beating George Zimmerman's head against a sidewalk when the victim pulled his gun and killed his assailant.  The death of another teen thug, Michael D. Brown, gave libs an excuse to destroy Ferguson, Missouri, a quiet suburb that black people used to escape St. Louis.  The list goes on, ending in the overdose death of George Floyd while in police custody.  Liberals used their rationalization to destroy cities.

The government doesn't want to talk about your actual concerns.  Gallup periodically asks Americans to declare what they think is "the most important problem facing the country today."  Rather than offering multiple choice answers, they leave it open for respondents to say whatever they like, matching the answers to a number of related categories. [...] ["]The single most common answer was "the government," or "poor leadership," at 18 percent.  Fourteen percent said the economy in general, and 9 percent said inflation or high cost of living.["] [...] Keep that list in mind and consider what news stories are generating the most buzz in the media.  Then consider what the President and congressional leaders are spending their time talking about.  We are repeatedly assured that some sort of "transgender genocide" is going on and we should all be fighting about transgender issues. [...] We're told that the country simply can't move forward without addressing systemic racism and reparations.

Collateral Damage.  The media and every leftist lunatic will claim that failing to pass a debt limit increase will cause the loss of the dollar as the world reserve currency.  This is a flat-out lie.  That boat has already sailed.  What do you think de-dollarization is?  De-dollarization is caused by massive overspending resulting in the need to print, or inject more dollars, even unbacked by Treasuries, in order to have the cash on hand to spend on luxuries like the Green New Deal, transgender surgeries, electric car incentives, wind and solar incentives, the de-oilization of our power grid etc., and other nations recognize it as irresponsible and reckless so they're getting away from the dollar before they're wrapped up in the collateral damage of its implosion.  The media and politicians will tell you that you need to raise the debt limit to avoid defaulting on our obligations.  That's a lie.  The government raises enough cash through taxes to pay for Social Security (paid for by workers over the course of their lives) Medicare and Medicaid.  It raises enough money to pay the interest on the debt, currently about $1 trillion.  So there would be no default, whether the debt limit is increased or not.  What would not be paid for is a great deal of discretionary spending and some tough choices would have to be made.

Janet Yellen: we have to risk default to build windmills.  At least Janet Yellen is upfront about the Biden Administration's priorities. [...] They truly believe that spending a few billion more on worthless clean energy projects is worth wrecking the US economy, or at least that the American people might think so.  I'm pretty sure that argument isn't going to fly outside the confines of an Antifa meeting or a faculty lounge discussion.  They are about the only people who think that a few more solar panels and windmills are worth blowing up the US economy.

Today It's Your Gas Stove, Tomorrow It's Your Dishwasher.  "Don't worry about the dishwasher," our host told us as we checked out the house where my wife and I were staying in the south of France several years ago.  "It's more than two years old."  I had no idea why I needed to worry about this or any other dishwasher, but I was about to find out. [...] Here's where Presidentish Joe Biden steps up to say: You ain't seen nothin' yet, Jacque.  In yet another notorious Friday afternoon news dump, Biden's Department of Energy proposed new efficiency rules for dishwashers sold in the U.S.  If the proposed regulations go into effect — and there's no doubt that the enviro-cabal running the White House is in favor — water use would be reduced by a third on some standard-sized machines, and energy use would be reduced by more than a quarter.  Consumers already complain that machines that have been made since Obama-era restrictions went into effect a decade ago already don't properly clean or dry dishes.  In the future, they'll have even less water and energy to work with.

Count the parallels:
The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America.  The decade-long French Revolution that broke out in 1789 soon devolved into far more than removing the monarchy, as it became antithetical to the earlier American precedent.  American notions of liberty and freedom were seen as far too narrow, given the state, if only all-powerful and all-wise, could mandate "equality" and force "fraternity" among its subjects. [...] Jacobins sought to wipe out religion, both materially and spiritually.  They replaced God, first, with the atheistic "Cult of Reason" and then a stranger still "Cult of the Supreme Being" — a dreamed-up, living, humanistic god that only the murderous Robespierre could fully envision, but eerily similar to our own Green New Deal deity.  The months of the year themselves were renamed, the days of the week renumbered and relabeled.  Statues were toppled, first at night, later in shameless daylight.  Place names were erased and renamed.  The original revolutionary heroes were not to be mentioned; their uncouth successors deified.  Money was printed to "spread the wealth" — until it was worthless.

We should talk about just how bad the RESTRICT Act is.  Back in 2001, like many other people I foolishly bought into the idea of the USA Patriot Act.  After all, we had just suffered the worst terrorist attack in history and we had to go after the bad guys, right?  Of course, since that time we've seen the government and our own intelligence agencies spying on regular Americans more than any alleged ISIS sleeper cells.  Now the government is brewing up a new plan supposedly in response to threats posed by China through back-door data breaches using the TikTok video app.  It's called the RESTRICT Act and it is unfortunately drawing bipartisan support in the Senate.  But much like its predecessor, this bill would open the door to vastly expanded executive branch powers and unprecedented levels of control of both financial activity and people's personal data.

[The] Biden Administration [is] waging [a] pointless war on our comfort in the name of climate.  Looking forward to using your air-conditioning this summer to keep you from misery and lack of sleep?  Well, you might have some issues.  You see, the Biden administration has declared war on comfort.  It's not just gas stoves, leaf blowers, and lawnmowers the Biden-ites are coming for.  No siree.  They are also bound and determined to eventually make air-conditioning prohibitively expensive for all but their coastal elite friends and allies.  New Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations are limiting supplies of freon and other refrigerants, because they are allegedly contributors to "climate change."  The new production quotas have driven up the price of these refrigerants by about 300%, meaning that a recharge may cost $100 to $500 more than before these regulations took effect, depending on how much replacement refrigerant is needed.  But wait, there's more!  The coolant quotas get even more stringent next year.

The RESTRICT Act Gives Up Nearly All Notions of Checks and Balances.  Just like snake oil salesmen of the past, these Senators may talk a good game, but their antidote is far worse than any purported affliction.  To address our nation's hysteria over dance videos, more than twenty Senators, both Republican and Democrat, support the RESTRICT Act.  They tell us that this bill will help rein in the dastardly threat that comes from the Chinese government supposedly spying on silly videos made by American teenagers.  Instead, it bestows an astonishing amount of power to the Executive branch in a manner that the Chinese Communist Party would approve of.  As Tucker Carlson correctly observed, "this is not an effort to push back against China.  It's part of a strategy to make America much more like China."

There are never enough regulations for progressives.  Bernie Sanders now wants a minimum wage of $17 per hour and a 32-hour work week. [...] The goal of Democrats for decades seems to be making more people dependent on the government instead of having a goal to make more people independent and giving them the opportunity to move up the economic ladder.  A huge problem is that members of Congress haven't worked even an average of 32 hours a week for a long time, so they live in an alternative universe.  Five of the richest ten counties in the United States are around Washington, D.C., where they produce nothing but more bureaucracy for the rest of us, but there is never enough.  The question is, when will the politicians and bureaucrats ever think they have confiscated more than their fair share?  The answer is never.

Beware the Globalist 'One Health' Propaganda Merging Pandemic and Climate 'Emergencies'.  First UNICEF, followed by GAVI, the WHO, the UN, the Council of Europe, the BMJ, the Guardian, the Financial Times, Save the Children and now the Labour Party have all told you:  "No one is safe until everyone is safe."  This slogan is designed to garner ideals of equity and togetherness and induce a warm, fuzzy feeling whilst in actual fact it is cold and calculating.  The ultimate purpose of this slogan is to diminish the range of your thought and to perpetuate the state of emergency.  Its teaching is a top-down imposition with no grounding in reality, amplified with mantra-like repetition by many (seemingly) independent voices until it is no longer questioned by the masses.  This is an insidious form of indoctrination.  The techniques employed by these sloganeers are not new and echo those of totalitarian regimes.  Unless we are able to comprehend the power of this manipulation then we cannot safeguard ourselves from the danger that it poses.

Why do liberals support legislation that obviously harms them?  A large percentage of liberal voters seems to have no objection to raising taxes, even when they themselves are the target.  These voters are, in fact, socialists who believe that Big Government can solve every problem if only it has enough money to do so.  These voters don't understand, or don't care, that government spending translates into higher inflation.  They believe Biden's lies — that the economy is improving, that there is no inflation, that America is more secure, that gas-powered engines must soon be eliminated, that there is no border crisis, that 57,000 new IRS agents will make life better for everyone.

The New Ugly Americans.  The Biden Administration in January 2022 stopped the EastMed pipeline.  That joint effort of our allies Cyprus, Greece, and Israel sought to bring much needed clean-burning Mediterranean natural gas to southern Europe.  Apparently, our diplomats felt it violated our own New Green Deal orthodoxies.  So we imperialists interfered to destroy a vital project of our closest allies.

The war on gas stoves is a war on all natural gas.  Remember when we were assured that there is no war on natural gas stoves?  That was always a lie, of course.  But it is bigger than just stoves.  New York is banning all natural gas connections in new construction.  [Tweet]  Maybe when the Democrats and their MSM allies assured that gas stoves weren't in the crosshairs they actually meant that not only gas stoves were going to be banned.  Natural gas appliances of all types are going the way of the dinosaur.

Biden to Spend $500K Teaching 'Professional Skills' to Trans Kids in Pakistan.  Decades hence, when historians are seeking the exact moment when relations between the West and the Muslim world turned the corner to become a model of trust and mutual respect, they will land on the day the Biden administration reached out to help "Transgender Youth" in Pakistan.  No, really.  There are trans kids in Pakistan, and they need "professional development."  And now our far-sighted administration is offering a $500,000 grant to teach Pakistani kids English.  One of the conditions of the grant is that the recipient provides "intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth."

Minnesota Democrat Signs Bill Banning Free Speech For Therapists Of People Struggling With Sexual Distress.  Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a bill on April 27 that bans private conversations between therapists and patients struggling with their sex and sexuality.  Now Minnesotan therapists who help those with gender dysphoria accept their sex and those with unwanted same-sex attraction are banned from helping willing clients with these struggles.  HF 16 bans these private, uncoerced conversations as illegal "conversion therapy" for children and adults despite studies suggesting such conversations can be helpful and welcomed.  "No child will be subjected to this outdated, Byzantine, and cruel practice of conversion therapy," Walz announced during the signing.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland Testifies It's Better to Get Rid of Jobs in USA, Live in Poverty and Save the Planet.  Around 15 years ago CTH outlined the inclusive goal of the progressive movement, modern Democrats as they were evolving, was to deconstruct the U.S. economic system so that Americans would be forced to live in government-controlled poverty.  Essentially reduced to circling a campfire, eating sustainable algae cakes and picking parasites off our family members.  Most people understandably scoffed and said we were being hyperbolic.  However, what we were highlighting was the natural conclusion of a visible ideology and set of policies.  The modern democrat ideology is based on a worldview that feudalism is superior, and Democrats are elite in their global magnanimity (defined as their virtuous self image).  Fast forward a decade+ later, and there is Joe Biden's Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, explaining why it is better for the health of the planet if Americans lose their jobs, lose their economic sustainability, starve in feudal poverty, as the virtuous government ships all the dirty jobs to China and retains their clean pro-climate agenda.  In Haaland's defense, it should be noted that this has been the policy of Canada for quite a while.

The Editor says...
Before you wreck the U.S. economy to "save the planet," I have a few questions:  How do you know your actions will prevent anything?  How do you know climate change isn't inevitable?  How do you know carbon dioxide is harmful?  How many environmental disaster predictions have come to pass in the last 50 years?  Shouldn't the primary goal of the Executive Branch be to assure that the United States thrives even when no other country does?

The Disposable Biden.  By any national metric, we're all far worse off now than we were before Biden stumbled through the doors of the Oval Office like a lobotomized polio victim.  His "stiff gait" is an indicator of serious neurological decline which has become a brand of sorts.  It's Biden's version of Trump's rambunctious mane.  But, instead of signaling a raucous virility, Biden's halting and unbalanced gate communicates fundamental weakness and morbidity.  The leader of the free world?  How about sock puppet? [...] Our institutions have been poisoned by feckless, political appointees.  But, the watershed moment in deep state corruption manifested itself when Barack Obama sauntered into the White House, and Karl Marx followed with him.  Every apparatus of deep state power fell under the full control of left wing radicals, installed by the Obama administration — a phalanx of unelected officials that still occupy key positions today.

Democrats are threatening to remove security funding for Supreme Court.  Even I underestimate the willingness of the Democrats to use the threat of violence to force compliance with their demands.  According to both Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, 15 Democrats from the Judiciary Committee have sent a letter to the Appropriations Committee asking that funding for the security that defends the lives of the Supreme Court Justices and their families be denied until the Court buckles to the demands of the Democrats.  [Tweet]

Josh Hawley Gets Deb Haaland to Admit 'Quiet Part out Loud' During Energy Committee Hearing.  With both Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and John Kennedy (La.) doing their respective parts to expose the rotten nature of the Biden White House and Congressional Democrats on the issue of targeting conservative Supreme Court Justices for blatantly partisan reasons, it only seems fitting that we close out the day with a pretty epic takedown from Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.).  In Hawley's case, the scene was a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing held Tuesday [5/2/2023] "to examine the President's budget request for the U.S. Department of the Interior for Fiscal Year 2024."  Deb Haaland, in her role as Joe Bidens Sec. of the Interior, was there to defend her department's budget requests, which include billions for addressing an allegedly "profound climate crisis that is rapidly changing how we consider the future, evaluate risk, and protect resources."

USA Today Is Coming for Your 'Pollution'-Spewing Lawn Mower.  The liberal newspaper doom mongered how "[g]as leaf blowers and lawn mowers are shockingly bad for the planet" and praised how "[b]ans are beginning to spread."  USA Today immediately kicked off its nutty April 30 climate agitprop by making it seem like the fight against lawnmowers was a noble crusade against Thanos' minions in Marvel's Avengers: Endgame (2019):  "Your lawn may be the next climate change battleground.  And parks.  And playgrounds."  The newspaper ludicrously propagandized that "[r]egulators and clean-air advocates are increasingly eyeing the pollution emitted by small gasoline engines used to power lawn mowers and leaf blowers as they seek to blunt climate change."  The newspaper apparently found this nonstory so important that it plastered the item on the front page of its May 1 print edition.

Gas leaf blowers and lawn mowers are shockingly bad for the planet.  Regulators and clean-air advocates are increasingly eyeing the pollution emitted by small gasoline engines used to power lawn mowers and leaf blowers as they seek to blunt climate change.  Environmentalists say using a commercial gas leaf blower for an hour produces emissions equal to driving from Denver to Los Angeles.

The Editor says...
[#1] The last sentence in the excerpt above is (ahem) rather hard to believe.  Driving from Denver to Los Angeles takes about 15 hours.  The engine in an automobile is roughly 50 to 100 times as big (in piston displacement) as the engine in a leaf blower.  [#2] Environmental activists and nanny-state regulators are concentrating on leaf blower and lawn mowers in a effort to slow down "climate change," which is a process that's already so slow that nobody can tell it's happening.  (It's also incurable and inevitable.)  Moreover, any battle against leaf blowers is a waste of time because carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, and China is burning coal faster than all other countries combined.  That's a lot of combustion, and nothing done in the U.S. will stop it.

USA Today Is Coming for Your 'Pollution'-Spewing Lawn Mower — Claims 'a commercial gas leaf blower' produces emissions 'equal to driving from Denver to Los Angeles'.  "Here we go again," Climate Depot Founder Marc Morano said in comments to MRC Business.  "Every day Americans wake up to find that some new unelected bureaucracy or bureaucrat has determined that in order to save the planet, a major modern tool or convenience is going to be banned."  Morano blasted USA Today for pushing woke, eco agitprop:  "Forcing Americans to pay three times higher for electric equipment in order to save the planet and meet climate goals — is unacceptable."  All Americans need to know about these restrictions, said founder Steve Milloy, is that "the government can still use gas-powered blowers but residents and their lawn care companies can't.  It's obviously not about air quality."  Rather, Milloy stated, "it's about left-wing government asserting more and more mindless control over our lives.  Even if it was true that gas-powered lawn equipment somehow affected air quality or were too noisy, I'd rather suffer that than rogue government."

It Takes a Village?  Hillary's famous book title may have some truth to it in that a village is a close-knit tiny community where everyone knows everyone and has a stake in each other's well-being.  But Hillary wasn't talking about a village; she was talking about huge, faceless, unaccountable government bureaucracies.  Now we have a president — or maybe half a president — who recently said, "Our nation's children are all our children."  Really?  Our children belong to their radical left-wing teachers?  Biden quoted one such teacher saying, "There's no such thing as someone else's children."  So, our children belong to the pedophiles among us?  Do they belong to the greedy plastic surgeons?  Do they belong to the drug dealers and the pharmaceutical companies?  Do they belong to school boards and bureaucrats and school counsellors?

Shut Down the Border or Shut Down Democrat Cities.  The Mayor of New York City can regularly be heard complaining about the strain placed on his city by the flood of illegal aliens shipped to the sanctuary city by red state Governors.  Now the city of Chicago is joining the chorus of Democrat-run localities that advocate for open borders that are now choking on their wish.  While it's fun to watch, it is damaging to America.  As such, it's time to shut down the border until those charged with securing it can put a plan in place to actually do just that.  Honestly, the Biden administration had no intention of securing the border.  Flooding the country with illegal aliens straining state and local budgets is part of the plan — you can't "fundamentally transform" something working, there'd be no point or appetite for it.  Democrats need to overwhelm people and governments, as well as completely crumble the current system in order to sell people on the idea that something "new" is needed.  Of course, that "new" is the old tropes and policies leftists have been imposing and failing at for more than a century, but you can't create a hellish Utopia without breaking a few eggs (or killing 100 million people, as the case may be).  That plan to transform the United States into something it not only has never been, but was expressly never intended to be can only work if what exists now is destroyed.

Kennedy Jr. is a Trojan Horse.  Commentators on the right tend to suffer the Bush Syndrome of wanting love and respect from the enemies of America we call the left.  This explains the praise of Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., who is challenging Biden for the presidential nomination.  I warn readers that Biden is not Kennedy's target.  It's Trump.  Democrats want a Pretend Populist to keep him from winning re-election.

"No Bricks, No Glass, No Cement" — What Net Zero 2050 Demands According to Government-Funded Report.  No bricks, the walls and foundations made of compacted earth, cement made from clay and glass scavenged from demolition skips are just some of the construction changes needed to comply with Net Zero by 2050.  The latest paper from Government-funded U.K. FIRES looks to "minimise new construction", and notes the shape of the urban environment will change, allowing for "denser living and reduced transport needs".  The latest U.K. FIRES paper seems to have slipped out quietly at the end of last year and has to date attracted little publicity.  But the group, which comprises a number of academics led by Cambridge engineering professor Julian Allwood, made headlines around the world recently with previous work noting that all flying and shipping must stop by 2050, beef and lamb must be banned, and only 60% of energy will be available to cook food and heat homes.

It's Never Been About Tucker, Trump, or Fox News.  America is going to hell in a handbasket.  Not in the surreal world created by TV and social media, but in the real world.  A civilizational inferno has engulfed America and the people we've elected to fight it have done nothing of substance to contain it.  We're not dealing with people who merely disagree on how to put the fire out.  We're dealing with political pyromaniacs who set the fires, watch them burn, and work to stop anyone who tries to put them out.  They're facilitating illegal immigration, weaponizing government, redefining crime and punishment, changing the definition of inflation to spend more, corrupting our election system, cheering and funding a tyrannical gender revolution, and butchering history to institutionalize a cultish gospel of black victimhood.

Rappers' violent lyrics can't be used against them in court under Democrats' new bill.  House Democrats are pushing a new bill that would make it illegal for prosecutors to use violent lyrics by rap artists against them in court if they commit crimes, citing First Amendment protections.  On Thursday, Reps.  Hank Johnson, D-Ga., and Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., announced they would reintroduce the Restoring Artistic Protection Act, or RAP Act.  The bill would protect artists from the use of their lyrics against them in criminal and civil proceedings, a practice that's more common in cases involving hip-hop artists.  The pair introduced the bill last Congress, but it failed to gain any traction.  The measure, they say, would add a presumption to the Federal Rules of Evidence that would limit the admissibility of evidence of an artist's creative or artistic expression against that artist in court.

The Ruling Class's Stalinist Purge.  Like a hammer smashing anyone who seeks to "make America great," the ruling class pounds Trump, his supporters, and now even Tucker Carlson.  A "great America," you see, is antithetical to the technocratic police State that the Marxist globalists are busy building. [...] There is a great deal of public celebration among leftists these days.  They managed to use propaganda, criminal conspiracies, and boatloads of unverified mail-in ballots to remove President Trump from office.  Since his departure, federal and state prosecutors have built sham criminal cases intended to thwart his return and imperil his life with once-unthinkable imprisonment.  State actors attack him from all directions with civil suits intended to drain him of time and resources.  His political friends and allies — who have been unjustly dragged through the criminal "justice" system due to the machinations of unethical prosecutors and black-robed tyrants — remain targets for their beliefs.

Minnesota bill normalizing pedophilia dropped after backlash.  I'm not quite sure whether the bill is totally dead or not, because nothing is until the legislature adjourns.  We do know that the GOP managed to get the language normalizing pedophilia stripped out of the bill in a vote yesterday.  Whether the language comes back or not, it is clear is that the pressure is on and the Chief Author of the bill is feeling the heat and the Republicans in the Minnesota House, who apparently hadn't noted the change to the definition of "sexual orientation" to remove the exclusion for pedophilia, have grown a backbone.

Conservatives Lost the Culture War and the Trump Agenda Is the Only Path Forward.  Immigration, trade, war, and crime.  Being right on these four issues propelled Donald Trump to the presidency in 2016 against all odds.  The intervening seven years have changed nothing.  The only way a candidate from the Right can possibly win the presidency in 2024 is by campaigning on limiting immigration (build the wall), increasing tariffs, getting out of Ukraine, and restoring law and order (especially in regards to elections and the opioid crisis).  These are the core issues for the center-Right coalition needed to win national elections.  No supposedly conservative politician with aspiration for higher office should ever make any public statement without hammering at least one of these points.  Journalist asks about Social Security?  Talk about why we need to stop giving money to Volodymyr Zelenskyy.  Democratic opponent brings up climate change?  Talk about why we need to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it.

The Editor says...
No.  Changing the subject is what Socialist Democrats do when they're losing an argument.  If your baby-killing Democrat opponent brings up climate change, make him prove that carbon dioxide is harmful (it isn't), and that the polar ice caps are melting (they aren't), and the sea level is rising so fast that millions of people will have to move in a few years (nope, just look a New Orleans).  Ask your Socialist opponent if he arrived at the debate in an electric car.  Probably not, but if so, ask him if he knows about the little kids who work in lithium mines to make the batteries for electric cars.  Whatever the subject, beat them down with indisputable facts.  Win the debate.  The Socialists are not your friends.  They are wrong about everything, so there is no need to change the subject.

Minnesota Legislation Seeks to Normalize Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation.  Earlier this year I noted that the mainstream acceptance of transgenderism would be the precursor to the normalization of pedophilia.  The evidence to support this was quite clear.  And I'm sorry to say that I was right.  The Minnesota legislature is in the process of changing the legal definition of "sexual orientation" that literally opens the door to mainstreaming pedophilia.  Here's how it's being done.  The bill modifies the existing Minnesota law that designates sexual orientation as a protected category, making it unlawful to discriminate based on sexual orientation within the state.  The first thing it does is adds a definition for gender identity: [...] That portion striking out the part that reads, "'Sexual orientation' does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult," is not a mistake.  The Democratic majority in the House of Representatives has made the decision to eliminate a clause that explicitly excluded pedophilia from being considered a valid sexual orientation.  This doesn't mean that pedophilia will be legalized in Minnesota — yet — but by specifically removing the clause excluding pedophilia as a protected sexual orientation, pedophiles will become a protected class, subject to the same legal protections against discrimination currently enjoyed by gays, lesbians, transgenders, etc.

Democrats for Pedophilia.  Anyone who has been paying attention knows that lots of liberals have been grooming kids in recent years.  Generally, though, they don't admit it:  there are lots of good reasons, supposedly, why drag queens should invade little kids' libraries, and ask children to stuff dollar bills into their G-strings at drag shows.  Here in Minnesota, we have something different: the Democratic Party is officially coming out in defense of pedophilia as a matter of law.  Minnesota's crazed DFL majorities have passed one extreme measure after another this session, but this one breaks new ground in service of pedophilia.  The bill is HF 1655, sponsored by a man pretending to be a woman named Leigh Finke.

Pedophiles are about to become a protected class in Minnesota.  The bill amends the provisions in Minnesota law that created sexual orientation as a protected class, meaning that discrimination of any kind based upon sexual orientation is illegal in the state.  It's been around for a long time, unsurprisingly, and like all such provisions, it encourages mischief such as lawsuits, quotas, DEI initiatives, etc.  They also undermine the right to free association.  There is a carve-out for some non-profits, but otherwise, it applies to everything and everybody.  Nothing shocking, of course.  This sort of thing is common now.  Nobody has the right to free association in America anymore.  Well here in the great state of Minnesota we are about to expand the definition of "sexual orientation," and in the process, the great minds of the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives have decided to remove a provision that excluded pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation.

Portland to ban gas-powered delivery vehicles from 16 blocks downtown.  Portland is about to be one of the first cities in the U.S. with blocks dedicated as a zero-emission delivery zone, thanks to a $2 million grant the city received.  The Portland Bureau of Transportation announced Tuesday that the money will support creating a 16-block area in downtown where all deliveries must be made using zero-emission vehicles.  These vehicles can include electric vans and trucks, cargo bikes or hydrogen-fueled vehicles.

The Editor says...
News bulletin:  Downtown Portland shares the atmosphere with the rest of the world.  This stunt, (much like electric cars themselves) will benefit no one in the long run.

Biden Reelection Video Fails to Mention a Single First-term Accomplishment.  President Joe Biden launched his reelection bid on Tuesday with the release of a new video that fails to name a single achievement in his first term — nor any plan for what he might hope to achieve in his second term.  Instead, the video dwells on abortion ("personal freedom"), as well as "MAGA extremists," whom the country must defeat in what Biden calls a "battle for the soul of our nation," repeating a theme from his 2020 campaign. [...] The only hints at any kind of first-term achievement are images of Biden's nomination of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.  The video does not mention economic policy, nor foreign policy, nor challenges like inflation or the border.  It is focused on oblique references to abortion and attacks on "MAGA extremists."

My Monday rant on saving civilization.  Justice, to the Left, means people destroying things, stealing things, committing violence, and tossing people out of the public and economic square.  Creating inflation in order to eliminate the middle class.  [Tweet]  We live in a society now where killing babies and old people is considered a positive good, and paying people not to work in the midst of a huge labor shortage is considered just.  Where performing sterilization on children before they even reach puberty is to be celebrated.  In Minnesota, in just one day, the Minnesota Senate passed 3 bills that shock the conscience:  banning so-called conversion therapy for transgender people, which is just giving counseling to troubled youth and not a cult reprogramming as implied; making Minnesota an abortion sanctuary where non-custodial parents can take their children for "care;" and the same "sanctuary" law that allows such parents to get "gender-affirming" care for children despite not having custody rights and violating court orders.  The Democrats cheered and clapped after they passed all 3 bills.  This is their vision of a just society.  It is, literally, evil.  The intentional destruction of our society.

Five-Year Plans: Climatistas Think Three's the Charm.  Joe Stalin was first out of the box with his Five-Year Plan, a brilliant scheme to transform the Soviet Union from an agricultural into an industrial state.  What could be easier, what with all the brilliant intellectual minds that Stalin had gathered around him, not to mention Joe's extensive library of 20,000 books?  Only, of course, on account of "saboteurs and wreckers," it didn't quite work out as the planners had predicted.  The Five-Year Plan of 1928-32 was punctuated by the Soviet Famine of 1932-33.  Still, only 6 to 8 million died.  Thirty years later, Mao Tse-tung, as we then knew him, tried to repeat Stalin's achievement with another Five-Year Plan, the Great Leap Forward of 1958-62.  There's no doubt that the Great Leap Forward made Stalin's Plan look like a walk in the park, with the Great Chinese Famine of 1959-61 causing 15-55 million deaths.

Playing By the Rules Is for Suckers.  Just look at yourself, all responsible and upstanding.  You worked hard, and you played by the rules.  You didn't go out and commit felonies or drop a bunch of kids with so many partners that you need a spreadsheet to keep Father's Day straight.  You've earned a credit score in the triple digits by paying your bills.  Congratulations.  Now you get to pay for the deadbeats who party while you grind out a paycheck.  The Biden regime's new plan is to add a surcharge to the mortgages of people with good credit scores to subsidize a key Democrat constituency, the ditzes, doofuses, layabouts, and bums whose bad decisions would have once led to bad consequences, except we only do dire consequences for good people in 2023.  Their problems are your problems, and your problems are also your problems.

Getting Off the Roller Coaster to Bondage.  It's not as if the ruling class's "cult of expertise" provides any comfort.  We have a president who long ago lost his marbles, a vice president who succeeded in the political profession by excelling in the oldest one, a secretary of defense committed to promoting men in dresses, a health bureaucracy pumping citizens full of experimental drugs, a Treasury Department endlessly printing money, a Commerce Department prioritizing inflation-inducing "green" windmills over real economic growth, a homeland security chief dedicated to keeping the nation insecure, and a national police force that treats half the country as "domestic enemies."  It's almost as if whoever installed these yahoos into the highest positions of authority wanted obvious "fall guys" for when everything, well, falls down.

Did a 21-year-old air guardsman expose Biden's violation of the War Powers Act?  Last week, the mainstream media gleefully reported the arrest of a low-ranking, 21-year-old Air National Guardsman from Massachusetts named Jack Teixeira, who apparently, on an internet chat site, divulged state secrets in violation of the Espionage Act and embarrassed the Biden administration. [...] Among the information spilled are revelations of the Biden administration spying on friends and foes alike.  But bigger questions surround this case, hot-potato questions the media won't touch, with the hottest being this: Do the Teixeira revelations expose a violation of the War Powers Act by Biden?  But most disturbing, are claims of United States Special Forces inside the red-hot Ukrainian war zone, months after Biden boasted there will be "no boots on the ground," a boast perhaps as credible as his blathering that "if you take the vax, you won't get COVID."  If United States Special Forces advisors are on the ground, in the midst of a kinetic war, supporting Ukraine's military against Russia, not only do Americans have a right to know, as major wars have been ignited by the slightest of hair triggers, but a larger question must now be examined:  Has Joe Biden violated the War Powers Act?

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg proposes spending $20 million taxpayer dollars on female crash test dummies.  Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has proposed that the Department of Transportation include $20 million for female crash-test dummies in its 2024 fiscal budget.  That Buttigieg — famous for his love of females though he may be — wants to spend vast sums of taxpayer dollars on feminine crash dummies seems odd in the current cultural climate in which we salute all things non-binary.  Nonetheless, Mayor Pete's proposal has already garnered support from several House Democrats.  For example, Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut praised Buttigieg's plan during a recent House Appropriations Subcommittee meeting.  DeLauro stated that the use of female crash dummies would be a major step forward in the fight against "gender inequity".  Say what?  Unlike humans, who are either one sex or another, crash dummies can't be gendered[,] as they are not living beings.  But, in today's world, nothing can stand in the way of insanity.

The Editor says...
The clamor for female crash test dummies is clearly promoting violence against women.  Or maybe it's a sexist commentary on the way women drive.  Either way, where are the great feminist leaders now?

Biden's 'environmental justice' is a cheap façade.  Joe Biden claims he cares so much about communities and the people, but he has never cared about the people in East Palestine, Ohio.  Maybe the IRS should concentrate on collecting taxes instead of pretending they can control temperatures.  Maybe the Justice Dept. should concentrate on criminals, like the Bidens, instead of pretending they can control droughts.  Maybe bank regulators should concentrate on the safety and soundness of banks instead of on social justice and pretending they can determine someone's carbon footprint.  Maybe the DHS should concentrate on securing the border instead of acting as though it can control sea levels.  Maybe the military should concentrate on keeping America safe from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea instead of pretending it can control the weather.  Anyone who believes that politicians and bureaucrats can design policies or predict temperatures and other climate patterns twenty or one hundred years out, knowing how far off previous dire predictions are, has lost his ability to think and certainly has no common sense.

NYC Subway Attack Victim Slams AOC's Call to Direct Police Funding to Teachers.  A woman from Queens, New York who lost her eye in a violent attack last fall torched Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (NY) suggestion that funding for police be given to public schools, parks, and libraries.  Elizabeth Gomes, 33, was brutally attacked at a subway station by a "homeless ex-con," 41-year-old Waheed Foster, last year, according to the New York Post.  On Monday, Ocasio-Cortez slammed Democrat Mayor Eric Adams' decision to give "militarized" police their first raise in seven years.  "We are now at a point where officially, most officers are paid more than a teacher with a master's degree," Ocasio-Cortez said on the show.  "We are defunding safety, defunding our public schools, defunding our public pools, defunding our parks [and] defunding our libraries."

Zero Democrats Vote For House Bill To Protect Women's Sports.  The House of Representatives passed legislation on Thursday to protect women's sports leagues by banning male athletes who identify as females from competing.  The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023 would amend Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 such that recipients of federal financial assistance which operate sports leagues cannot "permit a person whose sex is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls."  The legislation passed with 219 affirmative votes, all of which came from Republicans, and 203 negative votes, all of which came from Democrats.

The Useful Veneer of the Aging Democrat.  This new Democratic Party believes in defunding the police.  It supports the George-Soros-funded state and city district attorneys.  These prosecutors seek either to release violent criminals without bail or reduce their felonies to misdemeanors.  Critical legal and race theories are their creeds.  So they argue that crimes have little to do with individual free will.  Criminals are not deterred by tough enforcement of the laws.  Instead, "crime" reflects arbitrary constructs of a racially oppressive hierarchy.  They believe the "woke" revolution of using race and gender in lieu of a meritocracy should dominate government and corporate boardrooms.  Racial separation in graduations, dorms, and university programs are needed reparations.  Big Tech is their ally.  All the better when it partners with government, especially the FBI and CIA, to suppress "misinformation" and "disinformation."  They believe gender is socially constructed.  Thus transitioning biological males can and should compete in women's sports.

New York City is Discovering that Legalizing Marijuana Wasn't Really a Great Idea.  Decriminalizing marijuana, we've been told to the point of stupor for years, would simply be a matter of recognizing the way society has changed and coming to a mature accommodation of a widespread current practice.  It would free up valuable police resources to deal with actual crimes and real criminals, and end a longstanding injustice in which — you guessed it! — people of color were, we were told, disproportionately targeted for arrest and prosecution.  So the state of New York has legalized marijuana, and how's it going?  Doritos and Patchouli oil sales through the roof?  Maybe.  But there have been a lot of unexpected downsides.

Both American Political Parties Have Adopted Lenin's Strategy for the Destruction of Capitalism.  Ironically, uncontrolled spending and the massive assault on capitalism are the products of our irresponsible democracy.  There are three critical points.  First, the Democrat party made an epochal ideological shift toward egalitarianism.  For years the Democrat elite and party leaders have displayed their distaste for capitalism, fracturing the country's moral consensus.  Second, the Republican Party opted, for the most part, to ignore the ideological challenge.  Third, the American voters, who are dumb enough to elect untutored graduates of American universities that are uninformed and poorly read; a few have even earned notoriety for inconceivable stupidity.  Some of them, aware of self-worthlessness, adopted Marxism and can hardly contain their awe and envy at the American enterprise and question its moral validity.  The others are pedestrian opportunists with no intellectual basis and, as such, going along just to get reelected.  Since 1971 when the gold standard was abandoned, the Democrat and Republican administrations, with the support of the House and Senate, have been replaying Lenin's strategy for the downfall of capitalism, spending, and printing money at unprecedented levels.

When Did the U.S. Become East Germany?  How long will it be before dissent is criminalized in this country?  Mothers and fathers are being stripped of their parental rights, and children are being told to be the functionaries of government.  The Sanderses and AOCs would love nothing more than to elist them to spy on their families and report their involvement in disinformation, misinformation, and "anti-government" activities.  Wealth redistribution schemes are disguised as green policies.  Our retail shelves have in recent times looked like the bare counters of communist East Berlin.  We're told that we have to make do with less, and fewer choices are in our best interest.  Our economy would be full-on GDR-ed if the Sanderses and Ocasio-Cortezes had their way.  The left is unrelenting in its ambition to take more of the economy out of the private sector and place it in the hands of elected Democrats and administrative tyrants.

Federal Court Blocks California City's Gas Stove Ban, Turning Up The Heat on Democrats.  A federal appeals court on Monday overturned a California city's first-in-the-nation ban on natural gas hookups in new buildings, saying it violates federal law.  The three-judge panel from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal sided with a coalition of California restaurants, who argued that the City of Berkeley's ordinance essentially bans gas appliances in violation of a 1975 directive that gives Congress control over restrictions on appliances.  The unanimous ruling is a major blow to California Democrats' green energy push, and could clear the way for legal challenges to similar bans around the country.  Democrats have increasingly moved to ban gas stoves while attempting to downplay their efforts.  New York is poised to become the first state to ban gas stoves, and California is working towards a statewide ban of its own.  The White House has denied that President Joe Biden supports banning gas stoves while the Energy Department works to restrict their sale.  Blue state attorneys general and environmental groups lined up to support the ban in court, in a sign of the case's national implications.

Ninth Circuit Throws Out Berkeley Ban on Gas Stoves.  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit tossed a Berkeley, California, ban on gas stoves on Monday, saying that the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act preempted state and local authorities in regulating natural gas. [...] The Biden administration has taken steps toward eliminating gas stoves — though it briefly pretended otherwise — ostensibly to prevent asthma, but actually as part of a broader push against fossil fuel production.

The Revenge of Moriarty.  Last week, Washington state passed a bill that will permit children to be taken from their parents if they deny them the right to "gender transition."  According to Senate Bill 5599, child shelters could contact the Department of Children, Youth, and Families instead of parents for minors seeking "reproductive health services or gender-affirming care."  It's vile enough that pregnant young girls can have their babies killed by state-sanctioned abortionists — the true meaning of "reproductive health services" — even without their parents' permission.  None can deny the baby inside them is, or was, alive before his or her murder.  But pro-choice maniacs can wail about the greater good of a child's death for the parents or society, absent the little corpse of the victim.  Their punishment will come later, after their own demise, in a place they don't believe exists.  But "gender-affirming care" is a chimera, a nightmare, a Frankensteinian objective that cannot be achieved, only imitated in a grotesque parody of the opposite sex, requiring the mutilation and approximate rearrangement of body parts.  Adults that consent to such a horror must bear the remaining lifelong consequences of their mistake, although no doctor should ethically indulge their pathology.  But children lack the mental judgment to make such an irrevocable choice.  And those who not only encourage them to do this yet would prevent their parents from stopping it deserve to be in prison, and nowhere near a statehouse.

Why Banning TikTok Would Be a Cybersecurity Disaster.  TikTok is not be the first app to be scrutinized over the potential exposure of U.S. user data, but it is the first widely used app that the U.S. government has proposed banning over privacy and security concerns.  So far, the discussion has focused on whether TikTok should be banned.  There has been little discussion of whether TikTok could be banned, and there has been almost no discussion of the effects on cybersecurity that a TikTok ban could cause, including encouraging users to sidestep built-in security mechanisms to bypass a ban and access the app.  As a cybersecurity researcher, I see potential risks if the U.S. attempts to ban TikTok.  The type of risk depends on the type of ban.

They Fear You.  Almost gleefully supporting the Uniparty's calls for the urgent passage of The Restrict Act — legislation ostensibly drafted to combat China's TikTok but in actuality a statutory vehicle designed to provide the federal government with broad authority to confront internet "danger" — the American press play along while the Legislative and Executive Branches use this present "crisis" as an excuse to swing the sledgehammer down on Americans' free speech.  As those with eyes to see and sufficient backbone to speak uncomfortable truths have noted, The Restrict Act is an "online PATRIOT Act" meant not to protect, but rather to silence Americans.  Make no bones about it: the federal government's number-one worry is you.

Can We Do Anything About America's Decline?  Biden is on schedule to run up a $2 trillion annual deficit, adhering to the Bush, Obama, and Trump legacy of unfettered spending.  In Biden's case, he insanely printed over $4 trillion at a time when labor participation rates were already in decline, COVID-suppressed demand was returning, and transportation and production interruptions were reducing supply.  He raised taxes, increased regulations, cut projected increases in gas and oil production, and canceled energy projects.  The result was the highest inflation in 40 years, near-record energy costs, soaring interest rates, the largest modern percentage of debt to GDP at 130 percent, the greatest debt in our history at $33 trillion, and stagnant GDP.

America's Coming Energy Crisis.  In 2021, Biden signed an executive order that decreed that all federal contracts for goods and services to be carbon-neutral by 2050. Some states and businesses are following Biden's lead.  California and six other states intend to ban the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.  California also wants to ban the sale of gas-powered water heaters and furnaces by 2030.  Now the Environmental Protection Agency has piled on.  The agency is proposing vehicle pollution limits for 2032 that are so strict that they will force roughly two thirds of new vehicles sold to be electric.  This may sound glorious to climate warriors, but they have no idea what they are getting us into.  Transitioning to net zero involves decarbonizing electrical generation, industry, and transportation all at the same time.  It also involves creating net-zero carbon buildings, even though none presently exists.

Forced Diversity Is Actively Harming America.  In sum, left-leaning ideologues are operating under a moralistic fallacy: They took the notion of "equality under the law" and, from that, inferred that people must be physically equal.  Or phrased more simply, "Discrimination is undesirable; therefore, all people are (or must be) equal.  The ideologues have used this fallacy to impose their diversity, equity, and inclusion policies despite extensive and often irreparable harm to individual Americans' freedom and prosperity.  If America is to survive, we must unite against the DIE ideology and the unconstitutional and harmful pathologies that it has incorporated.  Americans must all work to persuade those who are not ideologues that a relentless focus on affirmative action to achieve the dysfunctional goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion, will drag our country down.  It's time to stand up against inept-ocracy and demand a return to meritocracy everywhere in society.

Washington State Democrats Vote to Hide Transgender Runaways From Parents.  Washington State could soon require youth shelters to hide minors who run away from home in order to obtain an abortion or sex change operations without parental consent.  The Washington House of Representatives this week passed Senate Bill 5599, which would eliminate a law that requires youth shelters to alert parents when their child checks in, unless there is evidence the child is being abused.  The proposal would widen the scope of what constitutes a "compelling reason" to conceal a minor to include youths seeking sex change operations or "reproductive health services," like abortion.  The bill, which the Senate passed in March, now goes to Gov. Jay Inslee's (D.) desk for a signature.  This is the latest blue state effort to help minors obtain controversial medical procedures without parental consent.  Lawmakers in Oregon, Minnesota, and Colorado have all passed legislation designed to make their states "safe havens" for youths seeking sex changes or abortions.

The Priorities Of Our Own Government Are Completely Upside Down.  When you consider good to be evil and evil to be good, of course your priorities are going to be completely and utterly messed up.  The White House, the halls of Congress, and the federal bureaucracy and filled with people that have an extremely warped view of the world.  As a result, they are incapable of making the right choices even if they were inclined to do so.  Pretty much the best that we can hope for is for them to do nothing, because everything that they "accomplish" ends up being diametrically opposed to the interests of the American people.

Progressives [are] Not Interested in the Good of the Country.  Does wokifying the military with DEI and drag queen shows on military bases improve and strengthen the national security standing — which is the military's only mission — of this country?  No.  Does it help progressives' election efforts with fringe voters?  Yes. [...] Every public utterance, every policy move, every new regulation from today's progressives is designed to further their ability to obtain and hold power and control the American populace.  The closer one pays attention, the more apparent this is.  "For the good of the country" never enters the picture.

America's Coming Energy Crisis.  President Joe Biden and the apocalyptic climate cult within the Democrat party believe that climate change is the greatest threat to the country.  That's right, the greatest threat is not nuclear war, not unlimited unlawful immigration, not inflation, or out-of-control spending.  Instead, it's the slow warming of the atmosphere, which they believe is caused solely by burning fossil fuels.  In 2021, Biden signed an executive order that decreed that all federal contracts for goods and services to be carbon-neutral by 2050.  Some states and businesses are following Biden's lead.  California and six other states intend to ban the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.  California also wants to ban the sale of gas-powered water heaters and furnaces by 2030.  Now the Environmental Protection Agency has piled on.  The agency is proposing vehicle pollution limits for 2032 that are so strict that they will force roughly two thirds of new vehicles sold to be electric.  This may sound glorious to climate warriors, but they have no idea what they are getting us into.

9 Reasons Chicago Is the Perfect Site for the 2024 Democratic Convention.  [#1] The rampant crime:  Like most big cities the Democratic Party has controlled for decades, Chicago has a crime problem that its elected leaders are unable or unwilling to do anything about.  The city's murder rate has jumped nearly 40 percent since 2019, while car theft has more than doubled in the past year alone.  Kim Foxx, the George Soros-backed district attorney in charge of prosecuting crime in Chicago, has a history of letting violent offenders off the hook.  Convictions have dropped nearly 30 percent on her watch.  Naturally, the city's voters just elected a radical new mayor who in 2020 said "defund the police" was "an actual real political goal."

Death to the Suburbs!  The indomitable Betsy McCaughey has called out the latest ugly manifestation of "diversity, inclusion, and equity" the drive to destroy the suburbs.  The Biden administration and Democrat-controlled legislatures in several states have taken the lead in this effort.  In New York State, Governor Kathy Hochul, as part of the state budget, has advanced a so-called Housing Compact that would eliminate local control and single family zoning.  Hochul's plan would require that high-rise "affordable" (read: low-income, taxpayer-subsidized) housing be constructed close to each sleepy village train station — mostly a few miles apart — on Metro North and the Long Island Railroad.  If the affected communities fail to do so "voluntarily," the state will have the power to override local zoning.  Those who fail to applaud this combined coup by warriors for social justice and real estate interests are, you guessed it, racist.  Suburban homeowners, Democrats as well as Republicans, are beginning to awaken to the deadly threat these proposals pose to their way of life.

Whose idea was this, and who benefits from it?
Biden Admin Proposes Reducing Water Supply From Colorado River Basin Amid Drought.  The Biden administration has proposed a federal mandate to reduce the supply of water to 40 million Americans who live in western states dependent on the Colorado River Basin to address long-term severe drought and low run-off conditions.  A draft report by the Department of the Interior's (DOI's) Bureau of Reclamation proposes to revise the current guidelines for the near-term operation of the Glen Canyon and Hoover dams.  According to the DOI, the move forms part of the Biden administration's efforts to invest in climate change resilience for the Colorado River Basin and all the communities that rely on it.  The draft report explores different alternatives to ensure continued water deliveries and hydropower production