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How many illegal aliens are present in the U.S. today?
The Editor says...
The Left has been saying there are "11 million" illegal aliens in the U.S. for about 20 years, I would say, based
on my observation of the news media.
(It would not surprise me to learn, someday soon, that at least 11 million people have illegally entered the U.S. during
the Biden [*] administration alone.)
Other writers have been commenting about the inexplicably constant "11 million" number for a long time.
William Campenni complained in 2015 that "the 11 million number has been used for more than a decade."
He wrote in 2021 that "the number has been the same since 2003."
Ray DiLorenzo says, "MIT says our illegal immigrant population is about 22 million. Yale says it is between 16 and 30 million.
The 11 million figure so popular in the media is ridiculous and a total lie."
He wrote those words five years ago, and the "11 million" number hasn't budged, even though
immigration has been out of control for years, and as millions more arrive, nobody is leaving.
It would not be at all unreasonable to surmise that there are as many as 11 million illegal aliens in Texas alone.
With "public assistance" widespread and easily available, why would anybody leave? If the Socialist
Democrats give voting rights to millions of welfare parasites, why wouldn't the "migrants" vote for the Socialists?
The news media sticks with the "11 million" number, because low-balling the number makes it
easier to push (on behalf of the Socialist Democrats) the idea of blanket amnesty.
Billion Americans? When Do We End Immigration? [Scroll down]
([I]m)migration has been the only source of U.S. population growth for decades now —
more than half a century, in fact. Our fertility rate hasn't been at or above replacement
level (2.1 children per woman) since 1972 and now stands at 1.787. "Ah, that proves
immigration's necessity!" some will say. Ex-chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, who couldn't
flood Europe with "diversity" agents fast enough, warned in 2019 that her nation needed "skilled
non-EU workers" (after having just admitted waves of unskilled Third Worlders). But not so
fast. In the U.S., artificial intelligence and robotics are already replacing American
workers and are poised to eliminate a high percentage of jobs in the near future. (Germany will be
no different.) Moreover, the official unemployment rate is basically phony. For instance,
back in 2022, when the unemployment figure was supposedly 3.7 percent, the "true rate" was
calculated to be 23.6 percent. In other words, we have plenty of potential workers, more
than our developing high-tech world may require.
Mexico Knows Exactly What It Is Doing. The Mexican government has traditionally seen
the U.S. as an endlessly wealthy country, liberally governed, and more or less willing to listen to
Mexico's grievances of the sort that are common in asymmetrical partnerships. About
60 percent of the Mexican people traditionally in polls have voiced a positive view of the
United States, yet a surprisingly low number when considering the millions who try to cross its
border illegally each year. Nonetheless, Mexico for decades has conveniently explained the
vast influxes across the border, unaudited and illegal, as largely in America's
interests — and mirabile dictu even to Mexico's disadvantage. Polls tell, however,
a vastly different and far more accurate story. Logically, some 61 percent of Mexicans
in a recent 2024 Pew Center Research Poll voiced favorable views of the United States, whose open
borders, generous welfare systems, billions of dollars in remittances, and now-defunct immigration
laws they see as entirely in their interest.
Tried Third-World Immigration In The 1980s And The Results Were Horrifying. The
American Founding Fathers built our nation on a core premise that has been long forgotten and this
memory lapse is causing endless grief for current generations. What premise? That the
rest of the world is not the responsibility of the US. We don't owe the world anything, we
don't need to be involved in foreign wars, we are not beholden to foreign interests and we are not
obligated to foreign peoples. America is not a "melting pot." It never has been a melting
pot. This phrase is used by leftists and open borders activists to suggest that there is no
American culture; that we are nothing more than an economic buffet for far flung tribes to feast
upon. America is its own very separate and very distinct culture with comprehensive
tradition, principles and ideals. If foreigners want to come here they have to play by our
rules, learn our language, assimilate into our culture and respect our heritage or they can go back
to whatever cesspool country they are running away from. It's that simple.
Unconstitutional Undermining of Our Constitutional Republic. I find it unconscionable
that we here in America are having this stuck-on-stupid back-and-forth conversation about illegal
immigration. Hey, McFly, the operative word is illegal, and yes, human beings can be
illegal. If someone breaks into your home, and they don't live there, they have illegally
entered. If someone decides to break in and take your car, and they are not on the
registration, they have illegally stolen your vehicle. Therefore, if you come into our
Country without an invite and proper documentation, you have committed an illegal act, and are
illegal. The U.S. Constitution in Article IV, Section 4, known as the Guarantee Clause,
firmly asserts that the federal government must guarantee to every State in the Union protection
from invasion. The video footage of illegal immigrants (foreign nationals) overrunning Texas
National Guard members at the border in El Paso is yet another example of the ongoing invasion by
millions into our Republic. And this is an invasion that is being aided and abetted by our
very own federal government, the Biden administration. To me, there is no greater example of
treason and an impeachable offense. But, it is not just that these leftists want the
purposeful, intentional, and willful invasion of drug, human, sex, and terrorist trafficking in our
Nation. They also seek to use this as a means to undermine our beloved Republic.
Simple As That.
The border invasion is an attack on the United States of America. Not exactly a steaming
headline perhaps, but nonetheless true. Yet, there are no troops, agents or cops on the
border to stop it. They're only there to manage it. That isn't an act of law
enforcement, it's a criminal act, a violation of law, not just treason. They are being told
to follow some policy, but that cannot conflict with duly passed laws, or it is an illegal
order. So many are guilty they have relative safety in numbers. The only way to
overcome that is to overwhelm them from the back. Everyone knows that American men, veterans,
former cops, whatever, should have been on the border themselves, pushing or making citizen arrests
of the lawless border patrol agents for treason and shipping them off to a citizen's
tribunal. But, that's not how we do things in America. We have the police arrest
criminals. We have the rule of law. Yeah? When? I've been waiting on a
number of different fronts. There's no rule of law, there's what you can force and what you
must endure. So, we don't do it that way anymore. Instead, we give up United States
territory to criminal gangs and cabals, foreign enemies and villains? That's the only
possible alternative to this lackluster, do nothing, concierge approach to criminal activity.
Deadly Folly of Our Open Border. Who is coming into America? Are we being
invaded? What about American resources? I don't mean minerals or timber, but
taxpayer-funded resources such as food, shelter, clothing, education, and health care. Our
border is not keeping anyone in, especially virtue-signaling celebrities promising to leave America
if a Republican is elected. [...] Since President Biden took office in early 2021, the Customs and
Border Protection Agency (CBP) has "encountered" almost 8 million border crossers, the majority
young military aged males. In August alone, that number was 232,972, an annualized rate of
3 million migrants a year. "Encounters" are only part of the story. How many snuck
through without being encountered? Those are called "gotaways". CBP reports 1,000 "known
gotaways" per day. [...] How many were undetected? That number is unknowable but the Center
for Immigration Studies estimates somewhere between 50 and 68 percent of illegal border crossers
are caught. How can they be sure?
Late Hour of Our Republic. [Scroll down] The government of the United
States is waging a war of treason against the people of the United States. It's inviting
enemies of the people from around the world into our neighborhoods, our schools, our hospitals with
the goal of displacing the people of the United States and bankrupting them, taking their property,
taking their lives. The first thing is to denounce the open border through every means of
media that you have at your disposal. Denounce any spending bill that does not include
spending on closing the border. What they call "border security" spending now simply means
hiring buses and planes to get more illegals into the country through the open border. The
funding has to be designated to closing the border, with a wall, with more guards, with the
military if that's what it takes. It cannot be tied to any other foreign aid; none for
Ukraine, none for Israel, until the border is secure.
Accountability and Law Under the Left. Democrats may allow as many as 20 million
people to enter the country (this is now an invasion) if Biden clinches a second term and nothing
changes — despite having numerous laws on the books to recognize a national
border. Three facts must be soberly considered:
1. Due to dissolved borders
and subsequent backlogs, "asylum" applicants will not receive an asylum claim determination for
1,621 days (four years). That wait time is climbing, and some "asylum" seekers
have been given Notice to Appear letters as far out as ten years!
2. According to the Department
of Justice[,] "49% of all non-detained or removal cases completed in FY 2020 resulted in an
in-absentia order of removal due to an alien's failure to attend a scheduled immigration court
hearing." Add to that number the "gotaways" and you realize that there are tens of millions of
illegal immigrants living a permanent, unlawful existence here.
3. According to
USCIS data, only 31% of affirmative asylum petitions adjudicated in FY 2019 were approved.
Will we expel the other 69%, still entering by the millions? What about those who have been
here for years, some with American-born children? [...]
Considering that 69% of hearings result
in denial of the foreigner's asylum request and nearly half fail to show up for their hearings in
the first place, many illegally entering the country must eventually be deported. But, if the
system continues to incentivize illegal crossings, there can be no accountability for the invasion
openly pushed by the Biden administration. [...] Never is the question asked, "what rights do
native-born Americans possess?" It seems to be that anyone who sneaks across the border has
superior rights and extra protections; this must change.
Media midterm games at
border. More than 4 million people have entered the United States from Mexico under Biden, a record influx
that is larger than the population of every American city except New York. Nearly a million of those crossers
evaded detection, while most others were briefly detained but turned loose because they claimed asylum. After
border agents free them, usually with a court date years into the future, the government provides no services. The
migrants are on their own, with no right to work, making them dependent on charities and their new neighbors in Texas,
Arizona and elsewhere. It's an unbearable weight for border states, with some towns seeing their population grow
by hundreds of people every day. El Paso, Texas, says it gets about 1,400 newcomers each week. Governors,
mayors and residents in those states are beyond frustrated at Washington for causing the problem, then sticking them
with the burden and the bills.
York City's Self-Made Migrant Crisis. An immigrant is somebody with job skills
who is willing to learn English if he or she doesn't already know it, and wants to Americanize by
adopting our national values and culture. [...] A migrant is somebody who just walks across
the border the same way a burglar walks into your house, and acts as if he owns the place.
Here is a video of adult migrants in Hungary throwing away food that is given to them by the
police, although the children do appear grateful for the aid. Citizens and legal immigrants
in Texas feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods because of swarms of illegal migrants. The
bottom line is that these migrants would not come if they did not expect to be given more than
emergency food, shelter, and medical care. We don't let people starve or freeze on our streets,
nor do the Hungarians allow people to starve or freeze on theirs either, but taxpayers have no duty
to give them more than basic subsistence until they can be returned to their countries of origin.
administration rolls out new asylum restrictions mirroring Trump-era policy. The Biden administration
released a new rule Tuesday that largely bars migrants who traveled through other countries on their way to the
US-Mexico border from applying for asylum in the United States, marking a departure from decadeslong protocol. The
new 153-page proposed regulation, which could affect tens of thousands of people, is the most restrictive of a patchwork
of policies put in place by the Biden administration to try and manage the US-Mexico border and is reminiscent of a
Trump-era policy.
10 Steps to Save America.
We no longer have a southern border. There have been 5 million illegal border crossings just since Joe Biden took
office. He intentionally destroyed immigration law for cheap political advantage. Nearly 50 million current
American residents were not born in the United States. Well over 20 million — and perhaps 30 million —
are illegal aliens. [...] Yet we finally found a solution in 2019-2020. Had we continued replacing rickety border fencing
with an effective wall and then completed it along the entire border, had we stopped catch-and-release, had we continued
demanding that refugee status be obtained before entry, had we forced Mexico and Central American governments to stop
exporting human capital and subjected them to taxes on more than $60 billion in annual remittances (along with trade
penalties) for their complicity with the situation at the border, had we continued to deport those who entered
illegally, had we returned to assimilation and integration on the theory any who entered America did so because they
wanted to become Americans, then a desired legal, meritocratic, and diverse immigration policy might easily have
assimilated and absorbed perhaps 200,000 skilled and legal immigrants per year. Again, we had the outlines of a
solution and then simply destroyed it for liberal political agendas and cheap corporate labor.
Kitchen public school overwhelmed with 100 migrant kids. More than 100 migrant kids flooded into one
Hell's Kitchen elementary school — swelling class sizes up to 38 students, The [New York] Post has
learned. The children — between 100 and 120 — were among the wave of asylum seekers pouring
into the Big Apple, including on buses from Texas, some staying at a nearby shelter. PS 111 on West 53rd Street
normally has class sizes of 25 to 30. As the classes filled with newcomers, the school wound up sending 15 of the kids
to nearby PS 51, where they were enrolled in "transitional bilingual" classes, according to a PS 111 insider. The
transitional program offers instruction in Spanish half of the year, and then gradually adds English. PS 111
further eased the crunch by starting its own transitional bilingual class, with 15 students. Another roughly 75
students stayed in regular classes, with an hour a day of English-language instruction. Their parents were offered
a choice of which approach to take.
the US Government Declared War on Its Citizens? For more than forty years, Americans have begged the federal
government to put a stop to illegal immigration. Instead, Congress has done nothing but push various forms of amnesty
for those whose first act upon entering this country is to break its immigration laws. Rather than listening to voters
and securing our porous borders, lawmakers have chosen to ridicule Americans as xenophobic for daring to believe that it is
not healthy for the United States to have tens of millions of foreign nationals creating a parallel nation within our
own. Sex-trafficking, narco-terrorism, identity theft, drained public resources, and cultural clashes have all
accompanied a federal government policy that can be described, at best, as intentionally not enforcing existing immigration
law, or at worst, as willfully countermanding enforceable law by aiding and abetting border crossers with promises of social
welfare upon arrival and publicly funded relocation services across the continent. More and more Democrat-controlled
jurisdictions are going so far as to demand that illegal aliens be given the right to vote in elections, effectively
nullifying American citizens' votes with those of citizens of foreign nations.
We in a Revolution and Don't Even Know It? If it is true that two million illegal aliens will cross the
southern border with impunity in the current fiscal year, then the Biden agenda is apparently to help erode the idea of
citizenship and anybody defined as an American. Under the socialist ethos, the indigent in Yucatan and the impoverished
migrant from Nigeria have as much right to enter and live in the United States as U.S. citizens. And their respective
rights under the living Constitution are now nearly identical. In just seven months, our southern border has
vanished. Apparently, it was an artificial construct that obstructed the migrations of the global community. We
are back to a natural, pre-civilizational and Rousseauian idea of freeing migrating tribes from the chains of civilization.
And what better way to start than dispensing with unique borders, citizenship, and the idea of a nation state?
The American Descent
into Madness. Two million people are anticipated to cross the southern border, en masse and illegally,
over a 12-month period. If that absurdity were to continue, we would be adding the equivalent of a major U.S. city
every year. The new arrivals have three things in common: Their first act was to break U.S. law by entering the
country. Their second was to break the law by residing here illegally. And their third will be to find false
identification or other illegal means to continue breaking the law. One does not arrive as a guest in a foreign country
and immediately violate the laws of his host — unless one holds those laws in contempt. Arrivals now cross a
border that had been virtually closed to illegal immigration by January 2021. In the cynical and immoral logic of
illegal immigration (that cares little for the concerns either of would-be legal immigrants or U.S. citizens), arrivals will
be dependent upon the state and thus become constituents of progressives who engineered their arrival. Yet the issue is
not illegal immigration per se. If protests were to continue in Cuba, and 1 million Cubans boated to
Miami, the Biden Administration would stop the influx, in terror that so many anti-Communists might tip Florida red
forever. How strange that the U.S. government is considering going door-to-door to bully the unvaccinated, even as it
ignores the daily influx of thousands from Mexico and Latin America, without worrying whether they are carrying or vaccinated
for COVID-19.
immigration: A masterstroke in race-baiting. Our country is being fiercely attacked from within by the
Marxist mob movement. There are several areas of our society it is assaulting to overthrow our constitutional
government. The Democrats in Congress are strongly promoting an open border policy. They understand that large
influxes of illegal aliens could greatly affect the voting outcome of elections. It also would provide for slave labor
for companies, while at the same time lowering the standard of living for the American worker. The catastrophe at our
southwest border with the illegal invasion is immediately eliminating our sovereignty as a nation. We cannot be a free
and independent country without enforceable borders. The Marxists from the White House to the halls of Congress care
nothing about what this is doing to our country. The only thing they are concerned about is obtaining their communist
goals at the expense of our nation.
Wuhan Virus Departs, World Will Be Changed. [T]he United States has been under pressure from the Democrats to
render the southern border with Mexico effectively nugatory, blocking President Donald Trump's wall at every turn in the
courts, ignoring federal authority regarding immigration, and doing their best to prevent Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) from arresting and deporting criminal illegal aliens. Just a few days ago, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe
Biden was calling Trump's handling of the Wuhan virus crisis "xenophobic." But now that the virus has shut down commerce and
travel from New York to California, Americans are less tolerant of law-flouting than they were a month ago. That old
folks should be confined to quarters for up to four months while the homeless turn the sidewalks into open-air latrines,
Hollywood, the lifeblood of Los Angeles, essentially shuts down production, and movie theaters across the nation close.
As 30,000 illegals continue to cross the southwest border per month, open borders have suddenly become a luxury even a
liberal can no longer afford.
Migration Is Immoral. When countries, particularly wealthy ones, open their borders to mass migration, it
inevitably creates a vacuum that draws millions, if not billions, of the rest of the world's population. It's often a
dangerous journey, and many die on the way. Certainly, should they make it, their lives can be improved from what they
were. But, would the world truly be a better place if all who would live somewhere else got their wish? What
about those left twisting in the wind in the countries migrants are fleeing from? Those too poor, too frail, too tied
down, or even too afraid to make the move? Assuming, as the left is prone to do, that all or even most migrants are
'good people,' does it negatively impact their countries of origin to lose so many 'good people,' people who, were they to
take positive action where God placed them, could make their own country a better place?
Hurts American Workers. Consider that more than 45 million legal immigrants currently reside in America.
On top of this there are at least another 20 million illegal migrants. And yet, American wages are actually lower
than they were in 1973. If immigration is so good for American workers, then why did wages stagnate when the era of mass
migration began? Why do we see wages rise after crackdowns on illegal aliens and "temporary" foreign workers time and time
again? Why is California — an immigrant magnet — America's poorest state, "home" to 170,000 homeless
Americans who are the victims of an income distribution more inequitable than Guatemala's? Contrast this with Japan.
Since 1980, Japan's GDP growth per capita has actually outpaced America's — despite the fact that Japan has next to
no immigration. How is it possible that Japan has prospered without benefiting from the "economic rocket fuel" that
is mass immigration? Could it be that the libertarians are wrong?
we became the world's suckers on immigration. The United States is one of only two developed countries in the
world (the other is Canada, and even it has some restrictions we don't have) with full "birthright citizenship," meaning that
any child born when his mother was physically present within the geographical borders of the U.S. automatically gets a U.S.
birth certificate and a Social Security card. That means legal immigrants, pregnant women sneaking in on tourist visas,
travelers on a three-week vacation, cheap foreign workers on "temporary" visas and, in some cases, foreign diplomats.
And that's not all. We're the only country but two that confers automatic citizenship on children born to illegal
aliens, or "anchor babies." This is not "birthright citizenship," which refers to children born to legal immigrants.
Immigration: The Path
To Power. MIT says our illegal immigrant population is about 22 million. Yale says it is between 16 and
30 million. The 11 million figure so popular in the media is ridiculous and a total lie. The
Democrat leadership desperately needs new Democrats to fill the empty space left by former middle-class Democrats they have
long abandoned. This is not about some new healthcare program or race relations or whatever. They could not care
less. It is about power. Every Democrat presidential candidate is united on this.
is not a racist; he's pushing the Overton window to normal. It was not so long ago that we expected people who came to
America as immigrants to (a) recognize that they were invited guests, rather than entitled squatters; and (b) not to
bad mouth their new country. I know what I'm talking about, for I grew up in a world of immigrants. Not only did my
parents come from another country, so did all of their friends, as well as the parents of my own friends. All of these
immigrants, without exception, came here legally with some, such as my father, a Polish citizen, waiting years before they were
allowed in thanks to national quotas. All of these immigrants, without exception, either had to bring money with them or
have someone sponsor them so that they did not become a charge on the public. And all of these immigrants, without exception,
worked hard. Some made it financially; some, like my father, never did. But all of them recognized that their being in
America was a rare privilege.
Trump vs.
the Radical Squad. The founding fathers were not against immigration per se. Neither is President
Trump. However, the founding fathers, like President Trump, believe that immigrants who are admitted to this country
should serve the interests of American citizens, not the other way around. [...] The Democrat Party is becoming the party of
open borders, led by the four radical congresswomen who do not want any enforcement of our nation's immigration laws,
let alone the closing of any loopholes.
look at all of Trump's enemies: [#1] The Democratic Party. The sanctuary party is blocking urgent legislative
immigration reform. Democrats' top priority is to flood the U.S. with millions of illegals, and then, one day, when
they control Congress and the White House, declare them all voting citizens. Using the chain migration laws, if each
immigrant sponsors ten relatives to be admitted, 30 million illegals legalized yields 300 million new American
voters. In the meantime, they intend to nibble around the fringes with assorted voting frauds like DMV and same-day
voter registration, liberal mail-in voting, and ballot-harvesting. Importing a new dependent underclass is part of
the Democrats' new DNA. Any attempt at integrity of the ballot is vilified. Any legislative effort to reform
immigration is a call to arms for the Left. They even scoff at describing the horde of invaders as a "crisis."
folly of free healthcare for everybody in the world. "Mexican immigration over the border is a good thing," the
late Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman said in a famous 1978 lecture, before stipulating, "but it's only good so
long as it's illegal." Friedman, a libertarian icon and champion of the economic benefits of free immigration, had very
little in common with today's Trumpists on this issue. But he explained a paradox of illegal immigration this way:
"as long as it's illegal the people who come in do not qualify for welfare, they don't qualify for Social Security, they
don't qualify for all the other myriads of benefits that we pour out from our left pocket into our right pocket, and so, as
long as they don't qualify, they migrate to jobs. They take jobs that most residents of this country are unwilling to
take, they provide employers with workers of a kind they cannot get — they're hard workers, they're good
workers — and they are clearly better off."
be a nation of laws, we must enforce those laws. The Left constantly argues that illegal aliens are Americans
who simply haven't received the proper paperwork. But we expect Americans to obey the law, and particularly to conform
to judicial orders. In fact, we impose fines, sanctions, and even jail time when people fail to follow court-issued
orders. Americans even expect the president to comply with judicial orders. After all, they are orders and not
requests. Right now, we have 1 million individuals illegally in America who have been told by a judicial officer, "you
must leave our country," but they refuse to leave. That means that, not just by virtue of legal process or by entering
or remaining in the country illegally, these people do not share American values. These illegal aliens are thumbing
their nose at the underpinnings of America's unique greatness: All of us are equal before the law.
Ingraham Understands the End Goal of Mass Migration. On a podcast episode, she claims that Democrats "value the
benefits that illegal immigrants will get over the value of a sovereign and independent and free nation, that is well within
its sovereign right to enforce her borders." Ingraham also noted that Democrats would always retort that "We're for
legal immigration." But now with how entrenched mass migration has become, she understands what is truly at play. No,
you're for replacing the current American population, or swamping the current American population, with a new population of
people who are perhaps more hospitable to socialist ideals.
Don't Have to Support Open Borders. There is no doubt that Christians must have a special concern for the
plight of refugees — those who are forced from their homes either because of natural disasters or man-made
calamities; indeed, that is a constant teaching of the Catholic Church. Even refugees, however, do not have an
unqualified right of entry; their entry claims must always be weighed against our duty to accept them. The test is
whether their entry benefits and is in the interest of American citizens. We can think of a sliding scale that presents
a different moral calculation depending on the classification of those who seek entry: refugees, criminals, and economic
migrants. As we've seen, on one end of the spectrum are refugees. But even they do not have a presumptive right
of entry, though they certainly have a very strong claim. The easiest case involves criminals and others who wish to
strike at the heart of civil society — whether they plan to do it at the border or are likely to become involved
in such destabilizing activity after they're admitted. These persons can be excluded categorically; their interests
weigh not at all on the scale, and the United States is not in any way obligated to admit them.
Why amnesty
isn't the answer. With the news full of reports about more caravans headed for the border and immigration
agents overwhelmed by surging numbers of migrants seeking asylum, it may seem like an odd time for our leaders in Washington
to be proposing amnesty. Yet that's what happened recently, as speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi proudly announced a
proposal that would allow more than 2 million aliens to apply for U.S. citizenship. Contrast this overture against
President Trump's immigration agenda — a robust physical barrier, asylum reform, and an end to catch-and-release,
among others — and it's clear that America is at a crossroads with not only our immigration policy, but our
long-range direction as a nation. An apolitical assessment of the situation would raise a simple question: what is
truly in the best long-term interests of the country? When viewed through that prism, it is crystal-clear that more
amnesty is not the answer.
to U.S. Taxpayers $5.3 Billion: 429,000 Annual Immigrant Birth Costs. Hidden in every federal budget, and
unknown to 99 percent of Americans, your two U.S. Senators and House member use your money to pay for millions of legal and
illegal immigrants flooding into America annually. [...]
• [L]egal immigrants accounted for 12.4 percent
(494,000) of all births annually and illegal immigrants accounted for 7.5 percent (297,000) annually.
• The 297,000 births per year to illegal immigrants are more than the total number of births to all mothers in
any state except California and Texas. They are also more than the total number of births in 16 states combined, plus
the District of Columbia.
• The estimated 28,000 births to illegal immigrants in just the Los Angles
metro area are more than the total number of births in any of 14 states or the District of Columbia.
More than half (54 percent) of births to immigrants (legal and illegal) are entirely or largely paid for by taxpayers
because the mother is on Medicaid or uninsured.
• Illegal immigrants account for 11 percent (198,000)
of all publicly funded births, and legal immigrants are another 13 percent (231,000).
• We roughly
estimate that the annual cost to taxpayers for births to immigrants (legal and illegal) is $5.3 billion; $2.4 billion
of which is for illegal immigrants.
to America Is Not What It Used to Be.
[#4] Immigrants today arrive via 10-hour hops on an
airliner. In the past, waves of immigrants spent 10 months traversing land and sea in a journey of staggering expense
and significant dangers. While this isn't universally true, particularly for the overland migrants that cross America's
southern border, the general point stands: coming to America today does not require the commitment it required in the
[#5] Similarly, in the past, immigrants pretty much renounced their countries of origin. They
made a one-way trip and they adopted the language and values of America. Today, retaining cultural unity with one's
country of origin is a few clicks on the internet, a cheap telephone call, an affordable airfare. [...]
Immigrants in the past arrived in an America that had a voracious need for unskilled workers. Today the American
economy is relentlessly automating jobs that used to require unskilled labor, and the American population already has a
surplus of unskilled workers.
[#7] Immigrants today are arriving in a welfare state, where they are assured
of food, shelter, and medical care that are, in general, orders of magnitude better than anything available to them in their
native countries. This creates a completely different incentive to today's immigrants. In past centuries,
immigrants came to America to find freedom and to work. Today they are offered a smorgasbord of taxpayer-funded social
[#8] Immigrant students today — especially in the coastal urban centers where most of
them settle — enter a public education system that teaches them with a reverse-racist, anti-capitalist bias.
They are taught in our public schools not to assimilate, but to "celebrate diversity"; not to earn opportunities through hard
work, but through fighting discrimination.
Constitution Isn't in Crisis, but the Border Still Is. The Republican-controlled Senate on Thursday [3/14/2019]
followed the lead of the Democratic House and voted to disapprove President Trump's declaration of a national emergency at
the southern border. The success of the disapproval vote was expected in the House, where Democrats keep waving their
arms and saying "It's fine!" while women and children are violently sexually assaulted, the highest number of
arrests at the border since 2008 are tallied, sanctuary cities are protecting murderers, and drug seizures are up at a time
when drugs are killing more people than guns, car crashes, or HIV/AIDS ever did in a single year.
Game Is Rigged. We currently grant one million legal permanent residencies to people from around the world every
year. The number of green card holders is expected to increase by 10 million by 2025. That's more than the
current combined population of Dallas, St. Louis, Denver, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. Now multiply
that number by at least three and a half. Thanks to our chain migration system, created in 1952 and expanded exponentially
by Congress in 1965 and 1990, these new immigrants can sponsor their entire extended families: parents, spouses, adult
children and their children, and siblings and their children. Princeton University researchers found that recently
admitted immigrants sponsored an average of 3.45 additional relatives each. An estimated 85,000 refugees and 20,000-plus
asylees enter the country annually through an overwhelmed system so rife with fraud and abuse that the process is jokingly dubbed
"refugee roulette" by immigration lawyers. In total, from fiscal year 2008 to 2017, the U.S. gave green cards to more than
2 million migrants for various humanitarian claims — a population larger than the city of Philadelphia.
Nearly half a million more immigrants in that time frame got in through the diversity visa lottery. Illegal aliens are
eligible if a legal family member wins the jackpot.
Are Border Crisis Deniers. We are facing a dozen crises at our border. They are impossible to miss:
We are facing an illegal immigration crisis. Our nation is being overrun. Democrats can't see it. They are
in denial. We are facing an illegal alien crime wave in America. How many more innocent American children and
cops must die before we acknowledge the crisis? Democrats can't see it. They are in denial. There is an
illegal alien gang crisis. MS-13 is filling our streets with cold-blooded killers. [...] There is a child sex
trafficking crisis. [...] There is a drug trafficking crisis. [...] There is a prison crisis. Our prisons are filled
with illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes such as rape and murder. Why should we pay the bill? [...] There
is the threat of a disease epidemic. Whether it's tuberculosis or this new polio-like disease that leaves children
paralyzed overnight, who knows what new diseases and tragedies are coming in through that open border? [...] There is a
welfare and national debt crisis. Millions of illegal aliens already in our country cost over $160 billion per
year in welfare, food stamps, court, police and prison costs. More come every day.
illegal immigrant costs US $82G, conservative think tank claims. Every new illegal immigrant that enters the
United States will cost more than $82,000 each over their lifetime, a conservative think tank that advocates for lower
immigration levels has claimed. The Center for Immigration Studies updated their 2012 analysis which put the average
lifetime net fiscal cost of a border crosser at $74,722. In the six years since, the price has jumped to $82,191.
The think tank's analysis has come into question however, with multiple outlets pushing back on its numbers and methodology.
The new figure by the CIS estimates what it takes to protect the border, educate, house and feed illegal immigrants and makes
the assumption they will spend a lifetime on various welfare programs.
Absurdity of an Open Border. Both parties want an unrestricted flood of immigrants to America, but for
different reasons. Democrats want a permanent underclass that reliably votes Democrat. Republicans want cheap
labor to keep their Chamber of Commerce donors happy. Neither party acknowledges any negative consequences of the
current open borders policy, allowing far more than voters and workers to enter our country. Ignored are the contagious
diseases, still uncommon in America, being brought across the borders. Or the criminals we read about daily in the
news, raping and killing Americans. Not to mention potential terrorists.
Illegal Aliens
Cost Taxpayers $100+ Billion Annually. [Scroll down] In fact, if all Americans paid taxes at the same
rate illegal aliens did, the budget deficit would be at least quadruple what it is now. According to prior estimates of
mine based off the size of the 2017 labor force, if we were to replace the entire labor force with illegal immigrants and
have them pay all their taxes (including state and local) to the feds, the federal government would've collected approximately
$240 billion in tax revenue in 2017, as opposed to the $3.3 trillion that the Federal government actually collected.
should shut down the southern border AND the government until we fix our immigration system. By some estimates,
the cost of illegal immigrants in the country is costing the American taxpayer between $116-$134 billion annually. Now
we find out in the last few weeks that 63 percent of non-citizens, half of which are here illegally, are on some form of
welfare — again, funded by the American taxpayer. And the longer non-citizens are in the country, the more
likely they are to be on some form of welfare. If they've been here ten years or more, the percentage goes up to
70 percent. For comparison, only about 30 percent of native-born American citizens are on some form of welfare.
Now take in those statistics and throw in the fact that over the next 20 years between 7 to 8 million new immigrants
will come into the United States via chain migration. Statistics show that those immigrants, by a two to one margin, favor the
Democratic Party. Why? Because they want a greater welfare state.
Deny These Immigration Truths. Both the Senate and the House oath of offices are nearly identical. They
begin like this: "I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States
against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same." At this point, are we
even sure that Chuck and Nancy took the oath? I have a news flash for the dynamic duo: When migrants illegally
cross our borders, whether they come to work or to collect welfare, using false documents, whether they come to deal drugs or
join murderous gangs that are already here, this does constitute a foreign enemy action.
Word 'Mean' is Leftists' Lethal Weapon. Fully supported by American leftists, illegals are [defying America].
They are invading our country whether we like it or not, arrogantly breaking our immigration laws. They demand to feed
on our welfare safety-net set up for Americans. Outrageously, Obama gave illegals freebies unavailable to
Americans — free attorneys and more. Obama used taxpayers' money to spend over 60 grand per illegal to
settle them in America. We spend $11 to $22 billion each year on freebies for illegals. Obama spread
illegals around the country, irresponsibly putting medically untested children of illegals into our schools infecting our
kids with strange diseases. [...] The illegals invading our country today have no desire to become Americans; no desire to
assimilate. Quite the opposite. Illegals give learning English, embracing our culture, and honoring our flag
their middle fingers. Fake news hides the fact that many of the thousands of young men illegally invading our country
are known gang members.
to the Nihilistic Futility of Mass Immigration. [Scroll down] None of this is sustainable.
Socialism, whether through foreign aid to developing nations, or through more government benefits approved with the swing
voters coming from developed nations, eventually collapses. Productive citizens, outvoted, overtaxed, and
disenfranchised in their own nations, lose their incentives to work hard. This leads to several inevitable
conclusions. First, it is beyond the capacity of developed nations to accommodate ongoing migrations from the
developing world. Just the increase in Africa's population each decade exceeds the entire current population of the
United States or Western Europe. Second, current foreign aid policies are completely unsustainable, because they
facilitate this population increase without improving any of the other "humanitarian indicators" that might lead to a
cultural shift towards lower birth rates. Third, while it is possible to decouple economic growth from environmental
degradation, the more people there are, the harder that gets.
No Country for Caravans.
Right now, just beyond our southern border are hundreds of foreign nationals champing at the bit to violate our sovereignty. They
have no regard for our laws or for our way of life and we are not now prepared, or even willing, to instill such regard in them.
They will soon be joined by thousands more, and, if this wave is successful in penetrating our borders, perhaps millions more will be
emboldened to come. Will Trump find the resolve that Reagan could not muster? Or will he capitulate like his predecessors
and let our sovereignty go quietly into the night?
the caravan and build the wall to keep deadly drugs out and save lives. A perfect storm is brewing in the
Southern Hemisphere and making its way north to the United States. Heroin, fentanyl and other opioids already pour
through America's southern border and this infiltration is one of three elements that will feed the perfect storm.
Every day, 115 Americans die from opioid overdoses and from tainted drugs passing through our border with Mexico. The
second element is MS-13, the brutal gang that is a drug courier of choice used by the Mexican drug cartels for distribution
of these drugs within the United States. When these two elements are mixed with the third element — the
caravan of several thousand people, mostly men, seeking to break through our southern border — you complete a
toxic combination leading to a perfect storm.
surge highest since 2011; each illegal immigrant costs $70,000 — 7x deportation price. The net costs
to taxpayers for every illegal immigrant who sneaks into the United States has reached nearly $70,000, about seven times the
cost of deporting them, and about $70 billion, according to a new report. And, according to federal Census data, the
surge of legal and illegal immigrants across the Mexico-U.S. border has reached a new high since 2011 and matched the historic
high of 1.75 million set in 1999. The latest Census data from 2016 shows that immigrants continue to come into the
United States, both legally and illegally, and the costs to taxpayers in enforcement and social services continues to
rise — even when offset by the taxes they pay.
Immigration —
The left's recruiting tool and deceptive marketing ploy.
[#1] 40% of all workers in LA County (10.2
million people) are working for cash; and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants,
working without a green card. (Donald Trump was right)
[#2] 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for
illegal aliens.
[#3] 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
[#4] Over
2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by
[#5] Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals; they are here
[#6] Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
[#7] The FBI
reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
[#9] 21 radio stations in LA are
[#10] In LA County, 5.1 million people speak English; 3.9 million, speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people, in LA County.
(All 10 of the above facts were published in the Los Angeles Times)
than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth,
(and over 90% of California, Florida and New York), results from Immigration. Also, 29% of inmates in federal prisons are
illegal aliens. But the left feels that pandering to the masses of border crossers will lead to a tantalizing treasure trove
of steady stalwart supporters ensuring decades if not generations of liberal control.
justice for taxpaying Americans. There are two systems of justice, but it's not so much about race as it is
about immigration status. If you're an American, chances are you get hard time. If you're an illegal immigrant,
you get everything, and I do mean everything, including an EBT card, MassHealth and a Sect. 8 housing certificate.
First, when the "racist" cops say you have the right to remain silent, the illegal says "no habla" English. He gets
a translator. He claims he's "indigent," so he gets a public defender. If he's charged with OUI, the public
defender hires a psychologist (also on the taxpayers' dime) to say that the illegal immigrant "lacks the enzyme" to
metabolize alcohol and thus can't be held accountable for killing some gringo. But the real double standard kicks in
when the undocumented Democrat gets to the courtroom. A taxpaying American can only dream of the kid-gloves treatment
these Third World fiends get.
Borders Are Not Libertarian So Long As America Is A Welfare State. "Progressives" have been calling for unrestricted
immigration, for abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and for granting voting rights to illegal immigrants. "Open
borders" advocates decry opponents as racist. [...] Slightly over one-fourth of the children in the United States are now either
immigrants or the children of immigrants. Since the total expenditures on public schooling in the U.S. is almost
$700 billion per year, this cost is far greater than the GDP gains cited by Dalmia, and greater than the $50 billion
she cites for "The Wall." It's also greater than the annual $104 billion for food stamps, the $46 billion for
Section 8 housing programs, or the $30 billion for Aid to Families with Dependent Children for all residents, citizen
or non-citizen. Immigrants also use other social services, but public education for all children residing in the United
States is mandatory. In nineteenth-century America, supposedly with the open borders policies libertarians favor,
immigrant children were not legally excluded from the labor market or mandated a public education.
Republican Party: Not Much of a Horse But the Only One in the Corral. The first economic consequence of
mass immigration is lower labor costs across the economy, from lettuce pickers to computer programmers, and that pushes
historic quantities of money up to America's corporate owners and executives. The working and middle classes endure the
economic downside in the form of fewer jobs and much lower wages. This has all been discussed ad nauseam before.
But it can't be repeated too often: Mass immigration has been an economic bonanza for major owners and executives and
an economic disaster for the other 80% of the population.
No One Has
A 'Right' To Immigrate Into The United States. Is there a human right to immigrate? Many defenders
of open borders think so. Individuals, they argue, are entitled to freedom of movement, which entails the right to
immigrate from one country to another. This view has found support in the newly elected president of Mexico, who
remarked that there is a "human right" to move to the United States. This appeal to freedom of movement is dubious
argument for a number of reasons. For starters, freedom of movement is not unlimited: my freedom of movement
does not give me the right to move into your home.
The Left Want to Abolish ICE.
What Does That Mean? ICE is a division within the Department of Homeland Security that is responsible for
immigration enforcement, smuggling investigations, and terrorism prevention. It's split into several subdivisions,
including Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), which actually carries out arrests and deportations, and Homeland
Security Investigations (HSI), which tackles drug- and terrorism-related issues. ICE has about 20,000 employees, with
400 offices and $6 billion in annual funding. ICE is not the entity directly responsible for policing the
border — that is Customs and Border Protection, although ICE does deport some of the people CBP apprehends.
ICE is also not the entity responsible for the recent family separation controversy — that is CBP again, which
apprehends immigrants at the border, and the Department of Justice, which prosecutes them.
Invasion U.S.A.
This is no longer immigration, this is an invasion to take advantage of our wealth, culture and resources. As radio
talk show host Michael Savage recently said, "The lifeboat is full." I think it is tipping over. If a million, or more,
armed men crossed our border, or any border, it would be considered an invasion. Yet, if the same number of men, women
and children illegally cross our borders, unarmed, seeking our wealth and playing upon our kindness, we are expected to
welcome them with open arms.
requires borders. It was telling to watch how Democrats and left-wing commentators responded. Having shed
tears all week about family separation and traumatized children, Trump's opponents began objecting to any detention of
families entering the U.S. illegally. A chorus of critics described the new policy as "handcuffs for all." An MSNBC
host portrayed as a dark "totalitarian" act the very idea of a border guard stopping and arresting an illegal immigrant.
Behind these objections is a premise that goes unstated because it is radical and deeply unpopular. It is that border
enforcement is itself illegitimate.
Asylum Crisis Is a Security Challenge, Not a Legal Problem. Congress cannot enact a law that prevents Central
American migrants from flooding the border. Or, one supposes, it can enact a thousand such laws and look on in
Canute-like futility as the incursion continues. Passing laws is not a serious response to a security challenge, and an
unserious response always emboldens the challenger. Outsiders can overwhelm a national border by armed force or, if the
nation is not willing to defend its border, by sheer numbers. Either way, the challenge can be answered only by the
deployment of physical barriers and armed force sufficient to deny the onslaught and discourage others from coming.
Only after the crisis is over, after the security threat is contained, can we establish a legal process backed by resources
scaled to handle the number of outsiders realistically expected to petition for entry.
immorality of the open-borders Left. We have two choices when it comes to border security and interior
enforcement. We can continue telegraphing the message that when you come here with children you are home free.
This will continue fueling the drug crisis, growing MS-13, enriching the drug cartels, inducing sex trafficking and terrible
crimes at the border, encouraging illegals to kidnap children to gain admission, and causing death and mayhem on both sides
of the border. Or we could finally deter this behavior by announcing an end to any immigration requests not processed
in a controlled environment through our embassy. If you are concerned about "separating children" and don't support the
latter path, then you need to seriously examine your values and priorities. The entirety of the epidemic-level increase
in both drugs and MS-13 began around 2014-2015 with the rise of UACs and the collapse of interior enforcement against
criminal alien drug trafficking networks operating in our major cities. That was all precipitated by the rise of the
"dreamer" political movement incentivizing people to come here as children or to bring children here to gain admission
through catch-and-release.
The Education
America Needs. We spend billions every year on illegal immigration; that is, on persons who drive down wages
even as they contribute nothing to the welfare state from which they derive a great deal. (Studies estimate that 50 to
60 percent of illegal immigrants receive entitlements.) Not to mention the many crimes — drug-related
and otherwise — that result from such illegal entry.
Pelosi's 'Immoral, Ineffective and Expensive' Argument.
If you try to attend next month's Super Bowl at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, you better have a ticket or some other type
of pass that allows you to legally enter the facility. If you don't, you won't get in. They have built a great
big beautiful wall around that field, which, according to the stadium's website, was constructed with $1.129 billion in
private and public money. To enter, you will need to pass through a gate, where people will verify whether you have the
right to do so. Because of this, you can bet almost no one will migrate from other parts of the country or the world
to see if they can illegally penetrate the security around the Super Bowl and attend the game for free. They know they
cannot succeed. So, they will not try. That will also spare them the misery of standing outside in Minnesota in
February. The NFL [...] is more serious about border security at its stadiums than Congress has been in recent decades
about border security in the American southwest.
How to Report Illegal Aliens.
Under federal law, any non-U.S. citizen is an alien. Aliens who have entered the United States without permission, or
who have violated the terms of their admission, are identified under the law as illegal aliens. That is a fact, not an
issue for debate. It doesn't matter whether someone crossed our nation's borders illegally or overstayed a visa, their
presence in the country is illegal which makes them deportable under the Immigration and Nationality Act.
U.S. Has More Immigrants Than Any Other Country. A new study by the Pew Research Center shows that the U.S. has
more than 40 million immigrants, more than any other country in the world. It also takes in about one-fifth of the
world's total migrants. The report looks at trends from 1960 to 2015. According to the report in 2015 the U.S. hit a
record high of 43.2 million immigrants accounting for 13.4% of the population, the same number that is used by the Center of
Immigration Studies. This is four times higher than in 1960 when only 9.7 million immigrants lived in the U.S.,
accounting for only 5.4% of the population.
The Case Against
Immigration. In the United States, there is strong evidence that the national interest has not been well served by the country's
immigration policy over the last five decades. Even as levels of immigration have approached historic highs, debate on the topic has been
subdued, and policymakers and opinion leaders in both parties have tended to overstate the benefits and understate or ignore the costs of
immigration. It would make a great deal of sense for the country to reform its immigration policies by more vigorously enforcing existing
laws, and by moving away from the current system, which primarily admits immigrants based on family relationships, toward one based on the
interests of Americans.
Takes a Holiday. The law states that foreign nationals cannot enter and permanently reside in the United States
without going through a checkpoint and in most cases obtaining a legal visa or green card. But immigration law has been
all but ignored. Or it was redefined as not committing additional crimes while otherwise violating immigration law.
Then the law was effectively watered down further to allow entering and residing illegally if not committing "serious" crimes.
Now, the adjective "serious" is being redefined as something that does not lead to too many deportations. The logical
end is no immigration law at all — and open borders.
Mainstream Media Have Forfeited All Respect. In 1988 there were 16 million immigrants (including fewer than 1 million
illegal aliens) living in the United States. Today, that number has skyrocketed to 42.4 million (including an estimated 12 million
illegal aliens). This enormous increase (165%) in the immigrant population (while the overall population growth was just 29%) has not
only put pressure on a stagnant job market, but also has been a major factor in the decline of median income in the country as well as
skyrocketing public spending. Rather than report the facts, the media chose instead to highlight human-interest stories about the
plight of an illegal immigrant family whenever one could be found, to extensively and sympathetically cover immigrant marches and
demonstrations, to highlight accusations of alleged xenophobia and intolerance, and generally be an ombudsman for the immigrant population.
16 quotes prove America can exclude or deport any immigrant — for any reason. The ubiquitous notion among the
political and legal establishment that there are any constitutional limitations on our sovereign right to exclude any
immigrant for any reason is the most dangerous constitutional crisis we are facing in the coming months. It is one of
the reasons why I wrote "Stolen Sovereignty" — as a reminder of our history, traditions, and laws on immigration
and sovereignty. Based on 200 years of case law, the accepted laws of nation states, and the principles of the social
compact, popular sovereignty, and jurisdictional sovereignty, the American people — as expressed through their
elected representatives — have the right to exclude or deport any non-citizen for any reason. The prudence
of such a move is a political question best dealt with by the political branches of government depending on the situation at
hand. But the courts have absolutely no ability to force the political branches to allow aliens to remain in this
country against statutes passed by Congress. There is no due process for aliens to remain in the country in the same
way non-citizens have full due process when facing jail time or indefinite detention. That is the most settled area of
law. Even those who aren't politically comfortable with exercising this power to the max must concede that it is a
dangerous proposition to cede the legal right to exercise that power.
for a Complete Halt on All Immigration. This is a serious proposal — and a necessary one.
Consider: with the U.S. having a replacement-level fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman, immigration is the only
reason our population is increasing. As to this, our numbers have swelled from 100 million people in 1915 to 200 million
in 1968 to 320 million today. And it's projected they will reach approximately 400 million just after 2050.
Obviously, such growth involves strain on natural resources, social services and infrastructure. Yet while the Left purports
to care about the environment, it also pursues open-border policies with jihadist-like zeal. But when will enough population
be enough? When it stands at 450 million? A half billion? A billion? The Left likes to push "family
planning." But what about national-family planning?
to 40 Million Illegals Can Be Deported. The first thing to recognize is that the illegal alien problem arose because of the 1987 Reagan
Amnesty nearly 30 years ago. By some estimates, up to 40 million people have entered the USA illegally since that time, so encouraging
them to leave may take an extended period of time as well. [...] Somehow, the left and corporatist right have come to believe that our country would
collapse without illegal immigration and open borders. We should remind those bleeding hearts who support the invasion of our country by
third-worlders that, for example, fresh produce somehow made its way to market before 1987 without illegals living here. Note also that
countries with strict immigration policies and zero illegal immigration enjoy ample supplies of fruits and vegetables.
the Supreme Court and President Obama. In 2014, President Barack Obama signed 12 executive orders directing
various agencies in the departments of State, Justice and Homeland Security to refrain from deporting some 4 million adult
immigrants illegally present in the United States if they are the parents of children born here or legally present here and
if they hold a job, obtain a high-school diploma or its equivalent, pay taxes and stay out of prison. Unfortunately for
the president, the conditions he established for avoiding deportation had been rejected by Congress. In response to the
executive orders, 26 states and the House of Representatives sued the president and the recipients of the orders, seeking
to prevent them from being enforced.
The Cloward-Piven Strategy Is Driving The United States To Collapse. Illegal Immigration on its own is already one of the
most important threats to the future of the United States, because it reflects a deliberate attempt by our political elite to displace and
supplant its native population with one that will always vote for them, remain dependent on welfare, and take jobs from Americans by working
"under the table" at wages that American citizens cannot survive on. This raises a logical question: if illegal immigration
already displaces such a great number of Americans and creates so much controversy and strife, why keep bringing in as many as possible?
A further question to ask is why do so now, as opposed to waiting until the economy is better? Our nation is nowhere near the point of
recovery since nearly 50% of Americans are already on one form or another of government assistance, our nation has an interest rate student
loan bubble that will both burst soon, and an economy that is either being outsourced or stolen by thieves with H1B visas. All of these
factors clearly show that our nation is at its breaking point, yet we have a political elite that wishes to first enact unconditional amnesty
and then import migrants from shady 3rd world countries. Any rational observer will realize that adding 13 million MORE welfare,
public assistance or student loan recipients may likely cause the entire system to collapse due to inefficiency and a lack of adequate funding.
Timeline: Obama's Dismantling of U.S. Immigration Laws. The Federation for American Immigration Reform
(FAIR) has recently released a video they call a summary of the "Obama Immigration Policy Timeline Wrecking Ball" which
outlines steps Obama has taken from the beginning of his presidency to dismantle enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.
The video also shows how Hillary Clinton assisted his actions. The video is a must see by every American. It
explains what Obama meant when he promised to "fundamentally transform" America. One of the reasons why President Obama
is so concerned about Donald Trump winning the White House in 2016, is because Trump has built his campaign around the
promise of stopping illegal immigration and building a wall on the Mexican border. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has
embraced illegal immigrants, promising to enact amnesty within her first 100 days in office and said she will "fight
for immigration reform that provides a full and equal path to citizenship." [Video clip]
Timely news and commentary:
Showdown at the DOJ Corral Is Bigger Than the NYC Mayor's Corruption Charges. This is
how it started. In August 2022, Texas Governor Greg Abbott began sending illegals to New
York City and other smug, heavily-blue localities by the bus- and plane load. This was
brought on by Joe Biden's resolute refusal to make even a modest attempt to control immigration on
our southern border. As they say, everyone was having fun until someone got punched in the
throat. That was Mayor Eric Adams. The toll on NYC began to rise, and Adams crossed the
line by beginning to question the financial and social costs to NYC of going along with
Biden — with Biden's highly politicized Justice Department, this was a bad move.
In November 2023, the FBI let it slip to the media that they had seized Adams's electronic
devices and he was under investigation for receiving foreign campaign contributions. That
investigation was managed by the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York.
czar Tom Homan slams AOC over webinar to help illegal immigrants avoid arrest. Border
czar Tom Homan suggested on Friday [2/14/2025] that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be
"impeding" federal immigration authorities from arresting and deporting criminal illegal
immigrants. Homan took issue with a webinar hosted by Ocasio-Cortez's office earlier this
week explaining the tactics Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) authorities have been using
in New York to arrest illegal immigrants — in an apparent effort to help migrants avoid
deportation. "I sent an email today to the deputy attorney general. At what level is that
impediment? Is that impediment?" Homan said of the webinar in an interview with Fox News host
Laura Ingraham. "Is that impeding our law enforcement efforts? If so, what are we going
to do about it?" Homan said he asked the Justice Department. "Maybe AOC is going to be in
trouble now," he continued, arguing that "Impediment is impediment, in my opinion.
Spent over $22 Billion on Giveaways to Illegal Immigrants over Past Four Years.
The Department of Health and Human Services spent $22.6 billion on assistance to illegal
immigrants from 2020 to 2024 as border crossings hit all-time highs, a new watchdog report
shows. The HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement, a unit that lost track of 32,000 migrant
children, distributed the bulk of the funds to nonprofit organizations during President Joe Biden's
term, according to a report from government spending watchdog Open the Books, first reported by the
New York Post. In fiscal year 2023 alone, the ORR doled out $10 billion worth of grants
as the Biden administration expanded the number of illegal aliens eligible for assistance.
HHS distributed obligated funds of $2.6 billion in 2020, $2.3 billion in 2021, and
$4.2 billion in fiscal year 2024. Over that time period, the Biden administration allowed
record numbers of illegal immigrants to cross the southern border and remain in the country.
Some of the ORR money went towards a program that helped illegal immigrants save for car and home
purchases, while another program distributed business and personal loans to help migrants build credit.
York City Cries 'Highway Robbery' After Secretary Noem's Clawback Leaves Them Holding the
Bag. New York City officials are accusing Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem of
"highway robbery" after she ordered an illegal payment of $59 million targeted for illegal
immigrant housing in posh hotels clawed back. [...] The story begins with Elon Musk's DOGE team
discovering an unauthorized transfer of funds to pay for illegal immigrant housing; Elon Musk's
Team Catches FEMA Bureaucrats in Mutiny Against Trump — RedState. Even though the
money was legally appropriated for that purpose — Musk was wrong about it being from the
disaster relief fund — Trump had ordered a freeze on payments. [...] NYC's whining that
the money was taken from their bank account sorta makes you wonder how the City Comptroller ever
got his job without understanding the basics of wire transfers.
splurged more than $22B on grants for migrants — including cash for cars, home loans and
startups. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ramped up grants for
migrants from 2020 to 2024 — which included cash assistance to buy cars, homes and even
build credit for startup businesses, according to a shocking watchdog report that found taxpayers
were left on the hook for $22.6 billion. HHS' Office of Refugee Resettlement
(ORR) — which came under fire last year for having lost track of 32,000 migrant kids in
the US — handed out the high sum to a host of nonprofits, effectively acting as a "giant
magnet" for those crossing the US border and claiming asylum, auditors from the money monitor
OpenTheBooks revealed exclusively to The [New York] Post. Tasked with settling migrants,
asylum seekers and other refugees in America, ORR drastically increased the number of noncitizens
eligible to receive funding over the bulk of President Joe Biden's term, with more than
$10 billion shelled out to grant-receiving organizations just in fiscal year 2023.
mass deportation plan hits its own wall. President Trump's vow to deport "millions
and millions" of unauthorized immigrants is meeting harsh reality — already stretching
the limits of the government's resources, less than four weeks into the new administration. A
lack of funds, detention space, officers and infrastructure to handle arrested immigrants is
frustrating many involved in the effort — and made goals such as 1 million
deportations this year seem unrealistic. That urgency led the White House to ask Congress for
an immediate infusion of $175 billion to help Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
acquire more detention space, boost staff and address other needs.
Pieces of Silver. As many of you know, we've written a number of times how our State
Department and USAID drove huge numbers of illegal crossings using vast sums of taxpayer
money. We're grateful to see this issue getting the broader attention that it truly
deserves. Regardless of what you think about him, Elon is helping to raise our national
consciousness on a number of vital matters — including the use of NGOs to fund the flow
of illegals. One of the questions we've repeatedly been asked during this process is did the
Catholic Church know what NGOs like Catholic Charities of America were doing? Was the
Catholic Church part of the illegal immigration problem, actively soliciting government funds or
were these sub-organizations operating all on their own — independent grifters operating
outside the Church's sphere in an attempt to make money. Our historical response to these questions
has been that at a minimum the Church certainly had active knowledge of these activities —
and documents we've found would strongly indicate the Church had a very real measure of oversight.
Most of these donations went to Catholic Charities directly affiliated with regional dioceses —
making it improbable that the Church wasn't overtly aware.
Bidenomics Atrocity: 7 Migrant Jobs for Each American Job. The results are in:
The Democratic Party's Bidenomics strategy produced a disastrous score of just 160,000 extra jobs
for Americans during each year of President Joe Biden's presidency. President Joe Biden's
dismal Bidenomics also created jobs for 4.7 million migrants — including almost
three million illegals, according to federal data collected by the Center for Immigration Studies
and reported on February 7. So Bidenomics created 7.3 migrant jobs for every job gained by
an American, even as it also exploded the national debt by $8 trillion.
Claws Back $59 Million FEMA Sent to NYC Hotels to Shelter Illegal Immigrants.
The Department of Homeland Security recovered $59 million of taxpayer funds the Federal
Emergency Management Administration sent to hotels in New York City to shelter illegal
immigrants. DHS clawed back the payment Wednesday after firing four FEMA staffers Tuesday for
making the payment in subversion of agency leadership and the Trump administration's broader
agenda, as National Review previously reported. "Secretary Noem has clawed back the full
payment that FEMA deep state activists unilaterally gave to NYC migrant hotels," DHS assistant
secretary Tricia McLaughin posted on X Wednesday. "FEMA was funding the Roosevelt Hotel that
serves as a Tren de Aragua base of operations & was used to house Laken Riley's killer. There
will not be a single penny spent that goes against the interest and safety of the American people."
coming after you': Trump administration sues New York state over immigration.
Attorney General Pam Bondi said Wednesday that the Justice Department is suing the state of New
York and its top officials for prioritizing "illegal aliens over American citizens." "As you
know, we sued Illinois and New York didn't listen. So now you're next," Bondi said.
Bondi, in her first news conference since being confirmed, said "millions" of people "with violent
records have flooded into our communities, bringing violence and deadly drugs with them," and that
states like New York with permissive immigration policies were contributing to the problem.
Bondi announced that DOJ sued not only the state of New York but also Democratic Gov. Kathy
Hochul, Attorney General Letitia James and Mark Schroeder, the state's motor vehicles
commissioner. Hochul's office didn't immediately return calls for comment.
Was Right About Illegal Immigration. The notion that the United States should or
could support millions of people who cross our border illegally is simply insane. Well,
technically, it's not exactly insane in that the people proposing it see it as a rational way to
increase and sustain their wealth and power. Democrats need ever more people dependent on
them to overcome the rationality of actual Americans who increasingly see the Democrats for the
grifters they are. What's worse than the millions of people streaming across our borders is
the fact that it's been facilitated by — indeed, funded by — American
taxpayers through USAID and other government programs. Americans are literally spending
billions of dollars a year to facilitate the invasion of their country by millions of illegals who
then need to be taken care of by those same taxpayers!
admin resumes deportation flights to Venezuela. The Trump administration resumed
deportation flights to Venezuela on Monday, sending two planeloads of illegal migrants and
gangbangers back for the first time in nearly a year — but there's plenty more to go.
"Repatriation flights to Venezuela have resumed, with Ambassador @RichardGrenell overseeing the
first two flights. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN," the Trump White House tweeted. Roughly 200
Venezuelans were sent home on the flights. But the one-way tickets back are just a drop in
the bucket in terms of what could come — given that the Biden administration ushered in
more than 1 million Venezuelan migrants, including Tren de Aragua gang members, across the
southern border. The number of Venezuelan migrants roaming the US with deportation orders
remains unknown, but there are roughly 600,000 who could be kicked back to their home country since
President Trump recently revoked their temporary protected status as part of his massive
immigrfation [sic] crackdown.
Times Leaked Sensitive Information About ICE Raids. The Department of Homeland
Security has a leak problem. We have traitors at the agency, saboteurs who must be exposed,
fired, and then raked over the coals. This marks the second time an ICE raid has been
revealed to the public. An ICE raid in Aurora, Colorado, was leaked last week. Now, the
Los Angeles Times reveals another operation for the city of Angels is in the works, with the
sensitive documents to prove it: [...] Most federal law enforcement agencies have deportation
powers. The US Marshals Service, DEA, and the ATF all have the power to deport illegal aliens
along with ICE. Soon, local law enforcement, through agreements with DHS, will have the same
power. We will find these people; no price is too great for this national security priority.
Yet, like in the last administration, we have officials who wish to form a resistance. That's fine,
but you'll also get exposed and fired, as you should.
Officials Tipped-Off Criminal Aliens: Leaked Details of Pending Los Angeles ICE Deportation
Operation to Media. This is remarkable. Truly alarming, quite stunning and a
clear example of how corrupt the FBI agency is. There was a very disturbing article in the
Los Angeles Times, warning criminal aliens of a pending ICE operation sweep that was coming to the
LA area. The source for the advanced tip-off were indicated within the reporting to be FBI
officials in Washington DC. Today, it appears that Dept of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi
Noem is confirming the leak came from the FBI as she says, "The FBI is so corrupt. We will
work with any and every agency to stop leaks and prosecute these crooked deep state agents to the
fullest extent of the law." The head of the DHS is saying the FBI is "corrupt."
We know it is.
it's legal to strip school funding for illegal aliens. Because of the current
president and the current composition of Congress, we may never have a better opportunity to
eliminate federal funding for illegal aliens in K-12 government schools. Many assert that the
U.S. Constitution requires the government to provide elementary and secondary education in all
circumstances at taxpayer expense to children who are illegal aliens. In support of their
assertion, they cite the 1982 United States Supreme Court opinion in Plyler v. Doe,
457 U.S. 202 (1982). They are wrong. Plyler arose out of a Texas
law from 1975 that sought to deny illegal aliens a taxpayer-funded elementary and secondary education.
Plyler did not state that illegal aliens are entitled to such an education in all circumstances;
it described circumstances under which, presumably, it would be legal for a state to deny illegal aliens
a taxpayer-funded elementary and secondary education. Unbelievably, the Supreme Court stated in
Plyler that such a circumstance was not present in the record before the court in 1982.
However, such circumstances are present now in every state that is burdened with illegal aliens in
elementary and secondary public schools.
Church, Illegals, and the Law. Like all laws, immigration law is very succinct and
specific. It defines the conditions under which a person can successfully enter and stay in
America. By being very exact, it ensures that all people are treated fairly, which minimizes
injustice. With the crackdown on illegal immigrants, some Catholics are advising these
individuals on ways to avoid deportation. [...] Absent from the debate is the plight of those on
the border and throughout the country who face the problems of dealing with the overwhelming flow
of immigrants, swamping government, medical, and educational systems. Absent is a discussion
of the lawlessness of gangs and traffickers. Nothing is done to change the policies of
oppressive nations like Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela that are destroying their nations and
cruelly persecuting their citizens. A real debate about immigration should not be about how
to resist the law. Rather, it should clarify what must be done to eradicate the radical
Left's exploitation of undocumented migrants as pawns in their subversive effort to remake America.
Admin. Begins Deporting Indian Nationals. The Trump administration repatriated
its first planeload of Indian nationals Wednesday as 104 men were loaded aboard a military
plane bound for the subcontinent. The U.S. flight carrying the migrants who illegally entered
the U.S. landed in Amristar, a city in the northern Indian State of Punjab, not far from Lahore,
Pakistan. The first flight came after India agreed to accept their citizens once U.S.
officials confirm identities and immigration status, according to ABC News. [Tweet]
Accidentally Shows That the Border Crisis Is About Human Trafficking. CBS News is
running clips of interviews with migrants who were deported in recent days. The idea, I
assume, is to generate sympathy for the crying mom separated from her children (why did she leave
them behind?) or the poor woman who just wanted a better life. [Advertisement] I, too,
feel bad for them in an abstract way. But they should have known that we call it "illegal
immigration" for a reason. They should blame Joe Biden, the ghouls at the UN and USAID who
funded the illegal immigrant pipeline and the social services for illegals in the United
States. But this one clip stood out to me, because it didn't generate sympathy from me, but
rage. CBS wants us to feel bad for this poor woman — and I do — without
recognizing that her biggest problem was caused by the cartels who have been making bank off this
US-funded human trafficking pipeline. [Tweet with video clip]
case for militarizing the border. President Trump has made clear he believes the
border crisis poses a grave threat to U.S. national security and is acting accordingly. Just
days into Trump's second term, the Department of Defense sent 1,500 active-duty soldiers to the
Southern border to address the crisis that has plagued this country for the last four years.
The president campaigned on using the military to secure the border and restore America's
sovereignty and won a resounding victory in November, in large part due to these promises.
There is also precedent from Trump's first term that suggests he is committed to deploying the
military to end America's illegal immigration crisis.
the Border: Trump Actions Prove It Doesn't Require New Laws. Now we're getting
serious: Guantanamo Bay and U.S. attorneys. The Trump administration's twin actions
last week stepping up its attack on the illegal immigration problem show the depth of Trump's
commitment to ending the crisis at our southern border and his determination to get results.
And, clearly, while these moves represent a significant escalation of his administration's actions
to secure the border, they are just two of many, many actions Trump has ordered — each
of which puts the lie to Joe Biden's complaint that he needed a new law from Congress before he
could do anything to stop the flow of illegal aliens across the southern border. On
Wednesday, nine days into his new presidency, Trump signed an executive order instructing the
Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to ready the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, for use as a detention facility for "high-priority criminal aliens unlawfully present in the
United States."
Flights Full of Illegal Aliens Headed for Guantanamo Bay. [Scroll down]
The El Salvador part is especially interesting; Ms. Leavitt informs us that the Salvadorans
are taking not only their own people but "...illegal criminals from other nations, who will then be
sent to their prisons." Whatever El Salvador's prisons are like, it's virtually certain that
internet access, expansive legal libraries, cable television, and conjugal visits aren't on the
agenda. What comes next, then? So far the Trump administration has repatriated illegals
in the tens of thousands. There are millions of people illegally in the United States, many
of whom aren't yet on the radar as they haven't committed any crime after their illegal entry.
There is a certain percentage of those people who are laying low for some specific purpose; people
who, say, came here from places like Iran — or China. Those people, from nations known to
harbor ill will towards the United States, should be next on the list for repatriation.
First Military Flight of GTMO-Bound Migrants Leaves El Paso. The first military
flight transporting migrants to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp from El Paso for the Department
of Homeland Security departed Biggs Army Airfield on Tuesday. The camp in Cuba is currently
undergoing modifications that will allow for up to 30,000 migrants to be held at the facility
located within the Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. Once a military prison designed to house
terrorists and enemy war combatants, the facility will now undergo renovations that will allow for
the detention of up to 30,000 migrants. The announcement to utilize the facility for that
purpose was made by President Trump shortly after signing the Laken Riley Act in late January.
Crossings Down 93%. White House Border Czar Tom Homan told Fox News on Sunday that
illegal border crossings are down 93% since Donald Trump won his belated reelection in
November. Speaking with Maria Bartiromo, Homan also promised, "When we find that criminal,
he's most likely with others, and they're gonna go too. So if you wanna be a sanctuary city,
you're gonna get exactly what you don't want. More agents in the community and more
non-criminals arrested." "We got more work to do," Homan concluded — and what a
welcome change that is from the last four years. As a candidate, Joe Biden sent the message
loud and clear that America would be open for... anything, really... for illegal aliens. Need
a job? Want to sell drugs? Cartel or gang member? Terrorist? No
problemo! The surge of illegals began virtually the moment Biden was declared the
winner. And for four years of record-busting waves of illegals, Biden and his Chief Enabler
at DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, swore up and down that the border was secure.
and Border Protection Deputizes Texas National Guard. U.S. Customs and Border
Protection has deputized the Texas National Guard with the authority to "formally assist with and
facilitate the mass deportation of illegal aliens during President Donald Trump's second term,"
effective immediately. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton celebrated the announcement in a
press release, commenting, "I am proud to be the first to join him to restore our national
sovereignty, secure our border, and ensure that criminal aliens face the justice they deserve."
He continued, "As the top law enforcement official in Texas, I call on all agencies and departments
to join me in the fight. We will enforce the law and protect America."
admin ends deportation protections for massive number of Venezuelans amid illegal immigration
crackdown. The Trump administration is ending a deportation shield for hundreds of
thousands of Venezuelans in the U.S., opening the door to them being deported — just as
President Donald Trump has secured an agreement with the socialist country to take back its
nationals. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed to Fox News Digital that more
than 300,000 nationals protected by Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in 2023 are having their
statuses revoked. The New York Times, which first reported details of the move, reported that
they will lose temporary status 60 days after the government first publishes the notice.
TPS grants protection from deportation and allows work permits for nationals living in the U.S.
from countries deemed unsafe for them to be returned. Then-DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
announced extensions for TPS for Venezuela, as well as El Salvador, Sudan and Ukraine, for an
additional 18 months in the final few days of the Biden administration.
Funding the Invasion? In this episode of Truth Over News, we examine President
Trump's decision to cut funding to corrupt U.S. government programs like USAID and discuss the
mayhem and chaos these organizations have sown over the years — particularly through
their role in funding and facilitating migrant caravans. In other words, the crisis was
entirely self-inflicted. [Video clip]
DHS Planning to Reverse Biden Administration Policy That Allowed Over 500K 'Refugees' to Be Flown
Into US. In the last few years, over half a million Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans,
and Venezuelans were flown directly into the United States, many reportedly sponsored by
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs.) This was done under a Biden administration policy that is a
frank abuse of the immigration parole system. In another reversal of Biden administration
policies, the Trump administration is making plans to revoke the legal status of immigrants who
entered the United States under this program.
Churches That Oppose Trump on Immigration are Raking in Millions to Bring In
Migrants. When Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde lectured President Trump and Vice
President Vance about immigration during her sermon at the National Prayer Service on the day after
they were inaugurated, leftists hailed Budde for standing on principle and giving the Bad Orange
Man a good scolding. As it turns out, however, Budde may have motivations that were a bit
more tangible than principle: her church's Episcopal Migration Ministry (EMM) rakes in millions
from a number of taxpayer-funded entities for bringing the migrants. And the Episcopal Church
is by no means alone in this: other churches that have recently taken principled stances against
Trump's immigration policies are in on the gravy train as well. The New York Post reported
Friday that Budde's "sermon to President Trump during an inaugural prayer service, coupled with her
church's advocacy for humanitarian immigration programs, reveals a striking hypocrisy —
one that could be seen as self-serving and even a conflict of interest." This is because in 2023,
EMM "earned $53 million from various taxpayer-funded government programs to resettle 3,600
individuals." If Trump stops the migrant influx and ends the funding for such programs, the
Episcopal Church could suddenly be facing a significant shortfall of cash.
Alien Legal Aid Groups Sue After the Trump Admin. Ends Federal Gravy Train.
Given the temperament of the left in this country these days, even in the middle of an illegal
immigration crisis, it's perhaps unsurprising that there are non-profit groups collecting federal
funds, or more correctly, taxpayer dollars, to help provide legal advice to illegal aliens wishing
to stay here. President Trump has cut off federal funding for these groups, and ordered them
out of the immigration courts. It was among the executive orders the president signed on Day
One in his second term in office.
Noem stops taxpayer money from funding illegal migrant flood. For four years, I've
reported about how a large, organized constellation of United Nations agencies partnered with
hundreds of private nonprofit groups to direct billions of mostly US-taxpayer dollars into
supporting historic illegal southern border crossing levels during President Joe Biden's term in
office. Even for the new Trump administration, this conglomerate of 15 UN agencies and
230 NGOs was proposing to spend yet another $1.4 billion on the migration trail in 2025,
$1.2 billion more for 2026. That's in addition to the more than $6 billion from
2020-2024 during the greatest mass migration event in American history.
Many Illegals Are in the United States? Democrats have repeatedly claimed over the
last 20 years that the number of illegals in America is roughly 11 million
people — which would be bad if it were true but the truth is far worse than that.
At least 11 million illegals entered the country under Biden alone. As we will see, the
number of illegals within this country is actually several multiples of this 11 million
number. [...] Pick whatever number you like — we think the number of total illegal
immigrants is probably in the 40 million range — but we can all agree that the
11 million figure touted by Democrats is utter nonsense. The thing is, they know that
it's nonsense. But then again, they also know that amnesty would provide them with a huge
influx to their voting base.
Secretary Kristi Noem Announces Halt to All Funds to NGOs That 'Facilitate Illegal Immigration'.
Wednesday evening on Fox News' "The Will Cain Show," Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Secretary Kristi Noem announced that DHS will be suspending all grants to non-governmental
organizations (NGOs). Noem told Cain that DHS had: ["]stopped all grant funding that
is being abused by NGOs to facilitate illegal immigration into this country. So, it's amazing
to me the hundreds of millions of dollars that have spent by the federal government, that has been
sent to NGOs to facilitate this invasion of our country. So, I've taken action to stop those
funds, to reevaluate them, and to make sure that we're actually using the taxpayer dollars in a way
that strengthens this country, that keeps us safe.[..."]
Noem Pulls Protected Status From 600K Venezuelans and Queues Up Another Court Battle.
Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem announced Wednesday that she had rescinded a last-minute
order by former DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas extending Temporary Protected Status for
Venezuelan "refugees" until October 2026. The cancellation of TPS affects approximately
600,000 Venezuelans living illegally in the United States. [...] This is just the start of the
battle. As we learned from the Supreme Court, any memo by any Democrat official, no matter
how flimsy, is the law of the land and can't be touched; [...]. During Trump 1.0, he tried
to end TPS for Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, Sudan, and Nicaragua. These all ended up
in court, where Trump lost. The Biden crime family stopped pursuing the issue and went
full-metal Leeeroy Jenkins at the Southern border. There is a better prognosis this time
around as 1) the federal judiciary is very different, 2) the corrosive effect of massive illegal
immigration has become well known, 3) Venezuelan migrants are increasingly associated with
criminality and gang activity, and 4) Mayorkas was in a rush to leave and seems to have botched the
order extending TPS.
Take a Look at Some of the People ICE Is Arresting. On Monday, we were treated to the
spectacle of someone named Selena Gomez, who evidently is a celebrity of some sort or another,
weeping uncontrollably over the Trump administration's and border czar Tom "The Hammer" Homan's
efforts to round up and either jail or repatriate illegal aliens that don't belong here. As
leftists are wont to do, Miss Gomez was weeping for "the children." [Advertisement] We
were also treated to the delightful spectacle of the border czar telling Miss Gomez precisely what
she could do with her crocodile tears. Mr. Homan predicted that this would happen, and
he was right. [Tweet with video clip]
Massive Week One Illegal Immigration Crackdown: The Numbers Are In. In just his
first week back in office, President Trump's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) isn't
wasting any time getting to work, and ICE is crazy transparent about its success.
[Advertisement] Since Trump's third day in office, ICE and the Department of Homeland Security
have been posting daily updates on immigration enforcement, like these: [Two tweets] This
is what immigration enforcement looks like, and on Monday, the Department of Homeland Security gave
us an update about the progress that has been made in just a week under Trump. According to
DHS, the Trump administration has already deported 7,300 illegal immigrants. These aren't
just random deportations either; we're talking about criminals who were either charged with or
found guilty of serious offenses including robbery, rape, assault, domestic violence, and drunk
driving. [Two more tweets] [Advertisement] [Four more tweets] And this is just the
beginning. According to a report from the Washington Post, the Trump administration is aiming
for 1,200 to 1,500 deportations daily — roughly 500,000 deportations annually.
minority communities cheer ICE raids that rounded up violent criminal migrants. New
York City residents in Hispanic and black communities that supported President Trump in huge
numbers in the 2024 election hailed Tuesday's local immigration raids that nabbed scores of
suspected heinous criminals. Starting in the Bronx — where Trump's support surged
35% between 2020 and 2024 — heavily armed federal immigration agents stormed through the
city, targeting migrants with warrants for murder, kidnapping and other heinous crimes, police
sources told The [New York] Post. Among those arrested was Anderson Zambrano-Pacheco, 25, an
alleged ringleader of the notorious Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua whom immigration officers
took into custody at an Ogden Avenue apartment in the Bronx.
Chaos: Letters of Marque Could Be Trump's Next Big Move. The cartels that
poison our communities with fentanyl and violence do not wear uniforms, but their threat to
American lives is no less dire than that of a foreign enemy — a threat that President
Trump has repeatedly prioritized addressing through his decisive policies and actions aimed at
dismantling their operations and securing our borders. Senator Mike Lee of Utah has revived
an idea as old as the republic itself, proposing the use of letters of marque and reprisal to
combat the scourge of drug cartels. It is a strategy rooted in the Constitution, steeped in
historical precedent, and tailor-made for the unconventional challenge posed by these non-state
actors. The U.S. Constitution's Article I, Section 8 empowers Congress to "grant Letters of
Marque and Reprisal." These commissions historically allowed private citizens to engage in acts
that would otherwise be deemed piracy, such as capturing enemy vessels during wartime. This
mechanism provided an agile, cost-effective response to seaborne threats while adhering to the rule
of law. Though it has not been used since the 19th century, the power remains a viable
constitutional tool — one that could be repurposed to address modern-day non-state
actors, like Mexican drug cartels.
Some More, Please. These arrests could and should have been made long ago.
Officials in the Biden administration didn't round up these Venezuelan gangsters because they
didn't want to. Why didn't they? It seems inexplicable. The Biden administration
preferred to give a vicious Venezuelan prison gang free rein to terrorize Americans, deal drugs,
and break pretty much every law. This was a conscious choice. On what theory was it a
good idea? Diversity is our strength? Occam's Razor, in its broader version, suggests
that the simplest and most straightforward explanation is probably correct: Biden and his minions
hate America, and they were using Venezuelan gangs, among many other tools, to damage our country.
czar Tom Homan promises deportations every day, culimating in millions: 'Our border is
closed'. Deportations will continue every day and culminate in millions of illegal
migrants being jettisoned from the US, as President Trump promised during the 2024 campaign, border
czar Tom Homan says. Homan, 63, declared Sunday that everyone who is in the US illegally is
"on the table" for deportation and praised the Trump administration for sending a "strong signal to
the world: Our border is closed." Homan — asked on ABC News' "This Week," "Is
that going to be a constant commitment from the US military every single day to take deportees
out?" — responded, "Yes."
migrants in Ohio 'panicking' over mass deportations after Trump accused them of 'eating neighbors
cats'. Haitian migrants have turned to religion amid the looming threat of
deportation under the presidency of Donald Trump[,] who accused them of eating their neighbors' pets
on the campaign trail. The First Haitian Evangelical Church of Springfield, Ohio was
jam-packed with parishioners on the first Sunday service since President Trump's inauguration as
immigration raids take place across the country. 'I asked God to protect my people,'
Reverend Reginald Silencieux said after the service. 'I prayed especially for the Haitian
community, and I prayed for U.S.A. too, because Trump is our president. As a church, we have
an obligation to pray for him because he's our political leader right now.' The town was
thrust into the national spotlight during the presidential campaign when Trump accused Haitians in
Springfield of eating their neighbor's cats and dogs. Now, migrants in the community are
concerned that they will be targeted and sent packing, as Trump authorizes ICE raids across the nation.
Charities Lies to Illegals to Aid Them Against ICE. Catholic Charities Milwaukee is
outrageously advising illegal aliens on refusing to comply with ICE, demanding rights they do not
have, lying about U.S. laws, requesting help from foreign officials in undermining immigration law
enforcement, and more. The infamous video in question begins with a woman, Barb Graham,
introducing herself as "an attorney at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in the
Refugee and Immigration Services Program." She claims to be helping illegal aliens to understand
their "rights" if ICE comes to arrest them. "All people living in the United States, including
people who are undocumented, have certain rights under the United States Constitution," she
asserts. This is simply false. Illegal aliens do not have constitutional rights,
because they are not citizens, regardless of what wokified courts have wrongly asserted at various
times in the past. Foreign nationals who violate our laws to be in the United States do not
have constitutional rights. And illegal aliens who are dangerous criminals certainly do not
have constitutional rights that prevent them from being deported. [Tweet with video clip]
advocacy groups sue Trump administration, ICE over 'retaliatory' deportation raids.
Immigrant advocacy groups in Chicago filed a lawsuit Saturday morning against the Trump
administration and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) over planned deportation
raids. The lawsuit was filed by Organized Communities Against Deportation (OCAD), the
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), Brighton Park Neighborhood Council
(BPNC), and Raise the Floor Alliance. The groups are represented by Just Futures Law, the
Community Justice and Civil Rights Clinic of Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, and MK Law.
The plaintiffs allege the raids are "retaliatory in nature" and claim they violate the First
Amendment. They have also requested an emergency hearing in federal court. According to
the lawsuit, the advocacy groups argue that Trump's opposition to sanctuary cities is driving his
administration's plans for raids in Chicago.
Charities draws fire over video coaching illegal migrants on how to duck ICE workplace
probes. A Catholic charity that receives billions in government funding has stirred
controversy for a video teaching migrants in the country illegally how to evade US immigration
law. In the video, distributed by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's
Refugee & Immigration Services Program, immigration attorney Barbara Graham outlines step-by-step
instructions for how migrants can thwart authorities conducting lawful investigations at their
workplace. "Do not panic, and do not run away. If you are frightened and feel like you
need to leave, you can calmly walk toward the exit," Graham advised. "If you are stopped, you
may ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says no, do not try to exit the
building. If you are questioned, you may tell them you want to remain silent," she continued.
Deportation Raids Have Begun in Los Angeles. We knew the mass deportations were going
to begin right away, and it was likely that some of the targeted cities were going to leak to the
press, though it was an open secret as to which urban enclave would be raided. In Los
Angeles, it's already begun with ICE agents and other federal law enforcement officers. The
illegals get detained, and military planes export them the hell out of our country. ATF, DEA,
and the US Marshal Service have been granted deportation powers. The Trump
administration is utilizing a decades-old and, until recently, never invoked power that authorizes
"willing state and local enforcement officers to carry out "any of the powers, privileges, or
duties" of an immigration officer. Most states will likely sign onto this measure. The
deportation force, one the liberals laughably said couldn't be assembled, is being mobilized with
gusto. Also, the other narrative, that we couldn't find these illegals, is false. We
are nabbing them left and right, and we have four years of continuous immigration enforcement to
see the rest. They need to come up for air at some point. For now, the illegals in Los
Angeles are being rounded up.
Petro Backs Down: Sending Personal Plane to Pick Up Migrants After Trump Announced
Sanctions. Colombian President Gustavo Petro backed down on his declaration that he
would not accept deportation flights from the United States. He now says he will send his
presidential plane to personally pick up the deported migrants, a U.S. official with knowledge on
the matter told Breitbart News. The Colombian president's backpedaling came after President
Donald Trump announced he would impose numerous sanctions — including "emergency 25%
tariffs" — on Colombia in response to Petro's reversal of his promise to accept
deportation flights.
President Backs Down After Trump Threatens Nation for Rejecting Deportation Flights.
However, within hours of Trump issuing a retaliatory threat to Colombia President Gustavo Petro,
his stance changed. Petro backed down from Trump and said he would offer to send a
presidential plane to repatriate deportees from the U.S. to avoid Trump's sanctions threat.
New Reality: Colombia Completely Capitulates, Agrees to All Trump's Terms. In a
Sunday night missive, the White House Office of Communications shared big news: the South American
country of Colombia has succumbed to America's demands and will not be subject to crippling
sanctions unless it "fails to honor this agreement." Sometimes, you have to cry uncle, and it
appears that Colombian President Gustavo Petro did just that after acting defiant earlier Sunday by
saying his country would refuse to take back its citizens who were in America illegally. The
current president of the United States, however, is not named Joe Biden. After realizing who
he was dealing with, Petro apparently even retweeted the White House's statement: [Tweet]
president's daughter shades Trump's deportation feud. The daughter of Colombia's
president has waded into the short-lived standoff between her father and President Trump over
deportations — suggesting the Latin American nation should send back an American sex
tourist for every Colombian deported from the US. "For every Colombian deported we will
return a gringo from the Poblado," wrote Andrea Petro, the daughter of Colombian President Gustavo
Petro, in a post on X Monday. She accompanied the cheeky message with a meme of dolphins
jumping from the sea under a rainbow-crested sky.
Reaches New Low, Calls Deporting Illegal Alien Stealing a Tube of Toothpaste 'Terrible Overreach'.
In the unlikely event that California Democrat Senator Adam Schiff has ever missed an opportunity
to make a fool out of himself, I'm not aware of it. From continually promising (lying) to
reveal smoking-gun evidence that Hunter Biden's infamous laptop was a Russian plot —
which he never produced — to outrageous unfounded charges about the Jan. 6 Capitol
"insurrection," to now beclowning himself as President Donald Trump's deportation of illegal aliens
gets underway, the ever-smug Schiff is all over it. Schiff whined on NBC's "Meet the Press"
on Sunday that deporting illegals who steal is "terrible overreach."
First Act Bans Illegal Immigrants Welfare, Other Benefits. During a meeting on
Wednesday of the Senate Committee on the Budget, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) told Office of Management
and Budget Director Nominee Russell T. Vought that his America First Act would ban illegal
immigrants from receiving welfare and other benefits. Senator Lee introduced the America
First Act in December 2024. The legislation is designed to prevent "illegal immigrants paroled
into the United States from accessing billions of dollars in welfare and other benefits intended
for American families." Texas Representative Chip Roy and Chairman Jodey Arrington introduced a
companion bill in the House. [Tweet]
canceled for refugees who were slated to travel to US. Refugees who were slated to
travel to the United States after a years-long and often cumbersome process have had their flights
canceled, according to a State Department memo to resettlement partners obtained by CNN. The
memo comes on the heels of President Donald Trump's executive order suspending refugee admissions
and marks another example of the swift impact his actions are already having. The move stands
to affect thousands of refugees who had flights already scheduled. "All previously scheduled
travel of refugees to the United States is being cancelled, and no new travel bookings will be
made. RSCs should not request travel for any additional refugee cases at this time," the memo
states, citing the president's executive order.
The Editor says...
Why was Joe Biden flying them in anyway?
agency says employees are free to say 'illegal' and 'alien' again. The federal
government's deportation agency has overturned a Biden-era ban on using words like "illegal" and
"alien" when referring to immigrants, The Washington Times has learned. Caleb Vitello, acting
director at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, announced the change in a memo to employees
on Tuesday. "Moving forward, for all communications materials and for internal and external
communications, ICE employees are directed to use the lexicon consistent with the Immigration and
Nationality Act and the language historically used by the agency," he wrote.
Bus of Mexican Nationals Crosses Into Mexico. Jorge Ventura of NewsNation published a
video of the first buses with Mexican nationals crossing into Mexico. Ventura reported that
the people will go to facilities holding up to 2500 deportees. However, Mexico only accepts
Mexican nationals.
Drop them in Nicargua or Honduras, or Peru if necessary, but don't let Mexico run the show.
risks Trump's wrath as it blocks packed illegal migrant deportation flight from
landing. Mexican authorities blocked a US military plane from deporting illegal
migrants on Thursday after Donald Trump's immigration crackdown began. American officials
told NBC News a packed jet never took off after authorities south of the border rejected the
move. The flight was one of three that were set to take off on Thursday, alongside two
Guatemala-bound Air Force C-17s carrying over 150 people, as part of what Trump has described
as the largest mass deportation effort in US history.
Flights Have Begun': Trump Administration Begins Returning Criminal Aliens to Home Countries.
The Trump administration is beginning to fly criminal illegal aliens out of the country after
rounding them up as part of the long-promised mass deportation program. White House press
secretary Karoline Leavitt announced Friday that deportation flights have started and shared two
pictures of what appears to be group of illegal immigrants walking into a military aircraft.
"Deportation flights have begun," Leavitt said on X. "President Trump is sending a strong and
clear message to the entire world: if you illegally enter the United States of America, you will
face severe consequences." The Trump administration launched its mass deportation campaign on
day one and has rounded up hundreds of illegal alien criminals to start with. Under the
direction of border czar Tom Homan, ICE has pursued a "worst first" strategy focused on finding and
deporting criminal aliens who have committed violent crimes like murder and rape.
has 670K residents who are illegal migrants — including 42,300 undocumented restaurant
workers. New York State has 670,000 residents who are illegal migrants —
including 42,300 undocumented restaurant employees and 48,500 undocumented construction workers, an
eye-opening report released Thursday said. The report from the liberal-leaning Fiscal Policy
Institute revealed an underground economy of migrant workers in the Empire State, where
1.8 million residents are non-citizens that may also include green card holders. In
total, there are 4.5 million foreign-born residents of the state, the report said.
grants immigration arrest powers to U.S. Marshals, DEA, ATF. Acting Homeland Security
Secretary Benjamine Huffman on Thursday deputized agents and officers at the Justice Department to
help in making immigration arrests, creating a force multiplier as President Trump seeks to carry
out his promise of mass deportations. Mr. Huffman signed a directive granting
immigration investigation and arrest powers to the U.S. Marshals Service, Drug Enforcement
Administration, Bureau of Prisons and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
"Mobilizing these law enforcement officials will help fulfill President Trump's promise to the
American people to carry out mass deportations," Mr. Huffman said. "For decades, efforts to
find and apprehend illegal aliens have not been given proper resources. This is a major step
in fixing that problem."
Deputies Seek 40,000 Beds for Migrant Deportations. The Trump administration wants
four 10,000-bed detention centers to hold illegals as they are processed for repatriation to their
home countries. The planned new facilities would more than double the current holding
capacity among the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's 14 current sites. The plans
were revealed in a selection of Customs and Border Protection documents reviewed by the
Washington Post. The costs of this expansion would likely be in the billions, funds that
are currently not in CBP budgets. The funds needed would have to be provided by an act of
Congress. The documents stated that the Department of Defense may also be called on to
provide space on U.S. military bases to temporarily house detainees waiting to be deported.
orders Border Patrol to immediately stop setting illegal migrants free in the US.
Goodbye catch-and-release, hello catch-and-deport. Migrants who are caught illegally crossing
the US border will no longer be set free in the US while they await their immigration
hearings. Instead, they'll be taken into custody until they can be deported, Homeland
Security sources told The [New York] Post. Border Patrol agents were given the edict by the
Trump administration on President Trump's first full day in office Tuesday. It represents a
seismic shift from the "catch-and-release" open border days of the Biden administration, during
which around 8 million illegal immigrants flooded into the country. Under the new
orders, illegal migrants stopped at the border can only be released with the approval of from the
Department of Homeland Security headquarters in Washington. Under Biden, migrants often
waltzed across the border with no fear of being turned back — emboldened by early
signals by the administration that America's borders were open.
Dershowitz Says One Of Trump's Executive Actions May Be Halted In Court. Attorney
Alan Dershowitz predicted Tuesday that President Donald Trump's executive action on birthright
citizenship might not survive legal challenges. Trump issued an executive order tightening
the grounds on which citizenship would be granted to those born in the United States Monday,
shortly after being sworn into office. Dershowitz said that while he felt birthright
citizenship was "a dumb idea," he believed Trump couldn't alter it through executive action.
"He said he was gonna end birthright citizenship. I think birthright citizenship was a dumb
idea. If I were writing a constitution, I don't think I would put birthright citizenship in
the constitution," Dershowitz, an outspoken critic of the efforts to prosecute Trump at the state
and federal levels, said. "But let me read to you what the Constitution says and then you
can make your decision as to whether it applies. [...]"
India to Take Back 18,000 Indian Migrants Living in U.S. Illegally. Indian officials
are preparing to repatriate roughly 18,000 Indian migrants who have been living in the United
States illegally, according to a recent report. "People familiar with the matter" informed
Bloomberg that the Indian government is prepared to work with President Donald Trump and his
administration to "identify and take back all its citizens" who have been in the U.S. illegally.
"As part of India-US cooperation on migration and mobility, both sides are engaged in a process to
deter illegal migration," Randhir Jaiswal, a spokesperson for India's Ministry of External Affairs,
told Bloomberg. "This is being done to create more avenues for legal migration from India to the US."
immigrants stay home from work to avoid potential ICE arrests. When reports surfaced
over the weekend that mass deportations could potentially begin in the Chicago area Tuesday, Martin
Ramos informed his boss that he was taking time off from work, stocked up on groceries and decided
his kids would skip soccer practice this week. Ramos — who emigrated from
Guadalajara, Mexico, without the necessary work permits — spent the first full day of
Donald Trump's second presidency hunkered down with his family and trying to avoid being picked up
by ICE agents. An arrest, he knows, would destroy everything he and his wife worked for and
force their two boys into an uncertain future.
The Editor says...
If you sneaked into this country illegally, and you know you aren't supposed to be here, you should live in constant fear.
Executive Orders On Immigration Prove Biden Could Have Secured The Border At Any Time.
One of the first things President Donald Trump did after being sworn in at the inauguration Monday
was sign a series of executive orders on immigration and the border. A few of them stand out
because they demonstrate how the border could have been secured at any point over the past four
years by the Biden administration, without any action or new legislation from Congress. That
it wasn't is a testament to the fact that Biden and the Democrats wanted mass illegal immigration,
they wanted chaos on the southern border, and they wanted the Mexican drug cartels to be empowered
and enriched. These were outcomes they intentionally chose, over and against border security
and the historic low levels of illegal immigration they inherited from the first Trump administration.
States Sue Trump Administration over Executive Order Ending Birthright Citizenship.
Two dozen Democratic states and cities are suing President Donald Trump and his administration over
the newly signed executive order that seeks to end birthright citizenship for the children of
illegal immigrants. Two separate coalitions of attorneys general allege the order violates
the 14th Amendment, which guarantees that anyone born in the U.S. is considered a legal citizen
regardless of their parents' immigration status. "The President has no authority to rewrite or
nullify a constitutional amendment or duly enacted statute. Nor is he empowered by any other
source of law to limit who receives United States citizenship at birth," says one of the federal
lawsuits filed Tuesday. Trump's executive order directed federal departments and agencies to
stop issuing citizenship documents to U.S.-born children whose mothers are staying in the country
illegally or otherwise staying temporarily, if the father is not a U.S. citizen or a lawful and
permanent resident. The order takes effect next month.
Jan. 20:
Trump Declares 'National Emergency' At Southern Border. If the blitzkrieg of
executive orders that Trump announced for his first day in office is to be believed, it is clear
that cracking down on illegal immigration and drug cartels will be the top priority of his
administration's broad agenda. Indeed, during his inauguration address, Trump said that the
first of his orders will be to declare a national emergency at the southern border. The
president also vowed to halt the processing of all illegal migrants, begin the process of mass
deportations, reinstate the "remain in Mexico policy," end the practice of "catch and release,"
send troops to the border to "stop the disastrous invasion," designate cartels as terrorist
organizations, and direct the government to eliminate the presence of all foreign gangs on U.S.
soil. [...] Trump will immediately direct the federal government to resume construction of the
border wall, which was ended under the Biden administration. The same order will end some of
Biden's unpopular immigration policies, such as the use of the CBP One app to allow parole migrants
into the United States and the parole processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans
(CHNV) — under which 30,000 nationals a month were allowed to fly in and be admitted
under parole.
Team Already Enacting POTUS' Agenda, Starting With CBP One App. Minutes after President
Donald Trump's inaugural address ended, the CBP One app used by the Biden administration to allow
nearly a million illegal aliens to enter the United States was heavily changed. As of now,
folks can do things like check border crossing wait times, request an inspection of agricultural or
biological products, or submit a manifest for bus travelers, but illegal aliens cannot use it
essentially receive blanket humanitarian parole. Fox News' Bill Melugin, who's spent a good
portion of the last four years along the southern border, made the discovery. [Tweet]
Just Across The Mexican Border Weep As Trump Shuts Down An App That Helped Them Cross Illegally.
Migrants in Ciudad Juárez who were waiting for their 1 pm CBP1 parole appointments learned
20 minutes ago that the app has shut down & those appointments are no longer valid.
[Video clip]
Fires Immigration Judges as Border Security Becomes a Top Priority. There's a new
sheriff in town on immigration. President Donald J. Trump will make and is expected to sign
new executive orders that will declare a national emergency at our southern border and allow for
the deployment of National Guard units to repel the illegal alien invasion we've been subjected to
for the past four years. [Tweet] One way to do that is to shore up the legal backbone by
having quality immigration judges, which the president wasted no time in reshaping. He fired
a slew of them today. Immigration judges are the gatekeepers to asylum requests. The
president would like new ones, [...]
Admin Ends CBP One, Cancels All Appointments. Minutes after President Trump was sworn
in, the new administration promptly shut down a mobile app the Biden administration used allowing
undocumented aliens to make appointments at the U.S.-Mexico border. "Effective January 20,
2025, the functionalities of CBP One™ that previously allowed undocumented aliens to submit
advance information and schedule appointments at eight southwest border ports of entry is no longer
available, and existing appointments have been cancelled," reads a notice on the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection website. The app allowed individuals access to U.S. Customs and Border Protection
services, including checking wait times at the border and the ability to apply for a provisional I-94
entry. The Biden administration allowed up to 1,450 noncitizens to make appointments through
the CBP One per day, [...]
Takes a Hammer to Birthright Citizenship, Says 'People Have Wanted This For Decades'.
Even before the Inauguration festivities kicked off Monday, incoming White House officials
confirmed that President Trump would be taking a hammer to the disastrous immigration policies of
the Biden administration that have resulted in unprecedented protections for illegals. And,
here he is Monday evening, sitting behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, signing order after
order to protect American citizens from the onslaught of the past four years. One Executive
Order that is sure to raise the ire of the left — likely resulting in a plethora of
lawsuits — is the one that obliterates the current definition of "birthright citizenship."
The new order maintains that "the Fourteenth Amendment has never been interpreted to extend citizenship
universally to everyone born within the United States" and centers on two specific scenarios: [...]
migrants flee NYC shelters as Trump ICE raids loom: 'It is better to leave before'.
Migrants shacked up at Big Apple shelters are jittery over promised ICE raids on the eve of Donald
Trump's inauguration Monday — and many are ditching their tax-funded digs to duck
deportation. "It is better to leave before," Venezuelan migrant Kervin Nava, 31, said outside a
Long Island City shelter Sunday. "I am making arrangements, somewhere else." One Manhattan
migrant who asked to be identified only as Rafael said the fear has gripped his shelter.
Aliens Flee U.S. Voluntarily with Less Than 24 Hours Before Trump's Inauguration.
As the United States is just less than 48 hours away from a second Trump administration,
illegal immigrants have resorted to "self-deporting" themselves as President-elect Donald Trump
returns to the White House. With Trump's promise to crackdown on illegal immigration looms,
fears of mass deportations and stricter border enforcement under Trump's second term have many
illegal aliens opting to leave the U.S. voluntarily. This comes as illegal immigrants appear
to be afraid of Trump's harsh consequences of a renewed immigration policy. I recently
reported that mass deportations in certain sanctuary cities will begin just one day after Trump is
sworn into office — starting with Chicago.
Lousiest President of All Time. The border was left wide open for nearly Biden's
whole term, and depending on where they went, illegal aliens were given not only free housing and
medical care, but also smartphones and thousands of dollars. Haitians and Chinese and Middle
Eastern gate-crashers were seen marching in by the thousands. Venezuela went so far as to
unload its prisons on us. Independent journalists began spotting obvious gang members and
people on the terrorist watchlist. The Texans put up blockades, and the Border Patrol, under
Biden's orders, tore them right down. In some places, gates were broken open to ensure that
nobody was denied access. In total, the BBC estimates (and I would say lowly) that over eight
million people invaded. Americans were disturbed by footage of hordes pouring over the
border, so Biden closed the airspace so we couldn't see it. This was in fact his modus
operandi whenever we started asking questions.
last-minute amnesty aims to hamstring Trump administration. The Biden administration
announced an 18-month extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 850,000 foreign nationals
from El Salvador and Venezuela. For the more than 230,000 migrants from El Salvador who first
obtained "temporary" relief following an earthquake in their country in 2001, Mayorkas cited bad
weather as a reason to prolong the program. "El Salvador's extension of TPS is based on
geological and weather events, including significant storms and heavy rainfall in 2023 and 2024,
that continue to affect areas heavily impacted by the earthquakes in 2001," the secretary
wrote. As if the people of Los Angeles, western North Carolina, and Florida have not also
struggled with weather-related disasters. To hear Mayorkas tell it, El Salvador has uniquely
bad weather, and that's why we must gives hundreds of thousands of their citizens amnesty in
perpetuity. Never mind the millions of El Salvadorans who seem to be able to persist in their
home country despite the apparently insurmountable weather-related challenges. The case for
allowing these Salvadorans to remain in the U.S. is also weakened by the fact that El Salvador is
now one of the continent's safest countries, with crime rates collapsing in recent years to a level
far below those in the U.S.
Already Underway as Fear of What Trump Is About to Do Sets In. As President-elect
Donald Trump prepares to take office, a positive trend is emerging, which is an uptick in self-deportations
among illegal immigrants. "Self-deportation helps Trump to achieve his goals without the government
having to spend or do anything," the Associated Press reported. Among them was Michel Bérrios,
a former leader of a Nicaraguan student uprising, who left the United States just days before the New Year
began. Proving why she doesn't deserve to stay here on the taxpayers' dime, Bérrios trashed
the U.S. before departing, saying Americans are cold-hearted.
The Editor says...
Please spread the word, Señor Bérrios, when you get back home. Tell everybody it
didn't work out; that the Americans are mean and greedy; that you lived in constant fear of arrest;
that the food is inedible; that some of the women are actually men. Tell everybody in town that
they're better off in Mexico, or someplace further south.
migrants taking shelter beds from taxpayers, allowed in with no vetting: former director.
A former migrant shelter director in Massachusetts described the chaos he saw under the state's
right-to-shelter laws, saying that the influx of illegal immigrants has clogged the state's
infrastructure and that there is virtually no vetting for the surge of border crossers.
Massachusetts spent nearly $1.1 billion of taxpayers' money this fiscal year to house and feed
migrants streaming into the state, often in hotels that have been converted to shelters.
However, taxpayers have at times found themselves boxed out of shelters as immigrants have crowded
the system and taken priority, said Jon Fetherston, who acted as a migrant shelter director at the
Marlborough Holiday Inn between November 2023 and July of last year. Under its
right-to-shelter law, established in 1983, the state must provide housing for displaced families
and pregnant women. In 2023, the state's shelters reached their capacity of 7,500 enrolled
families — yet migrants continue to use Massachusetts' programs.
Biden has tried to trip up Trump on way out the door — with 32 executive
actions. President Biden and his aides have spent their final days in office
announcing 32 executive actions — on topics from immigration to offshore
drilling — aimed at tying up President-elect Donald Trump's administration. The
lame-duck 82-year-old's flurry of late moves to try to make himself a hero to Democrats and
obstruct his successor's agenda include: Deportation protection[.] Granting Temporary
Protected Status to almost 1 million people, meaning they are protected from deportation and
entitled to work permits. The action, decreed by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas on Jan. 10, shields 234,000 Salvadorans, 1,900 Sudanese, 104,000 Ukrainians and
600,000 Venezuelans for a period of 18 months. Trump's appointees at the Department of
Homeland Security can move to revoke the TPS designations, but it will likely require a lengthy
legal fight.
Agents Discover "Sophisticated" Illegal Immigrant Tunnels Built During Biden
Administration. Immigration authorities are on the hunt for the illegal aliens
responsible for the construction of an elaborate underground tunnel system used to sneak illegals
into the U.S. after it was discovered in Texas. As the Daily Caller reports, agents
with the Border Patrol and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) found the "man-made smuggling
tunnel" while inspecting a storm drain in El Paso, Texas. The tunnel was built to include
electricity and ventilation, and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) declared that the tunnel has
been used by "criminal organizations" to smuggle illegals into the US. The tunnel, which is
six feet tall and four feet wide, was constructed sometime within the last year, when immigration
spiked due to Biden's open-border policies and growing fears among illegals that former President
Donald Trump would win the 2024 election, which he ultimately did. CBP said that there is an
investigation underway to discover and arrest those who constructed the tunnel, with federal,
state, and local law enforcement working together with Mexican authorities to find the perpetrators.
The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight. NOW they investigate.
Immigration Is Killing Small Towns. Dementia Joe's disastrous presidency can't end
soon enough. While he's busy offering clemency to child rapists and murderers (and teasing
the prospect of pardons for the lawfare tyrants who tormented his political adversaries these
miserable last four years), his chief operating officer handling the Democrats' suicidal open
borders policy — Department of Homeland (in)Security Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas — is preoccupied with shielding a million more foreign nationals from future
deportation. This extra protection for Venezuelans, El Salvadorans, Ukrainians, and Sudanese
is in addition, of course, to the lawless Biden regime's ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and
abet international drug smugglers, sex slavers, and black market crime syndicates by resettling
millions of illegal aliens (cartel "cargo") across the United States. If the Biden White
House really wants to insulate itself from the consequences of its own criminality, it will need to
issue thousands of additional pardons for its closest friends (and America's enemies) in the next
few days.
Amnesty is not his to give.
Grants Amnesty to 850,000 Illegals, Blames 'Bad Weather' as Reason. In a move that
has many critics up in arms, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has granted amnesty
to 850,000 illegal immigrants, further exacerbating concerns about the Biden administration's
border policies. With just days away from being outgoing President Joe Biden's last week in
office, critics argue that this decision, which effectively shields hundreds of thousands of
illegal aliens from deportation, signals an alarming disregard for the rule of law and sets a
dangerous precedent for future immigration enforcement. With the U.S. southern border already
overwhelmed by record numbers of illegal crossings, conservatives contend that this blanket amnesty
acts as a stab in the back to President-elect Donald Trump's mass deportation plans. With
just days left as Biden's border czar, Mayorkas announced the 18-month expansion of the Temporary
Protected Status (TPS) amnesty, which includes the 234,000 illegal immigrants from El Salvador who
first got their TPS status after a 2001 earthquake that destroyed the nation's economy. The
mass amnesty also includes 600,000 economic migrants from Venezuela.
extends deportation relief for 900,000 immigrants from Venezuela, El Salvador, Ukraine and
Sudan. President Joe Biden's administration on Friday renewed deportation relief that
currently covers 900,000 immigrants from Venezuela, El Salvador, Ukraine and Sudan, a move that
would delay any attempts by President-elect Donald Trump to sunset those protections. The
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) extended enrollment in the Temporary Protected Status
(TPS) program for those nations, giving those immigrants a deportation reprieve and access to work
permits for an additional 18 months.
extends temporary protection status for 800,000 migrants from Venezuela and El Salvador ahead of
Trump crackdown. The Biden administration has extended temporary protection status
for nearly a million migrants from Venezuela and El Salvador ahead of an expected immigration
crackdown under President-elect Donald Trump. The Department of Homeland Security announced
on Friday that about 600,000 migrants from Venezuela and over 230,000 migrants from El Salvador
would have their protection status extended for another 18 months. Trump has promised to
commence mass deportations to address the crisis of illegal immigration in the U.S. that has
worsened under the Biden administration. Illegal alien advocates oppose mass deportation on
the basis that such policies are inhumane and unconstitutional, but many officials say the efforts
are necessary to deter more illegal crossings.
[are] Making [a] Mad Dash for the Border Before Trump Is Inaugurated. Thousands of
migrants are rushing to travel to the southern border before President-elect Donald Trump,
according to multiple reports. During the 2024 campaign, Trump repeatedly vowed to close the
border and begin mass deportations of illegal immigrants to fix the migrant crisis that began under
President Joe Biden. One migrant from Honduras told CNN that she and others have been
hurrying to make it to the border before the inauguration on January 20. She said they were
told "that when Trump starts, he won't let us in." An individual from Venezuela echoed these
concerns, telling the news outlet that he "heard Trump is closing the border on day one and will
carry out deportations. It worries me, but I am more afraid to stay in my country; I hope I
make it in time."
Immigration Battle Begins. Illegal immigration also places a huge financial burden on
taxpayers. The estimated 21,000,000 illegal aliens in the U.S. cost Americans more than
$250 billion annually. Crime and the costs associated with illegal immigration are the
primary reasons to close the border and enforce immigration law. Democrats advertise their
open border policy as a bridge for the tired, poor, huddled mass of humanity that yearns to be
American. They don't mention the policy is an avenue to import future Democrat voters or
their indifference to the security of the American people. When mass deportations begin, the
media will be led around by Democrat politicians who will feign disbelief at the inhumanity of
fascist Republicans. Deportation of illegal aliens is not a fascist reaction. It is
adherence to the rule of law.
The Editor says...
The estimate of 21 million illegal aliens present in the United States comes from
a report published
by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, whose actual estimate is 20,852,000 —
at the end of 2022. (Their report details the cost of immigration state-by-state, and their
numbers are precise, which implies that they are accurate.) Since then, the U.S. has seen two years
of massive unimpeded, unfiltered and partially undetected immigration, thanks to the gross malfeasance
of the so-called "Joe Biden" administration, which is obviously administered by someone other
than Joe Biden. As a result, the actual number of illegal aliens present in the U.S. is
far more than 21 million.
The Cautionary Tale of Canada. Recently, a fierce battle over the H-1B Visa Program
erupted on X. In one corner, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, a big believer in the program, where
tech companies pay less for non-American talent. Indians (dot, not feather) have been primary
participants. [...] In my travels in Canada, I come into contact with a great many Indians, some
Canadianized, some not, some talented, some not. Regarding laws governing how they got here,
how long they stay, I know very little, but I know we have armies of immigration lawyers (many not
born in Canada) who will shepherd Indians, Africans, and Asians into our once lily-white
country. It's not new. Thus, it's no surprise that Canada's demographics has visibly
changed. It's been changing since the late '60s, just like America. I've watched it
happen from a front-row seat. In grade 1, there was just one non-white in my class
photo. By grade 7, half the class was non-white. These days, white kids at my old
elementary school are rare or nonexistent. Indians and Chinese dominate. As the changes
occurred, the propaganda kicked in — multiculturalism was the buzzword, and it
was preached aggressively through my formative years. I realize now that it was early
Cultural Marxism, prepping for the full dose, where white kids are taught to hate themselves and
their country.
shuts down programs offering services to illegal immigrants, citing 'immense' costs.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has ended two programs that provide social services to
illegal immigrants who are released into the U.S. interior, telling lawmakers that one brings
"immense cost with little improvement" and that another is out of line with ICE's mission.
The agency responded to Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., and 15 members of Congress who wrote
to ICE in May asking for more information about the "Alternatives to Detention" program, which
monitors illegal immigrants not in ICE detention. The agency defended the program and said it
was "an efficient and effective" program for monitoring a segment of illegal immigrants on ICE's
non-detained docket. ICE only has around 40,000 beds available at one time while it has a
non-detained docket of nearly 7.7 million people, a number that has soared during the Biden
The Editor says...
Since when have "immense costs" been considered an obstacle by the federal government?
To Media Claims, Deporting Illegal Alien Criminals Will Save Taxpayers More Than It
Costs. In testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, American Immigration
Council (AIC) Senior Fellow Aaron Reichlin-Melnick remarked last week that mass deportations would
cost "at a minimum" $316 billion. The AIC estimates that there is an annual cost of
$88 billion to deport one million illegal aliens each year. [...] But looking at the per
deportee costs over recent years show a cost that is less than one-sixth of what the AIC
estimates. Advocacy organizations such as AIC are out to create shock-value numbers. [...]
The numbers don't include ongoing government subsidies for food and housing, so the additional cost
for housing might be less than the $66 billion AIC claims. The AIC's estimates depend on
a lot of assumptions. Take their estimated costs of detention, which account for
three-quarters of their total estimate. To deport one million people in a year doesn't mean
that you have to have enough detention facilities to house one million people for an entire year.
Capital is Like Brigadoon. Trump campaigned on a marked reduction of the
federal government and fiscal restraint. To aid him in reducing the size of the federal
government and rein in unnecessary spending, he has tapped two very successful entrepreneurs —
Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk — to create DOGE, a panel to examine government operations
and recommend changes and needed cuts. This week the same press which has consistently lied about
Trump confected a split between the DOGE team and Trump. The issue is H-1B visas, temporary visas
offered to those with needed skills. Those imagining a split say that Vivek and Elon's support
for the program conflicts with Trump's America First policies. It doesn't.
Uproar Obscures Vast Workforce of Other White-Collar Migrants. The heated debate over
H-1B visa workers obscures the far greater inflows of other foreign workers into the white-collar
jobs needed by American college graduates. The federal government issues about 130,000 new
H-1B visas each year — plus another 650,000 visas or work permits to other white-collar
migrants each year. [Advertisement] Many of these non-immigrant workers are allowed to stay
for five, six, or seven years. The multi-year visas create a resident population of at least
1.5 million white-collar workers. [Advertisement] That growing population is almost
twenty times larger than the H-1B program's inflow of 85,000 new foreign workers every year that
the media is focusing on.
On Second Thought .... For the last four years, Mexico stood by while Joe Biden threw
open the borders and did nothing about the drug cartels. Millions of people illegally entered
during that period and deadly narcotics flooded the country. Now that the American electorate
voted for real border security and an end to narco-trafficking, the Mexican government has decided
to act — before Donald Trump and his hardliners act first.
2025 — Taking Out the Trash. [Scroll down] It will surely be
necessary to begin open inquiries into the recent behavior of some prominent political figures in
order to demonstrate a serious intent to reform. For just one example, Alejandro Mayorkas,
the Homeland Security chief who threw the US Border wide open for four years, presents a probable
cause case for treason. Perhaps the new Attorney General can convene a grand jury away from
the blob-dominated DC federal court district, say in Texas where these crimes on the border were
actually committed — crimes such as ordering the US Border Patrol to stand down while
whole caravans waded the Rio Grande.
Braces for Trump's Mass Deportations, Set to Open 25 New Shelters for Illegals on Inauguration
Day. Mexico is bracing itself for the mass arrival of individuals deported from the
United States due to their illegal alien status, preparing over two dozen new shelters, which are
set to open on the day of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration. It's amazing what you
can get other countries to do to try and help solve a global humanitarian crisis, really, when the
leader of the free world is taken seriously. Reports of the new shelters, which will hold
over 12,000 beds for new arrivals into the country, come via Marina del Pilar Avila Olmeda,
currently serving as governor of Baja California, the 12th largest state in Mexico.
to open shelters to house over 12K of its own citizens deported in Trump's illegal immigrant
crackdown. Mexico is gearing up to take back its citizens who have been living in the
US illegally — and officials are planning to open more than 12,000 beds in shelters
across the country to house the new arrivals. The 25 planned shelters — which will
each have the capacity to hold 500 people — will open their doors on
President-elect Trump's inauguration day, Baja California Gov. Marina del Pilar Ávila
Olmeda announced on Monday, according to Border Report. "This is a strategic plan to accommodate
exclusively people who get deported after Jan. 20," Olmeda said. Olmeda said she takes
Trump's threats of a mass deportation seriously.
Deportations Would Save Americans $62 Billion a Year. After losing the open
borders debate and the election, Democrats and their media stopped arguing that mass migration is a
right and that mass deportations violate human rights. 6 out of 10 registered voters were
polled in favor of deporting illegal aliens. The American people had spoken. So
Democrats and their media instead argued that mass deportations would be too expensive. The
American Immigration Council, an immigration lawyers lobby group funded by the Ford Foundation,
Soros and other open borders groups, was quoted in the media as warning that mass deportations
might cost $88 billion a year. None of the media outlets citing the AIC have reported
what it is and who it represents, but have taken its $88 billion figure as fact.
Court unanimous ruling may pave way for mass deportation. A unanimous ruling by the
U.S. Supreme Court may pave the way for challenges to a federal deportation plan under the incoming
Trump administration to be defeated. The ruling was issued in a "sham marriage" case after an
American citizen applied with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to obtain a
visa for her noncitizen Palestinian husband to receive permanent legal residence status.
Under the law, USCIS "shall ... approve" a visa petition if it's been determined "that the facts
stated in the petition are true" and the noncitizen is the petitioner's spouse. If the
noncitizen previously sought or received an immigration benefit "by reason of a marriage determined
by the Attorney General to have been entered into for the purpose of evading the immigration
laws" — known as the sham-marriage bar — USCIS is required to deny it.
Czar Mayorkas Admits He Could Have Blocked Migration Flood. Homeland Security chief
Alejandro Mayorkas said Sunday that he and his deputies could have blocked more migrants at the
southern border. "We would have taken executive action more rapidly," if he had known in 2020
that the Republicans would reject his January 2024 border bill, Mayorkas told CBS News on
December 22. "This was not incompetence," countered Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the
Federation for American Immigration reform. 'This was a deliberate plan to remake the country
through immigration ... [and] they were trying to create a [political] situation where they thought
they could force the Republicans to capitulate and basically codify open borders," said Mehlman.
"They opened the borders because they wanted to flood the country," responded Rosemary Jenks, the
co-founder of the Immigration Accountability Project.
Millions of Criminal Aliens Won't Be as Hard as the Left Suggests. In several years
during the first Obama term, that president's team managed to deport a quarter-million criminal
aliens per year. In 2009 and 2010, Obama budgeted just under $4.0 billion per year in
2024 dollar values for this deportation. Multiplying that number by a factor of four
yields 1.0 million criminal aliens and quadrupling the budget for a full million aliens would
come to roughly $16.0 billion per year, for 1.0 million criminal aliens per year.
This is hardly $1.0 trillion, as some critics claim. Even if the budget gets out of hand
and soars to double those numbers, we'd still be under $32.0 billion per year. And, in
roughly 18 months, we will have deported — physically, and not just
"legally" — 1.5 million pre-convicted criminal aliens already deported —
at a sum not to exceed $48.0 billion.
unbounded arrogance of America's illegal aliens and their allies. For a couple of
days now, I've had a video sitting in my inbox about a huge pro-illegal alien protest in Los
Angeles. On the one hand, it shows that illegal aliens and their supporters are worried about
Trump's administration, as they should be. But on the other hand, what's so striking about
the video is the sense of entitlement. As far as the illegal aliens and their leftist allies
are concerned, coming to America is a right. It isn't, and the Supreme Court has said so in
no uncertain terms — terms that deserve to be committed to memory. [Tweet with
video clip] What struck me most about the video was the illegal alien woman saying, "my
own rights are at risk." Indeed, that's the entire tone of the pro-illegal immigration protests,
whether they're demanding sanctuary cities, opposing deportation, or facilitating illegal
aliens. Illegal aliens, they insist, have the right to be in America. But the reality
is that there is no right for someone to come to America.
Diego county officials spend another $2 million so migrants can afford to travel during busy
holiday season. According to a new article from Emily Alvarenga at The San Diego
Union-Tribune, San Diego county officials just approved doling out another $2 million to local
entities, to assist illegal invaders with the high cost of travel that's typical during the
holidays: ["]Anticipating higher numbers of newly-arrived migrants than usual through
the holidays, county supervisors agreed Tuesday to give $2 million in state migrant-support
grants to help local aid groups fund higher travel costs.["] How else can these people
get where they need to go without taking taxpayer funds to subsidize their financial whims and
desires? Have you ever received a taxpayer-funded handout to offset the cost of your hotel
room? Has the government ever bought your plane ticket so you could get where you
wanted to go? Yeah, me neither.
the Years of Madness Ending? The Biden-era cultural revolution has done great damage
to the United States. The U.S. border was systematically and deliberately destroyed to allow
some 10-12 million illegal entrants to pour into the U.S. without legality or background
checks. Never has an outgoing administration spitefully sold taxpayer-purchased border wall
material for pennies on the dollar — rather than see it used for the purposes for which
it was purchased. Never had the U.S. experienced such an immigrant surge. And never had
more than 50 million, and over 15 percent of the resident American population been
foreign-born. Why did Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas erase the border? What madness and
hate drove them to dismantle federal immigration law? Was it sheer nihilism? Or a
desperate but calculated effort to alter American demography for political purposes?
Can End Universal Birthright Citizenship. The Constitution Never Required It.
President-elect Donald Trump has once again promised to "end birthright citizenship" for the
U.S.-born children of illegal and nonimmigrant aliens. [...] It's certainly true that today, the
mistaken majority view of the 14th Amendment's citizenship clause is that it grants what
essentially amounts to universal birthright citizenship — in other words, that virtually
all children born within the geographical boundaries of the United States are citizens,
irrespective of their parents' immigration status. It's also true that the federal government
has been abiding by a policy of treating the U.S.-born children of illegal and nonimmigrant aliens
as citizens, even though it is not required and is a change from the way the 14th Amendment was
applied after it was ratified in July 1868. Properly understood from an originalist
perspective, however, nothing in the Citizenship Clause actually requires this practice. In
fact, it's quite the opposite. Supporters of birthright citizenship ignore the second,
critical condition in the amendment of being "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States.
Targets Birthright Citizenship, Tripping Immigration's Third Rail.
[Scroll down] The relevant clause in Section 1 of the 14th Amendment, adopted on
July 9, 1868, states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
[...] The 14th Amendment has been generously applied to anyone who sets foot on American soil, even
briefly, regardless of their citizenship. Consider an immigrant mother-to-be who enters the
United States illegally, escapes Border Patrol scrutiny, or is admitted into the country awaiting
an asylum hearing and delivers her child within the confines of the United States. Should
this child become a United States citizen? Proponents of birthright citizenship say
yes. But opponents point to the qualifier "And subject to the jurisdiction thereof."
The mother, being a migrant, is clearly not under American jurisdiction. Even under the
definition by the most liberal voices, the mother is "undocumented" in the United States, and her
jurisdiction belongs to the country from which she arrived. The child, dependent upon the
mother, by extension, is also not under American jurisdiction. Being born here alone doesn't
grant the child that jurisdiction. The question is fraught with various complex
scenarios. What happens to someone working in a specialty occupation in America on a
non-immigrant visa? The person pays United States income taxes and pays into the Social
Security Trust fund. Still, until the person becomes a naturalized citizen, she is legally
not entitled to Social Security benefits. Is this person under American jurisdiction?
Should her child born in America get birthright citizenship?
The time to settle this was at least 40 years ago.
babies with birthright citizenship is an idiotic policy that encourages migrants to come to the U.S. illegally.
Birthright citizenship essentially invites people from around the world, who happen to be pregnant, to make every effort
they can to come into our country, whether they break our laws to get in or not. They don't want to take the time to
go through the legal process so they just jump the line and come in to use our health care system, which they get for free,
to have their babies here. Then the baby of the illegals automatically becomes a citizen and we call that an anchor baby.
The baby then qualifies for all the benefits of other U.S babies. Then people who are pro-illegal on immigration say
that we can't send the parents back because it would break up the family. Of course, the parents then get all of
the benefits that other citizens get, because it would be unfair to the baby if we didn't hand them out.
Constitution Does Not Grant Birthright Citizenship to the Children of Illegal
Immigrants. Based on a faulty interpretation of the 14th Amendment, the federal
government is awarding citizenship to the children of nearly everyone who gives birth in the United
States. As a result, the children are entitled to receive welfare, vote when they become
older, and obtain other benefits of U.S. citizenship. This includes the children of illegal
immigrants, temporary residents, and even foreigners who vacation in the U.S. The legislative
history of the 14th Amendment reveals that the birthright citizenship clause was enacted primarily
to protect the civil rights of African Americans. Contrary to shallow claims from the media
and certain scholars, it doesn't grant citizenship to the children of anyone who is not legally and
permanently living in the United States.
Trump plans mass deportation, Mexican views of migration harden. Marta Castillo is
angry about immigration. There are too many migrants in her town, she said, and they don't
speak the language. "We've been invaded," she said, standing outside a restaurant where she
works. "I changed my opinion (about them), because I live in a place where we didn't see any of
this. But now everywhere there are people who aren't from here." Castillo is
Mexican. She lives in Mexico. Like a growing number of her fellow citizens, she has
become increasingly negative about the migrants who have poured into her community —
despite living in a country where millions of people have ties to someone who migrated to the
United States.
threatens police; what else is new? As Trump's incoming Border Czar Tom Homan has
made clear, federal law, specifically 8 USC 1324, makes interference with federal officers or
harboring illegal aliens felony offenses the Trump Administration will prosecute. As Homan
has also made clear, he intends to first focus on criminals and gang members. That puts
people like Newsom, Denver's Mayor and other D/s/c mayors and governors swearing not only to resist
deportation efforts, but swearing to use public money to defend illegals, in the position of not
only violating federal law, but doing it to keep vicious criminals in their cities and
states. Circa 2024, that might be a political problem. Wasting public money on D/s/c
priorities people don't want and coddling criminals are standard operating procedure for such
people, but this time it appears there will be consequences for dim-witted virtue signaling.
When a few of them are dragged from their offices to jail, they might begin to see virtue in
cooperation and actual public safety.
1.4 Million
Illegals With Deportation Orders; NYT Admits Biden Invited Invasion of "Migrants".
The Biden administration has failed to deport almost 1.5 million illegals with deportation
orders, which is hardly shocking news given the mass invasion of penniless, Third Word illegals
that Biden not only invited but unlawfully aided and abetted. And, amusingly enough, the same
day Fox News' Bill Melugin posted a breakdown of that number on X, The New York Times
finally confessed that the administration has permitted an invasion of illegals. "Recent
Immigration Surge Has Been Largest in U.S. History," the Times told readers. "Under
President Biden, more than two million immigrants per year have entered, government data shows."
Now they tell us! The latest on the result of Biden's unlawful policies comes as more and
more deep-blue cities are apparently conspiring to incite insurrection and rebellion to stop
President-elect Donald Trump from carrying out his planned mass deportation.
Hath Biden Wrought. In his first three years in office, President Joe Biden oversaw
the most consequential demographic transformation of the United States since before the Civil War,
according to a Wednesday report in The New York Times. From 2021 to 2023, more than
2 million people entered the country every year, the largest number in U.S. history both in
raw terms and measured as a percentage of the population. Around 60% of those have come
illegally. [Chart] The Times did not analyze numbers from 2024, which are not yet
available in final form. Still, the paper conservatively estimates that more than
8 million people will have entered the United States by the end of Biden's term in
office. At the end of 2023, the share of the U.S. population born in another country sat at
15.2%, the highest in U.S. history, up from the previous record of 14.8% in 1890, more than
130 years ago: [Another chart]
Diversity !=
Strength. The ritual cliche invoked by the social justice left is that "diversity is
strength." But as the Irish mother in the video notes, importing waves of unassimilated
foreigners into local communities doesn't strengthen them at all. [Video clip] [...]
Immigrants should come to a country to assimilate with it, not to colonize it. As in the US, EU
elite have decreed that ordinary citizens of various European countries that the Brussels elite will
never interact with must bear the burden of unassimilated immigration due to elite desire for cheap
labor and the need to change the composition of the electorate they claim to operate on behalf of.
Stand up or be washed away.
Dead: Haitian Warlord Orders Massacre Of Elderly For Using 'Sorcery' To Sicken
Son. Yet another gruesome gang horror has played out in Haiti, as at least
184 people — most of them elderly — were variously slashed, hacked or
shot to death on the orders of a warlord who'd been advised that aging slum residents had used
sorcery to give his son a severe illness. Interim Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé
called it "a barbaric act of unbearable cruelty." The brutality was reportedly ordered by Monel
"Mikano" Felix, who leads the Wharf Jeremie gang. The carnage took place on Friday and
Saturday in the densely-populated seaside slum of Cité Soleil, a neighborhood in the capital
city of Port-au-Prince which The Guardian has called Haiti's "most notorious slum... Much of the
slum is an open sewer... infant children bathe in water contaminated with sewage. The stench
is unbearable." According to a human rights group, Felix's son had contracted a serious
illness, and he sought the counsel of a Voodoo priest, or "bòkò," who advised the
murderous warlord that elderly people in the gang's area of operations were harming his son through
the use of witchcraft.
The Editor says...
What lovely people. I suppose now the voodoo priests will be
welcomed to America because they're fleeing from political persecution.
San Diego, county sheriff vows to defy supervisors' resolution making the city a 'super
sanctuary'. [Scroll down] And it was a strange move, too, given that San
Diego is a border city and being bankrupted by the mass influx of illegals, coming by land and even
by sea in greater numbers than any other part of the country. Some 324,000 illegal border
crossers have flowed into San Diego in fiscal 2024 alone. In the past election, every other
border city reacted strongly against open borders policies through their voting choice, but San
Diego, which until a few days ago was still counting votes in a highly suspect process, somehow did
not. The three leftists on the Board of Supervisors, a majority of four, voted to make it
even easier to come here and commit criminal acts, ending the risk of deportation for
criminals. Ostensibly, it was part of Gov. Gavin Newsom's plan to "Trump-proof"
California. But California already has bad laws that protect illegals within the sanctuary
state. This resolution went several steps further to protect criminals who've been caught
commiting murder, child rape and cartel hits from deportation — a decision that made
absolutely no sense, unless of course, one has some kind of stake in the illegal immigration
rackets. The NGO-industrial complex reportedly does, having reportedly advocated for the resolution.
Trump Deportations Mean Cheaper Chickens and Higher Wages. President Donald Trump's
mass repatriation of illegal migrants could lower the price of chicken dinners and also raise
family wages, according to, a poultry industry news site. "The poultry industry
heavily relies on immigrant labor. Many of these workers are undocumented, and their roles
are crucial in processing plants and farms, the article noted on December 11, adding:
["]The loss of this labor force could force companies to increase wages to attract
[American] domestic workers.["] Moreover, the return of many illegal migrants to their
home countries would also reduce consumer consumption of chicken products, the site noted:
["]Immigrants are not only a vital part of the workforce but also a significant portion of
the consumer base. A reduction in the immigrant population due to deportations would decrease
the number of consumers purchasing poultry products. [..."]
Hawley: Democrat Plan Is Amnesty for 13M Illegals to Flood Workforce.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said Democrats are hoping to give amnesty to some 13 million
illegal aliens to flood the United States workforce with low-wage foreign workers with whom working
and middle class Americans must compete for jobs. During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing
this week, Hawley blasted a Democrat witness for his pro-amnesty position despite the majority of
Americans supporting deportations. "Why would you want American citizens and those who are here
lawfully to have to compete against illegal immigrants?" Hawley asked the witness.
Biden Legacy: Record 3.5 Million Immigrants Awarded U.S. Citizenship.
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have set new records on illegal immigration
and legal immigration in fewer than four years. Analysis from the Migration Policy Institute
reveals that from Fiscal Year 2021 through Fiscal Year 2024, the Biden administration awarded
naturalized American citizenship to almost 3.5 million legal immigrants. This is "by far
the most of any single presidential term," MPI reports. For perspective, the number of legal
immigrants who secured naturalized American citizenship under Biden eclipses those who got
citizenship under former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush, combined.
Chief Alejandro Mayorkas Announces Jobs Giveaway — for Migrants. In the
final weeks of President Joe Biden's administration, Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is announcing a jobs giveaway for newly arrived migrants with work
permits. On Tuesday, Mayorkas announced a final rule from the United States Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) that will allow millions of migrants, many of whom have been released
into the U.S. interior by the Biden administration, to keep their work permits for up to
540 days when they seek a renewal. [Advertisement] Migrants previously could renew
their work permits for 180 days. For years, Democratic mayors had lobbied DHS to extend
such automatic employment authorization for migrants. The rule will go into effect on
Jan. 13, 2025. [Advertisement] Mayorkas said in a statement the move is meant to help
"businesses fill" American jobs with more migrants: [The first advertisement again] [Quote
from Mayorkas] [Yet another advertisement, etc.]
Next for the Democrats? Donald Trump won the popular vote by millions plus a strong
electoral college majority by several dozen. He turned the Senate and kept the House.
How was this done? Several reasons include declining general economic prospects, family
economic despair from inflation with additional pressures from a lower standard of living, and
criminal violence on streets. Unchecked illegal immigration displaces American citizens from
workplaces, causing stagnant and even declining real wages. It crowds out citizens for
housing, food assistance, and medical care. Illegal aliens include terrorists and violent and
nonviolent common criminals.
To End 'Birthright Citizenship' on Day One. In an interview on "Meet the Press,"
President-elect Donald Trump outlined his plan for immigration policy, emphasizing deportation for
those in the United States illegally. Trump expressed a commitment to removing illegal
immigrants, starting with those who have committed crimes and expanding to others without
specifying which crimes would be prioritized. This approach may also involve U.S. citizens
choosing to leave with family members who are undocumented. Trump's stance reiterates a key
aspect of his campaign platform. He also suggested terminating birthright citizenship via
executive action, forecasting potential legal opposition.
and Gnashing at the DNC. Biden's first move as president was to open the border to
anyone who might wander, wade, swim, float, or fly in. Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer said
that illegal aliens are needed in the workforce because there aren't enough workers to fill
jobs. Later, Joe Biden said that artificial intelligence would displace American workers and
cause unemployment. Democrats were talking out of both sides of their mouths. Might the
truth be that they were importing future Democrat voters and low-cost labor at the expense of the
working class?
Immigration and Socialist Sanctuaries. The mass migrations being experienced by the
United States have been and still are being employed by the Biden/Harris administration as a tool
to change America into a socialist entity, an effort that entails eliminating or severely
curtailing the Jewish and Christian foundations of the West. How is the socialist vision to
be achieved in America? It is to be achieved by open borders and the consequent influx of
masses of immigrants and aliens from all over the globe. Class warfare, a necessary
ingredient of the socialist vision, is instantly achieved by mass immigration. The divisions
are more easily accomplished because most of the peoples illegally entering the country have
mindsets and behaviors not informed or molded by our Republic's constitutional and religious
foundations. The vision requires redistribution of the wealth of the capitalist middle class.
Ninth Circuit rules that, yes, the federal government can deport people. Beginning in
2012, ICE began to use Boeing Field to deport illegal aliens. To this end, ICE leased charter
services for planes and personnel. However, in 2018, King County officials took umbrage at
this practice. So, in 2019, they issued an executive order mandating that when the airport
entered into leases with fixed base operations (FBOs) — that is, private businesses
providing essential services such as fueling and stairs — those leases prohibit the FBOs
from servicing ICE charter flights. The County's explicit purpose was to block the federal
government's ability to deport illegal aliens, and the plan worked. [...] Having dealt with some
silly procedural issues that King County raised and addressed questions about whether the U.S. had
retained rights in Boeing Field (it had), the Court got to the serious substantive issue.
That was whether a local government could indirectly block the federal government's ability to act
within its sphere of power — a sphere that entirely encompasses immigration
enforcement. The Ninth Circuit concluded that local governments cannot do that.
Is Ordered to Stop Blocking Illegal Alien Deportations in the Most Hilarious Court Decision
Ever. A three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals court ruled that King
County, Wash., can't stop Trump's deportation of the Democrats' illegal alien voters. The
conflict began in 2018 when King County (Seattle) czar Dow Constantine raised his emerald bejeweled
scepter and declared that forthwith, the federal Immigration and Customs Service (ICE) shall no
longer use Boeing Field, now officially called King County International Airport, to remove illegal
voters aliens. [...] Constantine ordered his employees not to listen to ICE, but
to take the lead of a leftist group based at the University of Washington that proclaimed it was
wrong for the county to "provide the infrastructure through which private parties ... profit from
operating the deportation machine." The "private party" guys running the charters were out of
luck when the county said to stop, or else.
Circuit Says President Trump May Deport Whatever Illegals He So Chooses. And it's all
perfectly constitutional, as we all long suspected, whatever fantasies to the contrary progressives
have. Those fantasies are how the issue wound up in court to begin with, thanks to a
Seattle-based King County executive who, in 2019, prohibited operators working the county airport
from servicing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) flights.
Much Does It Cost To Restore America? We know that it costs somewhere around
$400 billion to keep the criminal aliens in the country. They need housing, food,
clothing, transportation (usually flights for which they don't have to go through TSA or buy a
ticket). They don't assimilate, they live largely in compartmentalized zones or areas where
they can speak their native tongues and engage in commerce without exposing their criminal status
or being emboldened in it. They send most of their largesse at the pain of the taxpayer to
their native land to pay for others to come and reap the same rewards. And yes, I did call
them criminal aliens. As they have so long protested that no one is "illegal," they're right,
they're criminal. They have already committed a crime to get into the U.S. and many of them
committed another crime to vote in the election, because that's what Biden's caravan organizers
told them to do. They are likely to be driving unregistered, uninsured vehicles, because why
do that if there is no penalty to be suffered? [Indeed], they're allowed to kill and rape American
citizens without having to post bail before they're again walking the streets to find new victims.
Citizenship: The 14th Amendment Does Not Apply to Illegal Aliens. America is
about to go to war over whether the government has the power to deport entire families of illegal
aliens. That question involves "birthright citizenship" — that is, whether a child
born in the U.S. to illegal alien parents is automatically a U.S. citizen and, thus, an "anchor
baby?" The answer, by any fair reading of the Constitution and history, is "No." Our
nation must have complete control of our borders. No illegal alien should be able to
circumvent the laws of our nation. English common law, the basis for U.S. law, did not allow
such people, the children of "hostile occupiers," to become citizens by virtue of birth.
Moreover, the 14th Amendment, which was passed to cure the ill of slavery, establishes a two-part
test for citizenship that seemingly codifies English common law and is clearly meant to apply to
those who came here against their will and their descendants, not to criminal invaders.
Times, They Are A-Changin', and Mexico Gets It, Breaking Up Two Illegal Immigrant
Caravans. President-elect Donald Trump (still enjoying that) hasn't even taken office
yet, but the impact of his election victory is already making itself felt across the
land — and south of the border. In the latest example of this, the Mexican
government has reportedly broken up two small illegal immigrant caravans headed for the United
States. [...] There would appear to be a catch: Some of the illegal immigrants were offered
"transit papers," which presumably allowed them to continue. So not a complete fix; not
yet. But it's a step.
Nearly 180,000 Noncitizens Deliberately Not Detained, Roaming Free in US Cities. In
the second and third quarters of fiscal 2024, U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement agents
removed nearly 68,000 illegal border crossers, ICE says. ICE claims the number "reflects a
69% increase over removals during the third quarter in fiscal year 2023, and is more than 140% of
ICE removals for all fiscal year 2023." According to the latest data published by ICE, 179,937
illegal foreign nationals, who under current federal law are inadmissible and required to be
removed, weren't detained but were living freely in the U.S. through ICE's "Alternatives to
Detention" (ATD) program, as of June 2024.
city Denver spending a whopping $356 million on migrants: study. As Democratic
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston says he would be willing to go to jail over his opposition to the Trump
mass-deportation plan, a new study claims the mayor's Blue city has spent a whopping
$356 million of taxpayers' hard-earned money on migrants. The eye-popping sum, which
amounts to $7,900 per foreign national in the city, was revealed by an updated analysis last week
by the Common Sense Institut (CSI), a non-partisan research organization dedicated to protecting
and promoting the U.S. economy. The group says it used city data to land on the stunning sum,
which equates to 8% of the city's 2025 budget of $4.4 billion. The figures combine the
city's budget as well as regional education and healthcare organizations.
How to Deport More Than 10 Million People. Under President Joe Biden's failed
leadership, the United States has been in the throes of a four-year-long illegal immigrant crisis,
during which an estimated more than 10 million people have entered the country. With
immigration among the top issues in the 2024 campaign cycle, the American people are sending
President-elect Donald Trump, who campaigned on a platform of mass deportations, back to
Washington. The question now becomes how does the government actually go forward with
deporting more than 10 million people, many of whom are deep in the interior of the
country. I sat down with Lora Ries, director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at
The Heritage Foundation, to discuss what a second Trump administration's immigration agenda could
look like on this week's episode of "The Signal Sitdown."
Work? Mexico President Pledges to Stop Migrant Caravans. Perhaps tariffs don't
work as an economic policy. They do have an effect in terms of foreign policy, however, and
Donald Trump has succeeded in generating resets with both of our neighbors ahead to taking
office. Canada's Justin Trudeau has already signaled a willingness to renegotiate security
concerns, and Mexico's president followed suit yesterday. The amount of negotiation
may be under dispute, but not the direction in which talks have already gone.
Deportation is Necessary. [Scroll down] Americans are beginning to realize
our immigration policy sorely needs major corrections. In 1995, the Chairwoman of the
Commission on Immigration Reform, Barbara Jordan, herself a civil rights icon, told Congress
"Deportation is crucial. Credibility in immigration policy can be summarized in one sentence:
those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out are kept out; and those who should
not be here will be required to leave... For the system to be credible, people have to be deported
at the end of the process." She's right. There is no way to fix Kamala's "broken
immigration system", (her words), that doesn't involve deportation to undo the damage done.
Here's where we are. The low hanging fruit is the 1.3 million aliens who have been given
their due process and are legally qualified for deportation. They are part of an Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "non-detain docket" of 7 million aliens, including criminals,
who have not yet been processed but otherwise are eligible for deportation.
Allegedly Threatens Police Officers Over Deportation Compliance. Bill Wells, the
mayor of El Cajon, California, claimed in a Monday post on X that the State of California "is
threatening to take pensions and charge police officers with felonies if they comply with federal
deportation laws. While the Trump administration is working to enforce immigration laws,
California seems intent on blocking these efforts." Wells makes it clear that El Cajon,
a city of approximately 100,000 people located 17 miles east of San Diego, is not a
sanctuary city and that his police officers "are being put in an impossible position." [...] If
these disturbing claims are true, then the battle lines are already drawn for the first major
showdown between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and sanctuary state/city leaders.
Defiance of this magnitude from the government of the largest sanctuary state in the country would
have sweeping implications for President-elect Donald Trump's planned mass deportation agenda.
says Mexico's president has 'agreed to stop' migrants crossing into US through her
country. President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday that he has received assurances
from Mexico's new president that she will "stop migration" though her country and into the
US — before she later clarified her stance. "Just had a wonderful conversation with
the new President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo," Trump wrote on Truth Social. "She has
agreed to stop Migration through Mexico, and into the United States, effectively closing our
Southern Border," he added.
Trump presidency has begun. Tariffs work. AJ Huber tweeted with a video,
"Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum just announced that she is stopping the migrant caravans from
arriving at the U.S. southern border after President Trump's tariff threat. Nothing can stop
what's coming! Only DJT can change the world even before the inauguration!" She said,
"I have the vision that there will be an agreement with the U.S." And the experts said
tariffs don't work and would ruin our economy. No thank you. I trust randos on
Twitter. They get fact-checked by truly independent fact-checkers — Twitter
users. Oh, Sheinbaum also threatened retaliatory tariffs. Big deal. [...] Her cry for
retaliation is bravado to save a little face.
You Know Mexico Has Been Deporting Americans For A While Now? As Mexico and liberals
complain about Trump's mass deportation plans, Mexico has been deporting Americans for a while
now. Mexico claims Americans come with US dollars and spend a lot, causing inflation to the
point locals can't afford things anymore. [Video clip]
Horrors Wrought By Biden's Border. [Scroll down] What all that means is
that the Biden-Harris administration has been using taxpayer dollars and has been providing the
worst evil known to civilized society: open access to the most vulnerable in our midst —
the unaccompanied (and unprotected) children who are crossing our borders. These stories have
not gone entirely unnoticed, however. Olivia Murray wrote an essay entitled, "Biden-Harris
HHS secretary testifies about missing illegal migrant children, and his admissions will sicken
you." These are two sides of the same coin because not only has the current corrupt and criminally
negligent administration encouraged the world's most impoverished and most vulnerable to make the
life-threatening journey to our borders. However, once they arrive, these children have
little chance of "the better life" that open-border advocates preach about as the main motivation
for coming to America in the first place. Thankfully, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra's
testimony before the House Committee is being covered in conservative media.
Trump Effect: Haitian Migrants Self-Deport from Springfield, Ohio. Haitian
migrants are reportedly self-deporting from Springfield, Ohio, and fleeing to sanctuary
jurisdictions such as Chicago, Illinois, and New York City, New York. Springfield, a city of
50,000 that lies between Columbus and Dayton, garnered national attention months ago when
President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance noted that the community had been
inundated with thousands of Haitian migrants as a result of President Joe Biden's immigration policies.
The Editor says...
That's great, but they won't be going far. They obviously don't have the money to go back
to Haiti, if they're eating wild geese and stray cats.
Immorality of Illegal Immigration. Donald Trump will not be president for almost
another two months. Yet Democrat politicians, both federal and local, vie to be the most
strident in denouncing his plans to begin deporting millions of foreign nationals who, over the
last four years, have entered the U.S. illegally. Trump pledges to focus initially only on
the 400,000 to 500,000 current felons and some 1.4 million additional aliens who have ignored
legal summons for their deportation. Weekly we read of thousands of illegal immigrants
arriving from areas controlled by violent Mexican cartel gangs or failed, strife-torn South
American countries that have emptied their jails to send their felons northwards. Hundreds of
thousands of them have been committing violent crimes while demanding still more free housing and
support from strapped American taxpayers.
Reviving Trump's 'Remain In Mexico' Policy Will Swiftly Reduce Border Chaos. In
July 2019, I crossed the international bridge from El Paso into the sprawling Mexican border
city of Juárez to gauge the effects of President Donald Trump's so-called "Remain in Mexico"
policy. On that blazing hot summer day, as 20,000 of an eventual 75,000 had just been
expelled under the policy, I made my way by taxi to a shelter high up on a rise in the dangerous
neighborhood of Anapra. The shelter is within eyesight of Mexico's side of the American wall
and El Paso beyond. I was soon interviewing recent expellee Veronica Janeth Tejeda of Yoro in
northwestern Honduras as she played with one of her two expelled children in an outdoor yard
between small residential buildings. Veronica and many other immigrants expelled under
Trump's Remain in Mexico policy back then almost perfectly illustrate the policy's power to end the
greatest border crisis in U.S. history. Their 2019 testimonials matter greatly now that Trump
is about to give the controversial policy a comeback that foretells swift operational control of
the U.S. southern border.
Jordan Warns Garland and Mayorkas to 'PRESERVE YOUR RECORDS' Amid Concerns DOJ and DHS Are Purging
Docs. House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) sent letters to Attorney
General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Friday, warning them to
preserve all of their records as the committee continues its investigations into the Biden regime's
mishandling of the border. "This letter serves as a formal request to preserve all existing
and future records and materials related to the Biden-Harris Administration's enforcement of
federal immigration law," Jordan wrote in each of the letters.
Mayorkas race to ensure more migrant damage after they leave. President Biden and
Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas seem to think their border policies haven't done enough
damage to the country, so they're racing to ensure even more harm after they leave. With just
two months to go before Team Trump takes over, the Biden crew is getting set to roll out an ICE
app — starting in New York in December — that'll let illegal migrants skip
periodic, in-person check-ins that are required while they wait for court dates that could be years
off. Right now, those who miss in-person check-ins are subject to deportation. But
those who "check in" by app won't be, making it harder to deport (or even find) them.
Offers 1,400 Acres to Trump Admin for Criminal Migrant Detention/Deportation Center.
Texas General Land Office (GLO) Commissioner Dawn Buckingham offered to lease the incoming Trump
administration a 1,400-acre tract of land near the state's border with Mexico. The land would
be used to build a facility for the processing, detention, and deportation of violent criminal
migrants. As first reported by Fox News' Adam Shaw, Commissioner Buckingham sent a letter to
President-elect Donald J. Trump offering to provide a tract of land in Starr County, Texas.
In the letter, Buckingham said her office is "fully prepared to enter into an agreement with the
Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or the United States Border
Patrol to allow a facility to be built for the processing, detention, and coordination of the
largest deportation of violent criminals in the nation's history," the letter states.
Haitians are Fleeing Ohio! Following the recent presidential election,
Springfield, Ohio, has seen a noticeable departure of Haitian migrants, who fear potential policy
changes under President-elect Donald J. Trump's incoming administration. The town, with a
population just shy of 60,000 according to the 2020 census, experienced significant growth over
recent years as between 15,000 and 20,000 Haitian migrants moved in under the Biden-Harris
government, straining local resources and services. Many migrants arrived with temporary
protected status (TPS), which allowed them to live and work legally in the United States.
However, President-elect Trump indicated plans to revoke such permits, raising concerns among
migrants about mass deportations. Some have already relocated to other areas within the U.S.,
such as New Jersey, Boston, and nearby Dayton, while others are considering returning to former
host countries like Brazil.
this illegal alien — now. U.S. immigration laws should be applied as
fairly as possible. That includes deporting illegal aliens, and Prince Harry may be one if he
lied (which seems feasible given the revelations in his book Spare) about his drug use on
his visa application. The disgraced duke is married to a conniving and manipulative U.S.
citizen, who, as a tacit supporter of Kamala, irresponsibly spouts accusations about racism and
sexism when things don't go her way. Despite their unholy matrimony, Harry can still be
deported. A Heritage Foundation lawsuit to make Harry's visa documents public could eventuate
his deportation. However, a judge ruled that the documents should be kept private, saying
"the public does not have a strong interest in disclosure of the Duke's immigration records."
Um, tell that to the multitudes of otherwise "legal" immigrants who have settled here, and their
disrupted families, who have been deported because of their past drug offenses.
Governor Reacts To Court Claim That NYC Flew Laken Riley Killer To Georgia.
Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp's office blasted apparent revelations that Laken Riley's
killer was flown into the state before her murder, and confirmed they are working to get more
answers. The roommate of Jose Ibarra testified in court that she and Ibarra arrived in
Georgia by way of a humanitarian flight from New York City in 2023. Ibarra on Wednesday was
ultimately found guilty of murdering Riley, a Georgia nursing student at the time, and sentenced to
life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Georgia DA in Laken Riley case faces outrage after killer migrant avoids death
penalty. The progressive Georgia district attorney who was prosecuting nursing
student Laken Riley's illegal immigrant killer refused to seek the death penalty even after
removing herself from the case — drawing outrage when the defendant was sentenced to
life without parole. Athens-Clarke District Attorney Deborah Gonzalez, who appointed a
special prosecutor to take over the prosecution of Jose Ibarra at the end of February amid
criticism over her own prosecutorial record, laid out her soft-on-crime reforms when she assumed
office in January 2021. Gonzalez said her office would "no longer seek the death penalty"
and when considering charging defendants, she would "take into account collateral consequences to
undocumented defendants," according to a copy of the district attorney's policies shared by Georgia
state Rep. Houston Gaines (R-Barrow).
admin quietly loosening immigration policies before Trump takes office — including
letting migrants skip ICE check-ins in NYC. The Biden administration is quietly
rushing to implement new policies that will loosen restrictions on migrants who entered the US
illegally — a parting attempt to thwart President-elect Donald Trump's immigration
crackdowns and mass deportations, sources tell The [New York] Post. And the Big Apple will be
ground zero for these changes. The outgoing administration intends to launch an ICE Portal
app starting in early December in New York City that will allow migrants to bypass in-person
check-ins to their local ICE office.
school is so overcrowded by immigrant crisis that some students must eat lunch at
9am. Students at a Philadelphia school are eating lunch at 9 am because the district
is so crowded with immigrants that canteen dining slots have been staggered throughout the
day. Youngsters at Lincoln High School also lug their backpacks around all day, because there
are not enough lockers to go around in a school that this now 1,000 kids above capacity.
Officials have added makeshift divisions to increase the number of available classrooms, but
teachers say the new walls are too thin to stop noise and have fallen down during lessons.
confirms plans to use military to deport migrants after declaring national emergency.
President-elect Donald Trump confirmed Monday he would declare a "national emergency" to deport
illegal migrants using "military assets" once he steps back into office early next year.
Trump made the statement on Truth Social, responding "TRUE!!!" to a post from Judicial Watch chief
Tom Fitton expressing hope that the president-elect would do so. "GOOD NEWS: Reports are the
incoming @RealDonaldTrump administration prepared to declare a national emergency and will use
military assets to reverse the Biden invasion through a mass deportation program," Fitton wrote on
the social media platform.
Proves America Is Unified in Favor of Mass Deportations. In our 50/50 country, a
stunning 64 percent of Americans approve of Donald Trump's plan for mass deportations of
illegal aliens. Only 33 percent disapprove. Rasmussen, who was once again one of
the most accurate pollsters of the presidential election, polled 1,276 likely U.S voters over three
days after the election was called for former President and now President-elect Trump.
[Advertisement] When asked how important it is to stop illegal immigration, 76 percent of
those surveyed said "very" (50 percent) or "somewhat" (26 percent) important. Only
22 percent said it was not important. [Advertisement] The internals are amazing.
78 percent of white voters, 74 percent of black voters, and 70 percent of Hispanics
all agree it is important to stop illegal immigration. This includes 61 percent of
Democrats, 90 percent of Republicans, and 80 percent of Independents.
Governors, City Leaders Pledge to Shield Illegal Aliens From Trump. Democratic
governors and other liberal elected officials have lined up to declare that they will fight back
against President-elect Donald Trump's hard-line agenda against illegal immigration. Trump,
who won the Nov. 5 election, has promised to conduct mass deportations across the country and
withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities, along with a slate of other hawkish enforcement
proposals. However, Democratic governors in Massachusetts, California, and
Illinois — all seen as potential 2028 presidential contenders — and other
elected leaders have said they will use their authority to push back against the upcoming second
Trump administration's agenda.
for Trump to solve: Just how many million migrants did Joe let in? 8 million? 12?
15? President-elect Donald Trump has promised to crack down on the southern border
and deport those here illegally. But the million-dollar question left by the Biden
administration: Just how many people is that? A recent House Judiciary report says that
"For almost four years, Americans have watched as President Joe Biden and border czar Vice
President Kamala Harris have abandoned the southwest border and welcomed nearly 8 million
illegal aliens into the United States." But that 8 million is likely an
undercount — and perhaps by a lot. The House Committee on Homeland Security
estimated in the spring that there would have been 10 million encounters during Biden's
four-year term. And that doesn't include "got-aways" — people who crossed
illegally without ever talking to a Border Patrol agent.
Deportation, Using Carrots and Sticks. How do you deport the roughly twenty million
individuals living illegally in the United States? [...] First, offer them an option. Go
home on your own, and you will be eligible to apply for legal residency, along with anyone else who
wants to come to America and who hadn't broken our laws to get here. To qualify, all they
have to do is leave — and on the way out, file documentation indicating that they had
been illegal residents, but were now exercising their option to go to the end of the line and
eventually be legally admitted to America. That's the carrot — and even though it
might take ten years to gain entry, it will be legal, and with a path to eventual citizenship, the
one open to everyone who plays by the rules. What about the stick? Tell this same
population that if the government has to take actions to deport them, they will have to wait for
more than the current ten years before even getting to the end of the line for legal immigration,
lengthening the time before they can return to America, but this time as legal immigrants.
Since anybody here illegally has at least the chance of running into legal problems and then
forcibly deported, many will leave voluntarily.
The Editor says...
That's all very nice, but then there's a problem afterward: dispersion. As thousands of
deported aliens cross into Juarez or Matamoros, they will accumulate into a big crowd of hungry vagabonds,
and the Mexican government won't be likely to help with food and transportation. Within a few days,
the idea of crossing back into the U.S. will probably seem to be well worth the risk. For that reason,
the U.S. should deport Mexicans to the farthest corners of Mexico — Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco,
Chiapas — as well as Honduras, El Salvadore, and Nicaragua. Give each of the non-violent
non-criminal deportees a thousand dollars, and they'll be welcomed in Central America. That would
be a lot cheaper than giving them a thousand dollars a month (or more) in welfare benefits here
in the U.S.
Court Rejects Biden's 'Parole in Place' for Illegal Aliens. Two days after the
election, a federal court in Texas ruled against President Joe Biden's latest unauthorized scheme
to subvert immigration law: "parole in place" for illegal aliens who are the spouses of U.S.
citizens. In a 73-page decision, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
upheld a challenge by 16 states to the Department of Homeland Security's attempt to create the
parole program by administrative rule. Introduced by Biden back in June, "parole in place"
for spouses was built on a legal house of cards, as my BorderLine column explained at the
time. In promulgating the order, Biden's government created another administrative runaround
to dodge the lawful visa process.
Picks a New Border Czar, and the Left Can't Cope. After nearly four years of Kamala
Harris's failures as border czar, Donald Trump has revealed who will take over the role once he
takes office, and the left is already in an uproar. "I am pleased to announce that the Former
ICE Director, and stalwart on Border Control, Tom Homan, will be joining the Trump Administration,
in charge of our Nation's Borders ('The Border Czar'), including, but not limited to, the Southern
Border, the Northern Border, all Maritime, and Aviation Security," Trump wrote in a post on Truth
Social. "I've known Tom for a long time, and there is nobody better at policing and controlling our
Borders. Likewise, Tom Homan will be in charge of all Deportation of Illegal Aliens back to
their Country of Origin. Congratulations to Tom. I have no doubt he will do a
fantastic, and long awaited for, job."
case for mass deportations. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to "launch the
largest deportation of criminals in American history." That is a quote from a Nov. 2 rally
in Salem, Virginia, but Trump has said precisely the same thing dozens of times. Still,
through the course of a long campaign, with his improvisational style, Trump has occasionally
worded his pledge differently. For example, at his Madison Square Garden rally, Trump said,
"On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to get the criminals
out." At an Oct. 25 event in Austin, Texas, Trump said he "will launch the largest
deportation program in American history" before adding, "We have no choice. We have got to
get all of these criminals, these murderers, and drug dealers, and everything, we're getting them
out." Back on May 24, at his rally in the South Bronx, Trump pledged to "immediately begin
the largest criminal deportation operation in our country's history." So, variations in
wording aside, when Trump talks about mass deportation, he is talking about the mass deportation of
criminals. It's hard to imagine opposing Trump's proposal. Who would want to help
murderers and drug dealers who entered the country illegally remain in the United States?
The Editor says...
I'm strongly in favor of deporting violent criminals who did not enter this country legally, and
not necessarily to the country of their origin. (Paraguay comes to mind.) I am also
strongly in favor of deporting illegal aliens who are a "public charge;" that is, a perpetual
liability living on the welfare system. The illegal aliens who mind their own business,
learn English, assimilate, and refrain from felonious behavior may remain, as far as I'm concerned,
but they should not be counted in the decennial Census in the same column as U.S. citizens, which
distorts our representation in the Congress.
Are In Deep Trouble. Opening the borders and admitting millions of illegal immigrants
has been the core policy priority of the Biden administration, as reflected in Biden's day-one
executive orders. But it was a policy prescription that Democrats were never able to openly
articulate and defend. Thus, as the 2024 election approached they were reduced to making the
absurd claim that "the Southern border is secure." Open borders are deeply and correctly
unpopular, and do not provide a platform on which any future Democrat can run, although no doubt
we will see plenty of tearjerking stories about illegals who are being deported.
State CT Certifies Hundreds of Sham Immigrant Marriages. It's one thing for CT
government officials to make a mess of their own state, but another to wreck our country by
operating a sham marriage mill for immigrants. One recent day, for instance, [Wanda]
Geter-Pataky conducted seven such marriages in New Haven City Hall. All seven involved an
Indian-born spouse and an American-born spouse. None came from New Haven, according to their
marriage licenses. They claimed they live in Houston, Waterbury, Queens, the Bronx, Long
Island, Chesapeake, Virginia. The nuptial-seekers mirrored similar groups showing up in city
halls throughout the state: Couples, mostly with one spouse from India or sometimes other
nations, looking to marry an American allegedly from another state. ... Clipboard in hand,
Geter-Pataky guided a couple at a time into the Office of the Registrar of Vital Statistics on New
Haven City Hall's first floor to fill out their license applications. She steered them to the
elevator up to the second floor to marry them in the atrium outside the mayor's office. Then
on to another couple.
of Immigrants, Protesters March in New York Against Trump's Election. Reports are
emerging that a protest march of immigrants and other disgruntled New Yorkers is erupting in
Manhattan. The protesters are carrying signs that accuse President-elect Donald Trump of
being racist, fascist, sexist, anti-gay, and anti-trans. They are also protesting against
mass deportation and "systematic oppression": [Tweet with video clip] A day after
the election, Trump spoke with New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and the two discussed how to make
positive changes for the city. Then, Adams abruptly ended the immigrant food voucher program
that has cost the city at least $3.6 million since March of this year. Adams, a
Democrat, has been vocal about the immigrant crisis and the strain that the massive influx of
asylum seekers has put on city funds and services, as well as his disappointment in the response
from the federal government.
rules New York can't use 'antiquated, unconstitutional' law to block migrant buses from
Texas. New York City can't use an unconstitutional, two-century-old "anti-pauper" law
to block the state of Texas from offering migrants free bus rides to the city from the southern
border, a state judge has ruled. The court on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit brought by Mayor
Eric Adams in January against charter bus companies contracted by Texas Gov. Greg
Abbott. It sought to bar them from knowingly dropping off "needy persons," citing an
1817 state law that criminalized bringing an indigent person into the state "for the purpose
of making him a public charge." Justice Mary Rosado said in a sternly worded decision that the
law is unconstitutional for several reasons.
Illegal Immigration March In NYC, Illegals Claim They Refuse To Leave The Country.
Illegal immigrants take to the streets in New York City, and say they are not leaving the United
States. The development comes as Donald Trump is vowing to carry out the largest deportation.
operation in US history. [Video clip]
Massive Margins, Voters In Eight States Say Only Citizens Can Vote In Their Elections.
As divided as America may be, this election showed there's one thing most Americans agree on:
Only U.S. citizens should vote in U.S. elections. Voters this week in eight
states — Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and
Wisconsin — overwhelmingly approved constitutional amendment ballot questions seeking to
ensure noncitizens cannot vote in state and local elections. Foreign nationals are already
barred from voting in federal elections. [...] As The Federalist has reported, the vast majority of
states' constitutions include language that "every" citizen meeting age and residency requirements
is eligible to vote. The amendments demand that "only" U.S. citizens meeting the requirements
are electors.
Now? There Are Things Trump Can Do Both Now And After The Inauguration.
[Scroll down] His next step should be to announce that any non-citizens who participated
in protests that included property damage or personal injuries will have their visa/green card/etc.
canceled. They know who they are and would be better off if they removed themselves from the
country before January 20. If not, they can expect the same detention as the current J6
political prisoners. They have been admitted to our country as guests. Misbehavior
makes them scofflaw schlemiels, who are just as welcome as a party guest who deliberately spills
red wine on the hostess' white dress. Continuing in this vein, college-coddled aliens who
participated in any protests whatever have made themselves into fetid foreigners. They are
here because we graciously extended a privilege, and they are not entitled to any favors when they
misbehave. [...] Now, we can make things a bit more fun. Any illegal alien who turns himself
in will go to the back of the deportation line.
Strikes Down Biden Parole Program For Half A Million Illegal Immigrants. A federal
judge on Thursday struck down a Biden administration program that would have granted legal status
to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. U.S. District Judge John Campbell Barker
ruled that President Joe Biden's "parole in place" program was illegal after it was challenged by a
coalition of Republican attorneys general. The program was rolled out in June and created a
pathway for legal status for illegal immigrants married to American citizens and illegal immigrant
stepchildren of American citizens. Barker ruled that DHS lacked "statutory authority under"
the law to grant parole to illegal immigrants. The judge, who was appointed by Donald Trump,
blocked the program from taking effect in August. DHS estimated that the program would have
applied to around 550,000 illegal immigrants, while its opponents argued the actual number was much higher.
Judge Slaps Down Biden Administration Over Illegal, Last Minute Amnesty Program. A
federal judge has struck down a Biden administration program for illegal aliens who are married to
US citizens. In a three-paragraph decision, Federal District Judge for the Eastern District
of Texas J. Campbell Barker (a Trump appointee, and yes, that does make a difference) ruled that
the program the administration rolled out in June 2024 "lack statutory authority under
8 U.S.C. § 11821(d)(5)(A) itself (as opposed to under other provisions modifying or
supplementing that authority) to grant parole "in place" to aliens" under the benign-sounding "Keeping
Families Together" program. The "Keeping Families Program" was challenged by Texas and a coalition of
15 other states soon after its announcement, and Judge Barker halted it in August. Today, he
drove a stake through its heart. [Tweet]
Trump: 'No Price Tag' Will Stop Plan for Mass Deportations. President-elect Donald
Trump said that no price tag will keep him from implementing his plan for mass deportation of
illegal migrants once in office. Speaking with NBC News on Thursday, the president-elect said
that he would be working to make the border "strong and powerful" and that he would have "no
choice" but to carry out his plan of mass deportations. [Advertisement] "We obviously
have to make the border strong and powerful and, and we have to — at the same time, we
want people to come into our country," he said. "And you know, I'm not somebody that says, 'No,
you can't come in.' We want people to come in." [Advertisement] During his campaign, the
president-elect said that he would be carrying out the "largest deportation effort in American
history." [The first advertisement again] "A majority of Americans want mass deportations
for illegal immigrants," he said. "On Day One back in the White House, President Trump will begin
the largest criminal deportation operation of illegal immigrants and restore the rule of law."
Mayor Eric Adams to stop giving migrants free pre-paid cards worth $18,500 a year to
migrants. New York City is ending its controversial scheme that gave migrant families
prepaid debit cards worth a total of $18,500 each. City Hall made the announcement Thursday,
as Mayor Eric Adams has finally listened to critics of the Big Apple's migrant policies and Adams
himself has become friendlier with Donald Trump, who plans massive reforms to the immigration
system. William Fowler, a spokesperson for City Hall, says the program will expire at the end
of the year after handing out a total of $3.2 million in cash value for 2,600 families to buy
to end controversial program supplying migrants with prepaid debit cards after dropping
$53M. Mayor Eric Adams is ending his administration's controversial program supplying
migrants in city shelters with prepaid debit cards to pay for groceries. The pilot program
distributed the preloaded Mastercards to asylum seekers at hotels-turned-shelters, with a family of
four receiving about $350 a week to cover the cost of groceries and baby supplies. The city
hired New Jersey-based tech startup Mobility Capital Finance in a $53 million, one-year
"emergency" contract that drew backlash when the city failed to conduct a typical bidding process
before picking the company. But with the one year up shortly, the Adams administration
decided against renewing the contract, ABC7 reported.
Has Birthed a New, Diverse Republican Party. In 2016, roughly 87% of Trump voters
were white. But in 2024, nearly one in five Trump voters were black, Latino, Native American,
or "people of color." The media were flabbergasted. After all, the
Democrats did everything they could to disrupt Trump's momentum with minorities: They called
him Hitler. They called him a racist. They called him a fascist. They called him
a white supremacist. But throughout all their hysterical name-calling, they overlooked one
important thing: Illegal immigration was disproportionately injuring non-white
Americans. If you're a rich white liberal, illegal immigration is a net positive. Hey,
you got a nanny, a gardener, a pool guy, and a handyman for pennies on the dollar! And if
you're a business owner, illegal immigration is a cheap form of manual labor.
Trump's astonishing comeback means. Before Trump descended the Trump Tower escalator
in June of 2015, a bipartisan governing consensus in Washington was that unlimited amounts of both
immigration and trade were unalloyed benefits to the country. Democrats, who guided or
bullied this consensus into being, suggested America has a duty to take in any migrant from
anywhere in the world, no matter their culture or educational background. Many Republicans
believed migrants were essential for economic growth and did not care that their influx depressed
the wages of blue-collar Americans. Nor did either side pay much mind to the ways this frayed
the cultural fabric of the nation. Some of this thinking guided the amnesty for illegal
immigrants agreed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, although Democrats prevented the increased
border security that was supposed to be the other side of the deal. President George W. Bush
tried to pass another amnesty in 2007, although that effort failed. Trump exploded that
governing consensus.
Coordinated Effort' To Rig States - Rogan Exposes Democrats' Plan To Destroy American
Democracy.... "Undeniably," admits Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman to podcaster
Joe Rogan, "immigration is changing our nation." The two men spoke about a wide variety of
political topics ranging from how Donald Trump won in 2016 to how immigration stands as a key issue
in the election today. Specifically, Fetterman played the Democratic Party card, claiming
that Republicans in 2024 "had an opportunity to do a comprehensive border-bipartisan-and that went
down because Trump, he declared that that's a bad deal after it was negotiated with the other
side." Rogan then brutally 'fact-checked' the stammering senator, pointing out the reality that
that the deal made many concessions that Republicans concerned about the border found to be
unacceptable. "But, didn't that deal also involved amnesty," responded Rogan,"and didn't that
deal also involve a significant number of illegal aliens being allowed into the country every
year?" Silence from Fetterman.
Fetterman Seems To Admit That Democrats Are Importing Massive Amounts Of Illegals To Steal
Elections In Swing States. John Fetterman appears to admit that Biden and Kamala's
refusal to close the border is meant to rig future elections after getting completely grilled by
Joe Rogan. This is exactly why Harris won't go on Rogan's show. Rogan: "[Republicans']
fear is exactly what I talked about, that these people will be moved to swing states and that that
will be used to essentially rig those states and turn them blue forever." [Video clip]
to Start Fining Migrants Crossing Darié:n Gap Jungle $5,000. Panama will
reportedly start imposing a fine of up to $5,000 on illegal migrants caught crossing through the
Darién Gap jungle trail, President José Raúl announced on Thursday. Mulino
made the announcement in a weekly press conference where he covered a wide array of topics such as
migration and health while also giving an update on some of the results of his policies. "Any
person who enters the country — foreigner — violating immigration
checkpoints, land, air or sea, will be fined an amount ranging from one thousand dollars to five
thousand dollars, depending on the seriousness of the infraction," Mulino said.
Is Holding Back A Massive Wave Of Illegal Immigrants That Will Break After The Election.
A tip led me to 40 kilometers north of this down-at-heel border city, by rental car, until I spotted
the unmistakable sight: a 1,000-strong caravan of migrants marching by foot along Mexico Highway 200
for hundreds of yards. Men, women, children, and babies bobbed and weaved together in an elongated,
colorful human pack. I spent the day walking among and interviewing them, the only reporter there.
Just the week before, a 2,000-strong migrant caravan from Tapachula did catch some fleeting American media
attention, and next came a massive third one marching out of Tapachula which became a full-scale U.S. news
story as the American presidential election campaigns draw to their climactic Nov. 5 end, with illegal
immigration a top issue in the election's outcome.
Migrants Voting Would Allow Democrats to Win 12 Extra States. The non-citizen
population in the United States has grown so fast that it could swing 12 states toward the
Democrats' presidential candidate if the foreigners were allowed to vote, says the non-partisan
Center for Immigration Studies. "Census Bureau data collected earlier this year indicates that
there are 23.2 million voting-age non-citizens in the country, roughly half of whom are
illegal immigrants," said the report by the group's research chief, Steven Camarota[.] [...]
Migration advocates and Democrats argue that very few migrants cast votes in presidential
elections. But GOP critics say that Democrat activists routinely register foreigners so that
their ballots can be filled out and illegally returned by the activists.
Childless Cat Women, and Politicians. Both supporters and critics of lax immigration
on the U.S.-Mexico border speak about how it serves to funnel in a "replacement population." [...]
But open-border supporters also defend importing a "replacement population," even if they avoid
that term. Furthermore, that notion is no recent idea for them. If you listen to
Democrat politicians like Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, we need expanded immigration
because Americans aren't having babies, and we need workers. Such is the latest variation on
the theme "we need immigrants to do work Americans won't," long the mantra of the Chamber of
Commerce and other corporate bodies that favor importing cheap labor. If Americans won't work
(or have American babies who will work in the future), then let's import our workforce! It's
paradoxical that, although Kamala Harris has put abortion on demand through birth front and center
in her campaign (one of the few things about which she's clear on her position and can address
minus a teleprompter), few people connect the demand for abortion with the demand for open borders
as a way of building an American workforce.
Biden-Harris Border Invasion Is 'Fundamentally The End Of American Democracy'.
Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, Republican nominee for vice president, described the interwoven
interests of corporations and the Democrats advocating for open borders at the expense of the
American people, calling it "fundamentally the end of American democracy." Vance joined the
"Joe Rogan Experience" for a three-hour interview released Thursday, where he said the motivation
behind the Biden-Harris administration allowing millions of illegals to pour across the southern
border is twofold: An electoral power play and kowtowing to corporate interests looking to
swindle American workers. "I do think there's also a power dynamic to it. In particular,
I think Kamala Harris and the Democrats, they want to give these millions upon millions of illegal
aliens the right to vote," Vance explained. "They want to legalize them. They want to
make it easier for them to participate in our elections. And that means, fundamentally, the
end of American democracy, because you're talking about 25 million people here."
Things President Trump Can Do To Return The Government To The People.
January 20, 2025, will not be a checkered flag moment. On the contrary, it will be the
starting line for a four-year race to save the nation. As such, we need to look at what
exactly needs to be done going forward. Here are ten things President Trump needs to
do. There's much more, but I'd suggest this is a place to start. [#1] Seal the border
and deport all 30 million illegal immigrants. As happened last time, Democrats, RINOs,
and activist judges will try and stop him. He cannot let them succeed. Begin by
declaring the nation is under assault and deploying the Army to the border until the wall is
complete, something that Americans will probably support. The first step in deporting the
millions of illegals is stopping all their benefits. Given that they will need food and
shelter when the benefits are curtailed, establish exit processing centers where they can come and
find shelter and food as part of being processed out of the country. Next, stop all federal
funds from going to "sanctuary" states and cities that do not cooperate.
Team Still Flying Haitians into the United States. Last April, the Republican-led
House Committee on Homeland Security caught the Harris-Biden administration spending your taxpayer
dollars to fly military-age Hattian men into America. Charter flights would land in the
middle of the night and discharge tens of thousands of illegals. Once caught, it stopped for
a while. Now, Mumbles and Giggles have resumed the program in a way that costs you more, and
all the illegal passengers are approved by the gangs running Haiti. The overnight flights of
the "slip them in at 2:00 AM when no one is watching" program were easy to track. Websites
such as Flight Aware allowed anyone to follow the planes all the way to their landings at more than
50 U.S. airports. Knowing they were busted, Biden-Harris changed their M.O. They stopped the
charters on the Fly by Night Airlines. They now pay traditional U.S. airlines to slip them in
with their regular passengers.
Of Non-English Speaking People Cut The Voting Lines In Pennsylvania With Translators, All Wearing
Harris/Walz Stickers. Several buses full of non-English speaking "citizens" are
guided past Americans who had been waiting in line for hours to cast their early votes. These
people, all wearing Harris Walz stickers, were directed through the voting process by a handful of
"translators". [Video clip]
Isn't the Congress supposed to vote on stuff like this?
Report: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Execute 'Quiet Amnesty' for Nearly a Million Illegal
Aliens. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris's administration has
carried out a so-called "quiet amnesty" for nearly a million illegal aliens in the United States
whose immigration court cases have been shuttered, a bombshell report from the House Judiciary
Committee reveals. The report details how the Biden-Harris administration has inflated the
nation's immigration court backlog with more than 3.7 million new cases since the start of
Fiscal Year 2021, including more than 1.5 million new cases in the first three quarters of
Fiscal Year 2024.
and Biden deliver thousands of migrants from one of the poorest and most corrupt nations in the
world. Mayor Mark Mason of little Lockland, Ohio is scrambling to keep things
together after the Harris-Biden regime dropped thousands of migrants from Mauritania (not to be
confused with Mauritius) into the community over the last year. As Mason describes the
situation, it's a "population outburst," which equates to a roughly 100% increase —
Lockland is about 1.2-square miles, and before the arrival of thousands of foreign Muslims who
don't speak English, there were only about 3,500 people in the small hamlet. Mason
states that Lockland lacks the resources to cope with what is obviously a serious burden, a reality
corroborated by other city officials — Doug Wehmeyer, the local police chief as well as
Lockland's administrator, who revealed that emergency services typically run about 1,500 calls a
year, but so far in 2024 has jumped by 12%, which works out (approximately) to be an extra 180
calls — or basically an extra call every other day — and this increase is
almost exclusively due to the Mauritanians, who are still living like they're in Mauritanian huts
and stone homes, burning down apartment complexes in "cooking fire" mishaps.
Carolinians to Decide on Amendment Clarifying That 'Only a Citizen' May Vote.
Residents in North Carolina will have the opportunity in November to clarify requirements
pertaining to voting. Fox News reported on Thursday that House Bill 1074 would clarify the
state constitution's wording to say that citizens are the only persons allowed to vote in state
elections. The report noted that non-citizens are already barred from voting in North
Carolina. The bill is also being called the "Citizen Only Voting" amendment.
best, only 70% of cameras along the border actually work. "A series of surveillance
towers and cameras that have been used to remotely surveil the border since 2011," known as the
Remote Video Surveillance Systems and described by Tennessee congressman Mark Green as a "force
multiplier" for Border Patrol agents, is only at a 70% operational level — and no
one really seems to know how long these cameras have been out of order. [...] According to the same
memo, the problem affects (at least) 150 out of the 500 cameras, and they've fallen into ruin
because the entity contracted to handle the maintenance and repairs can't seem to do their
job — shocker, it's a government agency (not a private company) with "internal problems"
inhibiting its ability to properly meet the Border Patrol's needs.
Midwestern Town Inundated With Haitian Migrants. Residents from another midwestern
town, this time in Indiana, say city resources are being strained and their children put last due
to a sudden influx of migrants from Haiti. Thousands of new migrants, hailing mostly from
Haiti, are now living in Logansport, Indiana, a town with a population of just 18,000. Though local
officials say they have not been given any answers on just how many migrants have moved in,
estimates range from 3,000 to 5,000 Haitians. The surrounding areas have seen an influx as
well, with an estimated 11,000 new migrants county-wide. Logansport Mayor Chris Martin has
said that there are "assimilation issues" related to culture, according to a report from the New
York Post. In one instance, a resident named Nancy Baker told the Post that her 16-year-old
daughter was chased by migrants after she rebuffed their calls to walk over to them while she was
on her way to a nearby coffee shop. Another resident, 32-year-old Candice Espinoza, said
migrants routinely stare into her windows while she's home, holding up their phones, potentially
recording her.
indicted for voter fraud in Ohio. Six of the nearly 140 people referred to Ohio
Attorney General Dave Yost by Secretary of State Frank LaRose for illegal voting have been
indicted. Yost announced Tuesday seven cases were presented to grand juries last week,
resulting in six indictments for illegal voting. A grand jury refused to indict the
seventh. Five of the indictments involved legal U.S. permanent residents without
citizenship. The sixth involved a noncitizen who accused of voting in 2014, 2016, and 2018.
Only two of the indictments involved the 2020 election. "The right to vote is sacred," Yost
said. "If you're not a U.S. citizen, it's illegal to vote — whether you thought you
were allowed to or not — you will be held accountable."
Surprise! You already know the real reason the Democratic Party went insane: its
crime spree against the citizens of this land was so obvious and outrageous that a thousand Beltway
bureaucrats are now going crazy in fear of prosecution. The tantrum everyone expects them to
provoke would be a real insurrection and they are liable to find themselves in even deeper trouble
for resorting to it. Crime is the whole reason for the Democrats' desperation. There
was no "policy" the past four years, only crime. The Covid operation was a mass murder.
The open border was not something that just happened, like a spell of bad weather. It was a
colossal racketeering operation. They worked it hard. "Joe Biden" paid dozens of NGO
cut-outs to systematically jam more than ten million sketchy interlopers into the country, and then
support them lavishly with cash payments when they got here.
the Great Reversal, Not the Great Reset. Everyone senses that the open border policy
of the Biden-Harris administration, best described by the U.N. term "replacement migration," has
been driven by a kind of unprecedented anti-American wickedness directed at destabilizing the
United States through overwhelming our health and education welfare system and bringing on
potentially massive election irregularity from a spike in illegal immigrant voting. On top of
that, we have become the number one country in the world in human and child trafficking, criminal
gang activity, and seeding our territory for insurrection and direct terrorist attacks —
the latter likely to happen leading up to election day or shortly after that. Then we have
the backdrop, accomplished just a few months ago, that gave a veneer of legitimacy to what was, in
fact, a coup of Kamala Harris removing and replacing Joe Biden without a single vote —
primary or otherwise — being cast. Banana Republic 2.0.
Logansport, Indiana, kids are being pushed out of schools after migrants swelled county's
population by 30%. Thousands of migrants from Haiti and dozens of other countries
have arrived in this isolated Indiana city of 18,000 in just a few years. Furious residents
say they no longer feel safe in the once-sleepy downtown, and their kids are being muscled out of
the schools by new students who don't know English and need a lot of help. They blame Vice
President Kamala Harris and President Biden. "Do something. Our community cannot
withstand this many people being here," Candice Espinoza, 32, a local photographer, told The Post
when asked what her message would be to the Democratic presidential candidate. Nancy Baker,
44, a mother of two, was more blunt about what she would tell Harris: "Get off my property."
"I don't see how she can stand behind Biden the whole time and she keeps deflecting anytime they
ask questions."
Prop 1 opens the door to noncitizen voting. New York Democrats have failed to
legalize noncitizen voting, but may get their way by passing Proposition 1 on the Nov. 5
ballot. The deceptively written "Equal Rights Amendment" doesn't protect women or abortion
rights — but does empower lawmakers to ignore the current language of the state
Constitution in the name of protecting a whole host of new rights that it would create. Let's
be clear: Abortion rights are not under threat in New York. Citizenship and voting
rights, however, are under attack. The courts blocked the New York City Council's 2021 law to
let 800,000 non-citizens with green cards vote, since Article II, Section 1, of the state
Constitution restricts voting in New York to US citizens who are 18 or older and have lived in the
state at least 30 days. But Prop 1 would undo that protection: Among the host of
new rights it creates is a prohibition of discrimination on the basis of "national origin."
Voting by Facts, Not Feelings. Looking at the illegal immigration crises, the
positions of the two candidates could not be more different. Kamala has historically
supported sanctuary cities and an open southern border. When in power, she immediately
stopped the construction of Trump's border wall and ended Trump's "remain in Mexico" policy.
Harris categorized the wall as being "racist, medieval, anti-immigrant, Trump's vanity project, and
a waste of taxpayer money." Her goal has always been to decriminalize illegal crossings.
She stated, "An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal." At the same time, President Trump
has consistently labeled those crossing the southern border illegally as illegal aliens who are
committing a crime when they enter the country. Harris also wants to dismantle Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), stating in an MSNBC interview, "I think there's no question that
we've got to critically re-examine ICE and its role and the way that it is being administered and
the work it is doing ... and we need to probably think about starting from scratch."
Ohio Village Struggling as Mass of Illegals Cause Financial Losses, Safety Problems.
A huge group of illegal immigrants from Mauritania is causing all kinds of issues for a small
village outside Cincinnati, Ohio. During a recent interview, Lockland Village Administrator
Doug Wehmeyer explained to Fox News the progression of the situation in his area, the outlet
reported Saturday, noting that Lockland has about 3,500 residents. "If you look at 2021, 2022,
the United States had seen a huge influx of immigrants from Mauritania. Somehow, a good
number of them have landed in Lockland," he said. Wehmeyer voiced concern about two apartment
complexes where the units should house four individuals. But officials have said they have
found up to 12 individuals living inside single units. Such living arrangements can cause
other problems regarding sanitation and safety, Wehmeyer explained.
migrant industrial complex constructs huge new structures in southern Mexico for moving migrants
north -report. [Scroll down] So the idea of building a huge permanent
complex to house migrants, United Nations agencies, and NGOs would almost seem counterintuitive,
given that migrants are unlikely to have it as good as they have had it under the Harris-Biden
administration, with Border Patrol enforcers ordered to escort them on in, vetted or not. You
don't lay down a what must be a billion dollars on a construction project that won't be able to
achieve its purpose, which in this case, is industrializing the migration process and making
illegal border crossings a permanent and established feature of entrance to the U.S. And yet,
they are. If you look at Bensman's video, and compare the size of the structure to the tiny
cars next to it, you can see that it's a Behemoth, a ziggurat, a beacon for the gathering and
shepherding of migrants.
Of Migrants Just Doubled The Population Of A Small Ohio Town. Another Rust Belt town
in southwest Ohio is becoming overwhelmed by overseas migrants who've nearly doubled the town's
population of 3,500. A local Cincinnati television station reported last month that while
Springfield copes with tens of thousands of Haitian arrivals, "the small village of Lockland is
grappling with its own crisis." "Estimates suggested that there are up to 3,000 asylum-seeking
immigrants, primarily from Mauritania, residing in the Cincinnati suburb," Local 12 reported.
"Lockland Fire Chief and Village Administrator Doug Wehmeyer said the Mauritanians are living in
several apartment buildings, often with as many as 10 people in units designed for four."
"It's creating a dangerous situation for the residents and firefighters," Wehmeyer told the
television station. "In most cases, all they have is a mattress, a couch, and some
clothes. So, while we're trying to advance a fire hose line down the hallway, they are
pulling mattresses and clothes out [of the units], believing that it's over [and the building will
burn down]. Where we look at that and say, 'Man, there's 10 people in a unit.' They
look at that and it's better than the condition they came from."
Kamala Harris Would Import 12.3 Million Migrants. President Kamala Harris could
import almost four million migrants in 2025 — and 12.3 million migrants during her
four years — by continuing President Joe Biden's policies, according to a report by
pro-migration advocates. The huge and disruptive inflow of migrants, however, will only raise
annual economic growth by one cent for every $10, says the report by the business-funded Brookings
Institution. [...] A 2025 inflow of 3.7 million legal, illegal, quasi-legal, and temporary
migrants would deliver one migrant for every American birth. So far, the Harris campaign has
signaled she will continue the high-migration policies set by Biden.
Current Government Is No Longer Constitutional. The Federal Borg has imported the
migrant waves precisely because the invaders' dependency on the government is calculated to
generate the votes that will keep the Federal Borg in power. Along with their political
loyalty, they also bring crime, disease, chaos in education, and the dislocation of employment.
whom is Trump speaking when he references the enemy from within? The media is having
a collective cow over the fact that President Trump said he worries about the "enemies from within"
who will pay a price for what they've done to this great nation. [...] Here is a sample of people
who Trump refers to as the enemies from within:
◦ People who say they want to remake (destroy) America.
◦ Politicians who take an oath to enforce all laws yet refuse to enforce
immigration laws, and appointed bureaucrats who neglect their post and duties.
◦ All the lawless sanctuary cities and states that incentivize illegal immigration
and refuse to cooperate with ICE, and officials in the federal government who don't care.
◦ All the people who pretend that dangerous criminal gangs from
Venezuela and other places are not really a problem; people in government who think citizens'
safety is irrelevant.
patrol agents threaten to leave in droves if Kamala Harris wins. Border patrol agents
are threatening to leave the critical federal agency in droves if Vice President Kamala Harris wins
in November — with multiple agents telling The Post that they can't face four more years
of being undermined and scapegoated. "I'm not doing this [...] again ... four years of
hell," said one agent, who is nowhere near retirement. Another agent said: "Lots of guys
who can retire will go. If Trump wins, they'll stay." On Monday the Border Patrol union,
National Border Patrol Council, endorsed former President Donald Trump.
Initial Mass Deportation. Based on my experience, I guess that, by January 2025,
over the preceding four years, we will have admitted 20 million more folks in this country
than law and good sense would have allowed. Most Americans strongly favor deporting these
illegal aliens. How do we (i.e., the next Trump Administration) fix this? A few simple,
immediate steps will address the problem without the ugly round-ups that Democrats promise,
ensuring a stark reduction in the number of illegal aliens. All these steps should apply to
all illegals in the country without exception. Each illegal foreign child should be DNAed and
fingerprinted. Abandoned children need to be tracked and eventually reunited with family if
feasible. Otherwise, put them up for adoption. Any minor claiming to be 14 years
or older should be processed as an adult, which I'd be willing to bet most of them are.
DREAMers should be processed for temporary legal residence with no possibility of becoming an
American citizen. If they keep their noses clean and stay off public assistance, let them
stay. By the way, if they say they can't speak their parents' native language, that's simply
not true. They grew up speaking with their parents, after all.
The Editor says...
Most of the illegal aliens will deport themselves if they get uncomfortable; that is, if [#1] all
public transactions, education, voting, and broadcasting is done in English, [#2] non-citizens
receive no Social Security payments, food stamps (or whatever they're called now), or other perpetual
handouts (with the exception of meals for those in custody), and [#3] children born in the U.S.
whose parents are not present legally are deemed non-citizens themselves, and [#4] if the government
announces a new program to deport illegal aliens (especially the violent criminals) to a remote country
somewhere, not just across the border. Most of them would quietly leave rather than end up
in Peru or Liberia.
Many Usurpations. [Scroll down] Even if Trump were to win, people have to
go to jail for the attempt to steal it. Illegals caught voting need to be deported. It
is the will to do that with the propagandist media highlighting every unfortunate circumstance that
occurs that I doubt. The response should be: They didn't have to put their families
through it. They could have stayed home. This is American responsibility for one's
actions that they suffer.
Patrol Union Endorses Trump, Chief Says Everything Would [Get Worse] Under Kamala. In
a move that should surprise no one considering that the Biden-Harris regime has treated the Border
Patrol like dirt, the National Border Patrol Council announced Sunday at a campaign rally in
Prescott, Arizona, that they were throwing their support behind Donald Trump. Union president
Paul Perez minced no words as he eviscerated Kamala Harris for her utter failure to stem the flow
of illegal immigrants into the country: ["]If we allow Border Czar Harris to win this
election, every city, every community in this great country, is going to go to hell. The
untold millions of people, unvetted, who she has allowed into this country that are committing
murders, rapes, robberies, burglaries, and every other crime will continue to put our country in
peril. Only one man can fix that and that is Donald J. Trump. He has always stood with
the men and women who protect this border.["] [Tweet]
Reveals the Harris Campaign's Solution for the Illegal Immigration Crisis. At a rally
in Arizona this week, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who is Vice President Kamala Harris' running
mate, said that he supports mass amnesty for illegal aliens. There are tens of millions of
illegals who live in the United States who crossed illegally in border states, like Arizona.
"This is what you want and this is what we know. To enact an earned pathway to citizenship to
those who've lived in this country for years," Walz said at the rally as the audience cheered.
"This issue should not divide us, it should unite us," he added. [Tweet with video clip]
Harris Makes Pledge to Latino Voters to Welcome, Grant Amnesty for Millions of Migrants.
Vice President Kamala Harris is promising Latino voters that she will open the borders to a vast number
of economic migrants and will grant shares of their U.S. citizenship to millions of migrants who have
sneaked into Americans' society. Harris did not explain to swing-voting Americans with Latino
ancestry why their concerns about the economy should be subordinated to her goal of welcoming millions
of desperate, job-seeking migrants.
U.S. government [is] now effectively a criminal organization. Think of the millions
of illegal aliens, many of them criminals, allowed to cross our border in recent years.
Countless numbers of whom have been given cell phones, pre-loaded credit cards, driver's licenses,
and been transported around the country and put up in nice hotels. Or sent to 'battleground
states.' For some reason. Coincidence, I'm sure. The government doesn't want you to
think about the staggering amount of crime, sex-trafficking, and fentanyl that has come across the
border with them. Mention this, and you will likely be accused of racism, xenophobia ... or
of spreading 'misinformation.'
Rural Indiana City Overwhelmed by Thousands of Haitian Illegal Migrants. A small
rural Indiana town is overwhelmed after an estimated 5,000 Haitian illegals came in thanks to Joe
Biden and Kamala Harris. Thousands of illegal and paroled migrants from Haiti, Guatemala, El
Salvador and other 3rd world countries have been sent to Logansport, Indiana, a rural city of just
18,000 people. People from at least 28 countries speaking 27 languages now call
Logansport home. There are 20-25 people living in homes. Hospitals are overwhelmed
with record number of births and more than 20,000 ER visits per year.
media pushes nonsensical migrant narratives. Have you ever taken a serious look at
how the mainstream media covers immigration? There isn't a unitary narrative about
migrants. There are actually multiple, contradictory storylines, and that's deliberate.
So, instead of following the facts to the truth, we in the news-consuming public are served up a
series of poorly researched verbal snapshots that are always designed to portray immigrants as
victims and Americans as oppressors. [...] People who plan lengthy globe-spanning journeys and
manage to clothe, house and feed themselves in a new country are not the type to put up with soiled
undergarments or an untreated medical condition because they don't speak the local tongue.
Moreover, the vast majority of aliens who have entered the U.S. during the Biden administration
have arranged their own entry, using the infamous CBP One app. In order to use that app, they
have to be able to read and have some familiarity with how to use a cell phone or a computer.
the Hurricane Response be Election Interference? New potential Democrat voters are
arriving in America daily. Border apprehensions are way up according to U.S. Customs and
Border Protection data, as noted below. These are only between ports of entry, not crossings
elsewhere or via DHS-arranged flights from other countries, totally bypassing land border crossings.
Administration Has No Clue How Many Unvetted Aliens It Let In. The inspector general
of the Department of Homeland Security issued a new report revealing that the Biden-Harris
administration has endangered Americans' safety by intentionally welcoming millions of illegal
immigrants into the U.S. without properly vetting them. The importance of these findings
cannot be ignored, as they directly affect our personal and national security. The redacted
report's long title is also its conclusion: "CBP, ICE, and TSA Did Not Fully Assess Risks
Associated with Releasing Noncitizens without Identification into the United States and Allowing
Them to Travel on Domestic Flights." Among the three agencies, Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are entrusted with verifying the identity of
noncitizens seeking entry into the United States, and the Transportation Security Administration
(TSA) is responsible for screening all individuals intending to fly domestically and ensuring the
safety of air travel.
Out of the Closet. But the open border has facilitated numerous other
crises — for example, the fentanyl overdose epidemic, which is killing hundreds of
thousands of American youths, flooding our cities and schools with overwhelming burdens, packing
the welfare rolls with illegals, and bringing in tens of thousands of criminals, terrorists, and,
likely, many covert military operatives. The Democrats couldn't care less about how these
problems affect Americans, as they demonstrate over and over again by refusing to enforce laws on
the books and voting down any provisions in law that address the problems. Democrats aren't
even hiding it anymore. The communists have come fully out of the closet. [...] Be clear on
this: we are witnessing an attempted Communist overthrow of our great nation.
Events Force Us To See The Reality Of Today's Democrats. [Scroll down]
And none of this is incidental. It's deliberate. Democrat sanctuary cities and states
have been obstructing ICE and federal immigration enforcement for decades. Just days after
his instillation, Joe Biden eliminated some of the most powerful border protection programs Donald
Trump had put into place. Later, when Arizona built a wall of shipping containers to try and
stem the flow of illegals across its border, Biden and Harris sued to force their removal.
Then, when Texas installed floating barriers in an effort to interdict illegal crossings
of — and reduce drownings in — the Rio Grande, Joe Biden and Border Czar
Kamala Harris again sued for their removal. And for those states like California that leave
their border as welcoming as an Amsterdam brothel, the Democrats rewarded them by flying hordes of
illegals to other states like Texas, which have been fighting the invasion largely on their
own. All of this should be a red flag to Americans. Democrats clearly value illegal
immigrants over American citizens.
Shows A Mexican Illegal In Phoenix Registering Other Illegals To Vote. Video obtained
by @realmuckraker shows what has been called a "conspiracy theory," until now. In Phoenix,
Arizona a liberal, Mexican man in a grocery store offered to knowingly register a non-citizen DACA
recipient to vote. The same man went on to tell the DACA recipient to bring his friends to
get registered as well. [Video clip]
Troubled Place. Charleroi, Pennsylvania, is a deeply troubled place. The former
steel town, built along a stretch of the Monongahela River, south of Pittsburgh, has experienced
the typical Rust Belt rise and fall. The industrial economy, which had turned it into
something resembling a company town, hollowed out after the Second World War. Some residents
fled; others succumbed to vices. The steel mills disappeared. Two drug-abuse treatment
centers have since opened their doors. The town's population had steadily declined since the
middle of the twentieth century, with the most recent Census reporting slightly more than 4,000
residents. Then, suddenly, things changed. Local officials estimate that approximately
2,000 predominantly Haitian migrants have moved in.
broke, impotent, or disgustingly biased? If you thought the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) was specifically and exclusively tasked with providing relief and succor
to American citizens who have been the victims of natural disasters, you probably also believe in
the tooth fairy — or that Epstein killed himself. Au contraire. Homeland
Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas recently admitted that "FEMA does not have the funds to make
it through the season." This begs a question. Why? I was keen to guess. One
reason is that FEMA spent more than $650 million this fiscal year providing housing and
services to illegal aliens. I did guess. Correctly! That's right, FEMA spent the
better part of a billion dollars so far this year providing non-emergency aid to
non-citizens via the Shelter and Services program.
Pretends to Cap 'Parole' Migration Before Election. President Joe Biden's Homeland
Security chief is now refusing to send home the more than 500,000 foreign workers he has imported
via a "humanitarian" parole program that was supposedly limited to two years. Instead of
being sent home at the end of their two-year visas, the 530,000 economic migrants are being invited
to use the many loopholes, exemptions, and lawsuits in migration law to stay working in the United
States. [Advertisement] When they do stay, they will continue to make Americans poorer by
minimizing pressure on employers to hire Americans at decent wages or to invest in wage-boosting
workplace technology — while also extending their separation from their at-home
families. [Advertisement] The policy change "gives the Biden administration the appearance
that they're looking tough when really they're just doing the same things that they've been doing
all along," one critic told Breitbart News.
Are Getting Amazing Apartments In Maine, Rent-Free For 2 Years With Utilities Paid.
Great reporting from Savanah Hernandez and Frontlines: Inside the furnished Maine apartments where
migrants are getting up to 2 years of free rent & utilities.
[Non-standard syntax in original. Where is the verb in that sentence?]
This apartment is in the same county that received $6.1 mill in funding from the FEMA program, which
spent $1 billion on housing migrants. This apartment, located in Cumberland county, is one of
many throughout Maine which is allowing migrants to live rent-free for up to two years. [Video clip]
agencies released noncitizens without ID into US, allowed them to board domestic flights: DHS
OIG report. In a new, heavily redacted report, the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) inspector general found that several federal agencies did not fully assess risks associated
with releasing noncitizens without identification into the U.S. and allowing them to travel on
domestic flights. Inspector General Joseph V. Cuffari said in the report that U.S. Customs
and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) failed to ensure that high-risk noncitzens without ID are not
entering the country and boarding domestic flights. The IG said that according to federal
law, "noncitizens without ID are not admissible into the country and "shall be detained," but that
CBP and ICE are permitted to release noncitizens into the U.S. based on various circumstances.
Data Show How Biden-Harris Admin Is Handcuffing ICE. Newly collected data reveal how
deportation officers are removing substantially fewer illegal migrants, including convicted
criminals, out of the United States under the Biden-Harris administration than under the Trump
administration. There were a total of 273,708 removals of
illegal migrants during the first three fiscal years of the Biden-Harris administration, which
includes removals from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and other federal
immigration agents, according to data compiled by the National Immigration Center for Enforcement
(NICE). This number marks a considerable decrease from the 749,462 removals that took place
during the first three fiscal years under the Trump administration.
games can't conceal the 'third world' truth about open borders. Politically incorrect
words don't kill, but Venezuelan gangs do. Donald Trump this week warned rally-goers in a
small Wisconsin community that "if Kamala is reelected, your town and every town ... will be
transformed into a third-world hellhole." He's repeatedly said that Biden-Harris open borders
are turning New York into a "third world nation" and America into a "third world
disaster" — and the rhetoric makes left-wing elites apoplectic. Never mind the
violence perpetrated by migrant gangs and the societal disorder caused by open borders: Their
problem is with the words. NPR says the term "third world" is "offensive." Foreign
Policy columnist Howard French calls it "utterly racist rhetoric." It's an intentional distraction.
Admin Used FEMA Disaster Funding For Illegal Immigrants. The Biden-Harris
administration took more than a billion tax dollars that had been allocated to the agency
responsible for American disaster relief and used it to offer services for illegal
immigrants. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) allocated nearly $364 million
in the fiscal year 2023 and $650 million for the 2024 fiscal year to the "Shelter and Services
Program" "to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants following their release from the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)," according to the government's website. The program is
run in cooperation with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) "to support CBP in the safe,
orderly and humane release of noncitizen migrants from short-term holding facilities," FEMA's
website reads.
By the Numbers. It is no coincidence that, in last night's debate, immigration was
the issue on which the moderators intervened to try to stop the Democratic Party's bleeding.
The Biden/Harris administration's immigration policies have been disastrous, unless they are
actually trying to destroy our country. In which case they make perfect sense. My
colleague David Zimmer recaps the Biden/Harris debacle by the numbers.
Can Trump Win When Democrats Have 30 Million Immigrant-Invaders To Vote Against
Him? Democrats are passing laws to make sure that a non-citizen who just walked
across the border has a vote equal to a United States native-born citizen. Immigrant-invaders
are given federal IDs which entitle them to drivers' licenses. Many jurisdictions
automatically enroll driver license recipients on the voting list. Two days ago California's
Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill preventing local governments from requiring voters
to present identification at the polls. The Democrat California government has made it a
felony to prevent election fraud. [...] The Democrats are the party of the immigrant-invaders,
and tens of millions of [ignorant] white Americans will vote for the party of
immigrant-invaders. It is even worse than that. The Biden/Kamala Regime are using our
taxpayers dollars to finance NGOs to recruit from 150 countries immigrant invaders and to
provide them with transportation, to Latin America and with food, water, medical care, and sleeping
quarters as they march to our border. When Washington's recruits of immigrant-invaders reach
the border, federal and local authorities are required to let them in.
and the Immigration Crisis. Admission of refugees into the United States has
long been the subject of special refugee legislation. The Refugee Relief Act of 1953 required
that no visa would be issued to any alien under the Act unless an assurance had first been given by
a citizen or citizens of the United States that such alien, if admitted to the United States, would
be suitably employed without displacing some other person from employment and that such alien and
the members of such alien's family who were to accompany such alien and who proposed to live with
such alien would not become public charges and would have housing without displacing some other
person from such housing. The Act further provided that each such assurance was required to
be the personal obligation of the citizen or citizens giving or submitting such assurance. A
thorough security screening was also required along with documentation that guaranteed readmission
to the country in which the applicant obtained a visa.
Citizens Against Noncitizen Voting: What's a State To Do? Federal law prohibits
noncitizens (resident aliens as well as illegal immigrants) from voting in federal elections.
Most state constitutions note that voting is for U.S. and state citizens, but many do not ban
noncitizen voting or use the words "citizens only." Although federal laws prohibit noncitizen
voting, they do not have specific or meaningful enforcement provisions from registration process
through to voting. No documentary proof of citizenship is required to register to vote.
What can a state do? There are actions that governors, attorney's general, secretaries of
state, and state legislators can take. Because the National Voter Registration Act of 1993
(aka "motor voter") currently prevents states from verifying citizenship at registration, it must
be done at the 'back end" of the process — after registration.
Dismissal Of Springfield Immigration Crisis Signals Four More Years Of Open Borders If Harris
Wins. Minnesota Democrat Gov. Tim Walz dismissed the immigration crisis
overwhelming the blue-collar town of Springfield, Ohio, Tuesday as tens of thousands of Haitians
have descended on the dilapidated community of roughly 60,000. After complaining about
congressional Republicans killing a catastrophic bill that would have codified an open border, Walz
went on to admonish former President Donald Trump and Sen. J.D. Vance for "creating stories"
about the "large number of people who were here legally in Springfield." "This is what
happens when you don't want to solve it," Walz said, as if passing a bill to grant amnesty for all
with 5,000 crossings permitted on a daily basis were solving anything.
immigrants at meatpacking plant claim abuse since arriving in Colorado. Union members
at the JBS Foods meatpacking plant in Greeley, Colorado, said hundreds of Haitian immigrants were
lured to work at the plant on false promises. "[They were told,] 'You can come here.
You are going to have a very good job. And you don't have to worry about where you're going
to sleep because the company is going to take care of that for you,'" alleges plant worker Tchelly
Moise. Moise, who is also a representative of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7,
claims those workers were trafficked through the social media app TikTok. And since arriving
in Greeley, workers say they've dealt with everything from poor living conditions to abuse inside
the plant. "We are talking about eight or 10 people inside of one motel room, a small room
with just one bed inside of it and one bathroom," said Moise.
the Conqueror of America. Any country can conquer a nation that has been turned
against itself by traitors — even one led by this guy: [Tweet with
video clip] "Respect" and "dignity," yelps Edgard Leblanc Fils, the head of Haiti's
Transitional Presidential Council, after denouncing civilization as "barbaric." Trying to drink
out of the pitcher instead of using the glass provided like we barbaric people do was not the most
ludicrous part of his speech. [...] Speaking of the past, why have there been no French people in
the French colony Haiti for the past 200 years? Because the blacks killed them
off. Skewered French babies were reportedly carried aloft on pikes. Despite attempts to
guilt us into submission, we owe Haiti nothing.
This How Democrats Are Hoping to Steal Arizona in November? Remember when Democrats
pushed back against new laws aimed at banning illegal immigrants from voting, insisting that "it's
already illegal" and dismissing concerns as nothing more than a conspiracy theory? Well,
surprise, surprise — reports have proven yet another "conspiracy theory" right.
The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project and the guerilla journalists at Muckraker have teamed
up to unearth a little scheme down in Arizona — registering illegal aliens to
vote. And shocker, I wonder which political party those new "voters" might be
supporting? I'll give you one guess, and I bet you'll get it right.
Aliens Living in Phoenix, Arizona Apartment Complex Admit Being Registered to Vote.
This is why the Biden-Harris Regime ferried in more than 15 million illegal aliens over the
last 3 years. Non-citizens and illegal aliens living at the Los Vecinos apartment
complex in Phoenix, Arizona admitted to being registered to vote, according to undercover video
posted by the Oversight Project. "Just out of curiosity, are you registered to vote?" a Real
Muckraker reporter asked the illegal. "Yes, we've already registered," the illegal said.
Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. [Video clip]
War Against Their Own. With Democrats and RINOs determined to make fraudulent
elections a feature of the republic, it's time for Americans, true Americans, to push back
hard. This is no longer a republic. The inaction on securing the vote has ensured that
fact. This is not a democracy, either, for the same reason. They disdain the vote and
both sides are desperate to remove the need for one, eliminating the people's voice from the
process. The government, in effect, encourages voting fraud by registering to vote those
ineligible to vote through intentional acts. An "intentional act" can be perceived as failing
to adequately vet the eligibility of the voter prior to registering them to vote. In all
cases, any county, state, local or federal official who takes part in such acts is acting under
color of law. [...] In this case, the DMV in Texas and other places were allowing illegals to
register to vote when they obtained driver's licenses, also illegal, without the appropriate
documentation to do so. Many of these illegals, pushed into our states and cities by a rogue
administration in Washington determined to allow them to vote to secure an election by illegal
means, had abandoned their passports and other identifying documents to purposely enter the United
States with an undetermined record of previous violations of law. An act for which, alone,
should have denied admittance.
gets all puppet-y again. It is not fear: [...] To describe the disaster of
Springfield, Ohio that is caused by forcing a town that has 58,000 people to take in 20,000
additional people, no matter what race they are. It stresses housing, hospitals, schools,
police, and all city resources. [¶] To tell the public that the border was very secure
until Biden and Harris decided to open it up on day one with a massive number of executive orders.
[¶] To tell the public that criminals and terrorists are coming across the border in record
numbers. [¶] To tell the public that crime by illegals is rising. [¶] To
tell the people that 300,000 trafficked children have disappeared from federal scrutiny and to talk
about child-, sex-, and drug-trafficking caused by the open borders. [¶] To describe
the disaster of Springfield, Ohio that is caused by forcing a town that has 58,000 people to
take in 20,000 additional people, no matter what race they are. It stresses housing,
hospitals, schools, police, and all city resources. It is idiotic, at best, when the media
and other Democrats say that these 20,000 people help the town because they need
workers. How many people are stupid enough to believe that a town of 58,000 has 20,000 job
openings. Almost all of these people will end up being dependent on the government while
greatly harming the long term residents.
Corrupt Economics of Immigration. [Scroll down] For example, libertarians
support free trade without recognizing that it is impossible for our manufacturers to compete
against subsidized imports, manufactured in the absence of environmental and labor standards
applicable in the United States. Libertarians support the abolition of residential zoning
laws while doing nothing to stop the proliferating array of subsidies and tax incentives that
artificially incentivize developers to demolish homes to build apartments. And libertarians
only tepidly challenge urban containment policies that prevent new suburb developments on open land
outside of existing cities. In what is perhaps some odd bid to find common ground with
socialists, they have even claimed the infrastructure needed for urban expansion would "subsidize
the car." When it comes to immigration, libertarians call for open borders without first
insisting on a critical prerequisite: immigrants should not receive government subsidies or special
benefits. They should be able to support themselves immediately through private employment.
not just Springfield, Haitians [are] being flown to small towns nationwide. Haitians
are not just arriving in Springfield, Ohio, but also in small rural towns nationwide as a result of
several Biden-Harris administration policies. Since fiscal 2021, more than 485,000 Haitian
illegal border crossers, a record, have been reported by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
The overwhelming majority were reported this fiscal year, nearly 216,000, compared to 48,727 in
fiscal 2021. Since fiscal 2021 through August, the majority have been apprehended at the
southwest border of nearly 262,000, followed by nearly 221,000 nationwide and nearly 2,300 at the
northern border, according to the data.
10 Million
[Additional] Illegal Aliens: What Is to Be Done? President Trump has spoken of "mass
deportations" of the more than ten million illegal aliens who have flooded our country under
Biden-Harris. [...] Candidate Trump needs to present a credible plan to repatriate these people in
an orderly, efficient, humane, and politically palatable way. This can be done by arranging
deportations in cohorts according to immigrants' harm and costs to our nation. We start with
the criminal elements: murderers, rapists, drunk drivers, drug-dealers, and professional
shoplifters. By legal and administrative means, illegals who have been involved in criminal
activity will be prioritized in "grab" lists and subject to arrest and detention.
Being flight risks, they must be denied bail, then given a simple choice: be prosecuted, or be
deported with the understanding that re-entry will be a mandatory five-year felony. The point
is to get bad actors out of the country. As this roundup begins, we can expect many to migrate
(they're good at that!) to blue-state jurisdictions, where they will undoubtedly wreak havoc.
Harris Supports Continuing 'Migrant' Flights That Have Imported 1.3 Million.
CHNV stands for "Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans," a program that
provides — for some reason — expedited legal entry into the United States for
people from these countries. [...] A cynical and suspicious observer may well speculate that the
reason for this is to import an entire class of new voters who, once naturalized — or
perhaps (let's say this very softly) even sooner — will be reliable voters for the party
that welcomed them in and provided the cornucopia of free stuff, that is, the Democrats.
Granted these countries are some pretty miserable places and we can't really blame people for
wanting to get while the gettin's good. But since when is it America's responsibility to take
in everyone from every third-world cesspit on the planet?
and Biden [are] Putting Illegal Aliens First and Americans Last. The MAGA or "America
First" agenda places Americans at the head of the line, providing economic opportunity.
Harris and Biden's "America Last" agenda favors securing other countries' borders while leaving
America's borders wide open. Economic opportunity is going to foreigners, not Americans.
[...] While Acting President Harris sends those following the law, playing by the rules, to the
back of an extremely long line, she has opened America's borders to hordes of unvetted aliens, many
illiterate and unskilled, carrying infectious or psychiatric diseases, some with criminal records
and bad intentions, and even some terrorists. All to the tune of 10,000 known crossings a
day. How many gotaways or unknown crossers a day? 50 percent more? Double the
known crossers? We don't know what we don't know.
who can we trust in this election? Borders are not just boundaries, they are the law
in a sovereign nation. Everyone knows the Biden-Harris administration has allowed nearly
10 million illegals to enter the country unvetted. No one knows how many crossed the
border uncounted (got-aways), but some estimates exceed another 10 million. All along,
administration officials have been telling us the border is secure. They have been
lying. This administration has also been flying migrants from other countries directly into
American cities. That's what the CBP One app is all about. They call it a humanitarian
parole program, but its aim is to keep the numbers down at the border to avoid the horrible
optics. It also provides Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, which makes them legal
immigrants, hands them work permits, and skews the numbers. It serviced Afghanis after the
U.S. evacuation, Ukrainians after the Russian invasion, and was later expanded to citizens of
Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua. Heard anything lately about migrants from any of those
countries? And what are the consequences? One is crime, rampant crime, and much of it violent.
Has Flown In 530,000 "Migrants" Under Illegal Parole Program. If Americans need a
reason to elect former President Donald Trump on November 5, the latest data from U.S. Customs
and Border Protection just might provide it. The Biden-Harris administration has flown in
more than half a million "migrants" from Colombia, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela under its
illegal CHNV program. Fox News' Bill Melugin provided word from Immigration and Customs
Enforcement. The agency doesn't have the manpower to deport the penniless illegals.
Now, should any of those "migrants" commit rape — such as the two Haitian Biden
"migrants" accused of the crime — Democrats want them to stay in the country. More
than 150 Democrats voted this week to permit "migrant" sex fiends to avoid deportation. [Tweet]
Like Trump Again Was Right About The Haitians In Springfield Eating Dogs, Cats, Ducks And
Geese. Listen to another resident give a detailed account on how Haitians are not
only hunting pets and pond birds, but the police are involved and have reports of it all.
[Video clip]
Surface That Springfield Ohio Mayor Rob Rue is Profiting Off Renting Out Properties to Haitian
Immigrants. An investigation conducted by the Buckeye Reporter has uncovered a
troubling conflict of interest involving Rob Rue, the mayor of Springfield, Ohio. The report
alledges that Mayor Rue has been profiting directly from the ongoing Haitian crisis by renting out
properties he owns to Haitian immigrants. This practice raises serious concerns among
citizens who fear that the mayor is favoring low-wage, government-subsidized foreign residents over
the local population. According to the Buckeye Reporter, a 37-year-old man who identified
himself as "Works," has confirmed that he and other imported Haitians are living in buildings owned
by Rue. "Works" mentioned that he resides in an apartment situated on a property valued at
approximately $1.3 million. X user Arynne Wexler shared public records that corroborate
these claims, showing that Rue owns several properties through his business, Littleton Properties
of Springfield LLC. Notably, many of these properties were acquired in 2021, coinciding with an
influx of foreign residents into Springfield.
Just Blew the Lid Off Left-Wing Media's Cover-Up of Springfield, Ohio. Former
Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy hosted a town hall on Thursday in Springfield,
Ohio, where over 15,000 Haitian immigrants have invaded the small town with a population of just
56,000. [Advertisement] During the town hall, hundreds of people gathered to express
concerns for their safety despite left-leaning networks dismissing claims that Haitian immigrants
are overrunning the Ohio town. Reports also say the immigrants are reportedly also eating and
sacrificing animals. One woman told Ramaswamy that an illegal immigrant chased her and her
daughter down the street with a machete, adding that police failed to respond to her calls or check
in on the crime. "So, that's how you know there's no crime in Springfield because no one is
reporting it," the woman said.
to the Max. Some election crime is just in your face. The open border policy
may have many nefarious angles, but an obvious one is stuffing the voter rolls with live bodies
that have names attached, which can be bundled and harvested in ballot form like so many sheaves of
oats. No one is fooled by this. Yet the Democratic Party has its heavy hand on the
lever of power that controls entry to the country. [...] The remedies for this dastardly mess
are pretty simple and straightforward: return to paper ballots cast on one election day, requiring
voter ID that amounts to proof of citizenship. Everything else — computerized
(hackable) ballot-counting machines, mail-in ballots, early voting, automatic voter registration by
means of other government transactions that have nothing to do with elections (motor-voter
acts) — only insures election fraud. Sane people do not seek to defraud themselves.
eat cats and mud — the only question is where. Two countries share the
Caribbean island that is called Hispaniola. The west side is Haiti. The east side is
Dominican Republic (which shares practically nothing with Haiti except that island, but it's racist
to point that out). "Failed state" is an understatement to describe Haiti. It's one of
the poorest, most dangerous places on earth. You can scarcely call it a nation. Gangs
run the government. It's been eight years since the last election in Haiti. But no
matter; the elections are all rigged anyway. The State Department has honored Haiti with a
"Level 4 Do Not Travel" advisory. That's the worst advisory they give. It puts Haiti in
the company of Iran and North Korea.
Ex-Border Patrol Chief Says He Was Instructed By Biden-Harris Admin To Hide Terrorist Encounters.
In a scathing revelation before Congress, former San Diego Sector Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke
accused the Biden-Harris administration of covering up a sharp rise in encounters with suspected
terrorists at the U.S.-Mexico border. During a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing
titled "A Country Without Borders: How Biden-Harris' Open-Borders Policies Have Undermined
Our Safety and Security," Heitke said he was muzzled from releasing critical information on the
number of Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) — individuals with known or suspected ties to
terrorism — apprehended in California. "I was told I could not release any
information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests," Heitke testified. "The
administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border."
border official claims cover-up as he was allegedly ordered to hide release of migrants.
The former Border Patrol official responsible for securing nearly 1,000 miles of America's
frontier has charged that the Biden-Harris administration intentionally covered up the ongoing
migrant crisis. Ex-San Diego Sector Chief Agent Aaron Heitke told members of the House
Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday that the White House repeatedly tried to "quiet the
border-wide crisis" by shielding information from the press and concealing crossings by dangerous
migrants with terror ties. "I had to release illegal aliens by the hundreds each day into
communities who could not support them," testified Heitke, who retired in summer 2023 and appeared
voluntarily before the panel.
chair Powell says illegals are why unemployment is rising. If you import
20 million people into an economy that doesn't have room for them, don't be surprised if
unemployment goes up. That's not Donald Trump speaking, it's what Federal Reserve Chairman
Jerome Powell, a guy who tends to side with Joe Biden, found when he cut interest rates 50 basis
points yesterday. It's also basic economics.
Not Just Haitians In Springfield. Mass Immigration Is Destroying The American Nation.
[Scroll down] So the question is, what happens to a community like Springfield,
population 60,000, when some 20,000 Haitians suddenly show up? What happens is that it
destroys the community and transforms it into something else, decidedly less American. I
don't mean merely that an influx of unassimilated immigrants from a place like Haiti brings a host
of serious social problems and steep costs. Those problems have now been widely reported,
from the public schools crowded with non-English-speaking students, to the housing shortage, to the
strain on the healthcare system. All these social costs aren't canceled out by the fact that
some of them have gotten jobs at local businesses. This of course is one of the major leftist
and libertarian talking points in the immigration debate, that immigrants grow our economy by doing
jobs Americans won't do or can't do, and that more immigration just means more prosperity for
everyone, regardless of who is coming here or why.
are drastically altering the landscape of public schools. Data doesn't lie, and
illegal alien minors are drastically altering the landscape of the public schools in Chicago.
According to an in-depth analysis published at Chalkbeat, a nonprofit news organization with a
stated mission to report on America's school system, particularly the way it impacts those who have
"historically lacked access to a quality education," the demographics of the Chicago public schools
is rapidly changing, and I'd argue, not for the better. While the number of (alien) Hispanic
students skyrockets, blacks rapidly diminish. Where once there were experienced educators,
now there are progressive activists, translators, and social workers who delegate dollars to
students based on other needs in extracurricular areas of their lives like housing and food.
And, around a quarter of the pupils don't even speak English.
530,000 migrants came to US 'legally,' paroled into US under controversial Biden program:
CBP. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released its latest statistics Monday,
showing nearly 530,000 migrants flew into the U.S. and were paroled into the country as part of the
Biden administration's controversial mass parole program for those migrating from Cuba, Haiti,
Nicaragua and Venezuela (CHNV). The August report includes data after the Department of
Homeland Security resumed processing new Advance Travel Authorizations (ATAs) in the parole process
for the CHNV program. After an internal review, DHS implemented additional safeguards to the
CHNV processes, including the rigorous enhanced vetting of U.S.-based supporters and the inclusion
of biographic and biometric screening.
Ohio Haitians are not legal. Interesting how hard Kamala and Joe supported vicious
race hoaxes, like the Jussie Smollet fiasco, yet they paid no political price for it.
Certainly, the media was happy to cover for them. Yet, Trump and Vance have rightfully
highlighted the genuine mess Biden and Harris have made in the small town of Springfield, Ohio, but
are treated as if it was all made up. Citizens there have been overrun by 20,000 or more
recent Haitian arrivals. Almost none of them can safely drive an automobile, so we get events
like the recent school bus manslaughter. The place does not have the jobs or resources to
support such people, few of whom speak English or have any kind of education. Townsfolk are
reporting Haitians taking waterfowl from the local parks, missing pets, and now there is a viral
video of some kind of animals (chickens? cats?) being grilled in the Dayton backyard of some
African migrants. The Ohio governor, a smarmy Kasich-type, Mike DeWine, has been at pains to
say there is nothing to see here. Apparently, police in Springfield and Dayton just dismissed
all reports, did nothing and are now content to say "case closed."
As An Immigrant Plucks The Feathers From A Pigeon He Caught In The Streets Of Boston.
I wonder what he's going to do to that pigeon next? [Video clip]
Venezuelan Who Made Viral Videos Teaching Others How To Come To America Illegally Is Ordered To Be
Deported. 27-year-old Venezuelan illegal Leonel Moreno was ordered to be deported by
an Ohio immigration judge, according to Homeland Security sources. Moreno also waved around
stacks of cash on social media, claiming they were US government handouts. He crossed the
southern border illegally into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 23, 2022. Moreno was released
but missed his required ICE check-ins, leading to his arrest in Columbus, Ohio, in March. [Video clip]
pretty clear where the government stands on the situation in Springfield OH.
Throughout the US, there are reports of pets and other animals being killed and everything points
towards illegals being brought in by our government. In Springfield, OH, we've got people
being killed by Haitians driving cars (apparently they are being given licenses with no tests) in
addition to property damage. We've got a video of a Haitian doing a 'Biden' on an
11 year old in a convenience store via Moonbattery). Renters are being displaced by
Haitians because landlords are raising rents to the point where regular people can't afford
them — but the federal government can. It's pretty clear that US citizens are
being sidelined and terrorized and they are understandably upset. But they are still trying
to be 1st world citizens and work with the system (which won't come down in their favor). [...]
It's the same post-9/11 playbook, writ large. Any protest against the actions, yes, the
ACTIONS, of these invaders is seen by the government as a hate crime.
20,000 Haitians moving into Mayberry. If these two quaint fictional towns were
suddenly overrun by 20,000 uninvited Haitians it might provide some humorous television, but
imagine if it really happened to an American town. But it has. The name of the town is
Springfield, Ohio, and the story is not very funny. It is happening in Springfield and it
could happen, if we are not careful, anywhere in America. Can you imagine thousands of poor
immigrants from a third world country, who speak only a foreign language and have a different
culture, simply moving in en masse? You see, this is not about cats and dogs and it is not my
intention to disparage the Haitian people who come from one of the poorest nations on our
planet. This is about the Democrat party. If I didn't know any better, I would say they
are trying to flood our country with foreigners in an attempt to completely change the demographics
of the U.S. citizenry and win this and all future elections.
The Editor says...
The Haitians are mostly being dumped into states that voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
It's an act of political retribution. The Haitians are pawns. The cost (and the "carbon
footprint") of transporting thousands of people for no good reason is of no concern to the lying,
baby-killing, socialist Democrats.
The Issue That Could Decide the Election. There are several great issues on which the
presidential election (and Congressional elections, too) should turn. [...] Finally we come to
immigration. This, at least, is a topic of debate in the election campaign, even if it
centers on dogs, cats, geese and ducks. As in so many other instances, Donald Trump says
something that isn't quite right — Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, are eating dogs and
cats — and the Left goes bonkers attacking him. In fact, Haitians in Springfield
are eating geese, but not, as far as we know, dogs and cats. But cats are being barbecued in
a nearby town. And, anyway, what the Hell are 20,000 Haitian immigrants doing in an Ohio town
of 40,000? Conservatives have generally distinguished between legal immigration (we like it)
and illegal immigration (we don't like it, and anyway, it is illegal). But that basic distinction
has largely become moot. The Biden/Harris administration has pretty much legalized illegal
immigration. Those 20,000 Haitians are here legally under the Temporary Protected Status
program, although we all know that "temporary" means "forever."
500 Elected Officials Call for MORE Migrants to Be Admitted. The Great Springfield
Cat Controversy is a gift that keeps on giving to the Trump campaign. Pundits and journalists
don't see it, of course, because what counts as important is very different from what Trump and
Trump-curious voters care about. The intellectual class ridicules not just Trump but also
people who are worried about the immigrant invasion of the US, but ordinary Americans feel for the
people of Springfield and Aurora, CO. [Tweet]
and dogs aside, Biden-Harris unleashed disaster on Springfield. There is an old
saying in the journalism business that goes, "if it bleeds, it leads," which means that once
violence occurs a story gets much hotter. We can now add "if it mews, it is news," to the
list of Fourth Estate expressions. I should tell you right at the top here that I am not
going to solve the Mystery Of The Missing Pets. Frankly, at this point Sherlock Holmes and
Hercule Poirot could team up and the details would still be dicey. And anyway, it is not
really the point. Whatever the scale of the threat to our furry friends is, this salacious
story has rightfully focused the nation's eyes on Springfield's otherwise ignored migrant and
economic woes wrought by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. "When I was young, there was a bar on every
corner, we'd hear music at one place, another would be a disco," Teri, a lifetime resident in her 60s who
works at the only hotel in downtown Springfield told me. "Today, it's completely different."
May Offer Discounted Cellphone Service to Illegal Aliens. The sanctuary state of
California may soon offer discounted cellphone service to low-income foreign nationals who do not
have Social Security Numbers (SSNs), including illegal aliens. A proposal before the
California Public Utilities Commission would open up the state's "LifeLine" program, which
subsidizes phone bills for low-income Californians, to residents who do not have SSNs, including
illegal aliens. "... the California Universal LifeLine Telephone Service Program (California
LifeLine) should extend eligibility to Californians without a Social Security Number (SSN). This
decision establishes a process for Californians without an SSN to enroll in California LifeLine,"
the proposal reads.
The Editor says...
I would be in favor of this idea only under certain circumstances: [#1] The illegal
aliens' cell phones must have their own area code, to make it easier to see who they're calling.
[#2] The phones can be used to locate each illegal alien, to make it easier to deport them.
[#3] Anyone who uses such a phone to facilitate the commission of a crime will be subject to
immediate ejection from the U.S. — preferably to the most distant point in South America.
Announces Plans to Keep Illegal Aliens From Receiving Federal Housing Subsidies.
Former President Donald Trump announced plans to keep illegal immigrants from receiving or renting
government-funded housing. On Thursday, Trump said that if elected, he would ban illegal
immigrants from receiving home mortgages and renting apartments in federally subsidized apartment
buildings. He would also include conditions in their rental agreements, such as requiring
people to show proof of citizenship or legal residency. "When I return to the White House, we
will require all companies receiving federal housing subsidies to verify citizenship," Trump said.
"We're going to make sure that it's a legal residency as a condition of their rental agreements."
Trump promised not to let illegal immigrants drive up the cost of buying and renting homes for
Americans. The former president's proposal also includes banning banks from handing out home
loans to illegal aliens.
Just Ohio: [A] Small Pennsylvania Town [is] Also Mired in [a] Tidal Wave of Haitian Migrants.
Charleroi, Pennsylvania, like Springfield, Ohio, is also experiencing a growing number of problems
from a tidal wave of Haitian migrants flooding into their small town. While the media focuses
on the woes of Springfield, Ohio, and its recent flood of Haitian migrants putting pressure on the
small town, other small towns are experiencing similar problems. One of them is Charleroi,
Pennsylvania, nestled on the banks of the Monongahela River south of Pittsburgh in the western part
of the state. [Advertisement] According to the activist group America-2100, the rural town has
suffered a 2,000-percent increase in its population of Haitian migrants — and crime and
traffic altercations have soared as a result. [Advertisement] Residents have been flooding
social media with reports that migrants are attacking people on the street and mugging them,
stealing cars, and ending up in traffic accidents throughout the area. [Tweet]
In England:
migrants cost taxpayers £150,000 each. Low-paid migrant workers are an
immediate drain on the public purse, costing taxpayers more than £150,000 each by the time
they hit state pension age, according to the Government's tax and spending watchdog. The
Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) said the average low-earner who came to Britain aged 25 cost
the Government more overall than they paid in from the moment they arrived. The cumulative
bill rose to an estimated £151,000 by the time they could claim the state pension at 66, the
watchdog said. This is because low-paid migrants — who the OBR assumes earn half
the average wage — put more demand on public services such as the NHS compared to their
relatively low-tax payments. The OBR estimated the cost to the public purse rose to almost
£500,000 if they lived to 80, and more than £1 [million] if they lived to 100.
The Editor says...
All that is true in the United States, too, as well as any country with unfiltered welfare
payments and unvetted immigrants. The people flooding into England from Africa are not rocket
scientists and brain surgeons. They are attracted by the smell of free stuff, and are most
likely unemployable. The people flooding into the U.S. are apparently violent criminals from
Venezuela, military-age men from China, and freeloaders from Mexico and Central America.
Practically 100 percent of them are sure to be a "public charge" and are therefore
inadmissible. When I run for president, I will reveal my solutions to this problem, but you
won't like them.
And now, to reiterate the obvious...
Left can no longer hide from the terrible costs of mass migration. In a recent
interview to promote his latest book, Sir Tony Blair was good enough to admit that the influx of
migrants under his premiership placed "strain" on communities. Net immigration increased
fivefold under the last Labour government and his decade in power is widely regarded as having
fired the starting gun on modern mass migration as we now know it. Defending his record in
Downing Street, he accepted that opening up Britain's borders did not come without cost,
acknowledging: "This is true in certain communities, there was a big influx of people, it was
causing real strains in some of those communities." But in the way only a prime minister who
oversaw an unprecedented increase in migrant numbers (unprecedented, that is, until the last Tory
government), he trotted out the tried and tested immigration "helped our economy" line, adding:
"The truth is, we did need a lot of people for the British economy coming in from Europe." We
may have needed some people, but five times as many?
Cat Eaters of Ohio. [Video clip] We spoke with the author of the video, who
asked to remain anonymous but confirmed its time, location, and authenticity. He told us that
he was picking up his son last summer, when he noticed the unusual situation. "It was some
Africans that stay right next door to my kid's mother," he said. "This African dude next door
had the d··· cat on the grill." We then identified the home by matching
it to the visuals in the video and cross-referencing them with the eyewitness. When we
knocked on the door of the first unit, a family answered, telling us they were from the Democratic
Republic of the Congo and that all of the surrounding units were occupied by other African
migrants. [...] According to the original witness, whose son was friendly with the neighbors, there
was no doubt about what happened last summer. "They was barbecuing the d···
cat!" he said. His son's mother had previously witnessed the family butchering a mammal on the
street, but the cats on the barbeque put him in such a state of shock, he felt the need to film it.
Immigration Crisis Pushes Ohioans To The Breaking Point: 'Who's Protecting Us?'
Springfield, Ohio is a blue-collar town of roughly 60,000 residents with a story that's familiar to
dozens of Rust Belt communities across the Midwest that have been transformed by job loss, opioids,
and now, open migration. Schuler's Bakery greets visitors on the south side of town, not far
from the interstate, as a relic of resilience having withstood the challenges faced by a declining
economy for decades. [...] The horizon from the bakery's front door introduces visitors to a
dilapidated community now presented with traffic hazards as Haitians crowd the streets and parking
lots of a Rust Belt community turned into Little Haiti. "They don't know how to drive," a
local tow truck driver on the southwest side told The Federalist. "They don't know how to go
by our rules." The tow truck operator named David declined to offer a last name out of fear of
reprisal to his business, but he made clear that the influx of newcomers has brought more havoc
than money to the depressed blue-collar community that was already struggling.
Sorry About Registering All Those Illegals to Vote. One of the surest ways to be
attacked by the progressive left is to raise the issue of illegal migrants voting in American
elections. [...] It turns out that in just the past few years, Oregon has registered literally
hundreds of Joe Biden's illegal migrants to vote and at least some of them cast ballots
illegally. So how did that happen and what can be done about it? It turns out that the
state opened the door to making it quite easy for illegals to register to vote thanks to the DMV
and the rules put in place by the state's Democratic majority. [...] It may seem easy enough to
shrug off a few hundred people registering illegally and a few of them voting in a state with a
population of more than four million people. But this red flag, along with so many others
just like it around the country comes with a very large caveat that frequently goes unmentioned.
Those are just the people they caught. How many others simply "fell through the
cracks" or were even directed to register by progressive social activists?
Pennsylvania town up in arms over plan to house hundreds of migrants in abandoned school.
A small Pennsylvania town is up in arms over a proposal to turn an abandoned Civil War-era school into
a shelter for hundreds of migrant families — with residents and lawmakers vowing to put a
stop to the "foreign invasion." News of the plan to turn the former Scotland School for Veterans
Children building in Franklin County into a migrant shelter surfaced publicly this week after the owners
of the sprawling property recently started making inquiries about its potential usage, local officials
said. The Greene Township Board of Supervisors said a representative from USA Up Star, an
Indiana-based disaster response company that currently owns the 185-acre property, had reached out to
them last month to ask if local zoning laws allowed for the campus to be converted into a shelter.
Should Go to Springfield. Everybody is talking about Springfield, OH. While the
mainstream media is focused on the controversy over cats and dogs being eaten (unproven, but not
impossible), there is no question that residents of the city are suffering under the weight of too
many Haitian migrants being crammed into a city too small and underfunded to absorb them. To
put the problem of the residents into perspective, Mayor Adams has said that New York City is being
destroyed by the influx of about 100,000 migrants, which amounts to one for every 830 New
Yorkers. Springfield is dealing with an influx of one Haitian for every three
residents. Think of that. One out of every four residents of the city is a Haitian
migrant imported over the past four years. These people don't speak the language, get
government subsidies, are taking housing from local residents, and have been driving down
wages. There are also undisputed reports of Haitians decapitating geese in the park and
disputed reports of pets disappearing and perhaps being eaten. [Tweet]
Ohio Had 60,000 Residents Until 15,000 Migrant Haitians Showed Up — Now the Governor
Sends State Police to Help with Crime Wave. The population of Springfield, Ohio was
59,000 just before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sent 15,000 Haitian migrants there. Now, with
25% of the community throwing juju bones, eating cats, dogs, swans, geese and pond ducks' things
have become sketchy. Corporate media have been saying there is no truth to the issues raised
by Springfield residents. However, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has now announced he is sending
state troopers to assist in the new crime wave plaguing the community.
Gov Takes Action After Springfield Residents Speak Out About 20,000 Haitian Migrant
Influx. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) is sending law enforcement and millions of
dollars to Springfield, Ohio, after residents' public grievances about the influx of 20,000 Haitian
migrants to their community garnered national attention. DeWine said Tuesday that state
troopers will be sent to help address the growing reckless driving issue, largely sparked by the
migrant influx. He'll also be dedicating $2.5 million toward health care. Wait
times for health care have significantly increased for residents due to the migrants. "I want
the people of Springfield and Clark County to know that as we move forward, we will continue to do
everything we can to help the community deal with this surge of migrants," DeWine said. "The
federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the
issue. We will not walk away."
The Haitian Invaders Are Eating Geese in Ohio. Springfield, Ohio, is now on the
frontlines of the immigration wars. The city, awash with tens of thousands of Haitian
migrants, has become the center of national attention after stories of pets, geese, and
ducks. It's triggered liberals to no end, with CNN hosts and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
blowing gaskets over the story. The media has outright said the claim is
debunked — not so much. The report about pets being consumed needs to be
verified. Thus far, local law enforcement says there's no evidence. Still, regarding
geese and ducks, there are 911 recordings and reports from August confirming the Haitians are
eating the birds.
says illegal immigration is destroying US economy, references Springfield and Aurora.
Former President Donald Trump said that illegal immigration is part of the reason why the economy
and cost of living is bad for all Americans during the second presidential debate. "We have
millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and
insane asylums," Trump said. "And they're coming in and they're taking jobs that are occupied right
now by African Americans and Hispanics and also unions. Unions are going to be affected very
soon." He then went on to reference the towns of Springfield, Ohio, and Aurora,
Colorado. Aurora made headlines when videos circulated online of Venezuelan gangs occupying
apartment buildings in Colorado. Springfield in Ohio has similarly made news amid reports of
Haitian migrants wreaking havoc on the small town. "You see what's happening with towns
throughout the United States," Trump said. "You look at Springfield, Ohio. You look at Aurora
in Colorado. They are taking over the towns. They're taking over buildings.
They're going in violently. These are the people that she and Biden led into our country, and
they're destroying our country. They're dangerous."
Biden Admin Paying
Ft. Worth Catholic Charity $1 Billion For Illegal Aliens? Back in the dim
mists of time (the 1980s or 90s), every time a Republican would try to earmark money for a
religious charity for non-religious services (say, rehabilitating felons or running an adoption
agency), Democrats would throw a fit and scream "Church and state! First amendment!" As
always, those same rules never apply when they're the ones doing it, as the Biden Administration
has been funneling money into a Fort Worth Catholic Charity help import their precious illegal aliens.
[...] None of the Democratic Party's "let's cram as many illegal aliens into the country as possible
so we can amnesty them to vote for Democrats" is beneficial for the American taxpayer. Republican
in congress should start an immediate investigation into the organizations receiving these funds, and
a second Trump Administration should eliminate all line item spending for national or international
NGOs until those designed to violate American sovereignty are weeded out.
Harris Is The Real Threat To Our Constitutional Republic. Our constitutional order
also depends on a secure border, for no country can survive if it cannot — or will
not — repeal an invasion. Yet, the Biden-Harris Administration has shown it has no
regard for the citizens of this country, putting the interests of foreign aliens illegally entering
the United States above those of Americans. The massive influx of illegal aliens threatens
our country in multiple ways, from the physical violence inflicted by criminals to potential threats
from terrorists who enter through our porous border, to disease and overrun health care systems, to the
financial devastation caused by the flood of migrants. And Harris promises more of the same,
while Trump instead has committed to securing the border and deporting those here illegally.
Grandfather Says His Grandson Is The Only Child Who Speaks English In His Class. Ohio
grandfather says his grandson needs an interpreter for preschool because he is the only child who
speaks English. It's crazy how much a country can change in 4 years. "My daughter
enrolls my 4-year-old grandson into preschool last week. And they have a little meet and
greet." "I live in a small town in Ohio. So she goes, takes him down to the meet and
greet. They tell her that she has to hire a translator with her own money in order to send
him to preschool because he's the only student who doesn't speak Spanish." "Can you believe
that? Can't go to preschool because he doesn't speak Spanish." [Video clip]
Double-Edged Sword. Border security isn't merely about stopping illegal immigration;
it's about sovereignty, rule of law, and national security. Conservatives advocate for a
strong border not out of hostility but from a belief in orderly, legal immigration. The
current situation, where thousands cross illegally, undermines the legal process, rewards
lawlessness, and strains our resources. A secure border is not just a physical barrier but a
statement of control over who enters our country, ensuring that those who come do so through a
process that respects our laws and national interests.
Fat Checks for NYC Illegal Migrants. You won't need to roam very far on the streets
of any of New York City's five boroughs to get an earful from legal residents about the situation
in the city's shelters for illegal migrants. Even among traditionally liberal Democrats,
people want the shelters to be cleared out and returned to their normal functions as hotels, public
housing units, or public municipal facilities. The overflowing migrant shelters have caused
nothing but problems, running down property values, promoting higher crime rates, and eliminating
homeless housing for legitimate homeless citizens, including American veterans. Perhaps now,
however, the municipal government has heard their cries from the wilderness and will move to begin
emptying out those shelters. How will they do that, you might ask? If you guessed that
they would hand out even more massive checks to the migrants to help them move into "permanent
housing," give yourself a cookie.
Cities On Hills Take Centuries to Build but Can be Destroyed Quickly. The basic
elements of Western culture — of American culture — are not found in DNA;
they are found in communities, in the shared history of the citizens, and in the nation's
laws. Large numbers of immigrants from nations with different mores can be
destabilizing. From crime to the hundreds of billions of dollars necessary to support
illegals to the strains on services such as education and healthcare to the dollars sent back home,
illegals harm America. Just this past week, we've seen reports of Venezuelan gangs taking
over neighborhoods in Colorado and unleashing chaos in Dallas, while 75% of arrests in midtown
Manhattan are illegals. The only solution is deportation. By the millions. It
will be ugly, it will be difficult, it will take courage in the face of withering media assaults
and Democrat lamentations, but it is necessary. If we do not build a wall and send the
illegals home, it will be seen as an open invitation to the entire world to cross our border.
Childless Cat Ladies: Illegals are coming for your pets. In Springfield, Ohio,
there are reports that Haitian migrants, including illegals, are out eating people's pet
cats. And dogs. And seagulls. And ducks in ponds. And geese in public
parks. And horses. And that's starting to bother the locals: [Ten Tweets.]
We all know what dog abuse allegations did to Mitt Romney's and Kristi Noem's political prospects.
People like their pets and work hard to protect them. They are distressed when they lose them.
And most important, they have a right to them, it's called "the pursuit of happiness." The pets have
certain rights, too. If their owners were to kill them, they'd be in jail for animal cruelty, as well
as pariahs in the larger society, too, which migrants seem to be escaping from. The old one set of
rules for us, one set of rules for them seems operative. As for ducks and geese, these creatures aren't
pets, but they are in the parks for all to enjoy, not just those who want to roast them for their personal
dinners. Nor are they expected to serve as meat for migrants. When migrants come down with
parasites from eating that uninspected "meat," someone will need to pay their medical bills.
You can just guess who.
Of Springfield Ohio Beg For Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife.
The city of Springfield, Ohio — population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal
migrants, who flocked to the city — exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials,
and eating pets and wildlife according to locals. During an Aug. 27 City Commission meeting, one
local resident said that Haitians were "in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off, and eating
them." [Tweet with video clip]
The Editor says...
How did the Haitians migrate en masse to Springfield, Ohio, without anyone seeing them headed that way?
How did 20,000 Haitians, who are so destitute that they eat wild geese from the city park, afford air travel from Haiti?
Isn't it true that someone with no money, no skills, and no income is a "public charge" who is inadmissible to the U.S.?
Why aren't all 20,000 of them being rounded up for deportation right now?
Is there a law that says they must be returned to Haiti, or could they be sent to Liberia or Sudan?
Migrants In Springfield Ohio Are Killing Pets And Ducks From Parks For Food. [A] Springfield,
Ohio man says Haitian illegals are decapatating ducks from parks & eating them, accuses commission members
of getting paid off for allowing it. "They're in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting
their head off and walking off with 'em and eating them." [Video clip]
Small Ohio Town Is Being Overrun By illegal Haitian Immigrants. Every state is a
border state under the Biden-Harris Administration — even a small town in Ohio with a
population of just 56,000. Springfield, Ohio, is making headlines after it was reported that
illegal immigrants — specifically Haitian immigrants, are overrunning the small
town. Springfield City Commission officials say an estimated 4,000 to 7,000 Haitians have
arrived in recent years. During a City Commission meeting last year, community members warned
of an invasion of Haitians and the crime they would bring — and they weren't
wrong. This week, a Springfield resident told the mayor that she "can't take it anymore,"
explaining that Haitian immigrants are squatting on her front lawn and harassing her and her
husband daily. [Tweet]
Replacement Job Shock: 1.3 Million Native-Born Americans Just Lost Their Jobs, Replaced By
635,000 Immigrants. At the start of the year, many months after we first pointed out
that the biggest untold story of the US labor market was the "great replacement" of native born
workers with foreign-born workers (most of whom we subsequently learned were illegal aliens), we
asked how is it, that the ongoing replacement (because that's what it is) of US workers is "not the
biggest political talking point right now" considering that "since October 2019, native-born
US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; over the same period foreign-born workers have gained
3 million jobs[.]" [...] Which brings us to today's jobs report... where the native vs
foreign-born debate just exploded!
Army Allegedly Caught Protecting 'Foreign Invaders' at NYC Hotel? Citizen Confronts Military
Presence and Demands Answers!. A heated confrontation erupted outside the Walcott
Hotel in New York City after a citizen journalist spotted U.S. Army personnel on-site again.
Last week, citizen journalist Jason Goodman, founder of Crowdsource the Truth, captured footage
revealing a U.S. Army presence at The Wolcott Hotel in New York City, which has been
controversially converted into a mega-shelter for migrants. The Wolcott Hotel, a historic
establishment on West 31st Street, closed its doors to regular guests in 2023 due to the ongoing
migrant crisis and concerns related to the COVID-19 Delta variant, as reported by the New York
Post. In footage captured by Goodman, he can be heard confronting the soldiers, questioning,
"Is the army turning this thing into a migrant shelter? Why are you guys here? It's a
hotel. Why is the army at this hotel?" The tension escalated when one soldier bluntly
responded, "We're here at the request of the State of New York."
bank card. We have posted in the past about remittances going from the U.S. to
Mexico. Much of it is family oriented or someone sending his mom or often wife a weekly
transfer. I recall when it was delivered by hand by people who would literally carry the cash
down. They call these people "mulas" and they were like money agents. Now they usually
put the money in a bank card up here or wire the money. It's a big business and a huge part
of the Mexican welfare system. Let's check the latest numbers: ["]Despite July's
decline, the total value of remittance income in the first seven months of 2024 totaled
36.94 billion dollars, representing a 2.9 percent annual increase from the same period in
2023. Additionally, BBVA Mexico's economic studies department projected that remittances for
the year will reach 66.5 billion dollars, constituting 3.7 percent of the national GDP
and supporting more than 1.7 million households and 6.1 million people.["]
That's six million people, or larger than many U.S. states or several Central American countries.
The argument is that these people work here, make the money and decide to help their relatives.
And that's true. How is this helping Mexico?
Migrant Center to Open Up 'Just Feet Away' from School, Stunning Locals. The legacy
of President Joe Biden's administration will be rampant inflation, humiliation in the Middle East,
funding a war in Europe, and a catastrophic border crisis. On that last note, Fox News
reports that parents sending their kids back to school in New York City are finding an unpleasant
surprise as an all-male migrant center opened in April "just feet away" from City Life Academy, a
private Christian school for grades K-12. Irina Edelstein — a Brooklyn resident and
mother of 3 — told "Fox & Friends First" there wasn't any communication with city
officials or notice of the center.
Harris And Mexico's President In Cahoots To Flood U.S. With Millions Of Illegal Aliens.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said this week that the president of Mexico and Democrat presidential nominee
Kamala Harris are in cahoots to flood the U.S. with as many illegal aliens as possible to shift
America's politics dramatically to the Left. Cruz made the remarks during his "Verdict" podcast
with co-host Ben Ferguson while talking about the vice president's disastrous policies which have
wreaked havoc on the southern border — and on communities across the U.S. that have had
to deal with the explosion in crime and weight of having to provide for millions of illegal aliens.
"Kamala Harris wants more illegal immigrants in America," Cruz said. "Just about every single
congressional Democrat in the Senate and the House, they want more illegal immigrants in America.
They are actively encouraging, facilitating and accelerating the invasion at our southern border."
That California Is Giving Illegals Free Money For Houses, Blacks Want Reparations Now.
Sorry blacks. You have been officially replaced with millions of illegal aliens who will now be
getting $150k+ for house down payments. [Video clip]
Hmmm. They're using soldiers as police officers. That doesn't sound right.
Deployed to Guard a Migrant Hotel in New York at 'Request of the State Officials':
Report. Military personnel were reportedly deployed to guard the Wolcott Hotel in
Manhattan at the request of state officials. On Tuesday, citizen journalist Jason Goodman,
founder of Crowdsource the Truth, captured footage of military stationed outside The Wolcott
Hotel. The Wolcott Hotel, located on West 31st Street in New York City, has recently been
converted into a mega-shelter for migrants. This transformation was confirmed by a report
from the New York Post, which revealed that the hotel, once a bustling hub for tourists, has
indefinitely closed its doors to regular guests back in 2023 due to the ongoing migrant crisis and
concerns about the COVID-19 Delta variant.
Biden Skirted U.S. Law to Open Up the Border. [Scroll down] And,
considering this is "official" government policy, U.S. taxpayers will financially shoulder whatever
ongoing financial burdens the federal government has created with this policy initiative for years
to come. We must carry forward to their logical outcomes the civic and social changes this
horrific Biden Administration immigration policy will have: 1) upon future (and present) U.S.
elections; 2) upon changes to Congressional representation (House seats) district-by-district
once these tens of millions of "migrants" have been processed and effectively dispersed throughout
the country upon their legal status being formally secured; 3) upon the already strained Social
Security, Medicare, and broader healthcare marketplace; and 4) upon the public school
system. There are so many other potentially unbearable outcomes ahead that don't meet the
time constraints of this writing.
Illegals from Voting. A handful of House Republicans are hoping to attach the new
SAVE act to the upcoming continuing resolution to be passed September 30. The act would
mandate all states to ensure that only U.S. citizens vote in the November elections. There is
already such a law on the books, but because there is a lack of enforcement, there is little
confidence that it will be followed. So why would anyone follow the new SAVE act? Mitch
McConnell has already said he — and about 17 of his RINO cronies — are
opposed to the SAVE act. So where does that leave us?
the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year. The
migrant crisis is more costly than Americans realize. Last year, US taxpayers shelled out
some $150 billion in government services and support to help the 20 million illegal
migrants in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform
(FAIR). And most of the cost is being borne by state and local governments.
Admin Reportedly Preparing To Resume Migrant Flight Program Plagued With Fraud. The
Biden-Harris administration is reportedly preparing to resume a migrant flight program that was
recently paused due to the discovery of rampant fraud. The Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) could resume a mass-parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans, more
popularly known as CHNV, as soon as this week, NBC News reported. News of the program's
possible restart comes less than a month after an internal audit discovering massive potential
fraud prompted DHS officials to pause the program entirely.
Circuit Affirms Illegal Aliens Do Not Have Second Amendment Rights. A three-judge
panel for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed Tuesday illegal aliens
do not have Second Amendment rights. They did so by pointing to United States v.
Portillo-Munoz, "which prohibits an illegal alien from possessing a firearm or ammunition."
This prohibition was challenged by Defendant-Appellant Jose Paz Medina-Cantu, who was arrested
July 13, 2022, for "possession of a firearm and ammunition as an illegal alien... and illegal
reentry into the United States." Medina-Cantu argued that the firearm charges should be
dismissed in light of Bruen (2022), but the Fifth Circuit explained that Bruen did not alter
the prohibition contained in Portillo-Munoz.
Are Freaking Out Over Republicans' Efforts to Stop Illegal Aliens From Voting. While
the Trump campaign, Republican National Committee, Republican governors and Republican lawmakers on
Capitol Hill work to keep illegal immigrants and non-citizens from voting in U.S. elections,
Democrats are fighting against their efforts and threatening to shut down the government over voter
integrity legislation. [Tweet] "A conservative-backed push for stricter proof-of-citizenship
requirements for voting could complicate efforts to avert a government shutdown next month.
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have acknowledged a stopgap of some kind, also known as a
continuing resolution (CR), will be necessary to keep the government funded past Sept. 30,"
The Hill reports. "But calls are growing among House conservatives to use that must-pass
measure to force consideration of a partisan bill aimed at barring noncitizens from voting —
laying the groundwork for a clash with the Democratic-led Senate, which would likely reject such
a package." The question is, why? [Tweet]
GOP demands information on state's $1 billion in 'secret' migrant spending: 'Veil of
secrecy'. Massachusetts Republicans have submitted a formal request with the state's
government for information on the alleged "$1 billion in secret migrant crisis spending" as
the Bay State grapples with the migrant crisis. In a release from the state's Republican
Party, MassGOP, the group demanded that Gov. Maura Healey's administration provides a detailed
cost breakdown of the toll that the migrant crisis has caused for the state's residents. "The
Healey-Driscoll Administration has shrouded nearly $1 billion spent in secrecy, leaving
Massachusetts residents in the dark," MassGOP chair Amy Carnevale said in a statement. "They have
withheld critical information on 600 incidents involving police, fire and EMT. Blocking journalists
at every turn, the administration has obstructed the flow of information to the public."
blocks Biden program providing pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants married to U.S.
citizens. A federal judge in the Eastern District of Texas on Monday [8/26/2024]
temporarily blocked a Biden administration program that allowed undocumented immigrants married to
U.S. citizens to apply for green cards without leaving the U.S. The program, which the White
House named Keeping Families Together, would provide a form of legal relief known as "parole in
place" to undocumented spouses of American citizens who could prove they have lived in the U.S.
continuously for at least 10 years and met a host of other requirements. Typically,
undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens need to leave the country to apply for green cards
and eventually citizenship, risking yearslong or even permanent separation from their
families. Parole in place would have allowed them to apply without leaving the U.S.
free, no down payment home loans for illegals? California Democrat assemblymember
Joaquin Arambula recently introduced Assembly Bill 1840, a piece of legislation that would extend a
first-time homebuyer loan program to illegal aliens. Should the bill become law, illegal
aliens would be eligible for a new program that would offer them a loan worth 20% of the purchase
price of the property[,] with no monthly payments. And no interest would accrue on the
loan. Ever. Instead, the loan would be paid back when the borrower either refinances or
sells the property. Can't happen, you opine? Assembly Bill 1840 was approved by a key
senate committee just this week. Yes, California is now one step closer to giving illegal
aliens interest-free home loans with zero down payment. And preposterously generous
repayment terms.
Biden-Harris program brings less border security, more marriage fraud. The
Biden-Harris administration recently began taking applications for its Parole-in-Place program
(PIP). Under this new scheme an illegal alien who: has lived in the U.S. for 10 years or
more; married a U.S. citizen prior to June 17, 2024; and can show that his/her deportation
would cause extreme hardship to their citizen spouse can apply for PIP. If this whole setup
sounds fishy, that's because it is. To begin with, there is absolutely nothing in the
immigration laws of the United States that says illegal aliens can magically obtain lawful status
simply by marrying a U.S. citizen. In fact, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) —
the statute that establishes who may lawfully enter and remain in the U.S. — clearly states
that foreign nationals who wish to obtain a green card must: 1) enter the country lawfully;
and 2) maintain lawful status until they are approved as lawful permanent residents.
Accordingly, this is nothing short of a Biden administration plot to create an immigration
amnesty — something no president has been able to achieve properly, through legislation.
Harris Outlines Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens in DNC Speech. Vice President
Kamala Harris outlined her plans to pass amnesty for 11 to 22 million illegal aliens in the
United States during her speech on Thursday evening at the Democrat National Convention (DNC).
"I know we can live up to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken
immigration system," Harris said on the final night of the DNC. "We can create an earned pathway to
citizenship and secure our border." That "earned pathway to citizenship" is presumably
designed to allow the nation's 11 to 22 million illegal aliens to apply for green cards, and
eventually, secure naturalized American citizenship via legislation that remains opposed by the
majority of lawmakers in the House and Senate.
Kamala Harris Oversaw Ten Million Illegal Immigrant Crossings During Her Tenure. Vice
President Kamala Harris has overseen more than ten million known illegal border crossings while
serving in the Biden administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data show.
President Joe Biden gave Harris the authority to "lead our efforts" to curb mass illegal
immigration in 2021 "because she's the most qualified person to do it"[.] [Tweet with
video clip] When Harris was tasked with fixing the border crisis, monthly immigrant
encounters "surpassed even the highest month" recorded under the Trump administration, the
Republican National Committee's (RNC) research wing said Monday, citing CBP data.
Remarkable Transformation of Kamala Harris. During his first week in office,
President Joe Biden signed executive orders that reversed Trump's border policies, particularly the
Remain-in-Mexico measure. This opened the border to massive illegal immigration. Two
months later, he put V.P. Harris in charge of the border crisis he had created, saying, "...Vice
President [Harris] has agreed to lead our diplomatic efforts and our work ... to...enhance
migration enforcement." Since Harris was placed in charge, there have been more than nine million
illegal crossings, resulting in huge increases in human trafficking, drug deaths (especially
fentanyl), fatalities among those attempting illegal entrance, terrorists gaining admission, and
South American gang violence plaguing our cities, plus the massive expenses associated with
transport, housing, food, and social services for nine million-plus illegals who also need (and
receive) medical care. Americans in need are acutely aware that the billions spent on
illegals are monies that won't be spent on them.
Used Exact Same Answer on 10,000 Parole Applications, Rubber-Stamped Anyway. Fears of
fraud have put the brakes on a Biden-Harris administration program that functions as a superhighway
bringing immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela into America. A report from
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services "to identify patterns, trends, and potential fraud
indicators," led to the program, known as CHNV for the first initials of the nations covered, being
put on pause, according to a report on the website of the Federation for American Immigration
Reform. FAIR said that the report showed "the use of fake Social Security Numbers (SSNs),
including SSNs of deceased individuals, and the use of false phone numbers." In fact, it
said, "24 of the 1,000 most used sponsor SSNs belong to a deceased individual."
calls for 'pathway to citizenship' for every illegal border crosser. How is it a
pathway to citizenship for people who crossed into the U.S. illegally going to disincentize the
desire of millions to come over without papers? Holding out citizenship to these lawbreakers
is to reward the lawbreaking. After all, if you can come illegally and get a plethora of
benefits even legal immigrants don't get, with a U.S. passport at the end of the rainbow, why would
you do it any different? It's astonishing how little she [Kamala Harris] understands of human
incentive, creating huge incentives to come to the states illegally and keep the surge going.
Massive Migrant Fraud Problem. For the past couple of years, the Biden/Harris
administration has been flying literally hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants into the country
after they used an online application program. The program applied to migrants from Cuba,
Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. This is the "humanitarian parole" system that we've heard so
much about. Then, last month, Biden quietly suspended the program after an investigation
revealed massive fraud having been committed during the application process. And "massive" is
a bit of an understatement. A mountain of fraudulent applications was revealed, with the
methods being used so obvious that they should have been immediately recognizable if anyone had
bothered to look. As an editorial in the New York Post points out today, how did the White
House not see this coming and why are they pushing to restart the program as soon as possible?
be surprised if Kamala shoots ahead in the polls. Another advantage Harris has is
that her position as vice president might allow her to mitigate any responsibility for what
happened during the Biden/Harris administration. Trump will not let her get away with this,
but the elites and the media will. They will claim she has a completely spotless record since
she didn't do it. Biden did. The eight million illegal aliens who came into this
country by land, air, and sea are not because of anything Vice President Harris did, the press will
claim. Moreover, some of those eight million will vote in the next presidential election
because many of the swing states do not require proof of citizenship. In a tight election, which
the next presidential election promises to be, you can be certain none of those illegals will vote for
Trump, and they might be just enough to swing the election. This was the plan all along.
Border Invasion Validation.
Texas' theory that the state is undergoing an illegal alien invasion, as per Article I, Section 10,
Clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America, due to the Biden Administrations willfully
ignoring border control laws, just got some validation from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. [...] Few in
2020 would have thought that Democrats were so determined to open the border to an invasion of illegal aliens
that federal courts would be referencing Pancho Villa's raids in comparison, yet here we are.
Abbott's Invasion Clause Declaration Backed by Fifth Circuit Judge in Preliminary Border Win.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit permitted the State of Texas' buoy barrier in the Rio
Grande to remain in an en banc ruling Tuesday night, but an ancillary opinion from Judge James Ho
endorses one of Gov. Greg Abbott's main border contentions: that the state is being "invaded"
by illegal immigrants. Overall, the court's ruling was more procedural than substantive on
the case's full scope — that the U.S. government's argument that the 1,000-foot stretch
of water constitutes a "navigable water" under federal law is "unlikely to succeed" on its
merits. But Ho's part-concurrence, part-dissent opinion takes a different route, fully
endorsing the State of Texas' invocation of the much-debated "invasion clause." Article I,
Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution reads: "No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay
any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or
Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or
in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."
Aliens Living in Georgia Apartment Complex Say They Are Registered to Vote. This is
why the Biden-Harris Regime ferried in more than 15 million illegal aliens over the last
3 years. Illegal aliens living in a Georgia apartment complex told an undercover
journalist that they are registered voters. The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project
posted video from of numerous illegal aliens admitting to being registered to vote
and actually voting in elections. The undercover journalists visited the apartment complex
Elliot Norcross in Norcross, Georgia and asked the occupants two questions: Are you a
citizen? And are you registered to vote. Approximately 14% of the illegals said they
are registered to vote.
Warren wants to give citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants and she says Kamala "will get
that done". Man, if you thought the Biden border was a disaster, wait until you get a
load of the plans from Kamala and the radical left. Here's our old fiend Pocahon —
I mean, uhh, Elizabeth Warren — telling Jake Tapper that she and Kamala will provide a
pathway to citizenship for millions of illegals. [Tweet with video clip] Hey, it's
not "rigging" an election if millions of new Democrats are suddenly granted citizenship,
right? I mean, yes, it's fundamentally altering the demographics of the country in a cynical
plot to assure Democrat electoral dominance for the foreseeable future.
Abbott: 'Kamala Harris Has Talked to Me Exactly Zero Times' About Border Crisis.
Governor Greg Abbott criticizes Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden for their
handling of the border crisis, citing a lack of communication and ineffective policies. He
mentions that despite Biden assigning Harris to manage the border, she has neither engaged with him
nor visited the most affected areas in Texas. [...] Abbott accuses the administration of causing
national security risks by allowing terrorists to enter the country and failing to address the
border's chaos. He highlights Texas's successful measures in reducing illegal immigration but
warns of ongoing dangers due to federal policies.
Border Patrol Leader Blames Harris for Border Crisis. Former Border Patrol leader
Chris Clem has sharply criticized Vice President Kamala Harris over her handling of illegal
immigration. Clem, who served for over 27 years with Border Patrol, said this week that
Harris must take ownership of the crisis, stating, "You own this. You can't say, 'It's not my
responsibility.'" "The numbers don't lie," Clem said, describing the current situation as
"disastrous." Harris, appointed by Joe Biden to address the "root causes" of illegal
immigration, is trying to disown the "border czar" title attributed to her by politicians and media
alike. She hardly visited the U.S. southern frontier and refused invitations to visit from
border states such as Arizona in 2021. Chris Clem is not the only border official to
criticize Harris since she became the presumptive Democratic Party nominee. Brandon Judd,
President of the National Border Patrol Council, stated this week that Harris was made aware of the
policies needed to end the border crisis but refused to implement any of them.
Raza Org Made Millions From Invasion While Sexually Abusing Kids. In 2013, 'El
Presidente' arrived in New Orleans to speak at the National Council of La Raza. El Presidente
Juan Sanchez was not the dictator of some Latin American banana republic, but a board member of La Raza
and the founder and president of Southwest Key which housed illegal alien minors who had crossed the
border. The number of so-called 'unaccompanied minors' invading the country was beginning to
shoot up under Obama and the administration was taking the opportunity to direct housing contracts
to political allies that would help it transform America. La Raza honored Southwest Key
as its "affiliate of the year" and the group got a big check.
the U.S. Must Heavily Tax Remittances. One of the most under-discussed drivers of
illegal immigration is the explosion of remittances, which has created a major economic incentive
for foreign nationals to pour into the U.S. Immigrants of both the legal and illegal variety
are coming to the U.S., earning money, and sending it back home instead of putting it into the U.S.
economy. Take for example, Nicaragua, which received a record $462.4 million in
remittances during the month of May, with $385.9 million coming from the U.S., according to a
report cited by Breitbart News. As Breitbart points out, not only is this money not going
into the U.S. economy, but it is going to a repressive, communist regime in Nicaragua supported by
U.S. adversaries, including China, Russia, and Iran. This is a major problem for the U.S.;
Americans have a right to expect that money earned through the American economy will go back into
the American economy, not to foreign countries. Of course, it is reasonable to expect that
people who come here will send some money they earn back to family members who still live in their
home countries. However, this must be done in a responsible way that benefits the U.S., and
does not create harmful incentives.
only citizens vote. The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) states it is unlawful
for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. It is also unlawful to steal a car. That
is what locks are for. Until the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act) of 2024
was proposed, the NVRA had no locks — no way to ensure that only American citizens vote
in U.S. elections. The glaring loophole in current voting law is that it does not require
documentary proof of citizenship for registration. There is also no specific authority
provided to state secretaries of state or local elections officials to access federal databases to
confirm that there are no noncitizens on state voter rolls. The SAVE Act is designed to cure
these deficiencies.
Research: More than 30 Million Migrants [are] Taking U.S. Jobs, Far Outpacing [the]
Growth of Native-Born Americans. Working- and middle-class Americans are competing
for jobs against more than 30 million migrants, including legal immigrants, visa workers, and
illegal aliens, the Pew Research Center revealed. The latest from the Pew Research Center
shows that as of 2022, more than 30 million legal immigrants and illegal aliens were in the
United States and holding American jobs — a 20-percent increase over the last
15 years. [Advertisement] More specifically, the number of legal immigrants alone who
were holding American jobs as of 2022 increased by almost 30 percent since 2007.
[Advertisement] Meanwhile, during the same 15-year period, the number of native-born Americans
who have been added to the United States workforce has increased by less than 10 percent.
[Advertisement] The data shows that the federal government has used mass immigration as a labor
policy to fill the U.S. workforce with millions of newly arrived migrants that working- and
middle-class Americans are forced to compete against in the labor market.
A New Course. [Scroll down] Logically, with a lack of sentimentality for
the good ol' USA, there are states within the union that are too large to be governed by the small
pack of jackals in Washington. The border issue dramatically illuminates the fact.
Texas might want and need to defend the border, but that brings it illogically and
unconstitutionally in conflict with the small pack of jackals and corrupt officials in the faraway
land of Washington. They do not feel the impact of the border towns as Texans do. They
do not suffer the injustices of criminality that those towns do. By not allowing Texas to
defend itself, it has spread the injustices to every town, every city in America, but the small
pack of jackals still don't care, it's with their political donors (also removed from the pain and
poverty they cause) that their allegiances lie.
While America Burns. [Scroll down] While there's not a single person on
any list of possible replacements who wouldn't continue the decline of the U.S. under Biden, one
stands out as more frightening than the rest: Kamala Harris. [...] Harris' failings are
monumental. Since being named "border czar" in March 2021 just two months into the Biden
presidency, illegal border crossings have soared. During the four years of the Trump
presidency, there were 2.4 million illegal entries. An estimated 7.4 million
illegal immigrants, however, crossed into the U.S. during Joe Biden's first three years, a
staggering number that doesn't include the nearly 2 million "gotaways" who were seen jumping
the border, but weren't caught. The border crisis was not due to incompetence, though it is
hard to find a shred of competence in this administration. It is a disaster by design.
and the Leviathan State. While purposefully importing millions of illegal aliens (not
just by allowing our southern border to remain inadequately guarded but by sometimes going so far
as to send planes to other countries to pick them up, to refuse to catch and deport them when
found, and to entice them by providing these illegals with taxpayer-funded food, housing,
healthcare, and education once here), Democrat politicians have doubled down on their automated
voter registration efforts to include these non-citizens on the voter rolls, while continually
voting against responsible bills (such as the SAVE Act) and disregarding existing requirements to
protect real citizens' votes from being thusly diluted.
Turns Back Two Boatloads of Illegal Immigrants. For the second time in two weeks
Australia has turned back a boatload of illegal migrants, forcing the intended asylum seekers to
return to Indonesia.
calls for Andrews Giles to be sacked as second group of asylum seekers given boats and told to head
back to Indonesia. The federal opposition is calling for Immigration Minister Andrew
Giles to be sacked after a second boat full of asylum seekers intercepted on their way to Australia
were given speed boats equipped with supplies and told to head for Indonesia. The group of 44
asylum seekers landed on the remote Indonesian island of Rote Ndao on Monday, several weeks after
they were intercepted en route to Australia. According to local authorities, the group of 36
Bangladeshi and eight Rohingya asylum seekers were intercepted while trying to reach Australia from
West Java's southern coast but were intercepted by the Australian Broder Force (ABF). They were
detained in their vessel for 18 days before being provided with two modern speed boats, each
equipped with just enough fuel, food and water for 22 people to make the trip to Rote
Ndao — 286km from Australia's Ashmore Reef.
Dismissed Against [an] Arizona Rancher Who Shot [an] Illegal Alien. On Tuesday, a
judge in Arizona dismissed the case against rancher George Alan Kelly, who was facing murder
charges after shooting an illegal alien who was crossing his property after coming across the
border. Fox News reports that the 75-year-old Kelly was accused of
killing the 48-year-old illegal on January 30th, 2023, on Kelly's 170-acre ranch outside of Nogales,
Arizona. In his ruling, Santa Cruz Superior Court Judge Thomas Fink declared that the state
of Arizona "has decided not to retry this case following mistrial because another jury would not
convict the defendant based upon the same evidence."
Floods Ohio Town with 20,000 Haitian Migrants: Ten to a Bedroom. Residents of
the west-central town of Springfield, Ohio, are demanding that their city council do something to
stem the tide of the Haitian immigrants that have flooded the city, especially in the aftermath of
the death of a child in a school bus accident caused by a migrant driving illegally. The town
situated just west of the state capitol in Columbus has been a target of Haitian immigrants at
least since 2014, and in the ensuing years, some ten thousand had moved to the Rust Belt
town. But in the last four years alone, that population has ballooned to more than 20,000.
The influx is causing serious pressures to mount on the town.
The Editor says...
Do you know anyone who has been clamoring for an influx of Haitians? Does anyone sit around
saying, "I sure wish there were some more Haitians in this town"? The Haitians
are skipping over several other U.S. states and landing in Ohio, which happens to be a swing state.
If they can be shipped anywhere, why are they being brought into the central U.S.? I'm sure they'd
be right at home in Chad or Somalia.
New York City Hotels Housing Illegal Aliens Receive Over $1 Billion in Taxpayer
Funds. In New York City, hotels that have converted into shelters for hordes of
illegal aliens have been given over $1 billion in taxpayer money to keep them in business.
[Advertisement] As reported by Fox News, the average hotel room for an illegal costs $156
per night, with some costing over $300 per night. As such, the city government has already
spent at least $1.98 billion on housing for illegals, with 80% of that amount going to hotels
or inns that have been converted into shelters, rather than to shelters operated by the city.
Overall, the city has spent at least $4.88 billion on the mass migration crisis.
[Advertisement] Some of the contracts agreed upon between the city and various hotels include a
deal for $5.13 million per month with the Row NYC hotel, located in Midtown Manhattan.
In South Jamaica, Queens, the Crowne Plaza JFK is being given $2 million per month to continue
renting out its 335 rooms to illegals. In September of 2023, the city secured a contract with
the Hotel Association of New York City (HANYC) for $1.3 billion over the next three
years. In January, another deal was signed between the city and HANYC for $76.69 million
to provide "last resort" shelters to illegals at 15 different hotels across the Bronx, Queens, and
Brooklyn through July. [Advertisement] Business owners in the surrounding neighborhoods
have noted the decline in economic revenue for their businesses and others around them, as the
tourists that would normally stay in such hotels and subsequently patronize their own businesses
have been replaced by illegals who have no money.
Mayor Blows Another $2.6 Million Taxpayer's Money on Pre-Paid Debit Cards for Illegal
Aliens. Mayor Eric Adams's administration has reportedly injected another
$2.6 million of the city's budget into a controversial program that distributes pre-paid debit
cards to illegal immigrants. According to the Office of the NY State Comptroller (OSC), by
May 31, 2024, the city reported spending $1.47 billion in Fiscal Year 2023 and
$2.72 billion in Fiscal Year 2024 on expenses related to "asylum seekers." This latest
cash infusion brings the total expenditure on this initiative to an eye-watering $2 billion,
according to the New York Post. [Tweet]
broke the border, but here's how Trump can fix it again. If anyone can seal the
border, Donald Trump can. But can even he wrestle back control after President Biden's
"nation-wrecking nightmare" (Trump's words, jarring but spot on)? Trump would "seek to
re-establish" his "Migrant Protection Protocols," which saw the Department of Homeland Security
refuse entry to those apprehended at the southern border, and having them stay in Mexico pending
their removal proceedings. Since 1997, all Trump's predecessors possessed this potent
statutory tool, yet only Trump used it. MPP took away aliens' incentive to make bogus claims
of fear to secure release into the U.S. DHS found it "indispensable," resulting in "a rapid
and substantial decline in apprehension[s]." Pre-COVID, MPP was truly the MVP of border security.
do you solve a problem like Kamala? The cackling diversity hire of a vice president
is a disaster, not just for Democrat election prospects, but for the nation and the world.
Let us review her portfolio. [...] As vice president, she was tapped in March 2021 as the
point person to lead the administration's efforts to secure our southern border. After one
trip to Mexico and Guatemala, she released her strategy to address the "root causes" of
migration. The strategy identifies the root causes of migration as corruption, violence,
trafficking, and poverty. Duh! She further identified the pandemic and "extreme weather
conditions" as exacerbating factors. (Seriously!) No mention of illegal immigrants from over
100 countries around the world. No mention of the tens of thousands of military-age
males arriving from the Middle East, China, and Russia. No specific plan of action to stem
the tide or secure the border. We can see the results.
are indeed getting immediate Social Security, contrary to Democrat claims. Who needs
U.S. citizenship, or for that matter, legal authorization to live in the U.S. when you've got Joe
Biden's open borders? That looks like the story with illegals receiving Social Security
benefits, a lifetime benefit that until recently had been perceived as nominally reserved for U.S.
citizens, not illegal border crossers, and which Democrats are now trying to debunk. [...] The
problem, of course, is in the details. Illegals can't just tap into regular Social Security
retirement benefits as paying Americans do. However, they can get SSI pretty easily for
lifetime benefits based on being unemployable, having no English skills, having no marketable
skills, having no education, and not being retired.
The Editor says...
A person who is unemployable, who can't speak English, who has no marketable skills, and has no education, is the
very definition of a "public charge," and is therefore inadmissible to this country. They should all be immediately
deported, not rewarded with unearned cash. They are exactly the kind of people we already have plenty of.
Joe Biden's Social Service Programs for Migrants Almost Ensure They Are Never Deported.
Two social service programs for migrants, created by President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), are also covertly serving as a deportation shield, a bombshell interim staff report
from the House Judiciary Committee suggests. The report details the administration's Young
Adult Case Management Program (YACMP) and Case Management Pilot Program (CMPP), "both of which
ensure illegal aliens receive social services once they are released into the United States."
In particular, the Biden administration has sought to transform DHS's Alternatives to Detention
(ATD) — designed to GPS-track and monitor those migrants who are in deportation
proceedings but not detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) — into a
social services system that offers cultural orientation, legal advice, and mental health resources
while connecting migrants to taxpayer-funded programs like food stamps and Medicaid.
99% of Illegal Aliens, Border Crossers Living Freely Across American Communities.
Roughly 99 percent of illegal aliens and border crossers are living freely across the United
States as President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) monitors fewer than
1.5 percent of the nation's illegal population, a report states. The federal data,
compiled by the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE) and circulated by several House
and Senate Republicans, looks at the overall illegal population living in American
communities — estimated at nearly 17 million today.
The Editor says...
Nonsense. There are probably more than 17 million illegal immigrants in Texas alone!
Identifies the Traitors. Speaker Mike Johnson recently took to Twitter to promote a
new bill that would strengthen protections against noncitizens illegally voting in federal
elections. Called the SAVE Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility), the proposed
legislation would require state election officials to require proof of citizenship before
distributing voter registration forms. He received some unexpected love for his post from
Elon Musk, who weighed in saying that anyone who opposes this legislation is a TRAITOR.
York City Giving Taxpayer-Funded Debit Cards to Over 7,000 Migrants. New York City
Mayor Eric Adams (D) is expanding his program that rewards newly arrived migrants with pre-loaded
debit cards for food — paid for by New Yorkers who remain some of the most tax-burdened
residents of the United States. Adams started the debit cards-for-migrants program in
February, noting that it would cost about $53 million to provide roughly 500 migrant families
with the prepaid cards meant only for food. The program came even as a study recently found
that 56 percent of New Yorkers live near the poverty line.
Mayor Eric Adams Expands Illegal Alien Debit Card Bonanza. New York City is set to
expand its program aimed at providing prepaid debit cards to illegal alien families currently
residing in hotels, enabling them to purchase essential items, including food. [Advertisement]
City officials have revealed that over the next six months, approximately 7,300 prepaid debit
cards, with a total value exceeding $2.6 million, will be distributed. This expansion
will extend the program from three hotels to 17, potentially benefitting around 1,230 illegal
aliens every month. [Tweet]
News: Joe Biden dispatches immigration officials to foreign nations to assist migrants
claiming 'asylum'. How soon until the U.S. has an immigration processing station in
every third world hellscape? With Democrats running the show, it's only a matter of time.
"Using State Department funds," the Joe Biden administration will now assist Panama in building up
its "deportation infrastructure." That's the story, according to Camilo Montoya-Galvez at CBS News,
who reported on a new bilateral agreement signed Monday between the Bidenites and the
administration of the new Panamanian president, José Raúl Mulino.
Biden [is] Flying Illegal Aliens, Deported Under Trump, Back to U.S.. President Joe
Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reportedly flying illegal aliens, deported by
former President Donald Trump's administration, back into the United States. Biden's DHS is
carrying out the little-known program, according to the Washington Free Beacon, where illegal
aliens from Cameroon who were deported by the Trump administration are now being flown back into
the United States despite having been found to have invalid asylum claims. [...] DHS Secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas has, on several occasions, said "equity" and "justice" for migrants are at the
center of the agency's mission.
Border Chief Claims Power to Admit More Illegals. Illegal migrants who are caught and
bussed out of the country can use the "CBP One" cellphone app to get government permission to
re-enter the United States, border czar Alejandro Mayorkas declared on June 26. "If an
[caught] individual has agreed to and been returned voluntarily [to Mexico], are they eligible for
a CBP One appointment? They are," he told a reporter at his tightly managed Tucson press
conference on June 26. "They don't want to actually bar people from coming
into the country," responded Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.
"They just want the [illegal migrants] to be laundered through the CBP One process, and this
enables them to do that," he added. "CBP One" is a smartphone app that allows
migrants to request entry into the United States via an official gate, dubbed a "Port of Entry."
Mayorkas's deputies use the process to give a "parole" legal status to illegal economic migrants.
That legal spin helps Mayorkas provide the migrants with the work permits they need to pay off
their smuggling debts and bring up their family members.
Away Illusions and Prepare for Struggle. When a government deliberately abets an
invasion of some 10 million foreigners across its borders, ordinary citizens recognize this
isn't merely a violation of the rule of law. They correctly intuit it as something far
graver: it is treason. Against the Constitution? Against rules written on a page?
No, it is treason against the nation: an assault on the very body politic, which preexists the
government and transcends its form. Ordinary Americans understand this just as the French or
Irish do. The Constitution was a very fine document, successfully codifying the unique
character of the young Anglo-American nation. Many of us dearly hope it can yet be restored
and re-enforced, in spirit and law. But the time for conservatives' hubristic habit of
quibbling over American exceptionalism or the precise meaning of America's founding has well and
truly passed.
49 States
Including Maine Are Handing Voter Registration Forms to Illegal Immigrants Applying for
Welfare. A new report from the New York Post has revealed that welfare
seekers — including non-citizens who are ineligible to vote — are receiving
voter registration forms in 49 states, including Maine, when they sign up for taxpayer-funded
benefits. "Another 'conspiracy theory' turns out to be true," said Elon Musk on X in response
to the information. [Tweet] The immigrants applying for welfare, many of whom are in the
country illegally and are remaining here on parole awaiting asylum hearings set for years in the
future, are not asked to provide proof of citizenship before they are given the registration
forms. In the majority of states, anyone applying for welfare or seeking a driver's license
is also issued voter registration forms, according to the NY Post investigation. Many welfare
benefits are available to non-citizens, who are often supported entirely by U.S. taxpayers after
they enter the country, and, in some states like Massachusetts and New York, drivers licenses are
issued to all individuals regardless of immigration status. Arizona is the only state that
does not hand out voter registration forms to welfare applicants regardless of citizenship.
49 States
Are Now Supplying 'Non-Citizens' With Voter Registration Forms. Illegal aliens and
other "non-citizens" can receive voter registration forms without needing to show proof of
citizenship in at least 49 states. They can use these forms to access welfare benefits
and obtain driver's licenses and mail-in ballots. Only Arizona has passed a law preventing
this — but it applies only to state forms, not federal ones. The National Voter
Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 mandates that states facilitate voter registration at the
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and welfare offices. These agencies must provide voter
registration forms alongside application papers. Without a federal law requiring proof of
citizenship for voter registration forms, migrants can simply claim to be U.S. citizens to register
to vote, easily bypassing the official ban on non-citizens voting.
than 12 million illegal border crossers since fiscal 2021. More than
12 million people have illegally crossed the border into the U.S. since 2021, data obtained
and analyzed by The Center Square show. That includes the more than 241,000 apprehensions of
illegal border crossers in May. The total number who've illegally entered the U.S. nationwide
in fiscal 2024 through May is more than 2.2 million, according to U.S. Customs and Border
Protection data. The majority of illegal border crossers are overwhelmingly single
adults. In fiscal 2024 through May, they totaled over 1.35 million.
National Migration Crisis Is Supercharging The Growth Of Homelessness All Over The United
States. Over the past three years, millions of migrants have come pouring into this
country looking for a better life. They were promised that things would be so much better
once they got here, but for so many of them that has turned out to be not true at all. There
just aren't enough resources to care for the vast number of migrants that are arriving, and as a
result many quickly find themselves homeless. It is a tragedy of monumental proportions, and
it is getting worse with each passing day.
Why does the Congress exist if the White House can bypass it at any moment?
Regime Amnesties 350,000 Illegal Aliens. The anti-American Biden Regime is fully
intent on turning the once proud United States of America into a Tower of Babel. During
Biden's 3.5 years in the White House, his open, undefended border policy has allowed
3.6 million immigrant-invaders to occupy large areas of the US. California and Seattle,
Washington, now hire immigrant-invaders to police American citizens. When citizens are
policed by illegals, is it any longer their country? Various American cities in the hands of
democrats want to legalize voting by immigrant-invaders. Democrat members of Congress want to
hire immigrant-invaders as US soldiers. The question before us is: Does US citizenship
any longer have any value and any meaning?
the Supreme Court leaker back in action? [Scroll down] Biden himself has
been big on interfering with other branches of government to get his way since the get-go.
His fingerprints were all over the sudden spate of lawfare lawsuits against President Trump just
days after he announced he would run for president in 2024, with White House operatives turning up
in district attorney offices in New York and curious visits to the White House from local Georgia
prosecutors among other things. Now we learn he's out trying to throw nails into the path of
the Supreme Court to ensure that the border stays open and open the pathway in to foreign
criminals. This underlines that if there is a leaker, and there probably is, it's imperative
to catch him or her. The Court can't make decent decisions if none of the justices can trust
one another. That this happened, twice, on Joe Biden's watch suggests a pretty nefarious
racket inside the Supreme Court, whose leaks are unprecedented.
The Editor says...
Joe Biden's mental capacity has deteriorated to such an extent that he doesn't appear to know where
he is most of the time. Joe Biden is no longer capable of concocting any kind of plot to bypass
or undermine the Supreme Court. All this is being done by others with enough access and leverage to
get their deeds done without revealing the names of the people behind it. A shadow government, in
other words. People we didn't vote for are running the country.
Court's Immigration Rebuke Suggests Biden's Border Order Is Unconstitutional. The
U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Thursday that U.S. citizens do not have a constitutional right to
guarantee their noncitizen spouse admittance into the country, something President Joe Biden tried
to cement in his most recent executive order concerning the ongoing border invasion. American
Sandra Muñoz sued the federal government after her husband, Luis Asencio-Cordero, an MS-13
gang member, was denied a visa by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2015 due to
"unlawful activity" the immigration officer suspected based on a gang affiliation tattoo he spotted
on the El Salvador native during the interview. Asencio-Cordero, a noncitizen, eventually
"disavowed any gang membership" and, with Muñoz's help, tried to appeal the visa case with the
Department of State. The federal agency, however, agreed with USCIS's decision, effectively
asserting (along with the Supreme Court's judgment Thursday) that a noncitizen like Asencio-Cordero
has "no constitutional right to enter the United States."
Cartel 'Travel Agencies' Selling $15,000 Packages to Illegal Aliens for Help to Cross [the] Border.
USA Today reported that Mexican cartels offer illegal aliens packages up to $15,000 for help to cross the
border. [...] Each cartel "travel agency" has a code. The VIP customers receive the code so everyone knows
which cartel is working with them "so everyone from local police to rival criminal syndicates knows not to harass
them." La Linea, a cartel in Juárez, has helped at least 1,000 people through the El Paso tunnels.
cartels offering pricey VIP package for migrants trying to get into US. The tunnel is
dark and narrow. Toxic gases rise from the dank water. Insects scurry along the sides,
rattlesnakes wait, coiled. Rodents lurk along the water's edge. Yet this drainage
network that reaches from Ciudad Juárez into El Paso, Texas, is one of the most sought-after
routes for patrons of a VIP migration package offered by Mexican cartels to those with the money to
pay for it. The tunnel route costs at least $6,000, according to interviews with top Mexican
state authorities, federal law enforcement officials from both sides of the border and migrants
waiting to cross in encampments along the Rio Grande. Ricardo, a migrant smuggler, said he
has charged as much as $15,000.
America defend itself against border terrorists? The Biden administration watched
with glee while millions of potential Democrat votes sloshed across our southern (and northern)
border, all the while telling us they are "doing everything humanly possible" to keep illegals
out. They lied. Now, eight million migrants later and still counting, criminals,
terrorists, and human traffickers still pour in. Most are young single males. Granted
that some of those males are here to make money to send back to their families. Fine.
But get registered and pay taxes for the privilege of getting a job illegally. We legals have
to pay taxes on what we earn. Illegals should be forced to do likewise and employers should
stop hiring them. To allow illegals to work here and not pay taxes is almost as bad as
allowing them to stay and registering them to vote and receive health care. Americans are
being short-changed in health care and jobs to make way for illegals. Hotels are being
overrun with filth and noise while hard-working Americans struggle to make ends meet. All of
this is infuriating, which is one reason minorities are flocking to Trump.
Non-Detained Docket on Pace to Hit 8 million Active Cases This Year.
[Scroll down] President Trump has said the solution within the deportation program is to
utilize local and state law enforcement to locate the illegal aliens, allowing ICE and DHS
officials to focus on the deportation process. This approach seems to be the optimal solution
given the scale of the problem that Biden has created. That said, any deportation effort will
run into extreme Lawfare tactics deployed by the radical leftists. No doubt, every
left-leaning federal court will be utilized to generate blocks to deportation orders.
President Trump is going to have to declare a national state of emergency on day-one, to fully
engage the power of the executive branch on this problem.
Rules That Illegals Can't Avoid Deportation By Missing A Court Date. It used to be
that when you were processing and letting an alien enter the United States you tried to schedule a
court date for the alien before they left the station. If you couldn't do that, then you made
sure the alien had an address where the court could mail him the date of his court hearing.
There was a telephone number provided to the alien and the alien could call up with their Alien
number (A #) from their paperwork and find out when their court date was. Or, they could
simply ignore the court and go about their merry way[.] Often, if they didn't show up in
court, the court ordered them deported in absentia, which means the next time they're in custody,
they can be sent straight home without any further legal action. By a narrow vote, the
Supreme Court has allowed this practice to continue.
promises leniency for 500,000 illegal immigrants married to U.S. citizens. President
Biden announced a program Tuesday designed to ease the path to citizenship for a half-million
illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens by letting them skip the line and adjust their
status in the U.S. without going back to their home countries. Mr. Biden portrayed the
plan as pro-family, sharply contrasting it with the family separations under his opponent, former
President Donald Trump. The plan could cover 500,000 illegal immigrant spouses and 50,000 of
their children. Under normal rules, the spouses can apply to adjust their status by dint of
their marriage, but they are supposed to return to their home countries and await processing, which
in some cases can take years.
many of the 500,000 newly 'legalized' US 'citizens' will vote this November? The
recent executive order by President Biden is an alarming move that essentially grants mass amnesty
to around 500,000 illegal aliens. This isn't just about immigration policy; it's a blatant
election-year maneuver to secure votes. By shielding these individuals from deportation and
providing them with a pathway to permanent residency, Biden is ensuring a significant boost in
voter support, particularly from Hispanic and Latino communities. This is not just an
opinion; it's backed by the numbers and the timing. House Homeland Security Committee Chair
Mark Green rightly called this move an "eleventh-hour ploy for mass amnesty." The timing couldn't
be more suspicious. Just months before the crucial 2024 elections, Biden's administration
decides to grant legal status to half a million individuals who were previously ineligible to
vote. This isn't about humanitarian efforts; it's about securing votes.
Court Erases Loophole That Kept Foreigners Inside The U.S. Illegally. In a 5-4 ruling
Friday, the Supreme Court erased a loophole that allowed foreigners to avoid deportation
proceedings by citing a paperwork technicality. The case centered on three illegal
immigrants: Moris Esmelis Campos-Chaves, an El Salvador native who entered the country
illegally in 2005 through Texas; Varinder Singh, a man from India who illegally entered the U.S. in
2016 by "climbing over a fence" in California; and Mexico-native Raul Daniel Mendez-Colín, who
illegally entered the U.S. in 2001 in Arizona. [Advertisement] The trio argued that their
deportation notices did not meet the criteria for a proper notice as prescribed by the law.
Title 8 USC § 1229 (a) describes two types of notices. The
first is a general initial notice to appear that shall include, among other specificities, a "time and
place" for the proceeding. The second notice regards a "change or postponement in the time and
place of such proceedings." The Supreme Court previously ruled in 2021 that "this information
must be provided in a single document in order to satisfy [the law]."
the Monster You Created. [Scroll down] Well, my friends. You
miscalculated. [...] You supported open borders and sanctuary cities to entrench a permanent
Democrat voting base. But you have since discovered that perhaps millions upon millions of
illegals weren't necessary to secure swing states in which a few thousand votes would
suffice. The hordes now overrunning the cities and suburbs are less interested in voting than
in joining robbery gangs, dealing drugs, demanding entitlements, and depressing wage rates.
Your kids' schools have been appropriated for shelters, and the illegal aliens elsewhere in public
encampments are demanding free legal representation and "culturally appropriate" food.
Biden [is] Planning One of Largest Mass Amnesty Programs in History. According to CBS
News (and PBS), hundreds of thousands of immigrants living illegally in this country may soon get
legal status, provided that they have been here for at least a decade. Of course, the
mainstream media is calling the Biden plan "one of the largest immigration relief programs in
recent history," but it's otherwise known as "amnesty." [...] The program, to be known as "Parole
in Place," will be sold as a way to help the spouses of immigrants and would of course be done by
executive order because that is the way the president is able to force his policies on the
country — regardless of whether there's been a congressional vote.
Foods fires American employees while employing illegal aliens. Tyson Foods is
following in the footsteps of leftist companies across the U.S., having recently fired more than
1,000 Americans from a pork plant in Iowa as the company employs illegal aliens for other factory
positions. The food company recently announced that it would fire nearly 1,300 American
employees, some of whom are legal immigrants, from its pork plant in Perry, Iowa.
BizPacReview pointed out that the town is home to just 8,147 people and has little
crime. As Tyson Foods shuts down its factory in Iowa, the company is expected to open many
job positions in New York and is reportedly seeking 52,000 illegal immigrants to be employed.
$100 Trillion Wealth Transfer from the Poor to the Rich. Ever asked
yourself why 20 million have poured through the Southern border in the last three and a half
years? Oh, I know, in search of economic freedom, oppression by their home governments, or
oligarchs, drugs, death squads, crime etc. Same with Africa. But again, why do they
risk so much to leave homelands that almost certainly, most of them love. The idea of 'place'
is not an idea, it is a deep attachment, physical, emotional and sensate that trumps reason.
You have to kill a lot of your natural self to leave, to risk your life and that of your children
to escape to the cold grey north and never return. The fear alone would overwhelm all but the
strongest. They are leaving because they must. But why now? It's been bad forever.
Majority Want All Illegals Deported! A recent CBS News/YouGov poll reveals that
62 percent of registered voters favor the U.S. government implementing a national program to
deport all illegal immigrants. This includes support from one-third of Democratic
voters. The survey, conducted from June 5 to June 7, encompassed 1,615 registered
voters across the country, with a focus on battleground states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan,
Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The poll's findings echo earlier
proposals by former President Donald J. Trump, who has pledged to undertake the "largest
deportation" operation in American history if returned to the White House. In an interview
with Time Magazine, Trump emphasized his intention to involve the National Guard in the effort,
describing illegal immigrants as participants in an "invasion" of the country. Several polls
have shown voters overwhelmingly agree with Trump's use of "invasion" to describe the Biden
government's border crisis.
and Evil. Fleeing poverty and cruelty, the non-military invaders of today settle in
the West because we readily open the gates and allow them to enter. Supposed to be civilized
and generous to the point of self-destruction, we find it impossible to reject them, which they
know very well, and we offer them food and shelter. (Of course, we have largely renounced the
Christian faith, but hypocrisy thrives nonetheless.) Initially, with the emotional (sentimental)
appeal of "victims," adventurous young men disembark from overcrowded boats, band together, and
learn by heart the lenient rules of their Christian hosts. Next, they send for their
relatives (i.e. parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins etc.), be they true or false, and
intended wives. Thus, it is not that any of them come here in deference to Western ways of
life, striving for assimilation and integration. From a historical perspective, they are
invaders and colonizers.
Memo Instructs SoCal Border Patrol To Release Most Single Adults. President Biden's
executive order to curb the illegal alien invasion was nothing more than optically pleasing
headlines before the September presidential debates. Just days after the order was signed, US
Customs and Border Protection agents in the southern California sector received a memo instructing
them to release single adults from all but six countries. Fox News' Bill Melugin obtained an
internal CBP memo sent to agents in the San Diego sector following Biden's executive order last
Tuesday. The memo instructed them to release single adults from over 100 eastern hemisphere
countries, except for six (Uzbekistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan) deemed
"mandatory referral" countries. This means despite the president's promise of stopping the
invasion between border checkpoints, the majority, including Chinese, Middle Eastern, and African
adults, are still being released into the US.
Left Knows Leftism Doesn't Work. [T]he left is not running on its record of the last
three-and-a-half years but instead studiously ignoring it, at least temporarily through November.
[...] We were lied to for nearly four years that the border was "secure," as 10 million
foreign nationals flooded across. Then we were told Biden was helpless to stop the deluge
since he had no legal right to enforce federal immigration law through executive
orders — a ridiculous excuse that even he would soon drop. Despite their eagerness
for new constituencies, no one on the left dares to openly praise the influx of the last four
years, much less demand more illegal immigration. Instead, as November looms, Biden is
suddenly reinstating the very Trump executive orders that once, despite deep state and court
obstruction, finally closed the border — and which Biden himself had originally
overturned. Note that Biden is now partnering with the Mexican government — which
terribly fears another Trump presidency endangering Mexico's annual $60 billion in remittances
from mostly illegal aliens in the United States — to curb some of the illegal
immigration before the November election.
War if Trump Goes to Prison? [Scroll down] Accelerationism here is "the
goal of hastening the cataclysmic end of economic, political, and social systems so as to more
rapidly bring about what is seen as an inevitable end-times collapse." [...] If you want to see
real accelerationism in action, all you have to do is look at our southern border. Joe Biden
and the liberal Democrats are paying for mass illegal immigration with taxpayer money. They
want to use the illegal alien surge to add congressional districts in blue states. They want
to make the illegals citizens and allow them to vote. The idea is to create a perpetual one-party
left-wing national government. This is large-scale social change in a short time frame.
of all new jobs [are] going to immigrants, analysis finds. Roughly half the new jobs
created in the U.S. economy since October have gone to immigrants, many of them in the country
illegally, according to a new analysis by the House Budget Committee. The Labor Department
released its latest employment data Friday showing the economy added jobs, but the overall labor
participation rate ticked down and the unemployment rate ticked up to 4%. "Furthermore, nearly
half of all job growth since October can be attributed to various immigrant groups, including illegal
immigrants, showing a far weaker economy than suggested," the GOP-led budget committee said.
Xenophobes for Trump. "They are 'undocumented immigrants' seeking asylum desperate to
escape tyranny and poverty. How dare you call these poor human beings 'aliens'? Have you no
compassion? You're just another MAGA-hillbilly xenophobe! Our friendship is over!"
So went my banishment from the court of a progressive associate. [...] Of the some 16 million
illegals flooding the United States under the aegis of Sec. Mayorkas, how many are
fingerprinted for criminal backgrounds? Are they simply released into the U.S. from hostile
countries like Venezuela, Uzbekistan, and China? What certainty can the Biden administration
provide that none of the "guests" of American taxpayers are contagious with diseases like polio and
leprosy, now appearing on American soil? Much less, how many of these illegals possess any
economically beneficial skills other than organized crime? [...] Apparently, the administration's
objective is something other than protecting America from violence and disease.
to Jettison the Animals. [Scroll down] They can't afford to lose their
grip on the levers of power in the 2024 election — lose control of the Justice
Department, the FBI, and the so-called "national security" apparatus, especially. The open
border is just an effort to illegally import and enlist a vast wad of potential new voters to
ensure an election victory. More than twenty states have "motor-voter laws" that
automatically register anybody with a driver's license. And these enrollees don't even have
to cast their ballot. Their names can just be "harvested" systematically, attached to voting
documents, and bundled to be submitted for them. Millions have entered the country illegally
since 2021 at "Joe Biden's" direct invitation. There's nothing hidden about this —
but all you see is the learned helplessness of actual US citizens unable to stop it.
Than 1,300 Illegals Flood Into San Diego in One Day, Border Patrol Releases Them to the
Streets. More than 1,300 illegal aliens flooded over the US border into San Diego,
California in ONE DAY following Biden's executive order on asylum seekers. Joe Biden on
Tuesday held a fake border security press conference on his new asylum 'restrictions' from the East
Room. More than 15 million illegal aliens — mainly military-age
males — have invaded the US on Biden's watch. Joe Biden took 94 executive actions
in his first 100 days in office to destroy the border. Now he's acting like the savior
with his new 'asylum restrictions' — only asylum is still available
to thousands of illegal aliens every single day released into the US.
Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal
Aliens. For much of the past year we had been pounding the table on two very simple
facts: not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs "gained" in
2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden "recovery" has been, about to be revised away (as
first the Philly Fed and now Bloomberg both admit), but more shockingly, all the job growth in the
past few years has gone to illegal aliens. We first pointed this out more than a year ago,
and since then we have routinely repeated — again, again, and again — yet even though we
made it abundantly clear what was happening... [Tweet]
asylum. If a frank enemy of the United States had taken over the executive branch of
in January 2021, he would not have conducted himself one whit differently than Joe Biden, his
administration, and his Democratic enablers in Congress and the media. From his first day in
office Biden garishly repealed every border control that President Trump had worked up to stem the
tide of illegal immigration. Biden put out the word to friend and foe alike that the United
States had open borders. As he had vowed to do, President Biden opened the borders to illegal
aliens on January 20, 2021. It was among his first acts in office and stands as an almost
unbelievable act of willful destruction. Indeed, as Andrew McCarthy bluntly put it in an
August 2021 NRO column on Biden policy: "The federal government is aiding and abetting
illegal immigration." Administration officials have both repeatedly lied about what it has
done and deflected blame over the years since that day. Instead, the Biden administration has
repeatedly assured us, "the border is secure". [Video clip]
American Anti-Communist Revolution. [Scroll down] Their cause is
diminished and it has been so diminished in the United States that they've come to import
supporters. Imagine an ideology so broken, so utterly useless that they are forced to bribe
foreigners to enter and support them. You don't have to imagine it, you see it.
Takes Mexico Border Action He Said Needed Congressional Approval. Well, lookie
here. Biden is caught in another lie. This time on the border. Under pressure
from Democrats, Biden takes executive action on the border. After stating he could not shut
the border without Congressional approval, President Biden issues an executive order limiting the
number of illegal immigrants who can enter the country. [...] Biden is a liar on multiple
fronts: About funding, about the success he touts, about needing Congressional approval, and
about how tough the January proposed deal was. Biden is acting now only because the situation
is so out of hand that even Democrat governors are complaining.
The American People': Biden's Immigration Order Has More Holes Than The Border, Experts
Say. President Joe Biden was met with a wave of criticism from both the left and the
right after announcing Tuesday an executive order that aims to clamp down on illegal immigration at
the southern border. In an announcement at the White House, Biden unveiled an executive order
that aims to control the daily illegal crossings taking place at the U.S.-Mexico border. The
presidential proclamation, which is expected to go into effect on Wednesday, follows 6 million
southern border encounters during his presidency. The order will temporarily suspend the
entry of foreign nationals across the U.S.-Mexico border once the number of average border
encounters exceeds 2,500 a day over a week time period, according to the White House. This
will stay in effect until two weeks after there has been a seven-day average of fewer than 1,500
encounters along the southern border. The order — which largely draws its
authority under 212(f) and 215(a) from the Immigration and Nationality Act — will make
it easier for Border Patrol agents and other Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials to
quickly remove foreign nationals who have no legal basis to remain in the country.
border 'crackdown' is a con job based on another Biden bait-and-switch. The headlines
in mainstream media outlets announced today that Biden has enacted an executive order that will
close the border. By tomorrow, the headlines will be that embittered, dishonest Republicans
are pouncing on, instead of applauding, what they should view as good news. But this is not
good news. Not only is it a con, but it also exposes how the Biden administration and the
complicit progressive Democrat media have been gaslighting Americans for the last three-plus years.
[...] Since Joe Biden took office:
• There have been OVER 9.2 MILLION illegal immigrant encounters nationwide.
• There have been OVER 7.6 MILLION illegal immigrant encounters at our Southern Border.
• The number of known gotaways at the Southern Border has skyrocketed by 390.23%.
• Immigration judges have thrown out approximately 200,000 deportation cases
because DHS did not file the required "Notice to Appear" by the time of the scheduled hearing.
In March, there were 189,372 illegal immigrant encounters at our Southern Border. March
was the 37th straight month where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even
the highest month seen under President Trump.
of Every Five New York City Hotels is Now a Migrant Shelter. New York City hotel
prices have never been higher. Illegal immigration is part of the reason why. Mayoral
graft is another.
Admin Gives 'Mass Amnesty,' NY Post Reports. The Biden administration is boasting its
border policies are now cutting illegal immigration, but a new report has exposed a veritable shell
game that is effectively covering its "mass amnesty" designs by making the numbers of asylum cases
disappear. More than 350,000 migrants cases have "terminated without a decision on the merits
of their asylum claim" by the Biden administration if individuals did not have a criminal record or
were not deemed a threat, the New York Post reported Sunday. Those illegals are removed from
the legal record and are not required to check in with authorities, allowing illegals to live
"indefinitely" in the U.S. without fear of deportation.
admin offers 'mass amnesty' to migrants as it quietly terminates 350,000 asylum cases:
sources. While the Biden administration is attempting to look like it's getting tough
on the border, behind the scenes it's operating a program of "mass amnesty" for migrants, The [New
York] Post can reveal. Data show that since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by
migrants have been closed by the US government if the applicants don't have a criminal record or
are otherwise not deemed a threat to the country. This means that while the migrants are not
granted or denied asylum — their cases are "terminated without a decision on the merits
of their asylum claim" — they are removed from the legal system and no longer required
to check in with authorities. The move allows them to legally, indefinitely roam the US
without fear of deportation, effectively letting them slip through the cracks.
Video Shows A Migrant Family Brawling With NYC Parks Enforcement Over Selling Fruit From An illegal
Fruit Cart. Migrant family selling fruit involved in shocking brawl with NYC Parks
Enforcement. Officers wrestled a migrant child resisting arrest to the ground and attempted
to handcuff her before an angry crowd set her free. The migrants were operating a fruit cart
without a license. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
The city will gladly house illegal immigrants if they are unemployed and homeless, but if they try
to make a living, the city won't have it.
Destructive Generation — Proving America's Weakest Link. For perceived
cheap political advantage, the Baby Boomers destroyed the southern border, most recently allowing
in nearly 10 million unaudited illegal aliens. With the disappearance of our national
sovereignty, so too was lost the once-cherished idea of a melting pot of legal immigrants arriving
in America longing to assimilate, to integrate in self-reliant fashion, and to show gratitude for
the chance of something far better than what they left.
is Correct About Deportation. [Scroll down] The U.S. receives a million
legal immigrants per year, and the vast majority of them enter the labor market competing
with Americans for jobs. Why would we want millions of illegal immigrants, most with no job
skills? The Department of Labor has said for more than twenty years that America has an ample
supply of unskilled labor. What would occur if all illegal immigrants were deported?
Dr. Steve Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, believes that
wages would rise and motivate many chronically unemployed Americans to get back to work. This
situation is, in my opinion, the strongest argument for deportation of illegal immigrants.
The District of Columbia approved the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act in 2022, which
cleared the way for noncitizen residents to vote in local elections (see § 1-1001.02. 2(B))
starting in 2024. The House of Representatives passed HR192 that would nullify a law in
Washington, D.C. which permitted noncitizens to vote in local elections by 262-143.
gathering Cloward-Piven driven deportation storm. Former President Barack Obama has
orchestrated the "border crisis" from behind the scenes because of his blind adherence to the
Cloward-Piven strategy he learned while at Columbia University. Leftist sociologists Richard
Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were professors there while he was an undergraduate from 1981-1983.
Cloward and Piven explained in a 1966 Nation magazine article that their strategy to flood the
United States with illegal immigrants "would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies
and fiscal disruption in local and state governments... The ultimate objective of this
strategy — (is) to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income (for
every person)." Redistribution of income is the primary goal of the Cloward-Piven approach.
[...] President Joe Biden has followed the Cloward-Piven strategy to a "T." Perhaps he has been
an unwitting stooge in the whole drama, as he seems to be on so many other issues. The mass
illegal migration happened on his watch so he owns it politically, lock, stock and barrel.
Has Begun To Round Up Illegal Americans And Deporting Them. Mexico is now deporting
Americans back to the United States in a strange turn of events. Undocumented Americans who
are looking for a lower cost of living in Mexico are driving up inflation in the country.
[Video clip]
Chuck Schumer Demands Immediate Amnesty for All Illegals. Over several decades of
illegal immigration, Democrats have claimed there are 11 to 13 million illegal aliens in this
country. It's far more than that, but however many there are, Schumer demanded amnesty for
them. That's not a surprise. We have no idea who these people are, yet he wants them
all to vote. A recent poll showed that more than 88% of the illegals would vote for
Democrats. It would give these unAmerican, authoritarian Democrats a permanent electoral
majority. Chuck Schumer says Democrats want to pass an immigration bill because "we have a
population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to." Schumer
then calls for amnesty for "all 11 million or however many" illegal immigrants in the U.S.
The Editor says...
[#1] Just taking Senator Schumer's statement at face value,
he doesn't even know how many illegal aliens are here! That's an admission of incompetence.
It is far more likely that he knows there are three or four times as many illegal aliens as he claims,
and is duplicitously low-balling the number to sell his amnesty idea. [#2] He wants immediate
amnesty! Right now! What's the rush?
The only purpose for rushing through an irreversible and massive change like this is deception.
The election is coming up soon, and it's unlikely the Democrats will be able to manufacture enough
extra ("look what we found") ballots to overcome the Trump victory this time.
[#3] Mr. Schumer doesn't care if Americans reproduce as fast as they once did. This
isn't about reproduction, it's about signing up parasites for welfare payments and expecting them
to vote for Socialist Democrats to perpetuate those payments — and the Democrats' power.
[#4] If "we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it
used to," whose fault is that? Which political party is pushing gender
confusion, gender neutral behavior, normalization of homosexuality
in the public schools, normalization of same-sex marriage,
abortion at any stage of pregnancy for any reason,
and over-population
panic? The Muslims are the only group that's really
eager to reproduce, and they're only doing so to overwhelm
the rest of us at the ballot box in another generation or two.
is Mass Migration For, Why Does it Keep Happening, and Why Will Nobody Stop It? There
is a reason that nations have borders, and this is much the same reason that we have skin and that
cells have membranes. You won't survive for very long if you can't control what enters
you. Despite the obvious fact that mass migration is bad, our rulers cling to migrationism
like grim death. Given a choice between disincentivising asylees and intimidating,
browbeating and harassing the millions of anti-migrationists among their own citizens, our
governments generally choose the latter path, even though it is obviously the worse of the
two. Additionally unsettling is the fact that official justifications for mass migration
often have a creepy, post hoc flavour about them. They sound much more like excuses
dreamed up after the borders had already been opened, rather than any kind of reason mass migration
must occur. When the migrationists really started to go crazy in 2015, for example, we were
told that border security was simply impossible in the modern world and that infinity migrants were
a force of nature we would have to deal with. That didn't sound right even at the time, [...]
The Editor says...
The article above comes from the British press, and the topic is Muslim mass migration into England
and elsewhere, the accompanying crime wave, no-go zones, and political takeover — all of it entirely
preventable; Or at least it was, before it got completely out of hand. Now it's too late.
The Muslims have taken over England, far quicker and sooner than expected. But many of the points made in
the article above pertain to the United States, too.
40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits, Claim They Will Boost
Economy By $7 TRILLION! Over 40 Democratic mayors and county officials have
demanded that Joe Biden give jobs and work permits to migrants who have entered the U.S. illegally,
claiming that new arrivals will add a staggering $7 trillion to the economy over the next
decade. In a letter signed by the likes of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Chicago Mayor
Brandon Johnson, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and San Francisco Mayor London Breed, the Democrats plead
with Biden to force the Department of Homeland Security to "leverage its authority to grant parole
for longterm undocumented immigrants and our most recent arrivals to create a process for
streamlined work authorization." [...] Nearly all of those who have signed the letter represent
sanctuary cities, where Democratic officials protect illegal immigrants from deportation and often
pay for their housing, food and other living expenses.
Man Details How Easy it is to Cross the Border. Fox News's Bill Melugin spoke to a
Turkish man who crossed the border into Jacumba, CA. He paid a cartel $10,000 and couldn't
believe how easy it was to cross the border. [...] On Wednesday night, Melugin and his crew
encountered groups of men from the Middle East and Asia in Jacumba. The men came from Iran,
Pakistan, China, Turkey, India, and Bangladesh. None of the men came from Mexico. Most
will be considered "special interest aliens," which means they come from countries with security
concerns. They should undergo additional DHS vetting. [Tweet with video clip]
Department Sues Oklahoma Over Law That Would Imprison Undocumented Immigrants. In
April, Oklahoma Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed House Bill 4156, an immigration crackdown
law that criminalizes "impermissible occupation" in the state. Any immigrant who "enters and
remains" in Oklahoma "without having first obtained legal authorization to enter the United States"
could face jail time and be forced to leave the state. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
filed a lawsuit against Oklahoma yesterday, arguing that H.B. 4156 "is preempted by federal law"
and "violates the U.S. Constitution." The lawsuit is the latest entry in the ongoing battle
between the federal government and the growing list of states passing their own immigration
laws. Under H.B. 4156, a noncitizen convicted of being in Oklahoma without legal
authorization to be in the U.S. will be guilty of a misdemeanor that carries a punishment of up to
a year in county jail. A subsequent offense is a felony and carries a punishment of
up to two years in Department of Corrections custody.
Aliens Admit Flooding Border before Election: 'We Don't Want Trump'. Illegal aliens
are admitting that they are rushing to cross the border into the United States before the critical
November presidential election. Many say they are hoping to take advantage of Democrat
President Joe Biden's open border policies as they fear he will lose re-election. Illegal
border crossers told New York Post reporter Jennie Taer that they fear President Donald Trump will
secure the Southern Border if elected in November. After illegally crossing the Arizona
border last week, two migrants from Colombia told Taer that they were concerned about the outcome
of the upcoming general election.
It's too late for this already, but worth a try.
cap on migrants is our only chance. In advance of figures due to be published
tomorrow Migration Watch, the independent organisation that monitors migrant flow in and out of the
UK, has today set out the dire consequences of unchecked mass migration into this country and has
issued an urgent appeal to the Government to drive net immigration to below to below 100,000 a
year. Migration Watch chairman Alp Mehmet says: 'We have seen the immense damage caused by
decades of uncapped migration under successive governments. Conservative ministers abandoned
the Coalition immigration cap and, as a result, totally lost control of our borders. Our
country is already developing serious social strains. The only way forward is now to
introduce a cap. Our message is clear: no cap, no control.'
Over Half of Recent Illegal Immigrants [are] Unemployed. A new report from the Center
for Immigration Studies (CIS) indicates that just 46 percent of immigrants who have entered
the United States over the past two years are currently employed. This report highlights
significant challenges in integrating and employing the growing number of newcomers. As of
March, the U.S. foreign-born population has surged to approximately 52 million, making up
15.6 percent of the total population. This increase includes both legal and illegal
immigrants, with the foreign-born population growing by 5.1 million in just two years and
6.6 million since the start of President Joe Biden's administration — the largest
spike in American history. CIS estimates that the current illegal immigrant population
exceeds 14 million.
The Editor says...
The illegal immigrant population is probably at least 30 million. The 14 million figure
given is a gross underestimation. There were almost certainly more than 14 million illegal
residents in the U.S. when Obama was president. For some reason, the news media habitually
plays dpwn the illegal immigrant problem, while exaggerating every other threat.
Anonymous People Flown in Under Biden's Illegal Rule, It Is an Insurrection. They are
closing in on half a million illegal aliens, not migrants, flown in at US expense with no
legitimate vetting. They arrange their illegal entrance as they would if planning a vacation
trip. These are in addition to the 12 million he allowed in over the border, and it
doesn't count the millions who sneak in. We know he's poured most of them into Florida.
Polling shows more than 88% will vote for Democrats. The people coming are from terrible
places where most of the people hate us. What could go wrong? [Tweet] Todd
Bensman is beating the drums, but the media completely ignores him and the information he
shares. Thousands of single military-age men and some women are pouring in from China.
They are unfriendly, speak in Chinese in front of you although they know English, and they won't
bother with Americans. They're not here for a better life. [Tweet]
administration refuses to release data about how many 'asylum' cases are waved through by his
asylum officers. Now that election time is on, Joe Biden is all in on speedy asylum
claims adjudication which he touts to the public as speedier deportations. Joe Biden marketed
this to the public as his plan to clear court backlogs by outsourcing asylum claims to so-called
"asylum officers" instead of courts. But it's not really that. [...] Sounds fine and dandy,
except that by sending illegal border crossers to asylum officers instead of judges, and by placing
political pressure on these civil servants who often come from open-borders activist backgrounds
anyway, the odds are good they're just waving them through, basically just handing them their
citizenship at the gate. Foreign nationals who are granted asylum have an easy path once
asylum is taken care of, as they are free to work, glom a huge range of taxpayer-paid benefits, get
green cards, get U.S. citizenship, and then begin the process of bringing in all their extended
relatives in massive chain migration. If an asylum officer waves you through so that Joe
Biden can say he's clearing backlogs, you've got it made.
has Biden accomplished in his presidency? Devastation. Biden and his sycophants
in the media sing his praises on a daily basis, pretending he has been an effective
president. In fact, all he has accomplished is desecration on every level. From the
moment he took office, he set out to destroy the country. He began by shutting down the
Keystone XL pipeline which cost about ten thousand pipeline jobs and thousands more support
jobs. He stopped the construction of the border wall and opened the border to as many as ten
million migrants from all over the world. Not surprisingly, crime is up in every city where
these illegal entrants to the U.S. have been transported, often at our expense, in congregated
numbers: New York City, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston and every city along
the Southern border. The demography of the nation has been irreparably altered.
Diseases conquered long ago are back, brought by these migrants who long lacked and now expect free
health care at taxpayer expense.
This alone is reason enough to re-elect Trump. (Again.)
Advisers Reveal Advance Planning to Deport 20M Illegal Aliens After Election. Illegal
immigration and control over the nation's borders will be one of the major issues in this fall's
elections, and a key aspect of that issue is the number of people who are present in the country
today — and what should be done about them. Should he win reelection, former President Donald
Trump is reportedly being advised to deport almost 20 million illegal aliens, in a project
similar to the United Kingdom's Rwanda policy.
Mexico Facilitating Illegals Getting Legal Plates and Registrations on Vehicles in
Florida. We've long known Mexico is not our friend. From Vicente Fox telling W
that the US was Mexico's "pressure relief valve" to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's flat-out
blackmail for more money and visas in return for doing their part on their side of the border on
immigration enforcement, administration after administration in Mexico has played most American
presidents like fiddles. When they haven't been openly defiant or demanding, they've either
worked covertly or averted their eyes to whatever kept the cartels and illegals attempting
crossings happy, which kept their always tenuous grip on power as secure as it could be. The
Mexican government is always on the lookout for an opportunity to exploit both sides of the illegal
issue if they can. Any US enforcement measures are inevitably "racist," while Mexican
officials scan the horizon for any means to facilitate more of their citizens exiting Mexico in
order to work in the US and send those much-needed gringo dollars back home.
task force takes down human smuggling operation. After a year-long investigation into
a smuggling operation at the border, an Operation Lone Star Task Force led by Goliad County Sheriff
Roy Boyd took down several operatives allegedly involved in human smuggling. [...] Boyd's OLS Task
Force members hit the second leg of an alleged human smuggling transport operation based in
Roma. The first leg, organized by cartel operatives, involved transporting foreign nationals
from Mexico across the Rio Grande River into Roma. After they arrived, different women,
including a mother of young children, allegedly took turns transporting the foreign nationals to
Houston. When some did, they drove through Goliad County, were apprehended and arrested on
smuggling charges. Then, GCSO special investigators launched an in-depth investigation and
uncovered a human smuggling ring previously unknown to law enforcement.
Ravings of a Kindly Old Man with a Poor Memory. [Scroll down] And who's
responsible for allowing anyone and anybody to simply waltz into our country, unknown, unvetted,
and possibly undesirable? Do the folks permitting this allow just anyone to waltz into their
towns, their country clubs, or their homes? No, silly! They only expect it of you.
Democrats Pushing to Permit Migrants to Vote. A few votes could change the course of
history. The Equal Representation Act questions whether illegal migrants should appear on the
next US census in 2030, effectively granting them representation. The 206 to 202 vote was
passed on party lines, with ALL Democrats voting in favor of permitting illegal migrants to be
counted as American citizens for redistricting purposes. The repopulation theory is not a
conspiracy. The Democrats are losing the favor of the people rapidly, and the new world order
is on the line because citizens simply will not vote for these extreme measures that ultimately
weaken America. [...] Taxpaying citizens will be denied the right to have their vote counted if
foreign aliens are counted no different from citizens. They are aiming to distort our
electoral maps, and it is no coincidence that illegals have been placed in every major US
city. The borders were deliberately left open for this ultimate goal.
More Than Half of Immigrants in U.S. Are Unemployed. More than half of the
foreign-born immigrant population in the United States under President Joe Biden's administration
is unemployed, according to a recent report. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS)
released a report on Monday that showed that just 46 percent of migrants who had arrived in
the U.S. "in 2022 or later" were employed as of the beginning of 2024. [Advertisement]
"Immigration clearly adds workers to the country, but it just as clearly adds non-workers who need to be
supported by the labor of others," Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, researchers with the CIS, wrote.
Biden Anti-American Legacy. The border is open, and millions are coming at Biden's
explicit request — explicit because he could order the border closed for national
security reasons at a moment's notice and authorize the use of deadly force to stop the invasion in
less than twelve hours.
You Give a Denver Migrant a Cookie.... [Scroll down] Illegal migrants
to Denver have done just that. Last week they submitted a list of 13 demands to Mayor Mike
Johnston that they insist the city must meet before they vacate their tent city encampments and
move into city-provided shelters. These migrant families are currently living under bridges
and near train tracks. [...] I'm surprised they don't also want proper kitchens and a chef to
prepare their culturally appropriate meals. And culturally appropriate for whom? While
most illegal migrants are coming from central and South America there are still a significant
number arriving from Russia, China, India, Turkey, and Africa. What about their
culturally appropriate foods?
The Editor says...
[#1] If you are present in this country illegally, you were not invited. Not officially, anyway.
At best, you are unwelcome guests. [#2] Now that you are here, you are expected to get a job and
provide for your own housing and food. The country you "fled" from, as a "refugee," is far away now.
Assimilate or leave. We don't care what you ate in the old country, it will not be provided for you
here unless you pay for it. If you demand free food, you may or may not get any, and if you do,
you can take it or leave it. [#3] Your best alternative is to turn around and flee
into Mexico, where you might be lucky enough to be transported to Guatemala. [#4] As for
your return to your country of origin, give it up. Either you were expelled or you fled to America
because the old country was intolerable. In either case, you've put yourself in a mess, and
you're on your own.
Rep. Hands Out Cards with Instructions to Help Illegal Aliens Evade Law Enforcement,
Deportation. Democrat Rep. Collin Allred (TX) handed out cards with instructions
to help illegal aliens evade law enforcement and deportation. Allred is currently running for
US Senate in Texas against Republican Ted Cruz. According to Fox News, Allred handed out
"Know Your Rights Cards" during one of his campaign stops in Dallas earlier this month.
Suing Border NGO: "Annunciation House" Intentionally Hid Illegals From Law Enforcement.
Citing systemic criminal conduct in the state of Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing
Annunciation House, a non-governmental organization (NGO) purportedly helping illegal migrants near
the southern border. Paxton announced the filing of an application for a Temporary Injunction
against Annunciation House, which he says is facilitating illegal border crossings and concealing
illegally present aliens from law enforcement. All of this is illegal. The Office of
the Attorney General (OAG) reviewed and obtained sworn testimony proving, Paxton says, that
Annunciation House's operations were intentionally designed to facilitate illegal activity at
the southern border that is flooding the nation with people who do not belong here.
Earlier in the year, OAG issued a request for documents from Annunciation House seeking to
learn about its operations. Instead of responding with the requested information,
Annunciation House sued OAG.
charged hundreds of migrants who rushed a border gate with rioting. A judge threw out the
charges. Twice in recent months, hundreds of migrants have rushed a border gate in
El Paso in an effort to push past state troopers and National Guard and get into the U.S.
The Texas Department of Public Safety responded by arresting hundreds of the migrants en masse on
misdemeanor rioting charges. Now that strategy is being tested in local courts. Earlier
this week, a judge in El Paso dismissed 211 of the rioting cases related to one incident; the same
judge had previously dismissed 140 other cases from another border-rushing incident —
those cases were revived when the local district attorney took the unusual step of presenting the
misdemeanor cases to a grand jury, which indicted all the migrants.
Vlaardingerbroek speaking at CPACHungary, The Entire Video Was Removed By YouTube.
YouTube, owned by Google, has removed a speech by Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek calling on
Europeans to take a stand against the globalist migration program for the "Great Replacement",
characterizing it as "hate speech", reported. Here is just a sample of her
amazing speech. [Video clip]
Paxton Sues NGO For
Aiding Illegal Alien Invasion. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took time out from
his busy schedule of suing the Biden Administration to sue an NGO aiding the Biden Administration's
illegal alien invasion. [...] The illegal alien invasion of America is being guided and funded by
radical leftwing entities (NGOs and others) in cooperation with the Biden Administration. Ken
Paxton and Texas have proven that the states don't have to take this conspiracy to break the law
lying down.
Ways the Left Exploits Illegal Immigration for Electoral Gain. First, illegal
immigration affects congressional representation because the apportionment of members of Congress
by state is based on U.S. census data. As Heritage Foundation Border Security and Immigration
Center Director Lora Ries writes, the census currently counts all noncitizens — from
green card holders to illegal aliens — in addition to U.S. citizens for the purposes of
apportioning congressional districts among the states. The more citizens in a state, the more
congressional districts — i.e., seats in Congress — a state gets. In
turn, the number of congressional districts in a state determines how many Electoral College votes
that state receives. While president, Donald Trump tried to restore the U.S. citizenship
question on the 2020 census and exclude all noncitizens from apportionment calculations. Yet
court challenges prevented him from doing so prior to the deadline for getting a new census form
printed and distributed. Joe Biden then immediately terminated the effort when he took
office. That should tell you which states and party benefit most from the population overcount.
The second way mass illegal immigration undermines U.S. elections is through negligence and
fraud. Only American citizens can legally vote; it is a crime for a noncitizen to vote.
Yet, in many states, noncitizens can easily register and vote with little chance of detection.
Gather for Anti-Illegal Immigration Rally in Boston. A large rally against the open
border policies of Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey and President Joe Biden took center stage
in front of the state capitol in Boston. Hundreds gathered for the May 4 morning
protest, many of them veterans who underlined what local popular conservative talk radio host and
rally host Jeff Kuhner called "the final betrayal." He was referring to an amendment that
Massachusetts Democrats recently rejected, which would have mandated that homeless veterans be
given priority over illegal immigrants at state shelters. State Republicans introduced the
legislation after Ms. Healey, who has converted popular recreation centers, even an airport
terminal, into shelters for unvetted immigrants, announced that she was next moving the migrants
into the Old Soldiers' Home in Chelsea. "You know why they aren't helping veterans?
Because they hate America," said Mr. Kuhner, who referred to Ms. Healey as a "modern-day
Benedict Arnold."
End of Old Left-wing Mythologies. [Scroll down] [T]he left has
misused immigration, legal and illegal, to create new constituencies that too often identify as
victims, arrive with claims against their host, and see little need to quickly assimilate. So
in 2024, America has reached an impasse. Nearly 15 percent of the population was not
born in the U.S., perhaps over 50 million residents, illegal aliens, and citizens —
a record in both percentages and numbers. But the melting-pot's task of integrating and
assimilating newcomers has been all but disappeared, replaced by tribalism, salad-bowl separatism,
and convenient and careerist venom expressed at their hosts. Most immigrants, legal and
illegal, now arrive from anti-American and illiberal regimes in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and
the Middle East. Upon arrival, too many sense American self-loathing and the left's Marxist
binaries of oppressor/oppressed, and thus find victimhood a convenient entry to the American rat race.
to Sue Iowa If They Try to Enforce Immigration Law. The Justice Department has
threatened to sue Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds if the state enforces an immigration law that bars
immigrants from being in the state if they have an outstanding deportation order or are denied
entry into the country. It sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Not to the DOJ. Criminals and
ne'er-do-wells are in the Democrat voting bloc. Kim Reynolds signed Iowa's SF 2340 last
month. It does exactly what federal law dictates, but won't do. It criminalizes a
person being in the state if they were previously not allowed in the United States or currently
have deportation orders. If arrested and convicted, a judge can have the individual deported
back to their home country. [I]f the person is not deported, they could be sentenced to two years
in prison if it's classified as a misdemeanor or up to 10 years if it's a felony and they have
been arrested before.
Activists Prevent Migrants from Being Moved Out Of Hotel After Slashing Bus Tires. A
number of left-wing activists are sabotaging migrant removals in the United Kingdom. Earlier
this week, they prevented migrants from being moved from a hotel in London to the Bibby Stockholm
barge by slashing the tires on the bus meant to transport them. A number of migrants were set
to board the bus at the Best Western Hotel in Peckham, in the south of the capital city, to be
transferred to the barge in Portland, Dorset, where the government is currently housing hundreds
asylum seekers, some of whom have been earmarked for deportation to Rwanda. The transfer to
the barge is part of a plan by the UK government to reduce the amount of taxpayer money spent on
housing asylum seekers in hotels. However, when not at full capacity, the cost of the barge
is more than the average cost of a hotel room.
Little Too Late? House Speaker Johnson Finally Has Border Crisis Concerns.
After weeks of taking heat from friends and foes alike, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has
sounded off on the growing U.S. border crisis. [Advertisement] Earlier this week, Johnson
tweeted out a response to Dept. of Homeland Security data showing that the Biden administration is
flying otherwise inadmissible immigrants into the U.S. [Advertisement] [Tweet]
[Advertisement] That data was obtained by subpoena by the House Homeland Security Committee and
provided exclusively to Fox News. According to House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green
(R-TN) say the president's humanitarian program allows immigrants who have no legal basis to be in
the U.S. Fox News reports that another 1.6 million migrants are awaiting approval for the
program. [Video clip]
New Migration Advisor is [a] Foreign-Born Open Borders Advocate. Marcela Escobari,
Biden's new migration advisor, is a foreign-born, open-borders advocate who is unlikely to advance
or support any measures to seriously stem the flow of migrants into the U.S. Born in Santa Cruz,
Bolivia, Escobari is an international development specialist by trade. She served as the
Assistant Administrator of the Latin American and Caribbean Bureau at the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) under Barack Obama. She again assumed that position in the
Biden government in 2022 following a stint at the globalist, pro-open borders Brookings Institute.
Has Every Right To Defend Itself Against Biden's Border Invasion. States are
sovereign entities in their own right and have the unquestioned authority to repel an invasion in
their states, made even more critically necessary when the federal government has so abjectly
failed in its responsibility to safeguard the nation's borders. One of the central tenets of
our constitutional scheme is that, with the exception of the limited, enumerated rights and powers
granted by our U.S Constitution to the federal government, all power and policymaking authority is
reserved to the states and to the people, the 10th Amendment. This constitutional structure
stems from the Framers unquestioned belief that the states and their citizens are far better suited
to make life, health, safety, and other social policy decisions than is the federal government
which is so far removed both geographically and culturally from the American people.
secretary Deb Haaland has no idea. Deb Haaland, secretary for the Department of the
Interior, has never been to the southern border, but that doesn't mean she's not qualified to make
serious political decisions affecting this nation and its people — because, like
(previously) never-been-to-the-border-either-border-czar Kamala Harris, Haaland's been hired by Joe
Biden. During a congressional hearing yesterday, Wisconsin Republican Tom Tiffany asked
Haaland if "trash on the federal lands along the border" was an issue, but like all bureaucrats,
she's completely ignorant, replying, "Congressman, I have not been to the border, so I couldn't
tell you that." Okay, so we've got another clueless bureaucrat on our hands (what's new?), so
allow me to help her out, and I say this with as much emphasis as humanly possible: Migrants
and their littering/polluting/careless/inconsiderate attitudes are a colossal problem.
Of Open Border Is To Turn Texas Blue. For decades, progressives have dreamed of
changing Texas from a "red" Republican state to a "blue" Democrat one. This dream is
realistic because Democrats have succeeded in turning several western states "blue." For
example, California was the state that launched the political career of President Ronald
Reagan. Prior to his presidency, Reagan served two terms as Governor of California.
Today, California is a progressive wasteland, rapidly losing population and businesses.
[Advertisements] Not long ago, Republicans controlled Washington, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico,
Nevada, and Colorado. Today, Democrats either totally or partially lead those states.
One of the major reasons these states have become Democrat bastions is the influx of Hispanic
immigration, both legal and illegal. In the last midterm election, a survey showed that 64%
of Hispanic voters supported Democrat candidates, while only 33% supported Republican candidates.
families, homeless will be housed at National Guard armory in Lexington. The state's
filled-to-bursting Emergency Shelter system is expanding its presence into Lexington, where
migrants and other homeless families will be temporarily housed at the local Massachusetts National
Guard armory, the Herald has learned. The Lexington Armory building located at 459 Bedford
Street, in Lexington, Massachusetts, will be used to house up to 55 migrant families while the
state looks for other more permanent places to keep them, Emergency Assistance Director and retired
Air National Guard Lt. Gen. Scott Rice said. "We have identified a state-owned
building in Lexington to use as a safety-net site for families experiencing homelessness.
Preparations are underway in close collaboration with local officials, and we expect to open the
site next month," he said in an emailed statement.
Biden is
sending 80% of our 3rd world immigrants to Florida. In the first half of 2023, the
Biden administration sent more than 100,000 illegal immigrants to Florida, home of conservative
stalwart, Gov. Ron DeSantis. That's 80% of all illegal immigrants flown in during that
time period. As we know, tens of thousands of illegal Haitians, Venezuelans, Cubans and
Nicaraguans can only make Florida more diverse and strong, expanding its diversity and strength,
and strongly diversifying its strength. Florida, like our nation, has always been a state of
immigrants. In this time of bitter partisan division, it is heartening to see Biden extending
an olive branch to a red state, blessing it with a gift of immigrant communities (which bring
strength and diversity).
Program for Inadmissible Migrants Flies Them Into 50 Cities. When the Biden
administration is told that they are not allowed to do something, they find a way to work around
it. In this case, Biden is flying in immigrants who are not admissible for asylum and putting
them in his migrant parole program. [Advertisement] The Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) provided internal data to the House Homeland Security Committee Republicans after the
committee issued a subpoena for the data. More than 50 cities in the United States
received hundreds of thousands of migrants, flown in via Biden's controversial parole program for
four nationalities. Over 80% of them were flown into four Florida airports. In eight
months from January through August 2023, about 200,000 migrants flew into the United States.
80% (161,562) flew into Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, and Tampa Bay.
Biden Administration's Hispanic Chain Gang. In the shadows of our nation, a grim
reality persists. Tens of thousands of Hispanic migrant children in the United States have
fallen prey to the depraved clutches of human traffickers, their futures sold for profit and power
in a $150 billion-a-year industry, with an administration complicit in putting them in what
amounts to the chains of modern-day slavery. From the darkest corners of the internet and
social media to the seedy underbelly of our streets, these innocent souls are subjected to
unspeakable horrors — sexual exploitation, forced labor, and organ trafficking.
The U.S. is the top destination for child trafficking. The Hispanic community, sadly, bears
the brunt of targeting and exploitation, serving as unwitting pawns in the hands of the morally
bankrupt — akin to sheep led to slaughter. This insidious trade thrives under the
neglectful gaze of the Biden administration.
docs reveal where paroled migrants under controversial Biden flight program are landing.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data is revealing the more than 45 cities in the U.S.
that hundreds of thousands of migrants have flown into via a controversial parole program for four
nationalities — with the vast majority entering the U.S. via airports in Florida.
During an eight-month period from January through August 2023, roughly 200,000 migrants flew
into the U.S. via the program. Of those, 80% of them, (161,562) arrived in the state of
Florida in four cities: Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa Bay, according to DHS
data obtained via a subpoena by the House Homeland Security Committee and provided to Fox
News. The policy was first announced for Venezuelans in October 2022, which allowed a
limited number to fly or travel directly into the U.S. as long as they had not entered illegally,
had a sponsor in the U.S. already, and passed certain biometric and biographical vetting.
Docs Show Top Cities Biden Admin Flew Migrants Under Controversial Program. Internal
data obtained by Fox News via a House Homeland Security Committee subpoena to Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas' Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shows that thousands of illegal immigrants have
been flowing into over 45 U.S. cities under a controversial program instated by the Biden
administration. The "CHNV" migration parole program stands for Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and
Venezuela. Immigrants from these countries are eligible to participate in the parole
program. The program permits them to fly into the U.S. directly under certain conditions,
such as having a sponsor in the U.S. and being approved for travel. Between January and
August 2023, approximately 200,000 migrants flew into the U.S. via this program.
Notably, 80 percent of these arrivals, totaling 161,562 individuals, landed in four cities in
Florida: Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, and Tampa.
fly free — and secretly. By the time Joe Biden's term ends, if it ends, no
less than 10 million illegal aliens, many of them criminals and the insane, hundreds of
thousands of terrorists and spies, even members of China's military, will be within America's
borders. Terrorist attacks on a previously unimaginable scale are a certainty, so likely even
our feckless FBI director is warning of them, surely to cover his bureaucratic posterior.
Should Biden steal a second term, America will no longer resemble America. But voting with
one's feet is far from the only way illegals breach our borders with the help of Biden's Handlers:
[Tweet] [...] ["]In response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, the feds have admitted that
in 2023 alone they secretly flew 320,000 illegal aliens into the United States.["] [...] That's
320,000 in 2023 alone to which they'll admit. The flights, carrying numbers unknown,
continue. The information was obtained only by way of FOIA because these flights, usually in
unmarked aircraft, are kept strictly secret and land only at night. The Administration does
this through an app that allows illegals to apply for those flights. Unvetted, they are flown
directly into America at no cost, bypassing public scrutiny and cameras depicting them freely
crossing our "secure" and "closed" borders.
a dangerous myth that mass migration is good for the economy. There is no clearer
example of the broken Westminster consensus than the last three decades of immigration
policy. Successive governments have failed to tackle illegal migration. And as I have
set out in these pages, the latest attempt — the Safety of Rwanda Act — will
shortly join the graveyard of policies that haven't re-established our southern border. But
as offensive and dangerous as illegal migration is, the bigger scandal is the story of legal
migration because the numbers involved are so much greater. Last year, there were about
30,000 illegal small boat arrivals, but this was dwarfed by the 1.2 million people who arrived
here perfectly legally. Legal migration policy has a far bigger impact on the public's
day-to-day lives. As just one example, our housing crisis is increasingly an immigration
crisis. As housing secretary, I managed to drag up housing starts to almost a quarter of a
million (the highest level since 1986), but we would need to build an impossible 515,000 new homes
every year in England alone just to cope with current levels of immigration.
of Americans Support Trump Plan for Mass Deportation of Illegals. President Joe Biden
is underwater on nearly every issue that is important to American voters this election
season. But the one issue that is becoming even more important than his dismal economy is
illegal immigration. Americans are well aware that Joe Biden flinging the U.S. southern
border wide open to millions of illegal immigrants from literally all over the world is a mammoth
national security issue. Trump has promised that if reelected, he would begin mass
deportations of the millions of illegal immigrants that have crossed the southern border, and a new
poll shows that a majority of Americans might be on board with those plans.
Deportations? Axios commissioned a Harris poll and discovered something unsurprising,
even if the establishment was shocked. Americans support mass deportations of illegal
aliens. I suspect they would support mass deportations of some legal aliens who express
anti-American views as well, come to think of it. [...] Americans have consistently expressed
support for legal immigration but just as consistently told everyone that they don't like illegal
immigration. Nobody in power has listened to them — Biden has opened the floodgates instead,
with millions of illegal immigrants streaming into the country and wreaking havoc in our cities.
Have Deliberately Shattered The Ties Binding America. Rampant illegal immigration
also destroys American cohesion. A gold rush is going on, with illegal immigrants rushing to
stake a claim before the border closes. Many, if not most, of the people coming here, have no
interest or understanding of what it means to be an American and the responsibilities that go with
it. They come here for the freebies. Dedication to the rule of law is an afterthought
or goes out the window entirely when they storm our borders with no thought of doing it the right
way. It is all downhill from there.
Grand Jury Indicted 140 Illegal Aliens the Day After Judge Dismissed Charges. Talk
about a case of whiplash. The day after a county judge dismissed state charges against 140
illegal aliens who caused a riot against National Guard troops, a grand jury indicted the illegal
aliens. Essentially, the grand jury overruled the county judge. The illegal aliens are
still in jail because they have an ICE retainer against them. That's the federal
jurisdiction. A county court-at-law judge found no probable cause on Monday to continue
holding 140 illegal aliens at the El Paso County Jail. They were detained on state riot
charges. So, El Paso County Court-at-Law No. 7 Judge Ruben Morales agreed with
El Paso County Chief Public Defender Kelli Childress that there was not enough evidence presented
to charge them. Childress accused authorities of trying to make headlines. These are some of the
illegal aliens who stampeded over the Texas border crossing and began a riot to get across the border.
Massive Brawl Between A Horde Of Illegals In NYC. Mobs of rowdy migrants got into an
all-out brawl outside a Midtown hotel, swinging sticks, belts and even traffic cones during the
violent, broad-daylight melee, shocking new video shows. At least two men are seen wearing
bicycle helmets as the two sides square off in the middle of the street — even as
motorists stream by in the middle of the brawl. It is unclear what sparked the brawl and the
NYPD did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Row is one of dozens of hotels
and shelters converted to house asylum seekers flowing into the Big Apple from the US border with
Mexico. [Video clip]
Shipped to Martha's Vineyard Granted 'Victim of Crime' Visas. Several illegal
immigrants flown to Martha's Vineyard by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis were granted "victim of
crime" visas this week, allowing them to remain and work in the U.S. — just not in the
exclusive leftist vacation enclave, from which they were promptly removed upon arrival. The
migrants applied for the special type of visa, known as a U-visa, last year after arriving in the
ritzy Massachusetts town, alleging they were duped into boarding the charter flight with the false
promise of jobs and housing. At least 49 of the migrants on the flight have since been
granted U-visas, according to local outlet GBH. According to their attorney, Rachel Self, the
visa means they can now apply for jobs legally and that they can't be deported while they wait for
the visa to come through. The U-visa often leads to permanent lawful status in the U.S., as
well, she said.
The Editor says...
Illegal aliens are criminals, not the victims of criminals. It is safe to presume that
whoever created the "victims of crime" visas didn't see this as the intended use.
considering amnesty for over 1 million illegal immigrants who are married to U.S.
citizens. Joe Biden is considering an executive order that would grant amnesty to the
more than 1 million illegal immigrants who married U.S. citizens but were barred from
receiving green cards. The President is looking at taking further actions to address both the
southern border crisis and illegal immigrants living in the U.S. ahead of the 2024 election as a
large chunk of Americans rank the issue as their top priority. Although immigrants, even
those living in the U.S. illegally, are typically able to gain citizenship when they marry American
citizens there are a number of reasons why they may have been given the benefit.
Left's Long War on Using 'Illegal Aliens'. We're now apparently in the era where
using the term "birthing person" makes you a thoughtful speaker and saying "illegal alien" gets you
suspended — at least if you're one North Carolina high schooler. Last week, "in
Davidson County, North Carolina, 16-year-old student Christian McGhee was suspended for three days
for using the term 'illegal alien' in class when clarifying the word 'alien' in a vocabulary
lesson," writes Donna King, editor in chief of the Carolina Journal. "A classmate reportedly
threatened to fight Christian over his word choice, but both students and their teacher insisted
the exchange was innocent, and the other student's outrage was in jest," adds King, who notes the
absurdity of politically correct terms such as "birthing person" and "uterus owners" in her column
about the incident. So to recap: Christian, a teenager, reportedly didn't call someone
an illegal alien, but simply asked the teacher if he was referring to an illegal alien or, say, a
little green creature. But even voicing the term was enough to get him suspended.
Turns Schools into Welfare Agencies as Thousands of Needy Migrant Children Enroll.
Denver and other Colorado communities have transformed schools into welfare agencies as tens of
thousands of children of illegal border crossers flood into the state's schools, where they get
free food, clothing, shoes, healthcare, and education at taxpayers' expense. The Washington
Post reported the transformation of the Centennial State's schools from educational facilities to
full-on welfare agencies where kids of all ages — many of whom have never gone to school
in their entire lives — are enrolled by the thousands.
declares mistrial in case of Arizona rancher charged with murder of Mexican national on border
property. A jury was unable to reach a verdict in the case of Arizona rancher George
Alan Kelly, who was accused of second-degree murder in connection to the death of a Mexican
national found fatally shot on his borderland ranch in January 2023. The jury began
deliberating April 18. After days of being unable to reach a verdict, the judge overseeing the
trial declared a mistrial on Monday. The case centered around the death of Mexican national
Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, who was found shot to death on Kelly's 170-acre cattle ranch near Keno
Springs outside Nogales, Arizona, on Jan. 30, 2023.
aliens understand that none of the rules apply to them. Once upon a time, illegal
aliens cowered in the shadows, and Democrats told us that was wrong. Now, Democrats have de
facto legalized illegal immigration, and the aliens no longer cower. Instead, they make it
plain that they have the upper hand and are entitled to free food, free lodging, and freedom from
America's laws and rules. The most recent example is the group of illegal aliens who refused
to yield a soccer field to a boys' youth soccer game in New York City. We routinely hear
stories of illegal aliens complaining that they don't like the free food they get or that their
free accommodations are substandard. [...] We've also seen an escalating number of illegal aliens
murder people, rape people, commit acts of pedophilia, drive drunk, engage in illegal drug dealing,
mug people, rob houses, and otherwise commit a variety of illegal acts. Leftists assure us,
though, that these bad actors are just a small percentage of the illegal aliens who come here.
Complain That New Yorkers Don't Learn African Languages. A hearing held earlier this
week in New York by the Council's immigration and hospital committees saw black migrants who have
arrived in the city airing their grievances about public services they have been provided,
including food and accommodation, with one woman even complaining that New Yorkers won't learn
Congolese languages. The hearing drew over a thousand immigrants, mostly from countries in
Africa, and many illegally in the country, with some claiming that they had been promised money,
green cards or work visas if they attended. [Tweet] While only 250 of them were allowed
inside, the rest congregated outside in a park protesting. [Tweet]
Invaders Complain That Americans Speak English. On Tuesday some of the numberless
hordes of illegal aliens from Africa pouring into New York City swamped the area around City Hall
and aired their belligerent grievances. As noted at the time: ["]Their
dissatisfaction will be easy for Democrats to weaponize against the native population the newcomers
have been imported to displace.["] What could they possibly have to complain about,
considering they have invaded our country in contravention of our laws, yet instead of being kicked
out are provided with free food, housing, and even prepaid debit cards? For one thing, we keep
speaking English instead of learning Africa's many languages: [Tweet with video clip]
Illegals at NYC City Council Complain About Free Food and Housing. African illegals
at a New York City Council meeting complained about the free (taxpayer-funded) food and housing
provided to them. More than 1,300 illegal aliens from Africa swarmed New York City Hall on
Tuesday after they were falsely promised work visas and green cards. The illegals were lined
up outside of New York City Hall as far as the eye could see. Africans in Islamic garb
swarmed the sidewalk.
Dismisses Impeachment Charges Against Mayorkas. The Democratic-held Senate voted on
Wednesday to dismiss both articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security
Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas. The House voted to impeach Mayorkas on Feb. 13 over his
handling of the crisis at the southern border, and presented the articles to the upper chamber on
Tuesday. The Senate quickly killed the impeachment trial across party lines, with the upper
chamber voting down the first article 51 to 48 and the second 51 to 49.
Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted "present" for the first article of impeachment.
"We've set a very unfortunate precedent here," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said after the vote.
"This means that the Senate can ignore, in effect, the House's impeachment. It doesn't make any
difference whether our friends on the other side thought he should of be impeached or not, he was.
And by doing what we just did, we have, in effect, ignored the directions of the House, which were to
have a trial. No evidence, no procedure — this is a day that's not a proud day in
the history of the Senate."
Democrats kill both articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas. Both
articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas were
deemed unconstitutional by the Senate on Wednesday in two party-line votes. The first of two
articles of impeachment alleged Mayorkas engaged in the "willful and systemic refusal to comply
with the law" regarding the southern border in his capacity as DHS secretary. The second
claimed Mayorkas had breached public trust.
disgrace for the US Senate. There is no more room in our country for fools; we are
full up. We have been bested by the best of fools — the U.S. Senate, in which
today, mostly thanks to Chuck Schumer but really thanks to all the Democrats in the Senate, it has
been made clear that no tradition, no constitutional respect, and no national empathy exists
anymore on Capitol Hill. The American people are past being outmaneuvered and now stand
askance, beaten down by the fools and rogues in D.C. with far too much power on their hands and far
too weak to care. These senators all well know the critical jam we're in with Biden's open
border — and today, they not only let us know they don't care, but rub our noses in it,
not even allowing our fears and our despair their day in court. The Republicans were outfoxed
and shamed by the most cynical "point of order" from Majority Leader Schumer at his bully pulpit.
(Senator John Kennedy called Schumer's point of order "specious," and right he was.) Schumer
unilaterally declared that the first article of impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas, brought to the
Senate from the House, was 'unconstitutional" because it did not delineate impeachable
offenses. Total hogwash.
Alarmed by Flyers in Mexico Urging Illegal Aliens to Vote Biden. The "vote for
President Biden" flyers found at a center for migrants in Mexico constitute foreign meddling in
U.S. elections, congressional Republicans say. Amid the ongoing crisis of illegal immigration
at the southern border, the lawmakers decried flyers posted at the migrant services center near
Brownsville, Texas, that tell illegal aliens: "Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in
the United States." "Joe Biden has sacrificed our nation's safety and security in his
pursuit to get as many people here as possible. Why? Because he believes these are
future Democrat voters," Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., told The Daily Signal. "This is
election interference orchestrated at the highest levels. We have to get our hands around
this — Americans have to have complete confidence in their elections," Marshall said.
"Any NGO receiving federal funds and pushing illegal get-out-the-vote efforts for Joe Biden should
be stripped of their funding immediately."
Deportations Would Lower Housing Prices. Housing prices are out of control. As
any economist will tell you, there are two ways to bring the price of a good down: increase the
supply or reduce the demand. [Advertisement] Building houses — increasing the
supply — is a complex and relatively difficult business. It requires time, labor,
materials, and expertise. It is also environmentally taxing. Building lots of houses in
quick succession can easily lead to urban sprawl, congestion, and unaesthetic cookie-cutter suburbs
stretched out to the horizon. Residents of Dallas-Fort Worth know exactly what I'm talking
about. [The same advertisement again] But there is, of course, another way to reduce the
cost of housing in America — we could reduce demand. And there is, helpfully, a
very easy way to do this: mass deportations. [Another advertisement] The Biden
administration has let in some 8 million legal and illegal migrants since 2021. That equates
to a roughly 7% increase in the national population and a concomitant rise in the demand for housing.
Instructed to Vote Biden for Border NGO to 'Stay Open'. An advocacy group based in
Northeastern Mexico that lobbies U.S. lawmakers has distributed and posted flyers encouraging
illegal immigrants to vote for President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, according to The Heritage
Foundation's Oversight Project. Translated from Spanish, the Oversight Project notes, the
flyers posted by the organization Resource Center Matamoros say: "Reminder to vote for President
Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay
open." Resource Center Matamoros describes itself as "a leading non-governmental organization
providing trauma-informed care." [Tweet]
Mayorkas Admits They Don't Oversee and Stop Illegals Voting. Alejandro Mayorkas
admitted there are no mechanisms in place to prevent illegal immigrants from potentially
registering and voting in U.S. elections. It's not his job. His job is to protect the
border. In other words, he does nothing. Mayorkas was a Board member on the board of an
NGO who works with an NGO accused of telling illegal aliens to vote for Joe Biden when they come
in. [Tweet with video clip] The impeachment articles of Secretary Mayorkas were
walked over to the Senate today. We'll see what Schumer will do with them, likely
nothing. During the hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene blasted DHS Secretary Mayorkas
over the bombshell finding of flyers allegedly put up by NGOs and paid for by US taxpayers.
The flyers tell illegal aliens to vote for Biden in our election. Mayorkas is remarkably
arrogant and isn't a bit concerned about Republicans.
Africans Swarm NY City Hall Demanding Hotel Rooms. New York City is done.
Illegal aliens, communists, religious fascists, corrupt politicians —
judges — DA — and academics govern the city. There is no sign that
residents will vote for normal leaders. We have foreigners lured by lies, demanding hotel
rooms. NGOs are telling them to demand hotel rooms. In New York City, Africans, lured
by the promise of work and green cards, demand nice hotel rooms. Over 1,300 African migrants,
predominantly from Guinea, swarmed New York City Hall on Tuesday morning. Lured by false
promises of green cards and work visas, an activist group reportedly summoned the mob of new
arrivals. These activist groups are people who want to destroy the country. The wokes
of New York City are meeting to see how they can meet their needs with our tax money. [Tweet]
Of Illegals Flood NYC City Hall To Protest Move Out Of Luxury Hotels. New York City
is now being protested by illegal aliens after they are moved out of their tax-payer funded hotels
into shelters. The people of New York City are trying to cover their own expenses, they can't
afford to pay for the criminals that have been lured into the US by Democrat and Republican
politicians alike. Notice, once again, that these are mostly military-aged men. [Numerous tweets]
schools hit with 'unprecedented strain' due to vast numbers of migrant children being
released. Since President Biden took office in early 2021, nearly half a million
unaccompanied children have crossed over the U.S. border with Mexico, according to Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) data. That staggering figure "does not include children who arrived
with a family member," the Washington Examiner reports. "Of the 464,000, roughly 391,000
children have been released into the country between fiscal 2021 and January 2024," the outlet
reports. "Fiscal 2021 began shortly before the November 2020 election while President Donald
Trump was still in office."
Border Patrol's San Diego processing centers reach eye-popping 245% capacity. The US
Border Patrol has more than twice as many migrants as they can hold in the San Diego area of the
southern border — and immigrants there were thanking President Biden for letting them
in. The agency's processing centers in the region are 245% capacity, as 1,812 migrants were
being detained as of Friday in facilities normally meant to hold 750, according to agency data
exclusively obtained by The [New York] Post. With the influx — and the fact that
migrants can only be held 72 hours — there's been more than 125,000 migrants
released onto the streets of San Diego since September.
Admin Has Flown Over 400,000 Migrants To Airports Across US. The U.S. has flown in
over 400,000 migrants from a host of countries since President Joe Biden took office, according to
Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Under the Biden administration's CHNV program, some
nationals hailing from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela can be eligible to come to the United
States "in a safe and orderly way" and obtain humanitarian parole status, meaning they are here
legally and can obtain work authorization. Over 400,000 migrants hailing from these nations
have been flown into airports across the U.S. as of March, CBP said in a statement on Friday [4/12/2024].
number of migrants arrive in San Diego in a single week. San Diego saw a staggering
6,997 migrant encounters in just seven days at the start of April in an alarming indicator of the
worsening border crisis, can reveal. The number is around the same as other
sectors normally see in an entire month, and only reflects those who were caught[,] meaning the true
scale is likely higher. 'Unfortunately, I'm not surprised,' San Diego County Commissioner Jim
Desmond told Thursday. 'Texas is clamping down and other areas are clamping down.
Chief Mayorkas: 'Preposterous' to Suggest Biden Importing Migrants to Create Permanent Democrat
Majority. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says it
is "preposterous" to suggest that President Joe Biden is importing millions of migrants to the
United States to inflate political power in favor of Democrats. During a Senate budget
hearing on Wednesday, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) asked Mayorkas if it is a fact "that the number
of illegal immigrants that you and the president allow into our country counts for congressional
district reapportionment?" Mayorkas initially responded, saying "I'm not sure I understand
your question but I can surely share with you that I disagree with its phrasing." Kennedy
asked again, "Isn't it true that the number of illegal immigrants that you and President Biden have
allowed into our country counts in allocating electoral votes?" to which Mayorkas eventually
responded, "The notion, Senator, that we intend to allow illegal immigration is nothing short of
It Comes To Immigration, Misplaced Compassion Will Destroy America. From its
beginning, the land that became America experienced a series of waves of immigration, which
included approximately 86 million people through 2019, a number that has increased to
approximately 100 million over the last 5 years. Although Donald Trump stemmed the
tide somewhat, Joe Biden has opened up the floodgates with more than 10 million illegal
immigrants pouring over our now-nonexistent border since his installation. That's fully 3% of
the US population. As significant numbers of those people are heading to New York,
California, and other blue states, which roll out the red carpet and give them free money, the
Democrats are grateful because this swelling population helps their congressional numbers.
This is simply not sustainable. Particularly when the overwhelming majority of the people
coming across the border are from countries that don't share our values and have little experience
with the freedoms that helped create history's greatest nation and economy.
Words Aren't
Enough. The chaos at the border is starting to show its destructive side in cities
and towns, especially where black and Hispanic citizens see the illegals getting special
treatment. Homeless shelters, schools and parks are being used to house illegals. They
are being given gift cards with thousands of dollars loaded onto them, free housing, free meals,
free medical care. An American citizen doesn't get those same benefits, not even
veterans. This is a special class of people, these illegal aliens, above anyone else in the
nation. Everyone, except them, have to show ID to buy tobacco, get on a plane, go through
TSA, buy a gun, but these special citizens don't have to do all of that. The Democrats are
even pushing to make it legal for them to vote. That's the reason they're here, right?
That's why they're given every advantage paid for by those citizens who have jobs and have their
taxes taken out to pay the bill for the freeloaders. The double-whammy aspect of this is that
when/if Trump returns and these benefits disappear, they can blame it all on him.
open border policy is compromising our national security. In 2011, the U.S. Border
Patrol apprehended 125,821 illegal immigrants in Texas alone. This high volume of illegal
immigration presents significant challenges to Texas and the entire U.S., including economic,
social, and security concerns. The influx of undocumented immigrants can strain public
resources and social services, leading to potential economic challenges. It is essential to
find a balance between humanitarian concerns and fiscal responsibility. Economically, illegal
immigrants impose a significant burden on the state's resources. They account for about 14%
of the students in Texas public schools when U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants are included,
costing the state around $3.75 billion annually. Furthermore, illegal immigrants are
more likely to live in poverty, with about 58% taking advantage of welfare programs, which cost the
state an additional $803.3 million annually.
Has a Warning for Senate Democrats Looking to Table Articles of Impeachment Against
Mayorkas. On Tuesday, as Townhall covered, House Republicans decided to delay
delivery of the impeachment articles against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas at the request of Senate Republicans. Despite how the Senate Democrats'
plan has been slammed as "unprecedented," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) still
looks to avoid having the chamber go through with its constitutional duty. Per POLITICO's
Burgess Everett, Senate Democrats are still looking to deal with the impeachment effort "as
expeditiously as possible." [Tweet] Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who has been among those
Republicans most vocal about the need for holding the trial, addressed the issue during Wednesday's
episode of his podcast, "The Verdict." "Schumer wants it incredibly quick, incredibly
silent. He doesn't want Senate Democrats on record, he doesn't want any of the facts revealed
to the American people," Cruz shared with his co-host Ben Ferguson.
Done Nothing for Four Years': Senator Kennedy Roasts Alejandro Mayorkas. Homeland
Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas appeared before lawmakers on Capitol Hill Wednesday as
Congress considers 2025 budget requests from the executive branch, and Senator John Kennedy (R-LA)
was ready to go when his time to ask the impeached Biden administration official some questions.
"It gives me no joy to say this, but most Republicans don't trust you," Sen. Kennedy said to
Mayorkas. "A vast majority of the American people don't trust you — that's why you've
been impeached," he reminded. "Now, my Democratic colleagues are going to try and sweep your
impeachment under the rug and violate 200 years of Senate precedent in doing it," continued
Sen. Kennedy, referring to Senate Democrats' attempts to avoid proceeding with an official
trial for Mayorkas following the House's impeachment of the DHS secretary. Acknowledging that
his upper chamber colleagues across the aisle may succeed in sweeping the trial under the
proverbial rug, Kennedy reminded that they still wouldn't succeed in hiding the larger issue of the
Biden administration's self-inflicted border crisis.
Few Good Reasons Future Generations Will Mock Us. [#3] We allowed ourselves to be
replaced. Sure, your grandfather seems grotesque for allowing a doctor to place leeches on
his skin or sitting in a filthy Saratoga Springs bathtub to "take in the waters" for his
health. Wanna know what Gramps didn't do? He didn't sit back as his nation was taken
over. Grandad lied about his age so he could fight tyranny in French hedgerows or on an
island thousands of miles away he'd never heard of. Grandma built B-24 bombers in Willow Run,
Mich. We sat back and merely whined as our large blue cities went broke caring for illegal
immigrants before sending them into our communities. We complained as our elderly were booted
from nursing homes to make room for people who shouldn't be here in the first place, but we didn't
do anything.
gracias' for all those remittances. Today I learned that the peso is strong.
That's actually a double-edged sword because it makes Cancun more expensive for U.S. tourists but
going shopping in the U.S. cheaper for Mexicans. So what's going on? Well, remittances
are going south and that makes the Lopez-Obrador government say "muchas gracias" to all those
Mexicans in the U.S. keeping their families afloat.
Johnson's Mishandling Of Mayorkas Impeachment Evidence Could Botch Case, Source Says.
Republicans may struggle to convict Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in his
impeachment trial due to Speaker Mike Johnson's mishandling of the evidence, a Capitol Hill source
told the Caller Tuesday. Impeachment managers tasked with prosecuting the case against
Mayorkas expressed concerns about the "ill-prepared evidence" against the Secretary and laid the
blame squarely on Speaker Johnson, the senate aide told the Daily Caller. [Advertisement]
[Tweet] "The ill-prepared evidence is just an indication that Johnson's folks didn't do a good
job on putting this together, weren't planning on fighting it, and were counting on Schumer to
deep-six before they got a chance," the source told the Daily Caller.
who is short of farm workers? How long before the Mexican government of Andres Manuel
Lopez-Obrador starts calling for Mexicans to come home and pick some strawberries? Like
everything, this one is a bit complicado. First, it's more lucrative to go north, cut
grass or whatever, and send $100 to your mom than to do back-breaking labor at home to earn much
less than that. They call that cash remesas, or remittances, and for Mexico, it adds
up to $60 billion a year. It keeps a lot of families going! Second, does Mexico
want remesas or Mexicans working on their farms? It's a tough call no matter how much
they miss their people. Another problem is that Mexicans are not having babies like they used
to. It's around two per woman, down from six a generation ago.
Biden Balloons 'Temporary' Amnesty to Include 1.2M Foreign Nationals. President Joe
Biden has helped balloon the number of foreign nationals living in the United States who are
eligible or receiving Temporary Protected Status (TPS), making them ineligible for deportation, to
nearly 1.2 million. Analysis from the Pew Research Center reveals that as of late last
month, almost 1.2 million foreign nationals are eligible or receiving TPS so they can stay in
the U.S., secure work permits, and avoid deportation. Since taking office, Biden's Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) has added Afghanistan, Burma, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ukraine, and Venezuela
to the list of countries where nationals residing in the U.S. but who do not have any immigration
status can qualify for TPS.
Far-Left Mayor Demands Biden Issue Work Permits to Half a Million Illegals. Chicago's
far-left Mayor Brandon Johnson has petitioned the Biden administration to hand out to the nearly
half a million illegals living in Illinois. Johnson, who was elected mayor a year ago, met
with business and immigration advocates on Thursday where he touted a letter signed by other
leaders across the state of Illinois. [...] Chicago is among the many U.S. cities drowning under
the weight of tens of thousands of new arrivals, the vast majority of whom have crossed the
southern border illegally and are now seeking to gain the right to work. Last December, Mayor
Johnson begged the Biden administration for additional funding to help ease the cost of the city's
illegal immigrant crisis.
in Mexico hoping to cross the southern border say they want Biden to win in November.
Migrants camped out in Mexico say they want Joe Biden to win the November election[,] because Donald
Trump will never let them into the United States if he gets back into the White House.
Hundreds of migrants are enduring the muddy, smelly encampment in Matamoros while they wait — for
how long remains a question — for appointments with Customs and Border Protection. But they
all have one big worry that is out of their control: If they don't make it over the border by
election day, they say they need Biden to prevail over Donald Trump[,] who has promised to crack
down on the border.
Somebody must have given AMLO what he wanted.
surges troops to the border to stop 'Way of the Cross' migrant caravan of 2,000 from reaching
Texas. Hundreds of federal, state and local Mexican law enforcement have arrived on
the border near El Paso, Texas to prevent a migrant caravan with an estimated 2,000 people
from reaching the US. Mexican officials paraded federal immigration agents and other law
enforcement officers in front of cameras this week in Juarez, the Mexican city just south of El
Paso. The show of force is part of an on-going agreement between President Joe Biden and Mexico's
president for Mexico to do its part in securing the border and has been used in January as well.
Aliens Voting.
The southern border crisis has reached new heights under President Biden. Now, viral footage
shows migrants rushing the National Guard and cutting down border fencing. The data backs up
the images Americans are seeing on TV. Arrests for illegal border crossings from Mexico have
reached an all-time high. I could just as easily be describing our border in 2015 or even a
decade before. Some of these foreigners will get drivers licenses and, therefore mistakenly
get added to American voter rolls. We have researched this issue for years, and there is hard
data to back it up. We already have government records from states across the country that
reveal aliens have been registering and voting in American elections. Yes, you read that
right: foreigners are casting ballots in American elections. It is not a myth or
Bigfoot. It is happening. The number one source for alien registration is the DMV
registration system. The overwhelming majority of foreigners who end up registered to vote
come through the DMV. The second most prevalent is student visas. Illegal border crossers
comprise a smaller percentage of aliens to get registered. Data support these conclusions.
National Guard Retakes Control of El Paso Border — Installs Miles of Razor-Wire and a
New Anti-Climb Fence. On Tuesday morning, the Texas National Guard defied the Biden
regime and again took control of the El Paso border, installing concertina wire (razor wire) and a
new anti-climb fence. The new security measures are in place to prevent illegals from rioting
and tearing apart the previous razor wire barrier as they did on March 21st. Fox News
Channel's Matt Finn obtained exclusive access to the new barrier, which can be viewed below.
Finn notes it bears similarities to another wall in Eagle Pass.
Like Payback: DHS Targets Texas, Florida with Secret Migrant Flights. The Biden
administration is secretly using migrant flights to dump illegal aliens into the United
States. It turns out that most of them are being flown into Florida and Texas.
Hmm. Is it a coincidence that two red states that are being vigilant in securing their
borders are receiving 90% of the migrant flights? I don't think so. The Center for
Immigration Studies analyzed available public information on U.S. Customs and Border Protection's
(CBP) website. It's difficult to know the full picture since the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) refuses to publicly identify the dozens of international airports it has approved
for direct flights from abroad for some inadmissible aliens. At least 386,000 migrants, as of
February, have been allowed to fly into the U.S. airports as part of President Biden's admissions
program launched in October 2022. The rationale for the program is to reduce the number of
illegal border crossings. They are flown in and then released on parole.
Express Support for Mass Deportation of Illegal Aliens. Former President Donald Trump
has the edge on President Joe Biden in the critical swing state of Michigan, according to a Spry
Strategies poll, continuing a trend in the Wolverine State that has persisted for months. The
poll, released Tuesday night, also finds that most voters in the state back mass deportation of
illegal aliens. In a head-to-head matchup with Biden, Trump leads 48 percent to
43.7 percent. Another 8.3 percent of respondents were unsure or did not have an
opinion on who they would back if the election were today.
With Construction. When a future administration someday deals sternly with this
nation-dividing issue of illegal immigration, they'll need to begin by removing the job thieves
imported here by cartels from South America and elsewhere. They'll also have to heavily fine,
if not bankrupt, some of the companies hiring these illegals. They must start the
deportations with construction workers here illegally in the U.S. According to conservative
estimates, 25-30% of all construction workers in the U.S. are illegal immigrants. That thirty
percent amounts to 3.3 million illegal workers in construction alone. People who
empathize with the imported job thieves misplace their sympathy at the expense of their friends,
neighbors, kin, and themselves. Save your sympathy for people who are from here,
please. The "latecomers" don't get a pass on the law because they have a sob story and are
from a foreign country.
Caravan Heads to El Paso. A migrant caravan is making its way from southern Mexico to
the Texas border. It is expected to arrive in the El Paso area in a few days. There are
about 2,000 people in the caravan. One video reported that there were 3,000 marching in
the caravan. [Advertisement] [Tweet] In this video, the leader speaks through a bullhorn
and leads a chant - "A la Frontera, which means "To the border." The group said in Spanish, "We
are not criminals, we are international workers." [Tweet] What can go wrong? The caravan
will likely be divided up into smaller groups by the cartels so that they can more easily invade
Texas. Church-run border shelters are preparing for the influx of illegal aliens, though
housing is scarce because of the thousands of those already here.
goes to war over Biden migrant flights. Gov. Ron DeSantis is fighting back hard
against a program that allows President Joe Biden's administration to fly migrants to Florida
without notifying officials first and wants to make Florida 'undesirable' for illegal
immigrants. The Biden administration's CNHV program allows 30,000 undocumented migrants to be
released into the country every month. And a new analysis from the Center for Immigration
Studies (CIS) on Monday reveals a vast majority of migrants flown into the U.S. are landing in
Miami. Lawyers for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) refused earlier this year to disclose
in a FOIA request which airports migrants arriving on the program were landing after boarding
flights in Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (CNHV).
Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants Fly into Miami to Score Joe Biden's Parole Benefits.
Hundreds of thousands of migrants have been authorized to fly into Miami, Florida —
among dozens of other United States airports — as part of a parole pipeline that
President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created and implemented. The
airports where migrants are flying into the U.S. were revealed in a report from Todd Bensman with
the Center for Immigration Studies.
US Canadian Border is Being Flooded with Illegals. Let me explain something: within a
few hours of taking the White House, Biden's very first order was to open the borders. They
are flooding the country with nearly 14 million illegal aliens, and that does not count the
people who were not caught. I am getting emails from people who were waited on by an illegal
alien waitress who barely spoke English and did not even comprehend that when you order drinks,
they come before the meal. This seems to be an interesting new twist. If I want to
migrate to Zurich, I have to speak German. This is all about changing America for politics.
Paso Judge Orders Release Of Migrants Who Stormed Texas Border. On Easter Sunday a
magistrate judge in El Paso, Texas, ordered the release of migrants who were charged with rioting
after a large group stormed the border, tearing down razor wire and clashing with members of the
Texas National Guard in the process. Presiding Magistrate Judge Humberto Acosta delivered the
ruling after accusing the El Paso District Attorney's office of failing to prepare properly and
thus not being ready and "not being ready to proceed with detention hearings for each defendant,"
The El Paso Times reported on Sunday.
'Friends' Like Mexico's Obrador, Who Needs Enemies Like Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un and the
Ayatollahs? In a recent 60 Minutes interview, Mexican President Andrés
Manuel López Obrador — who prefers to be known as AMLO for short —
issued to the Biden administration blackmail demands that sounded more like existential
threats. AMLO warned the U.S. that the current influx of some 10 million illegal aliens
through the southern border will most certainly continue — unless America agrees
to his ultimatums. One, Obrador says the U.S. must now send $20 billion in de facto
bribery payments to Latin American nations, many of them corrupt and dysfunctional.
Apparently, he thinks it is America's fault that millions of Latin Americans are fleeing these
failed states northward, not the inept and corrupt governments that create such misery.
plans to fill former veteran housing with [illegal im]migrants. Massachusetts
residents are outraged at recently announced plans to turn a former Boston area veteran housing
unit into a homeless shelter as the city is inundated with migrants. Democrat Governor Maura
Healey revealed the government will turn the former Chelsea Soldiers' Home facility, which is
vacant and scheduled for demolition, into a safety-net site in April. It will be able to
accommodate 100 families who are eligible for the state's Emergency Assistance family shelter
system, which has been operating at capacity for months.
Must Have Courage To Take Back Our Country. The invasion across our borders reflects
the inaction we see in Congress, coupled with an empowered bureaucracy and the hard left-leaning
Marxist progressive press, which is louder and more activist each day. Our defenses have
crumbled. In a 60-Minutes interview this week, the President of Mexico threatened America,
saying he'd send even more migrants to the border if the U.S. does not do what he says:
["]The U.S. must commit $20 billion a year to poor countries in Latin America and the
Caribbean, lift sanctions on Venezuela, end the Cuban embargo, and legalize millions of law-abiding
Mexicans.["] Immigration, primarily illegal, has profoundly affected us, Too few of us
can see how fast our standards, laws, customs, and beliefs are changing.
This should have happened at least a year ago:
informs Schumer he will send Mayorkas impeachment articles to Senate on April 10.
Speaker Mike Johnson informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that the House will send the
impeachment articles against Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate on
April 10, according to a letter obtained by CNN, the next step in having an impeachment trial
in the upper chamber. Schumer's office responded to the letter saying senators will be sworn
in as jurors on April 11. The House impeached Mayorkas on February 13 by an extremely
narrow margin, making him the first Cabinet secretary to be impeached in almost 150 years.
Path to Victory for Trump. The key to Trump's reelection this fall, then, is to make
the straightforward case that his term was demonstrably better for the median American citizen than
Biden's term has been. [...] On the border, Biden has presided over the worst crisis in American
history: Endless streams of unknown illegal aliens have flooded over, leading to a massive
strain on municipalities' resources, skyrocketing violent crime, depressed wages for working-class
Americans, and the mass importation of terrorism-implicating "special interest aliens." Trump,
by contrast, may not have finished construction of the border wall, but illegal immigration was orders
of magnitude lower than it is today due in no small part to the prudent measures he implemented,
such as Remain in Mexico.
of Hispanics Disagree with Biden, Say Calling Laken Riley's Alleged Killer 'Illegal' Is
Appropriate. An overwhelming majority of Hispanic Americans say calling the illegal
alien accused of murdering 22-year-old Laken Riley an "illegal," as President Joe Biden initially
did, is appropriate, a Harvard/Harris poll finds. During his State of the Union (SOTU)
address this month, Biden was pressured by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to address Laken
Riley's murder. Biden ultimately called the suspect accused of murdering Riley, Jose Antonio
Ibarra, "an illegal." Afterward, Biden seemingly told MSNBC he regretted using the term "illegal."
Boss Tightens the Screws: Mexico's president has America hooked on what he's selling.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was so supremely confident that his thumb
on the scale can tip the U.S. presidential election that he just issued a cash demand to President
Biden along with a threat: give me money or Donald Trump wins. The spectacle, shameful
for all parties, played out on the grand stage of CBS's 60 Minutes Sunday broadcast.
[...] Biden's immigration policy registers as so deeply unpopular with the American people that
López Obrador offered the old "silver-or-lead" option to the Biden campaign on national
television. If President Biden wants his mass migration crisis to recede from public view
before the election, López Obrador will slow the flow of migrants — for the ripe
price of a $20 billion down payment. This cash would be sent under the paper-thin cover
of the debunked "root causes" theory of mass migration, which proposes that money from the destination
country can rebuild countries generating outmigration so that their citizens want to stay.
Losing Minorities. The transition of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in 2021
entailed rejecting strict migration policies, shutting down the Remain in Mexico program, and
ceasing the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico. The result was that, over the
past three years, 7.2 million migrants illegally entered the United States. Biden is
well aware of the problems on the border, but he and his government are not taking any significant
measures to stabilize the situation. At the same time, White House press secretary Karin
Jean-Pierre says that "the president has done more to secure the border and to deal with the issue
of immigration than anybody else," spreading deliberately false information.
Is Under Siege and Its Leaders Don't Seem to Care. Disturbing video of illegal aliens
storming the border is further evidence that America is under siege while its leaders are asleep at
the wheel. Earlier this month, a group of more than 100 illegal aliens stormed the U.S.
border, breaking through razor wire local authorities in Texas had built, and overwhelming members
of the state National Guard. [...] Last year, a similar video shocked the nation, that time showing
a group of roughly 1,000 illegal aliens storming a bridge near El Paso, Texas, while attempting to
force their way into the United States. There has been much debate in political and legal
circles as to whether or not the word "invasion" is an appropriate term to use when describing the
current crisis at the border. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, one definition of
invasion is "the act of entering a place by force, often in large numbers." This raises the
question: How can anyone watch this video or the similar one from last year and not
conclude that America is under invasion?
Here is the non sequitur of the week:
Advocates Use Bridge Deaths to Push for More Migration. Advocates for more migration
are exploiting the deaths of six migrant workers in the Baltimore bridge disaster to argue that
more migration is essential for America. "We know we can and we will rebuild," said a statement
from Krish O'Mara Vignarajah, the Sri Lankan-born president of Global Refuge, an organization that
is paid to help settle migrants in American communities. "The contributions of our immigrant
brothers and sisters will continue to be essential in that effort."
The Editor says...
Labor unions and socialist groups call their members "brothers and sisters" because it sounds better than "comrades."
Circuit continues block on Texas immigration law. A divided appeals court said in a
late-night ruling that a controversial Texas immigration law cannot go into effect as the state
appeals a ruling that blocked it. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals handed down the 2-1
ruling regarding Senate Bill 4 on Tuesday night, just a week after it had previously blocked the
law, which — if enforced — would allow law enforcement in Texas to arrest
suspected illegal immigrants and allow state judges to deport them. The court noted that this
tends to be the jurisdiction of the federal government.
Is Considering Illegal Immigrant Amnesty. I completely missed a barnburner of a story
buried in a Politico report on why Biden hasn't been doing anything to douse the political fire
caused by the border crisis. Rather than taking executive actions to appear tougher on border
crossers, Biden is actually considering going in the opposite direction and granting amnesty to
long-time illegal residents, handing out Green Cards to people who have hidden inside the country
for 10 years or longer. [Tweet] That'll stop the flow of illegals crossing the
border! It's a sure-fire hit. I'm a bit shocked that he isn't considering a program to
grant citizenship and register them all to vote, but maybe he hopes to accomplish that goal in his
increasingly unlikely second term.
president says the 'flow of migrants will continue' unless the US meets his demands.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador warned on Sunday during an interview with
"60 Minutes" that unless the United States complies with Latin America's requests for aid, the
tide of migrants will continue. In January, Obrador issued a series of demands for what the
U.S. must do to stop the flow of migrants to the border, ranging from sending Latin American
countries $20 billion in aid a year to granting some level of amnesty to illegal immigrant
workers in the U.S. Mexico has reportedly taken some state-level action to curb mass migration
at President Biden's request, making crossings drop, however, the number of migrants began to rise
again in February, with Border Patrol expecting another surge in the[ ]spring.
Sides With Texas on Immigration Law — Round 'Em Up. The Supreme Court last
Tuesday upheld a Texas law allowing local law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants entering the
US. This is a massive victory for Governor Greg Abbott (R), whose attempts to handle the
border crisis have been repeatedly stymied by the Biden Administration. The Texas law (SB4),
passed late last year, allows state and local officials to arrest and impose criminal penalties on
individuals entering the country illegally and allows state judges to order deportation.
According to Abbott, the law was a necessity due to the Biden Administration's abject failure to
enforce federal laws at the border. Texas Attorney Genearl Ken Paxton described the ruling as
a "huge win" and confirmed the law "is now in effect." The Supreme Court's ruling also rejects
a request from the Justice Department, which insists SB4 is a violation of the Constitution's
Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause states that federal law takes precedence over state
law in most cases.
Florida, ignorance of the law is an excuse if you don't speak English. An illegal
alien in Florida escaped prosecution for resisting arrest because he speaks no English[,] and now
he's suing the estate of the officer who collapsed while arresting him. If you've ever
wondered how lost America is, I think this story tells the tale. I'll limit my comments
because the facts really do speak for themselves. Virgilio Aguilar Mendez is a Guatemalan
citizen who came to America illegally, ending up in St. Augustine, Florida. Last year,
Sgt. Michael Kunovich, an experienced police officer, believed that Mendez was behaving
suspiciously and began to question him. Mendez announced that he didn't speak English and
tried to walk away. Of course, walking away from a police officer isn't how it works in
Guatemala or America, so Kunovich grabbed Mendez. Mendez responded with violence.
Kunovich then collapsed from a deadly heart attack.
List of Things Illegal Immigrants Get for 'Free' in Liberal Massachusetts. Liberal
Massachusetts is overrun with illegal border crossers and there's really no wonder why when you see
the laundry list of things that are provided for 'free' courtesy of taxpayers in the Bay
State. All of these perks just act as incentives, driving more illegals into the state.
And remember, there are American citizens in Massachusetts who are poor and don't get nearly as
much from the state.
York City to Give Migrant Families Debit Cards for Food, Baby Supplies. New York City
will give debit cards to migrant families for food and baby supplies. The first cards will be
distributed to families on Monday, sparking fear that the new program could lead to fraud or abuse
as well as speculation that the city will be prioritizing migrants over current citizens. As
many 180,000 migrants have arrived in the city over the last two years with 65,000 now in shelters.
"A family of four is expected to receive up to $350 per week under the program, which will last six
weeks, city officials said. The program will begin with 10 families on Monday, expanding to about
115 families, or roughly 450 people, over the next week," noted the New York Times.
The Editor says...
What's to prevent them from using the cards to buy cigarettes, tattoos, and lottery tickets?
Biden's winners. The top of Biden's winner list has to be illegal aliens.
As the saying goes, what you promote, you get more of. Joe Biden and his surrogates have
actively promoted the arrival of more than 7 [to] 8 million new illegal aliens since
his inauguration, when he overrode Donald Trump-era policies and instituted new executive orders,
opening the floodgates. Illegal aliens are being housed, fed, given stored value cards, free
medical treatment, and "the promise" of amnesty. A peripheral beneficiary of our open border
is the Mexican cartels, who are making bank, trafficking drugs, adults, and children. [...] On the
heels of illegal aliens are non-governmental organizations and other leftist activist
groups, who are grifting the government to the tune of billions of dollars per year. Woke
Catholic charities, woke Protestant charities, woke attorneys, woke hotel chains and housing
authorities all benefit from the continuation of the border surge. Leftist homeless groups
benefit from the continuation of, not the elimination of, homelessness. If they "solved" the
homeless crisis, they would be out of work. Not the "people" in said sanctuary cities and
states, but leftist Democrats, who benefit from the increased number of congressional seats
afforded them, by the increased counts in the Census, soon to be the right to vote.
Vote Against Bill That Would Stop Biden Admin From Flying Illegals to American Communities.
Every single Senate Democrat voted against a bill that would have stopped the Biden Administration from
chartering more than 32,000 illegal immigrants from their countries to various American communities.
Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) called out Democrats on Friday night after they opposed legislation that
would protect American tax dollars from being spent on flights for hundreds of thousands of illegal
aliens to be flown to cities across the country. "Make no mistake here. President Biden has
secretly been flying hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in foreign countries into blue-city
airports," Hagerty said from the Senate floor. "Just last year alone, in 2023, it was reported
that some 320,000 illegal aliens have been flown in using this method." [Tweet with video clip]
Can Win Again on Building the Wall. In 2015, there were just under 600,000 "Illegal
aliens apprehended in the United States" according to Statista. Many of those apprehended
were sent back home. Today there are over 300,000 known migrants entering (and almost all
staying in) the U.S. each month. Migrants are arriving from all over the world, including
from geopolitical adversaries like China. Then there are those not caught. CBP reports
over 1000 "known "gotaways" a day. In total, this is more than the 3.9 million
population of Los Angeles added to America's welfare rolls each year. How many are "unknown
gotaways"? You don't know what you don't know. American cities are choking under this
invasion. As one example in my home city, "Denver cuts services in response to the migrant
crisis that's costing the city $180 million." It's worse in New York City and
Chicago. Trump tried to build a wall but ran into stiff resistance from both Democrats and
donor-class beholden Republicans.
York City Mayor Eric Adams Cancels US-Mexico Border Trip Over 'Safety Concerns'. In a
turn of events that would be hilarious if it weren't so serious, New York City Mayor Eric Adams
canceled a scheduled trip to the southern border. He was slated to visit Brownsville and
McAllen, Texas, along with an undisclosed city in Mexico. The visit was supposedly aimed at
addressing the mounting challenges New York City faces due to the ongoing border crisis. But
Adams canceled the trip — over "security concerns."
The Editor says...
[#1] As I understand it, Brownsville and McAllen are the least-affected cities in Texas. If he
really wanted to see some stuff, he should have gone to El Paso and Juarez. After sundown.
[#2] If it is unsafe to visit the Mexican border, why are you inviting illegal immigrants to your
"sanctuary city?"
Tosses Challenge, Upholds Law Allowing 'Noncitizens' To Vote In DC. A federal judge
on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit challenging a District of Columbia law allowing "noncitizen
residents" to vote in local elections. Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an appointee of President
Barack Obama, found that a group of seven citizen plaintiffs lacked standing to challenge the
legislation. Their lawsuit against the D.C. Board of Elections, filed on March 14, aimed
to block the 2022 law passed by the Council of the District of Columbia. They argued that
"noncitizens" do not have a fundamental right to vote in the United States and that allowing them
to cast ballots and hold office in the District of Columbia dilutes the votes of U.S. citizens.
"It follows from our national independence that United States citizens have a right to govern, and
be governed by, themselves. The constitutional right to citizen self-government, moreover,
has been recognized in repeated holdings of the Supreme Court of the United States," their
complaint reads. "Nor does any noncitizen have a constitutional right to govern the United
States," the complaint adds. The group argued that the Supreme Court has recognized and
protected these rights against infringement in "multiple precedents."
Stop The Border Invasion, Get Tough On Mexico. A group of several hundred illegal
immigrants forcibly pushed past Texas National Guard troops on Thursday in El Paso, Texas, breaking
through razor wire and assaulting guardsmen as they forcibly rushed a border gate. Video of
the clash, which was filmed by reporters from the New York Post, quickly went viral. It shows
the crowd of migrants, all of them adult men, at first putting their hands up as they crowd around
a small group of Texas guardsmen trying to block an opening in the fence the migrants had
created. After what appears to be a brief physical altercation, the crowd rushes past the
guardsmen. The Post reporter at the scene described it as a "riot." The video is
shocking. It underscores not only how unstable the border has become but also what has been
true for a while now: This is an invasion. What began as a crisis created by the Biden
administration's lax border policies is now an open conflict careening toward disaster.
[Tweet with video clip]
pleads guilty to smuggling migrants into California through sewer pipes. A
20-year-old Mexico resident has pleaded guilty to smuggling seven migrants into the U.S. illegally
through sewer pipes in southern California, federal prosecutors say. Kevin Noe Campos Villa
now faces a potential 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine following his arrest in January,
during which several of the migrants he was escorting had to be rescued from the Tijuana River by
San Diego lifeguards, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of
California. Prosecutors say Campos, of Tijuana, was taken into custody by the Border Patrol
on Jan. 22 about two miles west of the San Ysidro Port of Entry during heavy rainfall.
"Sewer tubes between the United States and Mexico have grates to prevent individuals from illegally
entering the United States. During heavy rain, the grates are opened to let water flow
through the sewer tubes without damaging the grates," the attorney's office said. "Due to
heavy rain that was occurring in the area at the time, the grates were open and Campos used the
opportunity to smuggle the unauthorized immigrants into the United States."
High-Migration Canada Slides Toward Poverty and Chaos. A government report in Canada
forecasted a deep civic breakdown in the once-stable society that now suffers from unprecedented
levels of elite-imposed migration. The secret and heavily redacted report was prepared by the
country's version of the FBI — the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The partial copy
was extracted from the agency by an academic lawyer and was published in Canada's National
Post newspaper. The report is titled "Whole-of-Government Five-Year Trends for Canada,"
and features many progressive-approved concerns about claimed global warming in cold-weather
Canada. But the visible sections of the text spotlight several obvious costs of
migration — expensive housing, wider wealth gaps, and reduced civic trust caused by the
government's policy of forced diversity: [...]
Man on Trial for Shooting Illegal Immigrant Walking Through His Property. A legal
battle has begun in Nogales, Arizona, that captures the essence of the nation's border
crisis. A 75-year-old rancher is facing charges of second-degree murder and aggravated
assault after he fatally shot Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, a 48-year-old illegal immigrant who passed
through his property while trying to gain entry into the country. [...] The group of illegals,
including Cuen-Buitimea, had turned around after seeing Border Patrol agents as they attempted to
make it into the country. They wandered through Kelly's property on their way back to
Mexico. This is where the shooting occurred. This is a tragic case highlighting the
negative impact the border crisis has had on everyday Americans. The proceedings come just
weeks after the murder of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student in Georgia, at the hands of an
illegal immigrant. Kelly, like many others living in border towns, appears to have
experienced the same fears with people walking through their property from Mexico. These
regions have become hotbeds for cartel activity as they smuggle and traffic humans across the
southern border.
Foods slapped with 'refuse to buy' branding after hiring migrant workers. A
conservative investment fund group is pulling its holdings of Tyson Foods over the meat and poultry
giant's hiring of migrant and refugee workers — claiming the employment practice will
repel customers. The American Conservative Values ETF, an exchange-traded fund managed by
Ridgeline Research LLC, divested from the company and slapped a "refuse to buy" rating on its
stocks for its clientele. "We believe Tyson's management has blundered into a political
minefield (and should have known better)," Ridgeline founder and CEO Bill Flaig told Fox Business
on Monday.
DHS [is being] pressed for answers on 386,000 immigrants flown directly into US cities. House
Republicans are pressing the Biden administration to provide information about a government phone
app that allowed immigrants outside the United States to apply for permission to fly into the U.S.
to be screened for admission. In a letter sent to President Joe Biden and Department of
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday, 18 GOP lawmakers demanded information on
the "advanced travel authorizations" program that has allowed immigrants from Cuba, Haiti,
Nicaragua, and Venezuela to enter the U.S. "As federal representatives and citizens of this
great nation, we hold a fundamental duty to ensure that the Executive Branch is not breaking the
very laws it is charged to enforce. This is especially true when it comes to protecting
Americans," the letter, led by Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX), states. "No American should die
because you refused to do your duty."
Shows Illegal Migrants Overwhelming Texas National Guard, Storming Border Wall. Video
taken near El Paso, Texas, shows illegal immigrants tearing down a barrier and overwhelming members
of the Texas National Guard as they stormed across the border. The illegal immigrants are
seen pulling the barrier open as four National Guardsmen try to keep them from crossing the border
in the video posted to Twitter on Thursday by former Daily Caller News Foundation reporter Jennie
Taer, who now works for the New York Post. The illegal immigrants rush through the gap opened,
almost trampling the National Guard personnel, until coming up against a second, sturdier barrier.
Footage Of A Massive Illegal Immigrant Migrant Camp In Brooklyn, New York. If not for citizen
journalists you'd have no idea how massive these illegal immigrant centers are. [Video clip]
time to stop accommodating the crazies in America. Illegal immigration is being
normalized, with Joe Biden calling illegal aliens "newcomers" as if they have a right to be
here. New York City's Mayor, Eric Adams, floated the idea of inviting asylum seekers into
private homes. It seems everyone with a microphone (or megaphone?) is demanding we welcome a
hoard of low-skill invaders into our country unvetted, medically undiagnosed, and frequently
criminally active into our country. You're supposed to close your eyes, cover your ears, and
chant newcomer over and over until you, too, see the magnificent wisdom of Biden and his
progressive left. Fortunately, Americans seem resistant to this indoctrination. Illegal
immigration is the number one issue this election season. Thirty-eight months into his term,
Biden can only blame the Republicans for his decision to open the border in his first 100 days
in office.
Illegal Alien Invaders to Newcomers to Democrats. When Biden entered the Oval Office
following the fraudulent 2020 presidential election (81 million votes... ROFL) he and his
puppeteers immediately undid everything that President Trump put in place to secure our southern
border. At the time, many Americans were dumbfounded. Don't Biden and his puppeteers
know what will happen if the border is left wide open? The answer is that destroying the
United States was always the Democrat party's plan. Having 10 million (and
growing) illegal alien invaders is the easiest way to destroy America. It doesn't matter to
Biden & Company if some illegal invaders are injuring, raping, and murdering Americans. It
doesn't matter to Biden & Company if some illegal invaders are committing home and retail
burglaries, flooding America with fentanyl, and destroying cities with rampant crime. It
doesn't matter to Biden & Company if some illegal alien invaders are given free health care, free
food, free education, free housing, free cell phones, and free debit cards while America's homeless
veterans sleep on the streets. What matters to Democrats is that illegal alien invaders could
be future Democrat voters. The jackass party is desperate to find new voters since polls show
traditional Democrat constituents leaving the Democrat plantation.
Past Time Mike Johnson Grows A Spine And Stops Biden's Border Invasion. House Speaker
Mike Johnson is preparing to surrender on yet another federal spending fight that allows
President Biden's border invasion to continue unabated. On Tuesday, congressional leaders
announced they struck a deal on a roughly $1 trillion package to fund the remainder of the
federal government for the rest of the 2024 fiscal year. It includes funding for agencies
such as the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security. The first package —
which contained zero conservative priorities and increased spending — was passed
by Congress and signed into law by Biden earlier this month. Negotiated behind closed doors
with the White House and Senate leadership, Johnson said in a Tuesday statement that "House and
Senate committees have begun drafting bill text to be prepared for release and consideration by
the full House and Senate as soon as possible." Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also
confirmed this to be the case.
Paperwork [is] to Blame for Over 200,000 Deportation Cases [being] Tossed. An
academic group, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), obtained some alarming
data. In over 200,000 cases, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) failed to file the proper
paperwork with immigration courts in Houston, Texas and Miami, Florida. The illegal aliens
were issued a Notice to Appear (NTA) at the border, which creates a court date. However, DHS
never filed the paperwork with the court. The asylum process can't move forward without
filing the proper paperwork with the court. The court date rolls around and the asylum-seeker
shows up. The judge doesn't have the paperwork so the case is dismissed. It is hard to
believe but more than half of the deportation cases in Houston and Miami — both considered illegal
immigration hotbeds — have been dismissed since fiscal .
100 migrants break through razor wire, knock down guards as they illegally cross El Paso border in
wild scene. A group of over 100 migrants attempted to enter the US illegally by
rushing a border wall Thursday, breaking through razor wire and knocking over guards in the
process. The [New York] Post had earlier witnessed around 600 migrants massed at the
international border, as part of a "spring surge" of migrants hoping to gain access to the US.
The Texas National Guard was attempting to organize them into smaller groups, but the situation
grew tense after some women and children were separated from adult males by the guardsmen.
Video taken by The Post showed one set of migrants, mostly single men, then rushing the Texas troops.
Rep. Ismail Mohamed Delivers Victory Speech Entirely in Somali. Following his
victory in the Ohio primary on Tuesday, Rep. Ismail Mohamed, an immigrant from Somalia,
delivered his victory speech entirely in Somali without one word of English. Mohamed's
district in Columbus, Ohio, is home to more than 45,000 Somalis. He campaigned primarily in
Somali, promising to "represent the interests of Somalia." According to the Columbus
Dispatch, Mohamed, the incumbent in the district, defeated fellow Somali immigrant Abdirizak Diini,
capturing 55 percent to Diini's 33 percent.
House Candidate Gives Victory Speech In Somali After Primary Victory. Democratic Ohio
Rep. Ismail Mohamed, a Somali immigrant, won the Democratic primary for Ohio's 3rd House
District on Tuesday night and delivered his victory speech almost entirety in Somali.
Mohamed, the incumbent in the district, defeated fellow Somali immigrant Abdirizak Diini, capturing
55 percent to Diini's 33 percent, according to the Columbus Dispatch. [Tweet]
The 31-year-old Columbus lawyer became Ohio's first Somali lawmaker in 2022, alongside Munira
Abdullahi, who won in Ohio's 9th district in 2022 as well. Mohamed is a Somali refugee who,
after originally escaping the violence in his home country and fleeing to Kenya, came to the United
States in 2005, he told Spectrum News in 2022.
The Editor says...
This proves that the Somali immigrants have no intention (or motive) to assimilate and become English-speaking Americans.
the Court Did On Immigration. A showdown is coming on the conflict between the Biden
administration, which is determined to negate federal immigration law, and the State of Texas,
which bears the brunt of Biden's open border policy and is determined to vindicate our immigration
laws and protect its own citizens. The case is pending in the Fifth Circuit, but a shot
across the bow was fired yesterday [3/19/2024] in the Supreme Court. This is the procedural
status: A federal judge in Texas held that Texas's law, SB 4, unconstitutionally conflicts
with federal law, and he enjoined enforcement of SB 4. Texas appealed to the Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeals, which entered an "administrative stay" of the trial court's order enjoining
Texas. Under that temporary stay, Texas can continue enforcing its law, for the time being,
while the case is being argued.
The Editor says...
I will admit I'm confused about whether SB4 is being enforced or not, because its status
seems to have changed at least twice this week.
company agrees to stop bringing migrants from Texas to New York City amid pending
lawsuit. Bus company Roadrunner Charters agreed on Wednesday to stop transporting
migrants from Texas to New York City and surrounding areas while a lawsuit is pending. The
agreement is part of a stipulation in which the city agreed to defer pursuing more than
$700 million incurred to care for all of the migrants bused to the city in the last two
years. The New York City Department of Social Services sued Roadrunner and 16 other bus
companies in December, accusing them of implementing Texas Gov. Abbott's "bad faith" plan to
bus migrants to New York for the purpose of making them a public charge.
Many Millions of Illegal Aliens in the Country Does the Democrat Party Need to Destroy
America? The Democrat's Ministry of Propaganda, the DHS-media complex, is trying to
leverage every psychological operational trick in the book to influence the narrative: there is no
invasion, the border is secure, and there are only a few million "climate refugees" in the
country. The liberal media has been disingenuous and hysterical; Fox News and the alternate
media are reporting relentlessly, with live video from the border, essentially reverse engineering
Democrat propaganda. Are Americans waking up to the fact that Washington Democrats are
domestic terrorists who have not only lied to them on what is happening at the border but that
there was another purpose to Biden opening the border to invaders? Destroy the Republican
Party, create one party rule, and welcome a communist government.
Border Blowup. [Scroll down] In contrast, we know legal immigration
is America's great strength, but it has always depended on a few key prerequisites. In
contrast, we know legal immigration is America's great strength, but it has always depended on a
few key prerequisites. Why? Because only the host nation can adjudicate how many
immigrants it can successfully accept and assimilate. It has no desire to encourage
Balkanized tribalism so common in nations abroad torn apart by ethnic conflict. America must
have some knowledge of the background of immigrants, especially whether they have criminal records,
belong to gangs, are importing drugs, carry infectious diseases, or can be self-supporting.
By contrast, if the first thing immigrants do is illegally cross the American border, and the
second is to reside illegally in America, and the third is to obtain fraudulent identification to
mask that illegality, then they will establish long patterns of illegal behavior and disrespect for
their hosts.
immigration law blocked again, just hours after Supreme Court allowed state to arrest
migrants. Hours after the Supreme Court gave Texas officials permission to jail and
prosecute migrants suspected of crossing the U.S. southern border without authorization, an appeals
court late Tuesday blocked the state from enforcing its controversial immigration law known as SB4.
In a late-night order, a 5th Circuit Court of Appeals panel dissolved a pause that it issued in early
March to suspend a lower court ruling that found SB4 to be unconstitutional. The order reinstated
a ruling from U.S. District Court Judge David Ezra, who concluded in late February that SB4 conflicted
with federal immigration laws and the Constitution.
Court Refuses to Block Texas From Arresting Illegal Immigrants. The Supreme Court has
acted. Texas is free to deal with illegal migrants in violation of immigration law by
arresting them. The Biden administration failed in its attempt to block a Texas law that
allows the state to arrest those suspected of violating U.S. Immigration law. The Biden
administration argued that the federal government may enforce or ignore immigration law as it sees
fit. It said states like Texas have no say in the matter and no recourse to defend
themselves. The court majority said no to this overreaching, and some justices were not
happy. Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor, joined by Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, wrote,
"Today, the Court invites further chaos and crisis in immigration enforcement." The court may
still reopen the issue as a constitutional matter later, but for now, the Biden administration may
not interfere with Texas. Biden had wanted an administrative stay to halt any action by Texas
as a way of shortcutting the process of appeals. The Texas migration law makes unauthorized
entry into the state, except at a port of entry, a state felony. While such entry is already
a federal crime, the Biden administration has turned a blind eye to the law. Texas now has a
free hand to defend its state borders. A federal judge attempted to stay the law's
implementation, but the 5th Circuit overturned that ruling. The Biden administration hoped
the Supreme Court would overrule the 5th Circuit. It did not.
Court Allows Texas to Enforce Deportation Law. Earlier today the U.S. Supreme Court
voted 6-3 to allow Texas to enforce Texas Senate Bill 4 and resume arresting and deporting migrants
crossing the border illegally, as the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals continues litigation in
United States, Applicant v. Texas, et al. Texas Governor Greg Abbott believes the
Supreme Court's decision is a positive development as the case returns to the Fifth Circuit Court
of Appeals, stating on X, "BREAKING: In a 6-3 decision SCOTUS allows Texas to begin enforcing SB4
that allows the arrest of illegal immigrants. We still have to have hearings in the 5th
circuit federal court of appeals. But this is clearly a positive development."
dude snuck inside the Roosevelt Hotel to see the migrants ... tell me if you see any women or kids
in this video cuz I sure don't. [Tweet with video clip] That's all men,
right? Military-aged men who illegally entered a nation and are taking advantage of social
systems meant for citizens. An invasion force, if you will.
Court green lights Texas law that allows state police to arrest migrants. The Supreme
Court on Tuesday allowed a Texas law to take effect that enables state law enforcement to arrest
people they suspect are illegally entering the United States from Mexico. The three liberal
justices publicly dissented from the court's order that clears the way for the controversial
statute, S.B. 4. The order is not a final decision, and the case could return to the high
court. The Biden administration had urged the justices to block the law, passed by Texas's
Republican-controlled Legislature last year, asserting it is an "unprecedented intrusion into
federal immigration enforcement." "There is no ambiguity in SB4," U.S. Solicitor General
Elizabeth Prelogar wrote to the justices. "It is flatly inconsistent with federal law in all its
applications, and it is therefore preempted on its face."
Cannot Win a Fraud-Free Election. Joe Biden, or whoever the Democrat nominee may be,
cannot win the 2024 election fairly. [...] The neocon faction of the Republican Party has claimed
this election will be a referendum on Trump. However, the real referendum will be on Joe
Biden and the Democrat party as a whole. [...] [O]ne major crisis is all it takes to lose.
Joe Biden and the Democrat party have five, all of which the public is squarely placing blame on
his administration and party. The seemingly biggest issue of concern right now is the border
crisis. Immediately upon taking office, Biden halted border wall construction. He then
ended Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), also known as "Remain in Mexico," which required asylum
seekers to remain in Mexico while their immigration cases were being processed. He has also
severely handicapped Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ability to curtail illegal
migration. This has resulted in a massive influx of illegal aliens who have wreaked havoc on
American society by flooding its cities and committing serious crimes, including murders.
Court extends block on Texas law that would allow police to arrest migrants. The
Supreme Court on Monday continued to block, for now, a Texas law that would give police broad
powers to arrest migrants suspected of illegally entering the U.S. while the legal battle it
sparked over immigration authority plays out. A one-page order signed by Justice Samuel Alito
indefinitely prevents Texas from enforcing a sweeping state immigration enforcement law that had
been set to take effect this month. The language of the order strongly suggests the court
will take additional action, but it is unclear when.
blocks TX law to arrest & detain people invading the country. The Supreme Court on
Monday indefinitely blocked Texas from enforcing an immigration law that would allow state
officials to arrest and detain people they suspect of entering the country illegally. The
administrative stay will remain in place while the court considers emergency appeals from the Biden
administration and others challenging the law. The United States is being invaded, and we
don't know who these people are. Despite that, the United States Supreme Court blocked the
Texas law. No one in power seems to care that millions of people are invading the country.
Musk: 'There Is Either a Red Wave This November or America Is Doomed'. Twitter/X
owner Elon Musk was busy posting to the social media platform that he owns Friday and Saturday,
interspersing stories of SpaceX rockets taking off with searing political commentary about the
state of our nation under Joe Biden and the Democrats. [...] One of his main concerns is illegal
immigration, where under the Biden administration, as many as 10 million people have slipped
into the country. Biden has made no effort to secure the border and casts blame everywhere he
can think of — except on his own disastrous policies. Musk calls the president's
approach "insane" as he reacts to the awful story of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley's
murder at the hands of a Venezuelan illegal: [Tweet]
Work Ethic: Missing in Action? We can't continue to be passive as our systems
crumble around our feet. Bad things happen when the canaries in the mine start chirping.
[...] The Marxists, Communists and Destroyers have taken over our world, undermining our
foundations to the point Biden had to back down from referring to a killer as "illegal." Today's
Newspeak requires them to be called undocumented or newcomer. [...] We have a legal
way for asylum seekers to enter our country. We have 328 Ports of Entry where they can
legally claim asylum. Yet almost none go to a Port of Entry in favor of illegally entering
our country. Whatever happened to consequences? The solution? Guard the border
with force. This may seem harsh, but either use a legal pathway or risk being shot at the
border. With such a policy, how long would it take to regain control of our borders?
Repeat criminals? Put them in jail and throw away the key. Deport those with minor
infractions back to their countries of origin because they demonstrate indifference to our
laws. America cannot be the dumping ground for the world. America is a nation based on
law and civil cohesiveness.
Is Shaping Up To Be The 'We Were Right About Everything' Election. [Scroll down]
Then there's the not-insignificant matter of immigration, which is so bad that it has actually
surpassed the economy as voters' No. 1 concern in many polls. Allowing a whopping
10 million people to cross the border was a deliberate choice; Biden bragged about repealing
all of Trump's border controls on day one. Even Democrat strongholds and proud sanctuary
cities such as Chicago and New York are now crying about being overwhelmed with the influx of
migrants. Aside from the fact that the horrific crimes committed by illegal immigrants are
now national news stories, migrants are also driving down wages, and "most of the post-pandemic job
gains the administration continuously brags about have gone foreign-born (read immigrants,
mostly illegal ones) workers."
Democrats Push $500 Monthly Universal Basic Income for Illegals. Democrats in
Minnesota want to implement a freewheeling basic income program that would redistribute taxpayer
money to those who are "needy," even if it is illegal aliens. House File 2666 which was
sponsored by Democratic state Rep. Athena Hollins cleared the House Children and Families
Finance and Policy Committee on a voice vote on March 12, 2024, according to Blaze
Media. Considering that the Democratic Party controls the office of the governor and both
chambers of the legislature, it looks like the bill will be passed. If this bill is combined
with the state Senate's companion bill, Senate File 2559, and then implemented, $100 million
would be sucked out of the General Fund in fiscal year 2025, the news source said. In turn,
this money would be granted out to intermediaries. These nonprofits would be tasked with
giving away money in monthly increments ranging from $350 to $1,200 to those individuals and
families they deem deserving for a period of 12 to 24 months.
Foods wants to hire 52,000 asylum seekers for factory jobs. New York City shelters
are overwhelmed with migrants. Many of them have arrived in Texas or Florida and then taken
buses to New York, where shelter and benefits are guaranteed. However, the city is scrambling
as the number continues to climb and the migrants look to build a new life in America, which
includes housing and work. But for companies like Tyson Foods Inc., struggling to fill
unpopular jobs with a U.S. unemployment rate of 3.9%, this new population presents an alluring
opportunity. The food processing company wants to hire 52,000 asylum seekers for factory
jobs, offering a starting wage of $16.50 per hour along with benefits. The company
understands and is aware that these are jobs that many find unpleasant, such as washing meat,
placing the cuts into trays, final inspections for bones and packing meat, but believe this will
help the refugees to start a life in America.
The Editor says...
I'm all for it, provided that [#1] U.S. citizens are given priority in hiring and promotion,
and no worker who is a U.S. citizen will be replaced by a non-citizen; and [#2] the illegal aliens
acknowledge that whether employed or not, they can still be deported at any time; and [#3] the illegal
aliens are carefully screened for infectious diseases, parasites, and communicable illnesses, and
are vaccinated against all such diseases; and [#4] the criminal history of each illegal alien, beyond
his or her unlawful presence in this country, is investigated to the extent possible; and [#5] any
illegal alien who makes monetary remittances back to the country from which he or she "fled" to
come here for "asylum" will be sent back to that country.
Governor Ron DeSantis Sends State Assets South to Block Illegal Immigrants From Haiti.
In a press release issued on Wednesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stated that the state of
Florida will be sending assets to southern Florida and the Florida Keys to stop any possible influx
of illegal immigration from violence-torn Haiti. [...] Illegal immigration has been a major
problem, one that has exploded under the Biden Administration, with literally millions of illegal
immigrants flooding across the southern border, not only from Central and South America but also
from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia — including China. Faced with inaction by
the Biden administration, Texas took action on its own account to try to hold back the tide, and
several states have lent Texas support in doing the work that the Biden administration refuses to do.
Joe Biden ready for a big Haitian migrant flotilla? With the collapse of Haiti, the
Biden administration has whipped out $300 million for an international aid effort, which like
all the other ones, will probably go to beltway consultant contracts. But true to form, it's
doing very little about an expected migrant flotilla that is very likely to happen, even though it
has authority to do so. [...] El Salvador has offered to solve the problem from its root, doing in
Haiti what they did in short order in their own country if the UN is willing, throwing every bad
guy in jail, and laying down authentic rule of law for law-abiding people to enjoy peace and
security from. That offer ought to be taken seriously, because El Salvador would like to
show the world what it can do to solve these kinds of problems. But of course, Joe Biden isn't
even speaking to the president of El Salvador. He'd rather just dump a new migrant/refugee
crisis onto Florida and have Florida pay for it.
Plight of the Socially Superior. Generally speaking, Trump-despisers look down upon
Trump enthusiasts — and, it should be noted, Trump enthusiasts normally resent being
looked down upon. [...] For instance, the despisers don't seem to understand why the enthusiasts
object to illegal immigration. Instead of considering the possibility that this objection may
arise from a genuine and quite rational wish to see the nation's laws enforced, the despisers
attribute the objection to racism. Trump enthusiasts, the despisers believe, object to the
"browning" of America; they would have no objection to millions of "undocumented" "immigrants" if
the lawbreaking immigrants were white or if they came from "S-hole" white countries. Only a
racist would object if, let's say, the entire population of Haiti were to move into Florida tomorrow.
extends Supreme Court pause of SB4, Texas immigration law that would allow state to arrest
migrants. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Tuesday extended an order blocking
Texas troopers and police from arresting and jailing migrants suspected of crossing the U.S.
southern border without authorization under a strict state immigration law known as SB4. Alito
continued an administrative stay of a lower court order that had paved the way for Texas officials
to enforce SB4, one of the toughest state immigration laws in U.S. history. The pause was
previously going to expire on Wednesday evening. Alito on Tuesday extended it through Monday,
March 18. Passed into law by the Texas legislature last year, SB4 authorizes Texas law
enforcement at the state and local levels to arrest, jail and prosecute migrants on state charges
of entering or reentering the U.S. outside of an official port of entry. It also empowers
state judges to require migrants to return to Mexico as an alternative to prosecuting suspected
violators of the law.
could fix the terrible migrant crisis in an instant — so why does he refuse?
In table-setting his State of the Union Thursday evening, President Biden invoked the memory of Franklin
Roosevelt but, according to nearly every poll, he may be headed in the direction of Jimmy Carter.
While he certainly beat expectations for his performance, Biden fumbled a major opportunity to reverse
course on the leading issue of immigration despite his 80% public disapproval on the issue. Instead,
he opted for finger pointing at the GOP and a likely half-step executive order next week. That strategy
will fail. Indeed, many of the president's problems can likely be traced to his pandering to the hard left.
Bill Hagerty: Impact of illegals on the concentration of political power equals at least 13
new congressional seats. Tennessee's Senator Bill Hagerty recently went on Fox News
for a segment with Maria Bartiromo, and discussed an oft-neglected topic regarding the impact of
millions of illegal foreigners in, and still entering, America: [Tweet with
video clip] His appearance on Fox came after legislation he and other Republicans
proposed was defeated by Democrats — the bill sought to prohibit the federal government
from counting illegal aliens in the census, as that number is the basis for representative
apportionment and the Electoral College. Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution reads:
["]Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be
included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers....["] Furthermore, in
the 14th Amendment we find this: ["]Representatives shall be apportioned among the
several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each
State....["] And, mere hours into taking office, Joe Biden signed an executive order
ensuring that counting illegals in the next census was of paramount importance in his administration.
red state official demands answers on Biden executive order 'attempting to register' illegals to
vote. Mississippi's Secretary of State has sent a letter to President Biden's
Department of Justice asking it to stop enforcing a Biden executive order that he warns is being
used to attempt to register ineligible convicts and illegal immigrants to vote. "As you are
aware, on March 7, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order No. 14019 which sought to turn
the Department of Justice agencies from their historical missions of law enforcement to voter
registration and get out the vote operations," Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson wrote
in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland this week. "These efforts are an intrusion
into state matters and are a misuse of federal revenue and resources. In addition, it appears
that these efforts have led to agencies under your charge attempting to register people to vote,
including potentially ineligible felons and to co-opt state and local officials into accomplishing
this goal." The executive order in question was signed by Biden in 2021 and was billed as an
attempt to combat racial discrimination and "protect the right to vote" and instructed government
agencies "consider ways to expand citizens' opportunities to register to vote and to obtain
information about, and participate in, the electoral process."
New York City Really Dead? Far too many edicts coming from Mayor Eric Adams'
administration are simply mind-boggling. The city has been invaded by illegal immigrants from
several countries and the mayor has ordered that they be sheltered in hotels, schools and senior
residencies, displacing senior veterans, and resident citizens. In addition, a pilot program
will be giving them $10,000 prepaid debit cards to buy certain items. What?!!
Borders? No America. Americans had better act soon, with or without Congress
and with or without the Border Patrol to stop the current flood of illegal invaders across our
Southern Border, because the Biden regime has no intention of ever stopping the invasion. To
wait and ponder the crisis in the hopes that Donald Trump can stop it, if he wins the presidency,
only ensures that millions more will cross, in addition to the twenty-seven million that have
already entered the country, during Biden's presidency — those which were detained at
the border and the got-aways; and, intentionally or not, it makes America unsafe and sets in motion
the Great Replacement, the replacement of white people and the virtues and principles of freedom
and liberty with people of color who are already prone and predisposed to accepting big government
controls, e.g. Marxism and Maoism, and the idea that all things come from government rather
than individual initiative and independence. To do nothing and remain apathetic or complacent
ensures the destruction of traditional America.
say Texas National Guard is stopping them from accessing part of the southern border near Eagle
Pass. Texas governor Greg Abbott has turned the screw on the Biden administration by
barring federal agents from one of the hottest flashpoints on the southern border. The White
House was already demanding the Supreme Court allow it to rip down miles of razor wire the state
government has strung across a 29-mile section of the border around Eagle Pass. Now the Texas
National Guard has barred Border Patrol agents entirely from the 2.5-mile section of Shelby Park
and defiantly stationed its military vehicles at the entrance to block access.
Admin Tries to Divert $1.4 billion in Border Construction Funds, Federal Judge in Texas Cries
Foul. While Biden gets on the stage and screams that the border disaster is not his
fault and that he needs more legislation, his administration has actually been undermining efforts
to solve the problem. Case in point, they tried to divert $1.4 billion in
congressionally funded appropriations away from border wall construction. Don't believe Biden
when he claims he cares about the millions of illegals that have streamed into this country during
his tenure because every single action he's taken since he took office shows that he does
not. On Friday, a federal judge in Texas hit back.
Lauren Boebert Introduces the Build the Wall and Deport Them All Act.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) crafted a straightforward plan to end the catastrophic border
crisis created by President Joe Biden. The Colorado Congresswoman introduced the Build the
Wall and Deport Them All Act Friday. The bill codifies many Donald Trump-era policies and
might be the perfect contrast to the border policies offered by Biden during his State of the Union
address to the nation the night before. "On day one, the Biden Regime implemented their
open-border policies that have destroyed countless American families and made our communities less
safe," Boebert told Breitbart News. "My Build the Wall and Deport Them All Act will codify
President Trump's proven border policies that reduced illegal immigration to record lows."
to help 'undocumented immigrants' purchase homes? California Assemblymember Joaquin
Arambula has introduced Assembly Bill 1840, aimed at expanding home ownership opportunities for
"undocumented immigrants" in the state. The bill would make illegal aliens eligible for first
time homebuyer loans. The bill, as originally introduced earlier this year, was aimed at low-
and middle-income citizens, but Arambula apparently decided that was too exclusive, and
therefore recently proposed his updated version. This is yet another kick in the shorts to
citizens, especially since the formerly Golden State has the highest priced housing —
and by far the most homeless people — in the nation. California is already the
only state to fund comprehensive health care for undocumented immigrants. And it has a
stupefying projected budget deficit of $73 billion with an average personal debt of $84,730
... which "undocumented immigrants" undoubtedly will not have to pay. Illegal migrants
pouring across our Southern border have allegedly been handed credit cards and cell phones.
In some cases, they are being put up in very nice hotels. Moreover, residents and property
owners in places like Boston, Denver and New York City have been asked to take these immigrants
into their own homes.
the Fabulist in Chief's State of the Union. During Thursday's State of the Union
address, Biden fully displayed his fabulist tendencies. His assessment of the
administration's accomplishments and his impact was not anchored in reality. [...] Of course,
Biden chose to blame the crisis at the border on Republicans refusing to pass the "border security
bill." Like the Inflation Reduction Act, the bill's name had nothing to do with its contents.
It was the "process people faster, grant more asylum and make as many as we can citizens" bill.
Biden created the current crisis by reversing about 90 Trump-era policies. He can end it by
reinstating them. He doesn't need Congress to do anything. Then, in a huge gaffe, Biden
mispronounced Laken Riley's name, calling her "Lincoln Riley" and acknowledging an illegal immigrant
killed her. He added, "How many thousands of people are being killed by illegals?" Great
question, Joe. Then he went on a weird rant about human smuggling and asserted that fewer
people would pay coyotes if waited for six weeks for a hearing rather than six months. Then
he yelled, "Send me the border bill now!" Perhaps he didn't know that Majority Leader Chuck
Schumer has been sitting on HR-2, an actual border security bill, since early 2023.
A New Biden Scandal About To Erupt? The Joe Biden presidency has had its share of
missteps, maybe more than any other administration before it. But the latest scandalous
behavior is not an error in the eyes of this White House. In pursuit of cultural and
political engineering that only the Democrats would ever consider, the administration has flown
320,000 illegal immigrants into the country directly from foreign airports. According to the
Center for Immigration Studies, "U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has approved secretive
flights that last year alone ferried hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens from foreign
airports into some 43 American ones over the past year, all pre-approved on a cell phone app."
This was not disclosed at a news conference or at the daily White House press briefing but learned
through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that pried the information from an administration that
clearly wanted to hide it. It's anyone's guess as to where these aliens have landed.
The CBP has withheld the names of the airports that "received 320,000 inadmissible aliens from
January through December 2023." It is also refusing to reveal which foreign airports the
immigrants departed from.
The Editor says...
The people arranging for these many gas-guzzling flights are the same people who complain about your "carbon footprint."
Illegals to Continue Living Freely in U.S. Despite Awaiting Deportation: Report.
A federal report projects that there will be over 8 million illegal aliens living in the United
States, free to roam and do as they please, despite currently awaiting deportation proceedings by the
end of 2024. As reported by Breitbart, this will result in a tripling of the number of non-detained
illegals who otherwise would be detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as they prepare
for deportation. By the end of Fiscal Year 2023, there were at least 6.2 million illegals
living in the U.S. who had not been detained by ICE despite facing deportation; 1.3 million of
these illegals had already been given final deportation orders by federal judges. The new
internal federal records, obtained by Axios, indicate that ICE will see that number explode to over
8 million by the end of 2024. For comparison, the number in 2020 was roughly one-third
of that amount, at just 3.2 million.
Biden Administration's Creative Rule-Breaking To Destroy The Border. Homeland
Security (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas opines that America's immigration crisis is an outcome of a
"system" that has been broken for thirty years. An honest Mayorkas would take ownership of a
crisis three years in the making. He would say that, by leveraging a record-breaking 535
immigration actions, we are giving millions of, at best, loosely vetted, mostly non-English
speaking "twilight" immigrants a pathway to citizenship, with no pesky conditions like good moral
character, self-reliance, adopting American values, speaking English, or obeying the law. It
wasn't always this way. It's true that, from the 1960s through the 1980s, Democrats loosened
immigration restrictions to encourage future Democratic voters to enter. However, in the
1990s, the United States stopped bowing to the UN's dictates on who to accept as refugees.
It's also when Bill Clinton authorized doubling down on protecting the southern border, making it
harder to claim asylum and easier to deport illegal aliens, along with changing welfare eligibility
for legal immigrants from one day to five years.
Rip FEMA on Poor Handling of Illegal Immigrant Travel. Key Senate Republicans blasted
the Federal Emergency Management Agency for shoddy record-keeping regarding the transportation of
illegal immigrants throughout the U.S. FEMA distributes grants to nonprofit organizations for
shelter and travel expenses for illegal immigrants, but last month informed The Heritage
Foundation's Oversight Project that it has no documentation about how that taxpayer money has been
spent. "It is becoming clearer every day that the Democrats' open-border catastrophe is not
only being orchestrated by the Biden administration, the American taxpayer is unwittingly being
forced to pay for this invasion," Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, the top Republican on the Senate
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, told The Daily Signal. The committee
oversees border and immigration issues. The FEMA admission that it lacks documentation for
expenses comes less than a year after an internal federal audit stated FEMA is responsible for "a
detailed accounting of all program funds."
Five FUBARs. [#2] Next is the border. You saw last year how the blob elite
greeted the transfer of illegal immigrants to their happy little island of Martha's Vineyard. (They
were not amused by Governor DeSantis's prank, and off-loaded the mutts post-haste.) But that same
smug demographic doesn't care if hundreds of thousands are distributed to the big cities, which are
now fiscally destabilized by them to an extreme, probably to bankruptcy. Of course, that is
not the main thing to worry about with what altogether amounts to millions of border-jumpers
flooding our land. The main reason to worry is what the blob that invited them here intends
for them to do, which, you may suspect, is to unleash mayhem in the streets, malls, stadiums, and
upon our infrastructure just in time to derail the election — perhaps even to make war
on us right in our homeland. The US government is paying for this whole operation, you
understand, funneling our tax money to international cut-out orgs who set up the transfer camps in
Panama, and buy the plane tickets for the mutts to cross the ocean, and coordinate with the Mexican
cartels to shuttle this horde of mystery people among us to work their juju for the Democratic
Party. The [anger] of the public has passed the red line on this treasonous scam.
won't say which airports are receiving inadmissible aliens from abroad. Thanks to an
ongoing Center for Immigration Studies Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the public now
knows that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has approved secretive flights that last year
alone ferried hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens from foreign airports into some 43
American ones over the past year, all pre-approved on a cell phone app. But while large
immigrant-receiving cities and media lay blame for the influx on Texas Republican Gov. Greg
Abbott's busing program, CBP has withheld from the Center — and apparently will not
disclose — the names of the 43 U.S. airports that have received 320,000 inadmissible
aliens from January through December 2023, nor the foreign airports from which they
departed. The agency's lawyers have cited a general "law enforcement exception" without
elaborating — until recently — on how releasing airport locations would harm
public safety beyond citing "the sensitivity of the information." Now, though, CIS's
litigation has yielded a novel and newsworthy answer from the government: The public can't
know the receiving airports because those hundreds of thousands of CBP-authorized arrivals have
created such "operational vulnerabilities" at airports that "bad actors" could undermine law
enforcement efforts to "secure the United States border" if they knew the volume of CBP One traffic
processed at each port of entry.
Musk Exposes Biden's Little Known Program That Has Flown 320,000 Illegal Aliens Into the
Country. We know about the incredible mess that Joe Biden has created at the
border. But X owner Elon Musk pointed out an issue that most people don't even know about —
that not only is Biden leaving the door open for illegal aliens to come in, Biden was also flying
people into this country from other countries so they don't even have to cross the border
themselves. According to the report, Biden flew in 320,000 of them last year. Musk
expressed his concern about the national security threat that this posed. He thought the
failure to vet people was going to lead to "something far worse than 9/11." [Tweet]
Promise Fraud and Insurrection. [Scroll down] [Texas State Attorney
General Ken Paxton] has just recently obtained a ruling that the 1.7 trillion dollar spending
bill passed by Nancy Pelosi was done unconstitutionally, because there was not a quorum of 50% of
elected representatives in the House during the vote. I don't know how one unspends money,
but all of those funds should be clawed back from wherever it went, especially if it went to the
UN, who is funding this invasion of the southern border with our tax dollars. The other thing
he has done is he has raided the Annunciation House on the charges of "alien harboring, human
smuggling and operating a stash house." He likewise did the same to two other "charities"
allegedly engaged in such illegal activities. It is the NGOs that have driven the illegal
immigration invasion on the southern border with funds from the UN and private donors like the Open
Society, [...] It is illegal for a charity, of any sort, to harbor, induce or incentivize illegal
activity, including illegal immigration, but they have been doing so consistently in coordination
with the the Department of Homeland Security, the Border Patrol and the Biden Administration.
When you understand that this is all tied to the idea of redrawing the congressional district maps
and ultimately giving these illegals voting rights, the whole scheme comes into focus.
administration ADMITS illegal migrant secret flying program that has transported over 320,000 has
national security 'vulnerabilities'. Joe Biden's administration has admitted
transporting migrants on secret flights into the U.S. and lawyers for its immigration agencies
claim revealing the locations could create national security 'vulnerabilities'. Customs and
Border Protection has refused to disclose information about a program last year secretly chartering
flights for thousands of undocumented immigrants from foreign airports directly to U.S.
cities. It means that while record numbers of migrants were flowing over the southern border
last year, the Biden White House was also directly transporting them into the country.
Court temporarily halts rollout of Texas migrant arrest law. The Supreme Court on
Monday moved to temporarily halt the introduction of a new Texas law under which local authorities
would be allowed to arrest migrants believed to be illegally entering the country. In an
order issued by Justice Samuel Alito, the high court delayed the implementation of the measure
until 5 p.m. on March 13.
Court Allows Law Authorizing Arrest of Illegals to Take Effect Barring SC Intervention.
On Thursday, we brought you news of a federal District Court ruling out of Texas that blocked the
state's recently enacted law (Senate Bill 4), which allowed state law enforcement officers to arrest
and detain those suspected of entering the country illegally. In his ruling, Judge David Ezra
held that the provision was an improper attempt by Texas to supersede federal law. Monday, in
addition to the blockbuster ruling out of the United States Supreme Court regarding the Colorado
ballot case involving former President Donald Trump, comes big news out of the Fifth Circuit regarding
the aforementioned Texas law. [Tweet]
a reason we can't return to a time without immigration laws. Today, our public-school
children (along with most private school children, given that the teachers all come from the same
colleges) are taught that America is a foul, misbegotten country and that the nations that their
parents abandoned are better in every way. That's one reason we can't have unlimited
immigration: Our education system, rather than teaching patriotism and assimilation, is
teaching cultural hatred. Another reason we cannot have unlimited immigration is that the
Supreme Court has held that the 14th Amendment — which was clearly intended to apply to
people with deep roots in America whose ancestors had been brought here against their
will — actually applies to all illegal aliens. The toxic case is 1982's Plyler
v. Doe, another instance in which the Court stretched the Constitution to the breaking
point. Texas had argued that it had no obligation to place illegal aliens in public
schools. The Court's leftist majority, however, held that the 14th Amendment does not
distinguish between legal immigrants and illegal aliens ("any person within its jurisdiction").
The justices, however, cheated to reach that conclusion.
year 'dignity' for illegals. The newest Biden mindbender — out of supposed
concern for "humanity and dignity" — involves guidelines that are expected to sharply
limit arrests and deportations carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In other
words, if you represent a potential illegitimate vote, you can break into a sovereign nation fully
confident that the person tasked to "take care that laws be faithfully executed," will exonerate
the offense. The Biden administration has placed new limits on who ICE can arrest, detain,
and deport. [...] Back in the day, protecting and defending the Constitution, our laws, and our
citizenry were what set the tone and example for our leaders. This new guideline is more like
setting a tone for disaster and establishing an example poised to negatively impact our country for
years. The irony of it all is that adherents of the political ideology that have spent more
than 50 years trying to convince Americans that the dignity of life does not apply to humans
gestating in the womb, is now voicing supposed concern for human dignity as an excuse to impose
more absurdity on a nation already teetering on the precipice of collapse.
Left With
the Ashes. We're too far down the rabbit hole of debt to ever emerge and people like
Mike Johnson are just handing us shovels to go deeper. This continuing resolution that they
just passed denies the overwhelming leverage the House has with the border issue. Securing
the border now has almost 80% support, but Johnson refused to use shutting down the government as
leverage until Biden shuts down the border. As an added poke in the eye, they did nothing
about the spiraling debt or the Pelosi-era spending rate. Inflation continues to pile on and
it's clear as a bell that Washington cannot be reformed soon enough to solve any of these issues.
[...] The House could solve the border problem on it's own, but it hasn't, because that would mean
cutting spending and one might as well suggest setting themselves on fire. If they cut all
spending to the UN, refused to fund any NGO that deals with immigration issues of any sort, refused
to fund any grants given to sanctuary cities and refused to provide any relief to states for
immigration expenses, there would be no crowds at the border, because there would be no incentive.
End of Assimilation. America's open borders have put huge strains on our social
services, schools, and police departments, let alone facilitating drug addiction and human
sex-trafficking. Donald Trump has promised to shut the door on day one of his administration,
but even if Trump is elected, the damage will continue for decades. Graphic pictures of
cities inundated with illegals only reflect the beginning of a disaster. The deeper problem
is that nearly all illegals arrive embracing values against core American principles. They
are "aliens" both legally and in terms of our political culture. Modern immigration is
wholly unlike that of the earliest days, when most immigrants were of English ancestry and quickly
integrated into society. Today, by contrast, those flooding into the United States arrive
from almost every nation on the planet, including places like El Salvador, Kazakhstan, India,
Ghana, China, Syria, Cuba, and Vietnam. Those newly arrived Muslims clustering in places
like Dearborn, Mich. have altered the political landscape thanks to their vociferous support for
Hamas, and this new voice may be a harbinger of future Balkanization.
If Nicaragua is so great, why not live there? If Africa is so bad, why do "African-Americans" demand reparations?
Senegal's capital, Nicaragua is a hot ticket among travel agents as migrants try to reach US.
Gueva Ba tried to reach Europe by boat 11 times from Morocco, failing each attempt.
Then, in 2023, the former welder heard about a new route to the United States by flying to
Nicaragua and making the rest of the journey illegally by land to Mexico's northern border. "In
Senegal, it's all over the streets — everyone's talking about Nicaragua, Nicaragua,
Nicaragua," said Ba, who paid about 6 million CFA francs ($10,000) to get to Nicaragua in July
with stops in Morocco, Spain and El Salvador. "It's not something hidden." Ba, 40, was
deported from the U.S. with 131 compatriots in September after two months in detention, but
thousands of other Senegalese have gained a foothold in America. Many turn to savvy travel
agents who know the route — touted on social media by those who've successfully settled
in the U.S. They are part of a surge in migration to the United States that is extraordinary
for its size and scope, with more people from far-flung countries accounting for crossings at the border.
Weaseling. Shut Down the Government on March 8. This below is migrant camp
infrastructure at the border in Panama. There are scores of these all along the border, all
through Mexico, Central America, the southern U.S. and Panama. You know what? They are
building more, they are maxing out the infrastructure three or four times. The Prime
Ministers of Costa Rica and Nicaragua are quadrupling the numbers of busses to take migrants from
their countries to the U.S. border. All across the southern states, there are warehouses
filled with migrants. A decommissioned Walmart warehouse near Houston holds 1,500 migrant
boys. There are dozens of those all through the U.S. [Photo] The migrants are mostly
military-aged men. This is an invasion. And they are coming to kill us, one way or
another, according to the most experienced and committed reporter on the scene, who has examined
every aspect of this for more than two decades, Michael Yon. He has travelled the routes, and
interviewed thousands.
Paralysis and Decline. We know that no state can long exist after opening its borders
to over 7 million illegal aliens, requiring neither background checks nor legality. The
recent murder of a Georgia female jogger by an illegal alien and the savage beating of New York
policemen by similar others hardly merit media attention. Everyone knows that neither new
appropriations nor new laws are needed to secure the border as it was in 2020. Instead, we
could just stop suicidal catch-and-release, deport lawbreakers, privilege the legal over the
illegal immigrant, demand would-be refugees apply for asylum first in their native countries,
finish the border wall, and pressure Mexico to stop undermining the territorial integrity of its
northern neighbor. But then we shrug, "We can't do that" — paralyzed in fear of
being smeared as "xenophobic," "nativist," or "racist." So this generation apparently feels
that it can endure the collateral damage of daily assaults on American citizens, the near
bankruptcy of our cities, and 100,000 fentanyl deaths per year — but certainly not the
idea that it is somehow not politically correct or compassionate.
Aliens to Get Interest-Free Home Loans Under New Democrat-Backed California Bill.
Illegal aliens will get interest-free home mortgage loans under a new California bill.
Democrat assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (Fresno) recently introduced Assembly Bill 1840 to extend
a first-time homebuyer loan program to illegal aliens. If the bill becomes law, illegal
aliens will be eligible for a new program that offers a loan worth 20% of the purchase price of the
residential property. There are no monthly payments and no interest accrues on the loan.
Rather, the loan is paid back when the borrower refinances or sells the property. The borrower
will have to pay back the original loan plus a 20% increase in the value of the property.
Affirms Arizona's Need To Keep Noncitizens Off Voter Rolls, But Makes It Harder To Do So.
A federal judge on Thursday acknowledged Arizona's interest in keeping its voter rolls free of
noncitizens, while simultaneously hampering laws designed to do just that. "Considering the
evidence as a whole, the court concludes that Arizona's interests in preventing non-citizens from
voting and promoting public confidence in Arizona's elections outweighs the limited burden voters
might encounter when required to provide" documentary proof of citizenship, wrote U.S. District
Judge Susan Bolton, disagreeing with the attempt by President Joe Biden's Justice Department to
paint Arizona election integrity laws as "discriminatory." But at the same time, Bolton struck
down or handicapped a handful of Arizona laws designed to ensure that only Arizona citizens are on
the state's voter rolls, including a provision of H.B. 2243 that directed county recorders who have
"reason to believe" voters are not citizens to investigate, and potentially remove, those
individuals from the voter rolls.
Judge Blocks New Texas Law To Arrest Illegal Immigrants. This entire thing will end
up targeting the People of the united States more than it will anyone suspected of being here
illegally. Soon, and it's pretty close to that now, it will merely be "Show me your papers."
However, a new law in Texas that would allow for the arrest of someone suspected of entering the
country illegally was temporarily blocked by a federal judge.
Judge Blocks New Texas Law to Arrest Illegal Immigrants. A federal judge on Thursday
temporarily blocked a Texas law that grants state police the capacity to arrest people who are
suspected of illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. The measure, called Senate Bill 4 and
signed by Gov. Greg Abbott in December, was slated to go into effect on March 5, but U.S.
District Judge David Ezra ruled that it violated the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy clause that
grants the federal government sole authority over immigration matters. The judge also
rejected Texas's arguments that it was being invaded under the Constitution's Article IV.
In his order, Judge Ezra, a Reagan appointee, said the law would run afoul federal immigration laws
and claimed Texas would then be able to "permanently supersede federal directives" and would
"amount to nullification of federal law and authority." According to the judge, that's a "notion
that is antithetical to the Constitution and has been unequivocally rejected by federal courts
since the Civil War." As a result, he argued, the federal government would "suffer grave
irreparable harm" because other states would be inspired to pass similar measures.
Least 44 US-Bound Migrants Arrested After Migrants Destroy Shelter, Vehicles In Fight.
Panamanian authorities arrested 44 migrants after a fight broke out early Saturday at a shelter,
leading to the destruction of 10 modular shelter units and vehicles, according to official
statements. An altercation ensued between two female migrants over a tent in the
San Vicente temporary immigration reception station, according to a statement by Panama's
Security Ministry. The partners of both migrants reportedly intervened in the
incident, triggering a "fight" between the different groups, according to the statement.
Panama's National Border Service, SENAFRONT, reportedly attempted to restore order, but were
challenged by approximately 250 migrants and required reinforcements, the statement noted.
The "migrants caused serious damage to the San Vicente shelter, where they destroyed official and
civilian vehicles," and set at least 10 modular units on fire, according to the statement.
Pictures appearing to show burning and burned trailers and a government pickup truck with deflated
tires accompanied the statement.
1965, Democrats Have Exploited Immigration For Political Power. John F. Kennedy
coined the term "a nation of immigrants" for his 1958 book of the same name. Kennedy was
proud of the immigrants who built the most prosperous nation on earth. He wanted more of the
same, as do all Americans. But that's not what Americans are getting. Instead, they're
getting a government that's been manipulating immigration policies for over half a century to
maintain political power. In the process, they are undermining a foundation that turned a
fledgling nation into a global power in less than 150 years. Democrat policies (aided by
Republicans) have encouraged millions of, at best, loosely vetted immigrants to live in
America. They've simultaneously dismissed the importance of good moral character and the need
to integrate immigrants by having them adopt American values. No wonder so almost 90% of
Americans believe that uncontrolled illegal immigration is a threat to America.
residents in uproar over $13 million 'Taj Mahal' migrant housing complex.
Residents of a Maine town have hit out at the $13million construction of a complex of 60 apartments
for asylum seekers, where they can live rent free for two years then pay a fraction of the rental
price. Locals in Brunswick have expressed fury over the project, which is being funded by a
mix of private and public money and which has been heavily criticized by Donald Trump Jr. The
apartment complex in Brunswick is one of the many projects being launched by the town in what
critics have labeled a 'Taj Mahal', red-carpet welcome for asylum seekers.
Law Allowing Police to Arrest, Deport Illegal Immigrants Blocked by Federal Judge. A
federal judge on Thursday blocked a Texas law that would have empowered local and state law
enforcement to arrest and deport illegal immigrants who cross the Southern border into the U.S.
The legislation, signed by Governor Greg Abbott in December, was set to take effect March 5.
However, U.S. district judge David Ezra ruled that Senate Bill 4 violated the Constitution and
prior legal precedent that gives the federal government the sole authority to enforce immigration
laws and policies. Ezra also rejected Texas's claims that the record surge in immigration
constitutes an "invasion," which Abbott declared in January under Article I of the Constitution.
"To allow Texas to permanently supersede federal directives on the basis of an invasion would amount to
nullification of federal law and authority — a notion that is antithetical to the Constitution
and has been unequivocally rejected by federal courts since the Civil War," the judge wrote in his order.
at unmarked building refuse to answer questions about housing migrants. Workers at an
unmarked building suspected of housing migrants in Tuscon, Ariz. refused to answer Fox News' Rachel
Campos-Duffy's questions and asked her to leave the facility, she reported Monday [2/26/2024].
The "Fox & Friends Weekend" host received a tip to investigate the facility Casa Alitas, which had
all signs removed from its exterior. She explained the lack of signs was a signal it was an
NGO — non-governmental organization — housing illegal immigrants. After
asking if she could book a room, a woman behind the hotel counter asked Campos-Duffy to leave the
building, claiming she was on "private property." The woman refused to answer questions about
whose property it was, instead asking security to escort Campos-Duffy out of the building.
[are being] Handed Spacious Apartments for Free as New Yorkers [are] Left Paying Thousands for Tiny
Rooms. Illegal border crossers in New York City continue to be afforded thousands of
dollars monthly in free rent for apartments and hotel rooms as Big Apple citizens are forced to pay
thousands a month for tiny apartments. The New York Times, for instance, published a lengthy
article on Feb. 25 celebrating the "resettlement" of 170 migrant families who have been moved
from city-paid hotel rooms to suburban Central Islip and other areas where they are being given
upwards to $2,500 a month in free rent. One illegal from Venezuela, who moved from a
Manhattan hotel — where she and her children had one room, a microwave, a mini-fridge,
and a table and chair — into a spacious, two-bedroom apartment in the near eastern
suburb, gushed about the program. "To come from where we have come from, and to be here," she
marveled to the paper. "For some people this may be a small apartment, but for me this is huge."
attractions: border violator immunity from prosecution? Overrun by human waves of
unlawful migrants and thwarted by the Supreme Court last year in its effort to force federal
enforcement of existing law, Texas enacted its own illegal entry law set to take effect on Super
Tuesday, March 5, 2024. The law is known as Texas Senate Bill 4, or SB4. The Biden
lawsuit against Texas and SB4 pending in the U.S. District Court sends a stark message to
governors, cartels, and their U.S. enablers: border violators are immune from state judicial
process. Foreign diplomats never had it so good, and gangs like MS-13, 18th Street, and
Venezuela's Tren de Aragua are surely taking note. But the Biden initiative against Texas SB4
is just the latest chapter in a continuing saga of immunizing border violators from the consequences
of their illegal conduct.
Reeling: Tucson, Pima County Scrambling as Biden Border Crisis Explodes. Pima
County, Arizona, and the city of Tucson are scrambling as Biden's border crisis continues to wreak
havoc on American border states. Tucson officials are engaging in a frenzied search for a
place to house illegal immigrants as federal funding comes to an end. And some are suggesting
that the illegal border crossers should be bused to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in south
Tucson. Officials are desperately making plans ahead of the expected wave of illegal aliens
likely to begin being dropped off at the end of March by Biden's U.S. Customs and Border Protection
agents, according to AZMirror. Tucson Mayor Regina Romero has been "sounding the alarm" and
said it is important to get the city's plans to meet the next wave of Biden's illegal immigrants
before they come.
Halts Deportation Flights From US. Of the nearly nine million illegal migrants that
Joe Biden has allowed into the United States since taking office, a significant percentage of them
came here from Venezuela. There were 50.000 of them just in the month of September, setting a
record that still stands today. The vast majority of them were simply allowed to stay,
receiving court dates to make their asylum claims as much as a decade in the future. But to
his credit, Biden managed to have a small number of the worst of the worst rounded up from time to
time and put on planes to fly back to their native country. That process began last October
after an informal agreement was reached between the White House and Nicolas Maduro. But now
the flights have ended after Biden reimposed some sanctions on Venezuela over its failure to
proceed with fair and open elections. Maduro ordered a ban on deportation flights and there
are few signs that this will change in the near future. So what do we do with the migrants now?
Panama Border Chief: UN Is Behind the Chaos at U.S.-Mexico Border. Documents
show that in 2023, a record 500,000 migrants traveled through the dense jungle known as the Darien
Gap from Colombia into Panama. Migrants from around the world are flying into South and
Central America to start their journey because countries such as Suriname and Ecuador don't require
a visa to enter. Their final destination is the United States. The book "Weapons of
Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy," written by Kelly
Greenhill, suggests that weaker countries are using migration to destabilize their more powerful
adversaries. Joseph Humire is the executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society
and an expert on unconventional warfare. He told The Epoch Times that he believes that's what
Americans are seeing at the U.S. southern border now. "This isn't a conspiracy theory," he
said; the "invasion" at the U.S. southern border is "strategic engineered migration."
permits for illegals: the fast track to citizenship. If one looks at this
administration's border-security actions from a similar perspective, it is clear that they desire
the introduction of millions of illegal aliens into the country. Of this there is no
doubt. The only question is, why? If you can believe the government's numbers, at least
10 million illegal aliens have entered the country on Joe Biden's watch and millions more are
on the way. They are overwhelming the financial and social fabric of the country.
Housing, welfare, hospitals, and medical care, education; in a very short period of time their care
is already on the verge of bankrupting cities and states across the country. Why we must care
for these lawbreakers is never discussed, it is just assumed. Many citizens wish they were
treated as well. Now, many advocates are calling for work permits to be granted to these
millions of low-skilled illegal aliens. You will hear they just want to work so let them be
self-sufficient. This too is part of the plan. This too is part of the "why."
Shall We Call The New State. In three short years, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and
Alejandro Mayorkas have let enough illegal migrants breach our southern border that if we brought
them all to one spot, they would total more than 36 states in our Union. If that is
tough to grasp, we now have more illegals from over 150 countries than the residents of
Massachusetts, Missouri, or Wisconsin. The Democrats are on a mission to award statehood to
D.C. and Puerto Rico to add Senators and Representatives to Congress that would give them an
insurmountable edge forever. The 7 Million migrants represent ten members of the House
if they could be brought to one location. You can bet the Democrats are trying to get this
done. I have some state name suggestions: Bidenland and New Amnesty — rather
simplistic, but you get the point. The number of people now scattered around America will change
America's complexion but also threaten every American's safety.
are Hispanics Mobilizing Around Trump? [Scroll down] People of hispanic
origin in the USA are [angry] and scared. And they are coming to CPAC to get involved and to
support Trump. Because this group of Americans see Trump as the one candidate who will secure
the border. Who will fix the economy. Eva believes that the number one reason hispanics
in this country legally have come to the USA is for safety. To escape the drug lords, gangs,
lawlessness and corrupt governments. Many have been persecuted, like Eva was — in the
country of their birth. They recognize that the porous border is a danger to the American way of
life. To being safe. That the urban centers in the USA are being overwhelmed with
people who do not deserve to be here. They have not earned it. They have cheated to get
here. Furthermore, while this group of legal immigrants had to work and continue to work, the
US government is putting the illegal immigrants in the front of the line, displacing people who are
here legally and going through the proper channels.
Stunning 10 Million Illegals Have Entered The US Under Biden. A record
7.3 million illegal aliens have crossed the southwest border under President Biden's watch, a
number which according to Fox greater than the population of 36 individual states.
That figure is sourced from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which has already reported
961,537 Southwest land border encounters in the current fiscal year, which runs from October
through September, and if the current pace of illegal immigration does not slow down, fiscal year
2024 will break last year's record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters — a number
that by itself exceeds the population of New Mexico. The total number of southwest land
border encounters since Biden assumed office in 2021 is 7,298,486, CBP data shows.
Court Upholds Ruling Striking Down NYC Voting Rights for Foreigners. A New York
appeals court upheld a prior ruling that struck down a New York City law giving local voting rights
to nearly a million foreign nationals. As Breitbart News chronicled, Democrats on the
51-member New York City Council approved a plan in January 2022 that gave more than 800,000
foreign nationals with green cards, visas, and work permits the opportunity to vote in citywide
elections so long as they have resided in the city for at least 30 consecutive days. Black
New Yorkers, along with naturalized American citizens, the New York State Republican Party, the
Republican National Committee (RNC), and Democrat officials like Councilman Robert Holden
subsequently sued Mayor Eric Adams (D) and the city's Board of Elections.
York to hand out $10,000 cards to illegals, no I.D. required, what could go wrong?
For a mayor who claims that the migrant influx is going bankrupt his city, he sure has a funny way
of responding to it. [...] Just on the surface, the plan stinks, as the $53 million to be
spent was doled out by a no-bid contract. It gets worse when one learns from the Gelinas
report that the $53 million is just the set-up fee. The money to be doled out to the
migrants is extra. Worse still, the migrants will be entitled to as much as $10,000 a month
at city expense, the pre-loaded debit cards to be doled out on the honor system that migrants will
spend that free cash only for food and baby supplies. The idea of handing out cash was based
on news that migrants were throwing out their food and the food handed out on a no-bid contract was
spoiled and rotten.
Illegal Immigrants Have It Tough. With literally uncounted millions of illegals
having crossed the border, the competition for illegal jobs has heated up. [...] What, exactly, did
they expect? And, I wonder, how many tax dollars are going to support them already?
That second question is, practically speaking for Americans, the more immediately relevant one, but
only by answering the first can we get a handle on how to solve this problem long term. Even
if we don't know precisely what these particular illegal immigrants thought when they trekked from
whatever country they originated, we do know the answers to both these questions. How much
are we spending on illegal aliens? Way too much. The dollar figures only matter in the
abstract; the real answer is that our cities and our social services are groaning under the weight
of millions of illegals.
border crisis has brought chaos to America. It is no exaggeration to say that the
latest wave of migrants has caused a crisis. This unexpected influx has overwhelmed towns and
cities across the country and left them straining to find the funds to house and feed these
newcomers. Local news is full of stories of crimes being committed by newly arrived
migrants. Americans increasingly recognise that the situation is out of control. Some
three-quarters say the condition of the south-west border is a 'crisis' or 'very serious'. In fact,
immigration has become the primary concern of American voters, recently overtaking even inflation
and the economy. Until recently, President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats tried to argue
that Republicans were exaggerating the border problem. But as the situation has deteriorated,
that line has been harder to maintain. This is a crisis of Biden's own making. Biden,
along with secretary of homeland security Alejandro Mayorkas and others in the administration, have
systematically adopted measures that have encouraged a largely unrestrained inflow of migrants.
Patrol Union Unleashes on Biden in Short But Hard-Hitting Open Letter. Sometimes less
says more. The Border Patrol Union proved it Monday with a social media post on X. The
union shared a very concise letter to President Joe Biden. Fewer than 50 words, the message
was short but sweet and to the point. "Dear Joe, You OWN this catastrophic disaster at the
border — lock, stock and barrel," the union wrote on the National Border Patrol Council
account. "You created it. You nursed it along. You encouraged it. You facilitated
it. It's all yours. Don't run from it now like a coward. Signed, The BP agents
you've thrown under the bus."
Military Junta Called "The Democracy". On Saturday night I watched Tucker Carlson's
interview with Michael Benz, the link sent to me by a reader, and found out that I have, like many
others, been a warrior against a military junta that has taken over our government. [...] What you
are seeing in Texas is that conflict. The people want one thing and this military junta, "the
democracy" wants another thing. Now, "the democracy" wants to train mid-western troops,
basically blue-state national guard troops, to engage Texas troops and red-state guard
troops. All of this is already being led by social media mal-information promulgated by "the
democracy" and their compromised social media cohorts. They are the warmongers, they are
pushing this conflict against the will of the people. They have subverted representative
government, because they are afraid of losing control, of having their actions in 2016 and 2020
known and believed by the people. They are afraid of a real rebellion against them.
They have declared war. This is not politics.
Adams [intends] to Cut 6,000 Police to Fund Illegal Immigration. In a city engulfed
in crime, Mayor Eric Adams has decided to cut the police force by 6000 officers. The result
is NY police officers will be cut by 1/5, or 13.5%, by postponing the next 5 Academy classes,
bringing officers below 30,000, down from 36,000. These are the numbers we saw in the 80s and
90s. This is being done to house and feed anonymous, unvetted illegal aliens from around the
world. Many of these people coming are criminals, terrorists, and freeloaders coming for the
benefits. I feel sorry for the people who are truly asylum seekers, but it is a very small
number. Democrats have decided to call all of the illegal aliens, refugees, or asylum seekers
to further their political agenda, which is the same agenda we see fulfilled throughout Europe.
Plans Mass Release of Thousands of Illegal Aliens. ICE has plans ready to do a mass
release of thousands of illegal aliens. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) justifies
this lunacy by stating it needs to cut detainee holding capacity. Blame it on a budget
shortfall. That shortfall would have been funded in the Senate foreign aid package the House
refused to bring up for a vote. [...] This alleged mass release plan has not been made
public. Shocker, I know. DHS is one of the most non-transparent departments in the
Biden administration. Now it is openly threatening Republicans over funding. The report
probably didn't get the attention it deserves because of all the other chaos created by the Biden
administration in the news over the past couple of weeks. The Hur report was released, the
impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas, and the Trump court cases have consumed most of the news
cycles each day. The immigration/border security bill should have been a stand-alone bill,
not tossed in with big financial packages for Ukraine and Israel, as well as Taiwan.
Immigration's Potential Impact on U.S. House, Electoral College. Shortly after taking
office in January 2021, President Biden signed an executive order requiring that the U.S.
Census Bureau factor in all residents, including noncitizens, as part of its decennial calculation
of the U.S. population. As a result, the apportionment of House seats and, therefore,
electoral votes for presidential elections, could be swayed as migrants continue to pour over the
southern border. "Illegal immigration has all kinds of effects and among them is that it
distorts the mechanics of democratic government," Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the
Center for Immigration Studies, told Fox News Digital in an interview. "Illegal immigrants
aren't even supposed to be here, so their inclusion in the census count for purposes of
apportionment really is outrageous."
residents reveal sophisticated migrant smuggling operation at northern US border.
Unsettling [New York] Post footage and interviews with US residents along the Canadian border offer
a rare glimpse into the thriving migrant smuggling operation that has taken hold up north in
addition to the debacle to the south. Residents of bucolic Swanton, Vt. — a town
of about 6,500 people located just across Lake Champlain from New York and about a 10-minute
drive from the Canadian border — have been getting a troubling firsthand look at the
US's northern illegal migrant crisis for months. The town's plentiful woods make the leafy
hamlet an ideal spot for hunters — and also provide ample camouflage for smugglers, who
have become so rampant that some locals are packing pistols to protect themselves and turning into
amateur sleuths to help thwart them.
Deportation — It CAN Be Done. It's going to be difficult to get tens of
millions of illegals out of the country. If there were some fear of that happening, the
Democratic Party would rise up and steal as much of the American taxpayers' money as necessary to
protect this future constituency of theirs. Corporations that want cheap labor would press
politicians with threats of reduced campaign money, and everybody knows politicians love other
people's money more than they love anything else. The illegals themselves would disappear
under rocks, into holes in the ground, and into every cavity and crevice they could find to escape
deportation. All they would then need to do is occasionally find their way to the nearest
Democratic Party-run welfare office, get their money, and then disappear again. Removing
these people from America will be a Herculean task. The Democrats know that and are chuckling
all the way to the mail-in ballot box. But, as difficult as it may be, mass deportation CAN
be done.
Open Border — Intentionality or Incompetence? It's clear that America's
open border is an unmitigated disaster, allowing over 300,000 known migrants to enter the U.S. each
month. Migrants are arriving from all over the world, including from geopolitical adversaries
like China and Afghanistan. Few are vetted, meaning their health, criminal, education,
vocations, literacy, and motivations are unknown. Anyone can ask for political asylum, as
they are coached to do. To federal border agents, they are a massive herd of cattle, and it's
all they can do just to get them across the border, feed and hydrate them, and put them on plane to
Denver, New York, or Chicago. There are also an unknown number of euphemistically called
"gotaways," those waltzing into the U.S., not encountering a border agent, then just disappearing
somewhere into America's fruited plains. How many? CBP reports over 1,000 "known
"gotaways" a day. Recently impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas acknowledges 600,000
"gotaways" in 2023. These are the "known" ones. How many are unknown? Likely at least
as many as known. In total, this is more than the 3.9 million population of Los Angeles
added to America's welfare rolls each year.
border blackmail. One week after Senate Republicans rejected White House-backed
legislation that would have sent $3.7 billion to bail out sanctuary cities while also
mandating the catch and release of all migrants arrested for illegally entering America from
Mexico, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials threatened to release thousands more migrants
into the U.S. by slashing capacity to detain them at the border. This unveiled threat by
President Joe Biden is despicable, but is also laughably empty, for the cuts he is threatening are
to the exact levels his administration sought in his last budget. Biden's plan to deal with
budget shortfalls at ICE, caused entirely by his misgovernment of the border, is just a rehash of
how he wanted to deploy ICE resources in the first place. When Biden became president, ICE
could detain more than 55,000 migrants at one time. Immediately upon taking office, Biden
began dismantling this detention capacity to just 29,000 beds. He has sought to lower it
further, requesting 25,000 detention beds in each of his last two budget requests.
Nation: A 'great replacement' beginning to unfold? Up until now, I'd always
thought the 'great replacement' theory to remove the current Western electorate and replace them
with third-world illegal migrants was some nutty fringe-right conspiracy theory. The idea has
been roundly denounced by the establishment as racist, although the French novelist who invented
the theory in 2011, Renaud Camus, insisted that his theory was about civilizational values, not
skin color. These days, based on how the migrant crisis is unfolding in a couple of
developments, it's possible to wonder. [...] Much of the concern about open borders up until now
has been about illegal immigrants voting in U.S. elections, which as Power Line has noted, is
already happening in California. However, based on this information, all they need to do is
be illegally present, not vote, voting in fact is unimportant because entire congressional seats
will be allocated based on their presence alone.
Security: We Don't Track Illegal Immigrants. The Biden Administration has made
it clear that they want to flood the country and are happy they are moving around freely. In
fact, they get free flights and bus trips, and their entry papers are as good as a passport,
allowing them to go wherever they want no questions asked. So when a Washington Post reporter
asked about where the illegal immigrants are going, the Department replied with what amounts to a
shrug. Who knows? [Tweet]
the Democrats' Rule, America Has Become A Failed State. Since Joe Biden has been
president, almost 10 million people, mostly military-aged males, have poured across our
border. American taxpayers must support virtually every one of them. To put that in
perspective, if they were a state, the illegal aliens who arrived since Biden's inauguration would
be the 11th largest state, just above New Jersey and just below Michigan. Add to that the
20 million illegals already here, and they would be a larger population than every state other
than California and Texas. But it's not just that the government is allowing millions of
people to invade the country. It's also what governments are doing once the invaders are
here. Boston closed a community center to house the illegals. New York City has been
paying tens of millions of dollars to hotels to house them and recently forced kids to attend
school online because their schools were filled with illegals. What's more, two weeks ago,
New York's mayor announced the city would give $53 million in prepaid debit cards to
illegals. Astonishingly, some places give illegals more than citizens on welfare! All
of this costs likely more than $300 billion a year, twice widely circulated estimates of
$150 billion that base their number on the laughable assumption that there are only
15 million illegal aliens in America when the number is likely more than 30 million.
The Editor says...
Reasonable estimates seen on the internet (but certainly not in the broadcast news media) said
"the number is likely more than 30 million" at least ten years ago — long before
the Mexican border was intentionally opened up.
Illegal Border Crossings Are Now Surging at the Northern Border Too. While most
people are focused on the invasion currently taking place on the southern border, America's
northern border is also under assault. According to recent reporting, illegal border crossers
are attracted to the northern border because they know there are far fewer security staffers and
border patrol agents. This story doesn't get nearly as much media attention as the southern
border, but it's just as important.
does it seem like most members of Congress are either stupid, rapacious, or both?
Biden's list of failures is long and well-known, from the Afghanistan withdrawal to provoking Putin
to invade Ukraine, to interfering with Israel's war against Hamas; these are just some of the
lowlights. The biggest and most egregious catastrophe is the open border and his standing
invitation to any and all foreigners who can afford to make the trip (they all pay the cartels and
coyotes). The nation has been invaded, our demographics permanently altered, by perhaps as many as
ten million unvetted persons from 170 countries. NYC and Chicago have been
destroyed. Denver, a sanctuary city, has been overrun, its hospital in breakdown mode.
Most homes and ranches on the border have been ruined. Homeowners find dead bodies on their
land. If they defend themselves against criminal migrants, it is the homeowner who is
arrested. The world is upside down.
Is Congress For? [Scroll down] But nowadays, it seems that most Americans
have forgotten what that war was all about. And the fact that Mayorkas's impeachment passed
the House by only one vote, and is dead on arrival in the Senate, does not bode well for our
country's future. Basically, about half the members of Congress are saying that it's okay for
a Cabinet secretary to nullify immigration laws and let ten million foreigners illegally enter the
United States, so long as he's acting in service of ideology rather than doing it for a bribe.
Votes to Impeach Mayorkas. The House on Tuesday voted for a second time to impeach
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas after the first vote failed last week. This
time, Republicans received the outcome they sought. "Tonight's vote was a vote for law and
order in our communities, and a vote to restore the rule of law at our southern border,"
Rep. John Joyce, R-Penn., told The Daily Signal. On Tuesday night, 214 House members
voted in favor of impeaching the DHS secretary, and 213 voted in opposition. No Democrats
voted in favor. Three Republicans, Reps. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, Ken Buck of
Colorado, and Tom McClintock of California, also voted for a second time against impeachment.
the 13th Amendment. Boston TV stations are airing "exclusives" this Valentine's Week
about area residents taking illegal aliens — refugees in wokespeak — into
their homes. [...] Quartering illegals in homes, too, is a disaster waiting to happen as liberals
spin the dial of strangers in the house and someone gets macheted. But that is the chance you
take when you want free labor. [...] Of course, for every nice illegal alien who cooks, Democrats
let in a gangbanger, a drug dealer, a Chinese spy and a Muslim terrorist. Nightly soft-focus
exclusives on Boston TV stations won't change that. White Democrats have a history of liking
food prepared by black cooks who smile and work for free. Two centuries ago, Democrats took
into their plantations refugees from the kingdoms of Ghana and Dahomey, where they had served as
slaves. In America, they taught them to farm and grow cotton. They got room and board
in exchange for the cotton. Democrats had no problem with that arrangement.
rage and crapulence, staff's cowardice and ignorance, all worsened border crisis —
Axios. [Scroll down] Senile or not, someone like that is no leader and
obviously doesn't know what he's doing. Other reports have stated that he took his marching
orders solely from open-borders activists. [...] Meanwhile, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan
turned his end of the migration crisis over to someone named Liz Sherwood-Randall whose title was
Homeland Security advisor, and who was so ignorant about the matter she didn't know the difference
between an asylum-seeker and a refugee. Rather than cover her tracks by secretly googling the
difference, she asked staff to prepare a briefing for her on this Wikipedia-level matter.
There was finger-pointing at the Department of State for "dragging its feet" on migrant intake
centers in countries of origin, which is baloney, and State rightly denied it because we have been
following this issue, and there was constant staff turnover since everyone knew it was a mess and
nobody wanted to have their name on it. They fought with each other, with some clearly
cognizant of what was happening and others in the throes of the open-borders activists who
obviously have a monetary interest in perpetuating the crisis.
Are in The Thick of an Invasion': More than 12,000 Illegal Aliens from 48 Countries
Apprehended in Tucson Sector Alone This Week. 12,081 illegal aliens were apprehended
from 48 separate countries in the U.S Border Patrol's Tucson Sector during this past week, reported
the Tucson Standard. The publication was reporting on data shared on X by John R. Modlin,
Chief Patrol Agent of the sector: [Tweet] Arizona State Sen. Janae Shamp (R-Surprise)
said the numbers are further evidence that we are in "the thick of an invasion," telling the NW
Valley Times: ["]Thanks to the Biden Administration's refusal to secure our border, the
illegal activity — including an unprecedented amount of human smuggling and drug
smuggling — are no longer mere issues. We are in the thick of an invasion.
It's time to take the handcuffs off our sheriffs who have been elected to protect the citizens of
Arizona, which is why I introduced the Arizona Border Invasion Act — SB 1231.["]
Shamp's bill would make it a crime in Arizona to cross the border from Mexico into the state,
except through official ports of entry. It would also provide liability protections for state
and local officials who enforce the law.
Says He Does Not Regret Terminating Trump's 'Remain In Mexico' Policy After Millions of
Military-Age Males Invade [the] US. More deflection, more excuses. The Biden
regime has had three years to lock down the border and they simply refused to do so. DHS
Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was on NBC's "Meet The Press" on Sunday morning to talk about the
border crisis. "You have now been in your position for three years, and let's talk about what's
happened during those three years. More migrants have crossed the border illegally last year
than ever before," Kristin Welker said to Secretary Mayorkas. "The data you cite is a powerful
example of why we need legislation to fix what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system[,]"
Secretary Mayorkas responded.
Assistance Cost Taxpayers $20 Billion In Two Years. The federal Office of
Refugee Resettlement spent $20 billion over the last two years on "refugee and entrant
assistance" for those entering the country legally or illegally, according to a report from Services included legal assistance, medical screening, housing assistance,
cultural orientation, work authorization, public benefits application, school enrollment, mental
health services, cash support and Medicaid access. The spending represents an increase of
billions of dollars over previous years and includes potential conflicts of interest with the
agency's director.
state dilemma: stand up to incoming progressive residents or flee? No one can dispute
how politically different Red states are from Blue states in our super-polarized country.
When a large group of ideologically motivated people (usually leftists) move into a state, county,
or neighborhood, things invariably change. The question for conservatives, who are usually
the ones whose nice communities are changed for the worse, is whether they should flee or
fight. The once-conservative People's Republic of Colorado perfectly proves how an
influx of leftists changes an area. Most recently, Colorado decided to remove Donald Trump
from the ballot. Last week, the Supreme Court carefully considered the pros and cons of
removing Trump from the ballot. It's likely they'll side with Trump. But this all could
have been avoided had Colorado's population centers not been populated by political fanatics who
feel that common sense and fairness should be replaced with pure partisanship.
[Have] Been Over 1.5 Million Migrant Encounters At The Border Since Mayorkas Last Said It Was
'Secure'. [Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro] Mayorkas faces impeachment in the
House of Representatives over his handling of the border "crisis," a word he will not use, as
illegal immigration continues to surge under the Biden administration. The U.S. Border Patrol
made 1,589,148 migrant encounters at the southern border since Mayorkas last said that the "border
is secure" during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing in April 2023, according to
Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and data obtained by Fox News.
review: Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding America's Destruction? Six of the nine
voluntary agencies resettling "refugees" in America are religious in nature. In order of
annual revenue, they are:
  Catholic Charities/US Conference of Catholic Bishops: $742.6 million
  Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services: $471.6 million
  Church World Services: $433.3 Million
  World Relief: $416.1 Million
  Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: $186.1 million
  Episcopal Migration Ministries: $146.7 million
The work these agencies do is not charitable; they are paid for everyone they settle. There used
to be a program under which the agencies could settled refugees at their own expense, but it was
canceled in the mid-1990s for lack of use. Most "refugees" are chosen by the UN, which
acknowledges that few of them are in immediate danger. Little can be done to verify their
stories, and some get into the program by paying bribes to UN agents.
US Members of Congress Denied Access to Secretive Federally-Funded "Migrant Facility" for Oversight
of Taxpayer Spending. Earlier this week, journalist James O'Keefe of O'Keefe Media
Group visited a Ramada Inn by Wyndham converted to a migrant housing facility that is reportedly
being run by the Casa Alitas program in Tucson, Arizona. According to O'Keefe, buses were
coming in with new migrants every 15 minutes, including during his "interrogation" by a Pima
County Sheriff Deputy. During the interaction, O'Keefe disclosed that he had an "undercover"
inside the facility. It was reported by O'Keefe that there was a makeshift room in the hotel
with over 150 cots set up.
Ways Joe Biden Opened America's Borders to the World's Migrants. Since President Joe
Biden took office in late January 2021, his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has worked
tirelessly to transform the United States-Mexico border into a European-style checkpoint where
border crossers and illegal aliens are briefly detained before being released into American cities
and towns. Biden's policies have been highly effective in achieving the administration's
ultimate goal to massively inflate the foreign-born population to the largest ever recorded,
standing at nearly 50 million today. The latest Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
estimate suggests that about 6.2 million border crossers and illegal aliens have been welcomed
to the U.S. from January 20, 2021, through December 2023 — a foreign
population just two million shy of New York City's population.
Immigration laws are already in place — just enforce the law. No action by Congress is necessary.
Biden administration is considering executive action to deter illegal migration at the southern
border. The Biden administration is considering taking executive action to deter
illegal migration across the southern border, according to two U.S. officials. As passing
legislation on border security in Congress appears unlikely, the plans under consideration signal
that the White House wants to take action before numbers at the border, which have dropped in the
past month, rise again as expected. The plans have been under consideration for months, the
officials said. In December, as Congress prepared to leave town for the holidays with no
border solution, illegal crossings of the southwest border hit records at more than 10,000 per day.
senator torched for calling illegal migrants the 'people we care about most:' 'Giving away' the
game. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., was condemned by conservatives and immigration
experts after he stated that illegal immigrants are the people "we care about most." When MSNBC
host Chris Hayes asked Murphy on Wednesday about the failed border security bill, the Connecticut
senator said, rather than pushing for a path to citizenship in border legislation negotiations like
the party has in the past, Democrats were advocating for Ukraine funding. "Well, I mean,
Chris, that's been a failed play for 20 years. So you are right that that has been the
Democratic strategy for 30 years, maybe, and it has failed to deliver for the people we care
about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country," Murphy said.
admin strikes 'secret' deal with Mexico while pushing border deal; sees 50% drop in traffic:
report. The Biden administration allegedly struck a secret border deal with Mexico to
help the president in the upcoming election as illegal immigration dropped by a whopping
50 percent in January. Most conservatives see the meeting between Biden's cabinet
members and Mexican officials resulting in a massive drop in illegal immigrants crossing the border
as anything but coincidental. "The number of migrants apprehended along the southwest border
with Mexico in January fell by more than 50 percent from the record-shattering report in
December. Following dropping approval ratings for President Joe Biden on the topic of
immigration and border security and a meeting between the Mexican president and two Biden
administration cabinet members, actions taken by the Mexican government led to a drop of more than
125,000 migrant apprehensions in January," Breitbart reported.
Theory Proven True: Illegal Aliens Claim They'll Be Voting For Joe Biden.
[Video clip only.]
Absurd Democrat Border Con. In 2021, Joe Biden opened wide an inherited, secure
southern border that had finally stopped mass illegal immigration. When he overturned Donald
Trump's efforts, a planned flood of over 8 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S.
Almost all arrived without background checks, health screening, or vaccination
certificates — but with massive needs for free housing, education, healthcare, and food
entitlements and subsidies. For four years, Donald Trump battled the courts, his Democratic
opposition, and the open-border establishments within his own party to ensure legal-only
immigration. Somehow, he rebuilt some of the old porous border fence. He had begun to
build his long-promised new wall to the Gulf of Mexico. He had ended Obama-era
catch-and-release. Would-be refugees had to apply for asylum in their home country.
Trump leveraged Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to police his own border
and stop cynically transiting millions of illegal aliens into the U.S. There was general
Democratic Party opposition to all of Trump's measures, both through Congress and via the
courts. For the last three years of Biden's mass influx, the left has applauded open
borders. That is, until late last year, when overwhelmed southern border state governors
began busing and flying illegal immigrants en masse to northern sanctuary-city jurisdictions.
Mass Deportations, America's Demographics Shift Will Result In Radical Politics. The
much-anticipated Senate border bill unveiled this week is another example of the destructive and
unserious people who lead this nation. President Biden and Democrats are now blaming
Republicans for failing to pass the bill, but the reality is that for the "open borders" Democrat
Party, everything is going according to plan. The Democrat Party is well on its way to
fundamentally changing America's demographics, all to secure what they believe will eventually
become an unbeatable coalition of new voters. To understand the progress they've made,
consider that in 2018, research conducted at MIT and Yale determined that the most accurate
population estimate of illegal aliens residing in the U.S. was 22.1 million. Given the
staggering surge of illegal aliens under the Biden administration, that estimate would now be in
the range of 30-plus million. To put that into perspective, if we created a 51st state
comprised entirely of illegal aliens, its population would be larger than every state except
California, and it would be 77 percent of the entire population of Canada. Going
forward, even if we somehow prevent 100 percent of future illegal immigration, it only buys us
time — and not much. Democrats know this, of course. It's the reason they
continue to accept short-term backlash from our open border in exchange for a long-term
payoff. By pointing out that illegal aliens cannot vote, the left claims that this whole
thing is a "racist conspiracy theory."
border blame game is a cynical lie and everyone knows it. Immediately upon taking
office, Joe Biden reversed President Trump's "stay-in-Mexico" policy. Under that policy,
immigrants seeking asylum were required to stay in Mexico or their home country while applying for
asylum in the United States. The alternative — followed by the preceding Obama
Administration — is for the immigrants to enter the country with the proviso that they
have to show up for a hearing some months or years in the future to determine their asylum
claim. Of course, many immigrants never showed up for their hearings, and simply remained in
the country illegally.
vote to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas fails, thwarted by Republican
defections. In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile
priority — for now — after a few GOP lawmakers refused to go along with the
party's plan. The stunning roll call fell just a single vote short of impeaching Mayorkas,
stalling the Republicans' drive to punish the Biden administration over its handling of the
U.S-Mexico border. With Democrats united against the charges, the Republicans needed almost
every vote from their slim majority to approve the articles of impeachment. A noisy, rowdy
scene erupted on the House floor as the vote was tied for several tense minutes, 215-215.
fail to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas over border crisis. House Republicans failed to
impeach Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas for his mishandling of the southern border
crisis in a nail-biting vote that came down to the wire. The 214-216 vote marked the second
of three major legislative failures of the day for House Republicans who remain deeply divided
across the House and Senate. Immediately after the embarrassing Mayorkas vote, Speaker Mike
Johnson's $17.6 billion Israel aid stand-alone bill spectacularly failed in a 250 to 218 vote,
another humiliating defeat for Republicans in a span of 15 minutes.
Republicans Are No Votes on Mayorkas Impeachment. The articles accuse Mayorkas of a
"breach of trust" and a "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in his handling of
the Biden border crisis. It is hard to argue with those accusations. However, the truth
is that even if Republicans successfully vote for the articles and it goes to the Senate for an
impeachment trial, it would all stop there. The Senate won't vote for Mayorkas to be
impeached. Joe Biden won't fire Mayorkas. The Biden border crisis is intentional.
Most Democrats want an open border. Mayorkas is doing what he is told to do by Biden or
whoever is running the White House.
Gives Game Plan Away: [The] Senate Bill [is a] Precursor to Amnesty for Illegals.
President Joe Biden says a bill from Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and
Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) is merely a precursor to ramming amnesty for millions of illegal aliens
through Congress. During an address at the White House on Tuesday, Biden praised the Senate
bill that would expand overall immigration to the United States by codifying his parole pipeline
that has freed hundreds of thousands of border crossers into the nation's interior.
new 'border security' bill is about legalizing illegals. The Democrats in Congress
obviously aren't serious about stopping the crisis at the U.S. southern border, judging by the bill
that they negotiated to address the crisis. That said, the Republicans who agreed to this
bill might as well change their party affiliation. "I have no doubt that the Senate can, once
again, rise to the occasion and lead America forward," wrote Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer
on X (Twitter). Not only does it show where their loyalties lie (and it's not with the United
States), but it will anger their voters, making it less likely they will be re-elected this fall.
to the Border Deal. The United States has a set of rules intended to exclude illegal
immigrants from the country, and now Republicans find themselves negotiating over to what extent
those rules can be ignored. The group of senators that worked on a border deal with the White
House for months has finally released the text of a bill that is touted as ending "catch and
release" and mandating a "shutdown of the border" if illegal crossings exceed 5,000 a day.
President Joe Biden, who has done so much to create a de facto open border since the initial days
of his administration, suddenly says this legislation is necessary so he can unleash his inner
border hawk. The bill is, to be sure, the best bipartisan immigration bill we've seen out of
Washington, D.C., in decades, although that is an extremely low standard. The deal has worthy
provisions, but it's not going to compel Joe Biden to do anything he doesn't want to and further
entrenches a system that has been fundamentally distorted by mass bogus asylum claims.
Border Bill Would Hand $1.4 Billion to Nonprofits That Help Illegal Migrants.
The Senate's border funding bill released Sunday night would allocate $1.4 billion for
nonprofit organizations that help migrants who enter the U.S. illegally. Page 67 of the
370-page bill contains a provision stating that $1.4 billion "shall be transferred to [the
category of] 'Federal Emergency Management Agency — Federal Assistance' to support
sheltering and related activities provided by non-federal entities through the Shelter Services
Program." The Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act [of] 2024 would
allocate $118 billion in total, including $48 billion to aid Ukraine in its war with
Russia and nearly $16 billion to aid Israel during its conflict with Hamas, until Dec. 31.
Moral Hazard Of An Open Border. An average of more than 200,000 immigrants a month
have illegally jumped America's southern border during Joe Biden's three years in the White House,
almost four times the monthly rate of crossings under Donald Trump. By any fair description,
our southern border is open, and this has created a humanitarian crisis of emigres being processed
in cities where there are not enough services to meet the surging demand. The Democrats and
their marketing department, known as the media, insist that we have a principled obligation to
absorb the immigrants. Some seem to think the poem found on the Statue of Liberty that asks
"ancient lands" to "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" is
actually U.S. law. Or at least a tenet that we all have the duty to live by.
Invasion of Illegal Aliens — It's Insane. Sources are saying that the
majority of people flooding in through the Southern Border are now from Africa and the Middle East,
with a lot of Chinese thrown in for good measure. They denied two of my employees from Europe
who have UK and German passports and have been coming to the USA before to come in for the WEC last
November. All of a sudden, there is discrimination going on, and it's about if they are
educated and skilled, they are denied. The Biden administration is completely out of
control. We cannot afford another four years of this insanity. The total "official"
amount of illegal aliens has exceeded 6 million.
Big Apple goes debit card mad. The migrant story now has a debit card chapter.
I thought that the story was a joke when it came across the internet; it wasn't. [...] Furthermore,
isn't this going to encourage more migrants to take the New York-bound bus? I think so, and
most New Yorkers understand that.
Retreats from Support of Border Deal, Lankford May Vote Against His Own Legislation.
Exactly how bad is the "bipartisan" legislation, which should be called, 'the border insecurity in
exchange for Ukraine money act'? The bill is so bad, and makes things so much worse, that James
Lankford may end up voting against his own legislative creation. Making matters worse, Mitch
McConnell is now pretending the entire fiasco wasn't his idea, further leaving James Lankford
out to dry on his own.
A Secret Illegal Immigrant Housing Operation to Populate The US. The United Nations
has been funding and coordinating the complex international trafficking operation of millions of
Illegal Immigrants arriving in South America, and traveling north thru the Darien Gap, then thru
Mexico, and finally to the United States. Barrack Hussein Obama has been supporting the UN
coordinated invasion of the US; the invasion has effectively eliminated the security of the US
Constitutional Republic. Illegal Aliens invading the United States are replacing the 300,000
of America's youth murdered over the last three years by smuggled Communist Chinese Fentanyl from
Mexico, and the 1.1 million Americans who have died from the Covid experimental shots.
The Illegal Immigration Housing Plan is being coordinated by Barack Hussein Obama, and the
communist Democrats. It is designed to "permanently" change the demographics of the United
States forever. The Illegal Immigration Housing Plan is designed to eliminate the Patriotic
character of the US Constitutional Republic in major cities and replace voting American Citizen in
those cities with Illegal Aliens who have absolutely no loyalty to the United States; they in fact
are hostile toward the United States and will be involved in the overthrow of the government of the
United States. In 2023 Fiscal Year, over 3 million Illegal Aliens from
161 countries walked into the US and were released into the US interior. Customs and
Border Protection stated that in the same Fiscal Year, 564 Terrorists listed on the FBI Terror
Watch List were captured at both the Southern and Northern Borders.
aliens are a fiscal nightmare. President Biden has transformed America's southern
border into a humanitarian catastrophe and a national security nightmare. This bloody, deadly
mess is a clear and present danger to this republic. It is also a massive fiscal
threat. Mr. Biden's obliteration of the border is evaporating federal, state and local
coffers. Precise figures on anything illegal are, by definition, elusive. Nonetheless,
the Federation for American Immigration Reform's report "The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration
on United States Taxpayers 2023" estimates that taxpayers bleed $182.1 billion in annual
benefits to illegal aliens. This includes $66.4 billion in federal spending and
$115.7 billion in state and local outlays to those who have entered the country illegally.
[...] "Taxes paid by illegal aliens only cover around 17.2% of the costs they create for American
citizens," FAIR calculates. This includes $16.2 billion in federal taxes and
$15.2 billion in state and local levies. These $31.4 billion still stick U.S.
citizens with 82.8% of the illegals' $150.7 billion annual tab.
the Senate's Atrocious Border Bill, Everybody Gets Asylum. The Senate's emergency
appropriations bill released on Sunday [2/4/2024] won't address the border crisis, and contrary to
the accomplice media's spin, the spending bill won't "severely curtail asylum at the US southern
border." [...] The backers of the Senate bill seek to portray its provisions as, in the words of
Joe Biden, the "toughest and fairest set of border reforms in decades." There is little that is
"tough" in the bill, however, and what is can easily be sidestepped — either by the
Biden administration or the throngs of illegal aliens invading from the south. Consider, for
instance, the "emergency authority" the bill would grant to the secretary of homeland security to
"summarily remove" aliens. But that authority only arises if the number of encounters with
aliens at the border averages 4,000 for seven consecutive days or more than 8,500 in any one
day. Beyond the flood of aliens allowed to enter the United States without triggering the
emergency authority, the statutory exemptions gut the secretary's authority. Specifically,
the bill provides that the border emergency authority cannot be used against "an unaccompanied
alien child," so every illegal alien who is under 18 — or can pass as someone who is
under 18 — will be allowed in.
Johnson Pledges 'Worse Than Expected' Senate Border Bill 'Dead on Arrival' in House.
"I've seen enough," Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) declared Sunday night. Just
hours after Senate negotiators unveiled their pro-migration border bill, Johnson pledged the bill
would never move through the House. "This bill is even worse than we expected, and won't come
close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created," Johnson posted on X. "As the
lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, 'the border never closes.'" [Tweet]
booming underground migrant economy exposes the true disaster of Biden's open border.
Immigration policies that admit vast numbers of low-skilled workers are a plague on Americans in
low-skill jobs, warned the late, great Barbara Jordan — the Texas congresswoman who
chaired President Bill Clinton's immigration commission back in the 1990s. Open borders make
a welfare state unworkable, warned America's leading socialist, Sen. Bernie
Sanders — before he started toeing the new Democratic Party line amid his 2016
presidential run. Warnings fully vindicated by The [New York] Post's Isabel Vincent's deep
dive into the city's cash-based underground migrant economy. Migrants from Africa and Latin
America, many if not most with little English, are taking underground jobs as food delivery
drivers, construction day laborers, cooks and cleaners. Some illegally use others' work
papers, or fake IDs, to work "legally"; others find employers willing to hire off the books so they
can pay less.
'Border Security' Deal Is Utter Trash, but There's One Provision That Is Just
Infuriating. On Sunday evening, the long-awaited text of the Senate's "border
security" deal was released. Despite claims from Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and Sen. James
Lankford that prior leaks were incorrect, the bill turned out to be just as bad as suspected, and
as I'm about to illustrate, perhaps even worse. Naturally, because the motivation for this
bill has never been the border crisis, Ukraine funding dominates the first part of the text, with
another $60 billion being sent to the Eastern European nation. Do Americans get a secure
Southern Border in return? That answer is made clear by several awful provisions, the worst
of which we'll get to later in the article. The one that's receiving the most attention was
leaked in the week before the Senate released the text. Namely, it says that the "border
emergency authority" does not even kick in until 5,000 illegal immigrants are "encountered" at the
border. That comes out to 1.8 million illegal entries a year before any of the
provisions for automatic deportation kick in.
Senate 'Deal' Allows 1.5 Million Illegals Per Year, Slides up to $2.3 Billion To NGOs Trafficking Them,
and Gives $60B To Ukraine. While the House has gone full 'Israel or Bust', the Senate has
come up with a $118 billion bipartisan agreement which would allow 1.5 million illegals
to enter the US every year, allocates $2.3 billion towards NGOs and other organizations which traffic
them, gives $14.1 billion in security assistance to Israel, and a whopping $60 billion in
support to Ukraine. The bill also locks in green card giveaways until 2030. [Tweet]
The agreement was reached by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), whose own state legislature censured
him last week for striking such a [bad] border deal, along with Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Kyrsten Sinema
(I-AZ). [Tweet]
Celebrates McConnell on Senate Immigration Plan: 'Have Never Worked More Closely'.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) celebrated Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with
the reveal of the new immigration plan, adding that the two have "never worked more closely."
"I have never worked more closely with Leader McConnell on any piece of legislation as we did on
this," Schumer told reporters on Sunday, according to Andrew Desiderio of Punchbowl News.
[Tweet] As Breitbart News reported on Sunday, the newly revealed bill had some concessions
made on border security along with other glaring red flags: ["]The establishment
authors of the bill have largely hidden its contents — along with many possible
loopholes, exceptions, modifications, and caveats that can turn apparent restrictions into
government-funded welcomes. The bill was assembled behind closed doors by a tight circle of
establishment advocates — and their business donors.["]
Blackburn Rails Against Establishment 'Border' Bill: I Will Never Vote to 'Make Illegal
Immigration Legal'. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Sunday railed against the
Senate "border" bill, saying that she would never vote to "make illegal immigration legal."
The Senate released its long-awaited border bill, which as Breitbart News editor Neil Munro
described, would only increase the flow of immigrants into America. Blackburn, a staunch
conservative, said that America should not tolerate one migrant crossing the border illegally.
The Editor says...
Why is the word staunch only applied to conservatives?
Chief Mayorkas Praises Senate Bill for Preserving Biden's Parole Pipeline at Southern Border.
President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is praising a Senate
bill from Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) mostly for
preserving the administration's massive parole pipeline that has freed hundreds of thousands of border crossers
into American communities. Late Sunday evening, the senators released their highly-anticipated bill that
seeks to explode immigration to the United States even as Biden has welcomed a record number of foreign nationals
via the southern border.
Releases Establishment's Migration Bill. The Senate has released its long-awaited
"border" bill that reportedly increases the inflow of legalized immigrants into Americans'
communities, workplaces, and schools. Titled ''Emergency National Security Supplemental
Appropriations Act, 2024'," the 370-page bill was released at 6:40 p.m. on Sunday. It is
accompanied by a multi-billion dollar appropriations bill intended to fund the resources needed to
register, release, transport, and house migrants in Americans' coastal cities and inland
communities. The bill is being marketed as a "national security" bill as it seeks to overcome
opposition by Republican legislators whose election depends on the enthusiastic turnout of ordinary
populists who are worried about migration's lawlessness, pocketbook damage, crime, overcrowding,
and chaotic diversity.
and the Border. So the war over the border between Texas and the Biden Administration
is now in the "Sitzkrieg" stage. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has essentially declared
war on illegal immigration. He invoked Article I Section 10 of the United States
Constitution, which forbids states from declaring war except when "actually invaded" (or in such
imminent danger as to admit of no delay) and, by implication, allows them to declare war when that
happens. He also invoked the Guarantee Clause of Article IV, which requires the federal
government to protect the states against invasion. Abbott's legal argument is that since he's
being invaded, he's entitled to respond, and since the federal government is defaulting on its
obligations it has no business — it's basically estopped from —
complaining. There was a lot of huffing and puffing at the time, with members of Congress
calling on President Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard and the like, but basically,
nothing happened. The Supreme Court vacated an injunction forbidding the Border Patrol from
cutting the barbed wire that Texas had installed along the border, but — contrary to
many media reports — didn't rule that what Texas had done was illegal, or order Texas to
stop policing the border.
crash; thank the liberals. [Scroll down] Then there are the illegal
aliens. Lots of them. Tens of millions of them. The liberals who preside over the
cities virtuously signaled that these illegal aliens are welcome in their cities. To their
surprise, the illegal aliens took them seriously, and took their cities by storm. The
governor of Texas took them seriously too. When the illegal aliens grew from a trickle to a
flood across the Mexican border, to the point that small towns in Texas could not possibly manage
the numbers in a manner that was safe for either the aliens or the Texans, he shipped those who
were willing to those northern cities that had announced that they were welcome. For that, he
was of course called "racist." With all this virtue-signaling going on, Joe Biden naturally
wanted his share. He reversed the successful stay-in-Mexico policy that required prospective
immigrants seeking asylum to stay in Mexico or their home country while their requests were
processed — because that policy had been initiated by a man who was maniacal about
making America great again named Donald Trump. Biden also stopped construction of the border
wall and sold off the materials in stock awaiting use on the wall. Because MAGA-maniacal Trump.
And McConnell Want Senators To Pass Their $106 Billion Border Bill Without Reading It.
Yesterday, a reporter standing outside the Senate chamber told me that after four months of secrecy, The
Firm™ plans to release the text of the $106 billion supplemental aid/border-security
package — possibly as soon as today. Wasting no time, she then asked, "If you get
the bill by tomorrow, will you be ready to vote on it by Tuesday?" [...] The reporter immediately
understood that my frustration was not directed at her. Rather, it was directed at the Law
Firm of Schumer & McConnell (The Firm™), which is perpetually trying to normalize a corrupt
approach to legislating, in which The Firm™:
[#1] Spends months drafting legislation in complete secrecy
[#2] Aggressively markets that legislation based not on its details and practical implications
(good and bad), but only on its broadest, least-controversial objectives
[#3] Lets members see bill text for the first time only a few days (sometimes a few hours)
before an arbitrary deadline imposed by The Firm™ itself, always with a contrived sense of urgency
[#4] Forces a vote on the legislation on or before that deadline, denying senators
any real opportunity to read, digest, and debate the measure on its merits, much less introduce, consider,
and vote on amendments to fix any perceived problems with the bill or otherwise improve it.
Whenever The Firm™ engages in this practice, it largely excludes nearly every senator from
the constitutionally prescribed process in which all senators are supposed to participate. By so
doing, The Firm™ effectively disenfranchises hundreds of millions of Americans — at least
for purposes relevant to the legislation at hand — and that's tragic. It's also
un-American, uncivil, uncollegial, and really uncool.
Democrats Create an Alice in the Looking Glass World. Millions of people —
mostly military-age men — from almost every country on the globe are being processed by
the Borden Patrol and released with orders to show up for hearings, many not set for several years
distant, during which time the Democrats will certainly seek an electoral advantage. Since
districting for voting and disbursement of federal funds is based on the number of residents,
regardless of their legal status, districts with lots of illegals will get a weighted
advantage. Most of the amnesty applications are groundless, but most likely the Democrats
will seek amnesty for these millions. President Trump had begun wall construction and set in
place policies to stop this. Within 100 days of taking office, Biden took 94 executive
actions which smoothed the way for the massive influx of illegal immigrants. Legalizing them
will effectively create a one-party state. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who is now facing
impeachment proceedings, worked to make deportation of these people nearly impossible.
Sheriff Who Exposed Illegal Immigrants Receiving Cell Phones, Plane Tickets and Cash Is Back With
Receipts And Proof. [Video clip only.]
the Border Crisis Looks Like on the Ground in Eagle Pass. The clothing strewn across
the riverbank gives away that Shelby Park on the Rio Grande was a major crossing point for illegal
aliens not long ago. But since Texas National Guard assumed control of the park, the
crossings have nearly stopped entirely, according to authorities. The Daily Signal visited
Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas, Thursday and spoke with members of the National Guard. The
military officials said the illegal crossings have ground to a near halt since early January when
National Guard took over operations at the park, which sits on the border of Mexico. The
narrow and shallow water of the Rio Grande on the edge of Shelby Park makes the site an appealing
crossing point. Border Patrol used the wide-open space of the park as a holding location for
the illegal aliens after they crossed the river. [Tweet]
launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families. Mayor
Eric Adams' administration will soon start handing out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families
being put up in Big Apple hotels, The [New York] Post has learned. The $53 million pilot
program, run by the New Jersey company Mobility Capital Finance, will provide asylum seekers
arriving at the Roosevelt Hotel with the city cash to help them buy food, according to city
records. It'll start with a group of 500 migrant families in short-term hotel stays and will
replace the current food service offered there, according to City Hall. The cards can only be
used at bodegas, grocery stores, supermarkets and convenience stores — and migrants must
sign an affidavit swearing they will only spend the funds on food and baby supplies or they will be
kicked out of the program.
64 Times
the Biden Administration Intentionally Undermined Border Security. Last week, in a
weak attempt to shift blame for a crisis their own policies created, the White House clumsily tried
claim that House Republicans had an "anti-border security record" by voting to "eliminate over
2,000 border patrol agents and erode our capacity to seize fentanyl." These claims were
demonstrably untrue, previously disproven, and underscored the Biden Administration's failure to
secure our southern border, marked by record high crossings in December and widespread national
recognition that the situation at our border is a crisis. "Since his first day in office,
President Biden and his administration have worked to systematically undermine America's border
security," Speaker Johnson said. "On more than 60 occasions, he has manipulated the federal
bureaucracy to open our borders to illegal immigrants, human trafficking, fentanyl, and potential
terrorists. The result is a humanitarian and national security catastrophe. The
President must use his executive authority to repair what he has broken. I am calling on him
to do so."
America Already A Dead Country? The Democrat party's open southern border has allowed
millions of able-bodied, unvetted young men into the United States. Is a terrorist
attack coming? The porous border was the number one issue for New Hampshire primary
voters — and New Hampshire is quite a distance from the southern border. It was
also top of mind for Iowa's voters, another state far from Mexico. Let's assume
7 million unvetted illegal alien invaders have waltzed into our country since
January 2021. If just one-quarter of 1 percent have malicious intent to do us harm,
that would be 17,500 people, all of whom are scattered across the United States, with many
receiving free housing, free medical, free education, free driver's licenses, free iPhones and, in
some cases, free ballots. It is estimated that the United States government has so far spent
more than a whopping $450 billion on these illegal invaders. Think what ONE
person can do when they go on a murderous rampage at a school, shopping mall, or Las Vegas hotel,
and then multiply that by the possibility of thousands of terrorists waiting to cause injury,
death, and havoc from sea to shining sea.
Hamas to drunk drivers, is there anybody Democrats won't vote against deporting?
Other than German homeschoolers, is there any group of illegally present foreign nationals
Democrats won't vote to protect from deportation? Four immigration bills were presented in
Congress and all were no-brainers to pass, but Democrats voted 'no,' on all of them. Among
the millions of illegals in the U.S. there are the Social Security number thieves, identity thieves
who steal others' Social Security benefits. What did Democrats do in Congress when a deportation
bill came up on Thursday? But of course. They voted against deporting them.
[Tweet] In the same bill, they voted to keep illegals convicted of drunk driving exempt from
deportation, too.
Room Under Atlanta Airport Seems To Be Housing Illegal Immigrants, Guarded By US
Servicemen. [V]ideo exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation appears
to show a U.S. service member guarding a room chock-full of illegal immigrants at Atlanta's
Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Republican state Sen. Colton Moore, who is the
vice chairman of the Georgia Freedom Caucus, took the video Tuesday night and told the DCNF that he
learned of the hidden room full of migrants through a "whistleblower" at Atlanta's airport, who
noticed an influx of illegal migrants coming through the facility in recent months. In the
video, there appears to be a uniformed soldier guarding a room full of migrants and volunteers with
a group called Team Libertad, which boasts of helping migrants travel on its social media
accounts. [Video clip]
the bum! You can tell what a good idea it is to impeach Homeland Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas, just by all the screeching leftists who oppose the idea. MSNBC and their brethren
have devoted endless hours to proclaiming there is no evidence on which to base his removal.
Except, of course, for the millions of illegals and tons of fentanyl welcomed through our borders
without objection. What we have is a grotesque dereliction of duty by the secretary (who for
some odd reason is the spitting image of the Japanese anime character Krillin) and under the terms
of Article I he can be impeached and removed for "high crimes and misdemeanors." [...] The House
impeachment articles state ad nauseum Mayorkas' constant refusal to do his job or follow dozens of
laws he is obliged to enforce. To a certain extent, officers of the executive department have
flexibility in carrying out their duties, but they cannot simply refuse to do them at all.
Any more than officials of the Treasury department could ignore random visitors entering their
premises and walking off with bags of money.
Senator Discovers Migrants in 'Hidden Room' Inside Atlanta Airport, Gets Forced Out When Trying to
Record. A Republican Georgia state senator caused a fuss at Atlanta's airport Tuesday
night as he sought to document illegal immigrants passing through the facility. State
Sen. Colton Moore, vice chairman of the Georgia Freedom Caucus, said he went to Atlanta's
Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport after getting a tip from a whistleblower about the
presence of illegal immigrants at the airport, according to the Daily Caller. What he found
was a room filled with illegal immigrants with what appeared to be a U.S. soldier guarding them.
Brilliant analysis!
Times: Migrants Keep Coming Because They Know They Can Stay. I find myself a
bit surprised to see some of what follows in print, not because any of it is new but instead
because things that have been obvious for a long time are now being published as true by the NY
Times. The piece, which is labeled analysis, opens by noting that people are streaming
across the border and turning themselves in to authorities to claim asylum for one clear reason.
[...] What is happening here is a gaming of the system. Migrants either don't know or don't
care that they aren't eligible for asylum. What they know is that by claiming it, they can
stay. [...] Under current law, anyone whose asylum case isn't wrapped up in 5 months gets a
work permit. These days that means almost everyone gets a work permit. And because of
the massive backlog of cases, the current time to clear one is many years. By the time the
applicant's claim is rejected, ICE more or less doesn't care. Unless someone has been
convicted of a felony they can just stay in the US which was their goal all along anyway.
Committee Votes to Impeach Secretary Mayorkas As Democrats Blame Republicans for the Border
Catastrophe. The House Homeland Security Committee voted to impeach Department of
Homeland Security Mayorkas after a marathon 13-hour hearing. The vote was along party lines,
18 [to] 15. A full house vote will likely take place next week. This is a rare
event. No cabinet member has been impeached in over 150 years. Yet, that is how bad
the Biden border catastrophe has gotten. Democrats on the committee tried to flip the script and
blame Republicans for what is happening on the southern border. Chairman Green blamed Mayorkas
for failing to comply with immigration laws already on the books.
Death of Citizenship. From 1860 to 2000, in the largest legal migration in human
history, over 61 million immigrants arrived in the United States. They were not only
escaping poverty and oppression, but they were eager to assimilate and attain the most sought-after
national status in the world — American citizenship. Today in the 21st century,
American citizenship and its one-of-a-kind written contract with the government, the Constitution
and Bill of Rights, is teetering on the edge of meaninglessness brought about by the relentless
onslaught of the nation's ruling class and their American Marxist allies. [...] One of the basic
birthrights of American citizenship, faith in fair and free elections, has been seriously
imperiled. The nation's borders are being deliberately dismantled. The enumerated
rights of Americans are being relentlessly eroded. And one of the primary foundational
underpinnings of America, assimilation and belief in the uniqueness of the nation, is being rapidly
and ruthlessly undermined. [...] No nation can maintain its status as a nation without secure and
identifiable borders. Citizenship means nothing if untold millions of illegal immigrants
openly defy the laws without consequence.
the border, and Texas: federal troops next? In 1957, defiant Arkansas Governor Orval
Faubus ignored Supreme Court orders to integrate Little Rock's Central High School. To
enforce the Court's historic decision, President Dwight Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas
National Guard and sent in the 101st Airborne. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy federalized
and took control of the Alabama National Guard after Governor George Wallace used guardsmen to
block court-ordered integration of the University of Alabama. The root of today's contest
between Texas and the Oval Office differs from the Arkansas and Alabama episodes. In 1957 and
1963, governors defied federal authorities attempting to uphold the law. Today, the
roles are reversed: a governor, Texas's Greg Abbott, finds himself forced to perform what is
largely a federal responsibility — border security — because Washington, D.C.
categorically refuses to perform its constitutional duty. Ground Zero for Abbott's effort is
Eagle Pass, Texas, where the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety have
barred illegal entry by border violators over federal objections.
Doesn't Have Any Legal Authority to Seize Control of Texas National Guard. Texas
Democratic politicians, such as Rep. Joaquin Castro and failed gubernatorial and Senate
candidate Beto O'Rourke, are urging President Joe Biden to seize control of the Texas National
Guard, which Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has mobilized to help secure the Texas border.
Abbott did so in the face of the deliberate and intentional inaction by the Biden administration to
make sure the border stays open so millions of illegal aliens could continue to flood across from
Mexico. Under the circumstances, any such move by the president would be an abuse of the
applicable law. A number of federal statutes govern the National Guard, which is the modern
equivalent of state militias and a reserve component of our military. Under 10 U.S.C.
§ 12301(a), the secretary of defense (and thus the president) is given the authority in
"time of war or of national emergency declared by Congress, or when otherwise authorized by law" to
order National Guard units to active duty. But they cannot be called to active duty by the
president "without the consent of the governor of the State." If the governor consents, the unit
called into federal service under Title 10 reports to the president as the commander in chief while
in federal service. State governors, however, like Abbott, remain the commanders in chief of
their state National Guard units, such as the Texas National Guard, unless they have consented to
the president's call for those units to be in active federal service.
Plan Helps Biden Migration, Hinders Trump Crackdown. Sen. James Lankford's
(R-OK) border proposal helps President Joe Biden import more migrants — and hinders
President Donald Trump from reducing the inflow, says Rosemary Jenks, at the Immigration
Accountability Project. The key problem is the so-called "trigger" authorization that
automatically curbs immigration once 8,500 illegals arrive at the border in one day, or
5,000 people arrive for seven days in a row, Jenks told Breitbart News. [...] Yet advocates,
including Lankford and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) — who strongly supports more labor
migration — describe the trigger as a key feature of the proposal.
Republican Party Ends 'All Support' for Sen. James Lankford over Senate Deal to Expand
Immigration. The Oklahoma Republican Party is ceasing "all support" for
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) as he leads negotiations with other Republicans and Democrats for a
Senate deal that would expand illegal and legal immigration to the United States. As
Breitbart News has detailed, Lankford is negotiating the deal alongside other Republicans such as
Thom Tillis (R-NC) and John Thune (R-SD) with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and others.
the United States. The Rio Grande border conflict is not an isolated incident.
It is part of the World Economic Forum program of "denationization" of the United States. [...] The
modern leftists are fighting so fiercely for the "rights of immigrants," not because the fate of
illegal aliens worries them in any way. It is because globalists anticipate illegal
immigrants as the main "engine of the revolution," which must bring about socialist transformations
and catapult the globalists to power. Consequently, the greater the number of "engines" in a
country, the happier the elite of the globalist party will be. So, naturally, they call
(irrationally and contrary to common sense) for opening the United States borders, dissolving the
Border Patrol, and granting the right to vote to non-citizens. In essence, the World Economic
Forum coterie runs the program of denationization of the United States. The position of
globalists on this issue is ultra-uncompromising because, for them, illegal immigration is not a
legal issue but a political and close to existential one.
Tyranny of Federalizing Troops to Undermine America's National Sovereignty.
[Scroll down] I find it quite telling that Biden would seek to federalize the Texas
National Guard to enable the continued flow of single military-aged males, illegally, into our
Republic but not have them conduct operations to regain operational control of our border from the
transnational narco-criminal terrorists, the cartels. Or why is it that Biden has remained
silent about pro-Hamas terrorist groups holding violent marches in our nation? After all,
Hamas is still holding Americans hostage and killed Americans on October 7, 2023. One can
only deduce that the Biden administration is taking the next step in their willful, intentional,
and purposeful undermining of our national sovereignty. They are going to use the military to
enable the flow of drug, human, and sex trafficking. I do not think our military is willing
to aid and abet human and sex trafficking. Texas will not comply.
Biden's legal win against Texas has one problem: The Border Patrol doesn't seem to want to
cooperate. [Scroll down] I thought Joe Biden wanted to assert his federal
authority by stepping in to show Texas who was boss by cutting the razor wire, and then either
federalizing the Texas National Guard or else start arresting them. We could go full
third-world on this, with one domestic army fighting another. And photos of the Border Patrol
cutting the razor wire to let another million or so illegals in would make such great campaign
photos (for President Trump). What was holding Joe back? According to the Daily Wire, it
might just be the Border Patrol itself, which has declared its support for Texas, joining
25 states which have also declared support for Texas's assertion of its right to protect its
border from foreigners breaking in.
Is This
What Biden Meant By 'Unity'? During President Biden's inaugural address, he used the
word "unity" at least a dozen times. He told us, "Today, on this January day, my whole soul
is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people." Three years later, his
irresponsible policies and incendiary rhetoric have rendered the nation more divided than at any
time in recent memory. Nowhere is this more evident than at the southern border where Biden
has created a humanitarian crisis by ignoring federal immigration law and suing the state of Texas
for exercising its constitutional right to defend itself from what its governor accurately
describes as a foreign invasion. As Gov. Greg Abbott said in a Jan. 24 statement,
"I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke
Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme
law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary." The Biden administration
disputes Gov. Abbott's contention that the hordes of illegal aliens pouring into the Lone Star
state amounts to an invasion. The voters, however, agree with Gov. Abbott.
Lankford Explains How Current Law Would Stop Border Crisis and New Law Will Stop Border
Crisis. In his own words, Senator James Lankford says if President Trump was
president today the border crisis would not exist, because the existing law would be
enforced. Simultaneous to this, the same Senator Lankford says the new law he proposes will
create significant border enforcement. If the executive branch can ignore the current border
enforcement law (they can and do), what makes Lankford believe new legislation will not be ignored
by the same executive branch (they will)? This non-pretending reality frames the essential point:
the element of "enforcement" is not within the legislative branch, so the entire effort is a moot
exercise. [Video clip]
the Border, and Tik Tok Too. Last month alone over 300,000 mostly military age men
illegally crossed our border, with the Border Patrol tasked to easing their invasion and even
making them sandwiches rather than detaining and deporting them. [...] Polls show that the majority
of citizens are strongly opposed to this invasion. Former FBI officials have warned that this
influx of unvetted invaders from around the world who have been allowed to travel freely around the
country pose a serious national security threat. Still, the President, who blocked further
construction of the wall Trump was constructing and ended the Trump policy of making asylum seekers
stay in Mexico as their claims were processed, doubled down on allowing unlimited free passage into
the United Sates. He demanded that [Texas governor Greg] Abbott tear down the border
barriers. A federal court enjoined the Administration from removing the barriers to free
passage into the country. (Most of these asylum claims lack merit, but it takes years to
process during which time the applicants are living and working here.)
Details of Biden's Border Security Bill Show It Won't Work - and That's Probably the
Plan. Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and some GOP Senators are trying to bully the GOP
into signing on to support an as yet unreleased immigration "reform" bill. [...] On Friday, the
White House released a statement purporting to offer the GOP a plan to fix the border. [Tweet]
The statement reads, in part, "What's been negotiated would — if passed into law —
be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we've ever had in our country."
Biden says he just needs "1,300 border patrol agents, 375 immigration judges, 1,600 asylum officers,
and over 100 cutting-edge inspection machines." ...and "a new emergency authority to
shut down the border," ...and all will be well. [...] This deal would allow 1.825 million
illegals to enter the US every year. Once the 5,000 daily threshold is reached, the Border
Patrol is allowed to remove them immediately. The obvious question is, why 5,000?
Why not zero? Because if you can close the border at 5,000, you can close it at zero[;]
and if you can't close it at zero, you can't close it at 5,000. It looks like the first
5,000 across the line are allowed to request asylum; the rest aren't. I don't see how
that survives any sort of legal challenge.
Biden's Parole Pipeline Freed 745K Foreign Nationals into U.S. in 2023. President Joe
Biden's parole pipeline at the United States-Mexico border released a foreign population into
American towns in 2023 that outpaces two months of American births. This week, the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) released illegal immigration figures for December 2023. The data
shows that more than 745,000 foreign nationals were released into the United States interior
through Biden's parole pipeline in 2023. This is a foreign population larger than the
populations of Nashville, Tennessee; Denver, Colorado; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Washington, DC; or
Boston, Massachusetts. Biden's parole pipeline, which makes up just a portion of his Catch
and Release network at the southern border, includes the migrant mobile app known as "CBP One" and
so-called "humanitarian parole."
Crisis Heats Up as Biden Admin Loses Grip. There are a lot of goings on, as the world
continues to slide toward the brink. Texas governor Abbott has pulled the trigger on directly
challenging the Federal government on the border issue: [Image of Abbott's letter] He was
joined by a slew of states, whose governors pledged their support: [...] Republican governors are
considering sending their national guards to Texas. Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma pledged
to do so on video. In another video Governor Stitt called it a powder keg situation, sending
echoes of Fort Sumter through many in the blogosphere: [Video clip]
Carlson Interviews Texas Governor Greg Abbott, "We are Prepared for Conflict with Federal
Authorities". Texas Governor Greg Abbott calls in for an interview about the federal
vs state conflict on border security. Gov. Greg Abbott says ten other states have
already sent national guard to the Texas border, and others will follow. Abbott says he is
"prepared" for a conflict with federal authorities. Following the Abbott interview, Texas
Attorney General Ken Paxton joins Carlson in the larger legal discussion. [Video clip]
world war, not a civil war. The Hill reported, "Republican governors are backing
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) in his standoff against the federal government over border
authority. "On Tuesday, the Texas National Guard appeared to ignore a Supreme Court decision
and continued building razor wire barriers on the U.S.-Mexico border, preventing the federal Border
Patrol from doing their jobs. "In a statement Wednesday, Abbott justified the actions by
claiming his authority to combat an invasion of the state supersedes federal law. "GOP
Govs. Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Ron DeSantis of Florida, Glenn
Youngkin of Virginia and Brian Kemp of Georgia have all said they support Abbott's actions."
The Republican Governors Association later released a letter signed by 25 of the nation's
Republican governors backing Abbott. [...] The gatekeepers are allowing Chinese spies, Hispanic
gangs, Muslim terrorists, fentanyl dealers and a window dressing of poor families (whose pot
bellies belie the argument that they are hungry) to enter America. The Supreme Court is fine
with this. Texans and other Americans are not.
Beginning to Look a Lot Like 1776. After decades of unconstitutional encroachment on
the Rights of both American citizens and individual states, this true Constitutional crisis has now
come to a head at the Texas border; where the Biden administration is actively sabotaging the state
of Texas' effort to protect its own border from an invasion sanctioned and facilitated by the
federal government. The escalating conflict between Texas Governor Abbott and President Biden
is a manifestation and microcosm of a larger war brewing between a lawless and unconstitutional
federal government and the American people. The Biden regime, in particular, has been
completely unaccountable. But their arrogance and underestimation of the will of the American
people will hopefully lead to their downfall. With the aid of a symbiotic and propagandistic
media machine, this Administration and the federal government at large commit crimes with
impunity. Governor Abbott's battle is the American people's battle. His stance against
the Biden Administration is cheered by tens of millions of Americans — and thus far a
coalition of 24 Republican Governors who wish, and even demand, that the federal government be put
in its place. All who support Texas Governor Abbott are hopeful the state of Texas and Abbott
can do what they themselves have believed to be beyond their own powers: taking on the federal Government.
Illegal Border Crossings In December. Trying to hide just how bad the crisis at the
border has become, the Biden administration released the December border numbers in a Friday night
news dump. This was the latest the numbers have been released in at least eight years.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data shows 302,034 illegal immigrants were encountered
attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in December, the highest month ever recorded in DHS
history. For 34 straight months, monthly encounters have been higher than even the highest
month seen under the previous administration. Biden's border crisis is so bad, this is now
the fifth time CBP has needed to adjust the y-axis on the illegal encounters graph. With
roughly 9,700 daily encounters, this dwarfs the definition of a "crisis" set by Obama's DHS
Secretary Jeh Johnson when he said in 2019 that "more than 1,000" encounters a day "overwhelms the
system." December's 300,000-plus encounters is a 460 percent increase from the average
number of October apprehensions from 2017-2020. [...] At least 49 people on the terror
watchlist have been encountered trying to enter the U.S. between ports of entry this fiscal year.
say you want a revolution in Texas? The governor of Texas says his state is being
"invaded" and that under the Constitution he has the right to defend his border. On the first
point, millions of people are indeed unlawfully crossing the border into Texas. Joe Biden
refuses to do anything about it. In fact, he seems to be encouraging it. He stopped
construction of Donald Trump's border wall, reversed the "stay in Mexico" policy which required
immigrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico pending a decision by American authorities, and, to
the extent he accidentally catches illegal immigrants, he usually lets them go with a polite
request that they appear at a hearing scheduled years in the future. Most don't appear.
It's like catch-and-release fishing. They're usually smart enough not to get caught
twice. The border policy is so asinine that you have to wonder if someone has the goods on
Joe. The second issue — the Texas governor's Constitutional right to take
reasonable action that Biden won't or can't — is more complicated.
hates working people. As our sanctuary-country sinks even further under the weight of
millions of illegal immigrants, the President and his fellow Democrats believe the solution is to
give them work permits so they can "support themselves." Where is their concern for the
citizens whose jobs these illegal immigrants will take? Have they never heard of the concept
of opportunity cost? Every job they take is a job that won't be available to legal
citizens. That's not a political philosophy but a cold hard fact. And this is in an
environment where Artificial Intelligence and robots/automation are forecast to slash the number of
jobs for average working folks. What is even worse is the fact that this army of illegal
immigrants is certain to depress working folk's hourly wages for generations to come.
You will often hear it said they are only taking jobs Americans won't do. That is a
lie. The truth is Americans won't do some of those jobs for the wages being offered.
So, rather than allowing the marketplace to raise the wages being offered, their revolting solution is
to import millions of low-skilled illegals in a planned strategy to keep working people's wages
low, forever.
Patrol Turns on Joe Biden, Proclaims Support for Texas National Guard. Is there going
to be a major confrontation on the border following Joe Biden's ultimatum that Texas National Guard
forces be removed from Shelby Park and other "disputed" areas? Not if the rank-and-file of
the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have anything to say about it. According to a new post put
out by the Border Patrol Union, and a new report from Griff Jenkins of Fox News, Biden has lost
operational control of the situation, at least in a practical sense. [Tweet] The Biden
administration had initially warned Texas that it had until mid-day Friday to relinquish control of
Shelby Park, the nearby boat dock, and the International Bridge. That deadline has now come
and gone, and instead of there being a major clash between the Border Patrol and the state-controlled
soldiers on site, it appears those on the ground have already de-escalated the situation.
Congressman Announces RAZOR Act to Support Texas' Right to Defend Its Border. The
border crisis in Texas is turning into a faceoff between the state and federal governments.
Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) has deployed the Texas National Guard to the border for security,
and the state placed razor wire along the border that the feds are removing. Abbott released
a statement on Wednesday asserting the Lone Star State's right to secure its border: [Tweet]
Other governors have come out in support of Abbott and his actions. Gov. Ron DeSantis
(R-Fla.) pledged that his state "will keep assisting Texas with personnel and assets," while
Gov. Kevin Stitt (R-Okla.) declared that "Oklahoma stands with Texas."
National Security Leaders Sound the Alarm to Congress in a Letter on Invasion at the Southern
Border. The United States has never suffered an invasion of the homeland, yet that is
what is happening right now. That statement seems obvious to anyone paying attention to what
is happening on the southern border. The word invasion was initially viewed as too harsh of a
word. It might be seen as having military connotations or implying military action.
Over the course of President Biden's term in office, the crisis created by an open border with
Mexico has been all but ignored by most media outlets except for one. Fox News Channel
reports on the border every day. The cable news network's reporters are on the border and do
live shots as illegal immigrants cross the Rio Grande River and while others simply walk into our
country by coming through a section of the border wall. [...] The flow of millions of illegal
immigrants coming over the southern border at this level is historic, that's true. But let's
be honest, it is an invasion. The numbers of illegal aliens who are apprehended by Border
Patrol or Texas law enforcements officials are all-time highs. The same is true of those
labeled as gotaways.
The Biden Administration Has Spent $20 Billion on 'Refugee' Resettlement in Just Two
Years. The situation at the southern border has become a multi-level crisis and it
turns out that it has been incredibly expensive, too. The Biden administration has spent
$20 billion hard-earned American tax dollars on 'refugee' resettlement in just the last two
years. Of course, the vast majority of illegal border crossers are not refugees at all.
Democrats sure do seem to enjoy spending other people's money. [...] That $20 billion could
have built a lot of border wall, or housing for veterans, or paid for any number of other things.
won't give up its right to defend itself. Things are getting hotter than usual along
the southern U.S. border, brought to a head by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision earlier this month
that allows the federal government to remove razor wire the Texas government installed along a
section of the Texas-Mexico border. While this would not normally be a problem, things are
anything but normal along the border right now because the Biden Administration not only doesn't
want to do its constitutional duty to protect the country and enforce the laws of the land, it
doesn't want anyone else doing it either. That doesn't sit well with Texas governor Greg
Abbott, whose state is receiving the brunt of record numbers of illegal aliens crossing the border
and the problems that brings. In fiscal year 2023, federal agents had more than two
million encounters with illegal migrants coming to the United States, not to mention how many made
it over the border without being seen by the authorities.
Second US Civil War? We may well be witnessing a pivotal moment in history[. A] letter
of support for Texas Governor Abbott, in his defiance of the federal regime, has been published and
signed by governors of half the states in the very disunited United States. These governors
have also offered to send their National Guard troops to Texas, to support the Texas National
Guard. What was just last week a legal dispute between the governor of Texas and the federal
regime has now become a very real confrontation between Washington and 25 states. These
states include all of the states who joined the Confederacy in the US Civil War, as well as some states
that were on the Yankee side, and other states that were not even states back in 1861. [Tweet]
Texas Rebellion?
The issues in Texas have much greater consequence than a mere state's rights issue. It is a
question of national legitimacy. Is the Constitution the legal and rightful expression of
American government or is America now simply a mass of lawless land? Is the president a
dictator who can ignore the laws passed by congress, invite thousands of terrorists and foreign
armies in without consequence, or is he bound by the laws as much as the states and the
people? When will the people punish him for this lawlessness? The Constitution, for all
of its flaws, shields the people from the government and serves as a limitation on the powers of
the government. It stands in the way of the power of government and as such has been attacked
by government officials from the day it was presented to the people. [...] The issues are
simple. Does the executive branch have the right to ignore laws passed by the congress?
That would violate the separation of powers. Does the executive branch have the right to
forfeit national security simply because it is charged with maintaining it? That would seem
to violate national security, a crime, a felony. If the executive branch can, and indeed has,
violated the laws and endangered the nation, particularly damaging the border states, is it not
within the power of those states and the people to defend themselves?
Isn't 'Ignoring' The Supreme Court, It's Upholding The Law. A talking point cropping
up on social media and press contends that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is "ignoring" or "defying"
the Supreme Court by continuing to erect fencing along the U.S.-Mexican border. This is
wrong. Abbott can't ignore the Supreme Court because Texas wasn't ordered to do
anything. SCOTUS vacated an order against the Department of Homeland Security [sic] that
stopped the Feds from cutting down razor fencing along the border. Nothing says that Texas
can't erect the fencing. Though, you must marvel at the breathtaking audacity of Democrats
suddenly treating the court's (non-existent) words as if they were sacred text. This very
week, President Joe Biden again ignored the court, rolling out yet another iteration of his
unconstitutional student "loan forgiveness" program. Biden habitually circumvents, ignores,
defies, attacks, and demeans SCOTUS — and Democrats cheer him on along the way.
Senate leaders and "dark money" fake media organizations like ProPublica have poured millions into
delegitimizing and smearing the court to undermine its authority.
Crisis at the Border? Joe Biden's border policy is unconstitutional. Under
Article II, his most fundamental duty as president is to "take care that the laws be faithfully
executed." Biden has not faithfully executed our immigration laws; rather, he has deliberately
sabotaged and negated them. This is an impeachable offense, but what to do in the
meantime? In Texas, a constitutional crisis may be brewing. Governor Greg Abbott,
having had enough of the scofflaw Biden Administration, had fencing erected along the border to
discourage illegal migration. Biden, determined to illegally undermine our country, directed
that the fencing be torn down so that more illegals can pour in. The case reached the Supreme
Court, which voted 5-4 to overturn a Court of Appeals decision that enjoined federal border agents
from cutting the wire. So for now, the Court has the feds back in control. As Steve
wrote yesterday, Governor Abbott is not backing down. He is asserting Texas's constitutional
right to defend itself against foreign invasion.
Biden Gives an Ultimatum to Greg Abbott. Joe Biden, or more likely his handlers,
levied an ultimatum on Thursday, demanding that Gov. Greg Abbott relinquish control of the
"disputed" border areas Texas has been securing. That came after 25 states joined
together to pledge their support to Abbott as he battles the federal government and its refusal to
enforce immigration laws. The date for the demand is set for Friday, January 26th, with
the Biden administration saying it wants full access to Shelby Park, a boat launch, and the
international bridge. [Tweet] [Transcript] The federal attorney being quoted is reading more
into the Supreme Court's ruling than exists. The ruling simply lifted an injunction that
stopped the federal officials from cutting the razor wire. The ruling did not say
that Texas must allow federal officials access to the areas where the razor wire is.
States Stand Up To Defend Texas Against Joe Biden. Multiple states have expressed
their support for Texas as Republican Governor Greg Abbott continues to confront the Biden
administration over the state's right to safeguard its border. Texas reaffirmed on Wednesday
its commitment to protect itself and the nation's frontier from the ongoing influx of illegal
immigrants. Despite the Biden administration's attempts to keep the Southern Border open,
support for Texas is steadily increasing. Several other Republican states have joined forces
with Texas, providing assurance to border communities in the Lone Star State that they are not
alone. Numerous states have now criticized the White House for its apparent failure to
address the border crisis. Governor Abbott, in a statement issued on Wednesday, emphasized
that Texas possesses the constitutional authority to defend and safeguard itself. The
governor argues that this authority takes precedence over any conflicting federal statutes.
Domestic And Foreign Policy Implosion. Let's start with the domestic implosion taking
place because of the flood of illegal immigrants. Texas has deployed the National Guard to
its border and is preventing the Federal Government from cutting the barb wire walls the Guard has
erected. The Biden Administration sought judicial relief with the Supreme Court, which
decided by a 5 to 4 majority to back the Biden Administration. [...] Texas is relying on the
Constitution, which gives States the right to defend themselves if invaded, even if the Federal
Government refuses to act.
Showdown: Republican Governors Across U.S. Stand with Texas Against Feds. A
growing list of Republican governors announced they stand with Texas Governor Greg Abbott in the
State's showdown against the Biden administration over the seized border park in Eagle Pass,
Texas. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson also stated his support. A who's who of
Republican governors announced their support for the State of Texas and Governor Abbott's fight
against the Biden administration's open border policies. The list includes Florida Governor
Ron DeSantis, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte, Oklahoma Governor Kevin
Stitt, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin, and West Virginia
Governor Jim Justice.
Gov. Youngkin Comes Out Swinging Against Biden On Border Dispute. Siding with
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Wednesday, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) criticized
President Joe Biden and his "border czar" for continued problems at the Mexico/U.S. border.
Abbott is in a dispute with the White House over the security at the border. According to
Abbott, Texas has a "constitutional right to self-defense," and therefore the right to try to
secure the Texas border if Biden refuses to enforce federal immigration laws. "Virginia stands
with Texas," Youngkin posted to X on Wednesday, captioning a lengthy statement from Abbott
concerning the border dispute. "Greg Abbott is doing the job Joe Biden and his border czar
refuse to do to secure our border," Youngkin continued, referencing U.S. Secretary of Homeland
Security Alejandro Mayorkas. "The Biden administration has turned every state into a border
state," the Virginia governor continued. "We must stop the flow of fentanyl, save lives, and secure
our southern border."
the Democrats the standoff at the southern border they want. Democrats are clamoring
for a major standoff at the southern border between Texas and the federal government, but in doing
so, they are putting President Joe Biden in a politically disastrous position. Gov. Greg
Abbott (R-TX), with the support of Republican governors across the country, stood firm on securing
the border with barbed wire and the Texas National Guard this week, despite the Supreme Court
vacating a ruling that barred the federal government from removing those wire barriers.
Specifically, while the court did not order Texas itself to remove the wire or stop erecting it,
the justices said the federal government, for now, could not be barred from dislodging it. In
a statement Wednesday, Abbott invoked the U.S. Constitution and said that Texas is facing an
invasion at the southern border, necessitating that the state defend itself.
Governor Greg Abbott: "I have declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke
Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself". Governor Greg Abbott
today issued a statement on Texas' constitutional right to defend and protect itself as President
Joe Biden continues to attack Texas and refuse to perform his duties to secure the border. "The
Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting
States, including immigration laws on the books right now," reads the statement. "President Biden
has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal
immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV,
§ 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right
of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I,
§ 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.
That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary."
Constitution Literally Allows Texas to Engage in War at the Southern Border. Here's
How. The Supreme Court's decision this week to order Texas not to protect its border
with Mexico will go down in history as one of the court's most cowardly decisions that could doom
our nation — if it is allowed to stand. That decision was not just about razor
wire. It was about the role of states in our federal system and the betrayal of the
nation — first by a president, and now by two Republican-appointed justices. [...] The
establishment media had attacked Trump for spending $11 billion to put barriers up along
50 miles of our southern border. But the corrupt media thought nothing of spending more
than 10 times that to defend Ukraine and its border. And the House GOP now estimates the
annual cost of the Biden open border will be $451 billion in caring for illegal aliens.
Biden opened the door, and over 3.8 million people walked through. That number of
illegals is greater than the population of 22 states and is on the verge of destroying the
nation in every way by causing crime, drug deaths, child trafficking, terrorism, deficit spending
and more. He could not have done any more damage to the nation if he had tried.
Biden [is being] Urged to Seize Texas National Guard. On Wednesday, Representative
Joaquin Castro (D-TX) called on President Biden to "seize" the Texas National Guard by calling them
into Federal service, removing them from the command and control of the State of Texas. This
is presumably in response to Texas Governor Greg Abbott's defiant tone towards the Biden Administration
on closing the border. [...] This idea by Rep. Castro raises some interesting questions:
[#1] Were the President to activate the Texas National Guard under Title 10,
what would their orders be? To assist federal officers in throwing open the gates?
[#2] What happens if members of the Texas National Guard refuse activation
and instead continue to follow the orders of TX-ANG officers and Governor Abbott?
[#3] What if the Texas Guard splits, and former comrades end up facing each other across that red line?
[#4] If the Pentagon sends federal troops, how willing are they going to be to confront other
Americans to allow the continued invasion of the country?
[#5] Is there any possibility that there may be open conflict between Texas and federal officials?
I'm no wild-eyed conspiracy theorist, but this is the kind of thing that civil wars start over.
'Absolutely' Don't Want To Cut Greg Abbott's Razor Wire, Border Patrol Union President
Says. Border Patrol agents don't want to cut Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's
border wire after the Supreme Court ordered that the federal government can take it down, National
Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The
Supreme Court ruled Monday that federal authorities can take down wire that Texas erected along the
southern border, but the state is putting up more wire in Eagle Pass, Texas, at Shelby Park, which
it took control of earlier this month. Border Patrol agents largely support Texas' efforts,
several rank-and-file agents recently told the DCNF.
Texas Has Constitutional Right To Defend Its Borders From Invasion, Supersedes All Federal
Law. Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a defiant statement on Wednesday pushing back
against President Joe Biden's attempts to stop Texas from securing its borders against the millions
of illegal aliens pouring into the state thanks to Biden's reckless border policies. Abbott's
statement comes after the U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration earlier this week,
ruling that it could remove or cut through razor wire the state has deployed to stop illegal aliens
from crossing the Rio Grande into the state. "President Biden has violated his oath to
faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress," Abbott said. "Instead of prosecuting
immigrants for the federal crime of illegal entry, President Biden has sent his lawyers into
federal courts to sue Texas for taking action to secure the border." "President Biden has
instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal
immigrants. The effect is to illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States,"
he continued, adding: "By wasting taxpayer dollars to tear open Texas's border security
infrastructure, President Biden has enticed illegal immigrants away from the 28 legal entry points
along this State's southern border — bridges where nobody drowns — and into
the dangerous waters of the Rio Grande."
America survive its traitors? This week's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to allow
the federal government to remove razor-wire barriers set up by the State of Texas to discourage
illegal border crossings was a slap in the face to every law-abiding American citizen. An
estimated 5 million foreign nationals, the vast majority of them males between the ages of 18
and 40, have illegally crossed into the U.S. since Biden took office. And this doesn't
include the "gotaways," which are those who cross over under the radar of Border Patrol rather than
giving themselves up and claiming "asylum." This is an invasion of military-aged men, who by
all accounts appear well-fed and well-clothed. We should assume most of them are here for no
good reason. If you think about the ramifications of this decision — all of the
death and destruction that will take place in Texas and beyond as a result — it's not
difficult to conclude that it's more than just your typical bad legal decision. No, this was
a criminal decision. And it was made possible by a Trump-appointed justice, Amy Coney
Barrett, who along with Chief Justice John Roberts voted with the Marxist wing of the court.
inks $77M emergency hotels contract to shelter migrant families. Mayor Eric Adams'
administration has inked a new emergency $76.69 million contract with the Hotel Association of
New York City to provide "last resort" shelter to migrant families[.] Fifteen hotels in
Brooklyn, Queens and The Bronx will make blocks of rooms available to asylum-seeking families for
up to 28 days under the "vouchering program" running through July. "We're not going to
allow a child or family to sleep on the street," Adams said during a press briefing Tuesday.
The migrant crisis has been a boon to the hotel industry still emerging from loss of business
during the coronavirus pandemic. The [New York] Post reported in September that the city
extended contracts with the hotel association for three years at a staggering price tag of
$1.3 billion — nearly five times the original $275 million deal —
just to pay rental fees to more than 100 hotels that were converted into emergency shelters.
The Editor says...
Families? Really? How many of the new arrivals are unaccompanied military-age men?
Treasonous Traitors: [Bleep!] Strong Message Follows. Since SCOTUS has ruled — beyond
and against any legal reasoning worthy of the name — that the U.S. Constitution does not apply to
Texas, Texas should ratify that decision and return the favor, in spades. There should be
consequences to ruling a state is outside the protection of the Constitution under which
it joined the republic. All representatives of Texas outside its geographic boundaries should
be recalled to the state forthwith. [#1] How many divisions does SCOTUS have?
[#2] Texas should arrest on the spot any federal agent attempting to cut, remove, or displace any
obstacle Texas has erected within the state's boundaries, or otherwise thwart prevention by Texas of the
criminal invasion of their state, and hold any such arrestees without bail indefinitely, for
insurrection and treason.
Biden Admin Has Released 6.2 Million Illegal Migrants into U.S. in 3 Years, Often Through
'Parole' Loophole. President Joe Biden's deputies have let 6.2 million illegal
migrants into the United States, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Biden's
southern inflow is more than one migrant for every two American births since January 2021.
"More of those people are also being released into the United States than previously, generally
through the use of parole authority or with a notice to appear before an immigration judge," said
the report, titled "The Demographic Outlook: 2014 to 2054." The 2023 inflow included 900,000
migrants who were released after they walked up to official border gates plus 1.1 million
migrants who were released after they crossed through gaps in the border wall, said the CBO agency,
which acts as an advisor to Capitol Hill legislators.
Former Presidents Start NGO to Import Illegal Aliens into the U.S.. Three of the five
former Presidents of the United States have started a new non-governmental organization (NGO) with
the explicit purpose of chartering flights to import illegal aliens into the United States.
As reported by Just The News, the NGO Miles4Migrants, founded by former Presidents Barack
Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, is teaming up with two other organizations, American
Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US, to expand upon a previous effort that focused solely
on Afghan refugees following the disastrous withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in 2021.
Welcome.US was originally launched for the purpose of bringing in at least 85,000 Afghan refugees, and
also has ties to the far-left billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. The new
coalition between Welcome.US, Miles4Migrants, and American Express Global Business Travel will seek to
raise money to import illegals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Ukraine.
And Abbott Have Set The Stage For One Of The Biggest State-Versus-Feds Immigration Fights In More
Than A Decade. The feud between the Biden administration and the state of Texas over
the southern border has set the stage for one of the biggest immigration fights between the federal
government and a state government in more than a decade. Republican Texas Gov. Greg
Abbott recently had his authorities seize city property along the southern border, arresting
migrants crossing illegally for trespassing, which the federal government has vocally opposed.
The Biden administration subsequently asked the Supreme Court to intervene, arguing that Texas is
overstepping its authority, sparking a legal battle the high court hasn't seen since 2012.
Frustrating Irony of Legal Immigration. As many as 10 million people have been
reported illegally entering the U.S. since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021,
with nearly 1.6 million known "gotaways" and hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens now
granted parole into the country every month. In fiscal 2023 alone, there were more than
3.2 million illegal border crossings nationwide, a total that approximates the annual number
of U.S. births. December alone saw more than 300,000 migrant border "encounters —
an average of 10,000 per day, the highest monthly total ever recorded. Most enter believing
U.S. borders are "open" and remain with scant fear of deportation. We're told that those
entering illegally are "vetted" before being released into communities. But they are, in
fact, released after minimal "processing." This means taking photos and fingerprints, entering
unverifiable names and birth dates, running this data through U.S. law enforcement and immigration
databases, and creating an immigration file if none exists.
It's the only kind of pipeline the Democrats like:
Alien Pipeline Revealed in New Documentary. In 2023, nearly a quarter million illegal
aliens entered the United States every month. Nearly all of these illegals followed the same
mass migration trail that starts in Quito, Ecuador, and ends at the US Southern Border....So we
decided to follow the trail ourselves. Along the way, we discovered secret Chinese staging
hotels, crossed through the world's deadliest jungle, embedded with an illegal alien caravan, rode
the Mexican Train of Death, and finally, were kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel just hundreds of feet
from the United States border. This exposes the entire illegal alien pipeline for what it is:
a United Nations-weaponized migration agenda masquerading as an organic humanitarian crisis.
This agenda directly benefits cartels and human smugglers, exposes the United States to incredible
geo-political threats and may potentially usher in permanent one-party rule. The first stop
along the route is Ecuador. US-bound illegal aliens from all over the world first fly into
the capital city, Quito, due to the country's easy entry requirements. From here, aliens
begin making their way towards Colombia.
holds America hostage. In Texas, Biden and his goons want Governor Greg Abbott to
quit protecting the state's border with Mexico. NBC reported, "Texas is refusing to comply
with a cease-and-desist letter from the Biden administration over actions by the state that have
impeded U.S. Border Patrol agents from accessing part of the border with Mexico." Under
Biden, Border Patrol agents are little more than Walmart greeters. The story continued, "In a
letter to the Department of Homeland Security, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton rejected the Biden
administration's request for the state to cease and desist its takeover of Shelby Park, an
epicenter of southwest border illegal immigration in Eagle Pass." Paxton wrote, "Because the
facts and law side with Texas, the State will continue utilizing its constitutional authority to
defend her territory, and I will continue defending those lawful efforts in court." Obama
previously succeeded in getting the John Roberts Supreme Court to stop Arizona from enforcing
federal law to protect its border. Texas is using state law.
The Editor says...
Somebody is jamming GPS in
the vicinity of Eagle Pass, Texas.
Is A Plan To Destroy America': TSA Sign Says Migrants Without ID Can Choose Not To Have Photo Taken
When Entering U.S.. A photo taken from Miami International Airport showed a notice
from the Transportation Security Administration indicating that migrants entering the U.S. at the
airport did not have to supply a photo or have their photo taken in order to enter the
country. Political commentator Dave Rubin snapped the photo, tweeting, "This is the state of
absolute insanity happening at our airports. I'm in the Pre-TSA line, where migrants don't
have to have an ID to get through security and it's their choice whether they want their picture
taken. There is a plan to destroy America."
Going To Get Dirty. [Scroll down] If you want freedom, you're going to get
dirty. By all evidence, we are mere steps away from a global war. I believe the Western
powers will lose it, that when it starts the U.S. will have its legs ripped out from under it by
the nearly one million foreign fighters who have been allowed to infiltrate the U.S. through
Biden's traitorous open borders. That's when the internal fighting will begin while the
military is busy getting annihilated overseas. I am less convinced of a nuclear exchange
because I don't think either Russia or China believe they need to resort to it and there is no
one in the United States chain of command who believes enough in the righteousness of America to
use them to defend it.
Democracy: Tyranny Comes to the US. [Scroll down] Their democracy
has also advanced the invasion taking place at our southern border. In F.Y. 2023, an
astonishing 2.5 million illegals, that we know about, illegally gained entry to the U.S.
Using various means, the Biden administration enabled the assault. One way was refusing to
uphold its constitutional duty to protect states from invasion as required by Article IV,
section 4 of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. immigration laws. For example, at Eagle
Pass, Texas, the Biden administration directed the U.S. Border Patrol to cut razor wire so that
illegals could enter. Absent help from the federal government, and because Article 1,
section 10 of the Constitution gives states power to protect themselves if invaded, Texas gave
its police authority to arrest illegals. In response, the Biden administration sued Texas for
doing the job Biden refuses to do. Additionally, the Biden administration made illegal
immigration an economic boom for the invaders while shifting costs onto U.S. taxpayers.
Unlike previous generations of legal immigrants required to be financially independent, current
illegals get massive state and federal aid. The Biden administration even diverted Department
of Veterans Affairs heath care resources to aid illegals. Moreover, through various federal
departments, the Biden administration gave billions in taxpayer funds to non-government organizations
(NGOs) to provide illegals "free" housing, food, medical care, hotels, and airfare.
or Invasion? Cancelling the Greatest Culture in the World. What is the greatest
threat to America? Could it be:
• our Marxist-driven education system?
• our federal government handing out billions and trillions of [dollars] to
a U.S. puppet president (put into office by a coup staged by the Deep State) of a country, to fight
a proxy war for the Deep State and Global Elite?
• the World Health Organization (WHO), an organ of the United Nations (UN),
is being used to take control over all people in all countries in the world (not all have signed on,
but the few that haven't are small and considered insignificant in the whole scheme of things)?
• the drive to "Sustainable Development", another scheme to wrest both our
individual and national sovereignty?
• Bill Gates, Black Rock, China, and others are buying up our farm and
ranch lands, our single-family homes, and businesses — which take us closer to owning nothing
but our thoughts, in other words, making us slaves,
• Our federal, democratic republic government has been torn apart and reassembled
to be a uni-party, top-down, supposedly democratic socialist tyranny?
No! The greatest threat is
unbridled illegal immigration.
Who Are We?
That was not a question even a few years ago, everyone would have said: Americans. Some
might have broken it further down into regions or states, but generally Americans. Now, that
answer might be Venezuelans, Senegalese or Iranian, because a greater and greater portion of our
population are people who have no interest in America other than as a source of plunder or an enemy
to invade. But there is a core of Americans, some of whom are confused, who think they are
United States citizens. While that is technically true, the government who seems to have no
fidelity to the United States Constitution, there is no United States and therefore, one cannot be
a citizen of something that does not exist.
Officials Pleading with Private Homeowners to Take in Illegal Aliens. The state of
Massachusetts is asking private homeowners to take in illegal aliens as the state runs out of room
to house the thousands of border crossers who are still flooding into the Bay State.
Massachusetts is the only state that has a state-wide "right to housing" rule for homeless
families. And with that rule in mind, Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey (D) has repeatedly
asked legal residents to open up their homes to illegal immigrants for whom officials are
having a hard time finding beds.
The Editor says...
If you submit to this pressure, be aware that your "guests" will never leave. If the
freeloaders eventually do leave, they will spread the word that there is a "vacancy" at your
house. Open your eyes and observe these facts: Changes made by socialists only go in one
direction. Government programs don't come and go; they come and stay. There are no
temporary welfare programs. Housing is not a right. Illegal immigrants are here
illegally and voluntarily.
Democrat Blasts Biden's Handling Of Border: 'An Unmitigated, Embarrassing, Unforgivable
Disaster'. Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) ripped President Joe Biden during
Democratic presidential event this week for the collapse of the U.S. Southern Border.
Phillips, who is a longshot candidate, made the remarks during NewsNation's Democratic Presidential
Forum on Friday with other longshot candidates Cenk Uygur and Marianne Williamson. Phillips
called Biden's border crisis, which experts have said was directly caused by his policies, "an
unmitigated, embarrassing, unforgivable disaster." His remarks came within the context of
explaining numerous issues where he disagrees with Biden. "The other area where I differ with
him immensely is our southern border," said Phillips. "I've been there twice. It is an
unmitigated, embarrassing, unforgivable disaster, and Democrats, as Cenk said earlier, have to wake
up to the truth."
Exposes Biden Admin's Troubling Change That Impairs Dealing With Criminal Illegal Aliens.
We've seen what a mess Joe Biden has created at the border, with more illegal aliens encountered —
in excess of 300,000 — by the CBP in December than in any prior month of the year and
marking the most since 2000. [Tweet] As Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA) noted, this is a real
national security crisis. But that isn't all. Our friends at our sister site Townhall
have an interesting story that reveals just how far the Biden team seems to have gone to undermine
properly dealing with illegal aliens. The 287(g) program has ICE partner with local law
enforcement to help identify and remove criminal illegal aliens. [Tweet] [...] They "halted" the
program — meaning they suspended setting up new partnerships with law enforcement —
right after Biden came in. They had 23 relationships with various law enforcement partners that had
been agreed upon but then were also put in limbo because of the suspension of the program.
State Dems Aren't Hiding It Anymore, Move Closer to Forcing American Homeowners to Shelter
Illegals. We've written recently about New York and other blue states making life
more and more inconvenient for American citizens living there, over the (at least in their way of
thinking) more urgent needs of illegal aliens, who continue to stream daily across our southern
border. A story that continues to linger in my mind is the one from a few days ago, about New
York City making high school kids return to the remote learning model from COVID lockdowns — so that
undocumented people who were being sheltered in tents could bunk down inside the school gym during
bad weather. That didn't fly with many people, [...]
National Guard vs Feds Border Patrol. The Texas Military Department confirms the TX
National Guard has seized control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass (city property where mass illegal
crossings are), and is restricting Border Patrol from accessing the area, saying the Feds
"perpetuate illegal crossings". This is the area where Border Patrol has been cutting TX razor
wire. Razor wire and fences are now deployed to block the area off from the public and
federal government. [Video clip]
seizes control of park, blocks Border Patrol from entering, as part of anti-illegal immigration
efforts. The Texas National Guard has seized control of a park at the U.S. southern
border and is now blocking Border Patrol from entering the area — part of an effort to
stop the surge of illegal immigration into Texas and a move likely to significantly increase
tensions between Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the federal government. The state government
has taken control of Shelby Park in the city of Eagle Pass, Texas, which has been at the center of
the migrant crisis that has engulfed the U.S. border. Authorities have now set up razor wire
and fences to block off the area. Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas said he was informed that
the decision was made as part of Gov. Greg Abbott's emergency declaration. Salinas told
reporters it was not something the city had requested, and he said his understanding is that Border
Patrol was now not in the area as a result.
Town, USA learns the hard way that welcoming lawbreakers has negative consequences. A
few days back, AT published an essay by contributor C.S. Boddie that highlighted a recent tragedy
in Colorado: an illegal alien, who had been deported four times before, killed a mother and her
16-year-old son, as he drove (allegedly) completely inebriated near a high school. The
illegal had four "alcohol-related driving" convictions under his belt, and just days before, he'd
received probation, community service, and work release from a Colorado judge; Boddie's piece also
included a number of other "chilling" examples underscoring the deadly consequences of admitting
millions of scofflaws. But dead Americans aren't the only casualties — say
adios to Whitewater, Wisconsin, a once-safe and once-quaint midwestern town.
Whitewater recently came into the national spotlight after a letter to the Biden regime got picked
up by conservative media. Local police chief Daniel Meyer, had appealed to Washington to
request help for the influx of illegals that have cropped up since 2022, putting a "strain" on
reasources, and bringing in problems like these: [Tweet]
Are in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government. While foreign nationals are
invading the United States in unprecedented numbers, Department of Homeland (in)Security secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas continues to claim that (1) there is no crisis of any kind, and (2) if there
is a crisis, Congress should just allocate more money for DHS to quickly bus the invaders into small
towns throughout the country. Hear that, American citizens? The problem isn't that tens
of millions of foreigners are illegally entering the country; the problem is that people are
noticing the problem — which would quickly disappear if DHS had the funds to hide
the invaders more effectively and seed them into the counties where illegal votes from illegal
aliens will do Democrats the most good. Canceling American votes one invader at a time —
yet none dare call it election-rigging on a massive scale! Mayorkas's admission that
his plan to tackle illegal immigration consists of (1) making it worse but (2) hiding
it more effectively is another infuriating example of why governments (of any kind!) can never,
ever be trusted.
GOP Border Deal Leaked: Migrants to Get Work Permits, Lawyers, Green Cards. The
Senate GOP leadership's draft border deal with the White House would reward illegal migration and
encourage more foreign graduates to take jobs from American graduates, says the Immigration
Accountability Project. "There's nothing in there that [restricts immigration], in fact, it's
just going to encourage more people to come," said Chris Chmielenski, president of the Immigration
Accountability Project, adding: ["]It essentially authorizes the Biden administration
to continue to catch and release people into the country. It authorizes them to give them
work permits [to illegal migrants and] authorizes them to grant parole [legal status] to everybody
that they're able to funnel to a port of entry.["]
ICE data from
2023 shows there were only 142K deportations despite there being over 3.2 million KNOWN
border encounters. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have officially released
their statistics for 2023, which according to the data, show a significantly small percentage of
illegal immigrants being deported compared to the large number of encounters with Border Patrol
agents. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data indicates that Border Patrol agents had more
than two million encounters during Fiscal Year 2023, while field operatives came into contact
with another million, for a grand total of over 3.2 million encounters with illegal immigrants
in the United States and on its borders.
Comes Billeting Illegal Aliens in Our Homes. First they ask; soon they tell.
Before our eyes, Democrats are handing over our country to the unlawful foreign invaders they have
invited to pour across the undefended border from every unsavory corner of the globe. Why
wouldn't they do the same with our homes? The Third Amendment protects us from being forced
to quarter soldiers. But this may not apply to the highly irregular troops Democrats have
brought in to fundamentally transform the country. Nor will anything else in the Constitution
apply if they succeed.
National Guard Seizes Control of Illegal Border Crossing Hot Spot; Blocks Feds From the
Area. On Governor Greg Abbott's orders, the Texas National Guard has seized control
of a park in Eagle Pass where masses of illegal immigrants come through, Fox News' Bill Melugin
reported Thursday night. In a statement, the Texas Military Department (TMD) said they were
blocking U.S. Border Patrol agents from accessing Shelby Park because the Feds "perpetuate illegal
crossings." Shelby Park is where Border Patrol agents have been caught cutting the razor wire
along the border to help illegal aliens get through.
Builds New Rent-Free Apartments for Migrants Paid by State's Taxpayers. Maine's
taxpayers are footing the bill for new apartments built specifically for newly arrived border
crossers and illegal aliens who will have at least two years' worth of rent paid for. This
week, Maine officials in Brunswick unveiled new apartments that will go to border crossers and
illegal aliens who will have their rent paid for at least two years, News Center Maine reports:
[...] Maine's taxpayers will be footing the bill as the millions in funding for the new migrant
apartments and rental assistance were allocated in the state budget.
Executive Branch Is Deliberately Failing Americans. Nearly 2.5 million people
entered the U.S. illegally just in 2023. (Note that these numbers do not include anyone crossing
the border without interacting with Border Patrol officials.) More than 10 million people
have crossed the border illegally since Biden took office; that number is larger than the
individual populations of 41 of the 50 states. The costs to Americans are enormous and
growing. The Federation for American Immigration Reform published a comprehensive report last
year showing that federal, state, and local expenditures for illegal immigration are approaching
$200 billion annually. But dollar figures don't capture the real costs to everyday
Americans. We do not have sufficient affordable housing for our own citizens. Veterans
and the elderly have been forced out of housing to make way for illegal immigrants. Our own
homeless population is exploding, many of whom need treatment for addiction and/or mental
illness. In Chicago, migrants have been living in the O'Hare airport. Massachusetts
Gov. Maura Healey has asked citizens to take migrants into their homes. Just this week,
a New York City high school was closed, and its students were sent home for "remote" learning so
that nearly 2,000 migrants could be housed at the school during a winter storm. Illegal
immigrants also distort congressional representation. They are counted in the decennial
census population tallies, so their presence increases congressional representation for states with
more of them. That reduces the voting power of citizens in states with lower populations.
Crisis Motive Revealed. Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke is running for re-election
this year in New York's 9th District to finish the job of utterly destroying New York.
To achieve her goal of ruining a once great city, Clarke is demanding MORE illegal migrants.
Clarke actually admitted that the Democrats need more migrants to overrun their cities and states
for "redistricting purposes." "I'm from Brooklyn, New York. We have a diaspora that can
absorb a significant number of these migrants," said Clarke, who has served on the House Committee
on Homeland Security. "When I hear colleagues talk about, you know, the doors of the inn being
closed — ah, no room at the inn — I'm saying I need more people in my
district just for redistricting purposes." Now, redrawing districts is a common tactic used by
the right and left. However, dismantling the Constitution to allow non-citizens to enter the
country and vote is not.
Are Pushing American Kids Out Of School All Across The Country. Democrats' open
border is turning the entire United States into a refugee camp. The record-breaking numbers
of foreigners allowed to break U.S. border laws are most heavily affecting large and sanctuary
cities like New York City, but the numbers are so high they can't help but affect cities across
America as well. Yesterday, a Brooklyn high school informed parents their children will be
getting low-quality remote instruction because their school is being turned into a refugee
camp. The 4,000 students are being displaced on behalf of approximately 1,900 foreign
lawbreakers. In spring 2023, city officials also occupied school gyms with migrants,
prompting safety concerns from parents about unvetted, military-age male foreigners sharing
buildings with their kids. As the "Louder with Crowder" blog notes, "Brooklyn went 74%-25% to
Joe Biden, whose policies started the current border crisis. Also, pro-illegal immigration
Governor Kathy Hochul won Brooklyn 72% to 28%." [Tweet]
Vows to Create 'Largest Deportation Effort' in U.S. History If Reelected. Former
president Donald Trump vowed during his Fox News town hall on Wednesday night to create the
"largest deportation effort in the history of our country" if he is reelected in November, saying
"we have no choice." Trump, the leading contender for the Republican nomination, said that as
many as 18 million people will have entered the country illegally by the end of Democrat Joe
Biden's presidency, a number that he said is "not sustainable for our country." "Many of
those people come from jails and prisons, many of those people come from mental institutions and
insane asylums, and many of those people are terrorists," he said, taking another big swing on the
issue that helped to propel him to the White House in 2016.
Allows Noncitizens to Vote in Federal Elections (With a Wink and a Nod). Joe Biden
has opened the floodgates and is importing somewhere between 8 [and] 12 million new illegal
immigrants into the country. There is going to be massive voter fraud in the next
election. The way that they are accomplishing this is making it nearly impossible to track
down who was eligible to vote and who wasn't. Ballots will be distributed like Monopoly
money, collected by "ballot harvesters," and counted by corrupt local officials, and they hope that
by doing so, they can eke out a victory or better than that. Do the illegal immigrants
streaming into the country know they are part of this scheme? Most likely not. Will
most of them participate in it? Probably not. It's not like most of them came into the
country as willing participants in a scheme to steal federal elections. But will the flood of
illegal aliens, many of whom are getting driver's licenses in states like my own,
Minnesota — 19 states and the District of Columbia — be used to rig the
vote? Certainly, throw in motor voter and lots of illegals will be automatically registered
to vote, even if they don't intend to. Ballots will be sent, collected by operatives, and
returned. It may be easier in some places than others.
on Noncitizens Voting. I sort of did and sort of didn't goof in the article on
noncitizen voting in my article on voting registration in Arizona. It turns out that the
problem doesn't only exist in Arizona but in every single state in the union due to federal
law. The National Voter Registration Act prevents every state from requiring people to prove
that they are US citizens to vote. How about them apples? In my view, this makes things
far worse than I had originally presumed. Joe Biden really is importing millions of potential
voters, and federal law actually prevents states from confirming the citizenship status of people
as they register to vote. Ironically, this standard was established firmly due to a case that
came out of Arizona, when in 2004 Arizona Proposition 200 was voted on to establish a requirement
that proof of citizenship should be required in order to register to vote. The state was sued
by voting rights activists, claiming that federal law supersedes the state requirement. The
District Court agreed with the state, but the Supreme Court (led by, ironically, Justice Scalia) disagreed.
Smugglers Use Social Media To Help 'Citizens Of Every Country' Reach The US Border.
Turkish smugglers appear to be using social media platforms to help migrants from across the globe
enter the U.S. illegally through the southern border, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation
review of Telegram and TikTok posts. The advertisements offer arrangements for travel, visas
and transportation directly to the U.S.-Mexico border for migrants in Europe, Asia and the Middle
East. Border Patrol encounters of migrants crossing the southern border illegally have hit
numerous records in recent years, with more than 2.2 million encounters in fiscal
year 2022 and more than 2 million in fiscal year 2023, according to federal data.
Texas Counties Declare Border 'Invasion' Due to Biden's Policies. The Constitution is
clear on what the role of the federal government is when it comes to illegal immigration. "The
United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and
shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the
Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence," Article IV,
Section 4 declares. As we've seen, President Joe Biden's administration and his
Democratic enablers in Congress don't want to meaningfully protect U.S. citizens from the invasion
of illegal immigrants and criminal cartels at our southern border. They don't want to protect
voters in border states against the flood of fentanyl and lawlessness with anything except words.
Dem Rep. Yvette Clarke Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Illegals: "I Need More People in
My District Just for Redistricting Purposes". As New York collapses under the weight of
Joe Biden's broken border and a neverending stream of illegals stretch resources, at least one NY Dem
is celebrating what it means for her politically. New York City Mayor Eric Adams shared that the
city is supporting 110,000 "asylum seekers" who have arrived since April 2022 with up to 10,000
more coming per month. In September, Adams told a crowd at an Upper West Side town hall meeting,
"Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not
see an ending to. I don't see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City.
Destroy New York City," and "The city we knew, we're about to lose." But Congresswoman Yvette
Clarke (D-NY) sees an upside in illegals flooding American cities and said the quiet part out.
More illegals means help for redistricting purposes.
The Editor says...
In other words, she doesn't care what the flood of illegal immigrants costs this country;
she only cares about how it can benefit her political career.
Solution to the Border Crisis May Be the Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard. While
appearing on "The Daily Show," a journalistic bastion if there ever was one, Ocasio-Cortez decided
to let it be known that the real way to "fix" the border is to "document people."
[Tweet] [Tweet with video clip] According to the esteemed congresswoman, the issue
of millions of people flooding over the border illegally can be easily solved by simply handing out
documented status. Isn't that what we are already doing, though? Joe Biden's
catch-and-release policy allows illegal immigrants to enter the interior of the country. Some
outlets have even reported that work authorizations are being given out. Regardless of the
specifics, Ocasio-Cortez's suggestion still makes no sense. It's like saying you are going to
fix your toilet by burning down your house. I mean, I guess your toilet ceases to be a
problem at that point, but now you've got no house. If you start giving legal work
authorization to every illegal immigrant who crosses the border, then you are ceding the idea of
having a border at all, which is exactly what Democrats want.
Border — Say Goodbye to America. Nobel prize-winning economist Milton
Friedman scolded the Wall Street Journal for cheerleading an open-border immigration policy.
"It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state," he warned. This
leads to a "transfer state," as the Heritage Foundation describes, the government taxing the upper
and middle classes, transferring money to lower economic classes via subsidies and benefits.
In other words, "The transfer state redistributes funds from those with high-skill and high-income
levels to those with lower skill levels." Heritage makes the assumption, "It takes the entire
net tax payments (taxes paid minus benefits received) of one college-educated family to pay for the
net benefits received by one low-skill immigrant family." What happens when that ratio changes
to one financially sound family supporting not one, but two, three, or more families through
ever-increasing taxes and families to support?
Of Africans Flying To Central America Before Crossing Illegally Into United States.
Thousands of Africans are flying to Central America in order to travel into the United States
illegally by crossing the southern border. A record number of illegal immigrants have entered
America in the last year under President Joe Biden, according to a report from The New York
Times. The Times reported on Friday that there were 58,462 Africans apprehended at the
southern border in fiscal year 2023 — up from 13,406 in 2022, according to government
data. The 2023 numbers include 15,263 from Mauritania, 13,526 from Senegal, and over 4,000
from Angola and Guinea. These Africans are flying into Central America, many starting in
Nicaragua, and then making their way up into America by crossing through Mexico. The influx
of Africans is reportedly in part due to some countries in Europe implementing tighter border
controls. It is unclear how exactly all of these migrants are paying for their flights across
the Atlantic, as many of them are looking to escape poverty. Some claim they borrow money
from friends while others say they sold small businesses. Once they make it to the southern
border, many of the illegal migrants are simply released into the United States.
Migrants: 'Getting into the United States is certain'. Migrants from Mexico have been
crossing the southern border in large numbers for decades. More recently migrants from
Central America and South America have decided now is the time to make the long, dangerous journey
to the US. But it's a testament to just how completely Joe Biden has bungled the border crisis that
word is now being spread even in Africa: The US border is open. [...] ["]According to
government data obtained by The [New York] Times, the number of Africans apprehended at the
southern border jumped to 58,462 in the fiscal year 2023 from 13,406 in 2022.["] Just to
put that number in perspective, it was only a few years ago that 58,462 was more migrants than the
Border Patrol encountered in most months. Between FY 2014 and FY 2018 there were only a
handful of individual months where the number of encounters topped 58,000 and even then not by
much. For any of those years, 58,000 would have been about 10-12% of our total annual number
of border encounters.
Flows Through D.C. Like Sewage. There are a lot of reasons to argue against the
massive influx of illegals the past few years. First and foremost, it is a violation of our
sovereignty and national security. That ought to stop it dead in its tracks. The fact
that these people are entering without any form of background checks, any traditional requirements
of vaccinations (the real ones, if there are any these days) no designations as to whether they are
entering for the third or fourth time to multiply the benefits they receive. The border
patrols are so busy waving them in, making sure they get signed up for all of the social services
that most citizens aren't able to apply for, get their pre-loaded cash cards, get their cell
phones, plane tickets and housing arrangements, the sort of things a veteran would be astonished to
receive for their sacrifice for the nation, that the border patrol agents don't have time to stop
the drug and human trafficking along the unguarded borders. Not that they would anyway,
because of their pensions and their total freaking fear of their supervisors, all of whom are
cowards and traitors.
It's obviously a Uniparty conspiracy:
America Upside-Down. Behold: It's the leprechaun-logistics theory of magic
migration that tells us hordes of clean, fed, and comfortably shod invading migrants miraculously
and spontaneously appear at the America end of their personal rainbows, where they demand pots of
U.S. taxpayer gold. But with no backpacks to carry water, energy snacks, or even spare socks
for their journey? [Indeed], our children don't go off to neighborhood elementary schools
without backpacks full of supplies. So how is it these folks walk the 1,300-mile
south-to-north expanse of Mexico, not to mention trekking from Central and South America, without
backpacks? Watching thousands of illegals daily pour across America's southern border forces
recognition that this mass invasion didn't just pop out of the woodwork or happen
organically. The magnitude and duration of this invasion demands answers to four core
questions: 1) Who organizes these people? 2) Who provides water, food, and critical
support for these hundreds of thousands of people? 3) Who arranges and distributes the
go-to-this-enabler contact lists these invaders are given and then carry with them so they
know with whom to connect when they step off free-pass buses and gratuitously ticketed airplanes?
And 4) Who recruits, coordinates, and supports the many enablers named on these contact lists [...]
Sues Texas Over State Law to Stop Illegal-alien Invasion. The Biden administration
sued Texas yesterday because Governor Greg Abbott and state legislators decided the Lone Star State
must do the job Biden won't do. The lawsuit seeks to stop Texas from enforcing SB4, a law
that criminalizes entering Texas illegally across the southwest border and also allows state
officials to deport illegal aliens. The administration claims that enforcing immigration law
is the sole purview of the federal government. As well this week, the administration sought
permission from the U.S. Supreme Court to remove razor wire that Texas authorities installed to
stop the illegal-alien invasion that Biden is aiding and abetting. [Tweet]
Sues Texas To Prevent State From Arresting Migrants Who Enter Illegally. The Biden
administration is suing Texas to prevent the state from arresting migrants who flout U.S.
immigration law to enter the state illegally, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced
Wednesday. The DOJ is making good on its threat to sue Texas over enforcing S.B. 4, a new law
signed in December 2023 that would permit local and state authorities to arrest and prosecute
individuals suspected of entering the U.S. illegally, according to the DOJ and NBC 5 Dallas-Fort
Worth. Texas Illegal immigration has surged to record levels under the Biden administration,
with Texas seeing a massive influx of migrants arriving at its border with Mexico. "The
Constitution assigns the federal government the authority to regulate immigration and manage our
international borders. Pursuant to this authority, Congress has established a comprehensive
framework governing the entry of noncitizens into the United States and the removal of noncitizens
from the country," the DOJ stated in a press release announcing the lawsuit. "Because SB 4 is
preempted by federal law and violates the U.S. Constitution, the Justice Department seeks a
declaration that SB 4 is invalid and an order preliminarily and permanently enjoining the state
from enforcing the law."
Democrat party: who are they? Just who are the members of the Democrat/socialist/communist
(D/s/c) Party? How do their beliefs differ from those of normal Americans? [...] Among their favored
oppressed are criminals — the more violent and depraved the better — and their policies
have turned our blue cities into third world war zones. Other oppressed are the millions of illegal
aliens they're importing. Non-D/s/c Americans have so disappointed them. They intend to abolish
them and import their replacements. That many of them are criminals, terrorists, pedophiles, slavers
and masses who can't speak the language and have no skills with which to support themselves is a feature
rather than a bug. They're worried about the illegal avalanche, but not because of the damage it's
doing to America. They're afraid of losing power, afraid, despite their best Trump Derangement
Syndrome efforts, their election fraud protocols might not prevail.
The Sudden Media Interest In The Biden Border Crisis? After spending three years
largely ignoring the border, the mainstream press is suddenly all over it, with headlines blaring
about a "surge," "crisis" and "call for action." Why now? Last week CNN reported that a
"December migrant surge" at the southern border was the "largest in more than two decades." Several
other news outlets used similar language. The New York Times warned that "surging" Mexico
border crossings "push U.S. resources to the brink." In another story, CNN even described the
situation as a "crisis." Weirdly, the press is even exaggerating the current "surge."
Consider that CNN story, which says: "Border authorities encountered more than 225,000
migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border this month, marking the highest monthly total recorded since
2000, according to preliminary Homeland Security statistics shared with CNN." Except that's not
true. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, illegal crossings exceeded
225,000 in August, September, October, and November of this year, and in six previous months since
President Joe Biden took office. As a matter of fact, illegal crossings have averaged
more than 200,000 since Biden moved into the White House.
Greg Abbott shipped over 85,000 illegal migrants from Texas in over one year. In less
than a year-and-a-half, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has transported 85,400 illegal migrants to
so-called sanctuary cities run by Democrats who don't want to adhere to federal immigration
enforcement. New York City has borne the brunt of Texas offloading the crisis to Democratic
enclaves, with Abbott sending 32,200 to the Big Apple starting in August 2022, according to
his office. Chicago has seen the second amount of migrants sent from Texas with 24,500
migrants arriving over the last year and four months. While highly unpopular, specifically
among Democrats, Abbott's strategy of sending migrants to sanctuary cities is helping flip the
narrative and get more attention on the crisis.
than 302,000 illegal migrants crossed into the US in December. A record number of
migrants crossed the U.S. southern border in December, according to a new report, topping the
highest amount ever recorded as President Joe Biden continues to grapple with the crisis.
There were 300,000 encounters in the last month of 2023, U.S. Custom and Border Patrol sources told
Fox News. Between Dec. 1 and December 31, more than 302,000 migrants were documented
attempting to cross the U.S. southern border. It is the highest total for a single month ever
recorded in history and it marks the first time migrant encounters have reached over 300,000.
Illegal Aliens Unlawfully Entering U.S. Receive High End Luggage Concierge Service.
Illegal aliens who've unlawfully crossed the US-Mexico border are being treated to unprecedented
concierge services, with their luggage being safely transported into the US aboard trucks and
trailers. Footage shot at a gas station in Eagle Pass, Texas, shows a truck with an overhead
rack loaded to the brim with luggage and bags pulling a trailer also packed full of luggage.
"Here we are in Eagle Pass," says the man filming. "And that guy right there, he carries all the
people's baggage across so when they get here they don't have to carry their bags. That's
his job."
of a second civil war? ["]For more than a year, Breitbart News has chronicled
how DHS is planning to roll out a pilot program that will give border crossers and illegal aliens
photo ID cards, similar to a driver's license, upon their release into the United States interior
from the southern border.["] This, knowing there is no way to confirm the identity of
most, if not all, illegal immigrants. They'll be giving official government ID to
military-aged males from enemy countries, establishing false identities for them. Unless
government can be certain of the identification of these cardholders, data entry, storage and
retrieval will be chaotic at best. We'll be storing false, misdirecting data on ghosts,
criminals, terrorists and spies. These will be alternate social security numbers, rendering
the real thing essentially meaningless. [...] This is nothing less than normalizing and
legalizing illegal immigration. It's establishing a separate criminal class, yet a class
that can never be prosecuted for their crimes. It's a blatant flaunting of the law.
Blue states will use the cards, without any vetting, to issue driver's licenses, voter registration
cards, and all manner of other entitlements. Every card issued is an abetment of a variety of
federal crimes, and surrender of our national sovereignty.
Corruption of Everything. The border has been corrupted. Almost ten million
illegal entrants have come across our borders, bringing terrorists, sex-traffickers, and
criminals. It's proving to be overwhelming to the cities where they squat, and it must
stop. Are we waiting for a massive cyber-attack? This administration is almost
single-handedly destroying our sovereignty. Thanks, Joe.
Talked to AMLO About "Normalizing" Illegal Aliens. In case you didn't get enough
lumps of coal (or some carbon-free alternative) in your Christmas stocking, here's a late entry for
you. As John discussed yesterday, the US delegation to Mexico went to beg for help from
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador with the Biden border crisis this week. He predicted
that whatever help the Biden administration winds up getting will be "somewhere between nothing and
not much." That clearly seems to be panning out, but it's probably not because AMLO is fighting us
or unwilling to cooperate. What was the delegation actually negotiating with Mexico?
Ostensibly they were supposed to be asking for our southern neighbor's help in preventing massive
armies of illegal migrants from reaching our border in the first place. There may have been
some discussions along those lines, but according to some officials familiar with the negotiations,
they were also talking about "normalizing Hispanic illegal aliens already in the United States.
That would include the eight to ten million already allowed in since Joe Biden took office.
Regime Threatens to Sue Texas if it Arrests and Deports Illegal Aliens Under New State Immigration
Law. The Biden regime has escalated its war on Texas. Not satisfied with
flooding the state with millions of illegal aliens, they now want to stop the state from removing
the invaders. The Gateway Pundit previously reported Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill
earlier this month known as SB4 which grants state and local law enforcement officials the power to
arrest, jail, and prosecute illegal migrants. Moreover, it allows judges to issue de facto
deportation orders, thus allowing the state to send back the invaders the Regime has happily
allowed in. This act of brave defiance has ticked off the Regime. As CBS News revealed
Thursday, the Department of "Justice" told Texas in a letter they would sue if the state dares to
implement SB4.
Exposes "Immense & Growing Size" Of Illegal Immigration Invasion. Elon Musk
red-pilled users on X, allowing them to visualize "the immense and growing size of illegal
immigration" pushed by radical progressives in the White House that have flooded the nation with
millions of migrants. Musk commented on a post by X user "~~datahazard~~," who said: "Since
August, there are officially more arriving each month than there are children being born to
American mothers. And these are just the official encounters — we don't know how
many avoided detection." [Tweet] Illegal immigrants outpacing US births reminds us of a
comment from Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who stated at a recent debate that
the "Great Replacement Theory is not some grand, right-wing conspiracy theory," but rather a "basic
statement of the Democratic Party's platform." [Tweet]
Biden's DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards in 2024.
President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed that the agency is
developing a program that will provide border crossers and illegal aliens released into the United
States with photo ID cards. For more than a year, Breitbart News has chronicled how DHS is
planning to roll out a pilot program that will give border crossers and illegal aliens photo ID
cards, similar to a driver's license, upon their release into the United States interior from the
southern border. Now, DHS officials are seemingly confirming their plan to issue photo IDs to
such border crossers and illegal aliens. Buried in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's
(ICE) annual report, officials confirmed that they are planning to begin issuing the photo ID cards
to border crossers and illegal aliens sometime this fiscal year.
The Editor says...
There is only one reason to provide ID cards to every illegal alien, and it's not so they can be identified
and deported later. It is to enable them to get a job, sign up for welfare benefits, and VOTE.
Biden's DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards in 2024.
President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed that the agency is
developing a program that will provide border crossers and illegal aliens released into the United
States with photo ID cards. For more than a year, Breitbart News has chronicled how DHS is
planning to roll out a pilot program that will give border crossers and illegal aliens photo ID
cards, similar to a driver's license, upon their release into the United States interior from the
southern border. Now, DHS officials are seemingly confirming their plan to issue photo IDs to
such border crossers and illegal aliens.
Families At U.S. Border Say That 'Going Back' Is Not An Option. One woman who spoke
to CNN reporters claimed that she was attacked by criminals seeking money in her home country and
that she has no desire to ever go back. The woman, who left her native country of Honduras
with her two children, says that she is an activist who has been forced into unemployment for
criticizing her own nation's government. Thousands of undocumented immigrants arrived at a
Texas shelter on Christmas Eve, having been released on parole by immigration officials.
Since there were not enough resources at a handful of shelters for newcomers, many of them were
still seen waiting outside, hoping for any possible openings.
The Editor says...
The article immediately above carries the aroma of astroturf propaganda. The lady at the center
of it is a single mom with little kids who can never go home. How touching. But for every
single mom with little kids, there are probably a hundred single men crossing the border. A
reporter would have to look all day to find another single mom in this situation — unless
she and the kids were introduced by a friendly government official or NGO.
warning of cold temperatures, migrants choose to come to Chicago. As the suburbs
continue to take a stand on arriving migrants, Chicago is running out of funds to help them, and
space to house them. As CBS 2's Marybel Gonzalez reported, migrants are still choosing
Chicago as their landing spot in the U.S. Even as temperatures drop in Chicago, the city
continues to be a hot spot for new arrivals. CBS 2 spoke with a person running some of
the shelters along the southern border about why this could be.
The Editor says...
I find it very difficult to believe the story above. Why would anyone from Mexico, Central
America, South America, or the Caribbean voluntarily move to brutally-cold Chicago?
For every such migrant, I suspect one could find a hundred others who were sent to Chicago
by Governor Abbott.
Mayor: We Now Have Migrants 'Stranded' in Our City, That Didn't Happen Before.
On Thursday's broadcast of "CNN News Central," Laredo, TX Mayor Treviño stated that while
Laredo is used to having migrants released into the city, things are different now, because instead
of moving on to another city, there are now people "stranded in our community with no money and no
idea of where they're going."
Carlson: Biden is Importing Millions of Third-World Illegals While Telling Them White People
Are a Source of Their Problems. "The Biden administration is importing millions of
third-world immigrants to live here illegally, and at the same time telling them that white people
are the source of their problems. How's that going to work out in the end?" Tucker Carlson
said. More than 10 million illegal aliens — mainly military-age men from
Africa, Middle East and Latin America have invaded the US since Joe Biden was installed in
January 2021. The illegal aliens are being told by the Democrat-media complex that white
people — specifically white men — are the world's problems.
Cops Step Aside as New Migrant 'Poverty' Caravan Moves North. Mexican authorities
stood down any efforts to contain a new migrant caravan that embarked this week from the southern
part of Mexico. Authorities are currently escorting the groups and providing crowd
control. Calling themselves the Poverty Exodus (Exodo de la Pobreza), the caravan, which is
made up of more than 6,000 migrants, left the city of Tapachula, Chiapas, on Christmas Eve.
The caravan is making its way north. In various parts of the journey, the migrants waved a
banner with the caravan's name and carried a white cross. Members of the group made public
claims that their goal was to reach the United States for economic reasons.
The Editor says...
One could easily surmise that the immigrants' only accomplishment will be to spread poverty to another
country — the U.S. — because if these were productive workers, they probably
could have made a living in their native countries.
Eric Adams: Illegal Immigration Spurring 'Erosion of Quality of Life' in New York
City. The arrival of more than 160,000 border crossers and illegal aliens is spurring
"the erosion of the quality of life" for New Yorkers, Mayor Eric Adams (D) says. During a
press conference alongside Chicago, Illinois, Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) and Denver, Colorado,
Mayor Mike Johnston (D), Adams warned again that New York City is falling into disarray as a result
of illegal immigration. Every day, President Joe Biden's administration releases about 5,000
border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States interior — many ending up in
New York City, where they can work off the books, receive protection from the city's sanctuary
policy, and enjoy free housing paid for by local taxpayers. Now, Adams says, the city has hit
a "breaking point" from illegal immigration.
The Editor says...
The mayor can renounce and rescind New York's status as a "Sanctuary City" at any time, and Texas might
stop sending illegal aliens. But he won't do so, for political reasons. He doesn't seem to
understand that there is an unlimited supply of hungry and unemployed
(and violent
and diseased) immigrants arriving every day,
and there are multiple ways of transporting them to the cities that boast about being sanctuaries.
Not Just Invite the Entire World to the U.S.? Today's reality is that there is no
national border. At least for those crossing by foot or caravan. For those attempting
to enter the U.S. legally, by following the law and visa application process, it's a nightmare of
rules, delays, cost, and frustration. For those interested, read here about the bizarre
labyrinth facing citizens of many countries to legally visit or transit through America. Lady
Liberty doesn't want any "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" that follow American law, but
has her arms and purse wide open to those coming to America illegally. How many? Before
President Biden, "As of 2021, the nation's 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants represented
about 3% of the total U.S. population." What about now, specifically the past three years under
Biden? Since Biden took office in early 2021, the Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP)
has "encountered" almost 8 million border crossers, the majority young military age
males. In August alone, that number was 232,972, an annualized rate of 3 million
migrants a year.
The Editor says...
The widely-touted figure of 11 million illegal aliens has been treated like an indisputable
mathematical constant by the news media for at least 20 years. There were probably that
many in Texas alone, even before Joe Biden (or his puppeteers) opened up the border a few years ago.
simple fixes would radically improve the 'border' situation — but Democrats don't
care. We don't have a border. The media constantly tell the public that the
illegal immigration problem is a complex issue that's extremely hard to solve, but that is not
true. The border was significantly more controlled under President Trump, before Joe Biden
reversed his successful policies. There are three main things that would greatly reduce the problem:
[#1] Enforce existing laws.
[#2] Make people who seek asylum remain in Mexico. If we did that, Mexico would
suddenly enforce their southern border, instead of allowing illegals from all over the world to stroll into the
U.S. The nation couldn't afford to keep the masses within its borders, and the government knows it.
[#3] Build the wall. It is the cheapest solution, both short- and long-term.
Then why is New York still a "sanctuary city?"
Adams Suggests Migrant Crisis Will Result In Rampant Crime. Democratic New York City
Mayor Eric Adams raised concerns that the city's migrant crisis will create more crime during a
press conference Tuesday. Migrants that are arriving and unable to work in the U.S. legally
have become a challenge for the city, Adams said during the news conference, where he was asked
about rising crime. Out of the more than 100,000 migrants that have arrived to the city, only
2,200 have been approved for work permits, Anne Williams-Isom, the city's deputy mayor for health
and human services, said. "When I talk about the devastation impact that the migrant and asylum
seekers, people only think about the volume of people that are coming in. There are
byproducts to this, cuts to services, like we had to postpone a police class, looking at some of
the budgetary cuts, having a body of people, many young, who can't work," Adams said.
The Editor says...
Those problems were all self-inflicted.
Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report
Says. A network of NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, seems to be playing a
powerful role in coordinating the large-scale invasion of illegals at the US southern border.
The new website Muckraker revealed a treasure trove of "mass migration blueprints," handed out by
NGOs across South and Central America to illegals with details about their route to the US.
broken borders, welfare, and America's coming collapse. Wall Street has always liked
the idea of open borders because it sees people chasing jobs, thereby increasing wealth. A
certain sector has also liked the idea of unlettered immigrants who can easily be exploited, but
that's another subject entirely. Another group that likes open borders is leftists. As
this UMinn professor made clear, they loath America, and a country without borders isn't a country
at all. This is great for Biden because his illegal open border caters to both demographics,
Wall Street and the hard left. It's not often that you get a political two-fer quite like
that. Milton Friedman, who believed in the free flow of capital, also liked open
borders. However, he had a very firm caveat: "It's just obvious you can't have free
immigration and a welfare state."
Near NYC's Floyd Bennett Field [are] Going Door to Door Begging for Money [and] Food.
Illegals being housed at a tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field in NYC are going door to door in the
neighboring community begging for cash, food, and clothes. Residents are learning the hard
way what it means to be a sanctuary city. [...] On Tuesday, Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa
shared a video taken outside of Floyd Bennett Field showing the deteriorating conditions of the
tent city and called on the city to step in. Sliwa shared, "So here we are. We got the
four tents behind us. You got all the migrants behind us, they won't let us get any closer.
And we've gone all through Marine Park in the area where all the illegal aliens are going."
All-Time Worsts for America with Joe Biden as President. President Joe Biden has
helped break records this year at the United States-Mexico border. In particular, Biden's
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversaw record illegal immigration, again, to the U.S. in
2023. According to private testimony from DHS officials given to House and Senate committees
this month, the agency is releasing about 5,000 illegal aliens every day from the border into
American communities. Put another way, Biden's DHS is releasing about 150,000 illegal aliens
into the U.S. interior every month — the equivalent of adding ten Martha's Vineyards to
the country every 30 days.
Biden's Southern Border Is in Chaos, and It's Going to Cost the U.S. Billions. It's
no secret that our southern border is in nothing less than disarray, and the blame can be squarely
placed on the Biden administration's rhetoric and policies. It's gotten so bad states along
the border are having to take extraordinary actions to combat the problem. Governor Greg
Abbott of Texas has signed a law authorizing law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants and even
Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs of Arizona has tapped the National Guard to help control the
problem. The Biden administration has actively opposed efforts in those states to stymie
illegal immigration, ordering Arizona to remove shipping container walls and actively sabotaging
deterrents in Texas.
than 242,000 people arrived at the southern border in November. U.S. Customs and
Border Protection recorded more than nearly a quarter of a million encounters at the southwest land
border in the month of November, the agency confirmed Friday, while insisting that authorities
stationed along the Mexican frontier need additional support from Congress. In total, CBP
reported 242,418 arrivals at the southern border in November, including 191,113 between ports of
entry. The figures represent a modest uptick from the October numbers of 240,988 total and
188,778 between ports of entry. The agency processed 43,000 individuals at ports of entry
using the CBP One app.
Parole Pipeline Frees Over 670K Foreign Nationals into U.S. in 11 Months.
President Joe Biden's parole pipeline at the United States-Mexico border has released a foreign
population into American communities larger than Las Vegas, Nevada's, population in less than a
year. On Friday, Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released illegal immigration
figures for November. The data shows that since the start of the year, more than 670,000
foreign nationals have been released into the U.S. interior through the administration's parole
pipeline. The parole pipeline is made up of so-called "humanitarian parole" that Biden's DHS
offers to Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans as well as the "CBP One" migrant mobile
app whereby foreign nationals in Mexico can schedule appointments at the border for release into
the U.S. interior.
more migrant buses arrive in Denver as Speer encampment grows. Residents who live
near a migrant encampment at Zuni and Speer say the number of tents is growing and the trash is
becoming a larger issue. On Thursday, 10 buses arrived in Denver with 341 migrants
inside. The city said that puts Denver on track to break 100 buses just in December.
One of the main spots they're landing is an encampment at Zuni Street and Speer Boulevard.
With more migrants coming in, residents' concerns are growing — one of those concerns
being the trash created by a growing number of people in that one spot.
Gotaways" Alone, 14,509 Illegal Crossers in One Day. A Washinton Examiner report puts
the new estimate this week of the growing population of "gotaways" in the United States at a
sky-high 13 million, more than the population of every state except four: California,
Texas, New York, and Florida. "I think the number is around, now, probably close to
13 million," said Steven Camarota, the research director for the Center for Immigration
Studies. There is a formula for determining the numbers, but there could be one million to
two million more than that. [...] Border Patrol announced this week that on Monday, they had a
total record-breaking 14,509 apprehensions across all sectors in one day.
Without Secession. The border patrol has simply waved the white flag to any and all
comers, criminals, rapists, murderers, terrorists and cartels. Everything Texas has done to
stop it has been challenged by who? The federal government. Federal agents were cutting
the razor wire placed by Texas as a barrier to these illegals. My point is, the enemy within
might be able to destroy the United States, but they cannot destroy the states, unless the states
allow them to do so. The United States is the same as the European Union, at one time it was
a blessing that has turned into a curse. We don't have to live like this.
is breaking the border on purpose — he wants mass amnesty. The backlog of
pending cases in the nation's immigration courts has hit 3 million, as millions of border
migrants have been released into the United States to seek asylum in the past three years.
It's a shocking figure, but just the latest example of the president's efforts to break the
immigration-enforcement system, likely to force a massive amnesty he has long sought.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — among others — has accused
former President Trump of "gutting" the immigration system, but such claims are little more than
projection. Annual southwest border apprehensions exceeded 405,500 just once during the last
presidency, in fiscal year 2019 when they hit 860,000. Trump responded with the successful "Remain
in Mexico" program, driving illegal migration down again. Apprehensions have subsequently
exceeded 2 million in the past two fiscal years, setting a new all-time record
(2.2 million) in FY 2022.
GOP Senators Warn Against Secret Border Deal With Democrats. Nearly one-third of
Senate Republicans are asking their leaders not to finalize a border agreement with President Joe
Biden and other Democrats without allowing members to review it. The 15 GOP members sent a
letter dated Sunday to Republican Conference Chairman John Barrasso, R-Wyo., to ask for a meeting
of all Senate Republicans no sooner than Jan. 8, when the House reconvenes. "Rushed and
secret negotiations with Democrats who want an open border and who caused the current crisis will
not secure the border," the GOP senators' letter to Barrasso says. A spokeswoman for Barrasso
told The Daily Signal on Monday: "Chairman Barrasso received a request from 15 colleagues for a
conference meeting on immigration. He will work with all Republican senators to schedule the
meeting." Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., was named as the GOP point man to negotiate a
border agreement with Senate Democrats. This would be part of a larger deal to fund border
security within a national security spending bill to provide U.S. financial aid both to Ukraine's
defense against Russia and Israel's war with Hamas.
Failure to Stop Border 'Invasion' Is Impeachable Offense, GOP House Member Says.
President Joe Biden's unwillingness to stop the border crisis is an impeachable offense that
eclipses the issues surrounding his ties to his family's alleged influence peddling, a member of
the House Homeland Security Committee says. "Just on the border alone, we have a commander in
chief that is operating in high crimes and misdemeanors because he is not securing our homeland,"
Rep. Josh Brecheen, R-Okla., told The Daily Signal. "That — even aside from the
bribery element — the Constitution sets up those three elements of treason, bribery, and
high crimes and misdemeanors for impeachment." The House voted last week to formalize an
impeachment inquiry into Biden as three of its committees — Oversight and
Accountability, Ways and Means, and Judiciary — investigate allegations of corruption
and influence peddling.
Come to America, and sue us!
groups launch lawsuits against Border Patrol over camping conditions near San Diego.
It's not enough that the food isn't good enough in New York for migrants, who are reportedly
wasting tons of it. Nor is it enough that migrants are getting any shelter at all, as the
same migrants demonstrated in the streets with demands for permanent housing. Now migrant
open-borders groups are complaining about holding-camp conditions for illegal border crossers,
hitting the Border Patrol with two lawsuits in San Diego. [...] After all, didn't the migrants pay
good money to cartel human smugglers, upwards of $7,000 a pop, for passage across into the U.S.
with no visas or papers needed? If the cartels select a remote desert spot for migrant-dumping,
the Border Patrol better be ready to house all of them, no matter how many they send, and with
five-star hotel accomodations, or else lawsuits will be filed.
Just Uber Drivers': Border Patrol Agent Says America Is Being Destroyed.
[Scroll down] A small sampling of illegal immigrants at the camps say they came from
China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Mauritania, Colombia, and Brazil. Sam
Schultz, whose family volunteers for a group called Border Kindness and are affiliated with the
legal services organization Al Otro Lado, which means "to the other side" in Spanish, delivers food
and water to the camps daily. He told The Epoch Times on Dec. 5 he was worried about
running out of supplies with so many illegal immigrants crossing that day. Mr. Schultz
said about 30 percent of the illegal immigrants in the latest wave to the Jacumba camps are
from China. Manny Bayon, a National Border Patrol Council union spokesman in San Diego, told
The Epoch Times the number of illegal immigrants released into San Diego County has doubled in the
last two weeks — from 400 to 500 per day to 800 to 1,000.
No, a "hardline" policy would limit them to 50 a day. Or five. Or zero.
closes in on deal on new hardline border policy that could ban asylum after 5,000 crossings a
day. The Senate has pushed off its holiday recess to work on a border security and
foreign aid package in what could be a breakthrough on immigration policy[,] that has not been dealt
with by Congress in decades. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the talks had made
'good progress' on Thursday on a package that would include money for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan
and would bolster border security measures in exchange. One idea under consideration is to
allow Homeland Security officials to stop migrants from applying for asylum at the southern border
if the total number of crossings on a day exceeds 5,000.
What Border? There's been a lot going on in the news lately, but I have kept one eye
on the goings-on at the southern border. Just because there are wars outside the United States that
catch the eye changes nothing about the importance of our border crisis. And it is a crisis.
A huge crisis, and even if the flow of migrants stopped tomorrow, the US will be dealing with the effects
for years to come. Like increased prices after a surge of inflation, the huge bump in the number of
migrants won't decrease the significant burden of the illegals who have already arrived. Since Joe
Biden was inaugurated, uncounted millions (I mean this term literally) of illegal migrants have crossed
into the United States. The number of migrants who have turned themselves into the Border Patrol is
staggering, but then there are the millions more about whom we know nothing because they are "gotaways,"
meaning that they are uncounted and unknown.
who vote in Texas. In early 2019, the Texas secretary of state compiled a list of
about 95,000 people who appeared to be noncitizens yet had also registered to vote in
one or more elections. In addition, the secretary found 58,000 noncitizens who might have
actually voted. It was not a final list: the goal was simply to make inquiries. But
the Republican secretary of state did not understand that sensitive Democrat voters might find
those questions intimidating. Soon, multiple lawsuits were filed (claiming voter
intimidation), and a quick judicial decision shut down the process. As a result of the
court's ruling, the Texas secretary of state was forced to modify his procedures, and he made
modifications that seriously undermined efforts to investigate noncitizen voting. Here is how
the new Texas system works: the only people who can be investigated are those who register to vote
and subsequently confess to the Texas Department of Public Safety that they are not citizens.
In effect, the voter has to volunteer that he may have committed a felony. Despite the crazy
new rules, the Texas secretary of state has identified nearly 12,000 noncitizens who may
have registered to vote — in just the four Texas counties studied.
Democrats Tout Migrants as Their Constituents. Democratic Latino politicians are
demanding President Joe Biden protect the interests of foreign migrants, regardless of the huge
civic and pocketbook damage to unhyphenated Americans, Latino-Americans, and legal immigrants.
"We are here to protect immigration as it is," Rep. Nanette Barragan (D-CA), told an audience
of legislators, activists, and media at a December 13 rally beside the Capitol. The
rally called on President Joe Biden to deny any significant concessions to GOP negotiators in the
debate over his demand for $14 billion in emergency funds to accelerate and hide his migration
flood, and funds for wartime aid for Israel and Ukraine.
Most likely an underestimation:
Border Crisis Just Keeps Getting Worse, 13 Million Illegal Aliens Now In U.S..
As the 2024 election rounds the corner, President Joe Biden's border crisis is at the forefront of
voter's minds — which has exceeded a staggering 13 million illegal aliens now in
the United States. According to a new report, the growing number of "gotaways" has reached a
record high as migrants illegally enter the U.S. through the southern border. Steven
Camarota, the research director for the Center for Immigration Studies, said that there are now
nearly 50 million foreign-born citizens in the U.S. — driven solely based on the
Biden Administration's open border policies. This number is far more than the government
previously expected. He said this is the most significant percentage of foreign-born
immigrants in the U.S. the country has ever seen. However, Camarota said that number is just
an estimate and could be much larger than recorded. His report also found that illegal border
crossings under Biden have exceeded far beyond the presidencies of Obama and Bush.
Must Choose Between Civilization or Its Destroyers. Nihilism is the religion of the
Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party. If the Left wished
radically to alter the demography of the U.S., it could have expanded legal immigration through
legislation or the courts. Instead, it simply erased the border and dynamited federal
immigration law. By fiat, nihilists ended the wall, and stopped detaining and deporting
illegal aliens altogether. Or was it worse than that when candidate Joe Biden in
September 2019 urged would-be illegal aliens to "surge" the border? As a result, through
laxity and entitlement incentives, eight million illegal entrants have swarmed the southern border
under the Biden administration. They are swamping border towns, bankrupting big-city budgets,
and infuriating even Democratic constituencies.
Announces Texas Border Officers Will Be Allowed to Arrest Illegal Aliens.
Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) announced sweeping new measures aimed at keeping illegal migrants out
of the United States as thousands have unlawfully crossed the border through his state under the
Biden Administration. On Sunday, Abbott announced that state officers will soon be allowed to
arrest and detain illegal aliens in an effort to curb the mass numbers of migrants entering the
U.S. through the southern border. "Well, I'll tell you a couple of things very
interesting. For one, the problem is extraordinarily bad. The numbers are high, and
that is because Joe Biden continues to lay out the welcome mat, welcoming illegal immigrants into
the United States of America," Abbott told FOX News Channels' Sunday Morning Futures with
host Maria Bartiromo.
DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring Workers to Disclose Legal
Status. Biden's Department of Justice has slapped a whopping $700,000 fine on
Covenant Transport Inc. and the affiliated Transport Management Services LLC, both stellar examples
of Tennessee's robust transportation sector. The recent decision by the Department of Justice
(DOJ) to impose a $700,000 fine on Covenant Transport Inc., a Christian trucking company based in
Chattanooga, Tennessee, raises significant concerns about the overreach of federal power and the
disregard for the realities faced by businesses in regulating their workforce. The DOJ, under
Joe Biden's regime, claims this measure is to resolve alleged violations of the anti-discrimination
provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) by Covenant and its affiliated entity,
Transport Management Services LLC.
Democrats Join House GOP to Block Biden from Turning Federal Lands into Migrant Camps.
Just six Democrats joined House Republicans this week to prevent President Joe Biden from turning
federal lands into migrant camps for tens of thousands of illegal aliens who have been released
into the United States interior. On Thursday, the House passed Rep. Nicole Malliotakis's
legislation known as the "Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act" to block
the federal government from using federal lands to house illegal aliens in a 224-203 vote.
of Invasion. We are at a point when the entire American population is awakening to
the fact that the ongoing daily invasion of our southern border is a real problem, after millions
of foreigners have already entered and disappeared among our 48 contiguous states. And yet we
have a Democrat party, which inhabits a government, founded in the Constitution, that down to the
last member rejects its "law" to execute the standing laws regarding defending our borders and
controlling immigration. They have allowed this invasion to continue since January 2021.
What could be the reason? If we look at our history, this is not the first invasion the
Democrat party has championed. It is one of many.
America's Conor McGregor? [Scroll down] We do not have to accept the
invaders or their criminal actions, or the criminal actions of our own governments, for that
matter. Whatever actions are required to make our governments respect our demands is
acceptable. It was criminality that brought them here, unofficial and official, that allowed
them the open door to our homes, our shops, our streets and public places and so whatever force is
needed to return them seems justified. They opened the door, they can close it. They
allowed them to come, they can send them back. Whatever level of force it takes to make them
listen to the people, is up to them. Whenever they want the protests to stop, they can remove
the cause. Whenever they want the murders, rapes and robberies to stop, they can stop them by
removing the people they brought in to conduct such atrocities. We know the reason is to
frighten us, an act of terrorism itself, to succumb to their control in the interest of safety.
are angry about immigration. The Know-Nothings represented one of America's periodic
anti-immigrant backlashes — others included the nativist backlash of the 1910s that led
to the restrictive Johnson-Reed Act of 1924, and the 1990s backlash that led to a 1996 law making
many immigrants ineligible for welfare benefits, and to the Secure Fence Act a decade later.
If you think the U.S. is always an open, inviting, immigrant-friendly place, think again.
Usually it is; every backlash so far has eventually faded, and a permissive immigration
system has returned. Our leaders, from George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to LBJ and
Ronald Reagan, have almost always been a pro-immigrant bunch. Immigration is deeply ingrained
in our national self-concept. But every once in a while, a sufficiently large number of
Americans get the idea that immigration is a threat to our nation, and they take actions to limit
that perceived threat. Unfortunately, now appears to be one of those times.
Discovers You Can in Fact Slash Illegal Immigration by Policing Borders. The number
of illegal migrants known crossing into Germany has collapsed in just weeks after the government
decided to try something new: border control. Around 300 illegal migrants are detected
crossing on average into Germany every day, down considerably from the roughly 700 a day a month
ago, analysis of police figures in a German newspaper claims. The sudden change follows a new
policy of border control from the nation's 'traffic light' coalition government, dominated by the
pro-open borders left-wing Social Democrats and the Green party, with some input from the
free-market liberal Free Democrats.
Keyword: cahoots.
'Mysterious' Entities Giving Migrants GPS Coordinates to Unsecure Locations on Southern
Border. "Hundreds of illegal aliens" heading for the U.S. Southern border have been
provided with GPS coordinates of unsecured locations to help them cross en masse, according to a
new report. The crossings are "clearly pre-planned and organized by mysterious hands," Border
Hawk reported Monday. Border Hawk correspondent Efraín González was recently
embedded with a large group of migrants making their way at night through Piedras Negras, Mexico,
to the Rio Grande. "We accompanied this caravan that walked for an hour in the darkest to reach
the crossing point," González reported. The reporter spoke with one migrant who
suggested the Mexican government was directing their movements. "The migrant said they were
angry Mexican authorities sent them to cross into this dangerous area of the river at night,"
González said. "Most of these people do not know how to get to the river. However,
through GPS they obtain the exact location where forklift tractors raised the razor wire in
October," he added. According to Border Hawk, "GPS-guided mass crossings into Eagle Pass"
increased in November.
[are] forced to choose between Ukraine and open borders. [Scroll down]
According to news accounts, the GOP is seeking legal changes to the definition of "asylum" such as
it's practiced now so that only actual asylum cases of some level of merit will be
considered. It won't just be claims about living in a bad neighborhood and wanting a better
life, the types of asylum claims that regularly are thrown out once they reach a judge some ten
years from now and the illegal migrant has long disappeared into U.S. society. Processing of
U.S. asylum claims in a timely manner and according to U.S. capacity to process them could also be
on the horse-trading list. Don't have enough personnel? Then applicants will have to
apply to another country, and there are more than a hundred of them. Such changes are
reasonable if the GOP does not cave in, and would actually benefit Democrats too, though they see a
bigger benefit in leaving the border open. Now they have to choose — aid to
Ukraine, or defense of the U.S. border, which do they want more?
Like a Cover-Up: Some Border Patrol Social Media Accounts Go Dark, Bill Melugin Has Big
Questions. The border has been out of control for some time and Joe Biden seems
uninterested in trying to stem the influx of illegal aliens. It's gotten so bad that the
Republicans have even talked about impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas, the Department of Homeland
Security head, although Biden would likely appoint someone equally bad in order to keep the doors
open to let the flood continue. The Customs and Border Patrol is overwhelmed and not being
allowed to properly do their job. Meanwhile, Mayorkas is concentrating on making the agents
use the "preferred pronouns" of the illegal aliens. So it was quite concerning when the Chief
Patrol Agent of the U.S. Border Patrol's Tucson Sector, John Modlin, announced that the Tucson
sector social media account on X would stop posting and go dark.
300 migrants move into San Diego airport. Over three hundred migrants have been
crashing at the San Diego International Airport as the border city has been hit with a surge of
crossers. Overnight stays by migrants have become common at the airport, but in recent weeks
the number has drastically risen. On Thursday, a bus dropped off dozens of immigrants at
Terminal two, Fox 5 reported.
Much the Northern Border Saw In Illegal Crossings. The southern border is not the only one
reaping the downfall effects of President Joe Biden's reckless open border policies. The Northern
border has also seen a record-breaking surge in illegal crossings. According to data, the United
States' northern border with Canada saw a 550 percent increase in migrant apprehensions in the last
fiscal year. There were 6,925 apprehensions in the Swanton sector in fiscal year 2023 between
October 2022 and September 2023. This is compared to 1,000 in the same sector the previous year,
covering New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont, and just 365 in FY 2021. Swanton Sector Chief
Patrol Agent Robert Garcia hit the panic button and requested Border Patrol agents to volunteer
to transfer up north. [Tweet]
Over 23M Immigrants Eligible to Vote in U.S. Ahead of 2024 Election. Ahead of the
highly-anticipated 2024 presidential election, more than 23 million immigrants to the United
States who now have naturalized American citizenship are eligible to cast ballots, new analysis
reveals. The left-wing American Immigration Council released the analysis recently, giving a
glimpse into the electoral power that the nation's annual importation of more than a million legal
immigrants has given to naturalized citizens.
The Editor says...
I am not opposed to naturalized citizens voting, but I strenuously object to illegal aliens voting, accepting
welfare benefits, or comfortably residing without fear of deportation. I am also of the opinion that
several other categories of legal voters should not vote, even though they may.
is very wrong — What now? The elites who rule over us won't secure our
border — or do many other things most of us want them to do — so in a very real
sense we have taxation without representation. We have come full circle and find ourselves in
much the same position as our founders did almost 250 years ago. We know what the founders'
answer was. What will ours be? We know what they did? What will we do? Can we
match their wisdom — and courage? Is it even possible anymore?
The Editor says...
The Congress can't even stop Daylight Saving Time, which most citizens dislike. There's no way
they'll ever find the backbone to seal the borders and deport the illegal aliens.
Vineyard [is] once again allowed to boot out the illegals that we commoners are not.
The snobbery and pseudo-elitism that goes hand-in-hand with the elevated status of a Martha's
Vineyard leftist makes it easy to pity their position instead of envy it, with one exception: their
ability to swiftly and decisively eject illegal invaders. On Monday, agents from Boston's
Enforcement and Removal Office (ERO) apprehended and arrested a Brazilian national living in the
elite enclave, because he was a "predator" whose presence was "threaten[ing] to residents."
You don't say. [...] A hardened criminal exploiting an open border and the U.S. welfare
system? Impossible! Karine Jean-Pierre has repeatedly assured us that the border is
totally secure, and any "undocumented" persons who do happen to slip through are not a
detriment — any insistence otherwise is xenophobic. But wait, why does the
Martha's Vineyard aristocracy get zero-tolerance agents who protect their communities?
From Britain's National Extinction — Its Deep State Is As Bad As Ours. We
Americans can learn something from watching Britain's descent into the pit of national extinction,
which has proceeded much further than ours. Britain's present is our future,
if we don't make a serious course change. Britain, like the USA, has a wide-open southern
border. It's called the English Channel. Pay a sum of money to some coyote in France
or Belgium and he'll put you in a boat and ship you north across the channel. On arrival
you'll be perfunctorily checked in, then awarded three hots and a cot in a pleasant hotel,
courtesy of British taxpayers, with lifetime settlement rights and welfare benefits. See,
it's just like our system; only that the invaders swarming into the USA have to cross a few miles
of desert, while over there it's a few miles of sea. [...] Britain, like us, has a two-party
political system in which the two parties have essentially no difference of opinion on anything
relating to the continuity and preservation of nationhood.
'Gang of Six' Negotiates Republican Giveaway on Migration. Roughly 30 Republican
senators are backing the House's H.R. 2 migration stabilization bill — but a gang of six
senators, including three Republicans, are drafting a giveaway "compromise" bill. "H.R. 2
should be the focus," said a policy analyst who favors pro-American migration laws, adding:
["]There's no reason to preemptively surrender good border security legislation before we're
forced to negotiate [with the House]. What the Senators who are supporting that [compromise]
package are doing essentially is preemptively surrendering, preemptively giving away very important
pieces of H.R. 2 before they're even being forced to do so.["] "They're negotiating
with themselves" instead of with Democrats, he added. Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Thom
Tillis (R-NC), and James Lankford (R-OK), are working with three Democrats to write a pretend compromise
in the end-of-year budget battles over funding for Israel, Ukraine, and President Joe Biden's border
security agency, he said, adding that their plan is "not going do anything of any substance."
illegal invasion is an unfunded mandate killing US cities and he's planning to expand it.
Recently Joe Biden bragged about his intention to allow more massive amounts of illegals to flood the
country and it's frightening. [Tweet with video clip] Reparations for migrants?
What I never heard talked about is the fact that this is an unfunded mandate. Biden does
everything he can to keep the borders open for illegal invasion, to keep fentanyl flowing across the
border, keep money pouring into the coffers of Mexican cartels and keep human trafficking flourishing.
This has a human horrible cost. Young females are being abused on their travels to here.
Over 100,00 [sic] are dying every year from opiate overdose, most from fentanyl. Then there is
a gigantic financial cost to America. We have seen how big-mouth politicians have devolved into
mealy-mouthed politicians when their boasts of being sanctuary states and cities have their words
shoved down their throats. One is tempted to simply say "They asked for this. Their
constituents voted for this" and that's a fair assessment. Eric Adams, the mayor of New York
City, is one such idiot. He repeatedly boasted of being a sanctuary city. Now that NYC
has taken 142,000 illegals, the cost is becoming onerous. To accommodate the illegals, Adams
is punishing Americans. He plans to slash the budget by $4 billion across the board by
eviscerating the police force and education for his constituents.
Get Free Turkeys for Thanksgiving Ahead of Low-Income New Yorkers. Low-income New
Yorkers living in public housing say newly arrived migrants have been first in line for free
turkeys ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, as public resources are strained from illegal
immigration. According to local reports and interviews, New Yorkers living in public housing
are competing against tens of thousands of newly arrived migrants to New York City when it comes to
meals this Thanksgiving. [...] According to FOX5 New York, New Yorkers living in public housing
have seen some 8,000 migrants move into their neighborhoods after having arrived at the United
States-Mexico border and being released into the nation's interior. Already, low-income New
Yorkers are dealing with strained resources. This week, city officials said they would offer
$15 gift cards to those in public housing who have been forced to go without gas to cook meals for months.
Ana, California, May Give Voting Rights to Illegal Aliens. Voters in Santa Ana,
California, a deep-blue city in Orange County, will soon decide whether or not to give local voting
rights to potentially tens of thousands of foreign nationals, including illegal aliens. Next
year, during the November 5 election, voters in Santa Ana will be asked whether or not they want to
approve giving the right to vote in municipal elections to foreign nationals, including illegal
aliens, which would then go into effect by 2028.
Chief Mayorkas Warns Agents Not to Misgender Border Crossers, but Ask Their Preferred
Pronouns. President Joe Biden's border chief is now ordering border guards not to
presume the correct sex and corresponding pronouns for illegal migrants. "We just obtained
[Customs and Border Patrol agency] documents directing personnel to only use woke language when
encountering individuals invading the United States," a tweet from the Oversight Project at the
Heritage Foundation reads. The order from border chief Alejandro Mayorkas directs border
guards to ignore the biological distinction between the two complementary sexes. Instead,
officers must submit to the political claim that each person's "gender" is more important than
their biological sex and so must allow people to sneak across the male/female border under the
disguise of "transgender" pronouns.
the Truth Hurts, Lie. When the truth exposes a catastrophe, it's better to avoid the
truth. This is how the leftist world works. Whether it is economic, social or military,
the government has turned it's back on the truth. The truth of the invasion through the
southern border is not being told. None of it, not the physical aspect, not the financial
aspect, the national security aspect, the logistical aspect and not the demographic aspect.
You can find the information, that's how we know that only the lies are being told to the
nation. It's bad. Yes, it's bad, but it's also a violation of national security and
anyone associated with it from Mayorkas all the way down to the junior border patrol agent is
guilty of treason. Nothing less and I know that bothers some good people, but this surpasses
those feelings. The damage being done to this country, to the people in it and the burden it
places on the economy, the taxes lost, the private economic assets of these hotels in which so many
are being warehoused shifting from private enterprise to government liabilities is unforgiveable.
Report: Illegals to Cost America Nearly Half a Trillion Dollars. American
taxpayers may foot a $451 billion bill for known "gotaways" — those who have evaded U.S.
border security when entering the country — and illegal migrants released into the
United States under the leadership of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas, according to a report by the GOP-led House Homeland Security Committee. The 50-page
report claims millions of dollars are spent each day on costs directly associated with the
"unprecedented crisis" caused by Mayorkas at the southern border. The range of costs includes
"everything from emergency medical care to increased demands on law enforcement to housing and
shelter benefits for illegal aliens." The document draws on figures from the Center for
Immigration Studies, which calculated the cost of the country's immigration policies under
Mayorkas, finding it may be as high as almost half a trillion dollars.
stampede of migrants crosses into US through Tijuana River. Video footage reveals the
shocking moment a huge stampede of migrants cross into the US through the Tijuana River, with one
man found dead shortly afterward. A 36-year-old West African man who was part of the crowd
died along the Tijuana River channel early Wednesday morning. Mexico's National Institute of
Migration shared the video showing dozens of migrants running into the country, knee-deep in the water.
Kills Mayorkas Impeachment Resolution While Preparing to Punt Border Fight to 2024.
The House voted 209-201 Monday night to sideline a resolution introduced by Rep. Marjorie
Taylor Greene (R-GA) to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for
his disastrous mishandling of the border, even as House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) greases the
skids on a funding package that punts a broader border policy battle until the new year.
Greene introduced the privileged resolution Friday, one day after two of her constituents were
killed in Texas in a head-on collision with a car driven by a human smuggler evading police.
Privileged resolutions require House floor action within two legislative days after
introduction. Rather than voting on the underlying motion, Republican leadership chose to
address the resolution through a Democratic motion to refer it to the Homeland Security
Committee. Democrats altered their motion before the vote after previously preferring a vote
simply to table the resolution.
migrant crisis will cost taxpayers $451 billion a year. Taxpayers have to front
nearly half a trillion dollars each year because the Biden administration is not stopping migrants
at the southern border, Republicans said in a report on Monday. The cost of providing
education, healthcare, law enforcement and other expenditure resulting from millions of extra
migrants adds up to as much as $451 billion a year, says the House study. The 49-page
report comes as House Republicans push to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
for allegedly failing to constrain the record numbers of migrants arriving at the US-Mexico border.
Democrat Cities are Convincing Migrants to Go Back Home. Democrat policies may have
attracted millions to America with their open borders, but once those migrants get a taste of life
under the American version of socialist banana republics, they're turning around and going home.
[...] I think Chicago just solved the problem of illegal migration. All the next
administration has to do is tell the migrants that they are welcome here as long as they stay in
Chicago. Or New York City.
migrants refuse to stay in tent shelter after being bused to Brooklyn. Furious
migrants are refusing to stay in tent shelters set up for them in New York City, at great expense
to the taxpayer, as they prefer their plush hotels in Manhattan. A group of asylum seekers
were seen being bused to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn on Sunday. The site, part of a
national park located in southeast of the New York City borough, is expected to hold 2,000
people. But they were immediately loaded on a bus back to Manhattan as they complained that
they had jobs back in the city, and their kids had schools to attend.
migrants arrive at NYC's Floyd Bennett Field — only to scoff and leave isolated site
after just one look-around. The first batch of migrants was bused to Floyd Bennett
Field's makeshift tent city in Brooklyn on Sunday — and wanted no part of it.
Dozens of migrant families arrived at the controversial remote housing site courtesy of the Adams
administration shortly after 12:30 p.m., looked around and promptly hopped back on the bus to try
to return to their previous shelters. "We weren't told where we were going," one of the bused
migrant dads griped to The [New York] Post. "I work in The Bronx. My kids go to school in
The Bronx. For us to live out here is ridiculous. "We're going back," he fumed.
is so unpleasant migrants are fleeing back to Venezuela after being dumped in shelters and refused
jobs. Chicago has become so unpleasant that migrants are fleeing back to Venezuela
after being dumped in shelters and refused better paying jobs. Since August last year, 20,700
migrants have arrived in Chicago from Texas. The Lone Star State's Governor Greg Abbott sent
migrants to Chicago and other Democrat-run cities because of their proud status as 'sanctuary
cities.' They offer enhanced protection against detention or deportation for undocumented
migrants. Now, Illinois' harsh winters, lack of migrant infrastructure, and ambivalent
support from locals has made many people, who undertook the harsh US-Mexico border journey,
actually turn around and go back home.
Hearing Shows — Again — Why Mayorkas Should Be Impeached. At a
recent Senate hearing on threats to the homeland, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas
once again avoided answering tough questions from concerned members of Congress. His defense
of his inability to protect our borders and prevent millions of aliens, including known terrorists,
from illegally entering the country had plenty of excuses but no good solutions. During the
Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee hearing, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.,
showed a chart of rising border "encounters" that depicted the Biden administration's failure to
prevent illegal aliens, including an unknown number of criminals and suspected terrorists, from
entering the United States at will. Johnson tried to get Mayorkas to tell the committee how
many people had been let in on his watch — not just aliens released and trusted to show
up for deportation hearings, but aliens paroled under various made-up programs, as well as the
estimated 1.7 million people who snuck in — the "gotaways."
Is a Border State. A white van bearing the words "OIM - ONU Migración" sped past
a row of low yellow buildings, looking out of place in the neighborhood like a roving FEMA
tent. Auden B. Cabello, a journalist documenting the border crisis, posted a video of the
sight to Twitter and asked a good question: "What is the IOM, International Organization for
Migration (UN), doing in Eagle Pass, Texas?" The IOM (or OIM in Spanish) is the chief
immigration agency of the UN. It works with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in order to
"cooperate closely with international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, concerned
with migration, refugees and human resources in order, inter alia, to facilitate the co-ordination
of international activities in these fields." Put simply, the IOM partners with NGOs to facilitate
mass immigration. Though they don't receive the scrutiny they deserve, NGOs are a critical
part of the ongoing crisis. They provide migrants with shelter, transportation, legal
assistance, and more. Their facilities act as conduits into the interior of the country,
on-ramps to highways into the heartland.
2.0: The US could double its undocumented immigrant population. President Biden
initially sought to reform our "broken" immigration system through legislative means. On his
first day in office, he sent his U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 to Congress. It would establish
numerous immigration benefits, including the largest legalization program in U.S. history,
increased opportunities for lawful immigration and humane treatment of migrants at the
border. When this didn't work, he shifted his focus to administrative actions. This
included bypassing the visa system by bringing migrants here through new legal pathways, catch and
release at the border and restricting interior enforcement. Apparently, by "broken," he means
that existing law doesn't permit enough immigrants to come here and subjects the ones here
unlawfully to the threat of deportation. This has caused serious, presumably unanticipated
consequences, such as a record-breaking increase in illegal border crossings and an immigration
court backlog crisis that can't be fixed.
The Editor says...
They are not just "undocumented." They are citizens from other countries entering the
U.S. illegally. They are illegal aliens.
mayors demand $5 billion from taxpayers to fix a migrant crisis they welcomed to their 'sanctuary
cities'! America has lost all control. The numbers are eye-watering.
Around 600,000 'gotaways' crossed the Southern border undetected in the last fiscal year.
900,000 more, out of 2.4 million migrants encountered by guards, were willingly released into
the US. In total, that's equivalent to the population of Philadelphia. Of course, Joe Biden
and his Democrats are to blame. But now their own party's mayors are begging for billions of
taxpayer dollars to remedy a problem they asked for.
York City Is Literally Paying For Migrants To Leave, But Many Refuse To Go. New York
City is trying to expel migrants by offering them plane tickets to leave for other states, or
places outside of the country, but many of them don't want to leave, according to dozens of
migrants the Daily Caller News Foundation interviewed. Migrants entering the reticketing
center, which the city recently established to help migrants leave the area, told the DCNF that
they don't want to go elsewhere because they came to New York City for the resources it provides as
a sanctuary city. The reticketing center is located in the since-closed St. Brigid
School in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where migrants can get a free, one-way ticket to the
location of their choice provided by the city government.
And what if they don't?
Plan Seeks to Have Millions of Illegal Aliens 'Check-In' Annually After Release into U.S..
A plan sought by President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would see illegal aliens
released into the United States and only required to "check-in" with federal officials annually, Breitbart
News has exclusively learned. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official Claire
Trickler-McNulty gave a presentation to the House Homeland Security Committee in September regarding
details of the administration's proposed "Release and Reporting Management" (RRM) program.
Noncitizen Voting Scam. If you think offering migrants luxury hotel rooms, free
meals, laundry service, transportation, health care, and immigration lawyers is excessive, just
wait until they can vote. Democrats are pushing to allow noncitizens to vote in local
elections in New York City, Boston, and other municipalities, and statewide in Connecticut.
The number of migrants pouring across the southern border has hit a record high, according to data
released on Oct. 21. Illegal immigrant crossings soared 21 percent over the previous
month. On a yearly basis, the figure hit 2.48 million. Democrats may feign shock
and distress. Don't be fooled. Democrats see these newcomers as their guarantee of a
permanent voting majority in local elections. Not years from now, after the newcomers become
citizens. Right now.
Democrats will not close the border. In keeping with the Biden administration's
apparent indifference to the flood of child-trafficking and opioids plaguing our country, there is
no indication that it is wavering on its lackadaisical border policy. Why is the porous
border so important to Democrats? In some respects, migrants are treated better than citizens
in similar economic straits. More to the point, how many voting migrants will it take to turn
the country irrevocably blue?
Venezuelan Migrants Continue To Pour Into US Despite Biden Admin Beginning Deportation
Flights. Venezuelan migrants are continuing to illegally cross U.S. borders in droves
despite the Biden administration beginning deportation flights to Venezuela, according to internal
Border Patrol data obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Border Patrol
recorded 33,247 nationwide encounters of illegal migrants from Venezuela between Oct. 1, 2023 and
Nov. 2, according to the internal data. The number is higher than the encounters of
Venezuelans every single month of the last four fiscal years, except for September 2023 and
September 2022, according to federal data.
[were] pulled off trafficking cases to make sandwiches for illegals. Homeland
Security Investigations (HSI) special agents who were investigating cases involving child
trafficking and sexual exploitation have been reassigned to make sandwiches for illegal aliens, a
whistleblower told Congress. "We are being told to shut down investigations to go hand out
sandwiches and escort migrants to the shower and sit with them while they're in the hospital and
those types of tasks," the whistleblower, an HSI special agent, told the Senate Homeland Security
Committee. Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley revealed the allegations during a
hearing on Tuesday, challenging Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over whether that
was a good use of highly trained agents' time.
Many Illegals Has Biden Admin Released Into US? Mayorkas Can't (or Won't) Say.
During a Senate committee hearing Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas couldn't answer a question about how many illegal immigrants federal authorities have
released into the U.S. interior under the Biden administration. Sen. Ron Johnson,
R-Wis., pressed Mayorkas on the issue, but the DHS secretary couldn't provide a number at Tuesday's
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing. Illegal immigration at
the southern border of the U.S. has surged past 2 million in both fiscal year 2022, the highest
year on record, and 2023, according to federal data. [...] Border Patrol doesn't have the ability
to always collect migrants' addresses, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement doesn't always
validate the addresses before they're released into the country, the inspector general previously
found. Between March 2021 and August 2022, Border Patrol collected 981,671 migrant records,
but more than 177,000 migrant records "were either missing, invalid for delivery, or not legitimate
residential locations."
migrants have avoided capture and gotten into the U.S. this year. Homeland Security
Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed on Tuesday that 600,000 migrants evaded apprehension this
year alone as they illegally crossed the border into the U.S. Additionally, Mayorkas did not
have information readily available on whether the 169 terror watch list members who illegally
crossed the southern border were in jail or deported. Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) asked
President Joe Biden's DHS head during a hearing Tuesday the recorded number of illegal border
crossers who were able to evade his agents in the last year. He also asked about the status
of terror watch list individuals.
caravan leader slams Biden for failing to realize Latin America is 'conspiring against the
US'. A leader of a 5,000-strong migrant caravan heading towards the U.S. border has
claimed that Latin American nations are 'ganging up' on the Biden administration and creating
artificial problems, in order to extract money from Washington DC. Irineo Mujica, a U.S.
citizen who describes himself as a human rights defender, told Real America's Voice he was
'shocked' that Joe Biden was being played by Mexico's president and other regional leaders, and
said the White House 'has a lot to learn'. Mujica repeatedly said Biden has 'dropped the
ball', and said he preferred Donald Trump because his policy on the border was clear.
don't pity the poor illegal immigrant. The Star Tribune has just posted Maya Rao's
weepy and euphemistic take on Hennepin County's close encounter of the Biden kind with the flood of
illegal immigrants that is washing up in Minneapolis from New York (thanks, Mayor Adams!) and south
of the border. [...] It isn't rude to [observe] that someone paid for that "free plane ticket," but
inquiry into who that someone might be runs beyond the scope of Rao's 1500-word story. Rao
doesn't go there. Maybe this inhibited the scope of Rao's inquiry, but I don't think so:
"The Star Tribune could not determine what happened to the family waiting outside the Bloomington
hotel — after a few minutes of conversation, two security officers walked outside and
asked journalists to leave." What agency did the security officers work for? Rao doesn't
go there. Rao only glancingly addresses the illegality of the flood. She notes that
most of the "migrants" are Ecuadorians "seeking asylum, waiting for court dates that are months or
years away." [...] How would these 18-year-olds or other Ecuadorians in the Biden flood washing up
in Hennepin County conceivably qualify for asylum? Rao doesn't go there.
Nothing is free, especially in New York City. If the government is giving away goodies, you paid for them.
NYC Now Offering Illegal Migrants Free Plane Tickets to Anywhere in World. It's
amazing what happens when a liberal is forced to put his money where his mouth is. Their
specialty is spending other people's money, not their own. And it turns out that housing even
a tiny percentage of the illegal aliens President Biden has invited into America is wildly
expensive, and Mayor Adams hasn't managed to find anybody else to hand the tab to. His
answer? A free ticket to anywhere, as long as he never sees their faces again.
York City Offering Illegals Free Plane Tickets to Destinations of Their Choice. As
New York City continues to be swarmed by hordes of third world illegal aliens, the administration
of Mayor Eric Adams (D-N.Y.) has turned to yet another solution: Offer them free travel to
any destination they choose. According to Politico, Adams turns to this latest move as the
shelters continue to overflow with illegals, with concerns surrounding the increased cost of
housing them and the brutality of the coming winter months for those who cannot find shelter.
The Editor says...
[#1] Why is this generous offer extended only to those who are present in New York illegally?
Why can't any law-abiding New York resident get a free ride to Florida, for example? [#2]
At this point, the mayor's offer is just an offer. When nobody wants to leave, I predict there
will be fewer carrots and more sticks.
do poor Haitians or Cubans get $5,000? The entire "migrant to border" story is
complex and confusing. Let's add more to the confusion and the Haitians to Nicaragua angle:
["]Nicaragua has long been used as a migratory springboard for people fleeing struggling
nations like Cuba and Mauritania in Africa, because it is one of the few countries that doesn't
require visas for many of them to enter. [...] The Associated Press spoke to three Haitian migrants
who were aboard the charter flights, who said they doled out thousands of dollars to leave the
poorest country in the hemisphere in hopes of reaching the United States. Orozco said most
tickets range between $3,000 and $5,000 a seat.["] Again, where does a Haitian or
Cuban get money like that? I know a thing or two about the current state of Cuba. I
don't think that there are a lot of Cubans who can write a check or put that kind of money on their
credit card. So how are they paying that kind of money? Who is behind this? Is
someone advancing the money and expecting to get paid once they are in the U.S.? I don't know but
it's all very strange to me. Another question. Are these governments sending people
because they've grown accustomed to remittances? We know that Mexico gets billions annually
and that keeps a lot of Mexicans surviving from month to month.
The Editor says...
If that's the problem, the solution is simple: Apply a hefty tax to remittances leaving this
country, with U.S. citizens exempt from the tax. Then see who complains about it.
Diversity Vs. Civilizational Unity. Few Romans in the late decades of their
5th-century AD empire celebrated their newfound "diversity" of marauding Goths, Ostrogoths,
Visigoths, Huns, and Vandals. These tribes en masse had crossed the unsecured Rhine and
Danube borders to harvest Roman bounty without a care about what had created it. Their
agendas were focused on destroying the civilization they overran rather than peacefully integrating
into and perpetuating the Empire. [...] We are beginning to see just that in America, as it sheds
the melting pot, and adopts the salad bowl of unassimilated and warring tribes. The U.S. is
now seeing a rise in violent racially and religiously motivated hate crimes. The border is
nonexistent. Millions of unlawful immigrants mock their hosts by their brazen illegal
entrance. They will receive little civic education to become Americans. But they will
learn that unassimilated tribalism wins them influence and advantages.
You can vote all you want, but the elite will make all the decisions.
Shows Rising Worldwide Opposition to Mass Migration. Opposition to mass migration is
rising even faster in Chile, Sweden, and Germany than in the United States, according to a large
international survey by released Thursday. Voters "from Denmark to Sweden to the
United States — are cooling on support for immigration amid a global migration crisis,"
says the report on the survey of 17,000 people across 36 countries. "There's somewhat of a
negative consensus among receiving countries ... that immigration laws need to be hardened,"
admitted Cristián Doña-Reveco, an associate professor at the University of Nebraska Omaha.
GOP and moderate Dems should be paying attention to Chicago's anti-migrant protests.
If Republicans — or even those few moderate Democrats — want to advance their
political career, a good place to start is Chicago's Southwest Side. There have a been a
series of protests in the mostly Hispanic Brighton Park neighborhood, which has a sizable Asian
minority, over the migrant crisis created by Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. Residents
found out through the rumor mill that the administration Mayor Brandon Johnson, Chicago's far-left
mayor who was elected six months ago, has his haughty eyes on Brighton Park. And rumors are
true sometimes, and they were confirmed when residents noticed bulldozing on property that has been
vacant for a while. Chicago's 12th Ward, which has slightly less than 60,000 residents, will
have a population bump soon. However, many of them will be living in tents, although a
contractor is calling them "yurts."
of State Antony Blinken: Americans Must Accept Migrants. President Joe Biden's
foreign policy chief, Antony Blinken, says Americans must give foreigners the opportunity to
migrate into their U.S. homeland. "You have to give them an opportunity to do that," Secretary
of State Antony Blinken said at an event at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy in
Texas. Blinken did not urge his government peers to enforce the immigration laws that protect
Americans from employers who hire illegal immigrants that undercut Americans' bargaining power in
the labor market. He also did not mention the many polls showing the growing public
opposition to Biden's mass illegal migration.
2023 Flood: One Migrant for Every American Newborn. President Joe Biden's
deputies welcomed at least one economic migrant into the United States during the last 12 months
for every American newborn or high-school graduate. More than 4 million economic migrants
crossed the southern border during the government's October-to-September budget year, according to
federal data released October 21. In contrast, 3.67 million Americans were born during the
matching 12-month period in 2022, according to the Census Bureau. That 2022 number includes
at least 400,000 births to illegal migrants.
aliens are rational investors. Migrants coming to the USA right now have to make a
significant investment. There is a monetary investment in the form of payment given to the
Mexican drug cartels to shepherd them to and across the border. Many migrants take flights
from their home countries to Central or South America and then trek north. Flights costs
money, which increases their investment after payments to the cartels. Often this also
involves future payments earned as the result of working in this country, legally or not.
These payments may be monetary or in the form of indentured labor. [...] So why do it? The
reason is that there is a net positive ROI. Once in the USA, they are provided with free housing,
food, clothing, and cell phones. On top of that, they receive some cash payments from state
and local governments as well as publicly funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs). They work
illegally ASAP, so they get cash that is used to repay any cartel debt and also some to remit
home. They are eligible for free health care. Their children receive a free education
at all levels — including college and graduate school. There are actually
state-funded programs that assist illegals in achieving homeownership.
Marxism: Treating Immigrants Like Robots. On the other are small-i
immigrationists, people who believe immigration is generally good, generally necessary, should
never be questioned in principle, and must in some form be the one constant in an otherwise
ever-changing universe of policy. They're usually identified as "conservatives." The
debate between the two sides often goes like this: leftists welcome inundation with even
uneducated, unskilled foreigners (as long as the aliens aren't sent to their neighborhood; see
Martha's Vineyard, et al.) with the argument "our strength lies in our diversity!" Conservatives
counter this by reassuring all and sundry that "I'm all for immigration!" "But," they add, "it
should be done legally and be merit-based, with possession of economically valuable skills a
prerequisite for entry." The problem with this is that it's the battling of a nonsensical
argument with a one-dimensional argument. After all, there's a name for entities defined
merely by the job-related role they can perform: robots.
Immigration's Terrifying Cost. When Florida governor Ron DeSantis tapped local funds
late last year to start flying undocumented immigrants out of his state and into blue states,
Democrats blasted him for trying to score "political points" with taxpayer money. DeSantis
countered that the $12 million fund that financed the flights represented only a tiny portion of
the money that Florida was spending on asylum seekers, after the federal government briefly detains
them at the border, releases them, and they wind up in the Sunshine State. Florida hospitals
alone had racked up hundreds of millions of dollars in costs for uncompensated care to migrants,
DeSantis noted — and the state had to subsidize those services. And it was largely
progressive-led municipalities declaring themselves immigrant "sanctuaries" that helped attract
record recent numbers of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, DeSantis argued, so it was only
fair that those cities and states pay for sheltering them. "If the policy is to have an open
border, I think the sanctuary cities should be the ones that have to bear that," said DeSantis.
We're running out of Mexicans!
top Mexicans in US illegal border crossings for 1st time on record in September.
Venezuelans topped Mexicans for the largest group of nationals arrested for illegally crossing the
U.S. southern border for the first time on record in the month of September. According to
its latest monthly report released Saturday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection recorded 218,763
encounters of people from all nationalities between ports of entry along the southwest border in
September 2023, representing a 21% increase from the 181,084 illegal immigrants caught in
August. Venezuelans were arrested 54,833 times by the Border Patrol after entering from
Mexico in September, more than double from 22,090 arrests in August and well above the previous
monthly high of 33,749 arrests in September 2022. For decades, Mexicans accounted for the vast
majority of illegal crossings but flows shifted over the last decade to Central Americans and, more
recently, to people from South America, Africa and Asia.
Absolutely not. But if he wants billions to fly them all to Argnetina or New Guinea, I'm all for it.
Biden Demands Billions to Fly, Bus More Migrants into U.S. Communities. President Joe
Biden's deputies are asking Congress for $14 billion extra to help bus illegal migrants up to the
U.S. border and onward into hotels in many cities and towns around the nation. The request is
being touted as "border security" even though very few funds would be used to exclude economic migrants.
For example, Biden's deputies have ushered more than 300,000 economic migrants through the U.S. border in
September alone. The 2023 inflow has added up to roughly 2.5 million, not counting legal
migrants and temporary workers.
Residents of Texas Illegal Immigrant Town Love Gov. Abbott's New State Police
Surge. Something new besides explosive growth is happening in this Texas enclave of
some 50,000-75,000, perhaps the largest illegal immigrant settlement in America hundreds of miles
inland from the completely overrun southern border: Policing. On October 5,
Gov. Greg Abbott ordered a significant surge of Texas Department of Public Safety troopers and
criminal investigators to fan out over the 60-square-mile unincorporated Colony Ridge 40 miles
northeast of Houston for the first significant policing in the colony's 10 years of nonstop
growth. The verdict after two weeks of saturation state police patrols years after population
far-outstripped Liberty County Sheriff Office staffing: They love it, a number of people told
me during a Saturday night ride-along with Texas Highway Patrol officers. "We feel safer, with
less wild people," said Carolina, an entrepreneur selling roasted corn concoctions in a gas station
parking lot.
They live at the police station.
with $2,700 worth of pot shoplifted a karaoke machine, police report says. Two
Venezuelan migrants living at the South Chicago (4th) District police station are facing
misdemeanor charges after allegedly trying to shoplift a $130 karaoke machine while one was
carrying more than a half-pound of pot. Victor Franco-Espinosa, 28, and Georleannys
Garcia-Renhifo, 29, were arrested at Walmart, 10900 South Doty, last Tuesday evening. A
Walmart security guard showed cops a video that showed Franco-Espinosa stuffing a karaoke machine
into a bag and walking out the door, according to a CPD arrest report. Garcia-Renhifo had 15
additional items in a bag, along with 248 grams of marijuana worth $2,700, the report said.
That's a little less than 9 ounces of weed. They were both released from custody with
instructions to show up in court.
is giving $9,000 to migrants to cover their rent and help furnish their apartments.
Chicago is giving $9,000 in rental assistance to migrants in need of temporary housing, after it
paid a medical firm a staggering $7.2 million for staffing shelters for just one week, according to
official records. The Windy City is struggling with over 11,000 migrants in shelters and
4,000 staying in police stations and the O'Hare International Airport after more than 18,000 have
arrived in the city in one year. To free much-needed room in shelters, the state of Illinois
is helping cover costs for temporary housing for migrants, including $9,000 in rental assistance
over a six-month period, Chicago's deputy chief of staff Cristina Pacione-Zayas told Fox32. The
funds include assistance with moving costs and a starter kit to furnish apartments.
remarkable awakening has unfolded in this country, and we have those busloads of illegals to thank
for it. There was a time, not so long ago, when supporting President Trump's border
wall could get you labeled a "racist." While some die-hard progressive ninnies might still
throw that term around, the tide is definitely turning. Much of this awakening can be
credited to red state governors like Abbott and DeSantis, who sent busloads of illegals to blue
"sanctuary cities" across the nation. This eye-opening move made the border crisis all too
real for liberals. Suddenly, they got a firsthand look at just how destructive an
uncontrolled bumrush at our border can be, revealing how quickly it can destabilize even a city as
large and robust as New York.
Close the Border.
The American people, at least the reader, has to start getting tough. Those in the government
are not your enemies, because they don't even give you the respect of being a human being. [...]
Everyone is more important than the U.S. citizen. They will mobilize every resource they have
to cater to the problems of other people, Palestinians, Israelis, Ukrainians and Chinese, but
you? Not a dime. Even during the pandemic, a few hundred dollars were sent to the
people who had their whole lives disrupted, their businesses shut down, their jobs disappeared and
all they could do is toss a couple of hundred dollars at the problems they caused. They give
more money to every single illegal per month than they gave to the American people (in total)
during the pandemic. Now, they're building shelters and whole communities for them. At
the same time, they offered $700 to those on Maui.
Warns Financial Institutions That They Can't Reject Illegal Immigrants' Credit
Applications. The Department of Justice (DOJ) put financial institutions on notice
for rejecting illegal immigrants' credit applications. The DOJ issued the warning in a joint
statement with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on Thursday. The DOJ and CFPB
said in a press release that illegal immigrants had filed complaints about credit application
rejections. "The Justice Department and CFPB are issuing this statement because consumers have
reported being rejected for credit cards as well as for auto, student, personal and equipment loans
because of their immigration status, even when they have strong credit histories and ties to the
United States and are otherwise qualified to receive the loans," stated the agencies. The two
agencies claimed that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) protections for national origin and
race extended to alienage, though they admitted that no such explicit provisions spelled out their
interpretation. The agencies conceded that creditors could rely on immigration status to
determine repayment ability, but then cautioned against "unnecessary or overbroad reliance" on
immigration status.
migrant speaks out; says UN paid him to illegally invade our border. The disaster at
the U.S.-Mexico border is both complex and remarkably simple to understand. Democrats have
enticed a mob of foreign illegals, lured by promises of free housing, healthcare, and
welfare. These illegals are now inundating the border, looking for assistance and
opportunities to earn money to send back home. Who can forget that moment on the 2020 DNC
debate stage when all candidates raised their hands, pledging to provide free healthcare to
undocumented individuals? [Video clip] For Democrats, it's an easy trade-off: they
create a new voting demographic of non-Americans willing to support their policies to maintain
their agenda and power, even if that means destroying the country.
Report: Biden Welcomed 4 Million Illegal Migrants Within 26 Months. President
Joe Biden's deputies allowed roughly four million illegal migrants into American communities during
their first 26 months in office, according to a congressional report by Republican
legislators. Officials "released at least 2,148,738 illegal aliens into the United States,"
from January 2021 to March 2023, says a statement by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan
(R-OH) and Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock (R-CA).
Is Asleep, America. You're on Your Own. Hamas's attack on Israel should be a
wake-up call for Sleepy Joe's America. Joe Biden, a man whose entire government apparatus has
turned domestic political protesters into terrorists but who finances and arms real foreign
terrorists, isn't on your side. A president who applauds releasing criminals early from jails
and prisons in America — if they're even arrested in the first place — isn't
on your side. If he then leaves America's back door open to let in millions of strangers
freed from the world's prisons so they can pour into your neighborhood, then he's really not
on your side. A leader who does all of this and tries to keep you from defending
yourself — well, you know whose side he's on. Not yours.
Feinstein's forgotten immigration legacy. The late senator was once a strong,
articulate opponent of illegal immigration. [...] In 2006, Feinstein voted to construct 700 miles
of additional border fencing. The following year, she authored legislation that Congress
passed into law which prohibited funding or constructing tunnels or passageways to help illegal
aliens enter the U.S. Feinstein's opposition to illegal immigration also made her a target for the
far left. During her last re-election in 2018, Feinstein was accused by a progressive
challenger of inflicting "horror" against aspiring migrants at the border. It's worth noting
that Feinstein was nobody's idea of an immigration hawk. She consistently advocated for high
levels of legal immigration, and in her later years, moved left with her party to advocate amnesty
for many aliens here illegally. Still, in the prime of her political career, Feinstein was an
effective advocate for upholding the rule of law at the border.
Republicans Release Report Showing Shockingly Few Deportations Under Biden. A new
report from Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee found that over 99% of illegal immigrants
released into the U.S. from January 2021 to March 2023 under President Joe Biden ended up staying
in the U.S. The report, from the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity,
Security, and Enforcement, details how little deportations have taken place under Biden and says
that few of those released into the U.S. were actually screened for persecution claims. The
report said the total number of illegal immigrants released into the U.S. during the time in
question was 2,148,738 and that over 204,000 were released through "illegal categorical parole
programs." "Thanks to relentless efforts by the Committee and its Immigration Subcommittee,
Biden's DHS has finally caved and provided crucial data on the border crisis," the House Judiciary
Committee posted on X.
That's probably where most of them came from.
Democrats: Bus Surplus Migrants to Red States. Democrats are trying to divert
their flood of wage-cutting, rent-spiking migrants toward GOP states and cities as their blue state
voters rebel against the Democrats' poverty policies. "What we need is [President Joe
Biden's] help deciding where these folks are to go because they can't all go to Chicago and New
York, and D.C. — They need to go in places where there's even more help to offer,"
Illinois Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker told CBS' Face the Nation on October 8.
migrant kids seen selling candy in NYC subways: 'Shameful, disgusting, blatant child
abuse'. Unaccompanied migrant children are navigating the bowels of the city's subway
system and trains to peddle candies to strangers. On Wednesday, an 11-year-old migrant girl
exited an uptown B train at the 59th Street-Columbus Circle station all on her own, carrying a
cardboard box filled with peanut M&M's, Skittles, and Kinder Buenos for sale. "My mother is
on the other side," the child told The [New York] Post in Spanish, before running off solo to tug
at riders' jackets and pant legs and offer treats for $2 a pop. The mom, who had been selling
goodies on the downtown platform, did not say where she and her daughter were from or staying and
declined to speak further. Last week, a young girl in a purple jacket was spotted toting a
box full of candy while traveling alone between subway cars aboard a C train, according to footage
shared on X, formerly known as Twitter.
The Brink of
Lexington. [Scroll down] The other existential aspect of the current
situation that will lead, and I would suggest purposely, to the demise of the United States, at
least as a political framework for the governance of America, is the unending, out-of-control flood
of illegals at the border. Among them are military-age men and some of them are foreign
troops. There are thousands and thousands of Chinese who have come in through the southern
and northern borders. There are people who claim to be paid by the United Nations who have
entered the United States through the same route, because they don't have to provide identification
and they don't have to be truthful about where they will be living or what they intend to do
here. The child sex trafficking and human trafficking along with massive amounts of deadly
fentanyl are side hustles of the Mexican carte